AN EPITOME OF THE Homoeopathic Healing Art, CONTAINING THE NEW DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PRESENT TIME; DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES, FOR TRAVELERS ON THEIR JOURNEY, AND AS A POCKET COMPANION FOR THE PHYSICIAN. BY B. L. HILL, M. D. , Professor of General, Special, and Surgical Anatomy Late Professor ofSurgery, Obstetrics, and Diseases Females and Children, in the W. H. College, Author of the "Homoeopathic Practice of Surgery, " &c. , &c. CLEVELAND, OHIO: JOHN HALL, 72 SUPERIOR STREET. CHICAGO, ILL. HALSEY & KING, 162 CLARK STREET. 1859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, By B. L. HILL, M. D. , In the Clerk's office of the District Court in and for the NorthernDistrict of Ohio. PINKERTON & NEVINS' Print, Cleveland, O. * * * * * TABLE OF REMEDIES. In this table I have affixed to the remedies figures designating thedilutions or the attenuations, at which, under ordinary circumstances, Iwould advise their use. The strongest, or mother tinctures, marked withan apha (0), the dilutions or triturations to be of the decimal degreesof attenuation, are marked 1, 2, 3, &c. , to designate that they are tobe used at 1-10th, 1-100th, 1-1000th, &c. , the strength of the puredrugs. The list for a full FAMILY CASE contains all the remedies recommended inthis book for diseases that may be safely trusted to unprofessionalhands. The TRAVELER'S CASE needs only such medicines as are prescribed for thediseases which he would be most liable to contract on his journey;though I have put in the principal ones used in domestic practice, sothat the Case will do for family use. The CHOLERA CASE is only supplied with such remedies as are particularlyapplicable to that disease; useful, however, for many other complaints. TRAVELER'S CASE. 1 Aconite p 3|15 Hydrastus Can. P 1 2 Apis Mellifica p 3|16 Ipecac p 3 3 Arsenicum p 3|17 Mercurius sol. P 3 4 Arnica tr 0|18 Mercurius cor. Tt 2 5 Arum triphyllum tt 2|19 Macrotin tt 1 6 Belladonna p 3|20 Nux Vom. P 3 7 Baptisia p 1|21 Phosphorus p 3 8 Bryonia p 3|22 Phos. Acid p 3 9 Colocynth p 3|23 Podophyllin p 2 10 China Sul. Tt 1|24 Rhus toxicod. P 3 11 Chamomilla p 3|25 Secale p 3 12 Copaiva p 2|26 Tartar emetic p 3 13 Cuprum p 3|27|Veratrum p 3 14 Eupatorium Aro. P 1| CHOLERA CASE. 1 Aconite p 3|8 Laurocerasus p 4 2 Arsenicum p 3|9 Opium p 3 3 Belladonna p 3|10 Merc. Cor. P 3 4 Camphor tr 0|11 Phosphorus p 3 5 Carbo Veg. P 5|12 Phos. Acid p 3 6 Cuprum p 3|13 Secale p 3 7 Ipecac p 3|14 Veratrum p 3 FULL FAMILY CASE. Tr. Is used for tincture, Tt. Trituration, P. Pellets. REMEDIES. |CONTRACTIONS. | 1 Aconitum. |Aconite Tr 0 1 p 3 2 Althæa. | 3 Apis mellifica. |Apis mel. 0 p 2 3 4 Arsenicum. |Arsenicum 0 p 3 5 Arnica. |Arnica, 0 p 3 6 Arum triphyllum. |Arum triphyllum, 0 tt 2 7 Belladonna. |Bell. Tr 1 p 4 8 Baptisia tinctoria. |Baptisia, tr 0 2 9 Bryonia. |Bryonia, tr p 3 10 Carbo. Vegetabilis. |Carbo. Veg. Tr p 4 11 Cantharides. |Cantharides, tr 0 p 3 12 Colocynthis. |Colocynth, tr or p 3 13 China Sulphuricum. |China Sul. Tt 1 14 Chamomilla. |Chamomilla tr or p 3 15 Copaiva. |Copaiva tr 1 p 2 16 Cauloph. Thalictroides. |Caulophyllum tr 1 17 Cuprum. |Cuprum, p 3 18 Cuprum Aceticum. | 19 Cornus Sericea. |Cornus sericea, tr 0 p 2 20 Conium maculatum. |Conium mac. Tr 0 p 3 21 Coffea. |Coffea p 4 22 Eryngium Aquaticum. |Eryngium Aquaticum 2 23 Eupatorium aromaticum |Eupatorium aro. Tr 0 p 2 24 Hepar Sulphur. | 25 Hydrastus Canadensis. |Hydrastin tr 0 p 2 26 Hamamelis Virginica. |Hamamelis Vir. Tr 0 p 3 27 Ipecacuanha. |Ipecac tr 0 p 2 3 28 Laurocerasus. |Laurocerasus p 3 29 Mercurius solubilis. |Merc. Tr 3 30 Mercurius corrosivus. |Mercurius cor. Tt 2 p 3 31 Macrotys Racemosa. |Macrotin, tr 2 32 Nux Vomica. |Nux p 3 33 Opium. |Opium p 3 34 Phosphorus. |Phosphorus, tr 2 p 3 35 Phosphoric acid. |Phos. Acid, tr 2 p 3 36 Podophyllum peltatum. |Podophyllin, tt 1 p 3 37 Pulsatilla. |Pulsatilla 3 38 Rhus Toxicodendron. |Rhus Tox. P 3 39 Secale cornutum. |Secale, tr 1 p 3 40 Santonine. |Santonine, tr 1 41 Spongia. |Spongia, p 4 42 Tartar Emetic. |Tartar emetic tr 2 p 3 43 Thuya. | 44 Veratrum alba. |Veratrum. P 3 AN EPITOME OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC HEALING ART. Introduction. This work contains in a _condensed form_ a very large portion of allthat is practically useful in the treatment of the diseases ordinarilyoccurring in this country. The symptoms are given with sufficientminuteness and detail to enable any one of ordinary capacities ofobservation to distinguish the complaint; and the treatment is so_plainly_ laid down, that no one need make a mistake. If strictlyfollowed, it will, in a very large proportion of cases, effect cures, even when administered by those unacquainted with the medical sciencesgenerally. It has been written from necessity, to meet the demands ofcommunity for a more definite work in a concise form, that shouldcontain remedies of the most reliable character, with such directionsfor their use as can be followed by the _traveler on his journey_, or byfamilies at home, when no physician is at hand. It might seem to somepreposterous to speak of a _demand_ for another _domestic_Homoeopathic Practice, when half a score or more of such works are nowextant, some having come out within a very short time. The demandarises, not from the want of Books, but from the defects of those thatexist. There is in most of them, too little point and definiteness inthe prescriptions, and a kind of vague doubting recommendationnoticeable to all, which carries the impression at once to every reader, of a want of _confidence_ by the author in his own directions. Again, in some of the works there is too much confusion, the symptomsnot being laid down with sufficient clearness to indicate the bestremedy. Some of the works are unnecessarily large and cumbersome, whilethe real amount of valuable practical matter is comparatively meager, obliging the reader to pay for paper and binding without the containedvalue of his money. I do not claim entire perfection for this work, yetI do claim it to be several steps in advance of the books now extant. * * * * * This work is my own, being the result of my practical experience andobservation. I have introduced several remedies that, though they arefamiliar to me, and have been used in my practice for many years, are, nevertheless, comparatively strange and new to most of the profession. Of some we have no extensive provings yet published, still the provingshave been made, both upon the healthy and the sick. Their use, asdirected in this work, is in strict accordance with theirHomoeopathic relation to the symptoms for which they are prescribed. Some may object to my practice of giving several remedies in alternationor rotation and in quick succession. To such I would say, When you trythis mode of practice and on comparing it with the opposite one ofgiving only one remedy, and that at long intervals between the doses, find my mode to be less successful than yours, _then_ it will be timefor you to make your objections. _You_ may rely upon the vaguehypotheses of the books, and give your high dilutions singly, at longintervals, and let your patients die for want of _real_ treatment, whileI will use lower dilutions and give two or more remedies in quicksuccession and cure mine. I only speak what is in accordance withuniversal observation, where the two modes are compared on equalfooting, when I affirm that, while the former _may_ effect some cures, _most_ of the recoveries under it, are spontaneous and unaided, thelatter _does_ cure; the disease being arrested by the medicine, and theproportion of unfavorable terminations is much less under the latterthan the former course. I know many learned and successful practitionerswho have substituted low dilutions and the giving of several remedies inquick succession for the old mode of high attenuations and longintervals of single remedies, all of whom still adhere to the low, whileI have yet to hear of the man who has gone _back_ to high singleremedies and long intervals. My reason then, for the course here laiddown, is, that it will _cure_ with more promptness and certainty. Ifothers are so prejudiced as not to _try it_, they will still remain inignorance of the _best practice_, and their patients will be thesufferers. In reference to the fear that is expressed that if one medicine is giventoo soon after another, it will antidote the former, I have simply tosay, I have no confidence in the hypothetic antidotal powers of themedicines one over another, as laid down in the books. It has not beenverified by experience, and has no foundation in truth. It is true thatone medicine will remove morbid symptoms that might be produced by anoverdose of another; but both being given in the ordinary medicinaldoses, neither of them to such an extent as to produce sensiblesymptoms, if given alone, would not, if given in quick succession, prevent each other from acting to remove their own peculiar symptomsthat exist in the system at the time. So if we have the symptoms thatare found in two or more different remedies present in the same attack, as is often the ease, we may give these several remedies one afteranother, with confidence in their curative effects for the symptoms theyrepresent. This has been my practice, and it has been _eminently successful_, andtherefore I commend it to others, treating with pity the infirmity ofthose who ignorantly condemn it, as "They know not what they do. " ADMINISTRATION OF REMEDIES. The remedies are either in the form of tinctures saturated, more or lessdilute, in Pellets or Powders. The _Pellets_ may be taken dry upon thetongue, allowed to dissolve and swallowed. The dose for an adult is from4 to 7; for an infant, from birth to one year old, 1 to 3; from one tothree years, 2 to 4; from three to ten years, 3 to 5 pellets; after ten, same as an adult. 15 or 20 pellets may be dissolved in a gill of water, and a tea-spoonful dose given at a time, being particular to stir ituntil all are perfectly dissolved, stirring it each dose. _Powders_ may be taken in the same manner, upon the tongue, a dose whendry, being about the same bulk as of the pellets as nearly aspracticable. If put into water, to a gill of water add of the powderabout what would lie on a three cent piece. If the liquid medicine isused, add 1 drop to a gill of water, and use tea-spoonful doses as abovedirected. The length of time between the doses should be, in Dysenteryand Diarrhoea, regulated by the frequency of the discharges, giving adose as often as the evacuations occur. In acute and violent diseases, the doses should be repeated oftener than in milder cases--about once anhour as a general rule is often enough, though in some cases they shouldbe given in half an hour or oftener. In mild cases, once in two or threehours is often enough, and in chronic cases, once or twice a day. Bathing. The surface of the body should be kept clean, as far as possible, and tothis end, in summer, should be well bathed at least once a day. Inwinter, though useful, it is not so indispensable; still no one shouldneglect the bath more than a week, and all ought to bathe at least twicea week, if not oftener, even in winter. The bath should be of a temperature that is agreeable, and the roomwarm, especially for a feeble person. It should be so applied as not togive a general chill, as such shocks are always hurtful. The _teeth_ should be kept clean and free from tartar. They should becleaned every morning and after each meal. The feet, legs and armsshould be warmly clothed, especially the _arms_, as an exposure of themto cold is liable to induce affections of the lungs, and to aggravateany existing disease of those organs. By exposure of the feet and legs to cold, diseases and derangements ofthe female organs, even in young girls, are induced; and one prolificcause of female weakness is to be found in improper dressing of the feetand legs, while the _lung affections_ of females, now so fearfullyprevalent, are traceable in a great degree to the fashion that hasprevailed for a few years, of exposing the arms to cold. Diet. The diet of the sick should he nutricious, but at all times simple, freefrom greasy substances, and from all stimulating condiments whatsoever, as well as from vinegar, or food in which vinegar is used. In short, let the food be nutritious, easily digested, small or moderatein quantity, and free from all "seasoning, " except salt or sugar; and ifsalt is used at all, let the quantity be very small, much less thanwould be used in health. Diarrhoea. This disease consists in a looseness of the bowels, generallyaccompanied with pain in the abdomen, more or less severe. It sometimesoccurs without pain, but is _then_ attended with a sense of weakness, and a general feeling of uneasiness. It prevails mostly in the warmseasons, but may occur at any time. It is not usually considered a verydangerous affection, except during the prevalence of _Cholera_, or inchildren during hot weather. TREATMENT. _Veratrum_ and _Phos. Acid_, given alternately, at intervals, asfrequently as the discharges from the bowels occur, will generally besufficient. If there is nausea or vomiting, or cramping pains in thebowels, give _Ipecac_ in alternation with one or both the former. Ifthirst and a burning of the stomach or bowels exist, use _Arsenicum. _This last medicine may be given in alternation with either of theothers, but is most frequently indicated in connection with _Veratrum. _The intervals between the doses should be regulated by the frequency ofthe evacuations in all cases, lengthening them as the evacuations becomeless frequent, until they cease. In _children_, where the discharges aregreenish or slimy, and contain undigested food, give _Chamomilla_ and_Ipecac_ alternately, as above directed. If the discharges are dark, oryellow, with distress in the stomach, give _Podophyllin. _ The dose isfrom 3 to 6 pellets. In all cases of diarrhoea, adults should abstainfrom all kinds of food until cured, if possible, and eat but little atfirst, when food is taken. Children should be fed carefully, and but asmall quantity at a time, being particular both for adults and childrento use as little _liquid_ as possible; drink water in _small_quantities, not very cold. Avoid exercise, and lie on the back quietly, when that is practicable. In a large majority of cases, _Veratrum_, ifgiven in the early stages of the disease, will arrest it at once, and inmany chronic diarrhoeas of weeks or months standing, it is the surestremedy. In chronic diarrhoea of females, _Podophyllin_ should be usedin alternation with _Veratrum_. Dysentery. This disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of thecolon and rectum, (the large intestine) generally confined to the lowerpart of the bowel. It is always painful. There is griping and strainingin the lower part of the abdomen, and generally great bearing down whenat stool, with a peculiar distress after the evacuation, called tormina. The discharges often commence like a common diarrhoea, with copiousliquid evacuations, but there is more or less griping pain, low down, from the beginning. The evacuations sooner or later become lessened, slimy or bloody, or both, the pain increasing accompanied with more orless fever, often quite severe. Sometimes the patient is costive, andhas been so for several days, the dysentery coming on without beingpreceded by looseness. At others, especially in summer, when fevers areprevailing, the dysentery begins with a severe chill, followed by feverand the dysenteric symptoms above described. TREATMENT. If it begins with looseness without blood, give _Arsenicum_ and_Veratrum_ alternately, once an hour, or oftener if the evacuations aremore frequent. If the discharges are bloody, use _Mercurius cor. _ inplace of the _Arsenicum_. If there is any sickness of the stomach, orthe discharges are dark or yellow, use _Podophyllin_ with _Mercuriuscor. _ If there are colic pains in the bowels, use _Colocynthis_alternately with the others, giving it between them. If the patient wascostive previous to the attack, and the dysentery came on without muchlooseness, _Nux Vomica_ should be given alternately with _Mercuriuscor. _ If the disease comes on with a chill, or a chill occurs at anytime during the attack, followed by fever, _Aconite_, _Baptisia_ and_Podophyllin_ should be used in rotation half an hour apart until a freeperspiration is produced, and the pain diminishes; or if bloody stoolsappear, use _Mercurius cor_, with the _Aconite_ and _Baptisia_. A largeproportion of the dysenteries of hot weather in miasmatic regions, willbe arrested in a few hours by these three or four remedies, especiallyif the patient keeps still, and generally even if he keeps about hisbusiness. In very bad cases, much benefit will be derived frominjections of Gum Arabic water, or mucillage of Slippery Elm thrown intothe bowel in quantities of a pint or more at a time, as warm as canpossibly be endured. I have often relieved patients immediately withinjections of a strong solution of Borax in Rice water, as hot asbearable. _Never apply cold water_ to _any_ inflamed surface, much lessa _mucous_ surface. All food should be withheld as far as practicableand not starve, until the symptoms abate. Colic. The symptoms of this are cramping pains in the abdomen, without fever orlooseness of the bowels. The colic sometimes occurs after the cessationof a diarrhoea that had been induced by severe cathartics. The painsare cutting and straining, drawing the bowels into knots, relievedtemporarily by pressure. TREATMENT. For a male, _Nux Vom. _, and for a female, _Pulsatilla_ will generallyafford immediate relief. In children, especially, where diarrhoeaexists, _Chamomilla_ should be used. If it is the result of severecathartics, or if there is a soreness or a bruised feeling, _Colocynth_is the remedy. Hot injections into the rectum, and large quantities ofwarm water taken into the stomach, will often _cure colic_. Bilious Colic. This disease, in addition to the symptoms of cutting, cramping pains inthe bowels, as in common colic, has great distress in the stomach, withnausea and vomiting, the bowels being costive, the feet and hands cold, sometimes cold sweats occur. There is also considerable fever, andfrequently headache is present. The substance vomited is at first darkbilious matter, but if the case continues a long time, stercoraceous(fecal) matter will be thrown up. TREATMENT. _Colocynth_ is the most important remedy, and should be given early andconstantly. _Podophyllin_ is next in importance, and it should be givenin alternation with the former, the dose to be repeated as often asevery half hour at first, and as the patient becomes easy, at longerintervals. In this, as in the former case, great benefit will be derivedfrom large injections of quite warm water, and let it be taken into thestomach freely, as hot as can be safely swallowed. I have given a gallonof hot water in the course of two hours, to a patient suffering underthis disease, the first half pint being rejected, but the balanceremaining, perfect relief having been experienced. If fever continuesafter the colic and nausea cease, _Baptisia_ and _Aconite_ should begiven alternately every hour until the fever subsides. If the patientis, and has been, for some time, costive, _Nux Vomica_ should be givenonce in six or eight hours until the bowels move. Injections may also beused. Cholera Morbus. This disease generally comes on at night, in hot weather, and is, inmany cases, induced by over eating while the patient is suffering fromdiarrhoea and a deranged state of the liver. It is essentially of abilious character. It sets in with great pain in the bowels, sickness atthe stomach, and vomiting of large quantities of dark greenish bittertasting substance. At first, the vomiting will seem to afford relief, but sooner or later the stomach and bowels cramp, and the cramping mayextend to other parts of the body, the feet, hands, calves of the legs, and the arms, cold sweats come on, and death terminates his sufferings. TREATMENT. _Ipecac_ and _Colocynthis_ are to be given in alternation, and repeatedas often as every 30 minutes, for the first three or four doses, then asthe patient gets easier, at longer intervals. A dose every hour willsuffice as soon as the symptoms begin to abate. The application of hotcloths or even mustard, over the abdomen, frequently palliates thesufferings, and does not interfere with the action of the medicines. Fever of a low typhoid type some times sets in after an attack ofcholera morbus, and terminates fatally. This ought never to occur underHomoeopathic treatment. For such fever give _Baptisia_, a dose everyhour until the fever subsides, which will occur generally in six oreight hours; if not, and the patient complains of headache, or isdelirious, or dizzy, or feels a fullness in the head, give _Macrotin_ inalternation with the _Baptisia_. Keep the patient very quiet and freefrom noise, as far as possible. _Sleep_ is a great restorer in any case, but particularly so in this. FEVERS. Intermittent Fever, Ague or Chill Fever. This comes on with pains in the head and back, aching in the joints, yawning, followed by coldness of the hands and feet, blueness of thenails and skin of the hands, general chilliness, sometimes "shaking. "This lasts from a few minutes in some cases, to several hours in others. The chill is followed by a fever, which is generally severe and longcontinued, in proportion to the length and severity of the chill. Thefever is followed by free perspiration, when it subsides and leaves thepatient in a comfortable condition. This state is called the_Intermission_. This continues from a few hours to twenty-four, orlonger, when another chill comes on followed by fever and sweats asbefore. During the chill and fever, the patient often suffers greatpain, and is sometimes