{Transcriber's note: This etext contains 1. A New Orchard and Garden, by William Lawson 2. The Country Housewifes Garden, by William Lawson 3. A Most Profitable new treatise, from approved experience of the Art of Propagating Plants, by Simon Harwood 4. The Husband Mans Fruitful Orchard The first edition of "A New Orchard and Garden", which included "The Country Housewifes Garden" appeared in 1618; many further editions appeared over the period to 1695. The "Art of Propagating Plants" and "The Husband Mans Fruitful Orchard" appeared in all editions from 1623. This transcript is taken from the 1631 edition. The transcriber used a modern facsimile of the 1657 edition to clarify some doubtful readings. The spelling and hyphenation in the original are erratic. No corrections have been made other than those listed at the end of the etext. The formatting of the original tables of contents has been normalised. Sidenotes are enclosed in braces, prefixed with "SN" and placed before the paragraph in which they appear. Transcriber's notes in the text are enclosed in braces and prefixed with "TN". } A NEVV ORCHARD AND GARDEN OR The best way for planting, grafting, and to make _any ground good, for a rich Orchard: Particularly in the North, _ and generally for the whole kingdome of _England_, as in nature, _reason, situation, and all probabilitie, may and doth appeare_. With the Country Housewifes Garden for hearbes of common vse: _their vertues, seasons, profits, ornaments, varietie of knots, models_ for trees, and plots for the best ordering of Grounds and Walkes. AS ALSO, _The Husbandry of Bees, with their seuerall vses and annoyances_ being the experience of 48 yeares labour, and now the second time corrected and much enlarged, by _William Lawson_. Whereunto is newly added the Art of propagating Plants, with the true _ordering of all manner of Fruits, in their gathering, carrying home, & preseruation. _ {Illustration: Skill and paines bring fruitfull gaines. _Nemo sibi natus. _} _LONDON_, Printed by _Nicholas Okes_ for IOHN HARISON, at the golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row. 1631. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL SIR HENRY BELOSSES, Knight and Baronet, _Worthy Sir_, When in many yeeres by long experience I had furnished this my NortherneOrchard and Countrey Garden with needfull plants and vsefull hearbes, Idid impart the view thereof to my friends, who resorted to me toconferre in matters of that nature, they did see it, and seeing itdesired, and I must not denie now the publishing of it (which then Iallotted to my priuate delight) for the publike profit of others. Wherefore, though I could pleade custome the ordinarie excuse of allWriters, to chuse a Patron and Protector of their Workes, and so shroudmy selfe from scandall vnder your honourable fauour, yet haue I certainereasons to excuse this my presumption: First, the many courtesies youhaue vouchsafed me. Secondly, your delightfull skill in matters of thisnature. Thirdly, the profit which I receiued from your learned discourseof Fruit-trees. Fourthly, your animating and assisting of others to such endeuours. Lastof all, the rare worke of your owne in this kind: all which to publishvnder your protection, I haue aduentured (as you see). Vouchsafe ittherefore entertainement, I pray you, and I hope you shall finde it notthe vnprofitablest seruant of your retinue: for when your seriousemployments are ouerpassed, it may interpose some commoditie, and raiseyour contentment out of varietie. _Your Worships most bounden_, WILLIAM LAVVSON. THE PREFACE to all well minded. _Art hath her first originall out of experience, which therefore iscalled the Schoole-mistresse of fooles, because she teacheth infallibly, and plainely, as drawing her knowledge out of the course of Nature, (which neuer failes in the generall) by the senses, feelinglyapprehending, and comparing (with the helpe of the minde) the workes ofnature; and as in all other things naturall, so especially in Trees; forwhat is Art more then a prouident and skilfull Collectrix of the faultsof Nature in particular workes, apprehended by the senses? As when goodground naturally brings forth thistles, trees stand too thicke, or toothin, or disorderly, or (without dressing) put forth vnprofitablesuckers, and suchlike. All which and a thousand more, Art reformeth, being taught by experience: and therefore must we count that Art thesurest, that stands vpon experimentall rules, gathered by the rule ofreason (not conceit) of all other rules the surest. _ _Whereupon haue I of my meere and sole experience, without respect toany former written Treatise, gathered these rules, and set them downe inwriting, not daring to hide the least talent giuen me of my Lord andMaster in Heauen: neither is this iniurious to any, though it differfrom the common opinion in diuers points, to make it knowne to others, what good I haue found out in this facultie by long triall andexperience. I confesse freely my want of curious skill in the Art ofplanting. And I admire and praise _Plinie_, _Aristotle_, _Virgil_, _Cicero_, and many others for wit and iudgement in this kind, and leauethem to their times, manner, and seuerall Countries. _ _I am not determined (neither can I worthily) to set forth the praisesof this Art: how some, and not a few, euen of the best, haue accountedit a chiefe part of earthly happinesse, to haue faire and pleasantOrchards, as in _Hesperia_ and _Thessaly_, how all with one consentagree, that it is a chiefe part of Husbandry (as _Tully de senectute_)and Husbandry maintaines the world; how ancient, how profitable, howpleasant it is, how many secrets of nature it doth containe, how loued, how much practised in the best places, and of the best: This hathalready beene done by many. I only aime at the common good. _I_ delightnot in curious conceits, as planting and graffing with the root vpwards, inoculating Roses on Thornes, and such like, although I haue heard ofdiuers prooued some, and read of moe. _ _The Stationer hath (as being most desirous with me, to further thecommon good) bestowed much cost and care in hauing the Knots and Modelsby the best Artizan cut in great varietie, that nothing might be any waywanting to satisfie the curious desire of those that would make vse ofthis Booke. _ _And I shew a plaine and sure way of planting, which I haue found goodby 48. Yeeres (and moe) experience in the North part of _England_: Ipreiudicate and enuie none, wishing yet all to abstaine from maligningthat good (to them vnknowne) which is well intended. Farewell. _ Thine, for thy good, _W. L. _ A Table of the things Contayned in this Booke CHAP. 1. _Of the Gardner his labour and wadges. _ _pag. 1_ CHAP. 2. _Of the Soyle. _ _p. 3_ _The kinds of trees. _ _p. 3_ _Of barren earth. _ _p. 4_ _Of Grasse. _ _p. 5_ _Of the Crust of the earth. _ _p. 6_ CHAP. 3. _Lowe & neere the Riuer_. _p. 6_ _Of Windes. _ _p. 8_ _Of the Sunne. _ _p. 8_ _Trees against a wall. _ _p. 8_ CHAP. 4. _Of the quantity. _ _p. 10_ _Orchards as good as a Corne-field. _ _p. 10_ _Good as the Vineyard. _ _p. 11_ _What quantity of ground. _ _p. 11_ _Want no hinderance. _ _p. 12_ _How Land-lords by their Tenants may make flourishing Orchards. _ _p. 12_ CHAP. 5. _The forme of the Orchard. _ _p. 12_ CHAP. 6. _Of Fences. _ _p. 14_ _Effects of euill Fencing. _ _p. 14_ _The kinds of Fencinge. _ _p. 15_ _Of Pales and Rayles. _ _p. 15_ _Of Stone-walles. _ _p. 15_ _Of Quicksets and Moates. _ _p. 16_ CHAP. 7. _Of Setts. _ _p. 17_ _Of Slipps. _ _p. 17_ _Of Burknots. _ _p. 17_ _Of Small Setts. _ _p. 18_ _Tying of Trees. _ _p. 19_ _Signes of diseases. _ _p. 19_ _Of Suckers. _ _p. 20_ _A Running plant. _ _p. 20_ _Of bought Setts. _ _p. 21_ _The best Sett. _ _p. 22_ _Times of remouing. _ _p. 23_ _The manner of setting. _ _p. 26_ CHAP. 8. _Of the distance of trees. _ _p. 28_ _The hurts of too neere planting. _ _p. 28_ _All touches hurtfull. _ _p. 29_ _The best distance. _ _p. 29_ _Of wast ground in an Orchard. _ _p. 30_ CHAP. 9. _Of the placing of trees. _ _p. 31_ CHAP. 10. _Of Grafting. _ _p. 33_ _The kinds of Grafting. _ _p. 34_ _How to Graft. _ _p. 34_ _What a Graft is. _ _p. 34_ _The eies of a Graft. _ _p. 34_ _Time of Grafting. _ _p. 35_ _Gathering of Grafts. _ _p. 36_ _Of Incising. _ _p. 37_ _Of Packing. _ _p. 38_ _Of Inoculating. _ _p. 39_ _Grafting in the Scutcheon. _ _p. 39_ CHAP. 11. _The right dressing of trees. _ _p. 40_ _Timber-wood euill drest. _ _p. 41_ _The cause of hurts in wood. _ _p. 42_ _How to dresse Timber. _ _p. 43_ _The profit of dressing. _ _p. 43-45_ _Trees will take any forme. _ _p. 44_ _How to dresse all Fruit-trees. _ _p. 44_ _The best times for proyning. _ _p. 47_ _Faults of euill dressing and the remedies. _ _p. 48_ _Of water-boughes. _ _p. 49_ _Barke-pyld. _ _p. 49-56_ _Instruments for dressing. _ _p. 50_ CHAP. 12 _Of Foyling. _ _p. 51_ _Time fit for Foyling. _ _p. 53_ CHAP. 13 _Of Annoyances. _ _p. 54_ _Two euills in an Orchard. _ _p. 54_ _Of galls cankers, mosse &c. _ _p. 55_ _Of wilfull annoyances. _ _p. 60_ CHAP. 14. _Of the age of trees. _ _p. 60_ _The parts of a trees age. _ _p. 61_ _Of Mans age. _ _p. 62_ _The age of timber-trees. _ _p. 64_ _To discerne the age of trees. _ _p. 65_ CHAP. 15. _Of gathering and keeping Fruit. _ _p. 65_ CHAP. 16. _The profit of Orchards. _ _p. 67_ _Of Cydar and Perry. _ _p. 67_ _Of Fruit, Waters and Conserue. _ _p. 68_ CHAP. 17. _Of Ornaments. _ _p. 68_ _Of the delights. _ _p. 69_ _The causes of delights. _ _p. 70_ _Of Flowers, Borders, Mounts &c. _ _p. 70_ _Of Bees. _ _p. 72_ THE BEST, SVRE AND READIEST VVAY to make a good _Orchard_ and _Garden_. CHAPTER. 1. _Of the Gardner, and his Wages. _ {SN: Religious. }Whosoeuer desireth & endeauoureth to haue a pleasant, and profitableOrchard, must (if he be able) prouide himselfe of a Fruicterer, religious, honest, skilful in that faculty, & therwithall painfull: Byreligious, I meane (because many think religion but a fashion or custometo go to Church) maintaining, & cherishing things religious: as Schoolesof learning, Churches, Tythes, Church-goods, & rights; and aboue allthings, Gods word, & the Preachers thereof, so much as he is able, practising prayers, comfortable conference, mutuall instruction toedifie, almes, and other works of Charity, and all out of a goodconscience. {SN: Honest. }Honesty in a Gardner, will grace your Garden, and all your house, andhelpe to stay vnbridled Seruingmen, giuing offence to none, not callingyour name into question by dishonest acts, nor infecting your family byeuill counsell or example. For there is no plague so infectious asPopery and knauery, he will not purloine your profit, nor hinder yourpleasures. {SN: Skilfull. }Concerning his skill, he must not be a Scolist, to make shew or take inhand that, which he cannot performe, especially in so weighty a thing asan Orchard: than the which, there can be no humane thing moreexcellent, either for pleasure or profit, as shall (God willing) beproued in the treatise following. And what an hinderance shall it be, not onely to the owner, but to the common good, that the vnspeakeblebenefit of many hundred yeeres shall be lost, by the audacious attemptof an vnskilfull Arborist. {SN: Painfull. }The Gardner had not need be an idle, or lazie Lubber, for to yourOrchard being a matter of such moment, will not prosper. There will euerbe some thing to doe. Weedes are alwaies growing. The great mother ofall liuing Creatures, the Earth, is full of seed in her bowels, and anystirring giues them heat of Sunne, and being laid neere day, they grow:Mowles worke daily, though not alwaies alike. Winter herbes at all timeswill grow (except in extreame frost. ) In Winter your young trees andherbes would be lightned of snow, and your Allyes cleansed: drifts ofsnow will set Deere, Hares, and Conyes, and other noysome beasts oueryour walles & hedges, into your Orchard. When Summer cloathes yourborders with greene and peckled colours, your Gardner must dresse hishedges, and antike workes: watch his Bees, and hiue them: distill hisRoses and other herbes. Now begins Summer Fruit to ripe, and craue yourhand to pull them. If he haue a Garden (as he must need) to keepe, youmust needs allow him good helpe, to end his labours which are endlesse, for no one man is sufficient for these things. {SN: Wages. }Such a Gardner as will conscionably, quietly and patiently, trauell inyour Orchard, God shall crowne the labours of his hands withioyfulnesse, and make the clouds drop fatnesse vpon your trees, he willprouoke your loue, and earne his wages, and fees belonging to hisplace: The house being serued, fallen fruite, superfluity of herbes, andflowers, seedes, grasses, sets, and besides all other of that fruitwhich your bountifull hand shall reward him withall, will much augmenthis wages, and the profit of your bees will pay you backe againe. If you be not able, nor willing to hire a gardner, keepe your profits toyour selfe, but then you must take all the pains: And for that purpose(if you want this faculty) to instruct you, haue I vndertaken theselabours, and gathered these rules, but chiefly respecting my Countriesgood. CHAP. 2. _Of the soyle. _ {SN: Kinds of trees. }{SN: Soyle. }Fruit-trees most common, and meetest for our Northerne Countries: (asApples, Peares, Cheries, Filberds, red and white Plummes, Damsons, andBulles, ) for we meddle not with Apricockes nor Peaches, nor scarcelywith Quinces, which will not like in our cold parts, vnlesse they behelped with some reflex of Sunne, or other like meanes, nor with bushes, bearing berries, as Barberies, Goose-berries, or Grosers, Raspe-berries, and such like, though the Barbery be wholesome, and the tree may be madegreat: doe require (as all other trees doe) a blacke, fat, mellow, cleane and well tempered soyle, wherein they may gather plenty of goodsap. Some thinke the Hasell would haue a chanily rocke, and the sallow, and eller a waterish marish. The soile is made better by deluing, andother meanes, being well melted, and the wildnesse of the earth andweedes (for euery thing subiect to man, and seruing his vse (not wellordered) is by nature subiect to the curse, ) is killed by frosts anddrought, by fallowing and laying on heapes, and if it be wild earth, with burning. {SN: Barren earth. }If your ground be barren (for some are forced to make an Orchard ofbarren ground) make a pit three quarters deepe, and two yards wide, andround in such places, where you would set your trees, and fill the samewith fat, pure, and mellow earth, one whole foot higher then your Soile, and therein set your Plant. For who is able to manure an whole Orchardplot, if it be barren? But if you determine to manure the whole site, this is your way: digge a trench halfe a yard deepe, all along the lower(if there be a lower) side of your Orchard plot, casting vp all theearth on the inner side, and fill the same with good short, hot, &tender muck, and make such another Trench, and fill the same as thefirst, and so the third, and so through out your ground. And by thismeanes your plot shall be fertile for your life. But be sure you setyour trees, neither in dung nor barren earth. {SN: Plaine. }{SN: Moyst. }Your ground must be plaine, that it may receiue, and keepe moysture, notonely the raine falling thereon, but also water cast vpon it, ordescending from higher ground by sluices, Conduits, &c. For I accountmoisture in Summer very needfull in the soile of trees, & drought inWinter. Prouided, that the ground neither be boggy, nor the inundationbe past 24. Houres at any time, and but twice in the whole Summer, andso oft in the Winter. Therefore if your plot be in a Banke, or haue adescent, make Trenches by degrees, Allyes, Walkes, and such like, so asthe Water may be stayed from passage. And if too much water be anyhinderance to your walks (for dry walkes doe well become an Orchard, andan Orchard them:) raise your walkes with earth first, and then withstones, as bigge as Walnuts: and lastly, with grauell. In Summer youneed not doubt too much water from heauen, either to hurt the health ofyour body, or of your trees. And if ouerflowing molest you after oneday, auoid it then by deepe trenching. Some for this purpose dig the soile of their Orchard to receiuemoisture, which I cannot approue: for the roots with digging areoftentimes hurt, and especially being digged by some vnskilfull seruant:For the Gardiner cannot doe all himselfe. And moreouer, the roots ofApples & Peares being laid neere day, with the heate of the Sun, willput forth suckers, which are a great hinderance, and sometimeswith euill guiding, the destruction of trees, vnlesse the deluing bevery shallow, and the ground laid very leuell againe. Cherries andPlummes without deluing, will hardly or neuer (after twenty yeares) bekept from such suckers, nor aspes. {SN: Grasse. }Grasse also is thought needfull for moisture, so you let it not touchthe roots of your trees: for it will breed mosse, and the boall of yourtree neere the earth would haue the comfort of the Sunne and Ayre. Some take their ground to be too moist when it is not so, by reason ofwaters standing thereon, for except in soure marshes, springs, andcontinuall ouerflowings, no earth can be too moyst. Sandy & fat earthwill auoid all water falling by receit. Indeed a stiffe clay will notreceiue the water, and therefore if it be grassie or plaine, especiallyhollow, the water will abide, and it wil seeme waterish, when the faultis in the want of manuring, and other good dressing. {SN: Naturally plaine. }{SN: Crust of the earth. }This plainnesse which we require, had need be naturall, because to forcean vneuen ground will destroy the fatnesse. For euery soile hath hiscrust next day wherein trees and herbes put their roots, and whencethey draw their sap, which is the best of the soile, and made fertilewith heat and cold, moisture and drought, and vnder which by reason ofthe want of the said temperature, by the said foure qualities, no treenor herbe (in a manner) will or can put root. As may be seene if indigging your ground, you take the weeds of most growth: as grasse ordocks, (which will grow though they lie vpon the earth bare) yet burythem vnder the crust, and they will surely dye and perish, & becomemanure to your ground. This crust is not past 15. Or 18. Inches deepe ingood ground, in other grounds lesse. Hereby appeares the fault of forcedplaines, viz. Your crust in the lower parts, is couered with the crustof the higher parts, and both with worse earth: your heights hauing thecrust taken away, are become meerely barren: so that either you mustforce a new crust, or haue an euill soile. And be sure you leuell, before you plant, lest you be forced to remoue, or hurt your plants bydigging, and casting amongst their roots. Your ground must be cleered asmuch as you may of stones, and grauell, walls, hedges, bushes, & otherweeds. CHAP. 3. _Of the Site. _ {SN: Low and neere a Riuer. }There is no difference, that I find betwixt the necessity of a goodsoile, and a good site of an Orchard. For a good soile (as is beforedescribed) cannot want a good site, and if it do, the fruit cannot begood, and a good site will much mend an euill soile. The best site is inlow grounds, (and if you can) neere vnto a Riuer. High grounds are notnaturally fat. And if they haue any fatnesse by mans hand, the very descent in timedoth wash it away. It is with grounds in this case as it is with men ina common wealth. Much will haue more: and once poore, seldome or neuerrich. The raine will scind, and wash, and the wind will blow fatnessefrom the heights to the hollowes, where it will abide, and fatten theearth though it were barren before. {SN: Psal. 1. 3. }{SN: Ezek. 17. 8. }{SN: Eccl. 39. 17. }{SN: Mr. _Markham_. }Hence it is, that we haue seldome any plaine grounds, and low, barren:and as seldome any heights naturally fertill. It is vnspeakeable, whatfatnesse is brought to low grounds by inundations of waters. Neither didI euer know any barren ground in a low plaine by a Riuer side. Thegoodnesse of the soile in _Howle_ or _Hollowdernes_, in _York-shire_, iswell knowne to all that know the Riuer _Humber_, and the huge bulkes oftheir Cattell there. By estimation of them that haue seene the lowgrounds in _Holland_ and _Zealand_ they farre surpasse the mostCountries in _Europe_ for fruitfulnesse, and only because they lie solow. The world cannot compare with _Ægypt_, for fertility, so farre as_Nilus_ doth ouer flow his bankes. So that a fitter place cannot bechosen for an Orchard, then a low plaine by a riuer side. For besidesthe fatnesse which the water brings, if any cloudy mist or raine bestirring, it commonly falls downe to, and followes the course of theRiuer. And where see we greater trees of bulke and bough, then standingon or neere the waters side? If you aske why the plaines in _Holderns_, and such countries are destitute of woods? I answer that men and cattell(that haue put trees thence, from out of Plaines to void corners) arebetter then trees. Neither are those places without trees. Our oldfathers can tel vs, how woods are decaied, & people in theroomth of trees multiplied. I haue stood somwhat long in this poynt, because some do condemne a moist soile for fruit-trees. {SN: Winds. Chap. 13. }A low ground is good to auoide the danger of winds, both for shakingdowne your vnripe fruite. Trees the most (that I know) being loaden withwood, for want of proyning, and growing high, by the vnskilfulnesse ofthe Arborist, must needes be in continuall danger of the South-west, West, and North west winds, especially in _September_ and _March_, whenthe aire is most temperate from extreme heat, and cold, which are deadlyenemies to great winds. Wherefore chuse your ground low: Or if you beforced to plant in a higher ground, let high and strong wals, houses, and trees, as wall-nuts, plane trees, Okes, and Ashes, placed in goodorder, be your fence for winds. The sucken of your dwelling house, descending into your orchard, if itbe cleanly conueyed, is good. {SN: Sunne. }The Sunne, in some sort, is the life of the world. It maketh proudgrowth, and ripens kindly, and speedily, according to the golden tearme:_Annus fructificat, non tellus_. Therefore in the countries, neererapproching the Zodiake, the Sunnes habitation, they haue better, andsooner ripe fruite, then we that dwell in these frozen parts. {SN: Trees against a wall. }This prouoketh most of our great Arborists, to plant Apricockes, Cherries and Peaches, by a wall, and with tackes, and other meanes tospread them vpon, and fasten them to a wall, to haue the benefit of theimmoderate reflexe of the Sunne, which is commendable, for the hauing offaire, good & soone ripe fruit. But let them know it is more hurtfull totheir trees then the benefit they reape therby: as not suffering a treeto liue the tenth part of his age. It helpes Gardners to worke, forfirst the wall hinders the roots, because into a dry and hard wall ofearth or stone a tree will not, nor cannot put any root to profit, butespecially it stops the passage of sap, whereby the barke is wounded, &the wood, & diseases grow, so that the tree becomes short of life. Foras in the body of a man, the leaning or lying on some member, wherby thecourse of bloud is stopt, makes that member as it were dead for thetime, till the bloud returne to his course, and I thinke, if thatstopping should continue any time, the member would perish for want ofbloud (for the life is in the bloud) and so endanger the body: so thesap is the life of the tree, as the bloud is to mans body: neither doththe tree in winter (as is supposed) want his sap, no more then mans bodyhis bloud, which in winter, and time of sleep draws inward. So that thedead time of winter, to a tree, is but a night of rest: for the tree atall times, euen in winter is nourished with sap, & groweth as well asmans body. The chilling cold may well some little time stay, or hinderthe proud course of the sap, but so little & so short a time, that incalme & mild season, euen in the depth of winter, if you marke it, youmay easily perceiue, the sap to put out, and your trees to increasetheir buds, which were formed in the summer before, & may easily bediscerned: for leaues fall not off, til they be thrust off, with theknots or buds, wherupon it comes to passe that trees cannot beare fruitplentifully two yeares together, and make themselues ready to blossomeagainst the seasonablenesse of the next Spring. And if any frost be so extreme, that it stay the sap too much, or toolong, then it kils the forward fruit in the bud, and sometimes thetender leaues and twigs, but not the tree. Wherefore, to returne, it isperillous to stop the sap. And where, or when, did you euer see a greattree packt on a wall? Nay, who did euer know a tree so vnkindly splat, come to age? I haue heard of some, that out of their imaginary cunning, haue planted such trees, on the North side of the wall, to auoidedrought, but the heate of the Sunne is as comfortable (which they shouldhaue regarded) as the drought is hurtfull. And although water is asoueraigne remedy against drought, ye want of Sun is no way to behelped. Wherefore to conclude this Chapter, let your ground lie so, thatit may haue the benefit of the South, and West Sun, and so low andclose, that it may haue moysture, and increase his fatnesse (for treesare the greatest suckers & pillers of earth) and (as much asmay be) free from great winds. CHAP. 4. _Of the quantity. _ {SN: Orchard as good as a corn-field. }{SN: Compared with a vinyard. }{SN: Compared with a garden. }It would be remembred what a benefit riseth, not onely to eueryparticular owner of an Orchard, but also to the common wealth, by fruit, as shall be shewed in the 16. Chapter (God willing) whereupon mustneedes follow: the greater the Orchard is (being good and well kept) thebetter it is, for of good things, being equally good, the biggest is thebest. And if it shall appeare, that no ground a man occupieth (no, notthe corne field) yeeldeth more gaine to the purse, and house keeping(not to speake of the vnspeakeable pleasure) quantity for quantity, thana good Orchard (besides the cost in planting, and dressing an orchard, is not so much by farre, as the labour and feeding of your corne fields, nor for durance of time, comparable, besides the certainty of the onbefore the other) I see not how any labour, or cost in this kind, canbe idly or wastfully bestowed, or thought too much. And what otherthings is a vineyard, in those countries where vines doe thriue, than alarge Orchard of trees bearing fruit? Or what difference is there in theiuice of the Grape, and our Cyder & Perry, but the goodnes of the soile& clime where they grow? which maketh the one more ripe, & so morepleasant then the other. What soeuer can be said for the benefit risingfrom an orchard, that makes for the largenesse of the Orchards bounds. And (me thinkes) they do preposterously, that bestow more cost andlabours, and more ground in and vpon a garden than vpon an orchard, whence they reape and may reape both more pleasure and more profit, byinfinite degrees. And further, that a Garden neuer so fresh, and faire, and well kept, cannot continue without both renewing of the earth andthe hearbs often, in the short and ordinary age of a man: whereas yourOrchard well kept shall dure diuers hundred yeares, as shall be shewedchap. 