SQUINTY THE COMICAL PIG HIS MANY ADVENTURES BY RICHARD BARNUM Author of "Slicko, the Jumping Squirrel, " "Mappo, the Merry Monkey, " "Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant, " "Don, a Runaway Dog, " etc. ILLUSTRATED BY HARRIET H. TOOKER KNEETIME ANIMAL STORIES By Richard Barnum SQUINTY, THE COMICAL PIG SLICKO, THE JUMPING SQUIRREL MAPPO, THE MERRY MONKEY TUM TUM, THE JOLLY ELEPHANT DON, A RUNAWAY DOG Large 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume40 cents, postpaid 1915 _Squinty, the Comical Pig_ CONTENTS CHAPTER I SQUINTY AND THE DOG II SQUINTY RUNS AWAY III SQUINTY IS LOST IV SQUINTY GETS HOME V SQUINTY AND THE BOY VI SQUINTY ON A JOURNEY VII SQUINTY LEARNS A TRICK VIII SQUINTY IN THE WOODS IX SQUINTY'S BALLOON RIDE X SQUINTY AND THE SQUIRREL XI SQUINTY AND THE MERRY MONKEY XII SQUINTY GETS HOME AGAIN ILLUSTRATIONS Squinty looked at the beautiful wagons, and at the strange animals Squinty saw rushing toward him, Don, the big black and white dog "Hop on, " he said to the toad. "I won't bother you. " "Oh, Father!" exclaimed the boy, "do let me have just one little pig" Squinty gave a little spring, and over the rope he went The next moment Squinty felt himself lifted off the ground "Why, I am Mappo, the merry monkey, " was the answer SQUINTY, THE COMICAL PIG CHAPTER I SQUINTY AND THE DOG Squinty was a little pig. You could tell he was a pig just as soon asyou looked at him, because he had the cutest little curly tail, asthough it wanted to tie itself into a bow, but was not quite surewhether that was the right thing to do. And Squinty had a skin that wasas pink, under his white, hairy bristles, as a baby's toes. Also Squinty had the oddest nose! It was just like a rubber ball, flattened out, and when Squinty moved his nose up and down, or sideways, as he did when he smelled the nice sour milk the farmer was bringing forthe pigs' dinner, why, when Squinty did that with his nose, it just madeyou want to laugh right out loud. But the funniest part of Squinty was his eyes, or, rather, one eye. Andthat eye squinted just as well as any eye ever squinted. Somehow orother, I don't just know why exactly, or I would tell you, the lid ofone of Squinty's eyes was heavier than the other. That eye opened onlyhalf way, and when Squinty looked up at you from the pen, where he livedwith his mother and father and little brothers and sisters, why therewas such a comical look on Squinty's face that you wanted to laugh rightout loud again. In fact, lots of boys and girls, when they came to look at Squinty inhis pen, could not help laughing when he peered up at them, with one eyewidely open, and the other half shut. "Oh, what a comical pig!" the boys and girls would cry. "What is hisname?" "Oh, I guess we'll call him Squinty, " the farmer said; and so Squintywas named. Perhaps if his mother had had her way about it she would have givenSquinty another name, as she did his brothers and sisters. In fact shedid name all of them except Squinty. One of the little pigs was named Wuff-Wuff, another Curly Tail, anotherSquealer, another Wee-Wee, and another Puff-Ball. There were seven pigsin all, and Squinty was the last one, so you see he came from quite alarge family. When his mother had named six of her little pigs she cameto Squinty. "Let me see, " grunted Mrs. Pig in her own way, for you know animals havea language of their own which no one else can understand. "Let me see, "said Mrs. Pig, "what shall I call you?" She was thinking of naming him Floppy, because the lid of one of hiseyes sort of flopped down. But just then a lot of boys and girls camerunning out to the pig pen. The boys and girls had come on a visit to the farmer who owned the pigs, and when they looked in, and saw big Mr. And Mrs. Pig, and the littleones, one boy called out: "Oh, what a queer little pig, with one eye partly open! And how funny helooks at you! What is his name?" "Well, I guess we'll call him Squinty, " the farmer had said. And so, just as I have told you, Squinty got his name. "Humph! Squinty!" exclaimed Mrs. Pig, as she heard what the farmer said. "I don't know as I like that. " "Oh, it will do very well, " answered Mr. Pig. "It will save you thinkingup a name for him. And, after all, you know, he _does_ squint. Not thatit amounts to anything, in fact it is rather stylish, I think. Let himbe called Squinty. " "All right, " answered Mrs. Pig. So Squinty it was. "Hello, Squinty!" called the boys and girls, giving the little pig hisnew name. "Hello, Squinty!" "Wuff! Wuff!" grunted Squinty. That meant, in his language, "Hello!" you see. For though Squinty, andhis mother and father, and brothers and sisters, could understand mantalk, and boy and girl talk, they could not speak that languagethemselves, but had to talk in their own way. Nearly all animals understand our talk, even though they can not speakto us. Just look at a dog, for instance. When you call to him: "Comehere!" doesn't he come? Of course he does. And when you say: "Lie down, sir!" doesn't he lie down? that is if he is a good dog, and minds? Heunderstands, anyhow. And see how horses understand how to go when the driver says "Gid-dap!"and how they stop when he says "Whoa!" So you need not think it strangethat a little pig could understand our kind of talk, though he could notspeak it himself. Well, Squinty, the comical pig, lived with his mother and father andbrothers and sisters in the farmer's pen for some time. As the days wenton Squinty grew fatter and fatter, until his pink skin, under his whitebristles, was swelled out like a balloon. "Hum!" exclaimed the farmer one day, as he leaned over the top of thepen, to look down on the pigs, after he had poured their dinner into thetrough. "Hum! That little pig, with the squinty eye, is getting prettybig. I thought he was going to be a little runt, but he seems to begrowing as fast as the others. " Squinty was glad when he heard that, for he wanted to grow up to be afine, large pig. The farmer took a corn cob, from which all the yellow kernels of cornhad been shelled, and with it he scratched the back of Squinty. Pigslike to have their backs scratched, just as cats like to have you rubtheir smooth fur, or tickle them under the ears. "Ugh! Ugh!" grunted Squinty, looking up at the farmer with his comicaleyes, one half shut and the other wide open. "Ugh! Ugh!" And with hisodd eyes, and one ear cocked forward, and the other flopping overbackward, Squinty looked so funny that the farmer had to laugh out loud. "What's the matter, Rufus?" asked the farmer's wife, who was gatheringthe eggs. "Oh, it's this pig, " laughed the farmer. "He has such a queer look onhis face!" "Let me see!" exclaimed the farmer's wife. She, too, looked down into the pen. "Oh, isn't he comical!" she cried. Then, being a very kind lady, and liking all the farm animals, thefarmer's wife went out in the potato patch and pulled up some pig weed. This is a green weed that grows in the garden, but it does no goodthere. Instead it does harm, and farmers like to pull it up to get ridof it. But, if pig weed is no good for the garden, it is good for pigs, and they like to chew the green leaves. "Here, Squinty!" called the farmer's wife, tossing some of the juicy, green weed to the little pig. "Eat this!" "Ugh! Ugh!" grunted Squinty, and he began to chew the green leaves. Isuppose that was his way of saying: "Thank you!" As soon as Squinty's brothers and sisters saw the green pig weed thefarmer's wife had tossed into the pen, up they rushed to the trough, grunting and squealing, to get some too. They pushed and scrambled, and even stepped into the trough, so eagerwere they to get something to eat; even though they had been fed only alittle while before. That is one strange thing about pigs. They seem to be always hungry. AndSquinty's brothers and sisters were no different from other pigs. But wait just a moment. They were a bit different, for they were muchcleaner than many pigs I have seen. The farmer who owned them knew thatpigs do not like to live in mud and dirt any more than do cows andhorses, so this farmer had for his pigs a nice pen, with a dry boardfloor, and plenty of corn husks for their bed. They had clean water todrink, and a shady place in which to lie down and sleep. Of course there was a mud bath in the pig pen, for, no matter how cleanpigs are, once in a while they like to roll in the mud. And I'll tellyou the reason for that. You see flies and mosquitoes and other pests like to bite pigs. The pigsknow this, and they also know that if they roll in the mud, and getcovered with it, the mud will make a coating over them to keep thebiting flies away. So that is why pigs like to roll in the mud once in awhile, just as yousometimes see a circus elephant scatter dust over his back, to driveaway the flies. And even such a thick-skinned animal as a rhinoceroslikes to plaster himself with mud to keep away the insects. But after Squinty and his brothers and sisters had rolled in the mud, they were always glad when the farmer came with the garden hose andwashed them clean again, so their pink skins showed beneath their white, hairy bristles. Squinty and the other pigs grew until they were a nice size. They hadnothing to do but eat and sleep, and of course that will make anyonegrow. Now Squinty, though he was not the largest of the family of pigchildren, was by far the smartest. He learned more quickly than did hisbrothers and sisters, how to run to the trough to eat, when his mothercalled him, and he learned how to stand up against one side of the penand rub himself back and forth to scratch his side when a mosquito hadbitten him in a place he could not reach with his foot. In fact Squinty was a little too smart. He wanted to do many things hisbrothers and sisters never thought of. One day when Squinty and theothers had eaten their dinner, Squinty told his brother Wuff-Wuff thathe thought it would be a nice thing to have some fun. Wuff-Wuff said he thought so, too, but he didn't just know what to do. In fact there was not much one could do in a pig pen. "If we could only get out of here!" grunted Squinty, as he looked outthrough a crack in the boards and saw the green garden, where pig weedwas growing thickly. "Yes, but we can't, " said Wuff-Wuff. Squinty was not so sure about this. In fact he was a very inquisitivelittle pig--that is, he always wanted to find out about things, and whythis and that was so, and what made the wheels go around, and all likethat. "I think I can get out through that place, " said Squinty to himself, alittle later. He had found another crack between two boards of thepen--a large crack, and one edge of the board was loose. Squinty beganto push with his rubbery nose. A pig's nose is pretty strong, you know, for it is made for digging, orrooting in the earth, to turn up acorns, and other good things to eat. Squinty pushed and pushed on the board until he had made it very loose. The crack was getting wider. "Oh, I can surely get out!" he thought. He looked around; his mother andfather and all the little pigs were asleep in the shady part of the pen. "I'm going!" said Squinty to himself. He gave one extra hard push, and there he was through the big crack, andoutside the pen. It was the first time he had ever been out in his life. At first he was a little frightened, but when he looked over into thepotato patch, and saw pig weed growing there he was happy. "Oh, what a good meal I shall have!" grunted Squinty. He ran toward a large bunch of the juicy, green pig weed, but before hereached it he heard a dreadful noise. "Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" went some animal, and then came somegrowls, and the next moment Squinty saw, rushing toward him Don, the bigblack and white dog of the farmer. "Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" barkedDon, and that meant, in his language: "Get back in your pen, Squinty!What do you mean by coming out? Get back! Bow wow!" [Illustration: Squinty saw rushing toward him, Don, the big black andwhite dog. ] "Oh dear! Oh dear!" squealed Squinty. "I shall be bitten sure! That dogwill bite me! Oh dear! Why didn't I stay in the pen?" Squinty turned on his little short legs, as quickly as he could, andstarted back for the pen. But it was not easy to run in a potato field, and Squinty, not having lived in the woods and fields as do some pigs, was not a very good runner. "Bow wow! Bow wow!" barked Don, running after Squinty. I do not believe Don really meant to hurt the comical little pig. Infact I know he did not, for Don was very kind-hearted. But Don knew thatthe pigs were supposed to stay in their pen, and not come out to root upthe garden. So Don barked: "Bow wow! Bow wow! Get back where you belong, Squinty. " Squinty ran as fast as he could, but Don ran faster. Squinty caught hisfoot in a melon vine, and down he went. Before he could get up Don wasclose to him, and, the next moment Squinty felt his ear being takenbetween Don's strong, white teeth. "Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!" squealed Squinty, in his own queer, piglanguage. "What is going to happen to me?" CHAPTER II SQUINTY RUNS AWAY Between the barking of Don, the dog, and the squealing of Squinty, thecomical pig, who was being led along by his ear, there was so much noisein the farmer's potato patch, for a few moments, that, if you had beenthere, I think you would have wondered what was happening. "Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" barked Don, still keeping hold of Squinty'sear, though he did not pinch very hard. "Bow wow! Get back to your penwhere you belong!" "Squee! Squee! Squee!" yelled Squinty. "Oh, please let me go! I'll begood!" And so it went on, the dog talking in his barking language, and Squintysquealing in his pig talk; but they could easily understand one another, even if no one else could. Back in the pen Mrs. Pig suddenly awakened from a nap. So did Mr. Pig, and all the little pigs. "Don't you hear something making a noise?" asked Mrs. Pig of herhusband. "Why, yes, I think I do, " he answered slowly, as he looked in the feedtrough, to see if the farmer had left any more sour milk there for thepig family to eat. But there was none. "I hear someone squealing, " said Wuff-Wuff, the largest boy pig of themall. "So do I, " said Squeaker, a little girl pig. Mrs. Pig sat up, and looked all over the pen. She was counting herchildren to see if they were all there. She did not see Squinty, and atonce she became frightened. "Squinty is gone!" cried Mrs. Pig. "Oh, where can he be?" The squealing noise became louder. So did the barking of the dog. "Look, there is a board off the side of the pen, " said Mr. Pig. "Yes, Squinty wanted me to come outside with him, " said Wuff-Wuff. "ButI wouldn't go. " "Oh, maybe my little boy pig is outside there, making all that noise!"cried Mrs. Pig to her husband. "Well, he isn't making _all_ that noise by himself, " said the fatherpig. "Someone is helping him make it, I'm sure. " They all listened, and heard the barking of Don, as well as thesquealing