A HANDBOOKOFSOME SOUTH INDIAN GRASSES BYRAI BAHADUR K. RANGA ACHARIYAR, M. A. , L. T. , _Indian Agricultural Service, Agricultural College, Coimbatore, andFellow of the Madras University_ ASSISTED BYC. TADULINGA MUDALIYAR, F. L. S. , _Agricultural College, Coimbatore. _ MADRAS:PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS. 1921 Price, 4 _rupees_ 8 _annas_ PREFACE This book is intended to serve as a guide to the study of grasses of theplains of South India. For the past few years I have been receivinggrasses for identification, almost every week, from the officers of theAgricultural and Forest Departments and others interested in grasses. The requirements of these men and the absence of a suitable book inducedme to write this book. I have included in this book about one hundred grasses of widedistribution in the plains of South India. Many of them occur also inother parts of India. The rarer grasses of the plains and those growingon the hills are omitted, with a view to deal with them separately. The value of grasses can be realized from the fact that man can supplyall his needs from them alone, and their importance in agriculture isvery great, as the welfare of the cattle is dependent upon grasses. Farmers, as a rule, take no interest in them, although profitableagriculture is impossible without grasses. Very few of them can give thenames of at least half a dozen grasses growing on their land. Theyneglect grasses, because they are common and are found everywhere. Theycannot discriminate between them. To a farmer "grass is grass" and thatis all he cares to trouble himself about. About grasses Robinson writes"Grass is King. It rules and governs the world. It is the veryfoundation of all commerce: without it the earth would be a barrenwaste, and cotton, gold, and commerce all dead. " In the early days when the population was very much limited and whenland not brought under cultivation was extensive plenty of green grasseswas upon it and pastures were numerous. So the farmer paid no attentionto the grasses, and it did not matter much. But now, population hasincreased, unoccupied land has decreased very much and the cattle haveincreased in number. Consequently he has to pay more attention tograsses. On account of the scarcity of fodder, people interested in agricultureand cattle rearing have very often imported foreign grasses and fodderplants into this country, but so far no one has succeeded inestablishing any one of them on any large scale. Usually a great amountof labour and much money is spent in these attempts. If the same amountof attention is bestowed on indigenous grasses, better results can beobtained with less labour and money. There are many indigenous grassesthat will yield plenty of stuff, if they are given a chance to grow. Thepresent deterioration of grasses is mainly due to overgrazing andtrampling by men and cattle. To prove the beneficial effects which result from preventing overgrazingand trampling, Mr. G. R. Hilson, Deputy Director of Agriculture (nowCotton Expert), selected some portion of the waste land in theneighbourhood of the Farm at Hagari and closed it for men and cattle. Asa result of this measure, in two years, a number of grasses and otherplants were found growing on the enclosed area very well, and all ofthem seeded well. Of course the unenclosed areas were bare as usual. In the preparation of this book I received considerable help fromM. R. Ry. C. Tadulinga Mudaliyar Avargal, F. L. S. , Assistant Lecturing andSystematic Botanist, in the description of species and I am indebted toM. R. Ry. P. S. Jivanna Rao, M. A. , Teaching Assistant, for assistance inproofreading. I have to express my deep obligation to Mr. G. A. D. Stuart, I. C. S. , Director of Agriculture, for encouragement to undertake this work and tothe Madras Government for ordering its publication. For the excellence in the get up of the book I am indebted to Mr. F. L. Gilbert, Superintendent, Government Press. K. RANGACHARI. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, LAWLEY ROAD, COIMBATORE, _2nd June 1921. _ CONTENTS PAGEPREFACE iiiCHAPTER I--Introduction 1 II--The vegetative organs 5 III--The inflorescence and flower 13 IV--Histology of the vegetative organs 19 V--Classification 43 VI--Panicaceĉ 45 VII--Oryzeĉ and Zoysieĉ 123 VIII--Andropogoneĉ 138 IX--Agrostideĉ and Chlorideĉ 220 X--Festucaceĉ and Hordeĉ 283GLOSSARY 311INDEX 315 A HANDBOOK OF SOME COMMON SOUTHINDIAN GRASSES. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Grasses occupy wide tracts of land and they are evenly distributed inall parts of the world. They occur in every soil, in all kinds ofsituations and under all climatic conditions. In certain places grassesform a leading feature of the flora. As grasses do not like shade, theyare not usually abundant within the forests either as regards the numberof individuals, or of species. But in open places they do very well andsometimes whole tracts become grass-lands. Then a very great portion ofthe actual vegetation would consist of grasses. On account of their almost universal distribution and their greateconomic value grasses are of great importance to man. And yet very fewpeople appreciate the worth of grasses. Although several families ofplants supply the wants of man, the grass family exceeds all the othersin the amount and the value of its products. The grasses growing inpasture land and the cereals grown all over the world are of more valueto man and his domestic animals than all the other plants takentogether. To the popular mind grasses are only herbaceous plants with narrowleaves such as the hariali, ginger grass and the kolakattai grass. Butin the grass family or Gramineĉ the cereals, sugarcane and bamboos arealso included. Grasses are rather interesting in that they are usually successful inoccupying large tracts of land to the exclusion of other plants. If wetake into consideration the number of individuals of any species ofgrass, they will be found to out-number those of any species of anyother family. Even as regards the number of species this family ranksfifth, the first four places being occupied respectively by Compositĉ, Leguminosĉ, Orchideĉ and Rubiaceĉ. As grasses form an exceedingly natural family it is very difficult forbeginners to readily distinguish them from one another. The leaves and branches of grasses are very much alike and the flowersare so small that they are liable to be passed by unnoticed. Therecognition of even our common grasses is quite a task for a botanist. To understand the general structure of grasses and to become familiarwith them it is necessary to study closely some common grasses. We shallbegin our study by selecting as a type one of the species of the genusPanicum. _Panicum javanicum_ is an annual herb with stems radiating in alldirections from a centre. The plant is fixed to the soil by a tuft offibrous roots all springing from the bases of the stems. In addition tothis crown of fibrous roots, there may be roots at the nodes of some ofthe prostrate branches. The stems and branches are short at first, andleaves arise on them one after the other in rapid succession. After theappearance of a fair number of leaves the stem elongates gradually andit finally ends in an inflorescence. [Illustration: Fig. 1. --Panicum javanicum. (Full plant. )] The stem consists of =nodes= and =internodes=. The internodes arecylindrical and somewhat flattened on the side towards the axillary bud. When young they are completely covered by the leaves and the older oneshave only their lower portions covered by the leaf-sheaths. Usually theycomplete their growth in length very soon, but the lower portion of theinternode, just above the node and enclosed by the sheath, retains itspower of growth for some time. The leaf consists of the two parts, the =leaf-sheath= and the=leaf-blade=. At the junction of these two parts there is a very thinnarrow membrane with fine hairs on its free margin. This is called the=ligule=. (See fig. 2. ) The leaf-sheath is attached at its base to the node and it is slightlyswollen just above the place of insertion. It covers the internode, onemargin being inside and the other outside. The surface of the sheath issparsely covered with long hairs springing from small tubercles. Theouter margin of the sheath bears fine hairs all along its length. (Seefig. 2. ) The leaf-blade is broadly lanceolate, with a tip finely drawn out. Itsbase is rounded and the margin wavy, especially so towards the base. Onthe margin towards the base long hairs are seen, and some of these arisefrom small tubercles. The margin has a hyaline border which is veryminutely serrate. There is a distinct midrib and, on holding the leafagainst the light, four or five small veins come in to view. In thespaces between these veins lie many fine veins. All the veins runparallel from the base to the apex. At the base of the blade the veinsget into the leaf-sheath and therefore the sheath becomes striated. Justabove the ligule and at the base of the leaf-blade there is a colourlessnarrow zone. This is called the =collar=. [Illustration: Fig. 2. --Leaf of Panicum javanicum. A. Full leaf; B. A portion of the leaf showing 1. The ligule and 2. Thecollar. ] As already stated the inflorescences appear at the free ends ofbranches. Every branch sooner or later terminates in an inflorescencewhich is a compound raceme. There are usually five or six racemes in theinflorescence. Each raceme has an axis, called the =rachis=, which bearsunilaterally two rows of bud-like bodies. These bud-like bodies are theunits of the inflorescence and they are called =spikelets=. (See fig. 3. ) [Illustration: Fig. 3. --The inflorescence of Panicum javanicum. 1. Inflorescence; 2 and 3. The front and the back view of a raceme. ] The spikelets are softly hairy and are shortly stalked. The pedicels ofspikelets are hairy and sometimes one or two long hairs are also foundon them. Each of these spikelets consists of four green membranousstructures called =glumes=. The first two glumes are unequal, the firstbeing very small. The second and the third glumes are broadlyovate-oblong with acute tips. Both are of the same height and texture, but the second is 7-nerved and the third 5-nerved. The fourth glume ismembranous when young, but later on it becomes thick, coriaceous andrugose at the surface. Just opposite to the fourth glume there is a flatstructure with two nerves, similar to the glume in texture. This iscalled the =palea=. The fourth glume and its palea adhere together bytheir margins. Inside the fourth glume and between it and the paleathere are three stamens and an ovary with two styles ending in featherystigmas. Just in front of the ovary and outside the stamens two verysmall scale-like bodies are found. These are the =lodicules=. They arefleshy and well developed in flowers that are about to open. In thespikelet there is only one full flower. The third glume contains noflower in it, but occasionally there may be in its axil three stamens. The first two glumes are always empty and so they are called emptyglumes. (See fig. 4. ) In mature spikelets the grain which is free isenclosed by the fourth glume and its palea. [Illustration: Fig. 4. --Parts of the spikelets of Panicum javanicum. A. A spikelet; 1, 2, 3 and 4. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively; 3a. Palea of the third glume; 4a. Palea of thefourth glume; 5. Lodicules; 6. Stamens; 7. Ovary; 8. Stigmas. ] CHAPTER II. THE VEGETATIVE ORGANS. Grasses vary very much in their habit. Some grasses grow erect formingtufts and others form cushions with the branches creeping along theground. (See figs. 5 and 6. ) We usually find all intermediate stagesfrom the erect to the prostrate habit. Underground stems such as stolonsand rhizomes occur in some grasses. Grasses of one particular speciesgenerally retain the same habit but this does not always hold good. Forexample _Tragus racemosus_ grows with all its branches quite prostratein a poor, dry, open soil. If, on the other hand, this happens to growin rich soils, or amidst other plants or grasses, it assumes an erect, somewhat tufted habit. _Andropogon contortus_ and _Andropogon pertusus_are other grasses with a tendency for variation in habit. Plants thatare usually small often attain large dimensions under favourableconditions of growth. Ordinarily the grass _Panicum javanicum_ growsonly to 1 or 2 feet. (See fig. 1. ) The same plant in a good rich soilgrew to about 6 feet in four months. (See fig. 7. ) [Illustration: Fig. 5. --Eleusine ĉgyptiaca. ] Some grasses are annual while others are perennial. It is oftendifficult to determine whether a certain grass is annual or perennial. But by examining the shoot-system this can be ascertained easily. In anannual all the stems and branches usually end in inflorescences and theywill all be of the same year. If, on the other hand, both young leafybranches and old branches ending in inflorescences are found mixed, itmust be a perennial grass. The presence of the remains of old leaves, underground stolons and rhizomes is also evidence showing the perennialcharacter of the plant. Grasses are eminently adapted to occupy completely large areas of land. They are also capable of very rapid extension over large areas, onaccount of the production of stolons, rhizomes and the formation ofadventitious roots. =The root-system. =--The root-system of grasses is very striking in itscharacter. In most grasses, especially in erect ones, several roots allof about the same diameter arise in a dense tuft from nearly the samelevel and from the lower-most nodes of the stems. The roots are all thinand fibrous in the vast majority of these plants, and they are tough andwiry only in a few cases such as in the case of the roots of _Pennisetumcenchroides_, _P. Alopecuros_, _Ischĉmum pilosum_ and _AndropogonSchoenanthus_. On a close examination it will become evident that all the roots of agrass plant are adventitious. Inasmuch as the growth of the primary rootis soon overtaken by other roots growing from the stem, all the rootshappen to be of the same size. Roots arise from the nodes just above theinsertion of the leaf, and they grow piercing the leaf-sheath. [Illustration: Fig. 6. --Panicum Crus-galli. ] Grasses in which stolons and prostrate branches occur have, in additionto the usual radiating crown of roots at the base, aerial roots growingout of the upper nodes of the branches and fixing them to the soil. Suchroots become supporting or prop roots and are particularly conspicuousin several stout tall grasses such as _Andropogon Sorghum_, _Zea Mays_and _Pennisetum typhoideum_. (See figs. 8 and 9. ) All the roots bear branch-roots which originate from the inner portionof the mother roots in the usual manner. The character and the extent ofthe development of the root-system is to a large extent dependent uponthe nature of the soil and its moisture content. In light dry soilsroots remain generally stunted and in well drained rich soils theyattain their maximum development. In clayey soils roots penetrate onlyto short distances. When the soil is rich and sandy roots go deeper andextend in all directions. The root-systems of most grasses aresuperficial and so are best adapted for surface-feeding. [Illustration: Fig. 7. --Panicum javanicum. ] =The shoot-system. =--The shoot-system varies with the duration of thelife of the plant. In annual grasses stems are in most cases erect andeven if they are not entirely so they become erect at the time offlowering. They are attached to the soil by a tuft of fibrous rootsarising from the base of the stems. But in perennials in addition toerect branches, creeping branches, stolons and rhizomes may occur. [Illustration: Fig. 8. --Prop roots of Andropogon Sorghum. ] [Illustration: Fig. 9. --Aerial roots of Ischĉmum ciliare. ] The stem is either cylindrical or compressed and consists of nodes andinternodes. In most grasses the internodes are usually hollow, thecavity being lined by the remains of the original pith cells. However, there are also grasses in which the stems remain solid throughout. Inmany grasses the basal portions of stems are more leafy and theinternodes are short, but in the upper portions the internodes becomelonger separating the leaves one from the other. In young shoots the leaves grow much faster than the internodes andconsequently internodes remain small, and leaves become veryconspicuous. The youngest portions of the shoots are by this meansalways well protected by the surrounding leaf-sheaths. As soon as leaveshave grown fully, the internodes begin to elongate rapidly separatingthe leaves. At first growth in length takes place throughout its lengthin the internode and when it gets older this elongation ceases. But, however, the lower portion of the internode close to the node and whichis enclosed by the leaf-sheath retains its power of growth for aconsiderable time. Branches arise from the axils of leaves and when a considerable numberof the axillary buds, especially from the lower nodes, develop intobranches the plant becomes tufted in habit. In most grasses branchesgrow upwards through the sheath and emerge at its mouth as aerialbranches. Such branches are called =intravaginal= branches or stems. Butin some grasses axillary buds, instead of growing straight up throughthe sheath, pierce the leaf-sheath, come out and then they grow out asbranches. This may be seen in the underground stolons of _Panicumrepens_ and in the ordinary aerial branches of _Arundo Donax_. Branchesthat pierce through the sheaths are called =extravaginal= branches. (Seefig. 10. ) [Illustration: Fig. 10. --Extravaginal shoots of 1. Panicum repens and 2. Arundo Donax. ] [Illustration: Fig. 11. --Nodes. 1. Glabrous node; 2. Bearded node; 3. Node cut longitudinally. ] The nodes are in most cases very conspicuous and they are often foundswollen. However, it must be remembered that the enlargement at the nodeis not due to the increase in size of the actual node, but due to growthin thickness of the base of the leaf-sheath. (See fig. 11-3. ) Nodes maybe pale or coloured, glabrous, hairy or bearded with long hairs. Whenthe stem is erect the nodes are short and of uniform size all round. But, if the stem is bent down or tipped over by accident, the nodesbegin to grow longer on the lower side until a curvature sufficient tobring the stem to the erect position is formed and then it ceases togrow. As already noted some perennial grasses have creeping stems and stolons, while others may have rhizomes. The grass _Cynodon dactylon_ developsseveral underground stolons which are covered with white scale leavesand whose terminal buds are hard and sharp so that they may be able tomake their way through the soil. The rhizomes when continuous andelongated are usually sympodia formed by the lower portions of theaerial shoots. The aerial shoot comes into the air and its lower portionis continued by a branch arising from a lower leaf axil beneath thesoil. =The leaf. =--Leaves are two-ranked and alternate, and very often theybecome crowded at the lower portions of the shoots so as to form basaltufts, though they are farther apart in the upper portions of theseshoots. Three distinct kinds of leaves are met with in grasses. First, we have the fully formed foliage leaves so characteristic of grasses. These are most conspicuous and are formed in large numbers. The other two kinds of leaves are neither so conspicuous nor so numerousas the foliage leaves. At the base of shoots occur abortive leaves whichare really rudimentary sheaths. These are called =scales=. The thirdkind of leaf is a modified structure called the =prophyll= or=prophyllum=. (See fig. 12. ) It is the first leaf occurring in everybranch on the side next to the main shoot and it is a two-keeledmembranous structure resembling somewhat the palea found in thespikelets of grasses. The portion of the prophyll between the keels isconcave due to the pressure of the main stem, while the sides beyond thekeels bend forward clasping the stem. [Illustration: Fig. 12. --Prophylla. A. A branch with its prophyllum; B. Prophyllum; C. Section of theprophyllum. ] The ordinary foliage leaves of grasses consist of the two parts, theflat expanded upper portion called the =blade= and the lower part calledthe =sheath= that encircles the stem above the node from which itarises. The leaf-sheaths usually fit close to the stem, but they mayalso be loose or even inflated. Though the leaf-sheath surrounds theinternode like a tube, it is not a closed tube. It is really a flatstructure rolled firmly round the stem with one edge overlapping theother. In most cases it is cylindrical and it may be compressed in a fewcases. Occasionally it may have a prominent ridge or keel down its back. The sheath may be glabrous or hairy, smooth or striate externally, andthe outer margin is often ciliate. In a few grasses the sheaths becomecoloured especially below or on the side exposed to the sun. [Illustration: Fig. 13. --Ligules of 1. Oryza sativa; 2. Panicumjavanicum; 3. Andropogon Schoenanthus; 4. A. Contortus. ] [Illustration: Fig. 14. --Shapes of leaf-blades. 1, 7 and 8. Lanceolate; 3 and 6. Lanceolate-linear; 2 and 5. Linear; and4. Ovate. ] The =ligule= is a structure peculiar to grasses and it varies very much. In some grasses it is a distinct membrane narrow or broad, with an even, truncate or erose margin, or finely ciliate. Very often it is only aline or fringe of hairs, whilst in some it may be entirely absent as inthe leaves of _Panicum colonum_. When it is a membrane it may be broadand oblong, ovate and obtuse, or lanceolate and acute. (See fig. 13. )The function of the ligule is probably to facilitate the shedding ofwater which may run down the leaf, and thus lessen the danger of rottingof the stem which is sure to follow, if the water were to find its wayinto the interior of the sheath. Sometimes, in addition to the ligule, other appendages may be present in grass leaves as in _Oryza sativa_. Such outgrowths are called =auricles= or =auricular outgrowths=. (Seefig. 13. ) The leaf-blade is well developed in the foliage leaves and in most casesit follows directly on the sheath. But in bamboos and some species ofIschĉmum there occurs a short petiole or stalk between the leaf-bladeand the sheath. The sheath corresponds morphologically to the leaf baseof a leaf of other flowering plants. [Illustration: Fig. 15. --Margins of leaves. 1 and 2. Finely serrate; 3. Glandular; 4 and 5. Very minutely serrate;6. Very minutely serrate and ciliate. ] In grasses the leaf-blades usually grow more in length than in any otherdirection and there is no limit to the length they may attain. Somegrasses have very short leaves, others very long ones. The leaf-blade inmost grasses is more or less of some elongated form, such as linear, linear-lanceolate, lanceolate, etc. (See fig. 14. ) In a few grasses theleaf-blade is ovate, but this is a rare condition. Therefore, in notingthe general shape of the leaf-blade the relation of the length to thebreadth, the amount of tapering towards the apex and base and the natureof the apex should be considered. The veins in the leaf-blade can usually be seen on holding the leaf upto the light. All the veins run parallel. In most cases the midrib isprominent and in some cases there may be also a distinct keel. Amongstthe veins running through the leaf-blade some are large and prominent, while others are small and not conspicuous. On account of thisdisparity, very often, ridges and furrows become prominent on the upperor lower, or on both the surfaces of the leaf-blades. Generally the twosurfaces of the leaf-blade are distinct, and they may be glabrous orhairy. In most grasses the surfaces are rough or scabrid to the touchowing to the presence of regular rows of exceedingly fine sharp pointedminute hairs. The apex of the blade is generally sharp and pointed, acute oracuminate, or sometimes it may be drawn to a very fine point by gradualtapering. Blunt or obtuse tips are not altogether absent, but it is nota common feature. The leaf-blades in _Panicum colonum_ and in somespecies of Andropogon are rounded or obtuse at the apex. The margins of the leaf-blade are somewhat hyaline and they may beperfectly even or cut into serrations of fine teeth in various ways. (See fig. 15. ) In addition to these minute teeth, there may be long orshort cilia. Sometimes the margins are glandular as in _EragrostisWilldenoviana_ and _Eragrostis major_. The base of the leaf may be narrower, broader than, or about the same asthe breadth of the leaf-sheath. It may be rounded, amplexicaul ornarrowed. At the base and just above the ligular region there willalways be a white distinct zone in the lamina of all grasses called thecollar. This collar varies in length and breadth according to thespecies of grass. [Illustration: Fig. 16. --Transverse section of leaf-buds. A. Conduplicate; 1, 2 and 3. Leaf-sheaths; 4 and 5. Leaf-blades. B. Convolute; 1 and 2, leaf-sheaths; 3 and 4. Leaf-blades. ] In young shoots all the leaf-blades are usually found folded at theterminal portions. In most cases the leaf-blade is rolled up inwardsfrom one end to the other so that one margin is inside and the otheroutside. This folding is termed =convolute=. This is the kind of foldingthat is found in most grasses. However, there are some grasses such as_Eleusine ĉgyptiaca_ and _Chloris barbata_, in which the folding isdifferent. In these grasses the laminas are folded flat on their midribsso that each half of the blade is folded flat on the other, the innersurfaces being in contact. The leaves are said to be =conduplicate= inthis case. When the leaves are conduplicate the shoots are more or lesscompressed. (See fig. 16. ) CHAPTER III. THE INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWER. The flowers of grasses are reduced to their essential organs, thestamens and the pistil. The flowers are aggregated together on distinctshoots constituting the inflorescence of grasses. Sooner or later allthe branches of a grass-plant terminate in inflorescences which usuallystand far above the foliage leaves. As in other flowering plants, ingrasses also different forms of inflorescence are met with. But ingrasses the unit of the inflorescence is the =spikelet= and not theflower. The forms of inflorescence usually met with are the spike, raceme andpanicle. When the spikelets are sessile or borne directly along anelongated axis as in _Enteropogon melicoides_ the inflorescence is a=spike=. If the spikelets borne by the axis are all stalked, howevershort the pedicels may be, it is a =raceme=. It must, however, beremembered that true spikes are very rare. An inflorescence may appearto be a spike, but on a close examination it will be seen to consist ofspikelets more or less pedicelled. Such an inflorescence, strictlyspeaking, is a =spiciform raceme=. The branches of the inflorescence in_Paspalum scrobiculatum_ or _Panicum javanicum_ are racemes and thewhole inflorescence is a compound raceme. The inflorescence is a=panicle= when the spikelets are borne on secondary, tertiary or furthersubdivided branches. Panicles differ very much in appearance accordingto the relative length and stoutness of the branches. In _Eragrostistremula_ the panicle is very diffuse, in _Eragrostis Willdenoviana_ lessso. The panicle in _Sporobolus coromandelianus_ is pyramidal and thebranches are all verticillate, the lower being longer than the upper. The branches of a panicle are usually loose, spreading or drooping inmost grasses. But in some species of grasses such as _PennisetumAlopecuros_ and _Setaria glauca_, the paniculate inflorescences becomeso contracted that the pedicels and the short branches are hidden andthe inflorescence appears to be a spike. Such inflorescences as theseare called =spiciform panicles=. The inflorescences in several speciesof Andropogon consist of racemes so much modified as to appear exactlylike a spike. What looks like a spike in these cases consists of ajointed axis and each joint bears a pair of spikelets, one sessile andthe other pedicelled. The name =rachis= is given to the axis of the spike, raceme and panicle, whether the axis is the main one or of the branch. The rachis of theinflorescence is usually cylindrical. In some grasses it is zigzag as in_Pennisetum cenchroides_. It is very much flattened in _Paspalumscrobiculatum_, but somewhat trigonous in _Digitaria sanguinalis_. Invery many grasses the rachis is continuous, but in a few cases itconsists of internodes or joints which disarticulate at maturity. Manyspecies of Andropogon have such jointed rachises. Sometimes the jointsbecome greatly thickened and the surface hollowed out, the spikeletsfitting in the cavities as in Rottboellia and Manisuris. In panicles, especially when they are diffuse, the primary branches maybe disposed irregularly or in verticils on the main axis. For example inthe panicle of _Eragrostis Willdenoviana_, the branches are irregularlydisposed, whereas in _Sporobolus coromandelianus_ the branches areverticillate. In both these grasses fleshy cushions are developed in theaxils of the branches. These swellings help to spread out the branchesespecially at the time of anthesis. The branches at the top spread outearlier than those below. Sometimes at the base of the rachises, main or secondary, glandularstreaks are seen as in the rachises of _Sporobolus coromandelianus_. These glands secrete a viscid juice at the time of anthesis. [Illustration: Fig. 17. --The Spikelet of Dinebra arabica. 1 and 2. Empty glumes; 3, 4, 5, and 6. Flowering glumes with flowers. ] The =spikelet= may be considered as a specialised branch consisting of ashort axis, the =rachilla= bearing a series of modified bracts, the=glumes=, the lower pair being empty but the others bearing flowers intheir axils. The glumes are two-ranked and imbricating. As a type forthe spikelet that of an Eragrostis or Dinebra may be chosen. (See fig. 17. ) In this spikelet the rachilla bears a number of glumes alternatingand imbricating. The first two glumes at the base of the spikelet do notbear any flowers and so these two glumes are usually called emptyglumes. This is the case in almost all the species of grasses. The thirdand the subsequent glumes are regularly arranged on the slender rachillaalternately in two rows. In the axils of each of these glumes there is aflower, except perhaps in the topmost glume. The flower is usuallyenclosed by the glume and another structure found opposite the glume anddiffering very much from the glume. This is the =palea=. It is attachedto the axis of the flower and its back is towards the rachilla. Generally there are two nerves in a palea and its margins are enclosedwithin those of the glume. The palea is homologous with the prophyllumwhich it very much resembles. The prophyllum is usually found in thebranches of grasses, but it is not confined to grasses alone. It occursin the branches of some species of Commelina. The spikelets vary very much in their structure. The spikelets ingrasses of several genera consist of only four glumes. As usual thefirst two glumes are empty and the remaining two are flower-bearingglumes. Both these glumes may have perfect flowers as in Isachne or theterminal one may contain a perfect flower, the lower having either astaminate flower or only a palea. Very often the spikelets are unisexualand the male and female spikelets may be on the same plant as in _CoixLachryma-Jobi_ and _Polytoca barbata_, or they may be on differentplants as in _Spinifex squarrosus_. The glumes of a spikelet are really modified bracts and somedifferentiate the flowering glumes from the empty ones, by giving themdifferent names. The first two empty glumes are called glumes by allagrostologists. Some in Europe call the flowering glume lower palea todistinguish it from the real palea which they call the upper palea. SomeAmerican Authors have recently adopted for the flowering glume the term=lemma= introduced by Piper. Considerable variation is met with in the case of the empty glumes. Generally they are unequal, the first being smaller. Very often thefirst glume becomes very small and it may be altogether absent. In somespecies of Panicum the first glume is very small, in Digitaria it isvery minute and in Paspalum and Eriochloa it is entirely suppressed. Theflowering glumes are generally uniform when there are many. In thespikelet having only four glumes the fourth glume differs from theothers mainly in texture. Instead of being thin and herbaceous itbecomes rigid and hard, smooth or rugose externally as in Panicum. Flowering glumes instead of being like empty glumes, become very thin, shorter and hyaline in Andropogon. Sometimes the flowering glumes areawned. All of them may be awned as in Chloris or only the fourth glumeas in Andropogon. The palea is fairly uniform in its structure in many grasses, but it isalso subject to variation. It becomes shorter in some and is absent inothers. Instead of having two nerves, it may have one and rarely morethan two. The palea can easily be distinguished from the glume, becauseits insertion in the spikelet is different from that of the glume. [Illustration: Fig. 18. --Flower of Chloris. 1. Lodicules; 2. Stamens; 3. Ovary. ] The =lodicules= are small organs and they are the vestiges of theperianth. In most grasses there are only two, but in Ochlandra and otherbamboos we meet with three lodicules. There are also some species withmany lodicules. In shape they are mostly of some form referable to thecuneate form. They are of somewhat elongated form in Aristida andChloris. The function of the lodicules seems to be to separate the glumeand its palea so as to enable the stamens to come out and hang freely atthe time of anthesis. So it is only at the time of the opening of theflowers that the lodicules are at their best. Then they are fairlylarge, fleshy and thick and conspicuous. In the bud stage they areusually small and after the opening of the flower they shrivel up andare inconspicuous. There are also species of grasses in which thelodicules are not found. The =stamens= are three in number in the majority of grasses and six aremet with in Leersia, Hygrorhiza and Bamboos. Each stamen consists of avery delicate long filament and an anther basifixed to the filament. Butas the anthers are long and the connective is reduced to its minimum, they appear as if versatile when the stamens are out. When there arethree stamens one stands in front of the flowering glumes and the othertwo in front of the palea, one opposite each edge of the palea. Therelative positions of the parts of the floret are shown in the floraldiagrams. (See figs. 18 and 19. ) [Illustration: Fig. 19. --Floral diagrams. The first is that of Chloris, second of Panicum and the third of Oryza. ] The =pistil= consists of an ovary and two styles ending in plumosestigmas. The ovary is 1-celled and 1-ovuled. It is one carpelledaccording to the views of Hackel and his followers and there are alsosome who consider it as 3-carpelled because of the occurrence of threestyles in the pistil of some bamboos. The =rachilla= is usually well developed and elongated in many-floweredspikelets, while in 1-flowered spikelets it remains very small so thatthe flower appears to be terminal. It often extends beyond the insertionof the terminal flower and its glume, and then lies hidden appressed tothe palea. This may be seen in the spikelets of the species of Cynodon. This prolonged rachilla sometimes bears a minute glume, which is ofcourse rudimentary. Usually the glumes are rather close together on therachilla so that the internodes are very short; but in some grasses, asin _Dinebra arabica_, the glumes are rather distant and so theinternodes are somewhat longer and conspicuous. In some species ofPanicum the rachilla is jointed to the pedicel below the empty glumes, whereas it is articulated just above these glumes in _Chloris barbata_. Sometimes the rachilla is articulated between the flowers. This is thecase in the spikelet of _Dinebra arabica_. Pollination in most grasses is brought about by wind, though in a fewcases self-pollination occurs. The terminal position of theinflorescence, its protrusion far above the level of the foliage leaves, the swinging and dangling anthers, the abundance of non-sticking pollenand the plumose stigmas are all intended to facilitate pollination bywind. Furthermore the stamens and the stigmas do not mature at the sametime. In some grasses the stamens mature earlier, (=protandry=) while inothers the stigmas protrude long before the stamens (=protogyny=). Asthe result of the pollination the ovary developes into a dry 1-seededindehiscent fruit. The seed fills the cavity fully and the pericarpfuses with the seed-coat and so they are inseparable. Such a fruit istermed a =caryopsis= or =grain=. Though in the vast majority of grassesthe pericarp is inseparable, in a few cases it is free from theseed-coat as in _Sporobolus indicus_ and _Eleusine indica_. [Illustration: Fig. 20. --Longitudinal section of a portion of the grainof Andropogon Sorghum. × 280 P. Pericarp; Sc. Seed-coat; A. Aleuronelayer; E. Endosperm; S. Scutellum; Rs. Root-sheath; Rc. Root-cap; R. Radicle; Pl. Plumule; G. Growing point. ] [Illustration: Fig. 21. --A portion of the section of the grain ofAndropogon Sorghum. × 500 P. Pericarp; I. Seed-coat; A. Aleurone layer;S. Starch. ] The caryopsis consists of an embryo on one side at the base and theendosperm occupies the remaining portion. The embryo can be made out onthe side of the grain facing the glume, as it is outlined as an ovalarea. On the other face of the grain which is towards the palea, thehilum is seen at the base. The grain varies in shape considerably. Itmay be rounded, oval, ellipsoidal, narrow and cylindrical, oblong tereteor furrowed. There is considerable variation as regards the colour also. The =embryo= consists of an =axis= and a =scutellum=. The axis, which isdifferentiated into the plumule directed upward and the radicledownward, is small and straight and it is covered more or less by theedges of the scutellum. The scutellum is attached to the axis at aboutits middle and its outer surface is in contact with the endosperm. Thisis an important organ as its function is to absorb nourishment from theendosperm during germination. The scutellum is considered to representthe first leaf or cotyledon. The endosperm consists mostly of starch. Just outside the endosperm and within the epidermis lies a layer ofcells containing much proteid substance. This layer is called the=aleurone layer=. (See fig. 21. ) As an illustration of the caryopsis, the grain of Andropogon Sorghum may be studied. All the structuraldetails are shown in fig. 20 which is a longitudinal section of thegrain. The primary axis of the embryo is enclosed by a closed sheath both aboveand below. The sheath which envelopes the radicle is called =coleorhiza=and that of the plumule, =pileole= or =germ-sheath=. CHAPTER IV. HISTOLOGY OF THE VEGETATIVE ORGANS. The shoots and roots of grasses conform in their internal structure tothe monocotyledonous type. In all grasses numerous threads are foundrunning longitudinally within the stem and some of these pass into theleaves, at the nodes, and run as nerves in the blades of the leaves. These threads are the vascular bundles. The rest of the tissue of thestem and leaves consists of thin-walled parenchymatous cells ofdifferent sorts. The general structure of these bundles is more or less the same in allgrasses. A vascular bundle consists of only xylem and phloëm, withoutthe cambium, and so no secondary thickening can take place in the stemsof grasses. Such bundles as these are called =closed vascular bundles=to distinguish them from the dicotyledonous type of vascular bundleswhich are called =open vascular bundles= on account of the existence ofthe cambium. [Illustration: Fig. 22. --Transverse section of a vascular bundle. × 250 1. Annular vessel; 2. Spiral vessel; 3. Pitted vessel; 4. Phloëm orsieve tubes; 5. Sclerenchyma. ] The component parts and elements of which the vascular bundles ingrasses are composed may be learnt by studying the transverse andlongitudinal sections of these bundles in any grass. The cross andlongitudinal sections of a vascular bundle of the stem of _Pennisetumcenchroides_, are shown in figs. 22 and 23. In the figure of thetransverse section the two large cavities indicated by the number 3 andthe two small circular cavities with thick walls lying between thelarger ones and indicated by the numbers 1 and 2 are the chief elementsof the xylem. By looking at the longitudinal section it is obvious that these elementsare really vessels, the larger being pitted and the smaller annular andspiral vessels. These vessels together with the numerous smallthick-walled cells lying between the pitted vessels constitute thexylem. Just above the xylem there is a group of large and smallthin-walled cells. This is the phloëm and it consists of sieve tubes andthin-walled cells. All round the xylem and the phloëm there are manythick-walled cells. These are really fibres forming the =bundle-sheath=. On account of this bundle-sheath the bundles are called =fibro-vascularbundles=. [Illustration: Fig. 23. --Longitudinal section of a vascular bundle. ×250 1. Annular vessel; 2. Spiral vessel; 3. Pitted vessel; 4. Sieve tubes orphloëm; 5. Sclerenchyma. ] [Illustration: Fig. 24. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofRottboellia exaltata. × 70 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] =Structure of the stem. =--The stem of a grass consists of a mass ofparenchymatous cells with a number of fibro-vascular bundles imbedded init, and it is covered externally by a protective layer of cells, theepidermis. The stem is usually solid in all grasses in the young stage, but as it matures the internodes become hollow in many grasses and theyremain solid in a few. In the internodes the fibro-vascular bundles runlongitudinally and are parallel, but in the nodes they run in alldirections and form a net work from which emerge a few bundles to enterthe leaves. So far as the broad general features are concerned, thestems of many grasses are more or less similar in structure. However, when we take into consideration the arrangement of bundles, thedevelopment and arrangement of sclerenchyma, every species of grass hasits own special characteristics. And these are so striking and constantthat it may be possible to identify the species from these charactersalone. We may take as a type the stem of _Rottboellia exaltata_. This stem issomewhat semi-circular in transverse section and it is almost straightand flat in the front (the side towards the axillary bud). Theperipheral portion of the stem becomes somewhat rigid and thick due tothe aggregation of vascular bundles, some small and others large. Theoutermost series of bundles consisting of small and larger bundles arein contact with the layers of the cells lying just beneath the epidermisand these cells are also thick-walled. A few are away from these beingseparated by three or four layers of cells from the peripheral bundles. In all these vascular bundles the bundle-sheath is very stronglydeveloped all round and is very much developed especially at the sides. It is this great development of sclerenchyma that makes the outerportion of the cortex hard. Within the ground tissue are found a numberof vascular bundles scattered more or less uniformly. These bundles haveno continuous bundle-sheaths but have instead groups of fibres at thesides and in front of the phloëm. The cavities near the annular vesselsare somewhat larger and conspicuous in these bundles. [Illustration: Fig. 25. --Transverse section of the stem of Pennisetumcenchroides. × 20] The epidermal cells are all thickened very much and the outer layer iscutinized and impregnated with silica. This is the case in the epidermisof the stems and leaves of most grasses. (See fig. 24. ) In order to give a general idea of the variations in the structure ofthe stem in grasses a few examples are chosen and the details of thestructure of the stems of these grasses are dealt with here. [Illustration: Fig. 26. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPennisetum cenchroides. × 70 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] The stem of _Pennisetum cenchroides_ is somewhat round in outline in thetransverse section with a slight curvature in the front. The vascularbundles are rather numerous and irregularly scattered all over theground tissue. The peripheral bundles are not so close to the peripheryof the stem as in _Rottboellia exaltata_. These are separated from theepidermis by several layers of parenchymatous cells. Further, theseperipheral bundles are all imbedded in a continuous sclerenchymatousband which runs round the stem in the form of a ring. The epidermalcells as well as the layer of cells in immediate contact with it arethick-walled. In the vascular bundles of the ground tissue thebundle-sheath is rather prominent and the phloëm portion is welldeveloped. (See figs. 25 and 26. ) [Illustration: Fig. 27. --Transverse section of the stem of Eriochloapolystachya. × 25] In the stem of _Eriochloa polystachya_, all the vascular bundles aremore or less peripheral in position leaving a wide area ofparenchymatous cells in the centre. The outline of the stem in crosssection is rotund or ovate-rotund with the front side somewhat flattenedand straight. The epidermal cells alone are thickened. A well developedcontinuous ring of sclerenchyma is present and this is connected withthe epidermal layer at short intervals by means of shortsclerenchymatous bands. So the parenchymatous cells of the cortex lyingoutside the sclerenchymatous ring are divided into small isolated areas. There are three series of vascular bundles. [Illustration: Fig. 28. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofEriochloa polystachya. × 70 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] One series consists of small bundles lying inside the sclerenchyma ringat the base of each of the connecting bands. The second series is madeup of large vascular bundles imbedded in the ring so as to bulge outinside the ring. The vascular bundles of the third series are found justaway from the ring and separated from it by a few layers ofparenchymatous cells. (See figs. 27 and 28. ) [Illustration: Fig. 29. --Transverse section of the stem of Setariaglauca. × 15] [Illustration: Fig. 30. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofSetaria glauca. × 50 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] Another stem in which the vascular bundles are more or less peripheralin position and enclosing a wide parenchyma is that of _Setaria glauca_. In the transverse section of the stem the outline is ovate, laterallycompressed, obtusely keeled at the back and somewhat concave in thefront. The sclerenchymatous band is narrow and continuous and very closeto the epidermis, being separated from it only by two or three layers ofthin-walled cells. The epidermal cells alone are thickened. As to thevascular bundles there are three sets. One set of bundles lying justoutside the sclerenchymatous ring consists of small ones connecting thering with the epidermis. Just inside the sclerenchymatous ring lies aseries of bundles which are connected with it. Still inside, at somedistance from the sclerenchymatous band, are seen vascular bundlesforming a row and enclosing a large space of the ground tissueconsisting of only parenchyma. (See figs. 29 and 30. ) [Illustration: Fig. 31. --Transverse section of the stem of Panicumramosum × 24] [Illustration: Fig. 32. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPanicum ramosum. × 75 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] [Illustration: Fig. 33. --Transverse section of the stem of Andropogoncaricosus. × 25] The stem of _Panicum ramosum_ is semi-circular and somewhat flat on oneside. The epidermal cells alone are thickened. There is a broad welldeveloped continuous band of sclerenchyma, which is connected at regularintervals with the epidermis by small vascular bundles. Another row ofvascular bundles lies just inside the sclerenchymatous ring and each ofthese bundles is in contact with the band. Away from the ring lie anumber of bundles forming a series disposed in two irregular ringsaround a broad portion of the ground tissue. (See figs. 31 and 32. ) [Illustration: Fig. 34. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofAndropogon caricosus. × 75 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] [Illustration: Fig. 35. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPanicum Isachne. × 100 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] The stem of the grass _Andropogon caricosus_ is oval in outline, thefront being flat. The epidermal cells and those below and in contactwith them are thick-walled. The sclerenchymatous ring though present isvery narrow and not very conspicuous. It consists of one or two layersof cells connecting a few vascular bundles forming the outermost set. There is a series of vascular bundles inside the ring which surrounds alarge area of the ground tissue. Two isolated bundles, one in front andanother at the back of the ground tissue, are found. The cells of theground tissue lying just inside the vascular bundles are all very muchthickened. (See figs. 33 and 34. ) [Illustration: Fig. 36. --Transverse section of the stem of Eragrostisinterrupta. × 25] [Illustration: Fig. 37. --Transverse section of the stem of Panicumflavidum. × 15] [Illustration: Fig. 38. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPanicum flavidum. × 70 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] The stems of _Panicum Isachne_ and _Eragrostis interrupta_ are hollow. The stem of the former is circular in outline in cross section, thoughwavy. There is a sclerenchymatous ring close to the epidermis butseparated from it by a few layers of parenchyma. One set of bundles isimbedded in the band, and another set just touches the inner border ofit. A third series is disposed around a fairly large amount of groundtissue, which may or may not have a cavity in the centre. The stem of_Eragrostis_ _interrupta_ has more or less the same structure, but thecortex has air spaces here and there. Other minor differences may beseen on referring to figs. 35 and 36. [Illustration: Fig. 39. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPanicum colonum. × 70 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] The stems of grasses growing in wet or marshy situations differ instructure from those detailed above. As examples the stems of _Panicumflavidum_, _Panicum colonum_, _Panicum Crus-galli_ and _Panicumfluitans_ may be considered. The stem of _Panicum flavidum_ is broadlyovate in cross section with a flat front and is more or less solid, though occasionally the parenchymatous cells in the centre get broken. Two rows of vascular bundles surround a fairly large amount ofparenchymatous cells of the ground tissue. There is a continuous ring ofsclerenchyma separated from the epidermis by a fairly broad cortex. Thecortex has a number of fairly large air-cavities separated by bands ofparenchymatous cells. Within the sclerenchymatous band lie smallvascular bundles at regular intervals just towards the cortex. A fewisolated bundles are in contact with the inner border. (See figs. 37 and38. ) The stems of _Panicum colonum_, _Panicum stagninum_ and _PanicumCrus-galli_ have in their centre in the ground tissue stellate cellswith air-cavities. This part is surrounded by a fairly broad portion ofparenchymatous cells in which are imbedded two rows of bundles. Outsidethese bundles runs round the stem a narrow sclerenchymatous band with afew bundles in it of which some touch it inside and others outside. Twobundles are found by themselves in the tissue of stellate cells. In_Panicum Crus-galli_ three or four bundles are met with amidst thestellate cells. [Illustration: Fig. 40. