THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS M. A. F. R. S. CLERK OF THE ACTS AND SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY TRANSCRIBED FROM THE SHORTHAND MANUSCRIPT IN THE PEPYSIAN LIBRARY MAGDALENE COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE BY THE REV. MYNORS BRIGHT M. A. LATE FELLOW AND PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE (Unabridged) WITH LORD BRAYBROOKE'S NOTES EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY HENRY B. WHEATLEY F. S. A. DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS. SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 1668 September 1st. Up and all the morning at the office busy, and afterdinner to the office again busy till about four, and then I abroad (mywife being gone to Hales's about drawing her hand new in her picture) andI to see Betty Michell, which I did, but su mari was dentro, and nopleasure. So to the Fair, and there saw several sights; among others, themare that tells money, [This is not the first learned horse of which we read. Shakespeare, "Love's Labour's Lost, " act i. , SC. 2, mentions "the dancing horse, "' and the commentators have added many particulars of Banks's bay horse. ] and many things to admiration; and, among others, come to me, when she wasbid to go to him of the company that most loved a pretty wench in acorner. And this did cost me 12d. To the horse, which I had flung himbefore, and did give me occasion to baiser a mighty belle fille that wasin the house that was exceeding plain, but fort belle. At night goinghome I went to my bookseller's in Duck Lane, and find her weeping in theshop, so as ego could not have any discourse con her nor ask the reason, so departed and took coach home, and taking coach was set on by a wenchthat was naught, and would have gone along with me to her lodging in ShoeLane, but ego did donner her a shilling . . . And left her, and home, where after supper, W. Batelier with us, we to bed. This day Mrs. Martincome to see us, and dined with us. 2nd. Fast-day for the burning of London, strictly observed. I at home atthe office all day, forenoon and afternoon, about the Victualler'scontract and other things, and at night home to supper, having had but acold dinner, Mr. Gibson with me; and this evening comes Mr. Hill todiscourse with me about Yeabsly and Lanyon's business, wherein they aretroubled, and I fear they have played the knave too far for me to help orthink fit to appear for them. So he gone, and after supper, to bed, beingtroubled with a summons, though a kind one, from Mr. Jessop, to attend theCommissioners of Accounts tomorrow. 3rd. Up, and to the Office, where busy till it was time to go to theCommissioners of Accounts, which I did about noon, and there was receivedwith all possible respect, their business being only to explain themeaning of one of their late demands to us, which we had not answered inour answer to them, and, this being done, I away with great content, mymind being troubled before, and so to the Exchequer and several places, calling on several businesses, and particularly my bookseller's, amongothers, for "Hobbs's Leviathan, " ["Leviathan: or the matter, forme and power of a Commonwealth ecclesiasticall and civill, " by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, first published in 1651. It was reprinted in 1680, with its old date. Hobbes's complete works, English and Latin, were published by Sir William Molesworth in sixteen volumes 8vo. Between 1839 and 1845. ] which is now mightily called for; and what was heretofore sold for 8s. Inow give 24s. For, at the second hand, and is sold for 30s. , it being abook the Bishops will not let be printed again, and so home to dinner, andthen to the office all the afternoon, and towards evening by water to theCommissioners of the Treasury, and presently back again, and there met alittle with W. Pen and the rest about our Prize accounts, and so W. Penand Lord Brouncker and I at the lodging of the latter to read over our newdraft of the victualler's contract, and so broke up and home to supper andto bed. 4th. Up, and met at the Office all the morning; and at noon my wife, andDeb. , and Mercer, and W. Hewer and I to the Fair, and there, at the oldhouse, did eat a pig, and was pretty merry, but saw no sights, my wifehaving a mind to see the play "Bartholomew-Fayre, " with puppets. Which wedid, and it is an excellent play; the more I see it, the more I love thewit of it; only the business of abusing the Puritans begins to grow stale, and of no use, they being the people that, at last, will be found thewisest. And here Knepp come to us, and sat with us, and thence took coachin two coaches, and losing one another, my wife, and Knepp, and I toHercules Pillars, and there supped, and I did take from her mouth thewords and notes of her song of "the Larke, " which pleases me mightily. Andso set her at home, and away we home, where our company come home beforeus. This night Knepp tells us that there is a Spanish woman lately comeover, that pretends to sing as well as Mrs. Knight; both of which I mustendeavour to hear. So, after supper, to bed. 5th. Up, and at the office all the morning. At noon home to dinner, andto the office to work all the afternoon again till the evening, and thenby coach to Mr. Hales's new house, where, I find, he hath finished mywife's hand, which is better than the other; and here I find Harris'spicture, done in his habit of "Henry the Fifth;" mighty like a player, butI do not think the picture near so good as any yet he hath made for me:however, it is pretty well, and thence through the fair home, but sawnothing, it being late, and so home to my business at the office, andthence to supper and to bed. 6th (Lord's day). Up betimes, and got myself ready to go by water, andabout nine o'clock took boat with Henry Russell to Gravesend, comingthither about one, where, at the Ship, I dined; and thither come to me Mr. Hosier, whom I went to speak with, about several businesses of work thathe is doing, and I would have him do, of writing work, for me. And I didgo with him to his lodging, and there did see his wife, a pretty tolerablewoman, and do find him upon an extraordinary good work of designing amethod of keeping our Storekeeper's Accounts, in the Navy. Here I shouldhave met with Mr. Wilson, but he is sick, and could not come from Chathamto me. So, having done with Hosier, I took boat again the beginning ofthe flood, and come home by nine at night, with much pleasure, it being afine day. Going down I spent reading of the "Five Sermons of Five SeveralStyles, " worth comparing one with another: but I do think, when all isdone, that, contrary to the design of the book, the Presbyterian style andthe Independent are the best of the five sermons to be preached in; this Ido, by the best of my present judgment think, and coming back I spentreading of a book of warrants of our office in the first Dutch war, and dofind that my letters and warrants and method will be found anothergate's business than this that the world so much adores, and I am glad formy own sake to find it so. My boy was with me, and read to me all day, and we sang a while together, and so home to supper a little, and so tobed. 7th. At the office all the morning, we met, and at noon dined at home, and after dinner carried my wife and Deb. To Unthanke's, and I to WhiteHall with Mr. Gibson, where the rest of our officers met us, and to theCommissioners of the Treasury about the Victualling contract, but staidnot long, but thence, sending Gibson to my wife, I with Lord Brouncker(who was this day in an unusual manner merry, I believe with drink), J. Minnes, and W. Pen to Bartholomew-Fair; and there saw the dancing mareagain, which, to-day, I find to act much worse than the other day, sheforgetting many things, which her master beat her for, and was mightilyvexed; and then the dancing of the ropes, and also the little stage-play, which is very ridiculous, and so home to the office with Lord Brouncker, W. Pen, and myself (J. Minnes being gone home before not well), and so, after a little talk together, I home to supper and to bed. 8th. Up, and by water to White Hall, and to St. James's, there to talk alittle with Mr. Wren about the private business we are upon, in theOffice, where he tells me he finds that they all suspect me to be theauthor of the great letter, which I value not, being satisfied that it isthe best thing I could ever do for myself; and so, after some discourse ofthis kind more, I back to the Office, where all the morning; and afterdinner to it again, all the afternoon, and very late, and then home tosupper, where met W. Batelier and Betty Turner; and, after some talk withthem, and supper, we to bed. This day, I received so earnest aninvitation again from Roger Pepys, to come to Sturbridge-Fair [atCambridge] that I resolve to let my wife go, which she shall do the nextweek, and so to bed. This day I received two letters from the Duke ofRichmond about his yacht, which is newly taken into the King's service, and I am glad of it, hoping hereby to oblige him, and to have occasions ofseeing his noble Duchess, which I admire. 