[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of thefile for those who may wish to sample the author's ideas before making anentire meal of them. D. W. ] A THORNY PATH By Georg Ebers Volume 9. CHAPTER XXVI The lady Euryale's silent prayer was interrupted by the return ofAlexander. He brought the clothes which Seleukus's wife had given himfor Melissa. He was already dressed in his best, and crowned like allthose who occupied the first seats in the Circus; but his festal garbaccorded ill with the pained look on his features, from which every tracehad vanished of the overflowing joy in life which had embellished themonly this morning. He had seen and heard things which made him feel that it would no longerbe a sacrifice to give his life to save his sister. Sad thoughts had flitted across his cheerful spirit like dark bats, evenwhile he was talking with Melissa and her protectress, for he knew wellhow infinitely hard his father would find it to have to quit Alexandria;and if he himself fled with Melissa he would be obliged to give up thewinning of fair Agatha. The girl's Christian father had indeed receivedhim kindly, but had given him to understand plainly enough that he wouldnever allow a professed heathen to sue for his daughter's hand. Besidesthis, he had met with other humiliations which placed themselves like awall between him and his beloved, the only child of a rich and respectedman. He had forfeited the right of appearing before Zeus as a suitor;for indeed he was no longer such as he had been only yesterday. The news that Caracalla proposed to marry Melissa had been echoed byinsolent tongues, with the addition that he, Alexander, had ingratiatedhimself with Caesar by serving him as a spy. No one had expressly saidthis to him; but, while he was hurrying through the city in Caesar'schariot, on the ladies' message, it had been made very plain to hisapprehension. Honest men had avoided him--him to whom hitherto every onefor whose regard he cared had held out a friendly hand; and much elsethat he had experienced in the course of this drive had been unpleasantenough to give rise to a change of his whole inner being. The feeling that every one was pointing at him the finger of scorn, or of wrath, had never ceased to pursue him. And he had been under noillusion; for when he met the old sculptor Lysander, who only yesterdayhad so kindly told him and Melissa about Caesar's mother, as he noddedfrom the chariot his greeting was not returned; and the honest artist hadwaved his hand with a gesture which no Alexandrian could fail tounderstand as meaning, "I no longer know you, and do not wish to berecognized by you. " He had from his childhood loved Diodoros as a brother, and in one of theside streets, down which the chariot had turned to avoid the tumult inthe Kanopic way, Alexander had seen his old friend. He had desired thecharioteer to stop, and had leaped out on the road to speak to Diodorosand give him at once Melissa's message; but the young man had turned hisback with evident displeasure, and to the painter's pathetic appeal, "But, at any rate, hear me!" he answered, sharply: "The less I hear ofyou and yours the better for me. Go on--go on, in Caesar's chariot!" With this he had turned away and knocked at the door of an architect whowas known to them both; and Alexander, tortured with painful feelings, had gone on, and for the first time the idea had taken possession of himthat he had indeed descended to the part of spy when he had betrayed toCaesar what Alexandrian wit had to say about him. He could, of course, tell himself that he would rather have faced death or imprisonment thanhave betrayed to Caracalla the name of one of the gibers; still, he hadto admit to himself that, but for the hope of saving his father andbrother from death and imprisonment, he would hardly have done Caesarsuch service. The mercy shown to them was certainly too like payment, and his own part in the matter struck him as hateful and base. Hisfellow-townsmen had a right to bear him a grudge, and his friends to keepout of his way. A feeling came over him of bitter self-contempt, hitherto strange to him; and he understood for the first time how Philipcould regard life as a burden and call it a malicious Danaus-gift of thegods. When, finally, in the Kanopic way, close in front of Seleukus'shouse, a youth unknown to him cried, scornfully, as the chariot wasslowly making its way through the throng, "The brother-in-law ofTarautas!" he had great difficulty in restraining himself from leapingdown and letting the rascal feel the weight of his fists. He knew, too, that Tarautas was the name of a hateful and bloodthirsty gladiator whichhad been given as a nickname to Caesar in Rome; and when he heard theinsolent fellow's cry taken up by the mob, who shouted after him, "Tarautas's brother-in-law!" wherever he went, he felt as though he werebeing pelted with mire and stones. It would have been a real comfort to him if the earth would have openedto swallow him with the chariot, to hide him from the sight of men. Hecould have burst out crying like a child that has been beaten. When atlast he was safe inside Seleukus's house, he was easier; for here he wasknown; here he would be understood. Berenike must know what he thoughtof Caesar's suit, and seeing her wholesome and honest hatred, he hadsworn to himself that he would snatch his sister from the hands of thetyrant, if it were to lead him to the most agonizing death. While she was engaged in selecting a dress for her protegee, he relatedto the lady Euryale what had happened to him in the street and in thehouse of Seleukus. He had been conducted past the soldiers in thevestibule and impluvium to the lady's private rooms, and there he hadbeen witness to a violent matrimonial dispute. Seleukus had previouslydelivered to his wife Caesar's command that she should appear in theAmphitheater with the other noble dames of the city. Her answer was abitter laugh, and a declaration that she would mingle with the spectatorsin none but mourning robes. Thereupon her husband, pointing out to herthe danger to which such conduct would expose them, had raisedobjections, and she at last had seemed to yield. When Alexander joinedher he had found her in a splendid dress of shining purple brocade, herblack hair crowned with a wreath of roses, and a splendid diadem; agarland of roses hung across her bosom, and precious stones sparkledround her throat and arms. In short, she was arrayed like a happy motherfor her daughter's wedding-day. Soon after Alexander's arrival Seleukus had come in, and thisconspicuously handsome dress, so unbecoming to the matron's age, and sounlike her usual attire-chosen, evidently, to put the monstrosity ofCaesar's demand in the strongest light--had roused her husband's wrath. He had expressed his dissatisfaction in strong terms, and again pointedout to her the danger in which such a daring demonstration might involvethem; but this time there was no moving the lady; she would not despoilherself of a single rose. After she had solemnly declared that she wouldappear in the Circus either as she thought fit or not at all, her husbandhad left her in anger. "What a fool she is!" Euryale exclaimed. Then she showed him a white robe of beautiful bombyx, woven in the isleof Kos, which she had decided on for Melissa, and a peplos with a borderof tender sea-green; and Alexander approved of the choice. Time pressed, and Euryale went at once to Melissa with the new festalraiment. Once more she nodded kindly to the girl, and begged her, as sheherself had something to discuss with Alexander, to allow the waiting-woman to dress her. She felt as if she were bringing the robe to acondemned creature, in which she was to be led to execution, and Melissafelt the same. Euryale then returned to the painter, and bade him end his narrative. The lady Berenike had forthwith desired Johanna to pack together all thedead Korinna's festal dresses. Alexander had then followed her guidance, accompanying her to a court in the slaves' quarters, where a number ofmen were awaiting her. These were the captains of Seleukus's ships, which were now in port, and the superintendents of his granaries andoffices, altogether above a hundred freedmen in the merchant's service. Each one seemed to know what he was here for. The matron responded to their hearty greetings with a word of thanks, andadded, bitterly: "You see before you a mourning mother whom a ruthless tyrant compels togo to a festival thus--thus--only look at me--bedizened like a peacock!" At this the bearded assembly gave loud expression to theirdissatisfaction, but Berenike went on "Melapompus has taken care tosecure good places; but he has wisely not taken them all together. Youare all free men; I have no orders to give you. But, if you are indeedindignant at the scorn and heart-ache inflicted on your lord's wife, makeit known in the Circus to him who has brought them on her. You are allpast your first youth, and will carefully avoid any rashness which mayinvolve you in ruin. May the avenging gods aid and protect you!" With this she had turned her back on the multitude; but Johannes, theChristian lawyer, the chief freedman of the household, had hurried intothe court-yard, just in time to entreat her to give up this ill-starreddemonstration, and to extinguish the fire she had tried to kindle. So long as Caesar wore the purple, rebellion against him, to whom theDivinity had intrusted the sovereignty, was a sin. The scheme she wasplotting was meant to punish him who had pained her; but she forgot thatit might cost these brave men, husbands and fathers, their life orliberty. The vengeance she called on them to take might be balm to thewounds of her own heart; but if Caesar in his wrath brought destructiondown on these, her innocent instruments, that balm would turn to burningpoison. These words, whispered to her with entire conviction, had not beenwithout their effect. For some minutes Berenike had stared gloomily atthe ground; but then she had again approached the assembly, to repeat thewarning given her by the Christian, whom all respected, and by whom someindeed had been persuaded to be baptized. "Johannes is right, " she ended. "This ill-used heart