* * * * * +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Transcriber's Note: | | | | Inconsistent hyphenation in the original document has | | been preserved. | | | | Bold text in this e-text is marked =like so=. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ * * * * * GEMS (?) OFGERMAN THOUGHT COMPILED BYWILLIAM ARCHER [Illustration] GARDEN CITY NEW YORKDOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY1917 _Copyright, 1917, by_DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY _All rights reserved, including that oftranslation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian_ THOR'S HAMMER-CAST Thor stood at the midnight end of the world, His battle-mace flew from his hand: "So far as my clangorous hammer I've hurled Mine are the sea and the land!" And onward hurtled the mighty sledge O'er the wide, wide earth, to fall At last on the Southland's furthest edge In token that His was all. Since then 'tis the joyous German right With the hammer lands to win. We mean to inherit world-wide might As the Hammer-God's kith and kin. FELIX DAHN (1878). CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 3 I "DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES" 31 German Humility 31 The Gentle German 49 The Great Misunderstood 55 Kultur 57 Der deutsche Gott 69 The Chosen People and its Mission 78 "Other Peoples" 84 Christ 88 Die deutsche Wahrheit 94 German Insight and Foresight 98 German Freedom 100 The German Language 101 II GERMAN AMBITIONS 107 Expansion in Europe 107 Expansion beyond Europe 118 Weltmacht 122 III WAR-WORSHIP 133 The Lust of Battle 133 War and Religion 135 War and Ethics 137 War and Biology 140 War and Kultur 143 Blood and Iron 145 War Necessary to Germany 149 War Need not be Defensive 153 Contempt for Peace 154 Militarism Exultant 159 IV RUTHLESSNESS 169 V MACHIAVELISM 185 Mendacity and Faithlessness 185 Might is Right 194 VI ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND BELGIUM--ESPECIALLY ENGLAND 199 The False Islanders 199 Hymns of Hate 201 British Vices--Hypocrisy, Envy, and Greed 208 British Vices--Cowardice and Laziness 215 Treachery to Germanism 218 Sir Edward Grey and his Colleagues 220 Britain's Great Illusion 223 Comic Relief 228 France 233 Belgium 235 Index of Books and Pamphlets from which quotations are made 243 Index of Authors 255 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION In accordance with classic precedent, this anthology ought to haveconsisted of "1, 001 Gems of German Thought, " I have been content withhalf that number, not--heaven knows!--for any lack of material, butsimply for lack of time and energy to make the ingathering. After all, enough is as good as a feast, and I think that the evidence as to thedominant characteristics of German mentality is tolerably complete asit stands. Though I hope it is fairly representative, the collection does notpretend to be systematic. I have cast no sweeping drag-net, but havesimply dipped almost at random into the wide ocean of German thought. Some of my most precious "finds" I have come upon by pure chance; andby pure chance, too, I have no doubt missed many others. Some booksthat I should have liked to examine have not been accessible to me;and there must be many of which I have never heard. On the other hand, the list of books from which my gems have been selected by no meansindicates the extent of my reading--or skimming. I have gone throughmany books and pamphlets which furnished no quotable extracts, butnone that diverged in tone from the rest, or marred the majesticunison of German self-laudation and contempt for the rest of theworld. I have read of (but not seen) a book by one F. W. Förster whichis said to contain a protest against theoretic war-worship, and even amild defence of England. How very mild it is we may judge from thissentence: "England has given us not only men like Lord Grey, scoundrels and hypocrites, who have this war upon their conscience; ithas also given us the Salvation Army, " etc. , etc. One voice the reader may be surprised to miss from the greatchorus--the voice of William the Second. He is unrepresented--save inone passing remark (No. 136)--for two reasons. In the first place, his most striking utterance--the injunction to his soldiers to emulatethe Huns of Attila--though almost certainly genuine, is not official, and could not be quoted without discussion. [1] In the second place, toconfess the truth, I shrank from the intolerable monotony of readinghis Majesty's speeches--that endless array of platitudes in fulluniform--on the chance of discovering one or two quotable gems. Practically all my quotations are taken from books and pamphlets. Thesole exceptions are a few extracts from pre-war newspapers, cited inNippold's "Der deutsche Chauvinismus. " It would have been an endlessand unprofitable task to garner up the extravagances of Germannewspapers since the outbreak of the war; not to mention that a Germananthologist could probably make a pretty effective retort by goingthrough the files of the British war press. Is my anthology as it stands open to a telling _tu quoque_ by means ofa selection of gems from British books and pamphlets of the type ofthose from which I have made my gleanings? Is it a case of the moteand the beam? I think we may be pretty confident that it is not. Idoubt whether the literature of the world can show a parallel to theamazing outburst of tribal arrogance, unrestrained and unashamed, ofwhich these pages contain but a few scattered specimens. In theextracts from literature "Before the War" (which have always been keptapart from those which date from "After July, 1914"), the reader maysee this habit of mind growing and gathering strength: the declarationof war opens the floodgates, and the torrent rushes forth, grandiose, overwhelming, and, I believe, unique. I know of only one English bookin which the German taste and temper is emulated. It is certainly adeplorable production; but it is the work of a wholly unknown man, whereas many of the most incredible utterances in the following pagesproceed from men of world-wide reputation. Indeed, few contemporaryGerman names of much distinction are absent from my list. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, Harnack, Wundt, Oncken, Eucken, Haeckel, Naumann, Rohrbach, Sombart, Liszt, all join with a will in the chorusof arrogance, ambition, and hate. Many quotations come from a seriesof pamphlets called _Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit_, to which allthe most eminent professors of Berlin University have contributed, with some from other universities. I have also, no doubt, culledpassages from a good many nobodies and busybodies; but when thenobodies and the somebodies are found to echo and re-echo each other, the inference is that the general tone of the public mind is veryfairly represented. It will be noted that many of the wildest shrieksof self-glorification and ferocity proceed from clerics andtheologians. The world as a whole has been curiously blind to the inordinateself-valuation characteristic of the German spirit. So long ago as thebeginning of last century, we find Fichte assuring his countrymenthat: "There are no two ways about it: if you founder, the whole ofhumanity founders with you, without hope of any possible restoration. "Even Heine, in the preface to "Deutschland" (1844) could writehalf-jestingly that "if only the Germans would out-soar the French indeeds, as they already had in thought, " and if they would carry out intheir spiritual and political life some rather vaguely indicatedreforms, "not only Alsace and Lorraine, but all France, all Europe, the whole world, would become German. " "I often dream, " he adds, "ofthis mission, this universal dominance of Germany. " Of course we arenot to write Heine down a Pan-German of the modern, realistic type. There is more than a dash of irony in this passage--he obviouslyimplies that there is very little chance of Germany fulfilling theconditions that he lays down as indispensable to her world-domination. Nevertheless, there is a sinister significance in the fact that aspirit like his should be found dallying for a moment with dreams ofworld-supremacy. It was, of course, the war of 1870, with itsresounding triumphs, that brought these visions, so to speak, withinthe range of practical politics. For fifteen or twenty years, Germanywas, as Bismarck said, "sated"; but with the coming of the youthful, pushful, self-assertive Kaiser, her aggressive instincts re-awakenedand she fell to brooding over the idea that her incomparable physicaland spiritual energies were cabin'd, cribb'd, confined. The rapidgrowth of her population reinforced this idea, and the increase of herwealth, as was natural, only made her greedy for more. The result wasthat she gave her soul over in fatal earnest to an ambitious andgrasping tribalism to which she was, from of old, only too prone. ThePan-Germans were the Uhlans, the stormy petrels, of the movement; butthe whole mind of the nation was in reality carried away by it, savefor a very small section which was conscious of its dangers and feeblyprotested. The egoism of which she was constantly accusing othernations, ran riot in her own breast, was elevated into a politicalvirtue, and expressed itself on the spiritual side in a toweringracial vanity. The word "deutsch, " always a word of magicalproperties, became the synonym of an unapproachable superiority inevery walk of life[2]--a superiority that sanctified aggression andmade domination a duty. In many minds, no doubt, these sentiments worea decent mask; but the moment war broke out, the mask dropped off, with the amazing results very imperfectly mirrored in the followingpages. But self-worship and the craving for aggrandizement are in realityvery uninspiring emotions. The thing that has most deeply impressed mein my searching of the German war-scriptures is the extraordinaryaridity of spirit that pervades them. A literature more unidea'd (touse Johnson's word), more devoid of original thought, or grace, orcharm, or atmosphere, it would be hard to conceive. There are, ofcourse, some inequalities. One or two writers seem (to the foreignreader) to have a certain dignity of style which is lacking in thecommon herd. But in the very best there is little that gives one evenliterary pleasure, and nothing that shows any depth of humanity, anygenerous feeling, any openness of outlook. Even a happy phrase is sorare that, when it does occur, one treasures it. I find, for instance, in a little book by Friedrich Meinecke, a distinction between"politics of ideas and politics of interests" that is happily put andworth remembering. Again, Professor v. Harnack re-states the principlethat "he's the best cosmopolite who loves his native country best" ina rather ingenious way: "There is no such thing as fruit, " he says, "there are only apples, pears, etc. If we want to be good fruit, wemust be a good apple or a good pear. " These are small scintillations, but the toiler through German pamphlet literature is truly gratefulfor them. For the rest, when you have read three or four of these pamphlets, youhave read all. The writers seem to be working a sort of ImperialGerman treadmill, stepping dutifully from plank to plank of patrioticdogma in a pre-arranged rotation. The topics are few andever-recurrent--"dieser uns aufgezwungene Krieg" (this war which hasbeen forced upon us), the glorious uprising of Germany at itsoutbreak, the miracle of mobilization, the Russian knout, Frenchfrivolity, the base betrayal of Germany by envious, hypocriticalEngland, the immeasurable superiority of German Kultur and Technik, the saintly virtues of the German soldier, and so on, through theappointed litany. There is even a set of obligatory quotations whichvery few have the strength of mind to resist. By far the most popularis Geibel's couplet: Und es mag am deutschen Wesen Einmal noch die Welt genesen. (And the world may once more be healed by the German nature, orcharacter. ) It came into vogue before the war. The Kaiser struck thekeynote of the whole chorus of self-exaltation when he said (August31, 1907): "The German people will be the granite block on which thegood God may build and complete His work of Kultur in the world. Thenwill be fulfilled the word of the poet who said that the world willone day be healed by the German character. " In the extracts collectedin Nippold's "Der deutsche Chauvinismus" (a pre-war publication) theGeibel couplet appears at least four times--probably oftener. Afterthe outbreak of the war, it is easier to reckon the utterances inwhich it does _not_ occur than those in which it does. Next inpopularity to the "Wesen--genesen" catchword comes the Kaiser'sbrilliant saying, "I no longer know of any parties--I know only Germanbrothers. " He is no good German who does not quote this with reverentadmiration. Then come four or five others which are about equally inrequest: Bismarck's "We Germans fear God, and nothing else in theworld"; "the old _furor Teutonicus_"; "_oderint dum metuant_";Arndt's Der Gott der Eisen wachsen liess, Der wollte keine Knechte-- (The God who made the iron grow meant none to be a bondman); and, finally, Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär', Es soll uns doch gelingen-- (And though the world were full of devils, we should succeed in spiteof them. ) Even a scholar of the distinction of Ulrich v. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, though he avoids the Geibel tag, ends one ofhis orations by quoting "Deutschland über Alles. " Imagine Sir WalterRaleigh or Prof. Gilbert Murray winding up an address with a selectionfrom "Rule, Britannia"! One English quotation occurs as often as any, except the ubiquitous"Wesen-genesen. " It is "My country, right or wrong, " invariably quotedin the form, "Right or wrong, my country. " This is supposed to be theshockingly immoral watchword of British patriotism. It matters nothingto the German pamphleteer that the maxim is American, and that it isnever quoted in England--nor, I believe, in the country of itsorigin--except in a spirit of irony. And in the face of this deadly uniformity of sentiments, phraseology, and quotations, Professor Lasson has the audacity to assure us that"The German is personally independent. He wants to judge for himself. It is not so easy for him as for others blindly to follow this or thatcatchword!" We are all, I suppose, unconscious of our own foibles, but I wonderwhether we are all so apt as the Germans to deny them (and very likelyattribute them to other people) while in the very act of exemplifyingthem. For example, it is firmly fixed in the German mind that theEnglish consider themselves God's Chosen People, predestined to theempire of the world. I have collected numerous instances of thisallegation (Nos. 453-466), but not a single one which is substantiatedby a quotation from an English writer. It is, I am convinced, impossible to bring evidence for it, unless some expressions to thiseffect may be found in the writings of persons who believe that theEnglish are descended from the lost Ten Tribes--persons who are aboutas representative of the English nation as those who believe that theearth is flat. The English mind, indeed, is but little inclined tothis primitive form of theism. The German mind, on the other hand, iscuriously addicted to it, and I have brought together a number ofinstances (Nos. 117-135) in which German writers make the very claimto Divine calling and election which they falsely attribute to theEnglish, and denounce as insanely presumptuous. [3] So, too, withegoism. The Germans do not actually consider themselves free fromegoism; on the contrary, they are rather given to boasting of it (Nos. 212, 213, 248, 300); but while it is a virtue in them, it is a veryrepulsive vice in the English. As for cant, which is, of course, thecommonest charge against the English, one can only say that, when theGerman gives his mind to it, he proves himself an accomplished masterof the art (Nos. 47, 55, 79, 89, 94, 104, 237, 423). Here is anexample, from a book about Germany by a German-Austrian, [4] whichscarcely comes within the scope of my anthology, but it is toocharacteristic to be lost. "_If you want_, " says the writer, initalics, "_thoroughly to understand the German, you must compare theGerman sportsman with the hunters of other countries_. Then a sacredthrill (_heiliger Schauer_) of deep understanding will come over yourheart. " For the German sportsman "takes more pleasure in the life thatsurrounds him and which he _protects_, than in the shot which only thelast hot virile craving (_Mannesgier_) wrings from him, and which hefires only when he knows that he will _kill_, _painlessly kill_. Forthis is the root principle of German sportsmanship: 'God grant me oneday such an end as I strive to bestow upon the game. ' . .. And if, bymischance, the German sportsman wounds without killing a head of game, he suffers with it, and does not sleep or rest till he has put it outof its misery. " If this be not very nauseous cant, where shall we seekfor it? Another curious German characteristic is the idea that, howevertruculent and menacing a writer's expressions may be, other people dohim and his country a wicked injustice if they take him at his word. Agood instance of this occurs in "Ein starkes Volk--Ein starkes Heer, "by Kurd v. Strantz, published in 1914, shortly before the war. Thiswriter quotes (or rather misquotes) with enthusiasm from Goethe:-- Du musst steigen und gewinnen, Du musst siegend triumphieren Oder deinend unterliegen, Amboss oder Hammer sein. [5] Next he proceeds to quote from Felix Dahn:-- Seitdem ist's freudig Germanenrecht Mit dem Hammer Land zu erwerben. Wir sind von des Hammergottes Geschlecht, Und wollen sein Weltreich erben. [6] Then, on the same page, only four lines lower down, he remarksplaintively:--"Foreign, and especially French, diplomacy is nowindustriously spreading the calumny that the German Government and theGerman people are given to rattling the sabre, and that we want to usefor aggressive ends the increased armament which has been forced uponus. " Is it mere hostile prejudice to hold that his own poeticalselections give a certain colour to the "calumny"? Most of the German attacks on England will be found, in the lastanalysis, to rest on this quaint habit of mind--the habit of assumingthat, no matter how hostile and threatening Germany's words and deedsmight be, we had no right to do her the injustice of supposing thatshe meant anything by them. We ought to have known that she was merely"dissembling her love. " Some readers may be disposed to regret that the great Germanictrinity, Nietzsche-Treitschke-Bernhardi, contribute so largely to myanthology. In the first place, it may be said, we are tired of theirnames; in the second place, Germans deny that they have had anythinglike the influence we attribute to them. There is a certain validityin the first of these objections. The constant recurrence of thesethree names is certainly a little tedious. They are like athree-headed Charles I--or a triplicate Geibel. I would gladly haveomitted them had it been by any means possible. But one might as wellcompile an Old Testament anthology and omit Isaiah, Jeremiah, andEzekiel. For, whatever the Germans may say, they are the majorprophets of the new-German spirit. Treitschke is the prophet oftribalism, Nietzsche of ruthlessness, Bernhardi of ambition. It isabsurd to say that they are not influential. Treitschke may havefallen somewhat out of fashion in the years immediately preceding thewar, but his spirit had permeated the political thought of a wholegeneration. To the living influence of Nietzsche there is a host ofwitnesses. Gerhart Hauptmann, near the beginning of the war, averredthat the cultured German soldier carried "Zarathustra, " along with"Faust" and the Bible, in his knapsack. Nor was this an idle guess. Professor Deissmann, of Berlin, tells us that he enquired into thematter, and learned from book-sellers that the books most in demandamong soldiers were the New Testament, "Faust" and "Zarathustra. "O. A. H. Schmitz, in "Das wirkliche Deutschland, " says of the Germanyouth born in the 'seventies and early 'eighties that Nietzsche was"the lighthouse toward which their enthusiasm was directed. " Prof. Wilhelm Bousset, of Göttingen, writes: "There is among us much unripe, unclear Nietzsche enthusiasm: many a German ass has thrown the lion'sskin of the great man round his shoulders, and thinks he has therebybecome a philosopher and prophet. " Such testimonies could bemultiplied indefinitely. There is no question that Nietzsche has beenby far the greatest single force among the spiritual shapers ofnew-Germany. It may be true that he did not intend his "immoralism" tobe read literally as a guide to conduct--it may be true that, in someof his most characteristic passages, he knew himself to be talkingreckless and dangerous nonsense (that was his way of "livingdangerously")--but can we reasonably suppose that soldiers in a"conquered" country, soldiers full of the belief that any oppositionto Germanism was in itself a crime (see No. 344), paused to lookbeneath his surface eulogies of murder and lust for some esotericmeaning that may possibly underlie them? Can it be a mere coincidencethat, in the first war which Germany has waged since Nietzsche enteredupon his apostolate of ruthlessness, the German armies should havebeen animated, to all appearance, by a literal interpretation of his"beast of prey" ideal? As for Bernhardi, whom some German writers profess never to have heardof until we began to talk about him in England, one can only say thathe is an ex-member of the Great General Staff, and is probably apretty faithful interpreter of the ideas prevalent in that notun-influential organization. Moreover, his "Germany and the Next War, "which appeared in the spring of 1912, ran through five editions at 6marks before that year was out, and was then republished in a cheapand somewhat condensed popular edition under the title of "OurFuture. " Reviewing this edition, _Die Post_ says that, in its originalform, the book "was received with the most serious attention inpolitical and especially in military circles, " and adds that thischeaper reprint "_must_ now become a book for the people. " It is an error, however, to suppose that a writer's importance is tobe measured solely by the influence he can be shown to have exerted. Abook or pamphlet may have had little or no active influence, and mayyet be a very illuminating symptom of the national frame of mind. Every book must be an effect before it can become a cause. ThatTreitschke, Nietzsche, and Bernhardi have been very efficient causes Isee no reason to doubt; but at any rate they are immensely significanteffects of the psychological conditions of which I am here gatheringup some random evidences. It was a more difficult question to decide whether the lucubrations ofHerr Houston Stewart Chamberlain came within my scope. Yet I hadlittle hesitation in including him. The fact that he is by birth anEnglishman does not make him any the less a characteristic andrecognized mouthpiece of the new-German spirit. It may be objectedthat he caricatures it, that he is more German than the Germans. That, in the first place, is impossible; in the second place, while we havemany evidences that Germans, from the Kaiser downward, set a highvalue on Herr Chamberlain's writings, we hear little or nothing of anyprotest against them as misrepresentations of "Deutschtum. " Shall I besuspected of a quaint perversity of national prejudice if I say thatHerr Chamberlain's war pamphlets are distinctly better reading thanthe great majority of their kind? They are much more individual, muchless stereotyped and monotonous. One finds in them an occasional ideathat is not the common property of every man in the street. It isgenerally (not always) a more or less crazy idea, but one hails it asan oasis in the desert of blusterous commonplace. The arrangement of my little jewel-heap was more difficult, if lesslaborious, than the ingathering. Many of my extracts, perhaps most, might with equal appropriateness have been ranged under any one ofthree or four rubrics. Thus my classification is at best rough and, tosome extent, arbitrary. There is, however, a certain reason in thesequence of headings. The first section, "Deutschland über Alles, "represents the "badge of all the tribe"--the characteristic which liesat the root of the whole mischief--Germany's colossal self-glorification, self-adoration. If there is anything like it in history, it is unknownto me. Other nations may have been as vain, but, not having theprinting-press so readily at command, they gave their vanity lessexuberant expression. Besides, they may have had a sense of humour. Themanifestations of this foible (if a thing of such tragic consequencescan be called by such a name) fall under certain sub-headings. It wasclear, for instance, that the vauntings of German Kultur must have acompartment to themselves--likewise the assertions of a specialrelation to God, the claims to the status of a Chosen People, and thecomparisons, direct and indirect, between Germany and Christ. Havingestablished, by means of a cloud of witnesses, the ruling passion ofthe national mind, I present in the following section proofs of the"Ambitions" in which this megalomania finds its natural utterance. Inthe sections, "War-Worship, " "Ruthlessness" and "Machiavelism, " aregrouped evidences of the methods of force and fraud by which it washoped that these ambitions were to be realized. Then, in a finalsection, I have assembled evidences of the inevitable corollary tomorbid self-adoration--the boundless and almost equally unprecedentedcontempt and loathing for all adversaries, but especially for England. The great majority of my quotations are taken direct from the originalsources, the references being exactly given. I was scrupulous on thispoint, not only that the reader might be able to test the accuracy andfairness[7] of my work, but because I hoped that some one, some day, might be moved to republish the anthology in the original German. Onecannot but think that, when the war-frenzy is over, a brief retrospectof its extravagances may be salutary for the German spirit. In acertain number of cases, however, I have not been able to give exactreferences, because the originals have not been accessible to me. Thisapplies to my selections from three previous volumes of selections:Nippold's "Der Deutsche Chauvinismus, " Andler's "Collection dedocuments sur le Pangermanisme, " and Bang's "Hurrah and Halleluiah. "Andler's excellent and scholarly method has, however, enabled me to"place" quotations from his collection to within a page or two. Thus, if some very Pan-German utterance does not occur on the precise page Ihave indicated, it will certainly be found on the preceding or on thefollowing page. Italics in my text always represent italics, or, rather, spaced type, in the original; but Germans are very lavish in their use of spacedtype, and I have not always thought it necessary to reproduce thispeculiarity. Points of exclamation, unless enclosed in squarebrackets, are the author's, not mine. I have almost always resistedthe temptation to employ typographical devices to enhance the lustreof individual gems. In the Index of Authors I have added to many namesa brief note which will enable the reader to estimate the position ofthe different writers in the public life of Germany. In bringing together my material, I have found valuable help in manyquarters. I should like especially to acknowledge my deep obligationto Mr. Alexander Gray for manifold aid and suggestion. W. A. _6th December, 1916. _ FOOTNOTES: [1] On the other hand, the almost equally remarkable warning torecruits that they must be ready to shoot down their nearest anddearest at the All-Highest command, is undoubtedly authentic. [2] In a pamphlet by Professor A. Lasson, entitled _Deutsche Art unddeutsche Bildung_, the adjective "deutsch" occurs 256 times in 42pages--sometimes 13 times in one page, often 10 or 11 times--andalways, of course, with a sort of unctuous implication that humanlanguage contains no higher term of eulogy. This enumeration does notinclude the constantly recurring "deutsch" in "Deutschland, " nor thefrequently repeated "germanisch" and "teutonisch. " [3] It may, of course, be possible to find many passages in whichEnglish writers say that, as a matter of history, God, or Heaven, orProvidence, has given the British race great possessions throughout theworld--a fact which the Germans are the first to admit and resent. Butthis is totally different from claiming a Divine mission to rule, or tocivilize, or to "heal" the world. [4] "Das Deutsche Volk in schwerer Zeit, " by R. H. Bartsch, p. 118. [5] Thou must mount and win, thou must triumph in victory or else sinkinto subjection--thou must be either anvil or hammer. [6] Since then 'tis the joyous German right with the hammer to winland. We are of the race of the Hammer-God, and mean to inherit hisworld-empire. [This poem appeared in 1878, was reprinted by the authorin 1900, in a selection from his own works, and is quoted in "DeutscheGeschichte in Liedern, " Vol I. , p. 10. The last two lines form themotto of Otto Richard Tannenberg's _Gross-Deutschland: die Arbeit des20 Jahrhunerts_. ] [7] It will be found by any one who puts the matter to the test that inno case is there any unfairness in taking these brief extracts out oftheir context. The context is almost always an aggravating rather thanan extenuating circumstance. I "DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES" I "DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES" =German Humility. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 1. No people ever attains to national consciousness withoutover-rating itself. The Germans are always in danger of enervatingtheir nationality through possessing too little of this ruggedpride. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 19. _For further testimonies to German humility see Nos. 17, 20, 23, 36, 51, 106, 122, 206, 206b, 394. _ 2. The German people must rise as a master-folk above the inferiorpeoples of Europe and the primitive peoples of the colonies. --G. U. M. , p. 8. 