
News cover Julian Assange will publish new book
Julian Assange will publish new book 29 Dec 2010 01:57:30 New York publishing house Alfred A. Knopf confirmed Monday that it had struck a deal with the 39-year-old Australian to bring out his autobiography, whose publication date has yet to be determined. Assange, speaking to The Sunday Times, said the deal would bring in more than $1 million, with $800,000 from Knopf and another 325,000 pounds ($500,000) from U.K. publisher Canongate. But he said he only agreed to it because he was under financial pressure. "I don't want to write this book, but I ha... Read Full Story
News cover "The Radleys"  some new words about vampires
"The Radleys" some new words about vampires 28 Dec 2010 02:09:42 For one thing, Helen and Peter Radley are non-practicing vampires — they don't kill humans or animals for blood — and they're not only raising their teenage children, Rowan and Clara, the same way, but they are also keeping their true nature a secret from them. (In Haig's creation, vampires can reproduce the way the humans do, as opposed to conversion by blood-drinking. This is one of several ways the novel flaunts conventional vampire lore.) Clara and Rowan are miserable, and it's not just fr... Read Full Story
News cover Mary Jane Clark is pleases us with her new novel
Mary Jane Clark is pleases us with her new novel 28 Dec 2010 02:08:13 Does this switch make the novel less exciting? Not one bit. This "Wedding Cake Mystery" is just as delectable as Clark's best-selling thrillers like "Nowhere to Run" and "When Day Breaks." Piper — named after "piping icing on a cake" — is a 27-year-old who wants to succeed in show business and find true love. For now, the goal eludes her. After appearing on an Emmy-winning soap opera, "A Little Rain Must Fall," her character is killed off. Her fiance breaks off their engagement. She's definitel... Read Full Story
News cover "The Case for Business in Developing Economies"  by Ann Bernstein
"The Case for Business in Developing Economies" by Ann Bernstein 28 Dec 2010 02:05:45 For instance, working papers the Congress of South African Trade Unions prepared for a recent policymaking session with the ANC declared the source of corruption "is, and has always been, the capitalist system." No wonder Ann Bernstein, who heads a conservative Johannesburg think tank, was moved to write "The Case for Business in Developing Economies." Bernstein presents herself as a hardheaded realist focused on getting the job of development done. In a style that is forceful, lively and not ... Read Full Story
News cover Are you going to start writing fiction book? Read these rules
Are you going to start writing fiction book? Read these rules 24 Dec 2010 00:36:25 1 If the book in your hands with weather, don't open it. Use short descriptions of the weather and don't tightenate. The reader is apt to leaf ahead look­ing for people. There are exceptions. If you happen to be Barry Lopez, who has more ways than an Eskimo to describe ice and snow in his book Arctic Dreams, you can do all the weather reporting you want. 2 Avoid prologues: they can be ­annoying, especially a prologue ­following an introduction that comes after a foreword. But these are ordina... Read Full Story
News cover Apple update his Ibook
Apple update his Ibook 24 Dec 2010 00:32:02 Apple has released an update to its much-used e-reading app, iBooks. Many users have complained of crashes, bugs and general instability with the new features, some even called the new update "unusable." My experience with the update was pleasant, and resulted in no bugs or crashes, so this is truly a case-by-case issue. If you don't want to take the chance on iBooks, version 1.2 working properly on your iDevice, I would suggest waiting for the next update — with so many negative user experience... Read Full Story
News cover We don't know is it true or PR move, but Bush sold 2 millions copies of his book
We don't know is it true or PR move, but Bush sold 2 millions copies of his book 24 Dec 2010 00:29:13 The Crown Publishing Group said Wednesday that Bush's "Decision Points" passed the 2 million mark less than 2 months after its official release. Published in early November, Bush's memoir about his key presidential decisions and other choices has topped the best-seller list on for weeks. More than 2.6 million hardcovers are in print after an initial run of 1.5 million. The 2 million books sold include nearly 200,000 e-editions. Read Full Story
News cover About war from McChrystal’s words in new book
About war from McChrystal’s words in new book 23 Dec 2010 02:32:30 McChrystal's memoir, so far untitled, is due to be published in 2012, said Portfolio, an imprint of the Penguin group. "Few people know who General Stan McChrystal really is," said Portfolio president Adrian Zackheim. "Nor do people realize what a fascinating career he had for 38 years in the Army and what he can teach all of us about effective leadership under extreme pressure." McChrystal is best known for his work in counter-insurgency strategy. He was fired this year by President Barack ... Read Full Story
News cover Prince William and KateMiddleton    wrote a book in the tandem about their love
Prince William and KateMiddleton wrote a book in the tandem about their love 23 Dec 2010 02:30:28 The first one to be published is entitled "William and Kate: A Royal Love Story" was released Dec. 21 and is an unauthorized look at the couple's relationship. In it, author and journalist Christopher Andersen chronicles the struggles Prince William and Middleton went through in the course of nine years. The royal couple met as friends in 2001 at St. Andrews University and endured several crises along the way. Cheating, drugs, parties and depression are taken into account in the biographical lo... Read Full Story
News cover Again about Wikileaks, soon we will read book that will tell us all truth of this site
Again about Wikileaks, soon we will read book that will tell us all truth of this site 23 Dec 2010 02:15:18 Crown Publishers announced Wednesday that Daniel Domscheit-Berg, otherwise known as Daniel Schmitt, has a book coming out in February. The book is called "Inside Wikileaks: My Time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website." Crown says it "will reveal the evolution, finances and inner tensions" of the organization that obtains and posts confidential government documents. Schmitt met Assange in 2007. He left WikiLeaks three months ago over personal, ethical and political differe... Read Full Story
News cover The Thomas Traherne poem become the poem of last week
The Thomas Traherne poem become the poem of last week 22 Dec 2010 01:56:26 This week's poem, "Shadows in the Water," is by one of the lesser-known metaphysicals, Thomas Traherne. Belonging to the distinguished company of poets who publish none of their verse, Traherne's might have been forgotten altogether but for the accidental discovery, in the late 19th century, of a collection on sale for a few pence at a London bookstall. Luckily, the poems' buyer was the clergyman and literary scholar Alexander Grosart: less luckily, he attributed their authorship to Henry Vaugha... Read Full Story
News cover He isn't a pedophilian, but he wrote about it!
He isn't a pedophilian, but he wrote about it! 22 Dec 2010 01:45:53 Phillip Greaves, 47, of Pueblo, Colo., arrived at the Polk County jail in central Florida on Tuesday morning and is due in court Wednesday afternoon, officials said. He was arrested Monday in Colorado and charged with violating Florida's obscenity law, a third-degree felony. If convicted, he faces a maximum of five years in state prison. Speaking to reporters outside the jail Tuesday, Greaves denied the book is obscene and said he plans to fight the charge. "I characterize it as a book of sho... Read Full Story

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