[Transcriber's Note: Illustrations without captions are described in the accompanying text. ] [Illustration: _+The Five Members of the Cluthe Rupture Institute+_ CHAS. CLUTHE Founder of the Cluthe Rupture Institute 41 Years' Experience CHAS. CLUTHE, Jr. 23 Years' Experience in the Institute FREDK. WM. CLUTHE 21 Years' Experience in the Institute HERMAN CLUTHE 19 Years' Experience in the Institute ALFRED CLUTHE 17 Years' Experience in the Institute ] CLUTHE'S ADVICE TO THE RUPTURED BY Chas. Cluthe & Sons CLUTHE RUPTURE INSTITUTE Bloomfield, New Jersey (A Suburb of New York City) COPYRIGHT 1912 BY CHAS. CLUTHE & SONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page One of the World's Most Terrible Burdens 5 Our Forty Years of Experience 9 Rupture Always Brought On by Weakness 12 How to Overcome the Weakness Which Causes Rupture 16 How Your Rupture is Kept from Coming Out 20 The Care and Attention We Give You 23 Able to Work While Being Cured 30 Don't Let Yourself be Scared into Risking an Operation 32 Why Ordinary Trusses Do More Harm Than Good 34 Law Should Stop the Sale of Drug-Store Trusses 38 Physicians Advise Cluthe Truss Instead of Operation 44 Ruptured People Swindled Out of Thousands of Dollars 46 What We Have Done for Over 290, 000 Others 50 Costs More to Do Without it Than to Get it 52 The Special Advice You Get in Connection with the Cluthe Truss 57 Forms and Conditions of Rupture 60 Let Us Send You a Cluthe Truss on 60 Days' Trial 65 See How Little it Costs to Get Relief 68 Don't Let Yourself Keep on Getting Worse 70 _+One of the World's Most Terrible Burdens+_ Why So Few People Know of Anything That Will Do Any Good In a good many ways, rupture is one of the world's most terribleburdens. It is almost as common as poor eyesight. And the cause of far more trouble, far greater suffering and worry. For, while it's easy enough to get glasses that will improve the_sight_, only a small proportion of the vast host of sufferers have everbeen fortunate enough to find anything that would even keep _rupture_from growing worse. And about all a doctor can do is to suggest an operation. Though there are plenty of good physicians, plenty who can conquer otherailments, there are mighty few who can do anything whatever for rupture. But that is no fault of the physicians. [Sidenote: Medical Treatment is Powerless] This affliction, like trouble with the eyes or teeth, falls entirelyoutside the physician's province; for medicines, the physician's chiefmeans of cure, are utterly powerless either to relieve or overcome it. And, unfortunately, scarcely one sufferer in a hundred knows of anyoneelse to turn to, with the exception of the surgeon, after finding thatphysicians can give no relief. For the proper treatment of rupture has received little attention as aspecialized profession. Scientific treatment of the eyes and of the teeth have both becomespecial professions; you'll find good oculists and good dentists innearly every town. But, in all America, the Members of the Cluthe Rupture Institute areprobably the only men who have honestly and conscientiously taken up thescientific study and treatment of rupture as their exclusive profession. There have always been plenty of places where a ruptured man could gofor a truss; surgical supply houses, truss manufacturers, truss dealers, drug-stores, etc. But at these places, though their intentions are good, the men who undertake to fit you have made no special study of rupture, and therefore can do little or nothing for you. And the trusses they give you, because not based on a scientific studyof rupture, don't make proper provision for your requirements. Then many sufferers, in their search for relief, have been handicappedby wrong ideas about rupture. [Sidenote: Many Wrong Ideas About Rupture] There has grown up a general impression that rupture is something to beashamed of. But a badly mistaken impression. For the plain fact is that rupture, if you don't let it go tillcomplications set in, merely indicates a weakness of certain muscles, and is no more to be ashamed of than a weak stomach or deafness, or pooreye-sight. Such wrong ideas-- and the false modesty they have bred-- have maderupture a tabooed subject; one to be talked about in whispers, one to bediscussed with blushes. This lack of frank discussion-- lack of light on the subject-- has keptpeople in the dark. So the majority of sufferers haven't known just what was needed; inseeking relief they have had to trust largely to luck. That is why rupture has heretofore been such a terrible handicap. [Sidenote: The Misery It Has Caused] It has ruined the health of hundreds of thousands, simply because theycouldn't find anything that would do any good. Kept them from gettingmuch enjoyment out of life, sapped their strength and vitality, leftthem more or less helpless, robbed them of the ability to provide forthemselves and families. It has probably kept more people from doing their best work than anyother one affliction. It has kept many from doing any kind of work whatever. It has cheated American workingmen-- all those who have been itsvictims-- out of vast sums of wages. For there's a big differencebetween what a badly ruptured man can do and earn, and the earningsof one who is sound and strong. Some employers won't even hire a man if they know he is ruptured--afraid he'll have to be so careful of himself that he can't do a goodday's work. Rupture has kept lots of business and professional men down-- By robbing them of part of their efficiency, it has robbed them of thechance to get farther along; robbed them of money they might have made. For no man can be at his best in any capacity if his rupture isbothering him-- the drain on the strength is too great. It has interfered with the pleasures of thousands. Deprived them of recreation, kept them from taking part in athletics, kept them from getting proper exercise because they have known of no wayto escape the danger that lies in sudden movements. It has made the lives of many women a burden; made it hard for them todo their work or to enjoy social affairs; deprived many of them of theblessings of motherhood. It has seized upon countless children; filled their days with suffering, robbed them of childhood's happiness. [Sidenote: Not Hard To Get Rid Of] But in spite of all that, when taken in time, rupture is no longer ahard thing to get rid of. So easy to overcome that many ruptured people can now be cured while_working_. And those who can't be cured, can at least, unless in the last stages, keep their ruptures from giving any trouble. The main point about rupture is that it requires very differenttreatment than any other ailment humanity is heir to. _Medical_ treatment, as everybody knows, can accomplish nothingwhatever. _Surgical_ treatment or operation, as later explained, is usuallydangerous. There remains only one means of relief. That is _mechanical_ treatment. Now, hundreds of methods of mechanical treatment-- trusses, "appliances, " etc. -- have at different times been devised. But most of them absolutely worthless. For to perfect a beneficial mechanical treatment requires, in additionto considerable mechanical ability, a thorough knowledge of rupture;something few have ever taken the pains to acquire. But here at the Cluthe Rupture Institute we have had over forty years ofday-after-day experience-- and successful experience-- in the study andtreatment of nothing but rupture. And this has given us a thoroughknowledge of the needs of ruptured people. As with all the great discoveries which have done so much for sufferingmankind, there were many weary years of disappointment before we finallyperfected the simple mechanical treatment which has since broughtcomplete recovery to thousands. And, as shown in the following chapters, this simple, inexpensive way torelieve and overcome rupture is within the reach of every sufferer. Moreover, as explained on page 65, every sufferer can easily prove itsmerits by trying it sixty days at our risk. _+Our Forty Years of Experience+_ Day After Day We Have Dealt With Every Form and Condition of Rupture Like his father and grandfather before him, Chas. Cluthe, founder of theCluthe Rupture Institute, made his start in life in the SurgicalInstrument business. Learned his trade in the old country-- over in Germany, where theworld's finest surgical instruments are made. Learned the business under the old-fashioned German apprentice system;and got a mighty thorough training, as most men do over there. When still a young man he came to this country; and in course of time, he started up for himself. Now, nearly all surgical instrument houses-- in those days same asnow-- make or sell trusses. And Chas. Cluthe soon saw the utter worthlessness of all the trussesthen in existence. [Sidenote: He Saw The Need For Something Better] He saw what a multitude of people were ruptured. Saw the great need forsomething better than ordinary trusses or appliances, something betterthan operation. He decided that by supplying that need he could be far more useful thanby manufacturing surgical instruments. And from that day to this-- now over forty-two years-- the scientificstudy and relief of rupture have been the one aim of his life. That led, later on, to the founding of the Cluthe Rupture Institute. And there are now five of us-- father and four sons. For as we sons grewup, we were trained in our father's work in the field of rupture; andhave become Members of the Institute. We four sons have all had the benefit of our father's forty years ofexperience. And the youngest of us has now had seventeen years ofindividual experience. And here, day-after-day, we have dealt with rupture in all its forms andstages. Altogether, at this writing, we have treated, by mail and in person, over 290, 000 cases. All kinds, from infants in their mothers' arms to men and women oversixty and seventy. Among them some of the worst cases on record. We have made impartial, fair-and-square tests of every known method oftreatment. We have had experience with all kinds of medical applications, and allkinds of mechanical appliances. We have fitted belt and spring trusses in all their variations. We longago found just why they all fail to hold or relieve rupture-- just whythey usually cause the wearer untold torture. We have had the co-operation of some of this country's most notedphysicians and surgeons. We have studied the effects and watched the results in hundreds ofoperations. We have found just why operations are frequently fatal. Why they arenearly always dangerous. And why the rupture frequently breaks out anew, after the operation apparently heals. Every remedial means in existence for the relief of rupture has beentried. [Sidenote: The Result Of Our Study] And the result of all this study and experimenting was the invention ofthe famous Cluthe Truss and Automatic Massager. Something so vastly different from everything else for rupture that ithas received _eighteen separate patents_. Something far _more_ than just a _truss;_ something far _more_ thanmerely a device for holding the rupture in place. Yet the _simplest_ truss ever invented. * * * * * The Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss is so utterly unlike anything elsefor rupture-- so much more than just a _truss_-- that sometimes we feelwe should have adopted some other name. For the country is full of _worthless_ trusses; and so many people havetried truss after truss without being in any way benefited that theythink that nothing called a truss can do any good. Although when peopleget an inferior article of some other kind-- like clothing or shoes--they don't condemn everything similar. This fear of anything called a truss has kept lots of people fromanswering our advertisements; lots of people, because of disappointingexperience with other trusses, won't even take the trouble toinvestigate; give themselves no chance to find out about the merits ofthe Cluthe Truss. We would like to have these people believe in us and have them believein our truss; but, by being so suspicious, they lose far more than we;they lose the chance to get better, and probably the chance to get well. We sometimes speak of the Cluthe Truss as the Cluthe Automatic Massager;both names are necessary if we would do our truss full justice. But we have decided never to give up the word truss; in spite of thefact that its use makes it harder to get people to believe ouradvertisements. We don't want to fly under false colors. We don't want to do any of the things done by those who have _worthless_trusses to sell; those who have cheap contraptions which they call"appliances, " "methods, " etc. , in order to deceive ruptured people. If we were willing to call the Cluthe Truss by some other name, we wouldprobably disarm much of the suspicion many people have against the wordtruss. But we don't want to adopt any subterfuges. And there are now so manypeople wearing Cluthe Automatic Massaging Trusses, or who have worn themuntil cured, that simply by one man recommending the Cluthe Truss toanother the prejudice against the word truss is bound to be overcome intime. _+Rupture Always Brought On By Weakness+_ The word _Rupture_ is _wrong_; a relic of the days when no oneunderstood the real nature of this affliction. In its true definition, the word means a _break_ or _tear_. And that ishow this ailment got the name _Rupture_-- people used to think themuscles had broken or torn in two. But we have examined hundreds of ruptures under the searching X-rays. And we long ago found that rupture is _not_ a break or tear; somethingall physicians and surgeons now concede. The muscles at some point have simply lost their _strength_-- losttheir _elasticity_-- like a piece of old rubber which has lost its"_stretch_. " [Sidenote: The Cause Of The Weakness] Sometimes this weakening is due to general poor health; sometimes tolack of exercise; and sometimes the weakness is inherited. Now the bowels are always _pushing_ or _pressing_ more or less againstthe abdominal wall-- any one, whether ruptured or not, can plainly_feel_ that pressure when coughing or sneezing; while lifting or otherexertion greatly _increases_ the pressure or strain. When in a healthy or sound condition, the abdominal wall is _elastic_;and when the bowels push against it, the muscles which form it simply_stretch_ until the strain on them is over. Just as when you pull at your cheek, the flesh falls back in positionthe instant you let go. [Sidenote: Why The Muscles Give Way Under Strain] But if the muscles of the abdomen are in a _weak_ condition, they can't_stand_ much strain-- can no longer _stretch_-- any quick movement isoften enough to cause them to spread apart, forming an opening throughwhich a part of the bowels _pushes out_ or _protrudes. _ Now there is only one way to _overcome_ that weakened condition; onlyone way to get rid of rupture without undergoing the dangers ofoperation. As a first essential, proper artificial _support_ must be applied at thepoint of rupture. Comfortable mechanical support that can be depended upon to hold thebowels always in _place_. Just as a broken bone must be held in place, while healing, by a bandageor plaster cast. Dr. Birkett, of the famous Guy Hospital of London, and one of theworld's most eminent medical and surgical authorities, says this: [Sidenote: What Dr. Birkett Says] "The expediency of judiciously pursuing the mechanical treatment ofevery variety of hernia (rupture) cannot be too strongly urged upon thelaity by the profession. In both sexes it should be carefully conductedthe moment that the slightest protrusion shows itself; whether thehernia occurs in infancy, youth, middle age or at later periods of life, if properly watched and judiciously supported, it usually gives butlittle trouble; in many cases it is even cured. But on the contrary, ifit be neglected, increase in bulk and, sooner or later, diseased statesof the rupture, often leading to the death of the individual, willalmost infallibly occur. " And there is only one thing in the world that can _give_ the mechanicalsupport which Dr. Birkett and other famous physicians say is essential. That is the right kind of _truss_. Any system of treatment (except operation) which claims to relieve orcure rupture _without_ the use of a truss is simply a fraud. [Sidenote: Why You Need a Truss] The weak muscles at the rupture opening can't possibly get strongwithout the aid of a truss that will do what the muscles themselves are_too weak_ to do; a truss that will hold the bowels in place. But trusses which will do _that_ even _half_ the time are mighty_scarce_. Thousands of sufferers have tried truss after truss in _hopes_ theywould finally get one that would do it; and to this day haven't foundsuch a truss. All trusses and "appliances" _claim_ to hold you together. But ordinary trusses-- those with bands or belts or springs around thebody, those with leg-straps, those sold by drug-stores and "HerniaSpecialists"-- are absolutely _wrong_ in principle, construction andaction. They are like trousers worn without suspenders or belt-- continuallyslipping-- you've got to keep adjusting and "hitching them up. " The "harness" shifts or pulls the holding pads _away_ from the ruptureopening. Thus your rupture is continually coming out-- Nature never gets theghost of a chance to start any healing process. But even if such trusses _did_ hold the rupture in place, that _alone_could never result in cure; couldn't even result in improvement. Because that alone does nothing whatever to _strengthen_ the weakenedmuscles, or to overcome the muscle _lifelessness_, the conditions which_cause_ rupture. No man ever made his _arm_ strong by not _using_ it. And if a truss does nothing _more_ than hold the rupture in _place_, the_muscles_ at the rupture opening are never _used_, get no _exercise_, sothey grow constantly _weaker_ instead of _stronger_. We have had cases here at the Institute where, for lack of _activity_, the muscles around the rupture opening had withered almost completelyaway. And usually, in addition to lack of use, the deadening, benumbingpressure from a wrong truss was partly responsible for that withered ordeadened condition of the muscles. We can do nothing in cases like that. Neither can an operation oranything else. It is entirely too late. Like a man whose _arm_ has been _broken_. While carried in a sling or plaster cast, the arm tends to lose its_strength_-- loses it through lack of use. And if, after the bone has knit, the arm is still carried in a sling, never used, its muscles would soon _atrophy_ or become _dead_, weakenand waste away until useless. A _doctor_ would insist that the arm be _used_ or _exercised_ as soon asthe bone had knit, thus gradually restoring it to strength. Same way with rupture. It can be _cured_ or made _better_ only by_strengthening_ the weakened muscles, gently _exercising_ them, givingthem support which takes the _strain_ off them while _helping_ them dotheir work until, gradually, they _regain_ their _full_ strength and_need_ no help. Yet we of the Cluthe Rupture Institute are the only people to-day whotake that physiological fact into consideration. How to _apply_ our knowledge of that physiological fact, _how_ toexercise and thus strengthen the weak ruptured parts while at the sametime _supporting_ and holding them in _place_ wasn't the easiest thingin the world to discover. However, the Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatic Massager providesa way. And is the _only_ thing ever invented that can both _hold_ therupture and give Nature the necessary assistance in the process of_strengthening_ the weak parts. Just _how_ it assists Nature is explained in the next chapter. _+How to Overcome the Weakness Which Causes Rupture+_ A New Way, But Based on a Principle as Old as the Hills-- A PrincipleRecognized by all Doctors As everybody knows, you can make most any part of the body _strong_simply by _exercising_ it. Exercise is a wonderful thing. Keep a child cooped up-- give it no place to play-- and it will probablygrow up puny and sickly. While a boy on the farm-- with the big out-of-doors for a playground--is usually a picture of health. Or take a blacksmith. He is constantly _using_ or _exercising_ his_arms_. So you'll find _them_ as hard as nails. While his _legs_-- because he doesn't _use_ them so much-- aren't likelyto be nearly so well developed. A man in an office or store usually has soft, flabby, _weak_ muscles. But let that man take up some form of _exercise_, like tennis or baseball, and his muscles will soon be strong. It is a law of Nature that our minds and muscles grow by proper use, building themselves up to meet any demands made on them. That is why, after any sickness which leaves the body _weak_, doctorsnearly always tell you to take plenty of _exercise_. Until recent years, the only way to develop strength was by _active_exercise; movement of the muscles by their own force, as in walking, chopping wood or playing some game. But nowadays there is a _substitute_ for exercise. [Sidenote: Massage Is a Substitute For Exercise] Called _Massage_; a sort of _artificial_ exercise; a way to strengthenmuscles _without using_ them. In simple language, massage consists in alternately expanding andcontracting the muscles by applying a gentle force _externally_, insteadof moving them by voluntary and _internal_ force. Now massage-- like ordinary exercise-- is so _strengthening_ that itwill overcome almost any kind of _weakness_. So _invigorating_ and _beneficial_ that many well-known physicians saythe day is coming when it will be an almost _universal_ method of _cure_for every trouble in any way due to weakness. At the Vanderbilt Clinic in New York, many cases of weak _ankles_, weak_backs_, etc. , have been cured by massage. Now Rupture, as shown in the last chapter, is _also_ a weakness. But massage, as given at hospitals, can't be used to advantage forrupture. Too _expensive_-- requires an _expert_. And could be given only when youare lying flat on your back in _bed_; therefore couldn't be given very_often_; and it would take years for only _occasional_ massaging toovercome rupture. Moreover, hospital or hand massage could be used only in combinationwith a truss that would keep the rupture from _coming out_. A protrusionevery day or so, as happens with most trusses, would _undo_ all thebeneficial effects of the massage. But the invention of the _Cluthe_ Truss-- the _only_ truss that can be_depended_ on to _prevent protrusion_-- makes hand or hospital massageunnecessary; it takes their place. It massages the weak ruptured parts as well as a skilled hand-massagercould, as well as could be done at a hospital. And charges nothing forgiving the massage-- there is no expense beyond the price of the truss. [Sidenote: This Strengthening Massage Given Automatically] It massages the weak ruptured parts entirely _automatically_ or_mechanically_. And does it in a wonderfully simple way; the massagingdevice-- so small it would go in a watch case-- is so simple that you'llwonder when you see it how it can produce such a strengthening effect. Keeps massaging the weak ruptured parts _all day long_-- all without amoment's attention from you, all without keeping you from your work, allwithout in any way interfering with your pleasure. And, at the same time, holds the rupture constantly and comfortably inplace. Takes all _strain_ off the ruptured parts, _rests_ the weakened muscleswhile the _massage_ is _strengthening_ them; just as you must rest astrained _ankle_-- keep your _weight_ off it-- while it is healing. Keeps you from even _feeling_ a single one of the strains that are aptto do so much harm when _other_ trusses are worn. That is how this remarkable truss, while overcoming your weakness, rids_work_ of all its _dangers_. Takes away all risk of further weakening yourself or of making therupture worse. [Sidenote: Rids Work of All Its Dangers] Instead, any work you do will actually help make your rupture _better_, actually have a _healing_ or _curative_ effect. Every movement you make-- in working, walking, exercising, even inbreathing-- so acts on the Cluthe Truss as to help produce thestrengthening massage. This massage is wonderfully _soothing_, like gently rubbing a bruisedspot. And is so remarkably beneficial that in about one hundred andninety-nine cases out of every two hundred, the rupture usually beginsto get better almost the day a Cluthe Truss is put on. So remarkably beneficial that the Cluthe Truss has cured some of theworst cases of rupture on record-- cured many of them even aftereverything else, including operation, had done no good whatever. For this massage does for the weak ruptured parts exactly what_exercise_ does for the _arms_ or _legs_-- gradually gives _new_strength-- in most cases soon makes the ruptured parts as strong andsound as a dollar. * * * * * This massage, in some ways, is like _Osteopathic_ treatment. Which, as a cure for certain ailments, is fast taking the place of_drugs_ and surgical _operations_. Most likely you've heard or read about some of the Osteopathic cures. Nearly everybody, nowadays, has. Maybe you know of Osteopathic curesright there in your own neighborhood. Some of the cures made in this way seem almost magical. And it is largely because _massage_ forms a big part of it thatOsteopathic treatment does so much good, especially in many kinds of_weakness_. [Sidenote: _+Something Like Osteopathic Treatment+_] Like a weak back, or weak kidneys, or weak or worn out nerves, etc. And there's only one reason why Osteopathic physicians can't cure_rupture_ as easily as any _other_ weakness. Like _hospital_ massage, it can be given only when you are flat on yourback; and, unless a Cluthe Truss is worn-- which takes the _place_ ofOsteopathic Treatment and makes it unnecessary, just as it does thehospital massage-- there would be no way of preventing protrusion_between_ treatments. Moreover, Osteopathic treatment, like hospital massage, would be too_expensive_ for most people. Even if given only occasionally. ForOsteopathic physicians charge $3. 