9th. Up, and to the office, and thence to the Duke of Richmond's lodgingsby his desire, by letter, yesterday. I find him at his lodgings in thelittle building in the bowling-green, at White Hall, that was begun to bebuilt by Captain Rolt. They are fine rooms. I did hope to see his lady, the beautiful Mrs. Stuart, but she, I hear, is in the country. Hisbusiness was about his yacht, and he seems a mighty good-natured man, anddid presently write me a warrant for a doe from Cobham, when the seasoncomes, bucks season being past. I shall make much of this acquaintance, that I may live to see his lady near. Thence to Westminster, to Sir R. Longs Office: and, going, met Mr. George Montagu, who talked andcomplimented me mightily; and long discourse I had with him, who, fornews, tells me for certain that Trevor do come to be Secretary atMichaelmas, and that Morrice goes out, and he believes, without anycompensation. He tells me that now Buckingham does rule all; and theother day, in the King's journey he is now on, at Bagshot, and that way, he caused Prince Rupert's horses to be turned out of an inne, and causedhis own to be kept there, which the Prince complained of to the King, andthe Duke of York seconded the complaint; but the King did over-rule it forBuckingham, by which there are high displeasures among them; andBuckingham and Arlington rule all. Thence by water home and to dinner, and after dinner by water again to White Hall, where Brouncker, W. Pen, and I attended the Commissioners of the Treasury about thevictualling-contract, where high words between Sir Thomas Clifford and us, and myself more particularly, who told him that something, that he saidwas told him about this business, was a flat untruth. However, we went onto our business in, the examination of the draught, and so parted, and Ivexed at what happened, and Brouncker and W. Pen and I home in a hackneycoach. And I all that night so vexed that I did not sleep almost allnight, which shows how unfit I am for trouble. So, after a little supper, vexed, and spending a little time melancholy in making a base to theLark's song, I to bed. 10th. Up, and by water to White Hall, and there to Sir W. Coventry'shouse, where I staid in his dining-room two hours thinking to speak withhim, but I find Garraway and he are private, which I am glad of, CaptainCocke bringing them this day together. Cocke come out and talked to me, but it was too late for me to stay longer, and therefore to the Treasurychamber, where the rest met, and W. Coventry come presently after. And wespent the morning in finishing the Victualler's contract, and so I bywater home, and there dined with me Batelier and his wife, and Mercer, andmy people, at a good venison-pasty; and after dinner I and W. Howe, whocome to see me, by water to the Temple, and met our four women, my wife, M. Batelier, Mercer, and Deb. , at the Duke's play-house, and there saw"The Maid in the Mill, " revived--a pretty, harmless old play. Thence toUnthanke's, and 'Change, where wife did a little business, while Mercerand I staid in the coach; and, in a quarter of an hour, I taught her thewhole Larke's song perfectly, so excellent an eare she hath. Here we atUnthanke's 'light, and walked them to White Hall, my wife mighty angry atit, and did give me ill words before Batelier, which vexed me, but I madeno matter of it, but vexed to myself. So landed them, it being finemoonshine, at the Bear, and so took water to the other side, and home. Ito the office, where a child is laid at Sir J. Minnes's door, as there wasone heretofore. So being good friends again, my wife seeking, it, by mybeing silent I overcoming her, we to bed. 11th. Up, and at my Office all the morning, and after dinner all theafternoon in my house with Batelier shut up, drawing up my defence to theDuke of York upon his great letter, which I have industriously taken thisopportunity of doing for my future use. At it late, and my mind and headmighty full of it all night. 12th. At it again in the morning, and then to the Office, where tillnoon, and I do see great whispering among my brethren about their repliesto the Duke of York, which vexed me, though I know no reason for it; for Ihave no manner of ground to fear them. At noon home to dinner, and, afterdinner, to work all the afternoon again. At home late, and so to bed. 13th (Lord's day). The like all this morning and afternoon, and finishedit to my mind. So about four o'clock walked to the Temple, and there bycoach to St. James's, and met, to my wish, the Duke of York and Mr. Wren;and understand the Duke of York hath received answers from Brouncker, W. Pen, and J. Minnes; and as soon as he saw me, he bid Mr. Wren read themover with me. So having no opportunity of talk with the Duke of York, andMr. Wren some business to do, he put them into my hands like an idlecompanion, to, take home with me before himself had read them, which dogive me great opportunity of altering my answer, if there was cause. Sotook a hackney and home, and after supper made my wife to read them allover, wherein she is mighty useful to me; and I find them all evasions, and in many things false, and in few, to the full purpose. Little saidreflective on me, though W. Pen and J. Minnes do mean me in one or twoplaces, and J. Minnes a little more plainly would lead the Duke of York toquestion the exactness of my keeping my records; but all to no purpose. My mind is mightily pleased by this, if I can but get time to have a copytaken of them, for my future use; but I must return them tomorrow. So tobed. 14th. Up betimes, and walked to the Temple, and stopped, viewing theExchange, and Paul's, and St. Fayth's, where strange how the very sight ofthe stones falling from the top of the steeple do make me sea-sick! But nohurt, I hear, hath yet happened in all this work of the steeple, which isvery much. So from the Temple I by coach to St. James's, where I find SirW. Pen and Lord Anglesey, who delivered this morning his answer to theDuke of York, but I could not see it. But after being above with the Dukeof York, but said nothing, I down with Mr. Wren; and he and I read allover that I had, and I expounded them to him, and did so order it that Ihad them home with me, so that I shall, to my heart's wish, be able totake a copy of them. After dinner, I by water to, White Hall; and there, with the Cofferer and Sir Stephen Fox, attended the Commissioners of theTreasury, about bettering our fund; and are promised it speedily. Thenceby water home, and so all the afternoon and evening late busy at theoffice, and then home to supper, and Mrs. Turner comes to see my wifebefore her journey to-morrow, but she is in bed, and so sat talking tolittle purpose with me a great while, and, she gone, I to bed. 15th. Up mighty betimes, my wife and people, Mercer lying here all night, by three o'clock, and I about five; and they before, and I after them, tothe coach in Bishopsgate Street, which was not ready to set out. So tookwife and Mercer and Deb. And W. Hewer (who are all to set out this day forCambridge, to cozen Roger Pepys's, to see Sturbridge Fayre); and I shewedthem the Exchange, which is very finely carried on, with good dispatch. So walked back and saw them gone, there being only one man in the coachbesides them; and so home to the Office, where Mrs. Daniel come and staidtalking to little purpose with me to borrow money, but I did not lend herany, having not opportunity para hater allo thing mit her. At the officeall the morning, and at noon dined with my people at home, and so to theoffice again a while, and so by water to the King's playhouse, to see anew play, acted but yesterday, a translation out of French by Dryden, called "The Ladys a la Mode:" so mean a thing as, when they come to say itwould be acted again to-morrow, both he that said it, Beeson, and the pitfell a-laughing, there being this day not a quarter of the pit full. Thence to St. James's and White Hall to wait on the Duke of York, butcould not come to speak to him till time to go home, and so by water home, and there late at the office and my chamber busy, and so after a littlesupper to bed. 16th. Up; and dressing myself I did begin para toker the breasts of mymaid Jane, which elle did give way to more than usual heretofore, so Ihave a design to try more when I can bring it to. So to the office, andthence to St. James's to the Duke of York, walking it to the Temple, andin my way observe that the Stockes are now pulled quite down; and it willmake the coming into Cornhill and Lumber Street mighty noble. I stopped, too, at Paul's, and there did go into St. Fayth's Church, and also in thebody of the west part of the Church; and do see a hideous sight of thewalls of the Church ready to fall, that I was in fear as long as I was init: and here I saw the great vaults underneath the body of the Church. Nohurt, I hear, is done yet, since their going to pull down the Church andsteeple; but one man, on Monday this week, fell from the top to a piece ofthe roof, of the east end, that stands next the steeple, and there brokehimself all to pieces. It is pretty here to see how the late Church wasbut a case wrought over the old Church; for you may see the very oldpillars standing whole within the wall of this. When I come to St. James's, I find the Duke of York gone with the King to see the muster ofthe Guards in Hyde Park; and their Colonel, the Duke of Monmouth, to takehis command this day of the King's Life-Guard, by surrender of my LordGerard. So I took a hackney-coach and saw it all: and indeed it wasmighty noble, and their firing mighty fine, and the Duke of Monmouth inmighty rich clothes; but the well-ordering of the men I understand not. Here, among a thousand coaches that were there, I saw and spoke to Mrs. Pierce: and by and by Mr. Wren hunts me out, and gives me my LordAnglesey's answer to the Duke of York's letter, where, I perceive, he dodo what he can to hurt me, by bidding the Duke of York call for my books:but this will do me all the right in the world, and yet I am troubled atit. So away out of the Park, and home; and there Mr. Gibson and I todinner: and all the afternoon with him, writing over anew, and a littlealtering, my answer to the Duke of York, which I have not yet delivered, and so have the opportunity of doing it after seeing all their answers, though this do give me occasion to alter very little. This done, he towrite it over, and I to the Office, where late, and then home; and he hadfinished it; and then he to read to me the life of Archbishop Laud, wroteby Dr. Heylin; which is a shrewd book, but that which I believe will dothe Bishops in general no great good, but hurt, it pleads for so muchPopish. So after supper to bed. This day my father's