A Supplement to A COMPILATION OF THE MESSAGES AND PAPERS OF THE PRESIDENTS 1789-1902 BY JAMES D. RICHARDSON A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE STATE OF TENNESSEE COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY GEORGE RAYWOOD DEVITT, M. A. MEMBER NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, ETC. , ETC. THIS VOLUME PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF BUREAU OF NATIONAL LITERATURE ANDART 1904 Prefatory Note As the exigencies which prompted, at a late date, the change of plansin the compilation of this work, left the messages and papers of theMcKinley administration incomplete and defective, it has been felt thatthe time has now arrived for their collection. In this supplement areincluded the messages, proclamations and executive orders of PresidentMcKinley which do not appear in Volume X, and those of his successor, President Roosevelt, to date. They set forth the home affairs of thenation, and illustrate the stability of the government and institutionsof the United States. They demonstrate that affairs were conducted withattention and directness unaffected by the apparently distracting, butglorious, incidents, which marked her interposition by arms and theextension of her sheltering aegis to Cuba. They teach us that thefoundations of this country are deep-rooted and that the process ofnation-building, as recounted in these volumes, has proceeded uponright lines and with an unbounded fidelity to principle and purpose. GEORGE RAYWOOD DEVITT. WASHINGTON, D. C. , _October 1, 1902. _ SUPPLEMENT * * * * * William McKinley March 4, 1897, to September 14, 1901 * * * * * Additional Messages, Proclamations, Executive Orders and Last PublicUtterance to the People at Buffalo William McKinley (For portrait and early biographical sketch see Vol. X, pp. 125, 126, 127) At the National Republican Convention which met at Philadelphia in June, 1901, William McKinley was again nominated the Republican candidate forthe Presidency of the United States. At the November election he wasre-elected, receiving 292 electoral votes, against 155 votes for WilliamJ. Bryan. In September, 1901, he accepted an invitation to be present at thePan-American Exposition at Buffalo. On September 5 he delivered hislast public utterance to the people, in the Temple of Music, to a vastaudience. The next day, returning from a short trip to Niagara Falls, heyielded to the wishes of the people and held a reception in the Temple. Among those who, passing in single file, took him by the hand, was onewho approached with his hand wrapped and held to his breast as thoughinjured. Concealed within the covering was a loaded revolver; and as hegave his other hand to the President, a token of friendship, he quicklyfired two shots, from the effects of which the President sank into thearms of those near him. He was taken to the residence of Mr. John G. Milburn, President of the Exposition Company, where on September 14, 1901, after an unexpected relapse, he died. The body was taken toWashington, D. C. , and the state funeral was held in the rotunda of theCapitol. Thence the body was taken to his home in Canton, Ohio, forinterment. The period covered by the administration of William McKinley was, undoubtedly, more crowded with events calculated to try and to touch thevery heart of the nation than was any period since the Civil War. TheUnited States has passed through crisis after crisis in quick successionand has emerged not only in safety but with untarnished honor, increasedglory, and the great consciousness of solidarity and unification. Thisis attested by the wise management of affairs in connection with theNicaragua Canal; the increase of the navy, the formation of an army andthe imposition of taxes which in no way impeded the march of industry;the settlement of railway claims; and the successful starting in life ofCuba and the administration of far colonial affairs. Aside from the wisecounsels of the Executive of the nation, the calmness and cool action ofthe people, amid distracting and perplexing events, have contributed tothe honor of the nation in no slight degree. All of this, and more, wasabundantly testified to, at the time of the deplorable circumstancesattending William McKinley's death by the unexampled outburst throughoutthe world of sympathy with the bereaved nation and of admiration for theman. INAUGURAL ADDRESS _Fellow-Citizens_: In obedience to the will of the people, and in their presence, bythe authority vested in me by this oath, I assume the arduous andresponsible duties of President of the United States, relying upon thesupport of my countrymen and invoking the guidance of Almighty God. Ourfaith teaches that there is no safer reliance than upon the God of ourfathers, who has so singularly favored the American people in everynational trial, and who will not forsake us so long as we obey Hiscommandments and walk humbly in His footsteps. The responsibilities of the high trust to which I have beencalled--always of grave importance--are augmented by the prevailingbusiness conditions, entailing idleness upon willing labor andloss to useful enterprises. The country is suffering from industrialdisturbances from which speedy relief must be had. Our financial systemneeds some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must notfurther be threatened. It should all be put on an enduring basis, notsubject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. Ourcurrency should continue under the supervision of the Government. The several forms of our paper money offer, in my judgment, a constantembarrassment to the Government and a safe balance in the Treasury. Therefore I believe it necessary to devise a system which, withoutdiminishing the circulating medium or offering a premium for itscontraction, will present a remedy for those arrangements which, temporary in their nature, might well in the years of our prosperityhave been displaced by wiser provisions. With adequate revenue secured, but not until then, we can enter upon such changes in our fiscal laws aswill, while insuring safety and volume to our money, no longer imposeupon the Government the necessity of maintaining so large a goldreserve, with its attendant and inevitable temptations to speculation. Most of our financial laws are the outgrowth of experience and trial, and should not be amended without investigation and demonstration ofthe wisdom of the proposed changes. We must be both "sure we are right, "and "make haste slowly. " If, therefore, Congress, in its wisdom, shall deem it expedient to create a commission to take under earlyconsideration the revision of our coinage, banking and currency laws, and give them that exhaustive, careful and dispassionate examinationthat their importance demands, I shall cordially concur in such action. If such power is vested in the President, it is my purpose to appointa commission of prominent, well-informed citizens of different parties, who will command public confidence, both on account of their ability andspecial fitness for the work. Business experience and public trainingmay thus be combined, and the patriotic zeal of the friends of thecountry be so directed that such a report will be made as to receive thesupport of all parties, and our finances cease to be the subject of merepartisan contention. The experiment is, at all events, worth a trial, and, in my opinion, it can but prove beneficial to the entire country. The question of international bimetallism will have early and earnestattention. It will be my constant endeavor to secure it by co-operationwith the other great commercial powers of the world. Until thatcondition is realized when the parity between our gold and silver moneysprings from and is supported by the relative value of the two metals, the value of the silver already coined and of that which may hereafterbe coined, must be kept constantly at par with gold by every resource atour command. The credit of the Government, the integrity of itscurrency, and the inviolability of its obligations must be preserved. This was the commanding verdict of the people, and it will not beunheeded. Economy is demanded in every branch of the Government at all times, butespecially in periods, like the present, of depression in business anddistress among the people. The severest economy must be observed in allpublic expenditures, and extravagance stopped wherever it is found, andprevented wherever in the future it may be developed. If the revenuesare to remain as now, the only relief that can come must be fromdecreased expenditures. But the present must not become the permanentcondition of the Government. It has been our uniform practice to retire, not increase our outstanding obligations, and this policy must again beresumed and vigorously enforced. Our revenues should always be largeenough to meet with ease and promptness not only our current needs andthe principal and interest of the public debt, but to make proper andliberal provision for that most deserving body of public creditors, thesoldiers and sailors and the widows and orphans who are the pensionersof the United States. The Government should not be permitted to run behind or increase itsdebt in times like the present. Suitably to provide against this is themandate of duty--the certain and easy remedy for most of our financialdifficulties. A deficiency is inevitable so long as the expenditures ofthe Government exceed its receipts. It can only be met by loans or anincreased revenue. While a large annual surplus of revenue may invitewaste and extravagance, inadequate revenue creates distrust andundermines public and private credit. Neither should be encouraged. Between more loans and more revenue there ought to be but one opinion. We should have more revenue, and that without delay, hindrance, orpostponement. A surplus in the Treasury created by loans is not apermanent or safe reliance. It will suffice while it lasts, but it cannot last long while the outlays of the Government are greater than itsreceipts, as has been the case during the past two years. Nor mustit be forgotten that however much such loans may temporarily relievethe situation, the Government is still indebted for the amount of thesurplus thus accrued, which it must ultimately pay, while its abilityto pay is not strengthened, but weakened by a continued deficit. Loansare imperative in great emergencies to preserve the Government or itscredit, but a failure to supply needed revenue in time of peace forthe maintenance of either has no justification. The best way for the Government to maintain its credit is to pay as itgoes--not by resorting to loans, but by keeping out of debt--through anadequate income secured by a system of taxation, external or internal, or both. It is the settled policy of the Government, pursued from thebeginning and practised by all parties and Administrations, to raise thebulk of our revenue from taxes upon foreign productions entering theUnited States for sale and consumption, and avoiding, for the most part, every form of direct taxation, except in time of war. The country isclearly opposed to any needless additions to the subject of internaltaxation, and is committed by its latest popular utterance to the systemof tariff taxation. There can be no misunderstanding, either, about theprinciple upon which this tariff taxation shall be levied. Nothing hasever been made plainer at a general election than that the controllingprinciple in the raising of revenue from duties on imports is zealouscare for American interests and American labor. The people have declaredthat such legislation should be had as will give ample protection andencouragement to the industries and the development of our country. It is, therefore, earnestly hoped and expected that Congress will, atthe earliest practicable moment, enact revenue legislation that shallbe fair, reasonable, conservative, and just, and which, while supplyingsufficient revenue for public purposes, will still be signallybeneficial and helpful to every section and every enterprise of thepeople. To this policy we are all, of whatever party, firmly bound bythe voice of the people--a power vastly more potential than theexpression of any political platform. The paramount duty of Congress isto stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislationwhich has always been the firmest prop of the Treasury. The passage ofsuch a law or laws would strengthen the credit of the Government bothat home and abroad, and go far toward stopping the drain upon the goldreserve held for the redemption of our currency, which has been heavyand well-nigh constant for several years. In the revision of the tariff especial attention should be givento the re-enactment and extension of the reciprocity principle of thelaw of 1890, under which so great a stimulus was given to our foreigntrade in new and advantageous markets for our surplus agricultural andmanufactured products. The brief trial given this legislation amplyjustifies a further experiment and additional discretionary power inthe making of commercial treaties, the end in view always to be theopening up of new markets for the products of our country, by grantingconcessions to the products of other lands that we need and cannotproduce ourselves, and which do not involve any loss of labor to ourown people, but tend to increase their employment. The depression of the past four years has fallen with especialseverity upon the great body of toilers of the country, and upon nonemore than the holders of small farms. Agriculture has languished andlabor suffered. The revival of manufacturing will be a relief to both. No portion of our population is more devoted to the institution offree government nor more loyal in their support, while none bearsmore cheerfully or fully its proper share in the maintenance of theGovernment or is better entitled to its wise and liberal care andprotection. Legislation helpful to producers is beneficial to all. The depressed condition of industry on the farm and in the mine andfactory has lessened the ability of the people to meet the demands uponthem, and they rightfully expect that not only a system of revenueshall be established that will secure the largest income with the leastburden, but that every means will be taken to decrease, rather thanincrease, our public expenditures. Business conditions are not the mostpromising. It will take time to restore the prosperity of former years. If we cannot promptly attain it, we can resolutely turn our faces inthat direction and aid its return by friendly legislation. Howevertroublesome the situation may appear, Congress will not, I am sure, be found lacking in disposition or ability to relieve it as far aslegislation can do so. The restoration of confidence and the revival ofbusiness, which men of all parties so much desire, depend more largelyupon the prompt, energetic, and intelligent action of Congress thanupon any other single agency affecting the situation. It is inspiring, too, to remember that no great emergency in the onehundred and eight years of our eventful national life has ever arisenthat has not been met with wisdom and courage by the American people, with fidelity to their best interests and highest destiny, and to thehonor of the American name. These years of glorious history have exaltedmankind and advanced the cause of freedom throughout the world, andimmeasurably strengthened the precious free institutions which we enjoy. The people love and will sustain these institutions. The great essentialto our happiness and prosperity is that we adhere to the principles uponwhich the Government was established and insist upon their faithfulobservance. Equality of rights must prevail, and our laws be always andeverywhere respected and obeyed. We may have failed in the discharge ofour full duty as citizens of the great Republic, but it is consoling andencouraging to realize that free speech, a free press, free thought, free schools, the free and unmolested right of religious liberty andworship, and free and fair elections are dearer and more universallyenjoyed to-day than ever before. These guaranties must be sacredlypreserved and wisely strengthened. The constituted authorities must becheerfully and vigorously upheld. Lynchings must not be tolerated in agreat and civilized country like the United States; courts, not mobs, must execute the penalties of the law. The preservation of public order, the right of discussion, the integrity of courts, and the orderlyadministration of justice must continue forever the rock of safety uponwhich our Government securely rests. One of the lessons taught by the late election, which all can rejoicein, is that the citizens of the United States are both law-respectingand law-abiding people, not easily swerved from the path of patriotismand honor. This is in entire accord with the genius of our institutions, and but emphasizes the advantages of inculcating even a greater lovefor law and order in the future. Immunity should be granted to none whoviolate the laws, whether individuals, corporations, or communities; andas the Constitution imposes upon the President the duty of both its ownexecution, and of the statutes enacted in pursuance of its provisions, I shall endeavor carefully to carry them into effect. The declaration ofthe party now restored to power has been in the past that of "oppositionto all combinations of capital organized in trusts, or otherwise, tocontrol arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens, " and ithas supported "such legislation as will prevent the execution of allschemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their supplies, or byunjust rates for the transportation of their products to the market. "This purpose will be steadily pursued, both by the enforcement of thelaws now in existence and the recommendation and support of such newstatutes as may be necessary to carry it into effect. Our naturalization and immigration laws should be further improved tothe constant promotion of a safer, a better, and a higher citizenship. A grave peril to the Republic would be a citizenship too ignorant tounderstand or too vicious to appreciate the great value and beneficenceof our institutions and laws, and against all who come here to make warupon them our gates must be promptly and tightly closed. Nor must we beunmindful of the need of improvement among our own citizens, but withthe zeal of our forefathers encourage the spread of knowledge and freeeducation. Illiteracy must be banished from the land if we shall attainthat high destiny as the foremost of the enlightened nations of theworld which, under Providence, we ought to achieve. Reforms in the civil service must go on; but the changes should be realand genuine, not perfunctory, or prompted by a zeal in behalf of anyparty simply because it happens to be in power. As a member of CongressI voted and spoke in favor of the present law, and I shall attempt itsenforcement in the spirit in which it was enacted. The purpose in viewwas to secure the most efficient service of the best men who wouldaccept appointment under the Government, retaining faithful and devotedpublic servants in office, but shielding none, under the authority ofany rule or custom, who are inefficient, incompetent, or unworthy. Thebest interests of the country demand this, and the people heartilyapprove the law wherever and whenever it has been thus administrated. Congress should give prompt attention to the restoration of ourAmerican merchant marine, once the pride of the seas in all the greatocean highways of commerce. To my mind, few more important subjects soimperatively demand its intelligent consideration. The United Stateshas progressed with marvelous rapidity in every field of enterprise andendeavor until we have become foremost in nearly all the great linesof inland trade, commerce, and industry. Yet, while this is true, ourAmerican merchant marine has been steadily declining until it is nowlower, both in the percentage of tonnage and the number of vesselsemployed, than it was prior to the Civil War. Commendable progress hasbeen made of late years in the upbuilding of the American Navy, but wemust supplement these efforts by providing as a proper consort for it amerchant marine amply sufficient for our own carrying trade to foreigncountries. The question is one that appeals both to our businessnecessities and the patriotic aspirations of a great people. It has been the policy of the United States since the foundation ofthe Government to cultivate relations of peace and amity with all thenations of the world, and this accords with my conception of our dutynow. We have cherished the policy of non-interference with the affairsof foreign governments wisely inaugurated by Washington, keepingourselves free from entanglement, either as allies or foes, contentto leave undisturbed with them the settlement of their own domesticconcerns. It will be our aim to pursue a firm and dignified foreignpolicy, which shall be just, impartial, ever watchful of our nationalhonor, and always insisting upon the enforcement of the lawful rights ofAmerican citizens everywhere. Our diplomacy should seek nothing more andaccept nothing less than is due us. We want no wars of conquest; we mustavoid the temptation of territorial aggression. War should never beentered upon until every agency of peace has failed; peace is preferableto war in almost every contingency. Arbitration is the true method ofsettlement of international as well as local or individual differences. It was recognized as the best means of adjustment of differences betweenemployers and employees by the Forty-ninth Congress, in 1886, and itsapplication was extended to our diplomatic relations by the unanimousconcurrence of the Senate and House of the Fifty-first Congress in 1890. The latter resolution was accepted as the basis of negotiations withus by the British House of Commons in 1893, and upon our invitation atreaty of arbitration between the United States and Great Britain wassigned at Washington and transmitted to the Senate for its ratificationin January last. Since this treaty is clearly the result of our owninitiative; since it has been recognized as the leading feature of ourforeign policy throughout our entire national history--the adjustment ofdifficulties by judicial methods rather than force of arms--and sinceit presents to the world the glorious example of reason and peace, notpassion and war, controlling the relations between two of the greatestnations in the world, an example certain to be followed by others, I respectfully urge the early action of the Senate thereon, not merelyas a matter of policy, but as a duty to mankind. The importance andmoral influence of the ratification of such a treaty can hardly beoverestimated in the cause of advancing civilization. It may well engagethe best thought of the statesmen and people of every country, and Icannot but consider it fortunate that it was reserved to the UnitedStates to have the leadership in so grand a work. It has been the uniform practice of each President to avoid, as faras possible, the convening of Congress in extraordinary session. Itis an example which, under ordinary circumstances and in the absenceof a public necessity, is to be commended. But a failure to convenethe representatives of the people in Congress in extra session whenit involves neglect of a public duty places the responsibility ofsuch neglect upon the Executive himself. The condition of the publicTreasury, as has been indicated, demands the immediate consideration ofCongress. It alone has the power to provide revenues for the Government. Not to convene it under such circumstances I can view in no other sensethan the neglect of a plain duty. I do not sympathize with the sentimentthat Congress in session is dangerous to our general business interests. Its members are the agents of the people, and their presence at the seatof Government in the execution of the sovereign will should not operateas an injury, but a benefit. There could be no better time to put theGovernment upon a sound financial and economic basis than now. Thepeople have only recently voted that this should be done, and nothingis more binding upon the agents of their will than the obligation ofimmediate action. It has always seemed to me that the postponement ofthe meeting of Congress until more than a year after it has been chosendeprived Congress too often of the inspiration of the popular will andthe country of the corresponding benefits. It is evident, therefore, that to postpone action in the presence of so great a necessity wouldbe unwise on the part of the Executive because unjust to the interestsof the people. Our action now will be freer from mere partisanconsideration than if the question of tariff revision was postponeduntil the regular session of Congress. We are nearly two years from aCongressional election, and politics cannot so greatly distract us as ifsuch contest was immediately pending. We can approach the problem calmlyand patriotically, without fearing its effect upon an early election. Our fellow-citizens who may disagree with us upon the character of thislegislation prefer to have the question settled now, even against theirpreconceived views, and perhaps settled so reasonably, as I trust andbelieve it will be, as to insure great permanence, than to have furtheruncertainty menacing the vast and varied business interests of theUnited States. Again, whatever action Congress may take will be given afair opportunity for trial before the people are called to pass judgmentupon it, and this I consider a great essential to the rightful andlasting settlement of the question. In view of these considerations, Ishall deem it my duty as President to convene Congress in extraordinarysession on Monday, the 15th day of March, 1897. In conclusion, I congratulate the country upon the fraternal spirit ofthe people and the manifestations of good will everywhere so apparent. The recent election not only most fortunately demonstrated theobliteration of sectional or geographical lines, but to some extent alsothe prejudices which for years have distracted our councils and marredour true greatness as a nation. The triumph of the people, whose verdictis carried into effect to-day, is not the triumph of one section, norwholly of one party, but of all sections and all the people. The Northand the South no longer divide on the old lines, but upon principles andpolicies; and in this fact surely every lover of the country can findcause for true felicitation. Let us rejoice in and cultivate thisspirit; it is ennobling and will be both a gain and a blessing to ourbeloved country. It will be my constant aim to do nothing, and permitnothing to be done, that will arrest or disturb this growing sentimentof unity and co-operation, this revival of esteem and affiliation whichnow animates so many thousands in both the old antagonistic sections, but I shall cheerfully do everything possible to promote and increaseit. Let me again repeat the words of the oath administered by the ChiefJustice which, in their respective spheres, so far as applicable, Iwould have all my countrymen observe: "I will faithfully execute theoffice of President of the United States, and will, to the best of myability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the UnitedStates. " This is the obligation I have reverently taken before the LordMost High. To keep it will be my single purpose, my constant prayer; andI shall confidently rely upon the forbearance and assistance of all thepeople in the discharge of my solemn responsibilities. MESSAGES. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 15, 1897_. _To the Congress of the United States_: Regretting the necessity which has required me to call you together, I feel that your assembling in extraordinary session is indispensablebecause of the condition in which we find the revenues of theGovernment. It is conceded that its current expenditures are greaterthan its receipts, and that such a condition has existed for now morethan three years. With unlimited means at our command, we are presentingthe remarkable spectacle of increasing our public debt by borrowingmoney to meet the ordinary outlays incident upon even an economical andprudent administration of the Government. An examination of the subjectdiscloses this fact in every detail and leads inevitably to theconclusion that the condition of the revenue which allows it isunjustifiable and should be corrected. We find by the reports of the Secretary of the Treasury that therevenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, from all sourceswere $425, 868, 260. 22, and the expenditures for all purposes were$415, 953, 806. 56, leaving an excess of receipts over expenditures of$9, 914, 453. 66. During that fiscal year $40, 570, 467. 98 were paid upon thepublic debt, which had been reduced since March 1, 1889, $259, 076, 890, and the annual interest charge decreased $11, 684, 576. 60. The receiptsof the Government from all sources during the fiscal year endingJune 30, 1893, amounted to $461, 716, 561. 94, audits expenditures to$459, 374, 887. 65, showing an excess of receipts over expenditures of$2, 341, 674. 29. Since that time the receipts of no fiscal year, and with but fewexceptions of no month of any fiscal year, have exceeded theexpenditures. The receipts of the Government, from all sources, duringthe fiscal year ending June 30, 1894, were $372, 802, 498. 29, and itsexpenditures $442, 605, 758. 87, leaving a deficit, the first since theresumption of specie payments, of $69, 803, 260. 58. Notwithstanding therewas a decrease of $16, 769, 128. 78 in the ordinary expenses of theGovernment, as compared with the previous fiscal year, its income wasstill not sufficient to provide for its daily necessities, and the goldreserve in the Treasury for the redemption of greenbacks was drawn uponto meet them. But this did not suffice, and the Government then resortedto loans to replenish the reserve. In February, 1894, $50, 000, 000 in bonds were issued, and in Novemberfollowing a second issue of $50, 000, 000 was deemed necessary. The sum of$117, 171, 795 was realized by the sale of these bonds, but the reservewas steadily decreased until, on February 8, 1895, a third sale of$62, 315, 400 in bonds, for $65, 116, 244, was announced to Congress. The receipts of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, were $390, 373, 203. 30 and the expenditures $433, 178, 426. 48, showing adeficit of $42, 805, 223. 18. A further loan of $100, 000, 000 was negotiatedby the Government in February, 1896, the sale netting $111, 166, 246, and swelling the aggregate of bonds issued within three years to$262, 315, 400. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896, the revenues ofthe Government from all sources amounted to $409, 475, 408. 78, while itsexpenditures were $434, 678, 654. 48, or an excess of expenditures overreceipts of $25, 203, 245. 70. In other words, the total receipts for thethree fiscal years ending June 30, 1896, were insufficient by$137, 811, 729. 46 to meet the total expenditures. Nor has this condition since improved. For the first half of the presentfiscal year, the receipts of the Government, exclusive of postalrevenues, were $157, 507, 603. 76, and its expenditures, exclusive ofpostal service, $195, 410, 000. 22, or an excess of expenditures overreceipts of $37, 902, 396. 46. In January of this year, the receipts, exclusive of postal revenues, were $24, 316, 994. 05, and the expenditures, exclusive of postal service, $30, 269, 389. 29, a deficit of $5, 952, 395. 24for the month. In February of this year, the receipts, exclusive ofpostal revenues, were $24, 400, 997. 38, and expenditures, exclusive ofpostal service, $28, 796, 056. 66, a deficit of $4, 395, 059. 28; or a totaldeficiency of $186, 061, 580. 44 for the three years and eight monthsending March 1, 1897. Not only are we without a surplus in the Treasury, but with an increase in the public debt there has been a correspondingincrease in the annual interest charge, from $22, 893, 883. 20 in 1892, thelowest of any year since 1862, to $34, 387, 297. 60 in 1896, or an increaseof $11, 493, 414. 40. It may be urged that even if the revenues of the Government had beensufficient to meet all its ordinary expenses during the past threeyears, the gold reserve would still have been insufficient to meet thedemands upon it, and that bonds would necessarily have been issued forits repletion. Be this as it may, it is clearly manifest, withoutdenying or affirming the correctness of such a conclusion, that the debtwould have been decreased in at least the amount of the deficiency, andbusiness confidence immeasurably strengthened throughout the country. Congress should promptly correct the existing condition. Ample revenuesmust be supplied not only for the ordinary expenses of the Government, but for the prompt payment of liberal pensions and the liquidation ofthe principal and interest of the public debt. In raising revenue, duties should be so levied upon foreign products as to preserve the homemarket, so far as possible, to our own producers; to revive and increasemanufactures; to relieve and encourage agriculture; to increase ourdomestic and foreign commerce; to aid and develop mining and building;and to render to labor in every field of useful occupation the liberalwages and adequate rewards to which skill and industry are justlyentitled. The necessity of the passage of a tariff law which shallprovide ample revenue, need not be further urged. The imperative demandof the hour is the prompt enactment of such a measure, and to thisobject I earnestly recommend that Congress shall make every endeavor. Before other business is transacted, let us first provide sufficientrevenue to faithfully administer the Government without the contractingof further debt, or the continued disturbance of our finances. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _April 7, 1897_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: Information which has recently come to me from the governors ofArkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, and from prominent citizens ofthese States and Tennessee, warrants the conclusion that widespreaddistress, involving the destruction of a large amount of property andloss of human life, has resulted from the floods which have submergedthat section of the country. These are stated, on reliable authority, tobe the most destructive floods that have ever devastated the MississippiValley, the water being much higher than the highest stage it hasreached before. From Marion, Ark. , north of Memphis, to Greenville, Miss. , a distance of more than 250 miles by river, it is reported thereare now at least fifty towns and villages under water, and a territoryextending from 100 miles north of Memphis to 200 miles south, and from5 to 40 miles wide, is submerged. Hundreds of thousands of acres ofcultivated soil, with growing crops, are included in the submergedterritory. In this section alone there are from 50, 000 to 60, 000 peoplewhose property has been destroyed and whose business has been suspended. Growing crops have been ruined, thousands of cattle have been drowned, and the inhabitants of certain areas threatened with starvation. As agreat majority of the sufferers are small farmers, they have thus beenleft entirely destitute, and will be unprepared for work even after thefloods have subsided. The entire Mississippi Valley in Arkansas is flooded and communicationwith many points cut off. In Mississippi a like condition exists. Thelevees in Louisiana, with a single exception, have held; but the wateris rising and the situation there is reported as being extremelycritical. Under such circumstances the citizens of these States look for theco-operation and support of the National Government in relieving thepressing cases of destitution for food, clothing, and shelter, which arebeyond the reach of local efforts. The authorities who have communicatedwith the Executive recognize that their first and most energetic dutyis to provide as far as possible the means of caring for their owncitizens; but nearly all of them agree in the opinion that after theirresources have been exhausted a sum aggregating at least $150, 000 andpossibly $200, 000 will be required for immediate use. Precedents are not wanting that in such emergencies as this Congresshas taken prompt, generous, and intelligent action, involving theexpenditure of considerable sums of money, with satisfactory results. In 1874 $590, 000 was appropriated, and in 1882 $350, 000 was alsoappropriated for relief in same direction, besides large sums in otheryears. The citizens' relief committee of Memphis has taken prompt action, has already cared for from 6, 000 to 7, 000 refugees from the floodeddistricts, and they are still arriving in that city in large numbersdaily. Supplies and provisions have been sent to the various points inArkansas and Mississippi by this committee, but the utmost that can bedone by these efforts is to partly relieve the most acute cases ofsuffering. No action has yet been taken for the great majority of theinhabitants living in the interior, whose condition has already beendescribed. Under these conditions and having exerted themselves to the fullestextent, the local authorities have reluctantly confessed their inabilityto further cope with this distressing situation unaided by relief fromthe Government. It has therefore seemed to me that the representativesof the people should be promptly informed of the nature and extentof the suffering and needs of these stricken people, and I havecommunicated these facts in the hope and belief that the legislativebranch of the Government will promptly re-enforce the work of the localauthorities in the States named. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, April 14, 1897_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith for the consideration of the respective Housesof the Congress, a report of the Secretary of State representing theappropriateness of early action in order that the Government of theUnited States may be enabled to accept the invitation of that of theFrench Republic to participate in the Universal Exposition to be heldat Paris in 1900. The recommendations of this report have my most cordial approval, and I urge upon the Congress such timely provision for this greatinternational enterprise as will fittingly respond to the widelytestified wish and expectation of our inventors and producers that theymay have adequate opportunity again, as in the past, to fortify theimportant positions that have won in the world's competitive fieldsof discovery and industry. Nor are the traditional friendships of theUnited States and France and the mutual advantages to accrue fromtheir enlarged commercial intercourse less important factors than theindividual interests to be fostered by renewed participation in a greatFrench exposition, especially when it is remembered that the presentdisplay is projected with a degree of completeness and on a scale ofmagnificence beyond any of the European exhibitions that have markedthe close of the century. It is proper that I should emphasize the need of early action, for ifthe present session pass without suitable provision being made, thepostponement of the matter for nearly a year longer could not butoperate greatly to the disadvantage of the United States, in view of theelaborate preparations already making by other governments, and of thedanger that further delay may result in an inadequate allotment of spaceto this country as well as an incomplete organization of the Americanexhibit. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, May 3, 1897_. _To the Congress of the United States_: I transmit a report from the Secretary of State reciting thecircumstances attending the lynching at Hahnville, La. , on the nightof August 8, 1896, of three Italian subjects, named Salvatore Arena, Giuseppe Venturelia, and Lorenzo Salardino, and I recommend theappropriation by Congress, without admitting the liability of theGovernment of the United States in the premises, of the sum of $6, 000, to be paid by the Secretary of State to the Government of Italy, and tobe distributed by that government in such manner as it may deem properamong the heirs of the three Italian subjects above named. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, May 13, 1897_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I transmit herewith, in response to the Senate resolution of April 22, 1897, addressed to the Secretary of State, a report from that officerrelative to diplomatic and consular reports on postal savings bankssystems in foreign countries. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 17, 1897_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States_: Official information from our consuls in Cuba establishes the fact thata large number of American citizens in the island are in a state ofdestitution, suffering for want of food and medicines. This appliesparticularly to the rural districts of the central and eastern parts. The agricultural classes have been forced from their farms intothe nearest towns, where they are without work or money. The localauthorities of the several towns, however kindly disposed, are unable torelieve the needs of their own people, and are altogether powerless tohelp our citizens. The latest report of Consul-General Lee estimates six to eighthundred Americans are without means of support. I have assured him thatprovision would be made at once to relieve them. To that end I recommendthat Congress make an appropriation of not less than $50, 000, to beimmediately available for use, under the direction of the Secretary ofState. It is desirable that a part of the sum which may be appropriated byCongress should, in the discretion of the Secretary of State, also beused for the transportation of American citizens who, desiring to returnto the United States, are without means to do so. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _July 1, 1897_. _To the Congress of the United States_: On the 15th ultimo all the buildings of the immigration station at EllisIsland, New York, excepting the heating plant and lighting apparatus, were destroyed by fire. I transmit herewith a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, whichstates the fact and explains the need of rebuilding. In order that there may be no delay in this important work, I recommendthat an appropriation be made at once of $600, 000, the sum estimated bythe Secretary of the Treasury as required for this purpose. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, July 23, 1897_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I transmit herewith a report from the Acting Secretary of State, with anaccompanying paper, in response to the resolution of the Senate of July12, 1897, requesting the Secretary of State to send to the diplomaticrepresentatives of the United States abroad a circular letter, similarto the one sent by Secretary Elaine on May 20, 1881, instructing them toobtain from the several foreign governments to which they are accreditedas full information as possible (including copy of laws relatingthereto) as to the nature and practical workings (including expenses, receipts, and rates) of the postal telegraphs, telephones, and postalsavings banks of such countries as have adopted the same. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _July 24, 1897_. _To the Congress of the United States_: In my message convening the Congress in extraordinary session I calledattention to a single subject--that of providing revenue adequate tomeet the reasonable and proper expenses of the Government. I believedthat to be the most pressing subject for settlement then. A bill toprovide the necessary revenues for the Government has already passed theHouse of Representatives and the Senate and awaits executive action. Another question of very great importance is that of the establishmentof our currency and banking system on a better basis, which I commentedupon in my inaugural address in the following words: Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must not further be threatened. It should all be put upon an enduring basis, not subject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. The several forms of our paper money offer, in my judgment, a constant embarrassment to the Government and imperil a safe balance in the Treasury. Nothing was settled more clearly at the late national election than thedetermination upon the part of the people to keep their currency stablein value and equal to that of the most advanced nations of the world. The soundness of our currency is nowhere questioned. No loss can occurto its holders. It is the system which should be simplified andstrengthened, keeping our money just as good as it is now with lessexpense to the Government and the people. The sentiment of the country is strongly in favor of early actionby Congress in this direction, to revise our currency laws and removethem from partisan contention. A notable assembly of business menwith delegates from twenty-nine States and Territories was held atIndianapolis in January of this year. The financial situation commandedtheir earnest attention, and after a two days' session the conventionrecommended to Congress the appointment of a monetary commission. I recommend this report to the consideration of Congress. The authors ofthe report recommend a commission "to make a thorough investigation ofthe monetary affairs and needs of this country in all relations andaspects, and to make proper suggestions as to any evils found to existand the remedies therefor. " This subject should receive the attention of Congress at its specialsession. It ought not to be postponed until the regular session. I therefore urgently recommend that a special commission be created, non-partisan in its character, to be composed of well-informed citizensof different parties who will command the confidence of Congress and thecountry because of their special fitness for the work, whose duty itshall be to make recommendations of whatever changes in our presentbanking and currency laws may be found necessary and expedient, and toreport their conclusions on or before the 1st day of November next, inorder that the same may be transmitted by me to Congress for itsconsideration at its first regular session. It is to be hoped that the report thus made will be so comprehensive andsound as to receive the support of all parties and the favorable actionof Congress. At all events, such a report cannot fail to be of value tothe executive branch of the Government, as well as to those charged withpublic legislation, and to greatly assist in the establishment of animproved system of finance. WILLIAM McKINLEY. FIRST ANNUAL MESSAGE. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 6, 1897_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: It gives me pleasure to extend greeting to the Fifty-fifth Congress, assembled in regular session at the seat of Government, with manyof whose Senators and Representatives I have been associated in thelegislative service. Their meeting occurs under felicitous conditions, justifying sincere congratulation and calling for our gratefulacknowledgment to a beneficent Providence which has so signally blessedand prospered us as a nation. Peace and good will with all the nationsof the earth continue unbroken. A matter of genuine satisfaction is the growing feeling of fraternalregard and unification of all sections of our country, theincompleteness of which has too long delayed realization of the highestblessings of the Union. The spirit of patriotism is universal and isever increasing in fervor. The public questions which now most engrossus are lifted far above either partisanship, prejudice, or formersectional differences. They affect every part of our common countryalike and permit of no division on ancient lines. Questions of foreignpolicy, of revenue, the soundness of the currency, the inviolability ofnational obligations, the improvement of the public service, appeal tothe individual conscience of every earnest citizen to whatever party hebelongs or in whatever section of the country he may reside. The extra session of this Congress which closed during July lastenacted important legislation, and while its full effect has not yetbeen realized, what it has already accomplished assures us of itstimeliness and wisdom. To test its permanent value further time will berequired, and the people, satisfied with its operation and results thusfar, are in no mind to withhold from it a fair trial. Tariff legislation having been settled by the extra session of Congress, the question next pressing for consideration is that of the currency. The work of putting our finances upon a sound basis, difficult asit may seem, will appear easier when we recall the financial operationsof the Government since 1866. On the 30th day of June of that yearwe had outstanding demand liabilities in the sum of $728, 868, 447. 41. On the 1st of January, 1879, these liabilities had been reduced to$443, 889, 495. 88. Of our interest-bearing obligations, the figuresare even more striking. On July 1, 1866, the principal of theinterest-bearing debt of the Government was $2, 332, 331, 208. On the1st day of July, 1893, this sum had been reduced to $585, 037, 100, or anaggregate reduction of $1, 747, 294, 108. The interest-bearing debt of theUnited States on the 1st day of December, 1897, was $847, 365, 620. TheGovernment money now outstanding (December 1) consists of $346, 681, 016of United States notes, $107, 793, 280 of Treasury notes issued byauthority of the law of 1890, $384, 963, 504 of silver certificates, and$61, 280, 761 of standard silver dollars. With the great resources of the Government, and with the honorableexample of the past before us, we ought not to hesitate to enter upon acurrency revision which will make our demand obligations less onerous tothe Government and relieve our financial laws from ambiguity and doubt. The brief review of what was accomplished from the close of the warto 1893, makes unreasonable and groundless any distrust either of ourfinancial ability or soundness; while the situation from 1893 to 1897must admonish Congress of the immediate necessity of so legislating asto make the return of the conditions then prevailing impossible. There are many plans proposed as a remedy for the evil. Before we canfind the true remedy we must appreciate the real evil. It is not thatour currency of every kind is not good, for every dollar of it is good;good because the Government's pledge is out to keep it so, and thatpledge will not be broken. However, the guaranty of our purpose to keepthe pledge will be best shown by advancing toward its fulfillment. The evil of the present system is found in the great cost to theGovernment of maintaining the parity of our different forms of money, that is, keeping all of them at par with gold. We surely cannot belonger heedless of the burden this imposes upon the people, even underfairly prosperous conditions, while the past four years havedemonstrated that it is not only an expensive charge upon theGovernment, but a dangerous menace to the National credit. It is manifest that we must devise some plan to protect the Governmentagainst bond issues for repeated redemptions. We must either curtail theopportunity for speculation, made easy by the multiplied redemptionsof our demand obligations, or increase the gold reserve for theirredemption. We have $900, 000, 000 of currency which the Government bysolemn enactment has undertaken to keep at par with gold. Nobody isobliged to redeem in gold but the Government. The banks are not requiredto redeem in gold. The Government is obliged to keep equal with gold allits outstanding currency and coin obligations, while its receipts arenot required to be paid in gold. They are paid in every kind of moneybut gold, and the only means by which the Government can with certaintyget gold is by borrowing. It can get it in no other way when it mostneeds it. The Government without any fixed gold revenue is pledged tomaintain gold redemption, which it has steadily and faithfully done, and which, under the authority now given, it will continue to do. The law which requires the Government, after having redeemed its UnitedStates notes, to pay them out again as current funds, demands a constantreplenishment of the gold reserve. This is especially so in times ofbusiness panic and when the revenues are insufficient to meet theexpenses of the Government. At such times the Government has no otherway to supply its deficit and maintain redemption but through theincrease of its bonded debt, as during the Administration of mypredecessor, when $262, 315, 400 of four-and-a-half per cent bonds wereissued and sold and the proceeds used to pay the expenses of theGovernment in excess of the revenues and sustain the gold reserve. Whileit is true that the greater part of the proceeds of these bonds wereused to supply deficient revenues, a considerable portion was requiredto maintain the gold reserve. With our revenues equal to our expenses, there would be no deficitrequiring the issuance of bonds. But if the gold reserve falls below$100, 000, 000, how will it be replenished except by selling more bonds?Is there any other way practicable under existing law? The seriousquestion then is, Shall we continue the policy that has been pursued inthe past; that is, when the gold reserve reaches the point of danger, issue more bonds and supply the needed gold, or shall we provide othermeans to prevent these recurring drains upon the gold reserve? If nofurther legislation is had and the policy of selling bonds is to becontinued, then Congress should give the Secretary of the Treasuryauthority to sell bonds at long or short periods, bearing a less rate ofinterest than is now authorized by law. I earnestly recommend, as soon as the receipts of the Government arequite sufficient to pay all the expenses of the Government, that whenany of the United States notes are presented for redemption in gold andare redeemed in gold, such notes shall be kept and set apart, and onlypaid out in exchange for gold. This is an obvious duty. If the holder ofthe United States note prefers the gold and gets it from the Government, he should not receive back from the Government a United States notewithout paying gold in exchange for it. The reason for this is madeall the more apparent when the Government issues an interest-bearingdebt to provide gold for the redemption of United States notes--anon-interest-bearing debt. Surely it should not pay them out againexcept on demand and for gold. If they are put out in any other way, they may return again to be followed by another bond issue to redeemthem--another interest-bearing debt to redeem a non-interest-bearingdebt. In my view, it is of the utmost importance that the Governmentshould be relieved from the burden of providing all the gold requiredfor exchanges and export. This responsibility is alone borne by theGovernment, without any of the usual and necessary banking powers tohelp itself. The banks do not feel the strain of gold redemption. Thewhole strain rests upon the Government, and the size of the gold reservein the Treasury has come to be, with or without reason, the signal ofdanger or of security. This ought to be stopped. If we are to have an era of prosperity in the country, with sufficientreceipts for the expenses of the Government, we may feel no immediateembarrassment from our present currency; but the danger still exists, and will be ever present, menacing us so long as the existing systemcontinues. And, besides, it is in times of adequate revenues andbusiness tranquillity that the Government should prepare for the worst. We cannot avoid, without serious consequences, the wise considerationand prompt solution of this question. The Secretary of the Treasury has outlined a plan, in great detail, forthe purpose of removing the threatened recurrence of a depleted goldreserve and save us from future embarrassment on that account. To thisplan I invite your careful consideration. I concur with the Secretary of the Treasury in his recommendation thatNational banks be allowed to issue notes to the face value of the bondswhich they have deposited for circulation, and that the tax oncirculating notes secured by deposit of such bonds be reduced toone-half of one per cent per annum. I also join him in recommending thatauthority be given for the establishment of National banks with aminimum capital of $25, 000. This will enable the smaller villages andagricultural regions of the country to be supplied with currency to meettheir needs. I recommend that the issue of National bank notes be restricted to thedenomination of ten dollars and upwards. If the suggestions I haveherein made shall have the approval of Congress, then I would recommendthat National banks be required to redeem their notes in gold. * * * * * [See Vol. X, pp. 127-136. ] Not a single American citizen is now in arrest or confinement in Cuba ofwhom this Government has any knowledge. The near future will demonstratewhether the indispensable condition of a righteous peace, just alike tothe Cubans and to Spain as well as equitable to all our interests sointimately involved in the welfare of Cuba, is likely to be attained. Ifnot, the exigency of further and other action by the United States willremain to be taken. When that time comes that action will be determinedin the line of indisputable right and duty. It will be faced, withoutmisgiving or hesitancy in the light of the obligation this Governmentowes to itself, to the people who have confided to it the protection oftheir interests and honor, and to humanity. Sure of the right, keeping free from all offense ourselves, actuatedonly by upright and patriotic considerations, moved neither by passionnor selfishness, the Government will continue its watchful care overthe rights and property of American citizens and will abate none ofits efforts to bring about by peaceful agencies a peace which shallbe honorable and enduring. If it shall hereafter appear to be a dutyimposed by our obligations to ourselves, to civilization and humanityto intervene with force, it shall be without fault on our part and onlybecause the necessity for such action will be so clear as to command thesupport and approval of the civilized world. By a special message dated the 16th day of June last, I laid beforethe Senate a treaty signed that day by the plenipotentiaries of theUnited States and of the Republic of Hawaii, having for its purposethe incorporation of the Hawaiian Islands as an integral part of theUnited States and under its sovereignty. The Senate having removed theinjunction of secrecy, although the treaty is still pending before thatbody, the subject may be properly referred to in this Message becausethe necessary action of the Congress is required to determine bylegislation many details of the eventual union should the fact ofannexation be accomplished, as I believe it should be. While consistently disavowing from a very early period any aggressivepolicy of absorption in regard to the Hawaiian group, a long series ofdeclarations through three-quarters of a century has proclaimed thevital interest of the United States in the independent life of theIslands and their intimate commercial dependence upon this country. Atthe same time it has been repeatedly asserted that in no event could theentity of Hawaiian statehood cease by the passage of the Islands underthe domination or influence of another power than the United States. Under these circumstances, the logic of events required that annexation, heretofore offered but declined, should in the ripeness of time comeabout as the natural result of the strengthening ties that bind us tothose Islands, and be realized by the free will of the Hawaiian State. That treaty was unanimously ratified without amendment by the Senate andPresident of the Republic of Hawaii on the 10th of September last, andonly awaits the favorable action of the American Senate to effect thecomplete absorption of the Islands into the domain of the United States. What the conditions of such a union shall be, the political relationthereof to the United States, the character of the local administration, the quality and degree of the elective franchise of the inhabitants, theextension of the federal laws to the territory or the enactment ofspecial laws to fit the peculiar condition thereof, the regulation ifneed be of the labor system therein, are all matters which the treatyhas wisely relegated to the Congress. If the treaty is confirmed as every consideration of dignity and honorrequires, the wisdom of Congress will see to it that, avoiding abruptassimilation of elements perhaps hardly yet fitted to share in thehighest franchises of citizenship, and having due regard to thegeographical conditions, the most just provisions for self-rule in localmatters with the largest political liberties as an integral part of ourNation will be accorded to the Hawaiians. No less is due to a peoplewho, after nearly five years of demonstrated capacity to fulfill theobligations of self-governing statehood, come of their free will tomerge their destinies in our body-politic. The questions which have arisen between Japan and Hawaii by reason ofthe treatment of Japanese laborers emigrating to the Islands under theHawaiian-Japanese convention of 1888, are in a satisfactory stage ofsettlement by negotiation. This Government has not been invited tomediate, and on the other hand has sought no intervention in thatmatter, further than to evince its kindliest disposition toward such aspeedy and direct adjustment by the two sovereign States in interest asshall comport with equity and honor. It is gratifying to learn that theapprehensions at first displayed on the part of Japan lest the cessationof Hawaii's national life through annexation might impair privileges towhich Japan honorably laid claim, have given place to confidence in theuprightness of this Government, and in the sincerity of its purpose todeal with all possible ulterior questions in the broadest spirit offriendliness. As to the representation of this Government to Nicaragua, Salvador, andCosta Rica, I have concluded that Mr. William L. Merry, confirmed asminister of the United States to the States of Nicaragua, Salvador andCosta Rica, shall proceed to San José, Costa Rica, and there temporarilyestablish the headquarters of the United States to those three States. I took this action for what I regarded as the paramount interests ofthis country. It was developed upon an investigation by the Secretary ofState that the Government of Nicaragua, while not unwilling to receiveMr. Merry in his diplomatic quality, was unable to do so because of thecompact concluded June 20, 1895, whereby that Republic and those ofSalvador and Honduras, forming what is known as the Greater Republic ofCentral America, had surrendered to the representative Diet thereoftheir right to receive and send diplomatic agents. The Diet was notwilling to accept him because he was not accredited to that body. Icould not accredit him to that body because the appropriation law ofCongress did not permit it. Mr. Baker, the present minister at Managua, has been directed to present his letters of recall. Mr. W. Godfrey Hunter has likewise been accredited to the Governmentsof Guatemala and Honduras, the same as his predecessor. Guatemala is nota member of the Greater Republic of Central America, but Honduras is. Should this latter Government decline to receive him, he has beeninstructed to report this fact to his Government and await its furtherinstructions. A subject of large importance to our country, and increasingappreciation on the part of the people, is the completion of the greathighway of trade between the Atlantic and Pacific, known as theNicaragua Canal. Its utility and value to American commerce isuniversally admitted. The Commission appointed under date of July 24last "to continue the surveys and examinations authorized by the actapproved March 2, 1895, " in regard to "the proper route, feasibility, and cost of construction of the Nicaragua Canal, with a view of makingcomplete plans for the entire work of construction of such canal, " isnow employed in the undertaking. In the future I shall take occasion totransmit to Congress the report of this Commission, making at the sametime such further suggestions as may then seem advisable. Under the provisions of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1897, for the promotion of an international agreement respecting bimetallism, I appointed on the 14th day of April, 1897, Hon. Edward O. Wolcott ofColorado, Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois, and Hon. Charles J. Paineof Massachusetts, as special envoys to represent the United States. They have been diligent in their efforts to secure the concurrence andcooperation of European countries in the international settlement of thequestion, but up to this time have not been able to secure an agreementcontemplated by their mission. The gratifying action of our great sister Republic of France in joiningthis country in the attempt to bring about an agreement among theprincipal commercial nations of Europe, whereby a fixed and relativevalue between gold and silver shall be secured, furnishes assurance thatwe are not alone among the larger nations of the world in realizing theinternational character of the problem and in the desire of reachingsome wise and practical solution of it. The British Government haspublished a _résumé_ of the steps taken jointly by the Frenchambassador in London and the special envoys of the United States, withwhom our ambassador at London actively co-operated in the presentationof this subject to Her Majesty's Government. This will be laid beforeCongress. Our special envoys have not made their final report, as furthernegotiations between the representatives of this Government and theGovernments of other countries are pending and in contemplation. They believe that doubts which have been raised in certain quartersrespecting the position of maintaining the stability of the paritybetween the metals and kindred questions may yet be solved by furthernegotiations. Meanwhile it gives me satisfaction to state that the special envoys havealready demonstrated their ability and fitness to deal with the subject, and it is to be earnestly hoped that their labors may result in aninternational agreement which will bring about recognition of both goldand silver as money upon such terms, and with such safeguards as willsecure the use of both metals upon a basis which shall work no injusticeto any class of our citizens. In order to execute as early as possible the provisions of the third andfourth sections of the Revenue Act, approved July 24, 1897, I appointedthe Hon. John A. Kasson of Iowa, a special commissioner plenipotentiaryto undertake the requisite negotiations with foreign countries desiringto avail themselves of these provisions. The negotiations are nowproceeding with several Governments, both European and American. It isbelieved that by a careful exercise of the powers conferred by that Actsome grievances of our own and of other countries in our mutual traderelations may be either removed, or largely alleviated, and that thevolume of our commercial exchanges may be enlarged, with advantage toboth contracting parties. Most desirable from every standpoint of national interest and patriotismis the effort to extend our foreign commerce. To this end our merchantmarine should be improved and enlarged. We should do our full share ofthe carrying trade of the world. We do not do it now. We should be thelaggard no longer. The inferiority of our merchant marine is justlyhumiliating to the national pride. The Government by every properconstitutional means, should aid in making our ships familiar visitorsat every commercial port of the world, thus opening up new and valuablemarkets to the surplus products of the farm and the factory. The efforts which had been made during the two previous years by mypredecessor to secure better protection to the fur seals in the NorthPacific Ocean and Bering Sea, were renewed at an early date by thisAdministration, and have been pursued with earnestness. Upon myinvitation, the Governments of Japan and Russia sent delegates toWashington, and an international conference was held during the monthsof October and November last, wherein it was unanimously agreed thatunder the existing regulations this species of useful animals wasthreatened with extinction, and that an international agreement of allthe interested powers was necessary for their adequate protection. The Government of Great Britain did not see proper to be represented atthis conference, but subsequently sent to Washington, as delegates, theexpert commissioners of Great Britain and Canada who had, during thepast two years, visited the Pribilof Islands, and who met in conferencesimilar commissioners on the part of the United States. The result ofthis conference was an agreement on important facts connected with thecondition of the seal herd, heretofore in dispute, which should placebeyond controversy the duty of the Governments concerned to adoptmeasures without delay for the preservation and restoration of the herd. Negotiations to this end are now in progress, the result of which I hopeto be able to report to Congress at an early day. International arbitration cannot be omitted from the list of subjectsclaiming our consideration. Events have only served to strengthen thegeneral views on this question expressed in my inaugural address. Thebest sentiment of the civilized world is moving toward the settlementof differences between nations without resorting to the horrors of war. Treaties embodying these humane principles on broad lines, without inany way imperiling our interests or our honor, shall have my constantencouragement. The acceptance by this Government of the invitation of the Republic ofFrance to participate in the Universal Exposition of 1900, at Paris, wasimmediately followed by the appointment of a special commissioner torepresent the United States in the proposed exposition, with specialreference to the securing of space for an adequate exhibit on behalf ofthe United States. The special commissioner delayed his departure for Paris long enoughto ascertain the probable demand for space by American exhibitors. Hisinquiries developed an almost unprecedented interest in the proposedexposition, and the information thus acquired enabled him to justifyan application for a much larger allotment of space for the Americansection than had been reserved by the exposition authorities. The resultwas particularly gratifying, in view of the fact that the United Stateswas one of the last countries to accept the invitation of France. The reception accorded our special commissioner was most cordial, and he was given every reasonable assurance that the United Stateswould receive a consideration commensurate with the proportions of ourexhibit. The report of the special commissioner as to the magnitudeand importance of the coming exposition, and the great demand forspace by American exhibitors, supplies new arguments for a liberaland judicious appropriation by Congress, to the end that an exhibitfairly representative of the industries and resources of our country maybe made in an exposition which will illustrate the world's progressduring the nineteenth century. That exposition is intended to be themost important and comprehensive of the long series of internationalexhibitions, of which our own at Chicago was a brilliant example, andit is desirable that the United States should make a worthy exhibit ofAmerican genius and skill and their unrivaled achievements in everybranch of industry. The present immediately effective force of the Navy consists of fourbattle ships of the first class, two of the second, and forty-eightother vessels, ranging from armored cruisers to torpedo boats. There areunder construction five battle ships of the first class, sixteen torpedoboats, and one submarine boat. No provision has yet been made for thearmor of three of the five battle ships, as it has been impossible toobtain it at the price fixed by Congress. It is of great importance thatCongress provide this armor, as until then the ships are of no fightingvalue. The present naval force, especially in view of its increase by theships now under construction, while not as large as that of a few otherpowers, is a formidable force; its vessels are the very best of eachtype; and with the increase that should be made to it from time to timein the future, and careful attention to keeping it in a high state ofefficiency and repair, it is well adapted to the necessities of thecountry. The great increase of the Navy which has taken place in recent years wasjustified by the requirements for national defense, and has receivedpublic approbation. The time has now arrived, however, when thisincrease, to which the country is committed, should, for a time, takethe form of increased facilities commensurate with the increase of ournaval vessels. It is an unfortunate fact that there is only one dock onthe Pacific Coast capable of docking our largest ships, and only one onthe Atlantic Coast, and that the latter has for the last six or sevenmonths been under repair and therefore incapable of use. Immediate stepsshould be taken to provide three or four docks of this capacity on theAtlantic Coast, at least one on the Pacific Coast, and a floating dockin the Gulf. This is the recommendation of a very competent Board, appointed to investigate the subject. There should also be ampleprovision made for powder and projectiles, and other munitions of war, and for an increased number of officers and enlisted men. Some additionsare also necessary to our navy-yards, for the repair and care of ourlarge number of vessels. As there are now on the stocks five battleships of the largest class, which cannot be completed for a year or two, I concur with the recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy for anappropriation authorizing the construction of one battle ship for thePacific Coast, where, at present, there is only one in commission andone under construction, while on the Atlantic Coast there are three incommission and four under construction; and also that several torpedoboats be authorized in connection with our general system of coastdefense. The Territory of Alaska requires the prompt and early attention ofCongress. The conditions now existing demand material changes in thelaws relating to the Territory. The great influx of population duringthe past summer and fall and the prospect of a still larger immigrationin the spring will not permit us to longer neglect the extension ofcivil authority within the Territory or postpone the establishment of amore thorough government. A general system of public surveys has not yet been extended to Alaskaand all entries thus far made in that district are upon special surveys. The act of Congress extending to Alaska the mining laws of the UnitedStates contained the reservation that it should not be construed to putin force the general land laws of the country. By act approved March 3, 1891, authority was given for entry of lands for town-site purposes andalso for the purchase of not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres thenor thereafter occupied for purposes of trade and manufacture. Thepurpose of Congress as thus far expressed has been that only such rightsshould apply to that Territory as should be specifically named. It will be seen how much remains to be done for that vast and remoteand yet promising portion of our country. Special authority was given tothe President by the Act of Congress approved July 24, 1897, to dividethat Territory into two land districts and to designate the boundariesthereof and to appoint registers and receivers of said land offices, andthe President was also authorized to appoint a surveyor-general for theentire district. Pursuant to this authority, a surveyor-general andreceiver have been appointed, with offices at Sitka. If in the ensuingyear the conditions justify it, the additional land district authorizedby law will be established, with an office at some point in the YukonValley. No appropriation, however, was made for this purpose, and thatis now necessary to be done for the two land districts into which theTerritory is to be divided. I concur with the Secretary of War in his suggestions as to thenecessity for a military force in the Territory of Alaska for theprotection of persons and property. Already a small force, consisting oftwenty-five men, with two officers, under command of Lieutenant-ColonelRandall, of the Eighth Infantry, has been sent to St. Michael toestablish a military post. As it is to the interest of the Government to encourage the developmentand settlement of the country and its duty to follow up its citizensthere with the benefits of legal machinery, I earnestly urge uponCongress the establishment of a system of government with suchflexibility as will enable it to adjust itself to the future areas ofgreatest population. The startling though possibly exaggerated reports from the Yukon Rivercountry, of the probable shortage of food for the large number of peoplewho are wintering there without the means of leaving the country areconfirmed in such measure as to justify bringing the matter to theattention of Congress. Access to that country in winter can be had onlyby the passes from Dyea and vicinity, which is a most difficult andperhaps an impossible task. However, should these reports of thesuffering of our fellow-citizens be further verified, every effort atany cost should be made to carry them relief. For a number of years past it has been apparent that the conditionsunder which the Five Civilized Tribes were established in the IndianTerritory under treaty provisions with the United States, with the rightof self-government and the exclusion of all white persons from withintheir borders, have undergone so complete a change as to render thecontinuance of the system thus inaugurated practically impossible. Thetotal number of the Five Civilized Tribes, as shown by the last census, is 45, 494, and this number has not materially increased; while the whitepopulation is estimated at from 200, 000 to 250, 000 which, by permissionof the Indian Government has settled in the Territory. The present areaof the Indian Territory contains 25, 694, 564 acres, much of which is veryfertile land. The United States citizens residing in the Territory, mostof whom have gone there by invitation or with the consent of the tribalauthorities, have made permanent homes for themselves. Numerous townshave been built in which from 500 to 5, 000 white people now reside. Valuable residences and business houses have been erected in many ofthem. Large business enterprises are carried on in which vast sumsof money are employed, and yet these people, who have invested theircapital in the development of the productive resources of the country, are without title to the land they occupy, and have no voice whateverin the government either of the Nations or Tribes. Thousands of theirchildren who were born in the Territory are of school age, but the doorsof the schools of the Nations are shut against them, and what educationthey get is by private contribution. No provision for the protection ofthe life or property of these white citizens is made by the TribalGovernments and Courts. The Secretary of the Interior reports that leading Indians haveabsorbed great tracts of land to the exclusion of the common people, andgovernment by an Indian aristocracy has been practically established, tothe detriment of the people. It has been found impossible for the UnitedStates to keep its citizens out of the Territory, and the executoryconditions contained in the treaties with these Nations have for themost part become impossible of execution. Nor has it been possible forthe Tribal Governments to secure to each individual Indian his fullenjoyment in common with other Indians of the common property of theNations. Friends of the Indians have long believed that the bestinterests of the Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes would be found inAmerican citizenship, with all the rights and privileges which belong tothat condition. By section 16, of the act of March 3, 1893, the President was authorizedto appoint three commissioners to enter into negotiations with theCherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Muscogee (or Creek), and Seminole Nations, commonly known as the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory. Briefly, the purposes of the negotiations were to be: The extinguishmentof Tribal titles to any lands within that Territory now held by any andall such Nations or Tribes, either by cession of the same or some partthereof to the United States, or by allotment and division of the samein severalty among the Indians of such Nations or Tribes respectively asmay be entitled to the same, or by such other method as may be agreedupon between the several Nations and Tribes aforesaid, or each of them, with the United States, with a view to such an adjustment upon the basisof justice and equity as may, with the consent of the said Nations ofIndians so far as may be necessary, be requisite and suitable to enablethe ultimate creation of a State or States of the Union which shallembrace the lands within said Indian Territory. The Commission met much opposition from the beginning. The Indianswere very slow to act, and those in control manifested a decideddisinclination to meet with favor the propositions submitted to them. A little more than three years after this organization the Commissioneffected an agreement with the Choctaw Nation alone. The Chickasaws, however, refused to agree to its terms, and as they have a commoninterest with the Choctaws in the lands of said Nations, the agreementwith the latter Nation could have no effect without the consent of theformer. On April 23, 1897, the Commission effected an agreement withboth tribes--the Choctaws and Chickasaws. This agreement, it isunderstood, has been ratified by the constituted authorities of therespective Tribes or Nations parties thereto, and only requiresratification by Congress to make it binding. On the 27th of September, 1897, an agreement was effected with the CreekNation, but it is understood that the National Council of said Nationhas refused to ratify the same. Negotiations are yet to be had with theCherokees, the most populous of the Five Civilized Tribes, and with theSeminoles, the smallest in point of numbers and territory. The provision in the Indian Appropriation Act, approved June 10, 1896, makes it the duty of the Commission to investigate and determine therights of applicants for citizenship in the Five Civilized Tribes, and to make complete census rolls of the citizens of said Tribes. TheCommission is at present engaged in this work among the Creeks, and hasmade appointments for taking the census of these people up to andincluding the 30th of the present month. Should the agreement between the Choctaws and Chickasaws be ratified byCongress and should the other Tribes fail to make an agreement with theCommission, then it will be necessary that some legislation shall be hadby Congress, which, while just and honorable to the Indians, shall beequitable to the white people who have settled upon these lands byinvitation of the Tribal Nations. Hon. Henry L. Dawes, Chairman of the Commission, in a letter to theSecretary of the Interior, under date of October 11, 1897, says:"Individual ownership is, in their (the Commission's) opinion, absolutely essential to any permanent improvement in present conditions, and the lack of it is the root of nearly all the evils which sogrievously afflict these people. Allotment by agreement is the onlypossible method, unless the United States Courts are clothed with theauthority to apportion the lands among the citizen Indians for whose useit was originally granted. " I concur with the Secretary of the Interior that there can be no curefor the evils engendered by the perversion of these great trusts, excepting by their resumption by the Government which created them. The recent prevalence of yellow fever in a number of cities and townsthroughout the South has resulted in much disturbance of commerce, anddemonstrated the necessity of such amendments to our quarantine lawsas will make the regulations of the national quarantine authoritiesparamount. The Secretary of the Treasury, in the portion of his reportrelating to the operation of the Marine Hospital Service, callsattention to the defects in the present quarantine laws, and recommendsamendments thereto which will give the Treasury Department the requisiteauthority to prevent the invasion of epidemic diseases from foreigncountries, and in times of emergency, like that of the past summer, willadd to the efficiency of the sanitary measures for the protection of thepeople, and at the same time prevent unnecessary restriction ofcommerce. I concur in his recommendation. In further effort to prevent the invasion of the United States by yellowfever, the importance of the discovery of the exact cause of thedisease, which up to the present time has been undetermined, is obvious, and to this end a systematic bacteriological investigation should bemade. I therefore recommend that Congress authorize the appointment of acommission by the President, to consist of four expert bacteriologists, one to be selected from the medical officers of the Marine HospitalService, one to be appointed from civil life, one to be detailed fromthe medical officers of the Army, and one from the medical officers ofthe Navy. The Union Pacific Railway, Main Line, was sold under the decree of theUnited States Court for the District of Nebraska, on the 1st and 2d ofNovember of this year. The amount due the Government consisted of theprincipal of the subsidy bonds, $27, 236, 512, and the accrued interestthereon, $31, 211, 711. 75, making the total indebtedness, $58, 448, 223. 75. The bid at the sale covered the first mortgage lien and the entiremortgage claim of the Government, principal and interest. The sale of the subsidized portion of the Kansas Pacific Line, uponwhich the Government holds a second mortgage lien, has been postponed atthe instance of the Government to December 16, 1897. The debt of thisdivision of the Union Pacific Railway to the Government on November 1, 1897, was the principal of the subsidy bonds, $6, 303, 000, and the unpaidand accrued interest thereon, $6, 626, 690. 33, making a total of$12, 929, 690. 33. The sale of this road was originally advertised for November 4, but forthe purpose of securing the utmost public notice of the event it waspostponed until December 16, and a second advertisement of the sale wasmade. By the decree of the Court, the upset price on the sale of theKansas Pacific will yield to the Government the sum of $2, 500, 000 overall prior liens, costs, and charges. If no other or better bid is made, this sum is all that the Government will receive on its claim of nearly$13, 000, 000. The Government has no information as to whether there willbe other bidders or a better bid than the minimum amount herein stated. The question presented therefore is: Whether the Government shall, underthe authority given it by the act of March 3, 1887, purchase or redeemthe road in the event that a bid is not made by private parties coveringthe entire Government claim. To qualify the Government to bid at thesales will require a deposit of $900, 000, as follows: In the Governmentcause $500, 000 and in each of the first mortgage causes $200, 000, andin the latter the deposit must be in cash. Payments at the sale are asfollows: Upon the acceptance of the bid a sum which with the amountalready deposited shall equal fifteen per cent of the bid; the balancein installments of twenty-five per cent thirty, forty, and fifty daysafter the confirmation of the sale. The lien on the Kansas Pacificprior to that of the Government on the 30th July, 1897, principal andinterest, amounted to $7, 281, 048. 11. The Government, therefore, shouldit become the highest bidder, will have to pay the amount of the firstmortgage lien. I believe that under the act of 1887 it has the authority to do this andin absence of any action by Congress I shall direct the Secretary of theTreasury to make the necessary deposit as required by the Court's decreeto qualify as a bidder and to bid at the sale a sum which will at leastequal the principal of the debt due to the Government; but suggest inorder to remove all controversy that an amendment of the law beimmediately passed explicitly giving such powers and appropriating ingeneral terms whatever sum is sufficient therefor. In so important a matter as the Government becoming the possible ownerof railroad property which it perforce must conduct and operate, I feelconstrained to lay before Congress these facts for its consideration andaction before the consummation of the sale. It is clear to my mind thatthe Government should not permit the property to be sold at a pricewhich will yield less than one-half of the principal of its debt andless than one-fifth of its entire debt, principal and interest. Butwhether the Government, rather than accept less than its claim, shouldbecome a bidder and thereby the owner of the property, I submit to theCongress for action. The Library building provided for by the act of Congress approved April15, 1886, has been completed and opened to the public. It should be amatter of congratulation that through the foresight and munificence ofCongress the nation possesses this noble treasure-house of knowledge. Itis earnestly to be hoped that having done so much toward the cause ofeducation, Congress will continue to develop the Library in every phaseof research to the end that it may be not only one of the mostmagnificent but among the richest and most useful libraries in theworld. The important branch of our Government known as the Civil Service, the practical improvement of which has long been a subject of earnestdiscussion, has of late years received increased legislative andExecutive approval. During the past few months the service has beenplaced upon a still firmer basis of business methods and personal merit. While the right of our veteran soldiers to reinstatement in deservingcases has been asserted, dismissals for merely political reasons havebeen carefully guarded against, the examinations for admittance to theservice enlarged and at the same time rendered less technical and morepractical; and a distinct advance has been made by giving a hearingbefore dismissal upon all cases where incompetency is charged or demandmade for the removal of officials in any of the Departments. This orderhas been made to give to the accused his right to be heard but withoutin any way impairing the power of removal, which should always beexercised in cases of inefficiency and incompetency, and which is oneof the vital safeguards of the civil service reform system, preventingstagnation and deadwood and keeping every employee keenly alive to thefact that the security of his tenure depends not on favor but on hisown tested and carefully watched record of service. Much of course still remains to be accomplished before the system canbe made reasonably perfect for our needs. There are places now in theclassified service which ought to be exempted and others not classifiedmay properly be included. I shall not hesitate to exempt cases which Ithink have been improperly included in the classified service or includethose which in my judgment will best promote the public service. Thesystem has the approval of the people and it will be my endeavor touphold and extend it. I am forced by the length of this Message to omit many importantreferences to affairs of the Government with which Congress willhave to deal at the present session. They are fully discussed in thedepartmental reports, to all of which I invite your earnest attention. The estimates of the expenses of the Government by the severalDepartments will, I am sure, have your careful scrutiny. While theCongress may not find it an easy task to reduce the expenses of theGovernment, it should not encourage their increase. These expenses willin my judgment admit of a decrease in many branches of the Governmentwithout injury to the public service. It is a commanding duty to keepthe appropriations within the receipts of the Government, and thus avoida deficit. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, December 6, 1897_. _To the Congress of the United States_: The act of Congress, approved July 19, 1897, entitled "An act makingappropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for thefiscal year ending June 30, 1897, and for prior years, for otherpurposes, " provided for the acceptance by the Government of the UnitedStates of the invitation extended by the Republic of France toparticipate in an international exposition to be held at Paris, fromApril 15 to November 15, 1900, and authorized the President to appoint aspecial commissioner with a view to securing all attainable informationnecessary to a full and complete understanding by Congress in regard tothe participation of this Government in that exposition. Maj. Moses P. Handy of Chicago, was appointed such special commissioner, and I now enclose his report, giving the details of his mission. It isa comprehensive and clear presentation of the situation. He recommendsthat an appropriation of $919, 600 be granted, so that a creditableexhibit on behalf of the United States may be made. The details of thisreport will show how this appropriation may be profitably expended. Besides securing a much larger amount of space than had been reserved, Major Handy obtained the gratifying assurance that the United Stateswill be placed on a footing with the most favored nations, and "that inthe installation of every important department the United States willhave a location commensurate with the dignity and importance of thecountry and adjoining in every case countries of the first rank. " In view of the magnitude and importance of the approaching exposition, and of our standing among the nations which will be there represented, and in view also of our increased population and acknowledged progressin arts, science, and manufactures, I earnestly commend the report ofMajor Handy to your consideration, and trust that a liberalappropriation may be made. Moreover, the magnificent exhibit of the French Republic at Chicagoin 1893, on which a million dollars were expended, should be a strongincentive to reciprocal liberality on the part of the Government of theUnited States, and suggests to our citizens the necessity as well as thepropriety of installing at the Paris Exposition an exhibit on a par withthat of the Government and people of France at Chicago, and in keepingwith the scope and extent of the preparations which are being made bynearly all the important nations of the earth for their proposedexhibits in that exposition. I suggest that the subject be given timely and favorable consideration. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 14, 1898_. _To the Congress of the United States_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State in regard tothe award of the commissioners appointed pursuant to the stipulations ofthe convention of February 8, 1896, between the United States and GreatBritain, providing for the settlement of the claims presented by thelatter against the former in virtue of the convention of February 29, 1892. The report of the Secretary of State presents a clear epitome of theaward and renders unnecessary any extended observations on my partfurther than to say that I cordially coincide with his recommendationand that our treaty obligations demand prompt and favorable action byCongress, which I urgently hope may be taken, to the end that theselong-pending questions may be finally and satisfactorily terminated. The total amount necessary to satisfy the award of the commissioners is$473, 151. 26, which I recommend be appropriated. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 18, 1898_. _To the Congress of the United States_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, withaccompanying papers, touching the lynching in 1895 at Yreka, Cal. , ofLuis Moreno, a Mexican citizen, and the demand of the Mexican Governmentfor an indemnity for his relatives on account thereof. Following the course adopted in the case of the lynching of threeItalian subjects at Hahnville, La. , on August 8, 1896, I recommend theappropriation by Congress, out of humane consideration and withoutreference to the question of liability of the Government of the UnitedStates in the premises, of the sum of $2, 000 to be paid by the Secretaryof State to the Government of Mexico, to be by that Governmentdistributed among the heirs of the above-named Luis Moreno. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 26, 1898_. _To the Congress_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State andaccompanying papers presenting the claim of Capt. B. Tellefsen, of theNorwegian steamer _Albert_, against the Government of the UnitedStates, for $998. 96, being the expenses incurred by him in consequenceof a violation of Article XIII of the treaty of commerce and navigationof 1827 between the United States and Sweden and Norway. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, March 22, 1898_. _To the Senate_: In connection with Senate Document No. 39, Fifty-fifth Congress, secondsession, and in further response to the resolution of the Senate of July12, 1897, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, withadditional papers, relating to postal telegraphs, telephones, and postalsavings banks in Austria. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 31, 1898_. _To the Congress_: I transmit herewith, for the information of Congress, a communicationfrom the Secretary of Agriculture covering a detailed report showing thepresent condition of the beet-sugar industry in this country and theresults of experiments made by the Department of Agriculture in theproduction of sugar from beets in the United States during the pastyear. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, April 4, 1898_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of January 17, 1898, I transmit a report from the Secretary of State, accompanied by copiesof correspondence exchanged between Henry Woodruff, trustee and ofcounsel for the holders of a majority of the first-mortgage bondsof "The Railway of the East, " of Venezuela, _et al. _, and theDepartment of State, and by a list of claims of citizens of the UnitedStates presented after August 1, 1898, and, so far as appears, notsettled by Venezuela, nor disposed of by the commission of 1889-90. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _April 7, 1898_. _To the Senate_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of February 26, 1898, requesting the President "if not incompatible with the public interest, to transmit to the Senate the proceedings of the internationalcommission authorized in the concurrent resolution of Congress of April29, 1890, and a subsequent international convention between the UnitedStates and Mexico of May 6, 1896, and also the correspondence relatingthereto with Mexico by the Department of the Interior, Department ofWar, and Department of Justice, as well as the Department of State, relating to the equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio GrandeRiver, including the draft of an incomplete treaty between saidGovernments, negotiated between the late Secretary of State, Mr. Olney, on the part of the United States, and Mr. Romero, on the part of Mexico, and all the correspondence between said officials relating thereto, " Itransmit herewith reports from the Secretary of State, the Secretary ofWar, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Attorney-General, withaccompanying papers. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, April 15, 1898_. _To the Senate_: In connection with Senate Document No. 39, Fifty-fifth Congress, secondsession, and in further response to the resolution of the Senate of July12, 1897, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, withaccompanying papers relating to postal telegraphs, telephones, andpostal savings banks in the colony of Victoria. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, April 27, 1898_. _To the Congress_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State andaccompanying papers relating to the claim against the United States ofthe Russian subject, Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner ofthe Russian bark _Hans_, based on his wrongful and illegal arrestand imprisonment by officers of the United States district court for thesouthern district of Mississippi, and in view of the opinion expressedby the Department of Justice that the said arrest and detention of thecomplainant were wrongful and without authority of law, I recommend theappropriation by Congress of the sum of $5, 000 to reimburse the masterand owners of the vessel for all losses and damages incurred by reasonof his said wrongful and illegal arrest and detention. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 16, 1898_. _To the House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of State, accompanying the annual reports of the consuls of the United States uponforeign industries and commerce. In view of the value of these reportsto the business interests of the country, I indorse the recommendationof the Secretary of State that Congress authorize the printing of aspecial edition of 10, 000 copies of the general summary entitled "Reviewof the World's Commerce, " and 5, 000 copies of Commercial Relations(including this summary), to enable the Department of State to meet thedemands for such information. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 16, 1898_. _To the House of Representatives_: I return herewith to the House of Representatives, in which itoriginated, House bill No. 2219, entitled "An act for the relief of theadministrators of Isaac P. Tice, deceased, and others, " without myapproval. The object of this bill is to confer upon the Court of Claimsjurisdiction to retry and determine a case brought by therepresentatives of Isaac P. Tice against the United States in the Courtof Claims in the year 1873 to recover from the Government the sum of$25, 000, the alleged value of certain meters invented by Isaac P. Ticefor the purpose of measuring the quality and strength of distilledspirits. It was claimed that this amount, together with the sum of $733. 33 forstorage of said meters, was due to the claimant under a contract madebetween Tice and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in pursuance ofsection 15 of the act of March 2, 1867 (14 Stats. , 481). From the reportof the case in 13 Court of Claims Reports, 112, it appears that thematter was fully and deliberately tried and argued both on behalf of theclaimant and of the United States, and that at December term, 1877, theCourt of Claims rendered a decision adverse to the claimant, expresslystating that the claimants had failed to establish their claim both inlaw and on the facts. Not satisfied with this conclusion of the Court ofClaims, the claimants took an appeal to the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates, where the case was again argued and was decided, October term, 1878, the judgment of the Court of Claims being declared to be inaccordance with the law and therefore affirmed. In these two decisionsthe law and the facts pertaining to the claim were fully set forth anddiscussed. The bill further confers upon the Court of Claims jurisdiction to tryand determine certain alleged claims of said Tice and others for moneycollected on account of the Tice meters, but not paid over to him orthem under the regulations of the Treasury. The amount of the latter claim, according to the report of the committeeof the House of Representatives to which this bill was referred, is$140, 000. It does not appear from the report of the committee, nor fromany documents to which I have access, who are the other persons by whomthis latter sum is claimed. The claim for $140, 000 must have accruedprior to July, 1871, and therefore at this time is of at leasttwenty-seven years' standing. It will thus be perceived that the object of the bill is to remove fromthe pathway of the claimants two legal bars to the prosecution of theirclaim in the courts--one, the bar of the statute of limitations, whichrequires all claimants against the Government to present their claimsand bring actions thereon within six years from the time the cause ofaction accrues; and the other, that bar of estoppel which arises byreason of a former adverse judgment, rendered in a court of competentjurisdiction. This is not a general modification of the law in theserespects, but a special application of it to these particular claimants. If the principle on which the statute of limitations is founded iswise and beneficent, then the effect of it ought not to be impaired byspecial legislative exemptions in favor of particular persons or casesexcept upon very clear and just grounds, where no lack of diligence inthe prosecution of the claim is apparent. I cannot find in the paperssubmitted to me any sufficient grounds to justify a special exceptionfrom the ordinary rule in favor of these claimants. As to the claim for$140, 000, no reason is stated why it was not included in the originalsuit nor why action upon it was not brought against the Governmentwithin the six years allowed by the statute for that purpose. To permitsuch an action to be brought now is simply, without any reason of aspecial nature, to grant a privilege to these claimants which is deniedto all other citizens of the United States, in accordance with theprovisions of the general statute of limitations. The principleunderlying statutes of limitations and the reasons for the maintenanceof such a rule of litigation are much more cogent when applied to claimsagainst the Government than when applied to claims against individuals. These claims do not differ in their character from ordinary businesstransactions such as transpire every day between private persons orbusiness corporations. The Government can only defend itself againstclaims of this nature through its public officers and with the use ofsuch public records as the Departments may furnish. Great difficultiesare experienced by it in contesting fraudulent and unjust claims, and itis only fair in the interest of the public that a rigorous adherence tosome rule of limitation should be maintained. The provision of the bill which practically directs a new trial of theclaim for $25, 000, decided adversely to the claimants more than twentyyears ago, is still more objectionable. These parties had their day incourt. They produced their witnesses and were heard both originally andupon appeal, and upon the case they were then able to make the courtdecided they had no claim against the Government. It is now suggestedthat other witnesses have been discovered who can supply the lack ofproof which was produced on the former trial. Such a ground for a newtrial would never be considered in any court of law in the land in acase between private parties where such a length of time had intervenedsince the former trial. No explanation of a satisfactory nature isfurnished for the failure of the claimants to produce these witnessesupon the original trial. The bill further provides that upon a retrial of the original claim, orupon the trial of the new claim, the claimants shall be at liberty tooffer in evidence the depositions of witnesses now on the files of anyof the committees of Congress in relation to the aforesaid matters, which may be introduced as evidence in case of the death or disabilityof the deponents. This provision will enable the claimants to present _ex-parte_affidavits, prepared by the claimants or their attorneys, withoutopportunity being afforded to the Government to cross-examine, providedthe claimants can show that the deposing witnesses are either dead orunder disability, by which, no doubt, is intended any such disability byreason of absence, illness, and the like, as may render them legallyincapable of being produced in person to testify upon the retrial. Sucha provision as this is most dangerous to the interests of theGovernment. I fail to see any reason in the facts connected with these claims forgranting to these parties relief of this extraordinary nature. The Treasury of the United States ought to be very carefully guardedagainst attacks of those who come forward with stale claims, andespecially from the attacks of those who have already been fully heardaccording to the methods prescribed by the statutes. To approve this bill would be to furnish a very dangerous precedentwhich would open the door to demands upon Congress in other cases whichhave been fully heard and determined. For these reasons I am constrained to withhold my approval from thisbill. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, June 14, 1898_. _To the Congress of the United States_: I transmit herewith (having reference to Senate Document No. 4, Fifty-fifth Congress, second session) a report made by Thomas W. Cridler, Third Assistant Secretary of State, who, upon the death ofMaj. Moses P. Handy, I designated to continue the work as specialcommissioner, under the act of Congress approved July 19, 1897, inrelation to the acceptance by the Government of the United States of theinvitation of France to participate in the International Exposition tobe held at Paris from April 15 to November 5, 1900. I cordially renew my recommendation that a liberal appropriation beimmediately granted. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _June 23, 1898_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of the Interior relativeto Senate resolution of June 10, 1898, requesting the President "to makesuch arrangements as may be necessary to secure at the Trans-Mississippiand International Exposition to be held in the city of Omaha, Neb. , theattendance of representatives of the Iroquois tribes and Delawares ofCanada and of the Abenakis of St. Francis and Becaucourt, and such otherIndian nations as have emigrated from the territory now of the UnitedStates to Canada. " To carry out this resolution, if it shall be found agreeable to theGovernment of Canada, it will be necessary for this Government to sendan agent to visit the tribes and secure their assent, organize therepresentative delegations, escort them to the exposition, take chargeof and care for them while there and until they are returned to theirrespective tribes. The resolution seems to presuppose that there are funds which may belawfully used to defray the expenses which must necessarily be incurredin the premises. By reference to the Secretary's report, it will be seenthat there are no moneys lawfully available for that purpose. It is not to be presumed that the Senate, under such circumstances, would desire the Executive to take the action indicated in theresolution, and I am therefore constrained to await the requisiteappropriation by Congress for the payment of the expenses that must benecessarily incurred in the accomplishment of the proposed objects. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 6, 1898_. _To the Congress of the United States_: I transmit herewith, for the information of the Congress, the report ofthe Hawaiian Commission appointed in pursuance of the "Joint resolutionto provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States, "approved July 7, 1898, together with a copy of the civil and penal lawsof Hawaii. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 5, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of Agriculture on the workand expenditures of the agricultural experiment stations establishedunder the act of Congress of March 2, 1887, for the fiscal year endingJune 30, 1898, in accordance with the act making appropriations for theDepartment of Agriculture for the said fiscal year. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 5, 1899_. _To the Senate_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of December 21, 1898, requesting the President, "If it be not inconsistent with the publicservice, to inform the Senate whether authentic information is inpossession of the Government as to the alleged dissolution of theGovernment of the United States of Central America. " I transmit herewitha report from the Secretary of State with accompanying papers. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 6, 1899_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I transmit herewith in answer to the resolution of the Senate ofDecember 15, 1898, a communication from the Secretary of State coveringa preliminary report from the Nicaraguan Canal Commission, datedDecember 26, 1898, relative to its progress in investigating thequestion of the proper route, the feasibility, and cost of constructionof the Nicaragua Canal. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 6, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of State, inclosing the annual report of the Director of the Bureau of theAmerican Republics, with accompanying documents. In view of the improvedcondition and increasing usefulness of the Bureau, to which I havealready called attention in my annual message, and the welcomeassurances of greater activity on the part of the other Americanrepublics in support of its purposes, I cordially indorse therecommendations of the Secretary of State. It will doubtless be asgratifying to Congress as it is to me to be informed that the ArgentineRepublic has decided to renew its relations with the Bureau, and thatthere are grounds for hoping that the International American Union, created by the impressive conference of the representatives of oursister republics and those of the United States in Washington in1889-90, will soon be perfected by the adhesion of the Republic of Chileto the compact for the support of the Bureau as the organ of the union. The interest of the United States in giving the fullest possible effectto the laudable desire of the international conference to promote notonly trade intercourse but a closer fellowship among the variousrepublics of this hemisphere is so evident that I am satisfied theprogress made by the bureau, as a practical agency for attaining theseobjects, will receive the commendation and support of Congress. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 11, 1899_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of June 6, 1898, I transmita report from the Secretary of State, inclosing copies of all papers onfile in the Department of State relating to the case of Hugo O. Loewi, including those printed in Document No. 186, Senate, Fifty-fifthCongress, second session. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 17, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: It will be remembered that in the month of October, 1897, reports werereceived here of the probable loss of the whaling fleet in the Arcticregions, and of the likelihood that nearly 300 men, composing theofficers and crews of the fleet, would perish from hunger unless succorcould reach them early in the spring. The revenue cutter _Bear_ was known to be _en route_ from theArctic Ocean to Puget Sound, Washington. Her arrival was anxiouslyawaited, as no other suitable Government vessel could be made availablefor Arctic work. That ship arrived at Seattle, Wash. , on the 6th ofNovember, after a six-months' cruise in the Arctic, and I at onceordered an expedition prepared for the relief of the imperiled whalemen. The preparation of the _Bear_ was commenced on the 11th ofNovember, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Herofficers and men of the Revenue-Cutter Service all volunteered for theperilous work, and the ship was completely fitted out, and, under thecommand of Capt. Francis Tuttle, of the Revenue-Cutter Service, sailedon her errand of mercy November 29, 1897, within nineteen days from theinception of the movement. The plan of the expedition was briefly as follows: The ship was to be fully provided with rations for the ice-imperiledwhalemen, which were to be conveyed to them as soon as the iceconditions in Bering Strait would permit the passage through. Anoverland expedition was to be landed from the _Bear_ as soon aspracticable, at some point on the coast of Alaska, in Bering Sea, to bedetermined upon by Captain Tuttle. The problem of getting food to theimperiled people at the earliest time possible was the all-importantconsideration, for it was fully understood that the _Bear_ couldnot, under the most favorable conditions of ice navigation in thatregion, reach their neighborhood before the following July or August. The utter lack of transportation of any kind in this far-off landsuggested the idea, which was adopted as the only possible plan, ofdriving reindeer overland, to be slaughtered on arrival, for food tolast until the arrival of the _Bear_ with supplies the followingsummer. The reindeer were to be collected by the overland expeditionfrom several points in Alaska, notably Cape Prince of Wales and PointRodney, and, with such aid as could be procured from natives and others, driven to Point Barrow. The overland expedition was formed, and consisted of First Lieut. DavidH. Jarvis, Revenue-Cutter Service, commanding; Second Lieut. EllsworthP. Bertholf, Revenue-Cutter Service, and Dr. Samuel J. Call, surgeon ofthe _Bear_, all volunteers. This overland expedition was landedfrom the _Bear_ at Cape Vancouver, in Bering Sea, Alaska, on the16th of December, 1897, and commenced its toilsome and dreary journeythrough an arctic night to Point Barrow, Captain Tuttle returning withhis command to winter at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, and from there to takeadvantage of the first opportunity in the early summer of 1898 to getnorth. The overland expedition worked its way to the reindeer stations named, and succeeded in getting together about 450 deer. They were materiallyaided by Mr. W. T. Lopp, agent of the American Missionary Society at CapePrince of Wales, and Artisarlook, a native of that region, both of whom, at great personal sacrifice, left their families and accompanied thereindeer herd to Point Barrow. The overland expedition, after a difficult and hazardous journey ofnearly 2, 000 miles through the storms and bitter cold of an arcticwinter, reached Point Barrow with the herd on the 29th of March, 1898, three months and twelve days from their landing from the _Bear_ atCape Vancouver, Alaskan coast of Bering Sea. They arrived none too soon. From the lack of an authoritative head, supplemented by bad sanitaryconditions and want of proper food, the men from the whale shipsquartered there were found upon the verge of great suffering, whilesickness had broken out among them. Lieutenant Jarvis, under theinstructions given him by the Secretary of the Treasury, at once assumedcharge, in the name of the Government, of the camp and locality of PointBarrow, and he and Dr. Call devoted themselves with intelligent energyto correcting the wretched conditions found to exist. Order was at onceinaugurated. Fresh meat from the reindeer herd was supplied, thesanitary conditions were improved, and the general health and comfortof the whalemen received immediate attention. Lieutenant Jarvis andDr. Call remained at Point Barrow in charge until the arrival of the_Bear_, July 28, 1898, a period of four months. As soon as the_Bear_ arrived Captain Tuttle began the distribution of amplesupplies to the whalemen on shipboard and on shore. Having supplied alldemands generously, succored the needy to the number of 275 betweenPoint Barrow and Kotzebue Sound, taking on board the _Bear_ 146whalemen, 91 of whom were brought to the Pacific coast (the remainderhaving of their own volition left the ship _en route_), the vesselarrived back at Seattle on the 13th of September, after an absence inthe bleak and dreary regions of Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean of aboutseventeen months. The hardships and perils encountered by the members of the overlandexpedition in their great journey through an almost uninhabited region, a barren waste of ice and snow, facing death itself every day for nearlyfour months, over a route never before traveled by white men, with norefuge but at the end of the journey, carrying relief and cheer to 275distressed citizens of our country, all make another glorious page inthe history of American seamen. They reflect by their heroic and gallantstruggles the highest credit upon themselves and the Government whichthey faithfully served. I commend this heroic crew to the gratefulconsideration of Congress and the American people. The year just closed has been fruitful of noble achievements in thefield of war; and while I have commended to your consideration thenames of heroes who have shed luster upon the American name in valorouscontests and battles by land and sea, it is no less my pleasure toinvite your attention to a victory of peace the results of which cannotwell be magnified, and the dauntless courage of the men engaged stampsthem as true heroes, whose services cannot pass unrecognized. I have therefore the honor to submit the following recommendations andto ask your favorable action thereon: 1. That the thanks of Congress be voted to Capt. Francis Tuttle, Revenue-Cutter Service, and the officers and enlisted men composing hiscommand for their able and gallant services. 2. That the thanks of Congress be extended to the members of theoverland expedition; First Lieut. David H. Jarvis, Revenue-CutterService, commanding the overland expedition; to Second Lieut. EllsworthP. Bertholf, Revenue-Cutter Service, and to Dr. Samuel J. Call, Surgeon. 3. That gold medals of honor of appropriate design, to be approved bythe Secretary of the Treasury, be awarded to Lieutenants Jarvis andBertholf and Dr. Call, commemorative of their heroic struggles in aid ofsuffering fellow-men. 4. That the sum of $2, 500 be appropriated to be disbursed by theSecretary of the Treasury in bestowing rewards upon W. T. Lopp, Artisarlook, and native herders, who rendered material aid to the reliefexpedition. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 19, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a second report on the investigations of theagricultural capabilities of Alaska for the year 1898, in accordancewith the acts of Congress making appropriations for the Department ofAgriculture for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 19, 1899_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I herewith return without approval Senate bill No. 708, entitled "An actfor the relief of Albert E. Redstone. " My objections to the bill are: First. It assumes that the beneficiary, Albert E. Redstone, sustained aloss by the incorporation of his preemption claim within the limits ofthe Sierra Forest Reserve. This reserve was established by executiveproclamation of February 14, 1893 (27 Stats. , 1059), issued undersection 24 of the act of March 8, 1891 (26 Stats. , 1103), and containsthe following saving clause for the protection of existing claims underthe public land laws: * * * Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands which may have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry or covered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United States Land Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant to law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing of record has not expired; * * * Mr. Redstone did not sustain any loss by the creation of this reserve, because his rights, if he had any at that time, were fully recognizedand protected by this provision in the proclamation. Second. Mr. Redstone's preemption declaratory statement was filed April6, 1889, and alleged settlement upon the same day. The land coveredthereby had not been proclaimed for sale, and under sections 2265 and2267 of the Revised Statutes, Mr. Redstone had thirty-three months fromthe date of his settlement within which to make proof and payment forthe land, but in fact he never attempted to make such proof or payment. His preemption claim had therefore expired by operation of law longbefore the creation of this reserve. After his filing had thus expiredMr. Redstone was cited by the Land Department to show cause why hisclaim should not be declared at an end, and his filing formally canceledupon the public records, but he made no response or defense, and thefiling was accordingly canceled. Third. The Commissioner of the General Land Office reports that aninvestigation, made under the supervision of his office, shows that Mr. Redstone had actually abandoned the land covered by his preemption claimbefore the reserve was established. Fourth. The Commissioner of the General Land Office reports that anexamination, made under the supervision of his office, shows that theimprovements placed upon this land during the life of this preemptionclaim and thereafter abandoned were less than $200 in value, while theamount appropriated in this bill is $1, 800. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 27, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: In accordance with a provision in the act making appropriations forthe Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of Agriculture "upon theforestry investigations and work of the Department of Agriculture. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 9, 1899_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I transmit herewith, in response to a resolution of the Senate ofthe 2nd instant, requesting information "whether any franchises orconcessions of any character are being or have been granted by anymunicipality in Cuba or Puerto Rico since the military occupationthereof by the United States, " etc. , a report from the Secretary ofWar and accompanying papers. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, February 11, 1899_. _To the House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith the response of the Secretary of State to theresolution of the House of Representatives of February 4, 1899, callingfor information in his possession concerning certain alleged outragescommitted upon the person of Bishop Earl Cranston and other Americancitizens in the city of Peking, China. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, February 18, 1899_. _To the Senate_: I transmit herewith the response of the Secretary of Agriculture to theresolution of the Senate of February 8, 1899, calling for informationin his possession regarding the practical usefulness of reservoirs toagriculture in the irrigated region of the United States, especiallyas affecting the distribution of water to crops, the area and value ofreclaimed land, and the stability and unprofitableness of farming whereirrigation is practised. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, February 21, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of State, accompanying the commercial relations of the United States for theyear 1898, being the annual reports of the consular officers upon theindustries and commerce of foreign countries. In view of the value ofthese reports to the manufacturing and exporting interests of thecountry, I indorse the recommendation of the Secretary of State thatCongress authorize the printing of the usual editions of 10, 000 copiesof the general summary, entitled "Review of the World's Commerce" andof 5, 000 copies of "Commercial Relations" (including this summary), toenable the Department of State to meet the demand for such information. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 1, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, for the information of Congress, a communicationfrom the Secretary of Agriculture, covering a report on the progress ofthe beet-sugar industry in the United States during the year 1898. Itembraces the results of numerous chemical analyses and the observationsmade by a special agent in various parts of the United States. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, March 3, 1899_. _To the Senate_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of February 28 lastdirected to the Secretary of State, I transmit a report from thatofficer submitting a list of claims against Spain, growing out of theinsurrection in Cuba, filed in the Department of State, not embracedin Senate Document No. 79, Fifty-fourth Congress, second session. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 5, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: At the threshold of your deliberations you are called to mourn with yourcountrymen the death of Vice-President Hobart, who passed from this lifeon the morning of November 21 last. His great soul now rests in eternalpeace. His private life was pure and elevated, while his public careerwas ever distinguished by large capacity, stainless integrity, andexalted motives. He has been removed from the high office which hehonored and dignified, but his lofty character, his devotion to duty, his honesty of purpose, and noble virtues remain with us as a pricelesslegacy and example. The Fifty-sixth Congress convenes in its first regular session with thecountry in a condition of unusual prosperity, of universal good willamong the people at home, and in relations of peace and friendship withevery government of the world. Our foreign commerce has shown greatincrease in volume and value. The combined imports and exports for theyear are the largest ever shown by a single year in all our history. Our exports for 1899 alone exceeded by more than a billion dollars ourimports and exports combined in 1870. The imports per capita are 20 percent less than in 1870, while the exports per capita are 58 per centmore than in 1870, showing the enlarged capacity of the United Statesto satisfy the wants of its own increasing population, as well as tocontribute to those of the peoples of other nations. Exports of agricultural products were $784, 776, 142. Of manufacturedproducts we exported in value $339, 592, 146, being larger than anyprevious year. It is a noteworthy fact that the only years in all ourhistory when the products of our manufactories sold abroad exceededthose bought abroad were 1898 and 1899. Government receipts from all sources for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1899, including $11, 798, 314. 14, part payment of the Central PacificRailroad indebtedness, aggregated $610, 982, 004. 35. Customs receipts were$206, 128, 481. 75, and those from internal revenue $273, 437, 161. 51. For the fiscal year the expenditures were $700, 093, 564. 02, leaving adeficit of $89, 111, 559. 67. The Secretary of the Treasury estimates that the receipts for thecurrent fiscal year will aggregate $640, 958, 112, and upon the basis ofpresent appropriations the expenditures will aggregate $600, 958, 112, leaving a surplus of $40, 000, 000. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1899, the internal-revenue receiptswere increased about $100, 000, 000. The present gratifying strength of the Treasury is shown by thefact that on December 1, 1899, the available cash balance was$278, 004, 837. 72, of which $239, 744, 905. 36 was in gold coin and bullion. The conditions of confidence which prevail throughout the country havebrought gold into more general use and customs receipts are now almostentirely paid in that coin. The strong position of the Treasury with respect to cash on hand and thefavorable showing made by the revenues have made it possible for theSecretary of the Treasury to take action under the provisions of section3694, Revised Statutes, relating to the sinking fund. Receipts exceededexpenditures for the first five months of the current fiscal year by$13, 413, 389. 91, and, as mentioned above, the Secretary of the Treasuryestimates that there will be a surplus of approximately $40, 000, 000 atthe end of the year. Under such conditions it was deemed advisable andproper to resume compliance with the provisions of the sinking-fund law, which for eight years has not been done because of deficiencies in therevenues. The Treasury Department therefore offered to purchase duringNovember $25, 000, 000 of the 5 per cent loan of 1904, or the 4 per centfunded loan of 1907, at the current market price. The amount offeredand purchased during November was $18, 408, 600. The premium paid bythe Government on such purchases was $2, 263, 521 and the net savingin interest was about $2, 885, 000. The success of this operation wassufficient to induce the Government to continue the offer to purchasebonds to and including the 23d day of December, instant, unless theremainder of the $25, 000, 000 called for should be presented in themeantime for redemption. Increased activity in industry, with its welcome attendant--a largeremployment for labor at higher wages--gives to the body of the peoplea larger power to absorb the circulating medium. It is further truethat year by year, with larger areas of land under cultivation, theincreasing volume of agricultural products, cotton, corn, and wheat, calls for a larger volume of money supply. This is especially noticeableat the crop-harvesting and crop-moving period. In its earlier history the National Banking Act seemed to prove areasonable avenue through which needful additions to the circulationcould from time to time be made. Changing conditions have apparentlyrendered it now inoperative to that end. The high margin in bondsecurities required, resulting from large premiums which Governmentbonds command in the market, or the tax on note issues, or bothoperating together, appear to be the influences which impair its publicutility. The attention of Congress is respectfully invited to this importantmatter, with the view of ascertaining whether or not such reasonablemodifications can be made in the National Banking Act as will renderits service in the particulars here referred to more responsive tothe people's needs. I again urge that national banks be authorizedto organize with a capital of $25, 000. I urgently recommend that to support the existing gold standard, and tomaintain "the parity in value of the coins of the two metals (gold andsilver) and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the marketand in the payment of debts, " the Secretary of the Treasury be givenadditional power and charged with the duty to sell United States bondsand to employ such other effective means as may be necessary to theseends. The authority should include the power to sell bonds on long andshort time, as conditions may require, and should provide for a rateof interest lower than that fixed by the act of January 14, 1875. While there is now no commercial fright which withdraws gold from theGovernment, but, on the contrary, such widespread confidence that goldseeks the Treasury demanding paper money in exchange, yet the verysituation points to the present as the most fitting time to makeadequate provision to insure the continuance of the gold standard and ofpublic confidence in the ability and purpose of the Government to meetall its obligations in the money which the civilized world recognizesas the best. The financial transactions of the Government are conductedupon a gold basis. We receive gold when we sell United States bonds anduse gold for their payment. We are maintaining the parity of all themoney issued or coined by authority of the Government. We are doingthese things with the means at hand. Happily at the present time we arenot compelled to resort to loans to supply gold. It has been done in thepast, however, and may have to be done in the future. It behooves us, therefore, to provide at once the best means to meet the emergency whenit arises, and the best means are those which are the most certain andeconomical. Those now authorized have the virtue neither of directnessnor economy. We have already eliminated one of the causes of ourfinancial plight and embarrassment during the years 1893, 1894, 1895, and 1896. Our receipts now equal our expenditures; deficient revenuesno longer create alarm. Let us remove the only remaining cause byconferring the full and necessary power on the Secretary of the Treasuryand impose upon him the duty to uphold the present gold standard andpreserve the coins of the two metals on a parity with each other, whichis the repeatedly declared policy of the United States. In this connection I repeat my former recommendations that a portion ofthe gold holdings shall be placed in a trust fund from which greenbacksshall be redeemed upon presentation, but when once redeemed shall notthereafter be paid out except for gold. The value of an American merchant marine to the extension of ourcommercial trade and the strengthening of our power upon the sea invitesthe immediate action of the Congress. Our national development will beone-sided and unsatisfactory so long as the remarkable growth of ourinland industries remains unaccompanied by progress on the seas. Thereis no lack of constitutional authority for legislation which shall giveto the country maritime strength commensurate with its industrialachievements and with its rank among the nations of the earth. The past year has recorded exceptional activity in our shipyards, andthe promises of continual prosperity in shipbuilding are abundant. Advanced legislation for the protection of our seamen has been enacted. Our coast trade, under regulations wisely framed at the beginning of theGovernment and since, shows results for the past fiscal year unequaledin our records or those of any other power. We shall fail to realize ouropportunities, however, if we complacently regard only matters at homeand blind ourselves to the necessity of securing our share in thevaluable carrying trade of the world. Last year American vessels transported a smaller share of our exportsand imports than during any former year in all our history, and themeasure of our dependence upon foreign shipping was painfully manifestedto our people. Without any choice of our own, but from necessity, theDepartments of the Government charged with military and naval operationsin the East and West Indies had to obtain from foreign flags merchantvessels essential for those operations. The other great nations have not hesitated to adopt the required meansto develop their shipping as a factor in national defense and as one ofthe surest and speediest means of obtaining for their producers a sharein foreign markets. Like vigilance and effort on our part cannot failto improve our situation, which is regarded with humiliation at homeand with surprise abroad. Even the seeming sacrifices, which at thebeginning may be involved, will be offset later by more than equivalentgains. The expense is as nothing compared to the advantage to be achieved. The reestablishment of our merchant marine involves in a large measureour continued industrial progress and the extension of our commercialtriumphs. I am satisfied the judgment of the country favors the policyof aid to our merchant marine, which will broaden our commerce andmarkets and upbuild our sea-carrying capacity for the products ofagriculture and manufacture; which, with the increase of our Navy, meanmore work and wages to our countrymen, as well as a safeguard toAmerican interests in every part of the world. Combinations of capital organized into trusts to control the conditionsof trade among our citizens, to stifle competition, limit production, and determine the prices of products used and consumed by the people, are justly provoking public discussion, and should early claim theattention of the Congress. The Industrial Commission, created by the act of the Congress of June18, 1898, has been engaged in extended hearings upon the disputedquestions involved in the subject of combinations in restraint of tradeand competition. They have not yet completed their investigation of thissubject, and the conclusions and recommendations at which they mayarrive are undetermined. The subject is one giving rise to many divergent views as to the natureand variety or cause and extent of the injuries to the public which mayresult from large combinations concentrating more or less numerousenterprises and establishments, which previously to the formation of thecombination were carried on separately. It is universally conceded that combinations which engross or controlthe market of any particular kind of merchandise or commodity necessaryto the general community, by suppressing natural and ordinarycompetition, whereby prices are unduly enhanced to the general consumer, are obnoxious not only to the common law but also to the public welfare. There must be a remedy for the evils involved in such organizations. Ifthe present law can be extended more certainly to control or check thesemonopolies or trusts, it should be done without delay. Whatever powerthe Congress possesses over this most important subject should bepromptly ascertained and asserted. President Harrison in his annual message of December 3, 1889, says: Earnest attention should be given by Congress to a consideration of the question how far the restraint of those combinations of capital commonly called "trusts" is matter of Federal jurisdiction. When organized, as they often are, to crush out all healthy competition and to monopolize the production or sale of an article of commerce and general necessity they are dangerous conspiracies against the public good, and should be made the subject of prohibitory and even penal legislation. An act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraintsand monopolies was passed by Congress on the 2d of July, 1890. Theprovisions of this statute are comprehensive and stringent. It declaresevery contract or combination, in the form of a trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in the restraint of trade or commerce among the severalStates or with foreign nations, to be unlawful. It denominates as acriminal every person who makes any such contract or engages in anysuch combination or conspiracy, and provides a punishment by fine orimprisonment. It invests the several circuit courts of the United Stateswith jurisdiction to prevent and restrain violations of the act, andmakes it the duty of the several United States district attorneys, underthe direction of the Attorney-General, to institute proceedings inequity to prevent and restrain such violations. It further confers uponany person who shall be injured in his business or property by any otherperson or corporation by reason of anything forbidden or declared to beunlawful by the act, the power to sue therefor in any circuit court ofthe United States without respect to the amount in controversy, and torecover threefold the damages by him sustained and the costs of thesuit, including reasonable attorney fees. It will be perceived that theact is aimed at every kind of combination in the nature of a trust ormonopoly in restraint of interstate or international commerce. The prosecution by the United States of offenses under the act of 1890has been frequently resorted to in the Federal courts, and notableefforts in the restraint of interstate commerce, such as theTrans-Missouri Freight Association and the Joint Traffic Association, have been successfully opposed and suppressed. President Cleveland in his annual message of December 7, 1896--more thansix years subsequent to the enactment of this law--after stating theevils of these trust combinations, says: Though Congress has attempted to deal with this matter by legislation, the laws passed for that purpose thus far have proved ineffective, not because of any lack of disposition or attempt to enforce them, but simply because the laws themselves as interpreted by the courts do not reach the difficulty. If the insufficiencies of existing laws can be remedied by further legislation, it should be done. The fact must be recognized, however, that all Federal legislation on this subject may fall short of its purpose because of inherent obstacles, and also because of the complex character of our governmental system, which, while making the Federal authority supreme within its sphere, has carefully limited that sphere by metes and bounds which cannot be transgressed. The decision of our highest court on this precise question renders it quite doubtful whether the evils of trusts and monopolies can be adequately treated through Federal action, unless they seek directly and purposely to include in their objects transportation or intercourse between States or between the United States and foreign countries. It does not follow, however, that this is the limit of the remedy that may be applied. Even though it may be found that Federal authority is not broad enough to fully reach the case, there can be no doubt of the power of the several States to act effectively in the premises, and there should be no reason to doubt their willingness to judiciously exercise such power. The State legislation to which President Cleveland looked for relieffrom the evils of trusts has failed to accomplish fully that object. This is probably due to a great extent to the fact that different Statestake different views as to the proper way to discriminate between eviland injurious combinations and those associations which are beneficialand necessary to the business prosperity of the country. The greatdiversity of treatment in different States arising from this cause andthe intimate relations of all parts of the country to each other withoutregarding State lines in the conduct of business have made theenforcement of State laws difficult. It is apparent that uniformity of legislation upon this subject inthe several States is much to be desired. It is to be hoped that suchuniformity founded in a wise and just discrimination between what isinjurious and what is useful and necessary in business operations maybe obtained and that means may be found for the Congress within thelimitations of its constitutional power so to supplement an effectivecode of State legislation as to make a complete system of lawsthroughout the United States adequate to compel a general observance ofthe salutary rules to which I have referred. The whole question is so important and far-reaching that I am sure nopart of it will be lightly considered, but every phase of it will havethe studied deliberation of the Congress, resulting in wise andjudicious action. A review of our relations with foreign States is presented with suchrecommendations as are deemed appropriate. The long-pending boundary dispute between the Argentine Republic andChile was settled in March last by the award of an arbitral commission, on which the United States minister at Buenos Ayres served as umpire. Progress has been made toward the conclusion of a convention ofextradition with the Argentine Republic. Having been advised andconsented to by the United States Senate and ratified by Argentina, itonly awaits the adjustment of some slight changes in the text beforeexchange. In my last annual message I adverted to the claim of theAustro-Hungarian Government for indemnity for the killing of certainAustrian and Hungarian subjects by the authorities of the State ofPennsylvania, at Lattimer, while suppressing an unlawful tumult ofminers, September 10, 1897. In view of the verdict of acquittal renderedby the court before which the sheriff and his deputies were tried formurder, and following the established doctrine that the Government maynot be held accountable for injuries suffered by individuals at thehands of the public authorities while acting in the line of duty insuppressing disturbance of the public peace, this Government, after dueconsideration of the claim advanced by the Austro-Hungarian Government, was constrained to decline liability to indemnify the sufferers. It is gratifying to be able to announce that the Belgian Government hasmitigated the restrictions on the importation of cattle from the UnitedStates, to which I referred in my last annual message. Having been invited by Belgium to participate in a congress, held atBrussels, to revise the provisions of the general act of July 2, 1890, for the repression of the African slave trade, to which the UnitedStates was a signatory party, this Government preferred not to berepresented by a plenipotentiary, but reserved the right of accessionto the result. Notable changes were made, those especially concerningthis country being in the line of the increased restriction of thedeleterious trade in spirituous liquors with the native tribes, whichthis Government has from the outset urgently advocated. The amendedgeneral act will be laid before the Senate, with a view to its adviceand consent. Early in the year the peace of Bolivia was disturbed by a successfulinsurrection. The United States minister remained at his post, attendingto the American interests in that quarter, and using besides his goodoffices for the protection of the interests of British subjects in theabsence of their national representative. On the establishment of thenew Government, our minister was directed to enter into relationstherewith. General Pando was elected President of Bolivia on October 23. Our representative has been instructed to use all permissible friendlyendeavors to induce the Government of Bolivia to amend its marriage lawsso as to give legal status to the non-Catholic and civil marriages ofaliens within its jurisdiction, and strong hopes are entertained thatthe Bolivian law in this regard will be brought, as was that of Perusome years ago, into harmony with the general practice of modern States. A convention of extradition with Brazil, signed May 14, 1897, has beenratified by the Brazilian Legislature. During the past summer two national ships of the United States havevisited Brazilian ports on a friendly mission and been cordiallyreceived. The voyage of the _Wilmington_ up the Amazon River gaverise to a passing misunderstanding, owing to confusion in obtainingpermission to visit the interior and make surveys in the generalinterest of navigation, but the incident found a ready adjustment inharmony with the close relations of amity which this Government hasalways sedulously sought to cultivate with the commonwealths of theWestern Continent. The claim growing out of the seizure of the American-owned newspaper"The Panama Star and Herald" by the authorities of Colombia has beensettled, after a controversy of several years, by an agreement assessingat $30, 000 the indemnity to be paid by the Colombian Government, inthree installments of $10, 000 each. The good will of Colombia toward our country has been testified anew bythe cordial extension of facilities to the Nicaraguan Canal Commissionin their approaching investigation of the Panama Canal and otherprojected routes across the Isthmus of Darien. Toward the end of October an insurrectionary disturbance developed inthe Colombian Republic. This movement has thus far not attained anydecisive result and is still in progress. Discussion of the questions raised by the action of Denmark in imposingrestrictions on the importation of American meats has continued withoutsubstantial result in our favor. The neighboring island Republic of Santo Domingo has lately been thescene of revolution, following a long period of tranquillity. It beganwith the killing of President Heureaux in July last, and culminated inthe relinquishment by the succeeding Vice-President of the reins ofgovernment to the insurgents. The first act of the provisionalgovernment was the calling of a presidential and constituent election. Juan Isidro Jimenez, having been elected President, was inaugurated onthe 14th of November. Relations have been entered into with the newlyestablished Government. The experimental association of Nicaragua, Honduras, and Salvador, underthe title of the Greater Republic of Central America, when apparently onthe threshold of a complete federal organization by the adoption of aconstitution and the formation of a national legislature, was disruptedin the last days of November, 1898, by the withdrawal of Salvador. Thereupon Nicaragua and Honduras abandoned the joint compact, eachresuming its former independent sovereignty. This was followed by thereception of Minister Merry by the Republics of Nicaragua and Salvador, while Minister Hunter in turn presented his credentials to theGovernment of Honduras, thus reverting to the old distribution of thediplomatic agencies of the United States in Central America for whichour existing statutes provide. A Nicaraguan envoy has been accredited tothe United States. An insurrectionary movement, under General Reyes, broke out atBluefields in February last, and for a time exercised actual controlin the Mosquito Territory. The _Detroit_ was promptly sent thitherfor the protection of American interests. After a few weeks the Reyesgovernment renounced the conflict, giving place to the restoredsupremacy of Nicaragua. During the interregnum certain public duesaccruing under Nicaraguan law were collected from American merchants bythe authorities for the time being in effective administrative control. Upon the titular government regaining power, a second payment of thesedues was demanded. Controversy arose touching the validity of theoriginal payment of the debt to the _de facto_ regent of theterritory. An arrangement was effected in April last by the UnitedStates minister and the foreign secretary of Nicaragua whereby theamounts of the duplicate payments were deposited with the British consulpending an adjustment of the matter by direct agreement between theGovernments of the United States and Nicaragua. The controversy is stillunsettled. The contract of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua was declaredforfeited by the Nicaraguan Government on the 10th of October, on theground of nonfulfillment within the ten years' term stipulated in thecontract. The Maritime Canal Company has lodged a protest against thisaction, alleging rights in the premises which appear worthy ofconsideration. This Government expects that Nicaragua will afford theprotestants a full and fair hearing upon the merits of the case. The Nicaragua Canal Commission, which had been engaged upon the work ofexamination and survey for a ship-canal route across Nicaragua, havingcompleted its labors and made its report, was dissolved on May 31, andon June 10 a new commission, known as the Isthmian Canal Commission, wasorganized under the terms of the act approved March 3, 1899, for thepurpose of examining the American Isthmus with a view to determining themost practicable and feasible route for a ship canal across thatIsthmus, with its probable cost, and other essential details. This Commission, under the presidency of Rear-Admiral John G. Walker, U. S. N. (retired), entered promptly upon the work intrusted to it, and is now carrying on examinations in Nicaragua along the route ofthe Panama Canal, and in Darien from the Atlantic, in the neighborhoodof the Atrato River, to the Bay of Panama, on the Pacific side. Goodprogress has been made, but under the law a comprehensive and completeinvestigation is called for, which will require much labor andconsiderable time for its accomplishment. The work will be prosecuted asexpeditiously as possible and a report made at the earliest practicabledate. The great importance of this work cannot be too often or too stronglypressed upon the attention of the Congress. In my message of a year agoI expressed my views of the necessity of a canal which would link thetwo great oceans, to which I again invite your consideration. Thereasons then presented for early action are even stronger now. A pleasing incident in the relations of this Government with thatof Chile occurred in the generous assistance given to the war ship_Newark_ when in distress in Chilean waters. Not alone in this wayhas the friendly disposition of Chile found expression. That country hasacceded to the convention for the establishment of the Bureau of theAmerican Republics, in which organization every independent State of thecontinent now shares. The exchange of ratifications of a convention for the revival of theUnited States and Chilean Claims Commission and for the adjudication ofclaims heretofore presented but not determined during the life of theprevious Commission has been delayed by reason of the necessity forfresh action by the Chilean Senate upon the amendments attached to theratification of the treaty by the United States Senate. This formalityis soon to be accomplished. In view of disturbances in the populous provinces of northern China, where are many of our citizens, and of the imminence of disorder nearthe capital and toward the seaboard, a guard of marines was landedfrom the _Boston_ and stationed during last winter in the legationcompound at Peking. With the restoration of order this protection waswithdrawn. The interests of our citizens in that vast Empire have not been neglectedduring the past year. Adequate protection has been secured for ourmissionaries and some injuries to their property have been redressed. American capital has sought and found various opportunities of competingto carry out the internal improvements which the Imperial Government iswisely encouraging, and to develop the natural resources of the Empire. Our trade with China has continued to grow, and our commercial rightsunder existing treaties have been everywhere maintained during the pastyear, as they will be in the future. The extension of the area open to international foreign settlement atShanghai and the opening of the ports of Nanking, Tsing-tao (Kiao chao), and Ta-lien-wan to foreign trade and settlement will doubtless affordAmerican enterprise additional facilities and new fields, of which itwill not be slow to take advantage. In my message to Congress of December 5, 1898, I urged that therecommendation which had been made to the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives by the Secretary of the Treasury on the 14th of June, 1898, for an appropriation for a commission to study the commercialand industrial conditions in the Chinese Empire and report as to theopportunities for, and obstacles to, the enlargement of markets in Chinafor the raw products and manufactures of the United States, shouldreceive at your hands the consideration which its importance andtimeliness merited, but the Congress failed to take action. I now renew this recommendation, as the importance of the subject hassteadily grown since it was first submitted to you, and no time shouldbe lost in studying for ourselves the resources of this great field forAmerican trade and enterprise. The death of President Faure in February last called forth those sincereexpressions of sympathy which befit the relations of two Republics asclosely allied by unbroken historic ties as are the United States andFrance. Preparations for the representation of the industries, arts, andproducts of the United States at the World's Exposition to be held inParis next year continue on an elaborate and comprehensive scale, thanksto the generous appropriation provided by Congress and to the friendlyinterest the French Government has shown in furthering a typical exhibitof American progress. There has been allotted to the United States a considerable additionof space, which, while placing our country in the first rank amongexhibitors, does not suffice to meet the increasingly urgent demandsof our manufacturers. The efforts of the Commissioner-General are ablydirected toward a strictly representative display of all that mostcharacteristically marks American achievement in the inventive arts, and most adequately shows the excellence of our natural productions. In this age of keen rivalry among nations for mastery in commerce, thedoctrine of evolution and the rule of the survival of the fittest mustbe as inexorable in their operation as they are positive in the resultsthey bring about. The place won in the struggle by an industrial peoplecan only be held by unrelaxed endeavor and constant advance inachievement. The present extraordinary impetus in every line of Americanexportation and the astounding increase in the volume and value of ourshare in the world's markets may not be attributed to accidentalconditions. The reasons are not far to seek. They lie deep in our national characterand find expression year by year in every branch of handicraft, in everynew device whereby the materials we so abundantly produce are subdued tothe artisan's will and made to yield the largest, most practical, andmost beneficial return. The American exhibit at Paris should, and I amconfident will, be an open volume, whose lessons of skillfully directedendeavor, unfaltering energy, and consummate performance may be read byall on every page, thus spreading abroad a clearer knowledge of theworth of our productions and the justice of our claim to an importantplace in the marts of the world. To accomplish this by judiciousselection, by recognition of paramount merit in whatever walk of tradeor manufacture it may appear, and by orderly classification andattractive installation is the task of our Commission. The United States Government building is approaching completion, and noeffort will be spared to make it worthy, in beauty of architectural planand in completeness of display, to represent our nation. It has beensuggested that a permanent building of similar or appropriate design beerected on a convenient site, already given by the municipality, nearthe exposition grounds, to serve in commemoration of the part taken bythis country in this great enterprise, as an American NationalInstitute, for our countrymen resorting to Paris for study. I am informed by our Commissioner-General that we shall have in theAmerican sections at Paris over 7, 000 exhibitors, from every State inour country, a number ten times as great as those which were representedat Vienna in 1873, six times as many as those in Paris in 1878, and fourtimes as many as those who exhibited in Paris in 1889. This statementdoes not include the exhibits from either Cuba, Puerto Rico, or Hawaii, for which arrangements have been made. A number of important international congresses on special topicsaffecting public interests are proposed to be held in Paris next summerin connection with the exposition. Effort will be made to have theseveral technical branches of our administration efficiently representedat those conferences, each in its special line, and to procure thelargest possible concourse of State representatives, particularly at theCongresses of Public Charity and Medicine. Our relations with Germany continue to be most cordial. The increasingintimacy of direct association has been marked during the year by thegranting permission in April for the landing on our shores of a cablefrom Borkum Eniden, on the North Sea, by way of the Azores, and alsoby the conclusion on September 2 of a Parcels Post Convention with theGerman Empire. In all that promises closer relations of intercourse andcommerce and a better understanding between two races having so manytraits in common, Germany can be assured of the most cordial cooperationof this Government and people. We may be rivals in many material paths, but our rivalry should be generous and open, ever aiming toward theattainment of larger results and the mutually beneficial advancement ofeach in the line of its especial adaptabilities. The several governments of the Empire seem reluctant to admit thenatural excellence of our food productions and to accept the evidencewe constantly tender of the care with which their purity is guardedby rigid inspection from the farm, through the slaughterhouse and thepacking establishments, to the port of shipment. Our system of controlover exported food staples invites examination from any quarter andchallenges respect by its efficient thoroughness. It is to be hoped that in time the two Governments will act in commonaccord toward the realization of their common purpose to safeguard thepublic health and to insure the purity and wholesomeness of all foodproducts imported by either country from the other. Were the Congressto authorize an invitation to Germany, in connection with the pendingreciprocity negotiations, for the constitution of a joint commission ofscientific experts and practical men of affairs to conduct a searchinginvestigation of food production and exportation in both countries andreport to their respective legislatures for the adoption of suchremedial measures as they might recommend for either, the way might beopened for the desirable result indicated. Efforts to obtain for American life insurance companies a full hearingas to their business operations in Prussia have, after several years ofpatient representation, happily succeeded, and one of the most importantAmerican companies has been granted a concession to continue business inthat Kingdom. I am also glad to announce that the German insurance companies have beenreadmitted by the superintendent of insurance to do business in theState of New York. Subsequent to the exchange of our peace treaty with Spain, Germanyacquired the Caroline Islands by purchase, paying therefor $5, 000, 000. Assurances have been received from the German Government that the rightsof American missionaries and traders there will be consideratelyobserved. In my last annual message I referred to the pending negotiations withGreat Britain in respect to the Dominion of Canada. By means of anexecutive agreement, a Joint High Commission had been created for thepurpose of adjusting all unsettled questions between the United Statesand Canada, embracing twelve subjects, among which were the questions ofthe fur seals, the fisheries of the coast and contiguous inland waters, the Alaskan boundary, the transit of merchandise in bond, the alienlabor laws, mining rights, reciprocity in trade, revision of theagreement respecting naval vessels in the Great Lakes, a more completemarking of parts of the boundary, provision for the conveyance ofcriminals, and for wrecking and salvage. Much progress had been made by the Commission toward the adjustment ofmany of these questions, when it became apparent that an irreconcilabledifference of views was entertained respecting the delimitation of theAlaskan boundary. In the failure of an agreement as to the meaning ofArticles III and IV of the treaty of 1825 between Russia and GreatBritain, which defined the boundary between Alaska and Canada, theAmerican Commissioners proposed that the subject of the boundary belaid aside, and that the remaining questions of difference be proceededwith, some of which were so far advanced as to assure the probabilityof a settlement. This being declined by the British Commissioners, anadjournment was taken until the boundary should be adjusted by the twoGovernments. The subject has been receiving the careful attention whichits importance demands, with the result that a _modus vivendi_ forprovisional demarcations in the region about the head of Lynn Canal hasbeen agreed upon; and it is hoped that the negotiations now in progressbetween the two Governments will end in an agreement for theestablishment and delimitation of a permanent boundary. Apart from these questions growing out of our relationship with ournorthern neighbor, the most friendly disposition and ready agreementhave marked the discussion of numerous matters arising in the vast andintimate intercourse of the United States with Great Britain. This Government has maintained an attitude of neutrality in theunfortunate contest between Great Britain and the Boer States ofAfrica. We have remained faithful to the precept of avoiding entanglingalliances as to affairs not of our direct concern. Had circumstancessuggested that the parties to the quarrel would have welcomed any kindlyexpression of the hope of the American people that war might be averted, good offices would have been gladly tendered. The United Statesrepresentative at Pretoria was early instructed to see that all neutralAmerican interests be respected by the combatants. This has been an easytask in view of the positive declarations of both British and Boerauthorities that the personal and property rights of our citizens shouldbe observed. Upon the withdrawal of the British agent from Pretoria the United Statesconsul was authorized, upon the request of the British Government andwith the assent of the South African and Orange Free State Governments, to exercise the customary good offices of a neutral for the care ofBritish interests. In the discharge of this function, I am happy to saythat abundant opportunity has been afforded to show the impartiality ofthis Government toward both the combatants. For the fourth time in the present decade, question has arisen withthe Government of Italy in regard to the lynching of Italian subjects. The latest of these deplorable events occurred at Tallulah, Louisiana, whereby five unfortunates of Italian origin were taken from jail andhanged. The authorities of the State and a representative of the Italian Embassyhaving separately investigated the occurrence, with discrepant results, particularly as to the alleged citizenship of the victims, and it notappearing that the State had been able to discover and punish theviolators of the law, an independent investigation has been set on foot, through the agency of the Department of State, and is still in progress. The result will enable the Executive to treat the question with theGovernment of Italy in a spirit of fairness and justice. A satisfactorysolution will doubtless be reached. The recurrence of these distressing manifestations of blind mob furydirected at dependents or natives of a foreign country suggests thatthe contingency has arisen for action by Congress in the directionof conferring upon the Federal courts jurisdiction in this class ofinternational cases where the ultimate responsibility of the FederalGovernment may be involved. The suggestion is not new. In his annualmessage of December 9, 1891, my predecessor, President Harrison, said: It would, I believe, be entirely competent for Congress to make offenses against the treaty rights of foreigners domiciled in the United States cognizable in the Federal courts. This has not, however, been done, and the Federal officers and courts have no power in such cases to intervene either for the protection of a foreign citizen or for the punishment of his slayers. It seems to me to follow, in this state of the law, that the officers of the State charged with police and judicial powers in such cases must, in the consideration of international questions growing out of such incidents, be regarded in such sense as Federal agents as to make this Government answerable for their acts in cases where it would be answerable if the United States had used its constitutional power to define and punish crimes against treaty rights. A bill to provide for the punishment of violations of treaty rightsof aliens was introduced in the Senate March 1, 1892, and reportedfavorably March 30. Having doubtless in view the language of that partof Article III of the treaty of February 26, 1871, between the UnitedStates and Italy, which stipulates that "The citizens of each of thehigh contracting parties shall receive, in the States and Territories ofthe other, most constant protection and security for their persons andproperty, and shall enjoy in this respect the same rights and privilegesas are or shall be granted to the natives, on their submittingthemselves to the conditions imposed upon the natives, " the bill sointroduced and reported provided that any act committed in any State orTerritory of the United States in violation of the rights of a citizenor subject of a foreign country secured to such citizen or subjectby treaty between the United States and such foreign country andconstituting a crime under the laws of the State or Territory shallconstitute a like crime against the United States and be cognizable inthe Federal courts. No action was taken by Congress in the matter. I earnestly recommend that the subject be taken up anew and actedupon during the present session. The necessity for some such provisionabundantly appears. Precedent for constituting a Federal jurisdiction incriminal cases where aliens are sufferers is rationally deducible fromthe existing statute, which gives to the district and circuit courts ofthe United States jurisdiction of civil suits brought by aliens wherethe amount involved exceeds a certain sum. If such jealous solicitude beshown for alien rights in cases of merely civil and pecuniary import, how much greater should be the public duty to take cognizance of mattersaffecting the lives and the rights of aliens under the settledprinciples of international law no less than under treaty stipulation, in cases of such transcendent wrongdoing as mob murder, especially whenexperience has shown that local justice is too often helpless to punishthe offenders. After many years of endeavor on the part of this Government to that endthe Italian Government has consented to enter into negotiations for anaturalization convention, having for one of its objects the regulationof the status of Italians (except those of an age for active militaryservice) who, having been naturalized in the United States, may revisitItaly. It is hoped that with the mutually conciliatory spirit displayeda successful conclusion will be reached. The treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States andJapan on November 22, 1894, took effect in accordance with the termsof its XIXth Article on the 17th of July last, simultaneously with theenforcement of like treaties with the other powers, except France, whoseconvention did not go into operation until August 4, the United Statesbeing, however, granted up to that date all the privileges and rightsaccorded to French citizens under the old French treaty. By this notableconventional reform Japan's position as a fully independent sovereignpower is assured, control being gained of taxation, customs revenues, judicial administration, coasting trade, and all other domesticfunctions of government, and foreign extra-territorial rights beingrenounced. Comprehensive codes of civil and criminal procedure according towestern methods, public instruction, patents and copyrights, municipaladministration, including jurisdiction over the former foreignsettlements, customs tariffs and procedure, public health, and otheradministrative measures have been proclaimed. The working of the newsystem has given rise to no material complaints on the part of theAmerican citizens or interests, a circumstance which attests the ripeconsideration with which the change has been prepared. Valuable assistance was rendered by the Japanese authorities to theUnited States transport ship _Morgan City_ while stranded at Kobe. Permission has been granted to land and pasture army horses at Japaneseports of call on the way to the Philippine Islands. These kindlyevidences of good will are highly appreciated. The Japanese Government has shown a lively interest in the propositionof the Pacific Cable Company to add to its projected cable lines toHawaii, Guam, and the Philippines a branch connection with the coast ofJapan. It would be a gratifying consummation were the utility of thecontemplated scheme enhanced by bringing Japan and the United Statesinto direct telegraphic relation. Without repeating the observations of my special message of February 10, 1899, concerning the necessity of a cable to Manila, I respectfullyinvite attention to it. I recommend that, in case the Congress should not take measuresto bring about this result by direct action of the Government, thePostmaster-General be authorized to invite competitive bids for theestablishment of a cable; the company making the best responsible bid tobe awarded the contract; the successful company to give ample bonds toinsure the completion of the work within a reasonable time. The year has been marked by constant increase in the intimacy of ourrelations with Mexico and in the magnitude of mutually advantageousinterchanges. This Government has omitted no opportunity to show itsstrong desire to develop and perpetuate the ties of cordiality now solong happily unbroken. Following the termination on January 20, 1899, by Mexico of theconvention of extradition of December 11, 1861, a new treaty more inaccordance with the ascertained needs of both countries was signedFebruary 22, 1899, and exchanged in the City of Mexico on the 22d ofApril last. Its operation thus far has been effective and satisfactory. A recent case has served to test the application of its IVth Article, which provides that neither party shall be bound to deliver up its owncitizens, but that the executive authority of each shall have the powerto deliver them up if in its discretion it be deemed proper to do so. The extradition of Mrs. Mattie Rich, a citizen of the UnitedStates, charged with homicide committed in Mexico, was after matureconsideration directed by me in the conviction that the ends of justicewould be thereby subserved. Similar action, on appropriate occasion, by the Mexican Executive will not only tend to accomplish the desireof both Governments that grave crimes go not unpunished, but also torepress lawlessness along the border of the two countries. The newtreaty stipulates that neither Government shall assume jurisdiction inthe punishment of crimes committed exclusively within the territory ofthe other. This will obviate in future the embarrassing controversieswhich have heretofore arisen through Mexico's assertion of a claim totry and punish an American citizen for an offense committed within thejurisdiction of the United States. The International Water Boundary Commission, organized by the conventionof March 1, 1889, for the adjustment of questions affecting the RioGrande frontier, has not yet completed its labors. A further extensionof its term for one year, until December 24, 1899, was effected by aconvention signed December 2, 1898, and exchanged and proclaimed inFebruary last. An invitation extended to the President of Mexico to visit Chicago inOctober, on the occasion of laying the corner stone of the United StatesGovernment building in that city, was cordially accepted by him, withthe necessary consent of the Mexican Congress, but the illness of amember of his family prevented his attendance. The Minister of ForeignRelations, however, came as the personal representative of PresidentDiaz, and in that high character was duly honored. Claims growing out of the seizure of American sealing vessels in BeringSea have been under discussion with the Government of Russia for severalyears, with the recent happy result of an agreement to submit them tothe decision of a single arbitrator. By this act Russia affords proofof her adherence to the beneficent principle of arbitration which herplenipotentiaries conspicuously favored at The Hague DisarmamentConference when it was advocated by the representatives of the UnitedStates. A suggestion for a permanent exposition of our products and manufacturesin Russia, although not yet fully shaped, has been so cordially welcomedby the Imperial Government that it may not inaptly take a fitting placein whatever legislation the Congress may adopt looking to enlargement ofour commercial opportunities abroad. Important events have occurred in the Samoan Islands. The election, according to the laws and customs of Samoa, of a successor to the lateKing, Malietoa Laupepa, developed a contest as to the validity of theresult, which issue, by the terms of the General Act, was to be decidedby the Chief Justice. Upon his rendering a judgment in favor of MalietoaTanu, the rival chief, Mataafa, took up arms. The active intervention ofAmerican and British war ships became imperative to restore order, atthe cost of sanguinary encounters. In this emergency a joint commissionof representatives of the United States, Germany, and Great Britainwas sent to Samoa to investigate the situation and provide a temporaryremedy. By its active efforts a peaceful solution was reached for thetime being, the kingship being abolished and a provisional governmentestablished. Recommendations unanimously made by the commissionfor a permanent adjustment of the Samoan question were taken underconsideration by the three powers parties to the General Act. But themore they were examined the more evident it became that a radical changewas necessary in the relations of the powers to Samoa. The inconveniences and possible perils of the tripartite scheme ofsupervision and control in the Samoan group by powers having littleinterest in common in that quarter beyond commercial rivalry had beenonce more emphasized by the recent events. The suggested remedy of theJoint Commission, like the scheme it aimed to replace, amounted towhat has been styled a _tridominium_, being the exercise of thefunctions of sovereignty by an unanimous agreement of three powers. The situation had become far more intricate and embarrassing from everypoint of view than it was when my predecessor, in 1894, summed up itsperplexities and condemned the participation in it of the United States. The arrangement under which Samoa was administered had provedimpracticable and unacceptable to all the powers concerned. To withdrawfrom the agreement and abandon the islands to Germany and Great Britainwould not be compatible with our interests in the archipelago. Torelinquish our rights in the harbor of Pago Pago, the best anchorage inthe Pacific, the occupancy of which had been leased to the United Statesin 1878 by the first foreign treaty ever concluded by Samoa, was not tobe thought of either as regards the needs of our Navy or the interestsof our growing commerce with the East. We could not have considered anyproposition for the abrogation of the tripartite control which did notconfirm us in all our rights and safeguard all our national interests inthe islands. Our views commended themselves to the other powers. A satisfactoryarrangement was concluded between the Governments of Germany and ofEngland, by virtue of which England retired from Samoa in view ofcompensations in other directions, and both powers renounced in favorof the United States all their rights and claims over and in respectto that portion of the group lying to the east of the one hundredand seventy-first degree of west longitude, embracing the islands ofTutuila, Ofoo, Olosenga, and Manua. I transmit to the Senate, forits constitutional action thereon, a convention, which besides theprovisions above mentioned also guarantees us the same privileges andconditions in respect to commerce and commercial vessels in all of theislands of Samoa as those possessed by Germany. Claims have been preferred by white residents of Samoa on account ofinjuries alleged to have been suffered through the acts of the treatyGovernments in putting down the late disturbances. A convention has beenmade between the three powers for the investigation and settlement ofthese claims by a neutral arbitrator, to which the attention of theSenate will be invited. My annual message of last year was necessarily devoted in great part toa consideration of the Spanish War and of the results it wrought and theconditions it imposed for the future. I am gratified to announce thatthe treaty of peace has restored friendly relations between the twopowers. Effect has been given to its most important provisions. Theevacuation of Puerto Rico having already been accomplished on the 18thof October, 1898, nothing remained necessary there but to continue theprovisional military control of the island until the Congress shouldenact a suitable government for the ceded territory. Of the characterand scope of the measures to that end I shall treat in another part ofthis message. The withdrawal of the authority of Spain from the island of Cuba waseffected by the 1st of January, so that the full re-establishment ofpeace found the relinquished territory held by us in trust for theinhabitants, maintaining, under the direction of the Executive, suchgovernment and control therein as should conserve public order, restorethe productive conditions of peace so long disturbed by the instabilityand disorder which prevailed for the greater part of the preceding threedecades, and build up that tranquil development of the domestic statewhereby alone can be realized the high purpose, as proclaimed in thejoint resolution adopted by the Congress on the 19th of April, 1898, by which the United States disclaimed any disposition or intention toexercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over Cuba, except forthe pacification thereof, and asserted its determination when that wasaccomplished to leave the government and control of the island to itspeople. The pledge contained in this resolution is of the highesthonorable obligation and must be sacredly kept. I believe that substantial progress has been made in this direction. All the administrative measures adopted in Cuba have aimed to fit it fora regenerated existence by enforcing the supremacy of law and justice;by placing wherever practicable the machinery of administration in thehands of the inhabitants; by instituting needed sanitary reforms; byspreading education; by fostering industry and trade; by inculcatingpublic morality, and, in short, by taking every rational step to aidthe Cuban people to attain to that plane of self-conscious respectand self-reliant unity which fits an enlightened community forself-government within its own sphere, while enabling it to fulfillall outward obligations. This nation has assumed before the world a grave responsibility for thefuture good government of Cuba. We have accepted a trust the fulfillmentof which calls for the sternest integrity of purpose and the exercise ofthe highest wisdom. The new Cuba yet to arise from the ashes of the pastmust needs be bound to us by ties of singular intimacy and strengthif its enduring welfare is to be assured. Whether those ties shall beorganic or conventional, the destinies of Cuba are in some rightfulform and manner irrevocably linked with our own, but how and how faris for the future to determine in the ripeness of events. Whatever bethe outcome, we must see to it that free Cuba be a reality, not a name, a perfect entity, not a hasty experiment bearing within itself theelements of failure. Our mission, to accomplish which we took up thewager of battle, is not to be fulfilled by turning adrift any looselyframed commonwealth to face the vicissitudes which too often attendweaker States whose natural wealth and abundant resources are offsetby the incongruities of their political organization and the recurringoccasions for internal rivalries to sap their strength and dissipatetheir energies. The greatest blessing which can come to Cuba is therestoration of her agricultural and industrial prosperity, which willgive employment to idle men and re-establish the pursuits of peace. This is her chief and immediate need. On the 19th of August last an order was made for the taking of thecensus in the island, to be completed on the 30th of November. By thetreaty of peace the Spanish people on the island have until April 11, 1900, to elect whether they will remain citizens of Spain or becomecitizens of Cuba. Until then it cannot be definitely ascertained whoshall be entitled to participate in the formation of the government ofCuba. By that time the results of the census will have been tabulatedand we shall proceed to provide for elections which will commit themunicipal governments of the island to the officers elected by thepeople. The experience thus acquired will prove of great value in theformation of a representative convention of the people to draft aconstitution and establish a general system of independent governmentfor the island. In the meantime and so long as we exercise control overthe island the products of Cuba should have a market in the UnitedStates on as good terms and with as favorable rates of duty as are givento the West India Islands under treaties of reciprocity which shall bemade. For the relief of the distressed in the island of Cuba the WarDepartment has issued supplies to destitute persons through the officersof the Army, which have amounted to 5, 493, 000 rations, at a cost of$1, 417, 554. 07. To promote the disarmament of the Cuban volunteer army, and in theinterest of public peace and the welfare of the people, the sum of $75was paid to each Cuban soldier borne upon the authenticated rolls, on condition that he should deposit his arms with the authoritiesdesignated by the United States. The sum thus disbursed aggregated$2, 547, 750, which was paid from the emergency fund provided by the actof January 5, 1899, for that purpose. Out of the Cuban island revenues during the six months ending June 30, 1899, $1, 712, 014. 20 was expended for sanitation, $293, 881. 70 forcharities and hospitals, and $88, 944. 