did wrong when itsent up its cry of anguish before you. Rather will I be trodden underfoot by the enemy, as is the manner of the Christians, than bring suchmisfortune on innocent men, who are so faithful to our house. Becautious, then. Give no overt expression to your feelings. Let each onewho feels too weak to control his wrath, avoid the Circus; and those whogo, keep still if they feel moved to act in my behalf. One thingonly you may do. Tell every one, far and wide, what I had purposed. What others may do, they themselves must answer for. " The Christian had strongly disapproved of this last clause; but Berenikehad paid no heed, and had left the court-yard, followed by Alexander. The shouts of the indignant multitude had rung in their ears, and, inspite of her warning, they had sounded like a terrible threat. Johannes, to be sure, had remained, to move them to moderation by furtherremonstrances. "What were the mad creatures plotting?" Euryale anxiously broke in; andhe hastily went on "They call Caesar by no name but Tarautas; every mouthis full of gibes and rage at the new and monstrous taxes, the billetingof the troops, and the intolerable insolence of the soldiery, whichCaracalla wickedly encourages. His contemptuous indifference has deeplyoffended the heads of the town. And then his suit to my sister! Youngand old are wagging their tongues over it. " "It would be more like them to triumph in it, " said the matron, interrupting him. "An Alexandrian in the purple, on the throne of theCaesars!" "I too had hoped that, " cried Alexander, "and it seemed so likely. Butwho can understand the populace? Every woman in the place, I should havethought, would hold her head higher, at the thought that an Alexandriangirl was empress; but it was from the women that I heard the mostvindictive and shameless abuse. I heard more than enough; for, as we gotcloser to the Serapeum, the more slowly was the chariot obliged toproceed, to make its way through the crowd. And the things I heard! Iclinch my fists now as I only think of them. --And what will it be in theCircus? What will not Melissa have to endure!" "It is envy, " the matron murmured to herself; but she was immediatelysilent, for the young girl came toward them, out of the bedroom. Hertoilet was complete; the beautiful white dress became her well. Thewreath of roses, with diamond dewdrops, lay lightly on her hair, thesnake-shaped bracelet which her imperial suitor had sent her clasped herwhite arm, and her small head, somewhat bent, her pale, sweet face, andlarge, bashful, inquiring, drooping eyes formed such an engaging, modest, and unspeakably touching picture, that Euryale dared to hope that even inthe Circus none but hardened hearts could harbor a hostile feelingagainst this gentle, pure blossom, slightly drooping with silent sorrow. She could not resist the impulse to kiss Melissa, and the half-formedpurpose ripened within her to venture the utmost for the child'sprotection. The pity in her heart had turned to love; and when she sawthat to this sweet creature, at the mere sight of whom her heart wentforth, the most splendid jewels, in which any other girl would have beenglad to deck herself, were as a heavy burden to be borne but sadly, shefelt it a sacred duty to comfort her and lighten this trial, and shelterMelissa, so far as was in her power, from insult and humiliation. It was many years since she had visited the Amphitheater, where thehorrible butchery was an abomination to her; but to-day her heart badeher conquer her old aversion, and accompany the girl to the Circus. Had not Melissa taken the place in her heart of her lost daughter? Wasnot she, Euryale, the only person who, by showing herself with Melissaand declaring herself her friend, could give the people assurance thatthe girl, who was exposed to misapprehension and odium by the favor shehad met with from the ruthless and hated sovereign, was in truth pure andlovable? Under her guardianship, by her side, the girl, as she knew, would be protected from misapprehension and insult; and she, an old womanand a Christian, should she evade the first opportunity of taking up across in imitation of the Divine Master, among whose followers shejoyfully counted herself--though secretly, for fear of men? All thisflashed through her mind with the swiftness of lightning, and her call, "Doris!" addressed to her waiting-woman, was so clear and unexpected thatMelissa's overstrung nerves were startled. She looked up at the lady inamazement, as, without a word of explanation, she said to the woman whohad hurried in: "The blue robe I wore at the festival of Adonis, my mother's diadem, and a large gem with the head of Serapis for my shoulder. My hair--oh, a veil will cover it! What does it matter for an old woman?--You, child, why do you look at me in such amazement? What mother would allow apretty young daughter to appear alone in the Circus? Besides, I maysurely hope that it will confirm your courage to feel that I am at yourside. Perhaps the populace may be moved a little in your favor if thewife of the high-priest of their greatest god is your companion. " But she could scarcely end her speech, for Melissa had flown into herarms, exclaiming, "And you will do this for me?" while Alexander, deeplytouched by gratitude and joy, kissed her thin arm and the hem of herpeplos. While Melissa helped the matron to change her dress--in the next roomAlexander paced to and fro in great unrest. He knew the Alexandrians, and there was not the slightest doubt but that the presence of thisuniversally revered lady would make them look with kindlier eyes on hissister. Nothing else could so effectually impress them with the entirepropriety of her appearance in the Circus. The more seriously he hadfeared that Melissa might be deeply insulted and offended by the roughdemonstrations of the mob, the more gratefully did his heart beat; nay, his facile nature saw in this kind act the first smile of returning goodfortune. He only longed to be hopeful once more, to enjoy the present--as so manyphilosophers and poets advised--and especially the show in the Circus, his last pleasure, perhaps; to forget the imminent future. The old bright look came back to his face; but it soon vanished, for evenwhile he pictured himself in the amphitheatre, he remembered that there, too, his former acquaintances might refuse to speak to him; that theodious names of "Tarautas' brother-in-law" or of "traitor" might beshouted after him on the road. A cold chill came over him, and the imageof pretty Ino rose up before him--Ino, who had trusted in his love; andto whom, of all others, he had given cause to accuse him of false-heartedness. An unpleasant sense came over him of dissatisfaction withhimself, such as he, who always regarded self-accusation, repentance, and atonement as a foolish waste of life, had never before experienced. The fine, sunny autumn day had turned to a sultry, dull evening, andAlexander went to the window to let the sea-breeze fan his dewy brow; buthe soon heard voices behind him, for Euryale and Melissa had re-enteredthe room, followed by the house-steward, who presented to his mistress asealed tablet which a slave had just brought from Philostratus. Thewomen had been talking of Melissa's vow; and Euryale had promised herthat, if Fate should decide against Caesar, she would convey the girl toa place of safety, where she could certainly not be discovered, and mightlook forward in peace to the future. Then she had impressed on her that, if things should be otherwise ordered, she must endure even theunendurable with patience, as an obedient wife, as empress, but stillever conscious of the solemn and beneficent power she might wield in hernew position. The tablets would now settle the question; and side by side the two womenhastily read the missive which Philostratus had written on the wax, inhis fine, legible hand. It was as follows: "The condemned have ceased to live. Your efforts had no effect but tohasten their end. Caesar's desire was to rid you of adversaries evenagainst your will. Vindex and his nephew are no more; but I embarkedsoon enough to escape the rage of him who might have attained the highestfavors of fortune if he had but known how to be merciful. " "God be praised!--but alas, poor Vindex!" cried Euryale, as she laid downthe tablets. But Melissa kissed her, and then exclaimed to her brother: "Now all doubts are at an end. I may fly. He himself has settled thematter!" Then she added, more gently, but still urgently "Do you take care of myfather, and Philip, and of yourself. The lady Euryale will protect me. Oh, how thankful am I!" She looked up to heaven with fervent devotion Euryale whispered to them:"My plan is laid. As soon as the performance is over, Alexander shalltake you home, child, to your father's house; you must go in one ofCaesar's chariots. Afterward come back here with your brother; I willwait for you below. But now we will go together to the Circus, and candiscuss the details on our way. You, my young friend, go now and orderaway the imperial litter; bid my steward to have the horses put to mycovered harmamaxa. There is room in it for us all three. " By the time Alexander returned, the daylight was waning, and the clatterof the chariots began to be audible which conveyed Caesar's court to theCircus. CHAPTER XXVIL The great Amphitheatre of Dionysus was in the Bruchium, the splendidpalatial quarter of the city, close to the large harbor between the Chomaand the peninsula of Lochias. Hard by the spacious and lofty rotunda, inwhich ten thousand spectators could be seated, stood the most fashionablegymnasia and riding-schools. These buildings, which had been foundedlong since by the Ptolemiac kings, and had been repeatedly extended andbeautified, formed, with the adjoining schools for gladiators and beast-fighters, and the stables for wild beasts from every part of the world, alittle town by themselves. At this moment the amphitheatre looked like a beehive, of which everycell seems to be full, but in which a whole swarm expects yet to findroom. The upper places, mere standing-room for the common people, andthe cheaper seats, had been full early in the day. By the afternoon thebetter class of citizens