THE QUEST OF HAPPY HEARTS BY KATHLEEN HAY CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Plans II. On the Way III. A Glimpse of the Tower Room IV. Plans for the Party V. Exploring the Forest VI. Marty and Jerry VII. Talking over the Day VIII. The Story of the Tower Room IX. Adding to the Quest CHAPTER I PLANS "Whoever heard of such a plan--a visit to Land's End! The very name ofthe place suggests the last spot on the globe; a great old house set downon the edge of a forest; and Dad called off on business for an indefiniteperiod, but seemingly content to ship us on a wild goose chase. He'sscarcely told us a word before of the place or of great-aunt JaniceMeredith!" Nora's tones were dismal indeed, as she rushed into the living room tojoin the other girls to discuss their journey. She found the group the reverse of cheerful, at the prospect of thissudden change of plans, by the invitation to go to Land's End for avisit. "I have spent many happy days there with Aunt Janice and others, "Mr. Meredith had told them on leaving, "but since your uncle Harry'sdeath, have been there seldom--some day--" just at that point he pausedwith a sigh, and changed from what he had started to say--"Be dutiful andvery loving to Aunt Janice; now there's only time for good-bye. " That was all they knew, entirely too little to satisfy the youngMeredith family! "A visit to Land's End, what a prospect, " Janey joined in sympathy withNora; the two were near together in age, while Beth and Alice wereyounger. They sat listening to the complaints of the older girls, not yethaving had a chance to express their views. "Great-aunt Janice may be a lovely old lady, " Beth seeing a chance brokein, by way of consolation; she threw down her story book to join in thediscussion and plans that were inevitable. The two brothers Don and Harry had gone to the station to see theirfather off and so the girls did not know their views as to what wasto happen. "How can we tell what Land's End is like, it may be a--a--castle!" "Don't be silly, Beth--you must be reading a fairy tale!" Nora's tone wasscornful, but in a moment she was sorry. Alice, the youngest of the Meredith's clapped her hands happily, however, at Beth's suggestion. "It _may be_ a real--palace, Beth--wouldn't that be delightful?" "Well, call it a castle of dreams, if you like, " Nora began to smile, "it's no use crying over what can't be helped, because that wouldn'tchange the situation; if we _must_, that's settled. Dad has made thearrangements for us, by accepting the invitation, and there's nothingleft to do but make the best of it after all!" Janey's face, as well as Beth's and Alice's began to brighten at Nora'schanged attitude. "Land's End may be far happier to visit than we can dream of, " Janeyjoined in quietly, "and now we had best get right to packing, for thereisn't much time to lose. " "Could we do a little shopping?" Beth asked, "there may not be anystores near. " "We can't carry too much though, " Nora said, by way of precaution, "however we must all remember to take Aunt Janice something; it's good ofher to take us all in for an indefinite visit. " "Only six additions of the Meredith family. " At that they all began tolaugh merrily, and good humor was restored. "Would you believe it, I've just begun to think of Aunt Janice's side;she doesn't know us at all, yet has invited us on a long visit. I justbelieve she must be a sweet, brave old lady!" Janey looked up quickly from preparations--"I'm sure Aunt Janice is adear, " she said pleasantly, "and I for one am going prepared to havea good time, and to try and cheer her up. Dad said we must be dutifuland loving. " "What's _dutiful_?" asked Alice. Nora laughed. "There now, Janey--explain yourself. " "Well, Alice, I think it will mean for us to be obedient, and respectfulin trying to do everything to please Aunt Janice. I guess that is whatDad meant. " Beth and Alice looked much happier; the visit to Land's End was growingmore and more interesting, since Nora and Janey were beginning to beashamed of their first attitude and trying to make amends. "There's a song that goes like this, " said Janey: "'I would be true, for there are those who trust me, I would be pure, for there are those who care, I would be strong, for there is much to suffer, I would be brave, for there is much to dare'. .. " "I love to sing those words, don't you, Nora? There always seems a lot ofthings to _do_ in it, that are worthwhile. " "There are a lot of worthwhile things to follow out in the song, " Norareplied, "suppose we all sing it together, before we start to get readyfor our journey?" They all crossed quickly over to the open piano in one corner ofthe room. Nora had taken music and so was the pianist of thefamily. She struck the opening chords, and then they all joined insinging it through. "'_I would look up--and laugh--and love--and lift_--" the music diedaway, while the girls remained in thought for a few moments. It was Norawho broke the pause, glancing around on the group who had always lookedup to her. "I think the words are beautiful, " she commented softly--"I somehow feelbraver, when I sing them thoughtfully--'_I would look up_--_andlaugh_--_and love_--_and_--_lift_!'" "I think I'll take that as my motto to try and follow. " "I would like to also, " Janey, too, was thinking hard. Then they broke up, happier because of the challenge in the song toworthwhile effort, and ready now to begin the preparations of theimpending journey to Land's End! CHAPTER II ON THE WAY The next day was a busy one for the Merediths, but at last everythingwas ready, and bag and baggage they boarded the train and were off onthe journey. "I wonder what it's all going to be like, really?" Nora and Janey peeredout on the passing scenes, as they sped along. Directly in front of them were Beth and Alice, and beyond them, Don andHarry, who felt the responsibility of their position as protectors of thefour girls. Don and Harry were also speculating. "I wonder how it ever came to be called _Land's End_?" "I believe Dad said the land ran up into a narrow kind of neck and sopeople, just trying to find a name, made it out of that, I suppose; itsounds