delirious. Young children frequently haveconvulsions when the chill sets in. _These_ convulsions of children, though alarming, are not often dangerous. TREATMENT. As soon as the first symptoms of the chills appear, such as theheadache, pain in the back and bones, coldness of the hands, nose andears, give _Aconite_ and _Baptisia_ alternately, giving the first threedoses every ten minutes, the next three doses every fifteen minutes, andthen once in half an hour until the patient begins to sweat freely, whenthe medicines should be discontinued. If there is nausea or vomitingpresent, let the patient have lukewarm water freely in large draughts, until he vomits it up several times. As soon as the sweating commences, give _Arsenicum_ and _Macrotin_ alternately every hour during theintermission, except during sleeping time. On return of the chill, should it appear a second time, use the _Aconite_ and _Baptisia_ asbefore, and follow them with _Arsenicum_ and _Nux Vom. _ every two hours. This course of treatment will cure a majority of cases, but some require_Cinchonia_. That Cinchonia is a specific for intermittent fevers inmany of their forms, no one will deny. It is the Homoeopathic remedyfor many cases, and should be prescribed. The injurious effects that areoften attributed to Quinine, are, I have no doubt, attributable not tothat remedy, but to the _drugs_ that are used prior to giving the_Chinium Sul_. I have used it in more than two thousand cases, and havenever been able to see any evil consequences follow its _proper_ use. Itshould be given _from the beginning of the chill to the end_ of theparoxysm, and continued during the whole time of the intermission: _i. E. _ until the time arrives for the next chill, _time_ being important inthe use of this remedy. Use the first decimal trituration, and givegrain doses (equal to 1-10th of a grain of the drug) every half hourtill the time the next chill would occur, if it pursued its regularcourse, allowing the patient six or seven hours time in eachtwenty-four, for sleep. [1] Though from two to four grains of the pure_Chinium Sulphuricum_ is all the patient would get, very few cases thatdo not yield to a course of the former treatment here recommended, willhave the third paroxysm after this _China_ treatment is commenced andpursued as here directed. For children the dose may be one-half orone-fourth that of the adults. If a trituration of the medicine cannotbe got conveniently, four grains of the _Quinine_ may be put into a fourounce vial of water, shaken well every time, and a teaspoonful taken ata dose. Abstinence from food as far as practicable, and quiet is of muchimportance in this disease, but the patient may use water freely. [1] NOTE. --The Eclectic Physicians use equal parts of Quinine andPrussiate of Iron, with marked success in agues, giving from one tothree grains of the mixture at a dose, every two hours, or oftener, forten or twelve hours, and some times more, during the intermission. Anintelligent Homoeopathic Physician informs me that he has used with_uniform_ success, a _trituration_ of this mixture of Quinine andPrussiate of Iron, in proportion of ten grains of the Sugar of Milk toone of the Mixture, giving the trituration in doses of about one grainevery hour through the chill, fever and intermission. Very few cases hada second chill after taking the prescription. I have used thistrituration successfully in a few cases. In some cases, the chill is irregular and indistinct, the patient isthirsty during the chill, and the cold stage is long in proportion tothe length of the fever, the surface pale and more or less bloated. _Arsenicum_ is the remedy, and should be given from the commencement ofthe chill, and every hour until the fever subsides, then every threehours during the intermission. In chronic cases, where the patient hasbeen drugged with mercurials and cathartics, together with larger dosesof Quinine, and is still suffering under the disease, _Pulsatilla_ and_Macrotin_ in alternation, will, in nearly every case, effect a cure. Bilious Fever. This fever may be either intermittent, remitting, or continued, andtyphoid. It is distinguished from common intermittent, by the greatderangement of the stomach, as nausea and vomiting of bilious matter, yellow coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, foul breath, loss ofappetite, high colored urine, and frequently distress and fullness inthe right side, (though this last is not in every case present, ) theskin and white of the eyes soon become yellowish, the chills are oftenimperfect, the fever being disproportionably long. TREATMENT. _Podophyllin_ and _Merc. _ should be given in ease of intermittents ofthis character, during the paroxysm, and in rotation with the otherremedies for intermittents, giving a dose every three hours during theintermission. It is well also to continue these remedies night andmorning, alternately, for a week or so, after the cessation of thechills and fever, or until all bilious appearances cease. * * * * * A REMITTING FEVER is one that goes nearly off, but not so entirely as anintermittent, returning again by a paroxysm of chill more or lessdistinct, sometimes hardly perceptible, and an increase of the feverfollowing, from day to day, until arrested. * * * * * CONTINUED FEVERS are generally of a Bilious character, except in winter, when they are more or less connected with irritation of the lungs, orwith Rheumatic affections, when they are termed Catarrhal or RheumaticFevers. If the bilious symptoms prevail, give _Aconite_ and _Baptisia_during the chills and high febrile stage, at intervals of an hour, andduring the declining stage of the fever, give _Podophyllin_ and_Mercurius_ until a perfect intermission is produced, when the sametreatment should be adopted as in intermittents. But should it take theform of Catarrhal Fever, the head being "stuffed up, " pain in the head, the lungs oppressed, cough and sneezing, the eyes and nose suffused with increased secretionof tears and mucus, pain in the back or loins, almost constant chillysensations, use in rotation _Baptisia_, _Copaiva_ and _Phosphorus_, giving a dose every hour until the fever begins to abate andperspiration comes on, then leave off the _Baptisia_, and give in itsstead _Macrotin_, lengthening the interval between the remedies to twohours or longer. For the _chronic cough_ that sometimes follows catarrhal fever, _Copaiva_, _Macrotin_ and _Phosphorus_ should be used morning, noon andnight, in the order here named. Should the fever be a Rheumatic Fever, (_Rheumatism_, ) the patient complaining of soreness of the muscles, ofthe chest, back and limbs, with or without lameness of the joints, _Aconite_, _Macrotin_ and _Nux Vom. _ are the remedies for a malepatient, and the two former, with _Pulsatilla_, for a female, (or for a_male_, of light hair, delicate skin, feminine voice and mild temper, )to be used in rotation one hour apart. These remedies are to be taken ina severe acute case, every half hour until the symptoms begin to abate;then every hour or two hours as the case progresses. _Baths_ properlyadministered, are of great importance in all forms of fever. The surfaceof the patient should be washed and thoroughly _rubbed_ in water quitewarm, into which a sufficiency of the ley of wood ashes has been put tomake it feel quite slippery. This should be done twice daily in allfevers. But in Rheumatism, In addition to the medicines directed under the head of _RheumaticFever_, the most decided benefit can be derived from _Alcoholic VaporBaths_, which, while they do not in the least interfere with the actionof the medicines, tend greatly to mitigate the pains, and produce anequal state of the circulation by stimulating the surface; abridging inmany cases, the disease one-half the time it would run under the longinterval treatment alone. This is to be applied by filling a tea cupwith alcohol, placed in a saucer of water to insure against danger froman overflow while burning. Place both under a solid wood bottom chair, elevated about the thickness of a brick under each post, strip thepatient naked, and after giving him the alkaline bath, and rubbing hissurface dry, place him upon the chair, enveloping him completely, excepthis head, with a woollen sheet or blanket, (as there is no danger ofthe wool taking fire, ) letting the blanket enclose also the chair andcome down to the floor. Then set fire to the alcohol, and if the heat istoo great, raise the edge of the blanket and let it become reduced. Continue this until he sweats freely, or becomes too much fatigued tosit longer. Let the patient often drink freely of cold water, during theprocess. Remove him from the chair to his bed and cover him warmly. Itis well to place the feet in hot water during this process. This is adelightful operation for a rheumatic patient, and no one will object toa repetition of it. Whatever Physicians may think or say of thisoperation, I _know_ it is a most potent agent for the _cure_ of_inflammatory_ rheumatism, and is a valuable agent in the chronic formof this disease. Typhoid Fever. This is a dangerous, and with the ordinary allopathic treatment, a veryfatal disease. It generally comes on insidiously, the patient feeling adull head ache, more or less pain in his joints, back and shoulders, with loss of appetite, restless and disturbed sleep, slight chillysensations, with a little fever, dry skin, and a general languidfeeling. These symptoms continue from four or five days in some cases, to two or three weeks in others, gradually getting worse until thepatient is prostrated, or if he takes no drugs, and keeps still, avoiding food as far as practicable, he may escape prostration, andafter lingering for eight or ten days, and sometimes longer, just on thepoint of prostration, he begins slowly to get better, and recovers aboutas slowly and imperceptibly as he grew sick. This is in accordance withobservation of cases under my own eye, and I have no doubt those casesof spontaneous recovery, had they taken a single dose of activecathartic medicine or any of the active drugs, they would have beenimmediately laid upon a bed of sickness from which a recovery would havebeen extremely doubtful. I believe that two-thirds of the deaths fromtyphoid fever are the direct results of medication, and that those whorecover, do so in spite of the cathartics and the active drugs when suchare used. Some cases, however, will not thus spontaneously recover, andrequire proper treatment; and it is safest to treat all cases, at asearly a day as possible. Some cases come on more rapidly and run intothe prostrating or critical stage, in a very few days. Delirium is asymptom that comes on early in these cases. When the disease is fullyestablished, and even sometimes in the early stage, diarrhoea sets inand runs the patient down rapidly. TREATMENT. In the early stage, that which might be called premonitory, while thepatient is yet able to be about his business, but is complaining of thesymptoms above named, he should, as far as possible, abstain fromexercise and food, and take of _Baptisia_ and _Phosphorus_ alternately, a dose once in three hours. These will almost invariably produceamendment in a few days, and as soon as he improves _any_, leave off themedicines. Should there be diarrhoea present, use _Phos. Acid_ insteadof Phosphorus. If the patient is delirious or has fullness and rednessof the face, the eyes red, and headache, give _Belladonna_ in rotationwith the other two. For the foul breath that comes on, use _Mercuriuscor. _, especially if the diarrhoea assumes a reddish tinge, like beefbrine. Should the fever at any time rise high, the pulse being full andhard, give _Aconite_, but it rarely happens that Aconite is useful inthe later stage. If the patient complains of pains in the back, andfullness of the head, give _Macrotin_. This is particularly useful forpersons who have rheumatic pains in the limbs or back, during the fever. If the evacuations from the bowels are dark, or yellow and consistent, or there is bilious vomiting, _Podophyllin_ is the remedy. From somecause or other, to me wholly unaccountable, the writers generally havelaid down _Rhus_ and _Bryonia_ as _the_ remedies in typhoid fever. Imust confess I have no confidence in them for this fever as it prevails, and has for several years past, in this country. They have proved afailure, and I discard them altogether, as I am confident, from thoroughtrial, we have much more reliable remedies as a substitute for Rhus inthe _Podophyllin_, and for Bryonia in the _Macrotin_. In the earlystage, or at any time to arrest febrile and inflammatory symptoms, the_Baptisia_ is much more potent than Aconite, its symptoms correspondingpeculiarly with typhoid fever. If the discharges become slimy or bloody, give _Leptandrin_ and _Nit. Acid_. It is important to bathe in thisdisease. Scarlet Fever. --Scarlatina. This fever assumes two principal forms: Simple or mild, and Malignant. In the _Simple form_, there is great heat of the surface, extremelyquick and frequent pulse, headache, and some sense of pain and sorenessin the throat. After a day or two, there appears upon the surface, bright scarlet patches, in some cases extending over the whole limbs, the skin smooth and shining, and somewhat bloated or swollen; uponpressure with the finger, a white spot is seen, which soon disappears onremoval of the pressure. As the disease subsides, the cuticle comes off(_desquamates_) in patches. In the simple form of this disease, thethroat, though often more or less sore, does not ulcerate. In somecases, notwithstanding the fever is high, the pulse frequent, and thethroat sore, there may be no external redness, but the mouth and tonguewill have a scarlet hue, indicating the existence of disease moredangerous than when it appears externally. _In the malignant form_, thesame symptoms are present, the patient suffers more pain in the head;the back and throat, root of the tongue, tonsils and soft palate becomeulcerated, turn black, and sometimes gangrenous, proving fatal in a fewdays, or slough out in large portions, the ulcers destroying the partsextensively. The breath becomes foul and fetid, and the effluvia fromthe ulcerated surface, is very sickening to the patient and all aroundhim. This disease rarely attacks adults, but occasionally, and for thelast six or eight months, in one region where I am acquainted, whereScarlatina of a malignant type has prevailed among children, adults havebeen affected with an epidemic soreness of the mouth and throat, strongly resembling the worst form of the _angina_ in malignantScarlatina, together with a low typhoid form of fever. TREATMENT. In simple scarlatina, all that is necessary is to keep the child quiet, in a room of uniform temperature, as far as practicable; let it drinkcold water only, and give _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Pulsatilla_ inrotation, a dose every hour until the fever subsides. If any soreness ofthe throat remains, give a few doses of _Mercurius_. If the feversubsides, and the soreness remain, _Hydrastin_ or _Eupatorium arom. _will soon complete the cure. In the _malignant_ form, with ulcerated, dark colored, or red and purulent throat, and typhoid form of fever, give _Aconite_ and _Belladonna_ in alternation, every hour, and, at thesame time, gargle the throat freely with _Hydrastin_. Some of thetincture may be put in water, about in the proportion of ten drops to ateaspoonful, or a warm infusion of the crude medicine may be used. Thiscan be applied with a camel's hair pencil, or a swab, to the partsaffected, once in two hours, and will soon bring about such a state aswill result in speedy recovery. After the active fever has subsided, the_Aconite_ and _Bell. _ may be discontinued, and _Eupatorium arom. _ usedinstead, once in three hours until convalescence is complete. I would remark that, with these remedies applied as here recommended, mybrother, Dr. G. S. HILL, of Erie County, Ohio, has, during the last fourmonths, treated a large number of those malignant sore-throats, (the"Black tongue Erysipelas, ") and been universally successful, relievingthem in a few hours, when the symptoms were of the most alarmingcharacter, and the disease in some cases, so far advanced that thepatients were considered by their friends and attendants, "at the pointof death. " The _Hydrastin_ is a most potent remedy in putrid ulcerations of themucous surfaces, and much the same may be said of _Eupatoriumaromaticum_. Yellow Fever. [As I have never practiced farther South than Cincinnati, and have seenbut few cases of this disease, my experience with it has not beensufficient to be relied upon as authority. Therefore, I shall give abrief description of the disease, with the proper and _successfultreatment_, furnished me by A. H. BURRETT, M. D. , of New Orleans, who isnot only a Physician of more than ordinary learning and skill in hisprofession generally, but is one who has spent his time in New Orleansamong the sick of Yellow Fever, through three of the most fatalepidemics that ever scourged any city. He is a man for the times, a manof resources, who draws useful lessons from experience and observation. Hence he has been able to select such remedies as have enabled him tocope most successfully with the pestilence, saving nearly all hispatients, while, under other treatment, a majority have died. Itherefore, attach great value to his treatment, and recommend itsadoption with the most implicit confidence. ] * * * * * When this Fever prevails as an epidemic, as it usually does, in thesouthern part of the United States, it is a disease of the mostmalignant character. The proportion of _fatal_ cases under theAllopathic course of treatment, has been equal to, and, in some places, as in New Orleans, and some Towns in Virginia, has exceeded that of_Asiatic_ Cholera. It is almost entirely confined to Southern regions, and only prevails in hot weather, after the continuance of extreme heatfor some weeks. It usually begins with premonitory symptoms somewhat like those ofordinary fever, but with this difference: the patient, instead of losinghis appetite, has often a morbidly increased desire for food. Hecomplains of severe pains in the back, and more or less headache. Boththe head and backache are of a peculiar character: the pains resemblingrheumatic pains, the head feeling full and too large, the eyes earlyturn red, almost bloodshot and watery, a chill comes on, which may bedistinct and quite severe, lasting for an hour or more, or, it may beslight, and hardly perceptible. The chill is followed by high fever, thepain in the head and back increasing, the eyes becoming more red andsuffused, the forehead and face extremely red and hot, and the heat ofthe whole surface very great, the carotids beat violently, the pulsevery frequent, and usually, at first, full and strong, though sometimesit is feeble from the beginning. However the pulse may be in thebeginning, it very soon becomes small, but continues to be frequent. Thetongue is at first covered with a white paste-like coating, whichafterwards gives place to redness of the edges and tip, with a dark oryellow streak in the center. The stomach is very irritable, rejectingevery kind of food, and all drinks, except, perhaps, a few drops of icewater. There is a peculiar distressed feeling in the stomach, often aburning sensation, so that, if suffered to do so, he would take largequantities of ice or water. One remarkable feature of the cases noticedin the epidemic, as it existed in New Orleans the past season, was, thatthe patients had a great desire for food, notwithstanding the nausea anddistress at the stomach. Sooner or later, varying from a few hours to several days, in theordinary course of the disease, the fever subsides. From this time thepatient may recover without any further symptoms, but this is, by nomeans, the usual result. If the subsidence of the fever is accompaniedby natural pulse, a free, but not profuse or prostrating perspiration, a genial warmth of the surface, natural appearance of the countenance, eyes, and tongue, with little or no soreness on pressure over thestomach, we may safely look for a speedy recovery. But if, on thecontrary, the eyes, face, and tongue, become yellow, or orange-colored, the epigastrium is tender to pressure, the urine has a yellow tinge, thepulse becomes unnaturally slow, with the least degree of mental stupor, we have reason to know, full well, that the lull of the fever is onlythe calm preceding a more destructive storm. The fever has subsided, only because exhausted nature could re-act no longer. It may be in a fewhours, or not until twelve or twenty-four have elapsed, the pulsebecomes quickened, even to the frequency of 120 to 140 in a minute, butvery feeble, the extremities of the fingers and toes turn purple ordark, the tongue becomes brown and dry, or is clean, red, and cracked, sordes may be on the teeth, the stomach become more irritable, nauseaand vomiting are extreme, the substances vomited being, at first, reddish, afterwards watery, containing floculæ, like soot, or coffeegrounds; the breath becomes foul, and the whole surface emits asickening odor. The pulse becomes very small, though the carotid andtemporal arteries beat violently. The urine fails to be secreted, andlater, blood is discharged from the mucous surfaces, involuntarydischarges from the bowels, clammy sweats; and death follows. The disease runs its course in from three to seven days, sometimesproves fatal in less than a day, and at others, assumes a typhoid form, and runs for weeks. Occasionally it sets in without any of thepremonitory symptoms, the chill being first, the fever following, succeeded immediately by the black vomit, going through all the stagesin a single day, or two days. Again, it sometimes begins with the black vomit, the patient beingimmediately prostrated. In all