TWO MEN OF SANDY BAR by Bret Harte DRAMATIS PERSONAE The Prodigals. "SANDY". . Son of Alexander Morton, sen. JOHN OAKHURST. . His former partner, personating the prodigal son, Sandy. COL. STARBOTTLE. . Alexander Morton, sen. 's, legal adviser. OLD MORTON. . Alexander Morton, sen. DON JOSE. . Father of Jovita Castro. CAPPER. . A detective. CONCHO. . Major-domo of Don Jose's rancho. YORK. . An old friend of Oakhurst. PRITCHARD. . An Australian convict. SOAPY & SILKY. . His pals. JACKSON. . Confidential clerk of Alexander Morton, jun. , and confederateof Pritchard. HOP SING. . A Chinese laundryman. SERVANT of Alexander Morton, sen. --POLICEMEN. MISS MARY MORRIS. . The schoolmistress of Red Gulch, in love with Sandy, and cousin of Alexander Morton, sen. DONA JOVITA CASTRO. . In love with John Oakhurst, and daughter of DonJose. THE DUCHESS. . Wife of Pritchard, illegally married to Sandy, and former"flame" of John Oakhurst. MANUELA. . Servant of Castro, and maid to Dona Jovita. ACT I The Rancho of the Blessed Innocents, and House of Don Jose Castro. ACT II Red Gulch. ACT III The Banking-House of Morton & Son, San Francisco. ACT IV The Villa of Alexander Morton, sen. , San Francisco. COSTUMES ALEXANDER MORTON ("SANDY"). --First dress: Mexican vaquero; black velvettrousers open from knee, over white trousers; laced black velvet jacket, and broad white sombrero; large silver spurs. Second dress: miner'swhite duck jumper, and white duck trousers; (sailor's) straw hat. Thirddress: fashionable morning costume. Fourth dress: full evening dress. JOHN OAKHURST. --First dress: riding-dress, black, elegantly fitting. Second and third dress: fashionable. Fourth dress: full evening dress. COL. STARBOTTLE. --First dress: blue double-breasted frock, and white"strapped" trousers; white hat. Second dress: same coat, blue trousers, and black broad-brimmed felt hat; cane, semper; ruffles, semper. Thirddress: the same. Fourth dress: the same, with pumps. YORK. --Fashionable morning dress. JACKSON. --Business suit. CONCHO. --First dress: vaquero's dress. Second dress: citizen's dress. HOP SING. --Dress of Chinese coolie: dark-blue blouse, and dark-bluedrawers gathered at ankles; straw conical hat, and wooden sabots. DON JOSE. --First dress: serape, black, with gold embroidery. Secondclass: fashionable black suit, with broad-brimmed black stiff sombrero. OLD MORTON. --First, second, third, and fourth dress: black, stiff, withwhite cravat. CAPPER. --Ordinary dress of period. MISS MARY. --First dress: tasteful calico morning dress. Second and thirddress: lady's walking costume--fashionable. Fourth dress: full dress. DONA JOVITA. --First dress: handsome Spanish dress, with manta. Seconddress: more elaborate, same quality. THE DUCHESS. --First dress: elaborate but extravagant fashionablecostume. Second dress: traveling dress. MANUELA. --The saya y manta; white waist, and white or black skirt, withflowers. TWO MEN OF SANDY BAR ACT I SCENE 1. --Courtyard and Corridors of the Rancho. MANUELA (arranging supper-table in corridor L. , solus). There!Tortillas, chocolate, olives, and--the whiskey of the Americans! Andsupper's ready. But why Don Jose chooses to-night, of all nights, withthis heretic fog lying over the Mission Hills like a wet serape, to takehis supper out here, the saints only know. Perhaps it's some distrust ofhis madcap daughter, the Dona Jovita; perhaps to watch her--who knows?And now to find Diego. Ah, here he comes. So! The old story. He isgetting Dona Jovita's horse ready for another madcap journey. Ah!(Retires to table. ) Enter cautiously from corridor, L. , SANDY MORTON, carrying lady's saddleand blanket; starts on observing MANUELA, and hastily hides saddle andblanket in recess. Sandy (aside). She's alone. I reckon the old man's at his siesta yet. Efhe'll only hang onto that snooze ten minutes longer, I'll manage to letthat gal Jovita slip out to that yer fandango, and no questions asked. Manuela (calling SANDY). Diego! Sandy (aside, without heeding her). That's a sweet voice for a serenade. Round, full, high-shouldered, and calkilated to fetch a man every time. Only thar ain't, to my sartain knowledge, one o' them chaps within amile of the rancho. (Laughs. ) Manuela. Diego! Sandy (aside). Oh, go on! That's the style o' them Greasers. They'llstand rooted in their tracks, and yell for a chap without knowin'whether he's in sight or sound. Manuela (approaching SANDY impatiently). Diego! Sandy (starting, aside). The devil! Why, that's ME she's after. (Laughs. ) I clean disremembered that when I kem yer I tole those chapsmy name was James, --James Smith (laughs), and thet they might call me"Jim. " And De-a-go's their lingo for Jim. (Aloud. ) Well, my beauty, De-a-go it is. Now, wot's up? Manuela. Eh? no sabe! Sandy. Wot's your little game. (Embraces her. ) Manuela (aside, and recoiling coquettishly). Mother of God! He must bedrunk again. These Americans have no time for love when they are sober. (Aloud and coquettishly. ) Let me go, Diego. Don Jose is coming. He hassent for you. He takes his supper to-night on the corridor. Listen, Diego. He must not see you thus. You have been drinking again. I willkeep you from him. I will say you are not well. Sandy. Couldn't you, my darling, keep him from ME? Couldn't you make himthink HE was sick? Couldn't you say he's exposin' his precious health bysittin' out thar to-night; thet ther's chills and fever in every breath?(Aside. ) Ef the old Don plants himself in that chair, that gal's chancesfor goin' out to-night is gone up. Manuela. Never. He would suspect at once. Listen, Diego. If Don Josedoes not know that his daughter steals away with you to meet somecaballero, some LOVER, --you understand, Diego, --it is because he doesnot know, or would not SEEM to know, what every one else in the ranchoknows. Have a care, foolish Diego! If Don Jose is old and blind, lookyou, friend, we are NOT. You understand? Sandy (aside). What the devil does she expect?--money? No! (Aloud. ) Lookyer, Manuela, you ain't goin' to blow on that young gal! (Putting hisarm around her waist. ) Allowin' that she hez a lover, thar ain't nothin'onnateral in thet, bein' a purty sort o' gal. Why, suppose somebodyshould see you and me together like this, and should just let on to theold man. Manuela. Hush! (Disengaging herself. ) Hush! He is coming. Let me go, Diego. It is Don Jose! Enter Don Jose, who walks gravely to the table, and seats himself. MANUELA retires to table. Sandy (aside). I wonder if he saw us. I hope he did: it would shut thatManuela's mouth for a month of Sundays. (Laughs. ) God forgive me for it!I've done a heap of things for that young gal Dona Jovita; but this yergittin' soft on the Greaser maid-servant to help out the misses is alittle more than Sandy Morton bargained fur. Don Jose (to MANUELA). You can retire. Diego will attend me. (Looks atDIEGO attentively. ) [Exit MANUELA. Sandy (aside). Diego will attend him! Why, blast his yeller skin, doeshe allow that Sandy Morton hired out as a purty waiter-gal? BecauseI calkilated to feed his horses, it ain't no reason thet my dooty toanimals don't stop thar. Pass his hash! (Turns to follow MANUELA, butstops. ) Hello, Sandy! wot are ye doin', eh? You ain't going back on MissJovita, and jest spile that gal's chances to git out to-night, on'y toteach that God-forsaken old gov'ment mule manners? No! I'll humor theold man, and keep one eye out for the gal. (Comes to table, and leansfamiliarly over the back of DON JOSE'S chair. ) Don Jose (aside). He seems insulted and annoyed. His manner strengthensmy worst suspicions. He has not expected this. (Aloud. ) Chocolate, Diego. Sandy (leaning over table carelessly). Yes, I reckon it's somewhar thar. Don Jose (aside). He is unused to menial labor. If I should be rightin my suspicions! if he really were Dona Jovita's secret lover! Thisgallantry with the servants only a deceit! Bueno! I will watch him. (Aloud. ) Chocolate, Diego! Sandy (aside). I wonder if the old fool reckons I'll pour it out. Well, seein's he's the oldest. (Pours chocolate awkwardly, and spills it onthe table and DON JOSE. ) Don Jose (aside). He IS embarrassed. I am right. (Aloud. ) Diego! Sandy (leaning confidentially over DON JOSE'S chair). Well, old man! Don Jose. Three months ago my daughter the Dona Jovita picked you up, awandering vagabond, in the streets of the Mission. (Aside. ) He does notseem ashamed. (Aloud. ) She--she--ahem! The aguardiente, Diego. Sandy (aside). That means the whiskey. It's wonderful how quick a manlearns Spanish. (Passes the bottle, fills DON JOSE'S glass, and thenhis own. DON JOSE recoils in astonishment. ) I looks toward ye, ole man. (Tosses off liquor. ) Don Jose (aside). This familiarity! He IS a gentleman. Bueno! (Aloud. )She was thrown from her horse; her skirt caught in the stirrup; she wasdragged; you saved her life. You-- Sandy (interrupting, confidentially drawing a chair to the table, andseating himself). Look yer! I'll tell you all about it. It wasn't thatgal's fault, ole man. The hoss shied at me, lying drunk in a ditch, yousee; the hoss backed, the surcle broke; it warn't in human natur forher to keep her seat, and that gal rides like an angel; but the mustangthrowed her. Well, I sorter got in the way o' thet hoss, and it stopped. Hevin' bin the cause o' the hoss shyin', for I reckon I didn't look muchlike an angel lyin' in that ditch, it was about the only squar thing forme to waltz in and help the gal. Thar, thet's about the way the thingpints. Now, don't you go and hold that agin her! Don Jose. Well, well! She was grateful. She has a strange fondnessfor you Americans; and at her solicitation I gave you--YOU, an unknownvagrant--employment here as groom. You comprehend, Diego. I, Don JoseCastro, proprietor of this rancho, with an hundred idle vaqueros on myhands, --I made a place for you. Sandy (meditatively). Umph. Don Jose. You said you would reform. How have you kept your word? Youwere drunk last Wednesday. Sandy. Thet's so. Don Jose. And again last Saturday. Sandy (slowly). Look yer, ole man, don't ye be too hard on me: that wasthe same old drunk. Don Jose. I am in no mood for trifling. Hark ye, friend Diego. You haveseen, perhaps, --who has not?--that I am a fond, an indulgent father. Buteven my consideration for my daughter's strange tastes and follies hasits limit. Your conduct is a disgrace to the rancho. You must go. Sandy (meditatively). Well, I reckon, perhaps I'd better. Don Jose (aside). His coolness is suspicious. Can it be that he expectsthe girl will follow him? Mother of God! perhaps it has been alreadyplanned between them. Good! Thank Heaven I can end it here. (Aloud. )Diego! Sandy. Old man. Don Jose. For my daughter's sake, you understand, --for her sake, --I amwilling to try you once more. Hark ye! My daughter is young, foolish, and romantic. I have reason to believe, from her conduct lately, thatshe has contracted an intimacy with some Americano, and that in herignorance, her foolishness, she has allowed that man to believe that hemight aspire to her hand. Good! Now listen to me. You shall stay in herservice. You shall find out, --you are in her confidence, --you shall findout this American, this adventurer, this lover if you please, of theDona Jovita my daughter; and you will tell him this, --you will tellhim that a union with him is impossible, forbidden; that the hour sheattempts it, without my consent, she is PENNILESS; that this estate, this rancho, passes into the hands of the Holy Church, where even yourlaws cannot reach it. Sandy (leaning familiarly over the table). But suppose that he sees thatlittle bluff, and calls ye. Don Jose. I do not comprehend you (coldly). Sandy. Suppose he loves that gal, and will take her as she stands, without a cent, or hide or hair of yer old cattle. Don Jose (scornfully). Suppose--a miracle! Hark ye, Diego! It is nowfive years since I have known your countrymen, these smart Americanos. I have yet to know when love, sentiment, friendship, was worth any morethan a money value in your market. Sandy (truculently and drunkenly). You hev, hev ye? Well, look yar, oleman. Suppose I REFUSE. Suppose I'd rather go than act as a spy on thatyoung gal your darter! Suppose that--hic--allowin' she's my friend, I'drather starve in the gutters of the Mission than stand between her andthe man she fancies. Hey? Suppose I would--damn me! Suppose I'd see youand your derned old rancho in--t'other place--hic--damn me. You hear me, ole man! That's the kind o' man I am--damn me. Don Jose (aside, rising contemptuously). It is as I suspected. Traitor. Ingrate! Satisfied that his scheme has failed, he is ready to abandonher. And this--THIS is the man for whom she has been ready to sacrificeeverything, --her home, her father! (Aloud, coldly. ) Be it so, Diego: youshall go. Sandy (soberly and seriously, after a pause. ) Well, I reckon I hadbetter. (Rising. ) I've a few duds, old man, to put up. It won't take melong. (Goes to L. , and pauses. ) Don Jose (aside). Ah! he hesitates! He is changing his mind. (SANDYreturns slowly to table, pours out glass of liquor, nods to DON JOSE, and drinks. ) I looks towards ye, ole man. Adios! [Exit SANDY. Don Jose. His coolness is perfect. If these Americans are cayotes intheir advances, they are lions in retreat! Bueno! I begin to respecthim. But it will be just as well to set Concho to track him to theMission; and I will see that he leaves the rancho alone. [Exit Jose. Enter hurriedly JOVITA CASTRO, in riding habit, with whip. So! Chiquita not yet saddled, and that spy Concho haunting the plainsfor the last half-hour. What an air of mystery! Something awful, something deliciously dreadful, has happened! Either my amiable drunkardhas forgotten to despatch Concho on his usual fool's errand, or heis himself lying helpless in some ditch. Was there ever a girl sopersecuted? With a father wrapped in mystery, a lover nameless andshrouded in the obscurity of some Olympian height, and her onlyconfidant and messenger a Bacchus instead of a Mercury! Heigh ho! And inanother hour Don Juan--he told me I might call him John--will be waitingfor me outside the convent wall! What if Diego fails me? To go therealone would be madness! Who else would be as charmingly unconscious andinattentive as this American vagabond! (Goes to L. ) Ah, my saddle andblanket hidden! He HAS been interrupted. Some one has been watching. This freak of my father's means something. And to-night, of all nights, the night that Oakhurst was to disclose himself, and tell me all! Whatis to be done? Hark! (DIEGO, without, singing. ) "Oh, here's your aguardiente, Drink it down!" Jovita. It is Diego; and, Mother of God! drunk again! Enter SANDY, carrying pack, intoxicated; staggers to centre, and, observing JOVITA, takes off his hat respectfully. Jovita (shaking him by the shoulders passionately). Diego! How dare you!And at such a time! Sandy (with drunken solemnity). Miss Jovita, did ye ever know me to bedrunk afore at such a time? Jovita. No. Sandy. Zachy so. It's abnormal. And it means--the game's up. Jovita. I do not understand. For the love of God, Diego, be plain! Sandy (solemnly and drunkenly). When I say your game's up, I mean theold man knows it all. You're blowed upon. Hearken, miss. (Seriouslyand soberly. ) Your father knows all that I know; but, as it wasn't mybusiness to interfere with, I hev sorter helped along. He knows that youmeet a stranger, an American, in these rides with me. Jovita (passionately). Ingrate! You have not dared to tell him! (Seizinghim by the collar, and threatening him with the horsewhip. ) Sandy (rising with half-drunken, half-sober solemnity). One minit, miss!one minit! Don't ye! don't ye do that! Ef ye forget (and I don't blameye for it), ef ye forget that I'm a man, don't ye, don't ye forgetthat you're a woman! Sit ye down, sit ye down, so! Now, ef ye'll kindlyremember, miss, I never saw this yer man, yer lover. Ef ye'll recollect, miss, whenever you met him, I allers hung back and waited round in themission or in the fields beyond for ye, and allowed ye to hev your ownway, it bein' no business o' mine. Thar isn't a man on the ranch, who, ef he'd had a mind to watch ye, wouldn't hev known more about yer loverthan I do. Jovita (aside). He speaks truly. He always kept in the background. EvenDon Juan never knew that I had an attendant until I told him. (Aloud. )I made a mistake, Diego. I was hasty. What am I to do? He is waiting forme even now. Sandy. Well (with drunken gravity), ef ye can't go to him, I reckon it'sthe squar thing for him to come to ye. Jovita. Recollect yourself, Diego. Be a man! Sandy. Fash jus war I say. Let him be a man, and come to ye here. Lethim ride up to this ranch like a man, and call out to yer father thathe'll take ye jist as ye are, without the land. And if the old manallows, rather than hev ye marry that stranger, he'll give this yerplace to the church, why, let him do it, and be damned. Jovita (recoiling, aside). So! That is their plan. Don Jose has workedon the fears or the cupidity of this drunken ingrate. Sandy (with drunken submission). Ye was speaking to me, miss. Ef ye'lltake my advice, --a drunken man's advice, miss, --ye'll say to that loverof yours, ef he's afeard to come for ye here, to take ye as ye stand, heain't no man for ye. And, ontil he does, ye'll do as the ole man says. Fur ef I do say it, miss, --and thar ain't no love lost between us, --he'sa good father to ye. It ain't every day that a gal kin afford to swap afather like that, as she DOES KNOW, fur the husband that she DON'T! He'sa proud old fool, miss; but to ye, to ye, he's clar grit all through. Jovita (passionately, aside). Tricked, fooled, like a child! and throughthe means of this treacherous, drunken tool. (Stamping her foot. ) Ah!we shall see! You are wise, you are wise, Don Jose; but your daughteris not a novice, nor a helpless creature of the Holy Church. (Passionately. ) I'll--I'll become a Protestant to-morrow! Sandy (unheeding her passion, and becoming more earnest andself-possessed). Ef ye hed a father, miss, ez instead o' harkinin'to your slightest wish, and surroundin' ye with luxury, hed made yourinfancy a struggle for life among strangers, and your childhood adisgrace and a temptation; ef he had left ye with no company but want, with no companions but guilt, with no mother but suffering; ef he hadmade your home, this home, so unhappy, so vile, so terrible, so awful, that the crowded streets and gutters of a great city was something tofly to for relief; ef he had made his presence, his very name, --yourname, miss, allowin' it was your father, --ef he had made that presenceso hateful, that name so infamous, that exile, that flyin' to furrin'parts, that wanderin' among strange folks ez didn't know ye, was theonly way to make life endurable; and ef he'd given ye, --I mean thisgood old man Don Jose, miss, --ef he'd given ye as part of yer heritagea taint, a weakness in yer very blood, a fondness for a poison, a poisonthat soothed ye like a vampire bat and sucked yer life-blood (seizingher arm) ez it soothed ye; ef this curse that hung over ye dragged yedown day by day, till hating him, loathing him, ye saw yerself day byday becoming more and more like him, till ye knew that his fate wasyours, and yours his, --why then, Miss Jovita (rising with an hysterical, drunken laugh), why then, I'd run away with ye myself, --I would, damnme! Jovita (who has been withdrawing from him scornfully). Well acted, Diego. Don Jose should have seen his pupil. Trust me, my father willreward you. (Aside. ) And yet there were tears in his drunken eyes. Bah! it is the liquor: he is no longer sane. And, either hypocrite orimbecile, he is to be trusted no longer. But where and why is he going?(Aloud. ) You are leaving us, Diego. Sandy (quietly). Well, the old man and me don't get on together. Jovita (scornfully). Bueno! I see. Then you abandon me. Sandy (quickly). To the old man, miss, --not the young one. (Walks to thetable, and begins to pour out liquor. ) Jovita (angrily). You would not dare to talk to me thus if JohnOakhurst--ah! (Checking herself. ) Sandy (drops glass on table, hurries to centre, and seizes DONA JOVITA). Eh! Wot name did you say? (Looks at her amazed and bewildered. ) Jovita (terrified, aside). Mother of God! What have I done? Broken mysacred pledge to keep his name secret. No! No! Diego did not hear me!Surely this wretched drunkard does not know him. (Aloud. ) Nothing. Isaid nothing: I mentioned no name. Sandy (still amazed, frightened, and bewildered, passing his hand overhis forehead slowly). Ye mentioned no name? Surely. I am wild, crazed. Tell me, miss--ye didn't, --I know ye didn't, but I thought it soundedlike it, --ye didn't mention the name of--of--of--John Oakhurst? Jovita (hurriedly). No, of course not! You terrify me, Diego. You arewild. Sandy (dropping her hand with a sigh of relief). No, no! In courseye didn't. I was wild, miss, wild; this drink has confused me yer. (Pointing to his head. ) There are times when I hear that name, miss, --times when I see his face. (Sadly. ) But it's when I've took toomuch--too much. I'll drink no more--no more!--to-night--to-night! (Dropshis head slowly in his hands. ) Jovita (looking at DIEGO--aside). Really, I'm feeling veryuncomfortable. I'd like to ask a question of this maniac. But nonsense!Don Juan gave me to understand Oakhurst wasn't his real name; that is, he intimated there was something dreadful and mysterious about it thatmustn't be told, --something that would frighten people. HOLY VIRGIN!it has! Why, this reckless vagabond here is pale and agitated. Don Juanshall explain this mystery to-night. But then, how shall I see him?Ah, I have it. The night of the last festa, when I could not leave therancho, he begged me to show a light from the flat roof of the uppercorridor, that he might know I was thinking of him, --dear fellow! Hewill linger to-night at the Mission; he will see the light; he will knowthat I have not forgotten. He will approach the rancho; I shall manageto slip away at midnight to the ruined Mission. I shall--ah, it ismy father! Holy Virgin, befriend me now with self-possession. (Standsquietly at L. , looking toward SANDY, who still remains buried inthought, as)-- Enter DON JOSE; regards his daughter and DIEGO with a sarcastic smile. Don Jose (aside). Bueno! It is as I expected, --an explanation, anexplosion, a lover's quarrel, an end to romance. From his looks I shouldsay she has been teaching the adventurer a lesson. Good! I could embraceher. (Crosses to SANDY--aloud. ) You still here! Sandy (rising with a start). Yes! I--a--I was only taking leave of MissJovita that hez bin kind to me. She's a good gal, ole man, and won't beany the worse when I'm gone. --Good-by, Miss Jovita (extending his hand):I wish ye luck. Jovita (coldly). Adios, friend Diego. (Aside, hurriedly. ) You will notexpose my secret? Sandy (aside). It ain't in me, miss. (To DON JOSE, going. ) Adios, oleman. (Shouldering his pack. ) Don Jose. Adios, friend Diego. (Formally. ) May good luck attend you!(Aside. ) You understand, on your word as--as--as--A GENTLEMAN!--you haveno further communication with this rancho, or aught that it contains. Sandy (gravely). I hear ye, ole man. Adios. (Goes to gateway, but pausesat table, and begins to fill a glass of aguardiente. ) Don Jose (aside, looking at his daughter). I could embrace her now. Sheis truly a Castro. (Aloud to JOVITA. ) Hark ye, little one! I have newsthat will please you, and--who knows? perhaps break up the monotony ofthe dull life of the rancho. To-night come to me two famous caballeros, Americanos, you understand: they will be here soon, even now. Retire, and make ready to receive them. [Exit JOVITA. Don Jose (aside, looking at SANDY). He lingers. I shall not be satisfieduntil Concho has seen him safely beyond the Mission wall. Enter CONCHO. Concho. Two caballeros have dismounted in the corral, and seek the honorof Don Jose's presence. Don Jose. Bueno! (Aside. ) Follow that fellow beyond the Mission. (Aloud. ) Admit the strangers. Did they give their names? Concho. They did, Don Jose, --Col. Culpepper Starbottle and the DonAlexandro Morton. Sandy (dropping glass of aguardiente, and staggering stupidly to thecentre, confronting DON JOSE and CONCHO, still holding bottle). Eh! Wot?Wot name did you say? (Looks stupidly and amazedly at CONCHO and DONJOSE, and then slowly passes his hand over his forehead. Then slowlyand apologetically. ) I axes your pardon, Don Jose, and yours, sir (toCONCHO), but I thought ye called me. No!