[Transcriber's Note: + Hyphens splitting words across lines have been removed. + Original spellings have generally been retained, but the Errata from the Second Edition (at the end), and a mistake in the Errata (!) have been corrected silently. The original text can be found in the HTML version. + The Latin epigraph translates as: "They all represent themselves as Doctors--The Uneducated, The Priest, The Nurse, and The Barber, The _Apothecary_, The Old Woman. "] Imprimatur, Novemb. 13. 1669. SAM. PARKER. ASHORT VIEWOF THEFRAUDS, and ABUSESCommitted byAPOTHECARIES; As well in Relation toPATIENTS, as PHYSICIANS:ANDOf the only Remedy thereof by PHYSICIANSmaking their ownMEDICINES. BYCHRISTOPHER MERRETT Dr. In Physic, Fellow of the College ofPhysicians, and of the Royal Society. ----Fingunt se Medicos omnes, Idiota, Sacerdos, Nutrix, & Tonsor, _Pharmacopćus_, Anus. The Second Edition more correct. LONDON, Printed for James Allestry, Printer to the Royal Society, at the Roseand Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1670 A _Short View_ of the _Frauds_ and _Abuses_ committed by _Apothecaries_, as well in Relation to _Patients_, as _Physicians_; and of the only remedy thereof by _Physicians_ making their own Medicines. Doubtless it will seem strange to most men, that after 30 years notunsuccessful practice in this great City, I should now at last forbearsending my Bills to the Apothecaries, knowing that hereby a wholeCompany of men interested in the World (who by their number, noise, and tricks, may be able to decry any Physician) will become myimplacable adversaries, and by their private whispers of untrue tales, will endeavour to their utmost, either to keep me from any new, orshuffle me out of my fixed imployment. But not fearing the utmosttheir malice can invent, or proclaim; I shall publickly assert what Iprivately practice, preferring the publick good, and the honour of myprofession before my own private profit. And although I have had someexperience what their groundless anger can do, when they some yearssince proclaimed me in their publick Hall their Enemy, for acting theCollege Interest, and of late for saving my Patients lives and purses, by dispencing gratis my Medicines. Yet I hope no indifferent person, when he knows that I have thus long slighted their weak endeavours, will believe I can now at length have so poor an end as revenge;especially when they shall consider on the one hand, the universal anddaily complaints of both Patient and Physician, the great cause theyhave to do so, and the little hope of a remedy, and on the other, besides that general obligation all men have of doing theirCountry-men good, and the particular necessity I have of justifying myactions, by leaving the World their judg upon the account I shall heredeliver of them. And lastly, that which will leave my Enemies not anyobjection, I take upon me not only a great trouble, but charge, without any other design then doing mankind good, by endeavouring torestore my profession to its ancient and deserved honours. And had Inone of these inducements, I am sure the vulgar excuse of friendsimportunities may be satisfactory to all persons for my publishingwhat I here do, when I must acknowledge that many of my Collegues andother Practisers in several parts, upon reading these papers furnishedme not only with some bad practices of their own experience, butthereupon enjoyed the publishing of them. So that in these papers I dobut speak the common language of all Physicians, and of very manyPatients. Neither are all their frauds and abuses here inserted, therest (perhaps more in number) being reserved to another opportunity. Ishall only add by way of preface; that the last year a Book wasprinted on the same argument, by an inquisitive person, now Dr. InPhysic, which might have spared me this labour, but that it was toolarge for every ones reading, and in some things short. It was hisfate to be called by them Fool, Ass, and Simple Fellow, and much worselanguage, bragging that some of their Boys should answer him. But uponmore serious thoughts, the whole Company have suffered it to find thecredit it well deserves, without the least reply but that ofrevilings. In these ensuing papers, I hope to prove, that these abuses complain'dof by all sorts of persons, arise from this only cause, thatPhysicians dispence not themselves such Medicines, they use for therelief of their Patients, but commit this work to the Apothecaries, orrather their Servants. Now the Apothecaries abuses generally relate either to the Medicines, Patients, or Physicians; which three do comprehend all I shall say onthis subject. But the Reader is to take notice, that all here charged on theApothecaries, is not meant of every single one, but of some, or moreof them, and may in a short time in all probability be verified ofthem all, according as their number, cajoling the ignorant, and bolddaring in Physic increase. But before I descend to particulars, I shall first lay down thisProposition, their own confession, and in their own Language, viz. That they may be the veriest Knaves in England. Because they may putin bad ingredients, and more or less then the composition requires, they may substitute one thing for another; and all this without beingdetected, and consequently not be punished for such misdemeanors; butmore especially in Medicines for private mens uses, wherein they maydo what they please without the least discovery of the Patient, andfrom this general confession of theirs, it clearly follows, thatwhatsoever deceit, covetous wits can invent, may at least be suspectedto be used by them, and whatsoever is here alledged may find easierbelief. And Secondly, Most men wonder, that this Corporation, being but of fewyears standing, and to the setting up of whose Trade so small a Stockis necessary; should live so high, spend so freely, gain so greatEstates, by their return of so little money yearly, which how 'tisdone every man may conceive to be effected by the following Artifices. More particularly, the Frauds by them committed relate either to theirfalsifying of Medicines, or secondly, to the number of their Bills, and prescriptions, or thirdly, to the prices of them. First, They use Medicines quite contrary to the prescription, Myrtle-leafs shewed the Censors for Sena, a Binder for a Purger. Mushroms of the Oak, &c. Rub'd over with Chalk for Agaric, which Mr. Evelyn in his late publisht Book of Forest Trees, pag. 27. Observes, to the great scandal of Physic as he adds; Hemlock-Dropwort Roots forPćony Roots, Poysons for wholesome remedies; Privet by some, by othersDog-berries, for those of Spina Cervina, no Purgers for a strong one. Sheeps Lungs for Fox Lungs, the Bone of an Oxe Heart for that of aStags Heart, Damsons for Damasc Prunes, Syrup of Limons, for that ofCitrons, Bryony Roots for Mechoacan, &c. Secondly, They falsify the grand Compositions of the LondonDispensatory. It being a common trade with them to buy unsound, anddecayed Simples of some Druggists, and to return them back so much ofthe composition as will pay for the Simples. Secondly, whereasApothecaries are bound to shew publickly to the Censors of theCollege, and the Master and Wardens of their Company, Mithridate, Diascordium, Alkermes, &c. Yet for all this some of them privatelymake a great deal more of the Composition then is shewed, of unsoundDrugs, and some without any view at all; others put in the Scrapingsthat ought to be thrown away; and by these Arts they under-sell, andruine one another, selling the Composition at a lower rate then goodIngredients cost them; and with these complaints they daily mutinyamongst themselves. Thirdly, 'Tis very common for them to load Medicines with Honey, andother cheaper ingredients, and to leave out in whole or in part, thoseof greater value; viz. Saffron in Ruffus Pills, and in OxycroceumPlaster, which latter, they colour of a saffron colour with Turmeric, Sanders &c. Ambergrise in Alkermes, Diascordium was found by theCensors in their search made only of Honey, and Bole-Armeniac. Whichfalse composition was taken away by the then Master of the Company. Such Chymists which sell preparations honestly made complain, that fewApothecaries will go to the prices of them. Whence it comes to pass, that most of the preparations found in the Shops are sophisticated, tothe great abuse of City and Country. These abuses daily increase sincethe Censors, discouraged by the multitude of Empirics swarming inevery Corner, have omitted their wonted searches, being to their lossof time, and expences out of their own Purses for the publick goodonly. Now since the Chymical Oyls, by reason of their great prices aremost of them adulterated, and very few of them right good, and thatnothing hath been published on this matter, and to leave the buyers ofthem unexcusable, I shall here add briefly, yet sufficiently the waysto discover these Cheats. First for sweet-scented Chymical Oyls, viz. Those of Cloves, Cinnamon and Sassaphras. Only drop a little of theminto fair water, and that part which is true good will sink under thewater, but the adulterated part will swim on the top of it. Someothers draw deep tinctures from the said Spices with Spirit of Winehighly rectified, and sell them for the Oyls; but these mix with thewater throughout, neither swimming, nor sinking. Others more craftilydigest with the said tinctures some of the true Oyls, which compoundbeing put into water, will for a time render it white. Another way ofsophisticating is with Oyl of Turpentine mixed in great quantity withthat which is adulterated; You may easily discover the Oyl ofTurpentine, by setting it on fire, for it yields abundance ofill-scented smoak, with very little savour of the Herb, Flour, orSeed, &c. And soon takes fire. To correct the ill smell of theTurpentine, they digest it with, and distil it off with Spirit ofWine. Those sophisticated with Turpentine, fired in a Silver Spooncolour it, and quickly diffuse themselves upon a Knife, or Paper. Thebest way to try by firing, is to put a drop or two of these Oyls onthe end of a broad pointed Knife, which being first heated, and thenthrust into a lighted Candle, presently take fire, and break out intoa flame with much dark smoak; but if you will try them in a Spoon, heat it first over a Candle, and then blow the flame of lighted paper, or of a Wax Candle on them. To try the scent, blow out the flame ofthe good Oyls, and your smell will soon discover the ill scent of theTurpentine from that of the good Oyl. But on the contrary, all Oylsdrawn from Plants by distillation hardly flame, and the flame soongoes out, and the smoak gives a full flavour of the Plant it self, whereas those sophisticated as before, differ from the true in both. The same Oyls are also sophisticated with cheap ones drawn fromdecayed Oringes, and Limons; Your smell on firing will soon discoverthese mixtures. A third way of sophisticating Chymical Oyls is, bymixing with them such Oyls as are made by expression, which are easilydiscovered by rubbing them on white paper, which being held and dryedat the fire, the Chymical part soon flyes away, and leaves the papertransparent, looking no otherwise then oyled paper; but pure ChymicalOyls totally fly away, leaving the paper white as 'twas before, andnot transparent, and in this way Oyl of sweet Almonds and Spike have agreat share. As for Oyls drawn by Retort, they all of them smell sostrong of the fire, that neither smell nor tast can well discover anyfraud in them. Now for the fixed Salts, most of them are made of theAshes of Tobacco-stalks, &c. More might be said for the discovery ofthe Cheats of other Chymical preparations, which shall be reserved toanother opportunity, and had Physicians just encouragement, they wouldspend both their time and moneys on the like discoveries for thepublick Utility. Fifthly, Add to the former (though perhaps 'tis an error of ignoranceonly) that if such Simples are prescribed they know not, they fetchfrom the Herb-women what they give them, true or false; for many ofthese Women give to very many Plants false names; Now if theApothecary be so careful to consult an Herbal, which few have, andfewer know how to make use of, yet they too frequently mistake thething by reason of several names given to the same thing, or of onename to several things, and many of them consult the commonDictionaries only, which are most erroneous in the names of naturalthings; insomuch that in my first practice (being curious of theseparticulars) I have found two or three mistakes in one prescription, aCatalogue of which mistakes, and names ill given, I had collected, butthe late fire consumed it, though many of them my memory hathreserved. Sixthly, Many of the London, and most of the Country-Apothecaries, buyof the whole-sale men, who affirm of one another, especially of suchwho gain great Estates in short time, that they cannot sell theirMedicines honestly made at so low a rate as they do. Seventhly, I shall need to say little of such distilled waters, asdiscover themselves neither to smell, nor tast, but shall only recitea known Story of an Apothecary, who chid his man for sending away aCustomer that came for Plantan water, telling him there was enough atthe Pump. Eighthly, As for Ointments, and Plasters, they are sold by some at solow a price, viz. 3 d. Per l. For Ointments, as I have been informed, that 'tis not possible to make them at, and yet such however falsifyedmaintain a trade amongst Country, and low-priced City-Apothecaries, and the Chirurgeons profess they cannot effect their Cures with theShop-Medicines, and that this is the reason why they make their ownOyls, Oyntments, &c. As the Apothecaries Charter allows them to do;and why may not Physicians think this to be the cause why theysometimes fail in their Cures, as well as Chirurgeons? and also maketheir own Medicines as well as they, especially since the Apothecarymay as easily falsify, and to greater profit in the one, then in theother? Ninthly, As to their use of bad or decayed Drugs, 'tis so common apractice that I shall need to give but one notorious instance of it, and 'tis this, I having occasion to use some Seeds, sent for them to aSeeds-man, the Messenger desiring to have those