03 for aid to the destitute. Following the exchange of ratifications of the treaty of peace thetwo Governments accredited ministers to each other, Spain sendingto Washington the Duke of Arcos, an eminent diplomatist, previouslystationed in Mexico, while the United States transferred to Madrid Hon. Bellamy Storer, its minister at Brussels. This was followed by therespective appointment of consuls, thereby fully resuming the relationsinterrupted by the war. In addition to its consular representation inthe United States, the Spanish Government has appointed consuls forCuba, who have been provisionally recognized during the militaryadministration of the affairs of that island. Judicial intercourse between the courts of Cuba and Puerto Rico and ofSpain has been established, as provided by the treaty of peace. TheCuban political prisoners in Spanish penal stations have been and arebeing released and returned to their homes, in accordance with ArticleVI of the treaty. Negotiations are about to be had for defining theconventional relations between the two countries, which fell intoabeyance by reason of the war. I trust that these will include afavorable arrangement for commercial reciprocity under the terms ofsections 3 and 4 of the current tariff act. In these, as in all mattersof international concern, no effort will be spared to respond to thegood disposition of Spain, and to cultivate in all practicable ways theintimacy which should prevail between two nations whose past history hasso often and in so many ways been marked by sincere friendship and bycommunity of interests. I would recommend appropriate legislation in order to carry intoexecution Article VII of the Treaty of Peace with Spain, by which theUnited States assured the payment of certain claims for indemnity of itscitizens against Spain. * * * * * The United States minister to Turkey continues, under instructions, to press for a money payment in satisfaction of the just claims forinjuries suffered by American citizens in the disorders of several yearspast and for wrongs done to them by the Ottoman authorities. Some ofthese claims are of many years' standing. This Government is hopeful ofa general agreement in this regard. In the Turkish Empire the situation of our citizens remainsunsatisfactory. Our efforts during nearly forty years to bring about aconvention of naturalization seem to be on the brink of final failurethrough the announced policy of the Ottoman Porte to refuse recognitionof the alien status of native Turkish subjects naturalized abroad since1867. Our statutes do not allow this Government to admit any distinctionbetween the treatment of native and naturalized Americans abroad, sothat ceaseless controversy arises in cases where persons owing in theeye of international law a dual allegiance are prevented from enteringTurkey or are expelled after entrance. Our law in this regard contrastswith that of the European States. The British act, for instance, doesnot claim effect for the naturalization of an alien in the event of hisreturn to his native country, unless the change be recognized by the lawof that country or stipulated by treaty between it and the naturalizingState. The arbitrary treatment, in some instances, of American productions inTurkey has attracted attention of late, notably in regard to our flour. Large shipments by the recently opened direct steamship line to Turkishports have been denied entrance on the score that, although of standardcomposition and unquestioned purity, the flour was pernicious to healthbecause of deficient "elasticity" as indicated by antiquated anduntrustworthy tests. Upon due protest by the American minister, and itappearing that the act was a virtual discrimination against our product, the shipments in question were admitted. In these, as in all instances, wherever occurring, when American products may be subjected in a foreigncountry, upon specious pretexts, to discrimination compared with thelike products of another country, this Government will use its earnestefforts to secure fair and equal treatment for its citizens and theirgoods. Failing this, it will not hesitate to apply whatever correctivemay be provided by the statutes. * * * * * The International Commission of Arbitration, appointed under theAnglo-Venezuelan treaty of 1897, rendered an award on October 3 last, whereby the boundary line between Venezuela and British Guiana isdetermined, thus ending a controversy which has existed for the greaterpart of the century. The award, as to which the arbitrators wereunanimous, while not meeting the extreme contention of either party, gives to Great Britain a large share of the interior territory indispute and to Venezuela the entire mouth of the Orinoco, includingBarima Point and the Caribbean littoral for some distance to theeastward. The decision appears to be equally satisfactory to bothparties. Venezuela has once more undergone a revolution. The insurgents, underGeneral Castro, after a sanguinary engagement in which they sufferedmuch loss, rallied in the mountainous interior and advanced toward thecapital. The bulk of the army having sided with the movement, PresidentAndrade quitted Caracas, where General Castro set up a provisionalgovernment with which our minister and the representatives of otherpowers entered into diplomatic relations on the 20th of November, 1899. * * * * * The fourth section of the Tariff Act approved July 24, 1897, appearsto provide only for commercial treaties which should be entered into bythe President and also ratified by the Senate within two years from itspassage. Owing to delays inevitable in negotiations of this nature, noneof the treaties initiated under that section could be concluded in timefor ratification by the Senate prior to its adjournment on the 4th ofMarch last. Some of the pending negotiations, however, were nearconclusion at that time, and the resulting conventions have since beensigned by the plenipotentiaries. Others, within both the third andfourth sections of the act, are still under consideration. Acting underthe constitutional power of the Executive in respect to treaties, I have deemed it my duty, while observing the limitations of concessionprovided by the fourth section, to bring to a conclusion all pendingnegotiations, and submit them to the Senate for its advice and consent. Conventions of reciprocity have been signed during the Congressionalrecess with Great Britain for the respective colonies of British Guiana, Barbados, Bermuda, Jamaica, and Turks and Caicos Islands, and with theRepublic of Nicaragua. Important reciprocal conventions have also been concluded with Franceand with the Argentine Republic. In my last annual message the progress noted in the work of thediplomatic and consular officers in collecting information as tothe industries and commerce of other countries, and in the care andpromptitude with which their reports are printed and distributed, hascontinued during the past year, with increasingly valuable results insuggesting new sources of demand for American products and in pointingout the obstacles still to be overcome in facilitating the remarkableexpansion of our foreign trade. It will doubtless be gratifying toCongress to learn that the various agencies of the Department of Stateare co-operating in these endeavors with a zeal and effectivenesswhich are not only receiving the cordial recognition of our businessinterests, but are exciting the emulation of other Governments. In anyrearrangement of the great and complicated work of obtaining officialdata of an economic character which Congress may undertake it is mostimportant, in my judgment, that the results already secured by theefforts of the Department of State should be carefully considered witha view to a judicious development and increased utility to our exporttrade. The interest taken by the various States forming the International Unionof American Republics in the work of its organic bureau is evidenced bythe fact that for the first time since its creation in 1890 all theRepublics of South and Central America are now represented in it. The unanimous recommendation of the International American Conference, providing for the International Union of American Republics, stated thatit should continue in force during a term of ten years from the date ofits organization, and no country becoming a member of the union shouldcease to be a member until the end of said period of ten years, andunless twelve months before the expiration of said period a majorityof the members of the union had given to the Secretary of State of theUnited States official notice of their wish to terminate the unionat the end of its first period, that the union should continue to bemaintained for another period of ten years, and thereafter, under thesame conditions, for successive periods of ten years each. The period for notification expired on July 14, 1899, without any of themembers having given the necessary notice of withdrawal. Its maintenanceis therefore assured for the next ten years. In view of this fact and ofthe numerous questions of general interest and common benefit to all ofthe Republics of America, some of which were considered by the firstInternational American Conference, but not finally settled, and otherswhich have since then grown to importance, it would seem expedient thatthe various Republics constituting the Union should be invited to holdat an early date another conference in the capital of one of thecountries other than the United States, which has already enjoyed thishonor. The purely international character of the work being done by thebureau and the appreciation of its value are further emphasized by theactive co-operation which the various Governments of the Latin-AmericanRepublics and their diplomatic representatives in this capital are nowexhibiting and the zealous endeavors they are making to extend itsfield of usefulness, to promote through it commercial intercourse, andstrengthen the bonds of amity and confidence between its various membersand the nations of this continent. The act to encourage the holding of the Pan-American Exposition on theNiagara frontier, within the county of Erie or Niagara, in the State ofNew York, in the year 1901, was approved on March 3, 1899. This exposition, which will be held in the city of Buffalo, in the nearvicinity of the great Niagara cataract, and within a day's journey ofwhich reside 40, 000, 000 of our people, will be confined entirely to theWestern Hemisphere. Satisfactory assurances have already been given bythe diplomatic representatives of Great Britain, Mexico, the Central andSouth American Republics, and most of the States of the United Statesthat these countries and States will make an unique, interesting, andinstructive exhibit, peculiarly illustrative of their material progressduring the century which is about to close. The law provides an appropriation of $500, 000 for the purpose of makingan exhibit at the exposition by the Government of the United Statesfrom its Executive Departments and from the Smithsonian Institution andNational Museum, the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, theDepartment of Labor, and the Bureau of the American Republics. To securea complete and harmonious arrangement of this Government exhibit a boardof management has already been created, and charged with the selection, purchase, preparation, transportation, arrangement, and safe-keepingof the articles and materials to be exhibited. This board has beenorganized and has already entered upon the performance of its duties, as provided for by the law. I have every reason to hope and believe that this exposition will tendmore firmly to cement the cordial relations between the nations on thiscontinent. In accordance with an act of Congress approved December 21, 1898, and under the auspices of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum, a mostinteresting and valuable exposition of products and manufacturesespecially adapted to export trade was held in Philadelphia from the14th of September to the 1st of December, 1899. The representativecharacter of the exhibits and the widespread interest manifested in thespecial objects of the undertaking afford renewed encouragement to thosewho look confidently to the steady growth of our enlarged exportationof manufactured goods, which has been the most remarkable fact in theeconomic development of the United States in recent years. A feature ofthis exposition which is likely to become of permanent and increasingutility to our industries is the collection of samples of merchandiseproduced in various countries with special reference to particularmarkets, providing practical object lessons to United Statesmanufacturers as to qualities, styles, and prices of goods such as meetthe special demands of consumers and may be exported with advantage. In connection with the exposition an International CommercialCongress was held, upon the invitation of the Philadelphia CommercialMuseum, transmitted by the Department of State to the various foreignGovernments, for an exchange of information and opinions with theview to the promotion of international trade. This invitation metwith general and cordial acceptance, and the Congress, which beganits sessions at the exposition on the 13th of October, proved to be ofgreat practical importance, from the fact that it developed a generalrecognition of the interdependence of nations in trade and a mostgratifying spirit of accommodation with reference to the gradual removalof existing impediments to reciprocal relations, without injury to theindustrial interests of either party. In response to the invitation of His Majesty, the Emperor of Russia, delegates from twenty-six countries were assembled at The Hague on the18th of May, as members of a conference in the interest of peace. Thecommission from the United States consisted of the Hon. Andrew D. White, the Hon. Seth Low, the Hon. Stanford Newel, Captain Alfred T. Mahan, ofthe United States Navy, Captain William Crozier, of the United StatesArmy, and the Hon. Frederick W. Holls, secretary. The occasion seemedto be opportune for the serious consideration of a plan for the pacificadjustment of international differences, a subject in which the Americanpeople have been deeply interested for many years, and a definiteproject for a permanent international tribunal was included in theinstructions to the delegates of the United States. The final act of the conference includes conventions upon theamelioration of the laws and customs of war on land, the adaptation tomaritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva Convention of 1864, andthe extension of judicial methods to international cases. The Conventionfor the Pacific Settlement of International Conflicts embodies theleading features of the American plan, with such modifications as wererendered necessary by the great diversity of views and interestsrepresented by the delegates. The four titles of the convention providefor the maintenance of general peace, the exercise of good offices andmediation, the formation of commissions of inquiry, and internationalarbitration. The mediation provided for by the convention is purely voluntary andadvisory, and is intended to avoid any invasion or limitation of thesovereign rights of the adhering States. The commissions of inquiryproposed consists of delegations to be specifically constituted forparticular purposes by means of conventions between the contestingparties, having for their object the clear understanding ofinternational differences before resorting to the use of force. The provision for arbitration contemplates the formation of a permanenttribunal before which disputed cases may be brought for settlementby the mutual consent of the litigants in each separate case. Theadvantages of such a permanent tribunal over impromptu commissions ofarbitration are conceived to be the actual existence of a competentcourt, prepared to administer justice, the greater economy resultingfrom a well-devised system, and the accumulated judicial skill andexperience which such a tribunal would soon possess. While earnestly promoting the idea of establishing a permanentinternational tribunal, the delegation of the United States was notunmindful of the inconveniences which might arise from an obtrusiveexercise of mediation, and in signing the convention carefully guardedthe historic position of the United States by the following declaration: Nothing contained in this convention shall be so construed as to require the United States of America to depart from its traditional policy of not intruding upon, interfering with, or entangling itself in the political questions or policy or internal administration of any foreign state; nor shall anything contained in the said convention be construed to imply a relinquishment by the United States of America of its traditional attitude toward purely American questions. Thus interpreted, the Convention for the Pacific Settlement ofInternational Conflicts may be regarded as realizing the earnest desireof great numbers of American citizens, whose deep sense of justice, expressed in numerous resolutions and memorials, has urged them to laborfor this noble achievement. The general character of this convention, already signed by the delegates of more than twenty sovereign States, further commends it to the favorable action of the Senate of the UnitedStates, whose ratification it still awaits. Since my last annual message, and in obedience to the acts of theCongress of April 22 and 26, 1898, the remaining volunteer forceenlisted for the Spanish War, consisting of 34, 834 regulars and 110, 202volunteers, with over 5, 000 volunteer officers, has been discharged fromthe military service. Of the volunteers, 667 officers and 14, 831 menwere serving in the Philippines, and 1, 650 of the regulars, who wereentitled to be mustered out after the ratification of the treaty ofpeace. They voluntarily remained at the front until their places couldbe filled by new troops. They were returned home in the order in whichthey went to Manila, and are now all of them out of the service and inthe ranks of citizenship. I recommend that the Congress provide aspecial medal of honor for the volunteers, regulars, sailors, andmarines on duty in the Philippines who voluntarily remained in theservice after their terms of enlistment had expired. By the act of March 2, 1899, Congress gave authority to increase theRegular Army to a maximum not exceeding 65, 000 enlisted men, and toenlist a force of 35, 000 volunteers, to be recruited from the country atlarge. By virtue of this authority the Regular Army has been increasedto the number of 61, 999 enlisted men and 2, 248 officers, and newvolunteer regiments have been organized aggregating 33, 050 enlisted menand 1, 524 officers. Two of these volunteer regiments are made up ofcolored men, with colored line officers. The new troops to take theplaces of those returning from the Philippines have been transportedto Manila to the number of 581 officers and 26, 322 enlisted men ofthe Regular Army and 594 officers and 15, 388 enlisted men of the newvolunteer force, while 504 officers and 14, 119 men of the volunteerforce are on the ocean _en route_ to Manila. The force now in Manila consists of 905 officers and 30, 578 regulars, and 594 officers and 15, 388 of the volunteers, making an aggregate of1, 499 officers and 45, 966 men. When the troops now under orders shallreach Manila the force in the archipelago will comprise 2, 051 officersand 63, 483 men. The muster out of the great volunteer army organizedfor the Spanish War and the creation of a new army, the transportationfrom Manila to San Francisco of those entitled to discharge and thetransportation of the new troops to take their places have been a workof great magnitude well and ably done, for which too much credit cannotbe given the War Department. During the past year we have reduced our force in Cuba and Puerto Rico. In Cuba we now have 334 officers and 10, 796 enlisted men; in PuertoRico, 87 officers and 2, 855 enlisted men and a battalion of 400 mencomposed of native Puerto Ricans; while stationed throughout the UnitedStates are 910 officers and 17, 317 men, and in Hawaii 12 officers and453 enlisted men. The operations of the Army are fully presented in the report of theSecretary of War. I cannot withhold from officers and men the highestcommendation for their soldierly conduct in trying situations, theirwilling sacrifices for their country, and the integrity and ability withwhich they have performed unusual and difficult duties in our islandpossessions. In the organization of the volunteer regiments authorized by theact of March 2, 1899, it was found that no provision had been made forchaplains. This omission was doubtless from inadvertence. I recommendthe early authorization for the appointment of one chaplain for each ofsaid regiments. These regiments are now in the Philippines, and it isimportant that immediate action be had. In restoring peaceful conditions, orderly rule, and civic progress inCuba, Puerto Rico, and, so far as practicable, in the Philippines, therehabilitation of the postal service has been an essential and importantpart of the work. It became necessary to provide mail facilities bothfor our forces of occupation and for the native population. To meet thisrequirement has involved a substantial reconstruction. The existingsystems were so fragmentary, defective, and inadequate that a new andcomprehensive organization had to be created. American trained officialshave been assigned to the directing and executive positions, whilenatives have been chiefly employed in making up the body of the force. In working out this plan the merit rule has been rigorously andfaithfully applied. The appointment of Director-General of Posts of Cuba was givento an expert who had been Chief Post-Office Inspector and AssistantPostmaster-General, and who united large experience with administrativecapacity. For the postmastership at Havana the range of skilled andavailable men was scanned, and the choice fell upon one who had beentwenty years in the service as deputy postmaster and postmaster of alarge city. This principle governed and determined the selection of theAmerican officials sent not only to Cuba, but to Puerto Rico and thePhilippines, and they were instructed to apply it so far as practicablein the employment of the natives as minor postmasters and clerks. Thepostal system in Cuba, though remaining under the general guidance ofthe Postmaster-General, was made essentially independent. It was feltthat it should not be a burden upon the postal service of the UnitedStates, and provision was made that any deficit in the postal revenueshould be a charge upon the general revenues of the island. Though Puerto Rico and the Philippines hold a different relationto the United States, yet, for convenience of administration, thesame principle of an autonomous system has been extended to them. Thedevelopment of the service in all of the islands has been rapid andsuccessful. It has moved forward on American lines, with free delivery, money order, and registry systems, and has given the people mailfacilities far greater and more reliable than any they have ever beforeenjoyed. It is thus not only a vital agency of industrial, social, andbusiness progress, but an important influence in diffusing a justunderstanding of the true spirit and character of Americanadministration. The domestic postal service continues to grow with extraordinaryrapidity. The expenditures and the revenues will each exceed$100, 000, 000 during the current year. Fortunately, since the revivalof prosperous times the revenues have grown much faster than theexpenditures, and there is every indication that a short period willwitness the obliteration of the annual deficit. In this connection thereport of the Postmaster-General embodies a statement of some evilswhich have grown up outside of the contemplation of law in the treatmentof some classes of mail matter which wrongly exercise the privilegeof the pound rate, and shows that if this matter had been properlyclassified and had paid the rate which it should have paid, insteadof a postal deficit for the last fiscal year of $6, 610, 000, therewould have been on one basis a surplus of $17, 637, 570, and on anotherof $5, 733, 836. The reform thus suggested, in the opinion of thePostmaster-General, would not only put the postal service at once on aself-sustaining basis, but would permit great and valuable improvements, and I commend the subject to the consideration of the Congress. The Navy has maintained the spirit and high efficiency which have alwayscharacterized that service, and has lost none of the gallantry in heroicaction which has signalized its brilliant and glorious past. The Nationhas equal pride in its early and later achievements. Its habitualreadiness for every emergency has won the confidence and admiration ofthe country. The people are interested in the continued preparation andprestige of the Navy and will justify liberal appropriations for itsmaintenance and improvement. The officers have shown peculiar adaptationfor the performance of new and delicate duties which our recent war hasimposed. It cannot be doubted that Congress will at once make necessary provisionfor the armor plate for the vessels now under contract and building. Its attention is respectfully called to the report of the Secretaryof the Navy, in which the subject is fully presented. I unite in hisrecommendation that the Congress enact such special legislation as maybe necessary to enable the Department to make contracts early in thecoming year for armor of the best quality that can be obtained in thiscountry for the _Maine_, _Ohio_, and _Missouri_, and that the provisionof the act of March 3, 1899, limiting the price of armor to $300 per tonbe removed. In the matter of naval construction Italy and Japan, of the greatpowers, laid down less tonnage in the year 1899 than this country, andItaly alone has less tonnage under construction. I heartily concur inthe recommendations for the increase of the Navy, as suggested by theSecretary. Our future progress and prosperity depend upon our ability to equal, ifnot surpass, other nations in the enlargement and advance of science, industry, and commerce. To invention we must turn as one of the mostpowerful aids to the accomplishment of such a result. The attention ofthe Congress is directed to the report of the Commissioner of Patents, in which will be found valuable suggestions and recommendations. On the 30th of June, 1899, the pension roll of the United Statesnumbered 991, 519. These include the pensioners of the Army and Navy inall our wars. The number added to the rolls during the year was 40, 991. The number dropped by reason of death, remarriage, minors by legallimitation, failure to claim within three years, and other causes, was43, 186, and the number of claims disallowed was 107, 919. During the year89, 054 pension certificates were issued, of which 37, 077 were for new ororiginal pensions. The amount disbursed for army and navy pensionsduring the year was $138, 355, 052. 95, which was $1, 651, 461. 61 less thanthe sum of the appropriations. The Grand Army of the Republic at its recent national encampment held inPhiladelphia has brought to my attention and to that of the Congress thewisdom and justice of a modification of the third section of the act ofJune 27, 1890, which provides pensions for the widows of officers andenlisted men who served ninety days or more during the War of theRebellion and were honorably discharged, provided that such widows arewithout other means of support than their daily labor and were marriedto the soldier, sailor, or marine on account of whose service they claimpension prior to the date of the act. The present holding of the Department is that if the widow's incomeaside from her daily labor does not exceed in amount what her pensionwould be, to wit, $96 per annum, she would be deemed to be withoutother means of support than her daily labor, and would be entitled toa pension under this act; while if the widow's income independent ofthe amount received by her as the result of her daily labor exceeds$96, she would not be pensionable under the act. I am advised by theCommissioner of Pensions that the amount of the income allowed beforetitle to pension would be barred has varied widely under differentadministrations of the Pension Office, as well as during differentperiods of the same administration, and has been the cause of justcomplaint and criticism. With the approval of the Secretary of the Interior the Commissioner ofPensions recommends that, in order to make the practice at all timesuniform and to do justice to the dependent widow, the amount of incomeallowed independent of the proceeds of her daily labor should be notless than $250 per annum, and he urges that the Congress shall so amendthe act as to permit the Pension Office to grant pensionable status towidows under the terms of the third section of the act of June 27, 1890, whose income aside from the proceeds of daily labor is not in excess of$250 per annum. I believe this to be a simple act of justice andheartily recommend it. The Dawes Commission reports that gratifying progress has been made inits work during the preceding year. The field-work of enrollment of fourof the nations has been completed. I recommend that Congress at an earlyday make liberal appropriation for educational purposes in the IndianTerritory. In accordance with the act of Congress approved March 3, 1899, thepreliminary work in connection with the Twelfth Census is now fullyunder way. The officers required for the proper administration of theduties imposed have been selected. The provision for securing a properenumeration of the population, as well as to secure evidence of theindustrial growth of the Nation, is broader and more comprehensive thanany similar legislation in the past. The Director advises that everyneedful effort is being made to push this great work to completion inthe time limited by the statute. It is believed that the Twelfth Censuswill emphasize our remarkable advance in all that pertains to nationalprogress. Under the authority of the act of Congress approved July 7, 1898, the commission consisting of the Secretary of the Treasury, theAttorney-General, and the Secretary of the Interior has made anagreement of settlement, which has had my approval, of the indebtednessto the Government growing out of the issue of bonds to aid in theconstruction of the Central Pacific and Western Pacific railroads. The agreement secures to the Government the principal and interest ofsaid bonds, amounting to $58, 812, 715. 48. There has been paid thereon$11, 762, 543. 12, which has been covered into the Treasury, and theremainder, payable within ten years, with interest at the rate of 3 percent per annum, payable semiannually, is secured by the deposit of anequal amount of first-mortgage bonds of the Pacific Railway companies. The amounts paid and secured to be paid to the Government on account ofthe Pacific Railroad subsidy claims are: Union Pacific, cash $58, 448, 223. 75 Kansas Pacific, cash 6, 303, 000. 00 Central and Western Pacific, cash 11, 798, 314. 14 Notes, secured 47, 050, 172. 36 Kansas Pacific--dividends for deficiency due United States, cash 821, 897. 70 -------------- Making a total of 124, 421, 607. 95 The whole indebtedness was about $130, 000, 000, more than half of whichconsisted of accrued interest, for which sum the Government has realizedthe entire amount less about $6, 000, 000 within a period of two years. On June 30, 1898, there were thirty forest reservations (exclusive ofthe Afognak Forest and Fish Culture Reserve in Alaska), embracing anestimated area of 40, 719, 474 acres. During the past year two of theexisting forest reserves, the Trabuco Canyon (California) and BlackHills (South Dakota and Wyoming), have been considerably enlarged, thearea of the Mount Rainier Reserve, in the State of Washington, has beensomewhat reduced, and six additional reserves have been established, namely, the San Francisco Mountains (Arizona), the Black Mesa (Arizona), Lake Tahoe (California), Gallatin (Montana), Gila River (New Mexico), and Fish Lake (Utah), the total estimated area of which is 5, 205, 775acres. This makes at the present time a total of thirty-six forestreservations, embracing an estimated area of 46, 021, 899 acres. Thisestimated area is the aggregated areas within the boundaries of thereserves. The lands actually reserved are, however, only the vacantpublic lands therein, and these have been set aside and reserved forsale or settlement in order that they may be of the greatest use tothe people. Protection of the national forests, inaugurated by the Department ofthe Interior in 1897, has been continued during the past year and muchhas been accomplished in the way of preventing forest fires and theprotection of the timber. There are now large tracts covered by forestswhich will eventually be reserved and set apart for forest uses. Untilthat can be done Congress should increase the appropriations for thework of protecting the forests. The Department of Agriculture is constantly consulting the needs ofproducers in all the States and Territories. It is introducing seeds andplants of great value and promoting fuller diversification of crops. Grains, grasses, fruits, legumes, and vegetables are imported for allparts of the United States. Under this encouragement the sugar-beetfactory multiplies in the North and far West, semitropical plants aresent to the South, and congenial climates are sought for the choiceproductions of the far East. The hybridizing of fruit trees and grainsis conducted in the search for varieties adapted to exacting conditions. The introduction of tea gardens into the Southern States promises toprovide employment for idle hands, as well as to supply the home marketwith tea. The subject of irrigation where it is of vital importance tothe people is being carefully studied, steps are being taken to reclaiminjured or abandoned lands, and information for the people along theselines is being printed and distributed. Markets are being sought and opened up for surplus farm and factoryproducts in Europe and in Asia. The outlook for the education of theyoung farmer through agricultural college and experiment station, withopportunity given to specialize in the Department of Agriculture, isvery promising. The people of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the PhilippineIslands should be helped, by the establishment of experiment stations, to a more scientific knowledge of the production of coffee, indiarubber, and other tropical products, for which there is demand in theUnited States. There is widespread interest in the improvement of our public highwaysat the present time, and the Department of Agriculture is co-operatingwith the people in each locality in making the best possible roadsfrom local material and in experimenting with steel tracks. A moreintelligent system of managing the forests of the country is being putin operation and a careful study of the whole forestry problem is beingconducted throughout the United States. A very extensive and completeexhibit of the agricultural and horticultural products of the UnitedStates is being prepared for the Paris Exposition. * * * * * On the 10th of December, 1898, the treaty of peace between the UnitedStates and Spain was signed. It provided, among other things, that Spainshould cede to the United States the archipelago known as the PhilippineIslands, that the United States should pay to Spain the sum of twentymillions of dollars, and that the civil rights and political status ofthe native inhabitants of the territories thus ceded to the UnitedStates should be determined by the Congress. The treaty was ratified bythe Senate on the 6th of February, 1899, and by the Government of Spainon the 19th of March following. The ratifications were exchanged on the11th of April and the treaty publicly proclaimed. On the 2d of March theCongress voted the sum contemplated by the treaty, and the amount waspaid over to the Spanish Government on the 1st of May. In this manner the Philippines came to the United States. The islandswere ceded by the Government of Spain, which had been in undisputedpossession of them for centuries. They were accepted not merely by ourauthorized commissioners in Paris, under the direction of the Executive, but by the constitutional and well-considered action of therepresentatives of the people of the United States in both Houses ofCongress. I had every reason to believe, and I still believe that thistransfer of sovereignty was in accordance with the wishes and theaspirations of the great mass of the Filipino people. From the earliest moment no opportunity was lost of assuring thepeople of the islands of our ardent desire for their welfare and of theintention of this Government to do everything possible to advance theirinterests. In my order of the 19th of May, 1898, the commander of themilitary expedition dispatched to the Philippines was instructed todeclare that we came not to make war upon the people of that country, "nor upon any party or faction among them, but to protect them intheir homes, in their employments, and in their personal and religiousrights. " That there should be no doubt as to the paramount authoritythere, on the 17th of August it was directed that "there must be nojoint occupation with the insurgents"; that the United States mustpreserve the peace and protect persons and property within the territoryoccupied by their military and naval forces; that the insurgents andall others must recognize the military occupation and authority ofthe United States. As early as December 4, before the cession, andin anticipation of that event, the commander in Manila was urged torestore peace and tranquillity and to undertake the establishment ofa beneficent government, which should afford the fullest security forlife and property. On the 21st of December, after the treaty was signed, the commander ofthe forces of occupation was instructed "to announce and proclaim in themost public manner that we come, not as invaders and conquerors, but asfriends to protect the natives in their homes, in their employments, andin their personal and religious rights. " On the same day, while orderingGeneral Otis to see that the peace should be preserved in Iloilo, he wasadmonished that: "It is most important that there should be no conflictwith the insurgents. " On the 1st day of January, 1899, urgent orderswere reiterated that the kindly intentions of this Government should bein every possible way communicated to the insurgents. On the 21st of January I announced my intention of dispatching to Manilaa commission composed of three gentlemen of the highest character anddistinction, thoroughly acquainted with the Orient, who, in associationwith Admiral Dewey and Major-General Otis, were instructed "tofacilitate the most humane and effective extension of authoritythroughout the islands, and to secure with the least possible delay thebenefits of a wise and generous protection of life and property to theinhabitants. " These gentlemen were Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, presidentof Cornell University; the Hon. Charles Denby, for many years ministerto China, and Prof. Dean C. Worcester, of the University of Michigan, who had made a most careful study of life in the Philippines. Whilethe treaty of peace was under consideration in the Senate, theseCommissioners set out on their mission of good will and liberation. Their character was a sufficient guaranty of the beneficent purpose withwhich they went, even if they had not borne the positive instructions ofthis Government, which made their errand pre-eminently one of peace andfriendship. But before their arrival at Manila the sinister ambition of a fewleaders of the Filipinos had created a situation full of embarrassmentfor us and most grievous in its consequences to themselves. The clearand impartial preliminary report of the Commissioners, which I transmitherewith, gives so lucid and comprehensive a history of the presentinsurrectionary movement that the story need not be here repeated. It isenough to say that the claim of the rebel leader that he was promisedindependence by an officer of the United States in return for hisassistance has no foundation in fact and is categorically denied bythe very witnesses who were called to prove it. The most the insurgentleader hoped for when he came back to Manila was the liberation of theislands from the Spanish control, which they had been laboring for yearswithout success to throw off. The prompt accomplishment of this work by the American Army and Navygave him other ideas and ambitions, and insidious suggestions fromvarious quarters perverted the purposes and intentions with which he hadtaken up arms. No sooner had our army captured Manila than the Filipinoforces began to assume an attitude of suspicion and hostility which theutmost efforts of our officers and troops were unable to disarm ormodify. Their kindness and forbearance were taken as a proof ofcowardice. The aggressions of the Filipinos continually increased untilfinally, just before the time set by the Senate of the United States fora vote upon the treaty, an attack, evidently prepared in advance, wasmade all along the American lines, which resulted in a terriblydestructive and sanguinary repulse of the insurgents. Ten days later an order of the insurgent government was issued to itsadherents who had remained in Manila, of which General Otis justlyobserves that "for barbarous intent it is unequaled in modern times. "It directs that at 8 o'clock on the night of the 15th of February the"territorial militia" shall come together in the streets of San Pedroarmed with their _bolos_, with guns and ammunition where convenient;that Filipino families only shall be respected; but that all otherindividuals, of whatever race they may be, shall be exterminated withoutany compassion, after the extermination of the army of occupation, and adds: "Brothers, we must avenge ourselves on the Americans andexterminate them, that we may take our revenge for the infamies andtreacheries which they have committed upon us. Have no compassion uponthem; attack with vigor. " A copy of this fell by good fortune into thehands of our officers and they were able to take measures to control therising, which was actually attempted on the night of February 22, a weeklater than was originally contemplated. Considerable numbers of armedinsurgents entered the city by waterways and swamps and in concert withconfederates inside attempted to destroy Manila by fire. They were keptin check during the night and the next day driven out of the city withheavy loss. This was the unhappy condition of affairs which confronted ourCommissioners on their arrival in Manila. They had come with the hopeand intention of co-operating with Admiral Dewey and Major-General Otisin establishing peace and order in the archipelago and the largestmeasure of self-government compatible with the true welfare of thepeople. What they actually found can best be set forth in their ownwords: Deplorable as war is, the one in which we are now engaged was unavoidable by us. We were attacked by a bold, adventurous, and enthusiastic army. No alternative was left to us except ignominious retreat. It is not to be conceived of that any American would have sanctioned the surrender of Manila to the insurgents. Our obligations to other nations and to the friendly Filipinos and to ourselves and our flag demanded that force should be met by force. Whatever the future of the Philippines may be, there is no course open to us now except the prosecution of the war until the insurgents are reduced to submission. The Commission is of the opinion that there has been no time since the destruction of the Spanish squadron by Admiral Dewey when it was possible to withdraw our forces from the island either with honor to ourselves or with safety to the inhabitants. The course thus clearly indicated has been unflinchingly pursued. The rebellion must be put down. Civil government cannot be thoroughlyestablished until order is restored. With a devotion and gallantryworthy of its most brilliant history, the Army, ably and loyallyassisted by the Navy, has carried on this unwelcome but most righteouscampaign with richly deserved success. The noble self-sacrifice withwhich our soldiers and sailors whose terms of service had expiredrefused to avail themselves of their right to return home as long asthey were needed at the front forms one of the brightest pages in ourannals. Although their operations have been somewhat interrupted andchecked by a rainy season of unusual violence and duration, they havegained ground steadily in every direction, and now look forwardconfidently to a speedy completion of their task. The unfavorable circumstances connected with an active campaign havenot been permitted to interfere with the equally important work ofreconstruction. Again I invite your attention to the report of theCommissioners for the interesting and encouraging details of the workalready accomplished in the establishment of peace and order and theinauguration of self-governing municipal life in many portions of thearchipelago. A notable beginning has been made in the establishmentof a government in the island of Negros which is deserving of specialconsideration. This was the first island to accept American sovereignty. Its people unreservedly proclaimed allegiance to the United Statesand adopted a constitution looking to the establishment of a populargovernment. It was impossible to guarantee to the people of Negros thatthe constitution so adopted should be the ultimate form of government. Such a question, under the treaty with Spain and in accordance with ourown Constitution and laws, came exclusively within the jurisdictionof the Congress. The government actually set up by the inhabitants ofNegros eventually proved unsatisfactory to the natives themselves. A newsystem was put into force by order of the Major-General Commanding theDepartment, of which the following are the most important elements: It was ordered that the government of the island of Negros shouldconsist of a military governor appointed by the United States militarygovernor of the Philippines, and a civil governor and an advisorycouncil elected by the people. The military governor was authorizedto appoint secretaries of the treasury, interior, agriculture, publicinstruction, an attorney-general, and an auditor. The seat of governmentwas fixed at Bacolod. The military governor exercises the supremeexecutive power. He is to see that the laws are executed, appoint tooffice, and fill all vacancies in office not otherwise provided for, and may, with the approval of the military governor of the Philippines, remove any officer from office. The civil governor advises the militarygovernor on all public civil questions and presides over the advisorycouncil. He, in general, performs the duties which are performed bysecretaries of state in our own system of government. The advisory council consists of eight members elected by the peoplewithin territorial limits which are defined in the order of thecommanding general. The times and places of holding elections are to be fixed by themilitary governor of the island of Negros. The qualifications of votersare as follows: (1) A voter must be a male citizen of the island of Negros. (2) Of theage of 21 years. (3) He shall be able to speak, read, and write theEnglish, Spanish, or Visayan language, or he must own real propertyworth $500, or pay a rental on real property of the value of $1, 000. (4)He must have resided in the island not less than one year preceding, andin the district in which he offers to register as a voter not less thanthree months immediately preceding the time he offers to register. (5)He must register at a time fixed by law before voting. (6) Prior to suchregistration he shall have paid all taxes due by him to the Government. Provided, that no insane person shall be allowed to register or vote. The military governor has the right to veto all bills or resolutionsadopted by the advisory council, and his veto is final if notdisapproved by the military governor of the Philippines. The advisory council discharges all the ordinary duties of alegislature. The usual duties pertaining to said offices are to beperformed by the secretaries of the treasury, interior, agriculture, public instruction, the attorney-general, and the auditor. The judicial power is vested in three judges, who are to be appointedby the military governor of the island. Inferior courts are to beestablished. Free public schools are to be established throughout the populousdistricts of the island, in which the English language shall be taught, and this subject will receive the careful consideration of the advisorycouncil. The burden of government must be distributed equally and equitably amongthe people. The military authorities will collect and receive thecustoms revenue, and will control postal matters and Philippineinter-island trade and commerce. The military governor, subject to the approval of the military governorof the Philippines, determines all questions not specifically providedfor and which do not come under the jurisdiction of the advisorycouncil. The authorities of the Sulu Islands have accepted the succession ofthe United States to the rights of Spain, and our flag floats overthat territory. On the 10th of August, 1899, Brig. -Gen. J. C. Bates, United States Volunteers, negotiated an agreement with the Sultanand his principal chiefs, which I transmit herewith. By Article I thesovereignty of the United States over the whole archipelago of Joloand its dependencies is declared and acknowledged. The United States flag will be used in the archipelago and itsdependencies, on land and sea. Piracy is to be suppressed, and theSultan agrees to co-operate heartily with the United States authoritiesto that end and to make every possible effort to arrest and bring tojustice all persons engaged in piracy. All trade in domestic products ofthe archipelago of Jolo when carried on with any part of the PhilippineIslands and under the American flag shall be free, unlimited, andundutiable. The United States will give full protection to the Sultan incase any foreign nation should attempt to impose upon him. The UnitedStates will not sell the island of Jolo or any other island of the Joloarchipelago to any foreign nation without the consent of the Sultan. Salaries for the Sultan and his associates in the administration of theislands have been agreed upon to the amount of $760 monthly. Article X provides that any slave in the archipelago of Jolo shall havethe right to purchase freedom by paying to the master the usual marketvalue. The agreement by General Bates was made subject to confirmationby the President and to future modifications by the consent of theparties in interest. I have confirmed said agreement, subject to theaction of the Congress, and with the reservation, which I have directedshall be communicated to the Sultan of Jolo, that this agreement is notto be deemed in any way to authorize or give the consent of the UnitedStates to the existence of slavery in the Sulu archipelago. Icommunicate these facts to the Congress for its information and action. Everything indicates that with the speedy suppression of the Tagalorebellion life in the archipelago will soon resume its ordinary courseunder the protection of our sovereignty, and the people of those favoredislands will enjoy a prosperity and a freedom which they have neverbefore known. Already hundreds of schools are open and filled withchildren. Religious freedom is sacredly assured and enjoyed. The courtsare dispensing justice. Business is beginning to circulate in itsaccustomed channels. Manila, whose inhabitants were fleeing to thecountry a few months ago, is now a populous and thriving mart ofcommerce. The earnest and unremitting endeavors of the Commission andthe Admiral and Major-General Commanding the Department of the Pacificto assure the people of the beneficent intentions of this Governmenthave had their legitimate effect in convincing the great mass of themthat peace and safety and prosperity and stable government can only befound in a loyal acceptance of the authority of the United States. The future government of the Philippines rests with the Congress of theUnited States. Few graver responsibilities have ever been confided tous. If we accept them in a spirit worthy of our race and our traditions, a great opportunity comes with them. The islands lie under the shelterof our flag. They are ours by every title of law and equity. They cannotbe abandoned. If we desert them we leave them at once to anarchy andfinally to barbarism. We fling them, a golden apple of discord, amongthe rival powers, no one of which could permit another to seize themunquestioned. Their rich plains and valleys would be the scene ofendless strife and bloodshed. The advent of Dewey's fleet in Manila Bayinstead of being, as we hope, the dawn of a new day of freedom andprogress, will have been the beginning of an era of misery and violenceworse than any which has darkened their unhappy past. The suggestionhas been made that we could renounce our authority over the islandsand, giving them independence, could retain a protectorate over them. This proposition will not be found, I am sure, worthy of your seriousattention. Such an arrangement would involve at the outset a cruelbreach of faith. It would place the peaceable and loyal majority, whoask nothing better than to accept our authority, at the mercy of theminority of armed insurgents. It would make us responsible for the actsof the insurgent leaders and give us no power to control them. It wouldcharge us with the task of protecting them against each other anddefending them against any foreign power with which they chose toquarrel. In short, it would take from the Congress of the United Statesthe power of declaring war and vest that tremendous prerogative in theTagal leader of the hour. It does not seem desirable that I should recommend at this time aspecific and final form of government for these islands. When peaceshall be restored it will be the duty of Congress to construct a planof government which shall establish and maintain freedom and order andpeace in the Philippines. The insurrection is still existing, and whenit terminates further information will be required as to the actualcondition of affairs before inaugurating a permanent scheme of civilgovernment. The full report of the Commission, now in preparation, willcontain information and suggestions which will be of value to Congress, and which I will transmit as soon as it is completed. As long as theinsurrection continues the military arm must necessarily be supreme. But there is no reason why steps should not be taken from time to timeto inaugurate governments essentially popular in their form as fastas territory is held and controlled by our troops. To this end I amconsidering the advisability of the return of the Commission, or such ofthe members thereof as can be secured, to aid the existing authoritiesand facilitate this work throughout the islands. I have believed thatreconstruction should not begin by the establishment of one centralcivil government for all the islands, with its seat at Manila, butrather that the work should be commenced by building up from the bottom, first establishing municipal governments and then provincialgovernments, a central government at last to follow. Until Congress shall have made known the formal expression of itswill I shall use the authority vested in me by the Constitution and thestatutes to uphold the sovereignty of the United States in those distantislands as in all other places where our flag rightfully floats. I shallput at the disposal of the Army and Navy all the means which theliberality of Congress and the people have provided to cause thisunprovoked and wasteful insurrection to cease. If any orders of mine were required to insure the merciful conduct ofmilitary and naval operations, they would not be lacking; but every stepof the progress of our troops has been marked by a humanity which hassurprised even the misguided insurgents. The truest kindness to themwill be a swift and effective defeat of their present leader. The hourof victory will be the hour of clemency and reconstruction. No effort will be spared to build up the waste places desolated by warand by long years of misgovernment. We shall not wait for the end ofstrife to begin the beneficent work. We shall continue, as we havebegun, to open the schools and the churches, to set the courts inoperation, to foster industry and trade and agriculture, and in everyway in our power to make these people whom Providence has brought withinour jurisdiction feel that it is their liberty and not our power, theirwelfare and not our gain, we are seeking to enhance. Our flag has neverwaved over any community but in blessing. I believe the Filipinos willsoon recognize the fact that it has not lost its gift of benediction inits world-wide journey to their shores. * * * * * Some embarrassment in administration has occurred by reason of thepeculiar status which the Hawaiian Islands at present occupy under thejoint resolution of annexation approved July 7, 1898. While by thatresolution the Republic of Hawaii as an independent nation wasextinguished, its separate sovereignty destroyed, and its property andpossessions vested in the United States, yet a complete establishmentfor its government under our system was not effected. While themunicipal laws of the islands not enacted for the fulfillment oftreaties and not inconsistent with the joint resolution or contrary tothe Constitution of the United States or any of its treaties remain inforce, yet these laws relate only to the social and internal affairs ofthe islands, and do not touch many subjects of importance which areof a broader national character. For example, the Hawaiian Republicwas divested of all title to the public lands in the islands, and isnot only unable to dispose of lands to settlers desiring to take uphomestead sites, but is without power to give complete title in caseswhere lands have been entered upon under lease or other conditions whichcarry with them the right to the purchaser, lessee, or settler to have afull title granted to him upon compliance with the conditions prescribedby law or by his particular agreement of entry. Questions of doubt and difficulty have also arisen with reference tothe collection of tonnage tax on vessels coming from Hawaiian ports;with reference to the status of Chinese in the islands, their entranceand exit therefrom; as to patents and copyrights; as to the registerof vessels under the navigation laws; as to the necessity of holdingelections in accordance with the provisions of the Hawaiian statutesfor the choice of various officers, and as to several other matters ofdetail touching the interests both of the island and of the FederalGovernment. By the resolution of annexation the President was directed to appointfive commissioners to recommend to Congress such legislation concerningthe islands as they should deem necessary or proper. These commissionerswere duly appointed and after a careful investigation and study of thesystem of laws and government prevailing in the islands, and of theconditions existing there, they prepared a bill to provide a governmentunder the title of "The Territory of Hawaii. " The report of theCommission, with the bill which they prepared, was transmitted by me toCongress on December 6, 1898, but the bill still awaits final action. The people of these islands are entitled to the benefits and privilegesof our Constitution, but in the absence of any act of Congress providingfor Federal courts in the islands, and for a procedure by which appeals, writs of error, and other judicial proceedings necessary for theenforcement of civil rights may be prosecuted, they are powerless tosecure their enforcement by the judgment of the courts of the UnitedStates. It is manifestly important, therefore, that an act shall bepassed as speedily as possible erecting these islands into a judicialdistrict, providing for the appointment of a judge and other properofficers and methods of procedure in appellate proceedings, and that thegovernment of this newly acquired territory under the FederalConstitution shall be fully defined and provided for. * * * * * A necessity for immediate legislative relief exists in the Territory ofAlaska. Substantially the only law providing a civil government for thisTerritory is the act of May 17, 1884. This is meager in its provisions, and is fitted only for the administration of affairs in a countrysparsely inhabited by civilized people and unimportant in trade andproduction, as was Alaska at the time this act was passed. The increasein population by immigration during the past few years, consequentupon the discovery of gold, has produced such a condition as callsfor more ample facilities for local self-government and more numerousconveniences of civil and judicial administration. Settlements havegrown up in various places, constituting in point of population andbusiness cities of thousands of inhabitants, yet there is no provisionof law under which a municipality can be organized or maintained. In some localities the inhabitants have met together and voluntarilyformed a municipal organization for the purposes of local government, adopting the form of a municipal constitution and charter, underwhich said officials have been appointed; and ordinances creating andregulating a police force, a fire department, a department of health, and making provision for the care of the insane and indigent poor andsick and for public schools, have been passed. These proceedings andthe ordinances passed by such municipalities are without statutoryauthority and have no sanction, except as they are maintained by thepopular sentiment of the community. There is an entire absence ofauthority to provide the ordinary instruments of local police controland administration, the population consisting of the usual percentageof lawless adventurers of the class that always flock to new fields ofenterprise or discovery, and under circumstances which require more thanordinary provision for the maintenance of peace, good order, and lawfulconduct. The whole vast area of Alaska comprises but one judicial district, withone judge, one marshal, and one district attorney, yet the civil andcriminal business has more than doubled within the past year, and ismany times greater both in volume and importance than it was in 1884. The duties of the judge require him to travel thousands of miles todischarge his judicial duties at the various places designated for thatpurpose. The Territory should be divided into at least two districts, and an additional judge, district attorney, marshal, and otherappropriate officers be provided. There is practically no organized form of government in the Territory. There is no authority, except in Congress, to pass any law, no matterhow local or trivial, and the difficulty of conveying to the Congress anadequate conception and understanding of the various needs of the peoplein the different communities is easily understood. I see no reason why amore complete form of Territorial organization should not be provided. Following the precedent established in the year 1805, when a temporarygovernment was provided for the recently acquired territory, thenknown under the name of Louisiana, it seems to me that it would beadvantageous to confer greater executive power upon the governor andto establish, as was done in the case of the Territory of Louisiana, alegislative council having power to adopt ordinances which shall extendto all the rightful subjects of local legislation, such ordinances notto take effect until reported to and approved by the Congress if insession, and if that body is not in session then by the President. In this manner a system of laws providing for the incorporation andgovernment of towns and cities having a certain population, giving themthe power to establish and maintain a system of education to be locallysupported, and ordinances providing for police, sanitary, and other suchpurposes, could be speedily provided. I believe a provision of this kindwould be satisfactory to the people of the Territory. It is probablethat the area is too vast and the population too scattered andtransitory to make it wise at the present time to provide for anelective legislative body, but the conditions calling for localself-government will undoubtedly very soon exist, and will befacilitated by the measures which I have recommended. * * * * * I recommend that legislation to the same end be had with reference tothe government of Puerto Rico. The time is ripe for the adoption of atemporary form of government for this island; and many suggestions madewith reference to Alaska are applicable also to Puerto Rico. The system of civil jurisprudence now adopted by the people of thisisland is described by competent lawyers who are familiar with it, asthoroughly modern and scientific, so far as it relates to matters ofinternal business, trade, production, and social and private right ingeneral. The cities of the island are governed under charters whichprobably require very little or no change. So that with relation tomatters of local concern and private right, it is not probable thatmuch, if any, legislation is desirable; but with reference to publicadministration and the relations of the island to the FederalGovernment, there are many matters which are of pressing urgency. The same necessity exists for legislation on the part of Congress toestablish Federal courts and Federal jurisdiction in the island as hasbeen previously pointed out by me with reference to Hawaii. Besides theadministration of justice, there are the subjects of the public lands;the control and improvement of rivers and harbors; the control of thewaters or streams not navigable, which, under the Spanish law, belongedto the Crown of Spain, and have by the treaty of cession passed to theUnited States; the immigration of people from foreign countries; theimportation of contract labor; the imposition and collection of internalrevenue; the application of the navigation laws; the regulation of thecurrent money; the establishment of post-offices and post-roads; theregulation of tariff rates on merchandise imported from the island intothe United States; the establishment of ports of entry and delivery; theregulation of patents and copyrights; these, with various other subjectswhich rest entirely within the power of the Congress, call for carefulconsideration and immediate action. It must be borne in mind that since the cession Puerto Rico has beendenied the principal markets she had long enjoyed and our tariffs havebeen continued against her products as when she was under Spanishsovereignty. The markets of Spain are closed to her products except uponterms to which the commerce of all nations is subjected. The island ofCuba, which used to buy her cattle and tobacco without customs duties, now imposes the same duties upon these products as from any othercountry entering her ports. She has therefore lost her free intercoursewith Spain and Cuba without any compensating benefits in this market. Her coffee was little known and not in use by our people, and thereforethere was no demand here for this, one of her chief products. Themarkets of the United States should be opened up to her products. Ourplain duty is to abolish all customs tariffs between the United Statesand Puerto Rico and give her products free access to our markets. As a result of the hurricane which swept over Puerto Rico on the 8th ofAugust, 1899, over 100, 000 people were reduced to absolute destitution, without homes, and deprived of the necessaries of life. To the appealof the War Department the people of the United States made prompt andgenerous response. In addition to the private charity of our people, the War Department has expended for the relief of the distressed$392, 342. 63, which does not include the cost of transportation. It is desirable that the government of the island under the law ofbelligerent right, now maintained through the Executive Department, should be superseded by an administration entirely civil in its nature. For present purposes I recommend that Congress pass a law for theorganization of a temporary government, which shall provide for theappointment by the President, subject to confirmation by the Senate, ofa governor and such other officers as the general administration of theisland may require, and that for legislative purposes upon subjects of alocal nature not partaking of a Federal character a legislative council, composed partly of Puerto Ricans and partly of citizens of the UnitedStates, shall be nominated and appointed by the President, subject toconfirmation by the Senate, their acts to be subject to the approvalof the Congress or the President prior to going into effect. In themunicipalities and other local subdivisions I recommend that theprinciple of local self-government be applied at once, so as to enablethe intelligent citizens of the island to participate in their owngovernment and to learn by practical experience the duties andrequirements of a self-contained and self-governing people. I havenot thought it wise to commit the entire government of the island toofficers selected by the people, because I doubt whether in habits, training, and experience they are such as to fit them to exercise atonce so large a degree of self-government; but it is my judgment andexpectation that they will soon arrive at an attainment of experienceand wisdom and self-control that will justify conferring upon them amuch larger participation in the choice of their insular officers. The fundamental requirement for these people, as for all people, iseducation. The free schoolhouse is the best preceptor for citizenship. In the introduction of modern educational methods care, however, mustbe exercised that changes be not made too abruptly and that the historyand racial peculiarities of the inhabitants shall be given due weight. Systems of education in these new possessions founded upon common-sensemethods, adapted to existing conditions and looking to the future moraland industrial advancement of the people, will commend to them in apeculiarly effective manner the blessings of free government. * * * * * The love of law and the sense of obedience and submission to thelawfully constituted judicial tribunals are embedded in the hearts ofour people, and any violation of these sentiments and disregard of theirobligations justly arouses public condemnation. The guaranties of life, liberty, and of civil rights should be faithfully upheld; the right oftrial by jury respected and defended. The rule of the courts shouldassure the public of the prompt trial of those charged with criminaloffenses, and upon conviction the punishment should be commensurate withthe enormity of the crime. Those who, in disregard of law and the public peace, unwilling to awaitthe judgment of court and jury, constitute themselves judges andexecutioners should not escape the severest penalties for their crimes. What I said in my inaugural address of March 4, 1897, I now repeat: The constituted authorities must be cheerfully and vigorously upheld. Lynchings must not be tolerated in a great and civilized country like the United States. Courts, not mobs, must execute the penalties of the laws. The preservation of public order, the right of discussion, the integrity of courts, and the orderly administration of justice must continue forever the rock of safety upon which our Government securely rests. In accordance with the act of Congress providing for an appropriatenational celebration in the year 1900 of the establishment of the seatof Government in the District of Columbia, I have appointed a committee, consisting of the governors of all the States and Territories of theUnited States, who have been invited to assemble in the city ofWashington on the 21st of December, 1899, which, with the committees ofthe Congress and the District of Columbia, are charged with the properconduct of this celebration. * * * * * Congress at its last session appropriated five thousand dollars "toenable the Chief of Engineers of the Army to continue the examination ofthe subject and to make or secure designs, calculations, and estimatesfor a memorial bridge from the most convenient point of the NavalObservatory grounds, or adjacent thereto, across the Potomac Riverto the most convenient point of the Arlington estate property. " Inaccordance with the provisions of this act, the Chief of Engineers hasselected four eminent bridge engineers to submit competitive designsfor a bridge combining the elements of strength and durability and sucharchitectural embellishment and ornamentation as will fitly apply tothe dedication, "A memorial to American patriotism. " The designs arenow being prepared, and as soon as completed will be submitted tothe Congress by the Secretary of War. The proposed bridge would be aconvenience to all the people from every part of the country who visitthe national cemetery, an ornament to the Capital of the Nation, andforever stand as a monument to American patriotism. I do not doubt thatCongress will give to the enterprise still further proof of its favorand approval. * * * * * The executive order of May 6, 1896, extending the limits of theclassified service, brought within the operation of the civil-servicelaw and rules nearly all of the executive civil service not previouslyclassified. Some of the inclusions were found wholly illogical and unsuitedto the work of the several Departments. The application of the rulesto many of the places so included was found to result in friction andembarrassment. After long and very careful consideration, it becameevident to the heads of the Departments, responsible for theirefficiency, that in order to remove these difficulties and promotean efficient and harmonious administration certain amendments werenecessary. These amendments were promulgated by me in executive orderdated May 29, 1899. The principal purpose of the order was to except from competitiveexamination certain places involving fiduciary responsibilities orduties of a strictly confidential, scientific, or executive characterwhich it was thought might better be filled either by noncompetitiveexamination, or in the discretion of the appointing officer, than byopen competition. These places were comparatively few in number. Theorder provides for the filling of a much larger number of places, mainlyin the outside service of the War Department, by what is known as theregistration system, under regulations to be approved by the President, similar to those which have produced such admirable results in thenavy-yard service. All of the amendments had for their main object a more efficient andsatisfactory administration of the system of appointments establishedby the civil-service law. The results attained show that under theiroperation the public service has improved and that the civil-servicesystem is relieved of many objectionable features which heretoforesubjected it to just criticism and the administrative officers to thecharge of unbusinesslike methods in the conduct of public affairs. Itis believed that the merit system has been greatly strengthened and itspermanence assured. It will be my constant aim in the administration ofgovernment in our new possessions to make fitness, character, and meritessential to appointment to office, and to give to the capable anddeserving inhabitants preference in appointments. The 14th of December will be the One Hundredth Anniversary of the deathof Washington. For a hundred years the Republic has had the pricelessadvantage of the lofty standard of character and conduct which hebequeathed to the American people. It is an inheritance which time, instead of wasting, continually increases and enriches. We may justlyhope that in the years to come the benignant influence of the Father ofhis Country may be even more potent for good than in the century whichis drawing to a close. I have been glad to learn that in many parts ofthe country the people will fittingly observe this historic anniversary. Presented to this Congress are great opportunities. With them come greatresponsibilities. The power confided to us increases the weight of ourobligations to the people, and we must be profoundly sensible of themas we contemplate the new and grave problems which confront us. Aimingonly at the public good, we cannot err. A right interpretation of thepeople's will and of duty cannot fail to insure wise measures for thewelfare of the islands which have come under the authority of the UnitedStates, and inure to the common interest and lasting honor of ourcountry. Never has this Nation had more abundant cause than during thepast year for thankfulness to God for manifold blessings and mercies, for which we make reverent acknowledgment. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, December 11, 1899_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, for the consideration of the Congress, acommunication from the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of the Stateof New York, inclosing resolutions unanimously adopted by that chamberon June 1, 1899, requesting legislation authorizing the appointment ofcommercial _attachés_ to the principal embassies and legations ofthe United States. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 4, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 20, 1899, Itransmit herewith a copy of the report of the commission appointed bythe President to investigate the conduct of the War Department in thewar with Spain, together with a copy of all the testimony taken by saidcommission. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, February 1, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In compliance with the resolution of the Senate of January 24, 1900, Itransmit herewith a copy of the report and all accompanying papers ofBrig-Gen. John C. Bates, in relation to the negotiations of a treaty oragreement made by him with the Sultan of Sulu on the 20th day of August, 1899. I reply to the request and said resolution for further information thatthe payments of money provided for by the agreement will be made fromthe revenues of the Philippine Islands, unless Congress shall otherwisedirect. Such payments are not for specific services but are a part considerationdue to the Sulu tribe or nation under the agreement, and they have beenstipulated for subject to the action of Congress in conformity with thepractice of this Government from the earliest times in its agreementswith the various Indian nations occupying and governing portions of theterritory subject to the sovereignty of the United States. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 2, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, for the information of the Congress, a report of acommission appointed by me on January 20, 1899, to investigate affairsin the Philippine Islands. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 21, 1900_. _To the House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, in response tothe resolution of the House of Representatives of February 19, 1900, calling upon him to inform the House of Representatives-- 1. If "Charles E. Macrum, as consul of the American Government, informedthe State Department that his official mail had been opened and read bythe British censor at Durban, and if so, what steps, if any, have beentaken in relation thereto; and 2. "What truth there is in the charge that a secret alliance existsbetween the Republic of the United States and the Empire of GreatBritain. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 5, 1900_. _To the Senate_: In response to the following resolution of the Senate of January 17, 1900, requesting the President-- If in his judgment not incompatible with the public interest, to communicate to the Senate all communications which have been received by him or by any Department or officer, civil or military, from Aguinaldo or any other person undertaking to represent the people in arms against the United States in the Philippine Islands, or any alleged government or public authority of said people, and all replies to such communications; Also, the proclamation sent by him to be issued to the people of the Philippine Islands, as actually directed by him to be issued, and the same as actually proclaimed by General Otis, if in any respect it was altered or any part of it was omitted; Also, to inform the Senate whether any approval or disapproval was expressed by his authority, or that of the War Department, of such change, if any; Also, all constitutions, forms of government, or proclamations issued by Aguinaldo, or any congress or legislative assembly or body claiming to be such, or convention of the people of the Philippine Islands, or any part thereof, or claiming to represent them or any part thereof, of which information may have come to him or to any Department of the Government; Also, all instructions given by him to the commissioners of the Philippine Islands, or either of them; Also, any information which may have come to him, or any Department of the Government, since January 1, 1898, in regard to any plans of the people in arms against the United States for the pillage of Manila, for risings in the city, or for the destruction of foreign property and the massacre of foreign residents; Also, any information that may have come to him, or any Department of the Government, of the treatment of the other inhabitants of the Philippines by those in arms against the authority of the United States, and of the attitude and feeling of such other inhabitants or tribes toward the so-called government of Aguinaldo and his armed followers; Also, any information that may have come to him, or any Department of the Government, of the treatment of prisoners, either Spanish or American, by the people in arms against the authority of the United States; Also, any information that may have come to him, or any Department of the Government, as to any aid or encouragement received by Aguinaldo and his followers from persons in the United States; as to what pamphlets, speeches, or other documents emanating from the United States and adverse to its authority and to its policy were circulated in whole or in part among the Filipinos in arms against the United States, among the other inhabitants of the islands, or among the soldiers of the United States, and any information as to the effect, if any, of such pamphlets, speeches, and other documents, or of similar utterances in the United States upon the course of the rebellion against the United States; Also, any further or other information which would tend to throw light upon the conduct and events of the insurrection against the authority of the United States in the Philippine Islands, and of the military movements for its suppression since January 1, 1898. And that the President be further requested to communicate, without delay, so much of such information as is now in his possession or in that of any Department at Washington, without waiting to obtain so much of said information as may require considerable delay or communication with the Philippine Islands, and to communicate the remainder of the information as soon thereafter as it can be obtained, I transmit herewith the following papers: First. Copies of all communications which have been received by me, orby any Department or officer, civil or military, from Aguinaldo, or anyother person undertaking to represent the people in arms against theUnited States in the Philippine Islands, or any alleged government orpublic authority of said people, and copies of all replies to suchcommunications, so far as such communications and replies have beenreported to me or to any Executive Department. Said copies of documentsare appended hereto marked "I. " Second. Copy of instructions relating to a proclamation sent to GeneralOtis and of the proclamation issued by General Otis pursuant thereto. Said copies of documents are appended hereto, marked "II. " Nodisapproval of the said proclamation was expressed by my authority orthat of the War Department. It was, in fact, approved by me, although noformal communication to that effect was sent to General Otis. Also, among the papers marked "II, " a letter of instructions toMaj. -Gen. Wesley Merritt, commanding the army in the Philippines, underdate of May 28, 1898, and a proclamation issued by him to the people ofthe Philippines dated August 14, 1898. Third. Copies of English translations of all constitutions, forms ofgovernment, or proclamations issued by Aguinaldo, or any congress orlegislative assembly or body claiming to be such, or convention of thepeople of the Philippine Islands, or any part thereof, or claiming torepresent them, or any part thereof, of which information has come to meor to any Department of the Government. Said copies of documents areappended hereto marked "III. " Fourth. Copies of all written instructions given by me to thecommissioners to the Philippine Islands, or either of them. Said copiesof documents are appended hereto marked "IV. " Fifth. Such information as has come to me, or any Department of theGovernment, since January 1, 1898, in regard to any plans of the peoplein arms against the United States for the pillage of Manila, for risingsin the city, or for the destruction of foreign property and the massacreof foreign residents. Said copies of documents are appended heretomarked "V. " Sixth. The information which has come to me, or any Department of theGovernment, of the treatment of the other inhabitants of the Philippinesby those in arms against the authority of the United States, and of theattitude and feeling of such other inhabitants or tribes toward theso-called government of Aguinaldo and his armed followers, is containedin the preliminary statement of the Philippine Commission, datedNovember 2, 1899, in the report of the Philippine Commission, datedJanuary 31, 1900, and transmitted by me to Congress February 2, 1900, together with the preliminary statement, and the report of Maj. -Gen. E. S. Otis, United States Volunteers, commanding the Department of thePacific and Eighth Army Corps, dated August 31, 1899, and transmitted toCongress with the report of the Secretary of War, dated November 29, 1899, with the accompanying documents. Seventh. The information which has come to me, or any Department of theGovernment, of the treatment of prisoners, either Spanish or American, by the people in arms against the authority of the United States, iscontained in the same documents. Eighth. The information that has come to me, or any Department of theGovernment, as to any aid or encouragement received by Aguinaldo andhis followers from persons in the United States, as to what pamphlets, speeches, or other documents emanating from the United States, andadverse to its authority and to its policy, were circulated, in whole orin part, among the Filipinos in arms against the United States, amongthe other inhabitants of the islands, or among the soldiers of theUnited States, and any information as to the effect, if any, of suchpamphlets, speeches, and other documents, or of similar utterances inthe United States upon the course of the rebellion against the UnitedStates is contained in the same documents, and the copies of documentsappended hereto marked "VI. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 15, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of March 12, 1900, callingfor the correspondence touching the request of the Government of theSouth African Republics for my intervention with a view to the cessationof hostilities, I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of Statefurnishing the requested papers. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 21, 1900_. _To the Senate_: In response to the resolution of the Senate of January 23, 1900, requesting the President, "if in his opinion it is not incompatiblewith the public interest, to furnish the Senate with copies of thecorrespondence with the Republic of Colombia in relation to the PanamaCanal and to the treaty between this Government and New Granadaconcluded December 12, 1846, not heretofore communicated, " I transmitherewith a report from the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, March 27, 1900_. _To the House of Representatives_: In response to the resolution of the House of Representatives of March24, 1900, reading as follows: WHEREAS the commercial community of the United States is deeply interested in ascertaining the conditions which are to govern trade in such parts of the Chinese Empire as are claimed by various foreign powers to be within their "areas of interest"; and WHEREAS bills are now pending before both Houses of Congress for the dispatch of a mission to China to study its economic condition: Therefore, be it _Resolved_, That the President of the United States be requested to transmit to the House of Representatives, if not incompatible with the public service, such correspondence as may have passed between the Department of State and various foreign Governments concerning the maintenance of the "open door" policy in China, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, withaccompanying papers. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, April 2, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a copy of a letter from Mr. Ferdinand W. Peck, Commissioner-General of the United States to the Paris Exposition of1900, dated November 17, 1899, submitting a detailed statement of theexpenditures incurred under authority of law. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _April 17, 1900_. _To the House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State in responseto the resolution of the House of Representatives of March 23, 1900, calling for copies of any and all letters on file in the Department ofState from citizens of the United States resident in the South AfricanRepublic from January 1, 1899, to the present time, making complaintsof treatment by the South African Republic. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, May 3, 1900_. _To the House of Representatives_: I herewith return, without approval, House bill No. 4001, entitled "Anact authorizing the rights of settlers on the Navajo Indian Reservation, Territory of Arizona. " My objections to the bill are embodied in thefollowing statement: This tribe has a population of about 20, 500 souls, of whom 1, 000 dressin the manner of white men, 250 can read, and 500 use enough Englishfor ordinary conversation. Last year they cultivated 8, 000 acres, andpossessed approximately 1, 000, 000 sheep, 250, 000 goats, 100, 500 cattle, 1, 200 swine, and very considerable herds of horses and ponies. Prior to January last the reservation, which is in the extremenortheastern portion of the Territory of Arizona, consisted of landsset apart for the use of these Indians under the treaty of June 1, 1863(15 Stat. , 667), and subsequent executive orders. On account of theconditions naturally prevailing in that section, the reservation, asthen constituted, was altogether inadequate for the purpose for whichit was set apart. There was not a sufficient supply of grass or waterwithin its borders for the flocks and herds of the tribe, and inconsequence more than one-third of the Indians were habitually off thereservation with their flocks and herds, and were in frequent contentionand strife with whites over pasturage and water. After most careful inquiry and inspection of the reservation as itthen existed, and of adjacent land by efficient officers in the Indianservice, the Commission of Indian Affairs, with the concurrence ofthe Secretary of the Interior, recommended that the limits of thereservation be extended westward so as to embrace the lands lyingbetween the Navajo and Moqui Indian reservations on the east and theColorado and Little Colorado Rivers and the Grand Canyon Forest Reserveon the west. This recommendation was supported by a very numerouslysigned petition from the white residents of that section, and also by aletter from the Governor of the Territory of Arizona, in which it wassaid: I understand that a petition has been forwarded asking that the western limit be fixed at the Little Colorado River, as being better for all concerned and less liable to cause friction between the Indians and the whites. I earnestly hope that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, for the reason that the Little Colorado could be made a natural dividing line, distinct and well defined, and would extend the grazing territory of the Navajoes to a very considerable extent without seriously encroaching upon the interests of white settlers who have their property in that neighborhood. I think great care should be exercised in questions of this nature because of possible serious friction which may occur if the interests of all concerned are not carefully protected. The investigation which preceded this recommendation, and upon which itwas in part based, showed that with the boundaries of the reservationthus extended the Indians would be able to obtain within the limits ofthe reservation sufficient grass and water for their flocks and herds, and the Government would therefore be justified in confining them to thereservation, thus avoiding the prior contention and friction betweenthem and the whites. It appearing that but little aid had been extended to these Indians bythe Government for many years, that they had taken on habits of industryand husbandry, which entitled them to encouragement, and that it wasneither just nor possible to confine them to the limits of a reservationwhich would not sustain their flocks and herds, an order was issued byme January 8 last, extending the reservation boundaries as recommended. The Indians have accepted this as an evidence of the good faith of theGovernment toward them, and it is now the belief of those charged withthe administration of Indian affairs that further contention andfriction between the Indians and whites will be avoided, if thisarrangement is not disturbed. The present bill proposes to open to miners and prospectors, and to theoperation of the mining laws, a substantial portion of this reservation, including a part of the lands covered by the recent order. There hasbeen no effort to obtain from the Indians a concession of thischaracter, nor has any reason been presented why, if these lands are tobe taken from them--for that will practically result from this bill, ifit becomes a law, even though not so intended--it should not be done inpursuance of negotiations had with the Indians as in other instances. The Indians could not understand how lands given to them in January asnecessary for their use should be taken away without previous notice inMay of the same year. While the Indians are the wards of the Government, and must submit to that which is deemed for their best interests by thesovereign guardian, they should, nevertheless, be dealt with in a mannercalculated to give them confidence in the Government and to assist themin passing through the inevitable transition to a state of civilizationand full citizenship. Believing that due consideration has not beengiven to the status and interests of the Indians, I withhold my approvalfrom the bill. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, May 12, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In reply to the resolution of the Senate, dated March 2, 1900, I sendherewith copy of an order to the provost marshal general of Manila, dated March 8, 1900, and the various endorsements and reports thereon, whereby it appears that the traffic in wine, beer, and liquor in thecity of Manila is now controlled under a rigidly enforced high-licensesystem; that the number of places where the liquor is sold has greatlydecreased; that all such places are required to be closed at 8:30 in theevening on week days and to be kept closed on Sundays, and that theorderly condition of the city compares favorably with cities of similarsize in the United States. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 12, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In response to a resolution of the Senate of April 11, 1900, reading asfollows: _Resolved_, That the President be, and is hereby, requested, if not incompatible with public interest, to inform the Senate whether persons have been executed in Puerto Rico by the Spanish method of garrote since he has been governing that country as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States; and if so, the President is requested to inform the Senate why this mode of execution was adopted. I transmit herewith copies of reports from Brig. -Gen. George W. Davis, United States Volunteers, military governor of Puerto Rico, whichcontain the information called for. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, May 19, 1900_. _To the Senate_: In response to the following resolution of the Senate of April 28, 1900: _Resolved_, That the President be, and he is hereby requested, if not incompatible with the public interest, to inform the Senate whether General Torres, one of the officers of the Philippine army, came to General Otis with a flag of truce on February 5, 1899, the day after the fighting commenced between our forces and those of the Filipinos, and stated to General Otis that General Aguinaldo declared that fighting had been begun accidentally, and was not authorized by him, and that Aguinaldo wished to have it stopped, and that to bring about a conclusion of hostilities he proposed the establishment of a neutral zone between the two armies of a width that would be agreeable to General Otis, so that during the peace negotiations there might be no further danger of conflict between the two armies, and whether General Otis replied that fighting having once begun, must go on to the grim end. Was General Otis directed by the Secretary of War to make such an answer? Did General Otis telegraph the Secretary of War on February 9, 1899, as follows: "Aguinaldo now applies for a cessation of hostilities and conference. Have declined to answer?" And did General Otis afterwards reply? Was he directed by the Secretary of War to reply, and what answer, if any, did he or the Secretary of War make to the application to cease fighting? The President is also requested to inform the Senate whether the flag of the Philippine Republic was ever saluted by Admiral Dewey or any of the vessels of his fleet at any time since May 1, 1898. "Did Admiral Dewey, at the request of Aguinaldo, or any officer under him, send the vessels _Concord_ and _Raleigh_ to Subig Bay to assist Aguinaldo's forces in the capture of the Spanish garrison at that place? Did said vessels assist in the capture of the Spanish garrison, and after the capture did they turn the prisoners thus taken over to the Philippine forces?" I herewith transmit a copy of a cable dispatch to General Otis, datedApril 30, 1900, and of his reply, dated May 1, 1900. General Otis was not directed by the Secretary of War to make suchan answer as is set forth in the resolution, nor were any answersto communications upon the subject of the cessation of hostilitiesprescribed by the Secretary of War to General Otis, but he was left toexercise in respect thereof his own judgment, based upon his superiorknowledge of the conditions surrounding the troops under his command. I also transmit a copy of a cable dispatch from General Otis, sent fromManila February 8, 1899, received in Washington February 9, 1899, beingthe same dispatch to which he refers in his reply of May 1, 1900 asmisleading. So far as I am informed, General Otis did not afterwardsreply, except as set forth in his dispatch of May 1, 1900. He was notdirected by the Secretary of War to reply, and no answer was made by himor the Secretary of War to an application to cease fighting. Thereappears to have been no such application. I further transmit a copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy toAdmiral George Dewey, dated May 14, 1900, and a copy of the Admiral'sreply, dated May 17, 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 22, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, withaccompanying papers, relative to the status of Chinese persons in thePhilippine Islands. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 22, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, for the information of Congress, a communicationfrom the Secretary of Agriculture, forwarding a report on the progressof the beet-sugar industry in the United States during the year 1899. Itembraces the observations made by a special agent on the various phasesof the beet-sugar industry of the Hawaiian Islands; also the results ofanalyses of sugar-beets received by the Department of Agriculture fromthe different States and Territories, together with much otherinformation relating to the sugar industry. Your attention is invited to the recommendation of the Secretary ofAgriculture that 20, 000 copies of the report be printed for the use ofthe Department, in addition to such number as may be desired for the useof the Senate and House of Representatives. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, May 26, 1900_. _To the Senate_: I transmit herewith, in answer to the resolution of the Senate of May22, 1900, a report from the Secretary of State showing that the consulof the United States at Pretoria was directed on May 8, 1900, to forwardcopies of the constitutions of the South African Republic and the OrangeFree State by return mail. Translations thereof will be communicated tothe Senate at the earliest practicable date. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, June 2, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: I transmit herewith, in further reply to the resolution of the Senate ofApril 10, 1900, having reference to Senate Document No. 336, Fifty-sixthCongress, first session, a further report from the Secretary of State, showing the places of residence of experts, clerks, officers, andemployees of the Commission of the United States to the Paris Expositionof 1900, as well as the items of expenditures of the Commission for themonths of January, February, and March, 1900, amounting to $211, 583. 25. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, June 6, 1900_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In further response to the resolution of the Senate of January 17, 1900, requesting, among other things, information tending to throw light uponthe conduct and events of the insurrection against the authority of theUnited States in the Philippine Islands, I transmit herewith acorrespondence between the Secretary of War and the officers of theSecond Division of the Eighth Army Corps. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 3, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: At the outgoing of the old and the incoming of the new century you beginthe last session of the Fifty-sixth Congress with evidences on everyhand of individual and national prosperity and with proof of the growingstrength and increasing power for good of Republican institutions. Yourcountrymen will join with you in felicitation that American liberty ismore firmly established than ever before, and that love for it and thedetermination to preserve it are more universal than at any formerperiod of our history. The Republic was never so strong, because never so strongly intrenchedin the hearts of the people as now. The Constitution, with fewamendments, exists as it left the hands of its authors. The additionswhich have been made to it proclaim larger freedom and more extendedcitizenship. Popular government has demonstrated in its one hundred andtwenty-four years of trial here its stability and security, and itsefficiency as the best instrument of national development and the bestsafeguard to human rights. When the Sixth Congress assembled in November, 1800, the populationof the United States was 5, 308, 483. It is now 76, 304, 799. Then we hadsixteen States. Now we have forty-five. Then our territory consistedof 909, 050 square miles. It is now 3, 846, 595 square miles. Education, religion, and morality have kept pace with our advancement in otherdirections, and while extending its power the Government has adhered toits foundation principles and abated none of them in dealing with ournew peoples and possessions. A nation so preserved and blessed givesreverent thanks to God and invokes His guidance and the continuance ofHis care and favor. In our foreign intercourse the dominant question has been the treatmentof the Chinese problem. Apart from this our relations with the powershave been happy. The recent troubles in China spring from the antiforeign agitation whichfor the past three years has gained strength in the northern provinces. Their origin lies deep in the character of the Chinese races and in thetraditions of their Government. The Taiping rebellion and the opening ofChinese ports to foreign trade and settlement disturbed alike thehomogeneity and the seclusion of China. Meanwhile foreign activity made itself felt in all quarters, not aloneon the coast, but along the great river arteries and in the remoterdistricts, carrying new ideas and introducing new associations among aprimitive people which had pursued for centuries a national policy ofisolation. The telegraph and the railway spreading over their land, the steamersplying on their waterways, the merchant and the missionary penetratingyear by year farther to the interior, became to the Chinese mind typesof an alien invasion, changing the course of their national life andfraught with vague forebodings of disaster to their beliefs and theirself-control. For several years before the present troubles all the resources offoreign diplomacy, backed by moral demonstrations of the physicalforce of fleets and arms, have been needed to secure due respect forthe treaty rights of foreigners and to obtain satisfaction from theresponsible authorities for the sporadic outrages upon the persons andproperty of unoffending sojourners, which from time to time occurred atwidely separated points in the northern provinces, as in the case of theoutbreaks in Sze-chuen and Shan-tung. Posting of antiforeign placards became a daily occurrence, which therepeated reprobation of the Imperial power failed to check or punish. These inflammatory appeals to the ignorance and superstition of themasses, mendacious and absurd in their accusations and deeply hostilein their spirit, could not but work cumulative harm. They aimed at noparticular class of foreigners; they were impartial in attackingeverything foreign. An outbreak in Shan-tung, in which German missionaries were slain, wasthe too natural result of these malevolent teachings. The posting ofseditious placards, exhorting to the utter destruction of foreigners andof every foreign thing, continued unrebuked. Hostile demonstrationstoward the stranger gained strength by organization. The sect, commonly styled the Boxers, developed greatly in the provincesnorth of the Yang-Tse, and with the collusion of many notable officials, including some in the immediate councils of the Throne itself, becamealarmingly aggressive. No foreigner's life, outside of the protectedtreaty ports, was safe. No foreign interest was secure from spoliation. The diplomatic representatives of the powers in Peking strove in vainto check this movement. Protest was followed by demand and demand byrenewed protest, to be met with perfunctory edicts from the Palace andevasive and futile assurances from the Tsung-li Yamen. The circle of theBoxer influence narrowed about Peking, and while nominally stigmatizedas seditious, it was felt that its spirit pervaded the capital itself, that the Imperial forces were imbued with its doctrines, and that theimmediate counselors of the Empress Dowager were in full sympathy withthe antiforeign movement. The increasing gravity of the conditions in China and the imminence ofperil to our own diversified interests in the Empire, as well as tothose of all the other treaty governments, were soon appreciated by thisGovernment, causing it profound solicitude. The United States from theearliest days of foreign intercourse with China had followed a policy ofpeace, omitting no occasions to testify good will, to further theextension of lawful trade, to respect the sovereignty of its Government, and to insure by all legitimate and kindly but earnest means the fullestmeasure of protection for the lives and property of our law-abidingcitizens and for the exercise of their beneficent callings among theChinese people. Mindful of this, it was felt to be appropriate that our purposes shouldbe pronounced in favor of such course as would hasten united action ofthe powers at Peking to promote the administrative reforms so greatlyneeded for strengthening the Imperial Government and maintaining theintegrity of China, in which we believed the whole western world to bealike concerned. To these ends I caused to be addressed to the severalpowers occupying territory and maintaining spheres of influence in Chinathe circular proposals of 1899, inviting from them declarations of theirintentions and views as to the desirability of the adoption of measuresinsuring the benefits of equality of treatment of all foreign tradethroughout China. With gratifying unanimity the responses coincided in this common policy, enabling me to see in the successful termination of these negotiationsproof of the friendly spirit which animates the various powersinterested in the untrammeled development of commerce and industry inthe Chinese Empire as a source of vast benefit to the whole commercialworld. In this conclusion, which I had the gratification to announce as acompleted engagement to the interested powers on March 20, 1900, Ihopefully discerned a potential factor for the abatement of the distrustof foreign purposes which for a year past had appeared to inspire thepolicy of the Imperial Government, and for the effective exertion by itof power and authority to quell the critical antiforeign movement in thenorthern provinces most immediately influenced by the Manchu sentiment. Seeking to testify confidence in the willingness and ability of theImperial administration to redress the wrongs and prevent the evils wesuffered and feared, the marine guard, which had been sent to Peking inthe autumn of 1899 for the protection of the legation, was withdrawn atthe earliest practicable moment, and all pending questions wereremitted, as far as we were concerned, to the ordinary resorts ofdiplomatic intercourse. The Chinese Government proved, however, unable to check the risingstrength of the Boxers and appeared to be a prey to internaldissensions. In the unequal contest the antiforeign influences soongained the ascendancy under the leadership of Prince Tuan. Organizedarmies of Boxers, with which the Imperial forces affiliated, held thecountry between Peking and the coast, penetrated into Manchuria up tothe Russian borders, and through their emissaries threatened a likerising throughout northern China. Attacks upon foreigners, destruction of their property, and slaughterof native converts were reported from all sides. The Tsung-li Yamen, already permeated with hostile sympathies, could make no effectiveresponse to the appeals of the legations. At this critical juncture, inthe early spring of this year, a proposal was made by the other powersthat a combined fleet should be assembled in Chinese waters as a moraldemonstration, under cover of which to exact of the Chinese Governmentrespect for foreign treaty rights and the suppression of the Boxers. The United States, while not participating in the joint demonstration, promptly sent from the Philippines all ships that could be spared forservice on the Chinese coast. A small force of marines was landed atTaku and sent to Peking for the protection of the American legation. Other powers took similar action, until some four hundred men wereassembled in the capital as legation guards. Still the peril increased. The legations reported the development of theseditious movement in Peking and the need of increased provision fordefense against it. While preparations were in progress for a largerexpedition, to strengthen the legation guards and keep the railway open, an attempt of the foreign ships to make a landing at Taku was met by afire from the Chinese forts. The forts were thereupon shelled by theforeign vessels, the American admiral taking no part in the attack, on the ground that we were not at war with China and that a hostiledemonstration might consolidate the anti-foreign elements and strengthenthe Boxers to oppose the relieving column. Two days later the Taku forts were captured after a sanguinary conflict. Severance of communication with Peking followed, and a combined forceof additional guards, which was advancing to Peking by the Pei-Ho, waschecked at Langfang. The isolation of the legations was complete. The siege and the relief of the legations has passed into undyinghistory. In all the stirring chapter which records the heroism of thedevoted band, clinging to hope in the face of despair, and the undauntedspirit that led their relievers through battle and suffering to thegoal, it is a memory of which my countrymen may be justly proud that thehonor of our flag was maintained alike in the siege and the rescue, andthat stout American hearts have again set high, in fervent emulationwith true men of other race and language, the indomitable courage thatever strives for the cause of right and justice. By June 19 the legations were cut off. An identical note from the Yamenordered each minister to leave Peking, under a promised escort, withintwenty-four hours. To gain time they replied, asking prolongation of thetime, which was afterwards granted, and requesting an interview with theTsung-li Yamen on the following day. No reply being received, on themorning of the 20th the German minister, Baron von Ketteler, set out forthe Yamen to obtain a response, and on the way was murdered. An attempt by the legation guard to recover his body was foiled by theChinese. Armed forces turned out against the legations. Their quarterswere surrounded and attacked. The mission compounds were abandoned, their inmates taking refuge in the British legation, where all the otherlegations and guards gathered for more effective defense. Four hundredpersons were crowded in its narrow compass. Two thousand native convertswere assembled in a nearby palace under protection of the foreigners. Lines of defense were strengthened, trenches dug, barricades raised, andpreparations made to stand a siege, which at once began. From June 20 until July 17, writes Minister Conger, "there was scarcelyan hour during which there was not firing upon some part of our linesand into some of the legations, varying from a single shot to a generaland continuous attack along the whole line. " Artillery was placed aroundthe legations and on the over-looking palace walls, and thousands of3-inch shot and shell were fired, destroying some buildings and damagingall. So thickly did the balls rain, that, when the ammunition of thebesieged ran low, five quarts of Chinese bullets were gathered in anhour in one compound and recast. Attempts were made to burn the legations by setting neighboring houseson fire, but the flames were successfully fought off, although theAustrian, Belgian, Italian, and Dutch legations were then andsubsequently burned. With the aid of the native converts, directed bythe missionaries, to whose helpful co-operation Mr. Conger awardsunstinted praise, the British legation was made a veritable fortress. The British minister, Sir Claude MacDonald, was chosen general commanderof the defense, with the secretary of the American legation, Mr. E. G. Squiers, as chief of staff. To save life and ammunition the besieged sparingly returned theincessant fire of the Chinese soldiery, fighting only to repel attack ormake an occasional successful sortie for strategic advantage, such asthat of fifty-five American, British, and Russian marines led by CaptainMyers, of the United States Marine Corps, which resulted in the captureof a formidable barricade on the wall that gravely menaced the Americanposition. It was held to the last, and proved an invaluable acquisition, because commanding the water gate through which the relief columnentered. During the siege the defenders lost 65 killed, 135 wounded, and 7 bydisease--the last all children. On July 14 the besieged had their first communication with the Tsung-liYamen, from whom a message came inviting to a conference, which wasdeclined. Correspondence, however, ensued and a sort of armistice wasagreed upon, which stopped the bombardment and lessened the rifle firefor a time. Even then no protection whatever was afforded, nor any aidgiven, save to send to the legations a small supply of fruit and threesacks of flour. Indeed, the only communication had with the Chinese Government relatedto the occasional delivery or dispatch of a telegram or to the demandsof the Tsung-li Yamen for the withdrawal of the legations to the coastunder escort. Not only are the protestations of the Chinese Governmentthat it protected and succored the legations positively contradicted, but irresistible proof accumulates that the attacks upon them were madeby Imperial troops, regularly uniformed, armed, and officered, belongingto the command of Jung Lu, the Imperial commander in chief. Decreesencouraging the Boxers, organizing them under prominent Imperialofficers, provisioning them, and even granting them large sums in thename of the Empress Dowager, are known to exist. Members of the Tsung-liYamen who counseled protection of the foreigners were beheaded. Even inthe distant provinces men suspected of foreign sympathy were put todeath, prominent among these being Chang Yen-hoon, formerly Chineseminister in Washington. With the negotiation of the partial armistice of July 14, a proceedingwhich was doubtless promoted by the representations of the Chinese envoyin Washington, the way was opened for the conveyance to Mr. Conger of atest message sent by the Secretary of State through the kind offices ofMinister Wu Ting-fang. Mr. Conger's reply, dispatched from Peking onJuly 18 through the same channel, afforded to the outside world thefirst tidings that the inmates of the legations were still alive andhoping for succor. This news stimulated the preparations for a joint relief expedition innumbers sufficient to overcome the resistance which for a month had beenorganizing between Taku and the capital. Reinforcements sent by all theco-operating Governments were constantly arriving. The United Statescontingent, hastily assembled from the Philippines or dispatched fromthis country, amounted to some 5, 000 men, under the able command firstof the lamented Colonel Liscum and afterwards of General Chaffee. Toward the end of July the movement began. A severe conflict followed atTientsin, in which Colonel Liscum was killed. The city was stormed andpartly destroyed. Its capture afforded the base of operations from whichto make the final advance, which began in the first days of August, theexpedition being made up of Japanese, Russian, British, and Americantroops at the outset. Another battle was fought and won at Yangtsun. Thereafter thedisheartened Chinese troops offered little show of resistance. A fewdays later the important position of Ho-si-woo was taken. A rapid marchbrought the united forces to the populous city of Tung Chow, whichcapitulated without a contest. On August 14 the capital was reached. After a brief conflict beneaththe walls the relief column entered and the legations were saved. TheUnited States soldiers, sailors, and marines, officers and men alike, in those distant climes and unusual surroundings, showed the same valor, discipline, and good conduct and gave proof of the same high degree ofintelligence and efficiency which have distinguished them in everyemergency. The Imperial family and the Government had fled a few days before. The city was without visible control. The remaining Imperial soldieryhad made on the night of the 13th a last attempt to exterminate thebesieged, which was gallantly repelled. It fell to the occupying forcesto restore order and organize a provisional administration. Happily the acute disturbances were confined to the northern provinces. It is a relief to recall and a pleasure to record the loyal conductof the viceroys and local authorities of the southern and easternprovinces. Their efforts were continuously directed to the pacificcontrol of the vast populations under their rule and to the scrupulousobservance of foreign treaty rights. At critical moments they did nothesitate to memorialize the Throne, urging the protection of thelegations, the restoration of communication, and the assertion of theImperial authority against the subversive elements. They maintainedexcellent relations with the official representatives of foreign powers. To their kindly disposition is largely due the success of the consuls inremoving many of the missionaries from the interior to places of safety. In this relation the action of the consuls should be highly commended. In Shan-tung and eastern Chi-li the task was difficult, but, thanks totheir energy and the cooperation of American and foreign navalcommanders, hundreds of foreigners, including those of othernationalities than ours, were rescued from imminent peril. The policy of the United States through all this trying period wasclearly announced and scrupulously carried out. A circular note to thepowers dated July 3 proclaimed our attitude. Treating the condition inthe north as one of virtual anarchy, in which the great provinces of thesouth and southeast had no share, we regarded the local authorities inthe latter quarters as representing the Chinese people with whom wesought to remain in peace and friendship. Our declared aims involved nowar against the Chinese nation. We adhered to the legitimate office ofrescuing the imperiled legation, obtaining redress for wrongs alreadysuffered, securing wherever possible the safety of American life andproperty in China, and preventing a spread of the disorders or theirrecurrence. As was then said, "The policy of the Government of the United States isto seek a solution which may bring about permanent safety and peace toChina, preserve Chinese territorial and administrative entity, protectall rights guaranteed to friendly powers by treaty and internationallaw, and safeguard for the world the principle of equal and impartialtrade with all parts of the Chinese Empire. " Faithful to those professions which, as it proved, reflected the viewsand purposes of the other co-operating Governments, all our effortshave been directed toward ending the anomalous situation in China bynegotiations for a settlement at the earliest possible moment. As soonas the sacred duty of relieving our legation and its dependents wasaccomplished we withdrew from active hostilities, leaving our legationunder an adequate guard in Peking as a channel of negotiation andsettlement--a course adopted by others of the interested powers. Overtures of the empowered representatives of the Chinese Emperor havebeen considerately entertained. The Russian proposition looking to the restoration of the Imperial powerin Peking has been accepted as in full consonance with our own desires, for we have held and hold that effective reparation for wrongs sufferedand an enduring settlement that will make their recurrence impossiblecan best be brought about under an authority which the Chinese nationreverences and obeys. While so doing we forego no jot of our undoubtedright to exact exemplary and deterrent punishment of the responsibleauthors and abettors of the criminal acts whereby we and other nationshave suffered grievous injury. For the real culprits, the evil counselors who have misled the Imperialjudgment and diverted the sovereign authority to their own guilty ends, full expiation becomes imperative within the rational limits ofretributive justice. Regarding this as the initial condition of anacceptable settlement between China and the powers, I said in my messageof October 18 to the Chinese Emperor: I trust that negotiations may begin so soon as we and the other offended Governments shall be effectively satisfied of Your Majesty's ability and power to treat with just sternness the principal offenders, who are doubly culpable, not alone toward the foreigners, but toward Your Majesty, under whose rule the purpose of China to dwell in concord with the world had hitherto found expression in the welcome and protection assured to strangers. Taking, as a point of departure, the Imperial edict appointing Earl LiHung Chang and Prince Ching plenipotentiaries to arrange a settlement, and the edict of September 25, whereby certain high officials weredesignated for punishment, this Government has moved, in concert withthe other powers, toward the opening of negotiations, which Mr. Conger, assisted by Mr. Rockhill, has been authorized to conduct on behalf ofthe United States. General bases of negotiation formulated by the Government of the FrenchRepublic have been accepted with certain reservations as to details, made necessary by our own circumstances, but, like similar reservationsby other powers, open to discussion in the progress of the negotiations. The disposition of the Emperor's Government to admit liability forwrongs done to foreign Governments and their nationals, and to act uponsuch additional designation of the guilty persons as the foreignministers at Peking may be in a position to make, gives hope of acomplete settlement of all questions involved, assuring foreign rightsof residence and intercourse on terms of equality for all the world. I regard as one of the essential factors of a durable adjustment thesecurement of adequate guarantees for liberty of faith, since insecurityof those natives who may embrace alien creeds is a scarcely lesseffectual assault upon the rights of foreign worship and teaching thanwould be the direct invasion thereof. The matter of indemnity for our wronged citizens is a question ofgrave concern. Measured in money alone, a sufficient reparation mayprove to be beyond the ability of China to meet. All the powers concurin emphatic disclaimers of any purpose of aggrandizement throughthe dismemberment of the Empire. I am disposed to think that duecompensation may be made in part by increased guarantees of securityfor foreign rights and immunities, and, most important of all, by theopening of China to the equal commerce of all the world. These viewshave been and will be earnestly advocated by our representatives. The Government of Russia has put forward a suggestion, that in the eventof protracted divergence of views in regard to indemnities the mattermay be relegated to the Court of Arbitration at The Hague. I favorablyincline to this, believing that high tribunal could not fail to reach asolution no less conducive to the stability and enlarged prosperity ofChina itself than immediately beneficial to the powers. Ratifications of a treaty of extradition with the Argentine Republicwere exchanged on June 2 last. While the Austro-Hungarian Government has in the many cases that havebeen reported of the arrest of our naturalized citizens for allegedevasion of military service faithfully observed the provisions of thetreaty and released such persons from military obligations, it has insome instances expelled those whose presence in the community of theirorigin was asserted to have a pernicious influence. Representations havebeen made against this course whenever its adoption has appeared undulyonerous. We have been urgently solicited by Belgium to ratify the InternationalConvention of June, 1899, amendatory of the previous Convention of 1890in respect to the regulation of the liquor trade in Africa. Compliancewas necessarily withheld, in the absence of the advice and consent ofthe Senate thereto. The principle involved has the cordial sympathy ofthis Government, which in the revisionary negotiations advocated moredrastic measures, and I would gladly see its extension, by internationalagreement, to the restriction of the liquor traffic with all uncivilizedpeoples, especially in the Western Pacific. A conference will be held at Brussels December 11, 1900, under theConvention for the protection of industrial property, concluded atParis March 20, 1883, to which delegates from this country have beenappointed. Any lessening of the difficulties that our inventorsencounter in obtaining patents abroad for their inventions and thatour farmers, manufacturers, and merchants may have in the protection oftheir trade-marks is worthy of careful consideration, and your attentionwill be called to the results of the conference at the proper time. In the interest of expanding trade between this country and SouthAmerica, efforts have been made during the past year to concludeconventions with the southern republics for the enlargement of postalfacilities. Two such agreements, signed with Bolivia on April 24, ofwhich that establishing the money-order system is undergoing certainchanges suggested by the Post-Office Department, have not yet beenratified by this Government. A treaty of extradition with that country, signed on the same day, is before the Senate. A boundary dispute between Brazil and Bolivia over the territory of Acreis in a fair way of friendly adjustment, a protocol signed in December, 1899, having agreed on a definite frontier and provided for itsdemarcation by a joint commission. Conditions in Brazil have weighed heavily on our export trade to thatcountry in marked contrast to the favorable conditions upon whichBrazilian products are admitted into our markets. Urgent representationshave been made to that Government on the subject and some ameliorationhas been effected. We rely upon the reciprocal justice and good will ofthat Government to assure to us a further improvement in our commercialrelations. The Convention signed May 24, 1897, for the final settlement of claimsleft in abeyance upon the dissolution of the Commission of 1893, was atlength ratified by the Chilean Congress and the supplemental Commissionhas been organized. It remains for the Congress to appropriate for the necessary expenses ofthe Commission. The insurrectionary movement which disturbed Colombia in the latter partof 1899 has been practically suppressed, although guerrillas stilloperate in some departments. The executive power of that Republicchanged hands in August last by the act of Vice-President Marroquin inassuming the reins of government during the absence of President SanClemente from the capital. The change met with no serious opposition, and, following the precedents in such cases, the United States ministerentered into relations with the new _de facto_ Government onSeptember 17. It is gratifying to announce that the residual questions between CostaRica and Nicaragua growing out of the Award of President Cleveland in1888 have been adjusted through the choice of an American engineer, General E. P. Alexander, as umpire to run the disputed line. His task hasbeen accomplished to the satisfaction of both contestants. A revolution in the Dominican Republic toward the close of last yearresulted in the installation of President Jimenez, whose Government wasformally recognized in January. Since then final payment has been madeof the American claim in regard to the Ozama bridge. The year of the exposition has been fruitful in occasions for displayingthe good will that exists between this country and France. This greatcompetition brought together from every nation the best in naturalproductions, industry, science, and the arts, submitted in generousrivalry to a judgment made all the more searching because of thatrivalry. The extraordinary increase of exportations from this countryduring the past three years and the activity with which our inventionsand wares had invaded new markets caused much interest to center uponthe American exhibit, and every encouragement was offered in the way ofspace and facilities to permit of its being comprehensive as a whole andcomplete in every part. It was, however, not an easy task to assemble exhibits that could fitlyillustrate our diversified resources and manufactures. Singularlyenough, our national prosperity lessened the incentive to exhibit. Thedealer in raw materials knew that the user must come to him; the greatfactories were contented with the phenomenal demand for their output, not alone at home, but also abroad, where merit had already won aprofitable trade. Appeals had to be made to the patriotism of exhibitors to induce themto incur outlays promising no immediate return. This was especiallythe case where it became needful to complete an industrial sequence orillustrate a class of processes. One manufacturer after another had tobe visited and importuned, and at times, after a promise to exhibit in aparticular section had been obtained, it would be withdrawn, owing topressure of trade orders, and a new quest would have to be made. The installation of exhibits, too, encountered many obstacles andinvolved unexpected cost. The exposition was far from ready at the datefixed for its opening. The French transportation lines were congestedwith offered freight. Belated goods had to be hastily installed inunfinished quarters with whatever labor could be obtained in theprevailing confusion. Nor was the task of the Commission lightened bythe fact that, owing to the scheme of classification adopted, it wasimpossible to have the entire exhibit of any one country in the samebuilding or more than one group of exhibits in the same part of anybuilding. Our installations were scattered on both sides of the Seineand in widely remote suburbs of Paris, so that additional assistantswere needed for the work of supervision and arrangement. Despite all these drawbacks the contribution of the United States wasnot only the largest foreign display, but was among the earliest inplace and the most orderly in arrangement. Our exhibits were shown inone hundred and one out of one hundred and twenty-one classes, and morecompletely covered the entire classification than those of any othernation. In total number they ranked next after those of France, and theattractive form in which they were presented secured general attention. A criterion of the extent and success of our participation and of thethoroughness with which our exhibits were organized is seen in theawards granted to American exhibitors by the international jury, namely, grand prizes, 240; gold medals, 597; silver medals, 776; bronze medals, 541, and honorable mentions, 322--2, 476 in all, being the greatest totalnumber given to the exhibit of any exhibiting nation, as well as thelargest number in each grade. This significant recognition of merit incompetition with the chosen exhibits of all other nations and at thehands of juries almost wholly made up of representatives of France andother competing countries is not only most gratifying, but is especiallyvaluable, since it sets us to the front in international questions ofsupply and demand, while the large proportion of awards in the classesof art and artistic manufactures afforded unexpected proof of thestimulation of national culture by the prosperity that flows fromnatural productiveness joined to industrial excellence. Apart from the exposition several occasions for showing internationalgood will occurred. The inauguration in Paris of the Lafayette Monument, presented by the school children of the United States, and the designingof a commemorative coin by our Mint and the presentation of the firstpiece struck to the President of the Republic, were marked byappropriate ceremonies, and the Fourth of July was especially observedin the French capital. Good will prevails in our relations with the German Empire. An amicableadjustment of the long-pending question of the admission of ourlife-insurance companies to do business in Prussia has been reached. Oneof the principal companies has already been readmitted and the way isopened for the others to share the privilege. The settlement of the Samoan problem, to which I adverted in my lastmessage, has accomplished good results. Peace and contentment prevail inthe islands, especially in Tutuila, where a convenient administrationthat has won the confidence and esteem of the kindly disposed nativeshas been organized under the direction of the commander of the UnitedStates naval station at Pago-Pago. An Imperial meat-inspection law has been enacted for Germany. While itmay simplify the inspections, it prohibits certain products heretoforeadmitted. There is still great uncertainty as to whether our well-nighextinguished German trade in meat products can revive under its newburdens. Much will depend upon regulations not yet promulgated, which weconfidently hope will be free from the discriminations which attendedthe enforcement of the old statutes. The remaining link in the new lines of direct telegraphic communicationbetween the United States and the German Empire has recently beencompleted, affording a gratifying occasion for exchange of friendlycongratulations with the German Emperor. Our friendly relations with Great Britain continue. The war inSouthern Africa introduced important questions. A condition unusualin international wars was presented in that while one belligerent hadcontrol of the seas, the other had no ports, shipping, or direct trade, but was only accessible through the territory of a neutral. Vexatiousquestions arose through Great Britain's action in respect to neutralcargoes, not contraband in their own nature, shipped to Portuguese SouthAfrica, on the score of probable or suspected ultimate destination tothe Boer States. Such consignments in British ships, by which alone direct trade is keptup between our ports and Southern Africa, were seized in application ofa municipal law prohibiting British vessels from trading with the enemywithout regard to any contraband character of the goods, while cargoesshipped to Delagoa Bay in neutral bottoms were arrested on the groundof alleged destination to enemy's country. Appropriate representationson our part resulted in the British Government agreeing to purchaseoutright all such goods shown to be the actual property of Americancitizens, thus closing the incident to the satisfaction of theimmediately interested parties, although, unfortunately, without a broadsettlement of the question of a neutral's right to send goods notcontraband _per se_ to a neutral port adjacent to a belligerentarea. The work of marking certain provisional boundary points, for convenienceof administration, around the head of Lynn Canal, in accordance with thetemporary arrangement of October, 1899, was completed by a joint surveyin July last. The _modus vivendi_ has so far worked withoutfriction, and the Dominion Government has provided rules and regulationsfor securing to our citizens the benefit of the reciprocal stipulationthat the citizens or subjects of either power found by that arrangementwithin the temporary jurisdiction of the other shall suffer nodiminution of the rights and privileges they have hitherto enjoyed. Buthowever necessary such an expedient may have been to tide over the graveemergencies of the situation, it is at best but an unsatisfactorymakeshift, which should not be suffered to delay the speedy and completeestablishment of the frontier line to which we are entitled under theRusso-American treaty for the cession of Alaska. In this relation I may refer again to the need of definitely markingthe Alaskan boundary where it follows the one hundred and forty-firstmeridian. A convention to that end has been before the Senate for sometwo years, but as no action has been taken I contemplate negotiating anew convention for a joint determination of the meridian by telegraphicobservations. These, it is believed, will give more accurate andunquestionable results than the sidereal methods heretofore independentlyfollowed, which, as is known, proved discrepant at several points onthe line, although not varying at any place more than 700 feet. The pending claim of R. H. May against the Guatemalan Government has beensettled by arbitration, Mr. George F. B. Jenner, British minister atGuatemala, who was chosen as sole arbitrator, having awarded $143, 750. 73in gold to the claimant. Various American claims against Haiti have been or are being advanced tothe resort of arbitration. As the result of negotiations with the Government of Honduras in regardto the indemnity demanded for the murder of Frank H. Pears in Honduras, that Government has paid $10, 000 in settlement of the claim of theheirs. The assassination of King Humbert called forth sincere expressions ofsorrow from this Government and people, and occasion was fitly taken totestify to the Italian nation the high regard here felt for the memoryof the lamented ruler. In my last message I referred at considerable length to the lynching offive Italians at Tallulah. Notwithstanding the efforts of the FederalGovernment, the production of evidence tending to inculpate the authorsof this grievous offense against our civilization, and the repeatedinquests set on foot by the authorities of the State of Louisiana, nopunishments have followed. Successive grand juries have failed toindict. The representations of the Italian Government in the face ofthis miscarriage have been most temperate and just. Setting the principle at issue high above all consideration of merelypecuniary indemnification, such as this Government made in the threeprevious cases, Italy has solemnly invoked the pledges of existingtreaty and asked that the justice to which she is entitled shall bemeted in regard to her unfortunate countrymen in our territory with thesame full measure she herself would give to any American were hisreciprocal treaty rights contemned. I renew the urgent recommendations I made last year that the Congressappropriately confer upon the Federal courts jurisdiction in this classof international cases where the ultimate responsibility of the FederalGovernment may be involved, and I invite action upon the bills toaccomplish this which were introduced in the Senate and House. It isincumbent upon us to remedy the statutory omission which has led, andmay again lead, to such untoward results. I have pointed out thenecessity and the precedent for legislation of this character. Itsenactment is a simple measure of previsory justice toward the nationswith which we as a sovereign equal make treaties requiring reciprocalobservance. While the Italian Government naturally regards such action as theprimary and, indeed, the most essential element in the disposal of theTallulah incident, I advise that, in accordance with precedent, and inview of the improbability of that particular case being reached by thebill now pending, Congress make gracious provision for indemnity to theItalian sufferers in the same form and proportion as heretofore. In my inaugural address I referred to the general subject of lynching inthese words: Lynching must not be tolerated in a great and civilized country like the United States; courts, not mobs, must execute the penalties of the law. The preservation of public order, the right of discussion, the integrity of courts, and the orderly administration of justice must continue forever the rock of safety upon which our Government securely rests. This I most urgently reiterate and again invite the attention of mycountrymen to this reproach upon our civilization. The closing year has witnessed a decided strengthening of Japan'srelations to other States. The development of her independent judicialand administrative functions under the treaties which took effect July17, 1899, has proceeded without international friction, showing thecompetence of the Japanese to hold a foremost place among modernpeoples. In the treatment of the difficult Chinese problems Japan has acted inharmonious concert with the other powers, and her generous cooperationmaterially aided in the joint relief of the beleaguered legations inPeking and in bringing about an understanding preliminary to asettlement of the issues between the powers and China. Japan'sdeclarations in favor of the integrity of the Chinese Empire and theconservation of open world trade therewith have been frank and positive. As a factor for promoting the general interests of peace, order, andfair commerce in the Far East the influence of Japan can hardly beoverestimated. The valuable aid and kindly courtesies extended by the JapaneseGovernment and naval officers to the battle ship _Oregon_ aregratefully appreciated. Complaint was made last summer of the discriminatory enforcementof a bubonic quarantine against Japanese on the Pacific coast and ofinterference with their travel in California and Colorado under thehealth laws of those States. The latter restrictions have been adjudgedby a Federal court to be unconstitutional. No recurrence of either causeof complaint is apprehended. No noteworthy incident has occurred in our relations with our importantsouthern neighbor. Commercial intercourse with Mexico continues tothrive, and the two Governments neglect no opportunity to foster theirmutual interests in all practicable ways. Pursuant to the declaration of the Supreme Court that the awards ofthe late Joint Commission in the La Abra and Weil claims were obtainedthrough fraud, the sum awarded in the first case, $403, 030. 08, has beenreturned to Mexico, and the amount of the Weil award will be returned inlike manner. A Convention indefinitely extending the time for the labors of theUnited States and Mexican International (Water) Boundary Commission hasbeen signed. It is with satisfaction that I am able to announce the formalnotification at The Hague, on September 4, of the deposit ofratifications of the Convention for the Pacific Settlement ofInternational Disputes by sixteen powers, namely, the United States, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Siam, Spain, Sweden and Norway, and theNetherlands. Japan also has since ratified the Convention. The Administrative Council of the Permanent Court of Arbitration hasbeen organized and has adopted rules of order and a constitution for theInternational Arbitration Bureau. In accordance with Article XXIII ofthe Convention providing for the appointment by each signatory powerof persons of known competency in questions of international law asarbitrators, I have appointed as members of this Court, Hon. BenjaminHarrison, of Indiana, ex-President of the United States; Hon. MelvilleW. Fuller, of Illinois, Chief Justice of the United States; Hon. John W. Griggs, of New Jersey, Attorney-General of the United States; and Hon. George Gray, of Delaware, a judge of the circuit court of the UnitedStates. As an incident of the brief revolution in the Mosquito district ofNicaragua early in 1899 the insurgents forcibly collected from Americanmerchants duties upon imports. On the restoration of order theNicaraguan authorities demanded a second payment of such duties on theground that they were due to the titular Government and that theirdiversion had aided the revolt. This position was not accepted by us. After prolonged discussion acompromise was effected under which the amount of the second paymentswas deposited with the British consul at San Juan del Norte in trustuntil the two Governments should determine whether the first paymentshad been made under compulsion to a _de facto_ authority. Agreementas to this was not reached, and the point was waived by the act of theNicaraguan Government in requesting the British consul to return thedeposits to the merchants. Menacing differences between several of the Central American States havebeen accommodated, our ministers rendering good offices toward anunderstanding. The all-important matter of an interoceanic canal has assumed a newphase. Adhering to its refusal to reopen the question of the forfeitureof the contract of the Maritime Canal Company, which was terminated foralleged nonexecution in October, 1899, the Government of Nicaragua hassince supplemented that action by declaring the so-styled Eyre-Craginoption void for nonpayment of the stipulated advance. Protests inrelation to these acts have been filed in the State Department and areunder consideration. Deeming itself relieved from existing engagements, the Nicaraguan Government shows a disposition to deal freely with thecanal question either in the way of negotiations with the United Statesor by taking measures to promote the waterway. Overtures for a convention to effect the building of a canal under theauspices of the United States are under consideration. In the meantime, the views of the Congress upon the general subject, in the light of thereport of the Commission appointed to examine the comparative merits ofthe various trans-Isthmian ship-canal projects, may be awaited. I commend to the early attention of the Senate the Convention with GreatBritain to facilitate the construction of such a canal and to remove anyobjection which might arise out of the Convention commonly called theClayton-Bulwer Treaty. The long-standing contention with Portugal, growing out of the seizureof the Delagoa Bay Railway, has been at last determined by a favorableaward of the tribunal of arbitration at Berne, to which it wassubmitted. The amount of the award, which was deposited in Londonawaiting arrangements by the Governments of the United States and GreatBritain for its disposal, has recently been paid over to the twoGovernments. A lately signed Convention of Extradition with Peru as amended by theSenate has been ratified by the Peruvian Congress. Another illustration of the policy of this Government to referinternational disputes to impartial arbitration is seen in the agreementreached with Russia to submit the claims on behalf of American sealingvessels seized in Bering Sea to determination by Mr. T. M. C. Asser, adistinguished statesman and jurist of the Netherlands. Thanks are due to the Imperial Russian Government for the kindly aidrendered by its authorities in eastern Siberia to American missionariesfleeing from Manchuria. Satisfactory progress has been made toward the conclusion of a generaltreaty of friendship and intercourse with Spain, in replacement of theold treaty, which passed into abeyance by reason of the late war. A newconvention of extradition is approaching completion, and I should bemuch pleased were a commercial arrangement to follow. I feel that weshould not suffer to pass any opportunity to reaffirm the cordial tiesthat existed between us and Spain from the time of our earliestindependence, and to enhance the mutual benefits of that commercialintercourse which is natural between the two countries. By the terms of the Treaty of Peace the line bounding the cededPhilippine group in the southwest failed to include several smallislands lying westward of the Sulus, which have always been recognizedas under Spanish control. The occupation of Sibutú and Cagayan Sulu byour naval forces elicited a claim on the part of Spain, the essentialequity of which could not be gainsaid. In order to cure the defect ofthe treaty by removing all possible ground of future misunderstandingrespecting the interpretation of its third article, I directed thenegotiation of a supplementary treaty, which will be forthwith laidbefore the Senate, whereby Spain quits all title and claim of title tothe islands named as well as to any and all islands belonging to thePhilippine Archipelago lying outside the lines described in said thirdarticle, and agrees that all such islands shall be comprehended in thecession of the archipelago as fully as if they had been expresslyincluded within those lines. In consideration of this cession the UnitedStates is to pay to Spain the sum of $100, 000. A bill is now pending to effect the recommendation made in my lastannual message that appropriate legislation be had to carry intoexecution Article VII of the Treaty of Peace with Spain, by which theUnited States assumed the payment of certain claims for indemnity of itscitizens against Spain. I ask that action be taken to fulfill thisobligation. The King of Sweden and Norway has accepted the joint invitation of theUnited States, Germany, and Great Britain to arbitrate claims growingout of losses sustained in the Samoan Islands in the course of militaryoperations made necessary by the disturbances in 1899. Our claims upon the Government of the Sultan for reparation for injuriessuffered by American citizens in Armenia and elsewhere give promise ofearly and satisfactory settlement. His Majesty's good disposition inthis regard has been evinced by the issuance of an irade for rebuildingthe American college at Harpoot. The failure of action by the Senate at its last session upon thecommercial conventions then submitted for its consideration andapproval, although caused by the great pressure of other legislativebusiness, has caused much disappointment to the agricultural andindustrial interests of the country, which hoped to profit by theirprovisions. The conventional periods for their ratification havingexpired, it became necessary to sign additional articles extending thetime for that purpose. This was requested on our part, and the otherGovernments interested have concurred with the exception of oneconvention, in respect to which no formal reply has been received. Since my last communication to the Congress on this subject specialcommercial agreements under the third section of the tariff act havebeen proclaimed with Portugal, with Italy, and with Germany. Commercialconventions under the general limitations of the fourth section of thesame act have been concluded with Nicaragua, with Ecuador, with theDominican Republic, with Great Britain on behalf of the island ofTrinidad, and with Denmark on behalf of the island of St. Croix. Thesewill be early communicated to the Senate. Negotiations with otherGovernments are in progress for the improvement and security of ourcommercial relations. The policy of reciprocity so manifestly rests upon the principles ofinternational equity and has been so repeatedly approved by the peopleof the United States that there ought to be no hesitation in eitherbranch of the Congress in giving to it full effect. This Government desires to preserve the most just and amicablecommercial relations with all foreign countries, unmoved by theindustrial rivalries necessarily developed in the expansion ofinternational trade. It is believed that the foreign Governmentsgenerally entertain the same purpose, although in some instances thereare clamorous demands upon them for legislation specifically hostile toAmerican interests. Should these demands prevail I shall communicatewith the Congress with the view of advising such legislation as may benecessary to meet the emergency. The exposition of the resources and products of the Western Hemisphereto be held at Buffalo next year promises important results not onlyfor the United States but for the other participating countries. It isgratifying that the Latin-American States have evinced the liveliestinterest, and the fact that an International American Congress willbe held in the City of Mexico while the exposition is in progressencourages the hope of a larger display at Buffalo than might otherwisebe practicable. The work of preparing an exhibit of our nationalresources is making satisfactory progress under the direction ofdifferent officials of the Federal Government, and the various States ofthe Union have shown a disposition toward the most liberal participationin the enterprise. The Bureau of the American Republics continues to discharge, with thehappiest results, the important work of promoting cordial relationsbetween the United States and the Latin-American countries, all of whichare now active members of the International Union. The Bureau has beeninstrumental in bringing about the agreement for another InternationalAmerican Congress, which is to meet in the City of Mexico in October, 1901. The Bureau's future for another term of ten years is assured bythe international compact, but the congress will doubtless have much todo with shaping new lines of work and a general policy. Its usefulnessto the interests of Latin-American trade is widely appreciated and showsa gratifying development. The practical utility of the consular service in obtaining a wide rangeof information as to the industries and commerce of other countries andthe opportunities thereby afforded for introducing the sale of our goodshave kept steadily in advance of the notable expansion of our foreigntrade, and abundant evidence has been furnished, both at home andabroad, of the fact that the Consular Reports, including many from ourdiplomatic representatives, have to a considerable extent pointed outways and means of disposing of a great variety of manufactured goodswhich otherwise might not have found sale abroad. Testimony of foreign observers to the commercial efficiency of theconsular corps seems to be conclusive, and our own manufacturers andexporters highly appreciate the value of the services rendered not onlyin the printed reports but also in the individual efforts of consularofficers to promote American trade. An increasing part of the work ofthe Bureau of Foreign Commerce, whose primary duty it is to compile andprint the reports, is to answer inquiries from trade organizations, business houses, etc. , as to conditions in various parts of the world, and, notwithstanding the smallness of the force employed, the work hasbeen so systematized that responses are made with such promptitude andaccuracy as to elicit flattering encomiums. The experiment of printingthe Consular Reports daily for immediate use by trade bodies, exporters, and the press, which was begun in January, 1898, continues to givegeneral satisfaction. It is gratifying to be able to state that the surplus revenues forthe fiscal year ended June 30, 1900, were $79, 527, 060. 18. For the sixpreceding years we had only deficits, the aggregate of which from 1894to 1899, inclusive, amounted to $283, 022, 991. 14. The receipts for theyear from all sources, exclusive of postal revenues, aggregated$567, 240, 851. 89, and expenditures for all purposes, except for theadministration of the postal department, aggregated $487, 713, 791. 71. The receipts from customs were $233, 164, 871. 16, an increase over thepreceding year of $27, 036, 389. 41. The receipts from internal revenuewere $295, 327, 926. 76, an increase of $21, 890, 765. 25 over 1899. Thereceipts from miscellaneous sources were $38, 748, 053. 97, as against$36, 394, 976. 92 for the previous year. It is gratifying also to note that during the year a considerablereduction is shown in the expenditures of the Government. The WarDepartment expenditures for the fiscal year 1900 were $134, 774, 767. 78, a reduction of $95, 066, 486. 69 over those of 1899. In the Navy Departmentthe expenditures were $55, 953, 077. 72 for the year 1900, as against$63, 942, 104. 25 for the preceding year, a decrease of $7, 989, 026. 53. Inthe expenditures on account of Indians there was a decrease in 1900 over1899 of $2, 630, 604. 38; and in the civil and miscellaneous expenses for1900 there was a reduction of $13, 418, 065. 74. Because of the excess of revenues over expenditures the Secretary of theTreasury was enabled to apply bonds and other securities to the sinkingfund to the amount of $56, 544, 556. 06. The details of the sinking fundare set forth in the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, to whichI invite attention. The Secretary of the Treasury estimates that thereceipts for the current fiscal year will aggregate $580, 000, 000 andthe expenditures $500, 000, 000, leaving an excess of revenues overexpenditures of $80, 000, 000. The present condition of the Treasury isone of undoubted strength. The available cash balance November 30 was$139, 303, 794. 50. Under the form of statement prior to the financial lawof March 14 last there would have been included in the statement ofavailable cash gold coin and bullion held for the redemption of UnitedStates notes. If this form were pursued, the cash balance including the present goldreserve of $150, 000, 000, would be $289, 303, 794. 50. Such balance November30, 1899, was $296, 495, 301. 55. In the general fund, which is whollyseparate from the reserve and trust funds, there was on November 30, $70, 090, 073. 15 in gold coin and bullion, to which should be added$22, 957, 300 in gold certificates subject to issue, against which thereis held in the Division of Redemption gold coin and bullion, making atotal holding of free gold amounting to $93, 047, 373. 15. It will be the duty as I am sure it will be the disposition of theCongress to provide whatever further legislation is needed to insure thecontinued parity under all conditions between our two forms of metallicmoney, silver and gold. Our surplus revenues have permitted the Secretary of the Treasurysince the close of the fiscal year to call in the funded loan of 1891continued at 2 per cent, in the sum of $25, 364, 500. To and includingNovember 30, $23, 458, 100 of these bonds have been paid. This sum, together with the amount which may accrue from further redemptions underthe call, will be applied to the sinking fund. The law of March 14, 1900, provided for refunding into 2 per centthirty-year bonds, payable, principal and interest, in gold coin of thepresent standard value, that portion of the public debt represented bythe 3 per cent bonds of 1908, the 4 percents of 1907, and the 5 percentsof 1904, of which there was outstanding at the date of said law$839, 149, 930. The holders of the old bonds presented them for exchangebetween March 14 and November 30 to the amount of $364, 943, 750. The netsaving to the Government on these transactions aggregates $9, 106, 166. Another effect of the operation, as stated by the Secretary, is toreduce the charge upon the Treasury for the payment of interest from thedates of refunding to February 1, 1904, by the sum of more than sevenmillion dollars annually. From February 1, 1904, to July 1, 1907, theannual interest charge will be reduced by the sum of more than fivemillions, and for the thirteen months ending August 1, 1908, by aboutone million. The full details of the refunding are given in the annualreport of the Secretary of the Treasury. The beneficial effect of the financial act of 1900, so far as itrelates to a modification of the national banking act, is alreadyapparent. The provision for the incorporation of national banks with acapital of not less than $25, 000 in places not exceeding three thousandinhabitants has resulted in the extension of banking facilities to manysmall communities hitherto unable to provide themselves with bankinginstitutions under the national system. There were organized from theenactment of the law up to and including November 30, 369 nationalbanks, of which 266 were with capital less than $50, 000, and 103 withcapital of $50, 000 or more. It is worthy of mention that the greater number of banks being organizedunder the new law are in sections where the need of banking facilitieshas been most pronounced. Iowa stands first, with 30 banks of thesmaller class, while Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, and the middleand western sections of the country have also availed themselves largelyof the privileges under the new law. A large increase in national-bank-note circulation has resulted from theprovision of the act which permits national banks to issue circulatingnotes to the par value of the United States bonds deposited as securityinstead of only 90 per cent thereof, as heretofore. The increase incirculating notes from March 14 to November 30 is $77, 889, 570. The party in power is committed to such legislation as will better makethe currency responsive to the varying needs of business at all seasonsand in all sections. Our foreign trade shows a remarkable record of commercial and industrialprogress. The total of imports and exports for the first time in thehistory of the country exceeded two billions of dollars. The exports aregreater than they have ever been before, the total for the fiscal year1900 being $1, 394, 483, 082, an increase over 1899 of $167, 459, 780, anincrease over 1898 of $163, 000, 752, over 1897 of $343, 489, 526, andgreater than 1896 by $511, 876, 144. The growth of manufactures in the United States is evidenced by the factthat exports of manufactured products largely exceed those of anyprevious year, their value for 1900 being $433, 851, 756, against$339, 592, 146 in 1899, an increase of 28 per cent. Agricultural products were also exported during 1900 in greater volumethan in 1899, the total for the year being $835, 858, 123, against$784, 776, 142 in 1899. The imports for the year amounted to $849, 941, 184, an increase over 1899of $152, 792, 695. This increase is largely in materials for manufacture, and is in response to the rapid development of manufacturing in theUnited States. While there was imported for use in manufactures in 1900material to the value of $79, 768, 972 in excess of 1899, it is reassuringto observe that there is a tendency toward decrease in the importationof articles manufactured ready for consumption, which in 1900 formed15. 17 per cent of the total imports, against 15. 54 per cent in 1899 and21. 09 per cent in 1896. I recommend that the Congress at its present session reduce theinternal-revenue taxes imposed to meet the expenses of the war withSpain in the sum of thirty millions of dollars. This reduction should besecured by the remission of those taxes which experience has shown to bethe most burdensome to the industries of the people. I specially urge that there be included in whatever reduction is madethe legacy tax on bequests for public uses of a literary, educational, or charitable character. American vessels during the past three years have carried about 9 percent of our exports and imports. Foreign ships should carry the least, not the greatest, part of American trade. The remarkable growth of oursteel industries, the progress of shipbuilding for the domestic trade, and our steadily maintained expenditures for the Navy have created anopportunity to place the United States in the first rank of commercialmaritime powers. Besides realizing a proper national aspiration this will mean theestablishment and healthy growth along all our coasts of a distinctivenational industry, expanding the field for the profitable employment oflabor and capital. It will increase the transportation facilities andreduce freight charges on the vast volume of products brought from theinterior to the seaboard for export, and will strengthen an arm of thenational defense upon which the founders of the Government and theirsuccessors have relied. In again urging immediate action by the Congresson measures to promote American shipping and foreign trade, I directattention to the recommendations on the subject in previous messages, and particularly to the opinion expressed in the message of 1899: I am satisfied the judgment of the country favors the policy of aid to our merchant marine, which will broaden our commerce and markets and upbuild our sea-carrying capacity for the products of agriculture and manufacture, which, with the increase of our Navy, mean more work and wages to our countrymen, as well as a safeguard to American interests in every part of the world. The attention of the Congress is invited to the recommendation of theSecretary of the Treasury in his annual report for legislation in behalfof the Revenue-Cutter Service, and favorable action is urged. In my last annual message to the Congress I called attention to thenecessity for early action to remedy such evils as might be found toexist in connection with combinations of capital organized into trusts, and again invite attention to my discussion of the subject at that time, which concluded with these words: It is apparent that uniformity of legislation upon this subject in the several States is much to be desired. It is to be hoped that such uniformity, founded in a wise and just discrimination between what is injurious and what is useful and necessary in business operations, may be obtained, and that means may be found for the Congress, within the limitations of its constitutional power, so to supplement an effective code of State legislation as to make a complete system of laws throughout the United States adequate to compel a general observance of the salutary rules to which I have referred. The whole question is so important and far-reaching that I am sure no part of it will be lightly considered, but every phase of it will have the studied deliberation of the Congress, resulting in wise and judicious action. Restraint upon such combinations as are injurious, and which are withinFederal jurisdiction, should be promptly applied by the Congress. In my last annual message I dwelt at some length upon the condition ofaffairs in the Philippines. While seeking to impress upon you that thegrave responsibility of the future government of those islands restswith the Congress of the United States, I abstained from recommendingat that time a specific and final form of government for the territoryactually held by the United States forces and in which as long asinsurrection continues the military arm must necessarily be supreme. I stated my purpose, until the Congress shall have made the formalexpression of its will, to use the authority vested in me by theConstitution and the statutes to uphold the sovereignty of the UnitedStates in those distant islands as in all other places where our flagrightfully floats, placing, to that end, at the disposal of the army andnavy all the means which the liberality of the Congress and the peoplehave provided. No contrary expression of the will of the Congress havingbeen made, I have steadfastly pursued the purpose so declared, employingthe civil arm as well toward the accomplishment of pacification and theinstitution of local governments within the lines of authority and law. Progress in the hoped-for direction has been favorable. Our forces havesuccessfully controlled the greater part of the islands, overcoming theorganized forces of the insurgents and carrying order and administrativeregularity to all quarters. What opposition remains is for the most partscattered, obeying no concerted plan of strategic action, operating onlyby the methods common to the traditions of guerrilla warfare, which, while ineffective to alter the general control now established, arestill sufficient to beget insecurity among the populations that havefelt the good results of our control and thus delay the conferment uponthem of the fuller measures of local self-government, of education, andof industrial and agricultural development which we stand ready to giveto them. By the spring of this year the effective opposition of the dissatisfiedTagals to the authority of the United States was virtually ended, thusopening the door for the extension of a stable administration over muchof the territory of the Archipelago. Desiring to bring this about, Iappointed in March last a civil Commission composed of the Hon. WilliamH. Taft, of Ohio; Prof. Dean C. Worcester, of Michigan; the Hon. Luke I. Wright, of Tennessee; the Hon. Henry C. Ide, of Vermont, and Prof. Bernard Moses, of California. The aims of their mission and the scope oftheir authority are clearly set forth in my instructions of April 7, 1900, addressed to the Secretary of War to be transmitted to them: In the message transmitted to the Congress on the 5th of December, 1899, I said, speaking of the Philippine Islands: "As long as the insurrection continues the military arm must necessarily be supreme. But there is no reason why steps should not be taken from time to time to inaugurate governments essentially popular in their form as fast as territory is held and controlled by our troops. To this end I am considering the advisability of the return of the Commission, or such of the members thereof as can be secured, to aid the existing authorities and facilitate this work throughout the islands. " To give effect to the intention thus expressed, I have appointed Hon. William H. Taft, of Ohio; Prof. Dean C. Worcester, of Michigan; Hon. Luke I. Wright, of Tennessee; Hon. Henry C. Ide, of Vermont, and Prof. Bernard Moses, of California, Commissioners to the Philippine Islands to continue and perfect the work of organizing and establishing civil government already commenced by the military authorities, subject in all respects to any laws which Congress may hereafter enact. The Commissioners named will meet and act as a board, and the Hon. William H. Taft is designated as president of the board. It is probable that the transfer of authority from military commanders to civil officers will be gradual and will occupy a considerable period. Its successful accomplishment and the maintenance of peace and order in the meantime will require the most perfect co-operation between the civil and military authorities in the islands, and both should be directed during the transition period by the same Executive Department. The Commission will therefore report to the Secretary of War, and all their action will be subject to your approval and control. You will instruct the Commission to proceed to the city of Manila, where they will make their principal office, and to communicate with the Military Governor of the Philippine Islands, whom you will at the same time direct to render to them every assistance within his power in the performance of their duties. Without hampering them by too specific instructions, they should in general be enjoined, after making themselves familiar with the conditions and needs of the country, to devote their attention in the first instance to the establishment of municipal governments, in which the natives of the islands, both in the cities and in the rural communities, shall be afforded the opportunity to manage their own local affairs to the fullest extent of which they are capable and subject to the least degree of supervision and control which a careful study of their capacities and observation of the workings of native control show to be consistent with the maintenance of law, order, and loyalty. The next subject in order of importance should be the organization of government in the larger administrative divisions corresponding to counties, departments, or provinces, in which the common interests of many or several municipalities falling within the same tribal lines, or the same natural geographical limits, may best be subserved by a common administration. Whenever the Commission is of the opinion that the condition of affairs in the islands is such that the central administration may safely be transferred from military to civil control they will report that conclusion to you, with their recommendations as to the form of central government to be established for the purpose of taking over the control. Beginning with the 1st day of September, 1900, the authority to exercise, subject to my approval, through the Secretary of War, that part of the power of government in the Philippine Islands which is of a legislative nature is to be transferred from the Military Governor of the islands to this Commission, to be thereafter exercised by them in the place and stead of the Military Governor, under such rules and regulations as you shall prescribe, until the establishment of the civil central government for the islands contemplated in the last foregoing paragraph, or until Congress shall otherwise provide. Exercise of this legislative authority will include the making of rules and orders, having the effect of law, for the raising of revenue by taxes, customs duties, and imposts; the appropriation and expenditure of public funds of the islands; the establishment of an educational system throughout the islands; the establishment of a system to secure an efficient civil service; the organization and establishment of courts; the organization and establishment of municipal and departmental governments, and all other matters of a civil nature for which the Military Governor is now competent to provide by rules or orders of a legislative character. The Commission will also have power during the same period to appoint to office such officers under the judicial, educational, and civil-service systems and in the municipal and departmental governments as shall be provided for. Until the complete transfer of control the Military Governor will remain the chief executive head of the government of the islands, and will exercise the executive authority now possessed by him and not herein expressly assigned to the Commission, subject, however, to the rules and orders enacted by the Commission in the exercise of the legislative powers conferred upon them. In the meantime the municipal and departmental governments will continue to report to the Military Governor and be subject to his administrative supervision and control, under your direction, but that supervision and control will be confined within the narrowest limits consistent with the requirement that the powers of government in the municipalities and departments shall be honestly and effectively exercised and that law and order and individual freedom shall be maintained. All legislative rules and orders, establishments of government, and appointments to office by the Commission will take effect immediately, or at such times as they shall designate, subject to your approval and action upon the coming in of the Commission's reports, which are to be made from time to time as their action is taken. Wherever civil governments are constituted under the direction of the Commission such military posts, garrisons, and forces will be continued for the suppression of insurrection and brigandage and the maintenance of law and order as the Military Commander shall deem requisite, and the military forces shall be at all times subject, under his orders, to the call of the civil authorities for the maintenance of law and order and the enforcement of their authority. In the establishment of municipal governments the Commission will take as the basis of their work the governments established by the Military Governor under his order of August 8, 1899, and under the report of the board constituted by the Military Governor by his order of January 29, 1900, to formulate and report a plan of municipal government, of which His Honor Cayetano Arellano, President of the Audiencia, was chairman, and they will give to the conclusions of that board the weight and consideration which the high character and distinguished abilities of its members justify. In the constitution of departmental or provincial governments they will give especial attention to the existing government of the island of Negros, constituted with the approval of the people of that island, under the order of the Military Governor of July 22, 1899, and after verifying, so far as may be practicable, the reports of the successful working of that government they will be guided by the experience thus acquired so far as it may be applicable to the condition existing in other portions of the Philippines. They will avail themselves, to the fullest degree practicable, of the conclusions reached by the previous Commission to the Philippines. In the distribution of powers among the governments organized by the Commission, the presumption is always to be in favor of the smaller subdivision, so that all the powers which can properly be exercised by the municipal government shall be vested in that government, and all the powers of a more general character which can be exercised by the departmental government shall be vested in that government, and so that in the governmental system, which is the result of the process, the central government of the islands, following the example of the distribution of the powers between the States and the National Government of the United States, shall have no direct administration except of matters of purely general concern, and shall have only such supervision and control over local governments as may be necessary to secure and enforce faithful and efficient administration by local officers. The many different degrees of civilization and varieties of custom and capacity among the people of the different islands preclude very definite instruction as to the part which the people shall take in the selection of their own officers; but these general rules are to be observed: That in all cases the municipal officers who administer the local affairs of the people, are to be selected by the people, and that wherever officers of more extended jurisdiction are to be selected in any way, natives of the islands are to be preferred, and if they can be found competent and willing to perform the duties, they are to receive the offices in preference to any others. It will be necessary to fill some offices for the present with Americans which after a time may well be filled by natives of the islands. As soon as practicable a system for ascertaining the merit and fitness of candidates for civil office should be put in force. An indispensable qualification for all offices and positions of trust and authority in the islands must be absolute and unconditional loyalty to the United States, and absolute and unhampered authority and power to remove and punish any officer deviating from that standard must at all times be retained in the hands of the central authority of the islands. In all the forms of government and administrative provisions which they are authorized to prescribe the Commission should bear in mind that the government which they are establishing is designed not for our satisfaction, or for the expression of our theoretical views, but for the happiness, peace, and prosperity of the people of the Philippine Islands, and the measures adopted should be made to conform to their customs, their habits, and even their prejudices, to the fullest extent consistent with the accomplishment of the indispensable requisites of just and effective government. At the same time the Commission should bear in mind, and the people of the islands should be made plainly to understand, that there are certain great principles of government which have been made the basis of our governmental system which we deem essential to the rule of law and the maintenance of individual freedom, and of which they have, unfortunately, been denied the experience possessed by us; that there are also certain practical rules of government which we have found to be essential to the preservation of these great principles of liberty and law, and that these principles and these rules of government must be established and maintained in their islands for the sake of their liberty and happiness, however much they may conflict with the customs or laws of procedure with which they are familiar. It is evident that the most enlightened thought of the Philippine Islands fully appreciates the importance of these principles and rules, and they will inevitably within a short time command universal assent. Upon every division and branch of the government of the Philippines, therefore, must be imposed these inviolable rules: That no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation; that in all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense; that excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted; that no person shall be put twice in jeopardy for the same offense, or be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself; that the right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist except as a punishment for crime; that no bill of attainder or _ex-post-facto_ law shall be passed; that no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the rights of the people to peaceably assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances; that no law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and that the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall forever be allowed. It will be the duty of the Commission to make a thorough investigation into the titles to the large tracts of land held or claimed by individuals or by religious orders; into the justice of the claims and complaints made against such landholders by the people of the island or any part of the people, and to seek by wise and peaceable measures a just settlement of the controversies and redress of wrongs which have caused strife and bloodshed in the past. In the performance of this duty the Commission is enjoined to see that no injustice is done; to have regard for substantial rights and equity, disregarding technicalities so far as substantial right permits, and to observe the following rules: That the provision of the Treaty of Paris pledging the United States to the protection of all rights of property in the islands, and as well the principle of our own Government which prohibits the taking of private property without due process of law, shall not be violated; that the welfare of the people of the islands, which should be a paramount consideration, shall be attained consistently with this rule of property right; that if it becomes necessary for the public interest of the people of the islands to dispose of claims to property which the Commission finds to be not lawfully acquired and held disposition shall be made thereof by due legal procedure, in which there shall be full opportunity for fair and impartial hearing and judgment; that if the same public interests require the extinguishment of property rights lawfully acquired and held due compensation shall be made out of the public treasury therefor; that no form of religion and no minister of religion shall be forced upon any community or upon any citizen of the islands; that, upon the other hand, no minister of religion shall be interfered with or molested in following his calling, and that the separation between State and Church shall be real, entire, and absolute. It will be the duty of the Commission to promote and extend, and, as they find occasion, to improve the system of education already inaugurated by the military authorities. In doing this they should regard as of first importance the extension of a system of primary education which shall be free to all, and which shall tend to fit the people for the duties of citizenship and for the ordinary avocations of a civilized community. This instruction should be given in the first instance in every part of the islands in the language of the people. In view of the great number of languages spoken by the different tribes, it is especially important to the prosperity of the islands that a common medium of communication may be established, and it is obviously desirable that this medium should be the English language. Especial attention should be at once given to affording full opportunity to all the people of the islands to acquire the use of the English language. It may be well that the main changes which should be made in the system of taxation and in the body of the laws under which the people are governed, except such changes as have already been made by the military government, should be relegated to the civil government which is to be established under the auspices of the Commission. It will, however, be the duty of the Commission to inquire diligently as to whether there are any further changes which ought not to be delayed, and if so, they are authorized to make such changes subject to your approval. In doing so they are to bear in mind that taxes which tend to penalize or repress industry and enterprise are to be avoided; that provisions for taxation should be simple, so that they may be understood by the people; that they should affect the fewest practicable subjects of taxation which will serve for the general distribution of the burden. The main body of the laws which regulate the rights and obligations of the people should be maintained with as little interference as possible. Changes made should be mainly in procedure, and in the criminal laws to secure speedy and impartial trials, and at the same time effective administration and respect for individual rights. In dealing with the uncivilized tribes of the islands the Commission should adopt the same course followed by Congress in permitting the tribes of our North American Indians to maintain their tribal organization and government, and under which many of those tribes are now living in peace and contentment, surrounded by a civilization to which they are unable or unwilling to conform. Such tribal governments should, however, be subjected to wise and firm regulation, and, without undue or petty interference, constant and active effort should be exercised to prevent barbarous practices and introduce civilized customs. Upon all officers and employees of the United States, both civil and military, should be impressed a sense of the duty to observe not merely the material but the personal and social rights of the people of the islands, and to treat them with the same courtesy and respect for their personal dignity which the people of the United States are accustomed to require from each other. The articles of capitulation of the city of Manila on the 13th of August, 1898, concluded with these words: "This city, its inhabitants, its churches and religious worship, its educational establishments, and its private property of all descriptions, are placed under the special safeguard of the faith and honor of the American Army. " I believe that this pledge has been faithfully kept. As high and sacred an obligation rests upon the Government of the United States to give protection for property and life, civil and religious freedom, and wise, firm, and unselfish guidance in the paths of peace and prosperity to all the people of the Philippine Islands. I charge this Commission to labor for the full performance of this obligation, which concerns the honor and conscience of their country, in the firm hope that through their labors all the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands may come to look back with gratitude to the day when God gave victory to American arms at Manila and set their land under the sovereignty and the protection of the people of the United States. Coincidently with the entrance of the Commission upon its labors Icaused to be issued by General MacArthur, the Military Governor of thePhilippines, on June 21, 1900, a proclamation of amnesty in generousterms, of which many of the insurgents took advantage, among them anumber of important leaders. This Commission, composed of eminent citizens representing the diversegeographical and political interests of the country, and bringingto their task the ripe fruits of long and intelligent service ineducational, administrative, and judicial careers, made great progressfrom the outset. As early as August 21, 1900, it submitted a preliminaryreport, which will be laid before the Congress, and from which itappears that already the good effects of returning order are felt; thatbusiness, interrupted by hostilities, is improving as peace extends;that a larger area is under sugar cultivation than ever before; that thecustoms revenues are greater than at any time during the Spanish rule;that economy and efficiency in the military administration have createda surplus fund of $6, 000, 000, available for needed public improvements;that a stringent civil-service law is in preparation; that railroadcommunications are expanding, opening up rich districts, and that acomprehensive scheme of education is being organized. Later reports from the Commission show yet more encouraging advancetoward insuring the benefits of liberty and good government to theFilipinos, in the interest of humanity and with the aim of building upan enduring, self-supporting, and self-administering community in thosefar eastern seas. I would impress upon the Congress that whateverlegislation may be enacted in respect to the Philippine Islands shouldbe along these generous lines. The fortune of war has thrown upon thisnation an unsought trust which should be unselfishly discharged, anddevolved upon this Government a moral as well as material responsibilitytoward these millions whom we have freed from an oppressive yoke. I have on another occasion called the Filipinos "the wards of thenation. " Our obligation as guardian was not lightly assumed; it must notbe otherwise than honestly fulfilled, aiming first of all to benefitthose who have come under our fostering care. It is our duty so to treatthem that our flag may be no less beloved in the mountains of Luzon andthe fertile zones of Mindanao and Negros than it is at home, that thereas here it shall be the revered symbol of liberty, enlightenment, andprogress in every avenue of development. The Filipinos are a race quick to learn and to profit by knowledge. He would be rash who, with the teachings of contemporaneous history inview, would fix a limit to the degree of culture and advancement yetwithin the reach of these people if our duty toward them be faithfullyperformed. The civil government of Puerto Rico provided for by the act of theCongress approved April 12, 1900, is in successful operation. The courtshave been established. The Governor and his associates, workingintelligently and harmoniously, are meeting with commendable success. On the 6th of November a general election was held in the island formembers of the Legislature, and the body elected has been called toconvene on the first Monday of December. I recommend that legislation be enacted by the Congress conferring uponthe Secretary of the Interior supervision over the public lands inPuerto Rico, and that he be directed to ascertain the location andquantity of lands the title to which remained in the Crown of Spainat the date of cession of Puerto Rico to the United States, and thatappropriations necessary for surveys be made, and that the methods ofthe disposition of such lands be prescribed by law. On the 25th of July, 1900, I directed that a call be issued for anelection in Cuba for members of a constitutional convention to frame aconstitution as a basis for a stable and independent government in theisland. In pursuance thereof the Military Governor issued the followinginstructions: Whereas the Congress of the United States, by its joint resolution of April 20, 1898, declared-- "That the people of the island of Cuba are, and of right ought to be, free and independent. "That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island except for the pacification thereof, and asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people;" And whereas, the people of Cuba have established municipal governments, deriving their authority from the suffrages of the people given under just and equal laws, and are now ready, in like manner, to proceed to the establishment of a general government which shall assume and exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, and control over the island: Therefore, it is ordered that a general election be held in the island of Cuba on the third Saturday of September, in the year nineteen hundred, to elect delegates to a convention to meet in the city of Havana at twelve o'clock noon on the first Monday of November, in the year nineteen hundred, to frame and adopt a constitution for the people of Cuba, and as a part thereof to provide for and agree with the Government of the United States upon the relations to exist between that Government and the Government of Cuba, and to provide for the election by the people of officers under such constitution and the transfer of government to the officers so elected. The election will be held in the several voting precincts of the island under, and pursuant to, the provisions of the electoral law of April 18, 1900, and the amendments thereof. The election was held on the 15th of September, and the conventionassembled on the 5th of November, 1900, and is now in session. In calling the convention to order, the Military Governor of Cuba madethe following statement: As Military Governor of the island, representing the President of the United States, I call this convention to order. It will be your duty, first, to frame and adopt a constitution for Cuba, and when that has been done to formulate what in your opinion ought to be the relations between Cuba and the United States. The constitution must be adequate to secure a stable, orderly, and free government. When you have formulated the relations which in your opinion ought to exist between Cuba and the United States the Government of the United States will doubtless take such action on its part as shall lead to a final and authoritative agreement between the people of the two countries to the promotion of their common interests. All friends of Cuba will follow your deliberations with the deepest interest, earnestly desiring that you shall reach just conclusions, and that by the dignity, individual self-restraint, and wise conservatism which shall characterize your proceedings the capacity of the Cuban people for representative government may be signally illustrated. The fundamental distinction between true representative government and dictatorship is that in the former every representative of the people, in whatever office, confines himself strictly within the limits of his defined powers. Without such restraint there can be no free constitutional government. Under the order pursuant to which you have been elected and convened you have no duty and no authority to take part in the present government of the island. Your powers are strictly limited by the terms of that order. When the convention concludes its labors I will transmit to the Congressthe constitution as framed by the convention for its consideration andfor such action as it may deem advisable. I renew the recommendation made in my special message of February 10, 1899, as to the necessity for cable communication between the UnitedStates and Hawaii, with extension to Manila. Since then circumstanceshave strikingly emphasized this need. Surveys have shown the entirefeasibility of a chain of cables which at each stopping place shalltouch on American territory, so that the system shall be under our owncomplete control. Manila once within telegraphic reach, connection withthe systems of the Asiatic coast would open increased and profitableopportunities for a more direct cable route from our shores to theOrient than is now afforded by the trans-Atlantic, continental, andtrans-Asian lines. I urge attention to this important matter. The present strength of the Army is 100, 000 men--65, 000 regulars and35, 000 volunteers. Under the act of March 2, 1899, on the 30th of Junenext the present volunteer force will be discharged and the Regular Armywill be reduced to 2, 447 officers and 29, 025 enlisted men. In 1888 a Board of Officers convened by President Cleveland adopted acomprehensive scheme of coast-defense fortifications which involved theoutlay of something over one hundred million dollars. This plan receivedthe approval of the Congress, and since then regular appropriations havebeen made and the work of fortification has steadily progressed. More than sixty millions of dollars have been invested in a great numberof forts and guns, with all the complicated and scientific machinery andelectrical appliances necessary for their use. The proper care of thisdefensive machinery requires men trained in its use. The number of mennecessary to perform this duty alone is ascertained by the WarDepartment, at a minimum allowance, to be 18, 420. There are fifty-eight or more military posts in the United States otherthan the coast-defense fortifications. The number of these posts is being constantly increased by the Congress. More than $22, 000, 000 have been expended in building and equipment, and they can only be cared for by the Regular Army. The posts now inexistence and others to be built provide for accommodations for, and iffully garrisoned require, 26, 000 troops. Many of these posts are alongour frontier or at important strategic points, the occupation of whichis necessary. We have in Cuba between 5, 000 and 6, 000 troops. For the present ourtroops in that island cannot be withdrawn or materially diminished, andcertainly not until the conclusion of the labors of the constitutionalconvention now in session and a government provided by the newconstitution shall have been established and its stability assured. In Puerto Rico we have reduced the garrisons to 1, 636, which includes879 native troops. There is no room for further reduction here. We will be required to keep a considerable force in the PhilippineIslands for some time to come. From the best information obtainable wewill need there for the immediate future from 45, 000 to 60, 000 men. I am sure the number may be reduced as the insurgents shall come toacknowledge the authority of the United States, of which there areassuring indications. It must be apparent that we will require an army of about 60, 000, andthat during present conditions in Cuba and the Philippines the Presidentshould have authority to increase the force to the present number of100, 000. Included in this number authority should be given to raisenative troops in the Philippines up to 15, 000, which the Taft Commissionbelieve will be more effective in detecting and suppressing guerrillas, assassins, and ladrones than our own soldiers. The full discussion of this subject by the Secretary of War in hisannual report is called to your earnest attention. I renew the recommendation made in my last annual message that theCongress provide a special medal of honor for the volunteers, regulars, sailors, and marines on duty in the Philippines who voluntarily remainedin the service after their terms of enlistment had expired. I favor the recommendation of the Secretary of War for the detailof officers from the line of the Army when vacancies occur in theAdjutant-General's Department, Inspector-General's Department, Quartermaster's Department, Subsistence Department, Pay Department, Ordnance Department, and Signal Corps. The Army cannot be too highly commended for its faithful and effectiveservice in active military operations in the field and the difficultwork of civil administration. The continued and rapid growth of the postal service is a sure indexof the great and increasing business activity of the country. Its moststriking new development is the extension of rural free delivery. Thishas come almost wholly within the last year. At the beginning of thefiscal year 1899-1900 the number of routes in operation was only 391, and most of these had been running less than twelve months. On the15th of November, 1900, the number had increased to 2, 614, reachinginto forty-four States and Territories, and serving a population of1, 801, 524. The number of applications now pending and awaiting actionnearly equals all those granted up to the present time, and by theclose of the current fiscal year about 4, 000 routes will have beenestablished, providing for the daily delivery of mails at the scatteredhomes of about three and a half millions of rural population. This service ameliorates the isolation of farm life, conduces togood roads, and quickens and extends the dissemination of generalinformation. Experience thus far has tended to allay the apprehensionthat it would be so expensive as to forbid its general adoption or makeit a serious burden. Its actual application has shown that it increasespostal receipts, and can be accompanied by reductions in other branchesof the service, so that the augmented revenues and the accomplishedsavings together materially reduce the net cost. The evidences whichpoint to these conclusions are presented in detail in the annual reportof the Postmaster-General, which with its recommendations is commendedto the consideration of the Congress. The full development of thisspecial service, however, requires such a large outlay of money thatit should be undertaken only after a careful study and thoroughunderstanding of all that it involves. Very efficient service has been rendered by the Navy in connection withthe insurrection in the Philippines and the recent disturbance in China. A very satisfactory settlement has been made of the long-pendingquestion of the manufacture of armor plate. A reasonable price has beensecured and the necessity for a Government armor plant avoided. I approve of the recommendations of the Secretary for new vessels andfor additional officers and men which the required increase of the Navymakes necessary. I commend to the favorable action of the Congress themeasure now pending for the erection of a statue to the memory of thelate Admiral David D. Porter. I commend also the establishment of anational naval reserve and of the grade of vice-admiral. Provisionshould be made, as recommended by the Secretary, for suitable rewardsfor special merit. Many officers who rendered the most distinguishedservice during the recent war with Spain have received in return norecognition from the Congress. The total area of public lands as given by the Secretary of the Interioris approximately 1, 071, 881, 662 acres, of which 917, 135, 880 acres areundisposed of and 154, 745, 782 acres have been reserved for variouspurposes. The public lands disposed of during the year amount to13, 453, 887. 