[Illustration: "'Then in charity say that word!'"] THE TRACER OF LOST PERSONS BY R. W. CHAMBERS TO MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM A. HALL 1906 _For the harmony of the world, like that of a harp, is made up of discords. _ --HERACLITUS. THE TRACER OF LOST PERSONS CHAPTER I He was thirty-three, agreeable to look at, equipped with as much cultureand intelligence as is tolerated east of Fifth Avenue and west ofMadison. He had a couple of elaborate rooms at the Lenox Club, a largerincome than seemed to be good for him, and no profession. It followsthat he was a pessimist before breakfast. Besides, it's a bad thing fora man at thirty-three to come to the conclusion that he has seen all themost attractive girls in the world and that they have been vastlyoverrated. So, when a club servant with gilt buttons on his coat tailsknocked at the door, the invitation to enter was not very cordial. He ofthe buttons knocked again to take the edge off before he entered; thenopened the door and unburdened himself as follows: "Mr. Gatewood, sir, Mr. Kerns's compliments, and wishes to know if 'emay 'ave 'is coffee served at your tyble, sir. " Gatewood, before the mirror, gave a vicious twist to his tie, inserted apearl scarf pin, and regarded the effect with gloomy approval. "Say to Mr. Kerns that I am--flattered, " he replied morosely; "and tellHenry I want him. " "'Enry, sir? Yes, sir. " The servant left; one of the sleek club valets came in, softly sidling. "Henry!" "Sir?" "I'll wear a white waistcoat, if you don't object. " The valet laid out half a dozen. "Which one do you usually wear when I'm away, Henry? Which is _your_favorite?" "Sir?" "Pick it out and don't look injured, and _don't_ roll up your eyes. Imerely desire to borrow it for one day. " "Very good, sir. " "And, Henry, hereafter always help yourself to my _best_ cigars. Those Ismoke may injure you. I've attempted to conceal the keys, but you will, of course, eventually discover them under that loose tile on thehearth. " "Yes, sir; thanky', sir, " returned the valet gravely. "And--Henry!" "Sir?" with martyred dignity. "When you are tired of searching for my olivine and opal pin, just findit, for a change. I'd like to wear that pin for a day or two if it wouldnot inconvenience you. " "Very good, sir; I will 'unt it hup, sir. " Gatewood put on his coat, took hat and gloves from the unabashed valet, and sauntered down to the sunny breakfast room, where he found Kernsinspecting a morning paper and leisurely consuming grapefruit with acocktail on the side. "Hullo, " observed Kerns briefly. "I'm not on the telephone, " snapped Gatewood. "I beg your pardon; how are you, dear friend?" "_I_ don't know how I am, " retorted Gatewood irritably; "how the devilshould a man know how he is?" "Everything going to the bowwows, _as_ usual, dear friend?" "_As_ usual. Oh, read your paper, Tommy! You know well enough I'm notone of those tail-wagging imbeciles who wakes up in the morning singinglike a half-witted lark. Why should I, with this taste in my mouth, andthe laundress using vitriol, and Henry sneering at my cigars?" He yawnedand cast his eyes toward the ceiling. "Besides, there's too much giltall over this club! There's too much everywhere. Half the world isstucco, the rest rococo. Where's that Martini I bid for?" Kerns, undisturbed, applied himself to cocoa and toasted muffins. Grapefruit and an amber-tinted accessory were brought for the other andsampled without mirth. However, a little later Gatewood said: "Well, areyou going to read your paper all day?" "What you need, " said Kerns, laying the paper aside, "is a job--any oldkind would do, dear friend. " "I don't want to make any more money. " "I don't want you to. I mean a job where you'd lose a lot and be scaredinto thanking Heaven for carfare. _You're_ a nice object for thebreakfast table!" "Bridge. I will be amiable enough by noon time. " "Yes, you're endurable by noon time, as a rule. When you're forty youmay be tolerated after five o'clock; when you're fifty your wife andchildren might even venture to emerge from the cellar after dinner--" "Wife!" "I said wife, " replied Kerns, as he calmly watched his man. He had managed it well, so far, and he was wise enough not to overdo it. An interval of silence was what the situation required. "I wish I _had_ a wife, " muttered Gatewood after a long pause. "Oh, haven't you said that every day for five years? Wife! Look at thewilling assortment of dreams playing Sally Waters around town. Isn'tthis borough a bower of beauty--a flowery thicket where the prettiestkind in all the world grow under glass or outdoors? And what do you do?You used to pretend to prowl about inspecting the yearly crop of posies, growling, cynical, dissatisfied; but you've even given that up. Now youonly point your nose skyward and squall for a mate, and yowl mournfullythat you never have seen your ideal. _I_ know _you_. " "I never have seen my ideal, " retorted Gatewood sulkily, "but I know sheexists--somewhere between heaven and Hoboken. " "You're sure, are you?" "Oh, _I'm_ sure. And, rich or poor, good or bad, she was fashioned forme alone. That's a theory of mine; _you_ needn't accept it; in fact, it's none of your business, Tommy. " "All the same, " insisted Kerns, "did you ever consider that if yourideal does exist somewhere, it is morally up to you to find her?" "Haven't I inspected every débutante for ten years? You don't expect meto advertise for an ideal, do you--object, matrimony?" Kerns regarded him intently. "Now, I'm going to make a vivid suggestion, Jack. In fact, that's why I subjected myself to the ordeal ofbreakfasting with you. It's none of my business, as you so kindly putit, but--_shall_ I suggest something?" "Go ahead, " replied Gatewood, tranquilly lighting a cigarette. "I knowwhat you'll say. " "No, you don't. Firstly, you are having such a good time in this worldthat you don't really enjoy yourself--isn't that so?" "I--well I--well, let it go at that. " "Secondly, with all your crimes and felonies, you have one decent traitleft: you really would like to fall in love. And I suspect you'd evenmarry. " "There are grounds, " said Gatewood guardedly, "for your suspicions. _Etaprès?_" "Good. Then there's a way! I know--" "Oh, don't tell me you 'know a girl, ' or anything like that!" beganGatewood sullenly. "I've heard that before, and I won't meet her. " "I don't want you to; I don't know anybody. All I desire to say is this:I do know a way. The other day I noticed a sign on Fifth Avenue: KEEN & CO. TRACERS OF LOST PERSONS It was a most extraordinary sign; and having a little unemployedimagination I began to speculate on how Keen & Co. Might operate, and Iwondered a little, too, that, the conditions of life in this city couldenable a firm to make a living by devoting itself exclusively to thebusiness of hunting up missing people. " Kerns paused, partly to light a cigarette, partly for diplomaticreasons. "What has all this to do with me?" inquired Gatewood curiously; anddiplomacy scored one. "Why not try Keen & Co. ?" "Try them? Why? I haven't lost anybody, have I?" "You haven't, precisely _lost anybody_, but the fact remains that youcan't _find somebody_, " returned Kerns coolly. "Why not employ Keen &Co. To look for her?" "Look for whom, in Heaven's name?" "Your ideal. " "Look for--for my ideal! Kerns, you're crazy. How the mischief cananybody hunt for somebody who doesn't exist?" "You _say_ that she _does_ exist. " "But I can't prove it, man. " "You don't have to; it's up to Keen & Co. To prove it. That's why youemploy them. " "What wild nonsense you talk! Keen & Co. Might, perhaps, be able totrace the concrete, but how are they going to trace and find theabstract?" "She isn't abstract; she is a lovely, healthy, and youthful concreteobject--if, as you say, she _does_ exist. " "How can I _prove_ she exists?" "You don't have to; they do that. " "Look here, " said Gatewood almost angrily, "do you suppose that if Iwere ass enough to go to these people and tell them that I wanted tofind my ideal--" "_Don't_ tell them _that_!" "But how--" "There is no necessity for going into such trivial details. All youneed say is: 'I am very anxious to find a young lady'--and then describeher as minutely as you please. Then, when they locate a girl of thatdescription they'll notify you; you will go, judge for yourself whethershe is the one woman on earth--and, if disappointed, you need only shakeyour head and murmur: 'Not _the_ same!' And it's for them to findanother. " "I won't do it!" said Gatewood hotly. "Why not? At least, it would be amusing. You haven't many mentalresources, and it might occupy you for a week or two. " Gatewood glared. "You have a pleasant way of putting things this morning, haven't you?" "I don't want to be pleasant: I want to jar you. Don't I care enoughabout you to breakfast with you? Then I've a right to be pleasantlyunpleasant. I can't bear to watch your mental and spiritualdissolution--a man like you, with all your latent ability and capacityfor being nobody in particular--which is the sort of man this nationneeds. Do you want to turn into a club-window gazer like Van Bronk? Doyou want to become another Courtlandt Allerton and go rocking down theavenue--a grimacing, tailor-made sepulcher?--the pompous obsequies of adead intellect?--a funeral on two wavering legs, carrying the corpse ofall that should be deathless in a man? Why, Jack, I'd rather see you inbankruptcy--I'd rather see you trying to lead a double life in a singleflat on seven dollars and a half a week--I'd almost rather see you everyday at breakfast than have it come to that! "Wake up and get jocund with life! Why, you could have all good citizensstung to death if you chose. It isn't that I want you to make money; butI want you to worry over somebody besides yourself--not in WallStreet--a pool and its money are soon parted. But in your own home, where a beautiful wife and seven angel children have you dippy and closeto the ropes; where the housekeeper gets a rake off, and the cook isred-headed and comes from Sligo, and the butler's cousin will bearwatching, and the chauffeur is a Frenchman, and the coachman's uncle isa Harlem vet, and every scullion in the establishment lies, drinks, steals, and supports twenty satiated relatives at your expense. Thatwould mean the making of you; for, after all, Jack, you are nogenius--you're a plain, non-partisan, uninspired, clean-built, wholesomecitizen, thank God!--the sort whose unimaginative mission is to pitch inwith eighty-odd millions of us and, like the busy coral creatures, multiply with all your might, and make this little old Republic thegreatest, biggest, finest article that an overworked world has ever yetput up! . . . Now you can call for help if you choose. " Gatewood's breath returned slowly. In an intimacy of many years he hadnever suspected that sort of thing from Kerns. That is why, no doubt, the opinions expressed by Kerns stirred him to an astonishment tooinnocent to harbor anger or chagrin. And when Kerns stood up with an unembarrassed laugh, saying, "I'm goingto the office; see you this evening?" Gatewood replied rather vacantly:"Oh, yes; I'm dining here. Good-by, Tommy. " Kerns glanced at his watch, lingering. "Was there anything you wished toask me, Jack?" he inquired guilelessly. "Ask you? No, I don't think so. " "Oh; I had an idea you might care to know where Keen & Co. Were to befound. " "_That_, " said Gatewood firmly, "is foolish. " "I'll write the address for you, anyway, " rejoined Kerns, scribbling itand handing the card to his friend. Then he went down the stairs, several at a time, eased in conscience, satisfied that he had done his duty by a friend he cared enough for tobreakfast with. "Of course, " he ruminated as he crawled into a hansom and lay backburied in meditation--"of course there may be nothing in this Keen & Co. Business. But it will stir him up and set him thinking; and the longerKeen & Co. Take to hunt up an imaginary lady that doesn't exist, themore anxious and impatient poor old Jack Gatewood will become, untilhe'll catch the fever and go cantering about with that one fixed idea inhis head. And, " added Kerns softly, "no New Yorker in his right mind cango galloping through these five boroughs very long before he's roped, tied, and marked by the 'only girl in the world'--the _only_ girl--ifyou don't care to turn around and look at another million girlsprecisely like her. O Lord!--precisely like her!" Here was a nice exhorter to incite others to matrimony. CHAPTER II Meanwhile, Gatewood was walking along Fifth Avenue, more or less soothedby the May sunshine. First, he went to his hatters, looked at strawhats, didn't like them, protested, and bought one, wishing he hadstrength of mind enough to wear it home. But he hadn't. Then he enteredthe huge white marble palace of his jeweler, left his watch to beregulated, caught a glimpse of a girl whose hair and neck resembled thehair and neck of his ideal, sidled around until he discovered that shewas chewing gum, and backed off, with a bitter smile, into the avenueonce more. Every day for years he had had glimpses of girls whose hair, hands, figures, eyes, hats, carriage, resembled the features required by hisideal; there always was something wrong somewhere. And, as he strolledmoodily, a curious feeling of despair seized him--something that, evenin his most sentimental moments, even amid the most unexpecteddisappointment, he had never before experienced. "I do want to love _somebody_!" he found himself saying half aloud; "Iwant to marry; I--" He turned to look after three pretty children withtheir maids--"I want several like those--several!--seven--ten--I don'tcare how many! I want a house to worry me, just as Tommy described it; Iwant to see the same girl across the breakfast table--or she can sip hercocoa in bed if she desires--" A slow, modest blush stole over hisfeatures; it was one of the nicest things he ever did. Glancing up, hebeheld across the way a white sign, ornamented with strenuous crimsonlettering: KEEN & CO. TRACERS OF LOST PERSONS The moment he discovered it, he realized he had been covertly huntingfor it; he also realized that he was going to climb the stairs. Hehadn't quite decided what he meant to do after that; nor was his mindclear on the matter when he found himself opening a door of opaque glasson which was printed in red: KEEN & CO. He was neither embarrassed nor nervous when he found himself in a bigcarpeted anteroom where a negro attendant bowed him to a seat and tookhis card; and he looked calmly around to see what was to be seen. Several people occupied easy chairs in various parts of the room--an oldwoman very neatly dressed, clutching in her withered hand a photographwhich she studied and studied with tear-dimmed eyes; a young man wearinglast year's most fashionable styles in everything except his features:and soap could have aided him there; two policemen, helmets resting ontheir knees; and, last of all, a rather thin child of twelve, staringopen-mouthed at everybody, a bundle of soiled clothing under one arm. Through an open door he saw a dozen young women garbed in black, withwhite cuffs and collars, all rattling away steadily at typewriters. Every now and then, from some hidden office, a bell rang decisively, andone of the girls would rise from her machine and pass noiselessly out ofsight to obey the summons. From time to time, too, the darky servantwith marvelous manners would usher somebody through the room where thetypewriters were rattling, into the unseen office. First the old womanwent--shakily, clutching her photograph; then the thin child with thebundle, staring at everything; then the two fat policemen, in portentoussingle file, helmets in their white-gloved hands, oiled hair glistening. Gatewood's turn was approaching; he waited without any definiteemotion, watching newcomers enter to take the places of those who hadbeen summoned. He hadn't the slightest idea of what he was to say; nordid it worry him. A curious sense of impending good fortune left himpleasantly tranquil; he picked up, from the silver tray on the table athis elbow, one of the firm's business cards, and scanned it withinterest: KEEN & CO. TRACERS OF LOST PERSONS _Keen & Co. Are prepared to locate the whereabouts of anybody on earth. No charges will be made unless the person searched for is found. _ _Blanks on application. _ WESTREL KEEN, _Manager_. "Mistuh Keen will see you, suh, " came a persuasive voice at his elbow;and he rose and followed the softly moving colored servant out of theroom, through a labyrinth of demure young women at their typewriters, then sharply to the right and into a big, handsomely furnished office, where a sleepy-looking elderly gentleman rose from an armchair andbowed. There could not be the slightest doubt that he _was_ agentleman; every movement, every sound he uttered, settled the fact. "Mr. Keen?" "Mr. Gatewood?"--with a quiet certainty which had its charm. "This isvery good of you. " Gatewood sat down and looked at his host. Then he said: "I'm searchingfor somebody, Mr. Keen, whom you are not likely to find. " "I doubt it, " said Keen pleasantly. Gatewood smiled. "If, " he said, "you will undertake to find the person_I_ cannot find, I must ask you to accept a retainer. " "We don't require retainers, " replied Keen. "Unless we find the personsought for, we make no charges, Mr. Gatewood. " "I must ask you to do so in my case. It is not fair that you shouldundertake it on other terms. I desire to make a special arrangement withyou. Do you mind?" "What arrangement had you contemplated?" inquired Keen, amused. "Only this: charge me in advance exactly what you would charge ifsuccessful. And, on the other hand, do not ask me for detailedinformation--I mean, do not insist on any information that I decline togive. Do you mind taking up such an extraordinary and unbusinesslikeproposition, Mr. Keen?" The Tracer of Lost Persons looked up sharply: "About how much information _do_ you decline to give, Mr. Gatewood?" "About enough to incriminate and degrade, " replied the young man, laughing. The elderly gentleman sat silent, apparently buried in meditation. Onceor twice his pleasant steel-gray eyes wandered over Gatewood as anexpert, a connoisseur, glances at a picture and assimilates its history, its value, its artistic merit, its every detail in one practiced glance. "I think we may take up this matter for you, Mr. Gatewood, " he said, smiling his singularly agreeable smile. "But--but you would first desire to know something about me--would younot?" Keen looked at him: "You will not mistake me--you will consider itentirely inoffensive--if I say that I know something about you, Mr. Gatewood?" "About _me_? How can you? Of course, there is the social register andthe club lists and all that--" "And many, many sources of information which are necessary in such abusiness as this, Mr. Gatewood. It is a necessity for us to be almostas well informed as our clients' own lawyers. I could pay you nosincerer compliment than to undertake your case. I am half inclined todo so even _without_ a retainer. Mind, I haven't yet said that I _will_take it. " "I prefer to regulate any possible indebtedness in advance, " saidGatewood. "As you wish, " replied the older man, smiling. "In that case, supposeyou draw your check" (he handed Gatewood a fountain pen as the young manfished a check-book from his pocket)--"your check for--well, say for$5, 000, to the order of Keen & Co. " Gatewood met his eye without wincing; he was in for it now; and he wasalways perfectly game. He had brought it upon himself; it was his ownproposition. Not that he would have for a moment considered the sum ashigh--or any sum exorbitant--if there had been a chance of success; onecannot compare and weigh such matters. But how could there be any chancefor success? As he slowly smoothed out the check and stub, pen poised, Keen wassaying: "Of course, we should succeed sooner or later--if we took upyour case. We might succeed to-morrow--to-day. That would mean a largeprofit for us. But we might not succeed to-day, or next month, or evennext year. That would leave us little or no profit; and, as it is ourcustom to go on until we do succeed, no matter how long it may require, you see, Mr. Gatewood, I should be taking all sorts of chances. It mighteven cost us double your retainer before we found her--" "Her? How did--_why_ do you say '_her_'?" "Am I wrong?" asked Keen, smiling. "No--you are right. " The Tracer of Lost Persons sank into abstraction again. Gatewood waited, hoping that his case might be declined, yet ready to face any musicstarted at his own request. "She is young, " mused Keen aloud, "very beautiful and accomplished. _Is_she wealthy?" He looked up mildly. Gatewood said: "I don't know--the truth is I don't care--" And stopped. "O-ho!" mused Keen slowly. "I--think--I understand. Am I wrong, Mr. Gatewood, in surmising that this young lady whom you seek is, in youreyes, very--I may say ideally gifted?" "She is my ideal, " replied the young man, coloring. "_Ex_actly. And--her general allure?" "Charming!" "_Ex_actly; but to be a trifle more precise--if you could give me asketch, an idea, a mere outline delicately tinted, now. _Is_ she moreblond than brunette?" "Yes--but her eyes are brown. I--I insist on that. " "Why should you not? _You_ know her; I don't, " said Keen, laughing. "Imerely wished to form a mental picture. . . . You say her hair is--is--" "It's full of sunny color; that's all I can say. " "_Ex_actly--I see. A rare and lovely combination with brown eyes andcreamy skin, Mr. Gatewood. I fancy she might be, perhaps, an inch or twounder your height?" "Just about that. Her hands should be--_are_ beautiful--" "_Ex_actly. The ensemble is most vividly portrayed, Mr. Gatewood;and--you have intimated that her lack of fortune--er--we might almostsay her pecuniary distress--is more than compensated for by heraccomplishments, character, and very unusual beauty. . . . _Did_ I sounderstand you, Mr. Gatewood?" "That's what I meant, anyhow, " he said, flushing up. "You _did_ mean it?" "I did: I do. " "Then we take your case, Mr. Gatewood. . . . No haste about the check, my dear sir--pray consider us at your service. " But Gatewood doggedly filled in the check and handed it to the Tracer ofLost Persons. "I wish you happiness, " said the older man in a low voice. "The lady youdescribe exists; it is for us to discover her. " "Thank you, " stammered Gatewood, astounded. Keen touched an electric button; a moment later a young girl entered theroom. "Miss Southerland, Mr. Gatewood. Will you be kind enough to take Mr. Gatewood's dictation in Room 19?" For a second Gatewood stared--as though in the young girl before him theghost of his ideal had risen to confront him--only for a second; then hebowed, matching her perfect acknowledgment of his presence by a bearingand courtesy which must have been inbred to be so faultless. And he followed her to Room 19. What had Keen meant by saying, "The lady you describe exists!" Did thisremarkable elderly gentleman suspect that it was to be a hunt for anideal? Had he deliberately entered into such a bargain? Impossible! His disturbed thoughts reverted to the terms of the bargain, the entireenterprise, the figures on his check. His own amazing imbecilityappalled him. What idiocy! What sudden madness had seized him toentangle himself in such unheard-of negotiations! True, he had playedbridge until dawn the night before, but, on awaking, he had discoveredno perceptible hold-over. It must have been sheer weakness of intellectthat permitted him to be dominated by the suggestions of Kerns. And nowthe game was on: the jack declared, cards dealt, and his ante was up. Had he openers? Room 19, duly labeled with its number on the opaque glass door, contained a desk, a table and typewriter, several comfortable chairs, and a window opening on Fifth Avenue, through which the eastern sunpoured a stream of glory, washing curtain, walls, and ceiling withpalest gold. And all this time, preoccupied with new impressions and his own growingchagrin, he watched the girl who conducted him with all the unconsciousassurance and grace of a young chatelaine passing through her own domainunder escort of a distinguished guest. When they had entered Room 19, she half turned, but he forestalled herand closed the door, and she passed before him with a perceptibleinclination of her finely modeled head, seating herself at the desk bythe open window. He took an armchair at her elbow and removed hisgloves, looking at her expectantly. CHAPTER III "This is a list of particular and general questions for you to answer, Mr. Gatewood, " she said, handing him a long slip of printed matter. "Thereplies to such questions as you are able or willing to answer you maydictate to me. " The beauty of her modulated voice was scarcely asurprise--no woman who moved and carried herself as did this tall younggirl in black and white could reasonably be expected to speak with lessdistinction--yet the charm of her voice, from the moment her lipsunclosed, so engrossed him that the purport of her speech escaped him. "Would you mind saying it once more?" he asked. She did so; he attempted to concentrate his attention, and succeededsufficiently to look as though some vestige of intellect remained inhim. He saw her pick up a pad and pencil; the contour and grace of twodeliciously fashioned hands arrested his mental process once more. "I _beg_ your pardon, " he said hastily; "what were you saying, MissSoutherland?" "Nothing, Mr. Gatewood. I did not speak. " And he realized, hazily, thatshe had not spoken--that it was the subtle eloquence of her youth andloveliness that had appealed like a sudden voice--a sound faintlyexquisite echoing his own thought of her. Troubled, he looked at the slip of paper in his hand; it was headed: SPECIAL DESCRIPTION BLANK (_Form K_) And he read it as carefully as he was able to--the curious little clamorof his pulses, the dazed sense of elation, almost of expectation, distracting his attention all the time. "I wish you would read it to me, " he said; "that would give me time tothink up answers. " "If you wish, " she assented pleasantly, swinging around toward him inher desk chair. Then she crossed one knee over the other to support thepad, and, bending above it, lifted her brown eyes. She could have donenothing in the world more distracting at that moment. "What is the sex of the person you desire to find, Mr. Gatewood?" "Her sex? I--well, I fancy it is feminine. " She wrote after "Sex" the words "She is probably feminine"; looked athim absently, glanced at what she had written, flushed a little, rubbedout the "she is probably, " wondering why a moment's mental wanderingshould have committed her to absurdity. "Married?" she asked with emphasis. "No, " he replied, startled; then, vexed, "I beg your pardon--you mean toask if _she_ is married!" "Oh, I didn't mean _you_, Mr. Gatewood; it's the next question, yousee"--she held out the blank toward him. "Is the person you are lookingfor married?" "Oh, no; she isn't married, either--at least--trust--not--because if she_is_ I don't want to find her!" he ended, entangled in an explanationwhich threatened to involve him deeper than he desired. And, looking up, he saw the beautiful brown eyes regarding him steadily. They reverted tothe paper at once, and the white fingers sent the pencil flying. "He trusts that she is unmarried, but if she _is_ (underlined) marriedhe doesn't want to find her, " she wrote. "That, " she explained, "goes under the head of 'General Remarks' at thebottom of the page"--she held it out, pointing with her pencil. Henodded, staring at her slender hand. "Age?" she continued, setting the pad firmly on her rounded, yieldingknee and looking up at him. "Age? Well, I--as a matter of fact, I could only venture a surmise. Youknow, " he said earnestly, "how difficult it is to guess ages, don't you, Miss Southerland?" "How old do you _think_ she is? Could you not hazard a guess--judging, say, from her appearance?" "I have no data--no experience to guide me. " He was becoming involvedagain. "Would you, for practice, permit me first to guess your age, MissSoutherland?" "Why--yes--if you think that might help you to guess hers. " So he leaned back in his armchair and considered her a very longtime--having a respectable excuse to do so. Twenty times he forgot hewas looking at her for any purpose except that of disinterested delight, and twenty times he remembered with a guilty wince that it was a matterof business. "Perhaps I had better tell you, " she suggested, her color rising alittle under his scrutiny. "Is it eighteen? Just _her_ age!" "Twenty-one, Mr. Gatewood--and you _said_ you didn't know her age. " "I have just remembered that I _thought_ it might be eighteen; but Idare say I was shy three years in her case, too. You may put it down attwenty-one. " For the slightest fraction of a second the brown eyes rested on his, thepencil hovered in hesitation. Then the eyes fell, and the moving fingerswrote. "Did you write 'twenty-one'?" he inquired carelessly. "I did not, Mr. Gatewood. " "What did you write?" "I wrote: 'He doesn't appear to know much about her age. '" "But I _do_ know--" "You said--" They looked at one another earnestly. "The next question, " she continued with composure, "is: 'Date and placeof birth?' Can you answer any part of _that_ question?" "I trust I may be able to--some day. . . . What _are_ you writing?" "I'm writing: 'He trusts he may be able to, some day. ' Wasn't that whatyou said?" "Yes, I did say that. I--I'm not perfectly sure what I meant by it. " She passed to the next question: "Height?" "About five feet six, " he said, fascinated gaze on her. "Hair?" "More gold than brown--full of--er--gleams--" She looked up quickly; hiseyes reverted to the window rather suddenly. He had been looking at herhair. "Complexion?" she continued after a shade of hesitation. "It's a sort of delicious mixture--bisque, tinted with a pinkishbloom--ivory and rose--" He was explaining volubly, when she began toshake her head, timing each shake to his words. "Really, Mr. Gatewood, I think you are hopelessly vague on thatpoint--unless you desire to convey the impression that she is speckled. " "Speckled!" he repeated, horrified. "Why, I am describing a woman who ismy ideal of beauty--" But she had already gone to the next question: "Teeth?" "P-p-perfect p-p-pearls!" he stammered. The laughing red mouth closedlike a flower at dusk, veiling the sparkle of her teeth. Was he trying to be impertinent? Was he deliberately describing her? Hedid not look like that sort of man; yet _why_ was he watching her soclosely, so curiously at every question? Why did he look at her teethwhen she laughed? "Eyes?" Her own dared him to continue what, coincidence or not, wasplainly a description of herself. "B-b-b--" He grew suddenly timorous, hesitating, pretending to aperplexity which was really a healthy scare. For she was frowning. "Curious I can't think of the color of her eyes, " he said; "is--isn'tit?" She coldly inspected her pad and made a correction; but all she did wasto rub out a comma and put another in its place. Meanwhile, Gatewood, chin in his hand, sat buried in profound thought. "_Were_ they blue?" hemurmured to himself aloud, "or _were_ they brown? Blue begins with a _b_and brown begins with a _b_. I'm convinced that her eyes began with a_b_. They were not, therefore, gray or green, because, " he added in aburst of confidence, "it is utterly impossible to spell gray or greenwith a _b_!" Miss Southerland looked slightly astonished. "All you can recollect, then, is that the color of her eyes began withthe letter _b_?" "That is absolutely all I can remember; but I _think_ they_were_--brown. " "If they _were_ brown they must be brown now, " she observed, looking outof the window. "That's true! Isn't it curious I never thought of that? What are youwriting?" "Brown, " she said, so briefly that it sounded something like a snub. "Mouth?" inquired the girl, turning a new leaf on her pad. "Perfect. Write it: there is no other term fit to describe its color, shape, its sensitive beauty, its--_What_ did you write just then?" "I wrote, 'Mouth, ordinary. '" "I don't want you to! I want--" "Really, Mr. Gatewood, a rhapsody on a girl's mouth is proper in poetry, but scarcely germane to the record of a purely business transaction. Please answer the next question tersely, if you don't mind: 'Figure?'" "Oh, I _do_ mind! I can't! Any poem is much too brief to describe herfigure--" "Shall we say 'Perfect'?" asked the girl, raising her brown eyes in aglimmering transition from vexation to amusement. For, after all, itcould be _only_ a coincidence that this young man should be describingfeatures peculiar to herself. "Couldn't you write, 'Venus-of-Milo-like'?" he inquired. "That islaconic. " "I could--if it's true. But if you mean it for praise--I--don't thinkany modern woman would be flattered. " "I always supposed that she of Milo had an ideal figure, " he said, perplexed. She wrote, "A good figure. " Then, propping her rounded chin on onelovely white hand, she glanced at the next question: "Hands?" "White, beautiful, rose-tipped, slender yet softly and firmly rounded--" "How _can_ they be soft and firm, too, Mr. Gatewood?" she protested;then, surprising his guilty eyes fixed on her hands, hastily droppedthem and sat up straight, level-browed, cold as marble. _Was_ hedeliberately being rude to her? CHAPTER IV As a matter of fact, he was not. Too poor in imagination to invent, onthe spur of the moment, charms and qualities suited to his ideal, hehad, at first unconsciously, taken as a model the girl before him; quiteunconsciously and innocently at first--then furtively, and with adawning perception of the almost flawless beauty he was secretlyplagiarizing. Aware, now, that something had annoyed her; aware, too, atthe same moment that there appeared to be nothing lacking in her tosatisfy his imagination of the ideal, he began to turn redder than hehad ever turned in all his life. Several minutes of sixty seconds each ensued before he ventured to stira finger. And it was only when she bent again very gravely over her padthat he cautiously eased a cramped muscle or two, and drew a breath--along, noiseless, deep and timid respiration. He realized the enormity ofwhat he had been doing--how close he had come to giving unpardonableoffense by drawing a perfect portrait of her as the person he desired tofind through the good offices of Keen & Co. But there was no such person--unless she had a double: for what morecould a man desire than the ideal traits he had been able to describeonly by using her as his inspiration. When he ventured to look at her, one glance was enough to convince himthat she, too, had noticed the parallel--had been forced to recognizeher own features in the portrait he had constructed of an ideal. And shehad caught him in absent-minded contemplation of the hands he had beendescribing. He knew that his face was the face of a guilty man. "What is the next question?" he stammered, eager to answer it in amanner calculated to allay her suspicions. "The next question?" She glanced at the list, then with a voice ofvelvet which belied the eyes, clear as frosty brown pools in November:"The next question requires a description of her feet. " "Feet! Oh---they--they're rather large--why, her feet are enormous, Ibelieve--" She looked at him as though stunned; suddenly a flood of pink spread, wave on wave, from the white nape of her neck to her hair; she bent lowover her pad and wrote something, remaining in that attitude until herface cooled. "Somehow or other I've done it again!" he thought, horrified. "The bestthing I can do is to end it and go home. " In his distress he began to hedge, saying: "Of course, she is rathertall and her feet are in some sort of proportion--in fact, they areperfectly symmetrical feet--" Never in his life had he encountered a pair of such angrily beautifuleyes. Speech stopped with a dry gulp. "We now come to 'General Remarks, '" she said in a voice made absolutelysteady and emotionless. "Have you any remarks of that description tooffer, Mr. Gatewood?" "I'm willing to make remarks, " he said, "if I only knew what you wishedme to say. " She mused, eyes on the sunny window, then looked up. "Where did you lastsee her?" "Near Fifth Avenue. " "And what street?" He named the street. "Near _here_?" "Rather, " he said timidly. She ruffled the edges of her pad, wrote something and erased it, bit herscarlet upper lip, and frowned. "Out of doors, of course?" "No; indoors, " he admitted furtively. She looked up with a movement almost nervous. "Do you dare--I mean, care--to be more concise?" "I would rather not, " he replied in a voice from which he hoped he hadexpelled the tremors of alarm. "As you please, Mr. Gatewood. And would you care to answer any of theseother questions: Who and what are or were her parents? Give allparticulars concerning all her relatives. Is she employed or not? Whatare her social, financial, and general circumstances? Her character, personal traits, aims, interests, desires? Has she any vices? Anyvirtues? Talents? Ambitions? Caprices? Fads? Are you in love with her?Is--" "Yes, " he said, "I am. " "Is she in love with you?" "No; she hates me--I'm afraid. " "Is she in love with anybody?" "That is a very difficult--" The girl wrote: "He doesn't know, " with a satisfaction apparentlycauseless. "Is she a relative of yours, Mr. Gatewood?" very sweetly. "No, Miss