Leuren K Moret, Gamma Scout Meter, No Depleted Uranium In Hawaiian Air

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Leuren K Moret, Berkeley, California, activist, claimed on KITV that she measured above normal radiation using the Gamma Scout Meter and further claimed that this was proof that Army was actively using depleted uranium on that day in Hawaii. Blaine Howard, an expert in radiation instrumentation, analyzes the Gamma Scout Meter and discusses its ability to measure depleted uranium dust in air. He concludes that the meter is incapable of measuring DU dust in the air and that Moret's performance on KITV was just that a performance, not factual reporting. KITV subsequently requested that YouTube remove the video. Moret, however, still the con artist and show woman, shows the video at public appearances and still falsely claims that she was measuring DU in the air that morning. If you see her video, you will note that she is not being pelted by falling rocks. This article will show you that this is the only way that the Gamma Scout Meter could have been measuring falling depleted uranium.
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