The Terror from the Depths By Sewell Peaslee Wright [Transcriber's note: This etext was produced from Astounding StoriesNovember 1931. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence thatthe U. S. Copyright on this publication was renewed. ] Commander John Hanson challenges an appalling denizen of the watery world Hydrot. [Illustration: _His head reared itself from the ground. _] "Good afternoon, sir, " nodded Correy as I entered the navigating room. He glanced down at the two glowing three-dimensional navigating charts, and drummed restlessly on the heavy frames. "Afternoon, Mr. Correy. Anything of interest to report?" "Not a thing, sir!" growled my fire-eating first officer. "I'm aboutready to quit the Service and get a job on one of the passenger liners, just on the off chance that something exciting might eventually happen. " "You were born a few centuries too late, " I chuckled. Correy loved afight more than any man I ever knew. "The Universe has become prettywell quieted down. " "Oh, it isn't that; it's just this infernal routine. Just one routinepatrol after another; they should call it the Routine Patrol Service. That's what the silver-sleeves at the Base are making of it, sir. " At the moment, Correy meant every word he said. Even old-timers developcases of nerves, now and then, on long tours of duty in small ships likethe _Ertak_. Particularly men like Correy, whose bodies crave physicalaction. There wasn't much opportunity for physical activity on the _Ertak_; shewas primarily a fighting ship, small and fast, with every inch of spacedevoted to some utilitarian use. I knew just how Correy felt, becauseI'd felt the same way a great many times. I was young, then, one of theyoungest commanders the Special Patrol Service had ever had, and Irecognized Correy's symptoms in a twinkling. "We'll be re-outfitting at the Arpan sub-base in a couple of days, " Isaid carelessly. "Give us a chance to stretch our legs. Have you seenanything of the liner that spoke to us yesterday?" I was just makingconversation, to get his mind out of its unhealthy channel. "The _Kabit_? Yes, sir; we passed her early this morning, lumberingalong like the big fat pig that she is. " A pig, I should explain, is afood animal of Earth; a fat and ill-looking creature of lowintelligence. "The old _Ertak_ went by her as though she were standingstill. She'll be a week and more arriving at Arpan. Look: you can justbarely make her out on the charts. " I glanced down at the twin charts Correy had indicated. In the center ofeach the red spark that represented the _Ertak_ glowed like a coal offire; all around were the green pinpricks of light that showed theposition of other bodies around us. The _Kabit_, while comparativelyclose, was just barely visible; her bulk was so small that it onlyfaintly activated the super-radio reflex plates upon the ship's hull. "We're showing her a pretty pair of heels, " I nodded, studying ourposition in both dimensions. "Arpan isn't registering yet, I see. Who'sthis over here; Hydrot?" "Right, sir, " replied Correy. "Most useless world in the Universe, Iguess. No good even for an emergency base. " "She's not very valuable, certainly, " I admitted. "Just a ball of waterwhirling through space. But she does serve one good purpose; she's asign-post it's impossible to mistake. " Idly, I picked up Hydrot in thetelevision disk, gradually increasing the size of the image until I hadher full in the field, at maximum magnification. * * * * * Hydrot was a sizable sphere, somewhat larger than Earth--my naturalstandard of comparison--and utterly devoid of visible land. She was, asI had said, just a ball of water, swinging along uselessly throughspace, although no doubt there was land of some kind under that vast, unending stretch of gray water, for various observers had reported, intimes past, bursts of volcanic steam issuing from the water. Indeed, as I looked, I saw one such jet of steam, shooting into spacefrom a spot not far from the equator of the strange world. In thetelevision disk, it looked like a tiny wisp of white, barely visibleagainst the gray water, but in reality it must have been a mightyroaring column of smoke and steam and erupted material. "There's life in the old girl, anyway, " I commented, indicating theimage in the disk. "See her spout?" We bent over the disk together, watching the white feather of steam. "First time I've ever seen that, " said Correy. "I know volcanic activityhas been reported before, but--look, sir! There's another--two more!" Undoubtedly, things were happening deep in the bowels of Hydrot. Therewere now three wisps of steam rising from the water, two of them fairlyclose together, the other a considerable distance away, arranged to forma very long pointed triangle, the short base of which ran close to theequator, its longer sides reaching toward one of the poles; the northpole, as we happened to view the image. The columns of steam seemed to increase in size. Certainly they mountedhigher into the air. I could imagine the terrific roar of them as theyblasted their way through the sullen water and hurled it in steamingspray around their bases, while huge stones fell hissing into the wateron all sides. The eruption must have shaken the entire sphere; thegushing of those vomiting throats was a cataclysm of such magnitude thatI could not guess its effect. Correy and I watched tensely, hardly breathing. I think we both feltthat something was about to happen: a pent-up force had been released, and it was raging. We could almost hear the rumble of the volcanicexplosions and the ear-splitting hiss of the escaping steam. Suddenly Correy clutched my arm. "Look!" he whispered, "_Look!_" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I could see the water crawlinginside the triangle formed by the three wisps of steam: crawling inwhite, foaming waves like tiny scraps of thread as it rushed headlong, in mighty tidal waves, away from the center of that triangle. The columns of steam flared up with fresh strength, darkening as thoughwith smoke. Here and there within the triangle black specks appeared, grew larger, and ran together in crooked lines that widened continually. "A--a new continent, sir!" said Correy almost reverently. "We've seen anew continent born. " Correy had put my thoughts into words. We had seen a new continent born;on the gray surface of Hydrot there was now a great irregular blackblotch from which mounted three waving pillars of smoke and steam. Around the shores of the new continent the waters raged, white andangry, and little threads of white crawled outward from thoseshores--the crests of tidal waves that must have towered into the airtwice the _Ertak's_ length. Slowly, the shore-line changed form as fresh portions arose, and others, newly-risen, sank again beneath the gray water. The wisps of steamdarkened still more, and seemed to shrivel up, as though the fires thatfed them had been exhausted by the travail of a new continent. "Think, sir, " breathed Correy, "what we might find if we landed there onthat new continent, still dripping with the water from which it sprang!A part of the ocean's bed, thrust above the surface to be examined atwill--Couldn't we leave our course long enough to--to look her over?" I confess I was tempted. Young John Hanson, Commander of the SpecialPatrol ship, _Ertak_, had his good share of natural curiosity, thespirit of adventure, and the explorer's urge. But at the same time, theService has a discipline that is as rigid and relentless as the passingof time itself. Hydrot lay off to starboard of our course: Arpan, where we were tore-outfit, was ahead and to port, and we were already swinging in thatdirection. The _Ertak_ was working on a close schedule that gave us nolatitude. "I'm afraid it can't be done, Mr. Correy, " I said, shaking my head. "We'll report it immediately, of course, and perhaps we'll get orders tomake an investigation. In that case--" "Not the _Ertak_!" interrupted Correy passionately. "They'll send a crewof bug-eyed scientists there, and a score or so of laboratory men toanalyze this, and run a test on that, and the whole mess of them willwrite millions of words apiece about the expedition that nobody willever read. I know. " "Well, we'll hope you're wrong. " I said, knowing in my heart that he wasperfectly right. "Keep her on her present course, Mr. Correy. " "Present course it is, sir!" snapped Correy. Then we bent together overthe old-fashioned hooded television disk staring down silently andregretfully at the continent we had seen born, and which, with all itspromise of interest and adventure, we must leave behind, in favor of aroutine stop at the sub-base on Arpan. I think both of us would have gladly given years of our lives to turnthe _Ertak's_ blunt nose toward Hydrot, but we had our orders, and inthe Service as it was in those days, an officer did not question hisorders. * * * * * Correy mooned around the Arpan sub-base like a fractious child. Kincaideand I endeavored to cheer him up, and Hendricks, the _Ertak's_ youngthird officer, tried in vain to induce Correy to take in the sights. "All I want to know, " Correy insisted, "is whether there's any change inorders. You got the news through to Base, didn't you, sir?" "Right. All that came back was the usual 'Confirmed. ' No comment. "Correy muttered under his breath and wandered off to glare at theArpanians who were working on the _Ertak_. Kincaide shrugged and shookhis head. "He's spoiling for action, sir, " he commented. Kincaide was my secondofficer; a cool-headed, quick-witted fighting man, and as fine anofficer as ever wore the blue-and-silver uniform of the Service. "I onlyhope--message for you, sir. " He indicated an Arpanian orderly who hadcome up from behind, and was standing at attention. "You're wanted immediately in the radio room, sir, " said the orderly, saluting. "Very well, " I nodded, returning the salute and glancing at Kincaide. "Perhaps we will get a change in orders after all. " I hurried after the orderly, following him down the broad corridors ofthe administration building to the radio room. The commander of theArpan sub-base was waiting there, talking gravely with the operator. "Bad news, Commander, " he said, as I entered the room. "We've justreceived a report from the passenger liner _Kabit_, and she's indesperate straits. At the insistence of the passengers, the ship madecontact with Hydrot and is unable to leave. She has been attacked bysome strange monster, or several of them--the message is badly confused. I thought perhaps you'd like to report the matter to Base yourself. " "Yes. Thank you, sir. Operator, please raise Base immediately!" * * * * * The _Kabit_? That was the big liner we had spoken to the day beforeCorrey and I had seen the new