14. In a large orchard there is much labour saued, in fencing, andotherwise: for three little orchards, or few trees, being, in a manner, all out-sides, are so blasted and dangered, and commonly in keepingneglected, and require a great fence; whereas in a great Orchard, treesare a mutuall fence one to another, and the keeping is regarded, andlesse fencing serues sixe acres together, than three in seuerallinclosures. {SN: What quantity of ground. }Now what quantity of ground is meetest for an Orchard can no manprescribe, but that must be left to euery mans seuerall iudgement, to bemeasured according to his ability and will, for other necessariesbesides fruite must be had, and some are more delighted with orchardthen others. {SN: Want is no hinderance. }{SN: How Land-lords by their Tenants may make flourishing Orchardsin _England_. }Let no man hauing a fit plot plead pouerty in this case, for an orchardonce planted will maintaine it selfe, and yeeld infinite profit besides. And I am perswaded, that if men did know the right and best way ofplanting, dressing, and keeping trees, and felt the profit and pleasurethereof, both they that haue no orchards would haue them, & they thathaue orchards, would haue them larger, yea fruit-trees in their hedges, as in _Worcester-shire_, &c. And I think, that the want of planting, isa great losse to our common-wealth, & in particular, to the owners ofLord-ships, which Land lords themselues might easily amend, by grantinglonger terme, and better assurance to their tenants, who haue taken vpthis Prouerbe _Botch and sit, Build and flit_: for who will build orplant for an other mans profit? Or the Parliament mighte ioyne eueryoccupier of grounds to plant and mainetaine for so many acres offruitfull ground, so many seuerall trees or kinds of trees for fruit. Thus much for quantity. CHAP. 5. _Of the forme. _ {SN: The vsuall forme is a square. }The goodnesse of the soile, and site, are necessary to the wel being ofan orchard simply, but the forme is so farre necessary, as the ownershall thinke meete, for that kind of forme wherewith euery particularman is delighted, we leaue it to himselfe, _Suum cuique pulchrum_. Theforme that men like in generall is a square, for although roundnesse be_forma perfectissima_, yet that principle is good where necessity by artdoth not force some other forme. If within one large square the Gardnershall make one round Labyrinth or Maze with some kind of Berries, itwill grace your forme, so there be sufficient roomth left for walkes, so will foure or more round knots do. For it is to be noted, that theeye must be pleased with the forme. I haue seene squares rising bydegrees with stayes from your house-ward, according to this forme whichI haue, _Crassa quod aiunt Minerua_, with an vnsteady hand, rough hewen, for in forming the country gardens, the better sort may vse betterformes, and more costly worke. What is needefull more to be sayd, Ireferre that all (concerning the Forme, ) to the Chapter 17 of theornaments of an Orchard. {Illustration: _A. _ Al these squares must bee set with trees, the Gardens and otherornaments must stand in spaces betwixt the trees, & in the borders &fences. _B. _ Trees 20. Yards asunder. _C. _ Garden Knots. _D. _ Kitchen garden. _E. _ Bridge. _F. _ Conduit. _G. _ Staires. _H. _ Walkes set with great wood thicke. _I. _ Walkes set with great wood round about your Orchard. _K. _ The out fence. _L. _ The out fence set with stone-fruite. _M. _ Mount. To force earth for a mount, or such like set it round withquicke, and lay boughes of trees strangely intermingled tops inward, with the earth in the midle. _N. _ Still-house. _O. _ Good standing for Bees, if you haue an house. _P. _ If the riuer run by your doore, & vnder your mount, it will bepleasant. } CHAP. 6. _Of Fences. _ {SN: Effects of euill fencing. }{SN: Let the fence be your owne. }All your labour past and to come about an Orchard is lost vnlesse youfence well. It shall grieue you much to see your young sets rubd looseat the rootes, the barke pild, the boughes and twigs cropt, your fruitestolne, your trees broken, and your many yeares labours and hopesdestroyed, for want of fences. A chiefe care must be had in this point. You must therefore plant in such a soile, where you may prouide aconuenient, strong and seemely fence. For you can possesse no goods, that haue so many enemies as an orchard, looke Chapter 13. Fruits are sodelightsome, and desired of so many (nay, in a manner of all) and yetfew will be at cost and take paines to prouide them. Fence welltherefore, let your plot be wholly in your owne power, that you make allyour fence your selfe: for neighbours fencing is none at all, or verycarelesse. Take heed of a doore or window, (yea of a wall) of any othermans into your orchard: yea, though it be nayld vp, or the wall be high, for perhaps they will proue theeues. {SN: Kinds of fences, earthen walles. }All Fences commonly are made of Earth, Stone, Bricke, Wood, or bothearth and wood. Dry wall of earth, and dry Ditches, are the worst fencessaue pales or railes, and doe waste the soonest, vnlesse they be wellcopt with glooe and morter, whereon at _Mighill-tide_ it will be good tosow Wall-flowers, commonly called Bee-flowers, or winter Gilly-flowers, because they will grow (though amongst stones) and abide the strongestfrost and drought, continually greene and flowring euen in Winter, andhaue a pleasant smell, and are timely, (that is, they will floure thefirst and last of flowers) and are good for Bees. And your earthen wallis good for Bees dry and warme. But these fences are both vnseemly, euill to repaire, and onely for need, where stone or wood cannot be had. Whosoeuer makes such Walles, must not pill the ground in the Orchard, for getting earth, nor make any pits or hallowes, which are bothvnseemly and vnprofitable. Old dry earth mixt with sand is best forthese. This kind of wall will soone decay, by reason of the trees whichgrow neere it, for the roots and boales of great trees, will increase, vndermine, and ouerturne such walles, though they were of stone, as isapparant by Ashes, Rountrees, Burt-trees, and such like, carried in thechat, or berry, by birds into stone-walles. {SN: Pale and Raile. }Fences of dead wood, as pales, will not last, neither will railes eitherlast or make good fence. {SN: Stone walls. }Stone walles (where stone may be had) are the best of this sort, bothfor fencing, lasting, and shrouding of your young trees. But about thismust you bestow much paines and more cost, to haue them handsome, highand durable. {SN: Quicke wood and Moates. }But of all other (in mine owne opinion) Quickwood, and Moats or Ditchesof water, where the ground is leuell, is the best fence. In vnequallgrounds, which will not keepe water, there a double ditch may be cast, made streight and leuel on the top, two yards broad for a faire walke, fiue or sixe foot higher then the soyle, with a gutter on either side, two yards wide, and foure foot deepe set with out, with three or fourechesse of Thorns, and within with Cherry, Plumme, Damson, Bullys, Filbirds, (for I loue these trees better for their fruit, and as wellfor their forme, as priuit) for you may make them take any forme. And ineuery corner (and middle if you will) a mount would be raised, whereabout the wood may claspe, powdered with wood-binde: which wil makewith dressing a faire, plesant, profitable, & sure fence. But you mustbe sure that your quicke thornes either grow wholly, or that there be asupply betime, either with planting new, or plashing the old where needis. And assure your selfe, that neither wood, stone, earth, nor water, can make so strong a fence, as this after seuen yeares growth. {SN: Moates. }Moates, Fish-ponds, and (especially at one side a Riuer) within andwithout your fence, will afford you fish, fence, and moysture to yourtrees, and pleasure also, if they be so great and deepe that you mayhaue Swans, & other water birds, good for deuouring of vermine, and boatfor many good vses. It shall hardly auaile you to make any fence for your Orchard, if you bea niggard of your fruit. For as liberality will saue it best fromnoysome neighbours, liberality I say is the best fence, so Iustice mustrestraine rioters. Thus when your ground is tempered, squared, andfenced, it is time to prouide for planting. CHAP. 7. _Of Sets. _ There is not one point (in my opinion) about an Orchard more to beregarded, than the choyce getting and setting of good plants, either forreadinesse or hauing good fruite, or for continuall lasting. Forwhosoeuer shall faile in the choyce of good Sets, or in getting, orgathering, or setting his plants, shall neuer haue a good or lastingOrchard. And I take want of skill in this faculty to be a chiefehinderance to the most Orchards, and to many for hauing of Orchards atall. {SN: Slips. }Some for readinesse vse slips, which seldome take roote: and if they doetake, they cannot last, both because their roote hauing a maine woundwill in short time decay the body of the tree: and besides that rootesbeing so weakely put, are soone nipt with drought or frost. I couldneuer see (lightly) any slip but of apples onely set for trees. {SN: Bur-knot. }A Bur-knot kindly taken from an Apple tree, is much better and surer. You must cut him close at the roote ende, an handfull vnder the knot. (Some vse in Summer about _Lammas_ to circumcise him, and put earth tothe knots with hay roaps, and in winter cut him off and set him, butthis is curiosity, needlesse, and danger with remouing, and drought, )and cut away all his twigs saue one, the most principall, which insetting you must leaue aboue the earth, burying his trunk in the crustof the earth for his root. It matters not much what part of the boughthe twig growes out of. If it grow out of or neere the roote end, somesay such an Apple will haue no coare nor kirnell. Or if it please thePlantor, he may let his bough be crooked, and leaue out his top end, onefoote or somewhat more, wherein will be good grafting, if either youlike not, or doubt the fruite of the bough (for commonly yourbur-knots are summer fruit) or if you thinke he will not couer his woundsafely. {SN: Vsuall Sets. }{SN: Maine rootes cut. }{SN: Stow sets remoued. }{SN: Generall rule. }{SN: Tying of trees. }{SN: Generall rule. }{SN: Signes of diseases, Chap 13. }The most vsuall kind of sets, is plants with rootes growing of kirnelsof Apples, Peares, and Crabbes, or stones of Cherries, Plummes, &c. Remoued out of a Nursery, Wood or other Orchard, into, and set in yourOrchard in their due places I grant this kind to be better than eitherof the former, by much, as more sure and more durable. Herein you mustnote that in sets so remoued, you get all the roots you can; and withoutbrusing of any; I vtterly dislike the opinion of those great Gardners, that following their Bookes would haue the maine rootes cut away, fortops cannot growe without rootes. And because none can get all therootes, and remouall is an hinderance, you may not leaue on all tops, when you set them: For there is a proportion betwixt the top and root ofa tree, euen in the number (at least) in the growth. If the roots bemany, they will bring you many tops, if they be not hindred. And if youvse to stow or top your tree too much or too low, and leaue no issue, orlittle for sap, (as is to be seene in your hedges) it will hinder thegrowth of rootes and boale, because such a kind of stowing is a kind ofsmothering, or choaking the sap. Great wood, as Oke, Elme, Ash, &c. Being continually kept downe with sheeres, knife, axe, &c. Neither boalenor roote will thriue, but as an hedge or bush. If you intend to graffin your Set, you may cut him closer with a greater wound, and nearer theearth, within a foote or two, because the graft or grafts will couerhis wound. If you like his fruite, and would haue him to be a tree ofhimselfe, be not so bold: this I can tell you, that though you do cuthis top close, and leaue nothing but his bulke, because his rootes arefew, if he be (but little) bigger than your thumbe (as I with all plantsremoued to be) he will safely recouer wound within seuen yeares; by goodguidance that is. In the next time of dressing immediatly aboue hisvppermost sprig, you cut him off aslope cleanely, to that the spriggestand on the backe side, (and if you can Northward, that the wound mayhaue the benefit of Sunne) at the vpper ende of the wound: and let thatsprigge onely be the boale. And take this for a generall rule; Eueryyoung plant, if he thriue, will recouer any wound aboue the earth, bygood dressing, although it be to the one halfe, and to his very heart. This short cutting at the remoue, saues your plants from Wind, and needethe lesse or no staking. I commend not Lying or Leaning of trees againstholds or stayres; for it breedes obstruction of sap and woundsincureable. All remouing of trees as great as your arme, or aboue, isdangerous: though sometime some such will grow but not continue long:Because they be tainted with deadly wounds, either in the roote or top. (And a tree once throughly tainted is neuer good) And though they getsome hold in the earth with some lesser taw, or tawes, which giue somenourishment to the body of the tree: yet the heart being tainted, hewill hardly euer thriue; which you may easily discerne by theblackenesse of the boughes at the heart, when you dresse your trees. Also, when he is set with moe tops than the rootes can nourish, the topsdecaying, blacken the boughes, and the boughs the armes, and so theyboile at the very heart. Or this taint in the remouall, if it kill notpresently, but after some short time, it may be discerned by blacknesseor yellownesse in the barke, and a small hungred leafe. Or if yourremoued plant put forth leaues the next and second summer, and little orfew spraies, it is a great signe of a taint, and next yeares death. Ihaue knowne a tree tainted in setting, yet grow, & beare blossomes fordiuers yeares: and yet for want of strength could neuer shape his fruit. {SN: Suckers good sets. }Next vnto this or rather equall with these plants, are suckers growingout of the roots of great trees, which cherries and plums do seldome orneuer want: and being taken kindly with their roots, will make very goodsets. And you may helpe them much by enlarging their rootes with thetaws of the tree, whence you take them. They are of two sorts: Eithergrowing from the very root of the tree: and here you must be carefull, not to hurt your tree when you gather them, by ripping amongst therootes; and that you take them cleane away: for these are a great andcontinuall annoyance to the growth of your tree: and they will hardly becleansed. Secondly, or they do arise from some taw: and these may betaken without danger, with long and good rootes, and will soone becometrees of strength. {SN: A running Plant. }There is another way, which I haue not throughly proued, to get notonely plants for graffing, but sets to remaine for trees, which I call a_Running Plant_: the manner of it is this: Take a roote or kirnell, andput it into the middle of your plot, and the second yeare in the spring, geld his top, if he haue one principall (as commonly by nature theyhaue) and let him put forth onely foure Cyons toward the foure cornersof the orchard, as neere the earth as you can. If he put not foure, (which is rare) stay his top till he haue put so many. When you hauesuch foure, cut the stocke aslope, as is aforesayd in this chapter, hardaboue the vttermost sprig, & keepe those foure without Cyons cleane andstraight, till you haue them a yard and a halfe, at least, or two yardslong. Then the next spring in grassing time, lay downe those fouresprayes, towards the foure corners of your Orchard, with their tops inan heape of pure and good earth, and railed as high as the roote of yourCyon (for sap will not descend) and a sod to keepe them downe, leauingnine or twelue inches of the top to looke vpward. In that hill he willput rootes, and his top new Cyons, which you must spread as before, andso from hill to hill till he spread the compasse of your ground, or asfarre as you list. If in bending, the Cyons cracke, the matter is small, cleanse the ground and he will recouer. Euery bended bough will putforth branches, and become trees. If this plant be of a burre knot, there is no doubt. I haue proued it in one branch my selfe: and I knowat _Wilton_ in _Cleeue-land_ a Peare-tree of a great bulke and age, blowne close to the earth, hath put at euery knot rootes into the earth, and from roote to top, a great number of mighty armes or trees, fillinga great roomth, like many trees, or a little Orchard. Much better may itbe done by Art in a lesse tree. And I could not mislike thiskind, saue that the time will be long before it come to perfection. {SN: Sets bought. }Many vse to buy sets already grafted, which is not the best way: forfirst, All remoues are dangerous: Againe, there is danger in thecarriage: Thirdly, it is a costly course of planting: Fourthly, eueryGardner is not trusty to sell you good fruite: Fifthly, you know notwhich is best, which is worst, and so may take most care about yourworst trees. Lastly, this way keepes you from practise, and so fromexperience in so good, Gentlemanly, Scholerlike, and profitable afaculty. {SN: The best sets. }{SN: Vnremoued how. }The onely best way (in my opinion) to haue sure and lasting sets, isneuer to remoue: for euery remoue is an hinderance, if not a dangeroushurt or deadly taint. This is the way. The plot forme being layd, andthe plot appointed where you will plant euery set in your orchard, diggethe roomth, where your sets shall stand, a yard compasse, and make theearth mellow and cleane, and mingle it with a few coale-ashes, to auoidewormes: and immediately after the first change of the Moone, in thelatter end of _February_, the earth being a fresh turn'd ouer, put ineuery such roomth three or foure kirnels of Apples or Peares, of thebest: euery kirnell in an hole made with your finger, finger deepe, afoote distant one from another: and that day moneth following, as manymoe, (lest some of the former misse) in the same compasse; but not inthe same holes. Hence (God willing) shall you haue rootes enough. Ifthey all, or diuers of them come vp, you may draw (but not digge) vp(nor put downe) at your pleasure, the next _Nouember_. How many soeueryou take away, to giue or bestow elsewhere, be sure to leaue two of theproudest. And when in your 2. And 3. Yeare you Graffe, if you graffethen at all, leaue the one of those two vngraffed, lest in graffing theother you faile: For I find by tryall, that after first or secondgraffing in the same stocke, being mist (for who hits all) the thirdmisse puts your stocke in deadly danger, for want of issue of sap. Yea, though you hit in graffing, yet may your graffes with winde or otherwisebe broken downe. If your graffes or graffe prosper, you haue yourdesire, in a plant vnremoued, without taint, and the fruite at yourowne choyce, and so you may (some little earth being remooued) pull, butnot digge vp the other Plant or Plants in that roomth. If your graffe orstocke, or both perish, you haue another in the same place, of betterstrength to worke vpon. For thriuing without snub he will ouer-lay yourgrafted stocke much. And it is hardly possible to misse in graffing sooften, if your Gardiner be worth his name. {SN: Sets vngrafted best of all. }It shall not be amisse (as I iudge it) if your Kirnels be of choycefruite, and that you see them come forward proudly in their body, andbeare a faire and broad leafe in colour, tending to a greenish yellow(which argues pleasant and great fruit) to try some of them vngraffed:for although it be a long time ere this come to beare fruit, ten ortwelue yeares, or moe; and at their first bearing, the fruit will notseeme to be like his owne kind: yet am I assured, vpon tryall, beforetwenty yeares growth, such trees will increase the bignesse andgoodnesse of their fruite, and come perfectly to their owne kind. Trees(like other breeding creatures) as they grow in yeares, bignes andstrength, so they mend their fruit. Husbands and Houswiues find thistrue by experience, in the rearing of their yong store. More then this, there is no tree like this for soundnes and dureable last, if hiskeeping and dressing be answerable. I grant, the readiest way to comesoone to fruit is graffing: because in a manner, all your graffes aretaken of fruit bearing trees. {SN: Time of remouing. }{SN: Generall rule. }Now when you haue made choise of your sets to remoue, the ground beingready, the best time is, immediatly after the fall of the leafe, in, orabout the change of the Moone, when the sap is most quiet: for then thesap is in turning: for it makes no stay, but in the _extremity_ ofdrought or cold. At any time in winter, may you transplant trees so youput no ice nor snow to the root of your plant in the setting: andtherefore open, calme and moist weather is best. To remoue, the leafebeing ready to fall and not fallen, or buds apparantly put forth in amoist warme season, for need, sometime may do well: but the safest is towalke in the plaine trodden path. Some hold opinion that it is best remouing before the fall of the leafe, and I heare it commonly practised in the South by our best arborists, the leafe not fallen: and they giue the reason to be, that thedescending of the sap will make speedy rootes. But marke the reasonsfollowing and I thinke you shall find no soundnesse, either in thatposition or practise, at least in the reason. 1. I say, it is dangerous to remoue when the sap is not quiet, for eueryremoue giues a maine checke to the stirring sap, by staying the coursetherof in the body of your plant, as may appeare in trees remoued anytime in summer, they commonly dye, nay hardly shall you saue the life ofthe most young and tender plant of any kinde of wood (scarcely herbes)if you remoue them in the pride of sap. For proud sap vniuersally staiedby remoual, euer hinders; often taints and so presently, or in veryshort time kills. Sap is like bloud in mans body, in which is the life, _Cap. 3. P. 9. _ If the blood vniuersally be cold, life is excluded; sois sap tainted by vntimely remouall. A stay by drought, or cold, is notso dangerous (though dangerous if it be extreme) because more naturall. 2. The sap neuer descends, as men suppose, but is consollidated &transubstantiated into the substance of the tree, and passeth (alwayesaboue the earth) vpward, not onely betwixt the barke and the wood, butalso into and in both body & barke, though not so plentifully, as mayappeare by a tree budding, nay fructifying two or three yeres, after hebe circumcised at the very root, like a riuer that inlargeth his channelby a continual descent. 