of Squinty. "Oh, some animal has caught him!" cried Mrs. Pig. Then she pushed ashard as she could with her nose, against the loose board near the holein the pen, through which Squinty had run a little while before. Mrs. Pig soon knocked off the board, and then she ran out into the garden, Mr. Pig and all the little pigs ran after her. The first thing Mrs. Pig saw was her little boy pig down on the groundin the middle of a row of melon vines, with Don holding Squinty's ear. "Bow wow!" barked Don. "Squee! Squee!" cried Squinty. "Oh, you poor little pig!" grunted Mrs. Pig. "What has happened to you?" "Oh, mamma!" squealed Squinty. "I--I ran out of the pen to see what itwas like outside, and I was just eating some pig weed, when this big dogchased after me. " "Yes, I did, " said Don, growling in his deep voice. "The place for pigs, little or big, is in their pen. The farmer does not want you to come outand spoil his garden. He tells me to watch you, and to drive you back ifyou come in it. "This is the first time I have seen any of you pigs in the garden, " wenton Don, still keeping hold of Squinty's ear, "and I want you, please, togo back in your pen. " "Oh, I'll go! I'll go!" cried Squinty. "Only let loose of my ear, Mr. Dog, if you please!" "What! Have you hold of Squinty's ear?" asked Wuff-Wuff. "Oh, do pleaselet him go!" "Yes, I will, now that you are here, " said Don, and he took his strong, white teeth from the piggy boy's ear. "I did not bite him hard enough tohurt him, " said Don. "But I had to catch hold of him somewhere, andtaking him by the ear was better than taking him by the tail, I think. " "Oh, yes, indeed!" agreed Mr. Pig. "Once, when I was a little pig, a dogbit me on the tail, and I never got over it. In fact I have the marksyet, " and he tried to look around at his tail, which had a kink in it. But Mr. Pig was too fat to see his own tail. "So that's why I took hold of Squinty by the ear, " went on Don. "Did Ihurt you very much?" he asked the little pig who had run out of the pen. "Oh, no; not much, " Squinty said, as he rubbed his ear with his paw. Then, as he saw a bunch of pig weed close to him, he began nibblingthat. And his brothers and sisters, seeing him do this, began to eat thepig weed also. "Come! This will never do!" barked Don, the dog. "I am sorry, but allyou pigs must go back in your own pen. The farmer would not like you tobe out in his garden. " "Yes, I suppose we must, " said Mrs. Pig, with a sigh. "Yet it is verynice out in the garden. But we must stay in our pen. " "Come, children, " said Mr. Pig. "We must stay in our own place, for ifwe rooted up the farmer's garden, much as we would like to do it, hewould have no vegetables to eat this winter. Then he might be angry atus, and would give us no more sour milk. So we will go back to our pen. " "Bow wow! Bow wow!" barked Don, running here and there. "I will show youthe way back to your pen, " he said, kindly. And he capered about, here and there, driving the pigs back to the placewhere Squinty had run from, and where all the others had come from, tosee what had happened to him. The farmer, who was hoeing corn, heard the barking of his dog. Hedropped the hoe and ran. "Something must have happened!" he cried. "Maybe the big bull has gottenloose from his field, and is chasing someone with a red dress. " Into the garden he ran, and then he saw Don driving Squinty, and hisbrothers and sisters, and mother and father, back to the pen. "Ha! So the pigs got loose!" the farmer cried. "Good dog! Chase 'emback!" "Bow wow!" barked Don. "I will!" But the pigs did not need much driving, for they were very good, and didnot want to cause Don, or the farmer, any trouble if they could help it. Soon Squinty and the others were safely in the pen again. The farmerlooked at them carefully. "So, you thought you'd like to get out and have a run, did you?" heasked, speaking to pigs just as if they could understand him. And theydid, just as your dog understands, and minds you when you call to him tocome to you. "So you wanted a run in the garden, eh?" went on the farmer. "Well, Idon't blame you, for it isn't much fun to stay cooped up in a pen allthe while. But still I can't have you out. But I'll give you a nice lotof pig weed, just the same, for you must be hungry. " Then the farmer pulled up some more of the green stuff, and tossed itinto the pen. He also gave them plenty of sour milk, which pigs likebetter than sweet milk. Besides, it is cheaper. "Well, I guess you won't run away again, " the farmer went on, as henailed back on the pen the board which Squinty had pushed off. Perhapsthe farmer thought one of the big pigs--the papa or mamma one--had madethe hole for the others to get out. I am sure he never thought littleSquinty, with his comical eye, did it. But we know Squinty did, don'twe? For some time after this Squinty was a very-good pig, indeed. Not that Imean to say he was bad when he ran out of the pen, for he did not knowany better. But, after the board was nailed on tightly again, he did nottry to push it off. Perhaps he knew he could not do it. Squinty and his brothers and sisters had lots of fun in the pen, even ifthey could not go out. They played games in the straw, hiding away fromone another, and squealing and grunting when they were found. They racedaround the pen, playing a game much like our game of tag, and if theycould have had someone to tie a hand-kerchief over their eyes, theymight have played blind-man's buff. But of course they did not really dothis. However, they raced about, and jumped over each other's backs, andclimbed upon the fat sides of their father and mother while the big pigslay asleep in the shade. Squinty was a pig very fond of playing tricks. Sometimes he would take achoice, tender piece of pig weed, which the farmer had tossed into thepen, and hide it in the soft dirt in one corner. "Now see who can find it!" Squinty would call to his brothers andsisters, and they would hunt all over for it, rooting up the earth withtheir strong, rubbery noses. Digging in the dirt was good practice for them, and their mother andfather would watch them, saying: "Ah, when they grow up they will be very good rooting pigs indeed. Yes, very good!" Then Squinty, or his brothers or sisters, would root up the hidden pigweed, and the old pigs would go to sleep again, for they did not need topractice digging, having done so when they were young. About all theydid was to eat and sleep, and tell the little pigs how to behave. "Squinty, how is your ear that Don, the dog, bit?" asked Mrs. Pig of herlittle boy pig one day. "Oh, it doesn't hurt me, " answered Squinty. "Don did not bite very hard. He only wanted to catch me. " "Yes, Don is a good dog, " said Mrs. Pig. "But you must be careful ofother dogs, Squinty. " "Why, are not all dogs alike?" the little pig boy asked. "Oh, no, indeed!" answered Mrs. Pig. "Some of them are very bad andsavage. They would bite you very hard if they got the chance. So, whenever you see any dog, except Don, running toward you, run away asfast as you can. " "I will, " promised Squinty. And he did not know how soon he would beglad to remember his mother's good advice. For some days nothing much happened in the pig pen. Once or twiceSquinty pushed his nose against the board the farmer had nailed on, butit was very tight, he found, and he could not push it off. "Are you trying to get out again?" asked Wuff-Wuff. "Oh, I don't know, " Squinty would answer. "I think it would be fun if weall could; don't you?" "No, indeed!" cried Wuff-Wuff. "Some big dog might chase us. I want tostay in the pen. " But Squinty was a brave, bold, mischievous little pig. He was notcontent to stay in the pen. He wanted to have some adventures. He wantedto get out in the garden, which looked so nice and green. Squinty looked all around the other sides of the pen. He wanted to seeif there was another loose board. If there was, he made up his littlepig mind that he would go out again. But he said nothing of this to hisbrothers or sisters, or to his father or mother. He felt that they wouldnot like him to go away again. "But there is not much fun staying in the pen all the while, " thoughtSquinty. "I wish I could get out. " Squinty, you see, had made up his mind to run away. Often horses runaway, so I don't see why pigs can't, also. Anyhow, that was what Squintyintended to do. But, for nearly a week after his first adventure in the garden, Squintyhad no chance to slip out of the pen. All the boards seemed very tight. Then, one day, it was very hot. The sun shone brightly. "Dig holes for yourselves in the cool ground, and lie down in them, "said Mrs. Pig. "That will cool you off. " Each little pig dug a hole for himself, just as a hen does when shewants to take a dust bath. Squinty dug his hole near the lower edge ofthe boards, on one side of the pen. "I'll make a big hole, " he thought to himself. And, as Squinty dug down, he noticed that he could see under the bottomof the boards. He could look right out into the garden. "That is very queer, " thought the little pig boy. "I believe I can getout of the pen by crawling under a board, as well as by pushing oneloose from the side. I'll try it. " Squinty was learning things, you see. So he dug the hole deeper and deeper, and soon it was large enough forhim to slip under the bottom board. "Now I can run away, " he grunted softly to himself. He looked all aroundthe pen. His father, mother, sisters and brothers were fast asleep intheir cool holes of earth. "I'm going!" said Squinty, and the next moment he had slipped under theside of the pen, through the hole he had dug, and once more he was outin the garden. "Now for some adventures!" said Squinty, in a jolly whisper--a pig'swhisper, you know. CHAPTER III SQUINTY IS LOST This was the second time Squinty had run out of the pen and into thefarmer's garden. The first time he had been caught and brought back byDon, the dog. This time Squinty did not intend to get caught, if hecould help it. So, after crawling out through the hole under the pen, the little pigcame to a stop, and looked carefully on all sides of him. His one littlesquinty eye was opened as wide as it would open, and the other eye wasopened still wider. Squinty wanted to see all there was to be seen. He cocked one ear up in front of him, to listen to any sounds that mightcome from that direction, and the other ear he drooped over toward hisback, to hear any noises that might come from behind him. What Squinty was especially listening for was the barking of Don, thedog. "For, " thought Squinty, "I don't want Don to catch me again, and make mego back, before I have had any fun. It will be time enough to go back tothe pen when it is dark. Yes, that will be time enough, " for of courseSquinty did not think of staying out after the sun had gone down. Or, atleast, he did not imagine he would. But you just wait and see what happens. Squinty looked carefully about him. Even if one eye did droop a little, he could still see out of it very well, and he saw no signs of Don, thebig dog. Nor could Squinty hear him. Don must be far away, the little pig thought, far away, perhaps taking aswim in the brook, where the dog often went to cool off in hot weather. "I think I'll go and have a swim myself, " thought Squinty. He knew therewas a brook somewhere on the farm, for he could hear the tinkle and fallof the water even in the pig pen. But where the brook was he did notknow exactly. "But it will be an adventure to hunt for it, " Squinty thought. "I guessI can easily find it. Here I go!" and with that he started to walkbetween the rows of potatoes. Squinty made up his little mind that he was going to be very careful. Now that he was safely out of the pen again he did not want to be caughtthe second time. He did not want Don, or the farmer, to see him, so hecrawled along, keeping as much out of sight as he could. "I wish my brothers, Wuff-Wuff or Squealer were with me, " said Squintysoftly to himself, in pig language. "But if I had awakened them, andasked them to run away with me, mamma or papa might have heard, andstopped us. " Squinty did not feel at all sorry about running away and leaving hisfather and mother, and brothers and sisters. You see he thought he wouldbe back with them again in a few hours, for he did not intend to stayaway from the pen longer than that. But many things can happen in a fewhours, as you shall see. "I won't eat any pig weed just yet, " thought Squinty, as he went softlyon between the rows of potato vines. "To pull up any of it, and eat itnow, would make it wiggle. Then Don or the farmer might see it wiggling, and run over to find out what it was all about. Then I'd be caught. I'llwait a bit. " So, though he was very hungry, he would not eat a bit of the pig weedthat grew near the pen. And he never so much as dreamed of taking any ofthe farmer's potatoes. He did not yet know the taste of them. But, letme tell you, pigs who have eaten potatoes, even the little ones thefarmer cannot sell, are very fond of them. But, so far, Squinty hadnever eaten even a little potato. On and on went the little pig, looking back now and then toward the pento see if any of the other pigs were coming after him. But none were. And there was no sign of Don, the barking dog, nor the farmer, either. There was nothing to stop Squinty from running away. Soon he was somedistance from the pen, and then he thought it would be safe to nibble ata bit of pig weed. He took a large mouthful from a tall, green plant. "Oh, how good that tastes!" thought Squinty. "It is much better andfresher than the kind the farmer throws into the pen to us. " Perhaps this was true, but I imagine the reason the pig weed tasted somuch better was because Squinty was running away. Perhaps you know how it is yourself. Did you ever go out the back way, when mamma was washing the dishes, and run over to your aunt's or yourgrandma's house, and get a piece of bread and jam? If you ever did, youprobably thought that bread and jam was much nicer than the kind youcould get at home, though really there isn't any better bread and jamthan mother makes. But, somehow or other, the kind you get away fromhome tastes differently, doesn't it? It was that way with Squinty, the comical pig. He ate and ate the pigweed, until he had eaten about as much as was good for him. And then, ashe saw one little potato on the ground, where it had rolled out of thehill in which it grew with the others, Squinty ate that. He did notthink the farmer would care. "Oh, how good it is!" he thought. "I wish I had not eaten so much pigweed, then I could eat more of those funny, round things the farmercalls potatoes. Now I will have to wait until I am hungry again. " Squinty knew that would not be very long, for pigs get hungry many timesa day. That is what makes them grow fat so fast--they eat so often. Buteating often is not good for boys and girls. Squinty had now come some distance away from the pen, where he livedwith his mother, father, sisters and brothers. He wondered if they