continent rise above the boundless watersof Hydrot. I knew the ship; she carried about eighteen hundredpassengers, and a crew of seventy-five men and officers. Beside her, the_Ertak_ was a pygmy; that the larger ship, so large and powerful, couldbe in trouble, seemed impossible. Yet-- "Base, sir, " said the operator, holding a radio-menore toward me. I placed the instrument on my head. "John Hanson, Commander of the Special Patrol ship _Ertak_ emanating. Special report for Chief of Command. " "Report, Commander Hanson, " emanated the Base operator automatically. "Word has just been received at Arpan sub-base that passenger liner_Kabit_ made contact with Hydrot, landing somewhere on the newcontinent, previously reported by the _Ertak_. Liner _Kabit_ reportsitself in serious difficulties, exact nature undetermined, butapparently due to hostile activity from without. Will awaitinstructions. " "Confirmed. Commander Hanson's report will be put through to Chief ofCommand immediately. Stand by. " I removed the radio-menore, motioning to the operator to resume hiswatch. Radio communication in those days was in its infancy. Several personswho have been good enough to comment upon my previous chronicles of theSpecial Patrol Service, have asked "But, Commander Hanson! Why didn'tyou just radio for assistance?" forgetting as young persons do, thatthings have not always been as they are to-day. The _Ertak's_ sending apparatus, for example, could reach out at best nomore than a day's journey in any direction, and then only imperfectly. Transmission of thought by radio instead of symbols or words, had beenintroduced but a few years before I entered the Service. It must beremembered that I am an old, old man, writing of things that happenedbefore most of the present population of the Universe was born--that Iam writing of men who, for the larger part, have long since embarkedupon the Greatest Adventure. * * * * * "Base, sir, " said the operator after a moment, and I hastily slipped onthe radio-menore. "Commander John Hanson, standing by, " I shot at the operator at Base. "Have you orders?" "Orders for Captain John Hanson, Commander of the Special Patrol ship_Ertak_, " emanated the operator in a sort of mental drone. "Chief ofCommand directs that the _Ertak_ proceed immediately to the scene of thereported difficulty, and take any necessary steps to relieve same. Iwill repeat the orders, " and he droned through them a second time. "Orders are understood. The results of our operations will be reportedto Base as soon as possible. " I tore off the radio-menore and hurriedfrom the room, explaining to the sub-base commander as I went. Correy was standing beside the _Ertak_, talking to Kincaide, and as Iapproached, they both looked around quickly and hopefully. "What's up, sir?" asked Correy, reading news in my face. "A change inorders?" "Correct! That big liner, the _Kabit_, landed on Hydrot, and she's insome sort of mysterious trouble. Orders from the Chief himself are toproceed there immediately. Are any men away from the ship on leave?" "If there are, we can do without them!" shouted Correy. "I'll stand adouble watch. " "The crew is on duty, sir, " said Kincaide quietly. "Mr. Hendricks isaboard directing the taking on of supplies. We can leave any time youorder, sir. " "We leave immediately, gentlemen, " I said. "Mr. Correy, will you givethe necessary orders?" "Yes, sir!" grinned Correy, his eyes dancing like a schoolboy's. He wasin the navigating room jabbing attention signals and snapping ordersinto the microphone before Kincaide and I, moving more leisurely, hadentered the ship. * * * * * Hurtling through space at maximum speed, it took us two days, Earthtime, to come close enough to Hydrot so that we could locate theunfortunate _Kabit_. She had landed on a level plain near the shore ofthe new continent, where she lay, just a tiny bright speck, even underthe maximum power of our television disk. "It's an odd thing, sir, that we can't raise her by radio, " commentedHendricks, who was on duty. "Have we tried recently?" "We've been trying constantly, at intervals of but a few minutes, " Ireplied grimly. "Several times, the operator reports, he has been ableto get a muffled and garbled response, utterly unintelligible. He saysthat the signals sound as though the radio emanation-plates in her outerhull were damaged or grounded. We'll just have to wait until we getthere. " "As soon as we are near enough, please make an analysis of heratmosphere, so that we can break out masks, if necessary. " Hendricks, while young and rather too impulsive, was a good rough-and-readyscientist, as well as a courageous and dependable officer. "When Mr. Correy relieves you, please inform him that I am taking a watch below, should he need me. " Hydrot was looming up in the television disk, and Iwished to be rested and ready for action when we landed. * * * * * I was awakened by an uncomfortable warmth, and when I glanced at mywatch the explanation was obvious. We had penetrated the outer gaseousenvelope of the world that had so recently given birth to a continent, and Correy was driving the _Ertak_ through at reckless speed. When I entered the navigating room, Correy glanced up guiltily at thesurface-temperature gauge and then hastily saluted. "We're reducing speed, sir, " he said. "Atmosphere is rather denser thanI had expected. Hendricks reports the air