[Transcriber's Note:A few details of transcription are given at the end of this file, alongwith a list of errata. ] * * * * * AN E X P O S I T I O N OF THE LAST PSALME. DELIVERED IN A SERMON PREACHED AT PAVLES Crosse the fifth of Nouember 1613. _Which I haue ioyned to the Festiuals_ as a short Apologie for our _Holy daies in the Church_ _of England_. DEDICATED VNTO MY HONORABLEfriend and most respected kinsman Sir _William_ _Monins Baronet_. _By IOHN BOYS, Doctor_ of Diuinitie. _AT LONDON_ Imprinted by FELIX KYNGSTON, for _William Aspley. 1615. _ * * * * * GVNPOWDER TREASON DAY. Psalme 150. _O praise God in his holinesse, &c. _ All the Psalmes of _Dauid_ are comprised in two words, [a]_Halleluiah_, and _Hosanna_, that is, blessed be God, and God blesse; as being forthe greater part either praiers vnto God for receiuing mercies, or elsepraises vnto God for escaping miseries. This our present Hymne placedas a [b]Conclusion of the whole booke; yea, the beginning, middle, end, to which all the rest (as [c]_Musculus_ obserueth are to be referred)inuiteth vs in prescript and postscript, in title, in text, in eueryverse, and in euery Clause of euery verse to _praise the Lord_. Teachingthese two points especially: 1. For what } God is to be magnified. 2. With what } For what, vers. 1, 2. _O praise God in his holinesse, praise him inthe firmament of his power, praise him in his noble acts, praise himaccording to his excellent greatnesse. _ With what, euen with all that is Without vs, vers. 3. 4. 5. _Praise him in the sound of the trumpet, &c. _ Within vs, vers. 6. _Omnis spiritus_, &c. _Let euery spirit praise the Lord, praise yee the Lord. _ [Sidenote a: _Gueuara. _] [Sidenote b: _Lyra in loc. _] [Sidenote c: _In loc. _] This in briefe is the whole texts _Epitomie_, I come now to the words_Anotomie_, cutting vp euery part and particle seuerally, beginningfirst at the first, _O praise God in his holinesse_. Of which onesentence the Doctors haue many (though not aduerse yet diuerse)readings, especially three: _Praise God in his Saints, praise God in hissanctitie, praise God in his sanctuarie_. _S. Hierome_, _Augustine_, _Prosper_, and [d]other as well ancient interpreters as modernetranslate here praise God in his _Saints_. For if he must be praisedin all his creatures, how much more in his new creatures? if in thewitlesse wormes, and senselesse vapours, Psal. 148, much more doubtlesse(as _Theodorit_ here collects) in men, in holie men, in _Saints_, vponwhom hee hath out of his [e]vnsearchable riches of mercie, bestowed theblessings of the [f]life present; and of that which is to come. [Sidenote d: _Chrysost. Basil. Euthym. Arabs apud Muscul. Lyra. Hugo Card. Turrecremat. Anonymus. _] [Sidenote e: _Ephes. 3. 8. 16. _] [Sidenote f: _1. Tim. 4. 8. _] First, almightie God is to be blessed for giuing his Saints such eminentgifts of grace for the good of his Church, and for the setting foorth ofhis glorie. So _Chrysostome_, _Basil_, _Euthymius_, _Prosper_, _Placidus_, _Parmensis_ expound it. [g]Euery good and perfit gift isfrom aboue, descending from the father of lights, a good thought in asaint is _gratia infusa_, a good word in a saint is _gratia effusa_, agood deed in a saint is _gratia diffusa_, through his grace which is theGod of [h]all grace, saints are [i]whatsoeuer they are. Wherefore praisethe Lord in his Saints, often remember their vertues as their true_reliques_, and as it were bequeathed [k]_legacies_ vnto Gods people. Sothe wise man, Ecclesiasticus 44. _Let vs now commend the famous men inold time, by whom the Lord hath gotten great glorie, let the peoplespeake of their wisdome, and the congregation of their praise. _ So theConfession of _Bohemia_, chap. 17. [l]_Wee teach that the Saints areworshipped truly, when the people on certaine daies at a time appointed, doe come together to the seruice of God, and doe call to minde andmeditate vpon his benefits bestowed vpon holie men, and through themvpon his Church_, &c. And for as much as it is kindly to consider, _opus diei in die suo_, the worke of the day[m] in the same day it waswrought; it is well ordered by the Church of England, that the mostillustrious and remarkable qualities of the saints are celebrated vpontheir proper festiuals, that on S. _Stephens_ day, we may learne by S. _Stephens_ example to loue our enemies: on S. _Matthewes_ day, toforsake the world and to follow Christ: on S. _Iohn the Baptist_ hisday, to speake the truth constantly, and to suffer for the samepatiently. Thus in stedfastnes of faith and godlinesse of life (_nonlegere modò sed degere sanctorum vitas_, as [n]one wittily) to beefollowers of them as they were followers of Christ; is (as [o]blessed_Latymer_ was wont to say) the right worshipping of Saints, and of Godin his Saints. [Sidenote g: _Iames 1. 17. _] [Sidenote h: _1. Pet. 5. 10. _] [Sidenote i: _1. Cor. 15. 10. _] [Sidenote k: _Euseb. Emisen. Hom. De S. Maximo. _] [Sidenote l: _See Harmon. Confess. Sect. 16. Pag. 486. _] [Sidenote m: _Maior præsat. In Psal. 22. _] [Sidenote n: _Owin epigram. Lib. 3. _] [Sidenote o: _Ser. On Christmas day preached at Bexterly, & ser. On S. Stephens day at Grimstorpe. _] Againe, for as much as there is a _communion of Saints_, as we cõfessein the Creed, a knot of fellowship betweene the dead Saints and theliuing; it is our dutie to praise God for their good in particular, asthey[p] pray to God for our good in generall. It is required on our partI say, to giue God most humble thanks for translating th{~e} out of this[q]valley of teares into Hierusalem aboue, where they be [r]clothed withlong white robes, hauing palmes in their hands, and [s]crownes of goldon their heads, euer liuing in that happie kingdome without either dyingor crying, Apocal. 21. 4. And this also (in the iudgment of _Augustine_, _Hierome_, _Hugo_, _Raynerius, _ and other) is to _praise God in hisSaints_. [Sidenote p: _Apocal. _ 6. 10. ] [Sidenote q: _Psal. _ 84. 6. ] [Sidenote r: _Apocal. _ 7. 9. ] [Sidenote s: _Apocal. _ 4. 4. ] These reasons are the grounds of certaine _holy daies_ established inEngland by law, namely to blesse God for his Saints eminent grace whilethey were liuing, and exceeding glorie now they be dead. Wherein ourChurch ascribes not any diuine worship to the Saints, but all due praiseto the sanctifier: in celebrating their memorie (saith _Augustine_) weneither adore their honour, nor implore their helpe: but (according tothe tenour of our text) wee praise him alone, [t]who made them both menand martyrs. In the words of [u]_Hierome_ to _Riparius_: _Honoramusreliquias martyrum, vt eum cuius sunt martyres adoremus: honoramusseruos, vt honor seruorum redundet ad dominum:_ If thou desire to doeright vnto the Saints, esteeme them as paternes, and not as patrones ofthy life; honour them only so farre, [x]that thou maist alway praise Godin them, and praise them in God. [Sidenote t: _De ciuit. Lib. _ 8. _cap. _ 27. ] [Sidenote u: _Tom. _ 2 _fol. _ 118] [Sidenote x: _Philip Mornæus de missa, lib. 3 cap. 11. See Melanct. Resp. Ad art. Bauar. Art. 25. _] The gunpowder men erre very much in this one kinde of honouring God, for either they worship _his Saints_ as himselfe, or else their ownesaintlings, and not _his Saints_. In praying to the dead, in minglingthe blood of their martyrs with the precious blood of their Maker, inapplying their merits, and relying vpon their mercies; it is plaine thatthey make the Saints (as _Melancthon_ tels them in his [y]Apologie forthe Confession of _Auspurge_) quartermasters with God, and halfemediatours with Christ, I say ioynt mediatours not of incercession onlybut of [z]redemption also. Nay they make the blessed Virgin vpon thepoynt their only _mediatrix_ and _aduocate_, so they sing, and so theysay. They sing in their publique seruice, [aa]_Maria mater gratiæ, matermisericordiæ_, &c. The which is Gods owne stile, 1. Pet. 1. 