rather mysterious however; who knows but what we _may_ run up onan adventure. " Harry laughed. "Well, from its title it sounds rather quiet, but we won't have much timefor speculation, and as you say we may run up on something quite excitingduring our visit to the woods!" They chatted away merrily for awhile, until almost before they couldrealize the distance had passed so quickly, they were at theirdestination, while a voice was calling--"all off for Land's End!" Nora, Janey, Beth and Alice, Harry and Don, sprang to their feet insurprise, while eagerly peering into the dusk of the outside, to catch aglimpse of the scene awaiting. A sudden jolt warned them that the trip was over and gathering up theirbundles they began to pile out. They were greeted at the train steps by a friendly man, who took them atonce to a car not far distant. "Is _this_ Land's End?" Don inquired. "It is indeed, " laughed their pilot, "did you imagine we all had to walkout here?" "I--I--really didn't know, " Don replied, trying to be polite, whilesticking to the truth. "_I_ thought perhaps it might be the end of the world!" Small Alice suddenly joined in the conversation from her corner, halfhidden by packages and suit cases; after that the tension was over andthey all talked merrily as they glided along. "Well, here we are, and there's Aunt Janice Meredith, " Nora was the firstto jump out and go forward to greet the small figure awaiting them in aflood of light, that stretched out in welcoming rays in all directions. "A very, very warm welcome to all of my Meredith nieces and nephews!"said the diminutive lady, holding out both hands in greeting. Alice nudged Beth, her eyes big with excitement. Their friendly pilot had said goodnight, and slipped quietly away, leaving them to themselves for the first meeting. "Come right in to supper, the old place hasn't had such a merry set forquite a while, and it does my heart good to have you. " The old lady turned and led the way into a spacious dining room, wherethe table was set with the daintiest china and gleaming silver. The room also seemed filled with the softest most musical notes, thatmade the place seem to Beth and Alice like fairyland at once. "Now tell me about your journey, " Aunt Janice began, after seeing to thecomfort of each, because she declared, they must really be almostfamished after the long trip. Soon they began to talk and the evening advanced in an unaccountablemanner toward bedtime, so delightful were the hours of gettingacquainted. When she felt they must break up, Aunt Janice led the way upthe winding stair. "Good-night, and happy dreams!" she said, with a smile for all the group, "take a good rest now, and be ready for some good times tomorrow. " "Oh, Aunt Janice, we're already having a lovely visit, and you are indeedkind to invite us for a stay in this beautiful, old house. " "The more the merrier, my dear, " she beamed on Nora. "All of you in turn, will make the old place far happier than it has been in a long while, andI shall be much helped by having you here. " "Is it a fairy castle?" Alice had slipped one hand into the old lady's, as they stood talking together. "I think I'll wait a bit and let _you_ tell _me_ if it seems like a realfairy castle, Alice, after you've been here awhile. " "That will be fun, " Beth answered. Aunt Janice smiled. "Don't you believe in fairies? The fairies I believe in have always beenwelcome companions of mine, namely, the fairies of kindness, goodthoughts and wishes and deeds; they drive out loneliness, if you let themlive under your roof. Moreover, the world then seen is brighter becauseof their light. " Alice beamed. "There is a little song that says, 'Brighten the corner where you are--', I love brightness and light, don't you, Aunt Janice?" "I believe we feel that way, Janey, because of the One who is the Sourceof all good thoughts, wishes and deeds and who said, '_I am the Light ofthe world_. ' How desolate life would be without the light of His love, shed on dark pathways to make them shine!" Nora and Janey looked quickly into the old lady's face. They saw bothsadness and gladness, smiling through. "I'm sure we're going to love it here, " they said impulsively, as theythrew their arms around the old lady to bid her goodnight. "I'm ever so glad that you feel that way; you may look forward to somehappy hours and surprises, I hope--just wait and see!" Then Aunt Janice turned, and with a wave of her hand, disappeared into aroom at the end of the long hall. CHAPTER III A GLIMPSE OF THE TOWER ROOM Not even the excitement of anticipation could keep the Merediths awakethat first night of their visit to Land's End, but after a refreshingsleep, bright and early the next morning they were awakened by the sunshining through the green blinds that shaded the old castle windows. Also by Aunt Janice calling pleasantly, "Did you have a good night'srest, and are you ready to go down to breakfast now?" She beamed happily around on all the young Meredith's, as they hurriedlyjoined her at the top of the stairs. A little later at the breakfast table she asked suddenly, --"What shallthe program be today; an exploring expedition into the forest--a trip tothe city to shop, or perhaps a ride on the ponies and a visit to the oldcastle gardens?" "Oh, " chorused the Merediths--"everything sounds so delightful, it's hardto choose!" Aunt Janice's eyes twinkled. "Perhaps I'd best help you out to begin with then--suppose you explorethe gardens and the old place this morning; then by the afternoon, you'llbe ready to choose what you'd prefer next. I shall not go along, but youare to feel perfectly at home; go anywhere you fancy--_only_--, " AuntJanice lowered her voice--"only pass quickly by the tower room at theextreme west wing--perhaps sometime--, " the old lady paused, a sighescaping her lips, that she forgot to stifle, but quickly remembering, brought back a bright smile, as she first led them in family prayers andthen waved them off, bidding her young visitors to have a happy morning. "What a wonderful old place!" Nora was the first to speak, as theypassed here and there examining one thing after another. "It certainly is, " Harry's