ALROY OR THE PRINCE OF THE CAPTIVITY By Benjamin Disraeli [Illustration: cover] [Illustration: alroy-frontis-174] [Illustration: frontis-label] AUTHOR'S PREFACE Being at Jerusalem in the year 1831, and visiting the traditionarytombs of the Kings of Israel, my thoughts recurred to a personage whosemarvellous career had, even in boyhood, attracted my attention, asone fraught with the richest materials of poetic fiction. And I thencommenced these pages that should commemorate the name of Alroy. In thetwelfth century, when he arose, this was the political condition of theEast: The Caliphate was in a state of rapid decay. The Seljukian Sultans, whohad been called to the assistance of the Commanders of the Faithful, hadbecome, like the Mayors of the palace in France, the real sovereigns ofthe Empire. Out of the dominions of the successors of the Prophet, they had carved four kingdoms, which conferred titles on four SeljukianPrinces, to wit, the Sultan of Bagdad, the Sultan of Persia, the Sultanof Syria, and the Sultan of Roum, or Asia Minor. But these warlike princes, in the relaxed discipline and doubtfulconduct of their armies, began themselves to evince the natural effectsof luxury and indulgence. They were no longer the same invincibleand irresistible warriors who had poured forth from the shores of theCaspian over the fairest regions of the East; and although they stillcontrived to preserve order in their dominions, they witnessed withill-concealed apprehension the rising power of the Kings of Karasmé, whose conquests daily made their territories more contiguous. With regard to the Hebrew people, it should be known that, after thedestruction of Jerusalem, the Eastern Jews, while they acknowledgedthe supremacy of their conquerors, gathered themselves together for allpurposes of jurisdiction, under the control of a native ruler, a reputeddescendant of David, whom they dignified with the title of 'The Princeof the Captivity. ' If we are to credit the enthusiastic annalists ofthis imaginative people, there were periods of prosperity when thePrinces of the Captivity assumed scarcely less state and enjoyedscarcely less power than the ancient Kings of Judah themselves. Certainit is that their power increased always in an exact proportion to theweakness of the Caliphate, and, without doubt, in some of the mostdistracted periods of the Arabian rule, the Hebrew Princes rose intosome degree of local and temporary importance. Their chief residence wasBagdad, where they remained until the eleventh century, an age fatalin Oriental history, from the disasters of which the Princes of theCaptivity were not exempt. They are heard of even in the twelfthcentury. I have ventured to place one at Hamadan, which was a favouriteresidence of the Hebrews, from being the burial-place of Esther andMordecai. With regard to the supernatural machinery of this romance, it isCabalistical and correct. From the Spirits of the Tombs to the sceptreof Solomon, authority may be found in the traditions of the Hebrews forthe introduction of all these spiritual agencies. Grosvenor Gate: July, 1845. A L R O Y [Illustration: page001] CHAPTER I. _A Great Day for Israel. _ THE cornets sounded a final flourish as the Prince of the Captivitydismounted from his white mule; his train shouted as if they were oncemore a people; and, had it not been for the contemptuous leer whichplayed upon the countenances of the Moslem bystanders, it might havebeen taken for a day of triumph rather than of tribute. 'The glory has not departed!' exclaimed the venerable Bostenay, as heentered the hall of his mansion. 'It is not as the visit of Sheba untoSolomon; nevertheless the glory has not yet departed. You have donewell, faithful Caleb. ' The old man's courage waxed more vigorous, aseach step within his own walls the more assured him against the recentcauses of his fear, the audible curses and the threatened missiles ofthe unbelieving mob. 'It shall be a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving!' continued the Prince;'and look, my faithful Caleb, that the trumpeters be well served. Thatlast flourish was bravely done. It was not as the blast before Jericho;nevertheless, it told that the Lord of Hosts was for us. How theaccursed Ishmaelites started! Did you mark, Caleb, that tall Turk ingreen upon my left? By the sceptre of Jacob, he turned pale! Oh! itshall be a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving! And spare not the wine, nor the flesh-pots for the people. Look you to this, my child, for thepeople shouted bravely and with a stout voice. It was not as the greatshout in the camp when the ark returned; nevertheless, it was boldlydone, and showed that the glory had not yet departed. So spare not thewine, my son, and drink to the desolation of Ishmael in the juice whichhe dare not quaff. ' 'It has indeed been a great day for Israel!' exclaimed Caleb, echoinghis master's exultation. 'Had the procession been forbidden, ' continued Bostenay, 'had it beenreserved for me of all the princes to have dragged the accursed tributeupon foot, without trumpets and without guards, by this sceptre, my goodCaleb, I really think that, sluggishly as this old blood now runs, Iwould---- But it is needless now to talk; the God of our fathers hathbeen our refuge. ' 'Verily, my lord, we were as David in the wilderness of Ziph; but now weare as the Lord's anointed in the stronghold of Engedi!' 'The glory truly has not yet utterly departed, ' resumed the Prince in amore subdued tone; 'yet if---- I tell you what, Caleb; praise the Lordthat you are young. ' 'My Prince too may yet live to see the good day. ' 'Nay, my child, you misinterpret me. Your Prince has lived to see theevil day. 'Twas not of the coming that I thought when I bid you praisethe Lord because you were young, the more my sin. I was thinking, Caleb, that if your hair was as mine, if you could recollect, like me, thedays that are gone by, the days when it needed no bride to prove wewere princes, «the glorious days when we led captivity captive; I wasthinking, I say, my son, what a gainful heritage it is to be born afterthe joys that have passed away. ' 'My father lived at Babylon, ' said Caleb. 'Oh! name it not! name itnot!' exclaimed the old chieftain. 'Dark was the day that we lost thatsecond Zion! We were then also slaves to the Egyptian; but verily weruled over the realm of Pharaoh. Why, Caleb, Caleb, you who know all, the days of toil, the nights restless as a love-sick boy's, which it hascost your Prince to gain permission to grace our tribute-day withthe paltry presence of half-a-dozen guards; you who know all mydifficulties, who have witnessed all my mortifications, what would yousay to the purse of dirhems, surrounded by seven thousand scimitars?' 'Seven thousand scimitars!' 'Not one less; my father flourished one. ''It was indeed a great day for Israel!' 'Nay, that is nothing. When oldAlroy was prince, old David Alroy, for thirty years, good Caleb, thirtylong years we paid _no_ tribute to the Caliph. ' 'No tribute! no tribute for thirty years! What marvel then, my Prince, that the Philistines have of late exacted interest?' 'Nay, that is nothing, ' continued old Bostenay, unmindful of hisservant's ejaculations. 'When Moctador was Caliph, he sent to the samePrince David, to know why the dirhems were not brought up, and Davidimmediately called to horse, and, attended by all the chief people, rodeto the palace, and told the Caliph that tribute was an acknowledgmentmade from the weak to the strong to insure protection and support; and, inasmuch as he and his people had garrisoned the city for ten yearsagainst the Seljuks, he held the Caliph in arrear. ' 'We shall yet see an ass mount a ladder, '[1] exclaimed Caleb, withuplifted eyes of wonder. 'It is true, though, ' continued the Prince; 'often have I heard myfather tell the tale. He was then a child, and his mother held him up tosee the procession return, and all the people shouted "The sceptre hasnot gone out of Jacob. "' 'It was indeed a great day for Israel. ' 'Nay, that is nothing. I could tell you such things! But we prattle; ourbusiness is not yet done. You to the people; the widow and the orphanare waiting. Give freely, good Caleb, give freely; the spoils of theCanaanite are no longer ours, nevertheless the Lord is still our God, and, after all, even this is a great day for Israel. And, Caleb, Caleb, bid my nephew, David Alroy, know that I would speak with him. ' 'I will do all promptly, good master! We wondered that our honouredlord, your nephew, went not up with the donation this day. ' 'Who bade you wonder? Begone, sir! How long are you to idle here? Away! 'They wonder he went not up with the tribute to-day. Ay! surely, acommon talk. This boy will be our ruin, a prudent hand to wield ourshattered sceptre. I have observed him from his infancy; he should havelived in Babylon. The old Alroy blood flows in his veins, a stiff-neckedrace. When I was a youth, his grandsire was my friend; I had somefancies then myself. Dreams, dreams! we have fallen on evil days, andyet we prosper. I have lived long enough to feel that a rich caravan, laden with the shawls of India and the stuffs of Samarcand, if notexactly like dancing before the ark, is still a goodly sight. And ourhard-hearted rulers, with all their pride, can they subsist without us?Still we wax rich. I have lived to see the haughty Caliph sink into aslave viler far than Israel. And the victorious and voluptuous Seljuks, even now they tremble at the dim mention of the distant name of Arslan. Yet I, Bostenay, and the frail remnant of our scattered tribes, stillwe exist, and still, thanks to our God! we prosper. But the age of powerhas passed; it is by prudence now that we must flourish. The gibe andjest, the curse, perchance the blow, Israel now must bear, and with acalm or even smiling visage. What then? For every gibe and jest, forevery curse, I'll have a dirhem; and for every blow, let him look to itwho is my debtor, or wills to be so. But see, he comes, my nephew! Hisgrandsire was my friend. Methinks I look upon him now: the same Alroythat was the partner of my boyish hours. And yet that fragile form andgirlish face but ill consort with the dark passions and the dangerousfancies, which, I fear, lie hidden in that tender breast. Well, sir?' 'You want me, uncle?' 'What then? Uncles often want what nephews seldom offer. ' 'I at least can refuse nothing; for I have naught to give. ' 'You have a jewel which I greatly covet. ' 'A jewel! See my chaplet! Yougave it me, my uncle; it is yours. ' 'I thank you. Many a blazing ruby, many a soft and shadowy pearl, andmany an emerald glowing like a star in the far desert, I behold, mychild. They are choice stones, and yet I miss a jewel far more precious, which, when I gave you this rich chaplet, David, I deemed you didpossess. ' 'How do you call it, sir?' 'Obedience. ' 'A word of doubtful import; for to obey, when duty is disgrace, is not avirtue. ' 'I see you read my thought. In a word, I sent for you to know, whereforeyou joined me not to-day in offering our--our----' 'Tribute. ' 'Be it so: tribute. Why were you absent?' 'Because it was a tribute; Ipay none. ' 'But that the dreary course of seventy winters has not erasedthe memory of my boyish follies, David, I should esteem you mad. Thinkyou, because I am old, I am enamoured of disgrace, and love a house ofbondage? If life were a mere question between freedom and slavery, gloryand dishonour, all could decide. Trust me, there needs but little spiritto be a moody patriot in a sullen home, and vent your heroic spleen uponyour fellow-sufferers, whose sufferings you cannot remedy. But of suchstuff your race were ever made. Such deliverers ever abounded in thehouse of Alroy. And what has been the result? I found you and yoursister orphan infants, your sceptre broken, and your tribes dispersed. The tribute, which now at least we pay like princes, was then exactedwith the scourge and offered in chains. I collected our scatteredpeople, I re-established our ancient throne, and this day, which youlook upon as a day of humiliation and of mourning, is rightly consideredby all a day of triumph and of feasting; for, has it not proved in thevery teeth of the Ishmaelites, that the sceptre has not yet departedfrom Jacob?' 'I pray you, uncle, speak not of these things. I would not willinglyforget you are my kinsman, and a kind one. Let there not be strifebetween us. What my feelings are is nothing. They are my own: I cannotchange them. And for my ancestors, if they pondered much, and achievedlittle, why then 'twould seem our pedigree is pure, and I am their trueson. At least one was a hero. ' 'Ah! the great Alroy; you may well be proud of such an ancestor. ' 'I am ashamed, uncle, ashamed, ashamed. ' 'His sceptre still exists. At least, I have not betrayed him. And thisbrings me to the real purport of our interview. That sceptre I wouldreturn. ' 'To whom?' 'To its right owner, to yourself. ' 'Oh! no, no, no; I pray you, I pray you not. I do entreat you, sir, forget that I have a right as utterly as I disclaim it. That sceptreyou have wielded it wisely and well; I beseech you keep it. Indeed, gooduncle, I have no sort of talent for all the busy duties of this post. ' 'You sigh for glory, yet you fly from toil. ' 'Toil without glory is a menial's lot. ' 'You are a boy; you may yet live to learn that the sweetest lot of lifeconsists in tranquil duties and well-earned repose. ' 'If my lot be repose, I'll find it in a lair. ' 'Ah! David, David, there is a wildness in your temper, boy, that makesme often tremble. You are already too much alone, child. And for this, as well as weightier reasons, I am desirous that you should at lengthassume the office you inherit. What my poor experience can afford to aidyou, as your counsellor, I shall ever proffer; and, for the rest, ourGod will not desert you, an orphan child, and born of royal blood. ' 'Pr'ythee, no more, kind uncle. I have but little heart to mount athrone, which only ranks me as the first of slaves. ' 'Pooh, pooh, you are young. Live we like slaves? Is this hall a servilechamber? These costly carpets, and these rich divans, in what proudharem shall we find their match? I feel not like a slave. My coffers arefull of dirhems. Is that slavish? The wealthiest company of the caravanis ever Bostenay's. Is that to be a slave? Walk the bazaar of Bagdad, and you will find my name more potent than the Caliph's. Is that a badgeof slavery?' 'Uncle, you toil for others. ' 'So do we all, so does the bee, yet he is free and happy. ' 'At least he has a sting. ' 'Which he can use but once, and when he stings----' 'He dies, and like a hero. Such a death is sweeter than his honey. ' 'Well, well, you are young, you are young. I once, too, had fancies. Dreams all, dreams all. I willingly would see you happy, child. Come, let that face brighten; after all, to-day is a great day. If you hadseen what I have seen, David, you too would feel grateful. Come, letus feast. The Ishmaelite, the accursed child of Hagar, he does confessto-day that you are a prince; this day also you complete your eighteenthyear. The custom of our people now requires that you should assume theattributes of manhood. To-day, then, your reign commences; and atour festival I will present the elders to their prince. For a while, farewell, my child. Array that face in smiles. I shall most anxiouslyawait your presence. ' 'Farewell, sir. ' He turned his head and watched his uncle as he departed: the bitterexpression of his countenance gradually melted away as Bostenaydisappeared: dejection succeeded to sarcasm; he sighed, he threw himselfupon a couch and buried his face in his hands. Suddenly he arose and paced the chamber with an irregular and moodystep. He stopped, and leant against a column. He spoke in a tremulousand smothered voice: 'Oh! my heart is full of care, and my soul is dark with sorrow! Whatam I? What is all this? A cloud hangs heavy o'er my life. God of myfathers, let it burst! 'I know not what I feel, yet what I feel is madness. Thus to be is notto live, if life be what I sometimes dream, and dare to think it mightbe. To breathe, to feed, to sleep, to wake and breathe again, again tofeel existence without hope; if this be life, why then these broodingthoughts that whisper death were better? 'Away! The demon tempts me. But to what? What nameless deed shalldesecrate this hand? It must not be: the royal blood of twice twothousand years, it must not die, die like a dream. Oh! my heart is fullof care, and my soul is dark with sorrow! 'Hark! the trumpets that sound our dishonour. Oh, that they but soundedto battle! Lord of Hosts, let me conquer or die! Let me conquer likeDavid; or die, Lord, like Saul! 'Why do I live? Ah! could the thought that lurks within my secret heartbut answer, not that trumpet's blast could speak as loud or clear. The votary of a false idea, I linger in this shadowy life, and feed onsilent images which no eye but mine can gaze upon, till at length theyare invested with all the terrible circumstance of life, and breathe, and act, and form a stirring world of fate and beauty, time, and death, and glory. And then, from out this dazzling wilderness of deeds, Iwander forth and wake, and find myself in this dull house of bondage, even as I do now. Horrible! horrible! 'God, of my fathers! for indeed I dare not style thee God of theirwretched sons; yet, by the memory of Sinai, let me tell thee that someof the antique blood yet beats within these pulses, and there yet is onewho fain would commune with thee face to face, commune and conquer. 'And if the promise unto which we cling be not a cheat, why, let himcome, come, and come quickly, for thy servant Israel, Lord, is now aslave so infamous, so woe-begone, and so contemned, that even when ourfathers hung their harps by the sad waters of the Babylonian stream, why, it was paradise compared with what we suffer. 'Alas! they do not suffer; they endure and do not feel. Or by this timeour shadowy cherubim would guard again the ark. It is the will that isthe father to the deed, and he who broods over some long idea, howeverwild, will find his dream was but the prophecy of coming fate. 'And even now a vivid flash darts through the darkness of my mind. Methinks, methinks--ah! worst of woes to dream of glory in despair. No, no; I live and die a most ignoble thing; beauty and love, and fame andmighty deeds, the smile of women and the gaze of men, and the ennoblingconsciousness of worth, and all the fiery course of the creativepassions, these are not for me, and I, Alroy, the descendant of sacredkings, and with a soul that pants for empire, I stand here extending myvain arm for my lost sceptre, a most dishonoured slave! And do I stillexist? Exist! ay, merrily. Hark! Festivity holds her fair revel in theselight-hearted walls. We are gay to-day; and yet, ere yon proud sun, whose mighty course was stayed before our swords that now he even doesnot deign to shine upon; ere yon proud sun shall, like a hero from aglorious field, enter the bright pavilion of his rest, there shall adeed be done. 'My fathers, my heroic fathers, if this feeble arm cannot redeem yourheritage; if the foul boar must still wallow in thy sweet vineyard, Israel, at least I will not disgrace you. No! let me perish. The houseof David is no more; no more our sacred seed shall lurk and linger, likea blighted thing, in this degenerate earth. If we cannot flourish, 'why, then, we will die!' 'Oh! say not so, my brother!' He turns, he gazes on a face beauteous as a starry night; his heart isfull, his voice is low. 'Ah, Miriam! thou queller of dark spirits! is it thou? Why art thouhere?' 'Why am I here? Are you not here? and need I urge a stronger plea? Oh!brother dear, I pray you come, and mingle in our festival. Our walls arehung with flowers you love;[2] I culled them by the fountain's side; theholy lamps are trimmed and set, and you must raise their earliest flame. Without the gate, my maidens wait, to offer you a robe of state. Then, brother dear, I pray you come and mingle in our festival. ' 'Why should we feast?' 'Ah! is it not in thy dear name these lamps are lit, these garlandshung? To-day to us a prince is given, to-day----' 'A prince without a kingdom. ' 'But not without that which makes kingdoms precious, and which full manya royal heart has sighed for, willing subjects, David. ' 'Slaves, Miriam, fellow-slaves. ' 'What we are, my brother, our God has willed; and let us bow andtremble. ' 'I will not bow, I cannot tremble. ' 'Hush, David, hush! It was this haughty spirit that called the vengeanceof the Lord upon us. ' 'It was this haughty spirit that conquered Canaan. ' 'Oh, my brother, my dear brother! they told me the dark spirit hadfallen on thee, and I came, and hoped that Miriam might have charmed it. What we may have been, Alroy, is a bright dream; and what we may be, atleast as bright a hope; and for what we are, thou art my brother. In thylove I find present felicity, and value more thy chance embraces and thyscanty smiles than all the vanished splendour of our race, our gorgeousgardens, and our glittering halls. ' 'Who waits without there?' 'Caleb. ' 'Caleb!' 'My lord. ' 'Go tell my uncle that I will presently join the banquet. Leave me amoment, Miriam. Nay, dry those tears. ' 'Oh, Alroy! they are not tears of sorrow. ' 'God be with thee! Thou art the charm and consolation of my life. Farewell! farewell! 'I do observe the influence of women very potent over me. 'Tis notof such stuff that they make heroes. I know not love, save that pureaffection which doth subsist between me and this girl, an orphan and mysister. We are so alike, that when, last Passover, in mimicry she twinedmy turban round her head, our uncle called her David. 'The daughters of my tribe, they please me not, though they are passingfair. Were our sons as brave as they are beautiful, we still might danceon Sion. Yet have I often thought that, could I pillow this moody browupon some snowy bosom that were my own, and dwell in the wilderness, far from the sight and ken of man, and all the care and toil andwretchedness that groan and sweat and sigh about me, I might haply losethis deep sensation of overwhelming woe that broods upon by being. Nomatter! Life is but a dream, and mine must be a dull one. ' Without the gates of Hamadan, a short distance from the city, wasan enclosed piece of elevated ground, in the centre of which rose anancient sepulchre, the traditionary tomb of Esther and Mordecai. [3] Thissolemn and solitary spot was an accustomed haunt of Alroy, and thither, escaping from the banquet, about an hour before sunset, he this dayrepaired. As he unlocked the massy gate of the burial-place, he heard behind himthe trampling of a horse; and before he had again secured the entrance, some one shouted to him. He looked up, and recognised the youthful and voluptuous Alschiroch, thegovernor of the city, and brother of the sultan of the Seljuks. Hewas attended only by a single running footman, an Arab, a detestedfavourite, and notorious minister of his pleasures. 'Dog!' exclaimed the irritated Alschiroch, 'art thou deaf, or obstinate, or both? Are we to call twice to our slaves? Unlock that gate!''Wherefore?' inquired Alroy. 'Wherefore! By the holy Prophet, he bandies questions with us! Unlockthat gate, or thy head shall answer for it!' 'Who art thou, ' inquired Alroy, 'whose voice is so loud? Art thou someholiday Turk, who hath transgressed the orders of thy Prophet, anddrunken aught but water? Go to, or I will summon thee before thy Cadi;'and, so saying, he turned towards the tomb. 'By the eyes of my mother, the dog jeers us! But that we are alreadylate, and this horse is like an untamed tiger, I would impale him on thespot. Speak to the dog, Mustapha! manage him!' 'Worthy Hebrew, ' said the silky Mustapha, advancing, 'apparently you arenot aware that this is our Lord Alschiroch. His highness would fain walkhis horse through the burial-ground of thy excellent people, as he isobliged to repair, on urgent matters, to a holy Santon, who sojourns onthe other side of the hill, and time presses. ' 'If this be our Lord Alschiroch, thou doubtless art his faithful slave, Mustapha. ' 'I am, indeed, his poor slave. What then, young master?' 'Deem thyself lucky that the gate is closed. It was but yesterday thoudidst insult the sister of a servant of my house. I would not willinglysully my hands with such miserable blood as thine, out away, wretch, away!' 'Holy Prophet! who is this dog?' exclaimed the astonished governor. ''Tis the young Alroy, ' whispered Mustapha, who had not at firstrecognised him; 'he they call their Prince; a most headstrong youth. Mylord, we had better proceed. ' 'The young Alroy! I mark him. They must have a prince too! The youngAlroy! Well, let us away, and, dog!' shouted Alschiroch, rising in hisstirrups, and shaking his hand with a threatening air, 'dog! rememberthy tribute!' Alroy rushed to the gate, but the massy lock was slow to open; and erehe could succeed, the fiery steed had borne Alschiroch beyond pursuit. An expression of baffled rage remained for a moment on his countenance;for a moment he remained with his eager eye fixed on the route of hisvanished enemy, and then he walked slowly towards the tomb; but hisexcited temper was now little in unison with the still reverie inwhich he had repaired to the sepulchre to indulge. He was restless anddisquieted, and at length he wandered into the woods, which rose on thesummit of the burial-place. He found himself upon a brow crested with young pine-trees, in the midstof which rose a mighty cedar. He threw himself beneath its thick andshadowy branches, and looked upon a valley small and green; in the midstof which was a marble fountain, the richly-carved cupola, [4] supportedby twisted columns, and banded by a broad inscription in Hebrewcharacters. The bases of the white pillars were covered with wildflowers, or hidden by beds of variegated gourds. The transparent sunsetflung over the whole scene a soft but brilliant light. The tranquil hour, the beauteous scene, the sweetness and the stillnessblending their odour and serenity, the gentle breeze that softly rose, and summoned forth the languid birds to cool their plumage in thetwilight air, and wave their radiant wings in skies as bright---- Ah!what stern spirit will not yield to the soft genius of subduing eve? And Alroy gazed upon the silent loneliness of earth, and a tear stoledown his haughty cheek. ''Tis singular! but when I am thus alone at this still hour, I everfancy I gaze upon the Land of Promise. And often, in my dreams, somesunny spot, the bright memorial of a roving hour, will rise upon mysight, and, when I wake, I feel as if I had been in Canaan. Why am Inot? The caravan that bears my uncle's goods across the Desert wouldbear me too. But I rest here, my miserable life running to seed inthe dull misery of this wretched city, and do nothing. Why, the oldcaptivity was empire to our inglorious bondage. We have no Esther nowto share their thrones, no politic Mordecai, no purple-vested Daniel. OJerusalem, Jerusalem! I do believe one sight of thee would nerve meto the sticking-point. And yet to gaze upon thy fallen state, my uncletells me that of the Temple not a stone remains. 'Tis horrible. Is thereno hope?' '_The bricks are fallen, but we will rebuild with marble; the sycamoresare cut down, but we will replace them with cedars. _' 'The chorus of our maidens, as they pay their evening visit to thefountain's side. [5] The burden is prophetic. 'Hark again! How beautifully, upon the soft and flowing air, their sweetand mingled voices blend and float!' '_YET AGAIN I WILL BUILD THEE, AND THOU SHALT BE BUILT, O VIRGIN OFISRAEL! YET AGAIN SHALT THOU DECK THYSELF WITH THY TABRETS, AND GOFORTH IN THE DANCE OF THOSE THAT MAKE MERRY. YET AGAIN SHALT THOU PLANTVINEYARDS ON THE MOUNTAINS OF SAMARIA. _' 'See! their white forms break through the sparkling foliage of the sunnyshrubs as they descend, with measured step, that mild declivity. Afair society in bright procession: each one clothed in solemn drapery, veiling her shadowy face with modest hand, and bearing on her gracefulhead a graceful vase. Their leader is my sister. 'And now they reach the fountain's side, and dip their vases in thewater, pure and beauteous as themselves. Some repose beneath the marblepillars; some, seated 'mid the flowers, gather sweets, and twine theminto garlands; and that wild girl, now that the order is broken, toucheswith light fingers her moist vase, and showers startling drops ofglittering light on her serener sisters. Hark! again they sing. ' '_O VINE OF SIBMAH! UPON THY SUMMER FRUITS, AND UPON THY VINTAGE, ASPOILER HATH FALLEN!_' A scream, a shriek, a long wild shriek, confusion, flight, despair!Behold! from out the woods a tur-baned man rushes, and seizes the leaderof the chorus. Her companions fly on all sides, Miriam alone is left inthe arms of Alschiroch. The water column wildly rising from the breast of summer ocean, in somewarm tropic clime, when the sudden clouds too well discover that theholiday of heaven is over, and the shrieking sea-birds tell a time offierce commotion, the column rising from the sea, it was not so wild ashe, the young Alroy. Pallid and mad, he swift upsprang, and he tore up a tree by its lustyroots, and down the declivity, dashing with rapid leaps, pantingand wild, he struck the ravisher on the temple with the mighty pine. Alschiroch fell lifeless on the sod, and Miriam fainting into herbrother's arms. And there he stood, fixed and immovable, gazing upon his sister'sdeathly face, and himself exhausted by passion and his exploit, supporting her cherished but senseless body. One of the fugitive maidens appeared reconnoitring in the distance. When she observed her mistress in the arms of one of her own people, hercourage revived, and, desirous of rallying her scattered companions, sheraised her voice, and sang: _'HASTE, DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM; O! HASTE, FOR THE LORD HAS AVENGED US, AND THE SPOILER IS SPOILED. _' And soon the verse was responded to from various quarters of the woods, and soon the virgins reassembled, singing, '_WE COME, O DAUGHTER OF JERUSALEM! WE COME; FOR THE LORD HAS AVENGEDUS, AND THE SPOILER IS SPOILED_. ' They gathered round their mistress, and one loosened her veil, andanother brought water from the fountain, and sprinkled her revivingcountenance. And Miriam opened her eyes, and said, 'My brother!' And heanswered, 'I am here. ' And she replied in a low voice, 'Fly, David, fly;for the man you have stricken is a prince among the people. ' 'He will be merciful, my sister; and, doubtless, since he first erred, by this time he has forgotten my offence. ' 'Justice and mercy! Oh, my brother, what can these foul tyrants knowof either! Already he has perhaps doomed you to some refined andprocrastinated torture, already---- Ah! what unutterable woe is mine!fly, my brother, fly!' 'Fly, fly, fly!' 'There is no fear, my Miriam; would all his accursed race could troubleus as little as their sometime ruler. See, he sleeps soundly. But hiscarcass shall not defile our fresh fountain and our fragrant flowers. I'll stow it in the woods, and stroll here at night to listen to thejackals at their banquet. ' 'You speak wildly, David. What! No! It is impossible! He is not dead!You have not slain him! He sleeps, he is afraid. He mimics death that we may leave his side, and he may rise again in safety. Girls, look to him. David, you do notanswer. Brother, dear brother, surely he has swooned! I thought he hadfled. Bear water, maidens, to that terrible man. I dare not look uponhim. ' 'Away! I'll look on him, and I'll triumph. Dead! Alschiroch dead! Why, but a moment since, this clotted carcass was a prince, my tyrant! So wecan rid ourselves of them, eh? If the prince fall, why not the people?Dead, absolutely dead, and I his slayer! Hah! at length I am a man. This, this indeed is life. Let me live slaying!' 'Woe! woe, our house is fallen! The wildness of his gestures frightensme. David, David, I pray thee cease. He hears me not; my voice, perchance, is thin. I am very faint. Maidens, kneel to your Prince, andsoothe the madness of his passion. ' '_SWEET IS THE VOICE OF A SISTER IN THE SEASON OF SORROW, AND WISE ISTHE COUNSEL OF THOSE WHO LOVE US_. ' 'Why, this is my Goliath! a pebble or a stick, it is the same. The Lordof Hosts is with us. Rightly am I called David. ' '_DELIVER US FROM OUR ENEMIES, O LORD! FROM THOSE WHO RISE UP AGAINSTUS, AND THOSE WHO LIE IN WAIT FOR US_. ' [Illustration: page020] 'Were but this blow multiplied, were but the servants of my uncle'shouse to do the same, why, we should see again the days of Elah! ThePhilistine, the foul, lascivious, damnable Philistine! and he must touchmy sister! Oh! that all his tribe were here, all, all! I'd tie suchfirebrands to their foxes' tails, the blaze should light to freedom!' While he spoke, a maiden, who had not yet rejoined the company, camerunning towards them swiftly with an agitated countenance. 'Fly, ' she exclaimed, 'they come, they come!' Miriam was reclining in an attendant's arms, feeble and faint, but themoment her quick ear caught these words she sprang up, and seized herbrother's arm. 'Alroy! David! brother, dear brother! I beseech thee, listen, I am thysister, thy Miriam; they come, they come, the hard-hearted, wicked men, they come, to kill, perhaps to torture thee, my tender brother. Rousethyself, David; rouse thyself from this wild, fierce dream: savethyself, fly!' 'Ah! is it thou, Miriam? Thou seest he sleepeth soundly. I was dreamingof noble purposes and mighty hopes. Tis over now. I am myself again. What wouldst thou?' 'They come, the fierce retainers of this fallen man; they come to seizethee. Fly, David!' 'And leave thee?' 'I and my maidens, we have yet time to escape by the private way weentered, our uncle's garden. When in his house, we are for a momentsafe, as safe as our poor race can ever be. Bostenay is so rich, sowise, so prudent, so learned in man's ways, and knows so well thecharacter and spirit of these men, all will go right; I fear nothing. But thou, if thou art here, or to be found, thy blood alone will satiatethem. If they be persuaded that thou hast escaped, as I yet pray thoumayest, their late master here, whom they could scarcely love, why, giveme thy arm an instant, sweet Beruna. So, that's well. I was saying, ifwell bribed, --and they may have all my jewels, --why, very soon, he willbe as little in their memories as he is now in life. I can scarcelyspeak; I feel my words wander, or seem to wander; I could swoon, butwill not; nay! do not fear. I will reach home. These maidens are mycharge. 'Tis in these crises we should show the worth of royal blood. I'll see them safe, or die with them. ' 'O! my sister, methinks I never knew I was a brother until this hour. Myprecious Miriam, what is life? what is revenge, or even fame and freedomwithout thee? I'll stay. ' '_SWEET IS THE VOICE OF A SISTER IN THE SEASON OF SORROW, AND WISE ISTHE COUNSEL OF THOSE WHO LOVE US_. ' 'Fly, David, fly!' 'Fly! whither and how?' The neigh of a horse sounded from the thicket. 'Ah! they come!' exclaimed the distracted Miriam. '_ALL THIS HAS COME UPON US, O LORD! YET HAVE WE NOT FORGOTTEN THEE, NEITHER HAVE WE DEALT FALSELY IN THY COVENANT_. ' 'Hark! again it neighs! It is a horse that calleth to its rider. I seeit. Courage, Miriam! it is no enemy, but a very present friend in timeof trouble. It is Alschiroch's courser. He passed me on it by the tombere sunset. I marked it well, a very princely steed. ' _'BEHOLD, BEHOLD, A RAM IS CAUGHT IN THE THICKET BY HIS HORNS. _' 'Our God hath not forgotten us! Quick, maidens, bring forth the goodlysteed. What! do you tremble? I'll be his groom. ' 'Nay! Miriam, beware, beware. It is an untamed beast, wild as thewhirlwind. Let me deal with him. ' He ran after her, dashed into the thicket, and brought forth the horse. Short time I ween that stately steed had parted from his desert home;his haughty crest, his eye of fire, the glory of his snorting nostril, betoken well his conscious pride, and pure nobility of race. His colourwas like the sable night shining with a thousand stars, and he pawed theground with his delicate hoof, like an eagle flapping its wing. Alroy vaulted on his back, and reined him with a master's hand. 'Hah!' he exclaimed, 'I feel more like a hero than a fugitive. Farewell, my sister; farewell, ye gentle maidens; fare ye well, and cherishmy precious Miriam. One embrace, sweet sister, ' and he bent down andwhispered, 'Tell the good Bostenay not to spare his gold, for I have adeep persuasion that, ere a year shall roll its heavy course, I shallreturn and make our masters here pay for this hurried ride and bitterparting. Now for the desert!' CHAPTER II. _The Slaying of an Ishmaelite_ SPEED, fleetly speed, thou courser bold, and track the desert'strackless way. Beneath thee is the boundless earth, above thee is theboundless heaven, an iron soil and brazen sky. Speed, swiftly speed, thou courser bold, and track the desert's trackless way. Ah! dost thoudeem these salty plains[6] lead to thy Yemen's happy groves, anddost thou scent on the hot breeze the spicy breath of Araby? A sweetdelusion, noble steed, for this briny wilderness leads not to the happygroves of Yemen, and the breath thou scentest on the coming breeze isnot the spicy breath of Araby. The day has died, the stars have risen, with all the splendour of adesert sky, and now the Night descending brings solace on her dewy wingsto the fainting form and pallid cheek of the youthful Hebrew Prince. Still the courser onward rushes, still his mighty heart supports him. Season and space, the glowing soil, the burning ray, yield to thetempest of his frame, the thunder of his nerves, and lightning of hisveins. Food or water they have none. No genial fount, no graceful tree, risewith their pleasant company. Never a beast or bird is there, in thathoary desert bare. Nothing breaks the almighty stillness. Even thejackal's felon cry might seem a soothing melody. A grey wild rat, withsnowy whiskers, out of a withered bramble stealing, with a youthfulsnake in its ivory teeth, in the moonlight grins with glee. This istheir sole society. Morn comes, the fresh and fragrant morn, for which even the guilty sigh. Morn comes, and all is visible. And light falls like a signet on theearth, and its face is turned like wax beneath a seal. Before them andalso on their right was the sandy desert; but in the night they hadapproached much nearer to the mountainous chain, which bounded thedesert on the left, and whither Alroy had at first guided the steed. The mountains were a chain of the mighty Elburz; and, as the sun rosefrom behind a lofty peak, the horse suddenly stopped and neighed, as ifasking for water. But Alroy, himself exhausted, could only soothe himwith caresses. And the horse, full of courage, understood his master, and neighed again more cheerfully. For an hour or two the Prince and his faithful companion proceededslowly, but, as the day advanced, the heat became so oppressive, andthe desire to drink so overwhelming, that Alroy again urged on the steedtowards the mountains, where he knew that he should find a well. Thecourser dashed willingly forward, and seemed to share his master'sdesire to quit the arid and exhausting wilderness. More than once the unhappy fugitive debated whether he should not allowhimself to drop from his seat and die; no torture that could await himat Hamadan but seemed preferable to the prolonged and inexpressibleanguish which he now endured. As he rushed along, leaning on hisbearer's neck, he perceived a patch of the desert that seemed of adarker colour than the surrounding sand. Here, he believed, mightperhaps be found water. He tried to check the steed, but with difficultyhe succeeded, and with still greater difficulty dismounted. He kneltdown, and feebly raked up the sand with his hands. It was moist. Henearly fainted over his fruitless labour. At length, when he had dugabout a foot deep, there bubbled up some water. He dashed in his hand, but it was salt as the ocean. When the horse saw the water his earsrose, but, when he smelt it, he turned away his head, and neighed mostpiteously. 'Alas, poor beast!' exclaimed Alroy, 'I am the occasion of thysuffering, I, who would be a kind master to thee, if the world would letme. Oh, that we were once more by my own fair fountain! The thought ismadness. And Miriam too! I fear I am sadly tender-hearted. ' He leantagainst his horse's back, with a feeling of utter exhaustion, and burstinto hysteric sobs. And the steed softly moaned, and turned its head, and gently rubbed itsface against his arm, as if to solace him in his suffering. And strange, but Alroy was relieved by having given way to his emotion, and, charmedwith the fondness of the faithful horse, he leant down and took water, and threw it over its feet to cool them, and wiped the foam from itsface, and washed it, and the horse again neighed. And now Alroy tried to remount, but his strength failed him, and thehorse immediately knelt down and received him. And the moment that thePrince was in his seat, the horse rose, and again proceeded at a rapidpace in their old direction. Towards sunset they were within a few milesof the broken and rocky ground into which the mountains descended; andafar off Alroy recognised the cupola of the long-expected well. Withre-animated courage and rallied energies he patted his courser's neck, and pointed in the direction of the cupola, and the horse pricked up itsears, and increased its pace. Just us the sun set, they reached the well. Alroy jumped off the horse, and would have led it to the fountain, but the animal would not advance. It stood shivering with a glassy eye, and then with a groan fell downand died. Night brings rest; night brings solace; rest to the weary, solace to thesad. And to the desperate night brings despair. The moon has sunk to early rest; but a thousand stars are in the sky. The mighty mountains rise severe in the clear and silent air. In theforest all is still. The tired wind no longer roams, but has lightlydropped on its leafy couch, and sleeps like man. Silent all but thefountain's drip. And by the fountain's side a youth is lying. Suddenly a creature steals through the black and broken rocks. Ha, ha!the jackal smells from afar the rich corruption of the courser's clay. Suddenly and silently it steals, and stops, and smells. Brave banquetingI ween to-night for all that goodly company. Jackal, and fox, andmarten-cat, haste ye now, ere morning's break shall call the vulture tohis feast and rob you of your prey. The jackal lapped the courser's blood, and moaned with exquisitedelight. And in a moment, a faint bark was heard in the distance. Andthe jackal peeled the flesh from one of the ribs, and again burst into ashriek of mournful ecstasy. Hark, their quick tramp! First six, and then three, galloping withungodly glee. And a marten-cat came rushing down from the woods; butthe jackals, fierce in their number, drove her away, and there she stoodwithout the circle, panting, beautiful, and baffled, with her whiteteeth and glossy skin, and sparkling eyes of rabid rage. [7] Suddenly as one of the half-gorged jackals retired from the main corpse, dragging along a stray member by some still palpitating nerves, themarten-cat made a spring at her enemy, carried off his prey, and rushedinto the woods. Her wild scream of triumph woke a lion from his lair. His mighty form, black as ebony, moved on a distant eminence, his tail flowed like aserpent. He roared, and the jackals trembled, and immediately ceasedfrom their banquet, turning their heads in the direction of theirsovereign's voice. He advanced; he stalked towards them. They retired;he bent his head, examined the carcass with condescending curiosity, and instantly quitted it with royal disdain. The jackals again collectedaround their garbage. The lion advanced to the fountain to drink. Hebeheld a man. His mane rose, his tail was wildly agitated, he bent overthe sleeping Prince, he uttered an awful roar, which awoke Alroy. He awoke; his gaze met the flaming eyes of the enormous beast fixed uponhim with a blended feeling of desire and surprise. He awoke, and from aswoon; but the dreamless trance had refreshed the exhausted energies ofthe desolate wanderer; in an instant he collected his senses, rememberedall that had passed, and comprehended his present situation. He returnedthe lion a glance as imperious, and fierce, and scrutinsing, as his own. For a moment, their flashing orbs vied in regal rivalry; but at lengththe spirit of the mere animal yielded to the genius of the man. Thelion, cowed, slunk away, stalked with haughty timidity through therocks, and then sprang into the forest. Morn breaks; a silver light is shed over the blue and starry sky. Pleasant to feel is the breath of dawn. Night brings repose, but daybrings joy. The carol of a lonely bird singing in the wilderness! A lonely bird thatsings with glee! Sunny and sweet, and light and clear, its airy notesfloat through the sky, and trill with innocent revelry. The lonely youth on the lonely bird upgazes from the fountain's side. High in the air it proudly floats, balancing its crimson wings, and itssnowy tail, long, delicate, and thin, shines like a sparkling meteor inthe sun. The carol of a lonely bird singing in the wilderness! Suddenly itdownward dashes, and thrice with circling grace it flies around the headof the Hebrew Prince. Then by his side it gently drops a bunch of freshand fragrant dates. 'Tis gone, 'tis gone! that cheerful stranger, gone to the palmy land itloves; gone like a bright and pleasant dream. A moment since and it wasthere, glancing in the sunny air, and now the sky is without a guest. Alas, alas! no more is heard the carol of that lonely bird singing inthe wilderness. 'As thou didst feed Elijah, so also hast thou fed me, God of myfathers!' And Alroy arose, and he took his turban and unfolded it, and knelt and prayed. And then he ate of the dates, and drank of thefountain, and, full of confidence in the God of Israel, the descendantof David pursued his flight. He now commenced the ascent of the mountainous chain, a wearisome andpainful toil. Two hours past noon he reached the summit of the firstridge, and looked over a wild and chaotic waste full of precipicesand ravines, and dark unfathomable gorges. The surrounding hills wereploughed in all directions by the courses of dried-up cataracts, andhere and there a few savage goats browsed on an occasional patch oflean and sour pasture. This waste extended for many miles; the distanceformed by a more elevated range of mountains, and beyond these, high inthe blue sky, rose the loftiest peaks of Elburz, [8] shining with sharpglaciers of eternal snow. It was apparent that Alroy was no stranger in the scene of his flight. He had never hesitated as to his course, and now, after having restedfor a short time on the summit, he descended towards the left by anatural but intricate path, until his progress was arrested by a blackravine. Scarcely half a dozen yards divided him from the oppositeprecipice by which it was formed, but the gulf beneath, no one couldshoot a glance at its invisible termination without drawing back with acold shudder. The Prince knelt down and examined the surrounding ground with greatcare. At length he raised a small square stone which covered a metallicplate, and, taking from his vest a carnelian talisman covered withstrange characters, he knocked thrice upon the plate with the signet. A low solemn murmur sounded around. Presently the plate flew off, andAlroy pulled forth several yards of an iron chain, which he threw overto the opposite precipice. The chain fastened without difficulty tothe rock, and was evidently constrained by some magnetic influence. The Prince, seizing the chain with both his hands, now swung acrossthe ravine. As he landed, the chain parted from the rock, swiftlydisappeared down the opposite aperture, and its covering closed with thesame low, solemn murmur as before. Alroy proceeded for about a hundred paces through a natural cloisterof basalt until he arrived at a large uncovered court of the sameformation, which a stranger might easily have been excused for believingto have been formed and smoothed by art. In its centre bubbled up aperpetual spring, icy cold; the stream had worn a channel through thepavement, and might be traced for some time wandering among the rocks, until at length it leaped from a precipice into a gorge below, in agauzy shower of variegated spray. Crossing the court, Alroy now entereda vast cavern. The cavern was nearly circular in form, lighted from a large aperturein the top. Yet a burning lamp, in a distant and murky corner, indicatedthat its inhabitant did not trust merely to this natural source of thegreat blessing of existence. In the centre of the cave was a circularand brazen table, sculptured with strange characters and mysteriousfigures: near it was a couch, on which lay several volumes. [9] Suspendedfrom the walls were a shield, some bows and arrows, and other arms. As the Prince of the Captivity knelt down and kissed the vacant couch, afigure advanced from the extremity of the cavern into the light. Hewas a man of middle age, considerably above the common height, witha remarkably athletic frame, and a strongly-marked but majesticcountenance. His black beard descended to his waist, over a dark redrobe, encircled by a black girdle embroidered with yellow characters, like those sculptured on the brazen table. Black also was his turban, and black his large and luminous eye. The stranger advanced so softly, that Alroy did not perceive him, untilthe Prince again rose. 'Jabaster!' exclaimed the Prince. 'Sacred seed of David, ' answered the Cabalist, [10] 'thou art expected. Iread of thee in the stars last night. They spoke of trouble. ' 'Trouble or triumph, Time must prove which it is, great master. Atpresent I am a fugitive and exhausted. The bloodhounds track me, butmethinks I have baffled them now. I have slain an Ishmaelite. ' CHAPTER III _The Hope of Israel_ IT WAS midnight. Alroy slept upon the couch: his sleep was troubled. Jabaster stood by his side motionless, and gazing intently upon hisslumbering guest. 'The only hope of Israel, ' murmured the Cabalist, ' my pupil and myprince! I have long perceived in his young mind the seed of mightydeeds, and o'er his future life have often mused with a prophetic hope. The blood of David, the sacred offspring of a solemn race. There is amagic in his flowing veins my science cannot reach. 'When, in my youth, I raised our standard by my native Tigris, andcalled our nation to restore their ark, why, we were numerous, wealthy, potent; we were a people then, and they flocked to it boldly. Did welack counsel? Did we need a leader? Who can aver that Jabaster's brainor arm was ever wanting? And yet the dream dissolved, the gloriousvision! Oh! when I struck down Marvan, and the Caliph's camp flung itsblazing shadow over the bloody river, ah! then indeed I lived. Twentyyears of vigil may gain a pardon that I then forgot we lacked the chiefingredient in the spell, the blood that sleeps beside me. 'I recall the glorious rapture of that sacred strife amid the rocks ofCaucasus. A fugitive, a proscribed and outlawed wretch, whose life iscommon sport, and whom the vilest hind may slay without a bidding. I, who would have been Messiah! 'Burn thy books, Jabaster; break thy brazen tables; forget thy loftyscience, Cabalist, and read the stars no longer. [11] But last nightI stood upon the gulf which girds my dwelling: in one hand, I held mysacred talisman, that bears the name ineffable; in the other, the mysticrecord of our holy race. I remembered that I had evoked spirits, that Ihad communed with the great departed, and that the glowing heavens wereto me a natural language. I recalled, as consolation to my gloomy soul, that never had my science been exercised but for a sacred or a noblepurpose. And I remembered Israel, my brave, my chosen, and my antiquerace, slaves, wretched slaves. I was strongly tempted to fling me downthis perilous abyss, and end my learning and my life together. 'But, as I gazed upon the star of David, a sudden halo rose around itsrays, and ever and anon a meteor shot from out the silver veil. I readthat there was trouble in the holy seed; and now comes this boy, who hasdone a deed which----' 'The ark, the ark! I gaze upon the ark!' 'The slumberer speaks; thewords of sleep are sacred. ' 'Salvation only from the house of David. ''A mighty truth; my life too well has proved it. 'He is more calm. Itis the holy hour. I'll steal into the court, and gaze upon the star thatsways the fortunes of his royal house. ' The moonbeam fell upon the fountain; the pavement of the court was aflood of light; the rocks rose dark around. Jabaster, seated by thespring, and holding his talisman in his left hand, shaded his sight withthe other as he gazed upon the luminous heavens. A shriek! his name was called. Alroy, wild and panting, rushed into thecourt with extended arms. The Cabalist started up, seized him, and heldhim in his careful grasp, foaming and in convulsions. 'Jabaster, Jabaster!' 'I am here, my child. ' 'The Lord hath spoken. ' 'The Lord is our refuge. Calm thyself, son of David, and tell me all. ' 'I have been sleeping, master; is it not so?' 'Even so, my child. Exhausted by his flight and the exciting narrativeof his exploit, my Prince lay down upon the couch and slumbered; but Ifear that slumber was not repose. ' 'Repose and I have naught in common now. Farewell for ever to that fatalword. I am the Lord's anointed. ' 'Drink of the fountain, David: it will restore thee. ' 'Restore the covenant, restore the ark, restore the holy city. ' 'The Spirit of the Lord hath fallen upon him. Son of David, I adjurethee tell me all that hath passed. I am a Levite; in my hand I hold thename ineffable. ' 'Take thy trumpet then, summon the people, bid them swiftly raise againour temple. "The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with marble. "Didst hear that chorus, sir?' 'Unto thy chosen ear alone it sounded. ' 'Where am I? This is not our fountain. Yet thou didst say, "thefountain. " Think me not wild. I know thee, I know all. Thou artnot Miriam. Thou art jabaster; I am Alroy. But thou didst say, "thefountain, " and it distracted me, and called back my memory to---- 'God of Israel, lo, I kneel before thee! Here, in the solitude ofwildest nature, my only witness here this holy man, I kneel and vow, Lord! I will do thy bidding. I am young, O God! and weak; but thou, Lord, art all-powerful! What God is like to thee? Doubt not my courage, Lord; and fill me with thy spirit! but remember, remember her, O Lord!remember Miriam. It is the only worldly thought I have, and it is pure. ' 'Still of his sister! Calm thyself, my son. ' 'Holy master, thou dost remember when I was thy pupil in this cavern. Thou hast not forgotten those days of tranquil study, those sweet, longwandering nights of sacred science! I was dutiful, and hung upon eachaccent of thy lore with the devotion that must spring from love. ' 'I cannot weep, Alroy; but were it in my power, I would yield a tear ofhomage to the memory of those days. ' 'How calmly have we sat on some high brow, and gazed upon the stars!' ''Tis very true, sweet child. ' 'And if thou e'er didst chide me, 'twas half in jest, and only for mysilence. ' 'What would he now infer? No matter, he grows calmer. How solemn is hisvisage in the moonlight! And yet not Solomon, upon his youthful throne, could look more beautiful. ' 'I never told thee an untruth, Jabaster. ' 'My life upon thy faith. ' 'Fear not the pledge, and so believe me, on the mountain brow watchingthe starry heavens with thyself, I was not calmer than I feel, sir, now. ' 'I do believe thee. ' 'Then, Jabaster, believe as fully I am the Lord's anointed. ' 'Tell me all, my child. ' 'Know, then, that sleeping on the couch within, my sleep was troubled. Many dreams I had, indefinite and broken. I recall none of their images, except I feel a dim sensation 'twas my lot to live in brighter days thannow rise on our race. Suddenly I stood upon a mountain tall and grey, and gazed upon the stars. And, as I gazed, a trumpet sounded. Its notethrilled through my soul. Never have I heard a sound so awful. Thethunder, when it broke over the cavern here, and shivered the peak, whose ruins lie around us, was but a feeble worldly sound to thisalmighty music. My cheek grew pale, I panted even for breath. Aflaming light spread over the sky, the stars melted away, and I beheld, advancing from the bursting radiancy, the foremost body of a mightyhost. 'Oh! not when Saul led forth our fighting men against the Philistine, not when Joab numbered the warriors of my great ancestor, did humanvision gaze upon a scene of so much martial splendour. Chariots andcavalry, and glittering trains of plumed warriors too robust to need acourser's solace; streams of shining spears, and banners like a sunset;reverend priests swinging their perfumed censers, and prophets hymningwith their golden harps a most triumphant future. '"Joy, joy, " they say, "to Israel, for he cometh, he cometh in hissplendour and his might, the great Messiah of our ancient hopes. " 'And, lo! a mighty chariot now appeared, drawn by strange beasts whoseforms were half obscured by the bright flames on which they seemed tofloat. In that glorious car a warrior stood, proud and immovable hisform, his countenance. Hold my hand, Jabaster, while I speak; thatchieftain was myself!' 'Proceed, proceed, my son. ' 'I started in my dream, and I awoke. I found myself upsitting on mycouch. The pageantry had vanished. Naught was seen but the brightmoonlight and the gloomy cave. And, as I sighed to think I e'er hadwakened, and mused upon the strangeness of my vision, a still smallvoice descended from above and called, "Alroy!" I started, but Ianswered not. Methought it was my fancy. Again my name was called, andnow I murmured, "Lord, I am here, what wouldst thou?" Naught responded, and soon great dread came over me, and I rushed out and called to thee, my master. ' 'It was "the Daughter of the Voice"[12] that spake. Since the Captivity'tis the only mode by which the saints are summoned. Oft have I heardof it, but never in these sad degenerate days has its soft aspirationfallen upon us. These are strange times and tidings. The building of thetemple is at hand. Son of David, my heart is full. Let us to prayer!' Day dawned upon Jabaster, still musing in solitude among his rocks. Within the cavern, Alroy remained in prayer. Often and anxiously the Cabalist shot a glance at his companion, andthen again relapsed into reverie. 'The time is come that I must to this youth reveal the secrets of myearly life. Much will he hear of glory, much of shame. Naught must Iconceal, and naught gloss over. 'I must tell how in the plains of Tigris I upraised the sacred standardof our chosen race, and called them from their bondage; how, despairingof his recreant fathers, and inspired by human power alone, I vainlyclaimed the mighty office for his sacred blood alone reserved. God ofmy fathers, grant that future service, the humble service of acontrite soul, may in the coming glory that awaits us, atone for pastpresumption! 'But for him great trials are impending. Not lightly must that votarybe proved, who fain would free a people. The Lord is faithful to hispromise, but the Lord will choose his season and his minister. Courage, and faith, and deep humility, and strong endurance, and the watchfulsoul temptation cannot sully, these are the fruits we lay upon hisaltar, and meekly watch if some descending flame will vouchsafe toaccept and brightly bless them. 