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPanicum Crus-galli. × 70 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle. ] [Illustration: Fig. 41. --Transverse section of the stem of Panicumstagninum. × 10] The cortex outside the band of sclerenchyma is full of air-cavities, small and large. In _Panicum colonum_ the outline of the stem isellipsoidal with the front quite flat, and the cortex is narrow at thesides and very broad in front and at the back. The sclerenchymatous ringis circular in outline. The stem of _Panicum Crus-galli_ is broadlyovoid and the cortex is uniformly broad. The epidermal cells as well asthe lower cells are thickened in the stems of _Panicum fluitans_ and_Panicum Crus-galli_, but in the stems of _Panicum colonum_ and _Panicumflavidum_ the epidermis alone is thickened. In the cortical portionoutside the sclerenchymatous band, small vascular bundles occur in thestems of _Panicum colonum_, _Panicum Crus-galli_ and _Panicum fluitans_. (See figs. 39, 40, 42 and 43. ) [Illustration: Fig. 42. --Transverse section of the stem of Panicumfluitans. × 15] [Illustration: Fig. 43. --Transverse section of a portion of the stem ofPanicum fluitans. × 60 1. Epidermis; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Vascular bundle; 4. Air-cavity; 5. Diaphragm. ] The stem of _Panicum fluitans_ is round in outline in the transversesection and has a large cavity. Just close to the cavity and separatedfrom it by only one or two parenchymatous cells are found vascularbundles forming a series. Outside this series of bundles lies asclerenchymatous band which is wavy, following the lower edges of thelarge air-cavities. One series of bundles is connected with thissclerenchymatous ring. The air-cavities are large and uniform and areseparated by bands of parenchymatous cells. In each of these bands liesa vascular bundle on the upper side near the periphery. Sometimes wefind, especially in young stages, diaphragms of stellulate cellsstretched across the air-cavities. Later as the stem matures thesedisappear and the cavities become conspicuous. (See figs. 42 and 43. ) =Structure of the root. =--As already stated, the roots of grassesconform to the monocotyledonous type, but the variations met with intheir structure are not so great as in the case of the stem. Theroot-tips are protected by root-caps, and the actual tip of the root isvery distinct in the roots of all grasses and it can be seen veryclearly in a longitudinal section of the root. The actual tip of theroot is sharply distinct from the root-cap as there are two distinctsets of cells, one giving rise to the root-tip and the other to theroot-cap. The young root-tips are always free from root-hairs, and they areconfined to the portions behind the root-tips. The extent of theroot-hair region will vary according to the vigour and development ofthe roots and the nature of the soil. The root-hairs are mereprotrusions of the cells of the outermost layer of the cortex of theroot and this layer is called the =piliferous layer=. [Illustration: Fig. 44. --Transverse section of a part of the root ofPennisetum cenchroides. × 100 1. Root-hair; 2. Piliferous layer; 3. Cortex; 4. Endodermis; 5. Pericycle; 6. Xylem; 7. Phloëm. ] To learn the structure of the roots of grasses we may select as typesthe roots of _Pennisetum cenchroides_ and _Andropogon Sorghum_ andconsider their structural details. In the transverse sections of theseroots we find a fairly broad cortex consisting of thin-walledparenchymatous cells more or less regularly arranged. (See figs. 44 and45. ) Just below the piliferous layer two or three layers of thick-walledcells are seen. In the roots of _Andropogon Sorghum_ these thick-walledcells are very conspicuous as they consist of several layers. Theselayers of thick-walled cells constitute the =exodermis=. (See fig. 46. )The innermost layer of cells of the cortex is called the =endodermis=and it becomes conspicuous on account of the thickening in the lateraland inner walls of the cells of this layer. (See figs. 44 and 47. ) [Illustration: Fig. 45. --Transverse section of the entire root ofAndropogon Sorghum. × 25] [Illustration: Fig. 46. --Transverse section of the cortical portion ofthe root of Andropogon Sorghum. × 150 r. H. Root-hair; p. L. Piliferous layer; ex. Exodermis; co. Cortex. ] The rest of the root forming the central core is the stele and at itsperiphery there is a single layer of cells called the =pericycle=. Thearrangement of the xylem and the phloëm is different from that of thestem. They lie side by side on different radii, and not one behind theother on the same radius as in the stem. The number of xylem groups isfairly large and the development of the xylem is from the pericycletowards the centre of the stele. (See figs. 44 and 45. ) Theparenchymatous cells in the centre of the stele become thick-walled inolder roots. =Structure of the leaf. =--The structure of the leaf of grasses is quitecharacteristic of the family. In every leaf a number of vascularbundles, some small and others large, pass from the base to the apex. Externally the leaf is covered on both the sides by the epidermis. Thespaces existing between the vascular bundles and the epidermis arefilled with parenchymatous cells. The larger vascular bundles consist ofxylem and phloëm surrounded by a bundle sheath of a single layer ofcells. In the smaller bundles the xylem is very much reduced. Aroundevery vascular bundle there is a single row of somewhat large cellsdensely packed with large chloroplasts, the =chlorophyllous layer=. Thevascular bundles are strengthened by fibres, on both the sides in thecase of larger bundles and on only one side in small bundles. [Illustration: Fig. 47. --Transverse section of the stele portion of theroot of Andropogon Sorghum. × 150 Co. Cortex; en. Endodermis; pe. Pericycle; ph. Phloëm; pr. Protoxylem;xy. Xylem vessel. ] [Illustration: Fig. 48. --A portion of the transverse section of the leafof Panicum javanicum. × 100 Ep. C. An ordinary epidermal cell; st. Stomata; sc. Sclerenchyma; ph. Phloëm; chl c. Chlorenchyma; m. Motor cells; xy. Xylem. ] For a detailed study of the structure of the leaves of grasses the leafof the grass _Panicum javanicum_ may be chosen. In a transverse sectionof this leaf, the vascular bundles are very conspicuous. The largerbundles are normal in every way, while in the smaller ones the xylemelements are considerably reduced. Around every one of the vascularbundles there is a single row of large cells containing largechlorophyll grains (the chlorophyllous layer). In a well developed largevascular bundle the chlorophyllous layer is open below just close to thesclerenchymatous band. On both sides of the larger vascular bundle thereare bands of sclerenchyma. In the case of smaller bundles some arestrengthened by sclerenchyma on the lower side and others have none. Thespaces between the bundles are occupied by thin-walled parenchymatouscells containing small chlorophyll grains. [Illustration: Fig. 49. --Upper epidermis of the leaf of Panicumjavanicum. × 300] [Illustration: Fig. 50. --Lower epidermis of the leaf of Panicumjavanicum. × 300] The lower epidermis of the leaf in the transverse section is even andconsists of small and large round cells. The upper epidermis is slightlywavy and it is made up of some small round cells alternating with groupsof larger cells. The epidermal cells lying over sclerenchyma and thesmaller vascular bundles are small and round, while those lying over thefurrows between the vascular bundles are large and are called =motor= or=bulliform cells=. The presence of motor cells is a characteristicfeature of the leaves of many grasses. The continuity of both the upper and the lower epidermis is interruptedby the stomata. Air-cavities are seen below these stomata. Thearrangement of the stomata, the shape of the guard cells and thecharacteristics of the epidermal cells become clear on examining a pieceof epidermis. (See figs. 49 and 50. ) The structure of the leaf of _Panicum javanicum_ may be taken as typicalof the structure of the leaves of most grasses. The leaves of _Eriochloapolystachya_, Cynodon and Paspalums are very much like the leaves of_Panicum javanicum_ in their internal structure. Considerable amount of variation, however, occurs in the leaves ofgrasses especially as regards the arrangement of fibres and motor cells. [Illustration: Fig. 51. --A portion of the transverse section of the leafof Eriochloa polystachya × 120 1. Motor cell; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer. ] Every large primary vascular bundle in the leaves of many grassespossesses sclerenchymatous bands both above and below. The othervascular bundles may have bands of sclerenchyma on both sides or on oneside only or none. For example, in the leaves of _Panicum repens_ boththe primary and secondary bundles are provided with sclerenchyma on boththe sides, while those of the third order may have it on one side ornot. The hyaline margin of this leaf and of the leaves of other grassesconsists entirely of sclerenchyma. (See fig. 53. ) [Illustration: Fig. 52. --Transverse section of a portion of the leaf ofPanicum repens. × 120 1. Motor cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer. ] All the vascular bundles in the leaves of _Aristida setacea_ have broadsclerenchymatous bands on both the sides. Besides these bands arrangedlike a girder above and below each bundle, there are on the lower sidebands of sclerenchyma. So the sclerenchyma becomes almost continuous onthe lower side. [Illustration: Fig. 53. --Transverse section of the leaf margin ofPanicum repens. × 180 1. Sclerenchyma; 2. Stomata; 3. Chlorophyllous layer. ] [Illustration: Fig. 54. --Transverse section of a part of the leaf ofAristida setacea. × 30. 1. Vascular bundle; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Motor cells. ] [Illustration: Fig. 55. --Transverse section of a portion of the leaf ofAristida setacea. × 120 1. Motor cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Epidermis; 5. Cutinlayer. ] The sclerenchyma lying on the lower side of the primary bundles arecontiguous with the bundle, while those above are separated from thebundle by the chlorophyllous layer. (See fig. 55. ) In the case ofsecondary and tertiary bundles the sclerenchymatous bands lying on thelower side are in contact with the chlorophyllous layer, whereas theupper bands are either in contact with this layer or separated from itby a few parenchymatous cells. All the vascular bundles in the leaves of _Eragrostis Willdenoviana_ areprovided with sclerenchyma on both the sides. The lower band of theprimary vascular bundles is continuous with the vascular bundle, thechlorophyllous layer being open below. The upper bands of the primaryand the lower bands of the secondary vascular bundles just touch thechlorophyllous layer. In the secondary bundles the sclerenchyma bandabove is separated from the chlorophyllous layer by two layers ofparenchyma. In the case of the leaves of _Panicum flavidum_, _P. Colonum_, _P. Fluitans_ and _Pennisetum cenchroides_ the sclerenchyma isseparated from the chlorophyllous layer by layers of parenchyma. [Illustration: Fig. 56. --Transverse section of a part of the leaf ofEragrostis Willdenoviana. × 30 1. Vascular bundle; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Motor cells. ] [Illustration: Fig. 57. --Transverse section of a portion of the leaf ofEragrostis Willdenoviana. × 150 1. Motor cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer; 5. Vascular strand cut through; 6. Hair. ] [Illustration: Fig. 58. --Transverse section of a part of the leaf ofPanicum colonum. × 30 1. Vascular bundle; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Motor cells. ] Even from the few examples dealt with above, it is obvious that therange of variation of sclerenchyma in leaves is very great. In theleaves of _Aristida setacea_ there is a considerable amount ofsclerenchyma whilst in some leaves such as those of _Panicum_ _colonum_, _P. Flavidum_ and _Panicum fluitans_ the sclerenchyma is reduced to itsminimum. [Illustration: Fig. 59. --Transverse section of a part of the leaf ofPanicum fluitans. × 30 1. Vascular bundle; 2. Sclerenchyma. ] In the leaves of grasses growing in dry situations the development ofsclerenchyma is generally very considerable. The grass _Aristidasetacea_ is a good example of a xerophytic grass. The sea-shore grass_Spinifex squarrosus_ is another example of the same kind. But in theleaves of this grass, the development of sclerenchyma is not veryconsiderable, but there is a great development of parenchymatous cellsfree from chlorophyll within the leaf, the chlorophyll bearing cellsbeing confined to the upper and the lower surfaces of the leaves. [Illustration: Fig. 60. --Transverse section of a leaf of Spinifexsquarrosus. × 10 1. Vascular bundle; 2. Sclerenchyma. ] [Illustration: Fig. 61. --A portion of the transverse section of the leafof Spinifex squarrosus. × 60 1. Sclerenchyma; 2. Vascular bundle; 3. Epidermis; 4. Stomata. ] The upper and the lower surfaces of the leaves of many grasses are moreor less even, but in the case of a few grasses the upper surfaceconsists of ridges and furrows, instead of being even. In the leaves of_Panicum repens_ and _Eragrostis Willdenoviana_ the upper surface iswavy and consists of shallow furrows and slightly raised ridges. But inthe leaves of _Aristida setacea_ and _Panicum fluitans_ the furrows aredeeper and the ridges are more prominent. In _Aristida setacea_ theridges are flat-topped and they are rounded with broad furrows in_Panicum fluitans_. [Illustration: Fig. 62. --Upper epidermis of the leaf Panicum Isachne. ×200 1. Cells overlying the veins; 2. Cells overlying the furrows; 3. Stomata. ] [Illustration: Fig. 63. --Lower epidermis of the leaf Panicum Isachne. ×200 1. Cells overlying the veins; 2. Cells overlying the furrows; 3. Stomata. ] The epidermis covering the leaves consists of elongated cells with planeor sinuous walls, various kinds of short cells intercalated between theends of long cells, motor-cells and stomata. Hairs of different sortsoccur as outgrowths of the epidermis. The roughness of the surface ofthe leaves of grasses is due to the presence of very minute short hairsborne by the epidermis. In most cases these short hairs are found inregular rows. Although the epidermis is more or less even in the leavesof several grasses such as _Panicum repens_, _P. Flavidum_ and_Eriochloa polystachya_, it is wavy or undulating in the leaves of a fewgrasses. For example, the upper epidermis in the leaves of _Panicumfluitans_ is undulating as it follows the contour of the ridges andfurrows. The epidermal cells have even surfaces in the leaves of most grasses butin some they bulge out. In the leaves of _Panicum flavidum_ the cells ofthe lower epidermis are quite even, whilst those of the upper epidermisbulge out. The cells of both the upper and the lower epidermis aredistinctly bulging out in the leaves of _Panicum colonum_. In _Panicumfluitans_ the cells of the upper epidermis bulge out so much as to formdistinct papillĉ. The free surface of the epidermis is more or less cutinised in theleaves of all grasses. In some leaves the cuticle is very thick and evenpapillate as in the leaves of _Aristida setacea_ and _Panicum repens_whilst in others it is very thin, as in the leaves of _Panicum colonum_and _P. Fluitans_. Cutinisation is rather prominent in the leaves ofgrasses growing under dry conditions and it is less pronounced inmesophytic grasses. [Illustration: Fig. 64. --Transverse section of a portion of the leaf ofPanicum colonum. × 120 1. Motor cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer. ] [Illustration: Fig. 65. --Transverse section of a portion of the leaf ofPanicum fluitans. × 120 1. Motor cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer. ] As regards size, the epidermal cells overlying the sclerenchyma aresmall and those lying over parenchyma are larger. Amongst the largercells some may be motor-cells. The stomata occur in regular rows betweenthe vascular bundles and they are quite characteristic of grasses. Theyare more or less similar in structure in all grasses. In the leaves ofmany grasses stomata are found in both the upper and the lower epidermisand they are confined to the lower epidermis in a few grasses only. The motor-cells vary very much both as regards their shape and position. In some leaves as in the leaves of the grass _Panicum flavidum_ themotor-cells are confined to the midrib on the upper surface. The epidermal cells of this leaf are large and uniformly round. (Seefigs. 66 and 67. ) [Illustration: Fig. 66. --Transverse section of a leaf of Panicumflavidum. × 20 1. Vascular bundle; 2. Sclerenchyma; 3. Motor-cells. ] [Illustration: Fig. 67. --Transverse section of the leaf of Panicumflavidum. × 150 1. Motor-cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer. ] In the case of most grasses the motor-cells are found in groups ofthree, four or five between the vascular bundles. The central motor-cellis usually the largest and it is somewhat obovate in shape in atransverse section of the leaf. In the leaves of _Panicum javanicum_ and_Eriochloa polystachya_ there are three or four motor cells in the groupand the group consists of four, five or rarely six motor cells in theleaves of _Eragrostis Willdenoviana_. When there are distinct furrowsbetween ridges these cells lie in the furrows and they are many innumber. In the leaves of _Panicum repens_ there are five to sevenmotor-cells in the furrows and the single row of cells stretched betweenthe motor-cells and the lower epidermis in the furrow consists of moreor less clear cells with sparsely scattered small chlorophyll grains. (See fig. 52. ) The motor-cells occupying the furrows in the leaves of_Aristida setacea_ are more in number than in _Panicum repens_ and areof a different shape. All the cells lying in the furrow between themotor-cells and the sclerenchyma are clear cells free from chlorophyllgrains. Although the motor-cells differ in shape from the ordinary epidermalcells in most grasses, there are, however, a few grasses in which themotor-cells do not differ very much from the epidermal cells except insize. For example, in the leaves of _Panicum colonum_ the motor-cellsare just like the ordinary epidermal cells in shape but are larger. (Seefig. 64. ) Motor-cells are usually confined to the upper epidermis, but they mayalso be found in the lower epidermis. In the leaves of _Pennisetumcenchroides_ motor-cells are found in both the upper and the lowerepidermis, the group in the upper epidermis alternating with that in thelower. [Illustration: Fig. 68. --Transverse section of a portion of the leaf ofPennisetum cenchroides. × 100 1. Motor-cells; 2. Stomata; 3. Sclerenchyma; 4. Chlorophyllous layer. ] CHAPTER V. CLASSIFICATION. The family Gramineĉ is usually divided into two series taking intoconsideration the presence or absence of a joint in the pedicel orrachis, the number of flowers in the spikelet and the position of thefertile flower. All the species in which there is a joint just below thespikelet, in the pedicel, in the rachis, or at the base of a cluster ofspikelets come under one series =Panicaceĉ=. The spikelets of thegrasses coming under this series, when mature, fall away singly bythemselves, or with their pedicels, or in groups with portions of therachis. The spikelets are all similar and consist of usually fourglumes. Each spikelet contains a single perfect flower and sometimes inaddition a staminate flower just below the perfect flower. In thisseries the tendency for imperfection is always confined to the lowerflowers, the terminal flower alone being perfect. For inclusion underthis series the grass plant should have both the characters, articulation and position of the flower as mentioned above. The second series =Poaceĉ= includes those grasses in which the spikeletsare one to many-flowered and continuous with their pedicels. But therachilla of the spikelet may be jointed just above the empty glumes orbetween the flowering glumes. The complete flower is the lowest and thetendency for imperfection is in the upper flowers. Of the two series the Panicaceĉ appears to be more highly developed thanthe Poaceĉ. KEY TO TRIBES. Series I. --Panicaceĉ. A. Rachis of inflorescence not jointed. Spikelets 2-flowered; upper flower bisexual and lower male or neuter; the first glume the smallest I. Paniceĉ. Spikelets 1-flowered; Spikelets articulate on their pedicels and falling away from them; flowers bisexual and usually with six stamens II. Oryzeĉ. Spikelets falling away with their pedicels; flowers bisexual or rarely imperfect III. Zoysieĉ. B. Rachis of inflorescence usually jointed. Spikelets usually binate (3-nate at the top), pairs of spikelets alike or dissimilar; empty glumes larger and the flowering glumes smaller, hyaline, the fourth glume awned or reduced to an awn IV. Andropogoneĉ. Series II. --Poaceĉ. A. Rachilla produced or not beyond the flowering glume. Spikelets 1-flowered, with three glumes; first and second empty, third flowering and awned; rachilla jointed V. Agrostideĉ. Spikelets 1- or more-flowered, biseriate and secund on an inarticulate spike or on the spiciform branches of a slender panicle; flowers all or the lower only bisexual VI. Chlorideĉ. B. Rachilla produced beyond the uppermost flowering glume and articulate. Spikelets 2- or more-flowered, pedicelled, rarely sessile, in effuse, contracted or rarely spiciform panicles VII. Festucaceĉ. Spikelets 1- or more-flowered, sessile, 1- to 2- or more-seriate on the rachis of a simple spike, or partially sunk in cavities of the same. Glumes awned or not, first and second glumes are opposite or subcollateral, persistent or separately deciduous; first glume minute or absent VIII. Hordeĉ. CHAPTER VI. Series I--Panicaceĉ. TRIBE I--PANICEĈ. This is a fairly large and important tribe flourishing mostly in thewarm regions and the tropics. It is very well represented in South Indiaand fifteen genera are met with. The inflorescence varies very much within this tribe and consists ofspikes, racemes and panicles. The spikelets are usually four-glumed andcontain one terminal perfect flower and a staminate or neutral flowerbelow. But in the genus Isachne both the flowers are perfect. In somegrasses the spikelets contain only staminate or pistillate flowers. InCoix and Polytoca the plant bears both male and female spikelets in thesame inflorescence, but in Zea on the same plant they occur as distinctinflorescences. The littoral grass Spinifex is dioecious. The first glume of the spikelet is the smallest. In Panicum it is nearlytwo-thirds or less than the third glume. It is very small in Digitariaand entirely suppressed in Paspalum. In Eriochloa it is reduced to aminute ridge lying just close to the swollen ring-like joint of therachilla. The second and the third glumes are more or less equal andsimilar in texture. The fourth glume becomes firm and rigid along withits palea and usually encloses the grain. The pedicel is jointed in some genera and in others it is continuouswith the spikelet and not jointed. When mature the spikelets fall awayeither by themselves, singly with their pedicels or in groups withportions of rachis, according to the position of the joint. Bristles(branchlets) are often found on the pedicels. In Setaria a few are borneby the pedicels. The bristles form a regular involucre at the base of agroup of spikelets in Pennisetum, and in Cenchrus these become united atthe base into a mass forming a kind of burr around the spikelets. KEY TO THE GENERA. A. Spikelets articulate on their pedicels. B. Spikelets without involucels. C. Spikelets dorsally flattened, awnless. Inflorescence racemed; glumes three; nerves of second glume five or less, side nerves curved 1. Paspalum. Inflorescence digitate; glumes three with a minute glume; nerves of second glume five to seven, straight and prominent 2. Digitaria. Inflorescence panicled; glumes three with a thickening at the base of the spikelet 3. Eriochloa. Inflorescence racemed or paniculate; glumes four, first two glumes unequal 4. Panicum. Inflorescence panicled, branches of panicle produced beyond the uppermost spikelet; glumes four, the first being minute and hyaline 5. Chamĉraphis. Spikelets unisexual and dioecious 6. Spinifex. CC. Spikelets awned. Glumes four, second glume broadly fimbriate with hairs; palea of the third glume short and deeply cleft, fourth glume awned 7. Axonopus. BB. Spikelets involucellate 8. Setaria. AA. Spikelets not jointed but continuous. Spikelets in involucelled deciduous fascicles. Involucre of bristles free 9. Pennisetum. Involucre of bristles united 10. Cenchrus. 1. Paspalum, _L. _ These are annuals or perennials. The spikelets are plano-convex, orbicular to oblong, obtuse, secund, 2-ranked on the flattened ortriquetrous rachis of the spike-like branches of a raceme, one-floweredand falling off entire from the very short or obscure pedicels. Thereare three glumes, all more or less equal and similar. The first and thesecond glumes are membranous, alike and as long as the third, the secondglume is usually epaleate and occasionally with a minute palea. Thethird glume is chartaceous to sub-coriaceous and paleate. Lodicules aretwo and small. Stamens are three. The styles are slender and distinctwith plumose stigmas exserted at the top of the spikelet. Grain istightly enclosed in the third glume and its palea. [Illustration: Fig. 69. --Paspalum scrobiculatum. ] =Paspalum scrobiculatum, _L. _= This is an annual grass, with stems tufted on very short rhizomes, erector very shortly bent at base, glabrous, bifariously leafy and varying inheight from 1 to 3 feet or more. _Leaf-sheaths_ are compressed, glabrous, loose, keeled, mouth hairy ornot. The _ligule_ is a short thin membrane. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, keeled with adistinct midrib, and with very minutely serrulate margins, 6 to 18inches by 1/12 to 1/3 inch. The _inflorescence_ consists of 2 to 5 sessile alternate spikes, usuallydistant and spreading and varying in length from 1 to 8 inches; therachis is flattened and winged. The _spikelets_ are either orbicular or ovate-oblong, as broad as therachis, glabrous, closely imbricating in two rows (rarely in three orfour rows), sessile or rarely geminate on a common pedicel. There are three glumes. The _first glume_ is concave, 3- to 5-nerved(rarely 3- to 7-nerved). The _second glume_ is flat, 5-nerved, with twostrong sub-marginal nerves, sometimes with shallow transverse pits alongthe margins. The _third glume_ is thickly coriaceous, brownish, shining, minutely striolate, margins roundly incurved throughout its length, paleate; the _palea_ is similar to the glume in structure and colour, margins strongly inflexed and with two broad membranous auricles almostoverlapping just below the middle. There are three _stamens_. The_stigmas_ are white both when young and while fading. The style branchesare diverging widely and then straight. There are two oblong cuneatefleshy _lodicules_. [Illustration: Fig. 70. --Paspalum scrobiculatum. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a portion of spike; 3, 4 and 5. Spikelets; 6, 7 and 8. The first, second, and the third glume, respectively; 9. Palea of the third glume; 10. The ovary, stamens andthe lodicules. ] This grass flourishes all over the Presidency in moist places, such as, bunds of wet lands, edges of ponds and lakes and in marshy land. Thereare two forms of this grass, one with round and another with ovateoblong spikelets. They also vary in the size of the spikelets--someforms have small spikelets and others large. Sometimes the spikeletsshow variation in the number of glumes. This grass is also cultivated for its grain. In cultivated forms thespikelets are larger and the whole plant grows bigger. It is grown bothin wet and dry land. _Distribution. _--Throughout India (wild and also cultivated). 2. Digitaria, _Rich. _ Annuals or perennials. The spikelets are lanceolate, 2- to 3-nate, indigitate or racemose spikes, jointed on the pedicels but not thickenedat the base, 1-flowered. There are usually four dissimilar glumes in thespikelet. The first glume is hyaline very minute, sometimes absent inthe same species. The second glume is membranous, 1- to 5-nerved ornerveless. The third glume is membranous, almost equal to the fourth, usually 7- to 9-nerved, the nerves being straight, close, parallel andprominent, with a minute palea or without a palea. The fourth glume ischartaceous or sub-chartaceous, usually 3-nerved and paleate; palea isequal to and similar to the fourth glume, 2-nerved. Lodicules are two, small, broadly cuneate. Stamens are three. Styles are distinct withplumose stigmas exserted laterally near the apex of the spikelet. Grainis enclosed in the fourth glume and its palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikelets 1/10 inch or more. Spikes usually few, spikelets bearded 1. D. Sanguinalis. Var. Ciliaris. Spikelets not bearded 2. Do. Var. Extensum. Spikes usually many; spikelets spreading 3. Do. Var. Griffithii. Spikelets less than 1/10 inch. Spikes narrowly winged; spikelets subsilky with slender (not clavellate) hairs 4. D. Longiflora. [Illustration: Fig. 71. --Digitaria sanguinalis, _Var. Ciliaris_. ] =Digitaria sanguinalis, _Scop. _= _Var. Ciliaris. _ This is an annual grass either with erect tall stems or long prostratestems, varying in length from 1 to 3 feet or more. The _leaf-sheath_ is herbaceous, loose and glabrous. The _ligule_ is adistinct membrane. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate or linear, flat, glabrous or verysparsely hairy, varying in length from 2 to 5 or 6 inches and in breadthfrom 1/6 to 1/3 inch. The _spikes_ are usually few, 2 to 6, 3 to 6 inches long, with atriquetrous, narrowly winged rachis. The _spikelets_ are oblong, acute, binate, one pedicel being shorterthan the other, usually appressed to the rachis and not spreading. [Illustration: Fig. 72. --Digitaria sanguinalis. _Var. Ciliaris_. 1. A portion of the spike showing the binate spikelets; 2. A spikelet;3. The minute scale-like first glume; 4, 5 and 6. The second, third andthe fourth glume, respectively; 7. The palea of the fourth glume. ] There are four _glumes_ including the minute glume. The _first glume_ isa very minute scale. The _second glume_ is about half as long as thethird glume, membranous, usually 3-nerved and sometimes 3- to 5-nerved, distinctly ciliate. The _third glume_ is oblong-lanceolate, acute, membranous, 3- to 5-nerved, sparingly hairy in the lower spikelet anddensely bearded with soft spreading hairs in the upper spikelet. The_fourth glume_ is lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, acute, somewhatchartaceous, paleate; _palea_ is like the glume in texture. _Anthers_are pale yellow. _Stigmas_ are white. There are two small cuneate_lodicules_. This is an excellent fodder grass. It grows well in all kinds of soils, rich or poor, and is very common in dry fields brought undercultivation. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. =Digitaria sanguinalis, _Scop. _= _Var. Griffithii. _ This is an annual with stems ascending from a prostrate or geniculatebase, glabrous and varying in length from 1 to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, thinly herbaceous and loose. The _ligule_is a distinct membrane and the _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear or linear-lanceolate, flat, acuminate, varying in length from 2 inches to 12 inches and in breadth 1/6 to 1/3inch. The _inflorescence_ is of several slender spikes, usually drooping, 2 to4 inches; the rachis is filiform and trigonous. The _spikelets_ are linear-lanceolate, solitary or in distant pairs, glabrous or ciliate, pedicelled and when binate the upper pedicel oftenlonger than the spikelets, usually spreading and not appressed to therachis. [Illustration: Fig. 73. --Digitaria sanguinalis, _Var. Griffithii_. 1. Inflorescence; 2. A portion of the spike; 3 and 4. Sessile andpedicelled spikelets front and back view, respectively; 5. Thescale-like first glume; 6, 7 and 8. The second, third and the fourthglume, respectively; 9. Palea of the fourth glume; 10. The lodicules, stamens and the ovary. ] There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is a minute scale. The_second glume_ is shorter than the third and narrower, 5-nerved, ciliate, acute or sometimes with two fine teeth. The _third glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, acute, 5-nerved (rarely 3-nerved), ciliate on thenerves. The _fourth glume_ is lanceolate, acute, sub-chartaceous, paleate; _palea_ is like the glume in texture. _Anthers_ are yellow and_stigmas_ are white. _Lodicules_ are two and small. This seems to be a good fodder grass. It grows in all kinds of soils. Itis not so common in the plains as on the hills, though it occurs in theplains at the base of the hills. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. [Illustration: Fig. 74. --Digitaria sanguinalis, _Var. Extensum_. ] =Digitaria sanguinalis, _Scop. _= _Var. Extensum. _ This grass is an annual with stems ascending from a prostrate orgeniculate, rooting branched base, greenish or purplish, glabrous andvarying in length from 1 to 2-1/2 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is thin, herbaceous, rather loose, keeled andglabrous. The _ligule_ is a distinct membrane, truncate, rarelyirregularly toothed. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, acuminate, flat when mature andconvolute when young, glabrous, 1 to 12 inches long and 1/6 to 1/3 inchbroad, the margin is very closely and finely serrate, the midrib isprominent with three or four main veins on each side. The _inflorescence_ consists of a few or many spikes, corymboselyarranged on a short angular slightly rough axis, erect or spreading, 1-1/2 to 4 inches long, the lowest ones in whorls of two to four; therachis is nearly triquetrous, laterally winged, base thickened and witha few long white hairs; the peduncle is cylindric, smooth, 6 to 12inches long. [Illustration: Fig. 75. --Digitaria sanguinalis, _Var. Extensum_. 1. A portion of spike; 2, 3 and 3a. The back and front views of aspikelet; 4, 5 and 6 the first, second and the third glume, respectively; 7. Palea of the third glume; 8. Anthers, lodicules and theovary. ] The _spikelets_ are oblong-lanceolate, acute, about 1/10 inch long, binate, one pedicelled and the other subsessile, the pedicel is angular, about 1/2 to 2/3 the length of the spikelet. There are three _glumes_ in the spikelet corresponding to the second, third and fourth glumes of a Panicum, the first glume being obsolete. The _first glume_ is membranous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, about 1/3 thelength of the spikelet or very much less, 3-nerved, densely ciliatealong the margins and silkily hairy between the nerves. The _secondglume_ is greenish, oblong lanceolate, acute, ciliate along the marginsand with fine appressed silky hairs between the lateral nerves, 5-nerved, palea is very minute or absent. The _third glume_ is oblong, sub-acuminate, a little shorter than the second glume, 3-nerved, sub-chartaceous, paleate; _palea_ is similar to the glume in texture. _Anthers_ are pale yellow with a tinge of purple. _Stigmas_ are white. _Lodicules_ are two, minute and cuneate. This is an excellent fodder grass and is very much liked by cattle. Itgrows very rapidly and is found in cultivated fields and in somewhatrich loamy soils. _Distribution. _--Throughout the Presidency in the plains and low hills. [Illustration: Fig. 76. --Digitaria longiflora. ] =Digitaria longiflora, _Pers. _= This is a perennial grass with short underground branches covered withscales. Stems are many, tufted, slender, creeping and rooting, orascending and suberect, simple or branched, 6 to 20 inches long andleafy and leaves bifarious and divaricate. _Leaf-sheaths_ are hairy or glabrous, compressed, keeled. The _ligule_is a short membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous. _Leaf-blades_ are broadly lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, spreading, flat, or in short-leaved forms, stiff and pungent, 1 to 2inches long (rarely also 5 inches long), glabrous above and below, ciliate at the margins towards the base, and with a very minutelyserrate hyaline margin. The _inflorescence_ consists of two to four terminal spikes with aslender, long, hairy or glabrous peduncle. The spikes are slender, erector spreading with fine winged glabrous rachis. The _spikelets_ are small, 1/20 to 1/14 inch, geminate, one short andthe other long pedicelled, appressed to the rachis, elliptic, silky withslender crisped hairs, pale green or purplish. [Illustration: Fig. 77. --Digitaria longiflora. 1. A portion of the spike; 2. The first glume; 3 and 4. The second andthird glumes; 5 and 6. The fourth glume and its palea; 7. Lodicules, ovary and stamens. ] There are three _glumes_ with a rudimentary first glume. The _firstglume_ is very minute and hyaline. The _second glume_ is as long as thethird, membranous, 5-nerved (rarely 3- to 7-nerved), silkily hairy. The_third glume_ is similar to the second and usually 7-nerved (rarely 3-to 5-nerved). The _fourth glume_ is sub-chartaceous, ovate-oblong, paleate, slightly shorter than the third glume, pale brown, smooth. There are two small _lodicules_. Styles are long and purple. This grass grows in cultivated dry fields. It seems to like a sandyloamy soil. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. 3. Eriochloa, _H. B. & K. _ These are annuals or perennials. Leaves are flat. The inflorescence is araceme or a panicle. Spikelets are one-flowered, borne unilaterally onthe branches, and the base is thickened and jointed on the top of ashort pedicel. The spikelet has three glumes. The first and the secondglumes are subequal, membranous. The third glume is apiculate, hardenedin fruit. The lodicules are small and truncate. There are three stamenswith linear anthers. Styles are two free, with plumose stigmas. Thegrain is oblong, free within the hardened glume and its palea. [Illustration: Fig. 78. --Eriochloa polystachya. ] =Eriochloa polystachya, _H. B. & K. _= This grass is a densely tufted perennial, varying in height from 2 to 3feet, with a short creeping root-stock. Stems are slender, or stout, simple and branching, ascending from a short creeping and rooting base, glabrous, slightly channelled on one side. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, green or partly purplish, striate, loose, mouth and margins above sometimes pubescent. The _ligule_ is a shortvillous ridge. _Nodes_ are perfectly glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, linear or linear-lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous on both sides, with a slender or prominent midrib, veins moreor less uniform, 2 to 10 inches long and 1/6 to 1/3 inch wide, convolutewhen young. Sometimes the blade is purplish below. The _inflorescence_ is a panicle on a long or short glabrous stalk, striate, 2 to 7 inches long, with four to fifteen erect or spreading, lax branches, the main rachis is glabrous, angular and deeply grooved. Spikes or branches are slender, alternate, 1 to 2-1/2 inches, becomingshorter upwards, thickened and puberulous at the base, and the secondaryrachis is flexuous, grooved, angular, and obscurely pubescent. [Illustration: Fig. 79. --Eriochloa polystachya. 1. A portion of the branch; 2, 3 and 4. The first, second and the thirdglume, respectively; 4a. Back view of the third glume; 5. Palea of thethird glume; 6. Lodicules, stamens and the ovary; 7. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are green or purplish, ovate, lanceolate, acuminate 1/8to 1/6 inch long, softly hairy, stalked, solitary above and binate belowand then one with a long and the other with a short pedicel rising froma common short branchlet, loosely imbricate, distichous and shortlystipitate and the stipe with a purple thickening; pedicel is short, 1/24to 1/12 inch with sometimes long deciduous hairs and the tip somewhatthickened. There are three _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ ismembranous, covered densely with silky hairs, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, tip very minutely 3-toothed with three to five fine nerves. The _second glume_ is similar to the first glume but with a more pointedtip, faintly 3- to 5-nerved; _palea_ is not present and if present it isvery small, hyaline and empty. The _third glume_ is shorter than thefirst and the second glumes, thinly coriaceous, punctate, oblong, obtuse, pale, faintly 3- to 5-nerved with a short scaberulous awn, paleate; _palea_ is oblong, similar to the glume in texture, margininfolded. _Anthers_ are three, linear, pale yellow. _Stigmas_ arefeathery, white when young and purple later. _Lodicules_ are two anddistinct. This is a common succulent grass growing in large or small tufts inmoist situations such as sides of water channels, rivulets and bunds ofpaddy fields. It is very much liked by cattle. This grass is easilyrecognized by the silky lanceolate spikelets which have a purplethickening at the base. _Distribution. _--Plains of India and Ceylon and in all hot countries. 4. Panicum, _L. _ The grasses of this genus are annual or perennial and of various habits. Inflorescence is either a raceme of spikes or, a lax or contractedpanicle. Spikelets are small, solitary or two to four, rarely moreranked, 1- to 2-flowered, ovoid or oblong, rounded, or dorsally orlaterally compressed, falling entire with the pedicels. There are fourglumes in a spikelet. The first two glumes are empty and the first glumeis small (sometimes minute) and fewest nerved. The second glume is equalor very nearly equal to the third glume, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, 5-to many-nerved. The third glume is similar to the second, male orneuter, paleate or not, 3- to 9-nerved. The fourth glume is chartaceous, sometimes shortly stalked, ovate-oblong or lanceolate, hardened in thefruit, smooth or rough, bisexual, paleate; the palea is as long and ofthe same texture as the glume. Lodicules are cuneate or quadrate and twoin number. There are three stamens and an ovary with two style branchesending in feathery stigmas. Grain is free and enclosed by the hardenedfourth glume and its palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. A. Inflorescence racemose of simple (rarely branched) spikes bearing secund spikelets. I. Rachis of spikes broad and flattened. (a) Spikelets biseriate. Spikelets villous. 1. P. Isachne. Spikelets glabrous. Spikes shorter than the internodes. 2. P. Flavidum. Spikes longer than the internodes. 3. P. Fluitans. (b) Spikelets 3- to 5-seriate. Third glume awned. Stems stout, erect. 4. P. Crus-galli. Stems stout, prostrate at base. 5. P. Stagninum. Third glume cuspidate. Stems slender. 6. P. Colonum. II. Rachis of spikes narrow, filiform, terete or angular. First glume shorter than the third. First glume semilunate, about 1/4 of the third glume. 7. P. Prostratum. First glume 1/2 of or less than 1/2 of third glume, 5-nerved. 8. P. Ramosum. Leaf base broad or cordate. Fourth glume shortly awned. 9. P. Javanicum. Fourth glume muticous. 10. P. Distachyum. B. Inflorescence a contracted or open panicle. I. Panicle contracted and spike-like. Spikelets lanceolate and first glume minute. 11. P. Interruptum. II. Panicle effuse. Annuals; first glume nearly 3/4 of the third glume. 12. P. Trypheron. Perennials; first glume less than 1/3 of the third glume. 13. P. Repens. [Illustration: Fig. 80. --Panicum Isachne. ] =Panicum Isachne, _Roth. _= This is an annual grass usually growing in tufts with fine fibrous rootsand many slender spreading branches, all of them at first creeping andhorizontal, rooting at the nodes and then becoming erect and varying inlength from 1 to 2 feet. Stems are very slender, glabrous or covered with scattered hairs, purplish or pale green, and branching freely towards the base. The _leaf-sheath_ is shorter than the internodes, green or purplish, striate, externally hairy with scattered bulbous-based hairs, varying inlength from 1/2 to 3 inches, the outer margin of the sheath is ciliatewith long hairs and at the mouths sometimes long hairs are present, especially when the leaves are young. The _ligule_ is merely a densefringe of long hairs. _Nodes_ are tumid, purplish, covered with longhairs. The _leaf-blade_ is flat but convolute when young, lanceolate orlinear-lanceolate, acuminate, base rounded and margin with minuteserrations. It is glabrous or occasionally hairy with scattered, tubercle-based, deciduous hairs, and varying in length from 1 to 3inches generally (sometimes in well-grown plants it is 5 inches) and inbreadth from 1/8 to 1/4 inch. The midrib is prominent though slender atthe base and four veins are present on each side with five or sixsmaller ones between them. [Illustration: Fig. 81. --Panicum Isachne. 1 and 1a. Front and back view of a spike; 2 and 2a. Back and front viewsof a spikelet; 3 and 4. The first and the second glume, respectively; 5and 5a. The third glume and its palea; 6 and 6a. The fourth glume andits palea; 7. Lodicules, anthers and ovary; 8. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ is an erect, narrow panicle consisting of spikesvarying in number from 5 to 12 and in length from 2 to 3 inches. The_spikes_ are erect, pressed to the very slender rachis, longer than theinternodes of the main rachis, stalked or sessile, mostly simple butsometimes the lower dividing into two or three branches, 1/2 to 1 inchlong. The rachis of the spike is very slender, angular, flexuous, narrower than the spikelets, scaberulous with a few long cilia at theangles. The _spikelets_ are very small, 1/16 inch long, turned all to one sideand closely packed in two rows, oblong or oval-oblong, obtuse orsubacute, softly hairy, pale green or purplish, with very short pedicelswhich are pubescent with a few long hairs towards the thickened cupulartips. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is verysmall, membranous, glabrous, broader than long, cordate or triangular, broadly but shallowly emarginate, nerveless or very obscurely 1- to2-nerved. The _second glume_ is pale or purplish, 5-nerved, hairy, aslong as the third glume, membranous, oblong and obtuse. The _thirdglume_ is pale, nearly equal to the second glume with a longitudinaldepression at the back, less hairy than the second glume, 3-nerved(rarely 5-nerved also); _palea_ is present, and it is hyaline, shorterthan the glume, truncate or shallowly retuse, usually barren butoccasionally with three stamens. The _fourth glume_ is oblong, rounded, coriaceous, smooth, shining, dorsally flattened, 3- or indistinctly5-nerved; _palea_ is similar to the glume in texture and with foldedmargins. There are three _stamens_ with yellow anthers. _Lodicules_ aretwo, very small and distinct. _Ovary_ has two styles with feathery_stigmas_ white at first, but turning deep purple while withering. This delicate and small grass occurs here and there as mere tuftsespecially in sheltered situations. It usually flourishes in blackcotton soils amidst cholam (_Andropogon Sorghum_), although it thrivesequally well in other rich soils. This is considered to be a very goodfodder grass. _Distribution. _--It is fairly common all over the Madras Presidency, andgoes up to 3, 000 or 4, 000 feet. It occurs in Africa, America and Italy. [Illustration: Fig. 82. --Panicum flavidum. ] =Panicum flavidum, _Retz. _= This plant is a tufted annual. It branches freely from the base;branches are tufted, decumbent at first but soon becoming erect, slender, glabrous, compressed and leafy, varying in length from 1 to 3feet. Leaves are somewhat distichous. The _leaf-sheath_ is compressed, glabrous, sometimes with a tinge of purple, the lower ones swollen atthe base and the mouth is hairy. The _ligule_ is a fringe of hairs. Nodes are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, thinly coriaceous, linear-lanceolate andacuminate, or ligulate with a rounded tip, 3 to 5 inches in length, 3/16to 5/16 inch wide, glabrous or very thinly scaberulous, base rounded orslightly cordate with long white ciliate hairs on the small basal lobes. [Illustration: Fig. 83. --Panicum flavidum. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a portion of spike; 1a and 2a. The frontand back view of a spikelet; 3 and 4. The first and the second glume, respectively; 5 and 5a. The third glume and its palea; 6 and 6a. Thefourth glume and its palea; 7. Anthers and ovary; 8. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ is a raceme of spikes, 5 to 10 inches long, erect orinclined on a short or long, glabrous, strongly channelled peduncle; themain rachis is grooved, angled and scaberulous. _Spikes_ are few ormany, 1/4 to 1 inch long, erect, pressing on the rachis of theinflorescence along the groove, distant and sessile; the lower spikesare very much shorter than the internodes, but the upper equal to orlonger than the internodes; the rachis of the spike is angular, flattened below, erect or slightly recurved. The _spikelets_ are white, in two rows on a flattened rachis, obliquelyovoid or gibbously globose, glabrous, sessile, 1/8 inch in length. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is suborbicular, about halfthe length of the third glume, usually 3-nerved. The _second glume_ isbroadly ovate, obtuse, concave, larger than the first glume and nearlyequal to or shorter than the fourth glume, 7-nerved, rarely 7- to9-nerved, nerves are anastomosing, tip rounded. The _third glume_ isbroadly ovate or oblong, equal to or longer than the fourth glume, obtuse, 3- to 5-nerved, paleate, mostly with and rarely without stamens. The _anthers_ are yellow and they do not open until the stigmas andanthers of the fourth glume are thrown out. _Lodicules_ are two andconspicuous. _Palea_ is hyaline with infolded margins. The _fourthglume_ is coriaceous, broadly ovate, tip acutely pointed and almostcuspidate or acute, mucronate, white or brownish, reticulately minutelypitted. _Anthers_ are three and yellow. _Stigmas_ are purplish. _Lodicules_ are small but conspicuous. This grass is very common throughout the plains and grows in the bundsof paddy fields and in wet situations, and goes up to moderateelevations on the hills. Cattle eat this grass greedily and seem to likeit. It is considered to be an excellent fodder. _Distribution. _--In wet situations all over India ascending to 6, 000feet. Occurs also in Ceylon, Africa, Tropical Asia and Australia. [Illustration: Fig. 84. --Panicum fluitans. ] =Panicum fluitans, _Retz. _= This is a perennial grass with prostrate branches which afterwardsbecome erect towards the free ends. The young branches are covered withscale-leaves. Stems are stout, glabrous, smooth and hollow, rooting atthe lower nodes. The _leaf-sheath_ is loose, glabrous, striate, margins not ciliate. The_ligule_ is a ridge with a row of erect long hairs. _Nodes_ areglabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is firm, linear, finely acuminate, base rounded, rathernarrower than the sheath at the white band, very thinly scaberulousabove and glabrous below, veins prominent above, 3 to 9 inches long, 1/4to 7/16 inch broad; margins are slightly incurved and the midrib isconspicuous only at the lower portion of the blade. The scale-leavespersist at the base of the stems. [Illustration: Fig. 85. --Panicum fluitans. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a spike; 1a. And 2a. Front and back viewof a spikelet; 3, 4 and 5. First, second and third glume respectively;5a. Palea of the third glume and stamens in it; 6 and 6a. Fourth glumeand its palea; 7. Stamens and ovary. ] The _inflorescence_ is a compound spike varying in length from 4 to 10inches, erect; the main rachis is triquetrous, dorsally rounded, glabrous and very thinly scaberulous at the edges. _Spikes_ are many(fifteen and more), sessile, secund, generally longer than theinternodes, and appressed to the rachis, 1/4 to 1-1/2 inches long; therachis of the spike is angular, edges scaberulous and with very fineshort hairs. The _spikelets_ are pale, ovoid, acute, biseriate, imbricate, veryshortly pedicellate, glabrous, 1/16 to 1/8 inch, pedicels are hairy witha few long hairs towards the base. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is white, thin, membranous, truncate and wavy at the apex, nerveless or sometimes with one to threeshort nerves, less than one-third of the third glume, broader than longand clasping at the base. The _second glume_ is ovate, obtuse orsubacute, concave, submembranous, slightly shorter than the fourthglume, 5-nerved but occasionally 6- or 7-nerved. The _third glume_ is alittle longer than the second and the fourth, usually 5-nerved, broadlyovate, acute, paleate, always with three stamens which come out onlyafter the fading of the stigmas and enlargement of the ovary in thefourth glume. _Lodicules_ are distinct and conspicuous; _palea_ is broadwith incurved broad margins and hyaline. The _fourth glume_ is thinlycoriaceous, shining, striolate, broadly ovate, mucronate, compressed, faintly and thinly 5-nerved and _palea_ with infolded margins. _Anthers_are yellow. _Stigmas_ are white when young. _Lodicules_ are distinct. It is a common grass of the wet lands met with in many parts of thePresidency and often confused and united with _Panicum punctatum_, Burm. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. It is also found inArabia, Afghanistan, Africa and Tropical America. [Illustration: Fig. 86. --Panicum Crus-galli. ] =Panicum Crus-galli, _L. _= It is a tufted annual with many erect branches growing to a heightvarying from 2 to 3 or 4 feet and the whole plant is glabrous. Stem isstout or slender, simple or branched. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, glabrous and loose, varying in length from2 to 6 inches, keeled. The _ligule_ is only a smooth semilunar linewithout hairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous and the lower nodes bearadventitious roots. The _leaf-blade_ is narrowly linear-lanceolate, flat, finely acuminate, glabrous or very minutely scabrid with a stout midrib; margin isminutely serrate and with tubercle-based hairs near the base. The bladesof the lower leaves are longer than those in the upper and at thejunction with the sheath the blade is narrow, just as broad or less thanthe sheath, and becomes broader about the middle; the length varies from6 to 10 inches generally, also to 14 inches, and breadth at base 1/4inch and at the middle 5/16 inch; the upper leaf-blade is generallyshorter, varying from 5 to 10 inches and very broad at the base near thesheath, about 7/16 inch and gets gradually narrow upwards. It isconvolute when young. The _inflorescence_ is a compound spike varying in length from 4 to 8inches, contracted and pyramidal and always erect; the main rachis isstout, angled with very minute hairs on the ridges and with a tuft ofbristly hairs and also tubercle-based hairs at the place of insertion ofthe spikes. _Spikes_ are many (up to 16 or rarely more), simple orbranched, the lower ones longer, but getting gradually shorter upwards, and varying in length from 1/2 to 2 inches. The rachis of the spike isangular, with scattered tubercle-based bristly hairs. [Illustration: Fig. 87. --Panicum Crus-galli. 1 and 2. Front and back views of spike; 3. Spikelet; 4 and 5. First andsecond glumes; 6 and 7. Third glume and its palea; 8. Fourth glume, front and back view; 9. Ovary, anthers and lodicules. ] The _spikelets_ are turgid, densely packed on one side of the rachis inthree to five rows, sessile or subsessile, sub-globose or ovoid, withunequal tubercle-based bristly hairs on the nerves of the glumes andwith short minute hairs on the outer surface of the glumes, 1/12 to 1/8inch; awn 1/4 inch to 5/16 inch. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is 1/3 to 1/2 of the thirdglume, suborbicular, abruptly acuminate or rarely mucronate and 5-nerved(very rarely 5- to 7-nerved), clasping at base and margins thinlyciliolate. The _second glume_ is ovate oblong, short, awned and5-nerved; sometimes with partial nerves at the apex between the centraland the lateral nerves, and then 5- to 7- or 5- to 9-nerved, hispidlyhairy on the nerves, margins ciliolate. The _third glume_ is as long asthe second, ovate-oblong and the apex abruptly ending in a stout scabridnerved awn, varying in length from 1/4 to 3/8 inch, rarely 1 inch; 5- to7-nerved (two partial at tip), paleate and sometimes with three stamens;_palea_ is hyaline, ovate-oblong with infolded margins. The _fourthglume_ is smooth, shining, broadly oblong, faintly 5-nerved, apexrounded or cuspidate with a few cilia; paleate with a single bisexualflower; _palea_ is similar to the glume in structure. _Anthers_ areorange yellow, and _lodicules_ are very small. _Stigmas_ are white. Grain is smooth and ovoid. This grass grows in paddy fields and wet places generally. It isconsidered to be a very good fodder grass in Australia and America. Thisis the "Barn-yard" grass of the Americans, highly valued as a foddergrass. _Distribution. _--Throughout India in wet places and in paddy fields. =Panicum stagninum, _Retz. _= It is an annual. The stems are glabrous, creeping and somewhat prostrateat the base, and the upper portion is erect, 3 to 4 feet long, androoting at the nodes in the geniculate portion of the stem. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, striate, glabrous, sometimes pubescentabout the lower nodes, varying in length from 1-1/2 to 4-1/2 inches. The_ligule_ is distinct, consisting of a fringe of stiff hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, acuminate or acute, base rounded, glabrous, smooth below, especially in the lower part, and scabrid aboveand in the upper part, 6 to 12 inches long, by 1/4 to 3/8 inch; thelower leaves have their blades somewhat narrower at the base than in themiddle, but the blades in the upper part of the stem and in the middleare of the same breadth; margins are very minutely serrate. [Illustration: Fig. 88. --Panicum stagninum. 1. Front view of a portion of spike; 2. Back view of the same; 3 and 4. Front and back views of a spikelet; 5, 6 and 7. The first, second andthe third glume, respectively; 8. Palea of the third glume with itsanthers; 9. Front and back view of fourth glume; 10. The ovary, stamensand lodicules. ] The _inflorescence_ is 4 to 8 inches long; the main _rachis_ is angular, grooved, scabrid on the ridges. The _spikes_ are 7 to 10 inches, alternate, pale green or purplish, rather distant, spreading or suberect(never erect) 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches long, sessile and with a tuft ofbristly hairs at the base; the rachis of the spike is angular, groovedwith scattered bulbous-based bristles on the ridges. The _spikelets_ are four ranked, ovoid-lanceolate, 1/8 to 1/6 inch longwithout the awn, somewhat flattened on one side and gibbous on theother, pale green or purplish, with equal bulbous-based bristly hairs onthe nerves. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is half of the third glume, thin, membranous, hairy, broadly ovate, abruptly cuspidate at the apex, and acuminate, 5-nerved (rarely 3-nerved). The _second glume_ is broadlyovate-lanceolate, concave, acuminate, short awned, 5-nerved with twopartial nerves one on each side of the central nerve (7- to 9-nerved atthe tip), hairs on nerves, a few tubercled. The _third glume_ is similarto the second, broadly ovate-lanceolate, awned, awn 1/8 to 1/4 inch, paleate with usually three stamens, occasionally neuter. _Lodicules_ arepresent. The _fourth glume_ is chartaceous, shining, smoothovate-oblong, apex cuspidate, with a few hairs on the edges at the apex, faintly 5-nerved. The _anthers_ within this glume come out before thoseof the third glume. _Anthers_ are three, yellowish and _lodicules_ areconspicuous though small. In this grass very often, purple streaks or bands occur across the leafblades and the sheath and the spikelets become purple on one side as ismet with in P. Colonum. This grass is occasionally found in the paddyfields either alone, or along with _Panicum Crus-galli_. _Distribution. _--Throughout the Madras and the Bombay Presidencies andin Ceylon in wet places especially in cultivated ground and in ditches. Occurs more or less throughout India. [Illustration: Fig. 89. --Panicum colonum. ] =Panicum colonum, _L. _= This is a slender annual growing to a height of 2 feet. The stems arecreeping below, erect above, and with roots in the lower internodes ofthe decumbent part of the stem, smooth, dull green or partly purplish. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and sharply keeled. The _nodes_ areglabrous or obscurely pubescent. There is no _ligule_. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous butsometimes tubercle-based hairs occur just on the margin at the base ofthe leaf-blade close to the white band, varying in length from 1 to 6inches and in breadth 3/16 to 5/16 inch; the margin is minutely anddistantly serrate, midrib is quite distinct and there are three mainveins on each side and three or four smaller between main ones. Theblades of the lower leaves are narrow at the base and broader at aboutthe middle but those of the upper are equally broad at the base, as wellas at the middle. [Illustration: Fig. 90. --Panicum colonum. 1 and 2. The front and back view of the spikes; 1a and 2a. The back andthe front view of the spikelet; 3, 4 and 5. The first, second and thethird glume, respectively; 6. Palea of the third glume; 7 and 8. Thefourth glume and its palea; 9. Ovary anther and lodicules. ] The _inflorescence_ is a contracted panicle, 3 to 5 inches long. _Spikes_ are from 8 to 20, suberect, usually distant, 1/4 to 1 inch longand getting shorter upwards; the rachis of the spike is stout, angular, scaberulous on the angles with a few long hairs towards the base. The _spikelets_ are small green or partly purplish 1/12 to 1/10 inchlong, globosely ovoid, acute, pubescent with minute hairs on the outersurface of the glumes and bristly hairs on the nerves, all on one side, sessile or very shortly pedicelled, two or three from a node, one or twobarren, 3- to 5-seriate. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is about halfof the third glume, broadly ovate or suborbicular, acute, generally3-nerved, rarely 5-nerved, pubescent between and hispidly hairy on thenerves. The _second glume_ is as long as the third, broadly ovate, cuspidate, 5-nerved sometimes with two partial nerves added one on eachside of the central vein, pubescent between the veins and hispid on theveins. The _third glume_ is similar to the second, 5-nerved, tip with afew cilia, paleate; _palea_ is empty oblong-orbicular, subacute. The_fourth glume_ is coriaceous, shining, turgid, broadly ovate, acute, paleate. Sometimes the tip possesses a few cilia. _Anthers_ are three, pale yellow and _stigmas_ dark purple. _Lodicules_ are small butconspicuous. This grass is common in water-logged situations, in paddy fields and inirrigated dry lands. Sometimes on the blades of this grass purple bandsare present and the internodes and the spikes also become purplish. It is really a weed of cultivation met with generally on rich soils. This grass is considered to be one of the best fodder grasses in India. All kinds of cattle eat it greedily. _Distribution. _--It is found throughout India up to 6, 000 feet and alsoin all warm countries. [Illustration: Fig. 91. --Panicum prostratum. ] =Panicum prostratum, _Lamk. _= The plant is a slender annual and it consists of several branches, prostrate and creeping, with adventitious roots at the nodes below, branching or ascending above, all green or sometimes purple above andgreen below, 4 to 18 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is striate, 1 to 2 inches long, glabrous or verysparsely hairy, purplish above and green below or all green, keeled, margins ciliate on one side only throughout its length. The _ligule_ isa fringe of white hairs. The _nodes_ are glabrous or pubescent. The _leaf-blade_ is short or long, varying from 1/2 to 2-1/2 inches inlength and 3/16 to 5/16 inch in breadth, convolute when young, lanceolate to broadly ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, uppersurface glabrous, and the lower glabrous or with a few scatteredtubercle-based hairs; margins are very minutely serrate; base iscordate, amplexicaul with a few long slender hairs (sometimestubercle-based), just close to the white patch on both sides on themargin of the blade about the ligule. The midrib is distinct. The _inflorescence_ consists of five to fifteen or twenty spikesspreading in all directions, distant or crowded; peduncle varies from 1to 4 inches. _Spikes_ are 1/2 to 1-3/8 inches, sessile or shortlystalked; the _rachis_ of the spike is slender, trigonous andscaberulous. [Illustration: Fig. 92. --Panicum prostratum. A. Front and back view of spike; B. Front and back view of a spikelet;1, 2, 3 and 4, the first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 3a and 4a. The palea of the third and the fourth glumes;5. Anthers, ovary and lodicules. ] The _spikelets_ are crowded all on one side, 2- to 3-seriate, ellipsoidal, 1/20 to 1/16 inch long, glabrous or pubescent, pale greenor purple on one side, in pairs on pedicels, one with a slightly longerpedicel than the other; fine long hairs, varying in number from one toeight and longer than the spikelets, are found on the pedicels at theirtips in some plants and not in others. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is very shortabout 1/4 of the third or less, semilunar, membranous, hyaline, subtruncate, obtuse or acute, generally nerveless, but rarely, obscurely1- to 3-nerved. The _second glume_ is membranous, ovate, acute, glabrousor pubescent and 7-nerved. The _third glume_ is of about the same lengthas the second, 5-nerved, always paleate, with or without stamens;_palea_ is broad, margins infolded, 2-nerved, obtuse and hyaline; whenstamens are present the _lodicules_ are very conspicuous. The _fourthglume_ is slightly shorter than the third, oblong or elliptic, apiculate, minutely rugulose, thinly coriaceous, with bisexual flower;_palea_ is similar to the glume in texture and markings. _Stamens_ arethree with yellowish anthers. _Lodicules_ are small and fleshy. This plant occurs widely as a weed of cultivation in black cotton aswell as other kinds of soil and shows variation in its leaves andspikelets. In some plants growing in somewhat dry places the leaves areshorter and broader, and those in favourable situations have longernarrower leaves. The spikelets are either perfectly glabrous orpubescent and long hairs may or may not be present on the pedicels. Asregards colour the whole plant is green or the exposed portions of stemsand spikelets are purplish. This grass is liked by cattle and is one ofthe most nutritious of Indian fodder grasses. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon in the plains. Common inthe Tropics. [Illustration: Fig. 93. --Panicum javanicum] =Panicum javanicum, _Poir. _= This is an annual and it branches freely and the branches are decumbentand rooting at the nodes at the base, and erect to some extent at thefree end, 1 to 2 feet long; the internodes are glabrous, thinly striate, shallowly channelled on one side. The _leaf-sheath_ is somewhat compressed and loose, covered withscattered long hairs, some of them being tubercle-based; the margin isciliate on one side only. The _nodes_ are pubescent with long hairs. The_ligule_ is a distinct fringe of hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is broadly lanceolate, cordate at base, amplexicaul, acuminate or acute, with scattered long hairs both above and below, andsome of the hairs of the under surface are tubercle-based, convolutewhen young; margin of the leaf is wavy, minutely serrate, and ciliatedwith distant hairs towards the lower half of the leaf when young; themidrib is prominent below. [Illustration: Fig. 94. --Panicum javanicum. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a spike; 3, 4, 5 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 5a and 6a. The paleaof third and fourth glumes; 7. The ovary and the stamens. ] The _inflorescence_ is a panicle of spikes on a short or long erectslender peduncle. _Spikes_ vary from two to ten in number and in lengthfrom 1/2 to 2 inches, distant and spreading; the rachis of the spike iszigzag, somewhat flattened with a wavy ridge, scaberulous or glabrous, swollen towards the base and the swollen part is pubescent. The _spikelets_ are biseriate, loosely imbricate, ovate, acute, pubescent or villous (sometimes quite glabrous), sessile or shortlypedicelled; the pedicels have one or two (rarely more) long hairs. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is small, membranous, lessthan 1/2 of the third glume, ovate, acute or obtuse, 3- to 5-nerved. The_second glume_ is nearly equal to the third, ovate acute, generally7-nerved and sometimes 7- to 13-nerved. The _third glume_ is similar tothe second in shape, generally 5-nerved and occasionally 7-nerved, paleate with three stamens or empty; _palea_ 2-nerved, ovate or oblong, margins infolded. The _fourth glume_ is ovate or oblong, rugulose, chartaceous, apex with a distinct mucro concealed in the second andthird glumes; _palea_ same as the glume in texture, etc. _Anthers_ areyellowish; _stigmas_ are feathery and purple in colour; _lodicules_ aresmall and fleshy. This is an excellent fodder grass. Though it is an annual it growsrapidly under favourable conditions. A single plant found growing in thecompound of the Agricultural College, Coimbatore, weighed 15 lb. Andoccupied 15 square feet of the ground. It flourishes in cultivated dryfields and in rich loamy soils. (See fig. 7. ) _Distribution. _--Plains of India and Ceylon and in Tropical countriesgenerally. [Illustration: Fig. 95. --Panicum ramosum. ] =Panicum ramosum, _L. _= This is an annual with stems erect or ascending from a creeping base, rooting at the lower nodes, 1 to 2 feet long. The stem is slender orstout, usually glabrous though occasionally glabrescent or pubescent, channelled on one side, branched from base upwards, and leafy. The _leaf-sheath_ is finely striate, keeled, thinly pubescent with themargins ciliate near the ligule. The _ligule_ is only a fringe of shorthairs. _Nodes_ are softly hairy. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, softly pubescentor glabrescent on both the surfaces, with rounded or subcordate base andmargins minutely serrate and ciliate, 2 to 6 inches long 1/6 to 1/2 inchbroad; the midrib is distinct though slender with four to six main veinson each side. The _inflorescence_ is a pyramidal panicle 2 to 6 inches long, consisting of usually five to ten (rarely also up to twenty) erect orspreading spikes. _Spikes_ are distant, alternate and in some the lowerones are opposite, 1/2 to 2-1/2 inches long or shorter. The _rachis_ ofthe spike is thin, angular and scaberulous. The _spikelets_ are usually pubescent, ovoid or obovoid, acute, turgid, 1/8 inch, pale green and some occasionally purplish on one side, alternate close or distant, in pairs lower down and then one with asomewhat longer pedicel, solitary in the upper portions, pedicels withhairs, some of them especially those near the apex being longer. [Illustration: Fig. 96. --Panicum ramosum. 1 and 2. Back and front view of spike; 3 and 4. Front and back view of aspikelet; 5 and 6. First and second glumes; 7 and 8. Third glume and itspalea; 9 and 10. Fourth glume and its palea; 11. Ovary, anthers andlodicules. ] There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is nearly half the length ofthe third glume, broadly ovate, subacute, margin overlapping at thebase, and usually 5-nerved. The _second glume_ is broadly ovate acute, rather cuspidate, usually 5-nerved (rarely 7-nerved). The _third glume_is similar to the second glume, 5-nerved, paleate, empty; _palea_ ishyaline oblong, acute. The _fourth glume_ is ovoid-oblong, acute, coriaceous, rugulose, with short broadened stipes, and three faintnerves; _palea_ similar to the glume in texture and markings. _Anthers_are orange-yellow; _style_ branches are purple. _Lodicules_ are smalland fleshy. This grass is a common weed found in dry cultivated fields and openwaste places and is one of the best fodder grasses available. _Distribution. _--Plains throughout India and in Afghanistan. [Illustration: Fig. 97. --Panicum distachyum. ] =Panicum distachyum, _L. _= This grass is an annual. Stems are slender, rarely stout, creeping androoting at the nodes, pale green or purplish, with erect or ascendingslender branches, varying in length from 10 to 15 inches, glabrous orpubescent, channelled near the nodes. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous or glabrescent and sometimes hirsute;margin is ciliate. The _ligule_ is a fringe of short hairs. _Nodes_ areglabrous or pubescent. The _leaf-blade_ is lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, base cordate andsubamplexicaul, glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy on both sides; marginsare wavy here and there, finely serrate with tubercle-based hairstowards the base, the midrib is slender, not prominent and veins notdistinct. There is considerable variation in leaves especially in thelength. In the ordinary form it varies from 1/2 to 3 inches and even upto 6 or 7 inches sometimes in length and the breadth from 1/8 to 1/4inch. In one form which is separated as a variety (var. _brevifolium_, Wight and Arnott, ) the leaves are always short and broad, ovate-lanceolate never exceeding 1 inch in length. The _inflorescence_ consists of two or three, very rarely four erect orspreading distant spikes on a somewhat slender very hairy peduncle. _Spikes_ are from 1/2 to 2 inches; _rachis_ is slender, flexuous, flattened, scaberulous, with a few long hairs scattered singly along themargins or without these hairs. [Illustration: Fig. 98. --Panicum distachyum. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a portion of a spike; 3, 4, 5, and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 5a and 6a. Palea of the third and the fourth glume, respectively; 7. Anthers andovary. ] The _spikelets_ are glabrous, ovate-oblong, acute, 1/8 inch, 1- or2-seriate, subsessile, pale green, occasionally purplish on one side. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is membranous, broadly ovate, obtuse with margins overlapping at the base, hardly half the length ofthe third glume, usually 5-nerved but occasionally 7-nerved. Theattachment of the first glume is not close to that of the second glumebut is far lower. The _second glume_ is ovate-acute, 7-nerved. The_third glume_ is equal to the second, 5-nerved, paleate, empty; the_palea_ is narrow, hyaline, acute. The _fourth glume_ is ellipsoidal, obtuse, chartaceous, minutely and obscurely rugulose, faintly 3-nerved, with the base somewhat thickened. _Palea_ is similar to the glume intexture. _Anthers_ are orange-yellow. _Lodicules_ are minute and fleshy. Style branches are purple. This grass is fairly common in open and loamy and sandy soils. The form(var. _brevifolium_, Wight & Arnott) is fairly common in CoimbatoreDistrict. _Distribution. _--Plains of India and Ceylon. Not recorded from theBombay Presidency. It occurs in China, Malaya and Australia. [Illustration: Fig. 99. --Panicum interruptum. ] =Panicum interruptum, _Willd. _= This is a large perennial grass with stems reaching 5 to 6 feet inlength, flourishing in marshes and in the edges of ponds and tanks. The stems are long, stout and spongy below, ascending from a creepingand rooting or floating root-stock; the lower internodes are often 1/2inch or more in thickness, with nodes bearing in fascicles long stoutroots clothed with fine lateral roots; and the upper internodes are longand slender. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, striate. The _ligule_ is a short broadmembrane. The _leaf-blade_ is soft, flat, many-nerved, linear, finely acuminate, margins smooth, base rounded or subcordate, glabrous, 6 to 12 incheslong, 1/4 to 1/2 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is a strict spike-like panicle, 6 to 12 inches longby 1/4 to 1/3 inch broad, cylindric, interrupted below; the rachisterete, stout, channelled. The _spikelets_ are glabrous, green, herbaceous, densely packed in smallfascicles, ovoid lanceolate, 1/6 to 1/5 inch long; many spikelets areimperfect. [Illustration: Fig. 100. --Panicum interruptum. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a spikelet; 3. First glume; 4. Secondglume; 5. Third glume; 6. Palea of third glume; 7 and 8. The fourthglume and its palea; 9. Ovary, lodicules and stamens. ] There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is hyaline, membranous, about1/3 the length of the third glume, broadly ovate or orbicular, obtuse, 5-nerved. The _second glume_ is membranous, ovate-oblong, obtuse, prominently 9-nerved. The _third glume_ is as long as the second butbroader, ovate-oblong, 9-nerved, paleate; _palea_ is small with threestamens or without them. The _fourth glume_ is shorter than the thirdglume, lanceolate, subacute, thinly coriaceous white, polished, dorsallyconvex; the _palea_ is as long as the glume and thinly coriaceous. Thereare two small _lodicules_. This is a rank marsh grass growing abundantly in permanent marshes andedges of tanks and ponds. Cattle eat this along with other grasses, whenyoung and not covered with algĉ. _Distribution. _--In swampy situations throughout India and Ceylon. =Panicum trypheron, _Schult. _= The plant is a tufted annual leafy at the base, with branches spreadinga little at the base and then erect, varying in length from 1/2 to 3feet. Stems are stout or slender, cylindric or slightly compressedtowards the base. The _leaf-sheath_ is striated, green or purple tinged, shorter than theinternodes, the upper portion hairy (sometimes tubercle-based) and thelower glabrous, with sometimes ciliate margin. The _ligule_ is a shortmembrane with a fringe of slender hair-like processes. _Nodes_ areglabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, convolute when young, linear-lanceolate, acuteor narrow linear-lanceolate, acuminate, hairy on both sides (hairsindistinctly bulbous-based); margin is very minutely serrate and oftenciliate with tubercle-based hairs; base is narrowed, slightly rounded orcordate; midrib is conspicuous though narrow and keeled; length 1 to 7inches and breadth 1/8 to 3/8 inch. The _inflorescence_ is a diffuse panicle 4 to 14 inches long withfiliform, divaricate, scaberulous, angled branches; the main _rachis_ isangular, smooth below and scaberulous above; peduncle is cylindric, striate, 2 to 12 inches long. Branches are irregularly distantlyalternate, solitary or rarely two, swollen at base, dividing intoslender filiform spreading branchlets; the lower branches from 3 to 7inches in length and getting shorter upwards. Branchlets are 1/2 to 3inches, capillary, angular and further dividing. [Illustration: Fig. 101. --Panicum trypheron. 1 and 2. Front and back view of the spikelet; 3, 4 and 5. The first, second and the third glume, respectively; 6. Palea of the third glume; 7and 8. The fourth glume and its palea; 9. Stamens, ovary and lodicules. ] The _spikelets_ are ovate, acuminate, binate (sometimes solitary orthree) on a common finely filiform stalk, one long and the other shortpedicelled, pale or yellowish green, or purple; pedicels are angular, scabrid or scaberulous, slightly swollen at the top and sometimes withsetose hairs also. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is green or purple, broadlyovate, acuminate, clasping at the base, about two-thirds of the thirdglume, membranous, nerves five, the lateral two stout and anastomosinghalfway, finely scaberulous especially on the nerves and more so on thecentral one. The _second glume_ is slightly longer than the third, greenor purple, ovate, acuminate, generally 7-nerved and sometimes also withtwo more indistinct marginal nerves, i. E. , 9-nerved, scaberulous on thenerves. The _third glume_ is pale green or yellow, ovate-oblong, acuteor subacute, obscurely scaberulous, 9-nerved (two of the nerves in themiddle sometimes not running to the base), paleate, empty. _Palea_ ishyaline, smaller than the glume, oblong, obtuse, minutely two-lobed ortwo-toothed at the apex; margins broadly infolded. The _fourth glume_ iselliptic obtuse, shorter than the third, smooth, shining, coriaceous, dorsally convex, with a prominent short, broad stipe at the base whichis persistent with the glume, 5-nerved, sometimes with seven nervesespecially when young (two marginal ones being indistinct). _Palea_ issimilar to the glume in texture. _Anthers_ are three, linear, orangeyellow. _Lodicules_ are two and prominent though small. _Stigmas_feathery and white. _P. Tenellum_, Roxb. Fl. Indica I. 306 is probably not this plant thoughquoted as a synonym, for it is described as having culms prostrate androoting at the nodes. This grass is of wide distribution in the Presidency, but it is nowhereabundant. It is fairly common in cultivated dry fields. Cattle like thisgrass. [Illustration: Fig. 102. --Panicum repens. 1. Full plant; 2. A portion of the leaf and ligule. ] =Panicum repens, _L. _= This is a perennial glaucous grass with stoloniferous and rhizomiferousstems bearing ordinary erect leafy branches, and the branches come outpiercing through the leaf-sheath (extravaginal). Stems are numerous, stiff and erect, 1/2 to 3 feet in length, glabrous, covered below by brownish or whitish scale-leaves, and above withdensely distichous leaves. The _leaf-sheath_ is firm, distinctly striate, glabrous, margins ciliateon both sides up to the point of overlapping and then the outer marginalone ciliate. The _ligule_ is a short thin membrane with very shortcilia on the free margin. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is glaucous, narrow, lanceolate, thinly coriaceous, acuminate with a hardened tip, 1 to 7 or 9 inches long, 1/2 to 1/4 inchbroad, flat or involute when slightly faded, with a few distantlyscattered hairs above, especially towards the lower portion of the bladewhen young, and becoming glabrous later, glabrous on the lower surface, margin is finely serrate and with a few cilia towards the base, somehairs being tubercle-based; base of the blade is rounded or cordate, midrib is prominent and keeled. [Illustration: Fig. 103. --Panicum repens. 1. Spike; 2 and 3. Front and back view of a spikelet; 4, 5 and 6. First, second and third glumes; 7. Palea of the third glume; 8 and 9. Fourthglume and its palea; 10. Lodicules, stamens and ovary; 11. Leaf showingligule. ] The _inflorescence_ is a panicle, contracted and not much exserted fromthe topmost leaf-sheath, 3 to 8 inches long, branches are usually many, erect, the lower being 2 to 5 inches long, slender, angular andscaberulous. The _spikelets_ are glabrous, erect, pale or pale green, sometimespurplish also on one side, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute, 1/8inch, pedicels are long with cupular tips. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is hyaline, broadly ovate, rounded and shortly acute or subacute, indistinctly 3- to5-nerved or nerveless, less than one-third of the height of the thirdglume. The _second glume_ is membranous, ovate-lanceolate acute, 7- to9-nerved. The _third glume_ is equal to and broader than the second, always paleate and with three stamens and 9-nerved; _palea_ is hyaline, oblong, obtuse or subacute, margins folded. The fourth _glume_ is white, coriaceous, smooth and shining, oblong, acute, shortly and broadlystipitate, with the margins folded inwards exposing only a third of thepalea; _palea_ is similar to the glume in texture and marking. _Anthers_are deep orange in colour. _Lodicules_ are distinct though small. _Stigmas_ are deep purple when mature, and pale when young. This grass flourishes in moist situations such as the bunds of paddyfields, tank beds and edges of marshes and is an excellent binder of thesoil. When once established it is very difficult to get rid of it, onaccount of its rhizomes. Owing to the resemblance of the rhizomes toginger, some call this grass Ginger-rooted grass. Cattle are fond ofthis grass. _Distribution. _--Throughout India, but not so common on the West and notrecorded from Bombay. It is said to occur in South Europe, Australia, North Africa and Brazil. 5. Chamĉraphis, _Br. _ These are glabrous marsh or aquatic grasses. Leaves are linear orlanceolate. The inflorescence is a panicle. The spikelets are one-totwo-flowered, subsessile and subsecund on the branches which areproduced as awn-like bristles beyond the ultimate spikelet, obscurelyjointed and persistent on their obconic short pedicels, narrowlylanceolate and terete. The spikelet consists of four glumes. The firstglume is very small, hyaline, suborbicular, nerveless and truncate. Thesecond glume is the longest, green, membranous, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate or narrowed into a rigid awn, 7- to 11-nerved. The third glumeis lanceolate, acute, or aristately acuminate, 7-nerved, paleate, maleor neuter, the palea is smaller than the glume and hyaline. The fourthglume is much smaller than the third, stipitate, bisexual or female, oblong or ovate-oblong, acute, flat, thinly coriaceous, nerveless andpaleate; the palea is hyaline, as broad as the glume, acute andnerveless. The lodicules are cuneate. Stamens are three. Stigmas arelaterally exserted. Grain is oblong, compressed. =Chamĉraphis spinescens, _Poir. _= A glabrous aquatic or marsh grass, with much branched floating stems. Stems are leafy, elongate, ascending, varying in length from 1 to 3feet. The _leaf-sheaths_ are long, smooth, loose, with naked margins. The_ligule_ is a ridge of hairs. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, narrowly linear-lanceolate, smooth or scabrid, acuminate, base narrowed, 1 to 3-1/2 inches long and 1/16 to 1/8 inchwide. The _inflorescence_ is a pyramidal panicle, contracted or diffuse, witha leaf very near its base; peduncle is short; branches of the panicle, filiform, angular, flexuous, bearing one or more spikelets and producedas a bristle beyond the last spikelet. The _spikelets_ are 1/6 to 1/4 rarely 1/3 inch long including the awn, subsessile and somewhat on one side on the branches, obscurelyarticulate but persistent on the pedicels, pale or green, lanceolate. There are four glumes in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is hyaline, suborbicular, rounded at the tip and nerveless, 1/30 inch or less. The_second glume_ is membranous, lanceolate, smooth or setosely scabrid onthe sides, 9- to 11-nerved, with a long scabrid awn which is sometimesas long as the body of the glume. The _third glume_ is shorter than thesecond, finely acuminate, or awned, 7-nerved, membranous, paleate andwith three _stamens_ and two _lodicules_; the _palea_ is shorter thanthe glume, linear-oblong, subacute. The _fourth glume_ isovate-lanceolate, nerveless, acute, paleate with three _stamens_, _ovary_ and two _lodicules_; _palea_ is hyaline, narrow, quarter thelength of the third glume. Grain is obovate oblong. [Illustration: Fig. 104. --Chamĉraphis spinescens. 1. Terminal portion of a spike showing the bristle; 2, 3, 4 and 6. Thefirst, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 5. Palea ofthird glume with its anthers and lodicules; 7. Palea of the fourthglume; 8. Ovary; 9. Lodicules. ] _Distribution. _--This plant is found at the edges in ponds, tanks andmarshes all over the Presidency. 6. Spinifex, _L. _ This is a stout, rigid, much branched, gregarious and dioecious grass, flourishing in sand on the sea coast. Leaves are long, narrow rigid, involute, spreading and recurved and thickly coriaceous. Male spikeletsare 1- to 2-flowered, subsessile, distichous, jointed on rigid peduncledspikes, which are collected in umbels and surrounded by spathaceousleafy bracts. The spikelets have four glumes. The first two glumes areempty. The third and the fourth paleate and triandrous and sometimes theformer is empty. Female spikelets are collected in large globose headsof stellately spreading very long rigid rod-like processes surrounded byshorter subulate bracts. Each spikelet is solitary, and articulate atthe very base of a rachis, lanceolate, 1-flowered. There are fourglumes. The first three glumes are as in the male spikelets, but larger. The third is paleate, empty. The fourth glume has a female flower. Thelodicules are large and nerved. Styles are long, free, with short, feathery stigmas. Grain free within the hardened glumes. =Spinifex squarrosus, _L. _= A perennial littoral dioecious grass forming bushes. Stems are glaucous, smooth, solid, woody, thick below, freely branching, 5 to 10 feet longor more. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, imbricating, 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches long. The_ligule_ is a row of stiff long hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, rigid, thickly coriaceous, concavo-convextapering from the base to the tip, spreading and recurved, 4 to 6 incheslong. The _male inflorescence_ consists of several spikes, 1 to 3 inches long, forming umbels, with membranous leafy spathaceous bracts which areshorter than the spikes. The _spikelets_ are usually 2-flowered, smooth, articulate on shortpeduncles, distichous, 1/3 to 1/2 inch long. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is shorter than the second, ovate, obtuse, 7- to 9-nerved. The _second glume_ is similar to thefirst, but longer. The _third_ and the _fourth glumes_ are longer thanthe second glume, 5- to 7-nerved, paleate and triandrous; _palea_ ofboth are lanceolate with ciliate keels. [Illustration: Fig. 105. --Spinifex squarrosus. Male plant--1. A branch with the male inflorescence; 2. A spike; 3. Aspikelet; 4, 5, 6 and 7. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 6a. Palea of the third glume; 6b. Extra palea likestructure found occasionally in the palea of the third glume; 7a. Paleaand lodicules of the fourth glume. ] The _female inflorescence_ is a large globose head consisting of shortspikelets articulate at the very base of the rachis, short bracts andvery long, spreading, rigid rod-like rachises. The _spikelets_ aresolitary with four glumes and 2-flowered. The _first glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, many-nerved, longer than the other glumes. The_second glume_ is shorter, 7-nerved. The _third glume_ is empty, 5-nerved. The _fourth glume_ is ovate-lanceolate and abruptly narrowedabove the middle, 5-nerved and paleate, palea is shorter than the glumebut broader, 2-nerved and acute. _Lodicules_ are two, large, cuneate atbase and strongly nerved. _Stigmas_ are oblong. Grain is clavate andtipped by the style base. This grass grows luxuriantly in the sands near the sea on both thecoasts of the Madras Presidency. [Illustration: Fig. 106. --Spinifex squarrosus. Female plant--1. A branch with female inflorescence; 2, 3, 4 and 5. Thefirst, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 6. Palea of thefourth glume; 7. Ovary and the lodicules. ] _Distribution. _--Throughout the sandy coasts of India and Ceylon. 7. Axonopus, _Beauv. _ These are annual or perennial grasses. Inflorescence is a panicleconsisting of digitate or whorled, slender or stout spike-like racemes. Spikelets are solitary, binate or fasciculate, 2-flowered, jointed onthe pedicel and awned. There are four glumes. The first glume is theshortest, ovate, acuminate, aristate or cuspidate, hyaline, glabrous and3-nerved. The second glume is ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate orawned, 5-nerved, lateral nerves being marginal and hairy. The thirdglume is oblong or oblong ovate, acute, 5-nerved, paleate, male; paleais very short and small, bipartite. The fourth glume is as long as thethird and the second, oblong or ovate, coriaceous, narrowed into astraight terminal awn, paleate and bisexual; palea is oblong, coriaceousand 2-nerved. Lodicules are cuneate. Stamens are three with linearanthers. Stigmas are linear, laterally exserted. Grain is oblong, freewithin the hardened glume and its palea. [Illustration: Fig. 107. --Axonopus cimicinus. ] =Axonopus cimicinus, _Beauv. _= It is a perennial grass. Stems are tufted, erect or slightly decumbentat the base, 1 to 2 feet long. The _leaf-sheath_ is distinctly striate, covered with scattered longtubercle-based hairs, very rarely glabrous, keeled. The _ligule_consists of a row of hairs. The _nodes_ are hairy. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, ovate-lanceolate, broad and cordate at base, subacute or obtuse, with a distinct midrib and three main veins on eachside of it, glabrous on both sides, but usually with tubercle-basedhairs on the two sides of the midrib, on the lower side, the margins aredistinctly ciliate with tubercle-based long stiff hairs and very finelyserrate; the blade varies in length from 3/4 to 3 inches and in breadthfrom 3/4 to 1/2 inch. The _inflorescence_ consists of three to ten spikes springing from thetop of a slender glabrous peduncle 2 to 6 inches long. The _spikes_ arewhorled, about 3 inches or so in length, naked towards the base to aboutone-fourth of its length, the rachis is fine, filiform, scabrid. The _spikelets_ are solitary or binate, dorsally compressed, pale greenor reddish, very shortly pedicelled, 1/4 to 5/16 inch long inclusive ofthe short awn, pedicel is cupular at the tip. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is somewhatnarrow ovate-lanceolate, hyaline, acuminate and 3-nerved. The _secondglume_ is membranous, ovate-lanceolate, twice as long as the _firstglume_, cuspidately acuminate, 5-nerved; the two marginal nerves areprovided with long reddish bristly hairs. The _third glume_ is oblonglanceolate, obtuse, 5-nerved, a little shorter than the second glume, paleate and with stamens; _palea_ is short. The _fourth glume_ iscoriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, nearly as long as the second glume, awnedat the apex, paleate, with three stamens and an ovary; the _palea_ is aslong as the glume, elliptic oblong, obtuse. _Lodicules_ are small, cuneate. [Illustration: Fig. 108. --Axonopus cimicinus. 1. A portion of the spike showing spikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 4a and 5a. The paleaof the third and the fourth glume, respectively; 6. Lodicules, stamensand the ovary. ] This is a common grass growing in the plains and lower hills in wasteplaces. _Distribution. _--Occurs all over India. 8. Setaria, _Beauv. _ These are usually annuals. Inflorescence is usually a spike-likepanicle. Spikelets are 1- to 2-flowered, jointed on very short pedicelswhich bear persistent scabrid or barbed bristles (modified branchlets). There are four glumes. The first glume is the shortest, equal to abouthalf the length of the third, membranous, 3- to 5-nerved. The secondglume is equal to or shorter than the fourth, 5- to 7-nerved. The thirdglume more or less exceeding and resembling the second glume, neuter, rarely paleate and male. The fourth glume is coriaceous or crustaceous, plano-convex, bisexual, 5-nerved and paleate; palea is as long as theglume. Lodicules are broadly cuneate. Stamens are three. Stigmas arelaterally exserted. Grain is tightly enclosed by the hardened glume andits palea and is oblong or ellipsoid. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Bristles with spreading or erect barbs. Inflorescence cylindric, continuous and not interrupted, with six to twelve bristles in the involucel 1. S. Glauca. Inflorescence interrupted, with three to six bristles in the involucel 2. S. Intermedia. Bristles with reversed barbs 3. S. Verticillata. =Setaria glauca, _Beauv. _= This is a tufted annual grass. Stems are slender, simple or branched, erect or ascending. The _leaf-sheaths_ are glabrous. _Nodes_ are glabrous and sometimes thelower are rooting. The _ligule_ is a fringe of long hairs. The _leaf-blades_ are lanceolate-linear, flat, finely acuminate, with arounded base and very finely and minutely serrate margin, glabrous onboth the surfaces or occasionally sparsely hairy on the upper surfaceand varying in length from 4 to 12 inches or more, and in breadth from1/4 to 1/3 inch. The _inflorescence_ is a cylindric, densely flowered, spike-like raceme, 1 to 4 inches long, usually yellow, rarely purplish or pale green, thebristles of involucels vary from six to twelve and are pale or reddishbrown, 1/6 to 1/3 inch long with fine erect or spreading barbs. The _spikelets_ are numerous and are very closely set along the rachisof the inflorescence, 1/8 inch long, glabrous and ellipsoidal. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is less thanhalf the length of the third glume, broadly ovate, hyaline, 3-nerved. The _second glume_ is a little longer than the first but shorter thanthe third, broadly ovate or suborbicular, hyaline, 5-nerved. The _thirdglume_ is longer than the second, as long as the fourth, membranous and5-nerved, paleate, empty or with stamens. The _fourth glume_ iscoriaceous, broadly elliptic, obtuse, dorsally convex, transverselyrugose, pale. The _anthers_ are orange and the _styles_ purple. [Illustration: Fig. 109. --Setaria glauca. A and B. Spikelets; C. A bristle; 1, 2 and 3. The first, second and thethird glume, respectively; 4. Palea of the third glume; 5. The fourthglume; 6. Palea of the fourth glume; 7. Ovary, anthers and lodicules. ] This is a fairly common grass especially in cultivated ground all overthe Presidency, but not very widely distributed. Cattle are fond of thisgrass. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. =Setaria intermedia, _R. & S. _= This is an annual with straggling, slender, erect or ascending stems, 2to 3 feet long. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, keeled, with the margins ciliate withlong hairs. The _ligule_ is a fringe of close set long hairs. The_nodes_ are glabrous and the lower rooting. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, narrowed towards the base, finelyacuminate, with fine hairs scattered on both the surfaces and withnumerous long hairs at the mouth and with very finely serrate margins, varying in length from 2 to 8 inches or more, 1/8 to 3/4 inch inbreadth. The _inflorescence_ is a narrowly pyramidal spike-like panicle, 4 to 6inches long, the main rachis is glabrous and grooved, branches areshort, crowded above, scattered and distant below, with close anddensely set spikelets; the bristles of involucels are 1/4 inch long, slender, flexuous with erect barbs varying in number from three to six. The _spikelets_ are ovoid. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is orbicular, oblong or ovate, about one-third the length of the third glume, hyaline, 3-nerved. The _second glume_ is half as long as the third, broadlyovate, hyaline, 5-nerved. The _third glume_ is as long as the fourth, broadly ovate, thinly membranous, 5-nerved, paleate, empty. The _fourthglume_ is broadly ovate, or suborbicular, very concave, coriaceous, transversely rugulose, yellowish brown. _Anthers_ are orange or yellowand _styles_ purplish. _Lodicules_ are very small. [Illustration: Fig. 110. --Setaria intermedia. 1. A branch with spikelets; 2 and 2a. Spikelets; 3, 4 and 5. The first, second and the third glume, respectively; 5a. The palea of the thirdglume; 6. The fourth glume; 6a. The fourth glume and its palea; 6b. Palea of the fourth glume; 7. Ovary, anthers and lodicules. ] Fairly common in rich soils in sheltered places. Cattle are very fond ofthis grass as the leaves are flaccid and tender. _Distribution. _--Probably all over India. [Illustration: Fig. 111. --Setaria verticillata. ] =Setaria verticillata, _Beauv. _= This is an annual grass, with erect, ascending, stout or slender, leafystems, more or less branched and varying in length from 1 to 5 feet. The _leaf-sheaths_ are smooth, glabrous. The _ligule_ is a fringe ofhairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blades_ are thin, flat, glabrous, sparsely hairy andscaberulous, linear or linear-lanceolate, tapering to a fine point, baseusually narrowed, 4 to 10 inches long and 1/4 to 3/4 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is a spike-like or subpyramidal panicle, cylindricor oblong, coarsely bristly, 2 to 7 inches long, bristles one or few, studded with conspicuously reversed barbs or teeth, 1/6 to 1/3 inchlong. The _spikelets_ are ellipsoidal, obtuse, glabrous, 1/12 inch long. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is very small, broadly ovate, acute, hyaline, faintly 3-nerved. The _second glume_ is as long as thespikelet or a little shorter, ovate, subacute, thinly membranous and5-nerved. The _third glume_ is equal to the second or a little longer, membranous and 5-nerved, paleate or empty, palea when present, is smalland hyaline. The _fourth glume_ is elliptic-oblong, plano-convex, subobtuse, smooth or shining, though faintly striate, coriaceous withincurved margins; _palea_ is coriaceous, as long as the glume, elliptic, faintly striate. _Stamens_ are three. _Lodicules_ are small. [Illustration: Fig. 112. --Setaria verticillata. 1 and 2. Spikelets with bristles; 3, 4 and 5. The first, second and thethird glume, respectively; 6. Palea of the third glume; 7 and 8. Thefourth glume and its palea; 9. Ovary, stamens and lodicules; 10. A bitof the bristle showing the reversed barbs. ] This grass grows in shady places in very rich soils generally and isabundant in shady nooks and corners where there are rubbish heaps. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. 9. Pennisetum, _Pers. _ These are annual or perennial grasses. Leaves are usually narrow. Theinflorescence is a spike-like raceme consisting of involucellateclusters of shortly pedicellate spikelets, involucels consist ofunequal, simple or branched bristles. Spikelets are obovoid orlanceolate, 1- to 2-flowered, persistent on their stalks, one to threein an involucel. There are usually four glumes in a spikelet. The firstglume is minute or absent. The second glume is shorter than the third, membranous, 3- to 5-nerved, rarely wanting. The third glume is as longas the fourth, lanceolate, paleate or not, male or empty. The fourthglume is coriaceous, lanceolate, bisexual or female. There are threestamens with linear anthers. Styles long. Lodicules are small ifpresent. Grain is oblong, free within the hardened fourth glume and itspalea. KEY TO THE SPECIES Bristles of the involucel slender and not 1. P. Alopecuros. Dilated at the base, and free; leaves very long. Bristles of the involucel dilated below 2. P. Cenchroides. And connate at base. [Illustration: Fig. 113. --Pennisetum Alopecuros] =Pennisetum Alopecuros, _Steud. _= This is a perennial grass, densely tufted and growing to a height of 2to 3-1/2 feet. Stems are stout, erect and much branched above. The _leaf-sheaths_ are distichous, compressed, glabrous or rarely hairy. The _leaf-blades_ are convolute, narrow, linear, coriaceous, stronglykeeled, glabrous but with tufts of soft hairs at the base, 12 to 18inches long, 1/10 to 1/6 inch broad. The _ligule_ is a ring of hairs. The _inflorescence_ is a spike-like raceme, varying in length from 5 to7 inches. The involucels are shortly stalked, with a few unequalbristles which are free down to the base and two to three times as longas the spikelet. _Spikelets_ are lanceolate, acute, solitary, 3/8 inch long. [Illustration: Fig. 114. --Pennisetum Alopecuros. A and B. Spikelets front and back view; 1, 2, 3 and 4. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 5. Palea of the fourthglume; 6. The ovary, stamens and lodicules. ] The _first glume_ is very small, almost orbicular, hyaline andnerveless. The _second glume_ is about 1/3 the length of the thirdglume, lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved. The _third glume_ is about 1/3inch long, lanceolate, acuminate, 7- to 11-nerved, epaleate and withinfolded margins. The _fourth glume_ is a little longer than the third, lanceolate, acuminate, with infolded margins 5- or 6-nerved, paleate andenclosing a complete flower. The _palea_ is lanceolate, acuminate, aslong as the glume. There are three _stamens_ with long, narrow, yellowanthers. _Stigmas_ are feathery. _Lodicules_ are either absent or veryminute. This is a very coarse grass usually growing in stiff soils especiallynear wet places. _Distribution. _--Occurs all over Southern India both on the plains andon low hills. [Illustration: Fig. 115. --Pennisetum cenchroides. ] =Pennisetum cenchroides, _Rich. _= This grass is a perennial. It consists of aerial branches andunderground rhizomiferous stems, bearing thick fibrous roots andnumerous buds covered by scarious sheaths. The aerial branches aretufted, erect or decumbent and geniculately ascending when in flower, much branched from the base, 6 to 24 inches long (under favourableconditions may reach even 3 to 4 feet in length). The _leaf-sheath_ is slightly compressed, keeled, with scattered longhairs outside, shorter than the internodes. The _ligule_ is a short thinmembrane fringed with hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, tapering to a very fine point 1-1/2 to 6inches (sometimes 18 to 20 inches) by 1/8 to 1/4 inch scaberulous withfine long tubercle-based deciduous hairs scattered above, and the lowersurface glabrous or with a few distantly scattered fine long hairs, broad at the base and constricted at the point of junction with thesheath. The _inflorescence_ is a raceme of spikes, varying from 1-1/2 to 3-1/2inches, with the spikes mostly densely arranged, though occasionallydistant and not close-set, on a long; slender, puberulous or scaberulouspeduncle; _rachis_ is flexuous, flattened, grooved and scaberulous. The_spikes_ have involucels, consisting of two series of bristles, theouter bristles are horizontal or reflexed, numerous, fine, filiform, scabrid and purple above, shorter or longer than the spikelets; theinner bristles are two to three times longer than the spikelets, flattened and thickened at the base with a strong green nerve, ciliatedwith long tubercle-based hairs; one of the bristles is longer than theothers and the bases of the bristles are connate at the very base into aring; the upper portion of the bristles are filiform, scabrid andpurple, the lower flattened portion being pale. [Illustration: Fig. 116. --Pennisetum cenchroides. 1. A portion of a spike; 2 and 3. Spikelets with their involucels; 4. Abristle; 5, 6, 7 and 8. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 7a and 8a. Palea of the third and the fourth glume, respectively; 9. Ovary and stamens. ] _Spikelets_ are about 1/5 inch long oblong-lanceolate, one to three in aspike and sessile. There are four _glumes_ in a spikelet. The _first glume_ is small, hyaline, ovate-lanceolate, acute, nerveless or sometimes 1-nerved. The_second glume_ is a little longer than the first, ovate, acute, abouthalf of the third glume, hyaline, 1 to 3-nerved. The _third glume_ isovate-lanceolate, acuminate, generally 5- to 7-nerved, paleate, usuallymale; _palea_ is lanceolate, equal to or slightly shorter than theglume. The _fourth glume_ is as long as the third with a broad hyalinemargin, 5-nerved paleate; palea as long as the glume. _Anthers_ arethree, yellow, _stigmas_ white, feathery and the styles shortly unitedat the base. _Lodicules_ are not present. This is the famous Kolakattai grass (Tamil) of the Coimbatore Districtand it grows in all kinds of soil and is capable of growing even whenthe soil is dry. It is readily eaten by cattle, sheep, goat and whenonce established is not easily killed out even by prolonged droughts. Itis in flower in June, November and December. _Distribution. _--Fairly common in South India and Western India. Said tooccur in Tropical Africa also. There is a variety of this grass named _echinoides_. This differs fromthe type in the following respects--the inner bristles are united verymuch above the base and much thickened and stiffer than in the type. (See fig. 116-3) 10. Cenchrus, _L. _ The inflorescences are spike-like racemes, consisting of involucellateclusters of shortly pedicelled spikelets jointed on a simple rachis. Theinvolucel consists of hardened spike-like bristles connate at the baseinto a short coriaceous cup, which is surrounded by erect or squarrosebristles. Spikelets one to three in each involucel, persistent, 1- to2-flowered, with three or four glumes. The first glume is very small orabsent. The second and the third glumes are subequal 5- to 7-nerved. Thethird glume is longer than the second with male flower or not, paleate. The fourth glume is coriaceous, with a bisexual or female flower. Lodicules are two. Stamens are three. Styles are long, free or connatebelow. Grain is broad, oblong and compressed. KEY TO THE SPECIES Base of involucel rounded; inner bristles shorter, erect, not ciliate 1. C. Biflorus. Base of involucel turbinate, inner bristles longer, spreading and spinescent, ciliate at base 2. C. Catharticus. =Cenchrus biflorus, _Roxb. _= This is an annual with erect simple stems, 6 to 24 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous or nearly so, with hairs at the mouth. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, glabrous orhairy, 3 to 10 inches long and 1/8 to 3/8 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is a solitary cylindric raceme of involucels, 2 to 4inches long, enclosed in the uppermost leaf-sheath; the _rachis_ isflexuous, angular and smooth. _Involucels_ usually with two, rarelythree spikelets, loosely imbricate, rounded at the base; the innerbristles are erect, dorsally flat, subulate-lanceolate, puberulous andwith thickened margins, about 1/8 inch long. The outer are shorter thanthe inner, glabrous, erect or subsquarrose and as long as the sessilespikelets. The _spikelets_ are about 1/6 inch long, sub-globose, with four_glumes_. The _first glume_ is about 1/10 inch long, ovate-acuminate, very thin, hyaline, nerveless or rarely 1-nerved. The _second glume_ isbroadly ovate, 1/6 inch long, hyaline, acute, 1-nerved. The _thirdglume_ is slightly longer than the second, oblong-ovate, apiculate, 5-nerved and paleate; _palea_ 1/8 inch obtuse. The _fourth glume_ is aslong as the third, ovate, obtuse, paleate. _Anthers_ are three. _Styles_free almost to the base. The grain is 1/12 by 1/16 inch orbicularoblong, compressed, smooth and pale brown. [Illustration: Fig. 117. --Cenchrus biflorus. 1. A portion of the raceme; 2. An involucel; 3, 4, 5 and 7. The first, second, third and the fourth glume respectively; 6 and 8. Palea of thethird and the fourth glumes; 9. The ovary and stamens; 10 grain. ] This grass is not so widely distributed as _Cenchrus catharticus_. It isconfined to some East Coast districts. _Distribution. _--The Punjab, Gangetic plain, Concan, Sind andCoromandel. Also said to occur in Africa and Arabia. =Cenchrus catharticus, _Delile. _= A tufted annual grass with geniculately ascending stems, branching atthe base. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and somewhat inflated. The _ligule_ is afringe of hairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, 1 to 4 incheslong and 1/8 to 1/4 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is usually enclosed in the leaf-sheath, 1 to 6inches long; the _rachis_ is flexuous, angular and glabrous. Theinvolucels are 1/4 to 1/2 inch across, turbinate or truncate at basewith an outer, shorter and inner longer series of hard, sharp, pungentspines; the inner subulate, dorsally deeply grooved, very much longerthan the spikelets; margins ciliate to about half the distance from thebase, and the upper half covered with very short, sharp and stiff, reflexed hairs; the outer are shorter than the spikelets, spreading orerect, glabrous or nearly so and covered with reflexed hairs. The _spikelets_ are usually one to two and rarely three in an involuceland each one has four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is lanceolate andnerveless or ovate-lanceolate and 1-nerved, half as long as the thirdglume, hyaline and acute. The _second glume_ is about 1/6 inch long, ovate, acute, membranous, 5-nerved. The _third glume_ is similar to thesecond, paleate; _palea_ is lanceolate and short. The _fourth glume_ isas long as the third, cuspidately acuminate, membranous, 5-nerved andpaleate; _palea_ is ovate, as long as the glume. _Stamens_ are three. _Styles_ are free and long with plumose stigmas. The grain isovoid-oblong, brown and compressed. [Illustration: Fig. 118. --Cenchrus catharticus. 1. A portion of the spike; 2. An involucel with two spikelets; 3, 4, 5and 7. The first, second, third and the fourth glume respectively; 6 and8. Palea of the third and the fourth glume respectively; 9. The ovaryand stamens; 10. Grain. ] This grass is more common than _C. Biflorus_ and is found on the EastCoast districts in open sandy places. _Distribution. _--Nellore, Bellary, the Punjab and the Gangetic Plains. CHAPTER VII. TRIBES II AND III--ORYZEĈ AND ZOYSIEĈ. =Oryzeĉ= is a very small tribe with a few genera, which usually flourishin marshes. The spikelets are in panicles, 1-flowered and the flower isusually perfect. In Oryza there are three glumes, the first two beingvery minute, and there is only a single glume in Leersia and Hygrorhiza. There are usually six stamens. The palea becomes firm in texture likethe glume instead of remaining hyaline, and so it is often mistaken fora glume. The spikelets are jointed on their pedicels and fall away fromthem. Not floating; spikelet not awned 11. Leersia. Floating; spikelets awned 12. Hygrorhiza. =Zoysieĉ= is another small tribe with half a dozen genera. Theinflorescence is either a spike-like raceme or a spiciform panicle. Thespikelets are solitary in Perotis, binate in Tragus and grouped inTrachys. There is usually a complete flower in a spikelet and the glumesare membranous. Mature spikelets are deciduous with their pedicelssingly in Perotis and in clusters in others. Spikelets fascicled unilaterally on a broad rachis, 4-glumed, glumes not echinate 13. Trachys. Spikelets binate and all round the rachis, 3-glumed, glumes echinate 14. Tragus. Spikelets single, awned and 3-glumed 15. Perotis. 11. Leersia, _Sw. _ These are tall perennial marsh grasses. The inflorescence is usually amore or less contracted panicle with very slender branches. Thespikelets are compressed and consist of only one glume bearing a perfectflower. The solitary flowering glume is chartaceous, awnless, 3- to5-nerved, the lateral nerves forming the thickened margin of the glume. The palea is narrow, linear-lanceolate, as long as the glume, 3-nerved, rigid, dorsally ciliate, and with hyaline margins. Lodicules are two. Stamens are usually six in number. Styles are short, with plumosestigmas and laterally exserted. Grain is ovoid or oblong, compressed, free within the glume and its palea. =Leersia hexandra, _Sw. _= This is a slender perennial marsh-grass with stems rooting in the mudand with flexuous floating branches, sending up erect or ascending, weakand slender leafy branches, 2 to 4 feet high. [Illustration: Fig. 119. --Leersia hexandra. 1. Erect branch; 2 and 3. Bits of leaves with ligules; 4 and 5. Spikelets; 6. Ovary and lodicules. ] The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, glabrous, with eciliate margins. The_ligule_ is a short obliquely truncate or two-lobed membrane. _Nodes_are hairy with deflexed hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, narrow, linear, tapering to a fine point, suberect and rather rigid, glabrous and with a narrow base, varying inlength from 3 to 10 inches and 1/8 to 1/3 inch in breadth. The _inflorescence_ is an oblong laxly branched, narrow pedunculatepanicle, 2 to 4 inches long. The _spikelets_ are all 1-flowered and 1-glumed, articulate on thepedicels above the rudimentary glumes, strongly laterally compressed. The _glume_ is about 1/6 inch long, ovate-oblong, somewhat boat-shaped, acute and shortly mucronate, strongly keeled, ciliate on the keel andmargins, 5-nerved, the lateral nerves forming a thickened margin;_palea_ is as long as the glume, linear-lanceolate, subacute, rigid withmembranous margins. _Stamens_ are six and there are two small_lodicules_. The first two glumes are reduced to an obscure hyaline rim. This marsh-grass is found in marshy places such as ditches and channelsin paddy fields, ponds and tanks. _Distribution. _--It is found all over India and Ceylon; also in Africa, America and Australia. 12. Hygrorhiza, _Nees. _ These are floating glabrous grasses with stems diffusely branching andprofusely rooting at the nodes. The inflorescence is a panicle. Thespikelets are 1-flowered, with a solitary flowering glume only. Theflowering glume is awned, strongly 5-nerved, nerves scabrid and ciliate, the lateral nerves being marginal. Palea is 3-nerved, narrow acuminatewith a ciliate keel. Lodicules are suborbicular. There are six stamenswith long slender anthers. Styles are free with plumose stigmas, laterally exserted. Grain is oblong, narrowed at the base, obtuse, freewithin the glume and its palea. =Hygrorhiza aristata, _Nees. _= This is a floating aquatic grass. Stems are spongy, branching diffusely, 1 foot long, with feathery whorled roots in dense masses at the nodes;branches are short, erect and leafy. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, inflated, compressed, with ciliate margins. The _ligule_ is a narrow membrane. _Nodes_ have whorls of roots. The _leaf-blade_ is linear or ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, glaucous beneath, base rounded or subcordate, 1 to 3 inches long and 1/2to 3/4 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is a panicle, 2 inches long and broad, somewhattriangular in outline; the _rachis_ and the branches are stiff, slenderand smooth, the lower branches are a little deflexed. [Illustration: Fig. 120. --Hygrorhiza aristata. 1. Branch; 2. Part of a leaf with ligule; 3. Spikelet; 4 and 5. Glumeand its palea; 6. Lodicules and ovary. ] The _spikelets_ are very narrow, sessile or pedicellate, articulated onthe pedicel, 1-flowered and 1-glumed. The _glume_ is about 3/8 inch long(excluding the awn) and the awn is as long as the glume or slightlylonger, lanceolate, with five strong nerves and the lateral ones formingthickened margins; the palea is as long as the glume. _Stamens_ are sixand _lodicules_ two. Found in ponds and tanks. _Distribution. _--All over India and Ceylon. 13. Trachys, _Pers. _ These are softly, villous, diffuse annual grasses. The inflorescenceconsists of usually two (rarely three) divaricating spikes on a longpeduncle. The rachis is herbaceous, broad flexuous, jointed and bearingat each joint a solitary globose cluster of two or three perfect1-flowered glabrous spikelets surrounded by many short spinescent glumesof imperfect ones. The perfect spikelets are 4-glumed and the glumes arevery unequal. The first glume is minute, tooth-like, nerveless. Thesecond glume is long, linear-lanceolate, membranous, very acute, strongly 3- to 5-nerved. The third glume is the largest, obliquelyovate, or obovate-oblong, cuspidately acuminate, rigidly coriaceous, 9-to many-nerved, paleate or not, empty. The fourth glume is shorter andnarrower than the lower one, linear-oblong, acuminate, chartaceous, smooth, dorsally convex, with incurved margins, bearing a bisexualflower, paleate, palea is hyaline as long as the glume, and the marginsare inflexed below the middle. Lodicules are very minute or wanting. There are three stamens. The styles are very long with slender stigmas, exserted at the top of the glume. The grain is oblong, compressed, freewithin the glume and its palea. =Trachys mucronata, _Pers. _= This is a diffusely branching, softly villous annual grass. The stemsare many from the root, 16 to 18 inches long, ascending or decumbent andprostrate, leafy, glabrous, rooting freely at the lower nodes, especially when procumbent. The _leaf-sheaths_ are loose, inflated, hairy or rarely glabrous. The_ligule_ is a thin membrane, or a ridge of fine closely set hairs. _Nodes_ are villous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate acuminate, flaccid, softly villous on both the surfaces, margins often crisped, base rounded, 2 to 6 inches by 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The _inflorescence_ consists of a long or short, slender, shiningpeduncle bearing two or three rigid, flattened, flexuous, jointedspikes, the rachis is broad, herbaceous, with a flat, broad, closelynerved wing on both the sides and with a distinct flat midrib andjointed, each joint bears on the under surface at the articulation, asolitary, globose cluster of two to three perfect 1-flowered glabrousspikelets surrounded by many short spinescent glumes of imperfect ones. The spikes vary in length from 1 to 2 inches and in breadth from 1/10 to1/6 inch and are glabrous. The clusters of _spikelets_ are about 1/4 inch in diameter, oftenpartially sunk, in a concavity of the rachis; the perfect spikelets are1/5 to 1/4 inch long and the imperfect are shorter. [Illustration: Fig. 121. --Trachys mucronata. A and B. The spikelets; 1, 2 and 3. The first, second and the thirdglume, respectively; 4. Palea of the third glume; 5 and 6. The fourthglume and its palea; 7. Lodicules, ovary and stamens. ] In the perfect spikelet there are four very unequal glumes. The _firstglume_ is minute, tooth-like, triangular or lanceolate, acute, nerveless, 1/16 to 1/12 inch long. The _second glume_ is elongate, linear-lanceolate, acute, sometimes ciliate below the middle, membranous, narrower than the third glume, hyaline, strongly 3-nerved, 1/16 by 1/6 inch. The _third glume_ is 1/5 by 1/8 inch the largest inthe spikelet, broadly and obliquely ovate or obovate, cuspidately acute, with nine to many green nerves, paleate; the _palea_ is very small, about 1/20 inch long, oblong, hyaline and rigidly coriaceous. The_fourth glume_ is much narrower and shorter than the third glume, linearoblong, acuminate, chartaceous, smooth, dorsally convex, with incurvedmargins, bisexual and paleate; the palea is as long as the glume, acuminate, hyaline, the margins inflexed below the middle, ovate, acute. _Lodicules_ are minute or absent. _Stamens_ are three with linearanthers. _Styles_ are very long with slender stigmas. The grain isoblong, compressed. This grass grows abundantly in cultivated dry fields and in the sandnear the sea-shore and it is easily recognized by the clusters ofspikelets in the spike. _Distribution. _--The Deccan Peninsula--both in the interior and on thesea coast. 14. Tragus, _Haller. _ These are annual or perennial grasses, with erect or prostrate stems. Inflorescence is a spiciform raceme, bearing the spikelets in clustersof 2 to 4. The spikelets are 1-flowered and usually with two glumes. Sometimes a very minute hyaline lower glume is present. The first glumeis thickly coriaceous, 5-ribbed, oblong-lanceolate, and ribs with longrecurved spines. The second glume is oblong or oblong-lanceolate, apiculate, chartaceous, 3-nerved and with a perfect flower; palea is aslong as the glume, 2-nerved. Lodicules are broad, cuneate and fleshy. There are three stamens. Styles are slender and distinct, with narrowstigmas exserted from the top of the glume. Grain is oblong toellipsoidal free within the glume and its palea. [Illustration: Fig. 122. --Tragus racemosus. ] =Tragus Racemosus, _Scop. _= This plant is a perennial with tufted prostrate or erect stems, rootingat the nodes freely and densely leafy. The flowering branches are erector geniculately ascending and varies from a few inches to about a foot. The _leaf-sheath_ is short, pale, glabrous, somewhat compressed, striate, equitant below and upper are longer, terete and green. The_ligule_ is only a ridge of short, fine hairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is convolute when young, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, variable from 1/4 to 2 inches long and 1/10 to 1/6 inch wide, acuminate, flat or somewhat wavy, glabrous on both the surfaces, rigidly pungent, densely crowded and distichously imbricate in the lower part of thestem, base is amplexicaul, and the margin is distantly serrate andrigidly ciliate. The _inflorescence_ is a spike-like terminal panicle varying in lengthfrom 3/4 to 2 inches; the _rachis_ is wavy, slender, angular or grooved, pubescent, the peduncle is striate, pubescent and enclosed by theleaf-sheath. The _spikelets_ are arranged in groups of two, facing each other andappearing like a single spikelet with two equal echinate glumes, sessile, or obscurely pedicelled on very short, tumid, pubescentbranches. [Illustration: Fig. 123. --Tragus racemosus. 1. A pair of spikelets; 2, 3 and 4. The first, second and the thirdglume, respectively; 5. Palea of the third glume; 6. Ovary, anthers andlodicules. ] There are two (rarely three) _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_is very minute, hyaline, obtuse and it is very often not present. The_second glume_ is about 1/8 inch, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, strongly3-ribbed with rows of stout, spreading hooked spines along the ribs andencloses a single floret. The margins of this glume are membranous andsomewhat scaberulous. The _third glume_ is about 1/12 inch, oblonglanceolate, membranous minutely hairy, 3-nerved and finely pointed atthe apex; the _palea_ is as long as the glume, hyaline, 2-nerved, lanceolate, subacute and irregularly toothed at the apex. _Stamens_ arethree, with slender filaments, anthers are short, broad and pale yellow. The style branches are pale and feathery. _Lodicules_ are two, fleshyand cuneate or subquadrate. The grain is free inside the glume and thepalea, linear oblong, slightly compressed and pale brown, the embryooccupies about 1/3 the length of the grain. This is one of the commonest grasses growing everywhere in tufts withusually prostrate branches. In some situations the branches are erect. _Distribution. _--Plains of India throughout and Ceylon. It is found inall the warm regions of the world. 15. Perotis, _Ait. _ These are slender annual or perennial grasses with short broad leaves. Inflorescence is a spike or spiciform raceme. The spikelets are1-flowered, sessile or shortly pedicelled and jointed. There are threeglumes in the spikelet. The first and the second glumes are empty, subequal, narrowly linear with a strong midrib which is produced into along capillary awn. The third glume is very small, hyaline, lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved and with a perfect flower; palea is small, narrow, hyaline and nerveless. Stamens are three with short anthers. Styles areshort and united at the base with very short stigmas. The grain is longand narrow, longer than the flowering glume. [Illustration: Fig. 124. --Perotis latifolia. ] =Perotis latifolia, _Ait. _= This grass is an annual with slender leafy stems, branching at the base, prostrate at first and then geniculately ascending, terminating ininflorescences and varying in length from 3 to 15 inches. The _leaf-sheaths_ are glabrous, usually all short except the one nextto the inflorescence which is two or three times as long as the lowersheaths. The _nodes_ are purple and glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is short, 1 to 1-1/4 inches long, ovate or lanceolate, cordate at base, acute and glabrous on both the surfaces; the margin isminutely serrate, rigidly ciliate and with a very narrow hyaline border. The _inflorescence_ is a slender, crinite, spike-like raceme, 1 to 8inches long, with a finely scabrid main _rachis_. The _spikelets_ are narrow linear 1/12 to 1/8 inch or longer, purple, shortly pedicelled and 1-flowered, pedicels are short with a hyalineswelling on the upper side at the base. [Illustration: Fig. 125. --Perotis latifolia. 1 and 2. Spikelets; 3, 4 and 5, the first, second and the third glume, respectively; 6. Ovary, stamens and lodicules. ] There are three _glumes_. The _first_ and the _second glumes_ are empty, narrow-linear, purple, scabrid, 1-nerved and awned; awns are capillary, varying in length from 1/3 to 1/2 inch. The _third glume_ is very minutewith very small palea. There are three _stamens_ and two small_lodicules_. _Styles_ are somewhat shorter. The grain is long andcylindric. This grass grows in open waste places and in dry fields all over thePresidency. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. CHAPTER VIII. TRIBE IV--ANDROPOGONEĈ. Andropogoneĉ is a very large tribe with about thirty genera. It is verywell represented in South India and some genera are of very widedistribution. The spikelets are usually arranged in pairs at each joint, one sessileand the other stalked. The spikelets may all be similar as in Imperataor they may be different as in Ischĉmum and Andropogon. There may beonly one flower in the spikelet as in Eremochloa and Saccharum or two asin Ischĉmum and Apocopis. In the genera Polytoca and Coix the spikeletsare unisexual and the male and female spikelets are found in the sameinflorescence, the female being below and the male being continuous withit. The spikelet nearly always consists of four glumes, the first or thefirst and the second being firmer and coriaceous or chartaceous. Theflowering glumes are always shorter than the empty glumes, and arehyaline. The fourth glume is often awned or reduced to an awn. The main rachis of the inflorescence is usually jointed at the base. Inaddition to this the rachis may be jointed all along its length, so asto become separated into distinct joints when mature as in Rottboellia, Saccharum and Andropogon, or it may be continuous as in Imperata. Thepedicels of spikelets and the lower portions of the rachilla of thespikelets may have long hairs. Sub. Tribe 1. =Maydeĉ. = The spikelets are all unisexual, spicate, the male and female spikelets are dissimilar, and are on the same or on different spikes. Fruiting spikelets enclosed in a stony nut-like polished bract 16. Coix. Fruiting spikelets with the first glume forming a crustaceous nut-like envelope to other glumes and grain 17. Polytoca. Sub. Tribe 2. =Sacchareĉ. = The spikelets are all similar, in compound racemes or panicles; the first glume not sunk in the hollow of the rachis. Spikelets are 1-flowered. Rachis not fragile; spikelets in cylindrical silvery thyrsus 18. Imperata. Rachis fragile; spikelets in open very much branched silky panicles 19. Saccharum. Sub. Tribe 3. =Ischemeĉ. = Spikelets many, dissimilar, in solitary, digitate or fascicled racemes or spikes; first glume not sunk in the hollow of the rachis. Margins of the first glume of the sessile spikelet inflexed. Spikes rarely solitary; spikelets binate, 2-flowered and awned 20. Ischĉmum. Spikes solitary; spikelets 1-flowered; first glume of the sessile spikelet pectinate 21. Eremochloa. Margins of the first glume of the sessile spikelet not inflexed. Spikes solitary or binate; spikelets 1- to 2-flowered, diandrous; first glume broad and truncate 22. Apocopis. Spikes 2 or more; spikelets binate, upper alone awned 23. Lophopogon. Sub. Tribe 4. =Apludeĉ. = Spikelets three on an inarticulate rachis 24. Apluda. Sub. Tribe 5. =Rottboellieĉ. = Spikelets similar or dissimilar, 1- to 2-flowered, solitary, 2- or rarely 3-nate on the internodes of an articulated spike or raceme, not awned; the first glume is not keeled, sunk in a cavity of joints of the rachis; sessile spikelets 4-glumed. Sessile spikelets single; first glume flat 25. Rottboellia. Sessile spikelets geminate in all except the uppermost joints 26. Mnesithea. Sessile spikelets binate; first glume globose, pitted 27. Manisuris. Sub. Tribe 6. =Eu-Andropogoneĉ. = Spikelets are dissimilar, 1-flowered, 2-(rarely) 3-nate on the whorled articulate branches of simple or compound racemes or panicles; glumes four, first glume not keeled, fourth glume usually awned. Spikelets binate below and 3-nate at the top on a spicate or panicled inflorescence 28. Andropogon. Spikelets in two superposed series. Upper series of one or more sessile bisexual or female spikelets with one terminal pedicelled male spikelet. Rachis jointed above the involucral spikelets 29. Anthistiria. Rachis jointed below the involucral spikelets 30. Iseilema. 16. Coix, _L. _ These are tall monoecious annual or perennial grasses. Theinflorescences are terminal or axillary spiciform racemes. Thelowest-spikelet in the raceme is female and this is enclosed in a bractwhich at length becomes hardened, polished and nut-like and the otherspikelets above it are male. The male spikelets are 2- to 3-nate at eachnode of the rachis, 1 sessile and 1 or 2 pedicelled, lanceolate and4-glumed. The first and the second glumes are subequal and empty, andthe first glume is winged along the inflated margins. The third and thefourth glumes are hyaline, with three stamens or empty. The femalespikelet is ovoid acuminate and has four glumes. The first glume ischartaceous and the others are thin and gradually smaller. The grain isorbicular, ventrally furrowed and enclosed by the polished hard bract. =Coix lachryma-jobi, _L. _= This is a tall monoecious leafy annual (rarely perennial) grass withstout, smooth, polished, freely branching stems rooting at the lowernodes and varying in length from 3 to 5 feet or more. The _leaf-sheath_ is long, usually smooth but occasionally withscattered tubercle-based hairs. The _ligule_ is a narrow membrane. The_nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is long, flat, narrow or broad, acuminate, cordate atbase, with a stout midrib and many slender veins on both sides, usuallyglabrous on both sides though occasionally with scattered hairs, andwith spinulosely serrate margins, varying from 4 to 18 inches in lengthand 1/3 to 2 inches in breadth. The _inflorescence_ consists of nodding or drooping spiciform racemes, 1to 1-1/2 inches long, terminating the branches. The racemes consist ofmany male spikelets with one (rarely two) female spikelets at the base;the rachis is stout above, and the part within the bract enclosing thefemale spikelet is slender. The _male spikelets_ are imbricating, 2 or 3 at a node of the rachis, one sessile and one or two pedicelled, dorsally compressed, articulateat the base and persistent, very variable in size, 3/8 to 3/4 inch. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, chartaceous, 3/5 inch long, acute, many-nerved, concave with inflexed margins bearing narrow green many-veined wings. The _second glume_ is similar to the first, but thinner and without thewings, 5- to 9- or rarely 11-nerved. The _third glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, hyaline, faintly 3- to 5-nerved, paleate and withthree stamens. The _fourth glume_ is similar to the third, paleate withor without stamens. [Illustration: Fig. 126. --Coix Lachryma-Jobi. ] 1. Inflorescence; 2. The female spikelet; 3. Male spikelets; 4, 5, 6 and8. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of amale spikelet; 7 and 9. Palea of the third and the fourth glumes, respectively. ] The _female spikelet_ is enclosed by a closed bract which finallybecomes hardened, and there are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The_first_ and the _second glumes_ are chartaceous. The _third_ and the_fourth_ are hyaline, the former being empty and the latter with anovary. _Lodicules_ are not present. The _ovary_ is ovoid with very longcapillary styles. The grain is orbicular, compressed, channelled at theback and enclosed within the stony, hardened and polished bract. This grass usually grows in paddy fields. There are two distinctvarieties--one a fairly tall one annual and the other a very tall (5 to10 feet) perennial one. The racemes of the latter are longer anddrooping, the male spikelets are in threes and the wings of the firstglume are usually broader than in the other form. This species is easilyrecognized by the polished bract enclosing the female spikelet. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. 17. Polytoca, _Br. _ These are tall monoecious annual or perennial grasses. Inflorescencesconsist of spiciform racemes with spathaceous bracts; rachis is jointed. Racemes may all be male or with one or two female spikelets at the base. Male spikelets are geminate, one sessile and one pedicelled, 2-floweredor imperfect, and with four glumes, which are subequal. The first glumeis membranous, many-nerved, shallowly concave and with a narrowmembranous margin. The second glume is narrower, ovate, acute, 5- to9-nerved. The third glume is membranous, oblong, acute, 3- to 5-nerved, paleate and with three stamens. The fourth glume is very slender, hyaline, linear, paleate with three stamens or empty. Female spikeletsare broadly oblong, 1-flowered and with four glumes. The first glume isthick, coriaceous and closely embraces the rachis of the spike by itsinvolute margin and the other glumes are within. The second glume isoblong, many-nerved. The third is narrowly oblong, 3- to 5-nerved, empty. The fourth glume is very narrow, truncate, 3-nerved, paleate. Styles are very long with slender stigmas. Grain is small, fusiform, terete and enclosed in the nut-like polished and hardened first glume. =Polytoca barbata, _Stapf. _= This is an erect, tall, stout, freely branching, leafy, monoeciousperennial grass. The stems are terete, 3 to 6 feet high. The _leaf-sheaths_ are long, glabrous, or with scattered tubercle-basedbristly hairs. The _ligule_ is a narrow membrane. The _nodes_ have aring of soft long hairs. The _leaf-blades_ are long, flat, linear, acuminate, with a stout midriband thickened serrate margins, scabrid above and sometimes with a fewtubercle-based hairs, 10 inches to 2 feet long and 1/4 to 3/4 inchbroad. The _inflorescence_ consists of paniculate spike-like racemesterminating the branches and at first enclosed in spathiform bracts, thelower and outer spathiform bracts are one inch or more in length with along awn at the tip, and the inner proper sheaths are oblong, awned andabout 1/2 inch long. The raceme consists of one or more female spikeletsat the base and a number of male spikelets above, appearing as ifsessile on the top of the female spikelet, but really articulate withthe internode below it which is enclosed by the first glume of thefemale spikelet. [Illustration: Fig. 127. --Polytoca barbata. 1. Inflorescence; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively, of the male spikelet; 4a and 5a. Palea of the thirdand the fourth glume, respectively; 6. The first glume of the sessilespikelet; 7. Female spikelet; 8, 9 and 10. The second, third and thefourth glume, respectively; 11. Palea of the fourth glume; 12. Ovary. ] The _male spikelets_ are solitary, or binate and then one sessile andone pedicelled, 2-flowered, reaching 3/8 inch in length and consist offour _glumes_ each. The _first glume_ is concave, ovate, acute, pubescent, herbaceous, many-nerved and with a narrow membranous marginon one side only in the pedicelled and solitary spikelets and on bothsides in the sessile spikelets. The _second glume_ is narrower, dorsallycompressed, ovate, acuminate, 5- to 9-nerved, laterally compressed andwith a narrow wing to the keel near the apex in sessile spikelets anddorsally compressed without the keel in the pedicelled and solitaryspikelets. The _third glume_ is membranous, oblong, acuminate, 3- to5-nerved, with three stamens and paleate; the _palea_ is hyaline, broadly linear. The _fourth glume_ is very slender, linear, hyaline, with or without stamens, paleate; _palea_ is flat, narrowly linear. _Lodicules_ are present and they are small. The _anthers_ in the thirdglume are larger than those in the fourth glume. The _female spikelet_ is oblong, 1/6 inch long, 1-flowered and with four_glumes_. The _first glume_ is thickly coriaceous, white, shining, closely embracing the rachis and the other glumes entire at the tip. The_second glume_ is quadrately oblong, many-nerved. The _third glume_ isoblong, narrower than the second, 3- to 5-nerved paleate, empty. The_palea_ of the third glume is narrow, truncate. The _fourth glume_ isnarrow, truncate, 3-nerved, paleate; the _palea_ is truncate and wrappedround the ovary. _Styles_ are long and stigmas slender. _Lodicules_ arenot present. The grain is fusiform, terete and within the nut-likepolished hardened glume. _Distribution. _--In damp situations all over India. 18. Imperata, _Cyril. _ These are erect perennial grasses. The inflorescence is a spike-likepanicle, with very short filiform inarticulate branches and rachises. Spikelets are binate, 1-flowered, all alike, both pedicelled, articulateat the base and hidden by the very long silky hairs arising from a smallcallus and from the glumes. There are four glumes. The first two glumesare membranous, lanceolate, and subequal. The third glume is shorter andsmaller, hyaline. The fourth glume is still smaller and hyaline. Stamensare two, rarely one. Lodicules are not found. Styles connate below, withstigmas very long, narrow and exserted at the top of the spikelets. Grain is small and oblong. =Imperata arundinacea, _Cyril. _= This is an erect perennial grass with creeping, stoloniferousroot-stocks, with aerial stems varying from 6 inches to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is loose and glabrous. The _ligule_ consists of longsoft hairs. The _nodes_ are naked or bearded. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, flat, tapering from about the middle towardsthe top, finely acuminate, and also narrowing towards the base into thestout midrib, margins with fine long hairs at the base, 6 to 18 inchesby 1/10 to 1/3 inch, scabrous above and smooth beneath. The _panicle_ is narrow, spike-like, silvery, 3 to 8 inches; branchesare short and appressed and the internodes of spikes are short with thetips dilated. The _spikelets_ are 1/8 to 1/6 inch concealed by long silvery hairs ofthe callus and the glumes, articulate at the base; callus hairs areabout twice as long as the spikelet or longer. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ isovate-lanceolate, obtuse, with ciliate tips and long hairs at the backbelow the middle, rather thickened towards the base, dorsally hairy, 3-to 7-nerved, nerves not reaching the tip. The _second glume_ is as longas the first, with membranous margins and with long hairs at the back, 3- to 7-nerved. The _third glume_ is hyaline, less than half as long asthe first and second glumes, oblong, obtuse or irregularly toothed, nerveless or 1-nerved. The _fourth glume_ is slightly shorter andnarrower than the third, ovate, acute, obtuse or toothed, ciliate, nerveless or faintly 1-nerved, paleate; _palea_ is about half as long asthe glume, quadrate, toothed or retuse, nerveless, glabrous. There areonly two stamens with orange anthers. Styles are slender, long, withpurple _stigmas_. _Lodicules_ are absent. Grain is small and oblong. [Illustration: Fig. 128. --Imperata arundinacea. 1. A spikelet; 2, 3, 4, and 5. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively; 6. Palea of the fourth glume; 7. Two stamens andthe ovary. ] This is fairly abundant in moist stiff soils. On account of theunderground stolons this grass cannot be eradicated easily. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. 19. Saccharum, _L. _ These are tall perennial grasses. Inflorescence is a much branched openpanicle, branches spreading or erect, capillary and fragile. Spikeletsare small, 1-flowered, binate, one sessile and the other pedicelled, thesessile spikelet is bisexual and the pedicelled is female and rarelybisexual; sessile spikelets are deciduous with the contiguous joint ofthe rachis and the pedicel. There are four glumes. The first glume ischartaceous, equal in length to the second, oblong or lanceolate. Thesecond glume is concave. The third glume is hyaline, empty. The fourthglume is very small or absent. Lodicules are present. There are threestamens. Stigmas are laterally exserted. Grain is oblong or sub-globose. =Saccharum spontaneum, _L. _= This is a tall perennial grass with a creeping root-stock bearing erectstems and occasionally decumbent or prostrate stolons. Stems vary inlength from 5 to 20 feet. Branches and axillary buds grow out piercingthe sheaths near the nodes. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, but woolly at the mouth. The _ligule_ isa distinct ovate membrane. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is very long, narrow linear, acuminate and narrowingdownwards into the stout midrib, coriaceous, glabrous and 1-1/2 to 2feet by 1/8 to 1/4 inch. The _panicle_ is lanceolate, 8 to 24 inches, silky and the peduncle justbelow the panicle is softly silky, branches are whorled, three to fiveat a level, 2 to 4 inches long, rachis of the branches almost capillary, jointed and fragile, joints with long cilia at the back. The _spikelets_ are binate, one sessile and another pedicelled, bothbisexual and alike, lanceolate, 1/8 to 1/6 inch long, callus is minuteand bearded with spreading silky hairs 1/2 inch long. [Illustration: Fig. 129. --Saccharum spontaneum. 1. Two spikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively; 6. Ovary, stamens and lodicules. ] There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is lanceolate, subulate, acuminate, 2-nerved, flattened dorsally, coriaceous at the base andhyaline above it, and with smooth incurved margins. The second _glume_is about equal to or slightly shorter than the first, lanceolate, acuminate, 1-nerved, keeled with an opaque base; margins and keel areciliate with fine long hairs. The _third glume_ is hyaline, ovate-lanceolate, nerveless, acute, ciliate. The _fourth glume_ is veryslender, ciliate, acuminate, paleate; _palea_ is minute, very variable. _Stamens_ are three. _Lodicules_ are cuneate or quadrate. The grain isvery small, oblong. _Distribution. _--This occurs all over India along the sides of theriver. 20. Ischĉmum, _L. _ The grasses of this genus are either annuals or perennials. Theinflorescence consists of spikes, solitary, digitate or fascicled, articulate and fragile; the joints of the floral axis and the pedicelsof the pedicelled spikelets are trigonous and hollowed ventrally. Spikelets are binate, one sessile and one pedicelled; the pedicelledspikelets are dissimilar from the sessile and both usually 2-flowered. The sessile spikelets have four glumes. The first glume is coriaceous, oblong or lanceolate, convex more or less, marginally winged above themiddle, truncate or two-cuspidate at the apex and awnless. The secondglume is as long as the first, coriaceous, concave, acute or obtuse, awned or not. The third glume is hyaline, deeply cleft into two lobeswith an awn in the cleft, and 3-nerved, paleate; palea islinear-lanceolate enclosing either stamens and ovary or ovary alone. Lodicules are cuneate or quadrate. KEY TO SPECIES. Racemes two or three; the first glume of the sessile spikelet dorsally flat, not channelled or depressed along the middle line. Margin of the first glume of the sessile spikelet incurved narrowly from the base to the apex. First glume of sessile spikelets with nodulose margins. 1. I. Aristatum. First glume of sessile spikelets closely transversely ribbed. 2. I. Rugosum. First glume of the sessile spikelet translucent, bicuspidate at the tip and with smooth margins. 3. I. Pilosum. Margin of the first glume of the sessile spikelet broadly incurved from below the middle. First glume of the sessile spikelet with smooth margins, callus bearded. 4. I. Ciliare. Raceme solitary; the first glume of the sessile spikelet deeply grooved at the back along the middle line. 5. I. Laxum. =Ischĉmum aristatum, _L. _= This is a perennial grass, with fairly stout, erect or somewhatdecumbent, simple or branched, glabrous, leafy stems, 1 to 4 feet high. The _leaf-sheath_ is loose, glabrous and auricled. The _ligule_ is adistinct membrane, broad or narrow. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, flat, acuminate, narrowed towardsthe base which may be acute, subcordate or rarely even petiolate, glabrous or sparsely hairy above and glaucous beneath, 4 to 10 incheslong and 1/4 to 1 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ consists of one or two, erect, stout or slender, fragile racemes, 1 to 5 inches long. [Illustration: Fig. 130. --Ischĉmum aristatum. 1. A portion of the raceme showing the joints, sessile and pedicelledspikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 5 and 7. Palea of the third andthe fourth glumes, respectively; 8. Ovary, stamens and lodicules; 9. First glume of the pedicelled spikelet. ] The _spikelets_ are 1/6 to 1/3 inch long, the sessile and the pedicelledclosely pressed together, glabrous or hairy; the callus of the sessilespikelet broad and thick, with or without hairs. The _sessile spikelet_is awned and consists of four glumes. The _first glume_ is 1/5 inch longor less, oblong or linear-oblong, cartilaginous below the middle, withtwo to four (or rarely up to six) marginal nodules on each edge, sometimes these are connected by shallow ridges, thinner above themiddle, with green anastomosing veins, tip obtuse or 2-toothed, andmargins narrowly incurved. The _second glume_ is chartaceous, lanceolate, acuminate, 1-nerved and with a smooth rounded keel. The_third glume_ is ovate-lanceolate, membranous, 1-nerved, acuminate, maleor bisexual with an oblong palea. The _fourth glume_ is cleft to orbelow the middle into lanceolate acute lobes, with a brownish red awn1/2 inch or more long at the sinus twisted at the lower portion andstraight above, paleate, usually female; _palea_ is linear oblong. The_pedicelled spikelet_ is as long as the sessile, inarticulate on thevery thick, short pedicel which is densely or sparsely hairy at thebase. The _first glume_ is scimitar-shaped, coriaceous, acute, with asomewhat semi-circular wing. The other _glumes_ are as in sessilespikelets, but the fourth glume has no awn and may have a mucro. This grass is a variable one. There is much variation in the breadth ofthe leaves and in the markings and hairiness of the spikelets. Thespikelets may be glabrous or hairy and the marking in the first glume ofthe sessile spikelets varies in the matter of marginal nodules--it mayhave mere shallow notches or deep well-formed nodules and there may betransverse ridges or they may be absent. This grass is abundant on theWest Coast and rare in the East Coast. _Distribution. _--Throughout the plains and lower hills of India andCeylon. [Illustration: Fig. 131. --Ischĉmum aristatum. A. A portion of the raceme showing the joints; B. A sessile and apedicelled spikelet. 1, 2, 3 and 6. The first, second, third and thefourth glume, respectively; 4 and 5. Palea of the third and the fourthglume; 7. Ovary and lodicules; 8. First glume of the pedicelledspikelets. ] =Ischĉmum rugosum, _Salisb. _= This is an erect annual grass with tufted, leafy, compressed stemsvarying in length from 10 inches to 2 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, loose and compressed, with a membranousauricle confluent with the truncate _ligule_. _Nodes_ usually glabrousbut sometimes also puberulous. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, linear-lanceolate, flat, base contracted, flaccid, acuminate, rounded at the base, glabrous or sparsely hairy onboth the surfaces; the topmost leaf is often reduced to an inflatedsheath enclosing the inflorescence partially. [Illustration: Fig. 132. --Ischĉmum rugosum. 1. A part of the raceme showing sessile spikelets with reducedpedicelled spikelets; 2. A sessile spikelet and a well developedpedicelled spikelet; 3. A reduced pedicelled spikelet; 4, 5, 6 and 8. The first, second, third and the fourth glume of the sessile spikelet; 7and 9. Palea of the third and fourth glumes of the sessile spikelet; 10. Ovary. ] The racemes are usually two, erect, fragile, 1 to 3 inches long with aslight thickening of the peduncle below the inflorescence; the jointsare 1/3 to 2/3 as long as the sessile spikelets; trigonous andsubclavate, and with long hairs on one side. The _spikelets_ arelinear-oblong, glabrous or villous, 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, sessile andstalked spikelets close together; the pedicel of the stalked spikelet isthick about 1/3 or less than the length of the sessile spikelet, ciliateon one side, confluent with the thick callus of the sessile spikelet, which is sparsely bristly. The _sessile spikelet_ consists of fourglumes and is awned. The _first glume_ is concave, pale yellow, shiningand cartilaginous to about 2/3 its length from the base, and the upperthird is membranous, dimidiately ovate; at the back in the cartilaginousportion, there are three to six deep convex smooth ridges running acrossthe glume; the membranous tip is thin and with anastomosing green veins;the margins of this glume are thick, narrowly incurved, ciliolate, andwith a narrow wing on the outer margin. The _second glume_ isoblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, coriaceous, acuminate, scaberulous, keeled and laterally compressed and on the keel just below the tip thereis a narrow ciliate wing. The _third glume_ is ovate-lanceolate, hyaline, acuminate 1- to 3-veined, male or empty, with a narrow hyalinepalea. The _fourth glume_ is shorter than the third, deeply cleft intotwo lanceolate acute lobes, 3-veined at the base; awn up to about 2/3inch long; _palea_ is linear lanceolate. Stamens are three and_lodicules_ are small and cuneate. The pedicelled spikelet is very variable. It is shorter than thesessile, with obscure transverse ridges and may consist of four glumes, but without an awn to the fourth glume; sometimes this spikelet isreduced to a single glume. The grain is broadly oblong, brownish and compressed. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. [Illustration: Fig. 133. --Ischĉmum pilosum. A and B. Ligules. ] =Ischĉmum pilosum, _Hack. _= It is a tall, robust, perennial grass with rhizomes producing numerouscreeping stolons densely covered with scaly-sheaths. The aerial stemsare erect, freely branching at the base, slender, 2 to 3 feet long, glabrous. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous. The _ligule_ is a distinct glabrousmembrane, 1/8 inch long, rounded. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, finely acuminate, glabrous but bearded atthe base, 6 to 12 inches long and 1/8 to 1/3 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ consists of two to six softly hairy spikes which areyellow or brown 1 to 4 inches long. Joints and pedicels are slender, sparsely ciliate. [Illustration: Fig. 134. --Ischĉmum pilosum. 