Southerland, " very positively. "You--you desire to marry her--you say?" "I do. But I didn't say it. " She was silent; then: "What is her name?" in a low voice which started several agreeablethrills chasing one another over him. "I--I decline to answer, " he stammered. "On what grounds, Mr. Gatewood?" He looked her full in the eyes; suddenly he bent forward and gazed atthe printed paper from which she had been apparently reading. "Why, all those questions you are scaring me with are not there!" heexclaimed indignantly. "You are making them up?" "I--I know, but"--she was flushing furiously--"but they are on the otherforms--some of them. Can't you see you are answering 'Form K'? That is aspecial form--" "But why do you ask me questions that are _not_ on Form K?" "Because it is my duty to do all I can to secure evidence which may leadto the discovery of the person you desire to find. I--I assure you, Mr, Gatewood, this duty is not--not always agreeable--and some people makeit harder still. " Gatewood looked out of the window. Various emotions---among them shame, mortification, chagrin--pervaded him, and chased each other along hisnervous system, coloring his neck and ears a fiery red for theenlightenment of any observer. "I--I did not mean to offend you, " said the girl in a low voice--such agently regretful voice that Gatewood swung around in his chair. "There is nothing I would not be glad to tell you about the woman I havefallen in love with, " he said. "She is overwhelmingly lovely; and--whenI dare--I will tell you her name and where I first saw her--and where Isaw her last--if you desire. Shall I?" "It would be advisable. When will you do this?" "When I dare. " "You--you don't dare--now?" "No . . . Not now. " She absently wrote on her pad: "He doesn't dare tell me now. " Then, withhead still bent, she lifted her mischief-making, trouble-breeding browneyes to his once more. "I am to come here, of course, to consult you?" he asked dizzily. "Mr. Keen will receive you--" "He may be busy. " "He may be, " she repeated dreamily. "So--I'll ask for you. " "We _could_ write you, Mr. Gatewood. " He said hastily: "It's no trouble for me to come; I walk everymorning. " "But there would be no use, I think, in your coming very soon. AllI--all Mr. Keen could do for a while would be to report progress--" "That is all I dare look for: progress--for the present. " During the time that he remained--which was not very long--neither ofthem spoke until he arose to take his departure. "Good-by, Miss Southerland. I hope you may find the person I have beensearching for. " "Good-by, Mr. Gatewood. . . . I hope we shall; . . . ButI--don't--know. " And, as a matter of fact, she did not know; she was rather excited overnothing, apparently; and also somewhat preoccupied with several ratherdisturbing emotions the species of which she was interested indetermining. But to label and catalogue each of these emotionsseparately required privacy and leisure to think--and she also wished tolook very earnestly at the reflection of her own face in the mirror ofher own chamber. For it is a trifle exciting--though but an innocentcoincidence--to be compared, feature by feature, to a young man's ideal. As far as that went, she excelled it, too; and, as she stood by thedesk, alone, gathering up her notes, she suddenly bent over and liftedthe hem of her gown a trifle--sufficient to reassure herself that thedainty pair of shoes she wore, would have baffled the efforts of anyVenus ever sculptured. And she was perfectly right. "Of course, " she thought to herself, "his ideal runaway hasn't enormousfeet. He, too, must have been struck with the similarity between me andhis ideal, and when he realized that I also noticed it, he wasfrightened by my frown into saying that her feet were enormous. Howsilly! . . . For I didn't _mean_ to frighten him. . . . He frightenedme--once or twice--I mean he irritated me--no, interested me, is what I_do_ mean. . . . Heigho! I wonder why she ran away? I wonder why hecan't find her? . . . It's--it's silly to run away from a man like that. . . . Heigho! . . . She doesn't deserve to be found. There is nothing tobe afraid of--nothing to alarm anybody in a man like that. " So she gathered up her notes and walked slowly out and across to theprivate office of the Tracer of Lost Persons. "Come in, " said the Tracer when she knocked. He was using the telephone;she seated herself rather listlessly beside the window, where springsunshine lay in gilded patches on the rug and spring breezes stirredthe curtains. She was a little tired, but there seemed to be no goodreason why. Yet, with the soft wind blowing on her cheek, the languorgrew; she rested her face on one closed hand, shutting her eyes. When they opened again it was to meet the fixed gaze of Mr. Keen. "Oh--I beg your pardon!" "There is no need of it, child. Be seated. Never mind that report justnow. " He paced the length of the room once or twice, hands claspedbehind him; then, halting to confront her: "What sort of a man is this young Gatewood?" "What _sort_, Mr. Keen? Why--I think he is the--the sort--that--" "I see that you don't think much of him, " said Keen, laughing. "Oh, indeed I did not mean that at all; I mean that he appeared tobe--to be--" "Rather a cad?" "Why, _no_!" she said, flushing up. "He is absolutely well-bred, Mr. Keen. " "You received no unpleasant impression of him?" "On the contrary!" she said rather warmly--for it hurt her sense ofjustice that Keen should so misjudge even a stranger in whom she had nopersonal interest. "You think he looks like an honest man?" "Honest?" She was rosy with annoyance. "Have you any idea that he isdishonest?" "Have you?" "Not the slightest, " she said with emphasis. "Suppose a man should set us hunting for a person who does not exist--onour terms, which are no payment unless successful? Would that behonest?" asked Keen gravely. "Did--did _he_ do that?" "No, child. " "I knew he _couldn't_ do such a thing!" "No, he--er--couldn't, because I wouldn't allow it--not that he triedto!" added Keen hastily as the indignant brown eyes sparkled ominously. "Really, Miss Southerland, he must be all you say he is, for he has astanch champion to vouch for him. " "All I _say_ he is? I haven't said anything about him!" Mr. Keen nodded. "_Ex_actly. Let us drop him for a moment. . . . Are youperfectly well, Miss Southerland?" "Why, yes. " "I'm glad of it. You are a trifle pale; you seem to be a littlelanguid. . . . When do you take your vacation?" "You suggested May, I believe, " she said wistfully. The Tracer leaned back in his chair, joining the tips of his fingersreflectively. "Miss Southerland, " he said, "you have been with us a year. I thought itmight interest you to know that I am exceedingly pleased with you. " She colored charmingly. "But, " he added, "I'm terribly afraid we're going to lose you. " "Why?" she asked, startled. "However, " he continued, ignoring her half-frightened question with asmile, "I am going to promote you--for faithful and efficient service. " "O-h!" "With an agreeable increase of salary, and new duties which will takeyou into the open air. . . . You ride?" "I--I used to before----" "_Ex_actly; before you were obliged to earn your living. Please haveyourself measured for habit and boots this afternoon. I shall arrangefor horse, saddle, and groom. You will spend most of your time ridingin the Park--for the present. " "But--Mr. Keen--am I to be one of your agents--a sort of detective?" Keen regarded her absently, then crossed one leg over the other. "Read me your notes, " he said with a smile. She read them, folded them, and he took them from her, thoughtfullyregarding her. "Did you know that your mother and I were children together?" he asked. "No!" She stared. "Is _that_ why you sent for me that day at the schoolof stenography?" "That is why . . . When I learned that my playmate--your mother--wasdead, is it not reasonable to suppose that I should wish her daughter tohave a chance?" Miss Southerland looked at him steadily. "She was like you--when she married . . . I never married . . . Do youwonder that I sent for you, child?" Nothing but the clock ticking there in the sunny room, and an old manstaring into two dimmed brown eyes, and the little breezes at the openwindow whispering of summers past. "This young man, Gatewood, " said the Tracer, clearing his voice of itshoarseness--"this young man ought to be all right, if I did notmisjudge his father--years ago, child, years ago. And he _is_ allright--" He half turned toward a big letter-file; "his record is clean, so far. The trouble with him is idleness. He ought to marry. " "Isn't he trying to?" she asked. "It looks like it. Miss Southerland, we _must_ find this woman!" "Yes, but I don't see how you are going to--on such slightinformation--" "Information! Child, I have all I want--all I could desire. " He laughed, passing his hands over his gray hair. "We are going to find the girl heis in love with before the week ends!" "Do you really think so?" she exclaimed. "Yes. But you must do a great deal in this case. " "I?" "_Ex_actly. " "And--and what am I to do?" "Ride in the Park, child! And if you see Mr. Gatewood, don't you daretake your eyes off him for one moment. Watch him; observe everything hedoes. If he should recognize you and speak to you, be as amiable to himas though it were not by my orders. " "Then--then I _am_ to be a detective!" she faltered. The Tracer did not appear to hear her. He took up the notes, turned tothe telephone, and began to send out a general alarm, reading thedescription of the person whom Gatewood had described. The vast, intricate and delicate machinery under his control was being set inmotion all over the Union. "Not that I expect to find her outside the borough of Manhattan, " hesaid, smiling, as he hung up the receiver and turned to her; "but it'sas well to know how many types of that species exist in this Republic, and who they are--in case any other young man comes here raving of browneyes and 'gleams' in the hair. " Miss Southerland, to her own intense consternation, blushed. "I think you had better order that habit at once, " said the Tracercarelessly. "Tell me, Mr. Keen, " she asked tremulously, "am I to spy upon Mr. Gatewood? And report to you? . . . For I simply cannot bear to do it--" "Child, you need report nothing unless you desire to. And when there issomething to report, it will be about the woman I am searching for. _Don't_ you understand? I have already located her. You will find herin the Park. And when you are _sure_ she is the right one--and if youcare to report it to me--I shall be ready to listen . . . I am alwaysready to listen to you. " "But--I warn you, Mr. Keen, that I have perfect faith in the honor ofMr. Gatewood. I _know_ that I could have nothing unworthy to report. " "I am sure of it, " said the Tracer of Lost Persons, studying her witheyes that were not quite clear. "Now, I think you had better order thathabit . . . Your mother sat her saddle perfectly . . . We rode veryoften--my lost playmate and I. " He turned, hands clasped behind his back, absently pacing the room, backward, forward, there in the spring sunshine. Nor did he notice herlingering, nor mark her as she stole from the room, brown eyes saddenedand thoughtful, wondering, too, that there should be in the world somuch room for sorrow. [Illustration: "'I am sure of it, ' said the Tracer of Lost Persons. "] CHAPTER V Gatewood, burdened with restlessness and gnawed by curiosity, consumed aweek in prowling about the edifice where Keen & Co. Carried on aninteresting profession. His first visit resulted merely in a brief interview with Mr. Keen, whosmilingly reported progress and suavely bowed him out. He looked aboutfor Miss Southerland as he was leaving, but did not see her. On his second visit he mustered the adequate courage to ask for her, andexperienced a curiously sickly sensation when informed that MissSoutherland was no longer employed in the bureau of statistics, havingbeen promoted to an outside position of great responsibility. His thirdvisit proved anything but satisfactory. He sidled and side-stepped forten minutes before he dared ask Mr. Keen _where_ Miss Southerland hadgone. And when the Tracer replied that, considering the business he hadundertaken for Mr. Gatewood, he really could not see why Mr. Gatewoodshould interest himself concerning the whereabouts of Miss Southerland, the young man had nothing to say, and escaped as soon as possible, enraged at himself, at Mr. Keen, and vaguely holding the entire worldguilty of conspiracy. He had no definite idea of what he wanted, except that his desire to seeMiss Southerland again seemed out of all proportion to any reasonablemotive for seeing her. Occasional fits of disgust with himself for whathe had done were varied with moody hours of speculation. Suppose Mr. Keen did find his ideal? What of it? He no longer wanted to see her. Hehad no use for her. The savor of the enterprise had gone stale in hismouth; he was by turns worried, restless, melancholy, sulky, uneasy. Avast emptiness pervaded his life. He smoked more and more and ate lessand less. He even disliked to see others eat, particularly Kerns. And one exquisite May morning he came down to breakfast and found theunspeakable Kerns immersed in grapefruit, calm, well balanced, andbland. "How-de-dee, dear friend?" said that gentleman affably. "Any news fromCupid this beautiful May morning?" "No; and I don't want any, " returned Gatewood, sorting his mail with ascowl and waving away his fruit. "Tut, tut! Lovers must be patient. Dearie will be found some day--" "Some day, " snarled Gatewood, "I shall destroy you, Tommy. " "Naughty! Naughty!" reflected Kerns, pensively assaulting the breakfastfood. "Lovey must _not_ worry; Dovey shall be found, and all will be joyand gingerbread. . . . If you throw that orange I'll run screaming tothe governors. Aren't you ashamed--just because you're in a lovetantrum!" "One more word and you get it!" "May I sing as I trifle with this frugal fare, dear friend? My heart is_so_ happy that I should love to warble a few wild notes--" He paused to watch his badgered victim dispose of a Martini. "I wonder, " he mused, "if you'd like me to tell you what a cocktailbefore breakfast does to the lining of your stomach? Would you?" "No. I suppose it's what the laundress does to my linen. What do Icare?" "_Don't_ be a short sport, Jack. " "Well, I don't care for the game you put me up against. Do you know whathas happened?" "I really don't, dear friend. The Tracer of Lost Persons has not foundher--_has_ he?" "He says he has, " retorted Gatewood sullenly, pulling a crumpledtelegram from his pocket and casting it upon the table. "I don't want tosee her; I'm not interested. I never saw but one girl in my life whointerested me in the slightest; and she's employed to help in thisridiculous search. " Kerns, meanwhile, had smoothed out the telegram and was intentlyperusing it: "_John Gatewood, Lenox Club, Fifth Avenue:_ "Person probably discovered. Call here as soon as possible. W. KEEN. " "_What_ do you make of that?" demanded Gatewood hoarsely. "Make of it? Why, it's true enough, I fancy. Go and see, and if it'sshe, be hers!" "I won't! I don't want to see any ideal! I don't want to marry. Why doyou try to make me marry somebody?" "Because it's good for you, dear friend. Otherwise you'll go to thedoggy-dogs. You don't realize how much worry you are to me. " "Confound it! Why don't _you_ marry? Why didn't I ask you that when youput me up to all this foolishness? What right have you to--" "Tut, friend! _I_ know there's no woman alive fit to wed me and spendher life in stealing kisses from me. _I_ have no ideal. _You_ have anideal. " "I haven't!" "Oh, yes, dear friend, there's a stub in your check book to prove it. You simply bet $5, 000 that your ideal existed. You've won. Go and be herjoy and sunshine. " "I'll put an end to this whole business, " said Gatewood wrathfully, "andI'll do it now!" "Bet you that you're engaged within the week!" said Kerns with a placidsmile. The other swung around savagely: "What will you bet, Tommy? You may havewhat odds you please. I'll make you sit up for this. " "I'll bet you, " answered Kerns, deliberately, "an entire silver dinnerservice against a saddle horse for the bride. " "That's a fool bet!" snapped Gatewood. "What do you mean?" "Oh, if you don't care to--" "What do I want of a silver service? But, all right; I'll bet youanything. " "_She'll_ want it, " replied Kerns significantly, booking the bet. "I mayas well canter out to Tiffany's this morning, I fancy. . . . Where areyou going, Jack?" "To see Keen and confess what an ass I've been!" returned Gatewoodsullenly, striding across the breakfast room to take his hat and glovesfrom the rack. And out he went, mad all over. On his way up the avenue he attempted to formulate the humiliatingconfession which already he shrank from. But it had to be done. Hesimply could not stand the prospect of being notified month after monththat a lady would be on view somewhere. It was like going for a fitting;it was horrible. Besides, what use was it? Within a week or two anenormous and utterly inexplicable emptiness had yawned before him, revealing life as a hollow delusion. He no longer cared. Immersed in bitter reflection, he climbed the familiar stairway and senthis card to Mr. Keen, and in due time he was ushered into the presenceof the Tracer of Lost Persons. "Mr. Keen, " he began, with a headlong desire to get it over and be donewith it, "I may as well tell you how impossible it is for you, oranybody, to find that person I described--" Mr. Keen raised an expostulatory hand, smiling indulgence. "It is more than possible, Mr. Gatewood, more than probable; it isalmost an accomplished fact. In other words, I think I may venture tocongratulate you and say that she _is_ found. " "Now, _how_ can she be found, when there isn't--" "Mr. Gatewood, the magician will always wave his magic wand for you andshow you his miracles for the price of admission. But for that price hedoes not show you how he works his miracles, " said Keen, laughing. "But I ought to tell you, " persisted Gatewood, "that it is utterlyimpossible you should find the person I wished to discover, becauseshe--" "I can only prove that you are wrong, " smiled Keen, rising from his easychair. "Mr. Keen, " said the young man earnestly, "I have been more or less of achump at times. One of those times was when I came here on this errand. All I desire, now, is to let the matter rest as it is. I am satisfied, and you have lost nothing. Nor have you found anything or anybody. Youthink you have, but you haven't. I do not wish you to continue thesearch, or to send me any further reports. I want to forget the wholemiserable matter--to be free--to feel myself freed from any obligationsto that irritating person I asked you to find. " The Tracer regarded him very gravely. "Is that your wish, Mr. Gatewood? I can scarcely credit it. " "It is. I've been a fool; I simply want to stop being one if anybodywill permit it. " "And you decline to attempt to identify the very beautiful person wehave discovered to be the individual for whom you asked us to search?" "I do. She may be beautiful; but I know well enough she can't comparewith--some one. " "I am sorry, " said Keen thoughtfully. "We take so much pride in thesematters. When one of my agents discovered where this person was, I wasrather--happy; for I have taken a peculiar personal interest in yourcase. However--" "Mr. Keen, " said Gatewood, "if you could understand how ashamed andmortified I am at my own conduct--" Keen gazed pensively out of the window. "I also am sorry; MissSoutherland was to have received a handsome bonus for her discovery--" "Miss S-S-S-S-outherland!" "_Ex_actly; without quite so many _S's_, " said Keen, smiling. "Did _she_ discover that--that person?" exclaimed the young man, startled. "She thinks she has. I am not sure she is correct; but I am absolutelycertain that Miss Southerland could eventually discover the person youwere in search of. It seems a little hard on her--just on the eve ofsuccess--to lose. But that can't be helped now. " Gatewood, more excited and uncomfortable than he had ever been in allhis life, watched Keen intently. "Too bad, too bad, " muttered the Tracer to himself. "The child needs theencouragement. It meant a thousand dollars to her--" He shrugged hisshoulders, looked up, and, as though rather surprised to see Gatewoodstill there, smiled an impersonal smile and offered his hand in adieu. Gatewood winced. "Could I--I see Miss Southerland?" he asked. "I am afraid not. She is at this moment following my instructionsto--but that cannot interest you now--" "Yes, it does!--if you don't mind. Where is she? I--I'll take a look atthe person she discovered; I will, really. " "Why, it's only this: I suspected that you might identify a person whomI had reason to believe was to be found every morning riding in thePark. So Miss Southerland has been riding there every day. Yesterday shecame here, greatly excited--" "Yes--yes--go on!" Keen gazed dreamily at the sunny window. "She thought she had foundyour--er--the person. So I said you would meet her on the bridle path, near--but that's of no interest now--" "Near where?" demanded Gatewood, suppressing inexplicable excitement. And as Keen said nothing: "I'll go; I want to go, I really do!Can't--can't a fellow change his mind? Oh, I know you think I'm alunatic, and there's plenty of reason, too!" Keen studied him calmly. "Yes, plenty of reason, plenty of reason, Mr. Gatewood. But do you suppose you are the only one? I know another whowas perfectly sane two weeks ago. " The young man waited impatiently; the Tracer paced the room, gray headbent, delicate, wrinkled hands clasped loosely behind his bent back. "You have horses at the Whip and Spur Club, " he said abruptly. "Supposeyou ride out and see how close Miss Southerland has come to solving ourproblem. " Gatewood seized the offered hand and wrung it with a fervor out of allreason; and it is curious that the Tracer of Lost Persons did not appearto be astonished. "You're rather impetuous--like your father, " he said slowly. "I knewhim; so I've ventured to trust his son--even when I heard how aimlesslyhe was living his life. Mr. Gatewood! May I ask you something--as an oldfriend of your father?" The young man nodded, subdued, perplexed, scarcely understanding. "It's only this: If you _do_ find the woman you could love--in thePark--to-day--come back to me some day and let me tell you all thosefoolish, trite, tiresome things that I should have told a son of mine. Iam so old that you will not take offense--you will not mind listening tome, or forgetting the dull, prosy things I say about the curse ofidleness, and the habits of cynical thinking, and the perils ofvacant-minded indulgence. You will forgive me--and you will forget me. That will be as it should be. Good-by. " Gatewood, sobered, surprised, descended the stairs and hailed a hansom. CHAPTER VI All the way to the Whip and Spur Club he sat buried in a reverie fromwhich, at intervals, he started, aroused by the heavy, expectant beatingof his own pulses. But what did he expect, in Heaven's name? Not thediscovery of a woman who had never existed. Yet his excitement andimpatience grew as he watched the saddling of his horse; and when atlength he rode out into the sunshine and cantered through the Parkentrance, his sense of impending events and his expectancy amounted to afever which colored his face attractively. He saw her almost immediately. Her horse was walking slowly in thedappled shadows of the new foliage; she, listless in her saddle, sometimes watching the throngs of riders passing, at moments turning togaze into the woodland vistas where, over the thickets of floweringshrubbery, orioles and robins sped flashing on tinted wings from shadowto sun, from sun to shadow. But she looked up as he drew bridle andwheeled his mount beside her; and, "Oh!" she said, flushing inrecognition. "I have missed you terribly, " he said quietly. It was dreamy weather, even for late spring: the scent of lilacs andmock-orange hung heavy as incense along the woods. Their voicesunconsciously found the key to harmonize with it all. She said: "Well, I think I have succeeded. In a few moments she will bepassing. I do not know her name; she rides a big roan. She is verybeautiful, Mr. Gatewood. " He said: "I am perfectly certain we shall find her. I doubted it untilnow. But now I know. " "Oh-h, but I _may_ be wrong, " she protested. "No; you cannot be. " She looked up at him. "You can have no idea how happy you make me, " he said unsteadily. "But--I--but I may be all wrong--dreadfully wrong!" "Y-es; you may be, but I shall not be. For do you know that I havealready seen her in the Park?" "When?" she demanded incredulously, then turned in the saddle, repeating: "Where? Did she pass? How perfectly stupid of me! And _was_she the--the right one?" "She _is_ the right one. . . . Don't turn: I have seen her. Ride on: Iwant to say something--if I can. " "No, no, " she insisted. "I must know whether I was right--" "You _are_ right--but you don't know it yet. . . . Oh, very well, then;we'll turn if you insist. " And he wheeled his mount as she did, ridingat her bridle again. "How can you take it so coolly--so indifferently?" she said. "Where hasthat woman--where has she gone? . . . Never mind; she must turn and passus sooner or later, for she lives uptown. _What_ are you laughing at, Mr. Gatewood?"--in annoyed surprise. "I am laughing at myself. Oh, I'm so many kinds of a fool--you can'tthink how many, and it's no use!" She stared, astonished; he shook his head. "No, you don't understand yet. But you will. Listen to me: this verybeautiful lady you have discovered is nothing to me!" "Nothing--to you!" she faltered. Two pink spots of indignation burned inher cheeks. "How--how dare you say that!--after all that has beendone--all that you have said. You said you loved her; you _did_ sayso--to _me_!" "I don't love her now. " "But you did!" Tears of pure vexation started; she faced him, eye toeye, thoroughly incensed. "What sort of man are you?" she said under her breath. "Your friend Mr. Kerns is wrong. You are not worth saving from yourself. " "Kerns!" he repeated, angry and amazed. "What the deuce has Kerns to dowith this affair?" She stared, then, realizing her indiscretion, bit her lip, and spurredforward. But he put his horse to a gallop, and they pounded along insilence. In a little while she drew bridle and looked around coldly, grave with displeasure. "Mr. Kerns came to us before you did. He said you would probably come, and he begged us to strain every effort in your behalf, because, hesaid, your happiness absolutely depended upon our finding for you thewoman you were seeking. . . . And I tried--very hard--and now she'sfound. You admit that--and _now_ you say--" "I say that one of these balmy summer days I'll assassinate TommyKerns!" broke in Gatewood. "What on earth possessed that prince ofbutters-in to go to Mr. Keen?" "To save you from yourself!" retorted the girl in a low, exasperatedvoice. "He did not say what threatened you; he is a good friend for aman to have. But we soon found out what you were--a man well born, wellbred, full of brilliant possibility, who was slowly becoming an idle, cynical, self-centered egoist--a man who, lacking the lash of need orthe spur of ambition, was degenerating through the sheer uselessness andinanity of his life. And, oh, the pity of it! For Mr. Keen and I havetaken a--a curiously personal interest in you--in your case. I say, thepity of it!" Astounded, dumb under her stinging words, he rode beside her through thebrilliant sunshine, wheeled mechanically as she turned her horse, androde north again. "And now--_now_!" she said passionately, "you turn on the woman youloved! Oh, you are not worth it!" "You are quite right, " he said, turning very white under her scorn. "Almost all you have said is true enough, I fancy. I amount to nothing;I am idle, cynical, selfish. The emptiness of such a life requires astimulant; even a fool abhors a vacuum. So I drink--not so very muchyet--but more than I realize. And it is close enough to a habit to worryme. . . . Yes, almost all you say is true; Kerns knows it; I knowit--now that you have told me. You see, he couldn't tell me, because Ishould not have believed him. But I believe you--all you say, except onething. And that is only a glimmer of decency left in me--not that I makeany merit of it. No, it is merely instinctive. For I have _not_ turnedon the woman I loved. " Her face was pale as her level eyes met him: "You said she was nothing to you. . . . Look there! Do you see her? Doyou see?" Her voice broke nervously as he swung around to stare at a rider bearingdown at a gallop--a woman on a big roan, tearing along through thespring sunshine, passing them with wind-flushed cheeks and dark, incurious eyes, while her powerful horse carried her on, away throughthe quivering light and shadow of the woodland vista. "Is _that_ the person?" "Y-es, " she faltered. "Was I wrong?" "Quite wrong, Miss Southerland. " "But--but you said you had seen her here this morning!" "Yes, I have. " "Did you speak to her before you met me?" "No--not before I met you. " "Then you have not spoken to her. Is she still here in the Park?" "Yes, she is still here. " The girl turned on him excitedly: "Do you mean to say that you will notspeak to her?" "I had rather not--" "And your happiness depends on your speaking?" "Yes. " "Then it is cowardly not to speak. " "Oh, yes, it is cowardly. . . . If you wish me to speak to her I will. Shall I?" "Yes . . . Show her to me. " "And you think that such a man as I am has a right to speak of love toher?" "I--we believe it will be your salvation. Mr. Kerns says you must marryher to be happy. Mr. Keen told me yesterday that it only needed a wordfrom the right woman to put you on your mettle. . . . And--and that ismy opinion. " "Then in charity say that word!" he breathed, bending toward her. "Can'tyou see? Can't you understand? Don't you know that from the moment Ilooked into your eyes I loved you?" "How--how dare you!" she stammered, crimsoning. "God knows, " he said wistfully. "I am a coward. I don't know how Idared. Good-by. . . . " He walked his horse a little way, then launched him into a gallop, tearing on and on, sun, wind, trees swimming, whirling like a vision, hearing nothing, feeling nothing, save the leaden pounding of his pulseand the breathless, terrible tightening in his throat. When he cleared his eyes and looked around he was quite alone, his horsewalking under the trees and breathing heavily. At first he laughed, and the laugh was not pleasant. Then he said aloud:"It is worth having lived for, after all!"--and was silent. And again:"I could expect nothing; she was perfectly right to side-step a fool. . . . And _such_ a fool!" The distant gallop of a horse, dulled on the soft soil, but comingnearer, could not arouse him from the bitter depths he had sunk in; noteven when the sound ceased beside him, and horse snorted recognition tohorse. It was only when a light touch rested on his arm that he lookedup heavily, caught his breath. "Where is the other--woman?" she gasped. "There never was any other. " "You said--" "I said I loved my ideal. I did not know she existed--until I saw you. " "Then--then we were searching for--" "A vision. But it was your face that haunted me. . . . And I am notworth it, as you say. And I know it, . . . For you have opened my eyes. " He drew bridle, forcing a laugh. "I cut a sorry figure in your life; bepatient; I am going out of it now. " And he swung his horse. At the samemoment she did the same, making a demi-tour and meeting him halfway, confronting him. "Do you--you mean to ride out of my life without a word?" she askedunsteadily. "Good-by. " He offered his hand, stirring his horse forward; she leanedlightly over and laid both hands in his. Then, her face surging incolor, she lifted her beautiful dark eyes to his as the horsesapproached, nearer, nearer, until, as they passed, flank brushing flank, her eyes fell, then closed as she swayed toward him, and clung, heryoung lips crushed to his. There was nobody to witness it except the birds and squirrels--nobodybut a distant mounted policeman, who almost fainted away in his saddle. Oh, it was awful, awful! Apparently she had been kissed speechless, forshe said nothing. The man fool did all the talking, incoherently enough, but evidently satisfactory to her, judging from the way she looked athim, and blushed and blushed, and touched her eyes with a bit of cambricat intervals. All the policeman heard as they passed him was; "I'm going to give youthis horse, and Kerns is to give us our silver; and what do you think, my darling?" "W-what?" But they had already passed out of earshot; and in a few moments theshady, sun-flecked bridle path was deserted again save for the birds andsquirrels, and a single mounted policeman, rigid, wild eyed, twistinghis mustache and breathing hard. CHAPTER VII The news of Gatewood's fate filled Kerns with a pleasure bordering uponmelancholy. It was his work; he had done it; it was good for Gatewoodtoo--time for him to stop his irresponsible cruise through life, lowersail, heave to, set his signals, and turn over matters to this charmingpilot. And now they would come into port together and anchor somewhere east ofFifth Avenue--which, Kerns reflected, was far more proper a place forGatewood than somewhere east of Suez, where young men so often sail. And yet, and yet there was something melancholy in the pleasure heexperienced. Gatewood was practically lost to him. He knew what might beexpected from engaged men and newly married men. Gatewood's club lifewas ended--for a while; and there was no other man with whom he cared toembark for those brightly lighted harbors twinkling east of Suez acrossthe metropolitan wastes. "It's very generous of me to get him married, " he said frequently tohimself, rather sadly. "I did it pretty well, too. It only shows thatwomen have no particular monopoly in the realms of diplomacy andfinesse; in fact, if a man really chooses to put his mind to suchmatters, he can make it no trumps and win out behind a bum ace and aguarded knave. " He was pleased with himself. He followed Gatewood about explaining howgood he had been to him. An enthusiasm for marrying off his friendsbegan to germinate within him; he tried it on Darrell, on Barnes, onYates, but was turned down and severely stung. Then one day Harren of the Philippine Scouts turned up at the club, andthey held a determined reunion until daylight, and they told each otherall about it all and what upper-cuts life had handed out to them sincethe troopship sailed. And after the rosy glow had deepened to a more gorgeous hue in the room, and the electric lights had turned into silver pinwheels; and after theyhad told each other the story of their lives, and the last siphon fizzedimpotently when urged beyond its capacity, Kerns arose and extended hishand, and Harren took it. And they executed a song resembling "Auld LangSyne. " "Ole man, " said Kerns reproachfully, "there's one thing you have beendeuced careful _not_ to mention, and that is about what happened to youthree years ago--" "Steady!" said Harren; "there is nothing to tell, Tommy. " "Nothing?" "Nothing. I never saw her again. I never shall. " Kerns looked long and unsteadily upon his friend; then very gravelyfumbled in his pocket and drew forth the business card of Westrel Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. "That, " he said, "will be about all. " And he bestowed the card uponHarren with magnificent condescension. And about five o'clock the following afternoon Harren found the cardamong various effects of his, scattered over his dresser. It took him several days to make up his mind to pay any attention to thecard or the suggestion it contained. He scarcely considered it seriouslyeven when, passing along Fifth Avenue one sunny afternoon, he chanced toglance up and see the sign KEEN & CO. TRACERS OF LOST PERSONS staring him in the face. He continued his stroll, but that evening, upon mere impulse, he satdown and wrote a letter to Mr. Keen. The next morning's mail brought a reply and an appointment for aninterview on Wednesday week. Harren tossed the letter aside, satisfiedto let the matter go, because his leave expired on Tuesday, and theappointment was impossible. On Sunday, however, the melancholy of the deserted club affected hisspirits. A curious desire to see this Tracer of Lost Persons seized himwith a persistence unaccountable. He slept poorly, haunted with visions. On Monday he went to see Mr. Keen. It could do no harm; it was too lateto do either harm or good, for his leave expired the next day at noon. The business of Keen & Co. , Tracers of Lost Persons, had grown toenormous proportions; appointments for a personal interview with Mr. Keen were now made a week in advance, so when young Harren sent in hiscard, the gayly liveried negro servant came back presently, threadinghis way through the waiting throng with pomp and circumstance, andreturned the card to Harren with the date of appointment rewritten inink across the top. The day named was Wednesday. On Tuesday Harren'sleave expired. "That won't do, " said the young man brusquely; "I must see Mr. Keento-day. I wrote last week for an appointment. " The liveried darky was polite but obdurate. "Dis here am de 'pintment, suh, " he