--that ez--I mean--I mean--I'ma little off color here (pointing to his head). I don't followsuit--I--eh--eh! Oh!--ye'll pardon me, sir, but thar's names--perhapsyer darter will remember that I was took a bit ago on a name--thar'snames sorter hangin' round me yer (pointing to his head), that I thinksI hear--but bein' drunk--I hopes ye'll excoos me. Adios. (Staggers togateway, CONCHO following. ) Concho (aside). There is something more in this than Don Jose would haveknown. I'll watch Diego, and keep an eye on Miss Jovita too. Exit, following SANDY, who, in exit, jostles against COL. STARBOTTLEentering, who stops and leans exhaustedly at the wall to get his breath;following him closely, and oblivious of SANDY MORTON, ALEXANDER MORTON, sen. Enter COL. STARBOTTLE and ALEXANDER MORTON, sen. SCENE 2. --The Same. Col. Starbottle (entering, to DON JOSE). Overlooking theinsult of--er--inebriated individual, whose menial position inthis--er--er--household precludes a demand for personal satisfaction, sir, I believe I have the honor of addressing Don Jose Castro. Verygood, sir. Permit me, sir, to introduce myself as Col. CulpepperStarbottle--demn me! the legal adviser of Mr. Alexander Morton, sen. , and I may add, sir, the friend of that gentleman, and as such, sir--er--er--personally--personally responsible. Alexander Morton (puritanically and lugubriously). As a God-fearingman and forgiving Christian, Mr. Castro, I trust you will overlookthe habitual profanity of the erring but well-meaning man, who, by thenecessities of my situation, accompanies me. I am the person--a helplesssinner--mentioned in the letters which I believe have preceded me. Asa professing member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, I haveventured, in the interest of works rather than faith, to overlook theplain doctrines of the church in claiming sympathy of a superstitiousPapist. Starbottle (interrupting, aside to ALEXANDER MORTON). Ahem! ahem!(Aloud to DON JOSE. ) My friend's manner, sir, reminds me of--er--er--RamBootgum Sing, first secretary of Turkish legation at Washington in '45;most remarkable man--demn me--most remarkable--and warm personal friend. Challenged Tod Robinson for putting him next to Hebrew banker at dinner, with remark--demn me--that they were both believers in the profit!he, he! Amusing, perhaps; irreverent, certainly. Fought with cimeters. Second pass, Ram divided Tod in two pieces--fact, sir--just here(pointing) in--er--er--regions of moral emotions. Upper half called tome, --said to me warningly--last words--never forget it, --"Star, "--alwayscalled me Star, --"Respect man's religious convictions. " Legs dead;emotion confined to upper part of body--pathetic picture. Ged, sir, something to be remembered! Don Jose (with grave Spanish courtesy). You are welcome, gentlemen, tothe rancho of the Blessed Fisherman. Your letters, with their honorablereport, are here. Believe me, senores, in your modesty you haveforgotten to mention your strongest claim to the hospitality of myhouse, --the royal right of strangers. Morton. Angels before this have been entertained as strangers, saysthe Good Book; and that, I take it, is your authority for thisceremoniousness which else were but lip-service and Papist airs. ButI am here in the performance of a duty, Mr. Castro, --the duty of aChristian father. I am seeking a prodigal son. I am seeking him in hiswine-husks and among his harl-- Starbottle (interrupting). A single moment. (To DON JOSE. ) Permit meto--er--er--explain. As my friend Mr. Morton states, we are, in fact, atpresent engaged in--er--er--quest--er--pilgrimage that possibly tosome, unless deterred by considerations of responsibility--personalresponsibility--sir--Ged, sir, might be looked upon as visionary, enthusiastic, sentimental, fanatical. We are seeking a son, or, as myfriend tersely and scripturally expresses it--er--er--prodigal son. I say scripturally, sir, and tersely, but not, you understand it, literally, nor I may add, sir, legally. Ged, sir, as a precedent, Iadmit we are wrong. To the best of my knowledge, sir, the--er--ProdigalSon sought his own father. To be frank, sir, --and Ged, sir, if CulpepperStarbottle has a fault, it is frankness, sir. As Nelse Buckthorne saidto me in Nashville, in '47, "You would infer, Col. Starbottle, thatI equivocate. " I replied, "I do, sir; and permit me to add thatequivocation has all the guilt of a lie, with cowardice superadded. " Thenext morning at nine o'clock, Ged, sir, he gasped to me--he was lying onthe ground, hole through his left lung just here (illustrating with DONJOSE'S coat), --he gasped, "If you have a merit, Star, above others, itis frankness!" his last words, sir, --demn me. .. . To be frank, sir, yearsago, in the wild exuberance of youth, the son of this gentleman lefthis--er--er--er--boyhood's home, owing to an innocent but naturalmisunderstanding with the legal protector of his youth-- Morton (interrupting gravely and demurely). Driven from home by my ownsinful and then unregenerate hand-- Starbottle (quickly). One moment, a simple moment. We will not wearyyou with--er--er--history, or the vagaries of youth. He--er--came toCalifornia in '49. A year ago, touched by--er--er--parental emotionand solicitude, my friend resolved to seek him here. Believing thatthe--er--er--lawlessness of--er--er--untrammelled youth and boyishinexperience might have led him into some trifling indiscretion, wehave sought him successively in hospitals, alms-houses, reformatories, State's prisons, lunatic and inebriate asylums, and--er--er--even onthe monumental inscriptions of the--er--er--country churchyards. Wehave thus far, I grieve to say, although acquiring much and valuableinformation of a varied character and interest, as far as the directmatter of our search, --we have been, I think I may say, unsuccessful. Our search has been attended with the--er--disbursement of some capitalunder my--er--er--direction, which, though large, represents quiteinadequately the--er--er--earnestness of our endeavors. Enter MANUELA. Manuela (to DON JOSE). The Dona Jovita is waiting to receive you. Don Jose (to MORTON). You shall tell me further of your interestingpilgrimage hereafter. At present my daughter awaits us to place thishumble roof at your disposal. I am a widower, Don Alexandro, likeyourself. When I say that, like you, I have an only child, and thatI love her, you will understand how earnest is my sympathy. This way, gentlemen. (Leading to door in corridor, and awaiting them. ) Starbottle (aside). Umph! an interview with lovely womanmeans--er--intoxication, but--er--er--no liquor. It's evident that theDon doesn't drink. Eh! (Catches sight of table in corridor, and bottle. )Oh, he does, but some absurd Spanish formality prevents his doing thepolite thing before dinner. (Aloud, to DON JOSE. ) One moment, sir, onemoment. If you will--er--er--pardon the--er--seeming discourtesy, for which I am, I admit--or--personally responsible, I will for a fewmoments enjoy the--er--er--delicious air of the courtyard, and thebeauties of Nature as displayed in the--er--sunset. I will--er--rejoinyou and the--er--er--ladies a moment later. Don Jose. The house is your own, senor: do as you will. This way, DonAlexandro. [Exit, in door L. , DON JOSE and MORTON, sen. Starbottle. "Do as you will. " Well, I don't understand Spanish ceremony, but that's certainly good English. (Going to table. ) Eh! (Smellingdecanter. ) Robinson County whiskey! Umph! I have observed thatthe spirit of American institutions, sir, are already penetratingthe--er--er--superstitions of--er--foreign and effete civilizations. (Pours out glass of whiskey, and drinks; pours again, and observesMANUELA watching him respectfully. ) What the Devil is that girl lookingat? Eh! (Puts down glass. ) Manuela (aside). He is fierce and warlike. Mother of God! But he is notso awful as that gray-haired caballero, who looks like a fasting St. Anthony. And he loves aguardiente: he will pity poor Diego the more. (Aloud. ) Ahem! Senor. (Courtesies coquettishly. ) Col. Starbottle (aside). Oh, I see. Ged! not a bad-looking girl, --atrifle dark, but Southern, and--er--tropical. Ged, Star, Star, thiswon't do, sir; no, sir. The filial affections of Aeneas are not to besacrificed through the blandishments of--er--Dodo--I mean a Dido. Manuela. O senor, you are kind, you are good. You are an Americano, oneof a great nation. You will feel sympathy for a poor young man, --a meremuchacho, --one of your own race, who was a vaquero here, senor. He hasbeen sent away from us here disgraced, alone, hungry, perhaps penniless. (Wipes her eyes. ) Col. Starbottle. The Devil! Another prodigal. (Aloud. ) My dear, the caseyou have just stated would appear to be the--er--er--normal conditionof the--er--youth of America. But why was he discharged? (Pouring outliquor. ) Manuela (demurely glancing at the colonel). He was drunk, senor. Starbottle (potently). Drunkenness, my child, which is--er--weakness inthe--er--er--gentleman, in the subordinate is a crime. What--er--excitesthe social impulse and exhilarates the fancy of the--er--master of thehouse, in the performance of his duty, renders the servant unfitfor his. Legally it is a breach of contract. I should give it as myopinion, --for which I am personally responsible, --that your friend Diegocould not recover. Ged! (Aside. ) I wonder if this scapegoat could be ourblack sheep. Manuela. But that was not all, senor. It was an excuse only. He was sentaway for helping our young lady to a cavalier. He was discharged becausehe would not be a traitor to her. He was sent away because he was toogood, too honorable, --too-- (Bursts out crying. ) Starbottle (aside). Oh, the Devil! THIS is no Sandy Morton. (Comingforward gravely. ) I have never yet analyzed the--er--er--characterof the young gentleman I have the honor to assist in restoring to hisfamily and society; but judging--er--calmly--er--dispassionately, myknowledge of his own father--from what the old gentleman must have beenin his unregenerate state, and knowing what he is now in his presentreformed Christian condition, I should say calmly and deliberately thatthe son must be the most infernal and accomplished villain unhung. Ged, I have a thought, an inspiration. (To MANUELA, tapping her under thechin. ) I see, my dear; a lover, ha, ha! Ah, you rogue! Well, well, wewill talk of this again. I will--er--er--interest myself in this Diego. [Exit MANUELA. Starbottle (solus). How would it do to get up a prodigal? Umph. Something must be done soon: the old man grows languid in his search. My position as a sinecure is--er--in peril. A prodigal ready made! Butcould I get a scoundrel bad enough to satisfy the old man? Ged, that'sserious. Let me see: he admits that he is unable to recognize his ownson in face, features, manner, or speech. Good! If I could pick up somerascal whose--er--irregularities didn't quite fill the bill, and couldsay--Ged!--that he was reforming. Reforming! Ged, Star! That verydefect would show the hereditary taint, demn me! I must think of thisseriously. Ged, Star! the idea is--an inspiration of humanity andvirtue. Who knows? it might be the saving of the vagabond, --a crown ofglory to the old man's age. Inspiration, did I say? Ged, Star, it's aDUTY, --a sacred, solemn duty, for which you are responsible, --personallyresponsible. Lights down half. Enter from corridor L. , MORTON, DON JOSE, the DONAJOVITA, and MANUELA. Dona Jovita (stepping forward with exaggerated Spanish courtesy). Athousand graces await your Excellency, Commander Don--Don-- Starbottle (bowing to the ground with equal delight and exaggeratedcourtesy). Er--Coolpepero! Dona Jovita. Don Culpepero! If we throw ourselves unasked at yourExcellency's feet (courtesy), if we appear unsought before the light ofyour Excellency's eyes (courtesy), if we err in maidenly decorum in thusseeking unbidden your Excellency's presence (courtesy), believe us, itis the fear of some greater, some graver indecorum in our conduct thathas withdrawn your Excellency's person from us since you have graced ourroof with your company. We know, Senor Commander, how superior are thecharms of the American ladies. It is in no spirit of rivalry with them, but to show--Mother of God!--that we are not absolutely ugly, that weintrude upon your Excellency's solitude. (Aside. ) I shall need the oldfool, and shall use him. Col. Starbottle (who has been bowing and saluting with equalextravagance, during this speech--aside). Ged! she IS beautiful!(Aloud. ) Permit me er--er--Dona Jovita, to correct--Ged, I must sayit, correct erroneous statements. The man who should--er--utter in mypresence remarks disparaging those--er--charms it is my privilegeto behold, I should hold responsible, --Ged! personally responsible. You--er--remind me of er--incident, trifling perhaps, but pleasing, Charleston in '52, --a reception at John C. Calhoun's. A lady, one of thedemnedest beautiful women you ever saw, said to me, "Star!"--she alwayscalled me Star, --"you've avoided me, you have, Star! I fear you are nolonger my friend. "--"Your friend, madam, " I said. "No, I've avoided youbecause I am your lover. " Ged, Miss Jovita, a fact--demn me. Sensation. Husband heard garbled report. He was old friend, but jealous, rash, indiscreet. Fell at first fire--umph--January 5th. Lady--beautifulwoman--never forgave: went into convent. Sad affair. And all amistake--demn me, --all a mistake, through perhaps extravagant gallantryand compliment. I lingered here, oblivious perhaps of--er--beauty, inthe enjoyment of Nature. Dona Jovita. Is there enough for your Excellency to share with me, since it must be my rival? See, the fog is clearing away: we shall havemoonlight. (DON JOSE and MORTON seat themselves at table. ) Shall we notlet these venerable caballeros enjoy their confidences and experiencestogether? (Aside. ) Don Jose watches me like a fox, does not intendto lose sight of me. How shall I show the light three times from thecourtyard roof? I have it! (Takes STARBOTTLE'S arm. ) It is too pleasantto withdraw. There is a view from the courtyard wall your Excellencyshould see. Will you accompany me? The ascent is easy. Starbottle (bowing). I will ascend, although, permit me to say, DonaJovita, it would be--er--impossible for me to be nearer--er--heaven, than--er--at present. Dona Jovita. FLATTERER! Come, you shall tell me about this sad lady whodied. Ah, Don Culpepero, let me hope all your experiences will not be sofatal to us! [Exeunt DONA JOVITA and STARBOTTLE. Morton (aside). A froward daughter of Baal, and, if I mistake not, even now concocting mischief for this foolish, indulgent, stiff-neckedfather. (Aloud. ) Your only daughter, I presume. Don Jose. My darling, Don Alexandro. Motherless from her infancy. Alittle wild, and inclined to gayety, but I hope not seeking for morethan these walls afford. I have checked her but seldom, Don Alexandro, and then I did not let her see my hand on the rein that held her back. Ido not ask her confidence always: I only want her to know that when thetime comes it can be given to me without fear. Morton. Umph! Don Jose (leaning forward confidentially). To show that you have notintrusted your confidence regarding your wayward son--whom may thesaints return to you!--to unsympathetic or inexperienced ears, I willimpart a secret. A few weeks ago I detected an innocent intimacy betweenthis foolish girl and a vagabond vaquero in my employ. You understand, it was on her part romantic, visionary; on his, calculating, shrewd, self-interested, for he expected to become my heir. I did not lock herup. I did not tax her with it. I humored it. Today I satisfied thelover that his investment was not profitable, that a marriage without myconsent entailed the loss of the property, and then left them together. They parted in tears, think you, Don Alexandro? No, but mutually hatingeach other. The romance was over. An American would have opposed thegirl, have driven her to secrecy, to an elopement perhaps. Eh? Morton (scornfully). And you believe that they have abandoned theirplans? Don Jose. I am sure--hush! she is here! Enter, on roof of corridor, STARBOTTLE and JOVITA. Col. Starbottle. Really, a superb landscape! An admirable view ofthe--er--fog--rolling over the Mission Hills, the plains below, andthe--er--er--single figure of--er--motionless horseman-- Dona Jovita (quickly). Some belated vaquero. Do you smoke, SenorCommander? Starbottle. At times. Dona Jovita. With me. I will light a cigarette for you: it is thecustom. COL. STARBOTTLE draws match from his pocket, and is about to light, butis stopped by DONA JOVITA. Dona Jovita. Pardon, your Excellency, but we cannot endure your Americanmatches. There is a taper in the passage. COL. STARBOTTLE brings taper: DONA JOVITA turns to light cigarette, butmanages to blow out candle. Dona Jovita. I must try your gallantry again. That is once I havefailed. (Significantly. ) COL. STARBOTTLE relights candle, business, same results. Dona Jovita. I am stupid and nervous to-night. I have failed twice. (With emphasis. ) COL. STARBOTTLE repeats business with candle. DONA JOVITA lightscigarette, hands it to the colonel. Dona Jovita. Thrice, and I have succeeded. (Blows out candle. ) Col. Starbottle. A thousand thanks! There is a--er--er--light on theplain. Dona Jovita (hastily). It is the vaqueros returning. My father gives afesta to peons in honor of your arrival. There will be a dance. You havebeen patient, Senor Commander: you shall have my hand for a waltz. Enter vaqueros, their wives and daughters. A dance, during which the"sembi canca" is danced by COL. STARBOTTLE and DONA JOVITA. Business, during which the bell of Mission Church, faintly illuminated beyond thewall, strikes twelve. Dancers withdraw hurriedly, leaving alone MANUELA, DONA JOVITA, COL. STARBOTTLE, DON JOSE, and CONCHO. CONCHO formallyhands keys to Don Jose. Don Jose (delivering keys to MORTON with stately impressiveness). Takethem, Don Alexandro Morton, and with them all that they unlock forbliss or bale. Take them, noble guest, and with them the homage of thisfamily, --to-night, Don Alexandro, your humble servants. Good-night, gentlemen. May a thousand angels attend you, O Don Alexandro and DonCulpepero! Dona Jovita. Good-night, Don Alexandro. May your dreams to-night see allyour wishes fulfilled! Good-night, O Senor Commander. May she you dreamof be as happy as you! Manuela and Concho (together). Good-night, O senores and illustriousgentlemen! may the Blessed Fisherman watch over you! (Both partiesretreat into opposite corridors, bowing. ) MANUELA, CONCHO, MORTON, DON JOSE. JOVITA. STARBOTTLE. SCENE 3. --The same. Stage darkened. Fog passing beyond wall outside, andoccasionally obscuring moonlit landscape beyond. Enter JOVITA softly, from corridor L. Her face is partly hidden by Spanish mantilla. Jovita. All quiet at last; and, thanks to much aguardiente, my warlikeadmirer snores peacefully above. Yet I could swear I heard the oldPuritan's door creak as I descended! Pshaw! What matters! (Goes togateway, and tries gate. ) Locked! Carramba! I see it now. Under thepretext of reviving the old ceremony, Don Jose has locked the gates, andplaced me in the custody of his guest. Stay! There is a door leading tothe corral from the passage by Concho's room. Bueno! Don Jose shall see![Exit R. Enter cautiously R. OLD MORTON. Old Morton. I was not mistaken! It was the skirt of that Jezebeldaughter that whisked past my door a moment ago, and her figure thatflitted down that corridor. So! The lover driven out of the house atfour P. M. , and at twelve o'clock at night the young lady trying thegate secretly. This may be Spanish resignation and filial submission, but it looks very like Yankee disobedience and forwardness. Perhaps it'swell that the keys are in my pocket. This fond confiding Papist may findthe heretic American father of some service. (Conceals himself behindpillar of corridor. ) After a pause the head of JOHN OAKHURST appears over the wall ofcorridor: he climbs up to roof of corridor, and descends very quietlyand deliberately to stage. Oakhurst (dusting his clothing with his handkerchief). I never knewbefore why these Spaniards covered their adobe walls with whitewash. (Leans against pillar in shadow. ) Re-enter JOVITA, hastily. Jovita. All is lost; the corral door is locked; the key is outside, andConcho is gone, --gone where? Madre di Dios! to discover, perhaps to killhim. Oakhurst (approaching her). No. Jovita. Juan! (Embracing him. ) But how did you get here? This ismadness! Oakhurst. As you did not come to the mission, I came to the rancho. I found the gate locked--by the way, is not that a novelty here?--Iclimbed the wall. But you, Miss Castro, you are trembling! Your littlehands are cold! Jovita (glancing around). Nothing, nothing! But you are running aterrible risk. At any moment we may be discovered. Oakhurst. I understand you: it would be bad for the discoverer. Neverfear, I will be patient. Jovita. But I feared that you might meet Concho. Oakhurst. Concho--Concho--(meditatively). Let me see, --tall, dark, longin the arm, weighs about one hundred and eighty, and active. Jovita. Yes; tell me! You have met him? Oakhurst. Possibly, possibly. Was he a friend of yours? Jovita. No! Oakhurst. That's better. Are his pursuits here sedentary, or active? Jovita. He is my father's major-domo. Oakhurst. I see: a sinecure. (Aside. ) Well, if he has to lay up for aweek or two, the rancho won't suffer. Jovita. Well? Oakhurst. Well! Jovita (passionately). There, having scaled the wall, at the risk ofbeing discovered--this is all you have to say! (Turning away. ) Oakhurst (quietly). Perhaps, Jovita (taking her hand with graveearnestness), to a clandestine intimacy like ours there is but one end. It is not merely elopement, not merely marriage, it is exposure! Sooneror later you and I must face the eyes we now shun. What matters iftonight or later? Jovita (quickly). I am ready. It was you who-- Oakhurst. It was I who first demanded secrecy, but it was I who told youwhen we last met that I would tell you why to-night. Jovita. I am ready; but hear me, Juan, nothing can change my faith inyou! Oakhurst (sadly). You know not what you say. Listen, my child. I am agambler. Not the man who lavishes his fortune at the gaming-table forexcitement's sake; not the fanatic who stakes his own earnings--perhapsthe confided earnings of others--on a single coup. No, he is the man wholoses, --whom the world deplores, pities, and forgives. I am the man whowins--whom the world hates and despises. Jovita. I do not understand you, Juan. Oakhurst. So much the better, perhaps. But you must hear me. I make aprofession--an occupation more exacting, more wearying, more laborious, than that of your meanest herdsman--of that which others make adissipation of the senses. And yet, Jovita, there is not the meanestvaquero in this ranch, who, playing against me, winning or losing, isnot held to be my superior. I have no friends--only confederates. Eventhe woman who dares to pity me must do it in secret. Jovita. But you will abandon this dreadful trade. As the son of therich Don Jose, no one dare scorn you. My father will relent. I am hisheiress. Oakhurst. No more, Jovita, no more. If I were the man who could purchasethe world's respect through a woman's weakness for him, I should not behere to-night. I am not here to sue your father's daughter with hopesof forgiveness, promises of reformation. Reformation, in a man like me, means cowardice or self-interest. (OLD MORTON, becoming excited, leansslowly out from the shadow of the pillar listening intently. ) I am hereto take, by force if necessary, a gambler's wife, --the woman who willshare my fortunes, my disgrace, my losses; who is willing to leave herold life of indulgence, of luxury, of respectability, for mine. You arefrightened, little dove: compose yourself (soothing her tenderly andsadly); you are frightened at the cruel hawk who has chosen you for amate. Old Morton (aside). God in heaven! This is like HIM! like me!