of the same Year. TheTradesman knowing him to live with me, asked, if they were forPhysical use, he replyed in the affirmative, whereat he presentlyshewed him others, which were of 6 or 7 years old (as he confessed)affirming them to be as good for that use as the newest, which he soldonly for sowing, and that he kept the others, though never so old, forthe Apothecaries only, who still asked for them, buying them though 20years old, not regarding if they were decayed and wholy effete (for noSeed will preserve its vegetative faculty above 7 years much less itsPhysical) so they could but have them cheap. Besides their prettyknacks (as they call them) of making their Compounds fair to the eye, more vendible, but worse for use, by restoring them to their colourand consistence, that they may pass for good, which perhaps 'tisbetter to pass over in silence, lest by confuting I should teach theyounger Fry, who may better be honestly ignorant of them. Now fortheir substituting one thing for another, and detracting where theyplease, I shall add but one Story of an Apothecary, who commanded hisman (who told him they had no good Rhabarb in the house) that heshould put in double quantity of what they had. Nay I have known onesimple of a quite different nature used for a whole composition. Tenthly, I shall conclude this ungrateful Discourse, with saying thatby reason more frauds may be committed by the Apothecaries, then byany other Trade, and by supposition that gain will tempt most men todishonest actions, especially where they may act undiscovered; I say;that this seems to be the cause why they have two Supervisors set overthem more then any Company that I know of, viz. The Censors of theCollege of Physicians, and the Master and Wardens of their ownCompany. The next thing is the inlarging and multiplying their Bills andMedicines. First, When in Chronical Diseases a Physician is consulted, they go onof their own heads with the same prescription, frequently enough tothe Patients great disadvantage, both of health and purse. Secondly, By giving and intermixing Medicines of their own Phancy, with the Physicians prescriptions, viz. Some pleasing Medicine, whereby too often the Physicians intention is quite crost, and theeffect made uncertain, and hazardous. Thirdly, By giving Medicines themselves on small accounts, and such asrequire only a good ordering, and no more. Fourthly, By repeating long courses of Physic unadvisedly, andneedlesly, when either nothing, or very little is needful to be done. Fifthly, By creating diseases in easie mens Phansies, and so decoyingthem into courses of Physic. Sixthly, Some of them get private and worthless receipts, and sellthem at what rate they please; Mr. Delaune by one Pill alone, thoughnot a very safe one, got some thousands of pounds. Seventhly, If one of them get a private receipt from a Physiciancalled by the inventor his Nostrum, if another Apothecary haveoccasion to use it, he shall be sure to pay sawce for it. Eighthly, Another trick is when the Patient is cured, and thePhysician therefore hath given over his Visits, then comes theApothecary and insinuates by his words and passions, either somedanger of relapse, or some other present distemper, and repairs to thePhysician for a Bill to cure the imaginary disease. Ninthly, But their principal Art of all is, to cry up, and bring in toPatients such Physicians, who through design must comply with theApothecaries Interest, and such Practisers they extol and cry up forgood Physicians, which some of them call more expresly goodApothecaries Physicians, and such without doubt, the whole Companywill endeavour to raise unto a fame and practice. But such as writeonly for the good of the Patient, and not at all for the benefit ofthe Apothecary (as all honest men ought to do) they will endeavour toprevent their calling in, or to shuffle them out. Now this good Apothecaries Physician, they describe by his frequentthough needless visits, but especially by the multitude of his Bills, by his visiting twice a day, or oftner (a very careful and painfulDoctor) and by still writing new Medicines, when half the former, orperhaps none of them have been taken, making an Apothecaries Shop inthe Patients House, planting the Cupboards and Windows with Glassesand Gally-Pots, and not a quarter of the whole made use of. Heprescribes a Medicine for every slight complaint, and never goes awayfrom the Patient or the Patient from him, without a Bill, for fear ofthe Apothecaries grumbling. And from this burdening the sick with multiplicity of Medicines, toooften contrary to, and destructive one of another, it proceeds that inthe Small Pox, and Measles, many are afraid to use Physicians, andcommit the care of the sick to Nurses, and Old Women, and perhapssometimes not without cause, for by continual multiplication ofMedicines, the humours of the body may be made, or kept in too great astate of fluidity, whence the Flox followeth. Whereas a Medicine ortwo duly administred, may suffice to bring them well forth, and thenthere needs no more but good ordering, unless perhaps some accidentarise, which may require further care. And here as well as in otherCases, the Patient is to be rectified, who requires the PhysiciansVisits, and yet dismisseth him without a reward, unless he writes aBill, whereas it might have been better if nothing at all had beenprescribed; and the Physician left to his own judgment; and hence itis that many enlarge their Bills, that the Patient may think he hathenough for his money, whereby the Apothecary is gratified, who oughtto commend the Medicines as necessary for the sick person, andsingular in themselves, whereas in truth this great farcy provesungrateful to the tast and stomach; inconvenient to health, by curingone disease, but creating more; and by this means keeping themcontinually in a way of Physic. A third abuse of the Apothecaries relates to the prices of theirMedicines; first they put what rates they please on their Simples, Compounds, and Receipts, and none are judges of them, but those oftheir own Trade; insomuch that they gain a 11 d. In the Shilling, ifthey say true of themselves. Whereas the Colleges of Physicians beyondSea, yearly set a tax upon the Simples, and Compounds of the Shops. Sothat the Customer can tell the price of what he hath occasion to use, and not stand at the mercy of the Apothecary to rate them as he lists, and to this purpose they put in print the prices of them every year. Secondly, Suppose a Physician hath prescribed a Pint of Juleb, &c. Tobe taken at four several times, some Apothecaries carry not the wholepint at once, but divide it into four parts, and carry but one at atime, and so of other Medicines, and then will charge their Bill forevery single Potion, or Draught, as they ought the whole Pint; so thatby this Art they gain four times as much for the whole Medicine as inConscience they ought; and a Juleb, which cost them six pence, will berated at 10, 12, or more Shillings. But perhaps 'tis fit they shouldbe paid for their created Visits; and for this unnecessaryofficiousness, persons of great estates may be contented to payroundly, if they please. Thirdly, When a Physician hath prescribed 20 Pills, some of theApothecaries will make 30 of them, under pretence the Patient cannotswallow them else; now reckoning each Pill at a certain rate (as theyusually do) they gain a third part more then they ought. Fourthly, To advance the prices, you shall hardly ever see a Billwithout Bezoar, or Pearls in it, to make people think them verychargeable; whereas sometimes there is not above a grain or two ofthese dear ingredients in the prescription, and a few grains of theseor Ambergrise doubles or trebles the prices of the Medicines, and aresure never to be omitted in their Bills, besides the guilding of thePills, and covering their Bolusses, and Electuaries with Gold (whichhave only an imaginary and no real use in Medicines so used) muchinhanseth their prices, and a rich Cordial inserted exceedinglyadvanceth most of their Bills; or if China or any other dearingredient be in the receipt 'tis not omitted. Fifthly, Some Apothecaries offer, and perhaps some Physicians havetaken presents to help them to Customers, which must necessarily besqueazed out of their higher-rated Medicines. Sixthly, I have heard some prudent persons complain of their bringingin their Bills but once in a year, or two; supposing they made thempay Lombards Usury for their forbearance. And through this neglectthey sometimes lose their money, and whether they raise other MensBills to make up these losses, I affirm not. Seventhly, Another cause of raising their prices is a necessity ofkeeping in their Shops such Medicines as are seldom used, or such asmust upon necessity decay, and grow useless. Now suppose they throwsuch away, this reason is good, but you will find a remedy for thishereafter. To conclude this second Complaint. By reason of the dear Bills of theApothecaries, many are deterred from going to the Physician, and runto common Mountebanks, and I think this to be the reason (as somedisabused persons have confessed to me) why they have so much cryed upthe abilities of Apothecaries for practice, because they would savetheir credit in taking Physic of them. St. Augustine candidly in hisBook of Confessions declares, that through covetousness he repeated acourse of Physic, without consulting the Physician (who had beforecured him of the same disease) to his greater charge, danger of hislife, and offence against God. Having done with the Apothecaries abuses relating chiefly to thePatients Health and Purse, and such as are willfully committed (thoughall of them reflect on the Physician) I shall now touch on a fewneglects, and mistakes proving often very mischievous. First, They frequently mistake the Physicians directions, which ofwhat dangerous consequence it is, every one can tell. Secondly, They carry a Medicine appointed for one sick person toanother. Thirdly, They often neglect the sending of Medicines in due time, especially such as have no Servants, or but raw ones, when the Masteris out of Town, or upon long visits. Having now done with the Apothecaries as they relate principally tothe sick, I shall in the next place speak of them, as they relate toPhysicians, and that either to the profession in general, or to theparticular practisers of it. As to the Physicians in general, they endeavour to extirpate them, andsome have been so bold to say, they hope in few years to see never aPhysician in London, and to profess they will scramble with them forpractice. And that this hath been and is their intention, thefollowing particulars will clearly demonstrate. First, They have always endeavoured and aimed at the depression andruine of the College of Physicians, the only Corporation of that Artin England, considering rightly, that the depression of the College istheir interest and rise, and that the total subversion of it will makethem absolute Masters in Physic and Physicians their Servants. InOrder hereunto they have constantly, both publickly and privatelyopposed the College in whatsoever hath been offered to setle theliberty of practice on them, their only priviledg and subsistence, though they have been offered all they could desire for the securityof their Trade, and legal employment, and far beyond whatsoever anyCorporation of Apothecaries in all, or in any forreign part enjoy, yetnothing would ever content them, but an unlawful, unreasonable, dangerous, and destructive Usurpation of liberty to some pretendedpractice, that thereby they might gain the whole. Secondly, They have continually traduced the College, and troubledthem in Parliaments, at the Council-Board, &c. To their great chargeand molestation. And for such their great demerits against theCollege, the King and his Council, Anno 1639. Granted a Quo Warrantoto the Attorney General (the Judges having first heard the wholematter) to take away their Charter, which doubtless had been effected, had not the troubles, and long civil War immediately ensued. Thirdly, And in this present Parliament, how did they endeavour toprepossess the Members of the House of Commons with strange, and falseprejudices and assertions drawn from irrational, and groundlesssuppositions, making us the greatest Tyrants in the World, inferringridiculously that a Lady, or Charitable Gentlewoman (for in thatbelieving Sex they have gain'd a great deal of ground by theirfalsities) might not give the Poor a Cordial, &c. Without beingquestioned by the College; whereas they know in their Consciences, that the College hath power enough by their first Charter to act asmuch in this kind against themselves, and all other persons, as theydesired of this present Parliament; And yet neither Apothecary, or anyother who practised charitably, were ever troubled for so doing. Theypretended also they were abridged wholy from their Trade, and mightnot sell a penny-worth of Mithridate, &c. Without a Doctors Bill. Whereas there's not a word in the Charter to that purpose; the soleintent whereof was to keep them as well as other Mountebanks, fromprescribing (which they call selling) the Physicians only livelyhood. And as to the bill itself so much railed on by them inWestminster-Hall, Coffee-Houses, Ale-Houses, &c. 