explained persuasively. "But I want to see Mr. Keen at once, " insisted Harren. "Hit ain't no use, suh, " said the darky respectfully; "dey's mi'ions an'mi'ions ob gemmen jess a-settin' roun' an' waitin' foh Mistuh Keen. Indis here perfeshion, suh, de fustest gemman dat has a 'pintment is defustest gemman dat kin see Mistuh Keen. You is a military gemmanyohse'f, Cap'm Harren, an' you is aware dat precedence am de rigger. " The bronzed young man smiled, glanced at the date of appointment writtenon his card, which also bore his own name followed by the lettersU. S. A. , then his amused gray eyes darkened and he glanced leisurelyaround the room, where a dozen or more assorted people sat waiting theirturns to interview Mr. Keen: all sorts and conditions of people--smartlygowned women, an anxious-browed business man or two, a fat German truckdriver, his greasy cap on his knees, a surly policeman, and an oldIrishwoman, wearing a shawl and an ancient straw bonnet. Harren's eyesreverted to the darky. "You will explain to Mr. Keen, " he said, "that I am an army officer onleave, and that I am obliged to start for Manila to-morrow. This is myexcuse for asking an immediate interview; and if it's not a good enoughexcuse I must cancel this appointment, that is all. " The darky stood, irresolute, inclined to argue, but something in thesteel-gray eyes of the man set him in involuntary motion, and he wentaway once more with the young man's message. Harren turned and walkedback to his seat. The old woman with the faded shawl was explainingvolubly to a handsomely gowned woman beside her that she was looking forher boy, Danny; that her name was Mrs. Regan, and that she washed forthe aristocracy of Hunter's Point at a liberal price per dozen, using nodeleterious substances in the suds as Heaven was her witness. The German truck driver, moved by this confidence, was stirred to beginan endless account of his domestic misfortunes, and old Mrs. Regan, becoming impatient, had already begun to interrupt with an account ofRegan's recent hoisting on the wings of a premature petard, when thedark servant reappeared. "Mistuh Keen will receive you, suh, " he whispered, leading the way intoa large room where dozens of attractive young girls sat very busilyengaged at typewriting machines. Door after door they passed, allnumbered on the ground-glass panes, then swung to the right, where thedarky bowed him into a big, handsomely furnished room flooded with themorning sun. A tall, gray man, faultlessly dressed in a gray frock suitand wearing white spats, turned from the breezy, open window to inspecthim; the lean, well groomed, rather lank type of gentleman suggesting aretired colonel of cavalry; unmistakably well bred from the ends of hisdrooping gray mustache to the last button on his immaculate spats. "Captain Harren?" he said pleasantly. "Mr. Keen?" They bowed. Young Harren drew from his pocket a card. It was thebusiness card of Keen & Co. , and, glancing up at Mr. Keen, he read italoud, carefully: KEEN & CO. TRACERS OF LOST PERSONS Keen & Co. Are prepared to locate the whereabouts of anybody on earth. No charges will be made unless the person searched for is found. _Blanks on Application. _ WESTREL KEEN, Manager. Harren raised his clear, gray eyes. "I assume this statement to becorrect, Mr. Keen?" "You may safely assume so, " said Mr. Keen, smiling. "Does this statement include _all_ that you are prepared to undertake?" The Tracer of Lost Persons inspected him coolly. "What more is there, Captain Harren? I undertake to find lost people. I even undertake tofind the undiscovered ideals of young people who have failed to meetthem. What further field would you suggest?" Harren glanced at the cardwhich he held in his gloved hand; then, very slowly, he re-read, "thewhereabouts of anybody _on earth_, " accenting the last two wordsdeliberately as he encountered Keen's piercing gaze again. "Well?" asked Mr. Keen laughingly, "is not that sufficient? Our clientscould scarcely expect us to invade heaven in our search for thevanished. " "There are other regions, " said Harren. "_Ex_actly. Sit down, sir. There is a row of bookcases for youramusement. Please help yourself while I clear decks for action. " Harren stood fingering the card, his gray eyes lost in retrospection;then he sauntered over to the bookcases, scanning the titles. TheSearcher for Lost Persons studied him for a moment or two, turned, andbegan to pace the room. After a moment or two he touched a bell. Asweet-faced young girl entered; she was gowned in black and wore a whitecollar, and cuffs turned back over her hands. "Take this memorandum, " he said. The girl picked up a pencil and pad, and Mr. Keen, still pacing the room, dictated in a quiet voice as hewalked to and fro: "Mrs. Regan's Danny is doing six months in Butte, Montana. Break it toher as mercifully as possible. He is a bad one. We make no charge. Thetruck driver, Becker, can find his wife at her mother's house, Leonia, New Jersey. Tell him to be less pig-headed or she'll go for good someday. Ten dollars. Mrs. M. , No. 36001, can find her missing butler inservice at 79 Vine Street, Hartford, Connecticut. She may notify thepolice whenever she wishes. His portrait is No. 170529, Rogues' Gallery. Five hundred dollars. Miss K. (No. 3679) may send her letter, care ofCisneros & Co. , Rio, where the person she is seeking has gone into thecoffee business. If she decides that she really does love him, he'llcome back fast enough. Two hundred and fifty dollars. Mr. W. (No. 3620)must go to the morgue for further information. His repentance is toolate; but he can see that there is a decent burial. The charge: onethousand dollars to the Florence Mission. You may add that we possesshis full record. " The Tracer paused and waited for the stenographer to finish. When shelooked up: "Who else is waiting?" he asked. The girl read over the initials and numbers. "Tell that policeman that Kid Conroy sails on the _Carania_ to-morrow. Fifty dollars. There is nothing definite in the other cases. Reportprogress and send out a general alarm for the cashier inquired for byNo. 3608. You will find details in vol. Xxxix under B. " "Is that all, Mr. Keen?" "Yes. I'm going to be very busy with"--turning slowly towardHarren--"with Captain Harren, of the Philippine Scouts, untilto-morrow--a very complicated case, Miss Borrow, involving cipher codesand photography--" CHAPTER VIII Harren started, then walked slowly to the center of the room as thepretty stenographer passed out with a curious level glance at him. "Why do you say that photography plays a part in my case?" he asked. "Doesn't it?" "Yes. But how--" "Oh, I only guessed it, " said Keen with a smile. "I made another guessthat your case involved a cipher code. Does it?" "Y-es, " said the young man, astonished, "but I don't see--" "It also involves the occult, " observed Keen calmly. "We may need MissBorrow to help us. " Almost staggered, Harren stared at the Tracer out of his astonished grayeyes until that gentleman laughed outright and seated himself, motioningHarren to do likewise. "Don't be surprised, Captain Harren, " he said. "I suppose you have noconception of our business, no realization of its scope--its network ofinformation bureaus all over the civilized world, its myriad sources ofinformation, the immensity of its delicate machinery, the endless dataand the infinitesimal details we have at our command. You, of course, have no idea of the number of people of every sort and condition who arein our employ, of the ceaseless yet inoffensive surveillance wemaintain. For example, when your letter came last week I called up theperson who has charge of the army list. There you were, Kenneth Harren, Captain Philippine Scouts, with the date of your graduation from WestPoint. Then I called up a certain department devoted to personal detail, and in five minutes I knew your entire history. I then touched anotherelectric button, and in a minute I had before me the date of yourarrival in New York, your present address, and"--he looked upquizzically at Harren--"and several items of general information, suchas your peculiar use of your camera, and the list of books on PsychicalPhenomena and Cryptograms which you have been buying--" Harren flushed up. "Do you mean to say that I have been spied upon, Mr. Keen?" "No more than anybody else who comes to us as a client. There wasnothing offensive in the surveillance. " He shrugged his shoulders andmade a deprecating gesture. "Ours is a business, my dear sir, like anyother. We, of course, are obliged to know about people who call on us. Last week you wrote me, and I immediately set every wheel in motion; inother words, I had you under observation from the day I received yourletter to this very moment. " "You learned much concerning me?" asked Harren quietly. "_Ex_actly, my dear sir. " "But, " continued Harren with a touch of malice, "you didn't learn thatmy leave is up to-morrow, did you?" "Yes, I learned that, too. " "Then why did you give me an appointment for the day after to-morrow?"demanded the young man bluntly. The Tracer looked him squarely in the eye. "Your leave is to beextended, " he said. "What?" "_Ex_actly. It has been extended one week. " "How do you know that?" "You applied for extension, did you not?" "Yes, " said Harren, turning red, "but I don't see how you knew that I--" "By cable?" "Y-yes. " "There's a cablegram in your rooms at this very moment, " said theTracer carelessly. "You have the extension you desired. And now, CaptainHarren, " with a singularly pleasant smile, "what can I do to help you toa pursuit of that true happiness which is guaranteed for all goodcitizens under our Constitution?" Captain Harren crossed his long legs, dropping one knee over the other, and deliberately surveyed his interrogator. "I really have no right to come to you, " he said slowly. "Yourprospectus distinctly states that Keen & Co. Undertake to find _live_people, and I don't know whether the person I am seeking is aliveor--or--" His steady voice faltered; the Tracer watched him curiously. "Of course, that is important, " he said. "If she _is_ dead--" "_She_!" "Didn't you say 'she, ' Captain?" "No, I did not. " "I beg your pardon, then, for anticipating you, " said the Tracercarelessly. "Anticipating? _How_ do you know it is not a man I am in search of?"demanded Harren. "Captain Harren, you are unmarried and have no son; you have no father, no brother, no sister. Therefore I infer--several things--for example, that you are in love. " "I? In love?" "Desperately, Captain. " "Your inferences seem to satisfy you, at least, " said Harren almostsullenly, "but they don't satisfy me--clever as they appear to be. " "_Ex_actly. Then you are _not_ in love?" "I don't know whether I am or not. " "I do, " said the Tracer of Lost Persons. "Then you know more than I, " retorted Harren sharply. "But that is my business--to know more than you do, " returned Mr. Keenpatiently. "Else why are you here to consult me?" And as Harren made noreply: "I have seen thousands and thousands of people in love. I havereduced the superficial muscular phenomena and facial symptomatic aspectof such people to an exact science founded upon a schedule approximatingthe Bertillon system of records. And, " he added, smiling, "out of thetwenty-seven known vocal variations your voice betrays twenty-fiveunmistakable symptoms; and out of the sixteen reflex muscular symptomsyour face has furnished six, your hands three, your limbs and feet six. Then there are other superficial symptoms--" "Good heavens!" broke in Harren; "how can you prove a man to be in lovewhen he himself doesn't know whether he is or not? If a man isn't inlove no Bertillon system can make him so; and if a man doesn't knowwhether or not he is in love, who can tell him the truth?" "I can, " said the Tracer calmly. "What! When I tell you I myself don't know?" "_That_, " said the Tracer, smiling, "is the final and convincingsymptom. _You_ don't know. _I_ know because you _don't_ know. That isthe easiest way to be sure that you are in love, Captain Harren, becauseyou always are when you are not sure. You'd know if you were _not_ inlove. Now, my dear sir, you may lay your case confidently before me. " Harren, unconvinced, sat frowning and biting his lip and twisting hisshort, crisp mustache which the tropical sun had turned straw color andcurly. "I feel like a fool to tell you, " he said. "I'm not an imaginative man, Mr. Keen; I'm not fanciful, not sentimental. I'm perfectly healthy, perfectly normal--a very busy man in my profession, with no time and noinclination to fall in love. " "Just the sort of man who does it, " commented Keen. "Continue. " Harren fidgeted about in his chair, looked out of the window, squintedat the ceiling, then straightened up, folding his arms with suddendetermination. "I'd rather be boloed than tell you, " he said. "Perhaps, after all, I_am_ a lunatic; perhaps I've had a touch of the Luzon sun and don't knowit. " "I'll be the judge, " said the Tracer, smiling. "Very well, sir. Then I'll begin by telling you that I've seen a ghost. " "There are such things, " observed Keen quietly. "Oh, I don't mean one of those fabled sheeted creatures that float aboutat night; I mean a phantom--a real phantom--in the sunlight--standingbefore my very eyes in broad day! . . . Now do you feel inclined to goon with my case, Mr. Keen?" "Certainly, " replied the Tracer gravely. "Please continue, CaptainHarren. " "All right, then. Here's the beginning of it: Three years ago, here inNew York, drifting along Fifth Avenue with the crowd, I looked up toencounter the most wonderful pair of eyes that I ever beheld--that anyliving man ever beheld! The most--wonderfully--beautiful--" He sat so long immersed in retrospection that the Tracer said: "I amlistening, Captain, " and the Captain woke up with a start. "What was I saying? How far had I proceeded?" "Only to the eyes. " "Oh, I see! The eyes were dark, sir, dark and lovely beyond any power ofdescription. The hair was also dark--very soft and thick and--er--wavyand dark. The face was extremely youthful, and ornamental to theuttermost verges of a beauty so exquisite that, were I to attempt toformulate for you its individual attractions, I should, I fear, transgress the strictly rigid bounds of that reticence which becomes agentleman in complete possession of his senses. " "_Ex_actly, " mused the Tracer. "Also, " continued Captain Harren, with growing animation, "to attempt todescribe her figure would be utterly useless, because I am a practicalman and not a poet, nor do I read poetry or indulge in futile novels orromances of any description. Therefore I can only add that it was afigure, a poise, absolutely faultless, youthful, beautiful, erect, wholesome, gracious, graceful, charmingly buoyant and--well, I cannotdescribe her figure, and I shall not try. " "_Ex_actly; don't try. " "No, " said Harren mournfully, "it is useless"; and he relapsed intoenchanted retrospection. "Who was she?" asked Mr. Keen softly. "I don't know. " "You never again saw her?" "Mr. Keen, I--I am not ill-bred, but I simply could not help followingher. She was so b-b-beautiful that it hurt; and I only wanted to look ather; I didn't mind being hurt. So I walked on and on, and sometimes I'dpass her and sometimes I'd let her pass me, and when she wasn't lookingI'd look--not offensively, but just because I _couldn't_ help it. Andall the time my senses were humming like a top and my heart kept jumpingto get into my throat, and I hadn't a notion where I was going or whattime it was or what day of the week. She didn't see me; she didn't dreamthat I was looking at her; she didn't know me from any of the thousandsilk-hatted, frock-coated men who passed and repassed her on FifthAvenue. And when she went into St. Berold's Church, I went, too, and Istood where I could see her and where she couldn't see me. It was like atouch of the Luzon sun, Mr. Keen. And then she came out and got into aFifth Avenue stage, and I got in, too. And whenever she looked away Ilooked at her--without the slightest offense, Mr. Keen, until, once, shecaught my eye--" He passed an unsteady hand over his forehead. "For a moment we looked full at one another, " he continued. "I got red, sir; I felt it, and I couldn't look away. And when I turned color like ablooming beet, she began to turn pink like a rosebud, and she lookedfull into my eyes with such a wonderful purity, such exquisiteinnocence, that I--I never felt so near--er--heaven in my life! No, sir, not even when they ambushed us at Manoa Wells--but that's anotherthing--only it is part of this business. " He tightened his clasped hands over his knee until the knuckleswhitened. "_That's_ my story, Mr. Keen, " he said crisply. "All of it?" Harren looked at the floor, then at Keen: "No, not all. You'll think mea lunatic if I tell you all. " "Oh, you saw her again?" "N-never! That is--" "Never?" "Not in--in the flesh. " "Oh, in dreams?" Harren stirred uneasily. "I don't know what you call them. I have seenher since--in the sunlight, in the open, in my quarters in Manila, standing there perfectly distinct, looking at me with such strange, beautiful eyes--" "Go on, " said the Tracer, nodding. "What else is there to say?" muttered Harren. "You saw her--or a phantom which resembled her. Did she speak?" "No. " "Did you speak to her?" "N-no. Once I held out my--my arms. " "What happened?" "She wasn't there, " said Harren simply. "She vanished?" "No--I don't know. I--I didn't see her any more. " "Didn't she fade?" "No. I can't explain. She--there was only myself in the room. " "How many times has she appeared to you?" "A great many times. " "In your room?" "Yes. And in the road under a vertical sun; in the forest, in the paddyfields. I have seen her passing through the hallway of a friend'shouse--turning on the stair to look back at me! I saw her standing justback of the firing-line at Manoa Wells when we were preparing to rushthe forts, and it scared me so that I jumped forward to draw her back. But--she wasn't there, Mr. Keen. . . . "On the transport she stood facing me on deck one moonlit evening forfive minutes. I saw her in 'Frisco; she sat in the Pullman twice betweenDenver and this city. Twice in my room at the Vice-Regent she has satopposite me at midday, so clear, so beautiful, so real that--that Icould scarcely believe she was only a--a--" He hesitated. "The apparition of her own subconscious self, " said the Tracer quietly. "Science has been forced to admit such things, and, as you know, we areon the verge of understanding the alphabet of some of the unknown forceswhich we must some day reckon with. " Harren, tense, a trifle pale, gazed at him earnestly. "Do _you_ believe in such things?" "How can I avoid believing?" said the Tracer. "Every day, in myprofession, we have proof of the existence of forces for which we haveas yet no explanation--or, at best, a very crude one. I have had caseafter case of premonition; case after case of dual and even multiplepersonality; case after case where apparitions played a vital part inthe plot which was brought to me to investigate. I'll tell you this, Captain: I, personally, never saw an apparition, never was obsessed bypremonitions, never received any communications from the outer void. ButI have had to do with those who undoubtedly did. Therefore I listen withall seriousness and respect to what you tell me. " "Suppose, " said Harren, growing suddenly red, "that I should tell you Ihave succeeded in photographing this phantom. " The Tracer sat silent. He was astounded, but, he did not betray it. "You have that photograph, Captain Harren?" "Yes. " "Where is it?" "In my rooms. " "You wish me to see it?" Harren hesitated. "I--there is--seems to be--something almost sacred tome in that photograph. . . . You understand me, do you not? Yet, if itwill help you in finding her--" "Oh, " said the Tracer in guileless astonishment, "you desire to findthis young lady. Why?" Harren stared. "Why? Why do I want to find her? Man, I--I can't livewithout her!" "I thought you were not certain whether you really could be in love. " The hot color in the Captain's bronzed cheeks mounted to his hair. "_Ex_actly, " purred the Tracer, looking out of the window. "Suppose wewalk around to your rooms after luncheon. Shall we?" Harren picked up his hat and gloves, hesitating, lingering on thethreshold. "You _don't_ think she is--a--dead?" he asked unsteadily. "No, " said Mr. Keen, "I don't. " "Because, " said Harren wistfully, "her apparition is so superbly healthyand--and glowing with youth and life--" "That is probably what sent it half the world over to confront you, "said the Tracer gravely; "youth and life aglow with spiritual health. Ithink, Captain, that she has been seeing you, too, during these threeyears, but probably only in her dreams--memories of your encounters withher subconscious self floating over continents and oceans in a quest ofwhich her waking intelligence is innocently unaware. " The Captain colored like a schoolboy, lingering at the door, hat inhand. Then he straightened up to the full height of his slim butpowerful figure. "At three?" he inquired bluntly. "At three o'clock in your room, Hotel Vice-Regent. Good morning, Captain. " "Good morning, " said Harren dreamily, and walked away, head bent, grayeyes lost in retrospection, and on his lean, bronzed, attractive face anafterglow of color wholly becoming. CHAPTER IX When the Tracer of Lost Persons entered Captain Harren's room at theHotel Vice-Regent that afternoon he found the young man standing at acenter table, pencil in hand, studying a sheet of paper which wascovered with letters and figures. The two men eyed one another in silence for a moment, then Harrenpointed grimly to the confusion of letters and figures covering dozensof scattered sheets lying on the table. "That's part of my madness, " he said with a short laugh. "Can you makeanything of such lunatic work?" The Tracer picked up a sheet of paper covered with letters of thealphabet and Roman and Arabic numerals. He dropped it presently andpicked up another comparatively blank sheet, on which were the followingfigures: [Illustration: Cryptographic symbols] He studied it for a while, then glanced interrogatively at Harren. "It's nothing, " said Harren. "I've been groping for three years--butit's no use. That's lunatics' work. " He wheeled squarely on his heels, looking straight at the Tracer. "_Do_ you think I've had a touch of thesun?" "No, " said Mr. Keen, drawing a chair to the table. "Saner men than youor I have spent a lifetime over this so-called Seal of Solomon. " He laidhis finger on the two symbols-- [Illustration: Cryptographic symbols] Then, looking across the table at Harren: "What, " he asked, "has theSeal of Solomon to do with your case?" "_She_--" muttered Harren, and fell silent. The Tracer waited; Harren said nothing. "Where is the photograph?" Harren unlocked a drawer in the table, hesitated, looked strangely atthe Tracer. "Mr. Keen, " he said, "there is nothing on earth I hold more sacred thanthis. There is only one thing in the world that could justify me inshowing it to a living soul--my--my desire to find--her--" "No, " said Keen coolly, "that is not enough to justify you--the meredesire to find the living original of this apparition. Nothing couldjustify your showing it unless you love her. " Harren held the picture tightly, staring full at the Tracer. A dullflush mounted to his forehead, and very slowly he laid the picturebefore the Tracer of Lost Persons. Minute after minute sped while the Tracer bent above the photograph, hisfinely modeled features absolutely devoid of expression. Harren haddrawn his chair beside him, and now sat leaning forward, bronzed cheekresting in his hand, staring fixedly at the picture. "When was this--this photograph taken?" asked the Tracer quietly. "The day after I arrived in New York. I was here, alone, smoking my pipeand glancing over the evening paper just before dressing for dinner. Itwas growing rather dark in the room; I had not turned on the electriclight. My camera lay on the table--there it is!--that kodak. I had takena few snapshots on shipboard; there was one film left. " He leaned more heavily on his elbow, eyes fixed upon the picture. "It was almost dark, " he repeated. "I laid aside the evening paper andstood up, thinking about dressing for dinner, when my eyes happened tofall on the camera. It occurred to me that I might as well unload it, let the unused film go, and send the roll to be developed and printed;and I picked up the camera--" "Yes, " said the Tracer softly. "I picked it up and was starting toward the window where there remainedenough daylight to see by--" The Tracer nodded gently. "Then I saw _her_!" said Harren under his breath. "Where?" "There--standing by that window. You can see the window and curtain inthe photograph. " The Tracer gazed intently at the picture. "She looked at me, " said Harren, steadying his voice. "She was as realas you are, and she stood there, smiling faintly, her dark, lovely eyesmeeting mine. " "Did you speak?" "No. " "How long did she remain there?" "I don't know--time seemed to stop--the world--everything grew still. . . . Then, little by little, something began to stir under my stunnedsenses--that germ of misgiving, that dreadful doubt of my own sanity. . . . I scarcely knew what I was doing when I took the photograph;besides, it had grown quite dark, and I could scarcely see her. " He drewhimself erect with a nervous movement. "How on earth could I haveobtained that photograph of her in the darkness?" he demanded. "N-rays, " said the Tracer coolly. "It has been done in France. " "Yes, from living people, but--" "What the N-ray is in living organisms, we must call, for lack of abetter term, the subaura in the phantom. " They bent over the photograph together. Presently the Tracer said: "Sheis very, very beautiful?" Harren's dry lips unclosed, but he uttered no sound. "She is beautiful, is she not?" repeated the Tracer, turning to look atthe young man. "Can you not see she is?" he asked impatiently. "No, " said the Tracer. Harren stared at him. "Captain Harren, " continued the Tracer, "I can see nothing upon this bitof paper that resembles in the remotest degree a human face or figure. " Harren turned white. "Not that I doubt that _you_ can see it, " pursued the Tracer calmly. "Isimply repeat that I see absolutely nothing on this paper except a partof a curtain, a window pane, and--and--" "What! for God's sake!" cried Harren hoarsely. "I don't know yet. Wait; let me study it. " "Can you not see her face, her eyes? _Don't_ you see that exquisite slimfigure standing there by the curtain?" demanded Harren, laying hisshaking finger on the photograph. "Why, man, it is as clear, as cleancut, as distinct as though the picture had been taken in sunlight! Doyou mean to say that there is nothing there--that I am crazy?" "No. Wait. " "Wait! How can I wait when you sit staring at her picture and telling methat you can't see it, but that it is doubtless there? Are you deceivingme, Mr. Keen? Are you trying to humor me, trying to be kind to me, knowing all the while that I'm crazy--" "Wait, man! You are no more crazy than I am. I tell you that I can seesomething on the window pane--" He suddenly sprang up and walked to the window, leaning close andexamining the glass. Harren followed and laid his hand lightly over thepane. "Do you see any marks on the glass?" demanded Keen. Harren shook his head. "Have you a magnifying glass?" asked the Tracer. Harren pointed back to the table, and they returned to the photograph, the Tracer bending over it and examining it through the glass. "All I see, " he said, still studying the photograph, "is a corner of acurtain and a window on which certain figures seem to have been cut. . . . Look, Captain Harren, can you see them?" "I see some marks--some squares. " "You can't see anything written on that pane--as though cut by adiamond?" "Nothing distinct. " "But you see _her_?" "Perfectly. " "In minute detail?" "Yes. " The Tracer thought a moment: "Does she wear a ring?" "Yes; can't you see?" "Draw it for me. " They seated themselves side by side, and Harren drew a rough sketch ofthe ring which he insisted was so plainly visible on her hand: [Illustration: Ring with an X] "Oh, " observed the Tracer, "she wears the Seal of Solomon on her ring. " Harren looked up at him. "That symbol has haunted me persistently forthree years, " he said. "I have found it everywhere--on articles that Ibuy, on house furniture, on the belts of dead ladrones, on the hilts ofcreeses, on the funnels of steamers, on the headstalls of horses. Ifthey put a laundry mark on my linen it's certain to be this! If I buy abox of matches the sign is on it. Why, I've even seen it on thebrilliant wings of tropical insects. It's got on my nerves. I dreamabout it. " [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] "And you buy books about it and try to work out its mystical meaning?"suggested the Tracer, smiling. But Harren's gray eyes were serious. He said: "_She_ never comes to mewithout that symbol somewhere about her. . . . I told you she neverspoke to me. That is true; yet once, in a vivid dream of her, she didspeak. I--I was almost ashamed to tell you of that. " "Tell me. " "A--a dream? Do you wish to know what I dreamed?" "Yes--if it was a dream. " "It was. I was asleep on the deck of the _Mindinao_, dead tired after afruitless hike. I dreamed she came toward me through a young woodlandall lighted by the sun, and in her hands she held masses of that wildflower we call Solomon's Seal. And she said--in the voice I know must belike hers: 'If you could only read! If you would only understand themessage I send you! It is everywhere on earth for you to read, if youonly would!' "I said: 'Is the message in the seal? Is that the key to it?' "She nodded, laughing, burying her face in the flowers, and said: "'Perhaps I can write it more plainly for you some day; I will try very, very hard. ' "And after that she went away--not swiftly--for I saw her at moments faraway in the woods; but I must have confused her with the glimmeringshafts of sunlight, and in a little while the woodland grew dark and Iwoke with the racket of a Colt's automatic in my ears. " He passed his sun-bronzed hand over his face, hesitated, then leanedover the photograph once more, which the Tracer was studying intentlythrough the magnifying glass. "There is something on that window in the photograph which I'm going tocopy, " he said. "Please shove a pad and pencil toward me. " Still examining the photograph through the glass which he held in hisright hand, Mr. Keen picked up the pencil and, feeling for the pad, began very slowly to form the following series of symbols: [Illustration: Cryptographic symbols] "What on earth are you doing?" muttered Captain Harren, twisting hisshort mustache in perplexity. "I am copying what I see through this magnifying glass written on thewindow pane in the photograph, " said the Tracer calmly. "Can't you seethose marks?" "I--I do now; I never noticed them before particularly--only that therewere scratches there. " When at length the Tracer had finished his work he sat, chin on hand, examining it in silence. Presently he turned toward Harren, smiling. "Well?" inquired the younger man impatiently; "do those scratchesrepresenting Solomon's Seal mean anything?" "It's the strangest cipher I ever encountered, " said Mr. Keen--"thestrangest I ever heard of. I have seen hundreds ofciphers--hundreds--secret codes of the State Department, secret militarycodes, elaborate Oriental ciphers, symbols used in commercialtransactions, symbols used by criminals and every species of malefactor. And every one of them can be solved with time and patience and a littleknowledge of the subject. But this"--he sat looking at it with eyes halfclosed--"this is _too_ simple. " "Simple!" "Very. It's so simple that it's baffling. " "Do you mean to say you are going to be able to find a meaning insquares and crosses?" "I--I don't believe it is going to be so very difficult to translatethem. " "Great guns!" said the Captain. "Do you mean to say that you canultimately translate that cipher?" The Tracer smiled. "Let's examine it for repetitions first. Here we havethis symbol [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] repeated five times. It's likely to be the letter E. I think--" Hisvoice ceased; for a quarter of an hour he pored over the symbols, pencilin hand, checking off some, substituting a letter here and there. "No, " he said; "the usual doesn't work in this case. It's an absurdlysimple cipher. I have a notion that numbers play a part in it--you seewhere these crossed squares are bracketed--those must be numbersrequiring two figures--" He fell silent again, and for another quarter of an hour he remainedmotionless, immersed in the problem before him, Harren frowning at thepaper over his shoulder. CHAPTER X "Come!" said the Tracer suddenly; "this won't do. There are too fewsymbols to give us a key; too few repetitions to furnish us with any keybasis. Come, Captain, let us use our intellects; let us talk it overwith that paper lying there between us. It's a simple cipher--achildishly simple one if we use our wits. Now, sir, what I see repeatedbefore us on this sheet of paper is merely one of the forms of a symbolknown as Solomon's Seal. The symbol is, as we see, repeated a great manytimes. Every seal has been dotted or crossed on some one of the linescomposing it; some seals are coupled with brackets and armatures. " [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] "What of it?" inquired Harren vacantly. "Well, sir, in the first place, that symbol is supposed to represent thespiritual and material, as you know. What else do you know about it?" [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] "Nothing. I bought a book about it, but made nothing of it. " "Isn't it supposed, " asked Mr. Keen, "to contain within itself the ninenumerals, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and even the zero symbol?" "I believe so. " "_Ex_actly. Here's the seal [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] Now I'll mark the one, two, and three by crossing the lines, like this: one, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] two, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] three, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] Now, eliminating all lines not crossed there remains the one, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] the two, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] the three, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] And here is the entire series: [Illustration: Cryptographic symbols] and the zero--" [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] A sudden excitement stirred Harren; he leaned over the paper, gazingearnestly at the cipher; the Tracer rose and glanced around the room asthough in search of something. "Is there a telephone here?" he asked. "For Heaven's sake, don't give this up just yet, " exclaimed Harren. "These things mean numbers; don't you see? Look at that!" pointing to alinked pair of seals, [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] "That means the number nineteen! You can form it by using only thecrossed lines of the seal. [Illustration: Cryptographic symbol] Don't you see, Mr. Keen?" "Yes, Captain Harren, the cipher is, as you say, very plain; quite aseasy to read as so much handwriting. That is why I wish to use yourtelephone--at once, if you please. " "It's in my bedroom; you don't mind if I go on working out this cipherwhile you're telephoning?" "Not in the least, " said the Tracer blandly. He walked into theCaptain's bedroom, closing the door behind him; then he stepped over tothe telephone, unhooked the receiver, and called up his ownheadquarters. "Hello. This is Mr. Keen. I want to speak to Miss Borrow. " In a few moments Miss Borrow answered: "I am here, Mr. Keen. " "Good. Look up the name Inwood. Try New York first--Edith Inwood is thename. Look sharp, please; I am holding the wire. " He held it for ten full minutes; then Miss Borrow's low voice called himover the wire. "Go ahead, " said the Tracer quietly. "There is only one Edith Inwood in New York, Mr. Keen--Miss EdithInwood, graduate of Barnard, 1902--left an orphan 1903 and obliged tosupport herself--became an assistant to Professor Boggs of the Museum ofInscriptions. Is considered an authority upon Arabian cryptograms. Haswritten a monograph on the Herati symbol--a short treatise on theSwastika. She is twenty-four years of age. Do you require furtherdetails?" "No, " said the Tracer; "please ring off. " Then he called up General Information. "I want the Museum ofInscriptions. Get me their number, please. " After a moment: "Is this theMuseum of Inscriptions?" * * * * * "Is Professor Boggs there?" * * * * * "Is this Professor Boggs?" * * * * * "Could you find time to decipher an inscription for me at once?" * * * * * "Of course I know you are extremely busy, but have you no assistant whocould do it?" * * * * * "What did you say her name is? Miss Inwood?" * * * * * "Oh! And will the young lady translate the inscription at once if I senda copy of it to her by messenger?" * * * * * "Thank you very much, Professor. I will send a messenger to Miss Inwoodwith a copy of the inscription. Good-by. " He hung up the receiver, turned thoughtfully, opened the door again, andwalked into the sunlit living room. "Look here!" cried the Captain