A DISSERTATIONON THE MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF TOBACCO. BY A. McALLISTER, M. D. Improved and enlarged, with an Introductory Preface, BY MOSES STUART, _Asso. Prof. Of Sac. Lit. In Andover Inst. _ * * * * * A DISSERTATION ON THEMEDICAL PROPERTIES AND INJURIOUS EFFECT OF THEHABITUAL USE OF TOBACCO: READ, ACCORDING TO APPOINTMENT, BEFORE THE MEDICAL SOCIETYOF THE COUNTY OF ONEIDA, AT THEIR SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING, JANUARY 5, 1830. BY A. McALLISTER, M. D. Second Edition. Improved and enlarged, with an Introductory Preface, BY MOSES STUART, _Associate Professor of Sac. Lit. In the Theol. Inst. At Andover. _ BOSTON:PUBLISHED BY PEIRCE & PARKER, No. 9. Cornhill. NEW YORK:--H. C. SLEIGHT, Clinton Hall. 1832. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by PEIRCE &PARKER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. PRESS OF PEIRCE & PARKER. No. 9, Cornhill. INTRODUCTION. The first edition of Dr. McAllister's Essay, was printed without anyAppendix. Having myself been in the habit of using tobacco verymoderately (usually but once in a day) from early life, I read the Essayas first printed with great interest. It appeared to me a sober, judicious, rational appeal to the understanding and judgment of thepublic, with respect to the subject of which it treats. A highlyrespected friend of mine desired me to give him my opinion of the Essayin writing. I consented to do this; and when I had done it, he judged itexpedient to publish that opinion; to which I gave my consent. It waspublished in the _Journal of Humanity_; and for substance it was made upof an abridgement of Dr. McAllister's views, and some strictures on hisstyle and method of treating the subject. In particular, a desire wasexpressed that Dr. McA. Would discuss more fully some of the argumentsemployed in defence of using tobacco. This critique was sent to theauthor of the Essay; who in consequence of it expressed a willingness torevise his work, and make such additions as had been suggested. Someweeks since he transmitted to me a copy of the original edition, with amanuscript containing the Appendix to the present edition. At the sametime he requested me to make any alterations in either part, which Imight deem expedient. I have used this liberty so far as to change a few_technical_ words for popular and intelligible ones. In some of thesecases, I have detracted from the _specific_ accuracy of the writer, as amedical man, for the sake of making his expressions more intelligible tothe mass of readers. What he will thus lose, in his reputation forscientifical accuracy, he will gain by becoming more useful. A few otherslight alterations and modifications have been made; but only such as Ijudged the worthy author would at once cheerfully admit. I have keptwithin the bounds of the liberty which he gave me; and I trust he willnot be dissatisfied with what I have done. I command the serious perusal of the following Essay and Appendix toevery man, who wishes to become well informed respecting the propertiesof tobacco. Whoever uses this substance as a luxury, is bound by a dueregard to his own physical welfare to make himself acquainted with itsproperties and their influence. If any man can soberly peruse thefollowing pages, without conviction that he is "playing withedge-tools, " while he is indulging in the use of tobacco, I must confesshis mind to be of a composition different from mine. One word as to _breaking off the habit_. The difficulty, I fullybelieve, is not much less than the breaking off from ardent spirits. Butas to any danger to health in breaking off, the fear is idle; exceptingin case of delicate habits, where small changes produce great effects;or in case of advanced years and inveterate habit, where the course ofthose fluids which are so much affected by tobacco, if suddenly andentirely changed, may give rise to serious inconvenience. My belief, however, is, _that there no case in which a judicious and proper coursemay not effect an entire weaning from the use of tobacco_. Most personsin good health, and all in younger life, may break off at once, withoutthe least danger. Two or three days will overcome all difficulty. Thosewhom slight changes in regimen affect very much, may break off moregradually; and so of persons advanced in life. A good way ofaccomplishing this, is to procure some of the most detestable tobaccowhich can be found, and when appetite will not forego the use of itwithout an evil greater than to use it, then take it in such a quantityas will be sure to nauseate and prostrate. This will put the next dosefarther off; and two or three doses thus administered, will so blunt theappetite, that quitting the practice will appear to be quite a moderatedegree of self-denial. Those who never felt the appetite may laugh atsuch directions as these; but those who know its power, will at leastthink them worth some consideration. I do not place the use of tobacco in the same scale with that of ardentspirits. It does not make men maniacs and demons. But that it doesundermine the health of thousands; that it creates a nervousirritability, and thus operates on the temper and moral character ofmen; that it often creates a thirst for spirituous liquors; that itallures to clubs, and grog-shops, and taverns, and thus helps to makeidlers and spendthrifts; and finally, that it is a very serious andneedless expense; are things which cannot be denied by any observing andconsiderate person. And if all this be true, how can the habitual use oftobacco, as a mere luxury, be defended by anyone who wishes well to hisfellow-men, or has a proper regard to his own usefulness? I have been in the use of it for thirty-five years; but I confess myselfunable, on any ground, to defend or to excuse the practice. The wantswhich are altogether artificial, are such as duty calls us to avoid. Theindulgence of them can in no way promote our good or our real comfort. I commend, therefore, the following sheets to the public: hoping thatall, and especially the young, will read and well consider thesuggestions they offer. M. STUART. Andover, Jan. 10, 1832. TO THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF ONEIDA. GENTLEMEN, We have accidentally seen the manuscript copy of an address pronouncedlately before your society, by Dr. McAllister. The research on which itis founded, and its perspicuity and arrangement, entitle it to a formmore permanent than manuscript. But if the results are true, which itattempts to substantiate, they present imperious considerations for thepublication of the address. We are not disposed to contract the circle of enjoyment; but if mischiefcrouches under the covert of any pleasure, propriety requires anotification to the unwary. Even should experience warrant theconclusion that habit enables us to use tobacco with physical impunity, (a conclusion Dr. McAllister powerfully controverts, ) we must concede, that its use is disgusting to persons not infected with the habit. Civilization is composed of innumerable acts of self-denial; while thegratification of appetites, regardless of others, is the strongestfeature of barbarism. We see then, even as a dictate of refinement, thatthe use of tobacco should be abandoned; and it has been abandoned by allthe polite circles of Europe. But tobacco possesses that strong characteristic of a bad habit; itseldom leaves its votaries the liberty of abandonment. All which theaddress can effect, is an admonition to youth, over whom tobacco has notyet acquired its bad supremacy. As parents, then, anxious to see ourchildren uncontaminated by disgustful practices; as citizens, emulousthat our country shall not be surpassed in refinement by the nations ofEurope, we are solicitous that the address of Dr. McAllister should bepublished, and in a pamphlet form, under the authority of your society. We are aware that this request involves a departure from your generaldisposition of the periodical addresses of your members, but we beg tosuggest that the general interest of the present production renders adeparture from your usual course not invidious, but a duty which wehumbly think you owe to philanthropy. In support of our opinion, we takethe liberty of enclosing you a letter from a distinguishedfellow-citizen in Albany, who also accidentally saw the address: and weare, Gentlemen, With very great respect, your ob't serv'ts, A. B. JOHNSON, D. C. LANSING, HIRAM DENIO, R. R. LANSING, EDM'D A. WETMORE, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, SAM'L D. DAKIN. UTICA, Feb. 27, 1830. * * * * * Lydius Street, Albany, }Friday Evening, January 22d, 1830. } DEAR SIR, I have just completed an attentive perusal of the manuscript _discourseon tobacco_, which you handed to me this afternoon; and I really feelobliged to the author for the interest and instruction which it hasafforded me. I am sincerely of opinion that the respectable societybefore whom it was delivered, owe it to themselves, to the public, andto the author, (if they have not already done so, ) to request itspublication. And, favorably as it leads me to think of the author'sintellectual and professional endowments, he must be still moredistinguished for his _modesty_, if he declines a compliance with such arequest. He has treated a highly important subject, in a clear, forcible, and striking manner; and the public are deeply concerned inknowing what he has said of it. I will only add, that in point ofliterary execution, it is, in my judgment, most decidedly respectable, and would in that respect reflect no discredit upon any