had come in, if their places were not reserved;and now, at sunset, those who were arriving in litters and chariots, justbefore the beginning of the show, were for the most part in Caesar'strain, court officials, senators, or the rich magnates of the city. The strains of music were by this time mingling with the shouting andloud talk of the spectators, or of the thousands who were crowding roundthe building without hoping to obtain admission. But even for them therewas plenty to be seen. How delightful to watch the well-dressed women, and the men of rank and wealth, crowned with wreaths, as they dismounted;to see the learned men and artists arrive--more or less eagerlyapplauded, according to the esteem in which they were held by thepopulace! The most splendid sight of all was the procession of priests, with Timotheus, the high-priest of Serapis, at their head, and by hisside the priest of Alexander, both marching with dignity under a canopy. They were followed by the animals to be slaughtered for sacrifice, andthe images of the gods and the deified Caesars, which were to be placedin the arena, as the most worshipful of all the spectators. Timotheuswore the splendid insignia of his office; the priest of Alexander was inpurple, as being the idiologos and head of all the temples of Egypt, andrepresentative of Caesar. The advent of the images of the Caesars gave rise to a sort of judgmentof the dead: for the mob hailed that of Julius Caesar with enthusiasm, that of Augustus, with murmurs of disapproval; when Caligula appeared, hewas hissed; while the statues of Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian, and Antonine, met with loud acclamations. That of Septimius Severus, Caracalla'sfather, to whom the town owed many benefits, was very well received. Theimages of the gods, too, had very various fates. Serapis, and Alexander, the divine hero of the town, were enthusiastically welcomed, whilescarcely a voice was heard on the approach of Zeus-Jupiter and Ares-Mars. They were regarded as the gods of the hated Romans. The companies of the imperial body-guard, who were placed about theamphitheatre, found no great difference, so long as it was daylight, between the crowd round the Circus of Alexandria and that by the Tiber. What chiefly struck them was the larger number of dusky faces, and thefanciful garb of the Magians. The almost naked rabble, too, with nothingon but a loin-cloth, who wriggled in and out of the throng, ready for anyservice or errand, formed a feature unknown at Rome. But, as it grewdarker, the Romans began to perceive that it was not for nothing thatthey had come hither. At Rome, when some great show was promised, of beast-fighting, gladiators, and the like, there were, no doubt, barbarian princes to beseen, and envoys from the remotest ends of the earth in strange andgorgeous array; and there, too, small wares of every kind were for sale. By the Tiber, again, night shows were given, with grand illuminations, especially for the feast of Flora; but here, as soon as the sun had set, and the sports were about to begin, the scene was one never to beforgotten. Some of the ladies who descended from the litters, woregarments of indescribable splendor; the men even displayed strange andhandsome costumes as they were helped out of their gilt and platedchariots by their servants. What untold wealth must these men have attheir command, to be able to dress their slaves in gold and silverbrocade; and the runners, who kept up with the swiftest horses, must havelungs of iron! The praetorians, who had not for many a day seen anythingto cause them to forget the motto of the greatest philosopher among theirpoets--never to be astonished at anything--repeatedly pushed each otherwith surprise and admiration; nay, the centurion Julius Martialis, whohad just now had a visit in camp from his wife and children, in defianceof orders, while Caesar himself was looking on, struck his fist on hisgreaves, and, exclaiming loudly, "Look out!" pointed to Seleukus'schariot, for which four runners, in tunics with long sleeves, made ofsea-green bombyx, richly embroidered with silver, were making a waythrough the crowd. The barefooted lads, with their nimble, gazellelike legs, were all welllooking, and might have been cast all in one mold. But what struck thecenturion and his comrades as most remarkable in their appearance werethe flash and sparkle from their slender ankles, as the setting sunsuddenly shot a fleeting ray through a rift in the heavy clouds. Each ofthese fellows wore on his legs gold bands set with precious stones, andthe rubies which glittered on the harness of Seleukus's horse were of fargreater value. He, as master of the festival, had come betimes, and this was the firstof many such displays of wealth which followed each other in quicksuccession, as soon as the brief twilight of Egypt had given way todarkness, and the lighting up of the Circus was begun. Here came a beautifully dressed woman in a roomy litter, over which waveda canopy entirely of white ostrich-plumes, which the evening breezeswayed like a thicket of fern-leaves. This throne was borne by ten blackand ten white slave-girls, and before it two fair children rode on tameostriches. The tall heir of a noble house, who, like Caesar at Rome, belonged to the "Blues, " drove his own team of four splendid whitehorses; and he himself was covered with turquoises, while the harness wasset with cut sapphires. The centurion shook his head in silent admiration. His face had beentanned in many wars, both in the East and West, and he had fought even indistant Caledonia, but the low forehead, loose under lip, and dull eyespoke of small gifts of intellect. Nevertheless, he was not lacking instrength of will, and was regarded by his comrades as a good beast ofburden who would submit to a great deal before it became too much forhim. But then he would break out like a mad bull, and he might long agohave risen to higher rank, had he not once in such a fit of passionnearly throttled a fellow-soldier. For this crime he had been severelypunished, and condemned to begin again at the bottom of the ladder. Heowed it chiefly to the young tribune Aurelius Apollinaris that he hadvery soon regained the centurion's staff, in spite of his humble birth;he had saved that officer's life in the war with the Armenians--to behere, in Alexandria, cruelly mutilated by the hand of his sovereign. The centurion had a faithful heart. He was as much attached to the twonoble brothers as to his wife and children, for indeed he owed them much;and if the service had allowed it he would long since have made his wayto the house of Seleukus to learn how the wounded tribune was faring. But he had not time even to see his own family, for his younger andricher comrades, who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the city, had putupon him no small share of their own duties. Only this morning a youngsoldier of high birth, who had begun his career at the same time asMartialis, had promised him some tickets of admission to the evening'sperformance in the Circus if he would take his duty on guard outside theamphitheatre. And this offer had been very welcome to the centurion, forhe thus found it possible to give those he loved best, his wife and hismother, the greatest treat which could be offered to any Alexandrian. And now, when anything noteworthy was to be seen outside, he onlyregretted that he had already some time since conducted them to theirseats in one of the upper rows. He would have liked that they, too, should have seen the horses and the chariots and the "Blue" charioteer'sturquoises and sapphires; although a decurion observed, as he saw them, that a Roman patrician would scorn to dress out his person with suchbarbaric splendor, and an Alexandrian of the praetorian guard declaredthat his fellow-citizens of Greek extraction thought more of a gracefulfold than of whole strings of precious stones. "But why, then, was this 'Blue' so vehemently hailed by the mob!" asked aPannonian in the guard. "The mob!" retorted the Alexandrian, scornfully. "Only the Syrians andother Asiatics. Look at the Greeks. The great merchant Seleukus is therichest of them all, but splendid as his horses, his chariots, and hisslaves are, he himself wears only the simple Macedonian mantle. Thoughit is of costly material, who would suspect it? If you see a manswaggering in such a blaze of gems you may wager your house--if you haveone--that his birthplace lies not very far from Syria. " "Now, that one, in a mother-of-pearl shell on two wheels, is the JewPoseidonius, " the Pannonian put in. "I am quartered on his father. Buthe is dressed like a Greek. " At this the centurion, in his delight at knowing something, opened hismouth with a broad grin: "I am a native here, " said he, "and I can tellyou the Jew would make you answer for it if you took him for anything buta Greek. " "And quite right, " added another soldier, from Antioch. "The Jews hereare many, but they have little in common with those in Palestine. Theywish to pass for Greeks; they speak Greek, assume Greek names, and evencease to believe in the great God their father; they study Greekphilosophy, and I know one who worships in the Temple of Serapis. " "Many do the same in Rome, " said a man of Ostia. "I know an epigramwhich ridicules them for it. " At this point they were interrupted, for Martialis pointed to a tall manwho was coming toward them, and whom his sharp eye had recognized asMacrinus, the prefect of the praetorians. In an instant the soldierswere erect and rigid, but still many a helmeted head was turned towardthe spot where their chief stood talking in an undertone to the MagianSerapion. Macrinus had persuaded Caesar to send for the exorciser, to test hisarts. Immediately after the performance, however late it might be, theMagian was to be admitted to his presence. Serapion thanked the prefect, and then whispered to him, "I have had asecond revelation. " "Not here!" exclaimed Macrinus, uneasily, and, leading away his handsomelittle son, he turned toward the entrance. Dusk, meanwhile, had given way to darkness, and several slaves stoodready to light the innumerable little lamps which were to illuminate theoutside