2a. The German people is always right, because it is the Germanpeople, and numbers 87 million souls. --O. R. TANNENBERG, G. D. , p. 231. 3. The French, under Napoleon, wanted to sacrifice the whole world totheir insatiable thirst for glory, and the English treat every barrieropposed to their hunger for exploitation as a challenge to theirsuperiority. Great is the gulf that separates these cupidities fromthe hitherto unrivalled moral elevation of the sense of honour in theGerman people. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 220 (1901). _Compare Section V. , "Machiavelism. "_ 4. My soul is heavy when I see the many enemies surroundingGermany. .. . And my thoughts fly forward into the far future, and ask, "Will there ever be a time when there is no more Germany?" . .. Howpoor and empty would the rich world then become! Then all men wouldask themselves, "How comes it that the peoples no longer understandeach other? Whither has that great, serene power departed, thatbrought near the souls of the peoples, each to each? Who has shatteredthe marvellous mirror from which the countenance of the world wasthoughtfully reflected?" Then they would strike their heads and theirbreasts in despair, crying: "We have criminally robbed ourselves ofour wealth! The world, the great, rich world, has grown waste, poor, and empty: the world has no longer a soul, she has no longer aGermany!"--E. V. WILDENBRUCH (1889), quoted in D. R. S. Z. , No. 12. 5. The proud conviction forces itself upon us with irresistible powerthat a high, if not the highest, importance for the entire developmentof the human race is ascribable to this German people. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 72. 6. The German is a hero born, and believes that he can hack and hewhis way through life. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 230. 7. We are still child-like in our inmost feelings, innocent in ourpleasures, simple in our inclinations, in spite of individualaberrations; we are still prolific, and our race multiplies, so thatour own soil has long been insufficient to support us all. It istherefore doubly imperative for us to remain heroes, for who knowswhether the Germanic migrations are destined to remain isolatedphenomena in history! The peoples around us are either overripe fruitswhich the next storm may bring to the ground, such as the Turks, Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, and a great part of the Slavs; or theyare, indeed, proud of their race, but senile and artificial in theirKultur, slow in their increase and boundless in their ambition, likethe French; or, confident in the unassailability of their country, like the English and the Americans, they have forgotten justice andmade their selfishness the measure of all things. Who knows whether weGermans are not the rod predestined for the chastening of thesedegeneracies, who knows whether we may not again, like our fathers indim antiquity, have to gird on our swords and go forth to seekdwelling-places for our increase?--F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 159 (1893). 8. We are distinguished from other nations by our honourable love foroutspoken convictions, which would make a cut-and-dried party systemdistasteful to us. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 148. 9. The surest means of serving the ends of humanity is to work at theelaboration of our national personality, and to develop the fullstrength of its crystalline radiance. --F. BLEY, W. D. D. , p. 23. 10. We have forced ourselves, though the last-comers, the virtualupstarts, between the States which have earlier gained their place, andnow claim our share in the dominion of the world, after we have forcenturies been paramount only in the realm of the intellect. --GENERALv. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 13. 11. Why must teachers and schoolboys, year out, year in, worry aboutthe old Greeks and Romans? To foster idealism in the young, we aretold! But for that there is no need to go to Rome and Athens. OurGerman history offers us ideals enough, and is richer in deeds ofheroism than Rome and Athens put together. --GENERAL KEIM, at meetingof the German Defence League, Cassel, Feb. , 1913; NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 82. 12. History teaches us that supreme treasure of humanity, Germanidealism, can be preserved only in the stout bark of nationaldevelopment. --F. BLEY, W. D. D. , p. 23. _On Idealism, see also Nos. 45, 276, 442, 464. _ 13. A war fought and lost would destroy our laboriously gainedpolitical importance . .. Would shake the influence of German thoughtin the civilized world, and thus check the general progress of mankindin its healthy development, for which a flourishing Germany is theessential condition. Our next war will be fought for the highestinterests of our country and of mankind. This will invest it withimportance in the world's history. "World-power or downfall!" will beour rallying-cry. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 154. 14. In our German people, peaceful dispositions and war-like prowessare so happily mixed that in this respect no other people on theearth can rival us, and none seems so clearly predestined to lighthumanity on the way to true progress. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 158 (1893). 15. The Latin has no feeling for the beauty of a forest; when he takeshis repose in it he lies upon his stomach, while we rest upon ourbacks. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 206. (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 16. If we compare our time with the great eras of our fathers, we areperfectly capable of a sober self-criticism. We have no use forillusions and self-deceptions on the way to our indispensablevictory. --PROF. F. MEINECKE, D. D. E. , p. 10. 17. Where in the whole world can a people be found who have such causefor manly pride as we? But we are equally far removed from presumptionand from arrogance. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted inH. A. H. , p. 117. 18. As the German bird, the eagle, hovers high over all the creaturesof the earth, so also should the German feel that he is raised highabove all other nations who surround him, and whom he sees in thelimitless depth beneath him. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 143. 19. Germany is our existence, our faith, the meaning and depth of theworld. --"On the German God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 84. 20. It is not only our enemies who, by their underground intrigues, have sought to divert from us the sympathies of other peoples. If wewould speak frankly, we must admit that we ourselves are partly toblame in the matter. A great part of the blame is due to ourinsufficient self-esteem and self-valuation--an inveterate Germanfailing. --PROF. DR. R. JANNASCH, W. D. U. S. , p. 22. 21. Germany is the future of humanity. --"On the German God, " by PASTORW. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 78. 21a. God defend the noble cause of Deutschtum. There is no other hopefor the future of humanity. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, in _HamburgerNachrichten_, September, 1914. 21b. We must vanquish, because the downfall of Germanism would meanthe downfall of humanity. --"Six War Sermons, " by PASTOR K. KÖNIG, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 99. 22. When the German stands leaning on his mighty sword, clad in steelfrom top to toe, whosoever will may, down below, dance round hisfeet--they may rail at him and throw mud at him, as the"intellectuals" . .. Of England, France, Russia and Italy are nowdoing--in his lofty repose he will not allow himself to be disturbed, and will only reflect as did his ancestors. _Oderint dummetuant. _--PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 131. 23. We will not conceal from ourselves that these victories for whichour bells ring and our flags wave, and for which we thank our God, maybecome a danger to us, should they make us vain and arrogant, boastful and indolent! God forbid! We will hold fast to our oldmodesty, with which we have so often been reproached, and which hasindeed often enough degenerated into the undervaluing of ourselves andovervaluing of that which is foreign and despicable. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 53. 24. We must develop, not into "Europeans, '" but into ever higherGermans. .. . What sort of a European would be formed by a mixture ofthe heroic German with the calculating Englishman? If the result was aman who thought half calculatingly and half heroically, it would be anexaltation for the Englishman, but a degradation for theGerman. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 125. 25. If we come victorious out of this war, we shall be the firstpeople on the earth, a rich stream of gold will pour over our land, and this greatness, these riches, may be a blessing to us if we alwaysremember that true greatness, true riches, lie only in the possessionof _moral_ advantages, and that to the fact of our possessing suchadvantages we owe our success. --W. HELM, W. W. S. M. , p. 33. 26. Do you not see, Albion, that the German Michel, [8] on whom youlooked down with such contempt, is now transformed into the ArchangelMichael, and, encountering you with his flaming sword, triumphs overthe race of the fallen angels and all the offspring of hell. --F. DELITZSCH, D. R. S. Z. , No. 13, p. 21. 27. We must win, because, if we were defeated, no one in the _wholeworld_ could any longer cherish any remnant of belief in truth andright, in the Good, or, indeed, in any higher Power which wisely andjustly guides the destinies of humanity. --W. HELM, W. W. S. M. , p. 8. 28. Every great artistic achievement of France and Italy since thetime of the Romans can be traced to families and classes with a strongmixture of German blood, and, especially in earlier times, to thedescendants of Germanic stocks, who had kept their blood, or at anyrate their nature (_Art_) pure. --H. A. SCHMID, D. R. S. Z. , No. 25, p. 21. 29. Germany is precisely--who would venture to deny it--therepresentative of the highest morality, of the purest humanity, of themost chastened Christianity. He, therefore, who fights for itsmaintenance, its victory, fights for the highest blessings of humanityitself, and for human progress. Its defeat, its decline, would mean afalling back to the worst barbarism. --"War Sermons, " by PASTOR H. FRANCKE, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 68. 30. No nation in the world can give us anything worth mentioning inthe field of science or technology, art or literature, which we wouldhave any trouble in doing without. Let us reflect on the inexhaustiblewealth of the German character, which contains in itself everything ofreal value that the Kultur of man can produce. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 135. 31. We have in Germany the best Press in the world, and are in thatrespect superior to all other countries. --PROF. A. V. HARNACK, W. W. S. G. , p. 19. 32. Germany's fight against the whole world is in reality the battleof the spirit against the whole world's infamy, falsehood, anddevilish cunning. --"On the German God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quotedin H. A. H. , p. 81. 33. German patriotism strikes its deep roots into the fruitful soil ofa heroic view of the world, and around its crown there gleam the raysof the highest spiritual and artistic culture. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 71. 34. This combination of clearness of purpose and heroic spirit ofsacrifice was unknown in world-history before August, 1914. Not tillthen was the new German human being born. .. . Is this new creation tobe the human being of the future?--O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 103. 35. Verily it has long been an honour and a joy, a source of renownand of happiness, to be a German--the year 1914 has made it a titleof nobility. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 133. 36. When Luther, in the domain of religion, characterized asunevangelical the conception of merit and reward, and energeticallybanished the huckster-spirit from religious feeling, he opened to theGerman thought the widest possibilities of victory. .. . A speciallyGermanic way of feeling, a Germanic modesty and distinction ofthought, was here powerfully promoted by means of the Gospel. Truedistinction is always modest, in the sense of being unobtrusive andnot bragging of deserts!--K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 56. 37. Since the great German Renaissance of the new humanism, theHellenic has become the truly German. .. . As the Peloponnesian Wardivided the States of Hellas into two camps, so this war has dividedthe States of Europe. But this time it will be Athens and herspiritual power that will conquer. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 40. 38. After the conclusive victories for which we may confidently hope. .. The whole habitable earth will far more than hitherto bend itsgaze upon us, to marvel at (_anzustaunen_) our standard-setting[artistic] achievements. --G. E. PAZAUREK, P. K. U. K. , p. 23. 39. A theory of the origin of species remained in England a series ofisolated observations, which pointed to certain conjectures; inGermany it was transformed with resolute daring into an all-embracingwhole. PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 33. 40. Never have ye seen a strong people and Empire in whiter garmentsof peace. We offered you palm branches, we offered you justice, yeoffered us envy and hate. --J. HORT, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 51. 41. Take heed that ye be counted among the blessed, who show decliningEngland, depraved Belgium, licentious France, uncouth Russia, theunconquerable youthful power and manhood of the German people, in amanner never to be forgotten. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 131. 42. We may be sure that our French adversaries, when at Metz and St. Quentin our hosts hurled themselves upon them, saw above us in theclouds the Germans of 1870, and even the Prussians of 1813, once moreswooping down upon them, and shuddered at the spectacle. And, in spiteof all the boasting of Sir John [Bull], our cousins from beyond thesea must long ago have recognized that it is better to fight _with_Prussians against the French, than _vice versa_. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 29. 43. He who, in these days, sets forth to defend the German hearth, sets forth in a holy fight . .. In which one stakes life itself, thissingle, sweet, beloved life, for the life of a whole nation, a nationwhich is God's seed-corn for the future. --"On the German God, " byPASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 78. 44. Our enemies are fighting us in order to restore to the world thefreedom, the Kultur, which we threaten. What monstrous mendacity!Reproduce if you can the German national school teacher, the Germanupper-master, the German university professor! You have lagged farbehind us, you are hopelessly inferior! Hence your chagrin, your envy, your fear! Powerless to rival us, you foam with hate and rage, youmake unblushing calumny your weapon, and would like to exterminate us, to wipe us off the face of the earth, in order to free yourselves fromyour burden of shame. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 38. 45. We take refuge in our quite peculiar idealism, and dream--alas, aloud!--of our ideal mission for the saving (_Heil_) of mankind. Foreign countries turn away enraged from such unheard-ofself-glorification and are quite certain that, behind thehigh-sounding words, the arrogance of "Prussian militarism" isconcealed. --H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 64. 46. The future must lead France once again to our side, we will healit of its aberrations, and, in brotherly subordination to us, it mayshare with us the task of guiding the fate of the world. .. . As we feelourselves free from hatred toward the kindred Kultur-people of France, we have taken up the gauntlet with Teutonic pride, and we will use ourweapons so that the admiration of the world, and of our enemiesthemselves, shall be accorded to us. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 26. 47. When we were attacked, our German wrath awakened, and when wecould not but recognize in the attack a long-plotted treason againstour love of peace, our wrath became fierce and wild. Then, no doubt, some of us spoke, in our first excitement, of hatred; but this was amisinterpretation of our feeling. Seeing ourselves hated, we imaginedthat hate must be answered with hate; but our German spirit (_Gemüt_)was incapable of that passion. Lienhard rightly . .. Deplores the formof the popular Hymn of Hate against England, which, characteristicallyenough, proceeds from a poet of Jewish race. --H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 68. 48. Under the protection of the greatest of armies, we have labouredat scientific, social, and economic progress; our enemies trusted tothe rule of force and to chatter. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 44. 49. Work as untiringly as we, think with as much energy, and we willwelcome you as equals at our side. .. . Imitate us and we will honouryou. Seek to constrain us by war, and we will thrash you toannihilation, and despise you as a robber pack. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 38. =The Gentle German. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 50. The German Army (in which I of course include the Navy) is to-daythe greatest institute for moral education in the world. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 78. 51. It is true that the breast of every soldier swelled with a noblepride at the thought that he was privileged to wear the Germanuniform, which history has made a garb of honour above all others; butas for arrogance, not one of them, thank God, was capable of thestupidity which alone can engender it. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 32. 52. From all sides testimonies are flowing in as to the noble mannerin which our troops conduct the war. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 124. 52a. We thank our German Army that it has kept spotless the shield ofhumanity and chivalry. It is true we believe that every bone of aGerman soldier, with his heroic heart and immortal soul, is worth morethan a cathedral. --PROF. W. KAHL, D. R. S. Z. , No. 6, p. 5. 52b. We see everywhere how our soldiers respect the sacreddefencelessness of woman and child. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 23. 52c. The German soldiers alone are thoroughly disciplined, and havenever so much as hurt a hair of a single innocent human being. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 69. 53. The depth of the German spirit displays itself also in _respectfor morality and discipline_. .. . How often, in these days, has theGerman soldier been subjected to the temptation to treat theinhabitants of foreign countries with violence and brutality. Buteverywhere he has obeyed the law, and shown that even in war he knowshow to distinguish between the enemy to be crushed and defencelesswomen and children. The officials and clergy of conquered territoryhave frequently borne express testimony to this fact. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 57. 54. The losses we suffer are--even if the losses of the enemy were tentimes more numerous--infinitely greater in value and infinitely morepainful. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 8. 54a. One single highly cultured German warrior, of those who are, alas!falling in thousands, represents a higher intellectual and morallife-value than hundreds of the raw children of nature (_Naturmenschen_)whom England and France, Russia and Italy, oppose to them. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 36. 54b. When one of our ships has to sink, its going-down is even moreglorious than a victory. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. Iii. , p. 48. 55. Where German soldiers had to seize the incendiary torch, or evento proceed to the slaughter of citizens, it was only in pursuance ofthe rights of war, and for protection in real need. Had they obeyedthe dictates of their hearts, they would rather have shared their soupand bread with the defenceless foe. .. . This spirit of humanity we willpreserve and cherish to the end. --PROF. W. KAHL, D. R. S. Z. , No. 6, p. 5. 56. Lastly, we must not forget the German humour. .. . It sometimesproceeds from a firm faith in God, sometimes from a cheerful optimism, always from a serenity of spirit which nothing can disturb. ThusGerman soldiers out in the field, the moment there is a pause in thefighting, set about trying to ride on the camel which they have takenfrom the Zouaves. .. . So, too, a non-commissioned officer, during afight, admonishes a soldier: "Shoot quietly, Kowalski, shoot quietly!You'll frighten away the whole French Army of the North with yourconfounded banging!"--PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 59. 57. Apart from the fighting quality of these troops, their peacefulwork behind all the fronts bears witness to a thorough spiritualculture (_Bildung_) and a living organization such as the world hasnever seen, and this again indicates an average level of culture inall grades--of spiritual development and moral responsibility--towhich no people in the world can show anything in the smallest degreecomparable. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 19. 58. Even when, for once, a Latin writer is favourably disposed towardsGermany . .. He can see in what moves his admiration nothing but animalvitality. "This terrible Germany, " he says, "like a wonderful beast ofthe jungle, springs upon all its foes and fixes its fangs in them. "How sadly he here misinterprets the nature of German heroism!--G. MISCH, V. G. D. K. , p. 9. 59. It is characteristic that our cruiser _Wilhelm der Grosse_, inorder to spare the women and children on board, let an Englishmerchant ship pass unharmed, [9] which by International Law it has theright to sink . .. And then come Messieurs the English and repay thisact of magnanimity by sinking the same cruiser in a neutral harbour, contrary to all International Law. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 23. 60. The absence of any sort of animosity towards other people is astriking characteristic of the Germans--and of the Germansalone. [10]--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 12. _See also No. 497. _ =The Great Misunderstood. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 61. It has been said that it is un-German to wish to be only German. That again is a consequence of our spiritual wealth. We understand allforeign nations; none of them understands us, and none of them canunderstand us. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 135. 62. The historian and economist Sombart has said: "We understand allforeign nations, no foreign nation understands or can understand us. "In these words he rejects all community of Kultur with other peoples, and especially the so-called "Western European Ideas. "--O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 124. 63. In the world of the spirit, the victory of German thought seemedalready almost decided. For it was able to comprehend the others, butthey could not comprehend it. --G. MISCH, V. G. D. K. , p. 19. 64. We are still the most wide-hearted and receptive of people, apeople that cannot live if it does not make its own the spiritualvalues of the other peoples. We can already say that we know the outerworld better than they know us. --PROF. F. MEINECKE, D. D. E. , p. 35. 65. Whole-hearted understanding for another people can be fullyattained only by treason to one's own nature, to one's own nationalpersonality. That is what makes the renegade so hateful, and thoseunpatriotic half-men, the intellectuals and æsthetes. --PROF. M. V. GRUBER, D. R. S. Z. , No. 30, p. 14. 66. The German is docile and eager to learn. His interest embraceseverything, and most of all what is foreign. He is disposed to admireeverything foreign and to underrate what is his own. With foreignersit is just the other way. We Germans know about them, but they knowabsolutely nothing about us. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 34. 67. Apart from what Professor Larsen has said in Denmark, and Dr. GinoBertolini in Italy, about German militarism . .. We may designate asnonsense everything that foreigners, in low or in high estate, haverecently said on this subject. This is a new proof of the fact thatforeigners cannot understand us, apart from a few outstandingpersonalities whom a kind fate has borne aloft to the heights of theGerman spirit. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 82. _See also Nos. 136-145. _ =Kultur. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 68. The _Kultur_ of the Germans [_Germanen_] is actually the stimulusto our present European _Civilization_ with which we are conqueringthe world. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 31. 69. Germanism, when it rightly understands itself, and remains true toits nature, is childlike and manlike, at once tender and strong, fullof genuinely human simplicity, and therefore of irreplaceable value toKultur. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 27 (1890). 70. The champions of the so-called race-idea are clear as to theimportance of the Germanic race for our civilization and Kultur. .. . Their meritorious work has converted the dim divinings of instinctinto the certainty of knowledge; and yet a sense of oppression stealsupon us when we think of what still remains to be done (as they allagree) against a hostile world in arms, both of the flesh and of thespirit--a world of treachery and hypocrisy, of error and offanaticism, of stupidity and of craft. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 50. 70a. Kultur is best promoted when the strongest individual Kultur, that of a given nation, enlarges its field of activity at the expenseof the other national Kulturs. If we one day come into conflict withthe Martians, then humanity--all the peoples of the earth--will havecommon interests: but not until then. --K. WAGNER, K. , p. 46. 71. I cannot accept the definition of Kultur which identifies it with"form, " with the harmonious "rhythm" which, in the English, forexample, permeates and unifies everything, from the highest spirituallife to clothes, footwear and table manners. .. . I am of opinion thatwe shall apply to this care for "form, " for "rhythm, " and whateverresults from it, the name of "civilization, " reserving the nobler word"Kultur" for higher values, and that we should look to our army andthe corps of officers to endow us with, and educate us in, thesehigher values. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 217 (1901). (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 72. Our belief is that the salvation of the whole Kultur of Europedepends upon the victory which German "militarism" is about toachieve. --Manifesto signed by 3, 500 "Hochschullehreren" (professorsand lecturers), quoted by PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. Ii, p. 33. 73. If Fate has selected us to assume the leadership in theKultur-life of the peoples, we will not shrink from this great andlofty mission. --G. E. PAZAUREK, P. K. U. K. , p. 23. 74. At bottom we Germans are fighting for the same thing which theGreeks defended against the Persians, the Romans against theCarthaginians and Egyptians, the Franks against Islam: namely, thechivalrous European way of thinking, which is ever being threatened bybrutal force and puling baseness. We stand once more at a watershed ofKultur. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 119. 75. If we are beaten--which God and our strong arm forbid--all thehigher Kultur of our hemisphere, which it was our mission to guard, sinks with us into the grave. --PROF. A. V. HARNACK, I. M. , 1st October, 1914, p. 26. 76. That it will be German Kultur that will send forth its rays fromthe centre of our continent, there can be no possible doubt. --PROF. O. V. GIERKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 2, p. 19. 77. We are indeed entrusted here on earth with a doubly sacredmission: not only to protect Kultur . .. Against the narrow-heartedhuckster-spirit of a thoroughly corrupted and inwardly rottencommercialism (_Jobbertum_), but also to impart Kultur in its mostaugust purity, nobility and glory to the whole of humanity, andthereby contribute not a little to its salvation. --EIN DEUTSCHER, W. K. B. M. , p. 40. 78. [Germany has neglected] the highest duty of every Kultur-State--tocarry its Kultur into foreign parts, and to win the confidence andaffection of other peoples. --F. V. LISZT, E. M. S. , p. 12. 79. The idea of the exclusive justification of one's own Kultur whichis innate in the French and English, is foreign to us. But we areconscious of the incomparable value of German Kultur, and will for thefuture guard it against being adulterated by less valuable imports. We do not force it upon any one, but we believe that its own innergreatness will everywhere procure it the recognition which is itsdue. --PROF. O. V. GIERKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 2, p. 25. 80. The more German Kultur remains faithful to itself, the better willit be able to enlighten the understanding of the foreign racesabsorbed, incorporated into the Empire, and to make them see that onlyfrom German Kultur can they derive those treasures which they need forthe fertilizing of their own particular life. --PROF. O. V. GIERKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 2, p. 19. 81. We will not in the future let foreign idols be forced upon us, butwill serve our own Gods. --PROF. RUDOLF EUCKEN, I. M. , 1st October, 1914, p. 74. 