eyes were thoughtful. "I wonder why Dad hasonly dropped a word, here and there, of it, and about Aunt Janice. Ihardly realized that she was real until we came and saw!" "It puzzles me, too, " Nora agreed, "I keep thinking that maybe I'll wakeup directly and find I've been dreaming. " "And we thought Land's End was going to be the end of everything! The oldplace holds a mystery, and I can't but wonder what it is. " The undercurrent of excitement was thrilling to the Merediths, as theirthoughts turned to Aunt Janice's parting injunction about the tower room. "If there's anything bothering Aunt Janice, I'd do anything to help herout. " Nora was speaking softly. "Perhaps we can help, " Don said, "anyhow we can follow out herinstructions, whatever they may be. " "I love Aunt Janice, " Alice joined in, "don't you?" "She's a perfectly darling old lady, " Beth replied, a sentiment thatexpressed the feelings of all the Merediths. A sudden turn in their wanderings, revealed the mysterious west wing andtower room, that was uppermost, just then, in their minds. With its clinging ivy that covered the old walls, it looked moremysterious than they dreamed it would. In another moment, however, theyremembered what Aunt Janice had said, and hurried on by. "I don't think we ought to look at it even at a distance, " Nora remarked, "because I'm sure that room holds the secret that shadows the old place;for some reason Aunt Janice isn't ready to disclose it. " "And _I_ believe that Dad would have told us all about the castle if ithadn't been for the mystery. " Janey glanced back over her shoulder as shespoke, then gave a suppressed scream. "There's someone inside the tower room, " she gasped--"I saw ahandkerchief waving behind the ivy covered window!" "Hush!" Nora broke in hurriedly, "you imagined that, Janey--probably awhite pigeon has flown in and can't find its way out again. " "Imagined indeed!" Janey's voice was shaking with excitement, "I tellyou that someone is there at this moment, peering through thoseoverhanging vines. " Alice began to cry softly, while Nora had to turn her attention towardpacifying the little girl. "Don't cry Alice, I think it is only a white pigeon that can'tescape, and is flying back and forth to find an opening; there'snothing mysterious in that; now promise not to say anything of thisto Aunt Janice. " "I'll try to remember, " and Alice dried her tears with Nora's words ofcomfort, and soon they caught up with the party ahead, and for the timebeing the incident was forgotten. The morning hours slipped rapidly along, but at last they had gone overthe old place and gardens, which stretched around on all sides. Withreluctance they then retraced their steps, thinking perhaps they wereoverstaying their time. Aunt Janice was standing in the door awaiting them. "Did you have a pleasant morning; and what do you think of the oldgardens?" "Beautiful" and "Wonderful!" Their exclamations of delight and pleasure, were quite satisfying to Aunt Janice. "We're having the loveliest visit, and everything is charming. " The old lady's face was a picture, as she smiled on the group, reactingto the breath of youth, again awakened in her heart, by these happyyoung visitors. "Suppose it could be managed, would all of you care to make theold castle your--home?" She spoke on impulse on hearing theirwords of praise. "Oh, Aunt Janice--" Nora replied quickly, "it would seem like the happyending to a book!" "Perhaps it can be arranged then, " the old lady clasped her handstogether--"you could have all of the advantages of the near-by city, andyet we could have a merry time out here in the old homestead, if onlyGwen--" she paused, suddenly remembering, and cut short the wordsunuttered. "Come--" she said, turning abruptly, "lunch is waiting, and I feel sureyou must be ready for it, after the morning hours of exploration. " CHAPTER IV PLANS FOR THE PARTY Luncheon over, the ponies were brought out from the stables, and as Donexpressed it, they seemed ready-made for their visit. The boys were overjoyed as they mounted and galloped away down the longavenue for a ride; the girls at first being satisfied with a trot aroundthe grounds on "Brownie's" broad back. After the delightful day had gone at last, tired but happy they gatheredaround Aunt Janice as she sat knitting. "You must have a fortune growing around the old place on all of thosefine forest trees!" Harry commented. Aunt Janice looked toward the speaker quickly. "Well, I believe it is one of the finest in this part of the country; youmay all take a basket of lunch and go out exploring there, if you like, soon--all varieties of lovely ferns grow about in damp places and you canbring some back to help make the old place look green and pretty inside, as well as on the outside, for we must get ready for a party. " "A party--a party--" chorused several voices at once. "I see the plan meets with approval; all right then; I'll have a goodlunch put up and you may spend the day, and wander around to yourheart's content!" "How delightful!--and shall we play games, too?" Alice had come up close to Aunt Janice and placed one small hand in hers. "Isn't everything going to be just ever so happy?" "Happier by far than it has been for years, because of you young peopleto make it so, and last but not least, we shall have as many games in theprogram as you care to play. " The next hour or so passed rapidly in discussing the plans for the partyto be, and all of the Merediths including Aunt Janice, were sorry whenthe hands of the old grandfather's clock began to warn them of thebreaking up hour. After they had separated for the night, Nora and Janey kept on talking ofthe delightful hours that they had spent. "I never dreamed that Land's End would be as beautiful as a dream story, "Nora remarked, "and I said such cross things about coming at first. Idon't feel that I deserve this wonderful visit. " "You didn't really mean them, Nora; nor did I. I'm sure Aunt Janice andDad would understand. " "I hope so, because I'm really sorry and ashamed. " "I am afraid we all say things only too often that are so unworthy;wouldn't we have much more happiness, Nora, if we would heed