in a high state of excitement. "I've gota lot of numbers out of it already. " "Wonderful!" murmured the Tracer, looking over the young man's broadshoulders at a sheet of paper bearing these numbers: 9--14--5--22--5--18--19--1--23--25--15--21--2--21--20--15--14--3--5--9--12--15--22--5--25--15--21--5--4--9--20--8--9--14--23--15--15--4. "Marvelous!" repeated the Tracer, smiling. "Now what _do_ you supposethose numbers can stand for?" "Letters!" announced the Captain triumphantly. "Take the number nine, for example. The ninth letter in the alphabet is I! Mr. Keen, suppose wetry writing down the letters according to that system!" "Suppose we do, " agreed the Tracer gravely. So, counting under his breath, the young man set down the letters in thefollowing order, not attempting to group them into words: INEVERSAWYOUBUTONCEILOVEYOUEDITHINWOOD. Then he leaned back, excited, triumphant. "There you are!" he said; "only, of course, it makes no sense. " Heexamined it in silence, and gradually a hopeless expression effaced theanimation. "How the deuce am I going to separate that mass of lettersinto words?" he muttered. "This way, " said the Tracer, smilingly taking the pencil from hisfingers, and he wrote: I--NEVER--SAW--YOU--BUT--ONCE. I--LOVE--YOU. EDITH INWOOD. Then he laid the pencil on the table and walked to the window. Once or twice he fancied that he heard incoherent sounds behind him. And after a while he turned, retracing his steps leisurely. CaptainHarren, extremely pink, stood tugging at his short mustache and studyingthe papers on the desk. "Well?" inquired the Tracer, amused. The young man pointed to the translation with unsteady finger. "W-whaton earth does that mean?" he demanded shakily. "Who is Edith Inwood?W-what on earth does that cryptogram mean on the window pane in thephotograph? How did it come there? It isn't on my window pane, you see!" The Tracer said quietly: "That is not a photograph of your window. " "What!" "No, Captain. Here! Look at it closely through this glass. There aresixteen small panes in that sash; now count the panes in yourwindow--eight! Besides, look at that curtain. It is made of some figuredstuff like chintz. Now, look at your own curtain yonder! It is of plainvelour. " "But--but I took that photograph! She stood there--there by that verywindow!" The Tracer leaned over the photograph, examining it through the glass. And, studying it, he said: "Do you still see _her_ in this photograph, Captain Harren?" "Certainly. Can you not see her?" "No, " murmured the Tracer, "but I see the window which she really stoodby when her phantom came here seeking you. And that is sufficient. Come, Captain Harren, we are going out together. " The Captain looked at him earnestly; something in Mr. Keen's eyes seemedto fascinate him. "You think that--that it's likely we are g-going to see--_her_!" hefaltered. "If I were you, " mused the Tracer of Lost Persons, joining the tips ofhis lean fingers meditatively--"If I were you I should wear a silk hatand a frock coat. It's--it's afternoon, anyhow, " he added deprecatingly, "and we are liable to make a call. " Captain Harren turned like a man in a dream and entered his bedroom. Andwhen he emerged he was dressed and groomed with pathetic precision. "Mr. Keen, " he said, "I--I don't know why I am d-daring to hope for alls-sorts of things. Nothing you have said really warrants it. But somehowI'm venturing to cherish an absurd notion that I may s-see her. " "Perhaps, " said the Tracer, smiling. "Mr. Keen! You wouldn't say that if--if there was no chance, would you?You wouldn't dash a fellow's hopes--" "No, I wouldn't, " said Mr. Keen. "I tell you frankly that I expect tofind her. " "To-day?" "We'll see, " said Mr. Keen guardedly. "Come, Captain, don't look thatway! Courage, sir! We are about to execute a turning movement; but youlook like a Russian general on his way to the south front. " Harren managed to laugh; they went out, side by side, descended theelevator, and found a cab at the _porte-cochère_. Mr. Keen gave thedirections and followed the Captain into the cab. "Now, " he said, as they wheeled south, "we are first going to visit theMuseum of Inscriptions and have this cipher translation verified. Hereis the cipher as I copied it. Hold it tightly, Captain; we've only a fewblocks to drive. " Indeed they were already nearly there. The hansom drew up in front of aplain granite building wedged in between some rather elaborate privatedwelling-houses. Over the door were letters of dull bronze: AMERICAN MUSEUM OF INSCRIPTIONS and the two men descended and entered a wide marble hall lined withglass-covered cabinets containing plaster casts of various ancientinscriptions and a few bronze and marble originals. Several femalefrumps were nosing the exhibits. An attendant in livery stood in the middle distance. The Tracer walkedover to him. "I have an appointment to consult Miss Inwood, " hewhispered. "This way, sir, " nodded the attendant, and the Tracer signaled theCaptain to follow. They climbed several marble stairways, crossed a rotunda, and entered aroom--a sort of library. Beyond was a door which bore the inscription: ASSISTANT CURATOR "Now, " said the Tracer of Lost Persons in a low voice to Captain Harren, "I am going to ask you to sit here for a few minutes while I interviewthe assistant curator. You don't mind, do you?" "No, I don't mind, " said Harren wearily, "only, when are we going tobegin to search for--_her_?" "Very soon--I may say extremely soon, " said Mr. Keen gravely. "By theway, I think I'll take that sheet of paper on which I copied the cipher. Thank you. I won't be long. " The attendant had vanished. Captain Harren sat down by a window andgazed out into the late afternoon sunshine. The Tracer of Lost Persons, treading softly across the carpeted floor, approached the sanctuary, turned the handle, and walked in, carefully closing the door behind him. There was a young girl seated at a desk by an open window; she looked upquietly as he entered, then rose leisurely. "Miss Inwood?" "Yes. " She was slender, dark-eyed, dark-haired--a lovely, wholesome youngcreature; gracious and graceful. And that was all--for the Tracer ofLost Persons could not see through the eyes of Captain Harren, andperhaps that is why he was not able to discern a miracle of beauty inthe pretty girl who confronted him--no magic and matchless marvel oftranscendent loveliness--only a quiet, sweet-faced, dark-eyed young girlwhose features and figure were attractive in the manner that youth isalways attractive. But then it is a gift of the gods to see through eyesanointed by the gods. The Tracer touched his gray mustache and bowed; the girl bowed verysweetly. "You are Mr. Keen, " she said; "you have an inscription for me totranslate. " "A mystery for young eyes to interpret, " he said, smiling. "May I sithere--and tell my story before I show you my inscription?" "Please do, " she said, seating herself at her desk and facing him, oneslender white hand supporting the oval of her face. The Tracer drew his chair a little forward. "It is a curious matter, " hesaid. "May I give you a brief outline of the details?" "By all means, Mr. Keen. " "Then let me begin by saying that the inscription of which I have a copywas probably scratched upon a window pane by means of a diamond. " "Oh! Then--then it is not an ancient inscription, Mr. Keen. " "The theme is ancient--the oldest theme in the world--love! The cipheris old--as old as King Solomon. " She looked up quickly. The Tracer, apparently engrossed in his own story, went on with it. "Three years agothe young girl who wrote this inscription upon the window pane ofher--her bedroom, I think it was--fell in love. Do you follow me, MissInwood?" Miss Inwood sat very still--wide, dark eyes fixed on him. "Fell in love, " repeated the Tracer musingly, "not in the ordinary way. That is the point, you see. No, she fell in love at first sight; fellin love with a young man whom she never before had seen, never againbeheld--and never forgot. Do you still follow me, Miss Inwood?" She made the slightest motion with her lips. "No, " mused the Tracer of Lost Persons, "she never forgot him. I am notsure, but I think she sometimes dreamed of him. She dreamed of himawake, too. Once she inscribed a message to him, cutting it with thediamond in her ring on the window pane--" A slight sound escaped from Miss Inwood's lips. "I beg your pardon, "said the Tracer, "did you say something?" The girl had risen, pale, astounded, incredulous. "Who are you?" she faltered. "What has this--this story to do with me?" "Child, " said the Tracer of Lost Persons, "the Seal of Solomon is asplendid mystery. All of heaven and earth are included within itssymbol. And more, more than you dream of, more than I dare fathom; and Iam an old man, my child--old, alone, with nobody to fear for, nothing todread, not even the end of all--because I am ready for that, too. Yet I, having nothing on earth to dread, dare not fathom what that symbol maymean, nor what vast powers it may exert on life. God knows. It may bethe very signet of Fate itself; the sign manual of Destiny. " He drew the paper from his pocket, unrolled it, and spread it out underher frightened eyes. "_That!_" she whispered, steadying herself blindly against the arm heoffered. She stood a moment so, then, shuddering, covered her eyes withboth hands. The Tracer of Lost Persons looked at her, turned and openedthe door. "Captain Harren!" he called quietly. Harren, pacing the anteroom, turnedand came forward. As he entered the door he caught sight of the girlcrouching by the window, her face hidden in her hands, and at the samemoment she dropped her hands and looked straight at him. "_You!_" she gasped. The Tracer of Lost Persons stepped out, closing the door. For a momenthe stood there, tall, gaunt, gray, staring vacantly into space. "She _was_ beautiful--when she looked at him, " he muttered. For another minute he stood there, hesitating, glancing backward at theclosed door. Then he went away, stooping slightly, his top hat heldclose against the breast of his tightly buttoned frock coat. CHAPTER XI During his first year of wedded bliss, Gatewood cut the club. When Kernswanted to see him he had to call like other people or, like otherpeople, accept young Mrs. Gatewood's invitations. "Why, " said Gatewood scornfully, "should I, thirty-four years of age andsafely married, go to a club? Why should I, at my age, idle with a lotof idlers and listen to stuffy stories from stuffier individuals? Do youthink that stale tobacco smoke, and the idiotically reiterated click ofbilliard balls, and the vacant stare of the fashionably brainless, andthe meaningless exchange of banalities with the intellectually aimlesshave any attractions for me?" Mrs. Gatewood raised her pretty eyes in silence; Kerns returned heramused gaze rather blankly. "Clubs!" sniffed Gatewood. "What are clubs but pretexts for wastingtime? What mental, what spiritual stimulus can a man expect to find in aclub? Why, Kerns, when I look back a year and think what I was, and whenI look at you and think what you still are--" "John, " said Mrs. Gatewood softly. "Oh, he knows it!" insisted her husband, "don't you, Tommy? You know thesort of life you're leading, don't you? You know what a miserable, aimless, selfish, unambitious, pitiable existence an unmarried man leadswho lives at his club; don't you?" "Certainly, " said Kerns, blinking into the smiling gaze of Mrs. Gatewood. "Then why don't you marry?" But Kerns had risen and was making his adieus with cheerful decision;and Mrs. Gatewood was laughing as she gave him her slender hand. "Now I know a girl--" began Gatewood; but his wife was still speaking toKerns, so he circled around them, politely suppressing the excitement ofa sudden idea struggling for utterance. Mrs. Gatewood was saying: "I do wish John would go to his clubsoccasionally. Because a man is married is no reason for his losing touchwith his clubs--" "I know a girl, " broke in Gatewood excitedly, laying his arm on Kerns'sto detain him; but Kerns slid sideways through the door with a smile sononcommittal that Mrs. Gatewood laughed again and, linking her arm inher husband's, faced partly toward him. This maneuver, and theslightest pressure of her shoulder, obliged her husband to begin aturning movement, so that Kerns might reasonably make his escape in themiddle of Gatewood's sentence; which he did with nimble and circumspectagility. "I--I know a--" began Gatewood desperately, twisting his head over hisshoulder, only to hear the deadened patter of his friend's feet over thevelvet stair carpet and the subdued clang of the front door. "Isn't it extraordinary?" he said to his wife. "I've been trying to tellTommy, every time he comes here, about a girl I know--just the very girlhe ought to marry; and something prevents him from listening everytime. " The attractive young matron beside him turned her face so that her eyeswere directly in line with his. "Did you ever know any people named Manners?" she asked. "No. Why?" "You never knew a girl named Marjorie Manners, did you, John?" "No. What about her?" "You never heard Mr. Kerns speak of her, did you, dear?" "No, never. Tommy doesn't talk about girls. " "You never heard him speak of a Mrs. Stanley?" "Never. Who are these two women?" "One and the same, dear. Marjorie Manners married an Englishman namedStanley six years ago. Do you happen to recollect that Mr. Kerns tookhis vacation in England six years ago?" "Yes. What of it?" "He crossed to Southampton with Marjorie and her mother. He didn't knowshe was going over to be married, and she didn't tell him. She wrote tome about it, though. I was in school at Farmington; she left school tomarry--a mere child of eighteen, undeveloped for her age, thin, almostscrawny, with pipe-stem arms and neck, red hair, a very sweet, full-lipped mouth, and gray eyes that were too big for her face. " "Well, " said Gatewood with a short laugh, "what about it? You don'tthink Kerns fell in love with an insect of that genus, do you?" "Yes, I do, " smiled Mrs. Gatewood. "Nonsense. Besides, what of it? She's married, you say. " "Her husband died of enteric at Ladysmith. She wrote me. She has neverremarried. Think of it, John--in all these years she has neverremarried!" "Oh!" said Gatewood pityingly; "do you really suppose that Tommy Kernshas been nursing a blighted affection all these years without evergiving _me_ an inkling? Besides, men don't do that; men don't curl upand blight. Besides, men don't take any stock in big-eyed, flat-chested, red-headed pipe stems. Why do you think that Kerns ever cared for her?" "I know he did. " "How do you know it?" "From Marjorie's letters. " "The conceited kid! Well, of all insufferable nerve! A man like Kerns--aman--one of the finest, noblest characters--spiritually, intellectually, physically--a practically faultless specimen of manhood! And ared-headed, spindle-legged--Oh, my! Oh, fizz! Dearest, men don't worshipa cage of bones with an eighteen-year-old soul in it--like a nervouscanary pecking out at the world!" "She created a furor in England, " observed his wife, smiling. "Oh, I dare say she might over there. Besides, she's doubtless fattenedup since then. But if you suppose for one moment that Tommy could evenremember a girl like that--" Mrs. Gatewood smiled again--the wise, sweet smile of a young matron inwhom her husband's closest friend had confided. And after a moment ortwo the wise smile became more thoughtful and less assured; for thatvery day the Tracer of Lost Persons had called on her to inquire about aMrs. Stanley--a new client of his who had recently bought a town housein East Eighty-third Street and a country house on Long Island; and whohad applied to him to find her fugitive butler and a pint or two offamily jewels. And, after her talk with the Tracer of Lost Persons, Mrs. Gatewood knew that her favorite among all her husband's friends, Mr. Kerns, would never of his own volition go near that same MarjorieManners who had flirted with him to the very perilous verge before shetold him why she was going to England--and who, now a widow, hadreturned with her five-year-old daughter to dwell once more in the cityof her ancestors. Kerns had said very simply: "She has spoiled women for me--all exceptyou, Mrs. Gatewood. And if Jack hadn't married you--" "I understand, Mr. Kerns. I'm awfully sorry. " "Don't feel sorry; only, if you can, call Jack off. He's been perfectlypossessed to marry me to somebody ever since he married you. And if Itold him why I don't care to consider the matter he wouldn't believeme--he'd spend his life in trying to bring me around. Besides, Icouldn't ever tell him about--Marjorie Manners. Anyhow, nothing on earthcould ever induce me to look at her again. . . . You say she is now awidow?" "Yes, Mr. Kerns, and very beautiful. " "Never again, " muttered Kerns. "Never! She was homely enough when Iasked her to marry me. I don't want to see her; I don't want to knowwhat she looks like. I'm glad she has changed so I wouldn't recognizeher, for that means the end of it all--the final elimination of the girlI remember on the ship. . . . It was probably a sort of diseasedinfatuation, wasn't it, Mrs. Gatewood? Think of it! A few days onshipboard and--and I asked her to marry me! . . . I don't blame her, after all, for letting me dangle. It was an excellent opportunity forher to study a rare species of idiot. She was justified and I amsatisfied. Only, do call Jack off with a hint or two. " "I shall try, " said young Mrs. Gatewood thoughtfully--very thoughtfully, for already every atom and fiber of her femininity was aroused in behalfof these two estranged young people whom Providence certainly had notmeant to put asunder. CHAPTER XII "Nothing, " said Gatewood firmly, "can make me believe that Kerns oughtnot to marry somebody; and I'm never going to let up on him until hedoes. I'll bet I could fix him for life if I called in the Tracer tohelp me. Isn't it extraordinary how Kerns has kept out of it all theseyears?" The attractive girl beside him turned her face once more so that herclear, sweet eyes were directly in line with his. "It _is_ extraordinary, " she said seriously. "I think you ought to dropin at the club some day when you can corner him and bully him. " "I don't want to go to the club, " said the infatuated man. "Why, dear?" He looked straight at her and she flushed prettily, while a tint ofcolor touched his own face. Which was very nice of him. So she didn'tsay what she was going to say--that it would be perhaps better for themboth if he practiced on her an artistic absence now and then. Younger inyears, she was more mature than he. She knew. But she was too much inlove with him to salt their ambrosia with common sense or suggesteconomy in their use of the nectar bottle. However, the gods attend to that, and she knew they would, and she letthem. So one balmy evening late in May, when the new moon's ghostfloated through the upper haze, and the golden Diana above Manhattanturned flame color, and the electric lights began to glimmer along FifthAvenue, and the first faint scent of the young summer freshened thefoliage in square and park, Kerns, stopping at the club for a moment, found Gatewood seated at the same window they both were wont to haunt inearlier and more flippant days. "Are you dining here?" inquired Kerns, pushing the electric button withenthusiasm. "Well, that's the first glimmer of common sense you'vebetrayed since you've been married!" "Dining _here_!" repeated Gatewood. "I should hope not! I am just goinghome--" "He's thoroughly cowed, " commented Kerns; "every married man you meet atthe club is just going home. " But he continued to push the button, nevertheless. Gatewood leaned back in his chair and gazed about him, nose in the air. "What a life!" he observed virtuously. "It's all I can do to stand itfor ten minutes. You're here for the evening, I suppose?" he addedpityingly. "No, " said Kerns; "I'm going uptown to Billy Lee's house to get my suitcase. His family are out of town, and he is at Seabright, so he let mecamp there until the workmen finish papering my rooms upstairs. I'm tolock up the house and send the key to the Burglar Alarm Companyto-night. Then I go to Boston on the 12. 10. Want to come? There'll be afew doing. " "To Boston! What for?" "Contracts! We can go out to Cambridge when I've finished my business. There'll be _etwas_ doing. " "_Can't_ you ever recover from being an undergraduate?" asked Gatewood, disgusted. "Well--is there anything the matter with a man getting next to a littleamusement in life?" asked Kerns. "Do you object to my being happy?" "Amusement? You don't know how to amuse yourself. You don't know how tobe happy. Here you sit, day after day, swallowing Martinis--" He pausedto finish his own, then resumed: "Here you sit, day after day, intellectually stultified, unemotionally ignorant of the higher andbetter life--" "No, I don't. I've a book upstairs that tells all about that. I read itwhen I have holdovers--" "Kerns, I wish to speak seriously. I've had it on my mind ever since Imarried. May I speak frankly?" "Well, when I come back from Boston--" "Because I know a girl, " interrupted Gatewood--"wait a moment, Tommy!"--as Kerns rose and sauntered toward the door--"you've plenty oftime to catch your train and be civil, too! I mean to tell you aboutthat girl, if you'll listen. " Kerns halted and turned upon his friend a pair of eyes, unwinking intheir placid intelligence. "I was going to say that I know a girl, " continued Gatewood, "who isjust the sort of a girl you--" "No, she isn't!" said Kerns, wheeling to resume his progress toward thecloakroom. "Tom!" Kerns halted. "_You're_ a fine specimen!" commented Gatewood scornfully. "You spentthe best years of your life in persuading me to get married, and thefirst time I try to do the same for you, you make for the tall timber!" "I know it, " admitted Kerns, unashamed; "I'm bashful. I'm a chipmunk forshyness, so I'll say good night--" "Come back, " said Gatewood coldly. "But my suit case--" "You left it at the Lee's, didn't you? Well, you've time enough to gothere, get it, make your train, and listen to me, too. Look here, Kerns, have you any of the elements of decency about you?" "No, " said Kerns, "not a single element. " He seated himself defiantly inthe club window facing Gatewood and began to button his gloves. When hehad finished he settled his new straw hat more comfortably on his head, and, leaning forward and balancing his malacca walking stick across hisknees, gazed at Gatewood with composure. "Crank up!" he said pleasantly; "I'm going in less than three minutes. "He pushed the electric knob as an afterthought, and when the giltbuttons of the club servant glimmered through the dusk, "Two more, " heexplained briskly. After a few moments' silence, broken by the tinkle ofice in thin glassware, Gatewood leaned forward, menacing his friend withan impressive forefinger: "Did you or didn't you once tell me that a decent citizen ought tomarry?" "I did, dear friend. " "Did I or didn't I do it?" "In the words of the classic, you _done_ it, " admitted Kerns. "Was I or wasn't I going to the devil before I had the sense to marry?"persisted Gatewood. "You was! You _was_, dear friend!" said Kerns with enthusiasm. "You hadalmost went there ere I appeared and saved you. " "Then why shouldn't you marry and let me save you?" "But I'm not going to the bowwows. _I'm_ all right. I'm a decentcitizen. I awake in the rosy dawn with a song on my lips; I softlywhistle rag time as I button my collar; I warble a few delicious vagrantnotes as I part my sparse hair; I'm not murderous before breakfast; I godown town, singing, to my daily toil; I fish for fat contracts inGeorgia marble; I return uptown immersed in a holy calm and the eveningpaper. I offer myself a cocktail; I bow and accept; I dress for dinnerwith the aid of a rascally valet, but--_do_ I swear at him? No, dearfriend; I say, 'Henry, I have known far, far worse scoundrels than you. Thank you for filling up my bay rum with water. Bless you for wearingmy imported hosiery! I deeply regret that my new shirts do not fit you, Henry!' And my smile is a benediction upon that wayward scullion. Then, dear friend, why, why do you desire to offer me up upon the altar ofunrest? What is a little wifey to me or I to any wifey?" "Because, " said Gatewood irritated, "you offered me up. I'm happy and Iwant you to be--you great, hulking, self-satisfied symbol of supremeself-centered selfishness--" "Oh, splash!" said Kerns feebly. "Yes, you are. What do you do all day? Grub for money and study how tomake life agreeable to yourself! Every minute of the day you areoccupied in having a good time! You've admitted it! You wake up singinglike a fool canary; you wear imported hosiery; you've made a soft, warmwallow for yourself at this club, and here you bask your life away, waddling downtown to nail contracts and cut coupons, and uptown todinners and theaters, only to return and sprawl here in luxury withoutone single thought for posterity. _Your_ crime is race suicide!" "I--my--_what_!" "Certainly. Some shirk taxes, some jury duty. _You_ shirk fatherhood, and all its happy and sacred obligations! You deny posterity! You strikea blow at it! You flout it! You menace the future of this Republic!Your inertia is a crime against the people! Instead of _pro bonopublico_ your motto is _pro bono tempo_--for a good time! And, dog Latinor not, it's the truth, and our great President" "Splash!" said Kerns, rising. "I've a good mind, " said Gatewood indignantly, "to put the Tracer ofLost Persons on your trail. He'd rope you and tie you in record time!" Kerns's smile was a provocation. "I'll do it, too!" added Gatewood, losing his temper, "if you dare giveme the chance. " "Seriously, " inquired Kerns, delighted, "_do_ you think your friend, Mr. Keen, could encompass my matrimony against my better sense and the fullenjoyment of my unimpaired mental faculties?" "Didn't he--fortunately for me--force me into matrimony when I had neverseen a woman I would look at twice? Didn't you put him up to it? Verywell, why can't I put him on your trail then? Why can't _he_ do the samefor you?" "Try it, dear friend, " retorted Kerns courteously. "Do you mean that you are not afraid? Do you mean you give me fullliberty to set him on you? And do you realize what that means? No, youdon't; for you haven't a notion of what that man, Westrel Keen, canaccomplish. You haven't the slightest idea of the machinery which hecontrols with a delicacy absolutely faultless; with a perfectlyterrifying precision. Why, man, the Pinkerton system itself has becomemerely a detail in the immense complexity of the system of control whichthe Tracer of Lost Persons exercises over this entire continent. Theurban police, the State constabulary of Pennsylvania, the rural systemsof surveillance, the Secret Service, all municipal, provincial, State, and national organizations form but a few strands in the universal webhe has woven. Custom officials, revenue officers, the militia of theStates, the army, the navy, the personnel of every city, State, andnational legislative bodies form interdependent threads in the mesh heis master of; and, like a big beneficent spider, he sits in the centerof his web, able to tell by the slightest tremor of any thread exactlywhere to begin investigations!" Flushed, earnest, a trifle out of breath with his own eloquence, Gatewood waved his hand to indicate a Ciceronian period, adding, asKerns's incredulous smile broadened: "Say splash again, and I'll put youat his mercy!" "Ker-splash! dear friend, " observed Kerns pleasantly. "If a man doesn'twant to marry, the army, the navy, the Senate, the white wings, and thegreat White Father at Washington can't make him. " "I tell you I want to see you happy!" said Gatewood angrily. "Then gaze upon me. I'm it!" "You're not! You don't know what happiness is. " "Don't I? Well, I don't miss it, dear friend--" "But if you've never had it, and therefore don't miss it, it's timesomebody found some real happiness for you. Kerns, I simply can't bearto see you missing so much happiness--" "Why grieve?" "Yes, I will! I do grieve--in spite of your grinning skepticism and yourbantering attitude. See here, Tom; I've started about a thousand timesto say that I knew a girl--" "Do you want to hear that splash again?" Gatewood grew madder. He said: "I could easily lay your case before Mr. Keen and have you in love and married and happy whether you like it ornot!" "If I were not going to Boston, my son, I should enjoy your misguidedefforts, " returned Kerns blandly. "Your going to Boston makes no difference. The Tracer of Lost Personsdoesn't care where you go or what you do. If he starts in on your case, Tommy, you can't escape. " "You mean he can catch me now? Here? At my own club? Or on the publichighway? Or on the classic Boston train?" "He _could_. Yes, I firmly believe he could land you before you ever sawthe Boston State House. I tell you he can work like lightning, Kerns. Iknow it; I am so absolutely convinced of it that I--I almost hesitate--" "Don't feel delicate about it, " laughed Kerns; "you may call him on thetelephone while I go uptown and get my suit case. Perhaps I'll come backa blushing bridegroom; who knows?" "If you'll wait here I'll call him up now, " said Gatewood grimly. "Oh, very well. Only I left my suit case in Billy's room, and it's fullof samples of Georgia marble, and I've got to get it to the train. " "You've plenty of time. If you'll wait until I talk to Mr. Keen I'lldine with you here. Will you?" "What? Dine in this abandoned joint with an outcast like me? Dearfriend, are you dippy this lovely May evening?" "I'll do it if you'll wait. Will you? And I'll bet you now that I'llhave you in love and sprinting toward the altar before we meet again atthis club. Do you dare bet?" "The terms of the wager, kind friend?" drawled Kerns, delighted; and hefished out a notebook kept for such transactions. "Let me see, " reflected Gatewood; "you'll need a silver service whenyou're married. . . . Well, say, forks and spoons and things against animported trap gun--twelve-gauge, you know. " "Done. Go and telephone to your friend, Mr. Keen. " And Kerns pushed theelectric button with a jeering laugh, and asked the servant for a dinnercard. CHAPTER XIII Gatewood, in the telephone booth, waited impatiently for Mr. Keen; andafter a few moments the Tracer of Lost Persons' agreeable voice soundedin the receiver. "It's about Mr. Kerns, " began Gatewood; "I want to see him happy, andthe idiot won't be. Now, Mr. Keen, you know what happiness you and hebrought to me! You know what sort of an idle, selfish, aimless, meaningless life you saved me from? I want you to do the same for Mr. Kerns. I want to ask you to take up his case at once. Besides, I've abet on it. Could you attend to it at once?" "To-night?" asked the Tracer, laughing. "Why--ah--well, of course, that would be impossible. I suppose--" "My profession is to overcome the impossible, Mr. Gatewood. Where is Mr. Kerns?" "Here, in this club, defying me and drinking cocktails. He won't getmarried, and I want you to make him do it. " "Where is he spending the evening?" asked the Tracer, laughing again. "Why, he's been stopping at the Danforth Lees' in Eighty-third Streetuntil the workmen at the club here finish putting new paper on hiswalls. The Lees are out of town. He left his suit case at their houseand he's going up to get it and catch the 12. 10 train for Boston. " "He goes from the Lenox Club to the residence of Mr. W. Danforth Lee, East Eighty-third Street, to get a suit case, " repeated the Tracer. "Isthat correct?" "Yes. " "What is in the suit case?" "Samples of that new marble he's quarrying in Georgia. " "Is it an old suit case? Has it Mr. Kerns's initials on it?" "Hold the wire; I'll find out. " And Gatewood left the telephone and walked into the great lounging room, where Kerns sat twirling his stick and smiling to himself. "All over, dear friend?" inquired Kerns, starting to rise. "I've ordereda corking dinner. " "Wait!" returned Gatewood ominously. "What sort of a suit case is thatone you're going after?" "What sort? Oh, just an ordinary--" "Is it old or new?" "Brand new. Why?" "Is your name on it?" "No; why? Would that thicken the plot, dear friend? Or is the Tracerfoiled, ha! ha!" Gatewood turned on his heel, went back to the telephone, and, carefullyshutting the door of the booth, took up the receiver. "It's a new suit case, Mr. Keen, " he said; "no initials on it--just anordinary case. " "Mr. Lee's residence is 38 East Eighty-third Street, between Madison andFifth, I believe. " "Yes, " replied Gatewood. "And the family are out of town?" "Yes. " "Is there a caretaker there?" "No; Mr. Kerns camped there. When he leaves to-night he will send thekey to the Burglar Alarm Company. " "Very well. Please hold the wire for a while. " For ten full minutes Gatewood sat gleefully cuddling the receiveragainst his ear. His faith in Mr. Keen was naturally boundless; hebelieved that whatever the Tracer attempted could not result in failure. He desired nothing in the world so ardently as to see Kerns safelymarried. His own happiness may have been the motive power which had sethim in action in behalf of his friend--that and a certain indefinabledesire to practice a species of heavenly revenge, of gratefulretaliation upon the prime mover and _collaborateur_, if not the soleauthor, of his own wedded bliss. Kerns had made him happy. "And I'm hanged if I don't pay him off and make him happy, too!"muttered Gatewood. "Does he think I'm going to sit still and see him gotearing and gyrating about town with no responsibility, no moral checkto his evolutions, no wholesome home duties to limit his acrobatics, nowife to clip his wings? It's time he had somebody to report to; time heassumed moral burdens and spiritual responsibilities. A man is just ashappy when he is certain where he is going to sleep. A man can find justas much enjoyment in life when he feels it his duty to account for hismovements. I don't care whether Kerns is comparatively happy ornot--there's nothing either sacred or holy in that kind of happiness, and I'm not going to endure the sort of life he likes any longer!" Immersed in moral reflections, inspired by affectionate obligations toviolently inflict happiness upon Kerns, the minutes passed veryagreeably until the amused voice of the Tracer of Lost Persons soundedagain in the receiver. "Mr. Gatewood?" "Yes, I am here, Mr. Keen. " "Do you really think it best for Mr. Kerns to fall in love?" "I do, certainly!" replied Gatewood with emphasis. "Because, " continued the Tracer of Lost Persons, "I see little chancefor him to do otherwise if I take up this case. Fate itself, in theshape of a young lady, is already on the way here in a railroad train. " "Good! Good!" exclaimed Gatewood. "Don't let him escape, Mr. Keen! I begof you to take up his case! I urge you most seriously to do so. Mr. Kerns is now exactly what I was a year ago--an utterly useless member ofthe community--a typical bachelor who lives at his clubs, shirking theduties of a decent citizen. " "_Ex_actly, " said the Tracer. "Do you insist that I take this case? ThatI attempt to trace and find for Mr. Kerns a sort of happiness he himselfhas never found?" "I implore you to do so, Mr. Keen. " "_Ex_actly. If I do--if I carry it out as it has been arranged--orrather as the case seems to have already arranged itself, for it israther a simple matter, I fancy--I do not exactly see how Mr. Kerns canavoid experiencing a--ahem--a tender sentiment for the very charmingyoung lady whom I--and chance--have designed for him as a partnerthrough life. " "Excellent! Splendid!" shouted Gatewood through the telephone. "Can I doanything to aid you in this?" "Yes, " replied the Tracer, laughing. "If you can keep him amused for anhour or two before he goes after his suit case it might make it easierfor me. This young lady is due to arrive in New York at eight o'clock--aclient of mine--coming to consult me. Her presence plays an importantpart in Mr. Kerns's future. I wish you to detain Mr. Kerns until she isready to receive him. But of this he must know nothing. Good-by, Mr. Gatewood, and would you be kind enough to present my compliments to Mrs. Gatewood?" "Indeed I will! We never can forget what you have done for us. Good-by. " "Good-by, Mr. Gatewood. Try to keep Mr. Kerns amused for two or threehours. Of course, if you can't do this, there are other methods I mayemploy--a dozen other plans already partly outlined in my mind; but thepresent plan, which accident and coincidence make so easy, is likely towork itself out to your entire satisfaction within a few hours. We arealready weaving a web around Mr. Kerns; we already have taken exclusivecharge of his future movements after he leaves the Lenox Club. I do notbelieve he can escape us, or his charming destiny. Good night!" Gatewood, enchanted, hung up the receiver. Song broke softly from hislips as he started in search of Kerns; his step was springy, buoyant--sort of subdued and modest prance. "Now, " he said to himself, "Tommy must take out his papers. The time isended when he can issue letters of marque to himself, hoist sail, squareaway, and go cruising all over this metropolis at his own sweet will. " CHAPTER XIV In the meanwhile, at the other end of the wire, Mr. Keen, the Tracer ofLost Persons, was preparing to trace for Mr. Kerns, against thatgentleman's will, the true happiness which Mr. Kerns