hadawakened yet, or had seen the hole out of which he had crawled, and ifthey were puzzled as to where he had gone. "But they can't find me!" said Squinty, with something that sounded likea laugh. I suppose pigs can laugh--in their own way, at any rate. "No, they can't find me, " thought Squinty, looking all around. All hesaw were the rows of potato vines, and, farther off, a field of tall, green corn. "Well, I have the whole day to myself!" thought Squinty. "I can do as Iplease, and not go back until night. Let me see, what shall I do first?I guess I will go to sleep in the shade. " So he stretched out in the shade of a big potato vine, and, curling upin a little pink ball, he closed his eyes, the squinty one as well asthe good one. But first Squinty looked all around to make sure Don, thedog, was not in sight. He saw nothing of him. When Squinty awakened he felt hungry, as he always did after a sleep. "Now for some more of those nice potatoes!" he said to himself. He likedthem, right after his first taste. He did not look around for the littleones that might have fallen out of the hills themselves. No, instead, Squinty began rooting them out of the earth with his strong, rubberynose, made just for digging. I am not saying Squinty did right in this. In fact he did wrong, butthen he was a little pig, and he knew no better. In fact it was thefirst time he had really run away so far, and he was quite hungry. Andpotatoes were better than pig weed. Squinty ate as many potatoes as he wanted, and then he said to himself, in a way pigs have: "Well, I guess I'll go on to the brook, and cool off in the water. Thatwill do me good. After that I'll look around and see what will happennext. " Squinty had a good nose for smelling, as most animals have, and, tiltingit up in the air, Squinty sniffed and snuffed. He wanted to smell thewater, so as to take the shortest path to the brook. "Ha! It's right over there!" exclaimed Squinty to himself. "I can easilyfind the water to take a bath. " Across the potato field he went, taking care to keep well down betweenthe rows of green vines, for he did not want to be seen by the dog, orthe farmer. Once, as Squinty was walking along, he saw what he thought was anotherpotato on the ground in front of him. He put his nose out toward it, intending to eat it, but the thing gave a big jump, and hopped out ofthe way. "Ha! That must be one of the hop toads I heard my mother tell about, "thought Squinty. "I must not hurt them, for they are good to catch theflies that tickle me when I try to sleep. Hop on, " he said to the toad. "I won't bother you. " [Illustration: "Hop on, " he said to the toad, "I won't bother you. "] The toad did not stop to say anything. She just hopped on, and hid undera big stone. Maybe she was afraid of Squinty, but he would not have hurther. Soon the little pig came to the brook of cool water, and after lookingabout, to see that there was no danger near, Squinty waded in, and tooka long drink. Then he rolled over and over again in it, washing off allthe mud and dirt, and coming out as clean and as pink as a little baby. Squinty was a real nice pig, even if he had run away. "Let me see, " he said to himself, after his bath. "What shall I do now?Which way shall I go?" Well, he happened to be hungry after his swim. In fact Squinty was veryoften hungry, so he thought he would see if he could find anything moreto eat. "I have had potatoes and pig weed, " he thought, "and now I would likesome apples. I wonder if there are any apple trees around here?" He looked and, across the field of corn, he thought he saw an appletree. He made up his mind to go there. And that is where Squinty made another mistake. He made one when he ranaway from the pen, and another one when he started to go through thecorn field. Corn, you know, grows quite high, and pigs, even the largest of them, are not very tall. At least not until they stand on their hind legs. That was a trick Squinty had not yet learned. So he had to go along onfour legs, and this made him low down. Now he had been able to look over the tops of the potato vines, as theywere not very high, but Squinty could not look over the top of the cornstalks. No sooner had he gotten into the field, and started to walkalong the corn rows, than he could not see where he was going. He couldnot even see the apple tree in the middle of the field. "Well, this is queer, " thought Squinty. "I guess I had better go back. No, I will keep on. I may come to the apple tree soon. " He hurried on between the corn rows. But, though he went a longdistance, he did not come to the apple tree. "I guess I will go back to the brook, where I had my bath, and startover again from there, " thought Squinty. "I will not try to get anyapples to-day. I will eat only potatoes and pig weed. Yes, I will goback. " But that was not so easy to do as he had thought. Squinty went this wayand that, through the rows of corn, but he could not find the brook. Hecould not find his way back, nor could he find the apple tree. On allsides of him was the tall corn. That was all poor Squinty could see. Finally, all tired out, and dusty, the little pig stopped, and sighed: "Oh dear! I guess I am lost!" CHAPTER IV SQUINTY GETS HOME The rows of corn, in the field where Squinty the comical pig was lost, were like the streets of a city. They were very straight and even, justlike the street where your house is, and, if you liked, you couldpretend that each hill of corn was a house. Perhaps Squinty pretended this, if pigs ever do pretend. At any rate thelittle lost pig wandered up and down in the rows of corn, peering thisway and that, to see which way to go so he could get home again. Hebegan to think that running away was not so much fun as he had at firstthought. "Oh dear!" Squinty grunted, in his funny, squealing voice. "I wonder ifI'll ever see my mamma and papa again?" Squinty ran this way and that up and down the rows of corn, and you caneasily imagine what happened. He soon became very tired. "I think I willtake a rest, " thought Squinty, talking to himself, because there was noone else to whom he could speak. I think the little pig would have beenvery glad, just then, to speak even to Don, the dog. But Don was notthere. Squinty, wondering what happened to little pigs when they were lost, andif they ever got home again, stretched out on the dirt between two rowsof corn. It was shady there, but over-head the hot sun was shining. Squinty's breath came very fast, just as when a dog runs far on a warmday. But the earth was rather cool, and Squinty liked it. He would muchrather have been down by the cool brook, but he knew he could not have aswim in it until he found it. And, just now, he seemed a good way offfrom it. Poor Squinty! It was bad enough to be tired and warm, but to be lost wasworse, and to be hungry was worse than all--especially to a little pig. And, more than this, there was nothing to eat. Squinty had tried to nibble at some of the green corn stalks, but he didnot like the taste of them. Perhaps he had not yet learned to like them, for I have seen older pigs eat corn stalks. And pigs are very fond ofthe yellow corn itself. They love to gnaw it off the cob, and chew it, just as you chew popcorn. But the corn was not yet ripe, and Squinty was too little to have eatenit, if it had been ripe. Later on he would learn to do this. Just now hecared more about finding his way home, and also finding something thathe could eat. For some time the little lost pig rested on the cool earth, in the shadeof the rows of corn. Then he got up with a grunt and a squeal, and beganrooting in the ground. "Perhaps I may find some potatoes, or some pig weed, here, " thoughtSquinty. "Who knows?" But all he could root up, with his queer, rubbery nose, was some roundstones. Some of these were brown, and looked so much like the littlepotatoes, that Squinty tried to chew one. But when he felt the hardstone on his little white teeth he cried out in pain. "Ouch!" squealed Squinty. "That hurt! Those are funny potatoes! I neverknew they could be so hard. " Later on he learned that what he supposed were potatoes were onlystones. You see it takes a little pig some time to learn all the thingshe needs to know. Squinty let the stone roll out of his mouth, and he looked at it withsuch an odd look on his face, peering at it with his squinty eye, andwith one ear cocked up sort of sideways, that, if you had seen him, youcould not have helped laughing. No one could, if they had seen Squintythen, but there was no one in the field to watch him. "Well, " thought Squinty, after a bit, "this will never do. I can't stayhere. I must try to find my way back home. Let me see; what had I betterdo? I guess the first thing is to find that field of real potatoes, andnot the make-believe ones like this, " and he pushed the stone away withhis nose. "When I find the potato field, " he went on, still talking to himself, "Iam sure I can find the brook where I had a swim. And when I find thebrook I will know my way home, for there is a straight path from thereto our pen. " So Squinty started off once more to walk through the rows of corn. As hewalked along on his little short legs he grunted, and rooted in theearth with his nose. Sometimes he stumbled over a big stone, or a clodof dirt, and fell down. "Oh dear!" exclaimed poor Squinty, when he got up after falling downabout six times, "Oh dear! This is no fun. I wish I had stayed in thepen with my brothers and sisters. I wonder what they are doing now?" Just then Squinty felt more hungry than ever, and he thought it must befeeding-time back in the pen. "Oh, they must be having some nice sour milk just now!" thought Squinty. "How I wish I were back with them!" And then, as he fancied he could smell the nice sour milk, which thefarmer or his wife was pouring into the eating trough of the pen, Squinty just howled and squealed with hunger. Oh, what a noise he made! Then this gave him an idea. "Ha!" he exclaimed to himself, in a way pigs have, "why didn't I thinkof that before? I must squeal for help. My mamma, or papa, may hear meand come for me. " Then Squinty happened to think that the hole, by which he had gotten outof the pen, was not large enough for his fat papa or mamma to crawlthrough. "No, they can't get out to come for me, " Squinty thought. "They'll haveto send Wuff-Wuff, or Squealer. And maybe they'll get lost, the same asI did. Oh dear, I guess I won't squeal any more. It's bad enough for meto be lost, without any of my brothers or sisters getting lost, too. " So Squinty stopped squealing, and walked on and on between the rows ofcorn, trying to find his way home to the pen all by himself. Squinty wasreally quite a brave pig, wasn't he? By this time, as you can well believe, Mr. And Mrs. Pig, in the pen, hadawakened from their afternoon sleep. And all the little pigs hadawakened too, for they were beginning to feel hungry again. "Isn't it about time the farmer came with some sour milk for us?" askedMr. Pig of Mrs. Pig. "I think it is, " she said, looking up at the sun, for the sun is theonly clock that pigs, and other animals, have. When they see the sun inthe east, low down, they know it is morning. When it shines directlyover their heads, high in the sky, they know it is noon. And when thesun sinks down in the west the pigs know it is getting toward night, andsupper time. The sun was low down in the west now, and Mr. And Mrs. Pig knew it mustbe nearly time for their evening meal. "Come, Wuff-Wuff. Come, Squealer. Come, Squinty, and all the rest ofyou!" called Mrs. Pig in her grunting voice. "Come, get ready forsupper. I think I hear the farmer coming with the nice sour milk!" "Squee! Squee! Squee!" squealed all the little pigs, for they were veryhungry indeed. "Squee! Squee! Squee!" They all made a rush to see who would get to the eating trough first. Some of them even put their feet in, they were so anxious. Pigs arealways that way. They know no better, so we must excuse them. If theyhad been taught not to do that, and then did it, we would not excusethem. "Here comes the farmer with the sour milk, " grunted Mr. Pig. "Oh, howgood it smells!" Just then Squealer cried: "Why, where's Squinty?" His brothers and sisters looked around. Squinty, the comical pig, was not to be seen. But we know where he was, even if his mamma and papa and brothers and sisters did not. Squinty wasin the cornfield, trying to find his way back to the pen. "Why, where can Squinty be?" asked Mrs. Pig. "Squinty! Squinty!" shecalled, grunting and squealing as she always did. "Come to the trough!"she went on. "Supper is ready!" But Squinty did not come. The farmer poured the sour milk down theslide, where it ran into the trough, and the little pigs began to eat. But Mr. And Mrs. Pig began looking for Squinty. They turned up thestraw, thinking he might be asleep under it. No Squinty was to be seen. Then Mr. Pig saw the hole under the side boards of the pen. "Ha!" exclaimed Mr. Pig, speaking to Mrs. Pig, "I think perhaps Squintywent out there. " "Oh, so he did!" said Mrs. Pig. "What shall we do?" Just then the farmer looked over in the pen to see how fat the pigs weregetting. He counted the little pigs. Then a queer look came over hisface. "Hello!" he exclaimed. "Only six here! One of those pigs has gotten out. I must look into this!" Quickly he glanced all about the pen. He saw the hole out of whichSquinty had run away. "I thought so!" exclaimed the farmer. "One of the pigs has rooted hisway out. I'll have to go after him. Here, Don!" he called to his dog. "Apig is loose! We must catch him!" and he whistled for the big black andwhite dog, who ran up, barking and leaping about. At first Squinty's brothers and sisters were paying so much attention todrinking their sour milk, that they did not notice what the farmer said, even though they missed Squinty at the trough. But when they heard thedog barking, they wondered what had happened. Then they saw their mammaand papa looking anxious, and talking together in their gruntinglanguage, and Wuff-Wuff asked: "Has anything happened?" "Squinty is lost!" said Mrs. Pig, rubbing her nose up against that ofCurly Tail, the littlest girl pig of them all. "He must have run out ofthe pen when we were asleep. " "Oh dear!" cried all the little pigs, and they felt very badly. "Never mind, " said Mr. Pig, "I heard the farmer call Don, the dog, to gooff and find Squinty. I think he'll bring him back. " "Oh, but maybe Don will bite Squinty, " said Wuff-Wuff. "I guess not, " answered Mr. Pig. "Don is a gentle dog. But, anyhow, wewant Squinty back, and the only way we can get him is to have the farmerand his dog go after him. " The other little pigs finished their supper of sour milk, with somesmall potatoes which the farmer's wife threw in to them. Mr. And Mrs. Pig ate a little, and then the farmer, after stopping up the hole whereSquinty got out, so no more of the pigs could run away, started off overthe fields, calling to his dog. "Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" barked Don. That