10. & 2. Cor. 1. 3. So they likewise say, _Maria consolatio infirmorum, redemptiocaptiuorum, liberatio damnatorum, salus vniuersorum. _ [ab]_Giselbertusin lib. Altercationis Synagogæ et ecclesiæ, cap. 20. Maria quasi maria_, saith _Augustinus de Leonissa_, sermon 5 vpon _Aue maria_, for as allriuers come from the seas, and returne to the seas againe, Ecclesiastes1. 7: [ac]so forsooth (if you will vndertake to beleeue him) all graceis deriued from _Mary_, and ought to be returned again to _Mary_. Wefinde so much _in [ad]Rosario Mariæ, reparatrix & saluatrix desperantisanimæ_, &c. That which is worse, their owne Pope (who cannot, as theyteach, erre in a poynt of doctrine as Pope) calleth her expresly _Deam_. _Pet. Bembus_ in his epistles written in Pope _Leo 10. _ name, _lib. 8. Epist. 17. _ printed at _Strasburg an. 1609. _ that which is worst of all, in their most approued Bible: they translate Gen. 3. 15. _ipsa conteretcaput tuum_: she shall breake thine head, although (as their owne Iesuit[ae]_Ribera_ confesseth honestly) the _Hebrew_ text, the _Chaldee_paraphrase, the translation of the _Septuagint_, and all good _Latin_copies reade _ipse conteret_, he shall bruise the serpents head, applying it to Christ, according to that of _Paul_, _The God of peaceshall tread downe Satan vnder your feete_, Rom. 16. 20. By this euidenceyou may see that the gunpowder crue praise not God in the saints, northe saints in God: but on the contrarie the saints as God. [Sidenote y: _Tit. De sanct. Inuocat. _] [Sidenote z: _See D. Fulke in 1. Tim 2. 5. _] [Sidenote aa: _Bellar. De sanct. Beat. Cap. 17. _] [Sidenote ab: _Apud Magdeburg. Cent. 10. Coll. 275. _] [Sidenote ac: _See Gospell Annunciat. _] [Sidenote ad: _Chemnit. Exam. Con. Trident. Part. 3. Pag. 151. _] [Sidenote ae: _In Habacuc. Cap. 1. Num. 32. _] Againe these S. _Peter_ men (and as I haue warrant to terme them on thisday _Salt Peter men_) erre from the true meaning of our text, becausethey doe not praise God _in sanctis eius_, in his saints: but dishonourGod _in sanctis eorum_, in saints of their owne making, vsually prayingvnto some who were no men, and to many who were not holy men. It isdoubted by the two great lights in their glorious firmament, _Bellarmine_ and _Baronius_, whether there were euer any such man asS. _George_, or such a woman as S. _Catharine_. Cardinall _Bellarmine__lib. De beatitudine sanct. Cap. Vlt. §. Respondeo sanctorum_ dothacknowledge that they worship certaine saints whose stories arevncertaine, reputing the legend of S. _George_ apocryphall according tothe censure of Pope [af]_Gelasius:_ and Cardinall _Baronius ecclesiast. Annal. Tom. 2. Ad an. 290. _ according to the impression at Rome, fol. 650. As also _de Martyrologio Romano, cap. 2. _ confesseth as much of_Quiriacus_ and _Iulitta_, declaring plainely that their acts arewritten either by fooles or heretikes, and in his annotations vpon the_Romane Martyrologie_ 23. Aprill, he taketh vp _Iacobus de Voragine_ forhis leaden Legend of our English S. _George_, concluding in fine, thatthe picture of Saint _George_ fighting with a Dragon is _symbolicall_, and not _historicall_. If the Scripture be true [ag]_whatsoeuer is notof faith is sinne_: then assuredly these men (as [ah]_Paul_ speaks)_are damned of their owne selues_ in their owne conscience, who(notwithstanding all their doubts) pray still in their publike seruice, [ai]_Deus, qui nos beati Georgij martyris tui meritis & intercessionelætificas, Concede propitius, &c. _ An Idoll as _Paul_ affirmes, 1. Cor. 8. 4. Is nothing, _Ergo_, the Papists in worshipping S. _George_ whichis nothing, commit (euen themselues being Iudges) abominable Idolatrie. [Sidenote af: _Can. Sanct. Roman. Dist. 15. _] [Sidenote ag: _Rom. 14. 23. _] [Sidenote ah: _Tit. 3. 11. _] [Sidenote ai: _Missal. Roman. Ex Con. Triden. Decret. Restit. In festo Georgij. _] As they worship some who were no men, so many who were not [ak]holy men, as a reuerend [al]Doctor of our Church accutely, _Non martyres dominised mancipes diaboli_: the Souldiour who peirced Christs holy side was aPagan, [am] neither doth any storie which is authenticall speake of hisconuersion, and yet they worship him vnder the name of S. _Longinus_, or Longesse, March 15. _Papias_ (as [an]_Eusebius_ and [ao]_Hierome_report) held the heresie of the _Millenarians_, and yet he is honouredas a saint in the Romane Calender vpon the 22. Of Februarie. _Becket_was a bad subiect in his life, and no good Christian at his death, inthat hee commended himselfe and the cause of his Church vnto S. [ap]_Denys_ and our Lady. Yet S. _Thomas of Canterburie_ was honoured atCanterburie in the daies of popish ignorance more then either the worldsSauiour, or the blessed Virgine his mother: in which relation I appealeto the records of that Church, as also to the very stones vnder hisshrine worne with the knees and hands of such as came thither to worshiphim. _Boccace_ reporteth how one Sir _Chappelet_ a notorious ItalianVsurer and Cousoner came to be honoured as a Saint in France. _Sanders_among them is a saint, albeit he liued in plotting, and dyed in actingrebellion against his gracious Soueraigne Queene _Elizabeth_ of famousand blessed memorie. Nay _Dauus_ is _Diuus_, _Saul_ is among theProphets, _pater personatus_, father _Parsons_ all the daies of his lifewas a perpetual Martyr, as his fellow [aq]_Ribadeneira_ termeth him: andyet one (who sometime was his inner man, and knew him as I presume, better then euer did _Ribadeneira_) transposing the letters of _RobertusParsonius Iesuita_, found this _anagramme_, _Personatus versuti orisabi_: the wit-foundred drunkard, _Henry Garnet_ (who did not accordingto the Counsell of [ar]_Paul_ vse _vino modico_: but as [as]_Paulinus_pretily _modio_) that lecherous treacherous Arch-priest, Arch-traitor, Arch-diuell in concealing, if not in contriuing: in patronizing, if notin plotting the powder intended massacre, is returned a Saint frombeyond the seas with [at]_à sancte Henrice intercede pro nobis_: hisaction is iustified, his life commended, his death honoured, hismiracles and memorie celebrated by that _Ignatian_ spirit, ([au]_portentum nominis portentum hominis_, hauing a great deale ofname, though a very little modestie) _Andreas Eudæmon Ioannes Cydonius_:but notwithstanding his apologie, the saintship of _Henry Garnet_ is sobuffeted by the replies and antilogies of our accuratlie learneddiuines, as that his straw face will hereafter hardly be worth a straw. _Catesbie_, _Winter_, _Rookwood_, and the rest of the Cole-saints andhole-saints (who laboured in the diuels mine by the Popes mint) arenumbred among the holy ones