medicalgentleman in this state. Very respectfully and truly yours, &c. &c. A. CONKLING. R. R. Lansing, Esq. * * * * * At a meeting of the Medical Society of the County of Oneida, on the 5th of March, 1830, a communication was received, signed by a number of highly respectable gentlemen from this and other counties of this state, on the subject of a dissertation delivered before this society, at their late semi-annual meeting, by Dr. McAllister, "on the properties and effects of tobacco. " The communication was referred to a committee. The committee reported, "That although dissertations so delivered becamethe properly of the society, yet believing as we do, that the subject isone of great importance, and the dissertation highly meritorious, and aswe have not funds to defray the expense of publication, we willcheerfully relinquish our claim thereto in favor of our correspondents, and cordially unite with them in the desire which they have expressed tous, 'that the dissertation be published in a pamphlet form, ' for theirgratification and the benefit of the public. " Resolved, That the above report be accepted, and that a copy of theproceedings be delivered to the gentlemen who presented thecommunication. C. B. COVENTRY, Sec'y pro. Tem. PREFACE. In consenting to the publication of the following pages, the authoryielded to the request of gentlemen whose opinions he did not feel atliberty to disregard; he therefore hopes to avoid the imputation ofvanity, with which he might have been charged, had he obtruded himselfon the attention of the public, unsolicited. That the habitual use oftobacco is a wide spread, and spreading evil, will be acknowledged byall. This has been felt for years by the most enlightened members of theFaculty. That it causes many diseases, particularly visceralobstructions, and renders many others exceedingly difficult to cure, isdemonstrated in the daily experience of every practitioner. Theconviction that this habit was constantly extending by the advice andexample of physicians, first induced the author to undertake thediscussion of this subject before the respectable Society to which hehas the honor to belong. Whether the attempt has been successful, thepublic will judge. That it is imperfect, will not be denied; but it isbelieved to have claims as a candid statement of facts. To literary distinction the author makes no pretentions; he thereforecraves the indulgence of the learned, as they can best appreciate thelabor of writing well. He has chosen a free, popular style, believingthat the best calculated to do good; and to render it still morefamiliar, at the suggestion of some friends, the technical terms havebeen mostly expunged. Aware that affectation consists no less instudiously avoiding, than in unnecessarily using technical language, theauthor submitted to this, in the hope of being better understood bypersons out of the Profession. His medical brethren will, therefore, know how to excuse him, for attempting to make this essay more plain, though it should be at the expense of technical accuracy. Should the prevalence of the practice, be a fair index to publicsentiment, the author is aware that he wars against a fearful odds. Butmany who use this noxious weed, without hesitation acknowledge itsdeleterious effects, and urge in extenuation the inveteracy of habit. One consideration had considerable influence to induce the author toconsent to the publication of this paper--the hope that it might aid inputting away the evil of intemperance, by pointing out one grand sourceof that desolating scourge. When public attention shall be fullyawakened to this subject, innumerable instances will be found, wheredrunkenness has followed as the legitimate consequence of using tobacco. Should that hope be fulfilled--should it be found that the labor of theauthor has exerted any salutary influence, in restraining young men fromfalling into those habits which are inevitably followed by much physicalsuffering, if not by absolute ruin, such a result would be to him anample compensation. UTICA, MAY, 1830. DISSERTATION. MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN: The confidence of an enlightened community has assigned to you, asguardians of the dearest interests of society, an elevated and highlyresponsible rank among those who labor to promote the great cause ofhuman happiness. Your influence in the medical councils of this greatand flourishing State, gives a lasting effect to your deliberations, andstamps a value on those productions which you are pleased to approve. While the opinions of other men are often exhibited and forgotten withthe occasion which gave them birth, those of the physician continue notunfrequently to affect at least the physical welfare of the world, afterhis "dust has returned to the earth as it was, and his spirit has goneto God who gave it. " In view of this momentous truth, an humble attemptwill now be made, in discharge of the duty assigned me, to examine thecause of some of the "ills which flesh is heir to. " I regard this principle as an axiom, that whatever conduces to augmentthe sum of human happiness, must be an object of solicitude to theconscientious and intelligent physician. He will be anxious that hisfellow citizens should be sober, peaceable, and virtuous; that theyshould be industrious, frugal, and prosperous. Whatever will producesuch results should receive the decided approbation of every benevolentmember of the Faculty. It follows, of course, that whatever has anopposite tendency should meet his frown. Pursuing this principle, youhave condemned the use of ardent spirits, unless sickness demands theirapplication as a medicine. The physical evils resulting from intemperance were eloquently exhibitedin the address, presented by your committee, during the last year. Thataddress, with its accompanying resolutions, now exerts a beneficialinfluence through a widely extended community. We are cheered by thekind wishes and prayers of the friends of good order, in our efforts todestroy that vice which has not only "walked" through our country "indarkness, " but "wasted at noon-day. " But while we exult in the triumphof correct principles on _this_ subject, do not other viciousindulgences demand our attention? Should we slumber over the mischiefsresulting from such indulgences, while the public look to us as pioneerswho should trace out the pathway to health and happiness, and demandfrom us both precepts and examples of sobriety and virtue?Unfortunately, in all our attempts to abolish practices prejudicial tothe best interests of man, we are compelled, in the outset, to encounterour own inveterate habits--habits which rise up in mutiny againstreformation, and with clamorous note forbid us to proceed. Are we sofortunate as to be free from their influence ourselves, we look aroundand see our friends bound in chains, from which we should rejoice todeliver them; but we fear, perhaps, to make an experiment which mayrouse their passions, rather than convince their understandings. Who can count the multitudes yearly consigned to the tomb, by theindulgence of a fastidious and unnatural appetite? Headaches, flatulencies, cholics, dyspepsias, palsies, apoplexies, and death, pursue the Epicurean train, as ravens follow the march of an armed host, to prey on those who fall in the "battle of the warrior, with theirgarments rolled in blood. " The truth of this statement will not bequestioned. Yet where is the physician, possessing sufficient moralcourage to raise his voice against the system of modern cookery? Shouldit be thought, that, as medical men have given no more encouragement tothat system than any other class in society, they are not bound to useany extraordinary exertions to produce a change; still a wide field isleft open to benevolent action in reference to those things, theinfluence of which is injurious to mankind. Gentlemen--there is a baneful habit, diffused, like the atmosphere, through all classes, and affecting all the ramifications of society. Andthis habit owes much of its prevalence to the advice and example ofrespectable physicians. We indulge the hope, from the great increase ofmedical knowledge, that the time will soon arrive, when persons disposedto vicious indulgence will be unable to entrench themselves behind ourprofessional advice. I am aware that I tread on dangerous ground, inattempting to investigate the propriety of a practice which has beenintroduced and approved by a large portion of the members of thisrespectable Society. You may start at the suggestion, and regard it asunworthy of your notice. Let me hope, however, that you will suspendyour opinions, while I endeavor to present the _natural history, chemical composition_, and _medical properties_ of one of our mostdeadly narcotics--the _Tabaci Folia_, _Nicotiana Tabacum_, i. E. Tobacco. If in the prosecution of this inquiry, we shall be able todiscover the great and injurious effects which the use of this poisonousplant produces on the constitution, I shall be excused, if I urge thissubject on your consideration with more than ordinary importunity. I. NATURAL HISTORY. "This plant was unknown in Europe until after the discovery of Americaby the Spaniards, and was first carried to England by Sir Francis Drake, A. D. 1560. The natives of this continent call it _petun_; those of theislands, _yoli_. The Spaniards, who gave it the name of _tobacco_, tookthat name from Tabaco, a province in Yucatan, where they first found it, and first learned its use. Some contend that it derives its name fromTobago, one of the Caribbee Islands, discovered by Columbus, in1498. "[A] It received the name _tobacco_ from Hernandez de Toledo, whofirst sent it to Spain and Portugal. The botanic description of this plant may be found in most works on thescience of botany: and therefore I shall not detain you with it at thistime. The plant, while growing exhibits a very beautiful appearance, butis so extremely nauseous, that in all the variety of insects, only oneis found to feed upon it. This is a worm "_sui generis_, " the mode ofits propagation being entirely unknown; and from its being the onlyliving creature (man excepted) that will devour this plant, [B] it iscalled "_tobacco worm_. " [Footnote A: See Rees' Cyclopedia. ] [Footnote B: Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. ] II. SENSIBLE QUALITIES. It is of a yellowish green color; it has a strong, narcotic, andfoetid odor, with a bitter and extremely acrid taste. III. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. "Mucilage, albumen, or gluten, extractive, a bitter principle, anessential oil, nitrate of potass, which occasions its deflagration, muriate of potass, and a peculiar proximate principle, upon which thevirtues of the plant are supposed to depend, and which has thereforebeen named _Nicotin_. This peculiar principle is considered by some, asapproaching the essential oil in its properties. It is colorless, has anacrid taste, and the peculiar smell of tobacco; and occasions violentsneezing. With alcohol and water it forms a colorless solution, fromwhich it is precipitated by a tincture of galls. Tobacco yields itsactive matter to water and proof spirit, but most perfectly to thelatter; long boiling weakens its powers. A most powerful oil may beobtained by distillation, and separating it from the surface of thewater on which it floats. " IV. MEDICAL PROPERTIES. These are considered to be those of a powerful _narcotic_, _antispasmodic_, _emetic_, _cathartic_, _sudorific_, and _diuretic_. "As a _narcotic_, it is endued with the most energetic, poisonousproperties, producing, when administered even in small doses, severenausea and vomiting, cold sweats, universal tremors, with extrememuscular debility. " From its exerting a peculiar action on the nervoussystem, as ascertained by the well directed experiments of Mr. Brodie, it powerfully controls the action of the heart and arteries, producinginvariably a weak, tremulous pulse, with all the apparent symptoms ofapproaching death. And so different is its operation from that of othernarcotics, that it actually operates with more destructive efficacy, when used by way of injection, than when applied either to the skin, orwhen taken into the stomach. From what has been said of its narcotic powers, you, Gentlemen, willreadily infer its virtue as an article of _medicine_. If we wish, at anytime, to prostrate the powers of life in the most sudden and awfulmanner, we have but to administer a dose of tobacco, and our object isaccomplished. Hence its use in obstinate constipation, in cholic, in theiliac passion, and in stranguary. As it is conceded that its efficacy as an _antispasmodic_ depends uponits power to prostrate every vestige of tone and elasticity in themuscular fibre, prudence would dictate that it should be used with theutmost circumspection, when the system had been previously exhausted bythe disease, or by the antecedent method of cure. Melancholy instancesare on record, of the fatal effects of this medicine when administeredwithout this caution, both as an internal remedy, and as an externalapplication in cutaneous diseases. Two instances will suffice. "A medical practitioner, " says Paris, "after repeated trials to reduce astrangulated hernia, injected an infusion of tobacco, and shortly aftersent the patient in a carriage to the Westminster Hospital, for thepurpose of undergoing the operation; but the unfortunate man arrivedonly a few minutes before he expired. " "I knew a woman, " says the same learned author, "who applied to theheads of three of her children, afflicted with scald-head, an ointmentcomposed of snuff and butter; but what was the poor woman's surprise, tofind them immediately seized with vertigo, violent vomiting, fainting, and convulsions. " We next come to its effects as an _emetic_. "As such, " says ProfessorChapman, "tobacco claims our attention. Cullen and many others opposedits use, on account of the harshness of its operation. Certainly itexceeds all others in the promptness, violence, and permanence of itsimpressions. But these very qualities, unpleasant as they are, enhanceits value in many cases. " "Tobacco seems especially to be adapted to the evacuation of somepoisons; and it has this advantage, that it acts with equal certaintyand expedition, when applied to the region of the stomach in the form ofa poultice, as when internally administered. " Professor Barton says, hehad recourse to an application of the moistened leaves of this plant tothe region of the stomach, with complete success, to expel an inordinatequantity of laudanum, in a case where the most active emetics, in thelargest doses, were resorted to in vain. But most poisons, particularlythe corrosive, are attended with so much exhaustion, that it would seemperilous to administer tobacco, lest by its own depressing effects, thepowers of vitality might be irrecoverably extinguished. In manyinstances, however, it appears that it may be administered in smalldoses with safety and advantage. We are informed by a respectable writer, that while at the Cape of GoodHope, he had a number of Hottentots, with intermittent fever, under hiscare. Having few medicines, he resorted to tobacco, and found six grainsof snuff as effectual in exciting vomiting, as two of Tartar emetic. By many it is preferred in minute doses, as a nauseating medicine. Thusadministered, it has succeeded in subduing some of the most violentsymptoms of the most furious cases of mania; and where it cannot begiven by the mouth, from the obstinacy of the patient, it may with equalbenefit be applied in the form of a poultice. As a _cathartic_, tobacco is entitled to notice. "Some physicians havebeen in the habit of prescribing this powerful substance not only forthe more dangerous cases of incarcerated hernia, but in all cases ofobstinate constipation, from whatever cause produced. To relieve thesepainful diseases, it has been usually given in the form of a clyster, regulating the dose to the age, circumstances, and strength of thepatient; and it is affirmed to have proved, in many instances, veryeffectual, and to possess the confidence of practitioners. " I was informed by a learned and ingenious friend, that, having anobstinate case of ascaris lumbricoides in his own family, after repeatedunsuccessful efforts to dislodge the worms, he at last had recourse tothis potent remedy, a poultice of which he applied to the region of thestomach. The worms were almost instantaneously expelled, but with veryalarming symptoms, and a complete prostration of the patient. From thesecircumstances, we should be led to conclude, that its efficacy as avermifuge defends either upon its narcotic properties, or upon itssudden and powerful effect as a cathartic. Its effects as a _sternutatory_, i. E. As exciting to sneeze, are knownto all. If applied to the nostrils, in the form of a powder or snuff, itproduces violent and repeated sneezing, with a slight degree of vertigo. The violent agitation produced in this way, together with a copiousdischarge from the nostrils, often relieves catarrh, headache, andincipient opthalmia or inflammation of the eyes. But habit soon bluntsthe sensibility of the organs, and much positive injury follows thehabitual use of snuff. It has been a popular remedy in many places forthe cure of scald-head, psora, and most other cutaneous eruptions. Ithas also been applied for cleansing ulcers, and for the removal ofindolent tumors. But the dreadful effects produced by it when absorbedinto the system, have induced most medical men to abandon it altogether, and prescribe a more safe application. Though it is said, by Dr. Brailsford, to be a _sudorific_ ofconsiderable efficacy, I am in possession of no facts which go tosupport such a conclusion, unless indeed it be the fact, that it in aneminent degree brings on that cold perspiration of which we have spoken, and which is, in many instances, the immediate precursor of death. But of all others, its _diuretic_ properties have been the most lauded. Dr. Fowler was the first to bring them extensively into notice. Indropsy, dysury, gravel, and nephritis calculosa or inflammation of thekidneys, the infusion and tincture were given by him with astonishingsuccess. In spasmodic asthma, the same distinguished physician found itto afford relief. Mr. Earle, a surgeon of some eminence, has more recently treated severalinveterate cases of retention of urine on the same plan and with similareffects, and adds his testimony to its efficacy in tetanus, trismus, andother spasmodic affections. Of its power to relieve spasm there can beno doubt. What has been related of its sedative qualities, is abundantlysufficient to establish that fact. Cramps, convulsions, and even thevital principle itself, give way before the exhibition of this deadlynarcotic. Hence, to its power of prostrating the muscular energy, itowes its efficacy in preventing retention of urine. We have now gone through with an examination of the medicinal propertiesof tobacco, and have arrived at the following conclusion, viz. That fewsubstances are capable of exerting effects so sudden and destructive, asthis poisonous plant. Prick