CLOUDY JEWEL CLOUDY JEWEL BY GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL AUTHOR OF MARCIA SCHUYLER, THE SEARCH, ETC. GROSSET & DUNLAP PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Made in the United States of America COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY CLOUDY JEWEL CLOUDY JEWEL CHAPTER I "Well, all I've got to say, then, is, you're a very foolish woman!" Ellen Robinson buttoned her long cloak forcefully, and arose with ahaughty air from the rocking-chair where she had pointed her remarksfor the last half-hour by swaying noisily back and forth and touchingthe toes of her new high-heeled shoes with a click each time to thefloor. Julia Cloud said nothing. She stood at the front window, looking outacross the sodden lawn to the road and the gray sky in the distance. She did not turn around to face her arrogant sister. "What I'd like to know is what you do propose to do, then, if youdon't accept our offer and come to live with us? Were you expecting tokeep on living in this great barn of a house?" Ellen Robinson's voicewas loud and strident with a crude kind of pain. She could notunderstand her sister, in fact, never had. She had thought herproposition that Julia come to live in her home and earn her board bylooking after the four children and being useful about the house wasmost generous. She had admired the open-handedness of Herbert, herhusband, for suggesting it. Some husbands wouldn't have wanted a poorrelative about. Of course Julia always had been a hard worker; and itwould relieve Ellen, and make it possible for her to go around withher husband more. It would save the wages of a servant, too, for Juliahad always been a wonder at economy. It certainly was vexing to haveJulia act in this way, calmly putting aside the proposition as if itwere nothing and saying she hadn't decided what she was going to doyet, for all the world as if she were a millionaire! "I don't know, Ellen. I haven't had time to think. There have been somany things to think about since the funeral I haven't got used yet tothe idea that mother's really gone. " Julia's voice was quiet andcontrolled, in sharp contrast with Ellen's high-pitched, nervoustones. "That's it!" snapped Ellen. "When you do, you'll go all to pieces, staying here alone in this great barn. That's why I want you to decidenow. I think you ought to lock up and come home with me to-night. I'vespent just as much time away from home as I can spare the last threeweeks, and I've got to get back to my house. I can't stay with you anymore. " "Of course not, Ellen. I quite understand that, " said Julia, turningaround pleasantly. "I hadn't expected you to stay. It isn't in theleast necessary. You know I'm not at all afraid. " "But it isn't decent to leave you here alone, when you've got folksthat can take care of you. What will people think? It places us in anawfully awkward position. " "They will simply think that I have chosen to remain in my own house, Ellen. I don't see anything strange or indecent about that. " Julia Cloud had turned about, and was facing her sister calmly now. Her quiet voice seemed to irritate Ellen. "What nonsense!" she said sharply. "How exceedingly childish, lettingyourself be ruled by whims, when common sense must show you that youare wrong. I wonder if you aren't ever going to be a _woman_. " Ellen said this word "woman" as if her sister had already passed intothe antique class and ought to realize it. It was one of the thingsthat hurt Julia Cloud to realize that she was growing old apparentlywithout the dignity that belonged to her years, for they all talked toher yet as if she were a little child and needed to be managed. Sheopened her lips to speak, but thought better of it, and shut themagain, turning back to the window and the gray, sodden landscape. "Well, as I said before, you're a very foolish woman; and you'll soonfind it out. I shall have to go and leave you to the consequences ofyour folly. I'm sure I don't know what Herbert will say when he findsout how you've scorned his kindness. It isn't every brother-in-lawwould offer--yes, _offer_, Julia, for I never even suggested it--totake on extra expense in his family. But you won't see youringratitude if I stand here and talk till doomsday; so I'm going backto my children. If you come to your senses, you can ride out withBoyce Bains to-morrow afternoon. Good-by, and I'm sure I hope youwon't regret this all your life. " Julia walked to the door with her sister, and stood watching hersadly while she climbed into her smart little Ford and skillfullysteered it out of the yard and down the road. The very set of hershoulders as she sailed away toward home was disapproving. With a sigh of relief Julia Cloud shut the door and went back to herwindow and the dreary landscape. It was time for a sunset, but the skywas leaden. There Would be nothing but grayness to look at, graynessin front of her, grayness behind in the dim, silent room. It was likeher life, her long, gray life, behind and ahead. All her life she hadhad to serve, and see others happy. First as a child, the oldestchild. There had been the other children, three brothers and Ellen. She had brought them all up, as it were, for the mother had alwaysbeen delicate and ailing. She had washed their faces, kissed theirbruises, and taken them to school. She had watched their love-affairsand sent them out into the world one by one. Two of the brothers hadcome home to die, and she had nursed them through long months. Thethird brother married a wealthy girl in California, and never camehome again except on flying visits. He was dead now, too, killed inaction in France during the first year of the Great War. Then herfather had been thrown from his horse and killed; and she had bornethe burden for her mother, settled up the estate, and made both endsmeet somehow, taking upon herself the burden of the mother, now achronic invalid. From time to time her young nieces and nephews hadbeen thrust upon her to care for in some home stress, and always shehad done her duty by them all through long days of mischief and longnights of illness. She had done it cheerfully and patiently, and hadnever complained even to herself. Always there had been so much to bedone that there had been no time to think how the years were going by, her youth passing from her forever without even a glimpse of therose-color that she supposed was meant to come into every life for atleast a little while. She hadn't realized it fully, she had been so busy. But now, with thelast service over, an empty house about her, an empty heart withinher, she was looking with startled eyes into the future and facingfacts. It was Ellen's attempt to saddle her with a new responsibility and fither out to drudge on to the end of her days that had suddenly broughtthe whole thing out in its true light. She was tired. Too tired tobegin all over again and raise those children for Ellen. They werenice, healthy children and well behaved; but they were Ellen'schildren, and always would be. If she went out to live with theRobinsons, she would be Ellen's handmaid, at her beck and call, alwaysfeeling that she must do whatever she was asked, whether she was ableor not, because she was a dependent. Never anything for love. Oh, Ellen loved her in a way, of course, and she loved Ellen; but they hadnever understood each other, and Ellen's children had been brought upto laugh and joke at her expense as if she were somehow mentallylacking. "O Aunt _Ju_lia!" they would say in a tone of pity and scorn, as ifshe were too ignorant to understand even their sneers. Perhaps it was pride, but Julia Cloud felt she would rather diethan face a future like that. It was respectable, of course, andentirely reliable. She would be fed and clothed, and nursed whenshe was ill. She would be buried respectably when she died, and theneighbors would say the Robinsons had been kind and done the rightthing by her; but Julia Cloud shuddered as she looked down the long, dull vista of that future which was offered her, and drew back forthe first time in her life. Not that she had anything better in view, only that she shrank from taking the step that would bring inevitableand irrevocable grayness to the end of her days. She was not abovecooking and nursing and toiling forever if there were independence tobe had. She would have given her life if love beckoned her. She wouldhave gone to France as a nurse in a moment if she had not been neededat her mother's bedside. Little children drew her powerfully, butto be a drudge for children who did not love her, in a home wherelove was the only condition that would make dependence possible, looked intolerable. Julia Cloud had loved everybody that would let her, and had receivedvery little love in return. Back in the years when she was twelve andwent to school a boy of fifteen or sixteen had been her comrade andcompanion. They had played together whenever Julia had time to play, and had roamed the woods and waded the creeks in company. Then hispeople moved away, and he had kissed her good-by and told her thatsome day he was coming back to get her. It was a childish affection, but it was the only kiss of that kind she had to remember. The boy had written to her for a whole year, when one day there came aletter from his grandmother telling how he was drowned in saving thelife of a little child; and Julia Cloud had put the memory of thatkiss away as the only bright thing in her life that belonged wholly toherself, and plodded patiently on. The tears that she shed in secretwere never allowed to trouble her family, and gradually the pain hadgrown into a great calm. No one ever came her way to touch her heartagain. Only little children brought the wistful look to her eyes, anda wonder whether people had it made up to them in heaven when they hadfailed of the natural things of this life. Julia Cloud was not one to pity herself. She was sane, healthy, andnot naturally morbid; but to-night, for some reason, the gray sky, andthe gray, sodden earth, and the gray road of the future had got her intheir clutches, and she could not get away from them. With strainingeyes she searched the little bit of west between the orchard tree thatalways showed a sunset if there was one; but no streak of orange, rose, or gold broke the sullen clouds. Well, what was she going to do, anyway? Ellen's question seemed toring on stridently in her ears; she tried to face it looking down thegray road into the gray sky. She had the house, but there were taxes to pay, and there would berepairs every little while to eat up the infinitesimal income whichwas left her, when all the expenses of her mother's long illness anddeath were paid. They had been spending their principal. It could nothave been helped. In all, she knew, she had something like two hundreddollars a year remaining. Not enough to board her if she tried toboard anywhere, to say nothing of clothing. All this had been fullyand exhaustively commented upon by Ellen Robinson during theafternoon. The house might be rented, of course--though it was too antiquated andshabby-looking to bring much--if Julia was not "so ridiculouslysentimental about it. " Julia had really very little sentimentconnected with the house, but Ellen had chosen to think she had; so itamounted to the same thing as far as the argument went. Julia knew inher own heart that the only thing that held her to the dreary oldhouse with its sad memories and its haunting emptiness was the factthat it was hers and that here she could be independent and do as shepleased. If she pleased to starve, no one else need know it. The bigache that was in her heart was the fact that there was nobody reallyto care if she did starve. Even Ellen's solicitations were largelyfrom duty and a fear of what the neighbors would say if she did notlook after her sister. Julia was lonely and idle for the first time in her busy, dull life, and her heart had just discovered its love-hunger, and was crying outin desolation. She wanted something to love and be loved by. Shemissed even the peevish, childish invalid whose last five years hadbeen little else than a living death, with a mind so vague and hazy asseldom to know the faithful daughter who cared for her night and day. She missed the heart and soul out of life, the bit of color that wouldglorify all living and make it beautiful. Well, to come back to sordid things, what was there that she could doto eke out her pitiful little living? For live she must, since she washere in this bleak world and it seemed to be expected of her. Keepboarders? Yes, if there were any to keep; but in this town there werefew who boarded. There was nothing to draw strangers, and the oldinhabitants mostly owned their own houses. She could sew, but there were already more sewing women in thecommunity than could be supported by the work there was to be done, for most of the women in Sterling did their own sewing. There were twothings which she knew she could do well, which everybody knew shecould do, and for which she knew Ellen was anxious to have herservices. She was the best nurse in town and a fine cook. But againthe women of Sterling, most of them, did their own cooking, and therewas comparatively little nursing where a trained nurse would not behired. In short, the few things she could do were not in demand inthis neighborhood. Nevertheless, she knew in her heart that she intended trying to liveby her own meagre efforts, going out for a few days nursing, or tocare for some children while their mothers went out to dinner or tothe city, to the theatre or shopping. There would be but little ofthat, but perhaps by and by she could manage to make it the fashion. As she looked into the future, she saw herself trudging gloomily downthe sunset way into a leaden sky, caring for the Brown twins all daywhile their mother was shopping; while they slept, mending stockingsout of the big round basket that Mrs. Brown always kept by hersewing-chair; coming home at night to a cheerless house and a solitarymeal for which she had no appetite; getting up in the night to go toGrandma Fergus taken down suddenly with one of her attacks; helpingMrs. Smith out with her sewing and spring cleaning. Menial, monotonoustasks many of them. Not that she minded that, if they only gotsomewhere and gave her something from life besides the mere fightingfor existence. She looked clear down to the end of her loveless life, and saw theneighbors coming virtuously to perform the last rites, and wonderedwhy it all had to be. She was unaware of all her years of sacrifice, glorious patience, loving toil. Her life seemed to have been sowithout point, so useless heretofore; and all that could yet be, howuseless and dreary it looked! Her spirit was at its lowest ebb. Hersoul was weary unto death. She looked vainly for a break in that solidwall of cloud at the end of the road, and looked so hard that thetears came and fell plashing on the window-seat and on her thin, tiredhands. It was because of the tears that she did not see the boy on abicycle coming down the road, until he vaulted off at the front gate, left his wheel by the curb, and came whistling up the path, pulling alittle book and pencil out of his pocket in a business-like way. With a start she brushed the tears away, pushed back the gray hairfrom her forehead, and made ready to go to the door. It was JohnnyKnox, the little boy from the telegraph office. He had made a mistake, of course. There would be no telegram for her. It would likely be forthe Cramers next door. Johnny Knox had not been long in the village, and did not know. But Johnny did know. "Telegram for Miss Julia Cloud!" he announced smartly, flourishing theyellow envelope at her and putting the pencil in her hand. "Sign'ere!" indicating a line in the book. Julia Cloud looked hard at the envelope. Yes, there was her name, though it was against all reason. She could not think of a disaster inlife of which it might possibly be the forerunner. Telegrams of coursemeant death or trouble. They had never brought anything else to her. She signed her name with a vague wonder that there was nothing to pay. There had been so many things to pay during the last two painfulweeks, and her little funds were almost gone. She stood with the telegram in her hand, watching the boy go whistlingback to his wheel and riding off with a careless whirl out into theevening. His whistle lingered far behind, and her ears strained tohear it. Now if a whistle like that were coming home to her! Some onewho would be glad to see her and want something she could do for him!Why, even little snub-nosed, impudent Johnny Knox would be a comfortif he were all her own. Her arms suddenly felt empty and her handsidle because there was nothing left for her to do. Involuntarily shestretched them out to the gray dusk with a wistful motion. Then sheturned, and went back to the window to read her telegram. "DEAR CLOUDY JEWEL: Leslie and I are on our way East for a visit, and will stop over Wednesday night to see you. Please make us some caraway cookies if not too much trouble. "Your loving nephew, "ALLISON CLOUD. " A glad smile crept into Julia Cloud's lonely eyes. Leslie and Allisonwere her California brother's children, who had spent three happymonths with her when they were five and seven while their father andmother went abroad. "Cloudy Jewel" was the pet name they had made upfor her. That was twelve long years ago, and they had not forgotten!They were coming to see her, and wanted some caraway cookies! A gladlight leaped into her face, and she lifted her eyes to the graydistance. Lo! the leaden clouds had broken and a streak of palegolden-rose was glowing through the bars of gray. CHAPTER II Leslie and Allison! Julia Cloud stood gazing out into the west, while the whole skylightened and sank away into dusk with a burning ruby on its breast. The gloom of her spirit glowed into brightness, and joy flooded hersoul. Leslie and Allison! What round little warm bodies they had, and whatdelicate, refined faces! They had not seemed like Ellen's blowsy, obstreperous youngsters, practical and grasping to the last extremeafter the model of their father. They had starry eyes and hair liketangled sunbeams. Their laughter rippled like brooks in summer, andtheir hands were like bands that bound the heart. Cookies and storiesand long walks and picnics! Those had made up the beautiful days thatthey spent with her, roaming the woods and meadows, picking dandelionsand violets, and playing fairy stories. It had been like a briefreturn of her old childish days with her boy comrade. She rememberedthe heartache and the empty days after they had gone back to theirWestern home, and the little printed childish letters that came for afew months till she was forgotten. But not really forgotten, after all. For some link of tenderness muststill remain that they should think of her now after all these yearsof separation, and want to visit her. They remembered the cookies! Shesmiled reminiscently. What a batch of delectable cookies she wouldmake in the morning! Why, to-morrow would be Wednesday! They would behere to-morrow night! And there was a great deal to be done! She turned from the belated sunset unregretting, and hastened to beginher preparations. There were the two front rooms up-stairs to beprepared. She would open the windows at once, and let the air sweepthrough all night. They had been shut up a long time, for she hadbrought the invalid down-stairs to the little sitting-room the lastfew months to save steps and be always within hearing. The secondstory had been practically unused except when Ellen or the childrenwere over for a day or two. She hurried up-stairs, and lit the gas in the two rooms, throwing widethe windows, hunting out fresh sheets and counterpanes. She could dustand run the carpet-sweeper over the rooms right away, and have them inorder; and that would save time for to-morrow. Oh, it was good to havesomething cheerful to do once more. Just supposing she had yielded--asonce that afternoon she almost had--to Ellen's persistent urgings, andhad gone home with her to-night! Why, the telegram might not havereached her till after the children had come, and found the houseempty, and gone again! Julia bustled around happily, putting the rooms into charming order, hunting up a little picture of the child Samuel kneeling in thetemple, that Allison used to like, going to the bottom of an old hairtrunk for the rag doll she had made for Leslie to cuddle when shewent to sleep at night. Mrs. Ambrose Perkins across the way looked uneasily out of her bedroomwindow at half-past nine, and said to her husband: "Seems like Julia Cloud is staying up awful late to-night. She's got alight in both front rooms, too. There can't be company. I s'pose Ellenand some of her children have stayed down after all. Poor Ellen! Shetold me she simply couldn't spare the time away from home any longer, but Julia was set on staying there. I never thought Julia was selfish;but I s'pose she doesn't realize how hard it is for Ellen, living thatway between two houses. Julia'll go to live with Ellen now, of course. It's real good of Herbert Robinson to ask her. Julia ought toappreciate having relatives like that. " "Relatives nothing!" said Mr. Ambrose, pulling off his coat andhanging it over a chair. "She'll be a fool if she goes! She's slavedall her life, and she deserves a little rest now. If she goes out toHerbert Robinson's, she won't be allowed to call her eyelashes herown; you mark my words!" "Well, what else can she do?" said his wife. "She hasn't any husbandor children, and I think she'll be mighty well off to get a good home. Men are awful hard on each other, Ambrose. I always knew that. " Julia Cloud meanwhile, with a last look at the neat rooms, put out herlights, and went to bed, but not to sleep. She was so excited that thedarkness seemed luminous about her. She was trying to think how thosetwo children would look grown up. Allison was nineteen and Leslienearly seventeen now. Their mother had been dead five years, and theyhad been in boarding-schools. Their guardian was an old gentleman, afriend of their mother's. That was about all she knew concerning them. Would they seem like strangers, she wondered, or would there be enoughresemblance to recall the dear girl and boy of the years that weregone? How she clung to those cookies with hope! There was someremembrance left, or they would not have put cookies in a telegram. How impetuous and just like Allison, the boy, that telegram hadsounded! It was scarcely daylight when Julia Cloud arose and went down to thekitchen to bake the cookies; and the preparations she made for bakingpies and doughnuts and other toothsome dainties would lead one tosuppose that she was expecting to feed a regiment for a week atleast. She filled the day with hard work, as she had been wont to do, andnever once thought of gray sunsets or dreary futures. Not even thethought of her sister Ellen came to trouble her as she put the housein order, filled her pantry with good things to eat, and set the tablefor three with all the best things the house afforded. At evening she stood once more beside the front window, looking outsunsetward. There was nothing gray about either sky or road orlandscape now. There had been brilliant sunshine all day long, and thesky lay mellow and yellow behind the orchard, with a clear, transparent greenish-blue above and a hint of rosy light in the longrays that reached their fingers along the ground between theapple-trees. In a few minutes the evening train would be in, and therewould be rose in the sunset. She knew the signs, and the sky would beglorious to-night. They would see it as they came from the train. Infifteen minutes it would be time for her to put on her hat and go downto meet them! How her heart throbbed with anticipation! Forebodings came to shadow her brightness. Suppose they should notcome! Suppose they were delayed, or had changed their minds and shouldsend another telegram saying so! She drew a deep breath, and tried tobrace herself for the shock of the thought. She looked fearfully downthe road for a possible Johnny Knox speeding along with anothertelegram, and was relieved to see only Ambrose Perkins ambling homefor supper followed by his tall, smiling Airedale. There was a shadow, too, that stood behind her, though she ignored itutterly; it was the thought of the afterwards, when the two brightyoung things had been and gone, and she would have to face the gray inher life again without the rose. But that would be afterwards, andthis was now! Ten minutes more, and she would go to the station! At that minute a great blue automobile shot up to the front gate, andstopped. A big lump flew into Julia Cloud's throat, and her hand wentto her heart. Had it then come, that telegram, saying they had changedtheir minds? She stood trembling by the window, unable to move. But out from the front seat and the back as if ejected from a catapultshot two figures, and flew together up the front walk, a tall boy anda little girl, just as the sun dropped low and swung a deep red lightinto the sky, flooding the front yard with glory, and staining theheavens far up into the blue. They had come! They had come before it was yet train-time! Julia Cloud got herself to her front door in a tremor of delight, andinstantly four strong young arms encircled her, and nearly smotheredthe life out of her. "O you dear Cloudy Jewel! You look just the same. I knew you would. Only your hair is white and pretty, " Leslie gurgled. "Sure, she is just the same! What did I tell you?" cried Allison, lifting them both and carrying them inside. "Now, who on earth can that be?" said Mrs. Ambrose Perkins, flying toher parlor window at the first sound of the automobile. "It isn't anyof them folks from the city that were out to the funeral, for therewasn't a car like that there, I'm certain! I mean to run over andborrow a spoonful of soda pretty soon, just to find out. It couldn'tbe any of Tom's folks from out West, for they couldn't come all thatway in a car. It must be some of her father's relations from over inMaryland, though I never heard they were that well off. A chauffeur inlivery! The idea of all that style coming to see Julia Cloud!" "No, we didn't come on the train, " explained Leslie eagerly. "We camein Allison's new car. Mr. Luddington--that's our guardian--was comingEast, and he said we might come with him. We've been dying to come forages. And he'd been promising Allison he might get this new car; so westopped in the city and bought it, and Allison drove it down. Ofcourse Mr. Luddington made his man come along. He wouldn't let us comealone. He's gone up to Boston for three days; and, when he comes back, he's coming down here to see you. " Leslie was talking as fast as an express train, and Julia Cloud stoodand admired her in wonder. She was slim and delicately pretty as ever, with the same mop ofgoldy-brown curls, done up in a knot now and making her lookquaintly like the little five-year-old on a hot day with her curlstwisted on the top of her head for comfort. She wore a simple littlestraight frock of some dark silk stuff, with beaded pockets andmarvellous pleats and belts and straps in unexpected places, suchas one sees in fashion-books, but not on young girls in the town ofSterling; and her hat was a queer little cap with a knob of brightbeads, wonderfully becoming, but quite different from anything thatJulia Cloud had ever seen before. Her movements were darting andquick like a humming-bird's; and she wore long soft suède gloves andtiny high suède boots. The older woman watched her, fascinated. "And you're sure we're not being an inconvenience, dropping down uponyou in this unexpected way?" asked Allison in a quite grown-up man'svoice, and looking so tall and handsome and responsible that JuliaCloud wanted to take him in her arms and hug him to make sure he wasthe same little boy she used to tuck into bed at night. "So soon after Grandma's death, too, " put in Allison. "We didn't know, of course, till we got about a mile from Sterling and stopped to askthe way to the house, and a man told us about the funeral beingMonday. We weren't sure then but it would be an intrusion. You see weleft California about two weeks ago, and none of our mail has reachedus yet; so we hadn't heard. You're sure we won't bother you a bit, youdear?" Their aunt assured them rapturously that their coming was the mostblessed thing that could have been just at this time. "Oh! then I'm relieved, " said Leslie, throwing off her hat anddropping into the nearest chair. "Allison, tell that man to put thecar somewhere in a garage and get back to the city. They said therewas a train back about this time. The man who directed us told us so. No, dear, he doesn't need any dinner. He's not used to it till seven, and he'll be in the city by that time. He's in a hurry to get back. Cookies? Well, yes, you might give him a cooky or two if you're surethere'll be enough left for us. I've just dreamed of those cookies allthese years. I'm so anxious to see if they'll taste as they did when Iwas a child. May I come with you and see if I remember where thecooky-jar is? Oh, joy, Allison! Just look! A whole crock and a platterfull! Isn't this peachy? Allison, do hustle up and get that man off sowe can begin our visit!" It was like having a couple of dolls suddenly come alive and begin totalk. They talked so fast and they took everything so delightfully forgranted that Julia Cloud was in a tremble of joy. It seemed the mostbeautiful thing in the world that these two strong, handsome, vividyoung things should have dropped into her life and taken her intotheir hearts in this way as if she really belonged, as if they lovedher! She was too excited to talk. She hardly knew what to do first. But they did not wait for her initiative. Allison was off with his carand his man, munching cookies as he went, and promising to return infifteen minutes hungry as a bear. "Now let's go up-stairs, you dear Cloudy Jewel, and I'll smooth myhair for dinner. I'm crazy to see if I remember things. There was alittle red chair that I used to sit in----" "It's here, in your room, dear, and the old rag doll, Betsey; do youremember her?" "Well, I should say I did! Is Betsey alive yet? Dear old Betsey! Howducky of you to have kept her for me all these years! Oh, isn't itperfectly peachy that we could come? That we're really here at last, and you want us? You do, don't you, Cloudy, dear? You're sure you do?"Lesley's tone was anxious, and her bright brown eyes studied the olderwoman's face eagerly; but what she saw there was fully satisfactory, for she smiled, and rattled joyfully on in the old babbling-brookvoice that reminded one so of years ago. "I'm not to tell you what we've really come for till Allison comes, because I've promised; and anyway he's the man, and he wants to tellyou himself; but it's the dandiest reason, perfectly peachy! It'sreally a plan. And say, Cloudy, dear, won't you promise me right hereand now that you will say 'Yes' to what he asks you if you possibly, _possibly_ can?" Julia Cloud promised in a maze of delight. She stood in hovering wonder, and watched the mass of curls come downand go up again with the swift manipulation of the slim white fingers, remembering how she used to comb those tangled curls with the plumplittle body leaning sturdily against her knee. It seemed to be thefirst time since she was a child that youth and beauty had come tolinger before her. All her experience had been of sickness andsuffering and death, not life and happiness. There was stewed chicken and little biscuits with gravy for supper. Itwas a dish the children used to love. It was all dished up andeverything ready when Allison came back. He reported that the car washoused but a block away, and the man had gone to his train, tickled todeath with his cookies. Allison was so glad to be back that he had totake his aunt in his arms again and give her a regular bear-hug tillshe pleaded for mercy, but there was a happy light in her eyes and abright color in her cheeks when he released her that made her a verygood-looking aunt indeed to sit down at the table with two suchhandsome children. Just at that moment Ellen Robinson in her own home was pouring herhusband's second cup of coffee. "Don't you think I'd better take the car and run down for Juliabefore dark?" she said. "I think she'll be about ready to come backwith me by this time, and I need her early in the morning if I'm goingto begin cleaning house. " "Better wait one more night, " said Herbert stolidly. "Let her get herfill of staying alone nights. It'll do her good. We don't want her tobe high and mighty when she gets here. I'm boss here, and she's got tounderstand that. She's so mighty independent, you know, it's importantshe should find that out right at the start. I'm not going to have herget bossy with these children, either. They aren't her children. " Four pairs of keen little Robinson eyes took in this saying with quickintelligence, and four stolid sets of shoulders straightened upimportantly with four uplifted saucy chins. They would store theseremarks away for future reference when the aunt in question arrived onthe scene. They would come in well, they knew, for they had hadexperience with her in times past. "Aunt Jule ain't goin' to boss me, " swaggered the youngest. "Ner me, neither!" "Ner me!" "I guess she wouldn't _dast_ try it on _me_!" boasted the eldest. CHAPTER III "You haven't asked us what we came for, " opened up Allison as soon aseverybody was served with chicken, mashed potato, succotash, stewedtomatoes, biscuits, pickles, and apple-sauce. "I thought you came for cookies, " said Julia Cloud, with a mischievoustwinkle in her gray eyes. "Hung one on me, didn't you?" said Allison, laughing. "But that wasn'tall. Guess again. " "Perhaps you came to see me, " she suggested shyly. "Right you are! But that's not all, either. That wouldn't last muchlonger than the cookies. Guess again. " "Oh, I couldn't!" said Julia Cloud, growing suddenly stricken with thethought of their going. "I give it up. " "Well, then I'll tell you. You see we've come East to college, both ofus. Of course I've had my freshman year, but the Kid's just entering. We haven't decided which college it's to be yet, but it's to be co-ed, we know that much, because we're tired of being separated. When onehasn't but two in the family and has been apart for five years, oneappreciates a home, I tell you that. And so we've decided we want ahome. We're not just going to college to live there in the usual way;we're going to take a house, live like real folks, and go to schoolevery day. We want a fireplace and a cooky-jar of our own; a place tobring our friends and have good times. But most of all we want amother, and we've come all this way to coax you to come and live withus, play house, you know, as you used to do down on the mossy rockswith broken bits of china for dishes and acorns for cups and saucers. Play house and you be mother. Will you do it, Cloudy Jewel? It means awhole lot to us, and we'll try to play fair and make you have a goodtime. " Julia Cloud put her hand on her heart, and lifted her bewildered eyesto the boy's eager face. "Me!" she said wonderingly. "You want _me_!" "We sure do!" said Allison. "Indeed we do, Cloudy, dear! That's just what we do want!" criedLeslie, jumping up and running around to her aunt's chair to embraceher excitedly. "And you promised, you know, that you would do what wewanted if you possibly, _possibly_ could. " "You see, we put it up to our guardian about the house, " went onAllison, "and he said the difficulty would be to get the right kind ofa housekeeper that he could trust us with. Of course he's way off inCalifornia, and he has to be fussy. He's built that way. But we toldhim we didn't want any housekeeper at all, we wanted a mother. He saidyou couldn't pick mothers off trees, but we told him we knew wherethere was one if we could only get her. So he let us come and ask;and, if you say you'll do it, he's coming down to see you and fix itup about the money part. He said you'd have to have a regular salaryor he wouldn't consider it, because there were things he'd have toinsist upon that he had promised mother; and, if there wasn't abusiness arrangement about it, he wouldn't know what to do. Besides, he said it was worth a lot to run a couple of rough-necks like Les andme, and he'd make the salary all right so you could afford to leavewhatever you were doing and just give your time to mothering us. Nowit's up to you, Cloudy Jewel, to help us out with our proposition orspoil everything, because we simply won't have a housekeeper, and wedon't know another real mother in the whole world that hasn't a familyof her own. " They both left their delicious dinner, and got around her, coaxing andwheedling exactly as if she had already declined, when the truth wasshe was too dazed with joy to open her lips, even if they had givenher opportunity to speak. It was some time before the excitement quieted down and they gave hera chance to say she would go. Even then she spoke the words with fearand trembling as one might step off a commonplace threshold into afairy palace, not sure but it might be stepping into space. Outside the sky was still flooded with after-sunset glory, but therewas so much glory in the hearts of the three inside the dining-roomthat they never noticed it at all. It might have been raining orhailing, and they would not have known, they were so happy. Both the guests donned long gingham aprons and wiped the dishes whenthe meal was over, both talking with all their might, recalling thedays of their childhood when they had had towels pinned around themand been allowed to dry the cups and pans; then suddenly jumping aheadand planning what they would do in the dear new home of the future. They were all three as excited about it as if they had been a bridalcouple planning for their honeymoon. "We shall want five bedrooms, " said Leslie decidedly. "I've thoughtthat all out, one for each of us and two guest-rooms, so we can have aboy and a girl home for overnight with us as often as we want to. Andthere simply must be a fireplace, or we won't take the house. If thereisn't the right kind of a house in town, we'll choose some othercollege. There are plenty of colleges, but you can have only one home, and it must be the right kind. Then of course we want a big kitchenwhere we can make fudge as often as we choose in the evenings, and adining-room with a bay-window, with seats and flowers and a canary. Cloudy Jewel, you don't mind cats, do you? I want two at least. I'vebeen crazy for a kitten all the time I was in school, and Al wants abig collie. You won't mind, will you?" Suddenly Julia Cloud discovered that latent in her heart all theseyears there had also lain a desire for a cat and a dog; and she liftedguilty eyes, and confessed it. She felt a pang of remembrance as sherecalled how her mother used so often to tell her she was nothing butan "old child. " "Perhaps your guardian will not think me a proper person to chaperonyou, " she suggested in sudden alarm. "Well, he'd just better not!" declared Allison, bristling up. "I'dlike to know where he could find a better. " "I've never been in society, " said Julia Cloud thoughtfully. "I don'tknow social ways much, and I've never been considered to have anydignity or good judgment. " "That's just why we like you, " chorused the children. "You've nevergrown up and got dull and stiff and poky like most grown folks. " "We were so afraid, " began Leslie, putting a loving arm about heraunt's waist, "that you would have changed since we were children. Wetalked it all over on the way here. We had a kind of eyebrow code bywhich we could let each other know what we thought about it withoutyour seeing us. We were to lift one eyebrow, the right one, if we werefavorably impressed, and draw down the left if we were disappointed. But in case we were sure both eyebrows were to go up. And of course wewere sure you were just the same dear the minute we laid eyes on you, and all four of our eyebrows went high as they'd go the first instant. Didn't you notice Allison? His eyebrows were almost up to his hair, and they pulled his eyes so wide open they were perfectly round likesaucers. As for me I think mine went way up under my hair. I'm notsure if they've got back to their natural place even yet!" And Leslielaid a rosy finger over her brow, and felt anxiously along thedelicate velvety line. "I shall go out and telegraph Mr. Luddington that you are willing, "announced Allison as he hung up the dish-towel. "He'll get it in themorning when he reaches Boston, and then he needn't fuss and fume anylonger about what he's going to do with us. Besides, I like to havethe bargain clinched somehow, and a telegram will do it. " Allisonslammed out of the house noisily to the extreme confusion of Mrs. Ambrose Perkins, who hadn't been able to eat her supper properly forwatching the house to see what would happen next. Who could that youngman be? She simply couldn't get a clew; for, when she went over for the soda, though she knocked several times, and heard voices up-stairs, andaltogether unseemly laughter for a house where there had just been afuneral, not a soul came to the door! Could it be that Julia Cloudheard her and stayed up-stairs on purpose? She felt that as thenearest neighbor and a great friend, of Ellen's it would be ratherexpected of her to find out what was going on. She resolutelyrefrained from lighting the parlor lamp, and took up her station atthe dark window to watch; but, although she sat there until after teno'clock, she was utterly unable to find out anything except that thehousehold across the way stayed up very late and there were lights inboth front rooms again. She felt that if nothing developed by morningshe would just have to get Ambrose to hitch, up and drive out toEllen's. Ellen ought to know. But Julia Cloud was serenely unconscious of this espionage. She hadentered an Eden of bliss, and was too happy to care about anythingelse. Seated on the big old couch in the parlor with a child on either sideof her, a hand in each of hers, often a head on each shouldernestling down, they talked. Planned and talked. Now the brother wouldbreak in with some tale of his school-days; now the sister would add abit of reminiscence, just as if they had been storing it all up totell her. The joyous happiness of them all seemed like heaven droppeddown to earth. It was as she had sometimes dreamed mothers might talkwith their own children. And God had granted this unspeakable gift toher! Was it real? Would it last? Or was she only dreaming? Once itvaguely passed through her mind that she would not be sure of thereality of the whole thing until she had seen Ellen. If she could talkwith Ellen about it, tell her what she was going to do, show her thechildren, and then come back and find it all the same, it would last. But somehow she shrank unspeakably from seeing Ellen. She could notget away from the feeling that Ellen would dispel it all; thatsomeway, somehow, she would succeed in breaking up all the brightplans and scattering them like soap-bubbles in the wind. Nevertheless, it was a very beautiful illusion, if illusion it was;and one to be prolonged as late as possible. She was horrified when at last she heard the rebuking strokes of thetown clock, ten! eleven! _twelve!_ She started to her feet ashamed. And even then they would not let her go to bed at once. She must turnout the lights, and sit in the hall between their rooms as she didlong ago, and tell the story of "The Little Rid Hin" just as she hadtold it night after night when they were children. It was characteristic of the unfailing youth of the woman that sheentered into the play with zest. Attired in a long kimono, with herbeautiful white hair in two long silver braids down over hershoulders, she sat in the dark and told the story with the same vividlanguage; and then she stole on tiptoe first to the sister's bedside, to tuck her in and kiss her softly, and then to the brother's; and ateach bedside a young, strong arm reached out and drew her face down, whispering "Good-night" with a kiss and "I love you, Cloudy Jewel, " intender, thrilling tones. The two big children were asleep at last, and Julia Cloud stole to herown bed to lie in a tumult of wonder and joy, and finally sink into alight slumber, wherein she dreamed that she had fallen heir to arose-garden, and all the roses were alive and could talk; until Ellencame driving up in her Ford and ran right over them, crushing themdown and cutting their heads off with a long, sharp whip she carriedthat somehow turned out to be made of words strung together withbiting sarcasm. She awoke in the broad morning sunlight to find both children done upin bath-robes and slippers, sitting one each side of her on the bed, laughing at her and tickling her chin with a feather from the seam ofthe pillow. "Now, Cloudy Jewel, you've just got to begin to make plans!"announced Leslie, curling up in a ball at her feet and looking verybusiness-like with her fluffy curls around her face like a goldenfleece. "There isn't much time, and Guardy Lud will be down upon usby to-morrow or the next day at least. " "Guardy Lud!" exclaimed Julia Cloud bewildered. "Who is that?" "That's our pet name for Mr. Luddington, " explained Leslie, wrinklingup her nose in a grin of merriment. "Isn't it cute? Wait till you seehim, and you'll see how it fits. He's round and bald with a shiny rednose, and spectacles; and he doesn't mind our kidding at all. He'dhave made a lovely father if he wasn't married, but he has a horridwife. We don't like her at all. She's like a frilly piece of Frenchchina with too much decoration; and she's always sick and nervous; andshe jumps, and says 'Oh, mercy!' every time we do the least littlething. She doesn't like us any better than we like her. Her name isAlida, and Allison says we're always trying to 'elude' her. The onlygood thing she ever did was to advise Guardy Lud to let us come Eastto college. She wanted to get us as far away from her as possible. Andit certainly was mutual. " "There, now, Leslie, you're chattering again, " broke in Allison, looking very tall and efficient in his blue bath-robe. "You said youwould talk business, and not bleat. " "Well, so I am, " pouted Leslie. "I guess Cloudy has got to understandabout our family. " "Well, now let's get down to business, " said her brother. "Cloudy, what have you got to do before you leave? You know it isn't very longbefore the colleges open, and we've got to start out and hunt a homeright away. Do you have to pack up here or anything?" "Oh, I don't know!" gasped Julia Cloud, looking around halffrightened. "I suppose I ought to ask Ellen. She will be very muchopposed to anything I do, but I suppose she ought to be told first. " Allison frowned. "Gee whiz! I don't see why Aunt Ellen has to butt into our affairs. She's got her own home and family, and she never did like us verymuch. I remember hearing her tell Grandma that we were a regularnuisance, and she would be glad when we were gone back to California. " "That was because you hid behind the sofa when Uncle Herbert wascourting her, and kidded them, " giggled Leslie. A stray little twinkle of a dimple peeped out by the corner of JuliaCloud's mouth. It hadn't been out for a number of years, and she knewshe ought not to laugh at such pranks now; but it was so funny tothink of Herbert Robinson being kidded in the midst of his courting! The dimple started the lights dancing in Leslie's eyes. "There! now you dear old Jewel, you know you don't want to talk toAunt Ellen about us. She'll just mess things all up. Let's just _do_things, and get 'em all fixed up, and then tell her when it's too latefor her to make a fuss, " gurgled Leslie down close to Julia's ear, finishing up with a delicious bear-hug. "I suppose she'll be mortally offended, " murmured Julia Cloud introubled hesitancy. "Well, suppose she is; she'll get over it, won't she?" growledAllison. "And anyhow you're old enough to manage your own affairs, Cloudy Jewel. I guess you're older than she is, aren't you? I guessyou've got a right to do as you please, haven't you? And you _do_ wantto go with us, don't you?" His voice was anxious. "I certainly do, dear boy, " said Julia Cloud eagerly; "but you knowyour guardian may not approve at all when he sees what a foolish'young' aunt I am, allowing you to sit up late and talk fairy storiesall the time. " They smothered her in kisses, compliments, and assurances; and it wassome time before the conversation swung around again to the importantsubject of the morning. "You don't have to do anything to the house but just shut it up, doyou?" asked Allison, looking anxiously about in a helpless, mannishway. "Because, if you do, we ought to be getting to work. " "There's a man over at Harmony Village that wanted to rent a househere, " said Julia Cloud thoughtfully. "I might write a letter to him. I don't know whether he's found anything or not. He's the newsuperintendent of the high school. But it's time we got dressed andhad breakfast. " "Write to him nothing!" said Allison eagerly. "I'll get the car, andwe'll drive over to Harmony in no time, and get the thing fixed up. Hustle there, Leslie, and get yourself togged up. We don't need towait for breakfast; we can eat cookies. Hurry everybody!" And heslammed over to his own room and began to stir about noisily. Julia Cloud arose and made a hasty toilet, with a bright spot ofexcitement on each cheek; but she had no time to think what Ellenwould say, for she meant that these children should have a realold-time breakfast before they began the day; and now that she wasup her little round black clock on the bureau told her that it washigh time the day had begun. She looked fearfully out of the window, half expecting to see Ellen's Ford bobbing down the hill already, and then hurried down to the kitchen. Allison soon came down, calling out to her to be ready when he came back with the car; butthe delicious odors that had already begun to float out from the oldkitchen made him lenient toward the idea of breakfast; and, when hecame back with the full cut-out roaring the announcement of hisarrival to the Perkinses, he was quite ready to wait a few minutes andeat some of Julia Cloud's flapjacks and sausages with maple-syrup andapple-sauce. Julia Cloud herself ate little. She was in a tremor of delightfuluncertainty and dread. Ought she to go ahead this way and manage herown affairs, leaving her own sister out of the question? But then, ifshe consulted with Ellen that meant consulting with Herbert; forHerbert ran his wife most thoroughly, and Herbert could make thingsvery unpleasant when he took the trouble. So, when the children, unable at last to eat any more, pleaded withher to leave the dishes and go to see the man about the house atonce, she gave one swift, apprehensive glance about, and assented. IfEllen should come to the house while they were away, and should lookin at the window and see the breakfast dishes standing! It would beappalling! But, as the children said, why worry? Somehow she felt likea little schoolgirl playing hookey as she carefully drew down thedining-room and kitchen window-shades that looked on the back porch, and locked the front door behind her. Well, perhaps she had earned theright to take this bit of a holiday, and wash her dishes when sheliked. Anyhow, hadn't God sent these blessed children to her in answerto her earnest prayer that He would show her what to do and save herif possible from having to spend the remainder of her days underHerbert Robinson's roof? Well, then she would just accept it that wayand be grateful, at least until He showed her otherwise. So she drew along breath of delight, and climbed into the luxurious back seat ofthe great blue car, utterly oblivious of the prying eyes behind theparlor shade across the way. CHAPTER IV Down the little village street, past the station, and across therailroad toward Harmony swept the great blue car, with the villagersturning to stare at Miss Cloud taking a ride so early in the morningin so gaudy a car, so soon after the funeral, and even without aveil! A few minutes later Ellen in her Ford rattled up to the door and gotout with the air of one who had come to do things. She walkedconfidently up to the front door and tried it, rattled it, knocked, and then went angrily around to the back, trying all the doors andwindows. Mrs. Perkins from her parlor window watched a minute; and, when she saw Ellen come around to the front again and look up at thesecond story, she threw a shawl around her shoulders and ran acrossthe street to impart faithfully her story. "For the land's sake!" said Ellen indignantly. "What can Julia beabout? Mother always said she never would grow up, and I believe it. Iwas afraid when I went away she had some scheme in her mind. She'salways getting up fool ideas. I remember that time when Mrs. Marshdied she wanted to adopt the twins and bring them up. The idea! Whenthere was a county poorhouse and no reason why they shouldn't go toit! But she'll have to come down off her independence and be sensible. Herbert says we can't have any of her foolishness. It's us that wouldhave to suffer if she got into trouble and lost what little she'sgot, and I suppose I've got to have it out with her once and for alland get this thing settled. It's getting on all our nerves, and I'vegot the fall house-cleaning and jelly to do, and I can't fool aroundany longer. Well, I suppose I better try to get into this house. Haveyou got any keys that might fit?" Mrs. Perkins hurried over for all her keys, including trunk-keys; andsoon they had tried every door and every key with no effect, and hadto call in the youngest Perkins and boost him up to the upper-hallwindow. Under the guise of looking after Julia Cloud the two good ladiesinvaded her home and proceeded to investigate. The parlor and the hallgave forth no secrets except for a couple of handsome raincoats slungcarelessly upon chairs. But the dining-room, oh, the dining-room! IfJulia Cloud could have seen their faces as they swung open thatcarefully closed door and stood upon the threshold aghast, looking atthe wreck of the breakfast, she would have cringed and shivered evenon her way to Harmony. But Julia Cloud could not see; she was safely over the bridge and outon the highway where she would not be likely to be followed, and thewine of the morning was rising in her veins. Such wonderful air, suchclear blue sky and flying clouds! She felt like a flying cloud herselfas she sped along in the great blue car with the chatter of thechildren in her ears and the silvery laughter of Leslie by her side. How could she help smiling and letting her cheeks grow pink and hereyes grow bright? Too soon after a funeral? The thought did come toher. But she knew by the thrill of her heart that her mother in heavenwas gladder now than she had been for years of her bedridden life onearth, and, if she could look down to see, would no doubt be happythat some joy was coming to her hard-worked daughter at last. Juliawould just enjoy this day and this delight to the full while itlasted. If it was not meant to last longer than the day, at least shewould have this wonderful ride to remember always, this bird-likemotion as if she were floating through a panorama! Not a thought ofEllen poking through her half-cleared house, finding unswept hearthand unmade beds and unwashed dishes, came to trouble her joy. It wasas if the childhood of her life, long held in abeyance, had come backto her, and would not be denied. Ellen and Mrs. Perkins in their inspection of the house came at lastto the upper story and the guests' room strewn with brushes bearingsilver monograms and elaborate appointments of travel that kept themguessing their use and exclaiming in wonder and horror that any onewould spend so much on little details. Leslie's charming silk negligéeand her frilly little nightgown with its lace and floating ribbonscame in for a large amount of contempt, and it was some time beforethe good ladies arrived at Julia Cloud's room and found the opentelegram on her bureau that gave the key to the mystery of the twovisitors. "H'm!" said Ellen. "So that's it! Well, I thought she had some bee inher bonnet. She must have written to them or they never would havecome. Now, I suppose she means to keep them all winter, perhaps, andfeed them, and baby them up; and, when she has spent all she has, she'll come back on us. Well, she'll find out she's much mistaken;and, when she gets back, I'll just tell her plainly that she canbundle up her company and send them home and come out to us now, to-day or to-morrow, or the offer is withdrawn, and she needn't thinkshe can fall back on Herbert, either, when she's spent everything. Herbert is not a man to be put upon. " "I should say not!" said Mrs. Perkins sympathetically, looking overher friend's shoulder at the telegram. "So those were your brother'stwo children! He must 'uv been pretty well off for them to have a carlike that. I must say I think it's a harm to children to be brought upwealthy. " "Their mother was rich, " said Ellen sourly. It had always been a thornin her flesh. "She was a snob, too, and her children'll likely be thelimit by this time. But Julia is such a fool!" They sat in Julia Cloud's parlor, one at each window, discussing theprobabilities until half-past eleven. Then Ellen said she must go. Shepositively couldn't wait another minute; but she would return, in theafternoon, and Mrs. Perkins must tell her sister that she was comingand wanted her to remain at home. That it was very important. "I'll settle her!" she said with her thin lips set in a hard line. Then she stooped to crank her Ford. Mrs. Perkins watched her away, then hurried to her own neglected work;and ten minutes later the big blue car sailed noiselessly up to theplace. It was not until the Perkins children discovered it and toldtheir mother that she knew it had arrived. This was very annoying. Shehad wanted to catch them quite casually on their arrival, and now shewould have to make a special errand over, and as likely as not havethem not come to the door again. Besides, she was getting dinner, andthings were likely to burn. Nevertheless, she dared not wait with thatbig blue car standing so capably at the door, ready to spirit themaway again at any moment. She wiped her hands on her apron, grabbed ateacup for an excuse, and ran over to borrow that soda once more. Peals of laughter were echoing through the old house when she knockedat the door, and a regular rush and scramble was going on, so unseemlyjust after a funeral! The door was on the latch, too, as if they didnot care who heard; and to save her life she couldn't help pushing ita little with her foot, just enough to see in. And there was JuliaCloud, her white hair awry, and her face rosy with mirth, an ear ofcorn in one hand and a knife in the other, being carried--yes, actually _carried_--across the dining-room in the arms of a tall youngman and deposited firmly on the big old couch. "There, Cloudy Jewel! You'll lie right there and rest while Leslie andI get lunch. You're all tired out; I can see it in your eyes; and wecan't afford to let you stay so. No, we don't need any succotash forlunch or dinner, either. I know it's good; but we haven't time now, and we aren't going to let you work, " announced the young manjoyously as he towered above her lying quiescent and weak withlaughter. "No, nor you aren't going to wash the dishes, either, " gurgled theyoung girl who danced behind the young man; "Allison and I will washthem all while you take a nap, and then we're going to ride again. " Julia Cloud, her eyes bright with the joy of all this lovingplayfulness, tried to protest; but suddenly into the midst of thistumult came Mrs. Perkins's raucous assertion: "H'm-m!" The two young people whirled around alertly, and Julia Cloud sat upwith a wild attempt to bring her hair into subjection as sherecognized her neighbor. The color flooded into her sweet face, butshe rose with gentle dignity. "O Mrs. Perkins, we must have been making such a noise that we didn'thear your knock, " she said. As a matter of fact Mrs. Perkins hadn't knocked. She had been led onby curiosity until she stood in the open dining-room door, rankdisapproval written on her face. "It did seem a good bit of noise for a house of mourning, " said Mrs. Perkins dryly. Julia Cloud's sweet eyes suddenly lost their smile, and she drewherself up ever so little. There was just a ripple of a quiver of hergentle lips, and she said quite quietly and with a dignity that couldnot help impressing her caller: "This is not a house of mourning, Mrs. Perkins. I don't think my dearmother would want us to mourn because she was released from a bed ofpain where she had lain for nine long years, and gone to heaven whereshe could be young and free and happy. I'm glad for her, just as gladas I can be; and I know she would want me to be. But won't you sitdown? Mrs. Perkins, this is my niece and nephew, Leslie and AllisonCloud from California. I guess you remember them when they were littlechildren. Or no; you hadn't moved here yet when they were here----" Mrs. Perkins with pursed lips acknowledged the introduction distantly, one might almost say insolently, and turned her back on them as ifthey had been little children. "Your sister's been here all morning waiting for you!" she saidaccusingly. She gave a significant glance at the unwashed breakfastdishes, only part of which had been removed to the kitchen. "Shecouldn't imagine where you'd gone at that hour an' left your beds andyour dishes. " A wave of indignation swept over Julia Cloud's sweet face. "So you have been in my house during my absence!" she said quietly. "That seems strange since Ellen has no key!" There was nothing in her voice to indicate rebuke, but Mrs. Perkinsgot very red. "I s'pose your own sister has a right to get into the house where shewas born, " she snapped. "Oh, of course, " said Julia Cloud pleasantly. "And Ellen used to be agood climber before she got so fat. I suppose she climbed in thesecond-story window, although I hadn't realized she could. However, it doesn't matter. I suppose you have had to leave your dishes andbeds once in a while when you were called away on business. You have acup there; did you want to borrow something?" Mrs. Perkins was one of those people who are never quite aware of itwhen they are in a corner; but she felt most uncomfortable, especiallyas she caught a stifled giggle from Allison, who bolted into theparlor hastily and began noisily to turn over the pages of a book onthe table; but she managed to ask for her soda and get herself out ofthe house. "Thank you for bringing my sister's message, " called Julia Cloud afterher. She never could quite bear to be unpleasant even to a pryingneighbor, and Mrs. Perkins through the years had managed to makeherself unpleasant many times. "The old cat!" said Leslie in a clear, carrying voice. "Why did youthank her, Auntie Jewel? She didn't deserve it. " "Hush, Leslie, dear! She will hear you!" said Julia Cloud, hastilyclosing the door on the last words. "I hope she did, " said Leslie comfortably. "I _meant_ she should. " "But, deary, that isn't right! It isn't--Christian!" said her aunt indistress. "Then I'm no Christian, " chanted Leslie mischievously. "Why isn't itright, I'd like to know? Isn't she an old cat?" "But you hurt her feelings, dear. I'm afraid I was to blame, too; Ididn't answer her any too sweetly myself. " "Well, didn't she hurt yours first? _Sweet!