had never been ableto find for himself. He sat in his easy chair within the four walls of his own office, inspecting a line of people who stood before him on the carpet forming asingle and attentive rank. In this rank were five men: a policeman, acab driver, an agent of the telephone company, an agent of the electriccompany, and a reformed burglar carrying a kit of his trade tools. The Tracer of Lost Persons gazed at them, meditatively joining the tipsof his thin fingers. "I want the number on 36 East Eighty-third Street changed to No. 38, andthe number 38 replaced by No. 36, " he said to the policeman. "I want itdone at once. Get a glazier and go up there and have it finished in anhour. Mrs. Kenna, caretaker at No. 36, is in my pay; she will notinterfere. There is nobody in No. 38: Mr. Kerns leaves there to-nightand the Burglar Alarm Company takes charge to-morrow. " And, turning to the others: "You, " nodding at the reformed burglar, "know your duty. Mike!" to the cab driver, "don't miss Mr. Kerns at theLenox Club. If he calls you before eleven, drive into the park and havean accident. And you, " to the agent of the telephone company, "willsever all telephone connection in Mrs. Stanley's house; and you, " to theofficial of the electric company, "will see that the circuit in Mrs. Stanley's house is cut so that no electric light may be lighted and noelectric bell sound. " The Tracer of Lost Persons stroked his gray mustache thoughtfully. "Andthat, " he ended, "will do, I think. Good night. " He rose and stood by the door as the policeman headed the solemn filewhich marched out to their duty; then he looked at his watch, and, as itwas already a few minutes after eight, he called up No. 36 EastEighty-third Street, and in a moment more had Mrs. Stanley on the wire. "Good evening, " he said pleasantly. "I suppose you have just arrivedfrom Rosylyn. I may be a little late--I may be very late, in fact, so Icalled you up to say so. And I wished to say another thing; to ask youwhether your servants could recollect ever having seen a young manabout the place, a rather attractive young man with excellent addressand manners, five feet eleven inches, slim but well built, dark hair, dark eyes, and dark mustache, offering samples of Georgia marble forsale. " "Really, Mr. Keen, " replied a silvery voice, "I have heard them saynothing about such an individual. If you will hold the wire I will askmy maid. " And, after a pause: "No, Mr. Keen, my maid cannot remember anysuch person. Do you think he was a confederate of that wretched butlerof mine?" "I am scarcely prepared to say that; in fact, " added Mr. Keen, "Ihaven't the slightest idea that this young man could have been concernedin anything of that sort. Only, if you should ever by any chance seesuch a man, detain him if possible until you can communicate with me;detain him by any pretext, by ruse, by force if you can, only detain himuntil I can get there. Will you do this?" "Certainly, Mr. Keen, if I can. Please describe him again?" Mr. Keen did so minutely. "You say he sells Georgia marble by samples, which he carries in a suitcase?" "He _says_ that he has samples of Georgia marble in his suit case, "replied the Tracer cautiously. "It might be well, if possible, to seewhat he has in his suit case. " "I will warn the servants as soon as I return to Rosylyn. When may Iexpect you this evening, Mr. Keen?" "It is impossible to say, Mrs. Stanley. If I am not there by midnight Ishall try to call next morning. " So they exchanged civil adieus; the Tracer hung up his receiver andleaned back in his chair, smiling to himself. "Curious, " he said, "that chance should have sent that pretty woman tome at such a time. . . . Kerns _is_ a fine fellow, every inch of him. Ithit him hard when he crossed with her to Southampton six years ago; ithit him harder when she married that Englishman. I don't wonder he nevercared to marry after that brief week of her society; for she is justabout the most charming woman I have ever met--red hair and all. . . . And if quick action is what is required, it's well to break the icebetween them at once with a dreadful misunderstanding. " CHAPTER XV The dinner that Kerns had planned for himself and Gatewood was aningenious one, cunningly contrived to discontent Gatewood with home fareand lure him by its seductive quality into frequent revisits to the clubwhich was responsible for such delectable wines and viands. A genial glow already enveloped Gatewood and pleasantly suffused Kerns. From time to time they held some rare vintage aloft, squinting throughthe crystal-imprisoned crimson with deep content. "Not that _my_ word is necessarily the _last_ word concerning Burgundy, "said Gatewood modestly; "but I venture to doubt that any club in Americacan match this bottle, Kerns. " "Now, Jack, " wheedled Kerns, "isn't it pleasant to dine here once in awhile? Be frank, man! Look about at the other tables--at all thepleasant, familiar faces--the same fine fellows, bless 'em--the samesmoky old ceiling, the same bum portraits of dead governors, the sameold stag heads on the wall. Now, Jack, isn't it mighty pleasant, afterall? Be a gentleman and admit it!" "Y-yes, " confessed Gatewood, "it's all right for me once in a while, because I know that I am presently going back to my own home--a jollylamplit room and the prettiest girl in Manhattan curled up in anarmchair--" "You're fortunate, " said Kerns shortly. And for the first time thereremained no lurking mockery in his voice; for the first time his retortwas tinged with bitterness. But the next instant his eyes glimmered withthe same gay malice, and the unbelieving smile twitched at his clean-cutlips, and he raised his hand, touching the short ends of his mustachewith that careless, amused cynicism which rather became him. "All that you picture so entrancingly is forbidden the true believer, "he said; and began to repeat: "'O weaver! weave the flowers of Feraghan Into the fabric that thy birth began; Iris, narcissus, tulips cloud-band tied, These thou shalt picture for the eye of Man; Henna, Herati, and the Jhelums tide In Sarraband and Saruk be thy guide, And the red dye of Ispahan beside The checkered Chinese fret of ancient gold; --So heed the ban, old as the law is old, Nor weave into thy warp the laughing face, Nor limb, nor body, nor one line of grace, Nor hint, nor tint, nor any veiled device Of Woman who is barred from Paradise!'" "A nice sentiment!" said Gatewood hotly. "Can't help it; you see I'm forbidden to monkey with the eternal loomsor weave the forbidden into the pattern of my life. " Gatewood sat silent for a moment, then looked up at Kerns with somethingso closely akin to a grin that his friend became interested in itsscarcely veiled significance, and grinned in reply. "So you really expect that your friend, Mr. Keen, is going to marry meto somebody, _nolens volens_?" asked Kerns. "I do. That's what I dream of, Tommy. " "My poor friend, dream on!" "I am. Tommy, you're lost! I mean you're as good as married now!" "You think so?" "I _know_ it! There you sit, savoring your Burgundy, idling over acigar, happy, care free, fancy free, at liberty, as you believe, to roamoff anywhere at any time and continue the eternal hunt for pleasure!That's what you _think_! Ha! Tommy, I know better! That's not the sortof man _I_ see sitting on the same chair where you are now sprawling insuch content! I see a doomed man, already in the shadow of the altar, wasting his time unsuspiciously while Chance comes whirling into thecity behind a Long Island locomotive, and Fate, the footman, sitsoutside ready to follow him, and Destiny awaits him no matter what hedoes, what he desires, where he goes, wherever he turns to-night!Destiny awaits him at his journey's end!" "Very fine, " said Kerns admiringly. "Too bad it's due to the Burgundy. " "Never mind what my eloquence is due to, " retorted Gatewood, "the factremains that this is probably your last bachelor dinner. Kerns, oldfellow! Here's to her! Bless her! I--I wish sincerely that we knew whoshe is and where to send those roses. Anyway, here's to the bride!" He stood up very gravely and drank the toast, then, reseating himself, tapped the empty glass gently against the table's edge until it broke. "You are certainly doing your part well, " said Kerns admiringly. Then heswallowed the remainder of his Burgundy and looked up at the club clock. "Eleven, " he said with regret. "I've about time to go to Eighty-thirdStreet, get my suit case, and catch my train at 125th Street. " To aservant he said, "Call a hansom, " then rose and sauntered downstairs tothe cloakroom, where presently both men stood, hatted and gloved, swinging their sticks. "That was a fool bet you made, " began Kerns; "I'll release you, Jack. " "Sorry, but I must insist on holding you, " replied Gatewood, laughing. "You're going to your doom. Come on! I'll see you as far as the cabdoor. " They walked out, and Kerns gave the cabby the street and number andentered the hansom. "Now, " said Gatewood, "you're in for it! You're done for! You can't helpyourself! I've won my twelve-gauge trap gun already, and I'll have toset you up in table silver, anyway, so it's an even break. You're allin, Tommy! The Tracer is on your trail!" In the beginning of a flippant retort Kerns experienced a curioussensation of hesitation. Something in Gatewood's earnestness, in hisjeering assurance and delighted certainty, made him, for one moment, feel doubtful, even uncomfortable. "What nonsense you talk, " he said, recovering his equanimity. "Nothingon earth can prevent me driving to 38 East Eighty-third Street, gettingmy luggage, and taking the Boston express. Your Tracer doesn't intend tostop my hansom and drag me into a cave, does he? You haven't putknock-outs into that Burgundy, have you? Then what in the dickens areyou laughing at?" But Gatewood, on the sidewalk under the lamplight, was still laughing asKerns drove away, for he had recognized in the cab driver a man he hadseen in Mr. Kern's office, and he knew that the Tracer of Lost Personshad Kerns already well in hand. The hansom drove on through the summer darkness between rows of electricglobes drooping like huge white moon flowers from their foliated bronzestalks, on up the splendid avenue, past the great brilliantlyilluminated hotels, past the white cathedral, past clubs and churchesand the palaces of the wealthy; on, on along the park wall edged by itsdouble rows of elms under which shadowy forms moved--lovers strolling incouples. "Pooh, " sniffed Kerns, "the whole world has gone love mad, and I'm theonly sane man left. " But he leaned back in his cab and fell a-thinking of a thin girl withred hair and great gray eyes--a thin, frail creature, scarcely more thana child, who had held him for a week in a strange sorcery only torelease him with a frightened smile, leaving her indelible impressionupon his life forever. And, thinking, he looked up, realizing that the cab had stopped in EastEighty-third Street before one of a line of brownstone houses, allexternally alike. Then he leaned out and saw that the house number was thirty-eight. Thatwas the number of the Lees' house; he descended, bade the cabman awaithim, and, producing his latch key, started up the steps, whistlinggayly. But he didn't require his key, for, as he reached the front door, hefound, to his surprise and concern, that it swung partly open--just amere crack. "The mischief!" he muttered; "could I have failed to close it? Couldanybody have seen it and crept in?" He entered the hallway hastily and pressed the electric knob. No lightappeared in the sconces. "What the deuce!" he murmured; "something wrong with the switch!" And hehurriedly lighted a match and peered into the darkness. By the vagueglimmer of the burning match he could distinguish nothing. He listenedintently, tried the electric switch again without success. The matchburned his fingers and he dropped it, watching the last red spark dieout in the darkness. Something about the shadowy hallway seemed unfamiliar; he went to thedoor, stepped out on the stoop, and looked up at the number on thetransom. It was thirty-eight; no doubt about the house. Hesitating, heglanced around to see that his hansom was still there. It haddisappeared. "What an idiot that cabman is!" he exclaimed, intensely annoyed at theprospect of lugging his heavy suit case to a Madison Avenue car andtraveling with it to Harlem. He looked up and down the dimly lighted street; east, an electric carglided down Madison Avenue; west, the lights of Fifth Avenue glimmeredagainst the dark foliage of the Park. He stood a moment, angry at thedesertion of his cabman, then turned and reëntered the dark hall, closing the door behind him. Up the staircase he felt his way to the first landing, and, lighting amatch, looked for the electric button. "Am I crazy, or was there no electric button in this hall?" he thought. The match burned low; he had to drop it. Perplexed, he struck anothermatch and opened the door leading into the front room, and stood on thethreshold a moment, looking about him at the linen-shrouded furnitureand pictures. This front room, closed for the summer, he had not beforeentered, but he stepped in now, poking about for any possible intruder, lighting match after match. "I suppose I ought to go over this confounded house inch by inch, " hemurmured. "What could have possessed me to leave the front door ajarthis morning?" For an instant he thought that perhaps Mrs. Nolan, the woman who came inthe morning to make his bed, might have left the door open, but he knewthat couldn't be so, because he always waited for her to finish her workand leave before he went out. So either he must have left the door open, or some marauder had visited the house--was perhaps at that moment inthe house! And it was his duty to find out. "I'd better be about it, too, " he thought savagely, "or I'll never makemy train. " He struck his last match, looked around, and, seeing gas jets among theclustered electric bulbs of the sconces, tried to light one andsucceeded. He had left his suit case in the passageway between the front and rearrooms, and now, cautiously, stick in hand, he turned toward the dimcorridor leading to the bedroom. There was his suit case, anyway! Hepicked it up and started to push open the door of the rear room; but atthe same time, and before he could lay his hand on the knob, the doorbefore him opened suddenly in a flood of light, and a woman stood there, dark against the gas-lit glare, a pistol waveringly extended in thegeneral direction of his head. CHAPTER XVI "Good heavens!" he said, appalled, and dropped his suit case with acrash. "W-what are you d-doing--" She controlled her voice and the waveringweapon with an effort. "What are you doing in this house?" "Doing? In _this_ house?" he repeated, his eyes protruding in thedirection of the unsteady pistol muzzle. "What are _you_ doing in thishouse--if you don't mind saying!" "I--I m-must ask you to put up your hands, " she said. "If you move Ishall certainly s-shoot off this pistol. " "It will go off, anyway, if you handle it like that!" he said, exasperated. "What do you mean by pointing it at me?" "I mean to fire it off in a few moments if you don't raise your handsabove your head!" He looked at the pistol; it was new and shiny; he looked at the athleticyoung figure silhouetted against the brilliant light. "Well, if you make a point of it, of course. " He slowly held up bothhands, higher, then higher still. "Upon my word!" he breathed. "Held upby a woman!" And he said aloud, bitterly: "No doubt you have assistanceclose at hand. " "No doubt, " she said coolly. "What have you been packing into thatvalise?" "P-packing into _what_? Oh, into that suit case? That is my suit case. " "Of course it is, " she said quietly, "but what have you inside it?" "Nothing _you_ or your friends would care for, " he said meaningly. "I must be the judge of that, " she retorted. "Please open that suitcase. " "How can I if my hands are in the air?" he expostulated, now intenselyinterested in the novelty of being held up by this graceful and vaguelypretty silhouette. "You may lower your arms to unpack the suit case, " she said. "I--I had rather not if you are going to keep me covered with yourpistol. " "Of course I shall keep you covered. Unpack your booty at once!" "My--_what_?" "Booty. " "Madam, do you take _me_ for a thief? Have you, by chance, entered thewrong house? I--I cannot reconcile your voice with what I am forced toconsider you--a housebreaker--" "We will discuss that later. Unpack that bag!" she insisted. "But--but there is nothing in it except samples of marble--" "What!" she exclaimed nervously. "_What_ did you say? Samples of_marble_?" "Marble, madam! Georgia marble!" "Oh! So _you_ are the young man who goes about pretending to peddleGeorgia marble from samples! Are you? The famous marble man I have heardof. " "I? Madam, I don't know what you mean!" "Come!" she said scornfully; "let me see the contents of that suit case. I--I am not afraid of you; I am not a bit afraid of you. And I shallcatch your accomplice, too. " "Madam, you speak like an honest woman! You _must_ have managed to enterthe wrong house. This is number thirty-eight, where I live. " "It is number thirty-six; my house!" "But I _know_ it is number thirty-eight; Mr. Lee's house, " he protestedhopefully. "This is some dreadful mistake. " "Mr. Lee's house is next door, " she said. "Do you not suppose I know myown house? Besides, I have been warned against a plausible young man whopretends he has Georgia marble to sell--" "There is a dreadful mistake somewhere, " he insisted. "Please p-p-put upyour p-pistol and aid me to solve it. I am no robber, madam. I thoughtat first that you were. I'm living in Mr. Lee's house, No. 38 EastEighty-third Street, and I've looked carefully at the number over thedoor of this house and the number is thirty-eight, and the street isEast Eighty-third. So I naturally conclude that I am in Mr. Lee'shouse. " "Your arguments and your conclusions are very plausible, " she said, "but, fortunately for me, I have been expressly warned against a youngman of your description. _You_ are the marble man!" "It's a mistake! A very dreadful one. " "Then how did you enter this house?" "I have a key--I mean I found the front door unlatched. Please don'tmisunderstand me; I know it sounds unconvincing, but I really have a keyto number thirty-eight. " He attempted to reach for his pocket and the pistol glittered in hisface. "Won't you let me prove my innocence?" he asked. "You can't prove it by showing me a key. Besides, it's probably aweapon. Anyhow, if, as you pretend, you have managed to get into thewrong house, why did you bring that suit case up here?" "It was here. It's mine. I left it here in this passageway. " "In _my_ house?" she asked incredulously. "In number thirty-eight; that is all I know. I'll open the suit case ifyou will let me. I have already described its contents. If it hassamples of marble in it you _must_ be convinced!" "It will convince me that it is your valise. But what of that? I know itis yours already, " she said defiantly. "I know, at least, that you arethe marble man--if nothing worse!" "But malefactors don't go about carrying samples of Georgia marble, " heprotested, dropping on one knee under the muzzle of her revolver andtugging at the straps and buckles. In a second or two he threw open thecase--and the sight of the contents staggered him. For there, thrown inpellmell among small square blocks of polished marble was a complete kitof burglar's tools, including also a mask, a dark lantern, and ablackjack. "What--w--w--what on earth is this?" he stammered. "These things don'tbelong to me. I won't have them! I don't want them. Who put them into mysuit case? How the deuce--" "You _are_ the marble man!" she said with a shudder. "Your crimes areknown! Your wretched accomplice will be caught! You are the marbleman--or something worse!" Kneeling there, aghast, bewildered, he passed his hand across his eyesas though to clear them from some terrible vision. But the suit case wasstill there with its incriminating contents when he looked again. "I am sorry for you, " she said tremulously. "I--if it were not for themarble--I would let you go. But you are the marble man!" "Yes, and I'm probably a madman, too. I don't know what I am! I don'tknow what is happening to me. I ought to be going, that is all I know--" "I cannot let you go. " "But I must! I've got to catch a train. " The feebleness of his excuse chilled her pity. "I shall not let you go, " she said, resting the hand which held thepistol on her hip, but keeping him covered. "I know you came to rob myhouse; I know you are a thoroughly bad and depraved young man, but forall that I could find it in my heart to let you go if you were not alsothe _marble man_!" "What on earth is the marble man?" he asked, exasperated. "I don't know. I have been earnestly warned against him. Probably he isa relative of my butler--" "I'm not a relative of anybody's butler!" "You _say_ you are not. How do I know? I--I will make you an offer. Iwill give you one last chance. If you will return to me the jewels thatmy butler took--" "Good heavens, madam! Do you really take me for a professional burglar?" "How can I help it?" she said indignantly. "Look at your suit case fullof lanterns and masks--full of _marble_, too!" Speechless, he stared at the burglar's kit. "I am sorry--" Her voice had altered again to a tremulous sweetness. "Ican't help feeling sorry for you. You do not seem to be hardened; yourvoice and manner are not characteristically criminal. I--I can't seeyour face very clearly, but it does not seem to be a brutally inhumanface--" An awful desire to laugh seized Kerns; he struggled against it;hysteria lay that way; and he covered his face with both hands andpinched himself. She probably mistook the action for the emotion of shame and despairborn of bitter grief; perhaps of terror of the law. It frightened her alittle, but pity dominated. She could scarcely endure to do what shemust do. "This is dreadful, dreadful!" she faltered. "If you only would give meback my jewels--" Sounds, hastily smothered, escaped him. She believed them to be groans, and it made her slightly faint. "I--I've simply got to telephone for the police, " she said pityingly. "Imust ask you to sit down there and wait--there is a chair. Sitthere--and please don't move, for I--this has unnerved me--I am notaccustomed to doing cruel things; and if you should move too quickly orattempt to run away I feel certain that this pistol would explode. " "Are you going to telephone?" he asked. "Yes, I am. " She backed away, cautiously, pistol menacing him, reached for thereceiver, and waited for Central. She waited a long time before sherealized that the telephone as well as the electric light was out ofcommission. "Did _you_ cut all these wires?" she demanded angrily. "I? What wires?" She reached out and pressed the electric button which should have rung abell in her maid's bedroom on the top floor. She kept her finger on thebutton for ten minutes. It was useless. "You laid deliberate plans to rob this house, " she said, her cheeks pinkwith indignation. "I am not a bit sorry for you. I shall _not_ let yougo! I shall sit here until somebody comes to my assistance, if I have tosit here for weeks and weeks!" "If you'd let me telephone to my club--" he began. "Your club! You are very plausible. You didn't offer to call up any clubuntil you found that the telephone was not working!" He thought a moment. "I don't suppose you would trust me to go out andget a policeman?" "Certainly not. " "Or go into the front room and open a window and summon some passer-by?" "How do I know you haven't confederates waiting outside?" "That's true, " he said seriously. There was a silence. Her nerves seemed to trouble her, for she began topace to and fro in front of the passageway where he sat comfortably onhis chair, arms folded, one knee dropped over the other. The light being behind her he could not as yet distinguish her featuresvery clearly. Her figure was youthful, slender, yet beautifully rounded;her head charming in contour. He watched her restlessly walking on thefloor, small hand clutching the pistol resting on her hip. The ruddy burnished glimmer on the edges of her hair he supposed, atfirst, was caused by the strong light behind her. "This is atrocious!" she murmured, halting to confront him. "How daredyou sever every electric connection in my house?" As she spoke she stepped backward a pace or two, resting herself for amoment against the footboard of the bed--full in the gaslight. And hesaw her face. For a moment he studied her; an immense wave of incredulity swept overhim--of wild unbelief, slowly changing to the astonishment of dawningconviction. Astounded, silent, he stared at her from his shadowy corner;and after a while his pulses began to throb and throb and hammer, andthe clamoring confusion of his senses seemed to deafen him. [Illustration: "'This is atrocious, ' she murmured, halting to confronthim. "] She rested a moment or two against the footboard of the bed, her biggray eyes fixed on his vague and shadowy form. "This won't do, " she said. "No, " he said, "it won't do. " He spoke very quietly, very gently. She detected the alteration in hisvoice and started slightly, as though the distant echo of a familiarvoice had sounded. "What did you say?" she asked, coming nearer, pistol glittering inadvance. "I said 'It won't do. ' I don't know what I meant by it. If I meantanything I was wrong. It _will_ do. The situation is perfectly agreeableto me. " "Insolence will not help you, " she said sharply. And under the sharpnesshe detected the slightest quaver of a new alarm. "I am going to free myself, " he said coolly. "If you move I shall certainly shoot!" she retorted. "I am going to move--but only my lips. I have only to move my lips tofree myself. " "I should scarcely advise you to trust to your eloquence. I have beenduly warned, you see. " "Who warned you?" he asked curiously. And, as she disdained to reply:"Never mind. We can clear that up later. Now let me ask you something. " "You are scarcely in a position to ask questions, " she said. "May I not speak to you?" "Is it necessary?" He thought a moment. "No, not necessary. Nothing is in this life, youknow. I thought differently once. Once--when I was younger--six yearsyounger--I thought happiness was necessary. I found that a man mightlive without it. " She stood gazing at him through the shadows, pistol on hip. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I mean that happiness is not necessary to life. Life goes on all thesame. My life has continued for six years without that happiness whichsome believe to be essential. " After a silence she said: "I can tell by the way you speak that you arewell born. I--I dread to do what I simply must do. " He, too, sat silent a long time--long enough for an utterly perverse andwhimsical humor to take complete possession of him. "_Won't_ you let me go--_this_ time?" he pleaded. "I cannot. " "You had better let me go while you can, " he said, "because, perhaps, you may find it difficult to get rid of me later. " Affronted, she shrank back from the doorway and stood in the center ofher room, angry, disdainful, beautiful, under the ruddy glory of herlustrous hair. His perverse mood changed, too; he leaned forward, studying herminutely--the splendid gray eyes, the delicate mouth and nose, the full, sweet lips, the witchery of wrist and hand, and the flowing, roundedoutline of limb and body under the pretty gown. Could this be _she_?This lovely, mature woman, wearing scarcely a trace of the young girl hehad never forgotten--scarcely a trace save in the beauty of her eyes andhair--save in the full, red mouth, sweet and sensitive even in itssudden sullenness? "Once, " he said, and his voice sounded to him like voices heard indreams--"once, years and years ago, there was a steamer, and a man and ayoung girl on board. Do you mind my telling you about it?" She stood leaning against the footboard of the bed, not even deigning toraise her eyes in reply. So he made the slightest stir in his chair; andthen she looked up quickly enough, pistol poised. "The steamer, " said Kerns slowly, "was coming into Southampton--sixyears ago. On deck these two people stood--a man of twenty-eight, a girlof eighteen--six years ago. The name of the steamer was the _Carnatic_. Did you ever hear of that ship?" She was looking at him attentively. He waited for her reply; she madenone; and he went on. "The man had asked the girl something--I don't know what--I don't knowwhy her gray eyes filled with tears. Perhaps it was because she couldnot do what the man asked her to do. It may have been to love him; itmay have been that he was asking her to marry him and that she couldn't. Perhaps that is why there were tears in her eyes--because she may havebeen sorry to cause him the pain of refusal--sorry, perhaps, perhaps alittle guilty. Because she must have seen that he was falling in lovewith her, and she--she let him--knowing all the time that she was tomarry another man. Did you ever hear of that man before?" She had straightened up, quivering, wide eyed, lips parted. He rose andwalked slowly into her room, confronting her under the full glare oflight. Her pistol fell clattering to the floor. It did not explode because itwas not loaded. "Now, " he said unsteadily, "will you give me my freedom? I have waitedfor it--not minutes--but years--six years. I ask it now--the freedom Ienjoyed before I ever saw you. Can you give it back to me? Can yourestore to me a capacity for happiness? Can you give me a heart to lovewith--love some woman, as other men love? Is it very much I ask ofyou--to give me a chance in life--the chance I had before I ever sawyou?" Her big gray eyes seemed fascinated; he looked deep into them, smiling;and she turned white. "Will you give me what I ask?" he said, still smiling. She strove to speak; she could not, but her eyes never faltered. Suddenly the color flooded her neck and cheeks to the hair, and thequick tears glimmered. "I--I did not understand; I was too young to be cruel, " she faltered. "How could I know what I was doing? Or what--what you did?" "I? To _you_?" "Y-yes. Did you think that I escaped heart free? Do you realize what_my_ punishment was--to--to marry--and _remember_! If I was too young, too inexperienced to know what I was doing, I was not too young tosuffer for it!" "You mean--" He strove to control his voice, but the sweet, fearlessgray eyes met his; the old flame leaped in his veins. He reached out tosteady himself and his hand touched hers--that soft, white hand that hadheld him all these years in the hollow of its palm. "Did you _ever_ love me?" he demanded. Her eyes, wet with tears, met his straight as the starry gaze of achild. "Yes, " she said. His hand tightened over hers; she swayed a moment, quivering from headto foot; then drawing a quick, sobbing breath, closed her eyes, imprisoned in his arms; and, after a long while, aroused, she looked upat him, her divine eyes unclosing dreamily. "Somebody is hammering at the front door, " he breathed. "Listen!" "I hear. I believe it must be the Tracer of Lost Persons. " "What?" "Only a Mr. Keen. " "O Lord!" said Kerns faintly, and covered his face with her fragranthands. Very tenderly, very gravely, she drew her hands away, and, laying themon his shoulders, looked up at him. "You--you know what there is in your suit case, " she faltered; "_are_you a burglar, dear?" "Ask the Tracer of Lost Persons, " said Kerns gently, "what sort of acriminal I am!" They stood together for one blissful moment listening to the loudknocking below, then, hand in hand, they descended the dark stairway toadmit the Tracer of Lost Persons. CHAPTER XVII On the thirteenth day of March, 1906, Kerns received the following cablefrom an old friend: "Is there anybody in New York who can find two criminals for me? I don't want to call in the police. "J. T. BURKE. " To which Kerns replied promptly: "Wire Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons, N. Y. " And a day or two later, being on his honeymoon, he forgot all about hisold friend Jack Burke. On the fifteenth day of March, 1906, Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons, received the following cablegram from Alexandria, Egypt: "_Keen, Tracer, New York:_--Locate Joram Smiles, forty, stout, lame, red hair, ragged red mustache, cast in left eye, pallid skin; carries one crutch; supposed to have arrived in America per S. S. _Scythian Queen_, with man known as Emanuel Gandon, swarthy, short, fat, light bluish eyes, Eurasian type. "I will call on you at your office as soon as my steamer, _Empress of Babylon_, arrives. If you discover my men, keep them under surveillance, but on no account call in police. Spare no expense. Dundas, Gray & Co. Are my bankers and reference. "JOHN TEMPLETON BURKE. " On Monday, April 2d, a few minutes after eight o'clock in the morning, the card of Mr. John Templeton Burke was brought to Mr. Keen, Tracer ofLost Persons, and a moment later a well-built, wiry, sun-scorched youngman was ushered into Mr. Keen's private office by a stenographerprepared to take minutes of the interview. The first thing that the Tracer of Lost Persons noted in his visitor washis mouth; the next his eyes. Both were unmistakably good--the eyeswhich his Creator had given him looked people squarely in the face atevery word; the mouth, which a man's own character fashions agreeably ormars, was pleasant, but firm when the trace of the smile lurking in thecorners died out. There were dozens of other external characteristics which Mr. Keenalways looked for in his clients; and now the rapid exchange ofpreliminary glances appeared to satisfy both men, for they advancedtoward each other and exchanged a formal hand clasp. "Have you any news for me?" asked Burke. "I have, " said the Tracer. "There are cigars on the table besideyou--matches in that silver case. No, I never smoke; but I like thearoma--and I like to watch men smoke. Do you know, Mr. Burke, that notwo men smoke in the same fashion? There is as much character in themanner of holding a cigar as there is difference in the technic ofartists. " Burke nodded, amused, but, catching sight of the busy stenographer, hisbronzed features became serious, and he looked at Mr. Keen inquiringly. "It is my custom, " said the Tracer. "Do you object to my stenographer?" Burke looked at the slim young girl in her black gown and white collarand cuffs. Then, very simply, he asked her pardon for objecting to herpresence, but said that he could not discuss his case if she remained. So she rose, with a humorous glance at Mr. Keen; and the two men stoodup until she had vanished, then reseated themselves _vis-a-vis_. Mr. Keen calmly dropped his elbow on the concealed button which prepared ahidden phonograph for the reception of every word that passed betweenthem. "What news have you for me, Mr. Keen?" asked the younger man with thatsame directness which the Tracer had already been prepared for, andwhich only corroborated the frankness of eyes and voice. "My news is brief, " he said. "I have both your men under observation. " "Already?" exclaimed Burke, plainly unprepared. "Do you actually meanthat I can see these men whenever I desire to do so? Are thesescoundrels in this town--within pistol shot?" His youthful face hardened as he snapped out his last word, like thecrack of a whip. "I don't know how far your pistol carries, " said Mr. Keen. "Do you wishto swear out a warrant?" "No, I do not. I merely wish their addresses. You have not used thepolice in this matter, have you, Mr. Keen?" "No. Your cable was explicit, " said the Tracer. "Had you permitted me touse the police it would have been much less expensive for you. " "I can't help that, " said the young man. "Besides, in a matter of thissort, a man cannot decently consider expense. " "A matter of what sort?" asked the Tracer blandly. "Of _this_ sort. " "Oh! Yet even now I do not understand. You must remember, Mr. Burke, that you have not told me anything concerning the reasons for your questof these two men, Joram Smiles and Emanuel Gandon. Besides, this is thefirst time you have mentioned pistol range. " Burke, smoking steadily, looked at the Tracer through the blue fog ofhis cigar. "No, " he said, "I have not told you anything about them. " Mr. Keen waited a moment; then, smiling quietly to himself, he wrotedown the present addresses of Joram Smiles and Emanuel Gandon, and, tearing off the leaf, handed it to the younger man, saying: "I omit thepistol range, Mr. Burke. " "I am very grateful to you, " said Burke. "The efficiency of your systemis too famous for me to venture to praise it. All I can say is 'Thankyou'; all I can do in gratitude is to write my check--if you will bekind enough to suggest the figures. " "Are you sure that my services are ended?" "Thank you, quite sure. " So the Tracer of Lost Persons named the figures, and his client produceda check book and filled in a check for the amount. This was presentedand received with pleasant formality. Burke rose, prepared to take hisleave, but the Tracer was apparently busy with the combination lock of asafe, and the young man lingered a moment to make his adieus. As he stood waiting for the Tracer to turn around he studied the writingon the sheet of paper which he held toward the light: Joram Smiles, no profession, 613 West 24th Street. Emanuel Gandon, no profession, same