00 to $5. 00 a treatment. But the _Cluthe Truss_ keeps giving the _massage_ part of Osteopathictreatment-- the _strengthening_ part of the treatment-- all day long;and all without any expense, except the small cost of the truss. _+How Your Rupture is Kept From Coming Out+_ And How the Cluthe Truss is Held in Position by Suction-- No Belt, Leg-straps or Springs Around the Body The Cluthe Truss is the only kind in existence which applies the supportat the proper _angle_-- _upwards_ against the rupture opening; thuscounteracting the internal _downward_ pressure of the abdominal organs, the natural tendency of the bowels to push out. And, unlike all others, it is _self_-adjusting, _self_-regulating. Automatically adjusts itself with every one of your movements when youin any way exert your strength. Sudden strains or movements, like coughing or sneezing, like in workingor exercising-- strains which would cause _other_ trusses to slip orshift out of position-- simply cause an instant, _automatic increase_ inthe comfortable _support_ a Cluthe Truss gives to your rupture. [Sidenote: Holding Power Automatically Increases To Meet Any Strain] Every strain of any kind is instantly and automatically counteracted. After fitting men here at the Institute, we have had them do everythingwe could think of, but they couldn't throw the Cluthe Holding Pads outof position, couldn't force the rupture out. The holding power of this truss instantly increased to meet every strainthe men made. The Cluthe Automatic Holding Pads-- the pads which hold the rupture inplace-- are free acting-- work on a ball-bearing, universal joint. Thusthey are wonderfully sensitive to the slightest movement, instantlyrespond to each movement. No other truss in the world has this self-adjusting feature-- no othercan hold a bad rupture, no other can keep the rupture from gettingworse. Just as no other can overcome the weakness which causes rupture-- noother can give the strengthening massage which the Cluthe Trussgives-- no other can make the rupture better. We have so much confidence in the Cluthe Truss that we guarantee inwriting-- as fully explained on page 66-- that it will at all timesprevent protrusion. * * * * * Another thing about the Cluthe Truss. In cases of Double Rupture, this truss is of course equipped withAutomatic Holding Pads on both sides. While in case of Single Rupture, the side not ruptured is protectedagainst strains by a free-acting Protection Pad; this supports andstrengthens the well side, prevents all danger of double rupture. Everyman who has a double rupture originally had only a single rupture. Mostother trusses fail to provide any _dependable_ protection for the wellside in Single Rupture. * * * * * And now note that when you put on a Cluthe Truss, there's no belt, bandor elastic around the waist, no springs, no legstraps, nothing that canpinch, squeeze or bind, nothing that can cut, chafe or in any wayirritate the skin. [Sidenote: Holds Securely Without Unnecessary Pressure] It is the only truss without "harness" of any kind whatever. It is held on the body by free-acting _suction_ or _vacuum_ Pads. These Pads rest lightly and comfortably over the natural cushion ofmuscles forming the rump. And hold the truss securely in position on the body in much the same waysuction holds a properly fitting set of false teeth so comfortably inplace that they seem like natural teeth. Because free from "harness, " there is nothing about the Cluthe Trussthat can bulge the clothing. It can be worn under corsets; or worn under_tights_ without _showing_. Many acrobats wear Cluthe Trusses undertheir tights when performing. Yet the Cluthe Truss doesn't squeeze or hug, doesn't bind against thebody at any point save where the Suction Pads rest and where the HoldingPads support the rupture. This makes it the most _comfortable_ truss ever invented. Many people have written us that it is as comfortable as their_clothing_. * * * * * Another feature. Every part of the Cluthe Truss is covered with vulcanized rubber orwaterproof casing. No leather or cloth or similar material to heat up the skin and make ittender. Nothing that can absorb perspiration; nothing that can get sweaty, sticky or foul-smelling. And because waterproof, it can easily be washed; easily kept clean. [Sidenote: Wear It When Taking a Bath or Swim] It is about the only truss that is _all_ waterproof. Therefore about theonly truss you can keep on while taking a bath or swim-- a time when youare in danger, if you have no truss on, of having the rupture thrown outby the bending and twisting you do. Other trusses which claim to be waterproof can't be depended upon tohold-- won't hold successfully when you are in the water or any othertime. It takes more than waterproof quality alone to keep rupture fromcoming out. * * * * * Yet, with all its exclusive superiorities, the Cluthe Truss-- includingthe professional services of the members of the Cluthe Institute-- costsonly a trifle more than the worthless trusses which do little or no goodwhatever. _+The Care And Attention We Give You+_ All Without Taking You a Single Step From Your Home or a Minute FromWork or Business When you try a Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss, you will find that youget vastly different treatment-- vastly better care and attention-- thanwhen you go to a drug store or local truss dealer. For you will get from us-- in connection with the Cluthe Truss, andwithout extra charge-- the skilled care and attention of five men (thefive members of the Cluthe Rupture Institute) who are pretty well knownthroughout America as being foremost in the field of rupture. And you will get our care and attention-- and our special advice on yourcase-- without putting yourself to half as much trouble as when you goto a drug store-- You will get it merely by sending us-- as explained farther on--a little simple information. [Sidenote: Distance Makes No Difference] We can study and understand your case as well with you five to fivethousand or more miles away as we could with you right before us; orjust as well as the best physician could study and diagnose a case oftyphoid or other sickness right at the bedside of the patient. Our system of attending to people by mail is so exact-- and ourknowledge and skill so great-- that no matter how far away you arewe can fit you correctly with a Cluthe Truss just as surely as a highclass tailor could fit you with a suit of clothes after taking yourmeasurements himself. [Illustration: _+THE CLUTHE RUPTURE INSTITUTE+_] Here we have on file-- in writing-- complete particulars concerning eachof the 290, 000 cases we have attended to. Every case is carefully indexed and ready for instant reference. Nothing is left to memory or guesswork-- nothing can be overlooked, nothing forgotten. Thus your case can be easily and accurately compared with hundreds ofsimilar cases. You see we have made mail order fitting and mail order care andattention a science. That-- together with the superiority of the Cluthe Truss-- together withthe knowledge and experience gained through attending to thousands ofwidely different cases-- gives us a tremendous advantage over your localdruggist or any one else you could go to. For years our Institute was located in the heart of New York City--within a short car ride of several million people. [Sidenote: Our Advantages Over The Drug Store] And there-- in the course of years-- among the thousands of people whocame in person to be attended to at our Institute, we had in our carecase after case of every kind and condition of rupture ever known. And all this time we were also attending by mail to cases of all kindsin all parts of the civilized world. No druggist-- no truss fitter in any drug store or surgical supplyhouse-- no one else in all America-- ever had such a wonderfulopportunity to learn all the peculiarities of rupture. Our experience has been so complete that in the last five years wehaven't come across a single case-- either by mail or among those whocame to the Institute-- which presented any peculiarities that we werenot already familiar with. Yet-- because he has never seen a case like it before-- a case thatwould seem simple to us often completely baffles the best of trussfitters in drug stores, local truss concerns, surgical supply houses, etc. Now it is only in the largest drug stores, local truss establishmentsand surgical instrument houses-- perhaps in only five or six places in acity like New York or Chicago-- that a special or "expert" truss fitterof any kind is employed. So if a comparatively simple case puzzles these "expert" fitters, a mancertainly can't expect much satisfaction at the small drug store, wherewhichever clerk that isn't busy-- at best someone with little or noknowledge at all of rupture-- will undertake to wait on you. During our long experience, for every person who came to our Institutewe have probably attended to ten others by mail. And we have proved over and over-- year after year-- that we can giverelief by mail to the man five or five thousand miles away just as wellas to the man who came to our Institute. [Sidenote: Give Entire Time To Attending Cases By Mail] So now we have moved our Institute to Bloomfield, N. J. -- only ten milesfrom New York City-- a quiet suburb where we can give our entire time toattending to cases by mail. For we have found that the great majority of the victims of rupturecan't afford to lay off from work or business long enough to undergooperation-- the only thing besides the Cluthe Truss which can be lookedupon as a means of relief; we have found that most ruptured people can'tspare the money required for an operation; and that many of them--largely because they have been wearing, for years, perhaps, trusseswhich have been letting them get worse all the time-- are so weakenedand run down in health that they stand little chance of recovering fromthe shock of an operation. These are the people who are most in need of our truss and most in needof our skilled care and attention. And here in Bloomfield we can do more good, give relief to more peopleby mail, than we could had we remained in New York. And here, day after day, we are attending by mail to people in New YorkCity-- only ten miles away-- just as we are to sufferers in Maine, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, California, etc. [Sidenote: Well-Known Business Men Order By Mail] Big business men in New York-- bankers, presidents of big corporations, noted lawyers and others-- men perhaps living in the same block withsome noted physician or surgeon-- men who could send for their autosand in fifteen to thirty minutes be in any one of New York's besthospitals-- men who can afford the best medical and surgical care in theworld-- are among those who have ordered Cluthe Trusses from us here inBloomfield in exactly the same way-- by mail-- that a man out in Ohio orOregon would. Now when men like these-- many of them acting on the advice of famousphysicians-- are taking advantage of the care and attention we give bymail in connection with the Cluthe Truss, it is mighty good proof of ourability to attend to any kind of case by mail. [Sidenote: How We Study Your Case] The first thing we do, when a man writes for a Cluthe Truss, is to makea careful, scientific study of his case. We must understand your casethoroughly-- know all its peculiarities. And please bear in mind that your case will receive the personalattention of at least three members-- perhaps there will be aconsultation of all five members-- of the Cluthe Rupture Institute. No order is ever put in the hands of a clerk or helper or otherinexperienced person. In each case we give our complete professional service. Each case istreated _individually_. We take into consideration the kind of rupture-- the location of therupture opening-- the size of the protrusion, the length of timeruptured, the cause of the rupture, whether or not an operation has beenperformed, etc. , etc. You will find, on our information blank (one is enclosed with this book, or see duplicate questions on page 73) some simple, easily-answeredquestions concerning these points. And your answers to these questions, if your answers are correct, furnish us all the guidance we need as to the special requirements ofyour case. Just as a physician in writing a prescription is guided bythe answers to his simple questions. That is how we determine the shape and size of the Automatic Holding Pad(in case of Double Rupture, each rupture is _individually_ treated, usually a different kind of pad for each side, for both sides are seldomthe same). And that is how we determine the adjustment of the pads and all parts, the amount of support needed and the regulation of the holding pads togive the support, etc. , etc. Then, after deciding all these points, we make for you a _special_Cluthe Truss-- one exactly adapted to your individual case-- every partof it exactly what your condition requires. (Compare _that_ with the waydrug stores and local truss dealers try to fit you with a ready-made"stock" truss. ) We next take this specially made truss to our Gallery of Statues-- whichconsists of life-size and life-like models or dummy figures. [Sidenote: Our Life-Like Models] And here, no matter what your size or build, we have a dummy modelcorresponding to your living self in shape-- a form your clothes wouldfit just as they fit on you. When we see the measurements you give when ordering (they are allprovided for in a simple way on our Information or Question blank) weknow at once which one of our many models or forms to use. And on this form-- duplicating your size and build-- we fit your truss, as soon as it is made, just as if you yourself were right here in frontof us. We can usually make up your truss, fit it, and have it ready to sendwithin twenty-four to thirty-six hours after receiving your order. Every day we fit in this way scores of people we have never seen. And it's only in about one case out of several hundred that we fail togive perfect fit. While in such cases, usually only some slightadjustment is needed to make the fit perfect-- some simple adjustmentwhich the patient himself can easily make. Our common-sense instructionsfully provide for proper adjustment if any is necessary. Our ability to meet the exact requirements of your case-- our expertskill and care in fitting-- are things no one else can give you-- for noone else has had our forty years of professional experience-- no oneelse has learned _how_, as we have. The method we follow (which is exclusively our own), is the only methodof fitting that can result in continuous and comfortable holding. And continuous and comfortable holding, combined with the soothing, strengthening and healing massage treatment which the Cluthe Trussautomatically gives, is the only thing (save an operation-- which can'talways do it)-- that can effect a permanent cure. _+How Day-After-Day Holding is Given by the Cluthe Automatic Pad+_ [Illustration] The above illustration represents the side view of the lower abdomen ofa person of medium size. C, A and E is the natural line of the abdomen. D, B and F is the line when the abdomen is inflated by coughing, sneezing, or any exertion or strain. The black disc is the pad. When thewearer coughs or strains, pad end A is forced to position B, while thelower or retaining end of pad E is instantly forced inward to positionF, thereby completely checking the descent of the rupture andeffectively locking it in. Thus rupture is at all times retained withthe least possible pressure of pad under normal conditions, yet theextra pressure needed is instantly and automatically given when anyexertion or strain demands it. This automatic action of the Holding Pad also _massages_ the rupturedparts. This massage has a soothing, healing effect-- like gently rubbingyour forehead when you have a headache-- or like rubbing a bruisedspot-- and, gradually overcomes the weakness which _causes_ rupture--gradually _strengthens_ the weak ruptured parts, just as exercisestrengthens the muscles of the arms. _+Able to Work While Being Cured+_ For men with a living to make, work to do, business to attend to, families to provide for, the Cluthe Truss is nothing less than agodsend. And it means just as much to men who want to take part in athleticgames, men who want active outdoor exercise. Some, in their letters to us, have called it a _life-saver_. For the Cluthe Truss rids work and exercise of every one of theirdangers; rids them of every one of their injurious effects on rupture. You who read this-- by letting us send you a Cluthe Truss on sixty days'trial-- can easily prove all that; just as thousands of others haveproved it. With this truss on there isn't the slightest risk of having your ruptureforced out by sudden strains or movements. Just bear _that_ in mind-- you who have been compelled, because yourtruss has been doing no good, to drop everything perhaps two or threetimes a day or more and put your rupture back. This truss puts an end to all danger of further weakening yourself whileworking-- puts an end to all danger of making your rupture worse. Just keep _that_ in mind-- you who now scarcely dare do a thing--scarcely even cough or laugh, for fear of bad effects on your rupture--for fear your truss will yield and let the rupture escape. [Sidenote: What You Can Do With a Cluthe Truss On] And with a Cluthe Truss on, work, exercise or outdoor sports will nevercause any discomfort. Don't overlook _that_-- you who have been putting up with old-fashionedtrusses or "appliances" with their belts, bands, elastics, leg-strapsand other torturing harness-- trusses which hurt so much every time youmove that they almost drive you frantic. Instead of letting work injure you in any way, a Cluthe Truss (aspreviously explained) makes the work you do and the exercise you takeactually help make your rupture _better_-- makes your work actually havea _healing_ or _curative_ effect. There is plenty of proof of that. Men doing _heavy_ work, and doing it every day-- men like farmers, blacksmiths, railway firemen, factory workers, miners, etc. -- are amongthose cured by this truss; cured while _working_ right along, curedwhile earning good incomes. Also men taking more or less violent exercise, like base-ball players, tennis players, horse-back and bicycle riders, etc. [Sidenote: A Few Of The Men Who Were Cured While Working] Some of them, while working, remember, cured in less than three months. A lot of them cured in from four to twelve months; among them men whohad been ruptured as long as fifteen to thirty years. And took only a little while longer for some who had been ruptured aslong as fifty years to be cured. You will find, at the back of this book, many letters in proof of this. * * * * * We have seen the Cluthe Truss do so much good for so many other peoplethat we feel sure it can do wonders for you. So sure it will help you, just as it did them that-- as explained in alater chapter-- we are willing to let you test it on sixty days' trial, to prove just how much it can benefit you. _+Don't Let Yourself Be Scared Into Risking An Operation+_ Cluthe Truss Has Done Away with All Need For Operation, Except inOccasional Cases People _used_ to think that an operation was the only way to curerupture-- thought they had to be cut open. Just as people _used_ to know no better than to undergo _bleeding, _ nomatter in what way they were sick. Histories and biographies tell us itwas the loss of blood from this barbarous bleeding which led to GeorgeWashington's death. But nowadays we never hear of bleeding. Just as fever patients are no longer denied ice water and iceapplications. Though, not so many years ago, people were literallyallowed to burn up with fever. [Sidenote: Thousands Have Died Under The Surgeon's Knife] Operation for rupture, for reasons stated below has never been much morethan a life-or-death chance, even for those with a rugged constitution. Thousands of ruptured people have died under the surgeon's knife. Oftentimes a weak heart-- because of the ether-- makes it unsafe even toattempt operation. And it has always been a big expense which not one in a hundred couldafford. Even though it had no dangers, the cost and the long lay-offfrom work or business make it useless for the majority of sufferers tothink of an operation. The reasons operation is so risky for most people are these: The sufferer is seldom in condition for an operation, is run down, thevitality is low-- that is why the muscles over the intestines haveweakened and spread. Another grave danger lies in the fact that a very large opening must bemade-- many delicate tissues cut through-- before the surgeon can reachthe weakened muscles which caused the rupture. Moreover, in a surgical operation, the relaxed muscles are tightenedsimply by shortening them-- by cutting out a piece. But nothing is done to strengthen these muscles. Nature is in no wayassisted. The parts usually remain weak-- that is why, when a man leavesthe hospital after an operation for rupture, he is usually told to weara truss or support. And that is why, in about six out of every ten apparently successfuloperations, the rupture sooner or later breaks out anew. So we would never advise an operation, save as a last resort. As instrangulated hernia, where there is no hope except through heroicmeasures. Save in very rare cases, there is now no need whatever to undergo thedangers of an operation-- no need to risk the surgeon's knife. No needto incur the big expense of going to a hospital-- no need to lose anytime from work or business-- no need to be in bed a single day. For since the invention of the Cluthe Truss or Cluthe AutomaticMassager, the day of operation is over, save for an occasional case. The Cluthe Truss has probably