82. Germanism was for several decades, in spite of the mighty andover-towering height of its Kultur, hindered in the imparting of thisKultur to other nations. In the first years after the war [of 1870]this was not painfully felt, as a powerful _exchange of Kultur_ wasstill in progress between different parts of the German Empire. .. . Butwhen this exchange of Kultur between the German stocks had run itscourse, and the Germanization of the frontier districts [Poland, Alsace] had reached its limit, then the spiritual need of the Germanvictor and conqueror began to make itself felt. He became a teacherwithout scholars, he had no longer an audience. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 11. _See also No. 235a. _ 83. Our German Kultur has, in its unique depth, something shrinkingand severe (_Sprödes und Herbes_), it does not obtrude itself, orreadily yield itself up; it must be earnestly sought after andlovingly assimilated from within. This love[11] was lacking in ourneighbours; wherefore they easily came to look upon us with the eyesof hatred. --PROF. R. EUCKEN, I. M. , 1st October, 1914, p. 74. 84. And the graves which border the path to glory of the Romans, theGermans, the British and the French, the stench of robbery, plunderand theft which hangs around these millions of graves? Must Kulturrear its domes over mountains of corpses, oceans of tears, and thedeath-rattle of the conquered? YES, IT MUST! [There follows an imagetoo grotesquely indecent to be quoted. ] Either one denies altogetherthe beneficent effect of Kultur upon humanity, and confesses oneselfan Arcadian dreamer, or one allows to one's people the right ofdomination--in which case the might of the conqueror is the highestlaw of morality, before which the conquered must bow. _Vævictis!_--K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 10. 85. The whole of European Kultur . .. Is brought to a focus on thisGerman soil and in the hearts of the German people. It would befoolish to express oneself on this point with modesty and reserve. WeGermans represent the latest and the highest achievement of EuropeanKultur. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 13. 86. The Kultur-mission of a people is fulfilled when there are nolonger any people of the same race and kindred to which their Kulturhas still to be imparted. .. . Our Kultur-mission has in view somehundred millions of Slavs, and draws its geographical frontier-line atthe Ural Mountains. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 13. 87. The attempt of Napoleon to graft the Kultur of Western Europe uponthe empire of the Muscovite ended in failure. To-day history has madeus Germans the inheritors of the Napoleonic idea. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 17. 87a. It is perhaps the stupidest of the suspicions under which welabour that we aim at a world-empire after the Roman fashion, and wishto thrust our Kultur on the conquered peoples. --PROF. F. MEINECKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 29, p. 26. 88. We, however, will not let ourselves be diverted by all this hatredand envy from our striving towards a world-Kultur. We will busily andcheerfully work on at the elevation of the whole human race. --PROF. R. EUCKEN, I. M. , 1st October, 1914, p. 74. 89. More than a hundred years ago (1808) Johan Gottlieb Fichte, in hisever-memorable _Speeches to the German Nation_, proclaimed the Germanpeople to be the only people in Europe which had preserved itsprimitive genuineness (_ursprüngliche Echtheit_), and therefore itsspiritual creative faculty, and found the transition from his previouscosmopolitan way of thinking to flaming national enthusiasm, in theidea that this people was called to be the upholder of world-Kultur, and that it was therefore its duty to humanity to look to its ownpreservation. --PROF O. V. GIERKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 2, p. 23. 90. We claim only the free development of our individuality, and areonly fighting against the attempt to throttle it, while contrariwiseour enemies are conducting an aggressive war, which they have todisguise as a Kultur-war in order to make it appear defensive. --PASTORE. TROELTSCH, D. R. S. Z. , No. 27, p. 27. 91. The highest steps of Kultur have not been mounted by peaceablenations in long periods of peace, but by warlike peoples in the timeof their greatest combativeness. --R. THEUDEN, W. M. K. B. , p. 4. 92. German Kultur is moral Kultur. Its superiority is rooted in theunfathomable depth of its moral constitution. Should it forfeit itsmoral purity, it would cease to be German. --PROF. O. V. GIERKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 2, p. 23. 92a. The further we can carry our Kultur into the East, the more, andthe more profitable, outlets shall we find for our wares. Economicprofit is of course not the main motive of our Kultur-activity, but itis no unwelcome by-product. --C. L. POEHLMANN, G. D. W. , p. 35. 93. The individual Frenchman may fight as heroically as he pleases, his cause is nevertheless lost, because he does not believe that wherethe German element has never penetrated, or has penetrated only todisappear again, no development of Kultur, in the true sense of theword, is possible. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 26. 94. But what about Louvain and Rheims? Has not war, the rude andruthless destroyer, trodden down glorious cities and pricelessbuildings that might claim to rank among the greatest Kultur-treasuresof humanity? Exactly the opposite may be said: war has in these casesled the way to a really clear recognition of the value to humanity ofthese Kultur-treasures! The cry of indignation which went up againstus had long before made itself heard in our own breasts in view of thethoughtlessness and indifference, nay, the frivolity with which theseimmeasurable values had been ruthlessly exposed to destruction bynations which have always plumed themselves excessively on theirwestern Kultur. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 14. 94a. The fury of our gunners at the enemy's unprincipled use of thecathedral of Rheims as a means of defence, was doubtless mingled withindignation and disgust at being _compelled_ to do injury to apriceless work of art. But no phrase-making æstheticism, thank God, such as our neighbours cultivate, rendered us untrue to the convictionthat, when all is said and done, every drop of blood of the meanest ofour brave soldiers is worth more than any individual work of artisticKultur. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 14. _See also Nos. 7, 30, 46, 62, 115, 123, 151, 160, 186, 187, 232, 239a, 242, 248a, 262-268. _ =Der deutsche Gott. =[12] (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 95. If God is for us, who can be against us? It is enough for us to bea part of God. --"On the German God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted inH. A. H. , p. 77. 96. We have become a nation of wrath; we think only of the war. .. . Weexecute God's Almighty will, and the edicts of His justice we willfulfil, imbued with holy rage, in vengeance upon the ungodly. Godcalls us to murderous battles, even if worlds should thereby fall toruins. .. . We are woven together like the chastening lash of war; weflame aloft like the lightning; like gardens of roses our woundsblossom at the gates of Heaven. --F. PHILIPPI, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 52. 97. The principle which the Kaiser impressed on his soldiers lives inhis own soul: "Each must so do his duty that, when he shall one dayanswer the heavenly bugle-call, he may stand forth with a goodconscience before his God and his old Kaiser. "--PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 21. _Compare No. 247. _ 98. Thou who dwellest high in Thy Heaven, above Cherubim, Seraphim, and Zeppelins, Thou who art enthroned as a God of thunder in the midstof lightning from the clouds, and lightning from sword and cannon, send thunder, lightning, hail and tempest hurtling upon our enemy . .. And hurl him down to the dark burial-pits. --_Battle Prayer_, byPASTOR D. VORWERK, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 40. 99. Is the living God, the God whom one can only have and understandin the spirit of Jesus Christ, is He the God of those others? No; theyserve at best Satan, the father of lies!--"War Sermons, " by PASTOR H. FRANCKE, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 72. 100. England is our worst enemy, and we will fight her till we haveoverthrown her! So may it please our Great Ally, who stands behind theGerman battalions, behind our ships and U-boats, and behind ourblesséd "militarism"!--E. V. HEYKING, D. W. E. , p. 23. 101. The German soul is the world's soul, God and Germany belong toone another. --"On the German God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted inH. A. H. , p. 83. 102. On this planet, as a result of millenniums of development, has itcome to this, that Germany--and in a wider sense _Germanism_, withinand without the Empire--has become an instrument of God, anindispensable, irreplaceable instrument of God? This question I ask, and I answer it in the affirmative. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 15. 103. The French, of course, count on the possibility that Germany maybe weakened in the further course of the war, and at last beaten bythe Russian Army and the English Fleet. This we do not believe, because we know Germany and hold the alliance between Providence andour people to be a matter of necessity. --F. NAUMANN, Member of theReichstag, D. U. F. , p. 19. 104. The difficult Christian commandment, "Love your enemies, " isnowhere more easily obeyed than in war! There is much talk about"hate" against England. But how do our warriors greet each other?"Gott strafe England!" They thus invoke God, but not the God ofhatred, of vengeance, but the God of justice. It is the just God atwhose hands we hope for the punishment of the unjust man ornation. --H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 19. 105. It might come to pass that we succumbed in this fight ofrighteousness and purity against falsehood and deceit. That could onlyhappen, I am sure, over the dead body of the last German--but shouldit happen, I assert that we should all die happy in the consciousnessof having defended God against the world. --"On the German God, " byPASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 79. 106. We are beginning slowly, humbly, and yet with a deep gladness, todivine God's intentions. It may sound proud, my friends, but we areconscious that it is also in all humbleness that we say it: the Germansoul is God's soul: it shall and will rule over mankind. --"On theGerman God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 83. 107. The German God is not only the theme of some of our poets andprophets, but also a historian like Max Lenz has, with fiery tongueand in deep thankfulness, borne witness to the revelation of theGerman God in our holy war. The German, the national, God!. .. Has warin this case impaired, or has it steeled religion? I say it hassteeled it. .. . This is no relapse to a lower level, but a mounting upto God Himself. --PROF. A. DEISSMANN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 9, p. 16. 108. [Extract from a letter[13] to Chamberlain. ] "It is my firm beliefthat the country to which God gave Luther, Goethe, Bach, Wagner, Moltke, Bismarck and William I. , has still a great mission before it, to work for the welfare of humanity. God has put us to a hardprobation . .. That we may the better serve as His instrument for thesaving of mankind; for we were on the point of becoming untrue to ourold-established nature (_Wesen_). He who has imposed upon us thisordeal will also help us out of it. "--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 13. 109. What a difference is there between armies, one of which carriesits God in its heart, whilst the others think they can conquer by theweight of their numbers, by cunning tricks of devilish cruelty, byshameless contempt for the provisions of International Law. --"WarDevotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 121. 110. Even the Crusaders with their cry of "God wills it!" were not sopenetrated by the Christian spirit as our warriors whose motto is, "AsGod will!"--H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 19. 111. Ortelsburg und Gilgenburg, Dazu als Sieger Hindenburg, Das sind der Burgen drei, Die vierte, die ist auch dabei: Die macht der Feinde Tun zu Spott, Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott. Translation: Ortelsburg and Gilgenburg [two places in East Prussia]with victory for Hindenburg--that makes three "Burgs" in all. Nor is afourth "Burg" wanting: one that puts to shame the efforts of ourenemies: for "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott. "--Quoted by M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 82. 112. On us Germans the eye of God, we take it, must especially rest inthis war: we must be His ultimate purpose. --"On the German God, " byPASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 89. 113. For a just cause, the German is ready to sacrifice life, blood, gold and goods. Once more, as of old, David goes forth againstGoliath. The German people says with David: "Thou comest to me with asword and with a spear and with a javelin; but I come to thee in thename of the Lord of Hosts, " in the name of faith, right and truth. Great is his might who has these powers on his side; for the livingGod stands behind him. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 65. 114. The kingdom of God must now assert itself against the kingdom ofall that is base, evil and vile: the kingdom of light against thekingdom of darkness. Against a world of superhuman evil . .. The powerof superhuman justice, truth and love goes out to battle. --"WarDevotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 125. 115. One thing, I think, is clear, God must stand on our side. Wefight for right and truth, for Kultur and civilization, and humanprogress, and true Christianity, against untruthfulness and hypocrisyand falseness, and un-Kultur and barbarism and brutality. All humanblessings, aye, and humanity itself, stand under the protection of ourbright weapons. --"War Sermons, " by PASTOR H. FRANCKE, quoted in H. &. H. , p. 65. 116. There lurks in our people something of the God-consciousnesswhich inspired the Old Testament prophets. Very childlike indeed, butof far deeper meaning than he could guess, was the saying of a littleboy to his playmate at the outbreak of war: "I am not in the leastafraid! The good God will help us, for he is German!"--K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 45. _See also Nos. 43, 145, 312, 316. _ =The Chosen People and its Mission. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 117. He who does not believe in the Divine mission of Germany hadbetter hang himself, and rather to-day than to-morrow. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 17. 118. Now we understand why the other nations pursue us with theirhatred: they do not understand us, but they are sensible of ourenormous spiritual superiority. So the Jews were hated in antiquity, because they were the representatives of God on earth. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 142. 119. God has in Luther practically chosen the German people, and thatcan never be altered, for is it not written in Romans xi. , 29, "Forthe gifts and calling of God are without repentance. "--DR. PREUSS, [14]quoted in H. A. H. , p. 223. 120. I want first to make it clear in what sense we may say, withoutextravagance or the least trace of self-exaltation: Germany is chosen. Germany is chosen, for her own good and that of other nations, toundertake their guidance. Providence has placed the appointed people, at the appointed moment, ready for the appointed task. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, P. I. , p. 25. 121. There is a gospel saying which bursts the bonds of its originalhistorical meaning and takes new wings in the storm of the world-war, a saying which we may well take as the consecration of our Germanmission: "Ye are the salt of the earth! ye are the light of theworld!"[15]--PROF. A. DEISSMANN, D. R. S. Z. , p. 24. 122. It is no foolish over-valuation of ourselves, no aggressivearrogance, no want of humility, when we more and more let Bismarck'sfaith prevail within us, that God has taken the German nation underHis special care, or in any case has some special purpose in view forit. --"On the German God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 86. 123. Then a newly purified and newly strengthened German folk-soulwould arise out of the war, to new thoughts and new deeds, to a newsense of its world-mission--that of imparting to the other peoples, ina pure spirit, the achievements of its Kultur, so that all lands maybe filled with the glory of God. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 63. 124. As heralds of God's will, messengers of His word, witnesses ofHis benefactions to the world, we shall take up our work after thewar, and with German endurance and German industry, with Germancompetence and German faithfulness, with German faith and Germanpiety, we shall permeate, in the name of God, a world which has becomepoor and desolate. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted inH. A. H. , p. 128. 125. When these storms have done their work, Germany's purest missionbegins: to become a place of refuge, a holy grove for all the seekersof the earth, a central land, a land of wisdom, a land of morals. --F. LIENHARDT, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 51. 126. The divination or the assurance of this special calling [on thepart of God] has long been present to the best among the Germanpeople; many quotations to this effect (for example, Geibel's lines)are to-day in everybody's mouth. Deeper thoughts are aroused by aless-known remark of Richard Wagner's: "A great mission, scarcelycomprehensible to other nations, is unquestionably reserved for thewhole German character (_Anlage_)"; this character he defines as "thespirit of pure humanity, " and the mission of the Germans as "theennoblement of the world. .. . " Not to believe in this mission is folly, is treason. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 14. 127. God's people will come forth from this war strengthened andcrowned with victory, because they stand on the side of God; but allGod's adversaries will find out that God will not be mocked, and thatHe rules the history of the nations according to His will. --"WarDevotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 134. 128. A good Providence watches over the fate of the German people, which is destined to the highest things on this earth. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 67. 129. Brethren and sisters! in a moment we . .. Have become the heirs ofIsrael, the people of the Old Testament covenant. We shall be thebearers of God's promises. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quotedin H. A. H. , p. 116. 130. As was Israel among the heathen, so is Germany among the modernnations--the pious heart of Europe. --"My German Fatherland, " by PASTORTOLZIEN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 136. 131. We hope that a great mission will be allotted to us Germans . .. And this German mission is: to look after the world (_zu sorgen fürdie Welt_). Is it arrogance to write such a phrase? Is it vanity inthe disguise of a moral idea? No, no, and again no. --PASTOR G. TRAUB, D. K. U. S. , p. 23. 132. Friedrich Nietzsche was but the last of the singers and seerswho, coming down from the height of heaven, brought to us the tidingsthat there should be born from us the Son of God, whom in his languagehe called the Superman. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 53. 133. Verily the Bible is our book. .. . It was given and assigned to us, and we read in it the original text of our destiny, which proclaims tomankind salvation or disaster--according as _we_ will it!--"WarDevotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 134. 134. We want to become a world-people. Let us remind ourselves thatthe belief in our mission as a world-people has arisen from ouroriginally purely spiritual impulse to absorb the world intoourselves. --PROF. F. MEINECKE, D. D. E. , p. 37. 135. Germany is the centre of God's plans for the world. --"On theGerman God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 78. _See also Nos. 75, 77, 239. _ "=Other Peoples. =" (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 136. We had greatly over-valued all other nations, even the French. The French are a people on the down grade. --THE KAISER, to HERR A. FENDRICH, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 55. 137. All the deep things: courage, patriotism, faithfulness, moralpurity, conscience, the sense of duty, activity on a moral basis, inward riches, intellect, industry, and so forth [!]--no other nationpossesses all these things in such high perfection as we do. --"On theGerman God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 76. 138. Fichte was right in calling us the people of the soul (_Gemüt_). .. [in the sense that] the depth of feeling common to us Germans hasbecome a power controlling our activity and permeating our history, toa degree unknown to any other people. In this sense we have a right tosay that we form the soul of humanity, and that the destruction of theGerman nature (_Art_) would rob world-history of its deepestmeaning. --PROF. R. EUCKEN, W. B. D. G. , p. 23. 139. Bach, Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven, these men signify for us aspiritual rebirth, such as never happens to other peoples, all of whomonly grow old, and can never become young again. --H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 49. 139a. Other peoples are young, grow to maturity and then begin toage. .. . We Germans have often been old, but, thank God, we have asoften been _quite_ young. .. . How young do we not feel ourselves incontradistinction to these Englishmen and Frenchmen. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 25. 140. No other people, not even the Greeks, have so understoodchildhood as the Germans. It is we who, in the work of Campe ["TheSwiss Family Robinson"] have created children's literature, [16] andstill hold the lead in that department; it is we who provide thewhole world with children's toys. That is possible only because wehave the power of identifying ourselves with the child-soul, and thiswe could not do if we had not in our own innermost soul somethingchildlike, simple, primitive. --PROF. R. EUCKEN, W. B. D. G. , p. 13. 141. The identical ring that we put into the singing of "Ein'festeBurg ist unser Gott" and "Deutschland, Deutschland über Alles, " issomething that cannot be found among the other peoples, because theylack the freshness of national feeling, because they aredegenerate. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 68. 142. I look upon it as absolutely the deepest feature of the Germancharacter, this passionate love of right, of justice, of morality. This is something which the other nations have not got. --"On theGerman God, " by PASTOR W. LEHMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 79. 143. The period of political chaos a hundred years ago was a blessingfor the Germans, who at that time were able to grow deep, while othernations were growing superficial. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 129. 144. Our German peace is an essential factor in our Kultur. Such alove of peace is itself of moral value, but in the person of theKaiser it finds a consciously religious expression . .. And when theKaiser has to summon his people to a war which he has not willed, there at once awakes in the whole people the religious spirit peculiarto itself, of which the other peoples--unless it be the Turks!--haveno conception, it matters not whether they have already dethroned"Dieu" or have "the Lord" forever in their mouths!--H. V. WOLZOGEN, D. Z. K. , p. 46. 145. But this same Demon of Baseness, who has subdued the otherpeoples, was busily at work in Germany as well: ten years more, andGod would perhaps have found no one in the world to fight forhim. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 11. _See also Nos. 7, 8, 14, 31, 44, 321. _ =Christ. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 146. The soldier who spat in the face of the thorn-crowned Saviour didnot act more shamelessly than does England now. --"The True Unity, " byPASTOR TOLZIEN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 146. 147. Is there anyone who does not know why England declared war?Why?. .. From jealousy. From shopkeeper-spite. Because she wanted toearn the thirty pieces of silver. --"The World-Politics of England, " byPASTOR G. TOLZIEN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 143. 148. We could draw many instructive parallels: we could say that asJesus was treated so also have the German people been treated. --"WarSermons, " by PASTOR H. FRANCKE, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 63. 149. In this solemn hour, when we lament over our dead heroes, weexperience, more deeply than ever before, the passion of our Lord. .. . Is not Germany itself transformed into a suffering Christ? We, too, have gone through our hour of trial on the Mount of Olives, when withour Kaiser we prayed that the cup of suffering might pass away fromus; and we, too, obeying the unfathomable will of God, have begun todrain it. .. . We, too, were betrayed by those to whom we had shownnothing but justice and kindness; and around us, too, resounded, inaccents of hatred and envy, the cry of "Crucify him!"--PASTOR F. X. MÜNCH, reported by SVEN HEDIN, "With the German Armies in the West, "p. 336. 150. We assert the view that . .. What once happened to Luther is nowhappening to our people: it is experiencing a repetition of thePassion of Christ. --DR. PREUSS, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 206. 151. A hard and steep _Via Crucis_ lies before the great benefactorand magnanimous liberator of the Kultur-world, the German people. Although it looks beyond the gloom of Good Friday to the dawn ofEaster morn, beyond the dark days of war to the beacons oftriumph--yet the cross still rests on its shoulders, and the Golgothaof the hardest decision still awaits it. --HOFPRÄDIKANT STIPBERGER, quoted in "False Witness" (_Klokke Roland_), p. 17. 152. It was the hidden meaning of God that He made Israel theforerunner (_Vordeuter_) of the Messiah, and in the same way He has byHis hidden intent designated the German people to be Hissuccessor. --DR. PREUSS, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 214. 153. German craving for truth and German strength of faith, workingalong Biblical paths, have attained to the true faith, the purereligiousness, whose first and greatest spokesman is Jesus Christ. Thus the Germans are the very nearest to the Lord, and may claim forthemselves that they have "continued His word". .. . We fight, then, forChristianity[17] as against degeneration and barbarism. .. . God mustbe with us and victory ours. This is guaranteed us by the truth of ournature, which is as German as it is Christian. --"War Sermons, " byPASTOR H. FRANCKE, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 71. 154. A Jesusless horde, a crowd of the Godless, are in the fieldagainst us. .. . May God surround us with His protection . .. Since ourdefeat would also mean the defeat of His Son in humanity. --"WarDevotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 119. 155. The German people, bearing forward in victory the Evangel of theCross of Christ, [18] is the great Christophorus in the world of thenations. --"The Christianity of the Belligerent Nations, " by PASTOR F. ERDMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 148. 156. Let us rejoice that Envy has risen up against us; it only showsthat God has exalted and richly blessed us. Think of Him who washanged on the Cross and seemed forsaken of God, and had to tread insuch loneliness His path to victory. My German people, even if thyroad be strewn with thorns and beset by enemies, press onward, full ofdefiance and confidence. .. . Thou and thy God, ye are themajority. --PASTOR D. VORWERK, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 38. 157. Kant and Jesus go through our people, seeking theirdisciples. --PASTOR G. TRAUB, D. K. U. S. , p. 22. 158. We are fighting--thanks and praise be to God--for the cause ofJesus within mankind. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted inH. A. H. , p. 126. 159. Christianity is possessed of potent spiritual energies, since itinspires our minds, not only with patience, but also with dignifiedpride. "Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. " I quiteunderstand Friedrich Naumann's declaration that this text has meantmuch to him in these days. --PROF. A. DEISSMANN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 9, p. 24. 160. On the paths of commerce and intercourse, we shall go forth toall nations, and, after the fierce fight is over, carry Jesus to themin the quiet, peaceful work of a true Kultur. England, in these paths, has lowered herself to become a nation of hucksters, who have longabandoned the service of God for that of Mammon. --"War Devotions, " byPASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 130. 161. It is on account of its admirable qualities that Germany has somany enemies. Friedrich v. Schiller says: "The world loves to blackenwhatever is radiant and shining, and to drag what is exalted in thedust. .. . Socrates had to drain the bowl of poison, Columbus was castinto fetters, Christ was nailed to the cross, "--FELDMARSCHALLEUTNANTFRANZ RIEGER, quoted by KR. NYROP, _Er Krig Kultur?_ (Copenhagen). 162. The thief who expiated a sinful past by his repentance in thelast hour, and was outwardly subjected to the same suffering as ourLord, is the type of the Turkish nation, which now puts Christianity(outside Germany) to shame. --DR. PREUSS, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 211. _See also Nos. 428, 444. _ =Die Deutsche Wahrheit (German Truth). = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 163. The International Lie-Press has risen up as a fourth Great Poweragainst Germany, and deluges the world with lies against ourmagnificent and strictly moral (_sittenstrenges_) Army, and slanderseverything that is German. I propose that in the treaty of peace weshould claim a special milliard as indemnity for lies. [19]--PROF. A. V. HARNACK, W. W. S. G. , p. 4. 