--like me, before the blessed Lord lifted me into regeneration. If it should be!(Leans forward anxiously from pillar. ) Oakhurst (aside). Still silent! Poor dove, I can hear her foolish heartflutter against mine. Another moment decides our fate. Another moment:John Oakhurst and freedom, or Red Gulch and--she is moving. (To JOVITA. )I am harsh, little one, and cold. Perhaps I have had much to make me so. But when (with feeling) I first met you; when, lifting my eyes to thechurch-porch, I saw your beautiful face; when, in sheer recklessnessand bravado, I raised my hat to you; when you--you, Jovita--liftedyour brave eyes to mine, and there, there in the sanctuary, returnedmy salute, --the salutation of the gambler, the outcast, thereprobate, --then, then I swore that you should be mine, if I tore youfrom the sanctuary. Speak now, Jovita: if it was coquetry, speak now; Iforgive you: if it was sheer wantonness, speak now; I shall spare you:but if-- Jovita (throwing herself in his arms). Love, Juan! I am yours, nowand forever. (Pause. ) But you have not told me all. I will go with youto-night--now. I leave behind me all, --my home, my father, my--(pause)my name. You have forgotten, Juan, you have not told me what I changeTHAT for: you have not told me YOURS. OLD MORTON, in eager excitement, leans beyond shadow of pillar. Oakhurst (embracing her tenderly, with a smile). If I have not told youwho I am, it was because, darling, it was more important that you shouldknow what I am. Now that you know that--why--(embarrassedly) Ihave nothing more to tell. I did not wish you to repeat the name ofOakhurst--because--(aside) how the Devil shall I tell her that Oakhurstwas my real name, after all, and that I only feared she might divulgeit?--(aloud) because--because--(determinedly) I doubted your abilityto keep a secret. My real name is--(looks up, and sees MORTON leaningbeyond pillar) is a secret. (Pause, in which OAKHURST slowly recovershis coolness. ) It will be given to the good priest who to-night joinsour fate forever, Jovita, --forever, in spite of calumny, opposition, or SPIES! the padre whom we shall reach, if enough life remains in yourpulse and mine to clasp these hands together. (After a pause. ) Are youcontent? Jovita. I am. Oakhurst. Then there is not a moment to lose. Retire, and prepareyourself for a journey. I will wait here. Jovita. I am ready now. Oakhurst (looking toward pillar). Pardon, my darling: there was abracelet--a mere trifle--I once gave you. It is not on your wrist. Iam a trifle superstitious, perhaps: it was my first gift. Bring it withyou. I will wait. Go! [Exit JOVITA. OAKHURST watches her exit, lounges indifferently toward gate; whenopposite pillar, suddenly seizes MORTON by the throat, and drags himnoiselessly to centre. Oakhurst (hurriedly). One outcry, --a single word, --and it is your last. I care not who YOU may be!--who I am, --you have heard enough to know, at least, that you are in the grip of a desperate man. (Keys fall fromMORTON'S hand. OAKHURST seizes them. ) Silence! on your life. Morton (struggling). You would not dare! I command you-- Oakhurst (dragging him to gateway). Out you must go. Morton. Stop, I command you. I never turned MY father out of doors! Oakhurst (gazing at MORTON). It is an OLD man! I release you. Do as youwill, only remember that that girl is mine forever, that there is nopower on earth will keep me from her. Morton. On conditions. Oakhurst. Who are you that make conditions? You are not--her father? Morton. No but I am YOURS! Alexander Morton, I charge you to hear me. Oakhurst (starting in astonishment; aside). Sandy Morton, my lostpartner's father! This is fate. Morton. You are astonished; but I thought so. Ay, you will hear me now!I am your father, Alexander Morton, who drove you, a helpless boy, intodisgrace and misery. I know your shameless life: for twenty years it wasmine, and worse, until, by the grace of God, I reformed, as you shall. I have stopped you in a disgraceful act. Your mother--God forgiveme!--left HER house, for MY arms, as wickedly, as wantonly, asshamelessly-- Oakhurst. Stop, old man! Stop! Another word (seizing him), and I mayforget your years. Morton. But not your blood. No, Alexander Morton, I have come thousandsof miles for one sacred purpose, --to save you; and I shall, with God'swill, do it now. Be it so, on one condition. You shall have this girl;but lawfully, openly, with the sanction of Heaven and your parents. Oakhurst (aside). I see a ray of hope. This is Sandy's father; the cold, insensate brute, who drove him into exile, the one bitter memory ofhis life. Sandy disappeared, irreclaimable, or living alone, hatingirrevocably the author of his misery; why should not I-- Morton (continuing). On one condition. Hear me, Alexander Morton. Ifwithin a year, you, abandoning your evil practices, your wayward life, seek to reform beneath my roof, I will make this proud Spanish Don gladto accept you as the more than equal of his daughter. Oakhurst (aside). It would be an easy deception. Sandy has given methe details of his early life. At least, before the imposition wasdiscovered I shall be-- (Aloud. ) I--I-- (Aside. ) Perdition! SHE iscoming! There is a light moving in the upper chamber. Don Jose isawakened. (Aloud. ) I--I--accept. Morton. It is well. Take these keys, open yonder gate, and fly! (AsOAKHURST hesitates. ) Obey me. I will meet your sweetheart, andexplain all. You will come here at daylight in the morning, and claimadmittance, not as a vagabond, a housebreaker, but as my son. Youhesitate. Alexander Morton, I, your father, command you. Go! OAKHURST goes to the gate, opens it, as the sound of DIEGO'S voice, singing in the fog, comes faintly in. O yer's your Sandy Morton, Drink him down! O yer's your Sandy Morton, Drink him down! O yer's your Sandy Morton, For he's drunk, and goin' a-courtin'. O yer's your Sandy Morton, Drink him down! OAKHURST recoils against gate, MORTON hesitates, as window in corridoropens, and DON JOSE calls from upper corridor. Don Jose. Concho! (Pause. ) 'Tis that vagabond Diego, lost his way in thefog. Strange that Concho should have overlooked him. I will descend. Morton (to OAKHURST). Do you hear? Exit OAKHURST through gateway. MORTON closes gate, and returns tocentre. Enter JOVITA hurriedly. Jovita. I have it here. Quick! there is a light in Don Jose's chamber;my father is coming down. (Sees MORTON, and screams. ) Morton (seizing her. ) Hush! for your own sake; for HIS; controlyourself. He is gone, but he will return. (To JOVITA, still struggling. )Hush, I beg, Miss Jovita. I beg, I command you, my daughter. Hush! Jovita (whispering). His voice has changed. What does this mean?(Aloud. ) Where has he gone? and why are YOU here? Morton (slowly and seriously). He has left me here to answer theunanswered question you asked him. (Enter Don Jose and Col. STARBOTTLE, R. And L. ) I am here to tell you that I am his father, and that he isAlexander Morton. TABLEAUX. Curtain. END OF ACT I. ACT II. SCENE 1. --Red Gulch. Canyon of river, and distant view of Sierras, snow-ravined. Schoolhouse of logs in right middle distance. Ledge ofrocks in centre. On steps of schoolhouse two large bunches of flowers. Enter STARBOTTLE, slowly climbing rocks L. , panting and exhausted. Seats himself on rock, foreground, and wipes his face with hispocket-handkerchief. Starbottle. This is evidently the er--locality. Here are the--er--grovesof Academus--the heights of er--Ida! I should say that the unwillingnesswhich the--er--divine Shakespeare points out in the--er--"whiningschoolboy" is intensified in--er--climbing this height, andthe--er--alacrity of his departure must be in exact ratio to hisgravitation. Good idea. Ged! say it to schoolma'am. Wonder what she'slike? Humph! the usual thin, weazened, hatchet-faced Yankee spinster, with an indecent familiarity with Webster's Dictionary! And this is thewoman, Star, you're expected to discover, and bring back to affluenceand plenty. This is the new fanaticism of Mr. Alexander Morton, sen. Ged! not satisfied with dragging his prodigal son out of meritedobscurity, this miserable old lunatic commissions ME to hunt up anotherof his abused relatives; some forty-fifth cousin, whose mother hehad frozen, beaten, or starved to death! And all this to please hisprodigal! Ged! if that prodigal hadn't presented himself that morning, I'd have picked up--er--some--er--reduced gentleman--Ged, that knewhow to spend the old man's money to better advantage. (Musing. ) If thisschoolmistress were barely good-looking, Star, --and she's sure tohave fifty thousand from the old man, --Ged, you might get even withAlexander, sen. , for betrothing his prodigal to Dona Jovita, in spite ofthe--er--evident preference that the girl showed for you. Capital idea!If she's not positively hideous I'll do it! Ged! I'll reconnoitrefirst! (Musing. ) I could stand one eye; yes--er--single eye would notbe positively objectionable in the--er--present experiments ofscience toward the--er--the substitution of glass. Red hair, Star, is--er--Venetian, --the beauty of Giorgione. (Goes up to schoolhousewindow, and looks in. ) Too early! Seven empty benches; seven deskssplashed with ink. The--er--rostrum of the awful Minerva empty, but--er--adorned with flowers, nosegays--demn me! And here, hereon the--er--very threshold (looking down), floral tributes. The--er--conceit of these New England schoolma'ams, andtheir--er--evident Jesuitical influence over the young, is fraught, sir, fraught with--er--darkly political significance. Eh, Ged! there'sa caricature on the blackboard. (Laughing. ) Ha, ha! Absurd chalk outlineof ridiculous fat person. Evidently the schoolma'am's admirer. Ged!immensely funny! Ah! boys will be boys. Like you, Star, just likeyou, --always up to tricks like that. A sentence scrawled below thefigure seems to be--er--explanation. Hem! (Takes out eyeglass. ) Let'ssee (reading. ) "This is old"--old--er--old--demme, sir!--"Starbottle!"This is infamous. I haven't been forty-eight hours in the place, andto my certain knowledge haven't spoken to a child. Ged, sir, it'sthe--er--posting of a libel! The woman, the--er--female, who permitsthis kind of thing, should be made responsible--er--personallyresponsible. Eh, hush! What have we here? (Retires to ledge of rocks. ) Enter MISS MARY L. , reading letter. Miss Mary. Strange! Is it all a dream? No! here are the familiar rocks, the distant snow-peaks, the schoolhouse, the spring below. An hour agoI was the poor schoolmistress of Red Gulch, with no ambition nor hopebeyond this mountain wall; and now--oh, it must be a dream! But hereis the letter. Certainly this is no delusion: it is too plain, formal, business-like. (Reads. ) MY DEAR COUSIN--I address the only surviving child of my cousin Maryand her husband John Morris, both deceased. It is my duty as a Christianrelative to provide you with a home--to share with you that wealth andthose blessings that a kind providence has vouchsafed me. I am awarethat my conduct to your father and mother, while in my sinful andunregenerate state, is no warrantee for my present promise; but mylegal adviser, Col. Starbottle, who is empowered to treat with you, willassure you of the sincerity of my intention, and my legal ability toperform it. He will conduct you to my house; you will share its roofwith me and my prodigal son Alexander, now by the grace of God restored, and mindful of the error of his ways. I enclose a draft for one thousanddollars: if you require more, draw upon me for the same. Your cousin, ALEXANDER MORTON, SEN. My mother's cousin--so! Cousin Alexander! a rich man, and reunitedto the son he drove into shameful exile. Well! we will see thisconfidential lawyer; and until then--until then--why, we are theschoolmistress of Red Gulch, and responsible for its youthful prodigals. (Going to schoolhouse door. ) Miss Mary (stopping to examine flowers). Poor, poor Sandy! Anotheroffering, and, as he fondly believes, unknown and anonymous! As if hewere not visible in every petal and leaf! The mariposa blossom of theplain. The snowflower I longed for, from those cool snowdrifts beyondthe ridge. And I really believe he was sober when he arranged them. Poorfellow! I begin to think that the dissipated portion of this communityare the most interesting. Ah! some one behind the rock, --Sandy, I'llwager. No! a stranger! Col. Starbottle (aside, and advancing). If I could make her think Ileft those flowers! (Aloud. ) When I state that--er--I amperhaps--er--stranger-- Miss Mary (interrupting him coldly). You explain, sir, your appearanceon a spot which the rude courtesy of even this rude miner's camp haspreserved from intrusion. Starbottle (slightly abashed, but recovering himself). Yes--Ged!--thatis, I--er--saw you admiring--er--tribute--er--humble tribute offlowers. I am myself passionately devoted to flowers. Ged! I'vespent hours--in--er--bending over the--er--graceful sunflower, in--er--plucking the timid violet from the overhanging but reluctantbough, in collecting the--er--er--fauna--I mean the--er--flora--ofthis--er--district. Miss Mary (who has been regarding him intently). Permit me to leave youin uninterrupted admiration of them. (Handing him flowers. ) Youwill have ample time in your journey down the gulch to indulge yourcuriosity! Hands STARBOTTLE flowers, enters schoolhouse, and quietly closes door onSTARBOTTLE as SANDY MORTON enters cautiously and sheepishly from left. SANDY stops in astonishment on observing STARBOTTLE, and remains by wingleft. Starbottle (smelling flowers, and not noticing MISS MARY'S absence). Beautiful--er--exquisite. (Looking up at closed door. ) Ged! Mostextraordinary disappearance! (Looks around, and discovers SANDY;examines him for a moment through his eyeglass, and then, after a pause, inflates his chest, turns his back on SANDY, and advances to schoolhousedoor. SANDY comes quickly, and, as STARBOTTLE raises his cane to rap ondoor, seizes his arm. Both men, regarding each other fixedly, holdingeach other, retreat slowly and cautiously to centre. Then STARBOTTLEdisengages his arm. ) Sandy (embarrassedly but determinedly). Look yer, stranger. By the rulesof this camp, this place is sacred to the schoolma'am and her children. Starbottle (with lofty severity). It is! Then--er--permit me to ask, sir, what YOU are doing here. Sandy (embarrassed, and dropping his head in confusion). I was--passing. There is no school to-day. Starbottle. Then, sir, Ged! permit me to--er--DEMAND--DEMAND, sir--anapology. You have laid, sir, your hand upon my person--demn me! Notthe first time, sir, either; for, if I am not mistaken, you arethe--er--inebriated menial, sir, who two months ago jostled me, sir, --demn me, --as I entered the rancho of my friend Don Jose Castro. Sandy (starting, aside). Don Jose! (Aloud. ) Hush, hush! She will hearyou. No--that is--(stops, confused and embarrassed. Aside. ) She willhear of my disgrace. He will tell her the whole story. Starbottle. I shall await your apology one hour. At the end of thattime, if it is not forthcoming, I shall--er--er--waive your menialantecedents, and expect the--er--satisfaction of a gentleman. Good-morning, sir. (Turns to schoolhouse. ) Sandy. No, no: you shall not go! Starbottle. Who will prevent me? Sandy (grappling him). I will. (Appealingly. ) Look yer, stranger, don'tprovoke me, I, a desperate man, desperate and crazed with drink, --don'tye, don't ye do it! For God's sake, take your hands off me! Ye don'tknow what ye do. Ah! (Wildly, holding STARBOTTLE firmly, and forcing himbackward to precipice beyond ledge of rocks. ) Hear me. Three years ago, in a moment like this, I dragged a man--my friend--to this precipice. I--I--no! no!--don't anger me now! (Sandy's grip on STARBOTTLE relaxesslightly, and his head droops. ) Starbottle (coolly). Permit me to remark, sir, that any reminiscence ofyour--er--friend--or any other man is--er--at this moment, irrelevantand impertinent. Permit me to point out the--er--fact, sir, that yourhand is pressing heavily, demned heavily, on my shoulder. Sandy (fiercely). You shall not go! Starbottle (fiercely). Shall not? Struggle. STARBOTTLE draws derringer from his breast-pocket, and SANDYseizes his arm. In this position both parties struggle to ledge ofrocks, and COL. STARBOTTLE is forced partly over. Miss Mary (opening schoolhouse door). I thought I heard voices. (Lookingtoward ledge of rocks, where COL. STARBOTTLE and SANDY are partly hiddenby trees. Both men relax grasp of each other at MISS MARY'S voice. ) Col. Starbottle (aloud and with voice slightly raised, to SANDY). By--er--leaning over this way a moment, a single moment, youwill--er--perceive the trail I speak of. It follows the canyon to theright. It will bring you to--er--the settlement in an hour. (ToMISS MARY, as if observing her for the first time. ) I believe Iam--er--right; but, being--er--more familiar with the locality, you candirect the gentleman better. SANDY slowly sinks on his knees beside rock, with his face avertedfrom schoolhouse, as COL. STARBOTTLE disengages himself, and advancesjauntily and gallantly to schoolhouse. Col. Starbottle. In--er--er--showing the stranger the--er--way, Iperhaps interrupted our interview. The--er--observances of--er--civilityand humanity must not be foregone, even for--er--the ladies. I--er--believe I address Miss Mary Morris. When I--er--state that myname is Col. Starbottle, charged on mission of--er--delicate nature, Ibelieve I--er--explain MY intrusion. MISS MARY bows, and motions to schoolhouse door; COL. STARBOTTLE, bowingdeeply, enters; but MISS MARY remains standing by door, looking towardtrees that hide SANDY. Miss Mary (aside). I am sure it was Sandy's voice! But why does heconceal himself? Sandy (aside, rising slowly to his feet, with his back to schoolhousedoor). Even this conceited bully overcomes me, and shames me with hisreadiness and tact. He was quick to spare her--a stranger--the spectacleof two angry men. I--I--must needs wrangle before her very door! Well, well! better out of her sight forever, than an object of pity or terror. [Exit slowly, and with downcast eyes, right. Miss Mary (watching the trail). It WAS Sandy! and this concealment meanssomething more than bashfulness. Perhaps the stranger can explain. [Enters schoolhouse, and closes door. SCENE 2. --The same. Enter CONCHO, lame, cautiously, from R. Pauses atR. , and then beckons to HOP SING, who follows R. Concho (impatiently). Well! you saw him? Hop Sing. Me see him. Concho. And you recognized him? Hop Sing. No shabe likoquize. Concho (furiously). You knew him, eh? Carramba! You KNEW him. Hop Sing (slowly and sententiously). Me shabe man you callee Diego. Me shabbee Led Gulchee call Sandy. Me shabbee man Poker Flat calleeAlexandlee Molton. Allee same, John! Allee same! Concho (rubbing his hands). Bueno! Good John! good John! And you knew hewas called Alexander Morton? And go on--good John--go on! Hop Sing. Me plentee washee shirtee--Melican man Poker Flat. Me plenteewashee shirt Alexandlee Molton. Always litee, litee on shirt allee time. (Pointing to tail of his blouse, and imitating writing with finger. )Alexandlee Molton. Melican man tellee me--shirt say AlexandleeMolton--shabbee? Concho. Bueno! Excellent John. Good John. His linen marked AlexanderMorton. The proofs are gathering! (crosses to C. )--the letter I found inhis pack, addressed to Alexander Morton, Poker Flat, which first put meon his track; the story of his wife's infidelity, and her flight withhis partner to red Gulch, the quarrel and fight that separated them, hisflight to San Jose, his wanderings to the mission of San Carmel, to therancho of the Holy Fisherman. The record is complete! Hop Sing. Alexandlee Molton-- Concho (hurriedly returning to HOP SING). Yes! good John; yes, goodJohn--go on. Alexander Morton-- Hop Sing. Alexandlee Molton. Me washee shirt, Alexandlee Molton; he nopay washee. Me washee flowty dozen hep--four bittie dozen--twenty dollarhep. Alexandlee Molton no payee. He say, "Go to hellee!" You pay me(extending his hand). Concho. Car--! (checking himself). Poco tiempo, John! In good time, John. Forty dollar--yes. Fifty dollar! Tomorrow, John. Hop Sing. Me no likee "to-mollow!" Me no likee "nex time, John!"Allee time Melican man say, "Chalkee up, John, " "No smallee change, John, "--umph. Plenty foolee me! Concho. You shall have your money, John; but go now--you comprehend. Carramba! go! (Pushes HOP SING to wing. ) Hop Sing (expostulating). Flowty dozen, hep, John! twenty dollar, John. Sabe. Flowty--twenty--(gesticulating with fingers). [Exit HOP SING, pushed off by CONCHO. Concho. The pagan dolt! But he is important. Ah, if he were wiser, I should not rid myself of him so quickly! And now for theschoolmistress, --the sweetheart of Sandy. If these men have not lied, he is in love with her; and, if he is, he has told her his secret beforenow; and she will be swift to urge him to his rights. If he has not toldher--umph! (laughing) it will not be a DAY--an HOUR--before she willfind out if her lover is Alexander Morton, the rich man's son, or"Sandy, " the unknown vagabond. Eh, friend Sandy! It was a woman thatlocked up your secret: it shall be a woman, Madre di Dios! who shallunlock it. Ha! (Goes to door of schoolhouse as door opens, and appearsCOL. STARBOTTLE. ) Concho (aside). A thousand devils! the lawyer of the old man Morton. (Aloud. ) Pardon, pardon! I am a stranger. I have lost my way on themountain. I am seeking a trail. Senor, pardon! Starbottle (aside). Another man seeking the road! Ged, I believe he'slying too. (Aloud. ) It is before you, sir, DOWN, --down the mountain. Concho. A thousand thanks, senor. (Aside. ) Perdition catch him! (Aloud. )Thanks, senor. [Exit R. Starbottle. Ged, I've seen that face before. Ged, it's Castro'smajor-domo. Demn me, but I believe all his domestics have fallen in lovewith the pretty schoolma'am. Enter MISS MARY from schoolhouse. Miss Mary (slowly refolding letter). You are aware, then, of thecontents of this note; and you are the friend of Alexander Morton, sen. ? Col. Starbottle. Permit me a moment, a single moment, to--er--er--explain. I am Mr. Morton's legal adviser. Thereis--er--sense of--er--responsibility, --er--personal responsibility, about the term "friend, " that at the--er--er--present moment I amnot--er--prepared to assume. The substance of the letter is before you. I am here to--er--express its spirit. I am here (with greatgallantry) to express the--er--yearnings of cousinly affection. Iam aware--er--that OUR conduct, --if I may use the--er--the plural ofadvocacy, --I am aware that--er--OUR conduct has not in the past yearsbeen of--er--er--exemplary character. I am aware that the--er--deathof our lamented cousin, your sainted mother, was--er--hastened--Imay--er--say--pre--cip--itated--by our--er--indiscretion But we arehereto--er--confess judgment--with--er--er--costs. Miss Mary (interrupting). In other words, your client, my cousin, havingruined my father, having turned his own widowed relation out of doors, and sent me, her daughter, among strangers to earn her bread; havingseen my mother sink and die in her struggle to keep her family fromwant, --this man now seeks to condone his offences--pardon me, sir, if Iuse your own legal phraseology--by offering me a home; by giving me partof his ill-gotten wealth, the association of his own hypocritical self, and the company of his shameless, profligate son-- Starbottle (interrupting). A moment, Miss Morris, --a single moment!The epithets you have used, the--er--vigorous characterization ofour--er--conduct, is--er--within the--er--strict rules of legaladvocacy, correct. We are--er--rascals! we are--er--scoundrels! weare--er--well, I am not--er--prepared to say that we are not--er--demnme--hypocrites! But the young man you speak of--our son, whose pastlife (speaking as Col. Starbottle) no one more sincerely deprecates thanmyself, --that young man has reformed; has been for the past few monthsa miracle of sobriety, decorum, and industry; has taken, thanks tothe example of--er--friends, a position of integrity in his father'sbusiness, of filial obedience in his father's household; is, in short, aparagon; and, demn me, I doubt if he's his father's son. Miss Mary. Enough, sir! You are waiting for my answer. There is noreason why it should not be as precise, as brief, and as formal as yourmessage. Go to my cousin; say that you saw the person he claims ashis relation; say that you found her, a poor schoolmistress, in a rudemining camp, dependent for her bread on the scant earnings of alreadyimpoverished men, dependent for her honor on the rude chivalry ofoutcasts and vagabonds; and say that then and there she repudiated yourkinship, and respectfully declined your invitation. Starbottle (aside). Ged! Star! this is the--er--female of your species!This is the woman--the--er--one woman--for whom you are responsible, sir!