also: Babilon and Egypt praise God in them, and for them. I haue heard much of _roaring_ gentlemen in _London_ and_Canterburie_, but if the Lord himselfe had not watched ouer his Church, if the Lord himselfe had not written England in the [ax]palmes of hishands, if the Lord himselfe had not kept King _Iames_ as the [ay]appleof his eye, [az]if the Lord himselfe had not been on our side (now mayGods Israell in England say) if the Lord himselfe had not been on ourside, when they rose vp against vs, if the Lord himselfe had not (out ofhis vnspeakeable goodnesse toward vs and our posteritie) broken theirsnares, and deliuered our soules out of that horrible gunpowder pit;these bellowing Buls of Basan, and Canon-mouthed hell-hounds would hauemade on this day such a roare, that all Christendome should haue feltit, and the whole world haue feared it. [ba]_O Lord God of all power, blessed be thy name, which hast this day brought to nought the enemiesof thy people, [bb] so let all thine enemies perish. _ _O Lord, thatour[bc] mouthes may be filled with laughter and our tongue with ioy. __Sint diui modo non viui_, let England hang such, although afterwardRome hallow such, he that hath an eye to see without the spectacles of aIesuit, will affoord as good credit to the register at _Tiburne_ as tothe Calender of _Tyber_: for if these be Martyrs, I wonder who areMurtherers? If these be Saints, I pray you who are Scythians? If thesebee Catholikes, who are Canibals? [Sidenote ak: _Dr. Sutclif examin. Of Rom. Cap. 7. _] [Sidenote al: _Dr. Abbot Antilog. Pag. 3. _] [Sidenote am: _Sutclif. Vbi sup. _] [Sidenote an: _Hist. Lib. 3. Cap. Vlt. _] [Sidenote ao: _Catalog. Scrip. In vita pap. _] [Sidenote ap: _Houenden annal. Part. Poster. Pag. 298. _] [Sidenote aq: _Catalog. Scrip. Iesuit. In vita Parsonij. _] [Sidenote ar: _1. Tim. 5. 23. _] [Sidenote as: _Epist. Lib. 3. Epist. 6. _] [Sidenote at: _Sheldon preface before his motiues. _] [Sidenote au: _Eliens. Epist. Lector. Ante resp. Ad Bellar. Apol. _] [Sidenote ax: _Esay 49. 16. _] [Sidenote ay: _Deut. 32. 10. _] [Sidenote az: _Psal. 124. _] [Sidenote ba: _Judith. 13. 4. _] [Sidenote bb: _Iudges 5. 31. _] [Sidenote bc: _Psalm. 126. 2. _] I passe to the second exposition of these wordes, _O praise God in hissanctitie_, so _Munster_, _Pagninus_, _Beza_, _Tremelius_ and our oldtranslation heere, _Praise God in his holinesse_: now God is holy_formaliter & effectiuè_, holy in himselfe, and making other holy; theLord is glorious in holinesse Exod. 15. 11. Wheras other Gods are famousfor their vnholinesse, _Venus_ was a wanton, _Mercurius_ a theefe, _Iupiter_ a monsterous adulterer, an ingenious man (as[bd] _Basile_writes) would blush to report that of beastes, which the Gentiles hauerecorded of their Gods. If such imputations are true saith[be]_Augustine_, _quàm mali_ how wicked are these Gods: if false _quàmmalè_ how wretched and foolish are these men, adoring the same thingsin the temple, which they scoffe at in the theater, _in turpitudine[bf]nimium liberi, in superstitione nimium serui_: so that their Gods arenot as our God, euen our enemies being Iudges Deut. 32. 31. There isnone holy as the Lord 1. Sam. 2. 2. Called[bg] often in holy Scripture_the holy one_, yea thrice holy; _holy, holy, holy, is the Lord ofhosts_ Esay. 6. 3. His [bh]name is holy, his [bi]law is holy, his[bk]spirit is holy, his will holy, his word holy, _righteous in all hiswaies, and holy in all his workes_ Psalm. 145. 17. Making vs also whichare his seruants an _holy people_ Deut. 7. 6. An _holy priest-hood_1. Pet. 2. 5. _his holy temples_ 1. Cor. 6. 19. Our bodies, our soules, our selues, our whole [bl]seruice holy, wherefore _praise God in hisholinesse_. [Sidenote bd: _Lib. De legend. Libris gentilium. _] [Sidenote be: _De Ciuit. Dei lib. 6. Cap. 6. _] [Sidenote bf: _August. Contra faust. Man. Li. 12. Cap. 40. _] [Sidenote bg: _Esay 1. 4. & 10. 20. _] [Sidenote bh: _Luk. 1. 49. _] [Sidenote bi: _Psal. 19. 7. _] [Sidenote bk: _Mark. 12. 36. _] [Sidenote bl: _1. Pet. 3. 2. _] [bm]_Luther_, _Caluin_, _Vatablus_, your _English-Geneua_ bibles, & ournew translation haue praise God in his _sanctuarie_, the which in holyscripture signifieth either heuen, or the temple, heauen is often calledin sacred writ _Gods sanctuarie_, for [bn]thus saith he that is high andexcellent, he that inhabiteth eternitie, whose name is the holy one, _I dwell in the high and holy place_. Christ in comming to vs is saidto _breake the heauens_ Esay 64. 1. And when he went from vs vnto hisfather _a cloud tooke him vp into heauen_ Acts 1. And _frõ heauen_ heshal come againe to iudge the quicke and the dead 1. Thes. 4. 16. That_his sanctuarie_ may be taken heere for heauen, is gathered out of thevery next clause (_praise him in the firmament of his power_) the which(as [bo]_Caluin_ & [bp]other expositors haue well obserued, ) isexegeticall, and expoundes the former, as if Dauid should haue said, praise the Lord in his sanctuary, that is _in the firmament of hispower_, for the heauens declare the glory of God and the firmamentsheweth his handy worke Psalm. 19. 1. Let all people praise God ourfather in heauen, especially such as dwell with him [bq]in heauen, O praise the Lord all ye blessed Angels and Saints inhabiting hissanctuarie which is highest and holiest. [Sidenote bm: _Idem Genebrard et alij. _] [Sidenote bn: _Esay 57. 15. _] [Sidenote bo: _In loc. _] [Sidenote bp: _Bellarmine in loc. _] [Sidenote bq: _Genebrard Agellius Acernensis epist. In loc. _] [br]Other apply the word _sanctuary_ to the Temple, so termed for tworespects especially. 1. Because God manifesteth _his holines_ towardvs in that holy place more principally, calling it expresly [bs]_hishouse_. 2. A _sanctuarie_ in regard of our _holy seruice_ toward God, for albeit euery day be to the good man a sabbath, and euery place atemple; yet the God of Order hath appointed certaine times, and certaineplaces also, wherein hee will bee worshipped publiquely, sayingLeuiticus 19. 30. _Ye shall obserue my sabbaths, and reuerence mysanctuary_. For our holines toward God concerneth vs [bt]one way inthat we are men, and another way in that we are ioyned as parts to thatvisible mystical body which is his Church as men, wee are at our ownechoyce both for time, and place, and forme, according to the exigence ofour owne occasions in priuate, but the seruice which is to bee done ofvs as the members of a publique body, must of necessity bee publique, and so consequently to bee performed on holy daies in holy places, andfor this doctrine the scriptures afford both patent and paterne, thepatent is reported by the Prophet _Esay_: Chap. 56. Vers. 7. Andrepeated by Christ in [bu]three seuerall Euangelists: _my house shallbe called an house of prayer for all people_. The paterns are manifold, _I will enter into thine house in the multitude of thy mercies, and inthy feare will I worship toward thine holy temple_, saith our Prophet, Psal. 5. 7. The Publican and the Pharisie went _into the temple topray_, Luke 18. _Peter_ and _Iohn_ went vp together _into the temple atthe ninth houre of prayer_, Acts 3. _Anna_ fasted and _prayed in thetemple_, Luke 2. This one word, _sanctuarie_ teacheth vs how we shouldbehaue our selues in the Church as in Gods presence: Doest thou come tothat holie place to receiue the blessed Supper of our Lord? rememberthat the temple is _sanctuarium, non promptuarium_, a sanctuarie, not abuttrie, [bx]_haue ye not houses to eate and drink in, despise yee theChurch of God?