Archibald Hughson, the Young Shetlander--An Arctic Story, by W. H. G. Kingston. ________________________________________________________________________Archibald is a teenager living in Shetland, that group of islands to thenorth of Scotland. His father is dead, and his mother not very well. He longs to go to sea, and a seaman he knows aids him to stow away in awhaling ship, the "Kate", just parting for Greenland, where there is anabundance of whales. The Captain is very kind, and accepts the situation. But one day whenthe boats are sent out in search of whales Archy stows away again, tosee the fun. This does not work out too well, as the boat they are inis stove in, and its occupants have to jump helpless onto the ice. Theyare rescued by another whaling ship, the "Laplander", but this in turnis beset by the ice and broken to splinters. Some of the people, including Archy, after walking a long way over theice, make it back to the "Kate", now herself beset by ice. However, inspite of illness among the crew, they eventually get free, and manage toget the vessel, in a not very seaworthy condition, back to Shetland. ________________________________________________________________________ARCHIBALD HUGHSON, THE YOUNG SHETLANDER--AN ARCTIC STORY, BY W. H. G. KINGSTON. CHAPTER ONE. ARCHIBALD HUGHSON, A YOUNG SHETLAND LAD, HAVING A STRONG DESIRE TO GO TOSEA, AND HIS MOTHER WITHHOLDING HER CONSENT, DETERMINES TO RUN FROMHOME. --HE IS TREACHEROUSLY ASSISTED BY MAX INKSTER, A WICKED SAILOR, WHOSUCCEEDS IN GETTING HIM STOWED AWAY ON BOARD THE "KATE, " A GREENLANDWHALER. "Where are you going, Archy?" asked Maggie Hughson, as she ran after herbrother, who was stealing away from the house, evidently not wishing tobe intercepted. The young Hughson's home stood high up on the slope of a hill on thesmall island of Bressay, one of the Shetland group. Hence the eyeranged over the northern ocean, while to the eastward appeared the isleof Noss, with the rocky Holm of Noss beyond, the abode of numberlesssea-fowl, and to be reached by a rope-way cradle over a broad chasm offearful depth. The house, roofed with stone, and strongly-built, as itneeded to be to withstand the fierce gales blowing over that wild sea, was surrounded by patches of cultivated ground, without trench or bank, or a tree to be seen far or near. Archy stopped when he heard his sister's voice; for, though headstrongand obstinate, he loved her more than any other human being. "I am going over to Lerwick to see Max Inkster, " he answered, lookingback at her. "The `Kate' sails to-morrow, and I promised him a visitbefore he goes. " "Oh, surely you don't forget that our mother told you she wished youwould not have anything to say to that man!" exclaimed Maggie. "He isbad in many ways, and he can only do you harm. " "I am not going to be led by any one, " answered Archy. "I like to hearhis tales of the sea, and his adventures when chasing the whale, orhunting white bears, and those sort of things away in Greenland, andperhaps some day I may go to sea myself, and I want to know what sort ofa life I am likely to lead. I am not going to be kept digging potatoes, and tending cattle and sheep all my life. " "Oh Archy! don't think of it, " said Maggie. "It would break ourmother's heart to have you go. You know that our father was lost atsea, and so was uncle Magnus, and many other relations and friends. Godwill bless you, and you will be far happier, if, in obedience to her, you give up your wild notions and stay at home. " "I am not going to be dictated to, Maggie, by mother or you, " exclaimedArchy. "Max is a fine fellow, notwithstanding what you say. He isexpecting me, and I am not going to break my engagement; so, good-bye, Maggie. Go back home, and look after mother--that's your duty, whichyou are so fond of talking about. " Maggie, finding that her arguments were of no avail, returned home, asshe could not venture longer to leave her mother, who was ill in bed. Archy took his way till he was out of sight of the house, and then frombeneath a large stone, he pulled out a bundle, which he slung at the endof a stick over his shoulder, and proceeded across the island till hecame to the shore of the sound which divides it from the mainland. Several large black high-sided ships lay at anchor, with numerous boatshanging to the davits, and mostly barque-rigged. They were whalers, belonging to Hull and other English and Scotch ports, on their way toBaffin Bay, or the shores of Greenland. Archy found a boat just about to cross the sound to Lerwick, and, askingfor a passage, he jumped in. On landing, he made his way to the housewhere Max Inkster lodged. The door was open. Archy walked in. Max wasalone in a little room on one side of the passage; he was smoking, and abottle and glass were on the table. "Glad to see you, lad, " he said. "Sit down. I doubted that you wouldcome. " "Why?" asked Archy. "I thought your mother and sister would advise you to keep away from afellow like me, " answered Max, looking hard at his young guest. He wasa strongly-built broad-shouldered man, with an unpleasant expression inhis weather-beaten countenance. "My mother is ill, and did not know I was coming, and I am not going tobe dictated to by Maggie, " said Archy. "That's the right spirit, boy, " said Max. "If they suspect what youintend doing, they will take good care to prevent you. " "I don't intend to let them know, " replied Archy. "But I wish motherwas not ill. I am half inclined to stop at home till next season, andthen I'll do what I choose, whatever they may say. " "I see how it is, " observed Max, with a sneer on his lips. "You arebeginning to think we lead too hard a life for you, and you would ratherbe looking after the cows, and being at the beck and call of mistressMaggie. I thought you had more spirit. You are afraid--that's thetruth of it. " "No one shall say I am afraid, " exclaimed Archy. "I have asked severalcaptains to take me, but they refused without my mother's leave, andthat she won't give, just because my father and uncle Magnus were lostat sea, and so she has taken it into her head that I shall be lost also. If you can help me to go in the `Kate, ' I am ready. There's my bundleof clothes. " "No great stock for a voyage to the Arctic Seas; but we must rig you outwhen you get on board, " observed Max, taking up Archy's bundle, andstowing it away in a large seaman's bag which stood in the corner of theroom. "You will have to keep pretty close till we are well clear of theland, or the captain will be for putting you on shore again. Here, takea glass of grog, it will help to keep up your courage. " Max mixed astrong glass of whisky and water, and pushed it across the table toArchy. Archy's scruples soon vanished. He now only thought of the adventureshe hoped to meet with among the icebergs. Max had gained his object. From a quarrel which had occurred yearsbefore, he had long harboured an ill-feeling towards the Hughson's; and, for the purpose of thwarting and annoying Mrs Hughson, he was ready toencourage Archy in his disobedience to her. When once a person yieldsto the suggestions of Satan, he knows not into what crimes he may behurried. Those who associate with unprincipled people run a fearfulrisk of being led astray by them. Archy, notwithstanding his mother'swarnings, had persisted in visiting Max Inkster, for the sake of hearinghis long yarns of nautical adventure, and he would at first have beenexcessively indignant had he been told that he was likely, inconsequence, to be led into any further act of disobedience. "Did any one see you come in here?" asked Max. "No; Nanny Clousta wasout, and no one was passing at the time, " answered Archy. "Well, then, stay quiet here till dark, and I'll take you on board, andstow you away in the hold, " said Max. "You must remain there till Igive you a signal to come out; but, remember, that you are not to tellthe captain or any one else that I had a hand in helping you. Just saythat you slipped on board in a shore boat, and hid yourself of your ownaccord. You will promise me that?" Archy had not been in the habit of telling falsehoods; but he hadalready made one step in the downward course, and though he hesitated, he at last said, "I promise. I needn't tell that I knew who took me onboard, and I can find my own way below, so there's no necessity tomention your name. " "That's it, " said Max. "You will want some food, though. Here, justfill your pockets with this bread and cheese. " He took some from acupboard. "And here is a flask of whisky and water. You may have tolie hid for a couple of days, or more, may be; so you must manage yourprovisions accordingly. " Max went out, and Archy fell asleep, with his head on the table. It waslate at night before his evil councillor returned. "Rouse up, boy, " he whispered. "It's time we were aboard. I have got aman to take us off, and he will think you belong to the ship. Here, shoulder my bag, and come along. " Max placed his heavy sea-bag on his young companion's shoulder. Archystaggered on under it till he reached the boat. The boatman, who hadbeen paid before, pulled away, and they were soon alongside the whaler. Max clambered up the side, and hoisted his bag by a rope after him. Archy followed. The officer of the watch was aft, and as the crew andtheir friends were constantly coming and going, no notice was taken ofthem. Max took up his bag, and as he passed up the main hatchway, whichwas open, having ascertained that there was no one below, he made a signto Archy to slip down the ladder. "I'll be with you in a few minutes, " he whispered. "No one is likely togo there at this hour. " Archy did as he was bid, and felt his way in the dark, till he foundhimself among the empty casks in the hold, which were stowed ready foruse. There were certain spaces between the tiers which would afford himroom to hide himself away. Into one of these he crept, and lay downwaiting for Max. He fancied that where he was he should not be seen byanyone moving about the hold, unless expressly looking for him. Hethought that Max was a long time in coming, and perhaps would not comeat all. On the return of daylight, which would stream down through theopen hatchway, should he not be discovered? he thought. The crew wouldcertainly be at work at an early hour, and he might not have time tofind a more secure hiding-place. Then he would have to undergo theannoyance and disgrace of being put on shore, and severely reprimandedby the captain, a very severe man, he had been told. At last he heardsome one moving, and presently a light fell on his eyes. He was afraidto stir, almost to breathe, lest he should be discovered. "Well, if I had not come you would have been hauled out to a certaintyin the morning, " said Max, who had only just then been able to pay himhis promised visit. "You must come down lower than this. Here, keepafter me. Now crawl in there, and don't come out till you hear threeblows, which I'll give on the casks above your head. You will know bythe movement of the ship when we have been at sea a couple of days orso. There; now you have got your will. Here's your bundle; it willserve as a pillow, and, remember, don't take any notice of me. I amyour friend, but I am not a man who chooses to be trifled with. " Sayingthis, Max, putting out the lantern, crept away, and Archy was left insolitude and total darkness. The liquor his evil councillor had givenhim made him sleepy, so he could not think. Otherwise his consciencemight have been aroused, and he might have recollected his poor motherlying on a bed of sickness, and his affectionate sister watching for hisreturn. Satan knows that he has his victims secure when they are inthat condition. Archy Hughson was at length awakened by the loud tramp of the crew ondeck, the boats being hoisted in, the anchor hove up. He could hear theripple of the water against the sides of the ship. The "Kate" was underway, but she was not yet even out of Bressay Sound. The hours passedby. He began to grow very weary of his imprisonment, and to long forthe expected signal from Max, even though he should soon afterwards haveto face the captain, and perhaps be punished for having concealedhimself on board. As he thought of this, he began to wish he had waitedtill he had overcome his mother's objections, and been able to go sea, like other lads, with a proper outfit. Now and then a better feeling, akin to remorse, stole over him, when he thought of the sorrow andanxiety his absence must cause his mother, who, though over-indulgent, had ever been affectionate and kind to him. Still he did not perceivethe wickedness of his own heart, or the cruel ingratitude of which hehad been guilty. "She should have let me go, it's her own fault, " herepeated, hardening himself. "It's too late now to draw back. I shouldlook very foolish if I was to be set on shore on Unst, and have to findmy way home by myself. " Unst is the most northern of the Shetland Islands, and Archy guessedthat by that time the "Kate" was not far off it. He had little appetite to eat the food he had brought, but he soon drankup the contents of the flask. The mixture was somewhat strong, and senthim off to sleep again. Once more Satan had him at an advantage, foreven then, had he gone to the captain, he would have been sent on shore, and retrieved his fault by returning home and relieving his mother'sanxiety. Undo it he could not; for a sin, once committed, can never byman's power be undone, never forgiven. All sin is committed againstGod--the slightest evil thought, the slightest departure from truth, issin against God's pure and holy law, and He alone can forgive sin. Heforgives it only according to the one way He has appointed. He blots itout altogether from remembrance. That way is through faith in theperfect and complete atonement of Jesus Christ, whose blood, shed forman, "cleanseth from all sin. " There is no other way. He accepts noother recompense for sin. There is no undoing a sin, no making amends. All sins, from such as those which men call the smallest to thegreatest, are registered, to be brought up in judgment against thesinner, and the all-cleansing blood of Jesus can alone blot them out. Man, as a proof of his living faith in Christ's atonement, --of hissorrow for sins committed, --of his hatred of sin, of his repentance, --will, of necessity, do all he can to make amends to his fellow-man forthe wrong he has done him; he will restore what he has taken; he willexplain the truth where he has spoken falsely; he will be kind andgentle to those he has treated harshly; he will give to those of hissubstance, or forward their interests whom he has injured in any way. But all this cannot blot out one letter in the eternal register ofaccusations to be brought against him at the day of judgment. Oh! thatpeople did but know this, and would remember that when they sin they sinnot only against their fellow-man, but against the all-pure, all-holyGod, who can by no means overlook iniquity; in whose sight even theheavens are unclean, without whose knowledge not a sparrow falls to theground, and by whom the very hairs of our head are numbered. CHAPTER TWO. APPEARING ON DECK, ARCHY IS SEVERELY REPRIMANDED BY THE CAPTAIN, ASTRICT, YET A KIND AND RELIGIOUS MAN--HIS FIRST SUNDAY AT SEA--AMONG THEICEBERGS AND ICE--CAPTURE OF A WHALE. Archy Hughson felt very weak and very wretched. The ship had for somehours been tumbling fearfully about, so it seemed to him, now pitchinginto the seas, which struck her stout bows with heavy blows, now rollingfrom side to side. He knew that a strong gale was blowing, and he couldnot help dreading that the casks might break loose, and come down uponhim. He longed to escape from his prison, and began to think that Maxmust have forgotten him altogether. At length he again fell asleep. Hewas awakened by three heavy knocks above his head, Max's promisedsignal. He waited the time agreed on, and then began to crawl out, andgrope his way upwards. At last he saw daylight above him, andscrambling along, he reached the foot of a ladder. Climbing up withuncomfortable feelings at his heart as to the reception he might meetwith, he gained the upper deck. The first person he encountered was an old man with weather-beatenfeatures, but a kind expression of countenance, Andrew Scollay by name, a boat-steerer, who was at that moment about to descend. "Why, lad, where do you come from?" asked old Andrew, putting his handon the boy's shoulder. "I wanted to come to sea; so I hid myself away, " answered Archy. "Ihope I have not done wrong. " "You have not done right, boy, or you would not have needed to hideyourself away, " said Andrew, scanning his features. "I think I haveseen you before. What is your name?" Archy told him. "What, widow Hughson's son? Oh, boy, boy, you have acted a cruel parttowards your poor mother. Anyhow, I would we had found you out two daysago. However, come along with me to the captain--you'll hear what hehas to say. " Andrew led Archy aft, where Captain Irvine was standing, and explainedin a few words what he knew of him. Captain Irvine, looking sternly athim, inquired how he had managed to conceal himself so long on board?On that point Archy gave a truthful reply. "How did you know you could find a place where you could hide yourself?"asked the captain. "I have often before been on board whalers, and knew how the casks werestowed, " answered Archy, hoping that he should avoid further questionswhich might implicate Max Inkster. "You are deserving of severe punishment for coming on board without myleave, " said the captain. "I must consider how I shall treat you. Ifwe fall in with a homeward-bound ship, I shall put you on board. Ifnot, see how you behave yourself. Had your mother asked me to take youI would have done so, and you would have come in for a share of profits;but you have done more wrong to her than you have to me; and though Imight flog you, as you deserve, I shall let your own conscience punishyou. I hope you have got one, which will make you mourn for your fault. Now go for'ard. You must not eat