[Transcriber's Note:Abbreviated words and syllables are shown in [brackets]. ã, õ, ê, î, û = vowel with overline (following m or n) ¶ = symbol [*V*] [*R*] = Verse and Response symbols ] A ryght profytable treatyse compendiously drawen out of many and dyvers wrytynges of holy men by Thomas Betson Printed in Caxton's house by Wynkyn de Worde about 1500 * * * * * Cambridge at the University Press 1905 The tract here reprinted is one of twenty-six formerly bound together ina remarkable volume (AB. 4. 58) which was presented to the University in1715 by King George the First together with the rest of the Library ofJohn Moore, Bishop of Ely. The name of the author is only known from the colophon. It will be seenfrom the facsimile that the fourth letter of the name is not certainlyan s. Herbert (p. 204) on the information of W. Cole gives the name asBetton: but it seems probable that we are right in reading it as Betson. Mr Bernard W. Henderson, who has very kindly examined the copy in theLibrary of Exeter College, Oxford, and Mr F. Madan, to whom he has shownit, are decidedly of opinion that the letter is a blurred s. The date of printing is fixed by competent authorities as 1500, on theevidence of the states of the printer's mark and of the cut of theCrucifixion. FRANCIS JENKINSON This facsimile has been taken from the original in the Library of theUniversity of Cambridge. I certify that I have printed 250 copies only of this facsimile, thatthe impressions have been rubbed off the plates and the negativesdestroyed. P. DUJARDIN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [Illustration] [Illustration] ¶ Here begynneth a ryght profytable treatyse cõpendiously drawenout of many & dyuers wrytynges of holy men / to dyspose men to bevertuously occupyed in theyr myndes & prayers. And declared thePater noster. Aue. & Credo. In our moder tonge with many otherdeuoute prayers in lyke wyse medefull to religyous people as tothe laye people with many other moost holsomest Instruccyons / ashere after it shall folowe. ¶ The famous doctour Iohan gerson Chaûceler of Parys / takynge hisgroûde of holy scrypture. & accordynge with all other doctourssayth thus. [Illuminated O] Oure moost mercyfull fa[der] lord god knowyng our freelte &redynes to all s[yn]nes. Is euer redy duryng this wretched &mortall lyf / by many & dyuers ways to forgyue vs our trespace/ & to graûte & gyue vs his grace / yf so be that truly we ordeynevnto hym these treuthes folowynge sayd & done with all our herte. The fyrst / thou shalt saye. Blessyd lorde I knowleche [that] Ihaue synned ayenst thy goodnes thus and thus Rehersynge thysynnes. And I am dyspleaseth therwith by reason of the whiche Ido penaunce & wyll do. For I knowe well that I haue greued the &broken thy cõmaûdementes. In the whiche thou only ought to beworshypped. The seconde saye this treuthe. Good lorde I haue goodpurpose & desyre with thyn helpe to be ryght ware herafter that Ifall not in to synne / & I entende to flee the occasions after[the] possibilyte of my power. The thyrde is this. Mercyfullorde I haue a good wyll to make an hole confessyon of all mysynnes whan place & tyme cõuenient may be had acordynge to thycõmaûdement & all holy chirche. These thre treuthes who soeuersayth [with] his herte vnfaynyngly in what place [that] euer it be/ he may be sure [that] he is in [the] state of helth & grace & heshal haue euer lastynge lyf though he had done all the synnes ofthe worlde. And yf he decessed [with]out ony other confession forlacke of a preest. As slepyng sodayn deth he sholde be sauesuffrynge afore harde payne of purgatory / wherfor it is a goodcoûsel [that] euery crysten man ones or twyes a daye erly or late/ or els at lest on holy dayes examyne his conscyence & remêbre yfhe may [with] al his herte vnfayn[yn]gly say these thre treuthes /& yf he do he may be sure [that] he is in [the] state of grace. And yf he may not. But is in wyll to synne ayen & to haue hisdelectacion [with] dede / & wyll not flee the occasyons of mortallsynnes & so drowned wyl not aryse. As vsurers. Fals marchaûts or[that] desyren vengeaûce [with] suche other suche may be certayne[that] the pope may not assoyle them Not for thy holsom coûsellis [that] suche praye & gyue almesse & do other good dedes aftertheyr power [that] god the father may lyghten theyr hertes. & thesooner torne them to goodnes. Amen. ¶ This Pater noster / taught our lorde his dyscyples / and allpeople by his gospell. Fader our that art in heuens / halowed be thy name. Thy kyngdomcome to [the]. Thy wyll be do as in heuen so in erthe. Our echedayly brede gyue vs to daye. And forgyue vs our dettes ryght aswe forgyue to our dettours. And lede vs not in to temptacyon. Butdelyuer vs from euyll Amen / that is to saye. So be it. ¶ This is the Aue maria / that Gabryell sayd salutynge our blessydlady / & it is the gospell. Heyll Mary full of grace / the lorde is with the / blessyd be thouamonge wymen / & blessyd be the fruyte of thy wombe Ihesus. Amen. ¶ These ben the artycles of our Crede / and oure byleue / that whois baptysed and trusteth in hem shall be saued. I byleue in god fa[der] almyghty shaper of heuen & erthe. And inIhesu cryste his oonly sone our lorde / the whiche is conceyued ofthe holy goost / borne of Mary the mayde / suffred payne & passyonvn[der] Ponce Pylate. Crucefyed / deed / & buryed / he lyghteddowne to helles. The . Iij. Daye he arose frõ deth to lyue. Heflyed vp in to heuens. He sytteth at the ryght syde of god thefa[der] almyghty From thens he is to come to deme both quycke &deed. I trowe in [the] holy goost / holy chirche vnyuersall /comunynge of sayntes / forgyuenes of synnes ayen rysynge offlesshe / & euerlastynge lyf. Amen. Hope is truste by the mercy of god to be saued. And it standeth inthe grace of our lorde & our good