Analyze your life or Million Little Mistakes

News cover Analyze your life or Million Little Mistakes
10 Aug 2010 19:41:56 Have you ever have seen all your life at once? Have you ever analyze all mistakes that you did? New novel Million Little Mistakes from Heather McElhatton will help you to think about your life from childhood. But some of those mistakes in your life may be so pretty and funny that is why be ready!
In this book McElhatton rose to the challenge brilliantly, posing the question that most of us have asked ourselves at one time or another: What if I won the lottery?

In "Million Little Mistakes," you start by winning $22 million. And of course your first choice — do you quit your job or not. But as you understand it will be not the one question. For example: Do you give money to your family? Do you break up with your boyfriend?

All your further will depends on your answers. You can end up happily married or brokenhearted, wealthy or just broke. You can kill or be killed. I died numerous unpleasant deaths and, in one case, was reincarnated as an "angry little mushroom" in the overcast Pacific Northwest. It's not the end I really envision for myself.

And that leads to one of the issues with do-over novels: Sometimes, neither of the two choices presented to you reflects the action you might be inclined to take.

One of my co-workers took this book and wanted to know something new about herself, but after sometime she squealed and began worrying aloud about her choices.
"I don't want to end up a prostitute, my dad didn't want me to move to Bangkok because of that," she said at one point.
Her story line ended with her killing her aristocratic boyfriend. She said it wasn't something she thought she would have done in real life.
"He was quite rude to me, but I like to think I would actually come back with some more cutting words, rather than just shoot him," she said. "It's quite fun though."

And, it is fun to make choices and find out whether you end up a wealthy hotelier or slave in the Caribbean. There's not a choice for every plot twist, however. Some sections include rather lengthy action until they get to a turning point where a question is posed.

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