breathable, with a humidity ofone hundred. And--tell me, sir, what do you make of the appearance ofthe _Kabit_ now?" I bent over the hooded television disk anxiously. The _Kabit_ was in thecenter of the field, and the image was perhaps a third of the disk'sdiameter in length. Instead of a tiny bright speck, I could see now the fat bulk of theship, its bright metal gleaming--but across or around the ship, werebroad spiral bands of black or dark green, as sharp as though they hadbeen painted there. "What are the bands, Mr. Correy?" I asked sharply. "Have you formed anyopinion?" "I have, sir, but I'd rather not offer it at this time, " said my firstofficer gravely. "Look about the ship, in the immediate vicinity, andsee if you find anything of interest. My eyes may be playing me tricks. " I glanced curiously at Correy, and then bent my attention on the imagein the disk. * * * * * It was impossible to make out any details of the background, save thatthe country round seemed to be fairly level, with great pools of graywater standing here and there, and a litter, as of gigantic, wiltedvegetation, spread over everything. And then, as I looked, it seemed to me that the _Kabit_ shifted positionslightly. At the same time, the spiral bands seemed to move, and uponthe ground around the ship, there was movement also. I looked up from the disk, feeling Correy's eyes upon me. We stared ateach other, neither wishing to speak--hardly daring to speak. There aresome things too monstrous to put into words. "You--you saw it, sir?" asked Correy at last, his voice scarcely morethan a whisper. "I don't know. I think I saw something like a--a snake. Is that what youmean?" "Yes. Something like a snake. A snake that has wrapped itself around the_Kabit_, holding it helpless ... A serpent.... " He gestured helplessly, a sort of horror in his eyes. I think he had convinced himself he hadonly imagined the serpent, until I had seen the same thing. "Have you stopped to think, Mr. Correy, " I asked slowly, "how long thecreature would have to be to wrap itself like that around a liner thesize of the _Kabit_? It--it can't be!" "I know it, sir, " nodded Correy. "I know it. And still, I saw it, andyou saw it. " "Yes, " I muttered. "I saw it. I--I saw it _move_!" * * * * * We maintained a speed that kept the surface-temperature gaugedangerously close to maximum permissible reading, and despite the forcedventilation of the ship, we were dripping with perspiration. Atmospheric speeds are maddeningly low after the reckless, hurtlingspeed of space travel, but our vaunted scientists haven't yet found away of eliminating friction, and we had to make the best of it. With maddening slowness the image in the television disk grew larger andclearer, relentlessly confirming our original conclusion. The _Kabit_ was wrapped in the coils of a mighty serpent; a monster thatmust have been the height of a man in diameter, and whose length I couldnot even guess. Four coils were looped tightly about the _Kabit_, and we could now seethe terrible tail of the thing, and its head. I have always been glad that the details of that ghastly head becamevisible gradually: viewed suddenly, in full relief, it was a sight thatmight well have threatened the reason of any man. The serpent's mouth was lined with a triple row of long, fang-liketeeth, tilted gullet-ward at a sharp angle, and the breathing holes wereelevated to form warty excrudescences near the end of the snoutish upperjaw. Long colorless tentacles fringed the horrible mouth: barbels thatwrithed incessantly, as though they sought food for the rapacious jawsthey guarded. From a point slightly above and to the rear of the tiny, ruby eyes, two slim and graceful antennae, iridescent and incongruouslybeautiful, rose twice the height of a man. Like the antennae of abutterfly, they were surmounted by tiny knobs, and were in constantmotion. The whole head was armored with great plates or scales, dark green incolor; and apparently of tremendous thickness. A short distance behindthe head were two tremendous reddish-brown fins, with strong supportingspines that seemed to terminate in retractile claws. In the water, thesefins would undoubtedly be of tremendous value in swimming and infighting, but on land they seemed rather useless. Aside from arudimentary dorsal fin, a series of black, stubby spines, connected by abarely visible webbing, the thing had no other external evidences of itsmarine origin. "You've been restless for action, Mr. Correy, " I commented grimly. "Ibelieve this chap will give us all you could desire. " Correy, still staring down into the disk, fascinated by the terribledetails there, shook his head. "It shouldn't be such a stiff battle, sir, " he said. "The ray will makequick work of him once we're within distance. " "Yes--and of the _Kabit_ and all on board, " I reminded him. "If he hasthe strength his size would indicate, he would crush the liner in hisdeath agonies, or, failing that, would heave it about so violently thatthose within would be maimed or killed outright. This is a case forcunning, and not might. " "I think, sir, both cunning and might will be needed, " said Correysoberly, looking up from the disk. "Cunning alone will not dispose ofthat lad. Have you any plans?" "Rough plans only; we'll have to develop them as we go along. We don'tknow what we'll be up against. We'll land a safe distance away, and