cases, however it may begin, the peculiarhead-ache and back-ache as described in the beginning, as well as theextreme heat of the head and face, redness of the eyes, the gnawingsensation at the stomach, and peculiar nausea are present. These seem tobe characteristic symptoms that mark the Yellow Fever, and those whichshould guide in the search for the proper remedies. TREATMENT. The remedies that proved successful in arresting the disease during theearly or forming stage, before the chill or fever had set in, while thesymptoms were pain, fullness, and throbbing of the head, with more orless dizziness, rheumatic pains in the back, and redness of the eyes, were _Aconite_ and _Bell. _, at low attenuations, once in two to fourhours, according to the violence of the symptoms. For the fullness ofthe head, pressing outwards, as though it would split, with pains of arheumatic character, _Macrotin_ 1st, given in one grain doses, everyhour or two hours, proved specific. These three remedies, _Aconite, Bell. _ and _Macrotin_, would, in nearly all cases, arrest the disease in the forming stage, sothat no chill or fever would occur, or, if fever did come on after thistreatment, it was mild. When the fever sets in, and the pain in the head and back increases, theeyes, forehead and face are extremely red, or purple and hot, the pulsefrequent and full, the tongue coated white, _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and_Macrotin_ are still to be relied upon, but they should be given everyhalf hour, in rotation, at low attenuations. If the tongue is red, inthe early stage, use _Bryonia_ in place of the _Belladonna_. In a laterstage, when sickness or distress at the stomach had become prominent, with the quick pulse, and hot skin, _Ipecac_ and _Aconite_, both at the1st attenuation, a dose given every half hour alternately, generallyarrested the symptoms, and brought on perspiration of a healthfulcharacter, followed by subsidence of the fever and convalescence. Spongebaths, with half an ounce of _Tr. Ipecac_ in two quarts of tepid water, applied to the whole surface freely, under the bed clothes, so as not toexpose him to the air, contributed much towards bringing on perspirationand subduing the fever, as well as allaying the nausea. When called to patients in the stage of _Black Vomit_, whether that cameon as an early symptom, or at a later stage, _Nit. Acid_, _Veratrumvirid. _ and _Baptisia_, all at the first dilution, were administeredevery hour, in rotation, with great success, the symptoms yielding in afew hours. For the great oppression, as of a load, in the stomach, without vomiting, _Nux_ was found sufficient. In the later stage, whenthere seemed to be no secretion of urine, _Canabis_ and _Apis mel. _, gave relief. The remedies most successful for the cases that assumed a typhoidcharacter, with dry, cracked tongue, sordes on the teeth, and lowsluggish pulse, were _Baptisia_ and _Bryonia_, given every two hours, alternately. _Nitric acid_ given internally and injected into therectum, when bloody discharges appear, is generally quite successful. Good nursing is of the utmost importance, and the patient should bevisited frequently by his Physician, as great changes may occur in ashort time. Three times a day is none too often to see the patient. Assoon as the fever comes on, the patient should be stripped of hisclothes, and dressed in such garments as he is to wear in bed throughthe attack. He should be put to bed and lightly covered, but havesufficient to protect him from any sudden changes in the atmosphere, andthe room should be well ventillated all the time. The baths shouldalways be applied under the bed clothes. The diet should be very spare and light, after the fever subsides, andwhile the fever exists no food should be taken. Thin gruel, inteaspoonful doses, once in half an hour, is best. After a day or two, the juice of beef steak may be given in small quantities but give noneof the meat. No "hearty food" should be allowed for eight or ten daysafter recovery. A relapse is most surely fatal. As _Prophylactics_ (_preventives_) of the fever, _Macrotin_, _Bell. _ and_Aconite_ should be taken, a dose every eight to twelve hours, by everyone that is exposed. These will, no doubt, often prevent an attack, andif they do not, they will so modify it, that it will be very mild, ofshort duration, and very easily arrested. Pregnant females, and young children were sure to die if attacked, whentreated by the Allopathic medication; but, by the use of these remediesas _preventives_, their attacks were rendered so mild as to be amenableto remedies, and all recovered. Pleurisy--Pleuritis. This is inflammation of the Pleura of one or both lungs, generallyconfined to one side. It is known by sharp pain in the side of thechest, increased by taking a long breath, or coughing, or by pressingbetween the ribs. The cough is dry and painful, the patient makes aneffort to suppress it, from the pain it gives him; the fever is of ahigh grade, the pulse full, hard and frequent, with more or less pain inthe head. TREATMENT. _Aconite_ is a sovereign remedy. It should be given at intervalsproportionate to the severity of the disease, once in half an hour, forabout three doses, then every hour until the patient is easy andperspires freely. This is the course I have generally pursued, andscarce ever failed of relieving in a few hours. Other means may often beused with advantage at the same time, and not interfere with the actionof the medicine. Put the feet and _hands_ into water as hot as it can beendured, and apply to the affected side very hot cloths, hot bags ofsalt, or mustard. There is no harm in this, and it relieves the pain. Let the patient drink freely of _hot_ water, into which you may put milkand sugar to render it palatable. If the case seems to linger, andperspiration is tardy in appearing, give, in alternation with _Aconite_, _Eupatorium arom. _ This will soon relieve. Inflammation of the Lungs--Pneumonia. This disease is often connected with Pleurisy, and consists ofinflammation of the substance of the lungs. As in the former case, itmay attack only one, but may exist in both sides at the same time. Ifthe pleura is also affected, there will be all the symptoms of pleurisy, together with those peculiar to inflammation of the lungs proper. Theyare, pain in the lungs, oppressed breathing, cough, causing greatdistress on account of the soreness of the affected parts: at first, expectoration from the lungs is nearly wanting, the cough being dry, butafter a time, there is a rattling sound on coughing, and more or lessmucous substance is with difficulty raised. This is, at first, white orbrownish, but soon becomes reddish and frothy, tinged with blood. Thepatient lies on the affected side, and cannot rest on the sound side. The pulse is full, hard and frequent, the fever high, pain in the head, and sometimes delirium. If the disease is not arrested, the patientgenerally dies from suffocation, by the lungs filling up, hepatized, orabscess and ulceration come on, and then what is called "quickConsumption" carries him off. TREATMENT. In the early stage, _Aconite_ and _Phosphorus_ should be used atintervals of from half an hour to one hour, in alternation, until thefever abates, and the oppression in the chest is relieved. If, however, there is bloody expectoration, _Bryonia_ may be used in place _ofPhosphorus_, though I prefer to use it in rotation with the two others. These will soon, in all ordinary cases, subdue the most distressingsymptoms, and effect a perfect cure in a day or two. _Belladonna_ shouldbe used, when there is much delirium, or great pain in the head. Occasionally, the cough from the beginning, is apparently loose; therebeing a rattling sound, but the expectoration is difficult, the feverhigh, with some chilly sensations, or at least, coldness of the knees, feet and hands, a white or brownish fur upon the tongue, and pain in thebowels, For such symptoms, especially with the pain in the bowels, asthough a diarrhoea would come on, give _Tartar emet. _ It is often oneof the best remedies in this disease, affording relief when others havefailed. After subduing the high febrile symptoms, if there remains cough, indicating much irritation, or inflammation of the lungs, _Macrotin_should be used in place of Aconite, with _Phosphorus_ and _Copaiva_, thethree in rotation, two hours between doses. Acute Bronchitis, _Inflammation of the Bronchial Tubes. _ This is attended with distressing cough, profuse expectoration, oppressed breathing, pain in the forehead, and general catarrhalsymptoms. _Baptisia_, _Copaiva_ and _Eupatorium arom. _ given every hour, in rotation, will, in general, relieve from the acute affection in ashort time; but the Chronic Bronchitis requires the use of _Copaiva_, _Macrotin_ and _Arum triphyllum_, to betaken morning, noon, and night, in the order named; or, if the cough besevere, they should be used every three hours. These will be sufficientto effect a cure. Coughs Generally, unless they arise from consumption, yield readily to thealternate use of _Copaiva_, _Phosphorus_ and _Macrotin_, a dose givenonce in from three to six hours. If, however, there is soreness of thethroat, redness and soreness of the tonsils, palate, and fauces, orsoreness of the larynx, with hoarseness, _Arum triphyllum_ and_Hydrastus Can. _ are the surest remedies. They rarely ever fail ofeffecting a complete cure in a few days. They should be used three orfour times a day. They may be used with the other medicines recommendedfor coughs. In acute Sore Throat, arising from sudden cold, _Arum triphyllum_ and _Eupatorium aromaticum_are the remedies to be relied upon. If the tonsils seem to be mainlyinvolved, constituting Quinsy--Tonsilitis, _Belladonna_ and _Aconite_ should be given, while there is high fever, then substitute for them, _Arum tri. _ and _Phosphorus_; or, these may beused in rotation with the former, a dose every hour or oftener. Inflammation of the Bowels. --Enteritis. This consists in inflammation of the muscular and peritoneal coats ofthe intestines, sometimes also involving the mucous coat. The pain in the abdomen is constant, intense and burning in itscharacter, felt most at the navel; the abdomen is extremely tender topressure, and often bloated or tympanetic. Thirst is intense, but cold drinks distress and vomit the patient. Thepulse is small, feeble and frequent, and the bowels costive. This is avery dangerous disease. It is sometimes connected with inflammation ofthe stomach, then called gastro-enteritis. The tongue is then red andpointed, the nausea and vomiting are more violent and constant, thethirst burning and insatiable. TREATMENT. The same medicines are applicable to both _Gastritis_ and _Enteritis_. _Aconite_, _Arsenicum_ and _Baptisia_ should be used one following theother every half hour until the symptoms begin to subside, then let theintervals be lengthened. In addition to these remedies, I allow the patient to drink often andfreely of hot water, as hot as can be swallowed, and though it is atfirst almost instantly rejected by the stomach, by repeating it in a fewminutes in moderate quantities, it gives relief and will soon so allaythe irritation as to remain. In some cases the vomiting is severe, thebowels are loose, and pain burning. For such, _Tart. Emet. _ is theproper remedy. Cold drinks should not be taken. Cloths wet in cold water, ice water if it is at hand, and wrung out soas not to drip, should be laid over the whole abdomen and instantlycovered with two or three thicknesses of warm dry flannel, and thepatient's feet kept warm. This may be considered harsh treatment, butthere is no danger in it; on the contrary I have, in the worst and mostalarming cases of _gastritis_ and _peritonitis_, made such applications, and in less than an hour have seen my patient easy and beginning toperspire freely, all danger having passed. It always affords more orless relief and is never attended with danger. Covering the wet clothsimmediately with plenty of dry ones is very essential. After the acute inflammation has subsided, it is well to have the bowelsmoved, but don't give drastic cathartics. _Nux Vomica_ given at nightand repeated morning and noon, will generally serve to cause anevacuation. Injections may be used. Croup. This is a disease of children. Comes on in consequence of a sudden cold. Children suffering from Hooping Cough are more subject to it. The coughis of a peculiar whistling kind, like the crowing of a young chicken, with rattling in the throat and difficult breathing, fever is present, and often very violent. It is properly an inflammation of the Larynx, but the inflammation may also exist in the Pharynx, the tonsils may beinvolved, and it may extend to the trachia, (wind pipe). A falsemembrane forms in the larynx if the disease is not arrested, and soobstructs the breathing as to cause death from suffocation. TREATMENT. Give at first _Aconite_, _Phosphoric Acid_, and _Spongia_, giving themin the order here named once in ten minutes in a very violent case, andas the patient improves at intervals of half an hour, and then an hour. Should the fever subside, and still the tightness in the throat andcough continue to be troublesome, give _Ipecac_ in place of Aconite. Andwhen the cough seems to be deep seated use _Bryonia_ instead of spongia. The patient should be kept in a warm room, and free from exposure tocurrents of cold air. The application of a cloth wrung out of cold orice water to the throat, covered immediately with dry warm flannels soas to exclude the air from the wet cloth, will often exert a decidedlybeneficial effect, and there is no danger if managed as here directed. The feet should be kept warm and the head cool, but _don't_ put _cold_water on a child's head. Asthma. If an attack comes on from sudden cold, take _Aconite_ and _Ipecac_every hour for a day, and if any symptoms remain, in place of theAconite use _Copaiva_, _Arsenicum_ and _Phos. Acid_ with the _Ipecac_, giving them in rotation, a dose every hour. In _Chronic Asthma_, where the patient is liable to an attack at anytime, great benefit will be derived from taking these four in rotationabout two hours apart for a day or two, at any time when symptoms of anattack begin to appear. I have recently succeeded in alleviating several bad cases, at once, bythese four remedies in succession as here recommended, on whom (some ofthem) I had at various times tried all of them, as well as othermedicines, singly at longer intervals, as directed in the Books, withoutany decided benefit. After trying these in succession, as here directed, I found no trouble in arresting the paroxysm in a few hours, and I amstrong in the faith that with some, at least, I have effected _cures_. It is worth much to _arrest_ the _paroxysm_ if no more. Hooping Cough. According to my experience, though this disease may not be entirelyarrested in its course, and not generally much abridged in its duration, still the use of appropriate medicines will greatly modify it, andrender it a comparatively trifling affection. In treatment, give at the commencement of the attack _Bell. _ and _Phos. Acid_ alternately every twelve hours for a week, then once in six hours, and if the child should take cold so as to bring on fever, give oneevery hour. Continue these, as above directed, for the first two orthree weeks, then, in their stead, after the cough becomes loose, andthe patient vomits easily, give _Copaiva and Ipecac_ in the same manneras directed, for the two former remedies. Dyspepsia. This term is applied so loosely and so indiscriminately to all chronicderangements of the stomach, that it is difficult to define it. I shalltherefore point out some of the more common ailments of the stomach andtheir proper remedies. For sour eructations with hot, burning, scalding fluid rising up in thethroat, with or without food, give _Phos. Acid and Pulsatilla_ inalternation every half hour, until the stomach is easy. For a feeling ofweight and pain in the stomach, with dull pain in the head, with orwithout dizziness, give _Nux. Vom. _ every hour until it relieves. Ifthere is a _burning_ feeling in the stomach as well as the heavy load, _without_ eructations and rising of fluid, _Arsenicum_ should bealternated with the _Nux. Vom. _, at intervals of two hours. There arepersons who, from imprudence in eating or drinking or both, or which ismore frequent, from _harsh drug medication_, have so enfeebled theirstomachs, that, though by care in selecting their food, and prudence intaking it, they may suffer but little, are, nevertheless, when from homeor on special occasions, liable to overeat or take the wrong kind offood, from which unfortunate circumstance they are made to suffer themost tormenting and intolerable distress in the stomach and bowels, which may last, more or less severe, for several days. Soon after theunfortunate meal, perhaps the next morning, or, it may be, in a fewhours, the stomach begins to bloat, by accumulating gas within, which isbelched up every few minutes in large quantities; the stomach and bowelsare racked with the most torturing pains; cold sweat stands on the brow, and he is the very picture of misery. Thus he may roll and tumble allnight, and remain in misery the next day and several days longer, beforethe food will digest. It often passes from the stomach withoutdigestion, and on its way through the bowels inflicts constant pain. Ifhe does not take some emetic substance, he is not apt to vomit, hisstomach cramping so as to prevent it. I have here described one of the bad cases, but bad as it is they are byno means _very_ rare. There are such cases in abundance, of all gradesfrom the one here described down to a slight derangement. They allrequire a similar course of _treatment_. It is useful for such patients to take at once large quantities oflukewarm water, and repeat the draught every ten to fifteen minutes, until free and thorough vomiting is induced, so as to throw off all thefood from the stomach. But even this does not often cure these bad cases. If it did, it is notalways convenient to do it. The medicine that is quite certain to affordrelief at once is _Podophyllin_. Let it be given, and the dose repeatedin an hour. A third dose is rarely necessary. After relief from thisattack, the medicine should be taken night and morning for a month ormore until the stomach is restored. In the meantime care should be takennot to overload the stomach. Constipation. The medicine for this affection is _Nux vom. _, to be taken at night onretiring. If there is fulness and pain in the head from costiveness, _Bell. _ should be used in the morning, and at noon. Let the patientcontract a habit of drinking _cold water_ freely on rising in themorning, at least half an hour before eating. The patient _should nottake physic_. For constipation of children, _Nux_ and _Bryonia_ are to be given Nux atnight and Bryonia in the morning. _Opium_ is useful. Much needless alarm is often felt by persons on account of a costivestate of the bowels. If no pain is felt from it, there is no cause foralarm. "Heartburn. " This peculiar burning and distressed feeling at the stomach depends onimperfect digestion, but is _not_ ordinarily, as is generally supposed, connected with a sour or acid state of the fluids in the stomach. Thecondition of the fluids is alkaline, in most cases, though it issometimes acid. If it depends upon biliary derangement, _Nux Vomica_ and_Podophyllin_ are the remedies for a male; _Pulsatilla_ and_Podophyllin_ for a female. Erysipelas. This is a disease of the skin, producing redness, burning and itchingpains, appearing in patches, in adults, most apt to appear about thehead and face, but in children, upon the limbs, or in very youngchildren, beginning at the umbilicus. It sometimes begins at one point, and continues to spread for a time, then suddenly disappears, andreappears at some other point. _Simple Erysipelas_ only affects the surface, with redness and smarting. _Vessicular_, produces vessicular eruption, or blisters filled with alimpid fluid, somewhat like the blisters from a burn. The _Phlegmonous Erysipelas_ affects the whole thickness of the skin andcellular tissues beneath it, producing swelling, and not unfrequently, resulting in suppuration, ulceration or gangrene and sloughing of theparts. It is a dangerous disease, especially when on the head. TREATMENT. For the simple kind, _Bell. _ is all that will be needed, unless thereshould be considerable fever, when _Aconite_ should be alternated withthe _Bell. _ For the _vessicular_ kind, where there are blisters, _Rhustox. _ should be used with _Bell_. For the _Phlegmonous_, with deepseated swellings, _Apis mel_ is the most important remedy. I prefer touse three of these remedies, giving them in rotation, beginning with the_Bell. _, followed with _Rhus_, and then by _Apis mel. _ giving them onehour apart. In a mild case, or after the patient begins to recover, givethem at longer intervals. The _Apis_ alone will often be sufficient. During the whole time, the affected parts should be kept covered withdry, superfine flour, some say Buckwheat flour acts most favorably. Thediet should be very spare. Eat as little as possible, until the diseasebegins to subside. A very important part of the treatment of this affection is to keep thepatient in a room that is comfortably warm, say at a temperature of from65 to 75°, and keep the temperature _uniformly the same_, as nearly aspossible, night and day. Do not, by any means, expose him suddenly tocold air, or a cold breeze, as on going into a cold room, going out intocold air, or undressing or dressing in a cold room. Uniformly warmtemperature is of great importance. Burns and Scalds. No matter what the nature and extent of the burn may be, the very bestof all medicines of which I have any knowledge, is _Soap_. If the partsaffected, are immediately