3. I cannot perceiue what time they would haue the sap to descend. At_Midsommer_ in a biting drought it staies, but descends not, forimmediatly vpon moisture it makes second shoots, at (or before rather)_Michaeltide_, when it shapens his buds for next yeares fruit. If at thefal of leafe, I grant, about that time is the greatest stand, but nodescent, of sap, which begins somwhat before the leafe fall, but notlong, therfore at that time must be the best remouing, not by reason ofdescent, but stay of sap. 4. The sap in this course hath his profitable and apparant effects, asthe growth of the tree, couering of wounds, putting of buds, &c. Wherupon it follows, if the sap descend, it must needs haue some effectto shew it. 5. Lastly, boughs plasht and laid lower then the root, dye for want ofsap descending, except where it is forced by the maine streame of thesap, as in top boughs hanging like water in pipes, or except the plashtbough lying on the ground put rootes of his owne, yea vnder boughs whichwe commonly call water boughs, can scarcely get sap to liue, yea in timedye, because the sap doth presse so violently vpward, and therefore thefairest shootes and fruits are alwayes in the top. {SN: Remooue soone. }_Obiect. _ If you say that many so remoued thriue, I say that somewhatbefore the fall of the leafe (but not much) is the stand, for the fall &the stand are not at one instant, before the stand is dangerous. But toreturne. The sooner in winter you remoue your sets, the better; the latter theworse: For it is very perillous if a strong drought take your Setsbefore they haue made good their rooting. A Plant set at the fall, shallgaine (in a a manner) a whole yeeres growth of that which is set in theSpring after. {SN: The manner of setting. }I vse in the setting to be sure, that the earth be mouldy, (and somewhatmoist) that it may runne among the small tangles without straining orbruising: and as I fill in earth to his root, I shake the Set easily toand fro, to make the earth settle the better to his roots: and withalleasily with my foot I put in the earth close; for ayre is noysome, andwill follow concauities. Some prescribe Oates to be put in with theearth. I could like it, if I could know any reason thereof: and they vseto set their Plant with the same side toward the Sunne: but this conceitis like the other. For first I would haue euery tree to stand so freefrom shade, that not onely the root (which therefore you must keepe barefrom graffe) but body, boughes, and branches, and euery spray, may hauethe benefit of Sunne. And what hurt, if that part of the tree, thatbefore was shadowed, be now made partaker of the heat of the Sunne? Inturning of Bees, I know it is hurtfull, because it changeth theirentrance, passage, and whole worke: But not so in Trees. {SN: Set in the crust. }Set as deepe as you can, so that in any wise you goe not beneath thecrust. Looke Chap. 2. {SN: Moysture good. }We speake in the second Chapter of moysture in generall: but nowespecially hauing put your remoued plant into the earth, powre on water(of a puddle were good) by distilling presently, and so euery weeketwice in strong drought, so long as the earth will drinke, and refuse byouerflowing. For moisture mollifies, and both giues leaue to the rootsto spread, and makes the earth yeeld sap and nourishment with plenty &facility. Nurses (they say) giue most & best milke after warme drinks. If your ground be such that it will keepe no moisture at the root ofyour plant, such plant shall neuer like, or but for a time. There isnothing more hurtfull for young trees then piercing drought. I haueknown trees of good stature after they haue beene of diuers yeeresgrowth, & thriue well for a good time, perish for want of water, andvery many by reason of taints in setting. {SN: Grafts must be fenced. }It is meet your sets and grafts be fenced, till they be as big as yourarme, for feare of annoyances. Many waies may sets receiue dammages, after they be set, whether grafted or vngrafted. For although wesuppose, that no noysome beast, or other thing must haue accesse amongyour trees: yet by casualty, a Dog, Cat, or such like, or your selfe, ornegligent friend bearing you company, or a shrewd boy, may tread or fallvpon a young and tender plant or graft. To auoid these and many suchchances, you must stake them round a pretty distance from the set, neither so neere, nor so thicke, but that it may haue the benefit ofSun, raine, and ayre. Your stakes (small or great) would be so surelyput, or driuen into the earth, that they breake not, if any thing happento leane vpon them, else may the fall be more hurtfull, then the want ofthe fence. Let not your stakes shelter any weeds about your sets, forwant of Sunne is a great hinderance. Let them stand so farre off, thatyour grafts spreading receiue no hurt, either by rubbing on them, or ofany other thing passing by. If your stocke be long, and high grafted(which I must discommend (except in need) because there the sap isweake, and they are subiect to strong wind, and the lighting of birds)tie easily with a soft list three or foure prickes vnder the clay, andlet their tops stand aboue the grafts, to auoid the lighting of Crowes, Pyes, &c. Vpon your grafts. If you sticke some sharpe thornes at theroots of your stakes, they will make hurtfull things keepe off thebetter. Other better fences for your grafts I know none. And thus muchfor sets and setting. CHAP. 8. _Of the distance of Trees. _ {SN: Hurts of too neere planting. }I Know not to what end you should prouide good ground, well fenced, &plant good sets; and when your trees should come to profit, haue allyour labours lost, for want of due regard to the distance of placingyour trees. I haue seene many trees stand so thicke, that one could notthriue for the throng of his neighbours. If you doe marke it, you shallsee the tops of trees rubd off, their sides galled like a galled horsesbacke, and many trees haue more stumps then boughes, and most trees nowell thriuing, but short, stumpish, and euill thriuing boughes: like aCorne field ouer seeded, or a towne ouer peopled, or a pastureouer-laid, which the Gardiner must either let grow, or leaue the treevery few boughes to beare fruit. Hence small thrift, galls, wounds, diseases, and short life to the trees: and while they liue greene, little, hard, worme-eaten, and euill thriuing fruit arise, to thediscomfort of the owners. {SN: Remedy. }{SN: Generall rule. }{SN: All touches hurtfull. }To preuent which discommodity, one of the best remedies is thesufficient and fit distance of trees. Therefore at the setting of yourplants you must haue such respect, that the distance of them be such, that euery tree be not annoyance, but an helpe to his fellowes: fortrees (as all other things of the same kind) should shroud, and nothurt one another. And assure your selfe that euery touch of trees (aswell vnder as aboue the earth) is hurtfull. Therefore this must be agenerall rule in this Art: That no tree in an Orchard well ordered, norbough, nor Cyon, drop vpon, or touch his fellowes. Let no man thinkethis vnpossible, but looke in the eleuenth Chapter of dressing of trees. If they touch, the winde will cause a forcible rub. Young twigs aretender, if boughes or armes touch or rub, if they are strong, they makegreat galls. No kind of touch therefore in trees can be good. {SN: The best distance of trees. }{SN: The parts of a tree. }Now it is to be considered what distance amongst sets is requisite, andthat must be gathered from the compasse and roomth, that each tree byprobability will take and fill. And herein I am of a contrary opinion toall them, which practise or teach the planting of trees, that euer yet Iknew, read, or heard of. For the common space betweene tree and tree isten foot: if twenty foot, it is thought very much. But I suppose twentyyards distance is small enough betwixt tree and tree, or rather too toolittle. For the distance must needs be as far as two trees are well ableto ouer spread, and fill, so they touch not by one yard at least. Now Iam assured, and I know one Apple-tree, set of a slip _finger-great_, inthe space of 20 yeares, (which I account a very small part of a treesage, as is shewed Chapter 14. ) hath spred his boughes eleuen or twelueyards compasse, that is, fiue or sixe yards on euery side. Here Igather, that in forty or fifty yeares (which yet is but a small time ofhis age) a tree in good soile, well liking, by good dressing (for thatis much auaileable to this purpose) will spread double at the least, viz. Twelue yards on a side, which being added to twelue alotted to hisfellow, make twenty and foure yards, and so farre distant must euerytree stand from another. And looke how farre a tree spreads his boughesaboue, so far doth he put his roots vnder the earth, or rather further, if there be no stop, nor let by walls, trees, rocks, barren earth andsuch like: for an huge bulk, and strong armes, massie boughes, manybranches, and infinite twigs, require wide spreading roots. The top haththe vast aire to spread his boughs in, high and low, this way and thatway: but the roots are kept in the crust of the earth, they may not goedownward, nor vpward out of the earth, which is their element, no morethen the fish out of the water, Camelion out of the Aire, nor Salamanderout of the fire. Therefore they must needs spread farre vnder the earth. And I dare well say, if nature would giue leaue to man by Art, to dressethe roots of trees, to take away the tawes and tangles, that lap andfret and grow superfluously and disorderly, (for euery thing _sublunary_is cursed for mans sake) the tops aboue being answerably dressed, weshould haue trees of wonderfull greatnes, and infinite durance. And Iperswade myselfe that this might be done sometimes in Winter, to treesstanding in faire plaines and kindly earth, with small or no danger atall. So that I conclude, that twenty foure yards are the least spacethat Art can allot for trees to stand distant one from another. {SN: Waste ground in an Orchard. }If you aske me what vse shall be made of that waste ground betwixt treeand tree? I answer: If you please to plant some tree or trees in thatmiddle space, you may, and as your trees grow contigious, great andthick, you may at your pleasure take vp those last trees. And this Itake to be the chiefe cause, why the most trees stand so thicke. For mennot knowing (or not regarding) this secret of needfull distance, andlouing fruit of trees planted to their handes, thinke much to pull vppany, though they pine one another. If you or your heires or successorswould take vp some great trees (past setting) where they stand toothicke, be sure you doe it about _Midsummer_, and leaue no maine root. Idestinate this space of foure and twenty yards, for trees of age &stature. More then this, you haue borders to be made for walkes withRoses, Berries, &c. And chiefly consider: that your Orchard, for the first twenty or thirtyyeeres, will serue you for many Gardens, for Safron, Licoras, roots, andother herbs for profit, and flowers for pleasure: so that no ground needbe wasted if the Gardiner be skillfull and diligent. But be sure youcome not neere with such deepe deluing the roots of your trees, whosecompasse you may partly discerne, by the compasse of the tops, if yourtop be well spread. And vnder the droppings and shadow of your trees, besure no herbes will like. Let this be said for the distance of Trees. CHAP. 9. _Of the placing of Trees. _ The placing of trees in an Orchard is well worth the regard: Foralthough it must be granted, that any of our foresaid trees (Chap. 2. )will like well in any part of your Orchard, being good and well drestearth: yet are not all Trees alike worthy of a good place. And thereforeI wish that your Filbird, Plummes, Damsons, Bulesse, and such like, bevtterly remoued from the plaine soile of your Orchard into your fence:for there is not such fertility and easefull growth, as within: andthere also they are more subiect to, and can abide the blasts of_Æolus_. The cherries and plummes being ripe in the hot time of Summer, and the rest standing longer, are not so soone shaken as your betterfruit: neither if they suffer losse, is your losse so great. Besidesthat, your fences and ditches will deuoure some of your fruit growing inor neere your hedges. And seeing the continuance of all these (exceptNuts) is small, the care of them ought to be the lesse. And make nodoubt but the fences of a large Orchard will containe a sufficientnumber of such kind of Fruit trees in the whole compasse. It is notmaterial, but at your pleasure, in the said fences, you may eitherintermingle your seueral kinds of fruit-trees, or set euery kind byhimselfe, which order doth very well become your better and greaterfruit. Let therefore your Apples, Peares, and Quinches, possesse all thesoile of your Orchard, vnlesse you be especially affected to some ofyour other kinds: and of them let your greatest trees of growth standfurthest from Sunne, and your Quinches at the South side or end, andyour Apples in the middle, so shall none be any hinderance to hisfellowes. The Warden-tree, and Winter-Peare will challenge thepreheminence for stature. Of your Apple-trees you shall finde differencein growth. A good Pippin will grow large, and a Costard-tree: stead themon the North side of your other Apples, thus being placed, the leastwill giue Sun to the rest, and the greatest will shroud their fellowes. The fences and out-trees will guard all. CHAP. 10. _Of Grafting. _ {SN: Of Grauing or Caruing. }{SN: Grafting What. }{SN: A Graffe. }Now are we come to the most curious point of our faculty: curious inconceit, but indeede as plaine and easie as the rest, when it isplainely shewne, which we commonly call _Graffing_, or (after some)_Grafting_. I cannot _Etymologize_, nor shew the originall of the Word, except it come of _Grauing_ and _Caruing_. But the thing or matter is:The reforming of the fruite of one tree with the fruit of another, by anartificiall transplacing, or transposing of a twigge, bud or leafe, (commonly called a _Graft_) taken from one tree of the same, or someother kind, and placed or put to, or into another tree in one time andmanner. {Illustration} {SN: Kinds of grafting. }Of this there be diuers kinds, but three or foure now especially invse: to wit, Grafting, incising, packing on, grafting in the scutchion, or inoculating: whereof the chiefe and most vsuall, is called grafting(by the generall name, _Catahexocen_:) for it is the most knowne, surest, readiest, and plainest way to haue store of good fruit. {SN: Graft how. }It is thus wrought: You must with a fine, thin, strong and sharpe Saw, made and armed for that purpose, cut off a foot aboue the ground, orthereabouts, in a plaine without a knot, or as neere as you can withouta knot (for some Stocks will be knotty) your Stocke, set, or plant, being surely stayed with your foot and legge, or otherwise straightouerthwart (for the Stocke may be crooked) and then plaine his woundsmoothly with a sharpe knife: that done, cleaue him cleanly in themiddle with a cleauer, and a knocke or mall, and with a wedge of wood, Iron or Bone, two handfull long at least, put into the middle of thatclift, with the same knocke, make the wound gape a straw bredth wide, into which you must put your Graffes. {SN: A Graft what. }The graft is a top twig taken from some other Tree (for it is folly toput a graffe into his owne Stocke) beneath the vppermost (and sometimein need the second) knot, and with a sharpe knife fitted in the knot(and some time out of the knot when need is) with shoulders an ynchdowneward, and so put into the stocke with some thrusting (but notstraining) barke to barke inward. {SN: Eyes. }{SN: Generall rule. }Let your graffe haue three or foure eyes, for readinesse to put forth, and giue issue to the sap. It is not amisse to cut off the top of yourgraffe, and leaue it but fiue or sixe inches long, because commonly youshall see the tops of long graffes die. The reason is this. The sap ingraffing receiues a rebuke, and cannot worke so strongly presently, andyour graffes receiue not sap so readily, as the naturall branches. Whenyour graffes are cleanely and closely put in, and your wedge puld outnimbly, for feare of putting your graffes out of frame, take welltempered morter, soundly wrought with chaffe or horse dung (for the dungof cattell will grow hard, and straine your graffes) the quantity of aGooses egge, and diuide it iust, and therewithall, couer your stocke, laying the one halfe on the one side and the other halfe on the otherside of your graffes (for thrusting against your graffes) you moue them, and let both your hands thrust at once, and alike, and let your clay betender, to yeeld easily; and all, lest you moue your graffes. Some vseto couer the clift of the Stocke, vnder the clay with a piece of barkeor leafe, some with a sear-cloth of waxe and butter, which as they benot much needfull, so they hurt not, vnlesse that by being busie aboutthem, you moue your graffes from their places. They vse also mosse tyedon aboue the clay with some bryer, wicker, or other bands. These profitnothing. They all put the graffes in danger, with pulling and thrusting:for I hold this generall rule in graffing and planting: if your stockeand graffes take, and thriue (for some will take and not thriue, beingtainted by some meanes in the planting or graffing) they will (withoutdoubt) recouer their wounds safely and shortly. {SN: Time of graffing. }The best time of graffing from the time of remouing your stocke is thenext Spring, for that saues a second wound, and a second repulse of sap, if your stocke be of sufficient bignesse to take a graffe from as big asyour thumbe, to as big as an arme of a man. You may graffe lesse (whichI like) and bigger, which I like not so well. The best time of the yeereis in the last part of _February_, or in _March_, or beginning of_Aprill_, when the Sunne with his heat begins to make the sap stirremore rankely, about the change of Moone before you see any greatapparancy of leafe or flowers but onely knots and buds, and before theybe proud, though it be sooner. Cheries, Peares, Apricocks, Quinces, andPlummes would be gathered and grafted sooner. {SN: Gathering graffes. }{SN: Graffes of old trees. }The graffes may be gathered sooner in _February_, or any time within amoneth, or two before you graffe or vpon the same day (which I commend)If you get them any time before, for I haue knowne graffes gathered in_December_, and doe well, take heed of drought. I haue my selfe taken aburknot of a tree, & the same day when he was laid in the earth aboutmid _February_, gathered grafts and put in him, and one of those graffesbore the third yeere after, and the fourth plentifully. Graffes of oldtrees would be gathered sooner then of young trees, for they soonerbreake and bud. If you keepe graffes in the earth, moisture with theheat of the Sun will make them sprout as fast, as if they were growingon the tree. And therefore seeing keeping is dangerous, the surest way(as I iudge) is to take them within a weeke of the time of yourgrafting. {SN: Where taken. }The grafts would be taken not of the proudest twigs, for it may be yourstocke is not answerable in strength. And therefore say I, the graftsbrought from South to vs in the North although they take and thriue(which is somewhat doubtfull, by reason of the difference of the Climeand carriage) yet shall they in time fashion themselues to our coldNortherne soile, in growth, taste &c. {SN: Emmits. }Nor of the poorest, for want of strength may make them vnready toreceiue sap (and who can tell but a poore graft is tainted) nor on theoutside of your tree, for there should your tree spread but in themiddest; for there you may be sure your Tree is no whit hindered in hisgrowth or forme. He will stil recouer inward, more then you would wish. If your clay clift in Summer with drought, looke well in the Chinkes forEmmits and Earewigs, for they are cunning and close theeues about graftsyou shall finde them stirring in the morning and euening, and the ratherin the moist weather. I haue had many young buds of Graffes, euen in theflourishing, eaten with Ants. Let this suffice for graffing, which is inthe faculty counted the chiefe secret, and because it is most vsuall itis best knowne. Graffes are not to be disliked for growth, till they wither, pine, anddie. Vsually before _Midsummer_ they breake, if they liue. Some (butfew) keeping proud and greene, will not put till the second yeere, so isit to be thought of sets. The first shew of putting is no sure signe of growth, it is but the sapthe graffe brought with him from his tree. So soone as you see the graft put for growth, take away the clay, forthen doth neither the stocke nor the graffe need it (put a little freshwell tempered clay in the hole of the stocke) for the clay is nowtender, and rather keepes moistture then drought. The other waies of changing the naturall fruit of Trees, are morecurious then profitable, and therefore I mind not to bestow much labouror time about them, onely I shall make knowne what I haue proued, andwhat I doe thinke. {SN: Incising. }{SN: A great stocke. }And first of incising, which is the cutting of the backe of the boale, a rine or branch of a tree at some bending or knee, shoulderwise withtwo gashes, onely with a sharpe knife to the wood: then take a wedge, the bignes of your graffe sharpe ended, flat on the one side, agreeingwith the tree, and round on the other side, and with that being thrustin, raise your barke, then put in your graffe, fashioned like your wedgeiust: and lastly couer your wound, and fast it vp, and take heed ofstraining. This will grow but to small purpose, for it is weake hold, and lightly it will be vnder growth. Thus may you graft betwixt thebarke and the tree of a great stocke that will not easily be clifted:But I haue tryed a better way for great trees, viz First, cut him offstraight, and cleanse him with your knife, then cleaue him into fourequarters, equally with a strong cleauer: then take for euery Clift twoor three small (but hard) wedges iust of the bignesse of your grafts, and with those Wedges driuen in with an hammer open the foure clifts sowide (but no wider) that they may take your foure graffes, withthrusting not with straining: and lastly couer and clay it closely, andthis is a sure and good way of grafting: or thus, clift your stocke byhis edges twice or thrice with your cleauer, and open him with yourwedge in euery clift one by one, and put in your grafts, and then couerthem. This may doe well. {SN: Packing thus. }Packing on is, when you cut aslope a twig of the same bignesse with yourgraft, either in or besides the knot, two inches long, and make yourgraft agree iumpe with the Cyon, and gash your graft and your Cyon inthe middest of the wound, length-way, a straw breadth deepe, and thrustthe one into the other, wound to wound, sap to sap, barke to barke, thentie them close and clay them. This may doe well. The fairest graft Ihaue in my little Orchard, which I haue planted, is thus packt on, andthe branch whereon I put him, is in his plentifull roote. To be short in this point, cut your graft in any sort or fashion, twoinches long, and ioyne him cleanly and close to any other sprig of anytree in the latter end of the time of grafting, when sap is somewhatrife, and in all probability they will close and thriue: thus {Illustration: _The Sprig. _ _The graft. _ _The twig. _ _The graft. _} Or any other fashion you thinke good. {SN: Inoculating. }Inoculating is an eye or bud, taken barke and all from one tree, andplaced in the roome of another eie or bud of another, cut both of onecompasse, and there bound. This must be done in Summer, when the sap isproud. {SN: Graffing in the Scutchion. }Much like vnto this is that, they call grafting in the scutchion, theydiffer thus: That here you must take an eie with his leafe, or (in mineopinion) a bud with his leaues. (Note that an eie is for a Cyon, a budis for flowers and fruit, ) and place them on another tree, in a plaine(for so they teach) the place or barke where you must set it, must bethus cut with a sharpe knife, and the barke raised with a wedge, andthen the eie or budde put in and so bound vp. {TN: a diagram of an H} Icannot denie but such may grow. And your bud if he take will flowre andbeare fruit that yeere: as some grafts & sets also, being set forbloomes. If these two kinds thriue, they reforme but a spray, and anvndergrowth. Thus you may place Roses on Thornes, and Cherries onApples, and such like. Many write much more of grafting, but to smallpurpose. Whom we leaue to themselues, & their followers; & ending thissecret we come in the next Chapter to a point of knowledge mostrequisite in an Arborist, as well for all other woods as for an Orchard. CHAP. 11. _Of the right dressing of Trees. _ {SN: Necessity of dressing trees. }{SN: Generall rule. }If all these things aforesaid were indeed performed, as we haue shewedthem in words, you should haue a perfect Orchard in nature andsubstance, begunne to your hand; And yet are all these things nothing, if you want that skill to keepe and dresse your trees. Such is thecondition of all earthly things, whereby a man receiueth profit orpleasure, that they degenerate presently without good ordering. Manhimselfe left to himselfe, growes from his heauenly and spirituallgeneration, and becommeth beastly, yea deuillish to his owne kind, vnlesse he be regenerate No maruell then, if Trees make their shootes, and put their spraies disorderly. And truly (if I were worthy to iudge)there is not a mischiefe that breedeth greater and more generall harmeto all the Orchard (especially if they be of any continuance) that euerI saw, (I will not except three) then the want of the skilfull dressingof trees. It is a common and vnskilfull opinion, and saying. Let allgrow, and they will beare more fruit: and if you lop away superfluousboughes, they say, what a pitty is this? How many apples would thesehaue borne? not considering there may arise hurt to your Orchard, aswell (nay rather) by abundance, as by want of wood. Sound and thriuingplants in a good soile, will euer yeeld too much wood, and disorderly, but neuer too little. So that a skilfull and painfull Arborist, needneuer want matter to effect a plentifull and well drest Orchard: for itis an easie matter to take away superfluous boughes (if your Gardnerhaue skill to know them) whereof your plants will yeeld abundance, andskill will leaue sufficient well ordered. All ages both by rule andexperience doe consent to a pruining and lopping of trees: yet haue notany that I know described vnto vs (except in darke and generall words)what or which are those superfluous boughes, which we must take away, and that is the chiefe and most needfull point to be knowne in lopping. And we may well assure our selues, (as in all other Arts, so in this)there is a vantage and dexterity, by skill, and an habite by practiseout of experience, in the performance hereof for the profit of mankind;yet doe I not know (let me speake it with the patience of our cunningArborists) any thing within the