asmall expeditionary force will attack as it sees fit; probably, dividingitself into two or three units. The _Ertak_ will be manned by a skeletoncrew and ready to take any necessary action to protect itself or, ifpossible, to aid any of the expeditionary parties. " "What weapons, sir?" asked Correy, his eyes gleaming. "I'll give theorders now!" "It's too soon for that; it'll be an hour at least before we land. But Ibelieve every man, including officers, should be armed with pistols, atleast six atomic bombs, and there should be a field disintegrator-rayunit for each party. And each member must be equipped with a menore;communication will be by menore only. You might call Mr. Kincaide andMr. Hendricks, and we'll hold a little council of war. " "Right, sir!" said Correy, and picked up the microphone. Kincaide andHendricks were in the room almost within the minute. We laid our plans as best we could, but they weren't very definite. Onlya few things were certain. Somehow, we must induce the monster to release his grasp on the _Kabit_. We could take no action against the serpent until the big liner and herpassengers were safe. It was a desperate mission; an enterprise not ofthe _Ertak_, but of individuals. "One thing is certain, sir, " commented Correy, taking over by visualnavigation, and reducing speed still more, "you must remain in charge ofthe ship. You will be needed--" "I understand your motives, Mr. Correy, " I interrupted, "but I do notagree with you. As Commander of the _Ertak_, I shall command theactivities of her men. You will have charge of one landing force, andMr. Hendricks of another. You, Mr. Kincaide, I shall ask to remain incharge of the ship. " "Very well, sir, " nodded Kincaide, swallowing his disappointment. Ishould have liked to have Kincaide with me, for he was level-headed andcool in an emergency--but it was because of these very things that Iwanted him in charge of the _Ertak_. "We're close enough now, sir, to select a landing place, " put in Correy. "There's a likely spot, a safe distance away and apparently level, almost on the shore. Shall I set her down there?" "Use your own judgment, Mr. Correy. You may order the landing force toarm and report at the exit port. As soon as you have made contact, youand Mr. Hendricks will report to me there. "Mr. Kincaide, you will remain on duty here. I am leaving the conduct ofthe ship entirely to your judgment, asking you to remember only that therescue of the _Kabit_ and her nearly two thousand souls is the object ofthis expedition, and the safety of our own personnel cannot be givenprimary consideration. " "I understand, sir, " nodded Kincaide gravely. He held out his hand inthat familiar gesture of Earth, which may mean so much more than menever dare put into words, and we shook hands silently. There were to be three landing parties of five men and one officereach--eighteen men against a creature that held a mighty passenger linerin its coils! "I wish, sir, that I were going in your place, " said Kincaide softly. "I know that. But--waiting here will be the hardest job of all. I'mleaving that for you. " I turned and hurried out of the room, to make myentries in the log--perhaps my last entries--and secure my equipment. * * * * * There are times, in setting down these old tales of the Special PatrolService as it was before they tacked a "Retired" after my name andtitle, that I wish I had been a bit more studious during my youth. Ifind myself in need of words, and possessed only of memories. I wish I could think of words that would describe the sight thatconfronted us when we emerged from the _Ertak_ and set foot upon thesoil of that newly-born continent of Hydrot, but I find I cannot. I havetried many times, and I find my descriptions fall far short of thepicture I still carry in my mind. The ground was a vast littered floor of wilted marine growths, somealready rotting away, while others, more hardy, or with roots reachinginto as yet undried ooze, retained a sort of freshness. Crab-likecreatures scuttled in all directions, apparently feasting upon theplentiful carrion. The stench was terrible, almost overpowering atfirst, but after a few minutes we became accustomed to it, and, in theintensity of the work we had undertaken, it was forgotten. Progress was not possible on the ground. Sheltered from the sun by thethick growths it supported, it was still treacherously soft. But thegiant marine vegetation that had retained something of its vigorprovided a highway, difficult and dangerous and uncertain, but passable. I remained with the party taking the most direct route to theunfortunate _Kabit_, while Correy and Hendricks led the parties to myleft and right, respectively. We kept in constant touch with each otherby means of our menores. "I believe, " emanated Correy, "that the beast sees us. I had a good viewof him a few seconds back, and his head was elevated and pointed thisway. " "It's possible, " I replied. "Be careful, however, to do nothing to alarmor excite him. All men must keep under cover, and proceed with as littlenoise and commotion as possible. I'm going to see, now, if I can get intouch with anyone on the _Kabit_; with full power, communication mightbe possible even through the _Kabit's_ grounded hull. " "It's worth trying, " agreed Hendricks. "These new menores are powerful. " I adjusted the little atomic generator to maximum, and replaced