[Illustration: Good-by! good-by!] WAR BRIDES _A Play in One Act_ BY MARION CRAIG WENTWORTH ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THEPLAY AS PRESENTED BY MME. NAZIMOVA NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. 1915 Copyright, 1915, by THE CENTURY CO. Acting rights controlled by DRAMATISTS' PLAY AGENCY, 145 West 45th Street, NEW YORK CITY _Published, February 1915_ TOMY LITTLE BOYBRANDON LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Good-by! good-by! _Frontispiece_ FACING PAGE Arno: You are wanted 42 Hedwig: Franz? } Amelia: Franz, too } 62 Amelia: No, you must not! You have too much to live for 66 This play was first producedon January 25, 1915, atB. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY, with the following cast: Hedwig (Joan) Mme. Nazimova Amelia (Amy) Mary Alden Mother Gertrude Berkeley Hoffman (Joseph Kerman) Charles Bryant Minna Edith Speare Arno C. Brown Hertz (Captain Bragg) William Hasson Peasants, Women and Soldiers. Time--Present. Place--A War-Ridden Country. Personal Manager for Madame Nazimova William F. Muenster WAR BRIDES The war brides were cheered with enthusiasm and the churches were crowded when the wedding parties spoke the ceremony in concert. --PRESS CLIPPING. SCENE: _A room in a peasant's cottage in a war-ridden country. A largefireplace at the right. Near it a high-backed settle. On the left aheavy oak table and benches. Woven mats on the floor. A door at leftleads into a bedroom. In the corner a cupboard. At the back a widewindow with scarlet geraniums and an open door. A few firearms arestacked near the fireplace. There is an air of homely color and neatnessabout the room. _ _Through the open door may be seen women stacking grain. Others go bycarrying huge baskets of grapes or loads of wood, and gradually itpenetrates the mind that all these workers are women, aristocrats andpeasants side by side. Now and then a bugle blows or a drum beats in thedistance. A squad of soldiers marches quickly by. There is everywherethe tense atmosphere of unusual circumstance, the anxiety and excitementof war. _ _Amelia, a slight, flaxen-haired girl of nineteen, comes in. She brushesoff the hay with which she is covered, and goes to packing a bag with asecret, but determined, air. The Mother passes the window and appears inthe doorway. She is old and work-worn, but sturdy and stoical. Now shecarries a heavy load of wood, and is weary. She casts a sharp eye atAmelia. _ _Mother:_ What are you doing, girl? [_Amelia starts and puts the bag in thecupboard. _] Who's going away? They haven't sent for Arno? _Amelia:_ No. _Mother:_ [_Sighs, and drops her load on the hearth. _] Is the hay all in? _Amelia:_ Yes. I put in the last load. All the big work on our place is done, andso--[_Looks at her mother and hesitates. Her mother begins to chop thewood into kindling. _] I'll do that, Mother. _Mother:_ Let be, girl. It keeps me from worrying. Get a bite to eat. What wereyou doing with that bag? Who were you packing it for? _Amelia:_ [_With downcast eyes. _] Myself. _Mother:_ [_Anxious. _] What for? _Amelia:_ Sit down, Mother, and be still while I tell you-- [_Pushes her mother into a chair. _] _Mother:_ [_Starts. _] Is there any news? Quick! Tell me! _Amelia:_ Not since yesterday. Only they say Franz is at the front. We don't knowwhere Emil and Otto are, and there's been a battle; but-- _Mother:_ [_Murmurs, with closed eyes. _] My boys! my boys! _Amelia:_ Don't, Mother! They may come back. [_A cheer is heard. _] _Mother:_ [_Starting. _] What's that? _Amelia:_ [_Running to the door and looking out. _] They are cheering the war brides, that's all. _Mother:_ Aye. There's been another wedding ceremony. _Amelia:_ Yes. _Mother:_ How many war brides to-day? _Amelia:_ Ten, they said. _Mother:_ [_Nodding. _] Aye, that is good. Has any one asked you, Amelia? [_Amelia looksembarrassed. _] Some one should ask you. You are a good-looking girl. _Amelia:_ [_In a low voice. _] Hans Hoffman asked me last night. _Mother:_ The young and handsome lieutenant? You are lucky. You said yes? _Amelia:_ [_Shakes her head. _] No. _Mother:_ Ah, well. _Amelia:_ I hardly know him. I've only spoken to him once before. O Mother--thatisn't what I want to do. _Mother:_ What did you tell him? _Amelia:_ [_Timidly. _] That I was going away to join the Red Cross. _Mother:_ Amelia! _Amelia:_ He didn't believe me. He kissed me--and I ran away. _Mother:_ The Red Cross! _Amelia:_ [_Eagerly. _] Yes; that is what I was going to tell you just now. That is why I waspacking the bag. [_Gets it. _] I--I want to go. I want to go to-night. Ican't stand this waiting. _Mother:_ You leave me, too? _Amelia:_ I want to go to the front with Franz and Otto and Emil, to nurse them, to take care of them if they are wounded--and all the others. Let me, Mother! I, too, must do something for my country. The grapes areplucked, and the hay is stacked. Hedwig is gathering the wheat. You canspare me. I have been dreaming of it night and day. _Mother:_ [_Setting her lips decisively. _] No, Amelia! _Amelia:_ O Mother, why? _Mother:_ You must help me with Hedwig. I can't manage her alone. _Amelia:_ Hedwig! _Mother:_ She is strange; she broods. Hadn't you noticed? _Amelia:_ Why, yes; but I thought she was worrying about Franz. She adores him, and any day she may hear that he is killed. It's the waiting that's soawful. _Mother:_ But it's more than the waiting with Hedwig. Aye, you will help Franzmore by staying home to take care of his wife, Amelia, especially now. _Amelia:_ [_Puzzled. _] _Now?