meant, in dog language, "I'll find Squinty and bring him back. " Meanwhile Squinty had tried his best to find a way out of the cornfield. But all he did was to walk up one row, and down another. If he had beentall enough to stand up and look over the tops of the corn stalks, hemight have seen which way to go, but he was not yet large enough forthat. Pretty soon Squinty looked up, and he saw that the sun was not as brightas it had been. Squinty knew what this meant. The sun was going down, and it would soon be night. "Oh dear! I wonder if I shall have to stay out all alone in the darknight, " thought poor Squinty. "Oh, I'll never run away again; never!" Just then he heard, off through the rows of corn, a dog barking. "Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" went the dog. "Oh, what shall I do? Where shall I hide?" thought Squinty. "A bad dogis after me. " He ran this way and that, stumbling and falling down. The barking of thedog sounded nearer. Then Squinty heard a man's voice saying: "Get after him, Don! Find him! Find that pig!" "Bow wow!" was the barking answer. "Ha!" thought Squinty. "Don! That's the name of the good dog on ourfarm! I wonder if he is coming after me?" Just then the farmer, who had been following the tracks left in the softground by Squinty's feet, came to the cornfield. The farmer saw wherethe pig had been walking between the green rows of corn. "He's here, somewhere, Don, " the farmer said. "Find him!" "Bow wow!" barked Don. "I will!" Just then Squinty stumbled over a big stone, and he could not helpgrunting. He also gave a little squeal. "Here he is, Don!" called the farmer. "Take him by the ear, and lead himback to the pen. Easy, now!" Squinty stood still. He did not want to run away from Don. Squinty wasonly too anxious to be found, and taken home. The next minute, through the rows of corn, came bounding Don, the dog. He was followed by the farmer. "Ah, there he is! The little runaway!" cried the farmer man as he sawthe pig. "After him, Don! But don't hurt him!" Don raced up beside Squinty, and took him gently by the ear. "Bow wow!" barked the dog, and that meant: "Come along with me, if youplease. You have been away from your pen quite long enough. " Squinty gave a loud squeal when Don took him by the ear, but when thelittle pig found that the dog did not mean to hurt him, he grew quiet, and went along willingly enough. "I must make that pig pen a great deal tighter, if they are going to getout and run away every day, " said the farmer to himself, as he walkedalong behind Don and Squinty. Soon they were at the pig pen, and Oh! how glad Squinty was to see itagain. The farmer picked the little pink fellow, now all tired out andcovered with dirt, up in his arms and dropped him down inside the penwith the other pigs. "There!" cried the farmer. "I guess you'll stay in after this. " "Bow wow!" barked Don, jumping about, for he thought it was fun to chaserunaway pigs. And so Squinty got safely back home. But very soon he was to have somemore adventures. CHAPTER V. SQUINTY AND THE BOY. Did you ever have a little brother or sister who ran away from home, andwas very glad to run back, or be brought back again, by a policeman, perhaps? Of course your little brother or sister may not have intendedto run away, it may have been that they only wandered off, around thecorner, toward the candy store, and could not find their way back again. But, when he or she did get home--how glad you were to see them! Weren'tyou? It was just like that at the pen where Squinty, the comical pig, lived. When the farmer picked him up, and dropped him down among his brothersand sisters, in the clean straw, Wuff-Wuff, Squealer, and Curly Tail, and the others, were so glad to see Squinty that they grunted, andsquealed and walked all over one another, to be the first to get closeto him. "Oh, Squinty, where were you?" "Where did you go?" "What did you do?" "Weren't you awfully scared?" "Where did the dog find you?" "Did he bite you very hard?" These were some of the questions Squinty's brothers and sisters asked ofthe little runaway pig. They pressed close up to him, rubbing theirfunny, wiggling, rubber-like noses against him, and snuggling up againsthim, for they liked Squinty very much indeed. Then, after the young pigs had had their turn, Mr. Pig and Mrs. Pigbegan asking questions. "What made you run away?" asked Squinty's papa. "Oh, I wanted to have an adventure, " said Squinty. "Well, did you have one?" asked his mamma. "Oh, yes, lots of them, " answered the little pig. "But I didn't findvery much to eat. " Squinty was very hungry now. "Oh dear!" exclaimed Mrs. Pig. "You are just too late for supper. It isall eaten up. We did not see that you were not here until too late. It'stoo bad!" Squinty thought so himself, for the smell of the sour milk that had beenin the feeding trough made him more hungry than ever. Squinty walked over and tried to find a few drops in the bottom of thewooden trough. These he licked up with his red tongue. But there was notnearly enough. "Ha! I guess that little pig must be hungry, " said the farmer lookingdown in the pen, after he had put some more stones and a board over thehole where Squinty had gotten out. "I guess I'll have to feed him, forthe others have had their supper. " And how glad Squinty was when the farmer went over to the barrel, wherethe pigs' feed was kept, and mixed a nice pailful of sour milk with somecorn meal, and poured it into the trough. "Squee! Squee!" cried Squinty as he made a rush over to get his supper. "Squee! Squee!" cried all the other little pigs, as they, too, made arush to get more to eat. "Here! Hold on! Come back!" cried Mr. Pig. "That is Squinty's supper. You must not touch it. You have had yours!" and he and Mrs. Pig wouldnot let Squinty's brothers and sisters shove him away from the trough. For sometimes pigs are so hungry that they do this, you know. Being pigsthey know no better. So Squinty had his supper, after all, though he did run away. Perhaps heshould have been punished by being sent to bed without having hadanything to eat, but you see the farmer wanted his pigs to be fat andhealthy, so he fed them well. Squinty was very glad of that. "Now all of you go to sleep, " said Mrs. Pig, when it grew darker anddarker in the pen. So she made them all cuddle down in the straw, pulling it over them with her nose and paws, like a blanket, to keepthem warm. For only part of the pen had a roof over it, and though itwas summer, still it was cool at night. But Squinty's brothers and sisters had no notion of going to sleep sosoon. They wanted to hear all about what had happened to him when he hadrun away, and they wanted him to tell them of his adventures. So theygrunted and whispered among themselves. "What happened to you, Squinty?" asked Wuff-Wuff. "Oh, I had a fine swim in a brook, " said Squinty. "I wish that had happened to me, " said Wuff-Wuff. "What else?" "I found a nice field of corn, " went on Squinty, "but I did not like thetaste of it. I got lost in the cornfield. " "That's too bad, " said Wuff-Wuff. "Did anything else happen?" "Yes, I found some pig weed, and ate that, and some little potatoes. " "Oh, how nice!" exclaimed Twisty Tail. "I wish that had happened to me. Did you do anything else, Squinty?" "Yes, " said the comical little pig. "I saw something I thought was apotato, and it jumped away from me. It was a hoptoad. " "That was funny, " said Squealer. "I wish I had seen it. Did anythingelse happen?" "Yes, " said Squinty. "I thought I saw another potato, but when I bit onit I found it was only a stone, and it hurt my teeth. " "That's too bad, " said Wuff-Wuff. "I am glad that did not happen to me. Tell us what else you saw. " But just then Mrs. Pig grunted out: "Come, now! All you little pigs must keep quiet and go to sleep. Go tosleep at once!" So Squinty and the others cuddled closer together, snuggled down in thesoft straw, and soon were fast asleep. Now and then they stirred, orgrunted during the night, but they did not wake up until morning. Theywere running around the pen before breakfast, squealing as loudly asthey could, for the farmer to come and feed them. But the farmer had hiscows and horses and chickens to feed, as well as the pigs, and he didnot get to the pen until last. And when he did, all the pigs were sohungry, even Mr. And Mrs. Pig, that they were squealing as hard as theycould. "Yes, yes!" cried the farmer, as though he were talking to the pigs. "I'm coming as fast as I can. " Soon the farmer poured some sour milk and corn meal down into thetrough, and how eagerly Squinty and the others did eat it! Some of thesmaller pigs even put two feet in the trough, they were so anxious toget their share. Squinty had an especially good appetite, from havingrun away, so perhaps he got a little more than the others. But finally the breakfast was all gone, and the pigs had nothing more todo until dinner time--that is, all they had to do was to lie down andrest, or get up now and then to scratch a mosquito, or a fly bite. "Well, I guess none of you will get out again, " said the farmer, after awhile, as he nailed a bigger board over the hole by which Squinty hadgotten out. "Don, watch these pigs, " the farmer went on. "If they getout, grab them by the ear, and bring them back. " "Bow wow!" barked Don, and that meant he would do as his master had toldhim. For several days after this nothing happened in the pigs' pen exceptthat they were washed off with the hose now and then, to clean them ofmud and make them cool. Once in a while the farmer would take a corn coband scratch the back of Mr. Or Mrs. Pig, and they liked this very much. The other pigs were almost too little for the farmer to reach over thetop of the pen. One day the pigs heard merry shouts and laughter up at the farmhouse. There were the sounds of boys' and girls' voices. Then came the patterof many feet. "Oh, look at the pigs!" someone cried, and Squinty, and his brothers andsisters, looking up, saw, over the edge of the pen, some boys and girlslooking down on them. "Oh, aren't they cute!" exclaimed a girl. "Just lovely!" said another girl. "Pigs are so nice!" "I wonder if any of them can do any tricks?" asked a boy who stoodlooking down into the pen. "These aren't trained circus pigs, " spoke one of the girls. "They can'tdo tricks. " The boy and the girls stayed for a little while, watching the pigs. Thenthe boy said: "Let's pull some weeds and feed them. " "Oh, yes, let's!" cried the girls. The pigs were glad when they heardthis, and they were more glad when the boy and the girls threw pig weed, and other green things from the garden, into the pen. The pigs ate themall up, and wanted more. After that, for several days, Squinty and his brothers and sisters couldhear the boy and the girls running about the garden, but they could notsee them because the boards around the pig pen were too high. The boyand the girls seemed to be having a fine time. Squinty could hear them talking about hunting the hens' eggs, andfeeding the little calves and sheep, and riding on the backs of horses. Then, one day Squinty looked up out of the pen, and, leaning over thetop board he saw the farmer, the boy and another man. "Oh, Father!" exclaimed the boy, "do let me have just one little pig. They are so nice!" [Illustration: "Oh, Father!" exclaimed the boy, "do let me have just onelittle pig. "] "A pig!" cried Father. "What would you do with a pig in our town? We arenot in the country. Where would you keep a pig?" "Oh, I could build a little pen for him in our yard. Look, let me havethat one, he is so pink and pretty and clean. " "Ha! So you want that pig, do you?" asked the farmer. The boy and hisfather and sisters were paying a visit to the farm. "Yes, I want a pig very much!" the boy said. "And I think I'd like thatone, " and he pointed straight at Squinty. Poor Squinty ran and tried tohide under the straw, for he knew the boy was talking about him. "Oh, see him run!" cried the boy. "Yes, I think he is the nicest pig inthe lot. I want him. Has he any name?" "Well, we call him Squinty, " the farmer said. "He has a funny, squintingeye. " "Then I'll call him Squinty, too, " the boy went on. "Please, Father, mayI have that little pig?" "Well, I don't know, " said his father slowly, scratching his head. "Apig is a queer pet. I suppose you might have him, though. You could keephim in the back yard. Yes, I guess you could have him, if Mr. Jones willsell him, and if the pig will behave. Do you think that little pig willbe good, Mr. Jones?" asked the father of the farmer man. "Well, yes, I guess so, " answered the farmer. "He has run away out ofthe pen a couple of times, but if you board up a place good and tight, Iguess he won't get out. " "Oh, I do hope he'll be good!" exclaimed the boy. "I do so want a littlepet pig, and I'll be so kind to him!" When Squinty heard that, he made up his mind, if the boy took him, thathe would be as good as he knew how. "When can I have my little pig?" asked the boy, of his father. "Oh, as soon as Mr. Jones can put him in a box, so we can carry him, "was the answer. "We can't very well take him in our arms; he would slipout and run away. " "I guess so, too, " laughed the boy. CHAPTER VI SQUINTY ON A JOURNEY "Mamma, did you hear what they were saying about Squinty?" askedWuff-Wuff, as the boy and the two men walked away from the pig pen. "Oh, yes, I heard, " said Mrs. Pig. "I shall be sorry to lose Squinty, but then we pigs have to go out and take our places in this world. Wecannot always stay at home in the pen. " "Yes, that is so, " spoke Mr. Pig. "But Squinty is rather young and smallto start out. However, it may all be for the best. Now, Squinty, you hadbetter keep yourself nice and clean, so as to be ready to go on ajourney. " "What's a journey?" asked the comical little pig, squinting his eye upat the papa pig. "A journey is going away from home, " answered Mr. Pig. "And does it mean having adventures?" asked Squinty, flopping his earsbackward and forward. "Yes, you may have some adventures, " replied his mother. "Oh dear, Squinty! I wish you didn't have to go and leave us. But still, it may beall for your good. " "We might hide him under the straw, " suggested Wuff-Wuff. "Then that boycould not find him when he comes to put him in a box, and take himaway. " "No, that would never do, " said Mr. Pig. "The farmer is stronger andsmarter than we are. He would find Squinty, no matter where we hid him. It is better to let him do as he pleases, and take Squinty away, thoughwe shall all miss him. " "Oh dear!" cried Curly Tail, for she liked her little brother very much, and she loved to see him look at her with his funny, squinting eye. "Doyou want to go, Squinty?" "Well, I don't want to leave you all, " answered the comical little pig, "but I shall be glad to go on a journey, and have adventures. I hope Idon't get lost again, though. " "I guess the boy won't let you get lost, " spoke Mr. Pig. "He looks asthough he would be kind and good to you. " The pig family did not know