theinstrument on my head. "On board the _Kabit_!" I emanated, trying by sheer mental effort todrive the thought over that stinking waste, and through the massivedouble hull of the liner. "Ahoy the _Kabit_!" "This is Captain Gole, " flashed back the answer instantly. "Captain Goleof the passenger liner _Kabit_. You are from the _Ertak_?" "Commander Hanson of the _Ertak_ emanating. How are conditions on the_Kabit_?" "Ghastly!" I could sense the feeling in the word, faintly as it smoteupon my consciousness. "My officers are keeping the crew under some sortof control, but the passengers are unmanageable. They arefrantic--insane with terror. Two or three have already gone mad. I am onthe verge of insanity myself. Have you seen the thing that has ustrapped?" "Yes. We are coming to your aid. Tell your passengers to calmthemselves. We'll find a way out of this somehow. You know the motto ofour Service. " "Yes: '_Nothing Less Than Complete Success!_' I have already issued abulletin to the effect that I am in contact with your ship. I think ithas had a good effect. The clamor is quieting somewhat; you don't knowwhat a terrible strain this has been, sir!" I could well imagine his mental state. The captain of the _Kabit_ was aZenian, and the Zenians are too high-strung to stand up under a severestrain. "It may help us if you'll tell us, very briefly, the history of yourexperience here, " I suggested. "We're going up against something we knownothing about. Perhaps you can give us some valuable information. " "I doubt it, for there's very little to tell. Undoubtedly, you have thereport which I managed to get through to Arpan before our radioemanation plates were put out of commission. "Against my better judgment, we set down here upon the insistence of thepassengers. The television instruments revealed nothing more dangerousthan the small life in the marine growths left stranded by the recedingwater. "I unsealed one of the exit ports, and a small party of the more curiouspassengers, under the escort of my second officer and six men, venturedforth on a little tour of exploration. A goodly portion of the remainingpassengers huddled close to the ship, contenting themselves withsouvenir-hunting close by. "Suddenly there was a great sound of shouting from the exploring party. Not knowing the danger, but realizing that something was wrong, thepassengers rushed into the ship. Helplessly, for we are utterlydefenseless, I watched the fleeing party of explorers. "For a moment, I could not see why they fled; I could only see themscrambling desperately toward the ship, and casting frightened glancesbehind them. Then I saw the thing's head rear itself from the slimytangle of vegetation, and behind it the wilting growths were lashed toshreds. "The head drove forward. My second officer, courageously bringing up therear, was the first victim. Perhaps his bright uniform attracted thebeast's attention. I don't know. "They were close now; very close. I knew that we were in danger, and yetI could not bear to seal the port in the faces of those helpless menracing towards the ship. "I waited. Twice more the terrible head shot out and both times a manwas picked from the fleeing ranks. It was terrible--ghastly. "The rest of them reached the ship, and as the last man came reelingthrough the port, the door swung shut and began spinning upon itsthreads. Almost instantly I gave the order for vertical ascent atemergency speed, but before the order could be obeyed, the ship lurchedsuddenly, rolled half over, and swung back with a jolt. As the power wasapplied, the ship rose at a crazy angle, hung there trembling for amoment, and then sank back to the ground. The load was too great. I knewthen that we were in the power of the thing that had come wriggling outof that sea of rotting weeds. "I got the message off to Arpan before our radio emanation plates weregrounded or destroyed by the coils of the monster. At intervals, I havetried to pull away, but each time the thing tightens its coils angrily, until the fabric of the ship groans under the strain. We have heard youcalling us, faintly and faultily. I have been waiting for you to reachme with the menore. You have come at last, and I am at your orders. Ifyou cannot help us, we are lost, for we shall all go mad. " "We'll have you in the clear very soon, " I assured him with a confidenceI did not feel. "Stand by for further communications, and--are yourgenerators working?" "Yes. They're in perfect order. If only the beast would uncoilhimself--" "We'll see to that very shortly. Stand by. " * * * * * I reduced power and asked Correy and Hendricks if they had both followedthe conversation. They had, and had now reduced power, as I had done. Weall realized that our counsels might not be reassuring to Captain Gole. "As I see it, gentlemen, the first thing we must do is to induce thebeast to leave the _Kabit_. And the only way that can be accomplished isby--bait. " "Exactly!" snapped Correy. "He's hungry. He knows there's food in the_Kabit_. If we can get him to leave the liner and come after us, theproblem's solved. " "But he can run faster than we. I can hardly crawl over this slimymess, " objected Hendricks. "I'm ready to try everything, but rememberthat we've got to lead him away far enough to make him release the_Kabit_. " "I've got it!" emanated Correy suddenly, his enthusiasm making thevibrations from the menore