164. The Germans demand truth, even from orators. It would be quiteimpossible to entangle the Germans in a network of impudent lies, asthe other nations have been entangled. --PROF. A. LASSON, D. R. S. Z. , No. 4, p. 23. 165. There was no war party in Germany; that is a _Times_ lie; butthere doubtless were responsible statesmen and soldiers who rightlysaid: "If England and her gang want war at any price, then the soonerthe better. "--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 13. 166. [The sailors of the British Fleet are] a gang of adventurers andcriminals who serve only for filthy lucre . .. And among whomdesertions and mutinies belong to the order of the day. --W. HELM, W. W. S. M. , p. 20. 167. I have travelled at midsummer through the length and breadth ofEngland, from London to Glasgow and Edinburgh, and to Wales; but Ihave not seen a single cornfield. --K. L. A. SCHMIDT, D. E. E. , p. 29. 168. Not only were the most monstrous untruths as to the violentproceedings of Germany disseminated by the Press, but care was takento suppress all mention of the twice repeated _generous offer ofGermany to compensate Belgium in every respect_, if she would permitthe transit of German troops. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 31. 169. If, apart from one or two acts of rascality (_ein paarBubenstreichen_), we have as yet seen nothing of the British Fleet, itis [among other reasons] because John Bull knows that the crews of hisships are simply not to be trusted. --W. HELM, W. W. S. M. , p. 20. 170. We know, for example, that English prisoners and wounded passingthrough [Cologne] . .. Could scarcely believe their eyes when they sawthat our noble cathedral was not a heap of ruins, as their papers hadassured them!--PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 55. 171. The French soldiers thought they were only going to manoeuvres. Not until they were face to face with the enemy, had come under thefire of our rifles and seen our bayonets, did they find out that theyhad been deceived, that they had been lied into the war. --"WarDevotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. & H. , p. 126. 172. What homage does not the stupid world pay to Carnegie; and now welearn that, through his endowments for professors and students, he hasenslaved the universities, imposing upon them hard-and-fast doctrines, as, for example, the worship of England and hostility toGermany. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, P. I. , p. 56. 173. When we [in 1870-71] bombarded the fortress of Paris, that was anoutrage upon a sacred spot. But when the English battered to theground the defenceless Alexandria[20]--that was of course quite inorder. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. I. , p. 27. 173a. When our Zeppelins drop bombs on the fortress of Antwerp, thereare loud protests. But how have not French prisoners boasted of theburning by their bombs of the open city of Nürnberg. The will wasthere; only the power was lacking. [21]--PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. I. , p. 27. =German Insight and Foresight. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 174. [Of the "militia" of the British self-governing Dominions. ] Theycan be completely ignored so far as concerns any European theatre ofwar. [Of the British Territorial Army. ] For a Continental European warit may be left out of account. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 135. 175. As soon as we have won our first victory, we may be sure thatItaly will unconditionally accord us her armed cooperation. --K. V. STRANTZ, E. S. V. , p. 21. 176. If, in case of war, England should join the Dual Allianceagainst us, our military position will be in no way prejudiced, if we, on our side, take care to kindle fires at the points where herworld-power is threatened. In that case, too, oversea prizes beckon uson, which will be well worth the winning. --K. V. STRANTZ, E. S. V. , p. 39. 177. I do not at all believe that Zeppelins have anything to fear fromaeroplanes, as their critics assert. --A. WIRTH, T. O. D. , p. 52. (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 178. The far-seeing English politician expects the present war greatlyto improve the position of England as against the United States. Anyinjury that England may conceivably inflict on its best customer, Germany . .. Will be as nothing in comparison with the direct andindirect losses the war must inflict on America. --DR. A. ZIMMERMANN, quoted by P. HEINSICK, W. U. G. , p. 21. 179. There can be no possible doubt that England, in secret, heartilyrejoices in every Russian defeat. --P. HEINSICK, W. U. G. , p. 21. =German Freedom. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 180. An un-German freedom is no freedom. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 21. 180a. Germany has been for centuries the true and only home of afreedom worthy of humanity and elevating to humanity. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 15. 181. German freedom is thus not a natural human right, but anelevation of humanity above the despotism of its own personalinclinations. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 46. 182. We should be in an evil case if we were to barter for these[English] "liberties, " however praiseworthy in themselves, ourindividual many-sidedness, our temperament in constant touch withlife, in short our Deutschtum. --KARL HECKEL, E. B. , p. 384. 183. Ah, Milton, wert thou living at this hour!. .. Thou would'stunderstand German championship of freedom, care for justice, and loveof truth. --PROF. A. BRANDL, D. R. S. Z. , No. 20. _On English Freedom, see Nos. 401a, 467. _ =The German Language. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 184. Fichte expresses in simple words a positively decisive truth . .. Of all the languages of Europe, German is the only living one. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 26. 185. The German . .. _must_ conquer; and when once he hasconquered--to-day or in a hundred years. .. --no duty is more urgentthan that of forcing the German language upon the world. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 33. 186. If German Kultur and the German spirit are to march victoriousthrough the world, not to oppress other peoples, but to aid them intheir own development, an essential preliminary will be the spread ofthe German language. For only he who knows the German language, andcan read the works of our spiritual heroes in the original, canreally penetrate into the German spirit, and feel himself at homethere. --C. L. POEHLMANN, G. D. W. , p. 48. 187. Chance brings to my hands to-day a copy of _Jugend_ for May 28, 1900, containing an article by me in which I read: "I have no firmeror more sacred conviction than this, that the higher Kultur ofhumanity depends upon the spreading of the German language. " I go onto explain that this language is the indispensable interpreter of theGerman nature (_Wesen_), which is what I chiefly prize; and for thespreading of the language it is necessary that the German Empireshould develop into the leading State of the world. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, D. Z. , p. 9. 188. A defeat for Germany I could regard only as a deferred victory. Ishould say to myself: The time, then, is not yet ripe; the sacredtreasure must yet awhile be guarded and cherished in the circle of thenarrower Fatherland. For alone among all nations Germany possessesto-day a living, developing, sacred treasure. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 24. 189. Germanism (_Was wir "deutsch" nennen_) is the secret throughwhich the inner man is illuminated; and the instrument of thisillumination is the [German] language. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 25. 190. If Montaigne were living to-day, he would have to remainsilent--or to learn German. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 29. 191. Men must come to realize that whoever cannot speak German is apariah. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 35. FOOTNOTES: [8] A common expression for the ordinary, average German. [9] This address was delivered, 9th September, 1914. The _Lusitania_was sunk 7th May, 1915. [10] Though this was written in the second month of the war, we must infairness assume that Herr Chamberlain is thinking of the German stateof mind before the war. But as he has lived thirty years in Germany hemust have been there during the South African War, when the Germanfeeling towards England was too mildly described by the term"animosity. " [11] And you must love him ere to you He will seem worthy of your love [12] M. Dumont, writing of the Albanians (_Rev. Des Deux Mondes_, vi. , 120, 1872), supplies a pertinent comment on German piety: "_Ce qui faitqu'une tribu croit à son dieu, c'est la haine de la tribu voisine. _" [13] Chamberlain says that this letter was addressed to him inNovember, 1914, by a correspondent whom he refuses to name, but of whomhe will say that "few men can form such well-informed judgment upon allphases in the life of present-day Germany, and no one deserves to belistened to with higher respect. " These expressions, and the mention ofWilliam I. , may perhaps justify the conjecture that the writer is noneother than Chamberlain's warm admirer, William II. [14] The same author explains that "of course the German people havenot in themselves deserved this calling: it proceeds from the sheergrace of God, so we can maintain it without any Pharisaism whatever. " [15] This saying had already "burst its bonds" and been appropriated toGermany by the Kaiser:--"We are the salt of the earth, but we must alsobe worthy to be so. " (Bremen, 22nd March, 1905. ) [16] It is odd that the "creator of children's literature" should havetaken the very name of his work from an English book which had been thedelight of children for half a century before he wrote. [17] Compare with this the following:--"In our struggle with the TripleEntente, we look for the most valuable aid from Pan-Islamism, from theliving sense of solidarity between all Muslims of the whole world, dependent on their common religion. .. . If all accounts be true, thewhole Muslim world is flocking round the Sultan-Kalif, and regards thiswar as a 'Holy War, ' That would be the first and perhaps the greatesttriumph of the Pan-Islamic movement. "--DR. E. HUBER, in _Das GrössereDeutschland_, Christmas Eve, 1914. [18] The particular injunction of the Evangel of Christ which inspiredthe sinking of the _Lusitania_ was no doubt "Suffer little children tocome unto me. " [19] After making this proposal on p. 4, Professor v. Harnack, on p. 6, gives the following account of the Battle of the Marne:--"We have, without any defeat, partly withdrawn our troops to form an iron line ofbattle from Arras and Noyon to Verdun. " [20] "The defenceless Alexandria" was defended by an elaborate systemof forts mounting hundreds of guns. It was these forts that the fleetbombarded, in the face of considerable resistance. The conflagrationsin the city were the work of escaped or liberated convicts. [21] If any French soldiers actually believed that Nürnberg had beenbombed, it can only have been because the German Government spread thereport, through the mouth of its Ambassador in Paris, as an excuse fordeclaring war. (French Yellow Book, No. 159. ) It is possible that someFrenchmen may have incautiously believed the German Government. Thereport has been shown by German investigation to be entirelygroundless. II GERMAN AMBITIONS II GERMAN AMBITIONS =Expansion in Europe. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 192. Germany cannot be suspected of wishing for war. .. . She covets nopossession of her neighbours. Any one who says that she does, slandersher. --_Manifesto of the German Defence League, March, 1913. _ NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 85. 192a. A developing, onward-striving people like ourselves requires newland for its energies, and if peace will not secure it, then only warremains. To arouse people to a realization of this fact was themission of the Defence League. --GENERAL v. WROCHEM, at meeting ofGerman Defence League, Danzig, March, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 84. 192b. It is precisely our _craving_ for expansion that drives us intothe paths of conquest, and in view of which all chatter about peaceand humanity can and must remain nothing but chatter. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 154. 193. A new period of progress towards unification is possible only bymeans of a great and courageous policy, which should lead tovictorious wars, and if possible to the territorial expansion of theEmpire. --D. B. B. , p. 202. 194. All the policy, internal and external, of the Empire ought to besubordinated to this governing idea--the Germanization of all theremains of foreign populations within the Empire, and the procuringfor the German people of new territories, proportionate to itsstrength and its need of expansion. --PROF. E. HASSE, B. D. V. , p. 126. 195. Our frontiers are too narrow. We must become land-hungry, mustacquire new regions for settlement, otherwise we will be a sinkingpeople, a stunted race. True love for our people and its childrencommands us to think of their future, however much they may accuse usof quarrelsomeness and lust of war. If the Germanic people shrank fromwar it would be as good as dead. --BARON V. VIETINGHOFF-SCHEEL, atmeeting of Pan-German League, Erfurt, September, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 72. 196. Let us bravely organize great _forced migrations_ of the inferiorpeoples. Posterity will be grateful to us. We must coerce them! Thisis one of the tasks of war: the means must be superiority of armedforce. Superficially such forced migrations, and the penning up ofinconvenient peoples in narrow "reserves, " may appear hard; but it isthe only solution of the race-question that is worthy of humanity. .. . Thus alone can the over-population of the earth be controlled: theefficient peoples must secure themselves elbow-room by means of war, and the inefficient must be hemmed in, and at last driven into"reserves" where they have no room to grow . .. And where, discouragedand rendered indifferent to the future by the spectacle of thesuperior energy of their conquerors, they may crawl slowly towardsthe peaceful death of weary and hopeless senility. [22]--K. WAGNER, K. , p. 170. 197. We desire, and must desire . .. A world-empire of Teutonic(_germanisch_) stock, under the hegemony of the German people. Inorder to secure this we must-- (a) Gradually Germanize the Scandinavian and Dutch Teutonic States, denationalizing them in the weaker signification of the term;[23] (b) Break up the predominantly un-Teutonic peoples into their component parts, in order to take to ourselves the Teutonic element and Germanize it, while we reject the un-Teutonic element. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 137. 197a. Such false ideas as to nationality, speech and race are nowprevalent . .. That it is often maintained that no breaking-up ofnations would be necessary, but that a "Germanization" _in the mass_of the nations in question [Germany's smaller neighbours] would besufficient. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 130. 198. We are indubitably the most martial nation in the world. .. . Weare the most gifted of nations in all the domains of science and art. We are the best colonists, the best sailors, and even the besttraders! And yet we have not up to now secured our due share in theheritage of the world. .. . That the German Empire is not the end butthe beginning of our national development is an obvious truth. --F. BLEY, W. D. , pp. 21-22. 199. We must create a Central Europe which will guarantee the peace ofthe entire continent from the moment when it shall have driven theRussians from the Black Sea and the Slavs from the south, and shallhave conquered large tracts to the east of our frontiers for Germancolonization. We cannot let loose _ex abrupto_ the war which willcreate this Central Europe. All we can do is to accustom our people tothe thought that this war must come. --P. DE LAGARDE, D. S. , p. 83. 200. Before seeking to found a Greater Germany in other continents, wemust create a Greater Germany in Central Europe. .. . In seeking tocolonize the countries immediately contiguous to our presentpatrimony, we are continuing the millenary work of our ancestors. There is nothing in this contrary to nature. --PROF. E. HASSE, D. G. , p. 168. 200a. _Every great people needs new territory_; it must _expand overforeign soil_; it must expel the foreigners by the power of thesword. --K. WAGNER, K. , p. 80. 201. For this evil [the emigration of the surplus population] we seeonly one remedy: _the extension of our frontiers in Europe_. .. . Wemust make room for an Empire of Germanic race which shall number100, 000, 000 inhabitants, in order that we may hold our own againstmasses such as those of Russia and the United States. --D. B. B. , p. 115. 202. [In the Great-German Confederation which will comprise most ofEurope] the Germans, being alone entitled to exercise politicalrights, to serve in the Army and Navy, and to acquire landed property, will recover the feeling they had in the Middle Ages of being a peopleof masters. They will gladly tolerate the foreigners living amongthem, to whom inferior manual services will be entrusted. --G. U. M. , p. 47. 203. The principles which must guide the German people in theestablishment of the new Germanic world-empire are these:-- (1) The strengthening of its Germanic race-foundation. (2) The securing of room for its surplus of births. (3) The greatest possible expansion of this surplus over a portion of the earth which shall be sufficiently large, various and geographically well-situated to form an economic unit. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 135. 204. Our own social health, towards which, in the name of our moralideals, we are now striving, may one day compel us to force upon othernations the benefits of the new economic forms. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 160 (1893). 205. One thing alone can really profit the German people: theacquisition of new territory. That is the only solid and durable gain. .. That alone can really promote the diffusion, the growth and thedeepening of Germanism. --A. WIRTH, O. U. W. , p. 56. 206. Excessive modesty and humility, rather than excessive arroganceand ambition, is a feature of the German character. Therefore we shallknow how to set a limit to our desire for expansion, and shall escapethe dangers which have been fatal to all conquerors whose ambition wasunbridled. --PROF. E. HASSE, W. I. K. , p. 63. 206a. The territory open to future German expansion . .. Must extendfrom the North Sea and the Baltic, to the Persian Gulf, absorbing theNetherlands and Luxembourg, Switzerland, the whole basin of theDanube, the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. --PROF. E. HASSE, W. I. K. , p. 65. 206b. Nowhere in the world is there so much declamation aboutChauvinism as in Germany, and nowhere is so little of it to be found. We hesitate to express even the most natural demands that a nation canmake for itself. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. 207. When one wishes a thing, one must effectually will it. Our senseof justice [!] may in future lead us not to desire what does notbelong to us, but _if_ we take we must also _hold fast_. In otherwords, hitherto foreign territory is not incorporated into Germanyuntil German proprietorship is rooted in the soil. [24]--F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 206 (1893). 208. A people that has increased so much as the German people isforced to carry on a constant policy of expansion. It must be candidlyconfessed that since the retirement of Bismarck the Will to Power hadbeen lacking. --GENERAL v. LIEBERT, Member of the Reichstag, at meetingof Pan-German League, Hamburg, January, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 76. 209. Since the Western Powers restrict our right to life, it isnecessary that we should attach one of them to us or that we shouldsweep them out of our way by force. --M. HARDEN, _Zukunft_, 12thAugust, 1911. 210. The Rhine . .. Is a priceless natural possession, although by ourown fault we have allowed its most material value to fall into alienhands, and it must be the unceasing endeavour of German policy to winback the mouths of the river. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 125. 211. The Jablunka must never hear any language but German, and the[German] wave must spread thence towards the south until nothingremains of all the lamentable nationalities of the Imperial State[Austria]. --P. DE LAGARDE, D. S. , p. 112. 212. If our area of colonization[25] does not coincide with ourpolitical boundaries, the healthy egoism of our race commands us toplace our frontier-posts in foreign territory, as we have done atMetz. --PROF. E. HASSE, D. G. , p. 166. 213. A sturdy German egoism must characterize all political action. .. . The first principle of our policy, both at home and abroad, must bethat, in everything that happens, the Germans [literally, the mostGerman] should come off best, and the others should have a bad time ofit (_sich unbehaglich fühlen_). --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 213 (1893). 213a. A Ministry of Colonization must make up for lost time. With allprudence, but also with inflexible determination, a process ofexpropriation should be inaugurated, by which the Poles and theAlsatians and Lorrainers would be gradually transported to theinterior of the Empire, while Germans would replace them on thefrontier. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 206. =Expansion beyond Europe. = 214. We must . .. See to it that the outcome of our next successful warmust be the acquisition of colonies by any possible means. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 119. 215. A German policy of expansion is to-day generally accepted. TheEmpire must acquire more colonies. --DR. POHL, of Berlin, at meeting ofPan-German League, Augsburg, September, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 72. 216. In all lands under German influence a double power is more orless strongly at work: the _creative power of the spirit_ . .. And the_creative power of the body_, that is to say, fecundity. .. . Whitherour spiritual and our bodily fecundity impel us, thither we mustgo--_out over the world!_ (_hin über die Welt!_). --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 66. 217. The longing for an eternal peace was Utopian and enervating. .. . Nor was there any lack of a great national aim. At the division of theearth between the other Great Powers, Germany had gone almost emptyaway. But Germany needed new regions for the planting-out of itsever-growing, inexhaustible wealth of people. --GENERAL V. WROCHEM, atmeeting of the German Defence League, Hanover, February, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 83. 218. With all respect to the rights of foreign nations, it must besaid that Germany has not as yet the colonies which it must have. .. . Our development demands recognition. That is a natural right. There ishere no question of prestige-politics, of adventurer-politics. Further, we are not an institute for lengthening the life of dyingStates. .. . Those half-States which owe their existence only to the aidof foreign weapons, money or knowledge, are hopelessly at the mercy ofthe modern States. --_Leipziger Tageblatt_, 24th January, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 51. 219. The Ministry of Colonization must also arrange systematically foremigration to foreign countries. .. . The Government alone can, by theuncompromising (_rücksichtslos_) employment of its methods of power, conclude treaties . .. Imposing on [the foreign countries] theconditions which it regards as desirable. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 207(1893). 220. In this nineteenth century, when Germany has become the firstPower in the world, are we incapable of doing what our ancestors did?Germany must lay her mighty grasp upon Asia Minor. --AMICUS PATRIÆ, A. U. K. , p. 15. 221. The hostile arrogance of the Western Powers releases us from allour treaty obligations, throws open the doors of our verbalprison-house, and forces the German Empire, resolutely defending hervital rights, to revive the ancient Prussian policy of conquest. AllMorocco in the hands of Germany; German cannon on the routes to Egyptand India; German troops on the Algerian frontier; this would be agoal worthy of great sacrifices. --M. HARDEN, _Zukunft_, 29th July, 1911. 222. If we do not soon acquire new territory, a frightful catastropheis inevitable. It signifies little whether it be in Brazil, inSiberia, in Anatolia or in South Africa. .. . To-day, as 2, 000 yearsago, when the Cimbri and the Teutons beat at the gates of Rome, a cryarises . .. Ever louder and louder, "Give us land, give us newland!"--A. WIRTH, V. U. W. , p. 227. 223. Thanks to our youthfulness and our capacity of development, thanks also to our military power, many things are possible: we cancreate a German nation which shall number 100, 000, 000 inhabitants, wecan become "Europe, " and dominate the seas into the bargain. --D. B. B. , p. 211. 223a. This Germany of ours was once the greatest of the Sea Powers, and, God willing, so she will be again. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 213. 224. "_Civis Germanicus sum--ich bin ein Deutscher!_" As the freeRoman, in his character of _Civis Romanus_, formerly ruled the world, so must every continental German of to-day, and of the future, rulethe world in his character of _Civis Germanicus_. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 146. =Weltmacht (World-Dominion). = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 225. _We want no world-dominion_. .. . It is unjust, and thereforeun-German. --PROF. W. V. BLUME, D. D. M. , p. 23. 225a. Germany, as the preponderant Power in a Great-German League, will with this war attain world-supremacy. --R. THEUDEN, W. M. K. B. , p. 13. 226. We _want_ no hegemony, no world-dominion! Such ambitions meaneverlasting war; whereas Germany sincerely desires peace, and theinfluence which shall enable her to establish it. --PROF. DR. R. JANNASCH, W. D. U. S. , p. 22. 226a. Formerly German thought was shut up in her corner, but now theworld shall have its coat cut according to German measure, and as faras our swords flash and German blood flows, the circle of the earthshall come under the tutelage of German activity. --"World-Germany, " byF. PHILIPPI, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 43. 227. We were contented within our boundaries. Not a single foot did wewant of the countries adjoining our frontiers. PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. I. , p. II. 227a. Before everything, however, we must see to the provision ofagricultural land! _We require more soil for settlement_. .. . And werequire unsettled land for settlement. No alien fellow-citizens!--PROF. M. V. GRUBER, D. R. S. Z. , No. 30, p. 27. 228. With us shall right and morality, truth and faithfulness, win thefight against wrong and baseness, malice and falsehood. Through oursupremacy (_Vorherrschaft_), which we hope will be the outward resultof this war, God will establish His dominion over the many-colouredthrong of the nations who stand against us. --"War Devotions, " byPASTOR J. RUMP, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 128. 229. Not through a chaotic conflict of ideas, but only through unityof conviction, can a world-ruling Germany arise; and if Germany doesnot rule the world (I do not mean through her power alone, but throughher all-sided superiority and moral weight) then she will disappearfrom the map; it is a case of "Either--or. "--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, P. I. , p. 39. 230. Not one of our Pan-German leaders, whose plans are to-day beingrealized on the battlefields, received honour or recognition at thehands of the German monarchs, for whose honour and glory we hadsuffered and fought. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 6. 231. If we set ourselves to multiply, as we did in the first fiveyears of this century, then the German people would in 1950 number 118millions, and in the year 2000, 250 millions. Then we could face thefuture with considerably more confidence. --PROF. M. V. GRUBER, D. R. S. Z. , No. 30, p. 25. 232. Germany--of this I am convinced--may in less than two centuriessucceed in dominating (_beherrschen_) the whole globe (_Erdkugel_), inpart directly and politically, in part indirectly, through language, methods and Kultur, if only it can in time strike out a "new course, "and definitely break with Anglo-American methods of government, andwith the State-destroying ideals of the Revolution. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, P. I. , p. 88. 233. If every representative, rising to the height of the great timein which he lives, will put away from him all pettiness of spirit . .. We shall be an unconquerable people, capable of ruling theworld. --C. L. POEHLMANN, G. D. W. , p. 11. 234. Where self-interest ends the real patriotism begins; and itsmeasure is not the loud chest-note of conviction, but self-sacrificing, untiring work in the service of the community, in order gradually towin for the German nature (_Wesen_) the first place in theworld. --PROF. G. E. PAZAUREK, P. K. U. K. , p. 5. 235. Just such a systematic transformation of the world as Augustuseffected, Germany must now undertake--but on how much nobler aplan!--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 42. 235a. Germany will be the schoolmaster of all the world, as everyGerman has a bit of the schoolmaster in him. --PROF. W. V. BLUME, D. D. M. , p. 25. _Compare No. 82. _ 236. The war must last until we have forced disarmament upon ourenemies. There is a nursery rhyme which runs thus:-- Knife and scissors, fork and candle, Little children must not handle. Since the enemy States behave so childishly as to misuse their arms, they must be placed under tutelage. Moreover, our enemies have actedso dishonourably that it is only just that rights of citizenshipshould be denied them. .. . When they can no longer bear arms, theycannot make any new disturbances. --O. SIEMENS, W. L. K. D. , p. 47. 