immersed or enveloped in Soft Soap, the painwill be greatly lessened, and the inflammation that would otherwisefollow, will be essentially modified, if not entirely prevented. It actslike magic; no one who has never tried it can have any idea of itspotency for the relief of pain, together with the prevention of badconsequences following severe burning. Under the influence of the _Soap_applications, burns and scalds will often be rendered comparativelyinsignificant injuries. Instead of endangering the life of the suffererfrom the excessive pain, or the ulceration, or gangrene and sloughingthat would follow if the pain in the first instance does not destroylife, the pain ceases, or becomes bearable in a short time, and eitherlittle or no suppuration or sloughing takes place, or the sore assumesthe appearance of healthy suppuration, and heals kindly--avoiding thoseunsightly deformities that so commonly follow severe burning. Ifpracticable, the soap, as before suggested, should be appliedimmediately after the burn, the sooner the better. The part may be putinto soft soap, or cloths saturated with it can be wrapped around orcovered over the affected surface, to any desirable extent. The partsshould not be exposed to the air for a single moment, when possible toprevent it. During the first two or three days, dressings need not beremoved, unless they cause irritation after the first severe pain hassubsided. They should be kept all of the time moist, and as far aspracticable, in a condition to be impervious to the air. When it is necessary to remove them, let the affected surface beimmersed in strong soap suds, at a temperature of about 75 or 80°, andthe dressing removed while it is under water, and others applied whilein the same situation. In ordinary cases, however, even of extensiveburns, after the fever consequent upon it has subsided, and the part istolerably free from pain and smarting, the dressings may be removed inthe air, but others should be in readiness and applied as speedily aspossible. The soap dressings are to be continued from the beginninguntil the inflammation has subsided and the sore has lost all symptomsthat distinguish it from an ordinary healthy suppurating sore. After the first few days, or in case of a slight burn at the beginning, an excellent mode of applying the soap, is to make a strong thick"_Lather_" with soft water and good soap, such as Castile, or any othergood hard soap, as a barber would for shaving, and apply that to theaffected part with a soft shaving brush; apply it as carefully aspossible, so as to cover every part of the surface, and go over itseveral times, letting the former coat dry a little before applyinganother, forming a thick crust impervious to the air. In small burns, and even in pretty extensive and severe ones, this is the best mode ofapplication, and the only one necessary. In many cases of very severe and dangerous burns, under the influence ofthis application, the inflammation subsides, and after a week or more, the crust of lather comes off, exposing the surface smooth and well. Although it is important to apply the _soap_ early, and the case doesmuch better if that has been done, still I have found it the best remedyeven as late as the second or third day. In such a case, the _lather_application is the best. For the fever and general nervous disturbance, _Aconite_ and _Bell. _should be given alternately, as often as every half hour, and the_Aconite_ should be given in appreciable doses; it acts powerfully as ananodyne. The soap treatment, or at least, the mode of applying it wasfirst suggested to me by Dr. J. TIFFT, of Norwalk, Ohio, some six orseven years ago, since which time I have had opportunities of testingits virtues in all forms of burns and scalds, some of which were of theseverest and most dangerous character, and I am quite sure in severalcases, no other remedy or process known to the medical profession, couldhave relieved and restored as this did. The application of finely pulverized common salt, triturated with anequal part of superfine flour, acts very beneficially on burns. It seemsto have the specific effect to "extract the heat, " literally putting outthe fire. It is particularly useful for deep burns where the surface isabraded. Some may suppose this would be severe and cause too much painwhen applied to a raw surface, but so far from that being the case, itis a most soothing application. It often so changes the condition ofeven the severest burns, in a short time, as to render them of no moreimportance and no more dangerous than ordinary abrasions to the sameextent, by causes unconnected with heat. _Urtica urens_ is directed forburns, and is useful, but the _Urtica dioica_ is better. For Chilblains, That follow freezing or chilling the feet, causing most distressinguneasiness and itching of the feet and toes, take these remedies, _Rhus_and _Apis_, the former at night and the latter in the morning. In badcases, they should be used once in six hours. Applications of _Oil ofArnica_ to the affected parts at night, warming them before a fire, willserve greatly to palliate the sufferings, and frequently effect aperfect cure. The _Urtica Dioica_ will relieve recent cases, immediately, and is one of the best remedies for the chronic affection. It should be taken at the 2d dilution, and the tincture applied to theaffected part every night. Hoarseness. This arises generally, from inflammation of the mucous membrane of the_Larynx_, in ordinary cases but slight. It is a frequent accompanimentof Bronchitis. The remedies most useful, and those which will, in almost all ordinarycases, remove this affection at once, are _Arum tri. _ and _Copaiva_, tobe taken a dose every three hours in alternation. If there is present a dry hacking cough, it will be well to take _Bell. _in the interval between the other medicines, for a day, or until thecough is relieved, or changed to a moist condition. Inflammation of the Brain. _Brain Fever. _ Though this affection is not strictly what is called "brain fever, " itis attended with more or less general fever, while in what is called"Brain fever, " there is great irritation of the brain, requiring in manyrespects similar treatment. As the treatment proper for inflammation ofthe brain, with some slight modifications in relation to the existingfever, will be applicable to both, I shall treat of them under one head. Some of the principal symptoms are delirium and drowsiness, fullness ofthe blood vessels of the head, beating of the temporal arteries, rednessand fullness of the face, the pupils dilated, (though in the very earlystage they may be contracted. ) If the membranes of the brain be the seatof the disease, the pain is more intense, and frequently the limbs arein a palsied state. The patient sometimes vomits immoderately, and thepulse is slow and irregular, but full. The breathing becomes stertorous. The fever is very considerable, and the head hot. TREATMENT. _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Bryonia_ should be given in rotation, onedose every hour in a violent case, lengthening the intervals as thesymptoms abate. Applying _hot cloths_ to the head, removing themoccasionally to let the water evaporate, will greatly palliate and willnot in the least, interrupt the action of the medicines. Never applycold to the head of any person, when hot or inflamed, much less to thatof a child. Children are often killed by the application of ice to thehead, producing congestion and paralysis of the brain. Hot applicationsare Homoeopathic to the state then existing, and always beneficial. The feet may also be placed in hot water, but children should never beput into a hot or warm bath when sick, so as to cover more than thelower extremities. Convulsions of Children--Fits. These generally occur, either from the irritation of worms, or asprecursors of ague, or they may arise from diarrhoeal irritation, affecting the brain. They sometimes occur in hooping cough. If convulsions occur from worms, the child appearing to be choked, giveat once some salt and water, and as soon as the first paroxysm is over, give a dose of _Bell. _, and after an hour a dose of _Santonine_. If theycome on at the commencement of an ague chill, give _Aconite_ and _Bell. _every half hour for three or four doses alternately, then leave off the_Bell. _ and give _Baptisia_. If diarrhoea is the cause, give _Bell. _and _Cham omilla_. If from hooping cough, _Bell. _ alone should be used. Measles. This is a contagious disease, and always begins with symptoms like acold, with high fever, and a severe dry cough, thirst and restlessness. _Pulsatilla_ is the proper medicine to palliate and regulate thesymptoms. If the fever is high, _Aconite_ should be used every two hoursalternately with _Puls. _ Should the eruption subside suddenly, give_Bryonia_ with _Pulsatilla_ until it reappears. Let the child drink freely of cold water, and avoid stimulants of everykind. If the eruption is tardy in its appearance, a hot bath may beadministered, being careful to have the room quite warm, and to rub thepatient dry, very suddenly after the bath. Frictions by the healthy handover the surface, will do much towards bringing out measles. After theeruption is out, quiet, freedom from sudden exposure to cold, cold waterand light diet is all that is necessary. In some of the most obstinatecases, where the eruptions failed to appear in the proper time, as wellas where they had receded too soon, I have been able to bring them outin a short time with an infusion of Sassafras root, sweetened and takenquite warm, in doses of half an ounce in fifteen to thirty minutes. Itis a remedy for measles well worth attention. Mumps. This is a contagious disease, consisting in an inflammation of theParotid gland. There is, at first, a sense of stiffness and soreness onmoving the jaw, soon after the gland begins to swell, and continues tobe sore and painful, with more or less headache, and general fever forfrom six to eight days. It is not ordinarily a dangerous disease, unlesstranslated to some other part. It may remove from the original seat tothe brain, the testicles, or in females to the breasts. TREATMENT. _Mercurius_ should be given three times a day during the attack. If thebrain becomes affected, use _Bell. _ and _Apis mel. _ in alternation. Should it recede to the testicles, or to the female breasts, _Apis mel. _is _the_ remedy. _Mercurius_ may be used in connection with the _Apis_as soon as the violent symptoms have subsided, in order to preventpermanent glandular swellings. Stings of Insects. The effect produced by the sting of Bees, Wasps, and Hornets of allkinds, is so nearly, if not quite identical, that I shall make nodistinction between them. There are very few, if any persons, who do notknow the symptoms, at least the local effects of the Bee sting. Pungent, stinging, aching pain, redness and swelling of the part. The wound hasat first, and for some time, a white spot or point where the stingentered, surrounded by an areola of bright scarlet, growing fainter andpaler as it recedes. The swelling is not pointed, but a roundedelevation, with a feeling of hardness. If upon the face, it notunfrequently causes the whole face to swell so as to nearly if notentirely close the eyes. In some instances, the brain becomes affectedand death ensues. TREATMENT. I have for many years, used but _one remedy_, and that has in all cases, and under all circumstances, when applied at any stage of the affection, produced prompt and perfect relief; therefore I shall recommend noother. It is the common garden _Onion_, (_Allium cepa_) applied to thespot where the sting entered. I cut the fresh Onion and apply the rawsurface to the spot, changing it for a fresh piece every ten to fifteenminutes, until the pain and swelling, and all disagreeable symptomsdisappear. If it is applied immediately after the stinging, the firstapplication will afford perfect relief in a few minutes, and no furthereffect from it will be experienced. Applied later, it must be continuedlonger, and this may be done one or two days after the stinging, withjust as much certainty of removing whatever symptoms may still exist. I treated one case when three days had elapsed, the patient (a younglady) was delirious and speechless, the whole face was so swollen as toentirely disfigure her features, raising the cheeks to a level with thenose, and closing the eyes. Her life was almost despaired of. Thesurface of a freshly cut onion was applied to the point where the stingentered, and changed about once an hour for a fresh piece. In a fewhours consciousness returned, and a rapid recovery followed. All theswelling and disagreeable symptoms were gone in three days. _Ledum_ is highly recommended by some Physicians, and is doubtless ofsome value, but it is not to be compared with the _Allium_. The most potent and certain remedy for the poison caused by the Bite of the Rattlesnake is _Alcohol_, in the ordinary form, or in common Whisky, Brandy, Rum orGin. Let the patient drink it freely, a gill or more at a time, once infifteen to twenty minutes, until some symptoms of intoxication areexperienced, then cease using it. The cure will be complete as soon asenough has been taken to produce even slight symptoms of intoxication. It is remarkable how much alcohol a patient suffering from the poisonof the Rattlesnake will bear. An intelligent medical friend of mine in Kanawha County, Virginia, gavea little girl of ten years, who had been bitten by a Rattlesnake, overthree quarts of good strong Whisky, in less than a day, when but slightsymptoms of intoxication were produced, and that seemed to ariseentirely from the last drink. She recovered from the intoxication in afew hours, and suffered no more from the poison of the serpent. Instances of cures with whisky are numerous, and I have never heard of afailure, when it was used as here directed. I presume it will do thesame for the poison of other serpents. Headache. This symptom or affection, (if it can be classed as a disease) maydepend upon so many causes, and be so very different in its effects, degrees of intensity, and the kind of pain or sensation attending it, that one will find it very difficult to mark out any definite treatment. I shall, therefore, only point out some of the more frequent cases, andthe indications for certain remedies. What is called "_sick headache_, " or "nervous headache, " begins by asense of blindness or blur, before the eyes, of green or purple colors, dazzling or swimming in the head, without, for some time at first, anypositive aching or pain. In the course of an hour, a longer or shortertime, the dimness of vision goes off, and the head begins to ache. Thismay or may not be accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Some persons arealways more or less sick at the stomach, when these "nervous headaches"come on, others are not thus affected. TREATMENT. If taken as soon as the first blur before the eyes is noticed, or beforeany pain is felt in the head, _Nux Vomica_ will, in nearly all cases, arrest the disease at once. It may be necessary to take two or threedoses at intervals of an hour. Later in the case, though _Nux_ maypalliate, it will not cure. If headache with sickness comes on, _Macrotin_ and _Podoph. _ should begiven in alternation, every half hour, if the symptoms are very severe, and the nausea great; but in a mild case, give it once an hour, lengthening the interval as the symptoms abate. If the feet are cold, as is often the case, putting them into hot waterwill palliate the symptoms, and not interfere with the medicines. If the head feels hot, apply _hot_ water to it. Never apply cold to thehead, when there are any symptoms of congestion, as of fullness of theblood vessels. For Common Headache, If the face is red, and the arteries of the neck and temples throbviolently, give _Bell. _ If there is paleness and faintness, _Pulsatilla_is the remedy, especially if the forehead is principally affected. Ifthe pain is mostly in the back of the head, _Nux_ is to be used; if inthe front, and is sharp, affecting the eyes, _Aconite_; if at the anglesof the forehead, with a sense of pinching, _Arnica_; if a sense offullness and pressing outwards, or with an enlarged feeling, _Macrotin_;if intermitting or remitting, _Mercurius_; if there is ringing in theears, _China_. Headache from fright should have _Aconite_. For that kind of _headache_ that often occurs during the prevalence offevers, and is not unfrequently a premonitory symptom of an attack offever, I have found _Baptisia_ and _Podophyllin_ to be specifics. I givethem alternately, every two hours a dose, until the headache ceases. Itoften subsides in a few minutes after the first dose of either, though Ihave sometimes failed with one alone and succeeded in the same casesafterwards with both in alternation. _I have no doubt_ but that they actin many cases, as _Prophylactics_, entirely warding off and preventingfevers, or at least arresting them at the premonitory stage. _Podophyllin_ is a most valuable remedy for headache. Nose Bleed--Epistaxis. If it arises from fullness of the vessels of the head, with throbbing ofthe temples, redness of the face and eyes, _Belladonna_ is the remedy. If fever is present, _Aconite_ must be alternated with _Bell. _ In females or children who have habitual nose-bleed, _Pulsatilla_ and_Podophyllin_ are to be used alternately, night and morning. During theparoxysm of bleeding, _Arnica_ should be used, one dose repeated in ahalf hour if it continues. If it is produced by over-exertion, _Rhus_ is the proper remedy. If itoccurs in the _early stage_ of fever, _Aconite_ and _Bell. _; in thelatter stage, _Rhus_ and _Phos. _ are to be used. _Hamamelis_ willfrequently arrest nose-bleed _immediately_ after one or two doses. Worms. It is difficult to determine the presence of _worms_ in children, muchmore in adults, yet both are affected by them occasionally. In children, there is more or less fever and restlessness, screaming out in sleep, starting, pain in the bowels, vomiting, choking, diarrhoea, picking atthe nose, fetid breath, voracious and variable appetite. TREATMENT. _Santonine_ is a remedy which I have used for years, and I have treatedmany hundreds of cases, with such unvariable success, that I feeldisinclined to use or to recommend any other. It brings away the wormsentire, and relieves the patient of all morbid symptoms immediately, orin much less time than any other remedy of which I have any knowledge. It seems to act specifically upon the worms, causing them to leave thebowels by being evacuated with the feces, without producing any sensibleimpression upon the bowels, the evacuations remaining natural, if theywere so, or becoming so, if deranged, and the worms coming away notquite lifeless. I have often prescribed this remedy for children suffering underintermittent or remitting, and even typhoid fever, in the summer season, when there were not present any well defined symptoms of worms, and yetthe fever would soon abate, and in due time worms appear in the fecalevacuations. It often arrests entirely intermittent fever, when wormsare present, and are the probable cause of the fever. I give either the crude salt in from one-fourth to one-half grain doses, or a trituration of one grain to four of sugar, giving in the lattercase, from one to two grains of the trituration. Give one dose atbed-time, or in an urgent case at any other time, but never repeat thedose under thirty-six hours, and in an ordinary case, under forty-eighthours. This is _the_ medicine _par excellence_ for worms. It may be repeatedonce a week, when there is a tendency in the patient to the developmentof worm symptoms, or, in other words, the breeding of worms. The ideaheld out by some that it is hurtful, or unimportant to remove the worms, in itself considered, is simply _nonsense_, and _worse_, for childrenare sometimes sacrificed to this idea. Earache--Otalgia. This may arise from various causes, but a common one is sudden cold. Ifit arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear is red, or the side of the head and ear hot, _Bell. _ and _Baptisia_ should begiven in alternation, every hour, or in a violent case, more frequently. These remedies will soon relieve such cases. Cloths wrung out of hotwater should be laid over the ear, or the side of the head steamed, orit may be laid into water quite warm, with good effect. Where the disease is a chronic affection, and the patient is subject tofrequent attacks of pain in the ear, especially on a change of theweather, from dry to moist, _Mercurius_ is the proper remedy, especiallyif it is worse at night, when warm in bed. If it arises from a shock or blow, _Arn_. Is to be used. In scrofulouspersons, whether there is ulceration or not, _Phosphorus_ and_Pulsatilla_ are the remedies. Children and even adults, not unfrequently suffer from earache, withoutany known cause sufficient to account for it. On examination into theear you will often find either the cavity filled or nearly so, with ahard black substance, (the inspissated "earwax") almost as hard as horn, or else the ear will be quite empty, and the sides of the cavity _dry_and red, though perhaps not properly in a state of inflammation. The natural condition of the cavity as it can be seen by straining theear outwards and backwards a little in a strong sun light, is moist, thesurface covered slightly with a yellowish, greasy, soft substance (thecerumen) "earwax. " When this is wanting or in excess, or its characterchanged, it is evidence of disease, and pain is likely to occur. The TREATMENT for this condition is to remove the accumulation when that exists, asthe first step. But this must be first softened by pouring some warmoil, pure olive oil, or good pure sperm oil, into the ear, and repeat ittwo or three times a day for several days, until it is so far softenedas to be