_ Doest thou come to pray? [by]_take heede to thy footewhen thou entrest into Gods house_, compose thy knees, and eyes, andhands, and heart after such a deuout manner: as that thou maist notonely praise God vpon the loud cymbals, but (as it is vers. 5. ) _praisehim vpon the well tuned cymbals_ also. Doest thou come to heare thesermon? remember that the preaching of the Gospel is [bz]not the wordof a mortall man, but the [ca]power of the immortall God vnto saluation:and albeit the Preacher be neuer so simple, neuer so sinfull; yet theword is holy, the action holy, the time holy, the place holy, ordainedby the most holy to make thee holy. Vpon whatsoeuer occasion thoucommest into the Temple, remember alwaies that the ground is holywhereon thou standest, it is a _sanctuarie_, the habitation of God, and place of his _holinesse_: and therefore not to be [cb]prophaned withordinarie though lawfull worldly businesse, much lesse with vnlawfullpastimes and enterludes, it is a place for praise, not for playes, _O praise God in his sanctuarie_. [Sidenote br: _Luther Vatablus Chald. Apud Genebrard english Com. Dedicated to Mr. Herlakinden. _] [Sidenote bs: _Esay. 56. 7. _] [Sidenote bt: _Hooker eccles. Pol. Lib. 5. §. 24. _] [Sidenote bu: _Mark 11. 7. Luke 19. 46. Matth. 21. 13. _] [Sidenote bx: _1. Cor. 11. 22. _] [Sidenote by: _Ecclesiastes 4. 17. _] [Sidenote bz: _1. Thess. 2. 13. _] [Sidenote ca: _Rom. 1. 6. _] [Sidenote cb: _Canon 88. _] Or (as [cc]_Martine Luther_ interprets it) praise God _in hissanctuarie_, that is, _for his sanctuarie_, for [cd]shewing his wordvnto _Iacob_, his statutes and ordinances vnto _Israel_, for hisadoption, and his couenants, and his promises, and his seruice, Rom. 9. 4. O praise the Lord for his [ce]true Church established for thepresent among the Iewes, and hereafter in the fulnesse of time to beconstituted among Christians vntill the worlds end. For this clause maybee construed of the mysticall heauen and temple, so well as of themateriall heauen and temple. The good man (I meane the true Christian)is not only Gods [cf]house, but also Gods [cg]temple, yea, Gods heauen, as [ch]_Augustine_ expounds the words of Christ, _Our father which artin heauen_, that is, in holy men of heuenly conuersation, in whosesanctified hearts hee dwelleth as in his [ci]sanctuarie. _Archimedes_in his conference with _Hiero_ said, _Giue me a place where I may standout of the world, and I will moue the whole earth_. In like manner, hethat will bee reputed a Saint, and so take vpon him to remoue menearthly minded from their worldinesse, must himselfe at the least haueone foote out of the world, seeking (as the blessed [ck]Apostle speakes)the things aboue, that [cl]other may see his good workes, and glorifieGod which is in Heauen, that is (according to the true soule of ourtext) _praise God in his Saints_ which are his sacrarie, his sanctuarie, his house, his heauen. [Sidenote cc: _In loc. _] [Sidenote cd: _Psal. 147. 19. _] [Sidenote ce: _Christ. Corn. In loc. _] [Sidenote cf: _Heb. 3. 6. _] [Sidenote cg: _1. Cor. 3. 16_] [Sidenote ch: _Lib. 2. De ser. Dom. In mont. _] [Sidenote ci: _Bellarm. & Corn. In loc. Vel hoc dicit de populo, vel de vita sancta Chrysost. Basil. In loc. _] [Sidenote ck: _Coloss. 3. 1. _] [Sidenote cl: _Mat. 5. 16. _] Heere then all the three diuers lines (_praise God in his Saints, praiseGod in his sanctitie, praise God in his sanctuarie_) meet in onecentrie; namely, God is to be praised in his sanctuarie for hissanctitie conferred vpon his Saints, whereby they shined as [cm]lightsin this heauen on earth, and shine like [cn]starres in that heauen ofheauen. If I were not (according to the text and the time) foreward toprosecute the Gunpowder men, as the more dangerous enemies of God andhis Gospell, I might vpon this ground take vp the bucklers againstidle _Nouelists_, vtterly condemning the _festiuals of holie Saints_, established in our Church by good order of law. Their principalobiection is taken out of _Pauls_ Epistle to the Galathians, chap. 4. Verse 10. _Yee obserue dayes and monethes, and times and yeares, I amafraid of you, lest I haue bestowed vpon you labour in vaine. _ To whichanswere is made, that there is a [co]foure-fold obseruation of {Naturall. {Politicall. Daies {Ecclesiasticall. {Superstitious. Of all which onely the superstitious is condemned, as _Aretius_ and_Illiricus_, and [cp]other Protestant Diuines vpon the place. Now thesuperstitious obseruation is either _Iudaicall_ or _Idolatricall_; it isapparant that _Paul_ meant the first hereof especially, [cq]because theGalathians after they were conuerted vnto Christ, were seduced by falseteachers vnto the ceremonies of the Iewes, as concerning the Sabbaths &the new Moones, and the like, the which were figures of Christ and hadtheir end in him. [cr] _Are yee so foolish, that hauing begun in thespirit, yee would now be made perfit by the flesh?_ As for_Idolatricall_ obseruing of times, it is granted easily that the_Pagans_ (in dedicating feasts vnto false gods, and in making[cs]differences of daies dismall and fortunate, either by curious arts, or by particular fansies, or popular obseruations) are worthily reputedsuperstitious. And the [ct]_Papists_ also (solemnizing holie daies ofthe Saints in their Churches with idolatrous worshipping of thecreatures, and their Images: and out of their Churches with Epicurelikebelly-cheere, reuelling, & idlenesse) _turn againe to the beggarlyrudiments and fashions of the world_: But the festiuals of England(celebrated according to the doctrine and Iniunctions of our Church) areverie farre from these and all other kindes of superstition. [cu]Forthen is God truly worshipped in the publike congregation, I say thetrue God is truly praised in his true Saints; on our holie daies thesacraments are rightly ministred, the Scriptures are fruitfully read, the Word is faithfully preached; all which are maine meanes to withdrawmen not only from superstition and idolatrie, but also from all sortesof error and impietie whatsoeuer. [Sidenote cm: _Philip 2. 15. _] [Sidenote cn: _Dan. 12. 3. _] [Sidenote co: _Illiric. In Galat. 4. _] [Sidenote cp: _See Sir Christop. Heydons answer to Mr. Chambers, pag. 368. And how the fathers answere this. Bellarmin. De sanct. Cultu, cap. 10. _] [Sidenote cq: _English glosse. _] [Sidenote cr: _Galat. 3. 3. _] [Sidenote cs: _See Ambrose in Galat. 4. & August. Epist. 119. Cap. 7. _] [Sidenote ct: _Dr. Fulke in Galat. 4. 10. _] [Sidenote cu: _See Dr. Whitgifts defence of his answere to the admonit. Fol. 538. 539. _] Yea, but the words of the Commandement are, _sixe daies shalt thoulabour_: _Ergo_, there should be no holie day besides the Lords day. [cx]Protestant Diuines answere that the clause (_sixe daies shalt thoulabour_) is a permission, or a remission of Gods right, who mightchalenge to himselfe all our time for his worke, and not a restraint forany man from seruing of God on any day. For the Iewes beside the Sabbathhad diuers other feasts; as _Easter_, _the feast of vnleauened bread_, _the feast of first fruits_, _Whitsuntide_, _the feast of blowingTrumpets_, _the feast of Tabernacles_; all which (as we reade Leuiticus23) they kept by Gods appointment holie, notwithstanding these words ofthe law, _sixe daies shalt thou labour_. And so the Christian Church inall ages hath vpon iust occasions separated some weeke daies vnto thepraising of the Lord, and rest from labour. Ioel 2. 