237. We must establish ourselves firmly at Antwerp on the North Seaand at Riga on the Baltic. .. . At all events we must, at the conclusionof peace, demand _substantial expansions of the German Empire_. Inthis our motive will not be the greed and covetousness of world-rulingEngland, nor the national vanity of _gloire_-seeking France, nor thechildish megalomania of Rome-mad Italy, nor the insatiable craving forexpansion of semi-barbarous Russia. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 122. 238. We could not but say to ourselves, "If once it comes to war withEngland, it will be difficult for us to get at her in her island. Itwill be easier to strike at her in Egypt [which the writer elsewheredescribes as the keystone of the arch of the British Empire]. But tothat end we require an alliance with the Turks. " . .. Therefore Germanysent officers to instruct the Turkish Army, therefore the Emperor wentin 1898 to Constantinople and Jerusalem and made his famous speech asto the friendship between Germany and the Mohammedans. Therefore webuilt the Bagdad Railway with German money. --P. ROHRBACH, W. W. R. , p. 12. 239. _Noblesse oblige_. .. . The idea that we are the chosen peopleimposes on us heavy duties, and duties only. .. . We are not out toconquer the world. Have no fear, my dear neighbours, we will notdevour you. .. . Should it be necessary to increase our territory inorder that the greater body of the people may have room to develop, then in that case we shall take as much land as may appear to benecessary. We will also plant our foot where it appears important onstrategic grounds that we should do so, in order to maintain ourimpregnable strength. Thus, if our position of strength in the worldwill gain by it, we will establish stations for our fleet, forexample, in Dover, Malta and Suez. Beyond this we will do nothing. Wehave not the least desire to expand, for we have something moreimportant to do. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H, p. 143. 239a. We trust that the German Eagle, when with one wing he hasscourged the barbarians back into Asia, and with the other has freedhimself from unworthy chains, will soar high over the oceans . .. Wherehis wings can grow and he can stretch them according to his needs. Andwe hope that this strong, united, purified Germany will be a fountainof rejuvenescence to the ageing Kultur of Europe. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 31. _See also Nos. 7, 84. _ FOOTNOTES: [22] It is only right to state that the author urges this spiritedpolicy, not upon his countrymen alone, but upon the "Germanoid" racesat large. The "inefficient" peoples whom he has specially in view arethe non-German populations of South America, whom he proposes to deportto "reserves" in Africa! [23] The author has previously defined two grades of denationalization. The second or weaker grade includes the substitution of German for thenational language. For the diabolical means by which he proposes tosecure the extinction of "undesired and enslaved races, " see E. P. D. , p. 159. [24] That is, until the original landowners are forcibly expropriated. [25] It is not quite clear what the Professor means by"colonization"--but it does not greatly matter. III WAR-WORSHIP III WAR-WORSHIP =The Lust of Battle. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 240. How often, in such a charge [during manoeuvres] has my ear caughtthe yearning cry of a comrade tearing along beside me: "Donnerwetter, if this were only the real thing!" (_wenn das doch Ernstwäre_). --KRONPRINZ WILHELM, D. I. W. , Chapter II. 240a. When the Gordian knot is ready to be cut, God sends theAlexander! Does not the Crown Prince William's confession of hisbelief in courage as the highest flower of the human spirit, in hisbook "Deutschland in Waffen, " sound like an answer to the longing thatthrills through our whole people?--_Deutsche Tageszeitung_, 5th May, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 34. 241. In philosophic form, the idea of the beneficence of war may betraced back to the saying of Heraclitus, "_polemos patêr pantôn_" [waris the father of everything]. .. . War is held to be a divineinstitution, a law of the universe, present in all nature; not fornothing do the Indians worship Siva the Destroyer; the warrior isfilled with the enthusiasm of destruction; wars purify the atmospherelike thunderstorms. .. . [26] We may here refer to H. Leo's phrase as tothe "fresh and joyous war that shall sweep away the scrofulous rabble"[_vom "frischen und fröhlichen Krieg, der das skrofulöse Gesindelwegfegen soll. "_]. --J. BURCKHARDT, W. B. , p. 163. 242. The Kaiser may have thought that war was not necessary . .. Because every year of peace increased the power of the Empire, andbecause the German hegemony in Europe was safe enough without sheddinga drop of blood. To this one may reply that the noblest weapon rustsif its use is too long restricted to reviews and parades . .. And thatevery ascent to a higher mental Kultur impairs the barbaric energy ofwarriors, and encumbers them with scruples which damp their joyouscourage. --M. HARDEN, _Zukunft_, 19th August, 1911. =War and Religion. = 243. It is no mere chance that the earliest piece of poetry, theoldest three distiches of the Old Testament, the Song of Lamech, is asong of triumph over the invention of the sword. (Genesis, iv. , 23):-- Ada and Zillah hear my voice; Ye wives of Lamech hearken unto my speech: For I have slain a man for wounding me, And a young man for bruising me: If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, Truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. --E. V. LASAULX, P. G. , p. 85. 244. Perpetual peace is a dream, and it is not even a beautiful dream:war forms part of the eternal order instituted by God. .. . Without warhumanity would sink into materialism. --COUNT V. MOLTKE, letter toBluntschli, 11th December, 1880. 245. To appeal from this judgment to Christianity would be sheerperversity, for does not the Bible distinctly say that the ruler shallrule by the sword, and, again, that greater love hath no man than tolay down his life for his friend?--H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 67. 245a. But it is not worth while to speak further of these matters, forGod above us will see to it that war shall always recur, as a drasticmedicine for ailing humanity. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 69. 246. Christian morality is based, indeed, on the law of love. "LoveGod above all things, and thy neighbour as thyself. " This law canclaim no significance for the relations of one country to another, since its application to politics would lead to a conflict ofduties. .. . Christ himself said: "I am not come to send peace on earth, but a sword. " His teaching can never be adduced as an argument againstthe universal law of struggle. There never was a religion which wasmore combative than Christianity. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 29. 247. When here on earth a battle is won by German arms and thefaithful dead ascend to Heaven, a Potsdam lance-corporal will call theguard to the door, and "old Fritz, " springing from his golden throne, will give the command to present arms. That is the Heaven of YoungGermany. --_Weekly Paper for Young Germany_, January 25, 1913. _Compare "God and the old Kaiser" No. 97. _ =War and Ethics. = 248. Nothing is more immoral than to consider and talk of war as animmoral thing. "War is the mother of all good things" (Empedocles). .. . And there is nothing more moral than the collective egoism, theself-conserving instinct, of nations. --PROF. E. HASSE, Z. D. V. , p. 127. 248a. The idea of war is the child of _healthy egoism_, which ishonest to the marrow of its bones, is ashamed of nothing inNature. .. . But is the basis of all Kultur, of all morality. --K. WAGNER, K. 249. We must therefore reckon with war as a necessary factor towardshigher development. .. . A people really learns to know its fullnational strength only in war . .. Only then, indeed, does its fullstrength come into existence. --J. BURCKHARDT, W. B. , p. 162. 249a. War makes room for the competent at the expense of the unsound. War is the source of all good growth. Without war the development ofnations is impossible--K. WAGNER, K. , p. 183. 250. The sight of blood and wounds steels the nerves of the soul, thehorrors of war stimulate the spirits, so that instead of the falsehoodand cowardice of enervation, the old heroic virtues are restored . .. Fear of God, martial bravery, obedience, up-rightness of mind, constancy, truth . .. Manlike courage, manly pity, and all that isgreat and good in humanity. --E. V. LASAULX, P. G. , p. 86. _Compare Nos. 254, 311. _ 251. The brutal incidents inseparable from every war vanish completelybefore the idealism of the main result. .. . Strength, truth and honourcome to the front and are brought in to play. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 27. 252. War is the most august and sacred of human activities. .. . For us, too, the great, joyful hour of battle will one day strike. .. . Theopenly expressed longing for war often degenerates into vain boastingand ludicrous sabre-rattling. But still and deep in the German heartmust the joy in war and the longing for war endure. --OTTO VONGOTTBERG, in _Weekly Paper for the Youth of Germany_, 25th January, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 1. 253. Life as the most necessary medium of Kultur--that is the groundon which the modern apostles of peace take their stand. .. . But ourGerman morality makes short work of all such rubbish. It says withMoltke: "Eternal peace is only a dream, _and not even a beautifuldream_!" No, certainly not beautiful, for a peace which could nolonger look forward to war as the issue even of the worstcomplications would poison and rot away our inmost heart, until webecame loathsome to ourselves. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 157 (1893). 254. Whosoever has crossed a great battlefield and has shuddered inthe depths of his soul at all the horrors confronting him, will havefound new strength and exaltation in the thought that here the wholetragic gravity of military necessity is regnant, and here ajustifiable passion has done its work. --GENERAL v. HARTMANN, D. R. , XIV. , p. 84. 255. The appeal to arms will be valid until the end of history, andtherein lies the sacredness of war. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 29. _See also No. 314. _ =War and Biology. = 256. We children of the future . .. Do not by any means think itdesirable that the kingdom of righteousness and peace should beestablished on the earth. .. . We rejoice in all men who, likeourselves, love danger, war and adventure . .. We count ourselves amongthe conquerors; we ponder over the need of a new order of things, evenof a new slavery--for every strengthening and elevation of the type"man" also involves a new form of slavery. --FR. NIETZSCHE, J. W. , section 377. 257. Unless we choose to shut our eyes to the necessity of evolution, we must recognize the necessity of war. We must accept war, which willlast as long as development and existence; we must accept eternalwar. --K. WAGNER, K. , p. 153. 258. "War is the father of everything, " says Heraclitus. It will bethe father of the new German race of the future. --PROF. E. HASSE, Z. D. V. , p. 126. 259. The efforts directed towards the abolition of war must not onlybe termed foolish, but absolutely _immoral_, and must be _stigmatizedas unworthy of the human race_. .. . The weak nation is to have the sameright to live as the powerful and vigorous nation! The whole idearepresents a presumptuous encroachment on the natural laws ofdevelopment. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 34. 260. It is proved beyond all shadow of doubt that regular war (_derregelrechte Krieg_) is, not only from the biological and true kulturalstandpoint, the best and noblest form of the struggle for existence, but also, from time to time, an absolute necessity for the maintenanceof the State and society. --DR. SCHMIDT, of Gibichenfels, at meeting ofPan-German League, Berlin, October, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 73. 261. War is a biological necessity of the first importance, aregulative element in the life of mankind which cannot be dispensedwith. .. . "War is the father of all things. " The sages of antiquity, long before Darwin, recognized this. .. . "To supplant or to besupplanted is the essence of life, " says Goethe, "and the strong lifegains the upper hand. "--GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 18. _See also No. 386. _ =War and Kultur. = 262. It is nothing but fanaticism to expect very much from humanitywhen it has forgotten how to wage war. For the present we know of noother means whereby the rough energy of the camp, the deep impersonalhatred, the cold-bloodedness of murder with a good conscience, thegeneral ardour of the system in the destruction of the enemy . .. Canbe as forcibly and certainly communicated to enervated nations as isdone by every great war. Kultur can by no means dispense withpassions, vices and malignities. --FR. NIETZSCHE, H. T. H. , section 477. 263. It is here demonstrated with rare cogency and conclusiveness thatwar is not only a factor, but the main factor, in true, genuineKultur--not only its creator but its preserver. .. . Although the authorthus recognizes war as an element in the divine world-order, he by nomeans ignores the blessings of peace, as the second factor in true, genuine Kultur, in a certain measure complementary to war. --_Berlinerneueste Nachrichten_, 24th December, 1912, in review of _Der Krieg alsKulturfaktor_, by DR. SCHMIDT, of Gibichenfels. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 20. 264. No sooner are airships invented than the General Staffs set towork to devise methods of applying them to destruction. .. . Thus everyachievement of "Kultur"[27] and of the human intelligence is only ameans to more barbarous processes of war: and yet the pacifists see inthe progress of the human intelligence a guarantee of world-peace!--L. GUMPLOWICZ, S. I. U. , p. 161. 265. I must first of all examine the aspirations for peace, which seemto dominate our age and threaten to poison the soul of the Germanpeople. .. . I must try to prove that war is not merely a necessaryelement in the life of nations, but an indispensable factor of Kultur, in which a truly civilized nation finds the highest expression ofstrength and vitality. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 14. 266. If the Twilight of the Gods that has now so long brooded overthe European race and Kultur is at last to vanish before the lightof morning, then we Germans in particular must no longer see in warour destroyer . .. But must recognize in it our healer, ourphysician. --_Tägliche Rundschau_, 12th November, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 23. 267. Our own country, by employing its military powers, has attained adegree of Kultur which it never could have reached by the methods ofpeaceful development. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 119. 268. War is to us only a means, but the state of preparation for waris more than a means, it is an end. --PROF. E. HASSE, Z. D. V. , p. 126. _See also Nos. 84, 91. _ =Blood and Iron. = 269. The time for petty politics is past; the next century[28] willbring the struggle for the dominion of the world--the _compulsion_ togreat politics. --FR. NIETZSCHE, B. G. E. , section 208. 270. I greet all the signs indicating that a more manly and warlikeage is commencing, which will, above all, bring heroism again intohonour!--FR. NIETZSCHE, J. W. , section 283. 271. General Keim from Berlin insisted that the path to German unityand power was not paved with sealing-wax, printers' ink andparliamentary resolutions, but marked by blood, wounds and deeds ofarms. States could be maintained only by the means by which they werecreated. --At meeting of Pan-German League, Augsburg, September, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 72. 272. It is only since the last war [1870] that a sounder theory hasarisen of the State and its military power. Without war no State couldbe. .. . War, therefore will endure to the end of history, so long asthere is multiplicity of States. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 65. 273. We owe it to Napoleon . .. That several warlike centuries, whichhave not had their like in past history, may now follow oneanother--in short, that we have entered upon _the classical age ofwar_, war at the same time scientific and popular, on the grandestscale (as regards means, talents and discipline) to which all comingmillenniums will look back with envy and awe as a work ofperfection--for the national movement out of which this martial glorysprings, is only the counter-_choc_ against Napoleon, and would nothave existed without him. To him, consequently, one will one day beable to attribute the fact that man in Europe has again got the upperhand of the merchant and the Philistine. --FR. NIETZSCHE, J. W. , section362. 274. What men tower highest in the history of the nation, whom doesthe German heart cherish with the most ardent love? Goethe? Schiller?Wagner? Marx? Oh, no--but Barbarossa, the great Frederick, Blücher, Moltke, Bismarck, the hard men of blood. It is to them, who offeredup thousands of lives, that the soul of the people goes out withtenderest affection, with positively adoring gratitude. Because theydid what now we ought to do. .. . Our holiest raptures of homage arepaid to these Titans of the Blood-Deed. --DR. W. FUCHS, in article on"Psychiatrie and Politics, " in _Die Post_, 28th January, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 2. 275. I must assert with emphasis that the cardinal sin of our wholepolicy has hitherto been that we have lost sight of the eternal truth:POLITICS MEAN THE WILL TO POWER. .. . The history of the world teachesus that only those people have strongly asserted themselves who havewithout hesitation placed the Will to Power higher than the Will toPeace. --GENERAL KEIM, at meeting of Central Committee of Pan-GermanLeague, Munich, April, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 77. 276. This nation possesses an excess of vigour, enterprise, idealism, and spiritual energy which qualifies it for the highest place; but amalignant fairy laid on its cradle the most petty theoreticaldogmatism. .. . Yet the heart of this people can always be won for greatand noble aims, even though such aims can only be attended bydanger. .. . An intense longing for a foremost place among the Powersand for manly action fills our nation. Every vigorous utterance, everybold political step of the Government, finds in the soul of the peoplea deeply-felt echo, and loosens the bonds which fetter all theirforces. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 256. 277. War does not depend on the human will, but is for the most partan ineluctable, elementary happening, a dæmonic power forcing itselfupon us, against which all written treaties, all peace conferences andhumanitarian agitations, come pitifully to wreck. --GENERAL KEIM, atmeeting of the German Defence League, Cassel, February, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 82. =War Necessary to Germany. = 278. If the health and life of Germany require this mortal andterrible remedy [war], _let us not hesitate to apply it_, so be it!God is the Judge. I accept the awful responsibility. .. . God neverforsakes a good German. --"AMICUS PATRIÆ, " A. U. K. , p. 15. 278a. Whoever loves his people and wishes to hasten the crisis of thepresent sickness, must yearn for war as the awakener of all that isgood, healthy and strong in the nation. --D. FRYMANN, W. I. K. W. , p. 53. 279. The duties and obligations of the German people . .. Cannot befulfilled without drawing the sword. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 15. 280. It is for social as much as for national and political reasonsthat we must fix our minds incessantly upon war; may the first ten ortwenty years of the twentieth century bring it to us, for we have needof it!--D. B. B. , p. 191. 281. It must be regarded as a quite unthinkable proposition that anagreement between France and Germany can be negotiated before thequestion between them has been once more decided by arms. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 91. 282. In one way or another _we must square our account with France_ ifwe wish for a free hand in our international policy. .. . France must beso completely crushed that she can never again come across ourpath. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 105. 283. A pacific agreement with England is a will-o'-the-wisp which noserious German statesman would trouble to follow. We must always keepthe possibility of war with England before our eyes, and arrange ourpolitical and military plans accordingly. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 99. 284. Since the struggle is, as appears on a thorough investigation ofthe international question, necessary and inevitable, we must fight itout, cost what it may. .. . We have fought in the last great wars forour national union and our position among the Powers of _Europe_; wemust now decide whether we wish to develop into and maintain a _WorldEmpire_, and procure for German spirit and German ideas that fitrecognition which has been hitherto withheld from them. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 103. 285. If we wish to compete further with them [the other Powers] apolicy which our population and our civilization both entitle andcompel us to adopt, we must not hold back in the hard struggle for thesovereignty of the world. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 79. 285a. All that other nations attained in centuries of naturaldevelopment--political union, colonial possessions, naval power, international trade--was denied to our nation until quite recently. What we now wish to attain must be _fought for_, and won, against asuperior force of hostile interests and powers. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 84. 286. Since almost every part of the globe is inhabited, new territorymust, as a rule, be obtained at the cost of its possessors--that is tosay, by conquest, which thus becomes a law of necessity. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 21. 287. Success is necessary to gain influence over the masses, and thisinfluence can only be obtained by continually appealing to thenational imagination and enlisting its interest in great universalideas and great national ambitions. .. . We Germans have a far greaterand more urgent duty towards civilization to perform than the GreatAsiatic Power. We, like the Japanese, can only fulfil it by thesword. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 258. =War need not be Defensive. = 288. Ye say it is the good cause which halloweth even war? I say untoyou, it is the good war which halloweth every cause. --FR. NIETZSCHE, Z. , "War and Warriors. " 289. We must not think merely of external foes who compel us to fight. A war may seem to be forced upon a statesman by the condition of homeaffairs, or by the pressure of the whole political situation. --GENERALv. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 38. 290. The moral duty of the State towards its citizens is to begin thestruggle while the prospects of success and the politicalcircumstances are still tolerably favourable. When, on the other hand, the hostile States are weakened or hampered by affairs at home andabroad, but its own warlike strength shows elements of superiority, itis imperative to use the favourable circumstances to promote its ownpolitical aims. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 53. 291. The lessons of history confirm the view that wars which have beendeliberately provoked by far-seeing statesmen have had the happiestresults. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 45. _See also No. 382. _ =Contempt for Peace. = 292. Ye shall love peace as a means to new wars--and the short peacemore than the long. --FR. NIETZSCHE, Z. , "War and Warriors. " 292a. Only over the black gate of the cemetery . .. Can we read thewords, "Eternal peace for all peoples. " For peoples who live andstrive, the only maxim and motto must be Eternal War. --K. WAGNER, K. , p. 217. 293. The reception of the Tsar's [Peace] Manifesto was anything butfriendly. .. . The learned world, also, was for the most part hostile tothe idea underlying the Manifesto, and such a man as Mommsen couldeven, amid great applause, characterize the proposed Conference as "amisprint in world-history. "--A. H. FRIED, H. D. F. , Vol. I. , p. 205. 294. The German who loves his people, and believes in the greatnessand the future of our home . .. Must not let himself be lazily sung tosleep by the peace-lullabies of the Utopians. --KRONPRINZ WILHELM, D. I. W. , Chapter I. 295. A long peace not only leads to enervation, but allows of theexistence of a multitude of pitiful, trembling miserable-creatures[_Notexistenzen_] . .. Who cling fast to life with loud cries abouttheir "right" to exist, block the way for real strength, make the airfoetid, and altogether defile the blood of the nation. War bringsreal strength into honour again. --J. BURCKHARDT, W. B. , p. 164. 296. Let us laugh with all our lungs at the old women in trousers whoare afraid of war, and therefore complain that it is cruel andhideous. No, war is beautiful. Its august grandeur elevates the heartof man high above all that is commonplace and earthly. --O. V. GOTTBERG, in _Weekly Paper for the Youth of Germany_, 25th January, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 2. 297. Efforts to secure peace are extraordinarily detrimental to thenational health so soon as they influence politics. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 28. 298. People are too much given to sentimental maunderings. To whatpractical end had the vaunted Hague Peace Meetings led? The 100, 000marks spent on the Peace Palace would much better have been devoted tothe support of needy veterans. --GENERAL KEIM, at meeting of the GermanDefence League, Cassel, February, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 82. 299. The worst of hypocrisies is the participation by Germany in theHague Conference. .. . We should do better to leave that farce to thosewho, for centuries, have made of hypocrisy an industry and ahabit. --PROF. E. HASSE, Z. D. V. , p. 132. 300. We can, fortunately, assert the impossibility of these effortsafter peace ever attaining their ultimate object in a world bristlingwith arms, where a healthy egoism still directs the policy of mostcountries. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 36. 301. The so-called world-peace is not order, but chaos. It means inthe first place the forcible dominion of capitalists and theproletariat [!] over the productive powers of the nations, and lastly, in the struggle of all against all, a return to those prehistoricconditions out of which, in the opinion of our "cosmopolitans, " allour culture took its rise. --_Der Reichsbote_, 14th March, 1913. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 26. 302. A people of parasites like the Jews strives, with all theinstincts of its craving for power and for wealth, towards theabolition of war, for if that could be effected its work ofdisintegrating the living bodies of the nations could go onunhindered. --F. LANGE, R. D. , p. 158 (1893). 303. As for the whinings of M. De Bloch and Frau v. Suttner withregard to the horrors of modern war, they are imbecilities to which wecan make a statistical answer. Statistics prove that two years ofpeace cost Germany more violent deaths (suicides, accidents, murders)than the whole war of 1870-71 cost us--that war withoutparallel. [29]--D. B. B. , p. 206. 304. Sentimental maunderings about humanity and peace were bringing usface to face with the danger that cosmopolitanism might overshadowGermanism, and that the Nobel Prize might actually be offered to ourKaiser. --EXCELLENZ v. WROCHEM, at meeting of Pan-German League, Augsburg, September, 1912. NIPPOLD, D. C. , p. 72. _See also Nos. 217, 244, 253, 314, 316, 317, 319. _ =Militarism Exultant. = (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 305. I have lived for forty-five years mainly in the society ofGermans, and thirty years exclusively in German countries . .. And mytestimony is this: _in the whole of Germany there has not been for thepast forty-three years a single man who has wished for war--not one_. Whoever denies this, lies. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 11. 305a. It is only in war that we find the action of true heroism, therealization of which on earth is the care of militarism. That is whywar appears to us, who are filled with militarism, as in itself a holything, as the holiest thing on earth. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 88. 306. Every age requires its war, lest civilization stagnate. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 116. 307. Bestir you, my comrades! To horse, to horse! And away to the field and to freedom. .. . [30] Truly a splendid song. It thrills through all our muscles, and makesus feel as though we ourselves would like once more to take our sharein a joyous fight. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, pt. I. , p. 4. _Compare No. 241. _ 308. Anti-militarism was enraptured. What we had laboriously built upthrough the cultivation of the warlike spirit sank to ruins. .. . God beeternally praised! The great masses of the people would have nothingto say to these doctrines of the evil of war. .. . It appeared as clearas daylight that we had always been right, and that the warlikespirit, that deepest and purest joy of the great heart of our people, was unshaken and unchanged. The warlike spirit, the love of war andthe craving for battle, was no imaginary characteristic of ourpeople--no, and a thousand times no!