compasse of humane affaires sonecessary, and so little regarded, not onely in Orchards, but also inall other timber trees, where or whatsoeuer. {SN: Timber wood euill drest. }{SN: The cause of hurts in woods. }{SN: Dresse timber trees how. }How many forrests and woods? wherein you shall haue for one liuelythriuing tree, foure (nay sometimes 24. ) euill thriuing, rotten anddying trees, euen while they liue. And instead of trees thousands ofbushes and shrubs. What rottennesse? what hollownesse? what dead armes?withered tops? curtailed trunkes? what loads of mosses? droupingboughes? and dying branches shall you see euery where? And those thatlike in this sort are in a manner all vnprofitable boughes, cankedarmes, crooked, little and short boales: what an infinite number ofbushes, shrubs, and skrogs of hazels, thornes, and other profitablewood, which might be brought by dressing to become great and goodlytrees. Consider now the cause: The lesser wood hath beene spoiled withcarelesse, vnskilfull, and vntimely stowing, and much also of the greatwood. The greater trees at the first rising haue filled and ouer-loadenthemselues with a number of wastfull boughes and suckers, which haue notonely drawne the sap from the boale, but also haue made it knotty, andthemselues and the boale mossie for want of dressing, whereas if in theprime of growth they had bene taken away close, all but one top(according to this patterne) and cleane by the bulke, the strength ofall the sap should haue gone to the bulke, and so he would hauerecouered and couered his knots, and haue put forth a faire, long andstreight body (as you see) for timber profitable, huge great of bulke, and of infinite last. {Illustration: _Imagine the roote to be spread farre wider. _} If all timber trees were such (will some say) how should we haue crookedwood for wheeles, courbs, &c. _Answ. _ Dresse all you can, and there will be enough crooked for thosevses. More than this, in most places, they grow so thicke, that neitherthemselues, nor earth, nor any thing vnder or neere them can thriue, norSunne, nor raine, nor aire can doe them, nor any thing neere or vnderthem any profit or comfort. I see a number of Hags, where out of one roote you shall see three orfoure (nay more, such as mens vnskilfull greedinesse, who desiring manyhaue none good) pretty Okes or Ashes straight and tall, because the rootat the first shoote giues sap amaine: but if one onely of them might beesuffered to grow, and that well and cleanely pruned, all to his verytop, what a tree should we haue in time? And we see by those rootescontinually and plentifully springing, notwithstanding so deadlywounded. What a commodity should arise to the owner, and theCommon-wealth, if wood were cherished, and orderly dressed. {SN: Profit of trees dressed. }{SN: The end of Trees. }The wast boughes closely and skilfully taken away, would giue vs storeof fences and fewell, and the bulke of the tree in time would grow ofhuge length and bignes. But here (me thinkes) I heare an vnskilfullArborist say, that trees haue their seuerall formes, euen by nature, the Peare, the Holly, the Aspe, &c. Grow long in bulke with few andlittle armes, the Oke by nature broad, and such like. All this I graunt:but grant me also, that there is a profitable end, and vse of euerytree, from which if it decline (though by nature) yet man by art may(nay must) correct it. Now other end of trees I neuer could learne, thangood timber, fruit much and good, and pleasure. Vses physicall hindernothing a good forme. {SN: Trees will take any forme. }Neither let any man euer so much as thinke, that it vnprobable, muchlesse vnpossible, to reforme any tree of what kind soeuer. For (beleeueme) I haue tried it, I can bring any tree (beginning by time) to anyforme. The peare and holly may be made to spread, and the Oke to close. {SN: The end of Trees. }But why do I wander out of the compasse of mine Orchard, into theForrests and Woods? Neither yet am I from my purpose, if boales oftimber trees stand in need of all the sap, to make them great andstraight (for strong growth and dressing makes strong trees) then itmust needes be profitable for fruit (a thing more immediately seruing amans need) to haue all the sap his roote can yeeld: for as timber sound, great and long, is _the good of timber trees_, and therefore they beareno fruite of worth: so fruit, good, sound, pleasant, great and much, isthe end of fruit-trees. That gardner therefore shall performe his dutyskilfully and faithfully, which shall so dresse his trees, that they maybeare such and such store of fruit, which he shall neuer do (darevndertake) vnlesse he keepe this order in dressing his trees. {SN: How to dresse a fruit-tree. }A fruit tree so standing, that there need none other end of dressing butfruit (not ornaments for walkes, nor delight to such as would pleasetheir eye onely, and yet the best forme can not but both adorne anddelight) must be parted from within two foote, or thereabouts, of theearth, so high to giue liberty to dresse his roote, and no higher, fordrinking vp the sap that should feede his fruit, for the boale will befirst, and best serued and fed, because he is next the roote, and ofgrenest waxe and substance, and that makes him longest of life, intotwo, three, or foure armes, as your stocke or graffes yeelde twigs, andeuery arme into two or more branches, and euery branch into his seuerallCyons, still spreading by equall degrees, so that his lowest spray behardly without the reach of a mans hand, and his highest be not past twoyards higher, rarely (especially in the middest) that no one twig touchhis fellow. Let him spread as farre as he list without his maister-boughor lop equally. And when any bough doth grow sadder and fall lower, thanhis fellowes (as they will with weight of fruite) ease him the nextspring of his superfluous twigs, and he will rise: when any bough orspray shall amount aboue the rest; either snub his top with a nipbetwixt your finger and your thumbe, or with a sharpe knife, and takehim cleane away, and so you may vse any Cyon you would reforme, and asyour tree shall grow in stature and strength, so let him rise with histops, but slowly, and earely, especially in the middest, and equally, and in bredth also, and follow him vpward with lopping his vndergrowthand water boughes, keeping the same distance of two yards, but not abouethree in any wise, betwixt the lowest and the highest twigs. {SN: Benefits of good dressing. }1. Thus you shall haue well liking, cleane skind, healthfull great, andlong-lasting trees. 2. Thus shall your tree grow low, and safe from winds, for his top willbe great, broad and weighty. 3. Thus growing broad, shall your trees beare much fruit (I dare say)one as much as sixe of your common trees, and good without shadowing, dropping and fretting: for his boughes, branches, and twigs shalbe many, and those are they (not the boale) which beare the fruit. 4. Thus shall your boale being little (not small but low) by reason ofhis shortnesse, take little, and yeeld much sap to the fruit. 5. Thus your trees by reason of strength in time of setting shall putforth more blossomes, and more fruite, being free from taints; forstrength is a great helpe to bring forth much and safely, whereasweakenesse failes in setting though the season be calme. Some vse to bare trees rootes in Winter, to stay the setting til hotterseasons, which I discommend, because, 1. They hurt the rootes. 2. It stayes it nothing at all. 3. Though it did, being small, with vs in the North, they haue theirpart of our _Aprill_ and _Mayes_ frosts. 4. Hinderance cannot profit weake trees in setting. 5. They wast much labour. 6. Thus shall your tree be easie to dresse, and without danger, eitherto the tree or the dresser. 7. Thus may you safely and easily gather your fruite without falling, bruising or breaking of Cyons. This is the best forme of a fruit tree, which I haue here onely shadowedout for the better capacity of them that are led more with the eye, thanthe mind, crauing pardon for the deformity, because I am nothingskilfull either in painting or caruing. Imagine that the paper makes but one side of the tree to appeare, thewhole round compasse will giue leaue for many more armes, boughes, branches, and Cyons. {Illustration: _The perfect forme of a Fruit-tree. _} If any thinke a tree cannot well be brought to this forme: _Expertocrede Roberto_, I can shew diuers of them vnder twenty yeeres of age. {SN: Time best for proining. }The fittest time of the Moone for proyning is as of grafting, when thesap is ready to stirre (not proudly stirring) and so to couer the wound, and of the yeere, a moneth before (or at least when) you graffe. DressePeares, Apricocks, Peaches, Cherries, and Bullys sooner. And old treesbefore young plants, you may dresse at any time betwixt Leafe and Leafe. And note, where you take any thing away, the sap the next Summer will beputting: be sure therefore when he puts a bud in any place where youwould not haue him, rub it off with your finger. {SN: Dressing betime. }And here you must remember the common homely Prouerbe: _Soone crookes the Tree, That good Camrell must be. _ {SN: Faults of euill drest trees, and the remedy. }Beginne betime with trees, and do what you list: but if you let themgrow great and stubborne, you must do as the trees list. They will notbend but breake, nor bee wound without danger. A small branch willbecome a bough, and a bough an arme in bignesse. Then if you cut him, his wound will fester, and hardly, without good skill, recouer:therefore, _Obsta principys_. Of such wounds, and lesser, of any boughcut off a handfull or more from the body, comes hollownesse, andvntimely death. And therefore when you cut, strik close, and cleane, andvpward, and leaue no bunch. {SN: The forme altered. }This forme in some cases sometimes may be altered: If your tree, ortrees, stand neere your Walkes, if it please your fancy more, let himnot breake, till his boale be aboue you head: so may you walke vnderyour trees at your pleasure. Or if you set your fruit-trees for yourshades in your Groues, then I expect not the forme of the tree, but thecomelinesse of the walke. {SN: Dressing of old trees. }All this hitherto spoken of dressing, must be vnderstood of youngplants, to be formed: it is meete somewhat be sayd for the instructionof them that haue olde trees already formed, or rather deformed: for, _Malum non vitatur nisi cognitum_. The faults therefore of thedisordered tree, I find to be fiue: {SN: Faults are fiue, and their remedies. } 1. An vnprofitable boale. 2. Water-boughes. 3. Fretters. 4. Suckers: And, 5. One principall top. {SN: 1. Long boale. }{SN: No remedy. }A long boale asketh much feeding, and the more he hath the more hedesires, and gets (as a drunken man drinke, or a couetuous man wealth)and the lesse remaines for the fruit, he puts his boughes into the aire, and makes them, the fruit, and it selfe more dangered with windes: forthis I know no remedy, after that the tree is come to growth, onceeuill, neuer good. {SN: 2. Water boughs. }Water boughes, or vndergrowth, are such boughes as grow low vnder othersand are by them ouergrowne, ouershadowed, dropped on, and pinde for wantof plenty of sap, and by that meanes in time die: For the sap pressethvpward; and it is like water in her course, where it findeth most issue, thither it floweth, leauing the other lesser floes dry: euen as wealthto wealth, and much to more. These so long as they beare, they bearelesse, worse, and fewer fruit, and waterish. {SN: Remedy. }{SN: Barke-pild, and the remedy. }The remedy is easie if they be not growne greater then your arme. Lopthem close and cleane, and couer the midel of the wound, the next Summerwhen he is dry, with a salue made of tallow, tarre, and a very littlepitch, good for the couering of any such wound of a great tree: vnlesseit be barke-pild, and then sear-cloath of fresh Butter, Hony, and Waxe, presently (while the wound is greene) applyed, is a soueraigne remedy inSummer especially. Some bind such wounds with a thumbe rope of Hay, moist, and rub it with dung. {SN: Fretters. }{SN: Touching. }{SN: Remedy. }Fretters are, when as by the negligence of the Gardner, two or moe partsof the tree, or of diuers trees, as armes, boughes, branches, or twigs, grow to neere and close together, that one of them by rubbing, dothwound another. This fault of all other shewes the want of skill or care(at least) in the Arborist: for here the hurt is apparant, and theremedy easie, seene to betime: galls and wounds incurable, but bytaking away those members: for let them grow, and they will be worse andworse, & so kill themselues with ciuill strife for roomth, and dangerthe whole tree. Auoide them betime therefore, as a common wealth dothbosome enemies. {SN: Suckers. }A Sucker is a long, proud, and disorderly Cyon, growing straight vp (forpride of sap makes proud, long, and straight growth) cut of any lowerparts of the tree, receiuing a great part of the sap, and bearing nofruit, till it haue tyrannized ouer the whole tree. These are like idleand great Drones amongst Bees; and proud and idle members in a commonwealth. {SN: Remedy. }The remedy of this is, as of water-boughes, vnlesse he be growne greaterthen all the rest of the boughs, and then your Gardner (at yourdiscretion) may leaue him for his boale, and take away all, or the mostof the rest. If he be little, slip him, and set him, perhaps he willtake: my fairest Apple-tree was such a Slip. {SN: One principall top or bough, and remedy. }One or two principall top boughes are as euill, in a manner, as Suckers, they rise of the same cause, and receiue the same remedy; yet these aremore tolerable, because these beare fruit, yea the best: but Suckers oflong doe not beare. {SN: Instruments for dressing. }I know not how your tree should be faulty, if you reforme all your vicestimely, and orderly. As these rules serue for dressing young trees andsets in the first planting: so may they well serue to helpe old trees, though not exactly to recouer them. The Instruments fittest for all these purposes, are most commonly: Forthe great trees an handsome long, light Ladder of Firpoles, a little, nimble, and strong armed Saw, and sharpe. For lesse Trees, a little andsharpe Hatchet, a broad mouthed Chesell, strong and sharpe, with anhand-beetle, your strong and sharpe Cleeuer, with a knock, & (which is amost necessary Instrument amongst little trees) a great hafted andsharpe Knife or Whittle. And as needfull is a Stoole on the top of aLadder of eight or moe rungs, with two backe-feet, whereon you maysafely and easefully stand to graffe, to dresse, and to gather fruitthus formed: The feet may be fast wedged in: but the Ladder must hangloose with two bands of iron. And thus much of dressing trees for fruit, formerly to profit. {Illustration} CHAP. 12. _Of Foyling. _ {SN: Necessity of foiling. }There is one thing yet very necessary for make your Orchard both better, and more lasting: Yea, so necessary, that without it your Orchard cannotlast, nor prosper long, which is neglected generally both in preceptsand in practice, viz. Manuring with Foile: whereby it hapneth that whentrees (amongst other euils) through want of fatnesse to feed them, become mossie, and in their growth are euill (or not) thriuing, it iseither attributed to some wrong cause, as age (when indeed they are butyoung) or euill standing (stand they neuer so well) or such like, orelse the cause is altogether vnknowne, and so not amended. {SN: Trees great suckers. }{SN: Great bodies. }Can there be deuised any way by nature, or art, sooner or soundlier toseeke out, and take away the heart and strength of earth, then by greattrees? Such great bodies cannot be sustained without great store of sap. What liuing body haue you greater then of trees? The great Sea monsters(whereof one came a land at _Teesmouth_ in _Yorkeshire_, hard by vs, 18. Yards in length, and neere as much in compasse) seeme hideous, huge, strange and monstrous, because they be indeed great: but especiallybecause they are seldome seene: But a tree liuing, come to his growthand age, twice that length, and of a bulke neuer so great, besides hisother parts, is not admired, because he is so commonly seene. And Idoubt not, but if he were well regarded from his kirnell, by succeedingages, to his full strength, the most of them would double their measure. About fifty yeeres agoe I heard by credible and constant report, That in_Brooham_ Parke in _West more-land_, neere vnto _Penrith_, there lay ablowne Oake, whose trunke was so bigge, that two Horse men being the oneon the one side, and the other on the other side, they could not one seeanother: to which if you adde his armes, boughs, and roots, and considerof his bignesse, what would he haue been, if preserued to the vantage. Also I read in the History of the _West-Indians_, out of _Peter Martyr_, that sixteene men taking hands one with another, were not able tofathome one of those trees about. Now Nature hauing giuen to such afaculty by large and infinite roots, taws and tangles, to drawimmediately his sustenance from our common mother the Earth (which islike in this point to all other mothers that beare) hath also ordainedthat the tree ouer loden with fruit, and wanting sap to feed all shehath brought forth, will waine all she cannot feed, like a womanbringing forth moe children at once then she hath teats. See you not howtrees especially, by kind being great, standing so thicke and close, that they cannot get plenty of sap, pine away all the grasse, weeds, lesser shrubs, and trees, yea and themselues also for want of vigor ofsap? So that trees growing large, sucking the soile whereon they stand, continually, and amaine, and the foyzon of the earth that feeds themdecaying (for what is there that wastes continually, thatshall not haue end?) must either haue supply of sucker, or else leauethriuing and growing. Some grounds will beare Corne while they be new, and no longer, because their crust is shallow, and not very good, andlying they scind and wash, and become barren. The ordinary Corne soilescontinue not fertile, with fallowing and foyling, and the best requiressupply, euen for the little body of Corne. How then can we thinke thatany ground (how good soeuer) can containe bodies of such greatnesse, andsuch great feeding, without great plenty of Sap arising from good earth?This is one of the chiefe causes, why so many of our Orchards in_England_ are so euill thriuing when they come to growth, and our fruitso bad. Men are loth to bestow much ground, and desire much fruit, andwill neither set their trees in sufficient compasse, nor yet feed themwith manure. Therefore of necessity Orchards must be foiled. {SN: Time fit for foyling. }{SN: Kind of foyle. }The fittest time is, when your trees are growne great, and haue neerehand spread your earth, wanting new earth to sustaine them, which ifthey doe, they will seeke abroad for better earth, and shun that, whichis barren (if they find better) as cattell euill pasturing. For naturehath taught euery creature to desire and seeke his owne good, and toauoid hurt. The best time of the yeere is at the Fall, that the Frostmay bite and make it tender, and the Raine wash it to the roots. TheSummer time is perillous if ye digge, because the sap fills amaine. Thebest kind of Foile is such as is fat, hot, and tender. Your earth mustbe but lightly opened, that the dung may goe in, and wash away; and butshallow, lest you hurt the roots: and the spring closely and equallymade plaine againe for feare of Suckers. I could wish, that after mytrees haue fully possessed the soile of mine Orchard, that euery seuenyeeres at least, the soile were bespread with dung halfe a foot thickeat least. Puddle water out of the dunghill powred on plentifully, willnot onely moisten but fatten especially in _Iune_ and _Iuly_. If it bethicke and fat, and applied euery yeere, your Orchard shall need noneother foiling. Your ground may lye so low at the Riuer side, that thefloud standing some daies and nights thereon, shall saue you all thislabour of foiling. CHAP. 13. _Of Annoyances. _ A Chiefe helpe to make euery thing good, is to auoid the euils thereof:you shall neuer attaine to that good of your Orchard you looke for, vnlesse you haue a Gardner, that can discerne the diseases of yourtrees, and other annoyances of your Orchard, and find out the causesthereof, and know & apply fit remedies for the same. For be your ground, site, plants, and trees as you would wish, if they be wasted withhurtfull things, what haue you gained but your labour for your trauell?It is with an Orchard and euery tree, as with mans body, The best partof physicke for preseruation of health, is to foresee and cure diseases. {SN: Two kinds of euils in an Orchard. }All the diseases of an Orchard are of two sorts, either internall orexternall. I call those inward hurts which breed on and in particulartrees. 1 Galles. 2 Canker. 3 Mosse. 4 Weaknes in setting. 5 Barke bound. 6 Barke pild. 7 Worme. 8 Deadly wounds. {SN: Galls. }Galles, Canker, Mosse, weaknes, though they be diuers diseases: yet(howsoeuer Authors thinke otherwise) they rise all out of the samecause. Galles we haue described with their cause and remedy, in the 11. Chaptervnder the name of fretters. {SN: Canker. }Canker is the consumption of any part of the tree, barke and wood, whichalso in the same place is deceiphered vnder the title of water-boughes. {SN: Mosse. }Mosse is sensibly seene and knowne of all, the cause is pointed out inthe same Chapter, in the discourse of timber-wood, and partly also theremedy: but for Mosse adde this, that at any time in summer (the Springis best) When the cause is remoued, with an Harecloth, immediatly aftera showre of raine, rub off your Mosse, or with a peece of weed (if theMosse abound) formed like a great knife. {SN: Weaknesse in setting. }Weaknesse in the setting of your fruit shall you finde there also in thesame Chapter, and his remedy. All these flow from the want of roomth ingood soile, wrong planting, Chap. 7. And euill or no dressing. {SN: Barke-bound. }Bark-bound (as I thinke) riseth of the same cause, and the best, &present remedy (the causes being taken away) is with your sharpe knifein the Spring, length-way to launch his bark throughout, on 3. Or 4. Sides of his boale. {SN: Worme. }{SN: Remedy. }The disease called the Worme is thus discernd: The barke will be hoaldin diuers places like gall, the wood will die & dry, and you shall seeeasily the barke swell. It is verily to be thought, that therin is bredsome worm I haue not yet thorowly sought it out, because I was neuertroubled therewithall: but onely haue seene such trees in diuersplaces. I thinke it a worme rather, because I see this disease in trees, bringing fruit of sweet taste, and the swelling shewes as much. Theremedy (as I coniecture) is so soone as you perceiue the wound, the nextSpring cut it out barke and all, and apply Cowes pisse and vinegerpresently, and so twice or thrice a weeke for a moneths space: For Iwell perceiue, if you suffer it any time, it eates the tree or boughround, and so kils. Since I first wrote this Treatise, I haue changed my mind concerning thedisease called the worme, because I read in the History of the_West-Indians_, that their trees are not troubled with the diseasecalled the worme or canker, which ariseth of a raw and euill concoctedhumor or sap, Witnesse _Pliny_, by reason their Country is more hot thenours, whereof I thinke the best remedy is (not disallowing the former, considering that the worme may breed by such an humor) warme standing, sound lopping and good dressing. {SN: Barke pild. }Bark-pild you shall find with his remedy in the 11. Chapter. {SN: Wounds. }Deadly wounds are when a mans Arborist wanting skill, cut off armes, boughes or branches an inch, or (as I see sometimes) an handfull, orhalfe a foot or more from the body: These so cut cannot couer in anytime with sap, and therefore they die, and dying they perish the heart, and so the tree becomes hollow, and with such a deadly wound cannot liuelong. {SN: Remedy. }The remedy is, if you find him before he be perished, cut him close, asin the 11. Chapter: if he be hoald, cut him close, fill his wound, thoneuer so deepe, with morter well tempered & so close at the top hiswound with a Seare-cloth doubled and nailed on, that no aire nor raineapproach his wound. If he be not very old, and detaining, he willrecouer, and the hole being closed, his wound within shall not hurt himfor many yeeres. {SN: Hurts on trees. }{SN: Ants, Earewigs, Caterpillars, and such like wormes. }Hurts on your trees are chiefly Ants, Earewigs, and Caterpillars. OfAnts and Earewigs is said Chap. 10. Let there be no swarme of Pismiresneere your tree-root, no not in your Orchard, turne them ouer in afrost, and powre in water, and you kill them. For Caterpillars, the vigilant Fruterer shall soone espy their lodgingby their web, or the decay of leaues eaten around about them. And beingseene, they are easily destroyed with your hand, or rather (if your treemay spare it) take sprig and all: for the red peckled butterfly dotheuer put them, being her sparm, among the tender spraies for betterfeeding, especially in drought, and tread them vnder your feet. I likenothing of smoke among my trees. Vnnaturall heates are nothing good fornaturall trees. This for diseases of particular trees. {SN: Externall euils. }Externall hurts are either things naturall or artificiall. Naturallthings, externally hurting Orchards. 1 Beasts. 1 Deere. 2 Birds. 1 Bulfinch. 2 Goates. 2 Thrush. 3 Sheepe. 3 Blackbird. 4 Hare. 4 Crow. 5 Cony. 5 Pye. 6 Cattell. 7 Horse. &c. _The other things are_, 1 Winds. 2 Cold. 3 Trees. 4 Weeds. 5 Wormes. 