'It is written in the dread volume of our mystic lore, that not alonethe Saviour shall spring from out our house of princes, but that noneshall rise to free us, until, alone and unassisted, he have gained thesceptre which Solomon of old wielded within his cedar palaces. 'That sceptre must he gain. This fragile youth, untried and delicate, unknowing in the ways of this strange world, where every step is danger, how much hardship, how much peril, what withering disappointment, whatdull care, what long despondency, what never-ending lures, now lie inambush for this gentle boy! O my countrymen, is this your hope? And I, with all my lore, and all my courage, and all my deep intelligence ofman; unhappy Israel, why am I not thy Prince? 'I check the blasphemous thought. Did not his great ancestor, as youngand as untried, a beardless stripling, with but a pebble, a smallsmoothed stone, level a mailed giant with the ground, and save hispeople? 'He is clearly summoned. The Lord is with him. Be he with the Lord, andwe shall prosper. ' It was at sunset, on the third day after the arrival of Alroy at thecave of the Cabalist, that the Prince of the Captivity commenced hispilgrimage in quest of the sceptre of Solomon. Silently the pilgrim and his master took their way to the brink of theravine, and there they stopped to part, perhaps forever. 'It is a bitter moment, Alroy. Human feelings are not for beings likeus, yet they will have their way. Remember all. Cherish the talisman asthy life: nay! welcome death with it pressing against thy heart, ratherthan breathe without it. Be firm, be pious. Think of thy ancestors, think of thy God. ' 'Doubt me not, dear master; if I seem not full of that proud spirit, which was perhaps too much my wont, ascribe it not to fear, Jabaster, nor even to the pain of leaving thee, dear friend. But ever since thatsweet and solemn voice summoned me so thrillingly, I know not how it is, but a change has come over my temper; yet I am firm, oh! firmer far thanwhen I struck down the Ishmaelite. Indeed, indeed, fear not for me. TheLord, that knoweth all things, knows full well I am prepared even to thedeath. Thy prayers, Jabaster, and----' 'Stop, stop. I do remember me. See this ring: 'tis a choice emerald. Thou mayst have wondered I should wear a bauble. Alroy, I had a brotheronce: still he may live. When we parted, this was the signal of hislove: a love, my child, strong, though we greatly differed. Take it. Thehour may come that thou mayst need his aid. It will command it. If helive, he prospers. I know his temper well. He was made for what theworldly deem prosperity. God be with thee, sacred boy: the God of ourgreat fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob!' They embraced. 'We linger, ' exclaimed the Cabalist, 'we linger. Oh! in vain we quellthe feelings of our kind. God, God bless and be with thee! Art sure thouhast all? thy dagger and thy wallet? That staff has seen some service. I cut it on the Jordan. Ah! that I could be thy mate! 'Twould be nothingthen. At the worst to die together. Such a fate seems sweeter now thanparting. I'll watch thy star, my child. Thou weepest! And I too. Why!what is this? Am I indeed Jabaster? One more embrace, and so----we'llnot say farewell, but only think it. ' CHAPTER IV. _Alroy Falls Among Thieves_ TRADITION taught that the sceptre of Solomon could be found only in theunknown sepulchres of the ancient Hebrew monarchs, and that none mightdare to touch it but one of their descendants. Armed with the cabalistictalisman, which was to guide him in his awful and difficult researches, Alroy commenced his pilgrimage to the Holy City. At this time, the loveof these sacred wanderings was a reigning passion among the Jews as wellas the Christians. The Prince of the Captivity was to direct his course into the heartof those great deserts which, in his flight from Hamadan, he had onlyskirted. Following the track of the caravan, he was to make his wayto Babylon, or Bagdad. From the capital of the caliphs, his journeyto Jerusalem was one comparatively easy; but to reach Bagdad he mustencounter hardship and danger, the prospect of which would havedivested any one of hope, who did not conceive himself the object of anomnipotent and particular Providence. Clothed only in a coarse black frock, common among the Kourds, girdedround his waist by a cord which held his dagger, his head shaven, andcovered with a large white turban, which screened him from the heat, hisfeet protected only by slippers, supported by his staff, and bearing onhis shoulders a bag of dried meat and parched corn, and a leathern skinof water, behold, toiling over the glowing sands of Persia, a youthwhose life had hitherto been a long unbroken dream of domestic luxuryand innocent indulgence. He travelled during the warm night or the early starlit morn. During theday he rested: happy if he could recline by the side of somecharitable well, shaded by a palm-tree, or frighten a gazelle from itsresting-place among the rough bushes of some wild rocks. Were theseresources wanting, he threw himself upon the sand, and made an awningwith his staff and turban. Three weeks had elapsed since he quitted the cavern of the Cabalist. Hitherto he had met with no human being. The desert became less arid. A scanty vegetation sprang up from a more genial soil; the ground brokeinto gentle undulations; his senses were invigorated with the odourof wild plants, and his sight refreshed by the glancing form of somewandering bird, a pilgrim like himself, but more at ease. Soon sprang up a grove of graceful palm-trees, with their tall thinstems, and bending feathery crowns, languid and beautiful. Around, theverdant sod gleamed like an emerald: silver streams, flowing from abubbling parent spring, wound their white forms within the bright greenturf. From the grove arose the softening song of doves, and showers ofgay and sparkling butterflies, borne on their tinted wings of shiftinglight, danced without danger in the liquid air. A fair and fresh Oasis! Alroy reposed in this delicious retreat for two days, feeding on theliving dates, and drinking of the fresh water. Fain would he havelingered, nor indeed, until he rested, had he been sufficientlyconscious of his previous exertion. But the remembrance of his greatmission made him restless, and steeled him to the sufferings which yetawaited him. At the dawn of the second day of his journey from the Oasis he beheld tohis astonishment, faintly but distinctly traced on the far horizon, thewalls and turrets of an extensive city. [13] Animated by this unexpectedprospect, he continued his progress for several hours after sunrise. Atlength, utterly exhausted, he sought refuge from the overpowering heatbeneath the cupola of the ruined tomb of some Moslem saint. At sunsethe continued his journey, and in the morning found himself within a fewmiles of the city. He halted, and watched with anxiety for some evidenceof its inhabitants. None was visible. No crowds or cavalcades issuedfrom the gates. Not a single human being, not a solitary camel, moved inthe vicinity. The day was too advanced for the pilgrim to proceed, but so great washis anxiety to reach this unknown settlement, and penetrate the mysteryof its silence, that ere sunset Alroy entered the gates. A magnificent city, of an architecture with which he was unacquainted, offered to his entranced vision its gorgeous ruins and desertedsplendour; long streets of palaces, with their rich line of lesseningpillars, here and there broken by some fallen shaft, vast courtssurrounded by ornate and solemn temples, and luxurious baths adornedwith rare mosaics, and yet bright with antique gilding; now an arch oftriumph, still haughty with its broken friezes; now a granite obeliskcovered with strange characters, and proudly towering over a prostratecompanion; sometimes a void and crumbling theatre, sometimes a long andelegant aqueduct, sometimes a porphyry column, once breathing with theheroic statue that now lies shivered at its base, all suffused with thewarm twilight of an eastern eve. He gazed with wonder and admiration upon the strange and fascinatingscene. The more he beheld, the more his curiosity was excited. Hebreathed with difficulty; he advanced with a blended feeling ofeagerness and hesitation. Fresh wonders successively unfoldedthemselves. Each turn developed a new scene of still and solemnsplendour. The echo of his step filled him with awe. He looked aroundhim with an amazed air, a fluttering heart, and a changing countenance. All was silent: alone the Hebrew Prince stood amid the regal creation ofthe Macedonian captains. Empires and dynasties flourish and pass away;the proud metropolis becomes a solitude, the conquering kingdom even adesert; but Israel still remains, still a descendant of the most ancientkings breathed amid these royal ruins, and still the eternal sun couldnever rise without gilding the towers of living Jerusalem. A word, adeed, a single day, a single man, and we might be a nation. A shout! he turns, he is seized; four ferocious Kourdish bandits grappleand bind him. The bandits hurried their captive through a street which appeared tohave been the principal way of the city. Nearly at its termination, they turned by a small Ionian temple, and, clambering over some fallenpillars, entered a quarter of the city of a more ruinous aspect thanthat which Alroy had hitherto visited. The path was narrow, oftenobstructed, and around were signs of devastation for which the exteriorof the city had not prepared him. The brilliant but brief twilight of the Orient was fast fading away; asombre purple tint succeeded to the rosy flush; the distant towers roseblack, although defined, in the clear and shadowy air; and the moon, which, when he first entered, had studded the heavens like a small whitecloud, now glittered with deceptive light. Suddenly, before them rose a huge pile. Oval in shape, and formed bytiers of arches, it was evidently much dilapidated, and one enormous, irregular, and undulating rent, extending from the top nearly to thefoundation, almost separated the side to which Alroy and his companionsadvanced. Clambering up the remainder of this massive wall, the robbers and theirprisoner descended into an immense amphitheatre, which seemed vaster inthe shadowy and streaming moonlight. In it were groups of men, horses, and camels. In the extreme distance, reclining or squatting on mats andcarpets, was a large assembly, engaged in a rough but merry banquet. Afire blazed at their side, its red and uncertain flame mingling with thewhite and steady moonbeam, and throwing a flickering light over theirferocious countenances, their glistening armour, ample drapery, andshawled heads. 'A spy, ' exclaimed the captors, as they dragged Alroy before the leaderof the band. 'Hang him, then, ' said the chieftain, without even looking up. 'This wine, great Scherirah, is excellent, or I am no true Moslem, 'said a principal robber; 'but you are too cruel; I hate this summarypunishment. Let us torture him a little, and extract some usefulinformation. ' 'As you like, Kisloch, ' said Scherirah; 'it may amuse us. Fellow, wheredo you come from? He cannot answer. Decidedly a spy. Hang him up. ' The captors half untied the rope that bound Alroy, that it might servehim for a further purpose, when another of the gentle companions ofScherirah interfered. 'Spies always answer, captain. He is more probably a merchant indisguise. ' 'And carries hidden treasure, ' added Kisloch; 'these rough coats oftencover jewels. We had better search him. ' 'Ah! search him, ' said Scherirah, with his rough brutal voice; 'do whatyou like, only give me the bottle. This Greek wine is choice booty. Feedthe fire, men. Are you asleep? And then Kisloch, who hates cruelty, canroast him if he likes. ' The robbers prepared to strip their captive. 'Friends, friends!'exclaimed Alroy, 'for there is no reason why you should not be friends, spare me, spare me. I am poor, I am young, I am innocent. I am neither aspy nor a merchant. I have no plots, no wealth. I am a pilgrim. ' 'A decided spy, ' exclaimed Scherirah; 'they are ever pilgrims. ' 'He speaks too well to speak truth, ' exclaimed Kisloch. 'All talkers are liars, ' exclaimed Scherirah. 'That is why Kisloch is the most eloquent of the band. ' 'A jest at the banquet may prove a curse in the field, ' replied Kisloch. 'Pooh!' exclaimed Scherirah. 'Fellows, why do you hesitate? Search theprisoner, I say!' They advanced, they seized him. In vain he struggled. 'Captain, ' exclaimed one of the band, 'he wears upon his breast ajewel!' 'I told you so, ' said the third robber. 'Give it me, ' said Scherirah. But Alroy, in despair at the thought of losing the talisman, rememberingthe injunctions of Jabaster, and animated by supernatural courage, burstfrom his searchers, and, seizing a brand from the fire, held them atbay. 'The fellow has spirit, ' said Scherirah, calmly. ''Tis pity it will costhim his life. ' 'Bold man, ' exclaimed Alroy, 'for a moment hear me! I am a pilgrim, poorer than a beggar. The jewel they talk of is a holy emblem, worthlessto you, to me invaluable, and to be forfeited only with my life. Youmay be careless of that. Beware of your own. The first man who advancesdies. I pray you humbly, chieftain, let me go. ' 'Kill him, ' said Scherirah. 'Stab him!' exclaimed Kisloch. 'Give me the jewel, ' said the third robber. 'The God of David be my refuge, then!' exclaimed Alroy. 'He is a Hebrew, he is a Hebrew, ' exclaimed Scherirah, jumping up. 'Spare him, my mother was a Jewess. ' The assailants lowered their arms, and withdrew a few paces. Alroy stillremained upon his guard. 'Valiant pilgrim, ' said Scherirah, advancing, with a softened voice, 'are you for the holy city?' 'The city of my fathers. ' 'A perilous journey. And whence from?' 'Hamadan. ' 'A dreary way. You need repose. Your name?' 'David. ' 'David, you are among friends. Rest, and repose in safety. You hesitate. Fear not! The memory of my mother is a charm that always changes me!'Scherirah unsheathed his dagger, punctured his arm, [14] and, throwingaway the weapon, offered the bleeding member to Alroy. The Prince of theCaptivity touched the open vein with his lips. 'My troth is pledged, ' said the bandit; 'I can never betray him in whoseveins my own blood is flowing. ' So saying, he led Alroy to his carpet. 'Eat, ' David, ' said Scherirah. 'I will eat bread, ' answered Alroy. 'What! have you had so much meat lately that you will refuse thisdelicate gazelle that I brought down this morning with my own lance?'Tis food for a caliph. ' 'I pray you give me bread. ' 'Oh! bread if you like. But that a man should prefer bread to meat, andsuch meat as this, 'tis miraculous. ' 'A thousand thanks, good Scherirah; but with our people the flesh of thegazelle is forbidden. It is unclean. Its foot is _cloven_. ' 'I have heard of these things, ' replied Scherirah, with a thoughtfulair. 'My mother was a Jewess, and my father was a Kourd. Whichever beright, I hope to be saved. ' 'There is but one God, and Mahomed is his prophet!' exclaimed Kisloch;'though I drink wine. Your health, Hebrew. ' 'I will join you, ' said to the third robber. 'My father was a Guebre, and sacrificed his property to his faith; and the consequence is, hisson has got neither. ' 'As for me, ' said a fourth robber, of very dark complexion andsingularly small bright eyes, 'I am an Indian, and I believe in thegreat golden figure with carbuncle eyes, in the temple of Delhi. ' 'I have no religion, ' said a tall negro in a red turban, grinning withhis white teeth; 'they have none in my country; but if I had heard ofyour God before, Calidas, I would have believed in him. ' 'I almost wish I had been a Jew, ' exclaimed Scherirah, musing. 'Mymother was a good woman. ' 'The Jews are very rich, ' said the thirdrobber. 'When you get to Jerusalem, David, you will see the Christians, 'continued Scherirah. 'The accursed Giaours, ' exclaimed Kisloch, 'we are all against them. ' 'With their white faces, ' exclaimed the negro. 'And their blue eyes, 'said the Indian. 'What can you expect of men who live in a countrywithout a sun?' observed the Guebre. Alroy awoke about two hours after midnight. His companions were in deepslumber. The moon had set, the fire had died away, a few red embersalone remaining; dark masses of shadow hung about the amphitheatre. Hearose and cautiously stepped over the sleeping bandits. He was notin strictness a prisoner; but who could trust to the caprice of theselawless men? To-morrow might find him their slave, or their companion insome marauding expedition, which might make him almost retrace his stepsto the Caucasus, or to Hamadan. The temptation to ensure his freedomwas irresistible. He clambered up the ruined wall, descended into theintricate windings that led to the Ionic fane, that served him as abeacon, hurried through the silent and starry streets, gained the greatportal, and rushed once more into the desert. A vague fear of pursuit made him continue his course many hours withoutresting. The desert again became sandy, the heat increased. The breezethat plays about the wilderness, and in early spring is often scentedwith the wild fragrance of aromatic plants, sank away. A luridbrightness suffused the heavens. An appalling stillness pervaded nature;even the insects were silent. For the first time in his pilgrimage, a feeling of deep despondency fell over the soul of Alroy. His energyappeared suddenly to have deserted him. A low hot wind began to rise, and fan his cheek with pestiferous kisses, and enervate his frame withits poisonous embrace. His head and limbs ached with a dull sensation, more terrible than pain; his sight was dizzy, his tongue swollen. Vainlyhe looked around for aid; vainly he extended his forlorn arms, andwrung them to the remorseless heaven, almost frantic with thirst. Theboundless horizon of the desert disappeared, and the unhappy victim, inthe midst of his torture, found himself apparently surrounded by brightand running streams, the fleeting waters of the false mirage! The sun became blood-red, the sky darker, the sand rose in fierceeddies, the moaning wind burst into shrieks and exhaled more ardentand still more malignant breath. The pilgrim could no longer sustainhimself. [15] Faith, courage, devotion deserted him with his failingenergies. He strove no longer with his destiny, he delivered himselfup to despair and death. He fell upon one knee with drooping head, supporting himself by one quivering hand, and then, full of the anguishof baffled purposes and lost affections, raising his face and arm toheaven, thus to the elements he poured his passionate farewell. 'O life! once vainly deemed a gloomy toil, I feel thy sweetness now!Farewell, O life, farewell my high resolves and proud conviction ofalmighty fame. My days, my short unprofitable days, melt into the past;and death, with which I struggle, horrible death, arrests me in thiswilderness. O my sister, could thy voice but murmur in my ear one singlesigh of love; could thine eye with its soft radiance but an instantblend with my dim fading vision, the pang were nothing. Farewell, Miriam! my heart is with thee by thy fountain's side. Fatal blast, bear her my dying words, my blessing. And ye too, friends, whose tooneglected love I think of now, farewell! Farewell, my uncle; farewell, pleasant home, and Hamadan's serene and shadowy bowers! Farewell, Jabaster, and the mighty lore of which thou wert the priest and I thepupil! Thy talisman throbs on my faithful heart. Green earth and goldensun, and all the beautiful and glorious sights ye fondly lavish onunthinking man, farewell, farewell! I die in the desert: 'tis bitter. Nomore, oh! never more for me the hopeful day shall break, and the freshbreeze rise on its cheering wings of health and joy. Heaven and earth, water and air, my chosen country and my antique creed, farewell, farewell! And thou, too, city of my soul, I cannot name thee, unseenJerusalem----' Amid the roar of the wind, the bosom of the earth heaved and opened, swift columns of sand sprang up to the lurid sky, and hurried towardstheir victim. With the clang of universal chaos, impenetrable darknessdescended on the desert. CHAPTER V. _Lord Honain Rescues Alroy_ NOW our dreary way is over, now the desert's toil is past. Soon theriver broadly flowing, through its green and palmy banks, to ourwearied limbs shall offer baths 'which caliphs cannot buy. Allah-illah, Allah-hu. Allah-illah, Allah-hu. ' 'Blessed the man who now may bear a relic from our Prophet's tomb;blessed the man who now unfolds the treasures of a distant mart, jewels of the dusky East, and silks of farthest Samarcand. Allah-illah, Allah-hu. Allah-illah, Allah-hu. ' 'Him the sacred mosque shall greet with a reverence grave andlow; him the busy Bezestein shall welcome with confiding smile. Holymerchant, now receive the double triumph of thy toil. Allah-illah, Allah-hu. Allah-illah, Allah-hu. ' 'The camel jibs, Abdallah! See, there is something in the track. ' 'By the holy stone, [16] a dead man. Poor devil! One should never makea pilgrimage on foot. I hate your humble piety. Prick the beast and hewill pass the corpse. ' 'The Prophet preaches charity, Abdallah. He has favoured my enterprise, and I will practise his precept. See if he be utterly dead. ' It was the Mecca caravan returning to Bagdad. The pilgrims were withina day's journey of the Euphrates, and welcomed their approach to fertileearth with a triumphant chorus. Far as the eye could reach, the longline of their straggling procession stretched across the wilderness, thousands of camels in strings, laden with bales of merchandise, andeach company headed by an animal of superior size, leading with tinklingbells; groups of horsemen, clusters of litters; all the pilgrimsarmed to their teeth, the van formed by a strong division of Seljukiancavalry, and the rear protected by a Kourdish clan, who guaranteed thesecurity of the pious travellers through their country. Abdallah was the favourite slave of the charitable merchant Ali. Inobedience to his master's orders, he unwillingly descended from hiscamel, and examined the body of the apparently lifeless Alroy. 'A Kourd, by his dress, ' exclaimed Abdallah, with a sneer; 'what does hehere?' 'It is not the face of a Kourd, ' replied Ali; 'perchance a pilgrim fromthe mountains. ' 'Whatever he be, he is dead, ' answered the slave: 'I doubt not anaccursed Giaour. ' 'God is great, ' exclaimed Ali; 'he breathes; the breast of his caftanheaved. ' ''Twas the wind, ' said Abdallah. ''Twas the sigh of a human heart, ' answered Ali. Several pilgrims who were on foot now gathered around the group. 'I am a Hakim, '[17] observed a dignified Armenian. 'I will feel hispulse; 'tis dull, but it beats. ' 'There is but one God, ' exclaimed Ali. 'And Mahomed is his Prophet, ' responded Abdallah. 'You do not believe inhim, you Armenian infidel. ' 'I am a Hakim, ' replied the dignified Armenian. 'Although an infidel, God has granted me skill to cure true believers. Worthy Ali, believe me, the boy may yet live. ' 'Hakim, you shall count your own dirhems if he breathe in my divan inBagdad, ' answered Ali; 'I have taken a fancy to the boy. God has senthim to me. He shall carry my slippers. ' 'Give me a camel, and I will save his life. ' 'We have none, ' said the servant. 'Walk, Abdallah, ' said the master. 'Is a true believer to walk to save the life of a Kourd? Masterslipper-bearer shall answer for this, if there be any sweetness in thebastinado, ' murmured Abdallah. The Armenian bled Alroy; the blood flowed slowly but surely. The Princeof the Captivity opened his eyes. 'There is but one God, ' exclaimed Ali. 'The evil eye fall on him!' muttered Abdallah. The Armenian took a cordial from his vest, and poured it down hispatient's throat. The blood flowed more freely. 'He will live, worthy merchant, ' said the physician. 'And Mahomed is his Prophet, ' continued Ali. 'By the stone of Mecca, I believe it is a Jew, ' shouted Abdallah. 'The dog!' exclaimed Ali. 'Pah!' said a negro slave, drawing back with disgust. 'He will die, ' said the Christian physician, not even binding up thevein. 'And be damned, ' said Abdallah, again jumping on his camel. The party rode on, the caravan proceeded. A Kourdish horseman gallopedforward. He curbed his steed as he passed Alroy bleeding to death. 'What accursed slave has wounded one of my clan?' The Kourd leaped off his horse, stripped off a slip of his blue shirt, stanched the wound, and carried the unhappy Alroy to the rear. The desert ceased, the caravan entered upon a vast but fruitful plain. In the extreme distance might be descried a long undulating line ofpalm-trees. The vanguard gave a shout, shook their tall lances in theair, and rattled their scimitars in rude chorus against their smallround iron shields. All eyes sparkled, all hands were raised, all voicessounded, save those that were breathless from overpowering joy. Aftermonths wandering in the sultry wilderness, they beheld the greatEuphrates. Broad and fresh, magnificent and serene, the mighty waters rolledthrough the beautiful and fertile earth. A vital breeze rose from theirbosom. Every being responded to their genial influence. The sick werecured, the desponding became sanguine, the healthy and light-heartedbroke into shouts of laughter, jumped from their camels, and embracedthe fragrant earth, or, wild in their renovated strength, galloped overthe plain, and threw their wanton jerreeds in the air, [18] as if toshow that suffering and labour had not deprived them of that skill andstrength, without which it were vain again to enter the haunts of theirless adventurous brethren. The caravan halted on the banks of the broad river, glowing in thecool sunset. The camp was pitched, the plain glittered with tents. Thecamels, falling on their knees, crouched in groups, the merchandisepiled up in masses by their sides. The unharnessed horses rushedneighing about the plain, tossing their glad heads, and rolling in theunaccustomed pasture. Spreading their mats, and kneeling towards Mecca, the pilgrims performed their evening orisons. Never was thanksgivingmore sincere. They arose: some rushed into the river, some lightedlamps, some pounded coffee. [19] Troops of smiling villagers arrived withfresh provisions, eager to prey upon such light hearts and heavy purses. It was one of those occasions when the accustomed gravity of the Orientdisappears. Long through the night the sounds of music and the shouts oflaughter were heard on the banks of that starry river; long through thenight you might have listened with enchantment to the wild tales of thestorier, or gazed with fascination on the wilder gestures of the dancinggirls. [20] The great bazaar of Bagdad afforded an animated and sumptuous spectacleon the day after the arrival of the caravan. All the rare and costlyproducts of the world were collected in that celebrated mart: the shawlsof Cachemire and the silks of Syria, the ivory, and plumes, and goldof Afric, the jewels of Ind, the talismans of Egypt, the perfumes andmanuscripts of Persia, the spices and gums of Araby, beautiful horses, more beautiful slaves, cloaks of sable, pelisses of ermine, armour alikemagnificent in ornament and temper, rare animals, still rarer birds, blue apes in silver collars, white gazelles bound by a golden chain, greyhounds, peacocks, paroquets. And everywhere strange, and busy, andexcited groups; men of all nations, creeds, and climes: the sumptuousand haughty Turk, the graceful and subtle Arab, the Hebrew with hisblack cap and anxious countenance; the Armenian Christian, with his darkflowing robes, and mild demeanour, and serene visage. Here struttedthe lively, affected, and superfine Persian; and there the Circassianstalked with his long hair and chain cuirass. The fair Georgian jostledthe ebony form of the merchant of Dongola or Sennaar. Through the long, narrow, arched, and winding streets of the bazaar, lined on each side with loaded stalls, all was bustle, bargaining, andbarter. A passenger approached, apparently of no common rank. Two pagespreceded him, beautiful Georgian boys, clothed in crimson cloth, andcaps of the same material, sitting tight to their heads, with longgolden tassels. One bore a blue velvet bag, and the other a clasped andrichly bound volume. Four footmen, armed, followed their master, whorode behind the pages on a milk-white mule. He was a man of middle age, eminently handsome. His ample robes concealed the only fault inhis appearance, a figure which indulgence had rendered somewhat tooexuberant. His eyes were large, and soft, and dark; his nose aquiline, but delicately moulded; his mouth small, and beautifully proportioned;his lip full and red; his teeth regular and dazzling white. His ebonybeard flowed, but not at too great a length, in graceful and naturalcurls, and was richly perfumed; a delicate mustachio shaded his upperlip, but no whisker was permitted to screen the form and shroud thelustre of his oval countenance and brilliant complexion. Altogether, theanimal perhaps predominated too much in the expression of the stranger'scountenance; but genius beamed from his passionate eye, and craft layconcealed in that subtle lip. The dress of the rider was sumptuous. Histurban, formed by a scarlet Cachemire shawl, was of great breadth, andconcealing half of his white forehead, increased by the contrast theradiant height of the other. His under-vest was of white Damascus silk, stiff with silver embroidery, and confined by a girdle formed by a Brusascarf of gold stuff, and holding a dagger, whose hilt appeared blazingwith brilliants and rubies. His loose and exterior robe was of crimsoncloth. His white hands sparkled with rings, and his ears glittered withpendulous gems. 'Who is this?' asked an Egyptian merchant, in a low whisper, of thedealer whose stuffs he was examining. ''Tis the Lord Honain, ' replied the dealer. 'And who may he be?'continued the Egyptian. 'Is he the Caliph's son?' 'A much greater man; his physician. ' The white mule stopped at the verystall where this conversation was taking place. The pages halted, andstood on each side of their master, the footmen kept off the crowd. 'Merchant, ' said Honain, with a gracious smile of condescension, andwith a voice musical as a flute, 'Merchant, did you obtain me my wish?' 'There is but one God, ' replied the dealer, who was the charitableAli, 'and Mahomed is his Prophet. I succeeded, please your highness, inseeing at Aleppo the accursed Giaour, of whom I spoke, and behold, that which you desired is here. ' So saying, Ali produced several Greekmanuscripts, and offered them to his visitor. 'Hah!' said Honain, with a sparkling eye, ''tis well; their cost?' 'The infidel would not part with them under five hundred dirhems, 'replied Ali. 'Ibrahim, see that this worthy merchant receive a thousand. ' 'As many thanks, my Lord Honain. ' The Caliph's physician bowed gracefully. 'Advance, pages, ' continued Honain; 'why this stoppage? Ibrahim, seethat our way be cleared. What is all this?' A crowd of men advanced, pulling along a youth, who, almost exhausted, still singly struggled with his ungenerous adversaries. 'The Cadi, the Cadi, ' cried the foremost of them, who was Abdallah, 'drag him to the Cadi. ' 'Noble lord, ' cried the youth, extricating himself by a sudden strugglefrom the grasp of his captors, and seizing the robe of Honain, 'I aminnocent and injured. I pray thy help. ' 'The Cadi, the Cadi, ' exclaimed Abdallah; 'the knave has stolen my ring, the ring given me by my faithful Fatima on our marriage-day, and which Iwould not part with for my master's stores. ' The youth still clung to the robe of Honain, and, mute from exhaustion, fixed upon him his beautiful and imploring eye. 'Silence, ' proclaimed Honain, 'I will judge this cause. ' 'The Lord Honain, the Lord Honain, listen to the Lord Honain!' 'Speak, thou brawler; of what hast thou to complain?' said Honain toAbdallah. 'May it please your highness, ' said Abdallah, in a whining voice, 'I amthe slave of your faithful servant, Ali: often have I had the honour ofwaiting on your highness. This young knave here, a beggar, has robbedme, while slumbering in a coffee-house, of a ring; I have my witnessesto prove my slumbering. 'Tis a fine emerald, may it please yourhighness, and doubly valuable to me as a love-token from my Fatima. No consideration in the world could induce me to part with it; and so, being asleep, here are three honest men who will prove the sleep, comesthis little vagabond, may it please your highness, who while he pretendsto offer me my coffee, takes him my finger, and slips off this preciousring, which he now wears upon his beggarly paw, and will not restore tome without the bastinado. ' 'Abdallah is a faithful slave, may it please your highness, and aHadgee, ' said Ali, his master. 'And what sayest thou, boy?' inquired Honain. 'That this is a false knave, who lies as slaves ever will. ' 'Pithy, and perhaps true, ' said Honain. 'You call me a slave, you young scoundrel?' exclaimed Abdallah; 'shallI tell you what you are? Why, your highness, do not listen to him amoment. It is a shame to bring such a creature into your presence; for, by the holy stone, and I am a Hadgee, I doubt little he is a Jew. ' Honain grew somewhat pale, and bit his lip. He was perhaps annoyed thathe had interfered so publicly in behalf of so unpopular a character asa Hebrew, but he was unwilling to desert one whom a moment before he hadresolved to befriend, and he inquired of the youth where he had obtainedthe ring. 'The ring was given to me by my dearest friend when I first set out uponan arduous pilgrimage not yet completed. There is but one person in theworld, except the donor, to whom I would part with it, and with thatperson I am unacquainted. All this may seem improbable, but all this istrue. I have truth alone to support me. I am destitute and friendless;but I am not a beggar, nor will any suffering induce me to become one. Feeling, from various circumstances, utterly exhausted, I entered acoffee-house and lay down, it may have been to die. I could not sleep, although my eyes were shut, and nothing would have roused me from atremulous trance, which I thought was dying, but this plunderer here, who would not wait until death had permitted him quietly to possesshimself of a jewel I value more than life. ' 'Show me the jewel. ' The youth held up his hand to Honain, who felt his pulse, and then tookoff the ring. 'O, my Fatima!' exclaimed Abdallah. 'Silence, sir!' said Honain. 'Page, call a jeweller. ' Honain examined the ring attentively. Whether he were near-sighted, orwhether the deceptive light of the covered bazaar prevented him fromexamining it with ease, he certainly raised his hand to his brow, andfor some moments his countenance was invisible. The jeweller arrived, and, pressing his hand to his heart, bowed beforeHonain. 'Value this ring, ' said Honain, in a low voice. The jeweller took the ring, viewed it in all directions with ascrutinising glance, held it to the light, pressed it to his tongue, turned it over and over, and finally declared that he could not sellsuch a ring under a thousand dirhems. 'Whatever be the justice of the case, ' said Honain to Abdallah, 'artthou ready to part with this ring for a thousand dirhems?' 'Most certainly, ' said Abdallah. 'And thou, lad, if the decision be inthy favour, wilt thou take for the ring double the worth at which thejeweller prizes it?' 'My lord, I have spoken the truth. I cannot part with that ring for thepalace of the Caliph. ' 'The truth for once is triumphant, ' said Honain. 'Boy, the ring isthine; and for thee, thou knave, ' turning to Abdallah, 'liar, thief, andslanderer!--for thee the bastinado, [21] which thou destinedst forthis innocent youth. Ibrahim, see that he receives five hundred. Youngpilgrim, thou art no longer destitute or friendless. Follow me to mypalace. ' The arched chamber was of great size and beautiful proportion. Theceiling, encrusted with green fretwork, and studded with silver stars, rested upon clustered columns of white and green marble. In the centreof a variegated pavement of the same material, a fountain rose and fellinto a green porphyry basin, and by the side of the fountain, upon acouch of silver, reposed Honain. He raised his eyes from the illuminated volume on which he had been longintent; he clapped his hands, and a Nubian slave advanced, and, foldinghis arms upon his breast, bowed in silence before his lord. 'How faresthe Hebrew boy, Analschar?' 'Master, the fever has not returned. We gave him the potion; heslumbered for many hours, and has now awakened, weak but well. ' 'Let him rise and attend me. ' The Nubian disappeared. 'There is nothing stranger than sympathy, ' soliloquised the physicianof the Caliph, with a meditative air; 'all resolves itself into thisprinciple, and I confess this learned doctor treats it deeply and well. An erudite spirit truly, and an eloquent pen; yet he refines toomuch. 'Tis too scholastic. Observation will teach us more than dogma. Meditating upon my passionate youth, I gathered wisdom. I have seen somuch that I have ceased to wonder. However we doubt, there is a mysterybeyond our penetration. And yet 'tis near our grasp. I sometimes deem astep, a single step, would launch us into light. Here comes my patient. The rose has left his cheek, and his deep brow is wan and melancholy. Yet 'tis a glorious visage, Meditation's throne; and Passion lingers inthat languid eye. I know not why, a strong attraction draws me to thislone child. 'Gentle stranger, how fares it with thee?' 'Very well, my lord. I come to thank thee for all thy goodness. My onlythanks are words, and those too weak; and yet the orphan's blessing is atreasure. ' 'You are an orphan, then' 'I have no parent but my father's God. ' 'And that God is----' 'The God of Israel. ' 'So I deemed. He is a Deity we all must honour; if he be the greatCreator whom we all allow. ' 'He is what he is, and we are what we are, a fallen people, but faithfulstill. ' 'Fidelity is strength. ' 'Thy words are truth, and strength must triumph. ' 'A prophecy!' 'Many a prophet is little honoured, till the future proves hisinspiration. ' 'You are young and sanguine. ' 'So was my ancestor within the vale of Elah. But I speak unto a Moslem, and this is foolishness. ' 'I have read something, and can take your drift. As for my faith, Ibelieve in truth, and wish all men to do the same. By-the-bye, might Iinquire the name of him who is the inmate of my house?' 'They call me David. ' 'David, you have a ring, an emerald cut with curious characters, Hebrew, I believe. ' ''Tis here. ' 'A fine stone, and this inscription means----' 'A simple legend, "_Parted, but one_;" the kind memorial of a brother'slove. ' 'Your brother?' 'I never had a brother. ' 'I have a silly fancy for this ring: you hesitate. Search my palace, andchoose the treasure you deem its match. ' 'Noble sir, the gem is little worth; but were it such might deck aCaliph's brow, 'twere a poor recompense for all thy goodness. This ringis a trust rather than a possession, and strange to say, although Icannot offer it to thee who mayst command, as thou hast saved, the lifeof its unhappy wearer, some stranger may cross my path to-morrow, andalmost claim it as his own. ' 'And that stranger is----' 'The brother of the donor. ' 'The brother of Jabaster?' 'Jabaster!' 'Even so. I am that parted brother. ' 'Great is the God of Israel! Take the ring. But what is this? thebrother of Jabaster a turbaned chieftain! a Moslem! Say, but say, thatthou hast not assumed their base belief; say, but say, that thou hastnot become a traitor to our covenant, and I will bless the fortunes ofthis hour. ' 'I am false to no God. Calm thyself, sweet youth. These are higherquestions than thy faint strength can master now. Another time we'lltalk of this, my boy; at present of my brother and thyself. He lives andprospers?' 'He lives in faith; the pious ever prosper. ' 'A glorious dreamer! Though our moods are different, I ever loved him. And thyself? Thou art not what thou seemest. Tell me all. Jabaster'sfriend can be no common mind. Thy form has heralded thy fame. Trust me. ' 'I am Alroy. ' 'What! the Prince of our Captivity?' 'Even so. ' 'The slayer of Alschiroch?' 'Ay!' 'My sympathy was prophetic. I loved thee from the first. And what dostthou here? A price is set upon thy head: thou knowest it?' 'For the first time; but I am neither astonished nor alarmed. I am uponthe Lord's business. ' 'What wouldst thou?' 'Free his people. ' 'The pupil of Jabaster: I see it all. Another victim to his reveries. I'll save this boy. David, --for thy name must not be sounded within thiscity, --the sun is dying. Let us to the terrace, and seek the solace ofthe twilight breeze. ' 'What is the hour, David?' 'Near to midnight. I marvel if thy brother may read in the stars ourhappy meeting. ' 'Men read that which they wish. He is a learned Cabalist. ' 'But what we wish comes from above. ' 'So they say. We make our fortunes, and we call them Fate. ' 'Yet the Voice sounded, the Daughter of the Voice that summoned Samuel. ' 'You have told me strange things; I have heard stranger solved. ' 'My faith is a rock. ' 'On which you may split. ' 'Art thou a Sadducee?' 'I am a man who knows men. ' 'You are learned, but different from Jabaster. ' 'We are the same, though different. Day and Night are both portions ofTime. ' 'And thy portion is----' 'Truth. ' 'That is, light. ' 'Yes; so dazzling that it sometimes seems dark. ' 'Like thy meaning. ' 'You are young. ' 'Is youth a defect?' 'No, the reverse. But we cannot eat the fruit while the tree is inblossom. ' 'What fruit?' 'Knowledge. ' 'I have studied. ' 'What?' 'All sacred things. ' 'How know you that they are sacred?' 'They come from God. ' 'So does everything. Is everything sacred?' 'They are the deep expression of his will. ' 'According to Jabaster. Ask the man who prays in yonder mosque, and hewill tell you that Jabaster's wrong. ' 'After all, thou art a Moslem?' 'No. ' 'What then?' 'I have told you, a man. ' 'But what dost thou worship?' 'What is worship?' 'Adoration due from the creature to the Creator. ' 'Which is he?' 'Our God. ' 'The God of Israel?' 'Even so. ' 'A frail minority, then, burn incense to him. ' 'We are the chosen people. ' 'Chosen for scoffs, and scorns, and contumelies. Commend me to suchchoice. ' 'We forgot Him, before He chastened us. ' 'Why did we?' 'Thou knowest the records of our holy race. ' 'Yes, I know them; like all records, annals of blood. ' 'Annals of victory, that will dawn again. ' 'If redemption be but another name for carnage, I envy no Messiah. ' 'Art thou Jabaster's brother?' 'So our mother was wont to say: a meekand blessed woman. ' 'Lord Honain, thou art rich, and wise, and powerful. Thy fellow-menspeak of thee only with praise or fear, and both are cheering. Thouhast quitted our antique ark; why, no matter. We'll not discuss it. 'Tissomething; if a stranger, at least thou art not a renegade. The worldgoes well with thee, my Lord Honain. But if, instead of bows andblessings, thou, like thy brethren, wert greeted only with the cuffand curse; if thou didst rise each morning only to feel existence tobe dishonour, and to find thyself marked out among surrounding men assomething foul and fatal; if it were thy lot, like theirs, at best todrag on a mean and dull career, hopeless and aimless, or with no otherhope or aim but that which is degrading, and all this, too, with a keensense of thy intrinsic worth, and a deep conviction of superior race;why, then, perchance, Honain might even discover 'twere worth a struggleto be free and honoured. ' 'I pray your pardon, sir; I thought you wereJabaster's pupil, a dreaming student. I see you have a deep ambition. ' 'I am a prince; and I fain would be a prince without my fetters. ' 'Listen to me, Alroy, ' said Honain in a low voice, and he placed hisarm around him, 'I am your friend. Our acquaintance is very brief: nomatter, I love you; I rescued you in injury, I tended you in sickness, even now your life is in my power, I would protect it with my own. Youcannot doubt me. Our affections are not under our own control; and mineare yours. The sympathy between us is entire. You see me, you see what Iam; a Hebrew, though unknown; one of that despised, rejected, persecutedpeople, of whom you are the chief. I too would be free and honoured. Freedom and honour are mine, but I was my own messiah. I quitted ingood time our desperate cause, but I gave it a trial. Ask Jabaster how Ifought. Youth could be my only excuse for such indiscretion. I leftthis country; I studied and resided among the Greeks. I returned fromConstantinople, with all their learning, some of their craft. No oneknew me. I assumed their turban, and I am the Lord Honain. Take myexperience, child, and save yourself much sorrow. Turn your lateadventure to good account. No one can recognise you here. I willintroduce you amongst the highest as my child by some fair Greek. Theworld is before you. You may fight, you may love, you may revel. War, and Women, and luxury are all at your command. With your person andtalents you may be grand vizir. Clear your head of nonsense. In thepresent disordered state of the empire, you may even carve yourself outa kingdom, infinitely more delightful than the barren land of milk andhoney. I have seen it, child; a rocky wilderness, where I would not letmy courser graze. ' He bent down, and fixed his eyes upon his companion with a scrutinisingglance. The moonlight fell upon the resolved visage of the Prince of theCaptivity. 'Honain, ' he replied, pressing his hand, 'I thank thee. Thou knowest notme, but still I thank thee. ' 'You are resolved, then, on destruction. ' 'On glory, eternal glory. ' 'Is it possible to succeed?' 'Is it possible to fail?' 'You are mad. ' 'I am a believer. ' 'Enough. You have yet one chance. My brother has saddled your enterprisewith a condition, and an impossible one. Gain the sceptre of Solomon, and I will agree to be your subject. You will waste a year in thisfrolic. You are young, and can afford it. I trust you will experiencenothing worse than a loss of time, which is, however, valuable. My dutywill be, after all your sufferings, to send you forth on your adventuresin good condition, and to provide you means for a less toilsomepilgrimage than has hitherto been your lot. Trust me, you will return toBagdad to accept my offers. At present, the dews are descending, and wewill return to our divan, and take some coffee. ' Some few days after this conversation on the terrace, as Alroy wasreclining in a bower, in the beautiful garden of his host, meditatingon the future, some one touched him on the back. He looked up. It wasHonain. 'Follow me, ' said the brother of Jabaster. The Prince rose, and followed him in silence. They entered the house, and, passing through the saloon already described, they proceeded downa long gallery, which terminated in an arched flight of broad stepsleading to the river. A boat was fastened to the end of the stairs, floating on the blue line of the Tigris, bright in the sun. Honain now gave to Alroy a velvet bag, which he requested him to carry, and then they descended the steps and entered the covered boat; and, without any directions to the rower, they were soon skimming over thewater. By the sound of passing vessels, and the occasional shouts of theboatmen, Alroy, although he could observe nothing, was conscious thatfor some time their course lay through a principal thoroughfare ofthe city; but by degrees the sounds became less frequent, and in timeentirely died away, and all that caught his ear was the regular andmonotonous stroke of their own oar. At length, after the lapse of nearly an hour from their entrance, the boat stopped, and was moored against a quay. The curtains werewithdrawn, and Honain and his companion debarked. A low but extensive building, painted in white and gold arabesque, andirregular but picturesque in form, with many small domes, and tall thintowers, rose amid groves of cypress on the bank of the broad and silentriver. The rapid stream had carried them far from the city, which wasvisible but distant. Around was no habitation, no human being. Theopposite bank was occupied by enclosed gardens. Not even a boat passed. Honain, beckoning to Alroy to accompany him, but still silent, advancedto a small portal, and knocked. It was instantly opened by a singleNubian, who bowed reverently as the visitors passed him. They proceededalong a low and gloomy passage, covered with arches of fretwork, untilthey arrived at a door of tortoise-shell and mother-of-pearl. [22] HereHonain, who was in advance, turned round to Alroy, and said, 'Whateverhappen, and whoever may address you, as you value your life and mine, donot speak. ' The door opened, and they found themselves in a vast and gorgeous hall. Pillars of many-coloured marbles rose from a red and blue pavementof the same material, and supported a vaulted, circular, andhighly-embossed roof of purple, scarlet, and gold. [23] Around afountain, which rose fifty feet in height from an immense basin oflapis-lazuli, and reclining on small yellow Barbary mats, was a groupof Nubian eunuchs, dressed in rich habits of scarlet and gold, [24]and armed with ivory battle-axes, the white handles worked in preciousarabesque finely contrasting with the blue and brilliant blades. The commander of the eunuch-guard rose on seeing Honain, and pressinghis hand to his head, mouth, and heart, saluted him. The physician ofthe Caliph, motioning Alroy to remain, advanced some paces in front ofhim, and entered into a whispering conversation with the eunuch. Aftera few minutes, this officer resumed his seat, and Honain, beckoning toAlroy to rejoin him, crossed the hall. Passing through an open arch, they entered a quadrangular court ofroses, [25] each bed of flowers surrounded by a stream of sparklingwater, and floating like an enchanted islet upon a fairy ocean. Thesound of the water and the sweetness of the flowers blended together, and produced a lulling sensation, which nothing but his strong andstrange curiosity might have enabled Alroy to resist. Proceeding alonga cloister of light airy workmanship which connected the hall with theremainder of the buildings, they stood before a lofty and sumptuousportal. It was a monolith gate, thirty feet in height, formed of one block ofgreen and red jasper, and cut into the fanciful undulating arch of theSaracens. The consummate artist had seized the advantage afforded to himby the ruddy veins of the precious stone, and had formed them in boldrelief into two vast and sinuous serpents, which shot forth theircrested heads and glittering eyes at Honain and his companion. The physician of the Caliph, taking his dagger from his girdle, struckthe head of one of the serpents thrice. The massy portal opened with awhirl and a roar, and before them stood an Abyssinian giant, [26] holdingin his leash a roaring lion. 'Hush, Haroun!' said Honain to the animal, raising at the same time hisarm; and the beast crouched in silence. 'Worthy Morgargon, I bring youa remembrance. ' The Abyssinian showed his tusks, larger and whiter thanthe lion's, as he grinningly received the tribute of the courtly Honain;and he uttered a few uncouth sounds, but he could not speak, for he wasa mute. The jasper portal introduced the companions to a long and lofty andarched chamber, lighted by high windows of stained glass, hung withtapestry of silk and silver, covered with prodigious carpets, andsurrounded by immense couches. And thus through similar chambers theyproceeded, in some of which were signs of recent habitation, until theyarrived at another quadrangle nearly filled by a most singular fountainwhich rose from a basin of gold encrusted with pearls, and which wassurrounded by figures of every rare quadruped[27] in the most costlymaterials. Here a golden tiger, with flaming eyes of ruby and flowingstripes of opal, stole, after some bloody banquet, to the refreshingbrink; a camelopard raised its slender neck of silver from the centreof a group of every inhabitant of the forest; and brilliant bands ofmonkeys, glittering with precious stones, rested, in every variety offantastic posture, on the margin of the basin. The fountain itself was a tree of gold and silver[28] spreading intoinnumerable branches, covered with every variety of curious birds, theirplumage appropriately imitated by the corresponding tints of preciousstones, which warbled in beautiful melody as they poured forth fromtheir bills the musical and refreshing element. It was with difficulty that Alroy could refrain from an admiringexclamation, but Honain, ever quick, turned to him, with his fingerpressed on his mouth, and quitting the quadrangle, they entered thegardens. Lofty terraces, dark masses of cypress, winding walks of acacia, inthe distance an interminable paradise, and here and there a glitteringpavilion and bright kiosk! Its appearance on the river had not preparedAlroy for the extent of the palace itself. It seemed infinite, and itwas evident that he had only viewed a small portion of it. While theywere moving on, there suddenly rose a sound of trumpets. The sound grewnearer and nearer, louder and louder: soon was heard the tramp ofan approaching troop. Honain drew Alroy aside. A procession appearedadvancing from a dark grove of cypress. Four hundred men led as manywhite bloodhounds with collars of gold and rubies. [29] Then came onehundred men, each with a hooded hawk; then six horsemen in rich dresses;after them a single horseman, mounted on a steed, marked on its foreheadwith a star. [30] The rider was middle-aged, handsome, and dignified. Hewas plainly dressed, but the staff of his hunting-spear was entirely ofdiamonds and the blade of gold. He was followed by a company of Nubian eunuchs, with their scarletdresses and ivory battle-axes, and the procession closed. 'The Caliph, ' whispered Honain, when they had passed, placing at thesame time his finger on his lip to prevent any inquiry. This wasthe first intimation that had reached Alroy of what he had alreadysuspected, that he was a visitor to the palace of the Commander of theFaithful. The companions turned down a wild and winding walk, which, after sometime, brought them to a small and gently sloping lawn, surroundedby cedar-trees of great size. Upon the lawn was a kiosk, a long andmany-windowed building, covered with blinds, and further screened byan overhanging roof. The kiosk was built of white and green marble, the ascent to it was by a flight of steps the length of the building, alternately of white and green marble, and nearly covered withrose-trees. Honain went up these steps alone, and entered the kiosk. After a few minutes he looked out from the blinds and beckoned to Alroy. David advanced, but Honain, fearful of some indiscretion, met him, andsaid to him in a low whisper between his teeth, 'Remember you are deaf, a mute, and a eunuch. ' Alroy could scarcely refrain from smiling, andthe Prince of the Captivity and the physician of the Caliph enteredthe kiosk together. Two women, veiled, and two eunuchs of the guard, received them in an antechamber. And then they passed into a room whichran nearly the whole length of the kiosk, opening on one side to thegardens, and on the other supported by an ivory wall, with nichespainted in green fresco, and in each niche a rose-tree. Each niche, also, was covered with an almost invisible golden grate, which confineda nightingale, and made him constant to the rose he loved. At the footof each niche was a fountain, but, instead of water, each basin wasreplenished with the purest quicksilver. [31] The roof of the kiosk wasof mother-of-pearl inlaid with tortoise-shell; the pavement, a mosaic ofrare marbles and precious stones, representing the most delicious fruitsand the most beautiful flowers. Over this pavement, a Georgian pageflung at intervals refreshing perfumes. At the end of this elegantchamber was a divan of light green silk, embroidered with pearls, and covered with cushions of white satin and gold. Upon one of thesecushions, in the middle of the divan, sat a lady, her eyes fixed inabstraction upon a volume of Persian poetry lying on her knees, one handplaying with a rosary of pearls and emeralds, [32] and the other holdinga long gold chain, which imprisoned a white gazelle. The lady looked up as Honain and his companion entered. She was veryyoung, as youthful as Alroy. Her long light brown hair, drawn off a highwhite forehead covered with blue veins, fell braided with pearls overeach shoulder. Her eyes were large and deeply blue; her nose small, buthigh and aquiline. The fairness of her face was dazzling, and, when shelooked up and greeted Honain, her lustrous cheeks broke into dimples, the more fascinating from their contrast with the general expression ofher countenance, which was haughty and derisive. The lady was dressedin a robe of crimson silk girded round her waist by a green shawl, fromwhich peeped forth the diamond hilt of a small poniard. [33] Her roundwhite arms looked infinitely small, as they occasionally flashed forthfrom their large loose hanging sleeves. One was covered with jewels, andthe right arm was quite bare. Honain advanced, and, bending, kissed the lady's proffered hand. Alroyfell into the background. 'They told me that the Rose of the World drooped this morning, ' said thephysician, bending again as he smiled, 'and her slave hastened at hercommand to tend her. ' 'It was a south wind. The wind has changed, and the Rose of the World isbetter, ' replied the lady laughing. Honain touched her pulse. 'Irregular, ' said the physician. 'Like myself, ' said the lady. 'Is that a new slave?' 'A recent purchase, and a great bargain. He is good-looking, has theadvantage of being deaf and dumb, and is harmless in every respect. ' ''Tis a pity, ' replied the lady; 'it seems that all good-looking peopleare born to be useless. I, for instance. ' 'Yet rumour whispers the reverse, ' remarked the physician. 'How so?' inquired the lady. 'The young King of Karasmé. ' 'Poh! I have made up my mind to detest him. A barbarian!' 'A hero!' 'Have you ever seen him?' 'I have. ' 'Handsome?' 'An archangel. ' 'And sumptuous?' 'Is he not a conqueror? All the plunder of the world will be yours. ' 'I am tired of magnificence. I built this kiosk to forget it. ' 'It is not in the least degree splendid, ' said Honain, looking roundwith a smile. 'No, ' answered the lady, with a self-satisfied air: 'here, at least, onecan forget one has the misfortune to be a princess. ' 'It is certainly a great misfortune, ' said the physician. 'And yet it must be the only tolerable lot, ' replied the lady. 'Assuredly, ' replied Honain. 'For our unhappy sex, at least. ' 'Very unhappy. ' 'If I were only a man!' 'What a hero you would be!' 'I should like to live in endless confusion. ' 'I have not the least doubt of it. ' 'Have you got me the books?' eagerly inquired the Princess. 'My slave bears them, ' replied Honain. 'Let me see them directly. ' Honain took the bag from Alroy, and unfolded its contents; the veryvolumes of Greek romances which Ali, the merchant, had obtained for him. 'I am tired of poetry, ' said the Princess, glancing over the costlyvolumes, and tossing them away; 'I long to see the world. ' 'You would soon be tired of that, ' replied the physician. 'I suppose common people are never tired. ' said the Princess. 'Except with labour;' said the physician; 'care keeps them alive. ' 'What is care?' asked the Princess, with a smile. 'It is a god, ' replied the physician, 'invisible, but omnipotent. Itsteals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takesaway the appetite, and turns the hair grey. ' 'It is no true divinity, then, ' replied the Princess, 'but an idol wemake ourselves. I am a sincere Moslem, and will not worship it. Tell mesome news, Honain. ' 'The young King of Karasmé----' 'Again! the barbarian! You are in his pay. I'll none of him. To leaveone prison, and to be shut up in another, --why do you remind me of it?No, my dear Hakim, if I marry at all, I will marry to be free. ' 'An impossibility, ' said Honain. 