_ Why, you were honeyitself, Cloudy, dear, thanking her for her old prying!" "I hope it's the kind of honey that gets bitter after you swallow it!"growled Allison, coming out of the parlor. "If she'd said much more, I'd just have put her out of the house, talking to you like that, asif you were a little child, Cloudy!" "Why, children! That didn't really hurt me any; it just stirred up mytemper a little; but I'm ashamed that I let it, and I don't want youto talk like that. It isn't a bit right. It distresses me to have youthink it's right to answer back that way and take vengeance onpeople. " "Well, there, Cloudy, let's lay that subject on the table for some ofour night talks; and you can scold us all you like. We have a lot ofwork to do now, and let's forget the old pry. Now you lie down on thatcouch where I put you, and Leslie and I'll wash these dishes. " Julia Cloud lay obediently on the couch, but her mind was not at rest. She was in a tumult of indignation at her prying neighbor and anuncertainty of anxiety about Ellen and what she might do next. Butbeneath it all was a vague fear about these her dear children who wereabout to become her responsibility. Could she do it? Dared she do it?How differently they had been brought up from all the traditions whichhad controlled her life! Take, for instance, that matter of Christianity. How would they feelabout it? Would they be in sympathy with her ideas and ideals of rightand wrong? They were no longer little children to obey her. They wouldhave ideas of their own, yes, and ideals. Would there be constantclashing? Would she be haunted with a feeling that she was not doingher duty by them? There were so many such questions, amusements, andSabbath, and churchgoing, and how to treat other people. And doubtlessshe was old-fashioned, and they would chafe under her rule. Take the little matter of Leslie's calling Mrs. Perkins a cat. She_was_ a cat, but Leslie ought not to have told her so. It wasn'tpolite, and it wasn't Christian. And yet how could she, plain JuliaCloud, who had never been anywhere much outside of her home town, whohad had no opportunity for study or wide reading, and who had onlyworked quietly all her life, and thought her plain little thoughts oflove to God and to her neighbors, be able to explain all those thingsto this pair of lovable, uncontrolled children, who had always hadtheir own way, and whose ideals were the ideals of the great wideunchristian world? A little pucker grew between her brows, and a tired, troubled tearstole softly between her lashes. When the children, tiptoeing aboutand whispering, came to peek in at the door and see whether she wasasleep, they discovered her expression at once, and, drawing near, sighted the tear. Then they went down upon their knees beside hercouch, and noisily demanded the cause thereof. Little by little they drew her fears from her. "Why, Cloudy, dear! We'll do what you want. We'll let all the old catsin the community walk over you if that will make you happy, " declaredLeslie, patting her face. "No, we won't!" put in Allison; "we'll keep 'em away from her, but wewon't let 'em know how we despise 'em. Won't that do, Cloudy? And asfor all those other things you are afraid about, why couldn't you justwait till we come to them? We're anything but angels, I admit, butwe're going to try to do what you want us to if it busts the eye-teethout of us, because we want you. And you always have been such a goodscout. As for the church dope and all that, why, it's like that guy inthe Bible you used to tell us about when we were children--or was shea lady? It's a case of 'Thy people shall be my people, and thy God myGod, ' or words to that effect. If we don't agree on our own account, we'll do it because you want it. Isn't that about the idea? Wouldn'tthat fill the bill?" "You dear children!" said Julia Cloud, her eyes full of smiles andtears now as she gathered them both into a loving embrace. "I don'tknow how anybody could promise more than that. I wasn't afraid of you;it was myself. You know I'm not at all wise, and it's pretty late inlife for me to begin to bring up children. " "Well, you're all right, anyhow, Cloudy; and you're the only person inthe world we'll let bring us up; so it's up to you to do it the bestyou can, or it won't get done. Come on now; we've got lunch ready. There's cold chicken and bread and milk and pie and cake, and I'vegot the teakettle boiling like a house afire, so if you want any teaor anything you can have it. " So they had a merry meal, and Julia Cloud ate and laughed with them, and thought she never had been so happy since she was a little girl. Then, mindful of her prying neighbor and her imminent sister, sheinsisted on putting the house in order to the last bed and dish beforeshe was ready for the afternoon. "And now we're going to call on Aunt Ellen!" announced Allison asJulia Cloud hung up the clean dish-towels steaming from their scaldingbath, and washed her hands at the sink. "Why, she's coming here!" said his aunt, whirling around with atroubled look. "And, as she's left word she was coming, I supposewe'll have to wait for her. It's too bad, for she won't be here tillthree, and it's only a quarter of two. I'm sorry, because you wantedto go out in the car, didn't you?" "We're going!" said Allison, again with a commanding twinkle in hiseye. "We can't waste all that time; and, besides, don't you see if shecomes here, she'll likely stay all the afternoon and argue? If we gothere, we can come away when we like; and she'll feel we're morepolite to come to her, anyhow, won't she, Cloudy?" Julia Cloud looked into the boy's convincing eyes, and her troublecleared away. Perhaps he was right. Anyhow, why should they spoil awhole day to conciliate Ellen? Ellen would be disagreeable about it, however they did; and they might as well rise above it, and just bepleasant, and let it go at that. It was the first time in her long life of self-sacrifice that JuliaCloud had been able to rise above her anxiety about her sister'stantrums and go calmly on her way. It is scarcely likely that shewould have managed it now if it hadn't been that she felt that Allisonand Leslie ought not to be sacrificed. She never did anything just for herself. It was not in her. "All right, " she said briskly, glancing at the clock; "then we must goat once, or we shall miss her. I'll be ready in five minutes. Howabout you, Leslie?" "Oh, I'm ready now, " said the girl, patting her curly hair into shapebefore the old mahogany-framed mirror in the hall. In five minutes more they were stowed away in the big blue car again, speeding down the road, with Mrs. Perkins indignantly and openlywatching them from her front porch. "We put one over on Mrs. Pry, didn't we, Cloudy?" said Allison, turning around to wink a naughty eye back toward the Perkins house. "She thinks you've dared to run away after she gave you orders to stayat home. " Julia Cloud could not suppress a smile of enjoyment, and wonderedwhether she was getting childish that she should be so happy withthese children. CHAPTER V The air was fine; the sky was clear without a cloud; and the spice ofautumn flavored everything. Along the roadside blackberry vines wereturning scarlet, and here and there in the distance a flaming branchproclaimed the approach of a frosty wooing. One could not ask anythingbetter on such a day than to be speeding along this white velvet roadin the great blue car with two beloved children. But all too soon Herbert Robinson's ornate house loomed up, stark andgreen, with very white trimmings, and regular flower-beds each side ofthe gravel walk. It was the home of a prosperous man, and as suchasserted itself. There had never been anything attractive about it toJulia Cloud. She preferred the ugly old house in which she had alwayslived, with its scaling gray paint and no pretensions to fineness. Atleast it was softened by age, and had a look of experience which savedits ugliness from being crude, and gave it the dignity of time. And now Julia Cloud's heart began to beat rapidly. All at once shefelt that she had done a most foolish thing in allowing the childrento overrule her and bring her here. Ellen would not be dressed up norhave the children ready for inspection, and she would be angry at hersister for not having given warning of their coming. She leanedforward breathlessly to suggest turning back; but Allison, perhapsanticipating her feeling, said: "Now don't you get cold feet, Cloudy Jewel. If Aunt Ellen is sore, just you talk up to her, and smile a lot, and we'll back you up. Remember everything's, going fine, and the whole thing's settled. It'stoo late to change it now. Is this the place? We'll turn right in, shall we?" And with the words he swept up under the elaborate woodenporte-cochère, and, swinging down, flung the door open for Julia Cloudto alight. Leslie gave a quick, disdainful glance about, fluttered out beside heraunt, and, catching the look of apprehension on her face, tripped upthe steps and rang the bell, poising bird-like on the threshold andcalling in a sweet, flute-like voice: "Aunt Ellen! O Aunt Ellen! Where are you? Don't you know you've gotcompany all the way from California?" It was just like taking the bull by the horns, and Julia Cloud pausedon the upper step in wonder. How winning a child she was! and how shehad known by intuition just how to mollify her unpleasant relative! What would Ellen say? How would she take it? Ellen Robinson bustled frowning into the hall, whetting her sharptongue for an encounter. She had seen the big blue car turn in at thegate, and knew from Mrs. Perkins's description who it must be. JuliaCloud had well judged her state of mind, for her four children couldnot have been caught in a worse plight so far as untidiness wasconcerned, and there had barely been time to marshal them all up theback stairs with orders to scrub and dress or not to come down tillthe visitors were gone. They were even now creeping shufflingly aboutoverhead on their bare feet, hunting for their respective best shoesand stockings and other garments, and scrapping in loud whispers. But Leslie, little diplomat that she was, wasted no time in takingstock of her aunt. She flung her arms joyously around that astonishedwoman, and fairly took her by storm, talking volubly and continuouslyuntil they were all in the house and seated in Ellen's best satinbrocatelle parlor chairs, surrounded by crayon portraits of HerbertRobinson's ancestors and descendants. Allison too caught on to hissister's game, and talked a good deal about how nice it was to getEast again after all the years, and how glad they were to have somerelatives of their own. Julia Cloud sat quietly and proudly listening;and Ellen forgot her anger, and ceased to frown. After all, it wassomething to have such good-looking relatives. For the first fewminutes the well-prepared speech wherewith she had intended to dressdown poor Julia lay idle on her lips, and a few sentences of grudgingwelcome even, managed to slip by. Then suddenly she turned to hersister, and the sight of the adoration for the visitors in Julia'stransparent face kindled her anger. Never had such a look as thisglowed in Julia Cloud's face for any little Robinson, save perhaps inthe first few days of their tiny lives before the Robinson had begunto crop out in them. "Where were you this morning, Jule? It certainly seems queer for youto be gadding around having a good time so soon after poor mother'sdeath. And the dishes not washed, either! Upon my word, you have lostyour head! You weren't brought up that way. I stood up-stairs andlooked around on those unmade beds, and thought what poor mother wouldhave said if she could see them. Such goings-on! I certainly wasashamed to have Mrs. Perkins see it. " Two rosy spots bloomed out on Julia Cloud's cheeks, and a tremble camein her lips, though one could see she was making a great effort tocontrol herself; and the two long breaths that Leslie and Allison drewsimultaneously were heavily threatening, much like the distant rumbleof thunder. "I'm sure I don't see what occasion Mrs. Perkins had to see it, " sheanswered steadily. "Well, she was there!" said her sister dryly. She seemed to haveforgotten the presence of the two young people, who, if they had beenin the foreground, might have been noticed doing things with theireyebrows to their mutual understanding and agreement. "Yes, so she told me, " said Julia Cloud significantly. "But that wasnot what I came over to talk about, Ellen; I wanted to let you knowthat I've rented the house, and the tenant wants possession next week. I thought you might like to pick out some of mother's things to bringover here before I pack up. You spoke about wishing you had anothercouch for the sitting-room, and you might just as well have thedining-room one as not. Then I thought perhaps you could use mother'sbedroom suit. " "You've rented the house!" screamed Ellen as soon as she got breathfrom her astonishment to interrupt. "You've rented the house withoutconsulting me? Who to, I'd like to know? I had a tenant already forthat house, I told you. " "Why, I had no time to consult you, Ellen; and, besides, why should I?The house is mine, and I knew you didn't want it. You have your ownhome. " "Well, you certainly are blossoming out and getting independent! Ishould think mere decency would have made you consult us before youdid anything. What do you know about business? Herbert will be mad asanything when I tell him; and like as not you'll get into no end oftrouble with a strange tenant, and we'll have to help you out. Herbertalways says women make all the trouble they can for him before theycall on him for assistance. " Julia smiled. "I shall not be obliged to call on Herbert for assistance, Ellen. Everything is arranged. The contract was signed this morning, and Ihave promised to vacate as soon as possible. The tenant is the newschool superintendent, and he wants to come at once. I just heard lastevening that he had been disappointed in getting the Harvey house. It's sold to the foreman of the mill. So I went over to Harmony to seehim at once. " The news was so overwhelming and so unquestionably satisfactory from abusiness point of view that Ellen was speechless with astonishment. Allison gave Leslie a grave wink, and turned to look out of the windowto prevent an outburst of giggles from his sister. "Well, I think you might have let me know, " Ellen resumed with almosther usual poise. "It's rather mortifying not to know what's going onin your own family when the neighbors ask. Here was I without anyknowledge of the arrival of my own niece and nephew! Had to be told byMrs. Perkins. " Then Allison and Leslie did laugh, but they veiled their mirth bytalking about the two white chickens out in the yard which werecontending for a worm. Suddenly Leslie exclaimed: "O Allison! I hear the children coming down-stairs, and I forgot theirpresents! Run out to the car, and bring me that box. " Allison was off at once, and the entrance of the soapy and embarrassedchildren created a further diversion. For a few minutes even Ellen Robinson was absorbed in the presents. There was a camera for Junior, a gold chain and locket for Elaine, abeautiful doll for Dorothy, and a small train of cars that would windup and run on a miniature track for Bertie; so of course everythinghad to be looked at and tried. Elaine put on her chain, and preenedherself before the glass; Junior had to understand at once just how totake a picture; everybody had to watch the doll open and shut itseyes, and to try to unbutton and button its coat and dress; and thenthe railroad track had to be set up and the train started off on itsrounds. Ellen Robinson really looked almost motherly while she watchedher happy children; and Julia Cloud relaxed, and let the smile comearound her lips once more. But all things come to an end, and Ellen Robinson was not one toforget her own affairs for long at a time. She sat back from startingthe engine on its third round, and fixed her eyes on her sister withthat air of commander-general that was so intolerable. "Well, then, I suppose you won't be over here till next week, " shefrowned thoughtfully. "I needed you to help with the crabapple jelly. That makes it inconvenient. But perhaps I can hold off the fruit alittle longer; I'll see. You ought to be able to get all your packingdone this week, I should think. When do they go?" She nodded towardthe niece and nephew quite indifferently as though they were deaf. Julia Cloud's sensitive face flushed with annoyance, but the two pairsof bright eyes that lifted and fixed themselves upon their aunt heldnothing but enjoyment of the situation. "Why, we're not going until Aunt Jewel is ready to go with us, AuntEllen, " announced Leslie, looking up from the doll she was reclothing. "You know we're all going to college together, Auntie, too!" Ellen Robinson lifted an indignant chin. She had no sense of humor, and did not enjoy jokes, especially those practised upon herself. "Going to college! At her age!" she snorted. "Well, I always knew shewas childish, but I never expected her to want to go back tokindergarten!" Leslie rose up straight as a rush, her strong young arms down at hersides, her fingers in their soft suède gloves working restively as ifshe wanted to rush at her aunt and administer corporal punishment. Herpretty red lips were pursed angrily, and her blue eyes fairly blazedrighteous wrath. Julia Cloud caught her breath, and wondered how shewas to control this young fury; but before she could say a wordAllison stepped in front of her, and spoke coolly. "That's the reason she's such a good scout, Aunt Ellen. That's why wewant her to come and take care of us. Because she knows how to stayyoung. " He suddenly seemed to have grown very tall and quite mature as hespoke, and there was something about his manly bearing that held EllenRobinson's tongue in check as he looked at his watch with a polite"Excuse me, " and then turned to Julia Cloud. "Aunt Jewel, if we are tomeet my guardian on that train, I think we shall have to hurry. It'squite a run into the city, you know. " Julia Cloud arose with a breathof relief. "The city!" gasped Ellen. "You're not going into the city this late inthe afternoon, I hope! Do you know how long it takes?" Allison glanced out to his high-powered machine confidently. "We made it in an hour and a half coming over. I guess we shall haveplenty of time to meet the five-o'clock train if we go at once. I'vegot a peach of a car, Aunt Ellen. I'll have to come round and take youand the kids a ride to-morrow or the next day if Aunt Jewel can spareme. " "Thank you! I have a car of my own!" snapped his aunt disagreeably. "Oh! I beg your pardon! Well, Aunt Jewel, we really must go if we areto meet Mr. Luddington. Good-by, Aunt Ellen! Good-by, cousins! We'llsee you again before we leave town, of course. Come on, Aunt Jewel!"And he took Julia Cloud lightly, protectingly by the elbow, andsteered her out of the room, down the steps, and into the car, whileLeslie danced gayly after, chattering away about how nice it was toget back East and meet real relatives. But Ellen Robinson was not listening to Leslie. She hurried after herdeparting guests regardless of a noisy struggle that was going onbetween her two youngest over the railway train, and stood on herfront steps, fairly snorting with indignation. "Julia Cloud, what does all this mean? You shan't go away until youexplain. Have you taken leave of your senses? What is this nonsenseabout going to college?" Allison with his hand on the starter gave his aunt a swift, reassuringsmile; and Julia Cloud from the safe vantage of the back seat leanedforward, smiling. "Why, it's the children that are going to college, Ellen, not I. I'monly going along to keep house and play mother for them. Isn't itlovely? I'll tell you all about it to-morrow when you come down topick out your things. Be sure to come early, because I want to getstarted packing the first thing in the morning. Mr. Luddington, thechildren's guardian, is coming to-night to complete the arrangements, and we expect to get away just as soon as I can get packed up. So comeearly. " The engine purred softly for a rhythmical second, and the car slidquickly away from the door. "But--the very idea!" snorted Aunt Ellen. "Julia Cloud!" she fairlyshouted. "Stop! You had no right in the world to go ahead and makeplans without consulting me!" But the car was beyond ear-shot now, and Leslie was waving a pretty, tantalizing hand from the back seat. "The very idea!" Ellen Robinson gasped to the autumn landscape as shestood alone and watched the car, a mere speck down the road, on itsway to town. "The idea!" And then as if for self-justification: "Poormother! What would she think if she could know? Well, I wash my handsof her. " But Ellen Robinson did not wash her hands of her sister. Instead, shefound that it was going to be very hard indeed to wash her hands ofher own affairs without her sister's help. She had, in fact, beencounting on that help for the last several years, after her motherbecame an invalid and she knew that it was only a matter of timebefore Julia's hands would be set free for other labor. It was quitetoo disconcerting now, after having got along all these years on thestrength of the help that was to come, to find her capable sistersnatched away from her by two young things in this ridiculous way. They talked it over at supper, and Herbert was almost savage about it, as if in some way his wife had misrepresented the possibilities, andled him to expect the assistance that would come from her sister andsave him from paying wages to a servant. "Well, she'll be good and sick of it inside of three months, markmy words; and then she'll come whining back and want us to take herin;--be glad enough to get a home. So don't you worry. But what Iwant understood is this: _She's not going to find it so easy to getback. _ See? You make her thoroughly understand that. You better godown to-morrow and pick out everything you want. Take plenty. Youcan't tell but something may happen to the house, and the furnitureburn up. We might as well have it as anybody. And you make it goodand sure that she understands right here and now that if she goesshe doesn't come back. Of course, I'm not saying she can't comeback if she comes to her senses, and is real humble; but youneedn't let her know that. Just give her to understand it is herlast chance, that I can't be monkeyed with this way. I've offeredher a very generous thing, and she knows it, and she's a fool, that's what she is, a _fool_ I say!" He brought his big fist downheavily on the table, and jarred the dishes; and the children lookedup in premature comprehension, storing up the epithet for futureuse. "She's no end of a fool, going off with those crazy kids. Someone ought to warn their guardian about her. Why, she has no moreidea of how to take care of two high and mighty good-for-nothingslike that than an infant in arms!" Meantime the subject of their discussion was seated serenely at atable in one of the best hotels of the great city, having the time ofher life. In the years that were to come there might be many moredelightful suppers, even more elegantly served, perhaps; but nonewould ever rival this first time in her existence when she had satamong the wealthy and great of the land and been treated like one ofthem. Mr. Luddington was a typical business man, elderly and kind, with wiseeyes and a great smile. He turned his eyes keenly on Julia Cloud foran instant at their first meeting, then let his full smile envelopher, and she was somehow made aware of the fact that he had set hisseal of approval to the contract already made by his two enthusiasticwards. All the forebodings she had entertained in the little intervalswhen Leslie and Allison allowed her to think at all were swept asideby his kind look and big, serious tone when he first took her hand andscanned her true face. "I'm glad they've picked such a woman!" hesaid. "You'll have your hands full, for they're a pair! But it's worthit!" And, when they all rode home through the moonlight, Julia Cloudnestled under the soft, thick robes of the car, and listened to thepleasant talk between the young people and their guardian with a senseof peace. If this strong, wise business man thought the arrangementwas all right, why, then she need not fear any longer. It was real, and not a dream, and she might rely upon the wisdom of her decision. And with that sense of being upheld by something wiser than her ownwish she fell asleep that night, haunted by no dreams of herdomineering sister. CHAPTER VI The pleasant aromas of coffee and sausages were mingling in the airwhen "Guardy Lud" woke up and looked about the old-fashioned room witha sense of satisfaction. The very pictures on the walls rested him, they reminded him so much of the rooms in his boyhood home. He had afeeling that old-fashioned things were best, and in spite of the factthat he owned a house most different from this one himself and knewthat his wife would not for a minute have tolerated any old-fashionedthings about unless they were so old-fashioned that they had becomethe latest rage, he could not help feeling that a woman brought upamid such simple surroundings would be the very best kind to motherthese orphan children who had been left on his helpless hands. Hewould have loved to take them to his heart and his home; but his wifewas not so minded, and that ended it. But it rolled a great burdenfrom his shoulders to feel that he might leave them in such capablehands. They had a rollicking time at breakfast, for Guardy Lud was delightedwith the crisp brown sausages, fried potatoes, and buckwheats withreal maple-syrup; and he laughed, and ate, and told stories with thechildren, and kept the old dining-room walls ringing with joy as theyhad not resounded within the memory of Julia Cloud. Then suddenly thedoor opened, and there stood Ellen Robinson, disapproval and hauteurwritten in every line of her unpleasant face! One could hardlyimagine how those two, Julia and Ellen, could possibly be sisters. Dismay filled Julia Cloud's heart for an instant, and brought a pallorto her cheek. How had she forgotten Ellen? What a fool she had been totell Ellen to come early in the morning! But she had not realized thatMr. Luddington would be willing to come out to her humble home andstay all night. She had supposed that the arrangements would be madein the city. However, it could not be helped now; and a glance at thekind, strong face of the white-haired man gave her courage. Ellencould not really spoil their plans with him there. He felt that thearrangement was good, and with him to back her she felt she couldstand out against any arguments her sister might bring forth. So she rose with a natural ease, and introduced her. "My sister Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Luddington"; and Ellen stiffly and still disapprovinglyacknowledged the introduction. "I won't interrupt, " she said disagreeably. "I'm just going up to lookover some of my mother's things. " And she turned to the back stairway, and went up, closing the door behind her. Mr. Luddington gazed after her a second; and then, taking his glassesoff and wiping them energetically, he remarked: "Well, well, bless my soul! It must be getting late! We've had such agood time I didn't realize. Those certainly were good buckwheats, MissCloud. I shan't forget them very soon. And now I suppose we'd betterget down to business. Could we just go into the other room there, andclose the door for a few minutes, not to be interrupted?" and he castan anxious glance toward the stair-door again. Julia Cloud smiled understandingly, and ushered them into the littleparlor ablaze with fall sunshine, its windows wreathed about withcrimsoning woodbine; and, as she caught the glow and glint from thewindow, she remembered the gray evening when she had looked out acrossinto her future as she supposed it would be. How beautiful andwonderful that the gray had changed to glow! As she sat down to enterinto the contract that was to bind her to a new and wonderful lifewith great responsibilities and large possibilities, her heart, accustomed to look upward, sent a whisper of thanksgiving heavenward. The details did not take long, after all; for Mr. Luddington was akeen business man, and he had gone over the whole proposition, and hadthe plan in writing for her to sign, telling just what were her dutiesand responsibilities with regard to his wards, just how much money shewould have for housekeeping and servants and other expenses, and thesalary she would receive herself for accepting this care. "You're practically in a position of mother to them, you know, " hesaid, beaming at her genially; "and I declare I never laid eyes on awoman that I thought could fill the part better!" Julia Cloud was quite overwhelmed. But the matter of the salarytroubled her. "I think it should not be a matter of money, " she demurred. "I wouldrather do it for love, you know. " "Love's all right!" said the old man, smiling; "but this thing has gotto be on a business basis, or the terms of the will will not allow meto agree to it. You see what you are going to undertake means work, and it means sticking to it; and you deserve pay for it, and we're notgoing to accept several of the best years out of your life fornothing. Besides, you've got to feel free to give up the job if itproves too burdensome for you. " "And you to dismiss me if I do not prove capable for the position, "suggested Julia Cloud, lifting meek and honest eyes to meet his gaze. "Well, well, well, I can see there won't be any need of that!"sputtered the old gentleman pleasantly. "But, however that is, this isthe contract I've made out. And I'm quite satisfied. So are thechildren. Are you willing to sign it? Of course there's a clause inthere about reasonable notice if there is dissatisfaction on eitherside; that lets you out at any time you get tired of it. Only give mea chance to look after these youngsters properly. " Julia Cloud took the pen eagerly, tremblingly, a sense of wonder inher pounding heart, and signed her name just as Ellen's heavyfootsteps could be heard pounding down the back stairs. Leslie seizedJulia, and gave her a great hug as the last letter was finished, andthen threw open the parlor door in the nick of time to save her AuntEllen from seeming to be deserted. Ellen Robinson appeared on the scene just in time to witness thehearty hand-shake that Guardy Lud gave Julia Cloud as he picked up thepapers and went up-stairs for his suitcase while Allison went afterthe car to take him to the train. "Is that man married? Because, if he isn't, I don't think it'srespectable for you to go and live near him!" declared Ellen in apenetrating voice to the intense distress of Julia Cloud, who washappily hurrying the dishes from the breakfast table. But Leslie came to the rescue. "Oh, indeed, Aunt Ellen, he's very much married! Altogether too muchmarried for comfort. He would be a dear if it wasn't for his sillylittle old bossy wife! But he doesn't intend to live anywhere near us. His home is off in California, and he's going back next week. He'sonly waiting to see us settled somewhere before he goes back; so youneedn't worry about Aunt Jewel's morals. We'll take good care of her. But isn't he a dear? He was my Grandfather Leslie's best friend. " Leslie chattered on gayly till the visitor's footsteps could be heardcoming down-stairs again, and Ellen Robinson could only shut her lipstight and go into the kitchen, from which her sister beat immediatelya hasty retreat lest more unpleasant remarks should be forthcoming. Julia Cloud bade Mr. Luddington good-by, standing on her own frontsteps, and then waited a moment, looking off toward the hills whichhad shut in her vision all her life. The two young people had rusheddown to the car, and were pulling their guardian joyously inside. They seemed to do everything joyously, like two young creatures letout of prison into the sunshine. Julia Cloud smiled at the thought ofthem, but her soul was not watching them just then. She was lookingoff to the hills that had been her strength all the years through somany trials, and gathering strength now to go in and meet her sisterin final combat. She knew that there would be a scene; that wasinevitable. That she might maintain her calmness and say nothingunkind or regrettable she was praying earnestly now as her eyes soughtthe hills. Across the road behind her parlor curtains Mrs. Perkins was keepinglookout, and remarking to a neighbor who had run in: "Yes, I thought as much. There's always a man in the case when a womanacts queer! Now, doesn't that beat all? Do you suppose he's along-lost lover or something, come back now he knows she's free? Seemsto me I did hear there was somebody died or something before we camehere to live, but she must have been awful young. " The car moved noisily away, and the old gentleman leaned out with acourteous lift of his hat toward Julia Cloud. She acknowledged it witha bow and a smile which Mrs. Perkins pounced on and analyzed audibly. "Well, there's no fool like an old fool, as the saying is! Just watchher smirk! I'm mighty glad Ellen Robinson's there to relieve me of theresponsibility. She'll be over after a while, and then we'll know whohe is. There goes Julia in. She watched him out o' sight! Well, Iwonder what her mother would think. " Julia Cloud went slowly back to the dining-room, where Ellen wasseated on the couch, waiting like a visitor. Julia's smile was utterlylost on her glum countenance, which resembled an embattled tower undersiege. "Well!" she said as Julia began to gather up more dishes from thebreakfast table. "I suppose you think you've done something smart now, don't you, getting that old snob here and fixing things all up withoutconsulting any of your relatives?" "Really, Ellen, this has all been so sudden that I had no opportunity, "said Julia gently. "But it did not seem likely that you would object, for you suggested yourself that I rent the house, and you said you didnot want me to stay here alone. This seemed quite providential. " "Providential!" sniffed Ellen. "Providential to take you away fromyour own home and your own people, and send you out into a world wherenobody really cares for you, and where all they want of you is to makea drudge of you! You call that providential, do you? Well, I _don't_!And when I object, and try to save you from yourself, and offer you agood home where you will be cared for all the rest of your days, rightamong your own, where mother would have wanted to see you, you willprobably get high-headed, and say I am interfering with your rights. But I can't help it. I've got to speak. I can't see you put thehalter around your neck to hang yourself without doing everything Ican to stop it. My own sister!" "Why, Ellen, dear!" said Julia Cloud eagerly, sitting down beside hersister. "You don't understand. It isn't in the least that way. I'msorry I had to spring it on you so suddenly and give you such a wrongimpression. You know I couldn't think of coming to live on you andHerbert. It was kind of you to suggest it, and I am grateful and allthat; but I know how it would be to have some one else, even a sister, come into the home, and I couldn't think of it. I have always resolvedthat I would never be dependent on my relatives while I had myhealth. " Ellen sat up bristling. "And yet you are willing to go away to some strange place where nobodyknows you, and slave for a couple of little snobs!" "O Ellen!" said Julia pleadingly. "You don't understand. I am notgoing to slave. I'm just going to be a sort of mother to them. And yououghtn't to call them snobs. They are your own brother's children. " "Own brother's children, nothing!" sneered Ellen. "He's been away somany years he was just like a stranger when he came back the lasttime, and as for the children they are just like his stuck-up wife andher family. Yet you'll leave the children that were born and raisedclose beside you, and go and slave for them. Mother! fiddlesticks!You'll slave all right. I know you. In six weeks you'll be a drudgefor them the way you've been all your life! I know how it is, and youmay not believe it; but I have feelings for my sister, and I don'tlike to see her put upon. " Ellen fumbled for her handkerchief, and managed a comely tear or twothat quite touched Julia's heart. Affection between them even whenEllen was a child had been quite one-sided; for Ellen had always beena selfish, spoiled little thing, and Julia had looked in vain for anysigns of tenderness. Now her heart warmed toward her younger sister inthis long-delayed thoughtfulness, and her tone grew gentler. "That's dear of you, Ellen, and I appreciate it; but I haven't beenable to make you understand yet, I see. I'm not to be a worker, noreven a housekeeper. I'm to be just a sort of mother, or aunt, if youplease, to see that the house runs all right, to be with the childrenand have a happy time with them and their young friends, and to seethat they are cared for in every way necessary; just a housemother, you understand. I am to have servants to do the work, although I'msure one servant will be all that I shall want in a little householdlike that. But Mr. Luddington quite insisted there should be servants, and that no work of any sort should fall upon me. He said that astheir nearest relative I was to be in the position of mother andguardian to them, and to preside over their home. " "That's ridiculous!" put in Ellen. "Why don't they go to college andboard like any other reasonable young folks if they must go to collegeat all? I think it's all nonsense for 'em to go. What do they do itfor? They've got money, and don't have to teach or anything. What dothey need of learning? They've got enough now to get along. That girlthinks she's too smart to live. I call her impudent, for my part!" "They want a home, " said Julia, waiving the subject of highereducation; "and they have chosen me, and I mean to do my best. " There was a quiet finality in her tone that impressed her sister. Shelooked at her angrily. "Well, if you will, you will, I suppose. Nobody can stop you. But Isee just what will come of it. You'll fool away a little while there, and find out how mistaken you were; and then you'll come back toHerbert to be taken care of. And you don't realize how offendedHerbert is going to be by your actions, and how he'll feel aboutletting you come back after you have gone away in such high feather. You haven't anything to speak of to support yourself, of course, andhow on earth do you expect to live anyway after these children getthrough their college and get married or something? They won't wantyou then. " Julia arose and went to the window to get calmed. She was more angrythan she had been for years. The thought of Herbert's having to takecare of her ever was intolerable. But she was able to hold her tongueuntil she could get her eyes on those hills out of the window. "I willlift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. " Thathad been the verse which she had read from her little Bible beforeleaving her room in the early morning and she was grappling it closeto her heart, for she had known it would be a hard day. Ellen was watching her silently. Almost she thought she had made animpression. Perhaps this was the time to repeat Herbert's threat. "Herbert feels, " she began, "that if you refuse his offer now he can'tpromise to keep it open. He can't be responsible for you if you takethis step. He said he wanted you to understand thoroughly. " Julia Cloud turned and walked with swift step to the little parlorwhere lay the paper she and Mr. Luddington had just signed, and a copyof which he had taken with him. She returned to her astonished sisterwith the paper in her hand. "Perhaps it would be just as well for you to read this, " she said withdignity, and put the paper into Ellen's hands, going back to herclearing of the table. There was silence in the dining-room while Ellen read, Julia moving onquiet feet about the table, putting things to rights. She had finishedher part of the argument. She was resolutely putting out of her mindthe things her sister had just said, and refusing altogether to thinkof Herbert. She knew in her heart just how Herbert had looked when hehad said those things, even to the snarl at the corner of his nose. She knew, too, that Ellen had probably not reported the message evenso disagreeably as the original, and she knew that it would be betterto forget. "Well, " said Ellen, rising after a long perusal, laying the paper onthe table, "that sounds all very well in writing. The thing is to seehow it comes out. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and youneedn't tell me that any man in his senses will pay all that salarymerely for a 'chaperon, ' as he calls it. If he does, he's a fool;that's all I've got to say. But I suppose nothing short of gettingcaught in a trap will make you see it; so I better save my breath. I'msure I hope you won't go to the poorhouse through your stubbornness. I've done all I could to keep you from it, and it's pretty hard tohave my only sister leave me--so soo-oo-on after mother's--death. " "Well, Ellen, " said Julia Cloud, looking at her speculatively, "I'msure I never dreamed you cared about having me away from here. You'venever shown much interest in being with me. But I'm sorry if you feelit that way, and I'm sure I'll write to you and try to do littlethings for the children often, now that I shall have something to dowith. " But her kindly feeling was cut short by Ellen interruptingher. "Oh, you needn't trouble yourself! We can look after the childrenourselves. You better save what you get to look after yourself whenthose two get over this whim!" And then to her great relief Julia Cloud heard the car returning fromthe station, and the two young people rushing into the hall. CHAPTER VII "I'm going up-stairs to put on that calico wrapper you loaned me, AuntJewel, " shouted Leslie, putting a rosy face into the dining-room foran instant and then vanishing. "I bought a pair of overalls at the store, as you suggested, Cloudy, "put in Allison, waving a pair of blue jeans at her and vanishingalso. Ellen Robinson stood mopping her eyes and staring out from thedining-room window--not at the hills--and sniffing. "I should think you'd stop them calling you that ridiculous name!" shesnorted. "It isn't respectful. It sounds like making fun of thefamily. " Poor Ellen Robinson! She had her good points, but a sense of humorwasn't one of them. Also it went against the grain to give up her ownway, and she couldn't remember when she hadn't planned for the freedomshe would have when Julia came to live with her. Having an entirelydifferent temperament from Julia's and no spiritual outlook whateveron life, she was unable to understand what thraldom she had beenpreparing and planning for her patient elder sister. A little of thisperhaps penetrated to Julia Cloud's disturbed consciousness as shewatched her sister's irate back; for, when she spoke again, it was ina gentle, soothing tone. "There now, Ellen, let's forget it all, and just put it away. I shallbe coming back to see you now and then, perhaps, and you can come andsee me. That'll be something new to look forward to. Suppose now wejust get to work and see what's to be done. Have you decided what youwant to have taken over to the house?" It is doubtful whether Ellen would have succumbed so easily, had notthe two young people returned just then and demanded that they havesomething to do. As quietly as if she were used to packing and moving every year of herlife, Julia Cloud gave them each a pile of newspapers, and set them towrapping and packing dishes in a big barrel; and Ellen was forced tojoin in and say what she wanted to have of her mother's things. Without a word Julia set aside anything Ellen asked for, even when itwas something she would have liked to keep herself; and Ellen, herlips pursed and her eyes bright with defeat, went from room to room, picking and choosing as if she were at an auction. Allison still in overalls rushed out in the car, and got a man with amoving-wagon; and before twelve o'clock Ellen Robinson saw a goodlyload of household furniture start for her own home; and, beingsomewhat anxious as to how it would be disposed on its arrival, shetook the car, and sped away to placate Herbert. She really felt quitetriumphant at the ease with which she had secured several valuablepieces of mahogany which she knew had always been favorites withJulia. "Gee!" said Allison as the car vanished out of sight, "isn't AuntEllen some depressor? Was she always so awfully grown up? I say, Cloudy, you won't get that way, will you when we get you off in ourhouse? If you do, take poison, or get married, or something. Say, Cloudy Jewel, you're twenty years younger than she is, do you know it?Now what'll I do next? That closet is all empty. Shall I begin on thisone? You want this barrel up in the attic, you say? All right; heregoes! No, I won't hurt my back; I'm strong as a horse. I know how tolift things without hurting myself. Open that door, Leslie, and movethat chair out of my way. Which corner shall I stow it, Cloudy?Southwest? All right!" and he vanished up the stairs with his barrel. At half-past twelve a man and a woman arrived whom Julia Cloud hadhired to help; and the house was like a busy hive, not a drone amongthem. It really was wonderful how short a time it took to dismantle ahome that had been running for years. But the hands were wonderfullyeager that took hold of the work, and they went at things with a will. Moreover, Julia Cloud's domain was always in perfect order, which madea big difference. They ate their lunch from the pantry shelf, because Ellen had takenthe dining-room table. But it was a good lunch, bread and butter, apple butter, cookies, half a custard pie, and glasses of rich, foamymilk. Then they went to work again. The children were smudged withdust and tumbled and happy. They were doing real things for the firsttime in their lives, and they liked it. Moreover, they were bringingto pass a beloved plan that had seemed at first impossible; and theywanted to hustle it through before anything spoiled or delayed it. There was Aunt Ellen. There was no telling what she might not do tohinder, and Julia Cloud was easily troubled by her sister, they couldsee that, wise children that they were; so they worked with all theirmight and main. Two more men were requisitioned, and the furniture began a steadymarch up to the attic, where it was to be stored. Leslie developed a talent for finding the place where she was mostneeded and getting to work. She put the sideboard drawers in order, and then went to packing away garments from the closets in drawers andtrunks and chests, until by four o'clock a great many little nooks andcorners in the house were absolutely clear and empty, ready for thecleaning before the new tenants arrived, although, to tell the truth, there was scarcely a spot in Julia Cloud's house that needed muchcleaning, because it had always been kept immaculate. When Ellen Robinson in her car arrived in sight of the house athalf-past four she identified the parlor and dining-room carpetshanging on a line strung across the back yard, and two bedroom carpetsbeing beaten in the side yard. Mrs. Perkins from her patientwatch-tower had also identified them, and hurried out to greet herfriend and get more accurate information; but Ellen was in too much ofa hurry to get inside and secure several other articles, which she hadthought of and desired to have, to spend much time in gossip. Besides, if Julia was really going, it was just as well to make asmuch of it as possible; so she greeted Mrs. Perkins as one too busywith important affairs to tell details, and hurried into the house. Standing within the old hallway, she gazed about, startled. How onearth had Julia managed to tear up things in such a hurry? Thepictures had all vanished from the walls. The books were gone from theold book-case; the furniture itself was being carried away, themarble-topped table being the last piece left. The woman was washingthe parlor floor, slopping on the soapy water with that air offinality that made Ellen Robinson realize that the old home was brokenup at last. Grimly she walked into the dining-room, and saw immaculateempty closets and cleanly shining window-panes. As far as the work hadprogressed it had been done thoroughly. Up-stairs a cheery chatter came from the rooms, and Ellen Robinsonexperienced a pang of real jealousy of these two young things who hadswept in and carried her neglected sister by storm. Somehow it seemedto her that they had taken something that belonged to her, and shebegan to feel bereft. Julia ought to love her better than these twoyoung strangers; why didn't she? Why didn't those two children makesuch a fuss over her as they did over Julia? It certainly was strange!Perhaps some gleam of perception that it might all be her own faultbegan to filter to Ellen Robinson's consciousness as she stood thereon the stairs and listened to the pleasant chatter. "O Cloudy, dear! Is this really Daddy's picture when he was a littleboy? What a funny collar and necktie! But wasn't he a darling? I lovethe way his hair curls around his face. I can remember Daddy quitewell. Mother used to say he was a wonderful man. I think he must havebeen a good deal like you. Our old nurse used to say that familieswent in streaks. I guess you and Daddy were off the same streak, weren't you? I hope Allison and I will be, too. Say, Cloudy, can't Ihave this picture of Daddy to hang in my room in our new house? I loveit. " Ellen Robinson wondered whether they had classified her as another"streak, " and somehow the thought was unpleasant. It was like one ofthose little rare mirrors that flash us a look now and then in whichwe "see oursel's as ithers see us, " and are warned to take account ofstock. As she climbed the old stairs, Ellen Robinson took account ofherself, as it were, and resolved to show a better side to thesechildren than she had shown heretofore; and so, when she appearedamong them, she put aside her grim aspect for a while, and spoke inquite an affable tone: "Well, you certainly can work!" The contrast was so great that both the young people blinked at her inwonder, and a smile broke out on Leslie's lovely face. Somehow itwarmed Aunt Ellen's heart, and she went on: "But you all must be tired. You better come up to our house for supperto-night. You won't have any chance to get it here. " "Oh, we don't mind picnicking, " said Leslie hastily. Then she caught aglimpse of her aunt's face, and her natural kindliness came to thefront. "But of course that would be lovely if it won't be too muchtrouble for you, " she added pleasantly with one of her brilliantsmiles, although she could see Allison making violent motions andshaking his head at her from the other room, where he was out of hisAunt Ellen's sight. Leslie really had a lovely nature, and was alwaysquick to discern it when she had hurt any one. Ellen Robinson lookedat her suspiciously, alert for the insult always, but yielded suddenlyand unexpectedly to the girl's loveliness. Was it something inLeslie's eyes that reminded Ellen of her big brother who used to comehome now and then, and tease her, and bring her lovely gifts? Shewatched Leslie a moment wistfully, and then with a sigh turned away. She wished one of her little girls could look like that. "Well, I'd better go right home and get supper ready, " she saidalertly; and there was a note of almost pleased eagerness in her voicethat she was included in this function of packing and moving thatseemed somehow to have turned into a delightful game in whichweariness and care were forgotten. "I'll have supper ready to dish up by seven o'clock, " she admonishedher astonished sister as she swept past the bedroom where she was atwork putting away blankets and pillows in camphor. "You won't be readymuch before that; but don't you be a minute later, or the supper willbe spoiled. " By which admonition Julia Cloud became aware that Ellen was going tofavor them with some of her famous chicken potpie. She stood still fora whole minute with a light in her eyes and a smile on her face, listening to Ellen's retreating footsteps down the stairs; then, asthe Ford set up its churning clatter, she turned back to her task, andmurmured softly, "Poor Ellen!" The supper passed off very well. Herbert was a trifle gruff andsilent; but it was plain that Allison's stories amused him, for nowand then a half-smile crept into his stolid countenance. Julia Cloudwas so glad that she could have cried. She hated scenes, and shedreaded being at outs with her relatives. So she ate her chickenpotpie and fresh pumpkin-pie thankfully, and forgot how weary she was. After supper Leslie sat down at the piano, and rattled off rag-time;and she and Allison sang song after song, while the children stoodabout admiringly, and even Herbert sat by as at a social function andlistened. The atmosphere was really quite clear when at last theyprepared to leave, and Julia Cloud had an inkling that the big bluecar had something to do with it. "That's some car you've got, " said Herbert patronizingly as he held alantern for them to get down the steps. "Get it this year? What do youhave to pay for that make now? I'm thinking of getting a new onemyself pretty soon. " Down upon their knees in the lantern-light went the two men of theparty, examining this and that point of interest, their noses turnedto the mysterious inner workings of the wonderful mechanism, whileJulia Cloud sat and marveled that here at last was something whichHerbert Robinson respected. And Ellen stood upon the steps, really smiling and saying how nice ithad been to have them, for all the world as if they were company, allthe hard lines of her rapidly maturing face softened by kindliness! Itseemed like a miracle. Julia Cloud settled back into the deepcushions, and lifted her eyes to the dark line of the hills againstthe sky. "From whence cometh my help, " trailed the words through hertired brain; and her heart murmured, "God, I thank Thee!" CHAPTER VIII They all slept very late the next morning, being utterly worn out fromthe unaccustomed work; and, when they finally got down-stairs, theytook a sort of a lunch-breakfast off the pantry shelves again. It wasstrange how good even shredded-wheat biscuit and milk can taste whenone has been working hard and has a young appetite, although Leslieand Allison had been known to scorn all cereals. Still, there werecookies and wonderful apples from the big tree in the back yard fordessert. "When are those men coming back to finish up?" suddenly demandedLeslie, poising a glass of milk and a cooky in one hand and taking agreat bite from her apple. "Not till to-morrow, " said Julia Cloud, looking around the emptykitchen speculatively, and wondering how in the world she was going tocook with all the cooking-utensils packed in the attic. "We ought to have left the kitchen till last, " she added with atroubled look. "You crazy children! Didn't you know we had to eat? Itold that man not to take any of those things on the kitchen-table, that they were to stay down until the very last thing, and now he hastaken the table even! I went up-stairs to see if I could get atthings, and I find he has put them away at the back, and piled all thechairs and some bed-springs in front of them. I'm afraid we shallhave to get some things out again. I don't see how we can getalong. " "Not a bit of it, Cloudy!" said Leslie, giving a spring and perchingherself on the drain-board of the sink, where she sat swinging herdainty little pumps as nonchalantly as if she were sitting on a velvetsofa. "See! Here's my plan. I woke up early, and thought it all out. Let's see, " consulting her wee wrist-watch, "it's nine o'clock. Thatisn't bad. Now we'll work till twelve; that's long enough for to-day, because you got too tired yesterday; and, besides, we've got someother things to attend to. Then we'll hustle into the car, and get totown, and do some shopping ready for our trip. That will rest you. We'll get lunch at a tea-room, and shop all the afternoon. We'll go toa hotel for dinner, and stay all night. Then in the morning we can getup early, have our breakfast, and drive back here in time before themen come. Now isn't that perfectly spick-and-span for a plan?" "Leslie! But, dear, that would cost a lot! And, besides, it isn't inthe least necessary. " "Cost has nothing to do with it. Look!" and Leslie flourished ahandful of bills. "See what Guardy Lud gave me! And Allison hasanother just like it. He said particularly that we were not to let youget all worked out and get sick so you couldn't go with us, and heparticularly told us about a lot of things he wanted us to buy to makethings easy on the way. After he leaves us and goes back to Californiawe're in your charge, I know; but just now you're in ours, you dear, unselfish darling; and we're going to run you. Oh, we're going to runyou to beat the band!" laughed Leslie, and jumped down from her perchto hug and squeeze the breath out of Julia Cloud. "But child! Dear!" said that good woman when she could get her breathto speak. "You mustn't begin in that extravagant way!" But they put their hands over her lips, and laughed away her protestsuntil she had to give up for laughing with them. "Well, then, " she said at last, when they had subsided from a regularrough-house frolic for all the world as if they were children, "we'llhave to get to work in good earnest; only it doesn't seem right to letyou work so hard when you are visiting me. " "Visiting, nothing!" declared Allison; "we're having the time of ourlives. I haven't been in a place where I could do as I pleased since Iwas eight years old. This is real work, and I like it. Come now, don'tlet's waste any time. What can I do first? Wouldn't you like to haveme take down all the pictures on the second floor, stack them in theattic, and sweep down the walls the way we did down here yesterday?" "Yes, " said their aunt with an affectionate homage in her eyes forthis dear, capable boy who was so eager over everything as if it werehis own. "And those big bookcases. What are you going to do with the books? Doyou want any of them to go with you, or are they to be packed away?" "No, I won't take any of those books. They'll need to be dusted andput in boxes. There are a lot of boxes in the cellar, and there's apile of papers to use for lining the boxes. But you'll have your handsfull with the pictures, I think. Let the books go till to-morrow. " Allison went whistling up-stairs, and began taking down the pictures;but anybody could see by the set of his shoulders that he meant to getthe books out of the way too before noon. "Now, what can I do?" said Leslie, whirling around from wiping thelast cup and plate they had used. "There's one more bureau besidesyours. Does it need emptying out?" "No, dear. That has your grandmother's things in it, and is in perfectorder. She had me fix up the things several months ago. Everything istied up and labelled. I don't think we need to disturb it. The men canmove it up as it is. But we need to get the rest of the bed-clothesout on the line for an airing before I pack them away in the chestup-stairs. You might do that. " So Leslie went back and forth, carrying blankets and quilts, andhanging them on the line, till Mrs. Perkins had to come over to seewhat was going on. She came with a cup in her hand to ask for somebaking-powder, and Julia Cloud gave her the whole box. "No, you needn't return it, " she said, smiling. "I shall not need it. I've rented the house, and am going away for a while. " Mrs. Perkinswas so astonished that she actually went home without finding outwhere Julia Cloud was going, and had to come back to see whether therewas anything she could do to help, in order to get a chance to ask. It was really quite astonishing what a lot could be done in threehours. When twelve o'clock came, the two children descended upon theiraunt with insistence that she wash her hands and put on her hat. Therooms had assumed that cleared-up, ready look that rests the tiredworker just to look around and see what has been accomplished. With aconviction that she was being quite a child to run away this way whenthere was still a lot to be done, but with an overwhelming desire toyield to the pressure, Julia Cloud surrendered. When she came down-stairs five minutes later in her neat black suitand small black hat with the mourning veil about it that Ellen hadinsisted upon for the funeral, the car was already at the door, andshe felt almost guilty as she locked the door and went down the path. But the beauty of the day intoxicated her at once, and she forgotimmediately everything but the joy of riding out into the world. Leslie was a bit quiet as they glided down the road out of town, andkept eyeing her aunt silently. At last, as Julia Cloud was callingattention to a wonderful red woodbine that had twined itself about anold dead tree and was setting the roadside ablaze with splendor, Leslie caught her eye. "What is it, dear? Does something trouble you? Is anything wrong withme?" asked Julia Cloud, putting up a prospecting hand to her hair andhat. Leslie's cheeks went rosy red. "O Cloudy, dear, " said Leslie, "I was just wondering. But I'm afraidto say it. Maybe it will make you feel bad. " "Not a bit, deary; what is it?" "Well, then, Cloudy, do you think Grandmother would care very much ifyou didn't wear black? Do you like it yourself, or feel it wouldn't beright not to wear it? I don't mean any disrespect to Grandmother; butoh, you would look so sweet in gray, gray and lavender and soft pink, or just gray now for a while. Are you very mad at me for saying it?" Julia Cloud reached over and patted the young hand that lay near heron the seat. "Why, no, dear! I'm not mad, and I don't care for black myself. Idon't believe in wearing black for the people who have left us andgone to heaven. It seems to me white would be a great deal better. ButI put on these things to please Ellen. She thought it would be showinggreat disrespect to mother if I didn't, and rather than argue about itI did as she wanted me to. But I don't intend to darken the placearound me by dressing in mourning, child; and I'm glad you don't wantme to. I like bright, happy things. And, besides, Leslie, dear, yourgrandmother was a bright, happy woman herself once when she was young, before she was sick and had trouble; and I like to remember her thatway, because I'm sure that is the way she looks now in heaven. " "Oh, I'm so glad!" sighed Leslie. "That makes the day just perfect. " "I think I'll wait until I get away to change, however, " said JuliaCloud thoughtfully. "It would just annoy Ellen to do it now, andmight make such people as Mrs. Perkins say disagreeable things thatwould make it unpleasant for your aunt. " "Of course!" said Leslie, nestling closer, her eyes dancing with somesecret plans of her own. "That's all right, Cloudy. How dear and sortof 'understanding' you are, just like a real mother. " And somehow Julia Cloud felt as if she was entering into a new world. Allison seemed to know by intuition just where to find the right kindof tea-room. He ushered them into the place, and found a table in asecluded nook, with a fountain playing nearby over ferns, and ivyclimbing over a mimic pergola. There were not many people eating, forit was past one o'clock. There were little round tables withhigh-backed chairs that seemed to shut them off in a corner bythemselves. "This is nice!" he sighed. "We're a real family now, aren't we?" andhe looked over at Julia Cloud with that fine homage that now and thena boy just entering manhood renders to an older woman. "Creamed chicken on toast, fruit-salad, toasted muffins, and ice-creamwith hot chocolate sauce, " ordered Allison after studying themenu-card for a moment. "You like all those, don't you, Cloudy?" "Oh, but my dear! You mustn't order all that. A sandwich is allI need. Just a tongue sandwich. You must not begin by beingextravagant. " "This is my party, Cloudy. This goes under the head of expenses. Ifyou can't find enough you like among what I order, why, I'll get you atongue sandwich, too; but you've been feeding us out of thecooky-jar, and I guess I'll get the finest I can find to pay you back. I told you this was my time. When we get settled, you can orderthings; but now I'm going to see that you get enough to eat whileyou're working so hard. " Leslie's eyes danced with her dimples as Julia Cloud appealed to herto stop this extravagance. "That's all right, Cloudy. I heard Guardy Lud tell Al not to spare anyexpense to make things comfortable for you while you were moving. " So Julia Cloud settled down to the pleasure of a new and deliciouscombination of foods, and thoroughly enjoyed it all. "Now, " said Leslie as the meal drew to a close, "we must get to work. It's half-past two, and the stores close at half-past five. I've a lotof shopping to do. How about you, Cloudy?" "I must buy a trunk, " said Julia Cloud thoughtfully, "and a hand-bagand some gloves. I ought to get a new warm coat, but that will dolater. " Leslie eyed her thoughtfully, and raised one brow intensively at herbrother as she rose from the table. Allison landed them at a big department store, and guided his aunt tothe trunk department with instructions to stay there until he andLeslie came back. Then they went off with great glee and manywhisperings. It is a curious thing how easily and quickly young people can shopprovided they have plenty of money and no older person by to hamperthem. Allison and Leslie were back within the time they had set, looking very meek and satisfied. Leslie carried a small package, which she laid in Julia Cloud's lap. "You said you needed a hand-bag, " she said; "and I came on a placewhere they were having a sale. I thought this was a peach; so I boughtit. If you don't like it, we can give it to Aunt Ellen or some one. " Julia Cloud's cheeks grew pink with pleasure, and she felt like a veryyoung, happy child as she opened the parcel to find a lovely graysuède hand-bag with silver clasp and fittings, containing quite alittle outfit of toilet articles and brushes in neat, compact form. She caught her breath with delight as she touched the soft whiteleather lining, and noticed the perfection and finish of the whole. Itseemed fit for a queen, yet was plain and quiet enough on the outsidefor a dove to carry. She looked up to see the two pairs of eager eyesupon her, and could hardly refrain from throwing her arms about thechildren right there in the store; but she stopped in time and let hereyes do the caressing, as she said with a tremble in her low, sweetvoice: "O you dear children! How you are going to spoil me! I see I must getsettled quickly so that I shall have the power to restrain you. " They rollicked forth then, and bought several things, a big steamerrug for the car, a pair of long gray mocha gloves to match thehand-bag, a silk umbrella, and for Aunt Ellen a shiny black hand-bagwith