1. A sessile and a pedicelled spikelet; 2, 3, 4 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessilespikelets; 5. Palea of the third glume, 7. Palea of the fourth glume; 8. Ovary; 9, 10, 11 and 12. First, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the pedicelled spikelets; 13. Palea of the fourthglume. ] The _sessile spikelets_ are narrowly lanceolate, 3/4 inch long, withlong hairs at the base. The _first glume_ is dorsally hairy, orglabrous, narrowed from the middle upwards, chartaceous, with incurvedmargins and six or seven anastomosing nerves. The _second glume_ islonger than the first, laterally compressed, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, chartaceous, glabrous but often with long hairs on the keeltowards the upper half, 5-nerved, the lateral nerves anastomosing. The_third glume_ is a little shorter than the second, linear-oblong orlanceolate, paleate; _palea_ is membranous, nerveless, and enclosesthree stamens. The _fourth glume_ is equal to the third glume in length, membranous, hyaline and divided almost to the middle into two acutelobes with an awn 1/4 to 3/8 inch long, paleate; _palea_ is lanceolate, nerveless and encloses three stamens and the ovary and sometimes onlythe ovary. The _pedicelled_ _spikelets_ are shorter than the sessile butwith a shorter awn. The _glumes_ are similar to those of the sessilespikelet; sometimes these spikelets are imperfect or even reduced to asingle glume. This grass grows well in black cotton soils and sometimes it gets verywell established and then it is very difficult to eradicate it. Cattleseem to like this grass. _Distribution. _--In black cotton soils all over the presidency, but mostabundant in the Ceded districts. [Illustration: Fig. 135. --Ischĉmum ciliare. ] =Ischĉmum ciliare, _Retz. _= It is a tufted perennial grass, erect or creeping. Stems are erect orascending, sometimes decumbent at base, and rooting at the nodes, stoutor slender, 6 inches to 2 feet long. The _leaf-sheath_ is compressed, loose, glabrous or hairy. The _ligule_is a short, ciliate membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous or hairy. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed towardsthe acute or rounded base, glabrous or hairy, 2 to 6 inches long and 1/6to 1/2 inch wide. The _inflorescence_ consists of two spikes, 1-1/2 to 2 inches long;joints and pedicels of the pedicelled spikelets equal, hairy at the backand at the angles. The _sessile spikelets_ are 1/8 to 1/5 inch long, oblong, bearded at thebase. The _first glume_ is coriaceous, convex, polished, smooth orpitted, hairy below, flat and veined above the middle, with broad ornarrow ciliate equal wings and with margins narrowly inflexed above andbroadly so below. The _second glume_ is coriaceous, equal to or longerthan the first, lanceolate, acuminate, or shortly awned, 3- to 5-nerved, keel narrowly winged towards the apex, dorsally ciliate or not. The_third glume_ is ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate towards the apex, 1- to 3-nerved, paleate; the _palea_ has a coriaceous lanceolate centre, with broad hyaline ciliate wings and encloses three stamens. The _fourthglume_ is hyaline, deeply lobed into two oblong obtuse glabrous orciliate lobes, with an awn twice as long as the spikelet in the cleft, and paleate; _palea_ is lanceolate, acuminate, 2-nerved. _Styles_ and_stigmas_ are short. [Illustration: Fig. 136. --Ischĉmum ciliare. 1. Spikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 5 and 7. Palea of thethird and the fourth glumes, respectively; 8. Lodicules, stamens and theovary; 9 and 10. The first and the second glumes of the pedicelledspikelet. ] The _pedicelled spikelets_ resemble the sessile ones in the structure oftheir glumes and palea. This grass is very variable in its habit and in the structure of itsspikelets. It grows mostly in wet situations, such as the bunds of paddyfields and tanks. Cattle eat the grass eagerly. _Distribution. _--All over India and Ceylon. =Ischĉmum laxum, _L. _= This is a perennial grass with numerous stiff, thick and wiry roots. Stems are erect, slender, rising in tufts from a short root-stock, glabrous, leafy towards the base, varying in length from 2 to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheaths_ are shorter than the internodes usually glabrous, butoccasionally with scattered hairs. At the mouth tufts of hairs arepresent or not. The _ligule_ is a ridge of silky hairs. The _nodes_ areglabrous. The _leaf-blades_ are erect, flat, slightly glaucous, linear, narrowedto long capillary tips, 5 to 12 inches long and 1/10 to 1/6 inch broad, with prominent nerves and scabrid margins. The _inflorescence_ is a solitary spike, 2 to 5 inches long, erect andfragile; the joints and pedicels are compressed, somewhat 2-angled, ciliate with long hairs, and about half as long as the spikelets. [Illustration: Fig. 137. --Ischĉmum laxum. 1. A sessile and a pedicelled spikelet; 2. First glume of a sessilespikelet; 3. Second glume of a sessile spikelet; 4 and 5. Third andfourth glumes of sessile spikelets; 4a and 5a. Are palea of third andfourth glumes; 6. Ovary; 7, 8, 9 and 10. Glumes of pedicelled spikelets;9a and 10a. Palea of third and fourth glumes. ] The _spikelets_ are in pairs, one-sessile and one-pedicelled. The_sessile spikelets_ are pale-green, linear-oblong, acuminate with ashortly bearded callus, 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch long. There are fourglumes in a spikelet. The _first glume_ is chartaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, 2-toothed with the teeth ending in twoshort awns, densely ciliated at the apex on one side, conspicuously 6-(rarely) 7-nerved, the two lateral being very strong and running intothe apical teeth and the intermediate four nerves being shorter and notrunning up to the apex, and on the dorsal surface there is a depression, where it is membranous and the nerves on its sides sometimesanastomosing at the upper third of the glume. The _second_ _glume_ isshorter than the first, chartaceous to a certain extent, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, concave, terminating in a fine scabrid awn, 1/2 inch long, with margins ciliate from above the middle to the apex, and with a narrow ciliated wing on the keel at the apex running up tothe base of the awn, 3-nerved. The _third glume_ is lanceolate, acuminate, hyaline, nerveless, ciliate, with a linear obtuse _palea_enclosing three stamens and two _lodicules_. The _fourth glume_ ishyaline, membranous, deeply split at the apex into two prominent lobesand with an awn in the depression 1/2 inch long, the _palea_ is linearoblong and contains either the ovary alone or both the _stamens_ and the_ovary_. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are also as long as the sessile, moreconspicuous than the sessile and consist of four glumes, but are notawned. The _first glume_ is lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, chartaceous, with seven strong nerves, very prominent at the back andthe mid nerve being most conspicuous, with scabrid keels and closelyfinely ciliated and folded margins, finely biaristate at the apex. The_second glume_ is lanceolate, finely acuminate, sub-chartaceous, withthe margins ciliate from about two-third its length from the apex, 3-nerved, the mid nerve alone being prominent. The _third glume_ ishyaline, nerveless, lanceolate, ciliate in the margin, paleate with 3stamens or empty. The _fourth glume_ is shorter than the third, hyaline, narrow lanceolate, not awned, ciliate or not at the margin, paleate andwith three stamens and two _lodicules_. This grass produces a large amount of leaves in good soils and it isliked very much by cattle. It is capable of standing a long spell of dryweather, and is valuable in this respect because it can be depended uponwhen other grasses fail. It is worth conserving with other grasses. Itgrows both in rich and poor soils, in open places and also in thickets. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. 21. Eremochloa, _Buse. _ These are tufted perennial grasses with rigid equitant leaves at thebase. The inflorescence consists of a solitary, glabrous, and compressedspike, with a somewhat fragile rachis; the joints are compressed, hollowand clavate. The spikelets are solitary, usually 2-flowered (rarely1-flowered), secund, closely imbricating, sessile with a short, pedicelled, reduced upper spikelet, and deciduous with the joint. Thereare four glumes. The first glume is oblong or ovate, flat, smooth, coriaceous, pectinately margined with upcurved spines. The second glumeis oblong-lanceolate, acute and 3-nerved. The third glume is hyaline, obtuse, paleate and male. The fourth glume is smaller, hyaline, oblong, obtuse, 1-nerved, paleate, bisexual or female. Lodicules are truncateand slightly oblique. Stamens are three with long anthers. Styles aretwo with feathery stigmas. The grain is oval, plano-convex. =Eremochloa muricata, _Hack. _= This is a perennial tufted grass with a woody creeping root-stock. Stemsare erect or ascending, slender, strongly compressed, lower partscompletely covered by rigid equitant leaves, 6 to 18 inches long ormore. The _leaf-sheath_ is broad, flat, much compressed, glabrous and keeled. The _ligule_ is a short membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, glabrous on both sides, 2 to 6 inches longand 3/16 to 1/4 inch broad, with a rounded tip and two unequal lobes. The _spike_ is solitary, up to 6 inches (or more) in length, joints ofthe rachis 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the spikelets. _Spikelets_ aresolitary, sessile, compressed, secund. The _sessile spikelets_ are 3/16to 1/6 inch, and consist of four spikelets. The _first glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, dorsally slightly convex, smooth, coriaceous, 7- to9-nerved, and with pectinate margins consisting of long, spreading, upcurved spines and at the top with subquadrate wings on each sidereaching beyond the acute tip. The _second glume_ is chartaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, usually 5-nerved (and occasionally3-nerved), the mid-nerve keeled with a narrow wing from below the middleto the base and with hyaline margins. The _third glume_ isoblong-obovate, hyaline, thin, paleate with three yellow _anthers_ andtwo oblong-cuneate _lodicules_; _palea_ is narrow, oblong, obtuse. The_fourth glume_ is thin, hyaline, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, paleate, andbisexual; _palea_ lanceolate, narrow, two-toothed at the apex, with deeppurple _anthers_ and _stigmas_ of the same colour. The _lodicules_ areobliquely truncate. _Ovary_ has a reddish spot between the stylebranches and just at the apex in the fresh state in the bud and in theopen flower. [Illustration: Fig. 138. --Eremochloa muricata. A. Sessile spikelet; B. Sessile and a pedicelled spikelet; 1, 2, 3 and4. The first, second, third and the fourth glume of the sessilespikelet; 3a and 4a. Palea of the third and fourth glumes of the sessilespikelet; 5. Ovary, anthers and lodicules. ] The _pedicelled spikelet_ is reduced to an inflated body, as long as thesessile spikelet. It is pointed towards both ends, green withanastomosing veins on the outside and membranous, white and nerveless onthe other side. The part of the pedicelled spikelet corresponding to thespikelet looks as if the margins of the first and second glumes areconfluent all round. _Distribution. _--South India and Ceylon. 22. Apocopis, _Nees. _ These are annual or perennial grasses with slender stems. The spikes arecompressed, 2- to 3-nate, or solitary at the ends of slender branches, with a rachis not jointed; joints are short, slender and villous. Spikelets are closely imbricating in two series, sessile, solitary, theupper reduced to a small pedicel 1- to 2-flowered, the lowest few on thespike, imperfect, male or neuter. There are four glumes. The first glumeis large, broadly obovate or obcordate, cuneate, villous with brownhairs, 7- to 9-nerved. The second glume is as long as the first, butnarrower, thinner, oblong to ovate, spikelet truncate and 3-nerved. Thethird glume is hyaline, narrow, paleate, male or empty. The fourth glumeis hyaline, linear, entire or 2-fid, awned, bisexual with a very shortpalea. Lodicules are absent. Stamens are two or three with linearanthers. Styles are short and stigmas slender and exserted. The grain issmall, oblong and narrow. [Illustration: Fig. 139. --Apocopis Wightii. ] =Apocopis Wightii, _Nees ex Steud. _= This is a low and densely tufted or tall erect annual grass. Stems areleafy, branching freely, 3 to 8 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is loose, usually hairy, rarely also glabrous andhairy at the mouth. The _ligule_ is a small lacerate membrane. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, acuminate, hairy on both sidesand with tubercle-based hairs, rarely glabrous, 3/4 to 3 inches by 1/12to 1/8 inch. The _inflorescence_ consists of two racemes, closely appressed togetheron a very slender peduncle; the joints are shorter than the spikeletsand with long brown hairs. The _spikelets_ are oblong, 1/8 to 1/5 inch long, the callus is short, hairy with long brown hairs. The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate orobcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7- to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasingtowards the apex. The _second glume_ is as long as the first, broadlyoblong, sides sharply folded inwards, 3-nerved, rarely nerveless, withlong hairs at the back towards the base and with short cilia at theapex. The _third glume_ is as long as the first, hyaline, thin, linear-oblong, nerveless, ciliate at the apex, paleate, usually with twostamens or empty; _palea_ as long as the glume, hyaline and nerveless. The _fourth glume_ is slightly longer than the other glumes or equal, very narrowly oblong or linear, membranous, awned and paleate; _awn_ is2 to 6 times the length of the glume, 7/8 to 1-1/4 inch long; _palea_ ishyaline, thin, nerveless, convolute, broadly oblong to almost quadrateoblong, apex with very short cilia. Grain is minute and oblong. [Illustration: Fig. 140. --Apocopis Wightii. 1. Spike; 2. A spikelet; 3, 4, 5 and 7. The first, second, third and thefourth glume, respectively; 6 and 8. Palea of the third and the fourthglume; 9. Ovary. ] This grass varies very much in its spikelets. In one form they aresmaller and hairy and in the other they are larger and glabrous exceptfor a few stray hairs here and there. The former one is more widelydistributed and the latter seems to be confined to certain localities inthe south of the Presidency. _Distribution. _--Throughout the Deccan Peninsula, Behar, Central India, Burma and Ceylon. 23. Lophopogon, _Hack. _ These are small densely tufted perennial grasses, with very narrowleaves. The spikes are very short at the ends of very fine branches, solitary, binate or fascicled, with very fragile rachis; joints are veryshort, slender with cupular tips. The spikelets are binate one sessileand the other shortly pedicelled, with the callus villous. There arefour glumes. The first glume (of both the sessile and the pedicelledspikelets) is oblong, truncate, irregularly 3- to 4-toothed, 5- to7-nerved and dorsally convex. The second glume is narrow lanceolate, longer than the first, 3- to 5-nerved, hispidly villous dorsally belowthe middle and on the sides, aristate or awned. The third glume isoblong lanceolate, hyaline, acute or aristate, 1-nerved, male or neuter, with a linear palea. The fourth glume is hyaline, as long as the third, entire or 2-fid and awned in the pedicelled and not awned in sessilespikelets, paleate with female or bisexual flowers. Lodicules are notpresent. Stamens are two. Stigmas are long. =Lophopogon tridentatus, _Hack. _= This is a small annual grass with slender, tufted, erect stems varyingin height from 4 to 12 inches. _Leaf-sheaths_ are glabrous or with scattered hairs. The _ligule_ is afringe of close-set long hairs. _Nodes_ are covered with long hairsbelow, but nodes nearer the inflorescence are glabrous. _Leaf-blades_ are very finely linear, acuminate, rigid, erect, glabrousbelow, with long hairs on the upper surface to about quarter the lengthof the blade and densely hairy near the mouth, and varying in lengthfrom 2 to 6 inches. The _inflorescence_ consists of usually two closely appressed spikes, though appearing as one, 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, pilose with ferrugineoushairs; the peduncle is capillary and enclosed by the upper leaf-sheath. [Illustration: Fig. 141. --Lophopogon tridentatus. 1. Awnless lower spikelet; 2. A lower sessile and an upper pedicelledspikelet; 3. The first glume of an awnless lower spikelet; 4. The firstglume of a lower spikelet that is awned; 5. The first, glume of theupper or pedicelled spikelets; 6, 7 and 9. The second, third and thefourth glume, respectively, of the upper pedicelled spikelets; 8 and 10. Palea of the third and the fourth glumes; 11. Ovary and anthers. ] The _spikelets_ are densely imbricate, binate at each joint, the upperbeing shortly pedicelled and the lower sessile or subsessile. The _lowerspikelets_ are 1/5 inch long with a tuft of brownish hairs at the tip ofthe callus. The _lower spikelets_ at the very base of the inflorescenceare awnless and contain only two male flowers, whereas those above inthe inflorescence are awned and contain one male flower and onehermaphrodite or female flower. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ in theawnless spikelets is coriaceous, oblong, cuneate, very sparsely hairy orglabrous, shorter than the second glume, 7-nerved, 5-toothed at theapex, two teeth being broader and shorter and three sharper and longer. The _second glume_ is longer than the first, 1/5 inch long, sub-chartaceous, lanceolate, 3-nerved, 2-fid at the tip and awned oraristate, margin hyaline and with long brownish hairs on the marginalnerves. The _third glume_ is hyaline, a little shorter than the second, lanceolate-linear, tip bifid or irregularly toothed, paleate with twostamens or rarely empty; the _palea_ is linear, about as long as theglume, tip irregularly toothed. The _fourth glume_ is hyaline, as longas the third glume, 2-fid at the tip, awnless with a very minute aristain the cleft or not, paleate with two stamens; _palea_ narrow andhyaline. The _first glume_ of the lower spikelets above is somewhatnarrower, 5- or 3-toothed with long hairs at the margins and with tuftsof hairs at the back about the middle. The pedicelled or upper spikeletsalso have four _glumes_ and bear one male flower and one bisexualflower. The _first glume_ is shorter than the second glume, narrow, oblong, cuneate, 3-toothed with marginal hairs and tufts of hairs atabout the middle at the back, 7-nerved all nerves running straight. The_second glume_ is longer than the first, 1/5 inch long, sub-chartaceous, lanceolate, 2-fid at the tip, awned with hyaline margins, 3- to7-nerved, marginal nerves with long brown hairs, and also with two tuftsof hairs at about the middle or without it. The _third glume_ ishyaline, nerveless, linear-lanceolate, shorter than the second glume, tip irregularly toothed or unequally bifid, paleate with two stamens;_palea_ is linear about as long as the glume. The _fourth glume_ ishyaline, about 1/6 inch long, lanceolate, 2-fid at the tip, awned in thecleft, lobes are hairy; _awn_ is 3/4 inch long, paleate, usuallybisexual, rarely female; _palea_ is two-thirds of the glume in height, broadly ovate or quadrate, lobulate at the apex. _Styles_ are very long, purple, _anthers_ long, yellow. Grain narrow ellipsoidal or cylindric aslong as the palea. This grass is found in Chingleput, Nellore and Chittoor districts inopen waste places in loamy soils. _Distribution. _--The Konkan, Kanara and Central Provinces. 24. Apluda, _L. _ These are tall leafy slender perennial grasses, with branching stemserect or geniculately ascending from a creeping or decumbent base. Theinflorescence is a leafy panicle of many small spikes enclosed inspathiform bracts. Spikes are of one linear joint gibbously bulbous atthe base, and jointed on the peduncle at the base of the spathe by aminute curved pedicel. Spikelets are three, a sessile, 2-floweredbisexual one in front, and two pedicelled ones behind, one of which isimperfect and reduced to a glume and the other perfect male or rarelybisexual. The two pedicels are flat, prolonged from one side of therounded rachis, oblong linear, truncate with a few long hairs along themargin. Sessile spikelets have four glumes. The first glume ischartaceous, linear oblong, many-nerved, shortly bifid at the apex, longer than the other glumes. The second glume is thinner, dorsallygibbous, keeled, 5- to 9-nerved, beaked and minutely bifid. The thirdglume is hyaline, oblong, acute, 3-nerved, paleate and male. The fourthglume is hyaline, deeply bifid, awned in the sinus, bisexual with aminute palea. The pedicelled spikelet has also four glumes. The firstand the second glumes are nearly equal, rather chartaceous. Linear-oblong, acute or acuminate, many-nerved. The third glume ishyaline, oblong-lanceolate, 3-nerved, paleate and male. The fourth glumeis hyaline, bifid, paleate, 1-nerved, female or bisexual. Lodicules aretwo. Stamens are three. Grain is oblong. =Apluda varia, _Hack. _= This is a tall leafy perennial grass with wiry roots. Stems are denselytufted, branched, geniculately ascending, erect or the branchesscandent, solid, smooth and polished, 1 to 7 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous or slightly hairy, the upper ones beingshorter and dilated into spathes with subulate tips. The _ligule_ is ashort stiff slightly lacerate membrane. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, base narrowedinto a petiole, scaberulous on both the surfaces. The _inflorescence_ consists of simple spikes, each in a spathiformbract, and forming clusters terminating the stem and the branches. The_spikes_ have their bases rounded and swollen and each spike consists ofa sessile bisexual spikelet and two flat linear, truncate, parallelpedicels, one terminated by a spikelet, and the other by a solitaryminute glume. Spathes are 1/8 to 1/3 inch long, sessile or pedicellate, green, cymbiform, with subulate tips. [Illustration: Fig. 142. --Apluda varia. A. A cluster of spikes containing five spikes with their spathes; B andC. Spikes. ] The _sessile_ as well as the _pedicelled spikelets_ have four _glumes_. The _sessile spikelets_ are 1/8 to 1/5 inch long. The _first glume_ isspreading or erect, chartaceous, many-nerved, two-toothed at the apexand with narrow hyaline margins from about the middle to the apex. The_second glume_ is compressed, dorsally gibbous, keeled, 7-nerved. The_third glume_ is hyaline, oblong-lanceolate, 3-nerved, paleate withthree stamens; _palea_ is narrow. The _fourth glume_ is shorter than thethird, deeply 2-fid and awned in the cleft, bisexual or female, 3- to5-nerved below the cleft, the lateral nerves arching and meeting themid-nerve just at the cleft, with a small ovate palea. There are two_lodicules_. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are dorsally compressed. The_first glume_ is lanceolate, oblong, subacute, many-nerved, coriaceousand glabrous. The _second glume_ is as long as the first, many-nerved, lanceolate-oblong, coriaceous and glabrous. The _third glume_ ishyaline, shorter than the second, 3-nerved, paleate and with threestamens. The _fourth glume_ is shorter than or equal to the third, hyaline, 1-nerved rarely with two short lateral nerves, female orimperfect. _Lodicules_ are two. A very common grass occurring in the plains and lower hills, all overthe Presidency and grows well in all kinds of soil. _Distribution. _--All over India. [Illustration: Fig. 143. --Apluda varia. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 3a and 4a. Are the palea of thethird and the fourth glume, respectively; 5. Stamens, ovary andlodicules; 6, 7, 8 and 10. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively, of the pedicelled spikelet; 9 and 11. Palea of thethird and the fourth glumes. ] 25. Rottboellia, _Linn. F. _ These are tall, annual or perennial grasses, with leafy stems and narrowleaves. The spikes are few or many, solitary or panicled, with a jointedusually fragile rachis; the joints are rounded or compressed, hollowedon one side and excavated at the tip. The spikelets are usually binate, one-sessile closing or sunk in the cavity of the joint and the otherpedicelled, smaller than the sessile or rudimentary with the pedicelusually adnate to the joints and equal to or shorter than it. Thesessile spikelets are bisexual, 1- to 2-flowered, equal to or shorterthan the joint and four-glumed. The first glume is coriaceous dorsallyflattened, obtuse, margins narrowly incurved. The second glume isthinner than the first, broadly ovate, acute and gibbously convex. Thethird glume is hyaline, ovate, acute, male or neuter, with a membranouspalea. The fourth glume is hyaline, bisexual, broadly ovate, acute witha hyaline, ovate-lanceolate palea. There are three stamens with linearanthers. There are two cuneate lodicules. Styles are two with laterallyexserted stigmas. The grain is broadly oblong. The pedicelled spikeletsare smaller than the sessile, male or neuter, with four glumes. Thefirst glume is herbaceous, many-nerved, ovate-acute, minutely bifid atthe apex. The second, third and the fourth are more or less similar tothose of the sessile spikelet. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spike solitary, the first glume of the sessile spikelet broadly winged. R. Myurus. Spikes fascicled, the first glume of the sessile spikelet narrowly winged. R. Exaltata. =Rottboellia Myurus, _Benth. _= This is a tufted perennial with creeping stems which branch freely intoascending compressed branches, 10 inches to 2 feet high. The _leaf-sheath_ is quite glabrous and compressed. The _ligule_ is ashort ciliate membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous. _The leaf-blade_ is flat, linear, acute, glabrous, 2 to 6 inches long. The _inflorescence_ consists of a solitary terminal or axillary _raceme_1 to 2 inches long; joints are shorter than the spikelets, excavate onone side and with a pore which is hidden by the sessile spikelet. The_sessile spikelet_ consists of _four glumes_. The _first glume_ issomewhat fiddle-shaped, dilated above the middle into an orbicular wing, and towards the base into two auricles joined by a transverse ridge, scaberulous, 5-nerved. The _second glume_ is somewhat membranous, ovate, acute and 3-nerved. The _third glume_ is hyaline, thin, oblong, obtuseand nerveless. The _fourth glume_ is lanceolate, nerveless and without apalea, bisexual. There are two cuneate _lodicules_. The _pedicelledspikelets_ also have four glumes and the pedicels usually free, but alsosometimes adnate. The _first glume_ is oblong, obtuse, winged on oneside only, 5-nerved. The _second glume_ is boat-shaped, chartaceous, 3-nerved crested with a semi-circular wing at the apex. The _thirdglume_ is hyaline, broadly oblong, obtuse, 3-nerved with a lanceolatehyaline palea. The _fourth glume_ is oblong, obtuse, male. [Illustration: Fig. 144. --Rottboellia Myurus. ] 1. A portion of the raceme showing front view; 2. A portion of theraceme showing the back view; 3. A sessile and a pedicelled spikeletshowing the front side; 4. The same showing the back side; 5, 6, 7 and8. The first, second, third and the fourth glume of the sessilespikelet, respectively; 9 ovary and lodicules; 10, 11, 12 and 14. Thefirst, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of thepedicelled spikelet; 13 and 15. Palea of the third and fourth glumes ofthe sessile spikelet. This is very common in dry somewhat sandy places in the East Coastdistricts. _Distribution. _--Common in Deccan peninsula. =Rottboellia exaltata, _L. F. _= This grass is usually annual and rarely perennial. Stems are stout, erect, hispid, branching from the base, varying in height from 3 to 10feet. The _leaf-sheaths_ are loose, hispid with tubercle-based hairs, orglabrous, with mouth contracted. The _ligule_ is short and ciliate. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, setaceously-acuminate with astout midrib prominent beneath, hispid or scabrid above, smooth orsometimes scaberulous and glaucous beneath, spinulosely scabrid at themargin, 5 to 24 inches by 1/4 to 1 inch. [Illustration: Fig. 145. --Rottboellia exaltata. 1 and 2. A portion of the spike, back and front view; 3, 4, 5 and 7. Thefirst, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessilespikelet; 6 and 8. Palea of the third and the fourth glumes of thesessile spikelet; 9. Ovary; 10, 11, 12 and 14. The first, second, thirdand the fourth glume of the pedicelled spikelet; 13 and 15. Palea of thethird and the fourth glume of the pedicelled spikelet. ] The _racemes_ are stout, cylindrical below and very narrow and withimperfect spikelets above, joints are smooth and rounded dorsally. The_sessile spikelets_ are as long as the joint or slightly shorter and hasfour glumes. The _first glume_ is ovate-oblong, thickly coriaceous, smooth at the back with a truncate base and a transverse ridge at thebase inside, many-nerved, with very narrow inflexed margins and verynarrow wings at the top, the apex is obtuse or emarginate. The _secondglume_ is equal to the first glume in height, chartaceous, gibbouslyconvex, broadly ovate, acute, 9- to 11-nerved, and with a short wing tothe keel at the apex. The _third glume_ is oblong or elliptic-oblong, rigid with a hyaline centre and coriaceous at the sides, 3-nerved, paleate and with three stamens; _palea_ is as long as the glume, coriaceous with inflexed hyaline margins. _Lodicules_ are cuneate, withtoothed edge. The _fourth glume_ is a little shorter than the third, ovate from a broad base, hyaline and acute, 1-nerved, paleate andusually with an ovary and two _lodicules_: _palea_ is hyaline, as longas the glume. But narrower, nerveless. _Lodicules_ are quadrate; grainsomewhat large oblong and compressed. The _pedicelled spikelets_ areusually imperfect. This grass occurs all over the Presidency in cultivated dry fields. _Distribution. _--Throughout the lower hills and plains of India and inAustralia and Africa. 26. Mnesithea, _Kunth. _ These are erect slender perennial grasses with narrow leaves. The spikesare solitary and slender, with a fragile, articulated rachis; the jointsare terete, ribbed, all but a few upper with two equal and similarsessile spikelets, sunk in sub-opposite oblong cavities, separated by ahyaline septum, and with sometimes a minute glume representing a thirdspikelet (the pedicelled) on the upper margin of the joint. The sessilespikelets are one-flowered, nearly as long as the internode. There arefour glumes in the spikelet. The first glume closing the mouth of thecavity in the joint is obliquely oblong, obtuse, smooth with narrowlyincurved margins. The second and the third glumes are as long as thefirst, obtuse and hyaline. The third glume is empty, paleate or not. Thefourth glume is rather small, oblong, obtuse, bisexual and palea shorterthan the glume. The lodicules are not present. The stamens are three. Ovary is very small with stigmas not exserted. The grain is narrowlyoblong compressed. The pedicelled spikelets are confined to the upper1-flowered joints of the spike and their pedicels are confluent with thewalls of the joints and their margins are marked by two ribs. The firstglume is very minute and the other glumes are absent. =Mnesithea lĉvis, _Kunth. _= This is an erect slender perennial grass with smooth simple or branchedstems varying in height from 2 to 4 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is terete, tight, glabrous. The _ligule_ is a shorttoothed membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, linear from a narrow base, glabrous or basehairy; apices of upper leaves acuminate, and those of the lower obtuse, with finely serrate margins and a midrib prominent below, 6 to 12 incheslong and 1/10 to 1/6 inch wide. _Racemes_ are short, exserted from the uppermost sheath, erect, 4 to 8inches long; joints are 1/5 inch long, contracted in the middle, withtwo equal and similar spikelets, sunk in the opposite oblong cavitiesseparated by a thin hyaline septum and sometimes with a minute glume ofthe third spikelet on the upper margin of the joint. [Illustration: Fig. 146. --Mnesithea lĉvis. 1 and 2. Portions of a spike; 3, 4, 5 and 6. The first, second, thirdand the fourth glume, respectively; 7. Palea of the fourth glume; 8. Ovary; 9 and 10. A part of the spike at the terminal portion. ] The _sessile spikelets_ are 1-flowered, as long as the joint and varyingin length from 1/7 to 1/5 inch and have four _glumes_. The _first glume_is obliquely oblong, coriaceous, smooth, obtuse, margins narrowlyincurved, truncate and pitted at the base, 5- to 7-nerved. The _secondglume_ is as long as the first hyaline, oblong and obtuse. The _thirdglume_ is like the second but thinner and slightly broader, paleate ornot, empty. The _fourth glume_ is rather smaller than the third, oblong, obtuse, bisexual and paleate; the _palea_ is shorter than the glume. _Lodicules_ are not present. This grass is usually found in dry fields all over the presidency but itis nowhere abundant. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. 27. Manisuris, _Sw. _ These are erect leafy much branched annual grasses. Leaves areamplexicaul and cordate at the base. The inflorescence consists ofsmall, terete, axillary and terminal spikes with peduncles oftenconfluent in a leafy spiciform panicle; the rachis is fragile with shortbroad joints, deeply excavate opposite the sessile spikelets and thetips with two pits. Spikelets are in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile and bisexual and the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter with thepedicels adnate to, or closely appressed to the joint of the rachis. Thesessile spikelet has four glumes. The first glume is globose, hard, coarsely pitted, with an oblong ventral opening opposite the cavity inthe joint of the rachis. The second glume is chartaceous, minute, oblong, 1-nerved immersed in the cavity of the first glume and closingthe opening. The third and the fourth glumes are hyaline and minute. Thelodicules are broadly cuneate. Anthers are minute. The styles are freeand stigmas are short exserted from the opening in the first glume. Grain is sub-globose. =Manisuris granularis, _L. F. _= This is a freely branching annual with stems leafy to the top andvarying in length from 1 to 2-1/2 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is inflated, covered with scattered tubercle-basedhairs. The _ligule_ is a short membrane with ciliate margin. _Nodes_ arewith long hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, cordate and amplexicaul at base, acute, flat, flaccid, with scattered tubercle-based hairs on both the surfaces, 4 to 10 inches by 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The _spikes_ are solitary, axillary and terminal and 1/4 to 1 inch, thepeduncles of the spikes are often confluent in a leafy spathiformpanicle; the rachis is fragile with short joints deeply excavate on oneside. [Illustration: Fig. 147. --Manisuris granularis. 1 and 2. The front and back view of a bit of a spike; 3, 4, 5 and 6. Thefirst, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessilespikelet; 7. Ovary anthers and lodicules; 8, 9, 10 and 12. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the pedicelledspikelet; 11 and 13. Palea of the third and fourth glumes. ] The _spikelets_ are 1- to 2-flowered in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile and bisexual and the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter; thepedicel is adnate to the joint of the rachis. The _sessile spikelet_ has four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is hard, globose, foveolate, with an oblong opening, faintly nerved. The _secondglume_ is chartaceous, immersed in the cavity of the joint, and fillingthe opening. The _third glume_ is small hyaline and empty. The _fourthglume_ is hyaline, small and paleate. The grain is sub-globose. _Lodicules_ are broadly cuneate. The _pedicelled spikelets_ also have four _glumes_. The _first glume_ isovate, sub-chartaceous, winged on one side with a broad hyaline ciliatewing, 5- to 7-veined. The _second glume_ is cymbiform, compressedlaterally, with a dorsal hyaline ciliate wing to the keel, 5- to7-veined. The _third glume_ is hyaline, membranous, oblong, 2-nerved andpaleate or not, and with or without stamens. The _fourth glume_ issimilar to the third, but slightly smaller, paleate and with threestamens. This grass occurs in open loamy soils and in cultivated dry fields. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon and also in most of thetropical countries. 28. Andropogon, _L. _ The grasses of this genus are either perennial or annual and vary verymuch in habit. The inflorescence consists of solitary, binate, digitate, or panicled racemes. The rachis is usually jointed and fragile. Spikelets are binate, a sessile female or bisexual and a pedicelled maleor neuter. The sessile spikelet is 1-flowered and has usually fourglumes. The first glume is coriaceous or chartaceous, dorsallycompressed, with incurved margins, usually 2-keeled. The second glume isas long as the first, thinner, with a median keel, laterally compressed, awned or not. The third glume is hyaline, empty, nerveless and without apalea. The fourth glume is hyaline, narrow or broad, 2-fid and awned, orreduced to an awn more or less dilated at the base, paleate or not. There are two lodicules and three stamens. Stigmas are feathery. Grainis free. The pedicelled spikelets are usually smaller than the sessileand have three or four glumes and are awnless. KEY TO THE SPECIES. A. Sessile spikelets all similar. B. Racemes of many spikelets. C. Peduncle of racemes enclosed in spathiform leaf-sheaths. D. Joints of rachis and pedicels of upper spikelets slender and tips obliquely truncate. Racemes solitary, pedicelled spikelets similar to the sessile, glume 1 of sessile spikelets pitted. 1. A. Foveolatus. DD. Joints of rachis and pedicels of upper spikelets clavate or trumpet-shaped and tips cupular with toothed margins. Racemes binate, pedicelled spikelets differing from the sessile, glume I of the sessile spikelets deeply channelled. 2. A. Pumilus CC. Peduncle of racemes not enclosed in spathiform leaf-sheath. Racemes many, fascicled or panicled, glume I of sessile spikelets glabrous and pitted. 3. A. Pertusus. Racemes many and whorled in the panicle; glume I of sessile spikelets muricate on the margins. 4. A. Squarrosus. BB. Racemes of 3 spikelets on the capillary whorled branches of an erect panicle. Pedicels of upper spikelets half as long as the sessile spikelets or longer. Leaves broad. Leaf-sheaths covered densely with bristly hairs. 5. A. Asper. Leaf-sheaths covered with soft hairs. 6. A. Wightianus Pedicels of upper spikelets not half as long as the sessile spikelet. Leaves glabrous and narrow 7. A. Monticola. AA. The lowest one or more sessile spikelets in all racemes, or at least in one or two, differing from all those above. Racemes digitate, rarely solitary, spikelets all alike in form but differing in sex. Pedicel 1/3 as long as the sessile spikelets; nodes usually glabrous; ligule usually short and membranous. 8. A. Caricosus. Pedicel 1/2 as long as the sessile spikelets; nodes bearded; ligule large and membranous. 9. A. Annulatus. Racemes solitary; lower sessile spikelets very unlike the pedicelled or upper spikelets which are cylindric. Margin of glume 1 of the pedicelled spikelet unequally winged; ligule is a broad truncate membrane. 10. A. Contortus. Racemes two, both sessile, or one sessile and the other pedicelled on a peduncle which is more or less sheathed by a proper spathe, divaricate or deflexed. Leaf base broad and cordate 11. A. Schoenanthus. _N. B. _--This genus is now split into several separate genera, each subgenus being raised to the rank of a genus. But in this book the nomenclature adopted in Hooker's Flora of British India is followed. [Illustration: Fig. 148. --Andropogon foveolatus. ] =Andropogon foveolatus, _Del. _= The stems are slender at first, slightly decumbent at the base and thenerect, covered at base with silkily villous sheaths, branches freelyabove before flowering, the lower portion of stems alone being leafy. The _leaf-sheath_ is somewhat scaberulous, partly green and partlypurplish, always shorter than the internode. The _ligule_ is short, truncate, hyaline and ciliate. _Nodes_ are tumid and purplish with aring of hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, narrow, sometimes even filiform, acuminateslightly cordate at the base, scabrid throughout with a few scatteredlong bulbous-based hairs near the base to a distance of less than 1/2inch about it and varies from 2 to 4 inches in length. [Illustration: Fig. 149. --Andropogon foveolatus. 1 and 2. Sessile and pedicelled spikelets; 3, 4, 5 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessilespikelet; 7. Lodicules, anthers and ovary; 8, 9 and 10. The two glumesand the palea of the pedicelled spikelet. ] The _spikes_ are solitary, 1 to 1-3/4 inch long exserted far above thesmall spathiform leaf-sheaths, peduncles are capillary and scaberulous, pedicels and joints are somewhat flattened, and have along both thenarrow margins long, white, ascending hairs; callus is short with a ringof short white hairs. There are two kinds of _spikelets, _ sessile and pedicelled, and both areoblong-lanceolate and equal. The _sessile spikelet_ consists of _four__glumes_. The _first glume_ is lanceolate, flat and smooth, keelsscabrid with usually a deep dorsal pit, 4-nerved. The _second glume_ islanceolate, acute, as long as the first, 3-nerved. The _third glume_ issmall, membranous, linear-lanceolate, nerveless. The _fourth glume_ isthe dilated base of the awn, awn is about 3/4 inch twisted to half itslength, scabrid, the lower twisted part dark and the upper pale. Thereare three _stamens_ and two _lodicules_. _Ovary_ has two feathery_stigmas_. The _pedicelled spikelets_ have only two glumes and containthree stamens. The _first glume_ is oblong-lanceolate, 5-nerved, pittedabove the middle, with recurved margins and scabrid keels and nerves. The _second glume_ is lanceolate, membranous, hairy at the top, 3-nervedwith margins infolded; _palea_ is oblanceolate, thinly membranous, nerveless and ciliated at the top; there are three _stamens_ and two_lodicules_. This is a fairly common grass occurring all over the Presidency muchliked by cattle and yields plenty of foliage if properly looked after. It grows on all kinds of soils, even laterite. _Distribution. _--Throughout India. [Illustration: Fig. 150. --Andropogon pumilus. ] =Andropogon pumilus, _Roxb. _= It is a tufted annual with numerous radiating branches, growing on alldirections, bent below and erect above; they vary in length from 6inches to 18 inches, but sometimes when growing under favourableconditions attain the length of 2-1/2 feet. The stem is slender, green, or pale reddish in the exposed portions and pale in parts covered bysheaths slightly flattened, smooth. The _leaf-sheaths_ are smooth, compressed, distinctly keeled. The_ligule_ is a short, truncate, white, glabrous membrane. The _nodes_ areglabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, finely acuminate, glabrous, but sometimessomewhat scabrid along the nerves and with scattered long delicate hairsabove especially when young, varying in length from 1 to 7 inches and1/10 to 1/8 inch in breadth. The _inflorescence_ consists of paired spikes with very slenderpeduncles arising from flattened, glabrous, acuminate spathes, varyingin length from 1/2 to 1-1/4 inches. The _spikes_ are spreading and oneof them always slightly longer than the other, reddish or pale green, 1/2 to 1 inch long; the _rachis_ consists of five to eight flat jointsbroadened at the top and ending in a cup, densely ciliate on both themargins, but hairs on one margin are shorter than those on the other. Each joint bears a sessile and a pedicelled spikelet. [Illustration: Fig. 151. --Andropogon pumilus. 1. A portion of the spike to show the arrangement of the spikelets; 1. The first glume of the sessile spikelet; 2. Second glume of the sessilespikelet; 3 and 4. Third and fourth glumes of the sessile spikelet; 5. Anthers, lodicules and the ovary; A, B and C. The three glumes of thepedicelled spikelets. ] The _sessile spikelet_ is about 3/16 inch with an awn 7/16 inch long. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is narrow, linear, membranous, grooved, finely bicuspidate at the apex, withincurved margins and two nerves ending in tubercles below. The _secondglume_ is a little longer than the first, narrow, lanceolate, boat-shaped, thinly coriaceous with membranous margins, 1-nerved andshortly awned. The _third glume_ is about 2/3 of the second glume inlength, and shorter than the first glume, linear-lanceolate, hyaline, nerveless or sometimes very obscurely 2-nerved. The _fourth glume_ isnarrow linear, hyaline with two very fine lobes at the apex with an awnbetween, 7/16 inch long. _Palea_ is hyaline and very small. _Stamens_are three, _ovary_ with two long reddish feathery _stigmas_. _Lodicules_small and cuneate. Grain is long and narrow. The _pedicelled spikelets_ have only three glumes, and are slightlyshorter than the sessile ones, pedicel is similar to the joint. The_first glume_ is ovate-lanceolate, thinly coriaceous, distinctlymany-nerved, acuminate, margins infolded and membranous. The _secondglume_ is ovate-lanceolate, membranous, glabrous and 3-nerved. The_third glume_ is short, oblong-lanceolate, nerveless or faintly2-nerved. There are three stamens. This grass is variable in its size. In dry soils such as laterite soils, it is a very small plant not exceeding 9 or 10 inches across its spread. But in good soil and under favourable conditions the plant measuresacross 5 or 6 feet. Cattle eat the grass before it flowers and do notrelish it so much when in flower. A common grass flourishing all over the Presidency. _Distribution. _--Occurs in drier parts throughout India. [Illustration: Fig. 152. --Andropogon pertusus. ] =Andropogon pertusus, _Willd. _= This grass is perennial. Stems are tufted, very slender, widely creepingon all sides, purplish, but the flowering branches are erect orascending from a geniculate base, leafy at base, the nodes of thecreeping branches rooting and bearing tufts of branches which finallybecome independent plants at each node, the creeping branches vary inlength from 1 to 3 feet and the erect ones from 10 to 18 inches or more. The _leaf-sheaths_ are terete or somewhat compressed, glabrous, sometimes ciliated near the node and shorter than the internode. The_ligule_ is a truncate membrane, slightly ciliate or not. _Nodes_ arebearded. The _leaf-blades_ in the prostrate branches are crowded, shortlinear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, soft, shortly hairy along thenerves, sparsely ciliate near the rounded base, varying in length from 1to 2 inches and in breadth 1/8 to 1/4 inch; but on the floweringbranches the leaves are longer, sometimes as long as twelve inches withbigger sheaths. [Illustration: Fig. 153. --Andropogon pertusus. 1. A portion of a spike; 2. A pair of spikelets; a. Sessile and b. Pedicelled; a-1. First glume; a-2. Second glume; a-3. Third glume; a-4. Fourth glume and awn; a-5. Ovary and stamens; a-6. Grain; b-1. Firstglume of pedicelled spikelet front and back; b-2. Second glume front andback; b-3. Third glume. ] The _inflorescence_ consists of three to nine, slender, flexuous, erect, purplish spikes, 1 to 2 inches long, alternately arranged on a thin, long, slender, smooth peduncle of about six inches; _rachis_ is slenderand the joints and pedicels are densely silky with long hairs. The _spikelets_ are in pairs, one sessile and one-pedicelled, both areequal, purplish or pale. The _sessile spikelet_ consists of four glumesand contains a complete flower and the callus is short and bearded withlong hairs. The _first glume_ is coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acute, truncate or emarginate, slightly hairy, or glabrous with a deep pitabove the middle (sometimes with two or three pits also) 7- to 9-nervedwith a few long hairs below the middle and with margins infolded andshortly ciliate. The _second glume_ is lanceolate-acuminate and finelypointed at the tip and the point projecting slightly beyond the firstglume, 3-nerved or 3- to 5-nerved, membranous, slightly hairy orglabrous, obscurely keeled. The _third glume_ is thin, membranous, shorter than the second glume, linear-oblong, subobtuse or acute at thetip and nerveless. The _fourth glume_ is the base of the awn and the_awn_ is not twisted, bent at about the middle, 1/2 to 2/3 inch long;there is no palea. _Anthers_ are three and yellow; _stigmas_ purple. Thegrain is oblong-obovate, slightly transparent. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are slightly narrower than the sessile, generally not pitted (though pitted in some plants), and not awned, andeach one consists of three glumes only; the pedicel is more than half aslong as the sessile spikelets. The _first glume_ is slightly hairy, oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, ciliate at the margins, 7- to 9-, or13-nerved, generally without pits, but occasionally with one, two orthree pits; the keels are ciliolate throughout the length. The _secondglume_ is membranous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, with incurved margins, 5-nerved. The _third glume_ is hyaline, linear-oblong, glabrous andthinly ciliate at the tip or not with or without stamens. This is an excellent fodder grass and it grows quickly and standscutting very well. Cattle eat this grass very well. _Distribution. _--This grass is found all over India in the plains orlower elevations of hills. =Andropogon squarrosus, _L. F. _= (_Vetiveria zizanioides. _) This is a densely tufted perennial grass with branching root-stocks andspongy aromatic roots. The stems are leafy, with equitant, hard, leaf-sheaths at the base, smooth and polished, solid, 2 to 3-1/2 feet high. The _leaf-sheaths_ are smooth, coriaceous, glabrous, keeled andcompressed. The _ligule_ is a very short membrane. _Leaf-blades_ are narrowly linear, erect, strongly keeled and flat, acuminate, glabrous both above and below, very much narrower than thesheath at the base, 1 to 2 feet by 1/3 to 3/4 inch. The _panicle_ is conical, erect with branches, fascicled, varying inlength from 4 to 12 inches. The _spikes_ consist of both sessile andpedicelled spikelets, that are either grey, green, or purplish. [Illustration: Fig 154. --Andropogon squarrosus. 1. A portion of a branch; 2. A sessile and a pedicelled spikelet; 3, 4, 5 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, ofthe sessile spikelet; 7. Palea of the fourth glume; 8. Lodicules, stamens and the ovary; 9, 10, 11 and 12. Glumes of the pedicelledspikelet; 13. Palea of the fourth glume. ] The _sessile spikelets_ are about 1/6 inch long, lanceolate and with ashortly bearded callus. The _first glume_ is ovate-oblong, thicklycoriaceous, obscurely 2- to 4-nerved (occasionally 5- to 7-nerved), acute, dorsally flat, with incurved margins and with two rows oftubercle-based minute prickles or mere excrescences at the sides. The_second glume_ is as long as the first, oblong, coriaceous, keeled, withhyaline and ciliolate margins, 1-nerved (sometimes 3-nerved, marginalfaint), and with minute prickles on the keel. The _third glume_ isbroadly oblong, hyaline, nerveless or rarely with two obscure veinsciliolate at the margins and acute or acuminate. The _fourth glume_ isshorter than the third, linear-oblong, mucronate or very shortly awnedat the apex, paleate; _palea_ about two-thirds the length of the glume, lanceolate. _Lodicules_ are two, quadrate and conspicuous though small. _Styles_ and _stigmas_ short. _Stamens_ are three with yellow anthers. _Stigmas_ are purple. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are similar to the sessile ones, but areslightly smaller and the prickles are less prominent. The _fourth glume_has no mucro or awn and has three stamens. This grass is fairly abundant in moist situations, in the margins oftanks and in tankbeds in the Coromandel districts, but in other inlanddistricts it is not so common. In some places it seems to be cultivated. This is the _khus-khus_ grass. _Distribution. _--Throughout the plains and lower hills of India, Burmaand Ceylon, also said to occur in Java and Tropical Africa. =Andropogon asper, _Heyne. _= (_Chrysopogon asper_, Heyne. ) This is a tufted perennial grass. Stems are stout below with distichousleaves and very slender above, 2 to 3-1/2 feet long. The _leaf-sheaths_ are distichous and towards the base of the stem are1/2 inch broad, compressed, keeled and with scattered tubercle-basedhairs. The _ligule_ is a short membrane fringed with close set hairs. [Illustration: Fig. 155. --Andropogon asper. Leafy shoot, a bit of the stem with leaf-sheaths and a bit of the leaf. ] The _leaf-blades_ are broad, distinctly linear, acute or acuminate, coriaceous, glabrous or softly hairy on both the surfaces, with aslender midrib which bears short stiff tubercle-based hairs all along, and margins with similar hairs, but a few leaves towards the base arelonger, and varying in length from 12 to 18 inches and in breadth from1/2 to 3/4 inch. The _panicle_ is somewhat narrow, 7 to 8 inches long, branches are veryslender, whorled, usually with only one spike consisting of a sessileand two pedicelled spikelets. The _sessile spikelets_ are 1/4 inch long, laterally compressed, with along callus villous all round, and bisexual. The _first glume_ iscoriaceous, linear-oblong, strongly compressed above and with a fewstiff short bristles beneath the tip. The _second glume_ is linear, oblong, coriaceous, with an awn as long as itself or shorter, keeled andwith short stiff bristles on the keel and on the sides above the middle. The _third glume_ is hyaline, narrow, obtuse, shorter than the second, 2-nerved, ciliate. The _fourth glume_ is the linear, hyaline, 3-nervedbase of the awn; the _awn_ is 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inches and bent at aboutthe middle. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are about 1/3 inch, narrowly lanceolate, maleor neuter and with short rusty hairs on both the margins of the pediceland a semi-circular tip. The _first glume_ is thin, 2-toothed or not atthe tip, awned, _awn_ being as long as itself or longer, 7-nerved, ciliate at the sides from base to tip; the nerves are either equidistantor the lateral nerves nearer the margin. The _second glume_ islanceolate-acuminate, not awned, 3-nerved, margins hyaline, andciliolate. The _third glume_ is hyaline, linear-oblong, 2-nerved, ciliolate. The _fourth glume_ is linear or linear-lanceolate, hyaline, nerveless or 1-nerved. [Illustration: Fig. 156. --Andropogon asper. 1. Spike; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 6. The ovary, lodicules andstamens; 7, 8, 9 and 10. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the pedicelled spikelet; 11. Callus of the spike. ] This grass grows abundantly on the sides of the Kambakkam Drug, Chingleput district, and in Penchalkonda, Nellore district, and seems tobe an endemic species. It is usually confined to the hill sides and notfound in the plains. This grass is very closely allied to _AndropogonWightianus_ and it differs from it only in the general habit of theplant and in having bristles on the leaf-sheaths. On the whole this is acoarser and larger plant than _A. Wightianus_. _Distribution. _--Kambakkam Drug in the Chingleput district andPenchalkonda in Nellore district. =Andropogon Wightianus, _Steud. _= (_Chrysopogon Wightianus_, Nees. ) This is a perennial. Stems are erect or ascending from a creepingroot-stock, varying in height from 2 to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is flattened, softly hairy or glabrous, often ciliatednear the mouth. The _ligule_ is a fringe of very short hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is narrowly or rarely broadly linear, obtuse or acuteand abruptly mucronate, or narrowly drawn into a point glabrous orpubescent, margins shortly ciliate. The _panicle_ is narrow, 3 to 6 inches long, peduncle smooth below butthinly pubescent above, lower branches long, few in a whorl; rachis isvery slender, angular, glabrous or hairy. The _spikes_ are solitary andeach one consists of one sessile and two pedicelled spikelets. Thecallus is long and densely bearded with brown hairs. [Illustration: Fig. 157. --Andropogon Wightianus. 1. A spike; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 6. Lodicules, stamens andthe ovary; 7, 8, 9 and 10. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively, of the pedicelled spikelet. ] _Sessile spikelets_ are bisexual, sub-cylindric about 1/4 inch long. There are four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is chartaceous, laterallycompressed, obscurely 4-nerved, glabrous below, hispid near the apex, minutely 2-toothed or not at the apex, not awned or rarely with a shortawn. The _second glume_ is chartaceous, distinctly awned, the _awn_being as long as the glume or longer, hispid above and at the sidesalso. The _third glume_ is hyaline, linear-oblong, 2-nerved ciliate. The_fourth glume_ is narrow with hyaline margins, with an _awn_ 2 to 3inches long; _awn_ is hispid below, twisted and geniculate at and lesshairy above the middle. Stamens are three. Styles are two and feathery. Lodicules are very small. _Pedicelled spikelets_ are male or neuter, flattened, hairy, rarelyglabrous. The pedicels are half as long or slightly longer than thesessile spikelet, truncate or semi-circular at the top, and with brownvillous hairs along the margin. There are four _glumes_. The _firstglume_ is about 3/8 inch, ciliate, along the inflexed margin, 7-nerved, awned; _awn_ equal to or longer than the glume. The _second glume_ is aslong as the first, shortly awned or acuminate, 3-nerved, ciliate. The_third glume_ is hyaline, oblong, 2-nerved, sparsely ciliate. The_fourth glume_ is narrow, ciliate, nerveless or rarely 1-nerved, eroseor bifid at the top. _Anthers_ three or more. This grass grows on the plains as well as on the hills. It is veryclosely allied to _Andropogon asper, Heyne_, and it is very difficult todistinguish them. _Andropogon Wightianus_ is somewhat smaller comparedwith _Andropogon asper_, and the tubercle-based bristles on theleaf-sheaths, so characteristic of _A. Asper_, is absent. _Distribution. _--Madras, Chingleput district, Kodaikanal and theNilgiris. =Andropogon monticola, _Schult. _= (_Chrysopogon monticola. _) This is a perennial grass. The stems are usually slender, densely tufted, erect, simple, orbranched, leafy especially at the base, varying in height from 1 to 3feet. The _leaf-sheaths_ are sparsely hairy or glabrous, the lower somewhatcompressed and the upper terete. The _ligule_ is a short, ciliatedmembrane. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, linear, acute, rigid, flat, glaucous, smoothor scaberulous, with margins scabrid and ciliated with tubercle-basedhairs especially towards the base, and varying in length from 2 to 15inches. The _inflorescence_ is an open panicle, ovate or oblong, varying inlength from 2 to 5 inches; the _rachis_ is slender, smooth orscaberulous, the branches are capillary, whorled and spreading, tipoblique, bearded and bearing a single sessile and two pedicellatespikelets. [Illustration: Fig. 158. --Andropogon monticola. 1. Sessile and pedicellate spikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 6. Anthers, ovary and lodicules; A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-4. The glumes of thepedicelled spikelet; A-5. Lodicules of the pedicelled spikelet. ] The _sessile spikelets_ are bisexual, about 1/4 inch or less, with along callus bearded on one side with long rusty hairs. There are four_glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is chartaceous, linear, complicate, 2-toothed at the tip and with short bristles towards theapex, 4-veined. The _second glume_ is chartaceous, ovate-lanceolate, much broader than the first, ciliate with long rufous bristles on thekeel, shortly toothed at the apex with an _awn_ about 1/3 of an inch andwith broadly hyaline margins. The _third glume_ is hyaline, narrow-oblong, ciliate and obtuse. The _fourth glume_ is narrow, oblong, hyaline with an _awn_ nearly an inch long. There are three _stamens_ andtwo _lodicules_. The _stigmas_ are long and feathery. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are as long as the sessile and the pedicelsare flattened and with long rufous hairs on both the margins. There arefour _glumes_. The _first glume_ is lanceolate, acute and awned betweentwo teeth, 7-nerved and scaberulous. The _second glume_ is lanceolate, acuminate, with thinly ciliate hyaline margins, 3-nerved. The _thirdglume_ is shorter than the second, narrow, hyaline, ciliate at themargins, 2-nerved. The _fourth glume_ also is small, hyaline, ciliate, and 1-nerved. There are three _stamens_ and two _lodicules_. This grass is found growing all over the Presidency on the plains andeven on low hills. It grows into a tall plant in rich soils and remainsstunted in poor, dry and rocky soils. Cattle eat this grass. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon and in Africa. =Andropogon caricosus, _L. _= This is a perennial grass more or less tufted in habit and closelyallied to _Andropogon annulatus_, Forsk. Stems are erect or decumbent below or ascending from a creeping base, rooting at the nodes, smooth, glabrous and much branched, varying inheight, from 1 to 2 feet; branches are short, slender and sometimes evencapillary, with _nodes_ bearded or not in branches ending in solitaryspikes, and completely glabrous when they end in binate spikes. _The leaf-sheaths_ are glabrous, rather compressed, striate, shorterthan the internodes. _Ligule_ is membranous, short, very finelyciliolate or not. _The leaf-blade_ is linear, finely acuminate, sparsely hairy, sometimeswith tubercle-based hairs, becoming glabrous when old with scaberulousmargins 2 to 8 inches by 1/10 to 1/6 inch, base rounded mostly with afew long hairs. [Illustration: Fig. 159. --Andropogon caricosus. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a bit of spike; 3. A sessile and apedicelled spikelet; 4, 5 and 6. The first, second and the third glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 7. Awn representing the fourthglume; 8. Stamens, lodicules and the ovary; 9. The first glume of thepedicelled spikelet. ] _The spikes_ are either binate or solitary varying in length from 1 to 2inches, joints and pedicels about 1/3 as long as the sessile spikelets, slightly angular or flat, ciliate along one side with white hairs;peduncle is slender, pale or purple, pubescent or glabrous just belowthe spike. _The spikelets_ are about 1/8 inch, imbricate, a sessile and a stalkedone from the top of each joint, greenish or purple. The _sessilespikelet_ contains a bisexual flower and consists of four glumes. Thecallus is short, and shortly hairy below. The _first glume_ is somewhatchartaceous, obovate-oblong, obtuse or truncate, 7- to 11-nerved, marginslightly folded, keel shortly rigidly ciliate towards the apex, andthinly ciliate below, dorsal surfaces sparsely hairy below the middle. The _second glume_ is chartaceous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, equal to orslightly longer than the first glume but narrower, 3-nerved, margininfolded, thinly shortly ciliate, dorsally glabrous, shining. The _thirdglume_ is hyaline, ovate-oblong, acute, nerveless, margins sparselyciliate or not. The _fourth glume_ is the base of the awn, 3/4 to 1inch, scaberulous. _Stamens_ are three with yellow or purple tingedanthers, _ovary_ oblong with two feathery _stigmas_. _Lodicules_ aretwo, cuneate. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are either male or neuter and consist of four_glumes_. The _first glume_ is chartaceous, obovate-oblong, obtuse, many-nerved (thirteen or more), thinly ciliate with long hairs and witha few rigid short hairs towards the apex; margins are slightly infolded, dorsally sparsely hairy without. The _second glume_ is membranous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved (occasionally 4-nerved), margins arethinly ciliate and infolded. The _third glume_ is hyaline, nerveless andciliate. The _fourth glume_ is hyaline, nerveless, linear and oblong, glabrous, small, the apex is narrowed and deeply bifid. There are three_stamens_ and two _lodicules_. This is a common grass flourishing on the bunds of paddy fields and insheltered places where there is sufficient moisture in the soil. Butthis is less common than _A. Annulatus_, Forsk. In black cotton soil atBantanahal in Bellary district it grows to a height of 4 or 5 feet. _Distribution. _--Plains and low hills throughout India and Ceylon. [Illustration: Fig. 160. --Andropogon annulatus. 1. Full plant; 2. Base of the leaf and ligule. ] =Andropogon annulatus, _Forsk. _= This is a densely tufted perennial grass. The main stem is underground, rhizomiferous, and covered with scaleleaves; branches are many arising in tufts, leafy, procumbent at baseand afterwards geniculately ascending and ending in inflorescence, occasionally rooting at the nodes and varying in length from 2 to 3feet. The internodes vary from 1-1/2 to 4 inches, pale or purplish, slightly flattened, smooth and glabrous. The _leaf-sheath_ is terete, glabrous, shining, green or purplish, closed, with margins where separate ciliated and profusely so at the tipespecially the outer or both. The _ligule_ is membranous truncate, glabrous, about 1/16 inch in height. _Nodes_ are purple and softlyvillous. [Illustration: Fig. 161. --Andropogon annulatus. 1. Front and back views of a portion of the spike; 2. A sessile and apedicelled spikelet; 3, 4, 5 and 6. The first, second, third and thefourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 7. The ovary, stamens and lodicules; 8, 9 and 10. The glumes of the pedicelledspikelet. ] The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, acuminate, scabrid, sparselyhairy, becoming glabrous except at the base and with tubercle-basedhairs on the upper surface. _The spikes_ vary in number from two to nine, erect or slightlyspreading, subdigitately fascicled, pale when young and pinkish or brownwhen old, varying in length from 1 to 2-1/2 inches. The stalk of thewhole inflorescence is long, slender, smooth and glabrous. The_peduncle_ of the spikes is from 1/8 to 1/6 of an inch long, thin, slender, glabrous with swollen bases and with a ring of hairs at thenode. _Joints_ of the _rachis_ and the _pedicels_ are slightlyflattened, ciliated along the narrow edges; the _pedicels_ of thestalked spikelets are half as long as the sessile spikelets. Thespikelets are one sessile and one pedicelled and imbricating on therachis. The _sessile spikelet_ is as long as the stalked or a little less, witha thick callus, shortly bearded at the base or sometimes glabrous andconsists of four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is elliptic-oblong oroblong, obtuse or truncate, irregularly 2- or 3-toothed, 5- to 9-nerved, sparsely villous with long hairs and margins slightly infolded. The_second glume_ is smaller than the first glume, acute, membranous, 3-nerved and keeled, the margins are ciliate and infolded. The _thirdglume_ is hyaline, linear, acute, or obtuse, nerveless sparsely hairy atthe tip, very much shorter than the second glume. The _fourth glume_ isan _awn_ with a linear hyaline base, erect, about an inch long. _Stamens_ are three, _ovary_ is oblong with two feathery, dark purple_stigmas_. _Lodicules_ are two, cuneate. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are male and consist of only three glumes. The _first glume_ is elliptic, oblong, irregularly obtuse, about11-nerved, margins slightly infolded with long pilose hairs throughout, more along the margin. The _second glume_ is a little smaller, 3-nerved, sparsely hairy only along the marginal nerves, folded inwards, andslightly keeled. The _third glume_ is shorter than the second, hyaline, nerveless, narrow-lanceolate, acute; _stamens_ are three, with greenanthers, purple-dotted. _Lodicules_ are two, broad and cuneate. This grass is found flourishing all over India and grows in cultivatedfields and gardens and likes sheltered places. This yields aconsiderable amount of fodder and stands cutting well. _Distribution. _ Throughout India in the hills and the plains. [Illustration: Fig. 162. --Andropogon contortus. ] =Andropogon contortus, _L. _= (_Heteropogon contortus_, Beauv. ) This is a tufted perennial. The stems are erect or slightly decumbent below, slender, rathercompressed towards the base, leafy at the base, simple or branched, densely tufted and varying in length from 1 to 3 or 4 feet. [Illustration: Fig. 163. --Andropogon contortus. 1. Lower pair of sessile and pedicelled spikelets; 2. Upper pair ofsessile and pedicelled spikelets; 3, 4, 5 and 6. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of pedicelled spikelets; 7, 8, 9 and 10. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelet; 11. Ovary. ] The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth or sparsely hairy, compressed and shortlyauricled or not at the mouth. The _ligule_ is short, truncate andciliolate. The _leaf-blades_ are linear, acute or abruptly acuminate, flat, rigid, sparingly ciliate above, with tubercle-based hairs towards the base, scaberulous throughout, and 2 to 12 inches long or more, 1/10 to 1/5inch broad. The _inflorescence_ consists of a solitary spike with closelyimbricating spikelets. The _spikelets_ are all on one side, and the lower two to six pairs ofpedicelled and sessile spikelets are all males. The _sessile spikelets_are all female and awned, except the few lower which are male andawnless, 1/4 inch long. The _callus_ is long, acute, bearded withreddish-brown hairs. There are four _glumes_ in the spikelet. The _firstglume_ is narrow, linear-oblong, truncate or rounded, somewhat brown, many-nerved, hispid, with incurved margins and membranous tip. The_second glume_ is linear, obtuse, coriaceous, dark-brown, hispidulous, 3-nerved with incurved margins. The _third glume_ is oblong, hyaline, thin, nerveless, short and truncate. The _fourth glume_ is reduced to anawn, 3 inches or more in length. The _ovary_ is linear with two long_stigmas_. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are somewhat longer than the sessile 1/3 to1/2 inch, with very short pedicels. The _first glume_ is lanceolate, obliquely twisted, hispid at the back with long bulbous-based hairs, margins more or less unequally winged. The _second glume_ is oblonglanceolate, acuminate, 5-nerved, thinly ciliate with hyaline margins. The _third glume_ is oblong, hyaline, 1-nerved and ciliate. The _fourthglume_ is obovate-oblong or oblong, hyaline, ciliate, nerveless. Thereare three _stamens_. This grass though coarse forms very good hay if cut before it flowers. The only objection against this grass is the presence of the troublesomeawns which get twisted together like the strands of a rope. This is the_spear grass_ of the Anglo-Indians. It grows all over the Presidency andis a troublesome weed when in flower. _Distribution. _--All over the Presidency and India. Common in alltropical countries. =Andropogon Schoenanthus, _L. Var. Cĉsius. _= (_Cymbopogon cĉsius_, Stapf. ) This is a perennial grass with stout or slender, erect stems rising froma woody base, leafy upward, simple or branched. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth and glabrous. The _ligule_ is anoblong-ovate membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is long, narrow or broad, narrowly linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, glaucous especially beneath, thinly coriaceous, glabrous on both the surfaces, base rounded or cordate and amplexicaul, 6 to 10 inches by 1/6 to 1/3 inch. The _panicle_ is elongate, leafy, narrow, dense or interrupted, compoundor decompound, 1 to 2 feet long; bracts are lanceolate, spathiform, finely acuminate, glabrous, varying in length from 1 to 1-1/2 inches, and with hyaline margins; the proper bracts are as long as the spikes orlonger. [Illustration: Fig. 164. --Andropogon Schoenanthus. 1. A sessile and two pedicelled spikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and fourth glume of the sessile spikelet, respectively; 6. Ovary; 7, 8 and 9. The glumes of the pedicelled spikelets in order. ] The _spikes_ are unequal, 1/2 to 2/3 inch long, one 3- to 4-jointed andthe other 4- to 6-jointed; the joints and pedicels are narrowly clavate, half as long as the sessile spikelets, tips dilated and toothed, marginsvillously ciliate, with long hairs. The _spikelets_ are binate, one sessile and the other pedicelled. The _sessile spikelets_ in the upper part of the spike are bisexual, lanceolate, 1/6 inch long and those in the lower part of the spike areshorter, obtuse, male. The callus is short and bearded. There are four_glumes_. The _first glume_ is ovate or obovate-oblong, dorsally flat ornearly so, with a deep narrow-longitudinal median furrow usually belowthe middle and answering to a ridge on the ventral face, obtuse or2-toothed at the apex, margined above the middle, with a hyaline, narrow, finely denticulate wing, 2-nerved or nerveless. The _secondglume_ is lanceolate, cymbiform, acute or acuminate, 3-nerved, marginshyaline, ciliate, as long as the first chartaceous and the keel with aserrulate wing above the middle. The _third glume_ is linear oblong, hyaline, obtuse, ciliate, nerveless. The _fourth glume_ is the narrowlywinged 2-lobed base of the awn, lobes are lanceolate erect and _palea_of the fourth glume is minute. _Lodicules_ are cuneate. _Stamens_ arethree. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, glabrous and male. There are three _glumes_. The _first glume_ isglabrous or rarely puberulous, margins incurved, obtuse, 9- to11-nerved. The _second glume_ is ovate, acute, 3-nerved. The _thirdglume_ is oblong or linear-oblong, hyaline, apex rounded, ciliate andfaintly 2-nerved. This grass grows all over the Presidency in open dry situations and isvery widely distributed. _Distribution. _--Throughout India--westward to tropical Africa. 29. Anthistiria, _L. F. _ (_Themeda_, Forsk. ) These are tall grasses, annual or perennial. Leaves are usually long andnarrow. The inflorescence consists of racemes or panicles of fascicledspikes in the axils of spathiform bracts. The spikelets vary in numberfrom six to eleven in a cluster, the four lowest being male or neuter, and forming an involucre with whorled or superposed pairs round either1-sessile bisexual spikelet with two pedicelled spikelets or twosuperposed bisexual, the lower with one pedicelled, the upper with two. The involucral spikelets are male or neuter, the largest, and consist ofthree glumes. The first glume is oblong, lanceolate, dorsally flattened, many-nerved, margins narrowly incurved and keels narrowly winged. Thesecond glume is membranous, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, with ciliatemargins. The third glume is hyaline, smaller than the second, 1-nervedor this glume may be absent, stamens have large anthers. The pedicelledspikelets are similar to the involucral in every respect but smaller, male or neuter, but the first glume is not winged on the keels. Thebisexual (or female) spikelets are smaller than the involucrantspikelets, linear-oblong, subterete, obtuse with a rigidly beardedcallus. There are four glumes in the spikelet. The first glume isterete, or dorsally compressed or channelled, coriaceous and at lengthhardened, margins incurved, dark brown to almost black when old. Thesecond glume is as long as the first, linear, dorsally chartaceous, withbroadly incurved membranous margins, 3-nerved. The third glume is verysmall, hyaline, 1-nerved, epaleate. The fourth glume is the flattenedbase of the awn, epaleate. The lodicules are two, cuneate. Anthers arerather small. Styles are laterally or terminally exserted. Grain isnarrow, obovoid, biconvex, with two grooves on the anterior side andwith a long embryo. =Anthistiria tremula, _Nees_=. This is an annual or perennial. Stems are stout or slender, erect orascending from a creeping root-stock, simple or branched, 1 to 4 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, compressed. The _ligule_ is a narrowmembrane. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, rigid, erect, acuminate with asetaceous tip, nearly smooth, varying in length from 6 to 20 inches andin breadth from 1/6 to 2/3 inch. The _inflorescence_ is an elongate panicle, 1 to 2 feet long, consistingof rather distant fascicles of spikes and bracts on capillary, flexuouspeduncles; the spikes are sub-flabelliform or sub-globose, 1/2 to 1-1/2inches broad, sometimes reduced to a few spikelets and bracts; the outerbracts are longer than the fascicles, 1 to 1-1/2 inches long, glabrousor hairy with ordinary or tubercle-based hairs; proper bracts arelanceolate, acute, compressed, glabrous or hairy with membranousmargins. [Illustration: Fig. 165. --Anthistiria tremula. 1. Fascicles of three spikes with the outer bracts and proper bracts; 2. A spike without its proper bract; 3. The pedicelled and the bisexualspikelets without the involucral spikelets; 4, the first glume of theinvolucral spikelet with one wing only; 4a. The first glume of theinvolucral spikelet with wings to both the keels; 5 and 6. The secondand the third glume of the involucral spikelet; 7, 8 and 9. The glumesof the bisexual spikelet; 10, 11, 12 and 13. Glumes of the bisexualspikelet; 14. Ovary. ] The _involucral spikelets_ are the longest, in contiguous superposedpairs, about 1/2 inch long, and the rachis of the spike is producedbeyond these spikelets. There are three _glumes_. The _first glume_ islinear-lanceolate, acute, covered with long, often tubercle-based hairs, many-nerved, margins narrowly incurved, and with narrow wings, on boththe keels in one of each of the pairs of spikelets and on one keel onlyin the other of each of these pairs. The _second glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, acute, margins thin and membranous, inflexed, ciliateabove the middle, 3-nerved. The _third glume_ is as long as the second, hyaline, very narrowly linear, 1-nerved. _Stamens_ are three and the_lodicules_ are cuneate. The _pedicelled spikelets_ are usually smaller than the involucralspikelets and similar to them. The _first glume_ is winged on one sidein the lowest spikelet and without wings in the others. The _bisexual or (female) spikelets_ are linear-oblong, obtuse, and thecallus with reddish hairs. The _first glume_ is scabrid, deeplychannelled at the back, nerveless, narrowly truncate at the tip, andhispid near the apex. The _second glume_ is as long as the first, linear, hyaline, 3-nerved, chartaceous at the back with the sidesmembranous and incurved. The _third glume_ is small, hyaline, 1-nervedand epaleate. The _fourth glume_ is the narrowed base of the awn whichis 1/2 inch long. This grass is very common in marshes and in wet low-lying places on thehills and occurs also in the plains in Malabar and South Kanara. _Distribution. _--The Deccan Peninsula, from the Konkan and CentralProvinces southward, and Ceylon. 30. Iseilema, _Hack. _ These grasses are either annual or perennial, with slender freelybranching stems. The inflorescence is a panicle consisting of groups ofdissimilar spikelets with compressed, boat-shaped spathes on peduncles. Spikelets are of two kinds, sessile and pedicelled. Each peduncle bears4-pedicelled male or neuter spikelets in a regular whorl forming aninvolucel around 1 or 2 sessile bisexual spikelets and 2- or3-pedicelled male spikelets. Involucral spikelets have 3 or 2 glumes, the first two glumes are somewhat similar, the first 3- to 5-nerved andthe second 3-nerved, the third glume is one nerved and hyaline. Lodicules are cuneate and retuse. Anthers yellow dotted or tingedviolet. Pedicelled spikelets inside the involucral similar to those ofthe involucral. Sessile spikelets are bisexual or sometimes female, 4-glumed and awned. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Panicle slender, lax; involucral spikelets 1/6 inch; pedicel slender, terete 1. I. Laxum. Panicle crowded, leafy; involucral spikelets 1/6 inch or more, very strongly nerved; pedicel harder, firmer and flattened 2. I. Anthephoroides. [Illustration: Fig. 166. --Iseilema laxum. ] =Iseilema laxum, _Hack. _= It is a tufted perennial grass with a stout, short, creeping root-stock. Stems are slender, branched, ascending, 6 to 24 inches long. The _leaf-sheaths_ are somewhat loose, glabrous. The _ligule_ is ashortly ciliate membrane. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, obtuse, glabrous and ciliate near the base, 2 to 6 inches long. The leaf-blades in the upper portions of thebranches are smaller. [Illustration: Fig. 167. --Iseilema laxum. 1. A cluster of spikelets with spathes. 2. A cluster consisting of theinvolucral spikelets and three inner spikelets; 3. The inner spikeletsconsisting of one sessile female or bisexual and 2-pedicelled malespikelets; 4, 5 and 6. The first, second and the third glume, respectively, of the involucral spikelet. ] The _inflorescence_ is a narrow long panicle bearing clusters ofspikelets with spathes on slender peduncles, the outer spathes arenarrow-lanceolate, glabrous or with a few hairs near the margin, 1/4 to1 inch long; inner spathes are lanceolate, smaller with membranousmargins. Each cluster consists of an involucel of 4 pedicelled spikeletsforming a true whorl around 2 pedicelled and 1 sessile spikelets or 3pedicelled and 2 sessile spikelets. The involucral spikelets are male, oblong-lanceolate, acute, with short flattened pedicels, bearded at thebase, and have three glumes. The _first glume_ is oblong-lanceolate, acute, 5- to 7-nerved and ciliate. The _second glume_ isoblong-lanceolate, acuminate, equal or slightly shorter than the first, glabrous, 3-nerved and with infolded margins. The _third glume_ ishyaline, linear, short, irregularly toothed at the apex. The innerpedicelled spikelets are similar to the involucral spikelets, but thethird glume is very narrow, linear. The sessile spikelets are female, rarely bisexual, narrowly lanceolate, 1/5 inch long, glabrous and havefour glumes. The _first glume_ is lanceolate, chartaceous, truncate or2-fid at the apex, faintly 5-nerved, with a few long hairs or glabrous, and with margins scaberulous towards the tip to about one-third thelength of the glume. The _second glume_ is lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, sub-chartaceous, 3-nerved. The _third glume_ is hyaline, nerveless, apex irregularly cut, short; sometimes this glume is wanting. The _fourth glume_ is a very slender awn of about 1/2 inch. [Illustration: Fig. 168. --Iseilema laxum. 1. Inner spikelets consisting of 2-pedicelled male and two female orbisexual spikelets; 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first, second, third and thefourth glume, respectively, of the sessile spikelets; 6. Ovary; 7, 8 and9. The first, second and the third glume, respectively, of the innerpedicelled spikelet. ] This is a widely spread common grass growing in somewhat moistsituations. This is the well-known Chengali gaddi of the Telugudistricts. _Distribution. _--All over Madras and Bombay presidencies. [Illustration: Fig. 169. --Iseilema anthephoroides. ] =Iseilema anthephoroides, _Hack. _= This is a perennial grass closely resembling _Iseilema laxum_ in itshabit, but shorter, stouter and branching more freely. The leaf issimilar to that of _I. Laxum_ in all its parts. [Illustration: Fig. 170. --Iseilema anthephoroides. 1. A cluster of spikelets with spathes; 2. The involucral and the innerspikelets; 3. The inner spikelets; 4 and 5. The glumes of the involucralspikelets; 6, 7, 8 and 9. The four glumes, respectively, of the sessilespikelet; 10. Ovary; 11 and 12. Glumes of the inner pedicelledspikelets. ] The _pedicelled spikelets_ of the involucel have firmer harder, shorterand broader pedicels, thickly bearded and consist of two glumes only. The _first glume_ is very strongly 5-nerved, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate; with scaberulous infolded margins, with long cilia. The _second glume_ is lanceolate, thin, 3-nerved, glabrous. The inner_pedicelled spikelets_ are similar to the pedicelled spikelets of theinvolucel. The _sessile spikelet_ has four glumes. The _first glume_ iselliptic-lanceolate, apex drawn into a long narrow strip ending in twoteeth or truncate, sparsely ciliate at the margins about the middle, faintly 3-nerved. The _second glume_ is shorter than the first, lanceolate, drawn out into an acuminate point at the apex, hairy at theback. The _third glume_ is hyaline, short, oblong, apex broad andirregularly toothed, nerveless. The _fourth glume_ is an awn. This is very common in the Deccan districts and grows on all kinds ofsoils. This is a good fodder grass. _Distribution. _--Very common in the Ceded districts and Nellore. CHAPTER IX. Series II--Poaceĉ. TRIBES V AND VI--AGROSTIDEĈ AND CHLORIDEĈ. The tribe =Agrostideĉ= is a very small one. It is represented in SouthIndia only by a few genera. The spikelets are usually 1-flowered and therachilla is jointed at the base just above the empty glumes and it isnot produced beyond the flowering glume. There are only three glumes inthe spikelet. Sub. Tribe 1. =Stipeĉ=. --The spikelets are narrow and long, panicles andthe flowering glumes are rigid or hard, and awned. The third glume is narrow, long, awn 3-fid 31. Aristida. Sub. Tribe 2. =Euagrosteĉ=. --The spikelets are very small, in open orcontracted panicles. The third glume is thin and membranous, awnless. 32. Sporobolus. =Chlorideĉ= is also a small tribe with about ten genera, most of thembeing very common in Southern India. The spikelets are unilaterallybiseriate on the rachis which is not jointed at the base. There are oneor more flowers in the spikelet, all or only the lowest being bisexual. The rachilla is jointed just above the empty glumes and it is producedor not beyond the flowering glumes. The inflorescence consists ofspikes, or spiciform racemes, solitary or digitate, and in some it ispaniculate. Rachilla produced beyond the flowering glume. Spikes usually solitary. Spikelets 1- to 2-flowered, pedicelled and in deciduous clusters, awned. 33. Gracilea. Spikelets 1- to 2-flowered, not clustered awned. 34. Enteropogon. Spikes or spiciform racemes digitate or whorled. Spikelets 1-flowered and with three glumes, awnless. 35. Cynodon. Rachilla not produced beyond the flowering glumes. Spikelets 2- or more-flowered, glumes five or more, awned, upper flowers imperfect. 36. Chloris. Spikelets 3- to 6-flowered, densely crowded, awnless. 37. Eleusine. Spikes or spiciform spikes racemed, spikelets 2- to 3-flowered, 4- to 5-glumed, awned. 38. Dinebra. Spikes panicled, filiform, spikelets very minute one-or more-flowered, glumes awnless. 39. Leptochloa. 31. Aristida, _L. _ These are tufted, annual or perennial grasses. Spikelets are panicled, 1-flowered, laterally compressed, with the rachilla jointed above theempty glumes, 3-glumed. The first and the second glumes are narrow, keeled, 1-nerved, awned or not and persistent. The third glume is verynarrow, cylindric, coriaceous, convolute, acuminate, 3-nerved, tipproduced into a long 3-partite, naked or hairy awn twisted below thebranches, with a minute palea which is convolute round the ovary. Lodicules are two, linear or oblong-linear and hyaline. Stamens arethree. Styles are distinct. Grain is long, narrow and cylindrical. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Awn tripartite from the base and not articulate with the top of the glume, persistent and glabrous. Annual. Glumes I and II not awned. Awn without any column and branched from the base. 1. A. Adscenscionis. Awn with a short column and with shorter branches. 4. A. Mutabilis. Perennial. Panicle cylindric, glumes I and II awned; callus with white silky hairs. 2. A. Setacea. Panicle effuse, glumes I and II awned or not; callus naked. 3. A. Hystrix. Awn with a long column, tripartite at the top. Annual; panicle lax, narrow; glumes I and II awned. 5. A. Funiculata. [Illustration: Fig. 171. --Aristida Adscenscionis. ] =Aristida Adscenscionis, _L. _= This grass is usually an annual becoming a perennial under favourableconditions. Stems are slender, sometimes even filiform, erect, orascending, simple or branched, varying in length from 9 inches to 3feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, thinly striate. The _ligule_ is a row offine short hairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, linear, tapering to a fine point, convolutein bud, scabrid above and smooth below, with a minutely serrate, verynarrow, hyaline margin, 1 to 10 inches long and 1/12 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is a lax, narrow, subsecund panicle, varying inlength from 3 to 12 inches, and with a slender glabrous peduncle; themain rachis is filiform and glabrous; branches are either solitary orbinate, unequal; branched either from the middle or the base; _pedicels_are short and capillary. [Illustration: Fig. 172. --Aristida Adscenscionis. 1. A spikelet; 2. First and second glumes; 3. Palea; 4. Lodicules, stamens and ovary; 5. Third glume with awns; 6. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are narrow, erect, green, occasionally also purplish, 1/4 to 1/3 inch long exclusive of the awn. There are three _glumes_. The_first glume_ is linear-lanceolate, acute, membranous, 1-nerved with ascaberulous keel, 1/16 to 3/16 inch long. The _second glume_ is longerthan the first, linear-lanceolate, acute, occasionally 2-toothed andapiculate, 1-veined about 1/4 inch long and with a smooth keel. The_third glume_ is as long as the second or slightly longer, laterallycompressed, 3-nerved, smooth but scaberulous along the keel, awned;there are three scabrid _awns_, varying in length from 1/2 to 3/4 inch, continuous with the glume without a column, not jointed, and the middleawn is longer than the lateral ones; the callus is long, pointed andvillous. There is a minute _palea. Lodicules_ are two, similar to thepalea in size, linear oblong. _Anthers_ are yellow dotted with purple. The _ovary_ is oblong linear with two white feathery _stigmas_. Grain is long and linear. This when young is eaten by cattle, but they do not like it when inflower. _Distribution. _--Occurs all over the Presidency in the plains and thelow hills. =Aristida setacea, _Retz. _= This is a tall coarse perennial grass with hard, smooth and polished, stout, erect simple or branched stems, 3 to 4 feet. Roots are stout andwiry. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, cylindrical. The _ligule_ is a row ofshort hairs. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, coriaceous, convolute, glabrous, stronglynerved, 6 to 12 inches long. The _inflorescence_ is a contracted _panicle_ varying from 6 to 18inches with short, erect or subsecund branches. [Illustration: Fig. 173. --Aristida setacea. 1. The spikelet; 2 and 3. The first and the second glume; 4. The lowerportion of the third glume, anther, ovary and the lodicules; 5. Palea ofthe third glume. ] The _spikelets_ vary from 1/2 to 2/3 inch excluding the awn. There arethree _glumes_. The _first glume_ is about 3/8 inch long, lanceolate-linear, narrowed into a short awn. The _second glume_ islonger than the first, 1-nerved and minutely 2-toothed or notched at thebase of the awn. The _third glume_ is 5/8 inch long, 3-nerved, nearlysmooth. The callus of the third glume is long, densely silkily hairywith three awns not jointed at the base with the glume; _awns_ about 1inch or more. _Lodicules_ are ovate-lanceolate, fairly large. Grain isnarrow, cylindrical. This grass grows in open dry situations in many parts of the Presidency. _Distribution. _--All over India. =Aristida Hystrix, _Linn. F. _= This is a diffuse perennial grass with a creeping root-stock, withfairly stout sometimes proliferous freely branching stems; branches arestiff, erect, inclined or prostrate, varying in length from 6 inches to2 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and cylindric. The _ligule_ is a ridge ofclose-set hairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blades_ are quite flat, narrowly lanceolate-linear very finelyacuminate, glabrous on both the surfaces but with tufts of hairs on bothsides at the base where the blade joins the sheath, prominently nerved;margin is even and without any hyaline border, the blade varies inlength from 2 to 9 inches. [Illustration: Fig. 174. --Aristida Hystrix. 1. A spikelet; 2, 3 and 4. The first, second and the third glume, respectively; 4a. The third glume and its awns; 5. Palea of the thirdglume; 6. Lodicules, anthers and the ovary. ] The _inflorescence_ is an effuse panicle, as long as broad, varying inlength from 4 to 10 inches; the main rachis is stout, finely scabrid, with stiff slender, horizontally spreading or reclining branches thatarise in pairs from the nodes, the branches have swollen bases at thenodes and they are covered by long hairs. The _spikelets_ are 3/8 inch long excluding the awn. There are three_glumes_. The _first glume_ is chartaceous, lanceolate, acuminate andterminating in an awn, 1-nerved, 3/8 to 1/2 inch including the awn, withthe keel very finely scabrous. The _second glume_ is longer than thefirst, chartaceous, lanceolate, terminating in an awn, 1/2 to 3/4 inchlong including the awn, with a smooth keel. The callus of the thirdglume is short, pointed and villous. The _third glume_ is chartaceousfinely scabrid 1/4 to 3/8 inch long excluding the awn, 3-nerved, 3-lobedat the apex and the lobes becoming awns; _awns_ are 1 inch long, themiddle one being a little longer. The outer margin of the glume isbroader than the inner margin and is rounded at the apex at the base ofthe awn. There are three _stamens_ and the anthers are pale or purplish. The style branches are purplish. The _lodicules_ are 1/8 inch longobliquely lanceolate. This grass is fairly common in all open dry situations throughout thisPresidency. _Distribution. _--Deccan Peninsula and Ceylon. [Illustration: Fig. 175. --Aristida mutabilis. ] =Aristida mutabilis, _Trin. & Rup. _= This is a small tufted annual grass with simple or branched slenderstems spreading at the base, and sometimes geniculately ascending androoting at the lower nodes, 6 to 12 inches long. The _nodes_ have darkpurple rings when dry. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, with membranous margins and long hairs atthe mouth. The _ligule_ is a row of short dense hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is slender, convolute, rigid, curved, and the tipending in a sharp point, 1 to 3 inches long. The _inflorescence_ is a narrow panicle, cylindric, with short crowdedbranches, some of them remote lower down, peduncle is smooth, and rachissmooth or scaberulous; branches and pedicels are scaberulous. [Illustration: Fig. 176. --Aristida mutabilis. 1. A spikelet; 2, 3 and 4. The first, second and the third glume, respectively; 5. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are shortly pedicellate, pale-green about 1/4 inch longexclusive of the awn. There are three glumes. The _first glume_ ismembranous, oblong-lanceolate, shortly awned, 1-nerved, keeled andscaberulous on the keel and the sides. The _second glume_ is narrowerand longer than the first, shortly awned 1-nerved, 2-toothed, obscurelyscaberulous and encircling the third glume. The _third glume_ is narrow, convolute, scaberulous, 3-nerved awned with a shortly bearded callus, the awn is three branched articulate to the short column at the baseabout 3/4 inch long with the middle branch slightly longer than theother two; _palea_ is minute. _Lodicules_ are two and narrow. The grainis narrow as long as the glume and grooved. This resembles in general habit and appearance _Aristida Adscenscionis_, but it is not so widely distributed. So far this has been noticed onlyin Tinnevelly and Nellore districts. _Distribution. _--Southern India, the Punjab and Rajputana, also inArabia and tropical Africa. =Aristida funiculata, _Trin. & Rup. _= This is a slender annual grass with geniculately ascending stems, radiating on all sides. The stems vary in length from 10 to 20 inches. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and cylindrical. The _ligule_ is a shortmembrane ciliate at the margin, or a close set fringe of hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is flat or convolute, narrowly linear-acuminate, withlong scattered hairs on the upper surface and tufts of long hairs at themouth, and varying in length from 2 to 6 inches and in breadth from 1/20to 1/12 inch. The _inflorescence_ is a narrow, lax panicle with short, erect, capillary branches. The spikelets vary in length from 1/2 to 7/8 inch. There are three _glumes_. The _first glume_ is linear-lanceolate, acuteand terminating in an awn, 1-nerved and varying in length from 3/4 to7/8 inch. The _second glume_ is similar to the first, but narrower andshorter, 1/2 inch or longer. The _third glume_ is very short, and isprolonged towards the apex as a narrow firmly convolute strap forming atwisted column of about an inch jointed at the base, and this ends inthree slender scabrid awns of about 1-1/4 inch, the middle one beinglonger. The glume just below the joint is finely scabrid to a littledistance. The _palea_ is short. _Anthers_ are small, purple. The _style_branches are also purple. _Lodicules_ are oblong, obliquely truncate atthe apex and about 1/10 inch long. The grain is cylindric. [Illustration: Fig. 177. --Aristida funiculata. 1. A spikelet; 2, 3 and 4. The first, second and the third glume, respectively; 5. A portion of the column at the top and the basalportions of the awns; 6. The ovary, lodicules and the stamens; 7. Paleaof the third glume. ] Found in open dry situation in several places, but not widelydistributed. _Distribution. _--From the Punjab to Concan and Madras Presidency, Arabia, Baluchistan and Tropical Africa. 32. Sporobolus, _Br. _ These are perennial or annual grasses with varied habit. Inflorescenceis an open or contracted or spiciform panicle. Spikelets are smallconsisting of three membranous glumes, 1-nerved or nerveless. The firstand the second glumes are unequal, persistent or separately caducous. The third glume is ovate or oblong, acute or obtuse, longer or shorterthan the second, 1-nerved, paleate; palea is as long as the glume and ofthe same texture of the glume dorsally narrowly inflexed along themiddle line and splitting into two halves. Lodicules are very minute orabsent. Stamens one to three. Styles are with short stigmas. Grainoblong, obovoid or round. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Glumes I and II both shorter than III. Panicle rather narrow with short capillary branches; glumes I and II nerveless. 1. S. Diander. Glume I shorter than II and III and II nearly or quite as long as III. Panicle contracted, narrow and spiciform; glume I 1-nerved. 2. S. Tremulus. Panicle open and effuse. Branches with spikelets and pedicels appressed. 3. S. Coromandelianus. Panicle short; leaves glabrous. Branches with pedicel and spikelets drooping and not appressed. 4. S. Commutatus. Panicle large; leaves with long hairs. 5. S. Scabrifolius. =Sporobolus diander, _Beauv. _= This is a tufted annual or perennial grass. Stems are slender withleaves tufted at the base, 1 to 3 feet high. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and smooth, ribbed, the lower short andthe upper very long. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _ligule_ consists of afringe of minute hairs. The _leaf-blades_ are usually flat, glabrous, strongly nerved, withfiliform tips, 3 to 10 inches by 1/25 to 1/16 inch. The _inflorescence_ is an erect narrow pyramidal panicle, varying inlength from 4 to 10 inches and about 2 inches in breadth. The branchesare very fine, spreading and in scattered fascicles, 1/2 to 2 incheslong, with many very small spikelets arranged racemosely along the axis. _Spikelets_ are small 1/18 to 1/20 inch long, with very short pedicels. The _first glume_ is very short less than 1/5 inch, broadly oblong, nerveless, hyaline, broadly truncate and erose at the apex. The _secondglume_ is a little longer than the first, but shorter than the third, hyaline, broadly elliptic-oblong, nerveless or obscurely 1-nerved. The_third glume_ is broadly ovate-oblong, subacute, 1-nerved, paleate; the_palea_ is plicate in the median line. Stamens are usually two. Thegrain is obovoid, truncate at the apex, and with a small white swellingin the centre at the apex, rugulose, red-brown. [Illustration: Fig. 178. --Sporobolus diander. 1. A portion of a branch; 2. A spikelet; 3, 4 and 5. The first, secondand the third glume, respectively; 6. Palea of the third glume; 7. Anthers and the ovary. ] This grass grows usually gregariously in somewhat sheltered situationsall over the Presidency on the plains and low hills. This is anexcellent fodder grass. It forms fairly large tufts with plenty of greenleaves on rich moist soils. When the leaves are young cattle eat thisgrass very eagerly, but do not seem to care for it when the leavesbecome old. However by frequent grazing it can be made to produce youngleaves in succession. This grass is also an excellent soil binder, asits roots form a perfect matting in any kind of moist soil soon afterplanting. This is very difficult to eradicate when once established. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Burma. [Illustration: Fig. 179. --Sporobolus tremulus. ] =Sporobolus tremulus, _Kunth. _= A small tufted perennial grass. The plant consists of prostrate stems and stolons, filiform and wiry. Stems vary in length from 2 to 18 inches, prostrate or erect, rooting atthe lower nodes; flowering branches always ascending. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, finely striate, shorter than theinternode. The _ligule_ is a very short ciliated membrane. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow linear, pungent, somewhat rigid, flat, distichous, base rounded with or without a few long hairs and varies inlength from 1/4 to 1 inch and in breadth from 1/20 to 1/16 inch, but inplants growing in rich moist soils the leaves become longer reaching3-1/2 inches in length. The _inflorescence_ is a narrow spiciform panicle with appressedbranches and spikelets, sometimes interrupted, varying in length from3/4 to 1-1/4 inch; both the peduncle and the main rachis are glabrous, and the latter wavy. [Illustration: Fig. 180. --Sporobolus tremulus. 