fairly hammer into my brain. "I'll cut along, narrow swath with one of the portable disintegrator rays; longenough to take him far away from the _Kabit_, and just wide enough topass a man. I'll run along this deep groove, just below the reach of themonster. I can make good time; the serpent'll have to slash and wrigglehis way over or through this slimy growth. How's that for an idea?" It was daring enough to have some hope of success, but its dangers wereobvious. "What happens when you reach the end of the path the ray cuts?" I askedgrimly. "You and Hendricks, with your men, will be on both sides of the path, not opposite each other. When he passes, you'll let go yourdisintegrator rays and the atomic bombs. He'll be in a dozen piecesbefore we reach the end of the path. " * * * * * Spread out here before me, in all its wordy detail, it would seem that along time must have elapsed while Captain Gole related his story, and myofficers and myself laid our plans. As a matter of fact, communicatingas we were by menore, it was only a minute or so since Correy hademanated his first comment: "I believe the beast sees us. His head waselevated and pointed this way. " And now Hendricks, who was peering over the ruffled edge of anundulating, rubbery leaf of seaweed, turned and waved both arms. Disobeying my strictest orders, he fairly screamed his frantic warning: "He sees us! He sees us! He's coming!" I ran up the twisted, concave surface of a giant stem of some kind. Tomy left, I could hear the shrill whine of Correy's disintegrator raygenerator, already in action, and protesting against a maximum load. Tothe right, Hendricks and his men were scrambling into position. Beforeme was the enemy. Slowly, deliberately, as though he did not doubt his terrible ability, he unwrapped his coils from the _Kabit_. His head, with its gracefulantennae searching the air, and the tentacles around his mouth writhinghungrily, reared itself ten times a man's height from the ground. Hissmall red eyes flashed like precious stones. Beyond, the mighty greenishcoils slashed the rotting weed as he unwrapped them from the _Kabit_. I snatched off my menore and adjusted it again for maximum power. "Captain Gole!" "Yes. What's happening? Tell me! We're rolling and pitching. " "In a moment you'll be free. When I signal 'Rise!' ascend as quickly aspossible to a safe distance. Stand by!" "Hendricks! Be ready to follow Correy's plan. It's our only chance. In asecond, now--" The last coil moved, slipped from the blunt nose of the liner. "Rise!" I ordered. "_Rise!_" I saw the ship rock suddenly, and roar hollowly toward the sky. I feltthe rush of wind made by her passing. Then, head still elevated and swaying, the two great reddish-brown finsfanning the air like grotesque wings, the serpent lashed out towards us, coming at amazing speed. * * * * * Correy, sure that he was observed by the serpent, leaped down from thehuge leaf upon which he had been standing. Hendricks and I, followed byour men, scrambled desperately toward the deep path or lane thatCorrey's ray had cut through the tangled, stinking growth. Correy's planhad given some promise of success, had we had time to put it into properoperation. As it was, neither Hendricks or I had had time to get intoposition. Hendricks, on my right, was working his way as rapidly as possibletoward the path, but he had a long way to go. Unless a miracle happened, he would be too late to help. The portable ray machines would behelpless against such a mighty bulk, except at close range. I reached the path and glanced hastily to the right, the direction, fromwhich the great serpent was sweeping down on us. He was less than the_Ertak's_ length away. "Hide, men!" I ordered. "Under the vegetation--in the muck--anywhere!" Iglanced down the lane to the left, and saw, to my relief, that Correyand his men were a goodly distance away, and still far from the end ofthe swath their ray had cut for them. Then, with the monster toweringalmost over my head. I darted behind a spongy, spotted growth, listening, above the pounding of my heart, to the rapid slithering ofthe serpent's ponderous body. Of a sudden the sound stopped. I was conscious of an excited warningfrom Hendricks: "He's stopped, sir! _Run!_ He's seen you ... He--" Startled, I glanced up--directly into the hideous face of the snake. * * * * * It seemed to me he was grinning. His mouth was partially open, and thepale, writhing barbels that surrounded his mouth seemed to reach outtoward me. The long and graceful antennae were bent downwardinquiringly, quivering tensely, and his small eyes glowed likewind-fanned coals of fire. The brownish fins were rigid as metal, theretractile claws unsheathed and cruelly curved. He was so close that Icould hear the air rushing through his crater-like breathing holes. For an instant we stared at each other; he with confident gloating:myself, too startled and horrified to move. Then, as his head shotdownward, I leaped aside. The scaly head raked the clothes from one side of my body, and sent me, sprawling and breathless, into the welter of sagging weeds. I heard the sharp whine of my ray generator going into action, but Itook no chances on the accuracy of my men. They were working undertremendous difficulties. As I fell, I snatched an atomic bomb from mybelt, and, as the horrid head drew back to strike again, I threw thebomb with all my