
News cover How much does your name cost?
How much does your name cost? 24 Nov 2011 10:24:22 What's in a name? About $3 billion, if you happen to spell it T-r-u-m-p. In his latest tome, Trump, known for promoting everything from his real estate projects to board games, vodka and reality TV shows, spells out his net worth, coming up with a figure billions more than Forbes magazine, which in September put the amount at $2.9 billion. Much of the $4 billion-plus discrepancy lies with something Trump calls "brand value," in the financial detail contained in "Time to Get Tough," due out Decem... Read Full Story
News cover Michelle Obama involves in charity work, now in literature
Michelle Obama involves in charity work, now in literature 22 Nov 2011 17:48:46 The National Student Poets program is created by the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, of which the first lady is honorary chair, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services through a partnership with nonprofit group, the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. "What you learn through reading and writing poetry will stay with you throughout your life," Obama said in a statement. "It will spark your imagination and broaden your horizons and even help your performance in the cla... Read Full Story
News cover What's the matter with  Natalie Wood?
What's the matter with Natalie Wood? 22 Nov 2011 17:46:21 "Increasing news media attention likely is what caused more than one person to recently come forward with several pieces of new information," Lt. John Corina told TheWrap on Saturday morning. He said that a 2-year-old book by captain Dennis Davern and co-author Marti Rulli did not "have an impact in the decision." Police decided to reopen the investigation just as CBS producers were finishing a "48 Hours" program spotlighting Wood's death that originally was intended to air November 26. Since th... Read Full Story
News cover In Robert Wagner's memoir is real truth about life and death
In Robert Wagner's memoir is real truth about life and death 22 Nov 2011 17:44:08 "Nobody knows," Wagner wrote in his best-selling memoir "Pieces of My Heart," published in 2008. The circumstances of her death remain one of Hollywood's enduring mysteries and continue to create renewed intrigue, with homicide detectives unexpectedly reopening the case Thursday that had long been classified as a tragic accident. Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said the renewed inquiry was prompted by unspecified new information about Wood's case. A Los Angeles County sheriff's detective, Lt.... Read Full Story
News cover Ronnie Biggs will publish his memoir
Ronnie Biggs will publish his memoir 20 Nov 2011 14:32:19 Ronnie Biggs, who spent decades on the run and years in jail for his part in Britain's "Great Train Robbery," says he'll be remembered as a "lovable rogue." A frail Biggs on Thursday launched an updated edition of his autobiography, "Odd Man Out." Biggs was part of a gang that stole millions from a mail train in 1963. He was sentenced to 30 years but escaped and fled to Brazil. Biggs returned to Britain, and jail, in 2001 but was released in 2009 because of his failing health. Now 82 and unable ... Read Full Story
News cover  Michael Jackson is still  in our hearts
Michael Jackson is still in our hearts 20 Nov 2011 14:30:34 In the weeks, months and now years since the music icon's death, news consumers across the globe have been inundated with examinations of Jackson's life. And frankly, too much of it has focused on the sensational aspects of his 50 years on Earth. Luckily, for those of us who prefer to remember Jackson as a once-in-a-generation entertainer and the undisputed King of Pop and not so much for his sometimes peculiar personal choices, we have Joseph Vogel in our corner. Vogel, who writes about popular... Read Full Story
News cover Author of "Wolf Hall" become a winner of prestige  Booker Prize
Author of "Wolf Hall" become a winner of prestige Booker Prize 20 Nov 2011 14:29:10 The 59-year-old revealed she was planning a follow-up to Wolf Hall on the day after she won the coveted Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2009. That book, she said at the time, would be called "The Mirror and the Light" and would follow Cromwell on his rise to the peak of power in Tudor England and end with his execution. Now The Mirror and the Light will become the third book in a planned trilogy, and a new work, "Bring Up the Bodies," will be published in between, Mantel told the Guardian newspa... Read Full Story
News cover  Does Jeanne Darst had a support in her career
Does Jeanne Darst had a support in her career 17 Nov 2011 02:55:51 Jeanne Darst has the perfect scenario for promoting her just-published book "Fiction Ruined My Family": She'll borrow every neighbor's dirty dish, knife and fork and scatter them all over the house. Then, after unleashing a pet bunny, she'll put on a Mexican wrestler's mask, take off her clothes and greet visitors naked at the front door of her apartment. "Of course, my friends are like, 'Maybe you ought to just keep it simple and not freak them out,'" laughs Darst, who has chosen instead to dr... Read Full Story
News cover What will be in  the nearest furture?
What will be in the nearest furture? 17 Nov 2011 02:53:47 Jeff Ashton writes in Tuesday's "Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony" that he would have been happier if the prosecution team had left the death penalty off the table. He also confirmed that toward the end of the trial, Anthony's attorneys tried to persuade the 25-year-old to accept a plea deal but she refused to listen."Personally, I think I would have been happier if the death penalty had not been reintroduced into the case, even though I think on some level I think Casey may have des... Read Full Story
News cover Would you like earn money? Become a writter!
Would you like earn money? Become a writter! 17 Nov 2011 02:53:01 English author Barnes is one of four shortlisted for the best novel category for "The Sense of an Ending," the work that won him the coveted Booker award last month at the fourth time of asking. Scottish writer Duffy, who was made the nation's poet in 2009, has been shortlisted in the poetry section for "The Bees." The winner of each of the five categories -- novel, first novel, biography, poetry and children's book -- will be revealed on January 4, 2012 and the overall Costa Book of the Year wi... Read Full Story
News cover What will be in  the nearest furture?
What will be in the nearest furture? 17 Nov 2011 02:51:39 Jeff Ashton writes in Tuesday's "Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony" that he would have been happier if the prosecution team had left the death penalty off the table. He also confirmed that toward the end of the trial, Anthony's attorneys tried to persuade the 25-year-old to accept a plea deal but she refused to listen. "Personally, I think I would have been happier if the death penalty had not been reintroduced into the case, even though I think on some level I think Casey may have de... Read Full Story
News cover What does "V" mean?
What does "V" mean? 16 Nov 2011 01:08:32 "V Is for Vengeance" begins with Kinsey Millhone nursing a broken nose (and two black eyes) that she got from poking it into other people's business. The hardworking private detective was shopping in the lingerie section of a department store when she spotted a pair of women who were shoplifting, and they were making quite a haul: a lacy teddy here, a pair of silk pajamas there. But Kinsey, a former cop, wasn't about to let them get away with it. She reported them to the salesclerk. Security was... Read Full Story

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