--K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 7. 309. The tempest of patriotic exaltation is sweeping through theGerman land, and Treitschke's solemn pronouncement as to war being afountain of health for the people has all of a sudden risen intorenewed estimation. The war has swept the tedious patience-game of thediplomats off the table and set the brazen dice of the battlefieldrolling in its stead. --F. V. LISZT, E. M. S. , "Geleitwort, " p. 1. 310. Our long years of peace, full of honest, but, alas! also ofdishonest, work, had brought us no blessing. We breathed again whenthe war came. --H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 61. 311. Over the blood of the fallen glows the flame of poeticenthusiasm. A war without dead and wounded is a life without work, without aim and without hope. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 7. _Compare Nos. 250, 254. _ 312. When the summons to war rang out, in thousands and thousands offamilies people searched the Holy Scriptures, to know what was God'smessage for the event of war; and the dear Bible-Book, which neverleaves us in the lurch, brought to the searcher strength, counsel andconsolation. The Old Testament, under-valued by many, now became, allof a sudden, the book for everyday reading. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 5. 313. The order in which the nations take rank cannot be determined intime of peace, by standards of reason, not only because the majorityof overfed ruminants would always keep the Lion encaged, but becauseonly in war can the Lion prove his lionlikeness to others, and--whatis still more important--to himself. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 3. 314. [Materialism and millionairism were playing havoc in Germany. ] Atlast the spectre of materialism penetrated into the palaces of thedynastic leaders of our people, and from that day began the preachingof the blessings of everlasting peace. At the same time there began ahateful campaign of slander against all true patriots, against allethical champions of war (_Ethiker des Krieges_. )--K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 6. 315. The laurels of this bloodless victory [the victory of the warspirit] belong to that part of the German teaching profession whichhas remained true to its patriotic duties!--K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 8. 316. Though clever writers sometimes speak of the Kaiser's romanticproclivities, his earnest searching of the Scriptures has brought himto such a sober way of thinking that he has steered clear of allUtopias, and has not allowed himself to be led astray by the emptydreams of pacifist enthusiasm. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 16. 317. We have no knowledge of pacifist utterances of representativeGermans of any time. The wretched book of the aged Kant, on "PerpetualPeace" . .. Is the only inglorious exception. Such utterances wouldindeed amount to a sin against the holy spirit of Germanism, which, from the depths of its heroism, cannot possibly arrive at any viewother than a high appreciation of war. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 93. 318. One or other of the English swashbucklers has recently said thatthe Allies are not fighting against the Germany of Beethoven andGoethe, but against the Germany of Bismarck, of which they have hadtoo much. .. . But Faust and the Ninth Symphony strongly resemble themighty works of the great artsmith, Bismarck. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 61. 319. How far our classic age . .. Was removed from a depreciation andrejection of war is shown by the attitude assumed by a spirit sopathetically calm and aloof as Jean Paul, who nevertheless called warthe strengthening iron cure of humanity, and maintained, indeed, thatthis held good more for the side which suffers than for that whichwins. The fever caused by the wounds of war was, in his opinion, better than the jail fever of a loathsome peace. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 94. 320. It is monstrous that even high spiritual dignitaries can befound, in our days, to tell their adherents that war is a misfortune, and that such utterances can actually be printed by the officialpress. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 7. 321. Just imagine our humanity of to-day--I mean, of course, ourGerman humanity--without its military education. Non-German humanitygives us some idea of what that would mean!--H. V. WOLZOGEN, G. Z. K. , p. 60. 322. If we are to carry on the warlike education of our people--and weare resolved to do so--then we by that very fact affirm our constantreadiness again to enter upon a war, as soon as our honour, our inwardor outward growth, or the expansive tendencies rooted in the inmostnature of our people, demand it. --PASTOR D. BAUMGARTEN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 24, p. 17. 323. The incomparably greater efficiency of army administration, evenin questions of civil life, has everywhere made a deep impressionduring the present war, and has opened the eyes of many. One hasconstantly heard people exclaim: "Oh, it could only continue after thewar!"--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, P. I. , p. 116. 324. Oh, that Germany would learn from this war to send out soldiersonly--Generals and ex-officers of the General Staff--as Germandiplomatists, ambassadors and consuls!--K. L. A. SCHMIDT, D. E. E. , p. 17. 325. We must not look for permanent peace as a result of this war. Heaven defend Germany from that. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 19. _See also Nos. 91, 192a, 195, 217. _ FOOTNOTES: [26] Down to this point Burckhardt is condensing a paragraph from Ernstv. Lasaulx, "Philosophie der Geschichte, " 1856 p. 85. [27] Quoted in original. [28] Written in 1885. [29] Klaus Wagner (_Krieg_, p. 223) has a long statistical argument tothe same effect. He says that 41, 000 men lost their lives in 1870-71, and estimates on this basis that, in a repetition of that war, theGermany of his own time (1906) would lose only one man in every 1, 600of her population. The confident assumption that the next war could benothing but 1870 over again underlies all German speculation on thesubject. [30] From Schiller's _Wallensteins Lager_. IV RUTHLESSNESS IV RUTHLESSNESS (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 326. War is an act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will. .. . Insignificant limitations, hardly worthy ofmention, which it imposes on itself, under the name of the law ofnations, accompany this violence without notably enfeeblingit. --GENERAL C v. CLAUSEWITZ, V. K. , Vol. I. , p. 4. 327. I warn you against pity: from it will one day arise a heavy cloudfor men. Verily, I am weatherwise!--FR. NIETZSCHE, Z. _Of thePitiful. _ 328. The Germans let the primitive Prussian tribes decide whether theyshould be put to the sword or thoroughly Germanized. Cruel as theseprocesses of transformation may be, they are a blessing for humanity. It makes for health that the nobler race should absorb the inferiorstock. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I, p. 121. 329. Much that is dreadful and inhuman in history, much that onehardly likes to believe, is mitigated by the reflection that the onewho commands and the one who carries out are different persons--theformer does not behold the sight, therefore does not experience thestrong impression on the imagination; the latter obeys a superior andtherefore feels no responsibility. --FR. NIETZSCHE, H. T. H. , section101. 330. The warrior has need of passion. It must not . .. Be regarded as anecessary evil; nor condemned as a regrettable consequence of physicalcontact; nor must we seek to restrain it and curb it as a savage andbrutal force. --GENERAL v. HARTMANN, D. R. , Vol. XIII. , p. 122. 331. One must . .. Resist all sentimental weakness: life is _in itsessence_ appropriation, injury, the overpowering of whatever isforeign to us and weaker than ourselves, suppression, hardness, theforcing upon others of our own forms, the incorporation of others, or, at the very least and mildest, their exploitation. --FR. NIETZSCHE, B. G. E. , section 259. 332. We may depend upon the re-Germanizing of Alsace, but not ofLivonia and Kurland. There no other course is open to us but to keepthe subject race in as uncivilized a condition as possible, and thusprevent them from becoming a danger to their handful ofconquerors. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I, p. 122. 333. A morality of the ruling class [has for] its principle that onehas duties only to one's equals; that one may act towards beings of alower rank, towards all that is foreign, just as seems good to one . .. And in any case "beyond good and evil. "--FR. NIETZSCHE, B. G. E. , section 260. 334. The "argument of war" permits every belligerent State to haverecourse to all means which enable it to attain the object of the war;still, practice has taught the advisability of allowing in one's owninterest the introduction of a limitation in the use of certainmethods of war, and a total renunciation of the use of others. .. . Ifin the following work the expression "the law of war" is used, it mustbe understood that by it is meant only . .. A limitation of arbitrarybehaviour which custom and conventionality, human friendliness and acalculating egoism have erected, but for the observance of which thereexists no express sanction, but only "the fear of reprisals"decides. --G. W. B. , pp. 52, 53. 335. A new type of philosophers and commanders will some time or otherbe needed, at the very idea of which everything that has existed inthe way of occult, terrible and benevolent [!] beings might look paleand dwarfed. The image of such leaders hovers before our eyes. .. . Theconditions which one would have partly to create and partly to utilizefor their genesis [include] a transvaluation of values, under the newpressure and hammer of which a conscience should be steeled and aheart transformed to brass, so as to bear the weight of suchresponsibility. --FR. NIETZSCHE, B. G. E. , section 203. 336. Since the tendency of thought of the last century was dominatedessentially by humanitarian considerations which not infrequentlydegenerated into sentimentality and weak emotionalism, there have notbeen wanting attempts to influence the development of the usages ofwar in a way which was in fundamental contradiction with the nature ofwar and its object. Attempts of this kind will also not be wanting inthe future, the more so as these agitations have found a kind of moralrecognition in some provisions of the Geneva Convention and theBrussels and Hague Conferences. .. . The danger can only be met by athorough study of war itself. By steeping himself in military historyan officer will be able to guard himself against excessivehumanitarian notions, it will teach him that certain severities areindispensable to war, nay, more, that the only true humanity veryoften lies in a ruthless application of them. --G. W. B. , pp. 54, 55. 337. Those very men who are so strictly kept within bounds by goodmanners . .. Who, in their behaviour to one another, show themselves soinventive in consideration, self-control, delicacy, loyalty, pride andfriendship--those very men are to the outside world, to things foreignand to foreign countries, little better than so many uncaged beasts ofprey. Here they enjoy liberty from all social restraint . .. And becomerejoicing monsters, who perhaps go on their way, after a hideoussequence of murder, conflagration, violation, torture, with as muchgaiety and equanimity as if they had merely taken part in some studentgambols. .. . Deep in the nature of all these noble races there lurksunmistakably the beast of prey, the _blond beast_, lustfully roving insearch of booty and victory. --FR. NIETZSCHE, G. M. , i. , II. 338. However much it may ruffle human feeling to compel a man to doharm to his own Fatherland, and indirectly to fight his own troops, none the less no army operating in an enemy's country will altogetherrenounce this expedient. --G. W. B. , p. 117. 339. A still more severe measure is the compulsion of the inhabitantsto furnish information about their own army, its strategy, itsresources, and its military secrets. The majority of writers of allnations are unanimous in their condemnation of this measure. Nevertheless it cannot be entirely dispensed with; doubtless it willbe applied with regret, but the argument of war will frequently makeit necessary. --G. W. B. , p. 118. 340. That the lambs should bear a grudge against the great birds ofprey is in no way surprising; but that is no reason why we shouldblame the great birds of prey for picking up the lambs. .. . To demandof strength that it should _not_ manifest itself as strength, that itshould _not_ be a will for overcoming, for overthrowing, for mastery, a thirst for enemies, for struggles and triumphs, is as absurd as todemand of weakness that it should manifest itself as strength. --FR. NIETZSCHE, G. M. , i. , 13. 341. It is a gratuitous illusion to suppose that modern war does notdemand far more brutality, far more violence, and an action far moregeneral than was formerly the case. --GENERAL v. HARTMANN, D. R. , Vol. Xiv. , p. 89. 342. The enemy State must not be spared the want and wretchedness ofwar; these are particularly useful in shattering its energy andsubduing its will. --GENERAL v. HARTMANN, D. R. , Vol. Xiii. , p. 459. 343. We . .. Believe that [man's] Will to Life had to be intensifiedinto unconditional Will to Power; we hold that hardness, violence, slavery, danger in the street and in the heart, secrecy, stoicism, arts of temptation and devilry of all kinds; that everything evil, terrible, tyrannical, wild-beast-like and serpent-like in mancontributes to the elevation of the species just as much as itsopposite--and in saying this we do not even say enough. --FR. NIETZSCHE, B. G. E. , section 44. 344. Even if there were no question of vengeance, even if we were notdemanding reparation for ancient wrongs . .. The crime (_Frevel_) ofopposing the development of Germany is so great that the mosttrenchant measures are scarcely a sufficient punishment forit!--D. B. B. , p. 214. 345. Whoever enters upon a war in future, will do well to look only tohis own interests, and pay no heed to any so-called international law. He will do well to act without consideration and without scruple, andthis holds good in the case of a war with England. [31]--D. B. B. , p. 214. 346. Hatred, delight in mischief, rapacity and ambition, and whateverelse is called evil, belong to the marvellous economy of theconservation of the race. --FR. NIETZSCHE, J. W. , section 1. 347. Individual persons may be harshly dealt with when an exampleis made of them, intended to serve as a warning. .. . Whenever anational war breaks out, terrorism becomes a necessary militaryprinciple. --GENERAL v. HARTMANN, D. R. , Vol. XIII, p. 462. 348. Terrorism is seen to be a relatively gentle procedure, useful tokeep in a state of obedience the masses of the people. --GENERAL V. HARTMANN, D. R. , Vol. XIII, p. 462. 349. To protect oneself against attack and injuries from theinhabitants, and to employ ruthlessly the necessary means of defenceand intimidation is obviously not only a right but a duty of the staffof the army. --G. W. B. , p. 120. 350. The more pitiless is the _væ victis_, the greater is the securityof the ensuing peace. In the days of old, conquered peoples werecompletely annihilated. To-day this is _physically_ impracticable, butone can imagine conditions which should approach very closely to totaldestruction. --D. B. B. , p. 214. _Compare Nos. 196, 197. _ 351. International law is in no way opposed to the exploitation of thecrimes of third parties (assassination, incendiarism, robbery and thelike) to the prejudice of the enemy. --G. W. B. , p. 85. 352. In reality the evil impulses are just in as high a degreeexpedient, indispensable, and conservative of the species as thegood--only, their function is different. --FR. NIETZSCHE, J. W. , section4. 353. If the [small] nations in question have nothing Germanic in them, and are therefore foreign to our Kultur, the question at once arises:Do they stand in the way of our expansion, or do they not? In thelatter case, let them develop as their nature prescribes; in theformer case, it would be folly to spare them, for they would be like awedge in our flesh, which we refrained from extracting only for theirown sake. If we found ourselves forced to break up the historical formof the nation, in order to separate its racial elements, taking whatbelongs to our race[32] and rejecting what is foreign to it, we oughtnot therefore to have any moral scruples or to think ourselvesinhuman. (In this connection I refer the reader to my later chapter onhumanity[33]). --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 130. 354. Article 40 of the Declaration of Brussels requires thatrequisitions . .. Shall bear a direct relation to the capacity andresources of a country, and, indeed, the justification for thiscondition would be willingly recognized by every one in theory, but itwill scarcely ever be observed in practice. In cases of necessity, theneeds of an army will alone decide. --G. W. B. , p. 134. 355. In spite of his delight in mere success, in spite of hisrecklessness in the choice of men and methods, in spite of all theharshness and brutality which his nature must acquire, the truestatesman displays a disinterestedness which cannot fail toimpress. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 58. 356. Verily, ye good and just; much in you is laughable, and most ofall your fear of what hath hitherto been called "devil"! . .. I guessthat you will call my Superman "devil"!--FR. NIETZSCHE, Z. _Of ManlyPrudence_. (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 357. Our troops are assured of their mission; and they recognizeclearly, too, that the truest compassion lies in taking the sternestmeasures, in order to bring the war itself to an early close. --PASTORG. TRAUB, D. K. U. S. , p. 6. 358. How much further would Germany have got in Alsace-Lorraine, if ithad modelled its policy on Cromwell's treatment of Ulster, and had notbeen misled by weak humanitarianism!--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 93. 359. In the midst of this bewildering uproar, the soul again learnsthe truth of the old doctrine: it is the whole man that matters, andnot his individual acts; it is the soul that gives value to the deeds, not the deeds to the soul. --PASTOR G. TRAUB, D. K. U. S. , p. 6. _Compare Nietzsche, passim. _ 360. We are not only compelled to accept the war that is forced uponus . .. But are even compelled to carry on this war with a cruelty, aruthlessness, an employment of every imaginable device, unknown in anyprevious war. --PASTOR D. BAUMGARTEN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 24, p. 7. 361. Whoever cannot prevail upon himself to approve from the bottom ofhis heart the sinking of the _Lusitania_--whoever cannot conquer hissense of the gigantic cruelty (_ungeheure Grausamkeit_) to unnumberedperfectly innocent victims . .. And give himself up to honest delightat this victorious exploit of German defensive power--him we judge tobe no true German. --PASTOR D. BAUMGARTEN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 24, p. 7. [34] _See also No. 423. _ FOOTNOTES: [31] Observe that these two utterances are not shrieks of the warfrenzy, but are the reflections of a German patriot in the year ofgrace 1900. [32] The author does not explain how Germanic elements are to bediscovered in peoples which he has assumed to have nothing Germanic inthem. [33] This chapter is an ingenious disquisition to prove that humanitymay be all very well for inferior races, but that Germanism cannot behampered by its restraints. [34] This and the previous extract are taken from an address on theSermon on the Mount! V MACHIAVELISM V MACHIAVELISM =Mendacity and Faithlessness. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 362. A stock of inherited conceptions of integrity and morality is anecessity for government. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 317. 363. When one really meditates a war, one must say no word about it;one must envelop one's designs in a profound mystery; then, suddenlyand without warning, one leaps like a thief in the night--as theJapanese destroyers leapt upon the unsuspecting Port Arthur, asFrederick II. Threw himself upon Silesia. [35]--A. WIRTH, U. A. P. , p. 36. 364. The brilliant Florentine was the first to infuse into politicsthe great idea that the State is Power. The consequences of thisthought are far-reaching. It is the truth, and those who dare not faceit had better leave politics alone. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 85. 365. As real might can alone guarantee the endurance of peace andsecurity, and as war is the best test of real might, war contains thepromise of future peace. But it must if possible [_womöglich_] be arighteous and honourable war, something in the nature of a war ofdefence. --J. BURCKHARDT, W. B. , p. 164. 366. It was Machiavelli who first laid down the maxim that when theState's salvation is at stake there must be no enquiry into the purityof the means employed; only let the State be secured and no one willcondemn them. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 83. 367. The relations between two States must often be termed a latentwar, which is provisionally being waged in peaceful rivalry. Such aposition justifies the employment of hostile methods, cunning anddeception, just as war itself does. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 49. 368. The statesman has no right to warm his hands with smugself-laudation at the smoking ruins of his Fatherland, and comforthimself by saying, "I have never lied"; this is the monkish type ofvirtue. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol i. , p. 104. 369. Belligerent States are always and exclusively in a pure state ofnature, in which there cannot possibly be any question or right [orlaw]. --E. V. HARTMANN, quoted by EIN DEUTSCHER, W. K. B. M. , p. 12. 370. How markedly Bismarck's grand frankness in large matters standsout amidst all his craft in single instances. [36]--H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 90. 371. Let it be the task of our diplomacy so to shuffle the cards thatwe may be attacked by France, for then there would be reasonableprospect that Russia for a time would remain neutral. .. . But we mustnot hope to bring about this attack by waiting passively. NeitherFrance, nor Russia, nor England need to attack in order to furthertheir interests. .. . If we wish to bring about an attack by ouropponents, we must initiate an active policy which, without attackingFrance, will so prejudice her interests or those of England, that boththese States would feel themselves compelled to attack us. Opportunities for such procedure are offered both in Africa and inEurope. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 280. 372. When an unconscientious speculator is telling lies upon the StockExchange he is thinking only of his own profit, but when a diplomat isguilty of obscuring facts in a diplomatic negotiation he is thinkingof his country. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol i. , p. 91. 373. It is natural, and within certain limits, politically a matter ofcourse, that the German Emperor should have thought that, untilGermany had a strong fleet, we must try to keep on good terms withEngland, and even, on occasion, to make concessions. --GRAF E. V. REVENTLOW, D. A. P. , p. 60. 374. No State can pledge its future to another. It knows no arbiter, and draws up all its treaties with this implied reservation. .. . Moreover, every sovereign State has the undoubted right to declare warat its pleasure, and is consequently entitled to repudiate itstreaties. --H. V. TREITSCHKE, p. I. , 28. 375. The question of alliances in war is always an open one, forcircumstances may at any moment arise such as Bismarck referred towhen he said: "No power is bound [or, we will add, entitled][37] tosacrifice important interests of its own on the altar of faithfulnessto an alliance!"--GRAF E. V. REVENTLOW, D. A. P. , p. 22. 376. It was a most serious mistake in German policy that a finalsettling of accounts with France was not effected at a time when thestate of international affairs was favourable and success mightconfidently have been expected. .. . This policy somewhat resembles thesupineness for which England has herself to blame, when she refusedher assistance to the Southern States in the American War ofSecession. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 239. 377. Since England committed the unpardonable blunder, from her pointof view, of not supporting the Southern States in the American War ofSecession, a rival to England's world-wide Empire has appeared on theother side of the Atlantic. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 95. (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 378. Perhaps the greatest danger for us Germans--greatest because itdoes not threaten us from without, but within our own hearts--is ourmagnanimity. O, there is something glorious about this virtue, and weGermans may be quite particularly proud of possessing it. .. . But woeto the people which does not stand as one man behind the statesmanwho, by dint of hard struggles with his own soul, has fought his wayto the only true standpoint--namely, that _in international relationsmagnanimity is wholly out of place_, and that here the voice ofexpediency can alone be heard. --EIN DEUTSCHER, W. K. B. M. , p. 12. 379. Through our policy of peace . .. We deprive ourselves of the rightof determining the time for bringing about a decision by force ofarms, as Bismarck did in three wars, in which, thanks to hisdiplomatic adroitness, he forced upon his adversaries the outwardappearance of declaring war, while in reality Prussia-Germany was theassailant. Bismarck is quoted in Germany as having discouragedpreventive wars. .. . But we must not forget that the three great warswhich Bismarck waged were in fact preventive. Even in 1870 theoutbreak of war might have been stayed. It was only the brilliantmanipulation (_geniale Fassung_) of the Ems telegram that put Francein the wrong and drove her into war, just as Bismarck hadforeseen. --K. V. STRANTZ, E. S. V. , p. 38. 380. For the will of the State, no other principle exists but that of_expediency_ (_Zweckmässigkeit_), which is at the same time_selfishness_; not, however, the short-sighted selfishness commended byMachiavelli, but _far-seeing, shrewdly-calculating_ selfishness. --EINDEUTSCHER, W. K. B. M. , p. 11. 381. Far-seeing selfishness does not exclude the endeavour to win theconfidence of other nations, which can be won only by honesty. _Butthis honesty, at any rate on vital questions, ought on no account tobe carried to the pitch of inexpedient Quixotism. _ EIN DEUTSCHER, W. K. B. M. , p. 11. 382. War was in our eyes the most honourable and the holiest means ofawakening the people from its dazed condition. Whether this war cameas an aggressive or as a defensive war was, in principle, a matter ofindifference. That it came to us in the form of a war of defence wasone of those historical strokes of luck which God vouchsafes to thosepeoples whom He loves. The time has not yet come to enquire whetherthe leaders of German foreign policy took deliberate measures to placeus in the attitude of defence which the masses always regard as moremoral. It may perhaps be so; but it is far from impossible that thedisinclination for war which placed certain high dignitaries of theGerman Empire in constant opposition to the will of the people mayhave so far imposed upon our adversaries as to induce them to attackus. --K. A. KUHN, W. U. W. , p. 9. 383. Treaties under international law are no more than _the formulatedexpression of the existent relations of power between States_. Ifthese relations of power have so far changed that the real orimaginary vital interests of one of the States demand and renderpossible the alteration of such treaties, it is the simple duty of theleader of that State to effect the alteration by all conceivablemeans, so long as the risk does not appear greater than theanticipated advantage. --EIN DEUTSCHER, W. K. B. M. , p. 7. =Might is Right. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 384. The law of the strong holds good everywhere. --GENERAL V. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 18. 385. What does right matter to me? I have no need of it. What I canacquire by force, that I possess and enjoy; what I cannot obtain, Irenounce, and I set up no pretensions to indefeasible right. .. . I havethe right to do what I have the power to do. --M. STIRNER, D. E. S. E. , p. 275. 386. Might is the supreme right, and the dispute as to what is rightis decided by the arbitrament of war. War gives a biologically justdecision. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 23. 387. Let it not be said that every people has a right to its existence(_Bestand_), its speech, &c. By making play with this principle, onemay put on a cheap appearance of civilization, but only so long as thepeople in question . .. Does not stand in the way of any more powerfulpeople. --J. L. REIMER, E. P. D. , p. 129. 388. It is a persistent struggle for possessions, power andsovereignty that primarily governs the relations of one nation toanother, and right is respected so far only as it is compatible withadvantage. --GENERAL v. BERNHARDI, G. N. W. , p. 19. 389. The earth is constantly being divided anew among the strong andpowerful. The smaller peoples disappear; they are necessarily absorbedby their larger neighbours. --PROF. E. HASSE, D. G. , p. 169. (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) 390. It is a base calumny to attribute to us the brutal principle thatmight is equivalent to right. --PROF. F. MEINECKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 29, p. 23. 