_ _Mother:_ [_Goes to her work-basket. _] Hedwig has told you nothing? _Amelia:_ No. _Mother:_ Ah, she is a strange girl! She asked me to keep it a secret, --I don'tknow why, --but now I think you should know. See! [_Very proudly sheholds up the tiny baby garments she is knitting. _] _Amelia:_ [_Pleased and astonished. _] So Franz and Hedwig-- _Mother:_ [_Nods. _] For their child. In six months now. My first grandchild, Amelia. Franz'sboy, perhaps. I shall hear a little one's voice in this house again. _Amelia:_ [_Uncertainly, as she looks at the little things. _] Still--I want to go. _Mother_: [_Firmly. _] We must take care of Hedwig, Amelia. She is to be a mother. That is ourfirst duty. It is our only hope of an heir if you won't marry soon--andif--if the boys don't come back. _Amelia:_ Arno is left. _Mother:_ Ah, but they'll be calling him next. It is his birthday to-day, too, poor lad. He's on the jump to be off. I see him gone, too. God knows Imay never see one of them again. I sit here in the long evenings andthink how death may take my boys, --even this minute they may bebreathing their last, --and then I knit this baby sock and think of theprecious little life that's coming. It's my one comfort, Amelia. Nothingmust happen now. _Amelia:_ [_With a touch of impatience. _] What's the matter with Hedwig? _Mother:_ I don't know what it is. She acts as if she didn't want to bring herchild into the world. She talks wild. I tell you I must have that child, Amelia! I cannot live else. Hedwig frightens me. The other night I foundher sitting on the edge of her bed staring, --when she should have beenasleep, --as if she saw visions, and whispering, "I will send a messageto the emperor. " What message? I had to shake her out of it. She refusesto make a thing for her baby. Says, "Wait till I see what they do toFranz. " It's unnatural. _Amelia:_ I can't understand her. I never could. I always thought it was becauseshe was a factory-town girl. _Mother:_ If anything should happen to Franz in the state she's in now, Hedwigmight go out of her mind entirely. So you had best stay by, Amelia. Wemust keep a close eye on her. [_There is a knock at the door. _] Who's that? _Amelia:_ [_Looks out of the windows, and then whispers. _] It's Hans Hoffman. [_The knock is repeated. _] _Mother:_ Open, girl! Don't stand there! [_Enter Hoffman, gay, familiar, inclined to stoutness, butgood-looking. Accustomed to having the women bow down to him. _] _Hoffman:_ [_To Amelia. _] Ah, ha! You gave me the slip yesterday! _Amelia:_ My mother. _Hoffman:_ [_Nodding. _] Good day, Mother. [_She curtsies. _] [_Coming closer to Amelia. _] Where did you run to? Here she as good as promised me she would wed meto-day, Mother, and then-- _Amelia:_ Oh, no! _Hoffman:_ Yes, you did. You let me kiss you. _Amelia:_ [_Taken aback. _] Oh, sir! _Hoffman:_ And when I got to the church square to-day, no bride for Hans Hoffman. Well, I must say, they had the laugh on me; for I had told them I hadfound the girl for me--the prettiest bride of the lot. But to-morrow-- _Amelia:_ I can't. _Hoffman:_ [_Taking hold of her. _] Oh, yes, you can. I won't bother you long. I'm off to the front any daynow. Come, promise me! What do you say, Mother? _Mother:_ [_Slowly. _] I should like to see her wed. _Hoffman:_ There! _Amelia:_ [_Shrinking from both him and the idea. _] But I don't know you well enough yet. _Hoffman:_ Well, look me over. Don't you think I am good enough for her, Mother?Besides, we can't stop to think of such things now, Amelia. It iswar-time. This is an emergency measure. And, then, I'm a soldier--liketo die for my country. That ought to count for something--a good deal, Ishould say--if you love your country, and you do, don't you, Amelia? _Amelia:_ Oh, yes! _Hoffman:_ Well, then, we can get married and get acquainted afterward. _Amelia:_ [_Faintly. _] I wanted to be a nurse. _Hoffman:_ Nonsense! Pretty girls like you should marry. The priests and thegenerals have commanded it. It's for the fatherland. Ought she not towed me, Mother? _Mother:_ [_Nodding impersonally. _] Aye, it is for the