werkes. ¶ Charyte is the ende &the perfeccion of all the cõmaûdementes of god / and it standethin the loue of god aboue all thynges / & thy neyghbour as thy self ¶ These ben the seuen vertues ayenst the seuen vyces. ¶ Mekenes ayenst pryde. ¶ As in boostynge / despysynge / scornynge / hyghe herte / fayrnes/ connynge / strengthe / vertue / pryde of kynne / vayne glory /dispyte of other / ypocresy. ¶ Pacyence ayenst Wrathe. ¶ As fyghtynge / chydynge / hurtyng / betyng / warryeng / cursynge/ grutchynge / desyre of vengeaûce cruelnes &c. ¶ Charyte ayenst Enuye. ¶ As gladde of an other euyll fare / & to be heuy & sory of theyrwelfare / bacbytynge / sowynge of dyscorde / scornynge / and sucheother. ¶ Largenes ayenst Couetyse & Auaryce. ¶ In wynnynge / in byenge / in sellynge / in met[yn]ge / inwaynge / gyle / trechery / sacrylege / symony / vsury / theeft /receyu[yn]ge of stolen goodes / wronge withholdynge of ony dute tothe the chirche &c. ¶ Good occupacyon ayenst Slouth. ¶ As ydelnes / delyte in slepe / neclygent to cõne [the] lawes ofgod / vnlusty to [the] seruyce of god / myspendynge of tyme /dyspayre / wanhope & suche other. ¶ Abstynence ayenst Glotony. ¶ As in moche etynge & drynkynge / brekynge of faste / desyryngeof delycate metes & drynkes &c. ¶ These ben the fyue goostly wyttes. Mynde / reason / wyll /ymagynacyon / vnderstandynge. ¶ These ben the fyue bodely wyttes. Herynge seynge / smellynge /tastynge / and touchynge. ¶ Chastyte ayenst Lechery. ¶ As in thought / wyll / werke / in syght / in felyng in[pro]uokyng / or synne ayenst kynde [with] many other ¶ The . Vij. Goostly dedes of mercy. Teche / coûsel chastyte / comforte /forgyue / suffre / & praye for thy enemyes. ¶ The . Vij. Bodelydedes of mercy. Fede the hongry / gyue drynke to the thursty /clothe the naked / herborowe the herbourles / comforte the seke /vysyte prysoners / burye the deed. ¶ These folowynge ben the . Vij. Gyftes of the holy goost / thateuery man sholde desyre to haue and kepe. Wysdome / counsell /knowynge / pyte / vnderstandynge / strength / and drede of god. ¶ These folowynge be the . Iiij. Cardynall vertues ¶ Temperaûce. Is a meane betwix to moche & to lytell / & itstandeth in takynge suffycyently [that] nedeth & in refusyng[that] is to moche or to lytel vtterly ¶ Ryghtwysnes / is a paynge of a dute to eche th[yn]ge [that]it duly longeth vnto / as to god praysyng & thãkyng / to thyneyghbour loue & charyte / & to thyself besynes to fulfyl goddeswyl & his cõmaûdement[es] ¶ Prudence or Wysdome. Is a vertue [that] departeth good fromeuyll / & it standeth in chesynge good & refusynge euyll. ¶ Strength maketh ony myghty and hardy to do grete thynges forthe loue of god & in suffrynge pacyently aduersyte / and mekelytakynge prosperyte. ¶ These ben the . Vij. Sacrementes of holy cherche Baptysme /wedloke / the sacrament of [the] awter / cõfirmacõn / ordre /penaûce / & the last enoyntynge. ¶ Here folowen the . X. Cõmaûdement[es] ¶ Worshyp no fals god. Inwhiche is forboden wytchecrafte / enchaûtement[es] / mawmentry /redyng of dremes / & al mysbyleue & such other. ¶ Take not hisname in vayn. In which is forboden all heresyes / forsweryng ofall mysmenyng / vnworshyp of god / tak[yn]ge his name î vayn &other. ¶ Halowe [the] holydays herynge deuoutly thy seruyce /kepyng [the] out of dedely s[yn]ne / & visyte [the] poore / &helpe to acorde them [that] ben at debate & suche other. ¶ Worshypthy fa[der] & thy moder. God thy fa[der] holy chirche thy mo[der]/ thy goostly fa[der]s / thy flesshly fader & mo[der] / & peopleof age / & prelates of holy chirche. ¶ Slee no man [with] handesmytynge / nor [with] thy mouth in bacbytyng with herte cursynge/ ne wyll ony euyll or vengeaûce. ¶ Do no lechery. In this isforboden all spousebreche [with] bodely dede or goostly / & allwylfull polucõns or prouokynge to [the] same. ¶ Do no theeft. Asî stelyng / wronge getyng / trechery / oker / dysherytage ofheyres. Wronge amercymêt[es]. Fals mesure wrong purchasyng ¶ Bereno fals wytnes / in this is forboden fals byenge / bacbytyng /fals accusyng and all such other. ¶ Desyre not thy neyghbours wyf. In this is not only forboden the dede doyng but also the desyre &wyll of herte. ¶ Desyre not thy neyghbours thynge / as house /londe / beest / seruaunt nor ony thynge that is his. ¶ These . Vij. Thynges folowynge sholde we haue euer in our mynde. The synnes [that] we dayly do. The short tyme that we shall abydehere. The vncertayne of the daye of our deth. The vnstablenes &fraylte of vs. The strayte & ferefull Iugement of god. The bytter& vnspekable paynes ordeyned for synnes. The euerlastynge losse ofeternall glorye. ¶ Here foloweth a short remêbraûce for confessyon to al peple /& in especyal to al religious folke. Seldom shalt [thou] fynde tyme in all the yere in whiche [thou]shalt not haue cause to shryue the of some of these folowynge /that is to wete of hasty or neclygence saynge [the] seruyce ofgod / or of lesynge of tyme / or els of vayne thought or of vnduereuerence to god or to our lady or his saynt or to [the] other[that] ben thy souerayns. Or in forgetynge god & his daylybenefayt. & not thankyng h[ym] for his creacion & his redempcõn. & [that] he gaf the [that] mynde to dyspose the better than otherben [with] suche other. And also not thankynge h[ym] for thy daylysustenaunce / clothynge & helth of thy body & for remissyon of thysynnes / for thyn enherytaûce of heuen [with] other Innumerable. Also remêbre thy wode wordes or noysom / or els fals Iugementes inthy mynde / or fals suspycõn. Also of ony mouynge to wrath or tovayne heuynes or vayne gladnes. Also serche in thy mynde yf [thou]haue well spended [the] daye & nyght without synne / as yf [thou]haue prayed or rede to lytell with suche other. Also yf [thou]haue past thy boûdes in wordes or in etynge or drynkynge /slepynge or