the bread of idleness, and MrScollay will put you to some work or other. I must speak to you againabout this, and let me see, as you have chosen to come on board, thatyou do your best to learn your duty. " Archy's conscience was not aroused. He went forward, well pleased athaving, as he thought, got off so cheaply; yet he did not feel at hisease. He looked, indeed, very pale and sick, and miserable. OldAndrew's kind heart was touched, as he remarked his woe-begoneappearance. He took him below, and got the steward to give him somefood. He then sent him to wash himself. "I must see about rigging you out, " he said. "The clothes you have onare not fit for the work you will have to do. " Archy felt grateful to old Andrew, and thanked him warmly. "Don't speak about that, boy, " remarked Andrew. "It's not that youdeserve what I may do for you; but you are poor, and helpless, andwretched, and that's just the state man was in when Christ came downfrom heaven to help him; and so I have a notion that it becomes Hisdisciples, who desire to be like Him, to assist the helpless andmiserable. " The crew generally did not treat Archy as kindly as old Andrew had done. They attacked him, as soon as he got among them, with all sorts ofquestions, laughing and jeering at his folly. No one laughed at himmore than Max Inkster. Archy felt inclined to retort, but he rememberedhis promise to Max, and gave him no sign of recognition, he was treatedas one of the ship's boys, and was put to do all sorts of drudgery anddirty work. Often and often he wished that he had remained at home, tolook after his mother's farm, and help Maggie in attending to her. Several days passed by--Archy was beginning to find himself at homeamong the crew--Max at length spoke to him as if to a stranger. "We must make a sailor of you, boy, as you have chosen to come to sea, "he said, when the order had just been given to reef topsails. "Lay outon the yard with me, and I'll show you what to do. " Archy had several times been aloft, but had never assisted in reefing. He now followed Max up the rigging. There was a heavy sea running, andthe ship was pitching violently. "Now, don't be afraid--come out on the yard, " said Max. "There--leanover, and catch hold of those reef points. Cling tight though, withyour knees and elbows, or you will pitch down on deck, and have yourbrains dashed out. " Archy did as he was bid. He felt very nervous, though, and was thankfulwhen he was safe off the yard. It was coming on to blow harder andharder, and the canvas was still further reduced. Max did not againinvite him to go aloft--none but practised seamen could have ventured onthe yards. At length, all the canvas was taken off the ship, except aclose-reefed main-topsail, when the helm was put down, and she washove-to. The wind whistled shrilly through the bare poles and rigging. It was blowing a perfect hurricane. All around appeared mountains ofheaving water, each succeeding sea threatening to swallow up thelabouring ship. Archy was surprised at the calmness of the officers andcrew, when he expected every moment that one of those tremendous seaswould come on board, and send the ship to the bottom. He wished that hecould pray, as his mother had taught him to do, but he dared not; yet hetrembled at the thought of what would happen. Night came on--the gale seemed to increase. He, with all except thewatch on deck, had gone below. "What, lad, art afraid?" asked Max, who observed his pale countenance. "You thought a life at sea was all sunshine and calm. " "I have found out what it is, and I wish that I had not been fool enoughto come, " answered Archy, with some bitterness. Max laughed. "Many a lad thinks like you, " he said. "They getaccustomed to it, and so must you, though the training is not pleasant, I'll allow. " While Max was speaking, a tremendous blow was felt, as if the ship hadstruck a rock, and then came a sound of rending and crashing timbers, while the water rushed down the hatchway. "The ship's on her beam ends, " cried several voices, and all handssprang on deck. Archy followed. A scene of wreck and destruction methis sight. The sea had swept over the ship, carrying away thestaunchions, bulwarks, and rails, the binnacle, and the chief portion ofthe wheel. A fearful shriek reached his ears, and he caught sight foran instant of a man clinging to the binnacle. No help could be affordedhim--the poor fellow knew that too well; still he clung to life; but ina few seconds a sea washed over him and he disappeared. The captain was on deck, calmly issuing his orders, --the crew flew toobey them, while Archy clung to the main-mast, expecting every moment tobe his last. Things were at length put to rights; spare spars werelashed to the remaining staunchions--life lines were stretched along thedeck, fore and aft. The names of the crew were then called over--twodid not answer, another, it was found, had unseen been carried to hisdread account. The next day was the Sabbath. The gale had moderated, and the ship wasagain put on her course. On that day the captain invariably invited allnot on duty to assemble for service in his cabin; Max and a few othersgenerally made excuses for not attending. The captain took thisoccasion to speak of the uncertainty of human life. "The fate of our shipmates may be that of any one of us, my lads, " heobserved. "I do not ask how they were prepared to meet their God, buthow are you prepared? Even if you are living pure and blameless lives, have you made peace with Tim according to the only way He has offered toreconcile you to Himself? Have you a living faith in the atoning bloodof Jesus shed for you? He wishes you to be reconciled to Him, and Hehas offered to you the easiest and simplest way, the only way by whichyou can be so. Remember, `now is the accepted time, ' `now is the day ofsalvation. ' It is God tells you this. If you put off that day it maybe too late--for He says nothing about to-morrow. Some of you may saythat you lead hard lives, have little enjoyment, and much suffering, andthat that must satisfy God and give you a right to heaven. God does nottell you that; but He says, `Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thoushalt be saved. He that believeth not is condemned. ' Oh lads, if youknew of the love of Jesus for you, and how He longs for you all to besaved, you could not stand aloof from Him as you do, and try to keep Himout of your thoughts, and do nothing to please or serve Him. I speak toyoung and old, for He loves the youngest boy on board here as well asthe oldest, and His blood, which cleanseth from all sin, will wash awaythe sins of the greatest criminal as completely as it will cleanse themost harmless youngster, though he, too, needs to be washed as much asthe other. " Such was the substance of Captain Irvine's discourse on theSunday after the storm. Archy had attended, and the words werecontinually haunting him. Max, as usual, had kept away. "I wonder you can stand that sort of thing, " he said to Archy, when henext met him. "I have no fancy for those discourses of the skipper; butif you want to curry favour with him, by all means go, just as oldAndrew and Dr Sinclair, and some others do. They have prayers with himevery morning in his cabin. You will not turn psalm-singer, I hope, lad. " "I don't suppose I shall, " answered Archy. "But still I should not liketo be washed overboard, as Bill and Ned were the other night. " "As to that, you must run your chance as others do, " answered Max. "Idon't let such things trouble me. " Archy could not help letting them trouble him, though. The next day the whole crew were busily employed in getting the whaleboats ready and the gear fitted. There were seven boats in all--threeslung to the davits on each side, and one over the stern, with aharpooner to each. The whale lines were spliced and coiled away in thestern of the boats; the harpoons were spanned, that is, fastened to theends of the lines, and various articles were stowed away in the boats, so that they were all ready to be lowered, and to shove off at amoment's notice, should a whale appear. The crow's-nest was also got upto the main topgallant mast-head. It is like a tall cask with a seat init, where the officer can take his station and look out far and wideover the ocean to watch for the spouting of the monsters of the deep. Next morning, when Archy went on deck, he saw at no great distance fromthe ship a vast white towering mass, glittering like alabaster in therays of the sun. At the lower part were projecting points and curiousarches, and a deep cavern, with numberless columns and long icicleshanging from the roof, while the summit was crowned with pinnacles andtowers of every possible shape. From the higher points, as the icemelted under the rays of the hot sun, came down two or three tinycascades of bright water, leaping from ledge to ledge till they fellwith a splash into the calm ocean. Archy had often heard of icebergs, but he had formed little conceptionof what they really were. He stood gazing at it for some minutes, lostin wonder. "Well, boy, what do you think of it?" asked Andrew Scollay, who waspassing at the time. "It's very wonderful, " said Archy. "All God's works are wonderful, " observed old Andrew. "You will seethousands of such bergs as this where we are going, all formed by God'swill, just as He forms everything else in the world; and yet if all thekings of the earth and their people were to try and build up one likethem, they could not succeed. Now, Archy, I put it to you, whether itis not wise to try and be friends with such a God--to know that you areunder His care and protection, instead of disobeying Him and daring Hispower? The time may come before long when you will feel how helplessyou are to take care of yourself, boy. I have seen stout ships crushedin a moment between masses of ice, as if they had been made of paper, and once I saw one of those large bergs come down and overwhelm apassing ship, not a soul on board escaping. Ay, and I have knownnumbers of poor fellows, when their ships have gone done, wandering overthe ice till they have been frozen or starved to death. I don't tellyou these things to frighten you, but that you may learn to put yourtrust in God. The person who truly trusts Him is never frightened. Itis a blessed thing to know that He cares for us. " Archy was unable to make any reply; but the old man's words were notforgotten. The next day many more icebergs were seen, and as the ship passed nearsome of them, Archy could not help dreading that they might topple overand carry her and all on board to the bottom. In a short time the ship made the ice. As far as the eye could reach, the whole ocean was covered with broken sheets of ice, --some severalmiles in extent, others of smaller size, which the seamen calledfloes, --huge icebergs towering up among them. The ship sailed along theedge of a large floe for some distance, till an opening appearing, herhead was pointed towards it. She entered and sailed onwards for aconsiderable distance, the water being as smooth as in the mostsheltered harbour. The captain, or an officer, was continuallystationed in the crow's-nest to look out for the widest openings. Intothese she forced her way, now and then being impeded by pieces of ice, against which her bow was driven to turn them aside. At length, afterrunning through a narrow passage, her further progress was stopped by asheet of ice through which she could not force her way, while beyond thewater appeared perfectly open. The sails were furled; the ice-saws gotout, and the crew commenced sawing out large blocks, so as to form apassage towards the open water. The work was very laborious; for, inaddition to the operation of sawing, each block had to be towed out intothe wider channel. At length a canal was formed, and the ship glidedthrough it. Once more the sails were set and she steered to thenorthward. Again, however, she had to encounter similar obstructions. Still the captain pushed on, eager to get to a part of the bay wherewhales were plentiful. Generally there was a breeze, and she made goodprogress through the open water, but sometimes she lay becalmed, withher sails hanging against the masts. All the time a sharp look out waskept for whales, but hitherto, although a few had been seen, the warymonsters had escaped the harpoons of their pursuers. At that season, in those northern regions, when the sun but just sinksbelow the horizon ere it rises again, night and day are much alike. Archy, with the watch below, had turned in. He was awakened by a loudstamping on the deck, and the cry of "a fall, a fall. " The men rushedup on deck, carrying their clothes with them, and dressing as they went. Instantly running to the boats, they began to lower them. In thedistance was a boat with a flag flying, a signal that a whale had beenstruck, and was fast. The boats shoved off, and away they went at arapid rate to the assistance of their friends. The monster soonappeared on the surface. The boats pulled towards it, and numberlesslances were darted at its body. Again it sounded, to reappear shortlystill closer to the ship. Once more the boats dashed on--the wateraround the animal was dyed red with blood, mixed with oil, which issuedfrom its wounds and blow-holes. The boats again drew near, and morelances were hurled at it. Suddenly the creature reared its tail high inthe air, whirling it round with a loud noise, which reached the ship. At the same moment the nearest boat was thrown upwards several feet, while the crew were sent flying on every side into the water, the boatitself being reduced to a mass of wreck. Their companions went forwardto rescue the drowning men, who were seen to be hauled into the boats;but whether any had perished could not be discovered by those who, withArchy, were eagerly watching what was taking place, from the deck of theship. Directly afterwards the whale rolled over on its side, andremained perfectly quiet. The flag was lowered, and the men, standingup in the boats, gave three loud huzzas, which were echoed by those onboard. Two holes being made in the tail of the whale, ropes were passedthrough them, which being made fast to the boats, they towed their prizein triumph to the ship. The animal now being secured alongside, theprocess of flensing or cutting off the blubber commenced. Tackles wererigged with hooks, which were fixed in the blubber. This was cut bymeans of spades, and the tackle being worked by a windlass, as theblubber was cut off in long strips, it was hoisted on board. Here itwas cut into pieces, and stowed in casks in the hold. Thus, as thewhale was turned round and round, the blubber was stripped off, till thewhole coat was removed. The whalebone, of which the gills are formed, being then extracted, the carcase was cast adrift, when it was seen tobe surrounded by vast numbers of fish and wild sea-birds, coming fromall directions to banquet on the remaining flesh. The operation, whichlasted five hours, being concluded, the crew were piped to supper. "There, Archy, you have seen our first whale killed, " observed Max. "Ihope we shall have many more before long, and soon be back home again;and if you are tired of the life, you can go on shore and look afteryour mother's farm. " CHAPTER THREE. THE "KATE" ENCOUNTERS A FEARFUL GALE AMID ICEBERGS, AND NARROWLY ESCAPESA FALLING BERG. --CALM AFTER STORM. --THOUGH SCOFFED AT BY HIS SHIPMATES, ARCHY TRIES, UNSUCCESSFULLY, TO FOLLOW THE ADVICE GIVEN HIM BY CAPTAINIRVINE. Captain Irvine was anxious to reach the northern point of Baffin Bay, where whales were said to abound. He used, therefore, every exertion toforce the ship through the ice. Sometimes she threaded her way throughnarrow passages, at the risk of being caught and nipped by the floespressing together; at others, to avoid this catastrophe, she had to takeshelter in a dock, cut out as rapidly as the crew could use their saws, in one side of a floe. Scarcely had she been thus secured when anotherfloe, with a sullen roar, pressed on by an unseen power, would comegrinding and crashing against the first with irresistible force, and thebefore level surface, rent and broken asunder, would appear heaved upinto large hillocks, and huge masses, many hundred tons in weight, wouldbe lifted on to the opposing barrier, threatening to overwhelm the ship. Suddenly the whole field of ice would be again in motion, the brokenfragments would be thrown back on each other or pressed down beneath thesurface, and a lane of water would appear, edged on each side by a wallof ice. The boats would then be lowered to tow the ship along, or, should the wind be favourable, the sails were set, and in spite of theblows she might receive from the floating fragments, she would force herway onwards towards the open water. Often and often as Archy watched what was taking place, he fullyexpected to find the ship crushed to fragments, and wondered thatCaptain Irvine could venture into so fearfully dangerous a position. Still the ship, escaping all dangers, made her way to the north, and bydegrees Archy grew accustomed to the scenes he witnessed, and viewedthem with the same indifference as the rest of the crew. For a whole day she had made her way through open water, with a strongbreeze. The weather began to lour--the wind blew stronger andstronger--numerous icebergs appeared ahead--in a short time the ship wassurrounded by them. Now one was passed by, now another. It seemedoften as if no power could save her from being dashed against theirprecipitous sides. Perhaps the captain expected the gale to moderate, if so, he was mistaken. It soon blew fiercer than ever. At length theship got under the lee of a large berg, which towered up a hundred feetor more above the mast-heads. The sails were furled--the boats carriedout ice anchors and made them fast to the foot of the berg. There theship rode, sheltered from the gale, in smooth water, while the windhowled and roared, and the sea, hissing and foaming, dashed with furyagainst the bergs, which were observed at a distance on either side. Archy