fatherland they ask it. _Hoffman:_ Of course. It is your patriotic duty, Amelia. You're funny. All theyoung women are tickled at the chance. But you are the one I have pickedout, and I am going to have you. Now, there's a good girl--promise! [_A hubbub of voices and a cheer are heard outside side. Enter Minna, flushed, pretty, light headed. _] _Amelia:_ Minna! _Minna:_ [_Holding out her hand. _] Amelia, see! My wedding-ring! _Amelia:_ Iron! _Minna:_ [_Triumphantly. _] Yes; a war bride! _Amelia:_ You? _Minna:_ That's what I am. [_Whirling gaily about. _] _Hoffman:_ [_Shaking her hand. _] Good for you! Congratulations! _Minna:_ Didn't you hear them cheer? That was for me! _Hoffman:_ There's patriotism for you, Amelia! _Amelia:_ When were you married, Minna? _Minna:_ Just now. There were ten of us. We all answered in chorus. It wasfun--just like a theater. Then the priest made a speech, and theburgomaster and the captain. The people cheered, and then our husbandshad to go to drill for an hour. Oh, I never was so thrilled! It wasgrand! They told us we were the true patriots. _Hoffman:_ Hurrah! And so you are. _Minna:_ Our names will go down in history, honored by a whole people, they said. [_They are all carried away by Minna's enthusiasm; even Amelia warmsup. _] _Amelia:_ But whom did you marry, Minna? _Minna:_ Heinrich Berg. _Amelia:_ [_Dubious. _] That loafer! _Minna:_ He's all right. He's a soldier now. Why, he may be a hero, fighting forthe fatherland; and that makes a lot of difference, Amelia. _Hoffman:_ What did I tell you? _Minna:_ I probably wouldn't have picked him out in peace-times, but it isdifferent now. He only asked me last night. Of course he may get killed. They said we'd have a widow's pension fund, --us and ourchildren, --forever and ever, if the boys didn't come back. So, you see, I won't be out anything. Anyway, it's for the country. We'll be famous, as war brides. Even the name sounds glorious, doesn't it? War bride!Isn't that fine? _Hoffman:_ Here's a little lady who will hear herself called that to-morrow. [_Takes Amelia's hand. _] _Minna:_ [_Clapping her hands. _] Amelia a war bride, too! Good! _Hoffman:_ You'll be proud to hear her called that, won't you, Mother? Give us yourblessing. _Minna:_ I'd rather be a wife or a widow any day than be an old maid; and to be awar bride--oh! [_Amelia is blushing and tremulous. _] _Mother:_ [_With a far-away look. _] It is for the fatherland, Amelia. Aye, aye, the masters have said so. Itis the will and judgment of those higher than us. They are wise. Ourcountry will need children. Aye. Say yes, my daughter. You will not sayno when your country bids you! It is your emperor, your country, whoasks, more than Hans Hoffman. _Amelia:_ [_Impressed, and questions herself to see if her patriotismis strong enough to stand the test, while Hoffman, charmed by Amelia'sgentleness, is moved by more personal feeling. _] _Hoffman:_ [_Kissing Amelia on both cheeks. _] There, it's all settled. [_A faint cheer is heard without. _] To-morrowthey will cheer you like that; and when I go, I shall have a bride towave me good-by instead of-- [_Enter Hedwig. _ _She stands in the doorway, looking out on the distant crowds. She istall, well built, and carries herself proudly. Strong, intelligentfeatures, but pale. Her eyes are large with anxiety. She has soft, wavyblack hair. An inward flame seems to be consuming her. The sounds continue in the distance, cheering, disputing mingled withfar bugle-calls and marching feet. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Contemptuously. _] Ha! [_The sound startles the others. They turn. _] _All:_ Hedwig! _Hedwig:_ [_Still in the doorway, looking out. _] War brides! _Minna:_ [_Pertly. _] You're a war bride yourself, Hedwig. _Hedwig:_ [_Turns quickly, locates Minna, almost springs at her. _] Don't you dare to call me a war bride! My ring is gold. See. [_SeizesMinna's hand, and then throws it from her. _] Not iron, like yours. _Minna:_ [_Boldly taunting. _] They even call you the first war bride. _Hedwig:_ [_Furious, towering over her, her hand on her shoulder. _] Say why, why? _Minna:_ [_Weakening. _] Because you were the first one to be married when the war broke out. _Hedwig:_ [_Both hands on her shoulders. _] Because the Government commanded? Because they bribed me with thepromise of a widow's pension? Tell the truth. _Minna:_ [_Faintly. _] No. Let me go. _Hedwig:_ So! And how long had Franz and I been engaged? Now say. _Minna:_ [_Beginning to be frightened. _] Two years. _Hedwig:_ [_Flinging her off. _] Of course. Everybody knows it. Every village this side the river knew wewere to be married this summer. We've dreamed and worked for nothingelse all these months. It had nothing to do with the war--our love, ourmarriage. So, you see, I am no war bride. [_Walks scornfully