of the Circus. They edged the high arches which surrounded thetwo lower stories, and supported the upper ranks of the enormous circularstructure. Separated only by narrow intervals, the rows of lights formeda glittering series of frames which outlined the noble building andrendered it visible from afar. The arches on the ground-floor led to the cells from which the men andbeasts were let out into the arena; but some, too, were fitted withshops, where flowers and wreaths, refreshments, drinks, handkerchiefs, fans, and other articles in request, were sold. On the footway betweenthe building and the row of pitch torches which surrounded it, men andwomen in thousands were walking to and fro. Smart, inquisitive girlswere pushing their way singly or in groups, and their laughter drownedthe deep, tragical voices of the soothsayers and Magians who announcedtheir magic powers to the passersby. Some of these even made their wayinto the waiting-rooms of the gladiators and wrestlers, who to-day sogreatly needed their support that, in spite of severe and newly enforcedprohibitions, many a one stole out into the crowd to buy some effectualcharm or protecting amulet. Where the illuminations were completed, attempts of another kind werebeing made to work upon the mood of the people; nimble-tongued fellows--some in the service of Macrinus and some in that of the anxious senate--were distributing handkerchiefs to wave on Caesar's approach, or flowersto strew in his path. More than one, who was known for a malcontent, found a gold coin in his hand, with the image of the monarch he wasexpected to hail; and on the way by which Caesar was to come many ofthose who awaited him wore the caracalla. These were for the most partbribed, and their acclamations were to mollify the tyrant's mood. As soon as the prefect had disappeared within the building, thepraetorian ranks fell out again. It was lucky that among them wereseveral Alexandrians, besides the centurion Martialis, who had not longbeen absent from their native town; for without them much would haveremained incomprehensible. The strangest thing to foreign eyes was astately though undecorated harmamaxa, out of which stepped first ahandsome wreathed youth, then a matron of middle age, and at last anelegantly dressed girl, whose rare beauty made even Martialis--who rarelynoticed women--exclaim, "Now, she is to my taste the sweetest-thing ofall. " But there must have been something very remarkable about these three; forwhen they appeared the crowd broke out at first in loud shouts andoutcries, which soon turned to acclamations and welcome, though throughit all shrill whistles and hisses were heard. "Caesar's new mistress, the daughter of a gemcutter!" the Alexandrianmuttered to his comrades. That handsome boy is her brother, no doubt. He is said to be a mean sycophant, a spy paid by Caesar. " "He?" said an older centurion, shaking his scarred head. "Sooner wouldI believe that the shouts of the populace were intended for the old womanand not for the young one. " "Then a sycophant he is and will remain, " said the Alexandrian with alaugh. "For, as a matter of fact, it is the elder lady they aregreeting, and, by Heracles, she deserves it! She is the wife of thehigh-priest of Serapis. There are few poor in this city to whom she hasnot done a kindness. She is well able, no doubt, for her husband is thebrother of Seleukus, and her father, too, sat over his ears in gold. " "Yes, she is able, " interrupted Martialis, with a tone of pride, asthough it were some credit to himself. "But how many have even more, and keep their purse-strings tight! I have known her since she was achild, and she is the best of all that is good. What does not the townowe to her! She risked her life to move Caesar's father to mercy towardthe citizens, after they had openly declared against him and in favor ofhis rival Pescennius Niger. And she succeeded, too. " "Why, then, are they whistling?" asked the older centurion. "Because her companion is a spy, " repeated the Alexandrian. "And thegirl--In Caesar's favor! But, after all, which of you all would notgladly see his sister or his niece Caesar's light of love?" "Not I!" cried Martialis. "But the man who speaks ill of that girl onlydoes so because he likes blue eyes best. The maiden who comes in thelady Euryale's chariot is spotless, you may swear. " "Nay, nay, " said the younger Alexandrian soothingly. "That black-hairedfellow and his companions would whistle another tune if they knew anyevil of her, and she would not be in the lady Euryale's company--that isthe chief point--. But, look there! The shameless dogs are stoppingtheir way! 'Green' to a man. --But here come the lictors. " "Attention!" shouted Martialis, firmly resolved to uphold the guardiansof the peace, and not to suffer any harm to the matron and her faircompanion; for Euryale's husband was the brother of Seleukus, whom hisfather and father-in-law had served years ago, while in the villa atKanopus his mother and wife were left in charge to keep it in order. Hefelt that he was bound in duty to the merchant, and that all who were ofthat household had a right to count on his protection. But no activemeasures were needed; a number of "Blues" had driven off the "Greens" whohad tried to bar Alexander's way, and the lictors came to theirassistance. A young man in festal array, who had pushed into the front rank of thebystanders, had looked on with panting breath. He was very pale, and thethick wreath he wore was scarcely sufficient to hide the bandage underit. This was Diodoros, Melissa's lover. After resting awhile at hisfriend's house he had been carried in a litter to the amphitheatre, forhe could yet hardly walk. His father being one of the senators of thetown, his family had a row of seats in the lowest and best tier; butthis, on this occasion, was entirely given up to Caesar and his court. Consequently the different members of the senate could have only halfthe usual number of seats. Still, the son of Polybius might in any caseclaim two in his father's name; and his friend Timon--who had alsoprovided him with suitable clothing--had gone to procure the tickets fromthe curia. They were to meet at the entrance leading to their places, and it would be some little time yet before Timon could return. Diodoros had thought he would behold his imperial rival; however, insteadof Caracalla he had seen the contemptuous reception which awaitedAlexander and Melissa, from some at least of the populace. Still, howfair and desirable had she seemed in his eyes, whom, only that morning, he had been blessed in calling his! As he now moved away from the mainentrance, he asked himself why it was such torture to him to witness thehumiliation of a being who had done him such a wrong, and whom he thoughthe hated and scorned so utterly. Hardly an hour since he had declared toTimon that he had rooted his love for Melissa out of his heart. Hehimself would feel the better for using the whistle he wore, in derisionof her, and for seeing her faithlessness punished by the crowd. But now?When the insolent uproar went up from the "Greens, " whose color hehimself wore, he had found it difficult to refrain from rushing on thecowardly crew and knocking some of them down. He now made his way with feeble steps to the entrance where he was tomeet his friend. The blood throbbed in his temples, his mouth wasparched, and, as a fruit-seller cried her wares from one of the archways, he took a few apples from her basket to refresh himself with their juice. His hand trembled, and the experienced old woman, observing the bandageunder his wreath, supposed him to be one of the excited malcontents whohad perhaps already fallen into the hands of the lictors. So, with asignificant grin, she pointed under the table on which her fruit-basketsstood, and said "I have plenty of rotten ones. Six in a wrapper, quiteeasy to hide under your cloak. For whom you will. Caesar has given thegolden apple of Paris to a goddess of this town. I should best like tosee these flung at her brother, the sycophant. " "Do you know them?" asked Diodoros, hoarsely. "No, " replied the old woman. "No need for that. I have plenty ofcustomers and good ears. The slut broke her word with a handsome youthof the town for the sake of the Roman, and they who do such things arerepaid by the avenging gods. " Diodoros felt his knees failing under him, and a wrathful answer was on his lips, when the huckster suddenly shoutedlike mad: "Caesar, Caesar! He is coming. " The shouts of the crowd hailing their emperor had already become audiblethrough the heavy evening air, at first low and distant, and louder bydegrees. They now suddenly rose to a deafening uproar, and while thesound rolled on like approaching thunder, broken by shrill whistlessuggesting lightning, the sturdy old apple-seller clambered unaided on toher table, and shouted with all her might: "Caesar! Here he is!