easily removed with the probe end of common small tweezers, having a spoon-bowl point. When there is dryness, moisten the surface with oil. In either case, itis best, for a while, to protect the delicate surface from the air, byputting oiled wool into the external ear. If the ear was filled, give _Mercurius_ once a day until there appears anatural secretion. If dry, use _Belladonna_. Toothache. It is difficult to determine the cause of toothache, and more difficultto select the remedy. It often depends upon decay of the tooth, andexposure of the nerve to air, and contact with food or drinks, or evensaliva, which irritate and produce pain. _Pulsatilla_ will as often relieve such cases as any other remedy, yetif it has been aggravated by a recent cold, _Bell. _ and _Nux V. _ may bebetter. If the nerve is not exposed, and there is a disposition to areturn of the pain on exposure to cold air, or a change of weather, thepain being of a _rheumatic_ character, give _Rhus_ and _Macrotin_ inalternation. These will relieve many cases. For decayed teeth, the painbeing dull aching, with soreness, use _Chamomilla_. The body of thetooth, that is the dentine, sometimes becomes very sensitive when thereis no decay or cavity, the pain being experienced when some hardsubstance hits, or the air or water, either cold or hot, comes incontact with the tooth. The temporary pain will generally yield to_Arnica_, and in most instances, the daily use of _Arnica_ at the firstdecimal dilution, applied to the surface, and upon the jaws, will effecta cure. The _chloride of Zinc_ applied to the surface of such teeth for a fewmoments will destroy the sensitiveness of the dentine. Teeth that are ulcerated at the roots, or have ulcerated gums aroundthem, the teeth being decayed, should be extracted at once, for, besidesthe pain and inconvenience they cause, they are a _very prolific_ sourceof _disturbance_ to the digestive organs, from the positive poisongenerated by the decaying process. If people will use soft brushes upon the teeth with soap and water, followed by rinsing with simple water only, after each meal, brushingboth inside and out and crossways, so as to clean between them, theywill be saved much pain and decay, and disease of other parts, arisingfrom foul and diseased teeth. Teething of Children. Affections arising from teething of children, are often of a seriouscharacter. The most prominent of which is _Diarrhoea_. _Fever_frequently accompanies the diarrhoea, and _convulsions_ occasionallyoccur. _Aconite_ and _Chamomilla_ should be used in alternation, everyone or two hours, according to the violence of the fever, and ifconvulsions occur, or are threatened, as will be known by twitching, starting, and screaming, use _Nux_ and _Bell_. These may be given inrotation with the others, following the remedies, one after the other, every hour. I have relieved the most alarming cases in a day by thismethod of procedure, that had not yielded to either of the singleremedies for several days, given as directed in the books; the patientgrowing worse continually. If the gums over the teeth look white and theteeth, (one or more, ) are near the surface, the gums should, by allmeans, be cut. Press the point of a lancet or penknife down upon the topof the gum, until the tooth is plainly felt, and be sure to make the cutas wide as the tooth. Rub the gums with _Arnicated water_ once or twicea day. _Pulsatilla_ should be given at night and _Chamomilla_ in themorning, during the whole summer while the child is teething, as aprophylactic against the fever and diarrhoea that is likely to occur. It will generally save all trouble. If the diarrhoea is profuse, watery and light colored or brown, give_Phos. Acid_ and _Veratrum_ alternately, as often as the dischargesoccur. For the restlessness of infants at night, _Coffea_ is thespecific. Apthæ--Thrush. This is a disease peculiar to nursing children. The mouth becomes sore, and the tongue, lips, and fauces are covered with a white crust, lookinglike milk curds, which, when removed, leaves the surface red, inflamedand very tender. It sooner or later, extends to the stomach and bowels, producing severe and dangerous diarrhoea. TREATMENT. Of all the medicines known to our Materia Medica, none, according to myexperience, will in the least, compare with the _Eupatorium aromaticum_. It is almost, if not quite certain to relieve speedily in all cases. Isay this, not only from my own experience and observation, but from thetestimony of several other Homoeopathic Physicians, who have, withinthe last year, used it. It should be given at the first or second dilution, once in four or sixhours, and three or four drops of the tincture put into a teaspoonful ofwater, and the mouth occasionally washed with the mixture. In summer, where agues prevail, and the child is feverish and restless, _China_ will aid in the cure, to be given once in six hours between thedoses of the _Eupatorium_. If the diarrhoea is obstinate, thedischarges colored, and the child is sick at the stomach, give_Podophyllin_ with the other remedies. Inflammation of the Eyes--Ophthalmia. For common Ophthalmia, in the early stages, while there is more or lessfever and headache, with flushed face, bloodshot eyes and throbbing ofthe temporal arteries, _Bell. _ and _Aconite_ should be used alternatelyevery two hours, and a wash made with ten drops of tincture of Aconiteto one gill of pure water, applied to the eyes as hot as the patient canbear. This application should be repeated every two hours, in a violentcase, until the eyes are easy, and then about twice a day until allinflammation and redness pass off. This will relieve a large proportionof cases in from one to four days. If, however, the case continues obstinate for a longer time, or has beenof a week or more standing before the treatment is commenced, in theplace of Bell. , or after using it one or two days, use _Hydrastus_ withthe _Aconite_, giving them alternately at intervals of two to six hours, according to the stage of the case--more frequently as the symptoms aremore urgent, using washes prepared of each separately, as directed forAconite, except that the Hydrastus wash may be twice as strong; andapply each about half as often as the same medicine is taken internally. The wash should, in all cases of acute inflammation of the eyes, be ashot as it can be borne. Let it be put into the eyes so as to comedirectly in contact with the inflamed surface. Simple hot water applied to inflamed eyes for hours together, allowingshort intervals between the applications, will often cure most painfulcases. _Never apply cold_ to inflamed eyes. It always aggravates. When theinflammation is in a scrofulous person, especially in infants, itassumes a purulent character, and may leave the cornea in clouded(nebulous) condition, and the sight more or less obliterated. For thiscondition use _Conium_ first, and apply it _in tinct. _, half water, tothe eyes every four hours. Wounds and Bruises. On this subject, I must necessarily be very brief. When a wound isinflicted, the first and most important thing to be done is to _arrestthe flow of blood_. Every one should know how to do this. The bleedingis to be stopped, and the wounded vessels to be secured, so that nofurther flow can take place. First, then, to stop the bleeding, _pressure_ is to be made upon theartery leading to the wound. If the wound is in the leg or foot, pressure is to be made, either on the vessel above and near the wound, or, where that cannot be easily found and compressed, make firm pressurewith the thumb or some hard substance, in the groin, about two and ahalf inches at one side of the center of the pelvis, (wounded side) justbelow the lower margin of the belly, towards the inner side of thethigh, where the great artery (Femoral artery) can be felt pulsating. Bypressing firmly upon this artery, the blood is arrested in its flow intothe limb, and of course the bleeding from the wound soon ceases. If thewound is in the arm or hand, _pressure_ is to be made, either just abovethe wound, or on the inside of the arm, about one-third of the way fromthe shoulder to the elbow, where the artery (Brachial) can be felt. Tosecure the parts from further bleeding, the wounded artery must be takenup and tied. Let it be seized by forceps, or the point of a needle maybe thrust into it, and the vessel stretched out a little, a thread putround it and tied; cut off one end of the tie, and let the other hangout of the wound, until it comes out by the vessel sloughing off. Bringthe lips of the wound together, and if it is large, put in stitchesenough to hold them, and put on an adhesive plaster, compress of cloths, and bandages to keep it from straining the stitches, and protect it fromthe air. The _Arnica_ plaster, made by JOHN HALL, of Cleveland, is thebest adhesive plaster of which I have any knowledge. Give the patient_Aconite_ once in two hours, for a day after the accident. _Slight Cuts_ about the joints, especially the knee, are dangerous, fromtheir liability to affect the ligaments, inflame, and produce _Lockjaw_. Therefore, such wounds, ever so slight, are of great importance. Theyshould be at once closed up, whether they bleed or not, and covered withan adhesive plaster, (Arnica plaster is the best) a bandage, and theknee should not be bent, even when walking or sitting, until the woundis healed. It is best to apply a splint from the hip to the heel, andbandage the limb to it, so as to prevent bending of the joint. _Bruises_ are to be treated with _Arnica_, applied to the part affected, by putting twenty drops of the tincture into a gill of water, if theskin is _not_ ruptured, or three drops into the same if it is, andbathing freely. The _Arnica_ is to be taken internally at a higherdilution. Keep the parts covered with cloths and wet in _Arnica_ water. If a blow is received upon the head, by a fall, or in any other way, producing a "stunning" effect, (concussion of the brain) so that thepatient appears lifeless for a time, and delirious when he begins tocome to, there is great danger of inflammation of the brain, and deathfrom the re-action, or in some cases, the shock is so great that thepatient will never revive unless he has the proper aid. _Arnica_ is the great remedy to bring on reaction, arouse the patient, and prevent _dangerous_ inflammation or congestion of the brain. When a patient is "stunned" by a blow or fall, he should be conveyedsoon as possible, to some _quiet_ place, and as little noise aspracticable made about him, and the room kept darkened. _Arnica_ 3dshould be given immediately, and the nostrils wet with stronglyarnicated water. If fever arise after he comes to, _Aconite_ should be given with_Arnica_, and if the head aches, or becomes hot, _Bell. _ is to be used. This will prevent or arrest all symptoms of inflammation. _Torn and Mangled_ wounds should not be handled much. If they bleed, theblood must be stopped as in any other case. If they are dirty, warmwater may be gently applied to cleanse them. The wound should be coveredwith some soft cloths, and kept constantly wet in Arnicated water of thestrength of four drops of the _tincture_ to a pint of water. Piles--Hemorrhoids. One important matter in all cases of habitual piles, is, to keep thebowels regular. Much can be done for this purpose by diet and regimen. On rising from bed in the morning drink freely, from a gill to half apint of cold water, at least half an hour before breakfast; use suchdiet as is easily digested, and drink no alcoholic beverages. To relievethe bowels when costive, take a dose of _Nux Vomica_ at night, and_Podophyllin_ in the morning. This may be repeated from day to day untilthe proper effect is produced. To relieve from a severe attack of Piles, use _Bell. _ and _Podophyllin_in alternation every four hours, and apply to the tumors when inflamed, cloths wrung out of hot water, or sit in hot water for a time. A poultice made of fine-cut _Tobacco_ wet in hot water and crowdedfirmly up against the pile-tumors, secured by a T bandage, will relievethe most desperate cases for the time, and is attended with no danger ordisagreeable symptoms except in rare cases, when it produces sickness atthe stomach, which soon subsides on the poultice being removed. _Oil ofArnica_ is an excellent application for inflamed Piles. A most important point in the management of Piles, and one oftenneglected, is to replace the prolapsed tumors. The tumors will beprotruded from within the anus by the act of evacuating, and if left inthat condition, will be pressed upon by the external parts, chafed andinflamed. In all such cases, the patient should take particular pains toreturn the tumors into the rectum; and to aid in that process a littleoil may be applied when they will be easily pushed back, and thesphincter of the bowel will close below them, preventing any chafing, and the consequent inflammation. For _Bleeding Piles_, _Ipecac_ and _Bell_. Are very efficient remedies. They may be alternated every half hour, or oftener if the bleeding issevere, or at longer intervals when it is only slight. _Hamamelis V. _, (Witch Hazel, ) will in nearly all cases arrest thebleeding at once. It should be applied to the parts and taken internallyat the same time. Drop doses to be put on the tongue once in fifteen ortwenty minutes. An infusion of the _Hamamelis_ may be taken internally in doses of halfa teaspoonful, and the same injected into the bowel with excellenteffect. The most effectual way, and the best for obtaining permanent relief fromPiles when the tumors have become hard, and remain all the time so as topass out of the anus at every evacuation, being constantly more or lesstender and painful, and often becoming inflamed, is to have them takenoff. But never let that be done with a knife. The bleeding would, insuch a case, be very excessive, and most likely fatal. The history ofknife operations for the excision of Pile tumors is written in blood, and the tombstone stands as a monument of condemnation of the practice. No trustworthy surgeon will at this day attempt it. But however dangerous may be the knife operation, there is no danger atall to be apprehended from removing the tumors by a _ligature_. Toaccomplish this, take a soft cork about three-fourths of an inch indiameter, and one inch long--make a hole through the center from end toend, about one-eighth of an inch in diameter--cut crucial grooves in thetop of the cork about an eighth of an inch deep, bevel down the lowerend nearly to an edge, make a cord of saddler's silk, three fold twistedtogether and waxed, about eight or ten inches long, double this in themiddle and pass the loop down through the cork out at the sharp end, thetwo loose ends of the string being out at the grooved end. Make a stronghickory stick about three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, and justlong enough to pass across the square end of the cork. Now have thepatient protrude the Pile tumors as far out as possible, being placed onhis knees with the head bent to the floor, pressing out firmly as if toevacuate the bowels. Let the tumors be dried as much as possible bygently pressing a soft, dry cloth to them; then let the loop of thestring projecting from the flattened end of the cork, be pushed on overthe largest tumor, and held down at its base, while an assistant placesthe stick in one of the grooves, ties the two ends of the cord firmlydown over the stick, or _toggle_, by a square bow knot; then turn thestick round once, twice, or more, until the pressure upon the tumor issufficient to strangulate it perfectly, and prevent the string fromslipping off. Care should be taken to keep the cord down to the base ofthe tumor while it is being tied and tightened, as in many cases thebase is much the larger part of the tumor, and the cord tends to slipup. After the ligature is applied and tightened, apply arnicated waterto the parts, and a large, warm poultice of superfine slippery elm bark, wet so as not to be too soft and slippery, on the face of which Arnicamay be put. Keep it on with a T bandage. The patient must be put to bedand kept quiet until the ligature and tumor come off, which will be inabout six or seven days, sometimes sooner. Once a day the "toggle" mustbe turned part, or the whole of a circle or more, to tighten the cord asthe patient can bear. This will be very painful from beginning to end ofthe ligating, but any, even the most sensitive, patient can bear it. Thepatient must have quite warm hip baths two, three, or more, times a day, or as often as the pain is severe, the poultice being replaced aftereach bath, and kept constantly on. If there are several tumors protruding, apply ligatures to two of thelargest, when these are removed, the others will disappear. Injections of mucillage of slippery elm should be carefully used to movethe bowels daily, or at least once in two days. Let the diet be of cornor oat meal mush, or rice. As the tumor gradually sloughs off, thesurface heals, so that, though the base where the ligature was applied, may have been an inch or more across it, there will not be a raw surfaceof over an eighth of an inch in diameter, to which _Calendula Cerate_should be applied. The patient must keep quiet for a few days longer. Though this is a painful operation, it is not in the slightest degreedangerous. I have effected complete and permanent cures by this mode innumerous instances. Sea-Sickness. _Nux Vomica_ should be used once in about four hours, for twelve hoursbefore sailing, as a preventive to sea-sickness. If, however, symptoms, such as dizziness or blur before the eyes, andheadache, begin to come on, a dose of _Nux_ should be taken, followed inan hour with _Pulsatilla_. If the nausea comes on, _Ipecac_ and _Arsenicum_ should be takenalternately between the paroxysms of vomiting, should that symptomappear. If practicable, the patient should lay still upon the back until thesickness passes off. I have removed sea-sickness immediately in severalinstances with _Pulsatilla_ alone, and the last time I had anopportunity to prescribe for this affection I gave _Podophyllin_. Itremoved all the symptoms in a few minutes. That is the only time I evertried it, but from the provings I am satisfied it is one of the bestremedies. Asiatic Cholera. I was practicing in Cincinnati during the prevalence of Cholera in theyears 1849, and 1850, and in Northern Ohio in 1854, and had abundantopportunity to observe and treat it. The disease generally begins with adiarrhoea, which may continue for several days, or only a few hoursbefore other symptoms set in, such as vomiting, then cramping in thestomach and muscles of the legs, arms, hands and feet, followed by coldsweats, great prostration, restlessness, excessive and burning thirst, drinks being immediately rejected. These symptoms continue, the patientsinking rapidly into _collapse_, when the skin looks blue and shriveled, the eyes sunken, the surface covered with a cold, clammy sweat, theextremities, nose, ears, tongue and breath cold, the voice hollow andunnatural. This condition continues from two to eight or ten hours, thepatient regularly failing, sometimes becoming delirious before he dies. In some cases the vomiting and diarrhoea set in simultaneously, andthe other symptoms follow, as above described, in rapid succession. Inothers the cramping may be the first symptom, the others following it. In a large proportion of cases, the disease takes the course firstdescribed above, the diarrhoea, called the _premonitory symptoms_, orsometimes _cholerine_, coming on several hours, if not a day or more, before any other symptoms. The diarrhoea is not usually painful, hence the patient may not bealarmed so as to attend to it until the more dangerous symptoms appear. It begins in some cases with pain and some griping, the dischargesrather consistent, having a bilious appearance, so that the patientsupposes it to be an ordinary bilious diarrhoea, which is notdangerous, his fears being thus quieted. But however the diarrhoeabegins, it becomes sooner or later, copious, watery, and light colored, (rice water) painless but rapidly prostrating. TREATMENT. In the early stages of the diarrhoea, _Veratrum_, taken about twice asoften as the evacuations occur, will frequently arrest it in a fewhours, especially if the patient lies down and keeps quiet. But if not, and it increases in frequency, or becomes more copious, or any sicknessis felt at the stomach, the patient should, at once, be laid upon a bedand _strong tincture of Camphor_ should be given in drop doses, once infive minutes, for one hour or more, and as the symptoms abate, once inten, fifteen or twenty minutes, for six or eight hours. A teaspoonful of the _Camphor tincture_ may be put into a tumbler ofcold water, ice water if at hand, and the water agitated until itbecomes clear, giving a teaspoonful of this camphorated _cold_ water asa dose, stirring the water each time. I think this is better than togive the pure tincture. After the patient becomes quiet and easy, _Veratrum_ should be given in alternation with Camphor, a dose in fourto six hours for several days, or oftener if he feels any symptoms likea threatened return of the disease. These two medicines serve as_prophylactics_ (preventives) of Cholera. If, however, the disease continues in spite of the Camphor and Veratrum, in the first instance, or later, (as the Camphor may be given in manycases with success in the advance stage, ) you must resort to otherremedies. If vomiting comes on with burning in the stomach give _Ipecac_ and_Arsenicum_ in alternation as often as the vomiting occurs, and if thediarrhoea continues give _Veratrum_ between the doses of the othertwo, in a violent case, as often as every ten to fifteen minutes, and atlonger intervals when the disease is slow in its progress. If thevomiting and diarrhoea, or either, occur with a kind of