the skin of mouse with a needle, the pointof which has been dipped in its essential oil, and immediately it swellsand dies. Introduce a piece of common "twist, " as large as a kidneybean, into the mouth of a robust man, unaccustomed to this weed, andsoon he is affected with fainting, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and lossof vision. At length the surface becomes deadly pale, the cold sweatgathers thick upon his brow, the pulse flutters or ceases to beat, auniversal tremor comes on, with slight spasms and _other_ symptoms ofdissolution. As an emetic, few articles can compare with it for thepromptness and efficiency of its operation; at the same time there arenone which produce such universal debility. As a cathartic, it producesimmediate and copious evacuations, with great prostration of strength;but its dose can with difficulty be regulated. If such be a fair statement of its effects on the human system; if itrequires all the skill of the most experienced practitioner to guardagainst those sudden depressions which uniformly follow its use, whenadministered with the utmost circumspection; and if, with all thiscaution, its operation is still followed by the most alarming, and evenfatal consequences--what shall we say of those who habitually subjecttheir constitutions to the destructive influence of this worse than"Bohan Upas?" To an individual unacquainted with the fact, it would seem incrediblethat a weed, possessed of properties so poisonous, should ever have beensought as an article of luxury. Yet it has not only been sought, buteven credulity startles at the extent to which it has been used. "Likeopium, it calms the agitations of our corporeal frame, and soothes theanxieties and distresses of the mind. " Its powers are felt and itsfascinations acknowledged, by all the intermediate grades of society, from the sot who wallows in the mire of your streets, to the clergymanwho stands forth a pattern of moral excellence, and who ministers at thealtar of God. For it the Arab will traverse, unwearied, his burningdeserts; and the Icelander risk his life amidst perpetual snows. Itscharms are experienced alike, by the savage who roams the wilds of anAmerican forest, and the courtier who rolls in luxury and prescribesrules of refinement to the civilized world; by the miscreant who wringsfrom the cold hand of charity the pittance that sustains his life, andthe monarch who sways his sceptre over half the globe; by him who isbent with woes and years, and him whose cheek is covered yet withboyhood's down. Hence we might conclude it capable of giving strength tothe weary, vivacity to the stupid, and wisdom to men void ofunderstanding; capable of soothing the sorrows of the afflicted, ofhealing the wounds of the spirit, and assuaging the anguish of a brokenheart. But how it fulfils these desirable indications, will be our nextbusiness to inquire. Tobacco, as a luxury, has been used for the two last centuries over allthe civilized, and the greater portion of the uncivilized world. Themodes have been _snuffing_, _smoking_, and _chewing_. Its effects, whenhabitually used in each of these modes, will now be examined. As far asmy observations extend, few, if any, of all the devotees to thisstupefying substance, ever resort to its use without some supposednecessity; and often, alas _too often_, by the advice of physicians. The benefit to be derived from the exhibition of a medicine in the cureof disease, should not alone induce us to prescribe it, without dueregard to the injury which may result to the constitution. Had this rulebeen observed relative to the subject under consideration, I apprehendthe use of this baneful drug would have been less extensive. Snuff has been prescribed for a variety of complaints, among which areheadache, catarrh, and some species of opthalmia, and no doubt sometimeswith very good effect; as I have, in a very few instances, witnessed. But the fact seems to have been overlooked, that its only power torelieve these complaints arises from the copious discharge of mucus fromthe nostrils, during the violent paroxysm of sneezing which invariablyattends its first application; and that its salutary influence ceases, whenever these peculiar effects cease to accompany its exhibition. Hencein all cases where it is continued an indefinite time, or until theschneiderian membrane loses its sensibility, it not only fails of itsmedicinal effect, but actually becomes pernicious; aggravating the verydisease it was intended to cure. It not only does this, but goes oncommitting great ravages on the whole nervous system, superinducinghypocondria, tremors, and premature decay of all the intellectualpowers. A thickening of the voice, is also the unavoidable result ofhabitual snuff-taking. This disagreeable consequence is produced, eitherby partially filling up the nasal avenues, or by destroying thesensibility of the parts. Be that as it may, we would say of the change, in the forcible language of Cowper: "O! it is fulsome, and offends memore than the nasal twang, heard at conventicle from the pent nostril, spectacle bestrid. " It also occasions loss of appetite, frequent sickness at the stomach, with many other disagreeable symptoms. A case in point, is related byDr. Cullen, of a woman who had been in the habit for twenty years. Atlength she found on taking a pinch before dinner, she had no appetite. This having frequently occurred, she was induced to postpone her pinchtill after dinner, when she ate her meal with her accustomed relish, andwent on snuff-taking in the afternoon without inconvenience. Another instance is related by the same author, of the injurious effectsof this habit. A lady, who had been accustomed to take snuff freely, wasseized with a severe pain in her stomach, which continued unabatednotwithstanding many remedies were applied; until accidentally her snuffwas omitted for a few days, when the pain was found to subside, and didnot return until she again had recourse to her snuff. Then, to her utterastonishment, it immediately came with all its former severity, andwould yield to no treatment without a relinquishment of the snuff-box, which (strange to tell) the woman laid aside, and recovered her health. Most persons in the constant habit of taking snuff, are led oninsensibly, until they consume enormous quantities. But as they areaccustomed both to its stimulant and narcotic effects, they are notaware of the pernicious consequences. In the midst of interestingconversation, they frequently transcend the bounds assigned them byhabit, and the consequence is, sickness, faintness, and trembling, withsome vertigo and confusion of head. During this paroxysm of snuffing, particles of the powdered tobacco are carried back into the fauces, andthence into the stomach; which occasions not only sickness at the time, but is long after followed with dyspepsia and other symptoms ofdisordered abdominal viscera. The second mode of habitually using this drug, is _smoking_. This, too, has been prescribed by reputable members of the faculty. And for whatpurpose has this disgusting practice been recommended? "For weakness ofthe stomach, " to be sure. Persons who have a craving appetite, andconsume more food, particularly at dinner, than their stomach willreadily digest, experience considerable uneasiness for some time aftereating. The mouth and fauces sympathize with the overloaded organ, andan increased quantity of fluid is poured from the mucous follicles andsalivary glands, to aid in the process of digestion. Under theseaccumulating difficulties, the man calls on the "_Doctor_, " who verywisely imagines these symptoms are sufficient evidence that he has a"weak and watery stomach, " and the pipe and cigar are recommended tocarry off the superabundant humors, which still are unable to assimilatethe enormous load with which, from time to time, the stomach is crowded. But as the application of the burnt oil of tobacco to the mouth andfauces, from its stimulant and narcotic qualities, benumbs the sensesand renders the individual less conscious of his distress, he takes itfor granted that he is materially relieved, and knows not, poor man, that it is all delusion. Thus, instead of taking the only rationalmethod, that of adapting the quantity of food to the powers ofdigestion, he pursues a course which continues to weaken the organs ofdigestion and assimilation, and at length plunges him into all theaccumulated horrors of dyspepsia, with a complete prostration of thenervous system. But it has been said, that smoking will cure the tooth-ache; and weshould have recourse to any means for the removal of so painful adisease. That it will, as a powerful sedative, lessen the pain, andsometimes even altogether remove tooth-ache, is probably true; but whycontinue the practice after the occasion has ceased? Opium and calomel, judiciously administered, will relieve _cholera morbus_; but whoeverthought of making them an article of diet, because from theirapplication he had experienced relief in that dangerous complaint? Orwhoever dreamed of using them constantly, lest he might again beattacked with it? Would not prudence dictate to lay them aside, thatthey might not lose their influence on the system, and consequentlytheir medicinal virtues? But smoking sometimes diminishes the secretions of the mouth, producingdryness and thirst, instead of moisture; still it is used with the sameperseverance as in the former case, and to obviate the same difficulty, an overburdened stomach. And such is the united influence of itsstimulant and narcotic qualities, that