a number of conveniences in it, and a pair of new black gloveswith long, warm wrists tucked inside of it. Then Allison thoughtfullysuggested a handsome leather wallet for Uncle Herbert, and JuliaCloud lingered by the handkerchief-counter, and selected half a dozennew fine handkerchiefs. It all seemed just like a play to her, it wasso very long since she had been shopping herself. Ellen had boughteverything for her for years, because she was always too busy or tooburdened to get away. When they were out in the street again, it was still too early tothink of going to the hotel for dinner. "How about a movie, Cloudy?" asked Allison shyly. "There's a pippindown the street a ways. I saw it as we came by. Or don't you likemovies? Perhaps you'd rather go to the hotel and lie down. I supposeyou are maybe worn out. I ought to have thought of that. " "Not a bit of it!" said the game little woman. "I should love to go. Maybe you won't believe it, but I never went to a movie in my life, and I've been wanting to know what they were like for a long time. " "Never went to a movie in your life! Why, Cloudy, you poor dear!" saidAllison, who had been fairly fed on movies. "Why, how did it happen?Don't they have moving pictures in your town?" "Yes, they have them now, though only a year or so ago. But you knowI've never been able to get away, even if they had been all about me. Besides, I suppose I should have been considered crazy if I had gone, me, an oldish woman! If there had been children to take, it would havebeen different. I suppose it is a childish desire, but I always lovedpictures. " "Well, we're going, " said Allison. "Get in quick, and I'll have youthere before you say Jack Robinson!" And so in the restful cool of a flower-laden atmosphere in one of thefinest moving-picture places in the city Julia Cloud sat with her twochildren and saw her first moving picture, holding her breath inwonder and delight as the people on the screen lived and moved beforeher. "I'm afraid I'm having too good a time, " she said quietly as shesettled back in the car again, and was whirled away to the hotel. "Ifeel as if I were a child again. If this keeps on, I won't havedignity enough left to chaperon you properly. " "Oh, but Cloudy, dear, that's just why we want you, because you knowhow to be young and play with us, " clamored both of them together. Then after a good dinner they went up to their rooms, and there wasJulia Cloud's shining new trunk that had to be looked over; and thereon the floor beside it stood two packages, big boxes, both of them. "This must be a mistake, " said Julia Cloud, looking at them curiously. "Allison, you better call the boy and have him take them away to theright room. " Allison picked up the top package, a big, square box. "Why, this is your name, Cloudy Jewel!" he exclaimed. "It must beyours. Open it!" "But how could it be?" said Julia Cloud perplexedly. "Open it, Cloudy. I want to see what's in it. " Julia Cloud was bending over the long pasteboard box on the floor andfinding her name on that, too. "It's very strange, " she said, her cheeks beginning to grow pink likethose of a child on her first Christmas morning. "I suppose it's somemore of your extravagant capers. I don't know what I shall do withyou!" But her eager fingers untied the string, while Leslie and Allisonexecuted little silent dances around the room and tried to stifletheir mirth. The cover fell off at last, and the tissue-paper blew up in a greatfluff; and out of it rolled a beautiful long, soft, thick gray cloakof finest texture and silken lining, with a great puffy collar andcuffs of deep, soft silver-gray fox. "Oh-h!" was all Julia Cloud could say as the wonderful garment slippedout and spread about over the box and floor. And then the two childrencaught it up, and enveloped her in it, buttoning it down the front andturning the collar around her ears. "It's yours, Cloudy, to keep you warm on the journey!" cried Leslie, dancing around and clapping her hands. "Doesn't she look lovely in it, Allison? Oh, isn't she dear?" and Leslie caught her and whirled heraround the room. Then Allison brought the big square box, and demanded that it beopened; and out of it came a small gray hat in soft silky beaver, witha close gray feather curled quietly about it, that settled down onJulia Cloud's lovely white hair as if it had been made for her. "You don't mind, do you, Cloudy, dear? You don't think I'm officiousor impertinent?" begged Leslie anxiously. "It was Allison's idea toget the hat to match the coat, and it was such a dear we couldn't helptaking it; but, if there is anything about them you don't like, wegot special permission for you to exchange them to-morrow morning. " "Like them!" Julia Cloud settled down in a chair, and looked at herself in helplessjoy and admiration. Like them! "But O children! You oughtn't to have got such wonderful, expensivethings for me. I'm just a plain, simple woman, you know, and it's notfitting. " Then there arose a great clamor about her. Why was it not fitting? Shewho had given her life for others, why should she not have some of thebeautiful, comfortable things of earth? It wasn't sensible for her totalk that way. That was being too humble. And, besides, weren't thesethings quite sensible and practical? Weren't they warm, and wouldn'tthey be convenient and comfortable and neat? Well, then, "Good-night, "finished Allison. And so at last they said "Good-night, " and went to their beds; butlong after the children were asleep Julia Cloud lay awake and thoughtit out. God had been good to her, and was leading her into greenpastures beside quiet waters; but there were things He was expectingof her, and was she going to be able to fulfil them? These two youngsouls were hers to guide. Would she have the grace to guide them intothe knowledge of God in Christ? And then she lay praying for strengthfor this great work until the peace of God's sleep dropped down uponher. CHAPTER IX The next two days were busy ones. There were a great many last littlethings to be done, and Julia Cloud would have worked herself out, hadnot the children interfered and carried her off for a ride everylittle while. The intervening Sabbath was spent at Ellen Robinson's. The handsome hand-bag and wallet served to keep Ellen from being verydisagreeable. In fact, at the last, when she began to realize thatJulia was really going away, and would not be down at the old houseany more for her to burden and torment, she really revealed a gleam ofaffection for her, and quite worried poor Julia with thinking thatperhaps, after all, she ought not to go away so far from her onlysister. When Ellen sat down on the bare stairs in the old hall Mondaymorning, and gave vent to a real sob at parting, Julia had a swiftvision of her little sister years ago sitting on that same stairweeping from a fall, and herself comforting her; and she put her armsaround Ellen, and kissed her for the first time in many reticentyears. But at last they were off, having handed over the keys to the newtenant, and Julia Cloud leaned back on the luxurious cushions andlaughed. Not from mirth, for there were tears in her eyes; and notfrom nervousness, for she was never subject to hysteria; but just fromsheer excitement and joy to think that she was really going out in theworld at last to see things and live a life of her own. The two young people felt it, and laughed with her, until theblackbirds, swirling in a rustling chorus overhead on their way south, seemed to be joining in, and a little squirrel whisked across the roadand sat up inquiringly on a log framed in scarlet leaves. They went straight to the city, for Mr. Luddington had promised tomeet them there and confer with them further about their plans. But, when they reached the hotel, they found only a telegram from himsaying that business had held him longer than he expected and that heshould have to arrange to meet them farther along in their journey. Hesuggested three colleges, either one of which he should favor, andoutlined their journey to take in a stop at each. He promised tocommunicate with them later, and gave his own address in case theydecided to remain at either the first or the second place visited. "Now, " said Julia Cloud after the telegram was disposed of, "I want toget a new dress and a few things before we go any farther. I know youchildren don't like these old black things, and we might as well startout right. It won't take me long, and I shall be ready to go on my wayright after lunch. " Leslie was delighted, and the two spent two hours of happiness inshopping, while Allison drove to a garage to have his car looked overthoroughly, and laid in a supply of good things for the journey. Healso spent a profitable half-hour studying a road-map and askingquestions concerning the journey. They tried to make Julia Cloud take a nap before they started, but shedeclared she would rather rest in the car; and so they started off, feeling like three children going to find the end of the rainbow. It was a wonderful afternoon. The air was like wine, and the autumnfoliage was in all its glory. As they flew along, it seemed as if theywere leaving all care behind. A soft pink color grew in Julia Cloud'scheeks, and she sat with her hands folded and her eyes bright with thebeauty of the day. "Oh, but you're a beauty, Cloudy, dear!" exclaimed Leslie suddenly. "See her, Allison! Just look at her. Isn't she great? She was allright in those black things, of course, but she's wonderful in thegray things!" For Julia Cloud had laid aside in the very bottom of her new trunk theprim black serge that Ellen had bought, and the black funeral glovesand coat and hat; and she was wearing a lovely soft gray wool jerseydress with white collar and cuffs. The big gray coat was nestled byher side ready for use when the wind grew colder, and she was wearingthe new gray hat and gloves, and looked a lady every inch. Allisonturned slowly, and gave her a look that made her blush like a girl. "I should say she _is_ great! She's a peach!" he agreed. "That hat isa cracker jack! It looks like a pigeon's wing. I like it; don't you, Cloudy? But say, Leslie, she's something more than a beauty. She's agood scout. That's what she is. Do you realize she hasn't opened herlips about the car once? 'Member the time I took Mrs. Luddington downto the office for Guardy, how she squeaked every time another carwent by, and cautioned me to be careful and go slow, and asked me howmany times I had ever driven before, and if I wasn't exceeding thespeed-limit, and no end of things? But Cloudy hasn't batted an eye. She just sits there as if she was riding a cloud and enjoyed it. " "Well, I do, " said Julia Cloud, laughing; "and I never thought ofbeing afraid. I didn't know enough to. Ought I to? Because I'm havingsuch a good time that I'm afraid I'd forget to be frightened. " "That's what I said. You're a good sport. I believe you like to gofast. " Julia Cloud admitted shamedly that she did. "He's a splendid driver, and so am I, " Leslie explained earnestly. "Guardy had us taught ages ago, and we're driven a lot; only of coursewe didn't have our own car. We just had the regular car that belongsto the house. But we made that work some. And Allison took a fullcourse in cars. He knows how to repair them, and put them together, and everything. " "Shall I let her go, Cloudy?" asked Allison eagerly. "Will you beafraid?" "I should love it, " said Julia Cloud eagerly, and then with a soberlook at the boy: "Don't do anything crazy, dear! Don't do anythingthat you oughtn't to do. " "Of course not!" said Allison gravely, sitting up with a manly look inhis handsome young face. And by the look he gave her she knew that shehad put him upon his honor, and she knew that he would take no risksnow that she had trusted him. If she had been a squealing, hectoringkind of woman, he might have been challenged into taking risks, butnot here, when she trusted him and the responsibility was all his. Julia Cloud, as she drew a long breath and prepared, to enjoy theflight down the white ribbon of road, up a hill and down another, registered the thought that here was a clew to this boy's character. Trust him, and he would be faithful. Distrust him, and you wouldn't beanywhere. It did not come to her in words that way, but rather as asubconscious fact that was incorporated into her soul, and gave her asolid and sure feeling about her boy. She had seen all that in hiseyes. He turned around presently, and told her how fast they had been going;and her eyes were shining as brightly as Leslie's. "You're a pretty good pard, Cloudy, " he said. "We'll make you a memberof the gang and take you everywhere. See! You're being initiated now, and you're making good right along. I knew we did a good thing when wecame after you. Didn't we, Les?" And Leslie turned and flung herself into Julia Cloud's arms with oneof her enthusiastic hugs. It was just evening when they entered the little town about twentymiles from a larger city, where was located a seat of learning, co-educational, which had been highly recommended to Mr. Luddington, and which seemed to him to have a great many good points in itsfavor. The sign-posts warned them of their approach; and the three satsilently watching, judging the place from the outskirts. Big squarehouses and lawns multiplied as they progressed. Some streets hadfences. Substantial churches rose here and there, and the collegegrounds became visible as they neared the centre of the town. Thebuildings were spacious and attractive, with tall old elms and maplesshading the broad walks. There was an ideal chapel of dark-red stonewith arches and a wonderful belfry, and one could easily imagine youngmen and maidens flitting here and there. The two young people studied the scene as the car drove slowly by, andsaid nothing. Allison went on to the other end of town till the housesgrew farther apart, and nothing had been said. Then Leslie drew a bigsigh. "Turn around, brother, and let's go back past there again. " Allison turned around, and drove slowly by the college grounds again. "There are tennis-courts at the back, " said Leslie, "and that lookslike a gym over there. Do you suppose that's the athletic field overat the back?" They drove slowly around the block, and Julia Cloud sat silently, trying to think of herself in this strange environment, and feelingsuddenly chilly and alone. There would be a lot of strange people tomeet, and the children would be off at college all day. She hadn'tthought of that. "Try some of the side streets, " ordered Leslie; "I haven't seen ourhouse yet. " They came to the business part of the town, and found the stopping-placesuggested in Mr. Luddington's directions. "We can't tell much about it to-night, " said Allison gravely. "I guesswe better get some supper and let Cloudy Jewel get rested for a while. Then to-morrow we can look around. " They were wise words, and Julia Cloud assented at once; but it wasquite plain that neither he nor Leslie was much elated at the place. Allison slipped out for a walk through the college grounds after theothers had gone to their rooms, and came back whistling gravely. "He doesn't like it, Cloudy, " whispered Leslie as the sound floated inthrough the transom. "He won't have anything to do with it. You see!" "What makes you think so, dear? He's whistling. That sounds as if heliked it. " "Yes, but look what he's whistling. He always begins on 'The Long, Long Trail' if he isn't pleased or has to wait when he's in a hurry toget anywhere. Now, if he had been pleased, you would have heard 'Onegrasshopper hopped right over th' other grasshopper's back. ' I canalways tell. Well, I don't care; do you, Cloudy? There's plenty ofother colleges, and I didn't see our house in any of the streets wewent through, did you?" Julia Cloud had to confess that she had not been in love with anythingshe had seen yet. "Well, then, what's the use of going over the old college? I say let'sbeat it in the morning. " But Julia Cloud would not hear to that. She said they must be faireven to a college, and Mr. Luddington would want them to look theplace over thoroughly while they were there. So after breakfastthe two reluctant young people went with Julia Cloud to makeinvestigation. They went through the classrooms and the chapel and the library andgymnasiums. They visited the science halls and workshops. They evenclimbed up to the observatory, and took a squint at the big telescope, and then they came down and went with a real-estate dealer to see somehouses. But at twelve o'clock they came back to their boarding-housewith a sigh of relief, ate a good dinner, and, climbing into theircar, shook the dust of the town, as it were, from their feet. "It may be a very nice town, but it's not the town for me, " chantedLeslie, nestling back among the cushions. "Here, too!" said Allison, letting the car ride out under full powerover the smooth country road. But, though Julia Cloud questionedseveral times, she could get no explanation except Allison's terse"Too provincial, " whatever he meant by that. She doubted whether heknew himself. She wondered whether it were that they each felt thesame homesick feeling that she had experienced. They stayed that night at a little country inn, and started on theirway again at early morning, for they had a long journey before them toreach the second place that Mr. Luddington had suggested. Late thatafternoon they stopped in a small city, and decided to rest untilmorning; for the children wanted to stretch their limbs, and they feltthat their aunt was very weary though she declared she was onlysleepy. The sun had quite gone down the next evening, and the twilight wasbeginning to settle over everything as they drove at last into thesecond college town of their tour, and the church bells were pealingfor prayer meeting. Church bells! The thought of them sent a thrillthrough Julia Cloud's heart. There was somehow a familiar, home-likesound to them that made her think of the prayer meetings that hadcheered her heart through many lonely days. It had really been for many years her one outing to go to prayermeeting. Even after her mother had become bedridden she had alwaysinsisted on Julia's going off to prayer meeting, and a neighbor whowas lame and sometimes stayed with her would come hobbling in and sendher off. The old cracked church bell at home had always sounded sweetto her ears because it meant that this hour was her own quiet time togo away alone and rest. And it had been real heart-rest always, eventhough sometimes the meetings themselves had been wofully prosy. Therehad always been the pleasant little chat and the warm hand-shakeafterwards, and then the going home again beneath the stars with a bitof the last hymn in one's soul to sing one to sleep with, "Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me;" and the burden had grown less, and her heart had grown light with thepromise of her Father. Those meetings had been to Julia Cloud veryreal meetings with her Christ; and now, as the evening bells pealedout, her heart leaped to meet and answer the call. "Oh! I'd like to go to prayer meeting!" she said impulsively as theypassed the lighted church, and saw a few faithful going in at thedoor. "Do you mean it?" asked Allison, bringing the car to a stop. "Do you_mean_ it, Cloudy? Then let's go. We can size the people up, and seeif we like their looks. I guess we can stand a prayer meeting unlessyou are too tired. " With the eagerness of a child Julia Cloud got out of the car and wentinto the house of the Lord. It was like a bit of heaven to her. Shedidn't realize what a bore it might be to her two companions. It was a good little meeting as such meetings go. Very littleenthusiasm, very few present, mostly elders and their wives, with anold saint or two almost at the journey's end, and a dignifiedwhite-haired minister, who said some good things in a drony, sleepytone. The piano was played by a homely young woman who woreunfashionable clothes, and made frightful mistakes in the bassoccasionally; but that did not seem to trouble the singers, who sangwith the heart rather than with their voices. Allison sat solemnly, and refrained from looking at his sister; butboth stole occasional glances at their aunt, and admired her newclothes and the beautiful light on her face. For Julia Cloud felt asif she were glimpsing into heaven and seeing her Lord in this bit ofcommunion with some of His saints; and, when she bowed her head in theclosing prayer, she was thanking Him for all His mercies in bringingthis wonderful change into her gray life, and giving her these twodear children to love her and be loved by her. As she rose to comeout, her face was glorified by that vision on the mount. The gentle-faced minister came and spoke to them, and welcomed them tothe church, although Allison told him quite curtly that they were onlypassing through the town; but Julia Cloud trod the neat brown ingraincarpet of the aisle as if it were golden pavement. "Of all the stupid places!" said Allison as they got into the car. "What do they have prayer meetings for, anyway? Did you manage to keepawake, Cloudy?" And suddenly like a pall there fell upon Julia Cloud's bright soul therealization that these children did not, would not, feel as she didabout such things. They had probably never been taught to love thehouse of God, and how was she ever to make them see? Perhaps it hadbeen prosy and dull to one who did not hear the Lord's voice behindthe Bible words. Perhaps the old minister had been long and tiresome, and the children were weary with the journey and sleepy; she ought notto have let them stop now; and she began to say how sorry she was. But, when they saw from her words that she had really enjoyed thatdull little meeting, they were silent. "Well, Cloudy, I'll hand it to you, " said Allison at last. "If youcould stand that meeting and enjoy it, you're some Christian! But I'mglad for one that we went if you liked it; and I guess, if you can goa football game now and then, I ought to be able to stand a prayermeeting. So now here goes for seeing the town. It's only nine o'clock, and I believe that's the college up there on the hill where all thoselights are. Shall we drive up there?" The car slipped through the pleasant evening streets, turning acorner, slowing up at a crossing to take a view of the town, andkeeping all the time in view the clusters of lights on the hill, whichAllison conceived to be the college. Suddenly Leslie leaned forward, and cried: "O Allison, stop! Stop! There it is, just there on the right. And it'sfor sale, too! Oh, let's get right out and get the name of the agent, so we won't lose it again. " Allison stopped the car suddenly, and turned to look. There in thefull blaze of an electric arc-light, nestled among shrubbery and talltrees, with a smooth terrace in front, was a beautiful little cottageof white stone, with a pink roof, and windows everywhere. "Why, that's not the college, Les; what's the matter with you?" saidAllison, putting his hand on the starter again. "Better wake up. Don'tyou know a college when you don't see one?" "College nothing!" said his sister. "That's our house. That's our_home_, Allison. The very house I've dreamed of. It looks a littlelike the houses in California, and it is the very thing. Now, there'sno use; you've got to get out and get that agent's name, or I'll jumpout myself, and get lost, and walk the rest of the way!" "It is lovely!" said Julia Cloud, leaning over to look. "But it looksexpensive, and you wouldn't want to _buy_ a house, you know, dear; foryou might not stay. " "Oh, yes, we would if we liked it. And, besides, houses can be soldagain when you get done with them, though I'd never want to sell that!It's a perfect little duck. Allison, will you get out or shall I?" "Oh, I'm game, " said Allison, getting out and jumping the hedge intothe pretty yard. He took out his pencil, and wrote down the address in his note-book, stepped up the terrace and glanced about, then went close to thestreet sign, and found out what corner it was near. "It is a pippin, sure thing, " he said as he sprang into the car again;"but, Leslie, for the love of Mike, don't find any more housesto-night! I'm hungry as a bear. That prayer meeting was one too manyfor me; I'm going to make for the nearest restaurant; and then, if youwant to go house-hunting after that, all right; but I'm going to findthe eats first. " They asked a group of boys where the restaurant was, and one pointedto an open door from which light was streaming forth. "There's the pie-shop, " they said, and the party descended hungry andhappy with the delicious uncertainty of having found a dream of ahouse in the dark, and wondering what it would turn out to be in thedaytime. They inquired the way to the inn, and decided to stop furtherinvestigations until morning. CHAPTER X They were all very weary, and slept well that night; but, strange tosay, Allison, who was the sleepy-head, awoke first, and was outlooking the town over before the others had thought of awaking. Hecame back to breakfast eager and impatient. "We don't need to go any farther, " he declared. "It's a peach of aplace. There's a creek that reaches up in the woods for miles; andthey have canoes and skating and a swimming-hole; and there aretennis-courts everywhere; and it's only eleven miles from the city. Isay we just camp here, and not bother about going on to the otherplace. I'm satisfied. If that house is big enough, it's just thething. " "But have you been to the college?" "No, but I asked about it. They have intercollegiate games and frats, and I guess it's all right. It has a peach of a campus, too, and aCarnegie library with chimes----" "Well, but, dear, you aren't going to college just for those things. " "Oh, the college'll be all right. Guardy wouldn't have suggested it ifit wasn't. But we'll go up there this morning and look around. " "Now, children, don't get your heart set on it before you know allabout it. You know that house may be quite impossible. " "Now, Cloudy!" put in Leslie. "You know Allison told you you were agood sport. You mustn't begin by preaching before you find out. If itisn't all right, why, of course we don't want it; so let's have thefun of thinking it is till we prove it isn't--or it is. " Julia Cloud looked into the laughing, happy eyes, and yielded with asmile. "Of course, " she said, "that's reasonable. I'm agreed to that. Butthere's one thing: you know we're bound to go on to the other college, because Mr. Luddington expects us; and we can come back here again ifwe like this better. " "Oh, we can wire him to come here, " said Leslie. "Now, let's go! Firstto that house, please, because I'm so afraid somebody will buy itbefore we get the option on it. I've heard that houses are very scarcein the East just now, and people are snapping them up. I read that onthe back of that old man's paper at the next table to ours thismorning. " All three of them having the hearts of children, they went at once tohunt up the agent before ever they got even a glimpse of the halls oflearning standing brave and fair on the hillside in the morningsunshine. "Because there are plenty more colleges, " said Leslie; "butthere is only one home for us, and I believe we've found it, if itlooks half as pretty in the daylight as it did at night. " It took only a few minutes to find the agent and get the key of thehouse, and presently they were standing on the terrace gazing withdelight at the house. It was indeed a lovely little dwelling. It was built of stone, andthen painted white, but the roof and gables were tiled with great pinktiles, giving an odd little foreign look to it, something like AnneHathaway's cottage in general contour, Leslie declared. The top of the terrace was pink-tiled, too, and all the porches werepaved with tiles. The house itself seemed filled with windows allaround. Allison unlocked the door, and they exclaimed with pleasure ashe threw it wide open and they stepped in. The sunshine was floodingthe great living-room from every direction, it seemed. To begin with, the room was very large, and gave the effect of being a sun-parlorbecause of its white panelled walls and its many windows. Straightacross from the front door on the opposite side of the room opened asmall hallway or passage with stairs leading up to a platform wheremore windows shed a beautiful light down the stairs on walls paperedwith strange tropical birds in delicate old-fashioned tracery. To the right through a wide white arch from the living-room was acharming white dining-room with little, high, leaded-paned windowsover the spot for the sideboard and long windows in front. To the left was an enormous stone fireplace with high mantel-shelf ofstone and the chimney above. The fire-opening was wide enough for anold Yule log, and on either side of it were double glass doors openinginto a long porch room, which also had a fireplace on the oppositeside of the chimney, and was completely shut in by long casementwindows. Up-stairs there were four large bedrooms and a little hall room thatcould be used for a sewing-room or den, or an extra bedroom, besides aneat little maid's room in a notch on the half-way landing, and twobathrooms, white-tiled and delightful, tucked away in between things. Then Leslie opened a glass door in the very prettiest room of all, which she and Allison immediately decided must belong to their aunt, and exclaimed in delight; for here nestled between the gables, with atiled wall all about it, was a delightful housetop or uncovered porch, so situated among the trees that it was entirely shut in from theworld. It was perfect! They stood and looked at one another in delight, andfor the time the college was forgotten. Then Allison dashed away, andcame back eagerly almost immediately. "There's a garage!" he said, "just behind the kitchen, a regularrobin's nest of a one, white with pink tiles just like the house, anda pebbled drive. Say, it must be some fool of a guy that would sellthis. Isn't it just a crackerjack?" "My dear, " put in Julia Cloud, "it can't help being very expensive----" "Now, Cloudy, remember!" said Leslie, holding up her finger in mockrebuke. "Just wait and see! And, anyhow, you don't know Guardy Lud. Ifhe could see us located in a peach of a home like this, he'd go backto his growley old dear of a wife with happy tears rolling down hisnice old cheeks. Allison, you go talk to that agent, and you give hima hundred dollars if you've got it left--here, I guess I've got some, too--just to bind the bargain till Guardy gets here. And say, you gosee if you can't get Guardy on the 'phone. I don't want to go a stepfarther. Couldn't you be happy here, Cloudy, with that fireplace, andthat prayer meeting to go to? I wouldn't mind going with you sometimeswhen I didn't have to study. " Julia Cloud stooped, and kissed the eager face, and whispered, "Veryhappy, darling!" And then they went to the agent again and the telephone. "Guardy Lud" proved himself quite equal to the occasion by agreeing tocome on at once and approve their choice, and promised to be therebefore evening. "I knew he would, " said Leslie happily, as they seated themselves inthe car again for the pleasant run to the college. They found the dean in his office, and Allison was taken with him atonce. "He isn't much like that musty little guy in the other college. Helooked like a wet hen!" growled Allison in a low tone to hissister and aunt, while the dean was out in the hall talking to astudent. "I like him, don't you?" and Julia Cloud sat wonderingwhat the boy's standards could be that he could judge so suddenlyand enthusiastically. Yet she had to admit herself that she likedthis man, tall and grave with a pleasant twinkle hidden away in hiswine-brown eyes and around the corners of his firm mouth. She feltsatisfied that here was a man who would be both wise and just. They made the rounds of the college buildings and campus with growingenthusiasm, and then drove back to the inn to lunch with heartyappetites. "Let's go down to the house, and measure things, and look around oncemore, " proposed Leslie. "Then we can come back and wait here forGuardy. We mustn't be away when he arrives, for he'll want to geteverything fixed up and get away. I know him. Allison, did you get atime-table?" Allison produced one from his coat-pocket, and they studied thetrains, and decided that there was no possibility of the arrival oftheir guardian until three o'clock, and probably not until five. "That's all right, " said Leslie. "Cloudy and I'll stay here from threeto five, and you can meet the trains; but first I want the dimensionsof those rooms, so Cloudy and I can plan. We've got a whole lot to dobefore college opens, and we can't spare a minute. O Cloudy! I'm sohappy! Isn't that house just a duck?" They went to the village store, bought a foot-rule, a yardstick, and atape-measure, and repaired to the house. Allison took the foot-rule bymasculine right; Julia Cloud said she felt more at home with thetape-measure; and Leslie preferred the yardstick. With pencil andpaper they went to work, making a diagram of each room, with spacesbetween windows and doors for furniture, taking it room by room. "We've got to know about length of curtains, and whether furniturewill fit in, " declared Leslie wisely. "I've thought it all out nightsin the sleeper on the way over here. Just think! Isn't it going to befun furnishing the whole house? You know, Cloudy, I didn't have hardlyanything sent, because it really wasn't worth while. We sort of wantedto leave the house at home just as it was when Mamma was living, tocome back to sometimes; and so we let it to an old gentleman, a friendof Grandfather's and Guardy's, who has only himself and his wife andservants, and will take beautiful care of it. But I went around andpicked out anything I wanted, rugs and pictures and some bric-à-brac, and a few bits of old mahogany that I love, just small things thatwould pack easily. Guardy said we might buy our own things. He set alimit on our spending, of course; but he said it would be goodexperience for us to learn how to buy wisely inside a certain sum. " Julia Cloud went around like one in a dream with her new tape-measure, setting down careful figures, and feeling like a child playing dollsagain. It was almost three o'clock when they finally finished theirmeasurements, and Allison hurried them back to the inn, and repairedto the station to meet trains. Leslie made her aunt lie down on the bed, supposedly for a nap; but noone could have taken a nap even if he had wanted to--which Julia Clouddid not--with an eager, excited girl sitting beside the bed, justfluttering with ideas about couches and pillows and furniture andcurtains. "We'll have a great deep couch, with air-cushions on the seat andback, and put it in the middle of the living-room facing thefireplace, won't we, Cloudy? And what color do you think would bepretty for the cushions? I guess blue, deep, dark-blue brocadedvelvet, or something soft that will tone well with the mahoganywoodwork. I love mahogany in a white room, don't you, Cloudy? And Ihad a great big blue Chinese rug sent over that I think will do nicelyfor there. You like blue, don't you, Cloudy?" she finished anxiously. "Because I want to have you like it more even than we do. " "Oh, I love it!" gasped Julia Cloud, trying to set her mind to revelin extravagant desires without compunction. She was not used toconsidering life in terms of Chinese rugs or mahogany and brocadevelvet. "I'd like the curtains next the windows to be all alike all over thehouse, wouldn't you? Just sheer, soft, creamy white. And then innercurtains of Chinese silk or something like that. We'd want blue in theliving-room, of course, if we had the blue rugs and couch, and oh! oldrose, I guess, in the dining-room, or perhaps mahogany color or tan. Green for that sun-porch room! That's it, and lots of willow chairsand tables! And rush mats on the tiled floor! Oh! Aren't we havingfun, Cloudy, dear? Now, I'll write out a list of things we have to buywhile you take a nap. " And so it went on the whole afternoon, until the sound of a distantwhistle warned them that the five-o'clock train was coming in and theymust be prepared to meet Mr. Luddington. According to programme they hurried into their wraps, and went down tothe piazza, to wait for the car. None too soon, for Allison wasalready driving around the curve in front of the door, and Mr. Luddington sat beside him, radiating satisfaction. Anything thatpleased his adorable wards pleased him, but this especially so, for hewas in a hurry to respond to the many telegrams summoning him home toCalifornia, and the quicker this little household was settled, thesooner he might leave them. They drove at once, of course, to the house, Allison and Leslietalking fast and eagerly every minute of the way, their eyes brightand their faces beautiful with enthusiasm; and Mr. Luddington couldonly sit and listen, and smile over their heads at Julia Cloud, whowas smiling also, and who in her new silvery garments looked to himall the more a lady and fit to play mother to his wards. "Well, now, now, now!" said Guardy Lud after they had gone carefullyover every room and were coming down-stairs again. "This is great!This certainly is great. I couldn't have had it better if I'd made itto order, could I? And I certainly wish you were settled here, and Icould stay long enough to take breakfast with you and enjoy some moreof your excellent buckwheat cakes, Miss Cloud. " He turned with agallant bow to Julia. "I hope you'll teach my little girl here to bakethem just like that, so she can make me some when she comes back toCalifornia to visit us again. " They rode him around the town, through the college grounds, and thenback to the inn for dinner. That evening they spent in discussion andbusiness plans for the winter. The next morning they took Mr. Luddington up to the college, where he made final arrangements for theyoung people to be entered as students, and afterwards drove to thecity. Mr. Luddington had one or two friends there to whom he wished tointroduce them, that they might have some one near at hand to callupon in a time of need. He also took them all to a bank, and arrangedtheir bank accounts so that they might draw what they needed at anytime. After lunch he went with them to several of the largest stores, and opened a charge account for them. Then, with a warm hand-shake forJulia Cloud and an emotional good-by for the young people, he leftthem to rush for his train. "We might stay in town to-night, and be ready to shop early in themorning, " proposed Leslie. "No, " said Allison decidedly. "Cloudy looks worn to a frazzle, and I'msick to death of the city. Let's beat it back to where they have goodair. We can go right to bed after dinner, and get up good and early, and be here as soon as the stores are open. They don't open till nineo'clock. I saw the signs on the doors everywhere. " So back they went for a good night's rest, and were up and at it earlyin the morning, scarcely noticing the way they rode, so interestedwere they in deciding how many chairs and beds and tables they neededto buy. "Let's get the curtains first, and then we can have the windowswashed, and put them right up, " said Leslie, "and nobody can see in. I'm crazy to be shut into our own house, and feel that it belongs tous. We can select them while Allison's gone to see what's the matterwith his engine. " But, when Julia Cloud heard the stupendous price that was asked forready-made curtains or curtains made to order, with fixtures andinstallation, she exclaimed in horror: "Leslie! This is foolish. We can easily make them ourselves, and putthem up for less than half the price. If I had only brought mysewing-machine! But it was all out of repair. " "Could we really make them ourselves, Cloudy? Wouldn't that be fun?We'll get a sewing-machine, of course. We'll need it for other things, too, sometimes, won't we? Of course we'll get one. We'll buy thatnext. Now, how many yards of each of these do we need?" In a few minutes the salesman had figured out how much was needed, counted the number of fixtures for doorways and windows, and arrangedto send the package down to the car at a certain time later in themorning. Then they went at once and bought a sewing-machine, one thatJulia Cloud knew all about and said was the best and lightest on themarket. Leslie was as pleased with the idea of learning to run it asif it had been a new toy and she a child. "We'll have it sent right to the little new house, and then we can gothere evenings after we are through shopping, and sew. You can cut, and I can put in the hems, if you think I can do them well enough. Wemust get scissors and thread, a lot of it, and silk to match thecolored curtains, too. " They took the rooms one at a time, and furnished them, Allison joiningthem, and taking as much interest in the design of the furniture as ifhe had been a young bridegroom just setting up housekeeping forhimself. They had set aside a certain sum for each room so that they would notoverstep their guardian's limit, and with Julia Cloud to put on thebrakes, and suggest simplicity, and decide what was in good taste forsuch a small village house, they easily came within the generous limitallowed them. It was a great game for Julia Cloud to come out of her simple countrylife and plunge into this wholesale beautiful buying untroubled by acontinual feeling that she must select the very cheapest withoutregard to taste or desire. It was wonderful; but it was wearying inspite of the delight, and so the little house was not all furnished ina day. "Well, the living-room's done, anyway, and the willow set for theporch room!" sighed Leslie, leaning back with a fling of weariness. "Now to-morrow we'll do the dining-room. " "To-morrow's Sunday, Les; the stores aren't open. Use your bean alittle, child. " "Sunday!" Leslie's beautiful face drew itself into a snarl of impatience, thefirst, really, that Julia Cloud had seen. "Oh, darn!" said Leslie's pretty lips. "Isn't that too horrid? Iforgot all about it. I wonder what they have to have Sunday for, anyway. It's just a dull old bore!" "O Leslie, darling!" said Julia Cloud, aghast, something in her heartgrowing suddenly heavy and sinking her down, down, so that she felt asif she could hardly hold her head up another minute. "Well, Cloudy, dear, don't you think it's a bore yourself, truly?Come, now, own up. And I'm sure I don't see what's the use of it, doyou? One can't do a thing that's nice. But I'll tell you what we cando!" her eyes growing bright with eagerness again. "We'll measure andcut all the curtains, and turn the hems up. And, Allison, you can putup the fixtures. If only the machine could have been sent up to-day, we could have had the curtains all done, couldn't we, Cloudy?" But Julia Cloud's lips were white and trembling, and her sweet eyeshad suddenly gone dark with trouble and apprehension. "O Leslie, darling child!" she gasped again. "You don't mean you wouldwork on the Sabbath day!" "Why, why not, Cloudy, dear? Is there anything wrong about that?" CHAPTER XI Julia Cloud had a sudden feeling that everything was whirling beneathher--the very foundations of the earth. She drew a deep breath, and tried to steady herself, thinking in her heart that she must bevery calm and not make any mistakes in this great crisis that hadarisen. It flashed across her consciousness that she was a simple, old-fashioned woman, accustomed to old-fashioned ideas, living allher life in a little town where the line between the church and theworld was strongly marked, where the traditions of Christianity werestill held sacred in the hearts of many and where the customs ofworldliness had not yet noticeably invaded. All the articles she hadread in the religious press about the worldliness of the modernSabbath, the terrible desecration of the day that had been dear andsacred to her all her life as being the time when she came closestto her Lord; all the struggle between the church and the world tokeep the old laws rigidly; and all the sneers she had seen in thesecular press against the fanatics who were trying to force theworld back to Puritanism, came shivering to her mind in one greatthrill of agony as she recognized that she was face to face withone of the biggest religious problems of the day, and must fight itout alone. The beautiful life that had seemed to be opening out before her wasnot, then, to be all beauty. Behind the flowers of this new Eden therehid a serpent of temptation; and she, Julia Cloud, disciple of theLord Christ, was to be tried out to see what faith there was in her. For a moment she faltered, and closed her eyes, shuddering. How couldshe face it, she, who knew so little what to say and how to tell herquiet heart-beliefs? Why had she been placed in such a position? Whywas there not some one wiser than she to guide the feet of thesechildren into the straight and narrow way? But only a moment she shrank thus. The voice of her Master seemed tospeak in her heart as the wind whirled by the car and stirred theloose hair on her forehead. The voice that had been her guide throughlife was requiring her now to witness to these two whom she loved, asno other could do it, be they ever so wise; just because she lovedthem and loved Him, and was not pretending to be wise, only following. Then she drew a deep breath, reminded herself once more that she mustbe careful not to antagonize, and sat up gravely. "Dear, it is God's day, and I have always felt that He wanted us tomake it holy for Him, keep worldly things out of it, you know. Iwouldn't feel that I could work on that day. Of course I have no rightto say you shall not. I'm only your adviser and friend, you know. ButI'd rather you wouldn't, because I know God would rather youwouldn't. " Leslie pouted uneasily. "How in the world could you know that?" she said almost crossly. Shedid love to carry out her projects, and hitherto Julia Cloud had putno hindrance in her way. "Why, He said so in His book. He said, 'Thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter----'" "Oh, those are the old commandments, Cloudy, dear; and I've heardpeople, even ministers, say that they are out of date now. They don'thave anything to do with us nowadays. " Julia Cloud looked still graver. "God doesn't change, Leslie. He is the same yesterday and to-day andforever. And He said that whoever took away from the meaning of thewords of His book would have some terrible punishment, so that it werebetter that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he weredrowned. " "Well, I think He'd be a perfectly horrid God to do that!" saidLeslie. "I can't see how you can believe any such old thing. It isn'tlike you, Cloudy, dear; it's just some old thing you were taught. Youdon't like to be long-faced and unhappy one day in the week, you knowyou don't. " "Long-faced! Unhappy! Why, dear child, God doesn't want the Sabbath tobe that. He wants it to be the happiest day of all the week. I'm neverunhappy on Sunday. I like it best of all. " Suddenly Allison turned around, and looked at Julia Cloud, saw thewhite, strained look around her lips, the yearning light in her eyes, and had some swift man's intuition about the true woman's soul of her. For men, especially young men, do have these intuitions sometimes aswell as women. "Leslie, " he said gently, as if he had suddenly grown much older thanhis sister, "can't you see you're hurting Cloudy? Cut it out! IfCloudy likes Sunday, she shall have it the way she wants it. " Leslie turned with sudden compunction. "O Cloudy, dear, I didn't mean to hurt you; indeed I didn't! I neverthought you'd care. " "It's all right, dear, " said Julia Cloud with her gentle voice, andjust the least mite of a gasp. "You see--I--Sunday has been alwaysvery dear to me; I hadn't realized you wouldn't feel the same. " She seemed to shrink into herself; and, though the smile stilltrembled on her lips, there was a hovering of distress over her finebrows. "We _will_ feel the same!" declared Allison. "If you feel that way somuch, we'll manage somehow to be loyal to what you think. You alwaysdo it for us; and, if we can't be as big as you are, we haven't gotthe gang spirit. It's teamwork, Leslie. Cloudy goes to football games, and makes fudge for our friends; and we go to church and help her keepSunday her way. See?" "Why, of course! Sure!" said Leslie, half bewildered. "I didn't meannot to, of course, if Cloudy likes such things; only she'll have toteach me how, for I never did like those things. " "Well, I say, let's get Cloudy to spend the first Sunday telling ushow she thinks Sunday ought to be kept, and why. Is that a bargain, Cloudy?" "But I'm afraid I wouldn't be wise enough to explain, " faltered JuliaCloud, distress in her voice. "I could maybe find something to read toyou about it. " "Oh, preserve us, Cloudy! We don't want any old dissertations out of abook. If we can't have your own thoughts that make you live it the wayyou do, we haven't any use for any of it. See?" Julia Cloud forced a trembling little smile, and said she saw, andwould do her best; but her heart sank at the prospect. What aresponsibility to be put upon her ignorant shoulders. The Lord'sSabbath in her bungling hands to make or to mar for these two youngsouls! She must pray. Oh, she must pray continually that she might beled! And then there came swiftly to her mind one of the verses that hadbecome dear and familiar to her through the years as she read andreread her Bible, "And when they bring you unto the synagogues, andunto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing yeshall answer, or what ye shall say; for the Holy Ghost shall teach youin the same hour what ye ought to say. " This was not exactly being brought before magistrates; but it wasbeing challenged for a reason for the hope that was in her, andperhaps she could claim the promise. Surely, if the Lord wanted her todefend His Sabbath before these two, He would give her wise words inwhich to speak. Anyhow, she would just have to trust Him, for she hadnone of her own. "Now see what you've done, Leslie!" said her brother sharply. "Cloudyhasn't looked that way once before. Next thing you know she'll bewashing her hands of us and running off back to Sterling again. " "O Cloudy!" said the penitent Leslie, flinging herself into her aunt'sarms and nestling there beseechingly. "You wouldn't do that, wouldyou, Cloudy, dear? No matter how naughty I got? Because you would knowI wouldn't mean it ever. Even if I was real bad. " "No, dear, " said Julia Cloud, kissing her fair forehead. "But this isjust one of those things that I meant when I was afraid to undertakeit. You see there may be a great many things you will want to do onSunday that I would not feel it right for me to do, and I may be ahindrance to you in lots of ways. I shouldn't like to get to be a sortof burden to you, and it isn't as if they were things that I couldgive up, you know. This is a matter of conscience. " "That's all right, Cloudy, " put in Allison. "You have your say inthings like that. We aren't so selfish as all that. And besides, ifit's wrong for you, who knows but it's wrong for us, too? We'll lookinto it. " Julia Cloud went smiling through the rest of the evening, butunderneath was a tugging of strange dread and fear at her heart. Itwas all so new, this having responsibility with souls. She had alwaysso quietly trusted her Bible and tried to follow her Lord. She hadnever had to guide others. There had not been time for her even totake a class in Sunday school, and she knew her religion only as itapplied to her one little narrow life, she thought, not realizingthat, when one has applied a great faith to the circumstances of evena narrow life, and applied it thoroughly through a lifetime, one haslearned more theology than one could get in years of a theologicalseminary. Theories, after all, are worth little unless they have beenworked out in experience; and when one has patiently, even happily, given up much of the joy of living to serve, has learned to keep selfunder and love even the unlovable, has put to the test the promises ofthe Bible and found them hold true in time of need, and has found theSabbath day an oasis in the desert of an otherwise dreary life, evenan old theologian wouldn't have much more to go on in beginning adiscussion on Sabbath-keeping. Quite early the next morning, before Leslie had awakened, Julia Cloudhad slipped softly to her knees by the bedside, and was communing withher heavenly Father concerning her need of guidance. When Leslie awoke, her aunt was sitting by the window with her Bibleon her knee and a sweet look of peace on her face, the morningsunlight resting on the silvery whiteness of her hair like abenediction. It was perhaps the soft turning of a leaf that broughtthe girl to wakefulness, and she lay for some time quietly watchingher aunt and thinking the deep thoughts of youth. Perhaps nothingcould have so well prepared her for the afternoon talk as that fewminutes of watching Julia Cloud's face as she read her Bible, glancingnow and then from the window thoughtfully, as if considering somethingshe had read. Julia Cloud was reading over everything that her Biblesaid about the Sabbath, and with the help of her concordance she wasbeing led through a very logical train of thought, although she didnot know it. If you had asked her, she would have said that she hadnot been thinking about what she would say to the children; she hadbeen deep in the meaning that God sent to her own soul. But when Leslie finally stirred and greeted her, Julia Cloud looked upwith a smile of peace; and there was no longer a little line of worrybetween her straight brows. The peace lasted all through the morning, and went with her down tobreakfast; and something of her enjoyment of the day seemed to pervadethe atmosphere about her and extend to the two young people. Theyhovered about her, anxious to please, and a trifle ill at ease atfirst lest they should make some mistake about this day that seemed soholy to their aunt and had always been to them nothing but a bore toget through with in the jolliest way possible. There was no question about going to church. They just went. Leslieand Allison had never made a practice of doing so since they had beenleft to themselves. It had not been necessary in the circle in whichthey moved. When they went to school, and had to go to church, theyevaded the rule as often as possible. But somehow they felt withoutbeing told that if they tried to remain away now it would hurt theiraunt more than anything else they could do; and, while they wereusually outspoken and frank, they both felt that here was a time to besilent about their habits. "We're going to church, " said Allison in a low tone as he drew hissister's chair away from the breakfast-table. His tone had the qualityof command. "Of course, " responded Leslie quietly. It was so that Julia Cloud was spared the knowledge that her two dearyoung people did not consider it necessary to attend church everySabbath, and her peace was not disturbed. The sermon in the little stucco church where they had gone to prayermeeting that first night was not exceedingly enlivening nor uplifting. The minister was prosy with dignity, soaring into occasional flightsof eloquence that reminded one of a generation ago. There was nothingabout it to bring to mind the sweetness of a Sabbath communion withChrist, nothing to remind a young soul that Christ was ready to beFriend and Saviour. It was rather a dissertation on one of theepistles with a smack of modern higher criticism. The young peoplewatched the preacher a while listlessly, and wished for the end; but aglance at the quiet, worshipful face of their aunt kept themthoughtful. Julia Cloud evidently had something that most other peopledid not have, they said to themselves, some inner light that shonethrough her face, some finer sight and keener ear that made her seeand hear what was not given to common mortals to comprehend; andbecause she sat thus with the light of communion on her face they, too, sat with respectful hearts and tried to join lustily in the hymnswith their fresh voices. The minister came down and shook hands with them, welcoming themkindly. He seemed more human out of the pulpit, and asked quiteinterestedly where they were to live and whether he might call. Hementioned Sunday school and Christian Endeavor, and said he hoped theywould "cast in their lot" among them; and the young people gave himcold little smiles and withdrew into themselves while their aunt didthe talking. They were willing she should have her Sabbath, and theywould do all in their power to make it what she wanted; but they werehostile toward this church and this minister and all that it had to dowith. It simply did not interest them. Julia Cloud saw this in theireyes as she turned to go away, and sighed softly to herself. How muchthere was to teach them! Could she ever hope to make them feeldifferently? In two short weeks the college would open, and they wouldbe swept away on a whirl of work and play and new friends andfunctions. Was she strong enough to stem the tide of worldliness thatwould ingulf them? No, not of herself. But she had read that verymorning the promises of her Lord, "Surely I will be with thee, " "Iwill help thee"; and she meant to lay hold on them closely. She coulddo nothing of herself, but she with her Lord helping could do anythingHe wanted done. That was enough. Leslie turned longing eyes toward the winding creek and an alluringcanoe that lolled idly at the bank down below the inn as she stood onthe piazza after dinner waiting for her aunt; but Allison saw herglance, and shook his head. "Better not suggest it, " he said. "There are a lot of picnickers downthere carrying on high. She would not like it, I'm sure. If it wereall quiet and no one about, it would be different. " "Well, there are a lot of people around here on the piazzas, " saidLeslie disconsolately. "I don't see the difference. " But, when Julia Cloud came with her Bible slipped unobtrusively underher arm, she suggested a quiet spot in the woods; and so they wanderedoff through the trees with a big blanket from the car to sit on, andfound a wonderful place, high above the water, where a great rift ofrocks jutted out among drooping hemlocks, and was carpeted withpine-needles. "It would please me very much, " said Julia Cloud as she sat down onthe blanket and opened her Bible, looking up wistfully at the two, "ifyou two would go to that Christian Endeavor meeting to-night. I hateto ask you to do anything like that right away, but that ministerbegged me to get you to come. He said they were having such a struggleto make it live and that they needed some fresh young workers. Heasked me if you didn't sing, and he said singers were very muchneeded. " There was a heavy silence for a moment while the two young thingslooked at each other aghast across her, and Julia Cloud kept her eyeson the floating clouds above the hemlocks. She still had that softenedlook of being within a safe shelter where storms and troubles couldnot really trouble her; yet there was a dear, eager look in her eyes. Both children saw it, and with wonderful intuition interpreted it; andbecause their hearts were young and tender they yielded to itsinfluence. Leslie swooped down upon her aunt with an overwhelming kiss, andAllison dropped down beside her with a "Sure, we'll go, Cloudy, ifthat will do you any good. I can't say I'm keen about pleasing thatstiff old parson guy, but anything _you_ want is different. I don'tknow just what you're letting us in for, but I guess we can stand mostanything once. " Julia Cloud put out a hand to grasp a hand of each; and, looking up, they saw that there were tears in her eyes. "Are those happy tears, Cloudy, or the other kind? Tell us quick, orwe'll jump in the creek and drown ourselves, " laughed Leslie; and thentwo white handkerchiefs, one big and one little, came swiftly out anddabbed at her cheeks until there wasn't a sign of a tear to be seen. "I think I'm almost too happy to talk, " said Julia Cloud, resting backagainst the tree and looking up into its lacy green branches. "Itseems as if I was just beginning my life over and being a childagain. " For a few minutes they sat so, looking up into the changing autumnsky, listening to the soft tinkle of the water running below, the dipof an oar, the swirl of a blue heron's wing as it clove the air, thedistant voices of the picnickers farther down the creek, the rustle ofthe yellow beech-leaves as they whispered of the time to go, and howthey would drift down like little brown boats to the stream and glideaway to the end. Now and then a nut would fall with a tiny crisp thud, and a squirrel would whisk from a limb overhead. They were very quiet, and let the beauty of the spot sink deep into their souls. Then atlast Julia Cloud took up her Bible, and began to talk. CHAPTER XII There were tiny slips of paper in Julia Cloud's well-worn Bible, andshe turned to the first one shyly. It was such new work to her to betalking about these things to any but her own worshipful soul. The two young people settled back in comfortable attitudes on theblanket, and put their gaze upon the far sky overhead. They wereembarrassed also, but they meant to carry this thing through. "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host ofthem, " read Julia Cloud; and straightway the shining blue above themtook on a personality, and became a witness in the day's proceedings. It was as if some one whom they had known all their lives, quitefamiliar in their daily life, should suddenly have stood up anddeclared himself to have been an eye-witness to most marvellousproceedings. The hazy blue with its floating clouds was no longer adiversion from the subject in hand. Their eyes were riveted withmysterious thoughts as they lay and listened, astonished, fascinated. It was the first time it had ever really entered into theirconsciousness that there had been a time when there was no blue, nofirm earth, no anything. Whether it were true or not had not as yetbecome a question with them. They were near enough to theirfairy-story days to accept a tale while it was being read, and revelin it. The quiet voice went on: "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and herested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And Godblessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he hadrested from all his work which God created and made. " "What did He have to rest for? A God wouldn't get tired, would He?"burst forth Leslie, turning big inquiring eyes on Julia Cloud. "I don't know, unless He did it for our sakes to set us an example, "she answered slowly, "although that might mean He rested in the senseof stopped doing it, you know. And that would imply that He had somereason for doing so. I'm not very wise, you know, and because I maynot be able to answer your questions doesn't mean they can't beanswered by some one who has studied it all out. I've often wished Icould have gone to college and studied Greek and Hebrew, so I couldhave read the Bible in the original. " "H'm!" said Allison thoughtfully. "That would be interesting, wouldn'tit? I always wondered why they did it, but I don't know but I'll studythem myself. I think I'd enjoy it if there was a real reason besidesjust the discipline of it they are always talking about when you kickabout mathematics and languages. " "Well, " said Leslie, sitting up interestedly, "is that all there is toit? Did some one just up and say we had to keep Sunday because Goddid? I think that is a kind of superstition. I don't see that Godwould want to make us do everything He did. We couldn't. I _wouldn't_unless _He_ said to, anyhow. " "O Les! You're way off, " laughed her brother. "God did. He said, 'Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lordthy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thydaughter, thy man servant nor thy maid servant----' Don't you rememberthe Ten Commandments? No, I guess you were too little to learn them. But I got a Testament for learning them once. Say, Cloudy, when did Hegive that command? Right away after He made Adam and Eve?" "I'm not sure, " said Julia Cloud, fluttering the leaves of her Bibleover to the second slip of paper. "I don't find any reference to it inmy concordance till way over here in Exodus, after the children ofIsrael had been in Egypt so many years, and Moses led them out throughthe wilderness, and they got fretful because they hadn't any breadsuch as they used to have in Egypt, so God sent them manna that fellevery morning. But He told them not to leave any over for the next daybecause it would gather worms and smell bad, except on Saturday, whenthey were to gather enough for the Sabbath. Listen: 'And they gatheredit every morning, every man according to his eating; and when the sunwaxed hot, it melted. And it came to pass, that on the sixth day theygathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man; and all therulers of the congregation came and told Moses. And he said unto them, This is that which the Lord hath said, To-morrow is the rest of theholy sabbath unto the Lord; bake that, which ye will bake to-day, andseethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up foryou to be kept until the morning. And they laid it up till themorning, as Moses bade; and it did not stink, neither was there anyworm therein. And Moses said, Eat that to-day; for to-day is a sabbathunto the Lord: to-day ye shall not find it in the field. Six days yeshall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in itthere shall be none. And it came to pass, that there went out some ofthe people on the seventh day for to gather, and they found none. Andthe Lord said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my commandmentsand my laws? See, for that the Lord hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abideye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on theseventh day. So the people rested on the seventh day. ' It looks asthough the people had been used to the Sabbath already, for thecommandments given on the mount come three whole chapters later. Itlooks to me as if God established the Sabbath right at the beginningwhen He rested from His own work, and that's what it means when itsays He sanctified it. " "What do you suppose He said, 'I have given _you_ a sabbath' for? Itlooks as if it were meant for a benefit for the people and not forGod, doesn't it?" said Allison, sitting up and looking over his aunt'sshoulder. "Why, I always supposed God wanted the Sabbath for His ownsake, so people would see how great He was. " Julia Cloud's cheeks grew red with a flash of distress as if he hadsaid something against some one she loved very much. "Oh, no!" she said earnestly. "God isn't like that. Why, He loves us!He wouldn't have given a Sabbath at all if it hadn't been quitenecessary for our good. Besides, in the New Testament, Jesus said, 'The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath'! Oh, Hemade it for us, to be happy in, I'm sure. And perhaps He restedHimself so that we might understand He had set apart that time ofleisure in order to be everything to us on the day when we had mosttime for Him. I have read somewhere that God had to teach those earlypeople little by little just as we teach babies, a few things eachyear; and over in the New Testament it says that all these things thathappened in the Old Testament to those children of Israel happened andwere written down for an example to us who should live in the laterpart of the world. So, little by little, by pictures and stories Hetaught those people what He wanted all of us to know as a sort ofinheritance. And He took the things first that were of the mostimportance. It would seem as if He considered this matter of theSabbath very important, and as if He had it in mind right away at thefirst when He made the world, and intended to set apart this day outof every seven, because He stopped right off the very first weekHimself to establish a precedent, and then He 'sanctified' it, whichmust mean He set it apart in such a way that all the world shouldunderstand. " "What is a precedent?" asked Leslie sharply. "Oh, you know, Les, it's something you have to do just like becauseyou always have done it that way, " said Allison, waving her aside. "But, Cloudy, what I can't get at at all is why He wanted it inthe first place if He didn't want it just entirely for His ownglorification. " "Why, dear, I am not sure; but I think it was just so that He and wemight have a sort of a trysting-time when we could be sure of havingnothing to interfere between us. And He meant it, too, to be the signbetween Himself and those who really loved Him and were His children, a sign that should show to the world who were His. He said so inseveral places. Listen to this. " She turned the leaves quickly. "'Andthe Lord spake unto Moses, saying: Speak thou also unto the childrenof Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep; for it is a signbetween me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know thatI am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the sabbaththerefore; for it is holy unto you; every one that defileth it shallsurely be put to death; for whosoever doeth any work therein, thatsoul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work bedone; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord;whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put todeath. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, toobserve the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetualcovenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever;for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh dayhe rested, and was refreshed. '" "There! Now!" said Leslie, sitting up. "That's just what I thought!That was only for the children of Israel. It hasn't the leastest bitto do with us. Those were Jews, and they keep it yet, on Saturday. " "Wait, dear!" Julia Cloud turned the leaves of her Bible rapidly toCorinthians. "Listen! 'Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed throughthe sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;and did all eat the same spiritual meat; and did all drink the samespiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followedthem; and that Rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not wellpleased; for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Now these thingswere our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. Neither, be ye idolators, as were some of them;as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up toplay.... Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of themalso murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all thesethings happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for ouradmonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore lethim that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. ' Doesn't thatlook as though God meant the Sabbath for us, too, Leslie?" Leslie dropped back on her pillow of moss with a sigh. "I s'pose itdoes, " she answered somewhat disconsolately. "But I never did likeSundays anyhow!" and she drew a deep breath of unrest. "But, dear, "--Julia Cloud's hand rested on the bright headlovingly, --"there's a closer sense than that in which this belongs tous if we belong to Christ; we are Israel ourselves. I was readingabout it just this morning, how all those who want to be Christ'schosen people, and are willing to accept Him as their Saviour, areIsrael just as much as a born Jew. I think I can find it again. Yes, here it is in Romans: 'For they are not all Israel which are _of_Israel: neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they allchildren; but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, they whichare children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but thechildren of the promise are counted for the seed. ' That means thepromise that was given to Abraham that there should be a Messiahsometime in his family who would be the Saviour of the world, and theidea is that all who believe in that Messiah are the real chosenpeople. It was to the chosen people God gave these carefuldirections--commands, if you like to call them--to help them be what achosen people ought to be. And the Sabbath rest and communion seems tobe the basis of the whole idea of a people who were guided by God. Itis the coming home to God after the toil of the week. They had to havea time when other things did not call them away from spending a wholeday with Him and getting acquainted, from getting to know what Hewanted and how to shape their lives, or they would just as surely getinterested in the world and forget God. " "Well, I don't see why we have to go to church, anyway, " declaredLeslie discontentedly. "This is a great deal better out here under thetrees, reading the Bible. " "Yes, " said Allison. "Cloudy, that minister's dull. I know I wouldn'tget anything out of hearing him chew the rag. " "O Allison, dear! Don't speak of God's minister that way!" "Why not, Cloudy? Maybe he isn't God's minister. How did he get there, anyway? Just decided to be a minister, and studied, and got himselfcalled to that church, didn't he?" "Oh, no, dear! I trust not. That is terrible! Where ever did you getsuch an idea? There may be some unworthy men in the ministry. Ofcourse there must be, for the Bible said there would be false leadersand wolves in sheep's clothing; but surely, _surely_ you know that themost of the men in the pulpit are there because they believe that Godhas called them to give up everything else and spend their livesbringing the message of the gospel to the souls of men. The office isa holy office, and must be reverenced even if we do not fancy the manwho occupies it. He may have a message if you listen for it, eventhough he may seem dull to you. If you knew him better, could lookinto his life and see the sacrifices he has made to be a minister, seethe burdens of the people he has to bear!" "O Cloudy, come now. Most of the ministers I ever saw have automobilesand fine houses, and about as good a time as anybody. They get bigsalaries, and don't bother themselves much about anything but churchservices and getting people to give money. Honestly, now, CloudyJewel, I think they're putting it over on you. I'll bet not half ofthem are sincere in that sacrifice stuff they put over. It may havebeen so long ago; but ministers have a pretty soft snap nowadays, incities anyhow. " "Allison! Didn't you ever see any true, sincere ministers, child?There are so many, many of them!" "To tell you the truth, Cloudy, I never saw but one that didn't haveshifty eyes. He was a little missionary chap that worked in a slumsettlement and would have taken his eye-teeth out for anybody. Oh, Idon't mean that old guy to-day looked shifty. I should say he was justdull and uninteresting. He may have thought he had a call long ago, but he's been asleep so long he's forgotten about it. " "O Allison!This is dreadful!" Julia Cloud closed her Bible, and looked down in horror at the frankyoung face of the boy who minced no words in saying what he thoughtabout these holy things that had always been so precious and sacred toher. She felt like putting her hands over her ears and running awayscreaming. Her very soul was in agony over the desecration. Thechildren looked into her face, saw the white, scared look, and tookwarning. "There now, Cloudy, don't worry!" said Allison, leaning over andpatting her hand awkwardly. "I didn't mean to hurt you; honest Ididn't. Perhaps I'm wrong. Of course I am if you say so. I don'treally know any ministers, anyhow. I was just saying what is thegeneral impression among the fellows. I didn't realize you would_care_. " "Do the young men all think that?" Julia Cloud's lips were white, andan agonized expression for the church of God had grown in her eyes. She searched the boy's face with a look he did not soon forget. Itmade an impression that stayed with him always. At least, there wassomething in religion if it could make her look like that to hear itlightly spoken of. At least this one woman was a sincere follower ofChrist. "There now, Cloudy! I tell you I'm sorry I said that; and just toprove it I'll go to that old Christian Endeavor to-night, and try tofind something interesting. I will truly. And Les will go, too!" "Of course!" said Leslie, nestling close. "Forget what he said, andtell us why we have to go to church, Cloudy, dear. " Julia Cloud tried to recall her troubled thoughts to the subject inhand. "Well, God had them build the tabernacle for worship, you know, dear;told them how to make everything even to the minutest details, andestablished worship. That was to be part of the Sabbath day, a placeto worship, and a promise that He would be there to meet any one whocame. That promise holds good to-day. You needn't ever think about theminister. Just fancy you see Christ in the pulpit. He is there, cometo meet His own, you know. He'll be in that Christian Endeavorto-night. He was in the tabernacle of old. There was a brightness inthe cloud of His presence to show the people that God had come down tomeet them. They were children, and had to be helped by a visiblemanifestation. " "Yes, that would be something like!" said Allison. "If we could seesomething to help us believe----" "Those who truly believe with the heart will have the assurance, " saidJulia Cloud earnestly. "I _know_. " There was something in her tone and the look of her eye that added, "For I have experienced it. " The young people looked at her, and weresilent. There was a long, quiet pause in which the sounds of thefalling nuts and the whispering of the hemlocks closed in about them, and made the day and hour a sacred time. At last Leslie broke thesilence. "Well, Cloudy, suppose we go to church and Christian Endeavor. Whatcan we do the rest of the day? We don't have to go to church everyminute, do we? I don't really see how it's going to do me any good. Idon't, indeed. " Julia Cloud smiled at her wistfully. It was so wonderfully sweet tohave this bright, beautiful young thing asking her these vitalquestions. "Why, deary, it's just a day to spend with God and get to enjoyHis company, " she said. "Let me read you this verse in Isaiah:'Blessed'--that means, 'O the happiness of': I'll read it so--'O thehappiness of the man that doeth this, and the son of man thatlayeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, andkeepeth his hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of thestranger that hath joined himself to the Lord'--there, Leslie, that means us, or any Gentiles that want to be Christ's--'speak, saying, The Lord hath utterly separated us from his people.... Forthus saith the Lord to' them 'that keep my sabbaths, and choose thethings that please me, and take hold of my covenant; even unto themwill I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a namebetter than of sons and of daughters; I will give them an everlastingname, that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the strangerthat join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love thename of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keepeth thesabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; even themwill I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my houseof prayer'--you see, Allison, there's a promise that will secure youfrom feeling the service dull and dry if you are willing to complywith its conditions--'their burnt offerings and their sacrificesshall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called anhouse of prayer for all people. '" She turned the leaves quickly again. "And now I want to read you the verse that seems to me to tell how Godlikes us to keep the Sabbath. 'If thou turn away thy foot from thesabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbatha delight'--you see, Leslie, He doesn't want it to be a dull, pokyday. He wants us to call it a delight. And yet we are to find ourpleasure in Him, and not in the things that belong just to ourselves. Listen: 'a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shalt honorhim, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, norspeaking thine own words: then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord;and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, andfeed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of theLord hath spoken it. '" Leslie suddenly threw her head in Julia Cloud's lap right over theBible, and looked up into her face with an exquisite earnestness allher own. "Cloudy Jewel, it sounds all different from anything I ever heard of, and I don't know how to do it; but something inside says it ought tobe true, and I'm going to try it!" she said. "Anyhow, we've had agrand time this afternoon, and it hasn't been a bit dull. Do yousuppose maybe we've been 'delighting' in Him this afternoon? But theregoes the supper bell, and I'm hungry as a bear. How about that, Cloudy? Is it right to cook on Sunday? That place you read about theman who picked up sticks to make a fire in camp doesn't sound likeit. " "Well, dear, you know in the old times we always got the Sundaycooking and baking done on Saturday, just as the Lord told theIsraelites to do. I haven't any business to judge other people, andevery one must decide for himself what is necessary and what is not, Isuppose; but, as for me, I like to do as mother always did. I alwayshave the cake-box and bread-box full of nice fresh things, and make apie, perhaps, and cook a piece of meat, or have some salad in theice-box; and then it is the work of but a few minutes to get thenicest kind of a meal on Sunday. It is easy to have a beefsteak tobroil, or cold meat, or something to warm up in a minute if one caresenough to get it ready; and it really makes a lovely, restful time onSunday to know all that work is done. Besides, it isn't any harder. Ilike it. " Allison gathered up the rug and books, and they walked slowly towardthe inn, watching the wonderful colorings of the foliage they passed, and drinking in all the woodsy odors and gentle sounds of dying leavesand dropping nuts. "Say, Cloudy, " said Allison suddenly out of the midst of histhoughtfulness, "why don't the ministers preach about all this? I hadto go to church a lot when I was in prep school, and I never yet hearda sermon on it. Or, if I did, it was so dull I didn't get the hang ofit. But I should think if they preached about it just as you've done, made it plain so people could understand, that most folks, that is, the ones who wanted to do half right, would see to it that Sundaywasn't so rotten. " "Well, Allison, " said Julia Cloud, a soft smile playing dreamfullyabout her lips, "perhaps they don't realize the need. Perhaps it's 'upto you, ' as you say, to somehow wake them up and set them at it. " Allison drew a long whistle and grinned as they went into the house. CHAPTER XIII A few minutes later Julia Cloud watched them go off into the dusk tothe Christian Endeavor meeting. She was to follow them in a littlewhile and meet them for the evening service. She wondered as she sawthem disappear into the shadows of the long maple-lined avenue whetherperhaps she was not overdoing the matter a little in the way ofmeetings, and was almost sorry she had not suggested staying home fromthe evening service. It would not do to make them weary of it all onthis first Sunday. As they walked along together, the brother and sister were thinkingdeeply. "Say, Allison, isn't this the very funniest thing we ever did, goingoff like this to a prayer meeting alone? What did we do it for?" askedthe sister. "Well, I guess just because Cloudy wanted it, " replied the brother. "She's given up her home and everything for us; we ought to. But say, Les, there's a whole lot in what Cloudy was reading this afternoon. Ifit's all true, it's a wonder more people don't try it. I've oftenwondered why we were alive, anyway, haven't you? There doesn't seemmuch sense to it unless there's something like this. " "Oh, I don'tknow, Allison; it's nice to be alive. But of course we never will feelquite as if this is the only place since Mother and Dad aren't hereany more. Aren't things queer, anyway? I wish there was some way to besure. " "Well, I s'pose the Bible claims to be sure. Perhaps we could find outa lot if we read it. " "We're likely to read it quite a good deal, don't you think?" askedthe sister archly. "But really, now, it was interesting, and isn'tCloudy a dear? If Christians were all like that, I'd believe inthem. " "Perhaps they are, real Christians. Perhaps the ones we mean aren'tanything but shams. " "Well, there's a good many shams, then. " The big, noisy bell began to bang out a tardy summons now; but the twoyoung people did not feel the same antipathy toward it that they hadfelt the night they heard it first. It seemed somehow to have ahomely, friendly sound. As they neared the open door, they grewsuddenly shy, however, and drew back, lingering on the corner, watching the few stragglers who walked into the pathway of light thatstreamed from the doorway. "Some bunch!" growled Allison. "I should say they did need waking up, but I don't hanker for the job. " They slipped in, and followed the sound of voices, through adimly-lighted hall, smelling of moldy ingrain carpet, into a wide, rather pleasant, chapel room. There were branches of autumn leavesabout the walls, reminiscent of some recent festivity, and a bunch ofgolden-rod in a vase on the little table by the leader's chair. Two girls were turning over the hymn-book, picking out hymns for theevening; and a tall, shy, girlish young fellow was making fancyletters on a blackboard up in front. Three more girls with their armsabout one another had surrounded him, and were giggling and gurglingat him after the manner of that kind of girl. Another plain-faced, plainly-dressed young woman sat half-way up at one side, her handsfolded and a look of quiet waiting on her face. That was all thatwere in the room. Allison and Leslie found a seat half-way up on the other side from theplain-faced girl, and sat down. No one noticed them save for furtiveglances, and no one came near them. The three giggling girls began totalk a little louder. One with her hair bobbed and a long view ofvertebrae above her blue dress-collar began to prattle of a dance thenight before. "I thought I'd die!" she chortled. "Bob had me by the arm; and herewas my dress caught on Archie's button, and he not knowing andwhirling off in the other direction; and the georgette just ripped andtore to beat the band, and me trying to catch up with Archie, and Bobhanging on to me, honest. --You'd uv croaked if you could uv seen me. Oh, but Mother was mad when she saw my dress! She kept blaming me, forshe knew I hated that dress and wanted a new one. But me, _I'm_ glad. Now I'll get after Dad for a new one. Say, when's Mary's surprise? Isit true it's put off till next week?" "I'm going to have a new dress for that and silver slippers, " declaredthe girl next her, teetering back and forth on her little high-heeledpumps. "Say, Will, that letter's cock-eyed. What are you giving us?What's the old topic, anyway? I don't see any use in topics. Theydon't mean anything. I never can find a verse with the words in. Ijust always ask for a hymn, and half the time I give out any oldnumber without knowing what it is, just to see what it'll turn out. " "Oh, say! Did you hear Chauncey Cramer singing last Sunday night?"broke out the third girl with a side glance at the strangers. "He wasperfectly killing. He was twisting the words all around in everyhymn. He had girls' names and fellers' all mixed up, and made it rhymein the neatest way. I thought I'd choke laughing, and Dr. Tarrant wasjust coming in, and looked at me as if he'd eat me. Oh, my goodness!There he comes now. We better beat it, Hattie. Come on, Mabel. Let'ssit back in the last row. " The three girls toppled down the aisle on their high-heeled pumps, andrustled into the back row just as the pastor entered and looked aboutthe room. His eyes brightened when he saw the brother and sister, andwith a pleasant "Good-evening" to the three whispering misses in theback seat he came over to shake hands with Allison and Leslie. But, when he expressed a most cordial hope that the two would come in andhelp in the young people's work, Allison was wary. He said they wouldhave to see how much time they had to spare after college opened. Itwas altogether likely that they would be exceedingly busy with theircollege work. The minister, watching their bright faces wistfully, and knowing theirkind, sighed, and thought how little likelihood there was that hisChristian Endeavor society would see much of them. A few more people straggled in, and one of the girls who had beenpicking out hymns went and sat down at the piano. The other girl satnear her. The young man at the blackboard took his place at the littletable in front of the desk, and the elaborate colored letters which hehad just made were visible as a whole for the first time. "The Great Companion: How to Live with Him. " There was something startling and solemn in the words as they stoodout in blue and gold and crimson and white on the little blackboard. Allison and Leslie looked and turned wonderingly toward the youngleader. He had corn-colored hair, light, ineffective blue eyes, and anoticeably weak chin. He did not look like a person who would beputting forth a topic of that sort and attempting to do anything aboutit. His face grew pink, and his eyelashes seemed whiter in contrast ashe stood up to give out the first hymn. It was plain that he waspainfully embarrassed. He glanced now and then deprecatingly towardthe visitors with an anxious gasp as he announced that they would openthe meeting by singing number twenty-nine. The two young strangersopened their hymn-books and found the place, marvelling how such ayouth had ever been persuaded to get himself into such a tryingsituation. Allison found himself thinking that there must be somepower greater than the ordinary influences of life that made him doit. He seemed so much out of his element, and so painfully shy. "All to Jesus I surrender!" chirped the little gathering gayly. Theyhad good voices, and the harmony was simple and pleasing. Allison andLeslie joined their beautiful voices in with the rest, and liked it, felt almost as if they were on the verge of doing something towardhelping on the kingdom of heaven. They sang another hymn, and more young people came in until there weretwenty-four in the room. Then the leader called upon Tom Forbes toread the Scripture, and a boy about fourteen years old read in a clearvoice the story of the walk to Emmaus. To the brother and sister whoseBible knowledge was limited to the days of their very young childhood, it was most interesting. They listened intently, but were surprisedto notice a tendency to whisper on the part of some, especially thegirls in the back seat, who had been joined by three young fellows ofabout their own age and caliber. Leslie, glancing over her shoulder atthe whisperers, saw they had no thrill over the story, no interestsave in their own voluble conversation. The story went on to the pointwhere Jesus at the table blessed the bread, and the two men knew Him, and He vanished out of their sight, without an interruption in thewhispering. The Great Companion had come into the room and gone, andthey had not even known it. The leader rose, and cleared his voice with courage; and then in atone of diffidence he recited the few words he had learned for theoccasion. "Our topic to-night is 'The Great Companion: How to Live with Him. ' Itseems hard to realize that Christ is still on the earth. That He iswith us all the time. We ought to realize this. We ought to try torealize it. It would make our lives different if we could realize thatChrist is always with us. I expect some of us wouldn't always feelcomfortable if we should find Him walking along with us, listening toour talk. We ought to try to live so we would feel all right if weshould find Christ walking with us some day. And I heard a story onceabout a boy who had been a cripple, and he had been a great Christian;and, when he came to die, they asked him if he was afraid; and he saidno, he wasn't afraid, that it was only going into another room withJesus. And I think we ought to all live that way. We will now listento a solo by Mame Beecher, after which the meeting will be open, and Ihope that all will take part. " It was a crude little speech, haltingly spoken, and the speaker wasevidently relieved when it was over. Yet there had been amazing truthin what he had said, and it came to the two visitors with the force ofnewness. As he mopped his perspiring brow with a large handkerchiefand sat down, adjusting his collar and necktie nervously, they watchedhim, and marvelled again that he had been willing to be put in sotrying a position. There had been a genuineness about him that broughtconviction. This young man really believed in Christ and that Hewalked with men. Allison, always ready to curl his lips over anything sissified, satwatching him gravely. Here was a new specimen. He didn't know where toplace him. Did he _have_ to lead a meeting? Was he a minister's son orsomething, or did he just do it because he wanted to, because itseemed his duty to do it? Allison could not decide. He knew that hehimself could have made a much better speech on the subject, but hewould not want to. He would hate it, talking about sacred things likethat out to the world; yet he was frank enough to see that a betterspeech might not have been so acceptable to God as this halting onefull of repetition and crudities. The girl up by the piano was singing the solo. Why did she let herselfbe called "Mame" in that common way? She was a rather common-lookinggirl, with loud colors in her garments and plenty of powder inevidence on her otherwise pretty face; but she had a good voice, andsang the words distinctly. "In the secret of His presence how my soul delights to hide! Oh, how precious are the lessons which I learn at Jesus' side!" The words were wonderful. They somehow held you through to the end. The girl named Mame had that quality of holding attention with hervoice and carrying a message to a heart. There were two lines thatseemed particularly impressive, "And whene'er you leave the silence of that happy meeting-place, You must mind and bear the image of the Master in your face. " Leslie found herself looking around the room to see whether any onepresent bore that image, and her eyes lingered longest on the quietgirl in the plain garments over on the other side of the room. She hada face that was almost beautiful in its repose, if it had not wornthat air of utter reticence. There was a long pause after the soloist was done, and much whisperingfrom the back row, which at last terminated in a flutter of Bibleleaves and the reading of three Bible verses containing the word"companion, " without much reference to the topic, from the three girlson the back seat, passing the Bible in turn, with much ado to findtheir respective places. Another hymn followed, and a prayer from asolemn-looking boy in shell-rimmed spectacles. It was a good prayer, but the young man wore also that air of reticence that characterizedthe girl on the other side of the room, as if he were not a part ofthese young people, had nothing in common with them. Allison decidedthat they were all dead, and surely did need some one to wake them up;but the task was not to his liking. What had he in common with a bunchlike that? In fact, what had any of them in common that they shouldpresume to form themselves into a society? It was rank nonsense. Youcouldn't bring people together that had nothing in common and makethem have a good time. These were his thoughts during another painfulpause, during which the pastor in the back seat half rose, then satdown and looked questioningly toward the two visitors. The youngleader seemed to understand the signal; for he grew very red, lookedat Allison and Leslie several times, cleared his throat, turned overhis hymn-book, and finally said with painful embarrassment: "We should be glad to hear from our visitors to-night. We'd like toknow how you conduct things in your society. " He lifted agonized eyes to Allison, and broke down in a chokingcough. Allison, chilled with amazement, filled with a sudden strange pity, looked around with growing horror to see whether it was really truethat he had been called upon to speak in meeting. Then with the oldnonchalance that nothing ever quite daunted he rose to his feet. "Why, I, " he began, looking around with a frank smile, "I never was ina Christian Endeavor meeting before in my life, and I don't know thefirst thing about it. My sister and I only came to-night becausesomebody wanted us to; so I can't very well tell about any othersociety. But I belong to a college frat, and I suppose it's a gooddeal the same thing in the long run. I've been reading that pledge upthere on the wall. I suppose that's your line. You've got good dopeall right. If you live up to that, you're going some. "I remember when I first went to college the fellows began to rush me. I had bids from two or three different frats, and they had me going sohard I got bewildered. I didn't know which I wanted to join. Then oneday one of the older fellows got hold of me, and he saw how it waswith me; and he said: 'You want to look around and analyze things. Just you look the fellows over, and see how they size up in thedifferent frats. Then you see what they stand for, and how they liveup to it; and lastly you look up their alumni. ' So I began to sizethings up, and I found that one frat was all for the social doings, dances, and dinners, and always having a good time; and another waspretty wild, had the name of always getting in bad with the faculty, and had the lowest marks in college; three fellows had been expelledthe year before for drunkenness and disorderliness. Then another onewas known as ranking highest in scholarship and having the mostathletes in it. I looked over their alumni, too, for they used to comearound a good bit and get in with us boys; and you could see justwhich were making good out in the world, and which were just in lifefor what they could get out of it; and I made my decision one day justbecause of one big man who had been out of college for ten years; buthe had made good in the world, and was known all over as being asuccessful man and a wonderful man, and he used to come back to everygame and everything that went on at the college, and sit around andtalk with the fellows, and encourage them; and, if anybody was fallingdown on his job, he would show him where he was wrong and how to getinto line again, and even help him financially if he got in a tightplace. And so I thought with men like that back of it that frat was apretty good thing to tie up to, and I joined it, and found it was evenbetter than I expected. "And I was thinking as I looked at the blackboard, and heard youtalking about the Great Companion, it was something like that man. Ifall that's true that you've been reading and saying to-night, why, you've got pretty good things back of you. With an Alumnus likethat"--nodding toward the blackboard--"and a line of talk like thatpledge, you sure ought to have a drag with the world. All you've gotto do is to make everybody believe that it is really so, and you'dhave this room full; for, believe me, that's the kind of dopeeverybody wants, especially young people, whether they own it ornot. " Allison sat down abruptly, suddenly realizing that he had just made areligious speech and had the interest of the meeting in his hands. Hisspeech seemed to set loose something in the heart of the young leader;for he rose eagerly, alertly, his embarrassment departed, and began tospeak: "I'm glad our friend has spoken that way. I guess it's all true whathe has just said. We've got the right dope; only we aren't using it. Iguess it looks mighty like to the world as if we didn't really believeit all, the way we live; but believe me, I'm going to try to makethings different in my life this week, and see if I can't make atleast one person believe we have something here they want before nextSunday. " He seemed about to give out another hymn, but the plain girl spoke upand interrupted him. She was sitting forward in her chair, an almostradiant look upon her face that quite changed it; and she spokerapidly, breathlessly, like a shy person who had a great message toconvey. She was looking straight at Allison as if she had forgotteneveryone else in the room. "I've got to speak, " she said earnestly. "It isn't right to keepstill when I've had such a wonderful experience, and you spoke as ifit might not all be true about Christ's being our companion everyday. " In spite of himself Allison met her eyes as though they weretalking alone together, and waited for what she should tell. "I've always been just a quiet Christian, " she went on; "and I don'toften speak here except to recite a Bible verse. I'm sort of astranger myself. But you all ought to know what Christ has done forme. When my people died and everything in my life was changed, andtroubles came very thick and fast, there wasn't anybody in the world Icould turn to for every-day help and companionship but Jesus; and oneday it came to me how my mother used to feel about Him, and I justwent to Him, and asked Him to be my companion, as He used to be hers. I didn't half believe He would when I asked Him; but I was so hurt andalone I had to do something; and I found out it was all true! Hehelped me in so many little every-day ways, you wouldn't believe it, perhaps, unless you could have lived it out yourself. I guess youreally have to live it out to know it, after all. But I found that Icould go to Him just as if I could see Him, and I was so surprised thefirst day when He answered a prayer in a perfectly wonderful way. Itall came over me, 'Why, He loves me!' And at first I thought it wasjust happening; but I tried it again and again, and every daywonderful things began to come into my life, and it got to be that Icould talk with Him and feel His answer in my heart. If it were notfor Him, I couldn't stand life sometimes. And I'm sure He'll talk withany one that way who wants Him enough to try and find Him, " shefinished; and then, suddenly conscious of herself, she sat back, whiteand shy again, with trembling lips. The meeting closed then; but, while they were singing the last hymnAllison and Leslie were watching the face of the quiet girl with theholy, uplifted light on it. "I think she is lovely, don't you?" whispered Leslie after thebenediction, as they turned to go out. "I'd like to know her. " "H'm!" assented Allison. "Cloudy would like her, I guess. " "I mean to find out who she is, " declared Leslie. The minister came up just then with cordial greeting and urgent appealthat the young people would at once join their Christian Endeavor. "That was a great talk you gave us to-night, " he said with his handresting admiringly on Allison's shoulder. "We need young blood. Youare the very one to stir up this society. " "But I'm not a Christian, " said Allison, half laughing. "I don'tbelong here. " "Oh, well, " answered the smiling minister, "if you take hold of theEndeavor, perhaps you'll find you're more of a Christian than youthink. Come, I want you to meet some of our young people. " The young people were all gathered in groups, looking toward thestrangers, and came quite willingly to have a nearer glimpse of them. Last of all, and by herself, came the plain-faced girl; and theminister introduced her as Jane Bristol. He did not speak to her morethan that, and it occurred to Allison that she seemed as if she camemore at the instigation of some higher power than at the call of herpastor; for she passed quietly on again in a pleasant dignity, anddid not stop to talk and joke with her pastor as some of the otheryoung people had done. "Who is she?" asked Allison, hardly aware that he was asking. "Why, she is the daughter of a forger who died in prison. Her mother, I believe, died of a broken heart. Sad experience for so young a girl. She seems to be a good little thing. She is working at housework intown, I believe. I understand she has an idea of entering college inthe fall. You are entering college here? That will be delightful. Mywife and I will take pleasure in calling on you as soon as you areready to receive visitors. " Leslie's eyes were on Jane Bristol as she moved slowly toward thedoor, lingering a moment in the hall. None of the other girls seemedto have anything to do with her. With her usual impulsiveness Leslieleft Allison, and went swiftly down the aisle till she stood by JaneBristol's side. "We are going to meet my aunt and stay to church. Would you come andsit with us to-night?" she asked eagerly. "I'd like to get acquaintedwith you. " Jane Bristol shook her head with a wistful smile. "I'm sorry, " she said. "I wish I could. But I take care of a littlegirl evenings, and I only get off long enough for Christian Endeavor. It's dear of you to ask me. " "Well, you'll come and see me when I get settled in my new home, won'tyou?" Jane looked at her thoughtfully, and then gave her a beautiful smilein answer to Leslie's brilliant one. "Yes, if you find you want me when you get settled, I'll come, " sheanswered, and, giving Leslie's little gloved hand an impulsivesqueeze, she said, "Good-night, " and went away. Leslie looked after her a minute, half understanding, and then turnedto find her brother beside her. "She thinks I won't want her because she works!" she said. "But I do. I shall. " "Sure you will, kid, " said her brother. "Just tell Cloudy abouther. She'll fix things. That old party--I mean, the reverendgentleman----" "Look out, Allison, that isn't any better; and there comes Cloudy. Don't make her feel bad again. " "Well, parson, then--doesn't seem to have much use for a person who'shad the misfortune to have her father commit forgery and her motherdie of a broken heart, or is it because she has to work her waythrough college? He may be all right, sister; but I'd bank on thatgirl's religion over against his any day in the week, Sundaysincluded. " Then Julia Cloud came up the steps, and they went in to a ratherdreary evening service with a sparse congregation and a bored-lookingchoir, who passed notes and giggled during the sermon. Allison andLeslie sat and wondered what kind of a shock it would be to them allif the Great Companion should suddenly become visible in the room. Ifall that about His being always present was true, it certainly was astartling thing. CHAPTER XIV The next morning dawned with a dull, dreary drizzle coming noisilydown on the red and yellow leaves of the maple by the window; but thethree rose joyously and their ardor was not damped. "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, " quoted Allison at thebreakfast-table. "Cloudy, we've got to hustle. Do you mind if it doesrain? We've got our car. " But Julia Cloud smiled unconcernedly. "I should worry, " she said with a gay imitation of Leslie's inimitabletoss of the head, and the two young people laughed so hilariously thatthe other staid couples already in the dining-room turned in amaze tosee who was taking life so happily on a day like this. They piled into the car, and hied themselves to town at once, chattering joyfully over their list as to which things they would buyfirst. "Let's begin with the kitchen, " said Leslie. "I'm crazy to learn howto make cookies. Cloudy, you'll teach me how so I can make some allmyself, won't you?" "And waffles!" said Allison from the front seat. "Um-mmm-mmmm! I remember Cloudy's waffles. And buckwheat cakes. " "We're going to have everything for the kitchen to make things easy, so that when we can't get a maid Cloudy won't be always overdoing, "said Leslie. "Guardy told me especially about that. He said we wereto get every convenience to make things easy, so the cook wouldn'tleave; for he'd rather pay any amount than have Cloudy work herself todeath and have to break down and leave us. " So it was the house-furnishing department of the great store to whichthey first repaired, and there they hovered for two hours among tinsand aluminum and wooden ware, discussing the relative charms ofwhite-enamel refrigerators and gas-ranges, vacuum cleaners anddish-washers, the new ideas against the old. Julia Cloud was forcareful buying and getting along with few things; the children wereinfatuated with the idea of a kitchen of their own, and wantedeverything in sight. They went wild over a new kind of refrigeratorthat would freeze its own ice, making ice-cream in the bargain, andrun by an electric motor; but here Julia Cloud held firm. No suchexpensive experiment was needed in their tiny kitchen. A small white, old-fashioned kind was good enough for them. So the childrenimmediately threw their enthusiasm into selecting the best kind ofice-cream freezer. When they finally went to the tea-room for lunch, everything on JuliaCloud's list was carefully checked off by Allison with its respectiveprice; and, while they were waiting to be served, he added the columntwice to make sure he was right. "We're shy five dollars yet of what we planned to spend on ourkitchen, Cloudy, " he announced radiantly. "What did I tell you?" "But where would you have been if I had let you get that refrigerator?"she retorted. "Well, there were a lot of things we didn't really need, " heanswered. "Such as what?" "Oh, clothes-pins and--well, all those pans. Did you need so many?" heanswered helplessly. They laughed his masculine judgment out of countenance, and chattedaway about what they should do next, until their order arrived. They were like three children as they ate their lunch, recalling nowand then some purchase which gave them particular pleasure. Suddenly Julia Cloud lifted her hands in mock distress. "I know whatwe've forgotten! Dish-towels!" she said. "Dish-towels! Why, sure. We have to have a lot so we can all wipedishes when the cook goes out. Will five dollars buy them, Cloudy?"asked Leslie distressingly. "Well, I certainly should hope so!" said Julia Cloud, laughing. "Theidea! Five dollars' worth of dish-towels!" "Well, we'll go and get them at once, " said Leslie; "and after thatwe'll do the bedrooms. " Five o'clock found them wending their way homeward once more, tiredbut happy. "Now, to-morrow, " said Julia Cloud, leaning back on the soft cushions, "I think we had better stay at home and receive the things. The housemust be cleaned at once, and then we can put things right where theyare going to belong. Allison, you ought to be able to get a man towash windows. I'll ask the chambermaid about a woman to help clean, and Leslie and I will make curtains while you put up the rods. " They were so interesting a trio at their table in the inn dining-roomthat night that people around began to ask who were those twocharming young people and their beautiful mother. Little ripples ofquery went around the room as they entered, for they were indeednoticeable anywhere. The young people were bubbling over with life andspirits and kindliness, and Julia Cloud in her silvery robes and herwhite hair made a pleasant picture. But they were so wholly wrapped upin their own housekeeping plans that they were utterly unaware of theinterest they excited in their fellow-boarders. Just at present theyhad no time to spare on other people. They were playing a game, justas they used to play house when they were little, with their aunt; andthey wanted no interruption until they should have completed the homeand were ready to move in and begin to live. After that other peoplemight come in for their attention. The next morning bright and early Allison was up and out, hunting hisman, and announced triumphantly at the breakfast-table that he wasfound and would be down at the house and ready for work in half anhour. Breakfast became a brief ceremony after that. For Julia Cloudalso had not been idle, and had procured the address of a good womanto clean the house. Allison rushed off after the car, and in a fewminutes they were on their way, first to leave Julia Cloud and Leslieat the house to superintend the man, and then to hunt the woman. Hepresently returned with a large colored woman sitting imposingly inthe back seat, her capable hands folded in her lap, a look of intensesatisfaction on her ample countenance. Julia Cloud had thoughtfully brought from home a large bundle ofcleaning-rags, and a little canned-alcohol heater presently suppliedhot water. Leslie made a voyage of discovery, and purchased soap andscouring-powder; and soon the whole little house was a hive ofworkers. "Now, " said Julia Cloud, opening the bundle of curtain material, "where shall we begin?" "Right here, " said Leslie, looking around the big white living-roomwith satisfaction. "I'm just longing to see this look like a home; andyou must admit, Cloudy, that this room is the real heart of the house. We'll eat and sleep and work and study in the other rooms; but herewe'll really live, right around that dear fireplace. I'm just crazy tosee it made up and burning. Oh, won't it be great?" Busy hands and shining scissors went to work, measuring, cutting, turning hems; and presently a neat pile of white curtains, the hemsall turned ready for stitching, lay in the wide back window-seat. Thenthey went at the other rooms, the sun-porch room and the dining-room. But before that was quite finished a large furniture-truck arrived, and behold the sewing-machine had come! Leslie was so eager to get atit that she could hardly wait until the rest of the load was properlydisposed. She was not an experienced sewer, but she brought to her work anenthusiasm that stood loyally beside her aunt's experience, and soonsome of the curtains were up. They could not bear to stop and go back to the inn for lunch; soAllison ran down to the pie-shop with the car, and brought back bunscut into halves and buttered, with great slices of ham in them, a pailof hot sweetened coffee, a big cocoanut pie, a bag of cakes and abasket of grapes; and they made a picnic of it. "Our first meal in our own house! Isn't it great?" cried Leslie, dancing around with a roll sandwich in one hand and a wedge of pie inthe other. By night every clean little window in that many-windowed house wascurtained with white drapery, and in some rooms also with innercurtains of soft silk. The house began to look cozy in spite of itsemptiness, and they could hardly bear to leave it when sunset warnedthem that it was getting near dinner-time and they must return to theinn to freshen up for the evening. Another day at the little house completed the cleaning and curtaining, and by this time all the furniture so far purchased had arrived, andthey had no need to be there to watch for anything else; so anotherday of shopping was agreed upon. "And I move we pick out the piano first of all, " said Leslie. "I'mjust crazy to get my fingers on the keys again, and you don't know howwell Allison can sing, Cloudy. You just ought to hear him. Oh, boy!" Julia Cloud smiled adoringly at the two, and agreed that the piano wasas good a place as any to begin. That day was the best of all the wonderful shopping to Julia Cloud. Tobe actually picking out wonderful mahogany furniture such as she hadseen occasionally in houses of the rich, such as she had admired inpictures and read of in magazine articles, seemed too wonderful to betrue. For the first time in her life she was to live among beautifulthings, and she felt as if she had stepped into at least the anteroomof heaven. It troubled her a little to be allowing the children tospend so much, even though their guardian had made it plain that theyhad plenty to spend; for it did not seem quite right to use so muchon one's self when so many were in need; but gradually her viewpointbegan to change. It was true that these things were only relative, andwhat seemed much to her was little to another. Perhaps coming directlyfrom her exceedingly limited sphere she was no fit judge of what wasright and necessary. And of course there was always the fact that goodthings lasted, and were continually beautiful if well chosen. Alsomuch good might be done to a large circle of outsiders by a beautifulhome. So Julia Cloud, because the matter of expenditure was not, after all, in her hands, decided just to have a good time and enjoy picking outthese wonderful things, interfering only where she thought the articlethe children selected was not worth buying, or was foolish anduseless. But on the whole they got along beautifully, and agreed mostmarvellously about what fitted the little pink-and-white stone"villa, " as Leslie had named it. "'Cloud Villa, ' that's what we'llcall it, " she cried one day in sudden inspiration; and so it wascalled thereafter in loving jest. Two days more of hard work, and their list was nearly finished. Bythis time they were almost weary of continually trying to decide whichthing to get. A bewildering jumble of French gray bedsteads andmahogany tables and dining-room chairs swung around in their mindswhen they went to sleep at night, and smilingly met their wakingthoughts. They were beginning to long for the time when they could sitdown in the dining-room chairs, and get acquainted with their beds andtables, and feel at home. "I wish we could get in by Sunday, " grumbled Allison. "It's fiercehanging around this hotel with nothing to do. " "Well, why not?" assented Julia Cloud as she buttered her breakfastmuffin. "The bedding was promised to come out this morning, and Idon't see why we couldn't make up the beds and sleep there to-night, although I don't know whether we can get the gas-range connected intime to do much cooking. " "Oh, we can come back here for our meals till next week, " declaredLeslie. "Then we'll have time to get the dishes unpacked and washedand put in that lovely china-closet. Perhaps we'll be able to get atthat to-day. The curtains are every blessed one up, inside and out, now; and, if we succeed in getting that maid that you heard of, why, we'll be all fixed for next week. I do wish those California thingswould arrive and we could get the rugs down. It doesn't look homeywithout rugs and pictures. " And, sure enough, they had not been at work ten minutes before thenewly-acquired telephone bell rang, and the freight agent announcedthat their goods were at the station, and asked whether they wantedthem sent up to-day, for he wanted to get the car out of his way. In two hours more the goods arrived, and right in the midst of theirunloading the delivery-wagons from the city brought a lot morearticles; and so the little pink-and-white house was a scene of livelyaction for some time. When the last truck had started away from the house, Allison drove thecar up. "Now, Cloudy, you jump in quick, and we're going back to the inn forlunch. Then you lie down and rest a whole hour, and sleep, or I won'tlet you come back, " he announced. "I saw a tired look around youreyes, and it won't do. We are not going to have you worked out, not ifwe stay in that old inn for another month. So there!" He packed them in, and whirled them away to the inn in spite of JuliaCloud's protest that she was not tired and wanted to work; but, whenthey came back at two o'clock, they all felt rested and fit for workagain. "Now, I'm the man, and I'm going to boss for a while, " said Allison. "You two ladies go up-stairs, and make beds. Here, which are theblankets and sheets? I'll take the bundles right up there, and youwon't have any running up and down to do. These? All of them? Allright. Now come on up, and I'll be undoing the rugs and boxes fromCalifornia. When you come down, they'll be all ready for you to saywhere they shall go. " Leslie and her aunt laughingly complied, and had a beautiful timeunfolding and spreading the fine white sheets, plumping the newpillows into their cases, laying the soft, gay-bordered blankets andpretty white spreads, till each bed was fair and fit for a goodnight's sleep. And then at the foot of each was plumped, in a puffof beauty, the bright satin eiderdowns that Leslie had insistedupon. Rose-color for Julia Cloud's, robin's-egg blue for Leslie's, and orange and brown for Allison's, who had insisted upon mahoganyand quiet colors for his room. Leslie's furniture was ivory-white, and Julia Cloud's room was furnished in French gray enamel, withinsets of fine cane-work. She stood a moment in the open doorway, andlooked about the place; soft gray walls, with a trellis of roses atthe top, filmy white draperies with a touch of rose, a gray couchluxuriously upholstered, with many pillows, some rose, some gray, athick, gray rug under her feet, and her own little gray desk drawn outconveniently when she wanted to write. Over all a flood of autumnsunshine, and on the wall a great water-color of a marvellous sunsetthat Leslie had insisted belonged in that room and must be bought orthe furnishing would not be complete. It filled Julia Cloud's eyes with tears of wonder and gratitude tothink that such a princess's abode should have come to be herabiding-place after her long years of barren living in drearysurroundings. She lifted her eyes to the sunset picture on the wall, and it reminded her of the evening when she had stood at her own homewindow in her distress and sorrow, looking into the gray future, andhad watched it break into rose-color before her eyes. For just aninstant after Leslie had run down-stairs she closed her door, anddropped upon her knees beside the lovely bed to thank her Lord forthis green and pleasant pasture where He had led her tired feet. Allison had all the rugs spread out on the porch and lawn, and he andLeslie were hard at work giving them a good sweeping. They werewonderful rugs, just such as one would expect to come from a home ofwealth where money had never been a consideration. Julia Cloud lookedat them almost with awe, recognizing by instinct the priceless worthof them, and almost afraid at the idea of living a common, daily lifeon them. For Julia Cloud had read about rugs. She knew that in farlands poor peasant people, whole families, sometimes wove theirhistory into them for a mere pittance; and they had come to meansomething almost sacred in her thoughts. But Allison and Leslie had no such reverence for them; and they sweptaway gayly, and slammed them about familiarly, in a happy hurry to getthem in place. So presently the big blue Chinese rug covered theliving-room, almost literally; for it was an immense one, and leftvery little margin around it. A handsome Kermanshah in old rose andold gold with pencillings of black was spread forth under the mahoganydining-table, and a rich dark-red and black Bokhara runner fitted theporch-room as if it had been bought for it. The smaller rugs werequickly disposed here and there, a lovely little rose-colored silkprayer rug being forced upon Julia Cloud for her bedroom as just thefinishing touch it needed, and Leslie took possession of two or threesmaller blue rugs for her room. Then they turned their attention topictures, bits of jade and bronze, a few rare pieces of furniture, awonderful old bronze lamp with a great dragon on a sea of wonderfulblue enamel, with a shade that cast an amber light; brass andirons andfender, and a lot of other little things that go to make a lovelyhome. "Now, " said Allison, "when we get our books unpacked, and somemagazines thrown around, it will look like living. Cloudy, can wesleep here to-night?" "Why, surely, " said Julia Cloud with a child-like delight in her eyes. "What's to hinder? I feel as if I was in a dream, and if I didn't goright on playing it was true I would wake up and find it all gone. " So they rode back to the inn for their supper, hurried theirbelongings into the trunk, and moved bag and baggage into the newhouse at nine o'clock on Saturday night. While Leslie and her aunt were up-stairs putting away their clothesfrom the trunk into the new closets and bureau-drawers, Allisonbrought in a few kindlings, and made a bit of a fire on the hearth;and now he called them down. "We've got to have a housewarming the first night, Cloudy, " he called. "Come down and see how it all looks in the firelight. " So the two came down-stairs, and all three sat together on thedeep-blue velvet settee in front of the fireplace, Julia Cloud in themiddle and a child on either side. They were all very tired and did not say much, just sat togetherhappily, watching the wood blaze up and flicker and fall into embers. Presently both children nestled closer to her, and put down a head oneach of her shoulders. So they sat for a long time quietly. "Now, " said Julia Cloud, as the fire died down and the room grew duskywith shadows, "it is time we went to bed. But there is something Iwish we could do this first night in our new home. Don't you think weought to dedicate it to God, or at least thank God for giving it tous? Would you be willing to kneel down with me, and--we might just allpray silently, if you don't feel like praying out loud. Would you bewilling to do that?" There was a tender silence for a moment while the children thought. "Sure!" growled Allison huskily. "You pray out, Cloudy. We'd likeit. " "Yes, " whispered Leslie, nestling her hand in her aunt's. And so, trembling, half fearful, her heart in her throat, but bravely, Julia Cloud knelt with a child on either side, hiding wondering, embarrassed, but loyal faces. There was a tense silence while Julia Cloud struggled for words tobreak through her unwilling lips, and then quite softly she breathed: "O dear Christ, come and dwell in this home, and bless it. Help us tolive to please Thee. Help me to be a wise guide to these dearchildren----" She paused, her voice suddenly giving way with a nervous choke in herthroat, and two young hands instantly squeezed her hands in sympathy. Then a gruff young voice burst out on one side, "Help me to be good, and not hurt her or make it hard for her. " And Leslie gasped out, "And me, too, dear God!" Then a moment more, and they all rose, tears on their faces. In thedying firelight they kissed Julia Cloud fervently, and saidgood-night. CHAPTER XV Leslie and Allison did not go to the Christian Endeavor meeting thatsecond Sunday. They were tired out, and wanted to stay at home all theevening, and Julia Cloud felt that it would be unwise to urge them; sothey sat around the fire and talked. Leslie sat down at the new piano, and played softly old hymns that Julia Cloud hummed; and they all wentto bed early, having had a happy Sabbath in their new home. But Monday evening quite early, just after they had come back fromsupper and were talking about reading a story aloud, there came aknock at the door. Their first caller! And behold, there stood theinefficient-looking young man who had led the Christian Endeavormeeting, the boy with the goggles who had prayed, and the two girlswho had sat by the piano. "We're a committee, " announced the young man, quite embarrassed. "Myname's Herricote, Joe Herricote. I'm president of our ChristianEndeavor Society, and this is Roy Bryan; he's the secretary. This isMame Beecher. I guess you remember her singing. She's chairman of oursocial committee, and Lila Cary's our pianist and chairman of themusic committee. We've come to see if you won't help us. " "Come in, " said Allison cordially, but with a growing disappointment. Now, here were these dull people coming to interrupt their pleasantevening, and there wouldn't be many of them, for college would soonbegin, and they would be too busy then to read stories and just enjoythemselves. Leslie, too, frowned, but came forward politely to be introduced. Sheknew at a glance that these were not people of the kind she cared tohave for friends. "We're a committee, " repeated young Herricote, sitting down on theedge of a chair, and looking around most uncomfortably at theluxurious apartment. He had not realized it would be like this. He wasbeginning to feel like a fish out of water. As for the rest of thecommittee, they were overawed and dumb, all except the little fellowwith the tortoise-rimmed glasses. He was not looking at anything butAllison, and was intent on his mission. When he saw that his superiorhad been struck dumb, he took up the story. "They appointed us to come and interview you, and see if you wouldn'tgive us some new ideas how to run our society so it would be asuccess, " he put in. "They all liked your speech so much the othernight they felt you could help us out of the rut we've got into. " "Me?" asked Allison, laughing incredulously. "Why, I told you I didn'tknow the first thing about Christian Endeavor. " "But we've gotta have your help, " said the young secretary earnestly. "This thing's gotta go! It's needed in our church, and it's the onlything in the town to help some of the young people. It's just _gotta_go!" "Well, if you feel that way, you'll make it go, I'm sure, " encouragedAllison. "You're just the kind of a fellow to make it go. You know allabout it. Not I. I never heard of the thing till last week, exceptjust in a casual way. Don't know much about it yet. " "Well, s'pose it was one of your frats, and it wasn't succeeding. What would you do? You saw what kind of a dead-and-alive meeting wehad, only a few there, and nobody taking much interest. How would youpull up a frat that was that way?" "Well, " said Allison, speaking at random, "I'd look around, and findsome of the right kind of fellows, and rush 'em. Get in some newblood. " "That's all right, " said Bryan doggedly. "I'm rushin' you. How do youdo it? I never went to college yet; so I don't know. " Allison laughed now. He rather liked this queer boy. "He's a nut!" he said to himself, and entered into the talk inearnest. "Why, you have parties, and rides, and good times generally, andinvite a fellow, and make him feel at home, and make him want tobelong. See?" "I see, " said Bryan, with a twinkling glance at the rest of hiscommittee. "We have a party down at my house Friday night. Will youcome?" Allison saw that the joke was on him, and his reserve broke downentirely. "Well, I guess it's up to me to come, " he said. "Yes, I'm game. I'llcome. " Bryan turned his big goggles on Leslie. "Will you come?" "Why, yes, if Allison does, I will, " agreed Leslie, dimpling. "That's all right, " said Bryan, turning back to Allison. "Now, what doyou do when you rush? You'll have to teach us how. " "Well, " said Allison thoughtfully, "we generally pick out our bestrushers, the ones that can talk best, and put them wise. We never letthe fellow that's rushed know what we're doing. Oh, if he has brains, he always knows, of course; but you