when Squinty would be taken away from them, and all they could do was to wait. While they were doing this they ateand slept as they always did. Squinty, several times, looked at the holeunder the pen, by which he had once gotten out. He felt sure he couldagain push his way through, and run away. But he did not do it. "No, I will wait and let the boy take me away, " thought Squinty. Several times after this the boy and his sisters came to look down intothe pig pen. The pigs could tell, by the talk of the children, that theywere brother and sisters. And they had come to the farm to spend theirsummer vacation, when there was no school. "That's the pig I am going to take home with me, " the boy would say tohis sisters, pointing to Squinty. "How can you tell which one is yours?" asked one of the little girls. "I can tell by his funny squint, " the boy would answer. "He always makesme want to laugh. " "Well, I am glad I am of some use in this world, " thought Squinty, whocould understand nearly all that the boy and his sisters said. "It issomething just to be jolly. " "I wouldn't want a pig, " said the other girl. "They grunt and squeal andare not clean. I'd rather have a rabbit. " "Pigs are so clean!" cried the boy. "Squinty is as clean as a rabbit!" Only that day Squinty had rolled over and over in the mud, but he hadhad a bath from the hose, so he was clean now. And he made up his mindthat if the boy took him he would never again get in the mud and becomecovered with dirt. "I will keep myself clean and jolly, " thought Squinty. A few days after this Squinty heard the noise of hammering and sawingwood outside the pig pen. "The farmer must be building another barn, " said Mr. Pig, for he and hisfamily could not see outside the pen. "Yes, he must be building anotherbarn, for once before we heard the sounds of hammering and sawing, andthen a new barn was built. " But that was not what it was this time. Soon the sounds stopped, and the farmer and the boy came and looked downinto the pig pen. "Now you are sure you want that squinty one?" the farmer asked the boy. "Some of the others are bigger and better. " "No, I want the squinty one, " the boy said. "He is so comical, he makesme laugh. " "All right, " answered the farmer. "I'll get him for you, now that youhave the crate all made to carry him home in on the cars. " Over into the pig pen jumped the farmer. He made a grab for Squinty andcaught him. "Squee! Squee! Squee!" squealed Squinty, for he had never been squeezedso tightly before. "Oh, I'm not going to hurt you, " said the farmer, kindly. "Squinty, be quiet, " ordered his papa, in the pig language. "Behaveyourself. You are going on a journey, and will be all right. " Then Squinty stopped squealing, as the farmer climbed out of the penwith him. "At last I am going on a journey, and I may have many adventures, "thought the little pig. "Good-by!" he called to his papa and mamma andbrothers and sisters, left behind in the pen. "Good-by!" "Good-by!" they all grunted and squealed. "Be a good pig, " said hismamma. "Be a brave pig, " said his papa. "And--and come back and see us, sometime, " sniffled little Curly Tail, for she loved Squinty very much indeed. "I'll come back!" said the comical little pig. But he did not know howmuch was to happen before he saw his pen again. "There you go--into the box with you!" cried the farmer, as he droppedSquinty into a wooden box the boy had made for his pet, with a hammer, saw and nails. Squinty found himself dropped down on a bed of clean straw. In front ofhim, behind him, and on either side of him were wooden slats--the sidesof the box. Squinty could look out, but the slats were as close togetheras those in a chicken coop, and the little pig could not get out. He did not want to, however, for he had made up his mind that he wasgoing to be a good pig, and go with the boy who had bought him for a petfrom the farmer. Over the top of the box was nailed a cover with a handle to it, and bythis handle the pig in the little cage could be easily carried. "There you are!" exclaimed the farmer. "Now he'll be all right until youget him home. " "And, when I do, I'll put him in a nice big pen, and feed him well, "said the boy. Squinty smacked his lips at that, for he was hungry evennow. "Oh, have you caged him up? Isn't he cute!" exclaimed one of the boy'ssisters. "I'll give him the core of my apple, " and she thrust it inthrough the slats of the box. Squinty was very glad, indeed, to get theapple core, and he soon ate it up. "Come on!" cried the boy's father. "Is the pig nailed up? We must go forthe train!" "I wonder what the train is, " thought Squinty. He was soon to know. Theboy lifted him up, cage and all, and put him into the wagon that was togo to the depot. Squinty knew what a wagon was and horses, for he hadseen them many times. Then away they started. Squinty gave a loud squeal, which was his lastgood-by to the other pigs in the pen, and then the wagon rattled awayalong the road. Squinty had started on his journey. CHAPTER VII SQUINTY LEARNS A TRICK Squinty, the comical pig, tried to look out through the slats of thebox, in which he was being taken away, to see in which direction he wasgoing. He also wanted to watch the different sights along the road. Butthe sides of the farm wagon were so high that the little pig could seenothing. He stretched his fat neck as far as it would go, but that didno good either. Squinty wished he were as big as his papa or his mamma. "Then I could see what is going on, " he thought. But just wishing never made anyone larger or taller, not even a pig, andSquinty stayed the same size. He could hear the farmer and the children talking. Now and then the boywho had bought Squinty, and who was taking him home, would look aroundat his pet in the slatted box. "Is he all right?" one of the girls would ask. "He seems to be, " the boy would say. "I am glad I got him. " "Well, he acts real cute, " said another girl, who was called Sallie, "but I never heard of having a pig for a pet before. " "You just wait until I teach him some tricks, " said the boy, whose namewas Bob. "Then you'll think he's fine!" "Ha! So I am to learn tricks, " thought Squinty in his box. "I wonderwhat tricks are, anyhow? Does it mean I am to have good things to eat? Ihope so. " You see Squinty, like most little pigs, thought more of something to eatthan of anything else. But we must not blame him for that, since hecould not help it. Pretty soon the wagon rattled over some stones, and then came to a stop. "Here we are!" called the children's father. "Bring along your littlepig, Bob. Here comes the train. " "Ha! It seems I am to go on a train, " thought Squinty. "I wonder what atrain is?" Squinty had many things to learn, didn't he? The little pig in the box felt himself being lifted out of the wagon. Then he could look about him. He saw a large building, in front of whichwere long, slender strips of shining steel. These were the railroadtracks, but Squinty did not know that. Then all at once, Squinty heard aloud noise, which went like this: "Whee! Whee! Whee-whee!" "Oh my! what a loud squeal that pig has!" exclaimed Squinty. "He cansqueal much louder than I can, I think. Let me try. " So Squinty went: "Squee! Squee! Squee!" And then the big noise sounded again, louder than before: "Whee! Whee! Toot! Toot!" "Oh my!" said Squinty to himself, snuggling down in the straw of hisbox. "I never can squeal as loud as that. Never!" He looked out and saw a big black thing rushing toward him, with smokecoming out of the top, and then the big black thing cried out again: "Whee! Whee! Toot! Toot!" "Oh, what a terrible, big black pig!" thought Squinty. And he was a bitfrightened. But it was not a big black pig at all. It was only theengine drawing the train of cars up to the station to take thepassengers away. And it was going to take Squinty, also. Squinty thought the engine whistle was a pig's squeal, but it wasn't, ofcourse. Pretty soon the train stopped. The passengers made a rush to get in thecars. Bob, the boy, caught up the handle of Squinty's box, and, aftersome bumping and tilting sideways, the little pig found himself set downin a rather dark place, for the boy had put the box on the floor of thecar by his seat, near his feet. And there Squinty rode, seeing nothing, but hearing many strange noises, until, after many stops, he was lifted up again. "Here we are!" the little pig heard the children's papa say. "Have youeverything? Don't forget your pig, Bob. " "I won't, " answered the boy, with a jolly laugh. "Well, I wonder what will happen next?" thought Squinty, as he felthimself being carried along again. He could see nothing but a crowd ofpersons all about the boy who carried the box. "I don't know whether I am going to like this or not--this coming tolive in town, " thought the little pig. "Still, I cannot help myself, Isuppose. But I do wish I had something to eat. " I guess the boy must have known Squinty was hungry, for, when he nextset down the box, this time in a carriage, the boy gave the little pig awhole apple to eat. And how good it did taste to Squinty! "Are you going to make a pen for him?" asked one of the boy's sisters, as the carriage drove off. "Yes, as soon as we get to the house, " said the boy. By this time Squinty was thirsty. There was no water in his cage, but, alittle later, when he saw through the slats, that he was being carriedtoward a large, white house, he was given a tin of water to drink. "I'll just leave him in that box until I can fix a larger one for him, "the boy said, and then, for a while, Squinty was left all to himself. But he was still in the box, though the box was set in a shady place onthe back porch. All this while Mr. Pig and Mrs. Pig, as well as the brother and sisterpigs, in the pen at home, were wondering what had happened to Squinty. "Where do you think he is now, Mamma?" Wuff-Wuff would ask. "Oh, I don't know, " Mrs. Pig answered. "And will he ever come back to us?" asked Twisty Tail. "Perhaps, some day. I hope so, " said Mrs. Pig, sort of sighing. "Oh, yes, I think he will, " said Mr. Pig. "When he gets quite large theboy will get tired of having him for a pet, and perhaps bring him back. " "Were you ever carried off that way, Papa?" asked Grunter, as he rubbedhis back, where a mosquito had bitten him, against the side of the pen. "Oh, yes, once, " answered Mr. Pig. "I was taken away from my pen, when Iwas pretty large, and given to a little girl for a pet. But she did notkeep me long. I guess she would rather have had her dolls, so I was soonbrought back to my pen. And I was glad of it. " "Well, I hope they will soon bring Squinty back, " Wuff-Wuff said. "It islonesome without him. " But, after a while, the other pigs found so many things to do, and theywere kept so busy, eating sour milk, and getting fat, that they nearlyforgot about Squinty. But, all this time, something was happening to the comical little pig. Toward evening of the first day that Squinty had been put in the newlittle cage, the boy, who had not been near him in some time, came backto look at his pet. "Now I have a larger place for you, " the boy said, speaking just asthough Squinty could understand him. And, in fact, Squinty did know muchof what was said to him, though he could not talk back in boy language, being able to speak only his own pig talk. "And I guess you are hungry, too, and want something to eat, " the boywent on. "I will feed you!" "Squee! Squee! Squee!" squealed Squinty. If there was one word inman-talk that he understood very well, it was "feed. " He had often heardthe farmer say: "Well, now I must feed the pigs. " And right after that, some nice sour milk would come splashing down intothe trough of the pen. So when Squinty heard the word "feed" again, heguessed what was going to happen. And he guessed right, too. The boy picked Squinty up, box and all, and carried him to the backyard. "Now I'll give you more room to run about, and then I'll have a nicesupper for you, " the boy said, talking to his little pig just as youwould to your dog, or kittie. With a hammer the boy knocked off some of the slats of the small box inwhich Squinty had made his journey. Then the boy lifted out the comicallittle pig, and Squinty found himself inside a large box, very much likethe pen at home. It had clean straw in it, and a little trough, justlike the one at his "home, " where he could eat. But there was nothing inthe trough to eat, as yet, and the box seemed quite lonesome, forSquinty was all alone. "Here you are now! Some nice sour milk, and boiled potatoes!" cried theboy, and then Squinty smelled the most delicious smell--to him at least. Down into the trough came the sour milk and potatoes. "Squee! Squee!" yelled Squinty in delight. And how fast he ate! That wasbecause he was hungry, you see, but pigs nearly always eat fast, asthough they were continually in a hurry. "Oh, isn't it cute!" exclaimed a voice over Squinty's head. He lookedup, half shutting his one funny eye, and cocking one ear up, and lettingthe other droop down. But he did not stop eating. "Oh, isn't he funny!" cried another voice. And Squinty saw the boy andhis sisters looking at him. "Yes, he surely is a nice pig, " the boy said, "In a few days, when hegets over being strange, I'm going to teach him some tricks. " "Ha! There's that word tricks again!" thought Squinty. "I wonder whattricks are? But I shall very soon find out. " For a few days Squinty was rather lonesome in his new pen, all byhimself. He missed his papa and mamma and brothers and sisters. But theboy came to see Squinty every day, bringing him nice things to eat, and, after a bit, Squinty came to look for his new friend. "I guess you are getting to know me, aren't you, old fellow?" the boysaid one day, after feeding Squinty, and he scratched the little pig onthe back with a stick. "Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty. That, I suppose, was his way of saying: "Of course I know you, and I like you, boy. " One day, about a week after he had come to his new home, Squinty heardthe boy say: "Now I think you are tame enough to be let out. I don't believe you willrun away, will you? But, anyhow, I'll tie a string to your leg, and thenyou can't. " Squinty wished he could speak boy language, and tell his friend that hewould not run away as long as he was kindly treated, but of courseSquinty could not do this. Instead, he could only grunt and squeal. The boy tied a string to Squinty's leg, and let him out of the pen. Thecomical little pig was glad to have more room in which to move about. Hewalked first to one side, and then the other, rooting in the dirt withhis funny, rubbery nose. The boy laughed to see him. "I guess you are looking for something to eat, " the boy said. "Well, let's see if you can find these acorns. " The boy hid them under a pile of dirt, and watched. Squinty smelledabout, and sniffed. He could easily tell where the acorns had beenhidden, and, a moment later, he had rooted them up and was eating them. "Oh, you funny little pig!" cried