'tis easie to make itout, that this Charter as proposed gives the Apothecaries more libertyand freedom of exercising their lawful Trade, then is enjoyed in anyother Nation, where both Corporations are erected, and that it doth innothing infringe, or diminish their freedom as Citizens, or theirCharter as Apothecaries; and that our Charter was compiled by some, and perused and approved by others the most eminent Lawyers in Englandfor Worth and Place; and yet none of these could find any thing in iteither Illegal, Tyrannical, or unfit to be desired of the Parliament. Nay many mis-informed Members being rightly instructed in the truestate of the matter, have acknowledged the justice of it; And was nomore then King James by his Letters Patents, dated the 18th ofOctober, in the 15th year of his Reign, granted to the said College;near about the same time the Apothecaries Charter was granted; andbeing almost nothing else but a supply of what was short in theirformer Grants, viz. That whereas their Charter granted by King Henrythe Eighth, gave power to punish offenders in the practice of Physic;and because there was no power given to summon, nor penalty imposedfor the non-appearance of such offenders; therefore by theirnon-appearance, the said power of the Censors was eluded; for no suchoffenders would appear before them, and consequently no punishmentcould be inflicted on them, according to the true meaning of the saidAct. Now this Charter so much declaimed against, prayed only a supplyof this defect, and also better and more necessary ways and means, without which, such and all other offenders against the lives andhealths of his Majesties Subjects could not be discovered; and theyhad reason not to doubt a grant of the said power, since by the saidCharter a power was granted them to imprison offenders, whom theKeepers of the Prisons would not receive, because no command, norpenalty was imposed on them, for not receiving such offenders sent bythe Censors (a thing ridiculous to our present Lawyers) however thisdefect was supplyed by an Act in the first of Queen Mary. Now whereassince the making of the said Acts and Powers, granted to the College, several other Trades, besides the Apothecaries, relating to Physic(being then all Members of the Grocers Company) viz. Druggists, Chymists, Sellers of Strong-Waters and Oyls, have arose distinct fromeach others, and many abuses have been and are committed in each ofthem, as they all confess. The said Charter prays for the publick goodonly (there being the same reason of all) they might have the samepower of Surveying them also, as they have of the Apothecaries, whichmost of the Judicious, and sober of the said Companies, as well inrelation to their own private profit, and also the publick, by havingall Medicines good, did not oppose, but liked well of. Nay there wasnothing in the said Charter, but what was judged good by all or mostof the Judges of England, several times convened by Order of the Kingand his Council, to deliver their opinions concerning some Qućries, which comprised the main of what was desired and petitioned for by theCollege, of this present Parliament. But before the Committee couldmake report to the House, the Parliament was adjourned, whereuponApothecaries falsly gave out, and made people believe our Charter wastaken from us. And in this transaction before the Committee, oneCocket an Apothecary exhibited in the name of the Chymists such aScandalous Libel, as the Committee would not suffer to be read; drawnas some conceive by the assistance, and countenance, if notcontrivance of his Company. Lastly, The Company of the Apothecaries are bound by their Charter tobring their Servants (before they make them Free) to be examined bythe Censors of our College, and to have their approbation of theirfitness to exercise their Art, and set up their Trade. Now that theyhave herein neglected their duty, and consequently may bedis-franchised and lose their Freedoms for this omission, 'tismanifest not only by the vapours of some of them to some members ofour Body, that they never underwent this examination; but also bycomparing of our Register (wherein are recorded the names of all suchas have been examined) with theirs, if they keep any for this purpose. Sure I am, that in two years together, when I was Censor, very few, ifany, did appear to their examination, whereas yearly a very greatnumber set up their Trades. Nay since the firing of London not oneApothecaries Servant hath been examined by the Censors, for more thenthese three Years last past, in which time perhaps no less then 100have been made free by the Company. Before our presenting this Charter to the Parliament, they would admitno Arbitrators betwixt our Corporation, and Theirs, not contentingthemselves with their Charter lately granted in King James's Reign, and that by the procurement of some of our College for theseunthankful persons. For they would not refer themselves (as theChirurgeons without many words or dispute did) to the most upright, and most knowing Sir Orlando Bridgeman then Lord Chief Justice, andnow Lord Keeper, for a clause to be by him drawn, in order to preservetheir immunities and Charter; which they refused, fearing belike hewould exclude them from the Practice of Physic, which the Law hathalready done, and which is all they could doubt of; but theCorporation of Chirurgeons did acquiesce in the clause drawn by thesaid Lord Chief Justice, and never appeared before the Committeeagainst the said Charter. Their increasing dis-respect, and undervaluing the College, appears inthis, that of late years they place our Censors invited to their newMasters Dinner, at their second Tables whereas always heretofore theywere seated at the first Table, next to the Master of the Company. And to hinder the building of a New College, and the Contribution ofthe Honorary Fellows thereunto, they tell them that we deceived themin their admission, and never intend the building of a New College, though a large contribution hath been made, and ground purchased inorder thereunto by the Members of their Corporation. And their further design appears in their great triumphing, andrejoycing when any illiterate person hath gained any reputation for aCure performed, especially where Physicians have been concerned, though the Patients neglect or obstinateness, have been the sole causeof this non-performance, and by their continued detraction fromPhysicians, and applauding themselves, hoping by the former, thatpeople will think such Mountebanks able to do better Cures thenlearned Physicians, and then they can easily insinuate themselvessuperior to such Mountebanks, and consequently to Physicians. By thelatter, they seek to depress, and level us to themselves, beingconscious they can never rise to that worth and ability, required in aPhysician. Another manifest sign of their endeavour to usurp our Practice is, their absurd calling the sick their Patients, for 'tis most certainthat in all reason and language the Physician and Patient only haverelation to each other, but not to the Apothecary, who is but aTradesman, and manual Operator. Now a Tradesman and his Customer, orChapman, are Relatives each to other, but those Apothecaries whointrude themselves and usurp on our profession, may call theirCustomers Patients, and that in a true literal sence, when by theirignorance they make them really sufferers under them; and if they denyApothecary and Patient to be non-sence, they shew themselves pitifullyignorant in the Laws, and Rules of Reason, or else profess themselvesPhysicians. And the like non-sence they commonly utter by callingPhysicians that make their own Medicines, Mountebanks and Quacks, whereas none can be such but those who practise without LawfulAuthority, as the Apothecaries, &c. Do; and they are not ignorant inthis their malice, that the Law of England would punish them roundlyfor so saying. And were I troublesome or vindicative, I could makesome of them examples, but I freely remit the slanders in this kindthat are past. Having done with the main part of the Disease, next follows theRemedy; and the only firm and proper one will appear to be, thatPhysicians make their own Medicines; the benefit whereof to thepublick, the reasonableness of the thing it self, the necessity inrelation to the Physician, will be manifest by that which follows. And First, All that hath been said demonstrates this last proportion. Secondly, The desire of most persons, and the censure of all wise men, who say we are wanting to our own interest, if we make not use of theremedy in our own hands, performing our Art in all its members, whereof making of Medicines is a chief one. Thirdly, The common practice, and constant usage of all former andantient Physicians in all other Nations, and in England also (for 'tiseasie to say when there was not one Apothecary in this Kingdom) theLaws of our Nation, nay even the Apothecaries Charter allow it, theLanguage of all Physicians, our College voting it honourable so to do, nay Apothecaries themselves commending it in such Physicians as buytheir Medicines of them. Fourthly, The Kings Physicians have formerly made the Kings Medicines, as 'tis manifest by my Lord Coke, in his 4th. Book of the Institutes, part 4. Pag. 251. Where he comments on Rot. Pat. 32 H 6. M. 17. Hethere first recites the Roll it self, wherein are appointed (the Kingbeing then sick) 3 Physicians and 2 Chirurgeons, to freely ministerand execute Physic about the Kings Person, and there are also recitedin general, Medicines external, and internal. And on this Roll Cokeamong other things infers, that the Physicians may use the aid ofthose Chirurgeons named in the Warrant, but of no Apothecary, but toprepare and do all things themselves, &c. And the reason of all thisis, the precious regard had of the health and safety of the King, whois the head of the Common-wealth. And I am told by one of his presentMajesties Physicians, that the King himself affirmed heretofore we areunwise in neglecting our duty herein, and lately of these papers, that'twas the publick interest so to do. Fifthly, Chirurgeons (as before) will not trust them to make externalRemedies; and the King, and East-India Company commit the making oftheir Chests for their Fleets to the Chirurgeons. Sixthly, Have not Ladies and Charitable Gentlewomen their Closets wellfurnished with various Medicines for the Poors use, and for their ownalso, when Physicians are called to their houses in the Country?Distillers of Strong-waters, Makers of Plaisters, Confectioners makeMedicines bought by the Apothecaries, Ale-Houses sell purging Drinks, and Book-sellers sell Chymical Medicines, and all this without muchregret of the Apothecaries. But if a Physician intermix a Medicinewith theirs, though the Patients life be saved thereby, what noise, and murmuring, and proclaiming of it the next Market-day to the restof their Company? to what purpose any one may judg. Seventhly, Why should not Physicians, being lawfully authorizedthereunto, practise with their own Medicines, as well as theApothecaries with theirs, though against Law, and incurring therebythe penalty of 5l. Per Month, which the College never troubled themfor, or exacted of them? Eighthly, Physicians will be necessitated to it for their subsistenceand honour, and to preserve their Art from being prostituted toilliterate persons, the Apothecaries becoming now their Competitors. Ninthly, By this means Physicians will avoid multitudes ofinconveniencies, proceeding from writing of Bills, and theApothecaries Visits. First The mistakes, and frauds in the Ingredients, especiallycommitted by the great practising Apothecaries, who may, as appears bythe following story, be suspected to send, instead of what wasprescribed, the remains of his own practice, or else some cast-byMedicines; for else how could it be when a Medicine was prescribed tostand in Infusion or steep a whole night, that it should be broughttwo hours after the Bill was written, even the very same Evening?Which by accident the Patient confessed, wanting the expected success. Secondly By this course Physicians avoid the many opprobrious termscast upon them by Apothecaries: As First, In saying that if he had not omitted or added something, thePatient might have miscarried; which he may say at pleasure withoutany contradiction, though doubtless many have been killed by thismeans. Secondly, By saying the Bill could never have been made without somealteration of the Apothecary, thereby insinuating the Doctorsignorance in compounding. Thirdly, In saying the Doctor is not versed in Medicines, becauseforsooth he varieth not at every Visit, and multiplieth not new Billsfor the Apothecaries profit. Fourthly, In saying they teach Physicians, and help them to, and intheir practice. The first and last are vile and foolish Scandals; asto the Second, 'tis true indeed, that younger Apothecaries recommendPhysicians to their acquaintance; but 'tis no longer then they havelearned enough (as they think) to set up for themselves. Fifthly, In saying, they knew before-hand what such a Doctor wouldprescribe, and hence it is they have nick-named some Physicians of nomean practice, by the Medicines they frequently use, which names inrespect to the persons, I shall conceal; and of such Physicians, theybrag they can prescribe as well as they. But if a Physician advisethings unknown to them, or out of the common tract, then they say theDoctor intends to puzzle them. Sixthly, He will avoid the censure of his Bills, which every pitifulfellow, nay their very Boys will absolve or condemn at pleasure, andthat openly too, nay sometimes to the Patient himself, and therebycall in his good Apothecaries Physician. Now what a shame is it, thata Physicians credit and livelihood, should stand at the mercy of suchpitiful ignorant, and self-ended Souls? I have heard one of them sayof the now most Eminent Practiser in London, that his Boy could writeas good a Method as he, and that he understood the practice of Physicas well as any Physician in London except 2, or 3, though the sameperson was soon made to confess, he neither knew the Disease, Cause, nor Cure of a Pleurisy, pretended to be throughly understood by him. Thirdly, He will avoid the trouble put upon him after he hath writ hisBill, by the Apothecaries ignorance in not understanding it, who to beinformed came to the Doctor heretofore, with their Hats off, but nowsend their Boys, who soon put theirs on. Such respect do they givePhysicians, when they come to them as to their Masters to teach them. Fourthly, He will avoid the impertinent Visits of the Apothecaries, and non-sensical, troublesome, and discouraging, frightful discoursesto the Patient, of whom no man can expect more then the Common Proverbgives to Praters, and impertinent Speakers, That they talk likeApothecaries. Fifthly He will avoid the mischiefs from their Visits, who by theirshrugs, signs, or words, may diminish the Physicians reputation, andgood opinion, whether in his skill, or Medicines, whereby goodMedicines are neglected and the expectation of a good success upon theuse of them taken away, or at least causing an averseness to them;which actings do