manganese and chromium

Book cover
Manganese and Chromium -- 1918 -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- CHAPTER I. MANGANESE. ORES ---------------------------------------,-----------------------OCCURRENC - E -------------------------------------,-----------------PRICES ............................................................. FREIGHT RATES ---L -----------------------------------OWNBRS A ND OPERATOR I S N CALIFORNIA-. .............................. CONCENTRATION --------------------------L ......................... CONSU. MER - S ,-----------------------------L-------------------------Letters from - -------------------------------------------------U. S. GEOLOGICASLU RVEYL IST OF PURCHAS . E .. R .. S .. .................. CHAPTER XI. CHROMIUM. CONCENTRATIO - N - - ---------1-----------------------------------------BUYERS A ND CONSUMER .. S .. ..................... - - ------------------Letters from --------------------------------------------------APPENDIX. LIST OF FTJBLICATIONS OF STATEM INING BUREAU .. .................... DETERMINATIO O N F MINERALS AMPLE . S . .......................... L ----ILLUSTRATIONS. MILL OF PLACE C R H ROMEC ONCENTRATINCGO MPANYR, ATTLESNAKBEA R, EL DORADOC OUNTY - -,--------------------------------------------n o w SHEET CASTRO MILL CALIFORNIA CHROME COMPANY, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CAL. -----, - ---------------------------------- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Second Edition. l April 1, 1918. To His ExceUency, the HONORAB W L I E L LIAM D . STEPHENS, Governor of California. SIR The demand for manganese and chromium ores has constantly increased during the past few months, and as a result of the interest taken in this subject and the large number of inquiries which the Bureau has received for information in this regard, this revised edition of Preliminary Report No. 3 has been prepared. The original report, transmitted under date of October 15, 1917, is now entirely out of print. Respectfully submitted. FLETCHE H R AMILTON, State Mineralogist. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. First Edition. - October 15, 1917. 7 0 Tiis Excellency, the HONORAB W LE IL LIAM D . STEPHENS, Governor of California. SIR As a result of present transportation conditions a serious shortage exists in the supply of many mineral substances which were formerly imported, and which are vitally important in the manufacture of munitions and in other industries. The necessity of taking a careful inventory of the nations resources is rapidly dawning on the mining public. Facts relative to the location of ore deposits, diiEculties which must be overcome to make them available for use, and methods to be employed, if their immediate development is demanded, must be correlated. With the idea in view of rendering all possible assistance in the development of this particular branch of the mining industry, the California State Blining Bureau took up a thorough investigation of manganese and chromium deposits in the state soon after the declaration of war with Germany. The field work has been practically completed, and a detailed report will be made available for distribution at the earliest possible moment. While such report is in course of preparation, it has been deemed advisable to place in form for immediate reference the following data, which, it is hoped, will be of material assistance to all parties interested in this branch of the mining industry. This information will be of direct benefit to the United States Government, at this time of national stress. Respectfully submitted. FLETCE H E A R M ILTON, State Mineralogist. CHAPTER I. MANGANESE. Ores. The most common ores of manganese are the oxides, the carbonates and the silicates...
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