letters tell me ofthe death of poor Fancy, in the country, big with puppies, which troublesme, as being one of my oldest acquaintances and servants. Also goodStankes is dead. 17th. Up, and all the morning sitting at the office, where every bodygrown mighty cautious in what they do, or omit to do, and at noon comesKnepp, with design to dine with Lord Brouncker, but she being undressed, and there being: much company, dined with me; and after dinner I out withher, and carried her to the playhouse; and in the way did give her fiveguineas as a fairing, I having given her nothing a great while, and hercoming hither sometimes having been matter of cost to her, and so I to St. James's, but missed of the Duke of York, and so went back to the King'splayhouse, and saw "Rollo, Duke of Normandy, " which, for old acquaintance, pleased me pretty well, and so home and to my business, . And to readagain, and to bed. This evening Batelier comes to tell me that he wasgoing down to Cambridge to my company, to see the Fair, which vexed me, and the more because I fear he do know that Knepp did dine with meto-day. --[And that he might tell Mrs. Pepys. --B. ] 18th. Up, and to St. James's, and there took a turn or two in the Park;and then up to the Duke of York, and there had opportunity of deliveringmy answer to his late letter, which he did not read, but give to Mr. Wren, as looking on it as a thing I needed not have done, but only that I mightnot give occasion to the rest to suspect my communication with the Duke ofYork against them. So now I am at rest in that matter, and shall be more, when my copies are finished of their answers, which I am now taking withall speed. Thence to my several booksellers and elsewhere, about severalerrands, and so at noon home, and after dinner by coach to White Hall, andthither comes the Duke of York to us, and by and by met at the robechamber upon our usual business, where the Duke of York I find somewhatsour, and particularly angry with Lord Anglesey for his not being therenow, nor at other times so often as he should be with us. So to the King'shouse, and saw a piece of "Henry the Fourth;" at the end of the play, thinking to have gone abroad with Knepp, but it was too late, and she toget her part against to-morrow, in "The Silent Woman, " and so I only sether at home, and away home myself, and there to read again and sup withGibson, and so to bed. 19th. Up, and to the office, where all the morning busy, and so dinedwith my people at home, and then to the King's playhouse, and there saw"The Silent Woman;" the best comedy, I think, that ever was wrote; andsitting by Shadwell the poet, he was big with admiration of it. Here wasmy Lord Brouncker and W. Pen and their ladies in the box, being grownmighty kind of a sudden; but, God knows, it will last but a little while, I dare swear. Knepp did her part mighty well. And so home straight, andto work, and particularly to my cozen Roger, who, W. Hewer and my wifewrites me, do use them with mighty plenty and noble entertainment: so hometo supper, and to bed. All the news now is, that Mr. Trevor is forcertain now to be Secretary, in Morrice's place, which the Duke of Yorkdid himself tell me yesterday; and also that Parliament is to be adjournedto the 1st of March, which do please me well, hoping thereby to get mythings in a little better order than I should have done; and the lessattendances at that end of the town in winter. So home to supper and tobed. 20th (Lord's day). Up, and to set some papers to rights in my chamber, and the like in my office, and so to church, at our own church, and heardbut a dull sermon of one Dr. Hicks, who is a suitor to Mrs. Howell, thewidow of our turner of the Navy; thence home to dinner, staying till pastone o'clock for Harris, whom I invited, and to bring Shadwell the poetwith him; but they come not, and so a good dinner lost, through my ownfolly. And so to dinner alone, having since church heard the boy readover Dryden's Reply to Sir R. Howard's Answer, about his Essay of Poesy, and a letter in answer to that; the last whereof is mighty silly, inbehalf of Howard. [The title of the letter is as follows: "A Letter from a Gentleman to the Honourable Ed. Howard, Esq. , occasioned by a Civiliz'd Epistle of Mr. Dryden's before his Second Edition of his Indian Emperour. In the Savoy, printed by Thomas Newcomb, 1668. " The "Civiliz'd Epistle" was a caustic attack on Sir Robert Howard; and the Letter is signed, "Sir, your faithful and humble servant, R. F. "--i. E. , Richard Flecknoe. ] Thence walked forth and got a coach and to visit Mrs. Pierce, with whom, and him, I staid a little while, and do hear how the Duchesse of Monmouthis at this time in great trouble of the shortness of her lame leg, whichis likely to grow shorter and shorter, that she will never recover it. Thence to St. Margaret's Church, thinking to have seen Betty Michell, butshe was not there. So back, and walked to Gray's Inn walks a while, butlittle company; and so over the fields to Clerkenwell, to see whether Icould find that the fair Botelers do live there still, I seeing Francesthe other day in a coach with Cary Dillon, her old servant, but know notwhere she lives. So walked home, and there walked in the garden an hour, it being mighty pleasant weather, and so took my Lady Pen and Mrs. Markhamhome with me and sent for Mrs. Turner, and by and by comes Sir W. Pen andsupped with me, a good supper, part of my dinner to-day. They gone, Mrs. Turner staid an hour talking with me . . . . So parted, and I to bed. 21st. Up, and betimes Sir D. Gawden with me talking about the Victuallingbusiness, which is now under dispute for a new contract, or whether itshall be put into a Commission. He gone, comes Mr. Hill to talk with meabout Lanyon's business, and so being in haste I took him to the waterwith me, and so to White Hall, and there left him, and I to Sir W. Coventry, and shewed him my answer to the Duke of York's great letter, which he likes well. We also discoursed about the Victualling business, which he thinks there is a design to put into a way of Commission, but dolook upon all things to be managed with faction, and is grieved under it. So to St. James's, and there the Duke of York did of his own accord cometo me, and tell me that he had read, and do like of, my answers to theobjections which he did give me the other day, about the Navy; and so didW. Coventry too, who told me that the Duke of York had shown him them: Soto White Hall a little and the Chequer, and then by water home to dinnerwith my people, where Tong was also this day with me, whom I shall employfor a time, and so out again and by water to Somerset House, but when comethither I turned back and to Southwarke-Fair, very dirty, and there sawthe puppet-show of Whittington, which was pretty to see; and how that idlething do work upon people that see it, and even myself too! And thence toJacob Hall's dancing on the ropes, where I saw such action as I never sawbefore, and mightily worth seeing; and here took acquaintance with afellow that carried me to a tavern, whither come the musick of this booth, and by and by Jacob Hall himself, with whom I had a mind to speak, to hearwhether he had ever any mischief by falls in his time. He told me, "Yes, many; but never to the breaking of a limb:" he seems a mighty strong man. So giving them a bottle or two of wine, I away with Payne, the waterman. He, seeing me at the play, did get a link to light me, and so light me tothe Beare, where Bland, my waterman, waited for me with gold and otherthings he kept for me, to the value of L40 and more, which I had about me, for fear of my pockets being cut. So by link-light through the bridge, itbeing mighty dark, but still weather, and so home, where I find my draughtof "The Resolution" come, finished, from Chatham; but will cost me, oneway or other, about L12 or L13, in the board, frame, and garnishing, whichis a little too much, but I will not be beholden to the King's officersthat do it. So to supper, and the boy to read to me, and so to bed. Thisday I met Mr. Moore in the New Exchange, and had much talk of my Lord'sconcernments. This day also come out first the new five-pieces in gold, coined by the Guiny Company; and I did get two pieces of Mr. Holder. [Guineas took their name from the gold brought from Guinea by the African Company in 1663, who, as an encouragement to bring over gold to be coined, were permitted by their charter from Charles II. To have their stamp of an elephant upon the coin. When first coined they were valued at 20s. , but were worth 30s. In 1695. There were likewise fivepound pieces, like the guinea, with the inscription upon the rim. ] 22nd. Up, and to the Office, where sitting all the morning at noon, hometo dinner, with my people, and so to the Office again, where busy all theafternoon, and in the evening spent my time walking in the dark, in thegarden, to favour my eyes, which I find nothing but ease to help. In thegarden there comes to me my Lady Pen and Mrs. Turner and Markham, and wesat and talked together, and I carried them home, and there eat a bit ofsomething, and by and by comes Sir W. Pen, and eat with us, and mightymerry-in appearance, at least, he being on all occasions glad to be atfriendship with me, though we hate one another, and know it on both sides. They gone, Mrs. Turner and I to walk in the garden . . . . So led herhome, and I back to bed. This day Mr. Wren did give me, at the Board, Commissioner Middleton's answer to the Duke of York's great letter; sothat now I have all of them. 23rd. At my office busy all the morning. At noon comes Mr. Evelyn to me, about some business with the Office, and there in discourse tells me ofhis loss, to the value of F 500, which he hath met with, in a late attemptof making of bricks [At the end of the year 1666 a Dutchman of the Prince of Orange's party, named Kiviet, came over to England with proposals for embanking the river