recollected the account Max had given him some time before oficebergs suddenly overturning, and as he looked up at the frozenmountain above him, he could not help thinking what their fate might be, should the gale, which blew on the other side, force the berg over. Still he had not learned to put his trust in God. Fear made his heartsink within him, but he dared not contemplate the future. All he couldsay to himself was, "I hope it will not. How dreadful it would be. What would become of us!" He had no one to whom he could go forconsolation. Max, he knew, would only laugh at him and call him acoward. He wished that Old Andrew would speak to him, but he was onduty on deck, and had the ship to attend to. Several hours passed by, still the gale did not abate. Archy thoughtthe captain and officers looked more serious than usual. Several ofthem turned their eyes ever and anon towards the summit of the berg. Atlength the chief mate came forward. He had just reached the forecastle, when a small piece of ice, the size of a bullet it seemed, fellsplashing into the water just ahead of the ship. Another and anotherfollowed. With a startling cry, the captain shouted, "Cut the hawser, loose the jib and fore-staysail, hands aloft for your lives lads. " Thehead sails were hoisted, the fore-topsail sheeted home. The ship, coming round, shot away from the berg. The after sails were speedilyloosed. In another instant, with a crashing thundering noise, down camevast masses of ice, falling into the water, with loud splashes, closeastern, while numerous smaller pieces fell with fearful force on deck. Happily no one was struck, but a piece went right through one of thequarter boats. The ship, as if aware of her danger, flew on. Downwardscame the vast mountain of ice with a crashing roar, louder than anythunder, directly on the spot where she had just before floated, sendingthe spray in thick sheets flying over her poop. Had she remained amoment longer she must have been overwhelmed. Many a cheek of the hardycrew was blanched with horror. Even now it seemed that they hadscarcely escaped the fearful danger, for the berg astern of them rockedto and fro as if still intent on their destruction. The first mate andone of the best hands were at the helm; the wind whistled loudly, thesails appeared as if about to fly from the bolt ropes, as the shipheeled over to the gale. Numerous other bergs appeared ahead, and asshe rushed onwards, it seemed impossible that she could avoid them. Nosooner was one weathered than another appeared in her course. The yardswere braced sharp up. She dashed by a huge berg, her masts, as sheheeled over, almost touching its sides. Now an opening appeared betweentwo large ice mountains. The only way to escape was by passing betweenthem. The ship dashed into the passage, now she glided onward incomparatively smooth water. The bergs were moving. Nearer and nearerthey drew to each other. In a short time they might meet and crush thehapless vessel into a thousand fragments. To escape by the way she hadentered the passage was impossible. The wind came aft. The yards weresquared, more sail was set, faster and faster she flew onwards, yet fastas she went, it seemed as if the masses of ice would catch her ere shecould escape them in their deadly embrace. Every man and boy was at hisstation, ready to clew up and haul down directly the ship should befree, and again exposed to the fury of the gale. No one could tell butthat other bergs might be ahead, or in what direction it might benecessary to steer. Archy, as he held on to a rope he had been orderedto tend, looked up at the vast ice-cliffs with horror in his eyes, expecting every moment to see them falling over upon the ship. Heglanced aft, and saw the captain standing calm and undismayed, ready toissue whatever orders might be necessary. The channel seemedinterminable, for, fast as the vessel glided on, still those terriblecliffs frowned down upon her. At length the open water appeared ahead, with fewer bergs than had before been seen floating on it. The shipglided out into the heaving ocean; and as she heeled over, Archy thoughtthe masts would go over the side; but sail (though not withoutdifficulty) was rapidly shortened, and the masts stood firm. Onwards, as before, she flew in her course; several other bergs were weathered, till at length all present dangers were passed, and she was now hove-toto await the termination of the storm. In a few hours the gale ceased, and once more she proceeded on her course. A calm succeeded the storm. The ship floated on the smooth water. Itwas the Sabbath-day; the captain as usual had summoned the crew toprayers, the greater number went willingly, for they were well aware ofthe imminent danger they had escaped, and were glad to express theirgratitude to Him who had preserved them. Max Inkster, with a fewothers, made excuses for staying away. "What, lad, are you going to hear the old man preach?" he asked, with asneer, as he saw Archy making his way aft. "For my part, I think wehave too much of that sort of thing aboard here. I have made up my mindto cut and run from the ship if I could find a few brave fellows toaccompany me. We should have more liberty and a larger allowance ofgrog, with less psalm-singing, on board other vessels I know of, andreach home sooner again into the bargain. But don't you go and tellothers what I say; I only ask you, if we go, will you join us?" "I'll think about it, Max, " answered Archy, "but I promised old Andrewthat I would attend prayers. " "Much good may your prayers do you, " sneered Max. "You are the fellowwho sneaked off from his dying mother, and now you talk of praying. " "I did, I did, " groaned Archy, "and I feel how wicked I was to do so. " As all the other men had by this time collected in the cabin, Archycould stay no longer, and hurried off, the words last spoken by Maxringing in his ears. He thought of them all the time the captain wasoffering up prayer, and returning thanks to God for having mercifullypreserved him and his crew from the danger to which they had beenexposed, and humbly petitioning for protection for the future. When the service was over, as Archy was leaving the cabin, CaptainIrvine called him back. The old captain had been ill for some days. Archy was struck with hispeculiarly grave and solemn manner. He kindly took the young boy'shand. "I have a few words to say to you, lad, " he said. "I knew your father;he was a God-fearing man, and I believe he is in heaven. Your mother, too, is a Christian woman, and she, when she leaves this world, willjoin him there. Now lad, I have to ask you what is your hope? There isbut one way to go there, remember that. Have you sought that way?" Archy hung down his head. "I know I was very wicked to leave my motheras I did, " he answered, "and I could not help thinking the other day, when the iceberg was about to come down upon us, where I should go to. " "Ah, lad, it's a great thing to see your sin, but God wants you to domore than that. You must acknowledge it to Him and seek His way forblotting it out. Do you know that way, laddie, which only a God ofinfinite love and mercy could have devised for saving weak fallen manfrom the consequences of sin? Have you sought the Saviour? Sorrow willnot wash away sin. The blood of the Saviour, which He shed when Hesuffered instead of man on Calvary, can alone do it. Only those whoseek Him and trust in Him can benefit by that blood. Have you earnestlysought him, laddie? I am sure if you do seek Him, desiring to turn awayfrom your sins, that you will find Him. " Archy could only repeat, "I am very sorry I ran away from mother and hidmyself aboard the ship, and I thought when we were so near beingdestroyed the other day, what would become of me. " Archy exactly described his state, and the captain knew he spoke truly. There are too many like him, who only think of their sins at theapproach of danger. "Ah, laddie! I should be thankful if you could honestly tell me thatyou mourn for your sins, because you have grievously offended our lovingFather in heaven, and that you have sought forgiveness from Him, throughthe all-cleansing blood of His dear Son, shed for you on Calvary, " saidCaptain Irvine. "Do you ever pray?" "Not since I came aboard here, " answered Archy. "And I am afraid not for some time before, either, " observed thecaptain. "For if you had prayed that God's Holy Spirit would guide anddirect you, and keep you out of temptation, you would not have ran awayfrom home as you did. Now, laddie, what I want you to understand is, that you are weak and helpless in yourself, that you can neither walkaright nor do any good thing by yourself; but that if you seek the aidof the Holy Spirit you will walk aright, you will be able to withstandtemptation, and to do God's will. If you do not pray and seek His aid, you cannot expect to find it; yet if you do seek it, you will assuredlyfind it, for He hath said, `Ask and it shall be given you, seek and yeshall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. '" Archy listened attentively to what the captain said, and tried tounderstand it, but the danger which had alarmed his conscience hadpassed away, and when he went forward and mixed again with his carelessshipmates, he forgot much that had been said. Still, when he turnedinto his bunk, he did try to pray; but he dared not bravely kneel downin the sight of others lest they should laugh at him, and he had been solong unaccustomed to offer up prayer, that he could not even think ofwhat words to say. Captain Irvine, however, did not forget him, and dayafter day he called him into the cabin, or spoke to him on deck. Hegave him a Bible also, and marked many passages in it, which Archypromised to read. The captain had also a library of books on board, which were lent to the men, and two or three of these he put intoArchy's hands as likely to be useful to him. Old Andrew also frequentlytook an opportunity of speaking to him, but his work occupied most ofthe day, and when he went below he was generally too sleepy to sit longover a book. Max and others also did their utmost to interrupt him, andhe made but little progress either in reading the Bible or any other ofthe books which had been lent him. Still, in some respects, he wastrying to follow the good advice which the captain had given him. Weak, however, are all our efforts when we trust to our own strength. Archydid not seek assistance from the only source which can give it, and, consequently, his good resolutions were soon scattered to the wind. CHAPTER FOUR. ARCHY WISHING TO BE PRESENT WHEN A WHALE IS STRUCK, AGAINST ORDERS GOESOFF IN ONE OF THE BOATS. --ATTACK A WHALE AND HER CALF, BUT LOSE BOTH, AND THE BOAT'S BOWS ARE STOVE AGAINST A FLOE. --THE CREW ESCAPE BYLANDING ON IT, AND DRAGGING THE BOAT AFTER THEM. PREPARATIONS MADE TOWAIT FOR THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP IN SEARCH OF THEM. The ship had for some time been off the western shore of the bay, andseveral whales had been taken--every one was actively engaged, for whenthe operation of flensing was not going on, the boats were generallyaway in chase of their prey. Archy had hitherto always remained on board. He had long wished, however, to be present at one of the exciting scenes he had onlywitnessed from a distance. How to manage it was the difficulty. Heknew that it would be of no use asking leave from the captain, or any ofthe boat-steerers, for idlers were not allowed in the boats. He hadthought that he should at once engage in all the adventures described byMax, and was one day expressing his disappointment in his presence. "They will come time enough, " observed Max. "But if you have a fancy tosee some sport, and may be to get tossed in the air, or drowned, or haveto spend a night on a floe, and be well nigh frozen, as I have more thanonce, I'll give you a chance. You know that I am your friend, or Iwould not do it. Now, the next time a fall is called, do you tumbleinto my boat; I'll rail away if old Andrew sees you, but pretend youhave hurt your leg and lie still, and depend upon it he will be in toogreat a hurry to shove off to put you on board again, and as the captaindid not punish you for hiding away, he will not say much to you on thataccount. " Archy knew very well that he ought to have suspected Max's advice, buthe was so eager to see a whale struck, that he forgot all otherconsiderations. Hoping therefore that he might soon have theopportunity he desired, he turned into his bunk with his clothes on, ready to slip into the boat at a moment's notice. The ship was standingsome distance off the land, and though the sea was generally open, hereand there masses of ice were to be seen floating about from enormousicebergs down to small pieces of a few feet in diameter. Archy hopedthat before long the boats would be lowered to go in chase of a whale. He tried to keep awake, but sleep soon overpowered him. He was arousedby hearing the sound of stamping overhead, and the looked for cry of "afall, a fall. " He sprang on deck, and without waiting to see whether hewas observed, slipped into old Andrew's boat, in which Max pulled one ofthe oars, and throwing himself down in the bottom, remained perfectlystill. The rest of the crew followed. Old Andrew was the last, havingbeen detained longer than usual. The boat shoved off, and only then Maxpretended to have discovered him. Andrew, on seeing the lad, was aboutto put back, but at that moment the spout of another whale was observedat no great distance. The crew, bending to their oars, pulled towardsit; and Andrew, in the excitement of the moment, forgot all about Archy. The boat dashed on. A sucking whale was seen playing near the old one. "We shall have her boys, we shall have her, " shouted Andrew. The whale discerned the approach of her foes, and diving down with hercalf, disappeared. "Give way lads, give way, " cried Andrew, "she will not desert the youngone. " He was right, though had the old whale been alone, she would soon havebeen miles away. The boat continued in the direction the whale had beenseen to take, and in a short time the small animal again came to thesurface to breathe. The boat was soon up to the animal, when itsfaithful mother rose also to afford it protection. The boat dashed upto it, and Andrew, going forward, plunged his unerring harpoon deep intoits side. No sooner did the monster feel the wound than away shedarted, towing the boat, the young whale keeping up with her. The crewpulled with might and main, hoping to get up alongside again in order tofix another harpoon, and to pierce her with their lances. They hadnearly succeeded, when up went her tail in the air, and down she divedinto the depths of ocean, her calf following her example. Immediatelythe whale line was allowed to run out; and, as the end was approached, another was fastened on. That too had nearly been drawn out, when thecrew, lifting up their oars, made a signal for assistance from theircompanions, but they were already too far off to be seen, indeed theother boats were engaged with the whale first attacked. "Hold on, " shouted Andrew. "Though she might not come up by herself, the young one will, and she will follow. " He was right; for at the moment that the bow of the boat seemed about tobe drawn under water, and the knife was lifted to cut the line, itslackened, and the young whale came to the surface some way ahead, followed immediately afterwards by its mother. Remaining stationary ashort time to breathe, during which a portion of the line was hauled in, the monster again began to make her way along the surface. "Rare fun!" exclaimed Archy, who was sitting near Max. "I would nothave missed this on any account. " "We shall not be merry long if that bank of clouds to the north brings agale with it, " growled out Max. Archy looked around; the sea, hitherto calm, was already ruffled withwaves, and an icy breeze swept over the surface. Still no whaler, witha fish fast, would have thought of giving up the pursuit. Already themonster, wearied by its exertions, was slackening its speed; the crewbegan to haul in the line, the first was got in. They were already inthe hopes of again wounding the animal mortally before she could oncemore sound, when inspired with a mother's instinct to do her utmost forthe preservation of her young one, she again darted forward. A largefloe appeared ahead, out of which arose several hummocks. The whalemade rapid way towards it. The crew pulled with might and main, stillhoping to reach her before she could dive below the ice. In vain wereall their efforts. Still she went on. She reached the edge of thefloe. It was possible she might turn or make her way along it, ratherthan venture with her young one below its surface, where they might beunable to find an opening for breathing. Again she stopped; as Andrewhad expected. The crew continued to haul in the line, when once moreshe moved on, and it was necessary to secure it round the bollard. "She is ours, " cried Andrew; "she will not venture under the ice. " Thecrew bent to their oars, hoping in another instant to be up with her, when, with a sudden start, she dashed forward. With great presence ofmind Andrew cut the line, just in time to prevent the boat from beingdragged under the floe, but not sufficiently soon to save her bows frombeing stove. The water came rushing in through the fearful rent thathad been made. The crew leaped out on the ice, old Andrew seizingArchy, who, bewildered at the occurrence, had sat still. Already theboat was half full of water, and not without great difficulty she washauled up on the ice, against which the sea was beating violently, andseveral articles were washed out of her. Archy had instinctivelyclutched a bucket by his side, to which he held when he was dragged out. It contained a tinder-box and powder flask. There the whole party stood on the exposed floe by the side of theirshattered boat. They looked around. Neither the ship nor the boatswere to be seen, while the thick mist, which came driving over theocean, concealed