effected more _permanent_ cures than allthe operations ever performed. And is always _safe_, and almost invariably _beneficial_, whether or notit brings complete cure. (Cure is sometimes impossible, as told inanother chapter. ) _+Why Ordinary Trusses Do More Harm Than Good+_ The country is full of trusses which are nothing but more or lessworthless makeshifts. Some with so little merit that they try to hideunder other names. Like the junk handed out at drug-stores. Like the traps peddled by thequacks who pose as Hernia "Specialists. " Trusses and appliances with belts, bands or springs around the waist, trusses with leg-straps, etc. Some of these trusses cost little more to make than a pair of goodsuspenders or garters. A little leather, a few pieces of elastic or webband, a cloth-covered pad with sawdust in it, is about all there is tothem. So, like suspenders or garters, they absorb perspiration; that rots themso they soon give out. But their greatest weakness isn't in their cheap materials; it's intheir unscientific construction, in the fact that they usually do moreharm than good. [Sidenote: Your Suspenders Would Do As Much Good As Some Trusses] A rubber band around your waist would do as much good as some of thesemakeshift trusses and "appliances"; and not be so apt to do harm. Might just as well wear your suspenders or garters over your rupture assome of the trusses and devices with which this country is overrun. Someof these trusses would hold your rupture just about as well if you leftthem hanging in the closet instead of wearing them. During the many years The Cluthe Rupture Institute was located in NewYork City, we had daily evidence of the utter worthlessness of all suchtrusses. Every day, one after another of the victims of such appliances werecoming to us for relief. When we examined these patients, we usually found that the rupture hadpushed the pads aside and worked out above or below them. Sometimes we found that the pads had worked away from the ruptureopening, worked down against the pelvic bone. And the ruptured partshad slipped out and were being squeezed between the pads and the bone. A condition apt to result in strangulation. Some of these patients came to us suffering intense torture from theterrific pressure of such trusses-- pressure perhaps ten times greaterthan needed-- and this cruel pressure is exerted from the wrongdirection, in the wrong place. Perhaps merely a slight sneeze or cough is enough to push the pads outof position. And then the pressure of these pads forces the rupturedparts out, instead of holding them in. Sometimes the pads had slipped down so far on the pelvic bone-- or hadbeen pulled down by the leg-straps-- that there was no support for therupture whatever. And this constant pressure against the pelvic bone saps the vitality. Often causing sexual weakness and mental failing. For between this boneand the outer skin is the sensitive life-giving spermatic cord. [Sidenote: Ordinary Trusses May Bring On Other Ailments] Also, we have found in hundreds of cases that these belt and springtrusses press against the femoral artery so severely that heartdisorders result. Causing dizziness, headaches, irritability, etc. Yetthe patient seldom associates his truss with these troubles, seldomknows their cause. And constipation and stomach troubles are often brought on by thesetrusses. Gas on the stomach is a common result. These troubles can be remedied only by removing the cause-- only bydiscarding the harmful truss. The Cluthe Truss soon overcomes such complications. We have countlessletters-- from people formerly suffering from such troubles brought onby wrong trusses-- telling how the Cluthe Truss has given them a newlease on life-- made them feel many years younger. Among patients who came to us wearing spring trusses, we have oftenfound evidence of injury to the spine. For such trusses press against the spine-- the delicate center of thenervous system-- just as cruelly as they dig into the abdomen and thepelvic bone in front. And frequently, when patients came to us wearing belt trusses, we havefound the tender skin all cut and bruised where the belt fits around thebody. And nearly always the cruel leg-straps had made the wearer's legsraw and sore. The sufferer who wears a truss like these can scarcely have a moment'scomfort. Thousands of belt and spring trusses have been thrown away by newpatients at our Institute, after we had fitted them with Cluthe Trusses. And among all these discarded trusses we have never found one that couldbe properly adjusted-- the pressure couldn't be properly regulated. There is by far too much pressure at times when only slight pressure isneeded. And, at times of strain, when more pressure is needed, there is noincrease in pressure to meet that need. This unregulated pressure tends to _stretch_ the weakened muscles at thepoint of rupture-- distends and enlarges the opening. That is one reason why a rupture grows constantly worse when a leg-strapor spring truss is worn. Such trusses are a _crime_-- wearing them issimply slow suicide. We keep a record showing the history of every rupture we treat. This record shows that every severe rupture with which we have had todeal has grown into a serious case solely through the wear of some formof the belt or spring truss. Just judge of all this by your own experience. Probably, in spite of thetrusses you've been wearing, your rupture has grown constantly worseinstead of better. And then-- for the sake of comparison-- just read some of the lettersyou'll find at the back of this book; see the verdicts of people whohave had experience with both the Cluthe Truss and with other kinds. _+Trusses Like These Are A Crime+_ [Illustration: Common Elastic, or Belt Truss (Single)] So-called "Appliances" are Usually Merely a Slight Adaptation of thisStyle of Truss-- Merely the Most Worthless Kinds of Trusses Masqueradingunder Misleading Names. The only way to give leverage to the pad is to tighten up the belt andthe leg-straps. The tighter they are, the farther they pull the pad awayfrom the rupture opening. The leg-straps pull the pad down on the pelvicbone, where its pressure squeezes the life-giving spermatic cord. Whenever the wearer coughs, sneezes or is under strain, the bowels leavetheir natural position, working out and in through the rupture opening(due to flexibility and stretching of straps), and the bowels when outare repeatedly pressed between the pelvic bone and the pad. The Cruel Spring Truss [Illustration] It is impossible to keep the spring truss in position. Due to the forceof the springs around the waist, the pads dig against the pelvic bonewith terrible pressure, sapping the vitality. The previous chapter showshow most ruptures grow constantly worse when trusses like these areworn. [Illustration] Dotted lines in lower illustration show Spring Truss coiled up beforeapplied. Try to hold springs apart as when on the body as shown for halfa minute. Then you will know what criminal pressure the spring trussgives. _+Law Should Stop the Sale of Drug Store Trusses+_ We believe the day will soon come when laws will be passed forbiddingany one either to fit or sell trusses without a legal license. Just as physicians, surgeons and dentists must all have licenses. Somust oculists and opticians, in most states. Also druggists, before theycan fill prescriptions. And, unless a man has made a specialized study of rupture-- unless hehas a thorough knowledge of it-- he should no more be allowed to sell orfit trusses than a schoolboy should be allowed to practice medicine. Ruptured people seriously risk their health when they trust their casesto any one who hasn't made a thorough, specialized study of rupture. That is almost as dangerous as having a prescription filled by aninexperienced clerk, instead of by a registered pharmacist. For a wrongtruss can cause immense harm. [Sidenote: Trusses Should Be Sold Only Under License] When the time comes when trusses can be sold only under license, we'llsee most of the self-styled "Hernia Specialists" driven out of business. We'll also see an end to the selling of "stock" trusses by generalMail-Order houses where an order for a truss is handled in exactly thesame way-- and often by the same man-- as an order for groceries orhardware. And, when that time comes, mighty few drug-stores will be able to selltrusses. Let us show why. Take the following as an example: A man might _think_ he had only a bad cold. And might go to a drug-store. Now, a druggist doesn't pretend to know _disease_-- he simply knows_drugs_. So about all the druggist could do would be to hand out some patentmedicine-- some cure-all. But if the man went out to a good _physician_-- The _physician_ might find, after asking a few questions and thusmaking a diagnosis, that the patient had _La Grippe_, or _Pneumonia_, or _Pleurisy_ (instead of merely a _cold_, as the patient _thought_). The physician would find out what the patient _needed_, then write aspecific prescription-- and seldom the same prescription for any twopatients. For the requirements would always _differ_. Or a man might have poor _eyesight_. He might go to an _optician_. Now, an _optician_ doesn't know much about _eyes_-- _he_ has made aspecial study of _lenses_-- _he_ merely _fits_ glasses-- just as a_druggist_ merely _fills_ prescriptions-- neither pretends to _diagnose_or _prescribe_. And an _optician_ is just as likely as not to fit a _near_-sighted manwith _far_-sighted glasses. [Sidenote: A Truss Fitter Should Know as Much About Rupture as an Oculist About the Eyes] But if the man with poor eyesight goes to an _oculist_-- The _oculist_ finds out what the _trouble_ is-- and what kind of glassesare _needed_-- then _prescribes_ that kind of glasses. And then the _optician fits_ the man according to the _oculist'sprescription_. Just as a _druggist_ fills a _physician's_ prescription. Now our method of fitting you by mail is precisely like the physician'smethod. From your answers to the simple questions we ask on our informationblank, we first decide the _needs_ of your case-- then we _prescribe_--then we _fill_ our prescription by making especially for your caseexactly the kind of truss you need. A physician never asks _you_ what _kind_ of medicine _you want_--he _prescribes_ for you the kind which _he_ knows you _need_. But if you go to a _drug-store_ for a truss, the clerk behind thecounter asks you what _kind_ of truss you _want_! You must be your _own_ doctor. [Sidenote: Druggists Know Nothing about Rupture] Neither the drug clerk nor the druggist knows enough about _rupture_ toknow what kind of _truss_ you _need_. And, usually, his knowledge of _trusses_ is confined to the differencein _prices_-- he'd rather sell you a $10 truss than a $3 truss. His knowledge of _fitting_ is not much greater. If you measure 36 inches around the hips, he gives you a 36-inchtruss-- which, in everything except size, would be exactly like thetruss he'd sell at the same price, to a man with a rupture only _half_as bad as yours, or to a man with a rupture _twice_ as bad as yours. A drug-store sells trusses in exactly the same way that theold-fashioned shoe store sold shoes. It was solely a matter of how much the customer wanted to _pay_, and the_style_ the customer _wanted_-- _not_ what the customer _needed_. Thousands of people have been "all crippled up" because their shoes weretoo _short_, or too _narrow_, or the _wrong shape_. The old-fashionedshoe clerk knew his _stock_, but he didn't know enough about thecustomer's _feet_ to know when the customer was _properly fitted_. Just as thousands of people have trouble with their glasses because theywere fitted by an _optician_-- "over the counter, "-- instead of havingan _oculist prescribe_ for them. And, partly because improperly fitted at drug-stores, and partly becausedrug-store trusses are usually mere makeshifts, thousands of people areto-day wearing trusses which are doing immense _harm_ instead ofgood-- trusses which cause the rupture to grow constantly worse. Even if there is any druggist in the country who _does_ happen to knowmuch about rupture and about fitting trusses, he'd have to be a mightybright man to be able to fit you at all properly with the kind oftrusses sold in the average drug-store. Practically all the drug-store trusses are simply some form of theold belt or springs and leg-strap truss-- though sold under hundredsof different names as "improvements. " They are usually cheaplyconstructed-- turned out by machinery in immense quantities. And they are always ready-made "stock" trusses. Each kind made in onlyone model or style, and the pads in only a few different shapes andsizes. Making mighty scant provision for the wide variation between theruptures of different people; making mighty little allowance for thefact that what will do for one man won't do at all for another. [Sidenote: Each Man Requires Something Different] Your rupture, when out, may be the size of a hen's egg; your neighbormay have a protrusion almost as big as his head; and a lot of other menwith protrusions ranging all the way from one extreme to the other. Tosay nothing of big differences in other ways besides size. Each of you should have a size and shape of holding pad especiallyadapted to the needs of your case-- each should have a truss puttogether especially for you. Else there can be no such thing ascontinuous, comfortable holding of the rupture. So you see the absurdity of trying to get a comfortably fitting truss ata drug-store, or of expecting to get one that will do much good. Might as well expect all men to be properly fitted in a shoe store whichcarries only one size and shape of shoe. Or in a hat store which carriesonly one size of hat. Might as well expect both near-sighted andfar-sighted men to see better if both wore the same kind of glasses. Andmight as well expect common window-glass to improve the eye-sight as toexpect common drug-store trusses to do any good. [Sidenote: Just Like Getting Glasses] There is just as much difference in different men's ruptures as in thesize and shape of their feet or heads. Just as much variation in rupture as in failing eyesight. And everybodyknows that one man may need very powerful glasses, while another needsglasses which magnify only slightly; one may need a double lens, whileanother needs only a single lens; one may need convex lenses, whileanother needs concave. All this doesn't mean that it is hard to fit ruptured people, but merelythat ample provision must be made for the different requirements. As ashoe store does for men's feet. We have found it necessary to make the Cluthe Holding Pads in 115different styles, shapes and sizes. And frequently we have to make aspecial style or size. Thus, no matter what your rupture is like, we can fit you with a ClutheTruss-- one put together especially for you-- one that will meet yourrequirements just as well as a shoe store can fit you with shoes, or anoculist fit you with exactly the kind of glasses you need. * * * * * It is for these reasons-- their ignorance of rupture-- that we havenever sold the Cluthe Truss through druggists. Trusses are simply a _side-line_ in the average drug-store. Just as_cigars_ are, or "_soft drinks_. " A druggist knows all about _drugs_. He has made _them_ his special _study_. But he _doesn't_ know much about _rupture_-- doesn't pretend to-- andcan't be expected to. Because he _hasn't_ made a _study_ of it. It took _us_, here at the Cluthe Rupture Institute, over _forty years_to learn all that we _now_ know about Rupture. _Forty years_ of day-after-day _concentration_ on the _study_ and_treatment_ of Rupture. And during those forty years, we have learned things about Rupture whichno one _else_ has _ever learned_-- we have gained knowledge which isexclusively our _own_. And it took many years of scientific study and experiment to perfect the_Cluthe Truss_, and to design the hundreds of different _kinds_, _sizes_, and _shapes_ of Holding Pads which adapt this truss to everyform and condition of Rupture known to-day. We have told you this, Reader, to show that placing yourself in our careis vastly different from going to a _drug-store_, or to a mere _dealer_in trusses or _manufacturer_ of them. And the following chapters will show that even more conclusively. [Illustration: Showing a few of the different sizes and shapes in which the Cluthe Holding Pads are made. ] _+Physicians Advise Cluthe Truss Instead of Operation+_ Until they know of something better, most physicians, because oftheir training, naturally believe in hospital treatment for rupture--naturally favor operations. But few good physicians would ever advise an operation if they knew ofthe Cluthe Truss and the world of good it has done. Just as no conscientious physician would ever think of sending anyone tothe drug-store for a truss if he knew how much more beneficial a ClutheTruss is. Too bad, for the sake of their ruptured patients, that more physiciansdon't know the facts about this truss. Too bad the good news hasn't yetspread among all the profession. However, thousands of physicians all over the country are alreadyfamiliar with the facts-- thousands have seen the folly of expectingordinary trusses to do any good-- thousands now know that getting aCluthe Automatic Massaging Truss and our professional care and attentionin connection with it, is a vastly different thing than going to adrug-store for a truss. Just as calling in a physician and having him prescribe exactly what youneed for typhoid, grippe, nervous trouble, rheumatism or other sickness, is a hundred times more likely to give you relief than if you go to adrug-store for some patent medicine "cure-all. " So far as we know, every physician who has impartially looked into themerits of the Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss and the care andattention we give has from that time on (unless operation was absolutelynecessary) been advising a trial of the Cluthe Truss in all cases ofrupture which come under his charge. Among such physicians are many connected with hospitals, who almostinvariably advise a trial of the Cluthe Truss instead of an operation;just as they would prefer to cure appendicitis without an operationunless an operation seemed imperative. And many physicians (you'll find the names of some of them in the book"Your Neighbor's Word") are themselves wearing Cluthe Trusses, or haveworn them until cured. _+Ruptured People Swindled Out of Thousands of Dollars+_ Look Out for the Deceitful "Don't-Wear-a-Truss" Argumentsand the Tricky "Not-a-Truss" Claims Get-Rich-Quick Quacks are year after year humbugging ruptured people outof hundreds of thousands of dollars. The traps they set are cleverly baited. But the bait always consists ofmisrepresentation and tricky subterfuges. Some style themselves "doctors"-- an insult to the medical profession. Some call themselves "Captain" or "Colonel"-- an attempt to get thesympathy of Civil War veterans. Some try to work on your sympathies by telling you they were themselvesformerly ruptured-- that they got their knowledge of rupture by studyingtheir own cases-- that they made a special "appliance" for themselves. But a doctor or surgeon can't set his own arm. And no one can make ascientific study of his own rupture any more than he can perform anoperation on himself. And some call themselves Rupture or Hernia "Specialists"-- but neverspecialized in anything except swindling ruptured people. Some of them make offers like "Free to the Ruptured"-- so worded as tomake a man think it means free cure. But all they send you free is acheap little folder or circular. People who write to them soon learn toknow better than to expect something for nothing. [Sidenote: Don't be Fooled by "Appliances, " "Methods, " etc. ] And some try to snare their victims with deceitful "Don't-Wear-a-Truss"talk. Try to hoodwink you into thinking they have no truss to sell. Try to fool you with things they call "Appliances, " "Methods, ""Discoveries, " etc. But the man who puts any faith in such claims soon finds that theseso-called "Appliances" and "Methods" are nothing but an adaptation ofthe old-fashioned truss with belt, band, leg-straps, springs, etc. Nothing but the most worthless kind of a truss masquerading under amisleading name. Some of these "Method" concerns throw in some absurd kind of liniment, salve or ointment-- tell you the secret lies in this "lymph" or whateverthey call it rather than in their appliances. But that is nothing more nor less than the rankest kind of fraud. It is folly to suppose any salve, liniment or medicine can possibly curerupture. Might as well expect them to cure a broken bone. Though theycan probably do as much good as the worthless "appliances" they comewith. [Sidenote: The Liniment Fraud] When you first apply this "lymph" or liniment, you may feel somestimulating effects; for these lymph-sellers are always careful to tellyou to _rub_ the stuff _in_ thoroughly. But the stimulation lasts only afew minutes; and is due to the _rubbing_ and not to the liniment. If yourub with your fingers alone-- without any liniment-- it will do just asmuch good. This rubbing, while the stimulation lasts, simply proves the value of_massage_. For rubbing with your hands is, in a way, like the massagewhich the Cluthe Truss gives automatically. But the massage given by ourtruss is a hundred times more invigorating and strengthening to theruptured parts than any amount of hand-rubbing. Our truss is giving the_massage_ all day long, while rubbing with your hands can be done onlyonce or twice a day at most, only when flat on your back, and only for afew minutes at a time. Some of these people claim they can cure rupture by means of aplaster-- like the kidney plaster which proved worthless long ago. These plaster venders are careful to avoid saying out and out in plainlanguage that their plaster will positively keep your rupture fromcoming out-- they make no direct promises or guarantee whatever ofholding the rupture. If they cannot guarantee holding, it is nonsense to think any plastercan possibly overcome any weakness like rupture, no matter what kind of_magical_ ointment there may be in the plasters. We have talked of these kinds of people in plain language; we havecalled a spade a spade. For it is nothing less than a crime the way these men have grown rich bydefrauding ruptured people. It is worse than the way wildcat "mining" men have robbed theunsuspecting public. For these rupture swindlers take advantage ofpeople's suffering. [Sidenote: How to Save Yourself from Being Humbugged] But it is easy enough to avoid being fooled-- easy enough to guardagainst frauds and fakes. And it is easy enough to save yourself from throwing money away ondrug-store trusses and other things which may be sold without wrongintent-- but which are utterly incapable of doing any particular good. Simply make up your mind not to put any faith in anything whatever forrupture unless you can get the sellers to agree to let you test it on_Sixty Days' Trial_ and under the protection of a _Money-BackGuarantee_. Make sure that everything is clearly understood-- see that allagreements are plainly worded-- insist on a signed guarantee that yourrupture will be held or your money refunded. Any concern which makes or sells a truss or anything else good enough tostand _that_ test doesn't need to resort to misleading claims orsubterfuge or trickery of any kind. And _that_-- a sixty days' trial under the protection of our iron-cladmoney-back guarantee-- is the test we ask you to make of the ClutheAutomatic Massaging Truss. _+Showing How the Cluthe Truss is Held in PlaceWithout Leg-Straps or Other "Harness"+_ [Illustration] These illustrations show the free action of the rear or Suction Pads ofthe Cluthe Truss. The sole work of these pads is to support the frame which passes aroundthe body. They hold the Truss in position, so the Rupture Pads in frontcan't slip up or down