explosion, thevomiting ceasing suddenly for the time, after the first _gush_, or thedischarges from the bowels are involuntary, _Secale_ is the specificremedy. For the cramping, _Cuprum_ and _Veratrum_ are the remedies to be givenalternately. If, however, the _cramping_ comes on as the first symptom, which issometimes the case, the patient being suddenly seized with it before anyother alarming symptoms occur, _Camphor_ is _the great remedy_, and inthis case it may be given in doses of double or treble the quantitybefore directed. If he sinks into the _collapse_ and lies quiet, indifferent toeverything, the pulse sinking, or he is pulseless, _Carbo Veg. _ willsometimes arouse and restore him, hopeless as the case appears. Itshould be given once in half an hour until the pulse begins to rise. If, however, instead of being quiet he is restless and thirsty, give_Arsenicum_ in alternation with _Carbo Veg. _, repeating the dose asabove directed. In some cases, after all the active symptoms cease, thepatient will become quiet and drop to sleep, and instead of the pulserising, as it will if he is recovering, it sinks, or does not appear ifhe has been pulseless, and the breathing becomes irregular andfeeble--he is sinking. If aroused, he sinks back into the stupor in afew moments as before. _Laurocerasus_ is a specific for this condition. It should be given once an hour until he is aroused. If, however, besides the stupor, the head is hot, the face red, thebreathing oppressed, the pulse slow and sluggish, _Opium_ is to beused, and may be given in alternation with _Laurocerasus_. For the irritation of the brain, and furious delirium that sometimessets in after the cessation of cholera symptoms, _Secale_ and_Belladonna_ in alternation will prove specific. Let the patient have warm or cold drink as he prefers, and let hiscovering be light or plentiful as is most agreeable. As soon as he getseasy, and the vomiting and purging cease, and his pulse begins toreturn, keep him quiet as possible, let the room be darkened andeverything still, so that he may go to sleep, which he is inclined todo, this being the surest restorer. I am quite sure I have known severalpatients carried off by a return of the disease, after it had beeneffectually arrested, in consequence of sleep being prevented by therejoicing officiousness and congratulations of friends, disturbing andpreventing that early and quiet slumber which nature so much needs, andmust have, or hopelessly sink. The diet for two or three days afterrecovery, should be a little oat meal gruel or rice. Small Pox--Variola. This disease begins with pain in the head and back, chilly sensations, followed by a high fever, so similar in all respects to a severe attackof Bilious or "winter" fever, that it is difficult or impossible todistinguish it with certainty, as Small Pox. The fact of the prevalenceof the disease at the time, and the exposure of the patient, may leadthe Physician and friends to suspect Small Pox. There is one verystriking symptom of Small Pox, however, that exists from the beginning, which, though it may be present in fever simply, is not uniformly so. This is a severe and constant aching _pain in the small of the back_. The headache is also constant. The Small Pox is of two varieties or degrees, _distinct_ and_confluent_. The _distinct_ is when the pustules are separated from eachother, each one a distinct elevation, with more or less space betweenthem not affected by the eruption. The _confluent_ is where the pustules spread out from their sides andrun together, covering the whole surface as one sore. It may be distinct on some parts, as on the body, and confluent onothers, as the arms, face, and parts most exposed to the air. In the _Distinct_ variety the fever continues without abatement untilthe eruption appears, when it entirely subsides, and that quitesuddenly. The eruption comes out about the third day of the attack, sometimes not discoverable until the end of the third or beginning ofthe fourth day. The eruption is at first very slight, beginning withsmall red pimples on the forehead, upper part of the cheeks, neck andupper part of the breast, extending by degrees to the arms, and otherparts of the body and limbs. About the end of the fourth or forepart ofthe fifth day, the eruption is complete. There is a symptom, not mentioned in the books, which will oftendetermine the disease before the occurrence of any eruption. It is theappearance of hard shot-like pimples, to be _felt under the skin_ in thepalms of the hands, while there is, as yet, no trace of eruption to beseen upon the surface. On the eighth or ninth day, the eruptions become vessicular, haveflattened tops, and contain a limpid fluid. The parts continue toswell, the eruptions to enlarge, and become filled with purulent matter, having a dark color at the top, up to about the fourteenth or fifteenthday, when they begin to flat down, to dry up, and some of the scabsbecome loose. At this time, some fever arises, often quite severe, withheadache and other inflammatory symptoms. If the eruption is verysevere, fever will be of corresponding violence, and lighter or wantingwhen the eruption is mild. This fever rarely lasts more than twenty-fourhours, from which time the patient rapidly recovers. In the _Confluent_ variety, all the symptoms are more violent, the fevercontinuing after the eruption begins. The pustules burst early, and runinto each other, covering nearly or quite the whole skin; the surfaceswells and turns black or dark brown, the lungs are more or lessirritated, producing cough, and not unfrequently the stomach isnauseated, and vomiting ensues. If the patient survives the irritation up to the fifteenth or sixteenthday, when the _secondary fever_ sets in, he is liable to be taken offby an affection of the brain or lungs, during this fever. If herecovers, his whole surface, especially that part exposed to air, isdeeply pitted. TREATMENT. As it is not often known for a certainty, in the early febrile stage, that it is the small pox, the treatment will be first adopted that wouldbe proper for a like fever arising from other causes. But in all myobservations in this disease, and they extend to several hundred cases, I have not found in a single instance, any of the ordinary feverremedies, such as _Aconite_ and _Bell. _, which would be applicable forsuch symptoms in an ordinary case, to do any good in small pox. They aredirected, however, for these symptoms by the authorities, in the febrilestage of the small pox; but I am quite sure they are not the properremedies. From the great similarity, the almost absolute identity of small pox_headache_ and _backache_, with the same symptoms developed by the_Macrotys racem. _ as well as the nausea and restlessness produced by thedrug, I was led several years ago to the conclusion that this, or the_Macrotin_ was valuable in small pox. Not only so, but during theprevalence of small pox in Cincinnati, to an extraordinary degree in thewinter of 1849-50, I treated about one hundred cases, including bothsexes, and all ages, from infants a few weeks old, to very old persons, giving the _Macrotin_ to all, and had the good fortune to see _all_ mypatients recover. Since that time I have prescribed it for every casesuccessfully. Having then, been entirely successful in so many cases, with thismedicine, I am not inclined at this time to give any other thepreference. I must admit, however, that though my patients allrecovered, I was not able to greatly abridge the duration of thedisease, nor to prevent the development of all the stages in theirproper order, as is _claimed_ by M. TESTE, for his use of _Mercuriuscor. _ and _Causticum_. I was satisfied with so far modifying thesymptoms, as to enable my patients to live through, and come _out wellin the end_. I would then direct, if small pox is suspected, the patienthaving been exposed to contract it, or from the peculiarity of thesymptoms, in the early stage, or when the disease is discovered afterthe eruption, to give _Macrotin_ at the first trituration, in one graindoses, once in two hours, while the fever, headache and backachecontinue, after which, during the whole course of the disease, give itthree times a day. This will prevent the development of a dangeroussecondary fever, as well as irritation of the lungs, stomach or bowels. In addition to this medicine I give the patients daily, from half anounce to two ounces of _pure_ (_unrancid_) _Olive oil_. This serves toprevent the development of pustules in the throat, lungs and stomach; ismore or less nutritious, and keeps the bowels in a healthy condition. Wash the surface once a day in weak soap suds, following it with a bathof milk and water, and keep cloths moistened with warm milk and water, constantly upon all parts that are exposed to the air, lubricating thesurface with _Olive oil_ after the bath of milk and water. This keepsthe surface quite comfortable. The best diet is corn or oat meal mush and molasses, to be taken insmall quantities. Cold water is the proper drink, though it should notbe very cold. The room should, at all times, be well ventillated, but in cold or coolweather, sufficient fire must be kept up, to keep the room warm and dry. A temperature of about 65° is the best. Hardly any thing can be worsefor a small pox patient than to be in a cold or damp room, and tobreathe _cold_ air. Uniform temperature is important. If the eruption is tardy about appearing, or after it is out, arecession takes place, the Alcoholic Vapor bath will soon bring it out. (See Rheumatism **p. 30). Occasionally the feet and limbs below the knees, will swellprodigiously, and become extremely painful, causing the principalsuffering. For this, wrap the feet and legs in cloths wet in a strongsolution of Epsom salts, quite warm, and cover with flannels so as tokeep them warm. This will afford immediate relief, and reduce theswelling in a day or two. The finely pulverized Epsom salts, dry, sprinkled on the pustules, will very often prevent pitting. It is thesafest and surest remedy of which I have any knowledge. Varioloid is small pox modified by vaccination. It is to be treated as a mild caseof small pox. The _Macrotin_ has been used with apparent success as aprophylactic (preventive) to small pox, taken three times daily. Painful Urination, Incontinence of Urine, _Involuntary Urination. _ Where the discharge of urine produces smarting and burning of theurethra, _Cantharis_ is the remedy. Where there seems to be an oversecretion of acrid urine, producing inflammation of the neck of thebladder, known by pain in the glans penis, _Copaiva_, and _Apis mel. _are the remedies. If there appears to be a partial palsy of the neck ofthe bladder, the discharge taking place in sleep, _Podophyllin_ is thesurest remedy. I have cured some bad cases by the use of these threeremedies, given in rotation three or four hours apart. Injections of a solution of borax into the bladder, have, in severalcases, been sufficient to effect a perfect cure, without any otherremedy. This may be used in connection with the other remedies. Forpainful urination with a distressed feeling in the neck of the bladder, causing a constant disposition to evacuate urine, the _AlthoeaOfficinalis_ is a certain remedy; it acts like a charm. It is animportant remedy for inflammation of the bladder. A good mode of usingit is in form of a warm infusion in doses of a table spoonful every halfhour or hour, according to the urgency of the symptoms. The _AlthoeaRosa_ (Hollyhock) may be used as a substitute, though it is not as good. Every family should cultivate the _Althoea Officinalis_ (MarshMallow), so that the fresh green root, which is the best, can beprocured at any time. I have been able to relieve patients with it, especially females, when all other remedies seemed unavailing. It isparticularly useful for urinary difficulties of pregnant females. Neuralgia. _Aconite_ and _Bell. _ are two important remedies in this affection. Ifgiven low, and applied directly along the course of the affected nerves, at full strength of the tincture, they will almost always effect acure. The proper way to use them is to give them internally at thesecond dilution, at intervals of fifteen to thirty minutes, when thepain is severe and nearly constant, and apply _Aconite tincture_ as hotas practicable over the course of the nerve, by means of wet cloths, foran hour or two hours, and if the pain has not subsided use _Bell. _locally in the same manner. If the Neuralgia is periodical, coming on at regular intervals, _Arsenicum_ and _China_ are the remedies, and they should be usedexternally as directed for the others, both at the first dilution, andgiven internally at intervals, in proportion to the violence of thesymptoms, the _Arsen. _ at the 3d and the _China_ at the first dilution. If the patient has used alcoholic drinks to excess, _Nux_ is to be usedin place of Arsenicum. _Periodical Neuralgia_ generally requires the same treatment as ague. Infemales when there is uterine disease, _Pulsatilla_ and _Macrotin_ arethe remedies to be used, as directed above. Jaundice. This disease depends upon derangement of the liver. The skin and whitesof the eyes become yellow; the patient grows weak, loses his appetite, is dull and sluggish in all his actions, melancholly and discouraged inhis moods. TREATMENT. _Mercurius_ and _Podophyllin_ given in alternation, each twice a day, will nearly always effect a cure. If the patient is costive, _Nux_should be taken at night, until his bowels become regular. Bathing the surface daily, or oftener, is a very important measure inthe treatment of this affection. As often as once in two or three days, an alkaline bath should be taken. If the patient has fever every day, oronce in two days, ever so slight, _China_ should be used with_Podophyllin_. If he has been drugged with Mercury in any form, in largedoses, even six months or a year before, give _Hydrastin_ in place ofMercurius. Itch. I shall say but little about this very common and very obstinateaffection. Everybody has a "cure for itch" yet nobody cures it short ofthe use of _Sulphur_ in some form. Though the attenuations of Sulphurmay sometimes cure itch, it must be acknowledged that such cures are sorare in this country, and the time requisite to accomplish it is solong, as a general rule, that few will trust them. The most successful remedy, and the one that will always cure quickly, if at all, is _Hepar Sulphurus Potassium_, the common Hepar Sulphur(sulphuret of Potassa) of the shops. To succeed with it most certainly, let the patient be thoroughly bathed with warm soap suds, _quitestrong_, in a room at the temperature of 90 to 100°, continuing thebathing and _rubbing_ for an hour or more, then dry off the surface withsoft cloths, and apply the _Hepar sul. _ with water, at the strength ofthirty drops of the strong alcoholic solution, with a gill of water, wetting every eruption on the whole surface and let it dry on. Thiscauses some smarting, but it is effectual; it kills the _acarus_, (itchanimalcule) and in a few days the sores heal, the itching all subsidesimmediately. If every pustule has not been touched, those left maycontinue to itch, in which case, a second application is necessary. _Hepar Sul. _ should be given internally at the third dilution, for amonth, once a day, after the baths. Avoid greasy food. For the Scald Head of children, where there is a discharge of yellow and watery pus fromthe sores, and the eruption extends to the ears or face, like thedisease called the _crusta lactea_ (milk crust), the same washes as foritch, are the most effectual, while at the same time, and for a month ortwo, the child should have _Hepar Sul. _ 5th at night, and _Petroleum_ 3din the morning. Daily ablutions of the head with warm soap suds, andkeeping it covered, are absolutely essential. Carbuncle. This affection, though it somewhat resembles a common boil, and is bysome writers considered only such, in an overgrown state, is, nevertheless, far from being identical with it. While a _boil_ is only a sanitive effort of nature to eliminate thecause of a morbid process, and tends to a spontaneous, healthytermination, the _carbuncle_, on the contrary, is the very essence ofdisease; its constant tendency being towards the dissemination ofdiseased action, causing destruction of the parts affected. It, in fact, appears like a parasite, living by the destruction of surroundingtissues, literally absorbing them and "thriving on death. " It beginswith a red, livid color, slight aching and burning pains, the partswells and is elevated some like a boil, except that it does not"point, " but has a broad base rising like a cone and flattened at thetop. It feels soft and spongy, and will appear to fluctuate, but ifpunctured, blood only flows. The pain and burning increases rapidly, andsooner or later several openings appear upon the top, varying from threeor four to half a dozen or more, looking like the holes in a sponge, outof which issues a fluid like thin gruel. Instead of becoming easierafter the suppuration begins, as is the case with a boil, the burningincreases to an alarming and unbearable extent; cold chills, loss ofappetite, great depression of spirits, general nervous and musculardebility come on. The tumor continues to discharge, turns purple;gangrene beginning in the carbuncle extends to other parts and deathfollows. The disease is nearly always confined to quite feeble persons and thosepast the meridian of life; but I have seen it on younger though feeblepatients. It is generally located on the back, occasionally on the head, where it is very dangerous from its liability to affect the brain. TREATMENT. If treated very early, _strong tincture of Arnica_ applied to thesurface of the carbuncle, by cloths wet and laid over the tumor, willoften arrest it so that the swelling will not be developed to thesuppurative stage. However, to reap any benefit from _Arnica_, it mustbe applied while the pain is not severe, and the parts only feel bruisedand tender to pressure, like a common bruise. After the ulceration occurs, _Arsenicum_ is the great remedy to berelied on. It should be given at the second or third attenuation asoften as every three hours, when the pain is severe, and applied to thesurface of the carbuncle freely by cloths laid over it, wet in thefirst dilution, or by sprinkling the first trituration of the oxyde(1-10) freely upon the open surfaces, so that it may penetrate into theopen mouths or orifices. Over this powder apply an emolient poultice, orsoft cloths wet in water hot as can be endured. This will soon allay orgreatly lessen the pain. It should be repeated as often as any of theburning pain peculiar to the carbuncle returns, until the tumorsuppurates in a tolerably healthy manner; then lessen the strength ofthe _Ars. _ applications, and continue them until it has the appearanceof a healthy abscess, when only simple dressings are necessary. Some maysuppose such strong applications injurious, but I can assure them fromabundant experience, that there is not the slightest danger. Thecarbuncle should _never be punctured_ or _cut into_. Such operationsalways make them worse, and induce a more rapid approach to gangrene. The patient should have nourishing food, and good native wine may betaken in moderate quantities, by a very feeble person, with decidedadvantage. Though the knife operations for the removal of carbuncle are alwaysinjurious, the chemical effect of _Potash_ is frequently mostbeneficial. I have, in repeated instances, applied to the ulceratedsurface, _caustic potash_ freely, allowing the dissolved caustic topenetrate to the very "core" by running into the orifices. At first itwould produce some smarting, but the pain is different from that of thecarbuncle, and the change is agreeable rather than otherwise. Soon afterthe application all pain ceases, and the tumor, under the use of apoultice, begins to slough off in a few days, leaving a raw surface, disposed to heal kindly. Occasionally, however, the healing process istardy, when _Arsenicum_, at the third, applied and taken internally, will soon effect a cure. I have occasionally used _Hepar Sul. _ with good effect in the latterstage. Felon--Whitlow. For this disease, in the early stage, when the sensation is that ofsharp, sticking pain, feeling as though a brier or thistle was in thefinger, immerse the part in water as hot as possible, into which putcommon salt as long as it will dissolve; hold it in this _hot_ salt bathfor an hour or more at a time, and when removed, apply finely pulverizedsalt, wet in _Spirits of Turpentine_; bind on the salt with severalthicknesses, and keep it constantly wet with the sp'ts turpt. Fortwenty-four hours, when, if all symptoms of felon are gone, no furthertreatment is necessary. As a general rule, the hot bath should berepeated three times a day, especially if the symptoms have existed forseveral days and there is much pain or swelling, and the dressingsshould be kept on as above directed for several days, more or less, until all symptoms disappear. I am quite confident that a large majority, if not all, of the cases ifthus treated at any time before pus is formed, will be discussed andcured. If pus has begun to form before the treatment is commenced, thiswill not _cure_ the felon, but it is good treatment, especially the hotbath, as it will greatly lessen the pain. By holding it in hot water for an hour or two each day, the suppurativeprocess will be hastened, and as soon as the pus can be felt at anypoint, fluctuating, puncture and let it out; then continue the hot bath, with _Calendula_ (_Marygold_) flowers in the water, keeping the part allthe time warm and moist. For the restless and nervous irritability that frequently occurs, especially in females, _Aconite is the best remedy_. It should be given, one drop of the tincture to a gill of water, in teaspoonful