'My mother was free till she was a queen and a slave. I intend to end asshe began. You know what she was. ' Honain knew well, but he was too politic not to affect ignorance. 'The daughter of a bandit, ' continued the Princess, 'who fought by theside of her father. That is existence! I must be a robber. 'Tis in theblood. I want my fate foretold, Honain. You are an astrologer; do it. ' 'I have already cast your nativity. Your star is ŕ comet. ' 'That augurs well; brilliant confusion and erratic splendour. I wishI were a star, ' added the Princess in a deep rich voice, and with apensive air; 'a star in the clear blue sky, beautiful and free. Honain, Honain, the gazelle has broken her chain, and is eating my roses. ' Alroy rushed forward and seized the graceful truant. Honain shot him ananxious look; the Princess received the chain from the hand of Alroy, and cast at him a scrutinising glance. 'What splendid eyes the poor beast has got!' exclaimed the Princess. 'The gazelle?' inquired the physician. 'No, your slave, ' replied the Princess. 'Why, he blushes. Were he notdeaf as well as dumb, I could almost believe he understood me. ' 'He is modest, ' replied Honain, rather alarmed; 'and is frightened atthe liberty he has taken. ' 'I like modesty, ' said the Princess; 'it is interesting. I am modest;you think so?' 'Certainly, ' said Honain. 'And interesting?' 'Very. ' 'I detest an interesting person. After all, there is nothing like plaindulness. ' 'Nothing, ' said Honain. 'The day flows on so serenely in such society. ' 'It does, ' said Honain. 'No confusion; no scenes. ' 'None. ' 'I make it a rule only to have ugly slaves. ' 'You are quite right. ' 'Honain, will you ever contradict me? You know very well I have thehandsomest slaves in the world. ' 'Every one knows it. ' 'And, do you know, I have taken a great fancy to your new purchase, who, according to your account, is eminently qualified for the post. Why, doyou not agree with me?' 'Why, yes; I doubt not your Highness would find him eminently qualified, and certainly few things would give me greater pleasure than offeringhim for your acceptance; but I got into such disgrace by that lateaffair of the Circassian, that----' 'Oh! leave it to me, ' said the Princess. 'Certainly, ' said the physician, turning the conversation; 'and whenthe young King of Karasmé arrives at Bagdad, you can offer him to hismajesty as a present. ' 'Delightful! and the king is really handsome and young as well as brave;but has he any taste?' 'You have enough for both. ' 'If he would but make war against the Greeks!' 'Why so violent against the poor Greeks?' 'You know they are Giaours. Besides, they might beat him, and then Ishould have the pleasure of being taken prisoner. ' 'Delightful!' 'Charming! to see Constantinople, and marry the Emperor. ' 'Marry the Emperor!' 'To be sure. Of course he would fall in love with me. ' 'Of course. ' 'And then, and then, I might conquer Paris!' 'Paris!' 'You have been at Paris?'[34] 'Yes. ' 'The men are shut up there, ' said the Princess with a smile, 'are theynot? and the women do what they like?' 'You will always do what you like, ' said Honain, rising. 'You are going?' 'My visits must not be too long. ' 'Farewell, dear Honain!' said the Princess, with a melancholy air. 'Youare the only person who has an idea in all Bagdad, and you leave me. Amiserable lot is mine, to feel everything, and be nothing. These booksand flowers, these sweet birds, and this fair gazelle: ah! poets mayfeign as they please, but how cheerfully would I resign all theseelegant consolations of a captive life for one hour of freedom! I wrotesome verses on myself yesterday; take them, and get them blazoned for meby the finest scribe in the city; letters of silver on a violet groundwith a fine flowing border; I leave the design to you. Adieu! Comehither, mute. ' Alroy advanced to her beckon, and knelt. 'There, takethat rosary for thy master's sake, and those dark eyes of thine. ' The companions withdrew, and reached their boat in silence. It wassunset. The musical and sonorous voice of the Muezzin resounded fromthe innumerable minarets of the splendid city. Honain threw back thecurtains of the barque. Bagdad rose before them in huge masses ofsumptuous dwellings, seated amid groves and gardens. An infinitepopulation, summoned by the invigorating twilight, poured forth in alldirections. The glowing river was covered with sparkling caiques, theglittering terraces with showy groups. Splendour, and power, and luxury, and beauty were arrayed before them in their most captivating forms, andthe heart of Alroy responded to their magnificence. 'A glorious vision!'said the Prince of the Captivity. 'Very different from Hamadan, ' said the physician of the Caliph. 'To-day I have seen wonders, ' said Alroy. 'The world is opening to you, ' said Honain. Alroy did not reply; but after some minutes he said, in a hesitatingvoice, 'Who was that lady?' 'The Princess Schirene, ' replied Honain, 'the favourite daughter of theCaliph. Her mother was a Georgian and a Giaour. ' The moonlight fell upon the figure of Alroy lying on a couch; his facewas hidden by his arm. He was motionless, but did not sleep. He rose and paced the chamber with agitated steps; sometimes he stopped, and gazed on the pavement, fixed in abstraction. He advanced to thewindow, and cooled his feverish brow in the midnight air. An hour passed away, and the young Prince of the Captivity remainedfixed in the same position. Suddenly he turned to a tripod of porphyry, and, seizing a rosary of jewels, pressed it to his lips. 'The Spirit of my dreams, she comes at last; the form for which I havesighed and wept; the form which rose upon my radiant vision when I shutmy eyes against the jarring shadows of this gloomy world. 'Schirene! Schirene! here in this solitude I pour to thee the passionlong stored up: the passion of my life, no common life, a life full ofdeep feeling and creative thought. O beautiful! O more than beautiful!for thou to me art as a dream unbroken: why art thou not mine? why losea moment in our glorious lives, and balk our destiny of half its bliss? 'Fool, fool, hast thou forgotten? The rapture of a prisoner in his cell, whose wild fancy for a moment belies his fetters! The daughter of theCaliph and a Jew! 'Give me my fathers' sceptre. 'A plague on talismans! Oh! I need no inspiration but her memory, no magic but her name. By heavens! I will enter this glorious city aconqueror, or die. 'Why, what is Life? for meditation mingles ever with my passion: why, what is Life? Throw accidents to the dogs, and tear off the paintedmask of false society! Here am I a hero; with a mind that can devise allthings, and a heart of superhuman daring, with youth, with vigour, witha glorious lineage, with a form that has made full many a lovelymaiden of our tribe droop her fair head by Hamadan's sweet fount, and Iam--nothing! 'Out on Society! 'twas not made for me. I'll form my own, and be thedeity I sometimes feel. 'We make our fortunes, and we call them Fate. Thou saidst well, Honain. Most subtle Sadducee! The saintly blood flowed in my fathers' veins, and they did nothing; but I have an arm formed to wield a sceptre, and Iwill win one. 'I cannot doubt my triumph. Triumph is a part of my existence. I amborn for glory, as a tree is born to bear its fruit, or to expandits flowers. The deed is done. 'Tis thought of, and 'tis done. I willconfront the greatest of my diademed ancestors, and in his tomb. MightySolomon! he wedded Pharaoh's daughter. Hah! what a future dawns upon myhope. An omen, a choice omen! 'Heaven and earth are mingling to form my fortunes. My mournfulyouth, which I have so often cursed, I hail thee: thou wert a gloriouspreparation; and when feeling no sympathy with the life around me, I deemed myself a fool, I find that I was a most peculiar being. Byheavens, I am joyful; for the first time in my life I am joyful. I couldlaugh, and fight, and drink. I am new-born; I am another being; I ammad! 'O Time, great Time! the world belies thy fame. It calls thee swift. Methinks thou art wondrous slow. Fly on, great Time, and on thy comingwings bear me my sceptre! 'All is to be. It is a lowering thought. My fancy, like a bright andwearied bird, will sometimes flag and fall, and then I am lost. Theyoung King of Karasmé, a youthful hero! Would he had been Alschiroch! Myheart is sick even at the very name. Alas! my trials have not yet begun. Jabaster warned me: good, sincere Jabaster! His talisman presses on myfrantic heart, and seems to warn me. I am in danger. Braggart tostand here, filling the careless air with idle words, while all isunaccomplished. I grow dull. The young King of Karasmé! Why, what am Icompared to this same prince? Nothing, but in my thoughts. In the fullbazaar, they would not deem me worthy even to hold his stirrup orhis slipper---- Oh! this contest, this constant, bitter, never-endingcontest between my fortune and my fancy! Why do I exist? or, ifexisting, why am I not recognised as I would be? 'Sweet voice, that in Jabaster's distant cave de-scendedst from thy holyhome above, and whispered consolation, breathe again! Again breathe thystill summons to my lonely ear, and chase away the thoughts that hoverround me; thoughts dark and doubtful, like fell birds of prey hoveringaround a hero in expectation of his fall, and gloating on their triumphover the brave. There is something fatal in these crowded cities. Faithflourishes in solitude. ' He threw himself upon the couch, and, leaning down his head, seemed lostin meditation. He started up, and, seizing his tablets, wrote upon themthese words: 'Honain, I have been the whole night like David in the wilderness ofZiph; but, by the aid of the Lord, I have conquered. I fly from thisdangerous city upon his business, which I have too much neglected. Attempt not to discover me, and accept my gratitude. ' CHAPTER VI. _The Learned Rabbi Zimri. _ A SCORCHING sun, a blue and burning sky, on every side lofty ranges ofblack and barren mountains, dark ravines, deep caverns, unfathomablegorges! A solitary being moved in the distance. Faint and toiling, apilgrim slowly clambered up the steep and stony track. The sultry hours moved on; the pilgrim at length gained the summit ofthe mountain, a small and rugged table-land, strewn with huge massesof loose and heated, rock. All around was desolation: no spring, noherbage; the bird and the insect were alike mute. Still it was thesummit: no loftier peaks frowned in the distance; the pilgrim stopped, and breathed with more facility, and a faint smile played over hislanguid and solemn countenance. He rested a few minutes; he took from his wallet some locusts and wildhoney, and a small skin of water. His meal was short as well as simple. An ardent desire to reach his place of destination before nightfallurged him to proceed. He soon passed over the table-land, and commencedthe descent of the mountain. A straggling olive-tree occasionallyappeared, and then a group, and soon the groups swelled into a grove. His way wound through the grateful and unaccustomed shade. He emergedfrom the grove, and found that he had proceeded down more than halfthe side of the mountain. It ended precipitously in a dark and narrowravine, formed on the other side by an opposite mountain, the loftysteep of which was crested by a city gently rising on a gradual slope. Nothing could be conceived more barren, wild, and terrible than thesurrounding scenery, unillumined by a single trace of culture. The citystood like the last gladiator in an amphitheatre of desolation. It was surrounded by a lofty turreted wall, of an architecture to whichthe pilgrim was unaccustomed: gates with drawbridge and portcullis, square towers, and loopholes for the archer. Sentinels, clothed in steeland shining in the sunset, paced, at regular intervals, the cautiouswall, and on a lofty tower a standard waved, a snowy standard, with ared, red cross! The Prince of the Captivity at length beheld the lost capital of hisfathers. [35] A few months back, and such a spectacle would have called forth all thelatent passion of Alroy; but time and suffering, and sharp experience, had already somewhat curbed the fiery spirit of the Hebrew Prince. Hegazed upon Jerusalem, he beheld the City of David garrisoned by thepuissant warriors of Christendom, and threatened by the innumerablearmies of the Crescent. The two great divisions of the world seemedcontending for a prize, which he, a lonely wanderer, had crossed thedesert to rescue. If his faith restrained him from doubting the possibility of hisenterprise, he was at least deeply conscious that the world was a verydifferent existence from what he had fancied amid the gardens ofHamadan and the rocks of Caucasus, and that if his purpose could beaccomplished, it could only be effected by one means. Calm, perhapssomewhat depressed, but full of pious humiliation, and not deserted byholy hope, he descended into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and so, slakinghis thirst at Siloah, and mounting the opposite height, David Alroyentered Jerusalem by the gate of Zion. [36] He had been instructed that the quarter allotted to his people was nearthis entrance. He inquired the direction of the sentinel, who did notcondescend to answer him. An old man, in shabby robes, who was passing, beckoned to him. 'What want you, friend?' inquired Alroy. 'You were asking for the quarter of our people. You must be ŕ stranger, indeed, in Jerusalem, to suppose that a Frank would speak to a Jew. Youwere lucky to get neither kicked nor cursed. ' 'Kicked and cursed! Why, these dogs----' 'Hush! hush! for the love of God, ' said his new companion, much alarmed. 'Have you lent money to their captain that you speak thus? In Jerusalemour people speak only in a whisper. ' 'No matter: the cure is not by words. Where is our quarter?' 'Was the like ever seen! Why, he speaks as if he were a Frank. I savehim from having his head broken by a gauntlet, and----' 'My friend, I am tired. Our quarter?' 'Whom may you want?' 'The Chief Rabbi. ' 'You bear letters to him?' 'What is that to you?' 'Hush! hush! You do not know what Jerusalem is, young man. You must notthink of going on in this way. Where do you come from?' 'Bagdad. ' 'Bagdad! Jerusalem is not Bagdad. A Turk is a brute, but a Christian isa demon. ' 'But our quarter, our quarter?' 'Hush! you want the Chief Rabbi?' 'Ay! ay!' 'Rabbi Zimri?' 'It may be so. I neither know nor care. ' 'Neither knows nor cares! This will never do; you must not go on in thisway at Jerusalem. You must not think of it. ' 'Fellow, I see thou art a miserable prattler. Show me our quarter, and Iwill pay thee well, or be off. ' 'Be off! Art thou a Hebrew? to say "be off" to any one. You come fromBagdad! I tell you what, go back to Bagdad. You will never do forJerusalem. ' 'Your grizzled beard protects you. Old fool, I am a pilgrim justarrived, wearied beyond expression, and you keep me here listening toyour flat talk!' 'Flat talk! Why! what would you?' 'Lead me to the Rabbi Zimri, if that be his name. ' 'If that be his name! Why, every one knows Rabbi Zimri, the Chief Rabbiof Jerusalem, the successor of Aaron. We have our temple yet, say whatthey like. A very learned doctor is Rabbi Zimri. ' 'Wretched driveller. I am ashamed to lose my patience with such adotard. ' 'Driveller! dotard! Why, who are you?' 'One you cannot comprehend. Without another word, lead me to yourchief. ' 'Chief! you have not far to go. I know no one of the nation who holdshis head higher than I do here, and they call me Zimri. ' 'What, the Chief Rabbi, that very learned doctor?' 'No less; I thought you had heard of him. ' 'Let us forget the past, good Zimri. When great men play the incognito, they must sometimes hear rough phrases. It is the Caliph's lot as wellas yours. I am glad to make the acquaintance of so great a doctor. Though young, and roughly habited, I have seen the world a little, andmay offer next Sabbath in the synagogue more dirhems than you wouldperhaps suppose. Good and learned Zimri, I would be your guest. ' 'A very worshipful young man! And he speaks low and soft now! But it waslucky I was at hand. Good, what's your name?' 'David. ' 'A very honest name, good David. It was lucky I was at hand when youspoke to the sentinel, though. A Jew speak to a Frank, and a sentineltoo! Hah! hah! hah! that is good. How Rabbi Maimon will laugh! Faith itwas very lucky, now, was not it?' 'Indeed, most fortunate. ' 'Well that is candid! Here! this way. 'Tis not far. We number few, sir, of our brethren here, but a better time will come, a better time willcome. ' 'I think so. This is your door?' 'An humble one. Jerusalem is not Bagdad, but you are welcome. ' 'King Pirgandicus[37] entered them, ' said Rabbi Maimon, 'but no onesince. ' 'And when did he live?' inquired Alroy. 'His reign is recorded in theTalmud, ' answered Rabbi Zimri, 'but in the Talmud there are no dates. ''A long while ago?' asked Alroy. 'Since the Captivity, ' answered RabbiMaimon. 'I doubt that, ' said Rabbi Zimri, 'or why should he be calledking?' 'Was he of the house of David?' said Alroy. 'Without doubt, ' said Rabbi Maimon; 'he was one of our greatest kings, and conquered Julius Caesar. '[38] 'His kingdom was in the northernmost parts of Africa, ' said Rabbi Zimri, 'and exists to this day, if we could but find it. ' 'Ay, truly, ' added Rabbi Maimon, 'the sceptre has never departed out ofJudah; and he rode always upon a white elephant. ' 'Covered with cloth of gold, ' added Rabbi Zimri. 'And he visited theTombs of the Kings?'[39] inquired Alroy. 'Without doubt, ' said Rabbi Maimon. 'The whole account is in theTalmud. ' 'And no one can now find them?' 'No one, ' replied Rabbi Zimri: 'but, according to that learned doctor, Moses Hallevy, they are in a valley inthe mountains of Lebanon, which was sealed up by the Archangel Michael. ' 'The illustrious Doctor Abarbanel, of Babylon, ' said Rabbi Maimon, 'gives one hundred and twenty reasons in his commentary on the Gemara toprove that they sunk under the earth at the taking of the Temple. ' 'No one reasons like Abarbanel of Babylon, ' said Rabbi Zimri. 'The great Rabbi Akiba, of Pundebita, has answered them all, ' said RabbiMaimon, 'and holds that they were taken up to heaven. ' 'And which is right?' inquired Rabbi Zimri. 'Neither, ' said Rabbi Maimon. 'One hundred and twenty reasons are strong proof, ' said Rabbi Zimri. 'The most learned and illustrious Doctor Aaron Mendola, of Granada, 'said Rabbi Maimon, 'has shown that we must look for the Tombs of theKings in the south of Spain. ' 'All that Mendola writes is worth attention, ' said Rabbi Zimri. 'Rabbi Hillel, [40] of Samaria, is worth two Mendolas any day, ' saidRabbi Maimon. ''Tis a most learned doctor, ' said Rabbi Zimri; 'and what thinks he?' 'Hillel proves that there are two Tombs of the Kings, ' said RabbiMaimon, 'and that neither of them are the right ones. ' 'What a learned doctor!' exclaimed Rabbi Zimri. 'And very satisfactory, ' remarked Alroy. 'These are high subjects, ' continued Maimon, his blear eyes twinklingwith complacency. 'Your guest, Rabbi Zimri, must read the treatise ofthe learned Shimei, of Damascus, on "Effecting Impossibilities. "' 'That is a work!' exclaimed Zimri. 'I never slept for three nights after reading that work, ' said RabbiMaimon. 'It contains twelve thousand five hundred and thirty-sevenquotations from the Pentateuch, and not a single original observation. ' 'There were giants in those days, ' said Rabbi Zimri; 'we are childrennow. ' 'The first chapter makes equal sense, read backward or forward, 'continued Rabbi Maimon. 'Ichabod!' exclaimed Rabbi Zimri. 'And theinitial letter of every section is a cabalistical type of a king ofJudah. ' 'The temple will yet be built, ' said Rabbi Zimri. 'Ay, ay! that islearning!' exclaimed Rabbi Maimon; 'but what is the great treatise on"Effecting Impossibilities" to that profound, admirable, and----' 'Holy Rabbi!' said a youthful reader of the synagogue, who now entered, 'the hour is at hand. ' 'You don't say so! Learned Miamon, I must to the synagogue. I could sithere all day listening to you. Come, David, the people await us. ' Zimri and Alroy quitted the house, and proceeded along the narrow hillystreets to the chief temple of the Hebrews. 'It grieves the venerable Maimon much that he cannot join us, ' saidRabbi Zimri. 'You have doubtless heard of him at Bagdad; a most learneddoctor. ' Alroy bowed in silence. 'He bears his years well. You would hardly believe that he was mymaster. ' 'I perceive that you inherit much of his erudition. ' 'You are kind. If he have breathed one year, Rabbi Maimon will be ahundred and ten next Passover. ' 'I doubt it not. ' 'When he is gathered to his fathers, a great light will be extinguishedin Israel. You wanted to know something about the Tombs of the Kings; Itold you he was your man. How full he was! His mind, sir, is an egg. ' 'A somewhat ancient one. I fear his guidance will hardly bring me theenviable fortune of King Pirgandicus. ' 'Between ourselves, good David, talking of King Pirgandicus, I cannothelp fancying that the learned Maimon made a slight mistake. I holdPirgandicus was only a prince. It was after the Captivity, and I know noauthority for any of our rulers since the destruction assuming a highertitle. Clearly a prince, eh? But, though I would whisper it to noone but you, I think our worthy friend grows a little old. We shouldremember his years, sir. A hundred and ten next Passover. 'Tis a greatburden. ' 'Ay! with his learning added, a very fearful burden indeed!' 'You have been a week in Jerusalem, and have not yet visited oursynagogue. It is not of cedar and ivory, but it is still a temple. Thisway. It is only a week that you have been here? Why, you look anotherman! I shall never forget our first meeting: you did not know me. Thatwas good, eh? And when I told you I was the chief Rabbi Zimri, how youchanged! You have quite regained your appetite. Ah! 'tis pleasant tomix once more with our own people. To the left. So! we must descend alittle. We hold our meetings in an ancient cemetery. You have a finertemple, I warrant me, in Bagdad. Jerusalem is not Bagdad. But this hasits conveniences. 'Tis safe, and we are not very rich, nor wish to seemso. ' A long passage brought them to a number of small, square, lowchambers[41] leading into each other. They were lighted by brass lamps, placed at intervals in vacant niches, that once held corpses, andwhich were now soiled by the smoky flame. Between two and threehundred individuals were assembled in these chambers, at first scarcelydistinguishable by those who descended from the broad daylight; butby degrees the eyesight became accustomed to the dim and vaporousatmosphere, and Al-roy recognised in the final and more illuminedchamber a high cedar cabinet, the type of the ark, and which held thesacred vessels and the sanctified copy of the law. Standing in lines, with their heads mystically covered, [42] the forlornremnant of Israel, captives in their ancient city, avowed, in spite ofall their sufferings, their fidelity to their God, and, notwithstandingall the bitterness of hope delayed, their faith in the fulfilment of hispromises. Their simple service was completed, their prayers wereread, their responses made, their law exhibited, and their charitableofferings announced by their high priest. After the service, thevenerable Zimri, opening a volume of the Talmud, and fortified by theopinions of all those illustrious and learned doctors, the heroes ofhis erudite conversations with the aged Maimon, expounded the law to thecongregation of the people. [43] 'It is written, ' said the Rabbi, '"Thou shalt have none other God butme. " Now know ye what our father Abraham said when Nimrod ordered him toworship fire? "Why not water, " answered Abraham, "which can put out fire?why not clouds, which can pour forth water? why not the winds, which canproduce clouds? why not God, which can create winds?"' A murmur of approbation sounded throughout the congregation. 'Eliezer, ' said Zimri, addressing himself to a young Rabbi, 'it iswritten, that he took a rib from Adam when he was asleep. Is God then arobber?' The young Rabbi looked puzzled, and cast his eyes on the ground. Thecongregation was perplexed and a little alarmed. 'Is there no answer?' said Zimri. 'Rabbi, ' said a stranger, a tall, swarthy African pilgrim, standing ina corner, and enveloped in a red mantle, over which a lamp threw aflickering light; 'Rabbi, some robbers broke into my house last night, and stole an earthen pipkin, but they left a golden vase in its stead. ' 'It is well said; it is well said, ' exclaimed the congregation. Theapplause was loud. 'Learned Zimri, ' continued the African, 'it is written in the Gemara, that there was a youth in Jerusalem who fell in love with a beautifuldamsel, and she scorned him. And the youth was so stricken with hispassion that he could not speak; but when he beheld her, he looked ather imploringly, and she laughed. And one day the youth, not knowingwhat to do with himself, went out into the desert; and towards nighthe returned home, but the gates of the city were shut. And he went downinto the valley of Jehoshaphat, and entered the tomb of Absalom andslept;[44] and he dreamed a dream; and next morning he came into thecity smiling. And the maiden met him, and she said, "Is that thou; artthou a laugher?" and he answered, "Behold, yesterday being disconsolate, I went out of the city into the desert, and I returned home, andthe gates of the city were shut, and I went down into the valley ofJehoshaphat, and I entered the tomb of Absalom, and I slept, and Idreamed a dream, and ever since then I have laughed. " And the damselsaid, "Tell me thy dream. " And he answered and said, "I may not tell mydream only to my wife, for it regards her honour. " And the maiden grewsad and curious, and said, "I am thy wife, tell me thy dream. " Andstraightway they went and were married and ever after they both laughed. Now, learned Zimri, what means this tale, an idle jest for a master ofthe law, yet it is written by the greatest doctor of the Captivity?' 'It passeth my comprehension, ' said the chief Rabbi. Rabbi Eliezer was silent; the congregation groaned. 'Now hear the interpretation, ' said the African. 'The youth is ourpeople, and the damsel is our lost Sion, and the tomb of Absalom provesthat salvation can only come from the house of David. Dost thou hearthis, young man?' said the African, coming forward and laying his handon Alroy. 'I speak to thee, because I have observed a deep attention inthy conduct. ' The Prince of the Captivity started, and shot a glance at the darkvisage before him, but the glance read nothing. The upper part of thecountenance of the African was half concealed by masses of dark mattedhair, and the lower by his uncouth robes. A flashing eye was its onlycharacteristic, which darted forth like lightning out of a black cloud. 'Is my attention the only reason that induces you to address me?'inquired Alroy. 'Whoever gave all his reasons?' replied the African, with a laughingsneer. 'I seek not to learn them. Suffice it, stranger, that how much soeveryou may mean, as much I can understand. ' ''Tis well. Learned Zimri, is this thy pupil? I congratulate thee. I will match him against the hopeful Eliezer. ' So saying, the loftyAfrican stalked out of the chamber. The assembly also broke up. Alroywould willingly have immediately followed the African, and held somefurther and more private conversation with him; but some minuteselapsed, owing to the officious attentions of Zimri, before he couldescape; and, when he did, his search after the stranger was vain. Heinquired among the congregation, but none knew the African. He was noman's guest and no man's debtor, and apparently had never before beenseen. The trumpet was sounding to close the gates, as Alroy passed the Zionentrance. The temptation was irresistible. He rushed out, and ran formore than one hundred yards without looking back, and when he did, hehad the satisfaction of ascertaining that he was fairly shut out for thenight. The sun had set, still the Mount of Olives was flushed with thereflection of his dying beams, but Jehoshaphat at its feet was in deepshadow. He wandered among the mountains for some time, beholding Jerusalem froma hundred different points of view, and watching the single planets andclustering constellations that gradually burst into beauty, or gatheredinto light. At length, somewhat exhausted, he descended into the vale. The scanty rill of Siloah[45] looked like a thread of silver winding inthe moonlight. Some houseless wretches were slumbering under the archof its fountain. Several isolated tombs of considerable size[46] rose atthe base of Olivet, and the largest of these Alroy entered. Proceedingthrough a narrow passage, he entered a small square chamber. On eachside was an empty sarcophagus of granite, one with its lid broken. Between these the Prince of the Captivity laid his robe, and, wearied byhis ramble, soon soundly slept. After some hours he woke. He fancied that he had been wakened by thesound of voices. The chamber was not quite dark. A straggling moonbeamfought its way through an open fretwork pattern in the top of the tomb, and just revealed the dim interior. Suddenly a voice spoke, a strangeand singular voice. 'Brother, brother, the sounds of the night begin. ' Another voice answered, 'Brother, brother, I hear them, too. ' 'The woman in labour!' 'The thief at his craft!' 'The sentinel's challenge!' 'The murderer's step!' 'Oh! the merry sounds of the night!' 'Brother, brother, let us come forth and wander about the world. ' 'We have seen all things. I'll lie here and listen to the baying hound. 'Tis music for a tomb. ' 'Choice and rare. You are idle. I like to sport in the starry air. Ourhours are few, they should be fair. ' 'What shall we see, Heaven or Earth?' 'Hell for me, 'tis more amusing. ''As for me, I am sick of Hades. ' 'Let us visit Solomon!' 'In his unknownmetropolis?' 'That will be rare. ' 'But where, oh! where?' 'Even a spirit cannot tell. But they say, but they say, I dare notwhisper what they say. ' 'Who told you?' 'No one. I overheard an Afrite whispering to a female Ghoul he wanted toseduce. ' 'Hah! hah! hah! hah! choice pair, choice pair! We are more ethereal. ' 'She was a beauty in her way. Her eyes were luminous, though somewhatdank, and her cheek tinged with carnation caught from infant blood. ' 'Oh! gay; oh! gay; what said they?' 'He was a deserter without leave from Solomon's body-guard. The trullwriggled the secret out. ' 'Tell me, kind brother. ' 'I'll show, not tell. ' 'I pr'ythee tell me. ' 'Well, then, well. In Genthesma's gloomy cave there is a river none hasreached, and you must sail, and you must sail---- Brother!' 'Ay. ' 'Methinks I smell something too earthly. ' 'What's that?' 'The breath of man. ' 'Scent more fatal than the morning air! Away, away!' In the range of mountains that lead from Olivet to the river Jordan isthe great cavern of Genthesma, a mighty excavation formed by thecombined and immemorial work of Nature and of Art; for on the highbasaltic columns are cut strange characters and unearthly forms, [47] andin many places the natural ornaments have been completed by the hands ofthe sculptor into symmetrical entablatures and fanciful capitals, thework, they say, of captive Dives and conquered Afrites for the greatking. It was midnight; the cold full moon showered it brilliancy upon thisnarrow valley, shut in on all sides by black and barren mountains. Asingle being stood at the entrance of the cave. It was Alroy. Desperate and determined, after listening to the spiritsin the tomb, he resolved to penetrate the mysteries of Genthesma. Hetook from his girdle a flint and steel, with which he lighted a torchand then he entered. The cavern narrowed as he cautiously advanced, and soon he found himselfat the head of an evidently artificial gallery. A crowd of bats rushedforward and extinguished his torch [48] He leant down to relight it andin so doing observed that he had trod upon an artificial pavement. The gallery was of great extent, with a gradual declination [49] Beingin a straight line with the mouth of the cavern, the moonlit scene waslong visible, but Alroy, on looking round, now perceived that theexterior was shut out by the eminence that he had left behind him. Thesides of the gallery were covered with strange and sculptured forms. The Prince of the Captivity proceeded along this gallery for nearly twohours. A distant murmur of falling water, which might have beendistinguished nearly from the first, increased in sound as he advanced, and now, from the loud roar and dash at hand, he felt that he was on thebrink of some cataract. It as very dark. His heart trembled. He felthis footing ere he ventured to advance. The spray suddenly leapedforward and extinguished his torch. His eminent danger filled him with terror, and he receded some paces, but in vain endeavoured to reillumine his torch, which was soaked withwater. His courage deserted him. Energy and exertion seemed hopeless. He wasabout to deliver himself up to despair, when and expanding lustreattracted his attention in the opposing gloom. A small and bright red cloud seemed sailing towards him. It opened, discharged from its bosom as silvery star, and dissolved again intodarkness. But the star remained, the silvery star, and threw a long lineof tremulous light upon the vast and raging rapid, which now, fleet andfoaming, revealed itself on all sides to the eye of Alroy. The beautiful interposition in his favour re-animated the adventurouspilgrim. A dark shadow in the foreground, breaking the line of lightshed by the star upon the waters, attracted his attention. He advanced, regained his former footing, and more nearly examined it. It was a boat, and in the boat, mute and immovable, sat one of those vast, singular, and hidden forms which eh had observed sculptured on the walls of thegallery. David Alry, committing his fortunes to the God of Israel, leapt into theboat. And at the same moment the Afrite, for it was one of those dreadbeings, [50] raised the oars, and the barque moved. The falling waterssuddenly parted in the long line of the star's reflection, and thebarque glided through their high and severed masses. In this wise they proceeded for a few minutes, until they entered abeautiful and moonlit lake. In the distance was mountainous country. Alroy examined his companion with a feeling of curiosity not unmixedwith terror. It was remarkable that Alroy could never succeed in any wayin attracting his notice. The Afrite seemed totally unconscious of thepresence of his passenger. At length the boat reached the opposite shoreof the lake, and the Prince of the Captivity debarked. He debarked at the head of an avenue of colossal lions of redgranite, [51] extending far as the eye could reach, and ascending theside of the mountain, which was cut into a flight of magnificentsteps. The easy ascent was in consequence soon accomplished, and Alroy, proceeding along the avenue of lions, soon gained the summit of themountain. To his infinite astonishment he beheld Jerusalem. That strongly-markedlocality could not be mistaken: at his feet were Jehoshaphat, Kedron, Siloah; he stood upon Olivet; before him was Zion. But in all otherrespects, how different was the landscape from the one that he had gazedupon a few days back, for the first time! The surrounding hillssparkled with vineyards, and glowed with summer palaces, and voluptuouspavilions, and glorious gardens of pleasure. The city, extending allover Mount Sion, was encompassed with a wall of white marble, withbattlements of gold; a gorgeous mass of gates and pillars, and gardenedterraces; lofty piles of rarest materials, cedar, and ivory, andprecious stones; and costly columns of the richest workmanship and themost fanciful orders, capitals of the lotus and the palm, and flowingfriezes of the olive and the vine. And in the front a mighty Temple rose, with inspiration in its veryform; a Temple so vast, so sumptuous, that there needed no priest totell us that no human hand planned that sublime magnificence! 'God of my fathers!' said Alroy, 'I am a poor, weak thing, and my lifehas been a life of dreams and visions, and I have sometimes thought mybrain lacked a sufficient master; where am I? Do I sleep or live? Am I aslumberer or a ghost? This trial is too much. ' He sank down, and hidhis face in his hands: his over-exerted mind appeared to desert him: hewept. Many minutes elapsed before Alroy grew composed. His wild bursts ofweeping sank into sobs, and the sobs died off into sighs. And at length, calm from exhaustion, he again looked up, and lo! the glorious city wasno more! Before him was a moon-lit plain, over which the avenue oflions still advanced, and appeared to terminate only in the mountainousdistance. This limit the Prince of the Captivity at length reached, and stoodbefore a stupendous portal, cut out of the solid rock, four hundred feetin height, and supported by clusters of colossal Caryatides. [52] Uponthe portal were engraven some Hebrew characters, which upon examinationproved to be the same as those upon the talisman of Jabaster. And so, taking from his bosom that all-precious and long-cherished deposit, David Alroy, in obedience to his instructions, pressed the signetagainst the gigantic portal. The portal opened with a crash of thunder louder than an earthquake. Pale, panting, and staggering, the Prince of the Captivity entered anillimitable hall, illumined by pendulous balls of glowing metal. On eachside of the hall, sitting on golden thrones, was ranged a line of kings, and, as the pilgrim entered, the monarchs rose, and took off theirdiadems, and waved them thrice, and thrice repeated, in solemn chorus, 'All hail, Alroy! Hail to thee, brother king! Thy crown awaits thee!' The Prince of the Captivity stood trembling, with his eyes fixed uponthe ground, and leaning breathless against a column. And when at lengthhe had a little recovered himself, and dared again to look up, he foundthat the monarchs were re-seated; and, from their still and vacantvisages, apparently unconscious of his presence. And this emboldenedhim, and so, staring alternately at each side of the hall, but with afirm, perhaps desperate step, Alroy advanced. And he came to two thrones which were set apart from the others in themiddle of the hall. On one was seated a noble figure, far above thecommon stature, with arms folded and downcast eyes. His feet rested upona broken sword and a shivered sceptre, which told that he was a monarch, in spite of his discrowned head. And on the opposite throne was a venerable personage, with a longflowing beard, and dressed in white raiment. His countenancewas beautiful, although ancient. Age had stolen on without itsimperfections, and time had only invested it with a sweet dignity andsolemn grace. The countenance of the king was upraised with a seraphicgaze, and, as he thus looked up on high, with eyes full of love, andthanksgiving, and praise, his consecrated fingers seemed to touch thetrembling wires of a golden harp. And further on, and far above the rest, upon a throne that stretchedacross the hall, a most imperial presence straightway flashed upon thestartled vision of Alroy. Fifty steps of ivory, and each step guardedby golden lions, [53] led to a throne of jasper. A dazzling light blazedforth from the glittering diadem and radiant countenance of him who satupon the throne, one beautiful as a woman, but with the majesty of agod. And in one hand he held a seal, and in the other a sceptre. And when Alroy had reached the foot of the throne, he stopped, and hisheart misgave him. And he prayed for some minutes in silent devotion, and, without daring to look up, he mounted the first step of the throne, and the second, and the third, and so on, with slow and faltering feet, until he reached the forty-ninth step. The Prince of the Captivity raised his eyes. He stood before the monarchface to face. In vain Alroy attempted to attract his attention, or tofix his gaze. The large dark eyes, full of supernatural lustre, appearedcapable of piercing all things, and illuminating all things, but theyflashed on without shedding a ray upon Alroy. Pale as a spectre, the pilgrim, whose pilgrimage seemed now on the pointof completion, stood cold and trembling before the object of all hisdesires and all his labours. But he thought of his country, his people, and his God; and, while his noiseless lips breathed the name of Jehovah, solemnly he put forth his arm, and with a gentle firmness grasped theunresisting sceptre of his great ancestor. And, as he seized it, the whole scene vanished from his sight! Hours or years might have passed away, so far as the sufferer wasconcerned, when Alroy again returned to self-consciousness. His eyesslowly opened, he cast around a vacant stare, he was lying in the cavernof Genthesma. The moon had set, but the morn had not broken. A singlestar glittered over the brow of the black mountains. He faintly movedhis limbs; he would have raised his hand to his bewildered brain, butfound that it grasped a sceptre. The memory of the past returned to him. He tried to rise, and found that he was reposing in the arms of a humanbeing. He turned his head; he met the anxious gaze of Jabaster! CHAPTER VII. _Conquest of the Seljuks_ YOUR face is troubled, uncle. ' 'So is my mind. ' 'All may go well. ''Miriam, we have seen the best. Prepare yourself for sorrow, gentlegirl. I care not for myself, for I am old, and age makes heroes of usall. I have endured, and can endure more. As we approach our limit, itwould appear that our minds grow callous. I have seen my wealth, raisedwith the labours of a thoughtful life, vanish in a morn: my people, afragile remnant, nevertheless a people, dispersed, or what is worse. Ihave wept for them, although no tear of selfish grief has tinged thiswithered cheek. And, were I but alone, ay! there's the pang. The solaceof my days is now my sorrow. ' 'Weep not for me, dear uncle. Rather let us pray that our God will notforsake us. ' 'We know not when we are well. Our hours stole tranquilly along, andthen we murmured. Prospering, we murmured, and now we are rightlystricken. The legend of the past is Israel's bane. The past is a dream;and, in the waking present, we should discard the enervating shadow. Whyshould we be free? We murmured against captivity. This _is_ captivity:this damp, dim cell, where we are brought to die. 'O! youth, rash youth, thy being is destruction. But yesterday a child, it seems but yesterday I nursed him in these arms, a thoughtless child, and now our house has fallen by his deeds. I will not think of it;'twill make me mad. ' 'Uncle, dearest uncle, we have lived together, and we will die together, and both in love; but, I pray you, speak no harsh word of David. ' 'Shall I praise him?' 'Say nothing. What he has done, if done in grief, has been done all inhonour. Would you that he had spared Alschiroch?' 'Never! I would have struck him myself. Brave boy, he did his duty; andI, I, Miriam, thy uncle, at whom they wink behind his back and call himniggard, was I wanting in that hour of trial? Was my treasure spared tosave my people? Did I shrink from all the toil and trouble of that time?A trying time, my Miriam, but compared with this, the building of theTemple----' 'You were then what you have ever been, the best and wisest. And sinceour fathers' God did not forsake us, even in that wilderness of wildestwoe, I offer gratitude in present faith, and pay him for past mercies bymy prayers for more. ' 'Well, well, life must end. The hour approaches when we must meet ourrulers and mock trial; precious justice that begins in threats and endsin torture. You are silent, Miriam. ' 'I am speaking to my God. ' 'What is that noise? A figure moves behind the dusky grate. Our gaoler. No, no, it is Caleb! Faithful child, I fear you have perilled much. ' 'I enter with authority, my lord, and bear good tidings. ' 'He smiles! Is't possible? Speak on, speak on!' 'Alroy has captured the harem of our Governor, as they journeyed fromBagdad to this city, guarded by his choicest troops. And he has sent tooffer that they shall be exchanged for you and for your household. AndHassan has answered that his women shall owe their freedom to nothingbut his sword. But, in the meantime, it is agreed between him and themessenger of your nephew, that both companies of prisoners shall betreated with all becoming courtesy. You, therefore, are remanded toyour palace, and the trumpet is now sounding before the great mosqueto summon all the host against Alroy, whom Hassan has vowed to bring toHamadan dead or alive. ' 'The harem of the Governor, guarded too by his choicest troops! 'Tis agreat deed. He did remember us. Faithful boy! The harem of the Governor!his choicest troops! 'Tis a very great deed. Me-thinks the Lord is withhim. He has his great father's heart. Only think of David, a child! Inursed him, often. Caleb! Can this be David, our David, a child, a girl?Yet he struck Alschiroch! Miriam! where is she? Worthy Caleb, look toyour mistress; she has fallen. Quite gone! Fetch water. 'Tis not verypure, but we shall be in our palace soon. The harem of the Governor! Ican't believe it. Sprinkle, sprinkle. David take them prisoners! Why, when they pass, we are obliged to turn our heads, and dare not look. More water: I'll rub her hand. 'Tis warmer! Her eyes open! Miriam, choice news, my child! The harem of the Governor! I'll not believe it! 'Once more within our walls, Caleb. Life is a miracle. I feel youngagain. This is home; and yet I am a prisoner. You said the host wereassembling; he can have no chance. Think you, Caleb, he has any chance?I hope he will die. I would not have him taken. I fear their tortures. We will die too; we will all die. Now I am out of that dungeon, me-thinks I could even fight. Is it true that he has joined withrobbers?' 'I saw the messenger, and learnt that he first repaired to some banditsin the ruins in the desert. He had become acquainted with them in hispilgrimage. They say their leader is one of our people. ' 'I am glad of that. He can eat with him. I would not have him eatunclean things with the Ishmaelites. ' 'Lord, sir! our people gather to him from all quarters. 'Tis said thatJabaster, the great Cabalist, has joined him from the mountains with tenthousand men. ' 'The great Jabaster! then there is some chance. I know Jabaster well. Heis too wise to join a desperate cause. Art sure about Jabaster? 'Tisa great name, a very potent spirit. I have heard such things of thatJabaster, sir, would make you stare like Saul before the spirit! Onlythink of our David, Caleb, making all this noise! I am full of hope. Ifeel not like a prisoner. He beat the harem guard, and, now he has gotJabaster, he will beat them all. ' 'The messenger told me he captured the harem, only to free his uncle andhis sister. ' 'He ever loved me; I have done my duty to him; I think I have. Jabaster!why, man, the name is a spell I There are men at Bagdad who will get upin the night to join Jabaster. I hope David will follow his counselsin all things. I would I had seen his servant, I could have sent him amessage. ' 'Lord, sir! the Prince Alroy has no great need of counsellors, I cantell you. 'Tis said he bears the sceptre of great Solomon, which hehimself obtained in the unknown tombs of Palestine. ' 'The sceptre of Solomon! could I but believe it! 'Tis an age of wonders!Where are we? Call for Miriam, I'll tell her this. Only think of David, a mere child, our David with the sceptre of Solomon! and Jabaster too! Ihave great faith. The Lord confound his enemies!' 'Gentle Rachel, I fear I trouble you; sweet Beruna, I thank you for yourzeal. I am better now; the shock was great. These are strange tidings, maidens. ' 'Yes, dear lady! who would have thought of your brother turning out aCaptain?' 'I am sure I always thought he was the quietest person in the world, 'said Beruna, 'though he did kill Alschiroch. ' 'One could never get a word out of him, ' said Rachel. 'He was always moping alone, ' said Beruna. 'And when one spoke to him he always turned away, ' said Leah. 'Or blushed, ' added Imra. 'Well, for my part, ' said the beautiful Bathsheba, 'I always thoughtPrince David was a genius. He had such beautiful eyes!' 'I hope he will conquer Hassan, ' said Rachel. 'So do I, ' said Beruna. 'I wonder what he has done with the harem, ' said Leah. 'I don't think he will dare to speak to them, ' said Imra. 'You are very much mistaken, ' said Bathsheba. 'Hark!' said Miriam. ''Tis Hassan, ' said Bathsheba; 'may he never return!' The wild drum of the Seljuks sounded, then a flourish of their fiercetrumpets, and soon the tramp of horse. Behind the blinds of theirchamber, Miriam and her maidens beheld the magnificent troop oftur-baned horsemen, who, glittering with splendid armour and brightshawls, and proudly bounding on their fiery steeds, now went forth tocrush and conquer the only hope of Israel. Upon an Arab, darker thannight, rode the superb Hassan, and, as he passed the dwelling ofhis late prisoners, whether from the exulting anticipation of comingtriumph, or from a soft suspicion that, behind that lattice, brighteyes and brilliant faces were gazing on his state, the haughty buthandsome Seljuk flourished his scimitar over his head, as he threw hismanaged steed into attitudes that displayed the skill of its rider. 'He is handsomer than Alschiroch, ' said Rachel. 'What a shawl!' said Beruna. 'His scimitar was like lightning, ' said Leah. 'And his steed like thunder, ' said Imra. 'The evil eye fall on him!' said Bathsheba. 'Lord, ' exclaimed Miriam, 'remember David and all his afflictions!' The deserted city of the wilderness presented a very differentappearance from that which met the astonished gaze of Alroy, when hefirst beheld its noble turrets, and wandered in its silent streets ofpalaces. Without the gates was pitched a numerous camp of those low black tentscommon among the Kourds and Turkmans; the principal street was fullof busy groups engaged in all the preparations of warfare, and all thebustling expedients of an irregular and adventurous life; steeds werestalled in ruined chambers, and tall camels raised their still visagesamong the clustering columns, or crouched in kneeling tranquillity amidfallen statues and prostrate obelisks. Two months had scarcely elapsed since Alroy and Jabaster had soughtScherirah in his haunt, and announced to him their sacred mission. Thecallous heart of him, whose 'mother was a Jewess, ' had yielded to theirinspired annunciations. He embraced their cause with all the fervourof conversion, and his motley band were not long sceptical of a creedwhich, while it assuredly offered danger and adventure, held out theprospects of wealth and even empire. From the city of the wildernessthe new Messiah sent forth his messengers to the neighbouring cities, toannounce his advent to his brethren in captivity. The Hebrews, aproud and stiff-necked race, ever prone to rebellion, received theannouncement of their favourite prince with transport. The descendantof David, and the slayer of Alschiroch, had double claims upon theirconfidence and allegiance, and the flower of the Hebrew youth in theneighbouring cities of the Caliphate repaired in crowds to pay theirhomage to the recovered sceptre of Solomon. The affair was at first treated by the government with contempt, and thesultan of the Seljuks contented himself with setting a price upon thehead of the murderer of his brother; but, when several cities had beenplaced under contribution, and more than one Moslem caravan stopped, and plundered in the name of the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, orders were despatched from Bagdad to the new governor of Hamadan, Hassan Subah, to suppress the robbers, or the rebels, and to send DavidAlroy dead or alive to the capital. The Hebrew malcontents were well apprised by their less adventurousbut still sympathising brethren of everything that took place at thehead-quarters of the enemy. Spies arrived on the same day at the cityof the wilderness, who informed Alroy that his uncle was thrown intoa dungeon at Hamadan, and that a body of chosen troops were about toescort a royal harem from Bagdad into Persia. Alroy attacked the escort in person, utterly discomfited them, andcaptured their charge. It proved to be the harem of the Governor ofHamadan, and if for a moment the too sanguine fancy of the captorexperienced a passing pang of disappointment, the prize at leastobtained, as we have seen, the freedom and security of his dear thoughdistant friends. This exploit precipitated the expedition which waspreparing at Hamadan for his destruction. The enraged Hassan Subahstarted from his divan, seized his scimitar, and without waiting for theauxiliaries he had summoned from the neighbouring chieftains, called tohorse, and at the head of two thousand of the splendid Seljuk cavalry, hurried to vindicate his love and satiate his revenge. Within the amphitheatre which he first entered as a prisoner, Alroy satin council. On his right was Jabaster, Scherirah on his left. A youth, little his senior, but tall as a palm-tree, and strong as a young lion, was the fourth captain. In the distance, some standing, some reclining, were about fifty men completely armed. 'Are the people numbered, Abner?' inquired Alroy of the youth. 'Even so; three hundred effective horsemen, and two thousand footmen;but the footmen lack arms. ' 'The Lord will send them in good time, ' said Jabaster; 'meanwhile letthem continue to make javelins. ' 'Trust in the Lord, ' murmured Scherirah, bending his head, with his eyesfixed on the ground. A loud shout was heard throughout the city. Alroy started from hiscarpet. The messenger had returned. Pale and haggard, covered with sweatand sand, the faithful envoy was borne into the amphitheatre almost uponthe shoulders of the people. In vain the guard endeavoured to stem thepassage of the multitude. They clambered up the tiers of arches, they filled the void and crumbling seats of the antique circus, theysupported themselves upon each other's shoulders, they clung to thecapitals of the lofty columns. The whole multitude had assembled tohear the intelligence; the scene recalled the ancient purpose of thebuilding, and Alroy and his fellow-warriors seemed like the gladiatorsof some old spectacle. 'Speak, ' said Alroy, 'speak the worst. No news can be bitter to thosewhom the Lord will avenge. ' 'Ruler of Israel! thus saith Hassan Subah, ' answered the messenger: 'Myharem shall owe their freedom to nothing but my sword. I treat not withrebels, but I war not with age or woman; and between Bostenay and hishousehold on one side, and the prisoners of thy master on the other, letthere be peace. Go, tell Alroy, I will seal it in his best blood. Andlo! thy uncle and thy sister are again in their palace. ' Alroy placed his hand for a moment to his eyes, and then instantlyresuming his self-possession, he enquired as to the movements of theenemy. 'I have crossed the desert on a swift dromedary[54] lent to me byShelomi of the Gate, whose heart is with our cause. I have not tarried, neither have I slept. Ere to-morrow's sunset the Philistines will behere, led by Hassan Subah himself. The Lord of Hosts be with us! Sincewe conquered Canaan, Israel hath not struggled with such a power!' A murmur ran through the assembly. Men exchanged enquiring glances, andinvoluntarily pressed each other's arms. 'The trial has come, ' said a middle-aged Hebrew, who had fought twentyyears ago with Jabaster. 'Let me die for the Ark!' said a young enthusiast of the band of Abner. 'I thought we should get into a scrape, ' whispered Kisloch the Kourd toCalidas the Indian. 'What could have ever induced us to give up robbingin a quiet manner?' 'And turn Jews!' said the Guebre, with a sneer. 'Look at Scherirah, ' said the Negro, grinning. 'If he is not kissing thesceptre of Solomon!' 'I wish to heaven he had only hung Alroy the first time he met him, 'said Calidas. 'Sons of the Covenant!' exclaimed Alroy, 'the Lord hath delivered theminto our hands. To-morrow eve we march to Hamadan!' A cheer followed this exclamation. 'It is written, ' said Jabaster, opening a volume, '"Lo! I will defendthis city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David'ssake. " '"And it came to pass that night that the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians, an hundred four score and fivethousand; and when they arose early in the morning, behold! they wereall dead corpses. " 'Now, as I was gazing upon the stars this morn, and reading thecelestial alphabet known to the true Cabalist, [55] behold! the star ofthe house of David and seven other stars moved, and met together, andformed into a circle. And the word they formed was a mystery to me; butlo! I have opened the book, and each star is the initial letter of eachline of the Targum that I have now read to you. Therefore the fate ofSennacherib is the fate of Hassan Subah!' '_"Trust in him at all times, ye people; pour out your heart before him. "god is a refuge for us. Selah!_' At this moment a female form appeared on the very top of theamphitheatre, upon the slight remains of the upper most tier of whicha solitary arch alone was left. The chorus instantly died away, everytongue was silent, every eye fixed. Hushed, mute, and immovable, evenKisloch and his companions were appalled as they gazed upon Esther theProphetess. Her eminent position, her imposing action, the flashing of her immenseeyes, her beautiful but awful countenance, her black hair, that hungalmost to her knees, and the white light of the moon, just rising overthe opposite side of the amphitheatre, and which threw a silvery flashupon her form, and seemed to invest her with some miraculous emanation, while all beneath her was in deep gloom, -these circumstances combinedto render her an object of universal interest and attention, while in apowerful but high voice she thus addressed them: 'They come, they come! But will they go? Lo! hear ye this, O house ofJacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out ofthe waters of Judah! I hear their drum in the desert, and the voice oftheir trumpets is like the wind of eve, but a decree hath gone forth, and it says, that a mortal shall be more precious than fine gold, yea, aman than the rich ore of Ophir. 'They come, they come! But will they go? I see the flash of theirscimitars, I mark the prancing of their cruel steeds; but a decree hathgone forth, and it says, a gleaning shall be left among them, as inthe shaking of the olive-tree; two or three berries on the top of theuppermost bough; four or five on the straggling branches. 