away. _] Notlike you, anyway. [_They all stare at her. _] _Hoffman:_ [_Stepping forward indignantly. _] I don't know why you should have this contempt for our war brides, andspeak like that. _Hedwig:_ [_Sits down, half turned away. She shrugs her shoulders, andher lips curl in a little smile. _] _Hoffman:_ They are coming to the rescue of their country. Saving it; else it willperish. _Hedwig:_ [_Bitterly. _] Ha! _Hoffman:_ [_Waxing warmer. _] They are the saviors of the future. _Hedwig:_ [_Sadly. _] The future! _Mother:_ [_Softly, laying her hand on Hedwig's shoulder. _] Hedwig, be more respectful. Herr Hoffman is a lieutenant. _Hoffman:_ When we are gone, --the best of us, --what will the country do if it hasno children? _Hedwig:_ Why didn't you think of that before--before you started this wicked war? _Hoffman:_ I tell you it is a glory to be a war bride. There! _Hedwig:_ [_With a shrug. _] A breeding-machine! [_They all draw back. _] Why not call it what it is?Speak the naked truth for once. _Hoffman:_ You'll take that back to-morrow, when your sister stands up in thechurch with me. _Hedwig:_ [_Starting up. _] Amelia? Marry you? No! Amelia, is this true? _Amelia:_ [_Hesitating, troubled, and uncertain. _] They tell me I must--for the fatherland. _Hedwig:_ Marry this man, whom you scarcely know, whom surely you cannot love!Why, you make a mock of marriage! It isn't that they have tempted youwith the widow's pension? It is so tiny; it's next to nothing. Surelyyou wouldn't yield to that? _Amelia:_ [_Frightened. _] I did want to go as a nurse, but the priests and the generals--they saywe must marry--to--for the fatherland, Hedwig. _Hoffman:_ [_To Hedwig. _] I command you to be silent! _Hedwig:_ Not when my sister's happiness is at stake. If you come back, she willhave to live with you the rest of her life. _Hoffman:_ That isn't the question now. We are going away--the best of us--to beshot, most likely. Don't you suppose we want to send some part ofourselves into the future, since we can't live ourselves? There, that'sstraight; and right, too. _Hedwig:_ [_Nodding slowly. _] What I said--to breed a soldier for the empire; to restock the land. [_Fiercely. _] And for what? For food for the next generation's cannon. Oh, it is an insult to our womanhood! You violate all that makesmarriage sacred! [_Agitated, she walks about the room. _] Are we womennever to get up out of the dust? You never asked us if we wanted thiswar, yet you ask us to gather in the crops, cut the wood, keep the worldgoing, drudge and slave, and wait, and agonize, lose our all, and go onbearing more men--and more--to be shot down! If we breed the men foryou, why don't you let us say what is to become of them? Do we want themshot--the very breath of our life? _Hoffman:_ It is for the fatherland. _Hedwig:_ You use us, and use us--dolls, beasts of burden, and you expect us tobear it forever dumbly; but I won't! I shall cry out till I die. And nowyou say it almost out loud, "Go and breed for the empire. " War brides!Pah! [_Minna gasps, beginning to be terrified. Hoffman rages. Mothergazes with anxious concern. Amelia turns pale. _] _Hoffman:_ I never would dream of speaking of Amelia like that. She is the sweetestgirl I have seen for many a day. _Hedwig:_ What will happen to Amelia? Have you thought of that? No; I warrant youhaven't. Well, look. A few kisses and sweet words, the excitement ofthe ceremony, the cheers of the crowd, some days of living together, --Iwon't call it marriage, for Franz and I are the ones who know what realmarriage is, and how sacred it is, --then what? Before you know it, anorder to march. Amelia left to wait for her child. No husband to waitwith her, to watch over her. Think of her anxiety, if she learns to loveyou! What kind of child will it be? Look at me. What kind of child would_I_ have, do you think? I can hardly breathe for thinking of my Franz, waiting, never knowing from minute to minute. From the way I feel, Ishould think my child would be born mad, I'm that wild with worrying. And then for Amelia to go through the agony alone! No husband to helpher through the terrible hour. What solace can the state give then? Andafter that, if you don't come back, who is going to earn the bread forher child? Struggle and struggle to feed herself and her child; and thefine-sounding name you trick us with--war bride! Humph! that will all beforgotten then. Only one thing can make it worth while, and do you knowwhat that is? Love. We'll struggle through fire and water for that; butwithout it--[_Gesture. _] _Hoffman:_ [_Drawing Amelia to him. _] Don't listen to her, Amelia. _Amelia:_ [_Pushing Hoffman violently from her, runs from the room. _] No, no, I can't marry you! I won't! I won't! [_She shuts the door in his face. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Triumphantly. _] She will never be your war bride, Hans Hoffman! _Hoffman:_ [_Suddenly, angrily. _] By thunder! I've made a discovery. You're the woman! You're the woman! _Hedwig:_ What woman? _Hoffman:_ Yesterday there were twenty war brides. The day before there were nearlythirty. To-day there were only ten. There are rumors--[_Excitedly. _]I'll report you. They'll find you guilty. I myself can prove it. _Hedwig:_ Well? _Hoffman:_ I heard them say at the barracks that some one was talking the women outof marrying. They didn't know who; but they said if they caughther--caught any one talking as you have just now, daring to question thewisdom of the emperor and his generals, the church, too, --she'd beguilty of treason. You are working against the emperor, against thefatherland. Here you have done it right before my very eyes; you havetaken Amelia right out of my arms. You're the woman who's been upsettingthe others, and don't you deny it. _Hedwig:_ Deny it? I am proud of it. _Hoffman:_ Then the place for you is in jail. Do you know what will be the end ofyou? _Hedwig:_ [_Suddenly far away. _] Yes, I know, if Franz does not come back. I know; but first [_Clenchingher hands_] I must get my message to the emperor. _Hoffman:_ [_Very angry. _] You will be shot for treason. _Hedwig:_ [_Coming back, laughing slightly. _] Shot? Oh, no, Herr Hans, you'd never shoot me! _Hoffman:_ Why not? _Hedwig:_ Do I have to tell you, stupid? I am a woman: I can get in the crops; Ican keep the country going while you are away fighting, and, mostimportant, I might give you a soldier for your next army--for thekingdom. Don't you see my value? [_Laughs strangely. _] Oh, no, you'dnever shoot me! _Mother:_ There, there, don't excite her, sir. _Hedwig:_ [_Her head in her hands, on the table. _] God! I wish you would shoot me! If you don't give me back my Franz! I'veno mind to bring a son into the world for this bloody thing you callwar. _Hoffman:_ I am going straight to headquarters to report you. [_Starts to go. Enter Arno excitedly. He is boyish and fair, in his early twenties, andlooks even younger than he really is. _] _Arno:_ [_To Hoffman. _] There's an order to march at once--your regiment. _Hoffman:_ Now? _Arno:_ At once. You are wanted. They told me to tell you. [Illustration: ARNO: You are wanted. ] [_Hoffman moves with military precision to the door; then turns toHedwig. _] _Hoffman:_ I shall take the time to report you. [_Goes. _] _Minna:_ [_To Arno. _] Does Heinrich's regiment go, too? _Arno:_ Heinrich who? _Minna:_ Heinrich Berg. _Arno:_ No. To-morrow. [_Minna, now thoroughly scared, is slinking to the door when Hedwigstops her. _] _Hedwig:_ Ha! little Minna, why do you run so fast? Heinrich does not go untilto-morrow. [_Looks at her thoughtfully. _] Are you going to be able tofight it through, little Minna, when the hard days come? If you do givethe empire a soldier, will it be any comfort to know you are helping thefalling birth-rate? _Minna:_ [_Shivering. _] Oh, I am afraid of you! _Hedwig:_ Afraid of the truth, you mean. You see it at last in all its brutalbareness. Poor little Minna! [_She puts her arm around Minna withsudden tenderness. _] But you need not be afraid of me, little Minna. Oh, no. The trouble with me is I want no more war. Franz is at the war. I'mhalf mad with dreaming they have killed him. Any moment I may hear. Ifyou loved your man as I do mine, little Minna, you'd understand. ' Well, go now, and to-morrow say good-by to your husband--of a day. [_Minna, with a frightened backward glance, runs out the door. Arno, who has been talking in low tones to his mother, now rises. _] _Arno:_ Well, Mother, I haven't much time. [_She clings to his hand. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Starting. _] Arno! _Arno:_ I am going, too. Get those little things for me, Mother, will you? _Mother:_ [_Goes to door and calls. _] Amelia! Come. Arno has been called. [_Amelia comes in. Each in turnembraces him, sadly, but bravely. Then the mother and sister gathertogether handkerchiefs, linen, writing-pad and pencil, and smallnecessaries. _] _Arno:_ I have only a few minutes. _Hedwig:_ [_Tenderly. _] Arno, my little brother, oh, why--why must you go? You seem so young. _Arno:_ I'm a man, like the others; don't forget that, Hedwig. Be brave--tohelp me to be brave. [_They sit on the settle. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Sighing. _] Yes, it cannot be helped. Will you see my Franz, Arno? You look so likehim to-day--the day I first saw him in the fields, the day of thefactory picnic. It seems long ago. Tell him how happy he made me, andhow I loved him. He didn't believe in this war no more than I, yet hehad to go. He dreaded lest he meet his friends on the other side. Youremember those two young men from across the border? They worked all onewinter side by side in the factory with Franz. They went home to jointheir regiments when the war was let loose on us. He never could standit, Franz couldn't, if he were ordered to drive his bayonet into them. [_Gets up, full of emotion that is past expression. _] Oh, it is toomonstrous! And for what--for what? _Arno:_ It is our duty. We belong to the fatherland. I would willingly give mylife for my country. _Hedwig:_ I would willingly give mine for peace. _Arno:_ I must go. Good-by, Hedwig. _Hedwig:_ [_Controlling her emotion as she kisses him. _] Good-by, my brave, splendid little brother. _Amelia:_ I may come to the front, too. [_They embrace tenderly. _] _Mother:_ [_Strong and quiet, unable to speak, holds his head againsther breast for a moment. _] Fight well, my son. _Arno:_ Yes, Mother. [_He tears himself away. The silent suffering of the mother is pitiful. Her hands are crossed on her breast, her lips are seen to move inprayer. It is Hedwig who takes her in her arms and comforts her. _] _Hedwig:_ And this is war--to tear our hearts out like this! Make mother some tea, Amelia, can't you? [_Amelia prepares the cup of tea for her mother. _] _Mother:_ [_After a few moments composes herself. _] There, I am right now. I must remember--and you must help me, mydaughters--it is for the fatherland. _Hedwig:_ [_On her knees by the fire, shakes her head slowly. _] I wonder, I wonder. O Mother, I'm not patient like you. I couldn't standit. To have a darling little baby and see him grow into a man, and thenlose him like this! I'd rather never see the face of my child. _Mother:_ We have them for a little while. I am thankful to God for what I havehad. _Hedwig:_ Then I must be very wicked. _Mother:_ Are you sleeping better now, child? _Hedwig:_ No; I am thinking of Franz. He may be lying there alone on thebattle-field, with none to help, and I here longing to put my armsaround him. [_Buries her face on the mother's knees and sobs. _] _Mother:_ Hush, Hedwig! Be brave! Take care of yourself! We must see that Franz'schild is well born. _Hedwig:_ If Franz returns, yes; if not--I-- [_Gets up impulsively, as if to run out of the house. _] _Amelia:_ Don't you want your tea, Hedwig? [_Hedwig throws open the door, and suddenly confronts a man whoapparently was about to enter the house. He is an official, the militaryhead of the town, known as Captain Hertz. He is well along in years, rheumatic, but tremendously self-important. _] _Hertz:_ [_Stopping Hedwig. _] Wait one moment. You are the young woman I wish to see. You don't getaway from me like that. _Hedwig:_ [_Drawing herself up, moves back a step or two. _] What is it? _Hertz:_ [_Turning to the old mother. _] Well, Maria, another son must go--Arno. You are an honored woman, anoble example to the state. [_Turns to Amelia. _] You have lost a verygood husband, I understand. Well, you are a foolish girl. As for you[_Turning to Hedwig, and eyeing her critically and severely_], I hearpretty bad things. Yes, you have been talking to the women--telling themnot to marry, not to multiply. In so doing you are working directlyagainst the Government. It is the express request and command that oursoldiers about to be called to the front and our young women shouldmarry. You deliberately set yourself in opposition to that command. Areyou aware that that is treason? _Hedwig:_ Why are they asking this, Herr Captain? _Hertz:_ Our statesmen are wise. They are thinking of the future state. Thenation is fast being depopulated. We must take precautionary measures. We must have men for the future. I warn you, that to do or say anythingwhich subverts the plan of the empire for its own welfare, especially ata time when our national existence is in peril--well, it is treason. Were it not that you are the daughter-in-law of my old friend[_Indicating the Mother_], I should not take the trouble to warn you, but pack you off to jail at once. Not another word from you, youunderstand? _Hedwig:_ [_Calmly, even sweetly, but with fire in her eye. _] If I say I will keep quiet, will you promise me something in return? _Hertz:_ What do you mean? Quiet? Of course you'll keep quiet. Quiet as atombstone, if I have anything to say about it. _Hedwig:_ [_Calm and tense. _] I mean what I say. Promise to see to it that if we bear you the men foryour nation, there shall be no more war. See to it that they shall notgo forth to murder and be murdered. That is fair. We will do ourpart, --we always have, --will you do yours? Promise. _Hertz:_ I--I--ridiculous! There will always be war. _Hedwig:_ Then one day we will stop giving you men. Look at mother. Four sons tornfrom her in one month, and none of you ever asked her if she wantedwar. You keep us here helpless. We don't want dreadnoughts and armiesand fighting, we women. You tear our husbands, our sons, from us, --younever