6 Mowles. 7 Filth. 8 Poysonfull smoke. _Externall wilfull euils are these. _ 1 Walls. 2 Trenches. 3 Other works noisome done in or neere your Orchard. 4 Euill Neighbours. 5 A carelesse Master. 6 An vndiscreet, negligent or no keeper. See you here an whole Army of mischeifes banded in troupes against themost fruitfull trees the earth beares? assailing your good labours. Goodthings haue most enemies. {SN: Remedy. }A skilfull Fructerer must put so his helping hand, and disband and putthem to flight. {SN: Deere, &c. }For the first ranke of beasts, besides your out strong fence, you musthaue a faire and swift Greyhound, a stone-bow, gun, and if need require, an Apple with an hooke for a Deere, and an Hare-pipe for an Hare. {SN: Birds. }Your Cherries and other Berris when they be ripe, will draw all theBlack-birds, Thrushes, and Maw Pies to your Orchard. The Bul-finch is adeuourer of your Fruit in the bud, I haue had whole trees shald out withthem in Winter-time. {SN: Remedy. }The best remedy here is a Stone bow, a Piece, especially if you haue aMusket or Spar-hawke in Winter to make the Black bird stoope into a bushor hedge. {SN: Other trees. }The Gardner must cleanse his soile of all other trees: but fruit-treesaforesaid Chapter 2 for which it is ordained, and I would especiallyname Oakes, Elmes, Ashes, and such other great wood, but that I doubt itshould be taken as an admission of lesser trees: for I admit of nothingto grow in mine Orchard but fruit and flowers. If sap can hardly be goodto feed our fruit-trees, why should we allow of any other, especiallythose, that will becom their Masters, & wrong them in their liuelyhood. {SN: Winds. }{SN: Frosts. }And although we admit without the fence of Wall-nuts in most plaineplaces, Trees middle-most, and ashes or Okes, or Elmes vtmost, set incomely rowes equally distant with faire Allies twixt row and row toauoide the boisterous blasts of winds, and within them also others forBees; yet wee admit none of these into your Orchard-plat: other remedythen this haue wee none against the nipping frosts. {SN: Weeds. }Weeds in a fertile soile (because the generall curse is so) till yourTrees grow great, will be noysome, and deforme your allies, walkes, beds, and squares, your vnder Gardners must labour to keepe all cleanly& handsome from them and all other filth with a Spade, weeding kniues, rake with iron teeth: a skrapple of Iron thus formed. IC For Nettles and ground-Iuy after a showre. {SN: Remedy. }When weeds, straw, stickes and all other scrapings are gatheredtogether, burne them not, but bury them vnder your crust in any place ofyour Orchard, and they will dye and fatten your ground. {SN: Wormes. Moales. }Wormes and Moales open the earth, and let in aire to the roots of yourtrees, and deforme your squares and walkes, and feeding in the earth, being in number infinite, draw on barrennesse. {SN: Remedy. }Worms may be easily destroyed. Any Summer euening when it is darke, after a showre with a candle, you may fill bushels, but you must trednimbly & where you cannot come to catch them so; sift the earth withcoale ashes an inch or two thicknes, and that is a plague to them, so issharpe grauell. Moales will anger you, if your Gardner or some skilful Moale-catcherease you not, especially hauing made their fortresses among the roots ofyour trees: you must watch her wel with a Moal spare, at morne, noon, and night, when you see her vtmost hill, cast a Trench betwixt her andher home (for she hath a principall mansion to dwell and breed in about_Aprill_, which you may discerne by a principall hill, wherein you maycatch her, if you trench it round and sure, and watch well) orwheresoeuer you can discerne a single passage (for such she hath) theretrench, and watch, and haue her. {SN: Wilfull annoyances. }Wilfull annoyances must be preuented and auoided by the loue of theMaster and Fruterer, which they beare to their Orchard. {SN: Remedy. }Iustice and liberality will put away euill neighbours or euillneighbour-hood. And then if (God blesse and giue successe to yourlabours) I see not what hurt your Orchard can sustaine. CHAP. 14. _Of the age of Trees. _ {SN: The age of trees. }It is to be considered: All this Treatise of trees tends to this end, that men may loue and plant Orchards, whereunto there cannot be a betterinducement then that they know (or at least be perswaded) that all thatbenefit they shall reape thereby, whether of pleasure or profit, shallnot be for a day or a moneth, or one, or many (but many hundreth)yeeres. Of good things the greatest, and most durable is alwaies thebest. If therefore out of reason grounded vpon experience, it be made(I thinke) manifest, but I am sure probable, that a fruit tree in such asoile and site, as is described so planted and trimmed and kept, as isafore appointed and duely foiled, shall dure 1000 yeeres, why should wenot take paines, and be at two or three yeeres charges (for vnder seuenyeeres will an Orchard be perfected for the first planting, and in thattime be brought to fruit) to reape such a commodity and so long lasting. {SN: Gathered by reason out of experience. }Let no man thinke this to be strange, but peruse and consider thereason. I haue Apple trees standing in my little Orchard, which I haueknowne these forty yeeres, whose age before my time I cannot learne, itis beyond memory, tho I haue enquired of diuers aged men of 80. Yeeresand vpwards: these trees although come into my possession very euillordered, mishapen, and one of them wounded to his heart, and that deadly(for I know it will be his death) with a wound, wherein I might haue putmy foot in the heart of his bulke (now it is lesse) notwithstanding, with that small regard they haue had since, they so like, that I assuremy selfe they are not come to their growth by more then 2. Parts of 3. Which I discerne not onely by their owne growth, but also by comparingthem with the bulke of other trees. And I find them short (at least) byso many parts in bignesse, although I know those other fruit-trees tohaue beene much hindred in their stature by euill guiding. Herehence Igather thus. {SN: Parts of a trees age. }If my trees be a hundred yeeres old, and yet want two hundred of theirgrowth before they leaue encreasing, which make three hundred, then wemust needs resolue, that this three hundred yeere are but the third partof a Trees life, because (as all things liuing besides) so trees musthaue allowed them for their increase one third, another third for theirstand, and a third part of time also for their decay. All which time ofa Tree amounts to nine hundred yeeres, three hundred for increase, threehundred for his stand, whereof we haue the terme stature, and threehundred for his decay, and yet I thinke (for we must coniecture bycomparing, because no one man liueth to see the full age of trees) I amwithin the compasse of his age, supposing alwaies the foresaid meanes ofpreseruing his life. Consider the age of other liuing creatures. TheHorse and moiled Oxe wrought to an vntimely death, yet double the timeof their increase. A Dog likewise increaseth three, stanns three atleast, end in as many (or rather moe) decayes. {SN: Mans age. }Euery liuing thing bestowes the least part of his age in his growth, andso must it needs be with trees. A man comes not to his full growth andstrength (by common estimation) before thirty yeeres, and some slenderand cleane bodies, not till forty, so long also stands his strength, &so long also must he haue allowed by course of nature to decay. Euersupposing that he be well kept with necessaries, and from and withoutstraines, bruises, and all other dominyring diseases. I will not sayvpon true report, that Physicke holds it possible, that a cleane bodykept by these 3. Doctors, _Doctor Dyet_, _Doctor Quiet_, and _DoctorMerriman_, may liue neere a hundred yeeres. Neither will I here vrge thelong yeeres of _Methushalah_, and those men of that time, because youwill say, Mans dayes are shortned since the floud. But what hathshortned them? God for mans sinnes: but by meanes, as want of knowledge, euill gouernment, ryot, gluttony, drunkenesse, and (to be short) theencrease of the curse, our sinnes increasing in an iron and wicked age. Now if a man, whose body is nothing (in a manner) but tenderrottennesse, whose course of life cannot by any meanes, by counsell, restraint of Lawes, or punishment, nor hope of praise, profet, oreturnall glory, be kept within any bounds, who is degenerate cleane fromhis naturall feeding, to effeminate nicenesse, and cloying his body withexcesse of meate, drinke, sleepe &c. And to whom nothing is so pleasantand so much desired as the causes of his owne death, as idlenesse, lust, &c. May liue to that age: I see not but a tree of a solide substance, not damnified by heate or cold, capable of, and subiect to any kinde ofordering or dressing that a man shall apply vnto him, feeding naturally, as from the beginning disburdened of all superfluities, eased of, and ofhis owne accord auoiding the causes that may annoy him, should doublethe life of a man, more then twice told; and yet naturall phylosophy, and the vniuersall consent of all Histories tell vs, that many otherliuing creatures farre exceed man in the length of yeeres: As the Hartand the Rauen. Thus reporteth that famous _Roterodam_ out of _Hesiodus_, and many other Historiographers. The testimony of _Cicero_ in his booke_De Senectute_, is weighty to this purpose: that we must _in posterasætates ferere arbores_, which can haue none other fence: but that ourfruit-trees whereof he speakes, can endure for many ages. What else are trees in comparison with the earth: but as haires to thebody of a man? And it is certaine, without poisoning, euill anddistemperate dyet, and vsage, or other such forcible cause, the hairesdure with the body. That they be called excrements, it is by reason oftheir superfluous growth: (for cut them as often as you list, and theywill still come to their naturall length) Not in respect of theirsubstance, and nature. Haires endure long, and are an ornament and vsealso to the body, as trees to the earth. So that I resolue vpon good reason, that fruit-trees well ordered, mayliue and like a thousand yeeres, and beare fruit, and the longer, themore, the greater, and the better, because his vigour is proud andstronger, when his yeeres are many: You shall see old trees put theirbuds and blossomes both sooner and more plentifully then young trees bymuch. And I sensibly perceiue my young trees to inlarge theirfruit, as they grow greater, both for number and greatnesse. Young Heifers bring not forth the Calues so faire, neither are they soplentifull to milke, as when they become to be old Kine. No goodHouswife will breed of a young but of an old bird-mother: It is so inall things naturally, therefore in trees. {SN: The age of timber trees. }And if fruit-trees last to this age, how many ages is it to be supposed, strong and huge timber-trees will last? whose huge bodies require theyeeres of diuers _Methushalaes_, before they end their dayes, whose sapis strong and bitter, whose barke is hard and thicke, and theirsubstance solid and stiffe: all which are defences of health and longlife. Their strength withstands all forcible winds, their sap of thatquality is not subiect to wormes and tainting. Their barke receiuesseldome or neuer by casualty any wound. And not onely so, but he is freefrom remoualls, which are the death of millions of trees, where as thefruit-tree in comparison is little, and often blowne downe, his sapsweet, easily and soone tainted, his barke tender, and soone wounded, and himselfe vsed by man, as man vseth himselfe, that is eithervnskilfully or carelessely. {SN: Age of trees discerned. }It is good for some purposes to regard the age of your fruit trees, which you may easily know, till they come to accomplish twenty yeeres, by his knots: Reckon from his root vp an arme and so to hys top-twig, and euery yeeres growth is distinguished from other by a knot, exceptlopping or remouing doe hinder. CHAP. 15. _Of gathering and keeping Fruit. _ {SN: Generall Rule. }{SN: Cherries, &c. }Although it be an easie matter, when God shall send it, to gather andkeepe fruit, yet are they certaine things worthy your regard. You mustgather your fruit when it is ripe, and not before, else will it witherand be tough and sowre. All fruit generally are ripe, when they beginneto fall. For Trees doe as all other bearers doe, when their yong onesare ripe, they will waine them. The Doue her Pigeons, the Cony herRabbets, and women their children. Some fruit tree sometimes getting ataint in the setting with a frost or euill wind, will cast his fruitvntimely, but not before he leaue giuing them sap, or they leauegrowing. Except from this foresaid rule, Cherries, Damsons and Bullies. The Cherry is ripe when he is sweld wholy red, and sweet: Damsons andBulies not before the first frost. {SN: Apples. }Apples are knowne to be ripe, partly by their colour, growing towards ayellow, except the Leather-coat and some Peares and Greening. {SN: When. }Timely Summer fruit will be ready, some at Midsummer, most at Lammus forpresent vse; but generally noe keeping fruit before _Michal-tide_. HardWinter fruit and Wardens longer. {SN: Dry stalkes. }Gather at the full of the Moone for keeping, gather dry for feare ofrotting. Gather the stalkes with all: for a little wound in fruit, is deadly: butnot the stumpe, that must beare the next fruit, nor leaues, for moistureputrifies. {SN: Seuerally. }Gather euery kind seuerally by it selfe, for all will not keepe alike, and it is hard to discerne them, when they are mingled. {SN: Ouerladen trees. }If your trees be ouer-laden (as they will be, being ordered, as isbefore taught you) I like better of pulling some off (tho they be notripe) neere the top end of the bough, then of propping by much, the restshall be better fed. Propping puts the bough in danger, and frets it atleast. {SN: Instruments. }{SN: Bruises. }Instruments: A long ladder of light Firre: A stoole-ladder as in the 11. Chapter. A gathering apron like a poake before you, made of purpose, ora Wallet hung on a bough, or a basket with a siue bottome, or skinnebottome, with Lathes or splinters vnder, hung in a rope to pull vp anddowne: bruise none, euery bruise is to fruit death: if you doe, vse thempresently. An hooke to pull boughs to you is necessary, breake noboughes. {SN: Keeping. }For keeping, lay them in a dry Loft, the longest keeping Apples firstand furthest on dry straw, on heapes ten or fourteene dayes, thicke, that they may sweat. Then dry them with a soft and cleane cloth, and laythem thinne abroad. Long keeping fruit would be turned once in a monethsoftly: but not in nor immediately after frost. In a loft couer wellwith straw, but rather with chaffe or branne: For frost doth causetender rottennesse. CHAP. 16. _Of Profits. _ Now pause with your selfe, and view the end of all your labours in anOrchard: vnspeakable pleasure, and infinite commodity. The pleasure ofan Orchard I referre to the last Chapter for the conclusion: and in thisChapter, a word or two of the profit, which thorowly to declare is pastmy skill: and I count it as if a man should attempt to adde light to theSunne with a Candle, or number the Starres. No man that hath but a meaneOrchard or iudgement but knowes, that the commodity of an Orchard isgreat: Neither would I speake of this, being a thing so manifest to all;but that I see, that through the carelesse lazinesse of men, it is athing generally neglected. But let them know, that they lose hereby thechiefest good which belongs to house-keeping. Compare the commodity that commeth of halfe an acre of ground, set withfruit-trees and hearbs, so as is prescribed, and an whole acre (say itbe two) with Corne, or the best commodity you can wish, and theOrchard shall exceed by diuers degrees. {SN: Cydar and Perry. }In _France_ and some other Countries, and in _England_, they make greatvse of Cydar and Perry, thus made: Dresse euery Apple, the stalke, vpperend, and all galles away, stampe them, and straine them, and within 24. Houres tun them vp into cleane, sweet, and sound vessels, for feare ofeuill ayre, which they will readily take: and if you hang a poakefull ofCloues, Mace, Nutmegs, Cinamon, Ginger, and pils of Lemmons in the midstof the vessell, it will make it as wholesome and pleasant as wine. Thelike vsage doth Perry require. These drinks are very wholesome, they coole, purge, and preuent hotAgues. But I leaue this skill to Physicians. {SN: Fruit. }The benefit of your Fruit, Roots and Hearbs, though it were but to eateand sell, is much. {SN: Waters. }Waters distilled of Roses, Woodbind, Angelica, are both profitable andwondrous pleasant, and comfortable. {SN: Conserue. }Saffron and Licoras will yeeld you much Conserues and Preserues, areornaments to your Feasts, health in your sicknesse, and a good helpe toyour friend, and to your purse. He that will not be moued with such vnspeakable profits, is well worthyto want, when others abound in plenty of good things. CHAP. 17. _Ornaments. _ Me thinks hitherto we haue but a bare Orchard for fruit, and but halfegood, so long as it wants those comely Ornaments, that should giuebeauty to all our labours, and make much for the honest delight of theowner and his friends. {SN: Delight the chiefe end of Orchards. }{SN: An Orchard delightsome. }{SN: An Orchard is Paradise. }{SN: Causes of wearisomnesse. }{SN: Orchard is the remedy. }For it is not to be doubted: but as God hath giuen man thingsprofitable, so hath he allowed him honest comfort, delight, andrecreation in all the workes of his hands. Nay, all his labours vnderthe Sunne without this are troubles, and vexation of mind: For what isgreedy gaine, without delight, but moyling, and turmoyling in slauery?But comfortable delight, with content, is the good of euery thing, andthe patterne of heauen. A morsell of bread with comfort, is better bymuch then a fat Oxe with vnquietnesse. And who can deny, but theprincipall end of an Orchard, is the honest delight of one wearied withthe works of his lawfull calling? The very workes of, and in an Orchardand Garden, are better then the ease and rest of and from other labours. When God had made man after his owne Image, in a perfect state, andwould haue him to represent himselfe in authority, tranquillity, andpleasure vpon the earth, he placed him in _Paradise_. What was_Paradise_? but a Garden and Orchard of trees and hearbs, full ofpleasure? and nothing there but delights. The gods of the earth, resembling the great God of heauen in authority, Maiestie, and abundanceof all things, wherein is their most delight? and whither doe theywithdraw themselues from the troublesome affaires of their estate, beingtyred with the hearing and iudging of litigious Controuersies? choked(as it were) with the close ayres of their sumptuous buildings, theirstomacks cloyed with variety of Banquets, their eares filled andouerburthened with tedious discoursings? whither? but into theirOrchards? made and prepared, dressed and destinated for that purpose, torenue and refresh their sences, and to call home their ouer-weariedspirits. Nay, it is (no doubt) a comfort to them, to set open theirCazements into a most delicate Garden and Orchard, whereby they may notonely see that, wherein they are so much delighted, but also to giuefresh, sweet, and pleasant ayre to their Galleries and Chambers. {SN: All delight in Orchards. }And looke, what these men do by reason of their greatnes and ability, prouoked with delight, the same doubtlesse would euery of vs doe, ifpower were answerable to our desires, whereby we shew manifestly, thatof all other delights on earth, they that are taken by Orchards, aremost excellent, and most agreeing with nature. {SN: This delights all the senses. }For whereas euery other pleasure commonly filles some one of our senses, and that onely, with delight, this makes all our sences swimme inpleasure, and that with infinite variety, ioyned with no lessecommodity. {SN: Delighteth old age. }That famous _Philosopher_, and matchlesse Orator, _M. T. C. _ prescribethnothing more fit, to take away the tediousnesse and heauy load of threeor foure score yeeres, then the pleasure of an Orchard. {SN: Causes of delight in an Orchard. }What can your eye desire to see, your eares to hear, your mouth to tast, or your nose to smell, that is not to be had in an Orchard, withabundance and variety? What more delightsome then an infinite variety ofsweet smelling flowers? decking with sundry colours, the greene mantleof the Earth, the vniuersall Mother of vs all, so by them bespotted, sodyed, that all the world cannot sample them, and wherein it is more fitto admire the Dyer, then imitate his workemanship. Colouring not onelythe earth, but decking the ayre, and sweetning euery breath and spirit. {SN: Flowers. }The Rose red, damaske, veluet, and double double prouince Rose, thesweet muske Rose double and single, the double and single white Rose. The faire and sweet senting Woodbinde, double and single, and doubledouble. Purple Cowslips, and double Cowslips, and double doubleCowslips. Primerose double and single. The Violet nothing behinde thebest, for smelling sweetly. A thousand more will prouoke your content. {SN: Borders and squares. }And all these, by the skill of your Gardner, so comely, and orderlyplaced in your Borders and Squares, and so intermingled, that nonelooking thereon, cannot but wonder, to see, what Nature corrected by Artcan doe. {SN: Mounts. }{SN: Whence you may shoote a Bucke. }{SN: Dyall. }{SN: Musique. }When you behold in diuers corners of your Orchard _Mounts_ of stone, orwood curiously wrought within and without, or of earth couered withfruit-trees: Kentish Cherry, Damsons, Plummes, &c. With staires ofprecious workmanship. And in some corner (or moe) a true Dyall or Clockeand some Anticke-workes and especially siluer-sounding Musique, mixtInstruments and voices, gracing all the rest: How will you be rapt withdelight? {SN: Walkes. }{SN: Seates. }Large Walkes, broad and long, close and open, like the _Tempe_ groues in_Thessalie_, raised with grauell and sand, hauing seats and bankes ofCammomile, all this delights the minde, and brings health to the body. {SN: Order of trees. }View now with delight the workes of your owne hands, your fruit-trees ofall sorts, loaden with sweet blossomes, and fruit of all tasts, operations, and colours: your trees standing in comely order which waysoeuer you looke. {SN: Shape of men and beasts. }Your borders on euery side hanging and drooping with Feberries, Raspberries, Barberries, Currens, and the rootes of your trees powdredwith Strawberries, red, white, and greene, what a pleasure is this? YourGardner can frame your lesser wood to the shape of men armed in thefield, ready to giue battell: or swift running Greyhounds: or of wellsented and true running Hounds, to chase the Deere, or hunt the Hare. This kind of hunting shall not waste your corne, nor much your coyne. {SN: Mazes. }Mazes well framed a mans height, may perhaps make your friend wander ingathering of berries, till he cannot recouer himselfe without yourhelpe. {SN: Bowle-Alley. }{SN: Buts. }To haue occasion to exercise within your Orchard: it shall be a pleasureto haue a Bowling Alley, or rather (which is more manly, and morehealthfull) a paire of Buts, to stretch your armes. {SN: Hearbes. }Rosemary and sweete Eglantine are seemely ornaments about a Doore orWindow, and so is Woodbinde. {SN: Conduit. }Looke Chapter 5, and you shall see the forme of a Conduite. If therewere two or more, it were not amisse. {SN: Riuer. }{SN: Moats. }And in mine opinion, I could highly commend your Orchard, if eitherthrough it, or hard by it there should runne a pleasant Riuer withsiluer streames; you might sit in your Mount, and angle a peckled Trout, or fleightie Eele, or some other dainty Fish. Or moats, whereon youmight row with a Boate, and fish with Nettes. {SN: Bees. }Store of Bees in a dry and warme Bee-house, comely made of Fir-boords, to sing, and sit, and feede vpon your flowers and sprouts, make apleasant noyse and sight. For cleanely and innocent Bees, of all otherthings, loue and become, and thriue in an Orchard. If they thriue (asthey must needes, if your Gardiner bee skilfull, and loue them: for theyloue their friends, and hate none but their enemies) they will, besidesthe pleasure, yeeld great profit, to pay him his wages Yea, the increaseof twenty Stockes or Stooles, with other fees will keepe your Orchard. You need not doubt their stings, for they hurt not whom they know, andthey know their keeper and acquaintance. If you like not to come amongstthem, you need not doubt them: for but neere their store, and in theirowne defence, they will not fight, and in that case onely (and who canblame them?) they are manly, and fight desperately. Some (as thatHonorable Lady at _Hacknes_, whose name doth much grace mine Orchard)vse to make seates for them in the stone wall of their Orchard, orGarden, which is good, but wood is better. {SN: Vine. }A Vine ouer-shadowing a seate, is very comely, though her Grapes with vsripe slowly. {SN: Birds. }{SN: Nightingale. }{SN: Robin-red-brest. }{SN: Wren. }One chiefe grace that adornes an Orchard, I cannot let slip: A brood ofNightingales, who with their seuerall notes and tunes, with a strongdelightsome voyce, out of a weake body, will beare you company night andday. She loues (and liues in) hots of woods in her hart. She will helpeyou to cleanse your trees of Caterpillers, and all noysome wormes andflyes. The gentle Robin-red-brest will helpe her, and in winter in thecoldest stormes will keepe a part. Neither will the silly Wren be behindin Summer, with her distinct whistle (like a sweete Recorder) to cheereyour spirits. {SN: Black-bird. }{SN: Thrush. }The Black-bird and Threstle (for I take it the Thrush sings not, butdeuoures) sing loudly in a _May_ morning and delights the eare much (andyou neede not want their company, if you haue ripe Cherries or Berries, and would as gladly as the rest do you pleasure:) But I had rather wanttheir company than my fruit. What shall I say? A thousand of pleasant delightes are attendant in anOrchard: and sooner shall I be weary, then I can recken the least partof that pleasure, which one that hath and loues an Orchard, may findtherein. What is there of all these few that I haue reckoned, which doth notplease the eye, the eare, the smell, and taste? And by these sences asOrganes, Pipes, and windowes, these delights are carried to refresh thegentle, generous, and noble mind. {SN: Your owne labour. }To conclude, what ioy may you haue, that you liuing to such an age, shall see the blessings of God on your labours while you liue, and leauebehind you to heires or successors (for God will make heires) such aworke, that many ages after your death, shall record your loue to theirCountrey? And the rather, when you consider (_Chap. 14. _) to what lengthof time your worke is like to last. _FINIS. _ THE COVNTRY HOVSE-VVIFES GARDEN. _Containing Rules for Hearbs and Seedes_ of common vse, with their timesand seasons, when to set and sow them. TOGETHER, With the Husbandry of Bees, published with secrets _very necessary foreuery House-wife_. As also diuerse new Knots for Gardens. The Contents see at large in the last Page. Genes. 