the _thirst it occasions is notto be allayed by ordinary drinks, but wine, ale, and brandy must betaken, to satisfy this unnatural demand_. Hence, smoking has, in manyinstances, been the sad precursor to the whiskey-jug and brandy-bottle, which together have plunged their unfortunate victims into the lowestdepths of wretchedness and woe. I am well acquainted with a man in a neighboring county, whoseintellectual endowments would do honor to any station, and who hasaccumulated a handsome estate; but whose habits, of late, give unerringpremonition to his friends of a mournful result. This man informed methat it was the fatal thirst occasioned by smoking his cigar, infashionable society, that had brought him into his present wretched andmiserable condition. Without any desire for ardent spirit, he firstsipped a little gin and water, to allay the disagreeable sensationsbrought on by smoking, as water was altogether too insipid to answer thepurpose. Thus he went on from year to year, increasing his stimulus fromone degree to another, until he lost all control over himself; and nowhe stands as a beacon, warning others to avoid the same road todestruction. Smoking has been prescribed for spasmodic asthma, and undoubtedly withsome success; and the manner in which it affords relief in thisdistressing disease has been pointed out, when speaking of the narcoticand antispasmodic effects of this drug. But suppose it capable ofrelieving the paroxysm, when administered to a person unaccustomed toits deadly stimulus, it will by no means be followed by the same happyeffect, when once its use becomes habitual. But smoking has been the grand resort to secure the system from theinfluence of contagion; and perhaps no power ascribed to it, has everbeen so universally acknowledged. But upon what series of experimentsare these pretensions founded? From all the attention which I havebestowed on this investigation, I have been unable to discover anyevidence of its utility in this respect, except what arose from theprejudices of the ignorant, or the obstinacy of those who are slaves tothe practice of it. The bare assertion of Deimerbroek, "that it kept offthe plague, " without a single corroborative fact, would hardly besufficient authority on which to establish a conclusion so important;especially when we have the united experience of Rivernus, Chemot, andCullen, to prove the opposite of this position. Hence we conclude, thatits properties in keeping off contagion, depend on its sedative powers, which it possesses in common with other narcotics, wine, brandy, andopium. As these lessen sensibility, and sometimes allay anxiety of themind, it is not impossible that in a very few instances they may haveprevented the exciting causes of disease from taking effect. But whatare these few, when compared with the multitudes whose nervous systemshave been destroyed by this pernicious habit, and thus exposed to allthe horrors of malignant disease. Smoking also assuages the _tedium_ of life. Here is the grand secret. Man fears to be alone; and when left to his own solitary reflections, hedreads the result of self-examination. He flies for relief to his pipe, his cigar, his quid, or his bottle, with the vain hope of escaping fromhimself. To accomplish an object so desirable, he hesitates not to_stupify_ those noble faculties which he cannot hope to extinguish, andwith which he has been endowed by the God of nature, for wise andbenevolent purposes. And will you, gentlemen, by precept and example, longer sanction _such_ a course of conduct, --conduct so degrading to usas intelligent beings, and as conservators of the public health? The third mode of habitually using tobacco, is _chewing_. In this mannerall its deadly powers are speedily manifest, in the commencement of thepractice, as has been already shown. In this mode, too, its nauseoustaste and stimulant property excite and keep up a profuse discharge fromthe mucous follicles and salivary glands. Probably to this circumstancealone, is owing the superior efficacy of this mode of using this drug inthe cure of tooth-ache. But whether this enormous waste of thesecretions of the mouth and fauces can be borne by the constitution withimpunity, you, Gentlemen, are abundantly competent to judge. Physiologists agree that these secretions are intended to assist inpreparing the aliments for deglutition, by rendering them sufficientlyfluid, and afterwards, by their peculiar properties, to promotedigestion and assimilation. The great increase of these just before andafter eating, and the large quantities swallowed about that time, areunequivocal evidence of their importance to the digestive economy. Thenwhat must be the state of that man's digestion, who, until seated attable, keeps his quid in his mouth, and immediately returns it thither, after rising from his meal? And when we reflect, that large quantitiesof saliva strongly impregnated with this poison, and even particles ofthe substance itself, are frequently swallowed, what, again I ask, isthe probable condition of such a person's digestive organs? I know it may be said in reply, that such persons often consume largequantities of food, without experiencing any perceptible inconvenience;and I also know that they are often emaciated, notwithstanding theenormous portion of aliment they daily consume. Under thesecircumstances the emaciation arises, either from the profuse dischargeof saliva, or an imperfect digestion, or the combined influence of both. Hence, when a man of a corpulent habit, with a keen appetite, who isunwilling to forego his wine and to use moderation in his roast beef, applies for professional advice to prevent corpulence, medical men verynaturally and philosophically direct him, if he persists in his excess, to the use of tobacco, as a temporary relief, against the direfuleffects of his gluttony and intemperance. A clergyman of high standing informed me, that he acquired the habit ofusing tobacco in college, and had continued the practice for a number ofyears; but he found, by experience, his health materially impaired, being often affected with sickness, lassitude, and faintness. Hismuscles also became flabby and lost their tone, and his speaking wasseriously interrupted by an elongation of the uvula. His brother, anintelligent physician, advised the discontinuance of his tobacco. Helaid it aside. Nature, freed from its depressing influence, soon gavesigns of returning vigor. His stomach resumed its wonted tone, hismuscles acquired their former elasticity, and his speaking was no moreannoyed by a relaxation of them. A respectable man of my acquaintance, about forty years of age, whocommenced chewing tobacco at the age of eighteen, was for a long timeannoyed by depression of spirits, which increased until it became asettled melancholy, with great emaciation, and the usual symptoms ofthat miserable disease. All attempts to relieve him proved unavailing, until he was persuaded to dispense with his quid. Immediately hisspirits revived, his countenance lost its dejection, his fleshincreased, and he soon regained his health. Another man, who usedtobacco very sparingly, became affected with loss of appetite, sicknessat stomach, emaciation, and melancholy. From a conviction that even thesmall quantity he chewed was the source of his trouble, he entirely leftit off, and very soon recovered. I was once acquainted with a learned, respectable, and intelligentphysician, who informed me, that from his youth he had been accustomedto the use of this baneful plant, both by smoking and chewing. Atlength, after using it very freely while indisposed, he was suddenlyseized with an alarming vertigo, which, without doubt, was the result ofthis destructive habit. This afflicting complaint was preceded by theusual symptoms which accompany a disordered stomach, and a relaxation ofnerves, with which, Gentlemen, you are too familiar to need adescription here. After the application of a variety of remedies tolittle or no purpose, he quit the deleterious practice, and though hisvertigo continued long and obstinate, he has nearly or quite recoveredhis former health. And he has never doubted but that the use of tobaccowas the cause of all his suffering in this disagreeable disease. Manymore cases might be cited, but sufficient has been said to establish thedoctrine here laid down. [C] [Footnote C: And here I am happy in having permission to give the opinion of one of the ablest physicians in Massachusetts, as to the use of tobacco. "The chewing of tobacco, " says he, "is not necessary or useful _in any case that I know of_: and I have abundant evidence to satisfy me that its use may be discontinued without pernicious consequences. The common belief, that it is beneficial to the teeth, is, I apprehend, entirely erroneous. On the contrary, by poisoning and relaxing the vessels of the gums, it may impair the healthy condition of the vessels belonging to the membranes of the socket, with the condition of which, the state of the tooth is closely connected. "] Having gone through with an examination of the _physical_ influence oftobacco, let us now, for a few moments, attend to its _political_ and_moral_ influence. 