address. Very dangerous men. It occurred to him that these three lines of pencil-writing had cost hima thousand dollars--and at the same instant he flushed with shame at theidea of measuring the money value of anything in such a quest as this. And yet--and yet he had already spent a great deal of money in his briefquest, and--_was_ he any nearer the goal--even with the penciledaddresses of these two men in his possession? Even with these men almostwithin pistol shot! Pondering there, immersed in frowning retrospection, the room, theTracer, the city seemed to fade from his view. He saw the red sandblowing in the desert; he heard the sickly squealing of camels at the ElTeb Wells; he saw the sun strike fire from the rippling waters of Saïs;he saw the plain, and the ruins high above it; and the odor of the LongBazaar smote him like a blow, and he heard the far call to prayer fromthe minarets of Sa-el-Hagar, once Saïs, the mysterious--Saïs of themillion lanterns, Saïs of that splendid festival where the Great Triad'sworship swayed dynasty after dynasty, and where, through the hotcenturies, Isis, veiled, impassive, looked out upon the hundredth kingof kings, Meris, the Builder of Gardens, dragged dead at the chariot ofUpper and Lower Egypt. Slowly the visions faded; into his remote eyes crept the consciousnessof the twentieth century again; he heard the river whistles blowing, andthe far dissonance of the streets--that iron undertone vibrating throughthe metropolis of the West from river to river and from the Palisades tothe sea. His gaze wandered about the room, from telephone desk to bookcase, fromthe table to the huge steel safe, door ajar, swung outward like thepolished breech of a twelve-inch gun. Then his vacant eyes met the eyes of the Tracer of Lost Persons, almosthelplessly. And for the first time the full significance of this questhe had undertaken came over him like despair--this strange, hopeless, fantastic quest, blindly, savagely pursued from the sand wastes of Saïsto the wastes of this vast arid city of iron and masonry, ringing to thesky with the menacing clamor of its five monstrous boroughs. Curiously weary of a sudden, he sat down, resting his head on one hand. The Tracer watched him, bent partly over his desk. From moment to momenthe tore minute pieces from the blotter, or drew imaginary circles andarabesques on his pad with an inkless pen. "Perhaps I could help you, after all--if you'd let me try, " he saidquietly. "Dou you mean--_me_?" asked Burke, without raising his head. "If you like--yes, you--or any man in trouble--in perplexity--in theuncertain deductions which arise from an attempt at self-analysis. " "It is true; I am trying to analyze myself. I believe that I don't knowhow. All has been mere impulse--so far. No, I don't know how to analyzeit all. " "I do, " said the Tracer. Burke raised his level, unbelieving eyes. "You are in love, " said the Tracer. After a long time Burke looked up again. "Do you think so?" "Yes. Can I help you?" asked the Tracer pleasantly. The young man sat silent, frowning into space; then: "I tell you plainly enough that I have come here to argue with two menat the end of a pistol; and--you tell me I'm in love. By what logic--" "It is written in your face, Mr. Burke--in your eyes, in every feature, every muscle's contraction, every modulation of your voice. My tables, containing six hundred classified superficial phenomena peculiar to allhuman emotions, have been compiled and scientifically arranged accordingto Bertillon's system. It is an absolutely accurate key to every phaseof human emotion, from hate, through all its amazingly paradoxicalphenomena, to love, with all its genera under the suborder--all itsspecies, subspecies, and varieties. " He leaned back, surveying the young man with kindly amusement. "You talk of pistol range, but you are thinking of something more fatalthan bullets, Mr. Burke. You are thinking of love--of the first, great, absorbing, unreasoning passion that has ever shaken you, blinded you, seized you and dragged you out of the ordered path of life, to push youviolently into the strange and unexplored! That is what stares out onthe world through those haunted eyes of yours, when the smile dies outand you are off your guard; that is what is hardening those flat, cleanbands of muscle in jaw and cheek; that is what those hints of shadowmean beneath the eye, that new and delicate pinch to the nostril, thatrefining, almost to sharpness, of the nose, that sensitive edging to thelips, and the lean delicacy of the chin. " He bent slightly forward in his chair. "There is all that there, Mr. Burke, and something else--the glimmeringdawn of desperation. " "Yes, " said the other, "that is there. I am desperate. " "_Ex_actly. Also you wear two revolvers in a light, leather harnessstrapped up under your armpits, " said the Tracer, laughing. "Take themoff, Mr. Burke. There is nothing to be gained in shooting up Mr. Smilesor converting Mr. Gandon into nitrates. " "If it is a matter where one man can help another, " the Tracer addedsimply, "it would give me pleasure to place my resources at yourcommand--without recompense--" "Mr. Keen!" said Burke, astonished. "Yes?" "You are very amiable; I had not wished--had not expected anythingexcept professional interest from you. " "Why not? I like you, Mr. Burke. " The utter disarming candor of this quiet, elderly gentleman silenced theyounger man with a suddenness born of emotions long crushed, longrelentlessly mastered, and which now, in revolt, shook him fiercely inevery fiber. All at once he felt very young, very helpless in theworld--that same world through which, until within a few weeks, he hadroved so confidently, so arrogantly, challenging man and the godsthemselves in the pride of his strength and youth. But now, halting, bewildered, lost amid the strange maze of bywayswhither impulse had lured and abandoned him, he looked out into a worldof wilderness and unfamiliar stars and shadow shapes undreamed of, andhe knew not which way to turn--not even how to return along the ways hisimpetuous feet had trodden in this strange and hopeless quest of his. "How can you help me?" he said bluntly, while the quivering undertonerang in spite of him. "Yes, I am in love; but how can any living manhelp me?" "Are you in love with the dead?" asked the Tracer gravely. "For thatonly is hopeless. Are you in love with one who is not living?" "Yes. " "You love one whom you know to be dead?" "Yes; dead. " "How do you know that she is dead?" "That is not the question. I knew that when I fell in love with her. Itis not that which appals me; I ask nothing more than to live my life outloving the dead. I--I ask very little. " He passed his unsteady hand across his dry lips, across his eyes andforehead, then laid his clinched fist on the table. "Some men remain constant to a memory; some to a picture--sane, wholesome, normal men. Some men, with a fixed ideal, never encounter itsfacsimile, and so never love. There is nothing strange, after all, inthis; nothing abnormal, nothing unwholesome. Grünwald loved the marblehead and shoulders of the lovely Amazon in the Munich Museum; he diedunmarried, leaving the charities and good deeds of a blameless life tojustify him. Sir Henry Guest, the great surgeon who worked among thepoor without recompense, loved Gainsborough's 'Lady Wilton. ' Theportrait hangs above his tomb in St. Clement's Hundreds. D'Epernay lovedMlle. Jeanne Vacaresco, who died before he was born. And I--I love inmy own fashion. " His low voice rang with the repressed undertone of excitement; he openedand closed his clinched hand as though controlling the lever of hisemotions. "What can you do for a man who loves the shadow of Life?" he asked. "If you love the shadow because the substance has passed away--if youlove the soul because the dust has returned to the earth as it was--" "It has _not_!" said the younger man. The Tracer said very gravely: "It is written that whenever 'the SilverCord' is loosed, 'then shall the dust return unto the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto Him who gave it. '" "The spirit--yes; _that_ has taken its splendid flight--" His voice choked up, died out; he strove to speak again, but could not. The Tracer let him alone, and bent again over his desk, drawingimaginary circles on the stained blotter, while moment after momentpassed under the tension of that fiercest of all struggles, when a mansits throttling his own soul into silence. And, after a long time, Burke lifted a haggard face from the cradle ofhis crossed arms and shook his shoulders, drawing a deep, steady breath. "Listen to _me_!" he said in an altered voice. And the Tracer of Lost Persons nodded. CHAPTER XVIII "When I left the Point I was assigned to the colored cavalry. They aregood men; we went up Kettle Hill together. Then came the Philippinetroubles, then that Chinese affair. Then I did staff duty, and could notstand the inactivity and resigned. They had no use for me in Manchuria;I tired of waiting, and went to Venezuela. The prospects for servicethere were absurd; I heard of the Moorish troubles and went to Morocco. Others of my sort swarmed there; matters dragged and dragged, and theKaiser never meant business, anyway. "Being independent, and my means permitting me, I got some shooting inthe back country. This all degenerated into the merest nomadicwandering--nothing but sand, camels, ruins, tents, white walls, and blueskies. And at last I came to the town of Sa-el-Hagar. " His voice died out; his restless, haunted eyes became fixed. "Sa-el-Hagar, once ancient Saïs, " repeated the Tracer quietly; and theyoung man looked at him. "You know _that_?" "Yes, " said the Tracer. For a while Burke remained silent, preoccupied, then, resting his chinon his hand and speaking in a curiously monotonous voice, as thoughrepeating to himself by rote, he went on: "The town is on the heights--have you a pencil? Thank you. Here is thetown of Sa-el-Hagar, here are the ruins, here is the wall, and somewherehereabouts should be the buried temple of Neith, which nobody hasfound. " He shifted his pencil. "Here is the lake of Saïs; here, standingall alone on the plain, are those great monolithic pillars stretchingaway into perspective--four hundred of them in all--a hundred and ninestill upright. There were one hundred and ten when I arrived at El TebWells. " He looked across at the Tracer, repeating: "One hundred and ten--when Iarrived. One fell the first night--a distant pillar far away on thehorizon. Four thousand years had it stood there. And it fell--the firstnight of my arrival. I heard it; the nights are cold at El Teb Wells, and I was lying awake, all a-shiver, counting the stars to make mesleep. And very, very far away in the desert I heard and felt the shockof its fall--the fall of forty centuries under the Egyptian stars. " His eyes grew dreamy; a slight glow had stained his face. "Did you ever halt suddenly in the Northern forests, listening, asthough a distant voice had hailed you? Then you understand why that far, dull sound from the dark horizon brought me to my feet, bewildered, listening, as though my own name had been spoken. "I heard the wind in the tents and the stir of camels; I heard the reedswhispering on Saïs Lake and the yap-yap of a shivering jackal; andalways, always, the hushed echo in my ears of my own name called acrossthe star-lit waste. "At dawn I had forgotten. An Arab told me that a pillar had fallen; itwas all the same to me, to him, to the others, too. The sun came outhot. I like heat. My men sprawled in the tents; some watered, some wentup to the town to gossip in the bazaar. I mounted and cast bridle onneck--you see how much I cared where I went! In two hours we hadcompleted a circle--like a ruddy hawk above El Teb. And my horse haltedbeside the fallen pillar. " As he spoke his language had become very simple, very direct, almostwithout accent, and he spoke slowly, picking his way with that lack ofinflection, of emotion characteristic of a child reading a new reader. "The column had fallen from its base, eastward, and with its base it hadupheaved another buried base, laying bare a sort of cellar and a flightof stone steps descending into darkness. "Into this excavation the sand was still running in tiny rivulets. Listening, I could hear it pattering far, far down into the shadows. "Sitting there in the saddle, the thing explained itself as I looked. The fallen pillar had been built upon older ruins; all Egypt is thatway, ruin founded on the ruin of ruins--like human hopes. "The stone steps, descending into the shadow of remote ages, invited me. I dismounted, walked to the edge of the excavation, and, kneeling, peered downward. And I saw a wall and the lotus-carved rim of a vaststone-framed pool; and as I looked I heard the tinkle of water. For thepillar, falling, had unbottled the ancient spring, and now thestone-framed lagoon was slowly filling after its drought of centuries. "There was light enough to see by, but, not knowing how far I mightpenetrate, I returned to my horse, pocketed matches and candles fromthe saddlebags, and, returning, started straight down the steps ofstone. "Fountain, wall, lagoon, steps, terraces half buried--all showed whatthe place had been: a water garden of ancient Egypt--probablyroyal--because, although I am not able to decipher hieroglyphics, I haveheard somewhere that these picture inscriptions, when inclosed in acartouch like this"--he drew rapidly-- [Illustration: Glyph] "or this [Illustration: Glyph] indicate that the subject of the inscription was once a king. "And on every wall, every column, I saw the insignia of ancient royalty, and I saw strange hawk-headed figures bearing symbols engraved onstone--beasts, birds, fishes, unknown signs and symbols; and everywherethe lotus carved in stone--the bud, the blossom half-inclosed, theperfect flower. " His dreamy eyes met the gaze of the Tracer, unseeing; he rested hissunburned face between both palms, speaking in the same vague monotone: "Everywhere dust, ashes, decay, the death of life, the utterannihilation of the living--save only the sparkle of reborn watersslowly covering the baked bed of the stone-edged pool--strange, luminouswater, lacking the vital sky tint, enameled with a film of dust, yet, for all that, quickening with imprisoned brilliancy like an opal. "The slow filling of the pool fascinated me; I stood I know not how longwatching the thin film of water spreading away into the dimness beyond. At last I turned and passed curiously along the wall where, at its base, mounds of dust marked what may have been trees. Into these I probed withmy riding crop, but discovered nothing except the depths of the dust. "When I had penetrated the ghost of this ancient garden for a thousandyards the light from the opening was no longer of any service. I lighteda candle; and its yellow rays fell upon a square portal into which ledanother flight of steps. And I went down. "There were eighteen steps descending into a square stone room. Strangegleams and glimmers from wall and ceiling flashed dimly in my eyes underthe wavering flame of the candle. Then the flame grew still--still asdeath--and Death lay at my feet--there on the stone floor--a man, squareshouldered, hairless, the cobwebs of his tunic mantling him, lying facedownward, arms outflung. "After a moment I stooped and touched him, and the entire prostratefigure dissolved into dust where it lay, leaving at my feet a shadowshape in thin silhouette against the pavement--merely a gray layer offinest dust shaped like a man, a tracery of impalpable powder on thestones. "Upward and around me I passed the burning candle; vast figures in blueand red and gold grew out of the darkness; the painted walls sparkled;the shadows that had slept through all those centuries trembled andshrank away into distant corners. "And then--and then I saw the gold edges of her sandals sparkle in thedarkness, and the clasped girdle of virgin gold around her slender waistglimmered like purest flame!" Burke, leaning far across the table, interlocked hands tightening, stared and stared into space. A smile edged his mouth; his voice grewwonderfully gentle: "Why, she was scarcely eighteen--this child--there so motionless, solifelike, with the sandals edging her little upturned feet, and thesmall hands of her folded between the breasts. It was as though shehad just stretched herself out there--scarcely sound asleep as yet, andher thick, silky hair--cut as they cut children's hair in these days, you know--cradled her head and cheeks. [Illustration: "'As though . . . Scarcely sound asleep as yet. '"] "So marvelous the mimicry of life, so absolute the deception ofbreathing sleep, that I scarce dared move, fearing to awaken her. "When I did move I forgot the dusty shape of the dead at my feet, andleft, full across his neck, the imprint of a spurred riding boot. Itgave me my first shudder; I turned, feeling beneath my foot the soft, yielding powder, and stood aghast. Then--it is absurd!--but I felt as aman feels who has trodden inadvertently upon another's foot--and in animpulse of reparation I stooped hastily and attempted to smooth out themortal dust which bore the imprint of my heel. But the fine powderflaked my glove, and, looking about for something to compose the asheswith, I picked up a papyrus scroll. Perhaps he himself had written onit; nobody can ever know, and I used it as a sort of hoe to scrape himtogether and smooth him out on the stones. " The young man drew a yellowish roll of paper-like substance from hispocket and laid it on the table. "This is the same papyrus, " he said. "I had forgotten that I carried itaway with me until I found it in my shooting coat while packing to sailfor New York. " The Tracer of Lost Persons reached over and picked up the scroll. It wasflexible still, but brittle; he opened it with great care, consideredthe strange figures upon it for a while, then turned almost sharply onhis visitor. "Go on, " he said. And Burke went on: "The candle was burning low; I lighted two more, placing them at herhead and feet on the edges of the stone couch. Then, lighting a thirdcandle, I stood beside the couch and looked down at the dead girl underher veil-like robe, set with golden stars. " He passed his hand wearily over his hair and forehead. "I do not know what the accepted meaning of beauty may be if it was notthere under my eyes. Flawless as palest amber ivory and rose, thesmooth-flowing contours melted into exquisite symmetry; lashes likedarkest velvet rested on the pure curve of the cheeks; the closed lids, the mouth still faintly stained with color, the delicate nose, the full, childish lips, sensitive, sweet, resting softly upon each other--ifthese were not all parts of but one lovely miracle, then there is nobeauty save in a dream of Paradise. . . . "A gold band of linked scarabs bound her short, thick hair straightacross the forehead; thin scales of gold fell from a necklace, clothingher breasts in brilliant discolored metal, through which ivory-tintedskin showed. A belt of pure, soft gold clasped her body at the waist;gold-edged sandals clung to her little feet. "At first, when the stunned surprise had subsided, I thought that I waslooking upon some miracle of ancient embalming, hitherto unknown. Yet, in the smooth skin there was no slit to prove it, no opening in any veinor artery, no mutilation of this sculptured masterpiece of the MostHigh, no cerements, no bandages, no gilded carven case with painted faceto stare open eyed through the wailing cycles. "This was the image of sleep--of life unconscious--not of death. Yet iswas death--death that had come upon her centuries and centuries ago; forthe gold had turned iridescent and magnificently discolored; the sandalstraps fell into dust as I bent above them, leaving the sandals clingingto her feet only by the wired silver core of the thongs. And, as Itouched it fearfully, the veil-like garment covering her, vanished intothin air, its metal stars twinkling in a shower around her on the stonefloor. " The Tracer, motionless, intent, scarcely breathed; the younger man movedrestlessly in his chair, the dazed light in his eyes clearing to sullenconsciousness. "What more is there to tell?" he said. "And to what purpose? All this istime wasted. I have my work cut out for me. What more is there to tell?" "What you have left untold, " said the Tracer, with the slightest ring ofauthority in his quiet voice. And, as though he had added "Obey!" the younger man sank back in hischair, his hands contracting nervously. "I went back to El Teb, " he said; "I walked like a dreaming man. Mysleep was haunted by her beauty; night after night, when at last I fellasleep, instantly I saw her face, and her dark eyes opening into mine inchildish bewilderment; day after day I rode out to the fallen pillar anddescended to that dark chamber where she lay alone. Then there came atime when I could not endure the thought of her lying there alone. I hadnever dared to touch her. Horror of what might happen had held me alooflest she crumble at my touch to that awful powder which I had troddenon. "I did not know what to do; my Arabs had begun to whisper amongthemselves, suspicious of my absences, impatient to break camp, perhaps, and roam on once more. Perhaps they believed I had discovered treasuresomewhere; I am not sure. At any rate, dread of their following me, determination to take my dead away with me, drove me into action; andthat day when I reached her silent chamber I lighted my candle, and, leaning above her for one last look, I touched her shoulder with myfinger tip. "It was a strange sensation. Prepared for a dreadful dissolution, utterly unprepared for cool, yielding flesh, I almost dropped where Istood. For her body was neither cold nor warm, neither dust-dry normoist; neither the skin of the living nor the dead. It was firm, almoststiff, yet not absolutely without a certain hint of flexibility. "The appalling wonder of it consumed me; fear, incredulity, terror, apathy succeeded each other; then slowly a fierce shrinking happinessswept me in every fiber. "This marvelous death, this triumph of beauty over death, was mine. Never again should she lie here alone through the solitudes of night andday; never again should the dignity of Death lack the tribute demandedof Life. Here was the appointed watcher--I, who had found her alone inthe wastes of the world--all alone on the outermost edges of theworld--a child, dead and unguarded. And standing there beside her I knewthat I should never love again. " He straightened up, stretching out his arm: "I did not intend to carryher away to what is known as Christian burial. How could I consign herto darkness again, with all its dreadful mockery of marble, all itsawful emblems? "This lovely stranger was to be my guest forever. The living should benear her while she slept so sweetly her slumber through the centuries;she should have warmth, and soft hangings and sunlight and flowers; andher unconscious ears should be filled with the pleasant stir of livingthings. . . . I have a house in the country, a very old house amongmeadows and young woodlands. And I--I had dreamed of giving this child ahome--" His voice broke; he buried his head in his hands a moment; but when helifted it again his features were hard as steel. "There was already talk in the bazaar about me. I was probably followed, but I did not know it. Then one of my men disappeared. For a week Ihesitated to trust my Arabs; but there was no other way. I told themthere was a mummy which I desired to carry to some port and smuggle outof the country without consulting the Government. I knew perfectly wellthat the Government would never forego its claim to such a relic ofEgyptian antiquity. I offered my men too much, perhaps. I don't know. They hesitated for a week, trying by every artifice to see the treasure, but I never let them out of my sight. "Then one day two white men came into camp; and with them came agovernment escort to arrest me for looting an Egyptian tomb. The whitemen were Joram Smiles and that Eurasian, Emanuel Gandon, who was partlywhite, I suppose. I didn't comprehend what they were up to at first. They escorted me forty miles to confront the official at Shen-Bak. When, after a stormy week, I was permitted to return to Saïs, my Arabs and thewhite men were gone. And the stone chamber under the water garden wallwas empty as the hand I hold out to you!" He opened his palm and rose, his narrowing eyes clear and dangerous. "At the bazaar I learned enough to know what had been done. I traced thewhite men to the coast. They sailed on the _Scythian Queen_, takingwith them all that I care for on earth or in heaven! And you ask me whyI measure their distance from me by a bullet's flight!" The Tracer also rose, pale and grave. "Wait!" he said. "There are other things to be done before you prepareto face a jury for double murder. " "It is for them to choose, " said Burke. "They shall have the choice ofreturning to me my dead, or of going to hell full of lead. " "_Ex_actly, my dear sir. That part is not difficult, " said the Tracerquietly. "There will be no occasion for violence, I assure you. Kindlyleave such details to me. I know what is to be done. You are outwardlyvery calm, Mr. Burke--even dangerously placid; but though you maintainan admirable command over yourself superficially, you are laboring underterrible excitement. Therefore it is my duty to say to you at once thatthere is no cause for your excitement, no cause for your apprehension asto results. I feel exceedingly confident that you will, in due time, regain possession of all that you care for most--quietly, quietly, mydear sir! You are not yet ready to meet these men, nor am I ready to gowith you. I beg you to continue your habit of self-command for alittle while. There is no haste--that is to say, there is every reasonto make haste slowly. And the quickest method is to seat yourself. Thankyou. And I shall sit here beside you and spread out this papyrus scrollfor your inspection. " [Illustration: Hieroglyphics] Burke stared at the Tracer, then at the scroll. "What has that inscription to do with the matter in hand?" he demandedimpatiently. "I leave you to judge, " said the Tracer. A dull tint of excitementflushed his lean cheeks; he twisted his gray mustache and bent over theunrolled scroll which was now held flat by weights at the four corners. "Can you understand any of these symbols, Mr. Burke?" he asked. "No. " "Curious, " mused the Tracer. "Do you know it was fortunate that you putthis bit of papyrus in the pocket of your shooting coat--so fortunatethat, in a way, it approaches the miraculous?" "What do you mean? Is there anything in that scroll bearing on thismatter?" "Yes. " "And you can read it? Are you versed in such learning, Mr. Keen?" "I am an Egyptologist--among other details, " said the Tracer calmly. The young man gazed at him, astonished. The Tracer of Lost Personspicked up a pencil, laid a sheet of paper on the table beside thepapyrus, and slowly began to copy the first symbol: [Illustration: Glyph] CHAPTER XIX "The ancient Egyptian word for the personal pronoun 'I' was _anuk_, "said the Tracer placidly. "The phonetic for _a_ was the hieroglyph [Illustration: Glyph] a reed; for _n_ the water symbol [Illustration: Glyph] for _u_ the symbols [Illustration: Glyph] for _k_ [Illustration: Glyph] Therefore this hieroglyphic inscription begins with the personal pronoun [Illustration: Glyph] or _I_. That is very easy, of course. "Now, the most ancient of Egyptian inscriptions read vertically incolumns; there are only two columns in this papyrus, so we'll try itvertically and pass downward to the next symbol, which is inclosed in asort of frame or cartouch. That immediately signifies that royalty ismentioned; therefore, we have already translated as much as 'I, the king(or queen). ' Do you see?" "Yes, " said Burke, staring. "Very well. Now this symbol, number two, [Illustration: Glyph] spells out the word '_Meris_, ' in this way: M (pronounced _me_) isphonetically symbolized by the characters [Illustration: Glyph] _r_ by [Illustration: Glyph] (a mouth) and the comma [Illustration: Glyph] and the hieroglyph [Illustration: Glyph] _i_ by two reeds [Illustration: Glyph] and two oblique strokes, [Illustration: Glyph] and _s_ by [Illustration: Glyph] This gives us Meris, the name of that deposed and fugitive king ofEgypt who, after a last raid on the summer palace of Mer-Shen, usurpingruler of Egypt, was followed and tracked to Saïs, where, with an arrowthrough his back, he crawled to El Teb and finally died there of hiswound. All this Egyptologists are perfectly familiar with in thetranslations of the boastful tablets and inscriptions erected near Saïsby Mer-Shen, the three hundred and twelfth sovereign after QueenNitocris. " He looked up at Burke, smiling. "Therefore, " he said, "this papyrusscroll was written by Meris, ex-king, a speculative thousands of yearsbefore Christ. And it begins: 'I, Meris the King. '" "How does all this bear upon what concerns me?" demanded Burke. "Wait!" Something in the quiet significance of the Tracer's brief command sent acurious thrill through the younger man. He leaned stiffly forward, studying the scroll, every faculty concentrated on the symbol which theTracer had now touched with the carefully sharpened point of his pencil: [Illustration: Glyph] "That, " said Mr. Keen, "is the ancient Egyptian word for 'little, ''_Ket_. ' The next, below, written in two lines, is 'Samaris, ' a propername--the name of a woman. Under that, again, is the symbol for thenumber 18; the decimal sign, [Illustration: Glyph] and eight vertical strokes, [Illustration: Glyph] Under that, again, is a hieroglyph of another sort, an ideographrepresenting a girl with a harp; and, beneath that, the symbol whichalways represented a dancing girl [Illustration: Glyph] and also the royal symbol inclosed in a cartouch, [Illustration: Glyph] which means literally 'the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. ' Under thatis the significant symbol [Illustration: Glyph] representing an arm and a hand holding a stick. This always means_force_--to take forcibly or to use violence. Therefore, so far, we havethe following literal translation: 'I, Meris the King, little Samaris, eighteen, a harpist, dancing girl, the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt, to take by violence--'" "What does that make?" broke in Burke impatiently. "_Wait!_ Wait until we have translated everything literally. And, Mr. Burke, it might make it easier for us both if you would remember that Ihave had the pleasure of deciphering many hundreds of papyri before youhad ever heard that there were such things. " "I beg your pardon, " said the young man in a low voice. "I beg yours for my impatience, " said the Tracer pleasantly. "Thisdeciphering always did affect my nerves and shorten my temper. And, nodoubt, it is quite as hard on you. Shall we go on, Mr. Burke?" "If you please, Mr. Keen. " So the Tracer laid his pencil point on the next symbol [Illustration: Glyph] "That is the symbol for night, " he said; "and that [Illustration: Glyph] is the water symbol again, as you know; and that [Illustration: Glyph] is the ideograph, meaning a ship. The five reversed crescents [Illustration: Glyph] record the number of days voyage; the sign [Illustration: Glyph] means a house, and is also the letter H in the Egyptian alphabet. "Under it, again, we have a repetition of the first symbol meaning _I_, and a repetition of the second symbol, meaning 'Meris, the King. ' Then, below that cartouch, comes a new symbol, [Illustration: Glyph] which is the feminine personal pronoun, _sentus_, meaning '_she_'; andthe first column is completed with the symbol for the ancient Egyptianverb, _nehes_, 'to awake, ' [Illustration: Glyph] "And now we take the second column, which begins with the jackalideograph expressing slyness or cleverness. Under it is the hieroglyphmeaning 'to run away, ' 'to escape. ' And under that, Mr. Burke, is one ofthe rarest of all Egyptian symbols; a symbol seldom seen on stone orpapyrus, [Illustration: Glyph] except in rare references to the mysteries of Isis. The meaning of it, so long in dispute, has finally been practically determined through anew discovery in the cuneiform inscriptions. It is the symbol of twohands holding two _closed_ eyes; and it signifies power. " "You mean that those ancients understood hypnotism?" asked Burke, astonished. "Evidently their priests did; evidently hypnotism was understood andemployed in certain mysteries. And there is the symbol of it; and underit the hieroglyphs [Illustration: Glyph] meaning 'a day and a night, ' with the symbol [Illustration: Glyph] as usual present to signify force or strength employed. Under that, again, is a human figure stretched upon a typical Egyptian couch. Andnow, Mr. Burke, _note carefully_ three modifying signs: first, that itis a _couch_ or _bed_ on which the figure is stretched, not the funeralcouch, not the embalming slab; second, there is no mummy mask coveringthe face, and no mummy case covering the body; third, that under therecumbent figure is pictured an _open_ mouth, not a _closed_ one. "All these modify the ideograph, apparently representing death. But thesleep symbol is not present. Therefore it is a sound inference that allthis simply confirms the symbol of hypnotism. " Burke, intensely absorbed, stared steadily at the scroll. "Now, " continued Mr. Keen, "we note the symbol of force again, alwayspresent; and, continuing horizontally, a cartouch quite empty except forthe midday sun. That is simply translated; the midday sun illuminatesnothing. Meris, deposed, is king only in name; and the sun no longershines on him as 'Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. ' Under that despairingsymbol, 'King of Nothing, ' we have [Illustration: Glyph] the phonetics which spell _sha_, the word for garden. And, just beyondthis, horizontally, the modifying ideograph meaning 'a _water_ garden'; [Illustration: Glyph] a design of lotus and tree alternating on a terrace. Under that is thesymbol for the word '_aneb_, ' [Illustration: Glyph] a 'wall. ' Beyond that, horizontally, is the symbol for 'house. ' Itshould be placed under the wall symbol, but the Egyptians were very aptto fill up spaces instead of continuing their vertical columns. Now, beneath, we find the imperative command [Illustration: Glyph] 'arise!' And the Egyptian personal pronoun '_entuten_, ' [Illustration: Glyph] which means 'you' or 'thou. ' "Under that is the symbol [Illustration: Glyph] which means 'priest, ' or, literally, 'priest man. ' Then comes theimperative 'awake to life!' [Illustration: Glyph] After that, our first symbol again, meaning '_I_, ' followed horizontallyby the symbol [Illustration: Glyph] signifying 'to go. ' "Then comes a very important drawing--you see?