the warningof the Bible to guard our tongue and not to judge our fellowmen?" "Y--es, --I suppose so. I think this place should be called the Castle ofDelight, instead of Land's End; it would certainly be more appropriate. " "I think so too, " Janey agreed. "I wonder if we'll come across any peopleliving in the forest?" "I wonder" Janey echoed. "Perhaps the old man who brought us from thestation in Aunt Janice's car. He may live in there, and we might stop andinvite him to the party. " Nora laughed. "He isn't really old, Janey. I thought him pretty vigorous. Who knowsthough, whom we may find deep in the forest? We shall have to ask AuntJanice though for permission to invite guests. " "The more the merrier, sir, she said--While gazing on the tulip bed, --Come be our flower-guests, so sweet--And make our party quite complete!" "I didn't know you were a poetess, Nora! I'm sure Aunt Janice will letus have all the flower guests we want--from woods or garden. " "The sooner we stop talking, the sooner morning will come again, and sogood-night and sweet dreams, Janey. " But Janey slipped out of bed and over to the window for one more look atthe terrace, white and silvery in the bright moonlight. "Have you forgotten the mystery of the tower room, Nora?" Nora brushed back her brown curls, impatiently. "Come back to bed and to sleep, Janey--you probably saw, as I said, awhite pigeon imprisoned in the room; dismiss the thought, and forget allabout it. " Janey was peering through the open window on the moonlit terrace below. "I'm sure a white figure went gliding by and disappeared among the trees. Come quick, Nora, and watch!" Janey's voice was shaking with excitement, and it was only after severalminutes of remonstrance from Nora that she was persuaded she was actingfoolishly to be hunting up mysteries in perhaps just a passing traveler, and so gave up and returned to bed. "Maybe you'll find out I'm right about the waving handkerchief from thetower room, and also about that passing figure. I think they'reconnected, so there, Nora--you just wait and see when the mystery is allcleared up!" With that thought foremost in her mind, Janey at last, fell asleep. CHAPTER V EXPLORING THE FOREST Bright and early after breakfast, the Merediths, bidding Aunt Janicegood-bye, started out on their exploring expedition into the forest. "You may make a whole day of it, if you like, " Aunt Janice had said, "andhave a picnic dinner--only be careful. " "We will--" they assented, "and as you don't mind if we stay all day, wecan camp out, and play we're a gypsy band, and have lots of fun. " The old lady smiled. Beth had run back for a moment. "Won't you be lonely?" she asked, but Aunt Janice thinking of theirpleasure, had shaken her head. "Not since you'll be coming back to have supper with me; don't stay anylonger than sundown. " "All right, " replied Don. "I nearly forgot, " Nora began, "may we invite any one in the forest, whomwe chance to meet?" Aunt Janice nodded in the affirmative, and at last they were off. The blue mist across the hills was melting into thousands of sparklingdewdrops, as the sun began to climb higher in the sky. Janey looked at the open scenery as they came to the edge of theshadowy forest. "I wish we were going to the hills to camp--it's dark in there, where thepathway is so shadowed by the forest trees!" Nora read her thoughts, and put a warning finger to her lips. "Don't be silly, Janey; don't you see Don and Harry ahead? We'll playthat we are all going on a quest, and they will be our knights--there'snothing to fear. " Janey's face brightened, and Beth and Alice, thinking only of the goodtime ahead, danced merrily along the way. "Wouldn't it be fun, if we found a little cabin, in the heart of theforest?" Don turned toward Harry to help with the basket of lunch, thathe had been carrying since they left. Harry's eyes began to sparkle. "Maybe we will; I, for one, am out on a real adventure. " "We're leaving the mystery of the tower room behind--" Janey paused, remembering that it was Aunt Janice's secret, after all, of which shespoke; yet she had not been able to shake off her nervous feelings, eventhough Nora had laughed at her fears! "I read a story once called, 'The Adventure of the Happy Heart. '" "What a pretty title, Nora--tell us about it. " "The Happy Heart stood for anyone who tried to make someone, who waslonely, glad, every day or whenever the opportunity arose, on the road oflife, as they adventured along its path. " "What a lovely idea!" Janey cried. "Where did you find the story?" "In our Sunday school library; it all ended with the heart that startedout to bring gladness into other lives along the way; because every happyheart in turn, made another happy, and the one who started it, was fullto overflowing with joy, all of her days!" "Let's try and find someone today on our adventure. " "There's no time like the present, " Don stepped back, and pointedmysteriously through an opening in the trees ahead, that revealed at theend of a winding footpath, a real log--cabin! "Oh, " gasped Janey, turning to catch Beth and Alice's hands--"maybe it'sa gypsy hut!" "Don't be a goose-girl, " laughed Don, "whoever heard of a gypsy settlingdown in one place; they are a wandering tribe. " "We'll be the scouts and go ahead and bring back a report. " Harry and Don started forward-- "Brave knights of old--" Nora said softly, as the two disappeared downthe trail, toward the unknown, in the shape of a small cabin at the end! "Well, this may be our chance to begin on our quest for happy hearts, "Nora, her eyes following the boys, spoke again. "I like adventuring for happy hearts, don't you?" "So do I--" "And I--" "And I!" "I believe Aunt Janice was the first one on our chain. " "I believe you are right, Janey--" and Nora smiled around on thegroup--"we shall count her as the first link of joy on our quest ofadventuring for happy hearts!" "Lovely!" exclaimed Janey--"I wonder who will be the next?" "I wonder, too--" Nora replied, as they watched the retreating "knights"disappearing down the shadowy forest trail! CHAPTER VI MARTY AND JERRY Don and Harry, starting down the trail, had cautioned the girls to