the japanese fairy book

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The Japanese Fairy Book represents a collection if twenty-two Japanese legends and fairy tales about peasants and kings, good and evil sides of life, princesses and princes, love and hate, animals, the sea, and the sky and the nature. The book will be loved by everyone including not only children but also adults interested in Asian and Japanese literature as it is a deserving representative of this literature. One of the stories, for example, is called The Farmer and The Badger and it narrates about an old farmer and his life who lived high in the mountains far away from the town. They did not have any neighbors except a bad badger who used to come to the farmer's field every night and damage the plants to which the farmer devoted a lot of time. The father tolerated this for a long time as he had a kind heart but this could not last forever and he decided to stop it. The farmer waited for a badger with a large club for a long time but could not catch. Then he tried making traps for the animal and eventually the badger got into one of the holes dug by the farmer. The farmer was very happy about it and he took the badger to his house and asked his wife to look after the badger and not to let it to escape while the farmer was working in his field. The badger realized that he might become a soup in the evening and started to think of the ways out...
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