--the picture of a manwith a jackal's head, not a dog's head. It is not accompanied by thephonetic in a cartouch, as it should be. Probably the writer was indesperate haste at the end. But, nevertheless, it is easy to translatethat symbol of the man with a jackal's head. It is a picture of theEgyptian god, Anubis, who was supposed to linger at the side of thedying to conduct their souls. Anubis, the jackal-headed, is the courier, the personal escort of departing souls. And this is he. "And now the screed ends with the cry 'Pray for me!' [Illustration: Glyph] the last symbol on this strange scroll--this missive written by adeposed, wounded, and dying king to an unnamed priest. Here is theliteral translation in columns: I cunningMeris the King escapelittle hypnotizeSamaris King of Nothingeighteen place forciblya harpist gardena dancing girl--Ruler of water garden Upper and Lower wall Egypt housetook forcibly--night Arise. Doby water Thoufive days Priest Manship Awakehouse To lifeI I goMeris the King Anubisshe Prayawake "And this is what that letter, thousands of years old, means in thislanguage of ours, hundreds of years young: 'I, Meris the King, seizedlittle Samaris, a harpist and a dancing girl, eighteen years of age, belonging to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, and carried her away atnight on shipboard--a voyage of five days--to my house. I, Meris theKing, lest she lie awake watching cunningly for a chance to escape, hypnotized her (or had her hypnotized) so that she lay like one dead orasleep, but breathing, and I, King no longer of Upper and Lower Egypt, took her and placed her in my house under the wall of the water garden. Arise! therefore, O thou priest; (go) and awaken her to life. I am dying(I go with Anubis!). Pray for me!'" CHAPTER XX For a full minute the two men sat there without moving or speaking. Thenthe Tracer laid aside his pencil. "To sum up, " he said, opening the palm of his left hand and placing theforefinger of his right across it, "the excavation made by the fallingpillar raised in triumph above the water garden of the deposed king, Meris, by his rival, was the subterranean house of Meris. The prostratefigure which crumbled to powder at your touch may have been the verypriest to whom this letter or papyrus was written. Perhaps the bearer ofthe scroll was a traitor and stabbed the priest as he was reading themissive. Who can tell how that priest died? He either died or betrayedhis trust, for he never aroused the little Samaris from her suspendedanimation. And the water garden fell into ruins and she slept; and theRuler of Upper and Lower Egypt raised his columns, lotus crowned, abovethe ruins; and she slept on. Then--_you_ came. " Burke stared like one stupefied. "I do not know, " said the Tracer gravely, "what balm there may be in asuspension of sensation, perhaps of vitality, to protect the human bodyfrom corruption after death. I do not know how soon suspended animationor the state of hypnotic coma, undisturbed, changes into death--whetherit comes gradually, imperceptibly freeing the soul; whether the soulhides there, asleep, until suddenly the flame of vitality isextinguished. I do not know how long she lay there with life in her. " He leaned back and touched an electric bell, then, turning to Burke: "Speaking of pistol range, " he said, "unstrap those weapons and passthem over, if you please. " And the young man obeyed as in a trance. "Thank you. There are four men coming into this room. You will keep yourseat, if you please, Mr. Burke. " After a moment the door opened noiselessly. Two men handcuffed togetherentered the room; two men, hands in their pockets, sauntered carelesslybehind the prisoners and leaned back against the closed door. "That short, red-haired, lame man with the cast in his eye--do yourecognize him?" asked the Tracer quietly. Burke, grasping the arms of his chair, had started to rise, fury fairlyblazing from his eyes; but, at the sound of the Tracer's calm, evenvoice, he sank back into his chair. "That is Joram Smiles? You recognize him?" continued Mr. Keen. Burke nodded. "_Ex_actly--alias Limpy, alias Red Jo, alias Big Stick Joram, aliasPinky; swindler, international confidence man, fence, burglar, gambler;convicted in 1887, and sent to Sing Sing for forgery; convicted in 1898, and sent to Auburn for swindling; arrested by my men on board the S. S. _Scythian Queen_, at the cabled request of John T. Burke, Esquire, andheld to explain the nature of his luggage, which consisted of thecontents of an Egyptian vault or underground ruin, declared at thecustomhouse as a mummy, and passed as such. " The quiet, monotonous voice of the Tracer halted, then, as he glanced atthe second prisoner, grew harder: "Emanuel Gandon, general international criminal, with over half ahundred aliases, arrested in company with Smiles and held until Mr. Burke's arrival. " Turning to Burke, the Tracer continued: "Fortunately, the _ScythianQueen_ broke down off Brindisi. It gave us time to act on your cable;we found these men aboard when she was signaled off the Hook. I went outwith the pilot myself, Mr. Burke. " Smiles shot a wicked look at Burke; Gandon scowled at the floor. "Now, " said the Tracer pleasantly, meeting the venomous glare of Smiles, "I'll get you that warrant you have been demanding to have exhibited toyou. Here it is--charging you and your amiable friend Gandon withbreaking into and robbing the Metropolitan Museum of ancient Egyptiangold ornaments, in March, 1903, and taking them to France, where theywere sold to collectors. It seems that you found the business goodenough to go prowling about Egypt on a hunt for something to sell here. A great mistake, my friends--a very great mistake, because, after theMuseum has finished with you, the Egyptian Government desires toextradite you. And I rather suspect you'll have to go. " He nodded to the two quiet men leaning against the door. "Come, Joram, " said one of them pleasantly. But Smiles turned furiously on the Tracer. "You lie, you old gray rat!"he cried. "That ain't no mummy; that's a plain dead girl! And thereain't no extrydition for body snatchin', so I guess them niggers atCairo won't get us, after all!" "Perhaps, " said the Tracer, looking at Burke, who had risen, pale andastounded. "Sit down, Mr. Burke! There is no need to question these men;no need to demand what they robbed you of. For, " he added slowly, "whatthey took from the garden grotto of Saïs, and from you, I have under myown protection. " The Tracer rose, locked the door through which the prisoners and theirescorts had departed; then, turning gravely on Burke, he continued: "That panel, there, is a door. There is a room beyond--a room facing tothe south, bright with sunshine, flowers, soft rugs, and draperies ofthe East. _She_ is there--like a child asleep!" Burke reeled, steadying himself against the wall; the Tracer stared atspace, speaking very slowly: "Such death I have never before heard of. From the moment she came undermy protection I have dared to doubt--many things. And an hour ago youbrought me a papyrus scroll confirming my doubts. I doubt still--Heavenknows what! Who can say how long the flame of life may flicker withinsuspended animation? A week? A month? A year? Longer than that? Yes;the Hindoos have proved it. How long? The span of a normal life? Orlonger? Can the life flame burn indefinitely when the functions areabsolutely suspended--generation after generation, century aftercentury?" Burke, ghastly white, straightened up, quivering in every limb; theTracer, as pale as he, laid his hand on the secret panel. "If--if you dare say it--the phrase is this: '_O Ket Samaris, Nehes!_'--'O Little Samaris, awake!'" "I--dare. In Heaven's name, open that door!" Then, averting his head, the Tracer of Lost Persons swung open thepanel. A flood of sunshine flashed on Burke's face; he entered; and the paneleddoor closed behind him without a sound. Minute after minute passed; the Tracer stood as though turned to stone, gray head bent. Then he heard Burke's voice ring out unsteadily: "O Ket Samaris--Samaris! O Ket Samaris--_Nehes!_" And again: "Samaris! Samaris! O beloved, awake!" And once more: "_Nehes!_ O Samaris!" Silence, broken by a strange, sweet, drowsy plaint--like a childawakened at midnight by a dazzling light. "Samaris!" Then, through the stillness, a little laugh, and a softly tremulousvoice: "_Ari un āhā, O Entuk sen!_" CHAPTER XXI "What we want to do, " said Gatewood over the telephone, "is to give youa corking little dinner at the Santa Regina. There'll be Mr. And Mrs. Tommy Kerns, Captain and Mrs. Harren, Mr. And Mrs. Jack Burke, Mrs. Gatewood, and myself. We want you to set the date for it, Mr. Keen, andwe also wish you to suggest one more deliriously happy couple whom youhave dragged out of misery and flung head-first into terrestrialparadise. " "Do you young people really care to do this for me?" asked the Tracer, laughing. "Of course we do. We're crazy about it. We want one more couple, and youto set the date. " There was the slightest pause; then the Tracer's voice, with the sameundertone of amusement ringing through it: "How would your cousin, Victor Carden, do?" "He's all right, only he isn't married. We want two people whom you havejoined together after hazard has put them asunder and done stunts withthem. " "Very well; Victor Carden and his very lovely wife will be just thepeople. " "Is Victor married?" demanded Gatewood, astonished. "No, " said the Tracer demurely, "but he will be in time for thatdinner. " And he set the date for the end of the week in an amused voice, and rang off. Then he glanced at the clock, touched an electric bell, and againunhooking the receiver of the telephone, called up the Sherwood Studiosand asked for Mr. Carden. "Is _this_ Mr. Carden? Oh, good morning, Mr. Carden! This is Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. Could you make it convenient to call--say incourse of half an hour? Thank you. . . . What? . . . Well, speaking withthat caution and reserve which we are obliged to employ in making anypreliminary statements to our clients, I think I may safely say that youhave every reason to feel moderately encouraged. " "You mean, " said Carden's voice, "that you have actually solved theproposition?" "It has been a difficult proposition, Mr. Carden; I will not deny thatit has taxed our resources to the uttermost. Over a thousand people, first and last, have been employed on this case. It has been a slow andtedious affair, Mr. Carden--tedious for us all. We seldom have a casecontinue as long as this has; it is a year ago to-day since you placedthe matter in our hands. . . . What? Well, without committing myself, Ithink that I may venture to express a carefully qualified opinion thatthe solution of the case is probably practically in the way of beingalmost accomplished! . . . Yes, I shall expect you in half an hour. Good-by!" The Tracer of Lost Persons' eyes were twinkling as he hung up thereceiver and turned in his revolving chair to meet the pretty youngwoman who had entered in response to his ring. "The Carden case, if you please, Miss Smith, " he said, smiling tohimself. The young woman also smiled; the Carden case had become a classic in theoffice. Nobody except Mr. Keen had believed that the case could ever besolved. "Safe-deposit box 108923!" said Miss Smith softly, pressing a speakingtube to her red lips. In a few moments there came a hissing thud fromthe pneumatic tube; Miss Smith unlocked it and extracted a smooth, steelcylinder. "The combination for that cylinder is A-4-44-11-X, " observed the Tracer, consulting a cipher code, "which, translated, " he added, "gives us thesetting combination, One, D, R-R, -J-'24. " Miss Smith turned the movable disks at the end of the cylinder untilthe required combination appeared. Then she unscrewed the cylinder headand dumped out the documents in the famous Carden case. "As Mr. Carden will be here in half an hour or so I think we had betterrun over the case briefly, " nodded the Tracer, leaning back in his chairand composing himself to listen. "Begin with my preliminary memorandum, Miss Smith. " "Case 108923, " began the girl. Then she read the date, Carden's fullname, Victor Carden, a terse biography of the same gentleman, and added:"Case accepted. Contingent fee, $5, 000. " "Quite so, " said Mr. Keen; "now, run through the minutes of the firstinterview. " And Miss Smith unrolled a typewritten scroll and read: "Victor Carden, Esquire, the well-known artist, called this evening at6. 30. Tall, well-bred, good appearance, very handsome; very muchembarrassed. Questioned by Mr. Keen he turned pink, and looked timidlyat the stenographer (Miss Colt). Asked if he might not see Mr. Keenalone, Miss Colt retired. Mr. Keen set the recording phonograph inmotion by dropping his elbow on his desk. " A brief _résumé_ of the cylinder records followed: "Mr. Carden asked Mr. Keen if he (Mr. Keen) knew who he (Mr. Carden)was. Mr. Keen replied that everybody knew Mr. Carden, the celebratedpainter and illustrator who had created the popular type of beauty knownas the 'Carden Girl. ' Mr. Carden blushed and fidgeted. (_Notes from. Mr. Keen's Observation Book, pp. 291-297. _) Admitted that he was the creatorof the 'Carden Girl. ' Admitted he had drawn and painted that particulartype of feminine beauty many times. Fidgeted some more. (_Keen's O. B. , pp. 298-299. _) Volunteered the statement that this type of beauty, knownas the 'Carden Girl, ' was the cause of great unhappiness to himself. Questioned, turned pinker and fidgeted. (_K. O. B. , page 300. _) Deniedthat his present trouble was caused by the model who had posed for the'Carden Girl. ' Explained that a number of assorted models had posed forthat type of beauty. Further explained that none of them resembled thetype; that the type was his own creation; that he used models merely forthe anatomy, and that he always idealized form and features. "Questioned again, admitted that the features of the 'Carden Girl' werehis ideal of the highest and loveliest type of feminine beauty. Did notdeny that he had fallen in love with his own creation. Turned red andtried to smoke. (_K. O. B. , page 303. _) Admitted he had been fascinatedhimself with his own rendering of a type of beauty which he had neverseen anywhere except as rendered by his own pencil on paper or oncanvas. Fidgeted. (_K. O. B. , page 304. _) Admitted that he could easilyfall in love with a woman who resembled the 'Carden Girl. ' Didn'tbelieve she ever really existed. Confessed he had hoped for years toencounter her, but had begun to despair. Admitted that he had venturedto think that Mr. Keen might trace such a girl for him. Doubted Mr. Keen's success. Fidgeted (_K. O. B. , page 306_), and asked Mr. Keen totake the case. Promised to send to Mr. Keen a painting in oil whichembodied his loftiest ideal of the type known as the 'Carden Girl. '(_Portrait received; lithographs made and distributed to our agentsaccording to routine, from Canada to Mexico and from the Atlantic to thePacific. _) "Mr. Keen terminated the interview with characteristic tact, acceptingthe case on the contingent fee of $5, 000. " "Very well, " said the Tracer, as Miss Smith rolled up the scroll andlooked at him for further instructions. "Now, perhaps you had better runover the short summary of proceedings to date. I mean the digest whichyou will find attached to the completed records. " Miss Smith found the paper, unrolled it, and read: "During the twelve months' investigation and search (_in re Carden_)seven hundred and nine young women were discovered who resembled veryclosely the type sought for. By process of elimination, owing to defectsin figure, features, speech, breeding, etc. , etc. , this list was cutdown to three. One of these occasionally chewed gum, but otherwiseresembled the type. The second married before the investigation of herhabits could be completed. The third is apparently a flawless replica ofMr. Carden's original in face, figure, breeding, education, moral andmental habits. (_See Document 23, A. _)" "Read Document 23, A, " nodded Mr. Keen. And Miss Smith read: ROSALIND HOLLIS, M. D. Age . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Height . . . . . . 5 feet 9 inches Weight . . . . . . . . 160 pounds Thick, bright, ruddyHair . . . . . . Golden, and inclined to curl. Teeth . . . . . . . . . Perfect Eyes . . . . . . . Dark violet-blue Mouth . . . . . . . . . Perfect Color . . . . Fair. An ivory-tinted blonde. Figure . . . . . . . . . Perfect Health . . . . . . . . . Perfect Temper . . . . . . . . . Feminine Austere, with aHabits . . . . Resolutely suppressed capacity for romance. Business . . . . . . . . . None Profession . . . . . . . Physician Mania . . . . . . . . A Mission "NOTE. --Dr. Rosalind Hollis was presented to society in her eighteenthyear. At the end of her second season she withdrew from society with thedetermination to devote her entire life to charity. Settlement work andthe study of medicine have occupied her constantly. Recently admitted topractice, she spends her mornings in visiting the poor, whom she treatsfree of all charge; her afternoons and evenings are devoted to what sheexpects is to be her specialty: the study of the rare malady known asLamour's Disease. (_See note on second page. _) "It is understood that Dr. Hollis has abjured the society of all menother than her patients and such of her professional _confrères_ as sheis obliged to consult or work with. Her theory is that of the beehive:drones for mates, workers for work. She adds, very decidedly, that shebelongs to the latter division, and means to remain there permanently. "NOTE (_Mr. Keen's O. B. , pp. 916-18_). --Her eccentricity is probably theresult of a fine, wholesome, highly strung young girl taking life andherself too seriously. The remedy will be the _Right Man_. " "_Ex_actly, " nodded Mr. Keen, joining the tips of his thin fingers andpartly closing his eyes. "Now, Miss Smith, the disease which Dr. Hollisintends to make her specialty--have you any notes on that?" "Here they are, " said Miss Smith; and she read: "Lamour's Disease; therarest of all known diseases; first discovered and described by Ero S. Lamour, M. D. , M. S. , F. B. A. , M. F. H. , in 1861. Only a single case has everbeen observed. This case is fully described in Dr. Lamour's superb andmonumental work in sixteen volumes. Briefly, the disease appears withoutany known cause, and is ultimately supposed to result fatally. The firstsymptom is the appearance of a faintly bluish circle under the eyes, asthough the patient was accustomed to using the eyes too steadily attimes. Sometimes a slight degree of fever accompanies thismanifestation; pulse and temperature vary. The patient is apparently inexcellent health, but liable to loss of appetite, restlessness, and asudden flushing of the face. These symptoms are followed by othersunmistakable: the patient becomes silent at times; at times evinces aweakness for sentimental expressions; flushes easily; is easilydepressed; will sit for hours looking at one person; and, if notchecked, will exhibit impulsive symptoms of affection for the oppositesex. The strangest symptom of all, however, is the physical change inthe patient, whose features and figure, under the trained eye of theobserver, gradually from day to day assume the symmetry and charm of abeauty almost unearthly, sometimes accompanied by a spiritual pallorwhich is unmistakable in confirming the diagnosis, and which, Dr. Lamourbelieves, presages the inexorable approach of immortality. "There is no known remedy for Lamour's Disease. The only case on recordis the case of the young lady described by Dr. Lamour, who watched herfor years with unexampled patience and enthusiasm; finally, in theinterest of science, marrying his patient in order to devote his lifeto a study of her symptoms. Unfortunately, some of these disappearedearly--within a week--but the curious manifestation of physical beautyremained, and continued to increase daily to a dazzling radiance, withno apparent injury to the patient. Dr. Lamour, unfortunately, diedbefore his investigations, covering over forty years, could becompleted; his widow survived him for a day or two only, leaving sixteenchildren. "Here is a wide and unknown field for medical men to investigate. It issafe to say that the physician who first discovers the bacillus ofLamour's Disease and the proper remedy to combat it will reap as hisreward a glory and renown imperishable. Lamour's Disease is a diseasenot yet understood--a disease whose termination is believed to befatal--a strange disease which seems to render radiant and beautiful thefeatures of the patient, brightening them with the forewarning ofimpending death and the splendid resurrection of immortality. " The Tracer of Lost Persons caressed his chin reflectively. "_Ex_actly, Miss Smith. So this is the disease which Dr. Hollis has chosen for herspecialty. And only one case on record. _Ex_actly. Thank you. " Miss Smith replaced the papers in the steel cylinder, slipped it intothe pneumatic tube, sent it whizzing below to the safe-deposit vaults, and, saluting Mr. Keen with a pleasant inclination of her head, went outof the room. The Tracer turned in his chair, picked up the daily detective report, and scanned it until he came to the name Hollis. It appeared that thedaily routine of Rosalind Hollis had not varied during the past threeweeks. In the mornings she was good to the poor with bottles and pills;in the afternoons she tucked one of Lamour's famous sixteen volumesunder her arm and walked to Central Park, where, with democraticsimplicity, she sat on a secluded bench and pored over the symptoms ofLamour's Disease. About five she retired to her severely simpleapartments in the big brownstone office building devoted to physicians, corner of Fifty-eighth Street and Madison Avenue. Here she took tea, read a little, dined all alone, and retired about nine. This was theguileless but determined existence of Rosalind Hollis, M. D. , accordingto McConnell, the detective assigned to observe her. The Tracer refolded the report of his chief of detectives andpigeonholed it just as the door opened and a tall, well-built, attractive young man entered. Shyness was written all over him; he offered his hand to Mr. Keen withan embarrassed air and seated himself at that gentleman's invitation. "I'm almost sorry I ever began this sort of thing, " he blurted out, likea big schoolboy appalled at his own misdemeanors. "The truth is, Mr. Keen, that the prospect of actually seeing a 'Carden Girl' alive hasscared me through and through. I've a notion that my business with thatsort of a girl ends when I've drawn her picture. " "But surely, " said the Tracer mildly, "you have some natural curiosityto see the living copy of your charming but inanimate originals, haven'tyou, Mr. Carden?" "Yes--oh, certainly. I'd like to see one of them alive--say out of awindow, or from a cab. I should not care to be too close to her. " "But merely seeing her does not commit you, " interposed Mr. Keen, smiling. "She is far too busy, too much absorbed in her own affairs totake any notice of you. I understand that she has something of anaversion for men. " "Aversion!" "Well, she excludes them as unnecessary to her existence. " "Why?" asked Carden. "Because she has a mission in life, " said Mr. Keen gravely. Carden looked out of the window. It was pleasant weather--June in allits early loveliness--the fifth day of June. The sixth was his birthday. "I've simply got to marry somebody before the day after to-morrow, " hesaid aloud--"that is, if I want my legacy. " "What!" demanded the Tracer sharply. Carden turned, pink and guilty. "I didn't tell you all the circumstancesof my case, " he said. "I suppose I ought to have done so. " "_Ex_actly, " said the Tracer severely. "Why is it necessary that youmarry somebody before the day after to-morrow?" "Well, it's my twenty-fifth birthday--" "Somebody has left you money on condition that you marry before yourtwenty-fifth birthday? Is that it, Mr. Carden? An uncle? An imbecilegrandfather? A sentimental aunt?" "My Aunt Tabby Van Beekman. " "Where is she?" "In Trinity churchyard. It's too late to expostulate with her, you see. Besides, it wouldn't have done any good when she was alive. " The Tracer knitted his brows, musing, the points of his slim fingersjoined. "She was very proud, very autocratic, " said Carden. "I am the last ofmy race and my aunt was determined that the race should not die out withme. I don't want to marry and increase, but she's trying to make me. Atall events, I am not going to marry any woman inferior to the type Ihave created with my pencil--what the public calls the 'Carden Girl. 'And now you see that your discovery of this living type comes ratherlate. In two days I must be legally married if I want my Aunt Tabby'slegacy; and to-day for the first time I hear of a girl who, you assureme, compares favorably to my copyrighted type, but who has a mission andan aversion to men. So you see, Mr. Keen, that the matter is perfectlyhopeless. " "I don't see anything of the kind, " said Mr. Keen firmly. "What?--do you believe there is any chance--" "Of your falling in love within the next hour or so? Yes, I do. I thinkthere is every chance of it. I am sure of it. But that is not thedifficulty. The problem is far more complicated. " "You mean--" "_Ex_actly; how to marry that girl before day after to-morrow. That'sthe problem, Mr. Carden!--not whether you are capable of falling inlove with her. I have seen her; I _know_ you can't avoid falling inlove with her. Nobody could. I myself am on the verge of it; and I amfifty: you can't avoid loving her. " "If that were so, " said Carden gravely; "if I were really going to fallin love with her--I would not care a rap about my Aunt Tabby and hermoney--" "You ought to care about it for this young girl's sake. That legacy isvirtually hers, not yours. She has a right to it. No man can ever giveenough to the woman he loves; no man has ever done so. What _she_ givesand what _he_ gives are never a fair exchange. If you can balance theaccount in any measure, it is your duty to do it. Mr. Carden, if shecomes to love you she may think it very fine that you bring to her yourlove, yourself, your fame, your talents, your success, your position, your gratifying income. But I tell you it's not enough to balance theaccount. It is never enough--no, not all your devotion to her included!You can never balance the account on earth--all you can do is to try tobalance it materially and spiritually. Therefore I say, endow her with_all_ your earthly goods. Give all you can in every way to lighten asmuch as possible man's hopeless debt to all women who have ever loved. " "You talk about it as though I were already committed, " said Carden, astonished. "You are, morally. For a month I have, without her knowledge, it istrue, invaded the privacy of a very lovely young girl--studied herminutely, possessed myself of her history, informed myself of herhabits. What excuse had I for this unless I desired her happiness andyours? Nobody could offer me any inducement to engage in such a practiceunless I believed that the means might justify a moral conclusion. Andthe moral conclusion of this investigation is your marriage to her. " "Certainly, " said Carden uneasily, "but how are we going to accomplishit by to-morrow? How is it going to be accomplished at all?" The Tracer of Lost Persons rose and began to pace the long rug, claspinghis hands behind his back. Minute after minute sped; Carden staredalternately at Mr. Keen and at the blue sky through the open window. "It is seldom, " said Mr. Keen with evident annoyance, "that I personallytake any spectacular part in the actual and concrete demonstrationsnecessary to a successful conclusion of a client's case. But I've got todo it this time. " He went to a cupboard, picked out a gray wig and gray side whiskers anddeliberately waved them at Carden. "You see what these look like?" he demanded. "Y-yes. " "Very well. It is now noon. Do you know the Park? Do you happen torecollect a shady turn in the path after you cross the bridge over theswan lake? Here; I'll draw it for you. Now, here is the lake; here's theesplanade and fountain, you see. Here's the path. You followit--so!--around the lake, across the bridge, then following the lake tothe right--so!--then up the wooded slope to the left--so! Now, here is abench. I mark it Number One. _She_ sits there with her book--there sheis!" "If she looks like _that_--" began Carden. And they both laughed withthe slightest trace of excitement. "Here is Bench Number Two!" resumed the Tracer. "Here you sit--and thereyou are!" [Illustration: MR. KEEN'S SKETCH OF THE RENDEZVOUS] "Thanks, " said Carden, laughing again. "Now, " continued the Tracer, "you must be there at one o'clock. She willbe there at one-thirty, or earlier perhaps. A little later I will becomebenignly visible. Your part is merely a thinking part; you are to donothing, say nothing, unless spoken to. And when you are spoken to youare to acquiesce in whatever anybody says to you, and you are to dowhatever anybody requests you to do. And, above all, don't be surprisedat _anything_ that may happen. You'll be nervous enough; I expect that. You'll probably color up and flush and fidget; I expect that; I count onthat. But don't lose your nerve entirely; and don't think of attemptingto escape. " "Escape! From what? From whom?" "From her. " "_Her?_" "Are you going to follow my instructions?" demanded the Tracer of LostPersons. "I--y-yes, of course. " "Very well, then, I am going to rub some of this under your eyes. " AndMr. Keen produced a make-up box and, walking over to Carden, calmlydarkened the skin under his eyes. "I look as though I had been on a bat!" exclaimed Carden, surveyinghimself in a mirror. "Do you think any girl could find any attraction insuch a countenance?" "_She_ will, " observed the Tracer meaningly. "Now, Mr. Carden, one lastword: The moment you find yourself in love with her, and the firstmoment you have the chance to do so decently, make love to her. Shewon't dismiss you; she will repulse you, of course, but she won't letyou go. I know what I am saying; all I ask of you is to promise on yourhonor to carry out these instructions. Do you promise?" "I do. " "Then here is the map of the rendezvous which I have drawn. Be therepromptly. Good morning. " CHAPTER XXII At one o'clock that afternoon a young man earnestly consulting a mapmight have been seen pursuing his solitary way through Central Park. Fresh green foliage arched above him, flecking the path with frettedshadow and sunlight; the sweet odor of flowering shrubs saturated theair; the waters of the lake sparkled where swans swept to and fro, snowywings spread like sails to the fitful June wind. "This, " he murmured, pausing at a shaded bend in the path, "must beBench Number One. I am not to sit on that. This must be Bench NumberTwo. I _am_ to sit on that. So here I am, " he added nervously, seatinghimself and looking about him with the caution of a cat in a strangeback yard. There was nobody in sight. Reassured, he ventured to drop one knee overthe other and lean upon his walking stick. For a few minutes he remainedin this noncommittal attitude, alert at every sound, anxious, uncomfortable, dreading he knew not what. A big, fat, gray squirrelracing noisily across the fallen leaves gave him a shock. A number ofbirds came to look at him--or so it appeared to him, for in theinquisitive scrutiny of a robin he fancied he divined sardonic meaning, and in the blank yellow stare of a purple grackle, a sinistersignificance out of all proportion to the size of the bird. "What an absurd position to be in!" he thought. And suddenly he wasseized with a desire to flee. He didn't because he had promised not to, but the desire persisted tothe point of mania. Oh, how he could run if he only hadn't promised notto! His entire being tingled with the latent possibilities of a burst ofterrific speed. He wanted to scuttle away like a scared rabbit. The paceof the kangaroo would be slow in comparison. What a record he could makeif he hadn't promised not to. He crossed his knees the other way and brooded. The gray squirrelclimbed the bench and nosed his pockets for possible peanuts, thenhopped off hopefully toward a distant nursemaid and two children. Growing more alarmed every time he consulted his watch Carden attemptedto stem his rising panic with logic and philosophy, repeating: "Steady!my son! Don't act like this! You're not obliged to marry her if youdon't fall in love with her; and if you do, you won't mind marrying her. That is philosophy. That is logic. Oh, I wonder what will have happenedto me by this time to-morrow! I wish it _were_ this time to-morrow! Iwish it were this time next month! Then it would be all over. Then itwould be--" His muttering speech froze on his lips. Rooted to his bench he satstaring at a distant figure approaching--the figure of a young girl in asummer gown. Nearer, nearer she came, walking with a free-limbed, graceful step, headhigh, one arm clasping a book. That was the way the girls he drew would have walked had they everlived. Even in the midst of his fright his artist's eyes noted that:noted the perfect figure, too, and the witchery of its grace andcontour, and the fascinating poise of her head, and the splendid colorof her hair; noted mechanically the flowing lines of her gown, and thedainty modeling of arm and wrist and throat and ear. Then, as she reached her bench and seated herself, she raised her eyesand looked at him. And for the first time in his life he realized thatideal beauty was but the pale phantom of the real and founded onsomething more than imagination and thought; on something of vasterimport than fancy and taste and technical skill; that it was founded onLife itself--on breathing, living, palpitating, tremulous Life!--fromwhich all true inspiration must come. Over and over to himself he was repeating: "Of course, it is perfectlyimpossible that I can be in love already. Love doesn't happen betweentwo ticks of a watch. I am merely amazed at that girl's beauty; that isall. I am merely astounded in the presence of perfection; that is all. There is nothing more serious the matter with me. It isn't necessary forme to continue to look at her; it isn't vital to my happiness if I neversaw her again. . . . That is--of course, I should like to see her, because I never did see living beauty such as hers in any woman. Noteven in my pictures. What superb eyes! What a fascinately delicate nose!