96 acres, including 62, 423. 09 acres of Indian lands, anincrease of 4, 271, 474. 80 over the preceding year. The total receiptsfrom the sale of public lands during the fiscal year were $4, 379, 758. 10, an increase of $1, 309, 620. 76 over the preceding year. The results obtained from our forest policy have demonstrated its wisdomand the necessity in the interest of the public for its continuance andincreased appropriations by the Congress for the carrying on of thework. On June 30, 1900, there were thirty-seven forest reserves, createdby Presidential proclamations under section 24 of the act of March 3, 1891, embracing an area of 46, 425, 529 acres. During the past year the Olympic Reserve, in the State of Washington, was reduced 265, 040 acres, leaving its present area at 1, 923, 840 acres. The Prescott Reserve, in Arizona, was increased from 10, 240 acres to423, 680 acres, and the Big Horn Reserve, in Wyoming, was increased from1, 127, 680 acres to 1, 180, 800 acres. A new reserve, the Santa Ynez, inCalifornia, embracing an area of 145, 000 acres, was created during thisyear. On October 10, 1900, the Crow Creek Forest Reserve, in Wyoming, was created, with an area of 56, 320 acres. At the end of the fiscal year there were on the pension roll 993, 529names, a net increase of 2, 010 over the fiscal year 1899. The numberadded to the rolls during the year was 45, 344. The amount disbursed forArmy pensions during the year was $134, 700, 597. 24 and for Navy pensions$3, 761, 533. 41, a total of $138, 462, 130. 65, leaving an unexpended balanceof $5, 542, 768. 25 to be covered into the Treasury, which shows anincrease over the previous year's expenditure of $107, 077. 70. There were684 names added to the rolls during the year by special acts passed atthe first session of the Fifty-sixth Congress. The act of May 9, 1900, among other things provides for an extensionof income to widows pensioned under said act to $250 per annum. TheSecretary of the Interior believes that by the operations of this actthe number of persons pensioned under it will increase and the increasedannual payment for pensions will be between $3, 000, 000 and $4, 000, 000. The Government justly appreciates the services of its soldiers andsailors by making pension payments liberal beyond precedent to them, their widows and orphans. There were 26, 540 letters patent granted, including reissues anddesigns, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900; 1, 660 trademarks, 682 labels, and 93 prints registered. The number of patents whichexpired was 19, 988. The total receipts for patents were $1, 358, 228. 35. The expenditures were $1, 247, 827. 58, showing a surplus of $110, 400. 77. The attention of the Congress is called to the report of the Secretaryof the Interior touching the necessity for the further establishment ofschools in the Territory of Alaska, and favorable action is invitedthereon. Much interesting information is given in the report of the Governor ofHawaii as to the progress and development of the islands during theperiod from July 7, 1898, the date of the approval of the jointresolution of the Congress providing for their annexation, up to April30, 1900, the date of the approval of the act providing a government forthe Territory, and thereafter. The last Hawaiian census, taken in the year 1896, gives a totalpopulation of 109, 020, of which 31, 019 were native Hawaiians. The numberof Americans reported was 8, 485. The results of the Federal census, taken this year, show the islands to have a total population of 154, 001, showing an increase over that reported in 1896 of 44, 981, or 41. 2 percent. There has been marked progress in the educational, agricultural, andrailroad development of the islands. In the Territorial act of April 30, 1900, section 7 of said act repealsChapter 34 of the Civil Laws of Hawaii whereby the Government was toassist in encouraging and developing the agricultural resources of theRepublic, especially irrigation. The Governor of Hawaii recommendslegislation looking to the development of such water supply as may existon the public lands, with a view of promoting land settlement. Theearnest consideration of the Congress is invited to this importantrecommendation and others, as embodied in the report of the Secretary ofthe Interior. The Director of the Census states that the work in connection with theTwelfth Census is progressing favorably. This national undertaking, ordered by the Congress each decade, has finally resulted in thecollection of an aggregation of statistical facts to determine theindustrial growth of the country, its manufacturing and mechanicalresources, its richness in mines and forests, the number of itsagriculturists, their farms and products, its educational and religiousopportunities, as well as questions pertaining to sociologicalconditions. The labors of the officials in charge of the Bureau indicate that thefour important and most-desired subjects, namely, population, agricultural, manufacturing, and vital statistics, will be completedwithin the limit prescribed by the law of March 3, 1899. The field work incident to the above inquiries is now practicallyfinished, and as a result the population of the States and Territories, including the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska, has been announced. Thegrowth of population during the last decade amounts to over 13, 000, 000, a greater numerical increase than in any previous census in the historyof the country. Bulletins will be issued as rapidly as possible giving the population byStates and Territories, by minor civil divisions. Several announcementsof this kind have already been made, and it is hoped that the list willbe completed by January 1. Other bulletins giving the results of themanufacturing and agricultural inquiries will be given to the public asrapidly as circumstances will admit. The Director, while confident of his ability to complete thedifferent branches of the undertaking in the allotted time, findshimself embarrassed by the lack of a trained force properly equipped forstatistical work, thus raising the question whether in the interest ofeconomy and a thorough execution of the census work there should notbe retained in the Government employ a certain number of experts notonly to aid in the preliminary organization prior to the taking of thedecennial census, but in addition to have the advantage in the field andoffice work of the Bureau of trained assistants to facilitate the earlycompletion of this enormous undertaking. I recommend that the Congress at its present session apportionrepresentation among the several States as provided by the Constitution. The Department of Agriculture has been extending its work during thepast year, reaching farther for new varieties of seeds and plants;co-operating more fully with the States and Territories in researchalong useful lines; making progress in meteorological work relating tolines of wireless telegraphy and forecasts for ocean-going vessels;continuing inquiry as to animal disease; looking into the extentand character of food adulteration; outlining plans for the care, preservation, and intelligent harvesting of our woodlands; studyingsoils that producers may cultivate with better knowledge of conditions, and helping to clothe desert places with grasses suitable to our aridregions. Our island possessions are being considered that their peoplesmay be helped to produce the tropical products now so extensivelybrought into the United States. Inquiry into methods of improving ourroads has been active during the year; help has been given to manylocalities, and scientific investigation of material in the States andTerritories has been inaugurated. Irrigation problems in our semiaridregions are receiving careful and increased consideration. An extensive exhibit at Paris of the products of agriculture has madethe peoples of many countries more familiar with the varied products ofour fields and their comparative excellence. The collection of statistics regarding our crops is being improved andsources of information are being enlarged, to the end that producers mayhave the earliest advices regarding crop conditions. There has neverbeen a time when those for whom it was established have shown moreappreciation of the services of the Department. In my annual message of December 5, 1898, I called attention to thenecessity for some amendment of the alien contract law. There stillremain important features of the rightful application of the eight-hourlaw for the benefit of labor and of the principle of arbitration, and Iagain commend these subjects to the careful attention of the Congress. That there may be secured the best service possible in the PhilippineIslands, I have issued, under date of November 30, 1900, the followingorder: The United States Civil Service Commission is directed to render such assistance as may be practicable to the Civil Service Board, created under the act of the United States Philippine Commission, for the establishment and maintenance of an honest and efficient civil service in the Philippine Islands, and for that purpose to conduct examinations for the civil service of the Philippine Islands, upon the request of the Civil Service Board of said islands, under such regulations as may be agreed upon by the said Board and the said United States Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission is greatly embarrassed in its work forwant of an adequate permanent force for clerical and other assistance. Its needs are fully set forth in its report. I invite attention tothe report, and especially urge upon the Congress that this importantbureau of the public service, which passes upon the qualifications andcharacter of so large a number of the officers and employees of theGovernment, should be supported by all needed appropriations to securepromptness and efficiency. I am very much impressed with the statement made by the heads of all theDepartments of the urgent necessity of a hall of public records. Inevery departmental building in Washington, so far as I am informed, thespace for official records is not only exhausted, but the walls of roomsare lined with shelves, the middle floor space of many rooms is filledwith file cases, and garrets and basements, which were never intendedand are unfitted for their accommodation, are crowded with them. Asidefrom the inconvenience there is great danger, not only from fire, butfrom the weight of these records upon timbers not intended for theirsupport. There should be a separate building especially designed for thepurpose of receiving and preserving the annually accumulating archivesof the several Executive Departments. Such a hall need not be a costlystructure, but should be so arranged as to admit of enlargement fromtime to time. I urgently recommend that the Congress take early actionin this matter. I transmit to the Congress a resolution adopted at a recent meeting ofthe American Bar Association concerning the proposed celebration of JohnMarshall Day, February 4, 1901. Fitting exercises have been arranged, and it is earnestly desired by the committee that the Congress mayparticipate in this movement to honor the memory of the great jurist. The transfer of the Government to this city is a fact of greathistorical interest. Among the people there is a feeling of genuinepride in the Capital of the Republic. It is a matter of interest in this connection that in 1800 thepopulation of the District of Columbia was 14, 093; to-day it is 278, 718. The population of the city of Washington was then 3, 210; to-day it is218, 196. The Congress having provided for "an appropriate national celebrationof the Centennial Anniversary of the Establishment of the Seat of theGovernment in the District of Columbia, " the committees authorized by ithave prepared a programme for the 12th of December, 1900, which date hasbeen selected as the anniversary day. Deep interest has been shown inthe arrangements for the celebration by the members of the committeesof the Senate and House of Representatives, the committee of Governorsappointed by the President, and the committees appointed by the citizensand inhabitants of the District of Columbia generally. The programme, inaddition to a reception and other exercises at the Executive Mansion, provides commemorative exercises to be held jointly by the Senate andHouse of Representatives in the Hall of the House of Representatives, and a reception in the evening at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in honorof the Governors of the States and Territories. In our great prosperity we must guard against the danger it invites ofextravagance in Government expenditures and appropriations; and thechosen representatives of the people will, I doubt not, furnish anexample in their legislation of that wise economy which in a season ofplenty husbands for the future. In this era of great business activityand opportunity caution is not untimely. It will not abate, butstrengthen, confidence. It will not retard, but promote, legitimateindustrial and commercial expansion. Our growing power brings with ittemptations and perils requiring constant vigilance to avoid. It mustnot be used to invite conflicts, nor for oppression, but for the moreeffective maintenance of those principles of equality and justice uponwhich our institutions and happiness depend. Let us keep always in mindthat the foundation of our Government is liberty; its superstructurepeace. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, December 4, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, for the information of Congress, copy of a letterfrom the Commissioner-General of the United States to the ParisExposition of 1900, of November 17, 1900, giving a detailed statement ofthe expenditures of the commission for the year ended November 15, 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, December 6, 1900_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith the report from the Secretary of State andaccompanying papers relating to the claim against the United States ofthe Russian subject, Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner ofthe Russian bark _Hans_, based on his wrongful and illegal arrestand imprisonment by officers of the United States District Court for thesouthern district of Mississippi, and, in view of the opinion expressedby the Department of Justice that the said arrest and detention of thecomplainant were wrongful and without the authority of law, I recommendthe appropriation by Congress of the sum of $5, 000 to reimburse themaster and owners of the vessel for all losses and damages incurred byreason of his said wrongful and illegal arrest and detention. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, December 6, 1900_. _To the Congress of the United States_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, withaccompanying papers, in relation to the lynching, in La Salle County, Tex. , on October 5, 1895, of Florentine Suaste, a Mexican citizen. Following the course pursued in the case of the lynching of threeItalian subjects at Hahnville, La. , on August 8, 1896, and in that ofthe lynching of the Mexican citizen, Luis Moreno, at Yreka, Cal. , inAugust, 1895, I recommend the appropriation by Congress, out of humaneconsideration, and without reference to the question of liability of theGovernment of the United States, of the sum of $2, 000, to be paid by theSecretary of State to the Government of Mexico, and by that Governmentdistributed to the heirs of the above-mentioned Florentino Suaste. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 3, 1901_. _To the Senate of the United States_: In reply to a resolution of the Senate of December 19, 1900, directingthe Secretary of War "to transmit to the Senate the report of Abraham L. Lawshe, giving in detail the result of his investigations, made underthe direction of the War Department, into the receipts and expendituresof Cuban funds, " the Senate is informed that for the reasons stated inthe accompanying communication from the Secretary of War, dated December28, 1900, it is not deemed compatible with the public interest totransmit the report to the Senate at this time. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 16, 1901_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith for the information of the Congress a letter fromthe Secretary of Agriculture, in which he presents a preliminary reportof investigations upon the forests of the southern Appalachian Mountainregion. Upon the basis of the facts established by this investigationthe Secretary of Agriculture recommends the purchase of land for anational forest reserve in western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and adjacent States. I commend to the favorable consideration ofCongress the reasons upon which this recommendation rests. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 25, 1901_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: For the information of the Congress and with a view to such action onits part as it may deem wise and appropriate I transmit a report of theSecretary of War, made to me under date of January 24, 1901, containingthe reports of the Taft commission, its several acts of legislation, andother important information relating to the conditions and immediatewants of the Philippine Islands. I earnestly recommend legislation under which the government of theislands may have authority to assist in their peaceful industrialdevelopment in the directions indicated by the Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 29, 1901_. _To the Congress_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State relating tothe treaty between the United States and Spain, signed at Washington, November 7, 1900, providing for the cession of any and all islands ofthe Philippine Archipelago lying outside of the lines described inArticle III of the treaty of peace of December 10, 1898. I recommend the appropriation by Congress during the present session ofthe sum of one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of carrying outthe obligations of the United States under the treaty. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 29, 1901_. _To the Congress_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State relating to thelynching of two Italian subjects at Tallulah, La. , on July 20, 1899. I renew the recommendation made in my annual message to the Congress onDecember 3, 1900, that in accordance with precedent Congress makegracious provision for indemnity to the families of the victims in thesame form as heretofore. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, January 29, 1901_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of Stateaccompanying the Commercial Relations of the United States for the year1900, being the annual and other reports of consular and diplomaticofficers upon the industries and commerce of foreign countries, withparticular reference to the growing share of the United States ininternational trade. The advance in the general efficiency of ourconsular service in promoting trade, which was noted in my message ofMarch 1, 1900, transmitting the reports for 1899, was even more markedthan last year. The promptitude with which the reports of the consulsare printed and distributed, the generous recognition which is beingincreasingly accorded by our business interests to the practical valueof their efforts for enlarging trade, and the continued testimony ofcompetent foreign authorities to the general superiority of theircommercial work, have naturally had a stimulating effect upon itsconsular corps as a whole, and experience in the discharge of theirduties adds greatly to their efficiency. It is gratifying to be able tostate that the improvement in the service, following closely upon thesteady progress in expediting the publication of reports, has enabledthe Department of State this year to submit the annual reports a monthin advance of the usual time, and to make them as nearly as possible acontemporaneous picture of the trade of the world. In view of the greatimportance of these reports to our producers, manufacturers, exporters, and business interest generally, I cordially approve the recommendationof the Secretary of State that Congress shall authorize the printing asheretofore of an edition of 10, 000 copies of the summary, entitled"Review of the World's Commerce, " and of 5, 000 copies of CommercialRelations (including this summary), to be distributed by the Departmentof State. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 14, 1901_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: During our recent war with Spain the United States naval force on theNorth Atlantic Station was charged with varied and important duties, chief among which were the maintenance of the blockade of Cuba, aidingthe army, and landing troops and in subsequent operations, andparticularly in the pursuit, blockade, and destruction of the SpanishSquadron under Admiral Cervera. This naval campaign, embracing objects of wide scope and graveresponsibilities, was conducted with great ability on the part of thecommander-in-chief, and of the officers and enlisted men under hiscommand. It culminated in the annihilation of the Spanish fleet in thebattle of July 3, 1898, one of the most memorable naval engagements inhistory. The result of this battle was the freeing of our Atlantic coast from thepossibilities to which it had been exposed from Admiral Cervera's fleet, and the termination of the war upon the seas. I recommend that, following our national precedents, especially thatin the case of Admiral Dewey and the Asiatic Squadron, the thanks ofCongress be given to Rear-Admiral William T. Sampson, United StatesNavy, and to the officers and men under his command for highlydistinguished conduct in conflict with the enemy, and in carrying onthe blockade and naval campaign on the Cuban coast, resulting in thedestruction of the Spanish fleet at Santiago de Cuba July 3, 1898. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 21, 1901_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, for the information of the Congress and with a viewto its publication in suitable form, if such action is deemed desirable, a special report of the United States Board on Geographic Names, relating to geographic names in the Philippine Islands, and inviteattention to the recommendation of the Board: "That in addition to the usual number, there be printed 15, 000 copies:2, 000 copies for the use of the Senate, 3, 000 copies for the use of theHouse of Representatives, and 10, 000 copies for distribution by theBoard to the Executive Departments and the public. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, February 26, 1901_. _To the Congress_: I transmit herewith, for the consideration of Congress, in connectionwith my message of January 29, 1901, relative to the lynching of certainItalian subjects at Tallulah, La. , a report by the Secretary of Statetouching a claim for $5, 000 presented by the Italian ambassador atWashington on behalf of Guiseppe Defina, on account of his being obligedto abandon his home and business. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, February 28, 1901_. _To the Senate and House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith, in pursuance of the act of Congress approved July1, 1898 (U. S. Stat. L. , vol. 30, pp. 645, 646), the report of Mr. Ferdinand W. Peck, commissioner-general of the United States to theInternational Exposition held at Paris, France, during the year 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, March 1, 1901_. _To the House of Representatives_: I return herewith, without approval, House bill No. 3204, entitled "Anact to refer certain claims for Indian depredations to the Court ofClaims. " General relief has been extended to citizens who have lost property byreason of Indian depredations by the act of March 3, 1891, conferringjurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear and determine such cases. That act provides for payment for damages growing out of depredationscommitted by any Indian or Indians belonging to a band, tribe, or nationin amity with the United States, excluding from consideration all claimswhich originated during the existence of actual hostilities between theUnited States and the Indian tribe. In making this discrimination the act of 1891 follows the generalprinciple which has been asserted in all general legislation which hasever been enacted for the payment of claims for property destroyed byIndians. The first act which promised such indemnity, that of May 19, 1796, contained the same restriction, and it was reported in everysubsequent general act of Congress dealing with the subject. Thispolicy, which has been clearly manifested from the beginning, is inaccord with the recognized principle that the nation is not liable fordamage to the private property of its citizens caused by the act of thepublic enemy. This statute has been thoroughly considered by the Courtof Claims and by the Supreme Court and its interpretation fixed, and ithas been declared to be in accord not only with the policy of Congressas expressed through the legislation of the century, but with thegeneral principles of international law. I am informed that the records of the Court of Claims show that theclaims of four of the five beneficiaries named in the present billhave been presented to that court under the general law and decidedadversely, the court having held that a state of war existed betweenthe United States and the Sioux Indians in the year 1862 when theclaims arose. The remaining claim, which originated under the samecircumstances and at the same time, would, of course, be subject tothe same defense if presented. The bill provides that these claims shall be sent back to the Court ofClaims for trial according to the principles and rules which governedthe commission appointed under the act of February 16, 1863. That act, which was a special act relating to losses occurring during thehostilities of the previous year, did not, of course, impose therequirement of amity, the claims allowed by the commission being paidout of the funds belonging to the hostile Indians sequestered by thestatute. The effect of this bill, if it became a law, would be toprovide for the payment out of the Treasury of the United States ofthese claims which were not presented for payment out of the Indianfunds and which have been rejected by the courts under the general law. There are many hundreds of cases, aggregating a large amount claimed, which have been filed in the Court of Claims, but which are excludedfrom its jurisdiction for the same reason which necessitated thedismissal of the petitions filed by these claimants. There is no legalobligation on the part of the United States, and no promise, express orimplied, for the payment of such claims. The measure of governmental liability is fulfilled by the passage of theact of March 3, 1891, and the prompt payment of the judgments renderedthereunder. To single out for payment a few claims of this large classto the exclusion of all others would, in my judgment, be unjust; andsuch action would also with reason be cited as a precedent for extendinggovernmental aid in all similar cases. For the reasons given I am constrained to withhold my approval from thebill. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 7, 1901_. _To the House of Representatives_: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State in response tothe resolution of the House of Representatives of February 19, 1901, requesting him to furnish that body "all the information in thepossession of the State Department relating to the shipment of horsesand mules from New Orleans in large numbers for the use of the Britisharmy in the war in South Africa. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, March 2, 1901_. _To the House of Representatives_: I return herewith, without approval, House bill No. 321, entitled "Anact for the relief of the legal representative of Samuel Tewksbury, deceased. " This bill provides for the payment to the legal representative of SamuelTewksbury, late of Scranton, Allegheny County, Pa. , the sum of $5, 697in full compensation for the use and occupation by the United StatesGovernment of the brick building and premises owned by him in the cityof Scranton, Pa. , as a depot or barracks for United States troops by theProvost Marshal of the United States from June, 1862, to June, 1865, inclusive. The records of the War Department show that about April 26, 1865, Col. J. G. Johnson, Chief Quartermaster, forwarded to the office of theQuartermaster-General a claim of Samuel Tewksbury for use of a buildingat Scranton, Pa. , from February 24, 1864, to February 3, 1865, Stated at$1, 133. 33, and damage to said building at $1, 400, total $2, 533. 33. In forwarding these papers Colonel Johnson states as follows: In the spring of 1864 Mr. Samuel Tewksbury presented to me through his agents a claim against the United States Government for use of the premises mentioned in the enclosed account accompanying the papers. I learn from Mr. S. N. Bradford, Provost Marshal of the Twelfth District of Pennsylvania at Scranton, that lodgings were furnished to persons in military service at that place by Gardiner and Atkinson under a contract with the Provost Marshal, also that the contractors rented the building used for the above purpose from Mr. Tewksbury. Considering it a matter entirely between that gentleman and his tenants, Messrs. Gardiner and Atkinson, I at that time refused to take any action in the matter whatever. The claim was again submitted to the office of the Quartermaster-Generalon September 30, 1865, by Major W. B. Lane, and was returned on May 1, 1866, with the information that the United States had already paid forlodging of the troops under the control of the Provost Marshal atScranton, Pa. , during the time for which charge for rent is made. The claimant was referred to the officer or person by whom the buildingwas taken for compensation for its use. No other record of this case isfound in the War Department, although it will be observed that the billcovers a period from June, 1862, to June, 1865, inclusive, while theclaim as originally presented to the War Department was for occupancy ofthe building at Scranton, Pa. , from February 24, 1864, to February 3, 1865. It thus appears that when this claim was originally presented it wasexamined by the proper representative of the Government, and wasrejected; that no such use and occupation as the United StatesGovernment had of claimant's building was under a contract between theGovernment and the tenants of claimant, and that payment therefor wasduly made by the Government. Now after a lapse of some thirty-sevenyears the period of use and occupation covered by the claim hasincreased threefold, and the compensation asked therefor has more thandoubled. Under the circumstances of this case I do not feel at libertyto approve the bill. WILLIAM McKINLEY. PRESIDENT McKINLEY'S SECOND INAUGURAL ADDRESS. _My Fellow-Citizens_: When we assembled here on the 4th of March, 1897, there was greatanxiety with regard to our currency and credit. None exists now. Thenour Treasury receipts were inadequate to meet the current obligationsof the Government. Now they are sufficient for all public needs, and wehave a surplus instead of a deficit. Then I felt constrained to convenethe Congress in extraordinary session to devise revenues to pay theordinary expenses of the Government. Now I have the satisfaction toannounce that the Congress just closed has reduced taxation in the sumof $41, 000, 000. Then there was deep solicitude because of the longdepression in our manufacturing, mining, agricultural, and mercantileindustries and the consequent distress of our laboring population. Nowevery avenue of production is crowded with activity, labor is wellemployed, and American products find good markets at home and abroad. Our diversified productions, however, are increasing in suchunprecedented volume as to admonish us of the necessity of still furtherenlarging our foreign markets by broader commercial relations. For thispurpose reciprocal trade arrangements with other nations should inliberal spirit be carefully cultivated and promoted. The national verdict of 1896 has for the most part been executed. Whatever remains unfulfilled is a continuing obligation resting withundiminished force upon the Executive and the Congress. But fortunate asour condition is, its permanence can only be assured by sound businessmethods and strict economy in national administration and legislation. We should not permit our great prosperity to lead us to recklessventures in business or profligacy in public expenditures. While theCongress determines the objects and the sum of appropriations, theofficials of the executive departments are responsible for honest andfaithful disbursement, and it should be their constant care to avoidwaste and extravagance. Honesty, capacity, and industry are nowhere more indispensable than inpublic employment. These should be fundamental requisites to originalappointment and the surest guaranties against removal. Four years ago we stood on the brink of war without the people knowingit and without any preparation or effort at preparation for theimpending peril. I did all that in honor could be done to avert the war, but without avail. It became inevitable; and the Congress at its firstregular session, without party division, provided money in anticipationof the crisis and in preparation to meet it. It came. The result wassignally favorable to American arms and in the highest degree honorableto the Government. It imposed upon us obligations from which we cannotescape and from which it would be dishonorable to seek escape. We arenow at peace with the world, and it is my fervent prayer that ifdifferences arise between us and other powers they may be settled bypeaceful arbitration and that hereafter we may be spared the horrorsof war. Intrusted by the people for a second time with the office of President, I enter upon its administration appreciating the great responsibilitieswhich attach to this renewed honor and commission, promising unreserveddevotion on my part to their faithful discharge and reverently invokingfor my guidance the direction and favor of Almighty God. I should shrinkfrom the duties this day assumed if I did not feel that in theirperformance I should have the co-operation of the wise and patrioticmen of all parties. It encourages me for the great task which I nowundertake to believe that those who voluntarily committed to me thetrust imposed upon the Chief Executive of the Republic will give tome generous support in my duties to "preserve, protect, and defend, the Constitution of the United States" and to "care that the laws befaithfully executed. " The national purpose is indicated through anational election. It is the constitutional method of ascertaining thepublic will. When once it is registered it is a law to us all, andfaithful observance should follow its decrees. Strong hearts and helpful hands are needed, and, fortunately, we havethem in every part of our beloved country. We are reunited. Sectionalismhas disappeared. Division on public questions can no longer be tracedby the war maps of 1861. These old differences less and less disturbthe judgment. Existing problems demand the thought and quicken theconscience of the country, and the responsibility for their presence, aswell as for their righteous settlement, rests upon us all--no more uponme than upon you. There are some national questions in the solutionof which patriotism should exclude partisanship. Magnifying theirdifficulties will not take them off our hands nor facilitate theiradjustment. Distrust of the capacity, integrity, and high purposes ofthe American people will not be an inspiring theme for future politicalcontests. Dark pictures and gloomy forebodings are worse than useless. These only becloud, they do not help to point the way of safety andhonor. "Hope maketh not ashamed. " The prophets of evil were not thebuilders of the Republic, nor in its crises since have they saved orserved it. The faith of the fathers was a mighty force in its creation, and the faith of their descendants has wrought its progress andfurnished its defenders. They are obstructionists who despair, and whowould destroy confidence in the ability of our people to solve wiselyand for civilization the mighty problems resting upon them. The Americanpeople, intrenched in freedom at home, take their love for it with themwherever they go, and they reject as mistaken and unworthy the doctrinethat we lose our own liberties by securing the enduring foundations ofliberty to others. Our institutions will not deteriorate by extension, and our sense of justice will not abate under tropic suns in distantseas. As heretofore, so hereafter will the nation demonstrate itsfitness to administer any new estate which events devolve upon it, andin the fear of God will "take occasion by the hand and make the boundsof freedom wider yet. " If there are those among us who would make ourway more difficult, we must not be disheartened, but the more earnestlydedicate ourselves to the task upon which we have rightly entered. Thepath of progress is seldom smooth. New things are often found hard todo. Our fathers found them so. We find them so. They are inconvenient. They cost us something. But are we not made better for the effort andsacrifice, and are not those we serve lifted up and blessed? We will be consoled, too, with the fact that opposition has confrontedevery onward movement of the Republic from its opening hour until now, but without success. The Republic has marched on and on, and its stephas exalted freedom and humanity. We are undergoing the same ordeal asdid our predecessors nearly a century ago. We are following the coursethey blazed. They triumphed. Will their successors falter and pleadorganic impotency in the nation? Surely after 125 years of achievementfor mankind we will not now surrender our equality with other powers onmatters fundamental and essential to nationality. With no such purposewas the nation created. In no such spirit has it developed its full andindependent sovereignty. We adhere to the principle of equality amongourselves, and by no act of ours will we assign to ourselves asubordinate rank in the family of nations. My fellow-citizens, the public events of the past four years havegone into history. They are too near to justify recital. Some of themwere unforeseen; many of them momentous and far-reaching in theirconsequences to ourselves and our relations with the rest of the world. The part which the United States bore so honorably in the thrillingscenes in China, while new to American life, has been in harmony withits true spirit and best traditions, and in dealing with the results itspolicy will be that of moderation and fairness. We face at this moment a most important question--that of the futurerelations of the United States and Cuba. With our near neighbors we mustremain close friends. The declaration of the purposes of this Governmentin the resolution of April 20, 1898, must be made good. Ever since theevacuation of the island by the army of Spain the Executive, with allpracticable speed, has been assisting its people in the successive stepsnecessary to the establishment of a free and independent governmentprepared to assume and perform the obligations of international lawwhich now rest upon the United States under the treaty of Paris. Theconvention elected by the people to frame a constitution is approachingthe completion of its labors. The transfer of American control to thenew government is of such great importance, involving an obligationresulting from our intervention and the treaty of peace, that I am gladto be advised by the recent act of Congress of the policy which thelegislative branch of the Government deems essential to the bestinterests of Cuba and the United States. The principles which led toour intervention require that the fundamental law upon which the newgovernment rests should be adapted to secure a government capable ofperforming the duties and discharging the functions of a separatenation, of observing its international obligations of protecting lifeand property, insuring order, safety, and liberty, and conforming to theestablished and historical policy of the United States in its relationto Cuba. The peace which we are pledged to leave to the Cuban people mustcarry with it the guaranties of permanence. We became sponsors for thepacification of the island, and we remain accountable to the Cubans, no less than to our own country and people, for the reconstruction ofCuba as a free commonwealth on abiding foundations of right, justice, liberty, and assured order. Our enfranchisement of the people will notbe completed until free Cuba shall "be a reality, not a name; a perfectentity, not a hasty experiment bearing within itself the elements offailure. " While the treaty of peace with Spain was ratified on the 6th ofFebruary, 1899, and ratifications were exchanged nearly two years ago, the Congress has indicated no form of government for the PhilippineIslands. It has, however, provided an army to enable the Executive tosuppress insurrection, restore peace, give security to the inhabitants, and establish the authority of the United States throughout thearchipelago. It has authorized the organization of native troops asauxiliary to the regular force. It has been advised from time to timeof the acts of the military and naval officers in the islands, of myaction in appointing civil commissions, of the instructions with whichthey were charged, of their duties and powers, of their recommendations, and of their several acts under executive commission, together with thevery complete general information they have submitted. These reportsfully set forth the conditions, past and present, in the islands, andthe instructions clearly show the principles which will guide theExecutive until the Congress shall, as it is required to do by thetreaty, determine "the civil rights and political status of the nativeinhabitants. " The Congress having added the sanction of its authority tothe powers already possessed and exercised by the Executive under theConstitution, thereby leaving with the Executive the responsibility forthe government of the Philippines, I shall continue the efforts alreadybegun until order shall be restored throughout the islands, and as fastas conditions permit will establish local governments, in the formationof which the full co-operation of the people has been already invited, and when established will encourage the people to administer them. Thesettled purpose, long ago proclaimed, to afford the inhabitants of theislands self-government as fast as they were ready for it will bepursued with earnestness and fidelity. Already something has beenaccomplished in this direction. The Government's representatives, civiland military, are doing faithful and noble work in their mission ofemancipation and merit the approval and support of their countrymen. The most liberal terms of amnesty have already been communicated to theinsurgents, and the way is still open for those who have raised theirarms against the Government for honorable submission to its authority. Our countrymen should not be deceived. We are not waging war against theinhabitants of the Philippine Islands. A portion of them are making waragainst the United States. By far the greater part of the inhabitantsrecognize American sovereignty and welcome it as a guaranty of order andof security for life, property, liberty, freedom of conscience, and thepursuit of happiness. To them full protection will be given. They shallnot be abandoned. We will not leave the destiny of the loyal millions inthe islands to the disloyal thousands who are in rebellion against theUnited States. Order under civil institutions will come as soon as thosewho now break the peace shall keep it. Force will not be needed or usedwhen those who make war against us shall make it no more. May it endwithout further bloodshed, and there be ushered in the reign of peaceto be made permanent by a government of liberty under law! MARCH 4, 1901. PROCLAMATIONS. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the United Statesshould be convened in extra session at twelve o'clock on the 15th day ofMarch, 1897, to receive such communication as may be made by theExecutive: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasionrequires the Congress of the United States to convene in extra sessionat the Capitol in the city of Washington on the 15th day of March, 1897, at twelve o'clock, noon, of which all persons who shall at that time beentitled to act as members thereof, are hereby required to take notice. [SEAL. ] Given under my hand and the seal of the United States at Washington the6th day of March in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred andninety-seven, and of the Independence of the United States the onehundred and twenty-first. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN SHERMAN, _Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. In remembrance of God's goodness to us during the past year, which hasbeen so abundant, "let us offer unto Him our thanksgiving and pay ourvows unto the Most High. " Under His watchful providence industry hasprospered, the conditions of labor have been improved, the rewards ofthe husbandman have been increased, and the comforts of our homesmultiplied. His mighty hand has preserved peace and protected thenation. Respect for law and order has been strengthened, love of freeinstitutions cherished, and all sections of our beloved country broughtinto closer bonds of fraternal regard and generous cooperation. For these great benefits it is our duty to praise the Lord in a spiritof humility and gratitude and to offer up to Him our most earnestsupplications. That we may acknowledge our obligation as a people toHim who has so graciously granted us the blessings of free governmentand material prosperity, I, William McKinley, President of the UnitedStates, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the twenty-fifthday of November, for national thanksgiving and prayer, which all ofthe people are invited to observe with appropriate religious servicesin their respective places of worship. On this day of rejoicing anddomestic reunion let our prayers ascend to the Giver of every good andperfect gift for the continuance of His love and favor to us, that ourhearts may be filled with charity and good will, and we may be everworthy of His beneficent concern. [SEAL. ] In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 29th day of October, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN SHERMAN, _Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas satisfactory proof has been given me that vessels of the UnitedStates in ballast which proceed to Mexico with the object of devotingthemselves to pearl fishery and fishing on the Mexican coasts or for thepurpose of receiving and carrying passengers and mail or of loadingcattle, wood, or any other Mexican product and which shall go directlyto ports open to general commerce so that thence they may be dispatchedto their destination, and steam vessels of the United States areexempted from tonnage duties in Mexican ports; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the act of Congressapproved July 24, 1897, entitled "An act to authorize the President tosuspend discriminating duties imposed on foreign vessels and commerce, "do hereby declare and proclaim that from and after the date of this, myproclamation, Mexican vessels in ballast which proceed to the UnitedStates with the object of fishing on the coast thereof or for thepurpose of receiving and carrying passengers and mail or of loadingcattle, wood, or any other product of the United States and which shallgo directly to ports open to general commerce so that thence they may bedespatched to their destination, and Mexican steam vessels shall beexempted from the payment of the tonnage duties imposed by section 4219of the Revised Statutes of the United States. And this proclamation shall remain in force and effect until otherwiseordered by the President of the United States. In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the UnitedStates to be hereunto affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 12th day of November, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN SHERMAN, _Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An actto repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas, the public lands in the Territory of Arizona, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the Territory of Arizona, and within the boundariesparticularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section twelve (12), Townshipthirteen (13) North, Range three (3) West, Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona; thence southerly along the range line to the point for thesoutheast corner of Section twenty-five (25), said Township; thencewesterly along the unsurveyed section line to the point for thesouthwest corner of Section twenty-eight (28), said Township; thencenortherly along the unsurveyed section line to the point for thenorthwest corner of Section nine (9), said Township; thence easterlyalong the unsurveyed and surveyed section line to the northeast cornerof Section twelve (12), said Township, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filingof record has not expired; and all mining claims duly located and heldaccording to the laws of the United States and rules and regulations notin conflict therewith; Provided, that this exception shall not continue to apply to anyparticular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimantcontinues to comply with the law under which the entry, filing, settlement, or location was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to enter or makesettlement upon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 10th day of May, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: WILLIAM R. DAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congressapproved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved Junefourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act makingappropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for thefiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" And whereas the public lands in the Territory of New Mexico, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress, dohereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the ForestReservation in the Territory of New Mexico, known as "The Pecos RiverForest Reserve, " created by proclamation of January eleventh, eighteenhundred and ninety-two, are hereby so changed and enlarged as to includeall those certain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the Territory of New Mexico, and within the boundariesparticularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of Township seventeen (17) North, Range thirteen (13) East, New Mexico Principal Meridian, New Mexico;thence easterly along the Fourth (4th) Standard Parallel North, to itsintersection with the west boundary line of the Las Vegas Grant; thencenortherly along the west boundary lines of the Las Vegas and Mora Grantsto the point of intersection with the southeast boundary line of theRancho del Rio Grande Grant; thence along the boundary line of saidgrant in a southwesterly direction to the most southerly point thereof;thence southerly to the line of the Santa Barbary Grant; thencesoutheasterly and southerly to the southeast corner thereof; thencewesterly along the south boundary line of said grant to the southwestcorner thereof, and continuing westerly to the east boundary line of theLas Trampas Grant; thence in a general southwesterly direction followingthe boundary lines of the Las Trampas, Las Truchas, and San FernandoSantiago Grants to the point of intersection with the unsurveyed rangeline between Ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) East; thence southerlyalong the range line to the point for the southwest corner of Sectioneighteen (18), Fractional Township sixteen (16) North, Range eleven (11)East; thence easterly along the unsurveyed section line to the point forthe southeast corner of Section thirteen (13), said township; thencenortherly along the range line to the northeast corner of Townshipseventeen (17) North, Range eleven (11) East; thence easterly along thetownship line to the southeast corner of Township eighteen (18) North, Range twelve (12) East; thence southerly along the range line to thesouthwest corner of Township seventeen (17) North, Range thirteen (13)East, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; and all mining claims duly located and heldaccording to the laws of the United States and rules and regulations notin conflict therewith; Provided, that this exception shall not continue to apply to anyparticular tract of land unless the entry man, settler, or claimantcontinues to comply with the law under which the entry, filing, settlement, or location was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to enter or makesettlement upon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 27th day of May, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: J. B. MOORE, _Acting Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas pursuant to section 3 of the act of Congress approved July 24, 1897, entitled "An Act to provide revenue for the Government and toencourage the industries of the United States, " the Governments of theUnited States and of the French Republic have in the spirit of amity, and with a desire to improve their commercial relations, entered intoa Commercial Agreement in which reciprocal and equivalent concessionshave been in the judgment of the President secured according to theprovisions of said section, whereby the following articles of commerce, being the products and manufactures of the United States, are to beadmitted into France on and after the 1st day of June, 1898, at theminimum rate of duty, not exceeding the rates respectively appearingin the following table, namely: Francs per 100 kilogs. Canned meats 15 Table fruits, fresh: Lemons, oranges, cedrats and their varieties not mentioned 5 Mandarin oranges 10 Common table grapes 8 Apples and pears: For the table 2 For cider and perry 1. 50 Other fruits except hothouse grapes and fruits 3 Fruits dried or pressed (excluding raisins): Apples and pears: For the table 10 For cider and perry 4 Prunes 10 Other fruits 5 Common woods, logs 0. 65 Sawed or squared timber 80 mm. Or more in thickness 1 Squared or sawed lumber exceeding 35 mm. And less than 80 mm. In thickness 1. 25 Wood sawed 35 mm. Or less in thickness 1. 75 Paving blocks 1. 75 Staves 1. 75 Hops 30 Apples and pears crushed, or cut and dried 1. 50 Manufactured and prepared Pork meats 50 Lard and its compounds 25 Therefore, in further execution of the provisions of said section it ishereby declared that on and after the 1st day of June, 1898, and duringthe continuance in force of the Agreement aforesaid, and until otherwisedeclared, the imposition and collection of the duties heretofore imposedand collected upon the following named articles, the products of France, by virtue of said act are hereby suspended, and in place thereof theduties shall be imposed and collected thereon according to theprovisions of said section 3 as follows: On argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, five _per centum advalorem_. On brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain orother materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. On paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, andstatuary, fifteen _per centum ad valorem_. It is further declared that the rates of duty heretofore imposed andcollected on still wines and vermuth, the product of France, under theprovisions of the United States Tariff Act of 1897 are conditionallysuspended, and in place thereof shall be imposed and collected on andafter the 1st day of June next as follows, namely: On still wines and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon; inbottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing eachnot more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottlesor jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar andtwenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities foundin such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents perpint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional dutyshall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs. Now, therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of theUnited States of America, have caused the above stated modifications ofthe customs duties of the respective countries to be made public for theinformation of the citizens of the United States of America. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 30th day of May, one thousand eighthundred and ninety-eight, and of the Independence of the United Statesof America the one hundred and twenty-second. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: WILLIAM R. DAY, _Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas the public lands in the State of California, within the limitshereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appearsthat the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reservingsaid lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress, dohereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the ForestReservation in the State of California, known as "the Pine Mountainand Zaca Lake Forest Reserve, " created by proclamation of March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, are hereby so changed and enlarged asto include all those certain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land lyingand being situate in the State of California, and within the boundariesparticularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of fractional Township twelve (12)North, Range thirty (30) West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, California; thence southerly along the range line to the southwestcorner of said fractional township; thence westerly along the townshipline to the northwest corner of Section three (3), Township eleven (11)North, Range thirty-one (31) West; thence southerly along the sectionline to the southwest corner of Section twenty-two (22), said township;thence westerly along the section line to the northwest corner ofSection thirty (30), said township; thence southerly along the rangeline between Ranges thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32) West, tothe northern boundary of the rancho Sisquoc; thence in a generalsoutheasterly direction along the boundaries of the ranchos Sisquoc, LaLaguna, Cañada de los Pinos or College Rancho, Tequepis, San Marcos, andLos Prietos y Najalayegua, to the range line between Ranges twenty-four(24) and twenty-five (25) West; thence southerly along said range lineto the southeast corner of Township five (5) North, Range twenty-five(25) West; thence easterly along the township line between Townshipsfour (4) and five (5) North, to the western boundary of the ranchoTemascal; thence along the western, northern, and eastern boundary ofsaid rancho to its intersection with the northern boundary of the ranchoSan Francisco; thence along the northern and eastern boundary of saidrancho to its southeast corner and continuing southerly to the northernboundary of the Ex Mission de San Fernando Grant; thence along thenorthern boundary of said grant to its intersection with the range linebetween Ranges fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) West; thence northerlyalong said range line to the northeast corner of Section twenty-four(24), Township four (4) North, Range fifteen (15) West; thence easterlyalong the section line to the southeast corner of Section thirteen (13), Township four (4) North, Range thirteen (13) West; thence northerlyalong the range line to the southwest corner of Township five (5) North, Range twelve (12) West; thence easterly along the township line to thesoutheast corner of said township; thence northerly along the range lineto the northeast corner of Section twelve (12) of said township; thencewesterly along the section line to the northwest corner of Section seven(7), said township; thence northerly along the range line to the First(1st) Standard Parallel North; thence westerly along the First (1st)Standard Parallel North to the southeast corner of Township six (6)North, Range thirteen (13) West; thence northerly along the range lineto the northeast corner of Section thirteen (13), said township; thencewesterly along the section line to the northwest corner of Sectionthirteen (13), Township six (6) North, Range fourteen (14) West; thencenortherly along the section line to the northeast corner of Section two(2), said township; thence westerly along the township line to thenorthwest corner of Section four (4), said township; thence northerlyalong the section line to the northeast corner of Section five (5), Township seven (7) North, Range fourteen (14) West; thence westerlyalong the township line to the northwest corner of fractional Sectionone (1), Township seven (7) North, Range seventeen (17) West; thencenortherly along the section line to the intersection with the southernboundary of the rancho La Liebre; thence northwesterly along theboundaries of the ranches La Liebre and Los Alamos y Agua Caliente tothe township line between Townships eight (8) and nine (9) North; thencewesterly along said township line to the southeast corner of Townshipnine (9) North, Range twenty-two (22) West; thence northerly along thetownship line to the northeast corner of said township; thence westerlyalong the township line to the intersection with the southern boundaryof the rancho Cuyama; thence westerly and northwesterly along thesouthern boundaries of the ranches Cuyama to the Eighth (8th) StandardParallel South; thence westerly along said parallel to the northwestcorner of fractional Township twelve (12) North, Range thirty (30) West, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all irrigationrights and lands lawfully acquired therefor and all lands which may havebeen, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry or coveredby any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United States LandOffice, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant tolaw, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; and all mining claims duly located and heldaccording to the laws of the United States and rules and regulations notin conflict therewith; Provided, that this exception shall not continue to apply to anyparticular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimantcontinues to comply with the law under which the entry, filing, settlement, or location was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to enter or makesettlement upon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 29th day of June, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: J. B. MOORE, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas satisfactory proof has been given to me that no tonnage orlight-house dues or any equivalent tax or taxes whatever are imposedupon vessels of the United States in the port of Copenhagen, in theKingdom of Denmark; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section eleven ofthe act of Congress, entitled "An Act to abolish certain fees forofficial services to American vessels, and to amend the laws relatingto shipping commissioners, seamen, and owners of vessels, and for otherpurposes, " approved June nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred andeighty-six, and in virtue of the further act amendatory thereof, entitled "An act to amend the laws relating to navigation and forother purposes, " approved April four, one thousand eight hundred andeighty-eight, do hereby declare and proclaim that from and after thedate of this, my Proclamation, shall be suspended the collection of thewhole of the tonnage duty which is imposed by said section eleven of theact approved June nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, upon vessels entered in the ports of the United States directly from theport of Copenhagen, in the Kingdom of Denmark. Provided, that there shall be excluded from the benefits of thesuspension hereby declared and proclaimed, the vessels of any foreigncountry in whose ports the fees or dues of any kind or nature imposed onvessels of the United States, or the import or export duties on theircargoes, are in excess of the fees, dues, or duties imposed on thevessels of such country or on the cargoes of such vessels; but thisproviso shall not be held to be inconsistent with the special regulationby foreign countries of duties and other charges on their own vessels, and the cargoes thereof, engaged in their coasting trade, or with theexistence between such countries and other States of reciprocalstipulations founded on special conditions and equivalents, and thus notwithin the treatment of American vessels under the most favored nationclause in treaties between the United States and such countries. And the suspension hereby declared and proclaimed shall continue so longas the reciprocal exemption of vessels belonging to citizens of theUnited States and their cargoes, shall be continued in the said port ofCopenhagen and no longer. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 19th day of July, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: WILLIAM R. DAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas in the opening of the Cherokee Outlet, pursuant to section tenof the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred andninety-three, the lands known as the Eastern Middle, and Western SalineReserves, were excepted from settlement in view of three leases madeby the Cherokee Nation prior to March third, eighteen hundred andninety-three, under authority of the act of Congress, approved Augustseventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; And whereas it appears that said leases were never approved as providedby law; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section ten of said act of Marchthird, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, do hereby declare and makeknown that all the lands in said saline reserves, as described in aproclamation dated August nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, are hereby restored to the public domain and will be disposed of underthe laws of the United States relating to public lands in said CherokeeOutlet, subject to the policy of the Government in disposing of salinelands. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 27th day of July, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: WILLIAM R. DAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved Junefourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act makingappropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for thefiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any Executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" And whereas, the public lands in the States of South Dakota and Wyoming, within the limits hereinafter described, are in part covered withtimber, and it appears that the public good would be promoted by settingapart and reserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress, dohereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the ForestReservation in the State of South Dakota, known as "The Black HillsForest Reserve, " created by proclamation of February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, are hereby so changed and enlarged asto include all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying andbeing situate in the States of South Dakota and Wyoming, and within theboundaries particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of Township five (5) South, Range five(5) East, Black Hills Meridian, South Dakota; thence northerly to thenortheast corner of said township; thence easterly to the southeastcorner of Section thirty-three (33), Township four (4) South, Range six(6) East; thence northerly to the southeast corner of Section nine (9), said township; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Section twelve(12), said township; thence northerly along the range line to thenortheast corner of Section thirteen (13), Township one (1) North, Rangesix (6) East; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said section;thence northerly to the northeast corner of Section two (2), saidtownship; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said section;thence northerly to the northeast corner of Section twenty-two (22), Township two (2) North, Range six (6) East; thence westerly to thesoutheast corner of Section seventeen (17), said township; thencenortherly to the northeast corner of said section; thence westerly tothe northwest corner of said section; thence northerly to the southeastcorner of Section thirty (30), Township three (3) North, Range six (6)East; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Section twenty-seven(27), said township; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Sectiontwenty-two (22), said township; thence westerly to the northwest cornerof said section; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Sectionsixteen (16), said township; thence westerly to the northwest corner ofsaid section; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Section eight(8), said township; thence westerly to the northwest corner of saidsection; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Section nineteen(19), Township four (4) North, Range six (6) East; thence westerly tothe northwest corner of said section; thence northerly to the northeastcorner of Section twelve (12), Township four (4) North, Range five (5)East; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said section; thencenortherly to the northeast corner of Section thirty-five (35), Townshipfive (5) North, Range five (5) East; thence westerly to the northwestcorner of said section; thence northerly to the northeast corner ofSection twenty-seven (27), said township; thence westerly to thenorthwest corner of said section; thence northerly to the northeastcorner of Section twenty-one (21), said township; thence westerly tothe southeast corner of Section thirteen (13), Township five (5) North, Range four (4) East; thence northerly to the northeast corner of saidsection; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said section; thencenortherly to the northeast corner of Section two (2), said township;thence westerly to the northwest corner of Section four (4), saidtownship; thence southerly to the southwest corner of said section;thence westerly to the southeast corner of Section two (2), Townshipfive (5) North, Range three (3) East; thence northerly to the northeastcorner of said section; thence westerly to the southeast corner ofSection thirty-five (35), Township six (6) North, Range two (2) East;thence northerly to the northeast corner of Section twenty-six (26) saidtownship; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Section twenty-four(24), Township six (6) North, Range one (1) East; thence northerly tothe northeast corner of said section; thence westerly along the sectionline to its intersection with the boundary line between the States ofSouth Dakota and Wyoming; thence southerly along said State boundaryline to its intersection with the section line between Sectionstwenty-eight (28) and thirty-three (33), Township fifty-two (52) North, Range sixty (60) West, Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian, Wyoming; thencewesterly to the northwest corner of Section thirty-six (36), Townshipfifty-two (52) North, Range sixty-one (61) West; thence southerly alongthe section line to its intersection with the Twelfth (12th) StandardParallel North; thence easterly along said parallel to its intersectionwith the boundary line between the States of Wyoming and South Dakota;thence southerly along said State boundary line to its intersection withthe section line between Sections eighteen (18) and nineteen (19), Township three (3) South, Range one (1) East, Black Hills Meridian, South Dakota; thence easterly to the northwest corner of Sectiontwenty-two (22), said township, thence southerly to the southwest cornerof Section thirty-four (34), said township; thence easterly to thesoutheast corner of said township; thence southerly to the southwestcorner of Section thirty (30), Township four (4) South, Range two (2)East; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Section twenty-seven(27), said township; thence southerly to the southwest corner of Sectioneleven (11), Township five (5) South, Range two (2) East; thenceeasterly to the northwest corner of Section eighteen (18), Township five(5) South, Range four (4) East; thence southerly to the southwest cornerof said township; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Townshipfive (5) South, Range five (5) East, the place of beginning; exceptingand excluding from reservation all those certain tracts, pieces orparcels of land lying and being situate within the boundariesparticularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section twenty-four (24), Townshipfive (5) North, Range three (3) East, Black Hills Meridian; thencewesterly to the northwest corner of Section nineteen (19), saidtownship; thence southerly to the northwest corner of Section thirty-one(31), said township; thence westerly to the northwest corner of Sectionthirty-six (36), Township five (5) North, Range two (2) East; thencesoutherly to the southwest corner of Section thirteen (13), Townshipfour (4) North, Range two (2) East; thence easterly to the southeastcorner of Section fifteen (15), Township four (4) North, Range three (3)East; thence northerly to the southwest corner of Section two (2), saidtownship; thence easterly to the southeast corner of said section;thence northerly to the northeast corner of said section; thenceeasterly to the southeast corner of Township five (5) North, Range three(3) East; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Sectiontwenty-four (24), said township, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; and all mining claims duly located and heldaccording to the laws of the United States and rules and regulations notin conflict therewith; _Provided_, That this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing, settlement, or location was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to enter or makesettlement upon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 19th day of September, in the yearof our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: ALVEY A. ADEE, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by joint resolution "to provide for annexing the HawaiianIslands to the United States, " approved July 7, 1898, the cession by theGovernment of the Republic of Hawaii to the United States of America, ofall rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind in and over the HawaiianIslands and their dependencies, and the transfer to the United Statesof the absolute fee and ownership of all public, Government, or crownlands, public buildings, or edifices, ports, harbors, militaryequipment, and all other public property of every kind and descriptionbelonging to the Government of the Hawaiian Islands, was duly accepted, ratified, and confirmed, and the said Hawaiian Islands and theirdependencies annexed as a part of the territory of the United States andmade subject to the sovereign dominion thereof, and all and singular theproperty and rights hereinbefore mentioned vested in the United Statesof America; and Whereas it was further provided in said resolution that the existinglaws of the United States relative to public lands shall not apply tosuch lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but the Congress of the UnitedStates shall enact special laws for their management and disposition;and Whereas it is deemed necessary in the public interests that certain lotsand plats of land in the city of Honolulu be immediately reserved fornaval purposes; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the authority in me vested, do hereby declare, proclaim, andmake known that the following described lots or plats of land be and thesame are hereby reserved for naval purposes until such time as theCongress of the United States shall otherwise direct, to wit: 1st. The water front lying between the Bishop Estate and the line ofRichards Street including the site of prospective wharves, slips, andtheir approaches. 2d. The blocks of land embracing lots No. 86 to 91, 100 to 131, including Mililani Street to the intersection of Halekauwali Street; andthe Government water lots lying between the Bishop Estate and Punchbowland Allen Streets. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 2d day of November, in the year onethousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of the Independence of theUnited States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ HAWAIIAN CABLE CONCESSION. _To all to whom these presents shall come; greeting_: Know ye, that: Whereas, by an Indenture made the 2d day of July, in theyear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight betweenSanford B. Dole, President of the Republic of Hawaii for and in behalfof the Hawaiian Government of the one part and the Pacific CableCompany, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of theState of New York of the United States of America, of the other part, there was granted, conceded, and confirmed unto the party of the secondpart and its successors and assigns the right and privilege to lay, construct, land, maintain and operate telegraphic and magnetic lines orcables from a point or points on the Pacific Coast of the United Statesto a suitable landing place or places to be selected by the party of thesecond part in the Hawaiian Islands with terminus at Honolulu, Island ofOahu, and from and beyond the Hawaiian Islands to Japan and any islandsor places necessary for stations for such cables between the HawaiianIslands and Japan that lie north of the tenth degree or parallel ofnorth latitude in the North Pacific Ocean, as an exclusive right andprivilege together with an exemption from duties, charges, and taxesfor and during the term of twenty years from the date expressed insaid Indenture, to wit, the 21st day of June, A. D. 1898, --said right, privilege, and exemption being subject to the terms and conditions setforth in said Indenture; And whereas among said terms and conditions it is declared and agreed bysaid Indenture that the party of the second part within two years fromthe approval (within eighteen months from the date of said contract) ofan act by the Congress of the United States authorizing the party of thesecond part to construct and operate a submarine cable line between theUnited States and the Hawaiian Islands shall construct, lay in properworking order, and establish a submarine telegraph cable from a point orpoints on the Pacific coast of the United States to a landing place orplaces in the Hawaiian Islands with terminus at Honolulu, Island ofOahu, according to the specifications of said Indenture, and further, within three years from the approval of such act by the Congress of theUnited States, shall in like manner construct, lay in proper workingorder, and establish a submarine telegraph cable from a point or pointsat or near said Honolulu to Japan; And whereas it is provided by said Indenture that the contract thereinmade and set forth shall not take effect, if at any time within sixmonths from the date thereof, to wit, the 2d day of July, A. D. , 1898, "the United States State Department" shall express its disapprovalthereof; And whereas, pursuant to a Joint Resolution of the Senate and House ofRepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, approved July 7, 1898, to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands tothe United States, the sovereignty of the said Hawaiian Islands wasyielded up to the United States on the 12th day of August, A. D. , 1898, becoming thenceforth vested in the United States of America. And whereas, in view of the provisions of said Joint Resolution for thedetermination by the Congress of the United States of all matters ofmunicipal legislation concerning the Hawaiian Islands, and because thesubject matter and provisions of said Indenture are deemed to be propersubjects for the consideration and determination of the Congress of theUnited States, it is deemed expedient and necessary that the Congress ofthe United States consider and adopt such legislation, especially inregard to grants and contractual obligations to be controlled by andrest upon the United States of America as vested with sovereignty oversaid Hawaiian Islands, without let or hindrance by reason of any actionof the Government of the Republic of Hawaii in respect to such grantsand contractual obligations initiated by the said Government of theRepublic of Hawaii prior to and incomplete at the time of the yieldingup of the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States; Now, therefore, I, John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States, dohereby express on the part of "the United States State Department" itsdisapproval of the contract stipulated in the said Indenture to the endthat the same shall not take effect. [SEAL. ] Given under my hand and the seal of the Department of State of theUnited States, in the city of Washington, D. C. , this thirty-first day ofDecember in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred andninety-eight. JOHN HAY. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, inany part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved Junefourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act makingappropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for thefiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" And whereas the public lands in the State of California, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress, dohereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the ForestReservation in the State of California, known as "The Trabuco CañonForest Reserve, " created by proclamation of February twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, are hereby so changed and enlarged asto include all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying andbeing situate in the State of California, and within the boundariesparticularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section thirteen (13), Townshipfive (5) South, Range six (6) West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, California; thence westerly along the section line to the southeastcorner of Section nine (9), said township; thence northerly along thesection line to the northeast corner of Section four (4), said township;thence westerly along the township line to the northwest corner ofSection three (3), Township five (5) South, Range seven (7) West; thencesoutherly along the section line to the southwest corner of Sectionthirty-four (34), said township; thence easterly along the townshipline to the southeast corner of said township; thence southerlyalong the range line between Ranges six (6) and seven (7) West, to itsintersection with the northern boundary of the Rancho Mission Viejo orLa Paz; thence along the northern and eastern boundary of said ranchoto its intersection with the northern boundary of the Rancho SantaMargarita y Las Flores; thence along the northern boundary of saidrancho to its intersection with the range line between Ranges four(4) and five (5) West; thence northerly along said range line to itsintersection with the southern boundary of the Rancho Santa Rosa; thencein a northwesterly and northeasterly direction along the southern andwestern boundary of said rancho to its intersection with the townshipline between Townships six (6) and seven (7) South; thence westerlyalong said township line to the southeast corner of Township six (6)South, Range six (6) West; thence northerly along the range line to thenortheast corner of Section thirteen (13), Township five (5) South, Range six (6) West, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing, or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 30th day of January, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas satisfactory proof has been given to me by the Government ofMexico that no discriminating duties of tonnage or imposts are imposedor levied in the ports of Mexico upon vessels wholly belonging tocitizens of the United States, or upon the produce, manufactures, ormerchandise imported in the same from the United States, or from anyforeign country: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United Statesof America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section fourthousand two hundred and twenty-eight of the Revised Statutes of theUnited States, do hereby declare and proclaim that, from and afterthe date of this, my proclamation, so long as vessels of the UnitedStates and their cargoes shall be exempt from discriminating duties asaforesaid, any such duties on Mexican vessels entering the ports of theUnited States, or on the produce, manufactures, or merchandise importedin such vessels, shall be suspended and discontinued, and no longer. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, the 9th day of February, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas the public lands in the State of Montana, within the limitshereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appearsthat the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reservingsaid lands as public reservations; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there are herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as Public Reservationsall those certain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the State of Montana and particularly described as follows, to wit: Sections fourteen (14), twenty-four (24), twenty-six (26), andthirty-six (36), Township three (3) South, Range five (5) East; Sectionstwo (2), twelve (12), fourteen (14), twenty-four (24), twenty-six (26), and thirty-six (36), Township four (4) South, Range five (5) East;Sections two (2), twelve (12), fourteen (14), and twenty-four (24), Township five (5) South, Range five (5) East; Sections fourteen (14), sixteen (16), eighteen (18), twenty (20), twenty-two (22), twenty-four(24), twenty-six (26), twenty-eight (28), thirty (30), thirty-two (32), thirty-four (34), and thirty-six (36), Township three (3) South, Rangesix (6) East; Sections two (2), four (4), six (6), eight (8), ten (10), twelve (12), fourteen (14), sixteen (16), eighteen (18), twenty (20), twenty-two (22), twenty-four (24), twenty-six (26), twenty-eight (28), thirty (30), thirty-two (32), thirty-four (34), and thirty-six (36), Township four (4) South, Range six (6) East; Sections two (2), four (4), six (6), eight (8), ten (10), twelve (12), fourteen (14), sixteen (16), eighteen (18), twenty (20), twenty-two (22), and twenty-four (24), Township five (5) South, Range six (6) East; Sections eighteen (18), andthirty (30), Township three (3) South, Range seven (7) East; Sectionssix (6), eighteen (18), and thirty (30), Township four (4) South, Rangeseven (7) East; and Sections six (6) and eighteen (18), Township five(5) South, Range seven (7) East, Principal Meridian, Montana. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing, or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tracts of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 10th day of February, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas the public lands in the State of Utah, within the limitshereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appearsthat the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reservingsaid lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the State of Utah and within the boundaries particularlydescribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section twenty-four (24), Townshiptwenty-four (24) South, Range two (2) East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Utah; thence southerly along the range line to the northeast corner ofSection thirteen (13), Township twenty-five (25) South, Range two (2)East; thence easterly along the section line to the northeast corner ofSection eighteen (18), Township twenty-five (25) South, Range three(3) East; thence southerly along the section line to the Fifth (5th)Standard Parallel South; thence westerly along said parallel to thenortheast corner of Township twenty-six (26) South, Range two (2) East;thence southerly along the range line to the southeast corner of saidtownship; thence westerly along the township line to the southwestcorner of Section thirty-five (35), Township twenty-six (26) South, Range one (1) East; thence northerly along the section line to the Fifth(5th) Standard Parallel South; thence easterly along said parallel tothe southwest corner of Township twenty-five (25) South, Range two (2)East; thence northerly along the range line to the northwest corner ofSection nineteen (19), Township twenty-four (24) South, Range two (2)East; thence easterly along the section line to the northeast corner ofSection twenty-four (24), said township, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing, or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 10th day of February, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas, the public lands in the Territory of New Mexico, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the Territory of New Mexico and within the boundariesparticularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the boundary line between New Mexico and Arizonawhere it is intersected by the north line of Township five (5) South, Range twenty-one (21) West, New Mexico Principal Meridian, New Mexico;thence easterly along the township line to the northeast corner ofTownship five (5) South, Range sixteen (16) West; thence southerly alongthe range line between Ranges fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) West, to thesoutheast corner of Township eight (8) South, Range sixteen (16) West;thence easterly along the township line to the northeast corner ofTownship nine (9) South, Range fifteen (15) West; thence southerly alongthe range line to the southeast corner of said township; thence easterlyalong the township line to the northeast corner of Township ten (10)South, Range ten (10) West; thence southerly along the First GuideMeridian West, between Ranges nine (9) and ten (10) West, to itsintersection with the Third (3rd) Standard Parallel South, betweenTownships fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) South; thence westerly along thesaid Third (3rd) Standard Parallel South to the southwest corner ofTownship fifteen (15) South, Range sixteen (16) West; thence northerlyalong the range line to the northwest corner of said township; thencewesterly along the township line to the northeast corner of Townshipfifteen (15) South, Range nineteen (19) West; thence southerly along therange line to its intersection with the Third (3rd) Standard ParallelSouth; thence westerly along the Third (3rd) Standard Parallel South toits intersection with the boundary line between New Mexico and Arizona;thence northerly along said boundary line to the point where itintersects the north line of Township five (5) South, Range twenty-one(21) West, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this second day of March, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by a proclamation of the President of the United States, datedthe second day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety one, upon proofthen appearing satisfactory that no tonnage or lighthouse dues or otherequivalent tax or taxes were imposed upon American vessels entering theports of the Island of Tobago, one of the British West India Islands, and that vessels belonging to the United States of America and theircargoes were not required in the ports of the said Island of Tobago topay any fee or due of any kind or nature, or any import due higher thanwas payable by vessels from ports or places in the said Island ofTobago, or their cargoes, in the United States, the President didtherefore declare and proclaim, from and after the date of his saidproclamation of December second, eighteen hundred and ninety one, thesuspension of the collection of the whole of the duty of three cents perton, not to exceed fifteen cents per ton per annum, imposed upon vesselsentered in the ports of the United States from any of the ports of theIsland of Tobago by section 11 of the act of Congress approved Junenineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty six, entitled "An act to abolishcertain fees for official services to American vessels and to amend thelaws relating to shipping commissioners, seamen, and owners of vesselsand for other purposes. " And whereas the President did further declare and proclaim in hisproclamation of December second, eighteen hundred and ninety one, thatthe said suspension should continue so long as the reciprocal exemptionof vessels belonging to citizens of the United States and their cargoesshould be continued in the said ports of the Island of Tobago and nolonger; And whereas it now appears upon satisfactory proof that tonnage orlight-house dues, or a tax or taxes equivalent thereto, are in factimposed upon American vessels and their cargoes entered in ports ofthe Island of Tobago higher and other than those imposed upon vesselsand their cargoes entered in ports of the Island of Tobago, ortheir cargoes, entered in ports of the United States, so that saidproclamation of December second, eighteen hundred and ninety one, in itsoperation and effect contravenes the meaning and intent of said section11 of the act of Congress approved June nineteenth, eighteen hundred andeighty-six; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, by virtue of the aforesaid section 11 of the act aforesaid, aswell as in pursuance of the terms of said proclamation itself, do herebyrevoke the said proclamation of December second, eighteen hundred andninety-one suspending the collection of the whole of the duty of threecents per ton, not to exceed fifteen cents per ton per annum (which isimposed by the aforesaid section of said act) upon vessels entered inthe ports of the United States from any of the ports of the Island ofTobago; this revocation of said proclamation to take effect on and afterthe date of this my proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 13th day of March, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by a proclamation of the President of the United States, dated April seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-five upon proof thenappearing satisfactory that upon vessels of the United States arrivingat the Island of Trinidad, British West Indies, no due was imposed bythe ton as tonnage or as light money and that no other equivalent tax onvessels of the United States was imposed at said island by the BritishGovernment, the President did declare and proclaim from and after thedate of his said proclamation of April seventh, eighteen hundred andeighty-five, the suspension of the collection of the tonnage duties ofthree cents per ton, not to exceed fifteen cents per ton per annum, imposed upon vessels entered in ports of the United States from any ofthe ports of the Island of Trinidad by section 14 of the act of Congressapproved June twenty-six, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, entitled"An act to remove certain burdens on the American merchant marine andencourage the American foreign carrying trade and for other purposes;" And whereas it now appears upon satisfactory proof that tonnage orlight-house dues, or a tax or taxes equivalent thereto, are in factimposed upon American vessels and their cargoes entered in ports of theIsland of Trinidad higher and other than those imposed upon vessels fromports in the Island of Trinidad or their cargoes entered in ports of theUnited States, so that said proclamation of April seventh, eighteenhundred and eighty-five, in its operation and effect contravenes themeaning and intent of section 14 of the act of Congress approved Junetwenty-six, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, as amended by section 11of the act of Congress approved June nineteenth, eighteen hundred andeighty-six, entitled "An act to abolish certain fees for officialservices to American vessels and to amend the laws relating to shippingcommissioners, seamen, and owners of vessels and for other purposes;" Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, by virtue of the aforesaid section 14 of the act of Congressapproved June twenty-six, eighteen hundred and eighty-four as amended bythe aforesaid section 11 of the act approved June nineteenth, eighteenhundred and eighty-six, do hereby revoke the said proclamation of Aprilseventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, suspending the collection ofthe whole of the duty of three cents per ton, not to exceed fifteencents per ton per annum (which is imposed by the aforesaid sections ofsaid acts), upon vessels entered in the ports of the United States fromany of the ports of the Island of Trinidad; this revocation of saidproclamation to take effect on and after the date of this myproclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 13th day of March, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it is deemed necessary in the public interests that certainlands lying to the eastward of the city of San Juan, in Puerto Rico, beimmediately reserved for naval purposes; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the authority in me vested, do hereby, declare, proclaim, andmake known that the following-described lands be and the same are herebyreserved for naval purposes until such time as the Congress of theUnited States shall otherwise direct, to wit: 1st. The public land, natural, reclaimed, partly reclaimed, or whichmay be reclaimed, lying south of the Caguas Road, shown on the U. S. Hydrographic Map No. 1745 of July, 1898, and for 250 feet north of saidCaguas Road, to be bounded on the west by a true north and south linepassing through the eastern corner of the railway station shown on saidmap, on the south by the shore of the harbor, and to extend east 2, 400feet, more or less, to include 80 acres. 