laughynge with suche other. Also remembre how [thou]haste kepte the maundementes of thy souerayne / chastyte / pouerte/ sylence in places & houres accordynge as [thou] art called forto do. Also yf ony persone in worde sygne or dede [thou] hasteoffended & gyuen ony cause or occasyon of greuaûce. Remembre alsoyf [thou] hast ouerskypped in the seruyce of god ony wordes /verses / or ony Inclynacyons & suche other. And of the waueryngeof thy mynde / thyn eyen / & other vnmanerly behauyour of all thybody. Also of thy vnhonest & noysom thoughtes / that [thou] sholdemiyghtly resyst not taryenge with them by thy wyll. Serche also yf[thou] haue grutched for mete or drynke or other necessaryes forbycause they were not gyue to the after thy pleasyr. Loke also yf[thou] haue synned in moche takynge of mete & drynke / or onyother necessaryes more than nede requyred &c. ¶ Saynt Bernarde to a newe begynner in relygyon. Yf [thou] entende to please god & woldest obteyne grace to fulfyllthe same two thyng[es] ben to the necessary. Fyrst thou mustwithdrawe thy mynde from all transytory & erthely thynges as whosaye [thou] carest as lytell for them as there were none suchethynges. The seconde is [that] [thou] gyue thyself to god / that[thou] saye nor do ony thynge / but that only that [thou] verelybyleuest sholde please god And in this wyse folowynge [thou] maystgete grace for the fyrst. In all thynges counte thyself vyle &symple / and as nothynge in regarde of vertue / & byleue all otherto be good & better than thyself / & so shalt thou moost pleasegod. What soeuer [thou] here or see of ony relygyous persone or ofony other good persones / thynke alwaye that all is done & saydfor good entent though they seme [the] contrary / for oft man bysuspycyon is begyled. Dysplease no creature / & vtter no langageto laude of thyself / though it were to thy moost famylyer &beloued felowe / studye euer more to kepe more preuy thy vertuethan thy vyce / speke neuer euyll of ony man or woman though it beneuer so true / & open it not without it be in confessyon & [that]whan [thou] can not elles shewe clerely thyn owne confessyon. Bemore gladde to gyue thyn eere whan ony man is praysed / than whanony persone is dyspraysed / Whan [thou] spekest haue fewe wordes /true / & sadde & euer of god / yf ony worldely persone speke[with] [the] and purpose or vtter vayne wordes / as soone as[thou] mayst breke out of suche comunycacõn & talkynge & talkeof god & of his vertues / or elles departe & gyue [the] to somegoodly & goostly occupacõn. What soeuer befall the or ony other ofthy frendes gyue no charge of it / yf it be prosperyte reioyse nottherof / yf it be trouble or aduersyte be not sory for it. Buttake or acompte all suche thyngs as nought & euer prayse & thankegod / gyue charge as moche as [thou] mayst to [the] wele &prosperyte of thy soule flee places of moche speche as moche as[thou] canst. For it is moche bet[ter] one to kepe his tonge thanto speke. After complyn speke no worde tyl the masse be done thenext daye folowynge without a grete cause requyre. Whan [thou]seest ony thynge [that] dyspleaseth the / see yf the faute be inthyself & than haue compassyon / yf it be not / thynke that it maybe & so lete all thynges be to the as it were in a glasse to seethyself. Grutche not ayenst ony persone without thou see that[thou] may profyte what soeuer cause [thou] haue. Afferme neytherdenye nothyng ouerthwartly / but lete thy nay or ye or thy doubtebe powdred euer with salt / that is to saye / lete hem be spokanwith discrecion & pacyence. Be euermore ware of mockynge & ofscornynge. Yf [thou] be lyght of contenaûce see it be but selde /haue thy comunicacion but [with] fewe persones & shortly behauethyself so in all thy sayenge that [thou] speke not rather in adoubte than men sholde take auctoryte or groûde of thy sayenge. The seconde [thou] mayst obteyne in this wyse. Gyue thyself withgrete deuocyon to praye & lete thyn herte agree with [that] [thou]sayest both daye & nyght. Remembre also dylygentely that thouymagyne the state of them / in whose remembraûce [thou] makest thyprayer. These thre haue alwaye in thy mynde / what [thou] were /what [thou] art / & what [thou] shalt be. By reason of thy body /[thou] were foule slyme of the erthe / & now thy body is the housof fylte & derte / & herafter it shall be wormes mete. Alsoymagyne [the] paynes of them [that] ben in helle & how that payneshall neuer haue ende / & how they suffre all these paynes for alytell delectacõn & pleasyr in synne. Also ymagyne the Ioye ofparadyse / & how that shal neuer be fynysshed & how shortly andsoone it may be goten. Than thynke what sorowe & waylynge may beto them [that] for so lytell a thynge here haue lost so grete Ioyecontynuell. And whan [thou] hast ony thynge that doth dyspleasethe / or elles [thou] dredest to haue it / thynke & yf [thou] werein helle [thou] sholdest haue that / & all that [thou] woldest nothaue / & so shalt [thou] suffre all thynge for crystus sake & hisloue. Also whan [thou] hast ony thynge that pleaseth the / orelles that [thou] desyrest to haue / thynke & yf thou were inparadyse [thou] sholdest haue it & all other thynges that thouwoldest desyre. Also whan there falleth ony fest of ony sayntthynke on h[ym] what payne he suffred here for goddes sake & howshorte his payne was. Than thynke how greate Ioye he hath in heuenfor that whiche is euerlastynge. And soo thou mayst thynke thatthe trybulacion or tourmentynge of the good men is soone gone. Andin lyke wyse the Ioye of euyll men fadeth anone. But good men withtheyr trybulacyon here geteth eternall glorye. And euyll men withtheyr ouermoche Ioye here geteth euerlastynge payne. Furthermorewhan [thou] art accombred [with] slouth & lackest deuocõn / takethis wrytynge & ymagyne dilygently all these thynges rehersed. Than