--Hail, hail, hail to great Caesar!" At the imminent risk of tumbling off her platform, she bent low down toreach under the table for the blue cloth which covered her store ofrotten apples, snatched it off, and waved it with frantic enthusiasm, asthough her elderly heart had suddenly gone forth to the very man for whoma moment ago she had been ready to sell her disgusting missiles. Andstill she shouted in ringing tones, "Hail, hail, Caesar!" again andagain, with all her might, till there was no breath left in heroverbuxom, panting breast, and her round face was purple with the effort. Nay, her emotion was so vehement that the bright tears streamed down herfat cheeks. And every one near was shrieking like the applewoman, "Hail, Caesar!" andit was only where the crowd was densest that a sharp whistle now and thenrent the roar of acclamations. Diodoros, meanwhile, had turned to look at the main entrance, and, carried away by the universal desire to see, had perched himself on anunopened case of dried figs. His tall figure now towered far above thethrong, and he set his teeth as he heard the old woman, almost speechlesswith delight, gasp out: "Lovely! wonderful! He would never have found the like in Rome. Here, among us--" But the cheers of the multitude now drowned every other sound. Fathersor mothers who had children with them lifted them up as high as theycould; where a small man stood behind a tall one, way was willingly made, for it would have been a shame to hinder his view of such a spectacle. Many had already seen the great monarch in his shining, golden chariot, drawn by four splendid horses; but such an array of torch-bearers as nowpreceded Caracalla was a thing never seen within the memory of the oldestor most traveled man. Three elephants marched before him and three camebehind, and all six carried in their trunks blazing torches, which theyheld now low and now aloft to light his road. To think that beasts couldbe trained to such a service! And that here, in Alexandria, such adisplay could be made before the haughty and pampered Romans! The chariot stood still, and the black Ethiopians who guided the hugefour-footed torch-bearers took the three leaders to join their fellowsbehind the chariot. This really was a fine sight; this could not butfill the heart of every one who loved his native town with pride anddelight. For what should a man ever shout himself hoarse, if not forsuch a splendid and unique show? Diodoros himself could not take hiseyes off the elephants. At first he was delighted with them, butpresently the sight annoyed him even more than it had pleased him; for hereflected that the tyrant, the villain, his deadly enemy, would certainlytake to himself the applause bestowed on the clever beasts. With this, he grasped the reed pipe in the breast of his tunic. He had been on thepoint of using it before now, to retaliate on Melissa for some portion ofthe pain she had inflicted on him. At this thought, however, thepaltriness of such revenge struck him with horror, and with a hastyimpulse he snapped the pipe in two, and flung the pieces on the ground infront of the apple-stall. The old woman observed it and exclaimed: "Ay, ay, such a sight makes one forgive a great deal"; but he turned hisback on her in silence, and joined his friend at the appointed spot. They made their way without difficulty to the seats reserved for thesenators' families, and when they had taken their places, the young manreplied but briefly to the sympathetic inquiries as to his health whichwere addressed to him by his acquaintances. His friend Timon gazedanxiously into his handsome but pale, sad face, as Diodoros sat crushedand absorbed in thought. He would have liked to urge him to quit thescene at once, for the seats just opposite were those destined to Caesarand his court-among them, no doubt, Melissa. In the dim light whichstill prevailed in the vast amphitheatre it was impossible to recognizefaces. But there would soon be a blaze of light, and what misery mustawait the hapless victim of her faithlessness, still so far from perfecthealth! After the glare of light outside, which was almost blinding, thetwilight within was for the moment a relief to Diodoros. His weary limbswere resting, a pleasant smell came up from the perfumed fountains in thearena, and his eyes, which could not here rest on anything to gratifyhim, were fixed on vacancy. And yet it was a comfort to him to think that he had broken his pipe. It would have disgraced him to whistle it; and, moreover, the tone wouldhave reached the ear of the noble lady who had accompanied Melissa, andwhom he himself had, only yesterday, revered as a second mother. Loud music now struck up, he heard shouts and cheers, and just above him--for it could only proceed from the uppermost tiers--there was anextraordinary tumult. Still he paid no heed, and as he thought of thatmatron the question suddenly arose in his mind, whether she would haveconsented to be seen with Melissa if she thought that the girl was indeedcapable of ruthless falsehood or any other unworthy act. He, who nevermissed a show in the arena, had never seen the lady Euryale here. Shecould hardly have come to-day for her own pleasure; she had come, then, for Melissa's sake; and yet she knew that the girl was betrothed to him. Unless Caesar had commanded the matron's presence, Melissa must still beworthy of the esteem and affection of this best of women; and at thisreflection Hope once more raised her head in his tortured soul. He now suddenly wished that brighter light might dispel the gloom whichjust now he had found so restful; for the lady Euryale's demeanorwould show him whether Melissa were still a virtuous maiden. If thematron were as friendly with her as ever, her heart was perhaps stillhis; it was not the splendor of the purple that had led her astray, butthe coercion of the tyrant. His silent reflections were here interrupted by the loud sounding oftrumpets, battle-cries, and, immediately after, the fall of some heavybody, followed by repeated acclamations, noisy outcries, and the applauseof those about him. Not till then had he been aware that theperformances had begun. Below him, indeed, on the arena from which hehad not once raised his eyes, nothing was to be seen on the yellow sandbut the scented fountain and a shapeless body, by which a second and athird were soon lying; but overhead something was astir, and, from theright-hand side, bright rays flashed across the wide space. Above thevast circle of seats, arranged on seven tiers, suns and huge, strangelyshaped stars were seen, which shed a subdued, many-tinted radiance; andwhat the youth saw over his head was not the vault of heaven, which to-night bent over his native city darkened by clouds, but a velarium ofimmense size on which the nocturnal firmament was depicted. This coveredin the whole of the open space. Every constellation which rose overAlexandria was plainly recognizable. Jupiter and Mars, Caesar'sfavorites, outdid the other planets in size and brightness; and in thecenter of this picture of the sky, which slowly revolved round it, starswere set to form the letters of Caracalla's names, Bassianus andAntoninus. But their light, too, was dim, and veiled as it were withclouds. Soft music was heard from these artificial heavens, and in thestratum of air immediately beneath, the blare of war-trumpets and battle-cries were heard. Thus all eyes were directed upward, and Diodoros'swith the rest. He perceived, with amazement, that the givers of the entertainment, intheir anxiety to set something absolutely new before their imperialguest, had arranged that the first games should take place in the air. Abattle was being fought overhead, on a level with the highest places, ina way that must surely be a surprise even to the pampered Romans. Blackand gold barks were jostling each other in mid-air, and their crews werefighting with the energy of despair. The Egyptian myth of the gods ofthe great lights who sail the celestial ocean in golden barks, and of thesun-god who each morning conquers the demons of darkness, had suggestedthe subject of this performance. The battle between the Spirits of Darkness and of Light was to be foughtout high above the best rows of seats occupied by Caesar and his court;and the combatants were living men, for the most part such as had beencondemned to death or to the hardest forced labor. The black vesselswere manned by negroes, the golden by fair-haired criminals, and they hadembarked readily enough; for some of them would escape from the fray withonly a few wounds and some quite unhurt, and each one was resolved to usehis weapons so as to bring the frightful combat to a speedy end. The woolly-haired blacks did not indeed know that they had been providedwith loosely made swords which would go to pieces at the first shock, and with shields which could not resist a serious blow; while the fair-haired representatives of the light were supplied with sharp and strongweapons of offense and defense. At any cost the spirits of darkness mustnot be allowed to triumph over those of light. Of what value was anegro's life, especially when it was already forfeited? While Euryale and Melissa sat with eyes averted from the horrible scenegoing on above them, and the matron, holding her young companion's hand, whispered to her: "O child, child! to think that I should be compelled to bring you here!"loud applause and uproarious clapping surrounded them on every side. The gem-cutter Heron, occupying one of the foremost cushioned seats, radiant with pride and delight in the red-bordered toga of his newdignity, clapped his big hands with such vehemence that his immediateneighbors were almost deafened. He, too, had been badly received, on hisarrival, with shrill whistling, but he had been far from troublinghimself about that. But when a troop of "Greens" had met him, just infront of the imperial dais, shouting brutal abuse in his face, he hadpaused, chucked the nearest man under the chin with his powerful fist, and fired a storm of violent epithets at the rest. Thanks to thelictors, he had got off without any harm, and as soon as he found himselfamong friends and men of rank, on whom he looked in speechless respect, he had recovered his spirits. He was looking forward with intensesatisfaction to the moment when he might ask Caesar what he now thoughtof Alexandria. Like his father, Alexander was intent on the bloody struggle--gazingupward with breathless interest as the combatants tried to fling eachother into the yawning depth below them. But at the same time he neverfor an instant forgot the insults he had endured outside. How deeply hefelt them was legible in his clouded face. Only once did a smile passover it--when, toward the end of this first fight, the place was madelighter, he perceived in the row of seats next above him the daughter ofhis neighbor Skopas, pretty Ino, whom but a few days since he had vowedto love. He was conscious of having treated her badly, and given herthe right to call him faithless. Toward her, indeed, he had been guiltyof treachery, and it had really weighed on his soul. Their eyes met, andshe gave him to understand in the plainest way that she had heard himstigmatized as Caesar's spy, and had believed the calumny. The meresight of him seemed to fill her with anger, and she did her utmost toshow him that she had quickly found a substitute for him; and it was toAlexander, no doubt, that Ktesias, her young kinsman, who had long paidher his addresses, owed the kindliness with which Ino now