--personally responsible! Miss Mary (coldly). You have my answer, sir. Col. Starbottle. Permit me--er--single moment, --a single moment!Between the er--present moment, and that of my departure--thereis an--er--interval of twelve hours. May I, at the close of thatinterval--again present myself--without prejudice, for your finalanswer? Miss Mary (indifferently). As you will, sir. I shall be here. Col. Starbottle. Permit me. (Takes her hand gallantly. ) Your conductand manner, Miss Morris, remind me--er--singularly--of--er beautifulcreature--one of the--er--first families. (Observing MISS MARY regardinghim amusedly, becomes embarrassed. ) That is--er--I mean--er--er--goodmorning, Miss Morris! (Passes by schoolhouse door, retreating andbowing, and picks up flowers from door-step. ) Good morning! Miss Mary. Excuse me, Col. Starbottle (with winning politeness), butI fear I must rob you of those flowers. I recognize them now as theoffering of one of my pupils. I fear I must revoke my gift (takingflowers from astonished colonel's hand), all except a single one foryour buttonhole. Have you any choice, or shall I (archly) choose foryou? Then it shall be this. (Begins to place flowers in buttonhole, COL. STARBOTTLE exhibiting extravagant gratitude in dumb show. Businessprolonged through MISS MARY's speech. ) If I am not wrong, colonel, thegentleman to whom you so kindly pointed out the road this morning wasnot a stranger to you. Ah! I am right. There, one moment, --a sprig ofgreen, a single leaf, would set off the pink nicely. Here he is knownonly as "Sandy": you know the absurd habits of this camp. Of course hehas another name. There! (releasing the colonel) it is much prettiernow. Col. Starbottle. Ged, madam! The rarest exotic--the Victoria Regina--isnot as--er--graceful--er--tribute! Miss Mary. And yet you refuse to satisfy my curiosity? Col. Starbottle (with great embarrassment, which at last resolves itselfinto increased dignity of manner). What you ask is--er--er--impossible!You are right: the--er--gentleman you allude to is known to meunder--er--er--another name. But honor--Miss Morris, honor!--seals thelips of Col. Starbottle. (Aside. ) If she should know he was a menial!No. The position of the man you have challenged, Star, must be equal toyour own. (Aloud. ) Anything, Miss Morris, but--er--that! Miss Mary (smiling). Be it so. Adios, Col. Starbottle. Col. Starbottle (gallantly). Au revoir, Miss Morris. [Exit, impressively, L. Miss Mary. So! Sandy conceals another name, which he withholds fromRed Gulch. Well! Pshaw! What is that to me? The camp is made up ofrefugees, --men who perhaps have good reason to hide a name that maybe infamous, the name that would publish a crime. Nonsense! Crime andSandy! No, shame and guilt do not hide themselves in those honest butoccasionally somewhat bloodshot eyes. Besides, goodness knows! the poorfellow's weakness is palpable enough. No, that is not the reason. Itis no guilt that keeps his name hidden, --at least, not his. (Seatingherself, and arranging flowers in her lap. ) Poor Sandy! he must haveclimbed the eastern summit to get this. See, the rosy sunrise stilllingers in its very petals; the dew is fresh upon it. Dear littlemountain baby! I really believe that fellow got up before daylight, toclimb that giddy height and secure its virgin freshness. And to think, in a moment of spite, I'd have given it to that bombastic warrior!(Pause. ) That was a fine offer you refused just now, Miss Mary. Think ofit: a home of luxury, a position of assured respect and homage; the lifeI once led, with all its difficulties smoothed away, its uncertaintydispelled, --think of it! My poor mother's dream fulfilled, --I, herdaughter, the mistress of affluence, the queen of social power! Whata temptation! Ah, Miss Mary, WAS it a temptation? Was there nothingin your free life here that stiffened your courage, that steeled theadamant of your refusal? or was it only the memory of your mother'swrongs? Luxury and wealth! Could you command a dwelling more charmingthan this? Position and respect! Is not the awful admiration of theselawless men more fascinating than the perilous flattery of gentlemenlike Col. Starbottle? is not the devotion of these outcasts morecomplimentary than the lip-service of perfumed gallantry? (Pause. )It's very odd he doesn't come. I wonder if that conceited old fool saidanything to him. (Rises, and then seats herself, smiling. ) He HAS COME. He is dodging in and out of the manganita bushes below the spring. Isuppose he imagines my visitor still here. The bashful fool! If anybodyshould see him, it would be enough to make a petty scandal! I'll givehim a talking-to. (Pause. ) I wonder if the ridiculous fool has goneto sleep in those bushes. (Rises. ) Well, let him: it will help him torecover his senses from last night's dissipation; and you, Miss Mary, it is high time you were preparing the lessons for to-morrow. (Goesto schoolhouse, enters door, and slams it behind her; after a momentreappears with empty bucket. ) Of course there's no water, and I am dyingof thirst. (Goes slowly to left, and pauses embarrassedly and bashfully, presently laughs, --then suddenly frowns, and assumes an appearance ofindignation. ) Miss Mary Morris, have you become such an egregious foolthat you dare not satisfy the ordinary cravings of human nature, just because an idle, dissipated, bashful blockhead--nonsense! [Exit, brandishing pail. SCENE 3. --The Same. (A pause. SANDY'S voice, without. ) This way, miss: the trail is easier. (MISS MARY'S voice, without. ) Never mind me; look after the bucket. Enter SANDY, carrying bucket with water, followed by MISS MARY. SANDYsets bucket down. Miss Mary. There, you've spilt half of it. If it had been whiskey, you'dhave been more careful. Sandy (submissively). Yes, miss. Miss Mary (aside). "Yes, miss!" The man will drive me crazy with hissaccharine imbecility. (Aloud. ) I believe you would assent to anything, even if I said you were--an impostor! Sandy (amazedly). An impostor, Miss Mary? Miss Mary. Well, I don't know what other term you use in Red Gulch toexpress a man who conceals his real name under another. Sandy (embarrassed, but facing MISS MARY). Has anybody been tellin' ye Iwas an impostor, miss? Has thet derned old fool that I saw ye with-- Miss Mary. "That old fool, " as you call him, was too honorable agentleman to disclose your secret, and too loyal a friend to traduceyou by an epithet. Fear nothing, Mr. "Sandy": if you have limited yourconfidence to ONE friend, it has not been misplaced. But, dear me, don'tthink I wish to penetrate your secret. No. The little I learned wasaccidental. Besides, his business was with me: perhaps, as his friend, you already know it. Sandy (meekly). Perhaps, miss, he was too honorable a gentleman todisclose YOUR secret. His business was with me. Miss Mary (aside). He has taken a leaf out of my book! He is not sostupid, after all. (Aloud. ) I have no secret. Col. Starbottle came hereto make me an offer. Sandy (recoiling). An offer! Miss Mary. Of a home and independence. (Aside. ) Poor fellow! how pale helooks! (Aloud. ) Well, you see, I am more trustful than you. I will tellyou MY secret; and you shall aid me with your counsel. (They sit onledge of rocks. ) Listen! My mother had a cousin once, --a cousin cruel, cowardly, selfish, and dissolute. She loved him, as women are apt tolove such men, --loved him so that she beguiled her own husband to trusthis fortunes in the hands of this wretched profligate. The husbandwas ruined, disgraced. The wife sought her cousin for help for hernecessities. He met her with insult, and proposed that she should flywith him. Sandy. One moment, miss: it wasn't his pardner--his pardner's wife--eh? Miss Mary (impatiently). It was the helpless wife of his own blood, I tell you. The husband died broken-hearted. The wife, my mother, struggled in poverty, under the shadow of a proud name, to give me aneducation, and died while I was still a girl. To-day this cousin, --thismore than murderer of my parents, --old, rich, self-satisfied, REFORMED, invites me, by virtue of that kinship he violated and despised, to hishome, his wealth, his--his family roof-tree! The man you saw was hisagent. Sandy. And you-- Miss Mary. Refused. Sandy (passing his hand over his forehead). You did wrong, Miss Mary. Miss Mary. Wrong, sir? (Rising. ) Sandy (humbly but firmly). Sit ye down, Miss Mary. It ain't for ye tothrow your bright young life away yer in this place. It ain't for suchas ye to soil your fair young hands by raking in the ashes to stir upthe dead embers of a family wrong. It ain't for ye--ye'll pardon me, Miss Mary, for sayin' it--it ain't for ye to allow when it's TOO LATEfur a man to reform, or to go back of his reformation. Don't ye do it, miss, fur God's sake, --don't ye do it! Harkin, Miss Mary. If ye'll takemy advice--a fool's advice, maybe--ye'll go. And when I tell ye thatthat advice, if ye take it, will take the sunshine out of thesehills, the color off them trees, the freshness outer them flowers, theheart's-blood outer me, --ye'll know that I ain't thinkin' o' myself, butof ye. And I wouldn't say this much to ye, Miss Mary; but you're goin'away. There's a flower, miss, you're wearin' in your bosom, --a flower Ipicked at daybreak this morning, five miles away in the snow. The windwas blowing chill around it, so that my hands that dug for it were stiffand cold; but the roots were warm, Miss Mary, as they are now in yourbosom. Ye'll keep that flower, Miss Mary, in remembrance of my love forye, that kept warm and blossomed through the snow. And, don't start, Miss Mary, --for ye'll leave behind ye, as I did, the snow and rocksthrough which it bloomed. I axes your parding, miss: I'm hurtin' yerfeelin's, sure. Miss Mary (rising with agitation). Nothing, --nothing; but climbingthese stupid rocks has made me giddy: that's all. Your arm. (To SANDYimpatiently). Can't you give me your arm? (SANDY supports MISS MARYawkwardly toward schoolhouse. At door MISS MARY pauses. ) But ifreformation is so easy, so acceptable, why have you not profited byit? Why have you not reformed? Why have I found you here, a disgraced, dissipated, anonymous outcast, whom an honest girl dare not know? Why doyou presume to preach to me? Have you a father? Sandy. Hush, Miss Mary, hush! I had a father. Harkin. All that you havesuffered from a kinship even so far removed, I have known from the handsof one who should have protected me. MY father was--but no matter. You, Miss Mary, came out of your trials like gold from the washing. I wasonly the dirt and gravel to be thrown away. It is too late, Miss Mary, too late. My father has never sought me, would turn me from his doorshad I sought him. Perhaps he is only right. Miss Mary. But why should he be so different from others? Listen. Thisvery cousin whose offer I refused had a son, --wild, wayward, by allreport the most degraded of men. It was part of my cousin's reformationto save this son, and, if it were possible, snatch him from thatterrible fate which seemed to be his only inheritance. Sandy (eagerly). Yes, miss. Miss Mary. To restore him to a regenerated home. With this idea hefollowed his prodigal to California. I, you understand, was only anafter-thought consequent upon his success. He came to California uponthis pilgrimage two years ago. He had no recollection, so they tell me, by which he could recognize this erring son; and at first his searchwas wild, profitless, and almost hopeless. But by degrees, and witha persistency that seemed to increase with his hopelessness, he wasrewarded by finding some clew to him at--at--at-- Sandy (excitedly). At Poker Flat? Miss Mary. Ah, perhaps you know the story, --at Poker Flat. He traced himto the Mission of San Carmel. Sandy. Yes, miss: go on. Miss Mary. He was more successful than he deserved, perhaps. He foundhim. I see you know the story. Sandy. Found him! Found him! Miss, did you say found him? Miss Mary. Yes, found him. And today Alexander Morton, the reclaimedprodigal, is part of the household I am invited to join. So you see, Mr. Sandy, there is still hope. What has happened to him is only a promiseto you. Eh! Mr. Sandy--what is the matter? Are you ill? Your exertionthis morning, perhaps. Speak to me! Gracious heavens, he is going mad!No! No! Yes--it cannot be--it is--he HAS broken his promise: he is drunkagain. Sandy (rising, excited and confused). Excuse me, miss, I am a littleonsartain HERE (pointing to his head). I can't--I disremember--what yousaid jus' now: ye mentioned the name o' that prodigal that was found. Miss Mary. Certainly: compose yourself, --my cousin's son, AlexanderMorton. Listen, Sandy, you promised ME, you know, you said for MY sakeyou would not touch a drop. (Enter cautiously toward schoolhouse theDUCHESS, stops on observing SANDY, and hides behind rock. ) Sandy (still bewildered and incoherent). I reckon. Harkin, miss, is thatthar thing (pointing towards rock where DUCHESS is concealed)--is that atree, or--or--a woman? Is it sorter movin' this way? Miss Mary (laying her hand on SANDY'S). Recover your senses, forHeaven's sake, Sandy, --for MY sake! It is only a tree. Sandy (rising). Then, miss, I've broke my word with ye: I'm drunk. P'r'aps I'd better be a-goin' (looking round confusedly) till I'm sober. (Going toward L. ) Miss Mary (seizing his hand). But you'll see me again, Sandy: you'llcome here--before--before--I go? Sandy. Yes, miss, --before ye go. (Staggers stupidly toward L. Aside. )Found him! found Alexander Morton! It's a third time, Sandy, the thirdtime: it means--it means--you're mad! (Laughs wildly, and exit L. ) Miss Mary (springing to her feet). There is a mystery behind all this, Mary Morris, that you--you--must discover. That man was NOT drunk: heHAD NOT broken his promise to me. What does it all mean? I have it. I will accept the offer of this Alexander Morton. I will tell him thestory of this helpless man, this poor, poor, reckless Sandy. With thestory of his own son before his eyes, he cannot but interest himself inhis fate. He is rich: he will aid me in my search for Sandy's father, for Sandy's secret. At the worst, I can only follow the advice of thiswretched man, --an advice so generous, so kind, so self-sacrificing. Ah-- SCENE 4. --The same. Enter the DUCHESS, showily and extravagantlydressed. Her manner at first is a mixture of alternate shyness andbravado. The Duchess. I heerd tell that you was goin' down to 'Frisco to-morrow, for your vacation; and I couldn't let ye go till I came to thank ye foryour kindness to my boy, --little Tommy. Miss Mary (aside. Rising abstractedly, and recalling herself with aneffort). I see, --a poor outcast, the mother of my anonymous pupil. (Aloud. ) Tommy! a good boy, --a dear, good little boy. Duchess. Thankee, miss, thankee. If I am his mother, thar ain't asweeter, dearer, better boy lives than him. And, if I ain't much assays it, thar ain't a sweeter, dearer, angeler teacher than he's got. Itain't for you to be complimented by me, miss; it ain't for such as meto be comin' here in broad day to do it, either; but I come to ask afavor, --not for me, miss, but for the darling boy. Miss Mary (aside--abstractedly). This poor, degraded creature will killme with her wearying gratitude. Sandy will not return, of course, whileshe is here. (Aloud. ) Go on. If I can help you or yours, be assured Iwill. The Duchess. Thankee, miss. You see, thar's no one the boy has any claimon but me, and I ain't the proper person to bring him up. I did allow tosend him to 'Frisco, last year; but when I heerd talk that a schoolma'amwas comin' up, and you did, and he sorter tuk to ye natril from thefirst, I guess I did well to keep him yer. For, oh, miss, he loves yeso much; and, if you could hear him talk in his purty way, ye wouldn'trefuse him anything. Miss Mary (with fatigued politeness, and increasing impatience). I see, I see: pray go on. The Duchess (with quiet persistency). It's natril he should take to ye, miss; for his father, when I first knowed him, miss, was a gentlemanlike yourself; and the boy must forget me sooner or later--and I ain'tgoin' to cry about THAT. Miss Mary (impatiently). Pray tell me how I can serve you. The Duchess. Yes, miss; you see, I came to ask you to take myTommy, --God bless him for the sweetest, bestest boy that lives!--to takehim with you. I've money plenty; and it's all yours and his. Put himin some good school, whar ye kin go and see, and sorter help himto--forget---his mother. Do with him what you like. The worst you cando will be kindness to what he would learn with me. You will: I know youwill; won't you? You will make him as pure and as good as yourself; andwhen he has grown up, and is a gentleman, you will tell him his father'sname, --the name that hasn't passed my lips for years, --the name ofAlexander Morton. Miss Mary (aside). Alexander Morton! The prodigal! Ah, I see, --theungathered husks of his idle harvest. The Duchess. You hesitate, Miss Mary. (Seizing her. ) Do not take yourhand away. You are smiling. God bless you! I know you will take my boy. Speak to me, Miss Mary. Miss Mary (aloud). I will take your child. More than that, I will takehim to his father. The Duchess. No, no! for God's sake, no, Miss Mary! He has never seenhim from his birth: he does not know him. He will disown him. He willcurse him, --will curse me! Miss Mary. Why should he? Surely his crime is worse than yours. The Duchess. Hear me, Miss Mary. (Aside. ) How can I tell her? (Aloud. )One moment, miss. I was once--ye may not believe it, miss--as good, aspure, as you. I had a husband, the father of this child. He waskind, good, easy, forgiving, --too good for me, miss, too simple andunsuspecting. He was what the world calls a fool, miss: he loved me toowell, --the kind o' crime, miss, --beggin' your pardon, and all preceptsto the contrairy, --the one thing that women like me never forgives. Hehad a pardner, miss, that governed him as HE never governed me;that held him with the stronger will, and maybe ME too. I was young, miss, --no older than yourself then; and I ran away with him, --left all, and ran away with my husband's pardner. My husband--nat'rally--tookto drink. I axes your pardin', miss; but ye'll see now, allowin' yourlarnin', that Alexander Morton ain't the man as will take my child. Miss Mary. Nonsense. You are wrong. He has reformed; he has beenrestored to his home, --your child's home, your home if you will butclaim it. Do not fear: I will make that right. Enter SANDY slowly and sheepishly, R. ; stops on observing the Duchess, and stands amazed and motionless. Miss Mary (observing SANDY--aside). He HAS returned. Poor fellow! Howshall I get rid of this woman? (Aloud. ) Enough. If you are sincere, Iwill take your child, and, God help me! bring him to his home and yours. Are you satisfied? The Duchess. Thank ye! Thank ye, miss; but--but thar's a mistakesomewhar. In course--it's natural--ye don't know the father of thatchild, my boy Tommy, under the name o' Alexander Morton. Ye're thinking, like as not, of another man. The man I mean lives yer, in this camp:they calls him Sandy, miss, --SANDY! Miss Mary (after a pause, coming forward passionately). Hush! I havegiven you my answer, be it Alexander Morton or Sandy. Go now: bring methe child this evening at my house. I will meet you there. (Leads theDUCHESS to wing. The DUCHESS endeavors to fall at her feet. ) The Duchess. God bless you, miss! Miss Mary (hurriedly embracing her). No more, no more--but go! [Exit DUCHESS. MISS MARY returns hurriedly to centre, confronting SANDY. Miss Mary (to SANDY, hurriedly and excitedly). You have heard what thatwoman said. I do not ask you under what alias you are known here: Ionly ask a single question. --Is SHE your wife? are you the father of herchild? Sandy (sinking upon his knees before her, and covering his face with hishands). I am! Miss Mary. Enough! (Taking flower from her bosom. ) Here, I give you backthe flower you gave me this morning. It has faded and died here upon mybreast. But I shall replace it with your foundling, --the child of thatwoman, born like that flower in the snow! And I go now, Sandy, and leavebehind me, as you said this morning, the snow and rocks in which itbloomed. Good-by! Farewell, farewell--forever! (Goes toward schoolhouseas--) Enter COL. STARBOTTLE. Miss Mary (to STARBOTTLE). You are here in season, sir. You must havecome for an answer to your question. You must first give me one to mine. Who is this man (pointing to SANDY), the man you met upon the rocks thismorning? Col. Starbottle. Ahem! I am--er--now fully prepared and responsible, Imay say, miss--er--personally responsible, to answer that question. Whenyou asked it this morning, the ordinary courtesy of the--er--code ofhonor threw a--er--cloak around the--er--antecedents of the--er--manwhom I had--er--elected by a demand for personal satisfaction, to theequality of myself, an--er--gentleman! That--er--cloak is now removed. Ihave waited six hours for an apology or a--er--reply to my demand. I amnow free to confess that the--er--person you allude to was first knownby me, three months ago, as an inebriated menial, --a groom in thehousehold of my friend Don Jose Castro, --by the--er--simple name of"Diego. " Miss Mary (slowly). I am satisfied. I accept my cousin's invitation. [Exit slowly, supported by COL. STARBOTTLE, R. As STARBOTTLE and MISS MARY exeunt R. , CONCHO and HOP SING entercautiously, L. SANDY slowly rises to his feet, passes his hand acrosshis forehead, looks around toward exit of STARBOTTLE and MISS MARY. Sandy (slowly, but with more calmness of demeanor). Gone, gone--forever!No: I am not mad, nor crazed with drink. My hands no longer tremble. There is no confusion here. (Feeling his forehead). I heard them all. Itwas no dream. I heard her every word. Alexander Morton, yes, theyspoke of Alexander Morton. She is going to him, to my father. She isgoing--she, Mary, my cousin--she is going to my father. He has beenseeking me--has found--ah! (Groans. ) No, no, Sandy! Be patient, be calm:you are not crazy--no, no, good Sandy, good old boy! Be patient, bepatient: it is coming, it is coming. Yes, I see: some one has leapedinto my place; some one has leaped into the old man's arms. Some onewill creep into HER heart! No! by God! No! I am Alexander Morton. Yes, yes! But how, how shall I prove it?--how? Who (CONCHO steps cautiouslyforward towards SANDY unobserved) will believe the vagabond, theoutcast--my God!