
News cover Lil Wayne will tell everybody about life in a prison
Lil Wayne will tell everybody about life in a prison 16 Jan 2012 02:26:13 The million-selling rapper has signed with Grand Central Publishing, a division of Hachette Book Group, for the memoir "Gone Till November." Hachette announced Thursday that the book will tell of his eight months spent at the Rikers Island complex on a gun possession charge. Scheduled to come out in November, two years after his release, the book will be an "internal monologue," based on diaries he kept while in prison. Born Dwayne Carter Jr., Lil Wayne had the best-selling album of 2008 with "T... Read Full Story
News cover About new  Bill Cosby's work
About new Bill Cosby's work 16 Jan 2012 02:23:07 Emerging from a Philadelphia housing project, ultimately success followed success as a comedian, actor, producer, author, educator, musician and activist. Breaking U.S. television's racial barrier with "I Spy" as the first African American to costar on a television series in the 1960s, he won three consecutive Emmys. Later he enjoyed even more success as Cliff Huxtable on one of the defining TV sitcoms of the 1980s, "The Cosby Show". In his book, "I DIDN'T ASK TO BE BORN (But I'm Glad I Was)," C... Read Full Story
News cover Scholastic Inc. news
Scholastic Inc. news 15 Jan 2012 01:55:21 Scholastic Inc. announced Thursday that e-editions of two graphic novels by Dav Pilkey, "The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby" and "Super Diaper Baby 2," will come out at the end of January. The releases will include deleted scenes and material about the making of the books, spinoffs of the "Captain Underpants" stories. The proliferation of iPads, Nooks, Kindle Fires and other color devices have made publishers and authors increasingly willing to put illustrated works in electronic format. Schola... Read Full Story
News cover Michelle Obama and her opinion
Michelle Obama and her opinion 15 Jan 2012 01:53:39 Michelle Obama defended her role as one of dozens of advisers to President Barack Obama after the publication of "The Obamas," a new book by New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor that paints the popular first lady as a tough political player. "That's been an image that people have tried to paint of me since, you know, the day Barack announced (he was running for president in 2008), that I'm some angry black woman," Obama told CBS's "This Morning," adding that she hasn't read the book. She said she... Read Full Story
News cover Be in horror : "Satan Is Real" by Charlie Louvin with Benjamin Whitmer
Be in horror : "Satan Is Real" by Charlie Louvin with Benjamin Whitmer 15 Jan 2012 01:50:02 "Satan Is Real: The Ballad of The Louvin Brothers" is a delight. Charlie Louvin's memoir of his time with his brother, Ira, and the tragic end to one of the most influential duos in the history of American music is like a Louvin Brothers song: simple and plain-spoken, yet powerful and resonant. Louvin wrote the book with Benjamin Whitmer in the months before he died last year of pancreatic cancer at the age of 83. He pulls no punches. He kicks his (much larger) brother's butt in the opening page... Read Full Story
News cover "Glock" (Crown), by Paul M. Barrett:
"Glock" (Crown), by Paul M. Barrett: 13 Jan 2012 03:29:47 Austrian businessman Gaston Glock didn't know anything about handguns when he decided, in 1980, to compete for a contract to manufacture a new sidearm for the Austrian army. He had been making car radiators and running a metal shop that produced field knives and bayonets for the army. Ignorance was on his side. As author Paul M. Barrett explains, the 50-year-old Glock came to the competition without the history — or the baggage — of major firearms manufacturers. It was all new to him. He also ma... Read Full Story
News cover Broken cup cun't be glued? Read book "Come in and Cover Me," written by Gin Phillips
Broken cup cun't be glued? Read book "Come in and Cover Me," written by Gin Phillips 13 Jan 2012 03:28:42 She has uncovered an extraordinary set of exotic ceramic pottery of a 12th-century artist of the Mimbres, a long-vanished tribe of Native Americans; now she wants to flesh out the artist's puzzling story. With the help of a colleague and would-be lover, Silas Cooper, she begins to do so. But she will need something more to show the way — ghostly visitations by the prehistoric artist herself, named Lynay, as well as by an older Mimbres woman, Non. For Ren, these encounters with the dead have a pr... Read Full Story
News cover Addition in The Obama's new book
Addition in The Obama's new book 13 Jan 2012 03:26:25 In the book, Kantor claims that First Lady Michelle Obama has experienced numerous tensions with the West Wing staff. Per Kantor, Obama has refused to attend events and once became so enraged with former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel after he said that she would campaign at an event for the 2010 midterm elections -- which promised to be difficult for the Democrats -- that she refused to campaign at all. (Ultimately Obama agreed to attend only a few campaign events, the book claims.) Th... Read Full Story
News cover New  Frank Darabont's project
New Frank Darabont's project 12 Jan 2012 10:02:24 TNT has ordered a pilot from Darabont for the drama "L.A. Noir," which Darabont will executive-produce, direct and write. The project, which comes via TNT Original Productions, is based on the John Buntin book "L.A. Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America's Most Seductive City," which details the decades-long battle between Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker and mob figure Mickey Cohen. Sharing executive-producer duties with Darabont are Michael De Luca ("The Social Network"), Elliot Web... Read Full Story
News cover Simon Doonan and his book "Gay Men Don't Get Fat."
Simon Doonan and his book "Gay Men Don't Get Fat." 12 Jan 2012 10:00:23 The ex-creator of edgy window displays for Barneys details his coming out moment as a boy of 10, reading a reporter's account of gay men hooking up in a North London park after dark ("Sign me up!"). He recounts his giddy deep dive into Christmas ornaments stashed in a White House storeroom by former first ladies as he worked with Michelle Obama on her first-year holiday decor, only to be upstaged by "those idiot Salahis" of red sari, gate-crashing infamy. The diminutive Doonan was creative direc... Read Full Story
News cover Some interesting about "The Big Miss" from  Tiger Woods
Some interesting about "The Big Miss" from Tiger Woods 12 Jan 2012 09:59:07 The book, described as a "candid and surprisingly insightful account" by publishers Crown Archetype at Random House, Inc., reviews the highly successful partnership between Haney and Woods which led to six major championship victories. However, the book also addresses Haney's two biggest challenges while working as swing coach for 14-times major winner Woods - arguably the greatest player of all time. "Always haunting Tiger was his fear of 'the big miss' - the wildly inaccurate golf shot that ca... Read Full Story
News cover "Solving the Communion Enigma "   by Whitley Strieber
"Solving the Communion Enigma " by Whitley Strieber 09 Jan 2012 04:21:39 "Communion" chronicled what Strieber claimed was his abduction by alien beings and the events that followed. He wrote two more books about his experiences and received thousands of letters from people who said similar events occurred in their lives. He also became a laughingstock among his friends and lost his financial stability. His wife, Anne, supported him, though it was difficult for her to understand what he was experiencing. Strieber reveals that brushes with the paranormal haven't lessen... Read Full Story

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