don't say you're rushing him in somany words. At college we meet a fellow at the train, and show himaround the place, and put him onto all the little things that willmake it easy for him; and we invite him to eat with us, and help himout in every way we can. We appoint some one to look after himspecially, and a certain group have him in their charge so the otherfrats won't have a chance to rush him----" "I see. The other frats being represented by the devil, I suppose, "said the round-eyed boy keenly without a smile. Allison stared at him, and then broke into a laugh again. "Exactly, " he cried; "you've got onto the idea. It's your society overagainst the other things that can draw them away from what you standfor. See? And then there's another thing. You want to have somethingready to show them when you get them there. That's where our alumnicome in. They often run down to college for a few days and help us outwith money and influence and experience. If you've got good workingalumni, you're right in it, you see. We generally appoint a committeeto talk things over with the alumni. " "You mean, " said Bryan, drawing his brows together in a comical waybehind his goggles, "you mean--pray, I suppose. " "Why, " said Allison, flushing, "I suppose that would be a good idea. Ihadn't thought of it just in that way. " "You called Christ our alumnus the other night, " reminded the literalyouth solemnly. "So I did, " acknowledged Allison embarrassedly. "Well, I guess you'reright. But I don't know much about that kind of line. " "I'm afraid there don't many of us, " put in the bashful president. "Iwouldn't hardly know who to appoint on such a committee. There's onlytwo or three like to pray in our meetings. There's Bryan; we alwaysask him because he doesn't mind, and I--well, I do sometimes whenthere's no one else, but it comes hard; and there's old Miss Ferby, but she always prays so long, and gets in the president and all themissionary stations----" "I should think you'd ask that Jane Bristol, " spoke up Leslieearnestly. "I know she must be able to. She talked that way. " "I suppose she would, " responded the president hesitatingly, lookingtoward the two ladies of the committee with a half apology. "What doyou girls think about it?" "Oh, I suppose she could _pray_, " said the girl called Mame, with ashrug. "She does, you know, often in meeting. " Then with a giggle toward Leslie she added as if in explanation, "Sheworks _out_, you know. " "It must be very hard for her, " said Leslie, purposely ignoring theinference. "Well, you know she isn't in our set. Nobody has much to do withher. " "Why not? I think she is very unusual, " said Leslie with just theleast bit of hauteur. "Well, it wouldn't be wise to get her into things. It might keep someothers out if we made her prominent, " put in Lila Cary with someasperity. "We must have some social distinction, you know. " "In our frat one fellow is as good as another if he has the right kindof character, " remarked Allison dryly. "That girl sounded to me as ifshe had some drag with your alumni. But of course you know her betterthan I. " "She is a good girl all right and real religious, " hastened Lila toamend. "I suppose she'd be real good on a prayer committee, and wouldhelp to fill up there, as you haven't many. " "Well, I'll tell you one thing, " said Allison, "if you really want tosucceed, you've got to pull together, every member of you, or youwon't get anywhere. And I should think that you'd have to be carefulnow at first whom you get in. Of course after you're pretty strong youcan take in a few just to help them; but, if you get in too many ofthat lame kind, your society'll go bad. The weak kind will rule, andthe mischief will be to pay. I shouldn't think it would help you anyjust now to get in any folks that would feel that way about a goodgirl just because she earns her living. " Mame Beecher and Lila Cary looked at each other in alarm, and hastenedto affirm that they never felt that way about Jane Bristol. _They_thought she was a real good sort, and had always meant to getacquainted with her; only she always slipped out as soon as meetingwas over. Back in the dining-room behind the rose-lined blue-velvet hangingsJulia Cloud lingered and smiled over the way her two children weredeveloping opinions and character. How splendid of them to take thisstand! And who was Jane Bristol? Assuredly she must be looked up andhelped if that was the way the town felt about her, poor child! "Well, " said Bryan in a business-like tone, "I'm secretary. Joe, youcall that prayer committee together Thursday night at your house athalf-past seven, and I'll send a notice to each one. You make JaneBristol chairman, and I'll be on the committee; and I'll go after herand take her home. Now, who else are you going to have on it?" The president assented readily. He was one not used to taking theinitiative, but he eagerly did as he was told when a good ideapresented itself. "We want you on it, " he said, nodding to Allison and then, lookingshyly at Leslie, added, "And you?" "Oh!" said Leslie, flushing in fright, "what would we have to do? Inever prayed before anybody in my life. I'm not sure I even know howto pray, only just to say 'Thank you' to God sometimes. I think youcould find somebody better. " "We've got to have you this time, " said the president, shaking hishead. "You needn't pray if you don't want to, but you must come andhelp us through. " "But I couldn't go and be a--a sort of slacker!" said Leslie, hercheeks quite beautifully red. "That's all right! You come!" said Bryan, looking solemnly at her. When the visitors finally took themselves away, Allison, polite to thelast, closed the door with a courteous "Good-night, " and then stoodfrowning at the fire. Julia Cloud came softly into the room, and went and stood beside himwith loving question in her eyes. He met her gaze with a new kind ofhardness. "Now, you see what you let me in for, Cloudy, when you made me go tothat little old dull Christian Endeavor! But I won't do it! That's allthere is to it. You needn't think I'm going to. The idea! Why, whatdid we come here to college for? To run an asylum for sick Sundayschools, I'd like to know? As if I had time to monkey with theirlittle old society! It's rank nonsense, anyhow! What good do theythink they can do, a couple of sissies, and two or three kid vamps, setting up to lisp religion? It's ridiculous!" He was working himself up into a fine frenzy. Julia Cloud stood andwatched him, an amused smile growing on her sweet lips. He caught theamusement, and fired up at it. "What are you looking like that at me for, Cloudy? You know it is. Youknow it's all foolishness. And you know I couldn't help them, anyhow. Come, now, don't you? _What_ are you looking like that for, Cloudy? Ibelieve you're laughing at me! You think I'll go and get into thisthing, but I'll show you. I _won't_! And that's an end of it. Cloudy, I insist on knowing what you find to laugh at in this situation. " "Why, I was just thinking how much you reminded me of Moses, " saidJulia Cloud sweetly. "Of _Moses_!" screamed Allison half angrily. "Why, he was a meek man, and I'm not meek. I'm mad! Out and out _mad_, Cloudy. What do youmean?" "Oh, no, he wasn't always meek, " said his aunt thoughtfully; "and hetalked just as you are doing when God called on him first to lead thechildren of Israel out of Egypt. He said he couldn't and he wouldn'tand he shouldn't, and made every excuse in the calendar; and finallyGod had to send along Aaron to help him, although God had said _He_would be with him and make him perfectly able alone to do what Hewanted done. " "I suppose I'm Aaron, " sighed Leslie, settling into a big chair by thefire. "But I don't like those girls one bit! And I don't care if theystay in seven Egypts. " "Now, look here, Cloudy Jewel, " pleaded Allison. "You're not going toget me into any such corner as that. The idea that God would call meto do any of His work when I never had anything at all to do with thechurch in my life, and I don't want to. How should I know what to do?Why should He ever call me, I'd like to know, when I don't know thefirst thing about churches? You're all off, Cloudy. Think again. Why, I'm not even what you'd call a Christian. He surely wouldn't callpeople that haven't--well, what you'd call enlisted with Him, wouldHe?" "He might, " answered Julia Cloud reflectively. She was sitting on theend of the big blue couch, and the firelight played over her whitehair with silvery lights, and cast a lovely rose tint over her sweetface. "There were several instances where He called people who hadnever known Him at all, who, in fact, were worshipping idols andstrange gods, and told them to go and do something for Him. There wasPaul; he was actually against Him. And there was Abraham; he livedamong regular idol-worshippers, and God called him to go into astrange land and founded a new family for him, the beginning of thepeculiar people through whose line was to come Jesus, the Saviour ofthe world. And Abraham went. " "Oh, nonsense, Cloudy! That was in those times. Of course. Therewasn't anybody else, I suppose; and He had to take some one. But nowthere are plenty of people who go to church all the time and like thatsort of thing. " "How do you know, Allison? Perhaps you are the only one in this town, and God has sent you here just to do this special work. " "Well, I won't, and that's flat, Cloudy; so you can put the idea rightout of your head. I won't, not even for you. Anything that has to dowith your personal comfort I wouldn't say that about, of course; butthis belongs entirely to that little old ratty church, and I haven'tanything at all to do with it; and I want you to forget it, Cloudy, for _I'm not going to do it_!" "Why, Allison, you're mistaken about me. It isn't my affair, and Idon't intend to make it so. I didn't get this up. It's between you andGod. If God really called you, you'll have to say no to Him, not tome. I don't intend to make excuses to God for you, child. You needn'tthink it. And, besides, there's another thing you're very muchmistaken about, and that is that you haven't anything to do with thechurch. When you were a little baby six months old, your father andmother brought you home to our house; and the first Sunday they werethere they took you to the old church where all the children andgrandchildren had been christened for years, and they stood up andassented to the vows that gave you to God. And they promised forthemselves that they would do their best to bring you up in thenurture and admonition of the Lord until you came to years and couldfinish the bond by giving yourself to the Lord. I shall never forgetthe sweet, serious look on the face of your lovely girl-mother whenshe bowed her head in answer to the minister's question, 'Do you thuspromise?'" Allison had stopped in his angry walk up and down the room, and waslooking at her interestedly. "Is that right, Cloudy? Was I baptized in the old Sterling church? Inever knew that. Tell me about it, " and he seated himself on the otherend of the couch, while Leslie switched off the light and nestled downbetween them, scenting a story. "Wasn't I, too, Cloudy?" she asked hungrily. "No, dear, I think you were baptized in California in your mother'schurch, and I'm sorry to say I wasn't there to see; so I can't tellyou about it; but I remember very distinctly all about Allison'schristening, for we were all so happy to have it happen in the East, and he was the first grandchild, and we hadn't seen your father forover two years, nor ever seen his young wife before; so it was a greatevent. It was a beautiful bright October day, and I had the pleasureof making the dress you wore, Allison, every stitch by hand, hemstitching and embroidery and all. And right in the midst of theceremony you looked over your father's shoulder, and saw me sitting inthe front seat, and smiled the sweetest smile! Then you jumped up anddown in your father's arms, and spatted your little pink handstogether, and called out 'Ah-_Jah_!' That's what you used to call methen, and everybody all over the church smiled. How could they helpit?" "Gee! I must 'a' been some kid!" said Allison, slipping down into acomfortable position among the pillows. "Say, Cloudy, I knew a goodthing when I saw it even then, didn't I?" "You know, Allison, that ceremony wasn't just all on your father's andmother's part; it entailed some responsibility upon you. It was partof your heritage, and you've no right to waste it any more than if itwere gold or bank stock or houses and lands. It was your title to aheavenly sonship, and it gave God the right to call upon you to dowhatever He wants you to do. It's between you and God now, and you'llhave to settle it yourself. It's not anything I could settle for youeither way, much as I might want it, because it is you who must answerGod, and you must answer Him from the heart either way; so nobody elsehas anything to do with it. " "Oh, good-_night_! Cloudy, you certainly can put things in an awkwardway. Oh, hang it! Now this whole evening's spoiled. I wish I hadn'tgone to the front door at all. I wish I'd turned out the lights andlet 'em knock. And there was that story you were going to read, andnow it's too late!" "Why, no; it's not too late at all, " said Julia Cloud, consulting herlittle watch in the firelight. "It's only quarter to nine, and I'msure we can indulge ourselves a little to-night, and finish the storybefore we go to bed. Turn the light on, and get the magazine. " With an air of finality Julia Cloud put aside the debated question, and settled herself in the big willow chair by the lamp with her book. Leslie went back to her chair by the fire, and Allison flung himselfdown on the couch with a pillow half over his eyes; but anybodywatching closely would have seen that his eyes were wide open and hewas studying the calm, quiet profile of his aunt's sweet face as sheread in a gentle, even tone, paragraph after paragraph without aflicker of disturbance on her brow. Allison was not more than halflistening to the story. He was thinking hard. Those things Julia Cloudhad said about obligations and Moses and Abraham and Paul stuck hardin his mind, and he couldn't get away from them. CHAPTER XVI Julia Cloud said nothing more to her boy about that Christian EndeavorSociety, but she said much to her Lord, praying continually that hemight be led to see his duty and want to do it, and that through it hemight be led to know Christ. In the meantime she went sunnily about setting the new home to rightsand getting the right maid to fit into their household régime. JuliaCloud had never had a maid in her life, but she had always had ideasabout one, and she put as much thought and almost as much care intopreparing the little chamber the maid was to occupy as she had putupon the other rooms. To begin with, the room itself was admirablyadapted to making the right maid feel at home and comfortable. It hadthree windows looking into gardens on the next block, and a blaze ofsalvia and cosmos and geraniums would greet her eyes the first timeshe looked out from her new room. Then it had a speck of a bathroomall its own, which Julia Cloud felt would go a long way toward makingany maid the right maid, for there would be no excuse for her notbeing clean and no excuse for her keeping her tooth-brush down on theedge of the kitchen sink or taking a bath in the laundry tubs, as shehad heard that some of her neighbors' maids had done at varioustimes. The windows were shrouded with white curtains of the same kind asthose all over the house, and within were draperies with bright flowerborders. The bureau was daintily fitted out, and the bed was spotlessand inviting-looking. A cushioned rocking-chair stood beside a smalltable, with a dainty work-basket on the shelf below; and against thewall were some shelves with a few interesting books and magazines. Adroplight with a pretty shade gave a home-like air, and the room wasas attractive as any other in the house. Any maid might think herlines had fallen in pleasant places who was fortunate enough to occupythat room. As a last touch Julia Cloud laid a neat coarse-printTestament on the table, and then knelt beside the rocking-chair andasked God to make the unknown comer a blessing to their house, andhelp them all to be a blessing to her. Then she went down to the car, and let Allison take her out to the addresses that had been given her. As a result, by Wednesday the little gay chamber half-way up thestairs was occupied by a pleasant-faced, sturdy colored girl abouteighteen years old, who rejoiced in the name of Cherry, and was atonce adopted as part of the new household with the same spirit withwhich everything else had been done. Perhaps if every household wouldgo about it in the same way it would go far toward settling themuch-mooted servant question. When Cherry was introduced into her bedchamber the look on her facewas worth seeing. It was in the early evening when she arrived, ridingon the front seat of the wagon that brought her trunk; and, when shewas ushered in by Julia Cloud, with Leslie in the offing to see whatthe newcomer would say to it, the girl stepped in, gave a wild glancearound, then backed off, and rolled her eyes at her new mistress. "This ain't--you-all ain't puttin' me inta dis year fine bedroom!" sheexclaimed in a kind of horror. "Yes, this is your room, " said Julia Cloud kindly, stepping in andmoving a chair a little farther from the bed, that there might be roomfor the girl's trunk. "You can put your trunk right here, I shouldthink; and here is your closet, " swinging open the closet door andshowing a plenitude of hooks and hangers, "and that is your bathroom. "She pushed back the crash curtain that shut off the tiny bathroom, andstood back smiling. But the girl was not looking at her. She had castone wild look around, and then her eyes had been riveted on the littlevase on her bureau, containing a single late rose that Leslie hadfound blooming in the small garden at the rear, and put there for goodluck, she said. Could it be that any one had cared to pick a flowerfor a servant's room? Her eyes filled with tears; she dropped herbundles on the floor, and came over to where her new mistress stood. "Oh!" she said in a choked voice. "If you-all is goin' to treat melike comp'ny, I'se jest goin' to wuk my fingahs to de bone foryouse!" After the advent of Cherry things began to settle down into somethinglike routine. The inn was abandoned entirely, and each meal was afestive occasion. Cherry took kindly to the cooking-lessons that JuliaCloud knew well how to give. Light, wonderful white bread came forthfrom the white-enamel gas-range oven, sweet, rich, nutty loaves ofbrown bread, even more delectable. Waffles and muffins and pancakesvied with one another to make one meal better than another; appledumpling, cherry pie, and blackberry roly-poly varied with chocolatesteamed pudding, lemon custard, and velvet whip made the desserts aneagerly awaited surprise. Leslie hovered over everything new that was made, and wanted to have ahand in it. Each day she learned some new and wholesome fact abouthousekeeping, and seemed to take to the knowledge readily. Her firstattempt at real cooking was learning to make bread; and, when shesucceeded so well that Allison thought it was his aunt's baking, shedeclared her intention of making it once a week just to keep her handin. Allison had said no more about Christian Endeavor; and, when Thursdayafternoon came, he asked his aunt to ride to the city after a fewlittle articles that were still needed to make the house complete. They had a pleasant trip, and Julia Cloud entirely forgot that theyoung people had been asked to attend the committee meeting thatevening. Perhaps Allison was waiting for her to speak about it; for helooked at his watch uneasily several times, and glanced back at hisaunt suspiciously; but she sat serenely enjoying the ride, and saidnothing. At last, just as they were nearing home he burst forth with, "Cloudy, do you really think we ought to go to that bl-looming thingto-night?" Julia Cloud lifted quiet eyes and smiled. "I didn't say you ought to go; did I, dear?" "Well, yes, you sorta did, Cloudy. " Julia Cloud shook her head. "I don't think I did. I said it wasn't a matter for me to meddlewith. " "Well, don't you?" "No, Allison, not unless you feel that God has called you and you arewilling to do what He wants you to. If you just went because youthought I wanted you to go, I don't believe it would be worth while, because you wouldn't be working with the right spirit. But, as I saidbefore, that is something you have got to account for to God, not tome. " Allison drew his brows in a frown, and said no more; but he was almostsilent at supper, and ate with an abstracted air. At quarter to eighthe flung down the magazine he had been reading, and got up. "Well, I s'pose I've got to go to that bloomin' thing, " he said halfangrily. "Come on, kid; you going?" Leslie hurried into her hat and cape, and they went off together, Allison grumbling in a low, half-pleasant voice all the time. JuliaCloud sat apparently reading, watching the little byplay, and prayingthat God would strengthen the young heart. "Dear Moses!" she murmured with a smile on her lips as the front doorbanged behind the children and she was left reading alone. Two hours later the two returned full of enthusiasm. Leslie wasbrimming over. "O Cloudy, we're going to give this sleepy old town the surprise of alifetime! We're going to have a grand time to-morrow night, justgetting all the members together and doping it out what to do. And youought to hear Allison talk! He's just like a man! He made a wonderfulspeech telling them how they ought to get together, and everybody doteamwork and all that, like they do in football; and they asked him tomake it over again to-morrow night, and he's going to!" Leslie's eyes were shining with pride, and she looked at her brotherlovingly. He flushed embarrassedly. "Well, what could you do, Cloudy? There they were sitting like a lotof boobs, and nobody knowing what to do except that Jane Bristol. She's the only sensible one of the bunch, and they don't listen toher. They made me mad, ignoring her suggestions the way they did; so Ihad to speak up and say she was right; and I guess I talked a lot morewhen I got started, because she really had the right dope, all right, and they ought to have had sense enough to know it. She's been in thiswork before, and been to big State conventions and things. Say, Cloudy, that Christian Endeavor stuff must be a pretty big thing. Itseems to have members all over the world, and it's really a kind ofinternational fraternity. I rather like their line. It's stiff allright, but that's the only way if you're going into a thing likethat. " "And how did the praying go?" asked Julia Cloud, watching her boy'shandsome, eager face as he talked. "All right, " he evaded reticently. "_He_ prayed, Cloudy!" announced Leslie proudly. "It was _regular_!" "Well, what could a fellow do?" said Allison apologetically, as if hehad done something he was half ashamed of. "That poor girl prayedsomething wonderful, and then they all sat and sat like a parcel ofboobs until you could feel her cheeks getting red, and nobody openingtheir mouths; so I started in. I didn't know what to say, but Ithought somebody ought to say something. I did the best I knew how. " "It was regular, Cloudy!" repeated Leslie with shining eyes. "Well, it got 'em started, anyhow, " said Allison. "That was all thatmattered. " Julia Cloud with lips trembling joyously into a smile of thanksgivinglistened, and felt her heart glad. Somehow she knew that her boy hadyielded himself to the call of his God to lead this band of youngpeople out of an Egypt into a promised land, and she saw as by faithhow he himself would be led to talk with God on the mount before thegreat work was completed. "It really was regular, Cloudy, " reiterated Leslie. "I didn't know mybrother could pray like that, or talk, either. After he prayedeverybody prayed, just a sentence or two, even that little baby dollLila that was here the other night. They didn't say much, but youcould see they wanted to do the right thing and be right in it. Buteverybody was in earnest; they really were, Cloudy. That Jane Bristolis wonderful! The president had told her she was chairman, and allabout the meeting; and she read some verses out of the Bible aboutChrist's being always in a meeting where there were just two or three, and about two or three agreeing to ask for something and alwaysgetting it. I never knew there were such verses in the Bible, did you?Well, and after that it seemed awfully solemn, just as if we had allcome into God's reception-room and were waiting to ask Him as a bigfavor to help this little Christian Endeavor Society to be worthsomething in His kingdom. Those aren't my words, Cloudy; you needn'tlook surprised. That's the way Jane Bristol put it, and it made mefeel queer all down my back when she said it, as it did the first timeI went to hear some great music. And--why, after that you couldn'thelp praying just a little, so the promise would hold good. It wasn'tsquare not to help them out, you see. " "And we're not going to have anybody to-morrow night but the regularmembers until we get them all to understand and be ready to help, "went on Allison. "Yes, they asked Allison to take charge and help plan it all out;and Allison is going to hunt up some of the big Christian Endeavorpeople in the city, and get them to come out one or two at a timeto our meetings, "--Julia Cloud noted the pronoun "our" withsatisfaction, --"and stir things up on Sundays; and we'll drive inand get them, and bring them to our house to supper, maybe, and putthem wise to things so they'll know best how to help; and then we'lldrive them home after church that night, see? And Allison suggestedthat we have pretty soon a series of parties or receptions, just forthe young people to get together and bring new ones in one at a time, just as the boys in college have rushing-parties, you know. We'llhave a reception, real formal, with regular eats from a caterer, and flowers and invitations and everything, for the first one; and aHallowe'en party for the October meeting, and a banquet for theNovember meeting, just about Thanksgiving time, you know. Oh, it'sgoing to be lots of fun. And, Cloudy, I told them we'd make a hundredsandwiches for to-morrow night; you don't mind, do you? We can buythe bread, and it won't take long to make them. I know how to cutthem in pretty shapes, and I thought I'd tie them with ribbons tomatch the lemonade. " Julia Cloud with radiant face entered into the plans eagerly, and tohave heard them talk one would never have imagined that twenty-fourhours before these two young people had been exceedingly averse tohaving anything to do with that little dying Christian Endeavor YoungPeople's Society. "And, Cloudy, that Jane Bristol is real pretty. She had on a charmingcollar to-night, and her hair fixed all soft around her face. She hasbeautiful hair! I think they were all surprised at the easy way shetalked; I don't believe she is a day older than I am, either. And she_is_ going to college. I'm awfully glad, for I want to get to knowher. We'll invite her down here sometimes, won't we? I want you toknow her, Cloudy. You'll like her, I'm sure. " So Julia Cloud went to her pretty gray bed that night, and laymarvelling at the goodness of God to answer her prayers. As for thechildren, they could hardly settle down to sleep, so full of planswere they for the revivifying of that Christian Endeavor Society. Theykept calling back and forth from room to room, and after everythinghad been quiet for a long time and Julia Cloud was just dropping offto sleep, Leslie woke them all up calling to know if it wouldn't be agood plan to have the Hallowe'en party there at the house and haveeverybody come in costume. Then they had to begin all over again, anddecide what they would wear and who they would be. Allison declared hewas going to be a firecracker; he had a "dandy" costume for it inCalifornia, and he would write to-morrow morning to the housekeeper tolook it up. Leslie wanted to have a candy-pull, with apples and nuts and raisinsfor refreshments. Julia Cloud began to wonder whether it was just asacceptable to God to have play mixed up with the religion as thesechildren were doing it. "You must look out that your festivities don't get ahead of yourrighteousness, " she warned half laughingly; but Allison took her inearnest. "You're right there, Cloudy. That's one of the things we have to lookout for in frats. We have to see we don't have too many social things. If we do, the marks suffer; and right away we lose ground. We'll haveto keep those Sunday meetings up to the mark--see, kid?--or the otherthings will only bring in a lot of dead-wood that won't count. Theymust come to the Sunday meetings, or they don't get invited to theparties. That's the way we'll fix 'em. " "There's no use saying 'must, '" said Leslie wisely. "If you don't haveyour meetings interesting, they won't come anyhow you fix it. " "That's a girl for you!" scorned Allison. "No loyalty in the wholebunch. They've got to _like_ everything. Now, the real spirit is tocome and _make_ the meetings good, just because they're _your_meetings. See, kid?" "Yes, I see, " snapped Leslie; "but I won't come to your old meetingsat all if you are going to talk that way about girls. I guess I'vealways been loyal to everything, especially you, and I won't stand forthat!" "Oh, I didn't mean you, kid; I was talking about girls in general, "soothed the brother. "You're all right, of course. But those littlefluffy-ruffles that sat in the back seat, now, you'll have to teachthem what loyalty means. See?" Finally the household settled to sleep. The next day the little house saw little else done save the making ofmarvellous dainty sandwiches in various forms and shapes. Even Cherry entered into the work with zest, and Julia Cloud provedherself rich in suggestion for different fillings, till great plattersof the finished product reposed in the big white refrigerator, neatlytucked about with damp napkins to keep them from drying. All that day Allison flew hither and yon in his car, carrying somemember of the committee on errands connected with the evening social. Never had such a stir been made about a mere church social in all theannals of the society. Every remotest member was hunted out andpersuaded to be present, and Allison agreed to go around in theevening and pick up at least a dozen who had professed their inabilityto get there alone. So the big blue car was enlisted in ChristianEndeavor service, and the young people were as busy and as happy asever they had been in getting their little new home settled. Theydrove away about seven o'clock after a hasty supper, with theirplatters of sandwiches safely guarded on the back seat; and JuliaCloud watched them, and smiled and was glad. She wondered whether thiswork would get such a hold upon them that it would last after theystarted their college work, and fervently hoped that it might, so thatthere would be another link to bind them to God's house and His work. She sighed to think how many things there would likely be to draw themaway. About ten o'clock Leslie telephoned. She wanted to bring Jane Bristolhome for the night, as the people where Jane was living were away, andshe would otherwise have to stay alone in a big house. Julia Cloudreadily assented, and she and Cherry had a pleasant half-hour puttingone of the guest-rooms in order. It was while she was doing this thatshe began to wonder seriously what Jane Bristol would be like. Who wasbrought intimately into their new home might mean so much to her twochildren. And in this room, too, after Cherry had gone to bed, sheknelt and breathed a consecrating prayer. Then she went down-stairs towait for the coming of her children, building up the fire and lightingthe porch light so that all would be cheery and attractive for themand their guest. Only a little, lonesome child who did housework forher living, but it was good to be able to give her a pleasantwelcome. In a few minutes the car arrived, and the two girls came chatteringin, while Allison put the car away. At least, Leslie was chattering. "I think you look so lovely in that soft blue dress!" she was saying. "It is so graceful, and the color just fits your eyes. " "It's only some old accordion-pleated chiffon I had, " answered theguest half ashamed. "I had to wash it and dye it and make it myself, and I wasn't sure the pleats would iron out, or that it would do atall. You know I don't have much use for evening dresses, and I reallycouldn't afford to get one. That's the reason I hesitated at yoursuggestion about having receptions and parties. But I guess you haveto have them. " "You don't mean to say you made it all yourself! Why you're a wonder!Isn't she, Cloudy? Just take her in and look for yourself! She madethat dress all herself out of old things that she washed and dyed. Why, it looks like an imported frock. Doesn't it look like one, Cloudy? And that girdle is darling, all shirred that way!" That was Julia Cloud's introduction to the guest as she stood in theopen door and watched the two trip along the brick terrace to theentrance. Leslie snatched away the long, dark cloak that covered Jane Bristol'sdress; and she stood forth embarrassed in the firelight, clad in soft, pale-blue chiffon in simple straight lines blending into the whitethroat in a little round neck, and draping the white girlish, arms. The firelight and lamplight glimmered and flickered over the softlywaved brown hair, the sweet, serious brow, the delicate, refined face;and Jane Bristol lifted two earnest deep-blue eyes, and looked atJulia Cloud. Then between them flashed a look of understanding andsympathy, and each knew at once that she liked the other. "Isn't she a dear, Cloudy Jewel?" demanded Leslie. "She is!" responded Julia Cloud, and put her arms softly around theslender blue-clad shoulders. Then she looked up to see the eyes ofAllison resting upon them with satisfaction. They turned down the light and sat before the fire for a little while, telling about the success of the evening and talking of this and that, just getting acquainted; and, when they finally took Jane Bristol upto the pretty guest-room, it was with a sense that a new and lastingfriendship had been well begun. Julia Cloud as she lay down to sleepfound herself wondering whether her children would always show so muchgood sense in picking out their friends as they had done this time. CHAPTER XVII The day when college opened was a great day. The children could hardlyeat any breakfast, and Allison gave Leslie a great many edifyinginstructions about registering. "Now, kid, if you get stuck for anything, just you hunt me up. I'llsee that you get straightened out. If you and Jane Bristol could onlyget together, you could help each other a lot. I'll get some dope fromsome of the last-year fellows. That's the advantage I get from findinga chapter of my frat here. They'll put me wise as to the bestcourse-advisers, and you stick around near the entrance till I giveyou the right dope. It doesn't pay to get started wrong in college. " Leslie meekly accepted all these admonitions, and they started offtogether in the car with an abstracted wave of good-by to Julia Cloud, who somehow felt suddenly left out of the universe. To have hertwo newly-acquired children suddenly withdrawn by the power of agreat educational institution and swept beyond her horizon wasdisconcerting. She had not imagined she would feel this way. Shestood in the window watching them, and wiped away a furtive tear, and then laughed to herself. "Old fool!" she said softly to the window-pane. "The trouble with youis, you'd like to be going to college yourself, and you know it! Nowput this out of your mind, and go to work planning how to make homedoubly attractive when they get back, so that they will want to spendevery minute possible here instead of being drawn away from it. Theylove it. Now keep them loving it. That's your job. " When the two came back at noon, they were radiant and enthusiastic asusual, albeit they had many a growl to express. One would have thoughtto hear Allison that he had been running colleges for some fifty yearsthe way he criticized the policy and told how things ought to be run. At first Julia Cloud was greatly distressed by it all, thinking thatthey surely had made a mistake in their selection of a college, but itgradually dawned upon her that this was a sort of superior attitudemaintained by upper-class men toward all institutions of learning, particularly those in which they happened to be studying, that it wasreally only an indication of growing developing minds keen to seemistakes and trying to think out remedies, and as yet inexperiencedenough to think they could remedy the whole sick world. The opening days of college were turbulent days for Julia Cloud. Herchildren were so excited they could neither eat nor sleep. They wereliable to turn up unexpectedly at almost any hour of the morning orafternoon, hungry as bears, and always in a hurry. They had so manynew things to tell her about, and no time in which to talk. They mixedthings terribly, and gave her impressions that took months to right;and they could not understand why she looked distressed at theirflightiness. They were both taken up eagerly by the students andinvited hither and yon by the various groups and societies, whichfrequently caused them to be absent from meals while they were beingdined and lunched and breakfasted. Of course, Julia Cloud reflected, two such good-looking, well-dressed, easy-mannered young people, witha home in the town where they could invite people, a car in which totake friends out, and a free hand with money, would be popularanywhere. Her anxiety grew as the first week waxed toward its end andfinished up Saturday night with invitations to two dances and oneweek-end party at a country house ten miles away. Leslie rushed in breathless about six o'clock Saturday evening, anddeclared she was too much in a hurry to eat anything; she must getdressed at once, and put some things in her bag. She rattled on aboutthe different social functions she was expected to attend that eveninguntil Julia Cloud was in hopeless confusion, and could only stand andlisten, and try to find the things that Leslie in her hurry hadoverlooked. Then Allison arrived, and wanted some supper. He talkedwith his mouth full about where he was going and what he was going todo, and at the end of an hour and a half Julia Cloud had a veryindefinite idea of anything. She had a swift mental vision of churchand Sabbath and Christian Endeavor all slipping slowly out of theircalculation, and the WORLD in large letters taking the forefront oftheir vision. "You are going to a dance!" she said in a white, stricken way she hadwhen an anxiety first bewildered her. "To _two_ dances! O my dearLeslie! You--_dance_, then? I--hadn't thought of that!" "Sure I dance!" said Leslie gayly, drawing up the delicate silkstocking over her slim ankles and slipping on a silver slipper. "Youought to see me. And Allison can dance, too. We'll show you sometime. Don't you like dancing, Cloudy? Why, Cloudy! You couldn't mean youdon't approve of dancing? Not _really_! But where would we be?_Everybody_ dances! Why, there wouldn't be anything else to do whenyoung people went out. Oh, do you suppose Cherry would press out thisskirt a little bit? It's got horribly mussed in that drawer. " Julia Cloud had dropped into a chair with an all-gone feeling and alightness in the top of her head. She felt as if the world, the flesh, and the devil had suddenly dropped down upon the house and werecarrying off her children bodily, and she was powerless to prevent it. She could not keep the pain of it out of her eyes; yet she did notknow what to say in this emergency. None of the things that had alwaysseemed entirely convincing in forming her own opinions seemed adequateto the occasion. Leslie turned suddenly, and saw her stricken face. "What's the matter, Cloudy? Is something wrong? Aren't you well? Don'tyou like me to go to a dance? Why, Cloudy! Do you really _object_?" "I have no right to object, I suppose, dear, " she said, trying tospeak calmly; "but--Leslie, I can't bear to think of you dancing; it'snot nice. It's too--too intimate! My little flower of a girl!" "Oh, but we have to dance, Cloudy; that's ridiculous! And you aren'tused to dances, or you wouldn't say so. Can't you trust me to beperfectly nice?" Julia Cloud shuddered, and went to the head of the stairs to answer aquestion Allison was calling up to her; and, when, she came back, shesaid no more about it. The pain was too great, and she felt toobewildered for argument. Leslie was enveloped in rose-colored tulle, with touches of silver, and looked like a young goddess with straps ofsilver over her slim shoulders and a thread of pearls about herthroat. The white neck and back that the wisp of rose-color made noattempt to conceal were very beautiful and quite childish, but theyshocked the sweet soul of Julia Cloud inexpressibly. She stood aghastwhen Leslie whirled upon her and demanded to know how she liked thegown. "O my dear!" gasped her aunt. "You're not going out beforepeople--_men_--all undressed like that!" Leslie gave her one glance of hurt dismay, whirled back to her glass, and examined herself critically. "Why, Cloudy!" Her voice was almost trembling, and her cheeks wererosier than the tulle with disappointment. "Why, Cloudy, I thought itwas lovely! It's just like everybody's else. I thought you would thinkI looked _nice_!" The child drooped, and Julia Cloud went up to hergently. "It is beautiful, darling, and you are--exquisite! But, dear! It seemsterrible for my little girl to go among young men so sort of nakedly. I'm sure if you understood life better, you wouldn't do it. You aretempting men to wrong thoughts, undressed that way, and you areputting on common view the intimate loveliness of the body God gaveyou to keep holy and pure. It is the way cheap women have of makingmany men love them in a careless, physical way. I don't know how totell you, but it seems terrible to me. If you were my own little girl, I never, _never_ would be willing to have you go out that way. " "You've said enough!" almost screamed Leslie with a sudden frenzy ofrage, shame, and disappointment. "I feel as if I never could lookanybody in the face again!" And with a cry she flung herself into thejumble of bright garments on her bed, and wept as if her heart wouldbreak. Julia Cloud stood over her in consternation, and tried tosoothe her; but nothing did any good. The young storm had to have itsway, and the slim pink shoulders shook in convulsive sobs, while thedismayed elder sat down beside the bed, with troubled eyes upon her, and waited, praying quietly. In the midst of it all Allison appeared at the door. "What in thunder is the matter? I've yelled my head off, and nobodyanswers. What is the matter with you, kid? It's time we started, andyou doing the baby act! I never thought you'd get hystericky. " Leslie lifted a wet and smeary face out of her pillow and addressedher brother defiantly: "I've good reason to cry!" she said. "Cloudy thinks I'm not decent togo out in this dress, and she won't believe everybody dresses thisway; and I'm _not going_! I'm _never_ going _anywhere_ again; I'm_disgraced_!" And down went her head in the pillow again with anotherlong, convulsive sob. Her brother strode over to her, and lifted her up firmly but gently. "There, kid, quit your crying and be sensible. Stand up and let's lookat you. " He stood her upon her feet; and she swayed there, quivering, halfashamed, her hands to her tear-stained face, her pink shouldersheaving and her soft, pink chest quivering with sobs, while hesurveyed her. "Well, kid, I must say I agree with Cloudy, " he said half reluctantlyat last. "The dress is a peach, of course, and you look like an angelin it; but, if you could hear the rotten things the fellows say aboutthe way the girls dress, you wouldn't want to go that way; and Idon't want them to talk that way about my sister. Couldn't you stickin a towel or an apron or something, and make a little more waist tothe thing? I'm sure you'd look just as pretty, and the fellows wouldthink you a whole lot nicer girl. I don't want you to get the nicknameof the Freshman Vamp. I couldn't stand for that. " Poor Leslie sank into a chair, and covered her face for another cry, declaring it was no use, it would utterly spoil the dress to doanything to it, and she couldn't go, and wouldn't go and wear it; butat last Julia Cloud came to the rescue with needle and thread and softrose drapery made from a scarf of Leslie's that exactly matched thedress; and presently she stood meek and sweet, and quite modest, blooming prettily out of her pink, misty garments like an openingapple-blossom in spite of her recent tears. "But when are you coming back?" asked Julia Cloud in sudden dismay, her troubles returning in full force as she watched them going out thedoor to the car, Allison carrying two bags and telling Leslie to hurryfor all she was worth. The two children turned then, and faced their aunt, with a swift, comprehending vision of what this expedition of theirs meant to her. It had not occurred to them before that they were deliberatelyplanning to spend most of the night, Saturday night, in mirth, andstay over Sunday at a house-party where the Sabbath would be as athing unknown. Nobody had ever talked to them about these thingsbefore. They had accepted it as a part of the world of society intowhich they had been born, and they had never questioned it. They wereimpatient now that their tried and true friend and comrade did notcomprehend that this occasion was different from most, and that itmust be an exception. They were willing to keep the Sabbath ingeneral, but in this particular they felt they must not be hampered. The whole idea shone plainly in their faces, and the pain anddisappointment and chagrin shone clearly, emphatically in JuliaCloud's eyes as she faced them and read the truth. "Why, we don't know, just for sure, Cloudy, " Allison tried totemporize. "You see, they usually dance to all hours. It's Saturdaynight, and no classes to-morrow, and this is an unusual occasion. It'sa week-end party, you know----" "Then--you won't be back to-night! You are not going to churchto-morrow! You will spend the Sabbath at a party!" She said these things as if she were telling them to herself so thatshe could better take in the facts and not cry out with thedisappointment of it. There was no quality of fault-finding in hertone, but the pain of her voice cut to the heart the two youngculprits. Therefore, according to the code of loving human nature, they got angry. "Why, of course!" chirped Leslie. "Didn't you expect that? That's whatweek-end parties are!" "Oh, cut this out, Leslie, " cried Allison. "We've gotta beat it. We'reway late now! Cloudy, you can expect us when we get here. Don't botherabout anything. There's no need to. We'll telephone you later when weexpect to come back. Nightie, nightie, Cloudy. You go rest yourself. You look tired. " He gave her a hurried, deprecatory kiss, and swept his sister outinto the night. Julia Cloud heard the purring of the engine, saw thelights of the car glide away from the door down the street and out ofsight. They were gone! She felt as though a piece of herself had beentorn away from her and flung out for the world to trample upon. For along time she stood staring from the window into the darkness, unshedtears burning behind her eyes and throat, trying to steady the beatingof her heart and get used to the gnawing trouble that somehow made herfeel faint and weak. It came over her that she had been a fool to attempt to fill the placeof mother to these two modern young things. Their own ideas were fullymade up about all questions that seemed vital to her. She had been afossil in a back-country place all her life, and of course they feltshe did not know. Well, of course she did not know much about modernsociety and its ways, save to dread it, and to doubt it, and to wishto keep them away from it. She was prejudiced, perhaps. Yes, she hadbeen reared that way, and the world would call her narrow. WouldChrist the Lord feel that way about it? Did He like to have Hischildren dressing like abandoned women and making free with oneanother under the guise of polite social customs? Did He want Hischildren to spend their Sabbaths in play, however innocent the playmight be? She turned with a sigh away from the window. No, she couldnot see it any other way. It was the way of the world, and that wasall there was to it. Leslie had made it plain when she said they hadto do it or be left out. And wasn't that just what it meant to be a"peculiar people" unto the Lord, to be willing to give up doubtfulthings that harmed people for the sake of keeping pure and unspottedfrom the world? "If ye were of the world, the world would love itsown; but because I have chosen you out of the world, therefore theworld hateth you, " came the familiar old words. Well, and what shouldshe do now? It wouldn't do to rave and fuss about things. That neverdid any good. She couldn't say she wouldn't stay if they danced andwent away over the Sabbath. Those were things in which she mightadvise, but had no authority. They were old enough to decide suchmatters for themselves. She could only use her influence, and trustthe rest with the Lord. Yes, there was one thing she could do. Shecould pray! So Julia Cloud gave her quiet orders to Cherry, and went up to herrose-and-gray room to kneel by the bed and pray, agonizing for herbeloved children through the long hours of that long, long evening. It was a quiet face that she lifted at last from her vigil, for itbore the brightness of a face-to-face communion with her Lord; and sherose and went about her preparations for the night. Then, just as shehad taken down her hair and was brushing it in a silver cloud abouther shoulders, she heard a car drive up. A moment more a key turned inthe latch, and some one came in. Julia Cloud stood with the hair-brush poised half-way down a strand ofhair, and listened. Yes, the car had gone on to the garage. What couldhave happened? CHAPTER XVIII It was all still below stairs, then a soft, stealthy silken movement, cautiously coming up the stairs. Julia Cloud went quickly to the halldoor, and switched on the light. On the landing stood Leslie, lovelyand flushed, with her hair slightly ruffled and her velvet eveningcloak thrown back, showing the rosy mist of her dress. She stood withone silver slipper poised on the stairs, a sweet, guilty look on herface. "O Cloudy! I thought you were asleep, and I didn't want to waken you, "she said, penitently; "but you haven't gone to bed yet, have you? I'mglad. We wanted you to know we were home. " "Is anything the matter?" Julia Cloud asked with a stricture ofemotion in her throat. "No; only we got tired, and we didn't want to stay to their old party, anyway, and we'd rather be home. " Leslie sprang up the stairs, andcaught her aunt in her arms with one of her sweet, violent kisses. "O my dear!" was all Julia Cloud could say. And then they heardAllison closing the door softly below, and creaking across the floorand up the stairs. "Oh, you waked her up!" he said reproachfully as he caught sight ofhis sister in Julia Cloud's arms. "No, you're wrong. She hadn't even gone to bed yet. I knew shewouldn't, " said Leslie, nestling closer. "Say, Cloudy, we're not goingto trouble you that way again. It isn't worth it. We don't like theirold dancing, anyway. I couldn't forget the way you looked so hurt--andthe things you said. Won't you please come down to the fire awhile?We want to tell you about it. " Down on the couch, with Allison stirring up the dying embers andLeslie nestled close to her, Julia Cloud heard bits about theevening. "It wasn't bad, Cloudy, 'deed it wasn't. They dance a lot nicer incolleges than they do other places. I know, for I've been to lots ofdances, and I never let men get too familiar. Allison taught me thatwhen I was little. That's why what you said made me so mad. I'vealways been a lot carefuller than you'd think, and I never dance withanybody the second time if I don't like the way he does it the firsttime. And everybody was real nice and dignified to-night, Cloudy. Theboys are all shy and bashful, anyway; only I couldn't forget what youhad said about not liking to have me do it; and it made everythingseem so--so--well, not nice; and I just felt uncomfortable; and onedance I sent the boy for a glass of water for me, and I just sat itout; and, when Allison saw me, he came over, and said, 'Let's beatit!' and so I slipped up to the dressing-room, and got my cloak, andwe just ran away without telling anybody. Wasn't that perfectlydreadful? But I'll call the girl up after a while, and tell her we hadto come home and we didn't want to spoil their fun telling them so. " They sat for an hour talking before the fire, the young people tellingher all about their experiences of the last few days, and letting herinto their lives again with the old sweet relation. Then they driftedback again to the subject of dancing. "I don't give a whoop whether I dance or not, Cloudy, " said Allison. "I never did care much about it, and I don't see having my sisterdance with some fellows, either. Only it does cut you out of lots offun, and you get in bad with everybody if you don't do it. I expectedwe'd have to have dances here at the house, too, sometimes; but, ifyou don't like it, we won't; and that's all there is to it. " "Well, dear, that's beautiful of you. Of course I couldn't allow youto let me upset your life and spoil all your pleasure; but I'mwondering if we couldn't try an experiment. It seems to me there oughtto be things that people would enjoy as much as dancing, and whycouldn't we find enough of them to fill up the evenings and make themforget about the dancing?" "There'll be some that won't come, of course, " said Leslie; "but weshould worry! They won't be the kind we'll like, anyway. Jane Bristoldoesn't dance. She told me so yesterday. She said her mother neverdid, and brought her up to feel that she didn't want to, either. " "She's some girl, " said Allison irrelevantly. "She entered thesophomore class with credits she got for studying in the summer schooland some night-work. Did you know that, kid? I was in the office whenshe came in for her card, and I heard the profs talking about her andsaying she had some bean. Those chumps in the village will find outsome day that the girl they despised is worth more than the whole lotof them put together. " Julia Cloud leaned forward, and touched lightly and affectionately thehair that waved back from the boy's forehead, and spoke tenderly. "Dear boy, I'll not forget your leaving your friends and coming backto me and to the Sabbath and church and all that. It means a lot tome to have my children observe those things. I hope some day you'll doit because you feel you want to please God instead of me. " "Sure!" said Allison, trying not to look embarrassed. "I guess maybe Icare about that, too, a little bit. To tell the truth, Cloudy, Icouldn't see staying away from that Christian Endeavor meeting afterI've worked hard all the week to get people to come to it. It didn'tseem square. " The moment was tense with deep feeling, and Julia Cloud could notbring herself to break it by words. She brought the boy's hand up toher lips, and pressed it close; and then just as she was about tospeak the telephone rang sharply again and again. Allison sprang up, and went to answer. "Hello. Yes. Oh! Miss Bristol! What? Are you sure? I'll be there atonce. Lock yourself in your room till I get there. " He hung up the receiver excitedly. "Call up the fire department quick, Leslie! Tell them to hurry. There's some one breaking into the Johnson house, and Jane Bristol isthere alone with the children. It's Park Avenue, you know. Hustle!" He was out the door before they could exclaim, and Leslie hastened tothe telephone. "He went without his overcoat, " said Julia Cloud, hurrying to thecloset for it. "It will be very cold riding. He ought to have it. " Leslie hung up the receiver, and flung her velvet cloak about herhurriedly, grabbing the overcoat. "Give it to me, Cloudy; I'm going with him!" she cried, and dashed outthe door as the car slid out of the garage. "O Leslie! Child! You _oughtn't_ to go!" she cried, rushing to thedoor; but Leslie was already climbing into the car, moving as it was. "It's all right, Cloudy!" she called. "There's a revolver in the car, you know!" and the car whirled away down the street. Julia Cloud stood gasping after them; the horrible thought of arevolver in the car did not cheer her as Leslie had evidently hoped itwould. What children they were, after all, plunging her from onetrouble into another, yet what dear, tender-hearted, loving children!She went in, and found a heavy cloak, and went out again to listen. Then it came to her that perhaps Leslie had not made the operatorunderstand; so she went back to the telephone to try to find outwhether any one had been sent. Suppose those children should try toface a burglar alone! There might be more than one for aught theyknew. Oh, Leslie _should not_ have gone! A terrible anxiety tookpossession of her, and she tried to pray as she worked the telephonehook up and down and waited for the operator. Then into the quiet ofthe night there came the loud clang of the fire-bell, and a momentlater hurried calls and voices in the distance, sounding through thefront door that Julia Cloud had left open. For an instant she wasrelieved, and then she reflected that this might be a fire somewhereelse, and not the call for the Johnson house at all; so she kept ontrying to call the operator. At last a snappy voice snarled into herear. "We don't tell where the fire is; we're not allowed any more, "and snap! The operator was gone again. "But I don't want to know where the fire is!" called Julia Cloud indismay. "I want to ask a question. " No answer came, and the dim buzz of the wire sounded emptily back toher anxious ear. At last she gave it up, and went out to the street tolook up and down. If she only knew which way was Park Avenue! Shecould hear the engine now, clattering along with the hook and ladderbehind; and dark, hurrying forms crossed the street just beyond thenext corner, but no one came by. She hurried out to the corner, andcalled to a boy who was passing; and he yelled out: "Don't know, lady. Up Park Avenue somewhere. " Then the street grew very quiet again, andall the noise centred away in the distance. A shot rang out, andvoices shouted, and her heart beat so loud she could hear it. Shehurried back to the house again, and tried to get the telephoneoperator; but nothing came of it, and for the next twenty minutes shevibrated between the street and the telephone, and wondered whethershe ought not to wake up Cherry and do something else. It seemed perfectly terrible to think of those two children handling aburglar alone--and yet what could she do? Pretty soon, however, she heard the fire-engine returning, with thecrowd, and she hurried down to the corner to find out. "It wasn't no fire at all, lady, " answered a boy whom she questioned. "It was just two men breakin' into a house, but they ketched 'em bothan' are takin' 'em down to the lockup. No, lady, there wasn't nobodykilled. There was some shootin', sure! A girl done it! Some collegegirl in a car. She see the guy comin' to make a get-away in her car, see? And she let go at him, and picked him off the first call, got himthrough the knee; an' by that time the fire comp'ny got there, andcinched 'em both. She's some girl, she is!" Julia Cloud felt her head whirling, and hurried back to the house tosit down. She was trembling from head to foot. Was it Leslie who hadshot the burglar? Leslie, her little pink-and-silver butterfly, whoseemed so much like a baby yet in many ways? Oh, what a horribledanger she had escaped! If she had escaped. Perhaps the boy did notknow. Oh, if they would but come! It seemed hours since they had left. The midnight train was just pulling into the station! How exasperatingthat the telephone did not respond! Something must be out of orderwith it. Hark! Was that the car? It surely was! CHAPTER XIX How welcome a sound was the churn of the engine as it came flying upthe road and turned into the driveway! Julia Cloud was at the door, waiting to receive them, straining hereyes into the darkness to be sure they were both there. Leslie sprang out, and dashed into her arms. "O Cloudy! You waited up, didn't you? We thought you must be asleepand didn't hear the telephone. We tried to call you up and explain. You see, Jane was there alone, and of course she didn't much enjoystaying after what had happened; so we waited till the Johnsons gotback from the city. They had been to the theatre, and they just cameon that midnight train. If I lived in a lonely place like that, Iwouldn't leave three babies with a young girl all alone in the house. It seems the servants were all away, or left, or something. I guessthey were pretty scared when they got back. I wanted to bring thechildren up here to stay all night with us, and let them _be_ scaredwhen they got home; but she wouldn't, of course; so we stayed withher. " Leslie tossed aside her velvet cloak as she talked. "It was awfully exciting, Cloudy. I'm glad I went. There's no tellingwhat might have happened to Allison if somebody hadn't been there. Yousee he shut down the motor as we came up to the house. We'd been goinglike a streak of lightning all the way, and we tried to sneak up sothey wouldn't hear us and get away; but there was one man outside onthe watch, and he gave the word; and just as Allison got out of thecar he disappeared into the shadows. The other one came piling out ofa window, and streaked it across the porch and down the lawn. Allisonmade for him; but he changed his course, and came straight toward thecar. I guess they thought it was empty. And then the other one cameflying out from behind the bushes, and made for Allison; so I justleaned out of the car and shot. I don't know how I ever had the nerve, for I was terribly frightened; but he would have got Allison inanother minute, and Allison didn't see him coming. He had a big clubin his hand. I saw it as he went across in front of the window, and Iknew I must do something; so I aimed right in front of him, and I sawhim go down on his knees and throw up his hands; and then I felt sick, and began to think what if I had killed him. I didn't, Cloudy; theysay I only hit his knee; but wouldn't it have been awful all my lifeto have to think I had killed a man? I couldn't have stood it, Cloudy!" and with sudden breaking of the tension the high-strung childflung herself down in a little, brilliant heap at Julia Cloud's knees, buried her bright face in her aunt's lap, and burst into tears. "You brave little darling!" Julia Cloud caressed her, and folded herarms about her. "She's all of that, Cloudy! She saved my life!" It was Allison whospoke, standing tall and proud above his sister and looking down ather tenderly. "Come now, kiddie, don't give way when you've been sucha trump. I knew you could shoot, but I didn't think you could keepyour head like that. Cloudy, she was a little winner, the cool way sheaimed at that man with the other one coming right toward her andmeaning plainly to get in the car and run away in it. He'd have takenher, too, of course, and stopped at nothing to get away. But, when hesaw the good shot she was, and heard his pal groaning, he threw up hishands, and turned sharp about for me. He knew it was his only chance, and that whoever was shooting wouldn't shoot at him while he was alltangled up with me; so he made a spring at me before I knew what hewas doing, and threw me off my feet, and got a half Nelson on me, youknow----" "Yes, Cloudy, he was fiendish, and I couldn't do a thing, for fear ofhitting Allison; and just then I heard a motor-cycle chugging by thecar. I hadn't heard it before, there was so much going on; and a big, strong fellow with his hair all standing up in the wind jumped off, and ran toward them where they were rolling on the ground. Then Ithought of the flash-light, and turned it on them; and thatmotor-cycle man saw just how things were, and he jumped in, andgrabbed the burglar; and then all of a sudden the yard was full of menand boys and a terrible noise and clanging, and the fire-engine andhook and ladder came rushing up, Cloudy! You didn't tell them therewas a fire, did you? I didn't. I told that telephone girl there was aburglar and to send a policeman. But somehow she got it that the housewas on fire. And Jane Bristol was in the house, with the baby in herarms and the other little children asleep in their cribs; and shedidn't know what was happening because she didn't dare to open thewindow. " Into the midst of the excitement and explanations there came a loudknock on the door, and Allison sprang up, and went to see who wasthere. A young man with dishevelled garments, hair standing on end, and face much streaked with mud and dust stood there. A motor-cycleleaned against the end of the porch. "Pardon