from the Temple to the Tower with brick, and was knighted by the king. He was introduced to Evelyn, whom he persuaded to join with him in a great undertaking for the making of bricks. On March 26th, 1667, the two went in search of brick-earth, and in September articles were drawn up between them for the purpose of proceeding in the manufacture. In April, 1668, Evelyn subscribed 50, 000 bricks for the building of a college for the Royal Society, in addition to L50 given previously for the same purpose. No more information on the subject is given in Evelyn's "Diary. "] upon an adventure with others, by which he presumed to have got a greatdeal of money: so that I see the most ingenious men may sometimes bemistaken. So to the 'Change a little, and then home to dinner, and thenby water to White Hall, to attend the Commissioners of the Treasury withAlderman Backewell, about L10, 000 he is to lend us for Tangier, and thenup to a Committee of the Council, where was the Duke of York, and they didgive us, the Officers of the Navy, the proposals of the several biddersfor the victualling of the Navy, for us to give our answer to, which isthe best, and whether it be better to victual by commission or contract, and to bring them our answer by Friday afternoon, which is a great deal ofwork. So thence back with Sir J. Minnes home, and come after us Sir W. Pen and Lord Brouncker, and we fell to the business, and I late when theywere gone to digest something of it, and so to supper and to bed. 24th. Up betimes and Sir D. Gawden with me, and I told him all, beingvery desirous for the King's sake, as well as my own, that he may be keptin it, and after consulting him I to the Office, where we met again andspent most of the morning about this business, and no other, and so atnoon home to dinner, and then close with Mr. Gibson till night, drawing upour answer, which I did the most part by seven at night, and so to LordBrouncker and the rest at his lodgings to read it, and they approved ofit. So back home to supper, and made my boy read to me awhile, and thento bed. 25th. Up, and Sir D. Gawden with me betimes to confer again about thisbusiness, and he gone I all the morning finishing our answer, which I didby noon, and so to dinner, and W. Batelier with me, who is lately comefrom Impington, beyond which I perceive he went not, whatever his pretenceat first was; and so he tells me how well and merry all are there, and hownobly used by my cozen. He gone, after dinner I to work again, and Gibsonhaving wrote our answer fair and got Brouncker and the rest to sign it, Iby coach to White Hall to the Committee of the Council, which met late, and Brouncker and J. Minnes with me, and there the Duke of York present(but not W. Coventry, who I perceive do wholly avoid to have to dopublickly in this business, being shy of appearing in any Navy business, which I telling him the other day that I thought the King might suffer byit, he told me that the occasion is now so small that it cannot be fatalto the service, and for the present it is better for him not to appear, saying that it may fare the worse for his appearing in it as things arenow governed), where our answer was read and debated, and some hot wordsbetween the Duke of York and Sir T. Clifford, the first for and the latteragainst Gawden, but the whole put off to to-morrow's Council, for till theKing goes out of town the next week the Council sits every day. So withthe Duke of York and some others to his closet, and Alderman Backewellabout a Committee of Tangier, and there did agree upon a price for piecesof eight at 4s. 6d. Present the Duke of York, Arlington, Berkeley, Sir J. Minnes, and myself. They gone, the Duke of York did tell me how hotClifford is for Child, and for removing of old Officers, he saying plainlyto-night, that though D. Gawden was a man that had done the best servicethat he believed any man, or any ten men, could have done, yet that it wasfor the King's interest not to let it lie too long in one hand, lestnobody should be able to serve him but one. But the Duke of York didopenly tell him that he was not for removing of old servants that havedone well, neither in this place, nor in any other place, which is verynobly said. It being 7 or 8 at night, I home with Backewell by coach, andso walked to D. Gawden's, but he not at home, and so back to my chamber, the boy to read to me, and so to supper and to bed. 26th. Could sleep but little last night, for my concernments in thisbusiness of the victualling for Sir D. Gawden, so up in the morning and hecomes to me, and there I did tell him all, and give him my advice, and sohe away, and I to the office, where we met and did a little business, andI left them and by water to attend the Council, which I did all themorning, but was not called in, but the Council meets again in theafternoon on purpose about it. So I at noon to Westminster Hall and therestayed a little, and at the Swan also, thinking to have got Doll Lanethither, but elle did not understand my signs; and so I away and walked toCharing Cross, and there into the great new Ordinary, by my LordMulgrave's, being led thither by Mr. Beale, one of Oliver's, and now ofthe King's Guards; and he sat with me while I had two grilled pigeons, very handsome and good meat: and there he and I talked of our oldacquaintances, W. Clerke and others, he being a very civil man, and sowalked to Westminster and there parted, and I to the Swan again, but didnothing, and so to White Hall, and there attended the King and Council, who met and heard our answer. I present, and then withdrew; and they senttwo hours at least afterwards about it, and at last rose; and to my greatcontent, the Duke of York, at coming out, told me that it was carried forD. Gawden at 6d. 8d. , and 8 3/4d. ; but with great difficulty, Iunderstand, both from him and others, so much that Sir Edward Walker toldme that he prays to God he may never live to need to plead his merit, forD. Gawden's sake; for that it hath stood him in no stead in this businessat all, though both he and all the world that speaks of him, speaks of himas the most deserving man of any servant of the King's in the wholenation, and so I think he is: but it is done, and my heart is glad at it. So I took coach and away, and in Holborne overtook D. Gawden's coach, andstopped and went home, and Gibson to come after, and to my house, where D. Gawden did talk a little, and he do mightily acknowledge my kindness tohim, and I know I have done the King and myself good service in it. So hegone, and myself in mighty great content in what is done, I to the officea little, and then home to supper, and the boy to read to me, and so tobed. This noon I went to my Lady Peterborough's house, and talked withher about the money due to her Lord, and it gives me great trouble, herimportunity and impertinency about it. This afternoon at Court I met withLord Hinchingbroke, newly come out of the country, who tells me thatCreed's business with Mrs. Pickering will do, which I am neither troublednor glad at. 27th (Lord's day). Up, and to my office to finish my journall for fivedays past, and so abroad and walked to White Hall, calling in at SomersetHouse Chapel, and also at the Spanish Embassador's at York House, andthere did hear a little masse: and so to White Hall; and there the Kingbeing gone to Chapel, I to walk all the morning in the Park, where I metMr. Wren; and he and I walked together in the Pell-Mell, it being mostsummer weather that ever was seen: and here talking of several things: ofthe corruption of the Court, and how unfit it is for ingenious men, andhimself particularly, to live in it, where a man cannot live but he mustspend, and cannot get suitably, without breach of his honour: and didthereupon tell me of the basest thing of my Lord Barkeley, one of thebasest things that ever was heard of of a man, which was this: how theDuke of York's Commissioners do let his wine-licenses at a bad rate, andbeing offered a better, they did persuade the Duke of York to give somesatisfaction to the former to quit it, and let it to the latter, whichbeing done, my Lord Barkeley did make the bargain for the former to haveL1500 a-year to quit it; whereof, since, it is come to light that theywere to have but L800 and himself L700, which the Duke of York hath eversince for some years paid, though this second bargain hath been broken, and the Duke of York lost by it, [half] of what the first was. He told methat there hath been a seeming accommodation between the Duke of York andthe Duke of Buckingham and Lord Arlington, the two latter desiring it; butyet that there is not true agreement between them, but they do labour tobring in all new creatures into play, and the Duke of York do oppose it, as particularly in this of Sir D. Gawden. Thence, he gone, I to theQueen's Chapel, and there heard some good singing; and so to White Hall, and saw the King and Queen at dinner and thence with Sir Stephen Fox todinner: and the Cofferer with us; and there mighty kind usage, and gooddiscourse. Thence spent all the afternoon walking in the Park, and thenin the evening at Court, on the Queen's side; and there met Mr. Godolphin, who tells me that the news, is true we heard yesterday, of my LordSandwich's being come to Mount's Bay, in Cornwall, and so I heard thisafternoon at Mrs. Pierce's, whom I went to make a short visit to. Thisnight, in the Queen's drawing-room, my Lord Brouncker told me thedifference that is now between the three Embassadors here, the Venetian, French, and Spaniard; the third not being willing to make a visit to thefirst, because he would not receive him at the door; who is willing togive him as much respect as he did to the French, who was used nootherwise, and who refuses now to take more of him, upon being desiredthereto, in order to the making an accommodation in this matter, which isvery pretty. So a boat staying for me all this evening, I home in thedark