doses, oncein one or two hours, and the same applied to the sore. DISEASES OF FEMALES Suppression of the Menses, (Amenorrhoea. ) For sudden suppression from taking cold, as by wetting the feet, therebeing headache, more or less fever, the pulse frequent and variable, pains in the small of the back and cramp like pains in the pelvicregion, give, in alternation, _Aconite_ and _Pulsatilla_, as often asevery fifteen or twenty minutes in a violent case, and at longerintervals as the patient begins to get easy. Putting the feet into hotwater, or taking a hot Sitz bath is very useful. If the patient is sickat the stomach, as is often the case, give lukewarm water freely and lether vomit; after which let her drink freely of water as hot as it can besafely swallowed, adding milk and sugar to make it palatable. The goodeffects that are often attributed to and experienced from the use ofvarious hot teas in this affection, are, in my opinion, attributablemore to the hot fluid alone than to any specific medicinal virtue in thesubstance of which tea is made. At all events, very _hot_ drink withnothing but water, milk and sugar, is equally efficacious, and mymedicine (a few grains of sugar of milk) put into the hot water, seasoned as above, has often obtained great credit, when the _hot water_was alone worthy. Rubbing the loins and abdomen briskly downwards withthe hands of a healthy and vigorous nurse, will often excite themenstrual flow after a sudden suppression. If the head is hot, the facefull and red, and the arteries of the neck and temples beat violently, give _Bell. _ with _Pulsatilla_, and if the lungs are oppressed, use also_Bryonia_, giving the three in rotation. If, after the menstrual flowbegins, there is still much pain in the pelvic region, give_Caulophyllin_, which will immediately afford relief. _Apis mel. _ is very servicable in suppressed menses of several days, oreven weeks duration, where there is fever, redness of the face, and painin the head, and pains in the hips extending to the limbs, especially ifthere is any tendency to bloating of the abdomen and swelling of thelimbs or feet. It acts _promptly_ and _efficiently_. If the suppression has been caused by sudden fright or any strong mentalemotion, _Veratrum_ should be given in connection with the two formermedicines. Should there be great fullness of the vessels of the head, orbleeding at the nose, _Bryonia_ with _Pulsatilla_ are to be used. _Bell. _ is also useful in this case if the pain in the head isthrobbing, especially if any delirium is present. For suppression in young females, of several months duration, I haveused, with much success, _Podophyllin_ and _Macrotin_, one at night, theother in the morning, giving them for two or three weeks before theproper time for a return, and a day or two prior to the time, give also_Pulsatilla_, and give the three in rotation, a dose every six hours. This practice has been successful with me in cases of long standing andapparently obstinate character. Where there is other disease, as anaffection of the liver, lungs or stomach, this must be treated andcured, or the menses will not probably return. Great care should beexercised to keep the patient's feet and limbs warm, as upon this maydepend her future health. Dysmenorrhoea. --Painful Menstruation. For this disorder, I know of no one remedy so valuable as the_Caulophyllin_, but _Pulsatilla_ in many cases is efficacious, and asthey do not prevent each other's action, I prescribe them inalternation, giving a dose every half hour, for a short time during theparoxysm, or until the pain abates to some extent, then every hour. If there is pain in the head, sickness at the stomach, a kind of sickheadache, as is often the case, with painful menstruation, _Macrotin_should be used with the others; _Ipecac_ is the _Specific_ for anexcessive flow of the menses with great pain, especially if the stomachis nauseated. It should be given as low as the first dilution, and thetincture, in water, in the proportion of thirty drops to half a pint, injected into the vagina quite warm. The application of extract of _Belladonna_ to the neck of the uteruswill often produce immediate and perfect relief. After the patient isrelieved from the painful paroxysm, she should be treated so as toprevent a return of the pains at the next monthly period. _Pulsatilla_, _Caulophyllin_ and _Podophyllin_ are the three medicines that are mostcertain to effect this object. They are to be given, one medicine eachday, a dose at night for three weeks, then morning, noon and night, until the time for the return of the menses, when they should be usedoftener if there is pain. If the patient is inclined to be costive, _Nux_ should be given at night for a few days before the menstrualperiod, in place of _Pulsatilla_. Menorrhagia--Profuse Menses--Flowing. For this affection, _Ipecac_ and _Hamamelis_ are the specifics. Theyshould be taken alternately, at intervals of from half an hour to twohours apart, according to the urgency of the symptoms, and the_Hamamelis_ injected into the vagina. These will nearly always arrestthe flooding immediately. _Secale_ should be used either alone or withthe above medicines, if there are bearing down pains like labor pains, and sickness at the stomach in spite of the Ipecac. _Ipecac_ alone isoften sufficient. Nursing Sore Mouth. Sore mouth of nursing women, as the name of the disease indicates, ispeculiar to women who are suckling children. It is an inflammation ofthe mouth, tongue and fauces, which sometimes comes on during pregnancy, several months or but a few days before the birth of the child. Itgenerally, however, makes its first appearance when the child is a fewweeks old, and sometimes not till after the lapse of several months. Insome cases the tongue and inside of the mouth ulcerate, and theirritation extends to the stomach and bowels, producing distressing anddangerous inflammation of these parts, with severe and obstinatediarrhoea. For the sore mouth, before diarrhoea begins, give _Eupatorium Aro. _and _Hydrastin_, in alternation, a dose once in three hours, and washthe mouth with the same, each time. After the diarrhoea occurs, use_Podophyllin_ with the other medicines, giving them in rotation, threehours apart. It is best to give a dose of _Podophyllin_ night andmorning. I have treated very bad cases of this disease that had been running formore than a year, and been treated with the ordinary remedies directedin the Homoeopathic authorities without any permanent benefit, curingthem perfectly in ten days with _Podophyllin_ and _Leptandrin_, givingthem in alternation at the 1st attenuation in half grain doses, atintervals of from four to eight hours according to the frequency of theevacuations. These two remedies are almost certain to arrest _ChronicDysentery_ where there is ulceration of the lower portion of the rectum, a peculiar distress felt at the stomach just before stool, with _sudden_rush of the evacuations and inability to control the inclination evenfor a few minutes, with a feeling of faintness after the stool. _Leptandrin_ is the specific for the Dysentery that often succeedscholera, and these two, _Pod. _ and _Lept. _, are almost certain torelieve the "Mexican Diarrhoea, " as well as that connected with thefevers along the Mississippi river. Mammary Abscess, (_Ague in the breast--Inflamed breast_. ) This is a disease peculiar to nursing women. The first symptom is aslight pain or soreness in some part of the "breast, " which continues toincrease for a day or two, when a chill, more or less severe, sets in, followed by high fever and quick pulse, headache and great restlessness. The gland swells and becomes very painful. This is generally a diseaseof rather slow progress, running eight or ten days and sometimes two orthree weeks before abscess forms and "points" to the surface. TREATMENT. _Phosphorus_ is to be taken internally, and the first dilution put inwater, twenty drops to one gill, and applied to the surface by means ofcloths wet in the mixture, as hot as it can be borne, and laid over thewhole breast. If this is done and the medicine given internally everyhour, as early as the first and frequently as late as the second orthird day, it is quite sure to remove the disease and prevent anabscess. It is best to use it even much later. In fact it often succeedsas late as the fifth or sixth day, and if it does not prevent theabscess, it so far palliates the severe symptoms as to render the painbut slight and keep the patient comfortable. An application of the Tincture of Cantharides diluted with water andapplied to the breast by cloths wet in it, to the extent of producingconsiderable redness and even eruptions, and the second dilution of thesame taken in drop doses every three hours, has proved successful insubduing the inflammation after _Phos. _ had failed, and it was supposedan abscess would form in spite of any treatment. I recently succeeded in giving perfect relief with _Apis Mel. _internally, applying it externally after the pain and swelling was verygreat. I am of opinion that the _Apis_ is a valuable remedy. _After abscess forms_ as soon as the pus can be felt at any point, softand fluctuating under the skin, _puncture_ and let it out, then poulticeit for a few days until it heals, giving _Phosphorus_ and applying it tothe sore. In _puncturing_, always be _very particular_ to have thelancet or knife enter so that the edge will look towards the point ofthe nipple, so as not to cut _across_ the milk ducts, which all runtoward that point, and if cut off will close up so that the milk whichmay be secreted at any future time cannot get out, and swelling, painand severe inflammation, abscess and ulceration will be the consequence;whereas, if the cut is made lengthwise of the ducts, very few, if anywill be cut off, and all future danger will be avoided. Apply an elmpoultice from the beginning to the end of treatment. For malignantulcers of the breasts, the _Cornus Sericea_ is a most potent remedy. Itis to be taken internally at the first dilution, and applied in stronginfusion or diluted _Tr. _ of the bark to the sore. Sore Nipples. This affection of nursing women frequently comes on before the birth ofthe child, but generally does not make its appearance until after thesuckling has continued for a week or more. It seems in some cases to beconnected with the aphthæ (sore mouth) of the child, or at least to beaggravated by contact with the sore mouth; on the other hand itsometimes seems as though the sore nipples produced the sore mouth ofthe child. TREATMENT. I treat both the nipple and the child's mouth with the same remedy_Eupatorium aro. _, applied at the strength of 6 drops of the tincture, to a teaspoonful of water, the application being made by a soft cloth, wet and laid over the nipple; give drop doses of the same strengthinternally every three hours, which will, in nearly all cases effect acure in one or two days. The child's mouth should be wet with the sameeach time just before nursing. The oil from the pit of the butter nut, (Juglan's Cinerea, ) obtained by heating the pit and pressing out theoil, applied to the nipple, will generally cure it after 3 or 4applications about six hours apart. The child may take hold when the oilis on, without danger. This remedy is sufficient in nearly all cases. Leucorrhoea and Prolapsus Uteri--Whites, Female Weakness. The disease depends in all cases upon _inflammation_ of the uterus, orvagina, or both. The inflammation may be simply in the neck of the uterus extending tothe posterior surface of the vagina, or the latter may not be affected;or it may extend to the whole internal surface of the uterus, producingswelling of that organ, both the fundus and neck. The swelling may be confined mostly to the fundus, causing it to be toolarge for the space it ordinarily fills, hence there will be more orless _displacement_ of the womb, and crowding upon other parts, as thebladder or rectum. In some cases, the swelling is more on one side thanon the other, so that it will be crowded over to the opposite side. These displacements are often called _prolapsus uteri_, or "_falling ofthe womb_, " carrying the idea that the difficulty depends upon a morbidrelaxation of the ligaments that support the organ. Not one case in ahundred is of this latter character, but nearly, if not all, depend uponthe inflammation and swelling above mentioned. How futile then, not tosay _hurtful_, must be all instruments for, and all attempts atreplacing and supporting it by _force_! All such mechanical meddling isinjurious, and should, with all the "supporters, " be condemned anddiscarded. They may afford temporary relief, but this is at the expense of futurehealth. Cure the disease, relieve the inflammation, and nature willreplace the organ. Leucorrhoea is always present where there isulceration of the neck of the womb, and this ulcerated condition existsto a greater or less extent, in many cases where it is not suspected bythe patient. It is vastly more prevalent than is generally supposed. The_symptoms_ are numerous. Among the more prominent are a sense of weightand bearing down in the pelvis, pains extending down the limbs, achingand weakness of the small of the back, headache, more or less gastricdisturbance, dyspepsia, the food souring on the stomach. There is often, especially when there are ulcers on the parts, a distressing sense ofheat or a smarting sensation. The menstrual function is frequentlyderanged, the bowels costive, the urethra, by being pressed, becomesirritable and burns and smarts whenever the urine is evacuated. Thesleep is disturbed and unrefreshing, and the whole nervous system isunstrung. The discharge from the diseased surfaces, in an ordinary case withoutulceration, is of a mucous or muco-purulent character, not unlike anordinary catarrhal secretion. When ulceration exists it is dark, fetidor bloody, or sanious and purulent, sometimes it is acrid, excoriatingthe parts. TREATMENT. Inflammation or ulceration, either acute or chronic, in these parts doesnot differ essentially in its characteristics from the same affection inother mucous surfaces. The proper treatment for a catarrh of other mucous surfaces will beapplicable to these, though there is no doubt but that some medicinesare more specifically adapted to these than to other organs. In the early stage of the complaint, while the inflammation is acute, orsub-acute, the discharge thin or white, _Copaiva_ and _Macrotin_ are tobe given once in 6 hours alternately. During the same time letinjections into the vagina of warm soap and water be used twice a day, to cleanse the parts of the secretion, followed in half an hour by awash of warm water, into which _tr. Of Macrotys_ has been put inproportion of 40 drops to half a pint. The application should be madewith an 8 ounce or at least 6 ounce curved pipe syringe, so as to throwit with considerable force. If there is a burning sensation, use thewashes quite warm, until the heat of the parts is allayed. Avoid the useof _cold_ injections as long as any inflammation exists. If the bearingdown is present with burning in the parts, _Bell. _ is to be used inrotation with the two former remedies. If the sensation is that ofsmarting, _Cantharis_ is to be used in place of Bell. Where the disease comes on soon after child-birth, _Podophyllin is theSpecific_. It is to be given at the first attenuation three times dailyin half gr. Doses of the trituration. In this case let the parts befreely washed daily with a solution of borax, quite warm. In the_chronic_ form of the disease, especially where _barrenness_ exists, _Macrotin_, _Podophyllin_ and _Hydrastin_, given morning, noon andnight, in the order named, will, in nearly all cases, afford relief. For females who have never borne children, give _Phos. Acid_, 2d and_Eryrgium Aquaticum_ 1, night and morning for a week, and then give themat the 3d dilution until the symptoms subside. If there are headache andderangement of the stomach, _Macrotin_ and _Podophyllin_ should beused, each once a day, between the latter remedies. When the dischargeis colored and the pains darting, cutting or smarting, indicatingulceration, or if ulceration is discovered by examination, use_Macrotin_ and _Hydrastin_ internally, injecting the latter upon theaffected parts freely. The ulcerated surfaces should be well washed offevery day with soap and water, or a solution of borax, and the medicine(_Hydrastin_) in form of infusion, used half an hour after the otherwash. If the neck of the womb looks dark, and is ulcerated, or is hardand painful to the touch, especially on probing the cavity, _CornusSericea_ must be used both as a wash to the parts, and at the firstdilution internally, using them twice a day. This remedy will often curemalignant cases. It takes a long time in some instances to cure a chronic case, but ifpersevered in, these remedies will not be likely to fail. [2] [2] NOTE. --The late Prof. Morrow was remarkably successful, and becamejustly celebrated for curing hard cases of Leucorrhoea ulceration and"Prolapsus uteri. " Almost his entire reliance in their treatment were the _Macrotys_ and_Caulophyllum_, given internally and by injection upon the parts. Hegave the Macrotys in the form of tincture every day to the extent ofproducing specific head symptoms when he discontinued it till the nextday, using the Caulophyllum in the meantime in small doses. He rarely ifever failed. Morning Sickness of Pregnant Females. The most efficient and certain remedy for this symptom is _Macrotin_. Itshould be taken at the first attenuation, a dose before rising in themorning, and one every six hours during the day, as long as the sicknessis troublesome. It will generally relieve in a few days. If the stomachis sour use _Pulsatilla_ with the _Macrotin_. As a _preparation for labor_, a dose (one grain) of _Macrotin_ at thefirst attenuation given in the morning, and the same of _Caulophyllin_at evening, is of great service. Whatever others may think or say in relation to any preparatorytreatment for labor, I have reason to know as well as anything inmedicine be known, that patients treated as here directed, pass throughlabor much quicker, frequently in one-fourth the usual time. Theirsufferings are comparatively trifling, and the length of time forrecovery to ordinary health after labor is abridged from three-fourthsto nine-tenths that of former labors. I am quite confident that themedicines produced this difference. For _irregularity of labor pains_, and for distressing _after pains_, the _Caulophyllin_ is specific. During labor it should be given at the 2d attentuation in about halfgrain doses, every half hour, until the pains are regular. Two or threedoses at most, and generally one will suffice. For the after pains it may be given in alternation with _Ipecac_ or_Aconite_ if there is flooding, or with _Pulsatilla_ when the floodingis not troublesome, a dose once in half an hour, until the pains arechecked. For _Rigidity_ of the soft parts and severe, _retarded and longprotracted labor_, where the pains are strong and irregular, and greatpain and exhaustion is experienced on account of the unyieldingcondition of the parts, _Lobelia Inflata_ given in drop doses of the tr. In water, once in twenty minutes, in alternation with _Caulophyllin_ asabove directed, will in a short time produce the proper condition of theparts, while they render the pains stronger, regular and progressive. In urgent cases I have given the medicines every 5 or 10 minutes, withdecided benefit. A Useful Hint to Mothers. Children push beans, peas, corn, &c. , into the nose and ear, causingmuch alarm. To remove such a body take a syringe that works tightly, putthe end of the pipe against the bean, shot, or other substance, drawback the piston so as to _suck_ up the article firmly as the pipe iswithdrawn from the cavity. LOCAL APPLICATIONS. That medicines act locally, that is, manifest their symptoms by peculiarderangement or disturbance of some particular part of the system, moreprominently than of any other part, for the time, no one will deny. Thateach one has some particular locality or tissue upon which its action ismore perceptible than anywhere else, is equally undeniable, and that theprominent symptoms are often external and local, is also true. Yet, withthese truths clearly demonstrated, there are those of our school whodiscard the external or local application of all remedies except_Arnica_. Why this is done, is difficult to determine, unless we can believe thatsuch physicians suppose it to be _heresy_ to make use of any remedy in adifferent manner from what was recommended by the "Father ofHomoeopathy, " and abjure all possibility of _improvement_ in ourpractice. That nearly if not all medicines, may be applied externally withadvantage, when there are local manifestations similar to those producedby the drugs, there can be no doubt in the mind of any sensible man. That they will act favorably when so used is _reasonable_, as a matterof theory, and that they do, as a matter of fact, has been _proven_ tomy mind, by abundant experience in their use. Therefore, I hesitate notto recommend the practice to others. Medicines must act either bycombination with the affected part, or by _Catalysis_, changing themolecular action of the living tissues. In either case, they must comedirectly in contact with the part to be affected. This _must_ be donethrough the circulation, when taken internally, or it _may_ be done bydirect application of the remedy to the diseased tissue, when that is sosituated as to be reached. The difference is greatly in favor of thelatter mode when that is practicable, from the greater certainty of itsresults. This assertion is based, not upon vague hypothesis, but upon_actual practice_. Entertaining these views, however heretical they may be pronounced, Ishall proceed to mention some of the remedies