me, " he said half shyly. "I saw the light, and thought someone was up yet. Did the lady drop this? I found it in the grass when Iwent back to hunt for my key-ring. It was right where she stood. " He held forth his hand, and there dropped from his fingers a slenderwhite, gleaming thing. Allison flashed on the porch-light, and looked at it. "Leslie, is this yours?" The motor-cycle man looked up, and there stood the princess, her rosygarments like the mist of dawn glowing in the light of fire and lamp, her tumbled golden curls, her eyes bright with recent tears, hercheeks pink with excitement. He had seen her dimly a little whilebefore in a long velvet cloak and a little concealing head-scarf, standing in a motor-car shooting with a steady hand, and again comingwith swift feet to her brother's side in the grass after he wasreleased from the burglar's hold; but he had not caught the look ofher face. Now he stood speechless, and stared at the lovelyapparition. Was it possible that this lovely child had been the cool, brave girl in the car? Leslie had put her hand to her throat with a quick cry, and found itbare. "My string of pearls!" she said. "How careless of me not to havenoticed they were gone! I'm so glad you found them! They are the onesthat mamma used to have. " Then, looking up for the first time, shesaid: "Oh, you are the young man who saved my brother's life. Won't youplease come in? I think you were perfectly splendid! I want my aunt tomeet you, and we all want to thank you. " "Oh, I didn't do anything, " said the stranger, turning as if to go. "It was you who saved his life. I got there just in time to watch you. You're some shot, I'll tell the world. I sure am proud to meet you. Ididn't know any girl could shoot like that. " "Oh, that's nothing!" laughed Leslie. "Our guardian made us bothlearn. Please come in. " "Yes, we want to know you, " urged Allison. "Come in. We can't let yougo like that. " "It's very late, " urged the young man. But Allison put out a firm arm, and pulled him in, shutting the doorbehind him. "Cloudy, " he said, turning to his aunt, "this man came in the nick oftime, and saved me just as I was getting woosey. That fellow sure hada grip on my throat, and something had hit my head and taken away allthe sense I had, so I couldn't seem to get him off. " "That's all right. I noticed you were holding your own, " put in thestranger. "It isn't every man would have tackled two unknown burglarsalone. " He spoke in a voice of deep admiration. "Well, I noticed you were the only man on the spot till the parade wasabout over, " said Allison, slapping him heartily on the shoulder. "Say, I think I've seen you before riding that motor-cycle; tell meyour name, please. I want to know you next time I see you. " "Thanks, I'm not much to know, but I have an idea you are. My name'sHoward Letchworth. I have a room over the garage, and take my meals atthe pie-shop. My motor-cycle is all the family I have at present. " Allison laughed, and held out his hand with a warm grip of admiration. "I'm Allison Cloud; and this is my sister, Leslie Cloud, and my aunt, Miss Cloud; and this house we call Cloudy Villa. You'll always bewelcome whenever you are willing to come. You've saved my life andbrought back my sister's pearls, and put us doubly in your debt. I'msure no one in this town has a better right to be welcome here. Pleasesit down a minute, and tell us who you are. You don't belong to thechurch bunch, and I don't think I've seen you about the college. " "No, " said Letchworth, "not this year. I'm a laboring man. I work overat the ship-building plant. If everything goes well with me thiswinter, I may get back to college next fall. I was a junior last year, but I couldn't quite make the financial part; so I had to go to workagain. " There was a defiance in his tone as he told it, as if he had said, "Now perhaps you won't want to know me!" and he had not taken theoffered chair, but was standing, as if he would not take theirfriendship under false pretences. But trust Allison to say the graceful thing. "I somehow felt you were my superior, " he said with his eyes full ofreal friendship. "Sit down just a minute, so we can be sure you reallymean to come again. " "Yes, do sit down, " said Julia Cloud. "I was just going to get thesechildren a bite to eat, and I'm sure they'd like to have you share itwith them. It's a long time since supper, and you have been through agood deal. Aren't you hungry? The pie-shop won't be open this time ofnight. " She smiled that welcoming home smile that no young person couldresist, and the young man sat down with a swift, furtive glance atLeslie. She seemed too bright and wonderful to be true. He let hiseyes wander about the charming room; the fire, the couch, thelamplight on the books, the little home touches everywhere, and thenhe sank into the big cushions of the chair gratefully. "Say, this is wonderful!" he said. "I haven't known what home was likefor seven years. " "Well, it's almost that long since we had a real home, too, " saidLeslie gravely; "and we love this one. " "Yes, " said Allison, "we've just got this home, and we sure doappreciate it. I hope, if you like it, you'll often share it withus. " "Well, I call that generous to an utter stranger!" Then Julia Cloud entered with a tray, and Allison and Leslie bothjumped up to help her. Leslie brought a plate with wonderful frostedcakes and little sandwiches, which somehow Julia Cloud always managedto have just ready to serve; Allison passed the cups of hot chocolatewith billows of whipped cream on the top, and they all sat down beforethe fire to eat in the coziest way. Suddenly, right in the midst oftheir talk the big grandfather clock in the corner chimed softly out asingle clear, reminding stroke. "Why, Cloudy! It's one o'clock! Sunday morning, and here we are havinga Sunday-morning party, after all, right at home!" laughed Leslieteasingly. The stranger stood up with apology. "Oh, please don't go for a minute, " said Leslie. "I want you to do onemore thing for me. Now, Allison, I can see it in your eyes that youmean to get ahead of me, but I have first chance. He's my find. Mr. Letchworth, you don't happen to belong to a Christian Endeavor Societyanywhere, do you?" The startled young man shook his head, a look of being on his guardsuddenly coming into his eyes. "Do I look like it?" he asked half comically, suddenly glancing downat his muddy, greasy garments and old torn sweater. "Well, then I want you to come to the meeting to-morrow night--no, to-night, at seven o'clock, down at that little brick church on thenext street. Everybody had to promise to bring some one who has nevercome before, and I didn't have anybody to ask because all the collegepeople I know are off at a house-party; and I ran away from it, andcame home; so I couldn't very well ask them. Will you go?" The young man looked at the lovely girl with a smile on his lips thatmight easily have grown into a sneer and a curt refusal; but somehowthe clear, true look in her eyes made refusal impossible. Against allhis prejudices he hesitated, and then suddenly said: "Yes, I'll go if you want me to. I'm not in the habit of going to suchplaces, but--if you want me, I'll go. " She put her slim, cool hand into his, and thanked him sweetly; and hewent out into the starlight feeling as if a princess had knightedhim. "There!" sighed Leslie as the sound of his motor-cycle died away inthe distance. "I think he's a real man. It's queer; but he and JaneBristol are the nicest people we've met in this town yet, and theyboth work for their living. " "I was just thinking that, too, " said Allison, vigorously poking thefire into a shower of ruby sparks. "Don't you like him, Cloudy?" "Yes, " said Julia Cloud emphatically. "He looks as if he took life inearnest. But come, don't you think we better go to bed?" So they all lay down to sleep at last, Julia Cloud too profoundlythankful for words in the prayer her heart fervently breathed. CHAPTER XX The routine of college classes became settled at last, and graduallythe young people found bits of leisure for the family life which theycraved and loved. Allison came in one day, and announced that he hadbought a canoe. "It's a peach, Cloudy, and I got it cheap from a fellow that has toleave college. His father has got a job out in California, and theyare going to move, and want to transfer him to a Western college so hewon't be so far away from them. I got it for fifteen dollars with allthe outfit, and it's only been used one season. But he couldn't takeit with him. There are three paddles and two cushions and some rugsbelonging to it, and I've arranged to keep it down behind the inn soit won't be far for us to go to it. Now, I want you to be ready totake a trial trip this afternoon at three when Leslie and I getthrough our classes. " With much inward questioning but entire loyalty Julia Cloud yieldedherself to the uncertainties of canoeing, but it needed but that firsttrip to make her an ardent admirer of that form of recreation. Re-creation it really seemed to her to be, as she sank among thepillows in the comfortable nest the children had prepared for her, andfelt herself glide out upon the smooth bosom of the creek into theglow of the autumn afternoon. For in the shelter of the winding ravinewhere the creek wandered the frost had not yet completed its work, andthe trees were still in glowing colors, blending brilliantly with thedark green of the hemlock. A few stark trunks were bare and bleakagainst the sky in unsheltered places, but for the most part the banksof the creek still set forth a most pleasing display to thenature-lover who chose to come and see. Winding dark and soft andstill, with braided ripples here and there, and little floating brownleaves that slithered against the boat as they passed, the creekmeandered between the hills, now turning almost upon itself around amossy, grassy stretch of meadow-land, skirting a chestnut-grove, orslipping beneath great rocks that cropped out on the hillside, wheremoss had crept in a lovely carpet, and graceful hemlocks found afoothold and leaned over to dip in the water and brush the faces ofthose who passed. Up, up, and up, through the frantic little rapidsthat bubbled and fought and were conquered, into the stiller watersabove, between banks all dark and green and quiet, most brilliantlyand cunningly embroidered with exquisite squawberry vines and scarletberries. It was most entrancing, and Julia Cloud was reluctant to comehome. No need ever to coax her any more. She was ready always to go inthat canoe, jealous of anything that prevented a chance to go. Often she and Cherry, instead of getting a hot lunch at home, wouldput up the most delectable lunch in paper boxes, and when the childrencame home she would be ready to go right down to the canoe and spendtwo delightful hours floating up and down the creek and eating anunconscionable number of sandwiches and cakes. This happened mostoften on Wednesdays, when the children had no classes from eleveno'clock until three and there was time to take the noon hour in aleisurely way. Not even cool weather coming on could daunt them. Steamer-rugs and warm sweaters and gloves were requisitioned, and theopen-air lunches went on just the same. One day they took a pot of hotsoup and three small bowls and spoons. They landed at the great rocks, and, climbing up, built a fire and gave their soup another littletouch of heat before they ate it. Such experiences welded their heartsmore and more together, and Julia Cloud came to be more and more apart of the lives of these two young people who had taken her fortheir mother-in-love. It was on these outings that they talked over serious problems:whether Leslie should join one of the girls' sororities, what theyshould do about the next Christian Endeavor meeting, why it was thatHoward Letchworth and Jane Bristol were so much more interesting thanany of their other friends, why Cloudy did not like to have MyrtleVillers come to the house, and what Allison was going to do in lifewhen he got through with college. They were absolutely one in alltheir thoughts and wishes just at this time, and there was notanything that any one of them would not willingly talk over with theothers. It was a beautiful relation, and one that Julia Cloud daily, tremblingly prayed might last, might find nothing to break it up. By this time the young people had begun to bring their college matesto the house, and everybody up there was crazy for an invitation tothe little lunches and dinners and pleasant evening gatherings thathad begun to be so popular. There were not wanting the usual"boy-crazy" girls, who went eagerly trailing Allison, literallybegging him for rides and attention, and making up to Julia Cloud andLeslie in the most sickening of silly girl fashions. And of these Myrtle Villers was at once the most subtle and leastattractive. Julia Cloud had an intuitive shrinking from her at thestart, although she tried in her sweet, Christian way to overcome itand do as much for this girl as she was trying to do for all theothers who came into their home. But Myrtle Villers was quick tounderstand, and played her part so well that it was impossible toshake her off as some might have been shaken. She studied Leslie likean artist, and learned how to play upon her frank, emotional, impulsive nature. She confided in her, telling the sorrows of anunloved life, and her longings for great and better things, and fellto attending Christian Endeavor most strenuously. She was alwayscoming home with Leslie for overnight and being around in the way. Allison did not like her in the least, and Julia Cloud barelytolerated her; but, as the weeks went by, Leslie began to championher, to tell the others they were unfair to the girl, and that shereally had a sincere heart and a lovely nature, which had been crushedby loneliness and sorrow. Allison always snorted angrily when Lesliegot off anything like that, and habitually absented himself wheneverhe knew "the vamp, " as he called her, was to be there. It was one day quite late in the fall, almost their last balmy picnicbefore the cold weather set in, that they were sitting up on the rocksaround a pleasant, resinous pine-needle fire they had made, discussingthis. Allison was maintaining that it was not good for Leslie to gowith a girl like that, that all the fellows despised; and Leslie waspouting and saying she didn't see why he had to be so prejudiced andunfair; and Julia Cloud was looking troubled and wondering whetherher heart and her head were both on the wrong side, or what she oughtto do about it, when a step behind them made them all turn aroundstartled. It was the first time they had been interrupted by anintruder in this retreat, and it had come to seem all their own. Moreover, the cocoa on the fire was boiling, and the lunch was aboutto be served on the little paper plates. There stood a tall man with a keen, care-worn face, a scholarly air, and an unmistakably wistful look in his eyes. "Why, is this where you spend your nooning, Cloud? It certainly looksinviting, " he said with a comprehensive glance at the wax-paperedsandwiches and the little heap of cakes and fruit. Allison arose with belated recognition. "O Dr. Bowman, " he said, "let me introduce you to my aunt, Miss Cloud, and my sister Leslie. " The scholarly gentleman bowed low in acknowledgment of the introduction, and fairly seemed to melt under the situation. "Well, now, this certainly is delightful!" he said, still eying thegenerously spread rock table. "Quite an idea! Quite an idea! Is thissome special occasion, some celebration or something?" He glancedgenially round on the group. "Oh, no, we often bring our lunch out here, " said Julia Cloud in amatter-of-fact tone. "It keeps us out-of-doors, and makes a pleasantchange. " There was finality in her tone, and a sensitive-mindedprofessor would have moved on at once, for the cocoa was boiling over, and had to be rescued, and he might have seen they did not want him;but he lingered affably. "Well, that certainly is an original idea. Quite so. It really makesone quite hungry to think of it. That certainly looks like anattractive repast. " There was nothing for it but to invite him to partake, which Allisondid as curtly as he dared, considering that the intruder was one ofhis major professors, and hoping sincerely that he would refuse. ButProfessor Bowman did not refuse. No such good chance, and quite toJulia Cloud's annoyance--for she wanted to have the talk out with herchildren--he sat himself down on the rock as if he were quiteacclimated to picnics in November, and accepted so many sandwichesthat Leslie, seated slightly behind and out of his sight, made mocksigns of horror lest there should not be enough to go around. It appeared that he had started out to search for his pocket-knife, which his young son had borrowed and lost somewhere in that region asnearly as he could remember, and thus had come upon the picnickers. "Old pill!" growled Allison gruffly when at last the unwelcome guesthad departed hastily to a class, with many praises for his dinner anda promise to call to see them in the near future. "Old pill! Now we'llnever dare to come here again as long as he's around. Bother him. Iwish I'd told him to go to thunder. We don't want him. He lives rightup here over that bluff. His wife's dead, and his sister or aunt orsomething keeps house for him. She looks like a bottle of pickles!Say, Cloudy, we'll just be out evenings for a while till he forgetsit. " But Dr. Bowman did not forget it as Allison had hoped. He came thevery next week on a stormy night when no one in his senses would goout if he could help it; and there were the gay little household, withthe addition of Jane Bristol and Howard Letchworth, down on theirknees before the fire, roasting chestnuts, toasting marshmallows, and telling stories. His grim, angular presence descended upon thejoyous gathering like a wet blanket; and the young people subsidedinto silence until Leslie, rising to the occasion, went to thepiano and started them all singing. A wicked little spirit seemedto possess her, and she picked out the most jazzy rag-time shecould find, hoping to freeze out the unwelcome guest, but he satwith patient set smile, and endured it, making what he seemed tothink were little pleasantries to Julia Cloud, who sat by, busy withsome embroidery. She, poor lady, was divided between a wickeddelight at the daring of the children and a horror of reproachthat they should be treating a college professor in this rude manner. She certainly gave him no encouragement; and, when he at last rose togo, saying he had spent a very pleasant and profitable evening gettingacquainted with his students, and he thought he should soon repeatit, she did not ask him to return. But he was a man of the kind whoneeds no encouragement, and he did return many times and often, until he became a fixed institution, which taxed all their facultiesinventing ways of escape from him. The winter went, and Dr. Bowmanbecame the one fly in the pleasant ointment of Cloud Villa. "We'll just have to send Cloudy away awhile, or put her to bed andpretend she is sick every time he comes, or something!" said Leslieone night, after his departure had made them free to express theirfeelings. "We've tried everything else. He just won't take a hint!What do you say, Cloudy; will you play sick?" "My dear!" said Julia Cloud aghast, "he doesn't come to see me! Whaton earth put that in your head?" Her face was flaming scarlet, anddistress showed in every feature. The children fairly shouted. "You dear, old, blind Cloudy, of course he does! Who on earth elsewould he come to see?" "But, " said Julia Cloud, tears coming into her eyes, "he mustn't. Idon't want to see him! Mercy!" "That's all right, Cloudy; you should worry! I'll go tell him so ifyou want me to. " "Allison! You wouldn't!" said Julia Cloud, aghast. "No, of course not, Cloudy, but we'll find a way to get rid of the oldpill if we have to move away for a while. " Nevertheless, the old pill continued to come early and often, andthere seemed no escape; for he was continually stealing in on theirprivacy at the most unexpected times and acting as if he were sure ofa welcome. The children froze him, and were rude, and Julia Cloudwithdrew farther and farther; but nothing seemed to faze him. "It's too bad to have so much sweetness wasted, " mocked Leslie onenight at the supper-table when their unwelcome visitor had been asubject of discussion. "Miss Detliff is eating her heart out for him. She's always noseying round in the hall when his class is out, andit's about time for hers to begin, just to get a word with him. Shekept us waiting for our papers ten whole minutes the other day whileshe discussed better classroom ventilation with him. 'O Doctah, don'tyou think we might do something about this mattah of ventilation?'"she mimicked, convulsing Allison with her likeness to her Englishteacher. "That's an idea!" said Allison suddenly. "No, don't ask me what it is. It would spoil things. Cloudy, may I bring a guest to dinner to-morrownight?" "Certainly, anybody you please, " replied Julia Cloud innocently; andthe incorrigible Allison appeared the next afternoon with MissDetliff, smiling and pleased, sitting up in the back seat of the car. Julia Cloud received her graciously, and never so much as suspectedanything special was going on until later in the evening, when Dr. Bowman arrived and was ushered in to find his colaborer there beforehim. He did not look especially pleased, and Julia Cloud caught aglance of intelligence passing between Leslie and Allison, with asudden revelation of a plot behind it all. During the entire eveningshe sat quietly, saying little, but her eyes dancing with the fun ofit. What children they were, and how she loved them! yes, and what achild she was herself! for she couldn't help loving their pranks aswell as they did. However, though Dr. Bowman had to take Miss Detliff home, and got verylittle satisfaction out of his call that evening, it did notdiscourage him in the least, and Julia Cloud decided that extrememeasures were necessary to rid them of his presence. "We might go away during Thanksgiving week; only there's the ChristianEndeavor banquet, " said Leslie. "We couldn't be away from that. Andthen I wanted to have Jane to dinner. She's gone up to college thisweek to live. She's doing office work there, and she'll be alone onThanksgiving Day. " "Yes, and there's Howard. I thought we'd have him here, " put inAllison dubiously. "Of course!" said Julia Cloud determinedly. "And we don't want to goaway, anyway. You children run up to your rooms this evening andstudy. Stay there, I mean, no matter who comes. Do you understand?" With a curious look at her they both obeyed; and a little later, whenthe knocker sounded through the house, they sat silently above, notdaring to move, and heard their aunt open the door, heard Dr. Bowman'sslow, scholarly voice and Julia Cloud's even tones, back and forth fora little while, and then heard the front door open and shut again, andslow steps go down the brick terrace and out to the sidewalk. What passed in that interview no one ever knew. Julia Cloud came tothe foot of the stairs, and called them down, and her eyes wereshining and confident as she sat by the lamp and sewed while theystudied and joked in front of the fire; but the unwelcome guest cameno more, and whenever they met him in the street, or at receptions, orpassing at a college game, he gave them a distant, pleasant bow; thatwas all. Julia Cloud had done the work well, however she had done it. The little Bowmans need not look to her to fill their mother's place, for she was not so minded. Meantime, the winter had been going on, and the little pink-and-whitehouse was becoming popular among the students at college as well asamong the members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the littlebrick church. Many an evening specially picked groups of girls or boysor both spent before that fire, playing games, and talking, andsinging. Sometimes the college glee-club came down and had dinner. Again it was the football team that was feasted. Another timeAllison's frat came for his birthday, aided and abetted by his sisterand aunt. Jane Bristol became a frequent visitor, though not so frequent as theywould have liked to have her, for her time was very much taken up withher work and her studies. Julia Cloud often wished she might lift thefinancial burden from the young shoulders and make things easier forher, both for her own sake and Leslie's, who would have liked to makeher her constant companion; but Jane Bristol was too independent tolet anybody help her, and there seemed no way to do anything about it. Meantime, Myrtle Villers improved each idle hour, and kept Leslie busyinventing excuses to get away from her, and Julia Cloud busy worrying. Leslie was so dear, but she was also self-willed. And she would go offwith that wild girl in the car for long rides. Not that Julia Cloudworried about the driving; for Leslie was most careful, and handled acar as if she had been born with the knowledge, as indeed she did allthings athletic; but her aunt distrusted the other girl. And then one clear, cold afternoon in December Leslie went off for aride in the car with Myrtle. Of course Julia Cloud did not know thatthe girl had pestered the life out of Leslie for the ride, and hadfinally promised that, if she would go, she would stop going with acertain wild boy in the village of whom Leslie disapproved. Neitherdid she know that Leslie had resolved never to go again without heraunt along. So she sat at the window through the short winterafternoon, and watched and waited in vain for the car to return; andAllison came back at half-past six after basket-ball practice, andstill Leslie had not appeared. CHAPTER XXI There had been a little friction between Allison and Leslie about theuse of the car. Allison had always been most generous with it untilhis sister took up this absurd intimacy with Myrtle Villers. It hasbeen rather understood between them that Leslie should use the carafternoons when she wanted it, as Allison was busy with basket-balland other things; but several times Allison had objected to hissister's taking her new friend out, and Leslie told him he was unfair. After a heated discussion they had left the question still unsettled. In fact, it did not seem that it could be settled, for Leslie was ofsuch a nature that great opposition only made her more firm; and JuliaCloud advised her nephew to say nothing more for a time. Let Lesliefind out for herself the character of the girl she had made herfriend. It was really the only way she would learn not to be carriedaway by flattery and high-sounding words. Allison, grumbling a little, assented; but in his heart he still boiled with rage at the idea ofthat girl's winding his sister around her little finger just for thesake of using the car when she wanted it. It was not, perhaps, allhappening that for two or three days Allison had left the switch-keywhere his sister could not find it, and a hot war of words ended inLeslie's quietly ordering a new switch-key so that such a happeningwould be impossible in future, She would have one of her own. A cardhad come that very morning from the express office, notifying Lesliethat there was a package there waiting for her; so, when she startedout with Myrtle, she stopped and got it. She tossed it carelessly intothe car with a feeling of satisfaction that now Allison could nothamper her movements any longer by his carelessness. "Which way shall we go?" she asked as she always did when taking herfriends out, and Myrtle named a favorite pike where they often drove. Out upon the smooth, white road they sped, rejoicing in the clearbeauty of the day and in the freedom with which they flew throughspace. Myrtle had chosen to sit in the back seat, and lolled happilyamong rugs and wraps, keeping a keen eye out on the road ahead andchattering away like a magpie to Leslie, telling her what a darlingshe was--she pronounced it "dolling"--and how this ride was just theone thing she needed to recuperate from her violent study of the nightbefore, incident to an examination that morning. Myrtle professed tobe utterly overcome and exhausted by the physical effort of writingfor three whole hours without a let-up. If Leslie could have seen hermeagre paper, through which a much-tortured professor was at thatmoment wearily plodding, she would have been astonished. Leslieherself was keen and thorough in her class work, and had no slightestconception of what a lazy student could avoid when she set herself todo so. Five miles from home two masculine figures came in sight ahead, strolling leisurely down the road. Any one watching might have seenMyrtle suddenly straighten up and cast a hasty glance at Leslie. ButLeslie with bright cheeks and shining eyes was forging ahead, regardless of stray strollers. At exactly the right moment Myrtle leaned forward, and clutchedLeslie's shoulder excitedly: "O Leslie! That's my cousin Fred Hicks! And that must be his friend, Bartram Laws! They're out for a hike. How lucky! Stop a minute, please; I want to speak to my cousin. " At the same moment the two young men turned, with a well-timed liftingof surprised hats in response to Myrtle's violent waving andshouting. Leslie of course slowed down. She could not carry a girl past her owncousin when she asked to stop to speak to him; besides, it neveroccurred to her not to do so. Myrtle went through the introductions glibly. "Mr. Laws, meet my friend Miss Cloud; my cousin, Fred Hicks, Leslie. Pile in, boys! Isn't this great that we should meet? Out for a hike?We'll give you a lift. Which way are you going? Fred, you can sit infront with Leslie. I want Bart back here with me. " Leslie caught her breath in a troubled hesitancy. This wasn't the kindof thing she had bargained for. It was the sort of thing that her auntand brother would object to most strenuously. Yet how could she objectwhen her guest had asked them? Of course Myrtle didn't realize that itwas not quite the thing for them to be off here in the countryunchaperoned, with two strange young men, though of course theyweren't strangers really, both of them friends of Myrtle's, and oneher cousin. Myrtle could not be expected to think how it would seem toher. But the young men were not waiting for Leslie's invitation. Theyseemed to feel that their company would be ample compensation for anyobjections that might be had. They scrambled in with alacrity. The color flew into Leslie's cheeks. In her heart she said they werealtogether too "fresh. " "Why, I suppose we can give you a lift for a little way, " said Leslie, trying to sound patronizing. "How far are you going? We turn off herepretty soon. " "Oh, that's all right, " said Cousin Fred easily; "any old road suitsus so it's going in this direction. Want me to take the wheel?" "No, thank you, " said Leslie coldly, "I always drive myself. Mybrother doesn't care for me to let other people use the car. " "That's all right; I thought you might be tired, and I'm a greatdriver. People trust me that won't trust any one else. " "That's right, Leslie, " chimed in Myrtle. "Fred can drive like abreeze. You ought to see him!" Leslie said nothing, but dropped in the clutch, and drove on. She wasnot prepossessed in Fred Hicks's favor. She let him make all theremarks, and sat like a slim, straight, little offended goddess. ButFred Hicks was not disturbed in the least. He started in telling astory about a trip he took from Washington up to Harrisburg in anincredibly brief space of time, and he laughed uproariously at all hisown jokes. Leslie was a girl of violent likes and dislikes, and shetook one of them now. She fairly froze Cousin Fred, though he showedno outward sign of being aware of it. "Here's a nice road off to the right, " he indicated, reaching out acommanding hand to the wheel suddenly. "Turn here. " Leslie with set lips bore on past the suggested road at high speed. "Please don't touch my wheel, " was all she said, in a haughty littlevoice. She was very angry indeed. They were nearing an old mansion, closed now for the winter, with asmall artificial lake between the grounds and the highway. Leslie felt a passing wish that she might dump her undesired cargo inthat lake and fly away from them. "I think you will have to get out at the next crossroads, " she saidwith more dignity. "I have to go home now. " "Why, Leslie Cloud! You don't any such thing!" broke in Myrtle. "Youtold me you could be out till quarter of six. It's only half-pastfour! I thought you were a good sport. " "I've changed my mind, " said Leslie coldly, bringing the car to astandstill. "I'm going back right now. Do you and your friend want toget out here, Mr. Hicks?" Fred Hicks lolled back in the car, and leered at Leslie. "Why, no, I can't say I'm particularly anxious to get out, but I thinkI'd like to change around a little. If you'll just step over here, I'll run the car for you, my dear. I don't think Myrtle is ready to goback yet. How 'bout it, Myrt?" He turned and deliberately winked atMyrtle, who leaned over with a light laugh, and patted Leslie on theshoulder. "There, there, Leslie, don't get up in the air, " she soothed, "I'llexplain all about it if you'll just turn around and go up that roadback there. It won't take you much longer, and we'll be back in plentyof time. The fact is, I had a little plan in the back of my head whenI came out this afternoon; and I want you to help me out. Now be agood girl and let Fred run the car a little while. He won't do it anyharm, and your brother will never know a thing about it. " Leslie's eyes were flashing, and her head was held haughtily; but shekept her hands firmly on the wheel. "Your friends will have to get out, Myrtle, " she said coldly. "I can'thelp you out in any scheme I don't understand. You'll have to go tosome one else for that kind of help. " Myrtle pouted. "I must say I don't think you're very nice, Leslie Cloud, speaking inthat way before my friends; but of course you don't understand; I'llhave to tell you. Bart Laws and I are engaged, and we're going to atown down in the next State to get married. Bart has the license andthe minister, and it's all arranged nicely. His aunt will be there fora chaperon. If you behave yourself and do as we tell you, the wholething will go off quietly and no one will know the difference. You andI will go back home before dark, and everything will be lovely. Yousee, dear, I've been engaged all this time; only I couldn't tell you, because my guardians don't approve of my getting married until I'mthrough college. You didn't understand why I had so much to do withRich Price, but he was just a go-between for Bart and me. Now, do youunderstand why I wanted you to go this afternoon?" Myrtle's voice was very soft and insinuating. She had tears alwaysnear the surface for ready use. "You never have been in love, Leslie;you don't know what it is to be separated from the one who is all theworld to you. Come, now, Leslie; I'll do anything in the world foryou if you'll only help me out now. " "And if I won't?" asked Leslie calmly, deliberately, as if she werereally weighing the question. "Well, if you won't, " put in the person called Fred Hicks, "why, Bartand I will just fix you up perfectly harmlessly in the back seatthere, where you can't do any damage"--and he put his hand in hispocket, and brought out the end of an ugly-looking rope--"and thenwe'll take charge of this expedition and go on our way. You can takeit or leave it as you please. Shut up there, Myrt; we haven't any moretime to waste. We're behind schedule now. " Leslie's mouth shut in a pretty little tight line, and her eyes gotlike two blue sparks, but her voice was cool and steady. "Well, I _won't_!" she said tensely; and with a sudden motion shegrabbed the switch-key and, springing to her feet, flung it far outacross the road, across a little scuttled canoe that lay at the bank, and plunk into the water, before the other occupants of the car couldrealize what she was doing. Fred Hicks saw just an instant too late, and sprang for her arm tostop it, then arose in his seat with curses on his lips, watching theexact location of the splash and calling to his mate to go out andfish for it. Leslie sank back in her seat, tense and white, and both young mensprang out and rushed to the shore of the little lake, leaving astream of unspeakable language behind them. Myrtle began to berate herfriend. "You little _fool_!" she said. "You think you've stopped us, don'tyou? But you'll suffer for this! If you make us late, I'll see thatyou don't get back to your blessed home for a whole week; and, whenyou do, you won't have such a pretty reputation to go on as you havenow! It won't do a bit of good, either, for those two men can findthat switch-key; or, if they can't, Fred knows how to start a carwithout one. You've only made a lot of trouble for yourself, andthat's all the good it will do you. You thought you were smart, butyou're nothing but an ignorant little kid!" But the ignorant little kid was not listening. With trembling fingersshe was pulling off the wrappings from a small package, and suddenly awarning whir cut short Myrtle's harangue. She lurched forward, andtried to pull Leslie's hands away from the wheel. "Bart! Come quick! She's got another! Hurry, boys!" CHAPTER XXII The two young men had shoved the old canoe up on the bank, turned itover, emptied it, and put it back in the water. Fred Hicks was holdingit at arm's length now in the water; and the would-be bridegroom hadcrawled out to the extreme end, and with rolled-up sleeves was pawingabout in the water, which did not appear to be very deep. At the crythey turned; and Fred Hicks, forgetting the other man's plight, let gothe boat, and dashed back to the road. Young Laws, arising toohastily, rolled into the water completely, and came splashing up thebank in a frothy state of mind. But suddenly, as they came, whileMyrtle's best efforts were put forth to hinder Leslie's movements, something cold and gleaming flashed in her face that sent hercrouching back in the corner of her seat and screaming. Leslie hadslipped her hand into the little secret pocket of the car door andbrought out her revolver, hoping fervently that it was still loaded, and that Allison had not chosen to shoot at a mark or anything with itthe last time he was out. "You'd better sit down and keep quiet, " she said coolly. "I'm a goodshot. " Then she put her foot on the clutch, and the car started just as FredHicks lit on the running-board. Leslie's little revolver came promptly around to meet him, and hedropped away with a gasp of surprise as suddenly as he had lit. Suddenly Leslie became aware of the other young man dripping andbreathless, but with a dangerous look in his eye, bearing down uponher from the lake side of the road; and she flashed around and sent ashot ringing out into the road, the bullet ploughing into the dust athis very feet. The car leaped forward to obey her touch, and in asecond more they had left the two young men safely behind them. Myrtle was crouched in the back seat, weeping; and Leslie, cool andbrave in the front seat, was trembling from head to foot. This was anew road to her; at least, she had never been more than two or threemiles on it, and she did not know where she would bring up. She beganto wonder how long her gasoline would hold out, for she had been insuch a hurry to get away with Myrtle before Allison should come homethat she had forgotten to look to see if everything was all right; andshe now remembered that Allison had had the car out late the nightbefore. Everything seemed to be falling in chaos about her. The earthrose and fell in front of her excited gaze; the sun was going down;and the road ahead seemed endless, without a turning as far as shecould see. A great burying-ground stretched for what seemed like miles along oneside of the road. The polished marble gleamed red and bleak in thesetting sun. The sky had suddenly gone lead-color, and there was achill in the air. Leslie longed for nothing so much as to hide herhead in Julia Cloud's lap and weep. Yet she must go on and on and ontill this awful road came to an end. Would it _ever_ come to an end?Oh, it _must_ somewhere! A great tower of bricks loomed ahead with awide paved driveway leading to it through an arched gateway, and overthe arch some words. Leslie got only one of them, "CREMATORY. " Sheshuddered, and put on speed. It seemed that she had come to the placeof death and desolation. It was lonely everywhere, and not a soul insight. What horror if her gasoline should give out in a place likethis, and they have to spend the night here, she and that poor, weakcreature sobbing behind! What contempt she felt for her former friend!What contempt she felt for herself! Oh, she was well punished for herwilfulness! To think she should have presumed to hope she could helpher to better ways, she, a little innocent, who never dreamed of suchdepths of duplicity as had been shown her that afternoon! Oh, to thinkof that loathsome Hicks person daring to touch her! To try to take hercar away from her! and to _smile_ at her in that disgusting way! On and on went the car, and the road wound away into the dusk up ahigh hill and down again, up another, past an old farmhouse with onedim light in the back window and a great dog howling like one in someold classic tale she had read; on and on, till at last a cross-roadcame, and she knew not which way to take, to right or to left. Therewas a sign-board; but it was too dark to read, and she dared not getout and leave Myrtle. There was no telling but she might try to runoff with the car. It was at the crematory that she began to pray, and, when she reached the crossing, her heart put up a second plea forguidance. "O God, if You will just help me home, I will try, _try_, TRY to be what You want me to be! Please, please, _please_!" It wasthe old vow of a heart bowed down and brought to the limit. It was thefirst time Leslie had ever realized that there could be a situationin which Leslie Cloud would not find some way out. It was the firsttime, too, perhaps, when she realized herself as being a sinner in thesense of having a will against God and having exercised it for her ownpleasure rather than for His glory. Down the road to the left the car sped, and after a mile and a half ofgrowing darkness, with woods and scattered farmhouses, the lights of avillage began to appear. But it was no village that Leslie knew, andnothing anywhere gave her a clew. A trolley line appeared, however;and after a little a car came along with a name that showed it wasgoing cityward. Leslie decided to follow the trolley track. In the meantime the girl in the back seat roused up, and began to lookabout her, evidently recognizing something familiar in the streets ortown. "You can put me out here, Leslie; I'm done with you, " she saidhaughtily. "I don't care to go any farther with you. I'll go back onthe train. " "No!" said Leslie sharply. "You'll go home with me. I took you awaywithout knowing what you intended, but I mean to put you back whereyou were before I'm done. Then my responsibility for you will be over. I was a fool to let you deceive me that way, but I'm not a fool anylonger. " "Well, I _won't_ go home with you, so! and that's flat, Leslie Cloud. You needn't think you can frighten me into going, either. We're in avillage now, and my aunt lives here. If you get out that revolveragain, I'll scream and have you arrested, and tell them you're tryingto murder me; so there!" For answer Leslie turned sharply into a cross-road that led away fromthe settled portion of the town, and put on all speed, tearing awayinto the dusk like a wild creature. Myrtle screamed and stormed behindher, all to no purpose. Leslie Cloud had her mettle up, and meant totake her prisoner home. Out of the town she turned into another roadthat ran parallel to the trolley track, from which she could see thelights of the trolleys passing now and again, as it grew darker; andby and by when they came to another cross-road, Leslie got back to thetrolley track, and followed it; but whenever they came into a town shekept to its outskirts. Leslie had a pretty good general sense of direction, and she knew justwhere the sun went down. If it had not been for a river and some hillsthat turned up and bewildered her, she would have made a pretty directcourse home; but, as it was, she went far out of her way, and was longdelayed and much distressed besides, being continually harassed by theangry girl in the back seat. The gasoline was holding out. It wasevident that Allison had looked after it. Blessed Allison, who alwaysdid everything when he ought to do it, and never put off things untilthe next day! How cross she had been with him for the last six weeks, and how good and kind he always was to her! How she had deceived dearCloudy and troubled her by going off this afternoon! Oh, what wouldthey think? Would they ever forgive her, and take her back into theirhearts, and trust her again? The tears were blurring her eyes now asshe stared ahead at the road. It seemed as if she had been tearing onthrough the night for hours like this. Her arms ached with the nervousstrain; her back ached; her head ached. Perhaps they were going aroundthe world, and would only stop when the gasoline gave out! They swept around a curve. Could it be that those were the lights ofthe college ahead on the hill? Oh, joy at last! They were! Up thishill, over across two blocks, and the little pink-and-white housewould be nestled among the hemlocks; and rest and home at last! Butthere was something to be done first. She turned toward the back seat, where sat her victim silent and angry. "Well, you can let me out now, Leslie Cloud, " said Myrtle scornfully. "I suppose you won't dare lord it over me any longer, and I'll takegood care that the rest of the town understands what a dangerouslittle spitfire _you_ are. You ought to be arrested for this night'swork! That's all _I've_ got to say. " "Well, I have one more thing to say, " said Leslie slowly, as sheswerved into her own street and her eyes hungrily sought for thelights of Cloudy Villa. "You're coming into the house with me first, before you go anywhere else, and you're going to tell this whole storyto my Aunt Jewel. After that--_I should worry_!" "Well, I rather guess I am not going into your old house and tell yourold aunt anything! I'm going to get right out here this minute; andyou're good and going to _let_ me out, too, or I'll scream bloodymurder, and tell it all over this town how you went out there to meetthose boys. You haven't got any witnesses, and _I have_, remember!"said Myrtle, suddenly feeling courageous now that she was back amongfamiliar streets. But Leslie turned sharply into the little drive, and brought up thecar in a flood of light at the end of the terrace. "Now, get out!" she ordered, swinging the door open and flashing herlittle revolver about again at the angry girl. "O Leslie!" pleaded the victim, quickly quelled by the sight of thecold steel, and thrilled with the memory of that shot whistling by herinto the road a few hours before. "Get out!" said Leslie coolly as the front door was flung open andJulia Cloud peered through the brightness of the porch light into thedarkness. "Get out!" Leslie held the cold steel nearer to Myrtle's face, and thegirl shuddered, and got out. "Now go into the house!" she ordered; and shuddering, shivering, witha frightened glance behind her and a fearful glance ahead, she walkedstraight into the wondering, shocked presence of Julia Cloud, whothrew the door open wide and stepped aside to let them in. Leslie, with the revolver still raised, and pointed toward the other girl, came close behind Myrtle, who sidled hastily around to get behind MissCloud. "Why, Leslie! What is the matter?" gasped Julia Cloud. "Tell her!" ordered Leslie, the revolver still pointed straight atMyrtle. "What shall I tell?" gasped the other girl, turning a white, miserableface toward Miss Cloud as if to appeal to her leniency. But there wasa severity in Julia Cloud's face now after her long hours of anxietythat boded no good for the cause of all her alarm. "Tell her the whole story!" ordered the fierce young voice of Leslie. "Why, we went out to take a ride, " began Myrtle, looking up with herold braggadocio. There had seldom been a time when Myrtle had notbeen able to get out of a situation by use of her wily tongue. "Tell it all, " said Leslie, looking across the barrel of her weapon. "Tell who wanted to go on that ride. " "Why, yes, I asked Leslie to take me. I--we--well, that is--I wantedto meet a friend. " "Tell it straight!" ordered Leslie. "Why, of course I didn't tell Leslie I expected to meet them--him. Iwasn't just sure he could make the arrangements. I meant to tell herwhen we got out. And when we met him--and my cousin--it was my cousinI was to meet--you see I'm--we--he----" Myrtle was getting all tangled up with her glib tongue under the cleargaze of Julia Cloud's truth-compelling eyes. She looked up and down, and twisted the fringe on her sash, and turned red and white by turns, and seemed for the first time a very young, very silly child. ButLeslie had suffered, and just now Leslie had no mercy. This girl hadbeen a kind of idol to whom she had sacrificed much, and now that heridol had fallen she wanted to make the idol pay. Or no, was that it?Leslie afterwards searched her heart, and felt that she could trulysay that her strongest motive in compelling this confession had beento get the burden of the knowledge of it off her own shrinking soul. "Tell the rest!" came the relentless voice of Leslie, and Myrtlestruggled on. "Well, I'm engaged to Mr. Bartram Laws; and my guardian won't let usget married till I'm through college, and we fixed it up to getmarried to-day quietly. I knew it would be all right after he foundout he couldn't help himself, and so----" "Tell how you asked the boys to get in the car!" ordered the fiercevoice again; and Myrtle, recalled from another attempt to pass it alloff pleasantly, went step by step through the whole shameful storyuntil it was complete. Then Leslie with a sudden motion of finality flung the little weapondown upon the mahogany table, and dashed into Julia Cloud's arms in astorm of tears. "O Cloudy, I'll never, never do any such thing again!And I hate her! I _hate_ her! I'll never forgive her! Can you everforgive _me_?" No one had heard a sudden, startled exclamation from the porch room asLeslie and Myrtle came into the house; but now Myrtle suddenly lookedup, thinking the time had come for her to steal away unseen; and therein the two doorways that opened on either side of the fireplace stood, on one side Allison Cloud and the dean of the college, and on theother side two members of the student executive body, all lookingstraight at her! Moreover, she read it in their eyes that they hadheard every word of her confession. Without a word she dropped whiteand stricken into a chair, and covered her face with her hands. Foronce her brazen wiles were gone. CHAPTER XXIII It happened that Miss Myrtle Villers had not confined her affectionsto Mr. Bartram Laws. She had been seen wandering about the campus withother youths at odd hours of the evening when young-lady students weresupposed to be safely within college halls or properly chaperoned atsome public gathering. The "student exec" had had her in tow forseveral weeks, and she had already received a number of reproofs andwarnings. A daring escapade the evening before had brought matters toa head, and it was very possibly because of some suspicion that theymight have found her out that Myrtle had made her plans to be absenton that afternoon. However that was, when the executive body inconsultation with the dean sent for her, they traced her to theClouds' house. At least, they came there about seven o'clock toinquire and hoping to take her unaware. They had found Allison in agreat state of excitement, telephoning hither and yon to try to getsome clew to his sister's whereabouts. They had remained to advise andsuggest, greatly worried at the whole situation, the more so becauseit involved Leslie Cloud, whose bright presence had taken great holdupon everybody. And now, without knowing it, Leslie Cloud had taken the one way to putthe whole matter into the right hands and to exonerate herself. If shehad known that any member of the faculty was in that room listening, if she had dreamed that even her brother was there, she would not havethought it right or honorable to put even an enemy in such aposition, either for her own sake or for the girl's. She had onlywanted some wise, true adviser to know the truth, so that the girlmight learn what was right and have the responsibility taken from herown shoulders. She thought, too, that she had a right to be exoneratedbefore her aunt. So now, while she wept out her contrition in JuliaCloud's arms, retribution was coming swiftly to Myrtle Villers; andher career in that college was sealed with finality. It was only tooplain that such a girl was a menace to the other students, and neededto be removed. Presently Leslie, feeling something strange in the atmosphere, liftedfrightened, tear-filled eyes, and saw the grave faces of the dean andhis companions! She held her breath with suspense. How terrible! Howpublic and unseemly! She had brought all this upon herself and herfamily by her persistent friendship with this silly girl! And she fellto trembling and shuddering, all her fine, sweet nerve gone now thatthe strain was over. Julia Cloud drew her down upon the couch, and soothed her, coveringher with an afghan and trying to comfort her. Then the dean steppedover to the couch and spoke to Leslie. "Miss Cloud, you must not feel so bad, " he said gently, as if she hadbeen his own child. "You have acted nobly, and no one will blame you. You have perhaps saved Miss Villers from great shame and sorrow, andyou certainly have been brave and true. Don't worry, child, " and hepatted Leslie's heaving shoulder kindly. Presently the dean and his committee were gone, taking the coweringMyrtle with them, and Leslie lay snuggled up on the couch, withAllison building up the fire and Cherry bringing a tray with a nicesupper. Julia Cloud fixed a hot-water bag to warm the chilled handsand feet. It was so good to be at home! The tears rushed into her eyesagain, and her throat filled with sobs. "O Cloudy!" She caught her aunt's hands. "I'll never, never doanything again you don't want me to!" she sobbed out, and then burstinto another paroxysm of tears. "There! Now, kid! Don't cry any more!" pleaded Allison, springing toher side and kneeling by her, smoothing her hair roughly. "You were alittle winner! You had every bit of your nerve with you. Why, you dida great thing, kid! Outwitting those two brutes and bringing that girlback in spite of herself. But the greatest thing of all was yourmaking her confess. Now they've got something to go on. If you hadn'tdone that, it would have been her word against yours; and I imagineshe's always managed to keep things where she could get around peoplewith her wiles. Now she's got to face facts; and believe me, kid, it'll be better for her in the end. She was headed straight for a badend, and no mistake. All the fellows knew it, and the facultysuspected it; and it was making no end of trouble. But now the girlmay be saved, for that dean never lets a student go to destruction, they say, if he can help it. Oh, of course he'll fire her. She isn'tfit to be around here. But he'll keep an eye on her, and he'll fireher in such a way that she'll have another chance to make good ifshe's willing to take it. Don't you worry about spoiling her life. She'd set out to spoil it in the first place, and the best thing thatcould possibly happen to her was to get stopped before she went toofar. From all you say I shouldn't think a marriage with that fellowwould have been any advantage to her. " "Oh, he was _awful_, Allison!" shuddered Leslie. "He smelled ofliquor; and he had great, coarse lips and eyes; and he put his armsaround her, and kissed her right there before us all; and they actedperfectly disgusting! I'm almost sure from things I heard them saythat she hadn't been engaged to him at all, she hadn't even known himtill last week. She met him in town--just picked him up on the street!And that Fred Hicks! I don't _believe_ now he was her cousin at all. " "Probably not. But leave that all to the dean. He'll ferret it out. Hewent in there to the telephone before he left, and from what I heard Iimagine he's got detectives out after those two guys, and they maysleep in the lockup to-night. They certainly deserve to. And I shallhave a hand in settling with them, too. I can't have my sister treatedthat way and let it go easily. They've got to answer to me. There, kid!" He stooped down, and kissed her gently on her hot, wet forehead; andLeslie caught his hand and nestled her own in it. "O Allison! It's so good to be home!" she murmured, squeezing his handappreciatively. "I'll never, never, _never_ go with a girl again thatyou don't like. I'm just going to stick to Jane. She's the only one upthere I really love, anyway. " Allison seemed quite satisfied with these sentiments, and they had abeautiful time eating their supper before the fire, for no one had hadany appetite before; and Cherry was as pleased to have the anxietyover and wait upon them all as if Leslie had been her own sister. Into the midst of their little family group broke a hurried, excitedknock on the door, and there stood Howard Letchworth with anxiousface. "I heard that your sister and one of the college girls had gone off ina car and got lost. Is it true? I came right around to see if I couldhelp. " Leslie sat up with her teary eyes bright and eager, and her cheeksrosy with pleasure, all her pretty hair in a tumble about her face andthe firelight playing over her features in a most charming way. "Oh, it's awfully good of you, " she called eagerly. "But I'm perfectlyall right and safe. " He came over to the couch, and took her offered hand most eagerly, expressing his delight, and saying he had been almost sure it was sometown gossip, but he could not rest satisfied until he was positive. But Allison would not let it go at that. "I'm going to tell him, Leslie, " he said. "He won't let any one be thewiser; and, if people are saying anything like that, he can help stoptheir mouths. " So Allison told the whole story. When it came to thepart about Fred Hicks and Bartram Laws, Howard's face grew dark, andhe flashed a look that boded no good to the two young ruffians. "I know who that Laws fellow is, " he said gravely. "He's rotten! And Ishouldn't wonder if I could locate his friend. I get around quite abit on my motor-cycle. May I use your 'phone a minute? I have a friendwho is a detective. They ought to be rounded up. Miss Leslie, wouldyou tell me carefully just what roads you took, as nearly as youknow?" So Leslie told in detail of the wild ride once more. Julia Cloudwatched the young man's face as he listened, and knew that Leslie hada faithful friend and champion, knew also that here was one whosefriendship was well worth cultivating, a clean, fine, strong youngsoul, and was glad for her little girl. Something stirred in hermemory as she watched his look, and she went back to her childish daysand the boy friend who had kissed her when he went away never toreturn. There was the same look in Howard Letchworth's eyes when helooked at Leslie, the age-old beauty of a man's clean devotion to asweet, pure woman soul. Of course Leslie was a mere child yet, and was not thinking of suchthings; but there need be no fear that that fine, strong young manwould be unwise enough to let the child in her be frightened awayprematurely. They were friends now, beautiful friends; and that wouldbe enough for them both for a long time. She was content. She watched them all the evening, and listened to their talk about theChristian Endeavor Society. How beautiful it was that Leslie had beenable to bring the boy to a degree of interest in that! Of course itwas for her sake, but he was man enough to be interested on his ownaccount now; and from their talk she could see that he had gone heartand soul with Allison into the plans for the winter work. He had afine voice, and was to sing a solo at the next meeting. PresentlyLeslie so far recovered her nerves as to smooth out her hair and go tothe piano to practise with him. "O Jesus, Thou art standing Outside the fast-closed door, " rang out the rich, sweet notes; and the tender, sympathetic voicebrought out each word with an appeal. The boy could not sing like thatand not feel it himself sometime. Julia Cloud found herself praying;praying, as if she whispered to a dear Companion sitting close besideher at the hearthside: "Dear Christ, show this boy. Teach him whatThou art. Make him Thy true disciple. " Suddenly the young fellow turned to Allison with a smile. "I like the way you take your religion with you into college, Cloud. It makes it seem real. I haven't met many fellows that had any before, or perhaps I shouldn't have been such a heathen as I am. But I say, why don't you try to get some of your frat brothers to come down tothe meeting? They ought to be willing to do that for you, and it wouldbe great to have them sing. You've got a lot of the glee club in yourcrowd. " "That's so!" said Allison. "I don't know but I'll try it. I'd like tohave them come the night you sing. Guess I'll have to hunt around andget a speaker. No, I won't either. Just the meeting itself is goodenough now for anybody. They're a pretty good little bunch down there. They've been working like beavers. Jane Bristol gets the girlstogether, and coaches them for every meeting. She's some girl, do youknow it?" Howard Letchworth agreed that she was, but he cast a side glance downat the bright head of the girl, who was playing his accompaniment asif he felt there were others. Julia Cloud was watching her darlinggirl, wondering, hoping, praying that she might always stay so sweetand unspoiled. But when the young man was gone home, and Leslie came back to thecouch again, she suddenly drooped. "Cloudy Jewel, " she said wearily, "it isn't right. I don't deservepeople to be so nice to me, the dean, and you all, and Howard andeverybody. It was a lot my fault that all this happened. I thought Icould make that girl over if I just stuck to her. She had promised meshe would come to Christian Endeavor, and join; and I wanted to showyou all what a power I had over her. I was just conceited; that wasall there was about it. Now I see that she was only fooling me. Icouldn't have done anything at all alone. I needed God. I didn't askHim to help. You've talked a lot about that in our Sunday meetings, but it never went down into my heart until I was driving past that oldcrematory, and I felt as if I was all alone and Death all in blacktrailing robes was going along fast beside me. Then I knew God was theonly one who could help, and I began to pray. I hope maybe I'velearned my lesson, and I'll not be so swelled-headed next time. Butyou oughtn't to forgive me, Cloudy, not so easy. Cloudy, you're justlike God!" It was several days before Leslie recovered fully from the nervousstrain she had been under. She slept long the next day, and JuliaCloud would not waken her. For a week there were dark circles underthe bright eyes, and the rose of her cheek was pale. She wentabout meekly with downcast eyes, and the bright fervor of her spiritseemed dimmed. It was not until one afternoon when Allison suggestedthat they get Jane Bristol and Howard Letchworth and go forbittersweet-berry vines and hemlock-branches to decorate for theChristian Endeavor social that her spirits seemed to return, andthe unwholesome experience was put away in the past at last. Howard Letchworth had been most thoughtful about the matter in thevillage, and had managed so that the tragic had been taken out of thestory that had started to roll about, and Leslie could go around andnot feel that all eyes were upon her wondering about her escapade. Gradually the remembrance of it died out of her thoughts, although thewholesome lesson she had learned never faded. More and more popular in the college grew the gatherings down atCloudy Villa. Sometimes Leslie brought home three or four girls forFriday and Saturday, not often any on Sunday, unless it was Jane; forSundays were their very own day for the little family, and theydreaded any who might seem like intruders. "It is our time when we catch up in our loving for all the week, "Leslie explained with a quaint smile to one girl who broadly hintedthat she would not mind being asked for over Sunday. "And, besides, you mightn't like the way we keep Sunday. Everybody who comes hasto go to church and Christian Endeavor with us, and enjoy ourBible-reading, singing hour around the fire; and I didn't think youwould. " "Well, I like your nerve!" answered the girl; but she sat studyingLeslie afterwards with a thoughtful gaze, and began to wonderwhether, after all, a Sunday spent in that way might not be reallyinteresting. "She's a kind of a nut, isn't she?" she remarked to another friend ofLeslie's. "She's a pretty nice kind of a nut, then, Esther, " was the response. "If that's a nut, we better