or away from the rupture opening. These pads rest against the cushion of muscles behind the hips (themuscles forming the rump). The pads are hollow on the under side. Thisforms a vacuum or suction, which makes slipping or displacementimpossible in any position. _+What We Have Done For 290, 000 Others+_ At this writing we have treated at our Institute, over 290, 000 ruptures. These included all kinds and conditions. Some of them the worst cases inhistory. Many of these people, in despair, were at the point of undergoing anoperation. But the Cluthe Truss made operation unnecessary-- saved thebig expense-- saved the terrible risk. Among those we have fitted by mail are many infants from a few months toa few years old. And even these little ones wore the Cluthe Truss in absolute comfortwhile being made better, while being cured. We don't need to tell you it would be cruelty to put any other truss onchildren. [Sidenote: From Infants To Men Over 80] We have fitted by mail men and women over 60, 70 and 80 years old. People who had been ruptured for from twenty to fifty years. People who had tried dozens of other trusses. But never found one thatwould hold. Some were in such bad shape-- in such pain-- that they hadn't worked foryears. Some of them, before getting Cluthe Trusses, couldn't walk more than twoor three blocks without resting. Could hardly get around at all for fearof bad effects on their rupture. And the Cluthe Truss, with its strengthening massage, has workedthousands of cures in cases apparently hopeless like these. While in those cases where cure wasn't brought about-- or hasn't yetbeen-- this truss kept the rupture from coming out, and made the rupturebetter. We keep in touch with all our patients-- our interest doesn't ceaseuntil we know they are getting along all right. Yet we have known ofonly a few cases, including the worst ones, where the rupture ever cameout after the first few days' wear of this truss. Think of that-- you who had almost given up hope. You can see for yourself what the Cluthe Truss has done by reading a fewof the letters-- all voluntarily written-- which are printed at the backof this book. These letters are only a few out of the thousands we havereceived. _+Costs More to Do Without It Than To Get It+_ You will find it many times cheaper to get a Cluthe Automatic MassagingTruss than to try to do without one. As long as you put up with worthless makeshifts, you are paying theprice of a Cluthe Truss over and over without getting any of itsbenefits. Probably paying its price again and again in time lost from work orbusiness. For if your rupture never keeps you from putting in a full day-- if younever find it a handicap-- if it never keeps you at home in bed when youshould be earning money-- then you are far more fortunate than mostruptured people who don't wear Cluthe Trusses. And as long as you try to get along with worthless makeshifts, you haveto keep buying truss after truss, paying out dollar after dollar for newtrusses to take the place of those which don't last and those whichdon't do any good. Thus throwing away in a little while many times morethan the price of a Cluthe Truss. [Sidenote: Ordinary Trusses Are a Waste Of Money] As long as you go without a Cluthe Truss, your rupture keeps gettingworse-- probably worse now than a year ago-- been getting worse everyday. Thus again, you are constantly paying far more than the price of aCluthe Truss; paying it in wear-and-tear on your health, in the drain onyour strength and vitality, in the loss of many of the enjoyments whichhelp make life worth living. Without a Cluthe Truss, your rupture is a constant worry. For a man hasto be more optimistic than most ruptured people if he can look into theFuture without dread when he knows his rupture isn't getting any better. No man, especially one with a family to provide for, wants to let hisrupture make him more or less helpless if there is anything he can do toprevent it. No man wants to be disabled for active work, no man wants to bedependent on others. That has been the fate of thousands who never knew of the Cluthe Truss, or who didn't have the wisdom to try it. But you who read this, now that you know the facts, have absolutely noexcuse for ever letting rupture get the best of you. [Sidenote: Don't Let Rupture Get the Best of You] No one's fault but your own, if you now let your rupture keep on growingworse. No one but yourself to blame if you don't take the chance we give you tofind out, by trial at our risk, just what the Cluthe Truss can do foryou. It will be _our_ loss and not yours if this truss doesn't at least makeyou a whole lot better. But _your_ loss, not ours, if you neglect to_try_ it. Unless you have already let your rupture become permanently irreduciblethe probabilities are that the Cluthe Truss can entirely free you fromthe clutches of rupture, just as it has thousands of others. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying a ClutheTruss. If it doesn't do any good, we'll take it back and you won't lose anymoney. [Sidenote: Ends all Expense on Account of Your Rupture] If it does prove beneficial, it will in all probability last as long asyou have any need for a truss. For it is mighty seldom that any part ofa Cluthe Truss ever gives out, even when, as in incurable cases, it isworn year after year. So once you get a Cluthe Truss, you'll probably never have to pay outanother dollar on account of your rupture. The Cluthe Truss costs so little-- only $9 to $14-- that every body nota pauper can easily afford it. Costs so little-- when you consider thegood it does-- that no one can afford to go without it. You can get lots of trusses that cost less and some that cost evenmore-- but one Cluthe Truss is worth a dozen of them. Every thrifty man knows that good _shoes_, for instance, are moreeconomical than cheap ones; for the cheap shoes soon go to pieces, soonget shabby; one good pair would outlast three or four of the cheap ones. Every man knows that good shoes-- shoes that keep the feet dry-- areless expensive in the end than shoes which leak and bring on colds andsickness. [Sidenote: Like Buying Shoes] And every man knows that properly fitting shoes, shoes you can wear withcomfort, are worth three or four pairs of shoes which hurt the feet. Forno matter how little the uncomfortable shoes cost, you can't get yourmoney's worth out of them if you can't wear them. Lots of people have common-sense enough to think of all these things inbuying shoes. But lots of them let their common-sense go on vacation when it comes tobuying trusses. Yet a truss is a hundred times more important than shoes. Think how much depends on a truss-- your comfort, your ability to make aliving, your safety when working, even your very life sometimes, alldepend on your truss. If your truss is no good, if it lets any little strain throw yourrupture out, there is constant danger that some sudden wrench, someslip, some fall or misstep, may throw the rupture out so violently as tocause _strangulation_ of the rupture. And that usually ends in quickdeath. But the man who wears a Cluthe Truss has nothing whatever to worryabout. For the Cluthe Truss keeps the rupture from coming out, takes all dangerout of work or exercise, takes all strain off the weak ruptured parts, rests them, and-- by automatically massaging them-- daily strengthensthem. As the result of this constant hold and in constant strengthening, rupture is not likely to give any more trouble from the day a ClutheTruss is put on. Just as weak eyes won't bother you any more after youget the right kind of glasses. [Sidenote: Does More for Rupture Than Glasses do for the Eyes] The Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatic Massager is the only truss inexistence that can be depended on to do for rupture what good glasses dofor the eyes. In the majority of cases, it does far more. About all that glasses can do is to keep the eyes from gettingworse-- take the strain off them-- rest them, so they won't be furtherweakened. No one expects glasses to _cure_ weak eyes, no one expects them toimprove the sight so much that glasses won't need to be worn. But the Cluthe Truss, in many cases, _does_ cure rupture. You will see proof of that by reading some of the letters at the back ofthis book. And in those cases where it doesn't result in complete cure, it almostinvariably makes the rupture better. If it doesn't do that, we arealways ready to refund the purchaser's money, as fully explained in alater chapter. _+X-Ray View of Cluthe Truss+_ Note that there is no Belt, Elastics or Spring around the Waist, and no Leg-Straps [Illustration] This Truss Can be Worn in the Bath, or when Swimming--All Parts Are Water-Proof This X-ray view shows how simple the Cluthe Truss is-- how few parts ithas-- its freedom from uncomfortable "harness"-- and just how it lookswhen on. This view is taken from above-- what is called a "Bird's Eye" view. Therear pads (Suction Pads) are level with the pads in front (theAutomatic-Acting Holding or Rupture Pads), though they seem higher inthe picture. Bear in mind that the frame you see in the picture is no way a spring orbelt or band. It leaves the hips and spine free-- doesn't press againstthe body at any point. (This is shown more clearly by the Cross-SectionView on page 58. ) The Suction Pads in the rear-- which rest lightly onthe rump-- hold the truss in proper position, keeping it from slipping, shifting or moving the least bit out of place. The only purpose of theframe is to connect the Suction Pads with the Rupture Pads in front, sothe truss can hold you together. The truss shown here is for a severe case of right-side Groin or ScrotalRupture. Has Automatic-Acting Holding or Rupture Pad on the rupturedside, and a free-acting Protection Pad on the side not ruptured, thusprotecting the well side against strains, etc. For Double Groin Rupture, another Holding Pad would be fitted where theProtection Pad is shown here. The Cluthe Automatic Holding Pads are made in over 115 different shapesand sizes, and are selected as the severity and nature of each case maydemand. We determine the true nature and real needs of the case from the answersgiven to the questions on our Order blank, and then shape frame of trussso hips and spine will be left free from pressure, and select RupturePad or Pads of the right size and shape, and "set" or adjust the trussso it will be self-regulating in the way necessary to automatically sealthe rupture opening to give proper support, and to hold the ruptureproperly in place. _+The Special Advice You Get in Connection with the Cluthe Truss+_ In every case, we give our complete _Professional Services_. [Sidenote: Like Being Under a Physician's Care] Just as the physician gives thorough study and attention in connectionwith the medicine he prescribes. Our Professional Service gives you knowledge of your trouble, based onNature's laws, mechanical laws and common sense, which we have learnedduring our forty years of day-after-day experience. As a part of our Professional Services, we give Special Instructions--confidential advice-- based on the individual needs of each case. This confidential advice has to do with your general health, the lengthof time you have been ruptured, and other conditions having a directbearing on your rupture. All this costs you nothing extra. And our Special Instructions andAdvice are no trouble whatever to carry out. _+Showing How the Cluthe Truss Can't Rub, Hug, Pinch, Squeeze, Chafe, Bind or Irritate+_ [Illustration] Cross Section View, showing how the frame of the Cluthe Truss doesn'tpress against the body at any point. The Cluthe Truss comes in contactwith the body only at the rupture opening (where the Holding Padssupport the rupture)-- and at the rear, where the Suction Pads restagainst the muscles of the rump. While the frame doesn't press against the body, it fits so closelyaround the body that the truss won't "show" in any way under theclothes-- no one can tell you have a truss on. Won't even "bulge" awoman's corset-- won't interfere with the corset. Many acrobats wearthis truss under their tights when performing, yet no one can see anysign of it. _+Showing the Simplicity of the Automatic-Acting Rupture Padsand of the Massaging Device+_ [Illustration] Illustration at left shows Holding Pad in normal position. When you cough or strain, your abdomen naturally expands, pushing upperend of pad (where finger points in illustration at right) outward, thusforcing the lower part of pad (where arrow points) in against ruptureopening. Because of this automatic action of the Holding Pad, yourrupture can never come out. [Illustration] The simple mechanism shown on the inside of this pad-- a device so smallit would almost go in a watch case-- is what makes the Cluthe Holding orRupture Pad automatic in its action (self-adjusting, self-regulating). And at the same time, this little device causes the Holding or RupturePad to give the strengthening _massage_ to the weak ruptured parts-- all_automatically_ or _mechanically_, like the running of a watch. But--unlike a watch-- this massaging device doesn't need to be wound up--never needs any attention whatever; and also unlike a watch, so strongand simple that it can never get out of order-- never fail to workproperly. _+Forms and Conditions of Rupture+_ The illustrations on following pages show various stages of the fourcommon varieties of abdominal Rupture. Groin Rupture (Inguinal) is the most common form. Scrotal Rupture (Inguinal) is simply a worse stage of Groin Rupture. Theintestines have descended into the scrotum. Navel Rupture (Umbilical) is that form in which the opening occurs at ornear the navel. Thigh Rupture (Femoral) is that form of rupture which appears at theupper part of the thigh. Any of these forms of rupture may appear on the right or left side or onboth. Our experience has taught us that out of one hundred cases of ruptureabout eighty-six are Groin or Scrotal Rupture. Thirteen out of eachhundred are about evenly divided between Thigh and Navel Rupture. Andthe remaining one may be one of several uncommon forms not mentionedhere because they are usually the result of accident. About half of the cases of rupture occur in childhood. But there aremany cases which occur between the ages of 30 and 40. And it is a wellknown fact that two-fifths of such cases become Scrotal because ofneglect, or because a truss is worn that does not keep the rupture fromcoming down. All ruptures at the start are usually very mild in form. But if theruptured parts are not held in place, the sac will gradually grow largerbecause of the failure to seal the originally small opening throughwhich the intestines at first escape. [Sidenote: Warn Those Recently Ruptured] This is something about which you who have been ruptured any length oftime, you who know how rupture gets worse if not properly taken care of, should warn any one you may know who has only recently been ruptured. You can save them years of suffering by telling them about the ClutheTruss. For it so often happens-- due to the general ignorance about rupture--that newly ruptured people don't know their danger until too late. The rupture often gives so little trouble at first that they think itnothing to worry about. Or perhaps-- also due to ignorance-- they areashamed to ask anyone's advice. So they go to a drug-store and get aworthless makeshift; and, of course, wearing the cheap contraptionssold by drug-stores, they soon find themselves in a serious state. There are six conditions of rupture. When the rupture can be pressed back into the abdomen by the ordinarymanipulation of the fingers, it is a Reducible Rupture. This is thefirst condition, but without a proper truss it soon grows worse. When only a part of the contents of the lump or rupture sac can bepressed back into the opening, it is known as a Partly ReducibleRupture. This condition is generally the result of neglect of theReducible Rupture or the use of an improper truss. When at times the contents of the lump or sac cannot be pressed backinto the body with the hands, it is known as a Temporarily IrreducibleRupture. This temporarily irreducible condition can often be cured andalways prevented from growing worse if the proper truss is fitted andworn. The foregoing condition sometimes becomes so bad that it is known asPermanently Irreducible. But even then it can usually be controlled--prevented from growing worse-- if the right kind of truss is worn. The condition bordering on strangulation is known as IncarceratedRupture. The only help for a person in this condition is an immediateoperation. The worst condition of rupture is the strangulated form. This is acondition where mortification has already set in. If an operation is notimmediately resorted to, the sufferer will die. * * * * * [Illustration: Fig. 1] [Illustration: Fig. 2] [Illustration: Fig. 3] [Illustration: Fig. 4] [Illustration: Fig. 5] [Illustration: Fig. 6] These illustrations show Groin Rupture as it first appears, and how itgradually grows worse and descends into the privates (both male andfemale) when neglected or not properly protected, as when a worthlesstruss or other appliance is worn which frequently or occasionally letsthe rupture come out. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the first three stages of Groin Rupture. Figure 4 shows Groin Rupture descended only to the privates. Figures 5 and 6 show the rupture _after_ it has descended _into_ theprivates. [Illustration: Fig. 7] [Illustration: Fig. 8] [Illustration: Fig. 9] [Illustration: Fig. 10] [Illustration: Fig. 11 (At Navel)] [Illustration: Fig. 12 (At Navel)] Figures 7, 8, and 9 show advanced stages of Scrotal or Groin Rupture(getting worse all the time because not properly protected, because notkept from coming out) after it has descended into privates. (Thedifferent stages are the same in Females as in Males. ) Figure 10 shows Thigh or Femoral Rupture, which comes out on the upperpart of thigh, just below the crease or depression between abdomen andthigh. Femoral Rupture never appears higher up-- never appears in groin, and never descends into privates. Figures 11 and 12 show two stages of Navel Rupture. (For Cluthe NavelTruss, see page 64. ) We make the Cluthe Truss with special Holding Pads that meet therequirements of every one of the foregoing conditions of Rupture, saveIncarcerated and Strangulated. With the exception of these two forms weguarantee that the perfect truss with Automatic Massage Treatment willconstantly hold any rupture in place. Navel or Umbilical Rupture (which appears at or near the navel) demandsimmediate treatment. [Sidenote: Navel (Umbilical) Rupture] Neglect or Mal-Treatment is liable speedily to treble the size of therupture. We make a special Cluthe Navel Truss which has never in any case failedto improve the condition from the moment it was applied. Our Navel Truss does not bind the abdomen-- allows perfect freedom-- islight, clean and comfortable even in the hottest weather. It is the only successful holder for Navel Rupture-- the only one thatsupports the overhanging weight in front without the use of torturingelastic fabrics. Cases of Navel Rupture demand special care, for hardly any two arealike. So we cannot prescribe for Navel Rupture until we know yourcondition. Simply write us stating whether the rupture can be fully reduced. If itcan't, give size of part that cannot be reduced. If none of the forms of Navel Rupture shown on the order blank seemsto be about the size of your rupture, and in the same location, pleasemark on the picture as nearly as you can the size and location of yourrupture. On receipt of such report, we shall advise you as to the applianceneeded, and its price. * * * * * [Sidenote: After Operations] For recurrence of Rupture after an operation, we make the Cluthe Trusswith special frames and pads. For the requirements in each case areusually different. Simply fill out the order blank, and we will tell you just what youneed, and the price. _+Let Us Send You A Cluthe Truss On 60 Days' Trial+_ Won't Cost You a Single Cent if You Don't Get Better We don't ask you to risk a single cent of your money in finding out whata Cluthe Truss can do for you. We have so much faith in our truss-- we know what it has done for somany others-- that we are willing to make a Cluthe Truss, as explainedbelow, especially for your case, and let you wear it sixty days ontrial. Think of that, Reader! When you get a truss at a drug-store or trussdealer's, the only chance you have to make a test is _while trying theTruss on_. But the sixty days' trial we allow you certainly gives you plenty oftime to make an absolutely thorough test-- plenty of time to see whetherthe truss is doing any good-- plenty of time to make sure that, withthis truss on, your rupture can't come out-- plenty of time to provethe wearing and water-proof qualities of our truss. _Sixty days_ is longer than lots of trusses or "appliances" would last! [Sidenote: 60 Days Is Longer Than Lots of Trusses Would Last] Longer than you could stand to wear any truss which pinches or squeezesor hurts in any way! We'll protect you by giving you our signed guarantee (this paragraph initself is a guarantee) that this truss will keep your rupture fromcoming out and improve your condition when put on and worn according toour simple directions; guarantee it to prevent protrusion, not for justa few minutes at a time, but for all day long, including when you areworking, exercising, taking a bath or swim. If, after fair trial-- whether at the end of ten days, thirty days orsixty days-- you find that the truss isn't holding your rupture, isn'thelping you, simply let us know what the trouble is and if we can'tcorrect it we'll promptly refund your money. Our willingness to let you try a Cluthe Truss sixty days entirely at ourrisk is the best proof in the world of its merits. We could never afford to send you a Cluthe Truss on such a long trial ifthere were any likelihood that it wouldn't prove beneficial, anylikelihood that you would want to return it. But the Cluthe Truss has been put to the test so many times, includinghundreds of seemingly hopeless cases, that we know our faith in ourtruss is justified. [Sidenote: Benefits 199 Out of Every 200] Counting all the thousands of people who have placed themselves in ourcare, our records show that the cases in which a trial of the ClutheTruss failed to prove beneficial have averaged only one out of each twohundred. A really remarkable record. For among the people who have tried theCluthe Truss, among those cured by it, are hundreds who had beenruptured over 50 years. Note letters in back of book and the 5, 000 namesyou'll find in "Your Neighbor's Word. " The law of averages always holds good; it is one of the most certainthings in the world. And when 199 out of every 200 who have tried this truss were benefited, and many of them cured, you can see that there are mighty few people whocan't expect a Cluthe Truss to do them a lot of good. Bear in mind that we aren't claiming that every one who has tried aCluthe Truss has been completely cured by it. We would rather err byclaiming too little than claim too much. Even a common cold, about thesimplest of all human ailments, can't always be cured, can't always beso much as relieved or checked; that is why a cold, in spite ofeverything that can be done, so often develops into pneumonia, bronchialtrouble, etc. But we do stand back of the Cluthe Truss with an absolute guarantee thatit will keep the rupture from coming out, enable you to work withoutdanger, and result in improvement. Surely no man can expect a strongerguarantee, especially after what many have gone through with othertrusses. Note that our guarantee is in plain, straightforward language-- you knowexactly what it means-- no evasions, no subterfuges-- an iron-clad andabsolutely legal guarantee. [Sidenote: Our Guarantee Protects You Absolutely] It is