exceedingly prejudice the Patient, in reference tohis Cure. Sixthly, He will avoid this inconvenience, that some Apothecaries haveattributed the Cure to some of their intermixed Medicines, oralteration of the Doctors Bill. Seventhly, He will avoid that incivility of such of them, who in thePhysicians presence, will feel the Pulse, judg of the Urine, discoursethe Cause, Nature, what the Disease is, and what will be the issue ofit, propose Medicines, nay sometimes endeavour to advise with thePhysician, to contradict and dispute with him, to compare and sethimself above the Physician; and to say truth, these odious andintolerable Comparisons and intrusions daily complained of by myCollegues, were a great cause of my departing from them. Eighthly, He will avoid those Scandals they have opportunity to raise, that such a Physician is Covetous, Proud, Negligent, and minds not hispractice, and the like without the least ground, and are frequently bysuch Artifices, the Cause of introducing another Physician, knowingthat thereby more Bills will come to their File, and many times theformer Medicines be layed aside, and in this shuffling in and out ofPhysicians, they have commonly a great share. Ninthly, Apothecaries being now Competitors with Physicians forpractice, and down-right Enemies to such as make their own Medicines;why should not we suspect them of this false Play, by telling thePatient the Doctors Medicine will not work (which he knows well enoughhow to effect) and then to tell him he will prepare him one of his ownthat will work, when perhaps that he calls his own preparation, wasnothing but what the Doctor had prescribed before; and by thisArtifice to advance himself above the Physician. Another mischief in sending Bills to the Apothecaries is, that thoughthe Apothecaries be honest (and who can tell which of them is so?) yetthe Servants neglect, or ignorance (to whom they commit the whole careof dispensing, and are intruth the Apothecaries (and not theirMasters) may mar all in their Masters absence, who is visiting abroad, or at his recreations. And now I have done with the unpleasant talk of raking into the faultsof the Apothecaries, and with discoursing how Physicians may savethemselves from their devices, I shall next shew the advantages thatwill come to the Patient, the Physician, and people, by this way ofremedy proposed. As for the Patients, they may hereby save most of the great charges ofApothecaries Bills, which in long Cases amount to very great sums in ayear, although the Physician hath received very few Fees; thePhysician may so order his business as to take his Fee for his Visitsonly, and at home such competent Fees for his advice alone, as areusually given, and in both Cases take nothing for his Medicines, andso save the Patient the whole charge of the Apothecaries Bill, whichvery seldom comes short, and for the most part manifoldly exceeds thePhysicians Fees. And this he may very well do by making fewer, lesschargable, more effectual, and durable Medicines then the Shopsafford, and suffer nothing in the non-use, or decay of his Medicines;because he need make no more then will serve his own practice: and Imust here profess, that which I intended not to have published, thatthis is the course I have generally taken, for the four Months lastpast, since I made my own Medicines, but that some Apothecaries havegiven out most falsly, that I have sent in Bills to Patients formoney; but to convince such of their wonted lying, I do hereby obligemy self to give 100 pound to any of them that shall produce such aBill. Secondly, This way will not clog the Patient with more Medicinesthen are needful, nor will omit anything may conduce to his recovery, for if he fails in either, 'tis to his prejudice, either in spendingmore Medicines which cost him money, or in not performing his Cure, which loseth his practice. But I do not propose this course of mine as a general rule to allPhysicians, but leave this to every mans private judgment; Neither doI hereby bind my self to the same practice, because some few Cases mayfall out (though to an equal advantage to the Patient) may perswade meto the contrary. For I find some persons of that perswasion, as tothink they have not given satisfaction, unless they have payed for theMedicines; but to such persons, I have always allowed them to give mewhat they pleased themselves, for the cure only, to the fullsatisfaction of both parties. Though I will not deny but some personsout of gratitude for their Cure, have rewarded me beyond thisproposal. Some of my acquaintance have desired me to be more plain inthis last Paragraph, especially in that part of it where I say I donot bind my self to the said practice; and to declare more fully theCases that may perswade me to the contrary; which are these and suchas these. First Where Patients of their own free offers will contractwith the Physician, or have formerly too meanly rewarded him for hisCure, in both which the Statutes of our College allow a contract to bemade with Patients. Another case is, if a Physician be consulted once, and for his Fee hath given Medicines gratis, if the Patient frequentlysend for his Medicines without the least reward at all. Or if thePatient living far in the Country, having (as before) once consultedthe Physician, as in the last case, and shall for weeks, nay months, send for the same Medicines. Or if the Patients friend shall recommenda Medicine to another friend of his unknown to the Physician; andwhere he gives no Counsel, if a Physician in the Country shall desiresome of his Medicines, which are all the cases that occur at present;I say in some of these, the Physician must needs be payed for hisMedicines; but in other, 'tis rational he should be payed for hisadvice, as he desireth new Medicines, which charge will be far shortalso of the Apothecaries Medicines, whether repeated or prescribedupon new advice. Now the great charge of Apothecaries Bills, and nauseousness of theirMedicines, appears to be the cause why long habitual diseases, as theKings Evil, Falling-Sickness, Convulsions, Melancholies, and Winds inthe Bowels, Gouts, &c. Become seldom relieved, though they may with aconstant, facile way, be perfectly cured, where neither the greatcharge, nor unpleasantness of Medicines, deterr them from a continuednecessary use of Remedies. And for the same reasons many will be keptfrom relapses, who being tired out with taking variety of Medicines, give over before the tone and strength of their parts is restored, which is necessary to be done in all long Diseases. He may so contrive his Medicines, first, That they may be taken insmall quantity, and be made more grateful to the tast, and stomach, and perform more then those of the Apothecaries, commonly slovenlymade, and of themselves Fulsom, Nauseous, and Sluggish. Secondly, HisMedicines made for particular persons, may last Weeks, Months, nayYears, whereas the Apothecaries Drinks, especially in the Summer time, must be renewed once, or twice every day, to the excessive charge ofthe Patient. That his Medicines may be fewer, is evident in Physicians thatpractise in the Country, who ride far to Patients, and carry in theirMans Cloak-bag, Medicines enough, not only for the person he is sentto, but also for most other persons, and Cases he meets with in hisTravels, and therefore his Closet needs contain but few, yet noble andgenerous Medicines, and such as may serve him upon all occasions, supplying what's defective from the Fields or Gardens. He may avoidall pompous, useless, chargable Medicines of the Shops, and substitutein their place, cheaper, and more conducible to health; He may verywell lay aside the precious Stones, Saphir, Emerals, &c. The highpriced Magistrals of Coral, and Pearl, made worse by theirpreparations, or rather destroyed thereby in their Virtue, as alsoUnicorns Horn; and Bezoar, all which are now rarely used alone, but inthe received Compositions; He may also spare the charges of leaf-gold, for guilding Pots, Glasses, Pills, Electuaries, Boles, &c. Whichserves only to raise the Bill. He may teach the Patients facile and easie Remedies, as to make aClyster, apply Blisters, or Medicines to the feet, where they areneedful, &c. And in many Cases may cure by well ordering his Patientonly, without any Remedies at all, or but very few; being free to actfor the Patients Health, without the grumbling of the Apothecary; andmany other ways he may daily meet with, very advantageous to thePatient. He will have little use of Conserves, Syrups, Lohocks, &c. A greaterpart whereof Sugar makes up, which doth more hurt to most persons, then the other ingredients do good. As for Infusions and Decoctions, he will find by experiment, how muchliquor, or Menstruum will suffice to extract the full vertue of theingredients, and what are helps, or hinderances thereunto, and therebyneither suffer loss in the quantity, or quality of them. He will discover the inefficacy of many of the Syrups and otherMedicines in the Shops, made of such ingredients, the qualitieswhereof, what with boiling, what with the great quantity of Sugarnecessary to keep them, are either made useless or opposite to theends they are proposed for. Especially in such Plants, Seeds, andFlowers, which consist of fine volatil parts, and even in drying andpounding, or the least boiling exhale and evaporate, and therefore inthe common way of ordering them, lose their whole vertue or most oftheir efficacy, and alter in their properties. From which by severalmethods known to some Physicians, very generous and singular Medicinesmay be produced. He need not use so large Compositions consisting of such confused andcontrary ingredients, and will find good reason to lay aside thoseunintelligible and unreasonable Compositions of Mithridate, andTreacle, and the so much magnified Treacle-water, and will substitutebetter in their places, of smaller charge, and less trouble; and thisall Physicians I have conversed with, and the College it self, bytheir Book published for the common good, in the year before thePlague, and all those Physicians in this City, who make or intend tomake their own Medicines, do confess. But here Apothecaries open wide, and cry out that the Physicians aregreat Cheats, and envious persons, for continuing such flat Medicines, and not recommending to the World, or rather their Shops, our greatersecrets. The answer is easie, that the Medicines in our Pharmacopća, are the best of any other Pharmacopća in the World, both for theirgoodness, and well preparing of them, whether they be Chymical, orGalenical; and therefore the same scandal will ly on all Pharmacopća'swhatsoever. Secondly, I say that within these few last experimentalyears, the practical part of Physic hath been much improved (as wellas Anatomy) especially by such as have put their hands to work; andtherefore till such improvement, this could not be well amended. Furthermore, in making new Dispensatories, a full content must be had, and 'twere not fit to move where the motion were not like to takeplace, for though private men invent new ways of compounding andpreparing, and using their own invented Medicines, yet 'twill requirea long time to make them publickly known, and brought into common use, and till that be done 'tis not possible to have them brought into acommon Dispensatory; besides, no man would make a motion for such areformation, unless he were well furnished with specificks, and then'twill be required of him to expose them to the whole World, which howincongruous it will be, every man may easily conceive; hereto add, that the Apothecaries think themselves able enough by this presentDispensatory, to out-beard Physicians, and do publickly profess (ashath been said) that they understand the practice of Physic well asthey; how much more would they have said so, if they had been madeMasters of these secrets? And here I shall admonish those of my ownFaculty, who have devoted their Studies, Labours, and Purses, for theimprovement of their Art, to consider, that as natural things havetheir bounds and limits, and that there is no new Creation of them, and besides, that these things have their bounds also of improvement, beyond which 'tis impossible for man to go; and that by a good methodand industry, that end may be attained; (though at present I mustconfess, no Art is more capable of enlargement then ours:) I say letall consider, and they will find, what a vast encouragement they haveto improve their knowledg so far, that they shall not only be able toleave mankind destitute of no remedy Nature did ever produce; but alsorestore and setle those Honours ignorant men would usurp, upon theLearned Professors of this Science, and I see no reason why Physiciansshould communicate their secrets to such persons, who will make use ofthem, to the ruine of the Inventors, which is indeed a failer oftrust, for when a Physician writes his Bill, he trusts the Apothecaryonly with making the Medicine for a particular occasion, and not tomake use of it as his own when be pleaseth for his own profit, and theInventor have no further benefit by it, then perhaps one singleadvantage. Lastly, When Dispensatories were first made, the Apothecaries werereally Physicians Servants, and wholy at their command, not in theleast intrenching on their business, and the rates of Medicines werereasonable; which superiority over them still continues only in theirprescriptions, the forms whereof are always commanding to take thisand that, and to mix them, &c. But within these few last years theyhave set up for themselves, and advanced the rates beyond all reason;and to be sure, the more we teach them by our Books, the more theywill trangress in both. He may receive encouragement from what he discovers, that is more thenordinarily useful, whereas by writing Bills, he soon communicates tothe ignorant and lazy, who will neither spend time nor money toadvance the Art, but while the one is at work to his great charge, lots of time, much pains and trouble, the others seek by petty tricksand Arts to gain a name, and profit from the industrious. Nay someMountebanks have been set up by purchasing receipts of the Apothecaryor his Servants. And one of them told me, he set up a Quack by sellingand