--the crazy drunkard? Concho (advancing, and laying his hand on SANDY). I will! Sandy (staggering back amazedly). You! Concho. Yes, --I, I, --Concho! You know me, Diego, you know me, --Concho, the major-domo of the Blessed Innocents. Ha! You know me now. Yes, Ihave come to save you. I have come to make you strong. So--I have cometo help you strip the Judas that has stepped into your place, --the shamprodigal that has had the fatted calf and the ring, --ah! ah! Sandy. You? You do not know me! Concho. Ah! you think, you think, eh? Listen: Since you left I havetracked HIM--THE IMPOSTOR, this Judas, this coyote--step by step, untilhis tracks crossed yours; and then I sought you out. I know all. I founda letter you had dropped; that brought me to Poker Flat. Ah, you start!I have seen those who knew you as Alexander Morton. You see! Ah, I amwise. Sandy (aside). It is true. (Aloud. ) But (suspiciously) why have you donethis? You, Concho?--you were not my friend. Concho. No, but HE is my enemy. Ah, you start! Look at me, AlexanderMorton, Sandy, Diego! You knew a man, strong, active, like yourself. Eh! Look at me now! Look at me, a cripple! Eh! lame and crushed here(pointing to his leg), broken and crushed here (pointing to his heart), by him, --the impostor! Listen, Diego. The night I was sent to track youfrom the rancho, he--this man--struck me from the wall, dashed me to theearth, and made MY BODY, broken and bruised, a stepping-stone to leapthe wall into your place, Diego, --into your father's heart, --into mymaster's home. They found me dead, they thought, --no, not dead, Diego!It was sad, they said, --unfortunate. They nursed me; they talkedof money--eh, Diego!--money! They would have pensioned me to hushscandal--eh! I was a dog, a foreigner, a Greaser! Eh! That is why I amhere. No! I love you not, Diego; you are of his race; but I hate--Motherof God!--I HATE him! Sandy (rising to his feet, aside). Good! I begin to feel my couragereturn: my nerves are stronger. Courage, Sandy! (Aloud. ) Be itso, Concho: there is my hand! We will help each other, --you to mybirthright, I to your revenge! Hark ye! (SANDY'S manner becomes morecalm and serious. ) This impostor is NO craven, NO coyote. Whoever he is, he must be strong. He has most plausible evidences. We must have rigidproofs. I will go with you to Poker Flat. There is one man, if he beliving, knows me better than any man who lives. He has done me wrong, --agreat wrong, Concho, --but I will forgive him. I will do more, --I willask his forgiveness. He will be a witness no man dare gainsay--mypartner--God help him and forgive him as I do!--John Oakhurst. Concho. Oakhurst your partner! Sandy (angrily). Yes. Look ye, Concho, he has wronged me in a privateway: that is MY business, not YOURS; but he was MY partner, no one shallabuse him before me. Concho. Be it so. Then sink here! Rot here! Go back to your husks, Oprodigal! wallow in the ditches of this camp, and see your birthrightsold for a dram of aguardiente! Lie here, dog and coyote that you are, with your mistress under the protection of your destroyer! For I tellyou--I, Concho, the cripple--that the man who struck me down, the manwho stepped into your birthright, the man who to-morrow welcomes yoursweetheart in his arms, who holds the custody of your child, is yourpartner, --John Oakhurst. Sandy (who has been sinking under CONCHO'S words, rising convulsively tohis feet). God be merciful to me a sinner! (Faints. ) Concho (standing over his prostrate body exultingly). I am right. Youare wise, Concho, you are wise! You have found Alexander Morton! Hop Sing (advancing slowly to SANDY'S side, and extending open palm). Me washee shirt flo you, flowty dozen hab. You no payee me. Me wanteetwenty dollar hep. Sabe! Curtain. END OF ACT II. ACT III. SCENE 1. --The bank parlor of Morton & Son, San Francisco. Room richlyfurnished; two square library desks, left and right. At right, safe inwall; at left, same with practicable doors. Folding door in flat C. , leading to counting-room. Door in left to private room of ALEXANDERMORTON, sen. ; door in right to private room of MORTON, jun. ALEXANDERMORTON, sen. , discovered at desk R. , opening and reading letters. Morton, sen. (laying down letter). Well, well, the usual story; lettersfrom all sorts of people, who have done or intend to do all sorts ofthings for my reclaimed prodigal. (Reads. ) "Dear Sir: five years agoI loaned some money to a stranger who answers the description of yourrecovered son. He will remember Jim Parker, --Limping Jim, of Poker Flat. Being at present short of funds, please send twenty dollars, amountloaned, by return mail. If not convenient, five dollars will do asinstalment. " Pshaw! (Throws letter aside, and takes up another. ) "DearSir: I invite your attention to enclosed circular for a proposed Homefor Dissipated and Anonymous Gold-Miners. Your well-known reputation forliberality, and your late valuable experience in the reformation of yourson, will naturally enlist your broadest sympathies. We enclose a draftfor five thousand dollars, for your signature. " We shall see! Another:"Dear Sir: the Society for the Formation of Bible Classes in the UpperStanislaus acknowledge your recent munificent gift of five hundreddollars to the cause. Last Sabbath Brother Hawkins of Poker Flat relatedwith touching effect the story of your prodigal to an assemblage of overtwo hundred miners. Owing to unusual expenses, we regret to be compelledto draw upon you for five hundred dollars more. " So! (Putting downletter. ) If we were given to pride and vainglory, we might well bepuffed up with the fame of our works and the contagion of our example:yet I fear that, with the worldly-minded, this praise of charity toothers is only the prayerful expectation of some personal application tothe praiser. (Rings hand-bell. ) Enter JACKSON. (To JACKSON. ) File these letters (handing letters) with the others. There is no answer. Has young Mr. Alexander come in yet? Jackson. He only left here an hour ago. It was steamer day yesterday: hewas up all night, sir. Old Morton (aside). True. And the night before he travelled all night, riding two hours ahead of one of our defaulting agents, and saved thebank a hundred thousand dollars. Certainly his devotion to business isunremitting. (Aloud. ) Any news from Col. Starbottle? Jackson. He left this note, sir, early this morning. Old Morton (takes it, and reads). "I think I may say, on my own personalresponsibility, that the mission is successful. Miss Morris will arriveto-night with a female attendant and child. " (To JACKSON. ) That is all, sir. Stop! Has any one been smoking here? Jackson. Not to my knowledge, sir. Old Morton. There was a flavor of stale tobacco smoke in the room thismorning when I entered, and ashes on the carpet. I KNOW that young Mr. Alexander has abandoned the pernicious habit. See that it does not occuragain. Jackson. Yes, sir. (Aside. ) I must warn Mr. Alexander that his friendsmust be more careful; and yet those ashes were good for a deposit offifty thousand. Old Morton. Is any one waiting? Jackson. Yes, sir, --Don Jose Castro and Mr. Capper. Old Morton. Show in the Don: the policeman can wait. Jackson. Yes, sir. [Exit. Old Morton (taking up STARBOTTLE'S note). "Miss Morris will arriveto-night. " And yet he saw her only yesterday. This is not like hermother: no. She would never have forgiven and forgotten so quickly. Perhaps she knew not my sin and her mother's wrongs; perhaps shehas--has--CHRISTIAN forgiveness (sarcastically); perhaps, like myprodigal, she will be immaculately perfect. Well, well: at least herpresence will make my home less lonely. "An attendant and child. " Achild! Ah, if HE, my boy, my Alexander, were still a child, I might warmthis cold, cold heart in his sunshine! Strange that I cannot reconstructfrom this dutiful, submissive, obedient, industrious Alexander, --thisredeemed outcast, this son who shares my life, my fortunes, myheart, --the foolish, wilful, thoughtless, idle boy, that once defied me. I remember (musing, with a smile) how the little rascal, ha, ha! oncestruck me, --STRUCK ME!--when I corrected him: ha, ha! (Rubbing his handswith amusement, and then suddenly becoming grave and lugubrious. ) No, no. These are the whisperings of the flesh. Why should I find fault withhim for being all that a righteous conversion demands, --all that I askedand prayed for? No, Alexander Morton: it is you, YOU, who are not yetregenerate. It is YOU who are ungrateful to Him who blessed you, to Himwhose guiding hand led you to-- Enter JACKSON. Jackson. Don Jose Castro. Enter DON JOSE. Don Jose. A thousand pardons, senor, for interrupting you in the hoursof business; but it is--it is of business I would speak. (Lookingaround. ) Old Morton (to JACKSON). You can retire. (Exit JACKSON. ) Be seated, Mr. Castro: I am at your service. Don Jose. It is of your--your son-- Old Morton. Our firm is Morton & Son: in business we are one, Mr. Castro. Don Jose. Bueno! Then to you as to him I will speak. Here is a letterI received yesterday. It has significance, importance perhaps. But, whatever it is, it is something for you, not me, to know. If I amwronged much, Don Alexandro, you, you, are wronged still more. ShallI read it? Good. (Reads. ) "The man to whom you have affianced yourdaughter is not the son of Alexander Morton. Have a care. If I do notprove him an impostor at the end of six days, believe me one, and notyour true friend and servant, Concho. " In six days, Don Alexandro, theyear of probation is over, and I have promised my daughter's hand toyour son. (Hands letter to MORTON. ) Old Morton (ringing bell). Is that all, Mr. Castro? Don Jose. All, Mr. Castro? Carramba! is it not enough? Enter JACKSON. Old Morton (to JACKSON). You have kept a record of this business duringthe last eighteen months. Look at this letter. (Handing letter. ) Is thehandwriting familiar? Jackson (taking letter). Can't say, sir. The form is the old one. Old Morton. How many such letters have you received? Jackson. Four hundred and forty-one, sir. This is the four hundred andforty-second application for your son's position, sir. Don Jose. Pardon. This is not an application: it is only information orcaution. Old Morton (to JACKSON). How many letters of information or caution havewe received? Jackson. This makes seven hundred and eighty-one, sir. Old Morton. How, sir! (Quickly. ) There were but seven hundred andseventy-nine last night. Jackson. Beg pardon, sir! The gentleman who carried Mr. Alexander'svalise from the boat was the seven hundred and eightieth. Old Morton. Explain yourself, sir. Jackson. He imparted to me, while receiving his stipend, the fact thathe did not believe young Mr. Alexander was your son. An hour later, sir, he also imparted to me confidentially that he believed you were hisfather, and requested the loan of five dollars, to be repaid by you, to enable him to purchase a clean shirt, and appear before you inrespectable condition. He waited for you an hour, and expressed someindignation that he had not an equal show with others to throw himselfinto your arms. Don Jose (rising, aside, and uplifting his hands). Carramba! TheseAmericanos are of the Devil! (Aloud. ) Enough, Don Alexandro! Then youthink this letter is only worth-- Old Morton. One moment. I can perhaps tell you exactly its market value. (To JACKSON. ) Go on, sir. Jackson. At half-past ten, sir, then being slightly under the influenceof liquor, he accepted the price of a deck passage to Stockton. Old Morton. How much was that, sir? Jackson. Fifty cents. Old Morton. Exactly so! There you have, sir (to DON JOSE), the marketvalue of the information you have received. I would advise you, as abusiness matter, not to pay more. As a business matter, you can at anytime draw upon us for the amount. (To JACKSON. ) Admit Mr. Capper. [ExitJACKSON. Don Jose (rising with dignity). This is an insult, Don Alexandro. Old Morton. You are wrong, Mr. Castro: it is BUSINESS; sought, Ibelieve, by yourself. Now that it is transacted, I beg you to dine withme to-morrow to meet my niece. No offence, sir, no offence. Come, come!Business, you know, business. Don Jose (relaxing). Be it so! I will come. (Aside. ) These Americanos, these Americanos, are of the Devil! (Aloud. ) Adios. (Going. ) I hear, by report, that you have met with the misfortune of a serious loss byrobbery? Old Morton (aside). So our mishap is known everywhere. (Aloud. ) Noserious misfortune, Mr. Castro, even if we do not recover the money. Adios. [Exit Don Jose. Old Morton. The stiff-necked Papist! That he should dare, for the sakeof his black-browed, froward daughter, to--question the faith on whichI have pinned my future! Well, with God's blessing, I gave him somewholesome discipline. If it were not for my covenant with Alexander--andnobly he has fulfilled his part, --I should forbid his alliance with theblood of this spying Jesuit. Enter Mr. JACKSON, leading in CAPPER. Jackson. Policeman, sir. [Exit. Capper (turning sharply). Who's that man? Old Morton. Jackson, clerk. Capper. Umph! Been here long? Old Morton. A year. He was appointed by my son. Capper. Know anything of his previous life? Old Morton (stiffly). I have already told you he is an appointee of myson's. Capper. Yes! (Aside. ) "Like master, like man. " (Aloud. ) Well, to business. We have worked up the robbery. We have reached twoconclusions, --one, that the work was not done by professionals; theother, consequent upon this, that you can't recover the money. Old Morton. Excuse me, sir, but I do not see the last conclusion. Capper. Then listen. The professional thief has only one or two ways ofdisposing of his plunder, and these ways are always well known to us. Good! Your stolen coin has not been disposed of in the regular way, through the usual hands which we could at any time seize. Of this we aresatisfied. Old Morton. How do you know it? Capper. In this way. The only clew we have to the identification of themissing money were two boxes of Mexican doubloons. Old Morton (aside). Mr. Castro's special deposit! He may have reason forhis interest. (Aloud. ) Go on. Capper. It is a coin rare in circulation in the interior. The nightafter the robbery, the dealer of a monte-table in Sacramento paid outfive thousand dollars in doubloons. He declared it was taken in at thetable, and could not identify the players. Of course, OF COURSE! So far, you see, you are helpless. We have only established one fact, that therobber is--is--(significantly) a gambler. Old Morton (quietly). The regular trade of the thief seems to me to beof little importance if you cannot identify him, or recover my money. But go on, sir, go on: or is this all? Capper (aside). The old fool is blind. That is natural. (Aloud. ) It isnot all. The crime will doubtless be repeated. The man who has accessto your vaults, who has taken only thirty thousand dollars when he couldhave secured half a million, --this man, who has already gambled thatthirty thousand away, --will not stop there. He will in a day or two, perhaps to-day, try to retrieve his losses out of YOUR capital. I amhere to prevent it. Old Morton (becoming interested). How? Capper. Give me, for forty-eight hours, free access to this building. Let me conceal myself somewhere, anywhere, within these walls. Let it bewithout the knowledge of your clerks, even of YOUR SON! Old Morton (proudly). Mr. Alexander Morton is absent to-day. There isno other reason why he should not be here to consent to the acts of hispartner and father. Capper (quickly). Very good. It is only to insure absolute secrecy. Old Morton (aside). Another robbery might excite a suspicion, worsefor our credit than our actual loss. There is a significant earnestnessabout this man, that awakens my fears. If Alexander were only here. (Aloud. ) I accept. (CAPPER has been trying doors R. And L. ) Capper. What room is this? (At R. ) Old Morton. My son's: I would prefer-- Capper. And this? (At L. ) Old Morton. Mine, sir; if you choose-- Capper (locking door, and putting key in his pocket). This will do. Oblige me by making the necessary arrangements in your counting-room. Old Morton (hesitating and aside). He is right: perhaps it is onlyprudence, and I am saving Alexander additional care and annoyance. [Exit. Enter MR. SHADOW cautiously, C. Shadow (in a lisping whisper to CAPPER). I've got the litht of theclerkth complete. Capper (triumphantly). Put it in your pocket, Shadow. We don't care forthe lackeys now: we are after the master. Shadow. Eh! the mathter? Capper. Yes: the master, --the young master, the reclaimed son, thereformed prodigal! ha, ha!--the young man who compensates himself forall this austere devotion to business and principle by dipping intothe old man's vaults when he wants a pasear: eh, Shadow? That's theman we're after. Look here! I never took any stock in that young man'sreformation. Ye don't teach old sports like him new tricks. They're abad lot, father and son, --eh, Shadow?--and he's a chip of the old block. I spotted him before this robbery, before we were ever called inhere professionally. I've had my eye on Alexander Morton, alias JohnOakhurst; and, when I found the old man's doubloons raked over amonte-table at Sacramento, I knew where to look for the thief. Eh, Shadow? Shadow (aside). He ith enormouth, thith Mithter Capper. Enter OLD MORTON. Old Morton. I have arranged everything. You will not be disturbed orsuspected here in my private office. Eh! (Looking at SHADOW. ) Who hasslipped in here? Capper. Only my Shadow, Mr. Morton; but I can rid myself even of that. (Crosses to SHADOW. ) Take this card to the office, and wait for furtherorders. Vanish, Shadow! [Exit SHADOW. Enter JACKSON. Jackson. Mr. Alexander has come in, sir. (OLD MORTON and CAPPER start. ) Old Morton. Where is he? Jackson. In his private room, sir. Old Morton. Enough: you can go. [Exit JACKSON. Capper (crossing to MORTON). Remember, you have given your pledge ofsecrecy. Beware! Your honor, your property, the credit and reputation ofyour bank, are at stake. Old Morton (after a pause of hesitation, with dignity). I gave youmy word, sir, while my son was not present. I shall save myselffrom breaking my word with you, or concealing anything from him, bywithdrawing myself. For the next twenty-four hours, this room (pointingto private room R. ) is yours. Each regards the other. Exit OLD MORTON C. , as CAPPER exit in privateroom R. After a pause, door of room L. Opens, and HARRY YORK appears, slightly intoxicated, followed by JOHN OAKHURST. Harry York (looking around). By Jove! Morton, but you've got things instyle here. And this yer's the gov'nor's desk; and here old Praisegod Barebones sits opposite ye. Look yer, old boy (throwing himself inchair), I kin allow how it comes easy for ye to run this bank, for it'sabout as exciting, these times, as faro was to ye in '49, when I firstknew ye as Jack Oakhurst; but how the Devil you can sit opposite thatstiff embodiment of all the Ten Commandments, day by day, damn it!that's wot GETS me! Why, the first day I came here on business, theold man froze me so that I couldn't thaw a deposit out of my pocket. Itchills me to think of it. Oakhurst (hastily). I suppose I am accustomed to him. But come, Harry:let me warm you. (Opens door of safe L. , and discovers cupboard, decanter, and glasses. ) York (laughing). By Jove! under the old man's very nose. Jack, this islike you. (Takes a drink. ) Well, old boy, this is like old times. Butyou don't drink? Oakhurst. No, nor smoke. The fact is, Harry, I've taken a year's pledge. I've six days still to run; after that (gloomily), why (with a recklesslaugh), I shall be Jack Oakhurst again. York. Lord! to think of your turning out to be anybody's son, Jack!--least of all, HIS! (Pointing to chair. ) Oakhurst (laughing recklessly). Not more strange than that I should findHarry York, the spendthrift of Poker Flat, the rich and respected Mr. York, produce merchant of San Francisco. York. Yes; but, my boy, you see I didn't strike it--in a rich father. Igave up gambling, married, and settled down, saved my money, invested alittle here and there, and--worked for it, Jack, damn me, --worked for itlike a damned horse! Oakhurst (aside). True, this is not work. York. But that ain't my business with ye now, old boy: it's this. You'vehad some trials and troubles in the bank lately, --a defalcation ofagents one day, a robbery next. It's luck, my boy, luck! but ye knowpeople will talk. You don't mind my sayin' that there's rumors 'round. The old man's mighty unpopular because he's a saint; and folks don'tentirely fancy you because you used to be the reverse. Well, Jack, itamounts to 'bout this: I've withdrawn my account from Parkinson's, inSacramento, and I've got a pretty heavy balance on hand--nigh on twohundred thousand--in bonds and certificates here; and if it will helpyou over the rough places, old boy, as a deposit, yer it is (drawingpocket-book. ) Oakhurst (greatly affected, but endeavoring to conceal it). Thank you, Harry, old fellow--but-- York (quickly). I know: I'll take the risk, a business risk. You'llstand by me all you can, old boy; you'll make it pay all you can; and ifyou lose it--why--all right! Oakhurst (embarrassed). As a deposit with Morton & Son, drawing two percent monthly interest-- York. Damn Morton & Son! I'll back it with Jack Oakhurst, the man Iknow. Oakhurst (advancing slowly). I'll take it, Harry. York (extending his hand). It's a square game, Jack! Oakhurst (seizing his hand with repressed emotion). It's a square game, Harry York, if I live. York. Then I'll travel. Good-night, old boy. I'll send my clerk aroundin the morning to put things right. Good-night (going). Oakhurst (grasping YORK'S hand). One moment--no--nothing! Good-night. [Exit YORK. OAKHURST follows him to door, and then returns to desk, throwing himselfin chair, and burying his face in his hands. Oakhurst (with deep feeling). It needed but this to fill the measure ofmy degradation. I have borne the suspicions of the old man's enemies, the half-pitying, half-contemptuous sympathy of his friends, even hisown cold, heartless, fanatical fulfilment of his sense of duty; butTHIS--this confidence from one who had most reason to scorn me, thistrust from one who knew me as I WAS, --this is the hardest burden. Andhe, too, in time will know me to be an impostor. He too--a reformed man;but he has honorably retraced his steps, and won the position I holdby a trick, an imposture. And what is all my labor beside his honestsincerity? I have fought against the chances that might discover mydeception, against the enemies who would overthrow me, against thefate that put me here; and I have been successful--yes, a successfulimpostor! I have even fought against the human instinct that told thisfierce, foolish old man that I was an alien to his house, to his blood;I have even felt him scan my face eagerly for some reflection of hislong-lost boy, for some realization of his dream; and I have seen himturn away, cold, heartsick, and despairing. What matters that I havebeen to him devoted, untiring, submissive, ay, a better son to him thanhis own weak flesh and blood would have been? He would to-morrow castme forth to welcome the outcast, Sandy Morton. Well, what matters?(Recklessly. ) Nothing. In six days it will be over; in six days the yearof my probation will have passed; in six days I will disclose to him thedeceit I have practised, and will face the world again as John Oakhurst, the gambler, who staked and lost ALL on a single cast. And Jovita! Well, well!