waitwhere they were, until they received the signal to come and join them, orotherwise. "It may be just a deserted cabin that belongs to Aunt Janice, and that wecan claim if she's willing--" then the boys had hastened on deeper intothe forest. "Suppose--" Harry began, "that we find that the log cabin, so hiddenaway, has something to do with the secret of the tower room!" "Then we won't investigate, because Aunt Janice doesn't seem to wantus to know. " In another moment, as they came nearer the hut, voices could be heardspeaking inside, and a dog began to bark furiously. "Be quiet, 'Gem'--down--down--who's there?" The boys, waiting a few feet away, replied, "Harry and Donald Meredith;we were just exploring and thought we'd come up and see if anyone wasoccupying the cabin, but your dog sounds mean. " The door had opened by this time, while a boy, holding "Gem" by thecollar, appeared. "Oh, 'Gem' is our protector, you see. Marty and I are alone at nightsometimes, when Grandfather's away foresting; you are from theCastle then?" "We're visiting our Aunt Janice; she gave us a basket of lunch and saidwe might have a day of exploration. " "Then, we were also to gather greens and wild ferns, for a party that sheis giving for us later. " "How nice!" a bright-eyed girl had joined her brother at the door. She nudged him quickly as a reminder. "Why don't you ask them in, Jerry?" The boy smiled--"This is Marty, my sister--and she's wondering if youwon't come in--see, 'Gem' is quite friendly now, since he sees that youare also friends!" Don and Harry stooped to pat the small dog, capering around attheir feet. "Thanks--" they both replied, "but we left Nora, Janey--Beth and Alice, behind; they were waiting for us to make a discovery here. " The small girl clapped her hands impulsively. "Girls--" she cried, "there are girls too, Jerry!" Jerry looked as pleased as his sister--"Go and bring them along, Marty--they may be afraid of 'Gem. '" In a flash, Marty disappeared down the trail. Nora was watching and came to meet her. She noted at a glance, the worn, shabby red dress, but neat appearance, of the small stranger of theforest cabin. "I've come for you--" Marty began timidly--"Jerry said you were afraid tocome nearer he guessed, but 'Gem' is friendly now--come!" Nora held out a hand in greeting. "We shall love to if you'll have us--" she smiled, as Janey, Beth andAlice joined her. "We want you all, " Marty said at once, and indicated that theyfollow her lead. "This is our home--Jerry and I and Grandfather live here, together. " "How nice! We are all on a visit to Aunt Janice Meredith, and I'm sureshe'll be willing for us to come and see you often. " Marty gave a little gasp. "The castle must be a grand place to live--but--" she hesitated, --"butone evening late, we were passing there, and I thought I saw somethingwhite waving from a window--Grandfather said though, not to say anythingabout it, but I forgot; he called it, the story of the tower room--Doyou know it?" She looked inquiringly at Nora, who shook her head quickly. "Aunt Janice hasn't told us yet, but we know it makes her sad, and so wedon't mean to try and find out, you see!" "It's a secret, I guess--" Marty continued, "and of course secretsmust be kept. " "We're making Aunt Janice happy again, " Beth beamed, "she told usso herself!" They had gathered in front of the cabin now, and the boys began to castwishful eyes at the lunch basket. "Let's have our picnic right here under this big tree, if Marty and Jerryare willing; it's been quite a while since breakfast!" "Oh, of course--it will be lots of fun to have you, " they both joined atonce in the invitation. "We usually wait for Grandfather for awhile, butif he's too long in coming, we have dinner without him. " "You are to be our guests today though, and the more the merrier, --AuntJanice said that of us; let's spread the table. " Alice skipped around as they made preparations, running back andforth, and helping Marty with tumblers and a pitcher of cool waterfrom the spring. Even the Merediths were not prepared for such a feast! Aunt Janice hadeverything good imaginable, packed to overflowing, in the basket; enoughand more to spare, even after the hungry boys and girls, had eaten allthey could, with "Gem" to do his part. "There's not quite enough left for another picnic!" Beth looked over thetable and gave a little sigh. Everyone joined in the laugh that followed. "Why, you sound sorry, " Nora said, "we'll leave the rest of the feastfor Jerry's and Marty's Grandfather. " Jerry's face brightened, although he began to demur, but Harry and Donended the discussion at once, by declaring they would certainly not lugthe heavy basket back again. "Won't you get hungry though?" Marty's eyes rested on the delightfulthings left. "No, indeed; supper will be waiting and ready, when we get back tothe castle. " "It's beginning to get late, too--we've stayed here so long, sincefinding you and Jerry in the cabin. " "Please, don't go yet, " Marty began, fearing Janey's remark was leadingup to that point. "We promised Aunt Janice to be back by sundown, and we haven't exploredvery much of the forest, " Nora smiled. "Then you'll come another day, " Jerry proposed, "and Marty and I can goalong too; I'm sure Grandfather will be willing. " Another happy hour slipped by, and then the Merediths knew their time wasreally up. "I just wish you could all live here, " Marty's eyes were beginning tolook cloudy. "We'll come soon again, and of course you and Jerry are to be guests atthe party, whenever it comes off. " "Of course, " Nora joined in with Janey, at once--"Aunt Janice told usthat we could invite any one we met out here. " Marty and Beth had caught hands at the mention of a party and weredancing around in a circle. Then Nora began laughing-- "Why, we've had such a pleasant day, that we forgot all about digging upwild ferns to carry back with us. " "The party won't be for awhile yet, and so after all we'll have a plentyof time, " Don said. "I think Aunt Janice will agree that it's better tomake another trip for them anyway. " "I'm sure she will--" Beth had her arms around Marty, "and you and Jerrywill know where we