nothing like the tricky, hoodwinking guarantees which so manyother concerns give. Beware of a so-called guarantee which merely reads"This truss fully guaranteed. " A guarantee-- as any lawyer will tellyou-- isn't worth the paper it's printed on unless it guaranteessomething specific, such as holding. And it gives you no protectionunless it guarantees your money back in case of failure. But our Guarantee is a positive Money-Back Guarantee. If the Cluthe _Truss_ fails to "make good, " then _we_ will "make good"by refunding your money. You don't need to worry about that for a minute. No one dependent on thegood will of the public could remain in business as long as we have, nowover 40 years, and constantly gain new friends through the old, unlessevery customer received a square deal. Dishonesty would have driven usout of business long ago. We believe that our reputation for absolute fairness and honesty is asfirmly established among people who have had dealings with us as thereputation of Wanamaker's or Marshall Field's. We are so seldom asked to refund money that it would be the height offolly to risk injuring our reputation for the sake of the few dollarsrepresented by a Cluthe Truss or even a thousand trusses. If we were selling automobiles or shoes or hardware, our honesty wouldbe taken for granted. But there has been so much trickery in the sale oftrusses and other things for rupture that it is only in justice toourselves that we mention our reputation. [Sidenote: Your Money Simply Held on Deposit] Remember that we protect you at every point. And our interest in yourcase won't cease until we know you are getting along all right; you'llalways find us ready at any time to do everything within our power. So don't let another day go by without trying this truss, this trusswhich has done wonders for others. Remember that all money you pay is simply held on deposit until you havemade the 60-day test. If you have any doubts about our responsibility, have your local banklook us up in Bradstreet's or Dun's. _+See How Little it Costs to Get Relief+_ If you had to pay for the world of good a Cluthe Truss does, the pricewould be many times higher. But we charge only for the materials and time which go into the truss, plus a legitimate profit. There is nothing fancy about a Cluthe Truss, for you don't wear a trussfor ornament. But the minute you see it, you will know you are gettingyour money's worth. It is the strongest truss ever made-- and at the same time the lightest;also the cleanest, neatest-looking. Made of the best materials we can buy-- materials which will last. So well made that the cost of making a single part-- such as one of theHolding Pads, the massaging device or the self-adjusting feature-- isgreater than the cost of making most other trusses complete. So strongly made and so simply made that there is nothing about itlikely to get out of order. * * * * * [Sidenote: About Prices] We make the Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatic Massager in two grades. Both are precisely the same in principle and in action. Both are fully guaranteed to hold your rupture securely. Both are perspiration-proof and both water-proof. The Cluthe Truss--either grade-- is the only truss made that you don't have to removewhile taking a bath or swim and that insures perfect holding at _such_times as well as at all other times. Our Grade A is the best wearing truss-- the most durable truss made. Ifyou get this truss, you'll probably never need to pay out another dollaron account of your rupture. Frames and pads are both covered with water-proof Vulcanized Rubber(unless you prefer water-proof Cushion Holding Pads). And now note that the Cluthe Truss costs little or no more than manyother kinds which are nothing but makeshifts. The price of Grade A, for single rupture, is $12. For double rupture, $14. Grade B, for adults with hip measurements 28 inches or larger, is $9 fora single rupture. For double rupture, $11. For children, up to 27 inches hip measurements, this grade for singlerupture is $6. For double rupture, $8. [Sidenote: Only $9 to $14] Grade B will outlast a dozen ordinary trusses. But it isn't as durableas Grade A. The frame is covered with special Waterproof Casing. Holding Pads on Grade B Truss are the same as on Grade A-- vulcanizedrubber or water-proof Cushion Pads. We advise Grade A, simply because this is more durable. Both grades are for Groin or Scrotal Rupture only. For Navel Rupture, orAfter Operation, see page 64. In fitting either grade, we give equal attention and care-- give youour complete Professional Services, special instructions and ourconfidential advice. And on both grades give you sixty days' trial and the protection of ourmoney-back-guarantee. * * * * * The prices quoted here are for Mail Order Fitting only. Our charges forFitting by appointment at the Institute will be furnished upon request. Previous appointment for personal fitting at the Institute is_absolutely_ necessary. Our terms are Amount with Order. As explained elsewhere the amount issimply held on deposit until you have made thorough trial of the truss. _+Don't Let Yourself Keep on Getting Worse+_ There's no Better Time Than Right Now to Put the Cluthe Truss to a 60Days' Test Don't wait till the last minute-- don't wait till your rupture makes youabsolutely helpless-- don't wait till good-for-nothing trusses crippleyou up so you can scarcely drag around at all-- don't wait till it's toolate for a Cluthe Truss, an operation or anything else to save you. Don't cheat yourself out of making a sixty-day test of the ClutheAutomatic Massaging Truss-- don't rob yourself of this chance to getrelief without having to risk a single cent of your money. Even though you may think your condition is hopeless, don't let thatkeep you from trying a Cluthe Truss-- don't let anything whatever keepyou from finding out what this truss can do for you. [Sidenote: You'll Begin to Get Better Right Away] Unless you are far worse off than most others who have tried this truss, you'll begin to get better from the day you put a Cluthe Truss on. You'll have nothing more to worry about-- you can work your hardestevery day in the week-- take any kind of exercise-- take your bath orswim, etc. -- all without the slightest danger of forcing your ruptureout. [Sidenote: No More Torturing Harness] And no belt, band or springs around the waist, no leg-straps, nopressure on the spine or the pelvic bone. Nothing that can squeeze, pinch or bind, nothing that can heat, chafe, itch or cut the skin, nothing that can irritate in any way. Constant holding every minute of the day, and day after day, and thesoothing, strengthening, invigorating massage which the Cluthe Trussautomatically gives, will soon make a new man of you. We won't accept your order, won't take your money, if we don't think, after making a study of your case from the particulars you give whenordering, that a trial of our truss will prove beneficial to you. Your rupture will prove far worse than the average man's, your conditionworse than that of 199 out of every 200 who have tried this truss, ifthe Cluthe Truss doesn't do you a lot of good. Just give a few minutes attention to the 5, 000 voluntary endorsements ofthe Cluthe Truss which you'll find in "Your Neighbor's Word"-- See howmany of the people whose names and addresses you'll find there liveright in your own town or county or state. Read a few of the letters-- all voluntarily written-- which we printat the back of this book. See how many very severe cases have beencompletely cured by the Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss-- many of themcases of from thirty to fifty years standing-- many of these peoplecured (while _working_, remember) in from three to ten months-- manyof them cured after everything else, including operation, had provedutterly useless. There isn't a single reason in the world for condemning yourself to dragthrough even another month with your rupture everlastingly botheringyou-- And not a single reason for longer enduring the curse of wearing atruss which is doing no good or which hurts so it keeps you in constantmisery. [Sidenote: Why Remain a Victim of Good-for-Nothing Trusses?] Every day that you remain at the mercy of a truss which eitheroccasionally or frequently lets your rupture come out is simply a day ofdanger. You can gain nothing whatever by waiting-- by trying to get alongwithout a Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss. And you risk nothing whatever-- not a single cent-- by testing theCluthe Truss on sixty days' trial. Better make the test right now-- if you put it off you simply face thedanger of getting worse all the time. Chas. Cluthe & Sons CLUTHE RUPTURE INSTITUTE Bloomfield, New Jersey (A Suburb of New York City) _+How to Order+_ First decide which Grade of the Cluthe Truss you want to try. (See pages68 and 69. ) And please don't forget to enclose the necessary amount with your order. (This amount, as explained elsewhere, will simply be placed to yourcredit and held as a deposit in your name while you are testing thetruss on 60 days' trial. ) The best way to send the amount is to get a draft at your bank, or get aPost Office Money Order or Express Money Order. If currency is sent, besure to register your letter. In ordering, please use the Information or Order blank which we enclosewith this book. Be sure to sign your name plainly, and give your fulladdress. Be careful to write out plainly as you can a full and complete answer toeach of the simple questions we ask on the Order blank-- remember thatyour answers guide us in determining the requirements of your case, thesize and shape of Holding Pad or Pads, the amount of support you need, and the point at which to "set" or adjust the truss so it willautomatically give the right amount of support or holding power. If there is any further information you want to give us, write it in thespace under "Remarks" on the Order blank, or on a separate piece ofpaper. If you happen to mislay the order blank, just use a separate sheet ofpaper for writing out your answers to the questions given below. (Instead of taking the trouble to write out both questions and answers, merely give the answers alone, and number the answers 1, 2, 3, etc. , toagree with the corresponding question. ) These Questions are the Same as on Order Blank 1. Which of the figures shown on pages 62 and 63 most resembles yourRupture, when fully out-- On your right side? On your left side? 2. Givemeasurement around naked body in direct line over place where rupturefirst comes out. 3. Male or female? 4. Age? 5. Height? 6. Weight?7. Occupation, and does your work require heavy lifting? 8. Where isyour rupture located? (State whether right, left, or both sides, or atnavel. ) 9. If on both sides, which is worse and which harder to hold?10. When rupture is out how does it compare in size to pigeon's, hen's, or goose egg? (If two ruptures, give size of each. ) 11. Has yourdifficulty been to get a Truss to hold? 12. If male, does your rupturedescend INTO the scrotum? 13. If unsuccessfully operated on forrupture-- or if rupture is result of an operation-- mark on a roughsketch or on a trace of the figure most resembling your rupture thecomparative location of _incision_. 14. How many years ruptured? Address Chas. Cluthe & Sons, Bloomfield, New Jersey. _+Testimonials+_ +Prominent Arkansas Physician Cured of Rupture of 49 Years Standingin 8 Months by Cluthe Truss+ With pleasure I beg to submit the following facts in my own case atwhich I was greatly surprised. I am 53 years old, and was badly rupturedwhen 4 years old, on both right and left sides. The right side rupturefailed to be held by any and all kinds of trusses until I put on aCluthe Truss. I can now remove the truss and feel no symptoms of Hernia. Now, how is this for a cure in eight months? I take pleasure, as aphysician and surgeon, in recommending the Cluthe Truss to any and allsufferers from Hernia. I have fitted Cluthe Trusses on four otherpatients, three of whom are already well and the fourth greatlyimproved. You have my permission to use this testimonial as you please, and I hope it may be the means of others, suffering from rupture, resorting at once to a Cluthe Truss. October 4, 1911. J. H. SPURGEON, M. D. , Aurora, Ark. +From a Prominent New York Plumber+ After trying a drug store truss and a strap without getting either tohold my rupture, which was getting larger all the time, I tried a ClutheTruss, which has worked wonders in my case. In my work as a plumber Ihave to get into every conceivable position, often tie up in a knot, asit were, but my Cluthe Truss never failed; never shifted a fraction ofan inch. I often go without my truss without the slightest sign ofrupture or feeling of weakness. After what I suffered and consideringthe size of my rupture before I was lucky enough to hear of you, you canrealize how strongly I can recommend anyone ruptured to send for aCluthe Truss and save the money he would waste in buying any of themakeshifts. HUGH J. BRADY, December 22, 1911. 863 Sixth Ave. , New York City. +This Man, 72 Years Old, Cured in a Few Months by Cluthe TrussWhile at Work+ When I was first ruptured I bought a truss and tried to wear it. Thiswas fitted by a local dealer time and time again-- but I could not wearit. I then tried another local dealer with the same result. I was theninduced to try another truss but could not get any relief. Then, I noticed your advertisement. It seemed impossible to me then that youcould do by measurement, which I was to send you, what the local dealerscould not do when I was personally present. However, I did send for yourtruss, expecting only to get a truss that I could wear with comfort. I wore it some months-- after a while I would forget to put it on, andwould go for a day or two without it. Each time I would go longerwithout it-- then some weeks I discarded it entirely. I consider that Iam entirely cured of my rupture. I cannot express to you how grateful Iam to you and without solicitation on your part I am writing you thisletter to show you my appreciation of your efforts. I am now 72 years ofage, a mason by occupation and am working every day. J. F. BYAM, October 12, 1911. 701 Cherry St. , Rome, N. Y. +This Man from Missouri Quickly Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I gladly testify to convince people suffering from rupture that theCluthe Truss was a sure cure in my case. Experience has convinced methat if anyone ruptured will apply a Cluthe Truss according to thedirections it means positive relief, and the only hope for a cure. I cannot recommend the Cluthe Truss too highly. CHAS. BECKER, October 5, 1911. 3730 Marcus Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. +Ruptured for Years-- Tried Cluthe Truss-- Cured in Two Months+ I had worn several kinds of trusses, which did me no good, but, on thecontrary, made me worse all the time. I saw your truss advertised andsent for one to try. I felt better at once. I had suffered for yearsbefore, and wore the Cluthe Truss a little over two months; then I didnot need a truss any more. Now, I feel all right, and if anyone wants toknow what the Cluthe Truss can do for rupture refer them to me, and Iwill truthfully tell them what it has done for me. OREN BACON, November 3, 1911. R. F. D. No. 12, Erin Road, Medina, N. Y. +Cannot Say Too Much for the Cluthe Truss, which Completely CuredHis Rupture+ I am more than glad to recommend your truss at any time. I cannot do toomuch for the Cluthe folks. My rupture is a complete cure and I have youto thank for it. ALEXANDER BRINK, October 5, 1911. Matamoras, Pa. +Cured of as Bad a Scrotal Rupture as Anyone Ever Had+ I take pleasure in informing you that the Cluthe Truss cured me of asbad a Scrotal Rupture as anyone ever had. I thank you for what you havedone for me. HENRY B. PALMER, December 3, 1911. 15 5th St. , Glens Falls, New York. +This Man 70 Years Old Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I am glad to add my testimony as one who has been cured by the ClutheTruss. I did not get one with the expectation of being cured, as myrupture was very bad, and I was 70 years of age. I would advise anyperson, be they young or old, who are afflicted with rupture, not todelay trying a Cluthe Truss and no other, for I have tried many of theothers and found them of no good. STEPHEN E. BURGESS, December 2, 1911. Canning, N. S. , Canada. +This New York City Man has had No Need for Trusses for 2 Years+ My troublesome rupture was perfectly held in place from the day I woremy Cluthe Truss until I found it unnecessary to longer wear the truss, and I have not had a truss on for nearly two years. I consider theCluthe Truss the best in the world and I am glad to testify as per theabove. FRED. M. WILLIAMS, c/o W. D. Power & Co. , 601 West 33rd St. , New York City. December 22, 1911. +Rupture Now Cured and has No More Need of a Truss+ I have no more need of a truss of any kind, for I am entirely cured ofmy rupture, and the Cluthe Truss did it. You can use this if it willhelp anyone else afflicted the same as I was. I haven't worn my trussfor some time. L. H. WALCUTT, December 29, 1911. 509 E. Oak St. , Masillon, Ohio. +This Arkansas Man Cured by Cluthe Truss After Suffering 20 Years+ I cheerfully recommend the Cluthe Truss to anyone suffering fromrupture. It is the only one I have ever seen, had or heard of that doesthe work thoroughly. I am practically cured of my rupture through usingthe Cluthe Truss, after having suffered for 20 years. It is because itis the only truss that will absolutely prevent the rupture from comingdown. W. B. CURTIS, October 2, 1911. Haynes, Ark. +Cluthe Truss Saves These Two from Surgeon's Knife+ My wife was saved from the knife after a wild midnight ride to the Houseof Mercy in an ambulance. We can never say too much for the ClutheTruss. My wife was ruptured for 11 years and suffered great pains attimes. We are both nearly cured. She has worn her Cluthe Truss sinceJune of this year and I have worn mine since last Christmas. Many thanksto the Messrs. Cluthe for their wonderful truss. MR. AND MRS. D. CHAMBERLAIN, September 26, 1911. 272 So. Dalton Road, Pittsfield, Mass. +A Man 79 Years Old Practically Cured in 3 Months+ I have worn your truss about three months and it is worth its weightin gold. I believe I am cured. I forgot to put the truss on differentoccasions and did not notice my rupture or feel the slightest weakness. I am working every day. The other trusses I wore only made me worse. I shall still wear my Cluthe Truss-- I would not take any chances justnow. I shall be pleased to recommend it to everyone ruptured. JOSEPH DOBINSON, 381 Harvard St. , Cambridge, Mass. October 10, 1911. +Soon Cured and Never Used Truss Since+ I verily believe that your truss is the best of all the trusses made, for after less than a year's use of the Cluthe Truss I laid it away andnever had to use any truss since. Hoping that all who have suffered as Ihave in the past from rupture may find relief from this terribleaffliction. J. C. DE MOTT, 5 West Long Ave. , Du Bois, Pa. October 3, 1911. +New Lease of Life for This Man+ I found the Cluthe Truss as different from all other trusses as ascientific balance is to a vise. I am 70 years old and have always beenunable to take long walks, but the first Sunday I had your truss Iwalked a mile to my house and felt so good that I walked three milesmore. Prior to getting your truss I could not walk half a dozen cityblocks without great distress. I wish you great success towardssuffering mankind. JOHN DIVINE, 1238 Wisconsin Ave. , N. W. , Washington, D. C. September 6, 1911. +Had Probably the Largest Display of Trusses before He Triedthe Cluthe, Which Alone Holds+ Some months ago I was induced to make just one more venture in buyingtrusses. I admit that I had but mighty little faith, in fact I was wellnigh discouraged. I had probably the finest and largest display oftrusses of any man in the country, but none of them would hold my rightside rupture. How thankful I am I tried just once more, and bought theCluthe Truss! It holds splendidly and is so easy to wear that it givesme no trouble whatever. H. C. VANDERHOEF, Belmont, New York. December 19, 1911. +Man 76 Years Old Cured+ My rupture has been entirely cured by the Cluthe Truss, and I have beenwithout a truss for over a year. What this means, I alone canappreciate, as I am 76 years old. CHAS. A. STEIN, 210 Catharine St. , Elizabeth, New Jersey. December 22, 1911. +Tried All Remedies; Only the Cluthe Could Cure Him+ After suffering 5 years from rupture and trying all the remedies andtrusses I could get (all of them failed) finally I ordered a ClutheTruss, and now I am entirely well. I cannot find words to praise theCluthe Truss high enough. Thanks to you for the benefits enjoyed fromthe best thing ever made for rupture. ELISHA A. HARTMAN, Terre Alta, W. Va. December 19, 1911. +This Brooklyn, N. Y. , Man Cured+ Let ruptured people know that the Cluthe Truss cured me of my rupture, and that I now have no need for a truss of any kind. GEORGE DIEFENBACHER, 90 Fountain Ave. , Brooklyn, N. Y. December 22, 1911. +Now Well and Strong as She Ever Was+ I want to thank you for your help. Your Cluthe Truss has cured mecompletely. I am as well and strong as I ever was. You may use this, forI think anyone afflicted as I was would consider it a great blessing toknow how to be cured without an operation. MRS. WALTER De LONG, 814 North Cherry St. , Galesburg, Ill. March 28, 1911. +Practically Cured in a Few Months+ My rupture is cured, thanks to your truss. I could take my truss offnow, but I am going to keep it on a little while longer. D. M. DAUGHERTY, 532 So. Fairview St. , Lock Haven, Pa. October 4, 1911. +No More Need for Trusses Now+ After wearing truss about six months I found I did not need it any moreand have used none since. From your grateful friend, ISAAC H. ELLIOTT, Waterbury, Vt. October 29, 1911. +This Texas Engineer Gets Instant Relief by Cluthe TrussAfter Suffering 35 Years+ I would not take one thousand dollars and do without your truss if Icould not get another exactly like it. I was ruptured July 6, 1876, andhave bought all kinds of trusses and things for rupture-- but couldnever get one to hold me. My rupture had just about put me down and out, but now I can ride, lift, do any kind of work, get into all positionsand the Cluthe Truss keeps me held without the slightest discomfort. Just think of it-- I had suffered since the year 1876 and only since Ihave had my Cluthe Truss did I get any relief. I am a railroad engineerand train man, a member of the B. Of L. F. And E. And I am well-knownover much of Texas and Mexico. I cannot make my recommendation toostrong. O. R. ERWIN, Mabank, Tex. September 30, 1911. +Practically Cured-- Recommended Friend Delighted+ My rupture has not been out since I got my Cluthe Truss. Sometimes Ihave taken off my truss and walked around but do not see any indicationof the rupture coming out. I suffered so much wearing ordinary trusses, which made my rupture larger and larger, that I do not feel like doingwithout your truss yet. I consider myself cured but my truss feels sogood I do not go out without it. Through my recommendation a friend gotone of your trusses and he is delighted. W. W. GARDNER, West Paris, Maine. October 4, 1911. +Gained 60 Pounds Since Cluthe Truss Cured His Rupture+ The Cluthe Truss positively cured me of a very bad rupture. I havegained 60 pounds since I was cured and am now in the best of health. W. H. KAMMERER, 3842 N. 6th St. , Philadelphia, Penn. January 6, 1912. +Considers Cluthe Truss More Than a Success in His Case+ I have worn about all kinds of things for rupture that have been madeduring the last 25 years and have spent lots of money on them, and cantruly say I never had a moment's let-up of pain until I wore a ClutheTruss. After making the readjustment you advised I would not know I wasruptured, the Truss