ask us to help you find a better way, --and haven't we anything tosay? _Hertz:_ No. War is man's business. _Hedwig:_ Who gives you the men? We women. We bear and rear and agonize. Well, ifwe are fit for that, we are fit to have a voice in the fate of the menwe bear. If we can bring forth the men for the nation, we can sit withyou in your councils and shape the destiny of the nation, and saywhether it is to war or peace we give the sons we bear. _Hertz:_ [_Chuckling. _] Sit in the councils? That would be a joke. I see. Mother, she's alittle--[_Touches his forehead suggestively. _] Sit in the councils withthe men and shape the destiny of the nation! Ha! ha! _Hedwig:_ Laugh, Herr Captain, but the day will come; and then there will be nomore war. No, you will not always keep us here, dumb, silent drudges. Wewill find a way. _Hertz:_ [_Turning to the mother. _] That is what comes of letting Franz go to a factory town, Maria. That iswhere he met this girl. Factory towns breed these ideas. [_To Hedwig. _]Well, we'll have none of that here. [_Authoritatively. _] Another wordof this kind of insurrection, another word to the women of yourtreason, and you will be locked up and take your just punishment. Youremember I had to look out for you in the beginning when you talkedagainst this war. You're a firebrand, and you know how we handle thelike of you. [_Goes to door, turns to the mother. _] I am sorry you haveto have this trouble, Maria, on top of everything else. You don'tdeserve it. [_To Hedwig. _] You have been warned. Look out for yourself. [_Hedwig is standing rigid, with difficulty repressing the torrent ofher feelings. Drums are heard coming nearer, and singing voices of men. _] _Amelia:_ [_At door. _] They are passing this way. _Hedwig:_ Wave to Arno. Come, Mother. Ah, how quickly they go! [_The official steps out of the door. There is quick rhythm of marchingfeet as the departing regiment passes not very far from the house. _] There he is! Wave, Mother. Good-by! good-by! [_The women stand in the doorway, waving their sad farewells, smilingbravely. The sounds grow less and less, until there is the usualsilence. _] In another month, in another week, perhaps, all the men will be gone. Wewill be a village of women. Not a man left. [_She leads the old mother into the house once more. _] _Hertz:_ [_In the door. _] What did you say? _Hedwig:_ Not a man left, I said. _Hertz:_ You forget. _I_ shall be here. _Hedwig:_ You are old. You don't count. They think you are only a woman, HerrCaptain. _Hertz:_ [_Insulted. _] You--you-- _Hedwig:_ Oh, don't take it badly, sir. You are honored. Is the name of womanalways to be despised? Look out in those fields. Who cleared them, andplucked the vineyards clean? You think we are left at home because weare weak. Ah, no; we are strong. That is why. Strong to keep the worldgoing, to keep sacred the greatest things in life--love and home andwork. To remind men of--peace. [_With a quick change. _] If only youreally were a woman, Herr Captain, that you might breed soldiers for theempire, your glory would be complete. [_The old captain is about to make an angry reply when there is acommotion outside. The words "News from the front" are distinguished, growing more distinct. The captain rushes out. The women are paralyzedwith apprehension for a moment. _] _Mother:_ Amelia, go and see. Hedwig, come here. [_Hedwig crouches on the floor close to the mother, her eyes wide withdread. In a few moments Amelia returns, dragging her feet, woe in herface, and unable to deal the blow which must fall on the two women, whostare at her with blanched faces. _] _Amelia:_ [_Falling at her mother's knee. _] Mother! _Mother:_ [_Scarcely breathing. _] Which one? _Amelia:_ All of them. _Mother:_ [_Dazed. _] All? All my boys? _Amelia:_ Emil, Otto--be thankful Arno is left. [_The Mother drops her head back against the chair and silently prays. Hedwig creeps nearer Amelia and holds her face between her hands, looking into her eyes. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Whispering. _] Franz? _Amelia:_ Franz, too. [Illustration: HEDWIG: Franz? AMELIA: Franz, too. ] [_Hedwig lies prostrate on the floor. Their grief is very silent;terrible because it is so dumb and stoical. The Mother is the first torouse herself. She bends over Hedwig. _] _Mother:_ Hedwig. [_Hedwig sobs convulsively. _] Don't, child. Be careful for thelittle one's sake. [_Hedwig sits up. _] For your child be quiet, bebrave. _Hedwig:_ I loved him so, Mother! _Mother:_ Yes, he was my boy--my first-born. _Hedwig:_ Your first-born, and this is the end. [_She rises up in unutterable wrath and despair. _] O God! _Mother:_ [_Anxious for her. _] Promise me you will be careful, Hedwig. For the sake of your child, _your_ first-born, that is to be-- _Hedwig:_ _My child_? For this end? For