2. 29. _I haue giuen vnto you euery Herbe, and euery tree, that shall be to youfor meate. _ IC _LONDON_, Printed by _Nicholas Okes_ for IOHN HARISON, at the golden Vnicorne inPater-noster-row. 1631. THE COVNTRY HOVSVVIFES GARDEN. CHAP. 1. _The Soyle. _ {SN: Dry. }{SN: Hops. }The soyle of an Orchard and Garden, differ onely in these three points:First, the Gardens soyle would be somewhat dryer, because hearbes beingmore tender then trees, can neither abide moisture nor drought, in suchexcessiue measure, as trees; and therefore hauing a dryer soyle, theremedy is easie against drought, if need be: water soundly, which may bedone with small labour, the compasse of a Garden being nothing so great, as of an Orchard, and this is the cause (if they know it) that Gardnersraise their squares: but if moysture trouble you, I see no remedywithout a generall danger, except in Hops, which delight much in a lowand sappy earth. {SN: Plaine. }Secondly, the soyle of a Garden would be plaine and leuell, at leasteuery square (for we purpose the square to be the fittest forme) thereason: the earth of a garden wanting such helpes, as should stay thewater, which an orchard hath, and the rootes of hearbes being short, andnot able to fetch their liquor from the bottome, are more annoyed bydrought, and the soyle being mellow and loose, is soone either washtaway, or sends out his heart by too much drenching and washing. Thirdly, if a garden soyle be not cleere of weedes, and namely, ofgrasse, the hearbes shall neuer thriue: for how should good hearbesprosper, when euill weeds waxe so fast: considering good hearbes aretender in respect of euill weedes: these being strengthened by nature, and the other by art? Gardens haue small place in comparison, andtherefore may be more easily be fallowed, at the least one halfe yearebefore, and the better dressed after it is framed. And you shall findethat cleane keeping doth not onely auoide danger of gathering weedes, but also is a speciall ornament, and leaues more plentifull sap for yourtender hearbes. CHAP. 2. _Of the Sites. _ I cannot see in any sort, how the site of the one should not be good, and fit for the other: The ends of both being one, good, wholesome, andmuch fruit ioyned with delight, vnlesse trees be more able to abide thenipping frostes than tender hearbes: but I am sure, the flowers of treesare as soone perished with cold, as any hearbe except Pumpions, andMelons. CHAP. 3. _Of the Forme. _ Let that which is sayd in the Orchards forme, suffice for a garden ingenerall: but for speciall formes in squares, they are as many, as thereare diuices in Gardners braines. Neither is the wit and art of askilfull Gardner in this poynt not to be commended, that can worke morevariety for breeding of more delightsome choyce, and of all thosethings, where the owner is able and desirous to be satisfied. The numberof formes, Mazes and Knots is so great, and men are so diuerslydelighted, that I leaue euery House-wife to her selfe, especially seeingto set downe many, had bene but to fill much paper; yet lest I depriueher of all delight and direction, let her view these few, choyse, newformes, and note this generally, that all plots are square, and all arebordered about with Priuit, Raisins, Fea-berries, Roses, Thorne, Rosemary, Bee-flowers, Isop, Sage, or such like. {Illustration: The ground plot for Knots. } {Illustration: Cinkfoyle. } {Illustration: Flower-deluce. } {Illustration: The Trefoyle. } {Illustration: The Fret. } {Illustration: Lozenges. } {Illustration: Crosse-bow. } {Illustration: Diamond. } {Illustration: Ouall. } {Illustration: Maze. } CHAP. 4. _Of the Quantity. _ A Garden requireth not so large a scope of ground as an Orchard, both inregard of the much weeding, dressing and remouing, and also the painesin a Garden is not so well repaied home, as in an Orchard. It is to begraunted, that the Kitchin garden doth yeeld rich gaines by berries, roots, cabbages, &c. Yet these are no way comparable to the fruits of arich Orchard: but notwithstanding I am of opinion, that it were betterfor _England_, that we had more Orchards and Gardens, and more large. And therefore we leaue the quantity to euery mans ability and will. CHAP. 5. _Of Fence. _ Seeing we allow Gardens in Orchard plots, and the benefit of a Garden ismuch, they both require a strong and shrowding fence. Therefore leauingthis, let vs come to the hearbes themselues, which must be the fruit ofall these labours. CHAP. 6. _Of two Gardens. _ Hearbes are of two sorts, and therefore it is meete (they requiringdiuers manners of Husbandry) that we haue two Gardens: A garden forflowers, and a Kitchen garden: or a Summer garden: not that we meane soperfect a distinction, that the Garden for flowers should or can bewithout hearbes good for the Kitchen, or the Kitchen garden should wantflowers, nor on the contrary: but for the most part they would beseuered: first, because your Garden flowers shall suffer some disgrace, if among them you intermingle Onions, Parsnips, &c. Secondly, yourGarden that is durable, must be of one forme: but that, which is foryour Kitchens vse, must yeeld daily rootes, or other hearbes, and sufferdeformity. Thirdly, the hearbs of both will not be both alike ready, atone time, either for gathering, or remouing. First therefore _Of the Summer Garden. _ These hearbs and flowers are comely and durable for squares and knotsand all to set at _Michael-tide_, or somewhat before, that they may besetled in, and taken with the ground before winter, though they may beset, especially sowne in the spring. Roses of all sorts (spoken of in the Orchard) must be set. Some vie toset slips and twine them, which sometimes, but seldome thriue all. Rosemary, Lauender, Bee-flowers, Isop, Sage, Time, Cowslips, Pyony, Dasies, Cloue Gilliflowers, Pinkes, Sothernwood, Lillies, of all whichhereafter. _Of the Kitchen Garden. _ Though your Garden for flowers doth in a sort peculiarly challenge to itseise a profit, and exquisite forme to the eyes, yet you may notaltogether neglect this, where your hearbes for the pot do growe. Andtherefore, some here make comely borders with the hearbes aforesayd. Therather because aboundance of Roses and Lauender yeeld much profit, andcomfort to the sences: Rose-water and Lauender, the one cordial (as alsothe Violets, Burrage, and Buglas) the other reuiuing the spirits by thesence of smelling: both most durable for smell, both in flowers andwater: you need not here raise your beds, as in the other garden, because Summer towards, will not let too much wet annoy you. And these hearbes require more moysture: yet must you haue your bedsdiuided, that you may goe betwixt to weede, and somewhat forme would beexpected: To which it auaileth, that you place your herbes of biggestgrowth, by walles, or in borders, as Fenell, &c. And the lowest in themiddest, as Saffron, Strawberries, Onions, &c. CHAP. 7. _Diuision of hearbs. _ Garden hearbs are innumerable, yet these are common and sufficient forour country House-wifes. _Hearbs of greatest growth. _ Fenell, Anglica, Tansie, Hollihock, Louage, Elly Campane, Frenchmallows, Lillies, French poppy, Endiue, Succory and Clary. _Herbes of middle growth. _ Burrage, Buglas, Parsley, sweet Sicilly, Floure-de-luce, StockeGilliflowers, Wall-flowers, Anniseedes, Coriander, Feather fewell, Marigolds, Oculus Christi, Langdibeefe, Alexanders, Carduus Benedictus. _Hearbes of smallest growth. _ Pansy, or Harts-ease, Coast Margeram, Sauery, Strawberries, Saffron, Lycoras, Daffadowndillies, Leekes, Chiues, Chibals, Skerots, Onions, Batchellors buttons, Dasies, Peniroyall. Hitherto I haue onely reckoned vp, and put in this ranke, some hearbs. Their Husbandry follow each in an Alphabeticall order, the better to befound. CHAP. 8. _Husbandry of Herbes. _ _Alexanders_ are to be renewed as _Angelica_. It is a timely Pot-hearbe. _Anglica_ is renued with his seede, whereof he beareth plenty the secondyeare, and so dieth. You may remoue the rootes the first yeare. Theleaues distilled, yeeld water soueraigne to expell paine from thestomacke. The roote dried taken in the fall, stoppeth the poares againstinfections. _Annyseedes_ make their growth, and beareth seeds the first yeere, anddieth as _Coriander_: it is good for opening the pipes, and it is vsedin Comfits. _Artichoakes_ are renewed by diuiding the rootes into sets, in _March_, euery third or fourth yeare. They require a seuerall vsage, andtherefore a seuerall whole plot by themselues, especially consideringthey are plentifull of fruite much desired. _Burrage_ and _Buglas_, two Cordials, renue themselues by seed yearely, which is hard to be gathered: they are exceeding good Pot-hearbes, goodfor Bees, and most comfortable for the heart and stomacke, as Quincesand Wardens. _Camomile_, set rootes in bankes and walkes. It is sweete smelling, qualifying head-ach. _Cabbages_ require great roome, they seed the second yeare: sow them in_February_, remoue them when the plants are an handfull long, set deepeand wet. Looke well in drought for the white Caterpillers worme, thespaunes vnder the leafe closely; for euery liuing Creature doth seekefoode and quiet shelter, and growing quicke, they draw to, and eate theheart: you may finde them in a rainy deawy morning. It is a good Pothearbe, and of this hearbe called _Cole_ our CountrieHouse-wiues giue their pottage their name, and call them _Caell_. _Carduus Benedictus_, or blessed thistle, seeds and dyes the firstyeere, the excellent vertue thereof I referre to Herbals, for we areGardiners, not Physitians. _Carrets_ are sowne late in _Aprill_ or _May_, as Turneps, else theyseede the first yeere, and then their roots are naught: the second yeerethey dye, their roots grow great, and require large roome. _Chibals_ or _Chiues_ haue their roots parted, as Garlick, Lillies, &c. And so are they set euery third or fourth yeere: a good pot-hearbopening, but euill for the eies. _Clarie_ is sowne, it seeds the second yeere, and dyes. It is somewhatharsh in taste, a little in pottage is good, it strengtheneth thereines. _Coast_, Roote parted make sets in _March_: it beares the second yeere:it is vsed in Ale in _May_. _Coriander_ is for vsage and vses, much like Anniseeds. _Daffadowndillies_ haue their roots parted, and set once in three orfoure yeere, or longer time. They flower timely, and after _Midsummer_, are scarcely seene. They are more for ornament, then for vse, so areDaisies. _Daisie_-rootes parted and set, as Flowre-deluce and Camomile, when yousee them grow too thicke or decay. They be good to keepe vp, andstrengthen the edges of your borders, as Pinkes, they be red, white, mixt. _Ellycampane_ root is long lasting, as is the Louage, it seeds yeerely, you may diuide the root, and set the roote, taken in VVinter it is good(being dryed, powdered and drunke) to kill itches. _Endiue_ and _Succory_ are much like in nature, shape, and vse, theyrenue themselues by seed, as Fennell, and other hearbs. You may remouethem before they put forth shankes, a good Pot-hearbe. _Fennell_ is renued, either by the seeds (which it beareth the secondyeere, and so yeerely in great abundance) sowne in the fall or Spring, or by diuiding one root into many Sets, as Artichoke, it is long ofgrowth and life. You may remoue the roote vnshankt. It is exceedinggood for the eyes, distilled, or any otherwise taken: it is vsed indressing Hiues for swarmes, a very good Pot-hearbe, or for Sallets. _Fetherfewle_ shakes seed. Good against a shaking Feuer, taken in aposset drinke fasting. _Flower-deluce_, long lasting. Diuide his roots, and set: the rootsdryed haue a sweet smell. _Garlicke_ may be set an handfull distance, two inches deepe, in theedge of your beds. Part the heads into seuerall cloues, and euery cloueset in the latter end of _February_, will increase to a great headbefore _September_: good for opening, euill for eyes: when the blade islong, fast two & two together, the heads will be bigger. _Hollyhocke_ riseth high, seedeth and dyeth: the chiefe vse I know isornament. _Isop_ is reasonable long lasting: young roots are good set, slipsbetter. A good pot-hearbe. _Iuly-flowers_, commonly called _Gilly-flowers_, or _Cloue-Iuly-flowers_(I call them so, because they flowre in _Iuly_) they haue the name of_Cloues_, of their sent. I may well call them the King of flowers(except the Rose) and the best sort of them are called _Queene-Iulyflowers_. I haue of them nine or ten seuerall colours, and diuers ofthem as big as Roses; of all flowers (saue the Damaske Rose) they arethe most pleasant to sight and smell: they last not past three or foureyeeres vnremoued. Take the slips (without shanks) and set any time, sauein extreme frost, but especially at _Michael tide_. Their vse is much inornament, and comforting the spirits, by the sence of smelling. _Iuly flowers_ of the wall, or wall-_Iuly-flowers_, wall-flowers, orBee-flowers, or Winter-_Iuly-flowers_, because growing in the walles, euen in Winter, and good for Bees, will grow euen in stone walls, theywill seeme dead in Summer, and yet reuiue in Winter. They yeeld seedplentifully, which you may sow at any time, or in any broken earth, especially on the top of a mud-wall, but moist, you may set the rootbefore it be brancht, euery slip that is not flowr'd will take root, orcrop him in Summer, and he will flower in Winter: but his Winter-seed isvntimely. This and Palmes are exceeding good, and timely for Bees. _Leekes_ yeeld seed the second yeere, vnremoued and die, vnlesse youremoue them, vsuall to eate with salt and bread, as Onyons alwaiesgreene, good pot-hearb, euill for the eyes. _Lauendar spike_ would be remoued within 7 yeeres, or eight at the most. Slips twined as Isop and Sage, would take best at _Michael-tide_. Thisflower is good for Bees, most comfortable for smelling, except Roses;and kept dry, is as strong after a yeere, and when it is gathered. Thewater of this is comfortable. White _Lauendar_ would be remoued sooner. _Lettice_ yeelds seed the first yeere, and dyes: sow betime, and if youwould haue them _Cabbage_ for Sallets, remoue them as you doe _Cabbage_. They are vsuall in Sallets, and the pot. _Lillies_ white and red, remoued once in three or foure yeeres theirroots yeeld many Sets, like the Garlicke, _Michael-tide_ is the best:they grow high, after they get roote: these roots are good to breake aByle, as are Mallowes and Sorrell. _Mallowes_, French or gagged, the first or second yeere, seedplentifully: sow in _March_, or before, they are good for thehouse-wifes pot, or to breake a bunch. _Marigolds_ most commonly come of seed, you may remoue the Plants, whenthey be two inches long. The double Marigold, being as bigge as a littleRose, is good for shew. They are a good Pot-hearbe. _Oculus Christi_, or Christs eye, seeds and dyes the first or secondyeere: you may remoue the yong Plants, but seed is better: one of theseseeds put into the eye, within three or foure houres will gather athicke skinne, cleere the eye, and bolt it selfe forth without hurt tothe eye. A good Pot-hearbe. _Onyons_ are sowne in _February_, they are gathered at _Michael-tide_, and all the Summer long, for Sallets; as also young Parsly, Sage, Chibals, Lettice, sweet Sicily, Fennell, &c. Good alone, or with meateas Mutton, &c. For sauce, especially for the pot. _Parsly_ sow the first yeere, and vse the next yeere: it seedesplentifully, an hearbe of much vse, as sweet Sicily is. The seed androots are good against the Stone. _Parsneps_ require and whole plot, they be plentifull and common: sowthem in _February_, the Kings (that is in the middle) seed broadest andreddest. Parsneps are sustenance for a strong stomacke, not good foreuill eies: When they couer the earth in a drought, to tread the tops, make the rootes bigger. _Peny-royall_, or Pudding Grasse, creepes along the ground like groundIuie. It lasts long, like Daisies, because it puts and spreads dayly newroots. Diuide, and remoue the roots, it hath a pleasant taste and smell, good for the pot, or hackt meate, or Haggas Pudding. _Pumpions_: Set seedes with your finger, a finger deepe, late in_March_, and so soone as they appeare, euery night if you doubt frost, couer them, and water them continually out of a water-pot: they be verytender, their fruit is great and waterish. _French poppy_ beareth a faire flower, and the Seed will make yousleepe. _Raddish_ is sauce for cloyed stomacks, as Capers, Oliues, andCucumbers, cast the seeds all Summer long here and there, and you shallhaue them alwaies young and fresh. _Rosemary_, the grace of hearbs here in _England_, in other Countriescommon. To set slips immediately after _Lammas_, is the surest way. Seede sowne may proue well, so they be sowne in hot weather, somewhatmoist, and good earth: for the hearbe, though great, is nesh and tender(as I take it) brought from hot Countries to vs in the cold North: setthinne. It becomes a Window well. The vse is much in meates, more inPhysicke, most for Bees. _Rue, or Hearbe of Grace_, continually greene, the slips are set. Itlasts long as Rosemary, Sothernwood, &c. Too strong for mine Housewifespot, vnlesse she will brue Ale therewith, against the Plague: let himnot seede, if you will haue him last. _Saffron_ euery third yeere his roots would be remoued at _Midsummer_:for when all other hearbs grow most, it dyeth. It flowreth at_Michael-tide_, and groweth all Winter: keepe his flowers from birds inthe morning, & gather the yellow (or they shape much like Lillies) dry, and after dry them: they be precious, expelling diseases from the heartand stomacke. _Sauery_ seeds and dyes the first yeere, good for my Housewifes pot andpye. _Sage_: set slips in _May_, and they grow aye: Let it not seed it willlast the longer. The vse is much and common. The Monkish Prouerbe is_tritum_: _Cur moritur homo, cum saluia crescit in horto?_ _Skerots_, roots are set when they be parted, as _Pyonie_, andFlower-deluce at _Michael-tide_: the roote is but small and very sweet. I know none other speciall vse but the Table. Sweet _Sicily_, long lasting, pleasantly tasting, either the seed sowne, or the root parted, and remoued, makes increase, it is of like vse withParsly. _Strawberries_ long lasting, set roots at _Michael-tide_ or the Spring, they be red, white and greene, and ripe, when they be great and soft, some by _Midsummer_ with vs. The vse is: they will coole my Housewifewell, if they be put in Wine or Creame with Sugar. _Time_, both seeds, slips and rootes are good. If it seed not, it willlast three or foure yeeres or more, it smelleth comfortably. It hathmuch vse: namely, in all cold meats, it is good for Bees. _Turnep_ is sowne. In the second yeere they beare plenty of seed: theyrequire the same time of sowing that Carrets doe: they are sicke of thesame disease that Cabbages be. The roots increaseth much, it is mostwholesome, if it be sowne in a good and well tempered earth: Soueraignefor eyes and Bees. I reckon these hearbs onely, because I teach my Countrey Housewife, notskilfull Artists, and it should be an endlesse labour, and would makethe matter tedious to reckon vp _Landtheefe_, _Stocke-Iuly-flowers_, _Charuall_, _Valerian_, _Go-to bed at noone_, _Piony_, _Licoras_, _Tansie_, _Garden mints_, _Germander_, _Centaurie_, and a thousand suchphysicke Hearbs. Let her first grow cunning in this, and then she mayenlarge her Garden as her skill and ability increaseth. And to helpe herthe more, I haue set her downe these obseruations. CHAP. 9. _Generall Rules in Gardening. _ In the South parts Gardening may be more timely, and more safely done, then with vs in _Yorkeshire_, because our ayre is not so fauourable, norour ground so good. 2 Secondly most seeds shakt, by turning the good earth, are renued, their mother the earth keeping them in her bowels, till the Sunne theirFather can reach them with his heat. 3 In setting hearbs, leaue no top more then an handfull aboue theground, nor more then a foot vnder the earth. 4 Twine the roots of those slips you set, if they will abide it. Gilly-flowers are too tender. 5 Set moist, and sowe dry. 6 Set slips without shankes any time, except at _Midsummer_, and infrosts. 7 Seeding spoiles the most roots, as drawing the heart and sap from theroot. 8 Gather for the pot and medicines, hearbs tender and greene, the sapbeing in the top, but in Winter the root is best. 9 All the hearbs in the Garden for flowers, would once in seuen yeeresbe renued, or soundly watered with puddle water, except Rosemary. 10 In all your Gardens and Orchards, bankes and seates of Camomile, Peny-royall, Daisies and Violets, are seemely and comfortable. 11 These require whole plots: Artichokes, Cabbages, Turneps, Parsneps, Onyons, Carrets, and (if you will) Saffron and Scerrits. 12 Gather all your seeds, dead, ripe, and dry. 13 Lay no dung to the roots of your hearbs, as vsually they doe: fordung not melted is too hot, euen for trees. 14 Thin setting and sewing (so the rootes stand not past a footdistance) is profitable, for the hearbs will like the better. Greaterhearbs would haue more distance. 15 Set and sow hearbs in their time of growth (except at _Midsummer_, for then they are too too tender) but trees in their time of rest. 16 A good Housewife may, and will gather store of hearbs for the pot, about _Lammas_, and dry them, and pownd them, and in Winter they willmake good seruice. Thus haue I lined out a Garden to our Countrey Housewiues, and giuenthem rules for common hearbs. If any of them (as sometimes they are) beknotty, I referre them to Chap. 3. The skill and paines of weeding theGarden with weeding kniues or fingers, I refer to themselues, and theirmaides, willing them to take the opportunitie after a showre of raine:withall I aduise the Mistresse, either be present her selfe, or to teachher maides to know hearbs from weeds. CHAP. 10. _The Husbandry of Bees. _ There remaineth one necessary thing to be prescribed, which in mineopinion makes as much for ornament as either Flowers, or forme, orcleanlinesse, and I am sure as commodious as any of, or all the rest:which is Bees, well ordered. And I will not account her any of my goodHouse-wiues, that wanteth either Bees or skilfulnesse about them. Andthough I knowe some haue written well and truely, and others moreplentifully vpon this theame: yet somewhat haue I learned by experience(being a Bee-maister my selfe) which hitherto I cannot finde put intowriting, for which I thinke our House-wiues will count themseluesbeholding vnto me. {SN: Bee-house. }The first thing that a Gardiner about Bees must be carefull for, is anhouse not stakes and stones abroad, _Sub dio_: for stakes rot and reele, raine and weather eate your hiues, and couers, and cold most of all ishurtfull for your Bees. Therefore you must haue an house made along, asure dry wall in your Garden, neere, or in your Orchard: for Bees loueflowers and wood with their hearts. This is the forme, a Frame standing on posts with a Floore (if youwould haue it hold more Hiues, two Floores boorded) layd on bearers, andbacke posts, couered ouer with boords, slate-wise. IC Let the floores be without holes or clifts, least in casting time, theBees lye out, and loyter. And though your Hiues stand within an hand breadth the one of another:yet will Bees know their home. In this Frame may your Bees stand drye and warme, especially if you makedoores like doores of windows to shroud them in winter, as in an house:prouided you leaue the hiues mouths open. I my self haue deuised suchan house, and I find that it keeps and strengthens my Bees much, and myhiues will last sixe to one. {SN: Hiues. }M. _Markham_ commends Hiues of wood. I discommend them not: but strawHiues are in vse with vs, and I thinke with all the world, which Icommend for nimblenesse, closenesse, warmnesse and drinesse. Bees loueno externall motions of dawbing or such like. Sometimes occasion shallbe offered to lift and turne Hiues, as shall appeare hereafter. Onelight entire hiue of straw in that case is better, then one that isdawbed, weighty and cumbersome. I wish euery hiue, for a keeping swarme, to hold three pecks at least in measure. For too little Hiues procureBees, in casting time, either to lye out, and loyter, or else to castbefore they be ripe and strong, and so make weake swarmes and vntimely:Whereas if they haue roome sufficient, they ripen timely, and castingseasonably, are strong, and fit for labour presently. Neither would thehiue be too too great, for then they loyter, and waste meate andtime. {SN: Hiuing of Bees. }Your Bees delight in wood, for feeding, especially for casting:therefore want not an Orchard. A _Mayes_ swarme is worth a Mares Foale:if they want wood, they be in danger of flying away. Any time before_Midsummer_ is good, for casting and timely before _Iuly_ is not euill. I much like M _Markhams_ opinion for hiuing a swarme in combes of a deador forsaken hiue, so they be fresh & cleanly. To thinke that a swarme ofyour owne, or others, will of it selfe come into such an hiue, is ameere conceit. _Experto crede Roberto. _ His smearing with honey, is tono purpose, for the other Bees will eate it vp. If your swarme knit inthe top of a tree, as they will, if the winde beate them not to falldowne: let the stoole or ladder described in the Orchard, doe youseruice. {SN: Spelkes. }The lesse your Spelkes are, the lesse is the waste of your honey, andthe more easily will they draw, when you take your Bees. Foure Spelkesathwart, and one top Spelke are sufficient. The Bees will fasten theircombes to the Hiue. A little honey is good: but if you want, Fennellwill serue to rub your Hiue withall. The Hiue being drest and readyspelkt, rubd and the hole made for their passage (I vse no hole in theHiue, but a piece of wood hoal'd to saue the hiue & keep out Mice) shakein your Bees, or the most of them (for all commonly you cannot get) theremainder will follow. Many vse smoke, Nettles, &c. Which I vtterlydislike: for Bees loue not to be molested. Ringing in the time ofcasting is a meere fancie, violent handling of them is simply euill, because Bees of all other creatures, loue cleanlinesse and peace. Therefore handle them leasurely & quietly, and their Keeper whom theyknow, may do with them, what he will, without hurt: Being hiued atnight, bring them to their seat. Set your hiues all of one yeeretogether. Signes of breeding, if they be strong: 1 They will auoid dead young Bees and Droanes. 