grow a whole tree of them. I'm going downthere all I can. I like 'em!" Julia Cloud seemed to have a fertile brain for all kinds of lovelyways to while away a holiday. As the cold weather came on, winterpicnics became the glory of the hour. Long walks with heavy shoes andwarm sweaters and mittens were inaugurated. A kettle of hot soupstraight from the fire, wrapped in a blanket and carried in a bigbasket, was a feature of the lunch. When the party reached acamping-spot, a fire would be built and the soup-kettle hung over animprovised crane to put on its finishing touches, while the rest ofthe eatables were set forth in paper plates, each portion neatlywrapped in waxed paper ready for easy handling. Sometimes big mincepies came along, and were stood on edge near the fire to get thawedout. Bean soup, corned-beef sandwiches, and hot mince pie made ahearty meal for people who had tramped ten or fifteen miles sincebreakfast. Oh, how those college-fed boys and girls enjoyed these picnics, withJulia Cloud as a kind of hovering angel to minister with word or smileor in some more practical way, wherever there was need! They allcalled her "Cloudy Jewel" now whenever they dared, and envied thosewho got closest to her and told her their troubles. Many a lad orlassie brought her his or her perplexities; and often as they sataround the winter camp, perhaps on a rock brushed free from snow, shegave them sage advice wrapped up in pleasant stories that were broughtin ever so incidentally. There was nothing ever like preaching aboutJulia Cloud; she did not feel that she knew enough to preach. Andsometimes, as they walked homeward through the twilight of a long, happy afternoon, and the streaks of crimson were beginning to glow inthe gray of the horizon, some one or two would lag behind and ask herdeep, sweet questions about life and its meaning and its hereafter. Often they showed her their hearts as they had never shown them evento their own people, and often a word with her sent some student backto work harder and fight stronger against some subtle temptation. Shebecame a wholesome antidote to the spirit of doubt and atheism thathad crept stealthily into the college and was attacking so many andundermining what little faith in religion they had when they camethere. It came to be a great delight to many of the young college people tospend an evening around the hearth at Cloudy Villa. There never hadbeen any trouble about that question of dancing, because they just didnot do it; and there was always something else going on, some livelygames, sometimes almost a "rough-house, " as the boys called it, butnever anything really unpleasant. Julia Cloud was "a good sport, " theboys said; and the girls delighted in her. The evenings were filledwith impromptu programmes thought out carefully by Julia Cloud, butproposed and exploited in the most casual manner. "Allison, why wouldn't it be a good idea for you to act out that storywe were reading the other day the next time you have some of the youngpeople down? You and Leslie and Jane with the help of one or twoothers could do it, and there wouldn't be much to learn. If you allread it over once or twice more, you'd have it so you could easilyextemporize. Do you know, I think there's a hidden lesson in thatstory that would do some of those boys and girls good if they couldsee it lived out, and perhaps set them to reading the book?" Again they would be asked suddenly, soon after their arrival, each oneto represent his favorite character in Shakespeare, or to reproducesome great public man so that they all could recognize him; and theywould be sent up-stairs to select from a great pile of shawls, wraps, and all sorts of garments any which they needed for an improvisedcostume. Another evening there would be brought forth a new game which nobodyhad seen, and which absorbed them all for perhaps two hours until somedelicious and unique refreshments would be produced to conclude thefestivities. At another time the round dining-table would be stretchedto take in all its leaves, and the entire company would gather aroundit with uplifted thumbs and eager faces unroariously playing "upJenkins" for an hour or two. Any little old game went well under thatroof, though Julia Cloud kept a controlling mind on things, and alwaysmanaged to change the game before anybody was weary of it. Also there was much music in the little house. Allison played theviolin well; two or three others who played a little at stringed andwind instruments were discovered; and often the whole company wouldbreak loose into song until people on the street halted and walkedback and forth in front of the house to listen to the wild, sweetharmonies of the fresh young voices. At the close of such an evening it was not an uncommon happening for acrowd of the frat boys to gather in a knot in front of the house andgive the college yell, with a tiger at the end, and then "CLOUD!CLOUD! CLOUD!" The people living on that street got used to it, andopened their windows to listen, with eyes tender and thoughtful asthey pondered on how easily this little family had caught the heartsof those college people, and were helping them to have a good time. Perhaps it entered into their minds that other people might do thesame thing if they would only half try. In return for all her kindness a number of the young people wouldoften respond to Julia Cloud's wistful invitation to go to church, andmore and more they were being drawn by twos and threes to come to theChristian Endeavor meetings in the village. It seemed as if they hadbut just discovered that there was such a thing, to the equalamazement of themselves and the original members of the ChristianEndeavor Society, who had always responded to any such suggestions onthe part of their pastor or elders with a hopeless "Oh, you can't getthose college guys to do anything! They think they're it!" The feelingwas gradually melting away, and a new brotherhood and sisterhood wasspringing up between them. It was not infrequent now for a collegemaiden to greet some village girl with a frank, pleasant smile, andaccept invitations to lunch and dinner. And college boys were friendlyand chummy with the village boys who were not fellow-students, andoften took them up to their frat rooms to visit. So the two elementsof the locality were coming nearer to each other, and their bond wasthe village Christian Endeavor Society. So passed the first winter and spring in the little pink-and-whitehouse. And with the first week of vacation there came visitors. CHAPTER XXIV "Guardy Lud" was the first visitor, just for a night and a day. He hadcome East for a flying business trip, and could not pass by hisbeloved wards without at least a glimpse. He dropped down into theirmidst quite unexpectedly the night before college closed, and foundthem with a bevy of young people at the supper-table, who opened theirranks right heartily, and took him in. He sat on the terrace in themoonlight with them afterwards, joking, telling them stories, andeating chocolates with the rest. When they gathered about the pianofor a sing, he joined in with a good old tenor, surprising them all byknowing a lot of the songs they sang. After the young people were gone he lingered, wiping his eyes, andsaying, "Bless my soul!" thoughtfully. He told Julia Cloud over andover again how more than pleased he was with what she had done for hischildren, and insisted that her salary should be twice as large. Hetold her she was a big success, and should have more money at hercommand to do with as she pleased, and that he wanted the children tohave a larger allowance during the coming year. Allison had spoken ofhis work among the young people of the church, and he felt that itwould have been the wish of their father and mother both that theyoung people should give liberally toward church-work. He would seethat a sum was set aside in the bank for their use in any such plansas they might have for their Christian Endeavor work. They talked far into the night, for he had to hear all the stories ofall their doings, and every minute or two one or the other of thechildren would break in to tell something about the other or to praisetheir dear Cloudy Jewel for her part in everything. The next day they took him everywhere and showed him everything aboutthe college and the place, introduced him to their favoriteprofessors, at least those who were not already gone on theirvacations, and took him for a long drive past their favorite haunts. Then he had to meet Jane Bristol and Howard Letchworth. Julia Cloudwas greatly relieved and delighted when he set his approval upon boththese young people as suitable friends for the children. "They are both poor and earning their own living, " said Julia Cloud, feeling that in view of the future and what it might contain shewanted to be entirely honest, that the weight of responsibility shouldnot rest too heavily upon her. "All the better for that, no doubt, " said Guardy Lud thoughtfully, watching Jane Bristol's sweet smile as she talked over some committeeplans with Allison. "I should say they were about as wholesome acouple of young people as could be found to match your two. Just keep'em to that kind for a year or two more, and they'll choose that kindfor life. I'm entirely satisfied with the work you're doing, MissCloud. I couldn't have found a better mother for 'em if I'd searchedheaven, I'm sure. " And so Julia Cloud was well content to go on with her beloved work ashome-maker. But the day after Guardy Lud left, just as the three were sittingtogether over a great State map of roads, perfecting their plans for awonderful vacation, which was to include a brief visit to EllenRobinson at Sterling, a noisy Ford drew up at the door, and there wasEllen Robinson herself, with the entire family done up in linendust-coats and peering curiously, half contemptuously, at the strangepink-and-white architecture of the many-windowed "villa. " Allison arose and went down the terrace to do the honors, showing hisuncle where to drive in and put his car in the little garage, helpinghis aunt and the little cousins to alight. "For mercy's sake, Julia, what a queer house you've got!" said Ellenthe minute she arrived, gazing disapprovingly at the many windows andthe brick terrace. "I should think 'twould take all your time to keepclean. What's the idea in making a sidewalk of your front porch? Looksas if some crazy person had built it. Couldn't you find anythingbetter than this in the town? I saw some real pretty frame houses withgardens as we came through. " "We like this very well, " said Julia Cloud with her old patient smileand the hurt flush that always accompanied her answers to her sister'scontempt. "Cherry doesn't seem to mind washing windows. She likes tokeep them bright. We find it very comfortable and light and airy. Comeinside, and see how pretty it is. " Once inside, Ellen Robinson was somewhat awed with the strangeness ofthe rooms and the beauty of the furnishings, but all she said after aprolonged survey was: "Um! No paper on the wall! That's queer, isn'tit? And the chimney right in the room! It looks as though they didn'thave plaster enough to go around. " Leslie took the children up-stairs to wash their faces and freshen up, and Julia Cloud led her sister to the lovely guest-room that wasalways in perfect order. "Well, you certainly have things well fixed, " said Ellen grudgingly. "What easy little stairs! It's like child's play going up. I supposethat's one consolation for having such a little playhouse affair tolive in; you don't have to climb up far. Well, we've come to stay twodays if you want us. Herbert said he could spare that much time off, and we're going to stop in Thayerville on the way back and see hisfolks a couple of days; and that'll be a week. Now, if you don't wantus, say so, and we'll go on to-night. It isn't as if we couldn't gowhen we like, you know. " But Julia Cloud was genuinely glad to see her sister, and said soheartily enough to satisfy even so jealous a nature as Ellen's; and sopresently they were walking about the pretty rooms together, and Ellenwas taking in all the beauties of the home. "And this is your bedroom!" she paused in the middle of therose-and-gray room, and looked about her, taking in every littledetail with an eye that would put it away for remembrance longafterwards. "Well, they certainly have feathered your nest well!" shedeclared as her eyes rested on the luxury everywhere. "Though I don'tlike that painted furniture much myself, " she said as she glanced atthe French gray enamel of the bed; "but I suppose it's all right ifthat's the kind of thing you like. Was it some of their old furniturefrom California?" "Oh, no, " said Julia Cloud quickly, the pretty flush coming in hercheeks. "Everything was bought new except a few little bits ofmahogany down-stairs. We had such fun choosing it, too. Don't you likemy furniture? I love it. I hovered around it again and again; but Ididn't dream of having it in my room, it was so expensive. It's realFrench enamel, you know, and happens to be a craze of fashion atpresent. I thought it was ridiculous to buy it, but Leslie insistedthat it was the only thing for my room; and those crazy, extravagantchildren went and bought it when I had my head turned. " "You don't say!" said Ellen Robinson, putting a hard, investigatingfinger on the foot-board. "Well, it does seem sort of smooth. But Inever thought my cane-seat chairs were much. Guess I'll have to get'em out and varnish 'em. What's that out there, a porch?" Julia Cloud led her out to the upper porch with its rush rugs, willowchairs, and table, and its stone wall crowned with blooming plants andtrailing vines. She showed her the bird's nest in the tree overhead. "Well, " said Ellen half sourly, "I suppose there's no chance of yourgetting sick of it all and coming back, and I must say I don't blameyou. It certainly is a contrast from the way you've lived up to now. But these children will grow up and get married, and then where willyou be? I suppose you have chances here of getting married, haven'tyou?" The color flamed into Julia Cloud's cheeks in good earnest now. "I'm not looking for such chances, Ellen, " she said decidedly. "Idon't intend ever to marry. I'm happier as I am. " "Yes, but after these children are married what'll you do? Who'llsupport you?" "Don't let that worry you, Ellen, There are other children, and I loveto mother them. But as far as support is concerned I'm putting awaymoney in the bank constantly, more than I ever expected to have alltogether in life; and I shall not trouble anybody for support. However, I hope to be able to work for a good many years yet, and whatI'm doing now I love. Shall we go down-stairs?" "Have Allison and Leslie got any sweethearts yet?" she asked pryinglyas she followed her sister down the stairs. "I suppose they have bythis time. " "They have a great many young friends, and we have beautiful timestogether. But you won't see many of them now. College closed lastweek. " For two long days Allison and Leslie devoted themselves religiously totheir relatives, taking them here and there in the car, showing themover the college and the town, and trying in all the ways they knew tomake them have a good time; but when at last the two days and twonights were over, and the Robinsons had piled into their car andstarted away with grudging thanks for the efforts in their behalf, Leslie sat on the terrace musingly; and at last quite shyly she said: "Cloudy, dear, what makes such a difference in people? Why are some somuch harder to make have a good time than others? Why, I feel as ifI'd lived years since day before yesterday, and I don't feel as ifthey'd half enjoyed anything. I really wanted to make them happy, forI felt as if we'd taken so much from them when we took you; but I justseemed to fail, everything I did. " Julia Cloud smiled. "I don't know what it is, dear, unless it is that some people havedifferent ideals and standards from other people, and they can't findtheir pleasure the same way. Your Aunt Ellen always wanted to have alot of people around, and liked to go to tea-parties and dress a greatdeal; and she never cared for reading or study or music. But I thinkyou're mistaken about their not having had a good time. Theyappreciated your trying to do things for them, I know, for Aunt Ellensaid to me that you were a very thoughtful girl. And the childrenenjoyed the victrola, especially the funny records. Herbert liked itthat Allison let him drive his car when they went out. They enjoyedthe eating, too, I know, even though Ellen did say she shouldn't careto have her meals cooked by a servant; she should want to be _sure_they were clean. " "Did she truly say that, Cloudy?" twinkled Leslie. "Isn't she funny?"They both broke down and laughed. "But I'm glad they came, Cloudy. I truly am. It was nice to play withthe children, and nice to have a home to show our relatives, andnicest of all to have them see you--how beautiful you are at the headof the house. " "Dear, flattering child!" said Julia Cloud lovingly. "It is so good toknow you feel that way! But now here comes Allison, and we must finishup our plans for the trip and get ready to close the house for thesummer. " They had a wonderful trip to mountains and lakes and seaside, stayingas long as they pleased wherever they liked, and everywhere makingfriends and having good times; but toward the end of their trip thechildren began to get restless for the little pink-and-white cottageand home. "We really ought to get back and see how the Christian EndeavorSociety is getting along, " said Allison one day as they glided througha little village that reminded them of home. "I don't see any place asnice as our town, do you, Cloudy? And I don't feel quite rightanywhere but home on Sunday, do you? For, really, all the ChristianEndeavor societies I've been to this summer acted as if their memberswere all away on vacations and they didn't care whether school kept ornot. " And so they went home to begin another happy winter. But the veryfirst day there came a rift in their happiness in the shape of the newprofessor of chemistry, a man about Julia Cloud's age, whom EllenRobinson had met on her visit to Thayerville, and told about hersister. Ellen had suggested that maybe he could get her sister to takehim to board! To this day Julia Cloud has never decided whether Ellen really thoughtJulia would take a professor from the college to board, or whether shejust sent him there as a joke. There was a third solution, which JuliaCloud kept in the back of her mind and only took out occasionally withan angry, troubled look when she was very much annoyed. It was thatEllen was still anxious to have her sister get married, and she hadtaken this way to get her acquainted with a man whom she thought a"good match". If Julia had been sure that this idea had entered intoher sister's thoughts, she might have slammed the door in ProfessorArmitage's face that night when he had the audacity to come and ask tobe taken into Cloudy Villa as a boarder. "Why, the very idea!" said Leslie with snapping eyes. "As if we wanteda _man_ always around! No, indeed! _Horrors!_ Wouldn't that be_awful_?" But Professor Armitage, like everybody else who came once to CloudyVilla, liked it, and begged a thousand pardons for presuming, but cameagain and again, until even the children began to like him in a way, and did not in the least mind having him around. But the day came at last, about the middle of the winter, or nearer tothe spring, when Leslie and Allison began to realize that ProfessorArmitage came to see their Cloudy Jewel, and they met in solemnconclave to talk it over. CHAPTER XXV It was out on a lonely road in the car that they had chosen to gofor their conference, where there was no chance of their beinginterrupted; and they whirled away through the town and out to thelong stretch of whiteness in glum silence, the tears welling tooverflow in Leslie's eyes. At last they were past the bounds where they were likely to meetacquaintances, and Leslie broke forth. "Do you really think it's true that we've got to give her up? Are yousure it has come to that, Allison? It seems perfectly preposterous!" "Well, you know if she cares for him, " said Allison gravely, "we've noright to hold on to her and spoil her life. You know it was differentwhen it was old Pill Bowman. This is a real man. " "Care for him! How _could_ she possibly care for him?" snapped Leslie. "Why, he has a wart on his nose, and he snuffs! I never thought of itbefore till last night, but he does; he snuffs every little while!Ugh!" "Why, I thought you liked him, Leslie!" "So I did until I thought he wanted Cloudy, but I can't see that! Ihate him. I always thought he was about the nicest man in the facultyexcept the dean, and he's married; but since I got onto the idea thathe wants Cloudy I can't bear the sight of him. I went way round theblock to-day to keep from meeting him. He isn't nice enough forCloudy, Allison. " "What's the matter with him? Warts and snuffing don't count if youlove a person. I like him. I like him ever so much, and I think he'slonesome. He'd appreciate a home like ours. You know what a wonderfulwife Cloudy would make. " Leslie fairly screamed. "O Allison! To think you have come to it that you're _willing_ to giveup our lovely home, and have Cloudy go off, and we go the dear knowswhere, and have to board at the college or something. " "Some day we'll be getting married, too, I suppose, " said Allisonspeculatively. His sister flashed a wise, curious look up at him, and studied hisface a minute. Then a shade came over her own once more. "Yes, I s'pose _you_ will, pretty soon. You're almost done college. But poor me! I'll have to board for two whole years more, and I'm notsure I'll ever get married. The man I like might not like me. And youmay be very sure I'm not going to live on any sister-in-law, no matterhow much I love her, so there!" Allison smiled, and put his arm protectingly around his sister. "There, kid, you needn't get excited yet awhile. It's me and theealways, no matter how many wives I have; and you won't ever have toboard. But, kid, I'm not willing to give up our house and Cloudy andall; I'm just thinking that maybe we _ought_ to, you know. I guesswe're not pigs, are we? Cloudy has had a mighty hard life, and misseda lot of things out of it. " "Well, isn't she having 'em now, I'd like to know? I think Cloudylikes us, and wants to stay with us. I think she's just loved thehouse and everything about it. " "Yes, I think so, too; but this is something bigger than anything elsein the world if she really cares. Don't you think we ought to give herthe chance?" "I s'pose so, if she really wants it; but how can we find out?" "That's it; just give her the chance. When Armitage comes in, justsneak out and stay away, and let her have a little time alone withhim. It isn't right, us kids always sticking around. We ought to goout or up-stairs or something. " Leslie was still for a long time; and then she heaved a big sigh, andsaid, "All right!" in a very small voice. As they sped on their waytoward home, there was hardly a word more between them. It was after supper that very night that Leslie, having almostfrightened Julia Cloud out of her happy calm by refusing to eat muchsupper, went off to bed with a headache as soon as the professor camein. Allison, too, said he had to go up to the college for a book hehad forgotten; and for the first time since his advent the professorhad a clear evening ahead of him with Julia Cloud, without anybodyelse by. But Julia Cloud was distraught, and gave him little attention atfirst, with an attitude of listening directed toward the floor above. Finally she gently excused herself for a moment, and hurried up toLeslie's room, where she found a very damp and tearful Leslieattempting to appear wonderfully calm. "What is it, dear child? Has something happened?" she begged. "I knowyou must be sick, or you wouldn't have gone to bed so early. Pleasetell me what is the matter. I shall send for the doctor at once if youdon't. " Then Leslie, knowing that her brother would blame her if she spoiledthe test, sat up bravely, and tried to laugh, assuring her aunt thatshe was only tired from studying and a little stiff from playinghockey too long, and she thought it would be better to rest to-nightso she could be all right in the morning. Julia Cloud, only half reassured by this unprecedented carefulness forher health on the part of the usually careless Leslie, went downabstractedly to her professor, and wished he would go home. He waswell into the midst of a most heartfelt and touching proposal ofmarriage before she realized what was coming. His voice was low and pleading; and Leslie, lying breathless above, not deigning to try to listen, yet painfully aware of the change oftones, was in tortures. Then Julia Cloud's pained, gentle tones, firmly replying, and more entreaty, with brief, simple answers. Mostunexpectedly, before an hour passed Leslie heard the front door openand the professor go out and pass slowly down the walk. Her heart wasin her throat, beating painfully. What had happened? A quick intuitionpresented a possible solution. Cloudy would not leave them while theywere in college, and had bid him wait, or perhaps turned him downaltogether! How dear of her! And yet with quick revulsion of spiritshe began to pity the poor, lonely man who could not have Cloudy whenhe loved her. A moment later Julia Cloud came softly up the stairs and tiptoed intoher own room, and, horror of horrors! Leslie could hear her catch herbreath like soft sobbing! Did Cloudy care, then, and had she turneddown a man she loved in order to stick to them and keep her promise totheir guardian? Quick as a flash she was out of bed and pattering barefoot into JuliaCloud's room. "Cloudy! Cloudy! You are crying! What is the matter? Quick! Tell me, please!" Julia Cloud drew the girl down beside her on the bed, and nestled herlovingly and close. "It's nothing, dear. It's only that I had to hurt a good man. Italways makes me sorry to have to hurt any one. " Leslie nestled closer, smoothed her aunt's hair, and tried to thinkwhat to say; but nothing came. She felt shy about it. Finally she puther lips up, and touched her aunt's cheek, and whispered, "Don't cry, Cloudy dear!" and just then she heard Allison's key in the lock. Shesprang up, drew her bath-robe about her, and ran down to whisper tohim on the stairs what had happened. "Well, it's plain she cares, " whispered Allison sadly, gravely, turning his face away from the light. "I say, Les, we ought to dosomething. We ought to tell her it's all right for her to go ahead. " "I can't, Allison; I'd break down and cry, I know I would. I tried upthere just now, but the words wouldn't come. " "Well, then, let's write her a letter! And we'll both sign it. " "All right. You write it, " choked Leslie. "I'll sign it. " They slipped over to the desk in the porch room, and Leslie cuddledinto a big willow cushioned chair, and shivered and sniffed whileAllison scratched away at a sheet of paper for a few minutes. Then hehanded it to her to read and sign. This was what he had written: "DEAR CLOUDY: We see just how it is, and we want you to know that weare willing. Of course it'll be awfully hard to lose you; but it'sright, and we wouldn't be happy not to have you be happy; and we wantyou to go ahead and not think of us. We'll manage all right somehow, and we love you and want to see you happy. " Leslie dropped a great tear on the page when she signed it; but shetook the soft, embroidered sleeve of her nightgown, and dabbled itdry, so that it didn't blur the writing; and then together theyslipped up-stairs. Leslie went into her aunt's room in the dark, andin a queer little voice said, "Cloudy, dear, here's a note for you. "Laying it in her hand, Leslie hurried into her own room, shut her doorsoftly, and hid in the closet so that Julia Cloud would not hear hersob. A moment later Julia Cloud came into the hall with a dear, glad ringin her voice, and called: "Children! Where are you? Come here quick, you darlings!" and they flocked into her arms like lost ducklings. "You blessed darlings!" she said, laughing and crying at the sametime. "Did you think I wanted to get married and go away from youforever? Well, you're all wrong. I'll never do that. You may getmarried and go away from me; but I'll never go away from you till yousend me, and I won't ever get married to any one on this earth at anytime! Do you understand? I don't want to get married, _ever_!" They all went into Julia Cloud's room then, and sat down with her onher couch, one on either side of her. "Do you really mean it, Cloudy Jewel?" asked Leslie happily. "You_don't want_ to get married, not even to that nice ProfessorArmitage?" "Look here! Leslie, you said he had a wart!" put in her brother. "Now keep still, Allison. He was nice all the time; only I didn't likehim to want our Cloudy. He didn't seem to be quite nice enough forher. He didn't quite fit her. But if she wanted him----" "But I don't, Leslie, " cried Julia Cloud in distress. "I _never_did!" "Are you really true, Cloudy, dear? You're such a dear, unselfishCloudy. How shall we ever quite be sure she isn't giving him up justfor us, Allison?" "Children, listen!" said Julia Cloud, suddenly putting a quieting handon each young hand in her lap. "I'll tell you something I never toldto a living soul. " There was that in her voice that thrilled them into silence. It was asif she suddenly opened the door of her soul and let them look in onher real self as only God saw her. Their fingers tightened in sympathyas she went on. "A long time ago--a great many years ago--perhaps you would laugh andthink me foolish if you knew how many----" "Oh, no, Cloudy, never!" said Leslie softly; and Allison growled adissenting note. "Well--there was some one whom I loved--who died. That is all; only--Inever could love anybody that way again. Marriage without a love likethat is a desecration. " "O Cloudy! We never knew----" murmured Leslie. "No one ever knew, dear. He was very young. We were both scarcely morethan children. I was only fourteen----" "O Cloudy! How beautiful! And you have kept it all these years! Won'tyou--tell us just a little about it? I think it is wonderful; don'tyou, Allison?" "Yes, wonderful!" said Allison in that deep, full tone of his thatrevealed a man's soul growing in the boy's heart. "There is very little to tell, dear. He was a neighbor's son. We wentto school together, and sometimes took walks on Saturdays. He rode meon his sled, and helped me fasten on my skates, and carried my books;and we played together when we had time to play. Then his people movedaway out West; and he kissed me good-by, and told me he was comingback for me some day. That was all there was to it except a few littleletters. Then they stopped, and one day his grandmother wrote that hehad been drowned saving the life of a little child. Can you understandwhy I want to wait and be ready for him over there where he is gone? Ikeep feeling God will let him come for me when my life down here isover. " There was a long silence during which the young hands gripped hersclosely, and the young thoughts grew strangely wise with insight intohuman life and all its joys and sorrows. They were thinking out indetail just what their aunt had missed, the sweet things that everywoman hopes for, and thinks about alone with God; of love, strongcare, little children, and a home. She had missed it all; and yet shehad its image in her heart, and had been true to her first thought ofit all the years. Now, when it was offered her again, she would notgive up the old love for a new, would not take what was left of life. She would wait till the morning broke and her boy met her on the othershore. Suddenly, as they thought, strong young arms encircled her, and heldher close in a dear embrace. "Then you're ours, Cloudy, all ours, for the rest of down here, aren'tyou?" half whispered Leslie. "Yes, dear, as long as you need me--_want_ me, " she finished. "We shall want you always, Cloudy!" said Allison in a clear man'svoice of decision. "Put that down forever, Cloudy Jewel. You are ourmother from now on and we want you always. " "That is dear, " said Julia Cloud; "but"--a resignation in hervoice--"some day you will marry, and then you will not need me anymore and I shall find something to do somewhere. " Two fierce young things rose up in arms at once. "Put that right out of your head, Cloudy Jewel!" cried Leslie. "Youshan't say it again! If I thought any man could be mean enough not tofeel as I do about you, I would never marry him; so there! I wouldnever marry anybody!" "My wife will love you as much as I do!" said Allison with conviction. "I shall never love anybody that doesn't. You'll see!" And so with loving arms about her and tender words of fierce assertionthey convinced her at last, and the bond that held them was onlystrengthened by the little tension it had sustained. Professor Armitage came no more to the little pink-and-white house;but Julia Cloud was happy with her children, and they were contenttogether. The happy days moved on. "I don't see how you get time for that Christian Endeavor Society ofyours, Cloud, " said one of the professors to Allison. "I hear you'rethe moving spirit in it; yet you never fall down on your class work. How do you manage it? I'd like to put some of my other students ontoyour ways of planning. " "Well, there's all of Sunday, you know, professor, " answered Allisonpromptly. "I don't give so very much more time, except a half-hourhere and there to a committee meeting, or now and then a social onFriday night, when I'd otherwise be fooling, anyway. My sister and Icut out the dances, and put these social parties in their place. " "But don't you have to study on Sundays?" _"Never_ do!" was the quick reply. "Made it a rule when I started inhere at this college, and haven't broken it once, not even forexaminations. I find I'm fresher for my work Monday morning when Imake the Sabbath _real. _" The professor eyed him curiously. "Well, that certainly is interesting, " he said. "I'll have to try it. Though I don't see how I'd quite manage it. I usually have to spendthe whole Sunday correcting papers. " "Save 'em up till early Monday morning, and come over to our ChristianEndeavor meeting. See if it isn't worth while, and then see how muchmore you can do Monday morning at five o'clock, when you're reallyrested, than you could all day Sunday hacking at the same old jobyou've had all the week. I'll look for you next Sunday night. So-long!" And with a courteous wave he was off with a lacrosse stick, gliding down the campus like a wild thing. The professor stood andwatched him a moment, and then turned thoughtfully up the asphaltpath, pondering. "They are a power in the college and in the community, that sister andbrother, " he said. "I wonder why. " Down at the church they wondered also as they came in crowds to thelive Christian Endeavor meetings, and listened to the clear, ringingwords of the young man who had been president before him; as theypraises sounded by his admiring friends, especially the young man whohad been president before him; as they saw the earnest spirit thatwent out to save, and had no social distinctions or classes to hinderthe fraternal interest. The pastor wondered most of all, and thankedGod, and told his wife that that Endeavor Society was making hischurch all over. He didn't know but it had converted him again, too. The session wondered as it listened to the earnest, simple gospelsermons that the pastor now preached, and saw his zeal for bringingmen to the service of Christ. Oh, they pointed out the four young people, the Clouds, Jane Bristol, and Howard Letchworth, as the moving spirits in the work; and theyadmitted, some of them, that prayer had made the transformation, forthere were not many of the original bunch of young people who by thistime had not been fully trained to understand that if you wantedanything in the spiritual world you must take time and give energy togetting acquainted with God. But, if they could have gone with somespirit guide to find out the true secret of all the wonderfulspiritual growth and power of that young people's society, they musthave looked in about Julia Cloud's fireplace on Sabbath afternoon, andseen the four earnest young people with their Bibles, and Julia Cloudin the midst, spending the long, beautiful hours in actual spiritualstudy of God's word, and then kneeling and communing with God for alittle while, all of them on intimate terms with God. They wereactually learning to delight themselves in the Lord. It was no wonderthat other people, even outside the church and the Christian EndeavorSociety, were beginning to notice the difference in the four, just asthey noticed the shining of Moses's face when he came down from themountain after communing with God. Julia Cloud stood at the window of her rose-and-gray room one Sabbathevening after such an afternoon, watching the four children walk outinto the sunset to their Christian Endeavor meeting, and smiled with atender light in her eyes. She had come to call them her _four_children in her heart now, for they all seemed to love and need heralike; and for many a month, though they seemed not yet openly awareof it, they had been growing more and more all in all to one another;and she was glad. She watched them as they walked. Allison ahead with Jane, earnestlydiscussing something. Jane's sweet, serious eyes looking up sotrustfully to Allison, and he so tall and fine beside her; Leslietripping along like a bird behind with Howard, and pointing out thecolors in the sunset, which he watched only as they were reflected inher eyes. CHAPTER XXVI Howard Letchworth settled himself comfortably by an open window in the5. 12 express and spread out the evening paper, turning, like any truecollege man, first to the sporting page. He was anxious to know howhis team had come out in the season's greatest contest with anotherlarger college. He had hoped to be there to witness the game himself, and in fact the Clouds had invited him to go with them in their car, but unfortunately at the last minute a telegram came from a firm withwhom he expected to be located during the summer, saying that theirrepresentative would be in the city that afternoon and would like tosee him. Howard had been obliged to give up the day's pleasure and seehis friends start off without him. Now, his business over, he wasreturning to college and having his first minute of leisure to see howthe game came out. The train was crowded, for it was just at closing time and every onewas in a rush to get home. Engrossed in his paper, he noticed none ofthem until someone dropped, or rather sprawled, in the seat besidehim, taking far more room than was really necessary, and making a lotof fuss pulling up his trousers and getting his patent leather feetadjusted to suit him around a very handsome sole-leather suitcasewhich he crowded unceremoniously over to Howard's side of the floor. The intruder next addressed himself to the arrangement of a rich andstriking necktie, and seemed to have no compunctions about annoyinghis neighbor during the process. Howard glanced up in surprise as amore strenuous knock than before jarred his paper out of focus. He sawa young fellow of about his own age with a face that would have beenstrikingly handsome if it had not also been bold and conceited. He hadlarge dark eyes set off by long curling black lashes, black hair thatcrinkled close to his head in satiny sleek sheen, well-chiselledfeatures, all save a loose-hung, insolent lip that gave the impressionof great self-indulgence and selfishness. He was dressed with acareful regard to the fashion and with evidently no regard whateverfor cost. He bore the mark at once of wealth and snobbishness. Howard, in spite of his newly-acquired desire to look upon all men asbrothers, found himself disliking him with a vehemence that was out ofall proportion to the occasion. "Don't they have any pahlah cars on this road?" The question was addressed to him in a calm, insolent tone as if hewere a paid servitor of the road. He looked up amusedly and eyed thestranger pitingly: "Not so as you'd notice it, " he remarked crushingly as he turned backto his paper. "People on this road too busy to use 'em. " But the stranger did not crush easily: "Live far out?" he asked, turning his big, bold eyes on his seatmateand calmly examining him from the toe of a well-worn shoe to the crownof a dusty old hat that Howard was trying to make last till the end ofthe season. When he had finished the survey his eyes travelledcomplacently back to his own immaculate attire, and his well-polishedshoes fresh from the hands of the city station bootblack. With awell-manicured thumb and finger he flecked an imaginary bit of dustfrom the knee of his trousers. Howard named the college town brusquely. "Ah, indeed!" Another survey brief and significant this time. "I don'tsuppose you know any people at the college. " It was scarcely aquestion, more like a statement of a deplorable fact. Howard wassuddenly amused. "Oh, a few, " he said briefly. (He was just finishing his senior yearrather brilliantly and his professors were more than proud of him. ) Another glance seemed to say: "In what capacity?" but the elegantyouth finally decided to voice another question: "Don't happen to know a fellah by the name of Cloud, I suppose? AlCloud?" "I've met him, " said Howard with his eyes still on his paper. "He's from my State!" announced the youth with a puff of importance. "We live next door in California. He's a regular guy, he is. Got allkinds of money coming to him. He'll be of age in a month or two now, and then you'll see him start something! He's some spender, _he_ is. " Howard made no comment, but something in him revolted at the idea oftalking over his friend in such company. "I've got to hunt him up, " went on the young man, not noticing thathis auditor appeared uninterested. "I'm to stay with him to-night. Iwas to send a telegram, but didn't think of it till it was almosttrain time. Guess it won't make much difference. The Clouds alwaysused to keep open house. I suppose they have a swell place out here?" "Oh, it's quite comfortable, I believe, " Howard turned over a page ofthe paper and fell to reading an article on the high price of sugarand the prospect of a fall. "You ought to see their dump out in Cally. It's some mansion, believeme! There wasn't anything else in that part of the State to comparewith it for miles around. And cahs! They had cahs to burn! The old manwas just lousy with gold, you know; struck a rich mine years ago. Hiswife had a pile, too. Her father was all kinds of a millionaire andleft every bit to her; and Al and his sister'll get everything. Seenanything of _her_? She ought to be a winner pretty soon. She was apeach when she was little. She's some speedy kid! We used to playtogether, you know, and our folks sorta fixed it up we were just madefor each other and all that sorta thing, you know--but I don'tknow--I'm not going to be bound by any such nonsense, of course, unless I like. One doesn't want one's wife to be such an awfully goodshot, fer instance, you know----!" A great anger surged up in Howard's soul, and his jaw set with afierce line that those who knew him well had learned to understandmeant self-control under deep provocation. He would have liked nothingbetter than to surprise the insolent young snob with a well-directedblow in his pretty face that would have sent him sprawling in theaisle. His hands fairly twitched to give him the lesson that heneeded, but he only replied with a slight inscrutable smile in onecorner of his mouth: "It _might_ be inconvenient for _some people_. " There an aloofness inhis tone that did not encourage further remarks, but the youngstranger was evidently not thin-skinned, or else he loved to hearhimself babbling. "I'm coming on heah, you know, to look this college ovah----!" hedrawled. "If it suits me, I may come heah next yeah. Got fired fromthree institutions out West for larking, and father thought I bettergo East awhile. Any fun doing out this way?" "I suppose those that go to college looking for it can find it, "answered Howard noncommittally. "Well--that's what I'm looking for. That's about all anybody goes tocollege for anyway, that and making a lot of friends. Believe me, itwould be a beastly bore if it wasn't for that. Al Cloud used to be alively one. I'll wager he's into everything. See much of the collegepeople down in town--do you?" He eyed his companion patronizingly. "S'pose you get in on some of the spoahts now and then?" "Oh, occasionally, " said Howard with a twinkle in his eye. He wascaptain of the football team and forward in basket-ball, but it didn'tseem to be necessary to mention it. "Any fellows with any pep in them out here? I suppose there must be orAl wouldn't stay unless he's changed. He used to keep things prettylively. That's one reason why I told dad I'd come out here. I like aplace with plenty of ginger. It gets my goat to be among a lot ofgrinds and sissies! This is a co-ed college, isn't it? That suits meall right if the girls have any pep and aren't too straitlaced. Anyplace around here where you can go off and take a girl for a gooddinner and a dash of life? I couldn't stand for any good-little-boystuff. Know any place around here where you can get a drink of thereal thing now and then, some place near enough to go joy-riding to, you know? I shall bring my cah of course----! One can get away with alot more stuff if they have their own cah, you know--especially wherethere's girls. You can't pull off any devilment if you have to dependon hired cahs. You might get caught. I suppose they have some prettyspicy times down at the frat rooms, don't they? I understood the fratswere mostly located down in the town. " Howard suddenly folded his paper, looking squarely in the limpid eyesof his seatmate for the first time, with a cold, searching, subduinggaze. "I really couldn't say, " he answered coldly. "Oh, I s'pose you're not interested in that sort of thing, not beingin college, " said the other insolently. "But Al Cloud'll put me wise. He's no grind, I'll wager. He's always in for a good time, and he'ssuch a good bluff he never gets found out. Now I, somehow, always getcaught, even when I'm not the guilty one. " The boy laughed unroariously as if it were a good joke, and his weakchin seemed to grow weaker in the process. Howard was growing angry and haughty, but it was his way to be calmwhen excited. He did not laugh with the stranger. Instead, he waiteduntil the joke had lost its amusement and then he turned soberly tothe youth with as patronizing an air as ever the other had worn: "Son, you've got another guess coming to you about Allison Cloud. You'll have the surprise of your young life when you see him, Iimagine. Why, he's been an A student ever since he came to thiscollege, and he has the highest average this last semester of any manin his class. As for bluff, he's as clear as crystal, and a prince ofa fellow; and if you're looking for a spot where you can bluff yourway through college you better seek elsewhere. Bluff doesn't go downin _our_ college. We have student government, and I happen to bechairman of the student exec. Just now. You better change your tacticsif you expect to remain here. Excuse me, I see a friend up at thefront of the car!" With which remarks Howard Letchworth strode across the sprawling legsof his fellow-traveller and departed up the aisle, leaving the elegantstranger to enjoy the whole seat and his own company. Thus did Clive Terrence introduce himself to Howard Letchworth andbring dismay into the little clique of four young people who had beenenjoying a most unusually perfect friendship. Howard Letchworth, as hestood the rest of the ride on the front platform of the car conversingwith apparent interest with a fraternity brother, was neverthelessfilled with a growing dismay. Now and then he glanced back and glareddown the aisle at the elegant sprawling youth and wondered how it wasthat a being as insignificant as that could so upset his equilibrium. But the assured drawl of the stranger as he spoke of Leslie and calledher a "speedy kid" had made him boil with rage. He carried the moodback to college with him, and sat gloomily at the table thinking thewhole incident over, while the banter and chaffing went on about himunnoticed. Underneath it all there was a deep uneasiness that wouldnot be set aside. The young man had said that the Clouds were verywealthy. That Leslie was especially so. That when she was of age shewould have a vast inheritance. There had been no sign of great wealthor ostentation in their living but if that were so then there was aninsuperable wall between him and her. It was strange that the question of wealth had never come up betweenthem. Howard had known that they were comfortably off, of course. Theyhad a beautiful car and wore good clothes, and were always free withtheir entertaining, but they lived in a modest house, and never madeany pretences. It had not occurred to him that they were any betteroff than he might be some day if he worked hard. They never talkedabout their circumstances. Of course, now he came to think about it, there were fine mahogany pieces of furniture in the little house andwonderful rugs and things, but they all fitted in so harmoniously withtheir surroundings that it never occurred to him that they might havecost a mint of money. They never cried out their price to those whosaw them, they were simply the fitting thing in the fitting place, doing their service as all right-minded things both animate andinanimate in this world should do. It was the first serpent in theEden of this wonderful friendship at Cloudy Villa and it stung theproud-spirited young man to the soul. Alone in his room that night he finally gave up all pretence at studyand faced the truth. He had been drifting in a delightful dream duringthe last two years, with only a vague and alluring idea of the futurebefore him, a future in which there was no question but that AllisonCloud AND his sister Leslie should figure intimately. Now he wassuddenly and roughly awakened to ask himself whether he had any rightto count on all this. If these young people belonged to the favoredfew of the world who were rolling in wealth, wasn't it altogetherlikely that when they finished college they would pass out of thiscomradely atmosphere into a world of their own, with a new set of lawswhereby to judge and choose their friends and life companions? Hecould not quite imagine Allison and Leslie as anything but the frank, friendly, enthusiastic comrades they had been since he had knownthem--and yet--he knew the world, knew what the love of money could doto a human soul, for he had seen it many times before in people he hadcome to love and trust who had grown selfish and forgetful as soon asmoney and power were put into their hands. He had to confess that itwas possible. Also, his own pride forbade him to wish to force himselfinto a crowd where he could not hold his own and pay his part. Theywould simply not be in his class, at least not for many years to come, and his heart sank with desolation. It was then, and not till then, that the heart of the trouble came out and looked him in the face. Itwas not that he could not be in their class, that he could not keeppace with Allison Cloud and come and go in his company as freely as hehad done; it was that he loved the bright-haired Leslie, thesweet-faced, eager, earnest, wonderful girl. She held his futurehappiness in her little rosy hand, and if she really were a rich girlhe couldn't of course tell her now that he loved her, because he was apoor man. He didn't expect to stay poor always, of course, but itwould be a great many years before he could ever hope to compete withanything like wealth, and during those years who might not take herfrom him? Was it conceivable that such a cad as that youth who hadboasted himself a playmate of her childhood could possibly win her? Howard went out and sat on the campus under a great shadowing tree. Hewatched a silver thread of a moon slip down between the branches anddip behind the hill, and while he sat there he went through all thedesolation of a lonely life; the bitterness of having Leslie takenfrom him by one who was unworthy!--He persuaded himself that he lovedher enough to be willing to step aside and give her up to a man whowas better than himself--but this little whiffet--ugh! The chimes on the library pealed out nine o'clock, reminding him ofhis work half done, yet the shadow of engulfing sorrow and loss hungover him. With a jerk he drew himself up and tried to grasp at commonsense. How ridiculous of him to get up all this nightmare out of a fewminutes' talk with a fellow who used to be the Clouds' old neighbor. He might not have been telling the truth. And anyhow it was a libel onfriendship to distrust them all this way, as though riches were somekind of a disease like leprosy that set people apart. It wasn't hisnight to go down to the village, but just to dispel this nonsense andbring back his normal state of mind he would go and drop in on theClouds for a few minutes. A sight of them all would reassure him andclear his brain for the work he must do before midnight. Leslie Cloudwas very young yet, and much can happen in a year or two. He mighteven be in a fair way to make a fortune himself somewhere, who knew?And as for that little cad, it was nonsense to suppose he was anythingto fear. Besides, it wasn't time yet to think about being married whenhe wasn't even out of college. He would forget it and work the harder. Of course he could never quite go back and forget that he had admittedto himself that he was in love with Leslie, but he would keep it likea precious jewel hid far in his heart, so carefully locked that noteven for his own delight would he take it out to look at now at thistime. Having thus resolved, a weight seemed to have rolled from hisshoulders and he sprang up and walked with a quick tread down to thevillage. There was a cheerful clang of victrolas, player-pianos andtwanging guitars as he passed the fraternity rooms, and he wentwhistling on his way toward Cloudy Villa. But as he neared the tall arched hedge, and looked eagerly for thewelcome light, he saw that the big living-room windows were only litby a soft play of firelight. Did that mean they were all sitting inthe firelight around the hearth? A fearful thought of the strangerintruded just here upon his fine resolves, and to dispel it he knockednoisily on the little brass knocker. It was very still inside, but a quick electric light responded to hisknock and in a moment he could hear someone coming down-stairs to thedoor. His heart leaped. Could it be Leslie? Ah! He must not--yet howwonderful it was going to be to look at her this first time afterreally knowing his own heart in plain language. Could he keep the joyof her out of his eyes, and the wonder of her from his voice? Then thedoor opened and there stood Cherry in negligée of flaring rosy cottoncrêpe embroidered with gorgeous peacocks, and her pigtails in eclipsebehind an arrangement of cheap lace and pink ribbons. "No, sir, Mister Howard, dey ain't none ob 'em heah! Dey gotcumpney--some young fellah fum back to Californy way. Dey done tuk himout to see de town. " Howard's heart sank and he turned his heavy footsteps back tocollege. The worst fear had come to pass. Of course reason asserteditself, and he told himself that he was a fool, a perfect fool. Ofcourse they had to be polite to an old neighbor whether they liked himor not. And what was he to presume to judge a stranger from afive-minute conversation, and turn him down so completely that hewasn't willing to have his old friends even like him? Well, he wasworse than he had thought himself and something would have to be doneabout it. What he did about it was to stay away from Cloudy Villa for almost aweek, and when Leslie at last, after repeated efforts to get hold ofhim by telephone, called him up to say there was an importantcommittee meeting at the church which he ought to attend, he excusedhis long absence by telling how busy he had been. Of course he hadbeen busy, but Leslie knew that he had always been busy, and yet hadfound time to come in often. She was inclined to be hurt and just theleast bit stand-offish. Of course if he didn't _want_ to come heneedn't! And she took Clive Terrence driving in the car and showed himall the wonders of the surrounding neighborhood with much morecordiality than she really felt. It was her way of bearing her hurt. At last she got Allison by himself and asked him quite casually whyHoward hadn't been down. But Allison, in haste to keep an appointmentwith Jane, and knowing that Howard enjoyed being down as much as theywanted him, hadn't even noticed the absence yet. "Oh, he's up to his eyes in work, " responded Allison. "He's likelybusy as a one-armed paper-hanger with fleas! He's a senior, you know. Wait till next year and you'll see me in the same boat!" and hehurried away whistling. CHAPTER XXVII Clive Terrence hung around. He calmly took it for granted that theClouds wanted him as long as he condescended to stay. In fact, itwouldn't have troubled him whether they wanted him or not if he wantedto stay. He had discovered that Leslie was the very same kind of a"peach" which her younger days had promised her to be, and there wasplenty of good fun, so he stayed. He said he wanted to see what thecollege was like before he made his decision, and day after day wentby with apparently no plans whatever for leaving in the near future. Julia Cloud didn't like him. She admitted that much to herself thevery first evening, and for that reason she was twice as cordial tohim as she might have been if she had liked him better. She reasonedthat it was unfair to take a sudden dislike that way, and perhaps itwas only a sign he needed a bit of their home all the more. So shemade him welcome and treated him as she did any other boys who came. But more and more as the days slipped by she did not like him. Atfirst she was a bit worried about his influence on Allison, till shesaw that he merely annoyed Allison. Then she began to be annoyed byhis constant attendance on Leslie. And finally she grew exceedinglyrestless and anxious as day succeeded day and Howard came no more. Finally, one evening just before dinner, she went to the 'phone andcalled up the college. It happened that she caught Howard just as hewas going down to dinner. She told him they were homesick for him andthere was roast lamb and green peas and strawberry shortcake fordinner, wouldn't he come? He came. Who could refuse Julia Cloud? But the face of Clive Terrence was a study when, unannounced, Howardentered the living-room. Julia Cloud had seen him coming and quietlyopened the door. Such a storm of delighted welcome as met him warmedhis heart and dispelled the evil spirits that had haunted him duringthe week. In the chatter of talk while they were being seated at the dinnertable the visitor was almost forgotten, and he sat watching themglumly while Allison and Leslie eagerly discussed plans for somesociety in which they seemed to be interested. At last he grew wearyof being ignored and in the first pause he languidly drawled: "Leslie, I think you and I'll take the cah and go in town to a showthis evening. I'm bored to death. " Leslie looked at him with flashing eyes and then extinguished him withher cool tone: "Do you? Well, think again! I'm having a lovely time"--and went ontalking to Howard about the senior play that was to come off thenext week. It did not suit Clive in the least to be ignored, so hestarted in to tell about other senior plays in other colleges wherehe had been and quite made himself the centre of the stage, laughingat his own jokes and addressing all his remarks to Leslie untilher cheeks grew hot with annoyance. She wanted so to hear whatHoward and Allison were talking about in low, grave tones. Shewatched the strong, fine face of Howard Letchworth, and it suddenlycame over her that he seemed very far away from her, like a friendwho used to be, but had moved away. Something in her throat hurt, anda sinking feeling came in her heart. Like a flash it came to herthat Howard Letchworth would be graduated in three more weeks, andperhaps would go away then and they would see him no more. Shecaught a word or two now and then as he talked to Allison thatindicated that he was seriously contemplating such a possibility. Yethe had not said a word to her about it! And they had been such goodfriends! A grieved look began to grow around her expressive littlecupid's bow of a mouth, and her big eyes grew sorrowful as shewatched the two. She was not listening to Clive, who drawled onunaware of her inattention. Suddenly Leslie became aware that Clive had risen and was standingover her with something in his hand which he had taken from his vest, something small and shining, and he was saying: "Want to wear it, Les? Here, I'll put it on you, then everybody willthink we are engaged----!" It was his fraternity pin he was holding out with smiling assuranceand the significance of his words came over her as a sentence readwithout comprehension will suddenly recall itself and pierce into therealization. With a stifled cry she sprang away from him. "Mercy, no, Clive! I didn't know you were so silly. I never wear boys'fraternity pins. I think such things are too sacred to be trifledwith!" This was what she said, but she was miserably aware that Howard hadturned away and picked up his hat just as Clive had leaned over herwith the pin, and almost immediately he left. He had been so engrossedwith his talk with Allison that he had not seemed to see herrepulsion of Clive, and his manner toward her as he bade hergood-night was cool and distant. All the pleasant intimacy of all themonths together seemed suddenly wiped out, and Howard a grown-upstranger. She felt herself a miserably unhappy little girl. Julia Cloud, from the advantage of the dining-room where she was doinglittle things, for the next day, watched the drama with a heavy heart. What had come between her children, and what could she do about it?The only comforting thing about it seemed to be that each was asunhappy as the other. Could it be that Howard Letchworth was jealousof this small-souled, spoiled son of fortune who was visiting them?Surely not. Yet what made him act in this ridiculous fashion? She feltlike shaking him even while she pitied him. She half-meditated callinghim back and trying to find out what was the matter, but gave it up. After all, what could she do? Leslie, as the door closed behind Howard, turned with one dagger lookat Clive, and dashed up-stairs to her room, where she locked herselfin and cried till her eyes were too swollen for study; but she onlytold Julia Cloud, when she came up gently to inquire, that she had abad headache and wanted to go to bed. Julia Cloud, kneeling beside her gray couch a little later, laying allher troubles on the One who was her strength, found it hard not toemphasize her dislike even in prayer toward the useless little excusefor a young man who was lolling down-stairs reading a novel andsmoking innumerable cigarettes in spite of her expressed wish to thecontrary. The first Sunday after young Terrence's arrival it rained and wasvery dismal and cold for spring. Howard had been asked to go to anearby Reform School for the afternoon and speak to the boys, and Janewas caring for a little child whose mother was ill in the hospital. Leslie was unhappy and restless, wandering from window to windowlooking out. Their guest had chosen to remain in bed that morning, sorelieving them from the necessity of trying to get him to go tochurch, but he was on hand for lunch in immaculate attire, apparentlyready for a holiday. There was a cozy fire on the hearth, and helolled luxuriously in an arm-chair seemingly well pleased with himselfand all the world. Julia Cloud wondered just what she would better doabout the afternoon hour with this uncongenial guest on hand, butLeslie and Allison, after a hasty whispered consultation in thedining-room with numerous dubious glances toward the guest, ending inwry faces, came and settled down with their Bibles as usual. There wasa loyalty in the quiet act that almost brought the tears to JuliaCloud's eyes, and she rewarded them with a loving, understandingsmile. But when the guest was asked to join the little circle he only staredin amazement. He had no idea of trying to conform to their habits. "Thanks! No! I hate reading aloud. Books always bore me anyway. The_Bible_! Oh _Heck_! NO! Count me out!" And he swung one leg over thearm of his chair, and picked up the Sunday illustrated supplementwhich he had gone out and purchased, and which was now strewn allabout the floor. He continued for sometime to rattle the paper andwhistle in a low tone rudely while the reading went on, then he threwdown his paper and lighted a cigarette. But that did not seem tosoothe his nerves sufficiently, so he strolled over to the piano andbegan to drum bits of popular airs and sing in a high nasal tone thathe was pleased to call "whiskey tenor. " Julia Cloud, with a despairingglance at him, finally closed her book and suggested that they