the boy. "You are real smart! You knowhow to find acorns. That is one trick. " "Ha! If that is a trick, it is a very easy one--just rooting up acorns, "thought Squinty to himself. Squinty walked around, as far as the rope tied to his leg would let him. The other end of the rope was held by the boy. Once the rope got tangledaround Squinty's foot, and he jumped over it to get free. The boy sawhim and cried: "Oh, I wonder if I could teach you to jump the rope? That would be afine trick. Let me see. " The boy thought a moment, and then lifted Squinty up, and set him downon one side of the rope, which he raised a little way from the ground, just as girls do when they are playing a skipping game. On the other side of the rope the boy put an apple. "Now, Squinty, " said Bob, "if you want that apple you must jump the ropeto get it. Come on. " At first Squinty did not understand what was wanted of him. He sawnothing but the apple, and thought how much he wanted it. He started forit, but, before he could get it the boy pulled up the rope in front ofhim. The rope stopped Squinty. "Jump over the rope if you want the apple, " said the boy. Of courseSquinty could not exactly understand this talk. He tried once more toget the apple, but, every time he did, he found the rope in front ofhim, in the way. "Well!" exclaimed Squinty to himself, "I am going to get that apple, rope or no rope. I guess I'll have to get over the rope somehow. " So the next time he started for the juicy apple, and the rope was pulledup in front of him, Squinty gave a little spring, and over the rope hewent, jumping with all four legs, coming down on the other side, like acircus man jumping over the elephant's back. [Illustration: Squinty gave a little spring, and over the rope he went. ] "Oh, fine! Good!" cried the boy, clapping his hands. "Squinty haslearned to do another trick!" "Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty, as he chewed the apple. "So that's anothertrick, is it?" CHAPTER VIII SQUINTY IN THE WOODS Bob, the boy who had bought Squinty, the comical pig, laughed andclapped his hands. His two sisters, who were playing with their dolls inthe shade of an evergreen tree, heard their brother, and one of themcalled out: "What is it, Bob? What is it?" "Oh, come and see my pig do a trick!" answered the boy. "He is too funnyfor anything!" "Can he really do a trick?" asked the smaller sister, whose name wasMollie. "Indeed he can, " the boy said. "He can do two tricks--find hiddenacorns, and jump a rope. " "Oh, no, not really jump a rope!" cried Sallie. "You just come and see!" the boy called. All this while Squinty was chewing on the apple which he had picked upfrom the ground after he had jumped over the rope. He heard what the boysaid, and Squinty made up his mind. "Well, " said the little pig to himself, "if it is any fun for that boyand his sisters to watch me jump over a rope, and dig up acorns, I don'tmind doing it for them. They call them tricks, but I call it gettingsomething to eat. " And they were both right, you see. Sallie and Mollie, the two sisters, laid down their dolls in the shade, and ran over toward their brother, who still held one end of the rope, that was fast to Squinty's leg. "Make him do some tricks for us, " begged Mollie. "Show us how he jumps the rope, " said Sallie. "First, I'll have him dig up the acorns, as that's easier, " spoke Bob. "Here, Squinty!" he called. "Find the acorns! Find 'em!" While Squinty had been munching on the apple, the boy had dug a hole, put some sweet acorn nuts into it, and covered them up with dirt. Squinty had not seen him do this, but Squinty thought he could find thenuts just the same. There were two ways of doing this. Squinty had a very sharp-smellingnose. He could smell things afar off, that neither you nor I could smelleven close by. And Squinty could also tell, by digging in the groundwith his queer, rubbery nose, just where the ground was soft and whereit was hard. And he knew it would be soft at the place where the boy haddug a hole in which to hide the acorns. So, when Bob called for Squinty to come and find the acorn nuts, eventhough the little pig had not seen just where they were hidden, Squintyfelt sure he could dig them up. "He'll never find them!" said Sallie. "Just you watch!" exclaimed the boy. He pulled on the rope around Squinty's leg. At first the little pig wasnot quite sure what was wanted of him. He thought perhaps he was to jumpover the rope after another apple. But he saw no fruit waiting for him. Then he looked carefully about and smelled the air. The boy was verygentle with him, and waited patiently. And I might say, right here, that if you ever try to teach your pets anytricks, you must be both kind and gentle with them, for you know theyare not as smart as you are, and cannot think as quickly. "Ha! I smell acorns!" thought Squinty to himself. "I guess the boy mustwant me to do the first trick, as he calls it, and dig up the acorns. I'll do it!" Carefully Squinty sniffed the air. When he turned one way he could smellthe acorns quite plainly. When he turned the other way he could notsmell them quite so well. So he started off in the direction where hecould most plainly smell the nuts he loved so well. Next he began rooting in the ground. At first it was very hard for hisnose, but soon it became soft. Then he could smell the acorns moreplainly than before. "See, he is going right toward them!" cried the boy. "There, he has them!" exclaimed Sallie. "Oh, so he has!" spoke Mollie. "I wouldn't have thought he could!" And, by that time, Squinty had found the hole where the boy had coveredthe acorns with dirt, and Squinty was chewing the sweet nuts. "Now make him jump the rope, " said Mollie. "I will, as soon as he eats the acorns, " replied the boy. "Ha! I am going to have another apple, just for jumping a rope, " thoughtSquinty, in delight. You see the little pig imagined the trick was done just to get him toeat the apple. He did not count the rope-jumping part of it at all, though that, really, was what the boy wanted. Once more Bob placed the apple on the ground, on the far side of therope. One end of the rope the boy held in his hand, and the other wasaround Squinty's leg, but a loop of it was made fast to a stick stuck inthe ground, so the boy could pull on the rope and raise or lower it, just as you girls do when you play. "Come on, now, Squinty! Jump over it!" called the boy. The little pig saw the apple, and smelled it. He wanted very much to getit. But, when he ran toward it, he found the rope raised up in front ofhim. He forgot, for a moment, his second trick, and stood still. "Oh, I thought you said he would jump the rope!" said Mollie, ratherdisappointed. "He will--just wait a minute, " spoke the boy. "Come on, Squinty!" hecalled. Once more Squinty started for the apple. This time he remembered that, before, he had to jump the rope to get it. So he did it again. Over therope he went, with a little jump, coming down on the side where theapple was, and, in a second he was chewing the juicy fruit. "There!" cried the boy. "Didn't he jump the rope?" "Oh, well, but he didn't jump it fast, back and forth, like we girlsdo, " said Mollie. "But it was pretty good--for a little pig, " said Sallie. "I think so, too, " spoke the boy. "And I am going to teach him to jumpreal fast, and without going for an apple each time. I'm going to teachhim other tricks, too. " "Oh dear!" thought Squinty, when he heard this. "So I am to learn moretricks, it seems. Well, I hope they will all be eating ones. " "Make him do it again, " suggested Mollie, after a bit. "No, I haven't any more apples, " the boy answered. "And at first I'llhave to make him jump for an apple each time. After a bit I'll not givehim an apple until he has done all his tricks. Come on now, Squinty, back to your pen. " The boy lifted up his pet, and put him back in the pen that had beenespecially built for the little pig. As soon as he was in it Squinty ranover to the trough, hoping there would be some sour milk in it. Butthere was none. "You've had enough to eat for a while, " said the boy with a laugh. "Later on I'll give you your milk. " "Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty, and I suppose he meant he would be glad tohave the milk now. But he got none, so he curled himself up in the cleanstraw and went to sleep. When he awakened, he thought at first he was back in the pen at home, and he cried out: "Oh, Wuff-Wuff! Oh, Twisty Tail. I had the queerest dream! I thought aboy had me, and that I could jump a rope, and hunt acorns, and do lotsof tricks. But I--!" And then Squinty stopped. He looked around andfound himself all alone in the new pen. None of his brothers or sisterswas near him, and he could not hear his mamma or papa grunting near thefeed trough. "Ha! It wasn't a dream, after all, " thought Squinty, a bit sorrowfully. "It's all real--I can do tricks, and a boy has me. " Every few days after that the boy took Squinty out of his pen, and lethim do the rope-jumping and the acorn-hunting tricks. And it did nottake Squinty long to learn to jump the rope when there was no apple onthe other side. The boy would say: "Jump over the rope, Squinty!" And over it the little pig would go. But if he did not get the apple assoon as he jumped, he did get it afterward, which was just as good. Itwas sort of a reward for his tricks, you see. "Now you must learn a new trick, " said the boy one day. "I want you tolearn how to walk on your hind legs, Squinty. It is not going to beeasy, either. But I guess you can do it. And I am going to take the ropeoff your leg, for I do not believe you will run away from me now. " So the rope was taken off Squinty's leg. And he liked the boy so much, and liked his new home, and the nuts and apples he got to eat were sogood, that Squinty did not try to run away. "Up on your hind legs!" cried the boy, and, by taking hold of Squinty'sfront feet, Bob raised his pet up on the hind legs. "Now stand there!" the boy cried, but when he took away his hands ofcourse Squinty came down on all four legs. He did not know what the boymeant to have him do. "I guess I'll have to stand you in a corner to start with, " the boysaid. "That will brace you up. " Then, kindly and gently, the boy took Squinty over to the place wherethe corn crib was built on to the barn. This made a corner and thelittle pig was stood up on his hind legs in that. Then, with somethingto lean his back against, he did not feel like falling over, and heremained standing up on two legs, with his front feet stuck out in frontof him. "That's the way to do it!" cried Bob. "Soon you will be able to stand upwithout anything to lean against. And, a little later, you will be ableto walk on your hind legs. Now here's an apple for you, Squinty!" So you see Squinty received his reward for starting to learn a newtrick. In a few days, just as the boy had said, the little pig found that hecould sit up on his hind legs all alone, without anything to lean backagainst. But learning to walk on his hind legs was a little harder. The boy, however, was patient and kind to him. At first Bob heldSquinty's front feet, and walked along with him so the little pig wouldget used to the new trick. Then one day Bob said: "Now, Squinty, I want you to walk to me all by yourself. Stand up!" Squinty stood up on his hind legs. The boy backed away from him, andstood a little distance off, holding out a nice, juicy potato this time. "Come and get the potato, " called the boy. "Squee! Squee!" grunted Squinty. "I can't!" I suppose he meant to say. "Come on!" cried the boy. "Don't be afraid. You can do it!" Squinty wanted that potato very much. And the only way to get it was towalk to it on his hind legs. If he let himself down on all four legs heknew the boy would not give him the potato. So Squinty made up hislittle pig mind that he would do this new trick. Off he started, walking by himself on his hind legs, just like a trainedbear. "Fine! That's the way to do it! I knew you could!" the boy cried whenSquinty reached him, and took the potato out of his hand. "Good littlepig!" and he scratched Squinty's back with a stick. "Uff! Uff!" squealed Squinty, very much pleased. And from then on the comical little pig learned many tricks. He could stand up a long time, on his hind legs, with an apple on hisnose. And he would not eat it until the boy called: "Now, Squinty!" Then Squinty would toss the apple up in the air, off his nose, and catchit as it came down. Oh, how good it tasted! Squinty also learned to march around with a stick for a gun, and playsoldier. He liked this trick best of all, for he always had two applesto eat after that. Many of Bob's boy friends came to see his trained pig. They all thoughthe was very funny and cute, and they laughed very hard when Squintylooked at them with his queer, drooping eye. They would feed him apples, potatoes and sometimes bits of cake that Bob's mother gave them. Squintygrew very fond of cake. Then one day something happened. Bob always used to lock the door of thenew pig pen every night, for, though he knew his pet was quite tame now, he thought, if the door were left open, Squinty might wander away. Andthat is exactly what Squinty did. He did not mean to do wrong, but heknew no better. One evening, after he had done many tricks that day, when Squinty found the door of his pen part way open, he just pushed itthe rest of the way with his strong nose, and out he walked! No one sawhim. "Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty, looking about, "I guess I'll go take a walkby myself. I may find something good to eat. " Out of the pen he went. There was no garden here, such as the farmer hadat Squinty's first home. But, not far from the pig pen was the big, green wood. "I'll go over in there and see what happens, " thought Squinty. "PerhapsI may find some acorns. " And so Squinty ran away to the woods. CHAPTER IX SQUINTY'S BALLOON RIDE This was the third time Squinty had run away. But not once did he intendto do any wrong; you see he knew no better. He just found his pen dooropen and walked out--that was all there was to it. "I wonder what will happen to me this time?" thought the comical littlepig, as he hurried along over the ground, toward the woods. "I don'tbelieve Don, the dog, will find me here, for he must be back on thefarm. But some other dog might. I had better be careful, I guess. " When Squinty thought this he stopped and looked carefully around for anysigns of a barking dog. But he saw none. It was very still and quiet, for it was nearly supper time in the big house where Bob lived, and heand his sisters were waiting for the bell to ring to call them to thetable. But Squinty had had his supper, and, for the time, he was not hungry. "And if I do get hungry again, I may find something in the woods, " hesaid to himself. "Acorn nuts grow in the woods, and they are very good. I'll root up some of them. " Once or twice Squinty looked back toward the pen he had run away from, to see if Bob, his master, were