I have learned to usethus, and the cases for which they are prescribed. I would remark that, in selecting a remedy, it must be done with as much certainty of itshomoeopathic relation to the local or general symptoms for external asfor internal use. I have found, however, that much lower attenuationsare requisite and admissible. ARNICA is highly applicable to _bruises_, and is valuable also whenapplied to lacerated or mangled surfaces, to the surface of the limbwhere a bone is fractured, also about the joint when it has beendislocated. It is to be used in the form of _Arnicated water_, byputting one or two drops to a gill of water for application where theskin is ruptured or the surface raw, and ten to twenty drops to thegill, upon parts where the skin is sound. It is useful also, for_boils_, and _carbuncles_ in the _early stage_, the _strong tincture_ tobe applied when the surface is sound, and (to boils) when the surface isopen, one drop to a gill of water. Aconite Is applicable to inflamed eyes, in the early stage, where the disease isin the conjunctiva, (that portion which lines the lids and covers thefront of the ball), especially if there is a sense of scratching, asthough some foreign substance is in the eye, great intolerance of light, chilly sensations, with more or less fever, and quick pulse. Put threeor four drops to a gill of warm water, and apply it freely. It is also very valuable for _Neuralgia_, applied strong and warm, alongthe course, or at the origin of the affected nerve. In neuralgia of theface, apply it upon the side of the face, also just behind and below theear of the affected side. It is of much value as a remedy for neuralgic affections of the womb. Ihave relieved the most distressing symptoms of neuralgia of the womb, ina few minutes, by injecting warm water containing twenty to forty dropsof _tr. Aconite_ to the pint. By repeating this application at everyparoxysm, patients recover rapidly, each succeeding attack beinglighter, and the interval between being longer, until they ceaseentirely. It may be used with much benefit in the same manner, for_Hysteritis_, as well as recent cases of _Leucorrhoea_. It is the mostvaluable remedy applied to the _Eye_ for a _wound_ of that organ. In _Gonorrhoea_, it is more valuable as a local remedy, than most ofthose now in use. It will frequently cure alone. In this case, it is tobe used with an equal part of the _tr_. And warm water. Belladonna has great power as a local remedy in _Erysipelas_, to be applied withwater in proportion of ten drops of the _tr. _ to a gill of warm water. It is also of much value applied to the surface of inflamed breasts;also injected when there is inflammation of the _uterus_, with pressingpains as though the bowels would be pressed out. _Very valuable_ inparturition where there is rigidity of the _os uteri_, with fullness ofthe head and throbbing of the temples. It has the specific power torelax circular fibres without affecting the longitudinal. Calendula, is applied to wounds, _incised_ and _lacerated_, promoting healing bythe first intention. It is a valuable application for wounds inscrofulous persons, which tend to suppurate rather than heal by thefirst intention. It is also useful in old sores. The _Calendula Cerate_ is one of the best of dressings for any abradedsurface. Conium is valuable as a _palliative_ upon cancerous tumors. As a _curativeremedy_ it is useful in chronic ophthalmia, especially the purulent ofchildren; useful also for _indurated_ swellings. Thuya is a specific when locally used for _Sycosis_, also for fungoidcancerous tumors. I have cured well-marked cases of _Fungus Hæmatodes_with the tinct. Thuya applied to the surface of the tumor. The _Thuja Cerate_ is a valuable application for malignant ulcers. Cornus Sericea will often cure malignant ulcers both of the breast and uterus, used asa wash. Arsenicum acts favorably on cancers, and is a specific when applied to the surfaceof _carbuncle_. Ipecac acts very beneficially when applied to the surface where there is highfever, with nausea and vomiting. Half an ounce of _tr. _ Ipecac to twoquarts of tepid water, applied with a sponge to the whole surface, actslike magic in yellow fever, allaying the nausea, producing free andhealth-restoring perspiration. Rhus Tox, applied, with water at the strength of thirty drops of the _tr. _ to agill, to parts affected with _Rheumatism_, acts very beneficially. It isalso a most valuable application at half the above strength upon partsaffected with Erysipelas, when the surface is swollen, and there arevessicles filled with fluid like a blister in burns. It is also useful for sores that exist as the chronic effects of burnswhen the proper treatment had not been used in the beginning, and thehealing process was never perfected. _Rhus Cerate_ is a very useful application to irritable ulcers. Hepar Sulphur is a specific for _Itch and Scald Head, _ applied in form of a wash withtwenty to thirty drops of _tr. Hepar Sul. _ to a gill of water. Also forill-conditioned scrofulous ulcers, generally. Cuprum Aceticum. (_Acetate of Copper Verdigris_) applied to _Cancerous_ ulcers of theface, _Lupus_ or _Noli-me-tangere_, in the early stage, will in mostcases effect a perfect cure, especially if for a week previously thepart has been wet daily with _tr. Thuja_. The best mode of applying the_acetate_ is to mix the impalpable powder, as prepared for paint, withsome substance to form a cerate, as equal parts of bees-wax and muttonsuet, with 1-50 to 1-100 part of the pure _acetate_ as found in thebottom of the can, when prepared in oil for paint; heat all together andstir until cool. This forms a good plaster for covering and shieldingthe sore while its medicinal property is in the _Cuprum Aceticum_diluted as above. It is quite useful for any ill conditioned ulcer. Acetic Acid is a most efficient remedy applied to old irritable _varicose ulcers_ onthe limbs of females who have suffered from _Phlegmasia Dolens_, (milkleg. ) It may be applied as a wash to the part once or twice a day at thestrength of 1-20th of the acid with water, or in the form of good cidervinegar. The manufactured vinegar of the cities does _not_ usually contain aceticacid. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM is a specific to allay the inflammation and excessivepain in _scrofulous swellings_ of the neck, (_Kings Evil_. ) The puredrug in powder, wet with warm water, or the green root bruised so as toform a poultice, is to be applied over the swelling. It soon discussesthe swelling, or if pus has already formed, allays the the pain, andbrings the pus to the surface, and if continued, disposes it to healrapidly. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA applied as a poultice either in the powdered drug, orwith some other substance wet with the infusion or _tr. _, _arrestsgangrene_ in a short time. It is especially useful for threatened oractual gangrene arising from _lacerated_ wounds or scalds with wounds, as in accidents connected with the explosion of steam boilers; when weoften have scalds and lacerations in the same wound. HYDRASTUS CANADENSIS used as a gargler in a putrid state of the throatin malignant _Scarlet fever_, arrests the destructive process _at once_. It is also a most excellent application for inflamed eyes in the secondor sub-acute stage. * * * * * PROPHYLACTICS. (_Preventives of Disease. _) TO PREVENT SCARLET FEVER Give Belladonna at the 3d attenuation, three to six pellets, accordingto the age of the child, every morning, during the prevalence of theepidemic. This is for the common or mild form of the disease. If theprevailing epidemic is of the _malignant_ kind, producing fatalulcerations of the throat, give _Bell. _ once in two days and _MercuriusCorrosivus_ at the 3d attenuation on the alternate day. While _Bell. _ is a very certain preventive of the common eruptiveScarlatina, it is not as certain to prevent the _malignant_ form. Thoughit renders the latter much more mild, the _Merc. Cor. _ is necessary toward it off entirely, or so modify as to divest it of the dangerousfeatures. TO PREVENT YELLOW FEVER Take _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Macrotin_, 1st in rotation one dose aday. If there is any headache, or pains occur in other parts of thebody, or a languid feeling, take a dose twice or three times a day inrotation. TO PREVENT BILIOUS FEVER OR AGUE Take _Podophyllin_, _Baptisia_ and _Gelseminum_ 1st in rotation, onedose at night, and if symptoms of fever, as headache and loss ofappetite, or bad taste in the mouth in the morning appear, take a dosethree times a day, and refrain entirely from food for one or two days. TO PREVENT TYPHOID FEVER When exposed, as in nursing the sick, take _Baptisia_ 2d, and _Macrotin_2d, a dose three times a day. TO PREVENT SMALL-POX Use _Macrotin_ 1st night and morning, and if nursing or exposedfrequently, use it every four hours. TO PREVENT CHOLERA. _Camphor_ (_pellets medicated_ with the pure tincture) _Veratrum_ 3d, and _Arsenicum_ 3d, should be taken in rotation--a dose morning, noonand night, in the order named; so as to take a dose of each everytwenty-four hours. If any sense of weakness or trembling comes on, usethe _Camphor_ oftener; if pain or uneasiness in the bowels threateningdiarrhoea, use the _Veratrum_, and for increased thirst withuneasiness at the stomach _Arsenicum_ more frequently. TO PREVENT DIARRHOEA Where it is prevailing as an _epidemic_, _Ipecac_ at night, and_Veratrum_ in the morning will often _suffice_. For _teething children_give _Ipecac_ and _Chamomilla_ in the same manner. TO PREVENT DYSENTERY In hot weather when bilious diseases prevail, use _Mercurius_ 3d, _Podophyllin_ 2d, and _Leptandrin_ 1st in rotation, giving one dose aday. In the winter, or when _Typhoid fevers_ prevail, use _Mercurius_ and_Rhus_ tox. Alternately a dose every day. TO PREVENT ITCH. A dose of _Sulphur_, or rubbing a little flour of sulphur on the hands, will generally suffice. TO PREVENT COLDS Keep the _arms_, _hands_ and _chest_ well clothed and warm. _Affecting_ the _head_ as _catarrh_, or the pelvic regions keep the_feet and ankles warm and dry_. Affecting joints and muscles asRheumatism--protect the _Spine_ (back) from colds and currents of air. After an accidental exposure as by getting the feet wet, or being caughtin a shower, drink _bountifully_ of cold water, and take a dose of_Nux_; followed in an hour by _Aconite_, if any chilliness is felt, or_Copaiva_ if the head is "stuffed up. " In winter and spring when the weather is mild, but there is snow, or theground is damp, more clothes are necessary than when it is freezing hardand the air is dry. * * * * * PREPARATION OF MEDICINE. As it often becomes necessary for the practitioner to make more or lessof his own dilutions and attenuations, some brief instructionsespecially to new beginners, may not come amiss. Medicine is prepared by mixing it with distilled water, or purified 98per cent. Alcohol; or if solid and dry, by reducing it to powder andtriturating (rubbing) it in a mortar with pure sugar or Sugar of Milk. The liquid is called _dilution_, the powder _trituration_. Theattenuations are mostly made at the decimal (1-10, ) or centecimal(1-100) ratio and numbered 1, 2, 3, &c. , by putting ten drops of theliquid with ninety drops of Alcohol, or ten grains of the powder withninety grains of Sugar for the 1st, and ten grains or drops of the 1stwith ninety more of Alcohol or Sugar, as the case may be, for the 2nd, and so on to any desirable extent. If the centecimal attenuation is adopted, one grain or drop is usedinstead of ten, as in the decimal. I prefer the decimal to the centecimal ratio. Not that there canpossibly be any difference in the action of the medicines, at the sameattenuation, whether it was brought to that state through a series of1-10, or 1-100; the 3d at the 1-100 ratio of dilution being _preciselythe same_ as the 6th at 1-10. My preference for the decimal ratio isbased upon the greater convenience and accuracy of measuring largerquantities. _Accuracy_ is very desirable, but the practice of _guessing_ at theamount as pursued by some, is anything but accurate. When one makes hisdilutions by putting the fluid into a vial and "_pouring it all out_, "_guessing_ that he has a _drop_ left which is to medicate theninety-nine drops of Alcohol or water, he may put in by guess, I aminclined to _guess_ that he knows nothing, _accurately_ as to whatdilution he is making. (See Hull's Laura, introduction, also Jahr &Possart's Pharmacopoeia and Posology. ) For if the vial is small andquite smooth there may not be a drop left, or if it is rough, there maybe several drops. Yet some physicians make their dilutions thus, and insist upon thesuperiority of the centecimal over the decimal attenuations. Whatever ratio is adopted, should be _accurately_ followed. Have truescales for weighing solids, and a graduated measure marked from tendrops up to one hundred for liquids; then _always_ weigh or measure_accurately_ the medicine, as well as the substance with which it is tobe attenuated. The measure and mortar, after using them for one medicine, can becleaned preparatory for another, with scalding water, rinsing them withpurified Alcohol, then drying. Never smoke or chew Tobacco in any place, but if you are such a _slave_to habit, that you must do it despite your good sense and betterjudgment, never do either, or have tobacco or any other odoriferoussubstance about your person when you are preparing medicines, or theyare exposed to the air. Keep the medicines excluded from the light andair as far as practicable. Triturate the powders thoroughly for an hour or more upon each, andshake the dilution from fifty to one hundred times, more for the higherattenuations. It is better to medicate pellets in large bottles, filling them half ortwo-thirds full, put in just liquid enough to wet every one, but not soas to dissolve any. Shake them until all are equally wet, and let themstand for four or five days, if practicable, shaking them up two orthree times a day until all are dry. INDEX. Administration of Remedies, 11 Ague, 22 Ague, preventive treatment of, 153 Asthma, 57 Aphthæ, 90 Asiatic Cholera, 104 Amenorrhoea, 129 Ague in the breast, 135 Attenuation of medicines, 151 Bathing, 12 Bilious Fever, 26 Preventive treatment of, 153 Bronchitis, 51 Burns and Scalds, 64 Bilious Colic, 19 Brain Fever, 70 Bee stings, 75 Bite of Rattlesnake, 77 Bruises, 95 Cholera Case, 3 Colic, 18 Colic, Bilious, 19 Cholera Morbus, 21 Cholera, Asiatic, 104 Preventive treatment of, 153 Chill Fever, 22 Continued Fever, 28 Catarrhal Fever, 28 Cough, 52 Colds, 57 Colds, Preventive treatment of, 154 Croup, 55 Constipation, 62 Chilblains, 69 Convulsions of Children, 72 Crusta Lactea, 122 Carbuncle, 122 Diarrhoea, 14 Preventive treatment of, 154 Dysentery, 16 Preventive treatment of, 154 Diet, Rules for, 13 Dyspepsia, 58 Diseases of Females, 129 Dysmenorrhoea, 131 Enteritis, 53 Erysipelas, 62 Epistaxis, 81 Earache, 84 Foreign Substances in the Ear or Nose, 144 Fevers, 22 Intermittent, 22 Chill, 22 Fits of Children, 72 Felon, 126 Flowing, 132 Female weakness, 198 Gastritis, 54 Hooping Cough, 58 Heartburn, 62 Hoarseness, 70 Headache, 78 Sick, 80 Introduction, 5 Intermittent Fever, Ague, 22 Inflammation of the Lungs, 49 Inflammation of the Brain, 70 Inflammation of the Bowels, 53 Inflamed Eyes, 91 Incontinence of Urine, 117 Involuntary urination (nightly), 117 Itch, 120 Itch, preventive treatment of, 154 Inflamed Breast, 135 Inflammation of the Uterus, 140 Jaundice, 120 Local application of Remedies, 145 Leucorrhoea, 138 Mammary Abscess, 135 Menorrhagia, 132 Measles, 73 Mumps, 74 Morning sickness of pregnant females, 143 Nursing Sore-mouth, 133 Nosebleed, 81 Neuralgia, 118 Nightly urination of Children, 117 Otalgia, 84 Ophthalmia, 91 Preparation of medicine, 155 Pleurisy, 48 Prolapsus Uteri, 138 Pneumonia, 49 Piles, 97 Painful urination, 117 Painful menstruation, 131 Profuse menstruation, 132 Preventives of Disease, 151 Quinsy, 53 Rheumatism, 30 Rheumatic Fever, 29 Remitting Fever, 27 Rattlesnake bite, 77 Scarlet Fever, 35 Preventive treatment of, 151 Sore Throat, 52 Scalds, 64 Stings of Insects, 75 Sick Headache, 79 Sore-mouth of Children, 90 Sea Sickness, 103 Small-Pox, 110 Preventive treatment of, 153 Scald Head, 122 Suppression of the menses, 129 Sore Nipples, 139 Table of Remedies, 3 Traveler's Case, 3 Typhoid Fever, 31 Tonsillitis, 53 Toothache, 86 Teething of children, 88 Thrush, 90 Ulceration of the Uterus, 140 Urination painful, 117 Urination, Involuntary, 110 Variola, 117 Varioloid, 117 Worms, 82 Wounds, 93 Whitlow, 126 Yellow Fever, 38 Preventive treatment of, 153 APPENDIX ON THE USE OF GELSEMINUM SEMP. IN FEVERS. BY J. S. DOUGLAS, A. M. , M. D. , Prof. Of Mat. Med. And Special Pathology, in the WesternHomoepathic College, Cleveland; author of "Treatment ofIntermittents, " &c. Such has been the general result of the treatment of the fevers of thiscountry, that most Homoeopathic physicians deny the possibility of_breaking up_ a fever when once established. Those who labor under this impression, will be soon convinced of theerror by properly employing the _Gelseminum semper virens_, or yellowJasmine. Having proved this drug repeatedly on myself and seven or eightothers, it was impossible to avoid the conviction that it would behomoeopathic to the ordinary fevers of this country. The pathogenetic symptoms, almost uniformly experienced, are thefollowing, the dose being from one to five drops: Within a few minutes, sometimes within two or three, a marked depressionof pulse, which becomes 10, 15 or 20 beats less in the minute, if quiet, but greatly disturbed by movement. Chilliness, especially along theback, pressive pain of the head, most generally of the temples, sometimes in the occiput, at others, over the head. The chilliness issoon followed by a glow of heat and prickling of the skin, and quicklysucceeded by perspiration which is sometimes profuse and disposed to bepersistent, continuing from twelve to twenty-four hours. As soon as there-action takes place after the chill, the pulse rises as much above thenormal standard, as it was before depressed below it. With thesesymptoms is a puffy, swollen look and feeling of the eye-lids, slimy anddisagreeable or bitter taste in the mouth, languid feeling of the backand limbs, and sleepiness. As example affords the best illustration, we will give one to illustratethe usual action of this drug in fevers: P. W. , aged 21, sanguine temperament, had been complaining of languor, and want of appetite for three weeks. For a week has been unable toattend to business. Took a cathartic, and was, of course, worse. For thelast thirty-six hours had been seriously sick. June 30, 1858, had thefollowing symptoms: Pulse rather full, but weak and vascillating, about100 per minute. Tongue red and dry; hands tremulous when extending them;tongue trembles when protruded; the mind wanders; he reaches afterimaginary objects; lips dry and parched; he is uneasy, restless. Nowthis, all will recognize as a case which had been long in coming on, and was fairly established, and was not likely to be _broken up_ byordinary means. He took one drop of _Gelseminum tincture_ to be repeatedevery hour, if needed. The next morning he reported that he had been ina perspiration ever since fifteen minutes after taking the first dose, had slept quietly during the night, the tongue and lips were moist, mindclear, pulse 80, and steady. The next day I found him dressed and downstairs, with good appetite and free from disease. I could give sixtycases of equally prompt results from this precious drug, in fevers whichmake their attack rather suddenly, whether from cold or otherwise, andattended with chilliness, pain in the limbs, head and back, variouslydisordered taste of the mouth, with great restlessness. The almostuniform effect, in these cases is, a cessation of the chills, withinfrom two to five minutes, quickly followed by a glow of heat andprickling of the surface; and within from five to twenty minutes, perspiration with progressive abatement of all the pains andrestlessness. The patient falls asleep, and after a longer or shortertime, wakes with a consciousness that his disease is _broken up_--andthis proves to be the truth. Like all other drugs, the dose must bevarious, generally one drop repeated every half hour, till the desiredeffect is produced repeated afterwards as occasion may require. In simple cases of fever, I regard it as _the_ remedy, not only, but_the only_ remedy required. There are, of course, many cases of fever, with local complications, as inflammation of the liver, &c. , &c. , whereother remedies will be necessary. Half a drop, or even a quarter, isoften sufficient. The largest I have yet given is five drops, and thisin only one case. Several Homoeopathic physicians to whom I have recommended it, havemade equally favorable reports of it. My experience has been, that not a few of our Western fevers, especiallyif neglected beyond the incipient stages, are accompanied by suchgastric and bilious disorder, as to require _Mercurius_, _China_, or_Podophyllin_, after the general febrile symptoms are removed by _Gels. _But at an early stage, the _Gels. _ alone will prevent the development ofthese complications. The drug seems to me to act specifically and energetically, not onlyupon the circulatory system, but equally so upon the nervous system, allaying nervous irritability more effectually in fevers, than _Coff. _, _Cham. _, _Bell. _, _Nux_, or any other drug we possess. As it acts veryquickly, the first dose may be soon repeated and increased, if no effectis observed. +---------------------------------------------------------------+|Transcriber's note: || ||Inconsistent punctuation in headings in this book are as in the||original. || |+---------------------------------------------------------------+