commending to him a Medicine he had long kept in his Shop andcould not otherwise put off, and that by degrees he made him a famouspractiser among the ignorant and poor people. An Act quite contrary tothe interest of the Company. Hence also will arise an emulation amongst Physicians, who shallexceed each other in noble remedies, and from thence a full and happyimprovement of whatsoever God hath created for the recovery of manshealth impaired; for from the Physician alone the advancement ofPhysic is to be expected. How many simples of unknown properties havebeen brought into use, to the great comfort of the sick? and many moremay be, as also many preparations, both simple and compound, both inthe Galenical, and Chymical practice, and by this means the Art willbe advanced to its just dignity, now much diminished, dishonoured, andnear to be lost by the intrusion of ignorant persons. Greater respect will be given to such Physicians, as being theimmediate instruments of life and health, who will derive untothemselves that which is now given to the Apothecaries, which proceedschiefly from fear lest they should do the Patient hurt; and so theirhonour will be doubled, which every Physician looks principally at;but the Apothecary being not so far concerned, looks chiefly at hisown profit, and regards not the Patients charge. For the greater thePatients charge, the greater must needs be the Apothecaries gain;whereas on the contrary, 'tis the Physicians Interest to cure thePatient with the greatest ease. He may proceed on safely and securely in his well experiencedMedicines, having before him not only what he hath prescribed for thesame Patient, but for all others in the like Case, and thereby keep inmemory what he would have forgot, if his Bill had remained on theApothecaries File; viz. The Medicines and their success. By meanswhereof Physicians do not advance their knowledg so far as they might;for how is it possible they should remember the particulars of theirBills writ some days before? and therefore know not how to proceed sowell. But the Apothecaries having before them the whole series ofMedicines, brag they can do more then the Physicians, and by thismeans insinuate the same opinion into people. The Physician will be consulted in the beginning of Diseases, to thesafety and little expence of the Patient, who will not go first to theApothecary, who practiseth on him till the Case is desperate, and thencalls in a Physician when 'tis too late; and if he dyes, the Physicianmust carry away the disgrace alone; but if he recover, the Apothecaryif he be so minded, by some trick will share with him in the honour:and by this resort of people to the Apothecaries in beginning ofDiseases; we meet with few Cases of easie Cure, but are chiefly madeuse of in dangerous Diseases, or those of short period, or such as areaccompanyed with great pains and torments, to our great and continualanxiety. The Physicians experience hereby as 'tis surer, so 'twill be greater. He will make use of no Medicines but the choicest, and when they arein their full vigour, and such as are durable, and after once or twiceTryal of them, will seldom fail in his expected success; which cannotbe certainly had without some tryal. For though a man buy the choicestingredients, viz. Sena, which may appear to the Senses very good, yethe cannot positively say, how well, nor yet what quantity of it willwork, till he hath made use of it. But afterwards he may confidentlyapply the whole parcel he hath bought to his purpose. The like may beinstanced in a crop of Wheat or Barley, which the skillfullestHusband-man cannot tell how they will yield for Bread, or Malt, tillhe hath used them. Now how is it possible that a Physician can withany certainty make use of several Shops, since there is so greatdifference in the ingredients? and 'tis certain the same Medicine madeby several Apothecaries, shall differ much in colour, smell, and tast, and consequently effect too; which cannot proceed from any other causethen the difference of the ingredients themselves, or by omitting someingredients, or by substituting one thing for another; or by distinctways of preparing them. The same also may be said of Compositions, much more of Chymical Medicines so much sophisticated, and of so muchdanger and hazard, if not well prepared, which he cannot discover tillhe hath seen the effect of them, unless it be such as he makeshimself, nor those neither till he hath made some tryal of them. He will much inlarge Materia Medica, Chymistry and Pharmacy, anddiscover the grounds of them, and wherein the efficacy of remedieslyes, and thereby lay open a whole Ocean for new discoveries, and bythe by observe many useful products and Phenomena of Nature, to thegreat improvement of his Art, and sound Natural Philosophy, which arenot taken notice of by Apothecaries, and their Servants; for all whichthey have neither will nor skill. As to the improvement of Medicines, this may be added, by theexperimenting Physician, that in distill'd waters he will consider andfind which of them will afford any virtue, which only phlegmequivalent but to Conduit-water, which of them will keep long, and inperfection, which soon or in what time decay, and spend themaccordingly, and in compound distill'd waters, will find cause to layaside many simples as nothing conducing, or rather weakning theefficacy of the Medicine designed; whereby much charge and troublewill be spared, and better compositions be made. He will gain and keep to himself Patients, who have diseases they areunwilling should be known by Apothecaries and their Boys, and all suchas have a mind to turn over their File. The Patient will have better opinion of the Medicines, and confidencein the use or them, and the Physician more satisfied in hisConscience, and better assured of the success. He will gain reputation to his Art, by restoring it to its firstinstitution and practice, by the Founders and Heroes of Physic. By constantly practised Medicines he will find out a better method ofCure, and may hereby arrive at the true causes of diseases. He will observe what Medicines by precipitation or other ways, alter, destroy, or weaken one another, whereby of good ingredients singlyused, a bad Composition may be made, and therefore fail in the successexpected. Many more things might be here added, which a skillfulobserver, and versed in the way to make experiments (no easie matter)will daily find, and at present I do not so much as give hints ofthem, but shall hereafter, as occasion and opportunity require. He will have more scope to be charitable to the poor, and more civiland obliging to his friends, by curing them gratis, or at smallcharges. He need not trouble himself with ways of concealing the use of hisMedicines, by setting down no directions in his Bill, but giving themto the Patient, which the Apothecary soon learns; nor with giving someof his own Medicines at a pinch, which if they succeed not, to be surethe Apothecaries will cry down in all places, but will conceal alleminently good successes, as disadvantageous to themselves; nor byplacing their Arcana's in the Shops of those Apothecaries theycommonly make use of; nor by recommending their Patients to suchApothecaries they intrust their secrets with. For then greatcomplaints are made that the Physicians carry away their Customers, and take away their livelyhood, affirming they are willing to fetchthem from the prescribing Doctors Apothecaries. To which I answer, that they do fetch them, but perhaps not always; since I have heardthem often say, these secrets were but the Medicines of the LondonDispensatory disguised under new names, to the discredit of thePhysicians that prescribed them. And I well remember some of them haveneglected to fetch from my house, not far from their own, some of mypreparations, though they had them gratis, for the fetching; wherebythe Patients have suffered, and thought I neglected them, 'till theywere rectified by another Visit. Nay one of them told me, he hadrather dy with his own Shop-Medicines, then be cured with myMagistrals: much more would he have said of Patients, manifestlypreferring his own profit before their lives; a most Unchristiansaying! One singular advantage such a Physician will have, that the slandersof the Apothecaries will appear to be malicious, as being raisedagainst such as act contrary to their profit. By this means Physicians will unite against the common Enemy, willcontribute mutual assistance, and communicate more freely to oneanother their practice and remedies; and also the frauds and unlawfulpractices of the Apothecaries, will conceal the counsels, and actwhatsoever may tend to the advance of their Art; and Patients alsowill discover the Apothecaries censures, and practices against thePhysicians and their prescriptions. Hereby that great interest will decay Apothecaries have in Familiesfor their petty officiousnesses (which Physicians not to displeasethem have put them upon) these will be taught Nurses, and theassistants, and which are by some of these as well, certainly morediligently performed then by the Apothecaries. Hereby the filii Artis, or younger Physicians, will sooner come into abetter and more setled practice, and not be beholden to Apothecariesto bring them Patients wherewith they often upbraid them, and gloryamongst themselves and to other persons, that they introduced such andsuch a Physician. Hereby Chirurgeons will be restored to some of their employment nowusurped by the Apothecaries, as leting of blood, applying Leeches, Plasters, Cupping-Glasses, Syringing and Salivation, wraping up bodiesin Cere-Cloaths, &c. Which indeed do more properly belong to them thento the Apothecaries; hereby also haply many occasions of quarrelbetwixt Physicians and the Apothecaries will cease, each party actingaccording to his own way. By this means Pseudochymists, and other Mountebanks mouths andrevilings will be stopped, only exclaiming for this, that Physiciansmake not their own Medicines. But since the publication of thesepapers I am informed that the said Pseudochymists and Mountebanks railagainst me, this Book, and the way propounded, as much as theApothecaries, though before equal Enemies each to others. So that theyhave fulfilled the Proverb, of like to like. And no wonder sincehereby their Kingdom of darkness is brought to light, and they areobliged to oppose it, as the Copper-Smiths were to revile St. Paul forspeaking against the Idol of Diana of the Ephesians, whereby theirtrade was lost. And as for the reasonableness of it, that the Physician ought tosupport himself by all lawful ways and means, and to have prćeminenceabove those ignorant persons that incroach upon his profession, 'tisconfessed by all that have considered the great charge, study, andlabour, before he can arrive at any benefit from it; for he must takethe chargeable degrees of Batchellor, and Master of Arts, Batchellorof Physic, and after 14 years standing, the degree of Doctor; besideshis bare expences for his maintenance in the University, Charges inAnatomies, knowledg of natural things; Travels abroad, Chymistry, andExperiments; his Library, Habit, his more free way of living in asuitable house, and Attendants, greater Taxes, &c. Insomuch that aDoctor of Physic spends more before he comes to practise, then willset up perhaps a dozen Apothecaries in a way of livelihood; andbesides, great sums of money before he can put himself in a fittingEquipage: whereas on the contrary, many young men before their time ofApprenticeship is out, provide well for themselves by Quacking; andcertainly the Study of Physic, and consequently the knowledge ofNature, must bid farewel to the Universities, if Shops be permitted tomake practisers, for such the people will soon create Doctors, whichtitle the Apothecary takes upon him, though he understand not thereason of the name, to the great shame of the Universities, andFaculty, when ignorant people shall give, and they challenge the sametitle for nothing, attained by the Physician at a great rate and longstudy, the vulgar taking Practiser and Doctor to signifie the samething. And which no persons of knowledg and education do, and perhapsmost other persons give them in way of Jeering. From the handsom support of Physicians these benefits will accrue tothe publick, that thereby the honour all Nations yield to the EnglishPhysicians will be kept up, who in the late times, when the reputationof the Nation was well neer forfeited abroad, the Physicians then inbeing, most whereof are now living, and Members of the College, maintained the credit, for learning and value, of this Kingdom, andsince his Majesties happy return, some of them have kept up the honourof the Faculty; which manifestly appears by the great esteemForeigners have of their Books, by often printing them, andtranslating into Latin what hath been published in English, thoughthey are no where so depressed as in England. A second benefit to the publick is, that men of competent Estates willbreed up their Sons in the Art of Physic, giving them such educationas is necessary, and will not vouchsafe to place them out toApothecaries, though now adays want of learning and degrees areadjudged as needful a qualification for the exercise of Physic, asformerly 'twas for Preaching, and the Shops fit to supply both. I will conclude this part of my discourse with this observation; thatthe Laws of England in all their Acts of Parliament, have granted thepractice of Physic to Physicians and them alone, and in no clausethereof put in any restraint at all upon them, but every where, eithernew priviledges, or a confirmation of the old, have been granted, bythe said powers. Whereas on the contrary, the Law supposeth cheats inthe Apothecaries Shops, and therefore impowers our Censors to destroyand burn what they find bad and corrupt. The next thing to be treated of, shall be the ways of Apothecariescreeping into practice, and their unfitness thereunto. As to thefirst, heretofore when they were Members of the Company of Grocers, and dispersed in place, as well as in counsel, they then were wholysubordinate to the Physicians, only keeping in their Shops, andfaithfully making the prescriptions they received from the Physicians, and