can find the prettiest ones. " Good-byes were at last over, and they all waved until Marty and Jerrywere swallowed up by the shadowy forest trees. "Forward--march--" ordered Don--"it's almost sunset!" "After a delightful day!" Nora spoke softly, as they followed the trail, that led out of theforest. "And, I believe, we've found two more on our quest for happy hearts, " sheended, joyously. CHAPTER VII TALKING OVER THE DAY After supper was over, Aunt Janice gathered the Merediths in a circlearound her, to talk over the happenings of the day spent in the forest. "What exciting adventure did you have?" There was a twinkle in the old lady's eyes, and Janey seeing it, knewthat Aunt Janice was wondering what made them forget to bring back theferns that they had set out so bravely to gather. "We truly did have a delightful adventure, " they all chorused, in replyto her question--"and we could hardly wait to tell you about it. " "Let's begin at the beginning. " "Naturally, " Don said, glancing over at Janey--"that's the right placeto start. " "--Don--Aunt Janice is waiting. " "Well--we got deep into the forest, when suddenly, at the end of a longnarrow path there appeared a--log cabin!" "We thought at first it might be a gypsy hut!" "Don't be silly, Beth--you've forgotten that gypsies wander from placeto place. " "Never mind, " Aunt Janice spoke softly--"what did you find?" "Marty and Jerry and 'Gem'. " Alice could wait no longer for a turn tospeak. "She has climaxed the story before the climax!" They all joined in the general laughter that followed the youngestMeredith's remark. "You'd love Marty and Jerry, Aunt Janice, " Nora said--"they are reallydelightful, and I'm sure you'll approve of our asking them to the party. " The old lady smiled, as she looked around on the eager faces. She wasthinking of Mr. Greyson, the children's grandfather, who had known betterdays, but on account of reverses, had been so reduced, that he had comeout from the city and asked work of her as a forester. Old Peter Greysonwas proud and would have nothing except what he earned. "Do you know Marty and Jerry?" "I know of them, but the grandfather is quite a worthy man, and I'm gladyou discovered the children. " "Do you think the grandfather will let them come?" Beth's mind was on the forthcoming party. "We shall certainly hope so. I'm sure if he could be made to see that heis depriving them of pleasure by keeping them so close, he would. " "We'll find him and tell him, " Janey planned. "We had a delightful picnic with Jerry and Marty; that made us forgetabout looking for the ferns for decorating. " "After all the party is some time off, and you can make anotherexpedition to find those. " "I thought you'd say that, " and Janey looked lovingly at the sweet facebefore her. "It would have done your heart good to see how Jerry and Marty enjoyedyour delicious lunch. " "To say nothing of ourselves!" Don supplemented. "Well, you may have another as soon as you like, and I'll be sure toinclude the Greyson's next time. " "Land's End is the most delightful place in the world--" Janey threw herarms around Aunt Janice impulsively, while sudden tears brimmed over andsplashed down her cheeks. "Why, my dear, you must be all tired out, " the old lady begansympathetically. But Janey shook her head. "I was thinking that we don't deserve the jolly time you're givingus--at first when Dad told us of your invitation we--we--didn't want tocome at all!" Nora looked crestfallen, also. Aunt Janice seeing the cause of their woe, immediately set theirhearts at rest. "Why I don't blame you, not even a little bit, my dears--Land's Enddoesn't sound a bit inviting, if you don't really know anything about it;no wonder you felt regretful!" Janey's tears were quickly dried. "We didn't know you then, Aunt Janice. " "Nor this lovely old castle and garden--" "Nor the forest--with Marty and Jerry living in it--" "Neither did we know that we were setting out, like Nora's story, on aquest for happy hearts. " "I think that is a lovely quest to be traveling on; how far have you goneon the way?" Aunt Janice was all interest, as she included the wholegroup in the question. For a moment everyone was silent, then Nora broke the pause shyly--"Weput you as the first Aunt Janice, on the quest for happy hearts, becauseyou said we had brought gladness into your life. You're the golden linkthat began our chain of happiness. " "Quite right--quite right--" Aunt Janice agreed heartily, almostovercome herself. "But now it's bedtime, so let us first of all thankour heavenly Father for our happiness and then go to bed. We all need arefreshing sleep. " For a few minutes they all listened devoutly as Aunt Janice read theTwenty-third Psalm, after which they joined her in prayer and in thesinging of the doxology. Then bidding Aunt Janice a hasty good-night, tired out with the day's adventure, the Merediths trooped away to enjoythe great blessing of sleep and rest. CHAPTER VIII THE STORY OF THE TOWER ROOM Tell us a story, please tell us a story, Aunt Janice!" "A story, Janey? . . . . What shall it be about?" "About the old castle in the long ago, " Beth hastened to beg, for shetoo, dearly loved the story hour. The quiet moment seemed to have at last arrived, as they all gatheredtogether on the broad veranda, in the twilight. The old lady smiled. "A story of long ago! It seems I shall hardly knowjust where to begin; in the long ago, there used to be merry parties, but--" just there she paused, and linked it up with the present--"nowsince you young people have come, it seems more as it did then. " Aunt Janice's face was thoughtful, and for a few moments no oneinterrupted the thread of her thoughts. Outside the twilight deepened, and the stars began to shine down throughthe rustling trees, in the garden. "Do you think Dad may get here in time for the party?" Alice's tone was atiny bit mournful, and Aunt Janice hastened to dispel any feeling ofhomesickness. "Who can tell? Perhaps he may surprise us at any time now; anyway, I'msure he wants you to spend happy days at the old place. " "We are, indeed we are!" chorused the Merediths together. Alice placed an arm around Aunt Janice's