2nd. The entire island lying to the southward of the above-describedland, and described on the U. S. Hydrographic Map No. 1745, of July, 1898, as Isla Grande, or Manglar. The Military Governor of the Island of Puerto Rico will make thistransfer through the representative of the Navy, the Commandant of theUnited States Naval Station, San Juan, Puerto Rico, who will presentthis proclamation. _March 29, 1899. _ WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas, the public lands in the State of California, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the State of California and particularly described asfollows, to wit: Townships eleven (11), twelve (12) and thirteen (13) North, Rangesixteen (16) East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, California; Townshipseleven (11), twelve (12) and thirteen (13) North, Range seventeen (17)East; and so much of Township eleven (11) North, Range eighteen (18)East, as lies west of the summit of the Sierra Nevada Range of mountainsin El Dorado County, California. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. The reservation hereby established shall be known as The Lake TahoeForest Reserve. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 13th day of April, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, by the provisions of an act approved February 20, 1895, entitled "An act to disapprove the treaty heretofore made with theSouthern Ute Indians to be removed to the Territory of Utah, andproviding for settling them down in severalty where they may so electand are qualified and to settle all those not electing to take landsin severalty, on the west forty miles of present reservation and inportions of New Mexico, and for other purposes, and to carry out theprovisions of the treaty with said Indians June fifteenth, eighteenhundred and eighty, " the agreement made by the commissioners on the partof the United States with the Southern Ute Indians of Colorado bearingdate November thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, wasannulled and the treaty made with said Indians June fifteenth, eighteenhundred and eighty, was directed to be carried out as therein providedand as further provided by general law for settling Indians inseveralty; and Whereas it was further provided by said act that within six monthsafter the passage thereof, the Secretary of the Interior should causeallotment of land, in severalty, to be made to such of the Southern UteIndians in Colorado, as might elect and be considered by him qualifiedto take the same out of the agricultural lands embraced in their presentreservation in Colorado, such allotments to be made in accordance withthe provisions of the act of Congress approved June fifteenth, eighteenhundred and eighty, entitled "An act to accept and ratify the agreementsubmitted by the confederated bands of Ute Indians in Colorado for thesale of their reservation in said State and for other purposes, and tomake the necessary appropriations for carrying out the same, " and theamendments thereto, as far as applicable, and the treaties theretoforemade with said Indians; and Whereas it was further provided that for the sole and exclusive use ofsuch of said Indians as might not elect or be deemed qualified to takeallotments in severalty as provided, there should be set apart andreserved all that portion of their reservation lying west of the rangeline between ranges thirteen and fourteen west of the New MexicoPrincipal Meridian, and also all of townships thirty-one and thirty-twoof ranges fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen west of the New MexicoPrincipal Meridian and lying in the Territory of New Mexico, subjectto the right of the Government to erect and maintain agency buildingsthereon, and to grant rights of way through the same for railroads, irrigation ditches, highways and other necessary purposes; and Whereas under the provisions of section four of said act it was made theduty of the President of the United States to issue his proclamationdeclaring the lands within the reservation of said Indians except suchportions as might have been allotted or reserved under the provisions ofthe preceding sections of said act, open to occupancy and settlement, said unallotted and unreserved lands to be and become a part of thepublic domain of the United States and to become subject to entry, underthe desert, homestead, and townsite laws and the laws governing thedisposal of coal, mineral, stone and timber lands, but providing that nohomestead settler should receive a title to any portion of such lands atless than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and such settlersshould be required to make a cash payment of fifty cents per acre at thetime filing is made upon any of said lands; and providing that beforesaid lands should be open to public settlement the Secretary of theInterior should cause the improvements belonging to the Indians on thelands then occupied by them to be appraised and sold at public sale tothe highest bidder, except improvements on lands allotted to the Indiansin accordance with this act; and providing that no sale of suchimprovements should be made for less than the appraised value and thatthe several purchasers of said improvements should, for thirty daysafter the issuance of the President's proclamation have the preferenceright of entry of the lands upon which the improvements purchased bythem should be situated, but that the said purchase should not exceedone hundred and sixty acres and that the proceeds of such improvementsshould be paid to the Indians owning the same; and Whereas it is further provided that the provisions of said act shouldtake effect only upon the acceptance thereof and consent thereto by amajority of all the male adult Indians then located or residing upon thereservation, which acceptance should be at once obtained under suchregulations as the Secretary of the Interior might prescribe; and Whereas allotments have been made as provided for in said act, andall the other terms and considerations as required therein have beencomplied with, precedent to opening the unallotted and unreservedlands in said reservation to settlement and entry, except the sale ofimprovements on the NE 1/4 NW 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 1, T. 33 N. , R. 9 W. , belonging to Ignacio, an Indian, but said salewill be immediately ordered and the rights of the purchaser thereof willbe protected for thirty days from date of this proclamation, as providedby the act, by instructions to the register and receiver of the localland office having jurisdiction over the same, and as this exception isnot considered a bar to the opening of the unallotted and unreservedlands to settlement; and Whereas I issued a proclamation on the 29th day of March, last, intendedto open the lands to settlement and entry as authorized in said act, butas some question has arisen as to the boundaries proclaimed beingsufficiently definite to cover the lands intended to be opened, Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, for the purpose of removing any doubt and making the boundaries of saidlands more definite, by virtue of the power in me vested by said act, do hereby issue this, my second proclamation, and do hereby declare andmake known that all of the lands embraced in said reservation, savingand excepting the lands reserved for and allotted to said Indians, andthe lands reserved for other purposes in pursuance of the provisions ofsaid act, will, at and after the hour of twelve o'clock noon (mountainstandard time) on the 4th day of May, A. D. , eighteen hundred andninety-nine, and not before, be open to settlement and entry under theterms of and subject to all the conditions, limitations, reservationsand restrictions contained in said act, and the laws of the UnitedStates applicable thereto. The lands to be opened to settlement and entry are described as lyingwithin the following boundaries: Beginning at the point established byS. S. Gannett, Special Indian Agent, in June, 1897, at the intersectionof the 107th meridian and the 37th parallel of latitude; thence north15 miles along the eastern boundary of the reservation; thence westerlyalong the north boundary of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation to itsintersection with the range line between ranges thirteen and fourteenwest of the New Mexico Principal Meridian; thence south fifteen miles onsaid range line to the south boundary of the State of Colorado; thenceeasterly along the south boundary of the State of Colorado to the placeof beginning. The survey of the east boundary of the above tract through townships 32, 33, and 34 N. , R. 1 W. , and of that part of the north boundary in Tps. 34 N. , Rs. 1 and 2 W. , being in process of correction owing to errorsfound in said survey, notice is hereby given to all parties who mayelect to make entries of lands adjoining the boundary lines subject tocorrection, that their entries will be at their own risk, and subjectto such changes as to the boundaries of the several tracts so enteredas may be found necessary in the progress of the correction of theerroneous survey, and that without recourse to the United States forany damage that may arise as the result of the correction survey. The lands allotted to the Indians are for greater convenienceparticularly described in the accompanying schedule entitled "Scheduleof lands within the Southern Ute Indian Reservation allotted to theIndians and withheld from settlement and entry by proclamation of thePresident dated April 13, 1899, " and which schedule is made a partthereof. An error having been made in 1873 in the survey and location of theeastern boundary of the reservation hereby opened to settlement andentry whereby certain lands constituting a part of the reservation wereerroneously identified as being outside of the reservation, by reasonof which several persons in good faith settled upon said lands underthe belief that the same were unappropriated public lands open tosettlement, and have since improved and cultivated, and are now residingupon the same with a view to the entry thereof under the public landlaws, notice is hereby given that in so far as said persons possess thequalifications required by law, and maintain their said settlement andresidence up to the time of the opening herein provided for, they willbe considered and treated as having initiated and established a lawfulsettlement at the very instant at which the lands become open, and ashaving the superior right and claim to enter said lands, which rightmust be exercised within three months from the time of said opening. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 13th day of April, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ SCHEDULE OF LANDS WITHIN THE SOUTHERN UTE INDIAN RESERVATION ALLOTTEDTO THE INDIANS AND WITHHELD FROM SETTLEMENT AND ENTRY BY PROCLAMATIONOF THE PRESIDENT DATED APRIL 13, 1899. _In Township 32 North, Range 3 West. _ Southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 4; south half ofsoutheast quarter and southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section5; north half of northeast quarter, east half of northwest quarter, easthalf of southwest quarter and southwest quarter of southwest quarter ofsection 8; north half of northwest quarter and southeast quarter ofnorthwest quarter of section 9; southeast quarter of southwest quarterand south half of southeast quarter of section 10; southwest quarter ofsouthwest quarter of section 11; northwest quarter of northwest quarterof section 13; north half of northeast quarter and north half ofnorthwest quarter of section 14; northeast quarter of northeast quarterof section 15; northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 17; andnortheast quarter of northeast quarter of section 18. _In Township 33 North, Range 3 West. _ East half of section 3; northeast quarter, south half of northwestquarter and west half of southwest quarter of section 10; south half ofsoutheast quarter and south half of southwest quarter of section 19;east half of northeast quarter, southeast quarter, east half ofsouthwest quarter and southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section20; northwest quarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 21;west half of northwest quarter of section 28; east half, east half ofnorthwest quarter and northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section29; north half of northeast quarter and north half of northwest quarterof section 30; and northeast quarter of section 32. _In Township 34 North, Range 3 West. _ Southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 22; northwest quarterof northwest quarter, south half of northwest quarter and southwestquarter of section 27; and north half of northwest quarter, southeastquarter of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quarter andsoutheast quarter of section 34. _In Township 32 North, Range 4 West. _ Southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 10; southwest quarterof southwest quarter of section 13; south half of southeast quarter, south half of southwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwestquarter of section 14; west half of northeast quarter, south half ofnorthwest quarter, west half of southeast quarter and southwest quarterof section 15; south half of section 16; south half of northeastquarter, south half of northwest quarter, north half of southeastquarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 17; south half ofnortheast quarter, north half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter ofnorthwest quarter and northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section18; north half and north half of southeast quarter of section 21; northhalf, north half of southeast quarter and north half of southwestquarter of section 22; north half, north half of southeast quarter andnorth half of southwest quarter of section 23; and west half ofnorthwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section24. _In Township 33 North, Range 4 West_. South half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, north half ofsoutheast quarter, southeast quarter of southeast quarter and northeastquarter of southwest quarter of section 23; south half of section 24;and north half of northeast quarter of section 25. _In Township 34 North, Range 4 West. _ All of section 7; all of section 8; north half of section 9; all ofsection 10; north half, southwest quarter, north half of southeastquarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 11;northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section12; west half of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwestquarter of section 13; all of section 14; east half, east half ofnorthwest quarter, and southwest quarter of section 15; south half ofsoutheast quarter of section 16; north half of northeast quarter, northhalf of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northwest quarter, andsouthwest quarter of section 18; west half of section 19; east half ofsoutheast quarter of section 20; east half, east half of northwestquarter, and southwest quarter of section 21; north half of northeastquarter, north half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northwestquarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 22; northhalf of the northwest quarter of section 28; and northeast quarter ofnortheast quarter of section 29. _In Township 32 North, Range 5 West. _ South half, south half of northeast quarter and south half of northwestquarter of section 9; south half of northwest quarter, and southwestquarter of section 10; west half of northwest quarter and west half ofsouthwest quarter of section 14; all of section 15; east half, northwestquarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 16; northeastquarter of southeast quarter of section 19; north half of southeastquarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 20; and northeastquarter, south half of northwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeastquarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 21. _In Township 33 North, Range 5 West. _ West half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter and northwest quarterof south-west quarter of section 1; east half, east half of northwestquarter, and southwest quarter of section 2; east half of southeastquarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 3; easthalf of southeast quarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter ofsection 9; northeast quarter, east half of northwest quarter, southwestquarter of northwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of section 10; northwest quarter of northeastquarter, and northwest quarter of section 11; west half of northwestquarter and west half of southwest quarter of section 15; east half, east half of northwest quarter and east half of southwest quarter ofsection 16; north half, north half of southeast quarter and north halfof southwest quarter of section 21; west half of section 28; east halfof section 29; north half of northeast quarter of section 32; and northhalf of northwest quarter of section 33. _In Township 34 North, Range 5 West. _ East half, east half of northwest quarter and south half of southwestquarter of section 12; east half of northeast quarter, northwest quarterof northeast quarter and west half of northwest quarter of section 13;east half of northeast quarter of section 14; west half of section 25;south half of northeast quarter, southeast quarter and east half ofsouthwest quarter of section 26; and east half of section 35. _In Township 32 North, Range 7 West. _ West half of northwest quarter, west half of southeast quarter, andsouthwest quarter of section 3; all of section 4; east half of northeastquarter and east half of southeast quarter of section 5; east half ofnortheast quarter and east half of southeast quarter of section 8; allof section 9; west half, west half of northeast quarter, and southeastquarter of section 10; west half, west half of northeast quarter andwest half of southeast quarter of section 15; east half, east half ofnorthwest quarter, northwest quarter of northwest quarter and east halfof southwest quarter of section 16; northeast quarter of northeastquarter of section 17; northeast quarter of section 21; and northwestquarter of section 22. _In Township 33 North, Range 7 West. _ South half of northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, andsouth half of section 1; south half of northeast quarter, and southeastquarter of section 2; northwest quarter of northeast quarter, andnorthwest quarter of section 4; all of section 5; all of section 6;north half and northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 7; allof section 8; west half of northeast quarter, west half of southeastquarter, and west half of section 9; east half of section 11; all ofsection 12; all of section 13; east half of section 14; southwestquarter of southwest quarter of section 15; southeast quarter ofnortheast quarter, west half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter andsouth half of section 16; north half, southeast quarter, north half ofsouthwest quarter and southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section17; east half of northeast quarter, southwest quarter of northeastquarter and north half of southeast quarter of section 18; northeastquarter, and east half of northwest quarter of section 20; north half, southeast quarter, east half of southwest quarter and northwest quarterof southwest quarter of section 21; west half of northwest quarter, andsouthwest quarter of section 22; east half of section 23; all of section24; all of section 25; northeast quarter of section 26; west half ofsection 27; east half, east half of northwest quarter, southwest quarterof northwest quarter, and southwest quarter of section 28; south half ofnortheast quarter, and southeast quarter of section 29; east half ofnortheast quarter and east half of southeast quarter of section 32; westhalf of northeast quarter, west half of southeast quarter, and west halfof section 33; south half of northeast quarter, and southeast quarter ofsection 35; and all of section 36. _In Township 34 North, Range 7 West. _ All of section 10; all of section 11; west half of northeast quarter, west half of southeast quarter, and west half of section 12; north halfand southwest quarter of section 13; all of section 14; all of section15; north half, southeast quarter, and east half of southwest quarter ofsection 21; all of section 22; all of section 23; north half andsouthwest quarter of section 24; northwest quarter of section 25; northhalf, west half of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of section26; all of section 27; northeast quarter, east half of northwestquarter, east half of southeast quarter, northwest quarter of southeastquarter and northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 28; easthalf, and south half of southwest quarter of section 32; all of section33; north half of northeast quarter, southwest quarter of northeastquarter, northwest quarter and south half of section 34; and west halfof northeast quarter, northwest quarter, and west half of southwestquarter of section 35. _In Township 34 North, Range 8 West. _ East half, east half of northwest quarter and east half of southwestquarter of section 7; west half and southeast quarter of section 8; westhalf of section 17; east half of section 18; east half and southwestquarter of section 19; west half of section 20; northwest quarter andsouth half of section 25; south half of section 26; west half of section29; east half, east half of northwest quarter and east half of southwestquarter of section 30; all of section 31; west half of northwest quarterand west half of southwest quarter of section 32; north half andsoutheast quarter of section 35; and all of section 36. _In Township 33 North, Range 9 West. _ Southwest quarter of northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter, southeast quarter, east half of southwest quarter and northwest quarterof southwest quarter of section 2; south half of northeast quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, north half of southeast quarter, southwest quarter of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of section3; southeast quarter and south half of southwest quarter of section 4;east half and southwest quarter of section 8; north half of northwestquarter of section 9; west half of southeast quarter, and west half ofsection 17; east half of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter ofsection 18; east half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, andsouthwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 19; northwest quarter, and east half of southwest quarter of section 20; west half of section29; east half, south half of northwest quarter, northwest quarter ofnorthwest quarter, and southwest quarter of section 30; east half, easthalf of northwest quarter, and southwest quarter of section 31; and westhalf of northwest quarter of section 32. _In Township 34 North, Range 9 West. _ All of sections 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36. _In Township 33 North, Range 10 West. _ All of section 1; west half of section 12; west half and southeast quarterof section 13; east half of section 24; and east half of section 25. _In Township 34 North, Range 10 West. _ South half of section 13, and all of sections 24, 25 and 36. _In Township 34 North, Range 11 West. _ East half of northeast quarter, and southeast quarter of section 7;north half, southeast quarter and east half of southwest quarter ofsection 8; west half of northwest quarter and west half of southwestquarter of section 9; west half of northeast quarter and east half ofnorthwest quarter of section 17; and west half of section 18. _In Township 33 North, Range 12 West. _ West half of northwest quarter, south half of southwest quarter andnorthwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 4; east half, easthalf of southwest quarter and southwest quarter of southwest quarter ofsection 5; northeast quarter, south half of northwest quarter and northhalf of southwest quarter of section 7; north half of northeast quarterand north half of northwest quarter of section 8; south half ofnorthwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter of section 18; easthalf and northwest quarter of section 19; east half of section 30; andeast half of section 31. _In Township 34 North, Range 12 West. _ Southeast quarter and east half of southwest quarter of section 13;southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 22; east half ofnortheast quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quarter, southeastquarter of northwest quarter, and south half of section 23; north half, west half of southeast quarter, and southwest quarter of section 24;northwest quarter of northeast quarter and north half of northwestquarter of section 25; north half of northeast quarter, north half ofnorthwest quarter and southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section26; east half, south half of northwest quarter, and southwest quarter ofsection 27; southeast quarter of section 28; all of section 33; andnorth half of northeast quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, and north half of southwest quarter of section 34. _In Township 33 North, Range 13 West. _ Southeast quarter of northeast quarter and east half of southeastquarter of section 12; and east half of northeast quarter, southwestquarter of northeast quarter and east half of southeast quarter ofsection 13. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the Act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas the public lands in the State of California, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidAct of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the State of California and particularly described asfollows, to wit: Beginning at a point where the northwestern boundary of the rancho SantaAna intersects the township line between Townships four (4) and five (5)North, Range twenty-three (23) West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, California; thence westerly along the township line to the southwestcorner of Township five (5) North, Range twenty-four (24) West; thencenortherly along the range line to the southeast corner of the rancho LosPrietos y Najalayegua; thence in a general northwesterly direction alongthe southern boundaries of the ranchos Los Prietos y Najalayegua, SanMarcos, Tequepis, Lomas de la Purificacion and Nojoqui to the easternboundary of the rancho Las Cruces; thence in a general southerlydirection along the eastern boundary of the said rancho Las Cruces tothe northern boundary of the rancho Nuestra Señora del Refugio; thencein a general southeasterly direction along the northern boundaries ofthe ranchos Nuestra Señora del Refugio, Cañada del Corral, Los DosPueblos, La Goleta, Pueblo and Mission Lands of Santa Barbara and therancho El Rincon (Arellanes) to its most eastern point; thence in asouthwesterly direction along the southern boundary of said rancho tothe point where it intersects the township line between Townships three(3) and four (4) North, Range twenty-five (25) West; thence easterlyalong the township line to the western boundary of the rancho Santa Ana;thence northeasterly along the western boundary of said rancho to itsintersection with the township line between Townships four (4) and five(5) North, Range twenty-three (23) West, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this Proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired: _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. The reservation hereby established shall be known as The Santa YnezForest Reserve. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 2d day of October, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and of theIndependence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fourth, WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: DAVID J. HILL, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section 13 of the act of Congress of March 3, 1891, entitled "An Act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of theRevised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, " thatsaid act "shall only apply to a citizen or subject of a foreign state ornation when such foreign state or nation permits to citizens of theUnited States of America the benefit of copyright on substantially thesame basis as its own citizens; or when such foreign state or nation isa party to an international agreement which provides for reciprocity inthe granting of copyright, by the terms of which agreement the UnitedStates of America may, at its pleasure, become a party to suchagreement;" And whereas it is also provided by said section that "the existence ofeither of the conditions aforesaid shall be determined by the Presidentof the United States by proclamation made from time to time as thepurposes of this act may require;" And whereas satisfactory official assurances have been given that in theRepublic of Costa Rica the law permits to citizens of the United Statesof America the benefit of copyright on substantially the same basis asto the citizens of that Republic: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, do declare and proclaim that the first of the conditionsspecified in section 13 of the act of March 3, 1891, now exists and isfulfilled in respect to the citizens of the Republic of Costa Rica. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 19th day of October, one thousandeight hundred and ninety-nine and of the Independence of the UnitedStates the one hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "Anact to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved Junefourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled "An act makingappropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for thefiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" And whereas the public lands in the Territory of Arizona, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress, dohereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the ForestReservation in the Territory of Arizona, known as "The Prescott ForestReserve, " created by proclamation of May tenth, eighteen hundred andninety-eight, are hereby so changed and enlarged as to include all thosecertain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land lying and being situate inthe Territory of Arizona, and within the boundaries particularlydescribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of township thirteen (13) north, rangeone (1) west, Gila and Salt River Meridian, Arizona; thence southerlyalong the Gila and Salt River Meridian to the southeast corner of saidtownship; thence easterly along the Third (3d) Standard Parallel northto the northeast corner of township twelve (12) north, range one (1)east; thence southerly along the range line to the southeast corner oftownship nine (9) north, range one (1) east; thence westerly along thetownship line to the southwest corner of township nine (9) north, rangeone (1) west; thence northerly along the range line to the northwestcorner of said township; thence westerly along the township line to thesouthwest corner of township ten (10) north, range two (2) west; thencenortherly along the range line to the southeast corner of townshiptwelve (12) north, range three (3) west; thence westerly along thetownship line to the southwest corner of said township; thence northerlyalong the range line to the northwest corner of said township; thencewesterly along the township line to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-five (35), township thirteen (13) north, range four (4) west;thence northerly along the section line to a point due west of thenorthwest corner of township fourteen (14) north, range three (3) west;thence easterly to the northeast corner of said township; thencesoutherly along the range line to the northwest corner of sectionnineteen (19), township thirteen (13) north, range two (2) west; thenceeasterly to the northeast corner of section twenty-four (24), saidtownship; thence northerly to the northwest corner of township thirteen(13) north, range one (1) west; thence easterly to the northeast cornerof said township, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing, or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 21st day of October, A. D. 1899, andof the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. A national custom dear to the hearts of the people calls for the settingapart of one day in each year as an occasion of special thanksgiving toAlmighty God for the blessings of the preceding year. This honoredobservance acquires with time a tenderer significance. It enrichesdomestic life. It summons under the family roof the absent children toglad reunion with those they love. Seldom has this nation had greater cause for profound thanksgiving. Nogreat pestilence has invaded our Shores. Liberal employment waits uponlabor. Abundant crops have rewarded the efforts of the husbandmen. Increased comforts have come to the home. The national finances havebeen strengthened, and public credit has been sustained and made firmer. In all branches of industry and trade there has been an unequaled degreeof prosperity, while there has been a steady gain in the moral andeducational growth of our national character. Churches and schools haveflourished. American patriotism has been exalted. Those engaged inmaintaining the honor of the flag with such signal success have been ina large degree spared from disaster and disease. An honorable peace hasbeen ratified with a foreign nation with which we were at war, and weare now on friendly relations with every power of earth. The trust which we have assumed for the benefit of the people of Cubahas been faithfully advanced. There is marked progress toward therestoration of healthy industrial conditions, and under wise sanitaryregulations the island has enjoyed unusual exemption from the scourge offever. The hurricane which swept over our new possession of Puerto Rico, destroying the homes and property of the inhabitants, called forth theinstant sympathy of the people of the United States, who were swift torespond with generous aid to the sufferers. While the insurrection stillcontinues in the island of Luzon, business is resuming its activity, andconfidence in the good purposes of the United States is being rapidlyestablished throughout the archipelago. For these reasons and countless others, I, William McKinley, Presidentof the United States, do hereby name Thursday, the thirtieth day ofNovember next, as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer, to beobserved as such by all our people on this continent and in our newlyacquired islands, as well as those who may be at sea or sojourning inforeign lands; and I advise that on this day religious exercises shallbe conducted in the churches or meeting-places of all denominations, inorder that in the social features of the day its real significance maynot be lost sight of, but fervent prayers may be offered to the MostHigh for a continuance of the Divine Guidance without which man'sefforts are vain, and for Divine consolation to those whose kindred andfriends have sacrificed their lives for country. I recommend also that on this day so far as may be found practicablelabor shall cease from its accustomed toil and charity abound toward thesick, the needy and the poor. In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the UnitedStates to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 25th day of October, A. D. 1899, andof the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by joint resolution "to provide for annexing the HawaiianIslands to the United States, " approved July 7, 1898, the cession by theGovernment of the Republic of Hawaii to the United States of America, ofall rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind in and over the HawaiianIslands and their dependencies, and the transfer to the United Statesof the absolute fee and ownership of all public, Government, orcrown lands, public buildings, or edifices, ports, harbors, militaryequipment, and all other public property of every kind and descriptionbelonging to the Government of the Hawaiian Islands, was duly accepted, ratified, and confirmed, and the said Hawaiian Islands and theirdependencies annexed as a part of the territory of the United States andmade subject to the sovereign dominion thereof, and all and singular theproperty and rights hereinbefore mentioned vested in the United Statesof America; and Whereas it was further provided in said resolution that the existinglaws of the United States relative to public lands shall not apply tosuch lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but the Congress of the UnitedStates shall enact special laws for their management and disposition;and Whereas it is deemed necessary in the public interests that certain lotsand plats of land in the city of Honolulu be immediately reserved fornaval purposes; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the authority in me vested, do hereby declare, proclaim, andmake known that the following described lots or plats of land be and thesame are hereby, subject to such legislative action as the Congress ofthe United States may take with respect thereto, reserved for navalpurposes, to wit: 1st. Esplanade lots Nos. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99. Beginning at the south corner of Richards street and Halekauwila street, which point is S. 30° 25' E. , 343. 6 feet from the east corner of the Hawaiian Electric Company building and run by the true Meridian: S. 30° 25' E. 304. 50 feet along Halekauwila street. S. 56° 49' W. 100. 12 feet along Mililani street. N. 30° 25' W. 300. 60 feet along Government Lots Nos. 112-100. N. 54° 34' E. 100. 38 feet along Richards street to the initial point. Area, 30, 255 square feet. 2d. Esplanade lots Nos. 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68. Beginning at the north corner of Alakea street and Allen street, as shown on Government Survey's Registered Map No. 1867, and running by true bearings: N. 30° 25' W. 200 feet along the northeast side of Allen street. N. 59° 35' E. 150 feet along the southeast side of Kilauea street. S. 30° 25' E. 200 feet along lots 62 and 69. S. 59° 35' W. 150 feet along the northwest side of Alakea street to the initial point. Area, 30, 000 square feet. 3d. Lot at east corner of Mililani and Halekauwila streets. Beginning at the east corner of Halekauwila and Mililani streets, as shown on Government Survey's Registered Map No. 1955, and running by true bearings: N. 56° 49' E. 110. 5 feet along Mililani street. S. 3° 52' E. 69. 5 feet along inner line of Waikahalulu water lots. S. 56° 49' W. 79. 5 feet along Bishop Estate land. N. 30° 25' W. 60. 5 feet along Halekauwila street to the initial point. Area, 5, 728 square feet. 4th. A plat of land in Kewalo-uka. Beginning at a point on the upper side of Punchbowl Drive, which is 863 feet south and 2, 817 feet east of Puowaina Trig. Station, as shown on Government Survey's Registered Map 1749, and running: N. 00° 10' W. True 630 feet along Punchbowl Drive. S. 57° 00' W. True 694 feet along Punchbowl Drive. Thence along Punchbowl Drive in a northeasterly direction 900 feet; thence due east 840 feet (more or less) to the boundary of the land of Kalawahine; thence along boundary of the land of Kalawahine 1040 feet (more or less) to south angle of said land; thence S. 78° 30' W. True 397 feet (more or less) to Punchbowl Drive: N. 84° 50' W. True 245 feet along Punchbowl Drive to initial point. Area 20 acres (more or less). 5th. Lots on Punchbowl Slope, Nos. 608, 609, and 610. Beginning at a point on the east side of Magazine street, 351. 5 feet above the concrete post marking the east corner of Spencer and Magazine streets, as shown on Government Survey's Registered Map No. 1749, and runs: N. 18° 10' E. True 150. 0 feet along Magazine street. N. 49° 12' E. True 226. 7 feet along Government land. S. 24° 11' E. True 91. 0 feet along Government Road Reserve. S. 77° 21' E. True 179. 5 feet along same. S. 13° 45' E. True 109. 8 feet along Government land to north angle of Gr. 3813 to Dr. Wood. S. 73° 30' W. True 121. 3 feet along Gr. 3814 to H. M. Dow. S. 76° 15' W. True 250. 0 feet along Grs. 3999 and 4000. N. 71° 50' W. True 102. 5 feet along Gr. 4000 to initial point. Area, 83, 588 square feet. 6th. Portion of reef of Kaakaukukui. Beginning at the Government Survey Station known as the "Battery" [delta] from which, Punchbowl [delta] bears N. 48° 18' 30" E. True and the lighthouse vane. N. 56° 14' W. Distant 1608. 1 feet and running as follows: N. 37° 40' W. True 760 feet along on the reef of Kaakaukukui. S. 39° 00' W. True 3100 feet along the southeast side of main channel to a depth of 20 feet of water (more or less). S. 9° 25' W. True 987 feet along the reef in about 20 feet of water. N. 52° 23' E. True 3585 feet along on the reef to a point on the seashore at high-water mark. N. 35° 00' W. True 182 feet along the shore at high-water mark. N. 5° 35' W. True 446 feet along Allen street extension to the southeast corner of the Battery wall. S. 87° 20' W. True 120 feet to the initial point. Area, 76-25/100 acres. 7th. Punchbowl street from Halekauwila street to Allen street. Beginning at the southwest corner of Halekauwila and Punchbowl streets, as shown on the Government blue print, and running in a westerly direction along the U. S. Naval Reservation 572 feet to Allen street, thence along Allen street 50 feet, thence in an easterly direction along the United States Naval Reservation 480 feet to land belonging to the Bishop Estate, thence 110 feet to the initial point. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 10th day of November, A. D. 1899, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section 13 of the act of Congress of March 3, 1891, entitled "An act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of theRevised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, " thatsaid act "shall only apply to a citizen or subject of a foreign stateor nation when such foreign state or nation permits to citizens of theUnited States of America the benefit of copyright on substantially thesame basis as its own citizens; or when such foreign state or nation isa party to an international agreement which provides for reciprocity inthe granting of copyright, by the terms of which agreement the UnitedStates of America may, at its pleasure, become a party to suchagreement;" and Whereas it is also provided by said section that "the existence ofeither of the conditions aforesaid shall be determined by the Presidentof the United States by proclamation made from time to time as thepurposes of this act may require;" and Whereas satisfactory official assurances have been given that in theKingdom of the Netherlands and in the Netherlands' possessions the lawpermits to citizens of the United States of America the benefit ofcopyright on substantially the same basis as to subjects of theNetherlands: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, do declare and proclaim that the first of the conditionsspecified in section 13 of the act of March 3, 1891, now exists and isfulfilled in respect to the subjects of the Netherlands. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 20th day of November, A. D. 1899, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. _To the People of the United States_: Garret Augustus Hobart, Vice-President of the United States, died at hishome in Paterson, New Jersey, at 8:30 o'clock this morning. In him theNation has lost one of its most illustrious citizens and one of its mostfaithful servants. His participation in the business life, and thelaw-making body of his native State was marked by unswerving fidelityand by a high order of talents and attainments; and his too brief careeras Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senateexhibited the loftiest qualities of upright and sagacious statesmanship. In the world of affairs he had few equals among his contemporaries. Hisprivate character was gentle and noble. He will long be mourned by hisfriends as a man of singular purity and attractiveness whose sweetnessof disposition won all hearts, while his elevated purposes, hisunbending integrity and whole-hearted devotion to the public gooddeserved and acquired universal respect and esteem. In sorrowing testimony of the loss which has fallen upon the country, I direct that on the day of the funeral the Executive Offices of theUnited States shall be closed and all posts and stations of the Armyand Navy shall display the national flag at half-mast, and that therepresentatives of the United States in foreign countries shall payappropriate tribute to the illustrious dead for a period of thirty days. In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the UnitedStates to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 21st day of November, A. D. 1899, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas The Olympic Forest Reserve, in the State of Washington, wasestablished by proclamation dated February 22d, 1897, under and byvirtue of section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March3rd, 1891, entitled, "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and forother purposes, " which provides, "That the President of the UnitedStates may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State orTerritory having public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved June4th, 1897, entitled, "An act making appropriations for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1898, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved June 4th, 1897, do hereby make known and proclaim that thereare hereby withdrawn and excluded from the aforesaid Olympic ForestReserve and restored to the public domain all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land particularly described as follows, to wit: Townships twenty-eight (28) north, ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen(14) west, Willamette Base and Meridian, Washington; fractional townshiptwenty-eight (28) north, range fifteen (15) west; sections one (1) toeighteen (18), both inclusive, townships twenty-nine (29) north, rangesthree (3), four (4) and five (5) west; sections four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7) and the north half of section eight (8), townshiptwenty-nine (29) north, range twelve (12) west; all of townshiptwenty-nine (29) north, range thirteen (13) west, except sectionsthirteen (13), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25) andtwenty-six (26); township twenty-nine (29) north, range fourteen (14)west; fractional township twenty-nine (29) north, range fifteen (15)west; sections one (1) to twelve (12), both inclusive, township thirty(30) north, range nine (9) west; sections twenty-seven (27) tothirty-four (34), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range ten(10) west; sections twenty-five (25) to thirty-six (36), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range eleven (11) west; sections seventeen(17) to thirty-six (36), both inclusive, township thirty (30) north, range twelve (12) west; townships thirty (30) north, ranges thirteen(13) and fourteen (14) west; and township thirty (30) north, rangefifteen (15) west. That the lands hereby restored to the public domain shall be open tosettlement from date hereof, but shall not be subject to entry, filingor selection until after ninety days notice by such publication as theSecretary of the Interior may prescribe. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 7th day of April, A. D. 1900, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by section one of the act of July 1, 1892 (27 Stat. , 62), entitled "An act to provide for the opening of a part of the ColvilleReservation, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes" it isprovided: "That subject to the reservations and allotment of lands in severalty tothe individual members of the Indians of the Colville Reservation in theState of Washington herein provided for, all the following describedtract or portion of said Colville Reservation, namely: Beginning at apoint on the eastern boundary line of the Colville Indian Reservationwhere the township line between townships thirty-four and thirty-fivenorth, of range thirty-seven east, of the Willamette meridian, ifextended west, would intersect the same, said point being in the middleof the channel of the Columbia river, and running thence west parallelwith the forty-ninth parallel of latitude to the western boundary lineof the said Colville Indian Reservation in the Okanagon river, thencenorth following the said western boundary line to the said forty-ninthparallel of latitude, thence east along the said forty-ninth parallelof latitude to the northeast corner of the said Colville IndianReservation, thence south following the eastern boundary of saidreservation to the place of beginning, containing by estimation onemillion five hundred thousand acres, the same being a portion of theColville Indian Reservation, created by executive order dated Julysecond, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be, and is hereby, vacated andrestored to the public domain, notwithstanding any executive order orother proceeding whereby the same was set apart as a reservation for anyIndians or bands of Indians, and the same shall be open to settlementand entry by the proclamation of the President of the United Statesand shall be disposed of under the general laws applicable to thedisposition of public lands in the State of Washington, " and Whereas it is provided by section three of said act, "That each entry man under the homestead laws shall, within fiveyears from the date of his original entry and before receiving a finalcertificate for the land covered by his entry, pay to the United Statesfor the land so taken by him in addition to fees provided by law the sumof one dollar and fifty cents per acre, one third of which shall be paidwithin two years after the date of the original entry; but the rightsof honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors, as defined anddescribed in sections twenty-three hundred and four and twenty-threehundred and five of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall notbe abridged, except as to the sum to be paid as aforesaid, " and Whereas by section six of said act it is provided: "That the land used and occupied for school purposes at what is knownas Tonasket school, on Bonaparte creek, and the site of the sawmill, gristmill, and other mill property on said reservation, is herebyreserved from the operation of this act, unless other lands are selectedin lieu thereof: _Provided_, That such reserve lands shall notexceed in the aggregate two sections, and must be selected in legalsubdivisions conformably to the public surveys, such selection to bemade by the Indian Agent of the Colville Agency, under the direction ofthe Secretary of the Interior and subject to his approval: _Provided, however_, That said Indians may, in lieu of said sites, or either ofthem, select other lands of equal quantity, for such purposes, eitheron the vacated or unvacated portions of said reservation, the sameto be designated in legal subdivisions by said Indian Agent, underthe direction of and subject to the approval of the Secretary of theInterior, in which case said first-designated tracts shall not be exemptfrom the operation of this act; such selection to be made and approvedwithin six months after the survey of said lands and the proclamation ofthe President, " and Whereas in a clause in the Indian Appropriation Act of July 1, 1898 (30Stat. , 571), it is provided: "That the mineral lands only in the Colville Indian Reservation, in theState of Washington, shall be subject to entry under the laws of theUnited States in relation to the entry of minerals lands: _Provided_, That lands allotted to the Indians or used by the Government for anypurpose or by any school shall not be subject to entry under thisprovision, " and in another clause that, "The Indian allotments in severalty provided for in said act shall beselected and completed at the earliest practicable time and not laterthan six months after the proclamation of the President opening thevacated portion of said reservation to settlement and entry, whichproclamation may be issued without awaiting the survey of the unsurveyedlands therein. Said allotments shall be made from lands which shallat the time of the selection thereof be surveyed, excepting that anyIndian entitled to allotment under said act who has improvements uponunsurveyed land may select the same for his allotment, whereupon theSecretary of the Interior shall cause the same to be surveyed andallotted to him. At the expiration of six months from the date of theproclamation by the President, and not before, the non-mineral landswithin the vacated portion of said reservation which shall not have beenallotted to Indians as aforesaid, shall be subject to settlement, entryand disposition under said act of July first, eighteen hundred andninety-two: _Provided_, That the land used and occupied for schoolpurposes at what is known as Tonasket school, on Bonaparte creek, andthe site of the sawmill, gristmill and other mill property on saidreservation, are hereby reserved from the operation of this act, unlessother lands are selected in lieu thereof as provided in section six ofthe aforesaid act of July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, " and Whereas, all the terms, conditions and considerations required by saidacts of July 1, 1892, and July 1, 1898, precedent to the issuance of theProclamation provided for therein, have been, as I hereby declare, complied with: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the statutes hereinbefore mentioned, do hereby declare and make known that all of said lands hereinbeforedescribed, restored by the said act of July 1, 1892, will, at and afterthe hour of twelve o'clock noon (Pacific standard time) six months fromdate hereof, to wit: the 10th day of October, nineteen hundred, and notbefore, be open to settlement and entry under the terms of and subjectto all the conditions, limitations, reservations and restrictionscontained in the statutes above specified, and the laws of the UnitedStates, applicable thereto, saving and excepting such tracts as havebeen or may be allotted to or reserved or selected for, the Indians, orother purposes, under the laws herein referred to. Sections sixteen and thirty-six in each township will be subject tosuch right of the State of Washington thereto as may be ascertained anddetermined by the land department in the administration of the grant oflands in place to that State for the support of common schools. The lands which have been allotted to the Indians are for greaterconvenience particularly described in the accompanying schedule, entitled "Schedule of lands allotted to the Indians in restored portionof Colville Reservation, Washington, and withheld from settlement andentry by proclamation of the President, dated April 10, 1900, " and whichschedule is made a part hereof. Notice, moreover, is hereby given that it is by law enacted that atthe expiration of six months from the date of the proclamation by thePresident, and not before, the non-mineral lands within the vacatedportion of said reservation which shall not have been allotted to orreserved or selected for the Indians, or for other purposes, shall besubject to settlement, entry and disposition under said act of July 1, 1892; and all persons are hereby warned from attempting to makesettlement on any of said lands prior to the date fixed for the openinghereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 10th day of April, A. D. 1900, andof the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ SCHEDULE OF LANDS ALLOTTED TO THE INDIANS IN RESTORED PORTION OF COLVILLE RESERVATION, WASHINGTON, AND WITHHELD FROM SETTLEMENT AND ENTRY BY PROCLAMATION OF THE PRESIDENT, DATED APRIL 10, 1900. _Township 35 North, Range 31 East_. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a large fir tree blazed on N. Side being S. E. Cor. Thence due N. 20 chains set post and made a mound thence due west 40 chains set post and made mound thence S. 20 chains set post being S. W. Cor. Thence due E. 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 11 or 12. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at N. W. Cor. Of 198 due W. 40 chains set post being S. E. Cor. Thence due N. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 10 or 11. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a post and mound at N. W. Cor. Thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains set post S. E. Cor. Thence due N. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 6 or 7. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. W. Cor. Of 200 thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due N. 20 chains, being N. E. Cor. Thence due W. 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 6 or 7. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Of 201 thence due S. 40 chains being S. W. Cor. Thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due N. 20 chains thence due W. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains to point of beginning, in section 7 or 8. _Township 35 North, Range 32 East_. A tract of land described as follows: Set post and made mound for N. E. Cor. Thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains set post and made mound thence due N. 20 chains set post made a mound thence due E. 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 7 or 8. _Township 35 North, Range 36 East. _ SE 1/4, Sec. 24; NE 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 NE 1/4, Sec. 25. _Township 35 North, Range 37 East. _ E 1/2 SE 1/4, Sec. 9; lots 3, 4 and 5 of Sec. 10; lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 15; NE 1/4 SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Sec. 16; E 1/2 NE 1/4, of Sec. 19; W 1/2 NW 1/4, W 1/2 SW 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and lots 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 20; NW 1/4, W 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2 and 4 of Sec. 29; E. NE 1/4, NW 1/4 and S. 1/2 Sec. 30; NE 1/4 and lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 31; NE 1/4 NW 1/4, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 32. _Township 36 North, Range 28 East. _ A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a mound and stake run due north 20 chains thence due west 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at NE Cor. Of 188 run due N. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains to N. W. Cor. 188 thence due E. 40 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at N. W. Cor. Of 188 thence due W. 40 chains set post thence due N. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains to N. W. Cor. Of 189 thence due S. 20 chains to the point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at N. W. Cor. Of 190 thence due N. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains to N. E. Cor. Of 190 thence due W. 20 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at N. W. Cor. Of 191 thence due N. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains to N. E. Cor. Of 191 thence due W. 40 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at N. W. Cor. 190 thence due W. 20 chains set post thence due N. 40 chains set post thence due E. 20 chains to N. W. Cor. 192 thence due S. 40 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Sec. 32, Tp. 37, R. 28 run due S. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains made rock mound thence due N. 20 chains to quarter Sec. Cor. Of Sec. 33 on Tp. Line, thence due W. 40 chains on Tp. Line to point of beginning. _Township 36 North, Range 29 East_. A tract of land described as follows: Set post and made mound thence due N. 20 chains set post thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 9. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning on ninth standard parallel at quarter Cor. Of Sec. 33 thence due S. 40 chains set post thence due W. 20 chains set post thence due N. 40 chains set post thence due E. On the 9th standard parallel 20 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. W. Cor. Of 215 on ninth standard parallel thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains set post thence due N. 20 chains to place of beginning, in section 4 or 5. _Township 36 North, Range 30 East_. E 1/2 of NW 1/4, W 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 33; SW 1/4 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4, W 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 34. _Township 36 North, Range 32 East. _ NE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 1; NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 2; E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 11; NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 12; W 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 13; E 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 14; NE 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 23; W 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 26; E 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 35. _Township 36 North, Range 33 East. _ W 1/2 of E 1/2 of NW 1/4 and W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 1; E 1/2 of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 2; NE 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, E 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 4; N 1/2 NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 of Sec. 5; N 1/2 NE 1/4; SW 1/4 NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of Sec. 6. _Township 36 North, Range 37 East. _ SW 1/4 SE 1/4 and lot 4 of Sec. 22; lot 1 of Sec. 26; W 1/2 NE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 27; SE 1/4 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 33; NW 1/4 NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Sec. 34; and lot 1 of Sec. 35. _Township 37 North, Range 27 East. _ E 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 1; SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and lots 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 3, the E 1/2 NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 of Sec. 12, The W 1/2 of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Sec. 16; Lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 20, W 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 21. _Township 37 North, Range 28 East. _ W 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 NW 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4, lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Sec. 6; N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 7; NW 1/4 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4, Sec. 9; S 1/2 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Sec. 25; S 1/2 of Sec. 32; S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 33, N 1/2 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 of Sec. 36. _Township 37 North, Range 29 East. _ N 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 27, lot 4 of Sec. 30, E 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and lot 1 of Sec. 31; S 1/2 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Sec. 32, W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 33. _Township 37 North, Range 30 East. _ W 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 1, E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 2; SE 1/4 of Sec. 3; S 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 8; S 1/2 NE 1/4 and S 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 9; N 1/2 NE 1/4 and N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 10. _Township 37 North, Range 33 East. _ Lots 8 and 9, Sec. 5; Lots 3, 5, 12 and 13 of Sec. 8; E 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and lots 1, 4, 7 and 8 of Sec. 17; NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and E 1/2 of Sec. 20; SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 21; NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4 and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 29; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 30; NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec. 31; NW 1/4 NE 1/4, N 1/2 NW 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 32; SE 1/4 and S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 33; E 1/2 SE 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 34; W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 35. _Township 37 North, Range 37 East. _ Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Sec. 1; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and lot 1 of Sec. 2; S 1/2 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 3; NW 1/4 SE 1/4 and lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Sec. 4; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and lot 1 of Sec. 5; W 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Sec. 9; N 1/2 NE 1/4, Sec. 10; SW 1/4 of Sec. 13; S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 14; SW 1/4 NW 1/4, W 1/2 SW 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 15; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 16. S 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 NW 1/4, NW 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and N 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 22; E 1/2 NW 1/4, SW 1/4 NW 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 and lots 1 and 2 and E 1/2 of Sec. 23; S 1/2 SE 1/4 and S 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 24; N 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 25; N 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Sec. 26; S 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 and lots 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 of Sec. 27; Lots 1, 5, 7, 8, and 12 of Sec. 28, W 1/2 NE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Sec. 33. _Township 37 North, Range 38 East. _ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Sec. 18; Lots 1, 3 and 4 of Sec. 19. _Township 38 North, Range 27 East. _ SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and lot 6 of Sec. 2; Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 of Sec. 3; Lots 4, 5, and 6 of Sec. 11; SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and lots 7 and 8 of Sec. 14; Lot 3 of Sec. 22; W 1/2 NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Sec. 23; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and lot 7 of Sec. 27; E 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4 and lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Sec. 34. _Township 38 North, Range 28 East. _ S 1/2 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 10; SW 1/4 of Sec. 11; N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 14; N 1/2 NE 1/4 and N 1/2 NW 1/4, Sec. 15; NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec. 16; SW 1/4 of Sec. 26; W 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 31. _Township 38 North, Range 29 East. _ S 1/2 NW 1/4 and lots 2, 3, and 4 of Sec. 4; NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4 and lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 5; E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 6. _Township 38 North, Range 30 East. _ E 1/2 SW 1/4 and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 25; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 26; E 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 35; W 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 36. _Township 38 North, Range 32 East. _ E 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 25; W 1/2 NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec. 36. _Township 38 North, Range 33 East. _ W 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 1; S 1/2 NE 1/4 and lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 2; lot 4 of Sec. 3; lot 1 of Sec. 4; S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 9; S 1/2 NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 15; NE 1/4 of Sec. 16; S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 21; N 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 22; S 1/2 SE 1/4, Sec. 26; N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 27; N 1/2 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4, SE 1/4 and Lot 1 of Sec. 28; SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 30; NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec. 31; and N 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 35. _Township 38 North, Range 37 East. _ S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 4; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 5; NE 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 8; Sec. 9; SE 1/4 NE 1/4, W 1/2 NW 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 10; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 11; S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 12; E 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 NW 1/4 and lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 13; E 1/2 NE 1/4, SW 1/4 NE 1/4, W 1/2 NW 1/4, SE 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 14; Sec. 15; E 1/2, NW 1/4 and N 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 16; N 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 17; E 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and lot 5 of Sec. 21; NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4, and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 22; N 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 and S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 23; NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 and lot 5 of Sec. 25; SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and E 1/2 of Sec. 26; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 27; NW 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Sec. 28; SW 1/4 NE 1/4 and lots 3, 4, and 5 of Sec. 29; W 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8 of Sec. 33; N. E. 1/4 NE 1/4, and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec 35; lots 1, 2, and 3 of Sec. 36. _Township 38 North, Range 38 East. _ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Sec. 8; lot 5 of Sec. 19; and lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 30. _Township 39 North, Range 27 East. _ Lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 10; N 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 2, 3, 5, and 6 of Sec. 15; lots 5 and 6 of Sec. 16; E 1/2 NW 1/4, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and lots 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of Sec. 22; SE 1/4 and lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Sec. 27; lots 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of Sec. 34. _Township 39 North, Range 28 East. _ NE 1/4 NE 1/4, S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Sec. 1; E 1/2 of Sec. 12; and SE 1/4 of Sec. 36. _Township 39 North, Range 29 East. _ W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 3; SE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of Sec. 4; N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 5; W 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 6; W 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 7; N 1/2, SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 9; S 1/2 NW 1/4, and SW 1/4 of Sec 10; W 1/2 SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec 15; S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 33. _Township 39 North, Range 30 East. _ S 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 4; E 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 8; N 1/2 NE 1/4 and N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 9. _Township 39 North, Range 31 East. _ A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at a stake marked "I. A. " ran north at variation of 22° 30' E. Forty chains and set post at N. W. Corner of claim thence east 20 chains and set N. E. Corner thence south 40 chains setting S. E. Corner thence west 20 chains to point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at N. W. Corner of No. 12 thence east 10 chains to S. W. Corner of allotment No. 13 thence due north 20 chains and set post thence due east 10 chains and set post thence due north 20 chains and set post thence due east 20 chains and set post thence due south 20 chains and set post thence due west 10 chains and set post thence due south 20 chains and set post thence due west 20 chains to S. W. Corner of allotment No. 13. A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at N. W. Cor. Of No. 13, thence due east 10 chains and set post; thence due N. 20 chains and set post; thence due E. 10 chains and set post; thence due N. 20 chains and set post, thence due E. 20 chains and set post; thence due S. 20 chains and set post thence due W 10 chains and set post thence due S. 20 chains and set post thence due W. 20 chains to the S. W. Corner of allotment No. 14. A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at N. W. Corner of No. 14 thence due north 40 chains and set post thence due east 20 chains and set post thence due S. 40 chains and set post thence due west 20 chains on line between Nos. 14 & 15 to place of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at the N. W. Corner of No. 15, thence due east 10 chains and set post thence due north 40 chains and set post, thence due east 20 chains and set post, thence due south 40 chains set post for S. E. Corner thence due west 20 chains to S. W. Corner of No. 16. _Township 39 North, Range 32 East. _ SW 1/4 NE 1/4, N 1/2 NW 1/4 and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 of Sec. 2. _Township 39 North, Range 33 East_. SW 1/4 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 2; lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 9; Lot 1 of Sec. 10; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Sec. 11; N 1/2 of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of Sec. 12; N 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 13; S 1/2 NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, SW 1/4 and lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Sec. 14; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and lots 1, 2, and 4 of Sec. 15; NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and lots 1, 5, and 6 of Sec. 16; NW 1/4 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 of Sec. 17; W 1/2 Sec. 23; W 1/2 Sec. 24; W 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 26; SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 29; SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 33; SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 34; E 1/2 of Sec. 35. _Township 39 North, Range 36 East. _ SW 1/4 NE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 11, N. 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 13; S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 14. _Township 39 North, Range 37 East. _ SE 1/4 of Sec 8; S 1/2 NE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 16; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Sec. 17; N 1/2 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 20; NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec 21; NW 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 29. _Township 39 North, Range 38 East. _ SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 12; W 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 13; S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 14; NW 1/4 of Sec. 23. _Township 39 North, Range 39 East. _ Lots 5, 6, and 7 of Sec. 2; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 7; SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec 8; SW 1/4 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 9; W 1/2 NE 1/4, E 1/2 NW 1/4, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and lot 3 of Sec. 16; E 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 17; NE 1/4 NE 1/4, SE 1/4, and E 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 18. _Township 40 North, Range 27 East. _ E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 11; SW 1/4 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 12; NW 1/4 of Sec. 13; E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 14; W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, NW 1/4, W 1/2 of W 1/2 of SE 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4, and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 15; lot 5 of Sec. 21; NE 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SW 1/4 SE 1/4, S 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 2, 3, and 4 of Sec. 22; W 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 27. _Township 40 North, Range 28 East. _ S 1/2 SE 1/4 and lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 19; SW 1/4 of Sec. 35. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a stone monument on the international line, being the N. W. Cor. Of allotment 116, thence running due east on boundary line 40 chains set post at N. E. Cor. Thence due S. 20 chains set post marked "I. A. " being S. E. Cor. Thence due W. 40 chains set post at S. W. Cor. Thence due N. 20 chains to the point of beginning, in section 2 or 3. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. W. Cor. Of 116 thence due E. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 116 thence due S. 20 chains and set post being S. E. Cor. Of 117 thence due W. 40 chains and set post at S. W. Cor. Of allotment 117 thence due N. 20 chains to place of beginning being N. W. Cor. Of No. 117. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. W. Cor. Of 117 thence due E. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of No. 117 thence due S. 20 chains to S. E. Cor. No. 118 and set post "I. A. " thence due W. 40 chains to S. W. Cor. Of No. 118 and set post "I. A. " thence due N. 20 chains to point of beginning being N. W. Cor. Of 118. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. W. Cor. 118 thence due E. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 118 thence due S. 20 chains to S. E. Cor. 119 and set post "I. A. " thence due W. 40 chains to S. W. Cor. Of 119 and set post thence due N. 20 chains to N. W. Cor. Or point of beginning. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Of 116 thence due E. 40 chains to N. E. Cor. Of 122 and set post "I. A. " thence S. 20 chains to S. E. Cor. And set post thence due W. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of No. 117 being S. W. Cor. Of No. 122 thence due N. 20 chains to point of beginning, in Sec. 2 or 3. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Of 117 thence due E. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 122 thence due south 20 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 123 set post "I. A. " thence due W. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 118 thence due N. 20 chains to point of beginning, in section 2 or 3. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at boundary line N. E. Cor. Of No. 116 thence due E. On boundary line 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains to N. E. Cor. Of 122 thence due W. On line between 122 & 222 to N. W. Cor. Of 122 thence N. 20 chains to place of beginning, in section 1 or 2. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at N. E. Cor. Of 222 on boundary line thence due E. 40 chains set post thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 222 thence due N. 20 chains to place of beginning, in section 1 or 2. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Of 223 thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains to N. E. Cor. Of 123 thence due N. 20 chains to N. E. Of 122 thence due E. 40 chains between line of 223 and 224 to place of beginning, in section 1 or 2. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Of 224 thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 123 thence due N. 20 chains to S. W. Cor. Of 224 thence due E. 40 chains between line 224 & 225 to place of beginning, in section 1 or 2. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at S. E. Cor. Of 225 thence due S. 20 chains set post thence due W. 40 chains set post thence due N. 20 chains to S. W. Cor. 225 thence due E. 40 chains on line between 225 & 226 to point of beginning, in section 1 or 2. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning on boundary line at N. E. Cor. Of 223 thence on boundary line due E. 20 chains set post thence due S. 40 chains set post thence due W. 20 chains to S. E. Cor. Of 224 thence due N. 40 chains to place of beginning, in section 1 or 2. _Township 40 North, Range 29 East. _ A tract of land described as follows: Set post on International boundary line being N. E. Cor. Of 120 thence due S. 20 chains to S. E. Cor. And set post "I. A. " thence due W. 40 chains and set post being S. W. Cor. Of 120 thence due N. 20 chains to boundary line set post "I. A. " being N. W. Cor. Thence on boundary line 40 chains to point of beginning, in section 5 or 6. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at SE 1/4 of 120 thence due S. 20 chains to S. E. Cor. And set post "I. A. " thence W. 40 chains to S. W. Cor. And set post thence due N. 20 chains to N. W. Cor. Thence due East 40 chains to point of beginning, Sec. 5 or 6. NE 1/4 and S 1/2 of Sec. 32; S. 1/2 SE 1/4 and S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 33. _Township 40 North, Range 30 East. _ E 1/2 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 3; W 1/2 W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 15; NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and all that part of the S 1/2 of S 1/2 of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 lying south and east of Myers creek, all that part of S 1/2 NE 1/4 lying east of Myers creek, and all that part of the NW 1/4 SE 1/4 lying east of Myers creek and all that part of the S 1/2 SE 1/4 lying east of Myers creek in Sec. 16; W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4, and all that part of W 1/2 SW 1/4 lying east of Myers creek except one acre in Reno Quartz claim of Sec. 21; S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 25; S 3/4 of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, S 3/4 of E 1/2 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4; S 3/4 of E 1/2 of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4; E 3/4 of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4, SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 and N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 28; W 1/2 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 29; S 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 30; E 1/2 NE 1/4 and W 1/2 NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec. 32; S 1/2 NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, W 1/2 of W 1/2 of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 33. _Township 40 North, Range 31 East. _ S 1/2 NE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 25. _Township 40 North, Range 32 East. _ E 1/2 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Sec. 9; SW 1/4 NE 1/4 S 1/2 NW 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of Sec. 10; W 1/2 of W 1/2 of NE 1/4, W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and all that part of W 1/2 NW 1/4 lying east of Kettle river, and all that part of NE 1/4 NW 1/4 lying east of Kettle river of Sec. 15; the E 1/2 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and all that part of SE 1/4 SE 1/4 lying east of Kettle river in Sec. 16; lot 5 and all that part of the NW 1/4 SW 1/4, W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4, and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 lying east of Kettle river in Sec. 22; lot 1, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4, all of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4, SW 1/4 SW 1/4, and SW 1/4 NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 lying east of Kettle river in Sec. 26; E 1/2 of NW 1/4, E 1/2 SW 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Sec. 27; lot 3 of Sec. 30; E 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, E 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 34; W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and all that part of SW 1/4 SW 1/4 lying east of Kettle river. _Township 40 North, Range 33 East. _ SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 12; NE 1/4 NE 1/4, W 1/2 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 13. _Township 40 North, Range 34 East. _ S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and lots 1, 2 and 3 of Sec. 1; E 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 3, 6, 7, 8 and 11 of Sec. 3; SW 1/4 NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Sec. 4; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 5; SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 7; E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 8; E 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4 and lots 1, 4 and 6 of Sec. 9; N 1/2 NW 1/4, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 10; SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 13; S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 14; NW 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 of Sec. 15; E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec. 17; NW 1/4 NW 1/4 of Sec. 18; SW 1/4 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 19; N 1/2 NE 1/4, Sec. 23; NW 1/4 NE 1/4 and lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 30. _Township 40 North, Range 35 East. _ N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and lots 3, 4 and N 1/2 of lot 5 of Sec. 6. _Township 40 North, Range 39 East. _ SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 25; SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and lot 1 of Sec. 35; NE 1/4 NE 1/4, SW 1/4 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 36. _Township 40 North, Range 40 East. _ SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 11; NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec. 19; S 1/2 NE 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4 and S 1/2 of Sec. 20; S 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and lot 1 of Sec. 21; lots 2 and 3 of Sec. 22, lot 2 of Sec. 28; NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 29; E 1/2 NE 1/4, SW 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 NW 1/4 and lot 1 of Sec. 30; lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 31. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March 3, 1891, entitled, "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That the President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territoryhaving public land bearing forests, in any part of the public landswholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether ofcommercial value or not, as public reservations, and the Presidentshall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of suchreservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approvedJune 4, 1897 entitled, "An act making appropriations for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, andfor other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" And whereas the public lands in the State of Wyoming, within the limitshereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appearsthat the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reservingsaid lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress, dohereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the ForestReservation in the State of Wyoming, known as "The Big Horn ForestReserve, " created by proclamation of February 22, 1897, are hereby sochanged and enlarged as to include all those certain tracts, pieces orparcels of land lying and being situate in the State of Wyoming, andwithin the boundaries particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of township forty-eight (48) north, range eighty-four (84) west, sixth (6th) principal meridian, Wyoming;thence northerly to the northeast corner of said township; thenceeasterly along the twelfth (12th) standard parallel north to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-three (33), township forty-nine (49)north, range eighty-three (83) west; thence northerly along the sectionline to the northeast corner of section four (4), township fifty (50)north, range eighty-three (83) west; thence westerly to the northeastcorner of section two (2), township fifty (50) north, range eighty-four(84) west, thence northerly along the section line, allowing for theproper offset on the thirteenth (13th) standard parallel north, to thenortheast corner of section fourteen (14), township fifty-three (53)north, range eighty-four (84) west, thence westerly to the northeastcorner of section fourteen (14), township fifty-three (53) north, rangeeighty-five (85) west; thence northerly to the northeast corner ofsection two (2), said township; thence westerly to the northeast cornerof section two (2), township fifty-three (53) north, range eighty-six(86) west; thence northerly to the northeast corner of section two (2), township fifty-four (54) north, range eighty-six (86) west; thencewesterly to the southeast corner of township fifty-five (55) north, range eighty-seven (87) west; thence northerly to the northeast cornerof said township; thence westerly to the northwest corner of saidtownship; thence southerly to the southwest corner of said township;thence westerly to the northwest corner of township fifty-four (54)north, range eighty-eight (88) west; thence northerly along the rangeline, allowing for the proper offset on the fourteenth (14th) standardparallel north, to the point of intersection with the boundary linebetween the States of Wyoming and Montana; thence westerly along saidstate boundary line to its intersection with the range line betweenranges ninety-two (92) west, and ninety-three (93) west; thencesoutherly along said range line, allowing for the proper offset on thefourteenth (14th) standard parallel north, to the northwest corner oftownship fifty-four (54) north, range ninety-two (92) west; thenceeasterly to the northeast corner of said township; thence southerly tothe southeast corner of said township; thence easterly to the northeastcorner of township fifty-three (53) north, range ninety-one (91) west;thence southerly to the southeast corner of said township; thenceeasterly along the thirteenth (13th) standard parallel north to thenorthwest corner of township fifty-two (52) north, range eighty-eight(88) west; thence southerly along the range line to the northwest cornerof township fifty (50) north, range eighty-eight (88) west; thenceeasterly to the northwest corner of section three (3), said township;thence southerly along the section line to the southwest corner ofsection thirty-four (34), township forty-nine (49) north, rangeeighty-eight (88) west; thence easterly along the twelfth (12th)standard parallel north to the northwest corner of township forty-eight(48) north, range eighty-seven (87) west; thence southerly to thesouthwest corner of said township; thence easterly along the townshipline to the southeast corner of township forty-eight (48) north, rangeeighty-four (84) west, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired; _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 29th day of June, A. D. 1900, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas the German Government has entered into a Commercial Agreementwith the United States in conformity with the provisions of the thirdsection of the Tariff Act of the United States approved July 24, 1897, by which agreement in the judgment of the President reciprocal andequivalent concessions are secured in favor of the products of theUnited States: Therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of the UnitedStates of America, acting under the authority conferred by said act ofCongress, do hereby suspend during the continuance in force of saidagreement the imposition and collection of the duties imposed by thefirst section of said act upon the articles hereinafter specified, beingthe products of the soil and industry of Germany; and do declare inplace thereof the rates of duty provided in the third section of saidact to be in force and effect from and after the date of thisproclamation, as follows, namely: "Upon argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, five _per centumad valorem_. "Upon brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grainor other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. "Upon still wines, and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon;in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containingeach not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-fourbottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar andtwenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities foundin such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents perpint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional dutyshall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs. "Upon paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and statuary, fifteen _per centum ad valorem_" of which theofficers and citizens of the United States will take due notice. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 13th day of July, A. D. 1900, and ofthe Independence of the United States of America the one hundred andtwenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas His Majesty the King of Italy has entered into a reciprocalCommercial Agreement with the United States of America pursuant to andin accordance with the provisions of section 3 of the Tariff Act of theUnited States approved July 24, 1897, which agreement is in the Englishtext in the words and figures following, to wit: The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Italy, mutually desirous to improve the commercial relations between the two countries by a Special Agreement relative thereto, have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries for that purpose, namely: The President of the United States of America, the Honorable John A. Kasson, Special Commissioner Plenipotentiary, etc. , and His Majesty the King of Italy, His Excellency the Baron S. Fava, Senator of the Kingdom, his Ambassador at Washington, etc. , Who being duly empowered thereunto have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I. It is agreed on the part of the United States, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the third section of the Tariff Act of the United States approved July 24, 1897, and in consideration of the concessions hereinafter made on the part of Italy in favor of the products and manufactures of the United States, that the existing duties imposed upon the following articles, being the product of the soil or industry of Italy, imported into the United States shall be suspended during the continuance in force of this agreement, and in place thereof the duties to be assessed and collected thereon shall be as follows, namely: On argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees; crude, five _per centum ad valorem_. On brandies, or other spirits manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. On still wines, and vermuth, in casks, thirty-five cents per gallon; in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs. On paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and statuary, fifteen _per centum ad valorem_. ARTICLE II. It is reciprocally agreed on the part of Italy, in consideration of the provisions of the foregoing article, that so long as this convention shall remain in force the duties to be assessed and collected on the following described merchandise, being the product of the soil or industry of the United States, imported into Italy shall not exceed the rates hereinafter specified, namely: Upon lire per quintal. Cotton seed oil 21. 50 fish, pickled or in oil, excluding the tunny, preserved in boxes or barrels, sardines and anchovies 15. 00 other fish, preserved 25. 00 agricultural machinery 9. 00 detached parts of agricultural machinery: (1) of cast iron 10. 00 (2) of other iron or steel 11. 00 scientific instruments: (a) of copper, bronze, brass, or steel: (1) with spy-glasses or microscopes, or graduated scales or circles, spy-glasses for use on land, monocles, binocles, lenses, detached and mounted 30. 00 (2) not provided with any optical instrument, nor with graduated scales or circles 30. 00 (b) of all kinds, in the construction of which iron is evidently predominant 30. 00 dynamo-electrical machines: (1) the weight of which exceeds 1000 kilograms 16. 00 (2) weighing 1000 kilograms or less 25. 00 detached parts of dynamo-electrical machines 25. 00 sewing machines: (1) with stands 25. 00 (2) without stands 30. 00 varnishes, not containing spirits nor mineral oils 20. 00 The following articles shall be admitted free of duty: Turpentine oil. Natural fertilizers of all kinds. Skins, crude, fresh, or dried, not suitable for fur; and fur skins ARTICLE III. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Italian Parliament. When such approval shall have been given, and official notification shall have been given to the United States Government of His Majesty's ratification, the President shall publish his proclamation, giving full effect to the provisions contained in Article I of this agreement. From and after the date of such proclamation this agreement shall be in full force and effect, and shall continue in force until the expiration of the year 1903, and if not denounced by either party one year in advance of the expiration of said term shall continue in force until one year from the time when one of the high contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to arrest the operation thereof. In witness whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this agreement, in duplicate, in the English and Italian texts, and have affixed thereunto our respective seals. Done at Washington, this 8th day of February, A. D. 1900. JOHN A. KASSON. [SEAL. ] FAVA. [SEAL. ] And whereas said convention has been duly ratified on the part of HisMajesty the King of Italy, official notice whereof has been received bythe President, Now, therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of theUnited States of America, acting under the authority conferred by saidact of Congress, do hereby suspend during the continuance in force ofsaid agreement the imposition and collection of the duties mentionedin the first section of said act and heretofore collected upon thespecified articles of Italian origin as described in said agreement, and do declare in place thereof the rates of duty provided in the thirdsection of said act as recited in said agreement to be in full forceand effect from and after the date of this Proclamation, of which theofficers and citizens of the United States will take due notice. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 18th day of July, A. D. 1900, and ofthe Independence of the United States of America the one hundred andtwenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March 3rd, 1891, entitled, "An act to repeal timber-culturelaws, and for other purposes, " "That the President of the United Statesmay, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territoryhaving public land bearing forests, in any part of the public landswholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether ofcommercial value or not, as public reservations, and the Presidentshall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of suchreservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas the public lands in the State of Wyoming, within the limitshereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appearsthat the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reservingsaid lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the State of Wyoming and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of township fifteen (15) north, rangeseventy-one (71) west, sixth (6th) principal meridian, Wyoming; thencewesterly along the township line to the northwest corner of sectionthree (3), township fifteen (15) north, range seventy-two (72) west;thence southerly to the southwest corner section thirty-four (34), saidtownship; thence easterly to the southeast corner of said section;thence southerly to the southwest corner of section eleven (11), township fourteen (14) north, range seventy-two (72) west; thenceeasterly to the southeast corner of section twelve (12), said township;thence southerly to the southwest corner of section thirty (30), township fourteen (14) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thenceeasterly to the southeast corner of section twenty-five (25), saidtownship; thence northerly along the range line to the northeast cornerof township fifteen (15) north, range seventy-one (71) west, the placeof beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired: _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. The reservation hereby established shall be known as The Crow CreekForest Reserve. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 10th day of October, A. D. 1900, andof the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. _To the People of the United States_: In the fullness of years and honors, John Sherman, lately Secretary ofState, has passed away. Few among our citizens have risen to greater or more deserved eminencein the national councils than he. The story of his public life andservices is as it were the history of the country for half a century. In the Congress of the United States he ranked among the foremost in theHouse, and later in the Senate. He was twice a member of the ExecutiveCabinet, first as Secretary of the Treasury, and afterwards as Secretaryof State. Whether in debate during the dark hours of our civil war, or as the director of the country's finances during the period ofrehabilitation, or as a trusted councilor in framing the nation's lawsfor over forty years, or as the exponent of its foreign policy, hiscourse was ever marked by devotion to the best interests of his belovedland, and by able and conscientious effort to uphold its dignity andhonor. His countrymen will long revere his memory and see in him a typeof the patriotism, the uprightness and the zeal that go to molding andstrengthening a nation. In fitting expression of the sense of bereavement that afflicts theRepublic, I direct that on the day of the funeral the Executive Officesof the United States display the national flag at half mast and that theRepresentatives of the United States in foreign countries shall pay inlike manner appropriate tribute to the illustrious dead for a period often days. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 22d day of October, A. D. 1900, andof the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred andtwenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. It has pleased Almighty God to bring our nation in safety and honorthrough another year. The works of religion and charity have everywherebeen manifest. Our country through all its extent has been blessed withabundant harvests. Labor and the great industries of the people haveprospered beyond all precedent. Our commerce has spread over the world. Our power and influence in the cause of freedom and enlightenmenthave extended over distant seas and lands. The lives of our officialrepresentatives and many of our people in China have been marvelouslypreserved. We have been generally exempt from pestilence and other greatcalamities; and even the tragic visitation which overwhelmed the city ofGalveston made evident the sentiments of sympathy and Christian charityby virtue of which we are one united people. Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart Thursday, the 20th of November next, tobe observed by all the people of the United States, at home or abroad, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Him who holds the nations in thehollow of His hand. I recommend that they gather in their several placesof worship and devoutly give Him thanks for the prosperity wherewith Hehas endowed us, for seed-time and harvest, for the valor, devotion andhumanity of our armies and navies, and for all His benefits to us asindividuals and as a nation; and that they humbly pray for thecontinuance of His Divine favor, for concord and amity with othernations, and for righteousness and peace in all our ways. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 29th day of October, A. D. 1900, andof the Independence of the United States the one hundred andtwenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas public interests require that the Senate of the United States beconvened at 12 o'clock on the 4th day of March next, to receive suchcommunications as may be made by the Executive: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasionrequires the Senate of the United States to convene at the Capitol inthe city of Washington on the 4th day of March next, at 12 o'clock noon, of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act asmembers of that body are hereby required to take notice. [SEAL. ] Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, at Washington, the 23d day of February, A. D. 1901, and of the Independence of theUnited States the one hundred and twenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, March 14, 1901_. _To the People of the United States_: Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States from 1889 to 1893, died yesterday at 4:45 P. M. , at his home in Indianapolis. In his deaththe country has been deprived of one of its greatest citizens. Abrilliant soldier in his young manhood, he gained fame and rapidadvancement by his energy and valor. As a lawyer he rose to be a leaderof the bar. In the Senate he at once took and retained high rank as anorator and legislator; and in the high office of President he displayedextraordinary gifts as administrator and statesman. In public and inprivate life he set a shining example for his countrymen. In testimony of the respect in which his memory is held by theGovernment and people of the United States, I do hereby direct that theflags on the Executive Mansion and the several Departmental buildings bedisplayed at half staff for a period of thirty days; and that suitablemilitary and naval honors, under the orders of the Secretaries of Warand of the Navy, be rendered on the day of the funeral. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of March, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States of America the one hundred andtwenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas The Washington Forest Reserve, in the State of Washington, wasestablished by proclamation dated February 22d, 1897, under and byvirtue of section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1891, entitled, "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for otherpurposes, " which provides, "That the President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territoryhaving public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approved June4th, 1897, entitled, "An act making appropriations for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1898, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved June 4th, 1897, do hereby make known and proclaim that thereare hereby withdrawn and excluded from the aforesaid Washington ForestReserve and restored to the public domain all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land particularly described as follows to wit: The southwest quarter of section three (3), sections four (4) and five(5), the east half of section nine (9), the west half of section ten(10), the south half of section thirteen (13), the south half of sectionfourteen (14), section fifteen (15), the north half and southeastquarter of section twenty-three (23), sections twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25) and thirty-six (36), all in township thirty-five (35)north, range twenty (20) east, Willamette Meridian; what will be whensurveyed the south half of township thirty-two (32) north, rangetwenty-one (21) east; what will be when surveyed the north half oftownship thirty-three (33) north, range twenty-one (21) east; townshipsthirty-four (34) and thirty-five (35) north, range twenty-one (21) east;townships thirty-one (31) to thirty-four (34), both inclusive, rangetwenty-two (22) east; what will be when surveyed sections thirty (30), thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32) of township thirty-five (35) north, range twenty-two (22) east. That the lands hereby restored to the public domain shall be open tosettlement from date hereof, but shall not be subject to entry, filingor selection until after ninety days' notice by such publication as theSecretary of the Interior may prescribe. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 3rd day of April, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, by Executive Order dated December 27, 1875, sections 8 and 9, township 15 south, range 2 east, San Bernardino meridian, California, were with certain other tracts of land withdrawn from the public domainand reserved for the use of the Capitan Grande band or village ofMission Indians; and Whereas the Commission appointed under the provisions of the act ofCongress approved January 12, 1891, entitled "An act for the relief ofthe Mission Indians in the State of California" (U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 26, page 712), selected for the said Capitan Grande band or villageof Indians certain tracts of land intentionally omitted and excludedfrom such selection the said sections 8 and 9, township 15 south, range2 east, and reported that the tracts thus omitted included the landsupon which were found the claims of Arthur F. Head and others; and Whereas, the report and recommendations of the said Commission wereapproved by Executive Order dated December 29, 1891, which order alsodirected that "All of the lands mentioned in said report are herebywithdrawn from settlement and entry until patents shall have issuedfor said selected reservations and until the recommendations of saidCommission shall be fully executed, and, by the proclamation of thePresident of the United States, the lands or any part thereof shallbe restored to the public domain;" and Whereas a patent was issued March 10, 1894, to the said Indians for thelands selected by the Commission as aforesaid and which patent alsoexcluded the said sections 8 and 9, township 15 south, range 2 east; and Whereas it appears that the said Arthur F. Head cannot make therequisite filings on the land occupied by him until it shall have beenformally restored to the public domain, and that no good reason appearsto exist for the further reservation of the said sections for the saidband of Indians; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested, do hereby declare and make known thatthe Executive Orders dated December 27, 1875, and December 29, 1891, areso far modified as to except from their provisions sections 8 and 9 oftownship 15 south, range 2 east, San Bernardino meridian, and the saidsections are hereby restored to the public domain. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 16th day of April, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ PROCLAMATION. Whereas the act of Congress entitled "An act to ratify and confirm anagreement with the Muscogee or Creek tribe of Indians and for otherpurposes, " approved on the 1st day of March, 1901, contains a provisionas follows: That the agreement negotiated between the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes and the Muscogee or Creek tribe of Indians, at the city of Washington on the 8th day of March, nineteen hundred, as herein amended, is hereby accepted, ratified, and confirmed, and the same shall be of full force and effect when ratified by the Creek national council. The principal chief, as soon as practicable after the ratification of this agreement by Congress, shall call an extra session of the Creek national council and lay before it this agreement and the act of Congress ratifying it, and if the agreement be ratified by said council, as provided in the constitution of said nation, he shall transmit to the President of the United States the act of council ratifying the agreement, and the President of the United States shall thereupon issue his proclamation declaring the same duly ratified, and that all the provisions of this agreement have become law according to the terms thereof: _Provided_, That such ratification by the Creek national council shall be made within ninety days from the approval of this act by the President of the United States, And whereas the principal chief of the said tribe has transmitted tome an act of the Creek national council entitled "An act to ratify andconfirm an agreement between the United States and the Muscogee Nationof Indians of the Indian Territory" approved the 25th day of May, 1901, which contains a provision as follows: That said agreement, amended, ratified and confirmed by the Congress of the United States, as set forth in said act of Congress approved March 1, 1901, is hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed on the part of the Muscogee Nation and on the part of the Muscogee or Creek tribe of Indians constituting said Nation, as provided in said act of Congress and as provided in the Constitution of said Nation, and the Principal Chief is hereby authorized to transmit this act of the National Council ratifying said agreement to the President of the United States as provided in said act of Congress. And whereas paragraph thirty-six of said agreement contains a provisionas follows: This provision shall not take effect until after it shall have been separately and specifically approved by the Creek national council and by the Seminole general council; and if not approved by either, it shall fail altogether, and be eliminated from this agreement without impairing any other of its provisions. And whereas there has been presented to me an act of the Creek nationalcouncil entitled "An act to disapprove certain provisions, relating toSeminole citizens, in the agreement between the Muscogee Nation and theUnited States, ratified by Congress March 1, 1901, " approved the 25thday of May, 1901, by which the provisions of said paragraph thirty-sixare specifically disapproved: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, dohereby declare said agreement, except paragraph thirty-six thereof, dulyratified and that all the provisions thereof, except said paragraphthirty-six which failed of ratification by the Creek national council, became law according to the terms thereof upon the 25th day of May, 1901. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington, this 25th day of June, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: DAVID J. HILL, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, in the State of Oregon, was established by proclamation dated September 28, 1893, under andby virtue of section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approvedMarch 3, 1891, entitled, "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, andfor other purposes, " which provides, "That the President of the UnitedStates may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State orTerritory having public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approvedJune 4, 1897, entitled, "An act making appropriations for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, and for other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized atany time to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafterbe made establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved June 4, 1897, do hereby make known and proclaim that there ishereby reserved from entry or settlement, and added to and made a partof the aforesaid Cascade Range Forest Reserve, all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate in the State of Oregonand particularly described as follows, to wit: The south half (S. 1/2) of township one (1) south, townships two (2)south, three (3) south, and four (4) south, range eleven (11) east, Willamette Meridian; township five (5) south, ranges nine (9) and ten(10) east; and so much of township six (6) south, ranges nine (9) andten (10) east, as lies north of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired: _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 1st day of July, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fifth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: DAVID J. HILL, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March 3rd, 1891, entitled "An act to repeal timber-culturelaws, and for other purposes, " "That the President of the United Statesmay, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territoryhaving public land bearing forests, in any part of the public landswholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether ofcommercial value or not, as public reservations, and the Presidentshall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of suchreservations and the limits thereof. " And whereas the public lands in the Territory of Oklahoma, within thelimits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and itappears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart andreserving said lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a public reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the Territory of Oklahoma and particularly described asfollows, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of township three (3) north, rangefourteen (14) west, Indian Meridian, Territory of Oklahoma; thence northalong the township line to the northeast corner of section twenty-four(24), township three (3) north, range fourteen (14) west; thence easton the section line to the southeast corner of section thirteen (13), township three (3) north, range thirteen (13) west; thence north alongthe range line between ranges twelve (12) and thirteen (13) west, tothe northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section twelve (12), township three (3) north, range thirteen (13) west; thence west tothe southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twelve (12), township three (3) north, range thirteen (13) west; thence north to thesouthwest corner of section one (1), township three (3) north, rangethirteen (13) west; thence west along the section line between sectionstwo (2) and eleven (11), to the southwest corner of section two (2), township three (3) north, range thirteen (13) west; thence north alongthe section line between sections two (2) and three (3) to the southeastcorner of the northeast quarter of section three (3), township three (3)north, range thirteen (13) west; thence west along the center line ofsections three (3), four (4), five (5), and six (6), to the southwestcorner of the northwest quarter of section six (6), township three (3)north, range thirteen (13) west; thence north along the range linebetween ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) west to the northeastcorner of section one (1), township three (3) north, range fourteen (14)west; thence west along the township line between townships three (3)and four (4) north to the northwest corner of section two (2), townshipthree (3) north, range fourteen (14) west; thence north to the northeastcorner of section thirty-four (34), township four (4) north, rangefourteen (14) west; thence west to the northwest corner of sectionthirty-four (34), township four (4) north, range fourteen (14) west;thence north to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of sectiontwenty-one (21), township four (4) north, range fourteen (14) west;thence west to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of sectiontwenty (20), township four (4) north, range fourteen (14) west; thencenorth to the northeast corner of section eighteen (18), township four(4) north, range fourteen (14) west; thence west to the northwest cornerof section seventeen (17), township four (4) north, range fifteen (15)west; thence south to the southwest corner of section twenty-nine (29), township four (4) north, range fifteen (15) west; thence east to thesoutheast corner of section twenty-nine (29), township four (4) north, range fifteen (15) west; thence south to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township four (4) north, range fifteen (15) west;thence east to the southeast corner of said section thirty-three (33), township four (4) north, range fifteen (15) west; thence south to thesouthwest corner of the northwest quarter of section ten (10), townshipthree (3) north, range fifteen (15) west; thence east to the southeastcorner of the northeast quarter of said section ten; thence south to thesouthwest corner of section twenty-six (26), township three (3) north, range fifteen (15) west; thence east to the southeast corner of saidsection twenty-six (26); thence south to the southwest corner of thenorthwest quarter of section thirty-six (36), township three (3) north, range fifteen (15) west; thence east to the center of sectionthirty-three (33), township three (3) north, range fourteen (14) west;thence south to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of saidsection thirty-three (33); thence east along the township line betweentownships two (2) and three (3) north to the southeast corner oftownship three (3) north, range fourteen (14) west, the place ofbeginning. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. The reservation hereby established shall be known as the Wichita ForestReserve. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 4th day of July, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: DAVID J. HILL _Acting Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by an agreement between the Wichita and affiliated bands ofIndians on the one part, and certain commissioners of the United Stateson the other part, ratified by act of Congress approved March 2, 1895(28 Stat. , 876, 894), the said Indians ceded, conveyed, transferred andrelinquished, forever and absolutely, without any reservation whatever, unto the United States of America, all their claim, title and interestof every kind and character in and to the lands embraced in thefollowing described tract of country now in the Territory of Oklahoma, to wit: Commencing at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Washita River, where the ninety-eighth meridian of west longitude crosses the same, thence up the middle of the main channel of said river to the line of 98° 40' west longitude, thence on said line of 98° 40' due north to the middle of the channel of the main Canadian River, thence down the middle of the said main Canadian River to where it crosses the ninety-eighth meridian, thence due south to the place of beginning. And whereas, in pursuance of said act of Congress ratifying saidagreement, allotments of land in severalty have been regularly made toeach and every member of said Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians, native and adopted, and the lands occupied by religious societies orother organizations for religious or educational work among the Indianshave been regularly allotted and confirmed to such societies andorganizations, respectively; And whereas, by an agreement between the Comanche, Kiowa and Apachetribes of Indians on the one part, and certain commissioners of theUnited States on the other part, amended and ratified by act ofCongress, approved June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. , 672, 676), the said Indiantribes, subject to certain conditions which have been duly performed, ceded, conveyed, transferred, relinquished and surrendered forever andabsolutely, without any reservation whatsoever, expressed or implied, unto the United States of America, all their claim, title and interestof every kind and character in and to the lands embraced in thefollowing described tract of country now in the Territory of Oklahoma, to wit: Commencing at a point where the Washita River crosses the ninety-eighth meridian west from Greenwich; thence up the Washita River, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to a point thirty miles, by river, west of Fort Cobb, as now established; thence due west to the north fork of Red River, provided said line strikes said river east of the one-hundredth meridian of west longitude; if not, then only to said meridian line, and thence due south, on said meridian line, to the said north Fork of Red River; thence down said north fork, in the middle of the main channel thereof, from the point where it may be first intersected by the lines above described, to the main Red River; thence down said Red River, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to its intersection with the ninety-eighth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich; thence north, on said meridian line, to the place of beginning. And whereas, in pursuance of said act of Congress ratifying theagreement last named, allotments of land in severalty have beenregularly made to each member of said Comanche, Kiowa and Apachetribes of Indians; the lands occupied by religious societies or otherorganizations for religious or educational work among the Indianshave been regularly allotted and confirmed to such societies andorganizations, respectively; and the Secretary of the Interior, out ofthe lands ceded by the agreement last named, has regularly selected andset aside for the use in common for said Comanche, Kiowa and Apachetribes of Indians, four hundred and eighty thousand acres of grazinglands; And whereas, in the act of Congress ratifying the said Wichitaagreement, it is provided-- That whenever any of the lands acquired by this agreement shall, by operation of law or proclamation of the President of the United States, be open to settlement, they shall be disposed of under the general provisions of the homestead and townsite laws of the United States: _Provided_, That in addition to the land-office fees prescribed by statute for such entries the entryman shall pay one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the land entered at the time of submitting his final proof: _And provided further_, That in all homestead entries where the entryman has resided upon and improved the land entered in good faith for the period of fourteen months he may commute his entry to cash upon the payment of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre: _And provided further_, That the rights of honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors of the late civil war, as defined and described in sections twenty-three hundred and four and twenty-three hundred and five of the Revised Statutes, shall not be abridged: _And provided further_, That any qualified entryman having lands adjoining the lands herein ceded, whose original entry embraced less than one hundred and sixty acres, may take sufficient land from said reservation to make his homestead entry not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres in all, said land to be taken upon the same conditions as are required of other entrymen: _Provided_, That said lands shall be opened to settlement within one year after said allotments are made to the Indians. * * * * * That the laws relating to the mineral lands of the United States are hereby extended over the lands ceded by the foregoing agreement. And whereas in the act of Congress ratifying the said Comanche, Kiowaand Apache agreement, it is provided-- That the lands acquired by this agreement shall be opened to settlement by proclamation of the President within six months after allotments are made and be disposed of under the general provisions of the homestead and townsite laws of the United States: _Provided_, That in addition to the land office fees prescribed by statute for such entries the entryman shall pay one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the land entered at the time of submitting his final proof: _And provided further_, That in all homestead entries where the entryman has resided upon and improved the land entered in good faith for the period of fourteen months he may commute his entry to cash upon the payment of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre: _And provided further_, That the rights of honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors of the late civil war, as defined and described in sections twenty-three hundred and four and twenty-three hundred and five of the Revised Statutes shall not be abridged: _And provided further_, That any person who, having attempted to but for any cause failed to secure a title in fee to a homestead under existing laws, or who made entry under what is known as the commuted provision of the homestead law shall be qualified to make a homestead entry upon said lands: _And provided further_, That any qualified entryman having lands adjoining the lands herein ceded, whose original entry embraced less than one hundred and sixty acres in all, shall have the right to enter so much of the lands by this agreement ceded lying contiguous to his said entry as shall, with the land already entered, make in the aggregate one hundred and sixty acres, said land to be taken upon the same conditions as are required of other entrymen: _And provided further_, That the settlers who located on that part of said lands called and known as the "neutral strip" shall have preference right for thirty days on the lands upon which they have located and improved. * * * * * That should any of said lands allotted to said Indians, or opened to settlement under this act, contain valuable mineral deposits, such mineral deposits shall be open to location and entry, under the existing mining laws of the United States, upon the passage of this act, and the mineral laws of the United States are hereby extended over said lands. And whereas, by the act of Congress approved January 4, 1901 (31 Stat. , 727), the Secretary of the Interior was authorized to extend, for aperiod not exceeding eight months from December 6, 1900, the time formaking allotments to the Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache Indians and openingto settlement the lands so ceded by them; And whereas, in pursuance of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1901(31 Stat. , 1093), the Secretary of the Interior has regularly subdividedthe lands so as aforesaid respectively ceded to the United States by theWichita and affiliated bands of Indians and the Comanche, Kiowa, andApache tribes of Indians into counties, attaching portions thereof toadjoining counties in the Territory of Oklahoma, has regularlydesignated the place for the county seat of each new county, hasregularly set aside and reserved at such county seat land for a townsiteto be disposed of in the manner provided by the act of Congress lastnamed, and has regularly caused to be surveyed, subdivided, and plattedthe lands so set aside and reserved for disposition as such townsites; And whereas, by the act of Congress last named, it is provided: The lands to be opened to settlement and entry under the acts of Congress ratifying said agreements respectively shall be so opened by proclamation of the President, and to avoid the contests and conflicting claims which have heretofore resulted from opening similar public lands to settlement and entry, the President's proclamation shall prescribe the manner in which these lands may be settled upon, occupied, and entered by persons entitled thereto under the acts ratifying said agreements, respectively; and no person shall be permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said lands except as prescribed in such proclamation until after the expiration of sixty days from the time when the same are opened to settlement and entry. And whereas, by the act of Congress last named the President wasauthorized to establish two additional United States land districts andland offices in the Territory of Oklahoma to include the lands so cededas aforesaid, which land districts and land offices have beenestablished by an order of even date herewith; And whereas all of the conditions required by law to be performed priorto the opening of said tracts of land to settlement and entry have been, as I hereby declare, duly performed; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States ofAmerica, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby declareand make known that all of the lands so as aforesaid ceded by theWichita and affiliated bands of Indians, and the Comanche, Kiowa, andApache tribes of Indians, respectively, saving and excepting sectionssixteen, thirty-six, thirteen, and thirty-three in each township, andall lands located or selected by the Territory of Oklahoma as indemnityschool or educational lands, and saving and excepting all lands allottedin severalty to individual Indians, and saving and excepting all landsallotted and confirmed to religious societies and other organizations, and saving and excepting the lands selected and set aside as grazinglands for the use in common for said Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache tribesof Indians, and saving and excepting the lands set aside and reserved ateach of said county seats for disposition as townsites, and saving andexcepting the lands now used, occupied, or set apart for military, agency, school, school farm, religious, Indian cemetery, wood reserve, forest reserve, or other public uses, will, on the 6th day of August, 1901, at 9 o'clock A. M. , in the manner herein prescribed and nototherwise, be opened to entry and settlement and to disposition underthe general provisions of the homestead and townsite laws of the UnitedStates. Commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. , Wednesday, July 10, 1901, and ending at6 o'clock P. M. , Friday, July 26, 1901, a registration will be had atthe United States land offices at El Reno and Lawton, in the Territoryof Oklahoma (the office at Lawton to occupy provisional quartersin the immediate vicinity of Fort Sill, Oklahoma Territory, untilsuitable quarters can be provided at Lawton), for the purpose ofascertaining what persons desire to enter, settle upon, and acquiretitle to any of said lands under the homestead law and of ascertainingtheir qualifications so to do. The registration at each office will befor both land districts, but at the time of registration each applicantwill be required to elect and state in which district he desires to makeentry. To obtain registration each applicant will be required to showhimself duly qualified to make homestead entry of these lands underexisting laws and to give the registering officer such appropriatematters of description and identity as will protect the applicant andthe government against any attempted impersonation. Registration cannotbe effected through the use of the mails or the employment of an agent, excepting that honorably discharged soldiers and sailors entitled to thebenefits of section 2304 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by the act of Congress approved March 1, 1901 (31 Stat. , 847), may present their applications for registration and due proofs oftheir qualifications through an agent of their own selection, but noperson will be permitted to act as agent for more than one such soldieror sailor. No person will be permitted to register more than once orin any other than his true name. Each applicant who shows himself dulyqualified will be registered and given a non-transferable certificateto that effect, which will entitle him to go upon and examine the landsto be opened hereunder in the land district in which he elects to makehis entry; but the only purpose for which he may go upon and examinesaid lands is that of enabling him later on, as herein provided, tounderstandingly select the lands for which he will make entry. No onewill be permitted to make settlement upon any of said lands in advanceof the opening herein provided for, and during the first sixty daysfollowing said opening no one but registered applicants will bepermitted to make homestead settlement upon any of said lands, and thenonly in pursuance of a homestead entry duly allowed by the local landofficers or of a soldier's declaratory statement duly accepted by suchofficers. The order in which, during the first sixty days following the opening, the registered applicants will be permitted to make homestead entry ofthe lands opened hereunder, will be determined by drawings for both theEl Reno and Lawton districts publicly held at the United States landoffice at El Reno, Oklahoma, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. , Monday, July29, 1901, and continuing for such period as may be necessary to completethe same. The drawings will be had under the supervision and immediateobservation of a committee of three persons whose integrity is such asto make their control of the drawing a guaranty of its fairness. Themembers of this committee will be appointed by the Secretary of theInterior, who will prescribe suitable compensation for their services. Preparatory to these drawings the registration officers will, at thetime of registering each applicant who shows himself duly qualified, make out a card, which must be signed by the applicant, stating the landdistrict in which he desires to make homestead entry, and giving such adescription of the applicant as will enable the local land officers tothereafter identify him. This card will be at once sealed in a separateenvelope, which will bear no other distinguishing label or mark thansuch as may be necessary to show that it is to go into the drawing forthe land district in which the applicant desires to make entry. Theseenvelopes will be separated according to land districts and will becarefully preserved and remain sealed until opened in the course of thedrawing as herein provided. When the registration is completed all ofthese sealed envelopes will be brought together at the place of drawingand turned over to the committee in charge of the drawing, who, in suchmanner as in their judgment will be attended with entire fairness andequality of opportunity, shall proceed to draw out and open the separateenvelopes and to give to each enclosed card a number in the order inwhich the envelope containing the same is drawn. While the drawings forthe two districts will be separately conducted they will occur as nearlyat the same time as is practicable. The result of the drawing for eachdistrict will be certified by the committee to the officers of thedistrict and will determine the order in which the applicants may makehomestead entry of said lands and settlement thereon. Notice of the drawings stating the name of each applicant and numberassigned to him by the drawing will be posted each day at the placeof drawing, and each applicant will be notified of his number by apostal-card mailed to him at the address, if any, given by him at thetime of registration. Each applicant should, however, in his own behalfemploy such measures as will insure his obtaining prompt and accurateinformation of the order in which his application for homestead entrycan be presented as fixed by the drawing. Applications for homesteadentry of said lands during the first sixty days following the openingcan be made only by registered applicants and in the order establishedby the drawing. At each land office, commencing Tuesday, August 6, 1901, at 9 o'clock A. M. , the applications of those drawing numbers 1 to 125, inclusive, for that district must be presented and will be consideredin their numerical order during the first day, and the applicationsof those drawing numbers 126 to 250, inclusive, must be presented andwill be considered in their numerical order during the second day, and so on at that rate until all of said lands subject to entry underthe homestead law, and desired thereunder, have been entered. If anyapplicant fails to appear and present his application for entry when thenumber assigned to him by the drawing is reached, his right to enterwill be passed until after the other applications assigned for that dayhave been disposed of, when he will be given another opportunity to makeentry, failing in which he will be deemed to have abandoned his right tomake entry under such drawing. To obtain the allowance of a homesteadentry each applicant must personally present the certificate ofregistration theretofore issued to him, together with a regularhomestead application and the necessary accompanying proofs, and withthe regular land office fees, but an honorably discharged soldier orsailor may file his declaratory statement through the agent representinghim at the registration. The production of the certificate ofregistration will be dispensed with only upon satisfactory proof ofits loss or destruction. If at the time of considering his regularapplication for entry it appears that any applicant is disqualified frommaking homestead entry of these lands his application will be rejected, notwithstanding his prior registration. If any applicant shall registermore than once hereunder, or in any other than his true name, or shalltransfer his registration certificate he will thereby lose all thebenefits of the registration and drawing herein provided for, and willbe precluded from entering or settling upon any of said lands during thefirst sixty days following said opening. Because of the provision in the said act of Congress approved June 6, 1900: "That the settlers who located on that part of said lands calledand known as the 'neutral strip' shall have preference right for thirtydays on the lands upon which they have located and improved, " the saidlands in the "neutral strip" shall for the period of thirty days aftersaid opening be subject to homestead entry and townsite entry only bythose who have heretofore located upon and improved the same, and whoare accorded a preference right of entry for thirty days as aforesaid. Persons entitled to make entry under this preference right will bepermitted to do so at any time during said period of thirty daysfollowing the opening without previous registration, and without regardto the drawing herein provided for, and at the expiration of that periodthe lands in said "neutral strip" for which no entry shall have beenmade will come under the general provisions of this proclamation. The intended beneficiaries of the provision in the said acts ofCongress, approved, respectively, March 2, 1895, and June 6, 1900, whichauthorizes a qualified entryman having lands adjoining the ceded lands, whose original entry embraced less than 160 acres, to enter so muchof the ceded lands as will make his homestead entry contain in theaggregate not exceeding 160 acres, may obtain such an extension of hisexisting entry, without previous registration and without regard to thedrawing herein provided for, only by making appropriate application, accompanied by the necessary proofs, at the proper new land office atsome time prior to the opening herein provided for. Any person or persons desiring to found, or to suggest establishinga townsite upon any of said ceded lands at any point not in the nearvicinity of either of the county seats therein heretofore selected anddesignated as aforesaid, may, at any time before the opening hereinprovided for, file in the proper local land office a written applicationto that effect describing by legal subdivisions the lands intended to beaffected, and stating fully and under oath the necessity or propriety offounding or establishing a town at that place. The local officers willforthwith transmit said petition to the Commissioner of the General LandOffice with their recommendation in the premises. Such Commissioner, ifhe believes the public interests will be subserved thereby, will, if theSecretary of the Interior approve thereof, issue an order withdrawingthe lands described in such petition, or any portion thereof, fromhomestead entry and settlement and directing that the same be held forthe time being for townsite settlement, entry, and disposition only. In such event the lands so withheld from homestead entry and settlementwill, at the time of said opening and not before, become subject tosettlement, entry, and disposition under the general townsite lawsof the United States. None of said ceded lands will be subject tosettlement, entry, or disposition under such general townsite lawsexcept in the manner herein prescribed until after the expiration ofsixty days from the time of said opening. Attention is hereby especially called to the fact that under the specialprovisions of the said act of Congress approved March 3, 1901, thetownsites selected and designated at the county seats of the newcounties into which said lands have been formed cannot be disposed ofunder the general townsite laws of the United States, and can only bedisposed of in the special manner provided in said act of Congress, which declares: The lands so set apart and designated shall, in advance of the opening, be surveyed, subdivided, and platted, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, into appropriate lots, blocks, streets, alleys, and sites for parks or public buildings, so as to make a townsite thereof: _Provided_, That no person shall purchase more than one business and one residence lot. Such town lots shall be offered and sold at public auction to the highest bidder, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, at sales to be had at the opening and subsequent thereto. All persons are especially admonished that under the said act ofCongress approved March 3, 1901, it is provided that no person shallbe permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said ceded landsexcept in the manner prescribed in this proclamation until after theexpiration of sixty days from the time when the same are opened tosettlement and entry. After the expiration of the said period of sixtydays, but not before, any of said lands remaining undisposed of may besettled upon, occupied and entered under the general provisions of thehomestead and townsite laws of the United States in like manner as ifthe manner of effecting such settlement, occupancy and entry had notbeen prescribed herein in obedience to law. It appearing that there are fences around the pastures into which, forconvenience, portions of the ceded lands have heretofore been divided, and that these fences are of considerable value and are still theproperty of the Indian tribes ceding said lands to the United States, all persons going upon examining, entering or settling upon any ofsaid lands are cautioned to respect such fences as the property of theIndians and not to destroy, appropriate, or carry away the same, butto leave them undisturbed so that they may be seasonably removed andpreserved for the benefit of the Indians. The Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe all needful rules andregulations necessary to carry into full effect the opening hereinprovided for. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 4th day of July, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. [SEAL. ] WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: DAVID J. HILL, _Acting Secretary of State_. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Olympic Forest Reserve, in the State of Washington, wasestablished by proclamation dated February 22, 1897, under and by virtueof section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March 3, 1891, entitled "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, "which provides, "That the President of the United States may, from timeto time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having publiclands bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in partcovered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas it is further provided by the act of Congress, approvedJune 4, 1897, entitled, "An act making appropriations for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, andfor other purposes, " that "The President is hereby authorized at anytime to modify any executive order that has been or may hereafter bemade establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification mayreduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or mayvacate altogether any order creating such reserve;" under whichprovision, certain lands were withdrawn and excluded from the saidforest reserve by proclamation dated April 7, 1900; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved June 4, 1897, do hereby make known and proclaim that theboundary lines of the aforesaid Olympic Forest Reserve are herebyfurther changed so as to read as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of township twenty-one (21) north, range five (5) west, Willamette Meridian, Washington; thence northerlyto the southeast corner of section twenty-five (25), townshiptwenty-three (23) north, range five (5) west, thence westerly to thesouthwest corner of said section; thence northerly to the northwestcorner of said section; thence westerly to the southwest corner ofsection twenty-three (23), said township; thence northerly to thenorthwest corner of said section; thence westerly to the southwestcorner of section fifteen (15), said township; thence northerly to thenorthwest corner of section ten (10), said township; thence easterlyto the northeast corner of section twelve (12), said township; thencenortherly to the northwest corner of township twenty-three (23) north, range four (4) west; thence easterly to the northeast corner of saidtownship; thence northerly to the northwest corner of townshiptwenty-four (24) north, range three (3) west; thence easterly to thenortheast corner of said township; thence northerly to the southwestcorner of township twenty-eight (28) north, range two (2) west; thenceeasterly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of sectionthirty-three (33), said township; thence northerly along thequarter-section lines to the northeast corner of the northwest quarterof section twenty-one (21), township twenty-nine (29) north, range two(2) west; thence westerly along the section lines to the point for thesouthwest corner of section eighteen (18), township twenty-nine (29)north, range five (5) west; thence northerly to the northwest cornerof said township; thence westerly to the southeast corner of townshipthirty (30) north, range eight (8) west; thence northerly to thenortheast corner of section twenty-five (25), said township; thencewesterly to the southwest corner of section twenty (20), said township;thence northerly to the northeast corner of section eighteen (18), saidtownship; thence westerly to the point for the northeast corner ofsection thirteen (13), township thirty (30) north, range ten (10) west;thence northerly to the northeast corner of said township; thencewesterly to the northwest corner of township thirty (30) north, rangeeleven (11) west; thence southerly to the southwest corner of sectionnineteen (19), said township; thence easterly to the southwest corner ofsection twenty-three (23), township thirty (30) north, range ten (10)west; thence southerly to the southwest corner of section thirty-five(35), said township; thence westerly to the northeast corner of sectionthree (3), township twenty-nine (29), range eleven (11) west; thencesoutherly to the point for the northeast corner of section twenty-seven(27), said township; thence westerly to the point for the northwestcorner of section thirty (30), said township; thence southerly to thesouthwest corner of said township; thence westerly to the northwestcorner of township twenty-eight (28), range twelve (12) west; thencesoutherly to the southwest corner of said township; thence easterly tothe northeast corner of township twenty-seven (27) north, range eleven(11) west; thence southerly to the southeast corner of section one (1), said township; thence westerly to the northwest corner of section ten(10), township twenty-seven (27) north, range twelve (12) west; thencesoutherly to the southwest corner of section fifteen (15), saidtownship; thence easterly to the southwest corner of section thirteen(13), said township; thence southerly to the southwest corner of sectiontwenty-four (24), said township; thence easterly to the northeast cornerof section twenty-five (25), township twenty-seven (27) north, rangeeleven (11) west; thence southerly to the southeast corner of saidtownship; thence westerly to the southwest corner of said township;thence southerly to the southwest corner of township twenty-five (25)north, range eleven (11) west; thence easterly to the northeast cornerof township twenty-four (24) north, range eleven (11) west; thencesoutherly to the southeast corner of said township; thence westerlyalong the township line to its point of intersection with the northboundary of the Quinaielt Indian Reservation; thence southeasterly alongthe north boundary of said Indian Reservation to the eastern point ofsaid reservation and southwesterly along the east boundary thereof tothe point of intersection with the township line between townshipstwenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22) north; thence easterly to thenortheast corner of township twenty-one (21) north, range ten (10) west;thence southerly to the southeast corner of section one (1), saidtownship; thence easterly to the southwest corner of section six (6), township twenty-one (21) north, range eight (8) west; thence southerlyto the southwest corner of section eighteen (18), said township; thenceeasterly to the southeast corner of section sixteen (16), said township;thence northerly to the northeast corner of section four (4), saidtownship; thence easterly to the northeast corner of section six (6), township twenty-one (21) north, range seven (7) west; thence southerlyto the southeast corner of said section; thence easterly to thenortheast corner of section twelve (12), said township; thence southerlyto the southeast corner of said section; thence easterly to thenortheast corner of section sixteen (16), township twenty-one (21)north, range six (6) west; thence northerly to the point for thenortheast corner of section nine (9), said township; thence easterly tothe southwest corner of section six (6), township twenty-one (21) north, range five (5) west; thence northerly to the northwest corner of saidtownship; thence easterly to the northeast corner of said township, theplace of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired: _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entry-man, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing, or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the lands reserved by this proclamation. That the lands hereby restored to the public domain shall be open tosettlement from date hereof, but shall not be subject to entry, filing, or selection until after ninety days' notice by such publication as theSecretary of the Interior may prescribe. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 15th day of July, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. [SEAL. ] WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State_. [CESSATION OF TARIFF--PORTO RICO. ] Whereas, by an act of Congress, approved April 12, 1900, entitled"an Act Temporarily to Provide Revenues and a Civil Government forPorto Rico and for other Purposes, " it was provided that, "wheneverthe legislative assembly of Porto Rico shall have enacted and put intooperation a system of local taxation to meet the necessities of thegovernment of Porto Rico, by this act established, and shall by resolutionduly passed so notify the President, he shall make proclamation thereof, and thereupon all tariff duties on merchandise and articles going intoPorto Rico from the United States or coming into the United Statesfrom Porto Rico shall cease, and from and after such date all suchmerchandise and articles shall be entered at the several ports ofentry free of duty;" and Whereas by the same act it was provided, "that as soon as a civilgovernment for Porto Rico shall have been organized in accordance withthe provisions of this act, and notice thereof shall have been given tothe President, he shall make proclamation thereof, and thereafter allcollections of duties and taxes in Porto Rico under the provisions ofthis act shall be paid into the treasury of Porto Rico, to be expendedas required by law for the government and benefit thereof, instead ofbeing paid into the Treasury of the United States;" and Whereas the legislative assembly of Porto Rico has enacted and put intooperation a system of local taxation to meet the necessities of thegovernment of Porto Rico as aforesaid, and has passed and caused to becommunicated to me the following resolution: A Joint Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, notifying the President of the United States that the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico has enacted and put into operation a system of local taxation to meet the necessities of the Government of Porto Rico, established by act of Congress, entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues and a Civil Government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes, " duly approved April 12th, 1900: _Be it Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico_: Whereas: A civil government for Porto Rico has been fully and completely organized in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes, " duly approved April 12th, 1900, and: Whereas: It was provided by the terms of said act of Congress, that whenever the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico shall have enacted and put into operation a system of local taxation to meet the necessities of the Government of Porto Rico, by the aforesaid act established, and shall by resolution duly passed so notify the President, he shall make proclamation thereof, and thereupon all tariff duties on merchandise and articles going into Porto Rico from the United States, or coming into the United States from Porto Rico shall cease, and from and after such date all such merchandise and articles shall be entered at the several ports of entry free of duty: Now therefore: The Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico in extraordinary session duly called by the Governor and held at San Juan, the Capital, on July 4th, A. D. 1901, acting pursuant to the authority and power in it vested by the provisions of the said act of Congress above referred to, does hereby notify the President of the United States that by virtue of an act of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, entitled, "An act to provide revenue for the people of Porto Rico, and for other purposes, " duly approved January 31st, A. D. 1901, and of other acts of the Legislative Assembly duly enacted at the first session of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, duly held at San Juan, Porto Rico, commencing December 3rd, 1900, and ending January 31st, A. D. 1901, it has enacted and put into operation a system of local taxation to meet the necessities of the Government of Porto Rico, by the aforesaid act of Congress established. The Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico hereby directs that a copy of this joint resolution be presented to the President of the United States, and hereby requests the Governor of Porto Rico to deliver the same to the President, to the end that proclamation may be made by him according to the provisions of the said act of Congress, and if it shall seem wise and proper to the President, that such proclamation may issue on the 25th day of July, the said day being a legally established holiday in Porto Rico commemorating the anniversary of the coming of the American flag to the Island. WILLIAM H. HUNT, _President of the Executive Council_. MAN. F. ROSSY, _Speaker of the House of Delegates_. Approved, July 4th, A. D. 1901. CHAS. H. ALLEN, _Governor_. Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, inpursuance of the provisions of law above quoted, and upon the foregoingdue notification, do hereby issue this my proclamation, and do declareand make known that a civil government for Porto Rico has been organizedin accordance with the provisions of the said act of Congress; And I do further declare and make known that the Legislative Assembly ofPorto Rico has enacted and put into operation a system of local taxationto meet the necessities of the government of Porto Rico. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 25th day of July, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: DAVID J. HILL, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An actto repeal the timber-culture laws, and for other purposes, " "That thePresident of the United States may, from time to time, set apart andreserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber orundergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare theestablishment of such reservations and the limits thereof;" And whereas, the public lands in the State of Utah, within the limitshereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appearsthat the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reservingsaid lands as a public reservation; Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaidact of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is herebyreserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservationall those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and beingsituate in the State of Utah and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of section four (4), township ten (10)south, range three (3) east, Salt Lake base and Meridian, Utah; thencewesterly along the township line to the northwest corner of section five(5), township ten (10) south, range two (2) east; thence southerly tothe northeast corner of section nineteen (19), said township; thencewesterly to the northwest corner of said section; thence southerly alongthe range line to the southwest corner of township twelve (12) south, range two (2) east; thence easterly to the southeast corner of saidtownship; thence northerly to the northwest corner of section thirty(30), township eleven (11) south, range three (3) east; thence easterlyto the southeast corner of section twenty-one (21), said township;thence northerly along the section line to the northeast corner ofsection four (4), township ten (10) south, range three (3) east, to theplace of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands whichmay have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal entry orcovered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United StatesLand Office, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuantto law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing ofrecord has not expired: _Provided_, that this exception shall notcontinue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which theentry, filing or settlement was made. Warning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlementupon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. The reservation hereby established shall be known as The Payson ForestReserve. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. [SEAL. ] Done at the city of Washington this 3d day of August, A. D. 1901, and ofthe Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: ALVEY A. ADEE, _Acting Secretary of State. _ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas notice has been given me by the Louisiana Purchase ExpositionCommission, in accordance with the provisions of section 9 of the actof Congress, approved March 3, 1901, entitled "An act to provide forcelebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the purchase of theLouisiana territory by the United States by holding an internationalexhibition of arts, industries, manufactures, and the products of thesoil, mine, forest and sea, in the city of St. Louis, in the State ofMissouri, " that provision has been made for grounds and buildings forthe uses provided for in the said act of Congress: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, byvirtue of the authority vested in me by said act, do hereby declare andproclaim that such International Exhibition will be opened in the cityof St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, not later than the first day ofMay, 1903, and will be closed not later than the first day of Decemberthereafter. And in the name of the Government and of the people of theUnited States, I do hereby invite all the nations of the earth to takepart in the commemoration of the Purchase of the Louisiana Territory, an event of great interest to the United States and of abiding effecton their development, by appointing representatives and sending suchexhibits to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition as will most fitly andfully illustrate their resources, their industries and their progressin civilization. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ofthe United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 20th day of August, A. D. 1901, andof the Independence of the United States, the one hundred andtwenty-sixth. [SEAL. ] WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State_. EXECUTIVE ORDERS. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 28, 1898. _ It is hereby ordered that the following described tract of land situateon Kadiak Island, District of Alaska, be temporarily reserved and setapart as an experiment station for the use of the Department ofAgriculture: Beginning at a point in the easterly boundary line of the property nowoccupied by the Russian Greek Church in the village of Kadiak on KadiakIsland, Alaska; thence southeasterly to the water front on the Bay ofChiniak; thence following said water front one-half mile northeasterlyto a point; thence northwesterly one-half mile to a point; thencesouthwesterly one-half mile to a point; thence southeasterly to a pointof beginning, embracing 160 acres of land, more or less. Provided that the temporary reservation above described shall notinterfere with any prior rights of the natives or others to land withinsaid reservation. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _July 27, 1898. _ It is hereby ordered that the following described land situated on theYukon River in the District of Alaska, be and here is reserved and setapart for the uses and purposes of a townsite, said land to be heldsubject to the townsite law or laws that are or may become applicableto the public lands in the District of Alaska, and so long as thisreservation remains in force to be subject to disposition in no othermanner whatever, to wit: A tract of land commencing at a post on the right or north bank of theYukon River, about one-half mile below Mayos Landing, marked U. S. M. R. ;thence north from said post one mile; thence east two miles; thencesouth to the bank of the Yukon River; thence southwesterly along thebank of said river to the place of beginning, containing two squaremiles, more or less. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _August 6, 1898. _ Paragraph 576 of the Consular Regulations is hereby amended soas to read as follows: 576. Consular Agents will be governed by the foregoing requirements inrelation to official services and will render their quarterly reports inaccordance with the prescribed forms to the principal Consular Officerwho will transmit the same to the Auditor for the State and otherDepartments. The amounts which may be found due at the Treasury on account ofservices rendered to American vessels and seamen will in all cases besent by Treasury Warrant to the address of and payable to the order ofthe officer entitled thereto. Forms Nos. 190 and 191 are established in full force and authority asparts of the Consular Regulations of September 30, 1898. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _January 31, 1899. _ It is hereby ordered that the following described tract of landsituate near the north bank of Cook Inlet, adjoining the town of Kenaion the north, District of Alaska, be and it is hereby set apart as anagricultural experiment station, subject to any existing legal rightsthereto, it being more particularly described in the field notes of thesurvey thereof, executed by C. C. Georgeson, Special Agent in charge ofinvestigations, in August, 1898, under the direction of the Secretaryof Agriculture, and shown on his plat of survey, all bearings beingmagnetic, to wit: Beginning at a point located near the Russian Parsonage and Church, fromwhich the nearest log barn belonging to the parsonage bears S. 68° 50'E. 65 ft. ; the spire of the church bearing S. 8° E. To the southeastcorner of the cemetery fence, bearing north 13° W. 361 ft. ; thence N. 9°W. 5, 808 ft. To a point for the northeast corner of the tract; thence S. 9° E. 5, 808 feet to a point for the southeast corner of the tract;thence S. 81° W. 2, 400 feet to the place of beginning, containing 320acres of land, more or less. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 3, 1899. _ I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of theauthority vested in me by Sections 3141 and 3142 of the Revised Statutesof the United States, hereby order: That the counties of Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Menominee, Ontonagon and Schoolcroft, now a part of the First Internal RevenueCollection District of Michigan be transferred to and made a part of theFourth Internal Revenue Collection District of Michigan. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 1, 1899. _ Under the Provisions of Section 2060, Revised Statutes, the Headquartersof the new Neech Lake Indian Agency in Minnesota are hereby ordered tobe established on the tracts of land to be reserved for that purpose andwhich are known as parts of township 142, range 31 west, 5th Meridian, as described in the recommendation of the Commission of Indian Affairs, approved by the Secretary of the Interior. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 1, 1899. _ It is hereby ordered that the Fort Stanton abandoned militaryreservation, New Mexico, containing ten thousand two hundred and forty(10, 240) acres, more or less, with the buildings thereon be, and it ishereby reserved and set apart for the use of the Marine HospitalService. Except that the force and effect of this order shall not apply to anylands to which, prior to the date hereof, valid claims may have beenattached under the Homestead or Mineral Land Laws. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 1, 1899. _ The change in location of the Office of the Humboldt Land District inCalifornia from Humboldt to Eureka is hereby ordered, under theprovision of Section 2251 in the Revised Statutes of the United States. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 3, 1899. _ It is fitting that in behalf of the Nation, tribute of honor be paid tothe memories of the noble men who lost their lives in their country'sservice during the late war with Spain. It is more fitting, inasmuch as in consonance with a spirit of ourfree institutions, and in obedience to the most exalted prompting ofpatriotism, those who were sent to other shores to do battle for theircountry's honor, under their country's flag, went freely from everyquarter of our beloved clime; each soldier, each sailor parting fromhome ties and putting behind him private interest in the presence of thestern emergency of unsought war with an alien foe, was an individualtype of that devotion of the citizen to the State which makes our Nationstrong in unity and action. Those who died in other lands left in many homes the undying memoriesthat attend the honored dead of all ages. It was fitting with the adventof peace, won by their sacrifice, their bodies should be gathered withtender care and restored to home and country. This has been done withthe dead of Cuba and Puerto Rico. Those of the Philippines still restwhere they fell, watched over by their surviving comrades and mournedwith the love of a grateful nation. The remains of many brought to our shores have been delivered to theirfamilies for private burial, but for others of the brave officers andmen who perished, there has been reserved interment in the ground sacredto the soldiers and sailors, and amid tributes of national memories theyhave so well deserved. I therefore order: That upon the arrival of the cortege at the National Cemetery atArlington, all proper military and naval honors be paid to the deadheroes; that suitable ceremonies shall attend their interment; that thecustomary salute of mourning be fired at the cemetery, and that on thesame day at two o'clock P. M. , Thursday, the sixth day of April, theNational ensign be displayed at half staff on all public buildings, forts, camps and public vessels of the United States, and that at twelveo'clock noon of said day all the Departments of the Government atWashington shall be closed. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 6, 1899. _ In accordance with the provision of the Act of Congress approved June 4, 1897 (30 stat. , 36), and by virtue of the authority thereby given andon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, it is herebyordered that the east half of the northwest quarter and the west half ofthe northeast corner of section twenty (20), township ten (10) south, range five (5) east, Willamette Meridian, Oregon, with the limits of theCascade Range Forest Reservation, be restored to the Public Domain aftersixty days' notice hereof by publication, as required by law, thesetracts having been found better adapted to agricultural than forestpurposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , May 6, 1899. _ By virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief of theArmy and Navy of the United States, I hereby order and direct thatduring the maintenance of the Military Government of the United Statesin the Island of Puerto Rico and all Islands in the West Indies, eastof the 74th degree west longitude, evacuated by Spain, there are herebycreated and shall be maintained the offices of Auditor of the Islands, one Assistant Auditor for auditing the accounts of the Department ofCustoms and one Assistant Auditor for auditing the accounts of theDepartment of Postoffices who shall be appointed by the Secretary of Warand whose duty shall be to audit all accounts of the Islands. There is hereby created and shall be maintained the office of Treasurerof the Islands, which shall be filled by the appointment thereto of anofficer of the regular army of the United States. The Treasurer of theIslands shall receive and keep all moneys arising from the revenues ofthe Islands and shall disburse or transfer the same only upon warrantsissued by the Auditor of the Islands and countersigned by theGovernor-General. All rules and instructions necessary to carry into effect the provisionsof Executive Orders relating to said Islands shall be issued by theSecretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , May 6, 1899. _ By virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief of theArmy and Navy of the United States, I hereby order and direct thatduring the maintenance of Military Government of the United States inthe Island of Cuba and all Islands in the West Indies, west of the 74thdegree west longitude, evacuated by Spain, there are hereby created andshall be maintained the offices of the Auditor of the Islands, oneAssistant Auditor for auditing the accounts for the Department ofCustoms, and one Assistant Auditor for auditing the accounts of theDepartment of Postoffices who shall be appointed by the Secretary of Warand whose duties shall be to audit all accounts of the Islands. There is hereby created and shall be maintained the office of Treasurerof the Islands which shall be filled by the appointment thereto of anofficer of the regular army of the United States. The Treasurer of theIslands shall receive and keep all moneys arising from the revenues ofthe Islands and shall disburse or transfer the same only upon warrantsissued by the Auditor of the Islands and countersigned by theGovernor-General. All rules and instructions necessary to carry into effect the provisionsof Executive Orders relating to said Islands shall be issued by theSecretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , May 10, 1899. _ In accordance with the provisions of Act of Congress approved June 4th, 1897 (30 Stat. 36), and by virtue of the authority thereby given and onrecommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, it is hereby orderedthat Baker Lake and the surrounding lands within half mile of the shorethereof within the limits of the Washington Forest Reserve, State ofWashington, be and they are hereby withdrawn from the operation of theproclamation dated February 22nd, 1897, creating such reserve are herebyreserved and set apart for the use of the United States Commission ofFish and Fisheries for the purpose of a Fish Cultural station. Provided, That the Lake and surrounding land above described shallagain become subject to the operation of the proclamation creating theWashington Forest Reserve whenever the use thereof for fish culturalpurposes shall be abandoned by the United States Commission of Fish andFisheries. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 13, 1899. _ In the exercise of the power conferred upon me by the joint resolutionof Congress, approved by the President on July 7, 1898, entitled "JointResolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the UnitedStates" the President of the United States hereby directs that theGeneral Election provided for by the constitution of the Republic ofHawaii to be held on the last Wednesday in September next shall not beheld. All elective officers whose terms of office shall expire beforeappropriate legislation shall have been enacted by the Congress of theUnited States shall be continued in their offices at the pleasure of thePresident of the United States. [SEAL. ] In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to behereunto affixed. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , May 23, 1899_. _To the Heads of the Executive Departments and the Public Printer_: It is hereby ordered that upon Wednesday, the 24th instant, theemployees of the executive departments and the government printingoffice shall be excused from duty at 12:00 o'clock noon to enable themto participate in the Civic parade and other exercises of the PeaceJubilee on that day. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _June 10, 1899. _ Consular court fees and fines imposed and collected by consular courtsare hereby declared to be official. They are to be used to defer theexpenses of consular courts, and detailed accounts of receipts andexpenditures are to be rendered to the Secretary of State on the 30th ofJune of each year. Any surplus remaining at the end of the year afterthe expenses of the courts have been paid is to be turned into theTreasury. The portions of the Executive Order of July 29, 1897, and the consularregulations in conflict with this order are hereby amended. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 16, 1899. _ Officers of the Customs in the Islands of Cuba may authorize theclearance under a permit for foreign ports, ports of the United Statesof vessels owned prior to June 1st, 1899 by residents of Cuba and ownedat the time of clearance by citizens of Cuba under the signal and coastpermit of Cuba. Such vessels may carry the American flag above thedistinctive signal for the purpose of indicating that the Government ofthe United States pursuant to treaty has assumed and will discharge theobligations that may under International law result from the fact of theoccupation of Cuba for the protection of life and property. In granting such clearance under a permit vessels of the customs willadvise masters or owners that clearance under permit and the use of theflag of the United States hereby authorized do not confer upon suchvessels any rights and privileges which are conferred upon vessels ofthe United States by the status of treaties of the United States. Therights and privileges of such a vessel as to enter clearance dues, charges, etc. , in foreign ports and in ports of the United States willbe determined by the laws of the country in which the port may besituated. Such vessel upon entering into a port of the United States would besubject to the provisions of Sections 2497, 4219 and 4225 of the RevisedStatutes and such other laws as may be applicable. The form and manner of the issuance of permits provided for in thisparagraph shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War. Tariff Circular No. 71, dated Washington, May 25th, 1899, is herebyrescinded. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 27, 1899. _ By virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief of theArmy and Navy, I hereby order and direct that during the maintenance ofthe Military Government of the United States in the Island of Cuba andall islands of the West Indies west of the 74th degree, west longitude, evacuated by Spain, there are hereby created and shall be maintained, inaddition to the office created by executive order of May 8, 1899, theoffice of Assistant Auditor for auditing the accounts of the departmentsof Internal Revenue and one Assistant Treasurer in the office of theTreasurer of the islands, who shall be appointed by the Secretary ofWar. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , July 3, 1899. _ 1. Officers of the Customs in the Island of Puerto Rico, ceded to theUnited States by Spain, may issue a certificate of protection, entitlinga vessel to which it is issued to the protection and flag of the UnitedStates on the high seas and in all ports, if the vessel is owned by: _a_. A citizen of the United States residing in Puerto Rico. _b_. A native inhabitant of Puerto Rico upon taking oath of allegiance to the United States. _c_. Resident of Puerto Rico before April 11, 1899, hitherto a subject of Spain, upon abjuring his allegiance to the crown of Spain and taking the oath of allegiance to the United States. 2. The master and the watch officers of a vessel to which a certificateof protection is issued shall be citizens of the United States or shalltake the oath of allegiance to the United States, providing that thegeneral commanding the forces of the United States in Puerto Rico may inhis discretion in special cases waive these requirements in whole or inpart. 3. Such certificate of protection shall entitle vessel to the sameprivileges and subject it to the same disabilities as are prescribed inArticle XX of the Consular Regulations of 1896 for American or foreignbuilt vessels transferred abroad to citizens of the United States. 4. The form and manner of the issue of certificates of protectionprovided for in this order shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , July 3, 1899. _ 1. Officers of the Customs in the Philippine Islands, ceded to theUnited States by Spain, may issue a certificate of protection entitlingthe vessel to which it is issued to the protection and flag of the UnitedStates on the High Seas and in all ports, if the vessel is owned by: _a_. A citizen of the United States residing in the Philippine Islands. _b_. A native inhabitant of the Philippine Islands upon taking the oath of allegiance to the United States. _c_. Residents of the Philippine Islands before April 11th, 1899 hitherto a subject of Spain, upon abjuring his allegiance to the Crown of Spain and taking the oath of allegiance to the United States. 2. The master and watch officer of a vessel to which a certificate ofProtection is issued shall be citizens of the United States or shalltake the oath of allegiance to the United States, providing that theGeneral commanding the forces of the United States in Philippine Islandsmay, in his discretion in special cases, waive this requirement in wholeor in part. 3. Such certificate of protection shall entitle the vessel to the sameprivileges and subject it to the same disabilities as are prescribed inArticle XX of the Consular Regulations of 1896 for American or foreignvessels transferred abroad to citizens of the United States. 4. The form and manner of the issue of certificates of protectionprovided for in this order shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , July 24, 1899_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--It is provided in the "Act making appropriation for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1900, and for other purposes" that "The President of the United States ishereby authorized in case of threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, bubonic plague or Chinese plague or blackdeath to use the unexpended balance of the sums appropriated andreappropriated by the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act, approved July 1st, 1898, and the act making appropriation to supply discrepancies in theappropriations approved July 7th, 1898, and one hundred thousand dollars($100, 000. 00) in addition thereto or so much thereof as may be necessaryin the aid of State and local boards or otherwise in his discretionin preventing and suppressing the spread of the same and in suchemergencies in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be thenin force. " You are hereby directed to take charge of this expenditure for thepurpose of enforcing the above provisions, and you are directed toemploy for that purpose the Marine Hospital Service and to provide suchother means as are necessary for the purpose aforesaid and to carry outsuch rules and regulations as may have been or shall be made by you inconformity therewith. You will carefully supervise and examine all expenditures made inexecuting the aforesaid law and submit to me from time to time reportsof such expenditures and statements of the work done. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , August 17, 1899_. _To the People of Cuba_: The disorganized condition of your island, resulting from the warand the absence of any generally recognized authority aside from thetemporary Military Control of the United States, has made it necessarythat the United States should follow the restoration of order andpeaceful industry by giving its assistance and supervision to thesuccessive steps by which you will proceed to the establishment of aneffective system of self-government. As a preliminary step in the performance of this duty I have directedthat a census of the people of Cuba be taken, and have appointedcompetent and disinterested citizens of Cuba as Enumerators andSupervisors. It is important for the proper arrangement of your new Government thatthe information sought shall be fully and accurately given and I requestthat by every means in your power you aid the officers appointed in theperformance of their duties. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , September 2, 1899_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--You are directed to transfer an additional sum of five thousanddollars ($5, 000. 00) from the appropriation made by the Joint Resolutionapproved July 7, 1898, entitled, "Joint Resolution to provide for theannexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States, " to be expendedat the discretion of the Executive and for the purpose of carrying thatJoint Resolution into effect for the expenditure and enforcement of theChinese Exclusion Laws in the Hawaiian Islands under the clause in saidResolution restricting the emigration of the Chinese to the Islands. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , September 11, 1899. _ Hon. JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State_ You will notify the President of Hawaii that the Government of Hawaiihas no power to make any sale or dispose of the public lands in theIslands. That all proceedings taken or pending for such sale ordisposition should be discontinued and that if any sales or agreementsfor sale have been made since the adoption of the Resolution ofAnnexation the purchasers should be notified that the same are null andvoid and any consideration paid to the legal authorities on accountthereof should be refunded. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , September 18, 1899. _ In the exercise of the power conferred upon me by the Joint Resolutionof Congress, approved by the President on July 7th, 1898, entitled"Joint Resolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to theUnited States, " the President of the United States hereby directs thatthe issue of Registers to vessels by the Authorities of Hawaii entitlingsuch vessels to all the rights and privileges of Hawaiian vessels in theports of Nations or upon the High Seas, shall hereafter cease. [SEAL. ] In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to behereunto affixed. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , September 29, 1899. _ It is hereby ordered that the several Executive Departments, theGovernment Printing Office and the Navy Yard and Station at Washingtonbe closed on Tuesday, October 3rd, to enable the employees toparticipate in the ceremonies attending the Reception of Admiral Dewey, United States Navy, and the presentation of the Sword of Honor to him, as authorized by a Joint Resolution of Congress, approved June 3rd, 1899. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , November 4, 1899. _ In furtherance of interchange between those absent in the service oftheir country and their families at home, it is hereby ordered thatpackages and parcels of mailable matter and containing only articlesdesired as gifts and souvenirs, and so marked, and with no commercialpurpose, and not for sale, from Officers, Soldiers and Sailors servingin the Army and Navy and other persons employed in the Civil Service ofthe United States, in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands andCuba addressed to members of their families in the United States, orpackages of the same personal character addressed from the United Statesto Officers, Soldiers, Sailors and others in the Public Service in saidIslands may be sent through the mails, subject only to the domesticpostal regulations of the United States. The details of the execution of this order with all necessary safeguardswill devolve on the Secretary of War and Postmaster-General. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , November 10, 1899. _ In accordance with the law that prescribes that the Army and NavyGeneral Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. , "shall be subject to such rules, regulations, and restrictions as shall be provided by the President ofthe United States, " the following amendment of the rules and regulationsprovided for its government in Executive Order of August 25, 1892, isauthorized: Enlisted men on the active list while under treatment or on duty in thehospital shall have the usual allowance of rations commuted at the rateof not to exceed forty cents (40 c. ) per day for enlisted men in the armyand thirty cents (30 c. ) per day for enlisted men in the navy, to be paidto the Senior Medical Officer by the proper officers of the War and NavyDepartments upon the receipt of monthly statements of accounts dulycertified by the Surgeon-General of the Army. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 1, 1899_. _To all to whom these presents shall come; greeting_: Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, prudence, and ability of John Hay, Secretary of State of the UnitedStates, I have invested him with full and all manner of power andauthority, for me and in the name of the United States, to meet andconfer with any person or persons duly authorized by the Government ofhis Imperial Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, and theGovernment of her Britannic Majesty being entrusted with like power andauthority, and with them to negotiate, conclude, and sign a conventionto adjust amicably the questions which have arisen between the threeGovernments in respect to the Samoan group of islands, the same to betransmitted to the President of the United States for his ratificationby and with the advice and consent of the Cabinet thereof. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to behereunto affixed. [SEAL. ] Given under my hand at the city of Washington, the 1st day of December, in the year of our Lord 1899, and of the Independence of the UnitedStates the one hundred and twenty-third. WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State. _ EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , January 3, 1900. _ To prevent the introduction of epidemic diseases, it is ordered thatprovisions of the act of Congress, approved February 15, 1893, entitled, "An act granting additional quarantine powers and imposing additionalduties upon the Marine Hospital Service, " and all rules and regulationsheretofore or hereafter prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasuryunder that act are to be given full force and effect in the PhilippineIslands in so far as they are applicable, and the following additionalrules and regulations are hereby promulgated: The examination in ports of the Philippine Islands of incoming andoutgoing vessels, and the necessary surveillance over their sanitarycondition as well as of cargo, officers, crew and all personal effectsis vested in and will be conducted by the Marine Hospital Service, andMedical Officers of that service will be detailed by the Secretary ofthe Treasury as Quarantine Officers at Ports of Manila and Iloiloimmediately and at other ports in the Philippine Islands as soon aspracticable or necessary. Quarantine Officers shall have authority over incoming vessels, theirwharfage and anchorage in so far as it is necessary for the properenforcement of the quarantine regulations, including vessels of the ArmyTransport Service and non-combatant vessels of the Navy. Collectors of Customs at ports of entry will not permit entry withoutquarantine certificates. Any vessel leaving any port in the Philippine Islands for any port inthe United States or its Dependencies shall obtain a bill of health fromthe quarantine officer when such officer is on duty, said bill of healthto correspond to the Consular Bill of Health now required by TreasuryRegulations, and the bill of health shall not be given to the outgoingvessel unless all quarantine regulations have been complied with. Atports where no medical officer is detailed, bills of health will besigned by the Collector of Customs or other officers to whom such dutyhas been regularly delegated. Special regulations relating to the billsof health to be obtained by vessels of the United States Navy will bepromulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Medical Officer detailed under this order as Quarantine Officerat the Port of Manila shall be the Chief Quarantine Officer for thePhilippine Islands. It shall be his duty to make appointments andremovals from the service in the Philippines (subject to the approvalof the Secretary of the Treasury), and shall authorize necessaryexpenditures under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasurymay prescribe. The regulations for the government of the Marine Hospital Service shall, so far as practicable, have force and effect in the management of theQuarantine service in the Philippine Islands. The expenses of the Quarantine service will be charged against therevenues of the islands, and a sum not to exceed three hundred thousanddollars ($300, 000. 00) in each fiscal year is hereby set aside from therevenues collected in said islands for this purpose. The expenses shallbe paid therefrom upon a certificate of a detailed quarantine officerand upon the approval of the Chief Officer for the Philippine Islands. The Chief Quarantine Officer shall render a report on the last day ofeach month to the supervising Surgeon General in the Marine HospitalService, who will issue to him necessary instructions. The Epidemic Fund will be reimbursed from the revenues of the islandsfor the cost of this undertaking, plans and materials ordered to beforwarded to the islands prior to the date of this order. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , January 5, 1900. _ By virtue of the authority vested in me by joint resolution of theSenate and House of Representatives of the United States accepting andconfirming the cession of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States, itis hereby ordered and directed that out of the Government Reservationlying to the eastward of the Puowaina or Ruralhouse Hill in the Islandof Ouhu, Hawaiian Islands, seven acres, more or less as hereinafterdescribed and located, shall be set apart for the use of the UnitedStates Treasury Department as a site for a United States Marine Hospitalfor the port of Honolulu. This site shall consist of the seven acressituated north of the Makiki cemetery and bounded on the north andeast by the sinuosities of the Punch Bowl road; on the south by aline projecting eastward from the powder magazine to intersect PunchBowl road, this line being the southern boundary of the GovernmentReservation at that point; and on the west by an arbitrary north andsouth line drawn so as to leave seven (7) acres within this designatedtract. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , January 8, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the tract of country lying west of the Navajoand Moqui Reservations, in the Territory of Arizona, embraced within thefollowing described boundaries, viz: Beginning at the southwest cornerof the Moqui Reservation and running due west to the Little ColoradoRiver, thence down that stream to the Grand Canyon Forest Reservation, thence north on the line of that reserve to the northeast cornerthereof, thence west to the Colorado River, thence up that stream to theNavajo Indian Reservation, be and the same is hereby withdrawn from saleand settlement until further order. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , January 19, 1900. _ In accordance with the law that prescribes that the Army and NavyGeneral Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. , shall be subject to such rules, regulations and restrictions as shall be provided by the President ofthe United States the following amendment of the rules and regulationsproviding for its Government and Executive Order of August 25th, 1892is authorized: Enlisted men of the Army and Navy and Marine Corps onthe retired list and honorably discharged soldiers and sailors of theRegular and Volunteer Army and Navy of the United States, shall pay forsubstance at the rate of 40 cents per day. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , February 12, 1900. _ Authority is hereby granted for the transfer of the sum of four hundredthousand, seven hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-five cents($400, 776. 65) from the appropriation "Emergency Fund, War Department"act of March 13th, 1899, to the appropriation "Substance of the Army1900" in accordance with the request of the Acting Commissary General ofSubsistence which is approved by the Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 7, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the Executive Order of June 8, 1866, reservingfor light-house purposes among other lands a tract described as "twenty(20) acres at a cape about midway between Destruction Island andFlattery Rocks, falling within unsurveyed lands as laid down in blueshade upon diagram number 3 herewith, " in the Territory of Washington, be, and the same is, hereby canceled so far as it relates to the abovedescribed tract, and it is hereby ordered that in lieu thereof, lot one(1) section six (6), township twenty-eight (28) north, range fifteen(15) west, Willamette Meridian, Washington, containing, according to theofficial plat on file in the General Land Office, approved May 29, 1882, 3. 25 acres, be, and it is, hereby reserved for light-house purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 20, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the Executive Order of September 11, 1854, reserving for light-house purposes among other lands the tract at CapeShoalwater, Territory of Washington, shaded blue on the diagramaccompanying the order, be, and it is, hereby canceled so far as itrelates to the tract above described. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _March 21, 1900. _ The Secretary of the Navy is hereby directed to transfer to theSecretary of War for use in the transport service of the War Departmentthe vessels _Badger_ and _Resolute_, purchased by the Navy Departmentfrom the funds allotted from the emergency appropriation, nationaldefense, act of March 8, 1898, at a cost of $842, 000, these vesselsbeing no longer required in the service of the navy. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 1, 1900. _ The Collector of Customs of Puerto Rico will pay over to the Treasurerof Puerto Rico the net proceeds of the collections made by him underthe provisions of the act of Congress approved April 12, 1900, entitled"An act temporarily to provide revenues and a Civil Government forPuerto Rico, and for other purposes, " under such regulations as theSecretary of the Treasury may prescribe. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 14, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the NW 1/4 of section 15, in township 23 north, of range 13 west, Gila and Salt River Base, and principal meridian inArizona, conveyed to the United States by quit claim deed of the SantaFe Pacific Railroad Company, dated September 12, 1899, be and the sameis hereby set apart, subject to certain exceptions, reservations, andconditions made by said company, as set forth in the deed aforesaid, forIndian school purposes, the Hualapai Indians as an addition to section10 of the township and range above mentioned, set aside by executiveorder dated December 22, 1898, and designated therein as the "HualapaiIndian School Reserve. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 26, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that Section 29, Section 30; the N 1/2, the SW 1/4, the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4, and the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 31, andSection 32, Township 13, south, Range one (1) east, Montana, be and theyare hereby reserved and set apart for the use of the United States FishCommission of Fish and Fisheries for the purposes of a fish culturalstation. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _May 26, 1900. _ Under authority of Section 3648 of the Revised Statutes of the UnitedStates, permission is hereby given that needful advances of money bemade of moneys appropriated for the light-house establishment to theofficers of the Army and Navy acting as Engineers or Inspectors, asAssistants to Engineers or Inspectors of the third light-house districtfor disbursement in carrying on the Puerto Rican light-house service. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _June 12, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that fractional section 11, township 5 south, range14 west, Florida, be and it is hereby reserved and set apart forlight-house purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _June 22, 1900. _ Whereas by the seventy-third section of an act entitled "An act toprovide a government for the Territory of Hawaii, " approved April 30, 1900, it was, among other things provided as follows: "That, subjectto the approval of the President, all sales, grants, leases, and otherdispositions of the public domain and agreements concerning the same, and all franchises granted by the Hawaiian government in conformity withthe laws of Hawaii between the 7th day of July, 1898, and the 28th dayof September, 1899, are hereby ratified and confirmed;" and Whereas it appears by the certificate of Sanford B. Dole, President ofthe Republic of Hawaii, which bears date the 23d day of May, A. D. , 1900, that the Hilo Railroad Company organized for the purpose of building andoperating a Railroad or Railroads between and through the districts ofHilo Puna Hamakua, Kohala, Kona, and Kau, on the Island of Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, was incorporated on the 28th day of March, A. D. , 1899, under a charter of incorporation, a copy whereof is attached to saidcertificate; and that said incorporating and granting of said charter ofincorporation were made in conformity with the general incorporatingacts of the Republic of Hawaii, and that the granting of the franchiseconferred thereby and all acts and proceedings contained in the premiseswere done and taken in conformity with the laws of the Republic ofHawaii; Now, therefore, in conformity with the provision of the act aforesaid, the said franchise granted by the Hawaiian government to the HiloRailroad Company is hereby approved. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _June 27, 1900. _ On and after the first day of July, 1900, the classification and pay ofthe rating of electrician shall be as follows, but this order shall notreduce the pay of any enlisted man during his present enlistment belowthe pay at which he was enlisted, or which he is now receiving: per month. Electrician, third class $30. 00 Electrician, 2d class 40. 00 Electrician, 1st class 50. 00 Chief Electrician 60. 00 WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _June 29, 1900. _ On and after July 15, 1900, there shall be detailed on the staff ofthe Military Governor of the Island of Cuba as Chief of the QuarantineService established by Executive Order January 17, 1899, a commissionedofficer of the Marine Hospital service, who shall on the first day ofeach month, or at such other periods as may be directed by the MilitaryGovernor, submit to the Military Governor a detailed estimate of thequarantine expenses of the Island of Cuba. After the approval of suchestimate by the Military Governor the chief quarantine officer shallmake requisition for the funds required in favor of the disbursingofficer or agent, who shall pay the bills and vouchers on account ofthe quarantine service upon the certificate of an officer detailedunder the Executive Order of January 17, 1899, and after approval by thechief quarantine officer. The disbursing officer or agent shall renderhis accounts of such disbursments in accordance with the rules andinstructions to carry into effect the Executive Order of May 8, 1899, relative to the military government of the United States in the Islandof Cuba, during the maintenance of such government. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _August 2, 1900. _ The Island of Guimaras in the Philippine group is assigned to navaljurisdiction and control with a view to establishing thereon a navalbase and station upon the strait of Iloilo, opposite the town of thatname. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _August 2, 1900. _ The sum of ten thousand dollars ($10, 000) or so much thereof as may benecessary, is hereby allotted from the Emergency Fund, Navy Department, 1901, for the purpose of meeting the expenses of a survey of the Islandof Guimaras in sufficient detail to fix the place of the coal wharf andshed, of the dry dock, and of the fleet anchorages, and to appraise theland of private ownership, which need to be condemned for the use of thegovernment for its uses and for the land defense required. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _August 23, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the following lands situate in California, viz: The north half of the southeast quarter, and the north half of thesouthwest quarter, section fourteen (14), in township three (3), southof range one (1), east of the San Bernardino meridian, being landswithdrawn from the public domain for the Mission Indians by ExecutiveOrder of August 25, 1877, be and the same are hereby restored to thepublic domain. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _September 3, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the following described lands in the State ofMississippi be and they are hereby reserved for light-house purposes;viz: Round Island, Mississippi. All of fractional sections three and four oftownship nine (9) south, range six (6) west, east of Pearl River, containing respectively about 16. 50 acres and 33. 34 acres. Horn Island, Mississippi. All of fractional sections 31 of township nine(9) south, range five (5) west, and thirty-six (36) of township nine (9)south, range six (6) west, east of Pearl River, containing, respectively, about 51. 69 and 286. 20 acres. Petite Bois Blanc Island, Mississippi. All of fractional section three(3) of township ten (10) south, range five (5) west, east of PearlRiver, containing approximately 81. 27 acres. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _September 19, 1900. _ In accordance with the provisions of Section 179 of the RevisedStatutes, as amended by an act making appropriations for thelegislative, executive and judicial expenses of the government, approvedAugust 5, 1882 (22 Stat, 238) Lieutenant-General Nelson A. Miles, commanding the Army of the United States is authorized and directed toperform the duties of Secretary of War during the illness or temporaryabsence from the seat of government of the Secretary of War wheneverduring such illness or absence the Assistant Secretary of War is alsoabsent; in accordance with the same provisions, Major-General Henry C. Corbin, Assistant Adjutant-General of the Army is authorized anddirected to perform the duties of Secretary of War whenever during suchillness or absence the Assistant Secretary of War and thelieutenant-general commanding the Army are also absent. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _September 20, 1900. _ _The Honorable Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--It is provided in the "Act making appropriations for sundry civilexpenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, and for other purposes, " approved June 6, 1900, that "The President ofthe United States is hereby authorized in case of threatened or actualepidemic of cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, bubonic plague, or Chineseplague or black death to use the unexpended balance of the sumsappropriated and reappropriated by the sundry civil appropriation actapproved June 4, 1897, and $500, 000 in addition thereto or so muchthereof as may be necessary in aid of constituting local boards orotherwise in his discretion in preventing and suppressing the spreadof same; and in such emergency in the execution of any quarantine lawswhich may be then in force, the same to be immediately available. " You are hereby directed to take charge of this expenditure for thepurpose of enforcing the above provisions, and you are directed toemploy for that purpose the Marine Hospital Service and to provide suchother means as are necessary for the purpose aforesaid, and to carry outsuch rules and regulations as have been or shall be made by you inconformity therewith. You will carefully supervise and examine all expenditures made inexecuting the aforesaid law and submit to me from time to time reportsof such expenditures and statements of work done. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _October 10, 1900. _ On and after October 15, 1900, there shall be detailed on the staffof the Military Governor of the Islands of the Philippine Archipelagoas chief of the quarantine service established by Executive Order ofJanuary 3, 1900, a commissioned officer of the Marine Hospital Servicewho shall on the first day of the month, and at such other periods asmay be directed by the Military Governor submit to the Military Governora detailed estimate of the quarantine expenses of the said Islands ofthe Philippine Archipelago. After the approval of such estimate by theMilitary Governor the Chief Quarantine officer shall make requisitionfor the funds required in favor of the disbursing officer or agent ofthe Treasury Department who shall pay the bills and vouchers on accountof the quarantine service upon the certificate of an officer detailedunder Executive Order of January 3, 1900 (said order being still inforce except as herein mentioned), and after approval by the ChiefQuarantine officer. The disbursing officer or agent shall be appointedby the Secretary of the Treasury as soon as practicable, and shallrender his accounts of such disbursements in accordance with the rulesand instructions to carry into effect the Executive Order of May 8, 1899, relative to the military government of the United States in theIslands of the Philippine Archipelago during the maintenance of suchgovernment. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _October 10, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 township 14 south, range 14 east, Gila and Salt River meridian Territory of Arizona, be andthey are hereby reserved and set apart for the use of the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture for the purposes of an agricultural experimentstation. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _October 13, 1900. _ By virtue of the authority vested in the President of the United Statesby Section 3141, Revised Statutes of the United States, I hereby order That the county of Greer, which was formerly a part of the State ofTexas, and as such was specifically declared a part of the 4th InternalRevenue District of Texas by Executive Order of June 29, 1881, betransferred to and made a part of the Internal Revenue District ofKansas, said county having been declared by the United States SupremeCourt in decision rendered at the October term of 1895 to be a part ofthe Territory of Oklahoma, which Territory was added to the District ofKansas by Executive Order of March 30, 1886, prior to the date of thejudicial decision above cited. This order to take effect on the first day of November, 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _October 29, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that lot 5 of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, section 31, township 6 south, range 11 west, Florida, be, and it is, hereby reservedfor light-house purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _November 20, 1900. _ The United States Civil Service Commission is directed to render suchassistance as may be practicable to the Civil Service Board createdunder the act of the United States Philippine Commission, for theestablishment and maintenance of a necessary and efficient civil servicein the Philippine Island, and for that purpose to conduct examinationsfor the Civil Service of the Philippine Islands upon the request of theCivil Service Board of said Islands, under such regulations as may beagreed upon by the said Board and the said United States Civil ServiceCommission. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 7, 1900. _ Whenever upon marches, guards, or in quarters, different corps of thearmy happen to join or do duty together and an official of the MarineCorps or the militia shall command the whole pursuant to the 122darticle of war, such officer shall report his action and the operationsof the force under his command through military channels to theSecretary of War as well as to his superiors in his own branch of theservice. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 13, 1900_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: The sum of $200, 000 is hereby allotted and set apart from theappropriation made for the benefit and government of Puerto Rico by theAct of March 24, 1900 (31 Stat. , p. 51), to be used for the extension ofpublic education in Puerto Rico, including building and equipping ofschool houses in said Island. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 14, 1900. _ By virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief of theArmy and Navy of the United States of America, I hereby empower theNaval officer in command at the Island of Guam to act as Collector ofCustoms for said Island, with authority to appoint a deputy ifnecessary. I further direct that any authority heretofore exercised under thedirection of the commandant at said Naval Station in respect to thecollection of customs be approved as if direct mention of such authorityhad been included in the Executive Order of February 1, 1900. In case the commandant shall make such appointment from civil life heshall require of the appointee good and sufficient security for the dueperformance of the duties of the office. Any authority heretofore exercised in the premises by the Naval Officerin command is hereby ratified as if said power to appoint had beenconferred in said Executive Order of February 1, 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _December 19, 1900. _ It is hereby ordered that the President's Order of January 9, 1884, transferring the Fort Yuma Military Reservation to the control of theDepartment of the Interior to be used for Indian purposes in connectionwith the Indian reservations established by the same order, be, and thesame is, hereby revoked as to that part of said military reservationlying south of the Colorado River. Inasmuch as said land has been abandoned for military purposes, as shownby executive orders of January 9, 1884, and July 22, 1884, it is furtherordered and directed that the portion of said military reservation lyingsouth of the Colorado River and being in the Territory of Arizona be, and the same is, hereby placed under the control of the Secretary of theInterior for disposition under the provisions of the Acts of Congressapproved July 5, 1884 (23 Stat. , p. 103), and August 22, 1894 (28 Stat. , p. 491). WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _February 2, 1900. _ By virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief of theArmy and Navy of the United States, I hereby order and direct that thatpart of Executive Order dated May 8, 1899, relating to the appointmentand creation of the office of Treasurer of the Island of Cuba, beamended as follows: The office of Treasurer of the Island of Cuba shall on and after April1, 1901, be placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Financeof said Island, and shall be filled by the appointment thereto of acitizen of Cuba. The said appointment to be made by the MilitaryGovernor thereof, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 8, 1901. _ On recommendation of the Military Governor of Cuba, approved by theSecretary of War, I hereby order and direct that the export rates ofduty on tobacco, provided on page 50 of the "Customs Tariff for Ports inthe Island of Cuba" promulgated by Executive Order dated March 31, 1900, shall be abolished on the 1st day of April, 1901. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 9, 1901. _ I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by virtue of theauthority vested in me by Section 3141, Revised Statutes of the UnitedStates, hereby order that the States of North Dakota and South Dakota, now part of the Internal Revenue District of Nebraska, shall be detachedfrom said District of Nebraska and constitute one District, to be knownas the Internal Revenue District of Newark, South Dakota. The Internal Revenue District of Nebraska shall comprise the State ofNebraska. This order to take effect on the first day of May, 1901. WILLIAM McKINLEY. (ENDORSEMENTS. ) WAR DEPARTMENT, _Washington, D. C. , March 9, 1901. _ _Secretary of War_: Recommends modification of executive order of June 4, 1892, settingapart a wood reservation for the post of Fort Fill, Oklahoma Territory, so as to make the eastern boundary coincident with the new 98 meridian(the boundary line between the Kiowa and Comanche Reservation and theChickasaw Nation) as serving a mark, pursuant to act of Congress of June28, 1898 (30 Stats. , 495). EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 11, 1901. _ The within recommendation is approved. The Secretary of the Interiorwill cause this action to be noted on the records of the General LandOffice. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 12, 1901. _ The executive order of May 8, 1899, relating to the Island of Cuba, aspromulgated by the Assistant Secretary of War, May 11, 1899, is herebyamended by substituting the following: By virtue of the authority vested in me as the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, I hereby order and direct that during the maintenance of Military Government by the United States in the Island of Cuba there is hereby created and shall be maintained the office of the Auditor for Cuba, to be filled by appointment of the Secretary of War, whose duties shall be to receive and audit all accounts of the island. There is hereby created and shall be maintained the office of Deputy Auditor for Cuba, to be filled by appointment of the Secretary of War, whose duties shall be to sign, in the name of the Auditor, such official papers as the Auditor may designate, and perform such other duties as the Auditor may prescribe. He shall have authority of his superior as Acting Auditor in case of the death, resignation, sickness, or other absence of the Auditor. There is hereby created and shall be maintained in the office of the Auditor the office of Chief Clerk, to be filled by appointment of the Auditor, and the Chief Clerk shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Auditor. All rules and instructions necessary to carry into effect the provisionsof executive orders relating to Cuba shall be issued by the Secretary ofWar, and such rules and instructions shall be enforced until the sameare amended or revoked by the Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 14. , 1901_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--The sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby allotted and setapart from the appropriation made for the benefit and Government ofPuerto Rico by the Act of March 24, 1900 (31 Stat. , p. 51) to beexpended in improving and grading of various roads throughout the islandof Puerto Rico such as "Neighboring Roads" between small municipalities. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 22, 1901_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--The sum of six thousand dollars is hereby allotted and set apartfrom the appropriation made for the benefit and Government of PuertoRico by the Act of March 24, 1900 (131 Stat. , p. 51) to be expended bythe Treasurer of Puerto Rico upon accounts certified by the Auditor ofthe Island for refunding customs duties paid by certain contractors onmaterials intended for use under their contracts brought into PuertoRico since May 1, 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 25, 1901. _ Counsular officers will hereafter collect any fees for bills of healthand supplemental bills of health issued foreign war vessels. The tariffof Consular fees is amended accordingly. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 26, 1901. _ It is hereby ordered that the unsurveyed portion of Eliza Island andBillingham Bay in section five (5), township thirty-six (36) north, range two (2) East Willamette meridian, Washington be, and it is herebyreserved for light-house purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , March 30, 1901. _ It is hereby ordered that the hereinafter described tracts of land inthe District of Alaska be, and they are hereby reserved and set apartfor Reindeer stations, subject to any legal existing rights to any landin the limits of the reservation hereby established, to wit: 1. The entire peninsula of which Cape Denbigh forms the southwesternextremity, situated in latitude 64 degrees, 30 minutes north, longitude161 degrees, 30 minutes west from Greenwich, approximately fifteen (15)miles in length and five (5) miles in width. A tract of land bounded as follows: Beginning at a point about six milesabove the mouth of the Unalaklik river and extending along the northbank of the Unalaklik river in a generally northeasterly direction tenmiles; thence in a generally northwesterly direction ten miles; thencein a generally southwesterly direction ten miles; thence in a generallysoutheasterly direction to the point of beginning. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 2, 1901. _ It is hereby ordered that all of Amaknam Island, District of Alaska, except the tract of land reserved for light-house purposes by executiveorder of Jan. 13th, 1899, and the tract of land embraced in amendedsurvey M 58 of the North American Commercial Co. Be, and it is herebyreserved for public purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 5, 1901. _ The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to enlist in the Insular ForceUnited States Navy, which is hereby established, not to exceed fivehundred (500) Filipinos in the following ratings at the rates of payindicated: RATES MONTHLY PAY Navy Coxswains $ 15. 00 Navy Seamen 12. 00 Navy Ordinary Seamen 10. 00 Navy Machinists; First-class 28. 00 Navy Machinists; Second-class 20. 00 Navy Firemen; First-class 18. 00 Navy Firemen; Second-class 15. 00 Navy Coal Passers 11. 00 Navy Sutlers 15. 00 Navy Cooks 13. 00 Navy Mess-Attendants 8. 00 WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 6, 1901. _. It is hereby ordered that upon Tuesday the ninth (9th) instant suchemployees of the Executive Departments; the Government Printing Officeand the Navy Yard and Station at Washington, as served in the Militaryor Naval services of the United States in the late Civil War ofSpanish-American War, shall be excused from duty at one o'clock P. M. Forthe remainder of that day to enable them to participate in the exercisesof the unveiling of the statue erected to the memory of the late GeneralJohn A. Logan. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 15, 1901. _ In accordance with provisions of act of Congress approved January 4th, 1897 (30 Stat, 34 and 36), and by virtue of the authority thereby given, and on the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, it is herebyordered that the tracts hereinafter described and situated in townshipfifty-eight (58) north, range eighty-nine (89) west, within the limitsof the Big Horn Forest reserve, in the State of Wyoming, be restored tothe public domain after sixty days' notice hereof by publication, asrequired bylaw; these tracts having been found better adapted toagricultural than forest purposes, to wit: What will be, when surveyed, all that portion of sections thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), in saidtownship and range lying south of the said line between Montana andWyoming, and all of sections twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two(22), twenty-three (23) twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six(26), and twenty-seven (27), all of said lands being in the State ofWyoming. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 23, 1901_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--The sum of five hundred thousand dollars is hereby allotted andset aside from the appropriation made for the benefit and Governmentof Puerto Rico by the act of March 24th, 1900 (31 Stat. , p. 51), to beexpended for public and permanent improvements in Puerto Rico, under thesupervision and subject to the approval of the Governor and ExecutiveCouncil of the Island. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , April 29, 1901. _ In case of the death, resignation, absence or sickness of the Secretaryof the Navy, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of theBureau of Navigation, Rear Admiral Charles O'Neil, U. S. Navy and Chiefof the Bureau of Ordnance is, in pursuance of the provisions of Sections177 and 179 of the Revised Statutes, hereby authorized and directed toperform the duties of Secretary of the Navy until a successor isappointed or until such absence or sickness shall cease. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 7, 1901. _ The following "Classification of Vessels" and "Assignments to manafloat" are hereby established for the Navy in accordance with an act ofCongress, approved March 3: CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS. Torpedo Boat Destroyers: Torpedo boats, tugs, sailing ships and receiving ships shall not be rated. Other vessels shall be rated by tons of displacement as follows: _First Rates_: Men of War when of eight thousand tons and above. _Second Rates_: Men of War of four thousand tons and under eight thousand tons, and Converted and Auxiliary vessels of six thousand tons and above, except Colliers, Refrigerating ships, Distilling ships, Tank-steamers, Reporting ships, Hospital ships and other vessels constructed or equipped for special purposes. _Third Rates_: Men of War from one thousand to four thousand tons and Converted and Auxiliary Vessels from one thousand to six thousand tons and Colliers, Refrigerating ships, Supply ships, Distilling ships, Tank-steamers, Report ships, Hospital ships and other vessels constructed or equipped for special purposes of four thousand tons and above. _Fourth Rates_: All other vessels. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 7, 1901. _ Commandants to man the following: An Admiral to man a fleet. Rear-Admiral to man a fleet or squadron. A Captain to man a division, or ship of the first or second rating or aship not rated. Commander to man a division or a ship of the second or third rating orship not rated. Lieutenant-Commander to man a ship of the third or fourth rating or aship not rated. A Lieutenant to man a ship of the fourth rating; a torpedo boatdestroyer, torpedo boat, tug, tender or a ship not rated. A Lieutenant, junior grade, to command a torpedo boat, tug, tender orship not rated. An Ensign to man a torpedo boat, tug or ship not rated. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 10, 1901_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--The sum of five hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof asremains unexpended, allotted and set aside by order of April 23, 1901, from the appropriation made for the benefit and Government of PuertoRico by the act of March 24, 1900 (31 Stat, p. 51), is to be devoted topublic and permanent improvements in Puerto Rico and other governmentaland public purposes therein, as provided in the said act, and it is tobe expended under the supervision and subject to the approval of theGovernment and administrative authorities of the Island. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 21, 1901. _ I hereby order and direct that Executive Order dated May 3, 1899, beamended so as to authorize the appointment of civilians as Collectors ofCustoms in the Philippine Archipelago. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 21, 1901_. _To the Secretary of War_: SIR:--Pending the cessation of conditions requiring a continuance ofMilitary Government in the Philippine Islands, you are authorized tomake the following order: On and after the 4th day of July, 1901, until it shall otherwise be ordered, the President of the Philippine Commission will exercise the Executive Authority in all civil affairs of the Government in the Philippine Islands, heretofore exercised in such affairs by the Military Governor of the Philippines, and to that end, the Hon. W. H. Taft, President of the said Commission is hereby appointed Civil Governor of the Philippine Islands. Such executive authority will be exercised under and in conformity to the instructions to the Philippine Commissioners dated April 7th, 1900, and subject to the approval and control of the Secretary of War of the United States. The municipal and Provincial Civil Governments will then, or shall hereafter be established in said Islands and all persons performing duties pertaining to the offices of Civil Government in said Islands will, in respect of such duties report to the said Civil Government. The power to appoint Civil Officers, heretofore vested in the Philippine Commission or in the Military Government will be exercised by the Civil Governor with the advice and consent of the Commissioners. The Military Governor of the Philippines is hereby relieved from theperformance on and after the said fourth day of July of the civil dutieshereinbefore described, but his authority will continue to be exercisedas heretofore in those districts in which insurrection against theauthority of the United States continues to exist or in which publicorder is not sufficiently restored to enable the Provincial CivilGovernment to be established under the instructions to the Commissiondated April 7th, 1900. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 21, 1901. _ In accordance with the provision in Section 2253 of the Revised Statutesof the United States, and by virtue of the authority thereby given, itis hereby ordered that the existing boundary line between Coeur d'Aleneand Lewiston Land Districts, State of Idaho, be and it is hereby changedand re-established as follows: Beginning on the boundary line betweenthe States of Idaho and Washington at the northwest corner ofdirectional township forty-two (42) north, range six (6) west, Boisemeridian, thence east along the boundary line between townshipsforty-two (42) and forty-three (43) north, to the crest of the BitterRoot Mountains. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 25, 1901. _ The executive order of April 5, 1901, is hereby amended by striking outthe word "Filipinos" and inserting in its stead "natives of the Islandsof the Philippines and of the Island of Guam. " WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 25, 1901. _ In accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress approved June4, 1897 (30 Stat, pp. 34-36), and by virtue of the authority therebygiven, and on the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, it ishereby ordered that the tracts hereinafter described and situated withinthe limits of the Big Horn Forest Reservation in the State of Wyomingbe restored to the public domain after sixty days' notice hereof bypublication as required by law, these tracts having been found betteradapted to agriculture than forest purposes, to wit: What will be, whensurveyed, sections twenty-four (24) to thirty-six (36), both inclusive, in township fifty-five (55) north, range ninety-two (92) west; what willbe, when surveyed, sections twenty-eight (28) to thirty-three (33), bothinclusive, in township fifty-five (55) north, range ninety-one (91)west; sections thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), and whatwill be, when surveyed, sections four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-eight (28), twenty-nine (29), and thirty-three (33), all in township fifty-four (54)north, range ninety-one (91) west; the southwest quarter remainingunsurveyed portion of section eighteen (18), all of sections nineteen(19), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), and what will be, when surveyed, sections six (6) and seven (7), all in township fifty-three (53) north, range ninety (90) west. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , June 29, 1901. _ In accordance with provision of the act of Congress approved June 4, 1897 (30 Stat. 34, 36), and by virtue of authority thereby given, andon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, it is herebyordered that township twenty-two (22) south, range nine (9) east, andtownship twenty-three (23) south, range nine (9) east, Willamettemeridian, Oregon, within the limits of the Cascade Range ForestReservation be restored to the public Domain after sixty days' noticehereof by publication as required by law, these tracts having been foundbetter adapted to agriculture than forest purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , July 24, 1901_. _To the Secretary of the Treasury_: SIR:--I herewith allot and set apart the funds now remaining in theTreasury of the United States as a separate fund raised from duties andtaxes collected in the United States under the provisions of the act ofCongress entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues and a CivilGovernment for Puerto Rico and for other purposes" approved April 12th, 1900, for public purposes in Puerto Rico; and these funds herebyallotted shall be devoted to public and permanent improvements in PuertoRico and other Governmental and public purposes therein as set forth inthe act of Congress approved March 24th, 1900 (31 Stat. , p. 51), andshall be expended under the sole supervision and subject to the approvalof the Governor and Administrative heads of the Island. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , August 19, 1901. _ It is hereby ordered that so much of the Executive Order of December 28, 1898 as fixes the rates at which the Spanish Alphonsino (_centem_) andthe French Louis shall be accepted in payment of customs, taxes, publicand postal dues in the Island of Cuba is modified to read as follows: Alphonsino (25 Peseta Piece) $4. 78 Louis (20 Frank Piece) 3. 83 WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , August 20, 1901. _ It is hereby ordered that all tracts and parcels of land belonging tothe United States situated on the Peninsula extending into the harboron the south side of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, known as Barriode la Puntilla, or Puntilla Point, bounded on the north by the southboundary of the Paseo de la Princesa and on the east, south and west bythe navigable waters of the harbor at such part Warden's line as may beestablished by competent authority, be and the same are hereby reservedfor naval purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , August 27, 1901. _ It is hereby ordered that the Executive Order of Jan. 4th, 1901, reservefor light house purposes among other tracts of land or cites in theDistrict of Alaska a tract described as follows: "Scotch Cap beginningat a point at low water mark, said point being three miles easterly ofpoint at low water mark opposite Scotch Cap Pinnacle six (6) due northone mile, thence north seventy-one (71) degrees east true four (4)miles, thence south thirty-eight (38) degrees true to low water mark;thence follow the windings of the low water mark to place of beginning, "be and the same is hereby canceled so far as it relates to the abovedescribed tract, and it is hereby ordered that in lieu thereof a tractdescribed as follows: Scotch Cap beginning at point at low water mark onUnimak Island, said point being three miles easterly of a point at lowwater mark opposite Scotch Cap Pinnacle; thence due north one mile;thence north seventy-one (71) degrees west true to four miles; thencesouth thirty-eight degrees west true to low water mark, thence followthe windings of the low water mark to place of beginning, be and it ishereby reserved and set apart for light house purposes, subject to anylegal existing rights thereto. WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, _Washington, D. C. , August 29, 1901. _ In accordance with provisions of Section 179 Revised Statutes asamended by act approved August 5th, 1882 (22 Stats, at large 238), Brigadier-General G. S. Gillespie, Corps of Engineers, United StatesArmy, is authorized and directed to perform the duties of Secretary ofWar during the temporary absence from the seat of Government of theSecretary of War and the Assistant Secretary of War. WILLIAM McKINLEY. PRESIDENT McKINLEY'S LAST PUBLIC UTTERANCE TO THE PEOPLE, BUFFALO, N. Y. , SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1901. _President Milburn, Director General Buchanan, Commissioners, Ladiesand Gentlemen_: I am glad to be again in the city of Buffalo and exchange greetings withher people, to whose generous hospitality I am not a stranger and withwhose good will I have been repeatedly and signally honored. To-dayI have additional satisfaction in meeting and giving welcome to theforeign representatives assembled here, whose presence and participationin this exposition have contributed in so marked a degree to itsinterest and success. To the Commissioners of the Dominion of Canada andthe British colonies, the French colonies, the republics of Mexico andCentral and South America and the commissioners of Cuba and Puerto Rico, who share with us in this undertaking, we give the hand of fellowshipand felicitate with them upon the triumphs of art, science, educationand manufacture which the old has bequeathed to the new century. Expositions are the timekeepers of progress. They record the world'sadvancement. They stimulate the energy, enterprise and intellect of thepeople and quicken human genius. They go into the home. They broaden andbrighten the daily life of the people. They open mighty storehouses ofinformation to the student. Every exposition, great or small, has helpedto some onward step. Comparison of ideas is always educational, andas such instruct the brain and hand of man. Friendly rivalry follows, which is the spur to industrial improvement, the inspiration to usefulinvention and to high endeavor in all departments of human activity. It exacts a study of the wants, comforts and even the whims of thepeople and recognizes the efficiency of high quality and new pieces towin their favor. The quest for trade is an incentive to men of businessto devise, invent, improve and economize in the cost of production. Business life, whether among ourselves or with other people, is ever asharp struggle for success. It will be none the less so in the future. Without competition we would be clinging to the clumsy antiquatedprocesses of farming and manufacture and the methods of business of longago, and the twentieth would be no further advanced than the eighteenthcentury. But though commercial competitors we are, commercial enemies wemust not be. The Pan-American exposition has done its work thoroughly, presentingin its exhibits evidences of the highest skill and illustrating theprogress of the human family in the western hemisphere. This portion ofthe earth has no cause for humiliation for the part it has performed inthe march of civilization. It has not accomplished everything from it. It has simply done its best, and without vanity or boastfulness, andrecognizing the manifold achievements of others, it invites the friendlyrivalry of all the powers in the peaceful pursuits of trade andcommerce, and will co-operate with all in advancing the highest and bestinterests of humanity. The wisdom and energy of all the nations are none too great for theworld's work. The success of art, science, industry and invention is aninternational asset and a common glory. After all, how near one to the other is every part of the world. Moderninventions have brought into close relation widely separated peoples andmade them better acquainted. Geographic and political divisions willcontinue to exist, but distances have been effaced. Swift ships andswift trains are becoming cosmopolitan. They invade fields which a fewyears ago were impenetrable. The world's products are exchanged as neverbefore, and with increasing transportation facilities come increasingknowledge and larger trade. Prices are fixed with mathematical precisionby supply and demand. The world's selling prices are regulated by marketand crop reports. We travel greater distances in a shorter space of time and with moreease than was ever dreamed of by the fathers. Isolation is no longerpossible or desirable. The same important news is read, though indifferent languages, the same day in all Christendom. The telegraphkeeps us advised of what is occurring everywhere, and the pressforeshadows, with more or less accuracy, the plans and purposes of thenations. Market prices of products and of securities are hourly known in everycommercial mart, and the investments of the people extend beyond theirown national boundaries into the remotest parts of the earth. Vasttransactions are conducted and international exchanges are made by thetick of the cable. Every event of interest is immediately bulletined. The quick gathering and transmission of news, like rapid transit, are ofrecent origin and are only made possible by the genius of the inventorand the courage of the investor. It took a special messenger of theGovernment, with every facility known at the time for rapid travel, nineteen days to go from the city of Washington to New Orleans with amessage to General Jackson that the war with England had ceased and atreaty of peace had been signed. How different now! We reached General Miles in Puerto Rico by cable, and he was able, through the military telegraph, to stop his army on the firing line withthe message that the United States and Spain had signed a protocolsuspending hostilities. We knew almost instantly of the first shotsfired at Santiago, and the subsequent surrender of the Spanish forceswas known at Washington within less than an hour of its consummation. The first ship of Cervera's fleet had hardly emerged from that historicharbor when the fact was flashed to our capital, and the swiftdestruction that followed was announced immediately through thewonderful medium of telegraphy. So accustomed are we to safe and easy communication with distant landsthat its temporary interruption, even in ordinary times, results in lossand inconvenience. We shall never forget the days of anxious waiting andawful suspense when no information was permitted to be sent from Pekin, and the diplomatic representatives of the nations in China, cut offfrom all communication, inside and outside of the walled capital, weresurrounded by an angry and misguided mob that threatened their lives;nor the joy that filled the world when a single message from theGovernment of the United States brought through our minister the firstnews of the safety of the besieged diplomats. At the beginning of the nineteenth century there was not a mile of steamrailroad on the globe. Now there are enough miles to make its circuitmany times. Then there was not a line of electric telegraph; now we havea vast mileage traversing all lands and seas. God and man have linkedthe nations together. No nation can longer be indifferent to any other. And as we are brought more and more in touch with each other the lessoccasion there is for misunderstandings and the stronger thedisposition, when we have differences, to adjust them in the court ofarbitration, which is the noblest forum for the settlement ofinternational disputes. My fellow citizens, trade statistics indicate that this country isin a state of unexampled prosperity. The figures are almost appalling. They show that we are utilizing our fields and forests and mines andthat we are furnishing profitable employment to the millions ofworkingmen throughout the United States, bringing comfort and happinessto their homes and making it possible to lay by savings for old ageand disability. That all the people are participating in this greatprosperity is seen in every American community, and shown by theenormous and unprecedented deposits in our savings banks. Our dutyis the care and security of these deposits, and their safe investmentdemands the highest integrity and the best business capacity of thosein charge of these depositories of the people's earnings. We have a vast and intricate business, built up through years oftoil and struggle, in which every part of the country has its stake, and will not permit of either neglect or of undue selfishness. Nonarrow, sordid policy will subserve it. The greatest skill and wisdomon the part of the manufacturers and producers will be required to holdand increase it. Our industrial enterprises which have grown to suchgreat proportions affect the homes and occupations of the people andthe welfare of the country. Our capacity to produce has developed soenormously and our products have so multiplied that the problem of moremarkets requires our urgent and immediate attention. Only a broad andenlightened policy will keep what we have. No other policy will getmore. In these times of marvelous business energy and gain we oughtto be looking to the future, strengthening the weak places in ourindustrial and commercial system, that we may be ready for any stormor strain. By sensible trade arrangements which will not interrupt our homeproduction we shall extend the outlets for our increasing surplus. A system which provides a mutual exchange of commodities, a mutualexchange is manifestly essential to the continued and healthful growthof our export trade. We must not repose in fancied security that we canforever sell everything and buy little or nothing. If such a thing werepossible, it would not be best for us or for those with whom we deal. We should take from our customers such of their products as we can usewithout harm to our industries and labor. Reciprocity is the naturaloutgrowth of our wonderful industrial development under the domesticpolicy now firmly established. What we produce beyond our domesticconsumption must have a vent abroad. The excess must be relieved througha foreign outlet and we should sell everywhere we can, and buy whereverthe buying will enlarge our sales and productions, and thereby make agreater demand for home labor. The period of exclusiveness is past. The expansion of our trade andcommerce is the pressing problem. Commercial wars are unprofitable. A policy of good will and friendly trade relations will preventreprisals. Reciprocity treaties are in harmony with the spirit of thetimes, measures of retaliation are not. If perchance some of our tariffsare no longer needed, for revenue or to encourage and protect ourindustries at home, why should they not be employed to extend andpromote our markets abroad? Then, too, we have inadequate steamshipservice. New lines of steamers have already been put in commissionbetween the Pacific coast ports of the United States and those on thewestern coasts of Mexico and Central and South America. These should befollowed up with direct steamship lines between the eastern coast of theUnited States and South American ports. One of the needs of the times isto direct commercial lines from our vast fields of production to thefields of consumption that we have but barely touched. Next in advantageto having the thing to sell is to have the convenience to carry it tothe buyer. We must encourage our merchant marine. We must have moreships. They must be under the American flag, built and manned and ownedby Americans. These will not only be profitable in a commercial sense;they will be messengers of peace and amity wherever they go. We mustbuild the Isthmian canal, which will unite the two oceans and give astraight line of water communication with the western coasts of Centraland South America and Mexico. The construction of a Pacific cable cannotbe longer postponed. In the furthering of these objects of national interest and concernyou are performing an important part. This exposition would havetouched the heart of that American statesman whose mind was ever alertand thought ever constant for a larger commerce and a truer fraternityof the republics of the new world. His broad American spirit is feltand manifested here. He needs no identification to an assemblage ofAmericans anywhere, for the name of Blaine is inseparably associatedwith the Pan-American movement, which finds this practical andsubstantial expression, and which we all hope will be firmly advanced bythe Pan-American congress that assembles this autumn in the capital ofMexico. The good work will go on. It cannot be stopped. These buildingswill disappear; this creation of art and beauty and industry will perishfrom sight, but their influence will remain to Make it live beyond its too short living With praises and thanksgiving. Who can tell the new thoughts that have been awakened, the ambitionsfired and the high achievements that will be wrought through thisexposition? Gentlemen, let us ever remember that our interest is inconcord, not conflict, and that our real eminence rests in the victoriesof peace, not those of war. We hope that all who are represented heremay be moved to higher and nobler effort for their own and the world'sgood, and that out of this city may come, not only greater commerce andtrade, but more essential than these, relations of mutual respect, confidence and friendship which will deepen and endure. Our earnest prayer is that God will graciously vouchsafe prosperity, happiness and peace to all our neighbors, and like blessings to all thepeoples and powers of earth. DEATH OF PRESIDENT McKINLEY. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ASSASSINATION. _Buffalo, N. Y. , Sept. 6-7 P. M. _ The President was shot about 4 o'clock. One bullet struck him on theupper portion of the breastbone, glancing and not penetrating; thesecond bullet penetrated the abdomen five inches below the left nippleand one and a half inches to the left of the median line. The abdomenwas opened through the line of the bullet wound. It was found that thebullet had penetrated the stomach. The opening in the front wall of thestomach was carefully closed with silk stitches, after which a searchwas made for a hole in the back wall of the stomach. This was found andalso closed in the same way. The further course of the bullet could notbe discovered, although careful search was made. The abdominal wound wasclosed without drainage. No injury to the intestines or other abdominalorgan was discovered. The patient stood the operation well, pulse ofgood quality, rate of 130. Condition at the conclusion of operation wasgratifying. The result cannot be foretold. His condition at presentjustifies hope of recovery. GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, _Secretary to the President. _ NEWS AT THE WHITE HOUSE. The official announcement of the President's death was received at theWhite House at 2:35 o'clock, September 14, 1901, as follows: _Buffalo, September 14. _ _Col. B. F. Montgomery, Executive Mansion, Washington_: The President died at 2:15 this morning. GEORGE B. CORTELYOU. Immediately upon receipt of the official dispatch the following was sentto Secretary Cortelyou: Members of the executive staff in Washington are deeply affected, and beg to tender their profound sympathy to Mrs. McKinley. O. F. PRUDEN, _Assistant Secretary. _ PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF DEATH BY THE PHYSICIANS. MILBURN HOUSE, _Buffalo, N. Y. , Sept. 14. _ The following report of the autopsy upon the remains of PresidentMcKinley was issued at 5 o'clock: The bullet which struck over the breastbone did not pass through the skin, and did little harm. The other bullet passed through both walls of the stomach near its lower border. Both holes were found to be perfectly closed by the stitches, but the tissue around each hole had become gangrenous. After passing through the stomach the bullet passed into the back walls of the abdomen, hitting and tearing the upper end of the kidney. This portion of the bullet track was also gangrenous, the gangrene involving the pancreas. The bullet has not yet been found. There was no sign of peritonitis or disease of other organs. The heart walls were very thin. There was no evidence of any attempt at repair on the part of nature, and death resulted from the gangrene, which affected the stomach around the bullet wounds as well as the tissues around the further course of the bullet. Death was unavoidable by any surgical or medical treatment, and was the direct result of the bullet wound. HARVEY D. GAYLORD, M. D. HERMAN G. MATZINGER, M. D. P. M. RIXEY, M. D. MATTHEW D. MANN, M. D. HERMAN MYNTER, M. D. ROSWELL PARK, M. D. EUGENE WASDIN, M. D. CHARLES G. STOCKTON, M. D. EDWARD G. JANEWAY, M. D. W. D. JOHNSON, M. D. W. P. KENDALL, _Surgeon, U. S. A. _ CHARLES CARY, M. D. EDWARD L. MUNSON, _Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. _ HERMANUS L. BAER, M. D. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE VICE-PRESIDENT. At the residence of Mr. Ansley Wilcox, 641 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. , Mr. Root stepped forward and said, with deep emotion: "Mr. Vice-President, I have been requested on behalf of the Cabinet of thelate President--at least those who are present in Buffalo, all excepttwo--to request that for reasons of weight affecting the affairs ofGovernment you should proceed to take the constitutional oath ofPresident of the United States. " THE VICE-PRESIDENT'S REPLY. "I shall take the oath at once in accordance with your request, and inthis hour of deep and terrible national bereavement. I wish to statethat it shall be my aim to continue absolutely unbroken the policy ofPresident McKinley for the peace and prosperity and honor of our belovedcountry. " ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ASSASSINATION TO REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITEDSTATES ABROAD. (_From the Washington Post, Sept. 15, 1901_. ) DEPARTMENT OF STATE, _Washington, Sept. 14_. _Sir_: It is my painful duty to announce to you the death ofWilliam McKinley, President of the United States, in the city ofBuffalo, at fifteen minutes past 2 in the morning of to-day, September14. Laid low by the act of an assassin, the week-long struggle to save hislife has been watched with keen solicitude, not alone by the people ofthis country, who raised him from their own ranks to the high office hefilled, but by the people of all friendly nations, whose messages ofsympathy and hope, while hope was possible, have been most consolatoryin this time of sore trial. Now that the end has come, I request you to be the medium ofcommunicating the sad tidings to the Government of the honored nationyou so worthily represent, and to announce that in obedience to theprescriptions of the Constitution, the office of President has devolvedupon Theodore Roosevelt, Vice-President of the United States. Accept, sir, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. JOHN HAY. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE ARMY. [GENERAL ORDER No. 13. ] HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, _Washington, D. C. Sept. 16, 1901. _ With great sorrow, the commanding general announces the death ofWilliam McKinley, President of the United States and, by statute, Commander-in-Chief of the District of Columbia Militia, which occurredat Buffalo, N. Y. , at 2:15 o'clock A. M. On September 14, 1901. Throughout his tragically terminated administration President McKinleywas actively interested in the welfare of this organization andfrequently gave it evidence of his sincere friendship. His distinguishedservices as soldier and civilian must incite to emulation and willresult in purer patriotism and better citizenship wherever his careeris studied. The national flag will be displayed at half-staff on all armoriesfrom sunrise to sunset of each day until sunset of Thursday, the 19thinstant, on which day the remains of the late Commander-in-Chief willbe interred at Canton, Ohio. The officers of the National Guard will wear the usual badge of mourningupon their swords, and the regimental and battalion colors will bedraped in mourning for a period of thirty days. By command of BRIG. -GEN. HARRIES. CHARLES H. OURAND, _Major and Inspector General, Acting Adjutant-General. _ By direction of the Acting Secretary of War, the National Guard ofthe District of Columbia will assemble for escort and parade duty onTuesday, September 17, 1901, to participate in the funeral of WilliamMcKinley, late President of the United States and Commander-in-Chiefof the District of Columbia Militia. The brigade will assemble at 8:30 o'clock A. M. , in column of companies, on Pennsylvania avenue facing east, its right resting on Nineteenthstreet northwest. The order of formation, from right to left, will be as follows: General staff and general non-commissioned staff. Brigade Band. Engineer Corps. Second Regiment of Infantry. First Regiment of Infantry. Corps of field music. First Separate Battalion. Signal Corps. Naval Battalion. Ambulance Corps. Undress uniform, forage caps, leggings, white standing collars, andwhite gloves will be worn; the Naval Battalion to be in its prescribeduniform. All members of the general staff and general non-commissioned staff, andthe field officers and adjutants of regiments will be mounted, and willwear the prescribed undress mounted uniform. All commanding officers will assemble at the adjutant-general's officeat 9:30 o'clock on the evening of September 16, to receive any specialorders that may be issued. Commanding officers of companies will furnish their battalion adjutantswith "morning reports" immediately after the parade is dismissed, notingthereon the names of all officers and men absent from the parade withoutleave. Commanding officers of regiments, separate battalions, andseparate companies will furnish these headquarters with consolidatedmorning reports before 10 o'clock A. M. Of the 19th instant; will seethat all enlisted men absent without leave are properly dealt with, andwill report to these headquarters the names of all commissioned officersso absent. By command of BRIG. -GEN. HARRIES. CHARLES H. OURAND, _Major and Inspector General, Acting Adjutant-General. _ OFFICIAL ORDERS SENT OUT. SALUTES TO BE FIRED AND FLAGS LOWERED AFLOAT AND ASHORE. Secretary of State Hay and Secretary of the Treasury Gage, the onlyCabinet officers in town, held a consultation on the morning of the 13thas a result of which the following order was issued: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, _Washington, Sept. 14. _ _To the Secretary of the Navy_: Out of respect to the memory of the President, the executive departments will be closed to-day and on the day of the funeral. JOHN HAY. A similar order was communicated to all the heads and acting heads ofthe executive departments in Washington by government telegraph. They inturn issued the necessary orders for the closing of their respectivedepartments, not only in Washington, but throughout the country. In ashort time the large buildings were deserted, except by a few clerksdetailed to aid their chiefs in the promulgation of necessary orders. In addition to issuing the order closing the Navy Department, Acting Secretary Hackett dispatched the following order to everycommander-in-chief, to every navy yard, and to every United States ship, stating simply: It is with profound sorrow that the department announces to you the death of President McKinley at 2:15, September 14. The Acting Secretary also issued the following order to the naval branchof the United States: [SPECIAL ORDER No. 12. ] NAVY DEPARTMENT, _Washington, Sept. 14, 1901. _ The President of the United States died this morning at 2:15, in the city of Buffalo, N. Y. Officers and men of the navy and Marine Corps need not to be reminded of the public and private virtues of their late Commander-in-Chief. The whole people loved William McKinley, for he loved and trusted them. As soldier, statesman, husband, and as a pure-minded, great-hearted American, his fame now belongs to his country. Under the Constitution, Theodore Roosevelt, previously Vice-President, has become President and Commander-in-Chief of the navy and Marine Corps of the United States. F. W. HACKETT, _Acting Secretary_. The ceremonies to be observed are provided for in the naval regulationsas follows: Upon the receipt of official intelligence of the death of the President of the United States, the senior officer shall direct that on the following day the ensign and union jack be displayed at half-mast from sunrise to sunset, and guns fired every half hour from all ships present. Similar orders shall be given at naval stations. A naval regulation provides that salutes shall not be fired on Sundayexcept in cases wherein international courtesy would suffer from thebreach. Therefore the firing of the guns will take place on Monday atthose points where the department's announcement was received yesterday. ORDER TO THE ARMY. A dispatch was received at the War Department on the afternoon of the13th from Secretary Root approving the draft of the order to the army, announcing the death of President McKinley. It was sent to all officersin command. The order follows: HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, _Washington, September 14. _ _General orders_: 1. The following order of the Secretary of War announces to the army the death of William McKinley, President of the United States: WAR DEPARTMENT, _Washington, September 14_. The distressing duty devolves upon the Secretary of War of announcing to the army the death of William McKinley, President of the United States, which occurred at Buffalo, N. Y. , at 2:15 o'clock A. M. , on the 14th day of September, 1901. The grief into which the nation has been plunged at the untimely death of its Chief Magistrate will be keenly felt by the army of the United States, in which, in his early manhood, he rendered distinguished and patriotic services, and in whose welfare he manifested at all times a profound and abiding solicitude. Appropriate funeral honors will be paid to the memory of the late President and Commander-in-Chief at the headquarters of every military division and department, at every military port, at the United States Military Academy, West Point, and at every camp of troops of the United States in the field. The Lieutenant-General of the army will give the necessary instructions for carrying this order into effect. ELIHU ROOT, _Secretary of War_. 2. On the day after the receipt of this order at the headquarters of military commands in the field and at each military station and at the Military Academy, at West Point, the troops and cadets will be paraded at 10 o'clock, A. M. , and the order read to them, after which all labor for the day will cease. THIRTEEN GUNS AT DAWN. 3. At dawn thirteen guns will be fired at each military post, and afterward at intervals of thirty minutes between the rising and setting sun a single gun, and at the close of the day the salute of the Union of forty-five guns. The national flag will be displayed at half-staff at the headquarters of the several military divisions and departments, and at all military posts, stations, forts, and buildings and vessels under the control of the department until the remains of the late Chief Magistrate are consigned to their final resting place at Canton, Ohio, on the afternoon of Thursday, the 19th instant, on which day all labor will be suspended at all military posts and stations and on all public works under the direction of the department, and at 12 o'clock meridian twenty-one minute guns will be fired from all military posts and stations. The officers of the army of the United States will wear the usual badge of mourning on their swords and the colors of the various military organizations of the army will be draped in mourning for the period of one month. 4. The following officers of the army will, with a like number of officers of the navy selected for the purpose, compose the guard of honor, and accompany the remains of their late Commander-in-Chief from the National Capital to Canton, Ohio, and continue with them until they are consigned to their final resting place: The Lieutenant-General of the Army. Maj. -Gen. John R. Brooke. Maj. -Gen. Elwell S. Otis. Maj. -Gen. Arthur MacArthur. Brig. -Gen. George L. Gillespie. By command of Lieut. -Gen. Miles. THOMAS WARD, _Acting Adjutant-General. _ The following order then issued: WAR DEPARTMENT, _Washington, Sept. 14. _ The Secretary of War announces to the army that upon the death of William McKinley, President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Vice-President, has succeeded to the office of President of the United States, by virtue of the Constitution. ELIHU ROOT, _Secretary of War. _ Secretary Root also gave directions to the officers of the department tomake the necessary arrangements and issue orders for the participationof the army in the funeral ceremonies, following the Garfield precedent. The following order was issued by the Secretary of the Treasury to theRevenue Cutter Service: The department announces to the service the sad tidings of the death of the President. The flags of all vessels of the Revenue Cutter Service will be carried at half-mast until otherwise ordered. MR. GAGE ANNOUNCES DEATH. HEAD OF TREASURY PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE LATE PRESIDENT MCKINLEY. Secretary Gage issued the following announcement of the death ofPresident McKinley: It has been thought proper to make sad but official announcement in this issue of Treasury Decisions of the tragic death of William McKinley, twenty-fifth President of the United States, and to give some expression of that tribute which his character and deeds compel. It needed not the shadows of death to make the figure of the late President loom large in the estimate of mankind. The republic he loved he lived to broaden and unify as no previous President had done. Under his prudent and far-seeing statesmanship it took exalted place in the community of nations. From his place as private citizen, on through many and increasing honors to his final post as ruler of his people, he remained true to the highest ideals. By the people of the nation at large and by the world he was known and will live in grateful annals as a gentleman of noble heart, an affectionate husband, a sturdy friend, and a faithful and illustrious President. In a long public life, ever open to his fellows, nothing was ever found, even by intemperate partisan zeal, that would cast a shade upon his character. The kindly and unselfish attributes which his colleagues knew and loved, the public felt, and now men of every faith and following join in reverent acknowledgment of those distinctive virtues and abilities that lift him among the truly great of all ages. The passing of Presidents and Kings usually evokes tributes of praise, but in William McKinley's life there was an element that made him more than ruler, and which, in the hour of his death, is above the tribute of speech and tears. The ordinary tributes paid to the memory of the great when they pass from earth utterly fail to satisfy the mind in an attempted application of them to our dead President. L. J. GAGE, _Secretary. _ CERTIFICATE OF THE CORONER. FORMAL RECORD OF MCKINLEY'S DEATH FOR BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS. The coroner of Erie County issued the following certificate of death ofthe late President: CITY OF BUFFALO, BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS, COUNTY OF ERIE, STATE OF NEW YORK. Certificate and record of death of William McKinley: I hereby certify that he died on the 14th day of September, 1901, about 2:15 o'clock A. M. , and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the cause of death was as hereunder written: Cause, gangrene of both walls of stomach and pancreas following gunshot wound. Witness my hand this 14th day of September, 1901. H. R. GAYLORD, M. D. H. Z. MATZINGER, M. D. JAMES F. WILSON, _Coroner_. Date of death--September 14, 1901. Age--58 years, 7 months, 15 days. Color--White. Single, married, etc. --Married. Occupation--President of the United States. Birthplace--Niles, Ohio. How long in the United States, if foreign born-- Father's name--William McKinley. Father's birthplace--Pennsylvania, U. S. Mother's name--Nancy McKinley. Mother's birthplace--Ohio, U. S. Place of death--1168 Delaware avenue. Last previous residence--Washington, D. C. Direct cause of death--Gangrene of both walls of stomach and pancreas following gunshot wound. OFFICIAL ORDER OF OBSERVANCES. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE OBSEQUIES AT WASHINGTON CITY OF WILLIAMMCKINLEY, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The remains of the late President will arrive in Washington at 8:30o'clock P. M. On Monday, the 16th of September, 1901, and will beescorted to the Executive Mansion by a squadron of United StatesCavalry. On Tuesday, the 17th instant, at 9 o'clock A. M. , they will be borne tothe Capitol, where they will lie in state in the rotunda from 10 o'clockP. M. Until 6 P. M. That date. The following morning there will be exercises at the Capitol at 10o'clock. At 1 P. M. The remains will be borne to the depot of thePennsylvania Railroad, and thence conveyed to their final resting placeat Canton, Ohio. FROM WHITE HOUSE TO CAPITOL. ORDER OF PROCESSION FOR TUESDAY. SECTION I. Funeral Escort, Under Command of Maj. -Gen. John R. Brooke, U. S. A. Artillery Band. Squadron of Cavalry. Company A, United States Engineers. Two Batteries C Artillery. Marine Band. Battalion of Marines. Battalion of United States Seamen. Brigade of National Guard, District of Columbia. SECTION II. Under Command of Chief Marshal, Gen. Henry V. Boynton. Clergymen in Attendance. Physicians who attended the late President. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Grand Army of the Republic. Guard of Honor. Guard of Honor. Hearse. Bearers. Bearers. Officers of the army, Navy and Marine Corps in this city who are not onduty with the troops forming the escort will form, in full dress, rightin front, on either side of the hearse--the army on the right and theNavy and Marine Corps on the left--and compose the guard of honor. Family of the late President. Relatives of the late President. Ex-President of the United States. SECTION III. THE PRESIDENT. The Cabinet Ministers. The Diplomatic Corps. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Senators of the United States. Members of the U. S. House of Representatives. Governors of States and Territories. Commissioners of the District of Columbia. The Judges of the Court of Claims, the Judiciary of the District of Columbia, and Judges of the United States Courts. The Assistant Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, Navy, Interior and Agricultural Departments. The Assistant Postmasters General. The Solicitor General and the Assistant Attorneys General. Organized Societies. The troops designated to form the escort will assemble on the north sideof Pennsylvania avenue, facing the Executive Mansion, left resting onthe eastern entrance to the grounds, and in inverse order, so that whenthe column is formed to the left, the organizations will be in the orderabove described. The formation will be completed at 9 A. M. On Tuesday, the 17th instant. The civic procession will form in accordance with the directions to begiven by the chief marshal. The officers of the army and navy selected to compose the special guardof honor will be at the Capitol so as to receive the remains uponarrival there. WEDNESDAY'S SOLEMN PAGEANT. Order of procession for Wednesday: The military guard will escort the remains from the Capitol to therailroad station. The troops on that date will assemble on the east side of the Capitoland form line fronting the eastern portico of the Capitol precisely at1 o'clock P. M. The procession will move, upon the conclusion of the services at theCapitol (commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. ), when minute guns will be firedat the navy yard, by the vessels of war which may be in port, and atFort Myer, and by a battery of artillery stationed near the Capitol forthat purpose. At the same hour the bells of the several churches, fire engine-houses, and schoolhouses will be tolled, the firing of the minute-guns and thetolling of the bells to continue until the departure of the remains ofthe late Chief Magistrate for the railroad depot. At 2:30 o'clock P. M. The officers of the army and navy selected tocompose the special guard of honor will assemble at the Pennsylvaniadepot in time to receive the body of the late President, and deposit itin the car prepared for that purpose. As the necessary limits of time do not permit personal communicationwith the public officers of the United States and of the several Statesenumerated in the foregoing order, they are respectfully requested toaccept the invitation to take part in the exercises conveyed through thepublication hereof, and to send notice of their intention to be presentto the Secretary of War at the War Department in Washington. Organizations and civic societies desiring to take part are requestedto send similar notice at the earliest time practicable to the chiefmarshal of the civic procession, Gen. Henry V. Boynton, Wyatt Building, Washington, D. C. JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State_. ELIHU ROOT, _Secretary of War_. JOHN D. LONG, _Secretary of the Navy_. HENRY B. F. MACFARLAND, _President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia_. ORDER OF PROCESSION. The procession then started at slow march up Pennsylvania avenuetoward the White House. It moved in the following order: Four mounted police outriders. Platoon of forty policemen on foot, Capt. Francis E. Cross, commanding. Platoon of sixteen mounted policemen abreast, Sergt. Matthews, commanding. Cavalry escort from Fort Myer, consisting of Troops I and L, under command of Maj. Walter L. Finlay. Staff, Maj. Thomas, Fifth Cavalry; Maj. George L. Davis, surgeon; Chaplain C. E. Pierce, Capt. S. H. Elliott, adjutant. Troop I, under command of Capt. C. E. Brooks and Second Lieut. A. S. Fuger, and Troop L, under command of Lieut. W. B. Scales. Three veteran society representatives, Mr. John McElroy, national senior vice-commander of the Grand Army of the Republic; Israel W. Stone, commander of the Department of the Potomac of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Gen. R. G. Dyrenforth, national commander of the Union Veteran Union. Platoon of representatives of veteran organizations, Col. J. T. Wilkinson, Spanish War Veterans; Col. J. Edwin Browne, Union Veteran Legion; Chaplain C. E. Stevens, Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic; A. M. Daniels, commander Post No. 6, Department of the Potomac; Past Commander George P. Davis, of Burnside Post; A. R. Greene, past department commander of Kansas; Grand Commander John M. Meacham, Department of the Potomac, Union Veterans' Union; Arthur Hendricks, past commander Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic; L. K. Brown, of Burnside Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Remains of the President. ORDERS TO GUARD OF HONOR. The following special order was issued on the 16th: The special guard of honor, composed of general officers of the army and admirals of the navy, will not march in the procession contemplated for Tuesday. The special guard of honor--general officers of the army, active and retired; the admirals of the navy, active and retired--not otherwise instructed will assemble in full dress as follows: Monday, September 16, 1901, at the White House at 8 P. M. Tuesday, September 17, 1901, at the east front of the Capitol at 9:30 A. M. Acting Secretary Hackett has issued the following order to govern thenavy in the funeral ceremonies: [SPECIAL ORDER No. 13. ] NAVY DEPARTMENT, _Washington, Sept. 16, 1901. _ All officers on the active list of the navy and Marine Corps on duty in Washington will assemble in full dress uniform at 7:30 P. M. Monday evening, September 16, at Pennsylvania Railroad station for the purpose of meeting the remains of the late President of the United States. They will again assemble in the same uniform in the grounds of the Executive Mansion and near the eastern gate at 9 A. M. On Tuesday, September 17, to march as guard of honor in the procession from the Executive Mansion to the Capitol. The following special guard of honor is hereby appointed: The Admiral of the Navy, Rear Admiral A. S. Crowninshield, Rear Admiral Charles O'Neil, Paymaster-General A. S. Kenny, Brig. -Gen. Charles Heywood, U. S. M. C. The special guard of honor will assemble in special full dress uniform at the Executive Mansion at 8 P. M. Monday, September 16, to receive the remains of the late President, and will again assemble in the same uniform at the Capitol at 10 A. M. Tuesday, September 17, and will thence accompany the remains of President McKinley to their final resting place in Canton, Ohio. All officers of flag rank will constitute an additional special guard of honor, and will assemble at the places hereinbefore mentioned for the special guard of honor. The additional special guard of honor will not, however, accompany the remains of the late President to Canton. F. W. HACKETT, _Acting Secretary_. The following official statement, making important changes in the plansfor the funeral services over the remains of President McKinley in thiscity, was made public: In compliance with the earnest wishes of Mrs. McKinley that the body of her husband shall rest in her home at Canton Wednesday night, the following changes in the obsequies of the late President will be made: Funeral services in the rotunda of the Capitol will be held Tuesday morning on the arrival of the escort which will accompany the remains from the White House. The body of the late President will lie in state in the rotunda for the remainder of Tuesday, and will be escorted to the railroad station Tuesday evening. The funeral train will leave Washington at or about 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, and thus will arrive at Canton during the day Wednesday. JOHN HAY, _Secretary of State_. ELIHU ROOT, _Secretary of War_. JOHN D. LONG, _Secretary of the Navy_. H. B. F. MACFARLAND, _President Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia_. HOUSE COMMITTEE NAMED. LIST WIRED BY SPEAKER HENDERSON. The following dispatch from Speaker Henderson named the House committee: _New York, Sept. 15, 1901. _ _Hon. Henry Casson, Sergeant-at-arms, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. _: I have appointed the following committee for Presidential funeral and escort. Notify them at once, requesting answer. Give each date of funeral and hour of leaving Washington: Grosvenor, Ohio; Burton, Ohio; Tayler, Ohio; Loud, California; Russell, Connecticut; Ball, Delaware; Cannon, Illinois; Hitt, Illinois; Hopkins, Illinois; Steele, Indiana; Hepburn, Iowa; Curtis, Kansas; Burleigh, Maine; Mudd, Maryland; Gillett, Massachusetts; Corliss, Michigan; Fletcher, Minnesota; Mercer, Nebraska; Sulloway, New Hampshire; Loudenslager, New Jersey; Payne, New York; Sherman, New York; Marshall, North Dakota; Tongue, Oregon; Bingham, Pennsylvania; Grow, Pennsylvania; Dalzell, Pennsylvania; Capron, Rhode Island; Burke, South Dakota; Foster, Vermont; Cushman, Washington; Dovener, West Virginia; Babcock, Wisconsin; Mondell, Wyoming; Richardson, Tennessee; Bankhead, Alabama; McRae, Arkansas; Bell, Colorado; Sparkman, Florida; Lester, Georgia; Glenn, Idaho; Smith, Kentucky; Robertson, Louisiana; Williams, Mississippi; De Armond, Missouri; Edwards, Montana; Newlands, Nevada; Cummings, New York; W. W. Kitchin, North Carolina; Norton, Ohio; Elliott, South Carolina; Lanham, Texas; Swanson, Virginia; Bodie, New Mexico; Flynn, Oklahoma; Smith, Arizona. Acknowledge receipt of this telegram. I will be at funeral. D. B. HENDERSON. ACTION OF CONGRESS. Upon the assembly of the Fifty-seventh Congress in its first sessionconvened, President Roosevelt referred in touching terms to theassassination of the late President McKinley. (Page 417. ) The Senate on December 3, 1901, adopted the following resolution: _Resolved_, That a committee of eleven Senators be appointed on the part of the Senate, to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the House, to consider and report on what token of respect and affection it may be proper for the Congress of the United States to express the deep sensibility of the nation to the tragic death of the late President, William McKinley, and that so much of the message of the President as relates to that deplorable event be referred to such committee. The committee on the part of the Senate comprised the following namedgentlemen: Mr. Foraker, Mr. Allison, Mr. Fairbanks, Mr. Kean, Mr. Aldrich, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Jones of Arkansas, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Cockrelland Mr. McEnery. The House of Representatives on December 3, passed the followingresolution: _Resolved_, That a committee of one member from each State represented in this House be appointed on the part of the House to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate, to consider and report by what token of respect and affection it may be proper for the Congress of the United States to express the deep sensibility of the nation to the tragic death of the late President, William McKinley, and that so much of the message of the President as relates to that deplorable event be referred to that committee. The committee on the part of the House of Representatives comprised thefollowing named gentlemen: Ohio, Charles H. Grosvenor; California, Julius Kahn; Connecticut, E. Stevens Henry; Delaware, L. Heister Ball; Illinois, Vespasian Warner; Indiana, James E. Watson; Iowa, Robert G. Cousins; Idaho, Thomas L. Glenn; Kansas, Justin D. Bowersock; Maine, Amos L. Allen; Maryland, George A. Pearre; Massachusetts, William C. Lovering; Michigan, William Alden Smith; Minnesota, Page Morris; Montana, Caldwell Edwards; Nebraska, Elmer J. Burkett; New Hampshire, Frank D. Currier; New Jersey, Richard Wayne Parker; New York, John H. Ketcham, North Dakota, Thomas F. Marshall; North Carolina, Spencer Blackburn; Oregon, Malcolm A. Moody; Pennsylvania, Marlin E. Olmsted; Rhode Island, Melville Bull; South Dakota, Eben W. Martin; Utah, George Sutherland; Vermont, Kittredge Haskins; Washington, Wesley L. Jones; West Virginia, Alston G. Dayton; Wisconsin, Herman B. Dahle; Wyoming, Frank W. Mondell; Alabama, Oscar W. Underwood; Arkansas, Hugh A. Dinsmore; Florida, Robert W. Davis; Georgia, William H. Fleming; Kentucky, James N. Kehoe; Louisiana, Adolph Meyer; Mississippi, Charles E. Hooker; Missouri, Champ Clark; South Carolina, W. Jasper Talbert; Tennessee, John A. Moon; Texas, John L. Sheppard; Virginia, James Hay; Colorado, John F. Shafroth; Nevada, Francis G. Newlands. The following concurrent resolutions were adopted by both Houses ofCongress on January 15th, 1902: Whereas the melancholy event of the violent and tragic death of WilliamMcKinley, late President of the United States, having occurred duringthe recess of Congress, and the two Houses sharing in the general griefand desiring to manifest their sensibility upon the occasion of thepublic bereavement: Therefore, _Be it resolved by the House of Representatives_ (_the Senateconcurring_), That the two Houses of Congress will assemble in theHall of the House of Representatives on a day and hour fixed andannounced by the joint committee, to wit, Thursday, February 27, 1902, and that, in the presence of the two Houses there assembled, an addresson the life and character of William McKinley, late President of theUnited States, be pronounced by Hon. John Hay, and that the President ofthe Senate pro tempore and the Speaker of the House of Representativesbe requested to invite the President and ex-President of the UnitedStates, ex-Vice-Presidents, the heads of the several Departments, the judges of the Supreme Court, the representatives of the foreigngovernments, the governors of the several States, the Lieutenant-Generalof the Army and the Admiral of the Navy, and such officers of the Armyand Navy as have received the thanks of Congress who may then be at theseat of Government to be present on the occasion, and such others as maybe suggested by the executive committee. _And be it further resolved_, That the President of the UnitedStates be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to Mrs. Ida S. McKinley, and to assure her of the profound sympathy of thetwo Houses of Congress for her deep personal affliction, and of theirsincere condolence for the late national bereavement.