'They come, they come! But will they go? Lo! a decree hath gone forth, and it says, Hamadan shall be to thee for a spoil, and desolation shallfall upon Babylon. And there shall the wild beasts of the desert lodge, and howling monsters shall fill their houses, and there shall thedaughters of the ostrich dwell, and there shall the screech-owl pitchher tent, and there shall the night-raven lay her eggs, and there shallthe satyrs hold their revels. And wolves shall howl to one another intheir palaces, and dragons in their voluptuous pavilions. Her time isnear at hand; her days shall not be prolonged; the reed and the lotusshall wither in her rivers; and the meadows by her canals shall be asthe sands of the desert. For, is it a light thing that the Lord shouldsend his servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore thepreserved of Israel? Sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth, and breakforth into singing, O mountains, for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted!' She ceased; she descended the precipitous side of the amphitheatre withrapid steps, vaulting from tier to tier, and bounding with wonderfulagility from one mass of ruin to another. At length she reached thelevel; and then, foaming and panting, she rushed to Alroy, threw herselfupon the ground, embraced his feet, and wiped off the dust from hissandals with her hair. The assembly broke into long and loud acclamations of supernaturalconfidence and sanguine enthusiasm. They beheld their Messiah wave hismiraculous sceptre. They thought of Hassan Subah and his Seljuks onlyas of victims, and of to-morrow only as of a day which was to commence anew era of triumph, freedom, and empire! Hassan Subah after five days' forced marches pitched his sumptuouspavilion in that beautiful Oasis, which had afforded such delightfulrefreshment to Alroy when a solitary pilgrim. Around for nearly a mile, were the tents of his warriors, and of the numerous caravan that hadaccompanied him, laden with water and provisions for his troops. Here, while he reposed, he also sought information as to the position of hisenemy. A party of observation, which he had immediately despatched, returnedalmost instantly with a small caravan that had been recently plunderedby the robbers. The merchant, a venerable and pious Moslem, was usheredinto the presence of the Governor of Hamadan. 'From the robbers' haunt?' enquired Hassan. 'Unfortunately so, ' answered the merchant. 'Is it far?' 'A day's journey. ' 'And you quitted it?' 'Yesterday morn. ' 'What is their force?' The merchant hesitated. 'Do they not make prisoners?' enquired the Governor, casting ascrutinising glance at his companion. 'Holy Prophet! what a miserable wretch am I!' exclaimed the venerablemerchant, bursting into tears. 'A faithful subject of the Caliph, I amobliged to serve rebels, a devout Moslem, I am forced to aid Jews! Orderme to be hanged at once, my lord, ' continued the unfortunate merchant, wringing his hands. 'Order me to be hanged at once. I have lived longenough. ' 'What is all this?' enquired Hassan; 'speak, friend, without fear. ' 'I am a faithful subject of the Caliph, ' answered the merchant; 'I am adevout Moslem, but I have lost ten thousand dirhems. ' 'I am sorry for you, sir; I also have lost something, but my losses arenothing to you, nor yours to me. ' 'Accursed be the hour when these dogs tempted me! Tell me, is it sin tobreak faith with a Jew?' 'On the contrary, I could find you many reverend Mollahs, who will tellyou that such a breach is the highest virtue. Come! come, I see how itis: you have received your freedom on condition of not betraying yourmerciful plunderers. Promises exacted by terror are the bugbears offools. Speak, man, all you know. Where are they? What is their force?Are we supposed to be at hand?' 'I am a faithful subject of the Caliph, and I am bound to serve him, 'replied the merchant; 'I am a devout Moslem, and 'tis my duty to destroyall Giaours, but I am also a man, and I must look after my own interest. Noble Governor, the long and the short is, these scoundrels have robbedme of ten thousand dirhems, as my slaves will tell you: at least, goodsto that amount. No one can prove that they be worth less. It is truethat I include in that calculation the fifty per cent. I was to makeon my shawls at Hamadan, but still to me it is as good as ten thousanddirhems. Ask my slaves if such an assortment of shawls was ever yetbeheld. ' 'To the point, to the point. The robbers?' 'I am at the point. Theshawls is the point. For when I talked of the shawls and the heavinessof my loss, you must know that the captain of the robbers--' 'Alroy?' 'A fierce young gentleman, I do not know how they call him: said thecaptain to me, "Merchant, you look gloomy. " "Gloomy, " I said, "you wouldlook gloomy if you were a prisoner, and had lost ten thousand dirhems. ""What, is this trash worth ten thousand dirhems?" said he. "With thefifty per cent. I was to make at Hamadan. " "Fifty per cent. , " said he;"you are an old knave. " "Knave! I should like to hear any one call meknave at Bagdad. " "Well, knave or not, you may get out of this scrape. ""How?" "Why you are a respectable-looking man, " said he, "and are a goodMoslem into the bargain, I warrant. " "That I am, " said I, "although yoube a Jew: but how the faith is to serve me here I am sure I don'tknow, unless the angel Gabriel, as in the fifty-fifth verse of thetwenty-seventh chapter of the Koran----"' 'Tush, tush!' exclaimed Hassan; 'to the point. ' 'I always am at the point, only you put me out. However, to make itas short as possible, the captain knows all about your coming, and isfrightened out of his wits, although he did talk big; I could easily seethat. And he let me go, you see, with some of my slaves, and gave me anorder for five thousand dirhems on one Bostenay, of Hamadan (perhapsyou know him; is he a good man?), on condition that I would fall in withyou, and, Mohammed forgive me, tell you a lie!' 'A lie!' 'Yes, a lie; but these Jewish dogs do not understand what a trulyreligious man is, and when I began to tell the lie, I was soon putout. Now, noble Hassan, if a promise to a Jew be not binding on a truebeliever, and you will see me straight with the five thousand dirhems, Iwill betray everything at once. ' 'Be easy about the five thousand dirhems, good man, and tell me all. ' 'You will see me paid?' 'My honour upon it. ' ''Tis well! Know then, the infamous dogs are very weak, and terrifiedat the news of your progress: one, whom I think they call Jabaster, hasdeparted with the great majority of the people into the interior of thedesert, about seven hundred strong. I heard so; but mind, I do notknow it. The young man, whom you call Alroy, being wounded in a recentconflict, could not depart with them, but remains among the ruins withsome female prisoners, some treasure, and about a hundred companionshidden in sepulchres. He gave me my freedom on condition that I shouldfall in with you, and assure you that the dogs, full five thousandstrong, had given you the go-by in the night, and marched towardsHamadan. They wanted me to frighten you; it was a lie, and I could nottell it. And now you know the plain truth; and if it be a sin to breakfaith with an infidel, you are responsible for it, as well as for thefive thousand dirhems, which, by-the-bye, ought to have been ten. ' 'Where is your order?' ''Tis here, ' said the merchant, drawing it from his vest, 'a verybusiness-like document, drawn upon one Bostenay, whom they described asvery rich, and who is here enjoined to pay me five thousand dirhems, if, in consequence of my information, Hassan Subah, that is yourself, returnforthwith to Hamadan without attacking them. ' 'Old Bostenay's head shall answer for this. ' 'I am glad of it. But were I you, I would make him pay me first. ' 'Merchant, ' said Hassan, 'have you any objection to pay another visit toyour friend Alroy?' 'Allah forbid!' 'In my company?' 'That makes a difference. ' 'Be our guide. The dirhems shall be doubled. ' 'That will make up for the fifty per cent. I hardly like it; but in yourcompany that makes a difference. Lose no time. If you push on, Alroymust be captured. Now or never! The Jewish dogs, to rifle a truebeliever!' 'Oglu, ' said Hassan to one of his officers. 'To horse! You need notstrike the tents. Can we reach the city by sunset, merchant?' 'An hour before, if you be off at once. ' 'Sound the drums. To horse! tohorse!' The Seljuks halted before the walls of the deserted city. Theircommander ordered a detachment to enter and reconnoitre. They returnedand reported its apparent desolation. Hassan Subah, then directingthat a guard should surround the walls to prevent any of the enemy fromescaping, passed with his warriors through the vast portal into thesilent street. The still magnificence of the strange and splendid sceneinfluenced the temper even of this ferocious cavalry. They gazed aroundthem with awe and admiration. The fierceness of their visages wassoftened, the ardour of their impulse stilled. A supernatural feelingof repose stole over their senses. No one brandished his scimitar, thefiery courser seemed as subdued as his lord, and no sound was heard butthe melancholy, mechanical tramp of the disciplined march, unrelievedby martial music, inviolate by oath or jest, and unbroken even by theostentatious caracoling of any showy steed. It was sunset; the star of eve glittered over the white Ionian fane thatrose serene and delicate in the flashing and purple sky. 'This way, my lord!' said the merchant guide, turning round to HassanSubah, who, surrounded by his officers, led the van. The whole of thegreat way of the city was filled with the Seljukian warriors. Their ebonsteeds, their snowy turbans, adorned with plumes of the black eagle andthe red heron, their dazzling shawls, the blaze of their armour inthe sunset, and the long undulating perspective of beautiful forms andbrilliant colours, this regiment of heroes in a street of palaces. Warhad seldom afforded a more imposing or more picturesque spectacle. 'This way, my lord!' said the merchant, pointing to the narrow turningthat, at the foot of the temple, led through ruined streets to theamphitheatre. 'Halt!' exclaimed a wild shrill voice. Each warrior suddenly arrestedhis horse. 'Who spoke?' exclaimed Hassan Subah. 'I!' answered a voice. A female form stood in the portico of the temple, with uplifted arms. 'And who art thou?' enquired Hassan Subah, not a little disconcerted. 'Thine evil genius, Seljuk!' Hassan Subah, pale as his ivory battle-axe, did not answer; every manwithin hearing shuddered; still the dread woman remained immovablewithin the porch of the temple. 'Woman, witch, or goddess, ' at length exclaimed Hassan Subah, 'whatwouldst thou here?' 'Seljuk! behold this star. 'Tis a single drop of light, yet who evenof thy wild band can look upon it without awe? And yet thou worse thanSisera, thou comest to combat against those for whom even "the stars intheir courses fought. "' 'A Jewish witch!' exclaimed the Seljuk. 'A Jewish witch! Be it so; behold, then, my spell falls upon thee, andthat spell is Destruction. 'Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song; arise, Barak, andlead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam!' Immediately the sky appeared to darken, a cloud of arrows and javelinsbroke from all sides upon the çlevoted Seljuks: immense masses of stoneand marble were hurled from all directions, horses were stabbed byspears impelled by invisible hands, and riders fell to the groundwithout a struggle, and were trampled upon by their disordered andaffrighted brethren. 'We are betrayed, ' exclaimed Hassan Subah, hurling a javelin at themerchant, but the merchant was gone. The Seljuks raised their famous warcry. 'Oglu, regain the desert, ' ordered the chieftain. But no sooner had the guard without the walls heard the war cry oftheir companions, than, alarmed, for their safety, they rushed to theirassistance. The retreating forces of Subah, each instant diminishing asthey retreated, were baffled in their project by the very eagerness oftheir auxiliaries. The unwilling contention of the two parties increasedthe confusion; and when the Seljuks, recently arrived, having at lengthformed into some order, had regained the gate, they found to theirdismay that the portal was barricadoed and garrisoned by the enemy. Uninspired by the presence of their commander, who was in the rear, thepuzzled soldiers were seized with a panic, and spurring theirhorses, dispersed in all directions of the city. In vain Hassan Subahendeavoured to restore order. The moment was past. Dashing with aboutthirty men to an open ground, which his quick eye had observed in hisprogress down the street, and dealing destruction with every blow, thedreaded Governor of Hamadan, like a true soldier, awaited an inevitablefate, not wholly despairing that some chance might yet turn up toextricate him from his forlorn situation. And now, as it were by enchantment, wild armed men seemed to arise fromevery part of the city. From every mass of ruin, from every crumblingtemple and mouldering mansion, from every catacomb and cellar, frombehind every column and every obelisk, upstarted some desperate warriorwith a bloody weapon. The massacre of the Seljuks was universal. Thehorsemen dashed wildly about the ruined streets, pursued by crowds offootmen; sometimes, formed in small companies, the Seljuks charged andfought desperately; but, however stout might be their resistance to theopen foe, it was impossible to withstand their secret enemies. They hadno place of refuge, no power of gaining even a moment's breathing time. If they retreated to a wall it instantly bristled with spears; if theyendeavoured to form, in a court, they sank under the falling masseswhich were showered upon them. Strange shouts of denunciation blendedwith the harsh braying of horns, and the clang and clash of cymbals andtambours sounded in every quarter of the city. 'If we could only mount the walls, Ibrahim, and leap into the desert!'exclaimed Hassan Subah to one of his few remaining comrades; ''tis ouronly chance. We die here like dogs! Could I but meet Alroy!' Three of the Seljuks dashed swiftly across the open ground in front, followed by several Hebrew horsemen. 'Smite all, Abner. Spare none, remember Amalek, ' exclaimed theiryouthful leader, waving his bloody scimitar. 'They are down; one, two, there goes the third. My javelin has done forhim. ' 'Your horse bleeds freely. Where's Jabaster?' 'At the gates; my arm aches with slaughter. The Lord hath delivered theminto our hands. Could I but meet their chieftain!' 'Turn, bloodhound, he is here, ' exclaimed Hassan Subah. 'Away, Abner, this affair is mine. ' 'Prince, you have already slain your thousands. ' 'And Abner his tens of thousands. Is it so? This business is for meonly. Come on, Turk. ' 'Art thou Alroy?' 'The same. ' 'The slayer of Alschiroch?' 'Even so. ' 'A rebel and a murderer. ' 'What you please. Look to yourself. ' The Hebrew Prince flung a javelin at the Seljuk. It glanced from thebreastplate; but Hassan Subah staggered in his seat. Recovering, hecharged Alroy with great force. Their scimitars crossed, and the bladeof Hassan shivered. 'He who sold me that blade told me it was charmed, and could be brokenonly by a caliph, ' said Hassan Subah. 'He was a liar. ' 'As it may be, ' said Alroy, and he cut the Seljuk to the ground. Abnerhad dispersed his comrades. Alroy leaped from his fainting steed, and, mounting the ebon courser of his late enemy, dashed again into thethickest of the fight. The shades of night descended, the clamour gradually decreased, thestruggle died away. A few unhappy Moslemin who had quitted their saddlesand sought concealment among the ruins, were occasionally hunted out, and brought forward and massacred. Long ere midnight the last of theSeljuks had expired. [56] The moon shed a broad light upon the street of palaces crowded withthe accumulated slain and the living victors. Fires were lit, torchesillumined, the conquerors prepared the eager meal as they sang hymns ofpraise and thanksgiving. A procession approached. Esther the prophetess, clashing her cymbals, danced before the Messiah of Israel, who leant upon his victoriousscimitar, surrounded by Jabaster, Abner, Scherirah, and his chosenchieftains. Who could now doubt the validity of his mission? Thewide and silent desert rang with the acclamations of his enthusiasticvotaries. Heavily the anxious hours crept on in the Jewish quarter of Hamadan. Again and again the venerable Bostenay discussed the chances of successwith the sympathising but desponding elders. Miriam was buried inconstant prayer. Their most sanguine hopes did not extend beyond theescape of their Prince. A fortnight had elapsed, and no news had been received of the progressof the expedition, when suddenly, towards sunset, a sentinel on awatch-tower announced the appearance of an armed force in the distance. The walls were instantly lined with the anxious inhabitants, the streetsand squares filled with curious crowds. Exultation sat on the triumphantbrow of the Moslemin; a cold tremor stole over the fluttering heart ofthe Hebrew. 'There is but one God, ' said the captain of the gate. 'And Mahomed is His prophet, ' responded a sentinel. 'To-morrow we will cut off the noses of all these Jewish dogs. ' 'The sceptre has departed, ' exclaimed the despairing Bostenay. 'Lord, remember David!' whispered Miriam, as she threw herself upon thecourt of the palace, and buried her face in ashes. The Mollahs in solemn procession advanced to the ramparts, to shed theirbenediction on the victorious Hassan Subah. The Muezzin ascended theminarets to watch the setting sun, and proclaim the power of Allah withrenewed enthusiasm. 'I wonder if Alroy be dead or alive, ' said the captain of the gate. 'If he be alive, he will be impaled, ' responded a sentinel. 'If dead, the carcass will be given to the dogs, ' rejoined the captain;'that is the practice. ' 'Bostenay will be hung, ' said the sentinel. 'And his niece, too, ' answered the captain. 'Hem!' said the sentinel. 'Hassan Subah loves a black eye. ' 'I hope a true Moslem will not touch a Jewess, ' exclaimed an indignantblack eunuch. 'They approach. What a dust!' said the captain of the gate. 'I see Hassan Subah!' said the sentinel. 'So do I, ' said the eunuch, 'I know his black horse. ' 'I wonder how many dirhems old Bostenay is worth, ' said the captain. 'Immense!' said the sentinel. 'No plunder, I suppose?' said the eunuch. 'We shall see, ' said the captain; 'at any rate, I owe a thousand to oldShelomi. We need not pay now, you know. ' 'Certainly not, ' said the black eunuch. 'The rebels. ' A body of horsemen dashed forward. Their leader in advance reined in hisfiery charger beneath the walls. 'In the name of the Prophet, who is that?' exclaimed the captain of thegate, a little confused. 'I never saw him before, ' said the sentinel, 'although he is in theSeljuk dress. 'Tis some one from Bagdad, I guess. ' A trumpet sounded. 'Who keeps the gate?' called out the warrior. 'I am the captain of the gate, ' answered our friend. 'Open it, then, to the King of Israel. ' 'To whom?' enquired the astonished captain. 'To King David. The Lord hath delivered Hassan Subah and his host intoour hands, and of all the proud Seljuks none remaineth. Open thy gates, I say, and lose no time. I am Jabaster, a lieutenant of the Lord; thisscimitar is my commission. Open thy gates, and thou and thy people shallhave that mercy which they have never shown; but if thou delayest oneinstant, thus saith the King our master, "I will burst open your portal, and smite, and utterly destroy all that you have, and spare them not;but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, cameland ass. "' 'Call forth the venerable Lord Bostenay, ' said the captain of the gate, with chattering teeth. 'He will intercede for us. ' 'And the gentle Lady Miriam, ' said the sentinel. 'She is evercharitable. ' 'I will head the procession, ' said the black eunuch; 'I am accustomed towomen. ' The procession of Mollahs shuffled back to their college with profaneprecipitation; the sun set, and the astounded Muezzin stood with theirmouths open, and quite forgot to announce the power of their Deity, and the validity of their Prophet. The people all called out for thevenerable Lord Bostenay and the gentle Lady Miriam, and ran in crowds tosee who could first kiss the hem of their garments. The principal gate of Hamadan opened into the square of the greatmosque. Here the whole population of the city appeared assembled. Thegates were thrown open; Jabaster and his companions mounted guard. Theshort twilight died away, the shades of night descended. The minaretswere illumined, [57] the houses hung with garlands, the ramparts coveredwith tapestry and carpets. A clang of drums, trumpets, and cymbals announced the arrival of theHebrew army. The people shouted, the troops without responded with along cheer of triumph. Amid the blaze of torches, a youth waving hisscimitar, upon a coal-black steed, bounded into the city, at the headof his guards, the people fell upon their knees, and shouted 'Long liveAlroy!' A venerable man, leading a beauteous maiden with downcast eyes, advanced. They headed a deputation of the chief inhabitants of the city. They came to solicit mercy and protection. At the sight of them, theyouthful warrior leaped from his horse, flung away his scimitar, andclasping the maiden in his arms, exclaimed, 'Miriam, my sister, this, this indeed is triumph!' 'Drink, ' said Kisloch the Kourd to Calidas the Indian; 'you forget, comrade, we are no longer Moslemin. ' 'Wine, methinks, has a peculiarly pleasant flavour in a golden cup, 'said the Guebre. 'I got this little trifle to-day in the Bazaar, ' headded, holding up a magnificent vase studded with gems. 'I thought plunder was forbidden, ' grinned the Negro. 'So it is, ' replied the Guebre; 'but we may purchase what we please, upon credit. ' 'Well, for my part, I am a moderate man, ' exclaimed Calidas the Indian, 'and would not injure even these accursed dogs of Turks. I have not cutmy host's throat, but only turned him into my porter, and content myselfwith his harem, his baths, his fine horses, and other little trifles. ' 'What quarters we are in! There is nothing like a true Messiah!'exclaimed Kisloch, devoutly. 'Nothing, ' said Calidas; 'though to speak truth, I did not much believein the efficacy of Solomon's sceptre, till his Majesty clove the head ofthe valiant Seljuk with it. ' 'But now there's no doubt of it, ' said the Guebre. 'We should indeed be infidels if we doubted now, ' replied the Indian. 'How lucky, ' grinned the Negro, 'as I had no religion before, that Ihave now fixed upon the right one!' 'Most fortunate!' said the Guebre. 'What shall we do to amuse ourselvesto-night?' 'Let us go to the coffee-houses and make the Turks drink wine, ' saidCalidas the Indian. 'What say you to burning down a mosque?' said Kisloch the Kourd. 'I had great fun with some Dervishes this morning, ' said the Guebre. 'Imet one asking alms with a wire run through his cheek, [58] so I caughtanother, bored his nose, and tied them both together!' 'Hah! hah! hah!' burst the Negro. Asia resounded with the insurrection of the Jews, and the massacre ofthe Seljuks. Crowds of Hebrews, from the rich cities of Persia and thepopulous settlements on the Tigris and the Euphrates, hourly poured intoHamadan. The irritated Moslemin persecuted the brethren of the successful rebel, and this impolicy precipitated their flight. The wealth of Bagdadflowed into the Hebrew capital. Seated on the divan of Hassan Subah, andwielding the sceptre of Solomon, the King of Israel received the homageof his devoted subjects, and despatched his envoys to Syria and toEgypt. The well-stored magazines and arsenals of Hamadan soon convertedthe pilgrims into warriors. The city was unable to accommodate theincreased and increasing population. An extensive camp, under thecommand of Abner, was formed without the walls, where the troops weredaily disciplined, and where they were prepared for greater exploitsthan a skirmish in a desert. Within a month after the surrender of Hamadan, the congregation of thepeople assembled in the square of the great mosque, now converted into asynagogue. The multitude was disposed in ordered ranks, and the terraceof every house was crowded. In the centre of the square was an altar ofcedar and brass, and on each side stood a company of priests guardingthe victims, one young bullock, and two rams without blemish. Amid the flourish of trumpets, the gates of the synagogue opened, anddisplayed to the wondering eyes of the Hebrews a vast and variegatedpavilion planted in the court. The holy remnant, no longer forlorn, beheld that tabernacle of which they had so long dreamed, once moreshining in the sun, with its purple and scarlet hangings, its curtainsof rare skins, and its furniture of silver and gold. A procession of priests advanced, bearing, with staves of cedar, runthrough rings of gold, a gorgeous ark, the work of the most cunningartificers of Persia. Night and day had they laboured, under thedirection of Jabaster, to produce this wondrous spectacle. Once morethe children of Israel beheld the cherubim. They burst into a triumphanthymn of thanksgiving, and many drew their swords, and cried aloud to beled against the Canaanites. From the mysterious curtains of the tabernacle, Alroy came forward, leading Jabaster. They approached the altar. And Alroy took robes fromthe surrounding priests, and put them upon Jabaster, and a girdle, anda breastplate of jewels. And Alroy took a mitre, and placed it upon thehead of Jabaster, and upon the mitre he placed a crown; and pouring oilupon his head, the pupil anointed the master High Priest of Israel. The victims were slain, the sin-offering burnt. Amid clouds of incense, bursts of music, and the shouts of a devoted people; amid odour, andmelody, and enthusiasm, Alroy mounted his charger, and at the head oftwenty thousand men, departed to conquer Media. The extensive and important province of Aderbijan, of which Hamadan wasthe capital, was formed of the ancient Media. Its fate was decidedby one battle. On the plain of Nehauend, Alroy met the hastily-raisedlevies of the Atabek of Kermanshah, and entirely routed them. In thecourse of a month, every city of the province had acknowledged thesupremacy of the new Hebrew monarch, and, leaving Abner to complete theconquest of Louristan, Alroy entered Persia. The incredible and irresistible progress of Alroy roused Togrul, theTurkish Sultan of Persia, from the luxurious indolence of the palacesof Nishapur. He summoned his emirs to meet him at the imperial city ofRhey, and crush, by one overwhelming effort, the insolent rebel. Religion, valour, and genius, alike inspired the arms of Alroy, but hewas, doubtless, not a little assisted by the strong national sympathyof his singular and scattered people, which ever ensured him promptinformation of all the movements of his enemy. Without any preparation, he found agents in every court, and camp, and cabinet; and, by theirassistance, he anticipated the designs of his adversaries, and turnedeven their ingenuity to their confusion. The imperial city of Rhey wassurprised in the night, sacked, and burnt to the ground. The scaredand baffled emirs who escaped, flew to the Sultan Togrul, tearing theirbeards, and prophesying the approaching termination of the world. Thepalaces of Nishapur resounded with the imprecations of their master, who, cursing the Jewish dogs, and vowing a pilgrimage to Mecca, placedhimself at the head of a motley multitude of warriors, and rushed uponthe plains of Irak, to exterminate Alroy. The Persian force exceeded the Hebrew at least five times in number. Besides a large division of Seljuks, the Caucasus had poured forth itsstrange inhabitants to swell the ranks of the Faithful. The wild tribesof the Bactiari were even enlisted, with their fatal bows, and thesavage Turkmans, tempted by the sultan's gold, for a moment yieldedtheir liberty, and shook their tall lances in his ranks. But what is a wild Bactiari, and what is a savage Turkman, and whateven a disciplined and imperious Seljuk, to the warriors of the God ofAbraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob? At the first onset, Alroy succeeded individing the extended centre of Togrul, and separating the greater partof the Turks from their less disciplined comrades. At the head of hisMedian cavalry, the Messiah charged and utterly routed the warriors ofthe Caucasus. The wild tribes of the Bactiari discharged their arrowsand fled, and the savage Turkmans plundered the baggage of their owncommander. The Turks themselves fought desperately; but, deserted by their allies, and surrounded by an inspired foe, their efforts were unavailing, andtheir slaughter terrible. Togrul was slain while heading a desperate andfruitless charge, and, after his fall, the battle resembled a massacrerather than a combat. The plain was glotted with Seljuk gore. No quarterwas given or asked. Twenty thousand chosen troops fell on the sideof the Turks; the rest dispersed and gained the mountains. LeavingScherirah to restore order, Alroy the next morning pushed on to Nishapurat the head of three thousand horsemen, and summoned the city ere theinhabitants were apprised of the defeat and death of their sultan. Thecapital of Persia escaped the fate of Rhey by an inglorious treaty anda lavish tribute. The treasures of the Chosroes and the Gasnevideswere despatched to Hamadan, on which city day dawned, only to bringintelligence of a victory or a conquest. While Alroy dictated peace on his own terms in the palaces of Nishapur, Abner, having reduced Louristan, crossed the mountains, and enteredPersia with the reinforcements he had received from Jabaster. Leavingthe government and garrisoning of his new conquests to this valiantcaptain, Alroy, at the head of the conquerors of Persia, in consequenceof intelligence received from Hamadan, returned by forced marches tothat city. Leaving the army within a day's march of the capital, Alroy, accompaniedonly by his staff, entered Hamadan in the evening, and, immediatelyrepairing to the citadel, summoned Jabaster to council. The night waspassed by the king and the high priest in deep consultation. The nextmorning, a decree apprised the inhabitants of the return of theirmonarch, of the creation of the new 'Kingdom of the Medes and Persians, 'of which Hamadan was declared the capital, and Abner the viceroy, andof the intended and immediate invasion of Syria, and re-conquest of theLand of Promise. The plan of this expedition had been long matured, and the preparationsto effect it were considerably advanced. Jabaster had not been idleduring the absence of his pupil. One hundred thousand warriors were nowassembled[59] at the capital of the kingdom of the Medes and Persians;of these the greater part were Hebrews, but many Arabs, wearied of theTurkish yoke, and many gallant adventurers from the Caspian, easilyconverted from a vague idolatry to a religion of conquest, swelled theranks of the army of the Lord of Hosts. The plain of Hamadan was covered with tents, the streets were filledwith passing troops, the bazaars loaded with military stores; longcaravans of camels laden with supplies every day arrived fromthe neighbouring towns; each instant some high-capped Tatar withdespatches[60] rushed into the city and galloped his steed up the steepof the citadel. The clang of arms, the prance of horses, the flourishof warlike music, resounded from all quarters. The business and thetreasure of the world seemed, as it were in an instant, to have becomeconcentrated in Hamadan. Every man had some great object; gold glitteredin every hand. All great impulses were stirring; all the causes of humanenergy were in lively action. Every eye sparkled, every foot trod firmand fast. Each man acted as if the universal fate depended upon hisexertions; as if the universal will sympathised with his particulardesire. A vast population influenced by a high degree of excitement isthe most sublime of spectacles. The commander of the Faithful raised the standard of the Prophet on thebanks of the Tigris. It was the secret intelligence of this intendedevent that had recalled Alroy so suddenly from Persia. The latententhusiasm of the Moslemin was excited by the rare and mystic ceremony, and its effects were anticipated by previous and judicious preparations. The Seljuks of Bagdad alone amounted to fifty thousand men; the Sultanof Syria contributed the warriors who had conquered the Arabian princesof Damascus and Aleppo; while the ancient provinces of Asia Minor, whichformed the rich and powerful kingdom of Seljukian Roum, poured forth amyriad of that matchless cavalry, which had so often baffled the armiesof the Cćsars. Never had so imposing a force been collected on the banksof the Tigris since the reign of Haroun Alraschid. Each day some warlikeAtabek, at the head of his armed train, poured into the capital of thecaliphs, [61] or pitched his pavilion on the banks of the river; each daythe proud emir of some remote principality astonished or affrightedthe luxurious Babylonians by the strange or uncouth warriors that hadgathered round his standard in the deserts of Arabia, or on the shoresof the Euxine. For the space of twenty miles, the banks of the riverwere, on either side, far as the eye could reach, covered with thevariegated pavilions, the glittering standards, the flowing streamersand twinkling pennons of the mighty host, of which Malek, the GrandSultan of the Seljuks, and Governor of the Caliph's palace, was chiefcommander. Such was the power assembled on the plains of Asia to arrest theprogress of the Hebrew Prince, and to prevent the conquest of thememorable land promised to the faith of his fathers, and forfeited bytheir infidelity. Before the walls of Hamadan, Alroy reviewed the armyof Israel, sixty thousand heavy-armed footmen, thirty thousand archersand light troops, and twenty thousand cavalry. Besides these, there hadbeen formed a body of ten thousand picked horsemen, styled the 'SacredGuard, ' all of whom had served in the Persian campaign. In their centre, shrouded in a case of wrought gold, studded with carbuncles, and carriedon a lusty lance of cedar, a giant--for the height of Elnebar exceededthat of common men by three feet--bore the sceptre of Solomon. TheSacred Guard was commanded by Asriel, the brother of Abner. The army was formed into three divisions. All marched in solemn orderbefore the throne of Alroy, raised upon the ramparts, and drooped theirstandards and lances as they passed their heroic leader. Bostenay, andMiriam, and the whole population of the city witnessed the inspiringspectacle from the walls. That same eve, Scherirah, at the head of fortythousand men, pushed on towards Bagdad, by Kermanshah; and Jabaster, who commanded in his holy robes, and who had vowed not to lay aside hissword until the rebuilding of the temple, conducted his division overthe victorious plain of Nehauend. They were to concentrate at the passof Kerrund, which conducted into the province of Bagdad, and await thearrival of the king. At the dawn of day, the royal division and the Sacred Guard, the wholeunder the command of Asriel, quitted the capital. Alroy still lingered, and for some hours the warriors of his staff might have been observedlounging about the citadel, or practising their skill in throwing thejerreed as they exercised their impatient chargers before the gates. The king was with the Lady Miriam, walking in the garden of theiruncle. One arm was wound round her delicate waist, and with the otherhe clasped her soft and graceful hand. The heavy tears burst from herdowncast eyes, and stole along her pale and pensive cheek. They walkedin silence, the brother and the sister, before the purity of whosesurpassing love even ambition vanished. He opened the lattice gate. They entered into the valley small and green; before them was the marblefountain with its columns and cupola, and in the distance the charger ofAlroy and his single attendant. They stopped, and Alroy gathered flowers, and placed them in the hair ofMiriam. He would have softened the bitterness of parting with a smile. Gently he relaxed his embracing arm, almost insensibly he dropped herquivering hand. 'Sister of my soul, ' he whispered, 'when we last parted here, I was afugitive, and now I quit you a conqueror. ' She turned, she threw herself upon his neck, and buried her face in hisbreast. 'My Miriam, we shall meet at Bagdad. ' He beckoned to her distant maidens; they advanced, he delivered Miriaminto their arms. He pressed her hand to his lips, and, rushing to hishorse, mounted and disappeared. A body of irregular cavalry feebly defended the pass of Kerrund. Itwas carried, with slight loss, by the vanguard of Scherirah, and thefugitives prepared the host of the caliph for the approach of the Hebrewarmy. Upon the plain of the Tigris the enemy formed into battle array. Thecentre was commanded by Malek, the Grand Sultan of the Seljuks himself;the right wing, headed by the Sultan of Syria, was protected by theriver; and the left, under the Sultan of Roum, was posted upon theadvantageous position of some irregular and rising ground. Thus proudin the number, valour, discipline, and disposition of his forces, Malekawaited the conqueror of Persia. The glittering columns of the Hebrews might even now be perceiveddefiling from the mountains, and forming at the extremity of the plain. Before nightfall the camp of the invaders was pitched within hearing ofthat of Malek. The moving lights in the respective tents might plainlybe distinguished; and ever and anon the flourish of hostile music fellwith an ominous sound upon the ears of the opposed foe-men. A few milesonly separated those mighty hosts. Upon to-morrow depended, perhaps, thefortunes of ages. How awful is the eve of battle! Alroy, attended by a few chieftains, personally visited the tents ofthe soldiery, promising them on the morrow a triumph, before which thevictories of Nehauend and Nishapur would sink into insignificance. Theirfiery and excited visages proved at once their courage and theirfaith. The sceptre of Solomon was paraded throughout the camp in solemnprocession. On the summit of a huge tumulus, perhaps the sepulchreof some classic hero, Esther, the prophetess, surrounded by the chiefzealots of the host, poured forth her exciting inspirations. It was agrand picture, that beautiful wild girl, the groups of stern, devotedwarriors, the red flame of the watch-fires mixing with the silvershadows of the moon as they illumined the variegated turbans andgleaming armour of her votaries! In the pavilion of Alroy, Jabaster consulted with his pupil on theconduct of the morrow. 'This is a different scene from the cavern of the Caucasus, ' said Alroy, as the high priest rose to retire. 'It has one great resemblance, sire; the God of our fathers is with us. ' 'Ay! the Lord of Hosts. Moses was a great man. There is no career exceptconquest. ' 'You muse. ' 'Of the past. The present is prepared. Too much thought will mar it. ' 'The past is for wisdom, the present for action, but for joy the future. The feeling that the building of the temple is at hand, that the Lord'sanointed will once again live in the house of David, absorbs my spirit;and, when I muse over our coming glory, in my fond ecstasy I almost losethe gravity that doth beseem my sacred office. ' 'Jerusalem; I have seen it. How many hours to dawn?' 'Some three. ' ''Tis strange I could sleep. I remember, on the eve of battle I was everanxious. How is this, Jabaster?' 'Your faith, sire, is profound. ' 'Yes, I have no fear. My destiny is not complete. Good night, Jabaster. See, Asriel, valiant priest. Pharez!' 'My lord!' 'Rouse me at the second watch. Good night, boy. ' 'Good night, my lord. ' 'Pharez! Be sure you rouse me at the second watch. Think you it wantsthree hours to dawn?' 'About three hours, my lord. ' 'Well! at the second watch, remember; good night. ' 'It is the second watch, my lord. ' 'So soon! Have I slept? I feel fresh as an eagle. Call Scherirah, boy. ' ''Tis strange I never dream now. Before my flight my sleep was evertroubled. Say what they like, man is made for action. My life is nowharmonious, and sleep has now become what nature willed it, a solace, not a contest. Before, it was a struggle of dark passions and brightdreams, in whose creative fancy and fair vision my soul sought refugefrom the dreary bale of daily reality. 'I will withdraw the curtains of my tent. O most majestic vision! Andhave I raised this host? Over the wide plain, far as my eye can range, their snowy tents studding the purple landscape, embattled legionsgather round their flags to struggle for my fate. It is the agony ofAsia. 'A year ago, upon this very spot, I laid me down to die, an unknownthing, or known and recognised only to be despised, and now the sultansof the world come forth to meet me. I have no fear. My destiny is notcomplete. And whither tends it? Let that power decide which hitherto hasfashioned all my course. 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem! ever harping on Jerusalem. With all his lore, he is a narrow-minded zealot whose dreaming memory would fondly makea future like the past. O Bagdad, Bagdad, within thy glittering halls, there is a charm worth all his Cabala! 'Hah! Scherirah! The dawn is near at hand, the stars are still shining. The air is very pleasant. Tomorrow will be a great day, Scherirah, forIsrael and for you. You lead the attack. A moment in my tent, my braveScherirah!' The dawn broke; a strong column of the Hebrews, commanded by Scherirah, poured down upon the centre of the army of the caliph. Another column, commanded by Jabaster, attacked the left wing, headed by the Sultanof Roum. No sooner had Alroy perceived that the onset of Scherirah hadsucceeded in penetrating the centre of the Turks, than he placed himselfat the head of the Sacred Guard, and by an irresistible charge completedtheir disorder and confusion. The division of the Sultan of Syria, anda great part of the centre, were entirely routed and driven into theriver, and the remainder of the division of Malek was effectuallyseparated from his left wing. But while to Alroy the victory seemed already decided, a far differentfate awaited the division of Jabaster. The Sultan of Roum, posted inan extremely advantageous position, and commanding troops accustomed tothe discipline of the Romans of Constantinople, received the onset ofJabaster without yielding, and not only repelled his attack, but finallymade a charge which completely disordered and dispersed the column ofthe Hebrews. In vain Jabaster endeavoured to rally his troops, in vainhe performed prodigies of valour, in vain he himself struck down thestandard-bearer of the sultan, and once even penetrated to the pavilionof the monarch. His division was fairly routed. The eagerness of theSultan of Roum to effect the annihilation of his antagonists preventedhim from observing the forlorn condition of the Turkish centre. Had he, after routing the division of Jabaster, only attacked Alroy in the rear, the fortune of the day might have been widely different. As it was, theeagle eye of Alroy soon detected his inadvertence, and profited by hisindiscretion. Leaving Ithamar to keep the centre in check, he chargedthe Sultan of Roum with the Sacred Guard, and afforded Jabaster anopportunity of rallying some part of his forces. The Sultan of Roum, perceiving that the day was lost by the ill-conduct of his colleagues, withdrew his troops, retreated in haste, but in good order to Bagdad, carried off the caliph, his harem, and some of his treasure, andeffected his escape into Syria. In the meantime the discomfiture ofthe remaining Turkish army was complete. The Tigris was dyed with theirblood, and the towns through which the river flowed were apprised of thetriumph of Alroy by the floating corpses of his enemies. Thirty thousandTurks were slain in battle: among them the Sultans of Bagdad and Syria, and a vast number of atabeks, emirs, and chieftains. A whole division, finding themselves surrounded, surrendered on terms, and delivered uptheir arms. The camps and treasures of the three sultans were alikecaptured, and the troops that escaped so completely dispersed, that theydid not attempt to rally, but, disbanded and desperate, prowled over andplundered the adjoining provinces. The loss of the division of Jabasterwas also severe, but the rest of the army suffered little. Alroy himselfwas slightly wounded. The battle lasted barely three hours. Its resultswere immense. David Alroy was now master of the East. The plain was covered with the corpses of men and horses, arms andstandards, and prostrate tents. Returning from the pursuit of the Sultanof Roum, Alroy ordered the trumpets to sound to arms, and, coveredwith gore and dust, dismounted from his charger, and stood before thepavilion of Malek, leaning on his bloody scimitar, and surrounded by hisvictorious generals. 'Ah, Jabaster!' said the conqueror, giving his hand to the pontiff, ''twas well your troops had such a leader. No one but you could haverallied them. You must drill your lads a little before they again meet the Cappadociancavalry. Brave Scherirah, we shall not forget our charge. Asriel, tellthe guard, from me, that the victory of the Tigris was owing to theirscimitars. Ithamar, what are our freshest troops?' 'The legion of Aderbijan, sire. ' 'How strong can they muster?' 'It counts twelve thousand men: we might collect two-thirds. ' 'Valiant Ithamar, take the Aderbijans and a division of the guards, pushon towards Bagdad, and summon the city. If his Sultanship of Roum offerbattle, take up a position, and he shall quickly have his desire. Forthe present, after these hasty marches and sharp fighting, the troopsmust rest. I think he will not tarry. Summon the city, and say that ifany resistance be offered, I will make it as desolate as old Babylon. Treat with no armed force. Where is the soldier that saved me a crackedskull; his name Benaiah?' 'I wait your bidding, sire. ' 'You're a captain. Join the division of Ithamar, and win fresh laurelsere we meet again. Gentle Asriel, let your brother know our fortune. ' 'Sire, several Tartars have already been despatched to Hamadan. ' ''Tis well. Send another with these tablets to the Lady Miriam. Despatchthe pavilion of Malek as a trophy for the town. Elnebar, Goliath ofthe Hebrews, you bore our sacred standard like a hero! How fares theprophetess? I saw her charging in our ranks, waving a sabre with hersnowy arm, her long, dark hair streaming like a storm, from which hereyes flashed lightning. ' 'The king bleeds, ' said Jabaster. 'Slightly. It will do me service. I am somewhat feverish. A kingdomfor a draught of water! And now for our wounded friends. Asriel, do youmarshal the camp. It is the Sabbath eve. [62] Time presses. ' The dead were plundered, and thrown into the river, the encampment ofthe Hebrews completed. Alroy, with his principal officers, visited thewounded, and praised the valiant. The bustle which always succeeds avictory was increased in the present instance by the anxiety of the armyto observe with grateful strictness the impending Sabbath. When the sun set, the Sabbath was to commence. The undulating horizonrendered it difficult to ascertain the precise moment of the setting. The crimson orb sunk behind the purple mountains, the sky was flushedwith a rich and rosy glow. Then might be perceived the zealots, proud intheir Talmudical lore, holding a skein of white silk in their hands, and announcing the approach of the Sabbath by their observation ofits shifting tints. While the skein was yet golden, the forge of thearmourer still sounded, the fire of the cook still blazed, still thecavalry led their steeds to the river, and still the busy footmen bracedup their tents and hammered at their palisades. The skein of silk becamerosy, the armourer worked with renewed energy, the cook puffed withincreased zeal, the horsemen scampered from the river, the footmen castan anxious glance at the fading twilight. The skein of silk became blue; a dim, dull, sepulchral, leaden tingefell over its purity. The hum of gnats arose, the bat flew in circlingwhirls over the tents, horns sounded from all quarters, the sun had set, the Sabbath had commenced. 'The forge was mute, the fire extinguished, the prance of horses and the bustle of men in a moment ceased. A deep, asudden, an all-pervading stillness dropped over that mighty host. Itwas night; the sacred lamp of the Sabbath sparkled in every tent of thecamp, which vied in silence and in brilliancy with the mute and glowingheavens. Morn came; the warriors assembled around the altar and the sacrifice. The high priest and his attendant Levites proclaimed the unity and theomnipotence of the God of Israel, and the sympathetic responses of hisconquering and chosen people reechoed over the plain. They retiredagain to their tents, to listen to the expounding of the law; eventhe distance of a Sabbath walk was not to exceed that space whichlies between Jerusalem and the Mourft of Olives. This was the distancebetween the temple and the tabernacle; it had been nicely measured, andevery Hebrew who ventured forth from the camp this day might be observedcounting the steps of a Sabbath-day's journey. At length the sun againset, and on a sudden fires blazed, voices sounded, men stirred, inthe same enchanted and instantaneous manner that had characterised thestillness of the preceding eve. Shouts of laughter, bursts of music, announced the festivity of the coming night; supplies poured in from allthe neighbouring villages, and soon the pious conquerors commemoratedtheir late triumph in a round of banqueting. On the morrow, a Tatar arrived from Ithamar, informing Alroy that theSultan of Roum had retreated into Syria, that Bagdad was undefended, butthat he had acceded to the request of the inhabitants that a deputationshould wait upon Alroy before the troops entered the city, and hadgranted a safe conduct for their passage. On the morrow, messengers announced the approach of the deputation. Allthe troops were under arms. Alroy directed that the suppliants shouldbe conducted through the whole camp before they arrived at the royalpavilion, on each side of which the Sacred Guard was mustered in array. The curtains of his tent withdrawn displayed the conqueror himself, seated on a sumptuous divan. On his right hand stood Jabaster in hispriestly robes, on his left Scherirah. Behind him, the giant Elnebarsupported the sacred sceptre. A crowd of chieftains was ranged on eachside of the pavilion. Cymbals sounded, muffled kettle-drums, and the faint flourish oftrumpets; the commencement of the procession might be detected in thelong perspective of the tented avenue. First came a company of beauteousyouths, walking two by two, and strewing flowers; then a band ofmusicians in flowing robes of cloth of gold, plaintively sounding theirsilver trumpets. After these followed slaves of all climes, bearinga tribute of the most rare and costly productions of their countries:Negroes with tusks and teeth of the elephant, plumes of ostrichfeathers, and caskets of gold dust; Syrians with rich armour; Persianswith vases of atar-gul, and Indians with panniers of pearls of Ormuz, and soft shawls of Cachemire. Encircled by his children, each of whomheld alternately a white or fawn-coloured gazelle, an Arab clothed inhis blue bornouz, led by a thick cord of crimson silk a tall and tawnygiraffe. Fifty stout men succeeded two by two, carrying in company asilver shield laden with gold coin, or chased goblets studded with gems. The clash of cymbals announced the presence of the robes of honour, [63]culled from the wardrobe of the commander of the Faithful; the silk ofAleppo and the brocade of Damascus, lined with the furs of the sableand the ermine, down from the breast of the swan, and the skins of whitefoxes. After these followed two grey dromedaries, with furniture of silver, andmany caparisoned horses, each led by a groom in rich attire. The lastof these was a snow-white steed, upon whose front was the likeness of aruby star, a courser of the sacred stud of Solomon, and crossed only bythe descendants of the Prophet. The muffled kettle-drums heralded the company of black eunuchs, withtheir scarlet vests and ivory battle-axes. They surrounded and shroudedfrom the vulgar gaze fourteen beautiful Circassian girls, whosebrilliant visages and perfect forms were otherwise concealed by theirlong veils and ample drapery. The gorgeous procession, as they approached the conqueror, bowed humblyto Alroy, and formed in order on each side of the broad avenue. Thedeputation appeared; twelve of the principal citizens of Bagdad, withfolded arms, and downcast eyes, and disordered raiment. Meekly andmutely each touched the earth with his hand, and kissed it in token ofsubmission, and then, moving aside, made way for the chief envoy andorator of the company, Honain! Humbly, but gracefully, the physician of the caliph bowed before theconqueror of the East. His appearance and demeanour afforded a contrastto the aspect of his brother envoys; not less calm or contented hiscountenance, not less sumptuous or studied his attire, than when hefirst rescued Alroy in the bazaar of Bagdad from the grip of the falseAbdallah. He spoke, and every sound was hushed before the music of his voice. 'Conqueror of the world, that destiny with which it is in vain tostruggle has placed our lives and fortunes in your power. Your slavesoffer for your approbation specimens of their riches; not as tribute, for all is yours; but to show you the products of security and peace, and to induce you to believe that mercy may be a policy as profitableto the conqueror as to the conquered; that it may be better to preservethan to destroy; and wiser to enjoy than to extirpate. 'Fate ordained that we should be born the slaves of the caliph; thatsame fate has delivered his sceptre into your hands. We offer you thesame devotion that we yielded to him, and we entreat the same protectionwhich he granted to us. 'Whatever may be your decision, we must bow to your decree with thehumility that recognises superior force. Yet we are not without hope. We cannot forget that it is our good fortune not to be addressinga barbarous chieftain, unable to sympathise with the claims ofcivilisation, the creations of art, and the finer impulses of humanity. We acknowledge your irresistible power, but we dare to hope everythingfrom a prince whose genius all acknowledge and admire, who has sparedsome portion of his youth from the cares of government and the pursuitsof arms to the ennobling claims of learning, whose morality has beenmoulded by a pure and sublime faith, and who draws his lineage from asacred and celebrated race, the unrivalled antiquity of which even theProphet acknowledges. ' He ceased: a buzz of approbation sounded throughout the pavilion, whichwas hushed instantly as the lips of the conqueror moved. 'Noble emir, ' replied Alroy, 'return to Bagdad, and tell yourfellow-subjects that the King of Israel grants protection to theirpersons, and security to their property. ' 'And for their faith?' enquired the envoy, in a lower voice. 'Toleration, ' replied Alroy, turning to Jabaster. 'Until further regulations, ' added the high priest. 'Emir, ' said Alroy, 'the person of the caliph will be respected. ' 'May it please your highness, ' replied Honain, 'the Sultan of Roum hasretired with our late ruler. ' 'And his harem?' 'And his harem. ' 'It was needless. We war not with women. ' 'Men, as well as women, must acknowledge the gracious mercy of yourhighness. ' 'Benomi, ' said Alroy, addressing himself to a young officer of theguard, 'command the guard of honour that will attend this noble emir onhis return. We soldiers deal only in iron, sir, and cannot vie with themagnificence of Bagdad, yet wear this dagger for the donor's sake:' andAlroy held out to Honain a poniard flaming with gems. The Envoy of Bagdad advanced, took the dagger, pressed it to his lips, and placed it in his vest. [64] 'Scherirah, ' continued Alroy, 'this noble emir is your charge. Seethat a choice pavilion of the host be for his use, and that his traincomplain not of the rough customs of our camp. ' 'May it please your highness, ' replied Honain, 'I have fulfilled myoffice, and, with your gracious permission, would at once return. I havebusiness only less urgent than the present, because it concerns myself. ' 'As you will, noble emir. Benomi, to your post. Farewell, sir. ' The deputation advanced, bowed, and retired. Alroy turned to Jabaster. 'No common person that, Jabaster?' 'A very gracious Turk, sire. ' 'Think you he is a Turk?' 'By his dress. ' 'It may be so. Asriel, break up the camp. We'll march at once toBagdad. ' The chiefs dispersed to make the necessary arrangements for the march. The news that the army was immediately to advance to Bagdad sooncirculated throughout the camp, and excited the most lively enthusiasm. Every hand was at work, striking the tents, preparing the arms andhorses. Alroy retired to his pavilion. The curtains were drawn. He wasalone, and plunged in profound meditation. 'Alroy!' a voice sounded. He started, and looked up. Before him stood Esther the prophetess. 'Esther! is it thou?' 'Alroy! enter not into Babylon. ' 'Indeed. ' 'As I live, the Lord hath spoken it. Enter not into Babylon. ' 'Not enjoy my fairest conquest, maiden?' 'Enter not into Babylon. ' 'What affrights thee?' 'Enter not into Babylon. ' 'I shall surely change the fortunes of my life without a cause. ' 'The Lord hath spoken. Is not that a cause?' 'I am the Lord's anointed. His warning has not reached me. ' 'Now it reaches thee. Doth the king despise the prophetess of the Lord?It is the sin of Ahab. ' 'Despise thee! Despise the mouth that is the herald of my victories!'Twere rank blasphemy. Prophesy triumph, Esther, and Alroy will neverdoubt thy inspiration. ' 'He doubts it now. I see he doubts it now. O my king, I say again, enternot into Babylon. ' 'Beauteous maiden, those eyes flash lightning. Who can behold their wildand liquid glance, and doubt that Esther is inspired! Be calm, sweetgirl, some dream disturbs thy fancy. ' 'Alroy, Alroy, enter not into Babylon!' 'I have no fear, I bear a charmed life. ' 'Ah me! he will not listen. ' All is lost!' 'All is gained, my beautiful. ' 'I would we were upon the Holy Mount, and gazing on the stars of sacredZion. ' 'Esther, ' said Alroy, advancing, and gently taking her hand, 'thecapital of the East will soon unfold its marvels to thy sight. Preparethyself for wonders. Girl, we are no longer in the desert. Forget thyfitful fancies. Come, choose a husband from my generals, child, and Iwill give a kingdom for thy dower. I would gladly see a crown upon thatimperial brow. It well deserves one. ' The prophetess turned her dark eyes full upon Alroy. What passed in hermind was neither evident nor expressed. She gazed intently upon the calmand inscrutable countenance of the conqueror, then flung away his hand, and rushed out of the pavilion. CHAPTER VIII. _Bagdad and the Princess_ THE waving of banners, the flourish of trumpets, the neighing of steeds, and the glitter of spears! On the distant horizon they gleam like themorning, when the gloom of the night shivers bright into day. Hark!the tramp of the foemen, like the tide of the ocean, flows onward andonward, and conquers the shore. From the brow of the mountain, like therush of a river, the column defiling melts into the plain. Warriors of Judah! holy men that battle for the Lord! The land whereinyour fathers wept, and touched their plaintive psalteries; the haughtycity where your sires bewailed their cold and distant hearths; yoursteeds are prancing on its plain, and you shall fill its palaces. Warriors of Judah! holy men that battle for the Lord! March, onward march, ye valiant tribes, the hour has come, the hour hascome! All the promises of ages, all the signs of sacred sages, meet inthis ravishing hour. Where is now the oppressor's chariot, where yourtyrant's purple robe? The horse and the rider are both overthrown, thehorse and the rider are both overthrown! Rise, Rachel, from thy wilderness, arise, and weep no more. No more thylonely palm-tree's shade need shroud thy secret sorrowing. The Lordhath heard the widow's sigh, the Lord hath stilled the widow's tear. Becomforted, be comforted, thy children live again! Yes! yes! upon the bounding plain fleet Asriel glances like a star, andstout Scherirah shakes his spear by stern Jabaster's scimitar. And He isthere, the chosen one, hymned by prophetic harps, whose life is like themorning dew on Zion's holy hill: the chosen one, the chosen one, thatleads his race to victory; warriors of Judah! holy men that battle forthe Lord! They come, they come, they come! The ramparts of the city were crowded with the inhabitants, the riversparkled with ten thousand boats, the bazaars were shut, the streetslined with the populace, and the terrace of every house covered withspectators. In the morning, Ithamar had entered with his division andgarrisoned the city. And now the vanguard of the Hebrew army, afterhaving been long distinguished in the distance, approached the walls. Alarge body of cavalry dashed forward at full speed from the mainforce. Upon a milk-white charger, and followed by a glittering train ofwarriors, amid the shouts of the vast multitude, Alroy galloped up tothe gates. He was received by Ithamar and the members of the deputation, but Honainwas not there. Accompanied by his staff and a strong detachment of theSacred Guard, Alroy was conducted through the principal thoroughfaresof the city, until he arrived at the chief entrance of the serail, or palace, of the caliph. The vast portal conducted him into a largequadrangular court, where he dismounted, and where he was welcomed bythe captain of the eunuch guard. Accompanied by his principal generalsand his immediate attendants, Alroy was then ushered through a suite ofapartments which reminded him of his visit with Honain, until he arrivedat the grand council-chamber of the caliphs. The conqueror threw himself upon the gorgeous divan of the commander ofthe Faithful. 