Genre: General (1506 titles)

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Synoptical flora of North America : the Gamopetalae, a second edition of vol. I, pt. II, and vol. II, pt. I_cover
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The English poems of Henry King, D. D., 1592-1669, sometime bishop of Chichester, now first collected from various sources and ed. by Lawrence Mason, PH.D_cover
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The north Pacific allies of the purple sandpiper Fieldiana Zoology v.29, no.11_cover
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Sailing Directions for Nova Scotia, Bay of Fundy, and South Shore of Gulf of St. Lawrence_cover
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Three new histerid beetles from the Pacific Northwest, with records and synonymies of additional species (Coleoptera: Histeridae) Fieldiana Zoology v.39, no.41_cover
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Le Congo français illustré, géographie, ethnographie & voyages_cover
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Le bigame supposé; ou, Les troubadours par infortune, mélodrame en trois actes. Poéme de M. Moussard, musique de M. Quaisain, Ballets de M. Richard_cover
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Literary Associations of the English Lakes 1_cover
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Aleutian islanders; Eskimos of the north Pacific Fieldiana, Popular Series, Anthropology, no. 35_cover
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The taxonomy and distribution of lanternfishes (family Myctophidae) of the eastern Pacific Ocean_cover
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