
News cover What actors will play in Hunger Games sequel
What actors will play in Hunger Games sequel 05 Jun 2012 12:49:45 Armie Hammer, Taylor Kitsch and Garrett Hedlund are the names being tipped to take the key role of Finnick Odair in the sequel to this year's science-fiction blockbuster The Hunger Games, according to E! Online. Catching Fire, based on the second book in Suzanne Collins's trilogy about a dystopian north American society in which children are forced to fight to the death in the titular annual televised event, is set to go into production in the autumn for a 2013 release date. Jennifer Lawrence wi... Read Full Story
News cover  Simon Baron-Cohen have written ne book Zero Degrees of Empathy
Simon Baron-Cohen have written ne book Zero Degrees of Empathy 05 Jun 2012 12:47:10 Simon Baron-Cohen, professor of developmental psychopathology at Cambridge University, has a particular interest in the nature and functioning of empathy. He has written two previous books on the subject, Mindblindness and The Essential Difference (in which he put forward the intriguing theory that autism is an extreme form of the less emotionally literate "male" brain). In his new book, he attempts nothing less than "to understand human cruelty", along the way replacing "the unscientific term '... Read Full Story
News cover Read new book Under Our Skin Donald McRae
Read new book Under Our Skin Donald McRae 05 Jun 2012 12:45:24 This was, in fact, a good week for South Africa. No one died. No artists were jailed. The president's men were forced to make their argument in court. While much of the debate was base and opportunistic, the affair ultimately spoke more of a vibrant, noisy constitutional democracy than a thought-policed dictatorship. There could be no more salutary reminder of this than reading Donald McRae's exquisitely framed memoir, Under Our Skin, recalling a not-so-distant era when people were dying, and b... Read Full Story
News cover Autobiography that was written in 1966, is only now available for reading
Autobiography that was written in 1966, is only now available for reading 03 Jun 2012 23:23:54 Nigella, Jamie and Hugh will be facing competition from an unexpected corner next month when the late Colonel Sanders – of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame – releases his recently unearthed cookbook/autobiography. KFC has announced that Colonel Harland Sanders: The Autobiography of the Original Celebrity Chef – written in 1966 and discovered in its archives last November – will be launched on Facebook on 4 June. Readers will be able to download the book for free, but only via Facebook: the title wil... Read Full Story
News cover For all comics lovers: new  Green Lantern
For all comics lovers: new Green Lantern 03 Jun 2012 23:20:28 After 72 years of tackling supervillains as a straight man, DC Comics's magical-ring-wearing superhero the Green Lantern, one of the publisher's oldest and most established characters, is set to be reintroduced as gay. After DC's publisher Dan DiDio let slip at a comics convention last week that one of DC's major superheroes was to come out as gay, the comics world has been speculating wildly about who the superhero would be. Some believed Wonder Woman might have been hiding a secret under her ... Read Full Story
News cover Book for reading: Canada by Richard Ford
Book for reading: Canada by Richard Ford 03 Jun 2012 23:16:59 Like Ford's breakthrough novel, The Sportswriter, first published in 1986, Canada is essentially about the consequences of a sudden tragic rupture in the fabric of an ordinary family life. It marks a distinct shift in style, though, from the dense, discursive sentences that characterise the Frank Bascombe trilogy – The Sportswriter, Independence Day and The Lay of the Land. In Canada, the writing is leaner, tighter and less concerned with the inner significance of everyday things. Ford can still... Read Full Story
News cover Why some famous writer houses аrе replain?
Why some famous writer houses аrе replain? 01 Jun 2012 01:47:49 Undershaw is a Grade II listed building at Hindhead Crossing near Haslemere in Surrey. During the decade he lived there from 1897, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote 13 Holmes stories, including The Hound of the Baskervilles. The building was later turned into a hotel, and has lain empty and dilapidated since 2005. In 2010, Waverley borough council decided to allow the owner, Fossway Ltd, to divide up the property. Campaigners trying to save the house as a single entity launched a judicial review, an... Read Full Story
News cover Terry Pratchett became a winner of Bollinger Wodehouse prize
Terry Pratchett became a winner of Bollinger Wodehouse prize 01 Jun 2012 01:43:21 One wrote comedies of upper-class English manners, the other writes about a fantastical world set on the back of a giant turtle, but Terry Pratchett has nonetheless been deemed the author who this year best captured the spirit of PG Wodehouse. The Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse award is given to the book that summons up the "comic spirit" of Wodehouse. Pratchett was named winner on Tuesday for his 39th Discworld novel, Snuff, beating authors including Sue Townsend and John Lanchester to take home... Read Full Story
News cover About Madeline Miller's book The Song of Achilles
About Madeline Miller's book The Song of Achilles 01 Jun 2012 01:42:09 Madeline Miller won the award for The Song of Achilles, a gripping and touching love story between exiled princeling Patroclus and Achilles, strong, beautiful and the son of a goddess. Miller becomes the fourth consecutive US novelist to win the prize, now in its 17th and final year of being called the Orange prize, following the mobile services company's decision to end its sponsorship earlier this month. The novelist Joanna Trollope, chair of this year's judging panel, acknowledged that the c... Read Full Story
News cover For new academic year  Oxford University Press prepare new book for children
For new academic year Oxford University Press prepare new book for children 29 May 2012 03:05:44 Fairycakes have been replaced by cupcakes, while someone going to a black-tie event will be sporting a tuxedo rather than a dinner jacket – at least according to the current generation of British children. A new analysis of children's writing by Oxford University Press has revealed the extent to which American English has colonised Britain. The study found US words and phrases such as flashlight, garbage truck, sidewalk and sneakers in children's writing, while "snuck" was frequently the past ... Read Full Story
News cover Book for everyone - The Geek Manifesto by Mark Henderson
Book for everyone - The Geek Manifesto by Mark Henderson 29 May 2012 03:03:31 In 2009, I went to the Penderel's Oak pub near London's high court to address a meeting in defence of Simon Singh. The evening was gloomy and so was my mood. Anyone familiar with public speaking will know that even if a British audience agrees with you, it does so in a spirit of weary resignation. Other countries have revolutionaries. We have grumblers. "It's a bad business, but what can we do?" should be our nation's motto. But not at the Penderel's Oak. The audience was composed of bloggers an... Read Full Story
News cover Resonance book -  Raghad Saddam Hussein's memoir
Resonance book - Raghad Saddam Hussein's memoir 29 May 2012 03:01:44 Raghad Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi dictator's eldest daughter, lives in exile in Jordan. Her lawyer, Haitham Nabil al-Harsh, told the Dubai-based Al Arabiya: "These are the only real memoirs Saddam Hussein wrote by hand and they will be released as soon as we find a publishing house." He did not reveal how long Hussein spent writing the memoirs, or what they would contain. Saddam Hussein is also the purported author of four novels: Get Out, You Damned One; Walled Fortress; Men and the City... Read Full Story

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