gazed into hiseyes. This was some comfort to the luckless, banished lover. On heraccount, at any rate, he need reproach himself no longer. Diodoros wassitting opposite to him, and his attention, too, was frequentlyinterrupted. The flashing swords and torches in the hands of the Spirits of Light, andthe dimly gleaming stars above their heads, had not so far dispelled thedarkness as that the two young people could identify each other. Diodoros, indeed, even throughout this absorbing fight, had frequentlyglanced at the imperial seats, but had failed to distinguish his belovedfrom the other women in Caracalla's immediate vicinity. But it now grewlighter, for, while the battle was as yet undecided, a fresh bark, fullof Spirits of Light, flourishing their torches, was unexpectedly launchedto support their comrades, and Heaven seemed to have sent them forth towin the fight, which had already lasted longer than the masters of theceremonies had thought possible. The wild shouts of the combatants and the yells of the wounded had longsince drowned the soft music of the spheres above their heads. The callof tubas and bugles rang without ceasing through the great building, tothe frequent accompaniment of the most horrible sound of all in thishideous spectacle--the heavy fall of a dead man dropping from above intothe gulf. But this dreadful thud was what gave rise to the loudest applause amongthe spectators, falling on their satiated ears as a new sound. Thisfrenzied fight in the air, such as had never before been seen, gave riseto the wildest delight, for it led the eye, which was wont in this placeto gaze downward, in a direction in which it had never yet beenattracted. And what a glorious spectacle it was when black and whitewrestled together! How well the contrast of color distinguished theindividual combatants, even when they clung together in close embrace!And when, toward the end of the struggle, a bark was overturned bodily, and some of the antagonists would not be parted, even as they fell, trying to kill each other in their rage and hatred, the very walls of thegreat structure shook with the wild clamor and applause of thousands ofevery degree. Only once did the roar of approval reach a higher pitch, and that wasafter the battle was ended, at what succeeded. Hardly had the victoriousSpirits of Light been seen to stand up in their barks, waving theirtorches, to receive from fluttering genii wreaths of laurel which theyflung down to where Caesar sat, than a perfumed vapor, emanating from theplace where the painted sky met the wall of the circular building, hidthe whole of the upper part of it from the sight of the spectators. Themusic stopped, and from above there came a strange and ominous growling, hissing, rustling, and crackling. A dull light, dimmer even than before, filled the place, and anxious suspicions took possession of the tenthousand spectators. What was happening? Was the velarium on fire; had the machinery forlighting up refused to work; and must they remain in this uncomfortabletwilight? Here and there a shout of indignation was heard, or a shrill whistle fromthe capricious mob. But the mist had already gradually vanished, andthose who gazed upward could see that the velarium with the sun and starshad made way for a black surface. No one knew whether this was the realcloudy sky, or whether another, colorless awning closed them in. Butsuddenly the woven roof parted; invisible hands drew away the two halves. Quick, soft music began as if at a signal from a magician, and at thesame time such a flood of light burst down into the theatre that everyone covered his eyes with his hand to avoid being blinded. The fullglory of sunshine followed on the footsteps of night, like a triumphantchorus on a dismal mourning chant. The machinists of Alexandria had done wonders. The Romans, who, even atthe night performances of the festival of Flora, had never seen the like, hailed the effect with a storm of applause which showed no signs ofceasing, for, when they had sufficiently admired the source of the lightwhich flooded the theatre, reflected from numberless mirrors, and glancedround the auditorium, they began again to applaud with hands and voices. At a given signal thousands of lights appeared round the tiers of seats, and, if the splendor of the entertainment answered at all to that of theAlexandrian spectators, something fine indeed was to be expected. It was now possible to see the beauty of the women and the costliness oftheir attire; not till now had the precious stones shown their flashingand changeful radiance. How many gardens and lotus-pools must have beenplundered, how many laurel-groves stripped to supply the wreaths whichgraced every head in the upper rows! And to look round those ranks andnote the handsome raiment in which men and women alike were arrayed, suggested a belief that all the inhabitants of Alexandria must be rich. Wherever the eye turned, something beautiful or magnificent was to beseen; and the numerous delightful pictures which crowded on the sightwere framed with massive garlands of lotos and mallow, lilies and roses, olive and laurel, tall papyrus and waving palm, branches of pine andwillow-here hanging m thick festoons, there twining round the columns orwreathing the pilasters and backs of seats. Of all the couples in this incomparable amphitheatre one alone neithersaw nor heard all that was going on. Scarcely had the darkness given wayto light, when Melissa's eyes met those of her lover, and recognition wasimmediately followed by a swift inquiry and reply which filled theunhappy pair with revived hopes. Melissa's eyes told Diodoros that sheloved him and him alone, and she read in his that he could never give herup. Still, his also expressed the doubt and anxiety of his torturedsoul, and sent question after question across to Melissa. And she understood the mute appeal as well as though looks were words. Without heeding the curious crowd about her, or considering the danger ofsuch audacity, she took up her nosegay and waved it toward him as thoughto refresh him with its fragrance, and then pressed a hasty kiss on thefinest of the half-opened buds. His responsive gesture showed that shehad been understood, for her lover's expressive eyes beamed withunqualified love and gratitude. Never, she thought, had he gazed morefervently in her face, and again she bent over the bunch of roses. But even in the midst of her newly found happiness her cheeks tingledwith maidenly modesty at her own boldness. Too happy to regret what shehad done, but still anxious lest the friend whose opinion was all in allto her should disapprove, she forgot time and place, and, laying her headon Euryale's shoulder, looked up at her in inquiry with her large eyes asthough imploring forgiveness. The matron understood, for she hadfollowed the girl's glance and felt what it was that stirred her heart;and, little thinking of the joy she was giving to a third person, sheclasped her closely and kissed her on the temple, regardless of thepeople about them. At this Diodoros felt as though he had won the prize in a race; and hisfriend Timon, whose artistic eye was feasting on the magnificent scene, started at the vehement and ardent pressure which Diodoros bestowed onhis hand. What had come over the poor, suffering youth whom he, Timon, had escortedto the Circus out of sheer compassion? His eyes sparkled, and he heldhis head as high as ever. What was the meaning of his declaring thateverything would go well with him now? But it was in vain that hequestioned the youth, for Diodoros could not reveal, even to his bestfriend, what it was that made him happy. It was enough for him to knowthat Melissa loved him, and that the woman to whom he looked up withenthusiastic reverence esteemed her as highly as ever. And now, for thefirst time, he began to feel ashamed of his doubts of Melissa. How couldhe, who had known her from childhood, have believed of her anything sobase and foul? It must be some strong compulsion which bound her toCaesar, and she could never have looked at him thus unless she had somescheme--in which, perhaps, the lady Euryale meant to abet her--forescaping her imperial suitor before it was too late. Yes, it must be so;and the oftener he gazed at her the more convinced he felt. Now he rejoiced in the blaze of light about him, for it showed him hisbeloved. The words which Euryale had whispered in her ear must have beenan admonition to prudence, for she only rarely bestowed on him a lovingglance, and he acknowledged that the mute but eager exchange of signalswould have been fraught with danger for both of them. The first sudden illumination had revealed too many things to distractthe attention of the spectators, including Caesar's, for theirproceedings to be observed. Now curiosity was to some extent satisfied, and even Diodoros felt that reserve was imperative. Caracalla had not yet shown himself to the people. A golden screen, inwhich there were holes for him to look through without being seen, hidhim from public gaze; still Diodoros could recognize those who wereadmitted to his presence. First came the givers of the entertainment;then the Parthian envoys, and some delegates from the municipalauthorities of the town. Finally, Seleukus presented the wives of themagnates who had shared with him the cost of this display, and amongthese, all magnificently dressed, the lady Berenike shone supreme by thepride of her demeanor and the startling magnificence of her attire. Asher large eyes met those of Caesar with a flash of defiance, he frowned, and remarked satirically: "It seems to be the custom here to mourn in much splendor!" But Berenike promptly replied: "It has nothing to do with mourning. It is in honor of the sovereign whocommanded the presence of the mourner at the Circus. " Diodoros could not see the flame of rage in, Caesar's threatening eye, nor hear his reply to the audacious matron: "This is a misapprehension of how to do me honor, but an opportunity willoccur for teaching the Alexandrians better. " Even across the amphitheatre the youth could see the sudden flush andpallor of the lady's haughty face; and immediately after, Macrinus, thepraetorian prefect, approached Caracalla with the