thynke of the tyme [that] [thou] lesest in vayne ydelnes / &thynke [that] they that ben in helle wolde gyue all the worlde forso moche tyme to redeme theyr synnes yf they myght haue it. Whan[thou] hast ony trouble / thynke that they [that] ben in paradyseshall neuer haue suche trouble. And whan [thou] hast onyspirytuell consolacyon or comforte / thynke [that] they that benin helle shall euer lacke that. Whan thou goost to bedde or to thyrest / thynke what [thou] hast thought / what [thou] hast sayd /what [thou] hast done that daye. And how prouffytable [thou] hastespende thy tyme / the whiche was gyuen the to spende it vertuously/ to obteyne euerlastynge lyf. Yf [thou] haue spended it well /gyue praysynge to god. And yf [thou] haue spended it euyll / wepe& be sory for it. And the next daye yf thou may / dyfferre not tobe confessed. Yf [thou] haue sayd or done ony thynge that greueththy conscyence sore / ete no mete vntyll [thou] be shryuen &[thou] mayst. Now for a conclusyon / ymagyne in thy mynde twocytees / one full of trouble & mysery whiche is helle / an otherfull of Ioye and comforte whiche is paradyse. And how to one ofthese two ye must nedes come. Than thynke in thyself what thyngesholde cause the to do euyll / or what thynge sholde drawe the frogod. And I trowe [thou] shalt fynde none suche. I am certayne yfthou kepe well all these [that] ben wryten here. The holy goostwyll be with the & teche [the] to kepe them parfytly. Wherforekepe well all these preceptes & cõmaûdementes & leue none behynde. Rede them twyes in the weke / on wensdaye & saterdaye. And as[thou] fyndest thou hast done as it is wryten. Gyue praysynge togod / whiche is euer pyteous & mercyfull in worlde withouten endeAmen. ¶ A deuoute prayer for relygyous people / or for theym that entrein to relygyon. Remembrynge the termes / and to do theym in dede. Ihesu my maker & sauyour to thy wyll and ordynaûce I commytte meeuery houre. Besechynge the entyerly for grace & mercy / so thatI may be one of them that shall be saued. Teche me good lorde thycommaundementes to fulfylle / and to do that I come fore /eschewynge all euyll. Gyue me grace to loue the and to drede theaboue all thynge. Remembrynge thy grete benefettes / and euer togyue the thankynge. And to kepe euer charyte / obedyence /pacyence / sylence / with humylyte / demynge euer the best / sayewell / telle the trouthe / and neuer to lye. Lothe to offende /sory for my synne / and to helpe whan nede is / & to serue theeuer deuoutly with mekenes to haue mede. Of [the] trespaces ofother to haue compassyon / [with] good coûsell example & frendelyconsolacyon / & to do after good prechynge & holy saynt[es] lyues/ kepynge my tonge & conscyence clene & to flee bacbytyng &stryues / & to gyue none occasyon of greuaûce neuer grutchyng /& flee ydelnes / & to praye for the deed & quycke alwaye be mybesynes Takynge hede to my charges / & do to them with good wyll/ gladde to be correcte of eche creature / & to leue myn owne wyll. And euer to be ware to excuse my s[yn]ne / & to trust in myn ownewytte. Remêbrynge [that] I come to relygyon for to do penaûce forsynne / & repugne ayenst it / & to crye for mercy to the Ihesu &to thy moder Mary. In whome I trust & shall serue / & neuer for tovarye Amen. [*V*] ¶ D[omin]e fiat voluntas tua. [*R*] ¶ Sicut in celo et in terra. [Sidenote: Oratio] Acciones n[ostra]s quesum[us] d[omin]e aspirando [pre]ueni etadiuuando [pro]sequere. Vt cûcta n[ostra] operatio a te sem[per]incipiat. Et [per] te cepta finia[tur]. Per [christu]m d[ominu]mnostrû Amen. ¶ This prayer folowynge is good for them that vnderstande nottheyr seruyce in latyne. In syngynge. Or sayenge. Or that lackedeuocyon in tyme of theyr sayd seruyce. And wolde haue it. Blessyd Ihesu cryst our lorde god & sauyour whiche I knowe wellcome in to this worlde not for them that were Iuste & ryghtfull /but for synners to redeme them by thy deth & shedyng of thyprecyous blood. Now mercyfull & pyteous. Lord Iesu cryste forgyueme & haue mercy of me after thy grete mercyes / & for thy crosse& bytter passyon. For I am a synner / & haue greuously erred &offended the. Not for thy swete Ihesu. I byleue in the / & neuerdenyed the nor shall. Attende & beholde good lorde Iesu my fayth &Intencyon / the vertue of the wordes of holy prayers [that] Ihaue sayd / songe / or shall / & beholde not myn Inhabylyte &Ignoraunce. Wauerynge of mynde & neclygence. But graût of thygrete goodnes / that the prayers [with] all other good dedes doneby me / or to be done may gracyously profyte me. And them that Iam bounde to praye for / or that haue nede of prayer / Whetherthey be lyuynge or deed / to thencreace of thy mercyes laude &glorye & worshyp of thy blessyd moder Mary & all sayntes Amen. ¶ Thankynges to our lord god for his dayly gyftes & benefaytes /& is called. Deo gracias. Almighty & euerlastynge lorde god Ihesu cryst. I worshyp the. Igloryfye the. I thanke the now & euer shall for the makynge of meto thy symylytude / gyuynge to me with angelles wytte / reason &vnderstandynge / and haste redemed me with grete paynes vnto deth/ shedynge thy precyous blood plenteuously for me / & daylydefendest me frõ myn enemyes goostly & bodely / preseruynge me tothis tyme by thy grace / both slepyng & wakynge from dyuersperylles & dethys that other hath fallen in & perysshed. And ouerthese [thou] hast endowed me with thyn holy cõmaundementes & newelawes of grace & pyte / with holy sacramentes of the chirche. And moost in especyall gyuynge vs thy blessyd body & blood fordestruccion of our synnes encreace of vertue & grace / andsynguler comforte to all that ben on lyue and deed. And besydesthese thou hast ordeyned angelles / & all other thy creaturesbothe of heuen & erthe / as sonne and mone / fysshe & foule /beest and fruyte / with all other Innumerable to