has been so comfortable. Mine is a severe case ofrupture, being quite large. Before I got your truss, my rupture would attimes keep me in bed for days at a time. There is only one trouble with people who are ruptured. They are wronglyadvised and fly to a druggist and buy a truss like a cigar (I havebought lots of them that way). Then they think all trusses are alike. When I read your advertisement, I had no more faith in you than in anyof the rest of them that sell trusses under all sorts of differentnames. The result of my transaction with you, however, is that Iconsider that I drew a prize in my Cluthe Truss, and I want to say thatyou are the first Truss men that ever lived up to their agreement that Iever found. Your truss has held me from the day I received it, April 20, 1911. I could not walk a quarter of a mile before I got it, and could lift nomore than a hod of coal. After I had the truss two weeks I could carry abarrel of flour. I have done my garden digging, mowed a lawn, and evenraised a 30 ft. Ladder all alone. It would take more than a thousanddollars to-day to buy my Cluthe Truss if I couldn't get another likeit-- that is how I value it. Before I tried your truss my body was fullof callous places, made so by the other appliances I wore, but they areall gone now, thanks to the Cluthe Truss. I feel better to-day than Iever have in years. I have written you to some length, but I do it withpleasure. JOHN C. BAILEY, 75 John St. , Newport, R. I. January 1, 1912. +Counts Himself Lucky in Having Heard of Cluthe Truss+ I can assure you I count myself lucky in having answered youradvertisement, which I saw in an old paper, for I owe my present cure toyou, and I thank you heartily. I will be glad to speak a word ofrecommend whenever possible, for I know you are doing good work forhumanity. WALTER FRANSEEN, Woodhull, Ill. October 13, 1911. +Now Safe and Sound and Needs No Truss+ I wish to say that your truss has effected a permanent cure of myrupture. I have lately gone without my Cluthe Truss without theslightest trouble or inconvenience. LOUIS FRIDAY, 4 Steuben St. , Schenectady, N. Y. October 13, 1911. +Believes He is Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I believe I am cured, but as I am doing heavy work I am not going totake the chance just yet to prove it, until I have lighter work to do. JAMES W. GRANT, Creede, Colo. September 26, 1911. +Worst Ruptured Man in Town Completely Cured in 5 Months+ Have been thinking for some time about writing you, how the truss I gotof you last April was working. I am happy to inform you that I couldthrow the truss off altogether without any danger of my rupture comingout. It was said that I was the worst ruptured man in town. It wasalmost as large as a cocoanut-- I could not get a truss that would holdit up. I could not go anywhere, I was in pain most of the time. Thedoctor told me I could never get a truss that would hold me. Severaltimes my daughter went to the 'phone to call the doctor to operate onme, but the Cluthe Truss saved my life. I would have paid any money forit. I recommended your truss to my brother-in-law and received a letterfrom him yesterday in which he says that it is the best investment heever made. What I write you I can truthfully tell to anyone ruptured. You can use this letter as you see fit. J. H. GODDARD, 747 E. Main St. , Ravenna, Ohio. October 4, 1911. +Glad to Pass This Cure on to Any One Afflicted+ Before using the Cluthe Truss I had a rupture that was never in place. It troubled me in a great many ways, and it was also very sore at times. I had to put my hand in my pocket and push the rupture back into placerepeatedly during the day, and glad to state that the Cluthe Truss curedthis troublesome rupture, and I am only too glad to pass your cure on tosome person who is afflicted as I was. WM. HUNTER, 101 Cleveland St. , Central Falls, R. I. October 20, 1911. +This Man Cured by Cluthe Truss After 14 Years of Suffering+ I can never forget the good the Cluthe Truss has done for me. After 14years of suffering I tried the Cluthe Truss, which entirely cured me. It is now three years since I have worn any truss at all. It took yourtruss only one year to cure me and make a new man of me, aftereverything else I tried had failed. DANIEL R. WRIGHT, Little Neck, L. I. , New York. January 1, 1912. +Another of the Thousands of New Yorkers Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I have not worn my Cluthe Truss since last June, and have been doinghard work and heavy lifting without even feeling the strain of work. Infact I feel just as if I had never been ruptured or worn a truss in mylife. LOUIS BERNET, 443 St. Ann's Ave. , (Bronx), New York City. December 28, 1911. +Cluthe Truss the Only Relief After Suffering and Searching 35 Years+ I had been ruptured all my life and am now 35 years old and never couldget anything that would give me relief from my rupture sufferings untilI got a Cluthe Truss. To-day I could go without my truss, because it hascured my rupture. W. R. BUCK, Upper Marlboro, Md. October 4, 1911. +Cured by Cluthe Truss-- His Rupture No Longer Appears+ I will gladly do anything in my power to help another sufferer, that iswhy I can say to all that the Cluthe Truss is the easiest truss to wearI ever had, and I have tried many. My rupture has not appeared for thelast two months, so the prospects are that I am cured. ADAM BREHM, 609 No. Garfield Ave. , Burlington, Iowa. September 29, 1911. +Has Not Worn a Truss for 2 Years and is as Sound as He Ever Was+ The Cluthe Truss is the best thing for rupture that I ever heard of. Itcured me of my rupture completely. I have not worn a truss of any kindfor 2 years, and am as sound to-day as I ever was, all through the useof your truss. JAMES H. RODENBOUGH, 162 Bayway St. Elizabeth, New Jersey. December 26, 1911. +The Cluthe Truss Entirely Cured Him+ I wish to state that your truss has entirely cured my rupture. You mayrefer any person to me at my address. H. CRANE, 26 Mynderse St. , Schenectady, N. Y. October 19, 1911. +Has Not Needed or Worn Any Truss for Months+ I have not had my Cluthe Truss on for the last 4 months, and my rupturehas not shown or bothered me in the least. Your Truss has certainlycured my rupture. I had three other kinds of trusses before I got yoursand could not wear any of them, because they hurt me so. ERVIN S. COLE, R. F. D. No. 3, Norwich, N. Y. October 13, 1911. +Says Law Should Be Passed to Stop Sale of Drug Store Trusses+ Your truss has cured me. At least my rupture never comes out when I havethe truss off for 2 or 3 hours at a time. I think your truss is the onlyperfect device for rupture made. There ought to be a law passedprohibiting drug stores from selling those so-called trusses that don'thold or give a man a minute's peace. J. C. HOUSEMAN, 813 No. 18th St. , East St. Louis, Ill. October 26, 1911. +This Retired Railroad Man Cured by Cluthe Truss+ Use my name in the hope that it may benefit some one afflicted as I was, but now restored. H. B. HAMMON, Bristolville, Ohio. October 26, 1911. +Believes He is Cured After a Few Months Wear+ I have not missed wearing my Cluthe Truss a day since I got it. I believe I am cured, but as I had so much trouble before I got yourtruss, I thought I would wear it a little longer, as it does not botherme in any way. A. S. HOLLOMON, Trimble, Tenn. October 9, 1911. +Says Results Have Proved Good Judgment of His Faith in theCluthe Proposition+ I could not exaggerate the facts in connection with the great goodsecured to me from the use of the Cluthe Truss. I have had more pleasurein life since using your Truss than during all the 50 or more yearsbefore. The very minute I read your proposition I knew you were on the squareand onto your job and I made no mistake in my judgment. CHAS. W. SHIVELL, c/o West Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. November 18, 1911. +Wonderfully Benefited+ I have been wonderfully benefited, perhaps cured, by using the ClutheTruss, and would suggest to every sufferer from rupture to throw awayall other trusses and secure a Cluthe, as they cannot possibly make amistake in its use. My truss is as good now as the day I received itfrom you. J. C. HERSHBERGER, West Church St. , Williamsport, Md. October 4, 1911. +Feels No Trouble Whatever from Either Rupture+ I still wear the double truss I purchased last March. I think I amcured, as I feel no trouble whatever from either rupture, but the trussis so comfortable I have continued to wear it. C. A. HAZEN, Woodsville, N. H. September 30, 1911. +This Newark, N. J. , Man Cured of Worst Kind of Scrotal Ruptureby the Cluthe Truss+ Your great truss cured me of a scrotal rupture of the worst form, afteryears of suffering, having tried at least 20 other makes of trusses, etc. , which did me no good except caused me more suffering. I wish youcontinued success in aiding suffering mankind. F. A. ZIPF, 47 Tichenor St. , Newark, New Jersey. December 29, 1911. +Cluthe Truss Freed Him From Pain at Once-- Now Cured+ I feel I am cured of my rupture but continue to wear the truss forprotection. I never had any benefit whatever from any other appliances Iever tried. In regard to the Cluthe Truss, I feel as though I was inHeaven (as it were), as it freed me from pain at once. JOHN B. TIGER, 829 E. Jersey St. , Elizabeth, New Jersey. December 23, 1911. +The Cluthe Truss the Only Help He Found for His Rupture+ I will gladly tell anyone suffering from rupture that I am more thanpleased with my Cluthe Truss. Of all the things I have tried for myrupture, the Cluthe Truss is the only thing that ever helped me. I believe it will cure me entirely. I have not felt the slightest painsince I put the truss on. W. F. BOSTEN, 1113 Oregon St. , South Muscatine, Iowa. September 22, 1911. +Found Cluthe Truss a God-send+ I have worn your best grade truss since last March. It has given meperfect satisfaction as well as to my friend, Mr. R. M. , a man 82 yearsold, to whom I recommended your truss. Before I tried yours I wore oneordered by my physician. It caused me great suffering, and I was unableto do any lifting or stooping whatever. The doctor then informed me notruss could help me. I then happened to hear of the Cluthe Truss, whichI ordered and has been a God-send to me. I am able to work every day. You can use this letter in any manner you see fit. FRED A. HALBERT, 716 Logan St. , La Crosse, Wis. September 26, 1911. +But for Cluthe Truss, Probably Would Not Have Lived to Write This+ To be honest with you, I don't believe I would be here to write this ifit had not been for the Cluthe Truss. Can truthfully say I have beenwonderfully benefited, and feel as though my rupture is cured. I strongly advise all ruptured people to try the Cluthe Truss andbe convinced. E. E. JOHNSON, R. F. D. No. 2, Haviland, Kansas. October 3, 1911. +Prominent Saratoga, N. Y. , Man Cured of Long-Standing Rupturein One Year+ My case was a severe scrotal one, with ruptures on both the right andleft sides. It had been in peril of my life for a number of years, receiving no relief from different trusses which I tried. Fortunately Ilearned of yours, and now after only a year's use, I am completelycured. B. F. JUDSON, (Veteran of Civil War. Ex-postmaster of Saratoga Springs for 18 years. Publisher and proprietor of Daily "Saratogan" for 25 years. ) Saratoga Springs, N. Y. October 6, 1911. +Was a Godsend to Him+ The Cluthe Truss I purchased of you was a godsend to me. I found that itdid all that you led me to believe it would do. HERMAN LOHLEY, 4111 Humboldt Ave. , Chicago, Ill. September 29, 1911. +Cured in Eight Months+ I can truthfully say I am a well man. You may, with the greatest ofpleasure, use my testimony it if will help anyone who is afflicted withrupture, and I will do all in my power to induce others that I know andsuffer as I did before I was wise enough to try the Cluthe Truss. MayGod crown you in all your efforts, and give you great success. F. DUDLEY KNAPP, Housatonic, Mass. November 3, 1911. +Cured His Rupture and also His Friends+ In justice to you I will state that I am permanently cured, by use ofyour truss, and have not been very quiet in recommending your treatmentto others similarly afflicted. A neighbor sent for your truss at mysolicitation, and he tells me that he, too, is completely cured. Wefully appreciate the great good you are doing. A. W. KEDDIE, Quincy, Cal. October 4, 1911. +Nine Months of Cluthe Truss Comfort Cures This Man+ I must thank you for all the good your truss has done me. Since wearingyour truss, I have felt like a different man. I have worn it only ninemonths, and can truthfully say that I am completely cured of my rupture. FREDERICK L. KLINGLER, Rexburg, Idaho. October 13, 1911. +This Missouri Doctor Cured+ I believe my rupture is cured, although I have worn the Cluthe Trussonly about three or four months. I have not lost a day out of the saddlesince I received the truss. Before, I could only walk my horse withother trusses I wore, but with my Cluthe I could ride just as well as Icould before I was ruptured. Yours is so perfectly easy one does notknow one has it on. I will be seventy-three years old next month. I cannot speak too highly of your truss. I don't see how it could beimproved upon. From my own personal experience, I would say that anyoneruptured who follows your simple directions, is on a quick road tocomplete recovery the moment he wears a Cluthe Truss. DR. D. J. McCONNAHA, New Bloomfield, Mo. November 10, 1911. +This Oregon Man Cured+ I am almost sure I am cured. Your truss is so easy that I feel lonesomelost unless I have it on. Consequently, I wear it most of the time. I tried five different kinds before I was fortunate enough to hear ofthe Cluthe Truss. I am doing a little missionary work for you all thetime in appreciation of the great good your truss did for me. C. E. MAXSON, Harrisburg, Ore. October 10, 1911. +Thinks Cluthe Cure a Great Thing+ I think I am permanently cured. I cannot recommend your truss toostrongly to anyone I know who has a rupture. Some of my neighbors havealready sent to you for advice and treatment, and others will do sosoon. I consider the Cluthe cure a great thing. S. L. LEE, Quincy, Cal. November 21, 1911. +Quick Cure by Cluthe Truss+ I have had my Cluthe Truss only two months, and believe I am cured rightup. I can honestly say that your truss has done for me what no othertruss ever did, that is hold the rupture up, and to think that it evencured me. Of course I shall continue to wear the truss some time, although no rupture shows when I leave the truss off. I believe yourtruss is sure to cure most people with rupture, if they would only buyit. JAMES T. McDONALD, 45 St. Patrick St. , Goderich, Ontario, Can. November 16, 1911. +Has Not Had to Wear Any Truss for Years+ I am sure my rupture, which was cured by a Cluthe Truss, will never comeout again, now after so long. I have been without pain for years. I havegladly recommended the Cluthe Truss at all times, for I know whatwonders your truss did in my case. JOHN M. McDONALD, 30 Union St. , Dominion No. 1, N. S. , Can. October 19, 1911. +Tried All Kinds, but Only the Cluthe Cured+ I purchased your truss about eighteen months ago. It cured my rupture. Previously I had tried all kinds of trusses, but it remained for theCluthe Truss to cure me. It is the only one worthy of the name. JOHN McNAMARA, 861 West Main St. , Greenfield, Ind. October 18, 1911. +This British Columbian Man Cured+ I can go about without my truss, but I wear it at my work, as I feelsafer with it on. I find it most comfortable. THOMAS MILBURN, Victoria, B. C. , Can. October 17, 1911. +Cured for Good+ I cannot speak too highly of the Cluthe Truss. It has stood by meconstantly while before I got your truss I could get nothing that wouldgive me any relief. Yours has done the work, for I believe that therupture is entirely healed. FRANK MIXER, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 12, Whittier, Cal. October 13, 1911. +Practically Cured in Five Months+ Your truss has done me more good in five months than all the others Iwore before I got the Cluthe Truss. I put it on the 20th of May, andfrom that time to this the rupture never showed. I now know that myrupture is completely cured, because I have not worn the truss forweeks, and feel no weakness on account of not wearing it. Let anyruptured man know what I write here, hoping the Giver of Goodwill willalways smile on me. J. L. MOSS, Atwood, Ala. October 13, 1911. +Cluthe Truss Hangs in Closet While He Does His Work, Cured+ I can truthfully say I am cured by the use of your truss. I believe itis the best truss ever invented by man. It did for me just what you saidit would. My truss is now hanging up in a closet in my house, and Idon't have to use it at all. Anyone can write to me if they don'tbelieve what you say. So give this to the suffering people of this land, for why should it not do for thousands of others what it has done forme? J. W. MITCHELL, Olympus, Texas. October 13, 1911. +Ruptured Ten Years; Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I had suffered for ten years, and will admit that when I purchased yourtruss I did not expect it to cure me, for the reason that I had beendisappointed by so many different makes or makers. I shall gladlyrecommend the Cluthe Truss to anyone that I shall come in contact with, who is suffering with a rupture. E. SCOTT MORGAN, 5619 Georgia Ave. , Washington, D. C. October 6, 1911. +Doctor Says in Six Months Will Be Entirely Cured+ My ruptures are so now that they do not come down without the truss, butmy doctor says to wear it for six months longer, and then I will be ableto go without the truss altogether. I have only had the Cluthe Trussfour months. MRS. J. G. MILLER, 1104 7th Ave. , Seattle, Wash. September 27, 1911. +Cluthe Truss Makes Him a Different Man+ I do not know how to express my gratitude to you. Money could not buy myCluthe Truss from me. My health is so much better and I feel sodifferent than I used to before I purchased your truss. I was alwaysafraid to go ahead and do any work, fearful of the consequences, but nowI never think of it, for I feel absolutely safe. I am confident that ifI knew about your truss sooner than I did, I would be a well man to-day. CHARLES McDONALD, Sheridan, Ore. October 2, 1911. +Tried the Whole Category of Trusses, and Finds Only Cluthe Makes Good+ It gives me much pleasure to state the truth about the Cluthe Truss. I found it the best truss I ever tried, for I have tried about thewhole category of trusses, and no truss ever did me any real good untilI purchased this one, which I have worn for about four months withcomfort. I have not had a moment of trouble with my rupture sinceputting the Cluthe Truss on. I believe myself to be cured. I have workedhard all the time, doing work that I could not have done before I had myCluthe Truss. HUDSON MILLS, Hooser, Kan. October 3, 1911. +Almost Cured in Three Months+ I am almost cured already, although I have worn the truss only threemonths. My rupture has not been out since I put the truss on. Itcertainly was a God-send to me when I got your truss, and I cannotrecommend it too highly. A. L. MYERS, Ilwaco, Wash. September 25, 1911. +Took Six Months to Cure This Rupture+ I am glad to state that after wearing your truss since last February Ifeel I am cured to stay cured. As my work requires heavy lifting, Istill use the truss while working, but at all other times I never haveit on. I have not had to wear it for the last three months. The truss isjust as good as the day I bought it. O. NORBECK, 1079 17th Ave. , Minneapolis, Minn. October 25, 1911. +Cured in Five Months+ I purchased my Cluthe Truss last February, wore it five months, and havenot had to wear any truss since. From the first day I put it on to thispresent day, the rupture has never been out or bothered me in any way, and I have done lifting and all kinds of heavy work all this time. So Ihave reason to feel sure I am cured. CHARLES T. NASS, Robinsons Corner, N. S. , Can. September 30, 1911. +Cluthe Truss Does What Physician Advises Only Surgical OperationCould Do+ I have been so greatly benefited by your truss that I feel myselfpractically cured. I suffered sixteen years and tried many differenttrusses during that time. Physicians advised me to go through anoperation. Your truss gave me relief the first day. I cannot speak toohighly of if. I cannot recommend it too strongly to anyone afflicted. ZEPHANIAH PARKS, R. F. D. No. 1, Saco, Maine. October 4, 1911. +Never Saw Rupture Since Wearing Cluthe Truss+ My rupture has never come out since I got the truss, and I have oftenleft my truss off all day without any signs of the rupture showing. Before I got the Cluthe Truss I suffered all the time, but yours gave mecomfort from the moment I tried it. JAMES NAYLOR, E. Arrow Park, B. C. , Can. October 4, 1911. +Cured in Less than 4 Months+ I have had your truss less than four months, and have been able to gowithout it for a week at a time, without the rupture coming down. So Ithink I am about cured, with many thanks to you. W. H. NEAL, 136 Race Path St. , Fayetteville, N. C. September 25, 1911. +Man Seventy-two Years Old Cured+ I take pleasure in aiding all my friends who are ruptured. I am entirelycured, and do not need to wear a truss now. I am 72 years old. One manto whom I recommended the Cluthe Truss says he would not take $150 andbe without his truss, if he could not get another. Use my recommendationany time. J. A. PRICE, 906 Cruise St. , Corinth, Miss. October 20, 1911. +This Case of Double Rupture Cured+ Am writing you to let you know what your truss has done for me. Myruptures are both healed up perfectly sound. They do not bother mein the least. I cannot say enough for the Cluthe Truss. You have mypermission to use this letter, and I would be glad to make affidavit toit, if you wished. HIRAM PEIRCE, Watervliet, Mich. September 23, 1911. +Another of the Thousands of Kansans Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I go weeks at a time without the truss, but when I am at heavy work Ikeep it on as a wise precaution. I would not take many times what itcost for it. I am more than satisfied with your treatment of my case. W. E. CROWL, Riley, Kansas November 18, 1911. +Entirely Cured+ I wish to say that I consider myself most fortunate in having heard ofthe Cluthe Truss. It has entirely cured me of my rupture. ERNEST RUEMMELIN, Ashton, Rhode Island. October 23, 1911. +Never Spent any Money in His Life that Did Him So Much Good+ I was ruptured for six years and never got anything that did me any goodin that time till I got this truss from you. I tried everything I heardof before I got my Cluthe Truss. I am now about well, but I still wearthe truss when doing heavy work. I never spent any money in my life thatdid me so much good. CHARLES RILEY, Northspur, Cal. October 10, 1911. +Saved from an Operation, Costing at Least $300, by the Cluthe Truss+ I am getting along finely. I have only worn the truss a few weeks andwould not expect a cure of my case so soon. I work about fourteen hoursa day, and am on my feet all day long. I never have the least troublewith the truss, and would not sell it for any money. It saved me from anoperation costing at least $300. I wish you all the success you deserve. JACK ROTH, Le Mars, Iowa. September 29, 1911. +Ohio Minister Cured+ I still wear my Cluthe Truss, though I am cured, as it gives me nouneasiness or discomfort. REV. A. N. SMITH, Van Buren, Ohio. October 19, 1911. +Prominent Arkansas Man Quickly Cured+ It is only in justice to you, and a great pleasure to me that now afterwearing your truss for 90 days, to say that I find my rupture back inplace and that it does not come down without the truss. However, I havethought it best to wear it for a while longer, believing that my case, a double rupture of 50 years standing, is practically cured. I am 67years of age, and during that time I have tried over 25 differenttrusses