'An easy seat after a long march, ' said Alroy, as he touched with hislips the coffee, which the chief of the eunuchs presented to him in acup of transparent pink porcelain, studded with pearls. [65] 'Itha-mar, now for your report. What is the temper of the city? Where is hisSultanship of Roum?' 'The city, sire, is calm, and I believe content. The sultan and thecaliph are still hovering on the borders of the province. ' 'So I supposed. Scherirah will settle that. Let the troops be encampedwithout the walls, the garrison, ten thousand strong, must be changedmonthly. Ithamar, you are governor of the city: Asriel commands theforces. Worthy Jabaster, draw up a report of the civil affairs ofthe capital. Your quarters are the College of the Dervishes. BraveScherirah, I cannot afford you a long rest. In three days you must havecrossed the river with your division. It will be quick work. I foreseethat they will not fight. Meet me all here in council by to-morrow'snoon. Farewell. ' The chieftains retired, the high priest lingered. 'Were it not an intrusion, sire, I would fain entreat a moment'saudience. ' 'My own Jabaster, you have but to speak. ' 'Sire, I would speak of Abidan, as valiant a warrior as any in thehost. It grieves me much, that by some fatality, his services seem everoverlooked. ' 'Abidan! I know him well, a valiant man, but a dreamer, a dreamer. ' 'A dreamer, sire! Believe me, a true son of Israel, and one whose faithis deep. ' 'Good Jabaster, we are all true sons of Israel. Yet let me havemen about me who see no visions in a mid-day sun. We must beware ofdreamers. ' 'Dreams are the oracles of God. ' 'When God sends them. Very true, Jabaster. But this Abidan and thecompany with whom he consorts are filled with high-flown notions, caught from old traditions, which, if acted on, would render governmentimpracticable; in a word, they are dangerous men. ' 'The very flower of Israel! Some one has poisoned your sacred earagainst them. ' 'No one, worthy Jabaster. I have no counsellor except yourself. They maybe the flower of Israel, but they are not the fruit. Good warriors, badsubjects: excellent means, by which we may accomplish greater ends. I'll have no dreamers in authority. I must have practical men aboutme, practical men. See how Abner, Asriel, Ithamar, Medad, see how theseconform to what surrounds them, yet invincible captains, invinciblecaptains. But then they are practical men, Jabaster; they have eyesand use them. They know the difference of times and seasons. But thisAbidan, he has no other thought but the rebuilding of the temple: anarrow-souled bigot, who would sacrifice the essence to the form. Therising temple soon would fall again with such constructors. Why, sir, what think you, this same Abidan preached in the camp against my entryinto what the quaint fanatic chooses to call "Babylon, " because he hadseen what he calls a vision. ' 'There was a time your Majesty thought not so ill of visions. ' 'Am I Abidan, sir? Are other men to mould their conduct or theirthoughts by me? In this world I stand alone, a being of a differentorder from yourselves, incomprehensible even to you. Let this mattercease. I'll hear no more and have heard too much. To-morrow at council. ' The high priest withdrew in silence. 'He is gone; at length I am alone. I cannot bear the presence of thesemen, except in action. Their words, even their looks, disturb the stillcreation of my brooding thought. I am once more alone, and lonelinesshath been the cradle of my empire. Now I do feel inspired. There needsno mummery now to work a marvel. 'The sceptre of Solomon! It may be so. What then? Here's now the sceptreof Alroy. What's that without his mind? The legend said that none shouldfree our people but he who bore the sceptre of great Solomon. The legendknew that none could gain that sceptre, but with a mind to whose supremevolition the fortunes of the world would bow like fate. I gained it; Iconfronted the spectre monarchs in their sepulchre; and the same handthat grasped their shadowy rule hath seized the diadem of the mightycaliphs by the broad rushing of their imperial river. 'The world is mine: and shall I yield the prize, the universal andheroic prize, to realise the dull tradition of some dreaming priest, and consecrate a legend? He conquered Asia, and he built the temple. Arethese my annals? Shall this quick blaze of empire sink to a glimmeringand a twilight sway over some petty province, the decent patriarch of apastoral horde? Is the Lord of Hosts so slight a God, that we must placea barrier to His sovereignty, and fix the boundaries of Omnipotencebetween the Jordan and the Lebanon? It is not thus written; and were itso, I'll pit my inspiration against the prescience of my ancestors. I also am a prophet, and Bagdad shall be my Zion. The daughter ofthe Voice! Well, I am clearly summoned. I am the Lord's servant, notJabaster's. Let me make His worship universal as His power; and where'sthe priest shall dare impugn my faith, because His altars smoke on otherhills than those of Judah? 'I must see Honain. That man has a great mind. He alone can comprehendmy purpose. Universal empire must not be founded on sectarian prejudicesand exclusive rights. Jabaster would massacre the Moslemin like Amalek;the Moslemin, the vast majority, and most valuable portion, of mysubjects. He would depopulate my empire, that it might not be said thatIshmael shared the heritage of Israel. Fanatic! I'll send him to conquerJudah. We must conciliate. Something must be done to bind the conqueredto our conquering fortunes. That bold Sultan of Roum: I wish Abner hadopposed him. To run off with the harem! I have half a mind to placemyself at the head of the pursuing force, and---- Passion and policyalike combine: and yet Honain is the man; I might send him on a mission. Could we make terms? I detest treaties. My fancy flies from all othertopics. I must see him. Could I but tell him all I think! This door, whither leads it? Hah! methinks I do remember yon glittering gallery!No one in attendance. The discipline of our palace is somewhat lax. My warriors are no courtiers. What an admirable marshal of the palaceHonain would make! Silence everywhere. So! 'tis well. These saloons Ihave clearly passed through before. Could I but reach the private portalby the river side, unseen or undetected! 'Tis not impossible. Here aremany dresses. I will disguise myself. Trusty scimitar, thou hast donethy duty, rest awhile. 'Tis lucky I am beardless. I shall make a capitaleunuch. So! a handsome robe. One dagger for a pinch, slippers powderedwith pearls, 66 a caftan of cloth of gold, a Cachemire girdle, and apelisse of sables. One glance at the mirror. Good! I begin to look likethe conqueror of the world!' It was twilight: a small and solitary boat, with a single rower, glidedalong the Tigris, and stopped at the archway of a house that descendedinto the river. It stopped, the boatman withdrew the curtains, and hissingle passenger disembarked, and ascended the stairs of the archway. The stranger reached the landing-place, and unfastening a golden grate, proceeded along a gallery, and entered a beautiful saloon of white andgreen marble, opening into gardens. No one was in the apartment; thestranger threw himself upon a silver couch, placed at the side ofa fountain that rose from the centre of the chamber and fell into aporphyry basin. A soft whisper roused the stranger from his reverie, asoft whisper that faintly uttered the word 'Honain. ' The stranger lookedup, a figure, enveloped in a veil, that touched the ground, advancedfrom the gardens. 'Honain!' said the advancing figure, throwing off the veil. 'Honain! Ah!the beautiful mute returned!' A woman more lovely than the rosy morn, beheld an unexpected guest. Theystood, the lady and the stranger, gazing on each other in silence. A man, with a light, entered the extremity of the hall. Carefullyhe closed the portal, slowly he advanced, with a subdued step; heapproached the lady and the stranger. 'Alroy!' said the astonished Honain, the light fell from his hand. 'Alroy!' exclaimed the lady, with a bewildered air: she turned pale, andleant against a column. 'Daughter of the caliph!' said the leader of Israel; and he advanced, and fell upon his knee, and stole her passive hand. 'I am indeed thatAlroy to whom destiny has delivered the empire of thy sire; but thePrincess Schirene can have nothing to fear from one who values aboveall his victories this memorial of her goodwill;' and he took from hisbreast a rosary of pearls and emeralds, and, rising slowly, left it inher trembling hand. The princess turned and hid her face in her arm, which reclined againstthe column. 'My kind Honain, ' said Alroy, 'you thought me forgetful of the past; youthought me ungrateful. My presence here proves that I am not so. I cometo enquire all your wishes. I come to gratify and to fulfil them, ifthat be in my power. ' 'Sire, ' replied Honain, who had recovered from the emotion in whichhe rarely indulged, and from the surprise which seldom entrapped him, 'Sire, my wishes are slight. You see before you the daughter of mymaster. An interview, for which I fear I shall not easily gain thatlady's pardon, has made you somewhat acquainted with her situation andher sentiments. The Princess Schirene seized the opportunity of thelate convulsions to escape from a mode of life long repugnant to allher feelings, and from a destiny at which she trembled. I was her onlycounsellor, and she may feel assured, a faithful, although perhaps anindiscreet one. The irresistible solicitation of the inhabitants that Ishould become their deputy to their conqueror prevented us from escapingas we had intended. Since then, from the movement of the troops, I havedeemed it more prudent that we should remain at present here, althoughI have circulated the intelligence of my departure. In the kiosk of mygarden, the princess is now a willing prisoner. At twilight shesteals forth for the poor relaxation of my society, to listen to theintelligence which I acquire during the day in disguise. The history, sire, is short and simple. We are in your power: but instead ofdeprecating your interference, I now solicit your protection. ' 'Dear Honain, 'tis needless. The Princess Schirene has only to expressa wish that it may be fulfilled. I came to speak with you on weightymatters, Honain, but I retire, for I am an intruder now. Tomorrow, ifit please you, at this hour, and in this disguise, I will again repairhither. In the meantime, this lady may perchance express to you herwishes, and you will bear them to me. If an escort to any country, ifany palace or province for her rule and residence---- But I will notoffer to one who should command. Lady! farewell. Pardon the past!Tomorrow, good Honain! prythee let us meet. Good even!' 'The royal brow was clouded, ' said Ithamar to Asriel, as, departing fromthe council, they entered their magnificent barque. 'With thought; he has so much upon his mind, 'tis wondrous how he bearshimself. ' 'I have seen him gay on the eve of battle, and lively though calm, withweightier matters than now oppress him. His brow was clouded, but not, me-thinks, with _thought_; one might rather say with _temper_. Mark you, how he rated Jabaster?' 'Roundly! The stern priest writhed under it; and as he signed theordinance, shivered his reed in rage. I never saw a man more pale. ' 'Or more silent. He looked like an embodied storm. I tell you what, Asriel, that stern priest loves not us. ' 'Have you just discovered that secret, Ithamar? We are not of hisschool. Nor, in good faith, is our ruler. I am glad to see the king isso staunch about Abidan. Were he in council he would support Jabaster. ' 'Oh! his mere tool. What think you of Scherirah?' 'I would not trust him. As long as there is fighting, he will meddlewith nothing else; but, mark my words, Ithamar: in quiet times he willsupport the priest. ' 'Medad will have a place in council. He is with us. ' 'Heart and soul. I would your brother were here, Asriel: he alone couldbalance Jabaster. Alroy loves your brother like himself. Is it true thathe marries the Lady Miriam?' 'So the king wishes. 'Twill be a fine match for Abner. ' 'The world is all before us. I wonder who will be viceroy of Syria. ' 'When we conquer it. Not Scherirah. Mark my words, Ithamar: he neverwill have a government. You or I perchance. For my own part, I wouldrather remain as I am. ' 'Yours is a good post; the best. ' 'With the command of the city. It should go with the guard. ' 'Well, then, help me in getting Syria, and you can ask for my command. ' 'Agreed. Jabaster will have it that, in a Hebrew monarchy, the chiefpriest is in fact the grand vizir. ' 'Alroy will be his own minister. ' 'I am not so sure of that. He may choose to command the Syrianexpedition in person; he must leave some head at Bagdad. Jabaster is nogeneral. ' 'Oh! none at all. Alroy will be glad to leave him at home. The Sultan ofRoum may not be always so merciful. ' 'Hah! hah! that was an escape!' 'By heavens! I thought it was all over. You made a fine charge. ' 'I shall never forget it. I nearly ran over Jabaster. ' 'Would that you had!' It is the tender twilight hour when maidens in their lonely bower sighsofter than the eve! The languid rose her head upraises, and listens tothe nightingale, while his wild and thrilling praises from his tremblingbosom gush: the languid rose her head upraises, and listens with ablush. In the clear and rosy air, sparkling with a single star, the sharpand spiry cypress-tree rises like a gloomy thought, amid the flowof revelry. A singing bird, a single star, a solemn tree, an odorousflower, are dangerous in the tender hour, when maidens in their twilightbower sigh softer than the eve! The daughter of the caliph comes forth to breathe the air: her lute heronly company. She sits her down by a fountain's side, and gazes on thewaterfall. Her cheek reclines upon her arm, like fruit upon a gracefulbough. Very pensive is the face of that bright and beauteous lady. Shestarts; a warm voluptuous lip presses her soft and idle hand. It is herown gazelle. With his large and lustrous eyes, more eloquent than manya tongue, the fond attendant mutely asks the cause of all herthoughtfulness. 'Ah! bright gazelle! Ah! bright gazelle!' the princess cried, theprincess cried; 'thy lips are softer than the swan, thy lips are softerthan the swan; but his breathed passion when they pressed, my brightgazelle! my bright gazelle! 'Ah! bright gazelle! Ah! bright gazelle!' the princess cried, theprincess cried; 'thine eyes are like the stars of night, thine eyes arelike the stars of night; but his glanced passion when they gazed, mybright gazelle! my bright gazelle!' She seized her lute, she wildly threw her fingers o'er its thrillingstrings, and, gazing on the rosy sky, to borrow all its poetry, thus, thus she sang--thus, thus she sang: He rose in beauty like the morn That brightens in bur Syrian skies; Dark passion glittered in his eyes, And Empire sparkled in his form! My soul! thou art the dusky earth, On which his sunlight fell; The dusky earth, that dim no longer, Now breathes with light, now beams with love! He rose in beauty, like the morn That brightens in our Syrian skies; Dark passion glittered in his eyes, And Empire sparkled in his form! [Illustration: page174] 'Once more, once more! Ah! sing that strain once more!' The princess started and looked round. Before her stood Alroy. She rose, she would have retired; but, advancing, the conqueror stole her hand. 'Fair princess, ' said Alroy, 'let it not be said that my presencebanished at once beauty and music. ' 'Sire, I doubt not that Honain awaits you. Let me summon him. ' 'Lady, it is not with Honain that I would speak. ' He seated himself by her side. His countenance was pale, his hearttrembled. 'This garden, ' at length he observed in a low voice, 'this garden, abrief, brief space has glided away since first I wandered within itsbeauteous limits, and yet those days seem like the distant memory ofanother life. ' 'It is another life, ' said the princess. 'Ourselves, the world, allforms and usages, all feelings and all habits, verily they have changed, as if we had breathed within another sphere. ' ''Tis a great change. ' 'Since first you visited my bright kiosk. Pretty bauble! I pray it maybe spared. ' 'It is sacred, like yourself. ' 'You are a courteous conqueror. ' 'I am no conqueror, fair Schirene, but a slave more lowly than when Ifirst bowed humbly in your presence. ' 'And bore away a token not forgotten. Your rosary is here. ' 'Let me claim it. It has been my consolation in much peril, beauteouslady. On the eve of battle I wound it round my heart. ' She held forth the rosary, and turned away her head. Her hand remainedin his; he pressed it to his lips. His right arm retained her hand; hewound the other round her waist, as he fell upon his knee. 'O beautiful! O more than beautiful! for thou to me art like a dreamunbroken, ' exclaimed the young leader of Israel, 'let me, let me breathemy adoration. I offer thee not empire: I offer thee not wealth; I offerthee not all the boundless gratification of magnificent fancy, --thesemay be thine, but all these thou hast proved; but, if the passionateaffections of a spirit which never has yielded to the power of woman orthe might of man, if the deep devotion of the soul of Alroy, be deemedan offering meet for the shrine of thy surpassing loveliness, I worshipthee, Schirene. I worship thee, I worship thee! 'Since I first gazed upon thee, since thy beauty first rose upon mypresence like a star bright with my destiny, in the still sanctuaryof my secret love, thy idol has ever rested. Then, then, I was a thingwhose very touch thy creed might count a contumely. I have avenged theinsults of long centuries in the best blood of Asia; I have returned, in glory and in pride, to claim my ancient sceptre; but sweeter far thanvengeance, sweeter far than the quick gathering of my sacred tribes, therush of triumph and the blaze of empire, is this brief moment of adoringlove, wherein I pour the passion of my life! 'O my soul, my life, my very being! thou art silent, but thy silence issweeter than others' speech. Yield, yield thee, dear Schirene, yield tothy suppliant! Thy faith, thy father's faith, thy native customs, these, these shall be respected, beauteous lady! Pharaoh's daughter yielded herdusky beauty to my great ancestor. Thy face is like the bright inspiringday! Let it not be said that the daughter of the Nile shared Israel'scrown, the daughter of the Tigris spurned our sceptre. I am not Solomon, but I am one that, were Schirene the partner of my throne, wouldmake his glowing annals read like a wearisome and misty tale to oursurpassing lustre!' He ceased, the princess turned her hitherto hidden countenance, andbowed it on his heart. 'O Alroy!' she exclaimed, 'I have no creed, nocountry, no life, but thee!' 'The king is late to-day. ' 'Is it true, Asriel, there is an express from Hamadan?' 'Of no moment, Ithamar. I have private letters from Abner. All isquiet. ' ''Tis much past the hour. When do you depart, Scherirah?' 'The troops are ready. I wait orders. This morning's council willperchance decide. ' 'This morning's council is devoted to the settlement of the civilaffairs of the capital, ' remarked Jabaster. 'Indeed!' said Asriel. 'Is your report prepared, Jabaster?' ''Tis here, ' replied the high priest. 'The Hebrew legislator requiresbut little musing to shape his order. He has a model which time cannotdestroy, nor thought improve. ' Ithamar and Asriel exchanged significant glances. Scherirah lookedsolemn. There was a pause, which was broken by Asriel. ''Tis a noble city, this Bagdad. I have not yet visited your quarters, Jabaster. You are well placed. ' 'As it may be. I hope we shall not tarry here long. The great point isstill not achieved. ' 'How far is it to the holy city?' enquired Scherirah. 'A month's march, ' replied Jabaster. 'And when you get there?' enquired Ithamar. 'You may fight with the Franks, ' replied Asriel. 'Jabaster, how large is Jerusalem?' enquired Ithamar. 'Is it true, asI have sometimes heard, that it is not bigger than the serail here, gardens and all?' 'Its glory hath departed, ' replied the high priest; 'the bricks havefallen, but we will rebuild with marble; and Zion, that is now withoutthe Christian walls, shall yet sparkle, as in the olden time, withpalaces and pavilions. ' A flourish of trumpets, the portals flew open, and Alroy entered, leaning on the arm of the Envoy of Bagdad. 'Valiant leaders, ' said Alroy to the astonished chieftains, 'in thisnoble stranger, you see one like yourselves entrusted with my unboundedconfidence. Jabaster, behold thy brother!' 'Honain! art _thou_ Honain?' exclaimed the pontiff starting from hisseat. 'I have a thousand messengers after thee. ' With a countenancealternately pallid with surprise and burning with affection, Jabasterembraced his brother, and, overpowered with emotion, hid his face on hisshoulder. 'Sire, ' at length exclaimed the high priest, in a low and tremulousvoice, 'I must pray your pardon that for an instant in this characterI have indulged in any other thoughts than those that may concern yourwelfare. Tis past: and you, who know all, will forgive me. ' 'All that respects Jabaster must concern my welfare. He is the pillar ofmy empire;' and holding forth his hand, Alroy placed the high priest onhis right. 'Scherirah, you depart this eve. ' The rough captain bowed in silence. 'What is this?' continued Alroy, as Jabaster offered him a scroll. 'Ah!your report. "Order of the Tribes, " "Service of the Lévites, " "Princesof the People, " "Elders of Israel!" The day may come when this maybe effected. At present, Jabaster, we must be moderate, and contentourselves with arrangements which may ensure that order shall bemaintained, property respected, and justice administered. Is it truethat a gang has rifled a mosque?' 'Sire! of that I would speak. They are no plunderers, but men, perhapstoo zealous, who have read and who have remembered that "Ye shallutterly destroy all the places wherein the nations which ye shallpossess, served their gods upon the high mountains, and upon thehill, and under every green tree. And ye shall overthrow their altars, and----"' 'Jabaster, is this a synagogue? Come I to a council of valiant statesmenor dreaming Rabbis? For a thousand years we have been quoting the lawswe dared not practise. Is it with such aid that we captured Nishapur andcrossed the Tigris? Valiant, wise Jabaster, thou art worthy of betterthings, and capable of all. I entreat thee, urge such matters for thelast time. Are these fellows in custody?' 'They were in custody. I have freed them. ' 'Freed them! Hang them! Hang them in the most public grove. Is this theway to make the Moslem a duteous subject? Jabaster! Israel honoursthee; and I, its chief, know that one more true, more valiant, or morelearned, crowds not around our standard; but I see, the caverns of theCaucasus are not a school for empire. ' 'Sire, I had humbly deemed the school for empire was the law of Moses. ' 'Ay! adapted to these times. ' 'Can aught divine be changed?' 'Am I as tall as Adam? If man, the crown, the rose of all this faircreation, the most divine of all divine inventions, if Time have alteredeven this choicest of all godlike works, why shall it spare a law madebut to rule his conduct? Good Jabaster, we must establish the throne ofIsrael, that is my mission, and for the means, no matter how, or where. Asriel, what news of Medad?' 'All is quiet between the Tigris and Euphrates. It would be betterto recall his division, which has been much harassed. I thought ofrelieving him by Abidan. ' 'I think so, too. We may as well keep Abidan out of the city. If thetruth were known, I'll wager some of his company plundered the mosque. We must issue a proclamation on that subject. My good Jabaster, we'lltalk over these matters alone. At present I will leave you with yourbrother. Scherirah, sup with me to-night; before you quit Asriel, comewith me to my cabinet. ' 'I must see the king!' 'Holy priest, his highness has retired. It is impossible. ' 'I must see the king. Worthy Pharez, I take all peril on myself. ' 'Indeed his highness' orders are imperative. You cannot see him. ' 'Knowest thou who I am?' 'One whom all pious Hebrews reverence. ' 'I say I must see the king. ' 'Indeed, indeed, holy Jabaster, it cannot be. ' 'Shall Israel perish for a menial's place? Go to; I _will_ see him. ' 'Nay! if you _will_, I'll struggle for my duty. ' 'Touch not the Lord's anointed. Dog, you shall suffer for this!' So saying, Jabaster threw aside Pharez, and, with the attendant clingingto his robes, rushed into the royal chamber. 'What is all this?' exclaimed Alroy, starting from the divan. 'Jabaster!Pharez, withdraw! How now, is Bagdad in insurrection?' 'Worse, much worse, Israel soon will be. ' 'Ay!' 'My fatal brother has told me all, nor would I sleep, until I lifted upmy voice to save thee. ' 'Am I in danger?' 'In the wilderness, when the broad desert quivered beneath thy tremblingfeet, and the dark heavens poured down their burning torrents, thou wertless so. In that hour of death, One guarded thee, who never forgets Hisfond and faithful offspring, and now, when He has brought thee out ofthe house of bondage; now, when thy fortunes, like a noble cedar, swellin the air and shadow all the land; thou, the very leader of His people, His chosen one, for whom He hath worked such marvels, thy heart isturned from thy fathers' God, and hankers after strange abominations. ' Through the broad arch that led into the gardens of the serail, themoonlight fell upon the tall figure and the upraised arm of the priest;Alroy stood with folded arms at some distance, watching Jabaster as hespoke, with a calm but searching glance. Suddenly he advanced with aquick step, and, placing his hand upon Jabaster's arm, said, in a low, enquiring tone, 'You are speaking of this marriage?' 'Of that which ruined Solomon. ' 'Listen to me, Jabaster, ' said Alroy, interrupting him, in a calm butperemptory tone, 'I cannot forget that I am speaking to my master, aswell as to my friend. The Lord, who knoweth all things, hath deemed meworthy of His mission. My fitness for this high and holy office was notadmitted without proof. A lineage, which none else could offer, mysticstudies shared by few, a mind that dared encounter all things, and aframe that could endure most, these were my claims. But no more of this. I have passed the great ordeal; the Lord of Hosts hath found me notunworthy of His charge; I have established His ancient people; Hisaltars blaze with sacrifices; His priests are honoured, bear witnessthou, Jabaster, His omnipotent unity is declared. What wouldst thoumore?' 'All!' 'Then Moses knew you well. It is a stiff-necked people. ' 'Sire, bear with me. If I speak in heat, I speak in zeal. You ask mewhat I wish: my answer is, a national existence, which we have not. Youask me what I wish: my answer is, the Land of Promise. You ask me what Iwish: my answer is, Jerusalem. You ask me what I wish: my answer is, theTemple, all we have forfeited, all we have yearned after, all forwhich we have fought, our beauteous country, our holy creed, our simplemanners, and our ancient customs. ' 'Manners change with time and circumstances; customs may be observedeverywhere. The ephod on thy breast proves our faith; and, for acountry, is the Tigris less than Siloah, or the Euphrates inferior tothe Jordan?' 'Alas! alas! there was a glorious prime when Israel stood aloof fromother nations, a fair and holy thing that God had hallowed. We werethen a chosen family, a most peculiar people, set apart for God's entireenjoyment. All about us was solemn, deep, and holy. We shunned thestranger as an unclean thing that must defile our solitary sanctity, and, keeping to ourselves and to our God, our lives flowed on in onegreat solemn tide of deep religion, making the meanest of our multitudefeel greater than the kings of other lands. It was a glorious time: Ithought it had returned; but I awake from this, as other dreams. ' 'We must leave off dreaming, good Jabaster, we must act. Were I, by anychance, to fall into one of those reveries, with which I have often lostthe golden hours at Hamadan, or in our old cave, I should hear, somefine morning, his Sultanship of Roum rattling at my gates. ' Alroy smiledas he spoke; he would willingly have introduced a lighter tone into thedialogue, but the solemn countenance of the priest was not sympatheticwith his levity. 'My heart is full, and yet I cannot speak: the memory of the pastoverpowers my thought. I had vainly deemed that my voice, inspired bythe soul of truth, might yet preserve him; and now I stand here in hispresence, silent and trembling, like a guilty thing. O, my prince! mypupil!' said the priest, advancing, falling on his knee, and seizing therobe of Alroy, 'by thy sacred lineage; by the sweet memory of thy ardentyouth, and our united studies, by all thy zealous thoughts, and solemnmusings, and glorious aspirations after fame; by all thy sufferings, andby all thy triumphs, and chiefly by the name of that great God, whohath elected thee his favoured child; by all the marvels of thy mightymission, I do adjure thee! Arise, Alroy, arise and rouse thyself. Thelure that snared thy fathers may trap thee, this Delilah may shear thymystic locks. Spirits like thee act not by halves. Once fall out fromthe straight course before thee, and, though thou deemest 'tis but tosaunter 'mid the summer trees, soon thou wilt find thyself in the darkdepths of some infernal forest, where none may rescue thee!' 'What if I do inherit the eager blood of my great ancestor, at leastI hold his sceptre. Shall aught of earthly power prevail against thesupernatural sway of Heaven and Hades?' 'Sire, sire, the legend that came from Sinai is full of highinstruction. But shape thy conduct by its oracles, and all were well. Itsays our people can be established only by him who rules them with therod of Solomon. Sire, when the Lord offered his pleasure to that mightyking, thou knowest his deep discretion. Riches and length of days, empire and vengeance, these were not the choice of one to whom allaccidents were proffered. The legend bears an inward spirit, as wellas an outward meaning. The capture of the prize was a wise test of thyimperial fitness. Thou hast his sceptre, but, without his wisdom, 'tisbut a staff of cedar. ' 'Hah! Art thou there? I am glad to see Jabaster politic. Hear me, myfriend. What my feelings be unto this royal lady, but little matters. Let them pass, and let us view this question by the light wherein youhave placed it, the flame of policy and not of passion. I am no traitorto the God of Israel, in whose name I have conquered, and in whose nameI shall rule; but thou art a learned doctor, thou canst inform us. I have heard no mandate to yield my glorious empire for my meanestprovince. I am Lord of Asia, so would I have my long posterity. Ourpeople are but a remnant, a feeble fraction of the teeming millions thatown my sway. What I hold I can defend; but my children may not inheritthe spirit of their sire. The Moslemin will recognise their rule withreadier hearts, when they remember that a daughter of their caliphs gavethem life. You see I too am politic, my good Jabaster!' 'The policy of the son of Kareah[67], 'twas fatal. He preferred Egyptto Judah, and he suffered. Sire, the Lord hath blessed Judah: it isHis land. He would have it filled by His peculiar people, so that Hisworship might ever flourish. For this He has, by many curious rites andcustoms, marked us out from all other nations, so that we cannot, at thesame time, mingle with them and yet be true to Him. We must exist alone. To preserve that loneliness is the great end and essence of our law. What have we to do with Bagdad, or its people, where every instant wemust witness some violation of our statutes? Can we pray with them?Can we eat with them? Alike in the highest duties, and the lowestoccupations of existence, we cannot mingle. From the altar of our God toour domestic boards, we are alike separated from them. Sire, you may beKing of Bagdad, but you cannot, at the same time, be a Jew. ' 'I am what I am. I worship the Lord of Hosts. Perhaps, in His mercy, Hewill accept the days of Nishapur and the Tigris as a compensation forsome slight relaxation in the ritual of the baker and the bath. ' 'And mark my words: it was by the ritual of the baker and the bath thatAlroy rose, and without it he will fall. The genius of the people, whichhe shared, raised him; and that genius has been formed by the law ofMoses. Based on that law, he might indeed have handed down an empireto his long posterity; and now, though the tree of his fortunes seemsspringing up by the water-side, fed by a thousand springs, and itsbranches covered with dew, there is a gangrene in the sap, and to-morrowhe may shrink like a shrivelled gourd. Alas! alas! for Israel! Wehave long fed on mallows; but to lose the vintage in the very day offruition, 'tis very bitter. Ah! when I raised thy exhausted form inthe cavern of Genthesma, and the star of David beamed brightly in theglowing heavens upon thy high fulfilment, who could have dreamed of anight like this? Farewell, sire. ' 'Stop, Jabaster! earliest, dearest friend, prythee, prythee stop!' The priest slowly turned, the prince hesitated. 'Part not in anger, good Jabaster. ' 'In sorrow, sire, only in sorrow; but deep and terrible. ' 'Israel is Lord of Asia, my Jabaster. Why should we fear?' 'Solomon built Tadmor in the wilderness, and his fleet brought gold fromOphir; and yet Alroy was born a slave. ' 'But did not die one. The sultans of the world have fallen before me. I have no fear. Nay, do not go. At least you will give some credence tothe stars, my learned Cabalist. See, my planet shines as brightly asmy fortunes. ' Alroy withdrew the curtain, and with Jabaster stepped outupon the terrace. A beautiful star glittered on high. As they gazed, itscolour changed, and a blood-red meteor burst from its circle, and fellinto space. The conqueror and the priest looked at each other at thesame time. Their countenances were pale, enquiring, and agitated. 'Sire, ' said Jabaster, 'march to Judah. ' 'It portends war, ' replied Alroy, endeavouring to recover himself. 'Perchance some troubles in Persia. ' 'Troubles at home, no other. The danger is nigh. Look to thyself. ' A wild scream was heard in the gardens. It sounded thrice. 'What is this?' exclaimed Alroy, really agitated. 'Rouse the guard, Jabaster, search the gardens. ' ''Tis useless and may do harm. It was a spirit that shrieked. ' 'What said it?' '_Mené, Mené, Tekel, Upharsin!_' 'The old story, the priest against the king, ' said Honain to Alroy, when at his morrow's interview, he had listened to the events of thepreceding night. 'My pious brother wishes to lead you back to theTheocracy, and is fearful that, if he prays at Bagdad instead of Zion, he may chance to become only the head of an inferior sect, instead ofrevelling in the universal tithes of a whole nation. As for the meteor, Scherirah must have crossed the river about the same time, and theSultan of Roum may explain the bloody portent. For the shriek, as Ireally have no acquaintance with spirits, I must leave the miraculouscommunication to the favoured ears and initiated intelligences of yourhighness and my brother. It seems that it differed from "the Daughterof the Voice" in more respects than one, since it was not only extremelynoisy, but, as it would appear, quite unintelligible except to theindividual who had an interest in the interpretation, an ingeniousone, I confess. When I enter upon my functions as your highness'schamberlain, I will at least guarantee that your slumbers shall not bedisturbed either by spirits or more unwelcome visitors. ' 'Enter upon them at once, good Honain. How fares my Persian rose to-day, my sweet Schirene?' 'Feeding on your image in your absence. She spares no word to me, I doassure your highness. ' 'Nay, nay, we know you are a general favourite with the sex, Honain. I'faith I'm jealous. ' 'I would your highness had cause, ' said Honain, demurely. The approaching marriage between the King of the Hebrews and thePrincess of Bagdad was published throughout Asia. Preparations were madeon the plain of the Tigris for the great rejoicing. Whole forestswere felled to provide materials for the buildings and fuel for thebanqueting. All the governors of provinces and cities, all the chiefofficers and nobility of both nations, were specially invited, and dailyarrived in state at Bagdad. Among them the Viceroy of the Medes andPersians, and his recent bride, the Princess Miriam, were conspicuous, followed by a train of nearly ten thousand persons. A throne, ascended by one hundred steps covered with crimson cloth, andcrowned by a golden canopy, was raised in the middle of the plain; oneach side was a throne less elevated, but equally gorgeous. In the frontof these thrones an immense circus was described, formed by onehundred chartaks or amphitheatres, ample room for the admittance of themultitude being left between the buildings. These chartaks were coveredwith bright brocades and showy carpets; on each was hoisted a brilliantbanner. In some of them were bands of choice musicians, in otherscompanies of jugglers, buffoons, and storiers. Five chartaks on eachside of the thrones were allotted for the convenience of the court;the rest were filled by the different trades of the city. In one thefruiterers had formed a beautiful garden, glowing with pomegranates andgourds and watermelons, oranges, almonds, and pistachio-nuts; in anotherthe butchers exhibited their meats carved in fanciful shapes, and theskins of animals formed into ludicrous figures. Here assembled thefurriers, all dressed in masquerade, like leopards, lions, tigers andfoxes; and in another booth mustered the upholsterers, proud of a camelmade of wood, and reeds, and cord, and painted linen, a camel whichwalked about as if alive, though ever and anon a curtain drawn asidediscovered to the marvelling multitude the workman within, performing inhis own piece. Further on might be perceived the cotton manufacturers, whose chartak was full of birds of all shapes and plumage, formednevertheless of their curious plant; and, in the centre rose a loftyminaret, constructed of the same material, with the help of reeds, although every one imagined it to be built with bricks and mortar. Itwas covered with embroidered work, and on the top was placed a stork, socunningly devised that the children pelted it with pistachio-nuts. Thesaddlers showed their skill in two litters, open at top, each carried ona dromedary, and in each a beautiful woman, who diverted the spectatorswith light balls of gilt leather, throwing them up both with theirhands and feet. Nor were the mat-makers backward in the proof of theirdexterity, since, instead of a common banner, they exhibited a largestandard of reeds worked with two lines of writing in Kufic, proclaimingthe happy names of Alroy and Schirene. But indeed in every chartak might be seen some wondrous specimens of thewealth of Bagdad, and of the ingenuity of its unrivalled artisans. Around this mighty circus, on every side for the space of many miles, the plain was studded with innumerable pavilions. At measured intervalswere tables furnished with every species of provision, and attended byappointed servants; flagons of wine and jars of sherbets, mingledwith infinite baskets of delicious fruits and trays of refreshingconfectionery. Although open to all comers, so great and rapid was thesupply, that these banqueting tables seemed ever laden; and that thejoys of the people might be complete, they were allowed to pursuewhatever pleasures they thought fit without any restraint, byproclamation, in these terms. '_This is the time of feasting, pleasure, and rejoicing. Let no personreprimand or complain of another: let not the rich insult the poor, orthe strong the weak: let no one ask another, "why have you done this_?"' Millions of people were collected in this Paradise. They rejoiced, theyfeasted, they frolicked, they danced, they sang. They listened to thetales of the Arabian story-teller, at once enchanted and enchanting, or melted to the strain of the Persian poet as he painted the moon-litforehead of his heroine and the wasting and shadowy form of hislove-sick hero; they beheld with amazement the feats of the juggler ofthe Ganges, or giggled at the practised wit and the practical buffooneryof the Syrian mime. And the most delighted could still spare afascinating glance to the inviting gestures and the voluptuous grace ofthe dancing girls of Egypt. [68] Everywhere reigned melody and merriment, rarity and beauty. For once mankind forgot their cares, and deliveredthemselves up to infinite enjoyment. 'I grow courteous, ' said Kisloch the Kourd, assisting a party into oneof the shows. 'And I humane, ' said Calidas the Indian. 'Fellow, how dare you violatethe proclamation, by thrashing that child?' He turned to one of thestewards of the table, who was belabouring the unfortunate driver of acamel which had stumbled and in its fall had shivered its burden, twopanniers of porcelain. 'Mind your own business, fellow, ' replied the steward, 'and be thankfulthat for once in your life you can dine. ' 'Is this the way to speak to an officer?' said Calidas the Indian; 'Ihave half a mind to cut your tongue out. ' 'Never mind, little fellow, ' said the Guebre, 'here is a dirhem for you. Run away and be merry. ' 'A miracle!' grinned the Negro; 'he giveth alms. ' 'And you are witty, ' rejoined the Guebre. ''Tis a wondrous day. ' 'What shall we do?' said Kisloch. 'Let us dine, ' proposed the Negro. 'Ay! under this plane-tree, ' said Calidas. ''Tis pleasant to be alone. Ihate everybody but ourselves. ' 'Here stop, you rascal, ' said the Guebre. 'What's your name?' 'I am a Hadgee, ' said our old friend Abdallah, the servant of thecharitable merchant Ali, and who was this day one of the officiatingstewards. 'Are you a Jew, you scoundrel?' said the Guebre, 'that is the only thingworth being. Bring some wine, you accursed Giaour!' 'Instantly, ' said Kisloch, 'and a pilau. ' 'And a gazelle stuffed withalmonds, ' said Calidas. 'And some sugar-plums, ' said the Negro. 'Quick, you infernal Gentile, or I'll send this javelin in your back, ' hallooedthe Guebre. The servile Abdallah hastened away, and soon bustled back, bearing twoflagons of wine, and followed by four servants, each with a tray coveredwith dainties. 'Where are you going, you accursed scoundrels?' grumbled Kisloch; 'waitupon the true believers. ' 'We shall be more free alone, ' whisperedCalidas. 'Away, then, dogs, ' growled Kisloch. Abdallah and hisattendants hurried off, but were soon summoned back. 'Why did you not bring Schiraz wine?' asked Calidas, with an eye offire. 'The pilau is overdone, ' thundered Kisloch. 'You have brought a lambstuffed with pistachio-nuts, instead of a gazelle with almonds, ' saidthe Guebre. 'Not half sugar-plums enough, ' said the Negro. 'Everything is wrong, 'said Kisloch. 'Go, and get us a kabob. ' In time, however, even this unmanageable crew were satisfied; and, seated under their plane-tree, and stuffing themselves with all thedainties of the East, they became more amiable as their appetitesdecreased. 'A bumper, Calidas, and a song, ' said Kisloch. ''Tis rarestuff, ' said the Guebre; 'come, Cally, it should inspire you. ' 'Here goes, then; mind the chorus. ' Drink, drink, deeply drink, Never feel, and never think; What's love? what's fame? a sigh, a smile. Friendship? but a hollow wile. If you've any thought or woe, Drown them in the goblet's flow. Yes! dash them in this brimming cup; Dash them in, and drink them up. Drink, drink, deeply drink, Never feel, and never think. 'Hark, the trumpets! The King and Queen! 'The procession is coming. Let's away. ' 'Again! they must be near. Hurry, hurry, for good places. ' 'Break all the cups and dishes. Come along!' The multitude from all quarters hurried to the great circus, amid theclash of ten thousand cymbals and the blast of innumerable trumpets. In the distance, issuing from the gates of Bagdad, might be discerned abrilliant crowd, the advance company of the bridal procession. There came five hundred maidens crowned with flowers, and beauteous asthe buds that girt their hair. Their flowing robes were whiter than theswan, and each within her hand a palm-branch held. Followed these aband of bright musicians, clothed in golden robes, and sounding silvertrumpets. Then five hundred youths, brilliant as stars, clad in jackets ofwhite-fox skin, and alternately bearing baskets of fruit or flowers. Followed these a band of bright musicians, clothed in silver robes, andsounding golden trumpets. Six choice steeds, sumptuously caparisoned, each led by an Arabgroom. [69] The household of Medad, in robes of crimson, lined with sable. The standard of Medad. Medad, on a coal-black Arab, followed by three hundred officers of hisdivision, all mounted on steeds of pure race. Slaves, bearing the bridal present of Medad; six Damascus sabres ofunrivalled temper. [70] Twelve choice steeds, sumptuously caparisoned, each led by an Anatoliangroom. The household of Ithamar, in robes of violet, lined with ermine. The standard of Ithamar. Ithamar, on a snow-white Anatolian charger, followed by six hundredofficers of his division, all mounted on steeds of pure race. Slaves bearing the marriage present of Ithamar; a golden vase of rubiesborne on a violet throne. One hundred Negroes, their noses bored, and hung with rings ofbrilliants, playing upon wind instruments and kettle-drums. The standard of the City of Bagdad. The deputation from the citizens of Bagdad. Two hundred mules, with caparisons of satin, embroidered with gold, and adorned with small golden bells. These bore the sumptuous wardrobe, presented by the city to their princess. Each mule was attended by agirl, dressed like a Péri, with starry wings, and a man, masked as ahideous Dive. The standard of Egypt. The deputation from the Hebrews of Egypt, mounted on dromedaries, withsilver furniture. Fifty slaves, bearing their present to the princess, with golden cords, a mighty bath of jasper, beautifully carved, the sarcophagus of someancient temple, and purchased for an immense sum. The standard of Syria. The deputation from the Hebrews of the Holy Land, headed by Rabbi Zimrihimself, each carrying in his hand his offering to the nuptial pair, aprecious vase, containing earth from the Mount of Zion. The standard of Hamadan. The deputation from the citizens of Hamadan, headed by the venerableBostenay himself, whose sumptuous charger was led by Caleb. The present of the city of Hamadan to David Al-roy, offered at his ownsuggestion; the cup in which the Prince of the Captivity carried histribute, now borne full of sand. Fifty choice steeds, sumptuously caparisoned, each led by a Median orPersian groom. The household of Abner and Miriam, in number twelve hundred, clad inchain armour of ivory and gold. The standard of the Medes and Persians. Two white elephants, with golden litters, bearing the Viceroy and hisPrincess. The offering of Abner to Alroy; twelve elephants of state, withfurniture embroidered with jewels, each tended by an Indian clad inchain armour of ivory and gold. The offering of Miriam to Schirene; fifty plants of roses fromRocnabad;[71] a white shawl of Cachemire fifty feet in length, whichfolded into the handle of a fan; fifty screens, each made of a featherof the roc;[72] and fifty vases of crystal full of exquisite perfumes, and each sealed with a talisman of precious stones. After these followed the eunuch guard. Then came the band of the serail, consisting of three hundred dwarfs, hideous indeed to behold, but the most complete musicians in the world. The steeds of Solomon, in number one hundred, each with a natural starupon its front, uncaparisoned, and led only by a bridle of diamonds. The household of Alroy and Schirene. Foremost, the Lord Honain ridingupon a chestnut charger, shod with silver; the dress of the rider, pinkwith silver stars. From his rosy turban depended a tremulous aigrette ofbrilliants, 73 blazing with a thousand shifting tints. Two hundred pages followed him; and then servants of both sexes, gorgeously habited, amounting to nearly two thousand, carrying richvases, magnificent caskets, and costly robes. The treasurer and twohundred of his underlings came next, showering golden dirhems on allsides. The sceptre of Solomon borne by Asriel himself. A magnificent and lofty car, formed of blue enamel with golden wheels, and axletrees of turquoises and brilliants, and drawn by twelvesnow-white and sacred horses, four abreast; in the car Alroy andSchirene. Five thousand of the Sacred Guard closed the procession. Amid the exclamations of the people, this gorgeous procession crossedthe plain, and moved around the mighty circus. The conqueror and hisbride ascended their throne; its steps were covered by the youths andmaidens. On the throne upon their right sat the venerable Bostenay; onthe left, the gallant Viceroy and his Princess. The chartaks on eachside were crowded with the court. The deputations made their offerings, the chiefs and captains paid theirhomage, the trades of the city moved before the throne in order, andexhibited their various ingenuity. Thrice was the proclamation made, amid the sound of trumpets, and then began the games. A thousand horsemen dashed into the arena and threw the jerreed. Theygalloped at full speed; they arrested their fiery charges in mid course, and flung their long javelins at the minute but sparkling target, theimitative form of a rare and brilliant bird. The conquerors receivedtheir prizes from the hand of the princess herself, bright shawls, andjewelled daggers, and rosaries of gems. Sometimes the trumpets announceda prize from the vice-queen, sometimes from the venerable Bostenay, sometimes from the victorious generals, or the loyal deputations, sometimes from the united trades, sometimes from the City of Bagdad, sometimes from the City of Hamadan. The hours flew away in gorgeous andceaseless variety. 'I would we were alone, my own Schirene, ' said Alroy to his bride. 'I would so too; and yet I love to see all Asia prostrate at the feet ofAlroy. ' 'Will the sun never set? Give me thy hand to play with. ' 'Hush! See, Miriam smiles. ' 'Lovest thou my sister, my own Schirene?' 'None dearer but thyself. ' 'Talk not of my sister, but ourselves. Thinkest thou the sun is nearersetting, love?' 'I cannot see; thine eyes they dazzle me, they are so brilliant, sweet!' 'Oh, my soul! I could pour out my passion on thy breast. ' 'Thou art very serious. ' 'Love is ever so. ' 'Nay, sweet! It makes me wild and fanciful. Now I could do such things, but what I know not. I would we had wings, and then we would fly away. ' 'See, I must salute this victor in the games. Must I unloose thy hand!Dear hand, farewell! Think of me while I speak, my precious life. 'Tisdone. Give back thy hand, or else methinks I shall die. What's this?' A horseman, in no holiday dress, but covered with dust, rushed into thecircus, bearing in his hand a tall lance, on which was fixed a scroll. The marshals of the games endeavoured to prevent his advance, but hewould not be stayed. His message was to the king alone. A rumour of newsfrom the army circulated throughout the crowd. And news from the army itwas. Another victory! Scherirah had defeated the Sultan of Roum, who wasnow a suppliant for peace and alliance. Sooth to say, the intelligencehad arrived at dawn of day, but the courtly Honain had contrived that itshould be communicated at a later and more effective moment. There scarcely needed this additional excitement to this glorious day. But the people cheered, the golden dirhems were scattered with renewedprofusion, and the intelligence was received by all parties as a solemnratification by Jehovah, or by Allah, of the morning ceremony. The sun set, the court rose, and returned in the same pomp to theserail. The twilight died away, a beacon fired on a distant eminenceannounced the entrance of Alroy and Schirene into the nuptial chamber, and suddenly, as by magic, the mighty city, every mosque, and minaret, and tower, and terrace, and the universal plain, and the numberlesspavilions, and the immense circus, and the vast and winding river, blazed with light. From every spot a lamp, a torch, a lantern, tintedwith every hue, burst forth; enormous cressets of silver radiancy beamedon the top of each chartak, and huge bonfires of ruddy flame started upalong the whole horizon. For seven days and seven nights this unparalleled scene of rejoicing, though ever various, never ceased. Long, long was remembered the bridalfeast of the Hebrew prince and the caliph's daughter; long, long did thepeasantry on the plains of Tigris sit down by the side of that starryriver, and tell the wondrous tale to their marvelling posterity. Now what a glorious man was David Alroy, lord of the mightiest empirein the world, and wedded to the most beautiful princess, surrounded bya prosperous and obedient people, guarded by invincible armies, one onwhom Earth showered all its fortune, and Heaven all its favour; and allby the power of his own genius! CHAPTER IX. _The Death of Jabaster_ 'TWAS midnight, and the storm still raged; 'mid the roar of the thunderand the shrieks of the wind, the floods of forky lightning each instantrevealed the broad and billowy breast of the troubled Tigris. Jabasterstood gazing upon the wild scene from the gallery of his palace. Hiscountenance was solemn, but disquieted. 'I would that he were here!' exclaimed the high priest. 'Yet why shouldI desire his presence, who heralds only gloom? Yet in his absence am Igay? I am nothing. This Bagdad weighs upon me like a cloak of lead: myspirit is dull and broken. ' 'They say Alroy gives a grand banquet in the serail to-night, and toastshis harlot 'mid the thunderbolts. Is there no hand to write upon thewall? He is found wanting, he is weighed, and is indeed found wanting. The parting of his kingdom soon will come, and then, I could weep, oh!I could weep, and down these stern and seldom yielding cheeks pour thewild anguish of my desperate woe. So young, so great, so favoured! Butone more step a God, and now a foul Belshazzar! 'Was it for this his gentle youth was passed in musing solitude andmystic studies? Was it for this the holy messenger summoned his mostreligious spirit? Was it for this he crossed the fiery desert, andcommuned with his fathers in their tombs? Is this the end of all hisvictories and all his vast achievements? To banquet with a wanton! 'A year ago, this very night, it was the eve of battle, I stood withinhis tent to wait his final word. He mused awhile, and then he said, "Good night, Jabaster!" I believed myself the nearest to his heart, ashe has ever been nearest to mine, but that's all over. He never says, "Good night, Jabaster, " now. Why, what's all this? Methinks I am achild. 'The Lord's anointed is a prisoner now in the light grating of a brightkiosk, and never gazes on the world he conquered. Egypt and Syria, evenfarthest Ind, send forth their messengers to greet Alroy, the great, theproud, the invincible. And where is he? In a soft Paradise of girls andeunuchs, crowned with flowers, listening to melting lays, and the wildtrilling of the amorous lute. He spares no hours to council; all is leftto his prime favourites, of whom the leader is that juggling fiend Isometime called my brother. 'Why rest I here? Whither should I fly? Methinks my presence is still alink to decency. Should I tear off the ephod, I scarcely fancy 'twouldblaze upon another's breast. He goes not to the sacrifice; they say hekeeps no fast, observes no ritual, and that their festive fantasies willnot be balked, even by the Sabbath. I have not seen him thrice sincethe marriage. Honain has told her I did oppose it, and she bears to mea hatred that only women feel. Our strong passions break into a thousandpurposes: women have one. Their love is dangerous, but their hate isfatal. 'See! a boat bounding on the waters. On such a night, but one would dareto venture. ' Now visible, now in darkness, a single lantern at the prow, Jabasterwatched with some anxiety the slight bark buffeting the waves. A flashof lightning illumined the whole river, and tipped with a spectral lighteven the distant piles of building. The boat and the toiling figureof the single rower were distinctly perceptible. Now all again wasdarkness; the wind suddenly subsided; in a few minutes the plash of theoars was audible, and the boat apparently stopped beneath the palace. There was a knocking at the private portal. 'Who knocks?' enquired Jabaster. 'A friend to Israel. ' 'Abidan, by his voice. Art thou alone?' 'The prophetess is with me; only she. ' 'A moment. I'll open the gate. Draw the boat within the arch. ' Jabaster descended from the gallery, and in a few moments returned withtwo visitors: the youthful prophetess Esther, and her companion, aman short in stature, but with a powerful and well-knit frame. Hiscountenance was melancholy, and, with harshness in the lower part, notwithout a degree of pensive beauty in the broad clear brow and sunkeneyes, unusual in Oriental visages. 'A rough night, ' said Jabaster. 'To those who fear it, ' replied Abidan. 'The sun has brought so littlejoy to me, I care not for the storm. ' 'What news?' 'Woe! woe! woe!' 'Thy usual note, my sister. Will the day never come when we may changeit?' 'Woe! woe! woe! unutterable woe!' 'Abidan, how fares it?' 'Very well. ' 'Indeed!' 'As it may turn out. ' 'You are brief. ' 'Bitter. ' 'Have you been to court, that you have learnt to be so wary in yourwords, my friend?' 'I know not what may happen. In time we may all become courtiers, thoughI fear, Jabaster, we have done too much to be rewarded. I gave him myblood, and you something more, and now we are at Bagdad. 