_What_ a nose! By Heaven, that nose _is_ a nose! I'll draw noses _that_way in future. My pictures are all out of drawing; I must fit arms intotheir sockets the way hers fit! I must remember the modeling of hereyelids, too--and that chin! and those enchanting hands--" She looked up leisurely from her book, surveyed him calmly, absent-eyed, then bent her head again to the reading. "There _is_ something the matter with me, " he thought with a suppressedgulp. "I--if she looks at me again--with those iris-hued eyes of ayoung goddess--I--I think I'm done for. I believe I'm done for anyway. It seems rather mad to think it. But there _is_ something the matter--" She deliberately looked at him again. "It's all wrong for them to let loose a girl like that on people, " hethought to himself, "all wrong. Everybody is bound to go mad over her. I'm going now. I'm mad already. I know I am, which proves I'm nolunatic. It isn't her beauty; it's the way she wears it--every motion, every breath of her. I know exactly what her voice is like. Anybody wholooks into her eyes can see what her soul is like. She isn't out ofdrawing anywhere--physically or spiritually. And when a man sees a girllike that, why--why there's only one thing that can happen to him as faras I can see. And it doesn't take a year either. Heavens! How awfullyremote from me she seems to be. " She looked up again, calmly, but not at him. A kindly, gray-whiskeredold gentleman came tottering and rocking into view, his rosy, wrinkledface beaming benediction on the world as he passed through it--on thesunshine dappling the undergrowth, on the furry squirrels sitting up ontheir hind legs to watch him pass, on the stray dickybird that hoppedfearlessly in his path, at the young man sitting very rigid there onhis bench, at the fair, sweet-faced girl who met his aged eyes with thegentlest of involuntary smiles. And Carden did not recognize him! Who could help smiling confidently into that benign face, with its grayhair and gray whiskers? Goodness radiated from every wrinkle. "Dr. Atwood!" exclaimed the girl softly as she rose to meet thismarvelous imitation of Dr. Austin Atwood, the great specialist onchildren's diseases. The old man beamed weakly at her, halted, still beaming, fumbled for hiseyeglasses, adjusted them, and peered closely into her face. "Bless my soul, " he smiled, "our pretty Dr. Hollis!" "I--I did not suppose you would remember me, " she said, rosy withpleasure. "Remember you? Surely, surely. " He made her a quaint, old-fashioned bow, turned, and peeped across the walk at Carden. And Carden, lookingstraight into his face, did not know the old man, who turned to Dr. Hollis again with many mysterious nods of his doddering head. "You're watching him, too, are you?" he chuckled, leaning toward her. "Watching whom, Dr. Atwood?" she asked surprised. "Hush, child! I thought you had noticed that unfortunate and afflictedyoung man opposite. " Dr. Hollis looked curiously at Carden, then at the old gentleman withgray whiskers. "Please sit down, Dr. Atwood, and tell me, " she murmured. "I havenoticed nothing in particular about the young man on the bench there. "And she moved to give him room; and the young man opposite stared atthem both as though bereft of reason. "A heavy book for small hands, my child, " said the old gentleman in hisquaintly garrulous fashion, peering with dimmed eyes at the volume inher lap. She smiled, looking around at him. "My, my!" he said, tremblingly raising his eyeglasses to scan the titleon the page; "Dr. Lamour's famous works! Are _you_ studying Lamour, child?" "Yes, " she said with that charming inflection youth reserves for age. "Astonishing!" he murmured. "The coincidence is more than remarkable. Aphysician! And studying Lamour's Disease! Incredible!" "Is there anything strange in that, Dr. Atwood?" she smiled. "Strange!" He lowered his voice, peering across at Carden. "Strange, did you say? Look across the path at that poor young man sitting there!" "Yes, " she said, perplexed, "I see him. " "_What_ do you see?" whispered the old gentleman in a shakily portentousvoice. "Here you sit reading about what others have seen; now what do_you_ see?" "Why, only a man--rather young--" "No _symptoms_?" "Symptoms? Of what?" The old gentleman folded his withered hands over his cane. "My child, "he said, "for a year I have had that unfortunate young man under secretobservation. He was not aware of it; it never entered his mind that Icould be observing _him_ with minutest attention. He may have supposedthere was nothing the matter with him. He was in error. I have studiedhim carefully. Look closer! _Are_ there dark circles under his eyes--orare there not?" he ended in senile triumph. "There are, " she began, puzzled, "but I--but of what interest to me--" "Compare his symptoms with the symptoms in that book you are studying, "said the old gentleman hoarsely. "Do you mean--do you suppose--" she stammered, turning her eyes onCarden, who promptly blushed to his ears and began to fidget. "_Every symptom_, " muttered the old gentleman. "Poor, poor young man!" She had seen Carden turn a vivid pink; she now saw him fidget with hiswalking stick; she discovered the blue circles under his eyes. Threesymptoms at once! "Do you believe it _possible_?" she whispered excitedly under her breathto the old gentleman beside her. "It seems incredible! Such a raredisease! Only one single case ever described and studied! It seemsimpossible that I could be so fortunate as actually to see a case! Tellme, Dr. Atwood, do you believe that young man is really afflicted withLamour's Disease?" "There is but one way to be absolutely certain, " said the old gentlemanin a solemn voice, "and that is to study him; corroborate yoursuspicions by observing his pulse and temperature, as did Dr. Lamour. " "But--how can I?" she faltered. "I--he would probably object to becominga patient of mine--" "Ask him, child! Ask him. " "I have not courage--" "Courage should be the badge of your profession, " said the oldgentleman gravely. "When did a good physician ever show the whitefeather in the cause of humanity?" "I--I know, but this requires a different sort of courage. " "How, " persisted the old gentleman, "can you confirm your very naturalsuspicions concerning this unfortunate young man unless you corroborateyour observations by studying him at close range? Besides, already itseems to me that certain unmistakable signs are visible; I mean thatstrange physical phase which Dr. Lamour dwells on: the symmetry offeature and limb, the curiously spiritual beauty. Do you not noticethese? Or is my sight so dim that I only imagine it?" "He is certainly symmetrical--and--in a certain way--almost handsome inregard to features, " she admitted, looking at Carden. "Poor, poor boy!" muttered the old gentleman, wagging his gray whiskers. "I am too old to help him--too old to dream of finding a remedy for theawful malady which I am now convinced has seized him. I shall study himno more. It is useless. All I can do now is to mention his case to someyoung, vigorous, ambitious physician--some specialist--" "Don't!" she whispered almost fiercely, "don't do that, Dr. Atwood! Iwant him, please! I--you helped me to discover him, you see. And hismalady is to be my specialty. Please, do you mind if I keep him all tomyself and study him?" "But you refused, child. " "I didn't mean to. I--I didn't exactly see how I was to study him. But Imust study him! Oh, I _must_! There will surely be some way. Please letme. You discovered him, I admit, but I will promise you faithfully todevote my entire life to studying him, as the great Lamour devoted hislife for forty years to his single patient. " "But Dr. Lamour married his patient, " said the Tracer mildly. "He--I--that need not be necessary--" "But if it should prove necessary?" "I--you--" "Answer me, child. " She stared across at Carden, biting her red lips. He turned pinkpromptly and fidgeted. "He _has_ got it!" she whispered excitedly. "Oh, _do_ you mind if I takehim for mine? I am perfectly wild to begin on him!" "You have not yet answered my question, " said the old gentleman gravely. "Do you lack the courage to marry him if it becomes necessary to do soin order to devote your entire life to studying him?" "Oh--it _cannot_ be necessary--" "You lack the courage. " She was silent. "Braver things have been done by those of your profession who have goneamong lepers, " said the old gentleman sadly. She flushed up instantly; her eyes sparkled; her head proudly high, delicate nostrils dilated. "I am not afraid!" she said. "If it ever becomes necessary, I _can_ showcourage and devotion, as well as those of my profession who minister tothe lepers of Molokai! Yes; I do promise you to marry him if I cannototherwise study him. And I promise you solemnly to devote my entire lifeto observing his symptoms and searching for proper means to combat them. My one ambition in life is personally to observe and study a case ofLamour's Disease, and to give my entire life to investigating itsorigin, its course, and its cure. " The old gentleman rose, bowing with that quaintly obsolete courtesywhich was in vogue in his youth. "I am contented to leave him exclusively to you, Dr. Hollis. And I wishyou happiness in your life's work--and success in your cure of thisunhappy young man. " Hat in hand, he bowed again as he tottered past her, muttering andsmiling to himself and shaking his trembling head as he went rocking onunsteady legs out into the sunshine, where the nursemaids and childrenflocked along the lake shore throwing peanuts to the waterfowl andsatiated goldfish. Dr. Hollis looked after him, her small hand buried among the pages ofher open book. Carden viewed his disappearing figure with guilelessemotions. He was vaguely aware that something important was about tohappen to him. And it did before he was prepared. CHAPTER XXIII When Rosalind Hollis found herself on her feet again a slight sensationof fright checked her for a moment. Then, resolutely suppressing suchunworthy weakness, the lofty inspiration of her mission in lifedominated her, and she stepped forward undaunted. And Carden, seeing heradvance toward him, arose in astonishment to meet her. For a second they stood facing each other, he astounded, she a triflepale but firm. Then in a low voice she asked his pardon for disturbinghim. "I am Rosalind Hollis, a physician, " she said quietly, "and physiciansare sometimes obliged to do difficult things in the interest of theirprofession. It is dreadfully difficult for me to speak to you in thisway. But"--she looked fearlessly at him--"I am confident you will notmisinterpret what I have done. " He managed to assure her that he did not misinterpret it. She regarded him steadily; she examined the dark circles under his eyes;she coolly observed his rising color under her calm inspection; she sawhim fidgeting with his walking stick. She _must_ try his pulse! "Would you mind if I asked you a few questions in the interest ofscience?" she said earnestly. "As a m-m-matter of fact, " he stammered, "I don't know much aboutscience. Awfully glad to do anything I can, you know. " "Oh, I don't mean it that way, " she reassured him. A hint of a smiletinted her eyes with brilliant amethyst. "Would you mind if I sat herefor a few moments? _Could_ you overlook this horrid unconventionalitylong enough for me to explain why I have spoken to you?" "I could indeed!" he said, so anxiously cordial that her lovely facegrew serious and she hesitated. But he was standing aside, hat off, placing the bench at her disposal, and she seated herself, placing herbook on the bench beside her. "Would you mind sitting here for a few moments?" she asked him gravely. Dazed, scarcely crediting the evidence of his senses, he took possessionof the end of the bench with the silent obedience of a schoolboy. Hisattitude was irreproachable. She was grateful for this, and hersatisfaction with herself for not having misjudged him renewed herconfidence in him, in herself, and in the difficult situation. She began, quietly, by again telling him her name and profession; whereshe lived, and that she was studying to be a specialist, though she didnot intimate what that specialty was to be. Outwardly composed and attentively deferential, his astonishment attimes dominated a stronger sentiment that seemed to grow and expand withher every word, seizing him in a fierce possession absolutely andhopelessly complete. The bewildering fascination of her mastered him. No cool analysis ofwhat his senses were confirming could be necessary to convince him ofhis condition. Every word of hers, every gesture, every inflection ofher sweet, clear voice, every lifting of her head, her eyes, herperfectly gloved hands, only repeated to him what he knew was acertainty. Never had he looked upon such physical loveliness; never hadhe dreamed of such a voice. She had asked him a question, and, absorbed in the pure delight oflooking at her, he had not comprehended or answered. She flushedsensitively, accepting his silence as refusal, and he came out of histrance hastily. "I beg your pardon; I did not quite understand your question, MissHollis--I mean, Dr. Hollis. " "I asked you if you minded my noting your pulse, " she said. He stretched out his right hand; she stripped off her glove, laid thetip of her middle finger on his wrist, and glanced down at the goldwatch which she held. "I am wondering, " he said, laughing uncertainly, "whether you believe meto be ill. Of course it is easy to see that you have found somethingunusual about me--something of particular interest to a physician. Isthere anything very dreadful going to happen to me, Dr. Hollis? I feelperfectly well. " "Are you sure you feel well?" she asked, so earnestly that the smile onhis lips faded out. "Absolutely. Is my pulse queer?" "It is not normal. " He could easily account for that, but he said nothing. She questioned him for a few minutes, noted his pulse again, lookedclosely at the bluish circles under his eyes. Naturally he flushed upand grew restless under the calm, grave, beautiful eyes. "I--I have an absolutely new and carefully sterilized thermometer--" Shedrew it from a tiny gold-initialed pocket case, and looked wistfully athim. "You want to put that into my mouth?" he asked, astonished. "If you don't mind. " She held it up, shook it once or twice, and deliberately inserted itbetween his lips. And there he sat, round-eyed, silent, the end of thethermometer protruding at a rakish angle from the corner of his mouth. And he grew redder and redder. "I _don't_ wish to alarm you, " she was saying, "but all this is sodeeply significant, so full of vital interest to me--to the world, toscience--" "_What_ have I got, in Heaven's name?" he said thickly, the thermometerwiggling in his mouth. "Ah!" she exclaimed with soft enthusiasm, clasping her pretty unglovedhands, "I cannot be sure yet--I dare not be too sanguine--" "Do you mean that you _want_ me to have something queer?" he blurtedout, while the thermometer wiggled with every word he uttered. "N-no, of course, I don't _want_ you to be ill, " she said hastily. "Only, if you _are_ ill it will be a wonderful thing for me. Imean--a--that I am intensely interested in certain symptoms which--" She gently withdrew the glass tube from his lips and examined itcarefully. "_Is_ there anything the matter?" he insisted, looking at the instrumentover her shoulder. She did not reply; pure excitement rendered her speechless. "I seem to _feel_ all right, " he added uneasily. "If you really believethat there's anything wrong with me, I'll stop in to see my doctor. " "Your doctor!" she repeated, appalled. "Yes, certainly. Why not?" "Don't do that! Please don't do that! I--why _I_ discovered this case. Ibeg you most earnestly to let me observe it. You don't understand theimportance of it! You don't begin to dream of the rarity of this case!How much it means to me!" He flushed up. "Do you intend to intimate that I am afflicted with somesort of rare and s-s-trange d-d-disease?" he stammered. "I dare not pronounce upon it too confidently, " she said withenthusiasm; "I have not yet absolutely determined the nature of thedisease. But, oh, I am beginning to hope--" "Then I _am_ diseased!" he faltered. "I've got _something_ anyhow; isthat it? Only you are not yet perfectly sure what it is called! Is thatthe truth, Miss Hollis?" "How can I answer positively until I have had time to observe thesesymptoms? It requires time to be certain. I do not wish to alarm you, but it is my duty to say to you that you should immediately placeyourself under medical observation. " "You think that?" "I do; I am convinced of it. Please understand me; I do not pronounceupon these visible symptoms; I do not express an unqualified opinion;but I could be in a position to do so if you consent to place yourselfunder my observations and care. For these suspicious symptoms are notonly very plainly apparent to me, but were even noted by that oldgentleman whom you may perhaps have observed conversing with me. " "Yes, I saw him. Who is he?" "Dr. Austin Atwood, " said the girl solemnly. "Oh! And you say he also observed something queer about me? What did hesee? Are there spots on me? Am I turning any remarkable color? Am I--"And in the very midst of his genuine alarm he suddenly remembered themake-up box and what the Tracer of Lost Persons had done to his eyes. Was _that_ it? Where was the Tracer, anyway? He had promised to appear. And then Carden recollected the gray wig and whiskers that the Tracerhad waved at him from the cupboard, bidding him note them well. _Could_that beaming, benignant, tottering old gentleman have been the Tracer ofLost Persons himself? And the same instant Carden was sure of it, spiteof the miraculous change in the man. Then logic came to his aid; and, deducing with care and patience, anearnest conviction grew within him that the dark circles under his eyesand the tottering old gentleman resembling Dr. Austin Atwood had a greatdeal to do with this dreadful disease which Dr. Hollis desired to study. He looked at the charming girl beside him, and she looked back at himvery sweetly, very earnestly, awaiting his decision. For a moment he realized that she had really scared him, and in thereaction of relief an overwhelming desire to laugh seized him. Hemanaged to suppress it, to compose himself. Then he remembered theTracer's admonition to acquiesce in everything, do what he was told todo, not to run away, and to pay his court at the first decentopportunity. He had no longer any desire to escape; he was quite willing to doanything she desired. "Do you really want to study me, Dr. Hollis?" he asked, feeling like ahypocrite. "Indeed I do, " she replied fervently. "You believe me worth studying?" "Oh, truly, truly, you are! You don't suspect--you cannot conceive howimportant you have suddenly become to me. " "Then I think you had better take my case, Dr. Hollis, " he saidseriously. "I begin now to realize that you believe me to be a sort offreak--an afflicted curiosity, and that, in the interest of medicine, Iought to go to an asylum or submit myself to the ceaseless observationof a competent private physician. " "I--I think it best for you to place yourself in my care, " she said. "Will you?" "Yes, " he said, "I will. I'll do anything in the world you ask. " "That is very--very generous, very noble of you!" she exclaimed, flushing with excitement and delight. "It means a great deal to me--itmeans, perhaps, a fame that I scarcely dared dream of even in my mostenthusiastic years. I am too grateful to express my gratitudecoherently; I am trying to say to you that I thank you; that I recognizein you those broad, liberal, generous qualities which, from yourappearance and bearing, I--I thought perhaps you must possess. " She colored again very prettily; he bowed, and ventured to remind herthat she had not yet given him the privilege of naming himself. "That is true!" she said, surprised. "I had quite forgotten it. " Butwhen he named himself she raised her head, startled. "Victor Carden!" she repeated. "You are the _artist_, Victor Carden!" "Yes, " he said, watching her dilated eyes like two violet-tinted jewels. For a minute she sat looking at him; and imperceptibly a change cameinto her face, and its bewildering beauty softened as the vivid tintsdied out, leaving her cheeks almost pale. "It is--a pity, " she said under her breath. All the excitement, all thelatent triumph, all the scarcely veiled eager enthusiasm had gone fromher now. "A pity?" he repeated, smiling. "Yes. I wish it had been only an ordinary man. I--why should this happento you? You have done so much for us all--made us forget ourselves inthe beauty of what you offer us. Why should this happen to _you_!" "But you have not told me yet what has happened to me, Miss Hollis. " She looked up, almost frightened. "_Are_ you our Victor Carden? I do not wish to believe it! You have doneso much for the world--you have taught us to understand and desire allthat is noble and upright and clean and beautiful!--to desire it, toaspire toward it, to venture to live the good, true, wholesome livesthat your penciled creations must lead--_must_ lead to wear suchbeautiful bodies and such divine eyes!" "Do _you_ care for my work?" he asked, astonished and moved. "I? Yes, of course I do. Who does not?" "Many, " he replied simply. "I am sorry for them, " she said. They sat silent for a long while. At first his overwhelming desire was to tell her of the deceptionpracticed upon her; but he could not do that, because in exposinghimself he must fail in loyalty to the Tracer of Lost Persons. Besides, she would not believe him. She would think him mad if he told her thatthe old gentleman she had taken for Dr. Atwood was probably Mr. Keen, the Tracer of Lost Persons. Also, he himself was not absolutely certainabout it. He had merely deduced as much. "Tell me, " he said very gently, "what is the malady from which youbelieve I am suffering?" For a moment she remained silent, then, face averted, laid her finger onthe book beside her. "That, " she said unsteadily. He read aloud: "Lamour's Disease. A Treatise in sixteen volumes by EroS. Lamour, M. D. , M. S. , F. B. A. , M. F. H. " "All that?" he asked guiltily. "I don't know, Mr. Carden. Are you laughing at me? Do you not believeme?" She had turned suddenly to confront him, surprising a humorousglimmer in his eyes. "I really do not believe I am seriously ill, " he said, laughing in spiteof her grave eyes. "Then perhaps you had better read a little about what Lamour describesas the symptoms of this malady, " she said sadly. "Is it fatal?" he inquired. "Ultimately. That is why I desire to spend my life in studying means tocombat it. That is why I desire you so earnestly to place yourself undermy observation and let me try. " "Tell me one thing, " he said; "is it contagious? Is it infectious? No?Then I don't mind your studying me all you wish, Dr. Hollis. You maytake my temperature every ten minutes if you care to. You may observe mypulse every five minutes if you desire. Only please tell me how this isto be accomplished; because, you see, I live in the Sherwood StudioBuilding, and you live on Madison Avenue. " "I--I have a ward--a room--fitted up with every modern surgicaldevice--every improvement, " she said. "It adjoins my office. _Would_ youmind living there for a while--say for a week at first--until I can beperfectly certain in my diagnosis?" "Do you intend to put me to bed?" he asked, appalled. "Oh, no! Only I wish to watch you carefully and note your symptoms frommoment to moment. I also desire to try the effects of certain medicineson you--" "What kind of medicines?" he asked uneasily. "I cannot tell yet. Perhaps antitoxin; I don't know; perhaps formalinlater. Truly, Mr. Carden, this case has taken on a graver, a moreintimate significance since I have learned who you are. I would haveworked hard to save any life; I shall put my very heart and soul into mywork to save you, who have done so much for us all. " The trace of innocent emotion in her voice moved him. "I am really not ill, " he said unsteadily. "I cannot let you think Iam--" "Don't speak that way, Mr. Carden. I--I am perfectly miserable over it;I don't feel any happiness in my discovery now--not the least bit. I hadrather live my entire life without seeing one case of Lamour's Diseasethan to believe you are afflicted with it. " "But I'm not, Miss Hollis!--really, I am not--" She looked at him compassionately for a moment, then rose. "It is best that you should be informed as to your probable condition, "she said. "In Lamour's works, volume nine, you had better read exactlywhat Lamour says. Do you mind coming to the office with me, Mr. Carden?" "Now?" "Yes. The book is there. Do you mind coming?" "No--no, of course not. " And, as they turned away together under thetrees: "You don't intend to begin observing me this afternoon, do you?"he ventured. "I think it best if you can arrange your affairs. Can you, Mr. Carden?" "Why, yes, I suppose I can. Did you mean for me to begin to occupy thatsurgical bedroom at once?" "Do you mind?" "N-no. I'll telephone my servants to pack a steamer trunk and send itaround to your apartment this evening. And--where am I to board?" "I have a dining room, " she said simply. "My apartment consists of theusual number of servants and rooms, including my office, and myobservation ward which you will occupy. " He walked on, troubled. "I only w-want to ask one or two things, Dr. Hollis. Am I to be placedon a diet? I hate diets!" "Not at once. " "May I smoke?" "Certainly, " she said, smiling. "And you won't p-put me--send me to bed too early?" "Oh, no! The later you sit up the better, because I shall wish to takeyour temperature every ten minutes and I shall feel very sorry to arouseyou. " "You mean you are coming in to wake me up every ten minutes and put thattube in my mouth?" he asked, aghast. "Only every half-hour, Mr. Carden. Can't you stand it for a week?" "Well, " he said, "I--I suppose I can if _you_ can. Only, upon my honor, there is really nothing the matter with me, and I'll prove it to you outof your own book. " "I wish you could, Mr. Carden. I should be only too happy to give youback to the world with a clear bill of health if you can convince me Iam wrong. Do you not believe me? Indeed, indeed I am not selfish andwicked enough to wish you this illness, no matter how rare it is!" "The rarer a disease is the madder it makes people who contract it, " hesaid. "I should be the maddest man in Manhattan if I really did haveLamour's malady. But I haven't. There is only one malady afflicting me, and I am waiting for a suitable opportunity to tell you all about it, but--" "Tell me now, " she said, raising her eyes to his. "Not now. " "To-night?" "I hope so. I will if I can, Miss Hollis. " "But you must not fear to tell a physician about anything which troublesyou, Mr. Carden. " "I'll remember that, " he said thoughtfully, as they emerged from thePark and crossed to Madison Avenue. A moment later he hailed a car and they both entered. CHAPTER XXIV No, there could be no longer any doubt in her mind as she went into herbedroom, closed the door, and, unhooking the telephone receiver, calledup the great specialist in rare diseases, Dr. Austin Atwood, M. S. , F. B. A. , M. F. H. "Dr. Atwood, " she said with scarcely concealed emotion, "this is Dr. Rosalind Hollis. " "How-de-do?" squeaked the aged specialist amiably. "Oh, I am well enough, thank you, doctor--except in spirits. Dr. Atwood, you were right! He _has_ got it, and I am perfectly wretched!" "_Who_ has got _what_?" retorted the voice of Atwood. "The unfortunate young gentleman we saw to-day in the Park. " "What park?" "Why, Central Park, doctor. " "Central Park! _I_ haven't been in Central Park for ten years, mychild. " "Why, Dr. Atwood!--A--_is_ this Dr. Austin Atwood with whom I amtalking?" "Not the least doubt! And you are that pretty Dr. Hollis--RosalindHollis, who consulted me in those charity cases, are you not?" "I certainly am. And I wanted to say to you that I have the unfortunatepatient now under closest observation here in my own apartment. I havegiven him the room next to the office. And, doctor, you were perfectlyright. He shows every symptom of the disease--he is even inclined tosentimentalism; he begins to blush and fidget and look at me--a--in thatunmistakable manner--not that he isn't well-bred and charming--indeed heis most attractive, and it grieves me dreadfully to see that he alreadyis beginning to believe himself in love with the first person of theopposite sex he encounters--I mean that he--that I cannot mistake hisattitude toward me--which is perfectly correct, only one cannot avoidseeing the curious infatuation--" "_What_ the dickens is all this?" roared the great specialist, and Dr. Hollis jumped. "I was only confirming your diagnosis, doctor, " she explained meekly. "What diagnosis?" "Yours, doctor. I have confirmed it, I fear. And the certainty has mademe perfectly miserable, because his is such a valuable life to theworld, and he himself is such a splendid, wholesome, noble specimen ofyouth and courage, that I cannot bear to believe him incurablyafflicted. " "Good Heavens!" shouted the doctor, "_what_ has he got and _who_ is he?" "He is Victor Carden, the celebrated artist, and he has Lamour'sDisease!" she gasped. There was a dead silence; then: "Keep him there until I come! Chloroformhim if he attempts to escape!" And the great specialist rang off excitedly. So Rosalind Hollis went back to the lamp-lit office where, in aluxurious armchair, Carden was sitting, contentedly poring over theninth volume of Lamour's great treatise and smoking his second cigar. "Dr. Atwood is coming here, " she said in a discouraged voice, as he rosewith alacrity to place her chair. "Oh! What for?" "T-to see you, Mr. Carden. " "Who? Me? Great Scott! I don't want to be slapped and pinched and polledby a man! I didn't expect that, you know. I'm willing enough to have youobserve me in the interest of humanity--" "But, Mr. Carden, he is only called in for consultation. I--I have adreadful sort of desperate hope that perhaps I may have made a mistake;that possibly I am in error. " "No doubt you are, " he said cheerfully. "Let me read a few more pages, Dr. Hollis, and then I think I shall be all ready to dispute mysymptoms, one by one, and convince you what really is the trouble withme. And, by the way, did Dr. Atwood seem a trifle astonished when youtold him about me?" "A trifle--yes, " she said uncertainly. "He is a very, very old man; heforgets. But he is coming. " "Oh! And didn't he appear to recollect seeing me in the Park?" "N-not clearly. He is very old, you know. But he is coming here. " "_Ex_actly--as a friend of mine puts it, " smiled Carden. "May I bepermitted to use your telephone a moment?" "By all means, Mr. Carden. You will find it there in my bedroom. " So he entered her pretty bedroom and, closing the door tightly, calledup the Tracer of Lost Persons. "Is that you, Mr. Keen? This is Mr. Carden. I'm head over heels in love. I simply must win her, and I'm going to try. If I don't--if she willnot listen to me--I'll certainly go to smash. And what I want you to dois to prevent Atwood from butting in. Do you understand? . . . Yes, Dr. Austin Atwood. Keep him away somehow. . . . Yes, I'm here, at Dr. Hollis's apartments, under anxious observation. . . . She is the _only_woman in the world! I'm mad about her--and getting madder every moment!She is the most perfectly splendid specimen of womanhood--_what_? Oh, yes; I rang you up to ask you whether it was _you_ in the Parkto-day?--that old gentleman--_What!_ Yes, in Central Park. Yes, thisafternoon! No, he didn't resemble you; and Dr. Hollis took him for Dr. Atwood. . . . What are you laughing about? . . . I can _hear_ youlaughing. . . . _Was_ it you? . . . What do I think? Why, I don't knowexactly what to think, but I suppose it must have been you. Was it?. . . Oh, I see. You don't wish me to know. Certainly, you are quiteright. Your clients have no business behind the scenes. I only asked outof curiosity. . . . All right. Good-by. " He came back to the lamp-lit office, which was more of a big, handsome, comfortable living room than a physician's quarters, and for a moment ortwo he stood on the threshold, looking around. In the pleasant, subdued light of the lamp Rosalind Hollis looked upand around, smiling involuntarily to see him standing there; then, serious, silent, she dropped her eyes to the pages of the volume he haddiscarded--volume nine of Lamour's great works. Even with the evidence before her, corroborated in these inexorablyscientific pages which she sat so sadly turning, she found it almostimpossible to believe that this big, broad-shouldered, attractive youngman could be fatally stricken. Twice her violet eyes stole toward him; twice the thick lashes veiledthem, and the printed pages on her knee sprang into view, and the coldprecision of the type confirmed her fears remorselessly: "The trained scrutiny of the observer will detect in the victim of thisdisease a peculiar and indefinable charm--a strange symmetry which, oncloser examination, reveals traces of physical beauty almostsuperhuman--" Again her eyes were lifted to Carden; again she dropped her white lids. Her worst fears were confirmed. Meanwhile he stood on the threshold looking at her, his pulses racing, his very soul staring through his eyes; and, within him, every senseclamoring out revolt at the deception, demanding confession and itspenalty. "I can't stand this!" he blurted out; and she looked up quickly, herface blanched with foreboding. "Are you in pain?" she asked. "No--not that sort of pain! I--_won't_ you please believe that I am notill? I'm imposing on you. I'm an impostor! There's nothing whatever thetrouble with me except--something that I want to tell you--if you'll letme--" "Why should you hesitate to confide in a physician, Mr. Carden?" He came forward slowly. She laid her small hand on the empty chair whichfaced hers and he sank into it, clasping his restless hands under hischin. "You are feeling depressed, " she said gently. Depression was asignificant symptom. Three chapters were devoted to it. "I'm depressed, of course. I'm horribly depressed and ashamed of myself, because there is nothing on earth the matter with me, and I've let youthink there is. " She smiled mournfully; this was another symptom of a morbid state. Sheturned, unconsciously, to page 379 to verify her observation. "See here, Miss Hollis, " he broke out, "haven't I any chance toconvince you that I am not ill? I want to be honest without involvinga--a friend of mine. I can't endure this deception. Won't you let meprove to you that these symptoms are--are only significant of somethingelse?" She looked straight at him, considering him in silence. "Let us begin with those dark circles under my eyes, " he saiddesperately. "I found some cold-cream in my room and--look! They arepractically gone! At any rate, if there is a sort of shadow left it'sbecause I use my eyes in my profession. " "Dr. Lamour says that the dark circles disappear, anyway, " said thegirl, unconvinced. "Cold-cream had nothing to do with it. " "But it _did_! Really it did. And as for the other symptoms, I--well, Ican't help my pulses when y-you t-t-touch me. " "Please, Mr. Carden. " "I don't mean to be impertinent. I am trying my hardest to tell thetruth. And my pulses _do_ gallop when you test them; they're gallopingnow! This very moment!" "Let me try them, " she said coolly, laying her hand on his wrist. "Didn't I say so!" he insisted grimly. "And I'm turning red, too. Butthose symptoms mean something else; they mean _you_!" "Mr. Carden!" "I can't help saying so--" "I know it, " she said soothingly; "these sentimental outbursts are partof the disease--" "Good Heavens! _Won't_ you try to believe me! There's nothing in theworld the matter with me except that I am--am--p-p-perfectlyf-f-fascinated--" "You must struggle against it, Mr. Carden. That is only part of the--" "It isn't! It isn't! It's you! It's your mere presence, yourpersonality, your charm, your beauty, your loveliness, your--" "Mr. Carden, I beg of you! I--it is part of my duty to observe symptoms, but--but you are making it very hard for me--very difficult--" "I am only proving to you that it isn't Lamour's Disease which doesstunts with my pulses, my temperature, my color. I'm not morbid exceptwhen I realize my deception. I'm not depressed except when I think howfar you are from me--how far above me--how far out of reach of such aman as I am--how desperately I--I--" "D-don't you think I had better administer a s-s-sedative, Mr. Carden?"she said, distressed. "I don't care. I'll take anything you give me--as long as _you_ give itto me. I'll swallow pint after pint of pills! I'll fletcherize 'em! I'llluxuriate in poison--anything--" She was hastily running through the pages of the ninth volume to seewhether the symptoms of sentimental excitement ever turned into frenzy. "What can you learn from that book?" he insisted, leaning forward to seewhat she was reading. "Anyway, Dr. Lamour married his patient so earlyin the game that all the symptoms disappeared. And I believe the troublewith his patient was my trouble. She had every symptom of it until hemarried her! She was in love with him, that is absolutely all!" Rosalind Hollis raised her beautiful, incredulous eyes. "What do you mean, Mr. Carden?" "I mean that, in my opinion, there's no such disease as Lamour'sDisease. That young girl was in love with him. Then he married her atlast, and--presto!--all the symptoms vanished--the pulse, thetemperature, the fidgets, the blushes, the moods, the whole business!" "W-what about the strangely curious manifestations of physicalbeauty--superhuman symmetry, Mr. Carden?" "Do you notice them in _me_?" he gasped. "A--yes--in a m-modified measure--" "In _me_?" "Certainly!" she said firmly; but the slow glow suffusing her cheeks wasdisconcerting her. Then his own face began to reflect the splendid colorin hers; their eyes met, dismayed. "There are sixteen volumes about this disease, " she said. "There _must_be such a disease!" "There is, " he said. "I have it badly. But I never had it before I firstsaw you in the Park!" "Mr. Carden--this is the wildest absurdity--" "I know it. Wildness is a symptom. I'm mad as a hatter. I've got everyseparate symptom, and I wish it was infectious and contagious andcatching and fatal!" She made an effort to turn the pages to the chapter entitled "Manias andIllusions, " but he laid his hand across the book and his clear eyesdefied her. "Mr. Carden--" Her smooth hand trembled under his, then, suddenly nerveless, relaxed. With an effort she lifted her head; their eyes met, spellbound. "_You_ have _every_ symptom, " he said unsteadily--"every one! What haveyou to say?" Her fascinated eyes held his. "What have you to say?" he repeated under his breath--"you, with everysymptom, and your heavenly radiant beauty to confirm them--that splendidyouthful loveliness which blinds and stuns me as I look--as I speak--asI tell you that I love you. That is my malady; that is the beginning andthe end of it; love!" She sat speechless, immovable, as one under enchantment. "All my life, " he said, "I have spent in painting shadows. But theshadows were those dim celestial shapes cast by your presence in theworld. You tell me that the world is better for my work; that I haveoffered my people beauty and a sort of truth, which they had neverdreamed of until I revealed it? Yet what inspired me was the shadowonly, for I had never seen the substance; I had never believed I shouldever see the living source of the shadows which inspired me. And now Isee; now I have seen with my own eyes. Now the confession of faith is nolonger a blind creed, born of instinct. You live! You are you! What Ibelieved from necessity I find proved in fact. The occult no longer cansway one who has seen. And you, who, without your knowledge or mine, have always been the one and only source of any good in me or in mywork--why is it strange that I loved you at first sight?--that Iworshiped you at first breath?--I, who, like him who raises his altar to'the unknown god, ' raised my altar to truth and beauty? And a miraclehas answered me. " She rose, the beautiful dazed eyes meeting his, both hands clasping theninth volume of Lamour's great monograph to her breast as though toprotect it from him--from him who was threatening her, enthralling her, thrilling her with his magic voice, his enchanted youth, the masterfulmystery of his eyes. What was he saying to her? What was this mountingintoxication sweeping her senses--this delicious menace threatening hervery will? What did he want with her? What was he asking? What was hedoing now--with both her hands in his, and her gaze deeply lost inhis--and the ninth volume of Lamour on the floor between them, sprawlingthere, abandoned, waving its helpless, discredited leaves inair--discredited, abandoned, obsolete as her own specialty--her life'swork! He had taken that, too--taken her life's work from her. And inreturn she was holding nothing!--nothing except a young man'shands--strong, muscular hands which, after all, were holding her ownimprisoned. So she had nothing in exchange for the ninth volume ofLamour; and her life's work had been annihilated by a smile; and she wasvery much alone in the world--very isolated and very youthful. After a while she emerged from the chaos of attempted reflection andlistened to what he was saying. He spoke very quietly, very distinctly, not sparing himself, laying bare every deception without involvinganybody except himself. He told her the entire history of his case, excluding Mr. Keen inperson; he told her about his aunt, about his birthday, about hisdetermination to let the legacy go. Then in a very manly way he told herthat he had never before loved a woman; and fell silent, her hands adead weight in his. She was surprised that she could experience no resentment. A curiousinertia crept over her. She was tired of expectancy, tired of effort, weary of the burden of decision. Life and its problems overweighted her. Her eyes wandered to his broad young shoulders, then were raised to hisface. "What shall we do?" she asked innocently. Unresisting, she suffered him to explain. His explanation was notelaborate; he only touched his lips to her hands and straightened up, atrifle pale. After a moment they walked together to the door and he took his hat andgloves from the rack. "Will you come to-morrow morning?" she asked. "Yes. " "Come early. I am quite certain of how matters are with me. Everythinghas gone out of my life--everything I once cared for--all the familiarthings. So come early, for I am quite alone without you. " "And I without you, Rosalind. " "That is only right, " she said simply. "I shall cast no more shadows foryou. . . . Are you going? . . . Oh, I know it is best that you shouldgo, but--" He halted. She laid both hands in his. "We both have it, " she faltered--"every symptom. And--you will comeearly, won't you?" THE END