and treatments for rupture. A. H. SOEKLAND, Ex-Postmaster of Stuttgart, Ark. , and Past Department Commander G. A. R. Of Arkansas, Stuttgart, Ark. October 13, 1911. +Only Real Device for Rupture Made in the World+ I wish to state a few facts concerning your truss. It is the only realdevice for rupture made in the world. It cured me. I don't know what Iwould have done if I had not heard of the Cluthe Truss. GEORGE STOREY, 17 West 4th St. , Jamestown, N. Y. November 9, 1911. +Considers Cluthe Truss a Wonder+ The truss I purchased from you about six months ago is a wonder. It hasme about cured. You can use my name whenever and wherever you wish, andI will help any person that suffers with rupture anywhere in the city ofChicago or any other city, that writes me to verify this statement. CHARLES C. SCHMIDT, 2275 Archer Ave. , Chicago, Ill. October 3, 1911. +Cured In Seven Months While Indulging in Athletic Sports+ I had tried several so-called trusses with poor results up to last May, when you fitted me, and I can positively state that from that day myrupture has not been down since. I indulge in athletic sports, inswimming and bathing and wore your truss in the water with noinconvenience whatever. I feel confident that I am now entirely curedof my rupture, and write this hoping that some afflicted brothers maytake advantage of your grand invention. You may use the above forrecommendation if you wish. FRANK A. PLUNKETT, 25 Water St. , New York City. +Absolutely Cured by the Cluthe Truss+ About August, 1909, I began using your truss for rupture. With it lifewas not such a misery as all my other trusses had made it. Some monthsthereafter I took the truss off and found I was completely cured. Andherewith greetings and heartfelt thanks, for I know your members to begreat benefactors to suffering humanity. Before I bought my Cluthe truss I was examined by two "doctors. " Onewould cure me with the knife for $200 and $25 per week while inhospital, and the other, by injection, for $150, and he would also usesome form of Spring truss. You are at liberty to use these few words any way you wish. D. A. ROSS, R. F. D. No. 3, Oklahoma City, Okla. +Doctor Who Was to Operate Calls It Perfect Cure by Cluthe Truss+ I am perfectly cured by wearing one of your trusses. My rupture was aslarge as a goose egg, and was out all of the time. I put your truss onand kept it on for one hundred days, and when I took it off the rupturewas all healed up and cured. The doctor who was going to operate on mecalled it a permanent cure. CHARLES E. ROBERTS, 720 Calvert St. , Rome, N. Y. October 6, 1911. +Proof of Permanency of Cure by Cluthe Truss+ Please send me an order blank for a friend. It may interest you andothers to know that I purchased a truss of you many years ago, whichcured me. L. E. DRAKE, Bellevue, Alta, Canada. +Cured by Cluthe Truss in 6 Months+ Your Truss is all you claim for it. I have had the truss about sixmonths and never had any symptom of trouble since then. I am now curedand will only be too glad for you to refer anyone to me for anyreference you want. I tried many other trusses with no relief. Thoseafflicted should not delay in getting your truss. G. P. LA FOLLETTE, 289 Edith Ave. , Memphis, Tenn. +Blacksmith Cured While Doing His Work+ I bought one of your trusses about eight months ago and am more thanpleased with results. I have worked hard-- even at horseshoeing-- everyday since I put the truss on, but in spite of all that it cured me of myrupture. PHILIP POGREBA, Delano, Minn. +Cluthe Truss Cured This Californian 76 Years Old+ I am glad to have the opportunity of letting the public know of thebenefit I received from the truss purchased from you. It is all youclaim for it, for my left rupture is now cured and the one on the rightside almost well. I am past 76 years old but I felt all of ten yearsyounger from the day I commenced using your wonderful truss. I shall beindeed glad to impart to those who suffer as I did, any information Ican give regarding the Cluthe Truss. W. L. NOTLEY, 63 Pearl St. , Santa Cruz, Calif. +Now Over 81 Years Old-- Was Cured by Cluthe Truss+ My rupture is all well and the cure is complete, but I keep the truss onday and night because I am over 81 years old and might take a fit ofsneezing. With many thanks for your kindness. G. A. P. BRYANT, R. F. D. No. 1, Smyrna Mills, Maine. +This Chicagoan Cured in 3 Months+ After I had worn your truss three months, I noticed that the rupture didnot appear as formerly on retiring at night. An instance-- my cat had afit one night, I jumped out of bed very hurriedly, grabbed the cat, rushed down two flights of stairs and threw the cat out on the porch. When I returned to my room I thought of the truss, not having thought toput it on before going downstairs-- was overjoyed to find that there wasno sign of the rupture; this was several months ago and there has beenno return of the rupture since. Would be pleased to recommend the ClutheTruss at any time. ROBERT STEWART, Western Bank Note Co. , 20th street and Indiana avenue, Chicago, Ill. +Cured by Cluthe Truss While Sawing and Chopping Wood+ My rupture has never bothered me since I started to wear the ClutheTruss. I found it to stay in place just as you recommended it, while athard work such as sawing and chopping wood, digging and carpenter work. I thank you for the great good and the cure it has effected for me. ENOS MUNRO, Winchester Springs, Ont. , Canada. +Cured-- and Cannot Recommend It Too Highly+ I was more than satisfied with my Cluthe Truss. It cured me of myrupture and cannot recommend it too highly. DANIEL BOWEN, 63 N. 9th W. , Salt Lake City, Utah. +This Scrotal Rupture Cured+ The truss I bought of you less than a year ago has been a wonderfulsuccess. I am now entirely cured of my scrotal rupture. ISAAC SHIDELER, 316 Market St. , Logansport, Ind. +Has Worn Cluthe Truss only 6 Weeks and Fast Getting Well+ I have worn the Cluthe Truss six weeks and am fast getting well-- can'tsee or find anything of my rupture now-- but shall wear truss longer. The elastic truss that I used to wear got so wet on the body that I hadto tighten it up to get it to hold-- only to have it fail me later inthe day. Mr. Fitzgerald has also been greatly benefited by his truss hegot from you. ROLAND T. ELLIS, 141 Albion St. , Somerville, Mass. +No More Sign of a Rupture+ I am now well and don't see any signs of being ruptured-- thanks to theCluthe Truss. GEORGE DAILEY, R. F. D. No. 1 Osco, Ill. +Cured While Doing Heavy Work+ I felt like a different man the very first week I wore my Cluthe Truss, and it has done me so much good that I can safely leave it off entirely. However, I take no chances, and being so comfortable and easy, I put iton when I have extra heavy lifting to do in the course of my heavy work. I have spoken to many of my friends about the wonderful Cluthe Truss. JOHN HOLDORF, 119 N. Ann St. , Baltimore, Md. +From One Who Has Tried Them All+ I write to let you know that I cheerfully recommend the Cluthe Truss forrupture. It does all you claim for it. I had been ruptured for manyyears and tried all kinds of trusses and rupture cures but found norelief until I used yours. JOHN COUGHLIN, National Soldiers' Home, Milwaukee, Wis. +Thanks God Daily for the Cluthe Truss+ This is simply to inform you that I must every day when I put your trusson thank God for having found something which is not a fraud but ablessing to all ruptured people. The Cluthe Truss enables me to take myplace among men, either in running, jumping or other hard work. It issafe and comfortable and I would not be without it, knowing the ClutheTruss existed. JAMES CHAMBERS, Burquitlam, B. C. , Canada. +What This Kansan Says+ I will say your truss has helped me very much. Believe I am now curedfor sure as the rupture does not come out now when the truss is off. It is the best thing I ever tried. Will tell everyone suffering fromrupture to try this truss. J. C. S. ---- of my town sent for one throughme. You can use my name. WILLIAM STERLING, Herington, Kans. +Recommends Cluthe Truss to All+ I think it my duty to notify you that the Cluthe Truss you made for mewas indeed a great success. My rupture has disappeared and I am so farcured. I certainly recommend the Cluthe Truss to all in need of relieffrom rupture. JACOB STRAUSS, 215 Cooper Avenue, Lockland, Ohio. +This Philadelphian Cured in Less Than 8 Months+ It gives me great pleasure to write you a few words of commendation inreference to the truss I purchased from you in March, 1910. I, at first, doubted its full value as I thought my rupture was incurable, butsubsequent results have proved my error. Ever since my birth I haveendured the pains and torture of a rupture until I started to wear yourtruss, which was nearly eight months ago. I am now entirely cured of myrupture-- thanks to the Cluthe Truss. Gentlemen, I thank you very muchfor your able device and assistance, as you have made me feel like a newman after all these years of misery. You may use anything I have written, as I like to encourage a good deed. LAWRENCE V. RASCH, 2018 S. 64th St. , Philadelphia, Pa. +Read What This Massachusetts Physician Says+ I am much interested in making known the excellence of the Cluthe Truss, for I have confidence in its curative process. You can refer to me anytime you desire, not only as to the worth of your truss but also as tothe fair dealing you manifest toward your patients. DR. G. J. PIERCE, 1 Crown St. , Worcester, Mass. +Ruptured 30 Years, Believes He is Now Cured+ I have been ruptured for 30 years and have worn a good many kinds oftrusses and I never got one that did not nearly kill me at times. My doctor has been trying for years to have me undergo an operation, and I nearly made up my mind to have an operation when I saw youradvertisement in the Chicago Tribune. I decided to try once more to get a truss, and after thinking about itand putting it off for six months I finally purchased one of yourtrusses three months ago. If I had only sent for one when I firststarted I would not need to wear a truss now. My rupture was a large one and since wearing your truss the rupture hasnever been out. I can now stand on my feet without the truss on andrupture does not show-- the opening seems to be closed. I feel so grateful for the relief that I cannot help but thank you andany time you wish to have anyone call on me I will gladly recommend you. W. H. BRUCE, 204 East 54th St. , Chicago, Ill. +Proof of Permanency of Cure by Cluthe Truss Years Ago+ The truss purchased of you years ago gave me permanent relief and cure. While I was always skeptical as to a permanent cure of rupture by meansof a truss the fact remains that after following your advice andinstruction, I have been going about without a truss, doing all kinds ofwork same as I did prior to becoming ruptured. I cheerfully recommendyour truss to one and all afflicted with rupture. Only the patienthimself knows from experience how he has to suffer. Publish this letterif you so desire. J. LEINBERGER, Route No. 1, Souderton, Pa. +Now Freed of His Rupture Trouble+ I was in awful misery before I ordered a Cluthe Truss and as soon as Iput it on I felt like a new man. I can now leave truss off withoutdetecting the least sign or feeling of the rupture. I most highlyrecommend the Cluthe Truss to any one who is ruptured and wish to giveyou my best thanks for what it has done for me. ADAM DEHSOY, South Milwaukee, Wis. +Did Not Believe Cluthe Truss Would Cure, Now Happily Disappointed+ Over a year ago I bought a Cluthe Truss but had no belief that it wouldcure my rupture. I have been, however, happily disappointed and am nowglad to inform you and everyone suffering from rupture, that the ClutheTruss did cure my rupture entirely. Thanks to you. GEO. L. PRENTICE, 29 Mechanic St. , Putnam, Conn. +For 47 Years Suffered with Wrong Trusses, Cluthe Truss ProvedIts Worth in This Case+ I was ruptured in the spring of 1863; for 47 years I bought and wore allkinds of trusses and none ever held the rupture. One year ago I boughtthe Cluthe Truss; it holds the rupture securely, I have better health, can now do any kind of work on the farm and forget actually that I weara truss; I have no dread now of strangulation and am thankful I saw youradv. , sent for your book and bought the one truss that by experienceproves that it holds the rupture at all times. I am now in my 85th yearand happy with the Cluthe Truss. JAMES S. MC CLURKAN, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 63, Murrysville, Pa. +Cured by Cluthe Truss in 5 Months After Suffering 49 Years+ I have worn your truss since August and in the following January--merely by chance-- I took off the truss. To my surprise I could not seeany rupture nor feel any opening-- nor after coughing, the spot is firmand no protrusion. While as a member of Co. F, 46th N. Y. Vol. Inf. , during the bombardment of Fort Pulasky, I ruptured myself, and eversince-- after 49 years (April, 1862), I have tried many trusses with noresults of any benefit until I tried yours. I gladly give the ClutheTruss my strongest recommendation on what it has done for me. C. G. RUSSE, Phoebus, Va. +Wore Other Trusses 4 Years without Benefit, Cluthe Truss Curedin 3 Months+ I take great pleasure in adding my name to your list of cured patients. I wore the Cluthe Truss but 3 months and am now entirely cured. I woreother appliances for four years without the slightest benefit. With bestwishes and many thanks and assuring you you may use my name in any wayyou wish. W. E. HENDERSON, Independence, La. +Perfectly Well After One Year's Use of Cluthe Truss+ Kindly mention my name in your book of cured patients, as I have wornthe Cluthe Truss but one year and am now perfectly well and trying toget others to buy Cluthe Trusses. P. L. PINARD, Las Vegas, New Mexico. +Wonderful Cure for His Double Rupture+ Many years ago I discarded the Cluthe Truss as it cured me of my 2ruptures. I now look upon this cure as permanent, and wonderful, as Iwas past the middle of life and suffered torture from other trussesbefore ordering the Cluthe Truss. I consider it my duty to recommend theCluthe Truss to all people afflicted with ruptures. W. B. FISH (Pres. ), Bullock Mfg. Associates, Springfield, Mass. +Another Thankful Man Cured by the Cluthe Truss+ I was cured of my rupture trouble by the Cluthe Truss and cannot speaktoo highly of the benefits I received from it. I shall spread yourwonderful work abroad to all in the condition I was in. FRANK KENNEDY, Ingram Port (Halifax Co. ), Nova Scotia, Canada. +Satisfaction from the First+ Some time ago I purchased the Cluthe Truss, which has given excellentsatisfaction from the time I used it. It has cured my right side ruptureentirely and the left side is also nearly cured. MOSES KELLER, Fleetwood, Penna. +A New Man Since Wearing the Cluthe Truss+ It will soon he 2 years since I purchased my Cluthe Truss. I certainlyhave been a new man ever since I put it on. I have left it off and feltno bad effects from doing so. I am now cured. A. M. ROGERS, 120 Henry St. , Binghamton, N. Y. +Cluthe Truss Cures Absolutely+ I am absolutely cured of my rupture by the Cluthe Truss. I consider yourtruss the best device ever made for rupture. J. F. WOEHR, 167 Perry Ave. , Maspeth, Long Island, N. Y. +Relief After 23 Years of Torment. 84 Years Old+ After 23 years of torment with different appliances I put on the ClutheTruss as soon as received and have not taken it off night or day sinceand have no reminder of it being on. It was a blessed day for me when Ireceived it. I am 84 years old. JEREMIAH GOVE, Griswoldville, Ga. +More Comfort in One Month Than Before in Years+ After more than a month's test of the Cluthe Truss, I wish to inform youhow well pleased I am with it. It holds me perfectly. I have taken morecomfort since wearing the Cluthe Truss than I had for years. PRYCE W. BAILEY (Postmaster), Seneca Falls, N. Y. +Would Not Take $500 for His Cluthe Truss+ My father, John Brierley, wishes me to write you that he would not sellhis Cluthe Truss for $500 if he were unable to procure another like it. W. P. BRIERLEY, M. D. , 228 Central Ave. , Albany, N. Y. +His Rupture Has Healed+ I have been wearing the Cluthe Truss several months and my rupture hasnot come down in that time. I took the truss off 8 days ago and have notnoticed the first sign of a rupture and I believe it is all healed up. Thanks for the greatest of all trusses, the leader of them all. J. J. CONLON (Box 38), Spring Valley, N. Y. +Cluthe Truss Made New Man of Him+ Having used your Cluthe Truss for 3 months, I feel now that I can highlyrecommend it. It has made a new man of me and my rupture has never beenout since putting the truss on. CHAS. W. HOWELL, R. F. D. No. 3, Trenton, N. J. +Cured His Son+ A short time ago I bought a Cluthe Truss for my son, which Truss I amthankful to say has cured his rupture entirely. He is a very strong boycontinually jumping and tumbling around and still we can see no sign ofthe Rupture. You can refer anyone you wish to me. A. A. DAVIS, 2844 38th Place, Chicago, Ill. +Ruptured 13 Years, Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I suffered torture with a rupture for 13 years. Then I got the ClutheTruss, which cured me in a short time. Your truss is more than you sayit is. I can get a doctor to back all I say for the Cluthe Truss. JOHN T. IBEY (Box 60), Meyersburg, Ont. , Canada. +Another Man Cured+ Some time ago I bought a Cluthe Truss and I write to tell you that ithas cured my rupture. FRANK E. BARNES, Philipsburg, Mont. +Can Recommend Cluthe Truss to All+ I can recommend the Cluthe Truss to all persons suffering from rupture. I surely have been benefited by the Cluthe Truss very much in the shorttime I have been wearing it. CHAS. F. WECKER, 410 W. Princess St. , York, Pa. +Wants World to Know He was Cured+ I was cured by the Cluthe Truss after suffering from a rupture for 20years and I want the world to know of my cure. I have not had my ClutheTruss on in 8 months and I can see no sign of my rupture. MILTON M. OWENS, Oak Hill, Fla. +Another Cure and Another Thankful Man+ I am very thankful to Mr. Chas. Cluthe, for he was the first man thatever told me where my rupture was. Two doctors wanted to operate on meand were about to get me into a hospital when I heard of the ClutheTruss and bought it and it has cured me of my rupture. Both doctors wereabout 6 inches out of the way of where Mr. Cluthe told me my rupturereally was. FRED A. WOOD, 269 Fayette St. , Hammond, Ind. +Sends His Patients to Us+ I have sent my patients to you with perfect satisfaction, knowing youhave an excellent truss, the Cluthe Truss. A. EUGENE AUSTIN, M. D. , 616 Madison Ave. , New York City. +Now Well and Sound-- Goes Bowling+ Last month I took off your Truss as I am cured and I now go down to thebowling alley and often spend an hour and a half bowling and I do notfeel anything and am satisfied that I am now cured. I will consider it apleasure to recommend the Cluthe Truss. H. W. ERWIN, 190 W. Brookline St. , Boston, Mass. +This New York City Man Completely Cured in Less Than a Year+ I found such good results from the use of the Cluthe Truss that I onlyhad to wear it less than a year when I was completely cured. I havesince been as well as ever I have been in my life. ANDREW RUFF, 661 Ninth Ave. , New York City. December 22, 1911. +Could Hardly Walk. Now Rid of All Pain+ Words cannot praise the Cluthe Truss highly enough. After suffering 9years I purchased a Cluthe Truss and it has rid me of all pain. Beforewearing your truss I was unable to walk half a mile. But one morninglately I walked 8 miles and if my feet did not give way I think I wouldbe walking yet. I have no pain now and perform all my household duties, as I could not before wearing the Cluthe Truss, because I had such painfrom my rupture. I owe much to the Cluthe Truss. It saved me from theknife. MRS. A. H. LAMEY, 60 Greig St. , Rochester, N. Y. +Man of 79 Has Nothing But Good to Say+ I have nothing but good to say of the Cluthe Truss for what it has donefor me, a man 79 years of age. D. F. WOODWARD, Pine Island, Minn. +Wouldn't Take $100+ I wouldn't take $100 for my Cluthe Truss. Success to the Cluthe Truss. R. L. AUTER, Vicksburg, Miss. +Ruptured 20 Years; Cluthe Truss Holds Perfectly+ Truss received and am well pleased with it. It is a perfect fit andholds my rupture perfectly. The Cluthe Truss is the first one to hold myrupture in 20 years. F. W. JONES, Enterprise, Okla. +Thanks to Cluthe Truss Can Now Climb Trees+ The Cluthe Truss is the only one worthy of the name of truss. It was thebest investment I ever made. I suffered untold agony with otherappliances, but the Cluthe has been a pleasure to wear. I can now climbtrees like a squirrel. Thanks to the Cluthe Truss. WM. LEROY GARRIGUS, Waterbury, Conn. +Says Cluthe Truss is the Best on the Market+ Truss received this P. M. Everything is more than satisfactory. Youcertainly have the best truss on the market. If I can say a good wordfor you I shall be more than pleased to do so. ABEL HALEY, Wolfeboro, N. H. +Grateful for the Cure Effected by the Cluthe Truss+ I have not worn my Cluthe Truss in 6 months as my rupture is entirelycured, and I cannot find words to express my gratitude to you and yourwonderful truss. It is without doubt the best truss made and I canhighly recommend it. A. H. EGBERT, 74 Alexander St. , Newark, N. J. +Physicians Say Best Truss They Ever Saw+ I have worn your Cluthe Truss for a month and am free to say it is theonly Truss that I ever found perfectly satisfactory. I have worn trussesfor 51 years and spent hundreds of dollars; all these were failures. I have shown the truss when on me to several physicians and they all sayit is the best they ever saw. J. MABBOTT BROWN (Supt. ), Madison Fire Agents' Asso. , 35 Tenney Block, Madison, Wis. +Ruptured 20 Years; Cured in 5 Months+ For the benefit of those who are in the dark about Trusses and who aresuffering unnecessarily, I wish to state, without solicitation on yourpart, that after spending over $200 for all kinds of trusses for over 20years, I purchased a Cluthe Truss in March, 1908. Five months later Itook off the Truss and have not worn any since. My rupture is cured andI am to-day as strong and well as the healthiest man. I might add that Idid not take your promises seriously when I purchased the Truss, but Ihave changed my mind since and I hold you now in the highest respect andbelieve you fill a long-felt want for the suffering thousands. Anyonecan communicate with me who doubts the truth of this assertion. HUGH A. MACKENZIE, North Lake Ainslie (Inverness Co. ), C. B. , N. S. , Canada. +Clergyman Tells How He was Cured+ I am only too glad to add my word of commendation as to the value of theCluthe Truss. I had used a number of others with no permanent good. Youcannot say too much in reference to the Cluthe Truss. It does all youclaim for it. It cured my rupture. REV. DR. GEO. M. HAMLEN, Vineyard Haven, Mass. +Cured by Cluthe Truss; Now Does Heavy Lifting+ I write to tell you that I was very much benefited by the Cluthe Truss. I have not worn it in 2 months and have not felt the rupture at all. I work in a feed store and have to do very heavy lifting. JAS. A. CRAWFORD, 109 North St. , Middletown, N. Y. +Says Doctors are Enthusiastic+ The Cluthe Truss has given me wonderful satisfaction. I have shown it toquite a number of people and doctors and they all think it a fine truss. My rupture is now entirely cured. JOHN J. CROAKE, Culebra, Canal Zone, Panama. +After Trying All Kinds; Cured in a Few Months+ After trying all kinds of trusses which did more harm than good, Ipurchased a Cluthe Truss about 5 years ago and after wearing it a fewmonths have not seen or felt the rupture. I am entirely cured and canrecommend the Cluthe Truss to anybody suffering with a rupture. FRED KROESCH, JR. , 2228 John St. , Ft. Wayne, Ind. +Cluthe Truss Brings Long Denied Comfort+ Your truss received. A perfect