about eight at night, and so over the ruins from the Old Swan homewith great trouble, and so to hear my boy read a little, and supper and tobed. This evening I found at home Pelling and Wallington and one Aldrige, and we supped and sung. 28th. Up betimes, and Knepp's maid comes to me, to tell me that thewomen's day at the playhouse is to-day, and that therefore I must bethere, to encrease their profit. I did give the pretty maid Betty thatcomes to me half-a-crown for coming, and had a baiser or two-elle beingmighty jolie. And so I about my business. By water to St. James's, andthere had good opportunity of speaking with the Duke of York, who desiresme again, talking on that matter, to prepare something for him to do forthe better managing of our Office, telling me that, my Lord Keeper and hetalking about it yesterday, my Lord Keeper did advise him to do so, itbeing better to come from him than otherwise, which I have promised to do. Thence to my Lord Burlington's houses the first time I ever was there, itbeing the house built by Sir John Denham, next to Clarendon House; andhere I visited my Lord Hinchingbroke and his lady; Mr. Sidney Montagubeing come last night to town unexpectedly from Mount's Bay, where he leftmy Lord well, eight days since, so as we may now hourly expect to hear ofhis arrival at Portsmouth. Sidney is mighty grown; and I am glad I amhere to see him at his first coming, though it cost me dear, for here Icome to be necessitated to supply them with L500 for my Lord. He sent himup with a declaration to his friends, of the necessity of his beingpresently supplied with L2000; but I do not think he will get one. However, I think it becomes my duty to my Lord to do somethingextraordinary in this, and the rather because I have been remiss inwriting to him during this voyage, more than ever I did in my life, andmore indeed than was fit for me. By and by comes Sir W. Godolphin to seeMr. Sidney, who, I perceive, is much dissatisfied that he should come totown last night, and not yet be with my Lord Arlington, who, and all thetown, hear of his being come to town, and he did, it seems, take notice ofit to Godolphin this morning: so that I perceive this remissness inaffairs do continue in my Lord's managements still, which I am sorry for;but, above all, to see in what a condition my Lord is for money, that Idare swear he do not know where to take up L500 of any man in England atthis time, upon his word, but of myself, as I believe by the sequel hereofit will appear. Here I first saw and saluted my Lady Burlington, a veryfine-speaking lady, and a good woman, but old, and not handsome; but abrave woman in her parts. Here my Lady Hinchingbroke tells me that shehath bought most of the wedding-clothes for Mrs. Dickering, so that thething is gone through, and will soon be ended; which I wonder at, but letthem do as they will. Here I also, standing by a candle that was broughtfor sealing of a letter, do set my periwigg a-fire, which made such an oddnoise, nobody could tell what it was till they saw the flame, my backbeing to the candle. Thence to Westminster Hall and there walked alittle, and to the Exchequer, and so home by water, and after eating a bitI to my vintner's, and there did only look upon su wife, which is mightyhandsome; and so to my glove and ribbon shop, in Fenchurch Street, and didthe like there. And there, stopping against the door of the shop, sawMrs. Horsfall, now a late widow, in a coach. I to her, and shook her bythe hand, and so she away; and I by coach towards the King's playhouse, and meeting W. Howe took him with me, and there saw "The City Match;" notacted these thirty years, and but a silly play: the King and Court there;the house, for the women's sake, mighty full. So I to White Hall, andthere all the evening on the Queen's side; and it being a most summerlikeday, and a fine warm evening, the Italians come in a barge under theleads, before the Queen's drawing-room; and so the Queen and ladies wentout, and heard them, for almost an hour: and it was indeed very goodtogether; but yet there was but one voice that alone did appearconsiderable, and that was Seignor Joanni. This done, by and by they wentin; and here I saw Mr. Sidney Montagu kiss the Queen's hand, who wasmighty kind to him, and the ladies looked mightily on him; and the Kingcome by and by, and did talk to him. So I away by coach with AldermanBackewell home, who is mighty kind to me, more than ordinary, in hisexpressions. But I do hear this day what troubles me, that Sir W. Coventry is quite out of play, the King seldom speaking to him; and thatthere is a design of making a Lord Treasurer, and that my Lord Arlingtonshall be the man; but I cannot believe it. But yet the Duke of Buckinghamhath it in his mind, and those with him, to make a thorough alteration inthings; and, among the rest, Coventry to be out. The Duke of York didthis day tell me how hot the whole party was in the business of Gawden;and particularly, my Lord Anglesey tells me, the Duke of Buckingham, forChild against Gawden; but the Duke of York did stand stoutly to it. Sohome to read and sup, and to bed. 29th (Tuesday, Michaelmas day). Up, and to the Office, where all themorning. THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS M. A. F. R. S. CLERK OF THE ACTS AND SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY TRANSCRIBED FROM THE SHORTHAND MANUSCRIPT IN THE PEPYSIAN LIBRARYMAGDALENE COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE BY THE REV. MYNORS BRIGHT M. A. LATE FELLOW AND PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE (Unabridged) WITH LORD BRAYBROOKE'S NOTES EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY HENRY B. WHEATLEY F. S. A. DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS. OCTOBER 1668 [In this part of the "Diary" no entry occurs for thirteen days, though there are several pages left blank. During the interval Pepys went into the country, as he subsequently mentions his having been at Saxham, in Suffolk, during the king's visit to Lord Crofts, which took place at this time (see October 23rd, host). He might also probably have gone to Impington to fetch his wife. The pages left blank were never filled up. --B. ] October 11th (Lord's day'). Up and to church, where I find Parson Millscome to town and preached, and the church full, most people being now comehome to town, though the season of year is as good as summer in allrespects. At noon dined at home with my wife, all alone, and busy all theafternoon in my closet, making up some papers with W. Hewer and at nightcomes Mr. Turner and his wife, and there they tell me that Mr. Harper isdead at Deptford, and so now all his and my care is, how to secure hisbeing Storekeeper in his stead; and here they and their daughter, and akinswoman that come along with them, did sup with me, and pretty merry, and then, they gone, and my wife to read to me, and to bed. 12th. Up, and with Mr. Turner by water to White Hall, there to think toenquire when the Duke of York will be in town, in order to Mr. Turner'sgoing down to Audley Ends about his place; and here I met in St. James'sPark with one that told us that the Duke of York would be in townto-morrow, and so Turner parted and went home, and I also did stop myintentions of going to the Court, also this day, about securing Mr. Turner's place of Petty-purveyor to Mr. Hater. So I to my LordBrouncker's, thinking to have gone and spoke to him about it, but he isgone out to town till night, and so, meeting a gentleman of my LordMiddleton's looking for me about the payment of the L1000 lately orderedto his Lord, in advance of his pay, which shall arise upon his goingGovernor to Tangier, I did go to his Lord's lodgings, and there spoke thefirst time with him, and find him a shrewd man, but a drinking man, Ithink, as the world says; but a man that hath seen much of the world, andis a Scot. I offered him my service, though I can do him little; but hesends his man home with me, where I made him stay, till I had gone to SirW. Pen, to bespeak him about Mr. Hater, who, contrary to my fears, didappear very friendly, to my great content; for I was afraid of hisappearing for his man Burroughs. But he did not; but did declare to meafterwards his intentions to desire an excuse in his own business, to beeased of the business of the Comptroller, his health not giving him powerto stay always in town, but he must go into the country. I did say littleto him but compliment, having no leisure to think of his business, or anyman's but my own, and so away and home, where I find Sir H. Cholmly cometo town; and is come hither to see me: and he is a man that I lovemightily, as being, of a gentleman, the most industrious that ever I saw. He staid with me awhile talking, and telling me his obligations to my LordSandwich, which I was glad of; and that the Duke of Buckingham is nowchief of all men in this kingdom, which I knew before; and that he dothink the Parliament will hardly ever meet again; which is a great manymen's thoughts, and I shall not be sorry for it. He being gone, I with myLord Middleton's servant to Mr. Colvill's, but he was not in town, and sohe parted, and I home, and there to dinner, and Mr. Pelling with us; andthence my wife and Mercer, and W. Hewer and Deb. , to the King's playhouse, and I afterwards by water with them, and there we did hear the Eunuch(who, it seems, is a Frenchman, but long bred in Italy) sing, which Iseemed to take as new to me, though I saw him on Saturday last, but saidnothing of it; but such action and singing I could never have imagined tohave heard, and do make good whatever Tom Hill used to tell me. Here wemet with Mr. Batelier and his sister, and so they home with us in twocoaches, and there at my house staid and supped, and this night mybookseller Shrewsbury comes, and brings my books of Martyrs, and I did payhim for them, and did this night make the young women before supper toopen all