1. _It is a costly practice. _ The whole adult population in the UnitedStates is estimated at six millions, one half of which are males. Allowing but one half of these to use tobacco in some form, we shallhave one and a half millions to be taxed with this consumption. If wetake into the account all who are in its use before they arrive at theperiod of adult age, it would swell the amount to two millions. Lest weshould be accused of exaggeration, we will estimate the whole number ofdevotees at one million, who pay their daily homage at the shrine ofthis stupifying idol. The expense to the consumers of this drug varies, according to the quantity and mode of using. Those who are in the habitof smoking freely, and use none but the best Spanish cigars, pay a tax, I am informed by good judges, of not less than fifty dollars a year. While the moderate consumer of Scotch snuff pays from one to twodollars. Somewhere between these wide extremes, may be found the fairestimate of an average cost. If one fifth of the whole number ofconsumers should pay the highest estimate, it would amount to tenmillions annually. Then if three-fifths pay but ten dollars apiece, itwill amount to six millions; and if the remaining one-fifth pay but onedollar each, we shall have two hundred thousand dollars more. Theseadded together will make an aggregate of _sixteen millions two hundredthousand dollars_. In this estimate nothing has been said of anotherclass of consumers, which delicacy forbids me to mention, (and I hope Ishall receive their forgiveness for my neglect;) nor of the time wastedin procuring and devouring this precious morsel. But lest even this verymoderate calculation should be considered extravagant, which is by manycompetent judges believed to be far too low, we will reckon theconsumers at one million, and the average cost at ten dollars each ayear, for the whole; and then we have _the enormous tax of threemillions of dollars_, to be annually paid in these United States for theuseless consumption of this loathsome drug. 2. _This practice paves the way to drunkenness. _ A few reasons havealready been given, why _smoking_ tends strongly to favor theintroduction of ardent spirits. The dryness of mouth induced in some, isnot the only case where a thirst for strong drink is produced. The greatwaste of saliva, occasioned both by smoking and chewing, has the samedangerous tendency. The fact that few of all the consumers of this plantare fond of those simple beverages so grateful to the unvitiated taste, and that most are inordinately attached to ale, wine, and brandy, issufficient evidence of the dreadful truth, that it is the faithfulpioneer to intemperance. What though there are some few and honorableexceptions; and what though there are _many_, who for a long time haveused the poisonous plant, and have escaped the yawning gulf; still, asufficient number have been swallowed up, to warrant the generalconclusion. The few specifications already made above, might easily beincreased a hundred fold. Though every lover of tobacco is not a slave to rum, yet _almost everydrunkard is a slave to tobacco_; and this is indirect evidence that thehabits are in a manner associated, or have a sort of natural affinity. If such be its tendency, what moral responsibility rests upon the manwho shall recommend it, either by professional advice, or by his ownexample! What an infinitude of moral evil _must_ follow in its train, ifdrunkenness be its legitimate effect! What woes, what sorrows, whatwounds without cause, may spring into existence at your bidding, whenyou prescribe the habitual use of this baneful plant! By such aprescription you incautiously open a fountain from which may issuestreams, disturbing the peace of private families, pouring the waters ofcontention into peaceful and harmonious neighborhoods, embittering everycondition of life, and poisoning every department of human society. [D] [Footnote D: An eminent writer in favor of Temperance, has given it as his opinion, that at least one tenth of all the drunkards were made such by the use of Tobacco. ] 3. _It is an indecent practice. _ To say nothing of the disagreeablecontortions of countenance assumed by the great variety of snuffers, smokers, and chewers; to say nothing of the pollution, inseparable fromthese habits, to the mouth, breath, and apparel, to the house and itsfurniture, (all which are too familiar to require description;) I ask, where is the man making any pretensions to refinement, who would notblush to offend the delicate sensibilities of the _fair_, by smoking hispipe or cigar in their presence? True politeness would seem to require, moreover, that even the feelings of _gentlemen_ should be respected. Butall sense of propriety seems to have fled before the indulgence of thisfoolish habit. To such an extent has it obtained, that we meet it in thekitchen, in the dining-room, and in the parlor; in every gathering ofmen of business; in every party of pleasure; in our halls oflegislation; in our courts of justice; and even the sanctuary of God issometimes polluted by this loathsome practice. It is impossible to walkthe street without being constantly assailed by this noxious vapor, asit is breathed from the mouths of all classes in community, from thesooty chimney-sweep, to the parson in his sacerdotal robe. You canscarcely meet a man in the street, with whom you have business, but hepours a stream of smoke into your face, exceedingly disgusting. And thishe does too, without imagining that he transgresses the rules ofpoliteness, or gives you any cause of offence. In these habits we resemble the _Aborigines_ of our country. They loadtheir huge pipes with the dried leaves of this plant, and when lighted, they breathe the dark cloud of smoke from their mouth and nostrils, andas it curls around their head, ascending towards heaven, they present itas an offering to appease the anger of the Great Spirit. A mutualinfluence has resulted from our intercourse with the Indian. We havetaught him how to debase himself below the brute, and destroy the quietof savage life by the use of our _whiskey_; and he, in return, hastaught us to destroy our constitutions, and interrupt the harmony ofcivilized society, by the habitual use of his deadly narcotic. [E] [Footnote E: The counsel given by the Journal of Health, is, therefore, in perfect accordance with the principles of medical philosophy. "Our advice is, to desist, immediately and entirely, from the use of tobacco in every form, and in any quantity, however small. "--"A reform of this, like of all evil habits, whether of smoking, chewing, drinking, and other vicious indulgences, to be efficacious, must be _entire, and complete_, from the very moment when the person is convinced, either by his fears or his reason, of its pernicious tendency and operation. "] Gentlemen, I have done. The subject, with a slight examination, isbefore you. I have plainly and fearlessly expressed my opinion, withoutintending to wound the feelings of a single individual. If yoursentiments correspond with mine, you will assist in bringing this odiouspractice to the bar of public opinion. There let it be subjected to asevere, but dispassionate trial; and if on a cool and deliberateinvestigation, its pernicious tendency shall fully appear, then let theAmerican people rise up, and with united voice pronounce its sentence offinal condemnation. APPENDIX, CONTAINING AN ANSWER TO SEVERAL QUESTIONSRELATING TO THE USE OF TOBACCO. "But, " says the lover of tobacco, "how can it be so deleterious whenmultitudes, who apparently enjoy good health, use it daily?" In this objection two things are assumed, viz. 1. The existence of a perfect standard of health. 2. That this standard is not depreciated by the habitual use of tobacco. If we examine these positions in the light of truth, we shall find themboth defective. "The varieties in point of health, " says an eminent physiologist, "arenumerous and considerable. There is, indeed, a certain state of health, which may be said to be peculiar to each individual. Such persons as wesuppose to be in the enjoyment of the most perfect health, differsurprisingly, not only from each other, but from their own condition atother times, as well in consequence of a difference in the constitutionof the blood, as a diversity of tone and other vital energies. " Onestate may be said to be healthy compared with another; and the same maybe affirmed of persons. One may enjoy health when compared with aninvalid. In all these cases it will be seen that health is onlycomparative. But to sustain this part of the objection it would benecessary to prove, what I presume will not be attempted, "that thethousands who daily use tobacco, are enjoying the maximum of health andstrength;" i. E. That every function of the system is performed toabsolute perfection. For if it be admitted that any function isderanged, it would be difficult, I apprehend, to prove, that thatderangement was not occasioned by the use of tobacco. That men accustomed to hard labor will endure more fatigue, than thoseof sedentary or enervated habits, needs no argument to prove. That thearm of the blacksmith acquires strength beyond the arm of the literaryrecluse, is altogether obvious. The laborer will consume more food; consequently his frame will acquirea proportionate degree of strength, and, all other things being equal, it will be able to resist the influence of extraneous causes, to a muchgreater extent than that of the voluptuary. Let now the blacksmith use tobacco, and although there may be noperceptible diminution of vigor, (since you have no perfect standard totry it by, ) because he still exceeds in strength persons possessingconstitutions naturally less vigorous, or constitutions less hardened bytoil; yet, whether the same hardy son of Vulcan can endure morehardship, while using tobacco, than he could have done had he never usedthe baneful plant, is the question? That many persons apparently enjoy good health, and