--the game is made: it is too late to draw out now. (Rings bell. Enter JACKSON. ) Who has been here? Jackson. Only Don Jose, and Mr. Capper, the detective. Oakhurst. The detective? What for? Jackson. To work up the robbery, sir. Oakhurst. True! Capper, Capper, yes! A man of wild and ridiculoustheories, but well-meaning, brave, and honest. (Aside. ) This is the oldman's idea. He does not know that I was on the trail of the thieves anhour before the police were notified. (Aloud. ) Well, sir? Jackson. He told your father he thought the recovery of the moneyhopeless, but he came to caution us against a second attempt. Oakhurst (aside, starting). True! I had not thought of that. (Excitedly. ) The success of their first attempt will incite them toanother; the money they have stolen is gone by this time. (Aloud. )Jackson, I will stay here to-night and to-morrow night, and relieve yourregular watchman. You will, of course, say nothing of my intention. Jackson. Yes, sir. (Lingering. ) Oakhurst (after a pause). That is all, Mr. Jackson. Jackson. Beg your pardon, Mr. Morton; but Col. Starbottle, with twoladies, was here half an hour ago, and said they would come again whenyou were alone. Oakhurst. Very well: admit them. Jackson. Beg pardon, sir; but they seemed to avoid seeing your fatheruntil they had seen you. It looked mysterious, and I thought I wouldtell you first. Oakhurst (laughing). Admit them, Mr. Jackson. (Exit JACKSON. ) Thispoor fellow's devotion is increasing. He, too, believes that his oldassociate in dissipation, John Oakhurst, IS the son of Alexander Morton. He, too, will have to share in the disgrace of the impostor. Ladies!umph! (Looking down at his clothes. ) I'm afraid the reform of AlexanderMorton hasn't improved the usual neatness of John Oakhurst. I haven'tslept, nor changed my clothes, for three days. (Goes to door of MORTON, sen. 's, room. ) Locked, and the key on the inside! That's strange. Nonsense! the old man has locked his door and gone out through theprivate entrance. Well, I'll find means of making my toilet here. [Exitinto private room L. Enter JACKSON, leading in COL. STARBOTTLE, MISS MARY, the DUCHESS, andchild of three years. Jackson. Mr. Alexander Morton, jun. , is in his private room. He will behere in a moment. [Exit JACKSON. Starbottle. One moment, a single moment, Miss Mary. Permit me to--er--ifI may so express myself, to--er--group the party, to--er--placethe--er--present company into position. I have--er--observed as part ofmy--er--legal experience, that in cases of moral illustration a great, Imay say--er--tremendous, effect on the--er--jury, I mean the--er--guiltyparty, has been produced by the attitude of the--er--victim and martyr. You, madam, as the--er--injured wife (placing her), shall stand here, firm yet expectant, protecting your child, yet looking hopefully forassistance toward its natural protector. You, Miss Mary, shall standhere (placing her), as Moral Retribution, leaning toward and slightlyappealing to me, the image of--er--er--Inflexible Justice! (Inflates hischest, puts his hand in his bosom, and strikes an attitude. ) Door of young Morton's room opens, and discloses MR. OAKHURST gazing atthe group. He starts slightly on observing the DUCHESS, but instantlyrecovers himself, and faces the company coldly. The DUCHESS startson observing OAKHURST, and struggles in confusion towards the door, dragging with her the child and MISS MARY, who endeavors to re-assureher. COL. STARBOTTLE looks in astonishment from one to the other, andadvances to front. Col. Starbottle (aside). The--er--tableau, although striking in moralforce, is apparently--er--deficient in moral stamina. Miss Mary (angrily to the DUCHESS). I'm ashamed of you! (To OAKHURST, advancing. ) I don't ask pardon for my intrusion. If you are AlexanderMorton, you are my kinsman, and you will know that I cannot introducemyself better than as the protector of an injured woman. Come here! (Tothe DUCHESS, dragging her towards OAKHURST. To OAKHURST. ) Look upon thiswoman: she claims to be-- Starbottle (stepping between MISS MARY and the DUCHESS). A moment, Miss Mary, a single moment! Permit me to--er--explain. The whole thing, the--er--situation reminds me, demn me, of most amusing incident atSacramento in '52. Large party at Hank Suedecois: know Hank? Confirmedold bach of sixty. Dinner for forty. Everything in style, firstfamilies, Ged, --Judge Beeswinger, Mat Boompointer, and Maje Blodgettof Ahlabam: know old Maje Blodgett? Well, Maje was there. Ged, sir, delay, --everybody waiting. I went to Hank. "Hank, " I says, "what's matter? why delay?"--"Star, " he says, --always called meStar, --"Star, --it's cook!"--"Demn cook, " I says: "dischargecook, --only a black mulatto anyway!"--"Can't, Star, " he says:"impossible!"--"Can't?" says I. --"No, " says he. "Listen, Star, " he says, "family secret! Honor! Can't discharge cook, because cook--demnit--'s MY wife!" Fact, sir, fact--showed marriage certificate--marriedprivately seven years! Fact, sir-- The Duchess (to MISS MARY). Some other time, miss, let us go now. There's a mistake, miss, I can't explain. Some other time, miss! See, miss, how cold and stern he looks! another time, miss! (Struggling. ) ForGod's sake, miss, let me go! Miss Mary. No! This mystery must be cleared up now, before I enter HIShouse, --before I accept the charge of this-- Starbottle (interrupting, and crossing before MISS MARY). A moment--asingle moment, miss. (To OAKHURST. ) Mr. Morton, you will pardon theexuberance, and perhaps, under the circumstances, somewhat naturalimpulsiveness, of the--er--sex, for which I am perhaps responsible; Imay say--er--personally, sir, --personally responsible-- Oakhurst (coldly). Go on, sir. Starbottle. The lady on my right is--er--the niece of your father, --yourcousin. The lady on my left, engaged in soothing the--er--bashfultimidity of infancy, is--er--that is--er--claims to be, the mother ofthe child of Alexander Morton. Oakhurst (calmly). She is right. Miss Mary (rushing forward). Then you are-- Oakhurst (gently restraining her). You have another question to ask: youhesitate: let me ask it. (Crossing to the DUCHESS. ) You have heard myanswer. Madam, are you the legal wife of Alexander Morton? The Duchess (sinking upon her knees, and dropping her face in herhands). No! Oakhurst. Enough: I will take the child. Pardon me, Miss Morris, but youhave heard enough to know that your mission is accomplished, but whatelse passes between this woman and myself becomes no stranger to hear. (Motions toward room L. ) Miss Mary (aside). It is HIS son. I am satisfied (going). Come, colonel. [Exeunt into room L. , STARBOTTLE and MISS MARY. The Duchess (crossing to OAKHURST, and falling at his feet). Forgive me, Jack, forgive me! It was no fault of mine. I did not know that you werehere. I did not know that you had taken his name! Oakhurst. Hush--on your life! The Duchess. Hear me, Jack! I was anxious only for a home for my child. I came to HER--the schoolmistress of Red Gulch--for aid. I told her thename of my boy's father. She--she brought me here. Oh, forgive me, Jack!I have offended you! Oakhurst. How can I believe you? You have deceived HIM. You havedeceived me. Listen! When I said, a moment ago, you were not the wifeof Alexander Morton, it was because I knew that your first husband--theAustralian convict Pritchard--was still living; that you had deceivedSandy Morton as you had deceived me. That was why I left you. Tell me, have you deceived me also about him, as you did about the other? Is HEliving, and with you; or dead, as you declared. The Duchess (aside). He will kill me if I tell him. (Aloud. ) No, no. Heis gone--is dead these three years. Oakhurst. You swear! The Duchess (hesitates, gasps, and looks around for her child; thenseizing it, and drawing it toward her). I--swear. Oakhurst. Enough. Seek not to know why I am here, and under his name. Enough for you that it has saved your child's future, and secured himhis heritage past all revocation. Yet remember! a word from you withinthe next few days destroys it all. After that, I care not what you say. The Duchess. Jack! One word, Jack, before I go. I never thought to bringmy shame to you!--to HIM! Oakhurst. It was no trick, then, no contrivance, that brought her here. No: it was fate. And at least I shall save his child. Re-enter STARBOTTLE, MISS MARY, and DUCHESS. Col. Starbottle (impressively). Permit me, Mr. Alexander Morton, asthe friend of my--er--principal to declare that we havereceived--honorable--honorable--satisfaction. Allow me, sir, to graspthe hand, the--er--cherished hand of a gentleman who, demn me! hasfulfilled all his duties to--er--society and gentlemen. And allow me toadd, sir, should any invidious criticism of the present--er--settlementbe uttered in my presence, I shall hold that critic responsible, sir--er--personally responsible! Miss Mary (sweeping truculently and aggressively up to JOHN OAKHURST). And permit ME to add, sir, that, if you can see your way clearly outof this wretched muddle, it's more than I can. This arrangement may beaccording to the Californian code of morality, but it doesn't accordwith my Eastern ideas of right and wrong. If this foolish, wretchedcreature chooses to abandon all claim upon you, chooses to run away fromyou, --why, I suppose, as a GENTLEMAN, according to your laws of honor, you are absolved. Good-night, Mr. Alexander Morton. (Goes to door C. , and exit, pushing out STARBOTTLE, the DUCHESS, and child. MR. OAKHURSTsinks into chair at desk, burying his face in his hands. Re-enter slowlyand embarrassedly, MISS MARY: looks toward OAKHURST, and comes slowlydown stage. ) Miss Mary (aside). I was too hard on him. I was not so hard on Sandywhen I thought that he--he--was the father of her child. And he's my ownflesh and blood, too; and--he's crying. (Aloud. ) Mr. Morton. Oakhurst (slowly lifting his head). Yes; Miss Mary. Miss Mary. I spoke hastily just then. I--I--thought--yousee--I--(angrily and passionately) I mean this. I'm a stranger. I don'tunderstand your Californian ways, and I don't want to. But I believeyou've done what you thought was right, according to a MAN'S idea ofright; and--there's my hand. Take it, take it; for it's a novelty, Mr. Morton: it's the hand of an honest girl! Oakhurst (hesitates, then rises, sinks on one knee, and raises MISSMARY'S fingers to his lips). God bless you, miss! God bless you! Miss Mary (retreating to centre door). Good-night, good-night(slowly), --cousin--Alexander. [Exit. Dark stage. Oakhurst (rising swiftly). No, no: it is false! Ah! She's gone. Anothermoment, and I would have told her all. Pshaw! courage, man! It is onlysix days more, and you are free, and this year's shame and agony foreverended. Enter JACKSON. Jackson. As you ordered, sir, the night watchman has been relieved, andhas just gone. Oakhurst. Very good, sir; and you? Jackson. I relieved the porter, sir; and I shall bunk on two chairs inthe counting-room. You'll find me handy if you want me, sir. Good-night, sir. [Exit C. Oakhurst. I fear these rascals will not dare to make their secondattempt to-night. A quiet scrimmage with them, enough to keep me awakeor from thinking, would be a good fortune. No, no! no such luck foryou to-night, John Oakhurst! You are playing a losing game. .. . Yetthe robbery was a bold one. At eleven o'clock, while the bank was yetlighted, and Mr. Jackson and another clerk were at work here, threewell-dressed men pick the lock of the counting-house door, enter, andturn the key on the clerks in this parlor, and carry away a box ofdoubloons not yet placed in the vaults by the porter; and all this doneso cautiously that the clerks within knew nothing of it until notifiedof the open street door by the private watchman, and so boldly that thewatchman, seeing them here, believed them clerks of the bank, and letthem go unmolested. No: this was the coincidence of good luck, not ofbold premeditation. There will be no second attempt. (Yawns. ) If theydon't come soon I shall fall asleep. Four nights without rest will tellon a man, unless he has some excitement to back him. (Nods. ) Hallo! Whatwas that? Oh! Jackson in the counting-room getting to bed. I'll look atthat front door myself. (Takes revolver from desk and goes to door C. , tries lock, comes down stage with revolver, examines it, and lays itdown. ) Oakhurst (slowly and quietly. ) The door is locked on the outside: thatmay have been an accident. The caps are taken from my pistol: THAT wasnot! Well, here is the vault, and here is John Oakhurst: to reach theone, they must pass the other. (Takes off his coat, seizes poker from grate, and approaches safe. ) Ha!some one is moving in the old man's room. (Approaches door of room R. As-- Enter noiselessly and cautiously from room L. , PRITCHARD, SILKY, andSOAPY. PRITCHARD and his confederates approach OAKHURST from behind, carrying lariat, or slip-noose. Oakhurst (listening at door R. ) Good. At least I know from what quarterto expect the attack. Ah! PRITCHARD throws slip-noose over OAKHURST from behind; OAKHURST putshis hand in his breast as the slip-noose is drawn across his bosom, pinioning one arm over his breast, and the other at his side. SILKY andSOAPY, directed by PRITCHARD, drag OAKHURST to chair facing front, andpinion his legs. PRITCHARD, C. , regarding him. Oakhurst (very coolly). You have left me my voice, I suppose, because itis useless. Pritchard. That's so, pard. 'Twon't be no help to ye. Oakhurst. Then you have killed Jackson. Pritchard. Lord love ye, no! That ain't like us, pard! Jackson's tendin'door for us, and kinder lookin' out gin'rally for the boys. Thar'snothin' mean about Jackson. Soapy. No! Jackson's a squar man. Eh, Silky? Silky. Ez white a man ez they is, pard! Oakhurst (aside). The traitor! (Aloud. ) Well! Pritchard. Well, you want ter know our business. Call upon a businessman in business hours. Our little game is this, Mr. Jack MortonAlexander Oakhurst. When we was here the other night, we was wantin'a key to that theer lock (pointing to vault), and we sorter dropped inpassin' to get it. Oakhurst. And suppose I refuse to give it up? Pritchard. We were kalkilatin' on yer bein' even that impolite: wasn'twe, boys? Silky and Soapy. We was that. Pritchard. And so we got Mr. Jackson to take an impression of it in wax. Oh, he's a squar man--is Mr. Jackson! Silky. Jackson is a white man, Soapy! Soapy. They don't make no better men nor Jackson, Silky. Pritchard. And we've got a duplicate key here. But we don't want anydifferences, pard: we only want a squar game. It seemed to us--some ofyour old pards as knew ye, Jack--that ye had a rather soft thing here, reformin'; and we thought ye was kinder throwin' off on the boys, notgivin' 'em any hand in the game. But thar ain't anythin' mean about us. Eh, boys? Soapy. We is allers ready to chip in ekal in the game. Eh, Silky? Silky. That's me, Soapy. Pritchard. Ye see, the boys is free and open-handed, Jack. And so theproposition we wanter make to ye, Jack, is this. It's reg'lar on thesquar. We reckon, takin' Mr. Jackson's word, --and thar ain't no man'sword ez is better nor Jackson's, --that there's nigh on to two millionsin that vault, not to speak of a little speshil deposit o' York's, ez welearn from that accommodatin' friend, Mr. Jackson. We propose to shareit with ye, on ekil terms--us five--countin' Jackson, a square man. Incourse, we takes the risk o' packin' it away to-night comfortable. Ezyour friends, Jack, we allow this yer little arrangement to be a deucedsight easier for you than playin' Sandy Morton on a riglar salary, withthe chance o' the real Sandy poppin' in upon ye any night. Oakkurst. It's a lie. Sandy is dead. Pritchard. In course, in course; that is your little game! But wekalkilated, Jack, even on that, on yer bein' rambunktious and contrary;and so we went ter Red Gulch, and found Sandy. Ye know I take a kind o'interest in Sandy: he's the second husband of my wife, the woman you runaway with, pard. But thar's nothin' mean about me! eh, boys? Silky. No! he's the forgivingest kind of a man, is Pritchard. Soapy. That's so, Silky. Pritchard. And, thinkin' ye might be dubious, we filled Sandy aboutfull o' rye whiskey, and brought him along; and one of our pards ispreambulatin' the streets with him, ready to bring him on call. Oakhurst. It's a lie, Pritchard, --a cowardly lie! Pritchard. Is it? Hush! Sandy (without, singing), -- Oh, yer's yer Sandy Morton, Drink him down! Oh, yer's yer Sandy Morton, Drink him down! Oh, yer's yer Sandy Morton, All alive and just a-snortin'! Oh, yer's yer Sandy Morton, Drink him down! Pritchard. We don't propose to run him in yer, cept we're took, or yerunaccommodatin' to the boys. Oakhurst. And if I refuse? Pritchard. Why, we'll take what we can get; and we'll leave Sandy Mortonwith you yer, to sorter alleviate the old man's feelin's over the lossof his money. There's nothin' mean about us; no! eh, boys? (Going towardsafe. ) Oakhurst. Hear me a moment, Henry Pritchard. (PRITCHARD stops abreastof OAKHURST. ) Four years ago you were assaulted in the Arcade Saloon inSacramento. You would have been killed, but your assailant suddenly felldead by a pistol-shot fired from some unknown hand. I stood twenty feetfrom you with folded arms; but that shot was fired by me, --me, HenryPritchard, --through my clothes, from a derringer hidden in my waistcoat!Understand me, I do not ask your gratitude now. But that pistol is in myright hand, and now covers you. Make a single motion, --of a muscle, --andit is your last. Pritchard (motionless, but excitedly). You dare not fire! No, dare not!A shot here will bring my pal and Sandy Morton to confront you. You willhave killed me to save exposure, have added murder to imposture! Youhave no witness to this attempt! Capper (opening door of room L. , at the same moment that two policemenappear at door C. , and two at room R). You are wrong: he has five(crossing to SILKY and SOAPY, and laying his hands on their shoulders);and, if I mistake not, he has two more in these gentlemen, whom Iknow, and who will be quite as willing to furnish the necessary State'sevidence of the robbery, as of the fact that they never knew any otherAlexander Morton than the gentleman who sits in that chair. Soapy. That's so, Silky. Silky. That's so, Soapy. Capper (to policemen). Take them away. [Exit policemen with PRITCHARD, SOAPY, and SILKY. CAPPER unbindsOAKHURST. Oakhurst. Then I have to thank you, Mr. C. Capper. Yes! "A man of ridiculous theories, but well-meaning, brave, andhonest. " No, sir; don't apologize: you were right, Mr. Oakhurst. It isI who owe you an apology. I came here, believing YOU were therobber, having no faith in you or your reformation, expecting, --yes, sir, --hoping, to detect you in the act. Hear me! From the hour you firstentered the bank, I have shadowed your every movement, I have been thesilent witness of all that has passed in this room. You have played adesperate game, Mr. Oakhurst; but I'll see you through it. If you aretrue to your resolve, for the next six days, I will hold these wretchessilent. I will protect your imposture with the strong arm of the law. Idon't like YOUR theories, sir; but I believe you to be well-meaning, andI know you to be brave and honest. Oakhurst (grasping his hand). I shall not forget this. But Sandy-- Capper. I will put my men on his track, and have him brought quietlyhere. I can give you no aid beyond that. As an honorable man, I need nottell you your duty. Settle it with him as best you can. Oakhurst. You are right; I WILL see him. (Aside. ) Unless he has changed, he will listen to me, he will obey me. Capper. Hush! (Blows out candle. ) Stand here! CAPPER and OAKHURST retreat to wing L. , as enter MORTON, sen. , from roomR. Morton. The private door open, the room dark, and Capper gone. I don'tlike this. The more I think of the mystery of that man's manner thismorning, the more it seems to hide some terrible secret I must fathom!There are matches here. (Strikes a light, as CAPPER draws OAKHURST, struggling, back into shadow. ) What's this? (Picking up key. ) The key ofthe vault. A chair overturned. (Touches bell. ) No answer! Jackson gone!My God! A terrible suspicion haunts me! No. Hush! (Retreats to privateroom R. , as door of L. Opens and--) Enter SANDY. Sandy (drunkenly). Shoo! Shoo! boys, whar are ye, boys, eh? Pritchard, Silky, Soapy! Whar are ye, boys? Morton (aside). A crime has been committed, and here is one of thegang. God has delivered him in my hands. (Draws revolver, and fires, asOAKHURST breaks from CAPPER, and strikes up MORTON'S pistol. CAPPER atsame moment seizes SANDY, and drags him in room L. MORTON and OAKHURSTstruggle to centre. ) Morton (relaxing hold of OAKHURST). Alexander! Good God! Why are youhere? Why have you stepped between me and retribution? You hesitate. Godin heaven! Speak, Alexander, my son, speak for God's sake! Tell me--tellme that this detective's suspicions are not true. Tell me that you arenot--not--no, I cannot say it. Speak, Alexander Morton, I command you!Who is this man you have saved? Is it--is it--your accomplice? Oakhurst (sinking at his feet). Don't ask me! You know not what you ask!I implore you-- Capper (appearing quietly from room L. , and locking the door behindhim). Your son has acted under MY orders. The man he has saved, as hehas saved you, was a decoy, --one of my policemen. TABLEAU. CAPPER, MORTON, OAKHURST. Curtain. END OF ACT III. ACT IV. SCENE 1. --MR. MORTON'S villa, Russian Hill, Night. OAKHURST'S bedroom. Sofa in alcove C. , door in flat left of C. SANDY MORTON discovered, unconscious, lying on sofa; OAKHURST standing at his head, two policemenat his feet. Candles on table L. Oakhurst. That will do. You are sure he was unconscious as you broughthim in? First Policeman. Sure, sir? He hasn't known anything since we picked himup on the sidewalk outside the bank. Oakhurst. Good! You have fulfilled your orders well, and your chiefshall know it. Go now. Be as cautious in going out as you wereon entering. Here is the private staircase. (Opens door L. ) [Exitpoliceman. Oakhurst (listening). Gone! and without disturbing any one. So far, luckhas befriended me. He will sleep to-night beneath his father's roof. Hisfather! umph! would the old man recognize him here? Would he take to hisheart this drunken outcast, picked from the gutters of the street, andbrought here by the strong arm of the law? Hush! (A knock without. ) Ah, it is the colonel: he is prompt to the hour. (Opens door cautiously, andadmits COL. STARBOTTLE. ) Starbottle (looking around, and overlooking SANDY). I presume theother--er--principal is not yet on the ground? Oakhurst (motioning to sofa). He IS! Starbottle (starting as he looks towards sofa). Ged, you don't mean tosay it's all OVER, without witnesses, without my--er--presence? Oakhurst. Pardon me, Col. Starbottle; but, if you look again, you willperceive that the gentleman is only drunk. Starbottle. Eh? Ged! not uncommon, sir, not uncommon! I remembersingular incident at--er--Louisville in '47. Old Judge Tollim--know oldJudge Tolly?--Ged! he came to ground drunk, sir; couldn't stand! Demnme, sir, had to put him into position with kitchen poker down his back, and two sections of lightning-rod in his--er--trousers, demn me!Firm, sir, firm, you understand, here (striking his breast), but--here(striking his legs)--er--er--wobbly! No, sir! Intoxication of principalnot a bar, sir, to personal satisfaction! (Goes towards sofa witheyeglass. ) Good Ged! why, it's Diego! (Returning stifly to OAKHURST. )Excuse me, sir, but this is a case in which I cannot act. Cannot, sir, --impossible! absurd! pre--post--or--ous! I recogmze inthe--er--inebriated menial on yonder sofa a person, sir, who, havingalready declined my personal challenge, is--er--excluded from theconsideration of gentlemen. The person who lies there, sir, is Diego, --amenial of Don Jose Castro, ---alias "Sandy, " the vagabond of Red Gulch. Oakhurst. You have omitted one title, his true one. He is AlexanderMorton, the son of the master of this house. Starbottle (starting in bewilderment). Alexander Morton! (Aside. ) Ged!my first suspicions were correct. Star, you have lost the opportunityof making your fortune as a scoundrel; but you have at a pecuniarysacrifice, preserved your honor. Oakhurst. Yes. Hear me, Col. Starbottle. I have summoned you hereto-night, as I have already intimated, on an affair of honor. I havesought you as my father's legal counsel, as a disinterested witness, asa gentleman of honor. The man who lies before you was once my friend andpartner. I have wronged him doubly. As his partner, I ran away with thewoman he believed, and still believes, to be his wife; as his friend, I have for a twelvemonth kept him from the enjoyment of his home, hispatrimony, by a shameful deception. I have summoned you to-night towitness my confession; as a lawyer, to arrange those details necessaryto restore to him his property; as a man of honor, to receive from mewhatever retribution he demands. You will be a witness to ourinterview. Whatever befalls me here, you will explain to Mr. Morton--toJovita--that I accepted it as a man, and did not avoid, here orelsewhere, the penalty of my crime. (Folding his arms. ) Slarbottle. Umph! The case is, as you say, a delicate one, butnot--not--peculiar. No, sir! Ged, sir, I remember Tom Marshall--know TomMarshall of Kentucky?