shoulder, and begancoaxingly--"Tell us the story of the Tower room, please. " In vain Norashook her head, but Alice did not look up. "The first day that we wentthrough the gardens, Janey saw something white waving from thewindow, but we hurried by, as you said, we must. Nora said, it wasonly a pigeon!" Alice had completely forgotten her promise, and dismayed, but helpless tostop her, the others sat around, speechless. Aunt Janice's face whitened with the request, but she patted gently thegolden head against her shoulder. "The story of the tower room is a long one, dearie, but perhaps youshould know it. I shall try and hurry through it. Your own father couldtell you much of those happy days gone by; Harry, his brother, and seniorby a good many years, married Gwendolyn Arlington, and they had one son, beloved by his parents to almost a painful degree. When he was aboutsixteen years old perhaps, he insisted that the only thing that he wantedto do, was to go to sea, and although it almost broke his mother's heart, they gave in to his whim. With his departure, the life of the old placealso seemed to go. "In just a few months after that, a report was received that the vesselon which he had gone was lost with all the crew and passengers. "After the terrible news, your Aunt Gwen's health failed, and she lostinterest in everything; finally after the death of your uncle Harry, shewent into a complete melancholy, and retired to the seclusion of thetower room, with an attendant. In all of these seven years since thetragedy, she has remained there; only at night sometimes, she wandersaround the old gardens. Perhaps if Janey hadn't seen the handkerchiefwaving from the window, I should never have told the sad story of thetower room! "The seasons have come and gone quietly since then, but this year I couldstand it no longer. I had long wanted to see all of you dear nieces andnephews, and wrote asking your father's permission to have you for along visit. "He consented, and wrote of his business call that came just about thesame time. He has come by to see me now and then, but for this samefeeling of gloom that it has cast over the place he has never told youthe sad story either, nor had we planned your coming before for thesame reason. " Aunt Janice drew a breath of relief, as though after all in the telling aburden had rolled away. The rustling trees broke the surrounding stillness, then the tinkling ofa silvery bell at the gate. "Who could be out on a visit so late?" The old lady peered through theshadows, as two figures advanced. The light streaming out from the hallrevealed Donald Meredith and his brother Harry's son, supposed to havebeen lost seven years before! The Meredith's sprang forward to greet their father, while Aunt Janice, the story warm on her lips that she had just been telling, sat quitestill, scarcely believing what her eyes saw. "Welcome, Donald--and--can it really be, or am I dreaming?" She stretched out her arms, while the stalwart form of Harry andGwendolyn's son walked straight into the shelter of their love. Older of course, and careworn, because of those years of imprisonmentamong a savage tribe, yet the same! There was not time just then for thestory of those years--how he alone survived in the shipwreck where allhad been thought lost; of the struggle in the dark waters, but cast up atlast unconscious on shore in the most uncivilized part of Africa where hehad been a captive through the years. Then came the almost miraculousescape to a passing ship homeward bound! Later, there would be time a plenty for all of the details or as much ashe saw fit to tell. Just a few low spoken words to Aunt Janice, and then he was off to findhis mother--and who would draw the curtain aside on that scene?--Theyears seemed to roll back and link quickly with the present, while thetension broke. Gwendolyn, forgetting in the joy of the moment, the sorrowshe had endured, came back to herself completely, and was even as she hadbeen before! Mr. Meredith, with his family and Aunt Janice, were discussing thewonderful happenings of the day, when into the picture stepped Gwen andher son, adding their happiness to the hearts overflowing for them. Little Alice stood holding her father's hand, while Don, Nora, Harry andBeth, looked wide-eyed at the turn of events. "I wish, " Alice broke into the silence, "that we might all stayhere forever!" The tiny bright-eyed old lady, her loving heart ashine in her face, looked into the eyes of all of the happy group. "I'm sure that will be the most joyful way for us to spend the years;there is room and love in abundance for all; let's share them in the oldcastle together. " The Merediths joined hands in delight at the suggestion. "A home withdear Aunt Janice! How delightful!" Nora voiced in words the thoughts theyall would utter--"Tomorrow we must go into the forest and tell Marty andJerry the wonderful news. " "And bring back the ferns and vines for the party!" Alice and Beth were skipping around in excitement, that the grown-upsfelt, but expressed in a quieter way. "Isn't it fine that you will be here for the party?" Janey was lookinginto her father's face as she spoke, softly--"Aunt Janice will be gladfor us to show you around. " The old lady smiled her assent; but just then did not remind Janey ofthe years he had spent around the old place. "Even Aunt Janice hasn't met Jerry and Marty, " Beth said--"but you willboth love them. " "I'm sure we shall. " Then Nora, thoughtful as usual, motioned the others into the next room. "Let's leave them to talk together, " she whispered--"they have beenseparated so long. " "The mystery of the tower room is gone forever!" Harry exclaimed. "I _did_ see a handkerchief waving from the window, that day, Nora;" Janey's tone was triumphant. "Wasn't Aunt Janice good totell us the story?" "Alice--" Harry paused; for just then, no one felt like reminding her ofthe broken promise. "All's well that ends well--" Don remarked, with a wise shake of hishead. CHAPTER IX ADDING TO THE QUEST "Aunt Janice--Dad--we're off for the forest again!" Don stood in the doorway, watching the two deeply engrossed inconversation, as he came up to announce their