serue me. And tothe entente that I sholde loue & serue agayne with all myn hertedeuoutly. And also hast pyteously suffred me whan I haue synned. Not takynge me thenne to thy strayte Iugement to my dampnacyonperpetuell. Also I loue the / and thanke the in moost especyallfor that thou hast made me heyre & partener of thy blysse in heuenperpetuelly / where I trust to see the face to face with the faderand the holy goost in eternall peas and glorye Amen ¶ For these blessyd Ihesu & other thy benefytes & gyftes InfynyteI thanke the with all my herte / & I desyre euer to serue the /to loue the / to worshyp the / & magnyfye the here / and in theworldes durynge withouten ende. Amen. ¶ A prayer full profytable to them that shal saye masse / & heremasse / or to them that shall be houseled & comunyed / and besydefor all other that ben on lyue or deed. Ihesu my lorde god / my loue & oonly comforte / the whiche aspreest moost hyghe & synguler bysshop offered thyself to god thyfader / an hoste & sacrefyce moost clene & vndefouled on thecrosse for our gylte & redempcyon / & hath gyuen it vnto vs / &lefte it in remêbraûce of thy grete charyte / deth / & passyon /and therwith hast cõmaunded vs to ete / & cõmone this gloryoussacrament of thy blessyd body ymade wonderfully by the vertue ofthe holy goost for our dayly helth / freelte / & transgressyon. Wherfore blessyd Iesu / to the be laude and praysynge worldewithouten end. Amen. ¶ And for as moche that by the holyordynaunce the consecracyon therof & offerynge vp to thy hyghemageste for the quycke and deed oonly belongeth to the order ofpreesthode. For thy good lorde of thy grete pyte & grace. Make thyseruaût or seruaûtes. ¶ here name ye whom ye wyll that shall sayemasse. N. And all other preestes clene in body and soule. Anddelyuer them of all vnclene / wycked vayne / and noysom thoughtes/ and strengthe them ayenst all theyr enemyes / and vs also withthy gloryous angelles / and confounde all suche that pursuen themand vs / and wolde make vs to perysshe fynally. ¶ Ihesu kyng ofvirgyns / & louer of chastyte. Remembre how frele that oursubstaûce & nature is / & be mercyfull vnto them & vs as fader /lorde / & god / after thy grete mercy & for thy bytter passyon. For to the is oonly appropered to be mercyfull / without whiche nocreature may be saued. Beholde swete Ihesu that our wyll is toworshyp the / & prayse the in the best maner that we can or may/ and lyke as [thou] haste begonne with vs here / so make vs tocontynue in thyn laude & seruyce euerlastynge. And where it is sothat they knowleche themself vnable to do this heuenly mystery. For thy good lorde Ihesu / by thy grace make them able / thewhiche of synners haste made full often and dayly makest holysayntes. And gyue them also thy drede & clennes of herte with theryuer of teeres in all spirytuell consolacyon. Make them to fele &vnderstande the swetnes of thy blessyd presence / & the greteattendaunce of thy holy angelles about hem at theyr celebracyons. Receyue mercyfull Ihesu this hyghe & holy sacryfyce to the comfortof all [that] ben on lyue & deed / & wouchesauf this daye [that]it be to vs & to all them a synguler refresshynge & feest / thatwe so releued [with] this brede of lyue & lambe Inmaculate /borne of the blessyd virgyn Mary may Ioye in thy laude & gloryeeternally. Thou saydest by thy holy mouth. The brede [that] Ishall gyve / my body it is / for the lyf of the worlde. Who thateteth me / he shal lyue for me / & he abydeth in me / & I in hym. I am the brede of lyf that came downe from heuen. He that eteth ofthis brede shall lyue without ende. Now swete brede of lyfe makeboth them & vs fele thy swetnes & loue forsakynge all vanytees. Come in to our soules / & clense vs goostly & bodely / sanctefyevs Inwarde & outwarde / & be a contynuell defence of soule & body/ so that we may come to thy kyngdome / there to be fedde of thewith a meruaylous & vnspekable sacyete. Where after we shall neuerhaue hongre ne thurst / seynge the than / not as we now do / inmysteryes & of ferre home / but thenne shall we see the face toface in glorye with thy fader in vnyte of the holy goost by allworldes Amen. ¶ Pater noster. Aue maria. ¶ Here foloweth a prayer to all sayntes / examyned and pardonned. ¶ Ad s[ancta]m mariã. Gaude m[ater] saluatorisfelix fide flos decor[is]Mundiq[ue] solaciumNunc letare celi chorisIn hoc festo & languorisNostri sis remedium ¶ Ad s[ancto]s angelos. Gaude michael î hac dieGabriel raphaelq[ue] messieAngelo[rum] ordinesVos precamur nobis pieSitis causa melodieSupra celi cardines ¶ Ad Patriarchas et [pro]phetas. Gaude ventre [pro]secrat[us]O baptista mire natusSacer degens seculoPatriarchis sociatusEt [pro]phetis. Vite flatusFac finire iubilo ¶ Ad Apostolos et euangelistas. Gaude petre cû sodaliPaulo. Cristo specialiLucens orbis climataEt caterna generaliVestra sita loco taliNos cû eis adiuua ¶ Ad martires. Gaude thoma spes ãglo[rum]Et georgi tutor ho[rum]Cum Edwardo nobiliTu laurenti rege lo[rum]Vt tuamur poli cho[rum]Cum fauore stephani ¶ Ad. S. Confessores. Gaude presul o martineNicholae. Hugo. Line. Posce nobis graciamErkenwalde q[ue] birineIam cû tuis augustineDa supremo gloriam ¶ An. S. Virgines. Gaude virgo katherinaMargareta. MagdalenaCum brigitta. BrigidaAnna. Fides. Et cristinaNos seruãdo nûc diuinaGens celo[rum] iubila [*V*]. Letamini in [domino]. [*R*]. Et gloriamini. Oratio. Concede quesum[us] omnipotentes deus. Vt intercessio sanctedei genitricis marie sancta[rum]q[ue] omnium celestium virtutum. Et beatorum patriarcharum. [pro]phetarum. Apostolorum. Euangelista[rum]. Martirum. Confessorum. Atq[ue] virginum. Etomniû electorum tuorum nos vbiq[ue] letificet. Vt dum eo[rum]merita recolim[us] patrocinia senciamus. Per eundê [christum][dominum] nostrû. Amen. ¶ Here folowen the seuen degrees of humylyte. ¶ Caste