--said to me, "Star!"--always calls me Star, --"howin blank, sir, can you remember the REAL names of your clients?"--"Why, "says I, "Tom, " always called him Tom, --"yesterday I was called to makewill--most distinguished family of Virginia--as lawyer and gentleman, you understand: can't mention name. Waited for signature--mostdistinguished name: Ged, sir, man signed Bloggins, --Peter Bloggins. Fact, demme! 'Mistake, ' I said, --'excitement; exaltation of fever. Noncompos. Compose yourself, Bob. '--'Star, ' he said, --always called meStar, --'for forty-seven years I have been an impostor!'--his very words, sir. 'I am not'--you understand: 'I AM Peter Bloggins!'" Oakhurst. But, my dear colonel, I-- Starbottle (loftily). Say no more, sir! I accept the--er position. Letus see! The gentleman will, on recognition, probably make a personalattack. You are armed. Ah, no? Umph! On reflection I would not permithim to strike a single blow: I would anticipate it. It will provoke thechallenge from him, leaving YOU, sir, the--er--choice of weapons. Oakhurst. Hush! he is moving! Take your stand here, in this alcove. Remember, as a gentleman, and a man of honor, Col. Starbottle, I trustyou not to interfere between the injured man and--justice! (Pushes COL. STARBOTTLE into alcove behind couch, and approaches SANDY. ) Sandy (waking slowly--and incoherently). Hush, Silky! hush! Eh? Oh, hushyourself! (Sings. ) Oh, yer's yer Sandy Morton, Drink him down! Eh! Oh! (Half sits up on couch. ) Eh! (Looking around him. ) Where thedevil am I? Oakhurst (advancing and leaning over SANDY'S couch). In the house ofyour father, Alexander Morton. Sandy (recoiling in astonishment). His voice, John Oakhurst! What--ah!(Rises, and rushes towards OAKHURST with uplifted hand. ) Starbottle (gesticulating in whisper). A blow! a single blow would besufficient. Sandy (looking at OAKHURST, who regards him calmly). I--eh! I--eh! Ha, ha! I'm glad to see--old pard! I'm glad to see ye! (COL. STARBOTTLElifts his hand in amazement. ) Oakhurst (declining his hand). Do you understand me, Sandy Morton?Listen. I am John Oakhurst, --the man who has deceived your father, whohas deceived you. Sandy (without heeding his words, but regarding him affectionately). To think of it--Jack Oakhurst! It's like him, like Jack. He was allersonsartain, the darned little cuss! Jack! Look at him, will ye, boys?look at him! Growed too, and dressed to kill, and sittin' in this yerhouse as natril as a jaybird! (Looking around. ) Nasty, ain't it, Jack?and this yer's your house--the old man's house--eh? Why, this is--thisis where she came. Jack, Jack! (Eagerly. ) Tell me, pard, where is she? Starbottle (aside, rubbing his hands). We shall have it now! Oakhurst. She has gone, --gone! But hear me. She had deceived you as shehas me. She has gone, --gone with her first husband, Henry Pritchard. Sandy (stupefied). Gone! Her first husband! Pritchard! Oakhurst. Ay, your wife! Sandy. Oh, damn my wife! I'm talking of Mary, --Miss Mary, --the littleschoolma'am, Jack; the little rose of Poker Flat. Oh! I see--ye didn'tknow her, Jack, --the pertiest, sweetest little-- Oakhurst (turning away coldly). Ay, ay! She is here! Sandy (looking after him affectionately). Look at him, boys! Allersthe same, --high-toned, cold, even to his pardner! That's him, --JackOakhurst! But Jack, Jack, you're goin' to shake hands, ain't ye?(Extends his hand, after a pause. OAKHURST takes it gloomily. ) Col. Starbottle (who has been regarding interview with visible scornand disgust, advancing to OAKHURST). You will--er--pardon me if, under the--er--circumstances, I withdraw from this--er--disgracefulproceeding. The condonation, by that man, of two of the most tremendousoffences to society and to the code, without apology or satisfaction, Ged, sir, is--er--er--of itself an insult to the spectator. I go, sir-- Oakhurst. But, Col. Starbottle-- Starbottle. Permit me to say, sir, that I hold myself for this, sir, responsible, sir, --personally responsible. [Exit STARBOTTLE, glancing furiously at SANDY, who sinks on sofalaughing. Oakhurst (aside). He will change his mind in half an hour. But, in themean time, time is precious. (Aloud. ) Sandy, come! Sandy (rising with alacrity). Yes, Jack, I'm ready. Oakhurst. We are going (slowly and solemnly)--we are going to see yourfather. Sandy (dropping back with bashful embarrassment, and struggling torelease his arm from OAKHURST). No, Jack! Not just yet, Jack; in alittle while, ole boy! in about six months, or mebbe--a year, Jack! notnow, not now! I ain't feelin' exactly well, Jack, --I ain't. Oakhurst. Nonsense, Sandy! Consider your duty and my honor. Sandy (regaining his seat). That's all very well, Jack; but ye see, pard, you've known the old man for nigh on a year, and it's twenty-fivesince I met him. No, Jack; you don't play any ole man on to me to-night, Jack. No, you and me'll just drop out for a pasear. Jack, eh? (TakingOAKHURST'S arm. ) Come! Oakhurst. Impossible! Hush! (Listening. ) It is HE passing through thecorridor. (Goes to wing R. , and listens. ) Sandy (crowding hastily behind OAKHURST in alarm). But, I say, Jack! hewon't come in here? He's goin' to bed, you know. Eh? It ain't right fora man o' his years--and he must be goin' on ninety, Jack--to be up likethis. It ain't healthy. Oakhurst. You know him not. He seems to need no rest (sadly). Nightafter night, long after the servants are abed, and the house is still, I hear that step slowly pacing the corridor. It is the last sound as Iclose my eyes, the first challenge of the morning. Sandy. The ol' scound--(checking himself)--I mean, Jack, the ol' man hassuthin' on his mind. But, Jack (in great alarm), he don't waltz in uponye, Jack? He don't p'int them feet in yer, Jack? Ye ain't got to put upwith that, Jack, along o' yer other trials? Oakhurst. He often seeks me here. Ah--yes--he is coming this way now. Sandy (in ludicrous terror). Jack, pard, quick I hide me somewhere, Jack! Oakhurst (opening door R. ). In there, quick! Not a sound, as you valueyour future! [Exit SANDY hurriedly R. SCENE 2. --The same. Enter door R. , OLD MORTON, in dressing-gown, withcandle. Old Morton. Not abed yet, Alexander? Well, well, I don't blame you, myson it has been for you a trying, trying night. Yes, I see: like me, youare a little nervous and wakeful. (Slowly takes chair, and comfortablycomposes himself. ) Oakhurst (aside). He is in for a midnight gossip. How shall I dispose ofSandy? Old Morton. Yes (meditatively), --yes, you have overworked lately. Nevermind. In a day or two more you shall have a vacation, sir, --a vacation! Oakhurst (aside). He knows not how truly he speaks. (Aloud. ) Yes, sir, Iwas still up. I have only just now dismissed the policemen. Old Morton. Ay. I heard voices, and saw a light in your window. I cameto tell you, Alexander, Capper has explained all about--about the decoy!More; he has told me of your courage and your invaluable assistance. Fora moment, sir, --I don't mind telling you now in confidence, --I doubtedYOU-- Oakhurst (in feigned deprecation). Oh, sir! Old Morton. Only for a moment. You will find, Alexander, that eventhat doubt shall have full apology when the year of your probation hasexpired. Besides, sir. I know all. Oakhurst (starting). All! Old Morton. Yes, the story about the Duchess and your child. You aresurprised. Col. Starbottle told me all. I forgive you, Alexander, forthe sake of your boy. Oakhurst. My boy, sir! Old Morton. Yes, your boy. And let me tell you, sir, he's a fine youngfellow. Looks like you, --looks as you did when YOU were a boy. He's aMorton too, every inch of him, there's no denying that. No, sir. You mayhave changed; but he--he--is the living image of my little Alexander. Hetook to me, too, --lifted his little arms--and--and-- (Becomes affected, and leans his head in his hands. ) Oakhurst (rising). You are not well, sir. Let me lead you to your room. Old Morton. No! it is nothing: a glass of water, Alexander! Oakhurst (aside). He is very pale. The agitation of the night hasovercome him. (Goes to table R. ) A little spirits will revive him. (Pours from decanter in glass, and returns to MORTON. ) Old Morton (after drinking). There was spirits in that water, Alexander. Five years ago, I vowed at your mother's grave to abandon the use ofintoxicating liquors. Oakhurst. Believe me, sir, my mother will forgive you. Old Morton. Doubtless. It has revived me. I am getting to be an old man, Aleck. (Holds out his glass half-unconsciously, and OAKHURST replenishesit from decanter. ) Yes, an old man, Aleck; but the boy, --ah, I liveagain in him. The little rascal! He asked me, Aleck, for a "chawtobacker!" and wanted to know if I was the "ol' duffer. " Ha, ha! Hedid. Ha, ha! Come, come, don't be despondent. I was like you once, damnit, --ahem--it's all for the best, my boy, all for the best. I'll takethe young rascal (aside)--damn it, he's already taken me--(aloud) onequal terms. There, Aleck, what do you say? Oakhurst. Really, sir, this forbearance, --this kindness--(aside) I see aray of light. Old Morton. Nonsense! I'll take the boy, I tell you, and do well forhim, --the little rascal!--as if he were the legal heir. But, I say, Aleck (laughing), ha, ha!--what about--ha, ha!--what about Dona Jovita, eh? and what about Don Jose Castro, eh? How will the lady like aready-made family, eh? (Poking OAKHURST in the ribs. ) What will the Donsay to the family succession? Ha, ha! Oakhurst (proudly). Really, sir, I care but little. Old Morton (aside). Oh, ho! I'll sound him. (Aloud. ) Look ye, Alexander, I have given my word to you and Don Jose Castro, and I'll keep it. Butif you can do any better, eh--if--eh?--the schoolma'am's a mighty prettygirl and a bright one, eh, Aleck? And it's all in the family--eh? Andshe thinks well of you; and I will say, for a girl brought up as she'sbeen, and knowin' your relations with the Duchess and the boy, to say akind word for ye, Aleck, is a good sign, --you follow me, Aleck, --if youthink--why, old Don Jose might whistle for a son-in-law, eh? Oakhurst (interrupting indignantly). Sir! (Aside. ) Stop! (Aloud. ) Do youmean to say, sir, that if I should consent to this--suggestion--that, ifthe lady were willing, YOU would offer no impediment? Old Morton. Impediment, my dear boy! you should have my blessing. Oakhurst. Pardon me a moment. You have in the last year, sir, taughtme the importance of business formality in all the relations of life. Following that idea, the conditions of my engagement with Jovita Castrowere drawn up with your hand. Are you willing to make this recantationas formal, this new contract as businesslike and valid? Old Morton (eagerly). I am. Oakhurst. Then sit here, and write at my dictation. (Pointing to tableL. OLD MORTON takes seat at table. ) "In view of the evident preferencesof my son Alexander Morton, and of certain family interests, I herebyrevoke my consent to his marriage with the Dona Jovita Castro, andaccord him full permission to woo and win his cousin, Miss Mary Morris, promising him the same aid and assistance previously offered in his suitwith Miss Castro. " Old Morton (signing). Alexander Morton, sen. There, Aleck! You haveforgotten one legal formality. We have no witness. Ha, ha! Oakhurst (significantly). I will be a sufficient witness. Old Morton. Ha, ha! (Fills glass from decanter, after which OAKHURSTquietly removes decanter beyond his reach. ) Very good! Aleck, I've beenthinking of a plan, --I've been thinking of retiring from the bank. I'mgetting old, and my ways are not the popular ways of business here. I'vebeen thinking of you, you dog, --of leaving the bank to you, --to you, sir, eh--the day--the day you marry the schoolma'am--eh. I'll stay homeand take care of the boy--eh--hic! The little rascal!--lifted his armsto me--did, Aleck! by God! (Incoherently. ) Eh! Oakhurst. Hush! (Aside. ) Sandy will overhear him, and appear. Old Morton (greatly affected by liquor. ) Hush! eh!--of course--shoo!shoo! (The actor will here endeavor to reproduce in OLD MORTON'S drunkenbehavior, without exactly imitating him, the general characteristics ofhis son's intoxication. ) Eh!--I say, Aleck, old boy! what will the Donsay? eh? Ha, ha, ha! And Jovita, that firebrand, how will she--hic--likeit, eh? (Laughs immoderately. ) Oakhurst. Hush! We will be overheard! The servants, sir! Old Morton. Damn the servants! Don't I--hic--pay them wages--eh? Oakhurst. Let me lead you to your own room. You are nervously excited. Alittle rest, sir, will do you good. (Taking his arm. ) Old Morton. No shir, no shir, 'm nerrer goin' to bed any more. Bed's badhabit!--hic--drunken habit. Lesh stay up all ni, Aleck! You and me! Leshnev'r--go--bed any more! Whar's whiskey--eh? (Staggers to the table fordecanter as OAKHURST seizes him, struggle up stage, and then OLD MORTON, in struggle, falls helplessly on sofa, in same attitude as SANDY wasdiscovered. ) Enter SANDY cautiously from door L. Sandy (to OAKHURST). Jack! Eh, Jack-- Oakhurst. Hush! Go! I will follow you in a moment. (Pushes him back todoor L. ) Sandy (catching sight of OLD MORTON). Hallo! What's up? Oakhurst. Nothing. He was overtaken with a sudden faintness. He willrevive presently: go! Sandy (hesitating). I say, Jack, he wasn't taken sick along o' me, eh, Jack? Oakhurst. No! No! But go (pushing him toward door). Sandy. Hold on: I'm going. But, Jack, I've got a kind of faintness yer, too. (Goes to side-table, and takes up decanter. ) And thar's nothingreaches that faintness like whiskey. (Fills glass. ) Old Morton(drunkenly and half-consciously from couch). Whiskey--whoshed--whiskey--eh? Eh--O--gimme some, Aleck--Aleck, my son, --my son!--myold prodigal--Old Proddy, my boy--gimme--whiskey--(sings)-- Oh, yer's yer good old whiskey, Drink it down! Eh? I com--mand you, --pass the whiskey! SANDY, at first panic-stricken, and then remorsefully conscious, throwsglass down, with gesture of fear and loathing. OAKHURST advances to hisside hurriedly. Oakhurst (in hurried whisper). Give him the whiskey, quick! It will keephim quiet. (Is about to take decanter when SANDY seizes it: strugglewith OAKHURST. ) Sandy (with feeling). No, no, Jack, no! (Suddenly with great strengthand determination, breaks from him, and throws decanter from window. )No, NEVER! Old Morton (struggling drunkenly to his feet). Eh--who sh'd never?(OAKHURST shoves SANDY in room L. , and follows him, closing door. ) Eh, Aleck? (Groping. ) Eh, where'sh light? All gone. (Lapses on sofa again, after an ineffectual struggle to get up, and then resumes his oldattitude. ) (Change scene quickly. ) SCENE 3. --Ante-room in MR. MORTON'S villa. Front scene. Enter DON JOSECASTRO and CONCHO, preceded by SERVANT, L. Servant. This way, gentlemen. Don Jose. Carry this card to Alexander Morton, sen. Servant. Beg pardon, sir, but there's only one name here, sir (lookingat CONCHO). Don Jose (proudly). That is my servant, sir. [Exit SERVANT. Don Jose (aside). I don't half like this business. But my money lockedup in his bank, and my daughter's hand bound to his son, demand it. (Aloud. ) This is no child's play, Concho, you understand. Concho. Ah! I am wise. Believe me, if I have not proofs which shallblanch the cheek of this old man, I am a fool, Don Jose! Re-enter SERVANT. Servant. Mr. Morton, sen. , passed a bad night, and has left word not tobe disturbed this morning. But Mr. Morton, jun. , will attend you, sir. Concho (aside). So the impostor will face it out. Well, let him come. Don Jose (to SERVANT) I wait his pleasure. [Exit SERVANT. Don Jose. You hear, Concho? You shall face this man. I shall repeat tohim all you have told me. If you fail to make good your charge, on yourhead rests the consequences. Concho. He will of course deny. He is a desperate man: he will perhapsattack me. Eh! Ah! (Drawing revolver. ) Don Jose. Put up your foolish weapon. The sight of the father he hasdeceived will be more terrible to him than the pistol of the spy. Enter COL. STARBOTTLE, C. Starbottle. Mr. Alexander Morton, Jun. , will be with you in a moment. (Takes attitude by door, puts his hand in his breast, and inflateshimself. ) Concho (to DON JOSE, aside). It is the bullying lawyer. They will try tooutface us, my patron; but we shall triumph. (Aloud. ) He comes, eh!--Mr. Alexander Morton, gentlemen! I will show you a cheat, an impostor! Enter, in correct, precise morning dress, SANDY MORTON. There is in hismake-up and manner a suggestion of the father. Concho (recoiling, aside). Diego! The real son. (Aloud, furiously. )It is a trick to defeat justice, --eh!--a miserable trick! But it shallfail, it shall fail! Col. Starbottle. Permit me, a moment, --a single moment. (To Concho. ) Youhave--er--er--characterized my introduction of this--er--gentleman asa "cheat" and an "imposture. " Are you prepared to deny that this isAlexander Morton? Don Jose (astonished, aside). These Americanos are of the Devil! (Aloudand sternly. ) Answer him, Concho, I command you. Concho (in half-insane rage). It is Alexander Morton; but it is atrick, --a cowardly trick! Where is the other impostor, this Mr. JohnOakhurst? Sandy (advancing with dignity and something of his father's coldmanner). He will answer for himself, when called for. (To DON JOSE. ) Youhave asked for me, sir: may I inquire your business? Concho. Eh! It is a trick, --a trick! Don Jose (to CONCHO). Silence, sir! (To SANDY, with dignity. ) I knownot the meaning of this masquerade. I only know that you are NOT thegentleman hitherto known to me as the son of Alexander Morton. I amhere, sir, to demand my rights as a man of property and a father. I havereceived this morning a check from the house of Morton & Son, for theamount of my deposit with them. So far--in view of this complication--itis well. Who knows? Bueno! But the signature of Morton & Son to thecheck is not in the handwriting I have known. Look at it, sir. (ToSANDY, handing check. ) Sandy (examining check). It is my handwriting, sir, and was signed thismorning. Has it been refused? Don Jose. Pardon me, sir. It has not been presented. With this doubt inmy mind, I preferred to submit it first to you. Starbottle. A moment, a single moment, sir. While as a--er--gentlemanand a man of honor, I--er--appreciate your motives, permit me to say, sir, as a lawyer, that your visit is premature. On the testimony ofyour own witness, the identification of Mr. Alexander Morton, jun. , is--er--complete; he has admitted the signature as his own; you have notyet presented the check to the bank. Don Jose. Pardon me, Col. Starbottle. It is not all. (To SANDY. ) By awritten agreement with Alexander Morton, sen. , the hand of my daughteris promised to his son, who now stands before me, as my former servant, dismissed from my service for drunkenness. Sandy. That agreement is revoked. Don Jose. Revoked! Sandy (handing paper). Cast your eyes over that paper. At least you willrecognize THAT signature. Don Jose (reads). "In view of the evident preferences of my son, Alexander Morton, and of certain family interests, I hereby revoke myconsent to his marriage with the Dona Jovita Castro, and accord him fullpermission to woo and win his cousin, Miss Mary Morris; promising himthe same aid and assistance previously offered in his suit with MissCastro. --ALEXANDER MORTON, SEN. " Concho. Ah! Carramba! Do you not see the trick, --eh, the conspiracy?It was this man, as Diego, your daughter's groom, helped his friend Mr. Oakhurst to the heiress. Ah, you comprehend! It was an old trick! Youshall see, you shall see! Ah! I am wise, I am wise! Don Jose (aside). Could I have been deceived? But no! This paper thatreleases HIM gives the impostor no claim. Sandy (resuming his old easy manner, dropping his formality, and placinghis hand on DON JOSE'S shoulder). Look yar, ole man: I didn't allow toever see ye agin, and this yer ain't none o' MY seekin'. But, since yerhere, I don't mind tellin' ye that but for me that gal of yours wouldhave run away a year ago, and married an unknown lover. And I don'tmind adding, that, hed I known that unknown lover was my friend JohnOakhurst, I'd have helped her do it. (Going. ) Good-morning, Don Jose. Don Jose. Insolent! I shall expect an account for this fromyour--father, sir. Sandy. Adios, Don Jose. [Exit C. Concho. It is a trick--I told you. Ah, I am wise. (Going to DON JOSE. ) Don Jose (throwing him off). Fool! [Exit DON JOSE. Concho (infuriated). Eh! Fool yourself--dotard! No matter: I will exposeall--ah! I will see Jovita;--I will revenge myself on this impostor! (Isabout to follow, when COL. STARBOTTLE leaves his position by the door, and touches CONCHO on the shoulder. ) Starbottle. Excuse me. Concho. Eh? Starbottle. You have forgotten something. Conhho. Something? Starbottle. An apology, sir. You were good enough toexpress--er--incredulity--when I presented Mr. Morton: you were kindenough to characterize the conduct of my er--principal by--an epithet. You have alluded to me, sir, --ME-- Concho (wrathfully). Bully! (Aside. ) I have heard that this pomposo, this braggart, is a Yankee trick too; that he has the front of a lion, the liver of the chicken. (Aloud. ) Yes, I have said, you hear I havesaid, I, Concho (striking his breast), have said you are a--bully! Starbottle (coolly). Then you are prepared to give me satisfaction, sir, --personal satisfaction. Concho (raging). Yes, sir, now--you understand, now (taking out pistol), anywhere, here! Yes, here. Ah! you start, --yes, here and now! Face toface, you understand, without seconds, --face to face. So. (Presentingpistol. ) Starbottle (quietly). Permit me to--er--apologize. Concho. Ah! It is too late! Starbottle (interrupting). Excuse me, but I feared you would not honorme so completely and satisfactorily. Ged, sir, I begin to respect you!I accede to all your propositions of time and position. The pistol youhold in your hand is a derringer, I presume, loaded. Ah--er--I am right. The one I now produce (showing pistol) is--er--as you will perceive thesame size and pattern, and--er--unloaded. We will place them both, so, under the cloth of this table. You shall draw one pistol, I will takethe other. I will put that clock at ten minutes to nine, when we willtake our positions across this table; as you--er--happily express it, "face to face. " As the clock strikes the hour, we will fire on thesecond stroke. Concho (aside). It is a trick, a Yankee trick! (Aloud. ) I am ready. Now--at once! Starbottle (gravely). Permit me, sir, to thank you. Your conduct, sir, reminds me of singular incident-- Concho (angrily interrupting). Come, come! It is no child's play. Wehave much of this talk, eh! It is action, eh, you comprehend, --action. (STARBOTTLE places pistols under the cloth, and sets clock. CONCHO drawspistol from cloth; STARBOTTLE takes remaining pistol. Both men assumeposition, presenting their weapons; STARBOTTLE pompously but seriously, CONCHO angrily and nervously. ) Starbottle (after a pause). One moment, a single moment-- Concho. Ah, a trick! Coward! you cannot destroy my aim. Starbottle. I overlook the--er--epithet. I wished only to ask, ifyou should be--er--unfortunate, if there was anything I could say toyour--er--friends. Concho. You cannot make the fool of me, coward. No! Starbottle. My object was only precautionary. Owing to the position inwhich you--er--persist in holding your weapon, in a line with myright eye, I perceive that a ray of light enters the nipple, and--er--illuminates the barrel. I judge from this that you have beenunfortunate enough to draw the--er--er--unloaded pistol. Concho (tremulously lowering weapon). Eh! Ah! This is murder! (Dropspistol. ) Murder!