even some of the nearest icebergs from view. Two orthree of the men loudly expressed their anxiety. Max's countenanceexhibited the alarm he felt. Old Andrew alone preserved his usualequanimity. "My lads, " he said, "I'll allow we are in bad case, but don't let usgive way to despair. We must do our best to repair the boat; and if theship does not come to look for us, we must set out to look for her. " The injuries, however, that the boat had received were very severe, andit was evident that no means they had at their disposal were sufficientto repair her. Even a piece of canvas would have been of value, butthey had no canvas and no nails. The sea, too, which had rapidly gotup, now dashed furiously against the sides of the floe, threatening tosweep over it, and break it to pieces beneath their feet. Andrew lookedaround, and observing a large hummock at some distance, urged hiscompanions to drag the boat towards it. "Yonder ice hill will afford us some shelter, " he said. "And if we makea signal from the top, it will be more readily seen than one down on thelevel. " The men exerting all their strength dragged the boat along, Archyhelping, till they reached the hummock, she was then turned bottomuppermost under its lee. An axe having been saved, one of the oars wascut into lengths, which served to prop her up and afford them someshelter from the freezing wind. Two oars were also lashed together toserve as a flagstaff, and all the handkerchiefs that could be musteredwere joined to form a flag. A hole, after much labour, was dug with theaxe in the top of the hummock, and the flagstaff was planted, but thefurious wind threatened every moment to blow it down again. The galewas increasing, and already they felt almost perished, but their greatwant was food. They had come away without breakfast, and no provisionshad been put in the boat. Even should they be able to resist the gale, and should the floe continue together, they ran a fearful risk ofperishing of hunger. The snow falling heavily formed a bank round theboat, and assisted to keep out the wind, --here they all collected, crouching down as close together as possible, for the sake of obtainingwarmth from each other. "If we had but a fire we might do pretty well till the ship comes totake us off, " observed Max. "We have got some wood, at all events, andwhen that's gone we must burn the boat and form a roof of snow over ourheads instead, after Esquimaux fashion. " No sooner was the proposal made than the remaining oars, boat-stretchers, and every piece of wood that could be found was cut up. Archy produced the tinder-box from the bucket, and in a short time afire was blazing up, which served to warm their chilled limbs, andslightly to raise their spirits. Few of them, however, were disposed totalk much. CHAPTER FIVE. ANDREW SCOLLAY, A RELIGIOUS OLD MAN, ENCOURAGES HIS SHIPMATES IN THEIRFEARFUL POSITION, WITHOUT FOOD, FIRE, OR SHELTER. --ARCHY DISTINGUISHESBETWEEN HIS FALSE AND REAL FRIEND. --HE TAKES A RUN OVER THE ICE WITHANDREW, WHEN A SAIL IS SEEN, AND AT LAST A BOAT APPROACHES. Hour after hour passed by, and still there was no abatement of thestorm. Loud noises meantime were heard around, denoting the breaking upof the floe on which they floated, and they could not tell how soon theportion on which they had taken refuge might be rent from the main bodyand floated away. Often did Archy wish that he had remained on board, and not exposed himself to the fearful danger in which he was placed. At length old Andrew spoke to him. "Are you happy, boy?" he asked. "But you need not tell me--I know youare not. I am sorry to find you placed in this fearful position, but itwas through your own fault--you chose to come against orders. It is badfor us, but then we came because it was our duty. " "I am sure I am very sorry I did come, " answered Archy. "But I didn'tthink this would happen. " "People never know what will happen when they do what is wrong, " saidAndrew. "Satan tempts them to sin, and then leaves them to take theconsequences. Lads, I speak to you all as I speak to this boy. Are youprepared to meet your God?" "Why do you say that?" said Max, in a husky voice. "Because I think, before many hours are over our heads, the summons willcome, " said Andrew, solemnly. "Any moment the ice may break up, and thesea may wash over us, or we may sit here till we die of cold andhunger. " "You are croaking, " said Max. "Our captain is not the man to desertus. " "I am speaking the solemn truth, " said Andrew. "The captain will do hisbest to search for us, but the gale will have driven the ship miles awayby this time, and before she can get up to us we may be dead. I don'tspeak thus to frighten you, lads, but because I wish to see your soulssaved. You may say that you are such sinners that there is no hope ofthat. I wish you did know that you are sinners. You heard the captainread to you the other day the account of the thief on the cross. Heknew that he was a sinner, but he found the Saviour even at the lastmoment of his life. He trusted to Jesus, who saved him; and he had theassurance from the lips of that loving One, that he was saved. Jesuswill say to you what He said to the thief on the cross, if you will evennow turn to Him: `Now is the day of grace, now is the day of salvation. 'Oh, lads, I pray you to throw yourselves on His mercy, to trust to Him. His blood cleanseth from all sin. " The seamen listened attentively to what Andrew said: they had oftenheard similar words from the lips of the captain, but they were insafety then on board their stout ship, and they had allowed them to passaway unheeded. Now, although they still hoped to escape, they could nothelp acknowledging that they were in a fearfully perilous position. Still no one replied. What was passing in their minds Andrew could nottell. He continued, addressing them in the same strain for some time. Again and again he told them of the Saviour's love, and how earnestly Hedesired them to come to Him and be saved. Archy, however, had drunk in every word Andrew had said. "But would Jesus pardon me, who has so grievously offended Him?" heasked at last--"me, who have so often been told of His loving kindnessand mercy?" "Yes, lad, that He will, " said Andrew, taking Archy's hand, "He haspromised it, and His word is sure. He has sent us this blessedmessage:--`The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. ' He doesnot say from some sins, or from only slight sins, but from all sins. " "Oh, then, I'll try and give Him my heart, " exclaimed Archy. "I'lltrust to Him. " "Yes, do that, Archy; but give him your heart now--trust to Him now, "said Andrew, earnestly. "We will pray, lad, that the Holy Spirit willhelp you, for He alone can carry out the work in your heart;" and thepious old man, kneeling down on the ice, lifted up his voice in prayer;and surely that prayer was not uttered in vain. Still, although therest of the party made no response to his exhortations, he persevered;and from the loud crashing roar of the ice, as the broken fragments weredashed together, it seemed too likely that the day of grace for allwould ere long be past. Hour after hour went by, and yet the portion ofthe floe on which they had taken refuge kept together. The stormcontinued to rage, and the snow still fell heavily. Piece after pieceof the boat had been cut away its place being supplied with a wall androof of snow, which the seamen gradually built up. They were beginningto feel the pangs of hunger, and they could scarcely get sufficientwarmth from the small fire they were able to maintain to keep themselvesfrom being frozen. It was near mid-summer. Had it been the winter theycould not thus have existed many hours. Every now and then one of theparty ran to the summit of the hillock in the hopes of seeing the ship. Still the falling snow shut out all but the nearest objects from view, and here and there alone a tall iceberg could be seen rising dimly amidthe foaming seas. "No hope, no hope, " was the mournful cry of one afterthe other, as they returned to the hut. "Don't say there's no hope, " observed old Andrew. "God can send ushelp, though we can't help ourselves. Oh, lads, I again say, and it maybe for the last time, put your trust in Him. I don't tell you that Hewill send us relief. It may be His will that our bodies should perishon the spot where we are sitting; but I do tell you, that He offers torescue your souls, and will certainly, if you put your trust in Him, notallow them to perish. " Archy sat close to old Andrew, listening attentively to what he said, hehad now learned to distinguish between his real and false friend. Howearnestly he wished that he had not been led astray by the evil counselof the latter. The rest of the party sat silent, their countenancesexhibiting the despair which had taken possession of their hearts. Their fuel was well nigh exhausted, and suffering from hunger they knewthat they could not hold out long against the cold. Andrew proposedthat they should let the fire out for a time, and warm themselves byexercise. "We will then light it again, and it will enable us to lie down and restwithout fear of being frozen, " he observed. To this wise advice the men would not agree. "If die we must, we will keep warm while we can, " growled out Max. "Then, Archy, you and I will try and keep our blood flowing by using ourlimbs, " said Andrew. "See, the snow has ceased falling, and there'sless wind than there was. " This was said after they had spent many hours on the ice. How many theycould scarcely tell, for no sun appeared to mark the progress of theday. Andrew, taking his young companion's hand, rose, and together they wentto the top of the hummock, and gazed around for a minute, though theycould now see much further than before. No sail appeared to cheer theirsight. They quickly descended, and Andrew, with the activity of a youngman, ran backwards and forwards under the lee of the hummock. Archyfelt the benefit of the exercise; but though his hunger had increased, his blood circulating freely, made him feel better able to endure thecold than before. When at length they returned to the hut, they found the remaining piecesof wood burning, and that in a short time they would be left without anyfire. "If you had followed my advice it would have been better for us all, "observed Andrew. The men made no reply; they all appeared to have fallen into a state ofstupor, and to have become indifferent to their fate. Andrew and Archysat down to rest, and to enjoy the warmth of the fire, anxiouslywatching the last few pieces of wood as they were gradually consumed. The embers which they scraped together afforded them heat for some timelonger--then, by degrees, those died out. "It is our duty to hold out while we can, boy, " said Andrew, when thelast spark of the fire was extinguished. "Come and take another run. " Archy felt very weak and faint from want of food, still he endeavouredto exert himself. Again they visited the top of the hummock, but stillno sail was to be seen. The sea tumbled and foamed, and the surroundingmasses of ice ground and crashed against each other, and the floe onwhich they were appeared to have decreased in size, while huge blocks, thrown up by the waves, rested on its weather side. Even Andrew wasunable to run backwards and forwards as fast as before, and again theysought shelter within the hut. No questions were asked them; indeedmost of their companions appeared to be asleep. Andrew in vain tried toarouse them. Archy felt that he, too, should like to lie down and go tosleep; but from doing this Andrew used every effort to prevent him, andin a short time proposed that they should take another ran to the top ofthe hummock. With difficulty Archy followed him. For some time the old man stood looking round in every direction, thenhis eyes rested on a particular spot to the northward, and Archy saw himraise his hands as if in prayer. "Lad, " he said suddenly, "look between those two icebergs. What do yousee?" Archy gazed with beating heart. "A sail! a sail!" he exclaimed. "Yes--of that there's no doubt, " said Andrew, calmly, "and may Goddirect her course towards us. She is at present standing this way; butshould a whale be seen, she may steer in a different direction. " Theyanxiously watched the approaching ship for some minutes. "We will tell our companions, " said Andrew--"the news will rouse them ifthey are not too far gone. " Archy forgetting his hunger, and no longer feeling his weakness, rushedback to the hut, shouting, "a sail! a sail!" Max, and two of the othermen, started as the sound reached their ears, but before they had gainedtheir feet they again sank down on the ice. After making severalefforts, they were at length able to walk, having in the meantimearoused their companions, who, sitting up, looked around with bewilderedglances, as if not comprehending the news they heard. Archy again ranback, Max and the rest, with tottering steps, trying to follow him. They succeeded at length, and as they saw the ship, almost frantic withjoy, they shook each other's hands, and shouted and danced like madpeople, their sufferings, their fears of death, were in a momentforgotten, and so probably also were any good resolutions they mighthave formed. How different was their behaviour to that of Andrew. Archy remarked it. The ship came on with a strong breeze, threading her way amid the massesof ice in her course. She had got within a couple of miles. Still, unless the eyes of those on board were directed in their direction, theflag flying from the hummock might not be seen. She came nearer andnearer. "She will not pass us now, " cried Max. "We will pray to God that she may not, " said Andrew; but at that momentthe vessel was seen to haul her wind, and to stand to the westward. Aloud groan of bitter disappointment was uttered by Max and the othermen. "God's will be done, " said Andrew. "See, mates, she has hove-to, she islowering her boat. They are after a fish. " With what eagerness did the eyes of the starving seamen watch the ship. It was impossible to say in what direction she might next steer. Theyno longer felt cold or hunger. "See, see, what is that?" cried one of the men, as a dark object wasdiscovered darting out from behind the nearest iceberg. Directly afterwards a boat was seen fast to a whale, and following inits wake. The whale approached the floe, but while still at somedistance its flukes were seen to rise in the air, and down it shot intothe ocean. Although those on the ice knew that they were too far off tobe heard, they shouted again and again, their voices sounding strangelyhollow in each other's ears. The first line had apparently been run outfrom the boat; a second had been bent on; that, too, came to an end. They could see the four oars lifted up as a signal for assistance fromthe ship. Once more the boat approached them at a rapid rate, draggedon by the whale. It was evident she was in great distress, and that hercrew dreaded the fate they themselves had suffered. Suddenly shestopped--the line had been cut. Would they turn away? No, the crewbend to their oars--the boat-steerer stands up and waves. They areseen--help will come to them. Again the cheer. "Let us thank God, for He has sent yonder boat to our assistance, " saidAndrew. CHAPTER SIX. RESCUED!--ON BOARD THE "LAPLANDER" WHALER, WHICH IS NEARLY FULL, ANDEXPECTS SOON TO RETURN HOME. --MAX INKSTER TRIES TO UNDERMINE ARCHY'SGOOD RESOLUTIONS, BUT THE LATTER REMEMBERS THAT "A FRIEND IN NEED IS AFRIEND INDEED. "--SAIL FOR HOME. --A TEMPTING CHANNEL APPEARING, IT ISENTERED, BUT THE SHIP IS NIPPED, AND THE "LAPLANDER" IS ABANDONED. --ESCAPE TO THE FLOE WITH ONLY A FEW CLOTHES AND PROVISIONS, WHEN A PLANIS FORMED FOR REACHING THE COAST OF GREENLAND. The boat had some distance to pull before a spot could be found whereshe could safely approach the ice on the lee side of the floe. Max and the two other men, regardless of their almost dead companions inthe hut, were hurrying down towards her, when Andrew called them back. "Shame on you, " he exclaimed. "Would you leave the poor fellows toperish for the sake of sooner putting food into your own mouths? Come, help them along, they want it more than we do. " The men thus summoned, returned and assisted Andrew and Archy, who weredragging their nearly insensible shipmates over the ice. At length theyreached the edge, and were cordially welcomed by the crew of the boat, who made all speed to return to their ship the "Laplander. " She wasalmost full, they said, and they hoped soon to return home. The rescued men, on being lifted on board, were at once put under thedoctor's care, --for even Andrew and Archy, who had hitherto held out sobravely, felt all their strength leave them directly they reached theboat. They, however, in a couple of days were sufficiently recovered togo on deck and mix with the crew. Archy found the "Laplander" a very different vessel to the "Kate. " Thecaptain was a bold brave seaman, but he was nothing else. There were noSunday services, no prayer-meetings, no lending library of religiousbooks, but there was much swearing and ungodliness among the crew. Max, who quickly forgot the fearful danger in which he had been placed, and his providential preservation, did his utmost to laugh Archy out ofhis good resolutions. "I wonder a lad of spirit like you can listen to the long sermons of oldAndrew, " he said to him one day while Andrew was out of hearing. "Inever could stand those preaching fellows. " "But Andrew kept his courage up, and did his best to preserve my life, while you and the rest gave way to despair, " answered Archy. "Youcannot say that he is not a brave man, though he does preach longsermons. " "Yes, he is brave, I'll allow, " said Max. "Then tell me, what do you think makes him brave?" asked Archy. "He is naturally brave, I suppose, " replied Max. "Now, I think that it is because he trusts in God, and believes that Godwill take care of him, " said Archy firmly. "And he knows that if heshould lose his life that he will go to heaven. That's my opinion ofthe