thy syght downwarde / and shewe mekenesse / bothe in thyherte and body. ¶ Beware of hyghe speche & clamorous / and see that thy wordes befewe well sette & resonable. Be not lyght for to laugh / but vseeuer sadnesse. ¶ Be stylle & kepe sylence / tyll nede requyre that answere mustbe hadde. Kepe well the comyn rule as the holy place hath vsed. ¶ Thynke the moost vylest of all other / & so pronoûce thyself. Knowlege the vnworthy & not profytable to ony thynge / & to byleuein dede. ¶ Make ofte confessyon of thy synnes / and that with greatecontrycyon. Kepe pacyence in thy obedyence at all thy paynes &trouble. ¶ To all people be thou subgette for thy maysters sake / thyn ownewyll forsake it / and loue it in no wyse. ¶ And euer kepe the from synne / for fere of hym aboue. Amen. ¶ Here folowen the seuen degrees of obedyence. ¶ The fyrste is to do that is cõmaûded of thy souereyne withoutgrutchynge. ¶ The seconde is to make none excepcyon / neyther of the tyme /neyther of the dede that is to be done. ¶ The thyrde is to be gladde & cherefull in thy herte to do suchededes cõmaûded without ony cõpulcyon / settynge a side all beestlycondycyons. ¶ The fourth is to be quycke in suche dede doynge & leuynge allother occupacyons for that tyme or ony maner of excuse. ¶ The fyfthe is to do suche thynges with all thy myght and power /thynkynge that thy rewarde shall be grete. ¶ The sixte is to do them also with al mekenesse bothe in spyryteand gesture. ¶ The seuenth is to contynuye suche obedyence for the ende of thylyf / euer folowynge thy mayster Ihesu cryste / that was moostobedyent for thy synne vnto deth Amen. ¶ The seuen degrees of pacyence thou mayst beholde here. ¶ To euyll done to the or aduersyte / make no resystence. ¶ Do noeuyll for euyll / ne gyue an euyl answere. ¶ Loue thyn enmye / &do good for euyl to hym in recompence. ¶ Grutche not ayenstaduersyte / but take it as swete as encence. ¶ Accõpt it for bestmedycyne / and be gladde in thy payne. ¶ Thanke god therfore / &loke for more with all benyuolence. ¶ And whan thou hast nogrutchynge in these / thenne meyst thou be fayne. ¶ The . Xv. Degrees of charyte. ¶ These make parfyte charyte after Poules epystle. ¶ Be pacyentecontynuelly for ony aduersyte. ¶ Lyberall to the nedy / & do goodfor euyll. ¶ Of other mênes welfare. Enuye not ne be heuy ¶ Lettenot by thy crokednesse good werkes to multeplye. ¶ Swelle notinwarde by malyce yf thy nyghbour prospere. ¶ Loue to be in lowedegree / & loth to be hye. ¶ To labour for other as thyself do thyvtter deuour. ¶ Be not moued for ony cause to vêgeaûce or to yre. ¶ Thynke none euyll to another for ony prouocacyon. ¶ Ioye thounot in wyckednesse but sorowe [thou] rather. ¶ Be gladde introught & ryghtwysnesse & hate dyssymulacyon. ¶ For suche ryghtbere aduersyte or ony trybulacõn. ¶ To [that] the chirche techeththe put ful credulyte. ¶ That god hath promysed trust it wellwithout defalcatyon. ¶ In hope abydynge his rewarde andeuerlastynge glorye. Amen. ¶ A lytell Instruccõn for them that shall entre in to religyon /drawen out of the longe rule of sa[yn]t Iherom that he wrote tosaynt Eustochiû &c. Loue god aboue all thynge / & thy neyghbour as thyself. In thesetwo is fulfylled all [the] lawe & cõmaûdementes of god & parfytecharyte [with]out whiche can noman or woman be relygyous & cometo heuen / & the whiche had among them they make theyr place ormonastery a paradyse in erthe & themself professed therin angellesfull pleasaût vnto god. Wherfor amonge [the] spouses of god benone wyll / one comfort / one heuynes Remembrynge [that] he isprynce of peas & charyte. In whom they shalbe wedded vnto. Forsake[the] desyre of têporall goodes / for better it is to be rychewith other in the worlde than to be poore in a monasterye & tohaue a desyre to haue god. Blessyd be they sayth our lorde [that]ben poore in spyryte &c. ¶ The more noble [that] ye ben & comeof worshypfull lynage [the] more ye shal meke your self / & euerbe gladde of poore & vyle habyte or clothynge / beware ofobstentacyon & pryde or to desyre to be better arayed than another syster is. And remembre [that] ye shall be professed & weddeelyke to one spouse Ihesu cryste in one wyl & vowe / whiche louenone suche syngularyte / pompe & vayne glorye. For in his courtshall not a kynges doughter haue prerogatyf afore an other inlower degree borne. Goostly lyf requyreth no dignyte temporall /though all ye be neuer so meke / yet your spouse was & is mochemore meker. See in your mynde how [that] sa[yn]t Peter was a poorefyssher / and Bartylmew a noble man of byrth. Netheles Peter waspreferred & made prynce of Bartylmew & of all the worlde. Bewareof grutchynge [that] whiche gretly dyspleaseth god. Commende neueryour self of ony goodes gyuen or to be gyuen of you or by yours to[the] monasterye or els where / but euer lerne & vse you to take[the] crosse & to folowe your spouse in penaûce / & do that yecome for / kepynge obedyence / pacyence / mekenesse / sylence /prayer / fastynge / & suche other as your relygyon wyll gyue youInstruccyon. And in ony wyse shewe mekenesse in your langage /countenaûce & all other behauyour / & in especyall to your heed &souerayne / the whiche representeth cryste your spouse / & that inall obedyence / drede / loue / & reuerence. Neuer disputynge oftheyr wyll or of other that be your souerayns / but thynke [that]all is ryghtfull [that] they do / presume not to correcte theyrIugementes. For as by example yf eche man sholde haue the guydyngeof a shyppe [that] they be within / it sholde neuer prospere necome to the hauen [that] it desyred. And as ye be professed deedto the worlde so be ye deed in other mennes dedes. ¶ Also remêbrethat ye must forsake your owne wyll & offre it vp & gyue it togod & to them that shall be your souerayne & heed for euer more. Enforce eche one of