--eh--help (retreating), help! [Exit hurriedly door C. , as clock strikes. COL. STARBOTTLE lowers hispistol, and moves with great pomposity to the other side of the table, taking up pistol. Starbottle (examining pistol). Ah! (Lifts it, and discharges it. ) Itseems that I am mistaken. (Going. ) The pistol WAS--er--loaded! [Exit. SCENE 4. --Front scene. Room in villa. Enter MISS MARY and JOVITA. Miss Mary. I tell you, you are wrong, you are not only misunderstandingyour lover, which is a woman's privilege, but you are abusing my cousin, which, as his relative, I won't put up with. Jovita (passionately). But hear me, Miss Mary. It is a year since wewere betrothed; and such a betrothal! Why, I was signed, sealed, anddelivered to him, on conditions, as if I were a part of the rancho; andthe very night, too, I had engaged to run away with him! And during thatyear I have seen the gentleman twice, --yes, twice! Miss Mary. But he has written? Jovita. Mother of God! Yes, --letters delivered by my father, sent to HISCARE, read by him first, of course; letters hoping that I was well, and obeying my father's commands; letters assuring me of his unaltereddevotion; letters that, compared with the ones he used to hide in theconfessional of the ruined mission church, were as ice to fire, wereas that snow-flower you value so much, Mary, to this mariposa blossom Iwear in my hair. And then to think that this man--this John Oakhurst, asI knew him; this man who used to ride twenty miles for a smile from meon the church porch; this Don Juan who leaped that garden wall (fifteenfeet, Mary, if it is an inch), and made old Concho his stepping-stone;this man, who daily perilled death for my sake--is changed into thisformal, methodical man of business--is--is--I tell you there's a WOMANat the bottom of it! I know it sure! Miss Mary (aside). How can I tell her about the Duchess? I won't!(Aloud. ) But listen, my dear Jovita. You know he is under probationfor you, Jovita. All this is for you. His father is cold, methodical, unsympathetic. HE looks only to his bond with this son, --this sonthat he treats, even in matters of the heart, as a BUSINESS partner. Remember, on his complete reformation, and subjection to his father'swill, depends your hand. Remember the agreement! Jovita. The agreement; yes! It is the agreement, always the agreement!May the Devil fly away with the agreement! Look you, Miss Mary, I, DonaJovita, didn't fall in love with an agreement: it was with a man! Why, Imight have married a dozen agreements--yes, of a shorter limitation thanthis! (Crossing. ) Miss Mary. Yes. But what if your lover had failed to keep those promisesby which he was to gain your hand? what if he were a man incapable ofself-control? what if he were--a--a drunkard? Jovita (musing). A drunkard! (Aside. ) There was Diego, he was adrunkard; but he was faithless. (Aloud. ) You mean a weak, faithlessdrunkard? Miss Mary. No! (Sadly. ) Faithless only to himself, but devoted--yes, devoted to YOU. Jovita. Miss Mary, I have found that one big vice in a man is apt tokeep out a great many smaller ones. Miss Mary. Yes; but if he were a slave to liquor? Jovita. My dear, I should try to change his mistress. Oh, give me aman that is capable of a devotion to anything, rather than a cold, calculating average of all the virtues! Miss Mary (aside). I, who aspire to be her teacher, am only her pupil. (Aloud. ) But what if, in this very drunkenness, this recklessness, hehad once loved and worshipped another woman? What if you discovered allthis after--after--he had won your heart? Jovita. I should adore him! Ah, Miss Mary! Love differs from all theother contagious diseases: the last time a man is exposed to it, he takes it most readily, and has it the worst! But you, YOU cannotsympathize with me. You have some lover, the ideal of the virtues; someman as correct, as well regulated, as calm as--yourself; some onewho addresses you in the fixed morality and severe penmanship of thecopy-books. He will never precipitate himself over a garden wall orthrough a window. Your Jacob will wait for you through seven years, andreceive you from the hands of your cousin and guardian--as a reward ofmerit! No, you could not love a vagabond. Miss Mary (very slowly and quietly). No? Jovita. No! (Passionately. ) No, it is impossible. Forgive me, Miss Mary:you are good; a better girl than I am. But think of me! A year ago mylover leaped a wall at midnight to fly with me: today, the day thatgives me to him, he writes a few cold lines, saying that he hasbusiness, BUSINESS--you understand--business, and that he shall not seeme until we meet in the presence of--of--of--our fathers. Miss Mary. Yes; but you will see him at least, perhaps alone. Listen: itis no formal meeting, but one of festivity. My guardian has told me, inhis quaint scriptural way, it is the killing of the fatted calf, overhis long-lost prodigal. Have patience, little one. Ah! Jovita, we areof a different race, but we are of one sex; and as a woman I know how toaccept another woman's abuse of her lover. Come, come! [Exeunt MISS MARYand JOVITA. SCENE 5. --The drawing-room of MR. MORTON'S villa. Large open arch incentre, leading to veranda, looking on distant view of San Francisco;richly furnished, --sofas, arm-chairs, and tete-a-tetes. Enter COL. STARBOTTLE, C. , carrying bouquet, preceded by SERVANT, bowing. Starbottle. Take my kyard to Miss Morris. [Exit SERVANT. Starbottle. Star! This is the momentous epoch of your life! It is amoment for which you--are--I may say alone responsible, --personallyresponsible! She will be naturally gratified by the--er--flowers. Shewill at once recognize this bouquet as a delicate souvenir of Red Gulch, and will appreciate your recollection. And the fact, the crushing fact, that you have overlooked the--er--ungentlemanly conduct of her OWNcousin Sandy, the real Alexander Morton, that you have--er--assistedto restore the ex-vaquero to his rights, will--er--er--at once openthe door to--er--mutual confidence and--er--a continuance ofthat--er--prepossession I have already noticed. Ahem! here she is. Enter MISS MARY in full dress. Miss Mary. You are early, Col. Starbottle. This promptitude does honorto our poor occasion. Col. Starbottle. Ged, Miss Mary, promptness with a lady and an adversaryis the first duty of--er--gentleman. I wished that--er--the morningdew might still be--er--fresh in these flowers. I gathered them myself(presenting bouquet) at--er--er--flower-stand in the--er--Californiamarket. Miss Mary (aside). Flowers! I needed no such reminder of poor Sandy. (Aloud. ) I thank you, colonel. Starbattle. Ged, ma'am, I am repaid doubly. Your conduct, Miss Mary, reminds me of little incident that occurred at Richmond, in '58. Dinnerparty--came early--but obliged to go--as now--on important business, before dessert--before dessert. Lady sat next to me--beautifulwoman--excuse me if I don't mention names--said to me, "Star, "--alwayscalled me Star, --"Star, you remind me of the month of May. "--"Ged, madam, "--I said, "delighted, proud; but why?"--"Because, " she said, "youcome in with the--er--oysters. "--No! Ged, pardon me--ridiculousmistake! I mean--er--"you come in with the--er--flowers, and go beforethe--er--fruits. " Miss Mary. Ah, colonel! I appreciate her disappointment. Let us hope, however, that some day you may find that happy woman who will be able tokeep you through the whole dinner and the whole season, until Decemberand the ices! Starbottle. Ged! excellent! Capital! (seriously. ) Miss Mary! (Suddenlyinflating his chest, striking attitude, and gazing on MISS MARY withlanguishing eyes. ) There is--er such a woman! Miss Mary (aside). What can he mean? Starbottle (taking seat beside her). Allow me, Miss Mary, a few momentsof confidential--er--confidential disclosure. To-day is, as you areaware--the day on which, according to--er--agreement between parties, myfriend and client, Mr. Morton, sen. , --formally accepts his prodigal son. It is my--er--duty to state that--er--the gentleman who has for thepast year occupied that position has behaved with great discretion, and--er--fulfilled his part of the--er--agreement. But itwould--er--appear that there has been a--er--slight delusion regardingthe identity of that prodigal, --a delusion shared by all the partiesexcept, perhaps, myself. I have to prepare you for a shock. Thegentleman whom you have recently known as Alexander Morton, jun. , is notthe prodigal son; is not your--er--cousin; is, in fact, no relation toyou. Prepare yourself, Miss Mary, for a little disappointment, --for--er--degradation. The genuine son has been--er--discovered in the personof--er--low menial--or--vagabond, --"Sandy, " the--er--outcast of Red Gulch! Miss Mary (rising in astonishment). Sandy! Then he was right. (Aside. )The child is his! and that woman-- Starbottle. Compose yourself, Miss Mary. I know the--er--effectof--er--revelation like this upon--er--proud and aristocratic nature. Ged! My own, I assure you, beats in--er--responsive indignation. Youcan never consent to remain beneath this roof, and--er--receivea--er--vagabond and--er--menial on equal terms. The--er--necessitiesof my--er--profession may--er--compel me; but you--er--never! Holdingmyself--er--er--responsible for having introduced you here, it ismy--er--duty to provide you with--another home! It is my--er--duty toprotect-- Miss Mary (aside). Sandy here, and beneath this roof! Why has he notsought me? Ah, I know too well: he dare not face me with his child! Starbottle (aside). She turns away! it is maiden coyness. (Aloud. ) If, Miss Mary, the--er--devotion of a life-time; if the--er--chivalrous andrespectful adoration of a man--er--whose record is--er--not unknown inthe Court of Honor (dropping on one knee with excessive gallantry); ifthe--er--measure-- Miss Mary (oblivious of COL. STARBOTTLE). I WILL--I MUST see him! Ah!(looking L. ) he is coming! Enter SANDY. Starbottle (rising with great readiness and tact). I have found it(presenting flower). It had fallen beneath the sofa. Sandy (to MISS MARY, stopping short in embarrassment). I did not knowyou--I--I--thought there was no one here. Miss Mary (to STARBOTTLE). May I ask you to excuse me for a moment? Ihave a few words to say to--to my COUSIN! STARBOTTLE bows gallantly to MISS MARY, and stiffly to SANDY, and exitR. A long pause; MISS MARY remains seated pulling flowers, SANDY remainsstanding by wing, foolish and embarrassed. Business. Miss Mary (impatiently). Well? Sandy (slowly). I axes your pardon, miss; but you told THAT gentlemanyou had a few words--to say to me. Miss Mary (passionately, aside). Fool! (Aloud. ) I had; but I am waitingto first answer your inquiries about your--your--child. I have fulfilledmy trust, sir. Sandy. You have, Miss Mary, and I thank you. Miss Mary. I might perhaps have expected that this revelation of ourkinship would have come from other lips than a stranger's; but--nomatter! I wish you joy, sir, of your heritage. (Going. ) You have found ahome, sir, at last, for yourself and--and--your child. Good-day, sir. Sandy. Miss Mary! Miss Mary. I must make ready to receive your father's guests. It is hisorders: I am only his poor relation. Good-by, sir. [Exit L. Sandy (watching her). She is gone!--gone! No! She has dropped on thesofa in the ante-room, and is crying. Crying! I promised Jack I wouldn'tspeak until the time came. I'll go back. (Hesitating, and looking towardL. ) Poor girl! How she must hate me! I might just say a word, one wordto thank her for her kindness to Johnny, --only one word, and then goaway. I--I--can keep from liquor. I swore I would to Jack, that nightI saw the old man--drunk, --and I have. But--I can't keep--from--her!No--damn it! (Going toward L. ) No!--I'll go! [Exit L. Enter hurriedly and excitedly JOVITA, R. , followed by MANUELA. Jovita. Where is she? Where is HE?--the traitor! Manuela (entreatingly). Compose yourself, Dona Jovita, for the loveof God! This is madness: believe me, there is some mistake. It is sometrick of an enemy, --of that ingrate, that coyote, Concho, who hates theDon Alexandro. Jovita. A trick! Call you this a trick? Look at this paper, put into myhands by my father a moment ago. Read it. Ah! listen. (Reads. ) "In viewof the EVIDENT PREFERENCES of my son, Alexander Morton, I hereby revokemy consent to his marriage with the Dona Jovita Castro, and accord himfull permission to woo and win his cousin, Miss Mary Morris!" Call youthis a trick, eh? No, it is their perfidy! This is why SHE was broughthere on the eve of my betrothal. This accounts for his silence, hisabsence. Oh, I shall go mad! Manuela. Compose yourself, miss. If I am not deceived, there is one herewho will aid us, --who will expose this deceit. Listen: an hour ago, asI passed through the hall, I saw Diego, our old Diego, --your friend andconfidant, Diego. Jovita. The drunkard--the faithless Diego! Manuela. Never, Miss Jovita; not drunken! For, as he passed before me, he was as straight, as upright, as fine as your lover. Come, miss, wewill seek him. Jovita. Never! He, too, is a traitor. Manuela. Believe me, no! Come, Miss Jovita. (Looking toward L. ) See, heis there. Some one is with him. Jovita (looking). You are right; and it is she--SHE, Miss Mary! What? heis kissing her hand! and she--SHE, the double traitress--drops her headupon his shoulder! Oh, this is infamy! Manuela. Hush! Some one is coming. The guests are arriving. They mustnot see you thus. This way, Miss Jovita, --this way. After a little, a little, the mystery will be explained. (Taking JOVITA'S hand, andleading her R. ) Jovita (going). And this was the correct schoolmistress, the preceptressand example of all the virtues! ha! (laughing hysterically) ha! [Exeunt JOVITA and MANUELA. SCENE 6. --The same. Enter SERVANT; opens folding doors C. , revealingveranda and view of distant city beyond. Stage, fog effect from without. Enter STARBOTTLE and OAKHURST, R. , in full evening dress. Starbottle (walking towards veranda). A foggy evening for ouranniversary. Oakhurst. Yes. (Aside. ) It was such a night as this I first steppedinto Sandy's place, I first met the old man. Well, it will be soon over. (Aloud. ) You have the papers and transfers all ready? Starbottle. In my--er--pocket. Mr. Morton, sen. , should be here toreceive his guests. Oakhurst. He will be here presently: until then the duty devolves onme. He has secluded himself even from me! (Aside. ) Perhaps it is in veryshame for his recent weakness. Enter SERVANT. Servant. Don Jose Castro, Miss Castro, and Miss Morris. Enter DON JOSE with JOVITA and MISS MARY on either arm. All formallysalute MR. OAKHURST, except MISS JOVITA, who turns coldly away, takingseat remotely on sofa. COL. STARBOTTLE gallantly approaches MISS MARY, and takes seat beside her. Oakhurst (aside). They are here to see my punishment. There is nosympathy even in her eyes. Enter SERVANT. Servant. Mr. Concepcion Garcia and Mr. Capper. Concho (approaching OAKHURST, rubbing his hands). I wish you joy, Mr. Alexander Morton! Oakhurst (excitedly, aside). Shall I throw him from the window! Thedog!--even he! Capper (approaching MR. OAKHURST). You have done well. Be bold. I willsee you through. As for THAT man (pointing to CONCHO), leave him to ME!(Lays his hand on Concho's shoulder, and leads him to sofa R. OAKHURSTtakes seat in chair L. As SANDY enters quietly from door L. , and standsleaning upon his chair. ) Starbottle (rising). Ladies and gentlemen, we are waiting only for thepresence of Mr. Alexander Morton, sen. I regret to say that for the lasttwenty-four hours--he has been--er--exceedingly preoccupied with themomentous cares of the--er--occasion. You who know the austere habitsof my friend and--er--client will probably understand that he may be atthis very moment engaged in prayerful and Christian meditation, invokingthe Throne of Grace, previous to the solemn duties of--er--er--tonight. Enter SERVANT. Servant. Mr. Alexander Morton, sen. Enter OLD MORTON, drunk, in evening costume, cravat awry, coathalf-buttoned up, and half-surly, half-idiotic manner. All rise inastonishment. SANDY starts forward. OAKHURST pulls him back. Morton (thickly). Don't rish! Don't rish! We'll all sit down! How do youdo, sir? I wish ye well, miss. (Goes around and laboriously shakes handswith everybody. ) Now lesh all take a drink! lesh you take a drink, andyou take a drink, and you take a drink! Starbottle. Permit me, ladies and gentlemen, to--er--explain: our friendis--er--evidently laboring under--er--er--accident of hospitality! In amoment he will be himself. Old Morton. Hush up! Dry up--yourself--old turkey-cock! Eh! Sandy (despairingly). He will not understand us! (To STARBOTTLE. ) Hewill not know me! What is to be done? Old Morton. Give me some whishkey. Lesh all take a drink! (Enter SERVANTwith decanter and glasses. ) Old Morton (starting forward). Lesh all take a drink! Sandy. Stop! Old Morton (recovering himself slightly). Who says stop? Who darescountermand my orderish? Concho (coming forward). Who? I will tell you: eh! eh! Diego--dismissedfrom the rancho of Don Jose for drunkenness! Sandy--the vagabond of RedGulch! Sandy (passionately seizing OLD MORTON'S arm). Yes, Diego--Sandy--theoutcast--but, God help me! no longer the drunkard. I forbid you to touchthat glass!--I, your son, Alexander Morton! Yes, look at me, father: I, with drunkenness in my blood, planted by you, fostered by you--I whomyou sought to save--I--I stand here to save you! Go! (To SERVANT. ) Go!While he is thus, I--I, am master here! Old Morton (cowed and frightened). That voice! (Passing his hand overhis forehead. ) Am I dreaming Aleck, where are you? Alexander, speak, Icommand you: is this the truth? Oakhurst (slowly). It is! Starbottle. One moment--a single moment: permit me to--er--er--explain. The gentleman who has just--er--dismissed the refreshment is, to thebest of my legal knowledge, your son. The gentleman who for thepast year has so admirably filled the functions of that officeis--er--prepared to admit this. The proofs are--er--conclusive. It iswith the--er--intention of offering them, and--er--returning your lawfulheir, that we--er--are here to-night. Old Morton (rising to his feet). And renounce you both! Out of myhouse, out of my sight, out of my heart, forever! Go! liars, swindlers, confederates! Drunk-- Oakhurst (retiring slowly with SANDY). We are going, sir! Old Morton. Go! open the doors there WIDE, wide enough for such abreadth of infamy! Do you hear me? I am master here! Stands erect, as OAKHURST and SANDY, hand in hand, slowly retreatbackward to centre, --then suddenly utters a cry, and falls heavily onsofa. Both pause: OAKHURST remains quiet and motionless; SANDY, after amoment's hesitation, rushes forward, and falls at his feet. Sandy. Father, forgive me! Old Morton (putting his hand round SANDY'S neck, and motioning himto door). Go! both of you, both of you! (Resisting SANDY'S attempt torise. ) Did you hear me? Go! Starbottle. Permit me to--explain. Your conduct, Mr. Morton, reminds meof sing'lar incident in '47-- Old Morton. Silence! Oakhurst. One word, Mr. Morton! Shamed and disgraced as I am, I leavethis roof more gladly than I entered it. How I came here, you best know. How I yielded madly to the temptation, the promise of a better life; howI fell, through the hope of reformation, --no one should know better thanyou, sir, the reformer. I do not ask your pardon. You know that I did myduty to you as your presumed son. Your real son will bear witness, that, from the hour I knew of his existence, I did my duty equally to him. Col. Starbottle has all the legal transfers and papers necessary tomake the restoration of your son--the integrity of your businessname--complete. I take nothing out of this life that I did not bring init, --except my self-respect! I go--as I came--alone! Jovita (rushing towards him). No! no! You shall take ME! I have wrongedyou, Jack, cruelly; I have doubted you; but you shall not go alone. Icare not for this contract! You are more to me, by your own right, Jack, than by any kinship with such as these! Oakhurst (raising her gently). I thank you, darling. But it is too latenow. To be more worthy of you, to win YOU, I waived the title I had toyou in my own manhood, to borrow another's more legal claim. I who wouldnot win you as a gambler, cannot make you now the wife of a convictedimpostor. No! Hear me, darling! do not make my disgrace greater than itis. In the years to come, Jovita, think of me as one who loved you wellenough to go through shame to win you, but too well to ask you to sharewith him that shame. Farewell, darling, farewell! (Releases himself fromJOVITA'S arms, who falls beside him. ) Concho (rubbing his hands, and standing before him). Oho! Mr. JohnOakhurst--eh--was it for this, eh--you leaped the garden wall, eh? wasit for this you struck me down, eh? You are not wise, eh? You shouldhave run away with the Dona when you could--ah, ah, impostor! Sandy (leaping to his feet). Jack, you shall not go! I will go with you! Oakhurst. No! Your place is there. (Pointing to old MORTON, whose headhas sunk drunkenly on his breast. ) Heed not this man; his tongue carriesonly the borrowed lash of his master. Concho. Eh! you are bold now--bold; but I said I would have revenge--ah, revenge! Sandy (rushing toward him). Coward! Don Jose. Hold your hand, sir! Hold! I allow no one to correct mymenials but myself. Concho, order my carriage! Concho. It is ready, sir. Don Jose. Then lead the way to it, for my daughter and her husband, JohnOakhurst. --Good-night, Mr. Morton, I can sympathize with you; for wehave both found a son. I am willing to exchange my dismissed servant foryour dismissed PARTNER. Starbottle (advancing). Ged, sir, I respect you! Ged, sir, permit me, sir, to grasp that honorable hand! Old Morton (excitedly). He is right, my partner. What have I done!The house of Morton & Son dissolved. The man known as my partner--afugitive! No, Alexander! Starbottle. One moment--a single moment! As a lawyer, permit me tosay, sir, that the whole complication may be settled, sir, bythe--er--addition of--er--single letter! The house of Morton & Son shallhereafter read Morton & Sons. The papers for the legal adoption of Mr. Oakhurst are--er--in my pocket. Old Morton (more soberly). Have it your own way, sir! Morton & Sons beit. Hark ye, Don Jose! We are equal at last. But--hark ye, Aleck!How about the boy, eh?--my grandson, eh? Is this one of the sons byadoption? Sandy (embarrassedly). It is my own, sir. Capper (advancing). He can with safety claim it; for the mother is onher way to Australia with her husband. Old Morton. And the schoolma'am, eh? Miss Mary. She will claim the usual year of probation for your prodigal, and then-- Sandy. God bless ye, Miss Mary! Old Morton. I am in a dream! But the world--my friends--my patrons--howcan I explain? Starbottle. I will--er--explain. (Advancing slowly to front--toaudience. ) One moment--er--a single moment! If anything thathas--er--transpired this evening--might seem to you, ladiesand gentlemen--er--morally or--er--legally--or honorably torequire--er--apology--or--er--explanation--permit me to say--thatI--Col. Culpepper Starbottle, hold myself responsible--er--personallyresponsible. Capper. Concho. Old Morton. Sandy. Miss Mary. Don Jose. Jovita. Oakhurst. Col. Starbottle. Curtain.