A ZOLA DICTIONARY The Characters Of The Rougon-Macquart Novels Of Emile Zola By J. G. Patterson With a Biographical and Critical Introduction, Synopses of the Plots, Bibliographical Note, Map, Genealogy, etc. PREFATORY NOTE In the preparation of my Introduction I have, of course, relied forinformation on the recognized Biographies of Zola, namely _Notes d'unAmi_, by Paul Alexis (Paris, Charpentier); _Emile Zola, A biographicaland Critical Study_, by R. H. Sherrard (London, Chatto & Windus, 1893);_Emile Zola, Novelist and Reformer_: An account of his Life and Work, by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (London, John Lane, 1904). Reference has alsobeen made to Mr. Arthur Symons' _Studies in Prose and Verse_, andto articles in the _Fortnightly Review_ by Mr. Andrew Lang, in the_Atlantic Monthly_ by Mr. Henry James, and in the _ContemporaryReview_ by M. Edouard Rod, as well as to articles in the _EncyclopaediaBritannica_ and in the _Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporains_. By kind permission of Messrs. Chatto & Windus it has been possible toinclude the diagram of the Rougon-Macquart Genealogical Tree, whichappears in the Preface to their edition of _Doctor Pascal_, and tomake use of their translations in the preparation of the Dictionary. In compiling the latter, Zola's own words have been adopted so far aspossible, though usually they have required such condensation as to makedirect quotation difficult. This difficulty was increased by the factthat occasional use was made of different translations of the same book, and that frequent references to the original were found necessary. The Synopses of the Plots of the novels are arranged in the order inwhich the books should be read, as indicated by their Author in _LeDocteur Pascal_, and confirmed by his biographer, Mr. E. A. Vizetelly. EDINBURGH, May, 1912. J. G. P. INTRODUCTION Emile Zola was born at Paris on 2nd April, 1840. His father, FrancoisZola, was a man whose career up to that time had not been a success, though this was not due to any lack of energy or ability. Zola _pere_was of mixed nationality, his father being an Italian and his mother aGreek, and it is not unlikely that his unrest and want of concentrationwere due to the accident of his parentage. When quite a young man, Francois fought under the great Napoleon, after whose fall he became acivil engineer. He spent some time in Germany, where he was engagedin the construction of the first tramway line in Europe, afterwardsvisiting Holland and possibly England. Failure seems to have accompaniedhim, for in 1831 he applied for and obtained an appointment, aslieutenant in the Foreign Legion in Algeria. His career in Africa was, however, of short duration; some irregularities were discovered, and hedisappeared for a time, though ultimately he came forward and madeup his accounts, paying the balance that was due. No prosecution tookplace, and resignation of his commission was accepted. Nothing more washeard of the matter till 1898, when his son Emile identified himselfwith the cause of Dreyfus, and in the campaign of calumny that followedhad to submit to the vilest charges against the memory of his father. The old dossier was produced by the French Ministry of War, theofficials of which did not hesitate to strengthen their case by theforgery of some documents and the suppression of others. In viewof these proved facts, and of the circumstance that Francois Zola, immediately after his resignation from the Foreign Legion, establishedhimself as a civil engineer at Marseilles and prepared a scheme for newmaritime docks there, and that in connection with this scheme hevisited Paris repeatedly, obtaining private audiences with the King andinterviewing statesmen, it must be held that the charges against himwere of a venial nature, in no way warranting the accusations broughtforward by the War Office nearly seventy years later to cast discrediton his son. Nothing came of the Marseilles harbour scheme, and the samefate attended subsequent plans for the fortification of Paris. Zola_pere_, who by this time had married, then turned his attention to aproposal to supply water to the town of Aix, in Provence, by means ofa reservoir and canal. He removed thither with his wife and child, andafter many delays and disappointments ultimately signed an agreement forthe construction of the works. Even then further delays took place, andit was not till three years later that the work could be commenced. Butthe engineer's ill fortune still attended him, for one morning while hewas superintending his workmen the treacherous mistral began to blow, and he took a chill, from the effects of which he died a few daysafterwards. The young widow, with her son Emile, then a child of seven, was leftin poor circumstances, her only fortune being a claim against themunicipality of Aix. Fortunately her parents had some means, and came toher assistance during the years of fruitless struggle to establish therights of her dead husband. Emile had up to this time been allowedto run wild, and he had spent most of his time out of doors, where heacquired a love of the country which he retained in later years. Evenwhen he was sent to school he was backward, only learning his letterswith difficulty and showing little inclination for study. It was nottill 1852, when he was twelve years sold, that his education reallybegan. By this time he was able to realize his mother's financialposition, and to see the sacrifices which were being made to send himas a boarder to the _lycee_ at Aix. His progress then became rapid, andduring the next five years he gained many prizes. Throughout all theseyears the struggle between Madame Zola and the municipality had goneon, each year diminishing her chance of success. In the end her positionbecame desperate, and finding it impossible to continue to reside atAix, the little family removed to Paris in 1858. Fortunately Emile wasenabled by the intervention of certain friends of his late father tocontinue his studies, and became a day pupil at the Lycee St. Louis, on the Boulevard St. Michael. For some reason he made little progressthere, and when he presented himself for his _baccalaureat_ degree hefailed to pass the examination. A later attempt at the University ofMarseilles had the same result. As this examination is in France thepassport to all the learned professions, Zola's failure to pass itplaced him in a serious position. His mother's resources were by thistime entirely exhausted, and some means of support had to be soughtwithout delay. After many attempts, he got a place as clerk in abusiness house at a salary of twenty-six pounds a year, but the workproved so distasteful that after two months of drudgery he threw itup. Then followed a period of deep misery, but a period which musthave greatly influenced the work of the future novelist. Wandering thestreets by day and, when he could find money to buy a candle, writingpoems and short stories by night, he was gaining that experience in theschool of life of which he was later to make such splendid use. Meantimehis wretchedness was deep. A miserable lodging in a garret, insufficientfood, inadequate clothing, and complete absence of fire may be anincentive to high endeavour, but do not render easy the pathway offame. The position had become all but untenable when Zola receivedan appointment in the publishing house of M. Hachette, of Paris, ata salary beginning at a pound a week, but soon afterwards increased. During the next two years he wrote a number of short stories which werepublished later under the title _Contes a Ninon_. The book did not provea great success, though its undoubted ability attracted attention to thewriter and opened the way to some journalistic work. About this time heappears to have been studying Balzac, and the recently published _MadameBovary_ of Flaubert, which was opening up a new world not only in Frenchfiction, but in the literature of Europe. He had also read the _GerminieLacerteux_ of Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, on which he wrote anappreciative article, and this remarkable book cannot have been withoutits influence on his work. The effect was indeed immediate, for in1865 he published his next book, _La Confession de Claud_, which showedstrong traces of that departure from conventional fiction which hewas afterwards to make more pronounced. The book was not a financialsuccess, though it attracted attention, and produced many reviews, some favourable, others merciless. Influenced by the latter, thePublic Prosecutor caused inquiries regarding the author to be made atHachette's, but nothing more was done, and it is indeed doubtful if anysuccessful prosecution could have been raised, even at a period when itwas thought necessary to indict the author of _Madame Bovary_. Zola's employers had, however, begun to look askance at his literarywork; they may have considered that it was occupying too much of thetime for which they paid, or, more probably, they were becoming alarmedat their clerk's advanced views both on politics and literary art. AsZola afterwards explained the matter, one of the partners said to him, "You are earning two hundred francs a month here, which is ridiculous. You have plenty of talent, and would do better to take up literaturealtogether. You would find glory and profit there. " The hint was adirect one, and it was taken. The young author was again thrown uponhis own resources, but was no longer entirely unknown, for the notunfavourable reception of his first book and the violent attacks onhis second had given him a certain position, even though it may to someextent have partaken of the nature of a _succes de scandale_. Ashe wrote at the time, he did not mean to pander to the likes or thedislikes of the crowd; he intended to force the public to caress orinsult him. Journalism was the avenue which now appeared most open, and Zola got anappointment on the staff of a newspaper called _L'Evenement_, in whichhe wrote articles on literary and artistic subjects. His views werenot tempered by moderation, and when he depreciated the members of the_Salon_ in order to exalt Manet, afterwards an artist of distinction, but then regarded as a dangerous revolutionary, the public outcry wassuch that he was forced to discontinue publication of the articles. He then began a second story called _Le Vaeu d'une Morte_ in the samenewspaper. It was intended to please the readers of _L'Evenement_, butfrom the first failed to do so, and its publication was stopped beforeit was half completed. Soon afterwards _L'Evenement_ was incorporatedwith the _Figaro_, and Zola's connection with it terminated. A time ofhardship again began, and during the year 1867 the wolf was only keptfrom the door by unremitting toil of the least agreeable kind. In themidst of his difficulties Zola wrote two books simultaneously, onesupremely good and the other unquestionably bad. The one was _ThereseRaquin_, and the other _Les Mysteres de Marseille_. The latter, whichwas pure hack-work, was written to the order of the publisher of aMarseillaise newspaper, who supplied historical material from researchesmade by himself at the Marseilles and Aix law courts, about the various_causes celebres_ which during the previous fifty years had attractedthe most public attention. These were to be strung together, and by aneffort of legerdemain combined into a coherent whole in the form of anovel. Zola, desiring bread, undertook the task, with results that mighthave been anticipated. _Therese Raquin_ is a work of another kind, for into it Zola put thebest that was in him, and elaborated the story with the greatest care. It is a tale of Divine Justice, wherein a husband is murdered by hiswife and her lover, who, though safe from earthly consequence, are yetseparated by the horror of their deed, and come to hate each other forthe thing they have done. The book is one of remarkable power, and it isinteresting to note that in the preface to it Zola first made use ofthe word _naturalisme_ as describing that form of fiction which hewas afterwards to uphold in and out of season. A violent attack in the_Figaro_ gave opportunity for a vigorous reply, and the advertisementso obtained assisted the sales of the book, which from the first was asuccess. It was followed by _Madeleine Ferat_, which, however, was lessfortunate. The subject is unpleasant, and its treatment lacks the forcewhich made _Therese Raquin_ convincing. Up to this time Zola's life had been a steady struggle against poverty. He was terribly in earnest, and was determined to create for himselfa place in literature; to accomplish this end he counted no labourtoo arduous, no sacrifice too great. His habits were Spartan in theirsimplicity; he was a slave to work and method, good equipment for thevast task he was next to undertake. He had long been an earnest studentof Balzac, and there is no doubt that it was the example of the great_Comedie Humaine_ which inspired his scheme for a series of novelsdealing with the life history of a family during a particular period;as he described it himself, "the history natural and social of a familyunder the Second Empire. " It is possible that he was also influencedby the financial success of the series of historical novels written byErckmann-Chatrian, known as the _Romans Nationaux_. It was not, however, the past about which he proposed to write; no period was more suitablefor his purpose than that in which he lived, that Second Empire whoseregime began in blood and continued in corruption. He had there, under his own eyes and within his personal knowledge, a suitable_mise-en-scene_ wherein to further develop those theories of hereditaryinfluence which had already attracted his attention while he was writing_Madeleine Ferat_. The scheme was further attractive in as much as itlent itself readily to the system of treatment to which he had appliedthe term _naturalisme_, to distinguish it from the crudities of therealistic school. The scientific tendency of the period was to rely noton previously accepted propositions, but on observation and experience, or on facts and documents. To Zola the voice of science conveyed theword of ultimate truth, and with desperate earnestness he set out toapply its methods to literary production. His position was that thenovelist is, like the scientist, an observer and an experimentalistcombined. The observer, he says, gives the facts as he has observedthem, fixes the starting-point, lays the solid ground on whichhis characters are to walk and his phenomena to develop. Then theexperimentalist appears and starts the experiment, that is to say, hemakes the personages in a particular story move, in order to show thatthe succession of events will be just what the determinism of phenomenatogether with study demand that they should be. The author must abstainfrom comment, never show his own personality, and never turn to thereader for sympathy; he must, as Mr. Andrew Lang has observed, be ascold as a vivisectionist at a lecture. Zola thought the applicationof this method would raise the position of the novel to the level ofa science, and that it would become a medium for the expression ofestablished truths. The fallacy of the argument has been exposed bymore than one critic. It is self-evident that the "experiments" by thenovelist cannot be made on subjects apart from himself, but are made byhim and in him; so that they prove more regarding his own temperamentthan about what he professes to regard as the inevitable actions ofhis characters. The conclusion drawn by a writer from such actions mustalways be open to the retort that he invented the whole himself andthat fiction is only fiction. But to Zola in the late sixties the theoryseemed unassailable and it was upon it that he founded the whole edificeof _Les Rougon-Macquart_. The considerations then that influenced Zolain beginning a series of novels connected by subject into one giganticwhole were somewhat various. There was the example of Balzac's great_Comedie Humaine_; there was the desire of working out the theories ofheredity in which he had become interested; there was the opportunity ofputting into operation the system which he had termed _naturalisme_;and there was also the consideration that if he could get a publisher toagree to his proposals he would secure a certain income for a number ofyears. His original scheme was a series of twelve novels to be writtenat the rate of two a year, and he entered into a contract with apublisher named Lacroix, who was to pay him five hundred francs a monthas an advance. M. Lacroix would, however, only bind himself to publishfour out of the twelve novels. The arrangement could not be carried out, and at the end of three years only two volumes of the Rougon-Macquartseries had been published, while Zola found that he had become indebtedto the publisher for a very considerable sum. The first novel of the series was begun in 1869, but was not publishedtill the winter of 1871, delay having occurred on account of the warwith Germany. Zola was never a rapid writer, and seems to have regulatedhis literary production with machinelike uniformity. As his friend andbiographer Paul Alexis writes: "Only four pages, but four pages everyday, every day without exception, the action of the drop of water alwaysfalling on the same place, and in the end wearing out the hardeststone. It seems nothing, but in course of time chapters follow chapters, volumes follow upon volumes, and a whole life's work sprouts, multipliesits branches, extends its foliage like a lofty oak, destined torise high into the air and to remain standing in the forest of humanproductions. " His literary creed at the time he began the Rougon-Macquart series maybe conveniently summed up in a few words from an article which he hadonly a month before written in the _Gaulois_: "If I kept a school ofmorals, " he says, "I would hasten to place in the hands of my pupils_Madame Bovary_ or _Germinie Lacerteux_, persuaded that truth alone caninstruct and fortify generous souls. " In _La Fortune des Rougon_, then, Zola set out to plant the roots ofthe great family tree which was to occupy his attention during the nexttwenty years of his life. His object was to describe the origin ofthe family which he had selected for dissection in his series, and tooutline the various principal characters, members of that family. Mr. Andrew Lang, writing on this subject in the _Fortnightly Review_, pointsout that certain Arab tribes trace their descent from a female Dog, andsuggests that the Rougon-Macquart family might have claimed the sameancestry. Adelaide Fouque came of a race of peasants who had long livedat Plassans, a name invented by Zola to conceal the identity of Aix, the town in Provence where his youth had been spent. She was highlyneurotic, with a tendency to epilepsy, but from the point of view of thenaturalistic novelist she offered many advantages. When a mere girl shemarried a man named Rougon, who died soon afterwards, leaving her witha son named Pierre, from whom descended the legitimate branch of thefamily. Then followed a liaison with a drunken smuggler named Macquart, as a result of which two children were born, the Macquarts. Adelaide'soriginal neurosis had by this time become more pronounced, and sheultimately became insane. Pierre married and had five children, but hisfinancial affairs had not prospered, though by underhand methods he hadcontrived to get possession of his mother's property, to the exclusionof her other children. Then came the _Coup d'Etat_ of 1851, andPierre, quick to seize his opportunity, rendered such services to theBonapartist party as to lay the foundation of the family fortune, afoundation which was, however, cemented with treachery and blood. It waswith these two families, then, both descended from a common ancestress, and sometimes subsequently united by intermarriage, that the wholeseries of novels was to deal. They do not form an edifying group, these Rougon-Macquarts, but Zola, who had based his whole theory of theexperimental novel upon the analogy of medical research, was not on theoutlook for healthy subjects; he wanted social sores to probe. This isa fact much too often overlooked by readers of detached parts of theseries, for it should always be kept in mind that the whole was writtenwith the express purpose of laying bare all the social evils of one ofthe most corrupt periods in recent history, in the belief that throughpublicity might come regeneration. Zola was all along a reformer aswell as a novelist, and his zeal was shown in many a bitter newspapercontroversy. It has been urged against him that there were plenty ofvirtuous people about whom he could have written, but these criticsappear to forget that he was in a sense a propagandist, and that it wasnot his _metier_ to convert persons already in the odour of sanctity. _La Fortune des Rougon_ was not particularly successful on itspublication, but in view of the fact that the war with Germany wasbarely concluded no surprise need be experienced. Zola's financialposition was, however, by the arrangement with his publisher now moresecure, and he felt justified in marrying. This he did, and settled downinto the quiet bourgeois existence in which his life was spent. The next book was _La Curee_, a study of the mushroom society of theSecond Empire. The subject--the story of Phaedra adapted to modernenvironment--is unpleasant and the treatment is daring; but despite aslight _succes de scandale_, its reception by the public was no morefavorable than that of _La Fortune des Rougon_. _La Curee_ was followed by _Le Ventre de Paris_, which reached a secondedition. It contained some excellent descriptive writing, but wasseverely attacked by certain critics, who denounced it as the apotheosisof gluttony, while they resented the transference of a pork butcher'sshop to literature and took particular exceptions to a certain "symphonyof cheeses. " Next came _La Conquete de Plassans_, an excellent story, to be followedby _La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret_, one of Zola's most romantic books, and the first to attain any considerable success. He next wrote _SonExcellence Eugene Rougon_, in which he dealt with the political sideof the Second Empire and sketched the life of the Imperial Court atCompiegne. For this task he was not particularly well equipped, and thebook was only moderately successful. Then came _L'Assommoir_, andwith it fame and fortune for the writer. It is a terrible story ofworking-class life in Paris, a study of the ravages wrought by drink. Again to quote Mr. Andrew Lang, "It is a dreadful but not an immoralbook. It is the most powerful temperance tract that ever was written. AsM. Zola saw much of the life of the poor in his early years, as he oncelived, when a boy, in one of the huge lodging-houses he describes, onemay fear that _L'Assommoir_ is a not untruthful picture of the lives ofmany men and women in Paris. " In order to heighten the effect, Zola deliberately wrote the wholeof _L'Assommoir_ in the argot of the streets, sparing nothing of itscoarseness and nothing of its force. For this alone he was attacked bymany critics, and from its publication onwards an unexampled controversyarose regarding the author and his methods. Looking backwards it isdifficult to see why such an outcry should have arisen about such amasterpiece of literature, but water has flowed beneath many bridgessince 1877, and, largely by the influence of Zola's own work, the limitsof convention have been widely extended. At the time, however, thework was savagely attacked, and to the author the basest motiveswere assigned, while libels on his own personal character were freelycirculated. Zola replied to these attacks in a manner so calm and soconvincing that quotation may be permitted. "It would be well, " he said, "to read my novels, to understand them, to see them clearly in theirentirety, before bringing forward the ready-made opinions, ridiculousand odious, which are circulated concerning myself and my works. Ah!if people only knew how my friends laugh at the appalling legend whichamuses the crowd! If they only knew how the blood-thirsty wretch, theformidable novelist, is simply a respectable bourgeois, a man devoted tostudy and to art, living quietly in his corner, whose sole ambition isto leave as large and living a work as he can. I contradict no reports, I work on, and I rely on time, and on the good faith of the public, todiscover me at last under the accumulation of nonsense that has beenheaped upon me. " This statement is absolutely in accordance with fact, and when it is realized that the writer of the Rougon-Macquart novelswas merely a hard-working, earnest man, filled with a determination tocomplete the vast task which he had planned, and not to be turnedfrom his ideas by praise or blame, it will go far to promote a betterunderstanding of his aims and methods. It is necessary too, as hasalready been said, that the various novels forming the Rougon-Macquartseries be considered not as separate entities, but as chapters of onevast whole. _L'Assommoir_ was an immediate success with the public, and the saleswere unusually large for the time, while now (1912) they amount to onehundred and sixty-two thousand copies in the original French alone. In 1878 Zola published _Une Page d'Amour_, the next volume of theseries, a simple love story containing some very beautiful and romanticdescriptions of Paris. Then followed _Nana_, to which _L'Assommoir_ wasthe prelude. _Nana_ dealt with the vast demimonde of Paris, and while itwas his greatest popular success, was in every sense his worst book. Ofno subject on which he wrote was Zola more ignorant than of this, andthe result is a laboured collection of scandals acquired at second-hand. Mr. Arthur Symons, in his _Studies in Prose and Verse_, recounts how anEnglish paper once reported an interview in which the author of _Nana_, indiscreetly questioned as to the amount of personal observation he hadput into the book, replied that he had once lunched with an actressof the Varietes. "The reply was generally taken for a joke, " saysMr. Symons, "but the lunch was a reality, and it was assuredly a rareexperience in the life of a solitary diligence to which we owe somany impersonal studies in life. " The sales of the book were, however, enormous, and Zola's financial position was now assured. Publication of the Rougon-Macquart series went steadily on. _Pot-Bouille_ a story of middle-class life, was followed by its sequel_Au Bonheur des Dames_, a study of life in one of the great emporiumswhich were beginning to crush out the small shopkeepers of Paris. _LaJoie de Vivre_, that drab story of hypochondria and self-sacrifice, wassucceeded by _Germinal_, the greatest, if not the only really great, novel of labour that has ever been written in any language. After_Germinal_ came _L'Oeuvre_, which deals with art life in Paris, and isin part an autobiography of the author. We now come to _La Terre_around which the greatest controversy has raged. In parts the book isShakespearian in its strength and insight, but it has to be admitted atonce that the artistic quality of the work has been destroyed in largemeasure by the gratuitous coarseness which the author has thoughtnecessary to put into it. Even allowing for the fact that the subject isthe brutishness and animality of French peasant life, and admitting thatthe picture drawn may be a true one, the effect had been lessened by thefact that nothing has been left to the imagination. On the other handthere has, since Shakespeare, been nothing so fine as the treatment ofPere Fouan, that peasant King Lear, by his ungrateful family. It hasbeen urged that Zola overdid the horrors of the situation and that noparent would have been so treated by his children. By a singular chancea complete answer to this objection may be found in a paragraph whichappeared in the _Daily Mail_ of 18th April, 1911. A few days before, apeasant woman in France had entered her father's bedroom and struck himnine times on the head with an axe, afterwards going home to bed. Thereason for the crime was that the old man two years previously haddivided his property between his two daughters on condition that theypaid him a monthly allowance. His elder daughter was always in arrearwith her share of the pension, and, after constant altercations betweenfather and daughter, the latter extinguished her liability in the mannerindicated. Now this tragedy in real life is the actual plot of _LaTerre_, which was written twenty-four years before it occurred. In accordance with the author's usual plan, whereby a heavy book wasfollowed by a light one, _La Terre_ was succeeded by _Le Reve_, a workat the other extreme of the literary gamut. As _La Terre_ is of theearth, earthy, so is _Le Reve_ spiritual and idyllic, the work of a manenamoured of the refined and the beautiful. It has indeed been describedas the most beautiful work written in France during the whole of thenineteenth century. _La Bete Humaine_, the next of the series, is a work of a differentclass, and is to the English reader the most fascinating of all Zola'snovels. It deals with human passions in their elemental forms, with abackground of constant interest in the railway life of Western France. The motives are always obvious and strong, a criticism which can by nomeans be invariably applied to French fiction. Next appeared _L'Argent_, which is the sequel to _La Curee_ and dealswith financial scandals. It was inspired by the failure of the UnionGenerale Bank a few years before, and is a powerful indictment of thelaw affecting joint-stock companies. To _L'Argent_ there succeeded _LaDebacle_, that prose epic of modern war, more complete and coherentthan even the best of Tolstoi. And to end all came _Le Docteur Pascal_, winding up the series on a note of pure romance. Regarded as a literary tour de force the work is only comparable tothe _Comedie Humaine_. It occupied nearly twenty-five years in writing, consists of twenty volumes containing over twelve hundred characters, and a number of words estimated by Mr. E. A. Vizetelly at two millionfive hundred thousand. There can be little doubt that Zola's best work was expended on theRougon-Macquart series. With its conclusion his zeal as a reformer beganto outrun his judgment as an artist, and his later books partake more ofthe nature of active propaganda than of works of fiction. They comprisetwo series: _Les Trois Villes_ (Lourdes, Paris, Rome) and _Les QuatreEvangiles_, of which only three (Fecondite, Travail, and Verite) werewritten before the author's death. Politics had begun to occupy hisattention, and from 1896 onwards he increasingly interested himself inthe Jewish question which culminated in the Dreyfus case. His sense ofjustice, always keen, was outraged by the action of the authorities andon 13th January, 1898, he published his famous letter, beginning withthe words _J'accuse_, a letter which altered the whole course of eventsin France. It is difficult now to realize the effect of Zola's actionin this matter; he was attacked with a virulence almost unexampled, avirulence which followed him beyond the grave. Four years later, on theday after his death, the Paris correspondent of _The Times_ wrote: "Itis evident the passions of two or three years ago are still alive. Manypersons expressed their joy with such boisterous gestures as men indulgein on learning of a victory, and some exclaimed savagely, 'It is nonetoo soon. ' The unseemliness of this extraordinary spectacle evoked noretort from the passers-by. " The feeling of resentment is still alive inFrance, and it is necessary to take it into account in the considerationof any estimates of his literary work by his own countrymen. It is amistake to attribute Zola's campaign for the rehabilitation of Dreyfusto mere lust of fame, as has been freely done. He certainly wasambitious, but had he wished to gain the plaudits of the crowd hewould not have adopted a cause which was opposed by the majority of thenation. As a result of the agitation, he was obliged to leave Franceand take refuge in England, till such time as a change of circumstancesenabled him to return. On 29th September, 1902, the world was startled to learn that Emile Zolahad been found dead in his bedroom, suffocated by the fumes of astove, and that his wife had narrowly escaped dying with him. A life ofincessant literary labour had been quenched. The reputation of Zola has suffered, it is to be feared, in no smalldegree from the indiscretions of his friends. In England he wasintroduced to the notice of the reading public by Mr. Henry Vizetelly, who between 1884 and 1889 published a number of translations of hisnovels. The last of these was _The Soil_, a translation of _La Terre_, which aroused such an outcry that a prosecution followed, and Mr. Vizetelly was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Without raisingany question as to the propriety of this prosecution, it is difficult toavoid pointing out that Mr. Vizetelly was singularly ill advised not tohave taken into account the essential differences between Englishand French literature, and not have seen that the publication of thisparticular book in its entirety was an impossibility under existingconditions. It is regrettable also that Mr. Vizetelly, who though agentleman of the highest character, was no doubt anxious to make themost possible out of his venture, did not duly appreciate that theword "Realistic, " which was blazoned on the covers of the various booksissued by him, was in the early eighties invariably interpretedas meaning pornographic. Presumably nothing was further from Mr. Vizetelly's wish--his defence at the trial was that the books wereliterature of the highest kind--but it is unquestionable that the formatwas such as to give the impression indicated, an impression deepened bythe extremely Gallic freedom of the illustrations. There can be littledoubt that had the works been issued in an unobtrusive form, withoutillustrations, they would have attracted less attention of theundesirable kind which they afterwards received. The use of the term"Realistic" was the more remarkable as Zola had previously invented theword _Naturalisme_ to distinguish his work from that of the Realisticschool. But if Zola's reputation in England suffered in this way, itis right to refer here to the debt of gratitude to Mr. E. A. Vizetellyunder which the English public now lies. Some time after the prosecutionof his father, Mr. Vizetelly began to publish, through Messrs. Chatto& Windus, a series of versions of Zola's works. The translationswere admirably done, and while it was found necessary to make certainomissions, the task was so skilfully accomplished that in many casesactual improvement has resulted. These versions are at present the chieftranslations of Zola's works in circulation in this country; but whiletheir number has been added to from time to time, it has not been foundpossible to include the whole of the Rougon-Macquart series. In 1894-5, however, the Lutetian Society issued to its members a literal andunabridged translation of six of the novels, made by writers of sucheminence as Havelock Ellis, Arthur Symons, and Ernest Dowson. Theseare the only translations of these works which are of any value to thestudent, but they are unfortunately almost unobtainable, as the entireedition was restricted to three hundred copies on hand-made paper andten on Japanese vellum. A charge not unfrequently brought against Zola is that he was a somewhatignorant person, who required to get up from textbooks every subjectupon which he wrote. Now there seems to be little doubt that it was inthe first instance due to the indiscretion of his biographer, M. PaulAlexis, that this charge has arisen. Impressed by the vast industry ofhis friend, M. Alexis said so much about "research" and "documents"that less friendly critics seized the opportunity of exaggerating theimportance of these. Every novelist of any consequence has found itnecessary to "cram" his subjects, but says little about the fact. JamesPayn, for instance, could not have written his admirable descriptions ofChina in _By Proxy_ without much reading of many books, and Mr. Rudyard Kipling has not been blamed for studying the technicalities ofengineering before he wrote _The Ship that found Herself_. It is open toquestion even whether Mr. Robert Hichens acquired his intimate knowledgeof the conditions of life in Southern Europe and Northern Africaentirely without the assistance of Herr Baedeker. Zola undoubtedlystudied his subjects, but far too much has been made of the necessityfor his doing so. His equipment for the task he undertook was not lesscomplete than that of many another novelist, and, like Dickens, hestudied life in that school of a "stony-hearted stepmother, " the streetsof a great city. Zola's literary method may be described as a piling up of detail upondetail till there is attained an effect portentous, overwhelming. Helacked, however, a sense of proportion; he became so carried away byhis visions of human depravity, that his characters developed powers ofwickedness beyond mortal strength; he lay under an obsession regardingthe iniquities of mankind. In dealing with this it was unfortunatelyhis method to leave nothing to the imagination, and herein lies the mostserious blemish on his work. There is undoubtedly much coarseness insome of his books, and the regrettable feature is that it is not onlyunnecessary, but in some cases actually lessens the effect at which heaimed. It is doubtful whether he was possessed of any sense of humour. Mr. Andrew Lang says that his lack of it was absolute, a darkness thatcan be felt; Mr. R. H. Sherrard, on the other hand, indicates that hiswork "teems with quiet fun. " On the whole, truth seems to lie with Mr. Lang. M. And Madame Charles Badeuil, in _La Terre_ may seem Dickensianto an English reader, but there is always the Gallic point of view to bereckoned with, and it is doubtful if Zola did not regard these personsmerely as types of a virtuous bourgeoisie. It was in the treatment of crowds in motion that Zola chiefly excelled;there is nothing finer in literature than the march of the strikers in_Germinal_ or the charges of the troops in _La Debacle_. Contrast himwith such a master of prose as George Meredith, and we see how immenselystrong the battle scenes in _La Debacle_ are when compared with thosein _Vittoria_; it is here that his method of piling detail on detail andhorror on horror is most effectual. "To make his characters swarm, " saidMr. Henry James in a critical article in the _Atlantic Monthly_ (August, 1903), "was the task he set himself very nearly from the first, that wasthe secret he triumphantly mastered. " "Naturalism" as a school had a comparatively brief existence--Zolahimself departed largely from its principles after the conclusion of theRougon-Macquart series--but its effects have been far-reaching onthe literature of many countries. In England the limits of literaryconvention have been extended, and pathways have been opened up alongwhich later writers have not hesitated to travel, even while denying theinfluence of the craftsman who had cleared the way. It is safe to saythat had _L'Assommoir_ never been written there would have been no _Judethe Obscure_, and the same remark applies to much of the best modernfiction. In America, Frank Norris, an able writer who unfortunately diedbefore the full fruition of his genius had obviously accepted Zolaas his master, and the same influence is also apparent in the work ofGeorge Douglas, a brilliant young Scotsman whose premature death leftonly one book, _The House with the Green Shutters_, as an indicationof what might have sprung from the methods of modified naturalism. M. Edouard Rod, an able critic, writing in the _Contemporary Review_(1902), pointed out that the influence of Zola has transformed novelwriting in Italy, and that its effect in Germany has been not lesspronounced. The virtue of this influence on German letters wasundoubtedly great. It made an end of sentimentality, it shook literatureout of the sleepy rut into which it had fallen and forced it to faceuniversal problems. One must regret for his own sake that Zola was unable to avoid offendingthose prejudices which were so powerful in his time. The novelist whoadopts the method of the surgeon finds it necessary to expose manypainful sores, and is open to the taunt that he finds pleasure in thetask. On no one did this personal obloquy fall more hardly than onZola, and never with less reason. It may be that he accumulated unseemlydetails and risky situations too readily; but he was an earnest man witha definite aim in view, and had formulated for himself a system whichhe allowed to work itself out with relentless fatality. The unredeemedbaseness and profligacy of the period with which he had to deal mustalso be borne in mind. As to his personal character, it has been fitlydescribed by M. Anatole France, himself a distinguished novelist. Zola, said he, "had the candour and sincerity of great souls. He wasprofoundly moral. He has depicted vice with a rough and vigorous hand. His apparent pessimism ill conceals a real optimism, a persistent faithin the progress of intelligence and justice. In his romances, whichare social studies, he attacks with vigorous hatred an idle, frivoloussociety, a base and noxious aristocracy. He combated social evilwherever he encountered it. His work is comparable only in greatnesswith that of Tolstoi. At the two extremities of European thought thelyre has raised two vast cities. Both are generous and pacific; butwhereas Tolstoi's is the city of resignation, Zola's is the city ofwork. " It is still too soon to form an opinion as to the permanent valueof Zola's writings, for posterity has set aside many well-consideredjudgments; but their influence has been, and will continue to be, farreaching. They have opened up new avenues in literature, and have madepossible to others much that was formerly unattainable. THE ROUGON-MACQUART GENEALOGICAL TREE. First Generation: 1. ADELAIDE FOUQUE, called AUNT DIDE, born in 1768, married in 1786 toRougon, a placid, lubberly gardener; bears him a son in 1787; loses herhusband in 1788; takes in 1789 a lover, Macquart, a smuggler, addictedto drink and half crazed; bears him a son in 1789, and a daughter in1791; goes mad, and is sent to the Asylum of Les Tulettes in 1851; diesthere of cerebral congestion in 1873 at 105 years of age. Supplies theoriginal neurosis. Second Generation: 2. PIERRE ROUGON, born in 1787, married in 1810 to Felicite Puech, anintelligent, active and healthy woman; has five children by her; diesin 1870, on the morrow of Sedan, from cerebral congestion due tooverfeeding. An equilibrious blending of characteristics, the moralaverage of his father and mother, resembles them physically. An oilmerchant, afterwards receiver of taxes. 3. ANTOINE MACQUART, born in 1789; a soldier in 1809; married in 1829to a market dealer, Josephine Gavaudan, a vigorous, industrious, butintemperate woman; has three children by her; loses her in 1851;dies himself in 1873 from spontaneous combustion, brought about byalcoholism. A fusion of characteristics. Moral prepotency of andphysical likeness to his father. A soldier, then a basket-maker, afterwards lives idle on his income. 4. URSULE MACQUART, born in 1791; married in 1810 to ajourneyman-hatter, Mouret, a healthy man with a well-balanced mind. Bears him three children, dies of consumption in 1840. An adjunction ofcharacteristics, her mother predominating morally and physically. Third Generation: 5. EUGENE ROUGON, born in 1811, married in 1857 to Veronique Beulind'Orcheres, by whom he has no children. A fusion of characteristics. Prepotency and ambition of his mother. Physical likeness to his father. A politician, at one time Cabinet Minister. Still alive in Paris, adeputy. 6. PASCAL ROUGON, born in 1813, never marries, has a posthumous childby Clotilde Rougon in 1874; dies of heart disease on November 7, 1873. Innateness, a combination in which the physical and moralcharacteristics of the parents are so blended that nothing of themappears manifest in the offspring. A doctor. 7. ARISTIDE ROUGON, alias SACCARD, born in 1815, married in 1836 toAngele Sicardot, the calm, dreamy-minded daughter of an officer; hasby her a son in 1840, a daughter in 1847; loses his wife in 1854; hasa natural son in 1853 by a work-girl, Rosalie Chavaille, countingconsumptives and epileptics among her forerunners; remarried in 1855to Renee Beraud Du Chatel, who dies childless in 1864. An adjunction ofcharacteristics, moral prepotency of his father, physical likeness tohis mother. Her ambition, modified by his father's appetites. A clerk, then a speculator. Still alive in Paris, directing a newspaper. 8. SIDONIE ROUGON, born in 1818, married at Plassans in 1838 to asolicitor's clerk, who dies in Paris in 1850. Has, by a stranger, in1851, a daughter Angelique, whom she places in the foundling asylum. Prepotency of her father, physical likeness to her mother. A commissionagent and procuress, dabbling in every shady calling; but eventuallybecomes very austere. Still alive in Paris, treasurer to the OEuvre duSacrement. 9. MARTHE ROUGON, born in 1820, married in 1840 to her cousin FrancoisMouret, bears him three children, dies in 1864 from a nervous disease. Reverting heredity, skipping one generation. Hysteria. Moral andphysical likeness to Adelaide Fouque. Resembles her husband. 10. FRANCOIS MOURET, born in 1817, married in 1840 to Marthe Rougon, whobears him three children; dies mad in 1864 in a conflagration kindledby himself. Prepotency of his father. Physical likeness to his mother. Resembles his wife. At first a wine-merchant, then lives on his income. 11. HELENE MOURET, born in 1824, married in 1841 to Grandjean, a punyman, inclined to phthisis, who dies in 1853; has a daughter by him in1842; remarried in 1857 to M. Rambaud, by whom she has no children. Innateness as in Pascal Rougon's case. Still living, at Marseilles, inretirement with her second husband. 12. SILVERE MOURET, born in 1834; shot dead by a gendarme in1851. Prepotency of his mother. Innateness with regard to physicalresemblance. 13. LISA MACQUART, born in 1827, married in 1852 to Quenu, a healthyman with a well-balanced mind. Bears him a daughter, dies in 1863 fromdecomposition of the blood. Prepotency of and physical likeness to hermother. Keeps a large pork-butcher's shop at the Paris markets. 14. GERVAISE MACQUART, born in 1828, has three sons by her loverLantier, who counts paralytics among his ancestors; is taken to Paris, and there deserted by him; is married in 1852 to a workman, Coupeau, whocomes of an alcoholic stock; has a daughter by him; dies of misery anddrink in 1869. Prepotency of her father. Conceived in drunkenness. Islame. A washerwoman. 15. JEAN MACQUART, born in 1831, married in 1867 to Francoise Mouche, who dies childless in 1870; remarried in 1871 to Melanie Vial, a sturdy, healthy peasant-girl, by whom he has a son, and who is again _enceinte_. Innateness, as with Pascal and Helene. First a peasant, then a soldier, then peasant again. Still alive at Valqueyras. Fourth Generation: 16. MAXIME ROUGON, alias SACCARD, born in 1840, has a son in 1857 bya servant, Justine Megot, the chlorotic daughter of drunken parents;married in 1863 to Louise de Mareuil, who dies childless the same year;succumbs to ataxia in 1873. A dissemination of characteristics. Moralprepotency of his father, physical likeness to his mother. Idle, inclined to spending unearned money. 17. CLOTILDE ROUGON, alias SACCARD, born in 1847, has a son by PascalRougon in 1874. Prepotency of her mother. Reverting heredity, the moraland physical characteristics of her maternal grandfather preponderant. Still alive at Plassans. 18. VICTOR ROUGON, alias SACCARD, born in 1853. Adjunction ofcharacteristics. Physical resemblance to his father. Has disappeared. 19. ANGELIQUE ROUGON, born in 1851, married in 1869 to Felicien deHautecoeur, and dies the same day of a complaint never determined. Innateness: no resemblance to her mother or forerunners on the maternalside. No information as to her father. 20. OCTAVE MOURET, born in 1840, married in 1865 to Madame Hedouin, whodies the same year; remarried in 1869 to Denise Baudu, a healthy girlwith a well-balanced mind, by whom he has a boy and a girl, still tooyoung to be classified. Prepotency of his father. Physical resemblanceto his uncle, Eugene Rougon. Indirect heredity. Establishes and directs"The Ladies' Paradise. " Still alive in Paris. 21. SERGE MOURET, born in 1841. A dissemination of characteristics;moral and physical resemblance to his mother. Has his father's brain, influenced by the diseased condition of his mother. Heredity of a formof neurosis developing into mysticism. A priest, still alive at St. Eutrope. 22. DESIREE MOURET, born in 1844. Prepotency of and physical likeness toher mother. Heredity of a form of neurosis developing into idiocy. Stillalive at St. Eutrope with her brother Serge. 23. JEANNE GRANDJEAN, born in 1842, dies of a nervous complaint in1855. Reverting heredity, skipping two generations. Physical and moralresemblance to Adelaide Fouque. 24. Pauline Quenu, born in 1852, never marries. An equilibrious blendingof characteristics. Moral and physical resemblance to her father andmother. An example of honesty. Still alive at Bonneville. 25. CLAUDE LANTIER, born in 1842, married in 1865 to CarolineHallegrain, whose father succumbed to paraplegia; has by her, prior tomarriage, a son, Jacques, who dies in 1869; hangs himself in 1870. Afusion of characteristics. Moral prepotency of and physical resemblanceto his mother. Heredity of a form of neurosis developing into genius. Apainter. 26. JACQUES LANTIER, born in 1844, killed in an accident in 1870. Prepotency of his mother. Physical likeness to his father. Heredity ofalcoholism, developing into homicidal mania. An example of crime. Anengine-driver. 27. ETIENNE LANTIER, born in 1846. A dissemination of characteristics. Physical resemblance, first to his mother, afterwards to his father. Aminer. Still alive, transported to Noumea, there married, with children, it is said, who cannot, however, be classified. 28. ANNA COUPEAU, alias NANA, born in 1852, gives birth to a child, Louis, in 1867, loses him in 1870, dies herself of small-pox a few dayslater. A blending of characteristics. Moral prepotency of her father. Physical resemblance to her mother's first lover, Lantier. Heredity ofalcoholism developing into mental and physical perversion. An example ofvice. Fifth Generation: 29. CHARLES ROUGON, alias SACCARD, born in 1857, dies of hemorrhage in1873. Reverting heredity skipping three generations. Physical and moralresemblance to Adelaide Fouque. The last outcome of an exhausted stock. 30. JACQUES LOUIS LANTIER, born in 1860, a case of hydrocephalus, diesin 1869. Prepotency of his mother, whom he physically resembles. 31. LOUIS COUPEAU, called LOUISET, born in 1867, dies of small-pox in1870. Prepotency of his mother, whom he physically resembles. 32. THE UNKNOWN CHILD will be born in 1874. What will it be? SYNOPSES OF THE PLOTS OF THE ROUGON-MACQUART NOVELS La Fortune des Rougon. In the preface to this novel Zola explains his theories of heredity, and the work itself forms the introductory chapter to that great serieswhich deals with the life history of a family and its descendants duringthe second empire. The common ancestress of the Rougons and the Macquarts was AdelaideFouque, a girl who from youth had been subject to nervous seizures. From her father she inherited a small farm, and at the age of eighteenmarried one of her own labourers, a man named Rougon, who died fifteenmonths afterwards, leaving her with one son, named Pierre. Shortly afterher husband's death she fell completely under the influence of Macquart, a drunken smuggler and poacher, by whom in course of time she had ason named Antoine and a daughter named Ursule. She became more and moresubject to cataleptic attacks, until eventually her mind was completelyunhinged. Pierre Rougon, her legitimate son, was a man of strong willinherited from his father, and he early saw that his mother's propertywas being squandered by the Macquarts. By means approximating to fraudhe induced his mother, who was then facile, to sell her property andhand over the proceeds to him. Soon after he married Felicite Peuch, awoman of great shrewdness and keen intelligence, by whom he had threesons (Eugene, Aristide, and Pascal) and two daughters (Marthe andSidonie). Pierre Rougon was not particularly prosperous, but his eldestson, Eugene, went to Paris and became mixed up in the Bonapartist plotswhich led to the _Coup d'Etat_ of 1851. He was consequently able to givehis parents early information as to the probable course of events, andthe result of their action was to lay the foundations of the familyfortune. The scene of the book is the Provencal town of Plassans, and the tragicevents attending the rising of the populace against the _Coup d'Etat_are told with accuracy and knowledge. There is a charming love idyllbetween Silvere Mouret, a son of Ursule Macquart, and a young girl namedMiette, both of whom fall as victims in the rising which followed the_Coup d'Etat_. Mr. E. A. Vizetelly, in his introduction to the English translation of_The Conquest of Plassans_ (London: Chatto & Windus), points out thatalmost every incident in _The Fortune of the Rougons_ is based uponhistorical fact. "For instance, " he says, "Miette had a counterpartin Madame Ferrier, that being the real name of the young woman who, carrying the insurgents' blood-red banner, was hailed by them as theGoddess of Liberty on their dramatic march. And in like way the tragicdeath of Silvere, linked to another hapless prisoner, was founded byM. Zola on an incident that followed the rising, as recorded by aneye-witness. " Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. An account of the career of Eugene Rougon, the eldest son of PierreRougon (_La Fortune des Rougon_), who went to Paris from Plassans, becoming involved in the plots which resulted in the _Coup d'Etat_ of1851 and the return of a Bonaparte to Imperial power. The futurecareer of Rougon was assured; his services had been too important to beoverlooked, and he ultimately became Minister of State and practicallyVice-Emperor. He fell for a time under the influence of Clorinde Balbi, the daughter of an Italian adventuress, but realizing the risk ofcompromising himself, he shook himself free, and married a lady whoseposition in society tended to make his own still more secure. The novelgives an excellent account of the political and social life of theSecond Empire, and of the cynical corruption which characterized theperiod. In a preface to the English translation (_His Excellency_. London:Chatto & Windus), Mr. E. A. Vizetelly states that in his opinion, "with all due allowance for its somewhat limited range of subject, _SonExcellence Eugene Rougon_ is the one existing French novel which givesthe reader a fair general idea of what occurred in political spheres atan important period of the Empire. But His Excellency Eugene Rougonis not, as many critics and others have supposed, a mere portrait orcaricature of His Excellency Eugene Rouher, the famous Vice-Emperor ofhistory. Symbolism is to be found in every one of Zola's novels, andRougon, in his main lines, is but the symbol of a principle, or, to beaccurate, the symbol of a certain form of the principle of authority. His face is Rouher's, like his build and his favorite gesture; but withRouher's words, actions, opinions, and experiences are blended those ofhalf a dozen other personages. He is the incarnation of that craving, that lust for power which impelled so many men of ability to throwall principle to the winds and become the instruments of an abominablesystem of government. And his transformation at the close of the storyis in strict accordance with historical facts. " La Curee. In this novel Aristide Saccard, who followed his brother Eugene to Parisin the hope of sharing the spoils of the Second Empire (_La Fortune desRougon_), was successful in amassing a vast fortune by speculation inbuilding-sites. His first wife having died, he married Renee Beraud duChatel, a lady of good family, whose dowry first enabled him to throwhimself into the struggle of financial life. In a magnificent mansionwhich he built in the Parc Monceau a life of inconceivable extravagancebegan. The mushroom society of Paris was at this period the most corruptin Europe, and the Saccards soon came to be regarded as leaders in everyform of pleasure. Vast though their fortune was, their expenses weregreater, and a catastrophe was frequently imminent. Renee, satisfiedwith prodigality of every kind, entered on an infamous liaison with herhusband's son, a liaison which Aristide condoned in order to extractmoney from his wife. Rene ultimately died, leaving her husband immersedin his feverish speculations. The novel gives a powerful though unpleasant picture of Parisian societyin the period which followed the restoration of the Empire in 1851. L'Argent. After a disastrous speculation, Aristide Saccard (_La Fortune desRougon_ and _La Curee_) was forced to sell his mansion in the ParcMonceau and to cast about for means of creating a fresh fortune. Chancemade him acquainted with Hamelin, an engineer whose residence in theEast had suggested to him financial schemes which at once attractedthe attention of Saccard. With a view to financing these schemesthe Universal Bank was formed, and by force of advertising becameimmediately successful. Emboldened by success, Saccard launched intowild speculation, involving the bank, which ultimately became insolvent, and so caused the ruin of thousands of depositors. The scandal was soserious that Saccard was forced to disappear from France and to takerefuge in Belgium. The book was intended to show the terrible effects of speculation andfraudulent company promotion, the culpable negligence of directors, andthe impotency of the existing laws. It deals with the shady underwoodsof the financial world. Mr. E. A. Vizetelly, in his preface to the English translation (_Money_. London: Chatto & Windus), suggests that Zola in sketching Saccard, that daring and unscrupulous financier, "must have bethought himself ofMires, whose name is so closely linked to the history of Second Empirefinance. Mires, however, was a Jew, whereas Saccard was a Jew-hater, andoutwardly, at all events, a zealous Roman Catholic. In this respect hereminds one of Bontoux, of Union General notoriety, just as Hamelin theengineer reminds one of Feder, Bontoux's associate. Indeed, the historyof M. Zola's Universal Bank is much the history of the Union General. The latter was solemnly blessed by the Pope, and in a like way Zolashows us the Universal receiving the Papal benediction. Moreover, thesecond object of the Union General was to undermine the financial powerof the Jews, and in the novel we find a similar purpose ascribed toSaccard's Bank. The union, we know, was eventually crushed by the greatIsraelite financiers, and this again is the fate which overtakesthe institution whose meteor-like career is traced in the pages of_L'Argent_. " La Reve. Written as a "passport to the Academy, " this novel stands alone amongthe Rougon-Macquart series for its pure, idyllic grace. Angelique, a daughter of Sidonie Rougon (_Le Curee_), had been deserted by hermother, and was adopted by a maker of ecclesiastical embroideries, whowith his wife lived and worked under the shadow of an ancient cathedral. In this atmosphere the child grew to womanhood, and as she fashioned therich embroideries of the sacred vestments she had a vision of love andhappiness which was ultimately realized, though the realization provedtoo much for her frail strength, and she died in its supreme moment. Thevast cathedral with its solemn ritual dominates the book and colours thelives of its characters. La Conquete de Plassans. The heroine of this book is Marthe Rougon, the youngest daughter ofPierre and Felicite Rougon (_La Fortune des Rougon_), who had inheritedmuch of the neurasthenic nature of her grandmother Adelaide Fouque. Shemarried her cousin, Francois Mouret. Plassans, where the Mourets lived, was becoming a stronghold of the clerical party, when Abbe Faujas, awily and arrogant priest, was sent to win it back for the Government. This powerful and unscrupulous ecclesiastic ruthlessly set aside everyobstacle to his purpose, and in the course of his operations wrecked thehome of the Mourets. Marthe having become infatuated with the priest, ruined her family for him and died neglected. Francois Mouret, herhusband, who by the machinations of Faujas was confined in an asylum asa lunatic, became insane in fact, and having escaped, brought abouta conflagration in which he perished along with the disturber of hisdomestic peace. The book contains a vivid picture of the petty jealousies and intriguesof a country town, and of the political movements which followed the_Coup d'Etat_ of 1851. Pot-Bouille. A study of middle-class life in Paris. Octave, the elder son of FrancoisMouret, has come to the city, where he has got a situation in "TheLadies' Paradise, " a draper's shop carried on by Madame Hedouin, a ladywhom he ultimately marries. The interest of the book centres in a housein Rue de Choiseul which is let in flats to various tenants, the Vabres, Duvreyiers, and Josserands among others. The inner lives of thesepeople, their struggles, their jealousies and their sins, are shownwith an unsparing hand. Under the thin skin of an intense respectabilitythere is a seething mass of depravity, and with ruthless art Zola haslaid his subjects upon the dissecting-table. Of plot there is little, but as a terrible study in realism the book is a masterpiece. An Bonheur des Dames. Octave Mouret, after his marriage with Madame Hedouin, greatly increasedthe business of "The Ladies' Paradise, " which he hoped would ultimatelyrival the _Bon Marche_ and other great drapery establishments in Paris. While an addition to the shop was in progress Madame Mouret met with anaccident which resulted in her death, and her husband remained a widowerfor a number of years. During this time his business grew to such anextent that his employees numbered many hundreds, among whom was DeniseBaudu, a young girl who had come from the provinces. Mouret fell inlove with her, and she, after resisting his advances for some time, ultimately married him. The book deals chiefly with life among theassistants in a great drapery establishment, their petty rivalriesand their struggles; it contains some pathetic studies of the smallshopkeepers of the district, crushed out of existence under the wheelsof Mouret's moneymaking machine. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. Serge Mouret, the younger son of Francois Mouret (see _La Conquete dePlassans_), was ordained to the priesthood and appointed cure of LesArtaud, a squalid village in Provence, to whose degenerate inhabitantshe ministered with small encouragement. He had inherited the familytaint of the Rougon-Macquarts, which in him took the same form as in thecase of his mother--a morbid religious enthusiasm bordering on hysteria. Brain fever followed, and bodily recovery left the priest without amental past. Dr. Pascal Rougon, his uncle, hoping to save his reason, removed him from his accustomed surroundings and left him at theParadou, the neglected demesne of a ruined mansion-house near LesArtaud, where he was nursed by Albine, niece of the caretaker. The Abbefell in love with Albine, and, oblivious of his vows, broke them. Ameeting with Archangias, a Christian Brother with whom he had beenassociated, and a chance glimpse of the world beyond the Paradou, servedto restore his memory, and, filled with horror at himself, he fled fromthat enchanted garden. A long mental struggle followed, but in the endthe Church was victorious, and the Abbe returned to her service witheven more feverish devotion than before. Albine, broken-hearted, diedamong her loved flowers in the Paradou. The tale is to some extend an indictment of the celibacy of thepriesthood, though it has to be admitted that the issue is not put quitefairly, inasmuch as the Abbe was, at the time of his lapse, in entireforgetfulness of his sacred office. As a whole, the book contains someof Zola's best work, and is both poetical and convincing. Une Page d'Amour. A tale of Parisian life, in which the principal character is HeleneMouret, daughter of Mouret the hatter, and sister of Silvere Mouret (_LaFortune des Rougon_) and Francois Mouret (_La Conquete de Plassans_). Helene married M. Grandjean, son of a wealthy sugar-refiner ofMarseilles, whose family opposed the marriage on the ground of herpoverty. The marriage was a secret one, and some years of hardshiphad followed, when an uncle of M. Grandjean died, leaving his nephewa substantial income. The couple then moved to Paris with their youngdaughter Jeanne, but the day after their arrival Grandjean was seizedwith illness from which he died. Helene remained in Paris, though shehad at first no friends there except Abbe Jouve and his half-brother M. Rambaud. Jeanne had inherited much of the family neurosis, along witha consumptive tendency derived from her father, and one of her suddenillnesses caused her mother to make the acquaintance of Doctor Deberle. An intimacy between the two families followed, which ripened into lovebetween the doctor and Helene. Events were precipitated by an attempton the part of Helene to save Madame Deberle from the consequences ofan indiscretion in arranging an assignation with M. Malignon, with theresult that she was herself seriously compromised in the eyes of DoctorDeberle and for the first and only time fell from virtue. Jeanne, whosejealous affection for her mother amounted to mania, was so affected bythe belief that she was not longer the sole object of her mother's lovethat she became dangerously ill and died soon afterwards. This bitterpunishment for her brief lapse killed Helene's love for Doctor Deberle, and two years later she married M. Rambaud. As Mr. Andrew Lang hasobserved, Helene was a good and pure woman, upon whom the fate of herfamily fell. In writing the book Zola announced that his intention was to make allParis weep, and there is no doubt that, though a study in realism, itcontains much that is truly pathetic. The descriptions of Paris undervarying atmospheric aspects, with which each section of the book closes, are wholly admirable. Le Ventre de Paris. A study of the teeming life which surrounds the great central marketsof Paris. The heroine is Lisa Quenu, a daughter of Antoine Macquart (_LaFortune des Rougon_). She has become prosperous, and with prosperity herselfishness has increased. Her brother-in-law Florent had escaped frompenal servitude in Cayenne and lived for a short time in her house, butshe became tired of his presence and ultimately denounced him to thepolice. The book contains vivid pictures of the markets, bursting withthe food of a great city, and of the vast population which livesby handling and distributing it. "But it also embraces a powerfulallegory, " writes Mr. E. A. Vizetelly in his preface to the Englishtranslation (_The Fat and the Thin_. London: Chatto & Windus), "theprose song of the eternal battle between the lean of this world and thefat--a battle in which, as the author shows, the latter always come offsuccessful. M. Zola had a distinct social aim in writing this book. " La Joie de Vivre. Pauline Quenu (_Le Ventre de Paris_), having been left an orphan, wassent to live with relatives in a village on the Normandy coast. It wasa bleak, inhospitable shore, and its inhabitants lived their drab, hopeless lives under the morbid fear of inevitable death. The Chanteaus, Pauline's guardians, took advantage of her in every way, and LazareChanteau, her cousin, with whom she fell in love, got from her largesums of money to carry out wild schemes which he devised. The characterof Pauline is a fine conception; basely wronged and treated withheartless ingratitude, her hopes blighted and her heart broken, shefound consolation in the complete renunciation of herself for the sakeof those who had so greatly injured her. "The title selected by M. Zola for this book, " says Mr. E. A. Vizetellyin his preface to the English translation (_The Joy of Life_. London:Chatto & Windus), "is to be taken in an ironical or sarcastic sense. There is no joy at all in the lives of the characters whom he portraysin it. The story of the hero is one of mental weakness, poisoned by aconstantly recurring fear of death; whilst that of his father is oneof intense physical suffering, blended with an eager desire to continueliving, even at the cost of yet greater torture. Again, the story of theheroine is one of blighted affections, the wrecking of all which mighthave made her life worth living. " L'Assommoir. A terrible study of the effects of drink on the moral and socialcondition of the working-class in Paris. There is probably no otherwork of fiction in which the effects of intemperance are shown with suchgrimness of realism and uncompromising force. Gervaise Macquart, daughter of Antoine Macquart (_La Fortune desRougon_), having accompanied her lover Lantier to Paris, taking with hertheir two children, was deserted by him a few weeks after their arrivalin the city. She got employment in the laundry of Madame Fauconnier, anda few months later married Coupeau, a zinc-worker, who, though the sonof drunken parents, was himself steady and industrious. For a whileeverything prospered with the Coupeaus; by hard work they were able tosave a little money, and in time a daughter (Nana) was born to them. Then an accident to Coupeau, who fell from the roof of a house, brought about a change. His recovery was slow, and left him withan unwillingness to work and an inclination to pass his time inneighbouring dram-shops. Meantime Gervaise, with money borrowed fromGoujet, a man who loved her with almost idyllic affection, had starteda laundry of her own. She was successful for a time, in spite of herhusband's growing intemperance and an increasing desire in herselffor ease and good living; but deterioration had begun, and with thereappearance of Lantier, her old lover, it became rapid. Coupeau was bythis time a confirmed loafer and drunkard, while Gervaise was growingcareless and ease-loving. Lantier, having become a lodger with theCoupeaus, ceased doing any work, and as he never paid anything for hisboard, his presence not unnaturally hastened the downfall of his hosts. Circumstances conspired to renew the old relations between Gervaise andLantier, and by easy stages she descended that somewhat slippery stairwhich leads to ruin. The shop was given up, and she again got employmentin the laundry of Madame Fauconnier, though she was no longer thecapable workwoman of former times. Nana, her daughter, vicious fromchildhood, had taken to evil courses; her husband had at least oneattack of delirium tremens; and she herself was fast giving wayto intemperance. The end was rapid. Coupeau died in the asylum ofSainte-Anne after an illness the description of which is for pure horrorunparalleled in fiction; while Gervaise, after sinking to the lowestdepths of degradation and poverty, died miserably in a garret. Thetragedy of it all is that Gervaise, despite her early lapse withLantier, was a good and naturally virtuous woman, whose ruin waswrought by circumstances and by the operation of the relentless laws ofheredity. It may be useful to note here that though Zola states in _L'Assommoir_that Gervaise and Lantier had two sons (Claude, born 1842, and Etienne, born 1846), he makes a third son (Jacques, born 1844), not elsewherementioned, the hero of _La Bete Humaine_, a subsequent work in theRougon-Macquart series. L'Oeuvre. A novel dealing with artistic life in Paris towards the close of theSecond Empire. Claude Lantier, the eldest son of Auguste Lantier and Gervaise Macquart(_La Fortune des Rougon_ and _L'Assommoir_), had been educated atPlassans by an old gentleman who was interested in his childish skill indrawing. His benefactor died, leaving him a sum which yielded an annualincome of a thousand francs, and he came to Paris to follow an artisticcareer. There he met Dubuche, Pierre Sandoz, and others of his formerschoolboy friends, and the little band formed a coterie of revolutionaryspirits, whose aim was to introduce new ideas and drastic changes intothe accepted canons of art. Claude attempted to embody his theories in apicture which he called _Plein Air_ ("Open Air") in which he went directto nature for inspiration, and threw aside all recognized conventions. The picture was refused by the committee of the _Salon_, and whensubsequently shown at a minor exhibition was greeted with derision bythe public. The artist was in despair, and left Paris withChristine Hallegrain, a young girl between whom and himself a chanceacquaintanceship had ripened into love. They lived happily in a littlecottage in the country for several years, a son being born to them, butClaude became restless, and they returned to Paris. Here he graduallybecame obsessed by an idea for a great picture, which would show thetruth of his theories and cover his detractors with confusion. By thistime there is no doubt that his mind was becoming affected by repeateddisappointments, and that the family virus was beginning to manifestitself in him. Everything was now sacrificed to this picture; his littlefortune was gradually encroached on, and his wife and child (he hadmarried Christine some time after their return to Paris) were frequentlywithout the necessaries of life. Christine was, however, devoted to herhusband, and did all she could to induce him to leave the picture, whichshe saw was increasing his mental disturbance. This was becoming moreserious, and in the death of his child he saw only the subject of apicture, _L'Enfant Mort_, which was exhibited at the _Salon_ and wasreceived with even more contempt than _Plein Air_. Despite all theefforts of Christine, Claude returned to his intended masterpiece, andone morning, in despair of achieving his aims, hanged himself in frontof the fatal picture. As a study of artistic life the novel is full of interest. There islittle doubt that the character of Claude Lantier was suggested by thatof Edouard Manet, the founder of the French Impressionist school, withwhom Zola was on terms of friendship. It is also certain that PierreSandoz, the journalist with an idea for a vast series of novels dealingwith the life history of a family, was the prototype of Zola himself. La Bete Humaine. A novel dealing with railway life in France towards the close of theSecond Empire. The hero is Jacques Lantier, the second son of GervaiseMacquart and August Lantier (_La Fortune des Rougon_ and _L'Assommoir_). When his parents went to Paris with his two brothers, he remained atPlassans with his godmother, "Aunt Phasie, " who afterwards marriedMisard, a railway signalman, by whom she was slowly poisoned to securea small legacy which she had concealed. After Jacques had passedthrough the School of Arts and Crafts at Plassans he became a railwayengine-driver, and entered the service of the Western Railway Company, regularly driving the express train between Paris and Havre. He was asteady man and a competent engineer, but from his early youth he hadbeen affected by a curious form of insanity, the desire to murder anywoman of whom he became fond. "It seemed like a sudden outburst of blindrage, an ever-recurring thirst to avenge some very ancient offences, the exact recollection of which escaped him. " There was also in theemployment of the railway company, as assistant station-master at Havre, a compatriot of Lantier named Roubaud, who had married Severine Aubry, the godchild of President Grandmorin, a director of the company. Achance word of Severine's roused the suspicions of Roubaud regarding herformer relations with the President, and, driven to frenzy by jealousy, he compelled her to become his accomplice in the murder of Grandmorin inan express train between Paris and Havre. Though slight suspicion fell upon the Roubauds, they were able toprove an alibi, and as, for political reasons, it was not desired thatGrandmorin's character should be publicly discussed, the inquiry intothe murder was dropped. By a singular chance, however, Jacques Lantierhad been a momentary witness of the crime, and the Roubauds became awareof his suspicions. To secure his silence they invited him constantly totheir house, and a liaison with Severine followed. For the first timeLantier's blood lust was not aroused; the knowledge that this womanhad killed seemed to constitute her a being apart and sacred. After themurder of Grandmorin a gradual disintegration of Roubaud's character setin, and he became in time a confirmed gambler. His relations with hiswife were ultimately so strained that she induced Lantier to promise tomurder him, in order that they might fly together to America withthe proceeds of a small legacy she had received from Grandmorin. Thearrangements were made, but at the last moment Lantier's frenzy overtookhim, and it was Severine who was struck down by the knife destined forher husband. Lantier escaped without suspicion; but Roubaud, whowas found on the scene of the crime under circumstances consideredcompromising, was tried, and along with a companion equally innocent, was sentenced to penal servitude for life. But Nemesis was not distant;Jacques had aroused the jealous fury of his fireman, Pecqueux, who, onenight in 1870, attacked him as they were driving a train loaded withsoldiers bound for the war. A fierce struggle followed, and in the endthe two men fell from the engine and were cut in pieces beneath thewheels of the train, which, no longer under control, rushed on into thedarkness with its living freight. Germinal. A novel dealing with the labour question in its special relation tocoal-mining. The scene of the book is laid in the north of France at atime preceding and during a great strike; the hero is Etienne Lantier(_La Fortune des Rougon_ and _L'Assommoir_). In a moment of passionLantier had struck one of his superiors, and having been dismissed fromhis employment as an engineer, found it difficult to get work, till, after drifting from place to place, he eventually became a coal-miner. The hardships of the life and its miserable remuneration impressedhim deeply, and he began to indoctrinate his comrades with a spirit ofrevolt. His influence grew, and he became the acknowledged leader of thestrike which followed. The result was disastrous. After weeks of miseryfrom cold and hunger the infuriated workmen attempted to destroy one ofthe pits, and were fired upon by soldiers sent to guard it. Many werekilled, and the survivors, with their spirits crushed, returned to work. But worse was yet to come. Souvarine, an Anarchist, disgusted with theineffectual struggle, brought about an inundation of the pit, wherebymany of his comrades were entombed. Among them was Lantier, who was, however, eventually rescued. As a study of the ever-lasting struggle between capital and labour thework has no rival in fiction; the miseries and degradation of the miningclass, their tardy revolt against their employers, and their sufferingsfrom hunger during its futile course, these are the theme, and theresult is a picture of gloom, horrible and without relief. Nana. A novel dealing largely with theatrical life in Paris. Nana, thedaughter of Coupeau and Gervaise Macquart his wife (_L'Assommoir_), hasbeen given a part in a play produced at the Theatre des Varietes, andthough she can neither sing nor act, achieves by the sheer force ofher beauty an overwhelming success. All Paris is at her feet, and sheselects her lovers from among the wealthiest and best born. But herextravagance knows no bounds, and ruin invariably overtakes those whoyield to her fascination. After squandering vast sums she goes to theEast, and stories spread that she had captivated a viceroy and gained agreat fortune in Russia. Her return to Paris is speedily followed by herdeath from small-pox. In this novel the life of the courtesan class isdealt with by Zola with unhesitating frankness; there are many vividstudies of theatrical manners; and the racecourse also comes within itsscope. The work was intended to lay bare the canker which was eatinginto the social life of the Second Empire and ultimately led to the_debacle_ of 1870. La Terre. This is a novel which treats of the conditions of agricultural life inFrance before the war with Prussia, and the subsequent downfall of theSecond Empire. It is, in some respects, the most powerful of all Zola'snovels, but in dealing with the subject he unfortunately thought itnecessary to introduce incidents and expressions which, from theirnature, must always render it impossible to submit the book in itsentirety to the general English reader. Its connection with the Rougon-Macquart series is somewhat slight. JeanMacquart, son of Antoine Macquart and brother of Gervaise (_La Fortunedes Rougon_), having served his time in the Army, came to the plainof La Beauce, and became an agricultural labourer on the farm of LaBorderie, which belonged to Alexandre Hourdequin. He fell in love withLise Mouche, who, however, married Buteau, and Macquart subsequentlymarried her sister Francoise. Constant quarrels now arose between thetwo sisters as to the division of their father's property, and inthe end Francoise was murdered by her sister. Macquart, tired of thestruggle, decided to rejoin the army, which he did immediately after theoutbreak of war. The interest of the book is, however, largely connected with the historyof the Fouans, a family of peasants, the senior member of which, havinggrown old, divided his land among his three children. The intense andbrutish rapacity of these peasants, their utter lack of any feelingof morality or duty, their perfect selfishness, not stopping short ofparricide, form a picture of horror unequalled in fiction. It is only tobe regretted that the author, in leaving nothing to the imagination, hasproduced a work suitable only for the serious student of sociology. La Debacle. In the earlier volumes of the Rougon-Macquart series Zola had dealt withevery phase of life under the Second Empire, and in this novel he tellsthe story of that terrific land-slide which overwhelmed the regime. Itis a story of war, grim and terrible; of a struggle to the death betweentwo great nations. In it the author has put much of his finest work, andthe result is one of the masterpieces of literature. The hero is JeanMacquart, son of Antoine Macquart and brother of Gervaise (_La Fortunedes Rougon_). After the terrible death of his wife, as told in _LaTerre_, Jean enlisted for the second time in the army, and went throughthe campaign up to the battle of Sedan. After the capitulation he wasmade prisoner, and in escaping was wounded. When he returned to activeservice he took part in crushing the excesses of the Commune in Paris, and by a strange chance it was his hand that killed his dearest friend, Maurice Levasseur, who had joined the Communist ranks. _La Debacle_has been described as "a prose epic of modern war, " and vast though thesubject be, it is treated in a manner that is powerful, painful, andpathetic. In the preface to the English translation (_The Downfall_. London:Chatto & Windus) Mr. E. A. Vizetelly quotes from an interview with Zolaregarding his aim in writing the work. A novel, he says, "contains, ormay be made to contain, everything; and it is because that is my creedthat I am a novelist. I have, to my thinking, certain contributions tomake to the thought of the world on certain subjects, and I have chosenthe novel as the best way of communicating these contributions to theworld. Thus _La Debacle_, in the form of a very precise and accuraterelation of a series of historical facts--in other words, in the form ofa realistic historical novel--is a document on the psychology of Francein 1870. This will explain the enormous number of characters whichfigure in the book. Each character represents one _etat d'amepsychologique_ of the France of the day. If my work be well done, thereader will be able to understand what was in men's minds and what wasthe bent of men's minds--what they thought and how they thought at thatperiod. " Le Docteur Pascal. In this, the concluding novel of the Rougon-Macquart series, Zolagathers together the threads of the preceding volumes and makes avigorous defence of his theories of heredity. The story in the book isboth simple and sad. Doctor Pascal Rougon, a medical man at Plassans anda distinguished student of heredity, had brought up his niece Clotilde(daughter of Aristide Rougon alias Saccard) from childhood. Yearsafterwards they found that they passionately loved one another, but theydid not marry, as Pascal, who had lost money, thought that by doing soshe would sacrifice her interests. (In this connection it is right tomention that marriage between an uncle and a niece is legal in France, and is not uncommon. ) With fine self-sacrifice Pascal persuaded Clotildeto go to Paris to live with her brother who was wealthy and wanted herto nurse him. Soon after her departure Pascal showed symptoms of afatal affection of the heart, and after some weeks of great sufferingtelegraphed for Clotilde to come back. One hour before her return hedied. His mother, Madame Felicite Rougon, who feared that his researcheson heredity might bring scandal on the family, burned all his papers, and in one hour destroyed the work of a lifetime. A child was born toClotilde seven months after the death of Doctor Pascal; a child whichhe intensely desired, in the hope that through it might come theregeneration and rejuvenation of his race. Zola, in an interview quoted by Mr. E. A. Vizetelly in the preface tohis translation of _Le Docteur Pascal_ (London: Chatto & Windus), statesthat in this book he has been able to defend himself against all theaccusations which have been brought against him. "Pascal's works on themembers of his family, " says Zola, "is, in small, what I have attemptedto do on humanity, _to show all so that all may be cured_. It is not abook which, like _La Debacle_, will stir the passions of the mob. Itis a scientific work, the logical deduction and conclusion of all mypreceding novels, and at the same time it is my speech in defence of allthat I have done before the court of public opinion. " THE ZOLA DICTIONARY A ADELE, the girl for whom Auguste Lantier deserted Gervaise Macquart. They lived together for seven years, a life of constant bickerings andquarrels, accompanied, not infrequently, by blows, until the connectionwas ended by Adele running away. Her sister was Virginie, with whomGervaise fought in the public washing-house on the day of her desertionby Lantier. L'Assommoir. ADELE, maid-servant to the Josserands, and one of Hector Trublot'sfriends. Pot-Bouille. ADELE, an assistant in the shop of Quenu, the pork-butcher. It wasshe who took charge of the shop on the sudden death of her master. Andsubsequently sent Pauline Quenu to Madame Chanteau. La Joie de Vivre. ADOLPHE, an artillery driver in the same battery as Honore Fouchard. Inaccordance with a rule of the French artillery, under which a driver anda gunner are coupled, he messed with Louis, the gunner, whom, however, he was inclined to treat as a servant. At the battle of Sedan, beforethe Calvary d'Illy, where the French were almost exterminated by thePrussian artillery, Adolphe fell, killed by a wound in the chest; in alast convulsion he clasped in his arms Louis, who had fallen at the samemoment, killed by the same shot. La Debacle. ALBINE, niece of Jeanbernat, keeper of the Paradou, a neglected demesnein Provence. Her father had ruined himself and committed suicide whenshe was nine years old, and she then came to live with her uncle. Shegrew up in that vast garden of flowers, herself its fairest, almost inignorance of the world outside, and when Abbe Mouret came to the Paradouforgetful of his past, she loved him unconsciously from the first. Asshe nursed him towards health, and his mind began again to grow fromthat fresh starting-point to which it had been thrown back, theredeveloped an idyll as beautiful and as innocent as that which had itsplace in another and an earlier garden. The awakening of Abbe Mouret tothe recollections of his priesthood ended the romance, for the callof his training was too strong for his love. One effort Albine madeto bring him back, and it was successful in so much that one day hereturned to the Paradou. Again there followed the struggle between theflesh and the Church, and again the Church prevailed. Broken-hearted, Albine passed for the last time through her loved garden, gathering asshe went vast heaps of flowers. More and more she gathered, till herroom was nearly full; then, closing the door and windows, she lay downamongst the flowers, and allowed herself to be suffocated by theiroverpowering perfume. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. ALEXANDRE, a porter at the Halles Centrales, where he became a friendof Claude Lantier. He was involved along with Florent and Gavard in therevolutionary meetings at Lebigre's wine-shop, and was sentenced to twoyears' imprisonment. Le Ventre de Paris. ALEXANDRE, one of the warders at the asylum of Les Tulettes. He was afriend of Antoine Macquart, and at his request allowed Francois Mouretto escape from the asylum, with disastrous results to Abbe Faujas andhis relations. La Conquete de Plassans. ALEXANDRE, a boy employed in the shop known as _Au Bonheur des Dames_. Pot-Bouille. AMADIEU, a speculator on the Paris Bourse who made a fortune by a rashpurchase of mining stock. He went into the affair without calculationor knowledge, but his success made him revered by the entire Bourse. He placed no more orders, however, but seemed to be satisfied with hissingle victory. L'Argent. AMANDA, one of the singers at a cafe concert in Boulevard Rochechouart. L'Assommoir. AMELIE, a _demi-mondaine_ who lodged at the Hotel Vanneau, which waskept by Madame Correur. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. AMELIE, wife of a journeyman carpenter who occupied a little room at thetop of Vabre's tenement-house in Rue Choiseul. Pot-Bouille. ANDRE (LE PERE), an old countryman at Chavanoz, the village where Miettespent her childhood. La Fortune des Rougon. ANGELE (SISTER), a nun attached to the infirmary of the college ofPlassans. Her Madonna-like face turned the heads of all the olderpupils, and one morning she disappeared with Hermeline, a student ofrhetoric. L'Oeuvre. ANGELIQUE MARIE, born 1851, was the daughter of Sidonie Rougon, by anunknown father. Soon after her birth she was taken to the FoundlingHospital by a nurse, Madame Foucart, and no further inquiries were evermade about her. She was at first boarded with Francoise Hamelin, by whomshe was not unkindly treated, and subsequently went to Paris withLouis Franchomme and his wife, who wished to teach her the trade ofartificial-flower making. Franchomme having died three months later, his widow went to reside at Beaumont with her brother, Rabier, takingAngelique with her. Unfortunately, Madame Franchomme died a few monthsafterwards, leaving Angelique to the care of the Rabiers, who usedher badly, not even giving her enough to eat. In consequence of theirtreatment, she ran away on Christmas Day, 1860, and the followingmorning was found in a fainting condition by Hubert, the chasuble-maker, who noticed her lying in the snow within the porch of the cathedralof Beaumont. Hubert and his wife took the child into their home, and, becoming attached to her, ultimately adopted her as their daughter, teaching her the art of embroidering vestments, in which she becamevery skilful. Angelique, though an amiable girl, was at first liableto violent attacks of temper, and it was only by the exercise of muchpatience and tact on the part of Madame Hubert that this tendency wasovercome. The girl was always a dreamer, and her cloistered life withthe Huberts, along with constant reading of the lives of the saints, brought out all that was mystic in her nature. A chance meeting betweenAngelique and a young man named Felicien led to their falling inlove, she being in entire ignorance of the fact that he was the son ofMonseigneur d'Hautecoeur, and a member of one of the oldest and proudestfamilies in France. Felicien's father having refused his consent to amarriage, and a personal appeal to him by Angelique having failed, the lovers were separated for a time. The girl gradually fell intoill-health, and seemed at the point of death when Monseigneurhimself came to administer the last rites of the Church. Having beenmiraculously restored to a measure of health, Angelique was married toFelicien d'Hautecoeur in the great cathedral of Beaumont. She was veryfeeble, and as she was leaving the church on the arm of her husband shesank to the ground. In the midst of her happiness she died; quietly andgently as she had lived. Le Reve. ANGLARS (IRMA D'), a _demi-mondaine_ of former times who had beencelebrated under the First Empire. In her later years she retired to ahouse which she owned at Chamont, where she lived a simple yet statelylife, treated with the greatest respect by all the neighbourhood. Nana. ANNOUCHKA, mistress of Souvarine, and implicated with him in a politicalplot. Disguised as a countryman, she assisted in the undermining of arailway over which an imperial train was to pass, and it was shewho eventually lit the fuse. She was captured along with others, andSouvarine, who had escaped, was present at her trial during six longdays. When she came to be executed, she looked in vain among the crowdfor her lover, till Souvarine mounted on a stone, and, their eyes havingmet, remained fixed in one long gaze till the end. Germinal. ANTONIA, waiting-maid to Clorinde Balbi, with whom she was on familiarterms. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. ARCHANGLAS (BROTHER), a Christian Brother, who lived at Les Artaud, andtaught children there. He was a coarse-minded man of violent temper, whose hatred of women led him to make the gravest charges against them. He constituted himself a spy on the actions of Abbe Mouret, and waspartly the means of calling back the priest's memory of his sacredcalling. He insulted Jeanbernat and Albine so grossly, that after thegirl's death the old man attacked him and cut off his right ear with apocket-knife. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. AUBERTOT (MADAME ELIZABETH), sister of M. Beraud du Chatel, and auntof Renee and Christine. She gave a large sum of money to Saccard on hismarriage to Renee. La Curee. AUBRY (SEVERINE), youngest daughter of a gardener in the employment ofGrandmorin. Her mother died when she was in infancy, and she was onlythirteen when she lost her father also. President Grandmorin, who washer godfather, took charge of her, and brought her up with his daughterBerthe. The two girls were sent to the same school at Rouen, and spenttheir holidays together at Doinville. Ignorant and facile, Severineyielded to the designs of the old President, who subsequently arrangeda marriage for her with Roubaud, an employee of the Western RailwayCompany. For three years the couple lived happily, but a moment offorgetfulness, a trifling lie which she neglected to sustain, revealedeverything to Roubaud. In an accession of jealous fury he forced hiswife to become his accomplice in the murder of Grandmorin, and itwas she who threw herself across the limbs of the President while herhusband struck the fatal blow. Suspicions fell upon the Roubauds, and indeed the truth was known to M. Camy-Lamotte, but politicalconsiderations made it desirable that the character of PresidentGrandmorin should not be publicly discussed, and the inquiry into themurder was dropped. The domestic relations between the Roubauds werebecoming more and more strained, and Severine became entirely enamouredof Jacques Lantier. In order to free herself from her husband, shepersuaded Lantier to murder Roubaud and fly with her to America. Thearrangements were completed when Lantier was seized with one of thehomicidal frenzies to which he was subject, and it was Severine herselfwho fell under his knife instead of their intended victim. La BeteHumaine. AUGUSTE, keeper of an eating-house known as _Le Moulin d'Argent_ onBoulevard de la Chapelle. The wedding party of Coupeau and Gervaise wasgiven there. L'Assommoir. AUGUSTE, a waiter at the Cafe des Varietes. Nana. AUGUSTE, a young swine-herd at La Borderie. He assisted Soulas, the oldshepherd, to look after the sheep. La Terre. AUGUSTINE, a young girl who assisted Gervaise Coupeau in her laundry. She was squint-eyed and mischievous, and was always making trouble withthe other employees. As she was the least qualified and therefore theworst-paid assistant in the laundry, she was kept on after decreasingbusiness caused the others to leave. L'Assommoir. AUGUSTINE, an artificial-flower maker who was employed by MadameTitreville. L'Assommoir. AURELIE (MADEMOISELLE), an elderly friend of Madame Deberle, at whosehouse she was a frequent visitor. She was in straitened circumstances. Une Page d'Amour. AURELIE (MADAME). See Madame Aurelie Lhomme. Au Bonheur des Dames. AURIGNY (LAURE D'), a celebrated _demi-mondaine_ of the Second Empire. At a sale of her effects, Aristide Saccard bought a diamond necklace andaigrette for his second wife. La Curee. B BABET, one of the peasant girls of Les Artaud, who came to decorate thechurch for the festival of the Virgin. She was a hunchback. La Faute del'Abbe Mouret. BACHELARD (PERE), brother of Narcisse Bachelard and uncle of MadameJosserand. He conducted for forty years a boarding-school known as theInstitution-Bachelard. Pot-Bouille. BACHELARD (ELEONORE). See Madame Josserand. Pot-Bouille. BACHELARD (NARCISSE), a commission agent, whose keen business instinctswere not blunted by his intemperate habits. He was a brother of MadameJosserand, and had at one time promised to give a dowry to her daughterBerthe; this promise he was unwilling to implement, and when spoken toon the subject usually feigned intoxication; eventually he suggestedthe somewhat dishonest plan by which Berthe's intended husband washoodwinked into the belief that the dowry would be duly forthcoming. Hisprotegee, Fifi, having compromised herself with Gueulin, his nephew, he insisted on their marriage, and presented the girl with a dowry. Pot-Bouille. BADEUIL (CHARLES), married Laure Fouan, and went to live at Chartres. Hetried commerce without much success, and, haunted by a desire for rapidfortune, acquired a _maison publique_ which had fallen into bad reputethrough mismanagement. Thanks to the firm control of Badeuil, and theextraordinary activity of his wife, the establishment prospered, and inless than twenty-five years the couple had saved three hundred thousandfrancs. They were then able to realize the dream of their life, andto retire to the country, where they purchased a property namedRoseblanche, near Madame Badeuil's native place. M. Badeuil was ahandsome man, sixty-five years of age, with a solemn face, and the airof a retired magistrate. He was respected by his neighbours, and heldthe strictest views on morality. The old couple lived in completehappiness, their only worry being that Vaucogne, who had married theirdaughter Estelle and taken over the property in Chartres, was notmanaging it properly. La Terre. BADEUIL (MADAME LAURE), wife of the preceding, was the youngest daughterof Joseph Casimir Fouan. She was the sister of La Grande, of Pere Fouan, and of Michel Fouan, known as Mouche. When her father's estate wasdivided, she got no land, but received an indemnity in money instead. After she and her husband acquired the establishment in Chartres, sheassisted ably in its management. At the time of their retirement tothe country, she was a woman of sixty-two years of age, of respectableappearance and an air of religious seclusion. She set a good example bygoing regularly to Mass, and paid great attention to the education ofher granddaughter, Elodie, whom she endeavoured to bring up in entireignorance of life. She had, however, still a passion for active life, and in busy seasons frequently returned to Chartres to assist herdaughter, who had taken over the establishment there. Madame Badeuilreceived the greatest surprise of her life when she found that hergranddaughter whom she had brought up in the innocence of ignorance, wasquite aware of the source of the family fortune, and was ready to takeup the work begun by her grandparents. La Terre. BADEUIL (ESTELLE), daughter of the preceding, was educated by theSisters of the Visitation at Chateaudun, and at eighteen was married toHector Vaucogne, by whom she had one daughter, Elodie. She was thirtyyears of age before she had any suspicion of the calling of her parents, and at that time she took over the management of their establishment. She proved a capable manager, and in spite of the laziness of herhusband, was able to keep up the reputation of the house, though in afew years she killed herself with hard work. La Terre. BADINGUET, a popular nickname for Napoleon III. It was the name of theworkman whose clothes he wore when he escaped from the fortress of Ham. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BAILLEHACHE, a notary at Cloyes, was born in 1805, and succeeded toseveral generations of lawyers. He had a large business amongst thepeasantry, in whose quarrels he mediated with professional calmness. Hearranged the division of Fouan's property between the various members ofthe old man's family. La Terre. BAILLEHACHE (MADEMOISELLE), eldest sister of the preceding, was born in1799. She was plain-looking, but good-natured, and at thirty-two marriedAlexandre Hourdequin, to whom she brought a considerable dowry. She hadtwo children, a son and a daughter, and died in 1855. La Terre. BALBI (CLORINDE), daughter of Comtesse Balbi, was a lady of greatbeauty, but of eccentric habits. Her position in society beingprecarious, she determined to establish it by a good marriage, and usedevery endeavour to induce Eugene Rougon to make her his wife. Havingbecome fascinated by her beauty and charm, he made overtures which sheresisted in the belief that he would be the more certain to marry her. He practically decided to do so, but reflection convinced him thatmarriage with Clorinde Balbi would only injure his prospects ofpolitical success. He suggested to her that she should marry his friendDelestang, who was a man of wealth and position, and had expressedadmiration for her. Though naturally piqued at such a suggestion comingfrom Rougon, she consented, and soon after was married. She remained onoutwardly friendly terms with Rougon, who was still infatuated by her, but was determined to make him regret the slight he had put upon her. After Rougon's return to office, Delestang, her husband, was, at herrequest, appointed Minister of Commerce and Agriculture. She had not, however, forgiven Rougon, and privately took a leading part in theagitation against his administration. Having become on somewhatequivocal terms with the Emperor, she was able to secure the acceptanceof Rougon's second resignation, and the office of Minister of theInterior for her husband. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BALBI (COMTESSE LENORA), an Italian lady who lived in Paris with herdaughter Clorinde. Little was known of her past, and it was generallybelieved that she was in the employment of the Sardinian Government. After her daughter's marriage to Delestang, she left Paris for sometime, the eccentricity of her habits having begun to excite remark. M. De Plouguern, who had originally met her in Italy, remained her loverfor thirty years. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BALTHAZER, the old horse driven by Madame Francois between Nanterre andParis. Le Ventre de Paris. BAMBOUSSE, mayor of the commune of Les Artaud, was more prosperous thanthe others of his class, as he owned several fields of corn, olives, and vines. His daughter Rosalie having become compromised with FortuneBrichet, Abbe Mouret strongly urged him to consent to a marriage betweenthem, but this he at first refused, as he would lose the services of hisdaughter, and Fortune was too poor to make him any return. He ultimatelyconsented, and the marriage was solemnized by Abbe Mouret. La Faute del'Abbe Mouret. BAMBOUSSE (CATHERINE), younger daughter of the preceding, was always indisgrace with Brother Archangias on account of her idle habits and herfriendship for Vincent Brichet. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. BAMBOUSSE (ROSALIE), elder daughter of the preceding. As she had becomecompromised by Fortune Brichet, Abbe Mouret urged her father to consentto their marriage, but this he refused to do, though he ultimatelyconsented and the wedding took place. Her child died, and was buried onthe same day as Albine. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. BAPTISTE, Aristide Saccard's footman. La Curee. BAPTISTIN, a clerk in the employment of Larsonneau, who made him playthe part of principal in a scheme whereby he intended to blackmailAristide Saccard. La Curee. BAQUET (LA MERE), a wine dealer who sold the wines of Orleans at a cheaprate. L'Assommoir. BARILLOT, "call-boy" at the Theatre des Varietes, where he had been forthirty years. He was a little, sallow man, with a shrill voice. Nana. BASTIAN, a drummer in the 106th regiment of the line, commanded byColonel de Vineuil. During the retreat on Sedan, after the battle wasover, he had the misfortune to be struck by a stray bullet. He wasremoved to an ambulance at the house of M. Delaherche, where he diedduring the division of treasure of the Seventh Army Corps. The goldcoins which the sergeant put into his dying hands rolled on to theground, and were picked up by a wounded companion. La Debacle. BATAILLE, an old white horse, which had been for six years in thecoal-pit at Voreux. It was killed by the flooding of the mine. Germinal. BAUDEQUIN, a draughtsman who lived on the first floor of the house inwhich lived the Coupeaus and the Lorilleux. He was a confirmed spongerwho was in debt all round, but spent his time in smoking and talkingwith his friends. L'Assommoir. BAUDEQUIN, the proprietor of a cafe in the Boulevard des Batignolles, which was the resort on Sunday evenings during many years of ClaudeLantier, Pierre Sandoz, Dubuche, Mahoudeau, and their friends, a bandof youths devoted to art and determined to conquer Paris. Gradually, however, the little company became submerged by a flood of newcomers, and in time the meetings ceased. The cafe changed hands three times, andwhen, after some years, Claude and Sandoz chanced to return, they foundeverything completely altered. L'Oeuvre. BAUDU (M. ), proprietor of a drapery shop opposite "The Ladies'Paradise. " The business had been in existence for many years and M. Baudu conducted it on such old-fashioned lines that in competitionwith Mouret's great establishment it was rapidly disappearing. He hadacquired it from his father-in-law, and in turn he proposed to hand itto Colomban, his shopman, who was engaged to be married to Genevieve, his only daughter. Baudu postponed the marriage, however, from time totime, as he did not wish to hand over the business in a worse statethan that in which he himself got it. Meanwhile Colomban had becomeinfatuated with Clara Prunaire, who ultimately induced him to run off. Genevieve, who was in bad health, died soon afterwards, and before longher mother died also. The business had gone from bad to worse, and, inthe end, Baudu lost everything, only avoiding bankruptcy by a completesurrender. Like many of his neighbours, he was crushed out of existenceby Octave Mouret's triumphant success. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAUDU (MADAME ELIZABETH), wife of the preceding, was the daughter of adraper whose business she brought to her husband. Her health was brokendown by worry, and by anxiety regarding her daughter Genevieve, whosedeath she did not long survive. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAUDU (CAPTAIN), son of Baudu, the draper. He went to Mexico. Au Bonheurdes Dames. BAUDU (DENISE) was the daughter of a dyer at Valognes. The death of herfather left her with two young brothers dependent on her, and, the elderhaving got a situation in Paris, she determined to accompany him. M. Baudu, her uncle, had formerly promised assistance, but when Denisearrived she found that his business was rapidly being ruined bythe steady extension of "The Ladies' Paradise, " an enormous draperyestablishment belonging to Octave Mouret. In these circumstances shecould not be dependent on her uncle, and, to his annoyance, she appliedfor and got a situation in this rival business. On account of pettyjealousies, her life there was not happy, and, having incurred theenmity of Jouve, one of the inspectors, she was dismissed on a falseaccusation. A time of great hardship followed, only lightened by thekindness of old Bourras, in whose house she had rented a room forherself and her young brother Pepe. She next got a situation withRobineau, who had bought a silk merchant's business and she remainedthere for some time. While Denise was at "The Ladies' Paradise" she hadattracted the attention of Octave Mouret, and, chancing to meet her oneday, he asked her to return. As she found that Robineau's business wasnot prospering, she consented, and from that time her position in "TheLadies' Paradise" was assured. Mouret had fallen in love with her, andshe with him, but she had sufficient strength of mind to refuse hisproposals. Ultimately he asked her to marry him, and to this she agreed. Au Bonheur des Dames. Madame Denise Mouret had two children, the elder being a girl and theyounger a boy. These resembled their mother, and grew magnificently. LeDocteur Pascal. BAUDU (GENEVIEVE), daughter of Baudu, the draper. She was engaged for anumber of years to Colomban, her father's shopman, but in consequence ofthe state of trade the marriage was put off from time to time. Genevieveultimately learned that her fiance had become infatuated with ClaraPrunaire, one of the shop-girls in "The Ladies' Paradise. " Her health, never good, suffered greatly, and soon after Colomban's disappearanceshe died. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAUDU (JACQUELINE). See Blanche de Sivry. BAUDU (JEAN), the elder brother of Denise. He worked for a time witha cabinet-maker in Valognes, but earned nothing, though he learned tocarve so well that a gentleman promised to find a place for him with anivory-carver in Paris. He accepted the offer, and came to the city withhis sister and young brother. At first he earned only his board andlodging, and, as he was good-looking and a favourite with women, he madeheavy inroads on his sister's small purse. Ultimately, when he did get awage, he took the earliest opportunity of getting married, inducing hissister, as usual, to give him what little money she had been able tosave. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAUDU (PEPE), the youngest brother of Denise. He was a mere child whenthe family came to Paris, and it was only by the greatest self-sacrificethat Denise was able to support him. When she went to "The Ladies'Paradise" he was boarded with Madame Gras, and after his sister'sdismissal he went with her to Bourras, who showed great kindness to bothof them. After Denise returned to "The Ladies' Paradise, " Pepe againwent to live with Madame Gras for a time. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAUDU (THERESE), wife of Jean Baudu. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAUGE, who was the younger son of a grocer at Dunkerque, came to Parisand got a situation in the linen department of the "Bon Marche, " wherehe was able to make a fairly good income. He became the lover of PaulineCugnot, whom he afterwards married, and, in order to be near her, leftthe "Bon Marche" and took an appointment in "The Ladies' Paradise. " AuBonheur des Dames. BAUGE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Pauline Cugnot. Au Bonheurdes Dames. BAVOUX, a salesman in Octave Mouret's shop. Au Bonheur des Dames. BAZOUGE, an undertaker's assistant who lived in an attic of the sametenement-house as the Coupeaus and the Lorilleux. He was generally drunkand made ribald jests about his dismal calling. It was he who buriedGervaise Coupeau after she was found dead in an attic adjoining his own. L'Assommoir. BEAUCHAMP (FLORE), an artist's model, who lived in Rue de Laval. She wasfresh in colouring, but too thin. L'Oeuvre. BEAUDOIN, a friend of the Hamelins whom they had known at Beyrout, wherehe lived. He promised to marry Caroline Hamelin after the death of herhusband, but instead of waiting for that event he obtained the hand of ayoung and rich girl, the daughter of an English Consul. L'Argent. BEAUDOIN, Captain of the 106th regiment of the line, commanded byColonel de Vineuil. He was educated at Saint-Cyr, and having a finetenor voice and good manners, along with Bonapartist principles, he wasearly marked for advancement. With his men he was unpopular, and, notcaring for his profession, he did not readily adapt himself to thenecessities of war. In the march to the Meuse he lost his baggage, andarrived at Sedan in a pitiable condition, his uniform soiled, his faceand hands dirty. In former days at Charleville he had been on intimateterms with Gilberte Maginot, whom he now found at Sedan, married toJules Delaherche. Their former relations were renewed for the moment, and next day Beaudoin rejoined his company, astonishing every one bythe neatness of his attire. At the attack on the Calvary d'Illy hewas severely wounded, and having been removed to the ambulance atDelaherche's house, his arm was amputated; but the hemorrhage had beentoo great, and he did not survive. La Debacle. BEAU-FRANCOIS (LE), chief of a band of brigands, whose terrible exploitswere still recounted at La Beauce. La Terre. BEAURIVAGE (DUC DE), a character in _La Petite Duchesse_, a piece stagedby Fauchery at the Theatre des Varietes. The part was taken by Bosc. Nana. BEAUVILLIERS (COMTE CHARLES DE), a man of dissipated habits, whosucceeded to the immense fortune of the Beauvilliers, which hecompletely squandered in a few years. He was killed in an accident ofthe chase, some said by the vengeance of a keeper. They found later adocument signed by him in 1854 undertaking to pay ten thousand francs toa girl named Leonie Cron. L'Argent. BEAUVILLIERS (COMTESSE DE), an old lady who lived with her daughterAlice in a house in the Rue Saint-Lazare, adjoining the Orviedo mansion. The family had at one time possessed large estates, but these had allgone, and the Comtesse and her daughter had barely sufficient to liveupon, though they endeavoured to keep up before their neighbours asmuch as possible of their ancient state. Having made the acquaintanceof Saccard, the Comtesse invested a small sum in the Universal Bank, increasing it from time to time until her whole means were involved. Bythe failure of the bank she was entirely ruined, and, to complete thecatastrophe, Busch, who had become possessor of some papers compromisingthe honour of her dead husband, took the opportunity of blackmailingher. When she had handed over her jewels to him, she was left penniless. L'Argent. BEAUVILLIERS (ALICE), daughter of Comtesse de Beauvilliers. Theextravagance of her father had dissipated the family estates, and sheand her mother were left with barely sufficient to keep up appearances. She was plain-looking, and had reached the age of twenty-five yearswithout any offers of marriage. It was, however, in the hope ofproviding a suitable dowry for her, that the Comtesse invested hermoney in the Universal Bank, with disastrous results. Alice, who had fewamusements, interested herself in charities, and frequently visited theinstitutions founded by Princess d'Orviedo. On a visit to _L'Oeuvre duTravail_ she was attacked and robbed of a small sum by Victor Saccard, who was at that time an inmate. Her injuries were severe, and a seriousillness followed. The failure of the Universal Bank left her and hermother in poverty. L'Argent. BEAUVILLIERS (FERDINANDE DE), son of Comte Beauvilliers. He was fora time the cause of anxiety to his mother on account of some youthfulextravagances, but early settled down, and having received a commissionin the Papal troops, served with distinction. He was delicate, however, and died of fever in Rome. L'Argent. BECKER, a jeweller in Paris. He supplied a set of sapphires for themistress of Comte de Muffat. Nana. BECOT, a grocer in Rue Montorgueil. Having become a widower, he tookto dissolute courses, and his shop was gradually swallowed up, with itsdried vegetables, jars, and drawers of sweetstuff. Eventually the placewas sold up and Becot died of apoplexy soon afterwards. L'Oeuvre. BECOT (IRMA), daughter of the preceding. After her father's death shewent to live with an aunt, but soon afterwards ran off with a youngfellow who lived across the street. She did not remain long with him, but, having a passion for artists, experienced in turn a caprice forFagerolles, Gagniere, and many others. A young and foolish Marquisfurnished a flat for her, and later she occupied a house in Rue deMoscou, the rent of which was twenty thousand francs. In the end sherealized her dream of a princely house in the Avenue de Villiers;the site was bought by one lover, the house built by another, and thefurniture provided by a third. But fortune did not alter her tastes;behind the backs of her serious lovers she still retained her fancyfor Art, in the person of Henri Fagerolles, one of her early admirers. L'Oeuvre. BEC-SALE, alias BOIT-SANS-SOIF, a rivet-maker employed in the samefactory as Goujet. He drank enormous quantities of brandy, and was aboon companion of Coupeau. On the occasion of Gervaise Coupeau's firstvisit to the factory to see her son Etienne, Bec-Sale entered into acontest of strength with Goujet in which he was beaten. L'Assommoir. BECU, gamekeeper and bell-ringer at Rognes, was a man of fifty years ofage who had at one time been in the army. He was an intense Bonapartist, and pretended that he had met the Emperor. Himself a confirmeddrunkard, he was on friendly terms with Hyacinthe Fouan, whose poachingexpeditions he overlooked. La Terre. BECU (LA), wife of the preceding, was on intimate terms with HyacintheFouan. Her chief amusement was to throw Celine Macqueron and FloreLengaigne against one another under the pretext of reconciling them. Though she was not devout, she made ardent intercessions to Heaven toreserve for her son a lucky number in the drawing for the conscription, but, after the event, turned her anger against the Deity because herprayers had not been answered. La Terre. BECU (DELPHIN), son of the preceding, was a strong lad who, on leavingschool, went to work as a farm labourer. He was much averse to leavinghome, and, having drawn an unlucky number for the conscription, hechopped off with a cleaver the first finger of his right hand, in orderthat he might be unfit for service. La Terre. BECU (MICHEL), uncle of Delphin. He died at Orleans. La Terre. BEDORE, a hosier in Rue Gaillon, whose business was ruined by theextension of "The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. BEJUIN (LEON), a Member of the Corps Legislatif, and a supporter ofEugene Rougon. He was proprietor of the Saint-Florent Cut-Glass Works. "A very worthy fellow, votes straight, never speaks, is very patient andwaits contentedly till you think of him, but he is always on the spotto take care that you don't forget him. " He received the Cross of theLegion of Honour after Rougon's return to office, and an appointment asInspector. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BEJUIN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BELLOMBRE, a neighbour of Doctor Pascal at La Souleiade. He was aretired Professor, sixty-six years of age, who lived in his little housewith no other company than his gardener, a man as old and crabbed ashimself. His interests were solely centred in himself, and his egotismwas a constant subject of irritation with Doctor Pascal. Le DocteurPascal. BELLOQUE (LE PERE), the first art-master of Claude Lantier. A retiredinfantry captain, with one arm, he had for a quarter of a centurytaught drawing to the youths of Plassans, in one of the galleries of themuseum. L'Oeuvre. BENARD, one of the tenants of the house in which Madame Coupeau carriedon her laundry business. Benard and his wife were of intemperatehabits, and few days passed without their fighting with one another. L'Assommoir. BERAUD DU CHATEL (M. ) was the last representative of an old middle-classfamily. A staunch Republican, he had grown old in the Magistracy, whichhe resigned at the time of the _Coup d'Etat_. Since then he lived inretirement in his house on the Ile Saint-Louis with his sister MadameAubertot and his young daughter Christine. His elder daughter Renee, who was educated at a convent, was married to Aristide Saccard, and thecircumstances which led to her marriage came as a severe blow to thestern old man. Though on nominally friendly terms with his daughterafter her marriage, he never visited her, but when she died he paid herdebts. La Curee. BERAUD DU CHATEL (CHRISTINE), the second daughter of M. Beraud duChatel, and sister of Madame Renee Saccard. La Curee. BERAUD DU CHATEL (RENEE). See Madame Renee Rougon, alias Saccard. BERGASSE, a second-hand dealer in Plassans. He supplied the oldfurniture bought by Madame Faujas. La Conquete de Plassans. BERGERET (MADAME), concierge of the house at Plassy occupied by HeleneGrandjean. Une Page d'Amour. BERLINGOT, a horse which belonged to M. Mechain and gained the Prixd'Ispahan. Nana. BERLOQUE, alias CHICOT, a miner who was killed by a landslip in the pitat Voreux. Germinal. BERNHEIM (LES FRERES), proprietors of the glass-works of Saint-Josephwhere Josserand was employed as cashier. Pot-Bouille. BERTHIER (MADAME), was a friend of Madame Deberle, and took part in theamateur theatricals arranged by that lady. Une Page d'Amour. BERTHIER, authorized clerk to Mazaud, the stockbroker. L'Argent. BERTHOU, the celebrated painter of _Nero in the Arena_. Claude Lantiertook lessons from him for six months, but their ideas were not insympathy, and repeatedly the master told Claude that he would never doanything good. L'Oeuvre. BERTRAND, a large dog which belonged to Sandoz. It barked furiouslyat visitors, until it recognized a friend of its master, whom it wouldgreet with joyous welcome. L'Oeuvre. BESNUS (CLARISSE), an actress at the Theatre des Varietes, where sheplayed the part of Iris in the _Blonde Venus_, and Geraldine in the_Petite Duchesse_. She was mistress of Hector de la Faloise for a time. Nana. BESSIERE, station-master at Barentin. He saw the Roubauds in the Havreexpress on the evening of the murder of President Grandmorin, and hisevidence confirmed their alibi. La Bete Humaine. BEULIN-D'ORCHERE (M. ) was a member of a legal family. After being publicprosecutor at Orleans and advocate-general at Rouen, he came to Paris ascounsellor at the Appeal Court, of which he afterwards became president. His sister Veronique married Eugene Rougon. He was appointed firstpresident of the Court of Paris after Rougon's return to office. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. BEULIN-D'ORCHERE (VERONIQUE), a quiet, subdued woman about thirty-sixyears of age, who lived with her brother and seldom went out except toattend Low Mass at Saint-Sulpice. She married Eugene Rougon, to whom shebrought a considerable fortune. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BIBI-LA-GRILLADE, the sobriquet of one of Coupeau's fellow-workmen, with whom he was on intimate terms. He was one of the party at Coupeau'swedding with Gervaise Macquart. L'Assommoir. BIJARD, a drunken locksmith, who killed his wife by systematicill-usage. On the rare occasions when he worked, he always had abottle of alcohol beside him, from which he took large draughts everyhalf-hour. After the death of his wife, he transferred his cruelty tohis little daughter Lalie, who did not long survive. L'Assommoir. BIJARD (MADAME) lived with her husband and their children in the sametenement as the Coupeaus and Lorilleux. She was a hard-working woman whodid washing for Gervaise Coupeau's laundry, but her husband, a drunkenbrute, abused her to such an extent that she ultimately died of injuriesreceived at his hands, or, more accurately, feet. The poor woman, inorder to save her husband from the scaffold, said before she died thatshe had hurt herself by falling on the edge of a tub. L'Assommoir. BIJARD (LALIE), daughter of the preceding, a child of eight when hermother died, had acted as the little mother of the family. "Without aword said, quite of her own accord, she took the dead woman's place, tosuch an extent that her foolish brute of a father, to make the likenesscomplete, battered about the daughter now as he had battered the motherbefore. When he came in drunk, he felt the need of a woman to attack. Hedid not even notice what a tiny little thing Lalie was; he hit her as hewould have hit a grown woman. He beat her shamelessly, he kicked her fora yes or no; and she took it all with a resigned look in her beautifuleyes, without a murmur. Then when her father was tired of kicking herfrom corner to corner of the room, she waited until she had the strengthto pick herself up, and then went back to her work. It was part of herdaily task to be beaten. " As the result of this infamous treatmentthe child died, but again the man unfortunately escaped punishment. L'Assommoir. BIJARD (HENRIETTE), second daughter of Bijard. She was five years old atthe time of her mother's death. L'Assommoir. BIJARD (JULES), third child of Bijard. When his mother died he was threeyears old. L'Assommoir. BIJOU, the pet dog of Nana. He excited the jealousy of Comte de Muffat. Nana. BILLECOQ (HERMINIE), a protegee of Madame Correur, who induced EugeneRougon to provide a dowry, in order that she might marry an officer whohad compromised her. The officer did not, however, fulfill his promise, but went off with the dowry, of which he had obtained possession. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. BLACHET, a deputy. He desired leave of absence. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. BLAISOT, a banker at Paris. L'Argent. BLANCHETTE, a cow which belonged to Lise and Francoise Fouan. La Terre. BLERIOT (M. DE), prefect of the department in which Plassans issituated. He accompanied Colonel Masson and the troops which crushed theRepublican rising in 1851. La Fortune des Rougon. BLEUZE, a rope-walk at Montsou which was ruined by the miners' strike. Germinal. BLOND (MARIA), a young girl of fifteen who had grown up on the pavementsof Paris. She frequented the restaurant kept by Laure Piedefer. Nana. BOCHE (M. ) the concierge of the large tenement-house in which residedthe Coupeaus, Lorilleux, and others. He and his wife were friendly withthe various tenants in turn, sometimes siding with one and sometimeswith another in the quarrels which so frequently arose. In the presenceof the landlord, of whom they were afraid, they assumed an air of greatimportance, and affected not to know the tenants. They were present atGervaise Coupeau's birthday party. L'Assommoir. BOCHE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. L'Assommoir. Nana informed Satin that Madame Boche is dead. Nana. BOCHE (PAULINE), daughter of the preceding, was a girl of about the sameage as Nana Coupeau, whose companion she was in all kinds of mischief. L'Assommoir. BOCQUET (MADAME), mother of Clarisse. Pot-Bouille. BOCQUET (CLARISSE), a woman on whom Duveyrier squandered large sums ofmoney. She ultimately gained such complete influence over him, and madehim so unhappy, that he attempted to commit suicide. Pot-Bouille. BODIN (DOCTOR) was the regular medical attendant of Madame HeleneGrandjean and her daughter Jeanne. A sudden illness of Jeanne made itnecessary to call in Doctor Deberle, who subsequently met the older manin consultation from time to time. Une Page d'Amour. BOHAIN (MARQUIS DE), an elderly nobleman whose presence and manners wereof a kind to adorn a board of directors, and whose illustrious name wasof value on a prospectus. He was in consequence always in demand by newcompanies. Since he began living by speculation, he and his wife hadbeen legally separated, so far as estate went, and he lived with heronly as a lodger, with nothing of his own except his clothes. "On twooccasions already he had refused to pay up what he owed; he pocketed aslong as he won, but as soon as he lost he did not pay. " At the requestof Saccard, the Marquis became a director of the Universal Bank. Whenthe great gamble in the shares of the bank began, the Marquis followedhis usual plan; having played through Mazaud for a rise, he refused topay his losses, though he had gained two million francs through Jacoby, through whom he had played for a fall. L'Argent. BONGRAND, a great artist, painter of the _Village Wedding_. He was astout man, forty-five years old, with an expressive face and long greyhair; recently he had become a member of the Institute and an officerof the Legion of Honour. The grandson of a farmer in the Beauce country, the son of a man risen to the middle classes, with peasant blood in hisveins, owing his culture to a mother of very artistic tastes, he wasrich, had no need to sell his pictures, and retained many tastes andopinions of Bohemian life. His masterpiece, the _Village Wedding_, hadbrought about a revolution in art only parallel with Courbet, and hewas acknowledged as Master by all the artists of the young school. Thepicture remained, however, his greatest work, though he objected to haveit so designated, in the fear that it might be thought his powers werefailing. A later picture called the _Village Funeral_ was intended tosurpass it, but failed to arrest attention, and was indeed only an echoof the earlier work. He was one of the few mourners at the funeral ofClaude Lantier. L'Oeuvre. BONHOMME, the horse which for a quarter of a century had carried DoctorPascal on his visits to his patients. Latterly the old Bonhomme becameblind, and was no longer being driven, but being much loved by hismaster, was tenderly cared for until his death. Le Docteur Pascal. BONNAUD, formerly head of the counting-house of a railway company. Pot-Bouille. BONNEHON (MADAME), sister of President Grandmorin. She was married to awealthy manufacturer, who left her a widow at the age of thirty. In themansion-house of Doinville, which belonged to her, she led a pleasantlife, not without occasional affairs of the heart, but so correct inevery way that she remained a leader of society in Rouen. She was ahandsome woman, and in spite of her fifty years still retained muchof her former charm. Among her friends she included Chaumette andDesbazeilles, both officials of the court at Rouen. Madame Bonnehonhad a good opinion of the Roubauds, and did not approve of the positiontaken up by her niece Berthe regarding the legacy left to them byPresident Grandmorin. For the honour of her family she desired that theinquiry as to the murder of the President should not be continued. LaBete Humaine. BONNEMORT, the sobriquet of Vincent Maheu. His family had been minersfor generations, and he himself had worked in the pit since he was eightyears old. After forty-five years of work underground he was given apost as fireman, and for five years worked each night at the Voreux pitfor a wage of forty sous. He suffered greatly from rheumatism, whicheventually turned into a form of dropsy, while his mind became affectedto some extent by the sufferings occasioned by the great strike whichtook place at Voreux and other neighbouring pits. After the terriblescenes at Montsou, he could only sit in his chair before the firelessgrate, with fixed and unseeing eyes, but in a sudden accession ofmadness he found strength to strangle Cecile Gregoire, who chanced to beleft alone with him for a few moments. Germinal. BONNET. See De Mareuil. BORDENAVE, manager of the Theatre des Varietes. He was a coarse man, with cynical views as to the stage, and cared nothing as to the means bywhich a popular success might be secured. Though he was well aware thatNana could neither sing nor act, he saw that her beauty was of a typelikely to attract the Parisian public, and accordingly gave her thechief part in the _Blonde Venus_. It was he who showed H. R. H. The Princeof Scots the honours of "behind the scenes. " Nana. BORGNE-DE-JOUY, one of the band of brigands which was led byBeau-Francois. He betrayed his companions. La Terre. BOSC, an old actor at the Theatre des Varietes, where he played thepart of Jupiter in the _Blonde Venus_, and the Duc de Beaurivage inthe _Petite Duchesse_. He had a good-natured but somewhat drunkenappearance. He treated women with disdain, and the idea that any manshould trouble himself about them raised in him the only indignation ofwhich he was capable. Nana. BOUCHARD (M. ), head-clerk in the office of the Minister of Interior. His house was the first thrown open to Eugene Rougon on his arrivalin Paris. Later on, Bouchard inherited his father's property, and atfifty-four years of age married Adele Desvignes. He was appointed headof a department after Rougon's return to office. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. BOUCHARD (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was the daughter of arespectable family at Rambouillet. M. Bouchard "had been anxious tomarry a young lady from the provinces, because he made a point of havinga steady wife. However, the fair and adorable little Adele, with herinnocent blue eyes, had in less than four years proved to be a greatdeal more than a mere flirt. " Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BOULAND(MADAME), the nurse who attended Madame Lazare Chanteau. La Joiede Vivre. BOUM, a horse which belonged to M. Gasc and ran in the Grand Prix deParis. Nana. BOURDELAIS, an upper clerk in the office of the Minister of Finance. AuBonheur des Dames. BOURDELAIS (MADAME) was a short, fair woman of thirty, with a delicatenose and sparkling eyes, who had married a chief clerk in the Treasury. She was an old schoolfellow of Madame Desforges. Belonging to a goodmiddle-class family, she managed her household and three children withan excellent knowledge of practical life. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOURDEU (M. ), formerly Prefect of the Drome, but turned out of officeby the Revolution of 1848. Politically he was a Legitimist, and he wasa friend of M. Rastoil, at whose house his party was in the habit ofmeeting. At one time he was suggested as a likely candidate for therepresentation of Plassans, but he retired after Delangre had beenbrought forward through the machinations of Abbe Faujas. Madame deCondamin promised him, however, that through her influence he would berewarded with a prefecture. La Conquete de Plassans. BOURDONCLE, the son of a poor farmer near Limoges, started at "TheLadies' Paradise" at the same time as Octave Mouret. He was very activeand intelligent, but he lacked that touch of genius possessed by hiscompanion, before whom he had bowed from the first. Acting on Mouret'sadvice, he put all his savings into the business, and, after passingthrough the various grades, he became in time one of the six persons whoassisted Mouret to govern "The Ladies' Paradise, " exercising a generalcontrol of the whole staff. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOURGAIN-DESFEUILLES (GENERAL). During the war of 1870 he was at thehead of a brigade of infantry, of which the 106th regiment of theline, commanded by Colonel de Vineuil, formed part. Like so many otherofficers he proved himself incompetent, and after the capitulation he, alone among the generals, took advantage of the pretext of illness tosign an undertaking to the Germans not to take any further part in thewar. La Debacle. BOURGUIGNON, a master zinc-worker from whom Coupeau got employment. L'Assommoir. BOUROCHE (SURGEON-MAJOR), of the 106th regiment of the line, commandedby Colonel Vineuil. During the battle of Sedan he installed anambulance in a factory belonging to Jules Delaherche, where he was soonoverwhelmed with work. With untiring energy he performed one operationafter another until the place became like a slaughter-house. Behinda clump of trees were thrown the bodies of the dead, and the limbsamputated from the living. Depressed for a moment by the vastness of histask, Bouroche nearly lost heart, exclaiming, "What is the use?" buthis instincts of discipline recalled him to work, and he continued tooperate even after the supply of chloroform was exhausted. Duringthe insurrection at Paris he served with the army of Versailles, butconsented to treat one of his old soldiers, Maurice Levasseur, who hadbeen mortally wounded in the ranks of the Commune. La Debacle. BOURRAS, an old man who sold umbrellas and walking-sticks in atumble-down house which adjoined "The Ladies' Paradise. " His businesswas ruined by the growth of that concern, and he expressed bitter hatredtowards Octave Mouret, its proprietor. Denise Baudu rented a room fromhim after her dismissal from "The Ladies' Paradise, " and he showed muchkindness to her and Pepe, her young brother. He refused several offersby Mouret, who wished to purchase his lease in order to extend hisown shop, and ultimately, having become bankrupt, was forced to leavewithout a penny. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOURRETTE (ABBE), one of the clergy of the church of Saint-Saturnin atPlassans. He did duty as vicar during the illness of Abbe Compan, and had been led to expect the reversion of the appointment. Pressurebrought to bear on Bishop Rousselot led to the selection of Abbe Faujas, and Bourrette was put off with vague promises for the future. He wasa simple-minded, amiable man, who accepted his disappointment withoutmurmuring, and continued on friendly terms with Faujas. La Conquete dePlassans. BOUTAREL, a doctor who attended Nana. He was a handsome man, stillyoung, who had a large practice in the demi-monde. Always gay andlaughing, he was popular with his patients, but took care not tocompromise himself with any of them. Nana. BOUTAREL (MADAME), a lady who lived in the country and economized formonths at a time, only coming to Paris occasionally. When she came, shemade straight for "The Ladies' Paradise" and spent all her savings in anafternoon. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOUTELOUP (LOUIS), a workman at the Voreux pit. He lodged with MadameLevaque, whose lover he became. Germinal. BOUTEROUE (HILARION), second child of Vincent Bouteroue, and grandson ofMarianne Fouan (La Grande). The latter had never forgiven the marriageof her daughter, and would do nothing to assist the two children afterthe death of their parents. Hilarion, who was of weak intellect, waslooked after from childhood by his sister Palmyre, who wore herself outin his service. After Palmyre's death his grandmother gave him shelter, but took advantage of his great strength by employing him at work of thehardest kind. Ultimately Hilarion committed a serious assault on theold woman, and in defending herself she struck him on the head with abill-hook, inflicting a wound from which he died. La Terre. BOUTEROUE (PALMYRE), sister of the preceding, worked like a slave tosupport her brother, and died completely worn out by toil and hardshipat the age of thirty-five. La Terre. BOUTEROUE (VINCENT), a poor peasant, whom the daughter of the Pechardsinsisted on marrying despite the opposition of her mother. They bothdied of want, leaving two children, Palmyre and Hilarion. La Terre. BOUTEROUE (MADAME VINCENT), see Mademoiselle Pechard. BOUTHEMENT PERE, a shopkeeper at Montpellier, who sent his son to Paristo learn business. He was disgusted to find that the simple salesman inParis could earn three times as much as he himself could make, and hewas stupefied on seeing the vast emporium in which his son served. AuBonheur des Dames. BOUTHEMONT, manager of the silk department at "The Ladies' Paradise. "Noisy and too fond of company, he was not much good for sales, but forbuying he had not his equal. Nearly every month he went to Lyons, livingat the best hotels, with authority to treat the manufacturers withopen purse. He had, moreover, liberty to buy what he liked, provided heincreased the sales of his department in a certain proportion settledbeforehand; and it was on this proportion that his commission was based. Eventually, however, his position was undermined, and Madame Desforges, having become jealous of Mouret, and wishing to injure him, introducedBouthemont to Baron Hartmann, who lent him money to start an oppositionestablishment called "The Four Seasons. " This was burned down threeweeks after its opening, but the enormous loss was covered by insurance. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOUTIGNY, Lazare Chanteau's partner in the chemical business, into whichhe put thirty thousand francs. After the failure of the venture, he tookover the whole concern, and began to manufacture potash from seaweed bythe old methods. He was very successful in this, and by degrees began toemploy on a small scale the scientific systems which had before proveddisastrous. In a few years he amassed a considerable fortune. La Joie deVivre. BOUTIN, a retired artist's-model who kept a studio in Rue de laHuchette, which was frequented by Claude Lantier, who went there forpurposes of study. A subscription of twenty francs enabled young artiststo have the free use of models. L'Oeuvre. BOUTIN, an old epileptic attended by Doctor Pascal at Plassans. He diedin one of his fits. Le Docteur Pascal. BOVES (COMTE DE), Inspector-General of the Imperial Stud, atall, handsome man who had married his wife for her great beauty. Notwithstanding this, he carried on a liaison with Madame Guibal, whosedemands upon his purse were so heavy that he was obliged to economize inhis own establishment. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOVES (COMTESSE DE), wife of the preceding, was a beautiful woman ofabout forty years of age. She was a constant customer at "The Ladies'Paradise, " but as her husband kept her very short of money, was seldomable to buy anything. Eventually temptation proved too strong for her, and she was caught in the act of stealing some valuable lace. The matterwas, however, kept quiet, and a scandal avoided. Au Bonheur des Dames. BOVES (BLANCHE DE), daughter of the preceding. She usually accompaniedher mother on her shopping expeditions to "The Ladies' Paradise, " and, it is to be feared, was not unaware of the theft of lace by her. Shemarried Paul de Vallagnosc. Au Bonheur des Dames. BRAMAH, an English horse which won the Grand Prix de Paris. It belongedto Lord Reading. Nana. BRAMBILLA (SIGNOR), a Venetian political refugee, and a friend ofComtesse Balbi. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BRETIGNY (COMTESSE DE). Auguste Lantier, reading the news from ajournal to his friends Coupeau and Mes-Bottes, announced that the eldestdaughter of the Comtesse de Bretigny was to be married to Baron deValencay, aide-de-camp to His Majesty the Emperor. L'Assommoir. BRETON-LE-CUL-SEC, one of the band of brigands led by Beau-Francois. LaTerre. BRICHET, the father of Fortune, Rosalie Bambousse's lover. He was alittle man, withered by age, and with a cringing manner. He tilled asmall piece of stony land near Les Artaud, and was very poor. La Fautede l'Abbe Mouret. BRICHET (MADAME), wife of the preceding, a tall, lachrymose woman, wasthe one solitary devotee of the village of Les Artaud. Whenever shehad been to communion, she hung about the parsonage, knowing that thepriest's servant always kept a couple of loaves for her from the lastbaking. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. BRICHET (FORTUNE), son of the preceding, was a largely built, bold-looking young fellow of about twenty-five years of age, who hadbeen the lover of Rosalie Bambousse for some time before Abbe Mouret wasable to induce the girl's parents to consent to her marriage. La Fautede l'Abbe Mouret. BRICHET (VINCENT), brother of Fortune, was the boy who assisted AbbeMouret in serving Mass. He was an idle young scamp, and constantlyincurred the chastisement of Brother Archangias, who predicted a bad endfor him on account of his friendship for Catherine Bambousse. La Fautede l'Abbe Mouret. BRIQUET, a peasant of Rognes. His son drew the number 13 for theconscription. La Terre. BRON (MADAME), concierge at the Theatre des Varietes. She sold liquor tothe employees at the theatre. Nana. BRU, an old house-painter who lived in a garret in the sametenement-house as the Coupeaus, where he starved with cold and hunger. He had lost three sons in the Crimea, and he lived on what he couldpick up, now that for two years past he could hold a brush no longer. Gervaise Coupeau showed him some kindness and asked him to her famousbirthday party. Things having gone from bad to worse with him, he wasfound one morning lying dead in his garret. L'Assommoir. BRULE (LA), mother of La Pierronne. She was the widow of a miner who hadbeen killed in the pit, and lived with her daughter at the settlementknown as the Deux-Cent-Quarante. A terrible old woman, frantic torevenge on the masters the death of her husband, she was the leader inthe outrages perpetrated by the strikers in the Montsou district. It wasshe who gave the signal for the attack on the troops, but at the firstvolley fired by the soldiers she fell back stiff and crackling likea bundle of dry faggots, stammering one last oath in the gurgling ofblood. Germinal. BRUNET (LES), a bourgeois family in the new quarter of Plassans, of whomMadame Felicite Rougon was jealous. La Fortune des Rougon. BUDIN (LES), peasants of Rognes, whose daughter was said to have beencured of a fever by Sourdeau, who cut a live pigeon in two, and appliedthe halves to her head. La Terre. BUQUIN-LECOMTE, a deputy at the Corps Legislatif. He desired leave ofabsence. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. BURGAT, a blacksmith, one of the band of insurgents which enteredPlassans in December, 1851. La Fortune des Rougon. BURNE, an English jockey who rode a horse called Spirit in the GrandPrix de Paris. Nana. BUSCH, a man of German origin who came to Paris, and engaged in businessof a shady character on the fringe of the Bourse. "In addition to usuryand a secret traffic in jewels and precious stones, he particularlyoccupied himself with the purchase of 'bad debts. '" In pursuit ofcreditors he was unsparing, and his methods were not infrequently of thenature of blackmail. Jordon, Madame de Beauvilliers, and Saccard himselffell into his power, though Saccard refused to submit to extortion. Another of Busch's lines of business was the purchase of depreciatedshares and debentures, thousands of which he collected together, selling them to bankrupts who found difficulty in accounting for real orimaginary losses. His one redeeming feature was his extraordinary lovefor his brother Sigismond, whom he nursed with the greatest care untilhis death. L'Argent. BUSCH (SIGISMOND), brother of Busch, the money-lender, was an able man, educated at a German University, and speaking several languages. He hadmet Carl Marx at Cologne in 1849, and became a contributor to the _NewRhenish Gazette_. "From that time he professed Socialism with an ardentfaith, giving his entire being to the idea of an approaching socialrenovation, which would assure the happiness of the poor and humble. "After his master was banished from Germany, Sigismond, engrossed inhis dreams, was so careless of his material affairs that he would haveperished of hunger had his brother not taken him to live with him. Fromthis time the elder Busch, ferocious as a wolf towards a debtor, lookedafter his brother with almost maternal care, and was heart-broken whenSigismond died of consumption a few years later. L'Argent. BUTEAU, second son of Pere Fouan; brother of Hyacinthe and of FannyDelhomme; cousin and husband of Lise Mouche; father of Jules and Laure. From early youth he was of violent temper, and having drawn a luckynumber in the conscription, he went away from home, and got work, firstat the farm of La Borderie and later at La Chamade. He was a true sonof the soil, knowing nothing of the world beyond the narrow district inwhich he was born, and possessing that fierce passion for the landwhich is the characteristic of so many peasants. When Pere Fouan made adivision of his property among his family, Buteau was dissatisfied withthe lot which he drew, and refused to take possession of it. In thisattitude he persisted for two years, until the formation of a new roadgave a greatly increased value to his share. In the same way he refusedto marry his cousin Lise Mouche, by whom he already had a son, until, after her father's death, she had inherited a share of his property. Buteau's chief anxiety then became to prevent a division of this landbetween his wife and her sister Francoise, and when, after the girl'smarriage to Jean Macquart, this became imminent, he and his wifeeventually murdered her. His father had been a witness of the crime, andas his silence was essential, he too was cruelly done to death. Afterthese terrible events Buteau was able to sleep calmly, for the land, hisoverwhelming passion in life, was his beyond possibility of dispute. LaTerre. BUTEAU (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Lise Mouche. La Terre. BUTEAU (JULES), the eldest child of the preceding, who were not marriedtill three years after his birth. At nine years old he was the solefriend of old Fouan, but he soon came to neglect the old man. La Terre. BUTEAU (LAURE), the second child of the Buteaus. At four years oldshe had already the hard eyes of her family, and was hostile to hergrandfather, old Fouan. By jealousy she detached from him her brotherJules. La Terre. C CABASSE, a franc-tireur of the woods of Dieulet. He was the favouritecompanion of Ducat, and along with Guillaume Sambuc formed part of theband which so greatly embarrassed the Prussians in the neighbourhood ofSedan. He took part in the execution of Goliath Steinberg, the Germanspy. La Debacle. CABIN (MADAME), the woman who looked after the bedrooms occupied by thesaleswomen in "The Ladies' Paradise. " In consideration of small bribes, she allowed numerous breaches of the strict rules of the establishment. Au Bonheur des Dames. CABIROCHE (SIMONNE), an actress at the Theatre des Varietes. She was thedaughter of a furniture dealer in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, and hadbeen educated at a boarding-school in order that she might become agoverness. She played the part of Isabelle in the _Petite Duchesse_. Nana. CABUCHE, a quarryman at Becourt, who lived alone in a hut in the middleof the forest. He was condemned to five years' imprisonment for havingkilled a man in a tavern brawl, but on account of his good conduct wasliberated at the end of four years. From that time he was avoided byevery one, and lived like a savage in the woods. Louisette, the youngerdaughter of Madame Misard, who was then fourteen years old, met him oneday in the forest, and a strange friendship was formed between them, therough man almost adoring this child, who alone was not afraid to speakto him. The girl afterwards went as a servant to Madame Bonnehon, butone evening Cabuche found her at his door, half mad with fright and onthe verge of brain fever. He nursed her tenderly, but she died a fewdays later. The conduct of President Grandmorin was believed to be thecause of Louisette's flight from Doinville, and Cabuche was overheard tosay in ungovernable rage that he would "bleed the pig. " This remark ledDenizet, the examining magistrate, to attribute to him the murder ofthe President, which was committed soon afterwards by the Roubauds, and still later he had the misfortune to be found beside the body ofSeverine Roubaud, who had been murdered by Jacques Lantier. He wasfound guilty of the two crimes, neither of which he committed, and wassentenced to imprisonment for life. It was Cabuche's wagon, loaded withhuge blocks of stone, that Flore stopped in front of an express train inorder to cause an accident. La Bete Humaine. CADET-CASSIS, the sobriquet of Coupeau. L'Assommoir. CADINE, a young girl who when only two years old was found by MadameChantemesse and adopted by her. She was brought up along with Marjolin, and the two became inseparable companions and lovers. When she waseleven years old she set up as a dealer in birds' food, but in a year ortwo became a flower-seller. After the accident to Marjolin by which hisintellect was affected, Cadine looked after him, and the two were seldomfound apart. Le Ventre de Paris. CAFFIN (ABBE), the predecessor of Abbe Mouret as cure at Les Artaud. Hewas originally from Normandy, and had a large face which always seemedlaughing. His history was bad, and he had been sent in disgrace to thishot and dusty corner of Provence. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. CAMPARDON (ACHILLE), an architect, in whose house Octave Mouret boardedwhen he first came to Paris. His views on religion were somewhatfree, but having been appointed diocesan architect he gradually becameorthodox, though this did not prevent him from carrying on an intriguewith Gasparine, his wife's cousin, who ultimately came to live with thefamily. Pot-Bouille. CAMPARDON (MADAME), wife of the preceding, nee Rose Domergue. Born atPlassans, she was an old friend of Madame Mouret, and when Octave Mouretcame to Paris he boarded with the Campardons. After the birth of herchild, Madame Campardon was an invalid, and was obliged to spend muchof her time in bed, amusing herself by reading the works of Dickens. She tacitly accepted the liaison between her husband and Gasparine, hercousin, whom she ultimately asked to live with the family and manage thehousehold affairs. Pot-Bouille. CAMPARDON (ANGELE), daughter of the preceding. She was brought up athome by her parents, in order that she might remain ignorant ofthe realities of life, but intercourse with the servants in a largetenement-house early developed her unnatural precocity. Pot-Bouille. CAMPENON, an incapable person to whom M. De Marsy gave a post asprefect, which Eugene Rougon had promised to Du Poizat. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. CAMY-LAMOTTE, secretary to the Minister of Justice, an office of greatinfluence. It was his duty to prepare the list of promotions, and he wasin constant communication with the Tuileries. He was a handsome man, whostarted his career as a substitute; but through his connections and hiswife he had been elected deputy and made grand officer of the Legion ofHonour. In examining the papers of President Grandmorin, he discoveredthe identity of the murderers, but knowing the probability of seriousscandal arising in the event of public inquiry, he said nothing, andlater, struck by the courage and charm of Severine Roubaud, who threwherself on his protection, he gave instructions that all proceedingswere to be stopped. He rewarded Denizet, the examining magistrate, witha decoration and the promise of early promotion. La Bete Humaine. CANIVET, an old peasant, of whom Zephyrin Lacour announced the death toRosalie Pichon. Une Page d'Amour. CARNAVANT (MARQUIS DE), a nobleman of Plassans. Said to have beenintimate with the mother of Felicite Puech during the early period ofher married life. He visited Pierre Rougon and his wife occasionally, and after their retirement from business he interested them in politics. La Fortune des Rougon. CAROLINE, an artificial-flower maker employed by Madame Titreville. Shewas very unhappy at home. L'Assommoir. CAROLINE (MADAME). See Caroline Hamelin. CAROUBLE, a baker at Montsou. His business was threatened by thecompetition of Maigrat. Germinal. CASIMIR, a liquor-dealer on the road to Montsou. Germinal. CASSOUTE, an inhabitant of Plassans, who formed one of the group ofinsurgents which accompanied Antoine Macquart to the Rougons' house. Hewas left there to signal the return of Pierre Rougon, but not beingvery intelligent, allowed himself to be sent by Rougon to the Town Hall, where he was arrested. La Fortune des Rougon. CATHERINE, servant to Granoux. She talked for a long time before lettingin Pierre Rougon and Roudier, who came to seek her master to savePlassans. La Fortune des Rougon. CAUCHE, the commissary of police attached to the railway station atHavre. He was a former officer who considered his present occupation aspractically a sinecure, spending much of his time at the cafe. He was aconfirmed gambler, who could lose or win without change of expression. Aroom on the first floor of the Cafe du Commerce was his usual haunt, andthere Roubaud frequently spent half the night playing cards with him. Later, it fell to him to arrest Roubaud on the charge of murderingPresident Grandmorin. La Bete Humaine. CAZENOVE (DOCTOR), a man of fifty-four years of age, of a vigorous andlean habit, who after thirty years' service in the navy settled downat Arromanches, where an uncle of his had left him a house. He affectedscepticism of the power of medicine, but was unremitting in the care ofhis patients. Among the earliest of these was Madame Chanteau, andhe became on intimate terms with the family, for some time acting astrustee to Pauline Quenu. La Joie de Vivre. CECILE (MADEMOISELLE), daughter of a butcher in the neighbourhood of the_Halles Centrales_. Le Ventre de Paris. CELESTE, lady's maid and confidante of Madame Renee Saccard. La Curee. CELESTINE, a friend of Clemence. She was neurotic, and had a horror ofthe hair of cats, seeing it everywhere, and even turning her tongue inthe belief that some of it had got into her mouth. L'Assommoir. CESAR, a bull at the farm of La Borderie. La Terre. CHADEUIL (MADAME), a milliner in the Rue Sainte-Anne. Octave Mouret'sshop, "The Ladies' Paradise, " ruined her within two years. Au Bonheurdes Dames. CHAINE, the companion of Mahoudeau, the sculptor. He was born atSaint-Firmin, a village about six miles from Plassans, where he servedas a cowboy until he was drawn in the conscription. Unfortunately forhim, a gentleman of the district who admired the walking-stick handleswhich he carved out of roots with his knife, persuaded Chaine that hewas a rustic genius, and with extreme foolishness persuaded him to goin for painting. Having forty pounds, he went to Paris, where his smallfortune lasted him for a year. Then, as he had only twenty francs left, he took up his quarters with his friend Mahoudeau. He had no talent, but had a certain skill in copying pictures with extreme exactness. The relations of Chaine and Mahoudeau with Mathilde Jabouille led to acoldness between the two friends, and ultimately they ceased to be onspeaking terms, though they continued to live together, and even tosleep in the same bed. Some time afterwards Chaine gave up art, andstarted a booth at country fairs, in which he ran a wheel-of-fortunefor trifling prizes. The booth was decorated with some of his allegedmasterpieces. L'Oeuvre. CHAMBOUVARD, a celebrated sculptor. He was said to be the son of aveterinary surgeon of Amiens, and at forty-five had already producedtwenty masterpieces. He had, however, a complete lack of criticalacumen, and was unable to distinguish between the most gloriousoffspring of his hands and the detestably grotesque figures which hehappened to put together now and then. At one _Salon_ he exhibited a_Sower_, admirable in every way, while at another he showed an execrable_Reaping Woman_, so bad that it seemed like a hoax; but he was no lesspleased with the later work, feeling sure that he had turned out yetanother masterpiece. L'Oeuvre. CHAMPION, a master hatter at Montrouge. Auguste Lantier pretended tohave left his employment because they had not the same political views. L'Assommoir. CHAMPION, a retired sergeant, who was afterwards delivery manager at"The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. CHANTEAU PERE, came originally from the south of France, beginninghis life as a journeyman carpenter. He created a considerable timberbusiness at Caen, but being somewhat daring in his speculation, he leftit rather embarrassed at the time of his death. La Joie de Vivre. CHANTEAU (M. ), a cousin of M. Quenu, by whom he was nominated guardianof his daughter Pauline Quenu. On the death of his father, he succeededto the timber business at Caen. Being an inactive man, unaspiring andcareful, he contented himself with putting his affairs on a safe basis, and living on a moderate but sure profit. He married Eugenie de laVigniere, who was an ambitious woman and hoped to rouse his indolentnature. Her schemes were, however, frustrated by the ill-health of herhusband, who suffered from gout to such a degree that he ultimatelysold his business to Devoine, and retired to Bonneville, where he hada house. His sufferings from gout gradually became more and more severeuntil he was a complete invalid. His ward Pauline Quenu showed him muchkindness, and the Abbe Horteur played draughts with him regularly. LaJoie de Vivre. Until the end of his life he was taken care of by Pauline. Le DocteurPascal. CHANTEAU (MADAME), wife of the preceding, nee Eugenie de la Vigniere, was the orphan of one of the ruined squireens of the Cotentin. Anambitious woman, she hoped to induce her husband to overcome hisindolent nature, but her plans were upset by the ill-health into whichhe fell, and she transferred to her son her hopes for the family's risein life. From this source she had nothing but disappointment, as oneafter another of Lazare's schemes failed. To enable him to get money tostart his chemical works, she encouraged the idea of marriage betweenhim and Pauline Quenu, her husband's ward, who thereupon lent him thirtythousand francs. Little by little, Madame Chanteau got possession forthe family use of nearly all Pauline's fortunes, but with each freshloan her feelings towards the girl became more embittered until heraffection for her had turned to hate. From this time, she discouragedher son's marriage with Pauline, and endeavoured to turn his thoughtstowards Louise Thibaudier, who had a considerable fortune. She died ofdropsy after a short illness. La Joie de Vivre. CHANTEAU (LAZARE), born 1844, son of M. Chanteau, was educated at thecollege of Caen, where he took his bachelor's degree. He was undecidedas to what profession he would adopt, and for some time his inclinationturned towards music. Under the influence of Pauline Quenu he decided onmedicine, and went to Paris, where at first he made good progress in hisstudies. Unfortunately he tired of this, and led a life of extravaganceand dissipation, failing to pass his examinations. Having chanced tomake the acquaintance of Herbelin, a celebrated chemist, Lazare enteredhis laboratory as an assistant. From him he got the idea of turningseaweed to profitable account by the extraction of chemicals by a newmethod. With a view to the commercial employment of this process heborrowed thirty thousand francs from Pauline Quenu, and entered intopartnership with an old college friend named Boutigny who investeda similar sum in the business. Lazare was quite carried away by hisenthusiasm, and the works were built on much too large a scale, the costgreatly exceeding the original estimates. More money was required, and amarriage having already been arranged between Lazare and Pauline Quenu, she at once lent him another ten thousand francs. Some slight successwas at first attained, but this only led to fresh extravagances in theway of apparatus, and before long a hundred thousand francs of Pauline'smoney had been expended. By this time it was evident that the processcould not be worked on a commercial scale, and Lazare, utterlydiscouraged, handed over his share to Boutigny for a trifling sum. Ascheme for the protection of Bonneville against the inroads of the seawas the next subject to attract him, and he entered into it with hisusual enthusiasm. More money was, of course, required, and, as before, this was found by Pauline. Failure again met his efforts; the barricadewas washed away by the first high sea. All along Lazare had been subjectto fits of morbid depression, accompanied by a frenzied fear of death, and after the death of his mother this mental disturbance became evenmore acute. The marriage with Pauline had been put off on one excuse oranother, and ultimately she saw that his affections had been transferredto Louise Thibaudier. With noble self-sacrifice, she released him fromhis engagement, and his marriage to Louise followed. He went to Parisas manager of an insurance company, but soon tiring of business, hereturned to Bonneville, where he lived so tormented by the fear of deaththat life itself had little charm for him. La Joie de Vivre. Having become a widower, he left his son with Pauline Quenu, and went toAmerica to seek his fortune. Le Docteur Pascal. CHANTEAU (MADAME LAZARE), wife of the preceding. See Louise Thibaudier. La Joie de Vivre. CHANTEAU (PAUL), the infant son of Lazare Chanteau. La Joie de Vivre. CHANTECAILLE (i. E. SINGSMALL), an usher at the college of Plassans. He was so good-natured that he allowed the pupils to smoke when outwalking. L'Oeuvre. CHANTEGREIL, a poacher, who was sent to the galleys for shooting agendarme. He was the father of Miette. La Fortune des Rougon. CHANTEGREIL (MARIE), known as Miette, born 1838, daughter ofChantegreil, the poacher, who was sentenced to the galleys for murder. She went to live with her aunt, the wife of Rebufat, farmer at Plassans. Here she met Silvere Mouret, and an idyllic love affair followed. WhenSilvere joined the Republican Insurrection in 1861, Miette, fired by hisenthusiasm, accompanied him, and carried the banner of revolt. In theattack by the regular troops, which soon followed, she fell mortallywounded. La Fortune des Rougon. CHANTEGREIL (EULALIE). See Madame Eulalie Rebufat. CHANTEMESSE (MADAME), a customer of Madame Francois, themarket-gardener. It was she who brought up the two foundling children, Marjolin and Cadine. Le Ventre de Paris. CHANTEREAU (MADAME), wife of an ironmaster. She was a cousin of theFougerays, and a friend of the Muffats. With Madame du Joncquoyand Madame Hugon she gave an air of severe respectability to thedrawing-room of Comtesse Sabine de Muffat. Her husband owned a foundryin Alsace, where war with Germany was feared, and she caused muchamusement to her friends by expressing the opinion that Bismarck wouldmake war with France and would conquer. Nana. CHARBONNEL (M. ), a retired oil-merchant of Plassans. His cousinChevassu, a lawyer, died leaving his fortune of five hundred thousandfrancs to the Sisters of the Holy Family. Charbonnel, being next heir, contested the will on the ground of undue influence; and the Sisterhoodhaving petitioned the Council of State to authorize the payment of thebequest to them, he went to Paris, accompanied by his wife, in order tosecure the influence of Eugene Rougon. The matter dragged on for somemonths, and was then indefinitely delayed by Rougon's resignation ofthe Presidency of the Council of State. After Rougon's appointment asMinister of the Interior, he induced the Council of State to refuse thepetition of the Sisterhood, and M. Charbonnel accordingly succeeded tothe estate. Subsequently the Charbonnels accused the Sisters of havingremoved some of Chevassu's silver plate, and Rougon ordered the policeto make a search in the convent. This caused a scandal in the town, andbrought the Charbonnels, as well as Rougon, into popular disfavour. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. CHARBONNEL (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She accompanied her husbandto Paris to assist him in looking after their interests in the estate ofhis cousin Chevassu. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. CHARDON (ABBE), the candidate favoured by Abbe Fenil for the vacancy inthe church of Saint-Saturnin at Plassans. La Conquete de Plassans. CHARDON (MADAME), a protegee of Madame Melanie Correur. The State havingrefused to accept some furnishings supplied by her, Eugene Rougon, theMinister, arranged the matter. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. CHARLES, a waiter at the Cafe Riche. It was he who served supper toMaxime Saccard and Renee in the White Salon. La Curee. CHARLES, the attendant at the public washing-house where GervaiseMacquart had her great fight with Virginie. L'Assommoir. CHARLES, a butcher whose shop was in Rue Polonceau. The Coupeaus dealtwith him. L'Assommoir. CHARLES, coachman in the service of Nana. He left her after a violentscene, in the course of which he called her a slut. Nana. CHARLES, a cousin of the little soldier Jules from Plogof. Germinal. CHARLES, coachman to Aristide Saccard. He was discovered stealing oats, and was dismissed. In revenge, he disclosed to Madame Caroline therelations between his master and the Baroness Sandorff. L'Argent. CHARLES, (MONSIEUR AND MADAME), see Badeuil. CHARPIER, a grain merchant at Vendome. He became bankrupt, and hispapers having been purchased by Fayeux on behalf of Busch, the latterfound among them a document signed by Comte de Beauvilliers, undertakingpayment of a large sum to Leonie Cron. L'Argent. CHARRIER, a bricklayer who amassed a fortune by speculations inbuilding-sites during the early days of the Second Empire. Alongwith Mignon, his partner, he had many business dealings with AristideSaccard. La Curee. CHARVET, one of the party which met at Lebigre's wine-shop to discussrevolutionary subjects. He was the best educated of the coterie, and hisflood of bitter words generally crushed his adversaries. Le Ventre deParis. CHASSAGNE (DOCTEUR), director of the asylum at Moulineaux, whereSaturnin Josserand was confined for a time. Pot-Bouille. CHAUMETTE, counsellor at the court of Rouen. At the trial of Roubaud heacted as assessor to the assizes. La Bete Humaine. CHAUMETTE FILS, son of the preceding, was a substitute at Rouen. He wasthe latest fancy of Madame Bonnehon, who did all she could to secure hisadvancement. La Bete Humaine. CHAVAILLE (ROSALIE), cousin of La Mechain, and mother of Victor Saccard. She fell into a life of vice and poverty, and died at the age oftwenty-six. L'Argent. CHAVAL, a miner employed at the Voreux pit. From the first he had aninstinctive hatred towards Etienne Lantier, caused partly by jealousyregarding Catherine Maheu, whose lover he became. He treated the girlvery badly, and she ultimately left him. During the strike he took up aposition antagonistic to Lantier, who was one of the leaders, andeven undertook the direction of a party of Belgians brought in by themine-owners to work the pits. By a strange chance, Chaval met Lantierand Catherine in a gallery of the pit after a terrible accident, whichresulted in its being flooded; a struggle followed, and Chaval waskilled, his body being thrown into the water. But the rise of the floodbrought him back time after time to the feet of the others, as if hisjealousy continued even after death. Germinal. CHAVE (CAPTAIN), brother of Madame Maugendre, and uncle of MadameJordan. He was a petty gambler of a class who frequent the Bourse daily, in order to make an almost certain profit of fifteen or twenty francs, which must be realized before the day's operations are over. He saidhe was forced to speculate, as the pension which he received from theGovernment was not sufficient to keep him from starvation. L'Argent. CHAVIGNAT, an employee at the Ministry of Public Education. Pot-Bouille. CHEDEVILLE (DE), deputy for Eure-et-Loire under the Empire. He was anold beau who had flourished in the reign of Louis Philippe, andwas still supposed to have Orleanist sympathies, though his reputedfriendship with the Emperor was sufficient to secure his success at thepolls. He had gone through all his money, and had now only the farm ofLa Chamade left. His political career was cut short by a scandal whichgave offence at the Tuileries, and he was defeated by Rochefontaine, whowas nominated by Government as the official candidate. La Terre. CHERMETTE (MADAME DE), a friend of Madame Deberle. Une Page d'Amour. CHEVASSU, a lawyer at Faverolles, who died leaving his fortune to theSisters of the Holy Family. His cousin, M. Charbonnel, got the willreduced on the ground of undue influence. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. CHEZELLES (MADAME LEONIDE DE), a school friend of Comtesse Muffat, whowas five years her senior. She was the wife of a magistrate. "It wasrumoured that she deceived him quite openly, but people pardoned heroffence, and received her just the same, because, said they, 'She's notanswerable for her actions. '" Nana. CHIBRAY (COMTE DE), aide-de-camp to the Emperor. He was for a time thelover of Renee Saccard. La Curee. CHOUARD (MARQUIS DE), father of Comtesse Sabine Muffat de Beuville. He was a Councillor of State and Chamberlain to the Empress, but, notwithstanding this, had kept up his relations with the Legitimistparty; he was known for his piety, and expressed the belief that hisclass should show an example in morals to the lower orders. In secret, however, his life was vicious, and many damaging stories were knownof him. He was one of Nana's admirers, and after a visit to her he wasstruck by sudden imbecility and semi-paralysis, the result of sixtyyears of debauchery. Nana. CHOUARD (SABINE DE), daughter of the preceding and wife of Comte Muffatde Beuville. She was married at seventeen, and ever since had led acloistered existence with a pious husband and a dictatorial stepmother. The death of her stepmother made little difference, and the familycontinued to live in an atmosphere of frigid respectability. Atthirty-four Sabine looked little older than her own daughter, and wouldnot have been taken for more than twenty-eight. About this time ComteMuffat fell entirely under the influence of Nana, and a change cameover the household. Sabine accepted the attentions of Fauchery, whose mistress she became, and soon after launched into a course ofextravagance which in the end went far to complete the ruin to which herhusband was himself contributing. Other lovers followed Fauchery, andin the end she ran off with the manager of a large drapery store. Ultimately she returned, and was pardoned by her husband, who had losthis own self-respect as a result of his intrigue with Nana. Nana. CHOUTEAU, an old man of over ninety years of age, who with his wifelived in a little hut in Beaumont, furnished for them by Angelique witharticles taken from the attic of her adopted parents. She, as well asFelicien d'Hautecoeur, showed them much kindness. Le Reve. CHOUTEAU, a soldier in the 106th regiment of the line, commanded byColonel de Vineuil. He belonged to the squad of Corporal Jean Macquart. Originally a housepainter of Montmartre, his time was almost expiredwhen the outbreak of war prevented his leaving the army. A revolutionaryin his ideas, he was the leader in every breach of discipline amonghis companions, suggesting to them that they should throw away theirknapsacks and guns; on the plateau of Floing, in front of the enemy, he declared that as he had not eaten he would not fight. Sergeant Sapinhaving been severely wounded, Chouteau offered, along with Loubet, to remove him to the ambulance, and the two men disappeared from thebattlefield. After the defeat of the French Army he was made prisonerat Iges, where he continued to advise his companions in committing allkinds of excesses, going the length of handing a knife to Lapoulle inorder that he might kill Pache, who had hidden some provisions from him. Along with Loubet he made an attempt to escape from the Germans, andin this he attained success by treacherously sacrificing his comrade. During the Commune he took an active part in the excesses which werethen committed; but during the sanguinary repression which followedhe was seen in the blouse of an honest workman applauding the massacrewhich ensued. La Debacle. CHRISTINE. See Christine Hallegrain. CHUCHU (MADEMOISELLE), an actress at the Varietes. A liaison between herand Flory led to the ruin of the latter on the Stock Exchange. L'Argent. CLARISSE, waiting-maid in the service of Baroness Sandorff. She betrayedto Delcambre the confidences of her mistress. L'Argent. CLEMENCE, a clerk at the fish auction. She attended the meetings inLebigre's wine-shop along with Charvet, with whom she lived. Le Ventrede Paris. CLEMENCE (MADEMOISELLE), occupied a room in the same tenement-house asthe Coupeaus and Lorilleux, where she took in ironing, as well as addedto her income by less reputable means. When Gervaise Coupeau's laundrywas at the height of its success Clemence got regular employment there, but when business began to go she had to leave. L'Assommoir. CLEMENCE, lady's maid to Madame Duveyrier. Pot-Bouille. CLORINDE. See Clorinde Balbi. CLOU, Municipal Councillor at Rognes. He played the trombone at choralservices in church. La Terre. COEUR (GERMAINE), a _demi-mondaine_ who was on intimate terms with manymembers of the Paris Bourse. L'Argent. COGNET, a roadman at Rognes. He was an old drunkard, who beat hisdaughter unmercifully. La Terre. COGNET (JACQUELINE), alias LA COGNETTE, daughter of the preceding. Shewent to La Borderie at the age of twelve years, and before long hadseveral lovers. She made her fortune, however, by resisting her master, Alexandre Hourdequin, for six months, and when she ultimately becamehis mistress she had made her position so secure that he was afterwardsunable to part with her. Notwithstanding her relations with Hourdequin, she had other lovers, and the old shepherd Soulas, from motives ofrevenge, informed Hourdequin of her intimacy with one of them, a mannamed Tron. The latter, having been dismissed, killed Hourdequin andburned down the farm, so that Jacqueline was compelled to leave LaBorderie no richer than she had come. La Terre. COLICHE (LA), a fine cow which belonged to the Mouche family and was agreat favourite with them. La Terre. COLIN, a notary at Havre. It was in his presence that the Roubauds madea mutual will, leaving everything to the last survivor. La Bete Humaine. COLOMBAN PERE, a veterinary surgeon known to all in the district ofSeine-et-Oise. He was of dissolute habits. Au Bonheur des Dames. COLOMBAN, a shopman who had been for many years in the employment ofM. Baudu. He was engaged to his master's daughter Genevieve, but themarriage was put off from time to time as Baudu's business was notprosperous. Meantime, Colomban had become infatuated by Clara Prunaire, a girl employed in "The Ladies' Paradise, " and his affection forGenevieve rapidly cooled. Ultimately he went off with Clara, therebyhastening the death of Genevieve, who had been in bad health for sometime. Au Bonheur des Dames. COLOMBE. See Pere Colombe. COMBELOT (M. DE), an Imperial Chamberlain whom the Department of theLandes had chosen as deputy upon the formally expressed desire of theEmperor. He was a tall, handsome man, with a very white skin, and aninky black beard, which had been the means of winning him greatfavour among the ladies. He was married to a sister of Delestang. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. COMBELOT (MADAME DE), see Henriette Delestang. COMBETTE, a chemist at Chene-Populeux. He was assessor to the mayor, and the information which he received on the night of 27th August, 1870, satisfied him of the unhappy state of the Army of Chalons, which wasthen on its way to the front. La Debacle. COMBETTE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. It was she who on the eveningof 27th August, 1870, offered hospitality to the soldier MauriceLevasseur, who was worn out with fatigue and with the pain of his foot, which had been injured by the long march. La Debacle. COMBEVILLE (DUCHESSE DE), mother of Princess d'Orviedo. L'Argent. COMBOREL ET CIE, a firm of ship-owners who entered into the greattransport syndicate founded by Aristide Saccard. L'Argent. COMPAN (ABBE), vicar of the church of Saint-Saturnin at Plassans. He wason bad terms with Abbe Fenil, and consequently the other priests wereafraid to have any intercourse with him, Abbe Bourrette alone visitinghim during his last illness. La Conquete de Plassans. CONDAMIN (M. DE), commissioner of woods and rivers for the district ofPlassans. He was an elderly man, whose morality was looked upon withsome suspicion by the respectable inhabitants of Plassans. He marrieda young wife, whom he brought from no one knew where, but who hadevidently influential friends at Paris, as it was she who got herhusband and Dr. Porquier decorated. La Conquete de Plassans. CONDAMIN (MADAME DE), wife of the preceding. She was at first receivedwith some suspicion at Plassans, nothing being known of her pasthistory, but by the charm of her manner she soon overcame prejudice. Madame Mouret having asked her assistance in connection with the Homefor Girls proposed by Abbe Faujas, she entered heartily into thescheme and used her influence on its behalf. Acting on advice from herinfluential friends at Paris, she assisted Faujas in the schemes whichresulted in the election of M. Delangre as deputy for Plassans. LaConquete de Plassans. CONIN, a stationer at the corner of Rue Feydeau, who supplied note-booksto most members of the Bourse. He was assisted in the business by hiswife, and seldom came out of the back shop. L'Argent. CONIN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was on too friendly termswith many of her customers, but was so discreet that no scandal arose. L'Argent. COQUART (LES), proprietors of the farm of Saint-Juste, which, however, they were forced by bad times to sell. The family consisted of thefather, mother, three sons and two daughters. La Terre. COQUETS, neighbours of the Lorilleux in Rue de la Goutte-d'Or. They tooka fancy to light their cooking-stove on the stair-landing, and, asthey also owed their term's rent, they were given notice to quit. L'Assommoir. CORBIERE (COMTE DE), proprietor of the Paradou, an estate near Artaud. When he died, the care of the property was confided to Jeanbernat, afoster-brother of the Comte. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. CORBREUSE (DUC DE), proprietor of a racing-stable. Nana. CORNAILLE, the principal draper in Valognes. Denise Baudu served herapprenticeship to him. Au Bonheur des Dames. CORNEMUSE, a racehorse which was the prize of the City of Paris. Nana. CORNILLE, a member of the firm of Cornille and Jenard, who held in theeighteenth century the mineral concession of Joiselle, which was joinedin 1760 to two neighbouring concessions, those of Comte de Cougny and ofBaron Desrumaux, in order to form the Company of the Mines of Montsou. Germinal. CORNILLE (ABBE), one of the clergy of the cathedral of Beaumont. Heaccompanied Monseigneur d'Hautecoeur when the latter came to administerthe last rites of the Church to Angelique. Le Reve. CORREUR (MADAME MELANIE), was the daughter of a notary of Coulonges, atown in the district of Niort. When she was twenty-four years old sheeloped with a journeyman butcher, and thereafter lived in Paris, ignoredby her family. For some time she kept a boarding-house at the HotelVanneau in the Rue Vanneau, where among her lodgers were Eugene Rougon, Du Poizet, and Theodore Gilquin. She established a claim on Rougon'sgratitude, and he assisted a number of her friends in obtaining pensionsand appointments. Having ascertained that her brother, M. Martineau, hadmade a will by which she would benefit, she, knowing him to be in badhealth, denounced him to Rougon as a dangerous Republican. His arrestand sudden death followed. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. COSINUS, a racehorse which ran in the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. COSSARD (LE PERE), prompter at the Theatre des Varietes. He was a littlehunchback. COUDELOUP (MADAME), a baker in Rue des Poissonniers. She supplied theCoupeaus until Lantier decided that they must have finer bread from aViennese bakery. L'Assommoir. COUGNY (COMTE DE), owner in the eighteenth century of the miningconcession of Cougny, which in 1760 was joined to two neighbouringconcessions to form the Company of the Mines of Montsou. Germinal. COUILLOT (LES), peasants at Rognes. Their son got the number 206 in thedrawing for the conscription. La Terre. COUPEAU, a zinc-worker, who married Gervaise Macquart after herdesertion by Lantier. He was the son of a drunken father, but washimself steady and industrious until a serious accident caused by a fallfrom a roof brought about a change. After that he became unwilling towork and began to spend his time in public-houses; his days of workbecame fewer and fewer, until, a confirmed drunkard, he lived entirelyon his wife's earnings. Attacks of delirium tremens followed, and in theend he died in the Asylum of Sainte-Anne after an attack of more thanusual violence. L'Assommoir. COUPEAU (MADAME GERVAISE), wife of the preceding. See Gervaise Macquart. L'Assommoir. COUPEAU (ANNA, known as NANA), born 1852, was the only child of Coupeauand Gervaise Macquart, his wife. Almost from infancy she was allowed torun wild in the gutters of Paris, and even in childhood her instinctswere vicious. At thirteen years of age she was sent to learnartificial-flower making in the establishment of Madame Titreville, whose forewoman was Madame Lerat, Nana's aunt. She had been there sometime when she began to receive attentions from an elderly gentleman whohad noticed her going to work. Meantime her father and mother had takento drink so seriously that home life had become intolerable, and, afterone of innumerable quarrels, Nana ran away to her venerable admirer. After a few months she tired of him and left, to spend her time amongstthe low-class dancing-halls, in one of which she was found by herfather, who brought her home, where she remained for a fortnight, andthen ran off again. From time to time she returned, but her visitsgradually became less frequent till they ceased. L'Assommoir. At sixteen years of age she had a child by an unknown father, and twoyears later was installed in a flat in Boulevard Haussmann by a richmerchant of Moscow, who had come to pass the winter in Paris. Bordenave, the director of the Theatre des Varietes, gave her a part in a playcalled _La Blonde Venus_, and though her voice was poor and shewas ignorant of acting, she was by the sheer force of her beauty animmediate and overwhelming success. All Paris was at her feet; ComteMuffat, Steiner, the Prince of Scots himself, came in turn to offerhomage. It seemed as if this girl, born of four or five generations ofdrunkards and brought up on the pavements of Paris, was to revenge herrace upon the idle rich by the wild extravagances into which she draggedthem. Muffat and Steiner were her lovers, and ruined themselves bythe vast sums which she squandered; Georges Hugon killed himself fromjealousy of his brother Philippe, who embezzled for her sake, andbrought himself to imprisonment and disgrace; Vandeuvres too, aftercourting dishonour, met death at his own hand; and Foucarmont, strippedbare and cast off, went to perish in the China seas. The procession wasunending; more money was always required. After a successful appearancein a play called _Melusine_, Nana suddenly left Paris and went to theEast. Strange stories were told of her--the conquest of a viceroy, acolossal fortune acquired in Russia--but nothing definite was known. When she returned to Paris in 1870 she found that her son Louiset hadbeen attacked by small-pox, and she herself contracted the disease fromhim. A few days later she died in a room in the Grand Hotel, nursed onlyby Rose Mignon, who had come to her in her trouble. The war with Germanyhad just broken out, and as she lay dying the passing crowds wereshouting ceaselessly, "A Berlin, A Berlin. " Nana. COUPEAU (LOUIS). See Louiset. COUPEAU (MADAME), mother of Coupeau the zinc-worker. She was an oldwoman, and, her sight having given way, was unable to support herself. Her daughter, Madame Lorilleux, refused anything but the most triflingassistance, and ultimately Gervaise Coupeau took the old woman into herown home and supported her till her death, which occurred some yearslater. L'Assommoir. COURAJOD, a great landscape painter, whose masterpiece, the _Pool atGagny_, is in the Luxembourg. Long before his death he disappeared fromthe world of art, and lived in a little house at Montmartre surroundedby his hens, ducks, rabbits, and dogs. He refused to speak of his formerfame, and when Claude Lantier called on him the old man seemed to beentering into a second childhood, forgetful of his past. L'Oeuvre. COUTARD, a soldier of infantry who belonged to the Second Division ofthe First Army Corps, which was defeated at Wissembourg on 4th August, 1870. He and his companion Picot were slightly wounded, and were leftbehind, not being able to rejoin their regiments for three weeks, most of which they spent tramping the country through wet and mud, endeavouring to overtake the vanquished army of France. La Debacle. CRASSE (LA), i. E. "The Dirty. " Sobriquet of a professor at the collegeof Plassans, so called by the pupils as he marked by the constantrubbing of his head the back of every chair he occupied. L'Oeuvre. CREVECOEUR, a lace merchant in Rue Mail. Henri Deloche left hisemployment, and entered Octave Mouret's shop on the same day as DeniseBaudu. Au Bonheur des Dames. CRON, a carter at Vendome. He was the father of Leonie Cron. L'Argent. CRON (LEONIE), the girl to whom the Comte de Beauvilliers gave thedocument which afterwards came into the hands of Busch, and was used byhim as a means of blackmailing the widow of the Comte. L'Argent. CUCHE, a family of fisher people who resided at Bonneville. They wereruined by their house being washed away by the sea. The father andmother lived extremely dissolute lives, and their son grew up littlebetter than a savage. Pauline Quenu made great efforts to reform him, but he refused all attempts to make him settle down. La Joie de Vivre. CUDORGE (MADAME), a seller of umbrellas in the Rue Neuve de la Goutted'Or, where she was a neighbour of Gervaise Lantier. L'Assommoir. CUGNOT (PAULINE), daughter of a miller at Chartres who was ruined bya lawsuit. She came to Paris, and eventually got a situation at "TheLadies' Paradise, " where she showed much kindness to Denise Baudu, whowas at first badly treated by the other employees there. Later on shemarried Bauge, her lover, but was allowed to retain her situation. AuBonheur des Dames. D DABADIE, chief station-master at Havre. He was a handsome man, withthe bearing of a commercial magnate engrossed in business. Indeed, he willingly left the passenger department of the station to hisassistants, in order that he might give particular attention to theenormous transit of merchandise at the docks. It is said that he wason friendly terms with Mademoiselle Guichon, the office-keeper at thestation. La Bete Humaine. DAGUENET (PAUL), the favoured lover of Nana. His father who was highlyesteemed by Louis Philippe, occupied a prefecture up to the time of hisdeath. As for himself, he had gone through three hundred thousand francsin eighteen months in the pursuit of pleasure, and was only able tokeep going by small speculations on the Stock Exchange. Attracted bythe fortune of Estelle Muffat, he decided to marry her, and with theassistance of Nana obtained the consent of Count Muffat. Become seriousafter marriage, Daguenet came under the influence of Theophile Venot, and was ruled with a rod of iron by his wife, who now exhibited acharacter entirely unsuspected before. He now went to Mass, and wasfurious with his father-in-law, who was ruining the family on account ofNana. Nana. DAGUENET (MADAME). See Estelle Muffat de Beuville. DAIGREMONT, a Paris financier who was possessed of an enormous fortune. It was said that his fidelity was not quite reliable, and that on oneoccasion at least he played his allies false and swept away the profits. He was approached by Saccard before the foundation of the UniversalBank, and being assured that Eugene Rougon was to back up his brother, he agreed to become one of the directors. He supported Saccard duringthe great gamble in the shares of the bank, and even on the day of thecollapse had promised to come on the market and buy so heavily as to putup the price of the shares. Having received information throughJacoby that Gundermann was determined at any cost to break the market, Daigremont deserted Saccard, and instead of buying, sold all the shareshe had, thereby bringing about the final collapse. L'Argent. DAIGREMONT (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was celebrated for herbeauty and for her fine singing. L'Argent. DALICHAMP, a doctor at Raucourt, six kilometres from Remilly. He was aman of brusque manner, but of excellent heart, who showed much kindnessto his patients. In the middle of August, 1870, he established anambulance at Raucourt, and after Jean Macquart, severely wounded, hadarrived at the house of Pere Fouchard, Dalichamp attended him secretlytill his recovery. It was through him that Henriette Weiss and Jeangained their knowledge of the disasters which were everywhere overtakingthe French army. La Debacle. DAMBREVILLE, a Government official who married in order to securepromotion through the influence of his wife. Pot-Bouille. DAMBREVILLE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. An elderly woman with apassion for Leon Josserand, whose appointment as Maitre des Requetesshe procured by her influence. She promised to secure a wealthy wife forhim, but delayed to do so until he insisted on a match being arrangedbetween him and her niece Raymonde. Her friendly relations with himcontinued to subsist even after his marriage. Pot-Bouille. DAMBREVILLE (RAYMONDE), niece of Dambreville. See Madame Leon Josserand. DANSAERT, a head captain in the Voreux pit. He was brutal andoverbearing with the workmen, but humble in the presence of hissuperiors. Though it was well known that he was the lover of LaPierronne, he was friendly with her husband, and got information fromhim regarding the progress of the strike. On the day of the accidentin the pit he became mad with fear, and leaped into one of the cages, leaving his men at the bottom. This action, together with the scandalsregarding him, caused the company to decide on his dismissal. Germinal. DASTE (MADAME), a friend of the Saccards and of Madame de Lauwerens. LaCuree. DAUVERGNE, deputy station-master for the main lines at the GareSaint-Lazare. He occupied with his family, Claire, Henri, and Sophie, a house belonging to the railway company in the Impasse d'Amsterdam. LaBete Humaine. DAUVERGNE (CLAIRE), daughter of the preceding and sister of Sophie. The two sisters were both charming blondes, one eighteen and the othertwenty, who, amidst a constant stream of gaiety, looked after thehousekeeping with the six thousand francs earned by the two men. Theelder one would be heard laughing, while the younger sang, and a cagefull of exotic birds rivalled one another in roulades. La Bete Humaine. DAUVERGNE (HENRI), a chief guard in the service of the Western RailwayCompany. He was in love with Severine Roubaud, but was aware of herliaison with Jacques Lantier. He was injured in the railway accident atCroix-de-Maufras, and having been removed to a house which belonged toSeverine, he was nursed by her there. In a hallucination of illness, he believed that he heard, outside his window, Roubaud arranging withCabuche for the murder of Severine: his mistaken evidence was greatlyinstrumental in leading to the conviction of the two men. La BeteHumaine. DAUVERGNE (SOPHIE), the elder of the two sisters. La Bete Humaine. DAVOINE, the purchaser of Chanteau's timber business at Caen. WhenChanteau became incapacitated by gout, he sold his business to Davoinefor a hundred thousand francs, of which one-half was to be paid incash and the balance to remain in the business. Davoine was, however, constantly launching into speculations, and the consequence was thatthe profits were drained away, and the balance sheet generally showed aloss. He ultimately became bankrupt, and Chanteau lost all the money hehad left in the business. La Joie de Vivre. DEBERLE (DOCTOR HENRI), a medical man of Passy who inherited from hisfather a large fortune and an excellent practice. A chance call toattend Jeanne Grandjean led to an intimacy with her mother, whichresulted in the fleeting love episode which forms the subject ofthe novel. Deberle, deceived by the circumstances under which HeleneGrandjean prevented an assignation between his wife and M. Malignon, believed that Helene had arranged an assignation with himself, and shefound it impossible to enlighten him without compromising his wife. Thebrief liaison was terminated by the illness and death of Jeanne. UnePage d'Amour. DEBERLE (MADAME JULIETTE), wife of the preceding, was the elder daughterof M. Letellier, a wealthy silk merchant of Paris. Empty-headed and fondof gaiety, she was carried away by the attentions of M. Malignon, anidle young man who went everywhere in Paris society, and to whom she wasfoolish enough on one occasion to grant an assignation. Madame HeleneGrandjean, who was on intimate terms with the family, warned MadameDeberle that her husband's suspicions had been aroused, and that lady, seeing in time the folly of her action, broke off the intrigue. Une Paged'Amour. DEBERLE (LUCIEN), the young son of Doctor Deberle. He was a playmate ofJeanne Grandjean. Une Page d'Amour. DECKER (BARONNE), a friend of the Marquis de Chouard, who occasionallyvisited her at Viroflay. Nana. DEJOIE, a man who was appointed by Saccard to be attendant at theoffices of the newspaper purchased in the interest of the UniversalBank. He had a small sum of money, intended for the dowry of hisdaughter, and to increase this he invested it in shares of the bank. Onthe rise of the shares he gained a large sum, but, refusing to sell, helost everything in the final catastrophe. L'Argent. DEJOIE (JOSEPHINE), wife of Dejoie, who first knew her when she wascook with Madame Leveque, sister-in-law of Durieu, the brewer. She wasafterwards with Dr. Renaudin, and then in a shop in Rue Rambuteau. Thehusband and wife were never fortunate enough to get employment inone place. Josephine died when her daughter was fourteen years old. L'Argent. DEJOIE (NATHALIE), daughter of the preceding. In order to provide adowry for her, her father invested all his savings in shares of theUniversal Bank, losing everything after its failure. She was a prettygirl, but absolutely heartless, and after the downfall of the bank sheran away from home, leaving her old father in his poverty. L'Argent. DELAHERCHE (MADAME), mother of Jules Delaherche. Her husband's gay liferendered her unhappy, and after she became a widow she trembled lest herson should take to the same courses as his father; so, after marryinghim to a woman who was devout and of simple tastes, she sought to keephim in a dependent state as though he were a mere youth. At fifty yearsof age, his wife having died, Delaherche determined to marry a youngwidow about whom there had been much gossip, and did so in spite of allthe remonstrances of his mother. After that she only lived on in silentremonstrance, spending most of her time shut up in her own room. Themiseries of war told severely on the old woman, and to these wereadded domestic troubles, for she became aware of her daughter-in-law'srelations with Captain Baudoin and Edmond Lagarde. After the occupationof Sedan by the Prussians she devoted herself to nursing her old friendColonel Vineuil, who had been brought to the house severely wounded. Sheremained with him till his death, shut up from the world, and refusingto hear of the defeats daily accumulating against their unhappy country. La Debacle. DELAHERCHE (JULES), one of the principal cloth manufacturers of Sedan. He owned a large factory in Rue Maqua, which had been the property ofthe family for a hundred and sixty years; in the rear of the buildingwas a palatial courtyard shaded with old trees, gigantic elms datingfrom the foundation of the establishment. Jules, married to a woman dulland plain-looking, had been kept by his mother in the dependent positionof a mere boy, but at fifty years of age, his wife being dead, he becameenamoured of Gilberte Maginot, a pretty young widow of Charleville, and married her in spite of the determined opposition of his mother. An ardent Bonapartist, he was much excited by a chance meeting withNapoleon III, but after the repeated defeats of the army in the war withPrussia his loyalty cooled, and he ultimately charged the Emperor withall the miseries which ensued. After the battle of Sedan an ambulancewas established in the courtyard of his factory, and the wounded ColonelVineuil was removed to his house. La Debacle. DELAHERCHE (MADAME JULES). See Gilberte Vineuil. La Debacle. DELANGRE (M. ), mayor of Plassans. He was the son of a bricklayer, andwhen he passed as a lawyer had to be content with petty suits that noone else would take up. It was said that he became the lover of MadameRastoil, and it was certainly through her influence that he won hisfirst cases. He was shrewd enough to show no particular politicalproclivities; so after the _Coup d'Etat_ of 1851, when they were lookingout for a mayor, his name was at once thought of. He was elected, and from that time everything prospered with him. As a result of muchscheming by Abbe Faujas, Delangre was adopted as candidate for therepresentation of Plassans, and was elected by a triumphant majorityover Maurin, the Republican candidate. After his election, he votedsteadily with the Government, thus accomplishing the object for whichFaujas was sent to the town. La Conquete de Plassans. DELANGRE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. "She was a tame little womanof a servant-like meekness, whose dissoluteness had remained a matterof legend in Plassans. " She was consulted by Madame Mouret regardingthe Home for Girls proposed by Abbe Faujas, and agreed to act on theCommittee. La Conquete de Plassans. DELANGRE (LUCIEN), son of M. Delangre, mayor of Plassans. He was a youngbarrister of four-and-twenty, short and sharp-eyed, with a craftybrain, and pleaded with all the coolness of an old practitioner. On thesuggestion of Abbe Faujas he took a leading part in starting the Clubfor Young Men at Plassans. La Conquete de Plassans. DELAROCQUE, a stockbroker who was married to the sister of Jacoby. L'Argent. DELCAMBRE, Public Prosecutor, afterwards Minister of Justice. Havingbeen for some time the lover of Baroness Sandorff, he was much annoyedat her subsequent intimacy with Saccard, and after the failure of theUniversal Bank he instigated the proceedings which led to the convictionof its officials. L'Argent. DELESTANG (M. ), son of a wine merchant at Bercy, was himself a retiredattorney and owner of a model farm. He was a man of great wealth, but offoolish and shallow character. Having got into political trouble atthe time of the _Coup d'Etat_ of 1851, he was helped out of an awkwardposition by Eugene Rougon. Acting on the suggestion of Rougon, hemarried Clorinde Balbi, and soon after was appointed Minister ofCommerce and Agriculture. After Rougon's second retirement from officeDelestang was appointed to succeed him as Minister of the Interior. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. DELESTANG (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Clorinde Balbi. DELESTANG (HENRIETTE), sister of Delestang, the Minister, and wife ofM. De Combelot, Chamberlain to Napoleon III. She had a passion for theEmperor, who, however, would not look at her. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. DELEUZE founded, along with his brother, in 1822, the drapers' shopin Paris known as _Au Bonheur des Dames_. When he died, his daughterCaroline, who was married to Hedouin, succeeded to his share in thebusiness. Pot-Bouille. The beginning of the business was exceedingly modest; there was onlyone window in the shop, and the stock was a small one. At that time theprincipal shop in the neighbourhood was the _Vieil Elbeuf_, of whichBaudu afterwards became proprietor. Au Bonheur des Dames. DELEUZE (UNCLE), one of the founders of the shop known as _Au Bonheurdes Dames_. After the death of his elder brother he continued thebusiness along with his niece Madame Hedouin. He became much affectedby rheumatism, and left the management in the hands of Hedouin. Pot-Bouille. DELEUZE (CAROLINE). See Caroline Hedouin. DELHOMME was the son-in-law of Pere Fouan, whose daughter Fanny hemarried. He was the owner of a small farm, which he managed so well thathe became one of the richest of the peasant proprietors at Rognes. He was a man of calm, upright nature, and was frequently selected asarbiter in petty disputes. In his own affairs, however, he allowedhimself to be much influenced by his wife. He was a municipalcouncillor, and ultimately became mayor. La Terre. DELHOMME (MADAME), nee Fanny Fouan, wife of the preceding. At first anot unamiable woman, she became hardened, and eventually the cleanlinessof her house became a mania with her. She was unkind to her father, withwhose little weaknesses she had no patience, and her persecution of himwas carried to such an extent that he ceased to live with her and herhusband. She was so annoyed at this that she refused to speak to himagain, and her ill-will was not even terminated by his death. When herhusband became mayor her conceit knew no bounds. La Terre. DELHOMME (ERNEST), known as Nenesse, son of the preceding. Fromchildhood he had a fancy for dressing himself up and aping the citylads, and as he had always a horror of the land he went to Chartres toassist in a restaurant, with which was connected a public dancing-hall. His parents effected an insurance against him being drawn in theconscription; but he drew a lucky number, and the loss of the moneycaused his mother considerable annoyance. He proposed to take overthe _maison de tolerance_ at Chartres which belonged to his grand-auntMadame Badeuil and her husband, and he eventually did so by marryingtheir granddaughter Elodie Vaucogne. La Terre. DELOCHE, a bailiff in needy circumstances who resided at Briquebec. Hetreated his son Henri very badly. Au Bonheur des Dames. DELOCHE (HENRI), a young man who got employment at "The Ladies'Paradise" at the same time as Denise Baudu. He fell in love with Denise, but though she refused to marry him, they remained on friendlyterms, and on one occasion he threw a glass of wine at Favier, afellow-shopman, who repeated a slander about her. Au Bonheur des Dames. DELORME, a relation of the Quenus. On the suggestion of Madame Chanteauhe was nominated a member of the family council of Pauline Quenu. Heconsented to her emancipation. La Joie de Vivre. DENEULIN, a cousin of the Gregoires. Like his cousin, he inheriteda denier in the Montsou mines, but being an enterprising engineer, tormented by the desire for a royal fortune, he had hastened to sellout when the value of the denier reached a million francs. His wifepossessed through an uncle the little concession of Vandame, on whichwere two abandoned pits--Jean-Bart and Gaston-Marie--and he invested allhis money in the reopening of these pits. He was a bad manager, however, and after his wife's death he was pillaged by every one. The greatstrike at Montsou completed his ruin, and he was ultimately compelledto sell his pits to the great company which had already acquired allthe neighbouring mines, himself receiving a situation as divisionalengineer. Germinal. DENEULIN (JEANNE), second daughter of the preceding. Having lost theirmother when very young, she and her sister were brought up alone, somewhat badly, being spoiled by their father. Jeanne was fond ofpainting, and had already had three landscapes refused by the _Salon_. Her sister and she remained cheerful in the midst of their father's lossof fortune, and proved themselves excellent managers. Germinal. DENEULIN (LUCIE), elder daughter of Deneulin. She was fond of music, andat one time talked of going on the stage. Like her sister, she showed anadmirable spirit at the time of her father's downfall. Germinal. DENIZET, examining magistrate (_juge d'instruction_) at Rouen. Theson of a cattle-breeder, he studied law at Caen, but had entered thejudicial department of the Government late in life; and his peasantorigin, aggravated by his father's bankruptcy, made his promotion slow. After being substitute in various places he was sent to Rouen, where heacted as examining magistrate. He was fond of his profession, and at thebeginning of the inquiry into the murder of President Grandmorin allowedhimself to be carried away by his desire to elicit the facts of thecase. He received, however, a hint from Camy-Lamotte, the secretary tothe Minister of Justice, that caution must be exercised, and his desireto be decorated and removed to Paris was so great that he sacrificed theinterests of justice, and caused the case to be hushed up. Later, themurder of Severine Roubaud reopened the Grandmorin inquiry, and Denizetwas allowed a free hand in dealing with the affair. By a masterpieceof logical deduction he set out to prove the complicity of Cabuche andRoubaud, a complicity, however, which had no existence in fact, and thedemonstration of which by Denizet produced a gross error of justice. LaBete Humaine. DEQUERSONNIERE, an architect with whom Louis Dubuche served hisapprenticeship. He was a former winner of the Grand Prize, and wasarchitect of the Civil Branch of Public Works, an officer of the Legionof Honour, and a member of the Institute. His principal production wasthe church of Saint-Mathieu, a building which shared the characteristicsof a pastry-cook's mould and a clock in the style of the First Empire. L'Oeuvre. DESBAZEILLES, President of the Assize Court at Rouen on the occasionof the trial of Roubaud. He was a bachelor, and an old friend of MadameBonnehon; a friendship which still continued, notwithstanding his sixtyyears. He was the literary glory of the Court, and his cleverly turnedsonnets were well known. La Bete Humaine. DESFORGES, a stock-broker. The friendship of his wife with Hartmann, thegreat financier, had been very useful to him. He died leaving a fortune, the amount of which was minimized by some and exaggerated by others. AuBonheur des Dames. DESFORGES (MADAME HENRIETTE), daughter of a Councillor of State andwidow of a stock-broker, who left her a small fortune. "Even during herhusband's lifetime, people said she had shown herself grateful towardsBaron Hartmann, whose financial tips had proved very useful to them;and later on, after her husband's death, the acquaintance had probablycontinued, but always discreetly. " Octave Mouret, having met her atthe house of a mutual friend, made love to her, chiefly with a viewto gaining Baron Hartmann's assistance through her influence. MadameDesforges was extremely jealous when she learned of Mouret's affectionfor Denise Baudu and the probability of his marrying her. In order toinjure him, she introduced Bouthemont to Baron Hartmann, who lent himmoney to start an opposition establishment called "The Four Seasons. " AuBonheur des Dames. DESIR (VEUVE), an elderly woman who kept a ball-room known asBon-Joyeux. She called all the miners her children, and grew tenderat the thought of the flood of beer which she had poured out for themduring the last thirty years. She gave her ball-room to the miners tohold a meeting during the strike, and when the police arrived to breakit up she held the door long enough to allow those present to escape. Germinal. DESLIGNIERES, a toy-seller in Rue Saint-Roch. Au Bonheur des Dames. DESMARQUAY, a money-changer in Rue Saint-Lazare. Trublot was employed inhis office. Pot-Bouille. DESROCHES, a notary at Chene-Populeux. His house there was requisitionedfor the Emperor on 27th August, 1870, during the march of the army ofMacMahon. La Debacle. DESROCHES (MADAME), mother of the preceding. Their house adjoined theearly home of Maurice Levasseur, and she had been good to him when hewas a child. When the house was requisitioned for the Emperor, she hadto give up her room to him and take refuge in the garret. La Debacle. DESRUMAUX (BARON), one of the founders of the coal industry in the northof France. For forty years he struggled without yielding, in the midstof continual obstacles, and when at last his pits began to yield a smallprofit, two neighbouring concessions, that of Cougny, belonging to theComte de Cougny, and that of Joiselle, belonging to the Cornille andJenard Company, nearly overwhelmed him with their competition. Happily, on 25th August, 1760, a treaty was made between the three concessions, uniting them into a single one known as the Montsou Mining Company. Germinal. DESVIGNES (ADELE), see Madame Bouchard. DIDE (AUNT). See Adelaide Fouque. DIEUDONNE (MADAME), wife of a small farmer at Seguiranne. She brought upher niece Sophie, who was cured of phthisis by Doctor Pascal. Le DocteurPascal. DOMERGUE was formerly Director of Roads and Bridges at Plassans. He wasthe father of Madame Campardon. Pot-Bouille. DOMERGUE (MADAME), wife of the preceding, lived a retired life atPlassans with her husband. She introduced Octave Mouret to her daughter, Madame Campardon, when he came to Paris. Pot-Bouille. DOMERGUE (ROSE). See Madame Achille Campardon. DROUARD (MADAME), an old actress at the Theatre des Varietes. She playedthe part of Juno in the _Blonde Venus_. Nana. DUBREUIL, a cousin of the Levasseurs. He was sub-manager of the sugarrefinery at Chene-Populeux at the time Weiss was employed there; then, in 1868, he retired to a little property near Sedan which had come tohis wife as a legacy. On the evening before the battle, foreseeing thedisaster, he removed his wife and children to Bouillon, and next day thehouse was completely destroyed during the struggle. La Debacle. DUBRUEL, a pork-butcher at Plassans who took part in the attack on theTown Hall. Three days later he was killed in the ambush arranged byPierre Rougon against the Republicans. La Fortune des Rougon. DUBUCHE (ALICE), daughter of Louis Dubuche and of Regine Margaillan, hiswife. She was so delicate that at six years old she was still unable towalk. Her father endeavoured to strengthen her muscles by occasionallymaking her hold on to the bar of a trapeze for a few moments, but theexercise only seemed to produce extreme terror in the unfortunate child. L'Oeuvre. DUBUCHE (GASTON), the elder child of Louis Dubuche and of RegineMargaillan, his wife. At the age of ten he had the feeble limbs of alittle child, and though he regularly exercised on a trapeze, he wasunable to raise himself on his wrists, the least exertion producingprofuse perspiration. L'Oeuvre. DUBUCHE (LOUIS), eldest son of a baker of Plassans, and companion fromchildhood of Claude Lantier and Pierre Sandoz. His mother, who wasvery ambitious, sent him to Paris, where he studied architecture at theSchool of Art. His reverence for established formulas caused him to beout of sympathy with the advanced school of painting advocated by ClaudeLantier and his friends, though he expressed large ideals regarding hisown profession. In time he became a first-class pupil at the school, andwith infinite trouble gained the regulation "honourable mention. " Buthis parents no longer sent him any money; it became necessary for himto gain his living, and he was already tired of earning a few francs byassisting an architect incapable of drawing his own plans. By the aid ofhis master, Dequersonniere, he gained a medal for a plan of a villa, andthis brought him prominently under the notice of Margaillan, a wealthybuilding contractor, whose daughter Regine he married soon afterwards. The marriage was not a success; his wife was always ailing, and the twochildren which were born to them were so delicate as to cause constantanxiety. His business relations with his father-in-law were a failure, some of his ventures resulting in heavy loss, and Margaillan soon thrusthim aside. His only satisfaction was that he had been able to repayto his parents the money they advanced for his education in Paris. L'Oeuvre. DUBUCHE (MADAME LOUIS), wife of the preceding. See Regine Margaillan. L'Oeuvre. DUCAT, a franc-tireur of the woods at Dieulet. He was formerly a bailiffat Blainville, but had to leave on account of a criminal charge againsthim. He was a friend of Cabasse and of Guillaume Sambuc, and took partin the murder of Goliath Steinberg. La Debacle. DUCHESNE (GEORGES), a lover of Madame Bouchard, for whom she askedthe patronage of Eugene Rougon, which he refused on the ground of hisrespect for her husband. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. DUCLOUX (LA), an old woman who lived in the neighbourhood of Croix deMaufras, having formerly been servant in an inn. Misard was authorizedto employ her as gatekeeper on the railway after the death of Flore. Shewas anxious to marry Misard, and seeing him constantly searching forthe little hoard of money which had been hidden by his deceased wife, La Ducloux cleverly led him to believe that she knew where the money washidden. After she became the second Madame Misard she became infectedwith the feverish anxiety of her husband, and joined with him in hisuntiring search. La Bete Humaine. DUMONTEIL, a rich silk manufacturer at Lyons. He supplied to OctaveMouret a special make of silk with which he achieved great success. AuBonheur des Dames. DU POIZAT PERE, an old bailiff at Coulonges. He was an old miser whorefused any money to his son Leopold, and even threatened him witha pistol when he tried to borrow from him. He lived alone in an oldruinous house with a loaded gun behind the door. His son, having becomea prefect, and wishing to dazzle the old man with his fine position, attempted to force the door; then followed a drama mysterious andwithout witness, at the end of which the old man was found lying at thefoot of his staircase, with his head split open. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. DU POIZAT (LEOPOLD), son of a process-server at Coulonges, a little townin the district of Niort. His father, who had amassed a considerablefortune by usury, sent him to study law in Paris, giving him anallowance of only a hundred francs a month. Some months before therevolution of February, 1848, he became acquainted with Eugene Rougon, who, like himself, was boarding at that time with Madame Correur at theHotel Vanneau. During the Bonapartist intrigues he assisted Rougon insome risky undertakings, and later on worked energetically to secure hiselection to the Legislative Assembly as member for Deux-Sevres. Afterthe _Coup d'Etat_ Rougon used his influence on behalf of Du Poizat, andgot him appointed sub-prefect at Bressuire. He resigned this appointmenton the advice of Rougon after the resignation of the latter as Presidentof the State Council. After Rougon's return to office he was appointedprefect at Niort. His extreme harshness and overbearing conduct produceda public scandal, and the sudden death of his father, under peculiarcircumstances, still further increased his unpopularity. He was athis own request transferred to another prefecture by Delestang, whosucceeded Rougon as Minister of the Interior. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. DURIEU, a wealthy brewer who, carried away by the charm of CarolineHamelin, married her. He became an alcoholic maniac, and on one occasionpursued his wife with a knife. A separation was arranged, and Durieuultimately died in an asylum. L'Argent. DURIEU (MADAME). See Caroline Hamelin. DURIEU (LE PERE), a messenger at Plassans. He was a taciturn oldProvencal. Le Docteur Pascal. DUTILLEUL. A flour-miller at Montsou whose mills were stopped by thestrike. Germinal. DUVEYRIER (ALPHONSE), a counsellor at the Court of Appeal; marriedClotilde, daughter of M. Vabre. He was a man of dissolute habits, towhom his wife's cold nature and love of music were repugnant, and hespent much of his time away from home. He squandered large sums of moneyon a woman named Clarisse Bocquet, who afterwards left him. Having foundher again, he fell under her influence so completely as to allow herto treat him abominably. So unhappy did he become, that he attemptedto commit suicide by shooting himself; the wound was, however, not aserious one, and he recovered. Pot-Bouille. DUVEYRIER (MADAME CLOTILDE), wife of the preceding, was the onlydaughter of M. Vabre, a notary of Versailles. She did not get on wellwith her husband, who found her cold nature irksome, and, perhaps evenmore so, her love of piano-playing. Her musical evenings were attendedby Octave Mouret, the Josserands, and others of the same circle. Pot-Bouille. DUVEYRIER (GUSTAVE), son of the preceding, a thin, precocious boy ofsixteen, who was being educated at the Lycee Bonaparte. Pot-Bouille. DUVILLARD, the owner of a large house bought by Octave Mouret for theenlargement of his shop. Au Bonheur des Dames. E ECOSSE (S. A. R. LE PRINCE D'), the son of a queen and heir to a throne. He was tall and strong, with a fair beard and a fresh complexion. He wasan habitue of the Theatre des Varietes, and an admirer of Nana, whomhe wished to bring to London as a singer. Later, Nana spoke of him withlittle respect. Nana. ECREVISSE (L'), a celebrated _demi-mondaine_ of the Second Empire. LaCuree. EMPEREUR, one of the dogs of the shepherd Soulas. He was a fierceanimal, and, like his master, hated Jacqueline Cognet. La Terre. ERNESTINE, a woman who once occupied a room in Bourras's house, and hadwritten her name in candle-smoke on the ceiling. Au Bonheur des Dames. ESCORAILLES (MARQUIS D'), father of Jules d'Escorailles. "TheEscorailles family was one of the oldest in Plassans, where it wastreated with the utmost respect; and Rougon, who in former days hadoften dragged his worn-down boots past the old Marquis's house, took apride in protecting and assisting the young man. The family retained anenthusiastic devotion for Henri V, though it allowed its heir to servethe Empire. " The Marquis and his wife visited Paris specially to askthe assistance of Rougon in furthering the interests of their son. AfterRougon's proceedings against the Sisters of the Holy Family, in theinterest of the Charbonnels, they again visited Paris to insist on theirson retiring from the administration, as they said they could not allowhim to be mixed up in any persecution of the Church. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. ESCORAILLES (MARQUISE D'), wife of the preceding. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. ESCORAILLES (JULES D'), son of the Marquis d'Escorailles, a nobleman ofPlassans, at whose request Rougon got Jules an appointment as auditorat the Council of State. After Rougon's return to office he appointed M. Escorailles his private secretary. He carried on an intrigue with MadameBouchard. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. ESPANET (MARQUIS D'), husband of the Marquise Adeline. He was madeaide-de-camp to the Emperor, but by his riotous conduct scandalized theolder nobility. He never appeared in society with his wife. La Curee. ESPANET (MARQUISE D'), one of the most prominent leaders of societyof the Second Empire, was the inseparable companion of Madame Haffner, whose name was always associated with hers by the public. They were bothschoolfellows and friends of Madame Renee Saccard. La Curee. EUGENIE, cook for a short time to Madame Theophile Vabre. Pot-Bouille. EUGENIE, a child buried in the cemetery of Cayenne at Saint-Ouen, where Bongard and Sandoz read the inscription on a poor cross, withoutrailing, set up slantingly across a path, "Eugenie, three days. "L'Oeuvre. EUGENIE (EMPRESS), referred to in Son Excellence Eugene Rougon, and LaDebacle. EULALIE, a laundress who lived in Rue Montmartre. Gilquin, when visitingher, chanced to overhear in an adjoining room a conversation betweensome Italians who had come to Paris to assassinate the Emperor. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. EULALIE, a fish-seller, mistress of Bec-Sale, alias Boit-sans-soif. L'Assommoir. EULALIE (LA MERE), a vegetable seller at Montmartre. She lodged withMadame Mechain. L'Argent. EUSEBE, a choir-boy in the church of Saint-Saturnin at Plassans. Heaccompanied Abbe Bourrette to the deathbed of Abbe Compan. La Conquetede Plassans. F FAGEROLLES PERE, a manufacturer of zinc objects of art who lived ina gloomy old house in Rue Vieille-du-Temple. His workshop was on theground floor, above it was a warehouse, and still higher, facing acourtyard, were the rooms in which he lived with his son Henri. Heintended to bring up Henri as a designer of ornaments for his own trade, and when the boy showed higher ambitions, taking to painting proper andtalking about the School of Art, there were quarrels, blows, a series offalling-outs and reconciliations. Even when the young man had achievedsome success, the manufacturer of artistic zincwork, while resignedto letting him have his will, treated him harshly, like a lad who wasspoiling his career. Later, in the desire of a decoration for himself, the merchant forgot his former opposition; he held out his son, whohad now arrived at notoriety, as an additional claim for his owndistinction. L'Oeuvre. FAGEROLLES (HENRI), son of the preceding. In the gloomy house of hisfather he grew up like a true child of the Paris pavements. Though hisfather desired him to become a designer of ornaments for use in histrade, the lad had higher ambitions, and desiring to study painting, became a student at the School of Art. Notwithstanding this orthodoxtraining, he was a disciple of Claude Lantier and his somewhatrevolutionary band, whom he delighted by sly attacks upon his professorsand praise of themselves. He paid particular court to Claude, underwhose artistic influence he had come, and though he continued to paintwith tricky skill, he no longer talked in anything but the jargon of thenew open-air school. This did not prevent him, however, from elsewheremaking fun of the adepts of that school, whom he accused of doingtheir work with a kitchen ladle. He made a success with a picture of anactress before her glass, which caught the popular taste, and afterwardsappeared as an engraving. Taken up by Naudet, the picture-dealer, hebegan to receive large prices for his work, and by doing everything inhis power to make his way in society his position soon became secure. He was elected a member of the Hanging Committee of the _Salon_, andsecured the admission of Claude Lantier's picture _L'Enfant Mort_. Hemade large sums of money, in the spending of which he was assisted byIrma Becot. L'Oeuvre. FANNY (MADEMOISELLE), a work-girl in the neighbourhood of OctaveMouret's shop, who was sent there by her employer to match some merinos. Au Bonheur des Dames. FAUCHERY (LEON), a journalist and dramatic author, who wrote a piecefor the Theatre des Varietes called _La Petite Duchesse_. After numerousliaisons he became for a time the lover of Comtesse Sabine Muffat, andunder the pressure of Comte Muffat was forced to give to Nana a leadingpart in _La Petite Duchesse_. Fauchery's liaison with the ComtesseMuffat merely interrupted for a time one of older standing with RoseMignon, whose husband appeared to be content with the position ofmajor-domo in a _menage a trois_. Nana. FAUCHEUR (LE PERE) kept at Bennecourt a small country inn muchfrequented by artists. In connection with the tavern he carried on asmall business in groceries. After the death of the Faucheurs the innwas carried on by their niece Melie. L'Oeuvre. FAUCHEUR (LA MERE), wife of the preceding. She was a daughter of oldPoirette. L'Oeuvre. FAUCONNIER (MADAME), carried on a laundry business in Paris, and gaveemployment to Gervaise Macquart after her desertion by Lantier. Shecontinued on friendly terms with Gervaise after the latter's marriageto Coupeau, at which she was present. When drink had brought aboutthe Coupeaus' ruin, Madame Fauconnier again took Gervaise into heremployment, giving her work until her increasing carelessness andintemperance made her dismissal necessary. L'Assommoir. FAUCONNIER (VICTOR), the young son of Madame Fauconnier. He was an idlescamp about four years older than Nana Coupeau, and was her constantplayfellow and companion in all kinds of mischief. L'Assommoir. Nana, in talking over with Satin the events of her childhood, referredto Victor as a youth who had always shown vicious tendencies. Nana. FAUJAS (ABBE), a priest of Besancon who, having got into some troublethere, was sent to Plassans by the Government with the view ofundermining the political influence of the clergy, who were stronglyLegitimist in their views. At Plassans he took up his residence, alongwith his mother, in the house of Francois Mouret. At first he keptentirely in the background, but assisted by Madame Mouret, who hadfallen in love with him, and by Madame Felicite Rougon, acting underinstructions from her son Eugene, the Minister of State, Faujas soonbegan to make himself felt in Plassans. He appeared to take no interestin politics, but little by little he gained power, until "the conquestof Plassans" was accomplished and a supporter of the Government waselected as deputy. Meantime his influence over Madame Mouret had becomecomplete, and he had practically taken possession of the Mourets' house, his sister and her husband, as well as his mother, living there withhim. Thrust aside and neglected, Francois Mouret was wrongfully removedto the asylum at Les Tulettes, where confinement soon unhinged hisnot over-strong intellect. The Abbe now became even more arrogant, andMadame Mouret was barely tolerated in her own house. Ultimately FrancoisMouret escaped from the asylum, and returning by night to his home, set fire to it; along with him, the Abbe Faujas and all his relationsperished in the flames. La Conquete de Plassans. FAUJAS (MADAME), mother of the preceding. She accompanied the Abbe toPlassans and took up house with him there. Absolutely devoted to herson, she made herself his slave, and sacrificed everything and every oneto his interests. It was largely through her that the gradual ousting ofthe Mourets from their own home became possible; and to accomplish herends she stopped short at nothing; seldom speaking, but always watching, she was ready to grasp each opportunity as it arose. Retribution camewith the escape of Francois Mouret from the asylum, and Madame Faujasperished along with the other members of her family in the conflagrationraised by him. La Conquete de Plassans. FAUJAS (OLYMPE). See Madame Olympe Trouche. FAUQUENOIX, an associate of Baron Desrumaux in the department of themines of Montsou. Germinal. FAUVELLE, a sugar-refinery at Montsou, which suffered on account of thestrike of miners. Germinal. FAVIER, a salesman in the silk department of "The Ladies' Paradise. "He had for some reason an ill-will towards Denise Baudu and spreadscandalous stories about her. Henri Deloche, her friend, hearing him doso on one occasion, threw a glass of wine in his face. Au Bonheur desDames. FAYEUX, a collector of rents at Vendome. He did business in connectionwith Busch, and also with La Mechain, whose cousin he was said to be. Hespeculated on the bourse through Mazaud, and after the downfall ofthe Universal Bank it was found that he had embezzled large sums frompersons employing him. L'Argent. FENIL (ABBE), head of the theological seminary at Plassans. He was akeen ecclesiastic, with strong Legitimist principles, and from the firsttook up a position antagonistic to Abbe Faujas. Having great influencewith the Bishop of Plassans, he was for some time able to prevent Faujasfrom receiving preferment; a hint from Government, however, caused theBishop to change his views, and Abbe Fenil was for the time routed. Itwas suspected that he ultimately induced Antoine Macquart to plan theescape of Francois Mouret from the asylum at Les Tulettes; an escapewhich led to the death of Abbe Faujas. La Conquete de Plassans. FERAUD-GIRAUD FRERES, a firm of ship-owners who joined the greattransport syndicate formed by Aristide Saccard. L'Argent. FERNAND, a student of chemistry with Combette at Chene Populeux. Hewas a cowardly lad, whom fear of the Prussians drove into a fever. LaDebacle. FERNANDE, a chorus-girl at the Theatre des Varietes. Nana. FETU (MERE), an old woman whom Helene Grandjean visited at the requestof Abbe Jouve. At her house Helen frequently met Dr. Deberle, who wasattending her professionally at the same time. Below this house was theflat taken by M. Malignon, who had appointed Mere Fetu caretaker, andit was through her that Helene came to know of the assignation betweenMalignon and Madame Deberle. Une Page d'Amour. FIFI, the sobriquet of Fanny Menu, q. V. Pot-Bouille. FINE, the sobriquet of Josephine Gavaudan. La Fortune des Rougon. FINET (ARISTIDE), the founder of the drapery business known as the_Vieil Elbeuf_, in Paris. He was the father-in-law and predecessor ofHauchecorne. Au Bonheur des Dames. FINET (DESIREE), daughter of the preceding. She married Hauchecorne, herfather's principal salesman, who carried on the business. Au Bonheur desDames. FINET, a doctor of medicine who resided at Cloyes. He was disgusted bythe brutality of his patients, whom he accused of always sending for himwhen it was too late. His indifference became such that he did not makeany inquiries about the death of Rose Fouan, whose end was hastened byher son Buteau, or that of Pere Fouan, who was burned alive. La Terre. FIRMIN, chief huntsman to Napoleon III at Compiegne. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. FLAMINIO, the Comtesse Balbi's man-servant, "with a face like abrigand's, and a long black beard. " Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. FLEUR D'EPINE, a celebrated chief of brigands who precededBeau-Francois. La Terre. FLEURANCE, a putter in the Voreux pit who worked along with the Maheus. She was found dead in her bed, and the vacancy created in the pit wasfilled by Etienne Lantier. Germinal. FLORE, the elder daughter of Madame Misard (Aunt Phasie). After illnessrendered her mother unfit for work, Flore replaced her as gatekeeper atthe railway crossing at Croix-de-Maufras. She was a tall and strong girlof eighteen, with a magnificent head of fair hair; disdainful of themale, she had thrashed at least one would-be lover. When she was quitelittle she had loved Jacques Lantier, and now it was to him alone shewould have given herself. Jacques did not care for her, however, and shecame to know that he had a mistress, Severine Roubaud. Convinced ofher own right to be loved, for she was stronger and handsomer than theother, the girl was tortured by jealousy; and each Friday, as she sawthe express rush past, bearing the two lovers to Paris, was seizedwith an imperious desire to end everything, and by causing their deathprevent them from passing any more. She accordingly brought about aterrible railway accident, in which a large number of persons werekilled; but the crime was useless, for Severine and Jacques escaped withtrifling injuries. The thought that Jacques knew her guilt, and must infuture regard her as a monster, rendered life hateful to Flore, and tomeet death she set out on a walk of heroic determination through thetunnel of Malaunay, allowing herself to be cut in pieces by an expresstrain. La Bete Humaine. FLORENCE, an actress at the variety theatres. Marsy offered her avaluable house. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. Pauline Letellier met her one day on the boulevards accompanied byMalignon. Juliette Deberle, who was a little jealous, assured her thatFlorence was at least forty and very plain-looking. Une Page d'Amour. FLORENT, elder son of a widow who took as her second husband M. Quenu, who, however, died three years later, leaving a son. Florent was agentle, studious youth, and his mother lavished all her affection onhim, dying in the end from hardships endured in her struggle to keephim at college in Paris. After her death Florent took young Quenu, his half-brother, to live with him in Paris, giving up all thought ofcontinuing to attend the Law School, and taking pupils in order to findmeans of sustenance. Years of hardship followed, and Florent becameimbued with Republican ideas. Two days after the _Coup d'Etat_ of 1851, while the military were firing on the mob in the Boulevard Montmartre, he was knocked down and stunned. When he recovered, he found that he waslying beside the body of a young woman, whose blood had oozed from herwounds on to his hands. He was horrified at the sight, and rushed awayto join a party of men who were throwing up barricades in an adjoiningstreet. Worn out with fatigue, he fell asleep, and on awakening foundhimself in the hands of the police. His hands were still stained withthe blood of the young woman, and the authorities assumed that he was adangerous character. The semblance of a trial followed; he was condemnedand transported to Cayenne. After incredible hardships and sufferings, he escaped and returned to France. Famished and exhausted, he trampedtowards Paris, and had fallen in a faint on the road when he wasovertaken by Madame Francois, who took him the rest of the journey onher cart. During his long absence his brother Quenu had at first beentaken in by Gradelle, a brother of his mother, to whose business ofpork-butcher he ultimately succeeded. Florent on his return from exilewas warmly received by his brother and Madame Quenu, who told him thatGradelle, his uncle, had died, leaving a considerable sum, and that asthere was no will he was entitled to a half-share. He refused to acceptthis, but agreed to live with the Quenus. This arrangement answeredwell at first, but Madame Quenu got tired of seeing him always about thehouse, and let him see that he must secure employment. After some timehe got an appointment as deputy inspector at the Fish Market. He wasintroduced by Gavard to a small revolutionary circle which met nightlyin a cafe kept by M. Lebigre, and of which he soon became the leader. Meantime, Mlle. Saget, who from a chance word of Pauline, the littledaughter of Quenu, had learned Florent's past history, spread the storyin the markets, and a strong feeling was awakened against him. Hissister-in-law, Lisa, alarmed lest her husband should be compromised bythe revolutionary conspiracy, thought it her duty to inform the police. She learned, however, that Florent's history had all along been known, Lebigre being a police spy, and that only a favourable opportunity wasbeing awaited to arrest the whole gang of conspirators. The blow fellsoon afterwards, and Florent was again sentenced to transportation toCayenne. Le Ventre de Paris. FLORY was born at Saintes, his father being employed in the localregistry office. He came to Paris and entered the office of Mazaud, thestockbroker. At first he did his duties well, but was soon led astrayand got into debt. Having started speculation on his own account, hebecame deeply involved in the Universal bank, and on the failure of thatconcern was left with a liability of a hundred thousand francs, tomeet which he had not a single sou. Subsequently he was arrestedand imprisoned for embezzling a large sum from Mazaud, his employer. L'Argent. FONTAN (ACHILLE), an actor at the Theatre des Varietes who played partsin _La Blonde Venus_ and _La Petite Duchesse_. He became for a time thelover of Nana, but treated her so abominably that she left him. Nana. FONTENAILLES (MLLE. DE), was descended from an aristocratic family, butwas in great poverty when a situation was found for her in "TheLadies' Paradise" through the influence of Madame Desforges. She provedincapable of anything but the most menial work, and ultimately marriedJoseph, one of the porters in the establishment. Au Bonheur des Dames. FOUAN, alias BUTEAU. See Buteau. FOUAN (FANNY). See Madame Delhomme. FOUAN (HYACINTHE), the elder son of Pere Fouan and Rose Maliverne, hiswife. He was an idler and drunkard, who, when he had left the army, after having seen service in Africa, had taken to tramp the fields, refusing to do any regular work, but living by theft and poaching, asthough he were still looting a trembling nation of Bedouins. Withalthere looked out of his fine, sunken eyes a merriment that was notaltogether evil, the open heart of good-humoured drunkenness. He livedwith his daughter in a ruined hut amongst some rocks near Rognes. Afterthe division of land by his father, Hyacinthe soon mortgaged his shareand drank the proceeds, never paying to his parents any part of therent which had been agreed upon. For a time he sheltered his father, but frightened the old man by searching for some bonds which he hadconcealed. He had, however, neither the cold rapacity of his sisterFanny nor the murderous instincts of his brother Buteau. La Terre. FOUAN (JOSEPH CASIMIR), the father of Marianne, Louis, Michel, andLaure. Born in 1766, he belonged to a family of peasant proprietorswhich for centuries had owned land, in varying quantities, inthe neighbourhood of Rognes. They were originally serfs of theRoques-Bouqueval family. Bit by bit they acquired their land, until, when the Revolution of 1789 arrived, the Fouan of that day, JosephCasimir, was the owner of twenty-one acres--the conquest of fourcenturies from the seigneurial territory. When, in 1793, the rest of theestate was declared national property and sold in lots by auction, he was too timid to purchase any, and had the mortification to see LaBorderie sold to Isidore Hourdequin, a citizen of Chateaudun, for afifth of its value. When he became old he divided his twenty-one acresbetween three of his family, Marianne, Louis, and Michel, and gave acorresponding sum of money to his younger daughter Laure, who had beenbrought up as a sempstress and was in service at Chateaudun. La Terre. FOUAN (LAURE), younger daughter of the preceding. See Madame CharlesBadeuil. FOUAN (LOUIS), known as Pere Fouan. He was the son of Joseph CasimirFouan, and married Rose Maliverne, by whom he had three children, Hyacinthe, Buteau, and Fanny. He received seven acres of land fromhis father, and his wife brought him twelve acres more. This landhe cultivated well, and with a passion for the soil, as such, whichamounted to frenzy. It alone had his love, and his wife and childrentrembled before him under a rude despotism. At seventy years of agehe was still healthy, but his limbs were failing, and he reluctantlydecided to divide his land between his children. He retained hishouse and garden, which had come to him with his wife, and his familyundertook to pay him a rent for the land handed over to them. Upon this, along with a nest-egg of three hundred francs per annum, known to noone, the old people would be able to live comfortably. The divisionmade, the family soon became rapacious; Hyacinthe never paid anything, Buteau only a part, and Delhomme, Fanny's husband, alone fulfilled hisobligation. Mere Fouan died, and the old man lived alone for a year;after that he went to his daughter Fanny Delhomme, but her unkindnessmade his life miserable, and he accepted in turn the hospitality of histwo sons, Buteau and Hyacinthe, both of whom had come to suspect theexistence of his nest-egg and were anxious to secure it. In this sordidaim Buteau was eventually successful, and his subsequent treatment ofthe old man was even more infamous than it had been before. From thistime Pere Fouan lived in isolation; he spoke to none and looked at none;as far as appearances went, he might have been blind and dumb. But evenworse was to follow. He had seen the assault on Francoise Mouche whichresulted in her death, and to ensure his silence he was murdered byButeau and Lise, his son and daughter-in-law, who attempted to suffocatehim, and subsequently burned him alive in his bed. La Terre. FOUAN (MADAME ROSE), wife of the preceding, nee Maliverne. She worked onthe farm like a man, rising first and going to bed last, her only rewardbeing that she had lived. Stupid, and reduced by labour to the level ofan animal, she had always trembled before the despotic authority of herhusband. She brought up her family without love, and as if she resentedtheir requiring even the simple necessaries of life. She did notlong survive the division of land by her husband. Her favouritism forHyacinthe, her elder son, excited the jealousy of Buteau, who in thecourse of a quarrel threw her to the ground, when she received suchinjuries that she died a few hours afterwards. La Terre. FOUAN (MARIANNE). See La Grande. FOUAN (MICHEL). See Pere Mouche. FOUAN (OLYMPE), daughter of Hyacinthe. Her mother, who was a tramp, ranoff when the child was three years old, leaving her to grow up as bestshe could. She was passionately fond of geese, of which she had a largeflock. When little more than a child, she had as her lovers Delphin Becuand Nenesse Delhomme. La Terre. FOUCARMONT, a naval officer who in ten years saved some money which heproposed to invest in the United States. He fell into the hands of Nana, however, and was soon completely ruined. When she turned him out ofdoors penniless, she merely advised him to go back to his ship. He wasdrowned later in the China seas. Nana. FOUCART, the owner of a cheap restaurant frequented by Jory, Mahoudeau, and their band. L'Oeuvre. FOUCART (MADAME), the nurse who attended Sidonie Rougon at the birthof Angelique and left the child at the foundling hospital. She assistedSidonie both by taking her into her house and lending her money, butwhen Madame Foucart herself fell into difficulties Sidonie did nothingfor her, not even paying back what she owed. It was from Madame Foucartthat Hubert subsequently got information regarding the parentage ofAngelique. Le Reve. FOUCHARD, father of Honore Fouchard, and uncle, on the mother's side, ofHenriette and Maurice Levasseur. He was a small farmer at Remilly, whoto make money more quickly took up the trade of butcher also. Avariciousto the last degree, and with a nature of unpitying hardness, he opposedthe marriage of Honore with his servant Silvine Morange. At the end oftwo years of waiting Honore went off, after a terrible scene with hisfather, though the old man still kept the girl, with whom he waswell pleased. When the French troops were marching to Sedan, Fouchardconcealed all the animals on his farm, burying even his supply of breadand wine, in the hope of being able to sell to better advantage lateron. The death of his son, who was killed in the battle, cost him a fewtears, but he was quickly consoled by some good purchases of horsesstolen from the battlefield. He took Prosper Sambuc as farm-worker, because the soldier, being liable to imprisonment by the Prussians, could not ask him for any wages. He began to do a considerable tradein butcher-meat with the conquering army, selling them all the diseasedanimals that he could secure. A suspicion of being concerned in thedeath of Goliath Steinberg led to his arrest, but he was released soonafterwards, thanks to the intervention of Captain von Gartlauben, afriend of the Delaherches. La Debacle. FOUCHARD (HONORE), only son of the preceding. At twenty years of age, in1867, he drew a good number for the conscription, but on account ofthe opposition of his father to his marriage with Silvine Morange, heenlisted, and was sent to Africa, in the artillery. When he heard thatSilvine had become the mistress of Goliath Steinberg he became soill that he had to remain in hospital for three months. He afterwardsreceived a letter from Silvine saying that she had never loved any onebut him, and when passing through Remilly on his way to the front, hesaw her and forgave everything. His battery was among those which on 1stSeptember, 1870, defended the Calvary d'Illy, but was cut to pieces bythe terrible fire of the Prussians. Honore was killed, and fellacross his gun, firmly grasping the letter from Silvine, which in hisdeath-struggle he had drawn from his bosom. La Debacle. FOUGERAY (MADEMOISELLE DE), eldest daughter of the Baronne de Fougeray. She entered a convent, because it was said, a young man with whom shewas in love had died. The event created much talk in all classes ofsociety in Paris. Nana. FOUQUE (ADELAIDE), generally known as Aunt Dide, the common ancestressof the Rougon-Macquarts, born at Plassans in 1768, was the lastrepresentative of a family who had owned a market-garden there forseveral generations. "This girl, whose father died insane, was a long, lank, pale creature, with a scared look and strange gait. " In 1786, six months after the death of her father, she married one of her ownworkmen, named Rougon, "a rough-hewn peasant from the Basses Alpes. "Rougon died fifteen months after his marriage, leaving a son namedPierre. Scarcely a year had elapsed before the widow took as her lover aman named Macquart, who lived in a hovel adjoining her own property, andtwo children were born. The legitimate son, Pierre Rougon, was broughtup along with his half brother and sister, Antoine and Ursule, withwhom, however, he was not on good terms. From her eighteenth yearAdelaide was subject to nervous fits, which brought on convulsions, andthough she was not yet insane, these repeated shocks produced cerebraldisorders. "She lived from day to day like a child; like a fawninganimal yielding to its instincts. " These conditions continued for abouttwenty years, till the death of Macquart, and the children grew up asbest they could. By this time Pierre realized the situation, and playingupon his mother's mental weakness, he brought her completely underhis sway. On the death of Macquart, Adelaide went to live in thehovel bequeathed to her by him, and Pierre sold the family property, appropriating the price. Living at first entirely alone, her intellectbecame more and more affected by the recurring convulsive fits. Subsequently her grandson Silvere Mouret lived with her, but afterhis execution, of which she was a witness, she became quite insane. LaFortune des Rougon. She was always under restraint, and remained a living sore to thefamily. The little property which belonged to her son Antoine Macquartwas close to the asylum where she was confined, and Pierre Rougon seemedto have placed him there to look after her. Adelaide seldom spoke, and for twelve years had never moved from her chair. La Conquete dePlassans. At 104 years old she was still living in the asylum at Les Tulettes. She was little better than a skeleton, and in her long, thin face itwas only in the eyes that there was any sign of life. Immovable in herchair, she remained from year to year like a spectre, calling up thehorrors of her family history. A sudden accident, the death of littleCharles Saccard from nasal hemorrhage, wakened in her sleeping brainrecollections of years before; she saw again the murder of Silvere, killed by a pistol-shot, and she saw also her lover Macquart, thesmuggler, killed like a dog by the gendarmes. The shock proved too muchfor her feeble strength, and she died the following day (in 1873), aged105 years, three months, and seven days. Le Docteur Pascal. FOUSSET (LE PERE), tenant of the farm of Millouard, in the Cantonof Orgeres. He was a victim of the band of brigands commanded byBeau-Francois. La Terre. FRANCHOMME (LOUIS), a cousin of Francoise Hamelin and her brother, withwhom he went to reside for a time when recovering from a fever. Hiswife having become fond of Angelique Marie, who lived at that time withFrancoise Hamelin, he obtained permission to take her to Paris, whereshe could be taught the trade of making flowers. Unfortunately, however, he died three months later. Le Reve. FRANCHOMME (THERESE), wife of the preceding. After the death of herhusband, she, being in delicate health, was obliged to leave the cityand go to live with her brother Rabier, a tanner, who was settled atBeaumont. She died a few months afterwards, leaving to the care of theRabiers the child Angelique, whom she had brought with her from Paris. Le Reve. FRANCIS, the hairdresser of Nana. He was in the habit of lending moneyto his customers, and on one occasion he found, with the assistance ofLabordette, a hundred thousand francs for Comte Muffat, who required themoney for Nana. Nana. FRANCIS, coachman to the Gregoires. He also did the heavy work of thehousehold. Germinal. FRANCOIS, a wine-merchant whose shop was situated at the corner of Ruedes Poissonniers and of Rue de la Goutte d'Or. Coupeau frequently spentwhole days there. L'Assommoir. FRANCOIS, concierge and footman in Nana's establishment. He was thehusband of Victorine, the cook. He received visitors in the hall, wearing a gorgeous livery. Nana. FRANCOIS (MADAME), a market-gardener of Nanterre. She drove regularlyto Paris in the early morning with her vegetables, and on one occasionfound Florent lying on the road from want and exhaustion. She took himto town in her cart, and subsequently showed kindness to him and ClaudeLantier. Le Ventre de Paris. FRANCOISE, housemaid to Madame Theophile Vabre. Pot-Bouille. FRANCOISE, the servant of M. And Madame Sandoz in their little house inRue Nollet. L'Oeuvre. FRANGIPANE, a horse which belonged to Baron Verdier and ran in the GrandPrix de Paris. Nana. FREDERICK (MADAME), a widow who held the position of "second hand" inthe dress department of "The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. FIRMAT, an old peasant of Rognes who was a neighbour of Mouche. Hebecame paralysed. La Terre. FIRMAT (LA), wife of the preceding. She was well known in the villagefor her knowledge of animals, and was frequently consulted when itwould otherwise have been necessary to call in a veterinary surgeon. Sheworked hard to support her invalid husband, to whom she was devoted, andwept at the thought that he was soon to die. La Terre. G GABET (MERE), an old woman who assisted the Huberts with their washing. She became ill, and being in great poverty, was assisted by Angelique, and later by Felicien. Le Reve. GAGA, an elderly _demi-mondaine_ who had flourished in the reign ofLouis Philippe, and was still notorious in the Second Empire. She hada daughter named Lili, who became the mistress of the Marquis Chouard. Nana. GAGEBOIS, glass-works at Montsou. The strike of miners led to the firesbeing extinguished. Germinal. GAGNIERE, an artist, one of the band of Claude Lantier. He belonged toMelun, where his well-to-do parents, who were both dead, had left himtwo houses; and he had learned painting, unassisted, in the forestof Fontainebleau. His landscapes were conscientious and excellent inintent, but his real passion was music. Becoming more and more engrossedin this, he took lessons in playing the piano from a middle-aged ladywhom he married soon afterwards. He established himself at Melun in oneof his two houses, going to Paris two or three times a month to attend aconcert, and he continued to exhibit each year at the _Salon_ one of hislittle studies of the banks of the Seine. L'Oeuvre. GALISSARD, a haberdasher of Plassans, whose daughter married ProfessorLalubie. She was a pretty girl to whom Claude Lantier and Sandoz used tosing serenades. GARCONNET, a Legitimist who was Mayor of Plassans at the time of the_Coup d'Etat_. He was taken prisoner by the insurgents. La Fortune desRougon. GARTLAUBEN (VON), captain in the Prussian Army. During the occupation ofSedan he was billeted on Delaherche. He was a person of some importance, as his uncle had been made Governor-General at Rheims, and exercisedsovereign power over the district. Fascinated by Gilberte Delaherche, his chief wish was to be taken for a man of refinement, and not fora barbarous soldier. He was able to render some services to theDelaherches, and to make the Prussian occupation easier for them. LaDebacle. GASC, proprietor of a racing-stable. One of his horses, named Boum, ranin the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. GASPARINE, a tall, handsome girl of Plassans, with whom AchilleCampardon fell in love. She had no money, however, and he married hercousin Rose Domergue, who had a dowry of thirty thousand francs. Tearsand recriminations followed, and Gasparine went to Paris, where for sometime she had a situation in the shop of Madame Hedouin. Madame Campardonhaving fallen into ill-health, her husband returned to his first love, and a liaison existed between him and Gasparine for a considerabletime. Ultimately she went to live with the Campardons, and managed theirhousehold affairs. Pot-Bouille. GASTON was the son of a general, and was the same age as the PrinceImperial, though much stronger than he. The Emperor frequently madeinquiries regarding the child. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. GAUDE, bugler in the 106th regiment of the line. "He was a big, skinny, sorrowful, taciturn man, without a hair on his chin, and blew hisinstrument with the lungs of a whirlwind. " On the 1st September, duringthe defence of the Hermitage, he became seized with the madness ofheroism, and continued to blow after his comrades had been slain anduntil he himself was shot down. La Debacle. GAUDIBERT (ISIDORE), Mayor of Barbeville since 1850, wrote some poetryon political subjects, and was decorated by the Minister of State, Eugene Rougon. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. GAUDRON, husband of Madame Gaudron. He was described as having thesluggishness of a beast. L'Assommoir. GAUDRON (MADAME), a wool-carder who lived with her husband and theirlarge family in the same tenement-house as the Coupeaus and theLorilleux. She was one of the guests at the Coupeaus' wedding. L'Assommoir. GAUDRON FILS, the eldest child of the Gaudrons, was a journeymancarpenter. L'Assommoir. GAUJEAN (M. ), a silk manufacturer of Lyons who was dissatisfied withthe monopoly created by the large establishments, such as that of OctaveMouret, and thought it could be broken by the creation of special shopsin the neighbourhood, where the public could find a large and variedchoice of articles. With this object he assisted Robineau to purchaseVincard's business by giving him credit to a large amount; the schemewas not successful, and he lost heavily. Au Bonheur des Dames. GAUTIER, a wine-grower at Saint-Eutrope, with whom Francois Mouret haddealings at one time. La Conquete de Plassans. GAVARD, originally kept a rotisserie or poultry-roasting establishmentin the Rue Saint-Jacques, at which time he became acquainted withFlorent and Quenu. In 1856 he retired from this business, and to amusehimself took a stall in the poultry-market. "Thenceforth he lived amidstceaseless tittle-tattle, acquainted with every little scandal in theneighbourhood. " Gavard was a leading spirit in the revolutionary circlewhich met in Lebigre's wine-shop, and was the means of bringing Florentto attend the meetings there. He was arrested at the same time asFlorent and was transported. Le Ventre de Paris. GAVAUDAN (JOSEPHINE), a market-woman of Plassans who married AntoineMacquart in 1826. She was much addicted to drink, but worked in order tokeep her husband in idleness. She died in 1850. La Fortune des Rougon. GEDEON, an ass which belonged to Mouche. It was very mischievous, andon one occasion got access to a vat of new wine, with the result that itbecame extremely drunk. La Terre. GEORGES, a young man whose acquaintance Renee Saccard made by chancewhile walking one day on the Quai Saint-Paul. Her fancy for him passedwithout her ever having asked his family name. La Curee. GERALDINE, a character in _La Petite Duchesse_, played by ClarisseBesnus at the Theatre des Varietes. It was originally intended that thepart should be played by Nana. Nana. GILQUIN (THEODORE), a lodger at Madame Correur's hotel at the sametime as Eugene Rougon and Du Poizat. A man of shady character, he wasfrequently employed by Rougon, and by a fortunate accident was able togive him warning of the Orsini plot against the life of the Emperor. Hewas rewarded with the appointment of Commissary of Police at Niort. Onthe order of Rougon, he arrested Martineau, Madame Correur's brother. Hewas removed from his position on account of having compromised himselfby taking a bribe to procure a conscript exemption from service. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. GIRAUD (TATA) kept at Plassans a boarding-school for children, where thesculptor Mahoudeau had known Pierre Sandoz and other comrades who metlater in Paris. L'Oeuvre. GODARD (ABBE), cure of Bazoches-le-Doyen. The authorities of Rognes, which was in his parish, refused to provide for a priest of their own, and Abbe Godard, in order to perform Mass, had to walk each Sunday thethree kilometres which separated the two communes. He was a short, stout man of hasty temper, who was disgusted with the indifference andirreligion of his parishioners, and his services were the shortest andbaldest possible. In spite of his temper, he had, however, a passion forthe miserable, and to these he gave everything--his money, his linen, almost the clothes off his back. La Terre. GODEBOEUF, a seller of herbs who occupied the shop in Rue Pirouettewhich formerly belonged to Gradelle, the pork-butcher. Le Ventre deParis. GODEMARD, a pupil of Dequersonniere, the architect. See Gorju. L'Oeuvre. GOMARD, the keeper of a working-man's cafe in Rue de la Femme-sans-Tete, under the sign _Au Chien de Montargis_. Claude Lantier occasionally tookhis meals there. L'Oeuvre. GONIN, a family of fisher-folks who lived at Bonneville. It consisted ofGonin, his wife, and one little girl. A cousin of the wife, named Cuche, came to live with them after his house had been washed away by the sea. Gonin soon after fell into bad health, and his wife and Cuche treatedhim so badly that the police talked of an inquiry. Pauline Quenu triedto reform the little girl, who had been allowed to grow up wild. La Joiede Vivre. GORJU, a pupil of Dequersonniere, and himself a future architect. On oneof the walls of the studio one could read this brief statement: "The 7thJune, Gorju has said that he cared nothing for Rome. Signed, Godemard. "L'Oeuvre. GOUJET, a blacksmith from the Departement du Nord, who came to Paris andgot employment in a manufactory of bolts. "Behind the silent quietudeof his life lay buried a great sorrow: his father in a moment of drunkenmadness had killed a fellow-workman with a crowbar, and after arrest hadhanged himself in his cell with a pocket-handkerchief. " Goujet and hismother, who lived with him, always seemed to feel this horror weighingupon them, and did their best to redeem it by strict uprightness. "Hewas a giant of twenty-three, with rosy cheeks and blue eyes, and thestrength of a Hercules. In the workshop he was known as Gueule d'Or, on account of his yellow beard. With his square head, his heavy frame, torpid after the hard work at the anvil, he was like a great animal, dull of intellect and good of heart. " For a time the Coupeaus werehis neighbours, and he came to love Gervaise with a perfectly innocentaffection, which survived all disillusionments, and subsisted up to thetime of her death. It was he who lent her money to start a laundry, andafterwards repeatedly assisted her when in difficulties. L'Assommoir. GOUJET (MADAME), mother of the preceding, was a lace-mender, and livedwith her son in part of the house first occupied by the Coupeaus. Sheshowed much kindness to them, though she was distressed by her son'sinfatuation for Gervaise, and did not altogether approve of his lendingher money to start a laundry. Notwithstanding this, she continued toassist Gervaise until neglect of work entrusted made it impossible to doso longer. She died in October, 1868, of acute rheumatism. L'Assommoir. GOURAUD (BARON), was made a Baron by Napoleon I, and was a Senator underNapoleon III. "With his vast bulk, his bovine face, his elephantinemovements, he boasted a delightful rascality; he sold himselfmajestically, and committed the greatest infamies in the name of dutyand conscience. " La Curee. GOURD (M. ), at one time valet to the Duc de Vaugelade, and afterwardsdoorkeeper in the tenement-house in Rue de Choiseul which belonged to M. Vabre, and was occupied by the Campardons, the Josserands, and others. He spent much of his time spying on the tenants, and posed as guardianof the morals of the establishment. Pot-Bouille. GOURD (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was the widow of a bailiff atMort-la-Ville, and she and her present husband owned a house there. Shewas exceedingly stout, and suffered from an affection of the legs whichprevented her from walking. Pot-Bouille. GRADELLE, brother of Madame Quenu, senr. , and uncle of Florent andQuenu. He was a prosperous pork-butcher in Paris, and after Florent'sarrest he took young Quenu into his business. He died suddenly, without leaving a will, and Quenu succeeded to the business, and toa considerable sum of money which was found hidden at the bottom of asalting-tub. Le Ventre de Paris. GRAND-DRAGON (LE), one of the band of brigands led by Beau-Francois. LaTerre. GRANDE (LA), elder daughter of Joseph Casimir Fouan, and sister of PereFouan, Michel Mouche, and Laure Badeuil. Married to a neighbour, AntoinePechard, she brought to him seven acres of land against eighteen whichhe had of his own. Early left a widow, she turned out her only daughter, who, against her mother's will, wished to marry a poor lad named VincentBouteroue. The girl and her husband died of want, leaving two children, Palmyre and Hilarion, whom their grandmother refused to assist. Ateighty years of age, respected and feared by the Fouan family, not forher age but for her fortune, she exacted the obedience of all, and stilldirected the management of her land. She bitterly reproached her brotherLouis for dividing his property between his children, and warned himthat he need not come to her when they had turned him into the street, athreat which she carried into effect. She took delight in the squabblesof the Fouan family, exciting their cupidity by promising them a shareof her property at her death. Meantime she made a will which was socomplicated that she hoped it would lead to endless lawsuits amongst herheirs. La Terre. GRANDGUILLOT, a notary at Plassans. He embezzled large sums belongingto his clients, among whom was Dr. Pascal Rougon, and thereafter fled toSwitzerland. Le Docteur Pascal. GRANDJEAN (M. ), son of a sugar-refiner of Marseilles. He fell in lovewith Helene Mouret, a young girl of great beauty, but without fortune;his friends bitterly opposed the match, and a secret marriage followed, the young couple finding it difficult to make ends meet, till thedeath of an uncle brought them ten thousand francs a year. By this timeGrandjean had taken an intense dislike for Marseilles, and decided toremove to Paris. The day after his arrival there he was seized withillness, and eight days later he died, leaving his wife with onedaughter, a young girl of ten. Une Page d'Amour. GRANDJEAN (MADAME HELENE), wife of the preceding. See Helene Mouret. GRANDJEAN (JEANNE), born 1842, was the daughter of M. Grandjean andHelene Mouret, his wife. She inherited much of the neurosis of hermother's family along with a consumptive tendency derived from herfather, and from an early age had been subject to fits and other nervousattacks. One of these illnesses, more sudden and severe than usual, caused her mother to summon Doctor Deberle, and thus led to an intimacywhich had disastrous results. Jeanne's jealous affection for her motheramounted almost to a mania, and when she came to suspect that Dr. Deberle had become in a sense her rival, she worked herself into sucha nervous state that she exposed herself to a chill, and having becomeseriously ill, died in a few days, at the age of thirteen. Une Paged'Amour. GRANDMORIN (LE PRESIDENT), one of the directors of the Western RailwayCompany. "Born in 1804, substitute at Digne on the morrow of the eventsin 1830, then at Fontainebleau, then at Paris, he had afterwards filledthe posts of procurator at Troyes, advocate-general at Rennes, andfinally first president at Rouen. A multi-millionaire, he had beenmember of the County Council since 1855, and on the day he retired hehad been made Commander of the Legion of Honour. " He owned a mansionat Paris in Rue du Rocher, and often resided with his sister, MadameBonnehon, at Doinville. His private life was not unattended by scandal, and his relations with Louisette, the younger daughter of Madame Misard, led to her death. A somewhat similar connection with Severine Aubry, a ward of his own, had less immediately serious consequences, ashe arranged for her marriage to Roubaud, an employee of the railwaycompany, whom he took under his protection. Three years later Roubaudlearned the truth by chance, and murdered Grandmorin in the Havreexpress between Malaunay and Barentin. The President left a fortune ofover three and a half million francs, among other legacies being oneto Severine Roubaud of the mansion-house of Croix-de-Maufras. La BeteHumaine. GRANDMORIN (BERTHE), daughter of the preceding, was the wife of amagistrate, M. De Lachesnaye. She was a narrow-minded and avariciouswoman, who affected ignorance of her father's real character, and theinfluence of her husband tended to increase her meanness. After themurder of President Grandmorin, when vague suspicions fell on Roubaud, Berthe took up a position antagonistic to her old play-fellow SeverineRoubaud, in the hope that a legacy left by Grandmorin to her would becut down. La Bete Humaine. GRANDSIRE (M. ), the justice of peace who assisted the Huberts in makingthe necessary arrangements for their adoption of Angelique. Le Reve. GRANOUX (ISIDORE), one of the group of conservatives who met in PierreRougon's yellow room to declaim against the Republic. La Fortune desRougon. GRAS (MADAME), an old lady living in the Rue des Orties, who boarded andlodged young children for a small sum. When Denise Baudu got a situationin "The Ladies' Paradise, " she put her young brother Pepe under thecharge of Madame Gras for a time. Au Bonheur des Dames. GREGOIRE (CECILE), daughter of Leon Gregoire. Her parents were devotedto her, and brought her up in happy ignorance, allowing her to do muchas she liked. They taught her to be charitable, and made her dispensetheir little gifts to the poor; these were always in kind, as they heldthat money was likely to be misused. When the great strike broke out atMontsou, Cecile could comprehend nothing of the revolt of the poor, orthe fury with which they regarded those better off than themselves, and when she fell into the hands of a fierce crowd was almost paralysedunder the attack of La Brule and of Pere Bonnemort, from which sheescaped with difficulty. A little later she chanced to call on acharitable errand at Maheu's house, and unfortunately was left alone fora few moments with Bonnemort, who was now supposed to be helpless. Thesight of her seemed, however, to waken memories in the old man, for inan accession of madness he found strength to throw himself upon the poorgirl and strangle her. Germinal. GREGOIRE (EUGENE), grandfather of Leon Gregoire. He inherited the sharein the Montsou mine bought by his father, but the dividends at thattime were small, and as he had foolishly invested the remainder ofthe paternal fortune in a company that came to grief, he lived meanlyenough. The share passed to his son Felicien. Germinal. GREGOIRE (FELICIEN), son of the preceding and father of Leon Gregoire. The family fortune began with him, for the value of the share inthe Montsou mine had greatly increased, and he was able to buy thedismembered estate of Piolaine, which he acquired as national propertyfor a ludicrous sum. However, bad years followed; it was necessary toawait the conclusion of the revolutionary catastrophes, and afterwardsNapoleon's bloody fall. The little fortune of Felicien Gregoire passedto his son Leon. Germinal. GREGOIRE (HONORE), great-grandfather of Leon Gregoire. He was in 1760steward on the estate of Piolaine, a property which belonged to BaronDesrumaux. When the Montsou treaty was made, Honore, who had laid upsavings to the amount of some fifty thousand francs, yielded tremblinglyto his master's unshakable faith. He gave up ten thousand francs, andtook a share in the Montsou Company, though with the fear of robbing hischildren of that sum. When he died his share passed to his son Eugene. Germinal. GREGOIRE (LEON), great-grandson of Honore Gregoire. It was he whoprofited at a stupefying rate of progress by the timid investment of hisancestor. Those poor ten thousand francs grew and multiplied with thecompany's prosperity. Since 1820 they had brought in cent for cent tenthousand francs. In 1844 they had produced twenty thousand; in 1850, forty. During two years the dividend had reached the prodigious figureof fifty thousand francs; the value of the share, quoted at the LilleBourse at a million, had centrupled in a century. Six months later anindustrial crisis broke out; the share fell to six hundred thousandfrancs. But Leon refused to be alarmed, for he maintained an obstinatefaith in the mine. When the great strike broke out he would not bepersuaded of its seriousness, and refused to admit any danger, until hesaw his daughter struck by a stone and savagely assaulted by the crowd. Afterwards he desired to show the largeness of his views, and spoke offorgetting and forgiving everything. With his wife and daughter Cecilehe went to carry assistance to the Maheus, a family who had sufferedsadly in the strike. Cecile was unfortunately left alone with oldBonnemort, Maheu's father, who in a sudden frenzy attacked the girland strangled her. This terrible blow entirely shadowed the lives ofGregoire and his wife. Germinal. GREGOIRE (MADAME LEON), wife of the preceding, was the daughter ofa druggist at Marchiennes. She was a plain, penniless girl, whom headored, and who repaid him with happiness. She shut herself up in herhousehold, having no other will but her husband's. No differenceof tastes separated them, their desires were mingled in one idea ofcomfort; and they had thus lived for forty years, in affection andlittle mutual services. Germinal. GRESHAM, a jockey who, it was said, had always bad luck. He rodeLusignan in the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. GROGNET, a perfumer in Rue de Grammont, whose business was ruined by thegrowth of Octave Mouret's great establishment. Au Bonheur des Dames. GROSBOIS, a Government surveyor who had also a small farm at Magnolles, a little village near Rognes. Liable to be summoned from Orgeres toBeaugency for purposes of survey, he left the management of his own landto his wife, and in the course of these constant excursions he acquiredsuch a habit of drinking that he was never seen sober. That matteredlittle, however; the more drunk he was the better he seemed to see;he never made a wrong measurement or an error in calculation. Peoplelistened to him with respect, for he had the reputation of being a sly, acute man. La Terre. GUENDE (MADAME DE), a friend of the Saccards. She was a woman well knownin the society of the Second Empire. La Curee. GUEULE-D'OR, the sobriquet of Goujet. L'Assommoir. GUEULIN, nephew of Narcisse Bachelard, was a clerk in an insuranceoffice. Directly after office hours he used to meet his uncle, and neverleft him, going the round of all the cafes in his wake. "Behind thehuge, ungainly figure of the one you were sure to see the pale, wizenedfeatures of the other. " He said that he avoided all love affairs, asthey invariably led to trouble and complications, but he was ultimatelycaught by his uncle in compromising circumstances with MademoiselleFifi, who was a protegee of the old man. Bachelard insisted on theirmarriage, and gave the girl a handsome dowry. Pot-Bouille. GUIBAL (MADAME), wife of a barrister well known at the Palais deJustice, who led, it was said, a somewhat free life. The husband andwife were never seen together, and Madame Guibal consoled herself withM. De Boves, from whom she derived such large sums of money that hefound difficulty in carrying on his own establishment. She was a tall, thin woman, with red hair, and a somewhat cold, selfish expression. AuBonheur des Dames. GUICHON (MADEMOISELLE), the office-keeper at the railway station atHavre. She was a slim, fair woman about thirty years of age, who owedher post to M. Dabadie, the chief station-master, with whom it wasgenerally believed she was on intimate terms. Nevertheless MadameLebleu, who lived on the same corridor and kept perpetual watch, hadnever been able to discover anything. La Bete Humaine. GUIGNARD, a peasant who belonged to the same village as Zephyrin Lacour. He desired to sell his house, and Zephyrin and Rosalie, his sweetheart, looked forward to buying it. Une Page d'Amour. GUILLAUME, a peasant of Rognes. He owned a piece of land beside thehovel of Hyacinthe Fouan. La Terre. GUILLAUME, a young swineherd at La Borderie. He afterwards became asoldier. La Terre. GUIRAUD (M. DE), a magistrate of Paris, who was a friend of DoctorDeberle and visited at his house. Une Page d'Amour. GUIRAUD (MADAME DE), wife of the preceding. She was on intimate termswith Madame Deberle, and took part in the amateur theatricals arrangedby that lady. Une Page d'Amour. GUIRAUDE (MADAME), mother of Sophie and Valentin, patients of Dr. Pascal. Her husband died of phthisis, and she herself suffered from aslow decomposition of the blood. She died soon after her son Valentin. Le Docteur Pascal. GUNDERMANN, the great Jew banker, master of the Bourse and of thefinancial world. He was a man of over sixty years of age, who had longsuffered from ill-health. Constantly engaged in business of thegreatest magnitude, he never went to the Bourse himself; indeed, he evenpretended that he sent no official representatives there. He was not onfriendly terms with Saccard, and when the Universal Bank was startedhe placed himself in antagonism towards it. The wild speculation in theshares of the bank gave him his chance; his principle was that whena share rose above its true value a reaction was bound to follow. Accordingly, when the bank shares rose to two thousand francs he beganto sell, and though Saccard by steady buying forced them to over threethousand francs, he continued to sell. His losses meantime were, ofcourse, enormous, but having got information through Baroness Sandorffthat Saccard's resources were at an end, he made a final effort, withthe result that a panic ensued, the price of the shares broke, andSaccard, along with the bank, was ruined. L'Argent. GUNTHER (OTTO), captain in the Prussian Guard. He was a cousin of Weisson the mother's side. His feelings were strongly anti-French, and herefused to give any assistance to Henriette Weiss after the death of herhusband, when she was searching for his body. La Debacle. GUSTAVE, Maxime Saccard's hairdresser. La Curee. GUTMANN, a soldier in the Prussian Army, who took part in the attackon Bazeilles. It was he who tore Henriette Weiss from the arms of herhusband, who, being a civilian, was about to be executed for firingupon the Prussian troops. Henriette found him later in the ambulanceat Remilly. He was unable to speak, a ball having carried away half histongue, and they could only guess from the sounds he made that his namewas Gutmann. Henriette, moved by pity, remained with him to the end, andshe alone followed him to the place of burial. La Debacle. GUYOT (ABBE), a priest of Saint-Eutrope. He took duty temporarily atArtaud while Abbe Mouret was ill. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. GUYOT-LAPLANCHE, a man of considerable importance in the Second Empire, whom Clorinde Balbi gained to the cause of Eugene Rougon. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. H HAFFNER, a well-known manufacturer, at Colmar. He was amulti-millionaire, and became a politician during the time of the SecondEmpire. He was the husband of Suzanne Haffner. La Curee. HAFFNER (MADAME SUZANNE), wife of a celebrated manufacturer of Colmar, a millionaire twenty times over, whom the Empire was transforming into apolitician. She was the inseparable companion of the Marquise d'Espanet, and had been a schoolfellow of Madame Renee Saccard. La Curee. HALLEGRAIN (CAPTAIN JACQUES), the father of Christine. He was a Gasconfrom Montauban. A stroke of paralysis in the legs caused his retirementfrom the army, and he settled at Clermont with his wife and daughter. One day, when they were at church, he died of a second attack ofparalysis. L'Oeuvre. HALLEGRAIN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She survived him for fiveyears, remaining at Clermont, managing as well as she could on herscanty pension, which she eked out by painting fans, in order to bringup her daughter as a lady. During these five years Madame Hallegrainbecame each day paler and thinner, until she was only a shadow; onemorning she could not rise, and she died, looking sadly at Christine, with her eyes full of great tears. L'Oeuvre. HALLEGRAIN (CHRISTINE), daughter of the preceding, was born atStrasburg. Her father died when she was twelve years old, and hermother, who had a severe struggle to make a living for herself and herchild, only survived him five years. Christine was left pennilessand unprotected, without a friend, save La Mere des Saints-Anges, theSuperior of the Sisters of the Visitation, who kept her in the conventuntil she got a situation as reader and companion to Madame Vanzade, anold lady who lived in Paris. Chance led to a meeting between Christineand Claude Lantier on the evening of her arrival in the city, and theacquaintanceship ripened into love. Ultimately she ran off with him, andthey took up house at Bennecourt, where they lived happily for severalyears, a son being born to them in 1860. She was devoted to Claude, who was engrossed in his art, and when she saw that he was becomingdiscontented in the country she urged his return to Paris. There hebecame obsessed by the idea of a masterpiece, by means of which hewas to revolutionize the world of art, and Christine allowed him tosacrifice their child and herself to his hopes of fame. They began toencroach on the principal of their small fortune, and while this lastedwere not unhappy, though Claude's increasing mental disturbance alreadygave cause for anxiety. Their marriage had taken place some timepreviously, and this had tended to make her position more comfortable. The exhaustion of their means was followed by great hardships, butChristine continued to sacrifice everything to her husband. The death oftheir child drew him away from his task for a time, but he again tookit up, his mind becoming more and more unhinged. Christine made a lasteffort to detach him, but the call of his masterpiece was too strong, and one morning she found him hanging in front of the picture, dead. Shefell on the floor in a faint, and lay there to all appearance as dead asher husband, both of them crushed by the sovereignty of art. L'Oeuvre. HAMELIN (CAROLINE), sister of Georges Hamelin, accompanied him to Parisafter the death of their father. She took a situation as governess, andsoon after married a millionaire brewer in whose house she was employed. After a few years of married life, she was obliged to apply for aseparation in order to avoid being killed by her husband, a drunkardwho pursued her with a knife in fits of insane jealousy. Living withher brother, in the flat of the Orviedo mansion above that occupied bySaccard, she made the acquaintance of the latter, becoming after a timehis housekeeper and subsequently his mistress. During the absence of herbrother in the East, after the foundation of the Universal Bank, shedid everything she could to protect his interests, and tried to persuadeSaccard to discontinue the gambling in the shares of the bank whichultimately led to its ruin. Like her brother, she sold all her shares inthe bank, and after the final crash divested herself of all her means inthe assistance of ruined shareholders. She followed her brother in hisflight to Rome. L'Argent. HAMELIN (GEORGES), son of a Montpellier physician, a remarkable savant, an enthusiastic Catholic, who had died poor. After his father's deathhe came to Paris, along with his sister Caroline, and entered thePolytechnic school. He became an engineer, and having receivedan appointment in connection with the Suez Canal, went to Egypt. Subsequently he went to Syria, where he remained some years, laying outa carriage road from Beyrout to Damascus. He was an enthusiast, andhis portfolio was full of schemes of far-reaching magnitude. Having metSaccard in Paris, he joined with him in the formation of the UniversalBank, which was intended to furnish the means of carrying out some atleast of his schemes. Against his wish, Hamelin was made chairman of thebank, and he thus became liable for the actions of the other directors, though he was himself absent in the East forming the companies in whichthe bank was interested. He was a man of high honour, and when thegamble in the shares of the bank reached an excessive point, he did allhe could to restrain it, even selling his own shares. The money receivedfor these was subsequently used in relieving other shareholders who losttheir all. When the crash came, Hamelin was arrested along with Saccard, and, after trial, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment and a fineof three thousand francs. By a technicality of law they were allowed amonth to appeal, during which they were at liberty. With the connivanceof Eugene Rougon, they fled the country, Hamelin going to Rome, where hesecured a situation as an engineer. L'Argent. HAMELIN (FRANCOISE), sister of M. Hamelin, a farmer, who lived atSoulanges. She brought up Angelique Marie, who was handed over to her bythe Foundling Hospital when only a few days old. Angelique remained withher until she went to Paris with Madame Franchomme, some years later. LeReve. HARDY, tax-collector at Cloyes. La Terre. HARTMANN (BARON), Director of the Credit Immobilier, a concern whichhad large interests in property immediately adjoining "The Ladies'Paradise. " The Baron had been a lover of Madame Desforges, and throughher influence he agreed to give financial support to Octave Mouret, thereby enabling him to carry out the large schemes of extension towhich he had long looked forward. Au Bonheur des Dames. HAUCHECORNE, principal assistant in the draper's shop known as _VieilElbeuf_. He married Desiree, the daughter of his employer, and succeededto the business, which he ultimately handed over to Baudu, his ownson-in-law. Au Bonheur des Dames. HAUCHECORNE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Desiree Finet. HAUCHECORNE (ELIZABETH), daughter of the preceding. See Madame Baudu. HAUTECOEUR (MONSEIGNEUR JEAN D') was a member of one of the oldest andproudest families in France. He was for some time in the army, anduntil he was forty years of age he led an adventurous life, travellingeverywhere and having many strange experiences. At last he chancedto meet Mademoiselle Pauline, daughter of the Comte de Valencay, verywealthy, marvellously beautiful, and scarcely nineteen years of age. They were married, but at the end of a year Pauline had a son and died. A fortnight later M. D'Hautecoeur entered into Holy Orders, and soonbecame a priest; twenty years afterwards he was made a bishop. Duringall that time he refused to see Felicien, his son, who had been broughtup by an old abbot, a relation of his wife. He intended to have his sonbrought up as a priest, but the lad having no vocation, he gave up theidea and brought him to live at Beaumont. There Felicien met and fellin love with Angelique, but the Bishop sternly forbade any thought ofmarriage between them, and even went the length of arranging a marriagebetween his son and Claire de Voincourt. A touching personal appealby Angelique had no effect in gaining the Bishop's consent, but he wassecretly much moved, and when she fell into ill-health he himself cameto administer the last rites of the Church. Her semi-miraculous recoveryled to the Bishop consenting to his son's marriage, which was celebrateda few months later in the cathedral of Beaumont. Le Reve. HAUTECOEUR (MARQUISE JEAN XII DE). See Paule de Valencay. HAUTECOEUR (ANGELIQUE DE). See Angelique Marie. HAUTECOEUR (FELICIEN D'), only child of Jean d'Hautecoeur, who wasafterwards Bishop of Beaumont. Felicien's mother having died at hisbirth, his father took Holy Orders, and refused to see him for overtwenty years. Having ultimately come to live with his father atBeaumont, Felicien met and fell in love with Angelique, the adopteddaughter of Hubert, the chasuble-maker. The Bishop having absolutelyrefused to consent to the marriage, the Huberts endeavoured to separatethe lovers by persuading Angelique that Felicien no longer cared forher. They were aided in this by a rumour that Felicien was to marryClaire de Voincourt. A meeting between Angelique and Felicien clearedaway the mists, but by this time the girl had fallen into ill-health andappeared to be dying. The Bishop, who had formerly been secretly movedby an appeal made to him by Angelique, came to administer to her thelast rites of the Church. A semi-miraculous recovery followed, and, the Bishop having consented, Felicien was married to Angelique in thecathedral of Beaumont. The recovery had, however, been a mere spark ofan expiring fire, for as Felicien led his new-made wife to the cathedralporch, she slipped from his arm, and in a few moments was dead. Le Reve. HAZARD, a horse in the Mechain stable. It ran in the Grand Prix deParis. Nana. HEDOUIN (CHARLES), originally a salesman in the draper's shop knownas _Au Bonheur des Dames_, he became a partner by marrying CarolineDeleuze, a daughter of one of the proprietors. He fell into ill-health, but when he died the business was left in a flourishing condition. Pot-Bouille. HEDOUIN (MADAME CAROLINE), wife of M. Hedouin, the proprietor of adraper's shop in Paris known as "The Ladies' Paradise. " She was ahandsome woman with strong commercial capabilities, and during thefrequent absences of her husband she undertook the management of thebusiness. When Octave Mouret came to Paris, he first got employment at"The Ladies' Paradise, " and with a view to establishing his position heconceived the idea of becoming Madame Hedouin's lover. She discouragedhis advances, however, and he gave up his situation. M. Hedouin diedsoon afterwards, and his widow, finding the responsibilities of businesstoo heavy, invited Octave Mouret to return; a few months afterwards theywere married. Pot-Bouille. After her marriage with Octave Mouret the business extended rapidly, andan enlargement of the shop soon became necessary. While the work was inprogress she met with an accident which resulted in her death three dayslater. Au Bonheur des Dames. HELENE (DUCHESSE), the principal character in _La Petite Duchesse_, a piece by Fauchery played at the Theatre des Varietes. The part wasoriginally given to Rose Mignon, but was played by Nana, who was acomplete failure in it. Nana. HELOISE, an actress at the Folies. She was plain-looking, but veryamusing. Au Bonheur des Dames. HENNEBEAU, general manager of the Montsou Mining Company, was born inthe Ardennes. In his early life he had undergone the hardships of a poorboy thrown as an orphan on the Paris streets. After having followedthe courses of the Ecole des Mines, at the age of twenty-four he becameengineer to the Sainte-Barbe mine, and three years later he becamedivisional engineer in the Pas-de-Calais, at the Marles mines. Whenthere he married the daughter of the rich owner of a spinning factory atArras. For fifteen years they lived in the same small provincial town, and no event broke the monotony of existence, not even the birth ofa child. An increasing irritation detached Madame Hennebeau, whowas disdainful of this husband who gained a small salary with suchdifficulty. The misunderstandings between them became more pronounced, but with the view of pleasing his wife Hennebeau accepted a situation inan office in Paris. But Paris only completed their separation, for sheimmediately threw herself into all the luxurious follies of the period. During the ten years spent there she carried on an open intrigue witha man whose desertion nearly killed her. It was then that her husbandaccepted the management of the Montsou mines, still hoping that his wifemight be changed down there in that desolate black country. When thegreat strike of miners broke out he at first minimized its seriousness, thinking that it would not last a week. By his lack of decided actionhe forfeited to some extent the confidence of his directors, but heregained this by the subsequent measures taken by him for bringing thestrike to an end, and ultimately received the decoration of an officerof the Legion of Honour. His domestic life was, however, once moreembittered by the discovery of a liaison between his wife and hisnephew, Paul Negrel. Germinal. HENNEBEAU (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was the daughter of a richspinner at Arras. She did not get on well with her husband, whom shedespised for his small success, and after she accompanied him toParis she entered into a notorious liaison with a man whose subsequentdesertion nearly killed her. For a time after their removal toMontsou she seemed more contented, but this did not last long, and sheultimately consoled herself with her husband's nephew, Paul Negrel. She was angry at the strikers, as they interfered with the arrivalof provisions for a dinner-party which she was giving; but she wasincapable of understanding the sufferings of the miners and theirfamilies in the hardships they were forced to undergo. Germinal. HEQUET (CAROLINE), a well-known _demi-mondaine_ in Paris. Her father, who was a clerk in Bordeaux, was long since dead, and her mother, accepting the situation, looked after Caroline's financial affairs withthe strictest regularity. She bought the estate known as _La Mignotte_after Nana tired of it. Nana. HEQUET (MADAME), mother of the preceding. She was a model oforderliness, who kept her daughter's accounts with severe precision. Shemanaged the whole household from some small lodgings two stories aboveher daughter's, where, moreover, she had established a work-room fordressmaking and plain sewing. Nana. HERBELIN, a great chemist whose discoveries revolutionized thatscience. Lazare Chanteau, who was for some time in his laboratory as anassistant, got from him the idea of extracting chemicals from seaweed bya new process. La Joie de Vivre. HERMELINE, a student of rhetoric at the college of Plassans. He was inlove with Sister Angele, and once went the length of cutting his handswith his penknife to get an opportunity of seeing and speaking to herwhile she dressed his self-inflicted hurts. In the end the student andthe Sister ran off together. L'Oeuvre. HIPPOLYTE, valet to Duveyrier. Pot-Bouille. HIPPOLYTE, valet to Hennebeau, the manager of the Montsou MiningCompany. Germinal. HOMME NOIR (L'), an apparition said to haunt the Voreux pit. It was saidto take the form of an old miner who twisted the necks of bad girls. Germinal. HONORINE, a maid-servant with the Gregoires. She was a girl of sometwenty years, who had been taken in as a child and brought up in thehouse. Germinal. HONORINE, a servant in the employment of the Badeuils. When dismissedfor misconduct she became insolent. HORN (LEA DE), a Parisian _demi-mondaine_ whose drawing-room wasfrequented by some of the old ministers of Louis Philippe. Nana. HORTEUR (ABBE), parish priest of Bonneville, was a thick-set man ofpeasant-like build whose red hair was still unsilvered by his fiftyyears. Much of his time was spent in cultivating a small plot of groundin the churchyard, which he had enclosed as a vegetable garden. Withregard to religion, he had come to be contented with the observance ofoutward ceremonies, and his tolerance had degenerated into a state ofindifference as to the spiritual condition of his flock. He was on goodterms with Chanteau, with whom it was his custom to play draughts everySaturday. La Joie de Vivre. HOTON, a sugar-refinery at Montsou. Its prosperity was greatly affectedby the strike of miners. Germinal. HOURDEQUIN (ALEXANDRE), born 1804, was the only son of IsidoreHourdequin. He studied at the college of Chateaudun, but made littleprogress, as his only interest was in farming, for which he had anabsolute passion. On the death of his father he became master of LaBorderie, which he cultivated on the latest principles of agriculture, spending large sums upon it. He married a sister of Baillehache, thenotary, who brought him a considerable sum, which also went into theland. His wife died in a few years, leaving him with two children, ason named Leon, who to his great disappointment became a soldier, and adaughter who died young. In spite of these misfortunes he retained allhis passion for the land, and in it he gradually sunk all his fortune, getting little from it in return. A liaison with Jacqueline Cognet, followed, and she gradually acquired complete influence over him. Hedied as the result of an accident brought about by Tron, one of his ownservants, who was also a lover of Jacqueline. La Terre. HOURDEQUIN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See MademoiselleBaillehache. La Terre. HOURDEQUIN (ISIDORE), born 1767, was the descendant of an old peasantfamily of Cloyes, which had educated and elevated itself into amiddle-class position in the sixteenth century. They had all beenemployed in the administration of the salt monopoly, and Isidore, who had been left an orphan, was worth sixty thousand francs, when attwenty-six, the Revolution cost him his post. As a speculation he boughtthe farm of La Borderie for a fifth of its value, but the depreciationof real estate continued, and he was unable to resell it at the profitof which he had dreamed. He therefore determined to farm it himself, andabout this time he married the daughter of a neighbour, who broughthim an additional hundred and twenty acres of land. He had one son, Alexandre, and died in 1831. La Terre. HOURDEQUIN (LEON), son of Alexandre Hourdequin. He had an intensehatred of the soil and became a soldier, being promoted Captain afterSolferino. He did not visit his home more than once a year, and wasmuch annoyed to discover the liaison between his father and JacquelineCognet. He endeavoured to get the latter into disgrace, but the onlyeffect was to make a complete breach between his father and himself. LaTerre. HOURDEQUIN (MADEMOISELLE), the second child of Alexandre Hourdequin. Shewas a delicate and charming girl, tenderly loved by her father. She diedyoung, a short time after her mother. La Terre. HOUTELARD, a fisherman of Bonneville, whose house was washed away afterthe destruction by the sea of the barricade erected by Lazare Chanteau. La Joie de Vivre. HUBERT, a chasuble-maker who lived in a house immediately adjoiningthe cathedral of Beaumont. "For four hundred years the line of Huberts, embroiderers from father to son, had lived in this house. " At twentyyears of age he fell in love with a young girl of sixteen, Hubertine, and as her mother refused to give her consent to their union they ranaway and were married. On the morning after Christmas, 1860, he foundthe child Angelique lying in a fainting condition in the snow outsidethe cathedral door. Having taken her into his house, he and his wifesoon became attached to her, and as they had no children, ultimatelyadopted her as their daughter. Le Reve. HUBERTINE, wife of the preceding. At the age of sixteen she fell inlove with Hubert, the chasuble-maker, and as her mother, widow of amagistrate, would not give her consent, they ran away and were married. A year later she went to the deathbed of her mother, who, however, disinherited her and gave her her curse. "So affected was she by theterrible scene that her infant, born soon after, died. " The Huberts hadno other children, and after twenty-four years they still mourned thelittle one they had lost. She warmly approved of the adoption by herhusband and herself of the foundling child Angelique, whom she treatedwith the greatest kindness. From the bitterness of her own experienceshe had a horror of disobedience to parents, and when she found that theconsent of Monseigneur d'Hautecoeur could not be obtained to a marriagebetween his son Felicien and Angelique, she did all she could to severthe lovers. In this she was successful for a time, until the illness ofAngelique, and her miraculous recovery, induced the Bishop to give hisconsent. Le Reve. HUE (M. ) a retired Government official, who was a sincere lover of art. He was unfortunately not rich enough to be always buying pictures, andcould only bewail the blindness of the public which allowed a geniusto die of starvation; for he himself, convinced, had selected ClaudeLantier's crudest works, which he hung by the side of his Delacroix, predicting an equal fortune for them. L'Oeuvre. HUGON (MADAME), mother of Philippe and Georges Hugon. She was the widowof a notary, and lived quietly at Fondettes, an old family property nearOrleans, but had retained a house in Paris in Rue de Richelieu. She hadbeen an old friend of the Marquise de Chouard, and was on intimate termswith her daughter, the Comtesse Sabine. A woman of high principles, shebelieved that one should overlook much in others in order that somethingmight be pardoned in oneself. In this she contrasted strongly withher old friend the Marquis de Chouard, who professed the most rigorousvirtue while he secretly lived a shameful life. She was, however, unableto bear with equanimity the eccentricities of Nana, her neighbour in thecountry, who led Philippe Hugon into dishonour, and his brother Georgesto suicide. Nana. HUGON (GEORGES), the younger son of Madame Hugon. At seventeen years ofage he became infatuated with Nana, and a liaison with her followed. Hismother, having discovered the state of affairs, interfered, and kept himat Fondettes for some months after Nana had returned to Paris, buthe ultimately followed her there. Though he was not affected by theknowledge that Nana had other lovers, he was driven to frenzy whenhe learned that his brother Philippe had become one of the number. He implored Nana to marry him, and when she refused to take his offerseriously he plunged a pair of her scissors into his breast. The injurywas not immediately fatal, but he died a few months afterwards; somesaid as the result of the wound reopening, while others spoke of asecond and successful attempt at suicide. Nana. HUGON (PHILIPPE), the elder son of Madame Hugon. A tall, handsomeyouth, he quickly attained the rank of lieutenant in the army, and wasstationed first in the garrison at Bourges, and afterwards at Vincennes. His mother imprudently sent him to endeavour to release Georges fromthe toils of Nana, with the result that he was himself ensnared. He hadlittle money of his own, and, as the demands of Nana were unceasing, he began to take small sums from the regimental funds, of which hewas treasurer. The thefts went on for a considerable time, and whendiscovery was made they amounted to twelve thousand francs. Philippe wasarrested, and when he was released from prison some months afterwards, dishonoured for ever, he was only in time to join his mother at thedeath-bed of her other son, who was also a victim to Nana's unhappyinfluence. Nana. HUGUENIN, held a sinecure worth six thousand francs at the Ministry ofthe Interior. When he died Eugene Rougon, the Minister, gave the post toLeon Bejuin. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. HUPEL DE LA NOUE (M. ), _prefet_ of the district for which M. Mareuil wasmember. He arranged the _tableaux vivants_ at the great party given byAristide Saccard. La Curee. HURET, a member of the Chamber of Deputies who obtained his electionthrough the influence of Eugene Rougon. His very existence depended onthe favour of the Minister of State, towards whom he conducted himselfas a sort of general servant. "By following this calling for a coupleof years he had, thanks to bribes and pickings, prudently realized, beenable to increase his estates. " Having ascertained that Rougon would notoppose the foundation of the Universal Bank, Huret became a director;later on, when the shares had risen to their highest point, he sold outin the knowledge that Rougon had decided to abandon his brother and thata catastrophe would be inevitable. L'Argent. HUTIN, a salesman in the silk department of "The Ladies' Paradise. ""He had managed after eighteen months' service to become one of theprincipal salesmen, thanks to a natural flexibility of character, acontinual flow of caressing flattery under which was concealed a furiousrage for business. " Having conspired against Robineau, the "second hand"in his department, he succeeded him, only to be conspired against inturn by his own subordinates. When Denise Baudu first came to "TheLadies' Paradise" Hutin showed her some kindness, for which she wasgrateful, but ultimately he made statements about her which wereentirely without foundation. Au Bonheur des Dames. HUTIN (MADAME), a woman who lived in the vicinity of the _HallesCentrales_, and was spied on by Mademoiselle Saget, whose penetratingeyes allowed none of her neighbours to escape notice. Le Ventre deParis. I ISABELLE, a character in _La Petite Duchesse_ a piece by Fauchery, played at the Theatre des Varietes. The part was taken by SimonneCabiroche. Nana. J JABOUILLE, an herbalist, whose shop was situated in Rue de Cherche-Midi. He was a widower, and married for the second time a woman namedMathilde. His shop was at one time prosperous, but business fell awayuntil what was left was only that of an equivocal character. He died ofsyncope induced by phthisis. L'Oeuvre. JABOUILLE (MADAME MATHILDE), wife of the preceding. She was a woman ofabout thirty, plain-looking, and exceedingly thin. From the time ofher marriage to Jabouille, his business began to decrease, and this, it would appear, was due to her reputation, which alarmed the morerespectable customers. Her liaisons were numerous, and includedMahoudeau, Chaine, and Jory, but after the death of her husband shemarried the last named, settling down into respectability and ruling himwith a rod of iron. L'Oeuvre. JACOBY, a Jew from Bordeaux, between whom and Mazaud there was keenrivalry. "Though of great experience and shrewdness, he was sorelyhandicapped by his passion for speculation, and in spite of considerableprofits always seemed on the eve of a catastrophe. His money meltedaway on settling days. " He acted as broker for Daigremont, and alsofor Gundermann. The great gamble in the shares of the Universal Bankresolved itself into a duel between Jacoby and Mazaud, the one sellingon behalf of Gundermann, and the other buying on behalf of Saccard;and the final catastrophe was hastened by Jacoby warning Daigremont ofGundermann's determination to crush out the bank. L'Argent. JALAGUIER (MADAME), a protegee of Madame Correur, who induced EugeneRougon, the Minister, to increase the old lady's pension considerably. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. JALAGUIER FILS, son of the preceding. Madame Correur took an interestin him, and asked Eugene Rougon to secure a scholarship for him. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. JANTROU, an ex-professor of the University of Bordeaux, who inconsequence of some misconduct was obliged to leave for Paris, withoutcaste or position. At the age of twenty-eight, he landed at the Bourse, where for ten years he dragged out existence as a _remisier_ or broker'stout. At the time of the foundation of the Universal Bank he suggestedto Saccard the purchase of a newspaper to be employed in the interestof the company. The purchase was carried out, and Jantrou was appointededitor. Subsequently other papers were acquired, which he manipulated soas to keep the bank continually before the public. He gave informationto Baroness Sandorff which she repeated to Gundermann, who was inducedthereby to continue his attack on the bank. L'Argent. JEANBERNAT, the caretaker of the deserted estate of Paradou in Provence. He lived by himself with his niece Albine in an old house on the borderof the demesne. In an attic he had found a large number of books whichhad been saved from a fire in the old mansion, and these he studiedfor twenty years, imbibing from them the rationalistic theories of theeighteenth century. He had no respect for religion, and particularlydisliked Brother Archangias, who insulted both him and his niece. Afterthe death of Albine he attacked Archangias, and cut off his right earwith a pocket-knife. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. JENARD, a partner in the firm of Cornille and Jenard, which developed inthe eighteenth century the mineral concession of Joiselle. Germinal. JESUS CHRIST, the sobriquet of Hyacinthe Fouan. La Terre. JEUMONT (M. AND MADAME), were well known in society during the SecondEmpire. The Emperor admired Madame Jeumont, and her husband wasdecorated by him. L'Argent. JOBELIN (AUGUSTE), son of Colonel Jobelin. Contrary to regulations, Eugene Rougon took him into the office of the Minister of the Interiorwithout the necessary bachelor's degree. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. JOBELIN (COLONEL), a friend of Eugene Rougon, through whose aid he hopedto secure a nomination as commander of the Legion of Honour, and anappointment for his son. He was a cousin of M. Bouchard. AfterRougon's return to office he received the appointment as commander. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. JOIRE (ABBE), Cure of Montsou. He pretended not to interest himself inanything, so as not to vex either the workers or the masters. Duringthe strike he took his walks at night, to prevent himself from beingcompromised by the miners. He obtained promotion, and was replaced byAbbe Ranvier. Germinal. JONCQUIER, a lover of Rose Mignon, who deserted her for a time in favourof Laure. Nana. JONCQUOY (MADAME DU), an old friend of the Muffats. Years ago she hadmet Bismarck, who struck her as stupid; she was unable to understand hislater success. Nana. JORDAN (PAUL), a journalist, whose father, a Marseilles banker, hadcommitted suicide in consequence of some disastrous speculations. Hemarried a daughter of M. Maugendre, to whom he had been betrothed inmore prosperous days. His wife brought him no dowry, as her parents wereagainst the marriage on the ground of Jordan's occupation and wantof means. Having made the acquaintance of Saccard, he received anappointment on the staff of the newspaper purchased to support thepolicy of the Universal Bank. He did not speculate, however, andremained in comparative poverty, until the success of a novel which hehad written put him in more comfortable circumstances, and even enabledhim to give assistance to his wife's parents after they were ruined bythe failure of the bank. L'Argent. JORDAN (MADAME MARCELLE), wife of the preceding. She was the only childof M. Maugendre, who was ruined by the failure of the Universal Bank. L'Argent. JORY (EDOUARD), was the son of a magistrate of Plassans, whom he drovecrazy by his profligate conduct. In the end he ran off with a music-hallsinger under the pretext of going to Paris to follow the literaryprofession. Notwithstanding the fact that his profligacy went to evengreater lengths in the city, he was successful in journalism, and soonearned between seven and eight thousand francs a year as a leader-writerand art critic. His first success was gained in a series of articlesin a little newspaper called _Le Tambour_, in which he fell foul of theaccepted canons of art, and hailed Claude Lantier and his companions asthe founders of a new school. Later he claimed to have made Fagerollesby his articles, in the same manner as he formerly took credit formaking Lantier. He gradually dropped his old friends, however, findingthat the public only laughed at their productions, and in excuse pleadedthat he had not a journal in which he could support their cause;but when, still later, he became director of a great Art review, hepreserved the same silence. After innumerable love affairs, he ended bymarrying Mathilde Jabouille. L'Oeuvre. JORY (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Mathilde Jabouille. JOSEPH, a butler in the employment of Nana at La Mignotte. Nana. JOSEPH, an old soldier who secured a situation in "The Ladies' Paradise"through the influence of Lhomme, whose foster brother he was. He marriedMlle. De Fontenailles, a shop-girl in the establishment. Au Bonheur desDames. JOSEPH (MADAME), the concierge of the house on Quay Bourbon where ClaudeLantier lived. L'Oeuvre. JOSSE (MADEMOISELLE) kept a little school for young children in RuePolonceau. Anna Coupeau was her pupil, and made herself such a nuisancethat twice Mademoiselle Josse sent her away, taking her back each timein order not to lose the small fees. L'Assommoir. Nana in later years exchanged reminiscences with Satin, who, likeherself, had been a pupil at Mademoiselle Josse's school. Nana. JOSSERAND PERE, the father of Josserand, the cashier at the Saint-Josephglass-works. He was originally a solicitor at Clermont. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND, cashier at the St. Joseph glass-works. His salary was not alarge one, and in consequence of the determination of his wife to keepup a greater style than they could afford, he was engaged in a continualstruggle to make ends meet; to gain a few extra francs he frequentlyspent much of the night addressing circulars for a firm of publishers. Worn out by hard work and by the continual bickerings of his wifeand daughters, he was not in a condition to stand the disgrace of hisdaughter Berthe's liaison with Octave Mouret, and he was struck down byparalysis, which soon after resulted in his death. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND (MADAME ELEANORE), wife of the preceding. Her two objectsin life were to appear better off than she really was, and tosecure husbands for her daughters. In the latter quest she had manydisappointments, and her temper, never good, correspondingly suffered, her unfortunate husband bearing the brunt. A marriage having ultimatelybeen arranged between Berthe Josserand and Auguste Vabre, MadameJosserand made a strong effort to induce her brother, NarcisseBachelard, to pay the dowry which he had long ago promised to his niece. As he refused to do so, Madame Josserand overcame the difficulty by asubterfuge of doubtful honesty. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND (BERTHE), second daughter of M. Josserand. After severalineffectual efforts to secure a husband she became engaged to AugusteVabre, the elder son of her father's landlord. Difficulties as to adowry followed, but these were surmounted by somewhat shady means, andthe marriage took place. Vabre's health was not good, and Berthe soonbecame discontented, a state of mind largely induced by the bad adviceof her mother. About this time Octave Mouret came to be assistant inVabre's shop, and Berthe, carried away by his attentions, entered uponan unfortunate liaison with him. Discovery by Vabre led to Berthe'sreturn to her parents' home, and it was only after a considerable timethat a reconciliation was brought about by the efforts of Abbe Mauduit. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND (HORTENSE), elder daughter of M. Josserand. Her motherendeavoured to secure a husband for her, but she made her own choice, selecting one Verdier, a lawyer. The marriage was put off from timeto time as Verdier had got entangled with a woman from whom he foundseparation difficult. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND (LEON), elder son of M. Josserand. He was a young man ofambition, who hoped to rise through the influence of Madame Dambreville, whose lover he became. Ultimately she arranged a marriage between himand her niece Raymonde, who brought him a large dowry. Soon afterwardsby the same means he was appointed _Maitre des Requetes_. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND (MADAME LEON), wife of the preceding. See Raymonde. Pot-Bouille. JOSSERAND (SATURNIN), younger son of M. Josserand. He was a powerfulyoung man of twenty-five, whose mind had been seriously affected by anattack of brain fever; though not actually insane, he was subject tofits of blind fury whenever anybody annoyed him. When his sister Berthewas a little girl, he nursed her through a long illness, and sincehe saved her life he adored her with a deep, passionate devotion. Thepreparations for her marriage to Auguste Vabre affected him so seriouslythat his removal to an asylum became necessary, and he remained therefor some time. On his release he went to live with his sister and herhusband, but domestic trouble having arisen, his mind again became sounhinged that he made an attempt on the life of his brother-in-law andhad again to be taken to an asylum. Pot-Bouille. JOUVE (ABBE), an officiating priest at Notre Dame de Grace, the parishchurch of Passy. He had known M. Grandjean at Marseilles, and showedmuch kindness to Helene after the death of her husband, assisting her insettling up her affairs. Along with M. Rambaud, his half-brother, he wasa regular visitor at Helene's house, and later endeavoured to arrangea marriage between her and his brother. He was devoted to JeanneGrandjean, and helped to nurse her during her fatal illness. An amiable, kind-hearted man, he was greatly beloved by his parishioners. Une Paged'Amour. JOUVE, a retired captain in the army, and afterwards one of the fourinspectors at "The Ladies' Paradise. " In addition to acting as spy onthe staff he watched the customers, and it was he who detected Madame deBoves in the act of stealing some fine lace. He made certain advances toDenis Baudu which she resented, and in consequence he afterwards showedconsiderable ill-will towards her. Au Bonheur des Dames. JUILLERAT (DOCTOR), an old physician who attended most of theinhabitants of the Rue de Choiseul. He was a man of only averageabilities who had built up a large practice by hard work. His views weresomewhat advanced, and he had many arguments with Abbe Mauduit, withwhom he frequently came in contact at the bedsides of his patients. Pot-Bouille. JULES, the lover of La Sarriette. He lived on her earnings as afruit-dealer. Le Ventre de Paris. JULES, one of the soldiers sent to Montsou during the strike. He wasborn at Plogof, where his mother and sister still resided. One nightwhile he was on guard at the Voreux mine he was murdered by JeanlinMaheu, who with the assistance of Etienne Lantier carried the body toa gallery of the mine, where they buried it under a fall of rock. Germinal. JULES (MADAME), Nana's dresser at the Theatre des Varietes. Nana. JULIE, cook in the employment of the Duveyriers. Pot-Bouille. JULIEN, butler in the employment of Nana in the Avenue de Villiers. Heleft the house with a large sum, as Comte Muffat, being jealous, wishedto be freed from his presence. Nana. JUSSELIN (PIERRE-FRANCOIS), a protege of M. De Marsy. Eugene Rougonrefused to nominate him as an officer of the Legion of Honour, and gavethe decoration which had been intended for him to Bejuin. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. JEZEUR (MADAME), a neighbour of the Josserands in the Rue de Choiseul. Her husband had left her after ten days of married life, and thenceforthshe lived alone in quiet lodgings. Very little was known of hercircumstances or mode of life. Pot-Bouille. K KAHN (M. ), son of a Jewish banker at Bordeaux; a deputy who was engagedin a scheme for the construction of a railway from Niort to Angers. Hewas chiefly anxious for this, as the proposed line would pass throughBressure, where he had some blast-furnaces, the value of which it wouldconsiderably increase. Rougon supported him energetically, and hadalmost secured the grant when his retirement from office delayed thescheme for some years. Soon after Rougon's appointment as Minister ofthe Interior the grant was obtained, and he accompanied Kahn to Niort toattend the inauguration of the scheme. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. KAHN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She lived a very retired life atParis. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. KELLER (LES), well-known leaders of society in Paris. It was at theirhouse that Baroness Sandorff first met Gundermann. L'Argent. KOLB (M. ), a banker whose business consisted to a large extent in goldarbitrage, buying foreign coins, and melting them into gold bars. Hewas a man of Jewish origin, and having heard that Daigremont was tobe connected with the Universal Bank, he readily agreed to become adirector. Being a cautious man, however, he sold all his shares beforethe final collapse. L'Argent. L LABORDETTE, a young man who was well known in racing circles, and wasspecially popular with women, as he was always ready to render themlittle services. Through his relations with the world of trainersand jockeys he had always the latest information as to races. He madehimself very useful to Nana when she was setting up a stable of her own, and assisted her in the selection of servants. Nana. LACAILLE, a customer of Madame Francois, the market gardener. Heattended the Revolutionary meetings in Lebrigre's cafe. Le Ventre deParis. LACAMP. See Puech and Lacamp. LACASSAGNE, a dealer in feathers and artificial flowers, whose businesswas ruined by the competition of Octave Mouret's establishment. AuBonheur des Dames. LACHESNAYE (DE), judge at the Rouen Court of appeal, was the husbandof Berthe Grandmorin, whom he somewhat resembled in character. He was alittle man, dry and yellow, who had been a judge at the Court ofAppeal from the age of thirty-six; he had been decorated, thanks to theinfluence of his father-in-law, and to the services which his father hadrendered on the High Commissions at the time of the _Coup d'Etat_. Hewas disliked by Denizet, the examining magistrate, in whose eyes herepresented the class of judicial functionary who attained positionby wealth and influence. Lachesnaye was incensed at the will of hisfather-in-law, Grandmorin, who left fully half of his fortune to womenof all classes, most of them unknown to his family. La Bete Humaine. LACHESNAYE (MADAME DE), wife of the preceding. See Berthe Grandmorin. LaBete Humaine. LACOUR (ZEPHYRIN), a young lad from the same village as Rosalie, whosesweetheart he was. He was drawn in the conscription and sent to Paris, where, by permission of Madame Grandjean, he came to see Rosalie, hermaid, every Sunday. He was a good-hearted lad, whose ambition was to getout of the army, marry Rosalie, and return to his native village. UnePage d'Amour. LADICOURT (BARONNE DE), a lady who lived at Vouziers. Captain Beaudoinlunched at her house on 26th August, 1870, at the hour when the SeventhArmy Corps was taking up its position for battle. La Debacle. LADRICOURT (COMTE DE), father of the Baroness Sandorff. He was aconfirmed gambler, and a man of brutal manners. He died of apoplexy, completely ruined, after a series of disgraceful failures. L'Argent. LA FALOISE (HECTOR DE), a youth who came from the country to Paris inorder to complete his education. Thanks to the death of an uncle, hewas very rich, and his chief ambition was to be in everything ultraParisian. He posed as a man who had experienced everything, and whono longer thought anything worthy of being taken seriously. Introducedbehind the scenes of the Theatre des Varietes by his cousin Fauchery, he met Nana, who did him the honour of ruining him without much loss oftime. When his money was done, he returned to the country in the hope ofmarrying a distant relation who was both ugly and pious. Nana. LAFOUASSE, a tavern-keeper in the neighbourhood of Plassans, between theold demesne of Paradou and the village of Artaud. He was treated byDr. Pascal Rougon for ataxy, but died after a hypodermic injection of aserum with which the doctor was experimenting. Le Docteur Pascal. LAGARDE (EDMOND), a sergeant in the 6th Regiment of the line. At themost his age was twenty-three, but he did not appear more than eighteen. He took part in the battle of Sedan, and was wounded in the left arm, which was broken by a bullet. His father, who was a shopkeeper in Paris, was a customer of Delaherche, and he was removed to the house of themanufacturer, where he was treated as one of the family. A handsome lad, he aroused the pity of Gilberte Delaherche, whose lover he became. LaDebacle. LAGRIFOUL (MARQUIS DE), the Legitimist Deputy for Plassans. His electioncame as a severe blow to the Government, and to M. Pequeur des Saulaies, the sub-prefect of Plassans, who was held responsible for it. Inreality, the election had been largely influenced by the clergy, combined with the old nobility. It was to counteract this influence thatthe Government sent Abbe Faujas to Plassans. The Marquis being a manof poor abilities, whose public appearances were disappointing, his overthrow was rendered easier and more complete. La Conquete dePlassans. LA JOLIE DAME, a customer at Octave Mouret's shop, _Au Bonheur desDames_. She was a favourite with all the salesmen, and as no one knewher name she was always referred to as "The Pretty Lady. " Au Bonheur desDames. LALUBIE, teacher of the sixth form at the college of Plassans. He foundone day his room transformed into a _chapelle ardente_, thanks to hispupils led by Pouillard. After he recovered from his fright he seta heavy punishment for the whole class. He married the daughter ofGalissard, the haberdasher at Plassans. L'Oeuvre. LAMBERTHIER, an assistant at the _Halles Centrales_. Josephine Dejoiewas at one time cook in his house. L'Argent. LAMBERTHON (M. DE), a Deputy who discussed with M. La Rouquette thewisdom of the Emperor conceding the privilege of presenting an addressto the Crown. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. LAMBOURDIEU, a shopkeeper at Cloyes, who sold Parisian novelties in allthe villages within a radius of five or six miles. La Terre. LANDOIS (AUGUSTE), assistant in Quenu's business. He came to Parisfrom Troyes to perfect himself in his trade, and having little money, intended to set up for himself as a pork-butcher. He was engaged tohis cousin Augustine Landois, who was also employed by Quenu. He took adislike to Florent, and wrote an anonymous letter denouncing him to thePrefect of Police. Le Ventre de Paris. LANDOIS (AUGUSTINE) came to Quenu's establishment to learn shopmanagement. She was engaged to her cousin Auguste Landois. Le Ventre deParis. LANGLADE (DE), Prefect of Deux-Sevres. He was accused of dissoluteconduct, and was superseded in his office by Du Poizat. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. LANTIER (AUGUSTE), the lover of Gervaise Macquart; he accompanied herto Paris, when she left home with their two children. La Fortune desRougon. Soon after their arrival in Paris, he deserted Gervaise for a girl namedAdele, with whom he lived for several years, during which he appears tohave done little work. After Adele left him he renewed friendship withGervaise and Coupeau, her husband, and induced them to take him intotheir home as a lodger. Once established there, he paid nothing for hissupport, and soon Gervaise was supporting him as well as her husband, who by this time was doing nothing. Gervaise, having become disgustedwith her husband's intemperance, resumed her old relations with Lantier, and these continued till she was financially ruined, and her shopwas taken over by Virginie Poisson. Lantier, having transferred hisaffections to Virginie, was allowed to retain his old position aslodger, and soon resumed his former tactics of paying no rent and livingoff his landlord. In course of time he succeeded in eating the Poissons'stock of sweetmeats and bringing them to ruin, and then began to lookout for some one else to support him. L'Assommoir. LANTIER (CLAUDE), son of Gervaise Macquart and Auguste Lantier, was bornat Plassans in 1842. He was brought up by his paternal grandmother, butwhen she died, in 1850, he was taken to Paris by his parents. La Fortunedes Rougon. After Lantier's desertion of Gervaise, and her subsequent marriage toCoupeau, Claude continued to reside with his mother, but a few yearslater an old gentleman of Plassans, a lover of pictures, who had beengreatly struck by some daubs done by the child, offered to pay for hiseducation. The offer was accepted, and Claude returned to Plassans. L'Assommoir. Some years later his benefactor died, leaving him an income of athousand francs a year, enough to prevent him dying of hunger in theartistic career which he had decided to follow. Having come to Pariswith an intense hatred of romanticism, he was struck by the artisticpossibilities of the _Halles Centrales_, the great provision marketsof Paris, which he haunted in search of subjects for his brush. He wasinduced by Florent to attend one of the republican meetings in Lebigre'scafe, but was not in sympathy with the movement, and declined to takepart in it. He occasionally visited his aunt, Madame Lisa Quenu, butrevolted against her complete indifference to art, and her middle-classselfishness. Le Ventre de Paris. He was appointed a member of the family council which nominally hadcharge of Pauline Quenu's fortune. La Joie de Vivre. He established himself in a studio near the roof of an old house closeto the river, and there lived the life of a Bohemian, with an absolutedisdain for everything not related to art. He revolted against thecanons of the schools, and tried to achieve truth in painting byadopting an exaggerated realism. His hopes became centred in a largepainting, which he called _Plein Air_, intended for exhibition in the_Salon_. The picture was rejected, and when shown at a minor exhibitionwas greeted with derision by the public. About this period began hisconnection with Christine Hallegrain, with whom he lived for severalyears, and ultimately married. They took up house at Bennecourt in anold cottage, and there some years passed happily enough, a sonnamed Jacques Louis being born in 1860. But Claude gradually becamediscontented, and the family returned to Paris, where there began a longstruggle against poverty, a struggle beginning in high anticipation andending in despair. After a long search for a subject for a picture whichwas to be his masterpiece, Claude selected a stretch of the river nearNotre Dame, and into this he intended to put all those new theoriesof art with which he hoped to revolutionize the world. Everything wassacrificed to this picture; the small fortune left him by his earlybenefactor was gradually realized to provide food, and when it wasexhausted there was little but starvation for the artist and hisdependants. The work was begun in a frenzy of genius, but was constantlyinterrupted by doubts and indecision; it became a monomania, and underits influence Claude's mind gradually became unhinged; the family viruswas at last showing itself. Christine was wholly taken up with herhusband, and their child died of an illness due greatly to neglect. Bythis time Claude was incapable of any real feeling save for art, andthe death of his child only served to give him a subject for a picture. Having torn himself away from his intended masterpiece for a time, hepainted _L'Enfant Mort_, which was exhibited in the _Salon_, and metwith an even more contemptuous reception from the public than his _PleinAir_. Christine used all her influence to prevent her husband fromreturning to his task, but his brain had become obsessed by the greatidea, which his hand proved powerless to execute as his mind becameincreasingly deranged. At length, in a moment of delirium, he hangedhimself in front of the picture which had proved the means of hisundoing. His genius was incomplete, and he was unable to carry out hisown theories, but they were adopted by other and less able successorswith better results. He was buried in the cemetery of Cayenne atSaint-Ouen. L'Oeuvre. LANTIER (MADAME CHRISTINE), wife of the preceding. See ChristineHallegrain. L'Oeuvre. LANTIER (ETIENNE), the youngest son of Auguste Lantier and GervaiseMacquart, was born in 1846, and accompanied his parents to Paris in1850. La Fortune des Rougon. After his mother had been married to Coupeau for some time, and hadstarted her laundry, Etienne was found somewhat in the way, and on thesuggestion of Goujet was sent to work in the rivet-making factory wherehe himself was employed. Later the boy was sent to Lille, where he wasapprenticed to an old master of Goujet, an engineer in that town. WhenGervaise had fallen into poverty, Etienne, who was by that time astoker on an engine, was able to send his mother a five-franc pieceoccasionally. L'Assommoir. In a moment of passion Etienne struck his chief, and was at oncedismissed from his employment. An industrial crisis existed at the time, and, finding it impossible to get work, he tramped from place to placetill eventually he arrived at Montsou, worn out with fatigue and want. At the Voreux pit he chanced to get work in a gang led by Maheu, andwent underground for the first time. The work was hard and distastefulto him, but he was unwilling to give it up, and was perhaps influencedby the bright eyes of Catherine Maheu, who toiled alongside him. Hebecame more and more impressed with the sense of the hardships ofthe miners' lives, and his mind was also influenced by Souvarine, aconfessed anarchist, beside whom he lodged. Gradually Etienne began toindoctrinate his companions with a spirit of revolt, and when the greatstrike broke out he became the leader. He did not, however, accept theextreme doctrines of Souvarine, and endeavoured to dissuade the strikersfrom doing damage to property. In this he was not altogether successful, and his influence became considerably lessened, until he was blamed byhis comrades for the hardships they had to endure during the strike, and for its ultimate collapse. He returned to work, and in the terriblecatastrophe brought about by Souvarine he was cut off at the bottom ofthe pit with Chaval and Catherine Maheu. He had always loved Catherine, and notwithstanding their peril, an old jealousy revived, and in astruggle with Chaval, Etienne killed him. Days elapsed before rescuecame, and by that time Catherine was dead. After six weeks in hospital, Etienne left for Paris. Germinal. At Paris, later on, he took part in the Communist rising, and wascondemned to death. He was respited, and transported to Noumea, where hemarried, and became father of a little girl. Le Docteur Pascal. LANTIER (JACQUES), the second son of Gervaise Macquart and AugusteLantier, was born at Plassans in 1844. He was six years old when hisparents went to Paris with his brothers, Claude and Etienne, leaving himwith his godmother, Aunt Phasie, who sent him to the School of Artsand Crafts. After two years passed on the Orleans Railway, he became anengineer of the first-class on the Western Railway. At twenty-six hewas a tall, handsome man, with dark hair and a clear complexion. Fromchildhood he had suffered from a complaint which the doctors did notunderstand, a pain in the head, behind the ears, accompanied by feverand an intense melancholy, which tempted him to hide like a sufferinganimal. When about sixteen years of age he became affected by a curiousform of insanity, the desire to murder any woman of whom he became fond. "On each occasion it seemed like a sudden outburst of blind rage, anever-recurring thirst to avenge some very ancient offence, the exactrecollection of which escaped him. Did it date from so far back, fromthe harm women had done to his race, from the rancour laid up from maleto male since the first deceptions in the depths of the caverns?" Evenwith his cousin Flore, who loved him from childhood, the same terribleinstinct arose, and could only be stilled by flight. By chance, Jacques was a momentary witness of the murder of PresidentGrandmorin, and when suspicion fell upon the Roubauds he came to beof opinion that it was well-founded, a belief which was confirmed by asubsequent confession to him by Severine. This avowal by Severine placedher in his mind in a different category from all other woman; she hadkilled, and was a person sacred and apart, a woman he could love withouthis lust for blood being evoked. At the request of Severine, Jacquespromised to kill Roubaud, her husband, whom she had come to hate; but, though all the preparations were made, it was Severine herself whom hekilled, in an accession of that homicidal rage which he imagined hehad conquered. He escaped all suspicion, and calmly allowed Roubaud andCabuche to be punished for the crime. In order to see whether the murderof Severine had cured him of his blood lust, he made love to PhilomeneSauvagnat, thereby arousing the jealousy of her lover, Pecqueux, who wasstoker on the engine driven by Lantier. A quarrel between the two menon the footplate of the engine resulted in both of them falling off, andbeing cut in pieces beneath the wheels. La Bete Humaine. LANTIER (JACQUES LOUIS), born 1860, was the son of Claude Lantier andChristine Hallegrain. He was allowed to grow up wild at Bennecourt untilhe was two and a half years old, when his parents removed to Paris, taking him with them. Life in the city did not agree with the child, whoto make matters worse was much neglected, his mother being wholly takenup with her lover, and his father with art. He grew up puny, seriouslike a little man; at five years his head had grown quite out ofproportion to his height, but as his skull increased in size hisintelligence diminished. His head alone continued to grow, verging oncretinism, until, in 1869, the unfortunate child died of some obscureform of malnutrition. L'Oeuvre. LAPOULLE, a soldier in the 106th Regiment of the line, in the squad ofCorporal Jean Macquart. He came from the Marshes of Sologne, and was soignorant that when he joined the regiment he asked to be shown theKing. He had great strength, and consequently all the heavy work of hiscompany was assigned to him. After the battle of Sedan, he was one ofthe prisoners on the Isle d'Iges, where driven frantic by famine, andinstigated by Chouteau, he killed Pache, who had hidden some bread fromhis companions. The following night he attempted to escape by swimmingthe Meuse, but was killed by a bullet fired by a Prussian sentinel. LaDebacle. LAQUERRIERE (FLORENT), an unfortunate man who died of yellow fever inDutch Guiana in the arms of Florent. It was by the aid of his papersthat Florent, who had escaped from Cayenne, was able to return toFrance, and to evade the notice of the police. Le Ventre de Paris. LA ROUQUETTE (M. ), a member of the Chamber of Deputies. His sister, Madame de Llorentz, was one of the ladies-in-waiting of the EmpressEugenie. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. LA ROUQUETTE (MADEMOISELLE DE). See Madame de Llorentz. LARSONNEAU, formerly a clerk at the Hotel de Ville along with AristideSaccard; he was dismissed for prying into the prefet's private drawers. He acted for Saccard in many of the shady transactions in which he couldnot himself appear, and being entirely unscrupulous ultimatelyamassed such a sum of money that he was able to start a small bankingestablishment. La Curee. He became immensely rich. It was through him that Busch came to know thepast life of Aristide Saccard. L'Argent. LAURE, an actress for whom Joncquier had an infatuation. Nana. LAURE, a performer in a singing-hall at Montmartre. Hutin, one of OctaveMouret's salesmen, and his friend Lienard applauded her performance sonoisily that the police threatened to intervene. Au Bonheur des Dames. LAURENT, a peasant in easy circumstances who lived near Artaud. PereBambousse was anxious to have him as son-in-law. La Faute de l'AbbeMouret. LAURENT, the recorder at the court of Rouen who assisted Denizet at theinquiry into the murder of Grandmorin. He was skilful in selecting theessential parts of evidence, so as not to put down anything useless. LaBete Humaine. LAURENT, a gardener at Bazeilles. He was a man of thirty years of agewho had recently lost his mother and his wife, who had both died of thesame fever. During the battle of 1st September, 1870, he took part inthe defence of Weiss's house, and having only his own body to care for, he determined to sell it dearly, and at each shot to bring down one ofthe enemy. He continued firing till his ammunition was exhausted, when he was taken prisoner by the Prussians, who finding that he was acivilian removed him, along with Weiss, for instant execution. In theface of the firing party he retained all his calmness, standing with hishands in his pockets till the fatal shots were fired. La Debacle. LAUWERENS (DE), a well-known financier who was both wealthy andavaricious. He went the length of refusing to pay his wife's milliner'sbill. La Curee. LAUWERENS (MADAME DE), wife of the preceding. Notwithstanding certainwell-authenticated scandals, she managed to keep her high position insociety. She was a friend of Renee Saccard. La Curee. LAVIGNIERE, was one of the auditors at the Universal Bank, Rousseaubeing the other. Their duties were delicate, and in the circumstancesuseless. Lavigniere was disposed to approve of everything, beingconsumed with a desire to become a member of the board later on. L'Argent. LA VIGNIERE (CHEVALIER DE), grandfather of Madame Chanteau. La Joie deVivre. LA VIGNIERE (EUGENIE DE). See Madame Chanteau. LA VILLARDIERE (DE), deputy for the department of the Cote d'Or. He wasa friend of La Rouquette. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. LEA, a customer at the Cafe Anglais. Nana. LEBEAU, a man of considerable influence in the Second Empire, whomClorinde Balbi was able to gain over to the cause of Eugene Rougon. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. LEBLEU, the cashier at Havre railway station. La Bete Humaine. LEBLEU (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was a woman of forty-five, so stout that she was in constant danger of choking. Between her andSeverine Roubaud there was ill-feeling of long standing, arising froma question of their houses in the Station, the Lebleus occupying thatwhich should by rights have belonged to the Roubauds, who on account ofthe generosity of their predecessor were relegated to rooms little morecheerful than a prison. She had a mania for spying upon her neighbours, and in the end caused so much irritation, that she was ordered toexchange houses with the Roubauds, thus letting them have the one towhich they were entitled. The annoyance, and the change to a dismalhouse, proved fatal to Madame Lebleu, and she died four monthsafterwards. La Bete Humaine. LEBIGRE, proprietor of the wine shop where Florent and his friendsheld their meetings. He was a police spy. Ultimately he married LouiseMehudin. Le Ventre de Paris. LEBIGRE (MADAME). See Louise Mehudin. LEBOUCQ, Counsellor at the Court of Rouen. He was assessor at the trialof Roubaud and Cabuche. La Bete Humaine. LEBOUCQ (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was a handsome woman, forwhose receptions the barristers of Rouen were beginning to desert thoseof Madame Bonnehon, her rival. It was said that to the influence ofMadame Leboucq was largely due the result of the trial of Roubaud, aresult not favourable to the family of President Grandmorin. La BeteHumaine. LECOEUR (MADAME), a butter and cheese merchant at the _HallesCentrales_. She was sister-in-law to Gavard, and had an idea of marryinghim after the death of his wife. He made no advances, however, and shesubsequently regarded him with bitter ill-will. Along with Mlle. Saget, she took an active share in the gossip which partly led to the arrest ofFlorent and Gavard, and wrote an anonymous letter denouncing them tothe police. Accompanied by La Sarriette, her niece, she went to Gavard'shouse after his arrest, and took possession of his money, which theydivided between them. Le Ventre de Paris. LECOMTE (MADAME), an acquaintance of the Deberles. Une Page d'Amour. LEFEVRE (MADAME), wife of a manufacturer at Raucourt, whose house waspillaged by the Prussians after the battle of Beaumont. La Debacle. LEGOUGEUX, a miner at Joiselle. He was an associate of Pluchart. Germinal. LEGRAIN (GENERAL), a deputy at the Corps Legislatif. He was devoted tothe Emperor, and notwithstanding a severe attack of gout, attended atthe Chamber in order to vote the funds for the baptism of the PrinceImperial. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. LEHONGRE (LES), grocers in Rue Neuve de la Goutte-d'Or. L'Assommoir. LEHUDIER, a child to whom Charvet gave lessons. Le Ventre de Paris. LELORRAIN, a notary in Rue Sainte Anne. In his office was executed thedeed which established the joint-stock company of the Universal Bank. L'Argent. LEMBALLEUSE, a family who lived in a ruined mill near the cathedralof Beaumont. It consisted of a grandmother, her daughter, and threegranddaughters, all of whom lived by begging. Angelique did all shecould for them, giving them food and even clothes. Le Reve. LENFANT, the keeper of a dram-shop at Montsou. Germinal. LENGAIGNE, a dealer in tobacco and tavern-keeper at Rogues. Hecultivated a small piece of land, while his wife weighed tobacco andlooked after the cellar. He also shaved and cut the hair of the village, a trade learned by him when he was in the army. He professed strongRepublican principles, though he was afraid to express his opinionstoo strongly, in case of losing his licence. An old rivalry subsistedbetween him and Macqueron, a neighbouring tavern-keeper with whom he wasalways on the point of blows. La Terre. LENGAIGNE (MADAME FLORE), wife of the preceding. She was alwaysquarrelling with Coelina Macqueron. La Terre. LENGAIGNE (SUZANNE), daughter of the two preceding. She was apprenticedto a dressmaker at Chateaudun, but after six months ran off to Pariswhere she led a gay life. Her return to her native village clad insilks caused quite a sensation, of which her parents were very proud. LaTerre. LENGAIGNE (VICTOR), brother of Suzanne. Before he was drawn in theconscription he was an awkward youth, but he returned a swaggeringbraggart, who could hardly be recognized with his moustache and beard. La Terre. LENORE, a racehorse; mother of Frangipane. Nana. LEON, a lad of about fifteen years of age, apprentice to Quenu. He wasa gentle-looking lad, given to stealing stray bits of ham and sausage, which he concealed under his pillow and ate during the night. Le Ventrede Paris. LEONCE (MADAME), the door-keeper of the house where Gavard lived in theRue de la Cossonnerie. She acted also as Gavard's housekeeper. Le Ventrede Paris. LEONIE, an artificial-flower maker employed by Madame Titreville. Sheleft her trade in order to be married. L'Assommoir. LEONIE, aunt of Louise Thibaudier. Louise went to her house afterleaving Bonneville, driven away by Pauline Quenu. La Joie de Vivre. LEPALMEC, a peasant at Plogof, in Brittany. Germinal. LEQUEU, the schoolmaster at Rogues. His parents were peasants, and hehad an intense hatred of the class from which he had sprung, lookingupon them as little better than barbarians. In politics he had advancedviews, but in consequence of his position he concealed them to a greatextent. Disappointed in the hope which he had long nourished of marryingBerthe Macqueron, he ended by preaching the doctrines of anarchy. LaTerre. LERAT (MADAME), nee Coupeau, was a sister of Coupeau and MadameLorilleux. She was a widow of thirty-six years of age, and wasforewoman in the manufactory of artificial flowers carried on by MadameTitreville. The eldest of the Coupeau family, she was "a tall, skinny, mannish-looking woman, who talked through her nose"; she lived ahard-working, cloisteral existence, but she had a perfect mania formaking improper allusions, so very obscure that only she herself couldunderstand them. L'Assommoir. For a long time she lost sight of her niece Nana, but later she foundher in a position of apparent wealth. Madame Lerat had abandoned hertrade of artificial-flower-maker and lived upon her savings, scrapedtogether sou by sou. Nana rented a small house for her aunt, and gaveher an allowance of a hundred francs per month to look after her littleson Louiset. Nana. LERENARD, the keeper of a cafe in the neighbourhood of Montsou. Germinal. LEROI, alias CANON, a journeyman carpenter, who deserted Paris onaccount of some trouble, and preferred to live in the country, trampingfrom village to village, doing a week here and a week there, andoffering his services from one farm to another when his employer did notwant him. When there was a scarcity of work he begged on the high-roads, living partly on the vegetables he stole. He professed strongrevolutionary principles, which he was fond of airing in villageale-shops. He was a friend of Hyacinthe Fouan. La Terre. LETELLIER, father of Madame Deberle and her sister Pauline. He ownedan extensive silk warehouse on the Boulevard des Capucines. "Since hiswife's death he had been taking his younger daughter about everywhere, in search of a rich husband for her. " Une Page d'Amour. LETELLIER (JULIETTE). See Madame Deberle. LETELLIER (PAULINE), the younger daughter of M. Letellier, a wealthysilk merchant, and sister of Madame Deberle. She was a giddy young girlwho went about everywhere with her father in the hope of securing a richhusband, and was a constant visitor at the house of her sister. Une Paged'Amour. LETURC (MADAME), widow of a captain, was a protegee of Madame Correur, who obtained a tobacco licence for her. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. LEVAQUE, a neighbour of the Maheus. He was of intemperate habits, andbeat his wife on little provocation. During the strike he was amongthe most reckless, and at the assault on the Voreux pit he was takenprisoner by the troops. His arrest made him a sort of hero, and by theParis newspapers he was credited with a reply of antique sublimity tothe examining magistrate. Germinal. LEVAQUE (ACHILLE), the eldest child of Zacharie Maheu and of PhilomeneLevaque. He was three years old when his parents were married. Germinal. LEVAQUE (BEBERT), son of the Levaques, was a little boy of twelve, whoalready worked in the pit. Along with Lydie Pierron, he was a companionof Jeanlin Maheu in many escapades. As Jeanlin became more daring andunscrupulous, Bebert and Lydie were drawn together in an affection bornof their common fear of him. The three children were present at theattack on the Voreux pit, and Bebert and Lydie, killed by the volleyfired by the troops, fell dead in one another's arms. Germinal. LEVAQUE (DESIREE), the youngest child of Philomene, aged nine months. Germinal. LEVAQUE (PHILOMENE), daughter of the Levaques, had two children toZacharie Maheu before her marriage to him. She had a delicacy of thechest and was unable to work underground. After the death of her husbandshe left Montsou with her two children, in the company of a miner fromthe Pas-de-Calais. Germinal. LEVAQUE (LA), wife of Levaque the miner, and mother of Philomene andBebert. She was a bad housekeeper, and was roughly treated by herhusband, who, however, did not take exception to her relations withBouteloup, their lodger. Germinal. LEVASSEUR (MADAME), an acquaintance of Madame Deberle. Une Page d'Amour. LEVASSEUR, chief clerk at "The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. LEVASSEUR, a tax-collector at Chene Populeux. His father was one of theheroes of the army of the first Napoleon. He married a peasant womannamed Fouchard, who died in bringing Maurice and his twin sisterHenriette into the world. He sacrificed everything to make his son agentleman, and the bad conduct of the lad hastened his end. La Debacle. LEVASSEUR (HENRIETTE), daughter of the preceding, and twin sister ofMaurice. After the death of her father she gave up the whole of hershare of his property in order to retrieve to some extent the foolishconduct of her brother. Fortunately she had the chance soon after tomarry Weiss, with whom she lived happily. On the morning of thebattle of Sedan, Henriette, fearing that her husband was in dangerat Bazeilles, where he had gone to look after a house he had recentlybought, decided to follow him there. By this time the fighting was goingon fiercely, and when, after the greatest difficulties and dangers, she arrived at Bazeilles, she was only in time to see her husband shotbefore her eyes. She took refuge at Remilly, at the house of her uncleFouchard, and devoted herself to the care of the wounded in the battle. Among these was Jean Macquart, who along with Maurice had escaped fromcaptivity. After the war with Prussia was over, Maurice unfortunatelythrew in his lot with the Communists, and when Henriette followed himto Paris it was to find that he had been fatally wounded in the fightingthere. By an extraordinary chance, the wound was inflicted by hisformer comrade, Jean Macquart, who had remained in the regular army whenMaurice joined the Communist ranks. The death of Maurice in this way putan end to the possibility of a dawning love idyll between Henriette andJean Macquart. La Debacle. LEVASSEUR (MAURICE), twin brother of the preceding. Everything wassacrificed by his father and sister in order that he might become anadvocate, but when he went to Paris to complete his education he tookpart in every kind of foolishness and dissipation. In July, 1870, he hadjust been admitted to the Bar, when the outbreak of war found him fullof enthusiasm, and he at once enlisted in the 106th Regiment of theline, commanded by Colonel de Vineuil. He was put into the squad of JeanMacquart, against whom he had at first an aversion. Later, the kindnessof Jean when he was worn out with fatigue practically saved his life, and they became close comrades, Maurice in turn saving Jean by carryinghim, severely wounded, from the battlefield of Sedan. Maurice was of ahighly strung, nervous temperament, and the repeated disasters of thecampaign drove him to madness. He threw himself into the Communiststruggle, and sought for death when defeat became certain. It was JeanMacquart, his old comrade, who, by an extraordinary chance, was fated todeliver the fatal blow. La Debacle. LEVEQUE (MADAME), sister-in-law of Durieu, the brewer. L'Argent. LEVEQUE, a solicitor at Plassans. He interested himself in the affairsof Dr. Pascal Rougon after Grandguillot absconded and was able torecover a considerable sum which Pascal had believed to be entirelylost. Le Docteur Pascal. LEVEQUE (MADEMOISELLE), daughter of the preceding, was an old friendof Clotilde Rougon, who was three years older than her. She married Dr. Ramond. Le Docteur Pascal. LHOMME (M. ), chief cashier at "The Ladies' Paradise. " "Son of atax-collector at Chablis, he came to Paris as a clerk in the office ofa merchant of the Port-aux-Vins. Then, while lodging in Rue Cuvier, he married the daughter of his concierge, and from that day he bowedsubmissively before his wife, whose commercial ability filled him withrespect. She earned more than twenty thousand francs a year in the dressdepartment of 'The Ladies' Paradise, ' whilst he only drew a fixedsalary of five thousand francs. " The loss of his right arm in an omnibusaccident did not interfere with his work, and did not prevent him fromplaying upon a specially constructed French horn, an instrument of whichhe was passionately fond. Au Bonheur des Dames. LHOMME (MADAME AURELIE), wife of the preceding. The daughter of a smalltailor, she had keen business instincts, and, as head of the dressdepartment at "The Ladies' Paradise, " was able to make a large income. She was far from friendly to Denise Baudu, but seeing ultimately thatMouret was in love with the girl, she changed her methods in the hope ofrendering her own position more secure. Au Bonheur des Dames. LHOMME (ALBERT), son of the preceding. He was an idle and vicious youth, who could keep no position, and only got a post in the pay-desk of "TheLadies' Paradise" through the influence of his mother. He was carelessin his work, and was repeatedly reprimanded, causing his parents muchanxiety; ultimately it was discovered that he had conspired with some ofthe salesmen in a long series of frauds, and his dismissal followed. AuBonheur des Dames. LIARDIN, a relation of the Quenus. He was a member of Pauline's familycouncil, and consented to her emancipation. La Joie de Vivre. LIENARD, son of a rich Angers draper, came to Paris and got a situationin "The Ladies' Paradise. " His spare time was spent in idleness anddebauchery, and when his father recalled him to Angers he refused toleave Paris. Au Bonheur des Dames. LIEUTAUD (M. ), the diocesan architect at Plassans. He was consulted byMadame Mouret and Abbe Faujas regarding the Home for Girls which theyfounded, and he subsequently prepared the plans for the building. LaConquete de Plassans. LIEVIN, a townsman of Plassans, who was amongst those enrolled and armedby Pierre Rougon to rescue the Town Hall, which had been occupied bythe Republicans. He was so excited that he fired in the air withoutintending to do so. La Fortune des Rougon. LILI, pet name of Amelie, the daughter of Gaga. Nana. LINGUERLOT (LES), neighbours of the Lorilleux in Rue de la Goutte-d'Or. L'Assommoir. LIOTARD (VEUVE HENRI), a firm of shipowners who joined the transportsyndicate formed by Aristide Saccard. L'Argent. LISA, a peasant girl of Les Artaud. Like the others of her class, shewas void of any religious feeling, and when she came to decorate thechurch for the festival of the Virgin, she engaged in all sorts ofirreverent pranks. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. LISA, a workwoman employed by Madame Titreville, the artificial-flowermaker. L'Assommoir. LISA, Madame Campardon's housemaid. She was active and intelligent, and her conduct was regarded as irreproachable. This was, however, asomewhat too favourable estimate, and her companionship was by no meansbeneficial to the Campardons' young daughter, Angele. Pot-Bouille. LISON (LA), the name of the express engine driven by Jacques Lantier upto the time of the terrible railway accident caused by Flore. La BeteHumaine. LLORENTZ (MADAME DE), one of the ladies-in-waiting of the EmpressEugenie and sister of M. La Rouquette, was the widow of General deLlorentz. She carried on an intrigue with De Massy, and was said to holdthree compromising letters from him regarding certain august personages. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. LOGRE, a fish auctioneer at the _Halles Centrales_. He attended therevolutionary meetings at Lebigre's wine shop, and made violent speechesthere, but was really an agent of the Police. Le Ventre de Paris. LOISEAU, a municipal councillor of Rognes. He was devoted to the Mayor, Alexandre Hourdequin, on whose farm his son worked. He was an uncle ofMacqueron. La Terre. LONJUMEAU, a member of the band of brigands led by Beau-Francois. LaTerre. LORET (MADAME), a woman who lived in the neighbourhood of the _HallesCentrales_. Mademoiselle Saget made ill-natured remarks regarding her. Le Ventre de Paris. LORILLEUX, a maker of gold chains, who was married to Coupeau's sister. He was a little man who looked much older than his age, and sufferedfrom a constant cough. Miserly and spiteful, he was jealous of theCoupeaus in their success, and rejoiced at their downfall. L'Assommoir. LORILLEUX (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was a sister of Coupeau, whomarried Gervaise Macquart. Along with her husband, she worked at thetrade of gold chain-making; like him, she was so avaricious that hercustom was to examine the soles of her visitors' boots lest they shoulddepart with any adhering gold dust. From the first she resented herbrother's marriage, and took every opportunity of being disagreeable toGervaise. Though she was willing to accept the Coupeaus' hospitality intheir prosperous days, she refused to do anything to assist them aftertheir downfall. L'Assommoir. LORILLON (LES), peasants at Rognes, who were said to have been cured ofillness by the bone-setter Sourdeau. La Terre. LOUBET, a soldier in the 106th Regiment of the line; in the squad ofCorporal Jean Macquart. He was unwilling to fight, and during the battleof 1st September, 1870, he assisted his comrade Chouteau to carry Sapinto the ambulance, spending the rest of the day in a tavern. After thecapitulation of the French army, Loubet was made a prisoner. Along withChouteau he made a determined effort to escape, and would have done sohad not his companion treacherously tripped him up in order to increasehis own chance. La Debacle. LOUHETTE, an elderly draper in Rue Neuve Saint-Augustin. He was thefather of Madame Theophile Vabre. Pot-Bouille. LOUHETTE (MADAME), wife of the preceding, and mother of Madame TheophileVabre. Pot-Bouille. LOUHETTE (VALERIE). See Theophile Vabre. LOUIS, Irma Becot's butler at her house in the Avenue de Villiers. L'Oeuvre. LOUIS, cousin of Cabuche, and, like him, a quarryman. He drove Cabuche'swagon on the evening of the murder of President Grandmorin. La BeteHumaine. LOUIS, an artillery gunner, in the same battery as Honore Fouchard andAdolphe. He was mated with Adolphe, who was inclined to treat him asan inferior. In the attack by the Prussians on the Calvary d'Illy Louisfell, killed by the same shot as his comrade, and the two died entwinedin one another's arms. La Debacle. LOUIS (LA MERE), a wine-seller, who was famous for her "hen feet. "L'Assommoir. LOUISE, an actress at the Palais-Royal. Nana. LOUISE, a young girl who was brought up in an Orphanage. At fifteen shewent as maid-servant to Madame Jazeur, but not proving satisfactory, wassent back to the Orphanage. Pot-Bouille. LOUISET, the pet name of Louis Coupeau, son of Nana, born 1867. Left atfirst with a nurse in the country, he was afterwards taken charge ofby his aunt, Madame Lerat, who removed him to Batignolles. He was adelicate child, pale and scrofulous, bearing a legacy of ill-healthderived from an unknown father. He died in July, 1870, of small-pox, which he communicated to his mother, who had just returned from Russia. Nana. LOUISETTE, the younger daughter of Madame Misard (Aunt Phasie). She wasa fair and sweet child who had a strong affection for Cabuche, a man whowas regarded by nearly everyone as an outcast. As a maid-servant inthe house of Madame Bonnehon, she attracted the notice of PresidentGrandmorin, and fleeing from him, half-mad with fear, she came to thehut of Cabuche, who tenderly nursed her till she died of brain fever afew days later. La Bete Humaine. LOULOU, a dog which belonged to Nana. Nana. LULU, a dog which belonged to Nana. Nana. LUSIGNAN, a racehorse in the stable of Vandeuvres. Mounted by Gresham, it was the favourite in the race for the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. M MACQUART, a poacher and smuggler who lived at Plassans in a hoveladjoining the Fouque property. His reputation was of the worst, and"although no crimes had actually been brought home to him, the firstsuspicions always fell upon him whenever a theft or murder had beenperpetrated in the country. " He frequently disappeared for long periods, but during his short sojourns in the town he drank to great excess. Hebecame the lover of Adelaide Fouque in 1789, less than a year after thedeath of her husband, and had two children by her, Antoine andUrsule Macquart. A man of violent and unrestrained passions, and ofincorrigibly lazy habits, he retained complete influence over Adelaide, and they lived in the same relationship for over twenty years. About1810, Macquart was killed on the frontier by a custom-house officerwhile he was endeavouring to smuggle a cargo of Geneva watches intoFrance. Adelaide was sole legatee, the estate consisting of the hovelat Plassans and the carbine of the deceased, which a smuggler loyallybrought back to her. La Fortune des Rougon. MACQUART (ANTOINE), born 1789, son of Macquart the smuggler andAdelaide Fouque; was drawn in the conscription in 1809. On his returnto Plassans, he found that his half-brother Pierre had sold the familyproperty and had appropriated the proceeds. Being a confirmed drunkard, he was averse from work of any kind, but in order to support himselfhe learned the trade of basket-making. In 1826 he married JosephineGavaudan, a market-woman, whom he afterwards allowed to support him. They had three children, Lisa, Gervaise, and Jean. His wife died in1850, and soon after his daughter Gervaise and his son Jean, who hadassisted to keep him in idleness, ran off. He had a bitter ill-willtowards his brother Pierre Rougon, and, chiefly with a view to hisannoyance, expressed strong Republican principles. For the same reasonhe took every opportunity of teaching these principles to his youngnephew Silvere Mouret. After the _Coup d'Etat_ he took an activeshare in the agitation which resulted in a Republican rising. When theInsurgents left Plassans, he remained with a few men to overawe theinhabitants. He and his whole band were, however, taken prisoners bythe citizens under the leadership of Pierre Rougon. He was assisted toescape by Madame Felicite Rougon, who promised him a sum of money oncondition that he would bring about an attack on the Town Hall bythe Republicans. He did so the same night, and an ambush havingbeen prepared by the Rougons, a number of lives were sacrificed. Hethereafter left the country. La Fortune des Rougon. Some time afterwards he returned to France, and bought a small houseat Les Tulettes, about three leagues from Plassans. He fitted up hisestablishment by degrees, and even became possessed of a horse and trap. Where the money came from no one knew, but it was believed that hisbrother Pierre Rougon was keeping him. Notwithstanding this, he hadgreat ill-will towards the Rougons, and lost no opportunity of annoyingthem. Partly with this object, and partly at the instigation of AbbeFenil, who wished to be revenged on Abbe Faujas, he contrived the escapeof Francois Mouret from the asylum at Les Tulettes; as result, Mouretreturned to Plassans, and setting fire to his house, caused the death ofAbbe Faujas, himself perishing in the flames. La Conquete de Plassans. Macquart lived to an old age at Les Tulettes, though he increasinglygave way to drunkenness. His relations with the Rougons were friendly, but he was hated by Felicite on account of his knowledge of the originof the family fortune. At eighty-four years of age he was still healthy, but his flesh was so saturated with alcohol that it seemed to bepreserved by it. One day, as he was sitting helpless with drink andsmoking his pipe, he set fire to his clothes, and his body, soaked asit was with ardent spirits, was burned to the last bone. Felicite Rougonchanced to enter the house just as the conflagration began, but shedid nothing to stop it, and went silently away. The combustion was socomplete that there was nothing left to bury, and the family had tocontent itself with having masses said for the repose of the dead. WhenMacquart's will was opened, it was found that he had left all his moneyfor the erection of a magnificent tomb for himself, with weeping angelsat the head and foot. Le Docteur Pascal. MACQUART (MADAME ANTOINE), wife of the preceding. See JosephineGavaudan. MACQUART (GERVAISE), born 1828, was a daughter of Antoine Macquart, andwas slightly lame from birth. She was apprenticed to a laundress, but atan early age had two children to a journeyman tanner named Lantier. [*] Soon after the death of her mother, in 1850, she ran off to Paris withLantier and her children, Claude, a boy of eight, and Etienne, agedfour. La Fortune des Rougon. The party had only been in the city a few weeks when Lantier ran offwith a girl named Adele, leaving Gervaise and the children unprovidedfor. She got work in the laundry of Madame Fauconnier, and not longafter received an offer of marriage from Coupeau, a respectablezinc-worker, which after some hesitation she accepted. The marriagetook place, and for a considerable time things prospered, one child, adaughter named Nana being born. An accident to Coupeau, who fell froma roof and was seriously injured, led to a gradual change; formerlytemperate and industrious, he became unwilling to work, and began tospend his time in public-houses. Gervaise had meantime taken a shop withmoney borrowed from the Goujets, and had started a laundry in it. Shewas at first successful, but in time grew lazy and fond of good living, while Coupeau continued idle and became increasingly intemperate. Business began to go, and Gervaise became more careless, even takingmore drink occasionally than she had been wont to do. About thistime Lantier, her former lover, appeared again, and made friends withCoupeau, who agreed to take him into the house as a lodger. After that, the descent of Gervaise was rapid. Lantier never paid anything for hissupport, Coupeau drank more heavily than ever, and Gervaise, who wasgradually drifting into intemperance, resumed her old connectionwith her lover. All the time work was being neglected, and debts wereaccumulating with alarming rapidity. Eventually Madame Virginie Poissontook over the shop, and with it Lantier, who transferred his affectionsalong with the lease, and the Coupeaus removed into a small house highup in the same building. Coupeau suffered from repeated attacks ofdelirium tremens, and eventually died in an asylum. Gervaise continuedto sink still lower, until no work was too menial or too repulsive forher to undertake for the price of drink, and one day in the winter of1869 she was found dead in a garret of that great tenement house whereshe had passed so much of her life. L'Assommoir. Her sister, Lisa Quenu, the pork-butcher, did not come to herassistance. Lisa did not like people who were unfortunate, and she wasashamed that Gervaise should have married a workman. Le Ventre de Paris. Her son Etienne sent her small sums of money from time to time while hewas in a situation at Lille. Germinal. [*] These two are the only children of Gervaise and Lantier mentioned by M. Zola in _La Fortune des Rougon_, _L'Assommoir_, _L'Oeuvre_, and _Germinal_. In _La Bete Humaine_, however, the hero, Jacques Lantier, is stated to have been a child of these parents. MACQUART (JEAN), born 1811, son of Antoine Macquart, was apprenticed toa carpenter. A quiet, industrious lad, Jean's father took advantage ofhis simple nature and made him give up his whole earnings to assist inkeeping him in idleness. Like his sister Gervaise, he ran off soon afterthe death of his mother. La Fortune des Rougon. He entered the army, and, after seven years of soldiering was dischargedin 1859. When he had left the ranks he turned up at Bazoches-le-Doyenwith a comrade, a joiner like himself; and he resumed his occupationwith the latter's father, a master carpenter in the village. But hisheart was no longer in his work, and having been sent to La Borderie tomake some repairs, he stayed on to assist at the harvest, and eventuallybecame a regular farm servant. He was not popular, however, with thepeasants, who resented his having had a trade before he came back to thesoil. He became acquainted at Rognes with Mouche and his daughters, Lise and Francoise, and eventually married the latter, in spite of thedetermined opposition of her brother-in-law, Buteau. Notwithstanding hismarriage, he remained a stranger, and, after the death of his wife, wentaway, leaving everything in the hands of her relatives. The war withGermany had just broken out, and Jean, disgusted with his life, againenlisted in the service of his country. La Terre. He was made corporal in the 106th Regiment of the line, commanded byColonel Vineuil. An excellent soldier, and invaluable by reason of hisformer experience, his want of education prevented him being promoted tohigher rank. Maurice Levasseur was in his company, and between the twomen there was at first deep antagonism, caused by difference of classand education, but little by little Jean was able to gain over theother, till the two men became close friends. In the fierce fighting atSedan, each in turn saved the other's life. After the battle, they weremade prisoners, but escaped, Jean receiving a severe wound during theirflight. They took refuge at Remilly in the house of Fouchard, and Jeanwas nursed by Henriette Weiss, Levasseur's sister. Under her care, thewounded man came to dream of the possibility of a life of happiness withthis woman, so tender, so sweet, and so active, whose fate had been sosad. But the chances of war were too hard; Maxime returned to Paris, andafter the conclusion of the war took part in the Communist rising, whichJean assisted to quell. By an extraordinary chance, the two men, lovingone another as brothers, came to be fighting on opposite sides, and itwas the hand of Jean that was fated to inflict the fatal wound upon hisfriend. He had killed the brother of the woman he loved, and henceforththere could be nothing between them, so he passed from her life, returning to assist in that cultivation of the soil which was needed torejuvenate his country. La Debacle. He settled at Valqueyras, near Plassans, where he married Melanie Vial, the only daughter of a peasant farmer in easy circumstances, whose landhe cultivated. Calm and sensible, always at his plough, his wifesimple and strong, he raised a large and healthy family to assistin replenishing the soil exhausted by the horrors of war. Le DocteurPascal. MACQUART (MADAME JEAN), first wife of the preceding. See FrancoiseMouche. La Terre. MACQUART (MADAME JEAN), second wife of Jean Macquart. See Melanie Vial. Le Docteur Pascal. MACQUART (LISA), born 1827, daughter of Antoine Macquart. When a childof seven she was taken as maid-servant by the wife of the postmaster atPlassans, whom she accompanied to Paris on her removal there in 1839. LaFortune des Rougon. The old lady became very much attached to the girl, and when she diedleft her all her savings, amounting to ten thousand francs. Gradelle, apork-butcher, who had become acquainted with Lisa by seeing her in theshop with her mistress, offered her a situation. She accepted, and soonthe whole place seemed to belong to her; she enslaved Gradelle, hisnephew Quenu, and even the smallest kitchen-boy. She became a beautifulwoman, with a love of ease and the determination to secure it by steadyapplication to duty. After the sudden death of Gradelle, she marriedQuenu, who had succeeded to the business, and they had one daughter, Pauline. Soon their affairs became so prosperous that Lisa induced herhusband to remove to a larger shop. On Florent's return from exile, shereceived him kindly, and at once proposed to hand over to him his shareof the money and property left by Gradelle, his uncle, which, however, he refused to accept. After a time she became tired of always seeingher brother-in-law about the house doing nothing, and was the means ofmaking him accept the situation as Inspector at the Fish Market. Whenshe heard of the Revolutionary meetings in Lebigre's wine-shop and ofthe leading part taken by Florent, she became greatly alarmed, moreespecially as Quenu had begun to accompany his brother occasionally. Shesucceeded in frightening her husband into giving up the meetings, andmade it clear to Florent that he was no longer welcome in her house. Alarmed by the gossip of Mlle. Saget and others as to the progress ofthe conspiracy, she determined, after consultation with Abbe Roustan, tosecure the safety of her husband and herself by informing the police ofthe plot. On going to the prefect, however, she learned that he had allalong known of Florent's presence in Paris, and of the meetings, andwas only waiting a favourable opportunity of arresting the plotters. She concealed the impending arrest from her husband and from Florent. Notwithstanding her action in this matter, Lisa was not an ill-naturedor callous woman. She was only determined that nothing should comebetween her and a life of ease. In her there was much of her father'snature, though she did not know it. She was merely a steady, sensibleMacquart with a logical desire for comfort, and to procuring this shegave all her time and thought. Le Ventre de Paris. She died in 1863 from decomposition of the blood. La Joie de Vivre. MACQUART (URSULE), born 1791, daughter of Macquart and Adelaide Fouque;married in 1810 a hatter named Mouret and went to live at Marseilles. She died of consumption in 1840, leaving three children. La Fortune desRougon. MACQUERON, a grocer and tavern-keeper at Rognes. He was a municipalcouncillor, and deputy Mayor. He made some money by speculating inwines, and had since become incorrigibly lazy, spending his time infishing and shooting. Had his wife listened to him, they would have shutup the shop, but she was so fiercely set on money-making that she wouldnot do so. There was a rivalry of long standing between the Macqueronsand the Lengaignes, which frequently broke out in open quarrels. Havingsucceeded in undermining Hourdequin's position as Mayor, Macqueronsucceeded him, but his triumph was of short duration, for some officialscandal having arisen, he was obliged to resign. La Terre. MACQUERON (MADAME COELINA), wife of the preceding, had a true passionfor money-making. She was continually quarrelling with her neighbour, Madame Lengaigne. La Terre. MACQUERON (BERTHE), daughter of the preceding, was educated at aboarding-school at Cloyes, and had learned to play the piano. Shetolerated the attentions of Lequeu, the schoolmaster, whom she heartilydisliked, as she felt flattered by the notice of the only man ofeducation whom she knew. She had a fancy for the son of a neighbouringwheelwright, whom her parents would not allow her to see, and sheultimately compromised herself so seriously with him that they had toconsent to her marriage. La Terre. MADELEINE, a little girl of ten years of age who was an inmate of theinstitute founded by Princess d'Orviedo. Her mother was unable to lookafter her properly, and placed her there in the hope that she would bewell cared for. L'Argent. MADELINE (ABBE), was sent to Rognes, when that commune decided to have acure to itself. He came from a mountainous district, and disheartenedby the flatness of the vast plain of La Beauce, and especially bythe religious indifference of his parishioners, he soon fell intoill-health, on one occasion fainting while he was saying Mass. Atthe end of two years and a half he left Rognes in a dying state, andreturned to his native mountains. La Terre. MADINIER (M. ) carried on business as a cardboard manufacturer in partof the tenement occupied by the Coupeaus and the Lorilleux. The businesswas not prosperous, as he spent all his earnings on drink. He was oneof Coupeau's witnesses on the occasion of his marriage to GervaiseMacquart, and was present at the wedding dinner. L'Assommoir. MAFFRE (M. ), a magistrate of Plassans and honorary Canon ofSaint-Saturnin's church. Politically he was a Legitimist, and he wasa friend of M. Rastoil, at whose house the party was in the habit ofmeeting. La Conquete de Plassans. MAFFRE (ALPHONSE), second son of the magistrate at Plassans, agedeighteen years. Restrained too much by their father, the two brothersMaffre were especially intimate with Guillaume Porquier, who frequentlyled them into mischief. La Conquete de Plassans. MAFFRE (AMBROISE), elder son of the magistrate at Plassans, aged twenty. La Conquete de Plassans. MAGINOT, inspector of woods at Mezieres. He married Gilberte de Vineuil, but died a few years afterwards. La Debacle. MAGINOT (MADAME), see Gilberte de Vineuil. MAHEU (ALZIRE), the fourth child of Toussaint Maheu, aged nine years. She was deformed and delicate, but of precocious intelligence, and wasable to assist her mother in many ways, sacrificing herself alwaysfor others. She died of cold and hunger during the strike at Montsou. Germinal. MAHEU (CATHERINE), second child of Toussaint Maheu, worked as a putterin the Voreux pit along with the other members of her family. She likedEtienne Lantier, but became the mistress of Chaval, who treated herso abominably that she eventually returned home. As a result of theterrible catastrophe brought about by Souvarine, she was imprisoned atthe bottom of the pit along with Chaval and Etienne. A struggle betweenthe two men ensued, and Chaval was killed. Days elapsed before rescuearrived, but before then Catherine had died in the arms of Etienne, whomshe had really loved all along. Germinal. MAHEU (ESTELLE), seventh child of Toussaint Maheu, aged three months. Her constant crying disturbed the household. Germinal. MAHEU (GUILLAUME), great-grandfather of Toussaint Maheu. When a boy offifteen, he found rich coal at Requillart, the Montsou Company's firstpit, and the seam he discovered was named after him. He died of old ageat sixty. Germinal. MAHEU (HENRI), sixth child of Toussaint Maheu, aged four years. Germinal. MAHEU (JEANLIN), third child of Toussaint Maheu, aged eleven years. Hewas employed at the Voreux pit, and earned twenty sous a day. His naturewas vicious, and he forced his companions Bebert Levaque and LydiePierron to commit petty thefts, with the proceeds of which he concealedhimself in a disused mine. His criminal tendencies increased until hewas unable to resist the inclination to kill one of the soldiers whoguarded the Voreux pit during the strike. He accordingly waited tillnight, and leaping on the shoulders of Jules, a little soldier fromBrittany, thrust a knife into his throat and killed him. Germinal. MAHEU (LENORE), fifth child of Toussaint Maheu, aged six years. Shewas always fighting with her brother Henri, who was very like her inappearance, both having large heads with light yellow hair. Germinal. MAHEU (NICOLAS), grandfather of Toussaint Maheu. He was killed by alandslip in the pit, when he was barely forty years old. Germinal. MAHEU (TOUSSAINT), son of old Bonnemort, and husband of La Maheude. Hewas considered one of the best workmen in the Voreux pit, did not drink, and was liked and respected by all his companions. He had been for aconsiderable time under the influence of the doctrines taught by EtienneLantier when he was selected by his comrades to place their views beforethe officials of the company. In the great strike which followed hetook part, and in the attack on the troops sent to guard the pit he wasdriven on by his wife to join the aggressors. He fell, shot through theheart, after the fatal volley fired by the soldiers. Germinal. MAHEU (VINCENT). See Bonnemort. MAHEU (ZACHARIE), eldest child of Toussaint Maheu. He worked inthe Voreux pit along with his father, but was lazy and seized anyopportunity of pleasure. He was married to Philomene Levaque, by whom healready had two children. The strike interested him very little, andhe spent most of his time playing _crosse_ with Mouquet. But when hissister Catherine was entombed in the pit he was one of the first to comeforward to the rescue, and he worked day and night with frantic energy. The ninth day, in his haste, he was imprudent enough to open his lamp, and a sudden explosion of gas reduced him to a calcined, unrecognizablemass. Germinal. MAHEUDE (LA), wife of Toussaint Maheu. She was at first against theminers' strike, but moved by the hardship of her lot and the poverty inwhich she was forced to bring up her family, she ultimately urged herhusband to take an active part. Even after she had seen him killed bythe bullets of the soldiers, she was furious with those who talked ofsubmitting. But further tragedies broke her spirit; her son Zacharie waskilled in an attempt to rescue his sister, entombed at the bottom of theVoreux pit. Out of charity the company allowed the afflicted woman togo underground again, though she was past the usual age, and foundemployment for her in the manipulation of a small ventilator. Germinal. MAHOUDEAU, a sculptor. The son of a stonemason at Plassans, he attainedgreat success at the local art competitions, and came to Paris as the_laureat_ of his town, with an allowance of eight hundred francs perannum for four years. In the capital, however, he found his level, failing in his competitions at the School of Arts, and merely spendinghis allowance to no purpose; so that in order to live he was obliged atthe end of his term to enter the employment of a manufacturer of churchstatues. Later, however, he met with Claude Lantier and other companionsfrom Plassans, and under their influence his ambitions revived. Heinstalled himself in a studio in Rue du Cherche-Midi, and there setabout the production of a colossal work entitled _La Vendangeuse_ (theVintage Girl), for which Madame Mathilde Jabouille served as model. Fora time Chaine, who also came from Plassans, lived with Mahoudeau, butthey quarrelled over Mathilde, and ultimately separated. After thisMahoudeau lived alone, in considerable poverty, until he got employmentfrom a manufacturer of artistic bronzes. He then began to produce workwhich suited the popular taste, and his productions began to be seen onmiddle-class chimney-pieces. L'Oeuvre. MAIGRAT, the principal shop-keeper in Montsou. He was originally anoverseer at the Voreux pit, but, assisted by the company, started abusiness which grew to such proportions that he ultimately crushed outmost of the other retail traders. He was a greedy, rapacious man, andduring the strike made the women furious by refusing credit. For otherreasons also they hated him, and his shop was one of the first placesattacked by the maddened strikers. In terror Maigrat took refuge onthe roof, but his foot slipped, and he was dashed to the ground, beingkilled on the spot. Even this did not satisfy his assailants, for thefrenzied women, led by La Brule, rushed forward and mutilated the stillquivering body. Germinal. MAIGRAT (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was a pitiful creature whopassed all her days over a ledger without even daring to lift her head. On the day of the attack by the strikers she was a witness of the deathof her husband and of the terrible events which followed. Up at thewindow she stood motionless; but beneath the last gleams of the settingsun the confused faults of the window-panes deformed her white face, which looked as though it were laughing. Germinal. MALGRAS (LE PERE), a picture-dealer with whom Claude Lantier hadfrequent dealings. He was a thick-set old man, with close-croppedwhite hair, and wore a dirty old coat that made him look like an untidycabman. Beneath this disguise was concealed a keen knowledge of art, combined with a ferocious skill in bargaining. As a superb liar, moreover, he was without an equal. He was satisfied with a small profit, but never purchased in the morning without knowing where to disposeof his purchase at night. He viewed with disdain the modern methods ofpicture-dealing introduced by Naudet, and like a cautious man he retiredwith a modest fortune to a little house at Bois-Colombes. L'Oeuvre. MALIGNON (M. ), a young stockbroker who was supposed to have a largefortune and accordingly was received everywhere in society. He posed asa critic of art, literature, and the drama, and pretended to be boredwith everything. Madame Deberle, being carried away by his attentions, was foolish enough to promise to meet him at a flat which he had taken, but Madame Helene Grandjean having warned her that Dr. Deberle hadgot wind of the affair, the intended liaison came to nothing. Une Paged'Amour. MALIVERNE (ROSE). See Madame Rose Fouan. MALIVOIRE, a coach-hirer at Arromanches. He was the owner of the omnibuswhich ran between Arromanches and Bayeux. La Joie de Vivre. MALOIR (MADAME), a respectable-looking elderly woman, was Nana's friend, chaperone, and companion, writing for her such letters as she required. She was always ready to receive the secrets of others, but never toldanything about herself. It was said that she lived upon a mysteriouspension, but she never appeared to carry any money with her. She had amania for doing up all her hats afresh. Nana. MAMAN NINI, the pet name given by Angelique to Francois Hamelin. LeReve. MANGUELIN (MADAME), a young, retiring woman, who was to some extentdependent on the bounty of Madame Deberle. Une Page d'Amour. MANOURY, a salesman at the Central Markets in Paris. He was the employerof Logre and Clemence. Le Ventre de Paris. MARCEL, a vegetable-dealer at the Paris _Halles Centrales_. Le Ventre deParis. MARDIENNE FRERES, manufacturers of church ornaments in RueSaint-Sulpice. Mademoiselle Menu worked in their establishment. Pot-Bouille. MARECHAL, a bookmaker who had formerly been coachman to Comte deVandeuvres. As the result of a racing swindle by Vandeuvres, Marechallost a large sum over a filly named Nana, and, his suspicions havingbeen aroused, he caused such a scandal that the Comte was disqualifiedby the racing committee. Nana. MARESCOT (M. ), a cutler in the Rue de la Paix, who had once turned agrindstone in the streets and was now said to be worth several millions. He was a man of fifty-five, large, bony, with the huge hands of an oldworkman; one of his delights was to carry off the knives and scissors ofhis tenants, which he sharpened himself for his own amusement. He ownedthe large tenement-house on the Rue Goutte d'Or, in which resided theCoupeaus, Lorilleux, and others, and though a fair landlord, wouldbrook no delay in payment of rent, turning out defaulters without mercy. L'Assommoir. MAREUIL (M. DE), a retired sugar-refiner of Havre whose real name wasBonnet. After amassing a large fortune, he married a young girl of goodbirth, whose name he assumed. He was ambitious and hoped to becomea member of the Corps Legislatif through the influence of his friendSaccard, whose brother Eugene Rougon was a Minister of State. To securethis he agreed to a marriage between his daughter and Maxime Saccard. Hewas a man of solemn and imposing appearance, but was absolutely withoutbrains. La Curee. MAREUIL (MADAME HELENE DE), wife of the preceding. She came of a nobleand wealthy family, but lived such a fast life that she died young, wornout by pleasure. La Curee. MAREUIL (LOUISE DE), daughter of a retired sugar-refiner of Havre. Slightly deformed and plain-looking, but with fascinating manners, shemarried Maxime Saccard, to whom she brought a large dowry. Six monthsafterwards she died of consumption in Italy. La Curee. MAREUIL (COMTESSE), employed Clara Prunaire in her house to attend tothe mending of linen. Au Bonheur des Dames. MARGAILLAN, a great building contractor, many times a millionaire, whomade his fortune out of the great public works of Paris, runningup whole boulevards on his own account. He was a man of remarkableactivity, with a great gift of administration, and an instinctiveknowledge of the streets to construct and the buildings to buy. Moved bythe success of Dubuche at the School of Art, and by the recommendationsof his masters there, Margaillan took the young architect intopartnership, and agreed to his marriage with his daughter Regine. Unfortunately, Dubuche showed deplorable incapacity in carrying intopractice the theories which he had learned at the School of Art, andMargaillan, after losing considerable sums, returned to his originalmethods of construction, thrusting his son-in-law to one side. Hepossessed a magnificent estate named _La Richaudiere_, near Bennecourt. L'Oeuvre. MARGAILLAN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was a girl of themiddle-classes, whose family history was a bad one, and after sufferingfor years from anemia, she ultimately died of phthisis. L'Oeuvre. MARGAILLAN (REGINE), daughter of the preceding, and wife of LouisDubuche. She was very delicate, and suffered from a phthisical tendencyderived from her mother, which in turn she handed to her two children, Gaston and Alice. It was frequently necessary for her to leave home forthe benefit of her health, and during her absences the children wereleft at _La Richaudiere_ in charge of their father. L'Oeuvre. MARIA, an actress at the Theatre des Varietes. Nana. MARJOLIN, a boy who was found in a heap of cabbages at the Paris market. It was never known who his parents were, and he became the adoptedchild of the place, always finding a lodging with one or other of themarket-women. Later on he lived with Madame Chantemesse, who had adoptedCadine, another foundling, and the two children grew up together, becoming inseparable. Marjolin was always of slow intellect, and as theresult of an injury to his head he became practically an idiot. Gavardgave him employment in the poultry market. Le Ventre de Paris. MARSOULLIER, proprietor of the Hotel Boncoeur, where Gervaise Macquartand Lantier put up when they came to Paris. L'Assommoir. MARTIN, coachman to Dr. Cazenove. He was an old man who formerly servedin the navy, and had his leg amputated by Cazenove. La Joie de Vivre. MARTINE, the old servant of Dr. Pascal, with whom she had been forthirty years. She brought up Clotilde Rougon, whose affection for thedoctor excited her jealousy later on. Martine, who was devoted to hermaster, desired to force him to be reconciled with the Church, butClotilde, at first her accomplice, escaped from religious influences andgave herself entirely to Pascal, leaving Martine with no other resourcebut prayer. She was extremely avaricious, but when the doctor wasruined, her devotion was such that she used some of her own money topurchase the necessaries of life for him. Distracted at the suddendeath of her master, and in the hope of saving him from damnation, sheassisted Madame Felicite Rougon to destroy his great work on heredity, which in her narrow-minded bigotry she believed was intended to subverttrue religion. The work of destruction completed, she went away to liveby herself at Sainte-Marthe, as she refused to serve any other masterthan the one she had been with so many years. Le Docteur Pascal. MARTINEAU (M. ), a notary of Coulonges, and brother of Madame Correur. He ignored his sister for many years, but his principles would not allowhim to disinherit her, and he made a will under which his property wouldbe divided between her and his wife. Soon thereafter, Madame Correur, knowing him to be in bad health, denounced him as a dangerous Republicanto Rougon, then Minister of the Interior, and his arrest followed. Theshock, together with the unnecessary harshnesses displayed by Gilquin, the commissary of police, caused Martineau's death, and the subsequentpopular outcry had much to do with Rougon's second resignation ofoffice. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. MARTINEAU (MADAME), wife of the preceding. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. MARSY (COMTE DE), Minister of the Interior before Eugene Rougon, whosucceeded him on his appointment as President of the Corps Legislatif. Marsy, who was said to be the son of a queen, was brilliant, immoral, and unscrupulous. He was the chief political opponent of Eugene Rougonand had great influence at the Court of Napoleon III. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. MARTY (M. ), a master at the Lycee Bonaparte, who was being ruined by theextravagance of his wife, and was obliged to double his salary by givingprivate lessons, in order to meet the constantly growing householdexpenses. Au Bonheur des Dames. MARTY (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was a woman of about thirty-fiveyears of age, whose face, never beautiful, was now much marked bysmall-pox. She had a perfect mania for spending money on clothes, andnever visited "The Ladies' Paradise" without buying innumerable articlesfor which she had no need. As a result of her extravagance, her husbandwas nearly ruined, and was forced to increase his earnings by givingprivate lessons. Au Bonheur des Dames. MARTY (VALENTINE), daughter of the preceding, a young girl of fourteenyears of age, who was used by her mother as an excuse for some of herextravagance, as she dressed her like herself, with all the fashionablenovelties of which she submitted to the irresistible seduction. AuBonheur des Dames. MASCART (PERE), a blind paralytic to whom Angelique showed muchkindness. Le Reve. MASSACRE, one of the dogs of old Soulas, the shepherd. It shared thehatred of its master of La Cognette. La Terre. MASSIAS, a frequenter of the Paris Bourse, where he gained a living bybringing business to stockbrokers, from whom he received a commission oneach transaction. He was employed by Saccard after the foundation of theUniversal Bank, and by speculating in the shares he made a considerablefortune. With the downfall of the institution, he lost everything, andfound himself in debt for a large sum. By borrowing from friends, and pledging his entire life, he paid his debts and started afresh. L'Argent. MASSICOT, a tradesman of Plassans who was enrolled and armed by PierreRougon to deliver the Town Hall from the Republicans who had occupiedit. He was so excited that when he got into the building he fired in theair without knowing he had done so. La Fortune des Rougon. MASSON (COLONEL), commander of the troops which crushed the Republicanrising in 1851. La Fortune des Rougon. MATHIAS, an old hunchback who worked on the farm of La Borderie. LaTerre. MATHIEU, a large dog which belonged to the Chanteaus at Bonneville andwas a great favourite of the family. The death of this animal greatlyaccelerated the unreasoning fear of inevitable mortality with which themind of Lazare Chanteau was becoming obsessed. La Joie de Vivre. MATHILDE, an actress at the Theatre des Varietes. Nana. MATIGNON, a draper in Paris, whose shop was near that of Baudu. AuBonheur des Dames. MAUDIT (ABBE), Vicar of Saint-Roch, Paris, he counted among hisparishioners the Josserands and the Duveyriers. Though well aware of theimmorality that went on in his parish, he recognized the impossibilityof stopping it, and did what he could to hide it under the cloak ofreligion. When the scandal arose about Madame Auguste Vabre, he wasapproached by her relations, and at their request acted as intermediarybetween the husband and wife. Pot-Bouille. MAUGENDRE (M. ), father of Madame Jordan; was a retired awningmanufacturer who had made a considerable fortune from his business. He disapproved of his daughter's marriage, and refused to give her anydowry, on the pretext that she would have his fortune intact when he wasdead and gone. He was a careful man, averse from speculation, but havingon one occasion made a small venture, he gradually became imbued withthe craze. The phenomenal success of the Universal Bank induced him topurchase its shares more and more wildly, until, when the crash came, he was so deeply committed as to be ruined. Jordan, who by this time hadmet with some success in literature, came to his assistance. L'Argent. MAUGENDRE (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was at first bitterly opposedto the small speculations entered into by her husband. She soon gotinfected with the craze, and became even more reckless than he, urginghim to involve himself more and more deeply in the fortunes of theUniversal Bank. L'Argent. MAUGENDRE (MARCELLE). See Madame Marcelle Jordan. MAURIAC (BARON DE), starter at the racecourse of Longchamp. Nana. MAURIN, a hatter of Plassans, who was selected by the Republicans ofthat town as their candidate. At the election he only received aboutfifteen hundred votes against the rival candidate. M. Delangre. LaConquete de Plassans. MAURIN, a notary at Tulettes, who was also Mayor of the Commune. Itwas he who drew up the certificate of death of Antoine Macquart fromspontaneous combustion. MAZAUD, a broker on the Paris Bourse, who succeeded on the death of hisuncle to one of the largest businesses in the city. He was young andpleasant-looking, with such remarkable activity and intuition that hesoon came into the first rank. He was also assisted by the fact thathe did business with all the great bankers, and was reputed to have asecond cousin employed at the Havas News Agency. After the foundation ofthe Universal Bank, he became the official broker of that institution, and the great gamble in its shares resolved itself into a duel betweenhim and Jacoby, the one buying for Saccard and the other selling forGundermann. Mazaud did not speculate on his own account, but the failureof the bank led to so many of his clients being unable to meet theirdifferences that he was ruined. After putting his affairs in order sofar as possible, he committed suicide. L'Argent. MAZAUD (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She married for love, andbrought to her husband a considerable fortune. She had two children, agirl and a boy. The suicide of her husband completely overwhelmed herwith grief. L'Argent. MAZEL, a famous master at the School of Arts, and the last rampart ofelegant conventionality. The first year that the Hanging Committee ofthe _Salon_ was elected by the artists themselves, Mazel was chosenpresident. In the selection of pictures he was susceptible to influence, and was guided more by the name of the artist than by the quality of thework. L'Oeuvre. MECHAIN, proprietor of a racing-stable. Hazard, one of his horses, ranin the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. MECHAIN (MADAME), a woman in the employment of Busch, the money-lenderand debt collector. She assisted him in tracing debtors, and in thepurchase of securities of bankrupt companies. She was a cousin ofRosalie Chavaille, mother of Victor Saccard, on whose death she was leftwith the boy to bring up. On discovering the paternity of Victor someyears later, she and Busch attempted to blackmail Saccard, but withoutsuccess, though they had previously got a considerable sum from CarolineHamelin, who wished to save Saccard from annoyance. L'Argent. MEGOT (JUSTINE), a young maid-servant of Renee Saccard. She had a sonto Maxime Rougon in 1857, and was sent to live in the country with thechild on a small annuity. La Curee. Three years later she married Anselme Thomas, a harness-maker atPlassans. They had two children, and would have lived happily but forthe husband's dislike to her eldest child, Charles Rougon. Her conductafter marriage was exemplary in every way. Le Docteur Pascal. MEHUDIN (MADAME), originally came from Rouen to Paris, where she everafterwards remained in the fish trade. As her two daughters, Louiseand Claire, got on badly together, she ultimately divided her businessbetween them, Louise going to the general fish-market, while Claireinstalled herself among the fresh-water fish. "From that time the oldmother, although she pretended to have retired from business altogether, would flit from one stall to the other, still interfering in the sellingof the fish, and causing her daughters continual annoyance by the foulinsolence with which she at times spoke to customers. " Le Ventre deParis. MEHUDIN (CLAIRE), the second daughter of Madame Mehudin, was an idle, fair-complexioned girl, with a gentle manner. She had, however, a strongwill, and was invariably at loggerheads with others. When Florent becameInspector at the Fish Market, Claire took his part against her motherand sister, but afterwards went to the opposite extreme when hisrelations with Louise had become friendly. It appeared that she had areal affection for him, however, as after his arrest she assaulted hersister in the belief that she had given information to the police. LeVentre de Paris. MEHUDIN (LOUISE), commonly called La Normande. She was a beautifulwoman who had at one time been engaged to be married to a clerk in thecorn-market. He was, however, accidentally killed, leaving Louise witha son, who was known in the market by the nickname of _Muche_. WhenFlorent was first appointed Inspector in the Fish Market, Louise, whohad quarrelled with his sister-in-law, Lisa, did everything she could toannoy him. Afterwards, partly gratified by his kindness to her son, and partly to annoy Madame Lisa Quenu, she became reconciled to him. LeVentre de Paris. MEINHOLD (MADAME DE), a lady well-known in the Society of the SecondEmpire. She was a friend of Madame de Lauwerens and of the Saccards. LaCuree. MELANIE, cook in the employment of the Gregoires, with whom she had beenfor thirty years. Germinal. MELANIE, the servant of Denizet, the examining magistrate at Rouen. Thelatter was anxious for promotion, in order that his old servant might bebetter fed and consequently better tempered. La Bete Humane. MELIE, niece of the Fancheurs. She was a girl from the village ofBennecourt, who waited on Claude Lantier and Christine in their cottagethere, and greatly amused them by her stupidity. After the death ofthe Fancheurs, the inn came into the possession of Melie, but soon lostfavour on account of its dirt and disorder. L'Oeuvre. MENU (MADEMOISELLE), aunt of Fanny Menu, who lived with her. She hadbeen an embroideress for thirty years, but her sight failed and she wasobliged to give up work. Fortunately she received a small legacy from arelative, and on this, added to the earnings of her niece, she was ableto live. Pot-Bouille. MENU (FANNY), a young girl who was protected by Narcisse Bachelard. As he on one occasion found her with Gueulin, his nephew, undercompromising circumstances, he insisted on their marriage, and gave hera handsome dowry. Pot-Bouille. MERLE, usher at the Council of State. He was appointed by Eugene Rougon, through the influence of Madame Correur. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. MES BOTTES, the sobriquet of one of Coupeau's companions. He was a heavydrinker and an enormous eater, and on account of the latter gift he wasoccasionally asked by his friends to join such parties of pleasure aspaid by contract for their entertainment, in order that they might watchthe landlord's face lengthen at the rapid disappearance of food. Chiefly for this reason, he was asked to the Coupeaus' wedding party. L'Assommoir. MEYER, owner of a Viennese bakery in Faubourg Poissonniere. The Coupeausbought their bread from him in order to please Lantier. L'Assommoir. MICHELIN (M. ), a surveyor of the Municipal Council. "His wife, a prettywoman, occasionally called to apologize to her husband's chiefs for hisabsence, when he stayed away through ill-health. He was often ill, buthe obtained promotion at each illness. " In order to secure Saccard'sinfluence, Michelin assisted him in getting exorbitant prices for landsold to the city. La Curee. MICHELIN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. By means of her good looks anda determination to get on at any cost, she secured the influence of herhusband's superiors, and got rapid promotion for him in the office ofthe Municipal Council. La Curee. MIETTE, the pet name of Marie Chantegreil. (q. V. ). MIETTE, one of the peasant girls of Les Artaud who assisted to decoratethe church for the festival of the Virgin. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. MIGNON, a man who, beginning life as a bricklayer, had amassed a fortuneby speculations in building land during the early days of the SecondEmpire. Along with Charrier, his partner, he had many business dealingswith Aristide Saccard. La Curee. MIGNON, husband of an actress at the Theatre des Varietes. When Rosemarried him he was leader of the orchestra at a cafe concert where shesang. They were the best of friends, and lived together on the earningsof the wife, who exploited her beauty not less than her talents. Mignonwas always on the best of terms with his wife's lovers, even assistingthem occasionally to deceive her, with the view of bringing them back inpenitence later on. Nana. MIGNON (CHARLES), younger son of the preceding. Nana. MIGNON (HENRI), elder son of Mignon. Along with his brother Charles hewas educated at a boarding-school. Nana. MIGNON (ROSE), wife of Mignon, was a star actress at the Theatre desVarietes, being a fine comedienne and an admirable singer. She was darkand thin with that charming ugliness which is peculiar to the gaminsof Paris. It was she who, annoyed by the rivalry of Nana, one day madeComte de Muffat aware of the liaison between his wife and Fauchery. Shewas, however, a good-hearted woman, and when she learned that Nana hadcontracted small-pox she arranged for her removal to the Grand Hotel, and nursed her there till she died. Nana. MIGNOT, one of the salesmen in the glove department at "The Ladies'Paradise. " He entered into a conspiracy with Albert Lhomme to defraudhis employer, and this was successful to a considerable extent beforeits discovery; his dismissal followed, but there was no prosecution, asthe firm preferred not to bring its internal affairs before the publiceye. He afterwards got a situation as a traveller, and had even theboldness to call at "The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. MIMI-LA-MORT, a pupil at the College of Plassans, who was also nicknamed_Le Squelette-Externe_ (The Skeleton Day-Boarder) on account of hisextreme thinness. Against the regulations of the College, he used tobring in snuff to the other scholars. L'Oeuvre. MINOUCHE, a white cat which belonged to the Chanteaus. La Joie de Vivre. MISARD, signalman on the railway at Croix-de-Maufras, between Malaunayand Barentin. He was a little puny man, with thin, discoloured hair andbeard, and a lean, hollow-cheeked face. His work was mechanical, and heseemed to carry it through without thought or intelligence. His wife, a cousin of Jacques Lantier, looked after the level-crossing whichadjoined their house until failing health prevented her from leavingthe house. For this little man, silently and without anger, was slowlypoisoning his wife with a powder which he placed in the salt which sheate. This crime, patient and cunning, had for its cause a legacy of athousand francs left to Aunt Phasie by her father, a legacy whichshe had hidden, and refused to hand over to Misard. But the old womantriumphed in the end, for though Misard searched day and night for thetreasure, he was never able to find it; she died taking her secret withher. An old woman of the neighbourhood, La Ducloux, whom he had employedto attend to the level-crossing after the death of his wife, induced himto marry her by pretending that she had discovered the secret hoard. LaBete Humaine. MISARD (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Phasie (Aunt). MORANGE (CHARLOT), son of Silvine Morange and of Goliath Steinberg. Physically he resembled his father's race, whom, however, he was broughtup to hate. Hidden behind his mother, he was at three years old awitness of the murder of his father by the francs-tireurs. La Debacle. MORANGE (SILVINE), servant with Fouchard at Remilly. Her mother, who wasa worker in a factory at Raucourt, died when she was quite young, andher godfather, Dr. Dalichamp, got her a situation with Fouchard. Honore Fouchard fell in love with her, and they became engaged, but theopposition of the old man was so great that Honore went away from homeand enlisted in the army. During his absence Silvine fell a victimto the wiles of Goliath Steinberg, and a child, Charlot, was born, Steinberg having previously disappeared. She had all along loved Honore, and when he passed through Remilly on his way to fight the Prussianshe forgave her, and promised to marry her on his return. When she heardthat he had been killed in the battle of Sedan, she became nearly mad, and with Prosper Sambuc made a wild search of the battlefield for herlover's body. They found it eventually, and brought it back in a cartfor burial. Goliath Steinberg, who was a German spy, again made advancesto her, and, to save herself and her friends, she betrayed him to thefrancs-tireurs, who killed him in her presence. La Debacle. MORIZOT, a friend of Malignon, who took him to the children's party atDeberle's house. Une Page d'Amour. MOSER, a speculator on the Paris Bourse. He was a short, yellow-skinnedman, who suffered from liver complaint and was continually lamenting, in constant dread of some imminent catastrophe. In consequence of hisviews, he was known on the Bourse as "bear" Moser. Speculating heavilyagainst the rise in the shares of the Universal Bank, he was at one timeon the verge of ruin, but the collapse of that institution left him withan enormous fortune. L'Argent. MOUCHE (LE PERE), the sobriquet of Michel Fouan, the third son of JosephCasimir Fouan, and brother of La Grande, Pere Fouan, and LaureBadeuil. When his father's estate was divided, he received the familydwelling-house and some land, but was dissatisfied with his share andcontinued to accuse his brother and sister, though forty years hadelapsed, of having robbed him when the lots were drawn. He had beenlong a widower, and, a soured unlucky man, he lived alone with histwo daughters, Lise and Francoise. At sixty years of age he died of anattack of apoplexy. La Terre. MOUCHE (FRANCOISE), younger daughter of Michel Fouan, alias Mouche. Hermother died early, and she was brought up by her sister Lise, to whomshe was devotedly attached. She had a passion for justice, and when shehad said "that is mine and that is yours, " she would have been preparedto go to the stake in support of her rights. This execration ofinjustice gradually led to a change of feeling between the two sisters, for after the marriage of Lise to Buteau a division of the land shouldhave been made. Buteau and his wife on various pretexts put off thisdivision, and it was only on the marriage of Francoise to Jean Macquartthat it was carried out. An entire estrangement between the two familiesfollowed, and constant quarrels took place. After a shameful assault byButeau upon Francoise, his wife threw her upon a scythe which lay uponthe ground near by, and the unfortunate girl received injuries fromwhich she died a few hours later. A sense of loyalty to her familyinduced her to conceal the cause of these injuries, which wereattributed to accident. La Terre. MOUCHE (LISE), elder daughter of Pere Mouche, and sister of thepreceding. She had a son to her cousin Buteau, who, however, did notmarry her for three years afterwards, when the death of her father madeher heiress to some land. She was at first an amiable woman, but grewhardened under the influence of her husband, and ultimately her wholedesire was to avoid the necessity of a division of her father's estatebetween her sister and herself. Moved by these feelings, her love forFrancoise became transformed into a hatred so intense that she did nothesitate to assist her husband in attempting to bring about the girl'sruin. In the end, having assisted Buteau in a shameful assault onFrancoise, she afterwards threw her upon a scythe which was lying onthe ground near by, inflicting injuries which proved fatal. Pere Fouan, having been a witness of the assault, was subsequently murdered by Liseand her husband, to ensure his silence and their own safety. La Terre. MOULIN, an assistant station-master at Havre along with Roubaud. La BeteHumaine. MOULIN (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was a little woman, timidand weak, who was seldom seen. She had a large family of young children. La Bete Humaine. MOUNIER, a tenor singer at the Opera, who gave the cue to MadameDaigremont at a performance in her house. L'Argent. MOUQUE, father of Mouquet and of Mouquette. He had charge of the horsesin the Voreux pit, and also acted as caretaker at a ruined mine knownas the Requillart, where the company had given him two rooms to live in. Almost every evening he received a visit from his old comrade Bonnemort. Germinal. MOUQUET, son of the preceding, was an inseparable companion of ZacharieMaheu, along with whom he worked at the Voreux pit. During the strike hewent out of curiosity to see the attack by the strikers on the soldierswho were guarding the mines, and was killed by a stray ball which struckhim in the mouth. MOUQUETTE, daughter of Mouque. She was a putter in the Voreux pit, andlived with her father at the ruined mine of Requillart, where he wascaretaker. She was present at the attack by the strikers on the soldiersguarding the Voreux, and when the fatal volley was fired she was killed, in an instinctive attempt to save Catherine Maheu, before whom sheplaced herself. Germinal. MOURET, a hatter of Plassans who married Ursule Macquart in 1810 andwent to live at Marseilles. He was devoted to his wife, and a year afterher death in 1839, he hanged himself in a cupboard where her dresseswere still suspended. He left three children, Helene, Francois, andSilvere. La Fortune des Rougon. MOURET (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Ursule Macquart. La Fortunedes Rougon. MOURET (DESIREE), born 1844, daughter of Francois Mouret, and sister ofOctave and Serge. La Fortune des Rougon. She was of feeble intellect, and when a girl of sixteen was stillmentally like a child of eight. When her mother fell under the influenceof Abbe Faujas, and began entirely to neglect her family, FrancoisMouret removed Desiree to the home of her old nurse, in whose custodyshe remained. La Conquete de Plassans. When her brother Serge was appointed priest of Les Artaud, sheaccompanied him there. By that time she had grown to be a tall, handsomegirl, but her mind had never developed, and she was still like a youngchild. Her love of animals had become a passion, and at her brother'shome she was able to indulge it to the fullest extent, and to hercomplete happiness. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. She accompanied her brother to Saint Eutrope, where he became cure, and she continued innocent and healthy, like a happy young animal. LeDocteur Pascal. MOURET (FRANCOIS), born in 1817, son of Mouret and Ursule Macquart, hiswife. He got a situation in the business of his uncle, Pierre Rougon, whose daughter Marthe he married in 1840. They had three children, Octave, Serge, and Desiree. On the retirement of his uncle, Mouretreturned to Marseilles and established himself in business there. LaFortune de Rougon. During fifteen years of close application on the part of Mouret and hiswife, he made a fortune out of wines, oil, and almonds, and then retiredto Plassans, where he lived on his means, making an occasional deal inwine or oil when a chance occurred. He was not on good terms with hiswife's relations, and placed himself politically in opposition to themby supporting the Legitimist candidate, the Marquis de Lagrifoul. In1858, having two vacant rooms in his house, he was induced by the AbbeBourrette to let them to Abbe Faujas, a priest who had been sent toPlassans by the Government to undermine the existing clerical influencethere, which had been exercised in support of the Marquis deLagrifoul. Mouret was a man of narrow and restricted intellect, and hispeculiarities became more and more marked as the Abbe Faujas graduallycame to dominate the household and induce Madame Mouret to neglect herhusband and family for the service of the Church. By degrees Mouretcame to be regarded as insane, and his wife having had several epilepticattacks, he was accused of having caused the injuries she had reallyinflicted on herself. His wrongful removal to the asylum at Les Tulettesfollowed, and confinement soon confirmed the insanity which before hadonly threatened. In 1864, his uncle, Antoine Macquart, in order to annoythe Rougons contrived his escape from the asylum, and he returned bynight to his home at Plassans. Finding it in the occupancy of AbbeFaujas and his relatives, he was overcome by the fury of madness, andset fire to the house in several places. So thoroughly did he do hiswork that all the inmates, including himself, perished in the flames. LaConquete de Plassans. MOURET (MADAME MARTHE), wife of the preceding. See Marthe Rougon. MOURET (HELENE), born 1824, daughter of Mouret and Ursule Macquart, hiswife. La Fortune des Rougon. When seventeen years old she married M. Grandjean, the son of asugar-refiner of Marseilles, whose family were bitterly opposed to thematch on account of her poverty. The wedding was a secret one, andthe young couple had difficulty making ends meet until an uncle died, leaving them ten thousand francs a year. "It was then that Grandjean, within whom an intense hatred of Marseilles was growing, had decided oncoming to Paris, to live there for good. " The day after their arrivalGrandjean was seized with illness, and after eight days he died, leavinghis wife with one daughter, a young girl of ten. Helene, who was a womanof singular beauty, had no friends in Paris except Abbe Jouve and hishalf-brother M. Rambaud, but from them she received much kindness. Her daughter Jeanne was far from strong, having inherited much of thehereditary neurosis of her mother's family, along with a consumptivetendency from that of her father. A sudden illness of the girl led to anacquaintance with Doctor Deberle, and this ripened into love betweenhim and Helene, though considerations of duty kept them apart. Meantime, Helene had discovered the beginnings of an intrigue between MadameDeberle and M. Malignon, and in order to break it off was herself placedin such a compromising position towards Doctor Deberle that he becameher lover. The discovery of the fact by Jeanne, whose jealous love ofher mother amounted to a mania, led to the child's illness and death, and to her mother's bitter repentance. Two years later Helene married M. Rambaud, and went to live at Marseilles. Une Page d'Amour. She lived for many years, very happy, and idolized by her husband, in ahouse which he owned near Marseilles, close to the seashore. She had nochildren by her second marriage. Le Docteur Pascal. MOURET (OCTAVE), born 1840, son of Francois Mouret. La Fortune desRougon. A young man of high spirits and somewhat idle habits, he made littleprogress at college, and failed to pass the examinations for a degree. His father was much annoyed at this, and sent him off to Marseilles toenter a commercial business. The reports regarding him were, however, unsatisfactory, as it appeared that he showed no inclination tosettle to hard work and was living a dissolute life. [*] La Conquete dePlassans. After the death of his parents, Serge Mouret, who was about to take HolyOrders, renounced his share of his father's fortune in favour of hisbrother Octave. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. He was appointed a member of the family council which nominally hadcharge of Pauline Quenu's fortune. La Joie de Vivre. After three years at Marseilles he came to Paris, where he secured anappointment as assistant at "The Ladies' Paradise" through the influenceof the Campardons, who were old friends of his mother. He formed theproject of advancing his prospects by making love to Madame Hedouin, wife of his employer, but she gave him no encouragement. He resigned hissituation, and went as salesman to Auguste Vabre, a neighbouring silkmerchant. Vabre's wife (nee Berthe Josserand) was not on good terms withher husband, and a liaison was formed between her and Octave Mouret, which subsisted for some time before it was discovered by Vabre, whoreceived information from Rachael, his maid-servant. Mouret returned tohis former employment at "The Ladies' Paradise, " and M. Hedouin havingdied in the interval, he married the widow a few months afterwards. Hehad developed keen business ability, with large ideas, and under hismanagement the shop became one of the most important in the district. Pot-Bouille. In Mouret's hands the business of "The Ladies' Paradise" continued togrow, and repeated extensions of the building became necessary. Whileone of these was in progress, Madame Mouret, who was inspecting thework, fell into a hole, and as a result of her injuries died threedays afterwards. Mouret remained a widower, and devoted himself to theextension of his business, though it was believed that a liaison withMadame Desforges was not the only entanglement of its kind. On theintroduction of Madame Desforges he came to know Baron Hartmann, director of the Credit Immobilier, who became interested in him, andeventually found the money necessary to carry out the vast schemes ofextension which he had long had in mind. By this time Denise Bauduhad come to "The Ladies' Paradise" as a saleswoman, and from the firstMouret had taken an interest in her. This was probably increased by thefact that she resisted all his advances, and refused all his offers. Ultimately he became so infatuated by her that he asked her to marryhim, which she agreed to do. By this time the success of "The Ladies'Paradise" had become triumphant, and the smaller traders of thedistrict were being crushed out of existence, and driven one by one intobankruptcy. Au Bonheur des Dames. He assisted at the burial of his cousin, Claude Lantier the artist. By this time he had become very rich, was decorated with the Legionof Honour, and was desirous of giving the impression of an enlightenedtaste for art. L'Oeuvre. Octave Mouret, whose immense fortune continued to increase, had towardsthe end of 1872 a second child by his wife Denise Baudu, whom he adored, though he again began to lead a somewhat irregular life. Their littlegirl was puny, but the younger child, a boy, took after his mother, andgrew magnificently. Le Docteur Pascal. [*] It is interesting to note that by a curious oversight M. Zola in _Pot-Bouille_ refers to Octave Mouret as having passed the examination for his bachelor's degree before leaving Plassans, and states that at Marseilles the lad showed a passion for business life, being able during his three years' stay there to make a sum of five thousand francs (two hundred pounds), which he took with him to Paris. MOURET (MADAME CAROLINE), first wife of the preceding. See MadameCaroline Hedouin. MOURET (MADAME DENISE), second wife of Octave Mouret. See Denise Baudu. MOURET (SERGE), born 1841, son of Francois Mouret. La Fortune desRougon. He was a young man of nervous temperament and of somewhat delicatehealth. Educated at Plassans, he took his degree at the college there, and it was intended that he should go to Paris to study for the bar. Thestate of his health caused his departure to be delayed, and meantime he, like his mother, fell under the influence of Abbe Faujas. Ultimately hedecided to abandon the study of the law in order to become a priest, andagainst the wishes of his father he entered the Seminary at Plassans. LaConquete de Plassans. After being ordained to the priesthood he was appointed cure of LesArtaud, a small village in Provence, to whose degenerate inhabitantshe ministered with small success. From his parents he had inheritedthe family taint of the Rougon-Macquarts, which in him took the form ofmorbid religious enthusiasm bordering on hysteria. Brain fever resulted, and bodily recovery left the priest without a mental past. Dr. PascalRougon, his uncle, in the hope of saving his reason, removed him toParadou, the neglected demesne of a ruined mansion, where he left him inthe care of Albine, the keeper's niece. Here Serge slowly recoveredhis health, though the memory of his past was gone, and his mentaldevelopment was that of a boy. In that enchanted garden, lush withfoliage and with the scent of flowers, the drama of life unfolded, andSerge, loving Albine, and oblivious of his vows unwittingly broke them. A chance meeting with Brother Archangais, and a glimpse of theworld outside the Paradou, recalled to Serge the recollection of hispriesthood, and, filled with horror, he tore himself from Albine andreturned to his cure of souls. A fierce struggle between love and dutyfollowed, but in the end the Church conquered, and Albine was left todie, while Serge threw himself even more feverishly than before into theobservances of his faith. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. Sent later to Saint-Eutrope, at the bottom of a marshy gorge, he wascloistered there with his sister Desiree. He showed a fine humility, refusing all preferment from his bishop, waiting for death like a holyman, averse to remedies, although he was already in the early stage ofphthisis. Le Docteur Pascal. MOURET (SILVERE), born 1834, son of Mouret, the hatter, and UrsuleMacquart, his wife. After the death of his father, Silvere went to livewith his grandmother Adelaide Fouque. Though poorly educated, he wasfond of reading, and his lonely life with this old half-imbecile womanincreased his own tendency to visionary dreamings. "He was predisposedto Utopian ideas by certain hereditary influences; his grandmother'snervous disorders became in him a chronic enthusiasm, striving aftereverything that was grandiose and impossible. " His Uncle AntoineMacquart, who hoped through him to annoy the Rougons, encouraged himin his Republican views, and after the _Coup d'Etat_ he joined theinsurrection which then arose. Miette Chantegreil, a young girl to whomhe was tenderly devoted, accompanied him, but was shot in the attack byregular troops. He was taken prisoner, and having been brought back toPlassans, was executed there. La Fortune des Rougon. MOUSSEAU (ABBE), a priest at Plassans. La Conquete de Plassans. MOURGUE, a peasant of Poujols, who, armed with a fork, had taken partin the insurrectionary rising against the _Coup d'Etat_. He was madeprisoner, and was led to Plassans, tied by the arm to Silvere Mouret, who had also been arrested. He was shot at the same time as Silvere byRengade, the gendarme. La Fortune des Rougon. MOUTON, a cat which belonged to the Quenus, and was a favourite oflittle Pauline. Le Ventre de Paris. MUCHE, the name by which Louise Mehudin's son was known in the market. He was befriended by Florent, who taught him to read and write. LeVentre de Paris. MUFFAT (MAMAN), wife of General Muffat de Beuville, who was createdComte by Napoleon I. She was an insufferable old woman, who was alwayshand-in-glove with the priests, and had an authoritative manner, whichbent every one to her will. Her daughter-in-law, Comtesse Sabine, wasentirely under her dominion, and was forced by her to lead an almostcloistered existence. Nana. MUFFAT DE BEUVILLE (COMTE), son of the preceding and of General Muffatde Beuville. Brought up in the strictest manner by his mother, his lifewas one of cold and severe propriety, and being regarded with favourat the Court, he was appointed Chamberlain to the Empress. He marriedSabine de Chouard, by whom he had one daughter, Estelle. For seventeenyears of married life his career was a pattern of all the virtues, untila chance meeting with Nana led to an infatuation amounting to mania. Everything was sacrificed to her, and no degradation to his self-respectseemed too high a price to pay for her favour. Disgusted for a time byher liaison with Fontan, he left her, and turned for amusement to RoseMignon, but the infatuation for Nana reasserted itself, and he recoveredher good graces by inducing Bordenave to give her a part which shegreatly desired in _La Petite Duchesse_, a play by Fauchery. He spentvast sums upon Nana, giving her a magnificent house in the Avenue deVilliers. Her influence over him became complete, and he even acceptedDaguenet, her former lover, as his son-in-law. He overlooked too hiswife's numerous liaisons, as he required her signature to enable him toraise still more money for Nana. Muffat's means were coming to an end, however, and the scandal reached such a height that he was forced toresign his position at the Tuileries. It was only when he learned thatNana was carrying on a liaison with his own father-in-law, the agedMarquis de Chouard, that he finally broke with her, and coming once moreunder the influence of Venot, he sought forgetfulness of the past in anexaggerated devotion to the service of the Church. Nana. MUFFAT DE BEUVILLE (COMTESSE), wife of the preceding. See Sabine deChouard. Nana. MUFFAT DE BEUVILLE (ESTELLE), daughter of the preceding. At sixteen shewas thin and insignificant, seldom speaking, but after her marriage toDaguenet, she exhibited a will of iron, and completely dominated herhusband. Nana. MULLER (BLANCHE), a favourite actress at the Theatre des Varietes. LaCuree. MUSSY (M. DE) was an admirer of Renee Saccard, and aspired to be herlover. He received an appointment on the staff of the London embassy. LaCuree. N NANA. See Anna Coupeau. NANA, name of a filly in the racing stable of Vandeuvres. She had beenbeaten in several races, and when run for the Grand Prix de Paris waslooked on as an outsider. The success of the filly by fraudulent meansled to the disqualification of the owner. Nana. NAPOLEON III, Emperor of the French. Referred to in _Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon_ and in _La Debacle_. NATHANSOHN, a stockbroker. He came from Besancon, where his father was awatchmaker. He was very fortunate in his speculations, and soon becamea man of consequence. His Jewish caution prevented him from becominginvolved with Saccard in the affairs of the Universal Bank, and whenthat institution collapsed he was in a position to snatch a fortune fromits ruin. L'Argent. NAUD, a shoemaker in Rue d'Antin who felt severely the competition ofOctave Mouret's great shop. Au Bonheur des Dames. NAUDET, a cousin of the Quenus. He was a member of Pauline's familycouncil, and consented to her emancipation. La Joie de Vivre. NAUDET, a picture-dealer who for some years had been revolutionizing thetrade. He put aside the old cautious methods, the watching for picturesby beginners, bought for ten francs and sold for fifteen. To judge byhis appearance he might have been a nobleman, and his habits were inkeeping; he was, in fact, a pure speculator in pictures, caring nothingfor art. But he unfailingly scented success; he guessed what artistsought to be taken up, not the ones likely to develop the genius ofa great painter, but the one whose deceptive talent, set off by apretended display of audacity, would command a premium in the market. Hespeculated, in fact, on the ignorance and vanity of amateurs. It washe who invented Fagerolles as a fashion, and made large sums out of hisworks. His success in forcing up the prices of pictures turned hishead to some extent, and he even talked of crushing out all the otherdealers. The exaggerated rise in the price of pictures came, as wasinevitable, to an end, and in the fall which followed Naudet waspractically ruined. L'Oeuvre. NEGREL (MADAME), sister of M. Hennebeau, the manager of the Montsoumines. She was married to a captain, and after she became a widow livedat Avignon on a small income, contenting herself with little in orderthat she might properly educate her son Paul. Germinal. NEGREL (PAUL), son of the preceding. He was an engineer at the Voreuxpit, an appointment which he received from his uncle, M. Hennebeau, withwhom he lived, being treated as one of the family. Madame Hennebeau, notwithstanding a liaison which subsisted between her and Negrel, planned for him a marriage with Cecile Gregoire, an arrangement whichwas only prevented by the murder of the girl by old Bonnemort. Negrelposed as taking no interest in the affairs of practical life, but in theterrible disaster at the Voreux pit he threw himself into the work ofrescue with an ardour beyond praise. Germinal. NOEMI, an actress at the Vaudeville. Madame Deberle admired therealistic manner in which she died in a piece she played. Une Paged'Amour. NORINE, a vendor of salted provisions, who went around the neighbourhoodof Cloyes. La Terre. NORMANDE (LA), the sobriquet of Louise Mehudin. Le Ventre de Paris. NOUGAREDE, an old senator who was on the point of asking the hand ofClorinde Balbi after having seen her at a ball in the character of Dianathe huntress. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. O OCTAVE, the favourite lover of Blanche de Sivry. Nana. ORVIEDO (PRINCE D'), came to Paris from Spain with an immense fortunemade on the Stock Exchange. There were strange stories told regardingthe sources of his wealth; stories not more creditable than those toldof the armed bandits of former days, for his robberies, though lessopen, were more dangerous. For twenty years he took his share of bootyin all the great financial swindles. He ultimately died of apoplexy. L'Argent. ORVIEDO (PRINCESS D'), was for a time one of the most curiousnotabilities of the Second Empire. At the command of her mother, theDuchesse de Combeville, she married the Prince in ignorance of thesource of his regal fortune, estimated at three hundred millions offrancs (twelve millions sterling). It was said that for twenty yearsthe Prince had appropriated the lion's share of every great piece offinancial rascality on the Bourses of France and Spain. After his suddendeath from a stroke of apoplexy, the Princess shut up the great housein the Rue Saint-Lazare and retired with a maid to three rooms on thesecond floor, where she lived the life of a recluse. From thenceforthshe lived solely for deeds of charity on a colossal scale. During fiveyears she founded the St. Mary's Infant Asylum, the St. Joseph's OrphanAsylum, an Asylum for the aged at Chatillon, a hospital in the suburbsof Paris, and an institution known as _L'Oeuvre du Travail_, in whichwere boarded three hundred waifs and strays from the streets of Paris. On these foundations, and on other charities, she spent in five yearsover a hundred millions of francs. For some time Saccard assisted herin a disinterested way in carrying out her schemes, and later he rentedfrom her the premises in which he started the Universal Bank. As timewent on, the Princess seemed to be swayed more and more by the desireof restitution to the poor of the uttermost remnants of her husband'sfortune. In the end, when she had divided it all, she retired to aconvent of Carmelites, walled off from the world. L'Argent. OZIL, a pointsman at the junction for Dieppe, between the tunnel and thestation of Malaunay. He was in love with Flore, who for a time seemedto encourage him. He was dismissed from his post on account of gravenegligence caused by Flore, who distracted his attention in orderthat he might allow the Havre express to dash into a train loaded withballast. The accident was only averted by a new automatic signallingapparatus. La Bete Humaine. P PACHE, a soldier in the 106th regiment of the line, in the squad ofCorporal Jean Macquart. He brought from his native village strongreligious principles, and was in the regular habit of saying his prayersoutside his tent. The example of his companions, however, made him abad soldier, and during the battle of 1st September, 1870, he left theranks, and took refuge in a tavern. After the capitulation of Sedan, hewas imprisoned along with his regiment on the promontory of Iges. Movedby famine, he concealed some bread from his companions; but having beendenounced by Chouteau, he refused to share the spoil, and was murderedby Lapoulle, who stabbed him with a knife. La Debacle. PAILLOT, a farmer in the neighbourhood of Montsou. Germinal. PALETTE (LA MERE), a poultry-seller at the Central Markets in Paris. LeVentre de Paris. PALOQUE, a judge. He and his wife were said to be the ugliest couple inPlassans, and in addition were far from popular. Madame Mouret havingasked the assistance of Madame Paloque in connection with the Home forGirls proposed by Abbe Faujas, she agreed to act on the Committee, andbecame Treasurer. At the opening ceremony, however, the Bishop omittedto make reference to her services, and she took great offence, becomingafterwards very irregular in her work, and declining to perform anyduties that she did not fancy. This ultimately led to the appointment ofa paid Secretary for the institution, Honore Trouche, the brother-in-lawof Abbe Faujas being selected. The Paloques were antagonistic to Faujas, but on getting a hint from Madame de Condamin that he had the backing ofthe Government and would see that they were rewarded, they came overto his side, and assisted him in "the conquest of Plassans" by theBonapartist candidate. La Conquete de Plassans. PARABOULOMENOS, a name given by the pupils of the college of Plassans tothe youth who served in the kitchen. L'Oeuvre. PARALLELUCA, the sobriquet given by the pupils of the College ofPlassans to a scullery-maid employed there. It was alleged that therewas a love-idyll between her and Paraboulomenos, both of whom wereextremely ugly. L'Oeuvre. PASCAL (LE DOCTEUR). See Pascal Rougon. PATOIR, a veterinary surgeon at Cloyes. La Terre. PAUVRE ENFANT, a young trooper of the 5th regiment of the line, who wasfatally wounded at the battle of Sedan, and died in the ambulance atRemilly. He received the name because he continually repeated the wordsregarding himself, saying that his mother had always called him so. He died in the arms of Henriette Weiss, whom in his delirium he named"Mother. " La Debacle. PAYAN, a stone-cutter from the South, whose friends had views of makinghim an artist. He was a lover of Clarisse Bocquet, and pilfered from hera large quantity of furniture given her by Duveyrier. Pot-Bouille. PECHARD (ANTOINE), a neighbour of the Fouans. He owned eighteen acresof land when he married La Grande, who brought him seven acres more. Hedied young, leaving one daughter. La Terre. PECHARD (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See La Grand. La Terre. PECHARD (MADEMOISELLE), daughter of Antoine Pechard and MarianneFouan, his wife. As she insisted on marrying a poor youth named VincentBouteroue, her mother cast her out. Misfortunes pursued the youngcouple, both of whom died within a few years, leaving two children inprofound misery. La Terre. PECQUEUX, a stoker in the employment of the Western Railway Company. He was married to Mere Victoire, the old nurse of Severine Aubry. Hisoriginal intention was to qualify as an engine-driver, but time passedwithout advancement, and later there was an insuperable barrier in hisown conduct, for he was given to drinking bouts which converted him forthe time into a savage animal, capable of any violence. His wife livedat Paris, while Philomene Sauvagnat helped him to pass the hours he wascompelled to spend at Havre, an arrangement which had the concurrenceof Victoire. Pecqueux had the devotion of a dog for his comrade JacquesLantier, who concealed his vices and shared with him a love for theirengine, "La Lison. " Philomene, however, excited his jealousy by herattentions to Lantier, and the former friendship of the two comradesbecame changed to fierce enmity. At length it happened that one night, as their engine was drawing eighteen trucks of soldiers towards theseat of war in Prussia, Pecqueux in a sudden access of madness attackedLantier, and, after a fierce struggle on the narrow foot-plate, the twofell off, and were cut in pieces beneath the wheels. La Bete Humaine. PEIROTTE, receiver of taxes at Plassans. He was taken as a hostage bythe Republican insurgents and was inadvertently shot by the troops whichcrushed the rising. La Fortune des Rougon. PEQUEUR DES SAULAIES (M. ), sub-prefect of Plassans. He fell intodisfavour with the Government on account of the election of a LegitimistDeputy. For some time he was afraid to compromise himself with AbbeFaujas, but having received a hint from Madame de Condamin, who hadinfluential friends in Paris, he allied himself with the Abbe. Theresult was the election of Delangre, who though nominally independent, was actually the Government candidate. La Conquete de Plassans. PEQUIGNOT, a friend of the Lorilleux. He was a furniture dealer. L'Assommoir. PERDIGUET, a singer known to Malignon, who promised to take him to thechildren's party at Deberle's house. Une Page d'Amour. PERE COLOMBE, owner of the _Assommoir_, a public-house which was largelythe scene of the downfall of Coupeau and Gervaise Macquart, his wife. L'Assommoir. PEROU (LA MERE), an old woman employed by Gourd, the concierge, to docleaning work. Terrorized by his brutality she agreed to accept lesswages. Pot-Bouille. PHASIE (AUNT), was the wife of Misard, and the mother of Flore andLouisette. She was a cousin of the Lantiers and was godmother toJacques, who was left in her charge when his parents went to Paris. Herfirst husband died, leaving her with two daughters, and she married fora second time Misard, a little man, cunning and avaricious, who wasfive years her senior. Jacques found them later, living in Normandy atCroix-de-Maufras on the line to Havre, where Misard was signalman, andhis wife had charge of the level crossing. It was a miserable existence, without neighbours or any one to speak to, without even anything to lookat, except the trains constantly rushing past. Aunt Phasie, as she hadalways been called by Jacques Lantier, was a tall, handsome woman, butsince her second marriage she had aged so rapidly that at forty-five shelooked over sixty. The truth was that between her and Misard there wasgoing on a duel to the death; Aunt Phasie had received a legacy of athousand francs from her father, and this she obstinately refused toallow her husband to share, having indeed hidden the money to preventhim from taking it. Misard, overcome by avarice, slowly killed hiswife with poison placed in the salt, but, though she had the strongestsuspicions, she would nether take action against him nor tell him thehiding-place of her little hoard. And so she died, carrying the secretwith her; but in the end she triumphed, for search as he might, Misardnever discovered the hidden treasure. La Bete Humaine. PICHINETTE, a horse entered for the Grand Prix de Paris. It waswithdrawn before the race. Nana. PICHON (JULES), a clerk who lived in the house in Rue de Choiseuloccupied also by Octave Mouret. His means were small, and he was obligedto work hard, frequently till late at night, his wife being necessarilyleft much alone. Pot-Bouille. PICHON (MARIE), wife of the preceding. She was a daughter of M. And Madame Vuillaume, by whom she was strictly brought up. A dreamyunpractical woman, she fell under the influence of Octave Mouret, her next-door neighbour, and a liaison existed between them for aconsiderable time, with results which caused much annoyance to herparents. Pot-Bouille. PICHON (LILITTE), infant daughter of the preceding. Pot-Bouille. PICHON (ROSALIE), Madame Helene Grandjean's maid-servant. She was anhonest country girl who had been brought to Paris by Abbe Jouve on therecommendation of a village priest, in whose house she had been broughtup. She served her mistress faithfully, and ruled Zephyrin Lacour, hersweetheart, with a hand of iron. Une Page d'Amour. PICOT, a soldier of infantry who belonged to the first division of theseventh Army Corps. After the defeats of Wissenbourg and Froeschwiller, Picot, half dead with fatigue and slightly wounded, was left behind ina ditch with his comrade Coutard of the first corps. They were only ableto rejoin the army at Rheims on 22nd August, 1870, arriving with theirclothes worn out and covered with mud, and having more the appearance ofbandits than of soldiers. La Debacle. PICOU (M. ), a townsman of Plassans who expressed disbelief in thesuccess of the _Coup d'Etat_. La Fortune des Rougon. PIED-DE-CELERI, a friend of Coupeau. He had a wooden leg, from which hereceived his nickname. L'Assommoir. PIEDEFER (LAURE), kept a cheap restaurant in Rue des Martyrs, which wasmuch frequented by a certain class of demi-mondaines. Laure appeared tobe on intimate terms with her customers, as they usually kissed her whenthey entered. Nana. PIEDEFER (ZOE), an artist's model who lived in Rue Campagne-Premiere. She was a tall brunette. L'Oeuvre. PIERRE, Dr. Deberle's butler. Une Page d'Amour. PIERRE, an employee at _Au Bonheur des Dames_. He was waiter in thedining-room of the shop assistants. Au Bonheur des Dames. PIERRON, a miner employed at the Voreux pit. He was a widower with alittle girl aged eight, Lydie, when he married for the second time, thedaughter of La Brule. Though he took part in the strike he betrayedhis companions, giving information to the company through Dansaert, his wife's lover. After the attack on the pit Pierron was arrestedby mistake, and was taken off with handcuffs at his wrists as far asMarchiennes, to the great amusement of his mates. He was subsequentlypromoted to be captain of a gang, but his excessive zeal made himdisliked by his men. Germinal. PIERRON (LYDIE), daughter of the preceding, was a fragile child, who when ten years old was already working in the pit. Her constantcompanions were Jeanlin Maheu and Bebert Levaque, with whom she mademany raids in search of food during the strike. She was killed by thevolley fired by the troops at the strikers attacking the Voreux pit. Germinal. PIERRONNE (LA), the second wife of Pierron, was a daughter of La Brule. She was allowed by the Company to sell sweetmeats and biscuits, whichwere a considerable source of revenue. Dansaert, the head captain of theVoreux pit, was her lover, and through him she obtained various favours, giving him in exchange information as to the intentions of the strikers. After the strike she was enabled to acquire the little _Estaminet duProgres_. Germinal. PIFARD, an usher at the college of Plassans, whose wonderful nose keptbetraying his presence behind doors when its owner went eavesdropping. L'Oeuvre. PILLERAULT, a speculator on the Bourse, whose guiding principle wasrecklessness; he declared that he plunged into catastrophes whenever hepaused to reflect. He was ruined by the failure of the Universal Bank. L'Argent. PIOT AND RIVOIRE, a firm of furniture-dealers, whose business wasseriously affected when Octave Mouret added a furniture department to"The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. PIQUETTE kept an _estaminet_ at Montsou, where Chaval lodged. Germinal. PLOUGUERN (M. DE) was a member of the Chamber of Deputies during thereign of Louis Philippe. After the Revolution of February, 1848, hemanifested a sudden affection for the Republic, and later, when theEmperor granted him the refuge of the Senate, he was a Bonapartist. Hewas a man of high birth and breeding, and though a sceptic, defendedreligion and family life. During a journey in Italy he met ComtesseBalbi, whose lover he remained for thirty years. According to some, Clorinde Balbi was his daughter. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. PLUCHART, a former workman who was now secretary of a branch of theInternational Association of workers. He had been Etienne Lantier'sforeman at Lille, and at his request came to Montsou to address theminers there. As a result of his visit ten thousand miners joined theInternational Association. Germinal. POIRETTE (LE PERE), a countryman of Bennecourt, with small eyes and theface of a wolf. He was the owner of an old cottage, which Claude Lantierand Christine rented from him for two hundred and fifty francs a year. L'Oeuvre. POISSON (M. ), who was originally a cabinet-maker, served his time as asoldier, and ultimately got a place as a policeman, which he consideredmore certain and respectable. He married Virginie, who afterwardswent into business as a dealer in groceries and sweetmeats in the shoppreviously occupied by Gervaise Coupeau. Auguste Lantier, who had forsome time lodged with the Coupeaus, remained with the Poissons, andlived at their expense. M. Poisson affected not to observe the resultingliaison between his wife and Lantier. L'Assommoir. POISSON (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Virginie. L'Assommoir. POLAND, a pet rabbit which belonged to Rasseneur, and was a favourite ofSouvarine. Germinal. POMARE (LA REINE), a rag-picker, who had formerly been one of thehandsomest women in Paris. Now, for the sake of a laugh, the women ofthe district made her drink absinthe, after which the street boys wouldchase her and throw stones. Nana. PORQUIER (DR. ) the fashionable medical man of Plassans. He hadconsiderable influence, and this was secured by Abbe Faujas on behalfof the Government's candidate for the representation of Plassans by thepromise of an appointment for his son, Guillaume, a young man who hadhitherto given him much trouble. La Conquete de Plassans. PORQUIER (GUILLAUME), son of Dr. Porquier, had been sent to Paris tostudy, but did nothing there but get into debt. He caused his fathermuch distress, and was supposed to afford the worst possible example tothe youth of Plassans, whom he was believed to lead into all kindsof mischief. Ultimately, as a reward to his father, who had supportedDelangre as representative of Plassans, Porquier was appointed chiefclerk at the post office. La Conquete de Plassans. POUILLAUD, a fellow-pupil of Claude Lantier and Pierre Sandoz at thecollege of Plassans. While there he was an inveterate practical joker, one of his escapades being the transformation of Professor Lalubie'sroom into a _chapelle ardente_. L'Oeuvre. POWELL (MISS), second assistant in the corset department at _Au Bonheurdes Dames_. She was able to play the piano, a talent of which the otherassistants were jealous. Au Bonheur des Dames. POZZO (LUIGI), Secretary to the Sardinian Minister at Paris. "Diplomatist, painter, musician, and lover. " A friend of Clorinde Balbi. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. PRICE, an English jockey who mounted the filly Nana in the Grand Prix deParis. Nana. PRINCE IMPERIAL. Referred to in _Son Excellence Eugene Rougon_. PROUANE, a retired non-commissioned officer in the navy, who acted asbeadle to Abbe Harteur, as well as fulfilling the duties of Mayor'sclerk. He eked out a livelihood by gathering shell-fish, but when he hadany money he was usually in a state of intoxication. La Joie de Vivre. PRULLIERE, an actor at the Theatre des Varietes, where he played in _LaBlonde Venus_ and _La Petite Duchesse_. Nana. PRUNAIRE (LE PERE), a maker of sabots, who lived at Vivet. Furious atthe conduct of his daughter Clara, he threatened to go to Paris andbreak her bones with kicks of his sabots. Au Bonheur des Dames. PRUNAIRE (CLARA), daughter of a clog-maker in the forest of Vilet, cameto Paris and got a situation in "The Ladies' Paradise. " She lived afast life, and, after alluring Colomban away from Genevieve Baudu, hisintended wife, she ultimately disappeared. Au Bonheur des Dames. PUECH, senior partner of the firm of Puech and Lacamp, oil-dealers inPlassans; was father of Felicite Puech. La Fortune des Rougon. PUECH AND LACAMP, a firm of oil-dealers in Plassans, who were infinancial difficulties when Pierre Rougon married Felicite, the daughterof the senior partner. The money put into the business by Rougonretrieved the position of the firm, and, the two partners having retiredsoon afterwards, he acquired the sole interest in it. La Fortune desRougon. PUECH (FELICITE). See Madame Felicite Rougon. PUTOIS (MADAME), one of the workwomen employed by Gervaise Coupeau inher laundry. She was a little, lean woman of forty-five, "who workedat her ironing table without even taking off her bonnet, a blackbonnet trimmed with green ribbons turning yellow. " In character she wasseverely respectable. L'Assommoir. Q QUANDIEU, the oldest captain of the Montsou mines. During the strike, the energetic position taken up by him saved the Mirou pit fromdestruction by the infuriated strikers. Germinal. QUENU (MADAME) was a widow with one son when she married her secondhusband, M. Quenu, a clerk in the sub-prefecture at Le Vigan. Threeyears after, M. Quenu died, leaving a son. Madame Quenu lavished all heraffection on Florent, her elder son, and stinted herself to the vergeof starvation in order that he might continue his legal studies. Beforethese were completed she succumbed to the hardship of her life. LeVentre de Paris. QUENU, the half-brother of Florent. After the death of his mother, hewas taken to Paris by Florent, who supported him by teaching. He was atfirst idle and unsettled, but after Florent's arrest he was taken in byhis uncle Gradelle, to whose business of pork-butcher, as well as to aconsiderable sum of money, he ultimately succeeded. After his uncle'sdeath he married Lisa Macquart, who had previously assisted in the shop, and they had a daughter, Pauline. Business prospered, and the Quenuswere soon in a position to remove to larger premises. Florent on hisreturn from exile was kindly received by Quenu, who later on took nopart in the efforts made by his wife to induce his brother to leavevoluntarily. He was ignorant of his wife's action with reference to thesubsequent arrest of Florent. Le Ventre de Paris. He died of apoplexy in 1863, six months after the death of his wife, leaving a will under which M. Chanteau, his cousin became the guardianof his daughter Pauline. La Joie de Vivre. QUENU (MADAME LISA), wife of the preceding. See Lisa Macquart. QUENU (PAULINE), born 1852, daughter of Quenu, the pork-butcher, andLisa Macquart, his wife. A quiet, amiable child, she unwittingly gaveMlle. Saget, who bullied her, information regarding her uncle Florent'shistory, which led to the clamour against him in the Market, andultimately to his arrest. Le Ventre de Paris. After the death of her father, who left her a fortune of a hundred andfifty thousand francs, Pauline went in 1863 to live at Bonneville withM. Chanteau, her guardian. She soon endeared herself to her relatives, and became much attached to her cousin Lazare. As she grew up and hernature developed, it became more and more her pleasure to sacrificeherself to her friends. She allowed her fortune to be squandered by theChanteaus, and though engaged to be married to Lazare, she releasedhim in order that he might marry another girl with whom he had becomeinfatuated. After his mania became acute, it was she who endeavouredto comfort him, and to dispel his unreasoning fear of death. She nevermarried. La Joie de Vivre. After the death of Chanteau, she remained at Bonneville, resolved neverto marry, in order that she might devote herself entirely to Lazare'slittle son, Paul. Le Docteur Pascal. QUINETTE, a glover in Rue Neuve Saint-Augustine, whose business wasseriously affected by the competition of "The Ladies' Paradise. " AuBonheur des Dames. QUITTARD (AUGUSTE), son of Francoise Quittard. He was a child of sixyears of age, who was so ill of typhoid fever that he could not beremoved from Bazeilles when the place was attacked by the Prussians. Early in the day, his mother was killed by a cannon ball, and the poorchild lay for hours tossing with fever and calling for her. He wasburned to death in his bed, as the Prussians, infuriated by the lengthof the struggle, wantonly set fire to the village. La debacle. QUITTARD (FRANCOISE), widow of a mason, and now caretaker of thedye-works at Bazeilles, which belonged to Delaherche. Before the battleall the workers made their escape into Belgium, but Francoise was unableto leave on account of the illness of her little son. Early in theattack by the Prussians, the unfortunate woman was killed by a cannonball. La Debacle. R RABIER, a tanner of Beaumont. He was a brother of Madame Franchomme, andafter her death she left the child Angelique in the care of him and hiswife. They treated the girl with such cruelty that she ultimately ranaway, finding shelter with the Huberts. Le Reve. RACHAEL, the maid-servant in Auguste Vabre's household. As Octave Mouretand Madame Vabre did not bribe her sufficiently, she revealed theirintrigue to Vabre. She acted as his housekeeper for some time, but hadto leave after the reconciliation between him and his wife. Pot-Bouille. RAMBAUD (M. ), half-brother of Abbe Jouve, had a large business in theRue de Rambuteau, where he sold oil and other southern produce. Alongwith Abbe Jouve he showed much kindness to Helene Grandjean after thedeath of her husband, and was a constant visitor at her house. Later on, the Abbe tried to arrange a marriage between Rambaud and Helene, butat her request the decision was delayed. Meantime the love episode withDoctor Deberle intervened, followed by the death of Jeanne. Two yearsafterwards the marriage took place, Rambaud having previously sold hisParis business and removed to Marseilles. Une Page d'Amour. He retired from business and went to live at Marseilles. Having by hismarriage become a cousin of Madame Lisa Quenu, he was appointed a memberof the family council which nominally had charge of her daughter'sfortune. La Joie de Vivre. Rambaud led a happy life with his wife, whom he adored. Le DocteurPascal. RAMBAUD (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Helene Mouret. RAMOND (DR. ), a pupil and fellow-practitioner of Dr. Pascal. He wishedto marry Clotilde Rougon, but she refused him, and he subsequentlymarried Mademoiselle Leveque. When Doctor Pascal was seized with anaffection of the heart, Ramond diagnosed the nature of the illness, and subsequently attended him with unremitting care until his death. LeDocteur Pascal. RAMOND (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Mademoiselle Leveque. LeDocteur Pascal. RANVIER (ABBE), succeeded Abbe Jouve as cure at Montsou. He was ofsocialistic tendencies, and blamed the middle classes, who he saidrobbed the Church, for all the horrors produced by the strike atMontsou. Upon the troops who had been called on to fire upon thestrikers, he called down the anger of God, predicting an hour of justicein which fire would descend from heaven to exterminate the bourgeoisie. He was finally removed by the Bishop as too compromising. Germinal. RASSENEUR kept a tavern with the sign _A l'Avantage_ between thesettlement of the Deux-Cent-Quarante and the Voreux pit. He was formerlya good workman, but as he was an excellent speaker, and placed himselfat the head of every strike, he was dismissed by the Mining Company. His wife already held a licence, and when he was thrown out of work hebecame an innkeeper himself. It was in his house that Etienne Lantierfound lodgings when he first came to Montsou, and Souvarine also lodgedthere. Rasseneur's readiness of speech gave him great influence with theminers, but a rivalry arose between him and Lantier, whose new theoriescaught the popular ear. This jealousy caused him to take a side againstthe strike, solely because it had been proposed by Lantier, and thisattitude made him very unpopular. But after the failure of the strike, which he had all along predicted, the inconstancy of the crowd turned inhis favour and he soon regained his old popularity. Germinal. RASSENEUR (MADAME), wife of the preceding. At the time her husbandwas dismissed from the pit, she already held a licence, and theysubsequently worked together to extend the business, in which they hadconsiderable success. She was much more radical in politics than herhusband, but during the strike trouble was careful to show extremepoliteness to everyone. Germinal. RASTOIL, a neighbour of Francois Mouret. He was a rich man about sixtyyears of age, who had been president of the civil tribunal of Plassansfor over twenty years. He was a Legitimist, and his house was used asa convenient meeting-place for the party. For some time he refused tocompromise his political position with Abbe Faujas, who had all alongconcealed his opinions. Ultimately, however, he supported the candidatefor the representation of Plassans proposed by Faujas, for which he wasrewarded by an appointment for his son. La Conquete de Plassans. RASTOIL (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was a listless and somewhatprudish woman whose old entanglement with M. Delangre was stillremembered with amusement in the cafes. She was consulted by MadameMouret regarding the Home for Girls proposed by Abbe Faujas, andultimately agreed to act on the committee. La Conquete de Plassans. RASTOIL (ANGELINE), elder daughter of M. Rastoil, the president of thecivil tribunal of Plassans. Though twenty-six years old, and now veryyellow and shrewish-looking, she still adopted the role of a young girl, and had hopes of securing a husband. La Conquete de Plassans. RASTOIL (AURELIE), second daughter of M. Rastoil. Like her sisterAngeline, she was plain-looking, and posed as a girl fresh from school, in the uncertain hope of gaining a husband. La Conquete de Plassans. RASTOIL (SEVERIN), son of M. Rastoil, the president of the civiltribunal of Plassans. "He was a tall young man of five and twenty, witha badly shaped skull and a dull brain, who had been just called tothe Bar, thanks to the position which his father held. The latter wasanxiously dreaming of making him a substitute, despairing of his eversucceeding in winning any practice for himself. " On the suggestionof Abbe Faujas he took a share in starting the Club for Young Menat Plassans. After the election of M. Delangre as representativeof Plassans, Rastoil received the appointment of assistant publicprocurator at Faverolles. La Conquete de Plassans. RAVAUD, a captain of the 106th Regiment of the line, commanded byColonel de Vineuil. A young soldier in his company was the first ofthe wounded to be taken to the ambulance in Delaherche's house on 1stSeptember, 1870. In March, 1871, captain Ravaud was at Paris, in aregiment of recent formation, the 124th of the line. Jean Macquart wascorporal in his company in this regiment. La Debacle. READING (LORD), proprietor of a racing stable. Bramah, one of hishorses, once gained the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. REBUFAT, a farmer whose land adjoined that inherited by Adelaide Fouque. He purchased the Fouque property when it was sold by Pierre Rougon. After the death of his wife Rebufat and his son Justin treated her nieceMiette Chantegreil very harshly. La Fortune des Rougon. REBUFAT (MADAME EULALIE), wife of the preceding; "a big, dark, stubbornshrew. " She was a sister of Chantegreil, and was therefore the aunt ofMiette, who lived with her after her father's conviction. La Fortune desRougon. REBUFAT (JUSTIN), son of Rebufat. "A youth about twenty years old, asickly, squint-eyed creature, who cherished an implacable hatred againsthis cousin Miette. " La Fortune des Rougon. REMANJOU (MADEMOISELLE), an old lady who lived in the same tenementhouse in Rue de la Goutte d'Or as the Coupeaus and the Lorilleux, whereshe made a scanty livelihood by dressing dolls. She was one of theguests at the Coupeaus' wedding party. L'Assommoir. RENAUDIN, a notary at Paris, who adjusted the Contract of Marriagebetween Auguste Vabre and Berthe Josserand. He acted in concert withDuveyrier in selling some heritable property to the loss of othermembers of the family. Pot-Bouille. RENAUDIN, a medical man at Grenelle. Josephine Dejoie was at one timecook in his house. L'Argent. RENGADE, a gendarme whose eye was accidentally destroyed by SilvereMouret during a struggle for possession of a carbine after the entry ofthe insurgents into Plassans. La Fortune des Rougon. REUTHLINGUER (BARON DE), a banker, and possessor of one of the largestfortunes in Europe. He was a friend of Clorinde Balbi, and from herreceived valuable information on political subjects. Son ExcellenceEugene Rougon. RHADAMANTE, the sobriquet of a professor at the college of Plassans. Hewas supposed never to have laughed. L'Oeuvre. RICHOMME, one of the captains of the Voreux pit. He tried in vain toprevent a collision between the strikers and the troops, and even whenbricks were being thrown he went between two parties, imploring one andadvising the other, careless of danger. He was one of the first to fallwhen the troops ultimately fired. Germinal. RIVOIRE, a member of the firm of Piot and Rivoire. Au Bonheur des Dames. ROBERT (MADAME), a regular customer at the restaurant Laure Piedefer. She was jealous of Nana's relations with Satin, and revenged herself bywriting anonymous letters to Muffat and to other lovers of her enemy. Nana. ROBIN-CHAGOT (VISCOUNT DE), vice-chairman of the board of directors ofthe Universal Bank. He was selected for the position in the belief thathe would sign anything put before him without making too many inquiries. L'Argent. ROBINEAU, "second hand" in the silk department at "The Ladies'Paradise. " As the result of a conspiracy among his subordinates, he wasdismissed, and soon afterwards bought the business of M. Vincard, a silkmerchant, with money belonging to his wife. His capital was inadequate, but M. Gaujean, a silk manufacturer who had quarrelled with OctaveMouret, promised to give him unlimited credit. Robineau's intention wasto break up the monopoly of the cheaper class of silks which Mouret hadsecured, but he soon found that each reduction in price which he madewas met by a still larger one. As he had no other departments out ofwhich to average his profits, ruin inevitably followed, and he attemptedto commit suicide by throwing himself under an omnibus; his injurieswere not serious, however, and he ultimately recovered. Au Bonheur desDames. ROBINEAU (MADAME), wife of the preceding. "Daughter of an overseer inthe Department of Highways, entirely ignorant of business matters, shestill retained the charming awkwardness of a girl educated in a Bloisconvent. " Her small fortune enabled her husband to buy the silk businessof M. Vincard, and she assisted him in carrying it on. Their subsequentruin affected her less than the attempted suicide of her husband, towhom she was devoted. Au Bonheur des Dames. ROBINE, a regular attender at the revolutionary meetings in Lebigre'swine-shop. He sat for hours listening to arguments but never made anyremarks. He escaped arrest. Le Ventre de Paris. ROBINE (MADAME), wife of the preceding, lived with her husband in RueSaint-Denis. No one ever entered their house, and even her personalappearance was unknown to her husband's friends. Le Ventre de Paris. ROBINOT (MADAME), an acquaintance of the Deberles. Une Page d'Amour. ROBIQUET, farmer of La Chamade. Being near the end of his lease, heceased to manure the land, allowing it to go to ruin. He was eventuallyturned out as he did not pay his rent. La Terre. ROCHART (MONSEIGNEUR), Bishop of Faverolles. He upheld the Sisters ofthe Holy Family in the matter of the succession to Chevassu's estate, but was beaten by Eugene Rougon, the Minister of State, who supportedthe claim of the Charbonnels. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. ROCHAS, lieutenant in the 106th Regiment of the line, commanded byColonel de Vineuil. The son of a journeyman mason from Limousin, he wasborn in Paris, and not caring for his father's calling, enlisted whenhe was only eighteen. He gained a corporal's stripes in Algeria, roseto the rank of sergeant at Sebastopol, and was promoted to a lieutenancyafter Solferino. Fifteen years of hardship and heroic bravery was theprice he had paid to be an officer, but his education was so defectivethat he could never be made a captain. He held the old traditions thata defeat of the French army was impossible, and all through thecampaign against Germany in 1870 he refused to believe in the repeatedcatastrophes. In the fierce attack by the Prussians on the Hermitage, he fought desperately against an overwhelming force, and up to the endencouraged his men by shouting that the victory was theirs. In the endhe fell, mowed down by a hail of bullets. La Debacle. ROCHEFONTAINE, proprietor of a large factory at Chateaudun. He wasdesirous of serving as a Deputy, but did not secure the support of theGovernment, and, standing as an independent candidate, was defeated. Later, in consequence of the disgrace of M. De Chedeville, he became theofficial candidate, and in spite of a brusqueness of manner which madehim unpopular, he was elected. La Terre. RODRIGUEZ, a distant relative of the Empress, who made a claim upon theState for a large sum, which he said had been due since 1808. EugeneRougon, the Minister of State, gave great offence to the Empress byopposing the claim. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. ROGNES-BOUQUEVAL (LES), an ancient and noble family whose estate, already much reduced by enforced sales, was declared national propertyin 1793, and was purchased piece by piece by Isidore Hourdequin. LaTerre. ROIVILLE (LES), members of Parisian society at whose house BaronessSandorff occasionally met Gundermann. L'Argent. ROSALIE, an old chair-mender at Rognes. The poor woman lived all alone, sick and without a copper. Abbe Godard came to her assistance. La Terre. ROSE, a waitress in Lebigre's wine-shop. Le Ventre de Paris. ROSE, servant in the household of Francois Mouret, was an old woman ofcrabbed nature and uncertain temper. She fell under the influence ofAbbe Faujas, and encouraged her mistress in the religious observanceswhich led to the neglect of her family. Later, when Madame Mouret'shealth became impaired, and she became subject to fits, it was chieflyRose who threw suspicion on her master, encouraging the belief thathe was insane and had inflicted injuries on his wife. La Conquete dePlassans. ROSE, a peasant girl at Artaud; sister of Lisa. La Faute de l'AbbeMouret. ROSE, maid-servant to Madame Hennebeau. She was not alarmed by theviolence of the strikers, as, belonging to that district, she knew theminers, and believed them not to be wicked. Germinal. ROSE, daughter of the concierge at the sub-prefecture at Sedan. She wasa worker in Delaherche's factory, and he applied to her for informationregarding the course of the battle, as she was in a position to hearthe gossip of the officers and officials. When Napoleon III decided torequest an armistice from the Prussians, it was Rose who furnished atablecloth to be used as a white flag. La Debacle. ROSE, niece of Aristide Saccard's hairdresser. She was a pretty girl ofabout eighteen, whom Saccard sent to his son Maxime under the pretextof nursing him, but in reality with a view to hastening the course ofa nervous disease from which the young man suffered. Aristide agreedto pay her a percentage on the fortune which he hoped to acquire at hisson's death. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUBAUD, assistant station-master at Havre. Born in the south of France, at Plassans, he had a carter for father. He had quitted the army withthe stripes of a sergeant-major, and for a long time had been generalporter at the station at Nantes. He had been promoted head porterat Barentin, and it was there that he first saw Severine Aubry, thegod-daughter of President Grandmorin, whom he married. This was the soleromance of his existence, and it was coupled with fortune, for apartfrom Severine and her marriage portion of ten thousand francs, thePresident, now a director of the Western Railway Company, got himappointed assistant station-master at Havre. He proved an excellentofficial, and the only thing against him was a suspicion that he wasaffected by republican principles. For three years Roubaud's marriedlife was a happy one, until a chance lie of his wife's gave him a clueto her former relations with Grandmorin. Driven frantic by jealousy, heforced her to reveal the truth, afterwards compelling her to becomehis accomplice in the murder of the President in the Havre express. TheRoubauds established an alibi, though slight suspicion attached to them, and Denizet, the examining magistrate, endeavoured to fasten the crimeon Cabuche. For political reasons it was not considered desirable thatGrandmorin's character should be publicly discussed, and the inquiryregarding the murder was dropped. Roubaud was aware, however, thatJacques Lantier had strong suspicions, and tried to secure his silenceby making him a friend; a friendship which soon developed into aliaison between Lantier and Severine. With the murder of Grandmorin, the disintegration of Roubaud's character began; he gradually became aconfirmed gambler, and having lost all his own money began to use thatwhich he had taken from the body of his victim in order to establisha false motive for the crime. The relations between him and his wifebecame more and more strained, until they reached such a pitch thatLantier and she planned his murder. The homicidal frenzy of Lantier, towhich Severine fell a victim, ended the plot, but Roubaud and Cabuche, who arrived on the scene immediately after the murder, were arrestedunder what appeared to be suspicious circumstances, and, after trial, were sentenced to penal servitude for a crime which they did not commit. La Bete Humaine. ROUBAUD (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Severine Aubry. La BeteHumaine. ROUDIER, a regular attender at the political meetings held in theRougons' yellow drawing-room. La Fortune des Rougon. ROUGE D'AUNEAU (LE), lieutenant of Beau-Francois, leader of the band ofbrigands. He wrote a complaint while in prison. La Terre. ROUGETTE, a cow bought by the sisters Mouche at the market of Cloyes. LaTerre. ROUGON, a young gardener who worked for the Fouque family, andafterwards married Adelaide. Fifteen months afterwards he died fromsunstroke, leaving a son named Pierre. La Fortune des Rougon. ROUGON, alias SACCARD (ARISTIDE), born 1815, youngest son of PierreRougon, was educated, like his brothers, at Plassans and Paris, butfailed to pass his examinations. His character was a combination ofcovetousness and slyness: his greatest desire was the acquisition ofrapid fortune, gained without work. In 1836 he married Angele Sicardot, who brought him a dowry of ten thousand francs. As Aristide did no work, and lived extravagantly, the money was soon consumed, and he and hiswife were in such poverty that he was at last compelled to seek asituation. He procured a place at the Sub-Prefecture, where he remainednearly ten years, and only reached a salary of eighteen hundred francs. During that time "he longed, with ever-increasing malevolence andrancour, for those enjoyments of which he was deprived" by his lowlyposition. In 1848, when his brother Eugene left for Paris, he had afaint idea of following him, but remained in the hope of somethingturning up. In opposition to his father, he expressed Republicanprinciples, and edited a newspaper called the _Independant_. At the timeof the _Coup d'Etat_, he became alarmed at the course of events, andpretended that an accident to his hand prevented him from writing. Hismother having given him private information as to the success of theBonapartist cause, he changed the politics of his paper, and becamereconciled to his parents. La Fortune des Rougon. Early in 1852 he went to Paris, taking with him his wife and daughterClotilde, then a child of four; his son Maxime he left at Plassans. Through the influence of his brother Eugene, he got an appointment asassistant surveying clerk at the _Hotel de Ville_, with a salary of twothousand four hundred francs. Before entering on his duties, however, hechanged his name to Saccard on the suggestion of his brother, who fearedthat he might be compromised by him. In 1853, Aristide was appointeda surveying commissioner of roads, with an increased salary. At thisperiod great schemes of city improvement were under discussion, andAristide by spying and other shady means got early information as tothe position of the proposed new streets. Great chances of fortune werearising, but he had no capital. The death of his wife enabled him toenter into a plan proposed by his sister Sidonie, who had heard ofa family willing to make a considerable sacrifice to find a not tooinquisitive husband for their daughter. He accordingly married ReneeBeraud du Chatel, and gained control of a considerable sum of readymoney, in addition to the fortune settled on his wife. By means ofa cleverly contrived swindle, in which he was assisted by his friendLarsonneau, he got a fabulous price for some property acquired by him, and the foundation of his fortune was laid. From this time, he lived alife of the wildest extravagance, and, though his gains were frequentlyenormous, his expenses were so great that it was only with difficultythat he was able to prevent a catastrophe. La Curee. He as appointed by Pauline Quenu's family council to be her "surrogateguardian. " La Joie de Vivre. After a last and disastrous land speculation, Saccard was obliged toleave his great house in the Parc Monceau, which he abandoned to hiscreditors. At first undecided as to his movements, he took a flat in themansion in Rue Saint-Lazare, which belonged to Princess d'Orviedo. Therehe met Hamelin, the engineer, and his sister Caroline, with whom he soonbecame on intimate terms. Hamelin having spent much time in the East, had formed many schemes for great financial ventures, and Saccard wasso impressed with these that he formed a syndicate for the purpose ofcarrying some of them out. With this view the Universal Bank was formed, and was at first very successful. By persistent advertising, and othermeans, the shares of the Bank were forced to an undue price, and thenSaccard began to speculate in them on behalf of the Bank itself. Thegreat financier Gundermann, with whom Saccard had quarrelled, then begana persistent attack on the Bank, selling its shares steadily day afterday. Saccard continued to buy as long as he was able; but the end came, the price broke, and he, as well as the Bank, which was now one ofits own largest shareholders, was ruined. Since his previous failure, Saccard had not been on friendly terms with his brother Eugene Rougon, and, some time before the collapse of the Bank, had made violent attacksupon him in his newspaper. Consequently Rougon did nothing to assist himin the criminal proceedings which followed the final catastrophe; he didnot, however, wish to have a brother in jail, and arranged mattersso that an appeal was allowed. Next day Saccard escaped to Belgium. L'Argent. After the fall of the Second Empire, he returned to Paris, despite thesentence he had incurred. Some complicated intrigue must have been atwork, for not only did he obtain a pardon, but once more took part inpromoting large undertakings, with a finger in every pie and a share ofevery bribe. In 1872 he was actively engaged in journalism, having beenappointed Director of the _Epoque_, a Republican journal which made agreat success by publishing the papers found in the Tuileries. Covetousof his son's fortune, he hastened a disease from which Maxime suffered, by encouraging him in vicious courses, and in the end got possessionof the whole estate. By a singular irony, Aristide, now returned to hisoriginal Republicanism, was in a position to protect his brother Eugene, whom in earlier days he had so often compromised. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (MADAME ANGELE), first wife of the preceding, was a daughterof commander Sicardot. She brought her husband a dowry of ten thousandfrancs. La Fortune des Rougon. Along with her daughter Clotilde, she accompanied her husband to Parisin 1852, and being an amiable woman without ambition she was quitesatisfied with the modest position he at first secured. She died in 1854of inflammation of the lungs. La Curee. ROUGON, alias SACCARD (MADAME RENEE), the second wife of AristideRougon, alias Saccard, was the elder daughter of M. Beraud du Chatel, the last representative of an old middle-class family. Having becomeseriously compromised, she was hurriedly married to Saccard through theagency of his sister Madame Sidonie, and a considerable sum of moneyas well as land was settled upon her. Wholly given over to pleasureand extravagance, she soon got deeply into debt, and her husband tookadvantage of this from time to time by inducing her to make over to himher property, in order that he might speculate with it. She engaged in ashameful liaison with her husband's son Maxime, which ultimately broughther great unhappiness, and she died of acute meningitis at an early age. La Curee. ROUGON (CHARLES), born 1857, son of Maxime Rougon, alias Saccard, and ofJustine Megot, a maid-servant of Madame Renee Saccard. The child and hismother were sent to the country with a little annuity of twelve hundredfrancs. La Curee. At fifteen years of age he lived at Plassans with his mother, who had married a saddler named Anselme Thomas. Charles was adegenerate who reproduced at a distance of three generations hisgreat-great-grandmother, Adelaide Fouque. He did not look more thantwelve years old, and his intelligence was that of a child of five. There was in him a relaxation of tissues, due to degeneracy, and theslightest exertion produced hemorrhage. Charles was not kindly treatedby his stepfather, and generally lived with his great-grandmotherFelicite Rougon. He was frequently taken to visit the aged AdelaideFouque in the asylum at Les Tulettes, and on one occasion, in 1873, whenhe chanced to be left alone with her he was seized with bleeding at thenose, and, under the fixed eyes of his ancestress, he slowly bled todeath. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (CLOTILDE), born 1847, daughter of Aristide Rougon, accompaniedher father and mother to Paris in 1852. After the death of her motherin 1854, she was sent to live with Dr. Pascal Rougon, her uncle, who hadfrequently offered to take her to enliven his silent scientific home. LaCuree. At Plassans Clotilde lived a quiet healthy life, much of it spent in theopen air. She was not highly educated, but having considerable artistictalent was able to assist Doctor Pascal by making illustrations for hisgreat work on heredity. At one period she developed strong religioustendencies under the influence of Martine, the doctor's old servant, who took her to church, and imbued the girl with her own bigoted ideasregarding the salvation of Pascal. Her grandmother, Felicite Rougon, who wished, for family reasons, to destroy Pascal's manuscripts on thesubject of heredity, played on Clotilde's feelings, and induced her toassist in a search for the hated work. Rougon surprised them in the act, and subsequently laid bare to Clotilde the whole facts of the terriblefamily history. In time the mysticism of the Church gave place topassionate love between Clotilde and Pascal. The doctor felt, however, that she was sacrificing her youth for him, and sent her to Paris tolive with her brother Maxime. Soon afterwards, Pascal became ill, anddied before she was able to return. A child was born some months later. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (EUGENE), born 1811, eldest son of Pierre Rougon, was educated atPlassans and Paris, and was called to the Bar. He practised in thelocal Court for a number of years, but with little success. Though oflethargic appearance, he was a man of ability, who "cherished loftyambitions, possessed domineering instincts, and showed a singularcontempt for trifling expedients and small fortunes. " With theRevolution of February, 1848, Eugene felt that his opportunity had come, and he left for Paris with scarcely five hundred francs in his pocket. He was able to give his parents early information of the designs of theBonapartes, and so prepared the way for the events of the _Coup d'Etat_of 1851, when the family fortunes were made. La Fortune des Rougon. During his early days in Paris Rougon resided at the Hotel Vanneau, keptby Madame Correur, and while there he made the acquaintance of Gilquinand Du Poizet, both of whom assisted him in spreading the Bonapartistpropaganda. By his exertions in this cause he established a claim forreward, and he was appointed a member of the State Council, ultimatelybecoming its President. He fell into disfavour, however, with the Courton account of his opposition to a claim for two million francs by adistant relative of the Empress Eugenie. Finding that his position wasinsecure, he tendered his resignation to the Emperor, who acceptedit. About this time he met Clorinde Balbi, an Italian adventuress, whoendeavoured to induce him to marry her. Carried away for the time being, Rougon made overtures to her which she resented, and he was on the pointof offering her marriage. Reflection on her somewhat equivocal positionin society induced him to think better of this, and he offered toarrange a marriage between her and his friend Delestang. The offerwas accepted, and the marriage took place. Soon after, Rougon marriedVeronique Beulin-d'Orchere. During his retirement Rougon was surroundedby a band of followers, the Charbonnels, Du Poizet, Kahn, and others, who in the hope of profiting by his return to office lost no chance ofestablishing a claim upon him. After the Orsini plot against the life ofthe Emperor, of which Rougon had prior information through Gilquin, theneed for a strong man arose, and he was again called to office, beingappointed Minister of the Interior. His harshness in carrying outreprisals against the Republican party, and even more, his recklessnessin finding appointments for his friends, led to a public outcry, and hisposition again became undermined. Clorinde, who had never forgiven himfor not marrying her, did much to foment the disaffection, and even hisown band of followers turned against him. Always quick to act, Rougonagain placed his resignation in the hands of the Emperor, who to hissurprise accepted it. Three years later he was once more a member of theCorps Legislatif, and having brought his principles into accordance withthe more liberal views then professed by the Emperor, he gave his strongsupport to the measures giving effect to them. In consequence, hewas appointed by the Emperor as a Minister without department, andcommissioned to defend the new Policy. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. When his brother Aristide came to Paris, Eugene found a situation forhim, but, fearing to be compromised by him, suggested that he shouldchange his name to Saccard which he did. There was no intimacy betweenthe brothers, but Eugene occasionally visited Aristide at the greathouse built by him in the Parc Monceau. La Curee. After Saccard's bankruptcy, Eugene refused to have any furtherconnection with him, though he tacitly approved of the foundation of theUniversal Bank. The Bank having failed, however, he did nothing tostay legal proceedings against his brother; but, after a sentence ofimprisonment had been passed, he connived at his escape from the countrywhile the sentence was under appeal. L'Argent. He continued to take a lively interest in Plassans, and it was by himthat Abbe Faujas was sent there to counteract the clerical influence, which at that time was strongly Legitimist. He kept up a correspondencewith his mother, whom he advised as to each step she should take inpolitical matters. La Conquete de Plassans. After the fall of the Empire, Eugene became a simple Deputy, and in theAssembly remained to defend the old order of things which the downfallhad swept away. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (MADAME EUGENE), wife of the preceding. See VeroniqueBeulin-d'Orchere. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. ROUGON (MARTHE), born 1820, daughter of Pierre Rougon; married in 1840her cousin Francois Rougon; had three children. La Fortune des Rougon. She accompanied her husband to Marseilles, where by close attentionto business they accumulated a fortune in fifteen years, returning toPlassans at the end of that period and settling down there. Her life atPlassans was a happy one until the household fell under the influence ofAbbe Faujas. From the first she was in love with the priest, and ashe gave her no encouragement in this, she devoted herself to churchservices to the entire neglect of her household and family. As time wenton, her passion for the Abbe grew more extreme, and her health becameundermined to a serious extent. She became subject to fits of anepileptic nature, and having injured herself in some of these, sheallowed the injuries to be attributed to her husband, whom she had nowgrown to regard as an encumbrance. Though she was aware that he was notinsane, she allowed him to be removed to an asylum, where confinementsoon completed the work begun by her own conduct. The Abbe Faujas havingresolutely resisted her advances, her health became still worse, and shedied in her mother's house on the same night that her husband escapedfrom the asylum and burned down their old home. La Conquete de Plassans. ROUGON (MAXIME), born 1840, son of Aristide Rougon. La Fortune desRougon. When his father went to Paris in 1852, Maxime remained at school atPlassans, not going to Paris till after his father's second marriage. From early youth he was of vicious character, and the idleness andextravagance of the life in his father's house only completed thetraining begun at Plassans. After carrying on a disgraceful liaison withhis father's second wife, he married Louise de Mareuil, through whom hegot a considerable dowry. La Curee. After the death of his wife, six months after their marriage, hereturned to Paris, where he lived quietly upon the dowry brought to himby her. He refused to join in any of his father's schemes, or to assisthim in any way, and was consequently not affected by the failure of theUniversal Bank. L'Argent. After the war he re-established himself in his mansion in Avenue duBois-de-Boulogne, where he lived on the fortune left by his wife. "Hehad become prudent, however, with the enforced restraint of a man whosemarrow is diseased, and who seeks by artifice to ward off the paralysiswhich threatened him. " In the fear of this impending illness, he inducedhis sister Clotilde to leave Doctor Pascal, and go to live with himin Paris, but in his constant fear of being taken advantage of he soonbegan to be suspicious of her, as he did of every one who served him. His father, who wished to hasten his own inheritance, encouraged him ina renewal of his vicious courses, and he died of _locomotor ataxy_ atthe age of thirty-three. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (MADAME MAXIME). See Louise de Mareuil. ROUGON (PASCAL), born 1813, second son of Pierre Rougon, "had anuprightness of spirit, a love of study, a retiring modesty whichcontrasted strangely with the feverish ambitions and unscrupulousintrigues of his family. " Having acquitted himself admirably in hismedical studies at Paris, he returned to Plassans, where he lived a lifeof quiet study and work. He had few patients, but devoted himselfto research, particularly on the subject of heredity, with specialreference to its results on his own family. In the hope of alleviatingsuffering, he followed the Republican insurgents in their march fromPlassans in December, 1851. La Fortune des Rougon. In 1854 his niece Clotilde, daughter of his brother Aristide, went tolive with him. He had frequently offered to take her, but nothing wasarranged till after the death of her mother, at which time she was aboutseven years old. La Curee. His practice as a medical man extended to Les Artaud, and he attendedhis nephew Abbe Serge Mouret during an attack of brain fever. On thepriest's partial recovery, he removed him to the Paradou, and left himin the care of Albine, niece of old Jeanbernat, the caretaker of thatneglected demesne. Dr. Pascal was much attached to Albine, and deeplyregretted the sad love affair which resulted from Mouret's forgetfulnessof his past. He had no religious beliefs himself, and he urged Mouret toreturn to Albine, but the voice of the Church proved too strong in theend. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. At sixty years of age Pascal was so fresh and vigorous that, though hishair and beard were white, he might have been mistaken for a young manwith powdered locks. He had lived for seventeen years at La Souleiade, near Plassans, with his niece Clotilde and his old servant Martine, having amassed a little fortune, which was sufficient for his needs. Hehad devoted his life to the study of heredity, finding typical examplesin his own family. He brought up Clotilde without imposing on her hisown philosophic creed, even allowing Martine to take her to churchregularly. But this tolerance brought about a serious misunderstandingbetween them, for the girl fell under the influence of religiousmysticism, and came to look with horror on the savant's scientificpursuits. Discovered by him in an attempt to destroy his documents, heexplained to Clotilde fully and frankly the bearing of their terriblefamily history on his theory of heredity, with the result that heroutlook on life was entirely changed; he had opposed the force of humantruth against the shadows of mysticism. The struggle between Pascaland Clotilde brought them to a knowledge of mutual love, and an illicitrelationship was established between them. He would have married her(this being legal in France), but having lost most of his money hewas unwilling to sacrifice what he believed to be her interests, andpersuaded her to go to Paris to live with her brother Maxime. Soon afterher departure he was seized with an affection of the heart, and, after some weeks of suffering, died only an hour before her return. Immediately after his death his mother, Madame Felicite Rougon, tookpossession of his papers, and in an immense _auto-da-fe_ destroyed in anhour the records of a lifetime of work. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (PIERRE), born 1787, legitimate son of Adelaide Fouque, was athrifty, selfish lad who saw that his mother by her improvident conductwas squandering the estate to which he considered himself sole heir. Hisaim was to induce his mother and her two illegitimate children to removefrom the house and land, and in this he was ultimately successful. Having sold the property for fifty thousand francs, he induced hismother, who by this time was of weak intellect, to sign a receipt forthat sum, and was so able to defraud his half-brother and sister ofthe shares to which they would have been entitled. Soon thereafter hemarried Felicite Puech, the daughter of an oil dealer in Plassans. Thefirm of Puech and Lacamp was not prosperous, but the money brought byPierre Rougon retrieved the situation, and after a few years the twooriginal partners retired. Fortune, however, soon changed, and forthirty years there was a continual struggle to make ends meet. Threesons and two daughters were born, and their education was a heavy drainupon their parents' means. In 1845 Pierre and his wife retired frombusiness with forty thousand francs at the most. Instigated by theMarquis de Carnavant, they went in for politics, and soon regularmeetings of the reactionary party came to be held in their "yellowdrawing-room. " Advised, however, by their son Eugene, they resolvedto support the cause of the Bonapartes, and at the time of the _Coupd'Etat_ of 1851 Pierre was the leader of that party in Plassans. Havingconcealed himself when the Republican insurgents entered Plassans, heavoided capture, and after they retired he led the band of citizenswhich recaptured the town hall. This bloodless victory having beensomewhat minimized by the townspeople, Pierre and his wife, with a viewto establishing a strong claim for subsequent reward, bribed AntoineMacquart to lead the Republicans left in Plassans to an attack onthe town hall. To meet this he prepared a strong ambuscade, and theRepublicans were repulsed with considerable loss. As a result of thistreachery, Pierre was regarded by his fellow-citizens as the saviourof the town, and the Government subsequently appointed him Receiver ofTaxes, decorating him with the Cross of the Legion of Honour. La Fortunedes Rougon. He settled down quietly and took little part in public affairs, thoughhis wife continued to hold weekly receptions at which members of thedifferent political parties were represented. La Conquete de Plassans. He became so corpulent that he was unable to move, and was carried offby an attack of indigestion on the night of 3rd September, 1870, a fewhours after hearing of the catastrophe of Sedan. The downfall of theregime which he prided himself on having helped to establish seemed tohave crushed him like a thunderbolt. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (MADAME FELICITE), wife of the preceding, and daughter of Puech, the oil-dealer. She was married in 1810, and had three sons and twodaughters. A woman of strong ambitions, she hoped to better her socialposition by the aid of her sons, on whose education she spent largesums. Disappointed in this hope for many years, she and her husbandretired from business with barely sufficient means to keep themselvesin comfort. She, instigated by the Marquis de Carnavant (her putativefather), urged her husband to take part in politics, and meetings ofthe reactionary party were regularly held in her "yellow drawing-room. "While the success of the _Coup d'Etat_ was in some doubt, she encouragedher husband in maintaining the position he had taken up; and, havingascertained that the success of the Bonapartists was assured shearranged with Antoine Macquart for the attack on the town hall, therepulse of which led to the rise of the family fortunes. La Fortune desRougon. After her husband's appointment as Receiver of Taxes, she continuedher weekly receptions, but endeavoured to give them a non-politicalcharacter by inviting representatives of all parties. Her son Eugene, now a Minister of State, kept her advised as to the course she shouldpursue, and on his instructions she gave some assistance to Abbe Faujasin his political "conquest of Plassans. " La Conquete de Plassans. In 1856 she interested herself in a lawsuit raised by M. Charbonnel, a retired oil-merchant of Plassans, and requested her son Eugene, thePresident of the Council of State, to use his influence on behalf of herfriend. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. After the disasters of the war, Plassans escaped from her dominion, andshe had to content herself with the role of dethroned queen of the oldregime. Her ruling passion was the defence of the glory of the Rougons, and the obliteration of everything tending to reflect on the familyname. In this connection she welcomed the death of Adelaide Fouque, thecommon ancestress of the Rougons and the Macquarts, and she did nothingto save her old accomplice Antoine Macquart from the terrible fate whichovertook him. After these events, her only remaining trouble was thework on family heredity which had for years occupied her son Pascal. Assisted by his servant Martine, she eventually succeeded in burning thewhole manuscript to which Pascal had devoted his life. Her triumph wasthen secure, and in order to raise a monument to the glory of the familyshe devoted a large part of her fortune to the erection of an asylum forthe aged, to be known as the Rougon Asylum. At eighty-two years of age, she laid the foundation stone of the building, and in doing so conqueredPlassans for the third time. Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (SIDONIE), born 1818, daughter of Pierre Rougon. La Fortune desRougon. She married at Plassans an attorney's clerk, named Touche, and togetherthey went to Paris, setting up business in the Rue Saint-Honore, asdealers in fruit from the south of France. The venture was unsuccessful, and the husband soon disappeared. At the rise of the Second Empire, Sidonie was thirty-five; but she dressed herself with so little care andhad so little of the woman in her manner that she looked much older. Shecarried on business in lace and pianos, but did not confine herselfto these trades; when she had sold ten francs worth of lace she wouldinsinuate herself into her customer's good graces and become her man ofbusiness, attending attorneys, advocates, and judges on her behalf. Theconfidences she everywhere received put her on the track of good strokesof business, often of a nature more than equivocal, and it was she whoarranged the second marriage of her brother Aristide. She was atrue Rougon, who had inherited the hunger for money, the longing forintrigue, which was the characteristic of the family. La Curee. In 1851 she had a daughter by an unknown father. The child, who wasnamed Angelique Marie, was at once sent to the Foundling Hospital by hermother, who never made any inquiry about her afterwards. Le Reve. She attended the funeral of her cousin, Claude Lantier, the artist. Arrived at his house, "she went upstairs, turned round the studio, sniffed at all its bare wretchedness, and then walked down again with ahard mouth, irritated at having taken the trouble to come. " L'Oeuvre. "After a long disappearance from the scene, Sidonie, weary of the shadycallings she had plied, and now of a nunlike austerity, retired tothe gloomy shelter of a conventual kind of establishment, holding thepurse-strings of the Oeuvre du Sacrament, an institution founded withthe object of assisting seduced girls, who had become mothers, to securehusbands. " Le Docteur Pascal. ROUGON (VICTOR), son of Aristide Saccard and Rosaline Chavaille. Broughtup in the gutter, he was from the first incorrigibly lazy and vicious. La Mechain, his mother's cousin, after discovering his paternity, toldthe facts to Caroline Hamelin, who, to save Saccard annoyance, paid overa considerable sum and removed the boy to _L'Oeuvre du Travail_, one ofthe institutions founded by the Princess d'Orviedo. Here every effortwas made to reclaim him, but without success; vice and cunning hadbecome his nature. In the end he made a murderous attack upon Alicedu Beauvilliers, who was visiting the hospital, and having stolen herpurse, made his escape. Subsequent search proved fruitless; he haddisappeared in the under-world of crime. L'Argent. "In 1873, Victor had altogether vanished, living, no doubt, in the shadyhaunts of crime--since he was in no penitentiary--let loose upon theworld like some brute foaming with the hereditary virus, whose everybite would enlarge that existing evil--free to work out his own future, his unknown destiny, which was perchance the scaffold. " Le DocteurPascal. ROUGON (-----), the child of Doctor Pascal Rougon and of ClotildeRougon, born some months after his father's death. Pascal a fewminutes before he died, drew towards him the genealogical tree of theRougon-Macquart family, over which he had spent so many years, and ina vacant space wrote the words: "The unknown child, to be born in 1874. What will it be?" Le Docteur Pascal. ROUSSE (LA), a peasant girl of Les Artaud, who assisted to decorate thechurch for the festival of the Virgin. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. ROUSSEAU, one of the auditors of the Universal Bank, an office which heshared with Lavigniere, under whose influence he was to a great extent. L'Argent. ROUSSELOT (MONSEIGNEUR), Bishop of Plassans, an amiable but weak man, who was entirely under the influence of Abbe Fenil. Having got intodisfavour with the Government over the election of a Legitimist asDeputy, he was anxious to retrieve his position, and with this objectagreed to appoint Abbe Faujas vicar of Saint-Saturnin's church. This ledto a quarrel with Abbe Fenil, who, of course, resented the appointment. The Bishop being still in some doubt as to the standing of Abbe Faujaswith the Government, went to Paris, where he interviewed Eugene Rougon, the Minister of State. Satisfied with the information which he received, he threw himself heartily into the political struggle then proceeding atPlassans, giving Faujas every assistance in carrying out his schemes onbehalf of the Bonapartist candidate. La Conquete de Plassans. ROUSSIE (LA), a woman who had formerly worked as a putter in the Voreuxpit. Germinal. ROUSTAN (ABBE), one of the clergy of Sainte-Eustache church. MadameLisa Quenu consulted him as to her proposed course of action regardingFlorent. Le Ventre de Paris. ROUVET, an old peasant who lived in the same village as Zephyrin Lacourand Rosalie Pichon. One of her pleasures consisted in calling to mindthe sayings of the old man. Une Page d'Amour. ROZAN (DUC DE), was a young man of dissolute life, who, after gettingthe control of his fortune, soon went through the greater part of it. Hewas the lover of Renee Saccard for a time. La Curee. ROZAN (DUCHESSE DE), mother of the preceding. She kept her son so shortof money that, till he was thirty-five, he seldom had more than a dozenlouis at a time. Her death was largely occasioned by the knowledge ofthe enormous amount of debts her son had incurred. La Curee. RUSCONI (CHEVALIER), the Sardinian Minister at Paris, a friend ofComtesse Balbi, and her daughter. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. S SABATANI, a native of the Levant, who appeared in Paris after defaultingon some foreign Stock Exchange. He was a handsome man, and little bylittle gained the confidence of the Bourse "by scrupulous correctnessof behaviour and an unremitting graciousness even towards the mostdisreputable. " He began doing business with Mazard by depositing a smallsum as "cover" in the belief that the insignificance of the amount wouldin time be forgotten; and "he evinced great prudence, increasing theorders in a stealthy gradual fashion, pending the day when, with a heavysettlement to meet, it would be necessary for him to disappear. " WhenSaccard founded the Universal Bank, he selected Sabatani as the "man ofstraw" in whose name the shares held by the Bank itself were to be takenup. Sabatani soon increased his speculations to an enormous extent, gaining large sums, but after the collapse of the Universal Bank hedisappeared without paying his "differences, " thereby contributinglargely to the ruin of Mazard. L'Argent. SABOT, a vine-grower of Brinqueville. He was a renowned joker, whoentered into a competition with Hyacinthe Fouan, but was beaten by him. La Terre. SACCARD, the name assumed by Aristide Rougon, on the suggestion of hisbrother Eugene. See Rougon (Aristide). La Curee. SACCARD (VICTOR). See Victor Rougon. SAFFRE (DE), secretary to Eugene Rougon, the Minister of State. LaCuree. SAGET (MADEMOISELLE), an old lady who had lived in the Rue Pirouette forforty years. She never spoke about herself, but she spent her life ingetting information about her neighbours, carrying her prying curiosityso far as to listen behind their doors and open their letters. Shewent about all day pretending she was marketing, but in reality merelyspreading scandal and getting information. By bullying little PaulineQuenu, she got a hint of Florent's past history, which she promptlyspread through the markets, even going the length of writing ananonymous letter to the Prefect of Police. Le Ventre de Paris. SAINT-FIRMIN (OSCAR DE), a character in _La Petite Duchesse_, a play byFauchery. The part was played by Prulliere. Nana. SAINT-GERMAIN (MADEMOISELLE DE), was the owner of a princely house inRue Saint-Lazare, which after her death became the property of Princessd'Orviedo. L'Argent. SAINTS-ANGES (LA MERE DES), superior of the Convent of the Visitation atClermont. She saved from the cloister Christine Hallegrain, who hadnot a religious vocation, and obtained for her a situation to Madame deVanzade. L'Oeuvre. SALMON, a speculator on the Paris Bourse who passed for a man ofextraordinary acumen by listening to everyone and saying nothing. He answered only by smiles, and one could never tell in what he wasspeculating or whether he was speculating at all. L'Argent. SALNEUVE (DE), a man of considerable importance in the Second Empire, whose influence was secured for Eugene Rougon by Clorinde Balbi. SonExcellence Eugene Rougon. SAMBUC (GUILLAUME), one of the francs-tireurs who carried on a guerillawarfare against the Germans in 1870. He was the worthy son of a familyof scoundrels, and lived by theft and rapine. He furnished most valuableinformation to the French generals regarding the movement of thePrussians to surprise Beaumont, but his information was disregarded tilltoo late. The francs-tireurs had a particular hatred against GoliathSteinberg, the German spy, and, instigated by Silvine Morange, Sambucarranged for his capture, afterwards killing him by cutting his throat. La Debacle. SAMBUC (PROSPER), brother of the preceding. Of a nature docile andhard-working, he hated the life of the woods, and would have liked tobe a farm labourer. He entered the army and became one of the Chasseursd'Afrique. Sent to France to take part in the war against Germany, heshared in many weary marches, but saw no fighting, till the battle ofSedan, when his horse, Zephir, which he loved like a brother, was killedunder him. He made his escape after the battle, and having been ableto change his uniform for the clothes of a countryman, he returned toRemilly and got employment on the farm of Fouchard. La Debacle. SANDORFF, a member of the Austrian Embassy at Paris. He married Mlle. De Ladricourt, who was much younger than he. He was very niggardly. L'Argent. SANDORFF (BARONESS), wife of the Councillor to the Austrian Embassy, who was thirty-five years older than herself. She was an inveteratespeculator, and, as her husband refused to assist her, she found itnecessary to have recourse to her lovers when her losses were greaterthan usual. She stopped at nothing to gain information, and at one timewas on intimate terms with Saccard. Having quarrelled with him, shehastened the downfall of the Universal Bank, by giving informationto Gundermann which caused him to continue his attack on the Bank. L'Argent. SANDOZ (PERE), a Spaniard who took refuge in France in consequence of apolitical disturbance in which he was involved. He started near Plassansa paper mill with new machinery of his own invention. When he died, almost heart-broken by the petty local jealousy that had sought tohamper him in every way, his widow found herself in a position soinvolved, and burdened with so many tangled lawsuits, that the whole ofher remaining means were swallowed up. L'Oeuvre. SANDOZ MERE (MADAME), wife of the preceding, was a native of Burgundy. Yielding to her hatred of the Provencals, whom she blamed for the deathof her husband, and even for the slow paralysis from which she herselfwas suffering, she migrated to Paris, with her son Pierre, who thensupported her out of a clerk's small salary. In Rue d'Enfer she occupieda single room on the same flat as her son, and there, disabled byparalysis, lived in morose and voluntary solitude, surrounded by histender care. Later, Pierre, who was now married, and was making aconsiderable income, took a house in Rue Nollet, and there Madame Sandozpassed her remaining years. L'Oeuvre. SANDOZ (PIERRE), a famous novelist whose youth was spent at Plassans, where at school he was the inseparable companion of Claude Lantier andDubuche. The favourite amusement of the boys was walking, and togetherthey took long excursions, spending whole days in the country. After thedeath of his father Sandoz went to Paris, where he got employment at asmall salary at the _Mairie_ of the fifth arrondissement, in the officefor registration of births; he was chained there by the thought of hismother, whom he had to support, and to whom he was tenderly attached. Presently he published his first book: a series of mild sketches, brought with him from Plassans, among which only a few rougher notesindicated the mutineer, the lover of truth and power. He lived at thistime with his mother in a little house in Rue d'Enfer, and there hereceived each Thursday evening his old friends from Plassans, ClaudeLantier and Dubuche, and with them Fagerolles, Mahoudeau, Jory, Gagniere, now reunited at Paris, and all animated by the same passionfor art. He was still obsessed by a desire for literary glory, and hadthoughts of writing a poem on some vast subject, but at last he hit ona scheme which soon took form in his mind. With reference to it he said, "I am going to take a family, and I shall study its members, one by one, whence they come, whither they go, how they react upon one another--inshort, humanity in a small compass, the way in which humanity grows andbehaves. On the other hand, I shall set my men and women in a determinedperiod of history, which will provide me with the necessary surroundingsand circumstances, a slice of history--you understand, eh? A seriesof fifteen or twenty books, episodes that will cling together althoughhaving each a separate framework, a suite of novels with which I shallbe able to build myself a house for my old age if they don't crushme. " The first of the novels met with some success, and Sandoz havingresigned his appointment, and put his trust entirely in literature, married a young girl named Henriette, the daughter of middle-classparents, and removed his house to Rue Nollet. In course of time hiscircumstances became still more comfortable, and he again removed to alarge house in Rue de Londres. When Claude Lantier fell into misery anddespair, a gradual separation came about between him and his friends, but Sandoz remained true to the old companionship. He was one of the fewmourners who attended the funeral of the unfortunate artist. L'Oeuvre. SANDOZ (MADAME HENRIETTE), wife of the preceding. She was an orphan, the daughter of a small shop-keeper, without a penny, but pretty andintelligent. She occupied herself much with the affairs of the kitchen, being specially proud of some of her dishes. Even later, when the familywas more prosperous and had removed to a large flat in Rue de Londres, Henriette continued to take personal charge, out of affection for herhusband, whose only fault was a tendency to gluttony. L'Oeuvre. SANQUIRINO (DUCHESSE), a lady of the Italian aristocracy, who resided atParis. She gave Eugene Rougon very unsatisfactory information regardingComtesse Balbi and her daughter Clorinde. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. SANS-POUCE, one of the brigands of the band of Beau-Francois. La Terre. SAPIN, sergeant in Captain Beaudoin's company of the 106th Regiment ofthe line. "The son of a Lyons grocer in a small way of business, spoiltby his mother, who was dead, and unable to get on with his father, hehad remained in the regiment disgusted with everything, but unwilling tobe bought out. " Later he became engaged to one of his cousins, who had asmall dowry, and began to take an interest in life. During the marchto Sedan, however, he became impressed with the idea that he wouldbe killed, and this belief was realized during the fighting on 1stSeptember, 1870. La Debacle. SAPIN (LA), a disreputable old woman at Magnolles who performed illegaloperations and pretended to work magic. SARRIET (MADAME), sister of Madame Lecoeur and of Madame Gavard; motherof La Sarriette. Le Ventre de Paris. SARRIET, usually called La Sarriette, was the niece of Madame Lecoeur. She grew up in the markets and her sympathies were with the lower ranksof the people. At twenty she set up in business as a fruit-dealer, andtook as her lover a young man named Jules, who was employed by heraunt as a porter. After the arrest of Gavard, her uncle by marriage, La Sarriette and her aunt divided his money between them. Le Ventre deParis. SARTEUR, a journeyman hatter at Plassans. He was afflicted withhomicidal mania, and was confined for a time in the asylum at Tulettes. While there he was treated by Doctor Pascal Rougon, who affected acure by hypodermic injections of a substance with which he had longexperimented. Sarteur was released from the asylum, but the cure wasnot permanent, for a few months afterwards the unfortunate man becameconscious of a return of his homicidal mania, and, to prevent itsoperation, hanged himself. Le Docteur Pascal. SATIN, a friend of Nana from childhood, having, like her, attendedthe school of Mademoiselle Josse. She was a regular customer at LaurePiedefer's restaurant, where she met Madame Robert. She lived for a timewith Nana, of whom she was intensely jealous, and in time gained controlof the whole household. She died in the hospital of Lariboisiere. Nana. SAUCISSE (LA PERE), an old peasant of Rognes, who owned an acre of landwhich he sold to Pere Fouan for an annuity of fifteen sous a day. Inorder to dupe the old man, he pretended to be in bad health. Later, terrorized by Buteau, he cancelled the agreement, and repaid half thesums he had received. La Terre. SAUVAGNAT, a friend of Pluchart. He lived at Marchiennes. Germinal. SAUVAGNAT, chief of the depot at Havre, lived in a cottage near theengine depot, which his sister Philomene kept for him, but greatlyneglected. He was an obstinate man and a strict disciplinarian, greatlyesteemed by his superiors, but had met with the utmost vexation onaccount of his sister, even to the point of being threatened withdismissal. If the Company bore with her now on his account, he only kepther with him because of the family tie; but this did not prevent himbelabouring her so severely with blows whenever he caught her at faultthat he frequently left her half dead on the floor. La Bete Humaine. SAUVAGNAT (PHILOMENE), sister of the preceding, was a tall, thin womanof thirty-two, who after numerous love-affairs had settled down withPecqueux, whose mistress she became. She had the reputation of drinking. A subsequent intrigue between her and Jacques Lantier excited thejealousy of Pecqueux to the point of murder. La Bete Humaine. SAUVEUR (MADAME), a dress-maker, who numbered Madame Desforges among hercustomers. She frequented Mouret's shop, _Au Bonheur des Dames_, on theoccasions of great sales, purchasing large quantities of stuff which sheafterwards sold to her own customers at higher prices. Au Bonheur desDames. SAUVIGNY (DE), judge of the race for the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. SCHLOSSER, a speculator on the Paris Bourse. He was secretly associatedwith Sabatani, with whom he carried out many schemes to their mutualadvantage. L'Argent. SCOTS (H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF). See Ecosse. SEDILLE, a native of Lyons, who established himself in Paris, and afterthirty years' toil succeeded in making his silk business one of the bestknown in the city. Unfortunately he acquired a passion for gambling, anda couple of successful ventures made him altogether lose his head. Fromthat time he neglected his business, and ruin lay inevitably at the end. On the invitation of Saccard he became a Director of the Universal Bank. Like the other Directors, he speculated largely in the shares of theBank; but, unlike most of them, he did not sell in time, with the resultthat he was completely ruined, and his bankruptcy followed. L'Argent. SEDILLE (GUSTAVE), son of M. Sedille, the silk merchant. To thedisappointment of his father, he despised commercial pursuits, andcared only for pleasure. In the hope that he might take an interestin finance, he was given a situation in the office of Mazard, thestockbroker, where, however, he did little work, and soon engaged inspeculations on his own account. The failure of the Universal Bank lefthim penniless, and deep in debt. L'Argent. SICARDOT (COMMANDER), the father-in-law of Aristide Rougon. He had thestrongest intellect of the politicians who met in Pierre Rougon's yellowdrawing-room. He was taken prisoner by the insurgents at the time of the_Coup d'Etat_. La Fortune des Rougon. SICARDOT, the name of Aristide Rougon's wife's family. He adopted thisname when he went to Paris in 1851, using it for considerable timebefore he again changed it to Saccard. L'Argent. SICARDOT (ANGELE). See Madame Aristide Rougon. SIDONIE (MADAME), the name by which Sidonie Rougon (q. V. ) was generallyknown. La Curee. SIMON (LA MERE), an old woman who assisted Severine Roubaud in herhousework. La Bete Humaine. SIMONNOT, a grocer at Raucourt. His premises were raided by theBavarians after the Battle of Beaumont. La Debacle. SIMPSON, an American who was attache at his country's Embassy at Paris. He was a frequent visitor at the house of Renee Saccard. La Curee. SIVRY (BLANCHE DE), the name assumed by Jacqueline Baudu, a girl whocame to Paris from a village near Amiens. Magnificent in person, stupidand untruthful in character, she gave herself out as the granddaughterof a general, and never owned to her thirty-two summers. She was muchannoyed at the outbreak of war with Germany, because her lover, a youngPrussian, was expelled from the country. Nana. SMELTEN, a baker at Montsou. He gave credit for some time during thestrike, in the hope of recovering some of his business taken away byMaigrat. Germinal. SMITHSON (MISS), Lucien Deberle's English governess. Une Page d'Amour. SONNEVILLE, a manufacturer at Marchiennes. His business was seriouslyaffected by the strike of miners at Montsou. Germinal. SOPHIE, a workwoman employed at Madame Titreville's artificialflower-making establishment. L'Assommoir. SOPHIE, an old waiting-maid in the service of the Duchesse deCombeville, whose daughter, Princess d'Orviedo, she brought up. Whenthe Princess shut herself up from the world, Sophie remained with her. L'Argent. SOPHIE, daughter of Guiraude. Predestined to phthisis by heredity, shewas saved, thanks to Dr. Pascal Rougon, who sent her to live with anaunt in the country, where she was brought up in the open air. When shewas seventeen years old she married a young miller in the neighbourhood. Le Docteur Pascal. SOULAS, an old shepherd at La Borderie, where he had been for half acentury. At sixty-five he had saved nothing, having been eaten up by adrunken wife, "whom at last he had the pleasure of burying. " He had fewfriends, except his two dogs, Emperor and Massacre, and he especiallyhated Jacqueline Cognet with the jealous disgust of an old servant ather rapid advancement. He was aware of her numerous liaisons, but saidnothing until she brought about his dismissal, when he told everythingto his master, Alexandre Hourdequin. La Terre. SOURDEAU, a bone-setter at Bazoches-le-Doyen, who was supposed to beequally good for wounds. La Terre. SOUVARINE, an engine-man at the Voreux pit, who lodged with theRasteneurs. He was a Russian of noble family, who had at first studiedmedicine, until, carried away by social enthusiasm, he learned a tradein order that he might mix with the people. It was by this trade that henow lived, after having fled in consequence of an unsuccessful attemptagainst the Czar's life, an attempt which resulted in his mistress, Annouchka, and many of his friends, being hanged. His principles werethose of the most violent anarchy, and he would have nothing to do withthe strike at Montsou, which he considered a merely childish affair. Disgusted at the return of the miners to their work, he resolved tobring about the destruction of the Voreux pit, by weakening the timberswhich kept out a vast accumulation of water. He accomplished that workof madness in a fury of destruction in which he twenty times riskedhis life. And when the torrent had invaded the mine, imprisoning theunfortunate workers, Souvarine went calmly away into the unknown withouta glance behind. Germinal. SPIRIT, an English horse which ran in the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. SPONTINI, a master at the College of Plassans. He came originally fromCorsica, and used to show his knife, rusty with the blood of threecousins. L'Oeuvre. SQUELETTE-EXTERNE (LE). See Mimi-la-Mort. L'Oeuvre. STADERINO (SIGNOR), a Venetian political refugee, and a friend ofComtesse Balbi. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. STEINBERG (GOLIATH), a Prussian spy who was engaged in 1867 as a farmservant by Fouchard at Remilly. He became the lover of Silvine Morange, promising her marriage, but disappearing before the ceremony. It wassaid that he served also on other farms in the neighbourhood of Beaumontand Raucourt. During the war he was able to give important informationto the German forces. In trying to regain his former influence overSilvine, he threatened to remove their child to Germany, and, toprevent his doing so, she betrayed him to Guillaume Sambuc and thefrancs-tireurs of his band, who killed him in the house of Fouchard, inthe presence of Silvine, by cutting his throat, and bleeding him in thesame manner as a pig. La Debacle. STEINER, a banker in Paris. He was a German Jew, through whose hands hadpassed millions. He spent vast sums upon Rose Mignon and Nana. Nana. STERNICH (DUCHESSE DE), a celebrated leader of society in the SecondEmpire. She dominated all her friends on the ground of a former intimacywith the Emperor. La Curee. STEWARD (LUCY), was the daughter of an engine-cleaner of English originwho was employed at the Gare du Nord. She was not beautiful, but hadsuch a charm of manner that she was considered the smartest of the_demi-mondaines_ in Paris. Among her lovers had been a prince of theroyal blood. She had a son, Ollivier, before whom she posed as anactress. Nana. STEWART (OLLIVIER), son of the preceding. He was a pupil at the navalcollege, and had no suspicion of the calling of his mother. Nana. SURIN (ABBE), secretary to the Bishop of Plassans, of whom he was agreat favourite. He was a constant visitor at the home of M. Rastoil, with whose daughters he played battledore. La Conquete de Plassans. SYLVIA, an actress who was admired by Maxime Saccard. La Curee. T TABOUREAU (MADAME), a baker in the Rue Turbigo. She was a recognizedauthority on all subjects relating to her neighbours. Le Ventre deParis. TATIN (MADEMOISELLE), kept an under-linen warehouse in the PassageChoiseul, and was so seriously affected by the competition of OctaveMouret's great store that she became bankrupt. Au Bonheur des Dames. TARDIVEAU (BARON DE), a character in _La Petite Duchesse_, a play byFauchery. The part was played by Fontan. TATAN NENE, a young girl of great beauty who had herded cows inChampagne before coming to Paris. She was one of Nana's friends. Nana. TAVERNIER, an old doctor of Orleans, who had ceased to practise. GeorgesHugon made a pretext of visiting him, in order to be able to join Nanaat La Mignotte. Nana. TEISSIERE (MADAME), a _mondaine_ of the Second Empire. She was a friendof Madame de Lauwerens and of the Saccards. La Curee. TESTANIERE (MADAME), a protegee of Madame Correur, who recommended herto Eugene Rougon, the Minister of State. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. TEUSE (LA), an elderly woman who acted as servant to Abbe Mouret. Inaddition, she cleaned the church and kept the vestments in order; onoccasion, it was said, she had even served the Mass for the Abbe'spredecessor. She was garrulous and ill-tempered, but was devoted toMouret, of whom she took the greatest care, and she was also kind to hisweak-minded sister, Desiree. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. THEODORE, a Belgian who gave lessons on the piano to Clarisse Bocquet, and afterwards became her lover. Pot-Bouille. THEODORE, son of a paste-board maker. He was to have married NathalieDejoie, but wishing to establish himself in business, demanded aconsiderable dowry. He afterwards married the daughter of a workman, whobrought him nearly eight thousand francs. L'Argent. THERESE, a former neighbour of the Lorilleux in Rue de la Goutted'Or. She died of consumption, and the Lorilleux thought they saw aresemblance between Gervaise and her. L'Assommoir. THIBAUDIER (M. ), a banker at Caen. He had a daughter, Louise, but havingmarried again soon after the death of his first wife, he troubled littleabout her, and was quite willing to consent to her marriage with LazareChanteau. La Joie de Vivre. THIBAUDIER (LOUISE), daughter of M. Thibaudier, a banker at Caen. Shewas a slight, delicate girl, with an attractive manner, and LazareChanteau fell in love with her, though he was at the time engaged toPauline Quenu. Pauline having magnanimously released him, they weremarried. Lazare's morbid mania having become more acute, and Louisebeing herself in poor health, their relations became strained, and themarriage was not a happy one. They had a son who was named Paul. La Joiede Vivre. Louise died young. Le Docteur Pascal. THOMAS, keeper of an eating-house at Montmartre. L'Assommoir. THOMAS (ANSELME), a journeyman saddler at Plassans. He married JustineMegot, tempted by the annuity of twelve hundred francs which shereceived from Saccard. He disliked her child, the little Charles Rougon, who was degenerate and weak-minded. Le Docteur Pascal. THOMAS (MADAME ANSELME), wife of the preceding. See Justine Megot. LeDocteur Pascal. TISON, keeper of a dram-shop at Montsou. Germinal. TISSOT (MADAME), a friend of Madame Deberle. Une Page d'Amour. TITREVILLE (MADAME) carried on the business of an artificial-flowermaker, of which Madame Lerat was forewoman, and where Nana Coupeau wasa pupil. She was a tall woman who never unbent, and the girls were allafraid of her, pretending to be engrossed in work whenever she appeared. L'Assommoir. TOUCHE (M. ), a townsman of Plassans who expressed disbelief in thesuccess of the _Coup d'Etat_. La Fortune des Rougon. TOUCHE, an Attorney's clerk at Plassans. He married Sidonie Rougon in1838, and went with her to Paris, where he started business as a dealerin the products of the South. He was not very successful, and died in1850. La Curee. TOURMAL (LES), a family who resided at Bonneville and lived chiefly bysmuggling and stealing. The father and grandfather were sent to prison, and the daughter, when shown kindness by Pauline Quenu, rewarded her byattempting to steal such small articles of value as she could conceal. La Joie de Vivre. TOUTIN-LAROCHE (M. ), a retired candle-manufacturer; now a municipalcouncillor, and a director of the Credit Viticole, the Societe Generaleof the Ports of Morocco, and other companies of doubtful standing. Hisambition was to enter the Senate, and he clung to Baron Gauraud andSaccard in the belief that they could assist him. La Curee. TRICON (LA), a well-known procuress, who numbered Nana among herclients. She had a passion for racing, and at the Grand Prix seemed todominate the crowd. TROMPETTE, one of the horses in the Voreux pit. It only lived a fewmonths after being taken underground. Germinal. TRON, a labourer in the farm of La Borderie. He was one of JacquelineCognet's lovers, and exhibited jealousy amounting to insanity regardingher. Having been dismissed by his master, he opened a trap-door throughwhich Hourdequin fell and was killed. When he found that Jacquelinewould not forgive him for this stupid murder, which ruined herprospects, he set fire to the farm buildings. La Terre. TROUCHE (HONORE), brother-in-law of Abbe Faujas. Having beenunsuccessful in business at Besancon, he followed Faujas to Plassans, where he went with his wife to live in rooms rented by the Abbe fromFrancois Mouret. He was of bad character and quite unscrupulous, but bythe influence of Faujas he was appointed Secretary to the Girls' Homestarted by Madame Mouret and other ladies of Plassans. Having got afooting in the Mourets' house, he soon began to take advantage of hisposition, and little by little got possession of the whole premises. Hedid all he could to encourage the idea of Francois Mouret's madness, andafter the unfortunate man's removal to the asylum was able with greaterease to carry out his schemes. Mouret having ultimately escaped from theasylum, returned to his home and set it on fire; Trouche perished in theflames. La Conquete de Plassans. TROUCHE (MADAME OLYMPE), wife of the preceding, and sister of AbbeFaujas. She accompanied her husband to Plassans, and contributed largelyto the ruin of the Mouret family. Utterly heartless, she stopped atnothing, robbing Madame Mouret of money, clothing, everything that camewithin her power. Nemesis came with the return of Francois Mouret, whoset fire to his house, causing the death of Madame Trouche as well asthat of her husband. La Conquete de Plassans. TROUILLE (LA), the nickname of Olympe Fouan. La Terre. TRUBLOT (HECTOR), a young man whom Madame Josserand hoped at one timeto secure as a husband for her daughter. He had, however, no thoughts ofmarriage, and as he was averse to any risk of complications, his habitwas to select his female friends from among the maid-servants ofhis acquaintances. He was employed as correspondent in the office ofMonsieur Desmarquay, a money-changer. Pot-Bouille. V VABRE, a notary of Versailles who retired to Paris with a fortune, partof which he invested in the house in Rue de Choiseul occupied by theDuveyriers, the Josserands, and others. He had unfortunately a hiddenpassion for gambling in stocks and shares, and when he died it was foundthat his whole fortune had been dissipated, even his house being heavilymortgaged. Pot-Bouille. VABRE (AUGUSTE), eldest son of M. Vabre, carried on a silk merchant'sbusiness in part of the premises which belonged to his father. Hemarried Berthe Josserand, but as he suffered much from neuralgia, andwas, in addition, of a niggardly disposition, the marriage was not ahappy one. An intrigue between Madame Vabre and Octave Mouret followed, and on its discovery she returned to her parents. For a considerabletime Vabre refused to forgive his wife, but a reconciliation wasultimately brought about through the intervention of Abbe Mauduit. Vabre's fortunes were adversely affected by the extension of MadameHedouin's business, known as "The Ladies' Paradise. " Pot-Bouille. The rapid success of Octave Mouret's business led to the ruin of Vabre, a result to which the extravagance of his wife also contributed. AuBonheur des Dames. VABRE (MADAME AUGUSTE), wife of the preceding. See Berthe Josserand. Pot-Bouille. VABRE (CAMILLE), son of Theophile Vabre and his wife Valerie Louhette. Pot-Bouille. VABRE (CLOTILDE), daughter of Vabre the notary, and wife of Duveyrier. She did not get on well with her husband, whom she hated, and her onlypassion was for music, which she practised to an inordinate extent. Pot-Bouille. VABRE (THEOPHILE), second son of M. Vabre, "a little old man oftwenty-eight, a victim to coughs and toothache, who first triedall sorts of trades and then married the daughter of a neighbouringhaberdasher. " His life was shadowed by suspicions of his wife, with whomhe constantly quarrelled. He was with difficulty prevented from makinga scene at the marriage of his brother Auguste to Berthe Josserand. Pot-Bouille. VABRE (MADAME VALERIE), wife of the preceding, nee Louhette, was thedaughter of a wealthy haberdasher. She did not get on well with herhusband, who accused her, not entirely without reason, of carrying on aliaison with some one whose name he was unable to discover. Pot-Bouille. VADON (MARGUERITE), daughter of a linen-draper at Grenoble, found itdesirable to come to Paris for a time, and got a situation at "TheLadies' Paradise. " She as a well-conducted girl, and ultimately returnedto Grenoble to take charge of her parents' shop, and marry a cousin whowas waiting for her. Au Bonheur des Dames. VALENCAY (BARON DE), aide-de-camp to the Emperor. He married the eldestdaughter of the Comtesse de Bretigny. L'Assommoir. VALENCAY (MADEMOISELLE PAULE DE), was very rich and extremely beautifulwhen at nineteen years old she married the Marquis Jean XII deHautecoeur. She died within a year, leaving a son named Felicien. LeReve. VALENTIN, son of Guiraude, and brother of Sophie. His father, ajourneyman tanner, died of phthisis, and Valentin, who had been in dailycontact with him, developed the disease. Doctor Pascal Rougon prolongedhis life for some time by hypodermic injections of a substancediscovered by himself, but the respite was only temporary, for attwenty-one years of age Valentine died of hereditary phthisis. LeDocteur Pascal. VALERIO II, a horse which belonged to M. Corbreuse and ran in the GrandPrix de Paris. Nana. VALLAGNOSC (MADAME DE), belonged to an old family of Plassans. Left awidow with two daughters and one son, she found life difficult on thesmall remains of a former fortune. In order to assist his mother, theson, Paul, secured an appointment at Paris in a Government office. AuBonheur des Dames. VALLAGNOSC (PAUL DE), an old friend of Octave Mouret, whom he had knownat Plassans. He belonged to an old family, but, being a younger sonwithout money, was obliged to select a profession. He studied law, butmeeting with no success, was obliged to accept an appointment in theMinistry of the Interior. He married Mademoiselle de Boves. Au Bonheurdes Dames. VALLAGNOSC (MADAME PAUL DE), wife of the preceding. See Blanche deBoves. VALQUEYRAS (COMTE DE), a relation of Marquis de Carnavant, who lived inhis house. La Fortune des Rougon. He was a supporter of the Marquis de Lagrifoul, the Legitimist Deputyfor Plassans, who visited him for a fortnight before the election whichwas dominated by Abbe Faujas. La Conquete de Plassans. VALQUEYRAS (MARQUISE DE), in 1873, she was the only representative ofa very old family. She was a widow with a little daughter of six, veryrich, and equally parsimonious. When Doctor Pascal Rougon called on herto ask payment of his fees, he allowed himself to be put off, and evengave advice regarding the health of the child. Le Docteur Pascal. VANDERGHAGEN, the medical man employed by the Mining Company of Montsou. He was so much overworked that it was said he gave his consultationswhile he was running from place to place. Germinal. VANDEUVRES (COMTE XAVIER DE), the last member of a noble family, hadgone through a large fortune in Paris. His racing-stable was famous, aswere his losses at the Imperial Club, while his ruin was completed bythe vast sums which he spent on Nana. His final hope was centred on therace for the Grand Prix de Paris in which he was running two horses, Lusignan and a filly named Nana. Lusignan was the favourite, butVandeuvres, having arranged his betting, caused the horse to be pulled, so that the filly might win. The ruse was successful, and Vandeuvresgained a large sum, but suspicions having been aroused, he was warnedoff the turf and expelled from the Imperial Club. Driven to madness, the Comte shut himself up in his stable, and, having set it on fire, perished among his horses. Nana. VANDORPE, the head stationmaster of the Western Railway Company atParis. La Bete Humaine. VANPOUILLE BROTHERS, a firm of furriers in Rue Neuve-des-Petits Champs, who were practically ruined when Octave Mouret added a fur department to"The Ladies' Paradise. " Au Bonheur des Dames. VANSKA (COMTESSE), a well-known and rich _mondaine_ of the SecondEmpire. La Curee. VANZADE (MADAME), the widow of a general. She was an old lady, rich, nearly blind, and practically helpless. At Passy she lived, in asilent old house, a life so retired and regular that it might have beenactuated by clockwork. As she required a companion, her old friend, LaMere des Saints-Anges, recommended Christine Hallegrain to her; but thegirl, stifling in that dwelling of rigid piety, ended by running offwith her lover, Claude Lantier. Madame Vanzade died four years later, and the bulk of her fortune went to charities. L'Oeuvre. VAQUEZ (JUDITH), an artist's model who lived in Rue du Rocher. She was aJewess, fresh enough in colouring but too thin. L'Oeuvre. VAUCOGNE (HECTOR), husband of Estelle Badeuil. At the time of hismarriage, Vaucogne was a junior officer of customs, but when his wife'sparents retired he took over their _maison publique_. He left everythingto the care of his wife, and after her death the establishment ceasedto be prosperous. In the end he was turned out by his father-in-law, andthe business was given to his daughter Elodie, who showed all the familycapacity for management. La Terre. VAUCOGNE (MADAME HECTOR), wife of the preceding. See Estelle Badeuil. LaTerre. VAUCOGNE (ELODIE), daughter of the preceding, and granddaughter of M. And Madame Charles Badeuil. She was seven years old when her parentstook over the _maison publique_ of her grandfather, and she was thensent to a convent at Chateaudun to be educated by the Sisters of theVisitation. Her holidays were spent with her grandparents, and she wassupposed to be under the impression that her parents were carrying ona large confectionery business, but Victorine, a servant who had beendismissed for misconduct, had made her aware of the facts, and when, ateighteen years of age, she was asked in marriage by her cousin ErnestDelhomme, she astonished her grandparents by joining with him in adesire to succeed to the family establishment. La Terre. VAUGELADE (DUC DE), at one time the master of Gourd, who was his valet. Pot-Bouille. VENOT (THEOPHILE), an old lawyer who made a speciality of ecclesiasticalcases, and had acquired a fortune by serving the Jesuits. He had retiredwith a comfortable sum, and led an existence slightly mysterious;received everywhere, saluted very low, even a little feared, as herepresented a great and unknown force which he had behind him. Anintimate friend of the Muffats, he did everything in his power to putan end to the liaison between the Comte and Nana, and, though no successattended his efforts for a considerable time, he was able when ruinseemed imminent to save Muffat from scandal and to console him by areturn to the practice of religion. Nana. VERDIER (BARON), proprietor of a racing-stable. Frangipane, one of hishorses, ran in the Grand Prix de Paris. Nana. VERDIER, a lawyer who had been for a long time engaged to HortenseJosserand. The marriage was put off from time to time, as he hadgot entangled with a woman from whom he found separation difficult. Pot-Bouille. VERDONCK, a grocer at Montsou. His business was much affected by thecompetition of Maigrat, and he gave credit during the first week of thestrike in the hope of getting back some of his old customers. Germinal. VERLAQUE, an inspector in the fish-market at the _Halles Centrales_. Having fallen into bad health, he was allowed to find a substituteto keep the place open for him in case he should recover. Florent wasappointed, and paid a considerable portion of the salary to Verlaque. LeVentre de Paris. VERLAQUE (MADAME), wife of the preceding. Florent assisted her after thedeath of her husband. Le Ventre de Paris. VERNIER, an art critic who published an article on Fagerolles theartist. L'Oeuvre. VERONIQUE, maid-servant to the Chanteau family, was a tall, stout youngwoman of unattractive appearance and uncertain temper. She had beenin the service of the Chanteaus for twenty years, and having becomenecessary to them, took advantage of her position. From the first, Veronique resented Pauline Quenu's presence in the Chanteau household, and treated her as an intruder. In course of time, however, she came tosee that Pauline was being despoiled of her means by Madame Chanteau, and her sense of justice made her take the young girl's part. The deathof Madame Chanteau made a deep impression on Veronique whose ill-willtowards Pauline gradually returned. Her mind, not strong at best, becameunhinged, and in a fit of temper she went into the orchard and hangedherself. La Joie de Vivre. VIAL (ABBE), one of the clergy of Plassans. When his appointment becamevacant it was promised to Abbe Bourrette, but was eventually given toAbbe Faujas. La Conquete de Plassans. VIAL (MELANIE), second wife of Jean Macquart, to whom she was married in1871. She was the only daughter of a peasant in easy circumstances, andwas of a fine robust physique. She had three healthy children in as manyyears. Le Docteur Pascal. VIAN, a wheelwright of Plassans, to whom Silvere Mouret was apprenticed. La Fortune des Rougon. VICTOIRE, Madame Campardon's cook. She had been in the service of hermaster's father when Campardon was a baby, and though now old, and notover clean, they were unwilling to part with her. Pot-Bouille. VICTOIRE (LA MERE), wife of Pecqueux, the railway stoker. She had beenthe nurse of Severine Aubry, and later, as the wife of Pecqueux, whospent all his earnings on drink, she was leading a wretched existencein Paris by the aid of a little sewing, when, happening to meet herfoster-daughter, the former intimacy had been renewed, and PresidentGrandmorin took her under his protection, obtaining for her the post ofattendant at the ladies' cloakroom. She occupied a room in the Impassed'Amsterdam, which the Roubauds regarded as their head-quarters whenthey spent a day in Paris. Having become helpless as the result of asprain, she was obliged to resign her post and seek admittance to ahospital. La Bete Humaine. VICTORINE, cook in the employment of Nana. She married Francois, thefootman. Nana. VICTORINE, a servant in the employment of the Badeuils after theyretired to Rognes. She was dismissed for misconduct, and in revenge toldElodie Vaucogne the occupation of her parents. La Terre. VIGOUROUX, a coal merchant in Rue de la Goutte d'Or. He sold coke toGervaise at the same price as the Gas Company. L'Assommoir. VIGOUROUX (MADAME), wife of the preceding. She was a little woman withbright eyes who liked to laugh with the men. L'Assommoir. VIMEUX, a miserable little sheriff officer, who was celebrated in theCanton for the bad usage he got from the peasants when he was obliged toserve summonses upon them. La Terre. VINCARD, a silk merchant, who, seeing that his business was likely to beseriously affected by the competition of "The Ladies' Paradise, " hesold it to Robineau, and took a restaurant at Vincennes. Au Bonheur desDames. VINCENT, a tavern-keeper in the neighbourhood of Montsou. Germinal. VINEUIL (COMMANDANT DE), father of Gilberte. Retired from active serviceon account of his wounds, he was appointed Director of Customs atCharleville. His wife died of consumption, and he sent his daughter, about whose health he was alarmed, to reside for a time at a farm nearChene-Populeux. He died soon after Gilberte's marriage to Maginot, theInspector of State Forests. La Debacle. VINEUIL (COLONEL DE), brother of the preceding. In 1870 he commanded the106th Regiment of the line, which formed part of the Seventh Army corps. He was a man of fine appearance and character, and bore his part bravelythrough the disastrous campaign, until he was severely wounded on thebattlefield of Sedan. Notwithstanding his wound, he remained on hishorse till the end, when he was removed to the house of Delaherche, the husband of his niece Gilberte. By December his wound was cured, butcrushed by his country's defeats, his mental depression was so greatthat he remained in a darkened room, refusing to hear news from theouter world, and associating only with his old friend Madame Delaherche, the mother of his niece's husband. At the end of December he diedsuddenly, horror-struck by an account of the surrender of Metz, which hechanced to read in an old newspaper. La Debacle. VINEUIL (GILBERTE DE), daughter of Commandant de Vineuil. She was firstmarried to Maginot, and afterwards to Jules Delaherche. When she wasnine years old, her father, alarmed at a cough she had, sent her to liveat a farm, where she came to know Henriette Levasseur. Even at thatage she was a coquette, and when at twenty she married Maginot, theInspector of the State Forests at Mezieres, her character had notchanged. Mezieres she found dull, but her husband allowed her fullliberty, and she found all the gaiety she desired at Charleville. Thereshe lived solely for pleasure, and Captain Beaudoin became her lover. In1869 she became a widow, and in spite of the stories told about her shefound a second husband, Jules Delaherche. On the eve of the battle ofSedan she resumed for the nonce her former relations with Beaudoin. Gayand irresponsible by nature, she flirted with Captain von Gartlauben, a Prussian officer, who was quartered on her husband after thecapitulation of Sedan, while at the same time she carried on a liaisonwith Edmond Lagarde, a young soldier who had been wounded, and whom shehad assisted to nurse. La Debacle. VIOLAINE (LOUISE), an actress at the Theatre des Varietes. She tookthe part in the _Blonde Venus_ originally played by Nana, and secured agreat success. Nana. VIRGINIE, sister of Adele, for whose sake Auguste Lantier desertedGervaise Macquart. Gervaise, meeting Virginie in a public washing-house, was taunted by her on the subject of her lover, and a terrible fightbetween the two women followed, Virginie being severely beaten. Gervaisedid not see her again for some years, by which time she had married M. Poisson, an ex-soldier, who later became a policeman. She professed tohave overlooked the fight with Gervaise, but appears to have beennot without hope that an opportunity of repaying her injuries mighteventually arise. When the Coupeaus gave way to drink, Lantier, who hadagain established friendly relations, suggested that Virginie shouldtake the Coupeaus' shop and buy a stock of groceries and sweetmeats witha legacy she had received from an aunt. Partly moved by a desire forrevenge on Gervaise, she did so, and Lantier retained with the Poissonsthe place as a lodger he formerly occupied with the Coupeaus. Soonafter, he became Virginie's lover, and, by paying nothing forhis support, while he gradually ate the contents of the shop, heaccomplished the downfall of the Poissons in much the same manner as hehad already ruined the Coupeaus. L'Assommoir. VISCARDI (SIGNOR), a Venetian political refugee, and a friend ofComtesse Balbi. Son Excellence Eugene Rougon. VOINCOURT (COMTESSE DE), mother of Claire de Voincourt. She occupied atBeaumont a house adjoining the bishop's palace. Le Reve. VOINCOURT (CLAIRE DE), the daughter of an old family of great wealth wholived at Beaumont. Monseigneur d'Hautecoeur wished to arrange a marriagebetween her and Felicien, his son; his plans were assisted by the beliefof Felicien that Angelique, with whom he had fallen in love, no longercared for him. This belief having proved false, the proposed marriagebetween Felicien and Claire de Voincourt did not take place. Le Reve. VORIAU, a large black dog which belonged to Bambousse, the Mayor ofArtaud. La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. VUILLAUME (M. And MADAME), the parents of Madame Pichon, whom theyvisited every Sunday afternoon. They were, later, much annoyed withthe Pichons, whose family became, they considered, too large for theirmeans. Pot-Bouille. VUILLAUME (MARIE). See Madame Marie Pichon. VUILLET, a bookseller of Plassans, who published a biweekly journal, the_Gazette de Plassans_, which was devoted exclusively to the interests ofthe clergy. La Fortune des Rougon. W WEISS, husband of Henriette Levasseur, and cousin of Otto Gunther. Hegot a situation in the refinery at Chene-Populeux, almost in a menialposition, but he gradually educated himself, and by dint of hard workraised himself to the position of accountant. A clear-headed man, heearly saw the causes that were to lead to the downfall of his country, and expressed himself strongly regarding the unprepared state of thearmy. Weiss lived at Sedan, but in 1870 he had just bought a littlehouse at Bazeilles, where he slept the night before the battle. He wasfrantic at the idea that the Prussians might pillage and perhaps destroythe dwelling so long desired and so hardly acquired, and when theattack was made he took an active part in the fighting. Captured by thePrussians, and being a civilian, he was at once condemned to be shot, and the sentence was carried out before the eyes of his wife, who hadcome from Sedan to look for him. La Debacle. WEISS (MADAME), wife of the preceding. See Henriette Levasseur. LaDebacle. WORMS, a famous costumier, before whom the ladies of the Second Empirebowed the knee. Renee Saccard was one of his customers, and when shedied owed him an account of two hundred and fifty-seven thousand francs. La Curee. Z ZEPHIR, the horse ridden by Prosper Sambuc, who loved it like a brother. The animal received a mortal wound at the battle of Sedan, and fell onits rider, crushing under it his right leg. It lay upon him for somehours, but eventually, on his speaking to it, moved with a great effortsufficiently to allow him to escape. La Debacle. ZEPHYRIN, a worker on the farm of La Borderie. He laughed at theagricultural machinery introduced by Alexandre Hourdequin. La Terre. ZIDORE, a youth of seventeen, who was an apprentice zinc-worker. He wasCoupeau's assistant at one time. L'Assommoir. ZIZI, the pet name given by Nana to Georges Hugon. Nana. ZOE, waiting-maid in the employment of Nana. She was entirely in Nana'sconfidence, and was always ready with shrewd advice, though there is nodoubt she arranged matters so that a great deal of money came into herown hands. She ultimately took over the establishment of La Tricon, which she had long coveted, and, having large ideas, proposed to extendthe business by renting a larger house. Nana. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PRINCIPAL SCENES ARROMANCHES, a small town on the Normandy coast, not far from Caen. Itis about six miles from Bonneville, the scene of La Joie de Vivre. ARTAUD (LES), a small village a few miles from Plassans (q. V. ). AbbeMouret was its priest during the events related in La Faute de l'AbbeMouret. ASSOMMOIR (Pere Colombe's) was situated at the corner of Rue desPoissonniers and Boulevard de Rochechouart, which is a continuation ofBoulevard de Clichy, in the northern district of Paris. L'Assommoir. AUGUSTIN (RUE NEUVE SAINT), a street which joins the Avenue de l'Operaa short distance from the Opera House. It is intersected by RueMichodiere, at the corner of which is situated Octave Mouret's greatdrapery establishment, known as "Au Bonheur des Dames. " Au Bonheur desDames. BARENTIN, a small town on the Western Railway of France, about twelvemiles from Rouen. It was at a point between Barentin and the previousstation, Malaunay, that President Grandmorin was murdered by Roubaud. LaBete Humaine. BAZEILLES, a village about three miles south-east of Sedan (q. V. ). Itwas the scene of some of the most important events in La Debacle. BEAUCE (LA), a fertile agricultural plain stretching between Chartresand Orleans, and intersected by the road from the latter town toChateaudun. The district is the scene of La Terre. BEAUMONT, a town of about 3000 inhabitants, picturesquely situated ona height on the left bank of the Oise about twenty-five miles north ofParis. Its church, the scene of some of the principal events in Le Reve, is an interesting building, dating from the thirteenth century. Le Reve. BONCOEUR (HOTEL) was situated in the Boulevard de la Chapelle (q. V. ). L'Assommoir. BONNEVILLE, a village on the Normandy coast, about six miles fromArromanches. It is in an extremely exposed position, and many houseshave been destroyed by the inroads of the sea. To prevent furtherdamage, Lazare Chanteau constructed a breakwater, which was, however, washed away by the first storm. The inhabitants of the village weremostly engaged in fishing. La Joie de Vivre. BORDERIE (LA), a farm on the plain of La Beauce, which belonged toAlexandre Hourdequin, whose father bought it after the Revolution. LaTerre. CAEN, a town of about 40, 000 inhabitants, situated on the River Orne, about nine miles from the Normandy coast. Chanteau pere carried onbusiness there before he retired and went to live at Bonneville, and hisson Lazare received his education at its college. La Joie de Vivre. CHALONS, a town of about 24, 000 inhabitants, is situated on the Marne107 miles east of Paris. It is the head-quarters of the Sixth ArmyCorps, and was occupied by the Prussians in August, 1870. La Debacle. CHAPELLE (BOULEVARD DE LA) is a continuation of the Boulevard de Clichy, in the Montmartre district of Paris. In it was situated the HotelBoncoeur, where Lantier and Gervaise Macquart found lodgings when theyfirst came to Paris. L'Assommoir. CHARLEVILLE, a town of about 17, 000 inhabitants, situated about tenmiles north-west of Sedan. It is close to Mezieres, of which it reallyforms the commercial and industrial portion. La Debacle. CHARTRES, an important and interesting town, situated on the left bankof the Eure, fifty-five miles south-west of Paris. It is the principaltown in the grain-producing district of La Beauce, and reference isfrequently made to it in La Terre. In it M. And Madame Charles Badeuilcarried on business for a number of years with considerable success. LaTerre. CHATEAUDUN, a town of 7000 inhabitants, situated on the left bank ofthe Loire, about eighty-four miles south-west of Paris. It is in thedistrict of La Beauce, and is frequently referred to in La Terre. CHOISEUL (RUE DE), a street which connects the Boulevard des Italiens, and Rue Neuve Saint-Augustin. It is parallel to Avenue de l'Opera andRue Michodiere, being slightly to the east of the latter. Pot-Bouille. CLOYES, a market-town in the district of La Beauce, about sevenmiles from Chateaudun and ninety-one miles south-west of Paris. It isfrequently referred to in La Terre. CROIX DE MAUFRAS (LE), a level crossing on the Western Railway ofFrance, between Malaunay and Barentin, about nine miles west of Rouen. The crossing, which was looked after by Misard and his daughter Flore, was the scene of a terrible railway accident, and it was in the samevicinity that President Grandmorin was murdered by Roubaud. La BeteHumaine. EAUX (PASSAGE DES), a steep lane which runs from Rue Raynouard at Passydown to the Seine. In an old house which abutted on the passage livedMere Fetu, and in the same building was the room where Helene Grandjeanwent to meet Doctor Deberle. Une Pate d'Amour. GOUTTE D'OR (RUE DE LA), a street in the Montmartre district of Paris. It enters from Rue des Poissonniers and runs parallel to and behindBoulevard de la Chapelle, which is a continuation of Boulevard deClichy. The Coupeaus and the Lorilleux lived in Rue de la Goutte d'Or. L'Assommoir. HALLES CENTRALES (LES), the great provision markets of Paris, aresituated on the right bank of the river, and are directly north of thePont Neuf, from which they are not far distant. Le Ventre de Paris. HAUSSMANN (BOULEVARD) runs from east to west a short distance behind theOpera House. Its eastern end connects with the Boulevard des Italiens. Nana. HAVRE (LE), an important seaport, which forms the terminus of theWestern Railway of France, the line upon which Jacques Lantier wasemployed as an engine-driver. The Roubauds lived at Le Havre, and manyof the principal scenes in La Bete Humaine were enacted there. La BeteHumaine. LAZARE (RUE SAINT-), is in the neighbourhood of the railway station ofthe same name. In it was situated the Orviedo mansion, in which AristideSaccard started the Universal Bank. L'Argent. LILLE, an important manufacturing town in the north of France, nearthe Belgian frontier. Etienne Lantier was at one time employed in therailway workshop there. Germinal. MALAUNAY, a station on the Western Railway of France, six miles fromRouen, and about midway between that town and Barentin. It is referredto in La Bete Humaine. MARBEUF (RUE), a street which connects the Avenue des Champs Elysees andthe Avenue de l'Alma. Eugene Rougon lived there. Son Excellence EugeneRougon. MARCHIENNES, a town in the mining district of the north of France, about thirty miles south-east of Lille. It is frequently referred to inGerminal. METZ, a town of 55, 000 inhabitants, is situated on the Moselle, about263 miles east of Paris and about eighty miles south-east of Sedan. Itwas surrendered to the Prussians on 27th October, 1870, and is now thecapital of German Lorraine. La Debacle. MEZIERES, a small town of 7000 inhabitants, situated on a peninsulaformed by the Meuse about ten miles north-west of Sedan. Its situationhas prevented its extension, and the closely adjoining town ofCharleville has become its commercial and industrial quarter. Meziereswas three times invested during the Franco-Prussian War, and surrenderedon 2nd January, 1871, after a bombardment of three days. La Debacle. MICHODIERE (RUE), a street which connects the Boulevard des Capucinesand the Rue Neuve Saint-Augustin. At the corner where it joins thelatter street was situated Octave Mouret's great drapery establishment, known as "Au Bonheur des Dames, " and in it also Baudu carried onbusiness. The street is almost parallel to the Avenue de l'Opera. AuBonheur des Dames. MOINES (RUE DES) was situated at Batignolles, in the extreme north-westof Paris. Madame Lerat lived there. L'Assommoir. MONCEAU (RUE), a street which runs northward from Rue du Faubourg St. Honore. It is a short distance to the north-east of the Arc de Triomphe, and in it was situated Aristide Saccard's magnificent mansion. La Curee. MONTSOU, a mining village in the north of France, about ten kilometresfrom Marchiennes (q. V. ). It is the scene of many of the chief events inGerminal. ORLEANS, an important town situated on the Loire, seventy-five milessouth of Paris. It is referred to in La Terre and Nana. PARADOU, the name of a neglected demesne near Plassans (q. V. ). It wasthe scene of a large part of La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret. PLASSANS, the name under which Zola disguised his native town of Aix. Itis a place of about 30, 000 inhabitants, and is situated eighteen milesnorth of Marseilles. Aix was at one time the capital of Provence, is theseat of an archbishop, and contains a university and an Ecole des Art etMetiers. In the Rougon-Macquart novels Zola made Plassans the cradle of animaginary family, and throughout the whole series of books the town isconstantly referred to. La Fortune des Rougon, etc. RAUCOURT, a small town about six miles south of Sedan. It is frequentlyreferred to in La Debacle. REIMS, an important town of 98, 000 inhabitants, situated about 100 milesto the north-east of Paris. In 1870-71 it was occupied by the Prussians, who laid heavy requisitions upon it. The town is frequently referred toin La Debacle. REMILLY, a village about five miles south of Sedan. Old Fouchard's farmwas situated in its vicinity. La Debacle. ROUEN, an important town of over 100, 000 inhabitants, situated on theSeine, about eighty-seven miles from Paris and fifty-seven miles from LeHavre. It was the scene of the judicial inquiry regarding the murder ofPresident Grandmorin. La Bete Humaine. SEDAN, a town of 20, 000 inhabitants, situated on the Meuse, about 170miles north-east of Paris. It was the scene of one of the chief battlesof the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, and capitulated to the Prussianforces on 2nd September of that year. The town is frequently referred toin La Debacle. VALOGNES, a small town in Normandy, not far from Cherbourg. It was thebirthplace of Denise Baudu and her brothers. Au Bonheur des Dames. VINEUSE (RUE DE), a street in the Passy district of Paris, at theextreme west end of the city. It is near the Trocadero Palace. MadameHelene Grandjean and Doctor Deberle both lived in this street. Une Paged'Amour. VOREUX, the name of a large coal-pit, situated about two kilometresfrom Montsou, on the road between that village and Marchiennes (q. V. ). Germinal.