when made, sending them to the Patient by their men (as they stillcontinue to do in Foreign Countries) and not committing thepreparation to raw Boys, or Apprentices, which is the true interest ofthe Patient they should do here likewise. But in process of time, Physicians in acute diseases having taught them somewhat, sent them tovisit their Patients, to give them the best account they could of theestate of their health, and effect of their Medicines. And of lateryears some Physicians took them along with them in their Visits, whereby they acquired a little smattering of diseases, by which means, and their continual officiousness, they insinuated themselves intoFamilies, and by applying (right or wrong) the terms of Art they hadlearned from the Physicians, they made people believe they hadacquired some skill in the Art, and afterwards began to venture alittle at practice, and but until these 10 years last past keptthemselves within some bounds and limits; but since that time havedaily more and more incroached upon our Profession, being assisted bya greater familiarity of conversation with younger Physicians. And inthe Plague time they took upon them the whole Practice of Physic, which ever since they have continued, being much helped also thereinby the dispersing of Physicians into places unknown to their Patients, by the Fire, but above all by the burning of the College, by meanswhereof their Government and view of their Shops have been omitted, insomuch that now they are past all restraint, having insinuated and(as they think) rooted themselves by the aforesaid Artifices, so thatthere remains now no other real remedy but that proposed. Now here I shall take occasion in a short digression, to discoursebriefly the reason, why in all Ages there have been so many pretendersto Physic, and why some of them have got reputation in the World. Onehath been mentioned before, viz. The great charges sick men are putto, caused by the separation of the Physician from the Apothecary. Butthe principal reason is, the want of knowledge in most persons, bothof the materials used, and the grounds for which they are applyed. Insomuch that there are but few that can judg, and distinguish rightlyof either, and no wonder therefore that in their reasonings theycommit more absurd mistakes, or Paralogisms then in any other Artwhatsoever, and censure Physicians by the success alone. Which my LordVerulam accounts the great unhappiness both of the States-man and thePhysician, both being alike censured by those that know not the bottomand rise of their Actions and Counsels. For how can any man in eithermake a sound Judgment without a full knowledge of the business itself; and of all the circumstances thereunto belonging; nor in Physicwithout the concurrent knowledg of the sick mans habit, disease, cause, remedies, and many other particulars necessary to make a clearjudgment upon the success? Yet notwithstanding, many will censure andgrumble at the actions of the States-men, though their proceedingshave been never so wise, and prudent, and oft-times from muttering andwhispering, fall to down-right distast, and mutiny against theirSuperiors. So that the good success, in State-affairs, of rash andimprudent undertakers, have been extolled and preferred before thewary, and prudent management, and guidance of the soberest and wisestStates-men. The same likewise happens between the bold Empiric, andlearnedst Physician. But in this way of censuring, the States-man haththis advantage above the Physician, that 'tis possible he may meetwith a series of Business so circumstantiated, as seldom or never tomiscarry, especially having a greater power over subordinate personsthen Physicians have. But the irreversible statute of Heaven forbidsus to expect a constant recovery of our Patients, for 'tis appointed, that all men must die. 'Tis sufficient therefore for us, to employthose remedies God hath given to the Sons of men, to the utmost vertuethe Creator hath endowed them withal: since his eternal decree hathlimited their efficacy from making man immortal. Now since (if menjudg by the success alone) it cannot be otherwise, but that the mostlearned Physician, and most sottish Empiric must be thought equal inskill, by those that are not able to make a right judgment anddifference betwixt them on other principles. Hence it comes to pass, that where some ignorant person hath cured accidentally a slightdisease, and a Physician hath a Patient dye of an irrecoverable Case, here the Empiric shall be applauded, and the Physician decryed. Naymany will say the disease is the same in both, whereas we daily seemost gross mistakes in such opinions, when the Cases differ totally intheir Nature, agreeing in one sign only common to both the Casesproposed, nay to many other also. Furthermore, if a Patient dy underan Empirics hand, the friends willingly conceal their Names, lest somediscredit should befal them for using such worthless practisers; butif under the hands of a known Physician he shall be sure to be named, and sometimes his attendance falsly fathered on him, when Mountebanksonly have been employed: but to besure if an Empiric hath first beenmade use of, and afterwards an able Physician called in (when allopportunity of doing good was past) and the Patient dy, the Mountebankhath never been mentioned, but the Physician perhaps condemned thoughhe hath done whatsoever could have been thought on, rational in thatCase. Add to the former reasons, the bold and confident brags, and promisesof Empirics, that they have cured worse diseases, and will in fewhours free them from their maladies, especially where sober Physicianshave pronounced doubtfully of the event. No wonder that these pleasingpromises to persons in danger and distress bring them into employmenteven with a rejection of the former sober Physician. Besides, a foolish opinion prevails with some ignorant persons, thatthey will deal only with such as will undertake the Cure, (that is)contract with them for a sum of money, one half whereof to be payed inhand, and the other the Cure being done, and so are usually cheated ofone half of their money; and such people will have nothing to do withsuch Physicians as will not undertake them in this sence. Another Stratagem is, to give strange and hard names to theirMedicines, such as are Pilulć radiis Solis extractć, and in English isno more then Pills dryed to that consistence by the Sun-Beams, whichignorant people have thought were made of the Sun Beams. Otherscommend their Extract of the Soul of the Heathen Gods. One sets upwith a receipt received from Van Helmonts own hands; Another hathreceived from a Jew the shining of Moses Face; nay I have heard aPseudochymist blasphemously brag, he saw in the making of a grandElixir, the Quintessence of the Trinity in Unity, and infinite otherpitiful captivations of silly people, to be seen on every Gate andPost of this City; such as are the Spirit of the Salt of the World, Panchymagogon, and other ten-footed Greek names, and some otherMongrel non-sensical ones compounded of several Languages; promisingcertain, speedy, and concealed Cure of incurable Diseases. And no less ridiculous and absurd to considering persons are, theircantings of themselves, wherewith they no less befool, amuse, andbeguile the people; as that by long prayer, and seeking of God, theyhave had many secrets revealed to them from Heaven. Another by longTravels through Hungary, Poland, &c. Hath attained great secrets fromKings and Emperours. Another a Gentleman lately come from Oxford, orCambridg, Cures the Pox, Running of the Reins, &c. In Capital Letters, at all which what sober man cannot but laugh? Yet such as these areinducements to many to resort to them; moreover some of them areAstrologers, Physiognomers, Fortunetellers, Professors of Palmistryand such other vain Arts; much applauded by the weaker sort of people. Besides, the former they have their Emissaries, Scouts, and Setters upand down, to cry up the skill And feigned Cures done by them, Nurses, Good-fellows, Midwives, &c. To make up the cry and full noise. Now it being natural to most people to admire what they understandnot, and for Admiration to infer Love, and Love Praise, and Praise theuse especially of such things as are set off with high and loftyexpressions, it necessarily follows that such persons will cry up, andmake use of, those that by these means captivate their understandings, especially their credits being ingaged also; but above all, if theyproceed from meaner persons, of whom they are most credulous, havingin suspition wiser men, believing the former are not able, and thatthe wiser are able; and therefore will deceive them. All which appearsin some with us cryed up above any Physician that ever was in England, though for pitiful, dangerous, nay sometimes mortal Medicines, wherebygreat sums of money have been gained in a short time; I shall instancefirst in Lockyers Pills made of Antimony, discovered to be so by someof my Collegues, and my self, at the first selling of them. A Medicineas ill made as any of that Mineral, and no Physician though meanlyversed in Chymistry, but could have excelled it. Yet so great a Voguethis Pill had for some time, that infinite people resorted to him, andpurchased them for their lives, both for themselves, and Families, and(as I have heard) for their posterities too. Though a common Chimneyin a little time would have made enough of it to have served the wholeNation for some years to come, and that at very small charges. ButExperience, the Tutor of too many, hath in a short time brought thesePills into a dis-use, if not a total Oblivion, even amongst thevulgar. A second cryed up Medicine was Mathews's Pills, made of Opium (towhich the virtue of the whole Composition must be attributed) of whiteHellebor Roots, and Oyl of Turpentine, whereto some add Salt ofTartar, which will puzzle the most knowing Naturalist to declare whythese should be thus jumbled together; unless to obscure the Opium. 'Tis indeed a very cunning Composition, for by giving rest and ease itmay easily decoy people into the use of them, though by long taking ofthem, diseases become far more uncurable then they are in their ownNature. A third Universal Medicine was Hughes's Powder, sold by him at 10 s. The Grain, and 3 l. 10 s. The Dose, made doubtless of Gold andQuicksilver. The tast and weight of it manifestly discover the formerto be an ingredient into it, and the effect, viz. Salivation provesthe latter to be part of the compound. Besides I have made of thesetwo dissolved, and digested in their peculiar Menstruums, in no longspace of time, a Medicine that had the same effect with his, and inthe same Dose, and having a View of his Cabinet left after his Death, containing a large quantity of the said Powder (being all he leftbehind him) there was found crude Gold, and Quicksilver in the sameCabinet. Now these three Notorious Universal Medicines were put tosale by most ignorant persons. Add hereunto the forementioned Mr. De-laun's Pill, whereof I shall say nothing, being mentioned under theName of the Pilule ex duobus, in the London Dispensitory, though somemake them of the Extract of Coloquintida. The last of any Fame withus, were Dr. Goddard's Drops, a good Medicine, but not so universal, and superlative as he would have made the World believe, and wasnothing else but what some Physicians many years since enjoyed. I wellremember that in the late troubles, a Person then in great Authority, having cryed up this above all the Medicines in the World, a roundwager was offered, that the Doctor should not distinguish his own fromtwo others that should be brought him, both which were but Spirit ofHarts-horn. But the wager would not be accepted of. Furthermore, thatthis Medicine of his was Spirit of Harts-horn, some relations plainlyargue; One whereof was the following. A certain person in Norfolk having sent for as much as came to a 11 l. And dying upon the 2d. Dose of it, and by accident most part of theremainder being spilt; there comes in a friend to the House, of someskill, who supposing it to be Spirit of Harts-horn, told the Widow hewould endeavour to gain back the money for her. And thereupon went toa Chymist, and bought as much of the said Spirit, as would make up thequantity purchased of Dr. Goddard, who after Tryal of it by smell, andtast, acknowledged it to be his, and honestly payed back the sum 'twasfirst sold for; which I think few of the Mountebanks do. Sure I amthat a Quack sold 21 Pills for 20 l. Whereof the Patient took 4 at twodoses, to the great hazard of his life, who then repairing to me formy advice, I by Tryal of one of them found them to be Mercurial, andwished him to return them back, but the Quack would not give him 10 s. For the 16 remaining. The inference and sum of what hath been said, is to shew briefly bywhat Artifices people are deceived in their Healths, and Purses, andhow easily the ignorant are couzened, and such practices used, thatPhysicians, men of honesty and repute, would be ashamed to own, andmust by using them in a short time be ruined and discredited. And suchCheats as these, the College of Physicians are bound by the Laws ofthe Land to decry, and punish (though by so doing it hath oftenincurred the censure and clamor of the vulgar) Besides the Statute ofthe 14th. And 15th. Of Henry the Eighth injoyns us to it, declaringthat 'tis good for the Common-wealth of this Realm, and thereforeexpedient, and necessary to provide that no person of the College ofPhysicians (for all practisers then were of the said body) be sufferedto exercise, and practise Physic, but only those persons that beprofound, sad, and discreet, groundly learned, and deeply studyed inPhysic. Now certain it is, that none of the said body did or dare useany of the forementioned frauds and deceits, but will constantlyindeavour (since 'tis impossible but there will be Cheatees;(according to the old Proverb, Populus vult decipi, The People will bedeceived) to abridge the number of the Cheaters, who answer to theformer part of the Proverb, Decipiatur, Let them be couzened. I shall end this discourse by returning from my digression to theApothecaries, who may and do use some of the tricks