yet use tobacco, cannot be denied. And the same may be affirmed with equal propriety ofopium and alcohol. I once knew a man who, from his youth till he hadreached his sixty-ninth year, became intoxicated, whenever he couldprocure sufficient liquor to produce this effect; and during that timehe was never so ill as to require medical advice. I have known others tobe literally steeped in ardent spirit, who were seldom sick; and yetfew, I apprehend, will affirm, that alcohol used to such excess is notinjurious. The Turks, who, for aught to the contrary that appears in their history, enjoy as good health as the people of the United States, and are said toattain a longevity as great, use opium for the purpose of intoxication, much in the same manner in which the latter employ alcohol and wine, these being forbidden to the former by their creed. Yet, after all, theman who could adduce these facts to prove the harmlessness of thesubstances under consideration, must be destitute of that physiologicalknowledge which is necessary to understand the natural operations of thehuman system. There is a principle in the animal economy, which powerfully resistsmorbid impressions, and tends to expel whatever is noxious. Thisprinciple, called by some "the medical power of nature, " is roused toaction by the application of an offending agent to any part of the humansystem. On the first intimation of the assault, this vigilant sentinelrallies her forces, and flies to the point of attack. If she succeed in expelling the invader before any serious mischief hasbeen done, the system again reposes in quiet; but if not, a more generaltumult arises, and the assistance of art is often required to second herineffectual efforts. These phenomena are exhibited in the first use oftobacco, in all its forms. Apply snuff to the nostrils of one unaccustomed to it; and a violentsneezing, with a copious secretion of mucus will follow. Put tobaccointo the mouth and it immediately produces a profuse discharge ofsaliva; and if this proves unsuccessful in expelling the unwelcomeintruder, severe nausea and vomiting ensue. Smoking also producessimilar effects. Apply the moistened leaves of tobacco to any part ofthe surface of the body, and its deadly effects are soon perceived in anentire prostration of strength, accompanied with ghastly paleness andvomiting. If it were not in a high degree poisonous, no such results would followits first application to the living fibre; for they do not follow thefirst application of those substances which were, by our wise andbountiful Creator, designed for the _use_ of man. Though the effects above described are less violent, when the nerves(the media through which it operates) become accustomed to the stimulusof the noxious substance; yet it by no means proves, even in thesecircumstances, that it does no injury to the system, any more than thefact that some men drink a quart of proof spirit daily withoutproducing death, proves that that amount does them no harm, when halfthe quantity taken by a beginner would prove fatal. In the course of twelve years' observation on the effects of narcoticsupon the human system, I became acquainted with a delicate female, who, for thirty years, had taken a sufficient quantity of opium daily to killthe hardiest son of New-England, provided he had been unaccustomed toits pernicious influence. She, nevertheless, lived to an advanced age, and was eighty-four years old when I last saw her, though she, at thattime, took every day two scruples of solid opium. I had the unpleasant task to attend this lady in a fit of sickness. Andwith the exception of a few cases, in which similar results havefollowed the excessive use of alcohol, it was, without exaggeration, themost troublesome case that has ever fallen under my care. All the frightful symptoms of _delirium tremens_ waited around andhaunted her imagination through the day; while shrieks, and groans, andall the signs of woe attended her nightly couch, to add a gloomy horrorto her unrefreshing and broken slumbers. And so far as my observationsextend, the most inveterate derangements of the nervous system areeither produced or aggravated by the habitual use of narcotics. The inherent power of the constitution to sustain itself amid theever-varying changes to which it is exposed, has been learned by commonobservation, as well by the peasant as by the man of erudition. Thefact, that man, "made of one blood, can dwell" in all the varieties ofclimate, "on the face of the whole earth, " and can sustain himself, without any change of organization, at one period on the burning sandsof a Numidian desert, at another among the ice-bergs of a Greenlandwinter--exhibits in the most convincing light the extent of thiswonderful power. A curious field of speculation, on this sanative power in the physicalconstitution of man, lies open to out view, had we time to pursue it, incontemplating the habits, customs, and manners of the North AmericanIndian. Guided by the simple dictates of nature, he gratifies hisappetite with such food as comes most readily within his reach, andslakes his thirst at the first mountain brook. Sometimes, for days, helies sleeping in his smoky wigwam without the means of appeasing hunger;then rises and follows his game with the fierceness of a tiger, untilthe object of his pursuit is overtaken; after which, with the voracityof a dog, he loads his stomach with food sufficient to satisfy thecravings of nature, for as many days as he had previously fasted, andagain betakes himself to sleep and inactivity. With all thisirregularity, he is a total stranger to lingering complaints, and tothat numerous as well as fashionable class of diseases denominated"Nervous. " That formidable ailment, _Dyspepsia_, which, like a fiend, has, for the last few years pervaded the whole land, is unknown to theIndian; having its origin in the abuses introduced by civilization andrefinement. But to return: Suppose, for the sake of argument, that a man who daily uses tobacco, enjoys equal health with one who uses none, and is no more liable todisease; let him once be attacked by disease, and then it will be farmore difficult to remove it, than to do so in one free from such habit. This will appear from the following considerations: Remedial agents ordinarily act on the system, by exciting the livingpower through the medium of the nerves; hence when these have long beendeadened by the habitual use of any narcotic, common sense, aside fromthe lights of science and philosophy, would teach us the difficulty ofmaking an impression on a system whose nerves had thus been previouslyparalyzed. Perhaps the man, who daily drinks ardent spirit, may, from the greaterinsensibility of his system, in some cases escape sickness as long asthe most temperate, (though this is by no means a common fact); yet, letdisease once commence, and then we learn, by painful experience, thedisadvantage of having broken down the nervous system by needless andvicious excess. Tobacco is acknowledged to be one of the most deadly of the vegetablenarcotics: yet experience proves that the nerves, by habit, become soaccustomed to its stimulus, that it in a great measure loses its power. How then can we hope with ordinary remedies to make an impression, wheneven this powerful agent has itself lost its proper and natural effect? The unparalleled mortality of the great epidemic of 1812 and 1813, wasin a good measure owing to the immense quantities of ardent spiritconsumed by the victims of that fatal malady. In the town in which Ithen resided, about forty adults died in the course of the winter andspring; and most of those were in the habit of using ardent spiritfreely. And though numbers of temperate persons were attacked, yet manyof these recovered; while every instance within my knowledge, where anintemperate person was attacked with this formidable disease, it provedfatal. The ravages of the _cholera_ in India and Persia, since 1816: and in theNorth of Europe, for the last eighteen months; settle the point inquestion beyond reasonable doubt. In one hundred cases where the choleraproved fatal, ninety of them had been in the liberal use of ardentspirit. And this fact should be carefully noted, when this formidabledisease has reached Great Britain, and threatens us with its visitation. If then the habitual use of alcohol, by exhausting the nervous energy, predisposes the system to disease, and at the same time renders thedisease, when it has commenced, so much more intractable; what shall besaid of the common use of tobacco, which is allowed by all to be a stillmore deadly poison, and of course must exhaust the power of the nervesin a proportionate degree? A female, aged 27 years, was attacked in December 1829 with a soremouth, accompanied with diarrhoea and profuse salivation. Thesecomplaints continued to increase, notwithstanding the application of avariety of remedies, prescribed by her medical attendant, until the 5thof March following, when I was called to take charge of the patient. Shewas much emaciated. The discharge from the bowels continued unabated, and was often attended with severe pain and great prostration ofstrength. The salivation was accompanied with a burning or scaldingsensation in the mouth and stomach, which proved excessively irritatingto the patient, as well as perplexing to me. On examining her case, Ifound the nervous system entirely deranged and much broken by the habitof smoking, which she had practiced to great excess from the age ofeleven years. I learned, to my surprise and regret, that she commencedthis habit, which