coming after him. But Bob had no ideahis little pet had run away. In fact, just then, Bob was wondering whatnew trick he could teach Squinty the next day. On and on ran the comical pig. Once he found something round and yellowon the ground. "Ha! That looks like a yellow apple, " thought Squinty, and he bit ithard with his white teeth. Then his mouth all puckered up, he felt asour taste, and he cried out: "Wow! I don't like that. Oh, that isn't an apple at all!" And it wasn't--it was a lemon the grocery boy had dropped. "Oh! How sour!" grunted Squinty. "I'd like a drink of water to take thetaste of that out of my mouth. " Squinty lifted his nose up in the air, and sniffed and snuffed. Hewanted to try to smell a spring of water, and he did, just on the edgeof the big wood. Over to the spring he ran on his little short legs, andsoon he was having a fine drink. "Now I feel better, " Squinty said. "What will happen next?" Nothing did for some time, and, when it did it was so strange thatSquinty never forgot it as long as he lived. I'll tell you all about it. He walked on through the woods, Squinty did, and, before very long, hefound some acorns. He ate as many as he wanted and then, as he alwaysfelt sleepy after he had eaten, he thought he would lie down and have anap. He found a place, near a big stump, where there was a soft bed of driedleaves, nearly as nice as his straw bed in the pen at home. On this hestretched out, and soon he was fast asleep. When Squinty awoke it was real dark. He jumped up with a little grunt, and said to himself: "Well, I did not mean to stay away from my pen so long. I guess I hadbetter go back. " Squinty started to go back the way he had come, but I guess you canimagine what happened. It was so dark he could not find the path. Hewalked about, stumbling over sticks and stones and stumps, sometimesfalling down on soft moss, and again on the hard ground. Finally Squintythought: "Well, it is of no use. I can't get back tonight, that is sure. I shallhave to stay here. Oh dear! I hope there are no dogs to bite me!" Squinty listened carefully. He could hear no barks. He hunted around inthe dark until he found another soft bed of leaves, and on that hecuddled himself up to go to sleep for the night. He was a little afraid, but, after all, he was used to sleeping alone, and, even though he wasoutside of his pen now, he did not worry much. "In the morning I shall go back to the boy who taught me tricks, "thought Squinty. But something else happened in the morning. Squinty was awake when the sun first peeped up from behind the clouds. The little pig scratched his ear, where a mosquito had bitten him duringthe night. Then he stretched first one leg and then the others, andsaid: "Ha! Ho! Hum! Uff! Uff! I guess I'll have some acorns for my breakfast. " It was a very easy matter for Squinty to get his breakfast. He did nothave to wash, or comb his hair, or even dress. Just as he was he got upout of his leaf-bed, and began rooting around in the ground for acorns. He soon found all he wanted, and ate them. Then he felt thirsty, so helooked around until he had found another spring of cool water, where hedrank as much as he needed. "And now to go back home, to the boy who taught me tricks, " said Squintyto himself. "I guess he is wondering where I am. " And indeed that boy, Bob, and his sisters Mollie and Sallie, werewondering where Squinty was. They saw the open door of the pen, and theboy recalled that he had forgotten to lock it. "Oh, Squinty is gone!" he cried, and he felt very badly indeed. But Ihave no time to tell you more of that boy now. I must relate for you thewonderful adventures of Squinty. Squinty went this way and that through the woods, but he could not findthe path that led to his pen. He tried and tried again, but it was of nouse. "Well, " said Squinty, at last, sitting down beside a hollow log, "Iguess I am lost. That is all there is to it I am lost in the big woods!Oh dear! I almost wish Don, the dog, or the farmer would come and findme now. " He waited, but no one came. He listened but he heard nothing. "Well, I might as well eat and go to sleep again, " said Squinty, "Maybesomething will happen then. " Soon he was asleep again. But he was suddenly awakened. He heard a greatcrashing in the trees over his head. "Gracious! I hope that isn't a dog after me!" cried the little pig. He looked up, Squinty did. He saw coming down from the sky, through thebranches of the trees, a big round thing, like more than ten thousandrubber balls, made into one. Below the round thing hung a square basket, with many ropes, and other things, fast to it. And in the basket weretwo men. They looked over the edge of the basket. One of them pulled ona rope, and the big thing, which was a balloon, though Squinty did notknow it, came to the ground with a bang. "Well, at last we have made a landing, " said one of the men. "Yes, " said the other. "And we shall have to throw out some bags of sandto go up again. " Squinty did not know what this meant. But I'll explain to you that a"landing" is when a balloon comes down to the ground. And when the menin it want to go up again, they have to toss out some of the bags ofsand, or ballast, they carry to make the balloon so light that the gasin it will take it up again. The men began tossing out the bags of sand. Squinty saw them, but he wasnot afraid. Why should he be? for no men or boys had ever been cruel tohim. "Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty, getting up and going over to one of thebags of sand. "Maybe that is good to eat!" he thought. "If it is I willtake a bite. I am hungry. " "Oh, look at that pig!" suddenly called one of the men in the balloonbasket. "Sure enough, it is a pig!" exclaimed the other. "And what a comicallittle chap he is!" he went on. "See the funny way he looks at you. " At that moment Squinty looked up, as he often did, with one eye partlyclosed, the other open, and with one ear cocked frontwards, and theother backwards. "Say, he's a cute one all right, " said the first man. "Let's take himalong. " "What for?" asked his friend. "We'd only have to toss out as much sandas he weighs so we could go up. " "Oh, let's take him along, anyhow, " insisted the other. "Maybe he'll bea mascot for us. " "Well, if he's a mascot, all right. Then we'll take him. We need somegood luck on this trip. " Squinty did not know what a mascot was. Perhaps he thought it wassomething good to eat. But I might say that a mascot is something whichsome persons think brings them good luck. Often baseball nines, orfootball elevens, will have a small boy, or a goat, or a dog whom theycall their mascot. They take him along whenever they play games, thinking the mascot helps them to win. Of course it really does not, butthere is no harm in a mascot, anyhow. "Yes, we'll take him along in the balloon with us, " said the taller ofthe two men. "See, he doesn't seem to be a bit afraid. " "No, and look! He must be a trick pig! Maybe he got away from somecircus!" cried the other man. For, at that moment Squinty stood up onhis hind legs, as the boy had taught him, and walked over toward the bigballoon basket. What he really wanted was something to eat, but the mendid not know that. "He surely is a cute little pig!" cried the tall man. "I'll lift him in. You toss out another bag of sand, and we'll go up. " [Illustration: The next moment Squinty felt himself lifted off theground. ] The next moment, before he could get out of the man's grasp if he hadwanted to, Squinty felt himself lifted off the ground. He was put downin the bottom of the basket, which held many things, and, a secondlater, Squinty, the comical pig, felt himself flying upward through theair. Squinty was off on a trip in a balloon. CHAPTER X SQUINTY AND THE SQUIRREL Up, up, and up some more went Squinty, the comical pig. At first thefast motion in the balloon made him a little dizzy, just as it mightmake you feel queer the first time you went on a merry-go-'round. "Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty. He was so surprised at this suddenadventure that, really, he did not know what to say. "I wonder if he's afraid?" said one of the men. "He acts so, " the other answered. "But he'll get used to it. How high upare you going?" "Oh, about a mile, I guess. " Squinty cuddled down in the basket of the balloon, between two bags fullof something, and shivered. "My goodness me!" thought poor Squinty. "A mile up in the air! That'sawfully high. " He knew about how far a mile was on land, for it was about the distancefrom the farmhouse, near where his pen used to be, to the villagechurch. He had often heard the farmer man say so. "And if it was a mile from my pen to the church, and that mile of roadwas stood straight up in the air, " thought Squinty, "it would be aterrible long way to fall. I hope I don't fall. " And it did not seem as if he would--at least not right away. The basketin which he was riding looked good and strong. Squinty had shut his eyeswhen he heard the men speak about going a mile up in the air, but now, as the balloon seemed to have stopped rising, the little pig opened hiseyes again, and peered all about him. "Look!" exclaimed one of the men with a laugh. "Hasn't that pig the mostcomical face you ever saw?" "That's what he has, " answered the other. "He makes me want to laughevery time I look at him, with that funny half-shut eye of his. " "Well, " thought Squinty, "I'm glad somebody is happy and jolly, andwants to laugh, for I'm sure I don't. I wish I hadn't run away from thenice boy who taught me the tricks. " Then, as Squinty remembered how he had been taught to stand up on hishind legs, he thought he would do that trick now. He was hungry, and heimagined, perhaps, if he did that trick, the men would give himsomething to eat. "Look at the little chap!" cried one of the men. "He's showing off allright. " "Yes, he's a smart pig, " said the other. "He must be a trick pig, and Iguess whoever owns him will be sorry he is lost. " "Hu! I'm sorry myself!" thought Squinty to himself, as he walked aroundon his hind legs. "I wonder if these men are ever going to give me anything to eat, " hewent on. He looked at them from his queer, squinting eye, but the mendid not seem to know that the little pig was hungry. On and on sailed the balloon, being blown by the wind like a sailboat. Squinty dropped down on his four legs, since he found that walking onhis hind ones brought him no food. Then, as he made his way about thebasket, he saw some more of those queer bags filled with something. There were a great many of them in the balloon, and Squinty thought theymust have something good in them. Squinty squatted down beside one, and, with his strong teeth, he soonhad bitten a hole in the cloth. Then he took a big bite, but oh dear! All at once he found his mouth filled with coarse sand, that gritted onhis teeth, and made the cold shivers run down his back. "Oh, wow!" thought poor Squinty. "That's no good! Sand! I wonder ifthose men eat sand?" Of course they didn't. The sand in the bags was "ballast. " The balloonmen carried it with them, and when they found the balloon coming down, because some of the gas had leaked out of the round ball above thebasket, they would let some of the sand run out of the bags to theground below. This would make the balloon lighter, and it would riseagain. "Squee! Squee! Uff! Uff!" grunted Squinty, as he wiped the sand off histongue on one of his legs. "I don't like that. I'm hungry. " "Why, what's the matter with the little pig?" asked one of the men, turning around and looking at Squinty. "He must be hungry, " said the other. "See, he has bitten a hole in oneof our sand bags. Let's feed him. " "All right. Give him something to eat, but we didn't bring any pig foodalong with us. " "I'll give him some bread and milk, " the other man said. "We won't wantmuch more ourselves, for we are nearly at our last landing place. " "Squee! Squee!" squealed Squinty, when he heard this. He watched the manput some bread and milk in a tin pan, and set it down on the floor ofthe basket. Then Squinty put his nose in the dish and began to eat. And Oh! how good it tasted! Of course the milk was sweet, instead ofsour, for men do not usually like sour milk. Squinty had a good meal, and then he went to sleep. What happened while Squinty slept, the little pig did not know. But whenhe woke up it was all dark, and he knew it must be night, so he went tosleep again. And the next time he awakened the sun was shining, so hefelt sure it was morning. And then, all of a sudden, something happened. One of the men calledout: "There is a good place to land!" "Yes, we'll go down there, " agreed the other. Then he pulled a string. Squinty did not know what it was for, but I'll tell you. It was to opena hole in the balloon so the gas would rush out. Then the balloon wouldbegin to fall. And that is what happened. Down, down went the balloon. It went veryfast, and Squinty felt dizzy. Faster and faster fell the balloon, until, at last it gave such a bump down on the ground that Squinty was bouncedright over the side of the basket. Right out of the basket the comical little pig was bounced, but he camedown in a soft bed of leaves, so he was not hurt in the least. He landedon his feet, just like a cat, and gave a loud squeal, he was sosurprised. And then Squinty ran away. Almost anybody would have run, too, I guess, after falling down in a balloon, and being bounced out that way. Squintyhad had enough of balloon riding. "I don't know where I'm going, nor what will happen to me now, " thoughtSquinty, "but I am going to run and hide. " And run he did. He found himself in the woods; just the same kind ofwoods as where he had first met the two balloon men, only, of course, itwas much farther off, for he had traveled a long way through the air. On and on ran Squinty. All at once, in a tree over his head, he heard afunny chattering noise. "Chipper, chipper, chipper! Chat! Chat! Whir-r-r-r-r-!" went the noise. Squinty looked up in the tree, and there he saw a lovely little girlsquirrel, frisking about on the branches. Then Squinty was no longerafraid. Out of the leaves he jumped, giving a squeal and a grunt whichmeant: "Oh, how do you do? I am glad to see you. My name is Squinty. What isyour name?" "My name is Slicko, " answered the lively little girl squirrel, as shejumped about. "Come on and play!" Squinty felt very happy then. CHAPTER XI SQUINTY AND THE MERRY MONKEY "Where do you live, Squinty?" asked Slicko, the jumping squirrel, as sheskipped from one tree branch to another, and so reached the ground nearthe comical little pig. "Oh, I live in a pen, " answered Squinty, "but I'm not there now. " "No, I see you are not, " spoke Slicko, with a laugh, which showed hersharp, white teeth. "But what are you doing so far away from your pen?Or, perhaps it is close by, though I never saw you in these woodsbefore, " she went on, looking around as if she might see the pig penunder one of the trees. "No, I have never been here before, " Squinty