1. Spike; 2. Spikelet; 3 and 4. First and second glumes; 5 and 6. Thirdglume and its palea; 7. Ovary and anthers. ] The _spikelets_ are 1/16 inch long, oblong-lanceolate, pale, crowded, glabrous, shortly pedicelled on thinly scaberulous filiform shortbranches. There are three glumes in the spikelet, and all the glumes aremembranous and thin. The _first glume_ is a little shorter than thesecond and about two-third the length of the third glume and 1-nerved. The _second glume_ is a little shorter than the third or equal to butnot longer, oblong-lanceolate, subacute or obtuse, 1-nerved andobscurely scaberulous at the back along the nerve. The _third glume_ isbroadly oblong, subacute or obtuse, 1-nerved, glabrous, with a palea aslong as the glume; the _palea_ is 2-nerved, oblong and truncate at theapex. _Stamens_ are three and anthers are pale greenish yellow. _Stigmas_ are pale. _Lodicules_ are two, small. This grass is an excellent one for binding the soil and may also provesuccessful as a fodder grass. It usually flourishes in moist situations, in sandy loams and rich heavy soils. _Distribution. _--Plains throughout India and Ceylon. [Illustration: Fig. 181. --Sporobolus coromandelianus. ] =Sporobolus coromandelianus, _L. _= The plant is a densely tufted annual varying in size with the nature ofthe soil, small and stunted in hard dry soils and large and spreading inrich loose and moist soils. The stems are closely spreading on the ground, rooting sometimes at thelower nodes, branching freely, profusely leafy at the base, covered by afew scale leaves, and 2 to 12 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, faintly and finely striate, distichouslyimbricate, compressed, somewhat keeled, outer margin ciliate, andbearded at the mouth. The _ligule_ is a thin short membranous ridge witha fringe of dense fine hairs. The leaf-sheath enclosing the base of thepeduncle is rather long, glabrous with a tuft of short hairs at themouth. The _leaf-blade_ is green without any glaucousness about it, 1/2 to 6inches long, 3/16 to 1/4 inch broad, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, flat, acuminate, slightly coriaceous, many-nerved with a prominentmidrib, scaberulous throughout, with a few long scattered deciduous, tubercle-based hairs towards the base, base subcordate, margincartilaginous, scabrid and finely serrulate. [Illustration: Fig. 182. --Sporobolus coromandelianus. 1. Portion of a spike showing the verticillate arrangement of thebranches and the glands; 2. Spikelet; 3. First glume; 4 and 5. Secondand third glumes; 6. Palea of the third glume; 7. Anthers and ovary; 8. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ is a pyramidal panicle 1-1/2 to 4 inches long, erecton a terete glabrous peduncle 1-1/2 to 6 inches long, the main rachis isslender, erect, striate, glabrous and has glandular streaks just abovethe insertion of the branches of the lowest verticil. Branches arecapillary, stiff and spreading, horizontally verticillate orsubverticillate, the lowest whorl consisting of five to sixteen orseventeen branches and the others from three to nine, shining, swollenat the point of insertion and provided with a glandular scar a littleabove the point of insertion; branchlets are very close, appressed tothe rachis of the branch never drooping or spreading, each bearing twoto five spikelets. The _spikelets_ are small, 1/20 to 1/16 inch subsessile or pedicelled, always appressed to the rachis solitary in the upper portions of thebranches, and two to five on the branchlets in the lower portion, pale, green or rarely copper coloured, oblong or lanceolate, acute oracuminate, caducous or glumes one and two persistent. There are three _glumes_. The _first glume_ is very small, hyaline, ovate, obtuse, occasionally truncate or acute, about one-fifth of thethird glume or less. The _second glume_ is membranous, ovate oroblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, thinly scaberulous and 1-nerved. The _third glume_ is as long as or a little shorter than the secondglume, 1-nerved and paleate. The _palea_ is as long as the glume, oblong, 2-nerved, splitting in two portions between the nerves as soonas the grain is formed. _Stamens_ are three with reddish purple anthers;_stigmas_ are white at first, but turning brown while withering. _Lodicules_ are two, minute. The grain is oblong, pale, brown and obtuseat both ends, embryo about 1/3 of the grain. This grass flourishes in all kinds of soils all over the Presidency. _Distribution. _--Throughout the plains of India and Ceylon. Also inAfghanistan and South Africa. [Illustration: Fig. 183. --Sporobolus commutatus. ] =Sporobolus commutatus, _Kunth. _= This is an annual and usually grows in loose tufts. Stems are slender, always erect or ascending, leafy and branching, 2 to 15 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is shorter than the internode, slightly compressed, finely striate, glabrous and occasionally with a few scatteredtubercle-based hairs, margin ciliate; the uppermost sheath is cylindricsomewhat long and embraces the greater portion of the peduncle and has abunch of short hairs at the top. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow linear-lanceolate, acuminate scaberulousthroughout, with long tubercle-based hairs scattered all over, but moreof them near the base; margins spinulosely distantly serrulate orscabrid, base rounded or subcordate, 1/2 to 4-1/2 inches long and 1/16to 3/16 inch wide. [Illustration: Fig. 184. --Sporobolus commutatus. 1. A portion of a branch; 2. Spikelet; 3, 4 and 5. First, second and thethird glume; 6. Palea of the third glume; 7. Ovary and anthers; 8 and 9. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ is diffuse, pyramidal, 1 to 3 inches by 3/4 to 2inches, on a slender glabrous peduncle 1 to 6 inches long, main rachisis slender and angled, with a glandular streak or without it. Branchesare effuse, fine, capillary (more so than in S. Coromandelianus), obliquely ascending, never stiff and horizontal, verticillate orirregularly subverticillate, the lowest whorl of five to twelve and theothers three to seven branches; the rachis of the branches is obscurelyscaberulous, slightly swollen at the point of insertion; branchlets arenever appressed to the branch, always drooping and spreading on allsides, and bearing two to four spikelets. The _spikelets_ are about 1/16 inch long, ovate-lanceolate, acute oracuminate dark or pale green, sometimes purplish, solitary or two tofour on long slender pedicels, drooping, never appressed, and withglandular streaks. There are three _glumes_. The _first glume_ isminute, hyaline, ovate, obtuse or acute, nerveless. The _second glume_is five or six times as long as the first, ovate lanceolate, 1-nerved, acuminate. The _third glume_ is equal to or a little shorter than thesecond, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved paleate; _palea_ is equal tothe third glume, 2-nerved splitting into two halves between the nerves. _Anthers_ are three and purple in colour. _Stigmas_ are white andfeathery. Grain as in _S. Coromandelianus_. In Flora of British India, this plant is included under Sporoboluscoromandelianus. These two plants (_S. Coromandelianus_ and _S. Commutatus_) are quite distinct and grow side by side. As thedifferences are not easily seen in herbarium specimens the two plantsare put together under the one species _S. Coromandelianus_. Thebranches are tufted and are usually decumbent at base, leaves quitegreen and somewhat broad in _S. Coromandelianus_; and in _S. Commutatus_, branches are usually not decumbent at base, generally erectfrom the base and leaves are green glaucous and somewhat narrow. Themost striking difference, however, is in the panicle. The branches ofthe panicle are always stiff and horizontal in S. Coromandelianus andthe spikelets are appressed to the branches and never spreading ordrooping, whereas in _S. Commutatus_ the branches are never stiff andhorizontal, always obliquely ascending and the spikelets are spreadingand drooping. Judging from living plants these two are undoubtedlydistinct and so this plant is treated as a distinct species retainingKunth's name _Sporobolus commutatus_. Enumeratio Plantarum, Pl. I, 214. _Distribution. _--This occurs in Coimbatore, Madras and BellaryDistricts; but it is not so common nor so widely distributed as S. Coromandelianus, _L. _ [Illustration: Fig. 185. --Sporobolus scabrifolius. ] =Sporobolus scabrifolius, _Bhide. _= The plant is a very pretty one, especially when in flower. It is aloosely tufted annual varying in height from 5 to 30 inches. Stems areslender, terete, 6 to 30 inches long, bent at the base, thengeniculately ascending and finally becoming erect, glabrous, pale greenor purplish. The _leaf-sheath_ is shorter than the internode, slightly compressed, obscurely keeled, glabrous and striate, margin is thinly ciliate on oneside, especially towards the mouth which is bearded. The leaf-sheathembracing the peduncle is longer than the lower sheaths. The _ligule_ isa fringe of close-set hairs on an inconspicuous ridge. The _nodes_ areglabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is glaucous green, 1 to 5 inches long, 1/8 to 3/8 inchbroad, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate, flat, rounded orsubcordate, and amplexicaul at base, scaberulous throughout, withtubercle-based deciduous hairs on both the surfaces, and bearded at thebase above the ligule; the margin is thickened, serrulate, ciliate withbulbous-based deciduous hairs. [Illustration: Fig. 186. --Sporobolus scabrifolius. 1. Portion of a branch; 2. Spikelet; 3, 4 and 5. The first, second andthird glumes; 6. Palea; 7. Anthers and ovary; 8. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ is an effuse panicle, 2-1/2 to 7 inches long and 1to 4-1/2 inches broad, pyramidal or elliptic on a slender peduncle 1 to7 inches long; _rachis_ is striolate, cylindric, glabrous and partlygreen and partly purplish. Branches are capillary, 1/2 to 2-1/2 incheslong, those in the middle of the panicle are often the longest palegreen at first but turning purple later, whorled regularly orirregularly, with often a solitary or twin branches intervening, spreading, horizontal, reflexed, rarely one or two erect, dividing intostill finer branchlets below, ending in a few solitary spikelets above, swollen at the base near the place of insertion and naked to a shortlength, scabrid. The lowest whorl consists of five to ten branches andin others they vary from three to eight; the branchlets are spreadingand drooping bearing from two to seven spikelets. There are glandularstreaks at the base of the branches above the point of insertion in thenaked portion and also on the pedicels of the spikelets. _The spikelets_ are 1/20 to 1/16 inch long, lanceolate, acuminate, onfinely capillary pedicels long or short, pale at first and becomingpurplish when old. There are three _glumes_, the first two being empty. All the glumes are 1-nerved and membranous. The _first glume_ ismembranous, about two-thirds of the second, sometimes less, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate slightly scaberulous on the keel. The_second glume_ is a little longer than the third, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, scaberulous on the keel. The _third glume_ is oblong-ovate, glabrous, flower bearing, paleate; the _palea_ is shorter than theglume, 2-nerved, splitting into two between the nerves. _Anthers_ arethree, small, pale yellow at first but becoming purple when old, _stigmas_ are pale. _Lodicules_ are two and minute. Grain is rounded, slightly compressed, oblique at the base, nearly as long as broad. _Distribution. _--In black cotton soils in Coimbatore and Bellarydistricts. 33. Gracilea, _Koen. _ These are small tufted grasses. The inflorescence is a spike bearingunilaterally turbinate clusters of spikelets which are 2-flowered. Thespikelets have usually four, and rarely six glumes and very often therachilla is produced beyond the fourth glume. The first and the secondglumes are narrow (the first being the narrowest), rigid, ciliate withlong hairs and awned. The third glume is bisexual, chartaceous, broadlyovate, 3-nerved, shortly awned. The fourth glume is similar to the thirdbut smaller and male. The fifth and sixth glumes when present are smalland empty. Lodicules are two and small. Grain linear oblong. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Stems stout; leaves not filiform; tip of glume III entire 1. G. Nutans. Stems slender, leaves filiform; tip of glume III toothed 2. G. Royleana. =Gracilea nutans, _Koen. _= This grass is a perennial with stout fibrous roots. Stems are stout, leafy and creeping below, ascending later; naked and slender above, 4 to10 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, shorter than the blade, coriaceous andopen above. The _ligule_ is a ridge of hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is lanceolate, narrowed from the rounded or subcordatebase to the acute tip, coriaceous, 3/4 to 1 inch long; margins areciliate with tubercle-based cilia; the surfaces with or without a fewscattered long tubercle-based hairs. The _inflorescence_ is 1 to 3 inches long, consisting of distant sessilefascicles of four to six spikelets; the _rachis_ of the spike isflexuous; the _rachis_ of the fascicles ends in three subulate emptyglumes. [Illustration: Fig. 187. --Gracilea nutans. 1. A portion of the inflorescence with three fascicles of spikelets; 2. A spikelet without the first glume; 3, 4, 5 and 8. The first, second, third and the fourth glume, respectively; 6 and 10. Palea of the thirdand the fourth glume, respectively; 7. Lodicules, stamens and the ovary;9. The rachilla produced beyond the fourth glume. ] The _spikelets_ are closely appressed and each one has four _glumes_. The _first_ and the _second glumes_ are empty, 2/5 inch long, rigidlycoriaceous, gradually narrowed from a villous base into an erect, scabrid awn, 1-nerved. The _second glume_ has broad hyaline marginstowards the base. The _third glume_ is about 1/10 inch, ovate, with ashort scabrid awn at the tip, scaberulous at the back just above themiddle, 3-nerved, paleate and with both stamens and ovary; _palea_ isnarrow, lanceolate, as long as the glume and 2-toothed at the tip. Thegrain is oblong, brownish. The _fourth glume_ is about half as long asthe third glume, with a short, stout, smooth rachilla, ovate-lanceolate, terminated at the tip by two teeth and a short awn, scabrid above themiddle at the back, paleate and male; _palea_ is shorter than the glume;the rachilla is produced beyond the fourth glume and terminates in athickening. This grass grows in open somewhat dry loamy and laterite soils in theEast Coast districts. _Distribution. _--Mysore and the Carnatic and Ceylon. =Gracilea Royleana, _Hook. F. _= This is a slender annual grass. Stems are very slender, densely tufted, geniculately ascending or erect, 3 to 8 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is either covered with scattered tubercle-based hairsor glabrous. The _ligule_ is a hairy ridge. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is filiform, linear-lanceolate, acutely pointed, glabrous or nearly so, margins distantly ciliate, 1 to 2 inches long by1/16 inch or less. The _inflorescence_ is 1/2 to 3 inches long and consists of fascicles ofspikelets; the rachis is trigonous, smooth, and flexuous. [Illustration: Fig. 188. --Gracilea Royleana. 1. A fascicle of spikelets; 2. The spikelet without the first and thesecond glumes; 3, 4, 5 and 8. The first, second, third and the fourthglume, respectively; 6. Palea of third glume; 7. Grain; 9. Palea of thefourth glume; 10. Rachilla. ] The _spikelets_ consist of four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is rigidlycoriaceous, gradually narrowed from a villous base to an erect scabridawn, 1-nerved. The _second glume_ is also coriaceous, narrowed to an awnbut has broad hyaline margins towards the base. The _third glume_ isovate-lanceolate, scabrid all over the back and with two teeth, one oneach side of the awn, paleate; the _palea_ is 2-toothed at the apex andas long as the glume and contains three stamens and the ovary. The grainis oblong brownish. The _fourth glume_ is stalked, shorter than thethird glume, distinctly 3-toothed at the apex, scabrid at the back abovethe middle, paleate and male; the _palea_ is smaller than the glume and2-toothed at the apex. The _rachilla_ is produced behind the palea andit ends in two small teeth, one being slightly larger than the other. This grass is a very slender one and it is closely allied to _Gracileanutans_. It differs from _G. Nutans_ in being an annual and in havingfiliform leaves, bicuspidate third glume which is scabrid all over theback and a fourth glume distinctly tricuspidate at the apex. This doesnot occur so widely as _Gracilea nutans_. _Distribution. _--Bellary and Chingleput districts, the Punjab, Rajputana, Concan and Kanara. 34. Enteropogon, _Nees. _ Tall slender grasses with very long narrow leaves. Spikelets are2-flowered, narrow, biseriate, unilateral, imbricate on the rachis of asolitary spike; the rachilla is elongate between the flowering glumesand produced beyond them and terminates in a rudimentary awned glume. There are four glumes. The first two glumes are hyaline, unequal-nervedand persistent. The third and the fourth glumes are chartaceous, narrowly lanceolate, 3-nerved, bicuspidate and awned below the tip; awnsare capillary, straight; the callus is bearded and articulate at thebase. The third glume bears a bisexual or female flower and the fourthbisexual or male. Lodicules are two. Stamens are three with longanthers. Styles short diverging from the base, with short stigmaslaterally exserted. =Enteropogon melicoides, _Nees. _= This is a tall perennial grass with stout roots. Stems are denselytufted on a short woody root-stock, erect, leafy, 1 to 3 feet long. _Leaf-sheaths_ are compressed and distichous below, glabrous orsometimes with a few hairs close to the margin. Ligule is a ridge withlong hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is very long 1/6 to 1/4 inch broad, auricled at thebase, narrowed into very finely acuminate or capillary tips midribprominent; scaberulous on both the surfaces and with long hairs on theauricles. The _spikes_ usually solitary, but occasionally binate, 6 to 10 incheslong; rachis is quite smooth and dorsally rounded. [Illustration: Fig. 189. --Enteropogon melicoides. 1. A portion of the spike; 2 and 3. The first and the second glumes; 4. The spikelet with its callus, flowering glumes and the rachilla; 5 and8. The third and the fourth glume; 7. The fourth glume and the rachilla;6 and 9. Palea of the third and the fourth glume; 10. Ovary, stamens andlodicules; 11. Grain front and back view. ] The _spikelets_ are about 1/4 inch long, erecto-patent. There are four_glumes_. The _first glume_ is lanceolate, 1-nerved, and persistent. The_second glume_ is twice as long as the first, linear-lanceolate, with avery short awn and 2-toothed at the tip, 1-nerved, persistent. The_third glume_ is rigid, lanceolate-linear, 3-nerved, scaberulous allover; paleate and awned; awn is nearly as long as the glume, rigid. The_fourth glume_ is similar to the third glume in all respects butshorter. The rachilla is produced beyond the fourth glume and itterminates in an awned rudimentary glume. The third glume as well as thefourth glume contains a perfect flower and the grain is developed alwaysin the third and mostly in the fourth also. The grain is oblong, brownish, dorsally concave and ventrally raised and convex. The grain inthe fourth glume is usually much smaller than that found in the thirdglume. This usually grows amidst thickets and occurs all over this Presidency. _Distribution. _--Mysore, Burma, Ceylon and Seychelle Islands. 35. Cynodon, _Pers. _ These are perennial grasses with stems creeping and rooting at thenodes, and producing tufts of barren branches and flowering stems at thenodes. The inflorescence consists of two to six spikes in terminalumbels. The spikelets are small, 1-flowered, laterally compressed, sessile, alternately 2-seriate and imbricate on one side of the rachis. The spikelet has three glumes. The first two glumes are empty, thin, keeled, and acute or mucronate. The third glume is the largest, boat-shaped, 3-nerved, with ciliate keels, palea is 2-keeled, somewhatshorter than the glume. Lodicules are two. The anthers are somewhatlarge. Grain is oblong, free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Glumes I and II shorter than III. Underground stems present. Hairs on the margins and keels of glume III pointed and not clavate. 1. C. Dactylon. Underground stems absent. Hairs on the margins and keels of glume III clavellate and pointed at the apex. 2. C. Intermedius. Glume I shorter than II but II equal to or longer than III-- Hairs on the margins and keels of glume III clavellate and rounded at the apex. Underground stems absent. 3. C. Barberi. [Illustration: Fig. 190. --Cynodon dactylon. ] =Cynodon dactylon, _Pers. _= This is a perennial grass with creeping branches and also with numerousdeeply penetrating underground stems covered with white scale-leaves. Stems are prostrate, widely creeping and rooting at the nodes andforming matted tufts with slender, erect or ascending floweringbranches, 3 to 12 inches high. The _leaf-sheath_ is somewhat tight, glabrous, membranous at the mouthwhich is villous. The _ligule_ is a fine ciliate rim. The _leaf-blade_ is soft, narrowly linear, finely acute, acuminate orpungent, somewhat glaucous, conspicuously distichous at the base of thestem and, in non-flowering branches, scabrid along the margins. The _inflorescence_ consists of two to eight smooth, digitate, green orpurplish spikes, 1 to 3 inches long; _rachis_ is slender, compressed orangular, scaberulous. [Illustration: Fig. 191. --Cynodon dactylon. 1. A portion of spike, front view; 2. Back view of a bit of spike; 3. Spikelet; 4. First glume; 5. Second glume; 6. Third glume; 7. Palea ofthird glume and rachilla; 8. Lodicules, ovary and anthers; 9. Hairs onthe margin and keel of third glume. ] _Spikelets_ are laterally compressed, sessile, imbricate, arrangedalternately in two series along one side of the rachis; _rachilla_produced beyond the first two glumes and hidden at the back of the paleabetween the two keels, small, slender and blunt when old and with amembranous imperfect glume when young, less than half the length of thespikelet. There are three _glumes_. The _first_ and _second glumes_ areshorter than the third, empty, ovate-lanceolate, acute, membranous withone thick green nerve in the middle, keeled, upper margin and keelscaberulous. The _second glume_ is usually a little longer than thefirst, but occasionally also slightly shorter than the first. The _thirdglume_ is longer than both the first and second glumes, obliquely oblongto ovate, subacute, membranous, boat-shaped, smooth, keeled, 3-nerved, one central along the keel and two marginal, keel scabrid below withstiff pointed hairs above, tip and lower margins scabrid or pilose, _palea_ linear oblong, a little less than the third glume, obtuse, 2-nerved and with two scabrid keels. _Stamens_ are three with palepurple anthers. _Lodicules_ are two. Stigmas are purplish. Grain isoblong, slightly flattened, dorsally rounded, dull reddish-brown. This is the common Hariali grass. It is also called "Devil's grass. " _Distribution. _--It is cosmopolitan. [Illustration: Fig. 192. --Cynodon intermedius. ] =Cynodon intermedius, _Rang. & Tad. _= This grass is a widely creeping perennial. The stems are slender, glabrous, creeping superficially and rooting atthe nodes, but never rhizomiferous, leafy with slender erect orgeniculately ascending flowering branches, and varying in length from 12to 18 inches. _Nodes_ are slightly swollen, glabrous, green or purplish. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, glabrous, slightly compressed, sparselybearded at the mouth, shorter than the internode, except the oneenclosing the peduncle which is usually long. The _ligule_ is a shortlyciliated rim. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, flat, finely acuminate, scaberulous aboveand along the margins, smooth below except in some portions of themidrib, 1/2 to 7 inches in length and 3/16 to 1/4 inch in breadth. [Illustration: Fig. 193. --Cynodon intermedius. 1 and 2. Front and back view of a portion of a spike; 3. A spikelet; 4. First glume; 5. Second glume; 6. Third glume; 7. Palea with the rachillaat its back; 8. Lodicules, stamens and the ovary; 9. Clavellate andpointed hairs of the margins and keel of the third glume (very muchenlarged); 10. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ consists of four to eight long, thin, slender, slightly drooping, digitately arranged spikes, 2 to 4 inches long on along smooth peduncle; the rachis is tumid and pubescent at its base, slender, somewhat compressed and scaberulous. The _spikelets_ are rather small, narrow, greenish or purplish, 1/15inch long or less, the rachilla is slender, produced to about half thelength of the spikelet behind the palea. There are three _glumes_. The_first_ and the _second glumes_ are lanceolate acute or acuminate, 1-nerved, keeled, keel obscurely scabrid, very unequal, the first glumebeing always shorter than the second glume. The _third glume_ isobliquely ovate-oblong, chartaceous, longer than the second glume, obtuse or subacute and 3-nerved; the margins and keel with close setclavellate hairs pointed at the apex; _palea_ is chartaceous, 2-keeled, keels obscurely scaberulous and without hairs. There are three _stamens_with somewhat small purple anthers. _Ovary_ with purple stigmas and twosmall _lodicules_. Grain is oblong reddish brown, with a faint dorsalgroove. This species is closely allied to the cosmopolitan species _Cynodondactylon_, Pers. And to another new species _Cynodon Barberi_, Rang. &Tad. Described in the "Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, "Volume 24, part IV, page 846, and it is therefore named _Cynodonintermedius_. (See Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Volume26, part I, pages 304 and 305. ) This grass differs from _Cynodondactylon_, Pers. (1) in not having underground stems and having onlystems creeping and rooting along the surface of the ground, (2) inhaving less rigid leaves, (3) by having longer, slenderer, somewhatdrooping spikes and narrower spikelets, (4) by having the first twoglumes always unequal, the second being longer, (5) by having clavellatepointed hairs on the margins and keels of the third glume and (6) byhaving smaller anthers. Compared with _Cynodon Barberi_, this plant ismore extensively creeping with longer slender branches and the leavesare usually very much longer, and the third glume is longer than thesecond. _Distribution. _--So far, this was collected at Gokavaram inGodavari district No. 8262, in Chingleput No. 11488, in Tinnevellydistrict Nos. 13129 and 13259, and at Kallar on the Nilgiris No. 13988. [Illustration: Fig. 194. --Cynodon Barberi. ] =Cynodon Barberi, _Rang. & Tad. _= This grass is perennial with slender, creeping stems, 12 to 24 incheslong, rooting at the nodes and invariably with two or three rarely morebranches from each node; flowering branches are slender, erect orascending, 1 to 6 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is short, smooth, compressed with scattered long hairsat the mouth. The _ligule_ is a narrow membrane with the edge cut intonarrow lobes. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, linear, acute or subacute, scaberulous, 1/3 to3-1/2 inches long, 1/8 to 3/16 inch broad. [Illustration: Fig. 195. --Cynodon Barberi. 1. Front and back view of a portion of spike; 2. A single spikelet; 3. Aspikelet with the flower out; 4. The third glume, its palea and theproduced rachilla with a minute glume; 5. Clavellate hairs; 6. Ovary; 7. Lodicules; 8. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ consists of three to five digitate spikes, 3/4 to1-1/2 inches long, erect or spreading, pale green or purplish. The_spikelets_ are compressed laterally, sessile or obscurely pedicelled, imbricate, alternately biseriate on the ventral side of the rachis, 1-flowered; the _rachilla_ is produced into a bristle behind the palea, with or without a minute glume. There are three _glumes_. The _firstglume_ is lanceolate, acute, shorter than the second, with a keel whichis scabrid. The _second glume_ is lanceolate, acuminate, equal to or alittle longer than the third glume with a scabrid keel. The _thirdglume_ is obliquely oblong to ovate, subacute, truncate or 2-toothed, boat-shaped, sub-chartaceous, 3-nerved, paleate and distinctly keeled;the keel and the margins of the glume are densely covered withdistinctly clavellate hairs; _palea_ is firmly membranous, equal to orslightly smaller than the glume, linear-oblong, 2-keeled, densely hairywith clavellate hairs along the keels, and 2-nerved. There are two_lodicules_ and three _stamens_. The _ovary_ is ovoid with two stylebranches. Grain is free within the glume, oblong, smooth, transparent, and the embryo is about one-third the length of the grain. This species is closely allied to _Cynodon dactylon_, Pers. , but differsfrom it in the following respects:--The absence of stoloniferousunderground branches, leaves short and not finely pointed; spikes notexceeding five; the _second glume_ is always equal to or longer than the_third glume_; presence of clavellate hairs on the keels and margins ofthe third glume and on the keels of the palea. _Distribution. _--So far collected in Coimbatore, Salem, Tinnevelly, Chingleput and Godavari districts. 36. Chloris, _Sw. _ These are annual or perennial grasses. Spikes are solitary or many interminal umbels or short racemes, erect or spreading. Spikelets areunilateral, sessile, crowded, biseriate on a slender rachis with four tosix glumes and 1 to 3-flowered; the rachilla is produced anddisarticulating above the empty glumes. The first two glumes areunequal, narrow, keeled, membranous, 1-nerved, persistent, acute, mucronate and the second glume awned shortly. Floral glumes narrow orbroad, acute, obtuse or minutely 2-toothed and awned, paleate; sterileglumes are small, without palea. There are two lodicules and anthers arerather small. Grain is narrow and free. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikelets 1-flowered. Perennial. Rachilla produced beyond the flowering glumes and bearing awns with rudimentary glumes. Spikes 4 to 10, long, whorled; spikelets narrow fusiform; glume III oblong lanceolate. 1. C. Incompleta. Rachilla produced beyond the flowering glume and bearing 1 to 3 reduced glumes. Spikes free at the base, digitate. Spikes 6 to 9; spikelets 2-awned; glume III ovate, bearded with long hairs above the middle. 3. C. Virgata. Spikes 4 to 20; spikelets 3-awned; glume III broadly ovate, densely bearded dorsally and on the margins above the middle. 4. C. Barbata. Spikes connate at the base, erect and not spreading. Spikes 2 to 6; spikelets narrow 4-awned, glume III ovate-lanceolate, bearded only on the margins and not at the back. 6. C. Montana. Annual. Spike solitary, spikelets broadly cuneiform, 3-awned, glume III broadly cuneate, upper margins naked and keel villous. 2. C. Tenella. Spikelets 1- to 3-flowered. Perennial. Spikes 5-9, spikelets broadly cuneate 3 to 5-awned, glume III bearded all through the margin and dorsally. 5. C. Bournei. =Chloris incompleta, _Roth. _= This is a perennial grass. Stems are procumbent when growing in openplaces, but erect if growing amidst bushes, often branched, ending inlong naked peduncles, varying in length from 1-1/2 to 4 feet. In somecases prostrate stems produce roots at the nodes. The _leaf-sheaths_ are long, glabrous, the mouth being generally hairy. The _ligule_ consists of long hairs. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blades_ are linear, flat, finely acuminate and narrowed intovery long points at the apex; glabrous or slightly hairy at the base andcontracted, 4 to 10 inches long and 1/6 to 1/4 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ consists of two to five rarely six, very slenderspikes, 3 to 8 inches long, forming a terminal whorl. The rachis is fineand scabrid. [Illustration: Fig. 196. --Chloris incompleta. 1. A portion of the rachis with two spikelets; 2. The third glume andits palea with the rudimentary fourth glume; 3 and 4. The first and thesecond glumes; 5 and 6. The third glume and its palea; 7. The ovary, anthers and lodicules. ] _Spikelets_ are narrowly lanceolate, closely appressed and imbricate, 1/6 inch long excluding the awn and very variable. There are four_glumes_ in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is very smalllinear-lanceolate, acute, about 1/10 inch or less. The _second glume_ islanceolate, membranous, three times the length of the first glume, 2-toothed at the apex and the mid-nerve produced into a very short awn. The _third glume_ is oblong-lanceolate as long as the second glume orlonger, 2-toothed at the apex, awned, the awn being about 3/8 inch long;the callus is bearded at the base. The palea is as long as the glume, 2-toothed or not at the apex. The _fourth glume_ is very minute, awnedand is borne by a rachilla produced to half the length of the thirdglume. This grass is fairly common and grows in all situations and in all sortsof soils. _Distribution. _--This occurs all over the Presidency in the plains. =Chloris tenella, _Roxb. _= This grass is a very slender annual with weak stems, branched from thebase, 10 to 18 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, compressed and keeled. The _ligule_ is atruncate membrane. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear to linear-lanceolate, flaccid, finelyacuminate with the margin more or less ciliate towards the base, 3 to 8inches long and 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide. The _spikes_ are solitary, erect. 1 to 2-1/2 inches long. [Illustration: Fig. 197. --Chloris tenella. 1. A portion of the spike; 2. A spikelet; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The glumes in regular order beginning with the first; 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a and9b. Are the palea of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and the seventhglumes, respectively; 5b. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are large about 1/4 inch long cuneate and bifarious. There are usually five to six _glumes_ (and rarely up to eight). The_first glume_ is ovate-lanceolate, acute and hyaline, 1-nerved. The_second glume_ is a little longer and broader than the first glume, 1-nerved and this mid-nerve produced into a very short awn. The _thirdglume_ is as long as the second or longer, coriaceous, obovate andtruncate at the top, 3-nerved and the marginal nerves distant from themargin, keel and the lateral nerves villous to about three-fourths theirlength, scabrid at the apex close to the truncate margin, paleate;_palea_ is elliptic, with ciliate margins, callus is densely villous. The _fourth glume_ is nearly half or a little more than half of thethird glume, narrower, paleate; _palea_ is elliptic. The succeedingglumes _fifth_ to the _eighth_ are similar to the fourth in shape butthey get smaller and smaller and the last glume is epaleate. The thirdglume is usually grain bearing, but rarely the fourth also may contain agrain, the remaining glumes being sterile. Grain is oblong, lenticular, brownish. This grass is widely spread in the Ceded districts and appears to be agood fodder grass. _Distribution. _--Southern India, Rajputana, Scind and Khandeish. =Chloris virgata, _Sw. _= This grass seems to be a perennial. The stems are somewhat flattened, erect, tufted, leafy at the base and occasionally with creeping stemsrooting at the lower nodes varying in length from 10 to 21 inches. The _leaf-sheaths_ are glabrous, compressed, upper sheaths somewhatinflated; mouth of the sheath is bearded with long hairs in the leavesof young branches and quite glabrous when old and in flower-bearingbranches, margins are thin and membranous. The ligule is a thin narrowmembranous ridge. The _leaf-blades_ are rather narrow, linear, flat, acute, glabrous whenold, and with scattered long hairs in the leaves of young branches, varying in length from 2 to 9 and sometimes even 15 inches and inbreadth about 1/8 inch or less. [Illustration: Fig. 198. --Chloris virgata. 1. Spikelet; 2 and 3, the first and second glumes; 4 and 5. The thirdglume and its palea; 6. Lodicules, stamens and the ovary; 7. The fourthglume; 8. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ consists of from four to nine spikes digitatelyarranged on a long peduncle and the leaf-sheath enclosing theinflorescence is somewhat large and inflated. Spikes are 1 to 1-1/2inches long with fine, angular rachis, scaberulous in the edges. _Spikelets_ are about 1/10 inch, 2-awned, shortly stalked and consist ofonly four _glumes_. The _first glume_ is small lanceolate, glabrous, with the keel scaberulous, 1-nerved. The _second glume_ is about one anda half times the first, oblong-lanceolate, 2-fid at the apex, glabrous, but the keel scaberulous and nerve produced between the lobes into ashort scaberulous awn. The _third glume_ is oblong-ovate, lanceolate, 2-fid at the apex, and awned in the sinus, awn being about 1/4 inch longbearded at the base, the margins are slightly ciliate up to about themiddle and then closely ciliate with long hairs almost to the tip, butnot to the tip; on the two sides of the dorsal nerve there are twoshallow grooves one on each side, with short scattered appressed hairs;the palea is narrow oblanceolate, minutely 2-fid at the tip, withmargins folded inward and embracing the _stamens_, _ovary_ and the_lodicules_. Grain is narrow, trigonous, oblong, translucent andshining. The _fourth glume_ is borne by a short rachilla which is about1/3 the length of the third glume or less, shorter than the third, cuneiform, empty and awned. This grass grows well and produces a fair amount of foliage. _Distribution. _--This is not very common. So far collected only fromHosur in Salem district and Bellary district although its distributionis said to be Central and Southern India. It was found growingabundantly on old walls of houses in Poona city in 1920 and 1921. [Illustration: Fig. 199. --Chloris barbata (perennial plant). ] [Illustration: Fig. 200. --Chloris barbata. ] =Chloris barbata, _Sw. _= This is a very common perennial grass. Stems are stout, tufted, geniculately ascending and erect when inflower, and some creeping and rooting at the nodes; leafy at the baseand branching upwards, 1 to 3 feet; the lower internodes are 2 to 3inches long and the upper still longer, glabrous. The _leaf-sheaths_ are glabrous, compressed laterally, open at the baseand closed above, with a few scattered long hairs at the mouth, themargins thinly membranous. The _ligule_ is a very narrow membrane. The_nodes_ are glabrous mostly bearing tufts of leaves with compressedequitant sheaths. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow linear, flat or folded, acuminate, with longhairs on the margin towards the base, varying in length from 2 to 18inches. [Illustration: Fig. 201. --Chloris barbata. 1 to 5. The first, second, third, fourth and the fifth glume of aspikelet; 3a and 3b. The third glume and its palea; 3c. Ovary, stamensand lodicules; 4a and 5a. The fourth and fifth glumes; 6. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ consists of five to fourteen or fifteen sessile, digitately arranged spikes, varying in length from 1-1/2 to 3 inches, ona slender peduncle; the rachis is slender minutely hairy swollen at thebase. The _spikelets_ are green or purplish, 3-awned, unilaterally biseriateon the outside of the rachis, 1/10 inch excluding the awn; the_rachilla_ is bearded at the base, but is shorter than the third glumeand bears two barren glumes. There are five _glumes_. The _first_ andthe _second glumes_ are lanceolate, acute, membranous, pale and1-nerved, but the first glume is shorter than the second. The _thirdglume_ is broadly elliptic or ovate, concave, awned, 3-nerved, withmargins densely bearded above the middle and sparsely bearded dorsallyon both the sides of the mid-nerve; the _palea_ is oblanceolate, as longas the glume, folded inside along the margins and outside along themiddle, enclosing three _stamens_ and _ovary_. The _fourth glume_ iscuneiform, 3-nerved, awned, shortly ciliate above the middle, empty. The_fifth glume_ is awned, 3-nerved, glabrous, and globose. This grass is very widely distributed and it grows in all kinds ofsoils. Cattle eat it when young, but avoid it when the inflorescence ismature. _Distribution. _--Throughout the plains in India, Burma and Ceylon. [Illustration: Fig. 202. --Chloris Bournei. 1. Full plant; 2. Leaf showing ligule. ] =Chloris Bournei, _Rang. & Tad. _= This grass appears to be perennial. The stems are somewhat stout, tufted, erect or ascending geniculately from a creeping and rootingbase, varying in length from 1 to 3 feet and with internodes to 6 inchesbecoming longer upwards. The _leaf-sheaths_ are equal to or longer than the internodes at thebase, but shorter above, glabrous, compressed, distichous, beardedtowards the mouth and with membranous margins. The _ligule_ is a narrowmembranous ridge. _Nodes_ are thickened, deeply purple ringed, glabrousand the lower nodes always with a fan-like tuft of flattenedleaf-sheaths and leaves. The _leaf-blades_ are linear, finely acuminate, slightly broadened androunded at the base, keeled, the upper surface scaberulous and with afew scattered long hairs especially towards the base, smooth or slightlyscaberulous below, 1 to 9 inches by 1/12 to 1/4 inch. The _inflorescence_ consists of digitately arranged spikes 1-1/2 to 4inches long on a peduncle which is sometimes 15 inches long. _Spikes_are stout, purple-tinged, three to seven and even nine in somespecimens, shortly stalked, the base of the stalk being slightly swollenand villous at the base, the rachis is slender, somewhat villous towardsthe base. [Illustration: Fig. 203. --Chloris Bournei. 1 to 5. The glumes in order; 3a and 3b. The third glume and its palea;3c. Flower; 4a and 4b. The fourth glume and its palea; 5a. Fifth glume;6. A spikelet with four awned glumes; 7. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are about 1/8 inch excluding the awn, very shortlypedicelled, biseriate, unilateral, disarticulating above the first twoglumes which are persistent, purplish or pale, 1- to 3-flowered, usually3- to 4-awned and sometimes 5-awned; _awns_ are purplish 3/16 to 5/16inch long, finely scabrid. There are five or seven _glumes_ in aspikelet. The _first glume_ is hyaline, purplish or pale, about 1/10inch long, lanceolate, sub-acuminate, 1-nerved with a scaberulous keel. The _second glume_ is hyaline, about one and half times as long as thefirst, oblong elliptic, minutely 2-lobed at the apex, with a minutemucro between, 1-nerved with a scabrid keel. The _third glume_ is aslong as the second, awned, pale or purple, ovate or obovate, narrowed atthe base and clasping the rachilla at its base, apex shortly 2-fid witha purple dorsal awn, 3-nerved paleate; the two marginal nerves aredensely bearded with long white or purple tinged hairs from near thebase to almost the apex and the mid-nerve also similarly bearded withlong hairs on both sides, and the base with a tuft of long hairs; thepalea is as long as the glume, coriaceous obovately-cuneate, obtuse, minutely bifid, purple-tipped, with folded hyaline margins, 2-keeled;keels shortly ciliate. _Stamens_ three with yellow or purple anthers, _ovary_ with two feathery _stigmas_ and two _lodicules_. Grain is oblongshining light reddish brown, narrowed at both ends and somewhattrigonous. The remaining glumes _fourth_ to _seventh_ are borne by therachilla, thinly chartaceous, broadly obcordate or obovate, graduallydiminishing in size, purple-tinged, 3- to 5-nerved, scaberulous. Thefourth and fifth glumes are empty and epaleate when the spikelets arefive glumed. If there are six glumes, the _fourth_ bears stamens and theovary, the _fifth_ and _sixth glumes_ are empty, and in spikelets ofseven glumes, the third, fourth, and the fifth glumes are flower-bearingand contain grains, and the remaining two glumes are empty. This species is a tall robust one resembling _Chloris barbata_ in itsinflorescence, but with larger spikelets--as large as those of _Chloristenella_. No doubt it is closely allied to _Chloris barbata_, butdiffers from it by having larger spikelets that are 3- to 5-awned and 1-to 3-flowered, and the nerves being bearded throughout their length withlong hairs. Specimens of this grass were sent to Kew and Calcutta herbariums foridentification and they were named _C. Montana_, with which I could notagree. So again I sent these specimens along with specimens of what Iconsidered _C. Montana_ to Dr. Stapf at Kew through Mr. Gamble and Dr. Stapf wrote about these thus:--"We have not been able to match it withany of the described species of _Chloris_ and Mr. Ranga Acharya will befully justified in describing it as a new species. We have had it apartfrom Wight's specimen from the following collections:--(1) Sattur, November 19, 1795, sub-Andropogon barbata, Var. ? Herb Rottler. (2)Ahmednagar-Miss Shattock (U. S. Dept. Agri. --received 1914). (3)Tornagallu, Bellary district, 11th August 1901 (Ex herb Ranga Acharyain Herb, Bourne No. 3594). " _Distribution. _--This grass was found growing in abundance in the fieldsNos. 13, 37 and 62 of the Agricultural College and in the grounds aroundthe Forest College, Coimbatore, and was also collected in Hagari andSamalkota. This grass grows well and is likely to prove useful, as cattle seem tolike it. [Illustration: Fig. 204. --Chloris montana. ] =Chloris montana, _Roxb. _= This is a perennial grass usually met with on dry soils. The stems areerect, tufted, geniculately ascending from a creeping base rooting atthe nodes, quite glabrous, varying in length from 4 inches to 4 feet. The _leaf-sheaths_ are shorter than the internodes, flat, compressed, glabrous, with a few hairs or not at the mouth and with membranousmargins; the uppermost sheath is spathiform enclosing the inflorescencewhen young. The _ligule_ consists of only a thin ridge of short hairsdensely arranged. _Nodes_ are glabrous and dark-ringed, and withfan-like spreading equitant leaf-sheaths and leaves more especially whenrooting. The _leaf-blades_ are narrow linear, finely acuminate, rounded at thebase, glabrous throughout, folded flat inwards, 1/2 to 8 inches long, 1/16 to 1/8 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ consists of three to six (very rarely up to nine)spikes, 1 to 3 inches long, connate at the base, erect and neverspreading, the peduncle is slender, long, glabrous and copiouslypubescent just below the base of the connate spikes; _rachis_ isangular, slender and scabrid. [Illustration: Fig. 205. --Chloris montana. 1. A portion of the spike; 2. A spikelet; 3 and 4. First and secondglumes; 5 and 5a. Third glume and its palea; 6, 7, 8 and 9. Fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh glumes; 10. Lodicules, ovary and stamens; 11. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are about 1/8 inch excluding the awns, shortlypedicelled, unilateral, biseriate, thin and slender, 1-flowered, pale orpurple tinged, disarticulating above the two lower empty glumes, whichpersist on the rachis, generally 4-awned, very rarely 3 or 5; _awns_ arepale or purple, 1/8 to 5/16 inch; pedicel is short, angular, scaberulouswith a few pilose hairs; _rachilla_ is produced but is shorter than theflowering glume. There are usually six _glumes_ in a spikelet and veryrarely five or seven glumes; of these the first two _glumes_ arehyaline, empty, awnless; the third is flower-bearing and the rest empty, thinly coriaceous and awned. The _first glume_ is white or lightlypurplish, small, about 1/16 inch long, lanceolate, finely acuminate, 1-nerved, and with scabrid keel. The _second glume_ is twice the firstglume in length, oblong-lanceolate, finely acuminate, 1-nerved. The_third glume_ is broadly oblong, chartaceous, 3-nerved, bearded withlong hairs along the margins from a little above the base, and with atuft of hairs at the base and an awn at the apex; the palea is oblong, alittle smaller than the glume, folded along the margins. There are three_stamens_ with pale yellow anthers. The _styles_ are white with purple_stigmas_. _Lodicules_ are narrowly cuneate. The _fourth_ and the _fifthglumes_ are small, epaleate, empty, oblong, cuneate, 3-nerved, awned. The _sixth glume_ is very small, cuneate, awned. _Distribution. _--In the districts forming the Coromandel Coast and alsoGangetic plains and Ceylon. 37. Eleusine, _Gaertn. _ These are annual or perennial grasses. Leaves are long or short. Thespikelets are sessile, 3 to 12 flowered, 2 to 3-seriate, secund, laterally compressed and forming digitate whorled or capitate spikes, not joined at the base; rachilla continuous between the floweringglumes. The glumes in a spikelet are few to many, keeled. The first twoglumes are subequal or unequal, persistent; the first glume is 1-nervedand the second glume is 1- to 7-nerved. The flowering glumes are3-nerved, paleate; palea is complicate; keels are strong, scabrid orciliate. Lodicules are two, cuneate. Anthers are short. Styles distinctand short. Grain is free, rugose, and the pericarp is hyaline and loose. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Spikelets pointing upward at an acute angle with the rachis of the spike. Spikes 1 to 5 inches long, digitate, erect. 1. E. Indica. Spikes 1/6 to 1/4 inch or a little more, capitate, spreading. 2. E. Brevifolia. Spikelets spreading at right angles with the rachis of the spike, spreading or erect. 3. E. ĉgyptiaca. =Eleusine indica, _Gaertn. _= This is a tufted annual grass with short, erect, somewhat compressed, glabrous stems, 1 to 2 feet high. The _leaf-sheaths_ are compressed, distichous, ciliate. The _ligule_ isa ridge of hairs. The _leaf-blades_ are narrow-linear, as long as the stem, glabrous orwith a few scattered hairs near the mouth, acuminate, base notcontracted, 12 to 20 inches long and 1/8 to 1/6 inch broad. The _spikes_ are elongate, digitate, 2 to 7, 2 to 5 inches long, all ina terminal whorl and sometimes with one or two lower down, and with theaxils glandular and hairy; the _rachis_ is slender and dorsallyflattened. [Illustration: Fig. 206. --Eleusine indica. 1. A portion of the spike; 2. A spikelet; 3. Flowering glumes and theirpalea with the rachis; 4 and 5. The first two glumes; 6 and 7. Floweringglume and its palea; 8. The ovary, stamens and the lodicules; 9 and 10. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are variable in size, 1/12 to 1/6 inch, 3 to 5, rarely6-flowered, quite glabrous, biseriate, pointing upward at an acute anglewith the rachis. All the glumes are more or less membranous. The _firstglume_ is small, oblong-ovate or oblong, 1-nerved with a scabrid keel. The _second glume_ is twice the size of the first, ovate-oblong, 3-nerved, rarely 3- to 7-nerved, glabrous, shortly mucronate at theacute apex. The _third glume_ and the succeeding flowering glumes arelarger than the second, ovate-oblong, subacute, 3-nerved and paleate;_palea_ is shorter than the glume, glabrous. _Stamens_ are three. _Lodicules_ are small and cuneate. The grain is oblong, obtuselytrigonous, broadly and shallowly grooved dorsally with concentric minutetubercled ridges covered with a loose pericarp. This grass is fairly common in somewhat wet places in the plains and lowhills. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. =Eleusine brevifolia, _Br. _= This is an annual grass. Stems are creeping and spreading from the root, and ascending from a decumbent base, generally slender and small, butsometimes large and proliferously branched, leafy, 3 to 7 inches long. The _leaf-sheath_ is compressed and glabrous. The _ligule_ is a veryshort membrane, ciliate at the margin or obsolete. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, acute, with a subcordate or rounded base 1/2to 2 inches long and 1/8 to 1/6 inch broad. The _spikes_ are usually many, sessile and crowded in globose heads, varying in diameter from 1/3 to 2/3 inch. [Illustration: Fig. 207. --Eleusine brevifolia. 