391. In the age of the most tremendous mobilization of physical andspiritual forces the world has ever seen, we proclaim--no, we do notproclaim it, but it reveals itself--the Religion of Strength. --PROF. A. DEISSMANN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 9, p. 24. _See also Nos. 84, 499. _ FOOTNOTES: [35] Frederick the Great's principle was: "When kings want war theybegin it, and leave learned professors to come after and prove that itwas just. " [36] In other words, Bismarck always told the truth when it wasabsolutely convenient. [37] Reventlow's interpolation. VI ENGLAND, FRANCE & BELGIUM--ESPECIALLY ENGLAND VI ENGLAND, FRANCE & BELGIUM--ESPECIALLY ENGLAND =The False Islanders. = (BEFORE THE WAR. ) 392. The climate, the want of wine, and lack of beautiful scenery, have all been obstacles in the way of English Kultur. H. V. TREITSCHKE, P. , Vol. I. , p. 222. 393. The English nationalism is also cosmopolitanism: the service ofhis own nation appears to the Englishman the service of mankind. Forhe regards his own nation as the mistress of the highestKultur-treasures, to which other nations look up in order to admireand imitate. Thus Anglification is identified with the furtherance ofhuman Kultur. --G. V. SCHULZE-GAEVERNITZ, B. I. , p. 49. 394. England's strength resides in arrogant self-esteem, Germany'sgreatness in the modest appreciation of everything foreign. Englandis self-seeking to the point of insanity, Germany is just even toself-depreciation. --TH. FONTANE (about 1854), E. B. , p. 389. 395. At the time of the illness of the Emperor Frederick, Treitschke, at the end of a long speech, summed up his sentiments in these words:"It must come to this that no German dog shall for evermore accept apiece of bread from the hand of an Englishman. " These words, utteredin an outburst of passion, aroused no mirth, but went to the heart ofthe audience. --E. B. , p. 395. 396. After the Boer War, Wildenbruch was done with England. .. . She wasdead for him, and erased from the Book of Life. All the contempt whichnow leads us to raise, not the sword, but the whip, against thatabortion compounded of low greed and shameless hypocrisy, he thenscreamed out to the world in words which we could not even to-day makebitterer or more scathing. --PROF. B. LITZMANN, D. R. S. Z. , No. 12, p. 13. 397. It is just as Schleiermacher said a hundred years ago: "Thesefalse islanders, wrongly admired by many, have no other watchword butgain and enjoyment. They are never in earnest about anything thattranscends practical utility. "--PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 37. (AFTER JULY, 1914. ) =Hymns of Hate. = 398. The war has laid bare the British soul, and a cold shudder goesthrough the Germanic Kultur-world. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 52. 398a. A hundred times more glowing than our steel, shall the mark ofour contempt be branded upon thee. Wander thou as a lonely Ahasuerus, restless and unhappy, over land and sea. And if thou sayest, "I haveflung the firebrand of hell from earth to heaven, over sea and land, Ihave struck God and mankind in the face, and must now bear all theircurses, an everlasting stigma seared with fire, " then shalt thou speakthe truth for the first time. --OTTO RIEMASCH, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 49. 399. No people has done so much harm to civilization as theEnglish. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 122. 400. King William I. Issued on August 11, 1870, a proclamation to theeffect that "Germany made war only against the armies of the enemy, not against the civil population. ". .. There can be no doubt that, inthe case of an eventual landing in England, the proclamation of theEmperor William II. To the English people would be couched in verydifferent terms from those in which King William I. Addressed thepeople of France. --A HAMBURG MERCHANT, E. S. S. H. , pp. 8, 10. 401. England has nothing but the instincts of a beast of prey. Thisalone can explain her foreign and domestic policy of the past decades. Her one object has been to increase her outward possessions and to lether own people starve. --K. L. A. SCHMIDT, D. E. E. , p. 6. 401a. We willingly leave to the Britons their "freedom. " It is nothingbut the freedom of the English aristocracy to impose its will on theEnglish people. It is the freedom of individuals, bought with themisery of millions and with the blood of hirelings. --PROF. W. V. BLUME, D. D. M. , p. 21. _But see No. 432, on the disgusting "comfort" of the British workman. _ 402. We need not be ashamed of our hatred [for England]. It is rootedin our love for our innocently suffering fellow-countrymen. Thissanctifies it. The Gospel does not say, "If any one strikes thy childon the right cheek, turn to him also the left cheek of thy child, " Itspeaks only of one's own cheek. But it also speaks of the hell-fire ofwhich the offender stands in danger. --PROF. R. LEONHARD, D. R. S. Z. , No. 16. 403. Our war expenses will be paid by the vanquished. Theblack-white-red flag shall float over all seas. .. . The whole worldshall stand open to us, to develop the energy of the German nature inunhampered competition. .. . We must break the tyranny which England, inbase self-seeking and shameless contempt of law, exercises over theseas. --PROF. O. V. GIERKE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 2, p. 23. 404. It is high time to shake off the illusion that there is any morallaw, or any historical consideration, that imposes upon us any sort ofrestraint with regard to England. Only absolute ruthlessness makes anyimpression on the Englishman; anything else he regards as weakness. .. . _A corsaire, corsaire et demi!_--PROF. O. FLAMM, E. B. , p. 400. 405. That foreign Kulturs offer us things of spiritual value, whetherit be for our enjoyment or by way of a challenge, is true--always, ofcourse, with the exception of England, which does not produce anythingof spiritual value. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 137. 406. Our real fight is against England, the master of calculation. Themiraculous fights against the commonplace, German spirit againstEnglish shrewdness, imperturbable heroism against crafty statesmanship. Even those people who now think that they are fighting in the name ofcivilization against us barbarians, will shortly discover theirmistake, and recognize the German miracle which has come to save theworld from the spirit of calculating rationalism. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 105. 407. It is certain that the present generation of continental Europe, which has been for fifteen months a daily witness of Great Britain's_barbarous_ and infamous conduct of the war--the unexampled massacres, the shameless political falsity and hypocrisy, the cowardlyill-treatment of prisoners and wounded!--cannot possibly make any movetowards reconciliation. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 113. 408. Hastily, and just at the time appointed for the murder of FranzFerdinand, a friendly visit of battleships to Kiel is arranged[38]--forthe other attempts to spy out the harbour had failed. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 67. 408a. We have now ascertained that the plan for the assassination ofthe Austrian Crown-Prince was known in the Serbian Legation in London, and we shall certainly soon learn that it was known in other places aswell. --K. L. A. SCHMIDT, D. E. E. , p. 7. 409. That the blood-guiltiness of this "greatest crime inworld-history" lies at the door of _England alone_ and that she hasfor more than forty years been plotting the _annihilation_ of herdangerous German competitor, has been established by numerous facts. .. And, during the past three months, by the naïve admissions ofEnglish statesmen. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 113. 410. It is a pity that Nietzsche did not live to see the success ofhis teaching in England. .. . Britain may claim to have bred theSuperman in the highest potency yet attained. He has made a cleansweep of the old British morality. He is coldly and unfeelinglyinspired by a _frightful craving for power_, that wades throughrivers of blood, and knows neither compunction nor pity. These areweaknesses which the Superman has conquered. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 9. _But see No. 132. _ 411. It is a pity that men like Newton, Darwin, Shakespeare, Marlborough, Nelson, Wellington, Spurgeon, etc. , should have theirbirth recorded in British registers. But they are exceptions. Amongthe millions of the Cities of the Plain, there must be a few justmen. --PASTOR B. LÖSCHE, D. S. E. S. D. , p. 15. 411a. Death and destruction to the poison-mixers on the banks of theThames! Cain, Ahab, Judas, Ephialtes, and the disciples of thesemaster-assassins, whatever they may be called, are positive heroes incomparison with the ruffians who, jeering at all Kultur, havecommitted a crime against innocent blood which no words cancharacterize. --PASTOR B. LÖSCHE, [39] D. S. E. S. D. , p. 4. 412. The unexampled sorrow and need begotten by the gigantic world-warconjured up by England's brutal egoism--"_the greatest crime in thewhole world-history_"--has inclined many suffering people tosuicide. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 39. 413. [Title. ] "The Greatest Criminal against Humanity of the TwentiethCentury, KING EDWARD VII. OF ENGLAND. A Curse Pamphlet(_Fluchschrift_), [40] by Lieutenant-Colonel Reinhold Wagner. " He itwas, he it was that kindled the world-war. He was the incarnation ofthe boundless selfishness and unscrupulousness of Englishism(_Engländertum_). Opening words of above-cited pamphlet. 414. White snow, white snow, fall, fall for seven weeks; all may'stthou cover, far and wide, but never England's shame; white snow, whitesnow, never the sins of England. --G. FALCK, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 50. =British Vices--Hypocrisy, Envy and Greed. = 415. England thinks the hour has come for our annihilation. Why doesshe want to annihilate us? Because she cannot forgive our strength, our industry, our prosperity! There is no other explanation![41]--PROF. A. V. HARNACK, I. M. , 1st October, 1914, p. 25. 416. No other people has misused its riches as England has. With ahypocritically virtuous air, the British Chauvinist has for years beenlabouring to undermine the German name, and few can have divined withwhat means he went to work. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 47. 417. We cannot expect our enemies to try to do us justice--though wecan, after all, sympathetically understand almost all of them, withthe sole exception of the English, in whom the transparently baseabstractness of the calculating business spirit lies beneath the levelof humanity, and is so positively immoral as to be entirely outsidethe scope of sympathy. --G. MISCH, V. G. D. K. , p. 8. 418. And then England! She does not, like France, send all her sonsinto the field, but sends specially enlisted troops. There lurks theimpelling evil spirit, which has conjured up this war out of hell--thespirit of envy and the spirit of hypocrisy. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. I. , p. 7. 419. England is a Moloch that will devour everything, a vampire thatwill suck tribute from all the veins of the earth, a monster snakeencircling the whole Equator. --"My German Fatherland, " by PASTORTOLZIEN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 140. 420. In the last attempt at an Anglo-Saxon philosophy, Pragmatism, thetest of truth became simply usefulness. It is true that mostEnglishmen turned against it. Why? Not because this view seemed tothem false, but because they thought it inadvisable, and thereforesinful, to blurt out the secret. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 121. 421. An English poet has invented a symbol that may well be applied tohis own country: _The Picture of Dorian Grey. _ In the eyes of theworld, the hypocritical sinner seems to be endowed with the gift ofunfading youth and beauty; but only because he has at home asedulously concealed portrait of magical properties. In this the vicesplough their furrows; in this the features are gradually contortedinto a grisly image of guilt; until the day of judgment--the day ofself-judgment. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , pt. Iv. , p. 16. 422. Oscar Wilde once wrote an essay on _The Art of Lying_, and hiscountrymen have since carried this art to a high perfection. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 10. 422a. Another vice has been developed to its highest pitch in thiswar: to wit, _lying_. England in particular has established a recordin this department, even as against the Father of Lies, theDevil. --PROF. F. DELITZSCH, D. R. S. Z. , No. 13, p. 20. 422b. Never since human Kultur has existed has such a _deluge of liesand slanders_, of fraud and hypocrisy, been poured forth as . .. "pious" England has spread abroad in the name of the triune ChristianGod. And this shameless hypocrisy must appear all the more revolting, since every one who is at all behind the scenes knows that thisBritish _Christian God_ is in truth the _Bank of England_, the sacred"_Golden Calf_, " the idolatrous worship of which is the chief aim of_Pambritismus_, the lordship of England over all other peoples. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 59. 423. We _must_ be wroth, and we _will_ be wroth, with the whole powerof our inner man. We will hate the will of the nation which has sobasely set upon our peace-loving people in order to destroy us. Wewill hate the Satanic powers of arrogance and selfishness, oftreachery and cruelty, of lying and hypocrisy. We will fight withoutscruple, and employ all means of destruction, however terrible theymay be. We cannot do otherwise; but we do not hate the individualhuman beings. .. . The true, beneficent hatred applies to things, notpersons. --_The Fifth Petition in the Lord's Prayer and England_, byPASTOR J. LAHUSEN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 162. 423a. The curse of millions of hapless people falls on the head of theBritish island kingdom, whose boundless national egoism knows no othergoal than the extension of British rule over the whole planet, theexploitation of all other nations to its own benefit, and the fillingof its insatiable purse with the gold of all other peoples. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, quoted by P. HEINSICK, W. U. G. , p. 4. 424. It is an almost sinister self-contradiction: the individualEnglishman, in private life, is by no means devoid of a certainoutward decency, perhaps because he thinks it pays: but the publicmorals of England do not shrink from any baseness. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 14. 425. It is certain that it was in England that humanity first fellsick of the huckster view of the world. But the English ailment hadspread further, and above all it had already begun to attack the bodyof even the German people. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 99. 425a. Covetousness, a huckstering spirit, a thirst for gain, calculating envy, hypocrisy--what despicable vices have they notbecome to us. We spit at them, we hate them, just because they areBritish. .. . Now we walk in gentle innocence through homely pastures, free from greed of money, stripped of all cunning, because--justbecause it is all British. --PASTOR D. VORWERK, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 39. 426. The much-lauded missionary spirit was only a business enterprise, by means of which John Bull filled his purse. --"The Christianity ofthe Belligerent Nations, " by PASTOR ERDMANN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 146. 427. England avers that she makes war against us without hatred, andthinks she is thereby giving proof of high civilization. It isprecisely the proof of her cold-hearted baseness. .. . Theself-controlled English gentleman, who makes unemotional war out ofcommercial envy, is more devilish than the Cossack. He stands to theFrenchman in the relation of the sneaking murderer for gain to themurderer from passion. The gentleman-burglar of Conan Doyle expressesthe soul of the nation. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 15. 428. A nice protector of outraged national rights!!! Thus Richard, Duke of Gloucester, appears with prayer-book and rosary on the terraceof the castle, thus Mephistopheles dons the mask of lawyer andphilosopher, thus Iscariot kisses the Saviour. --"My GermanFatherland, " by PASTOR TOLZIEN, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 142. 429. Never has the _mass-misery of war_ . .. Presented itself to us insuch grisly shapes as in this terrible world-war, which has beenforced upon us _solely_ by the commercial envy and the _brutal egoism_of the Christian model-state, _England_. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 27. =British Vices--Cowardice and Laziness. = 430. It is the English who may justly be accused of militarism--thepeople who, in addition to Irish and Scottish hirelings (theythemselves, as a rule, prefer to remain at home) place Hindus andIndian mountaineers in the field. --PROF. W. WUNDT, D. N. I. P. , p. 143. 431. Envy is utterly foreign to the German nature. But _one_ exceptionwe must now admit. We old fellows . .. Look with envy at the young, whoare risking their fresh life and strength for the Fatherland. Of thisenvy, at any rate, we must acquit England: its best youth remainsquietly at home, and wins victories in the football field, leaving itto salaried hirelings to shed their blood. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. 1, p. 11. 432. The doctrine of comfort, as a view of the world, certainly comesof evil, and a people who are filled with it, like the English, arelittle more than a heap of living corpses. The whole body of thepeople begins to rot. .. . In England to-day every trade unionist isstuck in the morass of comfort. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 102. 433. As soon as it comes to the sanguinary reality, the Englishhireling's heart drops into his breeches. And the English Scotchmenhave not even breeches for it to drop into. --O. SIEMENS, W. L. K. D. , p. 19. 434. Whence should courage come?. .. In our German soldiers it springsfrom honest German wrath. But the Englishman must shout himself intocourage. When the first English troops landed in France, they sanggaily and interrupted their songs by shouts of "Are we down-hearted?"Whereupon the English hireling sought to keep up his spirits by ananswering shout of "No!" . .. Only their own timidity suggests to theEnglish such questions as to their courage. One need not be any greatpsychologist to realize this. --O. SIEMENS, W. L. K. D. , p. 19. 435. The cunning and unscrupulousness of the pirate does, indeed, survive in the English sailor; he lies in ambush for neutralmerchant-ships[!], lays mines in the fairway of neutral neighbourStates, and commits deeds of violence of the most manifold kinds; butthe resolution of the pirate, the daring intrepidity in attack, he nolonger possesses. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 43. 436. The great majority of the English Army are to this day KelticIrishmen and Keltic Scotchmen; the real Englishmen do not enlist. Inthe English battles of the past, Englishmen of the nobility no doubtwere in command, but the armies consisted of foreign mercenaries, forthe most part Germans. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 51. 437. England might, in league with Germany, have _dictated Kultur tothe whole world_ . .. If she had not been _untrue to the Gospel ofWork_!--PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 61. 438. The English race . .. Must always be stimulated by the infusion ofnew blood, otherwise it would perish of its own indolence. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 21. =Treachery to Germanism. = 439. England is now showing on what feeble feet its Germanism rests, how unsound, how profoundly unworthy of the German Thought it is. Itcannot shake off its bitter accusers--its Shakespeare and Carlyle, its Dickens and Kingsley. It has committed treason against the spiritof its greatest men, who were filled with the certainty that theGerman Thought must conquer, and that this victory must be _the_victory . .. Of Kultur, civilization and spiritual progress. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 57. 440. Would to God Professor Engel were right in maintaining that theEnglish are Kelts. Then we should not have to be ashamed of ourbrothers!--PASTOR B. LÖSCHE, D. S. E. S. D. , p. 4. 441. It is useless for publicists to encourage the popular belief thatthe English prove by their behaviour that they are no longer Teutons;for Teutons they are, and purer Teutons than many Germans. [42]--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 45. 442. Does one German cousin fight against another? We good-naturedidealists have always dwelt upon this German cousinship. Thethree-quarters-Keltic England has no feeling of commonGermanism. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 15. 443. What about . .. Our dear cousins the English, those hucksterswhose Germanism we have at last begun openly to question. .. . Thoughthe English language is doubtless Germanic, that is by no means aproof that the Keltic bastards have acquired the German nature(_Wesen_). We do not count the English-speaking American negroes asbelonging to the white race. --O. SIEMENS, W. L. K. D. , p. 18. 444. Against us stands the world's greatest sham of a people . .. TheJudas among nations, who this time, for a change, betrays Germanismfor thirty pieces of silver. Against us stands sensual France, theharlot (_Dirne_) among the peoples, to be bought for any prurientexcitement, shameless, unblushing, impudent and cowardly [!] with herworthless myrmidons. --"War Devotions, " by PASTOR J. RUMP, quoted inH. A. H. , p. 117. =Sir Edward Grey and his Colleagues. = 445. Abysmal hypocrisy . .. The national vice has been incarnated forus in Sir Edward Grey. --PROF. G. ROETHE, D. R. S. Z. , No. I, p. 14. 446. When that English gentleman, Minister Grey, who has a canceroustumour in place of a heart, in the end has to reap the infamy hedeserves, he will promptly cast it from him as dirt with hishorse-hoof. --PASTOR TOLZIEN, in "Patriotic-Evangelical War Lectures, "quoted in H. A. H. , p. 141. 447. The Englishman treats the foreigner, when he does not need him, as thin air, when he does need him, as a piece of goods; consequently, when he sits in the Cabinet, he considers that, towards a foreignState, a lie is not a lie, deceit is not deceit, and a surprise attackin time of peace is a perfectly legitimate measure, so long as itserves England's interests. --PROF. W. WUNDT, D. N. I. P. , p. 131. 448. Sir Edward Grey possesses in a singular degree the gift ofcarrying on business with complete control of all emotion andelimination of all deep thought. Every third word of such person isthe untranslatable, elusive, "I dare say. "--O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 14. 449. The untruthfulness and unscrupulous brutality with which theEnglish Cabinet carries on the war place it far below the level ofMuscovite morality. --"GERMANUS. "--B. U. D. K. , p. 35. 450. The English diplomatist of the type of Sir Edward Grey holdshonesty in political matters to be a blunder and a sin. Therefore heusually expresses himself in a form which is capable of severalinterpretations. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 18. 451. Sir Edward Grey has for years presided over all the peaceconferences--only to ensure the coming of the projected war; he hasfor years sought a "better understanding" with Germany--only toprevent the honest German statesmen and diplomats from suspecting thata war of annihilation had been irrevocably decreed; the GermanEmperor, at the last moment, had almost averted the danger ofwar--Grey, the unctuous apostle of peace, contrived so to shuffle thecards as to render it inevitable. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 66. _For "shuffling the cards" compare No. 371. _ 452. The President of the United States, Professor Wilson . .. AllowsAmerican munition works to supply our enemies with unlimitedquantities of war material, favours the infamous design of England tostarve out Germany, and rises in his "peace" speeches to a height ofpolitical and religious hypocrisy in no way inferior to that attainedby the English "million-murderer" Grey. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 61. =Britain's Great Illusion. =[43] 453. The English regard themselves as the Chosen People, towards whichall others are predestined to stand in a relation of more or lesscomplete dependence. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. Pt. Iv. , p. 19. 454. Strange as it may appear to us, it is nevertheless unquestionablethat all England has from of old been penetrated with the idea thather attainment of uncontested colonial and maritime power was not onlyto her interest but to that of the whole world, _the dominion overwhich God had Himself assigned to her_, and that therefore all meansto this beneficent end were permissible and well-pleasing to God. --J. RIESSER, E. U. W. , p. 10. 455. Just because the English found their national feeling on theconsciousness of their kultural successes, and the belief that theyalone are _God's chosen people on earth_, every desire of otherpeoples to assert equality of rights appears to their self-conceit anoffence against the will of God. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 31. 456. The belief in the Kultur-mission entrusted to it by God, inpreference to all other peoples, has grown into the very flesh andblood of the English people. --PROF. F. KEUTGEN, B. R. K. , p. 7. 457. The English hold that they are literally descended from the tentribes [!]. But we Germans do not base our relation to Israel on anysuch fleshly foundation. The German people are the spiritual, thereligious parallel of the people of Israel, they are "the true Israelbegotten of the Spirit. "--DR. PREUSS, quoted in H. A. H. , p. 213. 458. Many of the best, most unselfish and most modest Englishmen prayto God in all good faith that He would at last open the eyes of theGerman people, and especially of the German Emperor, that they may seehow wrong and even sinful it is to place any further hindrances in theway of the expansion of the Kingdom of God on earth by "His chosenpeople, " that is to say, the English themselves. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 12. 459. The Briton regards himself as chosen by Providence, the elect ofthe Lord, entrusted with a special _mission on this earth_, and placedunder the immediate protection of Heaven, with a first claim upon allthe good things of the earth. --"GERMANUS, " B. U. D. K. , p. 11. 460. Our duty to ourselves, and to our English fellow-creatures--sincewe would fain be, not an imaginary "chosen people" but true childrenof God--is to give them such a thorough thrashing that they may oncefor all be cured of the fatal illusion that they have established amonopoly in the dear Lord God, and that the rest of humanity isdestined only to serve as a stool for their clumsy feet!--PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 70. 461. Perhaps the reason that England's power now stands in so greatperil is that, in her self-deceiving vanity, she thought that God hadguaranteed her the dominion of the world. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , P. 86. 462. It is a matter of fact that the greater part of the Englishpeople cherish the pathological imagination that they alone are thetrue pioneers of Kultur and culture. --PROF. E. HAECKEL, E. W. , p. 115. 463. The English now assert the claim of _their_ Kultur to be the onlyexisting, and, indeed, the _God-appointed_ summit of humandevelopment, which to attain would mean salvation for all humanity. This is a positively grotesque mixture of national pride andreligiosity. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 12. 464. "England über alles" has in England a very solid meaning, ascompared with our quite ideally conceived "Deutschland über alles. " Animmense self-assurance, partly reposing on the notion of being in aspecial sense God's chosen people, gives to these claims a certaininward foundation. In the consciousness of an alleged superiority ofmoral Kultur, the English aspire to rule the world. --PROF. R. SEEBERG, D. R. S. Z. , No. 15, p. 28. 465. Alone among Kultur-peoples, the English know only themselves, andregard all others, without exception, as foreign, inferior creatures, towards whom Nature decrees that the laws of morality, as between manand man, should not hold good, any more than they hold good towardsanimals and plants. [44]--PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 49. 466. There are, of course, many sincerely pious Christians in England. But either they are impotent as against the prevailing passion, orthey are blinded by the illusion of the "chosen people, " and havetherefore lost all power of sober self-criticism. --OBERLEHRER HERMANNSCHUSTER, D. K. K. =Comic Relief. = 467. England understands by freedom only club-law, with the clubalways in her own hand. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 22. 468. Since the Cromwellian rule of the sword, the army is so hated inEngland that an officer, going on duty from his home to the barracks, has to drive in a closed carriage. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 41. 469. I found everywhere in England, during my last visits in 1907 and1908, a positively terrifying blind hatred for Germany, and impatientlonging for a war of annihilation. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 12. 470. England's army of postal officials amounts to 213, 000, distributed through 24, 245 post offices; the German Empire has 50, 500post offices and 305, 000 officials. Now we can understand--can wenot?--why England envies us. --PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 39. 471. One finds in England no geniality, no broad, kindly humour, nogaiety. Everything--so far as the outward life is concerned--is hurry, money, noise, ostentation, snobbery, vulgarity, arrogance, discontent, envy. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 60. 472. King Edward VII. , while he was Prince of Wales, was often a guestof the London Savage Club, which is so "exclusive" that the Princecould not become a member. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 131. 473. Discipline within the parties is maintained with Draconianseverity by the so-called "Whips" (i. E. , _Peitschenschwingern_, lash-wielders); and woe to the member who should dare to express hisown opinion!--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 17. 474. The English admit that, owing to the demoralizing influence ofEdward VII. , they are in a state of religious, social and economicdecadence, but their illusion as to the incomparable superiority ofEngland prevents them from tracing the evil to its true source, and assome one must be to blame for it, the fault must of course lie withthe rapidly climbing Germany. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 34. 475. Every man wears the same trousers, every woman the same hat. Iremember once being unable to find in all London a single bluenecktie--blue was not the fashion. This would have been unthinkable inBerlin, Paris or Vienna. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 18. 476. Thus science, which to us is a very serious matter, is to theEnglishman, _like everything else_--except money-making!--like, forinstance, politics, administration, the care of the poor, &c. , --_aprivate hobby, a sort of sport_. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 43. 477. On the day of the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, one walks, inthe giant city of London, through literally empty (_buchstäblichleere_) streets. From the oldest duchess to the youngest chimneysweep, all are seized with the same mad enthusiasm for thisevent. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 18. 478. [Puritanism leads to] that shrinking from the frank expression ofemotions which (for example) explains the fact that cultivated Englandreads its great poet Shakespeare for the most part in editions inwhich everything is deleted that could give offence to a sensitive oldmaid. --PROF. W. WUNDT, D. N. I. P. , p. 32. 479. At the parliamentary elections [before the war] nothing is spokenof but the hatred for Germany, which animates the speaker and hisaudience. --K. L. A. SCHMIDT, D. E. E. , p. 10. 480. [British ignorance is] so horrific that a German can scarcelyconceive it. Five years ago, in a town of 40, 000 inhabitants, it wasimpossible to find a single man, who, for payment, could read Englishcorrectly to an invalid. --H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 18. 481. Attention has recently been drawn, by an authoritative writer, tothe fact that English biology and the theory of evolution, which haveachieved so much celebrity, are in essence nothing but thetransference of liberal middle-class views to the processes of lifeseen in nature. --PROF. W. SOMBART, H. U. H. , p. 17. 482. Is the noble land of Shakespeare fighting against us? Not at all;for Shakespeare we have long conquered. He has long been more a Germanthan an English poet. --O. A. H. SCHMITZ, D. W. D. , p. 15. 483. About the middle of the last century, England was in a fair wayto save herself from decadence through the revivifying virtue of thephilosophico-ethical influence of Germany. --PROF. A. SCHRÖER, Z. C. E. , p. 69. 484. England is incapable of producing a people's army(_Volksarmee_). [45]--H. S. CHAMBERLAIN, K. A. , p. 50. _See also Nos. 3, 146, 147, 174, 176, 178, 179. _ =France. = 485. The English pirate-soul and French Chauvinism were bound to seekand find each other. --P. ROHRBACH, W. D. K. , p. 14. 486. Beasts who spring upon us we can only treat as beasts, but thebestial hatred which impels them we must not allow to arise inus. --PROF. F. MEINECKE, D. D. E. , p. 51. 487. At no former time could the French soldier be reproached withcowardice. .. . If his present conduct is so far beneath his reputation. .. It is because he lacks the stimulus of enthusiasm, because heknows that it is not his country that is sending him forth to battle, but only an ambitious and short-sighted Government, because he isconscious that he is not fighting for a great and noble cause, but fora mean and dirty one. --W. HELM, W. W. S. M. , p. 11. 488. For honour's sake another hundred thousand men may be sacrificed, but there must be an end to that. Then it is all over with France as agreat Power. .. . These men [the French Ministry] or others like themmust make peace! Some one must make it, for the bloodshed cannot go onforever. But what sort of a peace will it be? _Væ victis! Not till nowhas Bismarck's victory been complete. _--F. NAUMANN, Member of theReichstag, D. U. F. , p. 8. 489. We will do well to leave to France the outward boundaries of agreat Power, if only that we may not figure as the tyrants ofEurope. --P. ROHRBACH, W. D. K. , p. 28. 490. The defeat which France is now suffering is only the expiation ofguilt which is already a century old. .. . The twenty years of theRevolutionary and Napoleonic Wars had left the French a mere set ofindividuals who care nothing for the maintenance of their race:æsthetes and dandies, money-grubbers and Bohemians. --K. ENGELBRECHT, D. D. D. K. , p. 51. 491. [As to the origin of the war] the French, as England's trustyhenchmen, obediently repeat what England tells them. If Don Quixoterides at the windmills, Sancho Panza must keep pace with him. --PROF. W. V. BLUME, D. D. M. , p. 11. _See also No. 3. _ =Belgium. = 492. Belgium, the granary and armoury, is predestined to be thebattlefield in the struggle for the Meuse and the Rhine. I ask anygeneral or statesman who has seriously considered the problems of warand politics, whether Belgium can remain neutral in a Europeanwar--that is to say, can be respected as neutral any longer than mayappear expedient to the Power which feels itself possessed of the bestadvantage for attack. --ERNST MORITZ ARNDT (1834), quoted in H. A. H. , p. 22. 493. If Sir Edward Grey had urged neutrality [!] upon Belgium, he wouldhave done that country the greatest possible service. --"GERMANUS, "B. U. D. K. , p. 36. 494. Where the people of Israel had to demand a passage through foreignterritory, they were expressly enjoined first to offer the inhabitantspeace (Deuteronomy, xx. , 10). Only when the right of transit wasdenied them, was the sword to be drawn and the passage forced. In sucha case . .. Israel calls the wars in which it has to engage, wars ofJehovah. Its God is indeed a man of war, the Lord of the hosts ofIsrael. The Scripture even goes so far as to ascribe the subsequentcorruption of the people to the fact that it did not completelyannihilate the inhabitants of the conquered country. [46]--PASTOR M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 6. 495. If Belgium takes part in the war, it must be wiped off the map ofEurope. [47]--R. THEUDEN, W. M. K. B. , v. , p. 10. 496. How our adversaries understood neutrality is most strikinglysummed up in the following passage from the Paris paper _Le National_, which appeared as early as November 16, 1834 [!] "Le jour viendra ou. .. La neutralité de la Belgique, en cas de guerre européenne, disparaitra devant le voeu du peuple beige. .. . La Belgique se rangeranaturellement du côté de la France!"--PROF. C. BORCHLING, D. B. P. , p. 5. 497. A Belgian journalist who had ventured into Liège writes:--"TheGermans behave quietly. What they require they pay for in ready money. The pigeons which nest in the Place St. Lambert have a corner of theplace where they are fed. The Germans have respected this corner, though they have occupied the rest of the place. "--PASTOR D. M. HENNIG, D. K. U. W. , p. 91. 498. See what the war has laid bare in others! What have we learnt ofthe soul of Belgium? Has it not revealed itself as the soul ofcowardice and assassination? They have no moral forces within them;therefore they resort to the torch and the dagger. --PROF. U. V. WILAMOWITZ-MÖLLENDORF, R. , i. , p. 6. 499. The fate that Belgium has called down upon herself is hard forthe individual, but not too hard for this political structure(_Staatsgebilde_), for the destinies of the immortal great nationsstand so high that they cannot but have the right, in case of need, tostride over existences that cannot defend themselves, but live, asparasites, upon the rivalries of the great. --PROF. H. ONCKEN, S. M. , September, 1914, p. 819. 500. Our Chancellor has, with the scrupulous conscientiousnesspeculiar to him, admitted that we were guilty of a certain wrong[towards Belgium]. Here I cannot follow him. .. . When David, in thepinch of necessity, took the shew-bread from the table of the Lord, hewas absolutely in the right; for at that moment the letter of the lawno longer existed. --PROF. A. V. HARNACK, I. M. , 1st October, 1914, p. 23. 501. We were in the position of a man who, being attacked from twosides, has to carry on a furious fight for life, and cannot concernhimself overmuch as to whether one or two flowers are trodden down inhis neighbour's garden. --PROF. DR. W. DIBELIUS, W. W. E. , p. 5. FOOTNOTES: [38] If this does not mean that England was an accessory before thefact to the murder of the Archduke, what _does_ it mean? The passage isquoted with approval by Dr. Prockosch. _Englische Politik undenglischer Volksgeist_, p. 34. [39] This clergyman's pamphlet, of 24 pp. , is one uninterrupted torrentof abuse. [40] Doubtless a punning perversion of _Flugschrift_, pamphlet. [41] It would be easy to cite 501 repetitions of this dogma in almostthe same words. [42] Otherwise--horror of horrors!--Herr Chamberlain himself might notbe quite assured of his Germanism. [43] As to the prevalence of this illusion in Germany, see section "TheChosen People and its Mission, " p. 28; also Introduction, p. Xxi. [44] Repeated, in other words, again and again by this author. [45] Written 9th October, 1914. [46] It is only fair to state that the writer does not apply thisdoctrine directly to the case of Belgium; but he cannot but have had itin mind. Here is the passage from Deuteronomy: "When thou drawest nighunto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And itshall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then itshall be, that all the people that is found therein shall becometributary unto thee, and shall serve thee. And if it will make no peacewith thee, but will make war against thee, then shalt thou besiege it. And when the Lord thy God delivereth it into thine hand, thou shaltsmite every male thereof with the edge of the sword. But the women, andthe little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even allthe spoil thereof, shalt thou take for a prey unto thyself; and thoushalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath giventhee. " [47] As to the date of this utterance, see Index of Books. INDEX OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS FROM WHICH QUOTATIONS ARE MADE INDEX OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS FROM WHICH QUOTATIONS ARE MADE _Where titles are given in English only, references are to the Englisheditions of the works in question_ A. U. K. "Amicus Patriæ": Armenien und Kreta. Eine Lebensfrage für Deutschland. 1896. (Armenia and Crete. A Vital Question for Germany. ) B. D. V. Ernst Hasse: Die Besiedelung des deutschen Volksbodens. 1905. (The Colonization of the German Folk-Territory. ) B. G. E. Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil. B. I. Gerhart v. Schulze-Gaevernitz: Der britische Imperialismus im 19 Jahrhundert. (British Imperialism in the 19th Century. ) B. R. K. Friedrich Keutgen: Britische Reichsprobleme und der Krieg. 1914. (British Imperial Problems and the War. ) B. U. D. K. "Germanus": Britannien und der Krieg. 1914. (Britain and the War. ) D. A. P. Graf Ernst v. Reventlow: Deutschlands auswärtige Politik. 1914. (Germany's Foreign Policy. ) D. B. B. Deutschland bei Beginn des 20sten Jahrhunderts, von einem Deutschen. 1900. (Germany at the Beginning of the 20th Century, by a German. ) D. B. P. Conrad Borchling: Das belgische Problem. 1914. (The Belgian Problem. ) D. C. Otfried Nippold: Der deutsche Chauvinismus. 1913. (German Chauvinism. ) D. D. D. K. Karl Engelbrecht: Der Deutsche und dieser Krieg. 1914-15. (The German and this War. ) D. D. E. Friedrich Meinecke: Die deutsche Erhebung von 1914. 1914. (The German Uprising of 1914. ) D. D. M. Wilhelm v. Blume: Der deutsche Militarismus. 1915. (German Militarism. ) D. E. E. Karl L. A. Schmidt: Das Ende Englands. N. D. [1914]. (The End of England. ) D. E. S. E. Max Stirner: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. (The Individual and his Property. ) D. G. Ernst Hasse: Deutsche Grenzpolitik. 1906. (German Frontier Policy. ) D. I. W. Deutschland in Waffen. .. . (Germany under Arms. ) [With a preface and article by the Crown Prince. ] D. K. K. Der Krieg und die christlich-deutsche Kultur. 1915. (The War and Christian-German Kultur. ) D. K. U. S. Gottfried Traube: Der Krieg und die Seele. 1914. (The War and the Soul. ) D. K. U. W. Martin Hennig: Der Krieg und Wir. 1914. (The War and We. ) D. N. I. P. Wilhelm Wundt: Die Nationen und ihre Philosophie. 1915. (The Nations and their Philosophy. ) D. R. Julius v. Hartmann: Militärische Notwendigkeit und Humanität, in "Deutsche Rundschau, " Vols. XIII. And XIV. 1877-78. (Military Necessity and Humanity. ) D. R. S. Z. Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit. (German Speeches in Difficult Days. ) [A series of pamphlets by the Professors of Berlin University and a few others. ] 1914-15. D. S. Paul de Lagarde: Deutsche Schriften. 4th ed. 1903. (German Writings. ) D. S. E. S. D. Bernhard Lösche: Du stolzes England, schäme dich! 1914. (Thou proud England, shame on thee!) D. U. F. Friedrich Naumann: Deutschland und Frankreich. 1914. (Germany and France. ) D. W. D. Oskar A. H. Schmitz: Das wirkliche Deutschland: die Wiedergeburt durch den Krieg. 1915. (The real Germany: the Regeneration through the War. ) D. W. E. Edmund v. Heyking: Das wirkliche England. 1914. (The real England. ) D. Z. Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Die Zuversicht. 1915. Dated 25th May. (Confidence. ) E. B. Das Englandbuch der Täglichen Rundschau. 1915. (The England-book of the Tägliche Rundschau newspaper. ) E. M. S. Franz v. Liszt: Ein mitteleuropäischer Staatenverband. 1914. (A Middle-European League of States. ) E. P. D. Joseph Ludwig Reimer: Ein Pangermanisches Deutschland. 1905. (A Pan-German Germany. ) E. S. S. H. Ein Hamburger Kaufmann: Die englische Seeräuber und sein Handelskrieg. 1914. (A Hamburg Merchant: The English Pirates and their Trade-War. ) E. S. V. Kurd v. Strantz: Ein starkes Volk--Ein starkes Heer. 1914. (A Strong People--A Strong Army. ) [Published shortly before the war. ] E. U. W. Jakob Reisser: England und Wir, 1914. (England and We. ) E. W. Ernst Haeckel: Ewigkeit: Weltkriegsgedanken. 1915. (Eternity: Thoughts on the World-War. ) G. D. Otto Richard Tannenberg; Gross-Deutschland. 1911. (Great Germany. ) G. D. W. Chr. Ludw. Poehlmann: Das Gute des Weltkrieges. 1914. (The Good of the World-War. ) G. M. Friedrich Nietzsche: A Genealogy of Morals. G. N. W. Friedrich v. Bernhardi: Germany and the Next War. Ed. 1914. [First published, 1912. ] G. U. M. Grossdeutschland und Mitteleuropa um das Jahr 1950, von einem Alldeutschen. 1895. (Great-Germany and Middle-Europe in 1950. By a Pan-German. ) G. W. B. The German War-Book. Translation by J. M. Morgan, M. A. 1915. G. Z. K. Hans v. Wolzogen: Gedanken zur Kriegszeit. 1915. (Thoughts in War-Time. ) H. A. H. J. P. Bang: Hurrah and Halleluiah. 1916. H. D. F. Alfred H. Fried: Handbuch der Friedensbewegung. 1911. (Handbook of the Peace Movement. ) H. T. H. Friedrich Nietzsche: Human, All-Too Human. H. U. H. Werner Sombart: Händler und Helden. 1915. (Hucksters and Heroes. ) I. M. Internationale Monatschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik. (International Monthly for Science, Art and Technology. ) J. W. Friedrich Nietzsche: The Joyous Wisdom. K. Klaus Wagner: Krieg. 1906. (War. ) K. A. Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Kriegsaufsätze. 1914. (War Essays. ) O. U. W. Albrecht Wirth: Orient und Weltpolitik. 1913. (The East and World-Politics. ) P. Heinrich v. Treitschke: Politics. Ed. 1916. [First published, 1899. ] P. G. Ernst v. Lasaulx: Philosophic der Geschichte. 1856. (Philosophy of History. ) P. I. Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Politische Ideale. 1916. (Political Ideals. ) P. K. U. K. Gustav E. Pazaurek: Patriotismus, Kunst und Kunsthandwerk. 1914. (Patriotism, Art, and Art-Handicraft. ) R. Ulrich v. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf: Reden. Four parts: Pt. I. , Zwei Reden. 1914. Pts. Ii. , iii. , and iv. , Reden aus der Kriegszeit. 1915. (Two Speeches, and Speeches in War-Time. ) R. D. Friedrich Lange: Reines Deutschtum, 5th Ed. 1904. (Pure Germanism. ) S. I. U. Ludwik Gumplowicz: Socialphilosophie im Umriss. 1910. (Social Philosophy in Outline. ) S. M. Süddeutsche Monatsheft. (South German Monthly. ) T. O. D. Albrecht Wirth: Türkei, Oesterreich, Deutschland. 1912. (Turkey, Austria, Germany. ) U. A. P. Albrecht Wirth: Unsere äussere Politik. 1912. (Our External Policy. ) V. G. D. K. Georg Misch: Vom Geist des Krieges und des deutschen Volkes Barbarei. 1914. (Of the Spirit of the War, and the Barbarism of the German People. ) V. K. K. V. Clausewitz: Vom Kriege. Ed. 1867. (On War. ) [First Published, 1832. ] V. U. W. Albrecht Wirth: Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte. 2nd Ed. 1904. (National Spirit and World-Power in History. ) W. B. Jakob Burckhardt: Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. 1905. (World-Historic Reflections. ) W. B. D. G. Rudolf Eucken: Die weltgeschichtliche Bedeutung des deutschen Geistes. 1914. (The World-Historic Significance of the German Spirit. ) W. D. Fritz Bley: Die Weltstellung des Deutschtums. 1897. (The World-Position of Germanism. ) W. D. K. Paul Rohrbach: Warum es der deutsche Krieg ist! 1914. (Why it is the German War!) W. D. U. S. R. Jannasch: Weshalb die Deutschen im Auslande unbeliebt sind. 1915. (Why the Germans are unloved in Foreign Parts. ) W. I. K. Ernst Hasse: Weltpolitik, Imperialismus und Kolonialpolitik. 1906. (World-Politics, Imperialism, and Colonial Politics. ) W. I. K. W. Daniel Frymann: Wenn ich der Kaiser wäre. 5th Ed. 1914. (If I were the Kaiser. ) W. K. B. M. Ein Deutscher: Was uns der Krieg bringen muss. N. D. [?1914] (What the War must bring us. ) W. L. K. D. Otto Siemens: Wie lange kann der Krieg dauern? n. D. [?1914] (How long can the War last?) W. M. K. B. Rudolf Theuden: Was muss uns der Krieg bringen? 1914. Dated August, 1914, but written before it was known that either Belgium or England would be involved in the War. (What must the War bring us?) W. U. G. P. Heinsick: Der Weltkrieg, seine Ursachen und Gründe. N. D. (The World-War, its Causes and Reasons. ) W. U. W. Karl A. Kuhn: Die wahren Ursachen des Weltkrieges. 1914. (The True Causes of the World-War. ) W. W. E. W. Dibelius: Was will England? 1914. (What does England want?) W. W. R. Paul Rohrbach: Was will Russland? 1914. (What does Russia want?) W. W. S. G. Adolf v. Harnack: Was wir schon gewonnen haben und was wir noch gewinnen müssen. 1914. (What we have already won, and what we have yet to win. ) W. W. S. M. Willy Helm: Warum wir siegen müssen. 1915. (Why we must win. ) Z. Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus spake Zarathustra. Z. C. E. E. Arnold Schröer: Zur Characterisierung der Engländer. N. D. (English Characteristics. ) Z. D. V. Ernst Hasse: Die Zukunft des deutschen Volkstums. 1908. (The Future of the German National Spirit. ) INDEX OF AUTHORS INDEX OF AUTHORS "Alldeutscher, Ein", 2, 202. "Amicus Patriæ", 220, 278. Arndt, Ernst Moritz (1769-1860). Poet and patriot, 492. Baumgarten, D. , Pastor, 322, 360, 361. Bernhardi, Friedrich A. J. V. (b. 1849). General of Cavalry, late Chief of Department in Great General Staff--5, 10, 13, 174, 246, 251, 259, 261, 265, 267, 276, 279, 281-287, 289-291, 297, 300, 367, 371, 376, 377, 384, 386, 388. Bley, Fritz (b. 1853). Journalist and author, 9, 12, 198. Blume, Wilhelm v. (b. 1867). Dr. Jur. Professor of Roman Law, Tübingen, 225, 235a, 401a, 491. Borchling, Conrad A. J. Carl (b. 1872). Dr. Phil. Professor, Hamburg Colonial Institute, 496. Brandl, Alois (b. 1855). Dr. Phil, LL. D. , Geh. Regierungsrat. Professor of English Philology, Berlin, 183. Burckhardt, Jakob (1818-1897). Professor in Basel. Authority on Renaissance Art, 241, 249, 295, 365. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (b. 1855). Son of Admiral Chamberlain. "Left England, 1870. " "Attacked by severe nervous trouble, 1884. " Married Richard Wagner's daughter, 21a, 50, 52c, 57, 60, 102, 108, 117, 120, 126, 145, 165, 172, 180, 180a, 184, 185, 187, 188-191, 229, 232, 235, 305, 323, 358, 408, 422, 436, 441, 451, 467, 469, 471, 473, 475, 477, 480, 484. Clausewitz, Carl v. (1780-1831). Prussian General, and author of "Vom Kriege, " "an exposition of the philosophy of war which is absolutely unrivalled", 326. Deissmann, Gustav Adolf (b. 1866). Dr. Theol. Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Berlin. Hon. Degrees, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, Manchester, 107, 121, 159, 391. Delitzsch, Friedrich (b. 1850). Dr. Phil. Professor, Berlin. Assyriologist, 26, 422a. "Deutscher, Ein" (Was uns der Krieg bringen muss), 77, 378, 380, 381, 383. "Deutscher, Ein" (Deutschland bei Beginn des 20sten Jahrhunderts), 193, 201, 223, 280, 303, 344, 345, 350. Dibelius, Wilhelm (b. 1876). Dr. Phil. Professor of English Language and Kultur, Hamburg, 501. Engelbrecht, Kurt, 23, 36, 51, 94, 94a, 116, 141, 318, 439, 490. Erdmann, Pastor, 155, 426. Eucken, Rudolf (b. 1846). Dr. Phil. , Litt. , LLD. , Geheimrat. Professor, Jena. An eminent philosopher, 81, 83, 83, 138, 140. Falck, G. , 414. Flamm, Oswald A. H. (b. 1861). Geh. Regierungsrat. Professor, Royal Technical High School, Berlin, 404. Fontane, Theodor (1819-1898). Highly esteemed poet and novelist, 394. Francke, H. , Pastor, 29, 99, 115, 148, 153. Fried, Alfred H. , 293. Frymann, Daniel, 278a. Fuchs, W. , Dr. , 274. "Germanus", 168, 398, 410, 416, 435, 449, 450, 459, 493. "German War Book", 334, 336, 338, 339, 349, 351, 354. Gierke, Otto v. (b. 1841). Dr. Jur. , Phil. , Geh. Justizrat. Professor, Berlin. Jurist. Hon. Degree, Harvard, 76, 79, 80, 89, 92, 403. Gottberg, Otto v. Editor of _Weekly Paper for the Youth of Germany_, 247, 252, 296. Gruber, Max v. (b. 1853). Dr. Med. , Obermedizinalrat, Hofrat. Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology, Munich, 65, 227a, 231. Gumplowicz, Ludwik (b. 1838). Austrian professor, jurist and economist, 264. Haeckel, Ernst (b. 1843). Dr. Phil. , Med. , Jur. Professor of Zoology, Jena. The German apostle of Darwinism and champion of "monism", 54a, 237, 407, 409, 412, 422b, 423a, 429, 452, 462. Harden, Maximilian (b. 1861). Jewish journalist. Editor of _Zukunft_. Real name, Witkowski, 209, 221, 242. "Hamburger Kaufmann, Ein", 400. Harnack, Adolf (b. 1851). Dr. Theol, Phil. , Med. Jur. Professor, Berlin. The great ecclesiastical historian, 31, 75, 163, 415, 500. Hartmann, Eduard v. (1842-1906). "The Philosopher of the Unconscious", 369. Hartmann, Julius v. (1817-1878). Prussian General of Cavalry, 254, 330, 341, 342, 347, 348. Hasse, Ernst, Professor, 194, 200, 206, 206a, 212, 248, 258, 268, 299, 389. Heckel, Karl, 182. Heinsick, P. , 179. Helm, Willy, 25, 27, 166, 169, 487. Hennig, Martin Chr. (b. 1864). Pastor. Director of Rauhes Haus, near Hamburg, a famous home-mission centre and charitable institution, 53, 56, 97, 111, 113, 123, 312, 316, 397, 461, 470, 494, 497. Heyking, Edmund, Freiherr v. (b. 1850). Ex-Consul in New York, Valparaiso, Calcutta, etc. , Minister in Morocco, Peking, Mexico, Belgrade, 100. Hort, J. , 40. Huber, E. , Dr. , 153. Jannasch, Robert, Dr. Professor, 20, 226. Kahl, Wilhelm (b. 1849). Dr. Jur. , Theol. , Med. Professor, Berlin, 52a, 55. Kaiser Wilhelm II. , 121, 136. Keim, August Alexander (b. 1845). Major-General, 11, 271, 275, 277, 298. Keutgen, Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard (b. 1861). Dr. Phil. Professor of History, Hamburg. Formerly lived in Manchester, 456. König, K. , Pastor, 21b. Kronprinz Wilhelm, 240, 294. Kuhn, Karl A. Dozent in Military History, Charlottenburg, 46, 82, 84, 86, 87, 93, 230, 308, 311, 314, 315, 320, 382. Lagarde, Paul Anton de (1827-1891). Biblical scholar and orientalist. Real name, Bötticher, 199, 211. Lahusen, D. (b. 1851). Pastor. Ober-Konsistorialrat. General-Superintendent, Berlin, 423. Lange, Friedrich (b. 1852). Dr. Phil. Journalist and educational reformer, founder of various political associations, 3, 7, 14, 69, 71, 204, 207, 213, 213a, 219, 253, 302. Lasaulx, Ernst v. (1805-1861). Archæologist and historian, 243, 250. Lasson, Adolf (b. 1832). Dr. Theol. , Phil. , Jur. , Geh. Regierungsrat. Professor, Berlin. Real name said to be Lazarusson, 37, 39, 44, 49, 54, 66, 85, 164. Lehmann, W. , Pastor, 19, 21, 32, 43, 95, 101, 105, 106, 112, 122, 135, 137, 142. Leonhard, Rudolf (b. 1851). Dr. Jur. Professor of Law, Breslau, 402. Liebert, Eduard W. H. (b. 1850). Lieutenant-General, 208. Lienhardt, F. , 125. Liszt, Franz v. (b. 1851). Dr. Jur. , Geh. Justizrat. Professor, Berlin. Very eminent jurist, 78, 309. Litzmann, Berthold (b. 1857). Geh. Regierungsrat. Professor of Modern German Literature, Bonn, 396. Lösche, Bernhard, Pastor, Leipzig, 411, 411a, 440. Meinecke, Friedrich (b. 1862). Dr. Phil. , Geh. Hofrat. Professor of History, Freiburg-in-Breisgau, 16, 64, 87a, 134, 390, 486. Misch, Georg, 58, 63, 417. Moltke, Graf Hellmuth v. (1800-1891), 244. Münch, F. X. , Pastor, 149. Naumann, Friedrich (b. 1860). D. D. , ex-Pastor, Member of Reichstag. Noted writer on politics. Author of "Mitteleuropa", 103, 488. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844-1900). The philosopher of the "Will to Power" and of Immoralism. Went mad 1888, 256, 262, 269, 270, 273, 288, 292, 327, 329, 331, 333, 335, 337, 340, 343, 346, 352, 356. Nippold, Otfried (b. 1864). Dr. Jur. Professor, 11, 192, 192a, 195, 208, 217, 218, 240a, 247, 252, 260, 263, 266, 271, 274, 275, 277, 298, 301, 304. Oncken, Hermann (b. 1869). Professor of Modern History, Heidelberg, 499. Pazaurek, Gustav E. (b. 1865). Dr. Phil. Professor, Stuttgart, 38, 73, 234. Poehlmann, Christof Ludwig (b. 1867). Educationist, 92a, 186, 233. Philippi, Felix (b. 1851). Well-known dramatist and critic, 96, 226a. Pohl, Heinrich (b. 1871). Dr. Phil. Journalist, 215. Preuss, Dr. Licentiate of Theology, 119, 150, 152, 162, 457. Reimer, Joseph Ludwig (b. 1879). Author, 68, 70, 192b, 197, 197a, 203, 216, 224, 353, 387. Reventlow, Ernst, Graf zu (b. 1869). Author of numerous works on military, naval and political affairs. Understood to represent views of Grand-Admiral v. Tirpitz, 373, 375. Rieger, Franz. Feldmarschalleutnant, 161. Riemasch, Otto, 398a. Riesser, Jacob (b. 1853). Dr. , Geh. Justizrat. Hon. Professor, Berlin. Authority on Commercial Law, 454. Roethe, Gustav (b. 1859). Dr. Phil, Geh. Regierungsrat. Professor, Berlin. Philologist, 42, 52b, 59, 139a, 239a, 424, 431, 445. Rohrbach, Paul (b. 1869), Dr. Phil. Late Imperial Commissioner for Colonization of S. W. Africa. Noted authority on Colonial subjects, 238, 485, 489. Rump, J. , Pastor, 17, 35, 41, 52, 109, 114, 124, 127, 129, 133, 154, 158, 160, 171, 228, 444. Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E. (1768-1834). Eminent theologian and philosopher. , 397. Schmid, H. Alfred (b. 1863). Dr. Phil. Professor of Art History, Göttingen, 28. Schmidt, Dr. , of Gibichenfels, 260, 263. Schmidt, Karl L. A. , 167, 324, 401, 408a, 479. Schmitz, Oskar A. H. (b. 1873). Author, 24, 34, 48, 62, 74, 181, 306, 313, 325, 399, 406, 420, 427, 442, 448, 468, 472, 482. Schröer, M. M. Arnold (b. 1857). Dr. Phil. Professor of English Language and Literature, Commercial High School, Cologne, 170, 437, 438, 455, 458, 460, 463, 465, 474, 476, 483. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart v. (b. 1864). Geh. Hofrat. Prussian Minister of State. Well-known economist, 393. Schuster, Hermann. Oberlehrer, Hanover, 466. Seeberg, Reinhold (b. 1859). Dr. Theol. , Jur. , Phil. , Geheimrat. Professor of Theology, Berlin, 464. Siemens, Otto, 236, 433, 434, 443. Sombart, Werner (b. 1863). Professor of Economics, Commercial High School, Berlin. Author of more than 100 works, some translated into English, 18, 22, 30, 33, 61, 67, 118, 128, 132, 142, 239, 305a, 317, 319, 405, 425, 432, 481. Stipberger, Court Preacher (?Bavarian), 151. Stirner, Max (1806-1856). The philosopher of "Egoism. " Real name, Kaspar Schmidt, 385. Strantz, Kurd Ludwig Immanuel v. , Freier und Edler Herr zu Tüllstedt, etc. (b. 1863). Ex-diplomatist. Author of "Do you want Alsace and Lorraine? We will take Lorraine and more!", 175, 176, 379. Tannenberg, Otto Richard, 2a. Theuden, Rudolf, 91, 225a, 495. Tolzien, Pastor, 130, 146, 147, 419, 428, 446. Traub, Gottfried (b. 1869). Pastor, 131, 157, 357, 359. Treitschke, Heinrich v. (1834-1896). Politician-historian and panegyrist of the House of Hohenzollern. Stone deaf from childhood, 1, 6, 8, 15, 206b, 210, 214, 223a, 245, 245a, 255, 272, 328, 332, 355, 362, 364, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374, 392. Troeltsch, Ernst D. (b. 1865). Dr. Phil, Jur. Professor of Systematic Theology, Heidelberg, 90. Vietinghoff-Scheel, Hermann E. L. O. , Freiherr v. (b. 1856). General of Cavalry, 195. Vorwerk, Karl Wilhelm Dietrich (b. 1870). Pastor, and author of books on religion and child-psychology, 98, 156, 425a. Wagner, Klaus, 70a, 196, 200a, 248a, 249a, 257, 292a. Wagner, Reinhold. Lieutenant-Colonel, 413. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, Ulrich v. (b. 1848). Dr. Phil. , Jur. Professor, Berlin. A classical scholar of the highest distinction, 54b, 72, 173, 173a, 227, 307, 418, 421, 453, 498. Wildenbruch, Ernst v. (1845-1909). Poet, and writer of patriotic dramas, 4. Wirth, Albrecht (b. 1866). Dr. Political writer and lecturer, 177, 205, 222, 363. Wolzogen, Hans Paul, Freiherr v. (b. 1848). Well-known writer, especially on music. Leading Wagnerian, 45, 47, 104, 110, 139, 144, 310, 321. Wrochem, Alfred K. E. V. (b. 1857). Major-General, 192a, 217, 304. Wundt, Wilhelm M. (b. 1832). Dr. Phil. , Med. , Jur. , Geheimrat. Celebrated philosopher and physiological psychologist, 430, 447, 478. Zimmermann, A. Dr. , 178. * * * * *