you that shall come to religyon to passe another in obedyence / for than doubtles ye shall please god A trueobedyencer that hath vtterly forsaken his owne wyll / knowe notony thynge harde to do [that] is cõmaunded of theyr souerayne neony thynge vnryghtfull. ¶ Beware of ydelnes the whiche is moder ofall synne & vnclennesse / so that by your offyce that ye be calledto / or by prayer / redynge / wrytynge / sewynge / or otherhandewerkes doynge / ye may make your bodyes dayly wery &crucyfyed. And therby make your spyrytes the more quycke and apteto the seruyce of our lorde in confusyon of your enemye andencreace of glorye. ¶ Beware to be Inquysytyf / or to muse onhyghe maters and subtyll. And leue them to worldely people /and to clerkes / for otymes the letter may hurte you Thynke euer[that] ye had leuer dye than ones to passe the clausures or boûdesof your monasterye. Yf ye haue a faythfull & a Iuste frende / towhom ye may open [the] secretes of your herte / than ye haue agrete tresour / for oftymes one shall be deceyued & seldome caniuge the trouth in his owne maters so well as other. Knowe yourowne synnes & wayle them & medle [with] none other. Beware euer ofdetraccion & flee it as it were a venemous serpent / [that] thespeker therof be your contenaûce & departynge from them may beashamed / & therwith lothe for euer so to speke or do. Moreouer yfye wyll see your spouse Ihesu cryst in your mynde by contemplacõneuer kepe your sylence. For saynt Ierom sawe many in Egypt amongeholy faders that . Vij. Yeres togyder spake not owne worde / butonly to god & to his saynt. Yf the caas be so [that] ye mustspeke / lete it be in all peas & charyte & [with] fewe wordes. Remembrynge [that] your spouse loueth no voyde claterynge / butwolde be [with] you alone in all quyetnesse in your soules. Wherfore be ye aferde to dysplease hym or to dryue hym out fromyou [with] stryues or debate / sclaundres / othes / and sucheother / ¶ Saynt Iames coûselleth eche man to refrayne his tonge /sayenge that lyf & deth ben in the power of [the] same tonge /wrytynge thus. Who that refrayneth his tonge he shalbe blessyd inall dedes &c. Knowleche your self at all tymes carayne and erthe /& the glory therof is as a floure in the medowe. Absteyne you aspylgryms from all desyres of [the] flesshe / the whiche daylybataylleth ayenst the soule. Absteyne also from lyes at all tymes/ as ye wolde from helle / for them in no wyse loueth Ihesus yourspouse. And also beware to mayntene or botrace suthe lyes whicheis abhomynable in the syght of god. Yf there come ony straûgervnto you / lete hym knowe by your heuenly talkynge & behauyour[that] ye be a well taught spouse of cryste & [that] they mayglorefye in you & for you & be amended by you. Bere [the] wordesof saynt Ierom in your mynde that sayth thus. Truste me verely[that] theris no thynge more peryllous to a man. Than is a woman /& to a woman no thynge more contagyous than is a man / for eytherof them is chaff & eyther is fyre. And note this for a truth /[that] preuy talkyng lacketh no suspycyon. That thynge is notlefull to be seen / [that] is not lefull to be desyred. More thanony man can suppose or wryte / [the] deuyll reioyseth whan memoryeof o man is fixed & had in a womãnes herte. There is no venym inthe worlde so noysom to woman as is affeccõn towarde man of whatsoeuer cause it procede or growe. Ye may see [that] the desyre ofworldly wymen is euer in vesture / golde / precyous stones / &ornament outwarde of the body / & therin they put theyr glorye &felycyte. In so moche [that] it suffyseth not them theyr lustegyuen by nature only / but they seke occasyon & craft by the saydpremysses to encreace theyr sayd luste & desyres to theyr gretedampnacõn / beware ther fore of ony costely habyte or suchevanytees &c. Certaynly sayth the sayd saynt Ierom / [the]pryncypall desyre is of suche wymen [that] men sholde fest theyreyen in [the] faces of them by the prouocacõn & syght of theyrprecyous arraye. But they sholde cõsyder though nature hath gyuento golde / & suthe other a precyosyte wherby they ben praysed /what is [that] to the vyle carkas [that] it hangeth vpon / thewhiche is but a sachell of dounge brought forth of vnclene seed &fynally shall be wormes mete. ¶ The wordes of saynt Ierom. O Thou moost vylest & worse than ony beest how shamefast sholdest[the] be in thy body yf thou woldest beholde thyself / [that] soin thyn arraye auaûcest thyself. And this blessyd Ierom sayth. Itake them for no relygyous wymen [that] ben cladde in costlyousaraye or in a wanton & pynched habytes but he calleth them inlatyn. Pessimas meretrices et storta. Wherfore desyre ye to go invyle & vnshapely vesture. That wanton & dissolute persones mayrather be prouoked to scorne & laughe at you than to thynke euylor desyre you / for they say not trouthe that do ensure themselfwith a glorye to kepe chastyte in a costely or ony shapely vesture/ ye shal be called ladyes / for bycause that ye shall be spousedto the kyng of all kynges. Beware than & take hede with allmekenesse to your dygnyte / in lesse than your spouse be greued &make a deuorce & to departe from you. Yf that ye wyst & ones hadtasted how swete your spouse were. Ye sholde haue pleasyr ynoughthat passeth all worldly pleasyrs. This Ioye & pleasye had sayntIerom & many other both of men & wymen / kepe the mansyon ofyour spouse clene / & garnysshe it with floures of vertue / andaccompte your self moost vyle & outcaste of this worlde. Remembrealso how in your baptysme ye forsoke the worlde / the enuye / andall theyr pryde & glory / the whiche now ye shall cõferme vnder[the] grettest othe that may be / & therwith receyue our lorde godin sacramêt in this your fyrste entrynge in to religyon. Bewarealso of vayne glory / lyftynge vp your vysage & voyce on hyghe aswymen done in the