the empire--the war that is to be? No! _Mother:_ [_Half to herself. _] He may look like Franz. [_Hedwig quickly seizes the pistol from the mantel-shelf and moves tothe bedroom door. _ _Amelia, watching her, sees her do it, and cries out in alarm andrushes to take it from her. _] _Amelia:_ [_In horror. _] Hedwig! What are you doing? Give it to me! No, you must not! You havetoo much to live for. [Illustration: AMELIA: No, you must not! You have too much to live for. ] _Hedwig:_ [_Dazed. _] To live for? Me? _Amelia:_ Why, yes, you are going to be a mother. _Hedwig:_ A mother? Like her? [_Looks sadly at the bereaved old mother. _] Look ather! Poor Mother! And they never asked her if she wanted this thing tobe! Oh, no! I shall never take it like that--never! But you are right, Amelia. I have something to do first. [_Lets Amelia put the pistol away in the cupboard. _] I must send amessage to the emperor. [_The others are more alarmed for her in thismood than in her grief. _] You said you were going to the front to be a nurse, Amelia. Can you takethis message for me? I might take it myself, perhaps. _Amelia:_ [_Hesitating, not knowing what to say or do. _] Let me give you some tea, Hedwig. [_Voices are heard outside, and the sounds of sorrow. Some one near thehouse is weeping. A wild look and a fierce resolve light Hedwig'sface. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Rushing from the house. _] They have taken my Franz! _Mother:_ Get her back! I feared it. Grief has made her mad. [_Amelia runs out. A clamor of voices outside. Hedwig can be heardindistinctly speaking to the women. Finally her voice alone is heard, and in a moment she appears, backing into the doorway, still talking tothe women. _] _Hedwig:_ [_A tragic light in her face, and hand uplifted. _] I shall send a message to the emperor. If ten thousand women send onelike it, there will be peace and no more war. Then they will hear ourtears. _A Voice:_ What is the message? Tell us! _Hedwig:_ Soon you will know. [_Loudly. _] But I tell you now, _don't bear any morechildren_ until they promise you there will be no more war. _Hertz:_ [_Suddenly appearing. Amelia follows. _] I heard you. I declare you under arrest. Come with me. You will be shotfor treason. _Mother:_ [_Fearfully, drawing him aside. _] Don't say that, sir. Wait. Oh, no, you can't do that! [_She gets out her work-basket, and shows him the baby things she hasbeen knitting, and glances significantly at Hedwig. A horrid smile comesinto the man's face. Hedwig, snatches the things and crushes them to herbreast as if sacrilege had been committed. _] _Hertz:_ Is this true? You expect-- _Hedwig:_ [_Proudly, scornfully. _] You will not shoot me if I give you a soldier for your empire and yourarmies and your guns, will you, Herr Captain? _Hertz:_ Why--eh, no. Every child counts these times. But we will put you underlock and key. You are a firebrand. I warned you. Come along. _Hedwig:_ You want my child, but still you will not promise me what I asked you. Well, we shall see. _Hertz:_ Come along. _Hedwig:_ Give me just a moment. I want to send a message to the emperor. Will youtake it for me, Herr Captain? _Mother:_ [_Signing. _] Humor her. _Hertz:_ Well, well, hurry up! [_Hedwig sits at table and writes a brief note. _] _Mother:_ [_Whispering. _] She has lost Franz. She is crazed. _Hedwig:_ [_Rising. _] There. See that it is placed in the hands of the emperor. [_Gives himthe note. _] Good-by, Amelia! Never be a war bride, Amelia. [_Kisses her three times_, ] Good-by, Mother. [_Embraces her tenderly. _] Thank you for these. [_She gathers the baby things in her hands, crosses the room, pressing alittle sock to her lips. As she passes the cupboard she deftly seizesthe pistol, and moves into the bedroom. On the threshold she looks overher shoulder. _] _Hedwig:_ [_Firmly. _] You may read the message out loud. [_She disappears into the room, still pressing the little sock to herlips. _] _Hertz:_ [_Reading the note. _] "A Message to the Emperor: I refuse to bear my child until you promisethere shall be no more war. " [_A shot is fired in the bedroom. They rush into the room. The Motherstands trembling by the table. _] _Hertz:_ [_Awed, coming out of the room with the baby things, which heplaces on the table. _] Dead! Tcha! tcha! she was mad. I will hush it up, Maria. [_He tears up Hedwig's message to the emperor, and goes out of thehouse, shaking his head. Amelia is kneeling in the doorway of thebedroom, bending over something, and softly crying. The Mother slowlygathers up the pieces of Hedwig's message and the baby garments, nowdashed with blood, and, sitting on the bench, holds them tight againsther breast, staring straight in front of her, her lips movinginaudibly. She closes her eyes and rocks to and fro, still muttering andpraying. _] CURTAIN