15. _Blow thetrumpet in Sion, sanctifie a fast, call a solemne assemblie. _ [cy]Daiesof publike fasting for some great iudgement, daies of publike reioycingfor some great benefit, are not vnlawfull, but exceeding commendable, yea necessarie. Whosoeuer doubts of the Churches libertie herein, or ofthe practise of this libertie, may peruse the ninth chapter of _Ester_, in which it will appeare, that Gods people by the commandement of_Mordecai_, did euery yeare solemnize and keepe holy the fourteenth andfifteenth day of the moneth _Adar_, in remembrance of their greatdeliuerie from the Treason of _Haman_. Vpon these grounds the last euerrenouned Parliament enacted, That wee should for euer spend the primepart of this present fifth of Nouember in praying and praising the Lord, for his vnspeakable goodnesse in deliuering our King, Queene, Prince andStates of this realme from that hellish, horrible, bloody, barbarousintended massacre by Gunpowder. Now that I may for my part execute thewill of the Parliament (sparing the _Nouelists_, and referring such asdesire to bee further satisfied in this argument of holy dayes, vntothe iudicious writings of my most honoured and honourable maister, _Archbishop Whitgift_, in the [cz]defence of his answere to theAdmonition) I proceede in the text, _praise him in his noble acts, praise him according to his excellent greatnesse_. [Sidenote cx: _B. Babington in 4. Com. Caluins Cat. Dr. Whitgift vbi supra fol. 542. & 553. Six daies thou maiest labour. _] [Sidenote cy: _Perkins aur. Cat. Cap. 23. _] [Sidenote cz: _From pag. 538. To 555. _] [da]Some reade _Laudate eum in [db]virtutibus eius_, praise him in his_powers_: [dc]other _ob fortitudinem eius_, praise him in his _power_;and according to these two diuerse translations, I find two differentexpositions; one construing it of Gods glorious [dd]Angels, and theother applying it to Gods glorious acts: For the first it is euident inholy writ, that there bee certaine distinctions and degrees of Angels inthe quier of Heauen, there be _Seraphins_, Esay 6. 2. _Cherubins_, Gen. 3. 24. _Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, and Powers_, Colloss. 1. 16. In all which and for all which God is to be praised, as being his[de]ministring spirits for the good of such as shall be heires ofsaluation; as long as wee serue God, all these serue vs, euen theCherubins, and Seraphins, Angels, and Archangels. I say, so long as weserue the Lord, these pages of his honour and parts of his courts attendvs, and pitch their tents about vs: a doctrine very profitable, verycomfortable, yet for as much as I hold it lesse pertinent to thepresent occasion I thus ouerpasse it, and hast to that other expositioninterpreting these words (as our Church readeth) of Gods _noble acts_. [Sidenote da: _Vulgar Latine Castalio. _] [Sidenote db: _Pagnin. _ In fortitudinibus. ] [Sidenote dc: _Vatablus Munster. _] [Sidenote dd: _Turrecremat. & Raynerius in loc. _] [Sidenote de: _Heb. 1. 14. _] Now the workes of God are of two sorts, _ad intra_ & _ad extra_: somebe confined within himselfe, other extended towards vs: works of thesacred Trinitie within it selfe (as that the Father begets, and theSonne is begotten, and the holy Ghost proceeds from both) are wonderfullacts of such an high nature that it is our dutie rather simply to adore, then subtilly to explore them: all his acts extended toward vs aresummarilie reduced vnto two, namely the works of creation andredemption. [df]The worke of creation is attributed in the Masse of thematter to God the Father, in the disposition of the forme to God theSonne, in the preseruation of both to God the holy Ghost. So likewisethat of redemption, in election vnto God the Father, in the consummationvnto God the Sonne, in the application vnto the holy Ghost, all whichare very _noble acts_, and God is to be praised in them _according tohis excellent greatnesse_. The worke of creation is so mightie, thatnone could bring it to passe but the Father almightie: that God shouldhaue nothing but nothing, whereof, wherewith, whereby to build thishigh, huge, goodly, faire frame; is a principle which nature cannotteach, and Philosophie will not beleeue. The worke of redemption is offarre greater might and mercy, for the making of the world was (if I mayso speke) onely lip-labour vnto God, _he spake the word and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast_, Psalm. 33. 9. But Christ in redeemingthe world said many words, and did many wonders, and suffered also manywounds. It is true that the least ake of his least finger is _infinitimeriti, sed non definiti meriti_, that is of an infinite merit, yet notthat determined ransome for the sinnes of the whole world. It cost himmore to redeeme soules, [dg]_he dyed for our sinnes and rose againe forour iustification_, hee suffered for vs and that death, and that aviolent death, and of all violent deaths the most accursed death onthe Crosse. [Sidenote df: _Aduancement of learning lib. 2. Pag. 116. _] [Sidenote dg: _Rom. 4. 25. _] The worke of sanctification is a noble act also, for euery man if yourightly consider his making is a wonder, I am saith our [dh]Prophetfearfully and wonderfully made: but a good man if you consider his newmaking is a wonderfull wonder, as [di]_Paul_ speakes _a spectacle to menand Angels_, as the vulgar Latine runnes in the 68. Psalme, at the lastverse, _mirabilis deus in sanctis_, O God wonderfull art thou in thySaints. [Sidenote dh: _Psalm. 139. 13. _] [Sidenote di: _1. Cor. 4. 9. _] But _Dauid_ [dk]here meaneth especially the valiant acts of God ingouerning & garding his people from their enemies, [dl]O come hither andbehold the workes of God, how wonderfull hee is in his doing toward theChildren of men, he turned the sea into drye land so that his peoplewent on foot thorough the middest of the sea, the [dm]waters were a wallvnto them on the right hand and on their left; but the waues of the Seareturned and couered the chariots and horsemen euen all the hoast of_Pharaoh_ that pursued them. Almighty God raigned hailstones out ofheauen vpon the cursed Amorites at Bethoran, and they were more([dn]saith the text) that dyed with the haile, then they whom theChildren of Israell slew with the sword. And when Duke _Iosua_ prayed, _Sunne stay thou in Gibeon, & thou Moone in the valey of Aialon_:_the Sunne abode and the Moone stood still vntill the people auengedthemselues vpon their enemies_. When _Zenacherib_ and his innumeroushoast came to fight against _Hezekiah_ King of Iuda, Gods Angell in onenight slew an hundred eighty and fiue thousand Assyrians. 2. Kings 19. [Sidenote dk: _Placid. Parmen and the english Com. Dedicated to M. Herlakinden. _] [Sidenote dl: _Psalm. 66. 4. _] [Sidenote dm: _Exod. 14. 