hadread enough for that day, and the little audience drifted awayunhappily to their rooms. Leslie did not come down again all theafternoon until just time for Christian Endeavor. Young Terrence bythis time was reduced to almost affability, and looked up hopefully. He was about to propose a game of cards, but when he saw Leslieattired in raincoat and hat he stared: "Great Scott! You don't have to go up to college to-night, do you?It's raining cats and dogs!" "Allison and I are going to Christian Endeavor, " answered Lesliequietly. "Would you like to go?" She had been trying to school herselfto give this invitation because she thought she ought to, but shehoped sincerely it would not be accepted. It seemed as if she couldnot bear to have the whole day spoiled. For answer young Terrence laughed extravagantly: "Christian Endeavor! What's the little old idea?" "Better come and find out, " said Allison, coming down-stairs justthen. "Ready, Leslie? We'll have to hustle. It's getting late. " In alarm at the idea of spending any more time alone the young manarose most unexpectedly. "Oh, sure! I'll go! Anything for a little fun!" and he joined them ina moment more, clad in rubber coat and storm hat. Leslie could scarcely keep back the tears as she walked beside himthrough the dark street, not listening to his boasting about ridingthe waves in Hawaii. Suppose Howard was at meeting! He wouldthink--what would he think? And of course Howard was at the meeting that night, for he happened tobe the leader. Leslie's cheeks burned as she sat down and saw thatClive had manoeuvred to sit beside her. She tried to catch Howard'seyes and fling a greeting to him, but he seemed not to see his oldfriends and to be utterly absorbed in hunting up hymns. The first song had scarcely died away before Clive began a conversationwith a low growl, making remarks of what he apparently considered acomic nature about everything and everybody in the room, with adistinctness that made them entirely audible to those seated aroundthem. Leslie's cheeks flamed and her eyes flashed angrily, but he onlyseemed to enjoy it the more, and kept on with his running commentary. "For pity's sake, Clive, keep still, can't you?" whispered Leslieanxiously. "They will think you never had any bringing up!" "I should worry!" shrugged the amiable Clive comically with a motionof his handsome shoulders that sent two susceptible young things nearhim into a series of poorly suppressed giggles. Clive looked up andgravely winked at them, and the two bent down their heads in suddenhopeless mirth. Clive was delighted. He was having a grand time. Hecould see that the leader was annoyed and disgusted. This was balm tohis bored soul. He made more remarks under cover of a bowed headduring the prayer, and stole glances at the two giggling neighbors. Then he nudged Leslie and endeavored to get her to join in the mirth. Poor Leslie with her burning cheeks, her brimming eyes, and her angryheart! Her last vision of the leader as she bowed her head had been ahaughty, annoyed glance in their direction as he said: "Let us pray. "She felt that she could not stand another minute of this torture. Almost she felt she must get up and go out, and she made a hastylittle movement to carry out the impulse, and then suddenly it came toher that if she went Clive would follow her, and it would look toHoward as if she had created the disturbance and they had gone offtogether to have a good time. So she settled down to endure the restof the meeting, lifting miserable eyes of appeal to Allison as soon asthe prayer was ended. If only there had been a seat vacant up frontsomewhere, a single seat with no other near it, where her tormentorcould not follow, she would have gone to it swiftly, but the seatswere all filled and there was nothing to do but sit still and frownher disapproval. Perhaps Allison might have done something to quietthe guest if he had noticed, but Allison was, at the moment ofLeslie's appeal, deeply wrapped in setting down a few items which mustbe announced, and he almost immediately arose and went forward withhis slip of paper and held a whispered converse with Howard Letchworthduring the hymn that followed, afterwards taking a chair down from theplatform and placing it beside the chairman of an important committeethat he might consult with him about something. During this suddenmove on the part of Allison, Clive Terrence did have his attentionturned aside somewhat from his mischief-making, for he was watchingAllison with an amazed expression. Not anything that he had seensince coming to the town had so astonished him as to see this youngman of wealth and position and undoubted strength of will and purpose, get up in a church and go forward as if he had some business in theaffair. He sat up, with his loose, handsome under lip half-dropped insurprise, and watched Allison, with a curious startled expression, andwhen a moment later the leader said quietly: "Our president has amessage for us" and Allison arose and faced the crowded room with aneager, spirited, interested look on his face, and began to talkearnestly, outlining a plan for a deeper spiritual life among themembers, his expression was one of utter bewilderment, as if hesuddenly saw trees walking about the streets or inanimate objectsbeginning to show signs of intellect. He was thinking that AllisonCloud certainly had changed, and was wondering what on earth hadbrought it about. It couldn't be any line that his guardian had onhim, for he was a thousand miles away. Was it that little, quiet, insipid mouse of an aunt that had done it? She must be rich orsomething, the way the brother and sister seemed to be tied to herapron-string. Where did Al Cloud get that line of talk he was handingout, anyway? Why, he talked about God as if He were an intimate friendof his, and spoke of prayer and Bible reading in the way common, ordinary people talked of going to breakfast or eating candy, as ifthey were necessary and pleasurable acts. Why, it was inconceivable!What was he doing it for? There must be a reason. For fully five minutes he sat quiet in puzzled thought, watching thisstrange gathering, gradually taking it in that they were all takingpart in the proceedings and that they seemed interested and eager. Why, even those two giggling girls who had "fallen" so readily for hisnonsense had sobered down and one read a verse from the Bible whilethe other repeated a verse of poetry! He turned and blinked at them inwonder. What had so influenced them that they all fell in line andperformed their part as if it were being rehearsed for his benefit?What was the motive power? The query interested him to the point ofgood behavior all through the remainder of the meeting, and while hewas standing waiting for Allison and Leslie at the close. It seemedthat somehow there was a real interest, for they lingered as if therewere vital matters to discuss, and Leslie was the centre of a group ofquite common-looking girls. It must be some sort of social settlementwork or other connected with the church and someone had induced thesetwo who were to his thinking of a higher order of being by right ofwealth and social position, to take an interest and "run" this societyor whatever it was. He could not make it out at all. He was muchdisgusted that the young people insisted on staying to church and hada bad hour living through it, although he was surprised to find it asinteresting as it was. The minister seemed quite human and they had agreat deal of singing. Still it was all a bore, of course. He found agreat many things in life to bore him. As soon as he and Allison were out on the street he broached thesubject: "What's the little old idea, old man? Are you a sort of grand mogul orhigh priest or something to this mob? And what do you get out of it?" Allison turned and looked solemnly at him through the dark, andanswered with a kind of glow in his voice that seemed to lighten hisface and puzzled the questioner more than all that had gone before: "I'm just one of them, son, and it happens to be my turn just now tobe presiding officer; but I get out of it more than I ever got out ofanything in life before. " "Oh!" said Clive inanely, quite at a loss to know what he meant. "I never knew before that people could know God personally, be His palsort of, you know, and work with Him, and it's been GREAT!" addedAllison. "Oh!" said Clive once more, quite weakly, not knowing what else tosay, and they walked on for almost a block without speaking anotherword. Clive was thinking that certainly Allison had changed, as thatunmannerly chump on the train had said. Changed most perplexingly andpeculiarly. But Allison had forgotten almost that Clive was there. Hewas thinking over some good news he had to tell Jane about a protégéof hers who had taken a shy part in the meeting, and wondering if hecould get away for a few minutes to run up and tell her or if it wouldbe better to call her up on the 'phone. Howard Letchworth had not come home with them. He had whispered ahurried excuse to Allison about someone he had to see up at collegebefore they left for the city, and hurried away at the close of themeeting, and Leslie with a choking feeling in her throat and burningtears held back from her eyes by mighty effort, announced to Allisonthat she wasn't coming home just now, she was going to stay for alittle after prayer meeting the Lookout Committee were having. Shewould walk home with the Martins, who went right by their door. ForLeslie was done with Clive Terrence and she wanted him to understandit. So Clive was landed at home with Julia Cloud for companion, whohad not gone to church on account of staying to nurse Cherry, who hadtaken a bad cold and needed medicine. Allison hurried away to giveJane her message, and there was nothing for Clive to do but to go tobed and resolve never to spend another Sunday in such boredom. For he"couldn't see" hobnobbing with an "old woman, " as he called JuliaCloud, the way the others seemed entirely willing to do. What was sheanyway but some poor relation likely who was acting as housekeeper?But at least for once in his life Clive Terrence realized that therewas such a thing in the world as a live religion and a few people whoheld to it and loved it and _enjoyed_ it. He couldn't understand it, but he had to admit it, although he was convinced that behind it allthere must be some ulterior motive or those people would never botherthemselves to that extent. But Leslie came home from the church with a heavy heart and crept upto her room with bravely cheerful smiles to deceive Julia Cloud; andthen cried herself to sleep; while Julia Cloud, wise-eyed, kept herown counsel and carried her perplexities to the throne of God. CHAPTER XXVIII During the next three days there were stirring times, and Leslie, evenwith a heavy heart, was kept busy. Clive Terrence was ignored asutterly as if he had been a fly on the ceiling, and Leslie managed tokeep every minute full. Moreover, her mind was so much occupied withother things that she had not time to realize how fully she wascutting their guest out of sight of her, nor how utterly amazed itmade him. He was not accustomed to being ignored by young ladies, eventhough they were both beautiful and rich. He felt that he was quiteornamental himself, and had plenty of money, too, and he could notbrook any such treatment. So he set himself to procure revenge bygoing hot-foot after the Freshman "vamp"--who, to tell the truth, wasmuch more in his style than Leslie and quite, _quite_ willing--thoughLeslie, dear child, was too absorbed to know it. She came home at lunchtime a bit late and called Allison from thetable to give him an excited account in a low tone of something thathad happened that morning. Julia Cloud, from her vantage point at thehead of the table, could see the flash in her eye and the brilliantflush of the soft cheeks as she talked and wondered what new troublehad come to the dear child. Then she noted the sudden stern set ofAllison's jaw and the squaring of shoulder as he listened andquestioned. Meanwhile she passed Clive Terrence the muffins and jam, and urged more iced-tea and a hot, stuffed potato, and kept up apleasant hum of talk so that the excited words should not be heard inthe dining-room. "Jane's had a perfectly terrible time!" had been Leslie's openingsentence, "and we've got to do something about it! Those little _cats_in the AOU have done the meanest thing you can think of. Jane lookedjust _crushed_! They've hauled up that old stuff about her fatherbeing a forger and urged it as a reason that she shouldn't be madetreasurer in place of Anne Dallas--who is leaving on account of thedeath of her father and she has to go home and take care of her littlesisters--and JANE HEARD THEM!" A low growl of indignation reached Julia Cloud's ears from Allison, who squared his shoulders into position for immediate action. "They said----" went on Leslie in excited whisper. "They saidthat since we had such a large sum to look out for now that thesubscriptions for the sorority house were coming in, we should putin a treasurer of tried and true integrity. Yes, they used justthose words, _tried and true integrity_! Think of it! And OUR JANE!The idea! The catty little snobs! The jealous little--_cats_! No, it wasn't Eugenia Frazer who _said_ it, it was Eunice Brice--butI'm certain she was at the bottom of it, for she sat with her nicesmug little painted face as sweet and complacent as an angel, allthe time it was going on, and she _seconded the motion_! Just likethat! With a SMILE, too! She said she fully agreed with what MissBrice had said. _Agreed!_ H'm! As if every one didn't know she hadstarted it, and got it all fixed up with enough girls to carry themotion before the rest of us got down from an exam. Yes, they hadit thought out as carefully as that! They knew all the sophomoregirls would be up in that exam. Till almost twelve o'clock, forit's always as long as the moral law, anything with ProfessorCrabbs--and they counted up and had just enough to a name tocarry their motion. They even got Marian Hobbs to cut a class toget there. They hadn't counted on my getting in in time to hear, Iguess, or else they didn't care. Perhaps they wanted me to hearit all; I'm sure I don't know. I suppose that must have been it. They thought perhaps I'd tell _you_ and that would stop you fromgoing with Jane. You know Eugenia and Eunice are both crazyabout you, especially Eugenia----!" An impatient exclamation from Allison reached the dining-roomthunderously: "Where was Jane?" Julia Cloud caught that anxious question, and thenClive, who had evidently heard also, roused himself to ask aquestion: "Who is this _Jane_ person they talk so much about? I don't seem tohave seen her! Where is she?" "She is Miss Bristol, " said Julia Cloud, stiffening just a little atthe young fellow's tone of insolence. "She is in college and verybusy, but has been unusually busy since you have been here because sheis caring for a little child whose mother has been very ill. " "Oh!--You mean she's a sort of sehvant?"--He drawled the question mostoffensively, and Julia Cloud had a sudden ridiculous impulse to seizehis sleek shoulder and shake him. Instead she only smiled and quoted aBible verse: "I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking asservants upon the earth. " Clive eyed her with a puzzled expression: "I don't getcha!" he answered finally, but Julia Cloud made no furthercomment than to pass him a second cup of coffee. She could hear thesoft excited whispers still going on in the living-room and shelonged to fly in there and leave this ill-bred guest to his owndevices, for she knew something must have happened to trouble herchildren, and that if this intruder were not present she would be atonce taken into their confidence. Still she had to sit and smile andkeep him from hearing them. Leslie was talking more softly now, with cautious looks toward thedining-room. "Jane had finished her exam. And hurried down because she thoughtthere would be a lot of business and she wanted Emily Reeder to be putin treasurer and was trying to work it, and hadn't an idea Alice and Iwere working it to put _her_ in. We didn't think she would get thereand meant to have it all finished before she came, but someone turnedaround and gave a queer little cough just as Eunice finished her nastyspeech, and we all turned quickly and there in the open door stoodJane, as white as a sheet, with her great, big blue eyes looking blackas coals and such suffering I never saw in a human face--and she juststood and looked at them all, a hurt, loving, searching look, as ifshe was reading their souls, and no one spoke nor moved, only Eunice, who got very red, and Eugenia, who straightened up and got haughty andhateful, looking as if she was glad Jane heard it all. She had a kindof glitter in her eyes, like triumph--and it was very still for awhole minute, and then Jane put out her hands in a little, quick, pleading motion and turned away quickly and was gone----" "And what did you do?" Allison's tone had hope, threat, condemnationand praise all held in abeyance on her answer. Leslie drew herself up eagerly, her eyes shining. "I----? Oh--I wanted to run after her and comfort her, but I hadsomething else to do. I jumped up and offered my resignation to theAOU, and said I wished to withdraw my subscription to the SororityHouse, that I couldn't have anything to do with a bunch of girls thatwould stand for a thing as contemptible and mean as that. " "Of course!" said Allison with a proud look at his sister. "And Phoebe Kemp jumped up and withdrew hers until they all apologizedto Jane, and then Alice Lowe said she'd have to withdraw hers, too--she's given the highest amount subscribed, you know; she hasslews of money all in her own right, because she's of age, youknow--and then the girls began to get scared and Elsie Dare got rightup and said she thought there had been some kind of a mistake--ablunder--they mustn't get excited--they must begin all over, andsomebody must go after Jane and bring her back and explain--as ifthere was any way to explain a bold, bare insult like that!--and theysent a committee after her. They wanted me to go, but I declined to goin their name. I said I had handed in my resignation and I wasn't oneof them any more, and they might send somebody who would betterrepresent them, and they said they hadn't accepted my resignation anda lot of stuff, but they sent off a committee to find Jane, and theytried to think up something quickly to say to her, and they got EuniceBrice to crying and made Eugenia real mad so the powder came off hernose from rubbing it so much, and I came away. I've been hunting forJane for half an hour, but I can't find her in any of the places shealways is, and I thought I better come and tell you----" "That's right. I'll find her----" Allison made one step to thehat-rack and took his hat, then raising his voice: "Cloudy, I've beencalled away on business suddenly. Don't bother keeping anything forme, I've had all I want----" and he was gone. Julia Cloud gave a glance at Allison's plate and saw that he hadscarcely touched his lunch, and she sighed as she heard Leslie runquickly up the stairs and shut the door of her own room. Was Lesliegoing to spend the afternoon in weeping? But Leslie was down again in a moment and standing in the doorway, hercurls tumbled, her eyes bright and anxious, an indignant little set oflips and chin giving her a worried expression. "Jewel, dear, I've got to go; there's something important on--I'lltell you about it all when I get back. No, please, I couldn't eat now. You get Cherry to save me some strawberry shortcake. " And she was offlike a breeze and out of sight. "Wait a minute, Leslie, I'll go up with you, " called Clive with hismouth full of shortcake and cream, but Leslie was already whirlingdown the street like the wind. Allison had taken the car, so there wasnothing left for Clive to do but finish his shortcake and think upsome form of amusement with the Freshman vamp for the afternoon. Allison, meantime, had made a straight dash for the college and sent amessage up to Jane that he must see her at once on very importantbusiness. After what seemed to him an endless wait, word came downthat Jane was not in her room and her roommate knew nothing of herwhereabouts. Allison made a wild dive for his car and drove to everyone of the places where Jane sometimes went to help out with thechildren when their mothers were particularly busy, but no Janematerialized. He drove madly back to the college, forgetting his usualcool philosophy of life and fancying all sorts of terrible things thatmight have happened to Jane. He swept past Eugenia Frazer without evenseeing her and brought up in front of the office once more, intendingto send up and see if Jane had yet returned, but on the steps stoodLeslie waiting for him. "She's gone to the woods up above the old quarry!" she said anxiously. "I've just found out. Benny, the kitchen boy, told me. He says he sawher go out between Chemistry Hall and the Boys' Gym. About an hourago. She must have gone right after she left the meeting. Nobody seemsto have seen her since. Nobody but Benny knows anything about hergoing to the woods and I gave him some money and told him not to sayanything about it if anyone asked. I was just going to hunt her----" "That's all right, kid! You take the car and follow up the road. I'llgo through the woods and look for her----!" said Allison, springingout. "You will be careful, won't you? You know that quarry is terriblydeep----" "I _know_!" said Allison, his tone showing his own anxiety. "And Janehasn't scrambled around here as much as we have; she hasn't had thetime. And there is so much undergrowth close up to the edge, one couldcome on it unaware--especially if one was excited, and not payingattention----! I better beat it! Jump in and drive me around collegeand I'll get off at the gym. " Leslie sprang in and Allison stood on the running-board. His sistercast a wistful glance at him as she started the car. "Allison--I think maybe you needn't worry----" she said softly. "Youknow Jane is--REAL! She isn't weak like some people. She won't go allto pieces like--well, like I would. God means something to her, youknow. " "I know!" said Allison gravely, gently. "Thank you, kid! Well. I getoff here. Meet me at the top of the second hill in half an hour, andhang around there for a bit. I may whistle, see? So long. " He dashed off between the buildings and disappeared between the treesin the edge of the woods. Leslie whirled off down the drive to thestreet. As she passed the big stone gateway, ivy garlanded and sweetwith climbing roses, three seniors turned into the drive, and theforemost of the three was Howard Letchworth. Her heart leaped up withjoy that here was someone who would understand and sympathize, and sheput her foot to the brake to slow down with a light of welcome in hereyes, but before she could stop he had lifted his hat and passed onwith the others as if he were just anyone. Of course he had not seenher intention, did not realize that she wanted to speak with him, yetit hurt her. A week or two before she would have called after him, oreven backed the car to catch him, but now something froze within herand with her heart beating wildly, and tears scorching her eyes, sheput on speed and whirled away up the hill. It seemed to her that allher lovely world was breaking into pieces under her feet. If it hadnot been that she was worried about Jane, she would have been temptedto abandon everything and rush off in some wild way by herself, anywhere to be alone and face the ache in her heart. It was such atorrent of deep-mingled feelings, hurt pride and anger, humiliation, and pain--all these words rushed through her mind, but there wassomething else besides, something that ought to have been beautifuland wonderful, and was only shame and pain, and she had not yet cometo the point where she was willing to call that something by name. Sheknew that soon she must face the truth and have it out with herself, and so her cheeks flamed and paled, and the tears scorched and hurt inher eyes and throat, and she tried to put it all away and think aboutJane, poor hurt Jane. Jane gone into the woods to have it but withherself. But Jane was strong and Jane trusted in God. Her God wasstrong, too! Jane would come through only the sweeter. But what wouldbecome of her--little, fiery, tempestuous Leslie, who always did thewrong thing first and was sorry afterwards, and who forgot God whenshe needed Him most? These thoughts flitted like visions through herbrain while she put on all speed and tore away up the hill at a muchfaster rate than she had any business to do. But the road was clearahead of her and there was some relief in flying along through spacethis way. It seemed to clear the mists from her brain, and cool downher throbbing pulses. Yet just when she would think she had control ofher thoughts, that stern, distant expression on Howard's face wouldcome between her and the afternoon brightness, and back would roll thetrouble with renewed vigor. What a world this was anyway and why didpeople have to live? Just trouble, trouble, trouble, everywhere! Andwho would have thought there would come trouble between her andHoward, such good friends as they had been now almost two years--twowonderful years! And again her weary brain would beat over thequestion, what had been the matter? What made Howard act that way?Surely nothing she could have done. CHAPTER XXIX Meantime Allison was dashing over fallen trees, climbing rocks, andpushing his way between tangled vines and close-grown laurel, up andup through the college woods, and across country in the direction ofthe quarry, a still, wonderful place like a cathedral, with a deep, dark pool at the bottom of the massive stone walls. There wereover-arching pines, hemlocks, and oaks for vaulted roof with thefresco of sky and flying cloud between. It was a wonderful place. Oncewhen they had climbed there together and stood for a long time insilence watching the shadows on the deep pool below, looking up to thearching green, and listening to the praisings of a song sparrow upabove in some hidden choir, Jane had said that this was a place tocome and worship--or to come when one was in trouble! A place whereone might meet God! He had looked down at her sweet face upturnedsearching for the little thrilling singer, and had thought how sweetand wonderful she was, and how he wanted to tell her so, and wouldsome day, but must not just yet. He hadn't thought much about what shewas saying--but now it came back--and he knew that she must have gonehere with her trouble. He need not have worried about the quarry and the deep, dark pool. Hekept telling himself all the way up that he need not, but when hereached the top and came in sight of her he knew it. Knew also that hehad been _sure_ of it all along. She was sitting on a great fallen log, quietly, calmly, with her backagainst an old gnarled branch that rose in a convenient way, and herhead was thrown back and up as if she were seeing wonderful visionssomewhere among the green, and the blue and white above. It was as ifshe had reached a higher plane where earthly annoyances do not come, and felt it good to be there. There was almost a smile on herbeautiful lips, a strong, sweet, wistful smile. She had not beenlooking down at the deep, treacherous pool at all. She had beenlooking _up_ and her strength had come upon her so. For one longinstant the young man paused and lifted his hat, watching her in akind of awe. Her face almost seemed to shine as if she had beentalking with God. He remembered dimly the story of Moses on the Mounttalking with God. He hesitated almost to intrude upon a solitude sofine and wonderful. Then in relief and eagerness he spoke her name: "Jane!" She turned and looked at him and her face lit up with joy: "Oh! It is you! Why--how did you happen----?" "I came to find you, Jane. Leslie told me everything and I have huntedeverywhere. But when you were not at college I somehow knew you wouldbe here. I wanted to find you--and--enfold you, Jane--wrap you aroundsomehow with my love and care if you will let me, so that nothing likethat can ever hurt you again. I love you, Jane. I suppose I'm a littleprevious and all that, being only a kid, as it were, and neither of usout of college yet, but I shan't change, and I'll be hanged if I seewhy it isn't all right for me to have the right to protect you againstsuch annoyances as this----" He was beside her on the log now, his face burning eagerly with deepfeeling, one arm protectingly behind her, the other hand laidstrongly, possessively over the small folded hands in her lap. "Perhaps I'm taking a whole lot for granted, " he said humbly. "Perhapsyou don't love me--can't even like me the way I hoped you do. Oh, Jane, speak quick, and tell me! Darling, can you ever love me enough?You haven't drawn your hands away! Look up and let me read your eyes, please----" No, she had not drawn her hands away, and she did not shrink from hissupporting arm--and she was the kind of girl who would not haveallowed such familiarities _unless_--_Ah!_ She had lifted her eyes andthere was something blindingly beautiful in them, and tears--greatwonderful tears, so sweet and misty that they made him glad with athrill of beautiful pain! Her lips were trembling. He longed to kissher, yet knew he must wait until he had her permission---- "Allison! Listen! You are dear--_wonderful_--but you don't know athing about me!" "I know all I want to know, and that is a great deal, you darling, you!" And now he did kiss her, and drew her close into his arms andwould not let her go even when she struggled gently. "Allison, listen. _Listen_--please! I must tell you! _Wait----!_" She put her hands against his breast and pushed herself back away fromhim where she could look in his face. "Please, you _must_ let me go and listen to what I have to say!" "I'll let you go when you tell me yes or no, Jane. Do you, can youlove me? I must know that first. Then you shall have your way. " Jane's eyes did not falter. She looked at him, "You promised, youknow----!" "Yes, Allison--I love you--but--_NO!_ You must _not_ kiss me again. You must let me go, and listen--You promised, you know----!" Allison's arms dropped away from her, but his eyes held her in a longlook of joy. "All right, darling, go to it"--he said with a joyous sound in hisvoice--"I can stand anything now, I know. It seems too good to be trueand it's enough for me. But hurry! A fellow can't wait forever. " "No, Allison, you must sit back and be serious. It isn't really_happy_, you know--what I have to tell you----!" Allison became grave at once. "All right, Jane, only I can't imagine anything terrible enough tostop this happiness of mine unless you're already married--and havebeen concealing it from us all this time----!" In spite of herself Jane laughed at that, and Allison breathed morefreely now the tenseness was gone out of her voice. His hands went outand grasped hers. "At least I can do this, " he pleaded, and Jane lifted her eyes, nowserious again, and smiled tenderly, letting her hands stay in hispassively. "Listen, Allison--my father!" "I know, Jane, dear--I heard it long ago. Your father was a forger!What do you suppose I care? He probably had some overpoweringtemptation and yielded, never dreaming but he would be able to make itright. You can't make me believe that any parent of _yours_ wasactually bad! And besides, if he was, it wouldn't be _you_----" "Allison! Listen!" broke in Jane gravely, stopping the torrent ofwords with which he was attempting to silence her. "It isn't what youthink at all. My father _wasn't_ a forger! He was a good man!" "He wasn't!" exclaimed Allison joyously. "Then what in thunder? Whydidn't you tell 'em so, Jane?" He tried to draw her to him, but shestill resisted. "That's just it, Allison, I can't. I _never_ can----" "Well, then _I_ will! You shan't have a thing like that hanging overyou----!" "But that is just what you _must not do_. And you _can't_ do it, either, if I don't tell you about it, for you wouldn't have a thing tosay, nor any way to prove it. And I won't tell you, Allison, ever, unless you will promise----!" Allison was sobered in an instant. "Jane, don't you know me well enough to be sure I would not betray anyconfidence you put in me?" "I thought so----" said Jane, smiling through her tears. "Dear!" said Allison in a tone that was a caress, full of longing andsympathy. Jane sat up bravely and began her story. "When I was twelve years old my mother died. That left father and mealone, and we became very close comrades indeed. He was a wonderfulfather!" Allison's fingers answered with a warm pressure of sympathy andinterest. "He was father and mother both to me. And more and more we grew toconfide in one another. I was interested in all his business, and usedto amuse myself asking him about things at the office when he camehome, the way mother used to do when she was with us. He used to talkover all my school friends and interests and we had beautiful timestogether. My father had a friend--a man who had grown up with him, lived next door and went to school with him when he was a boy. He wasyounger than father, and--well, not so serious. Father didn't alwaysapprove of what he did and used to urge him to do differently. Helived in the same suburb with us, and his wife had been a friend ofmother's. She was a sweet little child-like woman, very pretty, and aninvalid. They had one daughter, a girl about my age, and when we werechildren we used to play together, but as we grew older mother didn'tcare for us to be together much. She thought--it was better for us notto--and as the years went by we didn't have much to do with oneanother. Her father was the only one who kept up the acquaintance, andsometimes I used to think he worried my father every time he came tothe house. One day when I was about fourteen he came in the afternoonjust after I got home from school and said he wanted to see father assoon as he came home. Couldn't I telephone father and ask him to comehome at once, that there was someone there wanting to see him onimportant business? He finally called him up himself and when fathergot there they went into a room by themselves and talked until lateinto the night. When at last Mr. --that is--the _man_, went away, father did not go to bed but walked up and down the floor in his studyall night long. Toward morning I could not stand it any longer. I knewmy father was in trouble. So I went down to him, and when I saw him Iwas terribly frightened. His face was white and drawn and his eyesburned like coals of fire. He looked at me with a look that I nevershall forget. He took me in his arms and lifted up my face, a way heoften had when he was in earnest, and he seemed to be looking downinto my very soul. 'Little girl, ' he said, 'we're in deep trouble. Idon't know whether I've done right or not. ' There was something in hisvoice that made me tremble all over, and he saw I was frightened andtried to be calm himself. 'Janie, ' he said--he always called me Janiewhen he was deeply moved--'Janie, it may hit hardest on you, and oh, Imeant your life to be so safe and happy!' "I tried to tell him it didn't matter about me, and for him not to betroubled, but he went on telling about it. It seems the father of thisman had once done a great deal for my father when he was in a verytrying situation, and father always felt an obligation to look afterthe son. Indeed, he had promised when the old man was dying that hewould be a brother to him no matter what happened. And now the son hadbeen speculating and got deep into debt. He had formed some kind ofstock company, something to do with Western land and mines. I neverfully understood it all, but there had been a lot of fraudulentdealing, although father only suspected that at the time, but anyway, everything was going to fall through and the man was going to bebrought up in disgrace before the world if somebody didn't help himout. And father felt obliged to stand by him. Of course, he did notknow how bad it was, because the man had not told him all the truth, but father had taken over the obligations of the whole thing. Hethought he might be able to pull the thing out of trouble by putting agood deal of his own money into it, and make it a fair and squareproposition for all the stockholders without their ever finding outthat everything had been on the verge of going to pieces. You see theman had put it up to father very eloquently that his wife was veryill in the hospital and, if anything should happen to him and he werearrested it could not be kept from her and she would die. It's trueshe was very critically ill, had just been through a severe operation, and was very frail indeed. Father felt it was up to him to shoulderthe whole responsibility, although, of course, he felt that the manrichly deserved the law to the full. Nevertheless, because of hispromise he stood by him. "That night the man was killed in an automobile accident soon afterleaving our house, and when it developed that the business wasbuilt on a rotten foundation, and that father was in partnership--yousee the man had been very wily and had his papers all fixed up sothat it looked as if father had been a silent partner from thebeginning--everything came back on father, and he found there wereoverwhelming debts that he had not been told about, although hesupposed he had sifted the business to the foundation and understoodit all before he made the agreement to help him. Perhaps if the manhad lived he would have been able to carry his crooked dealingsthrough and save the whole thing, with what help father had givenhim, and neither father nor the world would ever have found out--Idon't know. --But anyway, his dying just then made the whole thingfall in ruins, and right on top of father. But even that we couldhave stood. We didn't care so much about money. Father was well off, and he found that if he put in everything he could satisfy thecreditors, and pay off everything, and he had courage enough to beplanning to start all over again. But suddenly it turned out thatthere had been a check forged for a large amount and it all lookedas if father had done it. I can't go into the details now, but wewere suddenly face to face with the fact that there was no evidenceto prove that he had not been a hypocrite all these years except hisown life. We thought for a few days that of course that would puthim beyond suspicion--but do you know, the world is very hard. Oneof father's best friends--one he thought was a friend--came to himand offered to go bail for him for my sake if he would just tellhim the whole truth and own up. There was only one way and that wasto go to the man's wife and try to get certain papers which fatherknew were in existence because he had seen them, and which he hadsupposed were left in his own safe the night the man talked with him, but which could not be found. As the wife had just been broughtback from the hospital and was still in a very critical condition, father would not do more than ask if he might go through the houseand search. And that woman sent back a very indignant refusal, charging father with having been at the bottom of her husband'sfailure, and even the cause of his death, and telling him he hadpauperized her and her little helpless daughter. And the daughterbegan treating me as a stranger whenever we chanced to meet----" Allison's face darkened and his eyes looked stern and hard. He saidsomething under his breath angrily. Jane couldn't catch the words, buthe drew her close in his arms and held her tenderly: "And were those papers never found, dear?" he asked after a moment: "Yes, " said Jane wearily, resting her head back against his shoulder, "I found them, after father died. " "You found them?" "Yes, I found them slipped down behind the chest in the hall. It was aheavy oak chest, a great carved affair that had belonged in the familya long time, and it was seldom moved. It stood below the hat-rack inthe alcove in the hall, and I figured it out that the man must havemeant to keep those papers himself, so there would be no incriminatingevidence in father's hands, and that he must have picked them upwithout father's noticing and started to carry them home; but thatwhen he was going away, putting on his overcoat, he had somehowdropped some of them behind that chest without knowing it. Becausethey were not all there--two of them were missing. Father haddescribed them to me, and three--the most important ones with theempty envelope--were found. The other two were probably larger, andlooked like the whole bundle, which explains how he came to think hehad them all. But the two he had and must have had about him when hewas killed would not in themselves have been any evidence against him. So, my father was arrested----!" The tears choked Jane's voice and suddenly rained into her sweet eyesas she struggled to recall the whole sorrowful experience. "Oh, my darling!" cried Allison, tenderly holding her close. "Father was very brave. He said it was sure to come out all right, buthe wouldn't accept bail, though it was offered him by several loyalfriends. He saw that they suspected him, and the papers all came outwith big headlines, 'CHURCH ELDER ARRESTED. '" Allison's voice was deep with loving sympathy as his lips swept herforehead softly and he murmured, "My poor little girl!" but Jane wentbravely on. "That was a hard time, " she said with trembling lips, "but God wasgood; he didn't let it last long. There came an old friend back fromabroad who had known father ever since he was a boy, and who happenedto have been associated with him in business long enough to givecertain proofs that cleared the whole thing up. In a week the casewas dismissed so far as father was concerned, and he was back athome again, and restored to the full confidence of his businessassociates--that is, those who knew intimately about the matter. Iffather had lived I have no doubt everything would have been allright, and he would have been able to live down the whole thing, butthe trouble had struck him hard, he was so terribly worried for mysake, you know. Then he took a little cold which we didn't thinkanything about, and suddenly, before we realized it, he was downwith double pneumonia from which he never rallied. His vitalityseemed to be gone. After he died, the papers said beautiful thingsabout his bravery and courage and Christianity, and people tried to benice, but when it was all over there were still people who looked atme curiously when I passed, and whispered noticeably together; andthat man's wife and daughter openly called me a forger's daughterand said that my father had stolen their income, when all the timethey were living on what he had given up to save them from disgrace. The daughter made it so unpleasant for me that I decided to go awaywhere I was not known, although I had several dear beautiful homesopened to me if I had chosen to stay, where I might have been adaughter and treated as one of the other children. But I thoughtit was better to go away and make my own life----" "But you had evidence. Did you never go and tell those two how wrongthey were and how it was their father, not yours, who was theforger?" "No, not exactly, " said Jane, lifting clear untroubled eyes to hisface. "You see that was part of father's obligation; it was a point ofhonor not to give that man's shame away to his wife--he hadpromised--and then, the man, was dead--he could not be brought tojustice; what good would it do?" "It would have done the good that those two women wouldn't have gonearound snubbing you and telling lies about you----" "Oh, well, after all, that didn't really hurt me----" "And that brazen girl wouldn't have dared come here to the samecollege and make it hot for you----!" "Allison! How did you _know_?" Jane sat up and looked into his eyes, startled. "I knew from the first mention that it must have been Eugenia Frazer. No girl in her senses would have taken the trouble to do what she didto-day without some grievance----! Oh, that girl! She is beyond words!Think of anybody ever falling in love with her! I'd like the pleasureof informing her what her father was. Of course, though, it wasn't herfault. She couldn't help her father being what he was, but she couldhelp what she is herself. I should certainly like to see her getwhat's coming to her----!" "Don't Allison--please! It isn't the right spirit for us to have. Perhaps I'd be just like her if I were in her place----" "I see you being like her--you angel!" And Allison leaned over againto look into the eyes of his beloved. "Well, dear, we'll get the right spirit about it somehow, and forgether, but I mean she shall understand right where she gets off beforethis thing goes any farther. No, you needn't protest. I'm not going togive away your confidence. But I'm going to settle that girl where shewon't dare to make any more trouble for you ever again. And the firstthing we're going to do is to announce our engagement. I feel likegoing up to the college bulletin board right this minute and writingit out in great big letters!" "Allison!" Jane sat up with shining eyes and her cheeks very red. Thenthey both broke down and laughed, Jane's merriment ending in a seriouslook. "Allison, you really _want me_, now you know what people may thinkabout my father?" "Jane, I've known all that since I first saw you. Our beloved pastorkindly informed me of it the night he introduced us, so you see howlittle weight it had with any of us. I had no knowledge but that itwas all true, although I couldn't for the life of me see how a man whowas unworthy of you could have possibly been your father; but it wasyou, and not your father, I fell in love with the first night I sawyou. I'm mighty glad for your sake that he wasn't that kind of man, because I know how you would feel about it, but as for what otherpeople think about it, _I should worry_! And Jane, make up your mindright here and now that we're going to be married the day we bothgraduate, see? I won't wait a day longer to have the right to protectyou----" The tall trees whispered above their heads, and the birds looked downand dropped wonderful melodies about them, and Leslie stormily droveher car back and forth on the pike and sounded her klaxon loud andlong, but it was almost an hour later that it suddenly occurred toAllison that Leslie was waiting for them, and still later before thetwo with blissful lingering finally wended their way out to the roadand were taken up by the subdued and weary Leslie, who greeted themwith relief and fell upon her new sister with eager enthusiasm andgenuine delight. An hour later Allison, after committing his future bride to the tenderministries of Julia Cloud, who had received her as a daughter, tookhis way collegeward. He sent up his card to Miss Frazer and Miss Briceand requested that he might see them both as soon as possible, and ina flutter of expectancy the two presently entered the reception-room. They were hoping he had come to take them out in his car, althougheach was disappointed to find that she was not the only one summoned. Allison in that few minutes of waiting for them, seemed to have losthis care-free boyish air and have grown to man's estate. He greetedthe two young women with utmost courtesy and gravity and proceeded atonce to business: "I have come to inform you, " he said with a bow that might almost becalled stately, so much had the tall, slender figure lost itsboyishness, "that Miss Bristol is my fiancée, and as such it is mybusiness to protect her. I must ask you both to publicly apologizebefore your sorority for what happened this morning. " Eunice Brice grew white and frightened, but Eugenia Frazer's faceflamed angrily. "Indeed, Allison Cloud, I'll do nothing of the kind. What in the worlddid you suppose I had to do with what happened this morning?" "You had all to do with it. Miss Frazer, I happen to know all aboutthe matter. " "Well, you certainly don't, " flamed Eugenia, "or you wouldn't beengaged to that little Bristol hypocrite. Her father was a common----" Allison took a step toward her, his face stern but controlled. "Her father was _not_ a _forger_, Miss Frazer, and I have reason tobelieve that you know that the report you are spreading about collegeis not true. But however that may be, Miss Frazer, if I should saythat your father was a forger would that change _you_ any? I haveasked Miss Bristol to marry me because of what _she is herself_, andnot because of what her father was. But there is ample evidence thather father was a noble and an upright man and so recognized by the lawand by his fellow-townsmen, and I demand that you take back your wordspublicly, both of you, and that you, Miss Frazer, take upon yourselfpublicly the responsibility for starting this whole trouble. I fancyit may be rather unpleasant for you to remain in this college longerunless this matter is adjusted satisfactorily. " "Well, I certainly do not intend to be bullied into any such thing!"said Eugenia angrily. "I'll leave college first!" Eunice Brice began to cry. She was the protégée of a rich woman andcould not afford to be disgraced. "I shall tell them all that you asked me to make that motion for youand promised to give me your pink evening dress if I did, " reproachedEunice tearfully. "Tell what you like, " returned Eugenia grandly, "it will only proveyou what you are, a little fool! I'm going up to pack. You needn'tthink you can hush me up, Allison Cloud, if you _are_ rich. Moneywon't cover up the truth----" "No, " said Allison looking at her steadily, controlledly, with a memoryof his promise to Jane. "No, but _Christianity_ will--sometimes. " "Oh, yes, everybody knows you're a fanatic!" sneered Eugenia, andswept herself out of the room with high head, knowing that the wisestthing she could do was to depart while the going was good. When Allison reached home a few minutes later Julia Cloud put into hishand a letter which his guardian had written her soon after his firstvisit, in which he stated that he had made it a point to look up boththe young people with whom his wards were intimate, and he found theirrecords and their family irreproachable. He especially went intodetails concerning Jane's father and the noble way in which he hadacted, and the completeness with which his name had been cleared. Heuncovered one or two facts which Jane apparently did not know, andwhich proved that time had revealed the true criminal to those mostconcerned and that only pity for his family, and the expressed wish ofthe man who had borne for a time his shame, had caused the matter tobe hushed up. Allison, after he had read it, went to find Jane and drew her into thelittle sun-parlor to read it with him, and together they rejoicedquietly. Jane lifted a shining face to Allison after the reading. "Then I'm glad we never said anything to Eugenia! Poor Eugenia! Sheis greatly to be pitied!" Allison, a little shamefacedly, agreed, and then owned up that he had"fired" Eugenia, as he expressed it, from the college. "O, Allison!" said Jane, half troubled, though laughing in spite ofherself at the vision of Eugenia trying to be lofty in the face of thefacts. "You ought not to have done it, dear. I have stood it so long, it didn't matter! Only for your sake--and Leslie's----!" "For our sakes, nothing!" said Allison. "That girl needed somebody totell her where to get off, and only a man could do it. She'll be morepolite to people hereafter, I'm thinking. It won't do her any harm. Now, Jane darling, forget it, and let's be happy!" "Be careful, Allison, some one is coming. I think it's that Mr. Terrence. " "Dog-gone his fool hide!" muttered Allison. "I wish he'd take himselfhome! I certainly would like to tell _him_ where to get off. Leslie'sas sick of him as I am, and as for Cloudy, she's about reached thelimit. " "Why, Allison, isn't Leslie interested in him? He told Howard thatthey were as good as engaged. " "Leslie interested in that little cad? I should say not. If she wasI'd disown her. You say he told Howard they were engaged! What a lie!So that's what's the matter with the old boy, is it? I thoughtsomething must be the matter that he got so busy all of a sudden. Well, I'll soon fix that! Come on up to Cloudy's porch, quick, whilehe's in his room. Cloudy won't mind. We'll be by ourselves there tilldinner is ready!" CHAPTER XXX But matters came to a climax with Howard Letchworth before Allison hadany opportunity to do any "fixing. " The next afternoon was Class Day and there were big doings at thecollege. Howard kept out of the way, for it was a day on which he hadcounted much, and during the winter once or twice he and Leslie hadtalked of it as a matter of course that they would be around together. His Class Day had seemed then to be of so much importance to her--andnow--now she was going to attend it in Clive Terrence's company!Terrence had told him so, and there seemed no reason to doubt hisword. She went everywhere with him, and he was their guest; whyshouldn't she? So Howard went glumly about his duties, keeping as muchas possible out of everyone's way. If he had not been a part of theorder of exercises, and a moving spirit of the day, as it were, hewould certainly have made up an excuse to absent himself. As it was, he meditated trying to get some one else to take his place, and was onhis way to arrange it, just before the hour for the afternoonexercises to begin, when suddenly he saw, coming up the wide asphaltwalk of the campus, young Terrence, and the girl who had come to beknown among them as the "Freshman Vamp. " His eyes hastily scanned thegroups about, and searched the walk as far as he could see it, butnowhere could he discover Leslie. With a sudden impulse he dashed over to Julia Cloud, and forgetful ofhis late estrangement spoke with much of his old eagerness; albeittrying his best to appear careless and matter-of-fact: "Isn't Leslie hereabouts somewhere, Miss Cloud? I believe I promisedto show her the ivy that our class is to plant. " It was the first excuse he could think of. But Julia Cloud was fullof sympathy and understanding, and only too glad to hear the oldring of friendliness in his voice. She lowered her tone and spokeconfidentially: "She wouldn't come, Howard: I don't just know what has taken her. Shesaid she would rather stay at home----" "Is she down there now?" Julia Cloud nodded. "Perhaps you----" "I _will_!" he said, and was off like a flash. On his way down thecampus he thrust some papers into a classmate's hands. "If I don't get back in time, give those to Halsted and tell him tolook out for things. I'm called away. " Never in all his running days had he run as he did that day. He madethe station in four minutes where it usually took him six, and was atthe Cloud Villa in two more, all out of breath but radiant. Somethingjubilant had been let loose in his heart by the smile in Julia Cloud'seyes, utterly unreasonable, of course, but still it had come, and hewas entertaining it royally. It was rather disheartening to find thefront door locked and only Cherry to respond to his knock. "Isn't Miss Leslie here?" he asked, a blank look coming into his eyesas Cherry appeared. "Miss Leslie done jes' skittered acrost de back yahd wid a paddle inher han'. I reckum she's gone to de crick. Miss Jewel, she'll bepowerful upset ef she comes back an' finds out. She don't like MissLeslie go down to them canoes all by her lonesome. " "That's all right, Cherry, " said Howard, cheering up; "I'll go downand find her. Got an extra paddle anywhere, or did she take themboth?" "No, sir, she only took de one. Here's t'other. I reckum she'll beright glad to see yeh, Mas'r Howard. We-all hes missed you mightypowerful lot. That there little fish-eyed lady-man wot is visitin' usain't no kind of substoote 'tall fer you----" Howard beamed on her silently and was off like a shot, forgetful ofthe chimes on the clock of the college, which were now striking thehour at which he was to have led the procession down the ivy walk tothe scene of festivities. Over two fences, across lots, down a steep, rocky hill, and he was atthe little landing where the Cloud canoe usually anchored. But Leslieand her boat were gone. No glimpse of bright hair either up or downstream gave hint of which she had taken, no ripple in the water evento show where she had passed. But he knew pretty well her favoritehaunts up-stream where the hemlocks bowed and bent to the water, andmade dark shadows under which to slip. The silence and the beautycalled her as they had always called him. He was sure he would findher there rather than down-stream where the crowds of inn peopleplayed around, and the tennis courts overflowed into canoes anddawdled about with ukeleles and cameras. He looked about for a meansof transport. There was only one canoe, well-chained to its rest. Heexamined the padlock for a moment, then put forth his strong young armand jerked up the rest from its firm setting in the earth. It was thework of a second to shoot the boat into the water, fling the chains, boat-rest and all into the bow, and spring after. Long, strong, steadystrokes, and he shot out into the stream and away up beyond thewillows; around the turn where the chestnut grove bloomed in goodpromise for the autumn; beyond the railroad bridge and the rocks; pastthe first dipping hemlocks; around the curve; below the old camp wherethey had had so many delightful picnics and watched the sunset fromthe rocks; and on, up above the rapids. The current was swift to-day. He wondered if Leslie had been able to pass them all alone, yetsomehow he felt she had and he would find her up in the quiet havenwhere few ever came and where she would be undisturbed. Paddling"Indian" he came around the curve silently and was almost upon her, but was unprepared for the little huddled figure down in the bottom ofthe boat, one hand grasping the paddle which was wedged between somestones in the shallow stream bed to anchor the frail bark, the otherarm curved about as a pillow for the face which was hidden, with onlythe bright hair gleaming in the stray rays of sunshine that creptthrough the young leaves overhead. "Leslie, little girl--my darling--what is the matter?" He scarcely knew what he was saying, so anxiously he watched her. Wasshe hurt or in trouble, and if so, what was the trouble? Did the vapidlittle guest and the Freshman Vamp have anything to do with it?Somehow he forgot all about himself now and his own grievance--heonly wanted to comfort her whom he loved, and it never entered hishead that just at that moment the anxious Halsted was inquiring ofeveryone: "Haven't you seen Letchworth? Class Day'll be a mess withouthim! Something must have happened to him!" Leslie lifted a tear-stained face in startled amaze. His voice! Thoseprecious words! Leslie heard them even if _he_ took no cognizance ofthem himself. "I--you--WELL, YOU ought to know----!" burst forth Leslie and thendown went the bright head once more and the slender shoulders shookwith long-suppressed sobs. It certainly was a good thing that the creek was shallow at that pointand the canoes quite used to all sorts of conditions. HowardLetchworth waited for no invitation. He arose and stepped intoLeslie's boat, pinioned his own with a dextrous paddle, and gaveattention to comforting the princess. It somehow needed no words forawhile, until at last Leslie lifted a woebegone face that alreadylooked half-appeased and inquired sobbily: "What made you act so perfectly horrid all this time?" "Why--I----" began Howard lamely, wondering now just why he _had_----!"Why, you see, Leslie, you had company and----" "Company! _That!_ Now, Howard, you weren't jealous of that littleexcuse for a man, were you?" Howard colored guiltily: "Why, you see, Leslie, you are so far above me----" "Oh, I was, was I? Well, if I was above _you_, where did you thinkthat other ridiculous little simp belonged, I should like to know?_Not_ with _me_, I hope?" "But you see, Leslie----" somehow the great question that had loomedbetween them these weeks dwarfed and shrivelled when he tried toexplain it to Leslie---- "Well----?" "Well, I've just found out you are very rich----" "Well?" "Well, _I'm_ POOR. " "But I thought you just said you _loved_ me!" flashed Leslieindignantly. "If you do, I don't see what rich and poor matter. It'llall belong to us both, won't it?" "I should _hope_ not, " said the young man, drawing himself up as muchas was consistent with life in a canoe. "I would _never_ let my wifesupport me. " "Well, perhaps you might be able to make enough to _supportyourself_, " twinkled Leslie with mischief in a dimple near her mouth. "Leslie, now you're making fun! I mean this!" "Well, what do you want me to do about it, give away my money?" "Of course not. I was a cad and all that, but somehow it seemed asthough I hadn't any business to be coming around you when you were soyoung and with plenty of chances of men worth more than I----" "More what? More money?" "Leslie, this is a serious matter with me----" "Well, it is with me, too, " said Leslie, suddenly grave. "Youcertainly have made me most unhappy for about three weeks. But I'mbeginning to think you don't love me after all. What is money betweenpeople who love each other? Only something that they can have a goodtime spending for others, isn't it? And suppose _I_ should say Iwouldn't let _you support me_? I guess after all if you think so muchof money you don't really care!" "Leslie!" Their eyes met and his suddenly fell before her steady, beautiful gaze: "Well, then, Howard Letchworth, if you are so awfully proud that youhave to be the richest, I'll throw away or give away all my money andbe a pauper, _so there_! Then will you be satisfied? What's moneywithout the one you love, anyway?" "I see, Leslie! I was a fool. You darling, wonderful princess. No, keep your money and I'll try to make some more and we'll have awonderful time helping others with it. I suppose I knew I was a foolall the time, only I wanted to be told so, because you see that fellowtold me you and he had been set apart for each other by yourparents----!" A sudden lurch of the canoe roused him to look at Leslie's face: "Oh, that little--liar! Yes, he is! He is the meanest, conceitedest, most disagreeable little snob----!" "There, there! We'll spare him----" laughed Howard. "I see I was wrongagain, only, Leslie, little princess, there's one thing you must ownis true, you're very young yet and you may change----" "Now, _I like that_!" cried Leslie. "You don't even think I have thestability to be true to you. Well, if I'm as weak-looking as that youbetter go and find someone else----" But he stopped her words with his face against her lips, and his armsabout her, and at last she nestled against his shoulder and was atpeace. Chiming out above the notes of the wood-robin and the thrush therecame the faint and distant notes of the quarter hour striking on thecollege library. It was Leslie who heard it. Howard was still too farupon the heights to think of earthly duties yet awhile. "Howard! Isn't this your Class Day? And haven't you a part in theexercises? Why aren't you there?" He turned with startled eyes, and rising color. "I couldn't stay, Leslie. I was too miserable! I had to come afteryou. You promised to be with me to-day, you know----" "But your Class Poem, Howard! Quick! It must be almost time to readit----!" He took out his watch. "Great Scott! I didn't know the time had gone like that!" Leslie's fingers were already at work with the other canoe, tying itschain to the seat of her own. "Now!" she turned and picked up her paddle swiftly, handing Howard theother one. "Go! For all your worth! You mustn't fail on this dayanyway! Beat it with all your might!" "It's too late!" said the man reluctantly, taking the paddle andmoving to his right position. "It's not too late. It _shan't_ be too late! _Paddle_, I say, _now_, ONE--and--TWO--and----!" And they settled to a rhythmic stroke. "It was so wonderful back there, Leslie, " said Howard wistfully. "Weoughtn't to let anything interfere with this first hour together. " "This isn't interfering, " said Leslie practically, "it's just duty, and that never interferes. Here, we'll land over there and you beat itup the hill! I'll padlock the boats by that old tree and follow, but_don't you dare_ wait for me! I'll be there to hear the first word andthey'll have waited for you, I know. A little to the right, there--_now_--step out and _beat it_!" He obeyed her, and presently came panting to the audience room, with afine color, and a great light in his eyes, just as Halsted wasslipping down to inquire of Allison: "Where in thunder is Letchworth? Seen him anywhere?" "Heavens, man! Hasn't he showed up yet?" cried Allison startled. "Where could he be?" Julia Cloud beside him leaned over and quietly drew their attention tothe figure hastening up the aisle. Halsted hurried back to theplatform, and Allison, relieved, settled once more in his seat. ButJulia Cloud rested not in satisfaction until another figurebreathlessly slipped in with eyes for none but the speaker. Then into the eyes of Julia Cloud there came a vision as comes to onewho watching the glorious setting of the sun sees not the regretfulclose of the day that is past, but the golden promise of the day thatis to come.