the volumes for me. So to supper, and after supper to read aridiculous nonsensical book set out by Will. Pen, for the Quakers; but sofull of nothing but nonsense, that I was ashamed to read in it. So theygone, we to bed. [Penn's first work, entitled, "Truth exalted, in a short but sure testimony against all those religions, faiths, and worships, that have been formed and followed, in the darkness of apostacy; and for that glorious light which is now risen, and shines forth, in the life and doctrine of the despised Quakers . . . . By W. Penn, whom divine love constrains, in holy contempt, to trample on Egypt's glory, not fearing the King's wrath, having beheld the Majesty of Him who is invisible:" London, 1668. --B. ] 13th. Up, and to the office, and before the office did speak with my LordBrouncker, and there did get his ready assent to T. Hater's having of Mr. Turner's place, and so Sir J. Minnes's also: but when we come to sit downat the Board, comes to us Mr. Wren this day to town, and tells me thatJames Southern do petition the Duke of York for the Storekeeper's place ofDeptford, which did trouble me much, and also the Board, though, upondiscourse, after he was gone, we did resolve to move hard for our Clerks, and that places of preferment may go according to seniority and merit. So, the Board up, I home with my people to dinner, and so to the officeagain, and there, after doing some business, I with Mr. Turner to the Dukeof Albemarle's at night; and there did speak to him about his appearing toMr. Wren a friend to Mr. Turner, which he did take kindly from me; and soaway thence, well pleased with what we had now done, and so I with himhome, stopping at my Lord Brouncker's, and getting his hand to a letter Iwrote to the Duke of York for T. Hater, and also at my Lord Middleton's, to give him an account of what I had done this day, with his man, atAlderman Backewell's, about the getting of his L1000 paid; [It was probably for this payment that the tally was obtained, the loss of which caused Pepys so much anxiety. See November 26th, 1668] and here he did take occasion to discourse about the business of the Dutchwar, which, he says, he was always an enemy to; and did discourse verywell of it, I saying little, but pleased to hear him talk; and to see howsome men may by age come to know much, and yet by their drinking and otherpleasures render themselves not very considerable. I did this day find bydiscourse with somebody, that this nobleman was the great Major-GeneralMiddleton; that was of the Scots army, in the beginning of the late waragainst the King. Thence home and to the office to finish my letters, andso home and did get my wife to read to me, and then Deb to comb my head .. . . 14th. Up, and by water, stopping at Michell's, and there saw Betty, butcould have no discourse with her, but there drank. To White Hall, andthere walked to St. James's, where I find the Court mighty full, it beingthe Duke or York's birthday; and he mighty fine, and all the musick, oneafter another, to my great content. Here I met with Sir H. Cholmly; andhe and I to walk, and to my Lord Barkeley's new house; there to see a newexperiment of a cart, which; by having two little wheeles fastened to theaxle-tree, is said to make it go with half the ease and more, than anothercart but we did not see the trial made. Thence I home, and after dinnerto St. James's, and there met my brethren; but the Duke of York being goneout, and to-night being a play there; and a great festival, we would notstay, but went all of us to the King's playhouse, and there saw "TheFaythful Shepherdess" again, that we might hear the French Eunuch sing, which we did, to our great content; though I do admire his action as muchas his singing, being both beyond all I ever saw or heard. Thence with W. Pen home, and there to get my people to read, and to supper, and so tobed. 15th. Up, and all the morning at the office, and at home at dinner, where, after dinner, my wife and I and Deb. Out by coach to the upholstersin Long Lane, Alderman Reeve's, and then to Alderman Crow's, to seevariety of hangings, and were mightily pleased therewith, and spent thewhole afternoon thereupon; and at last I think we shall pitch upon thebest suit of Apostles, where three pieces for my room will come to almostL80: so home, and to my office, and then home to supper and to bed. Thisday at the Board comes unexpected the warrants from the Duke of York forMr. Turner and Hater, for the places they desire, which contents memightily. 16th. Up, and busy all the morning at the office, and before noon I tookmy wife by coach, and Deb. , and shewed her Mr. Wren's hangings and bed, atSt. James's, and Sir W. Coventry's in the Pell Mell, for our satisfactionin what we are going to buy; and so by Mr. Crow's, home, about hishangings, and do pitch upon buying his second suit of Apostles-the wholesuit, which comes to L83; and this we think the best for us, having nowthe whole suit, to answer any other rooms or service. So home to dinner, and with Mr. Hater by water to St. James's: there Mr. Hater, to give Mr. Wren thanks for his kindness about his place that he hath lately grantedhim, of Petty Purveyor of petty emptions, upon the removal of Mr. Turnerto be Storekeeper at Deptford, on the death of Harper. And then we all upto the Duke of York, and there did our usual business, and so I with J. Minnes home, and there finding my wife gone to my aunt Wight's, to see herthe first time after her coming to town, and indeed the first time, Ithink, these two years (we having been great strangers one to the otherfor a great while), I to them; and there mighty kindly used, and had abarrel of oysters, and so to look up and down their house, they havinghung a room since I was there, but with hangings not fit to be seen withmine, which I find all come home to-night, and here staying an hour or twowe home, and there to supper and to bed. 17th. Up, and to the office, where all the morning sitting, and at noonhome to dinner, and to the office all the afternoon, and then late home, and there with much pleasure getting Mr. Gibbs, that writes well, to writethe name upon my new draught of "The Resolution;" and so set it up, andaltered the situation of some of my pictures in my closet, to myextraordinary content, and at it with much pleasure till almost 12 atnight. Mr. Moore and Seymour were with me this afternoon, who tell methat my Lord Sandwich was received mighty kindly by the King, and is inexceeding great esteem with him, and the rest about him; but I doubt itwill be hard for him to please both the King and the Duke of York, which Ishall be sorry for. Mr. Moore tells me the sad condition my Lord is in, in his estate and debts; and the way he now lives in, so high, and so manyvain servants about him, that he must be ruined, if he do not take up, which, by the grace of God, I will put him upon, when I come to see him. 18th (Lord's day). Up, and with my boy Tom all the morning altering theplaces of my pictures with great pleasure, and at noon to dinner, and thencomes Mr. Shales to see me, and I with him to recommend him to my LordBrouncker's service, which I did at Madam Williams's, and my Lord receiveshim. Thence with Brouncker to Lincolne's Inn, and Mr. Ball, to visit Dr. Wilkins, now newly Bishop of Chester: and he received us mighty kindly;and had most excellent discourse from him about his Book of ReallCharacter: and so I with Lord Brouncker to White Hall, and there saw theQueen and some ladies, and with Lord Brouncker back, it again being arainy evening, and so my Lord forced to lend me his coach till I got ahackney, which I did, and so home and to supper, and got my wife to readto me, and so to bed. 19th. Up, and to my office to set down my Journall for some days past, and so to other business. At the office all the morning upon somebusiness of Sir W. Warren's, and at noon home to dinner, and thence out bycoach with my wife and Deb. And Mr. Harman, the upholster, and carriedthem to take measure of Mr. Wren's bed at St. James's, I being resolved tohave just such another made me, and thence set him down in the Strand, andmy wife and I to the Duke of York's playhouse; and there saw, the firsttime acted, "The Queene of Arragon, " an old Blackfriars play, but anadmirable one, so good that I am astonished at it, and wonder where ithath lain asleep all this while, that I have never heard of it before. Here met W. Batelier and Mrs. Hunt, Deb. 's aunt; and saw her home--a verywitty woman, and one that knows this play, and understands a play mightywell. Left her at home in Jewen Street, and we home, and to supper, andmy wife to read to me, and so to bed. 20th. Up, and to the office all the morning, and then home to dinner, having this day a new girl come to us in the room of Nell, who is lately, about four days since, gone away, being grown lazy and proud. This girlto stay only till we have a boy, which I intend to keep when I have acoach, which I am now about. At this time my wife and I mighty busylaying out money in dressing up our best chamber, and thinking of a coachand coachman and horses, &c. ; and the more because of Creed's being nowmarried to Mrs. Pickering; a thing I could never have expected, but it isdone about seven or ten days since, as I hear out of the country. At noonhome to dinner, and my wife and Harman and girl abroad to buy things, andI walked out to several places to pay debts, and among other things tolook out for a coach, and saw many; and did light on one for which I bidL50, which do please me mightily, and I believe I shall have it. So to mytailor's, and the New Exchange, and so by coach home, and there, havingthis day bought "The Queene of Arragon" play, I did get my wife and W. Batelier to read it over this night by 11 o'clock, and so to bed. 21st. Lay pretty long talking with content with my wife about our coachand things, and so to the office, where Sir D. Gawden was to do somethingin