1. A spikelet; 2 and 3. The first and the second glumes; 4 and 5. Thethird glume and its palea 6. Lodicules, ovary and stamens. ] _Spikelets_ are sessile, biseriate, ovate-oblong, 1/8 to 1/6 inch long, 4- to 10-flowered. The _first two glumes_ are membranous, ovate-oblong, glabrous, acuminate and shortly awned, the _first glume_ is shorter thanthe second, 1- to 3-nerved, the _second glume_ is longer than the first, 3- to 5-nerved, and the nerves are very close to the middle one in thekeel. The _third_ and the succeeding _glumes_ are ovate, cuspidatelyacuminate, 3-nerved, nerves villous below the middle and paleate;_palea_ is oblong, lanceolate, truncate and minutely 2-toothed, keelsvillous below the middle. _Anthers_ are small. _Lodicules_ are alsosmall and cuneate. _Styles_ are long and slender. Grain is orbicular toovate, concavo-convex, red-brown, and transversely rugose. This grass is usually found in somewhat damp situations all over thePresidency, though somewhat local in its distribution. _Distribution. _--Sandy shores of the Coromandel and Carnatic coasts. [Illustration: Fig. 208. --Eleusine ĉgyptiaca. ] =Eleusine ĉgyptiaca, _Desf. _= This grass is an annual with erect or creeping branches. Stems are erector prostrate, compressed, smooth, spreading and rooting at the nodes, 6to 18 inches long. Nodes are thickened and sometimes proliferous. The _leaf-sheath_ is compressed and glabrous. The _ligule_ is short andmembranous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, tapering to a fine point, flat, glaucous, glabrous or hairy, 1 to 6 inches long and 1/12 to 1/6 inch, wide. [Illustration: Fig. 209. --Eleusine ĉgyptiaca. 1. Front and back views of a portion of spike; 2. A spikelet; 3 and 4. The first and the second glumes; 5 and 6. Flowering glume and its palea;7. Ovary and anthers. ] _Spikes_ are digitate, 2 to 6, 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches long. _Spikelets_ areflat, densely crowded on one side of the floral axis, spreading at rightangles, 3- to 5-flowered, _glumes_ five to seven. The _first glume_ isovate acute. The _second glume_ is equal to the first or slightlylonger, broadly ovate, awned. The flowering _glumes_ are ovate, mucronate or awned, paleate; _palea_ is shorter than the glume, ovate-oblong, obtuse or 2-fid. _Anthers_ are small. Grain is reddish, rugose and sub-globose. This is a very common grass occurring as a weed in cultivated fields andin open places. It is a well-known fodder grass. _Distribution. _--Throughout the plains in India and Ceylon. 38. Dinebra, _Jacq. _ These are leafy annual grasses. The inflorescence is a narrow pyramidalraceme of slender, spreading or deflexed spikes. Spikelets are small, biseriate and crowded on one side of the spike and not jointed at thebase; rachilla is slender, jointed and produced beyond the floweringglumes and bearing an imperfect glume. There are four to five glumes. The first two glumes are the longest, lanceolate, 1-nerved, keeled andawned. The second glume is slightly longer than the first. The third andthe fourth glumes are very small, hyaline, broadly ovate, 1-nerved. Lodicules are present. Stamens are three and anthers didymous and small. Grain is narrowly ovoid and trigonous. [Illustration: Fig. 210. --Dinebra arabica. 1. Full plant; 2. Leaf showing the ligule. ] =Dinebra arabica, _Jacq. _= This grass is an annual with stems erect or with a geniculate base, tufted, slender or stout; some of the lower nodes of the geniculate partof the stems bear roots; the internodes are green or purple tinged andglabrous. The _leaf-sheath_ is thin, somewhat loose, usually glabrous, rarelysparsely hairy. The _ligule_ is a short membrane irregularly cut at thetop. The _nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, very finely acuminate, rough on both thesurfaces, thinly and very sparsely hairy; the base of the blade iscontracted and purple tinged towards the margin, midrib is prominentwith three or four main veins on each side; the margins are very finely, closely serrate. [Illustration: Fig. 211. --Dinebra arabica. 1 and 2. The front and back view of a portion of a spike; 3. Spikelet;4, 5 and 6. The first, second and third glumes; 7. Palea of the thirdglume; 8. Lodicules, ovary and stamens. ] The _inflorescence_ is a long erect narrow pyramidal panicle varying inlength from 2 to 16 inches; the lower branches sometimes bear severalspikes and attain 6 inches in length; the _peduncles_ are short or long, purple tinged and the main _rachis_ is smooth except at the top, angularand grooved. The _spikes_ are numerous, greenish or purple tinged, slender, erect or spreading or sometimes deflexed, opposite, alternateor in fascicles of two to four varying in length from 1/4 to 2-1/2inches; the _rachis_ of the spike is trigonous, flattened out ventrallyand with a ridge on the ventral side and the margins are scabrid. The _spikelets_ are few to many in a spike, alternate, closelyimbricating, sessile, about 1/6 inch long including the awns, usuallythree flowered, rarely less or four flowered; the _rachilla_ is veryslender, jointed at the base, produced and jointed between the floweringglumes. There are usually five _glumes_ in a spikelet and in some four or six. The _first_ and the _second glumes_ are lanceolate narrowed into shortstiff awns, equal or the second a little longer, hyaline glabrous, strongly keeled about 1/6 inch long or a little less. The _succeedingglumes_ third, fourth and fifth are very much shorter than the first twoglumes, about 1/10 inch or less, ovate-oblong, subacute, white, membranous with a strong greenish nerve along the keel and two shortones close to the margin, paleate; _palea_ is shorter than the glume, membranous, oblong-obtuse, minutely 2-toothed, 2-nerved and 2-keeled. _Stamens_ are three with small anthers. _Stigmas_ are white when youngand purple when mature. _Lodicules_ are very minute. The grain is pale, brownish yellow, ellipsoidal-oblong, subacute, trigonous, rough andnever smooth, with a shallow groove on the dorsal side; the embryo isabout one-third the length of the grain. This grass grows abundantly in cultivated dry fields all over thePresidency. The spikes when mature become very rough and give an acidtaste. Cattle greedily eat this grass when young, but when old and infull flower some cattle do not like it so much. _Distribution. _--Throughout the Presidency in the plains. Also occurs inAfghanistan and westward to Senegal. 39. Leptochloa, _Beauv. _ These are tall slender annual grasses. Spikelets are very small, compressed, 1- to 6-flowered, sessile or shortly pedicelled, alternateand unilateral on the branches of a panicle; the rachilla is producedbetween the flowering glumes, jointed at the base. There are 3 to 8glumes. The first two glumes are unequal, oblong or lanceolate, 1-nerved. The third and the succeeding ones are broadly ovate, 3-nerved, paleate. Lodicules are two. Stamens are three. Grain is sub-globose, oblong or trigonous, closely invested by the glume and its palea. =Leptochloa chinensis, _Nees. _= This is a tall annual grass. Stems are erect or geniculately ascendingfrom a creeping root-stock, varying in length from 2 to 4 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, loose, the lower often broad and open. The_ligule_ is a short hyaline lacerated membrane. The _leaf-blade_ is narrowly linear, finely acuminate, somewhatcoriaceous, glabrous, 6 to 18 inches long and 1/6 to 1/4 inch broad. The _inflorescence_ is a contracted panicle, 6 to 18 inches long withspreading or suberect, alternate or opposite spikes which are capillaryand vary from 2 to 4 inches in length. [Illustration: Fig. 212. --Leptochloa chinensis. 1. A portion of the spike; 2 and 3. The first and the second glume; 4and 5 the flowering glume and its palea; 6. The stamens and the ovary. ] The _spikelets_ are small, shortly stalked, 4- to 8-flowered, 1/10 to1/6 inch with the _rachilla_ produced between the flowering glumes. The_first glume_ is small, oblong, obtuse or apiculate. The _second glume_is similar to the first but twice as long as the first glume. The _thirdglume_ and the succeeding flowering glumes are ovate-oblong, obtuse orapiculate, with sub-marginal lateral veins; _palea_ are broadly oblongwith silkily ciliate keels. _Anthers_ are usually very small. Grain isoblong, obtusely trigonous, or concavo-convex, red-brown and rugulose onthe ventral side. This grass is very common amidst paddy in wet lands and in wetsituations. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon in wet places. Also inChina, Japan and Australia. CHAPTER X. TRIBES VII AND VIII--FESTUCACEĈ AND HORDEĈ. =Festucaceĉ= is of minor importance as it is not well represented in theSouth India. Only about half a dozen genera occur and most of them onthe hills. The spikelets are usually 2- or more-flowered, pedicelled andin panicles, open or contracted. The rachilla is produced beyond theflowering glumes and articulate at the base just above the empty glumes. Inflorescence a raceme, spikelets 2- to 3-flowered, turbinate; glumes single-awned. 40. Pommereulla. Inflorescence paniculate, spikelets few or many-flowered, glumes many-nerved and many-awned. 41. Pappophorum. Inflorescence various, spikelets 2- to many-flowered, flowering glumes 1- to 3-nerved entire, empty glumes shorter than the lowest flowering glume, grain very minute. 42. Eragrostis. =Hordeĉ= is also a minor tribe and is represented by only one genus inSouth India. The spikelets are one-or more-flowered, sessile, 1- or 2-seriate on therachis, and somewhat sunk in cavities; the rachilla is jointed at thebase and is produced beyond the flowering glumes, glumes awned or not. Spikelets 1- to 3-flowered, first glume very minute or wanting, second as long as the hyaline, third spike compressed, solitary. 43. Oropetium. 40. Pommereulla, _Linn. F. _ This is a short, stout, creeping perennial grass. Spikelets are 2- to3-flowered, distichously racemed, narrowly turbinate, villous. Glumesare 5 to 7 in a spikelet. The first two glumes are narrow, membranous, persistent, the first glume being 1-nerved and shorter than the secondwhich is 3- to 5-nerved. The third and the fourth glumes embracing thefifth and the sixth are empty, flabelliform, 4-lobed, and dorsallyshortly awned. The fifth, sixth and the seventh are cuneate, obovate and3-lobed, palea ovate, acute, and pubescent. Lodicules are two andmembranous. Stamens are two to three with small anthers. Grain isoblong, compressed and free. [Illustration: Fig. 213. --Pommereulla Cornucopiĉ. ] =Pommereulla Cornucopiĉ, _Linn. F. _= This is a short, stout perennial grass with stems rooting at the nodes;branches are flat, short, densely leafy, 2 to 6 inches long. The _leaf-sheaths_ are smooth, equitant with thinly membranous margins. The _ligule_ is a ciliated ridge. The _leaf-blade_ is flat, linear, distichous, coriaceous, rounded at thetip, margins sparsely ciliate, 1 to 2-1/2 inches long. The _inflorescence_ is a terminal raceme, 1/2 to 2 inches long, halfhidden by the uppermost leaf-sheath, the peduncle is flattened and 1 to2-1/2 inches long; rachis is also flattened with a tuft of long silkyhairs at the base. [Illustration: Fig. 214. -Pommereulla Cornucopiĉ. 1. A leaf; 2. Inflorescence; 3. Spikelet; 4 and 5. The second and thefirst glume; 6 and 7. The third and the fourth glume; 8 and 9. The fifthflowering glume and its palea; 10 and 11. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are shortly pedicelled or sessile, dorsally compressed, cuneiform, about 1/3 inch, glistening, villous, not articulate at thebase, 2- to 3-flowered, rachilla is narrowed downwards, resembling acallus and villous, jointed at the acute base above the empty glumes, and crowned with broad obconic empty awned glumes. The spikelets haveusually seven, rarely eight glumes. The _first_ and the _second glumes_are narrow, membranous, glistening, empty and persistent and the othersare coriaceous with membranous margins. The _first glume_ is linear orlinear-lanceolate, acuminate, 1-nerved, scaberulous along the nerve. The_second glume_ is longer than the first, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed towards the base, inserted much above the first glume andembracing the rachilla, 3-nerved, scaberulous along the mid-nerve at thebase only. The _third_ and _fourth glumes_ are half-amplexicaul, empty, epaleate, flabelliform, 4-lobed, 7-nerved, shortly awned at the back, villous; the side lobes are acuminate or aristate and the central lobesare shortly awned. The _fifth_, _sixth_ and _seventh glumes_ areobovate-cuneate, 7- to 9-nerved, paleate, flower-bearing and 3-lobed, the side lobes are acuminate and the central lobe is bifid and dorsallyawned; palea is ovate-acute, 2-nerved and ciliolate. The _eighth glume_, if present, is neuter and imperfect, 3-lobed and shortly awned. _Lodicules_ are minute. _Stamens_ are two or three with small anthers. Grain is oblong, compressed, reddish brown. This grass generally grows in gravelly and somewhat alkaline soils. Sofar this has been noticed and collected in Chingleput and Nelloredistricts. _Distribution. _--Mysore and the Carnatic, and Ceylon. 41. Pappophorum, _Nees. _ This is a perennial grass. Spikelets are contracted spiciform panicles, 1- to 3-flowered, rachilla is jointed at the base. There are 5 to 7glumes in the spikelet. The _first_ and the _second glumes_ aremembranous, keeled 3- to many-nerved, persistent. The _third_ and thefourth glumes are much shorter (excluding the awns) than the first two, coriaceous, orbicular, concave, obscurely many-nerved, cleft into nineor more equal or alternately longer long-ciliate erect awns. The fourthand the subsequent glumes are imperfect and they get gradually smallerand smaller, the last glume being represented only by a rudimentaryglume with three awns. Lodicules are dolabriform and two. Stamens arethree. Styles are free. Grain is obovoid or oblong, free. [Illustration: Fig. 215. --Pappophorum elegans. ] =Pappophorum elegans, _Nees. _= This grass is perennial with wiry roots. Stems are erect ascending froma swollen woody base, thinly hairy and rarely glabrous, pale green andsometimes with red blotches, wiry, varying in length from 1 to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is thinly pubescent, some hairs being minutelygland-tipped. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, linear-lanceolate, sharply acuminate, covered both above and below with hairs, many of which being minutelygland-tipped, convolute when young. The _ligule_ is a ridge of hairs. Nodes are pubescent. The _inflorescence_ is a panicle with short branches, 1 to 3 incheslong, rachis is pubescent; peduncle is 2 to 4 inches long, pubescent. The _spikelets_ are pale green, sometimes purple tinged and appearingwhite when mature, softly pubescent, about 1/4 inch long including theawn; the rachilla is produced and disarticulates above the two lowerglumes. [Illustration: Fig. 216. --Pappophorum elegans. 1 and 2. The first and second glumes; 3. The third glume and its palea;4. Palea of the third glume; 5. Lodicules, stamens and ovary; 6 and 7. Fourth glume and its palea; 8 and 9. Fifth glume and its palea; 10 and11. Sixth and seventh glumes. ] There are 6 or 7 glumes in the spikelet. The _first glume_ islanceolate, acute, softly hairy, usually 9-nerved, or varying from 7 to12 (some nerves do not reach the apex), about 1/4 inch long. The _secondglume_ is similar to the first but a little longer and both the glumeshave broad hyaline margins. The _third glume_ is broadly orbicular, concave, sub-chartaceous, 9-nerved, densely villous and with a tuft ofhairs at the base where it joins the rachilla, cleft into 9 awn-likelobes, bisexual and paleate; the awns are alternately long and short, subulate, plumose in the lower half and scabrid above, the palea isoblong-ovate, sub-chartaceous, with two pubescent keels, bifid at theapex, and with 3 purple anthers. The _ovary_ is ovoid or ovoid-oblong, with two white stigmas. _Lodicules_ are two, small cuneate or quadrate. Grain ovoid or ovoid-oblong. The _fourth_ _glume_ is similar to thethird glume but smaller, paleate with rudimentary anthers and two fleshylodicules. The _fifth_, _sixth_ and _seventh glumes_ are imperfect andgradually decreasing in size, and with awns varying in number from 5 to8, 3 to 5, and 1 to 3, respectively, minutely paleate or not. This grass grows well in black cotton and rich loamy soils and is ahardy one. Cattle seem to eat this grass. _Distribution. _--Fairly common in the plains in the Deccan districts andin the Coromandel coast districts. 42. Eragrostis, _Beauv. _ These are slender, glabrous, annual or perennial grasses. Stems areusually erect or geniculately ascending, very rarely prostrate. Leavesare narrow. Inflorescences are open or contracted panicles, rarelyspikes. Spikelets are usually strongly laterally compressed, 2, tomany-flowered and not articulate at the base; rachilla is tough andpersistent, jointed above the empty glumes and in some also between theflowering glumes, not produced beyond the last glume. Glumes are many, broad, obtuse, acute or mucronate, never awned, dorsally rounded andkeeled; the first and the second glumes are much shorter than thespikelet, equal or unequal, empty, persistent or separately deciduous, 1-nerved or the second 3-nerved, usually membranous. Flowering glumesare imbricating, at length deciduous from the rachilla, 3-nerved, allbisexual or the uppermost and rarely the lowest imperfect, ovate tolanceolate, membranous to chartaceous, usually glabrous, the lateralnerves short not reaching the mid nerve; palea are broad, membranous, deciduous with its glume or persistent on the rachilla with two ciliatesmooth or scabrid keels. Stamens are three rarely two. Ovary is glabrouswith two styles ending in plumose stigmas. Grain is minute, globose, obgloboid or obovoid, free in the glume and the palea. KEY TO THE SPECIES. A. Spikelets panicled. B. Rachilla of spikelets more or less jointed and breaking up from above downwards. Panicle more or less contracted and margin of flowering glumes not ciliate. Spikelets 1/20 to 1/6 inch long; grain obovoid; stamens 2; panicle narrow interrupted, 6 to 18 inches long 1. E. Interrupta. BB. Rachilla of spikelets tough, persistent; flowering glumes falling away from base upwards. C. Spikelets pedicellate. Spikelets flat, ovate-elliptic or oblong, lateral nerves of flowering glumes very prominent and straight, almost percurrent; palea deciduous with their glumes 2. E. Amabilis. Spikelets less compressed, linear or linear-oblong; lateral nerves less prominent; not fascicled, long pedicellate and divaricate when ripe. Leaf margins without glands. Spikelets versatile, narrow, linear 1 inch or more long, branches of panicle solitary 3. E. Tremula. Leaf margins glandular. First glume 1-nerved and second glume 3-nerved 4. E. Major. First glume and second glume 1-nerved 5. E. Willdenoviana. Spikelets small, 1/4 inch or less, branches of panicle whorled 6. E. Pilosa. CC. Spikelets sessile and jointed on the very short densely crowded branchlets of a tall, narrow raceme like panicle, deciduous, acute, much compressed, imbricate and secund 7. E. Cynosuroides. AA. Spikelets in a long terminal spike. Spikelets distichously spreading, secund, keels of palea winged 8. E. Bifaria. =Eragrostis interrupta, _Beauv. _= (_Var. Koenigii_, Stapf. ) This is a tall grass, annual or perennial, with erect stems 1 to 3 feetor more. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and close. The _ligule_ is a short, fimbriate membrane. _Nodes_ are glabrous. The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, flat, acuminate, glabrous on both sides, 3to 10 inches long. The _panicle_ is erect, narrow, contracted, with branches inpseudo-whorls and varying in length from 6 to 18 inches, branches areslender, filiform, two or more arising from the same level, 1 to 3inches long. The _spikelets_ are small, pedicellate, smooth, usually 6 to14-flowered, pale but often tinged with red, the rachilla is jointedbetween the flowering glumes, and breaks away from above downwards. Theempty _glumes_ are very small, subequal, ovate-oblong, hyaline, obtuseand 1-nerved. Floral _glumes_ also are small but slightly longer thanthe empty ones, ovate-oblong, obtuse and paleate, palea is linear-oblongwith smooth or scabrid keels. _Stamens_ are two with small anthers. Grain is obovoid. [Illustration: Fig. 217. --Eragrostis interrupta. Var. Koenigii. 1. Two spikelets; 2 and 3. Empty glumes; 4. Empty glumes with twoflowering glumes and their palea; 5. Flowering glumes and palea; 6. Ovary and two stamens; 7. Grain. ] This grass is a very variable plant and has a few varieties. The onedescribed above is Var. _Koenigii_ Stapf. , and this is the one thatoccurs very widely. The other two varieties which occur very rarely are(1) _diarrhena_ Stapf. And (2) _tenuissima_ Stapf. The former is a tallplant with very narrow panicle and spikelets and the latter either tallor short and with a panicle bearing very slender divaricate branches. This grass usually occurs in clayey soils especially on the bunds and inthe paddy fields. _Distribution. _--Throughout India, Burma and Ceylon. Also in tropicalAsia and Africa. =Eragrostis amabilis, _W. & A. _= This is an annual tufted grass with slender, glabrous, erect orgeniculately ascending stems, 6 to 18 inches, leafy chiefly at the base. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous and smooth. The _ligule_ is absent or veryobscure. The _leaf-blade_ is lanceolate-linear or linear, narrowed from a broadsubcordate base to an acute tip, smooth and flat. The _panicle_ is ovoid-oblong or oblong, open or contracted, sparinglybranched; branches are filiform, solitary, ramifying from near the base;rachis and nodes are glabrous. [Illustration: Fig. 218. --Eragrostis amabilis. 1. A portion of a branch with spikelets; 2. A single spikelet; 3 and 4. Empty glumes; 5. And 6. A flowering glume and its palea; 7. Lodicules, stamens and ovary; 8. Grain. ] The _spikelets_ are ovate-oblong or linear-oblong, pale or purplish 1/6to 1/2 inch, up to 50-flowered, rachilla is tough with very shortinternodes. The glumes are very closely and distichously imbricating(and hence spikelets are pretty); the _empty glumes_ are subequal, ovate-lanceolate, acute or cuspidately acuminate, 1-nerved, 1/25 to 1/16inch long. _Flowering glumes_ are broadly ovate or suborbicular, mucronulate, punctulate, with the lateral nerves equidistant from themargins and the median nerve, and produced far up towards the mediannerve; palea is broad, shorter than its glume, deciduous with it, andwith winged and scabrid keels. _Stamens_ are three. Grain isobovoid-ellipsoid, smooth, laterally compressed, reddish-brown. This grass is abundant in wet places on the hills and fairly common inthe plains though not abundant. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon. [Illustration: Fig. 219. --Eragrostis tremula. ] =Eragrostis tremula, _Hochst. _= This is an elegant annual grass. Stems are tufted erect or sometimesgeniculately ascending, branching freely, 6 inches to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, glabrous, shorter than the internodes, becoming purplish when dry. The _ligule_ is a ridge of short hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate, tapering to a fine point, rigid, glabrous or sparsely hairy, but with prominent white hairs near themouth of the sheath at the base, 1 to 10 inches long and 1/12 to 3/16inch broad, the base is rounded and the margin eglandular and veryfinely serrate. The _inflorescence_ is a large, effuse, nodding, pyramidal or oblongpanicle, much branched, the peduncle being as long as the rest of theplant; branches are slender, solitary, suberect, drooping, ratherangled, scaberulous, 3 to 7 inches long with very fine capillarybranchlets; all the axils of the branches and branchlets have long whitehairs. [Illustration: Fig. 220. --Eragrostis tremula. 1. Spikelet; 2 and 3. The first and the second glume; 4 and 5. Floweringglume and its palea; 6. Stamens, ovary and lodicules. ] The _spikelets_ are linear, narrowed upwards, glabrous, flattened palegreen or purple tinged, few to 70-flowered; pedicels are slender andcapillary, longer or shorter than the spikelets; rachilla is zigzag andglabrous. The _first two glumes_ are subequal, ovate, acute, one-nerved, keel obscurely scaberulous, membranous. The _third_ and the succeeding_flowering glumes_ are ovate, obtuse, as long as the second glume orslightly longer, sub-chartaceous, glabrous, three-nerved; palea isshorter than the glume, curved obovate oblong and persistent on therachilla. _Stamens_ are three with small anthers. Style branches aretwo. _Lodicules_ are minute. Grain is nearly globose, compressed on oneside, obscurely rugulose. This grass is not very widely distributed although it occurs in someparts of the Presidency. It is common on the West Coast in sandy places. _Distribution. _--From the Punjab to Bengal and Burma and Southward toCarnatic. Also said to occur in Afghanistan and Tropical Africa. [Illustration: Fig. 221. --Eragrostis major. ] =Eragrostis major, _Host. _= This is an annual tufted grass. Stems are erect or geniculatelyascending, usually short, leafy and branched below, glabrous andshining, 1/2 to 2 feet long. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, striate, shorter than the internodes, keeled with tubercles or glands on the keel and also on some of thesmaller nerves on the sides, and bearded with long white hairsexternally at the mouth. The nodes are glabrous purple, shining and witha glandular ring below. The _ligule_ is a ridge of long hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate or linear, tapering to a finepoint, glabrous, flaccid, margins finely serrulate and glandular, baserounded, varying in length from 1/2 to 10 inches and in breadth 3/16 to7/16 inch; the midrib is prominent and with a row of glands beneath andthere are 3 to 5 lateral nerves on each side of the mid-nerve. [Illustration: Fig. 222. --Eragrostis major. 1. A branch with spikelets; 2 and 3. Empty glumes; 4 and 5. Floweringglume and its palea; 6. Grain. ] The _panicle_ is ovate or ovate-oblong, on a short, smooth peduncle, usually open and stiff; branches are usually many, sub-solitary orfascicled, spreading or suberect, capillary, stiff, again branching fromnear the base and about 3 inches long; _rachis_ is angular, with glandsand tufts of sparse white hairs at the angles of branches andbranchlets. _Spikelets_ are linear to ovate-oblong, compressed, pale or green, sometimes purple tinged at the base, few to 40-flowered and occasionallyup to 70-flowers, 1/8 to 1 inch. The _empty glumes_ are subequal or the first is a little shorter, ovate, acute, membranous, keeled, and sometimes the keels with glands; the_first glume_ is usually one-nerved (rarely obscurely one- tothree-nerved) and the _second glume_ is three-nerved. The _flowering glumes_ are broadly ovate, oblique, obtuse, sometimeswith a minute mucro, sub-chartaceous, punctulate, strongly three-nerved, paleate, about 1/12 inch long; palea is shorter than the glume, curved, obovate-oblong, keels ciliolate and persistent. _Stamens_ are three withvery small pale yellow anthers. Stigmas are two and white. _Lodicules_are very small. Grain is globose reddish brown, minutely and obscurelylineolate. This grass is a very common weed occurring in cultivated dry fields allover this Presidency. _Distribution. _--Throughout India and Ceylon in the plains and lowhills. Occurs also in tropical and sub-tropical parts of Asia andAfrica. [Illustration: Fig. 223. --Eragrostis Willdenoviana. ] =Eragrostis Willdenoviana, _Nees. _= This is a tufted annual. Stems are leafy at the base, erect orgeniculately ascending, slender but rigid, varying in length from 4 to18 inches. The _leaf-sheath_ is smooth, cylindric, glabrous, outer margin ciliate;tufts of long hairs are present at the sides of the margin of thesheath, just outside close to the hyaline patch. The _ligule_ is afringe of short white hairs. The _nodes_ are greenish or with a tinge ofpurple, glabrous and with a glandular ring below. The _leaf-blade_ is lanceolate-linear, pointed, flat, rigid, the marginis very minutely serrulate, glandular and occasionally also with finelong hairs; the upper surface is somewhat rough, the lower smooth andboth with fine long scattered hairs or glabrous. [Illustration: Fig. 224. --Eragrostis Willdenoviana. 1. Spikelets; 1_a. _ 1st glume; 2 and 2_a. _ the second glume; 3 and 3a. The flowering glume; 4. Palea of the flowering glume; 5. Lodicules, stamens and the ovary; 6. Grain. ] The _inflorescence_ is a stiff open panicle, ovate to oblong, 2 to 4-1/2inches long on a slender, terete, glabrous peduncle; the main _rachis_is angular, slender with glandular scars, a little below the attachmentof the branches; the branches are capillary, grooved stiff and spreadingwith small glandular scars just above the node. The _spikelets_ areelliptic-oblong to linear, 1/8 to 3/4 inch by about 1/20 inch, greenishor tinged with purple, few to about 25 (or sometimes even up to 42)glumed, pedicellate; pedicel is capillary, grooved and angular, with aglandular ring about the middle, spreading sometimes at right angles, rachilla is persistent. Empty _glumes_ are unequal. The first _glume_ is hyaline very small, nerveless or one-nerved, subacute or subobtuse; the second _glume_ ismuch longer than the first glume, ovate-oblong subacute, keeled, membranous and one-nerved. _Flowering glumes_ vary from about 12 to 30and in some well grown plants as many as 42, broadly ovate, obtuse orsubacute, rigidly membranous, three-nerved (one median and two marginal)glabrous, keeled and keels are scaberulous near the apex; palea isoblong linear, a little curved, persistent, a little smaller than theglume, two-keeled; there are three _stamens_ with small purplish anthersand two small _lodicules_. The grain is oblong truncate at both ends, reddish brown, with a prominent groove on the dorsal side; embryooccupying nearly half the length of the grain. This grass grows abundantly in somewhat rich soils all over thePresidency and cattle eat it. It grows quickly and bears a fair amountof foliage. _Distribution. _--Madras Presidency in the plains; also occurs in Ceylon. =Eragrostis pilosa, _Beauv. _= This is a densely tufted annual grass. Stems are usually erect, slenderand simple, flaccid, 3 inches to 3 feet. The _leaf-sheath_ is compressed, glabrous and bearded with long hairsclose to the mouth. The _ligule_ is a ridge of hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is short, narrow, finely acuminate, 1-1/2 to 4 inches. The _panicle_ is oblong to pyramidal, flaccid, open or contracted erector inclined, 2 to 8 inches; rachis is hairy or glabrous; branches arevery fine filiform or capillary, more or less whorled, lower six incheslong; branchlets are still finer and capillary. [Illustration: Fig. 225. --Eragrostis pilosa. 1. A portion of a branch with spikelets; 2 and 3. Empty glumes; 4. Flowering glumes; 5. Palea; 6. Grain. ] _Spikelets_ are linear, grey tipped with purple, or often purplish, scattered, 1/8 to 1/5 by 1/30 to 1/20 inch, with pedicels shorter orlonger than the spikelets. The _empty glumes_ are hyaline, very unequal, nerveless or the second which is ovate-lanceolate and larger than thefirst faintly 1-nerved. The _flowering glumes_ are ovate acute, paleate, 1/10 to 1/8 inch; palea is sub-persistent and keels of paleascaberulous. _Stamens_ are three with small violet anthers. Grain isellipsoid laterally pointed at the base. This grass occurs in wet places or close to the margins of ponds, marshysituations all over the Presidency. _Distribution. _--All over India and also in South Europe and most warmcountries. =Eragrostis cynosuroides, _Beauv. _= This is a tall perennial grass freely branching from the base and withstout stolons covered with shining sheaths. The root-stock is stout andcreeping. The stems are tufted, smooth, erect, with fascicles of leavesat the base 1 to 3 feet high. The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous, slightly compressed, distinctly keeled, as broad or slightly broader than the blade at the mouth. _Ligule_ is aline of short hairs. The _leaf-blade_ is linear, rigid, glabrous, acuminate with filiformtips, and finely serrulate margins, varying in length from 2 to 10inches and the basal leaves sometimes reaching 20 inches. The _panicle_ is strict, erect, narrowly pyramidal, often interrupted, varying in length from 6 to 18 inches and breadth from 1/2 to 2 inches. Branches are many, short, crowded, densely clothed from the base withsessile, imbricating, much compressed deflexed spikelets. [Illustration: Fig. 226. --Eragrostis cynosuroides. 1. A branch with spikelets; 2. Flowering glumes with their palea; 3 and4. Empty glumes; 5 and 6. Flowering glume and its palea. ] The _spikelets_ are secund, biseriate, shining, pale brown, 1/2 inchlong, up to 30-flowered. The _empty glumes_ are unequal, the secondbeing the larger. The _flowering glumes_ are coriaceous, ovate, acute aslong as the second or slightly longer, paleate, palea is sub-coriaceousand shorter than the glume. _Stamens_ are three. Grain is obliquelyovoid, laterally compressed. This grass grows usually in moist sandy loams, sand dunes, and is verycommon on the Coromandel coast and in the Deccan Districts. _Distribution. _--Throughout in the plains of India. =Eragrostis bifaria, _Wight Ex Steud. _= This is a densely tufted perennial grass. Stems are simple, erect, glabrous, somewhat compressed, 1 to 3 feet high, and the base clothedwith the old remains of the leaf-sheaths. The _leaf-sheath_ is scaberulous, keeled. The _ligule_ is a line of finehairs. The _leaf-blade_ is wiry, narrow, linear, flexuous, rigid, acute, smooth, flat or complicate, keeled, 2 to 3 inches long and up to 1/6inch wide. The _spikes_ are solitary, 10 to 12 inches long bearing spikeletsunilaterally. [Illustration: Fig. 227. --Eragrostis bifaria. 1 and 1_a. _ Spikelets; 2. And 3. Empty glumes; 4 and 5. The floweringglume and its palea; 6. The ovary, stamens and the lodicules. ] The _spikelets_ are ovate or ovoid to oblong, much compressed, usually15- to 20-flowered and up to 40 and then linear, 1/4 to 2/3 inch long, spreading, green or olive grey. The _empty glumes_ are one-nerved andkeeled. The _first glume_ is longer than the second glume, very acute oracuminate. The _second glume_ is smaller than the first, with stoutrounded keel. The _flowering glumes_ are as long or slightly shorterthan the first glume, broadly ovate, sub-acuminate, with faint nervesand paleate; _palea_ is shorter than its glume and with ciliate wings tothe keel. _Stamens_ are three. Grain is free. This grass is very common in the plains in somewhat wet situations allover the Presidency. _Distribution. _--Deccan Peninsula in India and also in Tropical Africa. 43. Oropetium, _Trin. _ A very small densely tufted erect annual. Leaves are filiform. Theinflorescence is a simple slender curved spike. Spikelets are veryminute, one-flowered, half immersed in the alternating distichouscavities of the rachis of the spike; rachilla is bearded. There arethree glumes in the spikelet. The first glume is very minute, empty, hyaline and persistent. The second glume is linear-lanceolate, rigid, empty, persistent recurved when old, tip obtuse or emarginate. The thirdglume is shorter broader, hyaline, one-nerved, obtuse or truncate, _palea_ is narrow with smooth keel. Lodicules are not found. Stamens arethree. Grain is oblong terete and free. =Oropetium Thomĉum, _Trin. _= This is a very small densely tufted annual grass, never exceeding 3inches in height and with compressed slender, tough stems. The _leaf-sheath_ is compressed, membranous, short and open. The_ligule_ is an erect lacerate membrane. The _leaf-blade_ is filiform, shorter or longer than the stem, erect orcurved, coriaceous with the margins sparsely ciliate with long stricthairs, 1/2 to 1 inch long. The _spikes_ are solitary or fascicled curved on very short branches 1to 1-1/2 inches long; rachis is green, undulating, tetragonous, with abroad central nerve on the flat faces. [Illustration: Fig. 228. --Oropetium Thomĉum. 1. Spike; 2. Spikelet; 3 and 4. Empty glumes; 5. Flowering glume; 6 and7. Flowering glume and its palea; 8. The ovary, stamens and lodicules. ] The _spikelets_ are very small, one-flowered, half immersed in thealternating distichous cavities of the rachis. There are three _glumes_in the spikelet. The _first glume_ is very minute, hyaline and sunk inthe hollow of the rachis. The _second glume_ is the longest, linear-lanceolate, rigid, tip obtuse or emarginate, slightly convex witha broad thickened centre and recurved in fruit. The _third glume_ isshorter than the second, hyaline, broader obtuse, semi-circular inprofile, excessively membranous, with the callus bearded and paleate;_palea_ is smaller than the glume. There are three stamens. Grain isoblong, terete, free. This small grass is very common all over the Presidency in the plains inmoist places. _Distribution. _--Plains of India, Burma and Ceylon. GLOSSARY. A Acuminate applied to the apex of a leaf having a gradually diminishing point, 49. Acute applied to the apex of a leaf distinctly and sharply pointed but not drawn out, 53. Adventitious roots which do not arise from the radicle or itsroots subdivisions, but from parts other than these, 7. Aleurone layer a special peripheral layer in the grain of grasses, consisting of cells filled with proteid granules, 18. Amplexicaul applied to the base of the leaf when it embraces the stem, 12. Apiculate said of the apex when it has a sharp, short point. Appressed lying flat for the whole length of the part or organ, 59. Articulate jointed, 45. Auricle outgrowth at the sides close to the ligular region, 11. Awned having an _awn_, that is, a bristle-like appendage, especially on the glumes of grasses. B Bifarious disposed in two rows or ranks on the two sides, 49. Binate in pairs, 53. Blade the expanded portion of a leaf, 2, 10. Bristles stiff hairs, 45. Bulbous based having an inflated base, 66. Bulliform cells thin walled cells occurring, at intervals, on the epidermis of some grasses, 35. Bundle sheath sclerenchymatous cells or fibres found round the vascular bundles of the monocotyledonous type, such as those of grasses, 20. C Callus the projecting part or an extension of the flowering glume below its point of insertion, 168. Caryopsis a one-celled, one-seeded, superior fruit in which the pericarp has fused with the seed-coat. Chartaceous papery, i. E. , thin and somewhat rough, 47. Ciliate fringed with hairs, 54. Ciliolate very sparsely fringed with hairs, 70. Clavate club-shaped, 104. Clavellate thickened towards the apex, 252. Coleorhiza the sheath of a monocotyledonous embryo which is pierced by the radicle during germination, 18. Collar the white or colourless band at the base of the blade of a grass leaf just where it joins the sheath, 3. Conduplicate folded together lengthwise, 12. Convolute rolled round from one margin to the other, so that one margin is inside and the other outside, 12. Coriaceous leathery, 49. Corymbosely arranged in corymbs, i. E. , flat-topped flower clusters, 56. Crinite bearded with weak, long hairs, 137. Crisped curled, 59. Cuneate wedge-shaped or triangular, 49. Cuspidate tipped with a small triangular piece at the apex, 70. D Decumbent reclining but with the upper part ascending, 80. Digitate lingered, arranged at the end of the stalk, 51. Dioecious having the sexes separated on two distinct individuals, 45. Distichous two-ranked or two-rowed, 19. E Embryo young plant contained in the seed, 18. Endodermis the innermost layer of the cortex abutting on and forming a sheathing layer round the stele, 32. Exodermis the layer or layers of thickened cells beneath the piliferous layer of roots, 32. Extra vaginal applied to shoots or branches that come out piercing the leaf sheath in grasses, 9. F Fascicle a cluster or bundle, 95. Filiform thread shaped, slender and thin, 54. Flexuous bent alternately in opposite directions, 62. Foveolate marked with small pits, 180. G Geniculately bent abruptly so as to resemble a knee-joint, 118. Geminate in pairs, 59. Germ-sheath a sheath enclosing the bud or the plumule in a grain, 18. Gibbous convex or rounded, 77. Glabrescent slightly hairy but becoming glabrous, 89. Glabrous quite smooth without hairs, 89. Glaucous covered with a bloom, 160. Glume the chaffy two-ranked members found in the inflorescence of grasses. H Hirsute covered with fairly long distinct hairs, 90. Hyaline colourless or translucent, 51. I Imbricate overlapping, 49. Internode portion of a stem between two nodes, 2. Intravaginal growing out from inside the sheath. Involucel a ring of bracts surrounding several spikelets, 120. K Keeled having a ridge along the length, 59. L Lemma the flowering glume of a grass, 15. Ligule the thin, scarious projection found at the top of the leaf sheath where it joins the blade in grasses, 3. Lodicule a small scale outside the stamens in the flower of grasses. M Membranous thin and semi-transparent, 51. Monoecious stamens and pistils on separate flowers, but on the same individual, 144. Motor cells large thin-walled cells occurring in the epidermis of the leaves of some grasses, 35. Mucronate possessing a short and a straight point, 70. N Node the part of the stem which has a leaf, or the knot in the grass stem, 2. P Palea the inner glume in the spikelet of grasses, 4. Pectinate pinnatifid with narrow segments which are set close like the teeth of a comb, 162. Pericycle the outermost zone of cells of the stele immediately within the endodermis, 32. Phloëm the portion of the vascular bundle towards the cortex, 19. Pileole another name for germ-sheath, or the sheath covering the plumule in the grain, 18. Piliferous bearing hairs, 31. Pistil the female organ of a flower, consisting of the ovary, style and stigma, 16. Plumose feathered, 51. Prophyllum the first scale-like leaf of a branch found where it joins the main stem, 10. Protandry anthers ripening before the pistil in the same flower, (proterandry). 16. Protogyny pistil ripening before the anthers in the same flower, (proterogyny). 16. Puberulous slightly hairy, 62. Pubescent clothed with soft hair, 62. Punctate marked with dots, pits or glands, 63. Pungent ending in a rigid and sharp point, 59. R Raceme a centrifugal or indeterminate inflorescence with stalked flowers, 13. Rachilla a secondary axis in the inflorescence of the grasses, the axis of the spikelet, 13. Rachis axis of an inflorescence, 13. Retuse with a shallow notch at the apex, 67. Rhizome root-stock or under ground stem prostrate on the ground, 5. Rugulose somewhat wrinkled, 90. S Scaberulous slightly rough due to the presence of short hairs, 69. Scabrid somewhat rough, 75. Scale a reduced leaf, 10. Sclerenchyma elongated cells with pointed ends and much thickened cell-wall. Scutellum the single cotyledon found in connexion with the embryo in grass grains, 18. Secund directed to one side only, 47. Serrate beset with small teeth on the margin, 83. Setose beset with bristles, 102. Sheath the tubular lower part of a leaf in grasses, 2. Spathaceous having a large bract enclosing a flower cluster, 104. Spiciform spike-like, 13. Spike an inflorescence with sessile flowers on an elongated axis, the older flowers being lower down and the younger towards the top, 13. Squarrose rough with outstanding processes, 120. Stipe a short stalk of a gynĉcium, 90. Stipitate having a short stalk, 62. Stolon any basal branch which is disposed to root, 5. Striolate marked with very fine longitudinal parallel lines, 49. Sub-coriaceous somewhat leathery, 47. Subulate finely pointed, 121. T Triquetrous three-sided or edged, 47. Truncate as if cut off at the end, 60. Tumid swollen, 66. Turbinate cone-shaped or top shaped, 120. X Xylem the wood elements of the vascular bundle lying next to the phloëm, 19. INDEX (Small i denotes Figure Numbers. ) A Aerial roots, 6, 8i, 9i Agrostideĉ, 44, 220 Aleurone layer, 18 Andropogoneĉ, 44, 138 Andropogon, 15, 182 inflorescence, 13 annulatus, 204, 160i, 161i asper, 195, 155i, 156i caricosus, 201, 159i section of stem, 26, 33i, 34i contortus, 5, 207, 162i, 163i ligule, 13i foveolatus, 185, 148i, 149i monticola, 199, 158i pertusus, 5, 191, 152i, 153i pumilus, 188, 150i, 151i Schoenanthus var. Cĉsius, 209, 164i Schoenanthus, ligule, 13i Sorghum, 6, 67, 8i section of grain, 20i, 21i Sorghum, section of root, 32, 45i, 46i, 47i squarrosus, 193, 154i Wightianus, 197, 157i Anthistiria, 211 tremula, 212, 165i Apludeĉ, 139 Apluda, 170 varia, 171, 142i, 143i Apocopis, 164 Wightii, 166, 139i, 140i Aristida, 221 Adscenscionis, 223, 171i, 172i funiculata, 229, 177i Hystrix, 226, 174i lodicules, 15 mutabilis, 228, 175i, 176i setacea, 225, 173i leaf structure, 36, 37, 38, 39, 54i, 55i Arundo Donax, 9, 10i Auricles, 11, 13i Axonopus, 46, 106 cimicinus, 108, 107i, 108i B Bamboo, 11 Bearded node, 9, 11i Blade of leaf, 10 Bristles, 45 Bundle sheath, 20, 21 C Cambium, 19 Caryopsis, 17 Cenchrus, 46, 120 biflorus, 121, 117i catharticus, 122, 118i Chamĉraphis, 46, 101 spinescens, 102, 104i Chlorideĉ, 44, 220 Chloris, 15, 257 barbata, 264, 199i, 200i, 201i leaf-folding, 12, 16i rachilla, 16 Bournei, 267, 202i, 203i incompleta, 258, 196i lodicules, 15 montana, 270, 204i, 205i tenella, 259, 197i virgata, 260, 198i Closed vascular bundle, 19 Chlorophyllous layer, 33 Coix, 45, 140 Lachryma-Jobi, 141, 126i unisexual spikelets, 15 Coleorhiza, 18 Collar, 3, 12 Commelina, 14 Conduplicate, 12, 16i Convolute, 12, 16i Cynodon, 248 Barberi, 255, 194i, 195i dactylon, 9, 250, 190i, 191i intermedius, 252, 192i, 193i rachilla, 16 D Diaphragm, 31 Digitaria, 15, 45, 51 longiflora, 59, 76i, 77i sanguinalis, rachis, 13 sanguinalis var. Ciliaris, 51, 53, 71i, 72i sanguinalis var. Extensum, 56, 74i, 75i sanguinalis var. Griffithii, 54, 73i Dinebra, 277 arabica, 279, 210i, 211i rachilla, 16 spikelet, 14, 17i E Eleusine, 272 ĉgyptiaca, 5i, 276, 208i, 209i leaf folding, 12, 16i brevifolia, 274, 207i indica, 273, 206i Embryo, 18 Endodermis, 32 Enteropogon, 246 melicoides, 247, 189i inflorescence, 13 Epidermis, 21 of leaf, 34, 49i, 50i Eragrostis, 292 amabilis, 295, 218i bifaria, 307, 227i cynosuroides, 306, 226i interrupta var. Koenigii, 294, 217i Tr. Section of stem, 27, 36i major, 12, 300, 221i, 222i pilosa, 305, 225i tremula, 297, 219i, 220i panicle, 13 Willdenoviana, 303, 223i, 224i leaf margin, 12 leaf structure, 37, 39, 56i, 57i panicle, 13, 14 Eremochloa, 162 muricata, 163, 138i Eriochloa, 15, 45, 60 polystachya, 62, 78i, 79i structure of leaf, 35, 51i Tr. Section of stem, 22, 27i, 28i Euandropogoneĉ, 139 Exodermis, 32, 46i Extravaginal branch or shoot, 9, 10i F Festucaceĉ, 44, 283 Fibro-vascular bundle, 20 Floral diagram, 16, 19i G Germ sheath, 18 Glabrous node, 9, 11i Glumes, 4, 14 Grain, 17 Gracilea, 243 nutans, 244, 187i Royleana, 245, 188i Ground tissue, 21 H Hackel, 16 Heteropogon contortus, 207, 163i Hordeĉ 44, 283 Hygrorhiza, 123, 126 aristata, 127, 120i stamens, 15 I Imperata, 146 arundinacea, 147, 128i Internodes, 2, 21 Intravaginal branches, 8 Ischaemeĉ, 138 Ischĉmum, 11, 150 aristatum, 151, 130i, 131i ciliare, 159, 9i, 135i, 136i laxum, 160, 137i pilosum, 6, 156, 133i, 134i rugosum, 153, 132i Iseilema, 214 anthephoroides, 219, 169i, 170i laxum, 216, 166i, 167i, 168i L Lanceolate, 11, 14i Leaf, 9 Leaf-blade, 2, 3 Leaf-sheath, 2, 3 Leaves, forms of, 11, 14i margins, 12, 15i Leersia, 123, 124 hexandra, 125, 119i stamens, 15 Lemma, 15 Leptochloa, 281 chinensis, 282, 212i Ligule, 3 Linear, 11, 14i Linear-lanceolate, 11, 14i Lodicules, 4, 15, 4i Lophopogon, 167 tridentatus, 168, 141i M Manisuris, 179 granularis, 180, 147i rachis, 14 Maydeĉ, 138 Mnesithea, 177 lĉvis, 178, 146i Motor-cells, 35, 51i, 52i, 55i, 57i, 67i, 68i N Nodes, 2, 9, 11i bearded, 11i O Ochlandra, 15 Open vascular bundles, 19 Oropetium, 308 Oropetium Thomĉum, 309, 228i Oryza, 19i sativa, 10, 11, 13i Oryzeĉ, 43, 123 P Palea, 4, 14 Panicaceĉ, 43, 45 Paniceĉ, 43 Panicle, 13, 14 Panicum, 15, 16, 45, 46, 64 Panicum colonum, 11, 28, 30, 80, 89i, 90i leaf-apex, 12 leaf-structure, 37, 38, 40, 58i, 64i section of stem, 28, 29 crus-galli, 28, 29, 30, 75, 78, 6i, 40i, 86i, 87i distachyum, 92, 97i, 98i flavidum, 28, 30, 69, 82i, 83i T. Section of stem, 37i, 38i leaf-structure, 38, 39, 40, 66i, 67i fluitans, 28, 31, 72, 84i, 85i section of stem, 30, 42i, 43i leaf-structure, 38, 39, 40, 59i, 65i interruptum, 95, 99i, 100i isachne, 66, 80i, 81i leaf epidermis, 39, 62i, 63i section of stem, 27, 35i javanicum, 1, 5, 86, 1i, 7i, 93i, 94i epidermis of leaf, 34, 49i, 50i inflorescence, 3, 13, 3i leaf sheath, 3, 2i structure, 33, 48i ligule, 13i spikelets, 3, 4, 4i prostratum, 83, 91i, 92i punctatum, 73 ramosum, 89, 95i, 96i section of stem, 25, 31i, 32i repens, 99, 102i, 103i extravaginal shoots, 9, 10i structure of leaf margins, 35, 53i structure of leaf, 35, 39, 52i stagninum, 28, 77, 88i section of stem, 28, 41i tenellum, 97 trypheron, 96, 101i Pappophorum, 288 elegans, 290, 215i, 216i Parenchymatous cells, 20 Paspalum, 15, 45, 47 scrobiculatum, 49, 69i, 70i inflorescence, 13 rachis, 13 Pennisetum, 46, 114 Alopecuros, 6, 116, 113i, 114i inflorescence, 13 Pennisetum cenchroides, 6, 118, 115i, 116i rachis, 13 section of root, 31, 44i root, 32 section of stem, 22, 25i, 26i section of vascular bundle, 19, 20, 22i, 23i typhoideum, 6 Pericycle, 32, 47i Perotis, 123, 135 latifolia, 137, 124i, 125i Phloëm, 19, 20 Pileole, 18 Piliferous layer, 31, 44i Piper. _Piper_ Pistil, 16 Pitted vessels, 20 Plumule, 18 Poaceĉ, 43, 220 Polytoca, 45, 143 barbata, 144, 127i unisexual spikelets, 15 Pommereulla, 284 Cornucopiĉ, 286, 213i, 214i Primary axis, 18 Prophyllum, 10, 12i Protandry, 16 Protogyny, 16 R Raceme, 13 Rachilla, 14, 16 Rachis, 3, 13 Radicle, 18 Rhizome, 9 Root-hairs, 31, 44i Root-system, 6 Rottboellia, 14, 139, 173 exaltata, 175, 145i section of stem, 20, 21, 24i Myurus, 174, 144i Rottboellieĉ, 139 S Sacchareĉ, 138 Saccharum, 138, 148 spontaneum, 149, 129i Scales, 10 Sclerenchyma, 21 Scutellum, 18 Setaria, 45, 46, 109 glauca, 110, 109i inflorescence, 13 section of stem, 23, 24, 29i, 30i intermedia, 111, 110i verticillata, 113, 111i, 112i Sheath of leaf, 10 Shoot-system, 7 Spiciform panicle, 13 raceme, 13 Spike, 13 Spikelet, 3, 13, 14 Spinifex, 45, 46, 103 squarrosus, 104, 105i, 106i leaf structure, 38, 60i, 61i unisexual spikelets, 15 Sporobolus, 230 commutatus, 238, 183i, 184i coromandelianus, 235, 181i, 182i panicle, 13, 14 diander, 231, 178i scabrifolius, 241, 185i, 186i tremulus, 233, 179i, 180i Stamens, 15 Stele, 32 Stellate cells, 28, 31 Structure of leaf, 32 of root, 31 Sympodia, 9 T Trachys, 123, 128 mucronata, 129, 121i Tragus, 123, 131 racemosus, 5, 133, 122i, 123i V Vascular bundle, 19 closed, 19 open, 19 Vascular bundle, longitudinal section, 20, 23i transverse section, 19, 22i Vetiveria zizanioides, 193, 154i X Xylem, 19, 20 Z Zea Mays, 6 Zoysieĉ, 43, 123 Transcriber's Notes: Fig. 46. --Transverse section of the cortica portionChanged cortica to cortical. Fig. 48. . .. Ep. C. An ordinary epidermal cell; st. Stomata; sc. Sclerenchyma;ph. Phloen;Changed phloen to phloëm. Fig. 51. --A portion of the transverse sectionof the leaf of Eriochloa polystachyChanged polystachy to polystachya. Page 138:in Imperata or they may be different as in Isachaemum andChanged to Ischaemum to match other occurrences. Page 193: (_Vetiveria zizanioides. _)Changed Veteveria to Vetiveria to match other occurrences. Page 211:spikelets are smaller than the involucrant spikelets, linear-oblong, 'involucrant' may be equivalent to 'involucral'. Unchanged. Page 288:41. Pappophorum, _Nees. _Changed from Pap pophorum to Pappophorum to match other occurrences. Page 301:with a minute mucro, sub-chartaceous, puncticulate, stronglyChanged puncticulate to punctulate. Index: Changed asterisks to small i's to denote illustration numbers.