fit. Have put it through a severe testthe past month and I am pleased to state that it has given me along-denied comfort, is satisfactory in every way and a master of myrupture, for which accept my thanks and lasting gratitude. I deem it myduty to recommend the Cluthe Truss whenever I can. CHAS. H. MEADS, Ellicott City, Md. +Permanently Cured 10 Years Ago+ I purchased a Cluthe Truss from you about 10 years ago and after wearingit one year I found it cured me and this cure has been a permanent one. R. H. NELSON, Irvona, Pa. +Cannot Speak Highly Enough for the Cluthe Truss+ About 8 or 10 months ago I purchased a Cluthe Truss which I have wornwith the greatest success. About a week ago I left Truss off and findthat the Rupture does not show; neither have I felt it and I think I amcured. However, I shall put Truss on and wear it when I have hard workto do as a special precaution. I cannot speak highly enough for yourTruss. R. E. LOWDER, Cooleemee, N. C. +Medical Student Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I am glad to say that after wearing the CLUTHE TRUSS I laid it asideover a year ago and have not needed it or any other since. I am takingup the medical profession now and if I can be of any service to you atany time in future I will be glad to be of such service. ARTHUR L. BLACK, M. C. Of S. C. , Charleston, S. C. +Freed This Man of His Rupture Trouble+ I take pleasure in giving you my full consent to make public mytestimony regarding the benefit derived from your scientific Truss. Ifyou meet with any "Doubting Thomas, " send them to me. I will be pleasedto tell them what it has done for me. T. B. GALLAGHER, 167 W. 129th St. , New York City. +Saved Him from an Operation+ I can safely recommend the Cluthe Truss as the only safe alleviator ofthe terrible sufferings of those unfortunate sufferers from rupture. Itwas the Cluthe Truss that saved me from an operation. My very highestcommendations for the best truss-- the CLUTHE TRUSS. E. F. GRIFFITH, 127 31st St. , Newport News, Va. +Himself Cured by the Cluthe Truss; Sends Order for a Friend+ I take pleasure in handing you herewith Mr. ---- 's order for a ClutheTruss together with remittance, which order please acknowledge. Mr. ----is an employee in our office and being familiar with my rupture troublesbecame convinced that as your Truss cured my rupture it ought to do thesame for him. Hence his order enclosed. C. A. McLANE, c/o Laredo Water Co. , Laredo, Texas. +Cured, But so Comfortable Would Feel Lost Without Truss+ I believe I am absolutely cured by the Cluthe Truss, but I still hangonto it; would feel lost without it. I should consider it a pleasure torecommend the Cluthe Truss to any doubting or suffering ones for I KNOWwhat it is. CHAS. M. BACHMAN, 603 E. Fayette St. , Syracuse, N. Y. +Utica Man Thinks of Us as Old Friend+ The Cluthe Truss has given me such a wonderful cure that I think of theCluthe Co. As an old friend. J. C. BIGELOW, Sr. (Florist), 2 Columbia St. , Utica, N. Y. +Says Cluthe Truss is Finest on Earth+ I am more than pleased to acknowledge receipt of the Cluthe Truss, whicharrived last Saturday, and to say that the wearer reports it the fineston earth. You are at liberty to refer any and all to me. H. C. KING (Broker), 22 Fifth Ave. , Chicago, Ill. +Cured by the Cluthe Truss+ I am glad to let you know my rupture is cured by the use of the ClutheTruss. F. F. KRALISCHECK, Seymour, Conn. +Cluthe Truss Gives Perfect Satisfaction+ My Cluthe Truss has given perfect satisfaction. The left side rupture isentirely healed and right side much better. Have taken a great deal ofpleasure with it. GEO. A. HANSON (Box 1154), Bath, Me. +This Yonkers, N. Y. , Man Cured+ I recommend the Cluthe Truss to everybody who needs one, as it cured myrupture. M. SAMUELS, 189 Ashburton Ave. , Yonkers, N. Y. +Double Rupture Cured in 6 Months+ It is now 6 months since I purchased my Cluthe Truss and I have not seenany sign of my two ruptures since. FRANK VAN WINKLE, 430 Plane St. , Newark, N. J. +Couldn't Work Until He Got Cluthe Truss+ You may tell the world that you make the best truss in the world. I havebeen ruptured 10 years and wore 4 different appliances before the ClutheTruss and each of the 4 failed. Since wearing the Cluthe Truss myrupture has not been down once, despite the fact that my work is heavyin a saw mill. I could not do a hard day's work until I got the ClutheTruss. JOHN K. WEST, Broad St. , Tallapoosa, Ga. +Says Cluthe Truss Leads All+ I can truthfully say the Cluthe Truss leads all the others. The old-timeharnesses are only a torture. During the past 3 weeks I have beenwearing the Cluthe Truss and my rupture has not bothered me since. I scarcely can believe I have it on, it is so easy. ARTHUR FOWLER, 80 East St. , Clinton, Mass. +Rides Horseback and Runs an Automobile+ During the few months I have been wearing the Cluthe Truss I have donealmost everything that would rupture a man or cause a ruptured man agonyor to be operated on. I ride horseback and I am now a chauffeur. Ask anyman what it means to crank an engine of high compression. This needs anextraordinary truss to hold a bad rupture under such conditions, but theCluthe Truss does it. I hardly know I have it on. WM. C. WOOD, care G. L. Boissevain, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. +Cured This Boy of a Bad Rupture+ I am more than pleased to say that the Cluthe Truss cured my 10-year-oldboy, who was badly ruptured. I thank God for directing me to you. MRS. EMMA HARRIS, 258 W. 44th St. , New York City. +Cluthe Truss "One of the Comforts of Life"+ It gives me great pleasure to recommend the Cluthe Truss to my fellowsufferers from rupture. I have a double rupture and since putting on theCluthe Truss have had that comfortable feeling ever since. I recommendthe Cluthe Truss to the ruptured as one of the comforts of life. It wasa friend of mine who had derived benefits from the Cluthe Truss whorecommended the Cluthe Truss to me. I thank him for so doing, eversince. WHILDEN H. PAINTER, 51 Eldert St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. +His Rupture Has Not Appeared for the Last 4 Months+ I am inclined to think I am cured, but hardly wish to say so absolutely, because I still wear my Cluthe Truss when I work, leaving it off now andthen when doing no heavy manual labor. My rupture has not appeared forthe last 4 months and I begin to feel confident that it will not appearagain. DANIEL BALLARD, Millington, Mass. September 26, 1911. +Hasn't Seen Any Signs of Rupture for Three Years+ I have not seen my rupture for over 3 years. The Cluthe Truss is thebest I ever had. E. B. SCULL, Dias Creek (Cape May Co. ), New Jersey. +Cured His Little Boy After He Had Been Made Worse at a Hospital+ My little boy was 2 years old when I purchased a Cluthe Truss for him. After wearing it 4 months it cured his rupture. He is now past 4 yearsand has never been troubled since. We took him to a hospital before wegot the Cluthe Truss for him, but they only made him worse. We have onlypraise for the Cluthe Truss. WALTER C. CHATFIELD, 221 E. 29th St. , New York City. +Cluthe Truss Worth Its Weight in Gold+ I bought a Cluthe Truss and wore it about 8 months. It cured my rupture, although I am 74 years old and I am now as free as ever I was. The leastI can say about the Cluthe Trusses is that they are worth their weightin gold. XAVIER COLON, Clayton, N. Y. +Best Bargain He Ever Made+ I was cured of my rupture by the Cluthe Truss and it was the bestbargain I ever made. I no longer wear a support of any kind. ED. SWOPE, Avon, Penna. +Ruptured 12 Years; Cured by the Cluthe Truss+ The Cluthe Truss has cured me of a bad rupture of 12 years' trouble. Itis a blessing to every person affected that way. LEE A. HOLDEN, Norwich, N. Y. +Hasn't Needed Truss for Over a Year+ I am glad to say that I have not needed any truss for over a year. TheCluthe Truss cured my rupture. I find that ruptured people are somewhatadverse to telling others of their trouble. That is why they do not hearall they might from their fellow sufferers. I would be only too glad toimpart to them the benefits received from the CLUTHE TRUSS. EDWARD FIELD, Wadena, Sask. , Canada. +Thanks God for Having Heard of the Cluthe Truss+ You will remember I got a Cluthe Truss 6 months ago. About 4 weeks ago Itook it off and I feel I am cured and have seen no sign of rupture. Ifeel so much better that I thank God I ever sent for your book. You senta truss just to fit my case and it cured me and I cannot recommend ittoo highly. C. N. TUTHILL, Jefferson, Oregon. +Clergyman Cured by the Cluthe Truss+ I am happy to say that since I laid away the Cluthe Truss as being curedby it, I have had no occasion to use it. That is now over 2 years ago. Hoping you may be able to do for many others what you have done for me, I am, B. F. MEREDITH (Pastor), Methodist Episcopal Church, Vale, Oregon. +This Woman Cured in 6 Months+ I found the Cluthe Truss everything it was represented to be and curedmyself with it in 6 months and in the future will be glad to recommendthe Cluthe Truss to everyone I know to be suffering with a rupture. MRS. R. L. CAREY, 4 Woodruff Ave. , Binghamton, N. Y. +Cured in 9 Months+ After wearing the Cluthe Truss for 9 months I laid it aside for aseason. I had nothing that would hold my Rupture in until I got yourTruss. It has been a blessing to me. God bless you and yours. My Rupturehas not been out since I laid Truss off, which is over 2 months ago. Infuture when sending out your pamphlet, add my name to it. It will showmy people what the CLUTHE TRUSS has done for me. E. A. HOWELL, Sr. , R. No. 7, Box 40, Booneville, Miss. +Now Does Heaviest Work+ I have worn the Cluthe Truss for 18 months and my Rupture has not beendown in all that time. When not working I am now able to go without theTruss. But my work in the hay and grain business is very heavy and Iwear the truss when lifting those heavy bales to be on the safe side. JOHN K. MATTHEWSON, 528 Washington St. , Providence, R. I. +Himself Cured by Cluthe Truss; Recommends It to Others+ Some time ago you furnished me with a Cluthe Truss which cured myrupture. To-day in conversation with a customer who is ruptured Istrongly advised your Truss and he asked me to send you his order, whichI do. GEORGE W. GILL, Main St. , Pincher Creek, Alta, Canada. +Wants Others to Know of Cluthe Truss+ I consider myself cured by the Cluthe Truss and am glad to do all I canto help anyone who is ruptured by recommending your Truss. Hoping to seemy name in your book so I can be of help to others, I am, ELMER P. WILDES, 9 West Daine St. , Beverly, Mass. +Indian Chief Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I will always recommend the Cluthe Truss as the only one that did me anygood. I am sure I am cured, but at present will not stop wearing it andtake any chances, as I am riding on horses nearly all the time, and atrotting horse is the worst thing for any truss or rupture. My rupturenever came down. Your truss never hurt me. I shall gladly answer allletters when they send me return stamped envelope. CHIEF IODINE, U. S. S. , 625 3rd St. , San Diego, Cal. October 20, 1911. +With Cluthe Truss on He Can Now Work on His Farm+ I was operated on for my rupture, but that did me no good. I thenordered the Cluthe Truss and it has been a great blessing to me for Ican work now and tend to my farm. May God bless you in your good work. JAMES M. TRIPP, Waverly, Penna. +Double Ruptured 12 Years, Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I had been ruptured twelve years and in all that time I never found atruss or treatment that did me any good until I tried yours. Now I goabout without any truss, as I am completely cured-- thanks to the ClutheTruss. S. A. ANDREWS, Elm St. , Stratford, Conn. +Enjoys All Kinds of Comfort from Cluthe Truss+ One month ago I bought a Cluthe Truss, believing at the time I wasthrowing my money away, as I had purchased so many other appliancesduring the 40 years I have been ruptured and spent hundreds of dollars. But I must say for once my money was well spent. Since I have worn theCluthe Truss I have enjoyed all sorts of comfort. It has held therupture perfectly since applied. It is clean and agreeable to wear; infact, I cannot realize I wear a truss. I will with pleasure explain andshow my truss to anyone in this section, doubting the above. ABE STIEWEL, President, Little Rock Trust Co. , Little Rock, Ark. +Cluthe Truss Cured Rupture of 45 Years' Standing+ I left my Cluthe Truss off recently, and there was no sign of my rupturecoming out. It cured my rupture of 45 years' standing. Wishing yousuccess. JOHN P. FARBER, 279 Portland Ave. , Rochester, N. Y. +Ruptured 44 Years; Helped by Cluthe Truss+ I was ruptured on both sides about 45 years ago by jumping from train ina terrible head-on collision. I bought all kinds of trusses and spentconsiderable money. Then I got a Cluthe Truss and can now do any work insafety. You are a benefactor of mankind. I had to give up my regularwork on train before using the Cluthe Truss. C. MYGATT, 83 Hudson St. , Port Jervis, N. Y. +Cluthe Truss Cured This Man+ From the time I put the Cluthe Truss on in June until I took it off thefollowing May as cured of my rupture, it never once let go or slipped. You may use my name in any way you please if by so doing you can helpothers. S. B. CONNELLY, Pioneerville, Idaho. +Now Goes Without a Truss+ My rupture is cured, as I can go about without my truss. It is too muchto believe. It is the Cluthe Truss that cured me. J. BUZZELL, Fernandina, Fla. +Cured Scrotal Rupture of 30 Years' Standing+ To-day is the 10th anniversary since you fitted me with the wonderfulCluthe Truss and I feel that I must not let this day pass withoutletting you know my opinion of it. Since that day 10 years ago myrupture, a very bad scrotal rupture of some 30 years' standing, has notcome down from that day to this, and I am permanently cured. I wish Icould tell every poor afflicted mortal throughout this land about theCluthe Truss, and how much suffering and misery it would save them. I wish you and your four noble sons a long and happy life for the greatgood they have done and are still doing. WM. H. BUSHFIELD, 55 Tuers Ave. , Jersey City, N. J. +Cluthe Truss Cured This Boy After Others Failed+ I wish to say that the Cluthe Truss I bought for my boy has cured hisrupture. I had four other appliances for him before I got the ClutheTruss, but it remained for the Cluthe Truss to cure him. EDWARD PETERSON, Penn Ave. , Dover, N. J. +Listen to this Man's Heartspoken Thanks for the Cluthe Truss+ After going through all the pain and misery of a left side rupture for16 long years which got so bad that it nearly cost my life, afterwearing all the different Trusses I could buy, none of them any good asI am a locomotive engineer and my work is of the hardest kind, strainingand pulling when I have to reverse my engine a thousand times a day, I purchased a Cluthe Truss. I have worn it 10 days and as regards therupture I have not seen it since I began to wear Truss, which Trussproves a miracle to me. It fits me so comfortably that I really feellike a new man, started out on a new life in a new world with a heartfull of joy and gladness. I would if I were near you call on you andyour sons who helped to make the Cluthe Truss and shake hands with eachof you and give you my heartfelt thanks for the good you have done me. If there is any sufferer who wants to know about the Cluthe Truss lethim write to me. S. S. TEASE, 369 Vancouver Ave. , Portland, Ore. +This Texas Man Finds Cure in Cluthe Truss+ After suffering many years, I got a Cluthe Truss which cured me of myrupture after wearing it for five months. EDWIN SIPES, Chicota, Texas. October 17, 1911. +Considers His Cure by Cluthe Truss Worth a Thousand Dollars+ My rupture has not come down since the day I put on my Cluthe Truss. I followed your instructions, and I must say I have been well rewarded. I would not take $1000 for my truss for I owe my cure to it. You maycheerfully inform the whole world as far as I am concerned, for if I canhelp others suffering as I did, I certainly will be glad to do so. I amsure it is no disgrace to be ruptured, it is simply a misfortune. I amsure that in most cases of rupture, your truss would soon work a speedycure as it did for me. EDWARD THEILL, 337 South Main St. , Fond du Lac, Wis. October 3, 1911. +Cluthe Truss Cured Him in Less than 3 Months+ I gladly let any one know, and I cannot put it too strongly either, thatthe Cluthe Truss cured me of my rupture in less than 3 months. J. R. VAN CLEAVE, Strool, South Dakota. October 9, 1911. +Another Rome, N. Y. , Man Quickly Cured by Cluthe Truss+ I have only had my Cluthe Truss 7 months, and can now safely go aboutwithout any truss, without rupture appearing. I would not be back towhere I was before I got my Cluthe Truss for $1000. A. VAN WORMER, Rome, N. Y. September 26, 1911. +Finds a Cure in 3 Months+ The truss I received from you gave me complete satisfaction. I had notworn it 3 months, when I could leave it off as completely cured. I believe it to be the most perfect device for rupture that can be made. I might say a great deal more in its favor, but I am sure that any onewho once puts on a Cluthe Truss would never be satisfied with thetorturing leg-straps and heavy springs of other trusses. H. O. WEBSTER, Bowell, Ont. , Can. October 14, 1911. +Well-Known South Carolinan Cured+ You are at liberty to use this as you please, if it will help any poorsufferer, suffering from rupture as I did before I purchased my ClutheTruss. I am still using the truss, but my rupture is cured from its use. I have been the means of your selling several of your trusses aroundhere, and I am still doing all I can for you. Your appliance is all andeven more than you claim for it. Previously I tried all kinds of trussesthat I saw or heard of, but none of them did me any good. W. W. WOOTEN, Bishopville, S. C. September 30, 1911. +Cured Him and His Child+ I don't need to wear any truss at all now, as the truss I purchased fromyou cured me. It also cured my child of his rupture. J. R. TURNER, 342 Brook Ave. , Harrisburg, Pa. October 12, 1911. +Read What This Prominent Bostonian Says+ I am glad to say that the Cluthe Truss I purchased of you a week or soago, works to perfection. It does the business and completely holds therupture under all conditions. During the past 60 years, I have triedvarious trusses and treatments, and all were failures or near-failures. I am more than pleased to be relieved of the annoyances and suffering Ihave had nearly all my life. I shall take great pleasure in recommendingthe Cluthe Truss to all I meet, for I am now up for reference. I wishyou all success in relieving suffering humanity. HENRY WARREN, 70 Essex St. , Boston Mass. September 13, 1911. +His Pleasure to Inform of the Complete Cure by Cluthe Truss+ It is a pleasure for me to inform you of the complete cure in my case bythe Cluthe Truss. I wish to say that I have not worn my truss nor anysupport whatever for 4 months, and I am sound and well, thanks to yourtreatment. Command me at any time that I may be of service to you or theafflicted, for it is indeed a great pleasure to me to speak a good wordfor the Cluthe Truss. W. W. WILLIS, Clarksburg, W. Va. September 1, 1911. +Delights in Permanency of His Cure+ The strongest argument I can make, based on my own experience with theCluthe Truss, is that I have been permanently cured by using it. ALFRED WANDRES, Cornwall Landing, N. Y. October 13, 1911. +A Blessed Day When He Received His Cluthe Truss+ I got a Cluthe Truss from you about 5 months ago, and it has completelycured me. I went without it for 3 weeks, and there is no sign of therupture coming back. When I received it and put it on, for the firsttime, I felt instant relief, and knew then that it was going to do megood. It was a blessed day for me when I received my Cluthe Truss. PETER M. STEWART, Boulter, Ont. , Can. November 23, 1911. +Now Only Wears It as a Precaution+ I never wear my Cluthe Truss now only when I have some extra heavylifting to do. I am perfectly cured of my rupture, however, thanks tothe Cluthe Truss. GEORGE E. BEALE, Ponca, Ark. November 28, 1911. +Wants Every One to Know that Cluthe Truss is a Necessityfor All Ruptured Who Want Relief+ I want every one to know my opinion, which is that the Cluthe Truss isthe one that everybody ruptured should get, if they want relief. I havetried many, and have found yours the best and easiest to wear. If I hadenough money I would gladly pay the price of a truss to anyone who wouldnot be cured after giving it a trial. That is how I feel about theCluthe Truss. W. C. WOODS, Gause, Texas. November 23, 1911. +79 Years Old Cured by Cluthe Truss+ It is a pleasure to me to let you and all others know what I think ofthe Cluthe Truss. My case was a double one, and the rupture on the rightside was very bad, but I can truthfully say that I am now cured. I amnow living on borrowed time, being in my seventy-ninth year. C. T. REDFIELD, 48 Grape St. , New Bedford, Mass. November 28, 1911. +Hard Work Every Day Did Not Prevent This Cure by Cluthe Truss+ I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you for my rupture iscured at last. I feel as strong as I ever did before I was ruptured. I work hard every day and have never had any bad effects. ANDREW E. PETERS, Escuminac River, Que. , Can. November 28, 1911. +Cured by Cluthe Truss While Lifting Rails and Tiesin the Course of Work+ I have often been without my Cluthe Truss, and rupture has never comedown even without the truss. Before getting the Cluthe Truss I had triedmany others, but none of them held my rupture continuously, to saynothing of the discomfort caused and chafing by those leg-straps andsprings. By reason of my work as section foreman I am frequentlyrequired to do heavy lifting, such as railroad rails and ties. This iswhat I think of the Cluthe Truss. FRANK CHAPMAN, Hollis Depot, N. H. November 27, 1911. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Errata: The muscles at some point have simply _text reads "simlpy"_there is no expense beyond the price _text reads "beyonp"_no springs, no legstraps _no hyphen in original_and, gradually overcomes the weakness _comma in original_you who now scarcely _text reads "nows carcely"_dare do a thing-- scarcely even cough or laugh _dash supplied by transcriber: no punctuation in original_that is why, when a man _text reads "whan"_bands or springs around the waist _text reads "wait"_"Don't-Wear-a-Truss" Arguments _text reads "Dont"_But it is easy enough _text reads "But it easy"_The Cluthe Truss costs so little _text reads "cost"_worthless makeshift _text reads "makeshirt"_"This truss fully guaranteed. " _text reads "guaranted"_a legitimate profit _text reads "ligitimate"_Both are perspiration-proof and both water-proof. The Cluthe Truss _text reads "The Cluthe. Truss"_60 days' trial. ) _close parenthesis missing in original_agree with the corresponding question. ) _close parenthesis missing in original_do any kind of work _text reads "king"_747 E. Main St. , Ravenna, Ohio. _comma after "Ravenna" missing_CHAS. W. SHIVELL period after "CHAS" missing_To be honest with you, I don't believe I would be here to write this ifit had not been for the Cluthe Truss. Can truthfully say I have beenwonderfully benefited, and feel as though my rupture is cured _text reads "don?t believe . .. If it has not been . .. Feel aa though"_My ruptures are so now _text unchanged: missing word after "so"?_wear it for six months longer _text reads "sic"_to wear any truss since. From the first day _text has comma for period_in that time _text reads "yhat"_Western Bank Note Co. , 20th street and Indiana avenue, Chicago, Ill. _capitalization unchanged_2844 38th Place, Chicago, Ill. _comma after "Chicago" missing_I have been permanently cured by using it _text reads "permenantly"_I can truthfully say that I am now cured _text reads "thaat"_