'Tis afine city. I wish to Heaven the shower of Sodom would rain upon itsterraces. ' 'I know thou hast something terrible to tell. I know it by that gloomybrow of thine, that lowers like the tempest. Speak out, man, I can bearthe worst, for which I am prepared. ' 'Take it, then. Alroy has proclaimed himself Caliph. Abner is madeSultan of Persia; Asriel, Ithamar, Medad, and the chief captains, Vizirs, Honain their chief. Four Moslem nobles are sworn into thecouncil. The Princess goes to mosque in state next Friday; 'tis said thypupil doth accompany her. ' 'I'll not believe it! By the God of Sinai, I'll not believe it! Weremy own eye the accursed witness of the deed, I'd not believe it. Go tomosque! They play with thee, my good Abidan, they play with thee. ' 'As it may be. Tis a rumour, but rumours herald deeds. The rest of myintelligence is true. I had it from my kinsman, stout Zalmunna. He leftthe banquet. ' 'Shall I go to him? Methinks one single word, To mosque! only a rumourand a false one. I'll never believe it; no, no, no, never, never! Is henot the Lord's anointed? The ineffable curse upon this daughter ot theMoabite! No marvel that it thunders! By heavens, I'll go and beard himin his orgies!' 'You know your power better than Abidan. You bearded him before hismarriage, yet----' 'He married. Tis true. Honain, their chief. And I kept his ring! Honainis my brother. Have I ne'er a dagger to cut the bond of brotherhood?' 'We have all daggers, Jabaster, if we knew but how to use them. ' ''Tis strange, we met after twenty years of severance. You were notin the chamber, Abidan. 'Twas at council. We met after twenty years ofseverance. He is my brother. 'Tis strange, I say: I felt that man shrinkfrom my embrace. ' 'Honain is a philosopher, and believes in sympathy. 'Twould appear therewas none between you. His system, then, absolves you from all ties. ' 'You are sure the rest of the intelligence is true? I'll not believe themosque, the rest is bad enough. ' 'Zalmunna left the banquet. Hassan Subah's brother sat above him. ' 'Subah's brother! 'Tis all over, then. Is he of the council?' 'Ay, and others. ' 'Where now is Israel?' 'She should be in her tents. ' 'Woe! woe! unutterable woe!' exclaimed the prophetess, who, standingmotionless at the back of the chamber, seemed inattentive to theirconversation. Jabaster paced the gallery with agitated steps. Suddenly he stopped, and, walking up to Abidan, seized his arm, and looked him sternly inthe face. 'I know thy thoughts, Abidan, ' exclaimed the priest; 'but itcannot be. I have dismissed, henceforth and for ever I have dismissedall feeling from my mind; now I have no brother, no friend, no pupil, and, I fear, no Saviour. Israel is all in all to me. I have no otherlife. 'Tis not compunction, then, that stays my arm. My heart's as hardas thine. ' 'Why stays it then?' 'Because with him we fall. He is the last of all his sacred line. Thereis no other hand to grasp our sceptre. ' '_Our_ sceptre! what sceptre?' 'The sceptre of our kings. ' 'Kings!' 'Ay, why dost thou look so dark?' 'How looked the prophet when the stiff-necked populace forsooth musthave a king! Did he smile? Did he shout, and clap his hands, and cry, God save his Majesty! O, Jabaster! honoured, rare Jabaster! thou secondSamuel of our lightheaded people! there was a time when Israel had noking except their God. Were we viler then? Did kings conquer Canaan? Whowas Moses, who was Aaron, who was mighty Joshua? Was the sword of Gideona kingly sword? Did the locks of Samson shade royal temples? Would aking have kept his awful covenant like solemn Jephtha? Royal wordsare light as air, when, to maintain them, you injure any other than asubject. 'Kings! why, what's a king? Why should one man break the equal sanctityof our chosen race? Is their blood purer than our own? We are all theseed of Abraham. Who was Saul, and who was David? I never heard thatthey were a different breed from our fathers. Grant them devout, whichthey were not; and brave and wise, which other men were; have theirposterity a patent for all virtues? No, Jabaster! thou ne'er didst err, but when thou placedst a crown upon this haughty stripling. What he did, a thousand might have done. 'Twas thy mind inspired the deed. And now heis a king; and now Jabaster, the very soul of Israel, who should be ourJudge and leader, Jabaster trembles in disgrace, while our unhallowedSanhedrim is filled with Ammonites!' 'Abidan, thou hast touched me to the quick; thou hast stirred upthoughts that ever and anon, like strong and fatal vapours, have risenfrom the dark abyss of thought, and I have quelled them. ' 'Let them rise, I say; let them drown the beams of that all-scorchingsun we suffer under, that drinks all vegetation up, and makes uslanguish with a dull exhaustion!' 'Joy! joy! unutterable joy!' 'Hark! the prophetess has changed her note; and yet she hears us not. The spirit of the Lord is truly with her. Come, Jabaster, I see thyheart is opening to thy people's sufferings; thy people, my Jabaster, for art not thou our Judge? At least, thou shalt be. ' 'Can we call back the Theocracy? Is't possible?' 'But say the word, and it is done, Jabaster. Nay, stare not. Dost thouthink there are no true hearts in Israel? Dost thou suppose thy childrenhave beheld, without a thought, the foul insults poured on thee; thee, their priest, their adored high priest, one who recalls the best daysof the past, the days of their great Judges? But one word, one singlemovement of that mitred head, and---- But I speak unto a mind that feelsmore than I can express. Be silent, tongue, thou art a babblingcounsellor. Jabaster's patriot soul needs not the idle schooling of achild. If he be silent, 'tis that his wisdom deems that the hour is notripe, but when her leader speaks, Israel will not be slack. ' 'The Moslemin in council! We know what must come next. Our nationalexistence is in its last agony. Methinks the time is very ripe, Abidan. ' 'Why, so we think, great sir; and say the word, and twenty thousandspears will guard the Ark. I'll answer for my men. Stout Scherirah looksgrimly on the Moabites. A word from thee, and the whole Syrian army willjoin our banner, the Lion of Judah, that shall be our flag. The tyrantand his satraps, let them die, and then the rest must join us. We'llproclaim the covenant, and, leaving Babylon to a bloody fate, march onto Zion!' 'Zion, his youthful dream, Zion!' 'You muse!' 'King or no king, he is the Lord's anointed. Shall this hand, thatpoured the oil on his hallowed head, wash out the balmy signet with hisblood? Must I slay him? Shall this kid be seethed even in its mother'smilk?' 'His voice is low, and yet his face is troubled. How now, sir?' 'What art thou? Ah! Abidan, trusty, stanch Abidan! You see, Abidan, Iwas thinking, my good Abidan, all this may be the frenzy of a revel. Tomorrow's dawn may summon cooler counsels. The tattle of the table, itis sacred. Let us forget it; let us pass it over. The Lord may turn hisheart. Who knows, who knows, Abidan!' 'Noble sir, a moment since your mind was like your faith, firm andresolved, and now----' 'School me not, school me not, good Abidan. There is that within my mindyou cannot fathom; some secret sorrows which are all my own. Leaveme, good friend, leave me awhile. When Israel calls me I shall not bewanting. Be sure of that, Abidan, be sure of that. Nay, do not go; thenight is very rough, and the fair prophetess should not again stem theswelling river. I'll to my closet, and will soon return. ' Jabaster quitted the gallery, and entered a small apartment. Severallarge volumes, unclasped and open, were lying on various parts of thedivan. Before them stood his brazen cabalistic table. He closedthe chamber with a cautious air. He advanced into the centre of theapartment. He lifted up his hands to heaven, and clasped them with anexpression almost of agony. 'Is it come to this?' he muttered in a tone of deep oppression. 'Is itcome to this? What is't I have heard? what done? Down, tempting devil, down! O life! O glory! O my country, my chosen people, and my sacredcreed! why do we live, why act? Why have we feeling for aught that'sfamous, or for aught that's holy? Let me die! let, let me die! Thetorture of existence is too great. ' He flung himself upon the couch; he buried his awful countenance in hisrobes. His mighty heart was convulsed with passion. There did he lie, that great and solemn man, prostrate and woe-begone. 'The noisy banquet lingers in my ear; I love to be alone. ' 'With me?' 'Thou art myself; I have no other life. ' 'Sweet bird! It is now a caliph. ' 'I am what thou wiliest, soul of my sweet existence! Pomp and dominion, fame and victory, seem now but flawed and dimly-shaded gems comparedwith thy bright smile!' 'My plaintive nightingale, shall we hunt to-day?' 'Alas! my rose, I would rather lie upon this lazy couch, and gaze uponthy beauty!' 'Or sail upon the cool and azure lake, in some bright barque, like to asea-nymph's shell, and followed by the swans?' 'There is no lake so blue as thy deep eye; there is no swan so white asthy round arm!' 'Or shall we launch our falcons in the air, and bring the goldenpheasant to our feet?' 'I am the golden pheasant at thy feet; why wouldst thou richer prey?' 'Rememberest thou thy earliest visit to this dear kiosk, my gentle mute?There thou stoodst with folded arms and looks demure as day, and everand anon with those dark eyes stealing a glance which made my cheekquite pale. Methinks I see thee even yet, shy bird. Dost know, I was sofoolish when it quitted me, dost know I cried?' 'Ah, no! thou didst not cry?' 'Indeed, I think I did. ' 'Tell me again, my own Schirene, indeed didst cry?' 'Indeed I did, my soul!' 'I would those tears were in some crystal vase, I'd give a province forthe costly urn. ' She threw her arms around his neck and covered his face with kisses. Sunset sounded from the minarets. They arose and wandered together inthe surrounding paradise. The sky was tinted with a pale violet flush, a single star floating by the side of the white moon, that beamed with adim lustre, soft and shapely as a pearl. 'Beautiful!' exclaimed the pensive Schirene, as she gazed upon the star. 'O, my Alroy, why cannot we ever live alone, and ever in a paradise?' 'I am wearied of empire, ' replied Alroy with a smile, 'let us fly!' 'Is there no island, with all that can make life charming, and yetimpervious to man? How little do we require! Ah! if these gardens, instead of being surrounded by hateful Bagdad, were only encompassed bysome beautiful ocean!' 'My heart, we live in a paradise, and are seldom disturbed, thanks toHonain!' 'But the very consciousness that there are any other persons existingbesides ourselves is to me painful. Every one who even thinks of youseems to rob me of a part of your being. Besides, I am weary of pomp andpalaces. I should like to live in a sparry grot, and sleep upon a couchof sweet leaves!' This interesting discussion was disturbed by a dwarf, who, in additionto being very small and very ugly, was dumb. He bowed before thePrincess; and then had recourse to a great deal of pantomimic action, bywhich she discovered that it was dinnertime. No other person couldhave ventured to disturb the royal pair, but this little being was aprivileged favourite. So Alroy and Schirene entered the serail. An immense cresset-lamp, fedwith perfumed oil, threw a soft light round the sumptuous chamber. Atthe end stood a row of eunuchs in scarlet dresses, and each holding atall silver staff. The Caliph and the Sultana threw themselves upona couch covered with a hundred cushions; on one side stood a groupconsisting of the captain of the guard and other officers of thehousehold, on the other, of beautiful female slaves magnificentlyattired. The line of domestics at the end of the apartment opened, and a body ofslaves advanced, carrying trays of ivory and gold, and ebony and silver, covered with the choicest dainties, curiously prepared. These werein turn offered to the Caliph and the Sultana by their surroundingattendants. The Princess accepted a spoon made of a single pearl, the long, thin golden handle of which was studded with rubies, andcondescended to partake of some saffron soup, of which she was fond. Afterwards she regaled herself with the breast of a cygnet, stuffedwith almonds, and stewed with violets and cream. Having now a littlesatisfied her appetite, and wishing to show a mark of her favour to aparticular individual, she ordered the captain of the guard instantlyto send him the whole of the next course[74] with her compliments. Herattention was then engaged with a dish of those delicate ortolans thatfeed upon the vine-leaves of Schiraz, and with which the Governor ofNishapur took especial care that she should be well provided. Tearingthe delicate birds to pieces with her still more delicate fingers, sheinsisted upon feeding Alroy, who of course yielded to her solicitations. In the meantime, they refreshed themselves with their favourite sherbetof pomegranates, and the golden wine of Mount Lebanon. [76] The Caliph, who could eat no more ortolans, although fed by such delicate fingers, was at length obliged to call for 'rice, ' which was synonymous tocommanding the banquet to disappear. The attendants now brought to eachbasins of gold, and ewers of rock crystal filled with rose water, withtowels of that rare Egyptian linen which can be made only of the cottonthat grows upon the banks of the Nile. While they amused themselves witheating sugar-plums, and drinking coffee flavoured with cinnamon, thefemale slaves danced before them in the most graceful attitudes to themelody of invisible musicians. 'My enchanting Schirene, ' said the Caliph, 'I have dined, thanks to yourattention, very well. These slaves of yours dance admirably, and areexceedingly beautiful. Your music, too, is beyond all praise; but, formy own part, I would rather be quite alone, and listening to one of yoursongs. ' 'I have written a new one to-day. You shall hear it. ' So saying, sheclapped her little white hands, and all the attendants immediatelywithdrew. 'The stars are stealing forth, and so will I. Sorry sight! to viewJabaster, with a stealthy step, skulk like a thing dishonoured! Oh! maythe purpose consecrate the deed! the die is cast. ' So saying, the High Priest, muffled up in his robe, emerged from hispalace into the busy streets. It is at night that the vitality ofOriental life is most impressive. The narrow winding streets, crowdedwith a population breathing the now sufferable air, the illuminatedcoffee-houses, the groups of gay yet sober revellers, the music, and thedancing, and the animated recitals of the poet and the story-teller, allcombine to invest the starry hours with a beguiling and even fascinatingcharacter of enjoyment and adventure. It was the night after the visit of Abidan and the prophetess. Jabasterhad agreed to meet Abidan in the square of the great mosque two hoursafter sunset, and thither he now repaired. 'I am somewhat before my time, ' he said, as he entered the great square, over which the rising moon threw a full flood of light. A few darkshadows of human beings alone moved in the distance. The world was inthe streets and coffee-houses. 'I am somewhat before my time, ' saidJabaster. 'Conspirators are watchful. I am anxious for the meeting, andyet I dread it. Since he broke this business, I have never slept. Mymind is a chaos. I will not think. If 'tis to be done, let it be done atonce. I am more tempted to sheathe this dagger in Jabaster's breast thanin Alroy's. If life or empire were the paltry stake, I would end a lifethat now can bring no joy, and yield authority that hath no charm; butIsrael, Israel, thou for whom I have endured so much, let me forgetJabaster had a mother! 'But for this thought that links me with my God, and leads my temper toa higher state, how vain and sad, how wearisome and void, were this saidworld they think of! But for this thought, I could sit down and die. Yea! my great heart could crack, worn out, worn out; my mighty passions, with their fierce but flickering flame, sink down and die; and thestrong brain that ever hath urged my course, and pricked me onward withperpetual thought, desert the rudder it so long hath held, like somebaffled pilot in blank discomfiture, in the far centre of an unknownsea. 'Study and toil, anxiety and sorrow, mighty action, perchance Time, anddisappointment, which is worse than all, have done their work, and notin vain. I am no longer the same Jabaster that gazed upon the stars ofCaucasus. Methinks even they look dimmer than of yore. The glory of mylife is fading. My leaves are sear, tinged, but not tainted. I am stillthe same in one respect; I have not left my God, in deed or thought. Ah!who art thou?' 'A friend to Israel. ' 'I am glad that Israel hath a friend. Noble Abi-dan, I have wellconsidered all that hath passed between us. Sooth to say, you touchedupon a string I've played before, but kept it for my loneliness; ajarring tune, indeed a jarring tune, but so it is, and being so, let meat once unto your friends, Abi-dan. ' 'Noble Jabaster, thou art what I deemed thee. ' 'Abidan, they say the consciousness of doing justly is the best basis ofa happy mind. ' 'Even so. ' 'And thou believest it?' 'Without doubt. ' 'We are doing very justly?' ''Tis a weak word for such a holy purpose. ' 'I am most wretched!' The High Priest and his companion entered the house of Abidan. Jabasteraddressed the already assembled guests. 'Brave Scherirah, it joys me to find thee here. In Israel's cause whenwas Scherirah wanting? Stout Zalmunna, we have not seen enough of eachother: the blame is mine. Gentle prophetess, thy blessing! 'Good friends, why we meet here is known to all. Little did we dream ofsuch a meeting when we crossed the Tigris. But that is nothing. We cometo act, and not to argue. Our great minds, they are resolved: our solemnpurpose requires no demonstration. If there be one among us who wouldhave Israel a slave to Ishmael, who would lose all we have prayedfor, all we have fought for, all we have won, and all for which weare prepared to die, if there be one among us who would have the Arkpolluted, and Jehovah's altar stained with a Gentile sacrifice, if therebe one among us who does not sigh for Zion, who would not yield hisbreath to build the Temple and gain the heritage his fathers lost, why, let him go! There is none such among us: then stay, and free yourcountry!' 'We are prepared, great Jabaster; we are prepared, all, all!' 'I know it; you are like myself. Necessity hath taught decision. Now forour plans. Speak, Zalmunna. ' 'Noble Jabaster, I see much difficulty. Alroy no longer quits hispalace. Our entrance unwatched is, you well know, impossible. What sayyou, Scherirah?' 'I doubt not of my men, but war against Alroy is, to say nought ofdanger, of doubtful issue. ' 'I am prepared to die, but not to fail, ' said Abidan. 'We must becertain. Open war I fear. The mass of the army will side with theirleaders, and they are with the tyrant. Let us do the deed, and they mustjoin us. ' 'Is it impossible to gain his presence to some sacrifice in honour ofsome by-gone victory; what think ye?' 'I doubt much, Jabaster. At this moment he little wishes to sanction ournational ceremonies with his royal person. The woman assuredly willstay him. And, even if he come, success is difficult, and thereforedoubtful. ' 'Noble warriors, list to a woman's voice, ' exclaimed the prophetess, coming forward. ''Tis weak, but with such instruments, even theaspirations of a child, the Lord will commune with his chosen people. There is a secret way by which I can gain the gardens of the palace. To-morrow night, just as the moon is in her midnight bower, behold theaccursed pile shall blaze. Let Abidan's troops be all prepared, and atthe moment when the flames first ascend, march to the Seraglio gate asif with aid. The affrighted guard will offer no opposition. Whilethe troops secure the portals, you yourselves, Zalmunna, Abidan, andJabaster, rush to the royal chamber and do the deed. In the meantime, let brave Scherirah, with his whole division, surround the palace, as ifunconscious of the mighty work. Then come you forward, show, if it need, with tears, the fated body to the soldiery, and announce the Theocracy. ' 'It is the Lord who speaks, ' said Abidan, who was doubtless prepared forthe proposition. 'He has delivered them into our hands. ' 'A bold plan, ' said Jabaster, musing, 'and yet I like it. 'Tis quick, and that is something. I think 'tis sure. ' 'It cannot fail, ' exclaimed Zalmunna, 'for if the flame ascend not, still we are but where we were. ' 'I am for it, ' said Scherirah. 'Well, then, ' said Jabaster, 'so let it be. Tomorrow's eve will see ushere again prepared. Good night. ' 'Good night, holy Priest. How seem the stars, Jabaster?' 'Very troubled; so have they been some days. What they portend I knownot. ' 'Health to Israel. ' 'Let us hope so. Good night, sweet friends. ' 'Good night, holy Jabaster. Thou art our cornerstone. ' 'Israel hath no other hope but in Jabaster. ' 'My Lord, ' said Abidan, 'remain, I pray, one moment. ' 'What is't? I fain would go. ' 'Alroy must die, my Lord, but dost thou think a single death will sealthe covenant?' 'The woman?' 'Ay! the woman! I was not thinking of the woman. Asriel, Ithamar, Medad?' 'Valiant soldiers! doubt not we shall find them useful instruments. Ido not fear such loose companions. They follow their leaders, like otherthings born to obey. Having no head themselves, they must follow us whohave. ' 'I think so too. There is no other man who might be dangerous?' Zalmunna and Scherirah cast their eyes upon the ground. There was a deadsilence, broken by the prophetess. 'A judgment hath gone forth against Honain!' 'Nay! he is Lord Jabaster'sbrother, ' said Abidan. 'It is enough to save a more inveterate foe to Israel, if such therebe. ' 'I have no brother, Sir. The man you speak of I will not slay, sincethere are others who may do that deed. And so again, good night. ' It was the dead of night, a single lamp burned in the chamber, whichopened into an arched gallery that descended by a flight of steps intothe gardens of the Serail. A female figure ascended the flight with slow and cautious steps. Shepaused on the gallery, she looked around, one foot was in the chamber. She entered. She entered a chamber of small dimensions, but richlyadorned. In the farthest corner was a couch of ivory, hung with a gauzycurtain of silver tissue, which, without impeding respiration, protectedthe slumberer from the fell insects of an Oriental night. Leaningagainst an ottoman was a large brazen shield of ancient fashion, andnear it some helmets and curious weapons. 'An irresistible impulse hath carried me into this chamber!' exclaimedthe prophetess. 'The light haunted me like a spectre; and wheresoever Imoved, it seemed to summon me. 'A couch and a slumberer!' She approached the object, she softly withdrew the curtain. Pale andpanting, she rushed back, yet with a light step. She beheld Alroy! For a moment she leant against the wall, overpowered by her emotions. Again she advanced, and gazed on her unconscious victim. 'Can the guilty sleep like the innocent? Who would deem this gentleslumberer had betrayed the highest trust that ever Heaven vouchsafed tofavoured man? He looks not like a tyrant and a traitor: calm his brow, and mild his placid breath! His long dark hair, dark as the raven'swing, hath broken from its fillet, and courses, like a wild and stormynight, over his pale and moon-lit brow. His cheek is delicate, and yetrepose hath brought a flush; and on his lip there seems some word oflove, that will not quit it. It is the same Alroy that blessed ourvision when, like the fresh and glittering star of morn, he rose up inthe desert, and bringing joy to others, brought to me only---- 'Oh! hush my heart, and let thy secret lie hid in the charnel-house ofcrushed affections. Hard is the lot of woman: to love and to conceal isour sharp doom! O bitter life! O most unnatural lot! Man made society, and made us slaves. And so we droop and die, or else take refuge in idlefantasies, to which we bring the fervour that is meant for nobler ends. 'Beauteous hero! whether I bear thee most hatred or most love I cannottell. Die thou must; yet I feel I should die with thee. Oh! thatto-night could lead at the same time unto our marriage bed and funeralpyre. Must that white bosom bleed? and must those delicate limbs behacked and handled by these bloody butchers? Is that justice? They lie, the traitors, when they call thee false to our God. Thou art thyself agod, and I could worship thee! See those beauteous lips; they move. Harkto the music!' 'Schirene, Schirene!' 'There wanted but that word to summon back my senses. Fool! whither isthy fancy wandering? I will not wait for tardy justice. I will do thedeed myself. Shall I not kill my Sisera?' She seized a dagger from theottoman, a rare and highly-tempered blade. Up she raised it in the air, and dashed it to his heart with superhuman force. It struck against thetalisman which Jabaster had given to Alroy, and which, from a lingeringsuperstition, he still wore; it struck, and shivered into a thousandpieces. The Caliph sprang from his couch; his eyes met the prophetess, standing over him in black despair, with the hilt of the dagger in herhand. 'What is all this? Schirene! Who art thou? Esther!' He jumped fromthe couch, called to Pharez, and seized her by both hands. 'Speak!' hecontinued. 'Art thou Esther? What dost thou here?' She broke into a wild laugh; she wrestled with his grasp, and pulled himtowards the gallery. He beheld the chief tower of the Serail in flames. Joining her hands together, grasping them both in one of his, anddragging her towards the ottoman, he seized a helmet and flung it uponthe mighty shield. It sounded like a gong. Pharez started from hisslumbers, and rushed into the chamber. 'Pharez! Treason! treason! Send instant orders that the palace gates beopened on no pretence whatever. Go, fly! See the captain himself. Summonthe household. Order all to arms. Speed, for our lives!' The whole palace was now roused. Alroy delivered Esther, exhausted, and apparently senseless, to a guard of eunuchs. Slaves and attendantspoured in from all directions. Soon arrived Schirene, with dishevelledhair and hurried robes, attended by a hundred maidens, each bearing atorch. 'My soul, what ails thee?' 'Nothing, sweetest; all will soon be well, ' replied Alroy, picking up, and examining the fragments of the shivered dagger, which he had justdiscovered. 'My life has been attempted; the palace is in flames; I suspect the cityis in insurrection. Look to your mistress, maidens!' Schirene fell intotheir arms. 'I will soon be back. ' So saying, he hurried to the grandcourt. Several thousand persons, for the population of the Serail and itsliberties was very considerable, were assembled in the grand court;eunuchs, women, pages, slaves, and servants, and a few soldiers; allin confusion and alarm, fire raging within, and mysterious and terribleoutcries without. A cry of 'The Caliph! the Caliph!' announced thearrival of Alroy, and produced a degree of comparative silence. 'Where is the captain of the guard?' he exclaimed. 'That's well. Openthe gates to none. Who will leap the wall and bear a message to Asriel?You? That's well too. To-morrow you shall yourself command. Where'sMesrour? Take the eunuch guard and the company of gardeners, 76 andsuppress the flames at all cost. Pull down the intervening buildings. Abidan's troop arrived with succour, eh! I doubt it not. I expectedthem. Open to none. They force an entrance, eh! I thought so. So thatjavelin has killed a traitor. Feed me with arms. I'll keep the gate. Send again to Asriel. Where's Pharez?' 'By your side, my lord. ' 'Run to the Queen, my faithful Pharez, and tell her that all's well. Iwish it were! Didst ever hear a din so awful? Methinks all the tamboursand cymbals of the city are in full chorus. Foul play, I guess. Oh! forAsriel! Has Pharez returned?' 'I am by your side, my lord. ' 'How's the Queen?' 'She would gladly join your side. ' 'No, no! Keep the gates there. Who says they are making fires beforethem? Tis true. We must sally, if the worst come to the worst, and dieat least like soldiers. O Asriel! Asriel!' 'May it please your Highness, the troops are pouring in from allquarters. ' ''Tis Asriel. ' 'No, your Highness, 'tis not the guard. Methinks they are Scherirah'smen. ' 'Hum! What it all is, I know not; but very foul play I do not doubt. Where's Honain?' 'With the Queen, Sire. ' ''Tis well. What's that shout?' 'Here's the messenger from Asriel. Make way! way!' 'Well! how is't, Sir?' 'Please your Highness, I could not reach the guard. ' 'Could not reach the guard! God of my fathers! who should let thee?' 'Sire, I was taken prisoner. ' 'Prisoner! By the thunder of Sinai, are we at war? Who made theeprisoner?' 'Sire, they have proclaimed thy death. ' 'Who?' 'The council of the Elders. So I heard. Abidan, Zalmunna----' 'Rebels and dogs! Who else?' 'The High Priest. ' 'Hah! Is it there? Pharez, fetch me some drink. Is it true Scherirah hasjoined them?' 'His force surrounds the Serail. No aid can reach us without cuttingthrough his ranks. ' 'Oh! that I were there with my good guard! Are we to die here like rats, fairly murdered? Cowardly knaves! Hold out, hold out, my men! 'Tis sharpwork, but some of us will smile at this hereafter. Who stands by Alroyto-night bravely and truly, shall have his heart's content to-morrow. Fear not: I was not born to die in a civic broil. I bear a charmed life. So to it. ' 'Go to the Caliph, good Honain, I pray thee, go. I can support myself, he needs thy counsel. Bid him not expose his precious life. The wickedmen! Asriel must soon be here. What sayest thou?' 'There is no fear. Their plans are ill-devised. I have long expectedthis stormy night, and feel even now more anxious than alarmed. ' ''Tis at me they aim; it is I whom they hate. The High Priest, too! Ay, ay! Thy proud brother, good Honain, I have ever felt he would not restuntil he drove me from this throne, my right; or washed my hated namefrom out our annals in my life's blood. Wicked, wicked Jabaster! Hefrowned upon me from the first, Honain. Is he indeed thy brother?' 'I care not to remember. He aims at something further than thy life; butTime will teach us more than all our thoughts. ' The fortifications of the Serail resisted all the efforts of the rebels. Scherirah remained in his quarters, with his troops under arms, andrecalled the small force that he had originally sent out as much towatch the course of events as to assist Abidan. Asriel and Ithamarpoured down their columns in the rear of that chieftain, and by dawn adivision of the guard had crossed the river, the care of which had beenentrusted to Scherirah, and had thrown themselves into the palace. Alroysallied forth at the head of these fresh troops. His presence decided aresult which was perhaps never doubtful. The division of Abidan foughtwith the desperation that became their fortunes. The carnage wasdreadful, but their discomfiture complete. They no longer actedin masses, or with any general system. They thought only ofself-preservation, or of selling their lives at the dearest cost. Somedispersed, some escaped. Others entrenched themselves in houses, othersfortified the bazaar. All the horrors of war in the streets were nowexperienced. The houses were in flames, the thoroughfares flowed withblood. At the head of a band of faithful followers, Abidan proved himself, byhis courage and resources, worthy of success. At length, he was alone, or surrounded only by his enemies. With his back against a building in anarrow street, where the number of his opponents only embarrassed them, the three foremost of his foes fell before his irresistible scimitar. The barricaded door yielded to the pressure of the multitude. Abidanrushed up the narrow stairs, and, gaining a landing-place, turnedsuddenly round, and cleaved the skull of his nearest pursuer. He hurledthe mighty body at his followers, and, retarding their advance, himselfdashed onward, and gained the terrace of the mansion. Three soldiers ofthe guard followed him as he bounded from terrace to terrace. One, armedwith a javelin, hurled it at the chieftain. The weapon slightly woundedAbidan, who, drawing it from his arm, sent it back to the heart of itsowner. The two other soldiers, armed only with swords, gained upon him. He arrived at the last terrace in the cluster of buildings. He stoodat bay on the brink of the precipice. He regained his breath. Theyapproached him. He dodged them in their course. Suddenly, with admirableskill, he flung his scimitar edgewise at the legs of his farthestfoe, who stopped short, roaring with pain. The chieftain sprang at theforemost, and hurled him down into the street below, where he was dashedto atoms. A trap-door offered itself to the despairing eye of therebel. He descended and found himself in a room filled with women. Theyscreamed, he rushed through them, and descending a Staircase, entered achamber tenanted by a bed-ridden old man. The ancient invalid enquiredthe cause of the uproar, and died of fright before he could receivean answer, at the sight of the awful being before him, covered withstreaming blood. Abidan secured the door, washed his blood-stained face, and disguising himself in the dusty robes of the deceased Armenian, sallied forth to watch the fray. The obscure street was silent. Thechieftain proceeded unmolested. At the corner he found a soldier holdinga charger for his captain. Abidan, unarmed, seized a poniard from thesoldier's belt, stabbed him to the heart, and vaulting on the steed, galloped towards the river. No boat was to be found; he breasted thestream upon the stout courser. He reached the opposite bank. A companyof camels were reposing by the side of a fountain. Alarm had dispersedtheir drivers. He mounted the fleetest in appearance; he dashed to thenearest gate of the city. The guard at the gate refused him a passage. He concealed his agitation. A marriage procession, returning from thecountry, arrived. He rushed into the centre of it, and overset the bridein her gilded wagon. In the midst of the confusion, the shrieks, theoaths, and the scuffle, he forced his way through the gate, scoured overthe country, and never stopped until he had gained the desert. The uproar died away. The shouts of warriors, the shrieks of women, thewild clang of warfare, all were silent. The flames were extinguished, the carnage ceased. The insurrection was suppressed, and order restored. The city, all the houses of which were closed, was patrolled by theconquering troops, and by sunset the conqueror himself, in his hall ofstate, received the reports and the congratulations of his chieftains. The escape of Abidan seemed counterbalanced by the capture of Jabaster. After performing prodigies of valour, the High Priest had beenoverpowered, and was now a prisoner in the Serail. The conduct ofScherirah was not too curiously criticised; a commission was appointedto enquire into the mysterious affair; and Alroy retired to the bath[77]to refresh himself after the fatigues of the victory which he could notconsider a triumph. As he reposed upon his couch, melancholy and exhausted, Schirene wasannounced. The Princess threw herself upon his neck and covered him withembraces. His heart yielded to her fondness, his spirit became lighter, his depression melted away. 'My ruby!' said Schirene, and she spoke in a low smothered voice, herface hidden and nestled in his breast. 'My ruby! dost thou love me?' He smiled in fondness as he pressed her to his heart. 'My ruby, thy pearl is so frightened, it dare not look upon thee. Wickedmen! 'tis I whom they hate, 'tis I whom they would destroy. ' 'There is no danger, sweet. 'Tis over now. Speak not, nay, do not thinkof it. ' 'Ah! wicked men! There is no joy on earth while such things live. Slay Alroy, their mighty master, who, from vile slaves, hath made themprinces! Ungrateful churls! I am so alarmed, I ne'er shall sleep again. What! slay my innocent bird, my pretty bird, my very heart! I'll notbelieve it. It is I whom they hate. I am sure they will kill me. Youshall never leave me, no, no, no, no! You shall not leave me, love, never, never! Didst hear a noise? Methinks they are even here, ready toplunge their daggers in our hearts, our soft, soft hearts! I think youlove me, child; indeed, I think you do!' 'Take courage, heart! There is no fear, my soul; I cannot love theemore, or else I would. ' 'All joy is gone! I ne'er shall sleep again. O my soul! art thouindeed alive? Do I indeed embrace my own Alroy, or is it all a wild andtroubled dream, and are my arms clasped round a shadowy ghost, myself aspectre in a sepulchre? Wicked, wicked men! Can it indeed be true? What, slay Alroy! my joy, my only life! Ah! woe is me; our bright felicityhath fled for ever!' 'Not so, sweet child; we are but as we were. A few quick hours, and allwill be as bright as if no storm had crossed our sunny days. ' 'Hast seen Asriel? He says such fearful things!' 'How now?' 'Ah me! I am desolate. I have no friend. ' 'Schirene!' 'They will have my blood. I know they will have my blood. ' 'Indeed, an idle fancy. ' 'Idle! Ask Asriel, question Ithamar. Idle! 'tis written in theirtablets, their bloody scroll of rapine and of murder. Thy death led onlyto mine, and, had they hoped my bird would but have yielded his gentlemate, they would have spared him. Ay! ay! 'tis I whom they hate, 'tis Iwhom they would destroy. This form, I fear it has lost its lustre, butstill 'tis thine, and once thou saidst thou lovedst it; this form was tohave been hacked and mangled; this ivory bosom was to have been rippedup and tortured, and this warm blood, that flows alone for thee, that fell Jabaster was to pour its tide upon the altar of his ancientvengeance. He ever hated me!' 'Jabaster! Schirene! Where are we, and what are we? Life, life, theylie, that call thee Nature! Nature never sent these gusts of agony. Oh!my heart will break. I drove him from my thought, and now she calls himup, and now must I remember he is my-prisoner! God of heaven, God of myfathers, is it come to this? Why did he not escape? Why must Abidan, acommon cut-throat, save his graceless life, and this great soul, thisstern and mighty being---- Ah me! I have lived long enough. Would theyhad not failed, would----' 'Stop, stop, Alroy! I pray thee, love, be calm. I came to soothe thee, not to raise thy passions. I did not say Jabaster willed thy death, though Asriel says so; 'tis me he wars against; and if indeed Jabasterbe a man so near thy heart, if he indeed be one so necessary to thyprosperity, and cannot live in decent order with thy slave that's here, I know my duty, Sir. I would not have thy fortunes farred to save mysingle heart, although I think 'twill break. I will go, I will die, and deem the hardest accident of life but sheer prosperity if it profitthee. ' 'O Schirene! what wouldst thou? This, this is torture. ' 'To see thee safe and happy; nothing more. ' 'I am both, if thou art. ' 'Care not for me, I am nothing. ' 'Thou art all to me. ' 'Calm thyself, my soul. It grieves me much that when I came to soothe Ihave only galled thee. All's well, all's well. Say that Jabaster lives. What then? He lives, and may he prove more duteous than before; that'sall. ' 'He lives, he is my prisoner, he awaits his doom. It must be given. ' 'Yes, yes!' 'Shall we pardon?' 'My lord will do that which it pleases him. ' 'Nay, nay, Schirene, I pray thee be more kind. I am most wretched. Speak, what wouldst thou?' 'If I must speak, I say at once, his life. ' 'Ah me!' 'If our past loves have any charm, if the hope ot future joy, not lesssupreme, be that which binds thee to this shadowy world, as it does me, and does alone, I say his life, his very carnal life. He stands betweenus and our loves, Alroy, and ever has done. There is no happiness ifJabaster breathe; nor can I be the same Schirene to thee as I have been, if this proud rebel live to spy my conduct. ' 'Banish him, banish him!' 'To herd with rebels. Is this thy policy?' 'O Schirene! I love not this man, although me-thinks I should: yet didstthou know but all!' 'I know too much, Alroy. From the first he has been to me a hatefulthought. Come, come, sweet bird, a boon, a boon unto thy own Schirene, who was so frightened by these wicked men! I fear it has done moremischief than thou deemest. Ay! robbed us of our hopes. It may be so. Aboon, a boon! It is not much I ask: a traitor's head. Come, give me thysignet ring. It will not; nay, then, I'll take it. What, resist! I knowthou oft hast told me a kiss could vanquish all denial. There it is. Is't sweet? Shalt have another, and another too. I've got the ring!Farewell, my lovely bird, I'll soon return to pillow in thy nest. ' 'She has got the ring! What's this? what's this? Schirene! art gone?Nay, surely not. She jests. Jabaster! A traitor's head! What ho! there. Pharez, Pharez!' 'My lord. ' 'Passed the Queen that way?' 'She did, my lord. ' 'In tears?' 'Nay! very joyful!' 'Call Honain, quick as my thought. Honain! Honain! He waits without. Ihave seen the best of life, that's very sure. My heart is cracking. Shesurely jests! Hah! Honain. Pardon these distracted looks. Fly to theArmoury! fly, fly!' 'For what, my lord?' 'Ay! for what, for what! My brain it wanders. Thy brother, thy greatbrother, the Queen, the Queen has stolen my signet ring, that is, I gaveit her. Fly, fly! or in a word, Jabaster is no more. He is gone. Pharez!your arm; I swoon!' 'His Highness is sorely indisposed to-day. ' 'They say he swooned this morn. ' 'Ay, in the bath. ' 'No, not in the bath. 'Twas when he heard of Jabaster's death. ' 'How died he, Sir?' 'Self-strangled. His mighty heart could not endure disgrace, and thus heended all his glorious deeds. ' 'A great man!' 'We shall not soon see his match. The Queen had gained his pardon, andherself flew to the Armoury to bear the news; alas! too late. ' 'These are strange times. Jabaster dead!' 'A very great event. ' 'Who will be High Priest?' 'I doubt if the appointment will be filled up. ' 'Sup you with the Lord Ithamar to-night?' 'I do. ' 'I also. We'll go together. The Queen had gained his pardon. Hum! 'tisstrange. ' 'Passing so. They say Abidan has escaped?' 'I hear it. Shall we meet Medad to-night?' ''Tis likely. ' CHAPTER X. _The Fall of Alroy_ SHE comes not yet! her cheerful form, not yet it sparkles in ourmournful sky. She comes not yet! the shadowy stars seem sad andlustreless without their Queen. She comes not yet!' '_WE ARE THE WATCHERS OF THE MOON, [78] AND LIVE IN LONELINESS TO HERALDLIGHT. _' 'She comes not yet! her sacred form, not yet it summons to our holyfeast. She comes not yet! our brethren far wait mute and motionless thesaintly beam. She comes not yet!' '_WE ARE THE WATCHERS OF THE MOON, AND LIVE IN LONELINESS TO HERALDLIGHT_. ' 'She comes, she comes! her beauteous form sails with soft splendour inthe glittering air. She comes, she comes! The beacons fire, and tell thenation that the month begins! She comes, she comes!' '_WE ARE THE WATCHERS OF THE MOON, TO TELL THE NATION THAT THE MONTHBEGINS_. ' Instantly the holy watchers fired the beacons on the mountain top, andanon a thousand flames blazed round the land. From Caucasus to Lebanon, on every peak a crown of light. 'Sire! a Tatar has arrived from Hamadan, who will see none but thyself. I have told him your Highness was engaged, and sent him to the LordHonain; but all denial is lost upon him. And as I thought perhaps theLady Miriam----' 'From Hamadan? You did well, Pharez. Admit him. ' The Tatar entered. 'Well, Sir; good news, I hope!' 'Sire, pardon me, the worst. I come from the Lord Abner, with orders tosee the Caliph, and none else. ' 'Well, Sir, you see the Caliph. Your mission? What of the Viceroy?' 'Sire, he bade me tell thee, that, the moment the beacon that announcedthe Feast of the New Moon was fired on Caucasus, the dreaded monarch ofKarasmé, the great Alp Arslan, entered thy kingdom, and now overruns allPersia. ' 'Hah! and Abner?' 'Is in the field, and prays for aid. ' 'He shall have it. This is indeed great news! When left you Hamadan?' 'Night and day I have journeyed upon the swiftest dromedary. The thirdmorn sees me at Bagdad. ' 'You have done your duty. See this faithful courier be well tended, Pharez. Summon the Lord Honain. ' 'Alp Arslan! Hah! a very famous warrior. The moment the beacon wasfired. No sudden impulse then, but long matured. I like it not. ' 'Sire, ' said Pharez, re-entering, 'a Tatar has arrived from thefrontiers of the province, who will see none but thyself. I have toldhim your Highness was deeply busied, and as methinks he brings but thesame news, I----' ''Tis very likely; yet never _think_, good Pharez. I'll see the man. 'The Tatar entered. 'Well, Sir, how now! from whom?' 'From Mozul. The Governor bade me see the Caliph and none else, and tellyour Highness that the moment the beacon that announced the Feast of theNew Moon was fired on the mountains, the fell rebel Abidan raised thestandard of Judah in the province, and proclaimed war against yourMajesty. ' 'In any force?' 'The royal power keeps within their walls. ' 'Sufficient answer. Part of the same movement. We shall have sometrouble. Hast summoned Honain?' 'I have, Sire. ' 'Go, see this messenger be duly served, and, Pharez, come hither: letnone converse with them. You understand?' 'Your Highness may assure yourself. ' 'Abidan come to life. He shall not escape so well this time. I must seeScherirah. I much suspect----what's this? More news!' A third Tatar entered. 'May it please your Highness, this Tatar has arrived from the Syrianfrontier. ' 'Mischief in the wind, I doubt not. Speak out, knave!' 'Sire! pardon me; I bear but sad intelligence. ' 'Out with the worst!' 'I come from the Lord Medad. ' 'Well! has he rebelled? It seems a catching fever. ' 'Ah! no, dread Sire, Lord Medad has no thought but for thy glory. Alas!alas! he has now to guard it against fearful odds. Lord Medad bade mesee the Caliph and none else, and tell your Highness, that the momentthe beacon which announced the Feast of the New Moon was fired onLebanon, the Sultan of Roum and the old Arabian Caliph unfurled thestandard of their Prophet, in great array, and are now marching towardsBagdad. ' 'A clear conspiracy! Has Honain arrived? Summon a council of the Vizirsinstantly. The world is up against me. Well! I'm sick of peace. Theyshall not find me napping!' 'You see, my lords, ' said Alroy, ere the council broke up, 'we mustattack them singly. There can be no doubt of that. If they join, we mustcombat at great odds. 'Tis in detail that we must route them. I willmyself to Persia. Ithamar must throw himself between the Sultan andAbidan, Medad fall back on Ithamar. Scherirah must guard the capital. Honain, you are Regent. And so farewell. I shall set off to-night. Courage, brave companions. 'Tis a storm, but many a cedar survives thethunderbolt. ' The council broke up. 'My own Scherirah!' said the Caliph, as they retired, 'stay awhile. I would speak with you alone. Honain, ' continued Alroy, following theGrand Vizir out of the chamber, and leaving Scherirah alone, 'Honain, Ihave not yet interchanged a word with you in private. What think you ofall this?' 'Sire, I am prepared for the worst, but hope the best. ' ''Tis wise. If Abner could only keep that Karasmian in check! I am aboutto speak with Scherirah alone. I do suspect him much. ' 'I'll answer for his treason. ' 'Hah! I do suspect him. Therefore I give him no command. I would nothave him too near his old companion, eh? We will garrison the city withhis rebels. ' 'Sire, these are not moments to be nice. Scherirah is a valiant captain, a very valiant captain, but lend me thy signet ring, I pray thee, Sire. ' Alroy turned pale. 'No, Sir, it has left me once, and never shall again. You have touchedupon a string that makes me sad. There is a burden on my conscience, why, or what, I know not. I am innocent, you know I am innocent, Honain!' 'I'll answer for your Highness. He who has enough of the milk of humankindness to spare a thing like Scherirah, when he stands in his way, maywell be credited for the nobler mercy that spared his better. ' 'Ah me! there's madness in the thought. Why is he not here? Had Ibut followed; tush! tush! Go see the Queen, and tell her all that hashappened. I'll to Scherirah. ' The Caliph returned. 'Thy pardon, brave Scherirah; in these moments my friends will pardonlapse of courtesy. ' 'Your Highness is too considerate. ' 'You see, Scherirah, how the wind blows, brave heart. There's much todo, no doubt. I am in sad want of some right trusty friend, on whosedevoted bosom I can pillow all my necessities. I was thinking of sendingyou against this Arslan, but perhaps 'tis better that I should gomyself. These are moments one should not seem to shrink, and yet we knownot how affairs may run; no, we know not. The capital, the surroundingprovince: one disaster and these false Moslemin may rise against us. Ishould stay here, but if I leave Scherirah, I leave myself. I feel thatdeeply; 'tis a consolation. It may be that I must fall back upon thecity. Be prepared, Scherirah. Let me fall back upon supporting friends. You have a great trust. Oh! use it wisely! Worthily I am sure you mustdo. ' 'Your Highness may rest assured I have no other thought but for yourweal and glory. Doubt not my devotion, Sire. I am not one of thosemealy-mouthed youths, full of their own deeds and lip-worship, Sire, butI have a life devoted to your service, and ready at all times to perilall things. ' 'I know that, Scherirah, I know it; I feel it deeply. What think you ofthese movements?' 'They are not ill combined, and yet I doubt not your Majesty will proveyour fortunes most triumphant. ' 'Think you the soldiery are in good cue?' 'I'll answer for my own. They are rough fellows, like myself, a little too blunt, perhaps, yourHighness. We are not holiday guards, but we know our duty, and we willdo it. ' 'That's well, that's all I want. I shall review the troops before Igo. Let a donative be distributed among them; and, 'by-the-bye, I havealways forgotten it, your legion should be called the Legion of Syria. We owe our fairest province to their arms. ' 'I shall convey to them your Highness' wish. Were it possible, 'twouldadd to their devotion. ' 'I do not wish it. They are my very children. Sup at the Serailto-night, Scherirah. We shall be very private. Yet let us drink togetherere we part. We are old friends, you know. Hast not forgotten our ruinedcity?' Alroy entered the apartment of Schirene. 'My soul! thou knowest all?' She sprang forward and threw her arms around his neck. 'Fear not, my life, we'll not disgrace our Queen. 'Twill be quick work. Two-thirds of them have been beaten before, and for the new champion, our laurels must not fade, and his blood shall nourish fresh ones. ' 'Dearest, dearest Alroy, go not thyself, I pray thee. May not Asrielconquer?' 'I hope so, in my company. For a time we part, a short one. 'Tis ourfirst parting: may it be our last!' 'Oh! no, no, no: oh! say not we must part. ' 'The troops are under arms; to-morrow's dawn will hear my trumpet. ' 'I will not quit thee, no! I will not quit thee. What businesshas Schirene without Alroy? Hast thou not often told me I am thyinspiration? In the hour of danger shall I be wanting? Never! I will notquit thee; no, I will not quit thee. ' 'Thou art ever present in my thoughts, my soul. In the battle I shallthink of her for whom alone I conquer. ' 'Nay, nay, I'll go, indeed I must, Alroy. I'll be no hindrance, trustme, sweet boy, I will not. I'll have no train, no, not a single maid. Credit me, I know how a true soldier's wife should bear herself. I'llwatch thee sleeping, and I'll tend thee wounded, and when thou goestforth to combat I'll gird thy sabre round thy martial side, and whispertriumph with victorious kisses. ' 'My own Schirene, there's victory in thine eyes. We'll beat them, girl. ' 'Abidan, doubly false Abidan! would he were doubly hanged! Ere shedied, the fatal prophetess foretold this time, and gloated on his futuretreachery. ' 'Think not of him. ' 'And the Karasmian; think you he is very strong?' 'Enough, love, for ourglory. He is a potent warrior: I trust that Abner will not rob us of ourintended victory. ' 'So you triumph, I care not by whose sword. Dost go indeed to-morrow?' 'At break of dawn. I pray thee stay, my sweet!' 'Never! I will not quitthee. I am quite prepared. At break of dawn? 'Tis near on midnight now. I'll lay me down upon this couch awhile, and travel in my litter. Artsure Alp Arslan is himself in the field?' 'Quite sure, my sweet. ' 'Confusion on his crown! We'll conquer. Goes Asriel with us?' 'Ay!' 'That's well; at break of dawn. I'm somewhat drowsy. Methinks I'll sleepawhile. ' 'Do, my best heart; I'll to my cabinet, and at break of dawn I'll wakethee with a kiss. ' The Caliph repaired to his cabinet, where his secretaries were occupiedin writing. As he paced the chamber, he dictated to them the necessaryinstructions. 'Who is the officer on guard?' 'Benaiah, Sire. ' 'I remember him. He saved me a broken skull upon the Tigris. This is forhim. The Queen accompanies us. She is his charge. These papers for theVizir. Let the troops be under arms by daybreak. This order of theday for the Lord Asriel. Send this instantly to Hamadan. Is the Tatardespatched to Medad? 'Tis well. You have done your duty. Now to rest. Pharez?' 'My lord. ' 'I shall not sleep to-night. Give me my drink. Go rest, good boy. I haveno wants. Good night. ' 'Good night, my gracious lord!' 'Let me ponder! I am alone. I am calm, and yet my spirit is not quick. I am not what I was. Four-and-twenty hours ago who would have dreamed ofthis? All at stake again! Once more in the field, and struggling at oncefor empire and existence! I do lack the mighty spirit of my former days. I am not what I was. I have little faith. All about me seems changed, and dull, and grown mechanical. Where are those flashing eyes andconquering visages that clustered round me on the battle eve, round me, the Lord's anointed? I see none such. They are changed, as I am. Why!this Abidan was a host, and now he fights against me. She spoke of theprophetess; I remember that woman was the stirring trumpet of our ranks, and now where is she? The victim of my justice! And where is he, themightier far, the friend, the counsellor, the constant guide, the masterof my boyhood; the firm, the fond, the faithful guardian of all mybright career; whose days and nights were one unbroken study to make meglorious? Alas! I feel more like a doomed and desperate renegade thana young hero on the eve of battle, flushed with the memory of unbrokentriumphs! 'Hah! what awful form art thou that risest from the dusky earth beforeme? Thou shouldst be one I dare not name, yet will: the likeness ofJabaster. Away! why frownest thou upon me? I did not slay thee. Do Ilive, or dream, or what? I see him, ay! I see thee. I fear thee not, Ifear nothing. I am Alroy. 'Speak, oh speak! I do conjure thee, mighty spectre, speak. By all thememory of the past, although 'tis madness, I do conjure thee, let mehear again the accents of my boyhood. ' '_Alroy, Alroy, Alroy_!' 'I listen, as to the last trump. ' '_Meet me on the plain of Nehauend. _' ''Tis gone! As it spoke it vanished. It was Jabaster! God of my fathers, it was Jabaster! Life is growing too wild. My courage is broken! Icould lie down and die. It was Jabaster! The voice sounds in my ear likedistant thunder: "_Meet me on the plain of Nehauend_. " I'll not failthee, noble ghost, although I meet my doom. Jabaster! Have I seenJabaster! Indeed! indeed! Methinks I'm mad. Hah! What's that?' An awful clap of thunder broke over the palace, followed by a strangeclashing sound that seemed to come from one of the chambers. The wallsof the Serail rocked. 'An earthquake!' exclaimed Alroy. 'Would that the earth would open andswallow all! Hah! Pharez, has it roused thee, too? Pharez, we live instrange times. ' 'Your Highness is very pale. ' 'And so art thou, lad! Wouldst have me merry? Pale! we may well be pale, didst thou know all. Hah! that awful sound again! I cannot bear it, Pharez, I cannot bear it. I have borne many things, but this I cannot. ' 'My lord, 'tis in the Armoury. ' 'Run, see. No, I'll not be alone. Where's Benaiah? Let him go. Stay withme, Pharez, stay with me. I pray thee stay, my child. ' Pharez led the Caliph to a couch, on which Alroy lay pale and trembling. In a few minutes he inquired whether Benaiah had returned. 'Even now he comes, Sire. ' 'Well, how is it?' 'Sire! a most awful incident. As the thunder broke over the palace, thesacred standard fell from its resting-place, and has shivered into athousand pieces. Strange to say, the sceptre of Solomon can neither befound nor traced. ' 'Say nothing of the past, as ye love me, lads. Let none enter theArmoury. Leave me, Benaiah, leave me, Pharez. ' They retired. Alroy watched their departure with a glance ofinexpressible anguish. The moment that they had disappeared, he flew tothe couch, and throwing himself upon his knees, and, covering his facewith his hands, burst into passionate tears, and exclaimed, 'O! my God, I have deserted thee, and now thou hast deserted me!' Sleep crept over the senses of the exhausted and desperate Caliph. Hethrew himself upon the divan, and was soon buried in profound repose. Hemight have slept an hour; he awoke suddenly. From the cabinet in whichhe slept, you entered a vast hall, through a lofty and spaciousarch, generally covered with drapery, which was now withdrawn. To theastonishment of Alroy, this presence-chamber appeared at this momentto blaze with light. He rose from his couch, he advanced; he perceived, with feelings of curiosity and fear, that the hall was filled withbeings, terrible indeed to behold, but to his sight more terrible thanstrange. In the colossal and mysterious forms that lined the wallsof the mighty chamber, and each of which held in its extended arm astreaming torch, he recognised the awful Afrites. At the end of thehall, upon a sumptuous throne, surrounded by priests and courtiers, there was seated a monarch, on whom Alroy had before gazed, Solomon theGreat! Alroy beheld him in state and semblance the same Solomon, whosesceptre the Prince of the Captivity had seized in the royal tombs ofJudah. The strange assembly seemed perfectly unconscious of the presence of thechild of Earth, who, with a desperate courage, leant against a column ofthe arch, and watched, with wonder, their mute and motionless society. Nothing was said, nothing done. No one moved, no one, even by gesture, seemed sensible of the presence of any other apparition save himself. Suddenly there advanced from the bottom of the hall, near unto Alroy, a procession. Pages and dancing girls, with eyes of fire and voluptuousgestures, warriors with mighty arms, and venerable forms with amplerobes and flowing beards. And, as they passed, even with all theactivity of their gestures, they made no sound; neither did themusicians, whereof there was a great band playing upon harps andpsalteries, and timbrels and cornets, break, in the slightest degree, the almighty silence. This great crowd poured on in beautiful order, the procession neverterminating, yet passing thrice round the hall, bowing to him that wasupon the throne, and ranging themselves in ranks before the Afrites. And there came in twelve forms, bearing a great seal: the stone green, and the engraven characters of living flame, and the characters werethose on the talisman of Jabaster, which Alroy still wore next to hisheart. And the twelve forms placed the great seal before Solomon, andhumbled themselves, and the King bowed. At the same moment Alroy wassensible of a pang next to his heart. He instantly put his hand to thesuffering spot, and lo! the talisman crumbled into dust. The procession ceased; a single form advanced. Recent experience aloneprevented Alroy from sinking before the spectre of Jabaster. Such wasthe single form. It advanced, bearing the sceptre. It advanced, it kneltbefore the throne, it offered the sceptre to the crowned and solemnvision. And the form of Solomon extended its arm, and took the sceptre, and instantly the mighty assembly vanished! Alroy advanced immediately into the chamber, but all was dark andsilent. A trumpet sounded. He recognised the note of his own soldiery. He groped his way to a curtain, and, pulling it aside, beheld the firststreak of dawn. Once more upon his charger, once more surrounded by his legions, oncemore his senses dazzled and inflamed by the waving banners and theinspiring trumpets, once more conscious of the power still at hiscommand, and the mighty stake for which he was about to play, Alroy in agreat degree recovered his usual spirit and self-possession. His energyreturned with his excited pulse, and the vastness of the impendingdanger seemed only to stimulate the fertility of his genius. He pushed on by forced marches towards Media, at the head of fiftythousand men. At the end of the second day's march, fresh couriersarrived from Abner, informing him that, unable to resist the valiantand almost innumerable host of the King of Karasmé, he had entirelyevacuated Persia, and had concentrated his forces in Louristan. Alroy, in consequence of this information, despatched orders to Scherirah, tojoin him with his division instantly, and leave the capital to its fate. They passed again the mountains of Kerrund, and joined Abner and thearmy of Media, thirty thousand strong, on the river Abzah. Here Alroyrested one night, to refresh his men, and on the ensuing morn pushed onto the Persian frontier, unexpectedly attacked the advanced posts of AlpArslan, and beat them back with great loss into the province. But theforce of the King of Karasmé was so considerable, that the Caliph didnot venture on a general engagement, and therefore he fell back, andformed in battle array upon the neighbouring plain of Nehauend, thetheatre of one of his earliest and most brilliant victories, where heawaited the hourly-expected arrival of Scherirah. The King of Karasmé, who was desirous of bringing affairs to an issue, and felt confident in his superior force, instantly advanced. In two orthree days at farthest, it was evident that a battle must be fought thatwould decide the fate of the East. On the morn ensuing their arrival at Nehauend, while the Caliph was outhunting, attended only by a few officers, he was suddenly attacked byan ambushed band of Karasmians. Alroy and his companions defendedthemselves with such desperation that they at length succeeded inbeating off their assailants, although triple their number. The leaderof the Karasmians, as he retreated, hurled a dart at the Caliph, whichmust have been fatal, had not a young officer of the guard interposedhis own breast, and received the deadly wound. The party, in confusion, returned with all speed to the camp, Alroy himself bearing the expiringvictim of desperate loyalty and military enthusiasm. The bleeding officer was borne to the royal pavilion, and placed uponthe imperial couch. The most skilful leech was summoned; he examined thewound, but shook his head. The dying warrior was himself sensible of hisdesperate condition. His agony could only be alleviated by withdrawingthe javelin, which would occasion his immediate decease. He desired tobe left alone with his Sovereign. 