master of the games, the superintendent of the school of gladiators. At the same time Diodoros heard his next neighbor, a member of the citysenate, say: "How quietly it is going off! My proposal that Caesar should come in toa dim light, so as to keep him and his unpopular favorites out of sightfor a while, has worked capitally. Who could the mob whistle at, so longas they could not see one from another? Now they are too much delightedto be uproarious. Caesar's bride, of all others, has reason to thank me. And she reminds me of the Persian warriors who, before going into battle, bound cats to their bucklers because they knew that the Egyptian foewould not shoot at them so long as the sacred beasts were exposed tobeing hit by his arrows. " "What do you mean by that?" asked another, and received the brisk reply: "The lady Euryale is the cat who protects the damsel. Out of respect forher, and for fear of hurting her, too, her companion has hitherto beenspared even by those fellows up there. " And he pointed to a party of "Greens" who were laying their headstogether in one of the topmost tiers. But his friend replied: "Something besides that keeps them within bounds. The three beardlessfellows just behind them belong to the city watch, who are scatteredthrough the general mass like raisins in doughcakes. " "That is very judicious, " replied the senator. "We might otherwise have had to quit the Circus a great deal quicker thanwe came in. We shall hardly get home with dry garments as it is. Lookhow the lights up there are flaring; you can hear the lashing of thestorm, and such flashes are not produced by machinery. Zeus is preparinghis bolts, and if the storm bursts--" Here his discourse was interrupted by the sound of trumpets, minglingwith the roar of distant thunder following a vivid flash. The processionnow began, which was the preliminary to every such performance. The statues of the gods had, before Caesar's arrival, been placed on thepedestals erected for them to prevent any risk of a demonstration at theappearance of the deified emperors. The priests now first marchedsolemnly round these statues, and Timotheus poured a libation on the sandto Serapis, while the priest of Alexandria did the same to the tutelaryhero of the town. Then the masters of the games, the gladiators, andbeast-fighters came out, who were to make proof of their skill. As thepriests approached Caesar's dais, Caracalla came forward and greeted thespectators, thus showing himself for the first time. While he was still sitting behind the screen, he had sent for Melissa, who had obeyed the command, under the protection of Euryale, and he hadspoken to her graciously. He now took no further notice of her, of herfather, or her brother, and by his orders their places had been separatedby some little distance from his. By the advice of Timotheus he wouldnot let her be seen at his side till the stars had once more beenconsulted, and he would then conduct Melissa to the Circus as his wife-the day after to-morrow, perhaps. He thanked the matron for havingescorted Melissa, and added, with a braggart air of virtue, that theworld should see that he, too, could sacrifice the most ardent wish ofhis heart to moral propriety. The elephant torch-bearers had greatly delighted him, and in theexpectation of seeing Melissa again, and of a public recognition that hehad won the fairest maid there, he had come into the Circus in the bestspirits. He still wore his natural expression; yet now and then his browwas knit, for he was haunted by the eyes of Seleukus's wife. The haughtywoman--"that bedizened Niobe" he had contemptuously called her inspeaking to Macrinus--had appeared to him as an avenging goddess;strangely enough, every time he thought of her, he remembered, too, theconsul Vindex and his nephew, whose execution Melissa's intercession hadonly hastened, and he was vexed now that he had not lent an ear to herentreaties. The fact that the name Vindex signified an avenger disturbedhim greatly, and he could no more get it out of his mind than the imageof the "Niobe" with her ominous dark eyes. He would see her no more; and in this he was helped by the gladiators, for they now approached him, and their frantic enthusiasm kept him forsome time from all other thoughts. While they flourished their weapons-some the sword and buckler, and others the not less terrible net andharpoon--the time-honored cry rose from their husky throats in eageracclamation: "Hail, Caesar! those about to die salute thee!" Then, inrows of ten men each, they crossed the arena at a rapid pace. Between the first and second group one man swaggered past alone, asthough he were something apart, and he strutted and rolled as he walkedwith pompous self-importance. It was his prescriptive right, and in hisbroad, coarse features, with a snub nose, thick lips, and white, flashingteeth like those of a beast of prey, it was easy to see that theadversary would fare but ill who should try to humble him. And yet hewas not tall; but on his deep chest, his enormous square shoulders, andshort, bandy legs, the muscles stood out like elastic balls, showing theconnoisseur that in strength he was a giant. A loin-cloth was all hewore, for he was proud of the many scars which gleamed red and white onhis fair skin. He had pushed back his little bronze helmet, so that theterrible aspect of the left side of his face might not be lost on thepopulace. While he was engaged in fighting three panthers and a lion, the lion had torn out his eye and with it part of his cheek. His namewas Tarautas, and he was known throughout the empire as the most brutalof gladiators, for he had also earned the further privilege of neverfighting but for life or death, and never under any circumstances eithergranting or asking quarter. Where he was engaged corpses strewed theplain. Caesar knew that he himself had been nicknamed Tarautas after this man, and he was not ill pleased; for, above all things, he aimed at beingthought strong and terrible, and this the gladiator was without a peer inhis own rank of life. They knew each other: Tarautas had received many agift from his imperial patron after hard-won victories in which his bloodhad flowed. And now, as the scarred veteran, who, puffed up withconceit, walked singly and apart in the long train of gladiators, cast aroving and haughty glance on the ranks of spectators, he was filled outof due time with the longing to center all eyes on himself, the one aimof his so frequently risking his life in these games. His chest swelled, he braced up the tension of his supple sinews, and as he passed theimperial seats he whirled his short sword round his head, describing acircle in the air, with such skill and such persistent rapidity, that itappeared like a disk of flashing steel. At the same time his harsh, powerful voice bellowed out, "Hail, Caesar!" sounding above the shouts ofhis comrades like the roar of a lion; and Caracalla, who had not yetvouchsafed a friendly word or pleasant look to any Alexandrian, waved hishand graciously again and again to this audacious monster, whose strengthand skill delighted him. This was the instant for which the "Greens" in the third tier werewaiting. No one could prohibit their applauding the man whom Caesarhimself approved, so they forthwith began shouting "Tarautas!" with alltheir might. They knew that this would suggest the comparison betweenCaesar and the sanguinary wretch whose name had been applied to him, and all who were eager to give expression to their vexation ordissatisfaction took the hint and joined in the outcry. Thus in a momentthe whole amphitheatre was ringing with the name of "Tarautas!" At first it rose here and there; but soon, no one knew how, the wholecrowd in the upper ranks joined in one huge chorus, giving free vent totheir long-suppressed irritation with childish and increasing uproar, shouting the word with steady reiteration and a sort of involuntaryrhythm. Before long it sounded as though the multitude must havepracticed the mad chant which swelled to a perfect roar. "Tarau-Tarau-Tarautas!" and, as is always the case when a breach has beenmade in the dam, one after another joined in, with here the shrillwhistle of a reed pipe and there the clatter of a rattle. Mingling withthese were the angry outcries of those whom the lictors or guardians ofthe peace had laid hands on, or their indignant companions; and thethunder outside rolled a solemn accompaniment to the mutinous tumultwithin. Caesar's scowling brow showed that a storm threatened in that quarteralso; and no sooner had he discerned the aim of the crowd than, foamingwith rage, he commanded Macrinus to restore order. Then, above the chaos of voices, trumpet-calls were sounded. The mastersof the games perceived that, if only they could succeed in riveting theattention of the mob by some exciting or interesting scene, that wouldsurely silence the demonstration which was threatening ruin to the wholecommunity; so the order was at once given to begin the performance withthe most important and effective scene with which it had been intendedthat the whole should conclude. The spectacle was to represent a camp of the Alemanni, surprised andseized by Roman warriors. In this there was a covert compliment toCaesar, who, after a doubtful victory over that valiant people, hadassumed the name of Alemannicus. Part of the gladiators, clothed inskins, represented the barbarians, and wore long flowing wigs of red oryellow hair; others played the part of Roman troops, who were to conquerthem. The Alemanni were all condemned criminals, who were allowed noarmor, and only blunt swords wherewith to defend themselves. But lifeand freedom were promised to the women if, after the camp was seized, they wounded themselves with the sharp knives with which each one wasprovided, at least deeply enough to draw blood. And any who succeeded infeigning death really deceptively were to earn a special reward. Amongthe Germans there were, too, a few gladiators of exceptional stature, armed with sharp weapons, so as to defer the decision for a while. In a few minutes, and under the eyes of the spectators, carts, cattle, and horses were placed together in a camp, and surrounded by a wall oftree