2 They will sweat in the morning, till it runne from them; alwaies whenthey be strong. _Signes of casting. _ 1 They will fly Droanes, by reason of heat. 2 The young swarme will once or twice in some faire season, come forthmustering, as though they would cast, to proue themselues, and goe inagaine. 3 The night before they cast, if you lay your eare to the Hiues mouth, yo shall heare two or three, but especially one aboue the rest, cry, Vp, vp, vp; or, Tout, tout, tout, like a trumpet, sounding the alarum to thebattell. {SN: Catching. }{SN: Clustering. }Much descanting there is, of, and about the Master-Bee, and theirdegrees, order and gouernment: but the truth in this point is ratherimagined, then demonstrated. There are some coniectures of it, _viz. _ wesee in the combs diuers greater houses then the rest, & we hearecommonly the night before they cast, sometimes one Bee, sometimes two, or more Bees, giue a lowd and seueral sound from the rest, and sometimesBees of greater bodies then the common sort: but what of all this? Ileane not on coniectures, but loue to set downe that I know to be true, and leaue these things to them that loue to diuine. Keepe none weake, for it is hazard, oftentimes with losse: Feeding will not helpe them:for being weake, they cannot come downe to meate, or if they come downe, they dye, because Bees weake cannot abide cold. If none of these, yetwill the other Bees being strong, smell the honey, and come and spoile, and kill them. Some helpe is in casting time, to put two weake swarmestogether, or as M. _Markham_ well saith: Let not them cast late, byraising them with wood or stone: but with impes (say I. ) An impe isthree or foure wreathes, wrought as the hiue, the same compasse, to rasethe hiue withall: but by experience in tryall, I haue found out a betterway by Clustering, for late or weake swarmes hitherto not found out ofany that I know. That is this: After casting time, if I haue any stockeproud, and hindered from timely casting, with former Winters pouerty, or euill weather in casting time, with two handles and crookes, fittedfor the purpose, I turne vp that stocke so pestred with Bees, and set iton the crowne, vpon which so turned with the mouth vpward, I placeanother empty hiue well drest, and spelkt, into which without anylabour, the Swarme that would not depart, and cast, will presentlyascend, because the old Bees haue this qualitie (as all other breedingcreatures haue) to expell the young, when they haue brought them vp. IC There will the swarme build as kindely, as if they had of themseluesbeene cast. But bee sure you lay betwixt the Hiues some straight andcleanly sticke or stickes, or rather a boord with holes, to keepe themasunder: otherwise they will ioyne their workes together so fast, thatthey cannot be parted. If you so keepe them asunder at _Michael-tide_, if you like the weight of your swarme (for the goodnesse of swarmes istryed by weight) so catched, you may set it by for a stocke to keepe. Take heed in any case the combes be not broken, for then the other Beeswill smell the honey, and spoyle them. This haue I tryed to be veryprofitable for the sauing of Bees. The Instrument hath this forme. Thegreat straight piece is wood, the rest are iron claspes and nailes, theclaspes are loose in the Stapes: Two men with two of these fastened tothe Hiue, will easily turne it vp. They gather not till _Iuly_; for then they be discharged of theiryoung, or else they are become now strong to labour, and now sap inflowers is strong and proud: by reason of time, and force of Sunne. Andnow also in the North (and not before) the hearbs of greatest vigour puttheir Flowers; As Beanes, Fennell, Burrage, Rape, &c. The most sensible weather for them, is heat and drought, because thenesh Bee can neither abide cold or wet: and showres (which they wellfore-see) doe interrupt their labours, vnlesse they fall on the night, and so they further them. {SN: Droanes. }After casting time, you shall benefit your stockes much, if you helpethem to kill their Droanes, which by all probability and iudgement, arean idle kind of Bees, and wastefull. Some say they breed and haue seeneyoung Droanes in taking their honey, which I know is true. But I am ofopinion, that there are also Bees which haue lost their stings, and sobeing, as it were gelded, become idle and great. There is great vse ofthem: _Deus, et natura nihil fecit frustra_. They hate the Bees, andcause them cast the sooner. They neuer come foorth but when they be ouerheated. They neuer come home loaden. After casting time, and when theBees want meate, you shall see the labouring Bees fasten on them, two, three, or foure at once, as if they were theeues to be led to thegallowes, and killing them, they cast out, and draw them farre fromhome, as hatefull enemies. Our Housewife, if she be the Keeper of herowne Bees (as she had need to be) may with her bare hand in the heate ofthe day, safely destroy them in the hiues mouth. Some vse towards night, in a hot day, to set before the mouth of the hiue a thin board, withlittle holes, in at which the lesser Bees may enter, but not theDroanes, so that you may kill them at your pleasure. {SN: Annoyances. }Snayles spoile them by night like theeues: they come so quietly, and areso fast, that the Bees feare them not. Looke earely and late, especiallyin a rainie or dewey euening or morning. Mice are no lesse hurtfull, and the rather to hiues of straw: andtherefore couerings of straw draw them. They will in either at themouth, or sheere themselues an hole. The remedy is good Cats, Rats-baneand watching. The cleanly Bee hateth the smoake as poison, therefore let your Beesstand neerer your garden then your Brew-house or Kitchen. They say Sparrowes and Swallowes are enemies to Bees, but I see it not. More hiues perish by Winters cold, then by all other hurts: for the Beeis tender and nice, and onely liues in warme weather, and dyes in cold:And therefore let my Housewife be perswaded, that a warme dry housebefore described, is the chiefest helpe she can make her Bees againstthis, and many more mischiefes. Many vse against cold in Winter, to stopvp their hiue close, and some set them in houses, perswading themselues, that thereby they relieue their Bees. First, tossing and mouing ishurtfull. Secondly, in houses, going, knocking, and shaking is noysome. Thirdly, too much heate in an house is vnnaturall for them: but lastly, and especially, Bees cannot abide to be stopt close vp. For at euerywarme season of the Sunne they reuiue, and liuing eate, and eating mustneeds purge abroad, (in her house) the cleanly Bee will not purge herselfe. Iudge you what it is for any liuing creature, not to disburdennature. Being shut vp in calme seasons, lay your care to the Hiue, andyou shall heare them yarme and yell, as so many hungred prisoners. Therefore impound not your Bees, so profitable and free a creature. {SN: Taking of Bees. }Let none stand aboue three yeares, else the combes will be blacke andknotty, your honey will be thinne and vncleanly: and if any cast afterthree yeares, it is such as haue swarmes, and old Bees kept alltogether, which is great losse. Smoaking with ragges, rozen, orbrimstone, many vse: some vse drowning in a tub of cleane water, and thewater well brewde, will be good botchet. Drawe out your spelkesimmediatly with a paire of pinchars, lest the wood grow soft and swell, and so will not be drawne, then must you cut your Hiue. {SN: Straining Honey. }Let no fire come neere your hony, for fire softeneth the waxe anddrosse, and makes them runne with the hony. Fire softneth, weakeneth, and hindereth hony for purging. Breake your combes small (when the deadempty combes are parted from the loaden combes) into a siue, borne ouera great bowle, or vessell, with two staues, and so let it runne two orthree dayes. The sooner you tunne it vp, the better will it purge. Runneyour swarme honey by it selfe, and that shall be your best. The elderyour hiues are, the worse is your honey. {SN: Vessels. }Vsuall vessels are of clay, but after wood be satiated with honey (forit will leake at first: for honey is maruellously searching, the thicke, and therefore vertuous. ) I vse it rather because it will not breake sosoone, with fals, frosts, or otherwise, and greater vessels of claywill hardly last. When you vse your honey, with a spoone take off the skin which it hathput vp. And it is worth the regard, that bees thus vsed, if you haue but fortystockes, shall yeeld you more commodity cleerely than forty acres ofground. And thus much may suffice, to make good Housewiues loue and hauegood Gardens and Bees. _Deo Laus. _ _FINIS. _ The Contents of the Countrey _House-wifes Garden. _ Chap. 1. _The Soyle. _ _Pag. 77_ Chap. 2. _Site. _ _p. 78_ Chap. 3. _Forme. _ _p. 79_ Chap. 4. _Quantity. _ _p. 85_ Chap. 5. _Fences. _ _p. Ibid. _ Chap. 6. _Two Gardens. _ _p. 86_ Chap. 7. _Diuision of herbs. _ _p. 88_ Chap. 8. _The Husbandry of herbes. _ _p. Ibid. _ Chap. 9. _Generall rules. _ _p. 96_ Chap. 10. _The Husbandry of Bees. _ _p. 98_ _Bee-house. _ _p. 98. _ _Hiues. _ _p. 100. _ _Hiuing of Bees. _ _p. Ibid. _ _Spelkes. _ _p. 101. _ _Catching. _ _p. 102. _ _Clustering. _ _p. 103. _ _Droanes. _ _p. 104. _ _Annoyances. _ _p. 105. _ _Taking of Bees. _ _p. 106. _ _Straining honey. _ _p. Ibid. _ _Vessels. _ _p. Ibid. _ A MOST PROFITABLE NEWE TREATISE, From approued experience of the art _of propagating Plants: by_ Simon Harward. CHAP. 1. _The Art of propagating Plants. _ {SN: 1. }There are foure sorts of Planting, or propagating, as in laying ofshootes or little branches, whiles they are yet tender in some pit madeat their foote, as shall be sayd hereafter, or vpon a little ladder orBasket of earth, tyed to the bottome of the branch, or in boaring aWillow thorow, and putting the branch of the tree into the hole, asshall be fully declared in the Chapter of Grafting. {SN: 2. }There are likewise seasons to propagate in; but the best is in theSpring, and _March_, when the trees are in the Flower, and doe begin togrow lusty. The young planted Siens or little Grafts must be propagatedin the beginning of Winter, a foot deepe in the earth, and good manuremingled amongst the earth, which you shall cast forth of the pit, wherein you meane to propagate it, to tumble it in vpon it againe. Inlike manner your superfluous Siens, or little Plants must be cut closeby the earth, when as they grow about some small Impe, which we meane topropagate, for they would doe nothing but rot. For to propagate, youmust digge the earth round about the tree, that so your rootes may belaid in a manner halfe bare. Afterward draw into length the pit on thatside where you meane to propagate, and according as you perceiue thatthe roots will be best able to yeeld, and be gouerned in the same pit, to vie them, and that with all gentlenesse, and stop close your Siens, in such sort, as that the wreath which is in the place where it isgrafted, may be a little lower then the Siens of the new Wood, growingout of the earth, euen so high as it possible may be. If the trees thatyou would propagate be somewhat thicke, and thereby the harder to ply, and somewhat stiffe to lay in the pit: then you may wet the stockealmost to the midst, betwixt the roote and the wreathing place, and sowith gentle handling of it, bow downe into the pit the wood which thegrafts haue put forth, and that in as round a compasse as you can, keeping you from breaking of it: afterward lay ouer the cut, with gummedWaxe, or with grauell and sand. CHAP. 2. _Grafting in the Barke. _ Grafting in the Barke, is vsed from mid-_August_, to the beginning ofWinter, and also when the Westerne winde beginneth to blow, being fromthe 7. Of _February_, vnto 11. Of _Iune_. But there must care be had, not to graffe in the barke in any rainy season, because it would washaway the matter of ioyning the one and the other together, and so hinderit. {SN: 3. }Grafting in the budde, is vsed in the Summer time, from the end of_May_, vntill _August_, as being the time when the trees are strong andlusty, and full of sap and leaues. To wit, in a hot Countrey, from themidst of _Iune_, vnto the midst of _Iuly_: but cold Countries, to themidst of _August_, after some small showres of Raine. If the Summer be so exceeding dry, as that some trees doe withhold theirsap, you must waite the time till it doe returne. Graft from the full of the Moone, vntill the end of the old. You may graft in a Cleft, without hauing regard to the Raine, for thesap will keepe it off. You may graft from mid-_August_, to the beginning of _Nouember_: Cowesdung with straw doth mightily preserue the graft. It is better to graft in the euening, then the morning. The furniture and tooles of a Grafter, are a Basket to lay his Graftsin, Clay, Grauell, Sand, or strong Earth, to draw ouer the plantsclouen: Mosse, Woollen clothes, barkes of Willow to ioyne to the latethings and earth before spoken, and to keepe them fast: Oziers to tyeagaine vpon the barke, to keepe them firme and fast: gummed Wax, todresse and couer the ends and tops of the grafts newly cut, that so theraine and cold may not hurt them, neither yet the sap rising frombelowe, be constrained to returne againe vnto the shootes. A little Saweor hand Sawe, to sawe off the stocke of the plants, a little Knife orPen-knife to graffe, and to cut and sharpen the grafts, that so thebarke may not pill nor be broken; which often commeth to passe when thegraft is full of sap. You shall cut the graffe so long, as that it mayfill the cliffe of the plant, and therewithall it must be left thickeron the barke-side, that so it may fill vp both the cliffe and otherincisions, as any need is to be made, which must be alwaies well ground, well burnished without all rust. Two wedges, the one broad for thicketrees, the other narrow for lesse and tender trees, both of them of box, or some other hard and smooth wood, or steele, or of very hard iron, that so they may need lesse labour in making them sharpe. A little hand-Bill to set the plants at more liberty, by cutting offsuperfluous boughs, helu'd of Iuory, Box, or Brazell. CHAP. 3. _Grafting in the cleft. _ The manner of grafting in a cleft, to wit, the stocke being clou'd, isproper not onely to trees, which are as great as a mans legs or armes, but also to greater. It is true that in as much as the trees cannoteasily be clouen in their stocke, that therefore it is expedient to makeincision in some one of their branches, and not in the maine body, as wesee to be practised in great Apple trees, and great Peare-trees, and aswe haue already declared heretofore. To graft in the cleft, you must make choise of a graft that is full ofsap and iuyce, but it must not bee, but till from after _Ianuary_ vntill_March_: And you must not thus graft in any tree that is already budded, because a great part of the iuyce and sap would be already mounted vp onhigh, and risen to the top, and there dispersed and scattered hither andthither, into euery sprigge and twigge, and vse nothing welcome to thegraft. You must likewise be resolued not to gather your graft the day you graftin, but ten or twelue dayes before: for otherwise, if you graft it newgathered, it will not be able easily to incorporate itselfe with thebody and stocke, where it shall be grafted; because that some part of itwill dry, and by this meanes will be a hinderance in the stocke to therising vp of the sap, which it should communerate vnto the graft, forthe making of it to put forth, and whereas this dried part will fall acrumbling, and breaking thorow his rottennesse, it will cause to remainea concauity, or hollow place in the stock, which will be an occasion ofa like inconuenience to befall the graft. Moreouer, the graft being newand tender, might easily be hurt of the bands, which are of necessity tobe tyed about the Stocke, to keepe the graft firme and fast. And youmust further see, that your Plant was not of late remoued, but that ithaue already fully taken root. When you are minded to graft many grafts into one cleft, you must seethat they be cut in the end all alike. {SN: 7. }See that the grafts be of one length, or not much differing, and it isenough, that they haue three or foure eylets without the wrench when thePlant is once sawed, and lopped of all his small Siens and shootes roundabout, as also implyed of all his branches, if it haue many: then youmust leaue but two at the most, before you come to the cleauing of it:then put to your little Saw, or your knife, or other edged toole that isvery sharpe, cleaue it quite thorow the middest, in gentle and softsort: First, tying the Stocke very sure, that so it may not cleauefurther then is need: and then put to your Wedges into the cleft vntillsuch time as you haue set in your grafts, and in cleauing of it, holdthe knife with the one hand, and the tree with the other, to helpe tokeepe it from cleauing too farre. Afterwards put in your wedge of Boxeor Brazill, or bone at the small end, that so you may the better take itout againe, when you haue set in your grafts. {SN: 8. }If the Stocke be clouen, or the Barke loosed too much from the wood:then cleaue it downe lower, and set your grafts in, and looke that theirincision bee fit, and very iustly answerable to the cleft, and that thetwo saps, first, of the Plant and graft, be right and euen set oneagainst the other, and so handsomely fitted, as that there may not bethe least appearance of any cut or cleft. For if they doe not thus lumpeone with another, they will neuer take one with another, because theycannot worke their seeming matter, and as it were cartilaguous glue inconuenient sort or manner, to the gluing of their ioynts together. Youmust likewise beware, not to make your cleft ouerthwart the pitch, butsomewhat aside. The barke of your Plant being thicker then that of your Graft, you mustset the graft so much the more outwardly in the cleft, that so the twosaps may in any case be ioyned, and set right the one with the other butthe rinde of the Plant must be somewhat more out, then that of thegrafts on the clouen side. {SN: 9. }{SN: 10. }To the end that you may not faile of this worke of imping, you mustprincipally take heed, not to ouer-cleaue the Stockes of your Trees. Butbefore you widen the cleft of your wedges, binde, and goe about theStocke with two or three turnes, and that with an Ozier, close drawnetogether, vnderneath the same place, where you would haue your cleft toend, that so your Stocke cleaue not too farre, which is a very vsuallcause of the miscarrying of grafts, in asmuch as hereby the cleftstandeth so wide and open, as that it cannot be shut, and so not growtogether againe; but in the meane time spendeth it selfe, and breathethout all his life in that place, which is the cause that the Stocke andthe Graft are both spilt. And this falleth out most often in Plum-trees, & branches of trees. You must be careful so to ioyne the rinds of yourgrafts, and Plants, that nothing may continue open, to the end that thewind, moisture of the clay or raine, running vpon the grafted place, donot get in: when the plant cloueth very straight, there is not anydanger nor hardnesse in sloping downe the Graft. If you leaue itsomewhat vneuen, or rough in some places, so that the saps both of theone and of the other may the better grow, and be glued together, whenyour grafts are once well ioyned to your Plants, draw out your wedgesvery softly, lest you displace them againe, you may leaue there withinthe cleft some small end of a wedge of greene wood, cutting it veryclose with the head of the Stocke: Some cast glue into the cleft, someSugar, and some gummed Waxe. {SN: 11. }If the Stocke of the Plant whereupon you intend to graft, be not sothicke as your graft, you shall graft it after the fashion of a Goatesfoot, make a cleft in the Stocke of the Plant, not direct, but byas, &that smooth and euen, not rough: then apply and make fast thereto, thegraft withall his Barke on, and answering to the barke of the Plant. This being done, couer the place with the fat earth and mosse of theWoods tyed together with a strong band: sticke a pole of Wood by it, tokeepe it stedfast. CHAP. 4. _Grafting like a Scutcheon. _ In grafting after the manner of a Scutcheon, you shall not vary nordiffer much from that of the Flute or Pipe, saue only that theScutcheon-like graft, hauing one eyelet, as the other hath yet the woodof the tree whereupon the Scutcheon-like graft is grafted, hath not anyknob, or budde, as the wood whereupon the graft is grafted, after themanner of a pipe. {SN: 12. }In Summer when the trees are well replenished with sap, and that theirnew Siens begin to grow somewhat hard, you shall take a shoote at theend of the chiefe branches of some noble and reclaimed tree, whereof youwould faine haue some fruit, and not many of his old store or wood, andfrom thence raise a good eylet, the tayle and all thereof to make yourgraft. But when you choose, take the thickest, and grossest, diuide thetayle in the middest, before you doe any thing else, casting away theleafe (if it be not a Peare plum-tree: for that would haue two or threeleaues) without remouing any more of the said tayle: afterward with thepoint of a sharpe knife, cut off the Barke of the said shoote, thepatterne of a shield, of the length of a nayle. {SN: 13. }In which there is onely one eylet higher then the middest together, withthe residue of the tayle which you left behinde: and for the lifting vpof the said graft in Scutcheon, after that you haue cut the barke of theshoote round about, without cutting of the wood within, you must take itgently with your thumbe, and in putting it away you must presse vpon thewood from which you pull it, that so you may bring the bud and all awaytogether with the Scutcheon: for if you leaue it behinde with the wood, then were the Scutcheon nothing worth. You shall finde out if theScutcheon be nothing worth, if looking within when it is pulled awayfrom the wood of the same sute, you finde it to haue a hole within, butmore manifestly, if the bud doe stay behind in the VVood, which ought tohaue beene in the Scutcheon. {SN: 14. }Thus your Scutcheon being well raised and taken off, hold it a littleby the tayle betwixt your lips, without wetting of it, euen vntill youhaue cut the Barke of the tree where you would graft it, and looke thatit be cut without any wounding of the wood within, after the manner of acrutch, but somewhat longer then the Scutcheon that you haue to set init, and in no place cutting the wood within; after you haue madeincision, you must open it, and make it gape wide on both sides, but inall manner of gentle handling, and that with little Sizers of bone, andseparating the wood and the barke a little within, euen so much as yourScutcheon is in length and breadth: you must take heed that in doinghereof, you do not hurt the bark. {SN: 15. }{SN: 17. }This done take your Scutcheon by the end, and your tayle which you haueleft remaining, and put into your incision made in your tree, lifting vpsoftly your two sides of the incision with your said Sizers of bone, andcause the said Scutcheon to ioyne, and lye as close as may be, with thewood of the tree, being cut, as aforesaid, in waying a little vpon theend of your rinde: so cut and let the vpper part of your Scutcheon lyeclose vnto the vpper end of your incision, or barke of your said tree:afterward binde your Scutcheon about with a band of Hempe, as thicke asa pen or a quill, more or lesse, according as your tree is small orgreat, taking the same Hempe in the middest, to the