'Sire!' said the officer, 'I must die; and I die without a pang. To diein your service, I have ever considered the most glorious end. Destinyhas awarded it to me;, and if I have not met my fate upon the fieldof battle, it is some consolation that my death has preserved the mostvaluable of lives. Sire! I have a sister. ' 'Waste not thy strength, dear friend, in naming her. Rest assured Ishall ever deem thy relatives my own. ' 'I doubt it not. Would I had a thousand lives for such a master! I havea burden on my conscience, Sire, nor can I die in peace unless I speakof it. ' 'Speak, speak freely. If thou hast injured any one, and the power orwealth of Alroy can redeem thy oppressed spirit, he will not spare, hewill not spare, be assured of that. ' 'Noble, noble master, I must be brief; for, although, while this javelinrests within my body, I yet may live, the agony is great. Sire, the deedof which I speak doth concern thee. ' 'Ay!' 'I was on guard the day Jabaster died. ' 'Powers of heaven! I am all ear. Speak on, speak on!' 'He died self-strangled, so they say?' 'So they ever told me. ' 'Thou art innocent, thou art innocent! I thank my God, my King isinnocent!' 'Rest assured of that, as there is hope in Israel. Tell me all. ' 'The Queen came with the signet ring. To such authority I yielded way. She entered, and after her, the Lord Honain. I heard high words! I heardJabaster's voice. He struggled, yes! he struggled; but his mighty form, wounded and fettered, could not long resist. Foul play, foul play, Sire!What could I do against such adversaries? They left the chamber witha stealthy step. Her eyes met mine. I never could forget that fell andglittering visage. ' 'Thou ne'er hast spoken of this awful end?' 'To none but thee. And why I speak it now I cannot tell, save that itseems some inspiration urges me; and methinks they who did this may doeven feller works, if such there be. ' 'Thou hast robbed me of all peace and hope of peace; and yet I thankthee. Now I know the worth of life. I have never loved to think of thatsad day; and yet, though I have sometimes dreamed of villainous work, the worst were innocence to thy dread tale. ' 'Tis told; and now I pray thee secure thy secret, by drawing from myagonised frame this javelin. ' 'Trusty heart, 'tis a sad office. ' 'I die with joy if thou performest it. ' ''Tis done. ' 'God save Alroy. ' While Alroy, plunged in thought, stood over the body of the officer, there arose a flourish of triumphant music, and a eunuch, enteringthe pavilion, announced the arrival of Schirene from Kerrund. Almostimmediately afterwards, the Princess descending from her litter, enteredthe tent; Alroy tore off his robe, and threw it over the corpse. 'My own, ' exclaimed the Princess, as she ran up to the Caliph. 'I haveheard all. Be not alarmed for me. I dare look upon a corpse. You know Iam a soldier's bride. I am used to blood. ' 'Alas!' 'Why so pale? Thou dost not kiss me! Has this unhinged thee so? 'Tis asad deed; and yet tomorrow's dawn may light up thousands to as grim afate. Why? thou tremblest! Alas! kind soul! The single death of thisfond, faithful heart hath quite upset my love. Yet art thou used tobattle. Why! this is foolishness. Art not glad to see me? What, not onesmile! And I have come to fight for thee! I will be kissed!' She flung herself upon his neck. Alroy faintly returned her embrace, andbore her to a couch. He clapped his hands, and two soldiers entered andbore away the corpse. 'The pavilion, Schirene, is now fitter for thy presence. Rest thyself; Ishall soon return. ' Thus speaking, he quitted her. He quitted her; but her humbled look of sorrowful mortification piercedto his heart. He thought of all her love and all her loveliness, hecalled to mind all the marvellous story of their united fortunes. Hefelt that for her and her alone he cared to live, that without her quicksympathy, even success seemed unendurable. His judgment fluctuated inan eddy of passion and reason. Passion conquered. He dismissed from hisintelligence all cognizance of good and evil; he determined, under allcircumstances, to cling ever to her; he tore from his mind all memoryof the late disclosure. He returned to the pavilion with a countenancebeaming with affection; he found her weeping, he folded her in his arms, he kissed her with a thousand kisses, and whispered between each kisshis ardent love. 'Twas midnight. Schirene reposed in the arms of Alroy. The Caliph, whowas restless and anxious for the arrival of Scherirah, was scarcelyslumbering when the sound of a voice thoroughly aroused him. He lookedaround; he beheld the spectre of Jabaster. His hair stood on end, hislimbs seemed to loosen, a cold dew crept over his frame, as he gazedupon the awful form within a yard of his couch. Unconsciously hedisembarrassed his arms of their fair burden, and, rising on the couch, leant forward. '_Alroy, Alroy, Alroy_!' 'I am here. ' '_To-morrow Israel is avenged!_' 'Who is that?' exclaimed the Princess, wakening. In a frenzy of fear, Alroy, quite forgetting the spectre, turnedand pressed his hand over her eyes. When he again looked round theapparition was invisible. 'What wouldst thou, Alroy?' 'Nothing, sweet! A soldier's wife must bear strange sights, yet I wouldsave you some. One of my men, forgetful you were here, burst into mytent in such a guise as scarce would suit a female eye. I must away, mychild. I'll call thy slaves. One kiss! Farewell! but for a time. ' '"To-morrow Israel will be avenged. " What! in Karasmian blood? I haveno faith. No matter. All is now beyond my influence. A rushing destinycarries me onward. I cannot stem the course, nor guide the vessel. Hownow! Who is the officer on guard?' 'Benomi, Sire, thy servant. ' 'Send to the Viceroy. Bid him meet me here. Who is this?' 'A courier from the Lord Scherirah, Sire, but just arrived. He passedlast night the Kerrund mountains, Sire, and will be with you by thebreak of day. ' 'Good news. Go fetch Abner. Haste! He'll find me here anon. I'll visitthe camp awhile. Well, my brave fellows, you have hither come to conqueragain with Alroy. You have fought before, I warrant, on the plain ofNehauend. 'Tis a rich soil, and shall be richer with Karasmian gore. ' 'God save your Majesty! Our lives are thine. ' 'Please you, my little ruler, ' said a single soldier, addressing Alroy;'pardon my bluntness, but I knew you before you were a Caliph. ' 'Stout heart, I like thy freedom. Pr'ythee say on. ' 'I was a-saying, I hope you will lead us in the charge to-morrow. Somesay you will not. ' 'They say falsely. ' 'I thought so. I'll ever answer for my little ruler, but then theQueen?' 'Is a true soldier's wife, and lives in the camp. ' 'That's brave! There, I told you so, comrades; you would not believeme, but I knew our little ruler before you did. I lived near the gate atHamadan, please your Highness: old Shelomi's son. ' 'Give me thy hand; a real friend. What is't ye eat here, boys? Let metaste your mess. I'faith I would my cook could dress me such a pilau!Tis admirable!' The soldiers gathered round their chieftain with eyes beaming withadoration. 'Twas a fine picture, the hero in the centre, the variousgroups around, some conversing with him, some cooking, some makingcoffee, all offering him by word or deed some testimonial of theirdevotion, and blending with that devotion the most perfect frankness. 'We shall beat them, lads!' 'There is no fear with you, you always conquer. ' 'I do my best, and so do you. A good general without good troops islittle worth. ' 'I'faith that's true. One must have good troops. What think you of AlpArslan?' 'I think he may give us as much trouble as all our other enemiestogether, and that's not much. ' 'Brave, brave! God save Alroy!' Benomi approached, and announced that the Viceroy was in attendance. 'I must quit you, my children, ' said Alroy. 'We'll sup once moretogether when we have conquered. ' 'God save you, Sire; and we will confound your enemies. ' 'Good night, my lads. Ere the dawn break we may have hot work. ' 'We are ready, we are ready. God save Alroy. ' 'They are in good cue, and yet 'twas a different spirit that inspiredour early days. That I strongly feel. These are men true to a leader whohas never failed them, and confident in a cause that leads to plunder. They are but splendid mercenaries. No more. Oh! where are now the fighting men of Judah! Where are the menwho, when they drew their scimitars, joined in a conquering psalm ofholy triumph! Last eve of battle you would have thought the field amighty synagogue. Priests and altars, flaming sacrifices, and smokingcensers, groups of fiery zealots hanging with frenzy on prophetic lips, and sealing with their blood and holiest vows a solemn covenant toconquer Canaan. All is changed, as I am. How now, Abner? You are wellmuffled!' 'Is it true Scherirah is at hand?' 'I doubt not all is right. Would that the dawn would break!' 'The enemy is advancing. Some of their columns are in sight. My scoutshave dodged them. They intend doubtless to form upon the plain. ' 'They are in sight, eh! Then we will attack them at once ere theyare formed. Rare, rare! We'll beat them yet. Courage, dear brother. Scherirah will be here at dawn in good time, very good time: very, verygood time. ' 'I like the thought' 'The men are in good heart. At break of dawn, charge with thirtythousand cavalry upon their forming ranks. I'll take the right, Asrielthe left. It shall be a family affair, dear Abner. How is Miriam?' 'I heard this morn, quite well. She sends you her love and prayers. TheQueen is here?' 'She came this eve. Quite well. ' 'She must excuse all courtesy. ' 'Say nothing. She is a soldier's wife. She loves thee well, dear Abner. ' 'I know that. I hope my sword may guard her children's throne. ' 'Well, give thy orders. Instant battle, eh?' 'Indeed I think so. ' 'I'll send couriers to hurry Scherirah. All looks well. Reserve theguard. ' 'Ay, ay! Farewell, dear Sire. When we meet again, I trust your enemiesmay be your slaves!' At the first streak of dawn the Hebrew cavalry, with the exceptionof the Guard, charged the advancing columns of the Karasmians withirresistible force, and cut them in pieces. Alp Arslan rallied histroops, and at length succeeded in forming his main body in good order. Alroy and Asriel led on their divisions, and the battle now becamegeneral. It raged for several hours, and was on both sides wellmaintained. The slaughter of the Karasmians was great, but their sterncharacter and superior numbers counterbalanced for a time all theimpetuosity of the Hebrews and all the energy of their leaders. Thisday Alroy threw into the shade all his former exploits. Twelve times hecharged at the head of the Sacred Guard, and more than once penetratedto the very pavilion of Alp Arslan. In vain he endeavoured singly, and hand to hand, to meet that famouschieftain. Both monarchs fought in the ranks, and yet Fate decidedthat their scimitars should never cross. Four hours before noon, it wasevident to Alroy, that, unless Scherirah arrived, he could not prevailagainst the vast superiority of numbers. He was obliged early to callhis reserve into the field, and although the number of the slain onthe side of Arslan exceeded any in the former victories of the Hebrews, still the Karasmians maintained an immense front, which was constantlysupplied by fresh troops. Confident in his numbers, and aware of theweakness of his antagonists, Arslan contented himself with acting on thedefensive, and wearying his assailants by resisting their terrible andrepeated charge. For a moment, Alroy at the head of the Sacred Guard had withdrawn fromthe combat. Abner and Asriel still maintained the fight, and the Caliphwas at the same time preparing for new efforts, and watching withanxiety for the arrival of Scherirah. In the fifth hour, from aneminence he marked with exultation the advancing banners of hisexpected succours. Confident now that the day was won, he announced theexhilarating intelligence to his soldiers; and, while they were excitedby the animating tidings, led them once more to the charge. It wasirresistible; Scherirah seemed to have arrived only for the pursuit, only in time to complete the victory. What then was the horror, theconsternation of Alroy, when Benaiah, dashing up to him, informedhim that the long-expected succours consisted of the united forces ofScherirah and Abidan, and had attacked him in the rear. Human geniuscould afford no resource. The exhausted Hebrews, whose energies had beentasked to the utmost, were surrounded. The Karasmians made a general andsimultaneous advance. In a few minutes the Hebrew army was thrown intoconfusion. The stoutest warriors threw away their swords in despair. Every one thought only of self-preservation. Even Abner fled towardsHamadan. Asriel was slain. Alroy, finding it was all over, rushed to hispavilion at the head of about three hundred of the guards, seized thefainting Schirene, threw her before him on his saddle, and cutting hisway through all obstacles, dashed into the desert. For eight-and-forty hours they never stopped. Their band was soonreduced one-third. On the morning of the third day they dismountedand refreshed themselves at a well. Half only regained their saddles. Schirene never spoke. On they rushed again, each hour losing someexhausted co-mate. At length, on the fifth day, about eighty strong, they arrived at a grove of palm-trees. Here they dismounted. And Alroytook Schirene in his arms, and the shade seemed to revive her. Sheopened her eyes, and pressed his hand and smiled. He gathered her somedates, and she drank some water. 'Our toils will soon be over, sweetest, ' he whispered to her; 'I havelost everything but thee. ' Again they mounted, and, proceeding at a less rapid pace, they arrivedtowards evening at the ruined city, whither Alroy all this time hadbeen directing his course. Dashing down the great street, they at lengthentered the old amphitheatre. They dismounted. Alroy made a couch withtheir united cloaks for Schirene. Some collected fuel, great storeof which was found, and kindled large fires. Others, while it was yetlight, chased the gazelles, and were sufficiently fortunate to providetheir banquet, or fetched water from the well known to their leader. In an hour's time, clustering round their fires in groups, and sharingtheir rude fare, you might have deemed them, instead of the discomfitedand luxurious guards of a mighty monarch, the accustomed tenants of thiswild abode. 'Come, my lads, ' said Alroy, as he rubbed his hands over the ascendingflame, 'at any rate, this is better than the desert. ' After all his exertions, Alroy fell into profound and dreamless sleep. When he awoke, the sun had been long up. Schirene was still slumbering. He embraced her, and she opened her eyes and smiled. 'You are now a bandit's bride, ' he said. 'How like you our new life?' 'Well! with thee. ' 'Rest here, my sweetest: I must rouse our men, and see how fortunespeeds. ' So saying, and tripping lightly over many a sleeping form, hetouched Benaiah. 'So! my brave captain of the guard, still napping! Come! stir, stir. ' Benaiah jumped up with a cheerful face. 'I am ever ready, Sire. ' 'I know it; but remember I am no more a king, only a co-mate. Away withme, and let us form some order. ' The companions quitted the amphitheatre and reconnoitred the adjoiningbuildings. They found many stores, the remains of old days, mats, tents, and fuel, drinking-bowls, and other homely furniture. They fixed upona building for their stable, and others for the accommodation of theirband. They summoned their companions to the open place, the scene ofHassan Subah's fate, where Alroy addressed them and explained to themhis plans. They were divided into companies; each man had his allottedduty. Some were placed on guard at different parts; some were sent outto the chase, or to collect dates from the Oasis; others led the horsesto the contiguous pasture, or remained to attend to their domesticarrangements. The amphitheatre was cleared out. A rude but convenientpavilion was formed for Schirene. They covered its ground withmats, and each emulated the other in his endeavours to study heraccommodation. Her kind words and inspiring smiles animated at the sametime their zeal and their invention. They soon became accustomed to their rough but adventurous life. Itsnovelty pleased them, and the perpetual excitement of urgent necessityleft them no time to mourn over their terrible vicissitudes. While Alroylived, hope indeed never deserted their sanguine bosoms. And such wasthe influence of his genius, that the most desponding felt that to bediscomfited with him, was preferable to conquest with another. They werea faithful and devoted band, and merry faces were not wanting when atnight they assembled in the amphitheatre for their common meal. No sooner had Alroy completed his arrangements than he sent forthspies in all directions to procure intelligence, and especially tocommunicate, if possible, with Ithamar and Medad, provided that theystill survived and maintained themselves in any force. A fortnight passed away without the approach of any stranger; at the endof which, there arrived four personages at their haunt, not very welcometo their chief, who, however, concealed his chagrin at their appearance. These were Kisloch the Kourd, and Calidas the Indian, and theirinseparable companions, the Guebre and the Negro. 'Noble Captain, ' said Kisloch, 'we trust that you will permit us toenlist in the band. This is not the first time we have served under yourorders in this spot. Old co-mates, i'faith, who have seen the best andthe worst. We suspected where you might be found, although, thanks tothe ever felicitous invention of man, it is generally received that youdied in battle. I hope your Majesty is well, ' added Kisloch, bowing toSchirene. 'You are welcome, friends, ' replied Alroy; 'I know your worth. You haveseen, as you say, the best and the worst, and will, I trust, see better. Died in battle, eh! that's good. ' ''Tis so received, ' said Calidas. 'And what news of our friends?' 'Not over good, but strange. ' 'How so?' 'Hamadan is taken. ' 'I am prepared; tell me all. ' 'Old Bostenay and the Lady Miriam are borne prisoners to Bagdad. ' 'Prisoners?' 'But so; all will be well with them, I trow. The Lord Honain is in highfavour with the conqueror, and will doubtless protect them. ' 'Honain in favour?' 'Even so. He made terms for the city, and right good ones. ' 'Hah! he was ever dexterous. Well! if he save my sister, I care not forhis favour. ' 'There is no doubt. All may yet be well, Sir. ' 'Let us act, not hope. Where's Abner?' 'Dead. ' 'How?' 'In battle. ' 'Art sure?' 'I saw him fall, and fought beside him. ' 'A soldier's death is all our fortune now. I am glad he was notcaptured. Where's Medad, Ithamar?' 'Fled into Egypt. ' 'We have no force whatever, then?' 'None but your guards here. ' 'They are strong enough to plunder a caravan. Honain, you say, infavour?' 'Very high. He'll make good terms for us. ' 'This is strange news. ' 'Very, but true. ' 'Well! you are welcome! Share our fare; 'tis rough, and somewhat scanty;but we have feasted, and may feast again. Fled into Egypt, eh?' 'Ay! Sir. ' 'Schirene, shouldst like to see the Nile?' 'I have heard of crocodiles. ' If the presence of Kisloch and his companions were not very pleasingto Alroy, with the rest of the band they soon became great favourites. Their local knowledge, and their experience of desert life, made themvaluable allies, and their boisterous jocularity and unceasing merrimentwere not unwelcome in the present monotonous existence of the fugitives. As for Alroy himself, he meditated an escape to Egypt. He determinedto seize the first opportunity of procuring some camels, and then, dispersing his band, with the exception of Benaiah and a few faithfulretainers, he trusted that, disguised as merchants, they might succeedin crossing Syria, and entering Africa by Palestine. With these plansand prospects, he became each day more cheerful and more sanguine asto the future. He had in his possession some valuable jewels, which hecalculated upon disposing of at Cairo for a sum sufficient for all hispurposes; and having exhausted all the passions of life while yet ayouth, he looked forward to the tranquil termination of his existence insome poetic solitude with his beautiful companion. One evening, as they returned from the Oasis, Alroy guiding the camelthat bore Schirene, and ever and anon looking up in her inspiring face, her sanguine spirit would have indulged in a delightful future. 'Thus shall we pass the desert, sweet, ' said Schirene. 'Can this betoil?' 'There is no toil with love, ' replied Alroy. 'And we were made for love, and not for empire, ' rejoined Schirene. 'The past is a dream, ' said Alroy. 'So sages teach us; but, until weact, their wisdom is but wind. I feel it now. Have we ever lived inaught but deserts, and fed on aught but dates? Methinks 'tis verynatural. But that I am tempted by the security of distant lands, I couldremain here a free and happy outlaw. Time, custom, and necessity formour natures. When I first met Scherirah in these ruins, I shrank withhorror from degraded man; and now I sigh to be his heir. We must notthink!' 'No, love, we'll only hope, ' replied Schirene; and they passed throughthe gates. The night was beautiful, the air was still warm and sweet. Schirenegazed upon the luminous heavens. 'We thought not of these skies whenwe were at Bagdad, ' she exclaimed; 'and yet, my life, what was thebrightness of our palaces compared to these? All is left to us that manshould covet, freedom, beauty, and youth. I do believe, ere long, Alroy, we shall look back upon the wondrous past as on another and a lowerworld. Would that this were Egypt! Tis my only wish. ' 'And it shall soon be gratified. All will soon be arranged. A few briefdays, and then Schirene will mount her camel for a longer ride than justto gather dates. You'll make a sorry traveller, I fear!' 'Not I; I'll tire you all. ' They reached the circus, and seated themselves round the blazing fire. Seldom had Alroy, since his fall, appeared more cheerful. Schirene sangan Arab air to the band, who joined in joyous chorus. It was lateere they sought repose; and they retired to their rest, sanguine andcontented. A few hours afterwards, at the break of dawn, Alroy was roused fromhis slumbers by a rude pressure on his breast. He started; a ferocioussoldier was kneeling over him; he would have spurned him; he found hishand manacled. He would have risen; his feet were bound. He looked roundfor Schirene, and called her name; he was answered only by a shriek. The amphitheatre was filled with Karasmian troops. His own men weresurprised and overpowered. Kisloch and the Guebre had been on guard. Hewas raised from the ground, and flung upon a camel, which was instantlytrotted out of the circus. On every side he beheld a wild scene ofdisorder and dismay. He was speechless from passion and despair. The camel was dragged into the desert. A body of cavalry instantlysurrounded it, and they set off at a rapid pace. The whole seemed thework of an instant. How many days had passed Alroy knew not. He had taken no account oftime. Night and day were to him the same. He was in a stupor. But thesweetness of the air and the greenness of the earth at length partiallyroused his attention. He was just conscious that they had quitted thedesert. Before him was a noble river; he beheld the Euphrates fromthe very spot he had first viewed it in his pilgrimage. The strongassociation of ideas called back his memory. A tear stole down hischeek; the bitter drop stole to his parched lips; he asked the nearesthorseman for water. The guard gave him a wetted sponge, with which hecontrived with difficulty to wipe his lips, and then he let it fall tothe ground. The Karasmian struck him. They arrived at the river. The prisoner was taken from the camel andplaced in a covered boat. After some hours they stopped and disembarkedat a small village. Alroy was placed upon an ass with his back to itshead. His clothes were soiled and tattered. The children pelted him withmud. An old woman, with a fanatic curse, placed a crown of paper onhis brow. With difficulty his brutal guards prevented their victimfrom being torn to pieces. And in such fashion, towards noon of thefourteenth day, David Alroy again entered Bagdad. The intelligence of the capture of Alroy spread through the agitatedcity. The Moolahs bustled about as if they had received a freshdemonstration of the authenticity of the prophetic mission. All theDervishes began begging. The men discussed affairs in the coffee-houses, and the women chatted at the fountains. [79] 'They may say what they like, but I wish him well, ' said a fair Arab, as she arranged her veil. 'He may be an impostor, but he was a veryhandsome one. ' 'All the women are for him, that's the truth, ' responded a companion;'but then we can do him no good. ' 'We can tear their eyes out, ' said a third. 'And what do you think of Alp Arslan, truly?' inquired a fourth. 'I wish he were a pitcher, and then I could break his neck, ' said afifth. 'Only think of the Princess!' said a sixth. 'Well! she has had a glorious time of it, ' said a seventh. 'Nothing was too good for her, ' said an eighth. 'I like true love, ' said a ninth. 'Well! I hope he will be too much for them all yet, ' said a tenth. 'I should not wonder, ' said an eleventh. 'He can't, ' said a twelfth, 'he has lost his sceptre. ' 'You don't say so?' said a thirteenth. 'It is too true, ' said a fourteenth. 'Do you think he was a wizard?' said a fifteenth. 'I vow, if there benot a fellow looking at us behind those trees. ' 'Impudent scoundrel!' said a sixteenth. 'I wish it were Alroy. Let usall scream, and put down our veils. ' And the group ran away. Two stout soldiers were playing chess[80] in a coffee-house. 'May I slay my mother, ' said one, 'but I cannot make a move. I foughtunder him at Nehauend; and though I took the amnesty, I have half a mindnow to seize my sword and stab the first Turk that enters. ' ''Twere but sheer justice, ' said his companion. 'By my father'sblessing, he was the man for a charge. They may say what they like, butcompared with him, Alp Arslan is a white-livered Giaour. ' 'Here is confusion to him and to thy last move. There's the dirhem, Ican play no more. May I slay my mother, though, but I did not think hewould let himself be taken. ' 'By the blessing of my father, nor I; but then he was asleep. ' 'That makes a difference. He was betrayed. ' 'All brave men are. They say Kisloch and his set pocket their fiftythousand by the job. ' 'May each dirhem prove a plague-spot!' 'Amen! Dost remember Abner?' 'May I slay my mother if I ever forget him. He spoke to his men like somany lambs. What has become of the Lady Miriam?' 'She is here. ' 'That will cut Alroy. ' 'He was ever fond of her. Dost remember she gained Adoram's life?' 'Oh! she could do anything next to the Queen. ' 'Before her, I say, before her. He has refused the Queen, he neverrefused the Lady Miriam. ' 'Because she asked less. ' 'Dost know it seemed to me that things never went on so well afterJabaster's death?' 'So say I. There was a something, eh?' 'A sort of a peculiar, as it were, kind of something, eh?' 'You have well described it. Every man felt the same. I have oftenmentioned it to my comrades. Say what you like, said I, but slay mymother if ever since the old man strangled himself, things did not seem, as it were, in their natural propinquity. 'Twas the phrase I used. ' 'A choice one. Unless there is a natural propinquity, the best-arrangedmatters will fall out. However, the ass sees farther than his rider, andso it was with Alroy, the best commander I ever served under, all thesame. ' 'Let us go forth and see how affairs run. ' 'Ay, do. If we hear any one abuse Alroy, we'll cleave his skull. ' 'That will we. There are a good many of our stout fellows about; wemight do something yet. ' 'Who knows?' A subterranean dungeon of the citadel of Bagdad held in its gloomylimits the late lord of Asia. The captive did not sigh, or weep, orwail. He did not speak. He did not even think. For several days heremained in a state of stupor. On the morning of the fourth day, healmost unconsciously partook of the wretched provision which his gaolersbrought him. Their torches, round which the bats whirled and flappedtheir wings, and twinkled their small eyes, threw a ghastly glare overthe nearer walls of the dungeon, the extremity of which defied thevision of the prisoner; and, when the gaolers retired, Alroy was incomplete darkness. The image of the past came back to him. He tried in vain to penetratethe surrounding gloom. His hands were manacled, his legs also wereloaded with chains. The notion that his life might perhaps have beencruelly spared in order that he might linger on in this horrible stateof conscious annihilation filled him with frenzy. He would have dashedhis fetters against his brow, but the chain restrained him. He flunghimself upon the damp and rugged ground. His fall disturbed a thousandobscene things. He heard the quick glide of a serpent, the creepingretreat of the clustering scorpions, and the swift escape of the dashingrats. His mighty calamities seemed slight when compared with these pettymiseries. His great soul could not support him under these noisome anddegrading incidents. He sprang, in disgust, upon his feet, and stoodfearful of moving, lest every step should introduce him to some newabomination. At length, exhausted nature was unable any longer tosustain him. He groped his way to the rude seat, cut in the rocky wall, which was his only accommodation. He put forth his hand. It touched theslimy fur of some wild animal, that instantly sprang away, itsfiery eyes sparkling in the dark. Alroy recoiled with a sensation ofwoe-begone dismay. His shaken nerves could not sustain him under thisbase danger, and these foul and novel trials. He could not refrain froman exclamation of despair; and, when he remembered that he was now farbeyond the reach of all human solace and sympathy, even all human aid, for a moment his mind seemed to desert him; and he wrung his hands inforlorn and almost idiotic woe. An awful thing it is, the failure ofthe energies of a master-mind. He who places implicit confidence in hisgenius will find himself some day utterly defeated and deserted. 'Tisbitter! Every paltry hind seems but to breathe to mock you. Slow, indeed, is such a mind to credit that the never-failing resource can atleast be wanting. But so it is. Like a dried-up fountain, the perennialflow and bright fertility have ceased, and ceased for ever. Then comesthe madness of retrospection. Draw a curtain! draw a curtain! and fling it over this agonisinganatomy. The days of childhood, his sweet sister's voice and smiling love, theirinnocent pastimes, and the kind solicitude of faithful servants, all thesoft detail of mild domestic life: these were the sights and memoriesthat flitted in wild play before the burning vision of Alroy, androse upon his tortured mind. Empire and glory, his sacred nation, hisimperial bride; these, these were nothing. Their worth had vanished withthe creative soul that called them into action. The pure sympathiesof nature alone remained, and all his thought and grief, all hisintelligence, all his emotion, were centred in his sister. It was the seventh morning. A guard entered at an unaccustomed hour, and, sticking a torch into a niche in the wall, announced that a personwas without who had permission to speak to the prisoner. They were thefirst human accents that had met the ear of Alroy during his captivity, which seemed to him an age, a long dark period, that cancelled allthings. He shuddered at the harsh tones. He tried to answer, but hisunaccustomed lips refused their office. He raised his heavy arms, andendeavoured to signify his consciousness of what had been uttered. Yet, indeed, he had not listened to the message without emotion. He lookedforward to the grate with strange curiosity; and, as he looked, hetrembled. The visitor entered, muffled in a dark caftan. The guarddisappeared; and the caftan falling to the ground, revealed Honain. 'My beloved Alroy, ' said the brother of Jabaster; and he advanced, andpressed him to his bosom. Had it been Miriam, Alroy might have atonce expired; but the presence of this worldly man called back hisworldliness. The revulsion of his feelings was wonderful. Pride, perhapseven hope, came to his aid; all the associations seemed to counselexertion; for a moment he seemed the same Alroy. 'I rejoice to find at least thee safe, Honain. ' 'I also, if my security may lead to thine. ' 'Still whispering hope!' 'Despair is the conclusion of fools. ' 'O Honain! 'tis a great trial. I can play my part, and yet methinks'twere better we had not again met. How is Schirene?' 'Thinking of thee. ' 'Tis something that she can think. My mind has gone. Where's Miriam?' 'Free. ' 'That's something. Thou hast done that. Good, good Honain, be kind tothat sweet child, if only for my sake. Thou art all she has left. ' 'She hath thee. ' 'Her desolation. ' 'Live and be her refuge. ' 'How's that? These walls! Escape? No, no; it is impossible. ' 'I do not deem it so. ' 'Indeed! I'll do anything. Speak! Can we bribe? can we cleave theirskulls? can we----' 'Calm thyself, my friend. There is no need of bribes, no need ofbloodshed. We must make terms. ' 'Terms! We might have made them on the plain of Nehauend. Terms! Termswith a captive victim?' 'Why victim?' 'Is Arslan then so generous?' 'He is a beast, more savage than the boar that grinds its tusks withinhis country's forests. ' 'Why speakest thou then of hope?' 'I spoke of certainty. I did not mention hope. ' 'Dear Honain, my brain is weak; but I can bear strange things, or elseI should not be here. I feel thy thoughtful friendship; but indeed thereneed no winding words to tell my fate. Pr'ythee speak out. ' 'In a word, thy life is safe. ' 'What! spared?' 'If it please thee. ' 'Please me? Life is sweet. I feel its sweetness. I want but little. Freedom and solitude are all I ask. My life spared! I'll not believeit. Thou hast done this deed, thou mighty man, that masterest all souls. Thou hast not forgotten me; thou hast not forgotten the days gone by, thou hast not forgotten thine own Alroy! Who calls thee worldly is aslanderer. O Honain! thou art too faithful!' 'I have no thought but for thy service, Prince. ' 'Call me not Prince, call me thine own Alroy. My life spared! 'Tiswonderful! When may I go? Let no one see me. Manage that, Honain. Thoucanst manage all things. I am for Egypt. Thou hast been to Egypt, hastthou not, Honain?' 'A very wondrous land, 'twill please thee much. ' 'When may I go? Tell me when I may go. When may I quit this dark andnoisome cell? 'Tis worse than all their tortures, dear Honain. Air andlight, and I really think my spirit never would break, but thishorrible dungeon---- I scarce can look upon thy face, sweet friend. 'Tisserious. ' 'Wouldst thou have me gay?' 'Yes! if we are free. ' 'Alroy! thou art a great spirit, the greatest that I e'er knew, haveever read of. I never knew thy like, and never shall. ' 'Tush, tush, sweet friend, I am a broken reed, but still I am free. Thisis no time for courtly phrases. Let's go, and go at once. ' 'A moment, dear Alroy. I am no flatterer. What I said came from myheart, and doth concern us much and instantly. I was saying thou hast nocommon mind, Alroy; indeed thou hast a mind unlike all others. Listen, my Prince. Thou hast read mankind deeply and truly. Few have seen morethan thyself, and none have so rare a spring of that intuitive knowledgeof thy race, which is a gem to which experience is but a jeweller, andwithout which no action can befriend us. ' 'Well, well!' 'A moment's calmness. Thou hast entered Bagdad in triumph, and thou hastentered the same city with every contumely which the base spirit of ourrace could cast upon its victim. 'Twas a great lesson. ' 'I feel it so. ' 'And teaches us how vile and valueless is the opinion of ourfellow-men. ' 'Alas! 'tis true. ' 'I am glad to see thee in this wholesome temper. 'Tis full of wisdom. ' 'The miserable are often wise. ' 'But to believe is nothing unless we act. Speculation should onlysharpen practice. The time hath come to prove thy lusty faith in thisphilosophy. I told thee we could make terms. I have made them. To-morrowit was doomed Alroy should die--and what a death! A death of infinitetorture! Hast ever seen a man impaled?'[81] 'Hah!' 'To view it is alone a doom. ' 'God of Heaven!' 'It is so horrible, that 'tis ever marked, that when this direfulceremony occurs, the average deaths in cities greatly increase. 'Tisfrom the turning of the blood in the spectators, who yet from someungovernable madness cannot refrain from hurrying to the scene. I speakwith some authority. I speak as a physician. ' 'Speak no more, I cannot endure it. ' 'To-morrow this doom awaited thee. As for Schirene----' 'Not for her, oh! surely not for her?' 'No, they were merciful. She is a Caliph's daughter. 'Tis not forgotten. The axe would close her life. Her fair neck would give slight trouble tothe headsman's art. But for thy sister, but for Miriam, she is a witch, a Jewish witch! They would have burnt her alive!' 'I'll not believe it, no, no, I'll not believe it: damnable, bloodydemons! When I had power I spared all, all but----ah, me! ah, me! whydid I live?' 'Thou dost forget thyself; I speak of that which was to have been, not of that which is to be. I have stepped in and communed with theconqueror. I have made terms. ' 'What are they, what can they be?' 'Easy. To a philosopher like Alroy an idle ceremony. ' 'Be brief, be brief. ' 'Thou seest thy career is a great scandal to the Moslemin. I mark theirweakness, and I have worked upon it. Thy mere defeat or death will notblot out the stain upon their standard and their faith. The public mindis wild with fantasies since Alroy rose. Men's opinions flit to and frowith that fearful change that bodes no stable settlement of states. None know what to cling to, or where to place their trust. Creeds aredoubted, authority disputed. They would gladly account for thy successby other than human means, yet must deny thy mission. There also is thefame of a fair and mighty Princess, a daughter of their Caliphs, whichthey would gladly clear. I mark all this, observe and work upon it. So, could we devise some means by which thy lingering followers could be forever silenced, this great scandal fairly erased, and the public framebrought to a sounder and more tranquil pulse, why, they would concedemuch, much, very much. ' 'Thy meaning, not thy means, are evident. ' 'They are in thy power. ' 'In mine? 'Tis a deep riddle. Pr'ythee solve it. ' 'Thou wilt be summoned at to-morrow's noon before this Arslan. Therein the presence of the assembled people who are now with him as much asthey were with thee, thou wilt be accused of magic, and of intercoursewith the infernal powers. Plead guilty. ' 'Well! is there more?' 'Some trifle. They will then examine thee about the Princess. It isnot difficult to confess that Alroy won the Caliph's daughter by anirresistible spell, and now 'tis broken. ' 'So, so. Is that all?' 'The chief. Thou canst then address some phrases to the Hebrewprisoners, denying thy Divine mission, and so forth, to settle thepublic mind, observe, upon this point for ever. ' 'Ay, ay, and then----?' 'No more, except for form. (Upon the completion of the conditions, mind, you will be conveyed to what land you please, with such amount oftreasure as you choose. ) There is no more, except, I say, for form, Iwould, if I were you ('twill be expected), I would just publicly affectto renounce our faith, and bow before their Prophet. ' 'Hah! Art thou there? Is this thy freedom? Get thee behind me, tempter!Never, never, never! Not a jot, not a jot: I'll not yield a jot. Weremy doom one everlasting torture, I'd spurn thy terms! Is this thy highcontempt of our poor kind, to outrage my God! to prove myself the vilestof the vile, and baser than the basest? Rare philosophy! O Honain! wouldwe had never met!' 'Or never parted. True. Had my word been taken, Alroy would ne'er havebeen betrayed. ' 'No more; I pray thee, sir, no more. Leave me. ' 'Were this a palace, I would. Harsh words are softened by a friendlyear, when spoken in affliction. ' 'Say what they will, I am the Lord's anointed. As such I should havelived, as such at least I'll die. ' 'And Miriam?' 'The Lord will not desert her: she ne'er deserted Him. ' 'Schirene?' 'Schirene! why! for her sake alone I will die a hero. Shall it be saidshe loved a craven slave, a base impostor, a vile renegade, a villainousdealer in drugs and charms? Oh! no, no, no! if only for her sake, hersweet, sweet sake, my end shall be like my great life. As the sun Irose, like him I set. Still the world is warm with my bright fame, andmy last hour shall not disgrace my noon, stormy indeed, but glorious!' Honain took the torch from the niche, and advanced to the grate. Itwas not fastened: he drew it gently open, and led forward a veiled andfemale figure. The veiled and female figure threw herself at the feet ofAlroy, who seemed lost to what was passing. A soft lip pressed his hand. He started, his chains clanked. 'Alroy!' softly murmured the kneeling female. 'What voice is that?' wildly exclaimed the Prince of the Captivity. 'Itfalls upon my ear like long-forgotten music. I'll not believe it. No!I'll not believe it. Art thou Schirene?' 'I am that wretched thing they called thy bride. ' 'Oh! this indeed is torture! What impalement can equal this sharpmoment? Look not on me, let not our eyes meet! They have met before, like to the confluence of two shining rivers blending in one greatstream of rushing light. Bear off that torch, sir. Let impenetrabledarkness cover our darker fortunes. ' 'Alroy. ' 'She speaks again. Is she mad, as I am, that thus she plays with agony?' 'Sire, ' said Honain advancing, and laying his hand gently on the arm ofthe captive, 'I pray thee moderate this passion. Thou hast some faithfulfriends here, who would fain commune in calmness for thy lastingwelfare. ' 'Welfare! He mocks me. ' 'I beseech, thee, Sire, be calm. If, indeed, I speak unto that greatAlroy whom all men fear and still may fear, I pray remember, 'tis notin palaces or in the battle-field alone that the heroic soul can conquerand command. Scenes like these are the great proof of a superior soul. While we live, our body is a temple where our genius pours forth itsgodlike inspiration, and while the altar is not overthrown, the deitymay still work marvels. Then rouse thyself, great Sire; bethink theethat, a Caliph or a captive, there is no man within this breathing worldlike to Alroy. Shall such a being fall without a struggle, like somepoor felon, who has naught to trust to but the dull shuffling accidentof Chance? I, too, am a prophet, and I feel thou still wilt conquer. ' 'Give me my sceptre, then, give me the sceptre! I speak to the wrongbrother! It was not thou, it was not thou that gavest it me. ' 'Gain it once more. The Lord deserted David for a time; still hepardoned him, and still he died a king. ' 'A woman worked his fall. ' 'But thee a woman raises. This great Princess, has she not suffered too?Yet her spirit is still unbroken. List to her counsel: it is deep andfond. ' 'So was our love. ' 'And is, my Alroy!' exclaimed the Princess. 'Be calm, I pray thee! Formy sake be calm; I am calm for thine. Thou hast listened to all Honainhas told thee, that wise man, my Alroy, who never erred. 'Tis but a word he counsels, an empty word, a most unmeaning form. Butspeak it, and thou art free, and Alroy and Schirene may blend againtheir glorious careers and lives of sweet fruition. Dost thou notremember when, walking in the garden of our joy, and palled with empire, how often hast thou sighed for some sweet isle unknown to man, wherethou mightst pass thy days with no companion but my faithful self, andno adventures but our constant loves? O my beloved, that life may stillbe thine! And dost thou falter? Dost call thyself forlorn with suchfidelity, and deem thyself a wretch, when Paradise with all itsbeauteous gates but woos thy entrance? Oh! no, no, no, no! thou hastforgot Schirene: I fear me much, thy over-fond Schirene, who doats uponthy image in thy chains more than she did when those sweet hands ofthine were bound with gems and played with her bright locks!' 'She speaks of another world. I do remember something. Who has sent thismusic to a dungeon? My spirit softens with her melting words. Myeyes are moist. I weep! 'Tis pleasant. Sorrow is joy compared with mydespair. I never thought to shed a tear again. My brain is cooler. ' 'Weep, weep, I pray thee weep; but let me kiss away thy tears, my soul!Didst think thy Schirene had deserted thee? Ah! that was it that mademy bird so sad. It shall be free, and fly in a sweet sky, and feed onflowers with its faithful mate. Ah me! I am once more happy with my boy. There was no misery but thy absence, sweet! Methinks this dungeon is ourbright kiosk! Is that the sunbeam, or thy smile, my love, that makes thewalls so joyful?' 'Did I smile? I'll not believe it. ' 'Indeed you did. Ah! see he smiles again. Why this is freedom! There isno such thing as sorrow. Tis a lie to frighten fools!' 'Why, Honain, what's this? 'Twould seem I am really joyful. There'sinspiration in her very breath. I am another being. Nay! waste notkisses on those ugly fetters. ' 'Methinks they are gold. ' They were silent. Schirene drew Alroy to his rough seat, and gentlyplacing herself on his knees, threw her arms round his neck, and buriedher face in his breast. After a few minutes she raised her head, andwhispered in his ear in irresistible accents of sweet exultation, 'Weshall be free to-morrow!' 'To-morrow! is the trial so near?' exclaimed the captive, with anagitated voice and changing countenance. 'To-morrow!' He threw Schireneaside somewhat hastily, and sprang from his seat. 'To-morrow! would itwere over! To-morrow! Methinks there is within that single word the fateof ages! Shall it be said to-morrow that Alroy---- Hah! what art thouthat risest now before me? Dread, mighty spirit, thou hast come in timeto save me from perdition. Take me to thy bosom, 'tis not stabbed. Theydid not stab thee. Thou seest me here communing with thy murderers. Whatthen? I am innocent. Ask them, dread ghost, and call upon their fiendishsouls to say I am pure. They would make me dark as themselves, but shallnot. ' 'Honain, Honain!' exclaimed the Princess in a terrible whisper as sheflew to the Physician. 'He is wild again. Calm him, calm him. Mark! howhe stands with his extended arms, and fixed vacant eyes, muttering mostawful words! My spirit fails me. It is too fearful. ' The Physician advanced and stood by the side of Alroy, but in vainattempted to catch his attention. He ventured to touch his arm. ThePrince started, turned round, and recognising him, exclaimed in ashrieking voice, 'Off, fratricide!' Honain recoiled, pale and quivering. Schirene sprang to his arm. 'Whatsaid he, Honain? Thou dost not speak. I never saw thee pale before. Artthou, too, mad?' 'Would I were!' 'All men are growing wild. I am sure he said something. I pray thee tellme what was it?' 'Ask him. ' 'I dare not. Tell me, tell me, Honain!' 'That I dare not. ' 'Was it a word?' 'Ay! a word to wake the dead. Let us begone. ' 'Without our end? Coward! I'll speak to him. My own Alroy, ' sweetlywhispered the Princess, as she advanced before him. 'What, has the fox left the tigress! Is't so, eh? Are there nojudgments? Are the innocent only haunted? I am innocent! I did notstrangle thee! He said rightly, "Beware, beware! they who did this maydo even feller deeds. " And here they are quick at their damned work. Thy body suffered, great Jabaster, but me they would strangle body andsoul!' The Princess shrieked, and fell into the arms of the advancing Honain, who bore her out of the dungeon. After the fall of Hamadan, Bostenay and Miriam had been carriedprisoners to Bagdad. Through the interference of Honain, theirimprisonment had been exempted from the usual hardships, but theywere still confined to their chambers in the citadel. Hitherto all theendeavours of Miriam to visit her brother had been fruitless. Honainwas the only person to whom she could apply for assistance, and he, inanswer to her importunities, only regretted his want of power to aidher. In vain had she attempted, by the offer of some remaining jewels, to secure the co-operation of her guards, with whom her loveliness andthe softness of her manners had already ingratiated her. She had notsucceeded even in communicating with Alroy. But after the unsuccessfulmission of Honain to the dungeon, the late Vizier visited the sister ofthe captive, and, breaking to her with delicate skill the intelligenceof the impending catastrophe, he announced that he had at lengthsucceeded in obtaining for her the desired permission to visit herbrother; and, while she shuddered at the proximity of an event forwhich she had long attempted to prepare herself, Honain, with somemodifications, whispered the means by which he flattered himself that itmight yet be averted. Miriam listened to him in silence, nor couldhe, with all his consummate art, succeed in extracting from her theslightest indication of her own opinion as to their expediency. Theyparted, Honain as sanguine as the wicked ever are. As Miriam dreaded, both for herself and for Alroy, the shock of anunexpected meeting, she availed herself of the influence of Honainto send Caleb to her brother, to prepare him for her presence, and toconsult him as to the desirable moment. Caleb found his late masterlying exhausted on the floor of his dungeon. At first he would not speakor even raise his head, nor did he for a long time apparently recognisethe faithful retainer of his uncle. But at length he grew milder, andwhen he fully comprehended who the messenger was, and the object of hismission, he at first seemed altogether disinclined to see his sister, but in the end postponed their meeting for the present, and, pleadinggreat exhaustion, fixed for that sad interview the first hour of dawn. The venerable Bostenay had scarcely ever spoken since the fall of hisnephew; indeed it was but too evident that his faculties, even if theyhad not entirely deserted him, were at least greatly impaired. He neverquitted his couch; he took no notice of what occurred. He evinced nocuriosity, scarcely any feeling. If indeed he occasionally did mutter anobservation, it was generally of an irritable character, nor truly didhe appear satisfied if anyone approached him, save Miriam, fromwhom alone he would accept the scanty viands which he ever appeareddisinclined to touch. But his devoted niece, amid all her harrowingaffliction, could ever spare to the protector of her youth a placidcountenance, a watchful eye, a gentle voice, and a ready hand. Herreligion and her virtue, the strength of her faith, and the inspirationof her innocence, supported this pure and hapless lady amid all herundeserved and unparalleled sorrows. It was long past midnight; the young widow of Abner reposed upon a couchin a soft slumber. The amiable Beruna and the beautiful Bathsheba, thecurtains drawn, watched the progress of the night. 'Shall I wake her?' said the beautiful Bathsheba. 'Methinks the starsare paler! She bade me rouse her long before the dawn. ' 'Her sleep is too benign! Let us not wake her, ' replied the amiableBeruna. 'We rouse her only to sorrow. ' 'May her dreams at least be happy;' rejoined the beautiful Bathsheba. 'She sleeps tranquilly, as a flower. ' 'The veil has fallen from her head, ' said the amiable Beruna. 'I willreplace it lightly on her brow. Is that well, my Bathsheba?' 'It is well, sweet Beruna. Her face shrouded by the shawl is like apearl in its shell. See! she moves!' 'Bathsheba!' 'I am here, sweet lady. ' 'Is it near dawn?' 'Not yet, sweet lady; it is yet night. It is long past the noon ofnight, sweet lady; methinks I scent the rising breath of morn; but still'tis night, and the young moon shines like a sickle in the heavenlyfield, amid the starry harvest. ' 'Beruna, gentle girl, give me thy arm. I'll rise. ' The maidens advanced, and gently raising their mistress, supported herto the window. 'Since our calamities, ' said Miriam, 'I have never enjoyed such tranquilslumber. My dreams were slight, but soothing. I saw him, but he smiled. Have I slept long, sweet girls? Ye are very watchful. ' 'Dear lady, let me bring thy shawl. The air is fresh----' 'But sweet; I thank thee, no. My brow is not so cool as to need acovering. 'Tis a fair night!' Miriam gazed upon the wide prospect of the moonlit capital. The elevatedposition of the citadel afforded an extensive view of the mighty groupsof buildings-each in itself a city, broken only by some vast and hoodedcupola, the tall, slender, white minarets of the mosques, or the blackand spiral form of some lonely cypress--through which the rushingTigris, flooded with light, sent forth its broad and brilliant torrent. All was silent; not a single boat floated on the fleet river, not asolitary voice broke the stillness of slumbering millions. She gazedand, as she gazed, she could not refrain from contrasting the presentscene, which seemed the sepulchre of all the passions of our race, with the unrivalled excitement of that stirring spectacle which Bagdadexhibited on the celebration of the marriage of Alroy. How differentthen, too, was her position from her present, and how happy! The onlysister of a devoted brother, the lord and conqueror of Asia, the brideof his most victorious captain, one worthy of all her virtues, and whoseyouthful valour had encircled her brow with a diadem. To Miriam, exaltedstation had brought neither cares nor crimes. It had, as it were, onlyrendered her charity universal, and her benevolence omnipotent. Shecould not accuse herself, this blessed woman--she could not accuseherself, even in this searching hour of self-knowledge--she could notaccuse herself, with all her meekness, and modesty, and humility, ofhaving for a moment forgotten her dependence on her God, or her duty toher neighbour. But when her thoughts recurred to that being from whom they were indeedscarcely ever absent; and when she remembered him, and all his life, and all the thousand incidents of his youth, mysteries to the world, andknown only to her, but which were indeed the prescience of his fame, andthought of all his surpassing qualities and all his sweet affection, his unrivalled glory and his impending fate, the tears, in silent agony, forced their way down her pale and pensive cheek. She bowed her headupon Bathsheba's shoulder, and sweet Beruna pressed her quivering hand. The moon set, the stars grew white and ghastly, and vanished one by one. Over the distant plain of the Tigris, the scene of the marriage pomp, the dark purple horizon shivered into a rich streak of white and orange. The solemn strain of the Muezzin sounded from the minarets. Some oneknocked at the door. It was Caleb. 'I am ready, ' said Miriam; and for a moment she covered her face withher right hand. 'Think of me, sweet maidens; pray for me!' Leaning on Caleb, and lighted by a gaoler, bearing torches, Miriamdescended the damp and broken stairs that led to the dungeon. Shefaltered as she arrived at the grate. She stopped, and leant against thecold and gloomy wall. The gaoler and Caleb preceded her. She heard thevoice of Alroy. It was firm and sweet. Its accents reassured her. Calebcame forth with a torch, and held it to her feet; and, as he bent down, he said, 'My lord bade me beg you to be of good heart, for he is. ' The gaoler, having stuck his torch in the niche, withdrew. Miriamdesired Caleb to stay without. Then, summoning up all her energies, sheentered the dreadful abode. Alroy was standing to receive her. Thelight fell full upon his countenance. It smiled. Miriam could no longerrestrain herself. She ran forward, and pressed him to her heart. 'O, my best, my long beloved, ' whispered Alroy; 'such a meeting indeedleads captivity captive!' But the sister could not speak. She leant her head upon his shoulder, and closed her eyes, that she might not weep. 'Courage, dear heart; courage, courage!' whispered the captive. 'IndeedI am happy!' 'My brother, my brother!' 