trunks, stones, and shields. Meanwhile shouts and whistles werestill heard; nay, when Tarautas came out on the arena in the highlydecorated armor of a Roman legate, at the head of a troop of heavilyarmed men, and again greeted the emperor, the commotion began afresh. But Caracalla's patience was exhausted, and the high-priest saw by hispale cheeks and twitching eyelids what was passing in his mind; so, inspired by the fervent hope of averting some incalculable disaster fromhis fellow-citizens, he took his place in front of the statue of the god, and, lifting up his hands, he began: "In the name of Serapis, O Macedonians!" His deep, ringing tones soundedabove the voices of the insurgents in the upper rows, and there wassilence. Not a sound was to be heard but the long-drawn howling of the wind, andnow and then the flap of a strip of cloth torn from the velarium by thegale. Mingling with these might be heard the uncanny hooting of owls anddaws which the illumination had brought out of their nests in thecornice, and which the storm was now driving in again. Timotheus, in a clear and audible address, now appealed to his audienceto remain quiet, not to disturb the splendid entertainment here setbefore them, and above all to remember that great Caesar, the divineruler of the world, was in their midst, an honor to each and all. As theguest of the most hospitable city on earth, their illustrious sovereignhad a right to expect from every Alexandrian the most ardent endeavors tomake his stay here delightful. It was his part as high-priest to uplifthis warning voice in the name of the greatest of the gods, that the ill-will of a few malcontents might not give rise to an idea in the mind oftheir beloved guest that the natives of Alexandria were blind to theblessings for which every citizen had to thank his beneficent rule. A shrill whistle here interrupted his discourse, and a voice shouted:"What blessings? We know of none. " But Timotheus was not to be checked, and went on more vehemently "All of you who, by the grace of Caesar, have been made Roman citizens--" But again a voice broke in--the speaker was the overseer of the granariesof Seleukus, sitting in the second tier--"And do you suppose we do notknow what the honor costs us?" This query was heartily applauded, and then suddenly, as if by magic, aperfect chorus arose, chanting a distich which one man in the crowd hadfirst given out and then two or three had repeated, to which a fourth hadgiven a sort of tune, till it was shouted by every one present at thevery top of his voice, with marked application to him of whom it spoke. From the topmost row of places, on every side of the amphitheatre, rangout the following lines, which but a moment before no one had ever heard: "Death to the living, to pay for burying those that are dead; Since, what the taxes have spared, soldiers have ruthlessly seized. " And the words certainly came from the heart; of the people, for theyseemed never weary of repeating them; and it was not till a tremendousclap of thunder shook the very walls that several were silent and lookedup with increasing alarm. The moment's pause was seized on to begin thefight. Caesar bit his lip in powerless fury, and his hatred of thetowns-people, who had thus so plainly given him to understand theirsentiments, was rising from one minute to the next. He felt it a realmisfortune that he was unable to punish on the spot the insult thusoffered him; swelling with rage, he remembered a speech made by Caligula, and wished the town had but one head, that he might sever it from thebody. The blood throbbed so fiercely in his temples, and there was sucha singing in his ears, that for some little time he neither saw nor heardwhat was going on. This terrible agitation might cost him yet some hoursof great suffering. But he need no longer dread them so much; for theresat the living remedy which he believed he had secured by the strongestpossible ties. How fair she was! And, as he looked round once more at Melissa, heobserved that her eye was turned on him with evident anxiety. At this alight seemed to dawn in his clouded soul, and he was once more consciousof the love which had blossomed in his heart. But it would never do tomake her who had wrought the miracle so soon the confidante of hishatred. He had seen her angry, had seen her weep, and had seen hersmile; and within the next few days, which were to make him a happy maninstead of a tortured victim, he longed only to see her great eyessparkle and her lips overflow with words of love, joy, and gratitude. His score with the Alexandrians must be settled later, and it was in hispower to make them atone with their blood and bitterly rue the deeds ofthis night. He passed his hand over his furrowed brow, as though to wake himself froma bad dream; nay, he even found a smile when next his eyes met hers; andthose spectators to whom his aspect seemed more absorbing than thehorrible slaughter in the arena, looked at each other in amazement, forthe indifference or the dissimulation, whichever it might be, with whichCaesar regarded this unequaled scene of bloodshed, seemed to them quiteincredible. Never, since his very first visit to a circus, had Caracalla leftunnoticed for so long a time the progress of such a battle as this. However, nothing very remarkable had so far occurred, for the actualseizure of the camp had but just begun with the massacre of the Alemanniand the suicide of the women. At this moment the gladiator Tarautas, as nimble as a cat and asbloodthirsty as a hungry wolf, sprang on to one of the enemy's piled-upwagons, and a tall swordsman, with a bear-skin over his shoulder, andlong, reddish-gold hair, flew to meet him. This was no sham German! Caracalla knew the man. He had been brought toRome among the captive chiefs, and, as he had proved to be a splendidhorseman, he had found employment in Caesar's stables. His conduct hadalways been blameless till, on the day when Caracalla had enteredAlexandria, he had, in a drunken fit, killed first the man set over him, a hot-headed Gaul, and then the two lictors who had attempted toapprehend him. He was condemned to death, and had been placed on theGerman side to fight for his life in the arena. And how he fought! How he defied the most determined of gladiators, andparried his strokes with his short sword! This was a combat really worthwatching; indeed, it so captivated Caracalla that he forgot everythingelse. The name of the German's antagonist had been applied to him--Caesar. Just now the many-voiced yell "Tarautas!" had been meant forhim; and, accustomed as he was to read an omen in every incident, he saidto himself, and called Fate to witness, that the gladiator's doom wouldforeshadow his own. If Tarautas fell, then Caesar's days were numbered;if he triumphed, then a long and happy life would be his. He could leave the decision to Tarautas with perfect confidence; he wasthe strongest gladiator in the empire, and he was fighting with a sharpsword against the blunt one in his antagonist's hand, who probably hadforgotten in the stable how to wield the sword as he had done of yore. But the German was the son of a chief, and had followed arms from hisearliest youth. Here it was defense for dear life, however glorious itmight be to die under the eyes of the man whom he had learned to honor asthe conqueror and tyrant of many nations, among them his own. So thestrong and practiced athlete did his best. He, like his opponent, felt that the eyes of ten thousand were on him, and he also longed to purge himself of the dishonor which, by actualmurder, he had brought on himself and on the race of which he was stilla son. Every muscle of his powerful frame gained more rigid tension atthe thought, and when he was presently hit by the sword of his hithertounconquered foe, and felt the warm blood flow over his breast and leftarm, he collected all his strength. With the battle-cry of his tribe, heflung his huge body on the gladiator. Heedless of the furious sword-thrust with which Tarautas returned the assault, he threw himself off thetop of the packed wagon on to the stones of the camp inclosure, and thecombatants rolled, locked together like one man, from the wall into thesand of the arena. Caracalla started as though he himself had been the injured victim, andwatched, but in vain, to see the supple Tarautas, who had escaped suchperils before now, free himself from the weight of the German's body. But the struggle continued to rage round the pair, and neither stirred afinger. At this Caesar, greatly disturbed, started to his feet, anddesired Theocritus to make inquiry as to whether Tarautas were wounded ordead; and while the favorite was gone he could not sit still. Agitatedby distressing fears, he rose to speak first to one and then to anotherof his suite, only to drop on his seat again and glance once more at thebutchery below. He was fully persuaded that his own end must be near, if indeed Tarautas were dead. At last he heard Theocritus's voice, and, as he turned to ask him the news, he met a look from the lady Berenike, who had risen to quit the theatre. He shuddered!--the image of Vindex and his nephew rose once more beforehis mind's eye; at the same moment, however, Theocritus hailed him withthe exclamation: "That fellow, Tarautas, is not a man at all! I should call him an eel ifhe were not so broad shouldered. The rascal is alive, and the physiciansays that in three weeks he will be ready again to fight four bears ortwo Alemanni!" A light as of sudden sunshine broke on Caesar's face, and he wasperfectly cheerful again, though a fearful clap of thunder rattledthrough the building, and one of those deluges of rain which are knownonly in the south came pouring down into the open theatre, extinguishingthe fires and lights, and tearing the velarium from its fastenings tillit hung flapping in the wind and lashing the upper tiers of places, so asto drive the spectators to a hasty retreat. Men were flying, women screaming and sobbing, and the heralds loudlyproclaimed that the performance was suspended, and would be resumed onthe next day but one. ETEXT EDITOR'S BOOKMARKS: He only longed to be hopeful once more, to enjoy the presentNever to be astonished at anything