end that either partof it may performe a like seruice; and wreathing and binding of the saidScutcheon into the incision of a tree, and it must not be tyed toostrait, for that would keepe it from taking the ioyning of the one sapto the other, being hindred thereby, and neither the Scutcheon, nor yetthe Hempe must be moist or wet: and the more iustly to binde themtogether, begin at the backe side of the Tree, right ouer against themiddest of the incision, and from thence come forward to ioyne thembefore, aboue the eylet and tayle of the Scutcheon, crossing your bandof Hempe, so oft as the two ends meet, and from thence returning backeagaine, come about and tye it likewise vnderneath the eylets: and thuscast about your band still backward and forward, vntill the whole cleftof the incision be couered aboue and below with the said Hempe, theeylet onely excepted, and his tayle which must not be couered at all;his tayle will fall away one part after another, and that shortly afterthe ingrafting, if so be the Scutcheon will take. Leaue your trees andScutcheons thus bound, for the space of one moneth, and the thicker, agreat deale longer time. Afterward looke them ouer, and if you perceiuethem to grow together, vntye them, or at the leastwise cut the Hempebehinde them, and leaue them vncouered. Cut also your branch two orthree fingers aboue that, so the impe may prosper the better: and thuslet them remaine till after Winter, about the moneth of _March_, and_Aprill_. {SN: 18. }If you perceiue that your budde of your Scutcheon doe swell and comeforward: then cut off the tree three fingers or thereabouts, aboue theScutcheon: for if it be cut off too neere the Scutcheon, at such time asit putteth forth his first blossome, it would be a meanes greatly tohinder the flowring of it, and cause also that it should not thriue andprosper so well after that one yeere is past, and that the shootebeginneth to be strong: beginning to put forth the second bud andblossome, you must goe forward to cut off in byas-wise the threefingers in the top of the tree, which you left there, when you cut it inthe yeere going before, as hath beene said. {SN: 19. }{SN: 20. }{SN: 21. }When your shoote shall haue put foorth a great deale of length, you muststicke down there, euen hard ioyned thereunto, little stakes, tying themtogether very gently and easily; and these shall stay your shootes andprop them vp, letting the winde from doing any harme vnto them. Thus youmay graft white Roses in red, and red in white. Thus you may graft twoor three Scutcheons: prouided that they be all of one side: for theywill not be set equally together in height because then they would beeall staruelings, neither would they be directly one ouer another; forthe lower would stay the rising vp of the sap of the tree, and so thoseaboue should consume in penury, and vndergoe the aforesaidinconuenience. You must note, that the Scutcheon which is gathered fromthe Sien of a tree whose fruite is sowre, must be cut in square forme, and not in the plaine fashion of a Scutcheon. It is ordinary to graffethe sweet Quince tree, bastard Peach-tree, Apricock-tree, Iuiube-tree, sowre Cherry tree, sweet Cherry-tree, and Chestnut tree, after thisfashion, howbeit they might be grafted in the cleft more easily, andmore profitably; although diuers be of contrary opinion, as thus best:Take the grafts of sweet Quince tree, and bastard Peach-tree, or thefairest wood, and best fed that you can finde, growing vpon the wood oftwo yeeres old, because the wood is not so firme nor solid as theothers, and you shall graffe them vpon small Plum-tree stocks, being ofthe thicknes of ones thumbe; these you shall cut after the fashion of aGoats foot: you shall not goe about to make the cleft of any more sidesthen one, being about a foot high from the ground; you must open it withyour small wedge: and being thus grafted, it will seeme to you that itis open but of one side; afterward you shall wrap it vp with a littleMosse, putting thereto some gummed Wax, or clay, and binde it vp withOziers to keepe it surer, because the stocke is not strong enough itselfe to hold it, and you shall furnish it euery manner of way as othersare dealt withall: this is most profitable. _The time of grafting. _ All moneths are good to graft in, (the moneth of _October_ and_Nouember_ onely excepted). But commonly, graft at that time of theWinter, when sap beginneth to arise. In a cold Countrey graft later, and in a warme Countrey earlier. The best time generall is from the first of _February_, vntill the firstof _May_. The grafts must alwaies be gathered, in the old of the Moone. For grafts choose shootes of a yeere old, or at the furthermost twoyeeres old. If you must carry grafts farre, pricke them into a Turnep newlygathered, or lay earth about the ends. If you set stones of Plummes, Almonds, Nuts, or Peaches: First let themlye a little in the Sunne, and then steepe them in Milke or Water, threeor foure dayes before you put them into the earth. Dry the kernels of Pippins, and sow them in the end of _Nouember_. The stone of a Plum-tree must be set a foot deepe in _Nouember_, or_February_. The Date-stone must be set the great end downwards, two cubits deepe inthe earth, in a place enriched with dung. The Peach-stone would be set presently after the Fruit is eaten, somequantity of the flesh of the Peach remaining about the stone. If you will haue it to be excellent, graft it afterward vpon an Almondtree. The little Siens of Cherry-trees, grown thicke with haire, rots, andthose also which doe grow vp from the rootes of the great Cherry-trees, being remoued, doe grow better and sooner then they which come ofstones: but they must be remoued and planted while they are but two orthree yeeres old, the branches must be lopped. The Contents of the Art of _Propagating Plants_. _The Art of propagating Plants. _ _page 109. _ _Grafting in the Barke. _ _p. 111. _ _Grafting in the cleft. _ _p. 113. _ _Grafters Tooles. _ _Time of planting & seting. _ _Time of grafting. _ _How to cut the stumps in grafting. _ _Sprouts and imps: how gathered. _ _Grafting like a Scutcheon. _ _p. 116. _ _Inoculation in the Barke. _ _Emplaister-wise grafting. _ _To pricke stickes to beare the first yeere. _ _To haue Cherries or Plums without stones. _ _To make Quinces great. _ _To set stones of Plummes. _ _Dates, Nut, and Peaches. _ _To make fruit smell well. _ _To plant Cherry-trees. _ THE HVSBAND MANS FRVITEFVLL ORCHARD. For the true ordering of all sorts of _Fruits in their due seasons; and how double_ increase commeth by care in gathering _yeere after yeare: as also the best way_ of carriage by land or by water: _With their preseruation for_ longest continuance. {SN: Cherries. }Of all stone Fruit, Cherries are the first to be gathered: of which, though we reckon foure sorts; _English_, _Flemish_, _Gascoyne_ and_Blacke_, yet are they reduced to two, the early, and the ordinary: theearely are those whose grafts came first from _France_ and _Flanders_, and are now ripe with vs in _May_: the ordinary is our owne naturallCherry, and is not ripe before _Iune_; they must be carefully kept fromBirds, either with nets, noise, or other industry. {SN: Gathering of Cheries. }They are not all ripe at once, nor may be gathered at once, thereforewith a light Ladder, made to stand of it selfe, without hurting theboughes, mount to the tree, and with a gathering hooke, gather thosewhich be full ripe, and put them into your Cherry-pot, or Kybzey hangingby your side, or vpon any bough you please, and be sure to breake nostalke, but that the cherry hangs by; and pull them gently, lay themdowne tenderly, and handle them as little as you can. {SN: To carry Cherries. }For the conueyance or portage of Cherries, they are best to be carriedin broad Baskets like siues, with smooth yeelding bottomes, onely twobroad laths going along the bottome: and if you doe transport them byship, or boate, let not the siues be fil'd to the top, lest setting onevpon another, you bruise and hurt the Cherries: if you carry byhorse-backe, then panniers well lined with Fearne, and packt full andclose is the best and safest way. {SN: Other stone-fruit. }Now for the gathering of all other stone-fruite, as Nectarines, Apricockes, Peaches, Peare-plumbes, Damsons, Bullas, and such like, although in their seuerall kinds, they seeme not to be ripe at once onone tree: yet when any is ready to drop from the tree, though the otherseeme hard, yet they may also be gathered, for they haue receiued thefull substance the tree can giue them; and therefore the day beingfaire, and the dew drawne away; set vp your Ladder, and as you gatheredyour Cherries, so gather them: onely in the bottomes of your largesiues, where you part them, you shall lay Nettles, and likewise in thetop, for that will ripen those that are most vnready. {SN: Gathering of Peares. }In gathering of Peares are three things obserued; to gather forexpence, for transportation, or to sell to the Apothecary. If forexpence, and your owne vse, then gather them as soone as they change, and are as it were halfe ripe, and no more but those which are changed, letting the rest hang till they change also: for thus they will ripenkindely, and not rot so soone, as if they were full ripe at thegathering. But if your Peares be to be transported farre either by Landor Water, then pull one from the tree, and cut it in the middest, and ifyou finde it hollow about the choare, and the kernell a large space tolye in: although no Peare be ready to drop from the tree, yet then theymay be gathered, and then laying them on a heape one vpon another, as ofnecessity they must be for transportation, they will ripen ofthemselues, and eate kindly: but gathered before, they will wither, shrinke and eate rough, losing not onely their taste, but beauty. Now for the manner of gathering; albeit some climb into the trees by theboughes, and some by Ladder, yet both is amisse: the best way is withthe Ladder before spoken of, which standeth of it selfe, with a basketand a line, which being full, you must gently let downe, and keeping thestring still in your hand, being emptied, draw it vp againe, and sofinish your labour, without troubling your selfe, or hurting the tree. {SN: Gathering of Apples. }Now touching the gathering of Apples, it is to be done according to theripening of the fruite; your Summer apples first, and the Winter after. For Summer fruit, when it is ripe, some will drop from the tree, andbirds will be picking at them: But if you cut one of the greenest, andfinde it as was shew'd you before of the Peare: then you may gatherthem, and in the house they will come to their ripenesse and perfection. For your Winter fruit, you shall know the ripenesse by the obseruationbefore shewed; but it must be gathered in a faire, Sunny, and dry day, in the waine of the Moone, and no Wind in the East, also after the deawis gone away: for the least wet or moysture will make them subiect torot and mildew: also you must haue an apron to gather in, and to emptyinto the great baskets, and a hooke to draw the boughes vnto you, whichyou cannot reach with your hands at ease: the apron is to be an Elleuery way, loopt vp to your girdle, so as it may serue for either handwithout any trouble: and when it is full, vnloose one of your loopes, and empty it gently into the great basket, for in throwing them downeroughly, their owne stalkes may pricke them; and those which are prickt, will euer rot. Againe, you must gather your fruit cleane without leauesor brunts, because the one hurts the tree, for euery brunt would be astalke for fruit to grow vpon: the other hurts the fruit by bruising, and pricking it as it is layd together, and there is nothing soonerrotteth fruit, then the greene and withered leaues lying amongst them;neither must you gather them without any stalke at all: for such fruitwill begin to rot where the stalke stood. {SN: To vse the fallings. }For such fruit as falleth from the trees, and are not gathered, theymust not be layd with the gathered fruit: and of fallings there are twosorts, one that fals through ripenesse, and they are best, and may bekept to bake or roast; the other windfals, and before they are ripe, andthey must be spent as they are gathered, or else they will wither andcome to nothing: and therefore it is not good by any meanes to beatedowne fruit with Poales, or to carrie them in Carts loose and iogging orin sacks where they may be bruised. {SN: Carriage of fruit. }When your fruit is gathered, you shall lay them in deepe Baskets ofWicker, which shall containe foure or sixe bushels, and so betweene twomen, carry them to your Apple-Loft, and in shooting or laying themdowne, be very carefull that it be done with all gentlenesse, andleasure, laying euery sort of fruit seuerall by it selfe: but if therebe want of roome hauing so many sorts that you cannot lay themseuerally, then such some fruite as is neerest in taste and colour, andof Winter fruit, such as will taste alike, may if need require, be laidtogether, and in time you may separate them, as shall bee shewedhereafter. But if your fruit be gathered faire from your Apple-Loft, them must the bottomes of your Baskets be lined with greene Ferne, anddraw the stuborne ends of the same through the Basket, that none but thesoft leafe may touch the fruit, and likewise couer the tops of theBaskets with Ferne also, and draw small cord ouer it, that the Ferne maynot fall away, nor the fruit scatter out, or iogge vp and downe: andthus you may carry fruit by Land or by Water, by Boat, or Cart, as farreas you please: and the Ferne doth not onely keepe them from bruising, but also ripens them, especially Peares. When your fruit is brought toyour Apple-Loft or store house, if you finde them not ripened enough, then lay them in thicker heapes vpon Fearne, and couer them with Fernealso: and when they are neere ripe, then vncouer them, and make theheapes thinner, so as the ayre may passe thorow them: and if you willnot hasten the ripening of them, then lay them on the boords without anyFearne at all. Now for Winter, or long lasting Peares, they may be packteither in Ferne or Straw, and carried whither you please; and being cometo the iourneys end must be laid vpon sweet straw; but beware the roomebe not too warme, nor windie, and too cold, for both are hurtfull: butin a temperate place, where they may haue ayre, but not too much. {SN: Of Wardens. }Wardens are to be gathered, carried, packt, and laid as Winter Pearesare. {SN: Of Medlers. }Medlers are to be gathered about _Michaelmas_, after a frost hath touchtthem; at which time they are in their full growth, and will then bedropping from the tree, but neuer ripe vpon the tree. When they aregathered, they must be laid in a basket, siue, barrell, or any suchcaske, and wrapt about with woollen cloths, vnder, ouer, and on allsides, and also some waight laid vpon them, with a boord betweene: forexcept they be brought into a heat, they will neuer ripen kindly ortaste well. Now when they haue laine till you thinke some of them be ripe, theripest, still as they ripen, must be taken from the rest: thereforepowre them out into another siue or basket leasurely, that so you maywell finde them that be ripest, letting the hard one fall into the otherbasket, and those which be ripe laid aside: the other that be halferipe, seuer also into a third siue or basket: for if the ripe and halferipe be kept together, the one will be mouldy, before the other be ripe:And thus doe, till all be throughly ripe. {SN: Of Quinces. }Quinces should not be laid with other fruite; for the sent is offensiueboth to other fruite, and to those that keepe the fruite or come amongstthem: therefore lay them by themselues vpon sweet strawe, where theymay haue ayre enough: they must be packt like Medlers, and gathered withMedlers. {SN: To packe Apples. }Apples must be packt in Wheat or Rye-straw, and in maunds or basketslyned with the same, and being gently handled, will ripen with suchpacking and lying together. If seuerall sorts of apples be packt in onemaund or basket, then betweene euery sort, lay sweet strawe of a prettythicknesse. {SN: Emptying and laying apples. }Apples must not be powred out, but with care and leasure: first, thestraw pickt cleane from them, and then gently take out euery seuerallsort, and place them by themselues: but if for want of roome you mixethe sorts together, then lay those together that are of equall lasting;but if they haue all one taste, then they need no separation. Applesthat are not of the like colours should not be laid together, and if anysuch be mingled, let it be amended, and those which are first ripe, letthem be first spent; and to that end, lay those apples together, thatare of one time ripening: and thus you must vse Pippins also, yet willthey endure bruises better then other fruit, and whilst they are greenewill heale one another. {SN: Difference in Fruit. }Pippins though they grow of one tree, and in one ground, yet some willlast better then other some, and some will bee bigger then others of thesame kinde, according as they haue more or lesse of the Sunne, or moreor lesse of the droppings of the trees or vpper branches: therefore leteuery one make most of that fruite which is fairest, and longestlasting. Againe, the largenesse and goodnesse of fruite consists in theage of the tree: for as the tree increaseth, so the fruite increaseth inbignesse, beauty, taste, and firmnesse: and otherwise, as it decreaseth. {SN: Transporting fruit by water. }If you be to transport your fruit farre by water, then prouide some dryhogges-heads or barrells, and packe in your apples, one by one with yourhand, that no empty place may be left, to occasion sogging; and you mustline your vessell at both ends with fine sweet straw; but not the sides, to auoid heat: and you must bore a dozen holes at either end, to receiueayre so much the better; and by no meanes let them take wet. Some vse, that transport beyond seas, to shut the fruite vnder hatches vpon straw:but it is not so good, if caske may be gotten. {SN: When not to transport fruit. }It is not good to transport fruite in _March_, when the wind blowesbitterly, nor in frosty weather, neither in the extreme heate of Summer. {SN: To conuay small store of fruit. }If the quantity be small you would carry, then you may carry them inDossers or Panniers, prouided they be euer filled close, and thatCherries and Peares be lined with greene Fearne, and Apples with sweetestraw; and that, but at the bottomes and tops, not on the sides. {SN: Roomes for fruite. }Winter fruite must lye neither too hot, nor too cold; too close, nor tooopen: for all are offensiue. A lowe roome or Cellar that is sweet, andeither boorded or paued, and not too close, is good, from _Christmas_till _March_: and roomes that are seeled ouer head, and from the ground, are good from _March_ till _May_: then the Cellar againe, from _May_till _Michaelmas_. The apple loft would be seeled or boorded, which ifit want, take the longest Rye-straw, and raise it against the walles, tomake a fence as high as the fruite lyeth; and let it be no thicker thento keepe the fruite from the wall, which being moyst, may doe hurt, orif not moist, then the dust is offensiue. {SN: Sorting of Fruit. }There are some fruite which will last but vntill _Allhallontide_: theymust be laid by themselues; then those which will last till _Christmas_, by themselues: then those which will last till it be _Candlemas_, bythemselues: those that will last till _Shrouetide_, by themselues: andPippins, Apple-Iohns, Peare-maines, and Winter-Russettings, which willlast all the yeere by themselues. Now if you spy any rotten fruite in your heapes, pick them out, and witha Trey for the purpose, see you turne the heapes ouer, and leaue not atainted Apple in them, diuiding the hardest by themselues, and thebroken skinned by themselues to be first spent, and the rotten ones tobe cast away; and euer as you turne them, and picke them, vnder-lay themwith fresh straw: thus shall you keepe them safe for your vse, whichotherwise would rot suddenly. {SN: Times of stirring fruit. }Pippins, Iohn Apples, Peare maines, and such like long lasting fruit, need not to be turned till the weeke before _Christmas_, vnlesse they bemixt with other of a riper kind, or that the fallings be also with them, or much of the first straw left amongst them: the next time of turningis at _Shroue-tide_, and after that, once a moneth till _Whitson-tide_;and after that, once a fortnight; and euer in the turning, lay yourheapes lower and lower, and your straw very thinne: prouided you doenone of this labour in any great frost, except it be in a close Celler. At euery thawe, all fruit is moyst, and then they must not be touched:neither in rainy weather, for then they will be danke also: andtherefore at such seasons it is good to set open your windowes, anddoores, that the ayre may haue free passage to dry them, as at nine ofthe clocke in the fore-noone in Winter; and at sixe in the fore-noone, and at eight at night in Summer: onely in _March_, open not yourwindowes at all. All lasting fruite, after the middest of _May_, beginne to wither, because then they waxe dry, and the moisture gone, which made them lookeplumpe: they must needes wither, and be smaller; and nature decaying, they must needes rot. And thus much touching the ordering of fruites. _FINIS. _ * * * * * IC LONDON, Printed by _Nicholas Okes_ for IOHN HARISON, at the golden Vnicorne inPater-noster-row. 1631. {Transcriber's notes The following corrections have been made: Title page "carring home" changed to "carrying home". Sig. A2r "SIR HENRY BELOSSES" possible error for "SIR HENRY BELLOSES"; not changed. Sig. A3v "how ancient, how, profitable, " changed to "how ancient, how profitable, ". "Roses on Thornes. And such like, " changed to "Roses on Thornes, and such like, ". Sig. A4r "_Of bough Setts. _" changed to "_Of bought Setts. _" for consistency with the text. Sig. A4v Page number for "_Of Foyling_" in Chapter 12 changed from 53 to 51, for consistency with the text. Page number for "_Of Flowers, Borders, Mounts &c. _" in Chapter 17 changed from 71 to 70, for consistency with the text. Chapter 1, page 3 "other offall, that fruit" changed to "all other of that fruit" Chapter 2, page 3 "nor searcely with Quinces, " changed to "nor scarcely with Quinces, ". "(not well ordered, " changed to "(not well ordered)". Page 5 "will pu forth suckers" changed to "will put forth suckers". Page 6 "become manure to your ground" changed to "become manure to your ground. ". "15. Or 18 inches deepe" changed to "15. Or 18. Inches deepe". Chapter 3, page 6 "(as is before described, " changed to "(as is before described)". Page 7 "in _Holland_ and _Zealand_" the "a" in "and" is italicised in the original. "Our old fathers can telvs" changed to "Our old fathers can tel vs". Page 8 "chuse your ground low Or if you be forced" changed to "chuse your ground low: Or if you be forced". Page 10 "(for trees are the greatest suckers & pillers of earth, " changed to "(for trees are the greatest suckers & pillers of earth)". Chapter 7, page 18 "for commonly your bur-knots are summer fruit)" changed to "(for commonly your bur-knots are summer fruit)". Page 20 "arse from some taw" changed to "arise from some taw". Page 21 "I could not mislke this kind" changed to "I could not mislike this kind". Page 27 "Let not you stakes" changed to "Let not your stakes". "or of auy other thing" changed to "or of any other thing". Chapter 8, page 29 "forty or fity yeares" changed to "forty or fifty yeares". "alotted to his felllow" changed to "alotted to his fellow". Page 30 "vpward out of he earth" changed to "vpward out of the earth". Chapter 9, page 32 "they are more subiect, " changed to "they are more subiect to, ". Chapter 10, page 33 "commonly called a _Graft_)" changed to "(commonly called a _Graft_)". Chapter 11, page 43 "(nay more) such as mens" changed to "(nay more, such as mens". Page 46 "It stayes it nothing at al" changed to "It stayes it nothing at all. ". Chapter 12, page 53 "wastes cotinually" changed to "wastes continually". Chapter 13, page 57 "take sprig and all (for" changed to "take sprig and all: for". Page 58 "cleanse his foile" changed to "cleanse his soile". Chapter 14, page 63 "growth: for cut them" changed to "growth: (for cut them". Page 64 "to inlarge their frust" changed to "to inlarge their fruit". Chapter 16, page 67 "Orchrad shall exceed" changed to "Orchard shall exceed" Chapter 17, page 70 "double double Cowslips" not changed. The Country Housewifes Garden Chapter 8, page 90 "drunke to kill itches" changed to "drunke) to kill itches". Page 94 "It floweth at _Michael-tide_" changed to "It flowreth at _Michael-tide_". Page 95 "_Cur moritur homo, cum saluia crescit in horto?_" not changed. Possible error for ". .. Cui saluia . .. ". Chapter 9, page 97 "for then they are too too tender" not changed. Chapter 10, page 99 "the Beees lye out" changed to "the Bees lye out". Page 100 "Neither would the hiue be too too great" not changed. Page 102 "hey cannot come downe" changed to "they cannot come downe". Page 103 "claspes are loose in the Stapes" not changed. Page 106 "combes into a siue" changed to "combes) into a siue". The Art of propagating plants Chapter 3, page 116 The last side note has been changed from "1. " to "11. ". Chapter 4, page 120 "aud these shall stay" changed to "and these shall stay". "sowre Cherry treee" changed to "sowre Cherry tree". The Husband mans fruitefull orchard Page 125 "_Gascoyne_ and Blacke" changed to "_Gascoyne_ and _Blacke_". Page 126 "if you doe trasport them" changed to "if you doe transport them". "Nertarines, Apricockes" changed to "Nectarines, Apricockes". }