strength. I had thrown from an exceedingly awkward position, and the bomb explodedharmlessly some distance away, showering us with muck and slimyvegetation. Evidently, however, the explosion startled the serpent, for his headslewed around nervously, and I felt the ground tremble under me as hismighty coils lashed the ground in anger. Scrambling to my feet, I seizedthe projector tube of the disintegrator ray and swept the beam upwarduntil it beat upon that terrible head. The thing screamed--a high, thin sound almost past the range ofaudibility. Reddish dust sifted down around me--the heavy dust ofdisintegration. In the distance, I could hear the slashing of the tailas it tore through the rubbery growth of weeds. With half his head eroded by the ray, the serpent struck again, but thistime his aim was wild. The mighty head half buried itself in the muckbeside me, and I swung the projector tube down so that the full force ofthe ray tore into the region above and behind the eyes, where I imaginedthe brain to be. The heavy reddish dust fairly pelted from the uglyhead. Correy had come running back. Dimly, I could hear him shouting. "Look out!" I warned him. "Keep back, Correy! Keep the men back! I'vegot him, but he'll die hard--" As though to prove my words true, the head, a ghastly thing eroded intoa shapeless mass, was jerked from the mud, and two tremendous loops oftortured body came hurtling over my head. One of the huge fins swung bylike a sail, its hooked talons ripping one of Correy's men into bloodyshreds. Correy himself, caught in a desperate endeavor to save theunfortunate man, was knocked twenty feet. For one terrible instant, Ithought the beast had killed Correy also. Gasping, Correy rose to his feet, and I ran to assist him. "Back, men!" I shouted. "Hendricks! Get away as far and as fast as youcan. Back! _Back!_" Half dragging Correy, who was still breathless fromthe blow, I hurried after the men. Behind us, shaking the earth in his death agonies, the monstrous serpentbeat the plain about him into a veritable sea of slime. * * * * * From a point of vantage, atop the _Ertak_, we watched for the end. "I have never, " said Correy in an awed voice, "seen anything take solong to die. " "You have never before, " I commented grimly, "seen a snake so large. Ittook ages to grow that mighty body; it is but natural that, even withthe brain disintegrated into dust, the body would not die immediately. " "Undoubtedly he has a highly decentralized nervous system, " noddedHendricks, who was, as I have said, something of a practical scientificman, although no laboratory worker or sniveling scientist. "And instinctis directing him back toward the sea from which, all unwillingly, hecame. Look--he's almost in the water. " "I don't care where he goes, " said Correy savagely, "so he goes there ascarrion. Clark was a good man, sir. " Clark was the man the serpent hadkilled. "True, " I said. Making the entry of that loss would hurt; even thoughthe discipline of the Service is--or at least, used to be--very rigid, officers get rather close to their men during the course of many toursof duty in the confines of a little ship like the _Ertak_. "But the_Kabit_, with her nearly two thousand souls, is safe. " We all looked up. The _Kabit_ was no longer visible. Battered, but stillspace-worthy, she had gone on her way. "I suppose, " grinned Correy, "that we'll be thanked by radio. " The grinwas real; Correy had had action enough to make him happy for a time. Thenervous tension was gone. "Probably. But--watch our friend! He's in the water at last. I imaginethat's the last we'll see of him. " * * * * * Half of the tremendous body was already in the water, lashing it intowhite foam. The rest of the great length slid, twitching, down theshore. The water boiled and seethed; dark loops flipped above thesurface and disappeared. And then, as though the giant serpent had foundpeace at last, the waters subsided, and only the wreaths of white foamupon the surface showed where he had sunk to the ooze that had given himbirth. "Finish, " I commented. "All that's left is for the scientists to flockhere to admire his bones. They'll probably condemn us for ruining hisskull. It took them a good many thousand years to find the remains of asea-serpent on Earth, you remember. " "Some time in the Twenty-second Century, wasn't it, sir?" askedHendricks. "I think my memory serves me well. " "I wouldn't swear to it. I know that sailors reported them for ages, butthat wouldn't do for the laboratory men and the scientists. They had tohave the bones right before them, subject to tests and measurements. " That's the trouble with the scientists, I've found. Their ability tobelieve is atrophied. They can't see beyond their laboratory tables. Of course, I'm just an old man, and perhaps I'm bitter with the dryingsap of age. That's what I've been told. "Old John Hanson" they call me, and smile as if to say that explains everything. Old? Of course I'm old! But the years behind me are not empty years. Ididn't spend them bending over little instruments, or compiling rows offigures. And I was right about the scientists--they did put in a protestconcerning our thoughtlessness in ruining the head of the serpent. Theycould only estimate the capacity of the brain-pan, argue about thecephalic index, and guess at the frontal angle: it was a terrible blowto science. Bitter old John Hanson!