intentions. "Don't forget the lunch basket--and remember the wild ferns and greeneryfor the decorations. " Aunt Janice reminded. "We surely will bring back some beautiful decorations this time; fortomorrow will be the party day!" Aunt Janice was as happy in her preparations as any of the youngerMerediths, and had been busy already giving orders for the bountifulfeast, for the whole day and evening was to be one of an entire"gala" occasion. Gwendolyn and her son, were as merry as two children, helping AuntJanice with the plans wherever they could. "How very merciful God has been!" the old lady said softly, her gazeresting lovingly on the group waiting outside, in the sunlight of anotherbeautiful day. "Oh, Donald--" she continued, "it seems almost too good to think of youand the dear children, coming to live here always, to gladden the years. " "We should be truly grateful, " Mr. Meredith replied, "and it shall be thegreatest pleasure to take care of you and your affairs. " Don had waited, not wanting to interrupt, and Aunt Janice seeing him, motioned that he come up to her side. In the happiness that had come tothem all, she had not forgotten a plan that she had made for Marty andJerry's grandfather and themselves. "I want you to take a message to Mr. Greyson for me, Don--tell him thatthe manager is returning to his home in the city, and that I shall beglad if he will consider the vacancy, and accept at once if he will. Thehouse of course goes with the position. " Don fairly exploded with the good news, as he rushed on out to catch upwith the others, who had gone ahead. Nor did it take them long to findtheir new friends. Marty and Jerry with their grandfather, were coming down the trail thatled out from the cabin. They saw the Meredith's approaching and hurriedforward to greet them. Nora, Janey, Don, Harry, Beth and Alice, needed no introduction to Mr. Greyson, for much to their joy, they found him one and the same as thefriend who had piloted them from the station, on the evening of theirarrival at Land's End. After the warm greetings were over, Don couldn't wait another moment tobreak the news. "The mystery of the castle is over, for our cousin Harry has returned;he wasn't drowned at all, but kidnapped somewhere off the coast ofAfrica, in the most uncivilized region. " "And--" Janey interrupted, "his mother, who shut herself up in the towerroom, is perfectly well again. " "We left them gathering flowers for the party!" Alice began, quicklyjoining in to have a part in the affair. "Wait--" Don spoke up again--"I want to give Aunt Janice's messagefirst. " Then, in a rush, it all came out--the words fairly running over oneanother for utterance, and ending with a glowing picture of the prettyhouse, nestled at the foot of the blue misty hills, "Please say you'llaccept and move right in, Mr. Greyson; Aunt Janice really needs yourhelp at once. " Marty and Jerry stood waiting, their faces pictures of eager expectancy. The house that Jerry described and of which they had only seen theoutside, seemed like a real palace to them. When their grandfather, without losing time, accepted the offer, theircup of joy seemed to overflow! He laid a kindly hand on Don's shoulder. "You may tell your aunt that I gladly accept, and will come to her forinstructions at once. " The whole group who had been perfectly quiet as they waited, now brokeinto a jubilee of merriment. "We're going to live with Aunt Janice--always, " Beth said, --"isn't thatdelightful?" "Quite delightful, " Peter Greyson replied, as he looked round on thegroup. "We have these young visitors to the castle to thank for our partof the good times, because they found you, Marty and Jerry, away out herein the forest. " "We were out on an adventure--" Nora's eyes were shining, "a happinessquest, to find someone to whom we might bring happiness. I read a storyonce like that, and we decided to go on this same quest. " Marty clapped her hands gleefully-- "You've brought happiness to three of us today, and in a way to 'Gem' andthe kitten and the cat, too! Can we move today, grandfather?" Mr. Greyson, smiled down on his enthusiastic young granddaughter, with ashake of his head. "I must go up to the castle first, and make all arrangements with MissMeredith. I think that it will be best for me to see her, Don, and so Ishall give her the answer before you get there--then, you may start topack up things and get ready for the move, Marty. I'll leave you youngfolks to gather the greens for the party tomorrow, and have your picnictogether afterwards. " "We will start to hunt them right away, " Harry began, taking out histrowel, "because there's so much to do and we must make a beginning onour part, so all will be ready on time. " "Aunt Janice says the cake will be the biggest the old kitchen has everhad baked. " "With the whitest, loveliest icing, " Alice supplemented. Everyone joined in the general laughter that followed Alice's speech. With a smile, then, Mr. Greyson was off down the trail that led out ofthe forest and on toward the castle beyond. Marty accompanied him for a short way along the path, her hand claspinghis tightly, and Jerry remembering that he had forgotten to ask hisgrandfather something of importance, followed, to speak a word and returnwith Marty. The Merediths waited in a group, until they returned to start to gatherdecorations. "The chain of happiness for others, as well as for ourselves, isreally growing, " she began, her eyes following the three figures inthe distance. "Oh, Nora--" Janey said, "let's always try to keep on finding hearts thatneed happiness. " "Let's--" Beth agreed, and all of the others joined in accord in thelovely plan, that they had made theirs. "Dear Aunt Janice started it all by inviting us on a visit to the castle;now it's growing beautifully. " "Because, you see, we are on a quest of happiness for others; our dearheavenly Father undoubtedly blessed such a quest, for He wants happyhearts. Only let us not forget that hearts must know our dear Lord Jesusto be crowned with happiness. " "Crowned with happiness!" Janey repeated softly. "Remember our motto, Nora?--_I would look up--and laugh--and love--and--lift_--. '"