29. _] [Sidenote dn: _Iosua 10. _] And vndoubtedly (beloued) there is no nation vnder the cope of Heauenhath had greater occasion to praise God in this kind then England, thepreseruation of the most illustrious princesse the Lady _Elizabeth_vnder the fiery triall of her vnkind sister Queene _Marie_ was a _nobleact_, and the seminary of much happinesse vnto this kingdome for manyyeares after, and so much the more noble because _Philip_ King of Spainehath often confessed that he spared her life (when wildy _Winchester_and bloodie _Bonner_ had brought her into the snare) not out of anypietie or pittie, but onely out of policie. Her exaltation to the Crownewas another _noble act_, so noble that some [do]Popish Prelats in theirenuie burst a sunder and dyed for very griefe of heart. Well might thatgood Lady sing and say with the blessed Virgine, _He that is mightiehath magnified me, and holy is his name, he hath put downe the mightiefrom their seat and hath exalted the humble and meeke_: her flourishingin health, wealth, and godlinesse, more then 44. Yeares (in despiteof all her foes abroad, at home, schismaticall, hereticall, open, intestine) was another _noble act_: for after once the Bull of Pope_Pius Quintus_ had roared, and his fat Calues had begunne to bellow inthis Island: there passed neuer a yeare, neuer a moneth, neuer a weeke(I thinke I might say) neuer a day, neuer an houre, but some mischiefewas intended either against her person or her people: the resisting ofthe rebellion in the Northerne parts of England, was _a noble act_: thediscouering and so consequently the defeating of _Campians_ treason _anoble act_: of _Parris_ treason _a noble act_: of the _Lupus Lopus_his treason, _a noble act_: of _Squires_ treason, _a noble act_. Herglorious victories against her fell and insolent enemies the _Spaniards_in _Ireland_, in _Flanders_, in _France_, in their owne dominions of_Portugal_, _Indies_, and _Spaine_ were _noble acts_. It was a wonder ofwonders, that a _Mayden Queene_ should at one time be both a staffe to_Flanders_, and a stay to _France_, a terror to _Pope_, a mirror to_Turke_, feared abroad, loued at home, Mistresse of the Sea, wonder ofthe world. Shee might truely bee called a _Prince of Peace_, for sheewas Crowned in Peace, shee liued in Peace, she dyed in Peace, she wasburied in Peace: and when shee had slept with her Fathers, it wasanother _noble act_ of the Lord to send vs in the midst of all ourfeare so learned, so meeke, so pious a Prince as King _Iames_, in suchexceeding sweet peace, that neuer a sword was drawn, happily neuer aword spoken against him. All these were _noble acts_, and ought to behad in a perpetuall remembrance. But of all other noble preseruations, _Our deliuerance from that intended mercilesse and matchlesse Massacreboth in fact and fiction, the fifth of Nouember, in the yeare 1605. _ ismost _noblie noble_. King _Iames_ on this day might haue said with King[dp]_Dauid_, _O Lord which art my rocke and my fortresse, thou hastgiuen me the necks of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hateme, that I might breake them as small as the dust of the earth, andtread them flat as the clay of the streete_. [dq]_O giue thankes vntothe Lord, for he is gracious, and his mercy endureth for euer. LetIsrael now confesse that he is gracious, and that his mercy endureth foreuer. Let the house of Aaron now confesse that his mercy endureth foreuer. Yea let all such as feare the Lord now confesse that his mercyendureth for euer. _ All the Congregations of the Saints in the wholeworld, haue good cause to thanke God our strength and deliuerer. _Scotland_ hath good cause, for if _England_ had been but a _Tuesdaybreakefast_, assuredly _Scotland_ should haue been but a _Fridaiesdrinking_, one morsell as it were for the greedy deuourer. The Churchesin _France_ relieued often by vs, haue good cause to reioyce with vs. Our neighbours of _Holland_ haue good cause to triumphe as they doe, forif our house had been set on fire, their house being the next would hauebeen quickly pulled downe. The Churches in _Germanie_, _Denmarke_, _Hungarie_, _Geneua_ likewise haue good cause to _praise God in thisnoble act according to his excellent greatnesse_. [Sidenote do: _See M. Foxe Martyr. In fine. _] [Sidenote dp: _2. Sam. 22. 41. _] [Sidenote dq: _Psalm. 118. _] More principally the Common-weale of England, and in it all men of allfactions, and all fashions whatsoeuer. _Atheists_ (if they think therebe a God) haue good cause to thanke God, acknowledging his mercie towardthem in sparing vs, and so sauing the bad for the [dr]righteous sake. _Carnall Gospellers_ haue good cause to thanke God, confessing that solong as [ds]_Lot_ is in _Sodome_, it can not be destroyed; and so longas _Moses_ standeth in the [dt]gap, and [du]prayeth for his people, Godswrathfull indignation can not deuoure vs. Yea, let the _Gunpowder men_themselues (if they haue any sparke of grace) confesse that God is to bepraised in this _noble act_; for suppose (God be thanked, we may supposeand dispose thus of these matters vnto our comfort) I say suppose, theirdiuelish plot had been acted, I assure my selfe our cause had been farrebetter, and our number farre greater than theirs; and as for our sinnes(which are indeede our greatest enemies) they would haue brought intothe field so many as we: so that hauing so much armour of light, andmore armour of proofe then they, [dx]_Causa iubet melior superos speraresecundos_. [Sidenote dr: _Gen. 18. 26. _] [Sidenote ds: _Gen. 19. 22. _] [Sidenote dt: _Psalm. 106. 23. _] [Sidenote du: _Exod. 32. 11. _] [Sidenote dx: _Lucan. _] But suppose the least and the worst part had ouercome the bigger andthe better, yet (if they bee not hewen out of hard rockes) if these_Romanists_ haue not sucked the milke of wolues (as it is reportedof the first founder of Rome) they would haue relented to see theirnatiue Country made nothing else but a verie shambles of _Italian_ and_Ignatian_ butchers. When _Alexander_ saw the dead corps of _Darius_;and _Iulius Cæsar_, the head of _Pompey_; and _Marcus Marcellus_, _Syracusa_ burne; and _Scipio_, _Numantia_ spoild; and _Titus_, _Hierusalem_ made [dy]euen with the ground, they could not abstaine fromweeping, albeit they were mortall enemies. But aboue all other in thiskingdome, the truely zealous, and zealously true hearted protestantshaue greatest occasion of reioycing; for if the Lord had not (_accordingto his excellent greatnes_, and according to his excellent goodnes too)deliuered vs out of this gun-powder gulfe, our bodies happily might hauebeene made food for the foules, or else fewell for the fire; and thatwhich would haue grieued our posteritie more, supersition and Idolatriemight in short time haue been replanted in this land; I meane thatvpstart Antichristian religion of _Rome_, wherein many things, especially foure (as iudicious [dz]_Fox_ well obserued) are mostabominable. 1. Vnlimited jurisdiction, derogatorie to all Kings and Emperours. 2. Insolent titles, preiudiciall to all Bishops and Prelates. 3. Corrupt doctrine, injurious to all Christians. 4. Filthie lise, detestable to all men. [Sidenote dy: _Luc. 19. 