answered. "My pen is farfrom here. My master is a boy who taught me to do tricks, such asjumping rope, but I ran away and had a balloon ride. " "What's a balloon?" asked Slicko, as she combed out her tail with achestnut burr. Squirrels always use chestnut burrs for combs. "A balloon is something that goes up in the air, " answered Squinty, "andit has bags of sand in it. " "Well, I can go up in the air, when I climb a tree, " went on Slicko, with a jolly laugh. "Am I a balloon?" "No, you are not, " said Squinty. "A balloon is very different. " "Well, I know where there is some sand, " spoke Slicko. "I could get someof that and put it in leaf-bags. Would that make me a balloon?" "Oh, no, of course not, " Squinty answered. "You could never be aballoon. But if you know where there is some sand perhaps you know wherethere is some sour milk. I am very hungry. " "I never heard of sour milk, " replied the girl squirrel. "But I knowwhere to find some nuts. Do you like hickory nuts?" "I--I guess so, " answered Squinty, thinking, perhaps, they were likeacorns. "Please show me where there are some. " "Come on!" chattered Slicko. She led the way through the woods, leapingfrom one tree branch to another over Squinty's head. The little pig ranalong on the ground, through the dry leaves. Sometimes he went on fourfeet and sometimes he stood up straight on his hind feet. "Can you do that?" he asked the squirrel. "It is a trick the boy taughtme. " "Oh, yes, I can sit up on my hind legs, and eat a nut, " the squirrelgirl said. "But nobody taught me. I could always do it. I don't callthat a trick. " "Well, it is a trick for me, " said Squinty. "But where are the hickorynuts you spoke of?" "Right here, " answered Slicko, the jumping squirrel, hopping about aslively as a cricket, and she pointed to a pile of nuts in a hollowstump. Squinty tried to chew some, but, as soon as he took them in hismouth he cried out: "Oh my! How hard the shells are! This is worse than the sand! I can'tchew hickory nuts! Have you no other kind?" "Oh, yes, I know where there are some acorns, " answered Slicko, "but Ido not care for them as well as for hickory nuts. " "Oh, please show me the acorns, " begged Squinty. "Here they are, " spoke Slicko, jumping a little farther, and she pointedto a pile of acorns in another hollow stump. "Oh, these are fine! Thank you!" grunted Squinty, and he began to eatthem. All at once there sounded through the woods a noise like: "Chat! Chat! Chatter! Whir-r-r-r-r-r!" "My, what's that?" cried Squinty, turning quickly around. "That is my mamma calling me, " said Slicko, the jumping squirrel. "Ishall have to go home to my nest now. Good-by, Squinty. I like you verymuch, and I hope I shall soon see you again. " "I hope so, too, " spoke Squinty, and while he went on eating the acorns, Slicko ran along the tree branches to her nest. And in another book Ishall tell you some more stories about "Slicko, the Jumping Squirrel, "but in this book I have room to write only about Squinty. The little comical pig was rather lonesome after Slicko had left him, but he was no longer hungry, thanks to the acorns. So he walked on and on, and pretty soon he came to a road. And down theroad he saw coming the strangest sight. There were a lot of big wagons, all painted red and green and gold. Manyhorses drew each wagon, the big wheels of which rattled like thunder, and beside the wagons there were many strange animals walkingalong--animals which Squinty had never seen before. "Oh my!" cried Squinty. "This is worse than the balloon! I must runaway!" But, just as he turned to run, he saw a little animal jump out of one ofthe big wagons, and come toward him. This animal was something like alittle boy, only, instead of clothes, he was covered with hairy fur. Andthe animal had a long tail, which Squinty knew no boy ever had. Squinty was so surprised at seeing the strange animal that the littlepig stood still. The hairy animal, with the long tail, came straight forthe bush behind which Squinty was hiding, and crawled through. Then thetwo stood looking at one another, while the big wagons rumbled past onthe road. "Hello!" Squinty finally exclaimed. "Who are you?" "Why, I am Mappo, the merry monkey, " was the answer, as he curled hislong tail around a stick of wood. "But I don't need to ask who you are. You are a pig, I can see that, for we have one in our circus, and theclown rides him around the ring, and it is too funny for anything. " [Illustration: "Why, I am Mappo, the merry monkey, " was the answer. ] "Ha, so you are a monkey?" asked Squinty. "But what do you mean by acircus?" "That's a circus, " answered Mappo, pointing with one paw through a holein the bush, at the queer animals, and the red, gold and green wagons. "That is, it will be a circus when they put up the big tent, and all thepeople come. Didn't you ever see a circus?" "Never, " answered Squinty. "Did you ever ride in a balloon?" "Never, " answered Mappo. "Well, then we are even, " said Squinty. "Now you tell me about a circus, and I'll tell you about the balloon. " "Well, " said the monkey, "a circus is a big show in a tent, to makepeople laugh. There are clowns, and animals to look at. I am one of theanimals, but I ran out of my cage when the door flew open. " "Why did you run away?" asked Squinty. "Oh, I got tired of staying in a cage. And I was afraid the big tigermight bite me. I'll run back again pretty soon, before they miss me. Nowyou tell me about your balloon ride. " So Squinty told the merry monkey all about running away, and learningtricks, and having a ride in the queer basket. "I can do tricks, too, " said Mappo. "But just now I am hungry. I wonderif any cocoanut trees are in these woods?" "I don't know what a cocoanut is, " answered Squinty, "but I'll give yousome of my acorns. " The comical little pig and the merry monkey hid under the bush and ateacorns as they watched the circus procession go past. It was not aregular parade, as the show was going only from one town to-another. Squinty looked at the beautiful wagons, and at the strange animals, somewith big humps on their backs. At last he saw some very big creatures, and he cried out: "Oh, Mappo! What are those animals? They have a tail at each end!" "Those are elephants, " said Mappo, "and they do not have two tails. Oneis a tail, and the other is their trunk, or long nose, by which theypick up peanuts, and other things to eat, and they can drink waterthrough it, too. " "Oh, elephants, eh!" exclaimed Squinty. "But who is that big, fierce-looking one, with two long teeth sticking out. I would be afraidof him. " "Ha! Ha! You wouldn't need to be, " said Mappo, with a merry laugh. "Thatis Tum-Tum, the jolliest elephant in the whole circus. Why, he is sokind he wouldn't hurt a fly, and he is so happy that every one loveshim. He is always playing jokes. " "Well, I'm glad he is so jolly, " spoke Squinty, as he watched Tum-Tumand the other elephants march slowly along the road on their big feet, like wash tubs, swinging their long trunks. Then Mappo the monkey, and Squinty, the comical pig, started off throughthe woods. CHAPTER XII SQUINTY GETS HOME AGAIN "Squinty, I don't believe we're going to find any cocoanut trees in thiswoods, " said Mappo, the monkey, after he and the little pig had wanderedon for some time. "It doesn't seem so, does it?" spoke Squinty, looking all around, firstwith his wide-open eye, and then with his queer, droopy one. The monkey ran along, now on the ground, and now and then swinginghimself up in the branches of trees, by his long legs, each one of whichhad a sort of hand on the end. Sometimes he hung by his tail, formonkeys are made to do that. "My, I wish I could get up in the trees the way you do, " said Squinty. "Do you think I could hang by my tail, Mappo?" "I don't know, " answered the monkey, scratching his head. "Your tail hasa nice little curl in it, almost like mine. Did you ever try to hang byyour tail?" "No, I never did. " "Well, you don't know what you can do until you try, " said Mappo. The two animal friends soon came to where some of the acorn nuts hadfallen off a tree, and they ate as many as they wanted. Mappo said theywere not as good as cocoanuts, but he liked them pretty well, because hewas hungry. And Squinty thought acorns were just the best things he hadever tasted, except apples, and potatoes or perhaps sour milk. By this time it was getting dark, and Squinty said: "Oh dear, I wonder where we can sleep tonight?" "Oh, do not let that worry you, " said Mappo. "I am used to living in thewoods. When I was little, before I was caught and put in the circus, Ilived in the woods all the while. See, here is a nice hollow stump, filled with leaves, for you to sleep in, and I will climb a tree, andsleep in that. " "Couldn't you sleep down in the stump with me?" asked Squinty. "It'ssort of lonesome, all by yourself in the dark. " "Yes, I'll sleep with you, " said Mappo. "Now we'll make up a nice bed. " But, just as they were piling some more leaves in the hollow stump, theyheard many voices of men shouting in the woods. "Here he is! Here is that runaway monkey! I see him! Come and catchhim!" cried the men. "Oh, they're from the circus! They're after me!" cried Mappo. "I mustrun and hide. Good-by, Squinty. I'll see you again sometime, maybe. Youhad better run, also, or the circus men may catch you. " Squinty looked through the trees, and saw a number of men coming towardhim and the monkey. Then Mappo climbed up in a tall tree, and Squintyran away as fast as his little short legs would take him. "Never mind the pig! Get the monkey!" Squinty heard one man cry, andthen the comical little pig dodged under a bush, and kept on running. When Squinty stopped running it was quite dark. He could hardly see, andhe had run into several trees, and bumped his nose a number of times. Ithurt him very much. "Well, I guess I'm lost again, " thought Squinty. "And I am all alone. Oh, what a lot of things has happened to me since I was in the pen withmy mamma and papa and sisters and brothers! I wish I were back with themagain. " Squinty felt very sad and lonesome. He wondered if the circus men hadcaught Mappo. Then he felt that he had better find a place where hecould cover himself up with the dry leaves, and go to sleep. He walked about in the dark until, all of a sudden, he stumbled into ahole that was filled with dried grass. "I guess I had better stay here, " thought Squinty. So he pulled some ofthe grass over him, and went to sleep. When he awoke the sun was shining. "I must get my breakfast, " thought Squinty. He hunted about until he hadfound some acorns, and then, coming to a little brook of water he took along drink. Something about the brook made Squinty look at it carefully. "Why--why!" he exclaimed to himself: "It seems to me I have been herebefore! Yes, I am sure I have. This is the place where I first came toget a drink, when first I ran away. It is near the pen where I used tolive! Oh, I wonder if I can find that?" The heart of Squinty was beating fast as he looked around at the sceneshe had seen when he was a very little pig, some weeks before. Yes, itwas the same brook. He was sure of it. And there was the garden ofpotatoes, and the cornfield where he had first lost his way. Hark! What was that? Off in the rows of corn he heard a dog barking. Somehow he knew thatdog's bark. "If that could be Don!" thought Squinty, hopefully. The barking sounded nearer. Squinty turned around, standing on the edgeof the little brook, and waited, his heart beating faster and faster. All at once there came running through the potato field a black andwhite dog. Squinty knew him at once. It was Don! "Bow wow! Bow wow!" barked Don. "Well, if there isn't that comicallittle pig, Squinty! Where in the world did you come from? You've beenrunning away, I'll be bound! Now I'm going to take you back to the pen!" "Oh, Don! I am so glad to see you!" squealed Squinty. "I--I did runaway, but I never will any more. I am lost. Oh, Don, don't take me bythe ear. I'll go with you. " "All right, " barked Don, kindly. "Come along. Your pen isn't far off, "and he ran along beside the little pig, who, after many adventures hadwandered back home. Squinty and Don came to the edge of the potatofield. "Well, I never!" exclaimed the farmer man, who was there hoeing thepotatoes. "If there isn't that comical little pig I sold to that boyBob. I wonder where he came from?" "Bow wow! Bow wow! I found him, " barked Don, but of course the farmerdid not understand. "Well, I'll put you back in the pen again until that boy sends for you, "said the farmer, as he lifted Squinty over into the pen where his mammaand papa and brothers and sisters were. "Why--why, it's Squinty!" cried Mrs. Pig. "He's come back!" grunted Mr. Pig. "Oh, I'm so glad!" said Wuff-Wuff. "And so am I, " added Twisty Tail, as she rubbed her nose againstSquinty's. "Where have you been, and what happened to you?" she askedher brother. "Oh, many things, " he said. "I have learned some tricks, I have been upin a balloon, I met Slicko the jumping squirrel, Mappo, the merrymonkey, and I saw Tum-Tum, the jolly circus elephant. Now I am homeagain. " "And which did you like best of all?" asked Mrs. Pig, when they hadfinished asking him questions. "Getting back home, " answered Squinty, as he took a big drink of sourmilk. And that is the story of Squinty, the comical pig. The farmer sent wordto the boy that his pet was back in the pen, but the boy said he thoughthe did not want a pet pig any more, so Squinty, for the time being, stayed with his family. STORIES FOR CHILDREN FROM 5 TO 10 YEARS OLD * * * * * THE KNEETIME ANIMAL STORIES By Richard Barnum Large 12mo. Cloth. Illustrated Price per volume 40 cents Postpaid In all nursery literature animals have played a conspicuous part; andthe reason is obvious for nothing entertains a child more than the funnyantics of an animal. These stories abound in amusing incidents such aschildren adore and the characters are so full of life, so appealing to achild's imagination that none will be satisfied until they have met allof their favorites--Squinty, Slicko, Mappo, Tum Tum and Don. Squinty, the Comical Pig Slicko, the Jumping Squirrel Mappo, the Merry Monkey Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant Don, A Runaway Dog. BOOKS FOR BOYS * * * * * THE BOBBY BLAKE SERIESBy Frank A. Warner Large 12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume 50 cents, net. True stories of life at a modern American boarding school. Bobbyattended this institution of learning with his particular chum and theboys had no end of good times. The tales of outdoor life, especially theexciting times they have when engaged in sports against rival schools, are written in a manner so true, so realistic, that the reader, too, issure to share with these boys their thrills and pleasures. *BOBBY BLAKE AT ROCKLEDGE SCHOOL* OR WINNING THE MEDAL OF HONOR *BOBBY BLAKE AT BASS COVE* OR THE HUNT FOR THE MOTOR BOAT GEM *BOBBY BLAKE ON A CRUISE* OR THE CASTAWAYS OF VOLCANO ISLAND