matter. " "Your opinion, indeed, " exclaimed Max scornfully. "I should like toknow what business a fellow like you has to form an opinion, " and Maxturned away, unable further to answer the boy, whom he had hitherto soeasily led. He took every opportunity after this of annoying Archy, andincited his godless companions to do the same. Archy often wished that he was on board the "Kate" again, and anxiouslylooked out in the hopes of falling in with her. The captain had beenmuch put out by the loss of the whale and two lines when they had beenrescued, and seemed to associate them in some way with the circumstance. A few days afterwards the watch below were aroused with the welcome cryof "a fall! a fall!" a whale was fast. The remaining boats pulled away, and in a few hours the captain's good humour was restored by having thewhale alongside. All hands were now in high spirits. "One fish more, and hurrah for old England, " was the cry. Several days passed away without any further success. In vain Andrewand Archy looked out for the "Kate. " The season was advancing, stillthe captain of the "Laplander, " anxious to get a full ship, cruisedbackwards and forwards in the hopes of killing one fish more. At lengththat object was attained, but one of the boats was knocked to pieces, and two of her crew drowned. The huge monster was secured alongsidewith all haste, the blubber was got on board, and the instant thecarcase was cut adrift, the crew giving three shouts of joy at beingfull, sail was made, and the ship stood to the southward. The ice, as she proceeded, gathered thickly around her. Boldly, however, she pushed on through the passages which appeared between thefloes. Now she was threading a narrow lane of water, now sailing acrossan open lake, but still on every side appeared those threatening fieldsof ice, which might at any moment enclose her in their deadly embrace. The captain, or one of the mates, was constantly in the crow's-nest, looking out for the most open passages ahead, through which the shipmight be steered. They had sailed on for some distance, when the ice on either side wasseen to be moving. A tempting channel, however, appeared before them. The "Laplander" sailed into it. She had scarcely entered when theopposite floes began to approach each other. Still the breeze wasstrong and fair, and the captain hoped that he might be able to pushthrough into an open space beyond before they could close. Nearer andnearer they came to each other, till the broad passage assumed theappearance of a narrow canal. It was at length seen that escape wasimpossible. The sails were furled, the ship was secured to the floe onone side, and an attempt was made to cut a dock in which she mightremain while the inevitable concussion took place. Almost before theice-saws could be got out and set to work, a loud crashing roaring soundwas heard. The floes meeting with terrific force, vast masses rose upin the air, huge fragments being thrown upon each other, till in oneinstant a ridge, reaching almost to the height of the ship's tops, wasformed. The seamen, not waiting for the captain's orders, seized theirbags and bedding, and whatever they could lay hands on, and leaped outon the ice. "Follow me, Archy, " cried Andrew, seizing a bag of biscuits, andthrowing a couple of blankets over his shoulder. "In another minute theship may be crushed to fragments. " Archy lowered himself down with Andrew on to the ice, and with the restof the crew they hurried away from the ship. Scarcely had they left herwhen the floes closed in, and vast masses of ice were seen rising uparound her, the rending and crashing sound of her stout timbers tellingthem too plainly of her fate. Not till they had got some distance didthe fugitives venture to stop and watch what was going forward. Themasts were seen to totter, and large fragments of wreck were thrown oneither side over the surface. The captain, as he saw the destruction ofhis vessel, wrung his hands with despair, while dismay was depicted onthe countenances of his crew. So sudden had been the nip, that exceptthe clothes on their backs and the bedding they carried under theirarms, nothing had been saved. As yet too, the danger of approaching thewreck was too great to allow of the attempt being made, for the ice, pressing closer and closer, continued to throw up vast slabs, beneathwhich any one going near the spot might in an instant have been crushed. Suddenly the tall masts fell with a crash, and the whole upper part ofthe ship was cast in fragments on to the ice. For several minutes theseamen stood aghast, till the floes having accomplished their work, remained at rest. Andrew was the first to speak. "Lads, " he said, "I have seen this sort of thing occur before, and I andall with me reached home in safety, so may we now if we exert ourselves;may be the boats have escaped, and the provisions and stores may havebeen thrown up on the ice. I for one am ready to go back to the wreckand see what has been saved. " Several of the men agreed to accompany Andrew, and they made their wayamong the masses of ice which strewed the surface. Their search was inpart satisfactory. Two of the boats had escaped injury, while theirchests and a large portion of the provisions and stores which had beenon the upper deck, were found scattered about. The officers, arousingthemselves, now followed the example which Andrew had set. While oneparty were employed in collecting provisions, another cut the sails fromthe yards, which had been thrown on the ice, and erected tents in whichthey might shelter themselves from the piercing wind. Others chopped upwood, and fires were lighted. Some time was thus occupied, and atlength an encampment was formed, with all the stores and provisionswhich had been collected piled up around, and the weary seamen were ableto rest from their labours. A consultation was now held as to the meansto be taken for preserving their lives. The boats could only carry aportion of their number, even should the ice again open and allow themto escape. As far as could be seen, it had closed in on every side, andprobably they would have to drag them many long leagues before the openwater could be gained. The land, by the captain's calculation, wasupwards of fifty miles away, but the Danish settlements, where theycould obtain assistance, were much further off. At the same time, itwas possible that they might find another vessel fast in the ice nearerat hand, which might afford them shelter. One thing only was certain, that they must lose no time in making preparations for their journey. Unhappily, the captain, disheartened by the destruction of his ship, wasincapable of exerting himself. Although a good seaman, he was destituteof that higher courage which a confidence in God's superintending carecan alone give. He sat in his tent, with his head resting on his hands, for many hours, gazing toward the wreck, without issuing any orders. The officers differed from each other as to what was best to be done, while many of the crew exhibited a mutinous disposition, and assembledaltogether in a tent which they had erected for themselves. Collectinga quantity of the smaller fragments of the wreck, they made up a largefire within, around which they sat, cooking some of the provisions whichthey had appropriated from the common store. Archy, from the time of leaving the ship, had kept close to Andrew, andassisted him in whatever work he was engaged on. While, however, he wascollecting wood at a short distance from the camp, Max came up to him. "Well, Archy, " he said, "I see old Andrew intends to make you work forhim; that's his reason for keeping you by his side. Now, boy, if I wereyou I would not be led by the nose. Come and join us. I'll own I had ahand in getting you into this scrape, and I wish to help you out of it. I and some of the other men have formed a plan to make our escape, andit's my opinion that those who remain here will lose their lives. Thatcan't be helped, you see, for it's impossible that all should be saved, and as I am your friend I don't wish to leave you behind. Come alongnow, we have got a roaring fire inside there, and the fellows will letyou join them if I ask them. " Max pointed to the tent of the mutineers. "I promised to stay by Andrew, " said Archy. "Unless he goes I can'tjoin you. " "I'll see about asking him by-and-bye, " said Max. "What do you propose doing, then?" asked Archy. "Making off with the boats, " answered Max. "It's the only chance wehave of saving our lives, and we shall be sure to reach one of theDanish places on the coast. " "What, you would not desert old Andrew?" exclaimed Archy. "Oh, of course not, " answered Max, in a tone which made Archy suspecthim, especially when he added, "Mark me, my lad, if you let old Andrewor any of the rest know of what I have been saying to you, there aresome among us who would not scruple a moment to knock you on the head. Remember my words. I ask you again, will you come with us?" "No, " answered Archy firmly. "I promised to stick by Andrew, and I amnot going to desert him. " "Then take the consequences, " exclaimed Max angrily, "and remember, holdyour tongue, or it will be the worse for you. " Archy saw him return to the tent; but the men who crowded round the fireseemed very unwilling to allow him a place among them, and Archysuspected that had he listened to Max he should have had very littlechance of getting near it either. On rejoining Andrew, Archy refrained from mentioning what Max had said, as there were several other persons within hearing, and, indeed, nottill some time afterwards did he find his friend alone. Andrew, withsome of the better disposed men, and a few of the officers, had taken uptheir quarters in a tent, and were now collected round a fire in thecentre of it, though a much smaller one than that formed by the men. Andrew made room for Archy by his side. While they were discussingtheir supper, they agreed that they would form a number of sledges withrunners for the boats, and placing the provisions and tents, with gunsand ammunition on them, and such other stores as they might require, setoff without further delay for the land. No one seemed to suspect thetreachery meditated by Max and his party. The carpenter's chest hadfortunately been saved, and while one party assisted him in collectingwood and forming the sledges and runners, others were engaged in doingup the provisions and stores in packages of a size suitable for beingcarried on the sledges. The mutineers even assisted, and wereespecially busy in fitting runners to the boats. Some progress had been made in the work, when night coming on compelledthem to desist from their labours, and take shelter in their respectivetents. Archy, as he lay down to sleep, began to think that in spite ofthe threats of Max he ought to have told Andrew what he had said. "To-morrow morning will be time enough, " he thought, and he was soonasleep. CHAPTER SEVEN. MUTINY! MOST OF THE CREW CARRYING THE GREATER PART OF THE PROVISIONS, SET OFF WITHOUT THE OTHERS. --PROPOSALS FOR PURSUIT, BUT NOT CARRIED OUT, AND AT LAST THE REMAINDER COMMENCE THEIR JOURNEY ACROSS THE ICE, MEETINGWITH GREAT DIFFICULTIES. --THE CAPTAIN BECOMES ILL, BUT IS CHEERED BYANDREW. --HE AT LENGTH DIES, AFTER ANDREW HAS PLACED BEFORE HIM THETRUTH, WHICH HE ACCEPTS. --HE IS BURIED IN A SNOW TOMB. Archy was awakened by hearing one of the officers, who had gone out ofthe tent, exclaim, "Why, what have become of the boats?" The rest ofthe inmates of the tents were quickly on foot. They looked around. Faraway in the distance two dark spots could be seen on the ice. Andrewand several others ran to the tent of the mutineers--it was empty. Thefire had burnt a hole in the ice and disappeared. Had it not been forthose objects far off they might have supposed that the sleepers hadgone in with it and been drowned. The provisions were next examined--the packages prepared for travelling had greatly diminished. Several, indignant at being thus deserted, proposed setting off in pursuit of thefugitives. "They have fire-arms with them, and you will not get them to come back, lads, " said the captain, who had come out of his tent. In spite of his warnings, and the advice of Andrew, who urged that itwas better to let them go, a number of men, and two of the officers, started away, vowing that they would bring back the mutineers, andpunish them for their treachery. At first, the party thus deserted seemed inclined to give way todespair, and Archy more than ever regretted that he had not warned hisfriends of the intended treachery. "Come along, lads, to the wreck, " exclaimed Andrew. "Perhaps we mayfind another boat, which we may be able to repair, and some moreprovisions to replace those carried off. " Thus appealed to, the carpenter, with several men, set off with Andrewto the wreck, Archy accompanying his friend. After climbing over anumber of huge masses of ice, they made their way to the opposite floe, which was now firmly united to the one it had struck. Here they found aquantity of the wreck scattered about, as well as several casks of meatand biscuits, and wedged between two slabs, the smallest boat, which hadhung at the stern. The carpenter, on examining her, expressed his hopesthat by fastening canvas round her, he could make her float sufficientlyto enable them to pass from one floe to another, should they meet anyopen channels in their course. This discovery raised their spirits. The party immediately hastened back to their companions with the news. It was agreed that they should at once move across to the floe, with thetents and provisions, and forming a new encampment, go on with the workof preparing the sledges. Frequently as they went backwards andforwards, they looked out for the return of the party who had gone inpursuit of the mutineers. The latter had got far out of sight beforethey could have been overtaken. What had become of the pursuers no onecould say. Some supposed that the two parties had united and gone ontogether, while others fancied that they had fought, and that those whohad been defeated had been left alone on the ice, while the victors hadpushed on with the boats. The whole day was occupied in moving to the new encampment, and it wasnearly dark before their tents were erected and other preparations madefor passing the night. The wind had latterly increased greatly, andclouds had been collecting to the north. Scarcely had they got undershelter when the snow began to fall heavily, and the sharp wind sweptacross the icy plain with terrific force. "Archy, we may be thankful that we are not with those poor fellows whodeserted us, " observed Andrew as they sat together round the fire intheir tent. "It will be a mercy if any of them escape even if theyreached the open water before nightfall, and it's my opinion that theywill not have done that. " "They deserve their fate, whatever it may be, " growled out one of themen. "Ah, friend, we all deserve far more than we receive, " said Andrew. "IfGod was to treat us according to our merits, the best of us could onlylook for punishment. Let us pray that He will have mercy on them aswell as on us. Oh, mates, I wish you could all understand the greatlove which God has for us poor sinners. We exposed ourselves of our ownfree choice to the danger and hardship we have to endure, but He in Hismercy offers us free salvation and eternal happiness for our souls. Hegave Jesus Christ to suffer instead of us, and it's our own fault if wedo not accept His precious gift. All He asks us to do is to trust toHis love, and believe that Jesus died for us and that His blood washesaway all our sins. " Several of Andrew's companions listened with deep earnestness to hiswords, and on that bleak floe, and amid those arctic snows, believed tothe salvation of their souls. All night long the wind swept by them, the snow fell faster and faster, but they heeded not the tempest. A bright light had burst upon them, and they could look forward with hope to the future, trusting to thatGod of love and mercy whom they had hitherto only known as a stern andsevere judge. When morning broke all hands set to work to clear away the snow, whichhad covered up the boat and everything left outside the tents. Thewind, however, had ceased, and they were able to go on with theirlabours, and by the evening the sledges were completed and the boatprepared and placed on runners. They were then loaded, that the partymight be ready to start the following morning on their journey. Twiceduring the day, Andrew with several of the other men had gone over tothe old encampment to ascertain if any of those who had deserted themhad come back. They cast their eyes in vain over the wide snow-coveredplain, --not a trace of a human being could be seen. It was too probablethat all had perished. More than half the ship's company had thus beenlost. The night was passed in comparative comfort. They had well-formedtents, abundance of bedding, and ample fires. All knew that in futurethe case would be very different. The sledges were chiefly loaded withprovisions. They were obliged to reduce their tents to the smallestpossible size, and they could carry but a limited supply of fuel. Therewere five sledges in all, each drawn by four men, while six men wereharnessed to the boat, in which the old captain, who was unable to walk, was placed. Andrew joined the latter party, and Archy, on account ofhis youth, was excused from dragging a sledge, --he, however, carried hisblankets and some provisions on his back, each man being also loaded inthe same way. The snow having partially melted under the still hot raysof the sun, had again frozen, and had filled up all inequalities in theice. This enabled the party to drag the sledges along during the firstday without difficulty. They had, however, to make frequent circuits toavoid the hummocks, which in some places were very numerous. Theycalculated by nightfall that they had advanced nearly twelve miles ontheir journey towards the coast. The uneven appearance of the icebeyond them, interspersed in many places with huge icebergs, warned themthat in future they could not hope to advance so rapidly. Hitherto they had not suffered much from cold, but that night, as theylay in their tents with the small fires which their limited supply offuel allowed them to keep up, they were nearly frozen. Andrew severaltimes remembering the advantage he had before gained from takingexercise, got up and ran about to warm himself. Those who followed hisexample awoke refreshed and fit for work, whereas those who had remainedquiet all the night, found their limbs stiff and their feet and handsfrozen, and it was not till after, with the help of their companions, they had moved about and undergone great pain, that they were able toproceed. Some, indeed, had suffered so much, that they entreated to beleft to die rather than undergo the hardships they would have to endure. Andrew urged them to arouse themselves. "It is our duty, lads, to straggle on as long as we can. God may thinkfit to try us, but let us trust in Him and He may find a way for us atlast to escape, though we are too blind to see it, " he observed. His exhortations produced a good effect, and once more they proceeded ontheir journey. The old captain had suffered the most, and it seemedvery probable that he would be unable to hold out many days longer. Andrew seeing his condition, frequently spoke to him, and thoughhitherto he had turned scornfully away, he now willingly listened to thewords the faithful Christian uttered. "Oh!" he exclaimed at length, "I wish that I had heard you before. Itis too late now, I have been a terrible sinner, God can never pardon sobad a man as I am. " "Oh, sir!" exclaimed Andrew, "Jesus Christ came into the world to savesinners. He saved the thief on the cross, He saved the jailor atPhilippi. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. He says, `Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, thoughthey be red like crimson they shall be as wool. '" This was said while they were stopping to take their mid-day meal. The old captain raised himself up and grasped Andrew's hand. "Do you really speak the truth to me?" he exclaimed. "I repeat what God says, sir, and He cannot lie, " answered Andrew. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. " "I do, I do, " cried the old man. "But oh! what would I now give had Iknown this in my youth. What years of wickedness and misery it wouldhave saved me. " "Ah, sir! there are thousands upon thousands who may say that, " repliedAndrew. "Archy, you hear the captain's words. Don't forget them, boy. If God in His mercy allows you to return home in safety, repeat them toyour young companions, and urge them to `seek the Lord while He may befound. ' You may thus render them a service for which they will havecause to thank you through eternity. " "I will try, " said Archy humbly, "but it is difficult to speak toothers. " "Pray for the aid of God's Holy Spirit, and He will enable you to doit, " said Andrew. "I will try, " repeated Archy, for he had discovered his own weakness. Through that discovery alone can strength be obtained. The shipwrecked party again pushed on, the party keeping ahead. Some ofthe men had begun to complain that the boat detained them. Theysupposed that the ice was attached throughout to the mainland, andbelieved that they could do without her. The captain tried to persuadethem that they were mistaken, but they had lost their respect for him, and declared that they knew better. Andrew thought the captain wasright, and entreated them to listen to his advice. Their replies showedthat they were bent on pushing on. The worthy carpenter, JamesFoubister by name, also a Shetlander, sided with Andrew, and promisednot to desert the old captain. Their example influenced most of theother men attached to the boat, who agreed, should the rest of the partydo as they proposed, to remain with them. By exerting themselves to theutmost they overtook the sledge parties soon after they had encamped. Andrew again spoke earnestly to his companions, pointing out to them thedanger they would ran by separating, and he hoped at length that theyhad abandoned their design. The next day they went on as before. The cold was increasing, andexcept when they were in active exercise, they felt it severely. Theold captain especially, from being unable to move, suffered greatly, andwas rapidly sinking. Andrew, whenever the party stopped, acted the partof a true Christian, and was by his side, endeavouring to console andcheer him with the blessed promises of the gospel. What other comfortcould he have afforded? The old man felt its unspeakable value, andafter his voice had lost the power of utterance, holding Andrew's hand, he signed to him to stoop down and speak them in his ear, and so hedied, --with a peaceful expression in his countenance, which told of thesure and certain hope he had gone to realise. Andrew and the carpenterproposed carrying on the captain's body to bury it on shore, but therest objected, as causing them unnecessary labour. A snow tomb wastherefore built, in which the old man's body was placed, and there theyleft him, out on that wild frozen ocean, where many of England's bravestsons rest from their toils. Happy are those who have died as he died, trusting in the Lord. The men were too much engrossed with their ownsufferings to mourn his loss, but few failed, when the next morning theystarted on their journey, to cast a glance at the tomb. "Poor old man, he is better off than we are, " was the expression uttered by most ofthem. The fatigue of dragging the sledges over the rough ice was now so great, that some of the men purposed leaving their tents and the remainder oftheir fuel behind, and the officers had much difficulty in making themsee the folly of such a proceeding. As they advanced, not only largehummocks, but vast icebergs became numerous, among which they werefrequently enveloped, and many a circuit had to be made to avoid them. The day after the captain's death it began to snow heavily. The sledgeswere as usual ahead, still Andrew and his party managed to proceed withthe boat. The snow-storm increasing in density, they at length lostsight of their companions. For some time they followed up their tracks, but these were gradually obliterated by the falling snow. Still theywent on, till they found themselves at the base of an iceberg, but not atrace was visible to show whether the party ahead had made their wayround by the north or south end. As any delay would have increased thedifficulty of overtaking them, they pushed on, taking a southerlydirection. Having doubled the berg, they saw a clear space before them, but thoughthe snow had ceased, the sledge parties were nowhere visible. The captain's rifle had been saved. Andrew fired it in the hopes thatthe signal might be heard, but no reply came to their listening ears. Once more they went on, but their progress was slow and tedious. CHAPTER EIGHT. PROCEEDING ON AGAINST MANY DIFFICULTIES. --ARCHY AND HIS COMPANIONS ATLAST DISCOVER LAND AHEAD, AND CAMP IN A SNOW-HUT. --AT DAYBREAK, SEEINGNO TRACES OF THE MUTINEERS, THEY PUSH ON, AND ARRIVE AT THE EDGE OF THEFLOE. CROSS A CHANNEL AND GETTING ON AN OPPOSITE FLOE, BUILD ASNOW-HUT; BUT THE WATER RISING, LEAVE IT, AND BUILD ANOTHER, WHICH ALSOIS WASHED AWAY. BUILD A THIRD, AND ARE AWOKE BY A BEAR. --TWO MEN FROSTBITTEN ARE LEFT BEHIND. As the sun was about to set, a shout escaped Archy's lips. "Land, land!" he cried out. All gazed eagerly in the direction to which hepointed. There appeared a range of snowy mountains far higher than anyicebergs. They were clear and well defined, and Andrew and Foubisterdeclared that they could not be, as some of the rest supposed, a bank ofclouds. They remained visible till the sun sunk beneath the horizon. The discovery somewhat cheered their spirits, but still many days mustelapse before they could reach the shore, and even when there, noinhabitants might be found to assist them, or food to enable them toexist during the coming winter. Their present condition indeed was verytrying. The tents were on the sledges, and they had only sufficientfuel in the boat to keep a fire alight for one night; while theirprovisions, with the utmost economy, would last them but a fortnight orthree weeks at the furthest. "If the cold goes on increasing, we shall be frozen to death before themorning, " exclaimed several of the men. "Not so, mates, " said Andrew. "I have seen the natives build a snow-hutin the course of an hour, and have been as warm as I could wish withinit during the hardest frost. They call it an igloo, and they fashion itmuch after the way the seals make their houses, so that it is wellsuited to the climate. We may depend on that, as God himself taught theseals. Now turn to and clear a space down to the ice, while thecarpenter and I saw out some blocks of snow. " His companions followedAndrew's directions; and while Foubister sawed out the blocks, whichwere about three feet long, and half as wide, he placed them in a circleon the space which had been cleared. He then put on another tier, gradually sloping inwards till a dome was formed, and lastly thekeystone of the arch was dropped into its place. Archy, who was helpingAndrew, remained with him inside, and were thus completely walled in. The carpenter, with his saw, then cut a hole to serve as a doorway, onthe lee side of the hut. "We have yet got to form a bed and fire-places. Hand in more blocks, mates, " said Andrew. With these he and Archy quickly built up a raised place on either sideof the hut, with a circular one in the centre. Some of the provisions, with a portion of the fuel, and all the bedding and blankets, were thenbrought inside, when Andrew stopped up the doorway with some blocks ofsnow, which he had retained for the purpose. "Now, mates, " he said, "you will soon see that we can be warm enough, but we must keep up as small a fire as can be made to burn. Look herenow; this log will last us all night if we chop it into chips, and justput on three or four at a time. " Andrew's plan was found to answer perfectly. The fire was sufficient tomelt the snow in a saucepan, and to enable them to enjoy some hot tea, and the hut soon became so warm that they were glad to throw off theirgreat coats. Their only regret was that Andrew had not thought beforeof building a snow-hut. "Better late than never. It will not be the last by many that we shallhave to build, " he answered. They were all so comfortable that Andrew had great difficulty in rousingthem in the morning to encounter the biting wind blowing across thefloe. Having enjoyed a warm breakfast, and put on their outer clothing, they cut their way out of their burrow, and once more proceededeastward. They did not fail to look out for their companions, but not amoving object was to be discerned in any direction across the wideice-field. After travelling all day, they were convinced that they saw the landahead, though it appeared no nearer than before. "May be it will not appear nearer to-morrow or next day, " said Andrew. "But that must not disappoint us. It will be nearer notwithstanding. That we know for a certainty, and if we persevere we shall reach it atlast. " As they advanced, several cracks and broad fissures were found in theice, and in one place there was a wide pool or lake only thinly coveredover, to avoid which they had to make a circuit. "We are not far off the open water, mates, " said Andrew, "and we may bethankful that we have the boat, though I fear our poor shipmates will bein a sad plight. " Making their way onwards, the ice being tolerably smooth, they arrivedsooner than Andrew had expected at the edge of the floe. The channelwhich divided it from the opposite floe was upwards of a couple of mileswide, a long distance to traverse in their battered boat. The wind hadgone down, and the sea was tolerably calm, it was therefore important tocross while it remained so. Andrew, however, was very unwilling tocross without waiting for their missing shipmates. "Just think, mates, how we should feel if we had been with the sledgeshad they crossed and left us to our fate on the floe?" "But they deserted us, and we may lose our lives if we wait for them, "argued the other men. At last Andrew persuaded them to remain, while he and Archy set off toclimb to the top of a small iceberg, a little way to the north, fromwhence they hoped to obtain a view over a considerable portion of thefloe. They lost no time in starting, but the distance was much greaterthan they had expected. "It seems to me as if the iceberg were moving away from us, " exclaimedArchy. "We have been walking on for the last half hour, and appear nonearer. " "The berg is a good deal larger than I had fancied, " answered Andrew. "But never fear, we shall get up to it at last, and if we can manage toclimb to the top, we shall have a wider view over the plain, and abetter chance of seeing the poor fellows. It goes to my heart to leavethem to perish, and yet perish they must if they do not soon reach themainland. We must forget that they intended to desert us, and even ifthey did, it is our duty to return good for evil, so come along Archy. " The iceberg was at length gained. Then came the difficulty of climbingto the top. After walking nearly round it, they found a portion meltedand broken by the summer sun which afforded them footing. With the aidof a boat-hook, and a coil of rope which Andrew had brought, they atlast reached one of the highest points. Hence they could see the edgeof the floe extending for a considerable way to the north, while theireyes ranged over a wide extent of level ice, but all was one whitewaste. Not the smallest dark spot could be seen upon it. "I am afraid, Archy, we must give them up, " sighed Andrew. "We shouldrisk the loss of our own lives if we were longer to wait for them. " Descending the iceberg, Andrew and Archy made their way back to theboat. The boat was at once launched, and though she leaked slightly, one hand bailing could keep her free. They all therefore, embarked, andtowing the runners, they made their way across to the floe. As theyfound themselves once more gliding smoothly over the water, theirspirits rose, and some were anxious to try and make their way south inthe boat. Andrew and the carpenter, however, strongly objected to doingthis. "The ice may close upon us, and we may run short of provisions longbefore we can reach the Danish settlements, " he observed. "Let us gethold of the land first. " It was nearly dark by the time they reached the edge of the oppositeice, and having unloaded their boat, they hauled her up, and proceededon to a hummock at a little distance. Here, without loss of time, theybuild an igloo in which to shelter themselves for the night. The first part passed quietly away, but about midnight Archy was awokeby the sound of the crashing of ice, and a loud dashing of waves. Hearoused his companions, they listened for a few seconds. "The sea is breaking up the ice close to us, " exclaimed Andrew. "Put onyour clothes, lads, or we may be drowned in our den. " In another minute the whole party made their way out of the hut, carrying their bedding under their arms. The sea was already close upto the stern of the boat. Fortunately she had been placed on therunners. They had just time to seize her, and drag her along, beforethe ice, on which she had been resting, gave way. On they went as fastas they could drag the boat, but even then it seemed doubtful whetherthey could escape from the fast following sea. Their hut and thehummock, near which it had been built, quickly disappeared. The windblew with fearful violence; the ice beneath their feet rose and fell asthey passed over it. Whenever they halted, the crashing ice behind themwarned them to push on again. At last a berg in the floe appearedahead, they made their way towards it, hoping that they might obtainshelter under its lee till the gale had ceased. The men were sofatigued that they would have thrown themselves down under shelter ofthe boat to rest had not Andrew persuaded them to build another igloo. Here they once more sought shelter, hoping to remain undisturbed for theremainder of the night. Andrew and Foubister, however, agreed to keepwatch and watch, and Archy begged to take his turn. "No, no, " said Andrew, "you were the means of saving our lives. Youwant sleep more than we do. " Two hours passed away, when, as Andrew listened, he heard again the sameterrific sound which had before awakened them. Once more all werearoused, and hastening out as before, they found the sea stillencroaching on them. Complaining bitterly of their hard fate, the mendragged on their boat, still the sea pursued them. Scarcely had theygot a hundred yards from the berg beneath which they had taken shelter, when it crashed away through the broken ice. No one now felt inclinedto stop. The raging sea tore up the ice behind them, the vast slabscrashing together with a terrific sound, urging them to greater speed. On they went till day dawned, when they found themselves near a lowiceberg. They now declared that they could go no further, and Andrewand Foubister agreed, that even should the ice overtake them, they mightfind refuge on the slope of the berg, up which they could withoutdifficulty haul the boat. Having placed her, as they hoped, in safety, they built another snow-hut, where they proposed remaining till thestorm had ceased. As they had now become expert architects, they werenot long in constructing the igloo, and all thankfully crept in torecruit their strength. Even Andrew felt that he could not have heldout much longer. The crashing sounds of the breaking ice had ceased, and no longerfearing having again to take to flight, the whole party fell asleep. They had not closed the doorway, as was their custom at night, onaccount of the heat which was soon generated in so confined a space. Archy was the first to awake, as he did so he heard a scraping sound, and directly afterwards he caught sight of the white snout of a hugeanimal poked in at the opening. A few smouldering chips alone