44. _] [Sidenote dz: _Martyr. Pag. 1. _] The greater was our danger, the greater was our deliuerance; the greaterour deliuerance, the greater our thankes should be; for as it followethin my text, _God is to be praised according to his excellent greatnes_. It is true that our most and best praises are few for the number, andlittle for the measure; whereas God is infinite for his goodnes, and inhis greatnesse incomprehensible. So that the meaning of [ea]_Dauid_ is, that we should praise him according to our capacitie, and not accordingto his immensitie; according to the grace bestowed vpon vs, and notaccording to the glorie which is in him. Ecclesiasticus 43. 30. _Praisethe Lord, and magnifie him as much as ye can, yet doth he farre exceed. Exalt him with all your power, and be not weary, yet can ye not attainevnto it. _ [Sidenote ea: _Basil. Musculus, Placid. Parnen. In loc. _] Now where the Lord giueth a greater meane, there he requireth a greatermeasure; where he bestoweth a greater portion of giftes, he doth expecta greater proportion of glorie. Wherefore seeing the Lord hath out ofhis abundant mercie conferred vpon this kingdome inestimable blessings, in the preaching of his word for the space of more then fiftie yeares;it is questionlesse he lookes for no little thankes or small praise, butfor great thankes and great praise according to his excellent greatnessemanifested in this our deliuerance. I come therefore to the second partof this Psalme, shewing _with what_ God is to be praised, _In the soundof the trumpet, &c. _ God is to be praised (saith [eb]_Augustine_) _totis votis de totisvobis_ with all your soules, and with all your selues. That thereforewe may manifest our inward affections by such outward actions as arecommendable, where there be _trumpets_, let them sound: where there be_lutes_ and _harpes_, let them strike vp: where there be _loud Cymbals_and _well tuned Cymbals_, let them ring, let them sing the praises ofGod for this our most happy deliuerance; let trumpet and tongue, viol &voice, lute & life, witnes our hartie reioycing in the Lord. If our truezeale were more fierie within, it would doubtlesse break forth into moepublike workes, then it doth, against that bloody brood of theGun-powder crue. There haue been many collections in euery Dioces forthe reedifying of the Churches of Saint _Albanes_ and _Arthuret_, thewhich I assure my selfe were good works: there haue been in this latterage many gorgeous, I might say glorious buildings erected about and inthis honorable Citie, to the great ornament of our Country, the which Ithinke you may number among your good workes: there haue bin Lotteriesto further _Virginean_ enterprises, and these (for any thing I know)were good workes also: there haue been many new play-houses, and onefaire Burse lately built; _Paris_-garden in a flourishing estate makes agreat noyse still, and as I heare _Charing_ Crosse shall haue a new coattoo: but in the meane time while so many monuments are raised, eitherto the honour of the dead, or else for the profit and pleasure of thelyuing: _Dic mihi musa virum_, I pray Muse and shew me the man, whoioynes with that euer zealous, reuerend, learned Deane in founding aColledge for a Societie of writers against the superstitious Idolatriesof the Romane Synagogue, the which happily might be like _the [ec]Towerof Dauid_, where the strong men of Israel might haue shieldes andtargets to fight the Lords battaile: [ed]_Is it time for your seluesto dwell in your seiled houses, and this house lye wast?_ [Sidenote eb: _In Psalm. 147. _] [Sidenote ec: _Cant. 4. 4. _] [Sidenote ed: _Haggai. 1. 4. _] Remember I beseech you the words of [ee]_Azariah_ vnto King _Asa_ andthe men of Iuda, _The Lord is with you while you are with him, and ifyee seeke him, he will be found of you; but if yee forsake him, he willforsake you_. Benot cold in a good cause, flie not out of the field, play not the cowards in the Lords holie wars; for albeit happily yourselues are like for your time to do wel enough in despite of the Diuell, and the Pope his darling: yet your posteritie will assuredly rue it, andhaue iust cause to curse their dastardly, spiritlesse and worthlesseprogenitors. I say no more concerning this point, only I pray with ourforefathers in the first English Letany, set out in the dayes of King_Henry_ the 8. _from all sedition and priuie conspiracie, from thetyrannie of the Bishop of Rome, and all his detestable enormities, fromall false doctrine and heresie, from hardnesse of heart, and contempt ofthy word and commandement. _ _Good Lord deliuer vs. _ [Sidenote ee: _2. Chron. 15. 2. _] Where note by the way, that the Popes abominable tyrannie is hedged in(as it were) on the one side with _sedition_ and _priuie conspiracy_, and on the other side with _false doctrine_ and _heresie_. I haueanother prayer, and for as much as it is in Latine, I must entreat allsuch (if any such here be present, who loue _Bonauentures_ psalter andthe Romish seruice) to ioyne with vs in this orison. _Papa noster qui esRomæ maledicetur nomen tuum, intereat regnum tuum, impediatur voluntastua, sicut in Coelo sic et in terra. Potum nostrum in Coena dominicada nobis hodie, & remitte nummos nostros quos tibi dedimus obindulgentias, sicut & nos remittimus tibi indulgentias, & ne nos inducasin hæresin, sed libera nos a miseria, quoniam tuum est infernum, pix &sulphur in secula seculorum. _ The word of God is a [ef]two edged sword, sharp in a literal, and sharpin an allegoricall exposition. Hitherto you haue heard the history, nowthere remaineth a mistery, _nihil enim hic ludicrum aut lubricum_ saith[eg]_Augustine_, and therefore [eh]diuines vnderstand here by the_sounding of the trumpet_, the preaching of the Gospell, [ei]whosesound went out thorow all the earth vnto the endes of the world: at theseuenfold sounding of this trumpet the walles of [ek]Iericho fal, thatis all the pompes and powers of this world are conquered & brought tonought, this trumpet is mightie thorough God to cast downe holdes, andImaginations, and euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledgeof God. 2. Cor. 10. 4. [Sidenote ef: _Heb. 4. 12. _] [Sidenote eg: _In loc. _] [Sidenote eh: _Prosper Luther Hugo Card. _] [Sidenote ei: _Rom. 10. 18. _] [Sidenote ek: _Iosua. 6. Strictior est tuba ex parte buccinantis quàm ex altera, quia prædicator strictius se debet examinare. Hugo Card. In loc. _] [el]Other say that the Saints are these _trumpets_, and _harpes_, and_Cymbals_, and that their [em]members make this musicke to the Lord, oureyes praies the Lord, while they be [en]lifted vp vnto their maker inheauen, and waite vpon his mercy: our tongues praise the Lord, insinging [eo]Psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songs vnto the Lord:our eares praise the Lord, while they [ep]heare the word of God withattention: our hands praise the Lord, while they be [eq]stretched outvnto the poore, and while they [er]worke the thing that is good: ourfeete praise the Lord, when they bee not [es]swift to shed blood, but[et]stand in the gates of Gods house, ready to [eu]run the wayes of hiscommandements. _In Tympano sicca & percussa pellis resonat, in choroautem voces sociatæ concordant_ said [ex]_Gregorie_ the great: wherefore[ey]such as mortifie the lusts of the flesh praise God _in tympano_, andthey who keepe the [ez]vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace, praiseGod _in choro_: the _Brownist_ in separating himselfe from the Churchthough he seeme to praise God _in tympano_, yet hee doth not praise God_in choro_: and the _carnall gospeller_ albeit he ioyne with the Church_in choro_, yet he prayseth not God _in tympano_; they praise God in_well tuned Cymbals_ who tune their soules before they preach or pray, whosoeuer desires to bee a sweete singer in Israel must bee learned inthe schoole, before hee be lowd in the temple: the heart likewise mustbe prepared for praying, as the harpe for playing, if our instruments ofpraise be not in tune, then our whole deuotion is like _the [fa]soundingbrasse or as the tinckling Cymbal_: in Gods quier there is first _tunewell_, and then _sound well_, if once we can say with [fb]_Dauid_, _O God mine heart is ready, mine heart is ready_, then our lute andharpe will awake right early: let thy soule praise the Lord, and thenall that is either without or about thee will instantly doe the same. [Sidenote el: _Augustin in loc. _] [Sidenote em: _Chrysost. Euthym. In loc. _] [Sidenote en: _Psalm. 