before-mentioned, and shall here briefly recite some great advantages they have, andmake use of above Physicians. One is, that they live in this City 7 or8 years as Apprentices, as also by their retail Trade, and by livingin open Shops, by frequent converse with their fellow Citizens, whether in Commerce or Offices, by many friendly and Neighbourlymutual kindnesses and actions, wherein they spend their whole lives, and are never diverted by studies, and ingenuity from their proposedway of gain, by all which means they get into a fixed familiarity andgood opinion with their Neighbours, and a large acquaintance in theWorld. Now for their skill, besides what hath been before-mentioned, and common to them with the Mountebank, viz. Vapouring and braging oftheir skill, and decrying Physicians, by talking above the Capacity ofthose they converse with, who therefore take all they say to beauthentick, though never so absurd, and trivial, and many times to setoff themselves they will venture to speak Latine commonly as false asthe matter, although some of them at Coffee-Houses, and in other mixtCompanies, by venturing so boldly have been met with and baffled, andmade to depart thence with shame and discredit enough, which theirfriends and acquaintance take little notice of. Add hereunto theirexposing to view their Compositions of Treacle, Mithridate, Diascordium and Alkermes, which all their friends, and neighbours onetime or another must see; (being set off by some very curiously) andseeing cannot but admire the great charge, art, and labour of theApothecary, and perhaps hear his learned Lecture upon them, wherebythey imply their great skill, knowledg in the virtues of theseingredients, and consequently an ability to practise with them; allwhich are below the dignity of a Physician; and therefore a long timeis necessary for him to gain acquaintance, wanting the fore-mentionedopportunities the Apothecaries enjoy. Lastly, Their painted Pots andGlasses, with false Titles on them, more win the vulgar then aPhysicians Library of far greater value. As to their incapacity for Practice, 'tis manifest by their education, and ignorance of all those things which are required in an ablePhysician, viz. The knowledg of Arts and Languages; by the formerwhereof men learn the way and rules of observing, and improvements tobe made thereon; by the latter, what the learned searchers of Naturehave in all Ages taken notice of, necessary, and little enough in anArt so difficult as that of Physic. They are wholy ignorant also ofall Philosophy, and the very Elements of the Art, and thereforeunskillful in knowing diseases; and more surely their causes, wheretorespect is to be had, as well as to the diseases, to which, fitremedies are to be applyed. For want of Anatomy know neither the partaffected, nor how 'tis affected; much lets any thing of Chirurgicaldirections. And through their ignorance in Philosophy, and Arts, theyhave not skill enough to advise a diet sutable to diseases; a thingmost necessary, as well in curing diseases as in preserving of health, and which requires a great insight into the nature of things; nor thetrue grounds and reasons of compounding, practising their way ratherby rote then by rule; with better reason may a Brick-layer orCarpenter pretend to be a Mathematical, or a Common Fidler to be aMusick Reader in the Universities, or Gresham-College, since boththese have the practical part of those Sciences, which Apothecarieshave not in Physic, in the least measure. And to conceal their mis-actings, they generally do all by word ofmouth, and not enter their prescriptions into their Books, being haplyashamed any knowing men should discover their sins of omission, asdangerous many times in point of life and health, as those of theircommission. Whereas Physicians Bills are on the File, or registred inOrder in their own Books, which is their justification from allmisrepresentations. Again, they sufficiently confess their ignorance, by calling inPhysicians when their own, or any of their relations healths areconcerned, and the same all people acknowledge, when they are indistress and danger. And very few understanding persons, and none thatare learned and knowing, will trust them at all. But I shall refer theReader to the forementioned Writer against the Apothecaries, viz. Dr. Daniel Coxe, who permitted me to name him here; by whom this and manyother things here but briefly touched, are judiciously handled, andmore largely. And as for their skill in practice, we daily see their gross erroursand omissions, being called where they have given Medicines. I shallinstance only in one that hapned at the writing hereof; viz. That anApothecary gave strong Purging Pills on the Fit day of a gentleQuartan Ague, which turned it into a violent Fever, to the greathazard of the Patients life. And at how easie rate they practise, many of their Bills brought andcomplained of to our College, (in some whereof I have seen Fees setdown for Visits) witness, wherein upon a slight disease 5 l. Hath beendemanded for four days practice. And I have heard one of them brag, that he commonly had from 20 to 100 l. Besides presents, for cure of aClap (as they call it) which might have been more speedily andsecurely performed for a manifold lesser sum. I now come to answer some slight objections; as first, that Physiciansare unskillful in the Art of making Medicines; but sure those thatthus object cannot deny them that ability which Ladies, and almost allordinary women have; viz. Of distilling of waters of all sorts, makingof Syrups, Conserves, Preserves, Powders, Trochiscs, Electuaries (andwhat not) and as many think, more cleanly and neatly then theApothecaries; and some of them Ointments, and Plasters, in which twolyes their main skill. Some whereof, to those that understand not theway of dissolution of bodies, and the nature of their mixture may bedifficult. Yet this defect they may supply by lessening the number ofingredients, and may perform more with 2, or 3 Simples, then with thelarger Compositions, as 'tis manifest in the use of Galbanum alone, now used and found better then Emplastrum Hystericum, consisting of 21ingredients. And though as matters now stand, Physicians have not the honour to becounted superiour to Apothecaries in their Art, yet every one knowsthat they alone are the prescribers and directors of the Apothecariesin what they know; and are able to puzzle them in infinite things thatconcern their Trade, besides in Chymical preparations, whereof most ofthem are totally ignorant; and should Physicians withdraw themselvesfrom their conversation, few pretenders to Physic would appear moreunskillful then they, neither knowing how to deal with a new Simple, nor a new disease. And for all their pretences of skill in Drugs, 'tismost certain that the State makes Physicians not Apothecaries, Judgesof them; and the Statute of Henry the VIII. Appoints the CollegeCensors upon Oath, not the Apothecaries to judg, and condemn false andsophisticated Medicines. A second objection wherewith they flatter themselves, is, that thegreat expence of time in preparing Medicines will keep Physicians fromthis course. I answer, that the Physician needs not spend much morethen half an hour in a day, one with another, on this work, and mayfaster dispense them then the Apothecaries to Hospitals, who in anafternoon can provide for 100, nay sometimes 200 sick men, and carrythem to the Hospital, and dispose them to each single person, whichtakes up much time, which the Physicians Servants need not be put to. A third objection is, that this course, which before 'twas put inpractice they derided, now used is railed at, will undo them. I answerthat if needs, one or the other must be ruined, 'tis more reasonablethat the Apothecary should suffer then the Physician, because the oneacts but his duty, and for the publick good, but the other aretransgressors of the Law, and act above the Sphere of their skill, anddo many prejudices to the precious lives, and healths of men; and therather, because 'tis in their own power to prevent this mischief, bystinting the number of their Servants (as 'tis in foreign parts, andin England also, in very many if not most other Trades. Nay our Stateallows but a set number of Printers) for they acknowledg themselves, that the exceeding increase of their number must necessarily in ashort time bring them all to shifting and beggery, and a greater wantof skill then what they now pretend to. But to answer this Objectionmore fully, I affirm Apothecaries have made and do make use of severalother ways of subsistence; besides their bare trades (none of whichPhysicians can use) viz. Some of them in this City as well as in theCountry, sell Grocery-wares, and by both together, gain Estates. Secondly, They barter in Drugs and other Commodities, selling themamongst themselves, and to other Tradesmen. Furthermore, they are nowbuilding a Laboratory to make all sorts of Chymical Medicines, intending to supply the whole Nation with them, which must necessarilyundo all the Chymists in London; and whether in time they will notdistil Strong-waters, &c. (an easie thing for them to undertake) andby this means to ruine the Corporation of Distillers of Strong-waters, I leave to the said Company to conceive as they please. However, thisI have heard several of them say, that they resolve to buy all sortsof Drugs, and make a Magazine of them, as well as of the greaterCompositions, at their own Hall; and to sell them to the Members oftheir Company, whereby the Trade of the Druggist, must be muchlessened, if not totally over-thrown. So little regard have they ofany other employment but of their own, yet all these things they maydo without any offence against the Laws of the Land. Why then shouldthey, who have so many ways of subsistence, envy, and usurp unlawfullyover the single and lawful way granted Physicians for theirlivelihood? Or why would they repine, and revile them for advancingtheir Art, the publick health and profit, and for maintaining theirprofession by their Pens, and actings against themselves, who are thefirst aggressors in this division? Which I profess to be the sole endof these present papers, and heartily wish they may thrive and prosperas long as they conform themselves to the Laws of Honesty, Reason, andof the Land. Besides, why may not the Plaisterer more reasonablypretend the same to the Painter, and many other Trades against oneanother, as the Brick-layer to the Stone-Cutter, &c. That theyunderstand the Trade, and that truly too, and that they cannot subsistwithout this incroachment? And why should not Chirurgeons keep openApothecaries Shops? but that the same Law limits those Tradesmen, aswell as prohibits the Apothecary from the practice of Physic. Andsurely the Law and State have no consideration of those personssubsistence, who conform not to them; and why should we have of those, subordinate to us, who against all good Conscience take away from usall that is our due, and continually traduce and slander us veryuntruly and designingly? The last objection (and a strange one) is, that in this private way ofgiving Medicines, Physicians may poyson their Patients. But this iseasily retorted upon the Apothecaries, who may themselves or theirServants do the like, as 'tis known in the poysoning of Sir ThomasOverbury; besides, since it cannot be otherwise, but that the Patientmust trust somebody, 'tis better to trust one then many; and if one, better him whose education will teach him better Morality, (and whohath given his Faith (equivalent to an Oath) twice to the Body of theCollege; viz. Once at his admission as Candidate, and a second time athis admission as Fellow; whereby he promiseth in these words, That heshall give nothing to cause miscarriage, or to destroy, or hinderConception, nor Poysons (for of such, good Medicines may be made) toan evil purpose, nay that he shall not even teach them where there isany suspicion of ill using of them. Which promise is nothing else butthe Oath proposed by Hippoc. To Physicians, in the entrance to hisBooks) then to trust such as want these qualifications; and this seemsto be the reason why our Common Law makes it Felony, for any person tohave any one dy under his hand, unless he were a lawful Physician. More noble and generous was the opinion of Alexander the Great, concerning his Physician, who confidently drank off that Medicinewhich cured him, though he was before informed by some friend that'twas poysoned. Neither can History it self to my knowledg produce anyexample, that ever any such foolish Villany was acted; Thoughdoubtless many lives might have been saved if the Apothecaries wouldhave complyed with the College, in their proposed Orders for sellingRats-bane. In the next place I shall recite some few of their devices againstthose Physicians in particular that make their own Medicines, as totell the Patient that is averse to Chymical Medicines, that the Doctoris Chymical, and that because forsooth he makes his own Medicines; butto those that affect Chymical, that the Doctor is but a Galenist, anduseth only dull and ineffectual remedies, as best suits to the sickmans Palat. A second is, that if this Physician be called in to aPatient, the Apothecary will pretend present danger, and in hisabsence call in another, or pretend he is abroad when he is not, orelse that the Case requires the counsel of two Physicians; and whatother devices they use, I have not well learned. Now briefly follow some small Scandals they cast upon the saidPhysicians, as first that they do it for want of practice; the falsitywhereof is known by those few that do act this way already, andshortly 'twill be more apparent, when many more of good practice, singular parts and honesty will do the like, and certainly nothing butlazyness, ignorance, or want of will to do the utmost good they areable for the sick, can hinder them from so doing, except age, infirmity of body, or want of convenience. But suppose 'tis so as theyalledg, doubtless every man may and ought to use all lawful means forhis own subsistence; and do not our adversaries say they are inforcedto it, affirming that unless they give Medicines of themselves, theiracquaintance will go to another Apothecary who