remainedof the fire in the centre of the hut. His first impulse was to seizeone and throw it at the intruder, shouting out to his companions at thesame time. They quickly sprung to their feet. The carpenter seized anaxe. "A bear, a bear, " he cried out, as he made a blow at the nose of theanimal, who, uttering fierce growls, quickly beat a retreat. They all rushed out, when the bear was seen at a short distance sittingon his haunches examining its wounded nose. Andrew hurried to the boat. Happily the bear had not attacked their provisions. The rifle wasloaded, his only fear was that the bear would make off before he couldget near enough to wound it mortally. The creature was, however, evidently meditating an attack. It advanced, he fired, and it rolledover on the snow. His companions uttered a shout of joy, as they had nolonger any fear of suffering for want of food for some time to come. The bear was cut up, and returning to their hut, they were soon employedin cooking steaks over their rekindled fire. "I suspect those fellows never venture far from land, " observed Andrew;"so we may now feel pretty sure, mates, that we shall be able to reachit without having another channel to cross. " The whole party were, however, too much knocked up to make another moveduring that day, and even Andrew and Foubister, who were most anxious toproceed on their journey, consented to remain till the followingmorning. The day and night were passed between sleeping and eating, foras soon as the men woke up, they relighted their fire and cooked morebear's steaks, in spite of Andrew's warnings that they would soonexhaust all their fuel. "Never fear, old man, " was the answer, "we shall get enough when wereach the shore, and let us enjoy ourselves while we can. The nativesmanage to live, why should not we?" "The natives know how to catch the seal and the walrus, and unless wecan prove ourselves as good hunters as they are, we may chance tostarve, " answered Andrew. His warnings, however, had no effect, and when the next morning theycame to examine the contents of the boat, they found they had onlysufficient fuel to last them another night. Once more they were on their journey. The carcase of the bear addedconsiderably to their load, the ice too was rough and broken, and theymade but slow progress. The land was seen clearly ahead, but aftertoiling all day it seemed almost as far off as when they started. Thedays too were becoming shorter and shorter, while the cold rapidlyincreased, and once more they were compelled to encamp on the open floe. That night the remainder of their fuel was consumed. Two of the menhad been complaining during the day of pains in their feet, and whenthey pulled off their boots, to their dismay they discovered that theywere perfectly black. In vain their companions rubbed them to restorethe circulation. Their groans were piteous to hear, and when themorning came they were utterly unable to rise. Andrew proposed to placethem in the boat, and to drag them along to the shore. When, however, morning came, the ice ahead appeared even rougher than that which theyhad passed over on the previous day, and in spite of his desire topreserve their lives, it was found that with their diminished strengththis would be impossible. It was therefore agreed that the poor fellowsshould be left in the hut, and that should any Esquimaux be met with, they should be sent with their sledges and dogs to their relief. Withsad hearts the rest of the party closed the hut, which they felt wouldtoo probably prove the tomb of their companions. CHAPTER NINE. ARCHY HAS A MASK TO PROTECT HIS EYES FROM SNOW-BLINDNESS, FROM WHICH ALLTHE REST SUFFER. --HE LEADS THEM BY A STRING, WHEN AN ESQUIMAUX ISDISCOVERED SEARCHING FOR SEALS, WHO BUILDS AN IGLOO, AND MELTING SOMESNOW, BATHES THE BLIND MEN'S EYES, AND PROVIDES FOR THEM. Four human beings with heavy packs on their backs were making theirtoilsome way over the snow-covered surface of the frozen sea. One byone their companions had dropped. They had reached the wished forshore, but lofty ice-cliffs rose before them on which they had found ithopeless to seek for shelter of subsistence, and again they wereattempting to make their way to the southward. First the boat whichthey had dragged over so many leagues had been consumed for fuel, andthen the sledge was piece by piece burned to give them warmth in theirsnow-hut during the night. Archy had held out bravely; Andrew hadwonderfully been supported, ever with confidence seeking for aid fromabove, he felt that his own life and that of his companions depended onhis exertions. Foubister and David Saunders, one of the crew of the"Kate, " encouraged by him had hitherto kept up their spirits, yet asthey looked ahead and saw the icy plain stretched out before them theymight well have given way to despair. They had just set out from thesnow-hut which had sheltered them during the night, and in which thelast chip of the sledge had been consumed. As the embers of their firedied out, Foubister, brave and determined man as he was, had exclaimed, "Why need we go further? It will only be to perish in a few hours ofcold, as the rest have done. " "Because it is our duty to trust to God and struggle to the last, "answered Andrew. "He may send us help when we least expect it. Let usgo on while life and strength remain. " Kneeling down, Andrew offered up an earnest prayer for protection, andthe whole party then strapping on their packs, with renewed strength setforward on their journey. Archy would probably have sunk under thehardships he was enduring had not his old friend supported and cheeredhim throughout. His other companions were also constant in theirkindness. They gave him a larger supply of food than they tookthemselves, and chafed his feet and dried his socks at the end of eachday's journey. They had also made him a mask to protect his face, of apiece of canvas lined with woollen stuff, having breathing places in itfor the nostrils and mouth, and two holes as small as possible for theeyes. He was surprised to find when he put it on how well he could seethrough those small holes. Neither he nor his friends were aware at thetime of their importance. They had started before daylight, for the sky was clear and the moon andstars afforded them ample light to see their way. The sun at lengthrose above the horizon, and cast his brilliant rays over the sheet ofsnow. All the three men had, on the previous day, complained of apeculiar smarting of the eyes, but little did they think at the time ofwhat it portended. As they proceeded the smarting sensation increased, till at length David Saunders began to stumble, and exclaimed that allwas dark. His words struck dismay into the hearts of his companions, for both Andrew and Foubister had for some time found a difficulty inseeing objects before them, and in a short time the latter cried outthat he too was blind. It would have been certain death to stop, so, although Andrew himself was suffering intense pain, he urged hiscompanions to proceed, hoping still that they might discover someEsquimaux' huts on the shore, or find other means of preserving theirlives. "And how do your eyes feel, Archy?" asked Andrew, in a voice whichshowed his anxiety. "I have no pain, and can see as well as ever, " answered Archy. "Thank God, " replied Andrew. "You must then be our guide, for I toohave lost my sight. " Archy on hearing this felt ready to burst intotears. "Oh! what can I do? How can I lead you?" he exclaimed. "Trust in God and go straight on, lad. Here, take this line and we willhold on to it, " he added uncoiling a short length of rope which hecarried at his side, and he put the end into Archy's hands. He andFoubister and Saunders then took hold of it, following each other inline. "Now move on, Archy, " said Andrew, "and keep a bright look out ahead, aswell as on the right hand and on the left. If you see anything likesmoke or little round hillocks near the shore, we may be certain thatnatives are there, or may be you will catch sight of the masts of a shipin the horizon, no fear of her getting away from us, for she will befast frozen in. " Thus cheered by the confiding faith of old Andrew and his dauntlesscourage, the party proceeded onwards over the ice-field, Archy's eyesalone, protected by his mask, escaping the snow-blindness. Every nowand then, with anxious voices, one or the other would cry out, "Do yousee anything ahead, Archy, any sign of Esquimauxs on the shore, --anyvessel in the distance?" "No, I only see tall ice-cliffs on the left, and icebergs rising up hereand there out of the frozen sea, " he answered. Several times on hearingthis Saunders declared it was useless to go on, and even Foubister onceproposed building a snow-hut as well as their blindness would allowthem, and then lying down within it to die. "What! and let the poor lad who has still got his eyesight perish withus?" exclaimed Andrew. "Shame on you, mate. I did not think to hearsuch words come from your lips. No, no, while we have life its our dutyto go on, and if its God's will that we should die, let us die doing ourduty. If He pleases He can send us help and restore our eyesight, andHe has shown us pretty clearly that we must lean on Him and Him alone. " Thus rebuked, the honest carpenter did not allow another repining wordto escape him. There was but little wind, and the air felt warm and pleasant. Reachinga small iceberg they all sat down, placed by Archy on a ledge under itsshelter to rest. He unpacked their wallets, and helped them to theirfood. By Andrew's direction, also with the carpenter's axe, he choppedoff a thin layer of ice from the berg. From this, when held up in thedirect rays of the sun, water dropped into their saucepan sufficientlyfast to quench the thirst from which they had before been suffering. They were not aware that they might greatly have relieved the pain intheir eyes by bathing them with the cold water. Revived by their mealthey again proceeded as before, yet what could they expect at the end oftheir day's journey? Could they hope to live through the night in anill-built snow-hut without fire, might it not too probably become theirtomb? Mile after mile was passed over, and still came the same answerfrom Archy to their constant inquiries. Night was approaching, --Andrewurged them to push on rather than stop, as long as they had strength tomove. "If you wish, I will go on, " said Archy, "or, I think, with your help Icould build a snow-hut and we could keep warm enough inside it without afire, I hope. " "No, no, on, on, " said Andrew. "We will stop in time to build a hutbefore dark. " So on again they went. Suddenly Andrew felt the rope by which he was led slacken, when Archycried out, "Stop, I see something dark moving ahead. " "What is it, what is it, boy?" exclaimed the three men together. "It seems to me like a seal, " answered Archy. "But no--I don't think aseal would move in that way, --Hurrah! it is a man, --he has risen to hisfeet, --he sees us, --he is coming this way. " Archy hurried on, leading his companions. The stranger advanced towardsthem. When he was still at some distance he stopped and seemed to beexamining them, doubtful of their character. Archy raised his hands andbeckoning, the stranger once more drew near. From his dress and skinsand harpoon in his hand and a coil of line and spears hung to hisshoulders, Archy guessed that he was an Esquimaux engaged in searchingfor seals. He was accompanied by two dogs, who rushed forward barking, but retreated when called by their master. The native having apparentlysatisfied himself that the approaching party could do him no harm, cameup to them, and looked with an inquiring glance at their eyes. He atonce seemed to understand that they had been struck with snow-blindness, and he made signs to Archy that he could cure them. Archy inquiredwhere he lived, when he pointed to the south-east, and beckoning to him, led the way onwards. In a short time they reached a large seal whichthe hunter had apparently just killed; he pointed to it, and signifiedthat they were welcome to eat some of its flesh. Archy intimated thatthey were weary rather than hungry. The Esquimaux appeared quickly tomake up his mind what was best to be done. Clearing a space in the snowhe called Archy to assist him, and at once began to build an igloo. Hewas greatly delighted when Archy produced the carpenter's saw, andapparently well accustomed to its use, he set to work to shape out therequired blocks. In a short time a hut was completed, into which hedragged a considerable portion of the seal. From his capacious pockethe took a shallow bowl, in which he placed some moss wicks, and filledit with seal oil, produced by his chewing the blubber. A light wasquickly struck, and the much valued lamp soon shed a genial warmththrough the snow-formed habitation. A large lump of blubber hung overthe lamp, continued to feed it as the oil supplied by the first processwas exhausted. He now melted some snow in the seamen's saucepan, andexplained to Archy that if his blind friends would bathe their eyes inthe water their sight would be restored. They followed his advice, andat length the pain from which they were suffering gradually subsided. The Esquimaux seemed greatly surprised at their preferring their owndried food to the raw blubber on which he and his dogs regaledthemselves. Yielding, however, to their prejudices, he heated somesteaks over the lamp, of which he hospitably pressed Archy to partake. Hunger induced him to follow his new friend's advice, and finding thesteaks far more palatable than he expected, he persuaded the rest of theparty to join in the repast. "I don't know what it may look like, " observed David Saunders, gulpingdown a huge lump. "But its not such bad eating after all, and I am muchobliged to you, friend Esquimaux, for your kindness. " "Friends, " said Andrew, before they lay down to rest on their snowcouches, "let us thank God for His mercy in sending this kind native toour help. Oh! 'tis a blessed thing to know that He will never desertthose who trust in Him. " The Esquimaux seemed fully to understand what they were about, and kneltdown with them. Though they did not understand each other's language, yet their hearts were lifted up together to the same merciful Being, theGod alike of the dark-skinned Esquimaux and the civilised Englishman. CHAPTER TEN. THE ESQUIMAUX LEAVES, AND DOES NOT RETURN. --ALL ARE ABLE TO SEE, ANDPROCEED. --FIND BEARS BEFORE THEM, AND AT THE SAME TIME THE MASTS OF ASHIP ARE DISCOVERED. --PUSH ON, AND AT LAST ASSISTANCE ARRIVING, THEBEARS ARE KILLED, AND CAPTAIN IRVINE TAKES ARCHY ON BOARD THE "KATE, "THE REST FOLLOWING. --ADVENTURES OF THE "KATE"--SHUT UP IN THE ICE--SHORTPROVISIONS. --CAPTAIN DIES. --ICE OPENS, WHEN SAIL IS SET, AND THE CREW, ENDURING MUCH SUFFERING, THE "KATE" ARRIVES OFF UNST, AN ISLAND OFSHETLAND. --ARCHY, NOW TRULY REPENTANT, WRITES TO HIS MOTHER, AND WHENALL ON BOARD HAVE RECOVERED, STARTS FOR HOME. --HIS ARRIVAL ANDRECEPTION. When Archy awoke he was somewhat alarmed on finding that the hunter andhis dogs had left the hut. The lamp was still burning, and a largepiece of seal's flesh lay on the floor. Archy hoped, therefore, thatthe Esquimaux's intentions were friendly, and that he did not purpose todesert them altogether. Andrew, when he awoke, expressed his opinionthat the hunter would certainly return. His and his companions' eyeswere still so painful, that having the means of procuring water theyresolved to wait in the hut till their sight was restored, and then totry and make their way to the village of their new friend. That theirconfidence in his honesty was not misplaced, was proved by his return inthe afternoon, when he and his dogs arrived, dragging another seal afterthem on a small sleigh, which he had probably before left at a distance. He now intimated that his people at the village were in want of food, and that after eating and resting, he must go away to them; but hesignified that he would soon again return; and as a proof of his goodintentions, left them a large portion of the first seal that he hadkilled. Long before dawn the next morning the hunter set off. That day, thoughone of suffering, was passed in thankfulness by the shipwrecked seamen. Their lives had been preserved, food had been supplied to them, and theymight now hope, even if they could not reach the Danish settlements, topass the winter in safety in the camp of the friendly natives. Two days passed by, and the hunter did not return. The eyes of thethree men were free from pain, and when they awoke after the third nightof their sojourn in the hut, they could see clearly. Archy, withunwearied diligence, had tended to all their wants, and he hadfrequently gone out to look for the expected return of the hunter, whenever they had expressed anxiety on the subject. At length theyagreed that if he did not appear that evening, to set out withoutwaiting for him longer, as their supply of blubber was nearly exhausted, and without it they could not keep their lamp burning. The morningcame; still the hunter did not appear. Packing up, therefore, the lampwith its wicks, and every particle of blubber they could scrapetogether, they again set out. They soon found it necessary, however, totie some spare comforters round their heads, to shade their eyes fromthe glare of the sun, the pricking sensation, the prelude tosnow-blindness, again quickly returning. After travelling for some hours, they looked out anxiously for the hutsof the Esquimaux they expected to see. The traces of their friend'ssledge and footsteps had been entirely obliterated by a fall of snow, sothat they had not the benefit of them as a guide; still they went on. Frequently icebergs rose up in their course, and at length these becameso numerous that they were completely bewildered among them. After atime they emerged again into a more open space, when Archy, whose quickeyes were ever on the alert, cried out that he saw three objects movingsome way ahead. "They are bears, I do believe, " he exclaimed, "and