worlde. Rebukyng other or to speke of your nobleblood or kynrede / for in the spousage and seruyce of god / thepoorest mannes doughter lyuynge shall be egall & lyke to thegretest kynges doughter lyuynge in erthe. Ye muste forsake allsuche worldely pompe & vanyte & take a newe & a more sure nobledignyte by your spouse Ihesu cryst that neuer shall haue ende /the poorest of you bryngeth more to the monastery / so that yecome with a meke herte and in wyll to forsake yf that ye haddeneuer so moche / than she that bryngeth moche with a proude herte/ and therwith to other wolde haue it knowen. Beware euer that nofoule worde or stryue be amonge you [that] ben deed folke in thisworlde. But euer thynke [that] the trompe of the last daye ofIugement soundeth in your eeres / and calleth you sayenge. Rysedoughters Ryse / & come to your Iugement. Lete euer your myndebe with your spouse / and with your moder blessyd Marye / & thesayntes as often as ye synge or rede. Remembrynge [that] god isthere present and seeth what ye do Lete none see you from theseruyce of god or vnoccupyed. In redynge of prophetes epystles /gospelles / sayntes lyues / & other dedes of vertue doynge /hauynge euer bokes in your handes / studyenge or wrytynge / [that]people seynge you may saye. Beholde here the seruaût of god / &the lanternes of the worlde. Beware also of glotony whiche ismoder of all vnclennesse & bocheres of chastyte / & kepe yourstomake rather voyd than to take to it superfluyte wherthorugh yeshall not nede to take medicynes for a digestyon. Vse curtesly toete & not gredely nor hastely / for therin may ye synne. It iswryten in the lyf of saynt Benet [that] a religious woman [with] agredenes receyued a wycked spiryte in etynge of letuse in [the]gardeyn. Also they [that] vse to dr[yn]ke wyne go not [with]outfyre î theyr bosom. And euer beware of dronkenshyp / remenbrynge[that] abstynence & fastynge is a sure medycyne for all sekenes. And by them cometh grete vertue & grace. Not for thy beware ofvndiscrete abstynence / whiche myght cause you to haue payne here& in tyme to come. Whan tyme is of redyng at your meles & repastor ony other good doctryne than beware of speche or laughynge /but take hede to [the] lecture. And knocke pryuely your brestes &that yf ye may with fallynge of teeres / after your meles reherceyour lectures or some notabilytees of sermons or other holythynges [that] ye haue herde or seen afore. And whan ye praye besory for the Ignoraûce of the people & theyr synnes / & mynde thesoules that ye be specyally boûde to praye for with all othercrysten soules. And yf ye wyl haue [the] swetenes of contemplacõn/ clense your herte from all worldly thynges. And be as ye weredeed amonge them & as ye were buryed in your sepulcre the whichebetokeneth your monastery / to the tyme ye aryse & appere aforeyour spouse to haue your rewarde of his glory. Whan ye shal go toyour garden & seen the herber & grene trees smellynge [the]floures & fruytes with theyr swetnesse / meruaylle the grete powerof god in his creatures / & thenne labour & engendre in your mynde/ or talkynge of deuocõn & lyfte vp your herte to heuen / & thynkeverely [that] the maker of them that is your spouse in heuen isvnspekable fayre / swete / delectable / and gloryous. But bewaretouche there nothynge to a vayne vse or nycete of the worlde. After complyne kepe your tonge & take you to prayer &contemplacion. And call to your mynde suche heuenly thynges thatye haue herde or redde afore. See in ony wyse that ye kepe thispoynt of goddes lawe & of [the] lawe of nature. Do euer to another as ye wolde be done vnto ¶ Deo gracias. ¶ Thyse short prayers folowynge taught our lorde saynt Brigytte. Saye ye them ofte in the daye. Domîe i[hes]u [christ]e. Ego cognosco me graui[ter] peccasse. Etlibenter volo emêdare [per] gr[atiam] tuã Miserere mei [pro]pteramarã passionê tuã. D[omin]e i[hes]u [christ]e. Redemisti nos insanguîe tuo. Laus sit tibi [pro] amara passione tua. ¶ Pater n[oster]. Aue maria. ¶ Also vse for to saye dayly knelynge in remembraûce of thepassyon of our lorde & his fyue woûdes / & of the grete compassionof our blessyd lady . V. Pater noster / and . V. Aue maria. & aCredo. ¶ Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. Ihesu fili dei miserere meiet tocius populi cristiani. ¶ Semper deo gracias. ¶ Praye for your broder Thomas Betton which for your soules[that] be come or shall come in to relygyon / drewe and madethe contentes of this lytell quayer & exhortacion. Necessary &nedefull to them that ben come & shall come to relygyon. ¶ Lerne to kepe your bokes clene &c. [Illustration (Caxton imprint)] [Illustration] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [Errors and Problems Noted by Transcriber: grouped by type the pope may not assoyle them _text changed by hand to_ he may not be assoyled as soone as [thou] mayst breke out of suche comunycacõnThan thynke how greate Ioye he hath in heuenI thanke the with all my herte _text reads_ brebe, thyn be, thanbe Takynge hede to my chargesthe comfort of all [that] ben on lyue & deedborne of the blessyd virgyn Marywymen [that] ben cladde in costlyous arayeLerne to kepe your bokes clene &c. _text reads_ Takyuge, on lyne, borue of, beu cladde, cleue &c. Accõpt it for best medycyne _text reads_ Acccõpt And also hast pyteously suffred me whan I haue synned. _text unclear: probably_ surrfed Here foloweth a prayer to all sayntes / examyned and pardonned. _reading of_ pardonned _uncertain_ Gaude ventre [pro]secrat[us] _reading of_ [pro]secrat[us] _uncertain: may be_ obsecratus Gaude thoma spes ãglo[rum] _reading_ thoma _uncertain_ Kepe pacyence in thy obedyence at all thy paynes & trouble. _one or more letters may be missing between_ thy _and_ obedience_ Praye for your broder Thomas Betton _name uncertain; see Editor's introduction_ ]