will do it, though oneof their Company told me, they had power by their Charter to restrainpractice? Whence (if true) it clearly follows that the whole Companyallows it. But those Physicians, that for the reasons above, cannot nor will nottake this course, are to be admonished, to do here as the Physiciansdid in France, for the good of people, viz. To tell their Patients theprices of Medicines, and to write their Bills in English, that therebythe Patients may not pay too unreasonable for them. I now conclude, having performed this ungrateful task, with as muchbrevity, mildness of Spirit, and language, as the business wouldpermit (and what the prudent Statutes of our College require of eachof their members, that we shall by all honest and lawful ways andmeans prosecute all illiterate Mountebanks and Impostors, &c. And isno more then the Laws and Charters granted to us allow, and what wetwice faithfully promise (as much an Oath as we can give) viz. At ouradmission as Candidate and as Fellow) being obliged to another work ofgreater difficulty, and concern, long since promised, having been toolong diverted with fitting my self for my intended practice, andseveral other unavoidable Occasions. Postscript. Reader, There intervening so small a space from the publication of thefirst Edition of these Papers to this second; I thought to have addednothing to it, but to have put it out only more correct, as the Titleintimates; but since some Sheets were printed off, I have had theopportunity to be informed of some exceptions taken to them, whichbeing but few, I shall give the Objectors full satisfaction in. Thoughone answer might serve for all; viz. That an Apothecary in thepresence of two Physicians, said, that he had told me of all theseCheats, and indeed they are so common, that whosoever shall beconversant with them, may observe most of these to be a great part oftheir discourse. The First exception against Myrtle-leafs, that theywere not shewed the Censors for Sena, a Binder for a Purger; the timeI have forgot; the Censors then were, Sir George Ent, Dr. Goddard, Dr. King, and my Self; the places, Tut-hill-street, and some Shops inKing-street; Mr. Shellberry being then Master of the Company. Secondly, As for Mushrooms rubbed over with Chalk for Agaric; this wasfound by the Censors in the Old-Baily, at the Shop of one now dead, and therefore I shall say no further of it, it being taken notice ofby Mr. Evelyn, as is intimated before. P. 8. A Third is Diascordiummade of Honey and Bole-Armeniac, this was discovered in a Shop at theend of Drury-lane near Holborn, concluded to be so by Sir George Ent, My Self, and Mr. Richardson then Master of the Company, and the restof the Censors and Wardens, easily to be remembred, and was by themtaken away to their Hall; a pound whereof I had, and by dissolutionfound it to be no otherwise; what the Apothecaries did with the largePot of the remainder I know not. Besides these, I have heard noexception to the whole concerning frauds. Now since the Cheaters with the Cheatees, most insist on the objectionof Poyson; I add to what hath been formerly said; that Poysons are notnecessarily to be given in Medicines alone, but may be given inBroaths, Beer, or any other thing taken into the Body, and thatwithout the consultation or knowledg of any Physician, and surely ifany one had a mind to Poyson his Relations (an Action abominable tothe English Nation) he would rather Act privately himself, having manyopportunities offered to him, rather then by communicating it toothers, make himself obnoxious to their discovery. But if he shouldcommunicate to others, 'tis more probable he would communicate it tomeaner, and more Mercenary persons, as Apothecaries and Nurses, at asmaller rate and with more security, then reveal such secrets toPhysicians, Men of Honour, and Honesty. Furthermore, if any mans lifebe suspected to be taken away with Poyson, and by opening the body itshould appear so (and without which it cannot well appear) thePhysician is doubtless as lyable to the Law as any other personwhatsoever. So that the Patient hath as much moral security from thismischief, as possibly can be had, or wished in humane affairs. Naysuppose the Physician might be so corrupted (as to take away hisPatients life) he might effect it without the least suspition; eitherby neglecting, or omitting what was necessary, or by giving himunproper Medicines, for which he could be accused of ignorance orerrour only; besides, if he had a mind to poyson, he as well asothers, assistants of Visitors, might do it securely enough, byconveying into a singular Cordial, or any Medicine made by the Shops, and often taken by the Patient before with good success, a mortal dosewithout any knowledg or surmise of any such horrid practice. Addhereunto what an able Chirurgeon suggested, that Apothecaries takingupon them the wrapping up, and Embalming of Bodies (whereby they gainmore money then by several years practice upon them; for theirembalming amounts to very great sums) may upon better reason besuspected of poysoning then any other persons whatsoever conversantamong the sick, since both a particular interest and convenience ofconcealing may induce them to it. Lastly, did this Objection carry anyweight in it, then neither Physicians, Chirurgeons, Apothecaries, Nurses, nor Friends, might administer to the sick; because all these, as well as Physicians, may clandestinely poyson their Relations. Andtherefore that an Objection should be raised by such persons that havemore opportunities and advantage (in a thing never proved to be done, because 'tis possible only) to hinder so manifest and publick a profitas hath been proved; appears to be very weak and absurd. And having done with the Objections made to others, and to my selfalso by some of the Company, with whom I have conversed, who huff'dexceedingly at my first discourse with them, but departed (seeminglyat least) well satisfied, I am sure fully and without reply answered, and with addition of many other Cheats besides, which I shall not heremention for the reasons above specified: I shall here transcribe onegratulatory Letter amongst many sent me by a Divine well known inPhysic, being very comprehensive of most I have said, to the end theUniversities and all learned men may see what is like to become of oneof the three of their noble professions: The words of the Letter arethese. "Your design all ingenious persons approve highly, to whom I have communicated it. 'Tis frequent with a Master Apothecary that hath served but 2, or 3 years, nay some scarce one, to take Apprentices for as little, or less time, with a little more money then ordinarily; and presently they assume the Title of Doctors, though they understand no more then only to write to a whole-sale Apothecary in your City. And truly their couzenages here in the Country do exceed those in the City. For I have known 2s. 6d. Taken for a little Plaster of Galbanum, and it is usual to make one pectoral Syrup serve for all; as having occasion to enquire for Syrup of Jujubs, one of them ingenuously confessed (not knowing what Jujubs were) that he used one pectoral Syrup for all, a little varying the colour sometimes, and this a peculiar receipt of his own, something differing from any in the Dispensatory. " As for their opposition also in the Country, take this one Example. Aneminent Physician of Gloucester by reason of the Apothecaries Frauds, &c. Betook himself to make his own Medicines, taking for his Servantone that was not a Freeman of the said City. Who in his Mastersabsence, and contrary to his command, sold to an Apothecary a Medicinenot to be had, or at least pretended not to be had in the Town, for amost urgent and necessary use; whereupon the Apothecaries conspiringtogether, exhibited a complaint to the Mayor and Court of Aldermen, requiring of them, that the said Physician (who was a Freeman, and hadlately born the Office of Mayor) might be dis-franchised. Which beingnot granted them, they set the whole City into such disorder, thatthey refused to attend the Mayor on a Solemn day (as their Custom is, and are bound to do) with their Flags from their Town-Hall to theChurch, which the prudence of the Magistrates for the presentqualified. This relation I had from the then Mayor my Kinsman, in thepresence of a London Apothecary. Next as to the Lyes and Scandals of my self, I shall take notice onlyof those that concern practice (the rest being but generally false andnon-sensical revilings. ) One is, that they most untruly entitle me tohave been Physician to the Lady Anderson, and many others which Inever saw or heard of; and that I soon dispatched them. Anotherwherewith they make great noise, is, of one Mr. Staples inCovent-Garden, whom they say also I dispatched in few days. The truerelation whereof was this. An able Physician of the College had him inhand for the Jaundice, about two Months before I was called, whereuponwe consulted and writ a note to the Apothecary; a week after theconsultation I was sent for, and desired to take care of him alone; hewas then, besides the Jaundice, troubled with continual Torments inhis Bowels, which were as hard as a Board (as they say) his Stomachgone, his nights restless, a vehement Cough joyned with a HectickFever, having long before had an ill Habit of Body. In this Case Ifound him, and in a Months time or thereabouts, I cured his Jaundice, relieved his Torments, removed the hardness of his Bowels, mitigatedhis Cough, but the Hectick Fever continuing he declined; at lengthanother Physician was called in, who can witness the truth of what wasdone, and upon the whole we had good reason to think his Liver to beApostemated. After which consultation he had no more of me, telling mehe would rely on Kitchin Physic, and after that I never saw him. Nowthis being the only relation I have heard in this kind, I have beenthe larger to recite it, that thereby the Reader may take an estimateof their dealing with me in the like reports. The like or worse, someof them have said of other Physicians, which perhaps hereafter shallbe more fully related with all the Circumstances. As for their malicious anger, and disadvantageous to themselves, takethis one example; I having prescribed a Plaster for the Head, anApothecary would not make it, because prescribed by me; and I havebeen informed that many of them agreed they would make nothing forsuch Physicians as made their own Medicines; a poor and pitifulrevenge, to their own loss and discredit. Another Scandal is, the fewness of my Medicines. 'Tis true my Closetis not open to every bodies Eye, nor have I so many and large Pots andGlasses, or fill'd with as good as nothing, or the same Medicine, inseveral with different Titles, neither are any of mine guilded to makea shew with; yet I dare offer to view with the best of their Shops, for number of good and really useful Medicines fit to answer presentlyany Physicians intentions, for internal remedies. And this will beattested by some of my learned Collegues, who have seen and perusedthem. Whereas the Shops contain only some general Medicines, whereoffew single Physicians make use of one quarter in their practice, andupon most particular cases are compell'd to prescribe what is notreadily dispensed in the Shops. Others insinuate my seldom change ofMedicines. To which I answer, that where all circumstances are thesame, and a good success follows, I neither do, nor will much vary, the easiest thing in the World to be done, both to colour and tast. For such changes (necessary to be used in Shop-practice) withoutmanifest reason, clog a Patients Purse and Stomach, may not suit withthe Patients Disease nor Constitution. And doubtless every Physicianwrites at first what he conceives most fit, and proper in the Caseproposed; and if this agrees fully to his expectation, runs somehazard in the alteration, which he is necessitated to do in theShop-way, for many reasons before-mentioned. Besides, who scruples totake the Medicinal Waters of Epsom, Barnet, and Tunbridge, many weekstogether? or who refuseth a constant unalter'd Diet-Drink for someMonths, or Years together? And do not Apothecaries in all Diseases ofthe Lungs, fly to their pectoral decoction for all persons, and forthe same person at all times, unless perhaps with the addition of alittle China to it? Some Patients of the middle rank have by these and such like Artificesbeen drawn from me, but have soon returned, being undeceived by thefulsomness, charge, and the non-success of the Shops. Now these things I have here published to this end alone, that bothPhysician and Patient may take notice of them; the former to neglectand slight such poor Calumnies, and the other to avoid theinconveniencies thence arising. The care I had not to injure any particular person, by naming him inmy first Edition, or this (although I had so many witnesses of credit, as appears by the Postscript, to justifie any thing they can objectagainst) makes me hope they will leave off their personal animosities, or redress their Crimes, their Vanity of threatning me with 20000 l. Actions, and affrighting my publishing this, together with my furtherproceedings, by their intended assaults and batteries; which make themappear so ridiculous, that I smile at the first, and pardon the last;wishing them to consider seriously how the expectation some have ofwhat they can say for themselves, together with the necessity thatobliges them to it (if possible) were enough one would think, besidestheir many large brags of a speedy and full answer (which they have along time buzzed about the Town as a present remedy in this exigence)this I say were enough to make any man conclude them guilty, but 'tishoped this Edition will either work in them an amendment, or burytheir confident presumptions, leaving no man a belief of theirinnocency. If their promised answer be any thing else but Libelling, or a Ballad without rhime or reason, stuft with falsities andrevilings, such as was only given to Dr. Coxe's Book; I shall returnit a speedy and full answer, and with an addition of far greaterFrauds and Abuses, if they therein desire it. Feb. 20 Hatton-Garden. * * * * * Pag. 35. L. 6 read Physician, pag. 67. L. 13. Read then to trust. FINIS.