they seem as if theywere digging into the snow with their snouts. " After going on a littlefurther the rest agreed that he was right. Andrew got his rifle ready. "If we attempt to run the creatures will follow--it's their nature to doso. We must try and kill one of them, and frighten the others away. Show a bold front, friends, and we may yet escape their claws. " While Andrew had been speaking Archy had cast his eyes westward. "Look, look, " he exclaimed. "I see the masts of a ship rising upagainst the yellow sky, near where the sun has just gone down. " Forgetting for the moment about the bears, the whole party turned theireyes in the direction Archy pointed. "You are right, boy--praise heaven for it, " said Andrew. "Though myeyes are weak I see the masts clearly. She must have been caught in thefloe before she could make her way into harbour for shelter. We mayreach her this night, and we will try to give the bears the go-bywithout interfering with them. " The thought of a friendly greeting from countrymen, and a warm cabin andwholesome food, after all their toils, raised the spirits of the wearyseamen. They once more pushed forward, making a circuit to avoid thesavage animals, and then directed their course towards the ship. Thelong twilight enabled them to keep the masts in sight for a considerabletime, and they were then able to steer by a star, which shone forth justabove the ship. They did not fail, however, very frequently, to turntheir heads over their shoulders to ascertain whether they were pursued. "If the bears track us, we must turn round and face them boldly, " saidAndrew. "Ever meet Satan, and all spiritual foes in the same way, lad, and they will flee from you, " added the old man, putting his hand onArchy's shoulder. On and on they went, often stumbling over inequalities in the ice, whichthe increased darkness prevented them from perceiving. Still theystruggled forward, hope urging them on. Although the ship could nolonger be seen, they felt confident that she was before them, and thatthey must, if they persevered, reach her at last. The cold was intense, but, weary as they were, they dared not sit down lest their limbs mightbecome benumbed, and might refuse to carry them forward. They knew, too, that the savage bears might be following in their track withstealthy steps, and might at any moment be close upon them. Hoursseemed to pass away. It was impossible to calculate time. Theirguiding star shone brightly from the sky; still as yet their strainingeyes could not make out the looked for ship. "We cannot now be far off from her, " observed Andrew, "for we havesteered too straight a course to pass by her. Archy, you have thesharpest eyes among us, can't you make her out, lad?" "Yes, yes, I see her, " he suddenly exclaimed; "but her deck seems to behoused in, and snow covers the roof, and I took it to be a low iceberg. Now I can make out the masts and rigging rising above it--she cannot bemore than a mile away. " "Cheer up, friends, we will soon reach her then, " cried Andrew. "If wewere to give a hearty shout, those on board would hear us. " "I hope they may, and send us help, " exclaimed Saunders, "for here comethe bears, and they will be upon us in another minute. " On hearing this Andrew unslung his rifle, and turning round, observed alarge white animal, scarcely to be distinguished from the snow, notforty paces off, stealing towards them. To fly towards the ship, closeas they were to her, would have invited the bears to pursue at a fasterspeed. Facing their foes, they halted, as they proposed--the bearsstopped also, sitting down on their haunches to watch their proceedings. "Archy, run on, and shout as you go--the watch on deck may hear you, andassistance may be sent to us in case we fail to beat off the bears. " Archy ran on as he was directed. At length he got the ship clearly insight, but still she seemed a long, long way off. He stopped, however, and shouted with all his might. No reply came, but he heard behind hima cry, and then a shot fired. He knew that it must be from Andrew'sgun. Once more he pushed forward, though his legs were ready to sinkbeneath him. Just then the moon arose bright and full. He had stoppedto give another shout, when, looking back to see if his friends werecoming, he discovered, to his dismay, a bear stealing towards him. Heremembered Andrew's caution, not to fly, and bravely facing the animal, he clapped his hands together, shouting even louder than before, in thehopes of frightening it away. At that instant a hail came from theship--he hailed in return. The bear stopped, apparently astonished atthe strange sounds which met its ears. Directly afterwards another hailwas heard, and turning his head for an instant, he caught sight of aparty of men coming towards him from the ship. The bear seemedunwilling to encounter so many foes, and began slowly to retreat. Inanother minute Archy was surrounded by a number of men, shouting to himin well-known tones. "My friends out there want your help, " said Archy, not stopping toexplain who he was. They all had arms in their hands--while some stopped to fire at theretreating bear, others run on in the direction indicated. Some of thebullets took effect, and the bear was seen to drop on the snow. Whilemost of them dashed forward towards the wounded bear, one of themremained by Archy. "Where do you come from, lad--who are you?" he asked. Archy, with abounding heart, recognised the voice. It was that of Captain Irvine. "I am Archy Hughson, sir, and Andrew Scollay, and David Saunders, andFoubister, the carpenter of a ship which took us on board, are outthere--I hope the bears have not hurt them. " "I trust not, " said the captain; "but come along, laddie, to the ship--tell me more as you go. You seem scarcely able to stand. " Archy was, indeed, gasping for breath, and well nigh dropping fromfatigue and excitement. The kind captain supporting him, they madetheir way toward the ship; but Archy, though he tried to speak, had lostall power of utterance. One of the other men came quickly to theirassistance, and Archy was lifted on board, and placed in the captain'scabin, under the care of Dr Sinclair. In a short time the rest of theparty arrived, bringing Andrew and Foubister unhurt, though well nighexhausted; but poor Saunders had been severely wounded by one of thebears, two of which had, however, been killed. Andrew, on being carried below, soon somewhat recovered. His first actwas to kneel down, when, lifting up his hands, he returned thanks tothat all powerful and merciful God who had preserved him and hiscompanions. "Shipmates, " he said, as he observed the look of astonishment with whichsome of those who stood around regarded him. "Had you gone through thedangers we have encountered, and been preserved from them to reach theship again, you would feel that it was not your own arm, or your ownstrength had saved you, but He, who not only takes care of the bodies ofus sinful and ungrateful creatures, but is willing and ready to save ourimmortal souls alive. " Archy remained for some days in a state of unconsciousness, but underthe care of Dr Sinclair he gradually recovered. The captain treatedhim with the greatest kindness. "I have heard all about you, Archy, " he said, "and I don't speak to younow to blame you for your conduct in leaving home. I'll leave it toyour own conscience to do so. God, in His mercy, has led you throughsevere trials and hardships, and has mercifully preserved your life, that you may, I trust, henceforth devote it to His service, and not, asheretofore, to that of Satan. Ever remember, Archy, that we `cannotserve two masters'--we must be either Christ's loving subjects, and obeyHis laws, or we must be Satan's slaves, and do his will--he is a hard, and oftentimes a very cunning task-master. Most of his slaves, whilefollowing their own devices and inclinations, and, as they may fancy, doing no great harm, are in reality carrying out his objects. He blindstheir eyes, and they are thus easily led captive by his emissaries, justas you were led away, as I have since discovered, by that unhappy man, Max Inkster. God's ways are inscrutable. He has been allowed toperish, I fear, in his sins, while your life has been preserved. Then, again I say, my boy, `Pray without ceasing, ' that God's Holy Spirit maystrengthen and support you to walk in His ways, and to obey His holylaws. " Archy assured the captain that such was his wish, and that, feeling hisown weakness, he would ever seek for strength from above. "You will need it now, and throughout life, " said Captain Irvine, solemnly. "To God alone can we look for sure help, in time of need, inall our temporal difficulties, much more then in our spiritual trials. I would that all on board the ship knew this--it would sustain them inthe many dangers and the hardships they must be called on to endure. Wehave now been well nigh a month shut up in the ice, and must expect toremain nearly eight months longer. We had provisions only at the usualrate of consumption for three months, and therefore from the day theship was frozen up, I was compelled to place the crew on shortallowance. Our fuel, too, will be exhausted long before the ice breaksup. When that time comes, should the weather prove tempestuous, theship will be exposed to fearful danger from the huge masses of icetossed about by the waves, or from being driven against the icebergswhich may appear in her course. With the crew weakened as ours will ofnecessity be by that time, how little able shall we be of ourselves tocontend against the perils which will surround us. I tell you this, Archy, that you may be induced more completely to trust to theprotection of that God who can alone enable us to escape them. " Archy at length recovered his strength. Some time had passed before hediscovered that the captain, and Andrew, and one or two other persons, had given up to him a portion of their own scanty allowance of food. When he found this out, he begged that he might not have a larger sharethan the rest. "You, a growing lad, want it more than we do, " said Andrew. "And I, forone, feel that if it had not been for you we should have been left todie on the ice far away from this. The crew also said that you enabledthem to kill one of the two bears they got the night of our return. " The want of sufficient food at length began to tell on the frames of thehardy seamen. Parties constantly went out hunting in the hopes ofkilling seals or bears, but notwithstanding all their skill in capturingthe mighty whale, they were unable to catch the wary seals at theirblow-holes in the ice, although they succeeded, after a long chase, inobtaining two more bears, who had been tempted by hunger to approach theship. They were disappointed in receiving no visits from the Esquimaux. Andrew feared truly that the friendly native who had come to theirrescue, had himself, on his return, fallen a victim to the savageanimals who had followed them when making their way to the ship. The occurrences on board the "Kate" during that long winter cannot bedetailed at length. That dreaded disease, the scurvy, produced by saltprovisions and want of vegetable diet, broke out among the crew; morethan half were laid up by it, and unable to quit their beds; the goodcaptain himself was also taken ill--he had been long suffering from adisease caught when the ship was first entrapped by the ice, and when itwas expected that she would be crushed to pieces, as the "Laplander" hadbeen. Archy had now the satisfaction of repaying his kindness, bywatching over him, as a dutiful son would tend a father. He scarcelyever left his side. Much of the time was spent in reading the Bible, the dying captain's consolation and joy. Again and again he urged onArchy the advice he had before given. Archy did not vow, as some mighthave done, that he would follow it, but as he knelt by the captain'sbedside, he earnestly prayed that he might have grace to do so. Thecaptain, feeling that his hours were numbered, desired to bid farewellto his crew. It was a sad sight to see the once hardy strong men passin and out of the cabin--to observe the tottering steps and the palethin cheeks of most of them. The captain had a word of exhortation andadvice for each, and many felt the solemn importance of his words. The good captain was the first to die, and the doctor feared that erelong several others would sink under the disease from which theysuffered. A deep gloom settled on most of the crew, but there was lightand brightness in old Andrew's cabin, which he endeavoured to shedabroad. That light came from within. It arose from his firm faith inGod's loving mercy and protecting providence. "Do not despair, mates, "he said, over and over again. "God has thought fit to take our goodcaptain, who has changed this cold bleak scene for one of brightness andglory in that better land aloft there, where there is room for each oneof us too, if we will consent to become the subjects of the being whorules there; but He may not think fit as yet to call us there, though weare His subjects here below. If He does not want us, he will find themeans of carrying our ship in safety home. " Month after month passed by; though suffering from hunger, and intensecold from want of fuel, the crew held out. The ice began to move muchearlier in the year than had been expected. A strong gale sprung upfrom the northward--huge masses of ice rose and fell around the ship--now as they crashed away, an open channel appeared ahead. Sail was set, though not without difficulty, as few were able to go aloft. The water, too, as the ship began to move, rushed in through many a leak, and thepumps were set to work. Now it seemed as if she was again about to beimprisoned--then once more the ice broke away, and she continued hercourse. But of her whole crew, scarcely six were fitted for work. Manywere sick in bed, unable to move; others could just crawl to the pumps, and work them with their feeble arms. The brave doctor, who hadretained his strength, exerted himself to the utmost--now standing atthe helm, now assisting in making sail, now taking a turn at the pumps, in addition to his duties among the sick. Archy, who had also retainedhis strength, felt no little satisfaction on finding that he was of asmuch use as his older shipmates. At length the ship was free; but alas, many of the poor fellows who hadhitherto held out, sank quickly under the fatal disease from which theyhad long been suffering. One by one they sank, till ten had diedbesides the captain. The voyage home was almost as trying as their detention in the ice. Scarcely a drop of water remained, their stock of provisions was wellnigh exhausted, every particle of fuel had been consumed, while theirnumbers were daily diminishing, their strength decreasing, and the watergaining on the pumps. Still they struggled, like brave men, to thelast. "Surely we cannot be far off the land?" said Andrew, one morning toArchy. "I'll go aloft and have a look out, " answered Archy; and he made his wayto the mast-head. His heart bounded as he caught sight, in the far distance, of blue hillsrising out of the tossing waters. The welcome cry he uttered brought ondeck all who had strength sufficient to crawl out of their berths. Theship was steered in the direction towards which Archy pointed, thebreeze was favourable, and in a short time the well-known headlands andpoints of Unst, the most northern isle of Shetland, appeared in sight. Before evening the anchor was dropped in one of the deep voes which runup far inland all round the coast. The inhabitants of the village, onits shores, gazed with astonishment at the battered vessel, and the wayin which the sails, which the crew had not strength to furl, flutteredfrom the yards. In a short time a number of boats, with friendlyvisitors, were on board, and the news was sent to Lerwick that the longmissing "Kate" had returned. Archy sent a few lines to his mother; hesigned his note, "from your repentant son, " but he trembled lest she towhom it was addressed might no longer be alive to receive it. A portionof the crew, able to bear the journey were the next day sent onoverland; the brave surgeon, however, refused to quit the sick anddying. "I will stay and help you, sir, " said old Andrew. "God has preserved mystrength, and it is my duty to employ it in tending to my sufferingfellow creatures; and though there are many at home ready to welcome me, the welcome will come more warmly to my heart when I feel that I havenot left undone what I ought to have done. " "And may I likewise stay?" said Archy. "What Andrew thinks is right ismy duty also. " Not till the sick had recovered sufficiently to be taken on shore didAndrew and Archy set out on their journey to the south. As they werestarting a letter was put into Archy's hands. He eagerly read it. Itwas from his mother. Although his transgression had caused herunspeakable sorrow, she had never ceased to pray that God would protecthim amid the dangers he would encounter, and that his heart might bechanged and a new spirit put within him. "You are welcome back, my boy. God alone can forgive sin, and if youhave sought forgiveness in His appointed way, sure I am that it has notbeen refused. " This letter cheered Archy on his homeward journey, andwhen at length he found himself in his mother's arms, and Maggie hanginground his neck, he wondered how he could have been so hard-hearted as toquit them; and he promised that he would henceforth remain at home toassist and support them. He felt, indeed, that he could never makeamends for the suffering and anxiety he had caused his mother, to whichhe acknowledged that the hardships he had endured were in comparisonnothing. Archy had learned many important lessons, and above all, the greattruth, that He who rules the world is a God of justice, and also ofunbounded love and mercy; and although, in His justice, He allows theobstinate and perverse to perish in their sins, He will hear the prayersand abundantly bless all who humbly come to Him seeking for forgivenessand protection.