his accounts. At noon to dinner to Mr. Batelier's, his mother comingthis day a-housewarming to him, and several friends of his, to which heinvited us. Here mighty merry, and his mother the same; I heretofore tookher for a gentlewoman, and understanding. I rose from table before therest, because under an obligation to go to my Lord Brouncker's, where tomeet several gentlemen of the Royal Society, to go and make a visit to theFrench Embassador Colbert, at Leicester House, he having endeavoured tomake one or two to my Lord Brouncker, as our President, but he was notwithin, but I come too late, they being gone before: but I followed toLeicester House; but they are gore in and up before me; and so I away tothe New Exchange, and there staid for my wife, and she come, we to CowLane, and there I shewed her the coach which I pitch on, and she is out ofherself for joy almost. But the man not within, so did nothing moretowards an agreement, but to Mr. Crow's about a bed, to have his advice, and so home, and there had my wife to read to me, and so to supper and tobed. Memorandum: that from Crow's, we went back to Charing Cross, andthere left my people at their tailor's, while I to my Lord Sandwich'slodgings, who come to town the last night, and is come thither to lye: andmet with him within: and among others my new cozen Creed, who looks mightysoberly; and he and I saluted one another with mighty gravity, till wecome to a little more freedom of talk about it. But here I hear that SirGilbert Pickering is lately dead, about three days since, which makes somesorrow there, though not much, because of his being long expected to die, having been in a lethargy long. So waited on my Lord to Court, and therestaid and saw the ladies awhile: and thence to my wife, and took them up;and so home, and to supper and bed. 22nd. Up, and W. Batelier's Frenchman, a perriwigg maker, comes andbrings me a new one, which I liked and paid him for: a mighty genteelfellow. So to the office, where sat all the morning, and at noon home todinner, and thence with wife and Deb. To Crow's, and there did see somemore beds; and we shall, I think, pitch upon a camlott one, when all isdone. Thence sent them home, and I to Arundell House, where the firsttime we have met since the vacation, and not much company: but here muchgood discourse, and afterwards my Lord and others and I to the Deviltavern, and there eat and drank, and so late, with Mr. Colwell, home bycoach; and at home took him with me, and there found my uncle Wight andaunt, and Woolly and his wife, and there supped, and mighty merry. Andanon they gone, and Mrs. Turner staid, who was there also to talk of herhusband's business; and the truth is, I was the less pleased to talk withher, for that she hath not yet owned, in any fit manner of thanks, my lateand principal service to her husband about his place, which I alone oughtto have the thanks for, if they know as much as I do; but let it go: ifthey do not own it, I shall have it in my hand to teach them to do it. Soto bed. This day word come for all the Principal Officers to bring them[the Commissioners of Accounts] their patents, which I did in theafternoon, by leaving it at their office, but am troubled at what shouldbe their design therein. 23rd. Up, and plasterers at work and painters about my house. Commissioner Middleton and I to St. James's, where with the rest of ourcompany we attended on our usual business the Duke of York. Thence I toWhite Hall, to my Lord Sandwich's, where I find my Lord within, but busy, private; and so I staid a little talking with the young gentlemen: and soaway with Mr. Pierce, the surgeon, towards Tyburne, to see the peopleexecuted; but come too late, it being done; two men and a woman hanged, and so back again and to my coachmaker's, and there did come a littlenearer agreement for the coach, and so to Duck Lane, and there mybookseller's, and saw his moher, but elle is so big-bellied that elle isnot worth seeing. So home, and there all alone to dinner, my wife and W. Hewer being gone to Deptford to see her mother, and so I to the office allthe afternoon. In the afternoon comes my cozen, Sidney Pickering, tobring my wife and me his sister's Favour for her wedding, which is kindlydone, and he gone, I to business again, and in the evening home, made mywife read till supper time, and so to bed. This day Pierce do tell me, among other news, the late frolick and debauchery of Sir Charles Sidly andBuckhurst, running up and down all the night with their arses bare, through the streets; and at last fighting, and being beat by the watch andclapped up all night; and how the King takes their parts; and my LordChief Justice Keeling hath laid the constable by the heels to answer itnext Sessions: which is a horrid shame. How the King and these gentlemendid make the fiddlers of Thetford, this last progress, to sing them allthe bawdy songs they could think of. How Sir W. Coventry was brought theother day to the Duchesse of York by the Duke, to kiss her hand; who didacknowledge his unhappiness to occasion her so much sorrow, declaring hisintentions in it, and praying her pardon; which she did give him upon hispromise to make good his pretences of innocence to her family, by hisfaithfulness to his master, the Duke of York. That the Duke of Buckinghamis now all in all, and will ruin Coventry, if he can: and that W. Coventrydo now rest wholly upon the Duke of York for his standing, which is agreat turn. He tells me that my Lady Castlemayne, however, is a mortalenemy to the Duke of Buckingham, which I understand not; but, it seems, she is disgusted with his greatness, and his ill usage of her. That theKing was drunk at Saxam with Sidly, Buckhurst, &c. , the night that my LordArlington come thither, and would not give him audience, or could notwhich is true, for it was the night that I was there, and saw the King goup to his chamber, and was told that the King had been drinking. He tellsme, too, that the Duke of York did the next day chide Bab. May for hisoccasioning the King's giving himself up to these gentlemen, to theneglecting of my Lord Arlington: to which he answered merrily, that, byGod, there was no man in England that had heads to lose, durst do whatthey do, every day, with the King, and asked the Duke of York's pardon:which is a sign of a mad world. God bless us out of it! 24th. This morning comes to me the coachmaker, and agreed with me forL53, and stand to the courtesy of what more I should give him upon thefinishing of the coach: he is likely also to fit me with a coachman. Therecomes also to me Mr. Shotgrave, the operator of our Royal Society, to showme his method of making the Tubes for the eyes, which are clouterly done, so that mine are better, but I have well informed myself in several thingsfrom him, and so am glad of speaking with him. So to the office, whereall the morning, and then to dinner, and so all the afternoon late at theoffice, and so home; and my wife to read to me, and then with much contentto bed. This day Lord Brouncker tells me that the making Sir J. Minnes abare Commissioner is now in doing, which I am glad of; but he speaks oftwo new Commissioners, which I do not believe. 25th (Lord's day). Up, and discoursing with my wife about our house andmany new things we are doing of, and so to church I, and there find JackFenn come, and his wife, a pretty black woman: I never saw her before, nortook notice of her now. So home and to dinner, and after dinner all theafternoon got my wife and boy to read to me, and at night W. Bateliercomes and sups with us; and, after supper, to have my head combed by Deb. , which occasioned the greatest sorrow to me that ever I knew in this world, for my wife, coming up suddenly, did find me embracing the girl . . . . I was at a wonderful loss upon it, and the girle also, and I endeavouredto put it off, but my wife was struck mute and grew angry, and so hervoice come to her, grew quite out of order, and I to say little, but tobed, and my wife said little also, but could not sleep all night, butabout two in the morning waked me and cried, and fell to tell me as agreat secret that she was a Roman Catholique and had received the HolySacrament, which troubled me, but I took no notice of it, but she went onfrom one thing to another till at last it appeared plainly her trouble wasat what she saw, but yet I did not know how much she saw, and thereforesaid nothing to her. But after her much crying and reproaching me withinconstancy and preferring a sorry girl before her, I did give her noprovocation, but did promise all fair usage to her and love, and foresworeany hurt that I did with her, till at last she seemed to be at ease again, and so toward morning a little sleep, and so I with some little repose andrest 26th. Rose, and up and by water to White Hall, but with my mind mightilytroubled for the poor girle, whom I fear I have undone by this, my [wife]telling me that she would turn her out of doors. However, I was obligedto attend the Duke of York, thinking to have had a meeting of Tangierto-day, but had not; but he did take me and Mr. Wren into his closet, andthere did press me to prepare what I had to say upon the answers of myfellow-officers to his great letter, which I promised to do against hiscoming to town again, the next week; and so to other discourse, findingplainly that he is in trouble, and apprehensions of the Reformers, andwould be found to do what he can towards reforming, himself. And sothence to my Lord Sandwich's, where, after long stay, he being in talkwith others privately, I to him; and there he, taking physic and keepinghis chamber, I had an hour's talk with him about the ill posture of thingsat this time, while the King gives countenance to Sir Charles Sidly andLord Buckhurst, telling him their late story of running up and down thestreets a little while since all night, and their being beaten and clappedup all night by the constable, who is