123. _] [Sidenote eo: _Colos. 3. 16. _] [Sidenote ep: _Mat. 13. 9. _] [Sidenote eq: _Ecclesi. 7. 32. _] [Sidenote er: _Ephes. 4. 24. _] [Sidenote es: _Psal. 14. 6. _] [Sidenote et: _Psal. 122. 2. _] [Sidenote eu: _Psal. 119. 32. _] [Sidenote ex: _Pastoral. Part. 3. Admonit. 23. _] [Sidenote ey: _August. Cassiod. Hugo. Card. In loc. _] [Sidenote ez: _Ephes. 4. 3. _] [Sidenote fa: _1. Cor. 13. 1. _] [Sidenote fb: _Psalm. 108. 1. _] _Let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lord_, that is [fc]_omnespirans_, [fd]_omnis spiritualis_, [fe]_omnis spiritus_, let euerycreature praise the lord for his estate of confection, euery Christianpraise the Lord for his estate of refection, euery blessed spirit loosedout of the worldes misery praise the Lord for his estate of perfection, let euery creature, man aboue all the Creatures, and the soule of manaboue all that is in man praise the Lord. _Omnis spiritus, i. [ff]totusspiritus_, [fg]all the heart, all the soule, all the mind, as thepsalmist [fh]elsewhere, I will thanke thee O Lord my God with all mineheart, euen with my [fi]whole heart, or _omnis spiritus_ the spiritof euery man in euery place, for this saying is [fk]propheticall, insinuating that God in time to come, shall not only be worshipped ofthe Iewes at Ierusalem with outward ceremonies, _in the sound of thetrumpet and vpon the lute and harpe_: but in all places, of all personsin spirit and truth as Christ expounds _Dauid_ in the 4. Of Saint_Iohns_ Gospell at the 23. Verse, whereas vnbeleeuing Iewes are thesonnes of _Abraham_ according to the flesh only, beleeuing Gentiles arethe [fl]seed of _Abraham_ according to the spirit, and heires bypromise, more Israel saith [fm]_Augustine_ then Israel it selfe. Thesonnes of _Abraham_ (as Christ tels vs in the [fn]Gospell) are they whodoe the workes of _Abraham_, and _Abrahams_ chiefe worke was faith, _Abraham_ beleeued (saith the [fo]text) and it was imputed to him forrighteousnes. _Ergo_, the true beleeuer is a right Isralite, blessedwith faithfull _Abraham_. Galat. 3. 9. [fp]some stretch this further, applying it not onely to the spirits of men in the Church militant, butalso to the blessed Angels and Saints in the triumphant, for this Psalmeconsists of a threefold _apostrophe_. [Sidenote fc: _Agellius Vatablus_. ] [Sidenote fd: _Hieron. August. _] [Sidenote fe: _Genebrard & alij plerique. _] [Sidenote ff: _Hugo. Iunius. _] [Sidenote fg: _Luk. 10. 27. _] [Sidenote fh: _Psal. 86. 12. _] [Sidenote fi: _Psal. 111. 1. _] [Sidenote fk: _Caluin. Genebrard. In loc. _] [Sidenote fl: _Galat. 3. 29. _] [Sidenote fm: _Psalm. 148. _] [Sidenote fn: _Iohn 8. 39. _] [Sidenote fo: _Gen. 15. 6. Rom. 4. 3. _] [Sidenote fp: _Genebrard. _] 1. _Dauid_ inuiteth all the Citizens of heauen, _O praise God in hissanctuarie, praise him in the firmament of his power_. 2. All the dwellers vpon earth, _praise him in the sound of the trumpet, praise him vpon the lute and harpe, &c. _ 3. Both and all, _let euery thing that hath breath_, euery thing whichhath either the life of nature, or of grace, or of glorie, let _eueryspirit_ [fq]whether it be terrestriall or celestiall, of whatsoeuercondition, age, sexe, _praise the Lord_. [Sidenote fq: _Placidus parmensis & Bellarmin. In loc. _] It is a [fr]_Rabbinical_ conceit that this hymne consists of 13. _Halleluiahs_, answering 13. Properties of God mentioned Exod. 34. 6. 7. Verses, and in that our Prophet after a dozen _Halleluiahs_ hath notdone, but addeth a thirteenth, hee doth insinuate that when all ourdeuotion is finished, it is our dutie to begin againe with Gods praise, for as [fs]of him, and thorough him, and for him, are all things, euenso to him is due all glorie for euermore: as his mercies are fromeuerlasting to euerlasting, from euerlasting election, to euerlastingglorification: so likewise his praises are to bee sung for euer andeuer. In this life we begin this hymne singing (as musitians speake) in_breifs_ and _semibriefs_ a staffe or two, but in the world to comestanding before the throne of the Lambe, clothed in long white robes, accompanied with all the sweet voyces of heauens incomparable melodiousquire: we shall eternally sing, [ft]_Holy, holy, holy, Lord Godalmightie, which was, and which is, and which is to come, [fu]praise, and glorie, and wisdome, and power, and might, be vnto our God foreuermore. _ Amen. [Sidenote fr: _Genebrard. _] [Sidenote fs: _Rom. 11. 36. _] [Sidenote ft: _Apocalip. 4. 8. _] [Sidenote fu: _Apocalip. 7. 12. _] FINIS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [Notes and Errata In the Latin words "Coelo" and "Coena", the letter combination "oe" wasprinted in single-letter (ligature) form, analogous to æ for ae. The titles "Mr. " and "Dr. " were printed with superscript r, properlytranscribed M^{r}. And D^{r}. They have been simplified for readability. Years are always printed with following period (full stop), regardlessof place in the sentence. Sidenotes--here equivalent to footnotes--were labeled sequentially a-z, repeating as often as necessary. For this e-text they have been givenunique identifiers adding a, b, c. .. To successive series. Note that the23-letter alphabet has no j, v or w. page 2 / leaf A2v Sidenote d: . .. Turrecremat. _the name "Turrecremata" is better known in its Spanish form, "Torquemada"_ page 3 / leaf A3 for translating th{~e} out of this [q]valley of teares _{~e} represents "e" with overline (unique in this text)_ page 6 / leaf A4v Non martyres domini sed mancipes diaboli _text reads_ matyris page 8 / leaf A5v Sidenote bk: _Mark. 12. 36. _ _citation unclear_ page 18 / leaf B2v But of all other noble preseruations, _Our deliuerance from. .. _ _text reads_ . .. Preseruations (_Our. .. page 21 / leaf B4 that bloody brood of the Gun-powder crue _text reads_ Gun-dowder the Churches of Saint _Albanes_ and _Arthuret_ "Arthuret" is a place name page 24 / leaf B5v _Let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lord_, that is [fc]_omne spirans_ _text reads_ . .. The Lord_) that is. .. _Omnis spiritus, i. [ff]totus spiritus_ "i. " _as in original: short for_ "intellege"? page 25 / leaf B6 Sidenote fq [simple "q" in original] _text has "p" for "q", but reference in body text is correct_]