'Had we met yesterday, you would have found me perhaps a little vexed. But to-day I am myself again. Since I crossed the Tigris, I know notthat I have felt such self-content. I have had sweet dreams, dearMiriam, full of solace. And, more than dreams, the Lord has pardoned me, I truly think. ' 'O, my brother! your words are full of comfort; for, indeed, I too havedreamed, and dreamed of consolation. My spirit, since our fall, hasnever been more tranquil. ' 'Indeed I am happy. ' 'Say so again, my David; let me hear again these words of solace!' 'Indeed, 'tis very true, my faithful friend. It is not spoken inkind mockery to make you joyous. For know, last eve, whether the Lordrepented of his wrath, or whether some dreadful trials, of which I willnot speak, and wish not to remember, had made atonement for my manifoldsins, but so it was, that, about the time my angel Miriam sent hersoothing message, a feeling of repose came over me, such as I long havecoveted. Anon, I fell into a slumber, deep and sweet, and, instead ofthose wild and whirling images that of late have darted from my brainwhen it should rest, glimpses of empire and conspiracy, snatches offierce wars and mocking loves, I stood beside our native fountain'sbrink, and gathered flowers with my earliest friend. As I placed thefragrant captives in your flowing locks, there came Jabaster, thatgreat, injured man, no longer stern and awful, but with benignantlooks, and full of love. And he said, "David, the Lord hath marked thyfaithfulness, in spite of the darkness of thy dungeon. " So he vanished. He spoke, my sister, of some strange temptations by heavenly aidwithstood. No more of that. I awoke. And lo! I heard my name stillcalled. Full of my morning dream, I thought it was you, and I answered, "Dear sister, art thou here?" But no one answered; and then, reflecting, my memory recognised those thrilling tones that summoned Alroy inJabaster's cave. ' 'The Daughter of the Voice?' 'Even that sacredmessenger. I am full of faith. The Lord hath pardoned me. Be sure ofthat. ' 'I cannot doubt it, David. You have done great things for Israel; no onein these latter days has risen like you. If you have fallen, you wereyoung, and strangely tempted. ' 'Yet Israel, Israel! Did I not feel a worthier leader will yet arise, myheart would crack. I have betrayed my country!' 'Oh no, no, no! You have shown what we can do and shall do. Your memoryalone is inspiration. A great career, although baulked of its end, isstill a landmark of human energy. Failure, when sublime, is not withoutits purpose. Great deeds are great legacies, and work with wondroususury. By what Man has done, we learn what Man can do; and gauge thepower and prospects of our race. ' 'Alas! there is no one to guard my name. 'Twill be reviled; or worse, 'twill be forgotten. ' 'Never! the memory of great actions never dies. The sun of glory, thoughawhile obscured, will shine at last. And so, sweet brother, perchancesome poet, in some distant age, within whose veins our sacred blood mayflow, his fancy fired with the national theme, may strike his harp toAlroy's wild career, and consecrate a name too long forgotten?' 'May love make thee a prophetess!' exclaimed Alroy, as he bent down hishead and embraced her. 'Do not tarry, ' he whispered. ''Tis better thatwe should part in this firm mood. ' She sprang from him, she clasped her hands. 'We will not part, ' sheexclaimed, with energy; 'I will die with thee. ' 'Blessed girl, be calm! Do not unman me. ' 'I am calm. See! I do not weep. Not a tear, not a tear. They are all inmy heart. ' 'Go, go, my Miriam, angel of light. Tarry no longer; I pray thee go. Iwould not think of the past. Let all my mind be centred in the present. Thy presence calls back our bygone days, and softens me too much. Myduty to my uncle. Go, dear one, go!' 'And leave thee, leave thee to----Oh! my David, thou hast seen, thouhast heard----Honain?' 'No more; let not that accursed name profane those holy lips. Raise notthe demon in me. ' 'I am silent. Yet 'tis madness! Oh! my brother, thou hast a fearfultrial. ' 'The God of Israel is my refuge. He saved our fathers in the fieryfurnace. He will save me. ' 'I am full of faith. I pray thee let me stay. ' 'I would be silent; I would be alone. I cannot speak, Miriam. I ask onefavour, the last and dearest, from her who has never had a thought butfor my wishes; blessed being, leave me. ' 'I go. O Alroy, farewell! Let me kiss you. Again, once more! Let mekneel and bless you. Brother, beloved brother, great and gloriousbrother, I am worthy of you: I will not weep. I am prouder in this dreadmoment of your love than all your foes can be of their hard triumph!' Beruna and Bathsheba received their mistress when she returned to herchamber. They marked her desolate air. She was silent, pale, and cold. They bore her to her couch, whereon she sat with a most listless andunmeaning look; her quivering lips parted, her eyes fixed upon theground in vacant abstraction, and her arms languidly folded beforeher. Beruna stole behind her, and supported her back with pillows, andBathsheba, unnoticed, wiped the slight foam from her mouth. Thus Miriamremained for several hours, her faithful maidens in vain watching forany indication of her self-consciousness. Suddenly a trumpet sounded. 'What is that?' exclaimed Miriam, in a shrill voice, and looking up witha distracted glance. Neither of them answered, since they were aware that it betokened thegoing forth of Alroy to his trial. Miriam remained in the same posture, and with the same expression ofwild inquiry. Another trumpet sounded, and after that a shout of thepeople. Then she raised up her arms to heaven, and bowed her head, anddied. 'Has the second trumpet sounded?' 'To be sure: run, run for a good place. Where is Abdallah?' 'Selling sherbet in the square. We shall find him. Has Alroy comeforth?' 'Yes! he goes the other way. We shall be too late. Only think ofAbdallah selling sherbet!' 'Father, let me go?' 'You will be in the way; you are too young; you will see nothing. Littleboys should stay at home. ' 'No, they should not. I will go. You can put me on your shoulders. ' 'Where is Ibrahim? Where is Ali? We must all keep together. We shallhave to fight for it. I wish Abdallah were here. Only think of hisselling sherbet!' 'Keep straight forward. That is right. It is no use going that way. Thebazaar is shut. There is Fakreddin, there is Osman Effendi. He has got anew page. ' 'So he has, I declare; and a very pretty boy too. ' 'Father, will they impale Alroy alive?' 'I am sure I do not know. Never ask questions, my dear. Little boysnever should. ' 'Yes, they should. I hope they will impale him alive. I shall be sodisappointed if they do not. ' 'Keep to the left. Dash through the Butchers' bazaar: that is open. Allright, all right. Did you push me, sir?' 'Suppose I did push you, sir, what then, sir?' 'Come along, don't quarrel. That is a Karasmian. They think they are todo what they like. We are five to one, to be sure, but still there isnothing like peace and quiet. I wish Abdallah were here with his stoutshoulders. Only think of his selling sherbet!' The Square of the Grand Mosque, the same spot where Jabaster met Abidanby appointment, was the destined scene of the pretended trial of Alroy. Thither by break of day the sight-loving thousands of the capital hadrepaired. In the centre of the square, a large circle was described bya crimson cord, and guarded by Karasmian soldiers. Around this theswelling multitude pressed like the gathering waves of ocean, but, whenever the tide set in with too great an impulse, the savageKarasmians appeased the ungovernable element by raising theirbattle-axes, and brutally breaking the crowns and belabouring theshoulders of their nearest victims. As the morning advanced, theterraces of the surrounding houses, covered with awnings, were crowdedwith spectators. All Bagdad was astir. Since the marriage of Alroy, there had never been such a merry morn as the day of his impalement. At one end of the circle was erected a magnificent throne. Half waybetween the throne and the other end of the circle, but further back, stood a company of negro eunuchs, hideous to behold, who, clothed inwhite, and armed with various instruments of torture, surrounded theenormous stakes, tall, thin, and sharp, that were prepared for the finalceremony. The flourish of trumpets, the clash of cymbals, and the wild beat of thetambour, announced the arrival of Alp Arslan from the Serail. An avenueto the circle had been preserved through the multitude. The royalprocession might be traced as it wound through the populace, by thesparkling and undulating line of plumes of honour, and the dazzlingforms of the waving streamers, on which were inscribed the names ofAllah and the Prophet. Suddenly, amid the bursts of music, andthe shouts of the spectators, many of whom on the terraces humbledthemselves on their knees, Alp Arslan mounted the throne, around whichranged themselves his chief captains, and a deputation of the Mullahs, and Imams, and Cadis, and other principal personages of the city. The King of Karasmé was tall in stature, and somewhat meagre in form. Hewas fair, or rather sandy-coloured, with a red beard, and blue eyes, and a flat nose. The moment he was seated, a trumpet was heard in thedistance from an opposite quarter, and it was soon understood throughoutthe assembly that the great captive was about to appear. A band of Karasmian guards first entered the circle, and rangedthemselves round the cord, with their backs to the spectators. Afterthem came fifty of the principal Hebrew prisoners, with their handsbound behind them, but evidently more for form than security. To thesesucceeded a small covered wagon drawn by mules, and surrounded byguards, from which was led forth, his legs relieved from their manacles, but his hands still in heavy chains, David Alroy! A universal buzz of blended sympathy, and wonder, and fear, and triumpharose, throughout the whole assembly. Each man involuntarily stirred. The vast populace moved to and fro in agitation. His garments soiled andtattered, his head bare, and his long locks drawn off his forehead, paleand thin, but still unsubdued, the late conqueror and Caliph of Bagdadthrew around a calm and imperial glance upon those who were but recentlyhis slaves. The trumpets again sounded, order was called, and a crier announced thathis Highness Alp Arslan, the mighty Sovereign of Karasmé, their Lord, Protector, and King, and avenger of Allah and the Prophet, against allrebellious and evil-minded Jews and Giaours, was about to speak. Therewas a deep and universal silence, and then sounded a voice high as theeagle's in a storm. 'David Alroy!' said his conqueror, 'you are brought hither this dayneither for trial nor for judgment. Captured in arms against yourrightful sovereign, you are of course prepared, like other rebels, foryour doom. Such a crime alone deserves the most avenging punishments. What then do you merit, who are loaded with a thousand infamies, whohave blasphemed Allah and the Prophet, and, by the practice of magicarts and the aid of the infernal powers, have broken the peace ofkingdoms, occasioned infinite bloodshed, outraged all law, religion, anddecency, misled the minds of your deluded votaries, and especially by adirect compact with Eblis, by horrible spells and infamous incantations, captivated the senses of an illustrious Princess, heretofore famous forthe practice of every virtue, and a descendant of the Prophet himself. 'Behold these stakes of palm-wood, sharper than a lance! The mostterrible retribution that human ingenuity has devised for the guiltyawaits you. But your crimes baffle all human vengeance. Look forwardfor your satisfactory reward to those infernal powers by whose darkco-operation you have occasioned such disasters. Your punishment ispublic, that all men may know that the guilty never escape, and that, if your heart be visited by the slightest degree of compunction foryour numerous victims, you may this day, by the frank confession of theirresistible means by which you seduced them, exonerate your victimsfrom the painful and ignominious end with which, through your influencethey are now threatened. Mark, O assembled people, the infinite mercyof the Vicegerent of Allah! He allows the wretched man to confess hisinfamy, and to save by his confession, his unfortunate victims. I havesaid it. Glory to Allah!' And the people shouted, 'He has said it, he has said it! Glory to Allah!He is great, he is great! and Mahomed is his prophet!' 'Am I to speak?' enquired Alroy, when the tumult had subsided. Themelody of his voice commanded universal attention. Alp Arslan nodded his head in approbation. 'King of Karasmé! I stand here accused of many crimes. Now hear myanswers. 'Tis said I am a rebel. My answer is, I am a Prince as thouart, of a sacred race, and far more ancient. I owe fealty to no one butto my God, and if I have broken that I am yet to learn that Alp Arslanis the avenger of His power. As for thy God and Prophet, I know notthem, though they acknowledge mine. 'Tis well understood in everypolity, my people stand apart from other nations, and ever will, inspite of suffering. So much for blasphemy; I am true to a deep faithof ancient days, which even the sacred writings of thy race stillreverence. For the arts magical I practised, and the communion withinfernal powers 'tis said I held, know, King, I raised the standard ofmy faith by the direct commandment of my God, the great Creator of theuniverse. What need of magic, then? What need of paltering with pettyfiends, when backed by His omnipotence? My magic was His inspiration. Need I prove why, with such aid, my people crowded round me? The timewill come when from out our ancient seed, a worthier chief will rise, not to be quelled even by thee, Sire. 'For that unhappy Princess of whom something was said (with no greatmercy, as it seemed to me), that lady is my wife, my willing wife; thedaughter of a Caliph, still my wife, although your stakes may make hersoon a widow. I stand not here to account for female fancies. Believeme, Sire, she gave her beauty to my raptured arms with no persuasionsbut such as became a soldier and a king. It may seem strange to theeupon thy throne that the flower of Asia should be plucked by one so vileas I am. Remember, the accidents of Fortune are most strange. I was notalways what I am. We have met before. There was a day, and that toonot long since, when, but for the treachery of some knaves I mark here, Fortune seemed half inclined to reverse our fates. Had I conquered, Itrust I should have shown more mercy. ' The King of Karasmé was the most passionate of men. He had made a speechaccording to the advice and instructions of his councillors, who hadassured him that the tone he adopted would induce Alroy to confess allthat he required, and especially to vindicate the reputation of thePrincess Schirene, who had already contrived to persuade Alp Arslan thatshe was the most injured of her sex. The King of Karasmé stamped thriceon the platform of his throne, and exclaimed with great fire, 'By mybeard, ye have deceived me! The dog has confessed nothing!' All the councillors and chief captains, and the Mullahs, and theImams, and the Cadis, and the principal personages of the city werein consternation. They immediately consulted together, and, after muchdisputation, agreed that, before they proceeded to extremities, it wasexpedient to prove what the prisoner would not confess. A venerableSheikh, clothed in flowing robes of green, with a long white beard, and a turban like the tower of Babel, then rose. His sacred reputationprocured silence while he himself delivered a long prayer, supplicatingAllah and the Prophet to confound all blaspheming Jews and Giaours, andto pour forth words of truth from the mouths of religious men. Andthen the venerable Sheikh summoned all witnesses against David Alroy. Immediately advanced Kisloch the Kourd, to whom, being placed in aneminent position, the Cadi of Bagdad drawing forth a scroll from hisvelvet bag, read a deposition, wherein the worthy Kisloch stated that hefirst became acquainted with the prisoner, David Alroy, in some ruins inthe desert, the haunt of banditti, of whom Alroy was the chief; thathe, Kisloch, was a reputable merchant, and that his caravan had beenplundered by these robbers, and he himself captured; that, on the secondnight of his imprisonment, Alroy appeared to him in the likeness of alion, and on the third, of a bull with fiery eyes; that he was in thehabit of constantly transforming himself; that he frequently raisedspirits; that, at length, on one terrible night, Eblis himself came ingreat procession, and presented Alroy with the sceptre of Solomon BenDaoud; and that the next day Alroy raised his standard, and soon aftermassacred Hassan Subah and his Seljuks, by the visible aid of manyterrible demons. Calidas the Indian, the Guebre, and the Negro, and a few congenialspirits, were not eclipsed in the satisfactory character of theirevidence by the luminous testimony of Kisloch the Kourd. Theirresistible career of the Hebrew conqueror was undeniably accountedfor, and the honour of Moslem arms and the purity of Moslem faith wereestablished in their pristine glory and all their unsullied reputation. David Alroy was proved to be a child of Eblis, a sorcerer, and a dealerin charms and magical poisons. The people listened with horror and withindignation. They would have burst through the guards and torn him inpieces, had not they been afraid of the Karasmian battle-axes. So theyconsoled themselves with the prospect of his approaching tortures. The Cadi of Bagdad bowed himself before the King of Karasmé, andwhispered at a respectful distance in the royal ear. The trumpetssounded, the criers enjoined silence, and the royal lips again moved. 'Hear, O ye people, and be wise. The chief Cadi is about to readthe deposition of the royal Princess Schirene, chief victim of thesorcerer. ' And the deposition was read, which stated that David Alroy possessed, and wore next to his heart, a talisman, given him by Eblis, the virtueof which was so great that, if once it were pressed to the heart of anywoman, she was no longer mistress of her will. Such had been the unhappyfate of the daughter of the Commander of the Faithful. 'Is it so written?' enquired the captive. 'It is so written, ' replied the Cadi, 'and bears the imperial signatureof the Princess. ' 'It is a forgery. ' The King of Karasmé started from his throne, and in his rage nearlydescended its steps. His face was like scarlet, his beard was like aflame. A favourite minister ventured gently to restrain the royal robe. 'Kill the dog on the spot, ' muttered the King of Karasmé. 'The Princess is herself here, ' said the Cadi, 'to bear witness to thespells of which she was a victim, but from which, by the power of Allahand the Prophet, she is now released. ' Alroy started! 'Advance, royal Princess, ' said the Cadi, 'and, if the deposition thouhast heard be indeed true, condescend to hold up the imperial hand thatadorned it with thy signature. ' A band of eunuchs near the throne gave way; a female figure veiled toher feet appeared. She held up her hand amid the breathless agitation ofthe whole assembly; the ranks of the eunuchs again closed; a shriek washeard, and the veiled figure disappeared. 'I am ready for thy tortures, King, ' said Alroy, in a tone of deepdepression. His firmness appeared to have deserted him. His eyes werecast upon the ground. Apparently he was buried in profound thought, orhad delivered himself up to despair. 'Prepare the stakes, ' said Alp Arslan. An involuntary, but universal, shudder might be distinguished throughthe whole assembly. A slave advanced and offered Alroy a scroll. He recognised the Nubianwho belonged to Honain. His former minister informed him that he wasat hand, that the terms he offered in the dungeon might even yet begranted; that if Alroy would, as he doubted not, as he entreated him, accept them, he was to place the scroll in his bosom, but that ifhe were still inexorable, still madly determined on a horrible andignominious end, he was to tear the scroll and throw it in to the arena. Instantly Alroy took the scroll, and with great energy tore it into athousand pieces. A puff of wind carried the fragments far and wide. The mob fought for these last memorials of David Alroy, and this littleincident occasioned a great confusion. In the meantime the negroes prepared the instruments of torture and ofdeath. 'The obstinacy of this Jewish dog makes me mad, ' said the King ofKarasmé to his courtiers. 'I will hold some parley with him before hedies. ' The favourite minister entreated his sovereign to be content;but the royal beard grew so red, and the royal eyes flashed forth suchterrible sparks of fire, that even the favourite minister at length gaveway. The trumpet sounded, the criers called silence, and the voice of AlpArslan was again heard. 'Thou dog, dost see what is preparing for thee? Dost know what awaitsthee in the halls of thy master Eblis? Can a Jew be influenced even byfalse pride? Is not life sweet? Is it not better to be my slipper-bearerthan to be impaled?' 'Magnanimous Alp Arslan, ' replied Alroy in a tone of undisguisedcontempt; 'thinkest thou that any torture can be equal to therecollection that I have been conquered by thee?' 'By my beard, he mocks me!' exclaimed the Karasmian monarch, 'he defiesme! Touch not my robe. I will parley with him. Ye see no farther than ahooded hawk, ye sons of a blind mother. This is a sorcerer; he hath yetsome master spell; he will yet save himself. He will fly into the air, or sink into the earth. He laughs at our tortures. ' The King of Karasméprecipitately descended the steps of his throne, followed by hisfavourite minister, and his councillors, and chief captains, and theCadis, and the Mullahs, and the Imams, and the principal personages ofthe city. 'Sorcerer!' exclaimed Alp Arslan, 'insolent sorcerer! base son of a basemother! dog of dogs! dost thou defy us? Does thy master Eblis whisperhope? Dost thou laugh at our punishments? Wilt thou fly into theair? wilt thou sink into the earth? eh, eh? Is it so, is it so?' Thebreathless monarch ceased, from the exhaustion of passion. He tore hisbeard out by the roots, he stamped with uncontrollable rage. 'Thou art wiser than thy councillors, royal Arslan; I do defy thee. My master, although not Eblis, has not deserted me. I laugh at thypunishments. Thy tortures I despise. I shall both sink into the earthand mount into the air. Art thou answered?' 'By my beard, ' exclaimed the enraged Arslan, 'I am answered. Let Eblissave thee if he can;' and the King of Karasmé, the most famous masterof the sabre in Asia, drew his blade like lightning from its sheath, and took off the head of Alroy at a stroke. It fell, and, as it fell, asmile of triumphant derision seemed to play upon the dying featuresof the hero, and to ask of his enemies, 'Where now are all yourtortures?'[82] NOTES TO ALROY. [Footnote 1: page 4. --_We shall yet see an ass mount a ladder_. --Hebrewproverb. ] [Footnote 2: page 12. --Our walls are hung with flowers you love. It isthe custom of the Hebrews in many of their festivals, especially inthe feast of the Tabernacle, to hang the walls of their chambers withgarlands of flowers. ] [Footnote 3: page 13. --_The traditionary tomb of Esther and Mordecai_. 'I accompanied the priest through the town over much ruin and rubbishto an enclosed piece of ground, rather more elevated than any in itsimmediate vicinity. In the centre was the Jewish tomb-a square buildingof brick, of a mosque-like form, with a rather elongated dome at thetop. The door is in the ancient sepulchral fashion of the country, verysmall, consisting of a single stone of great thickness, and turning onits own pivots from one side. Its key is always in possession ofthe eldest of the Jews resident at Hamadan. Within the tomb are twosarcophagi, made of a very dark wood, carved with great intricacy ofpattern and richness of twisted ornament, with a line of inscription inHebrew, ' &c. --_Sir R. K. Porter's Travels in Persia, vol. Ii. P. 107_. ] [Footnote 4: page 16. --_A marble fountain, the richly-carved cupolasupported by twisted columns_. The vast magnificence and elaboratefancy of the tombs and fountains is a remarkable feature of Orientalarchitecture. The Eastern nations devote to these structures the richestand the most durable materials. While the palaces of Asiatic monarchsare in general built only of wood, painted in fresco, the rarest marblesare dedicated to the sepulchre and the spring, which are often richlygilt, and adorned even with precious stones. ] [Footnote 5: page 17. --_The chorus of our maidens. _ It is still thecustom for the women in the East to repair at sunset in company tothe fountain for their supply of water. In Egypt, you may observe attwilight the women descending the banks of the Nile in procession fromevery town and village. Their graceful drapery, their long veils notconcealing their flashing eyes, and the classical forms of their vases, render this a most picturesque and agreeable spectacle. ] [Footnote 6: page 24. --I describe the salty deserts of Persia, alocality which my tale required; but I have ventured to introduce here, and in the subsequent pages, the principal characteristics of the greatArabian deserts: the mirage, the simoom, the gazelle, the oasis. ] [Footnote 7: page 28. --_Jackals and marten-cat. _ At nightfall, especially in Asia Minor, the lonely horseman will often meet thejackals on their evening prowl. Their moaning is often heard during thenight. I remember, when becalmed off Troy, the most singular screamswere heard at intervals throughout the night, from a forest on theopposite shore, which a Greek sailor assured me proceeded from amarten-cat, which had probably found the carcass of some horse. ] [Footnote 8: page 30. Elburz, or Elborus, the highest range of theCaucasus. ] [Footnote 9: page 31. --_A circular and brazen table, sculptured withstrange characters and mysterious figures; near it was a couch on whichlay several volumes. _ A cabalistic table, perhaps a zodiac. Thebooks were doubtless _Sepher Happeliah_, the Book of Wonders; _SepherHakkaneh_, the Book of the Pen; and _Sepher Habbahir_, the Book ofLight. This last unfolds the most sublime mysteries. ] [Footnote 10: page 32. --_Answered the Cabalist. _ 'Simeon ben Jochai, who flourished in the second century, and was a disciple of Akibha, iscalled by the Jews the Prince of the Cabalists. After the suppression ofthe sedition in which his master had been so unsuccessful, he concealedhimself in a cave, where, according to the Jewish historians, hereceived revelations, which he after-wards delivered to his disciples, and which they carefully preserved in the book called Sohar. His master, Akibha, who lived soon after the destruction of Jerusalem, was theauthor of the famous book Jezirah, quoted by the Jews as of Divineauthority. When Akibha was far advanced in life, appeared the famousimpostor Barchochebas, who, under the character of the Messiah, promisedto deliver his countrymen from the power of the Emperor Adrian. Akibhaespoused his cause, and afforded him the protection and support of hisname, and an army of two hundred thousand men repaired to his standard. The Romans at first slighted the insurrection; but when they found theinsurgents spread slaughter and rapine wherever they came, they sent outa military force against them. At. First, the issue of the contestwas doubtful. The Messiah himself was not taken until the end of fouryears. '--Enfield, _Philosophy of the Jews_, vol. Ii. 'Two methods of instruction were in use among the Jews; the one public, or _exoteric_; the other secret, or esoteric. The exoteric doctrine wasthat which was openly taught the people from the law of Moses and thetraditions of the fathers. The esoteric was that which treated of themysteries of the Divine nature, and other sublime subjects, and wasknown by the name of the Cabala. The latter was, after the manner of thePythagorean and Egyptian mysteries, taught only to certain persons, who were bound, under the most solemn anathema, not to divulge it. Concerning the miraculous origin and preservation of the Cabala, theJews relate many marvellous tales. They derive these mysteries fromAdam, and assert that, while the first man was in Paradise, the angelRasiel brought him a book from heaven, which contained the doctrinesof heavenly wisdom, and that, when Adam received this book, angels camedown to him to learn its contents, but that he refused to admit them tothe knowledge of sacred things entrusted to him alone; that, after theFall, this book was taken back into heaven; that, after many prayersand tears, God restored it to Adam, from whom it passed to Seth. In thedegenerate age before the flood this book was lost, and the mysteries itcontained almost forgotten; but they were restored by special revelationto Abraham, who committed them to writing in the book _Jezirah. '--VideEnfield, vol. Ii. P. 219_. 'The Hebrew word _Cabala, '_ says Dom Calmet, 'signifies tradition, andthe Rabbins, who are named Cabalists, apply themselves principally tothe combination of certain words, numbers, and letters, by the means ofwhich they boasted they could reveal the future, and penetrate thesense of the most difficult passages of Scripture. This science does notappear to have any fixed principles, but depends upon certain ancienttraditions, whence its name Cabala. The Cabalists have a great number ofnames which they style sacred, by means of which they raise spirits, andaffect to obtain supernatural intelligence. '--See Calmet, Art. _Cabala_. 'We spake before, ' says Lightfoot, 'of the commonness of Magick amongthem, one singular means whereby they kept their own in delusion, andwhereby they affronted ours. The general expectation of the nation ofMessias coming when he did had this double and contrary effect, that itforwarded those that belonged to God to believe and receive the Gospel;and those that did not, it gave encouragement to some to take uponthem they were Christ or some great prophet, and to others it gave somepersuasion to be deluded by them. These deceivers dealt most of themwith Magick, and that cheat ended not when Jerusalem ended, though onewould have thought that had been a fair term of not further expectingMessias; but since the people were willing to be deceived by suchexpectation, there rose up deluders still that were willing to deceivethem. '--Lightfoot, vol. Ii. P. 371. For many curious details of the Cabalistic Magic, Vide Basnage, vol. V. P. 384, &c. ] [Footnote 11: page 34. --_Read the stars no longer_. 'The modern Jews, 'says Basnage, 'have a great idea of the influence of the stars. ' Vol. Iv. P. 454. But astrology was most prevalent among the BabylonianRabbins, of whom Jabaster was one. Living in the ancient land of theChaldeans, these sacred sages imbibed a taste for the mystic lore oftheir predecessors. The stars moved, and formed letters and lines, whenconsulted by any of the highly-initiated of the Cabalists. This theystyled the Celestial Alphabet. ] [Footnote 12: page 38. --__The Daughter of the Voice. 'Both the Talmudickand the latter Rabbins, ' says Lightfoot, 'make frequent mention of _BathKol, or Filia Vocis_, or an echoing voice which served under the SecondTemple for their utmost refuge of revelation. For when Urim and Thummim, the oracle, was ceased, and prophecy was decayed and gone, they had, as they say, certain strange and extraordinary voices upon certainextraordinary occasions, which were their warnings and advertisementsin some special matters. Infinite instances of this might be adduced, ifthey might be believed. Now here it may be questioned why they calledit _Bath Kol, the daughter of a voice, _ and not a voice itself? If thestrictness of the Hebrew word Bath be to be stood upon, which always itis not, it may be answered, that it is called The Daughter of a Voicein relation to the oracles of Urim and Thummim. For whereas that was avoice given from off the mercy-seat, within the vail, and this, upon thedecay of that oracle, came as it were in its place, it might notunfitly or improperly be called a _daughter_, or successor of thatvoice. '--Lightfoot, vol. I. Pp. 485, 486. Consult also the learnedDoctor, vol. Ii. Pp. 128, 129: 'It was used for a testimony from heaven, but was indeed performed by magic art. '] [Footnote 13: page 44. --_The walls and turrets of an extensive city_. In Persia, and the countries of the Tigris and Euphrates, the travellersometimes arrives at deserted cities of great magnificence andantiquity. Such, for instance, is the city of Anneh. I suppose Alroy tohave entered one of the deserted capitals of the Seleucidae. They are ingeneral the haunt of bandits. ] [Footnote 14: page 49. --_Punctured his arm. _ From a story told by anArab. ] [Footnote 15: page 52. --_The pilgrim could no longer sustain himself. _An endeavor to paint the simoom. ] [Footnote 16: page 54. --_By the holy stone. _ The Caaba. --The Caaba isthe same to the Mahomedan as the Holy Sepulchre to the Christian. It isthe most unseemly, but the most sacred, part of the mosque at Mecca, andis a small, square stone building. ] [Footnote 17: page 56. --_I am a Hakim;_ i. E. Physician, an almost sacredcharacter in the East. As all Englishmen travel with medicine-chests, the Turks are not be wondered at for considering us physicians. ] [Footnote 18: page 57. --_Threw their wanton jerreeds in the air_. ThePersians are more famous for throwing the jerreed than any other nation. A Persian gentleman, while riding quietly by your side, will suddenlydash off at full gallop, then suddenly check his horse, and take a longaim with his lance with admirable precision. I should doubt, however, whether he could hurl a lance a greater distance or with greater forceand effect than a Nubian, who will fix a mark at sixty yards with hisjavelin. ] [Footnote 19: page 58. --_Some pounded coffee. _ The origin of the use ofcoffee is obscure; but there is great reason to believe that it had notbeen introduced in the time of Alroy. When we consider that the life ofan Oriental at the present day mainly consists in drinking coffee andsmoking tobacco, we cannot refrain from asking ourselves, 'What didhe do before either of these comparatively modern inventions wasdiscovered?' For a long time, I was inclined to suspect that tobaccomight have been in use in Asia before it was introduced into Europe; buta passage in old Sandys, in which he mentions the wretched tobacco smokein Turkey, and accounts for it by that country being supplied with 'thedregs of our markets, ' demonstrates that, in his time, there was nonative growth in Asia. Yet the choicest tobaccos are now grown on thecoast of Syria, the real Levant. But did the Asiatics smoke any otherplant or substance before tobacco? In Syria, at the present day, theysmoke a plant called _timbac_; the Chinese smoke opium; the artificialpreparations for the hookah are known to all Indians. I believe, however, that these are all refinements, and for this reason, thatin the classic writers, who were as well acquainted with the Orientalnations as ourselves, we find no allusion to the practice of smoking. The anachronism of the pipe I have not therefore ventured to commit, andthat of coffee will, I trust, be pardoned. ] [Footnote 20: page 58. --_Wilder gestures of the dancing girls. _ Thesedancing girls abound throughout Asia. The most famous are the Almeh ofEgypt, and the Nautch of India. These last are a caste, the first only aprofession. ] [Footnote 21: page 64. --_For thee the bastinado_. The bastinado is thecommon punishment of the East, and an effective and dreaded one. It isadministered on the soles of the feet, the instrument a long cane orpalm-branch. Public executions are very-rare. ] [Footnote 22: page 73. --_A door of tortoise-shell and mother-of-pearl_. This elegant mode of inlay is common in Oriental palaces, and may beobserved also in Alhambra, at Granada. ] [Footnote 23: page 74. --_A vaulted, circular, and highly embossed roof, of purple, scarlet, and gold. _ In the very first style of Saracenicarchitecture. See the Hall of the Ambassadors in Alhambra, and manyother chambers in that exquisite creation. ] [Footnote 24: page 74. --_Nubian eunuchs dressed in rich habits ofscarlet and gold. _ Thus the guard of Nubian eunuchs of the present Pachaof Egypt, Mehemet Ali, or rather Caliph, a title which he wishes toassume. They ride upon white horses. ] [Footnote 25: page 74. --_A quadrangular court of roses. _ So in Alhambra, 'The Court of Myrtles, ' leading to the Court of Columns, wherein is thefamous Fountain of Lions. ] [Footnote 26: page 75. --_An Abyssinian giant. _ A giant is still a commonappendage to an Oriental court even at the present day. See a veryamusing story in the picturesque 'Persian Sketches' of that famouselchee, Sir John Malcolm. ] [Footnote 27: page 75. --_Surrounded by figures of every rare quadruped. _'The hall of audience, ' says Gibbon, from Cardonne, speaking of themagnificence of the Saracens of Cordova, 'was encrusted with gold andpearls, and a great basin in the centre was surrounded with the curiousand costly figures of birds and quadrupeds. '-_Decline and Fall_, vol. X. P. 39. ] [Footnote 28: page 76. --_A tree of gold and silver. _ 'Among the otherspectacles of rare and stupendous luxury was a tree of gold and silver, spreading into eighteen large branches, on which, and on the lesserboughs, sat a variety of birds made of the same precious metals, aswell as the leaves of the tree. While the machinery effected spontaneousmotions, the several birds warbled their natural harmony. '-_Gibbon, _vol. X. P. 38, from Abulfeda, describing the court of the Caliphs ofBagdad in the decline of their power. ] [Footnote 29: page 76. --_Four hundred men led as many white bloodhounds, with collars of gold and rubies_. I have somewhere read of an Indian orPersian monarch whose coursing was conducted in this gorgeous style: ifI remember right, it was Mahmoud the Gaznevide. ] [Footnote 30: page 76. --_A steed marked on its forehead with a star. _The sacred steed of Solorhon. ] [Footnote 31: page 78. --_Instead of water, each basin was replenishedwith the purest quicksilver. _ 'In a lofty pavilion of the gardens, oneof those basins and fountains so delightful in a sultry climate, was replenished, not with water, but with the purest quicksilver. '--_Gibbon_, vol. X, from Cardonne. ] [Footnote 32: page 78. -_Playing with a rosary of pearls and emeralds_. Moslems of rank are never without the rosary, sometimes of amber andrare woods, sometimes of jewels. The most esteemed is of that peculiarsubstance called Mecca wood. ] [Footnote 33: page 78. --_The diamond hilt of a small poniard. _ Theinsignia of a royal female. ] [Footnote 34: page 83. --_You have been at Paris_. Paris was known to theOrientals at this time as a city of considerable luxury and importance. The Embassy from Haroun Alraschid to Charlemagne, at an earlier date, isof course recollected. ] [Footnote 35: page 90. --_At length beheld the lost capital of hisfathers. _ The finest view of Jerusalem is from the Mount of Olives. Itis little altered since the period when David Alroy is supposed to havegazed upon it, but it is enriched by the splendid Mosque of Omar, builtby the Moslem conquerors on the supposed site of the temple, and which, with its gardens, and arcades, and courts, and fountains, may fairly bedescribed as the most imposing of Moslem fanes. I endeavoured to enterit at the hazard of my life. I was detected, and surrounded by a crowdof turbaned fanatics, and escaped with difficulty; but I saw enoughto feel that minute inspection would not belie the general character Iformed of it from the Mount of Olives. I caught a glorious glimpse ofsplendid courts, and light aify gates of Saracenic triumph, flights ofnoble steps, long arcades, and interior gardens, where silver fountainsspouted their tall streams amid the taller cypresses. ] [Footnote 36: page 91. --_Entered Jerusalem by the gate of Zion_. Thegate of Zion still remains, and from it you descend into the valley ofSiloah. ] [Footnote 37: page 94. -_ King Pirgandicus. _ According to a Talmudicalstory, however, of which I find a note, this monarch was not a Hebrewbut a Gentile, and a very wicked one. He once invited eleven famousdoctors of the holy nation to supper. They were received in the mostmagnificent style, and were then invited, under pain of death, eitherto eat pork, to accept a pagan mistress, or to drink wine consecratedto idols. After long consultation, the doctors, in great tribulation, agreed to save their heads by accepting the last alternative, sincethe first and second were forbidden by Moses, and the last only by theRabbins. The King assented, the doctors drank the impure wine, and, as it was exceedingly good, drank freely. The wine, as will sometimeshappen, created a terrible appetite; the table was covered with dishes, and the doctors, heated by the grape, were not sufficiently careful ofwhat they partook. In short, the wicked King Pirgandicus contrived thatthey should sup off pork, and being carried from the table quite tipsy, each of the eleven had the mortification of finding himself next morningin the arms of a pagan mistress. In the course of the year all theeleven died sudden deaths, and this visitation occurred to them, notbecause they had violated the law of Moses, but because they believedthat the precepts of the Rabbins could be outraged with more impunitythan the Word of God. ] [Footnote 38: page 94. --_And conquered Julius Cćsar. _ This classic herooften figures in the erratic pages of the Talmud. ] [Footnote 39: page 94. --_The Tombs of the Kings. _ The present pilgrim toJerusalem will have less trouble than Alroy in discovering the Tombs ofthe Kings, though he probably would not as easily obtain the sceptre ofSolomon. The tombs that bear this title are of the time of the Asmoneanprinces, and of a more ambitious character than any other of theremains. An open court, about fifty feet in breadth, and extremelydeep, is excavated out of the rock. One side is formed by a portico, thefrieze of which is sculptured in a good Syro-Greek style. There is nogrand portal; you crawl into the tombs by a small opening on one ofthe sides. There are a few small chambers with niches, recesses, andsarcophagi, some sculptured in the same flowing style as the frieze. This is the most important monument at Jerusalem; and Dr. Clarke, who has lavished wonder and admiration on the tombs of Zachariah andAbsalom, has declared the Tombs of the Kings to be one of the marvellousproductions of antiquity. ] [Footnote 40: Page 95. --'_Rabbi Hillel_ was one of the most celebratedamong the Jewish Doctors, both for birth, learning, rule, and children. He was of the seed of David by his mother's side, being of the posterityof Shephatiah, the son of Abital, David's wife. He was brought up inBabel, from whence he came up to Jerusalem at forty years old, and therestudied the law forty years more under Shemaiah and Abtalion, and afterthem he was President of the Sanhedrim forty years more. The beginningof his Presidency is generally conceded upon to have been just onehundred 'years before the Temple was destroyed; by which account hebegan eight-and-twenty years before our Saviour was born, and diedwhen he was about twelve years old. He is renowned for his fourscorescholars. '--_Lightfoot, _ vol. Ii. P. 2008. The great rival of Hillel was Shammai. Their controversies, and thefierceness of their partisans, are a principal feature of Rabbinicalhistory. They were the same as the Scotists and Thomists. At lastthe Bath Kol interfered, and decided for Hillel, but in a spirit ofconciliatory dexterity. The Bath Kol came forth and spake thus: 'Thewords both of the one party and the other are the words of the livingGod, but the certain decision of the matter is according to the decreesof the school of Hillel. And henceforth, whoever shall transgress thedecrees of the school of Hillel is punishable with death. '] [Footnote 41: page 97. --_A number of small, square, low chambers. _ Theseexcavated cemeteries, which abound in Palestine and Egypt, were oftenconverted into places of worship by the Jews and early Christians. Sandys thus describes the Synagogue at Jerusalem in his time. ] [Footnote 42: page 08. --_Their heads mystically covered. _ The Hebrewscover their heads during their prayers with a sacred shawl. ] [Footnote 43: page 98. --_Expounded the law to the congregation of thepeople. _ The custom, I believe, even to the present day, among theHebrews, a remnant of their old academies, once so famous. ] [Footnote 44: page 99. --_The Valley of Jehoshaphat and the Tomb ofAbsalom. _ In the Vale of Jehoshaphat, among many other tombs, are twoof considerable size, and which, although of a corrupt Grecianarchitecture, are dignified by the titles of the tombs of Zachariah andAbsalom. ] [Footnote 45: page 101. --_The scanty rill of Siloah. _ The sublime Siloahis now a muddy rill; you descend by steps to the fountain which is itssource, and which is covered with an arch. Here the blind man receivedhis sight; and, singular enough, to this very day the healing reputationof its waters prevails, and summons to its brink all those neighbouringArabs who suffer from the ophthalmic affections not uncommon in thispart of the world. ] [Footnote 46: page 102. --_Several isolated tombs of considerable size_. There are no remains of ancient Jerusalem, or the ancient Jews. Sometombs there are which may be ascribed to the Asmonean princes; but allthe monuments of David, Solomon, and their long posterity, have utterlydisappeared. ] [Footnote 47: page 103. --_Are cut strange characters and unearthlyforms_. As at Benihassan, and many other of the sculptured catacombs ofEgypt. ] [Footnote 48: page 104. --_A crowd of bats rushed forward andextinguished his torch. _ In entering the Temple of Dendara, our torcheswere extinguished by a crowd of bats. ] [Footnote 49: page 104. --_The gallery was of great extent, with agradual declination. _ So in the great Egyptian tombs. ] [Footnote 50: page 105. --_The Afrite, for it was one of those dreadbeings. _ Beings of a monstrous form, the most terrible of all the ordersof the Dives. ] [Footnote 51: page 106. --_An avenue of colossal lions of red granite. _An avenue of Sphinxes more than a mile in length connected the quartersof Luxoor and Carnak in Egyptian Thebes. Its fragments remain. Manyother avenues of Sphinxes and lion-headed Kings may be observed invarious parts of Upper Egypt. ] [Footnote 52: page 107. --_A stupendous portal, cut out of the solidrock, four hundred feet in height, and supported by clusters of colossalCaryatides. _ See the great rock temple of Ipsambul in Lower Nubia. Thesitting colossi are nearly seventy feet in height. But there is a Torsoof a statue of Rameses the Second at Thebes, vulgarly called the greatMemnon, which measures upwards of sixty feet round the shoulders. ] [Footnote 53: page 109. --_Fifty steps of ivory, and each step guarded bygolden lions. _ See 1st Kings, chap. X. 18-20. ] [Footnote 54: page 120. --_Crossed the desert on a swift dromedary_. Thedifference between a camel and a dromedary is the difference between ahack and a thorough-bred horse. There is no other. ] [Footnote 55: page 121. --_That celestial alphabet known to the trueCabalist_. See Note 11. ] [Footnote 56: page 133. --_The last of the Seljuks had expired. _ TheOrientals are famous for their massacres: that of the Mamlouks bythe present Pacha of Egypt, and of the Janissaries of the Sultan, arenotorious. But one of the most terrible, and effected under the mostdifficult and dangerous circumstances, was the massacre of the AlbanianBeys by the Grand Vizir, in the autumn of 1830. I was in Albania at thetime. ] [Footnote 57: page 136. --_ The minarets were illumined. _ So, I remember, at Constantinople, at the commencement of 1831 at the departure of theMecca caravan, and also at the annual fast of Ramadan. ] [Footnote 58: page 138. --_One asking alms with a wire run through hischeek. _ Not uncommon. These Dervishes frequent the bazaars. ] [Footnote 59: page 142. --_One hundred thousand warriors were nowassembled. _ In countries where the whole population is armed, a vastmilitary force is soon assembled. Barchochebas was speedily at the headof two hundred thousand fighting men, and held the Romans long in checkunder one of their most powerful emperors. ] [Footnote 60: page 143. --_Some high-capped Tatar with despatches. _ Ihave availed myself of a familiar character in Oriental life, butthe use of a Tatar as a courier in the time of Alroy is, I fear, ananachronism. ] [Footnote 61: page 144. --_Each day some warlike Atabek, at the headof his armed train, poured into the capital of the caliphs. _ I wasat Yanina, the capital of Albania, when the Grand Vizir summoned thechieftains of the country, and I was struck by their magnificent arrayseach day pouring into the city. ] [Footnote 62: page 153. --_It is the Sabbath etc_. 'They began theirSabbath from sunset, and the same time of day they ended it. '--Talm. Hierosolym. In _Sheveith_, fol. 33, col. I. The eve of the Sabbath, or the day before, was called the day of the preparation for theSabbath. --Luke xxiii. 54. 'And from the time of the evening sacrifice and forward, they began tofit themselves for the Sabbath, and to cease from their works, so asnot to go to the barber, not to sit in judgment, &c. ; nay, thenceforwardthey would not set things on working, which, being set a-work, wouldcomplete their business of themselves, unless it would be completedbefore the Sabbath came--_as wool was not put to dye, unless itcould take colour while it was yet day! &c. _--Talm. In Sab. , par. I;Lightfoot, vol. I. P. 218. 'Towards sunsetting, when the Sabbath was now approaching, they lightedup the Sabbath lamp. Men and women were bound to have a lamp lightedup in their houses on the Sabbath, though they were never so poor--nay, though they were forced to go a-begging for oil for this purpose; andthe lighting up of this lamp was a part of making the Sabbath adelight; and women were especially commanded to look to thisbusiness. '--Maimonides in Sab. Par. 36. ] [Footnote 63: page 156. --_The presence of the robes of honour_. Theseare ever carried in procession, and their number denotes the rank andquality of the chief, or of the individual to whom they are offered. ] [Footnote 64: page 158. --_Pressed it to his lips, and placed it in hisvest. _ The elegant mode in which the Orientals receive presents. ] [Footnote 65: page 164. --A cap of transparent pink porcelain, studded with pearls. Thus a great Turk, who afforded me hospitality, was accustomed to drinkhis coffee. ] [Footnote 66: page 168. --_Slippers powdered with pearls_. The slippersin the East form a very fanciful portion of the costume. It is notuncommon to see them thus adorned and beautifully embroidered. Inprecious embroidery and enamelling the Turkish artists are unrivalled. ] [Footnote 67: page 185. --_The policy of the son of Kareah. Vide_Jeremiah, chap. Xlii. ] [Footnote 68: page 191. --_The inviting gestures and the voluptuous graceof the dancing girls of Egypt. _ A sculptor might find fine studies inthe Egyptian Almeh. ] [Footnote 69: page 194. --_Six choice steeds sumptuouslycaparisoned. _ Led horses always precede a great man. I think there wereusually twelve before the Sultan when he went to Mosque, which he did inpublic every Friday. ] [Footnote 70: page 194. --_Six Damascus sabres of unrivalled temper. _But sabres are not to be found at Damascus, any more than cheeses atStilton, or oranges at Malta. The art of watering the blade is, however, practised, I believe, in Persia. A fine Damascus blade will fetch fiftyor even one hundred guineas English. ] [Footnote 71: page 195. --_Roses from Rocnabad_. A river in Persia famousfor its bowery banks of roses. ] [Footnote 72: page 195. --_Screens made of the feather of a roc. _ Thescreens and fans in the East, made of the plumage of rare birds withjewelled handles, are very gorgeous. ] [Footnote 73: page 196. --_A tremulous aigrette of brilliants. _ Worn onlyby persons of the highest rank. The Sultan presented Lord Nelson afterthe battle of the Nile with an aigrette of diamonds. ] [Footnote 74: page 211. --_ To send him the whole of the next course. _These compliments from the tables of the great are not uncommon inthe East. When at the head-quarters of the Grand Vizir at Yanina, hisHighness sent to myself and my travelling companions a course from histable, singers and dancing girls. ] [Footnote 75: page 212. --_The golden wine of Mount Lebanon_. A mostdelicious wine, from its colour, brilliancy, and rare flavour, justlymeriting this title, is made on Lebanon; but it will not, unfortunately, bear exportation, and even materially suffers in the voyage from thecoast to Alexandria. ] [Footnote 76: page 221. --_And the company of gardeners_. These gardenersof the Serail form a very efficient body of police. ] [Footnote 77: page 226. --Alroy retired to the bath. The bath is aprincipal scene of Oriental life. Here the Asiatics pass a great portionof their day. The bath consists of a long suite of chambers of varioustemperatures, in which the different processes of the elaborate ceremonyare performed. ] [Footnote 78: page 232. --_We are the watchers of the moon. _ The feast ofthe New Moon is one of the most important festivals of the Hebrews. 'Our year, ' says the learned author of the 'Rites and Ceremonies, ' 'isdivided into twelve lunar months, some of which consist of twenty-nine, others of thirty days, which difference is occasioned by the variousappearance of the new moon, in point of time: for if it appeared on the30th day, the 29th was the last day of the precedent month; but if itdid not appear till the 31st day, the 30th was the last day, and the31st the first of the subsequent month; and that was an intercalarymoon, of all which take the following account. 'Our nation heretofore, not only observing the rules of some fixedcalculation, also celebrated the feast of the New Moon, according tothe phasis or first appearance of the moon, which was done in compliancewith God's command, as our received traditions inform us. 'Hence it came to pass that the first appearance was not to bedetermined only by rules of art, but also by the testimony of suchpersons as deposed before the Sanhedrim, or Great Senate, that they hadseen the New Moon. So a committee of three were appointed from among thesaid Sanhedrim to receive the deposition of the parties aforesaid, who, after having calculated what time the moon might possibly appear, despatched some persons _into high and mountainous places, to observeand give their evidence accordingly, concerning the first appearance ofthe moon. _ 'As soon as the new moon was either consecrated or appointed to beobserved, notice was given by the Sanhedrim to the rest of the nationwhat day had been fixed for the New Moon, or first day of the month, because that was to be the rule and measure according to which they wereobliged to keep their feasts and fasts in every month respectively. 'This notice was given to them in time of peace, _by firing of beacons, set up for that purpose, _ which was looked upon as the readiest wayof communication, but, in time of war, when all places were full ofenemies, who made use of beacons to amuse our nation with, it wasthought fit to discontinue it. '] [Footnote 79: page 263. --_The women chatted at the fountain_. The bathand the fountain are the favourite scenes of feminine conversation. ] [Footnote 80: page 264. --_Playing chess. _ On the walls of the palace ofAmenoph the Second, called Medeenet Abuh, at Egyptian Thebes, the Kingis represented playing chess with the Queen. This monarch reigned longbefore the Trojan war. ] [Footnote 81: page 272. --_Impaled. _ A friend of mine witnessed thishorrible punishment in Upper Egypt. The victim was a man who hadsecretly murdered nine persons. He held an official post, and invitedtravellers and pilgrims to his house, whom he regularly disposed ofand plundered. I regret that I have mislaid his MS. Account of theceremony. ] [Footnote 82: page 299. --In the _Germen Davidis of Gants_, translatedinto Latin by Vorstius, Lug. 1654, is an extract from a Hebrew MS. Containing an account of Alroy. I subjoin a translation of a passagerespecting his death. R. Maimonides deposes: That the Sultan asked him whether he were theMessiah, and that he answered him, "I am"; and that then the monarchinquired of him what sign he had. To this he replied that they might cutoff his head and that he would return to life. Then the King commandedthat his head should be cut off, and he died, having said previouslyto the monarch that the latter should not lack in his life the mostgrievous torments. Seven years before the incident quoted above, the Israelites had serioustroubles on account of a son of Belial who called himself the Messiah, so that the tetrarch and the princes were justly incensed against theJews, to such an extent, indeed, that they sent to the latter to inquirewhether they desired the reign of the Messiah. The name of this accursedtroubler was David El-David, _alias_ Alroy, who hailed from the cityof Omadia, where were gathered about a thousand rich, honest, happy anddecently-living families, whose tabernacle was the principal resortof those that dwelt in the neighbourhood of the river Sabbathion; andaround them were gathered more than a hundred minor tabernacles. This city was on the border of the region of Media, and the dialectused there was the Targum. Thence to the region of Golan is a journeyof fifty days. It is under the rule of Persia, to which it pays aheavy tribute every fifteen years, and one golden talent in addition. Moreover, this man David El-David was educated under the Prince of theChaldean captivity, in the care of the eminent Scholiarch, in the cityof Bagdad, who was preeminently wise in the Talmud and in all foreignsciences, as well as in all books of divination, magic, and Chaldeanlore; This David El-David, out of the boldness and arrogance of hisheart, lifted his hand against the ruling powers, and collected thoseJews who dwelt in the neighbourhood of Mount Chophtan, seducing them tofollow him into battle against all the neighbouring peoples. He showedthem signs-of what value they knew not: there were men, indeed, whosupported him on account of his magic art and of certain things to bedone; others said that his great power came from the hand of God. Thosewho flocked to him called him the Messiah, lauding and extolling him. In another epoch of Persian history a certain Jew arose, calling himselfthe Messiah, and prospered greatly. A large part of the Israelitishpopulation believed in him. But when the King indeed heard of all thispretender's power, and that he proposed to join battle with him, he sentto the Jews who lived thereabouts and notified them that unless theydeserted this man, and came oui; from all association with him, theycertainly should be slain, every one of them, with the sword, andafterward the children and the women should perish. Then the wholepopulation of Israel assembled, and argued with this man, and threwthemselves down before him on the ground, strongly supplicating him, with clamour and tears, to depart from them. Why, indeed, should heput them and others in danger? Had not the King already sworn that theyshould perish by the sword, and wherefore should he bring afflictionupon all the Jewish inhabitants of Persia? Responding, he said: "I havecome to serve you, and ye will not have me. Whom do ye fear? Who daresstand in front of me, and what doth this Persian King that he dare notoppose me and my sword?" The Jews asked him what sign he had that hewas the Messiah. He answered: "My mission prospers: the Messiah needs noother sign. " They answered that many had acted likewise, and that nonehad reached success. Then he drove them forth from his face with superbindignation. ]