since chid and imprisoned for hispains. He tells me that he thinks his matters do stand well with theKing, and hopes to have dispatch to his mind; but I doubt it, and do seethat he do fear it, too. He told me my Lady Carteret's trouble about mywriting of that letter of the Duke of York's lately to the Office, which Idid not own, but declared to be of no injury to G. Carteret, and that Iwould write a letter to him to satisfy him therein. But this I am in painhow to do, without doing myself wrong, and the end I had, of preparing ajustification to myself hereafter, when the faults of the Navy come to befound out however, I will do it in the best manner I can. Thence by coachhome and to dinner, finding my wife mightily discontented, and the girlesad, and no words from my wife to her. So after dinner they out with meabout two or three things, and so home again, I all the evening busy, andmy wife full of trouble in her looks, and anon to bed, where aboutmidnight she wakes me, and there falls foul of me again, affirming thatshe saw me hug and kiss the girle; the latter I denied, and truly, theother I confessed and no more, and upon her pressing me did offer to giveher under my hand that I would never see Mrs. Pierce more nor Knepp, butdid promise her particular demonstrations of my true love to her, owningsome indiscretions in what I did, but that there was no harm in it. Sheat last upon these promises was quiet, and very kind we were, and so tosleep, and 27th. In the morning up, but my, mind troubled for the poor girle, withwhom I could not get opportunity to speak, but to the office, my mindmighty full of sorrow for her, to the office, where all the morning, andto dinner with my people, and to the office all the afternoon, and so atnight home, and there busy to get some things ready against to-morrow'smeeting of Tangier, and that being done, and my clerks gone, my wife didtowards bedtime begin to be in a mighty rage from some new matter that shehad got in her head, and did most part of the night in bed rant at me inmost high terms of threats of publishing my shame, and when I offered torise would have rose too, and caused a candle to be light to burn by herall night in the chimney while she ranted, while the knowing myself tohave given some grounds for it, did make it my business to appease her allI could possibly, and by good words and fair promises did make her veryquiet, and so rested all night, and rose with perfect good peace, beingheartily afflicted for this folly of mine that did occasion it, but wasforced to be silent about the girle, which I have no mind to part with, but much less that the poor girle should be undone by my folly. So up withmighty kindness from my wife and a thorough peace, and being up did by anote advise the girle what I had done and owned, which note I was in painfor till she told me she had burned it. This evening Mr. Spong come, andsat late with me, and first told me of the instrument calledparallelogram, [This useful instrument, used for copying maps, plans, drawings, &c. Either of the same size, or larger or smaller than the originals, is now named a pantograph. ] which I must have one of, shewing me his practice thereon, by a map ofEngland. 28th. So by coach with Mr. Gibson to Chancery Lane, and there made oathbefore a Master of Chancery to the Tangier account of fees, and so toWhite Hall, where, by and by, a Committee met, my Lord Sandwich there, buthis report was not received, it being late; but only a little businessdone, about the supplying the place with victuals. But I did get, to mygreat content, my account allowed of fees, with great applause by my LordAshly and Sir W. Pen. Thence home, calling at one or two places; andthere about our workmen, who are at work upon my wife's closet, and otherparts of my house, that we are all in dirt. So after dinner with Mr. Gibson all the afternoon in my closet, and at night to supper and to bed, my wife and I at good peace, but yet with some little grudgings of troublein her and more in me about the poor girle. 29th. At the office all the morning, where Mr. Wren first tells us of theorder from the King, came last night to the Duke of York, for signifyinghis pleasure to the Sollicitor-General for drawing up a Commission forsuspending of my Lord Anglesey, and putting in Sir Thomas. Littleton andSir Thomas Osborne, the former a creature of Arlington's, and the latterof the Duke of Buckingham's, during the suspension. The Duke of York wasforced to obey, and did grant it, he being to go to Newmarket this daywith the King, and so the King pressed for it. But Mr. Wren do own thatthe Duke of York is the most wounded in this, in the world, for it is doneand concluded without his privity, after his appearing for Lord Anglesey, and that it is plain that they do ayme to bring the Admiralty intoCommission too, and lessen the Duke of York. This do put strangeapprehensions into all our Board; only I think I am the least troubled atit, for I care not at all for it: but my Lord Brouncker and Pen do seem tothink much of it. So home to dinner, full of this news, and after dinnerto the office, and so home all the afternoon to do business towards mydrawing up an account for the Duke of York of the answers of this officeto his late great letter, and late at it, and so to bed, with great peacefrom my wife and quiet, I bless God. 30th. Up betimes; and Mr. Povy comes to even accounts with me, which wedid, and then fell to other talk. He tells, in short, how the King ismade a child of, by Buckingham and Arlington, to the lessening of the Dukeof York, whom they cannot suffer to be great, for fear of my LordChancellor's return, which, therefore, they make the King violent against. That he believes it is impossible these two great men can hold togetherlong: or, at least, that the ambition of the former is so great, that hewill endeavour to master all, and bring into play as many as he can. ThatAnglesey will not lose his place easily, but will contend in law withwhoever comes to execute it. That the Duke of York, in all things but inhis cod-piece, is led by the nose by his wife. That W. Coventry is now, by the Duke of York, made friends with the Duchess; and that he is oftenthere, and waits on her. That he do believe that these present great menwill break in time, and that W. Coventry will be a great man again; for hedo labour to have nothing to do in matters of the State, and is so usefullto the side that he is on, that he will stand, though at present he isquite out of play. That my Lady Castlemayne hates the Duke of Buckingham. That the Duke of York hath expressed himself very kind to my LordSandwich, which I am mighty glad of. That we are to expect more changesif these men stand. This done, he and I to talk of my coach, and I gothim to go see it, where he finds most infinite fault with it, both as tobeing out of fashion and heavy, with so good reason that I am mightilyglad of his having corrected me in it; and so I do resolve to have one ofhis build, and with his advice, both in coach and horses, he being thefittest man in the world for it, and so he carried me home, and said thesame to my wife. So I to the office and he away, and at noon I home todinner, and all the afternoon late with Gibson at my chamber about mypresent great business, only a little in the afternoon at the office aboutSir D. Gawden's accounts, and so to bed and slept heartily, my wife and Iat good peace, but my heart troubled and her mind not at ease, I perceive, she against and I for the girle, to whom I have not said anything thesethree days, but resolve to be mighty strange in appearance to her. Thisnight W. Batelier come and took his leave of us, he setting out for Franceto-morrow. 31st. Up, and at the office all the morning. At noon home to dinner withmy people, and afternoon to the office again, and then to my chamber withGibson to do more about my great answer for the Duke of York, and so atnight after supper to bed well pleased with my advance thereon. This daymy Lord Anglesey was at the Office, and do seem to make nothing of thisbusiness of his suspension, resolving to bring it into the Council, wherehe seems not to doubt to have right, he standing upon his defence andpatent, and hath put in his caveats to the several Offices: so, as soon asthe King comes back again, which will be on Tuesday next, he will bring itinto the Council. So ends this month with some quiet to my mind, thoughnot perfect, after the greatest falling out with my poor wife, and throughmy folly with the girl, that ever I had, and I have reason to be sorry andashamed of it, and more to be troubled for the poor girl's sake, whom Ifear I shall by this means prove the ruin of, though I shall think myselfconcerned both to love and be a friend to her. This day Roger Pepys andhis son Talbot, newly come to town, come and dined with me, and mightyglad I am to see them. ETEXT EDITOR'S BOOKMARKS: A book the Bishops will not let be printed again All things to be managed with faction Being the people that, at last, will be found the wisest Business of abusing the Puritans begins to grow stale Cannot get suitably, without breach of his honour Caustic attack on Sir Robert Howard Doe from Cobham, when the season comes, bucks season being past Forgetting many things, which her master beat her for Glad to be at friendship with me, though we hate one another I away with great content, my mind being troubled before My wife having a mind to see the play "Bartholomew-Fayre" My wife, coming up suddenly, did find me embracing the girl Presbyterian style and the Independent are the best Ridiculous nonsensical book set out by Will. Pen, for the Quaker Shows how unfit I am for trouble Sir, your faithful and humble servant The most ingenious men may sometimes be mistaken Their ladies in the box, being grown mighty kind of a sudden Vexed me, but I made no matter of it, but vexed to myself With hangings not fit to be seen with mine