afterwards cost her so much suffering, by the adviceof some wise member of the Faculty, who had prescribed it for someslight derangement of the stomach. My first efforts were directed to repair the injuries inflicted by thetobacco-pipe; and though the difficulties to be overcome were many andobstinate, by patience and perseverance they were all surmounted, andthe woman was at length restored. The conflict which this poor woman endured, in overcoming a habit thatnot only injured her health, but nearly destroyed her life, was dreadfulbeyond description. When her pain and distress were great, she wouldcomplain more of this privation, than of all her other sufferings; andso strong was the desire for smoking, that she, several times during herrecovery, contrary to my orders, indulged in it a few minutes, and eachtime with manifest injury; so that she finally was induced to abandon italtogether, and thus recovered her health. Indeed, she now enjoys betterhealth than she has done for years. Any one acquainted with this ordinary effects of this foolish indulgencein the free use of narcotics, on the nervous system of its victims, willbe convinced by a few years close observation, that such personsespecially, if they are of sedentary habits, are more subject to fits ofdespondency, and to a far greater degree, than persons of the samegeneral health and of the same employment, but who have escapedcontamination. I shall here introduce the following extract of a letter, from arespectable clergyman to the author, as illustrative of this point. "When I say that the effects of the habitual use of tobacco on the humansystem, are injurious; I speak from years of painful experience. Icommenced the use of tobacco when young, like many others, without anydefinite object, but experienced no very injurious consequences from ituntil I entered the ministry. Then my system began to feel its dreadfuleffects. My voice, appetite, and strength soon failed; and I becomeaffected with sickness at the stomach, indigestion, emaciation, andmelancholy, with a prostration of the whole nervous system. For years myhealth has been so much impaired as to render me almost useless in theministry, and all this I attribute to the pernicious habit of smokingand chewing tobacco. And had I continued the practice, I doubt not butthat it would have brought me to an untimely grave. I was often advisedto leave it off, and made several unsuccessful attempts. At length Ibecame fully convinced that I must quit tobacco or die. I summoned allmy resolution for the fearful exigency, and after a long and desperatestruggle I obtained the victory. I soon began to experience thebeneficial results of my conquest. My appetite has returned; my voicegrows stronger, and I am in a measure freed from that mental dejectionto which I once was subject. My general health is much improved, and Ifeel that I am gradually recovering; though it is not to be expected Ishall ever regain what I have lost by this needless and viciousindulgence. I am satisfied that the common use of tobacco is injuriousto most people, especially those of sedentary habits. On them itoperates with ten-fold energy. I am acquainted with many in theministry, who are travelling this road to the grave. I uniformly say tothem: "Lay aside your pipes and tobacco, or you are undone--your laborsin the ministry will soon be at an end. ""[F] [Footnote F: Another Clergyman writes as follows. "I thank God, and I thank you for your advice to abandon smoking. My strength has _doubled_ since I quitted this abominable practice. "] A mere hint at these evils would seem to be sufficient to awakeninquiry, among the votaries of the plant in question. I shall thereforeleave it to their candid decision, after a full and free investigationenables them to arrive at a just conclusion. The great increase of _dyspepsia_ within the last twenty years, with thedark and lengthened catalogue of nervous complaints that follow in itstrain, is, I have no doubt, in part owing to the universal prevalence ofpractices, the propriety of which we are calling in question. The misery to which the consumers of this drug are subject, when fromany cause they are temporarily deprived or it, would go far to deter areflecting man from voluntarily binding himself to this most ignominiousservitude. I have known a hard laboring farmer, who would have resentedthe name of _slave_, as much as did the Jews, arise from his bed in themiddle of the night and travel half a mile to procure a quid of tobacco, because his uneasiness was such, that he could neither sleep nor restwithout it. This uneasiness is more distressing than bodily pain, andhas in some instances produced an agitation of mind bordering upondistraction. Col. Burr informed Dr. Rush, that the greatest complaints ofdissatisfaction and suffering, that he heard among the soldiers whoaccompanied General Arnold in his march from Boston through thewilderness to Quebec, in the year 1775, arose from the want of tobacco. This was the more remarkable, as they were so destitute of provisions asto be obliged to kill and eat their dogs. The Persians, we are informed, often expatriate themselves, when theyare prohibited the use of tobacco, in order to enjoy unmolested thisluxury in a foreign country. Nor are these facts incredible to those, who are familiar with the laws that regulate the animal economy. Long and obstinate is the conflict with nature, before the taste orsmell of such disgusting things as alcohol, opium, and tobacco can beendured. But when she, worn out by repeated and continued assaults, abandons her post, and gives up the dominion to the artificial appetite, the order of things is reversed, and we at last find, to our sorrow, that this unnatural appetite is vastly more ungovernable than the oneimplanted by our Creator for things originally pleasant and agreeable. Add to all these considerations the well attested fact, that no sensibleman, who has himself used the baneful weed, ever advised his neighbor orchild to follow his example, but often the contrary; and its inutilityis sufficiently proved. Having thus far endeavored to shew the futility of the objection raisedagainst our doctrine, by the consumers of this drug; let us now, in ourturn, call on them to give a good reason why so much money should beexpended, and so much time wasted, as are annually squandered in thevarious departments of raising, preparing, and consuming this plant; andto point out, if they can, in what manner a poison so deadly acts on thehealthy system without producing evil consequences. To make out the case, it will be necessary for its advocates to proveone of the following positions; either, 1. That it produces no effect at all, and is therefore harmless; or, 2. That it produces a good effect, and is indispensable to the enjoymentof perfect health. As this part of the enquiry is somewhat important, and since it regardsthe success of our principles, we will examine these positions a littlein detail, to see how they are sustained by fact and experience. If it produces no effect at all, why that universal uneasiness, amounting as we have seen in some instances almost to distraction, uniformly manifested by the consumers of this plant, when by accidentthey are temporarily deprived of the means of indulgence? If tobacco produces no effect, why fly to it as a solace for every woe, as a refuge from affliction and trouble, and as a hiding-place from thetempests of misfortune? It will not, it _cannot_ be doubted, that, in its power to allay thestormy agitations of mind to which we are exposed in our voyage over thetempestuous sea of life, consists the latent excellence, the _summumbonum_, of the virtues of tobacco. This sedative power will not bequestioned, by those who have ever witnessed its peculiar effects. The medicinal effects of tobacco, as applied for the removal ofcorporeal disorders, are nearly or quite destroyed by habitual use; butwith what success it is constantly resorted to, to allay anxiety ofmind, let its votaries answer. A medical gentleman of high standing, in an adjoining county, who hasrecently abandoned the common use of tobacco, informed me, that on acertain occasion his muscular and vital energies were so overcome, bychewing, that in attempting to put his horse into the stable, he wasobliged to lie down until he had so far recovered his strength as toenable him to proceed to his house. Many other instances were related bythe same gentleman, of its injurious effects which he had observed, bothon himself and others; particularly in producing watchfulness, which itwas almost impossible for the greatest degree of weariness and fatigueto overcome. Many others have frequently mentioned this fact to me, since I began to investigate this subject. Now if tobacco produces noeffect, why are such results witnessed by its consumers, and why do thecandid among them acknowledge that these evils arise from its use? Thehealth of the medical gentleman above named was materially improvedafter laying aside tobacco; and those to whom he recommended a similarcourse, have experienced a like favorable result. The second position is equally unsupported either by experience or soundreasoning; and is contrary not only to all medical authority on thissubject, but against the investigations of other scientific men who havechemically examined the constituent principles of tobacco, and who haveexperimented largely to ascertain with precision its natural operationon the living fibre. The lower order of animals have been selected forthese experiments. Given in substance to them, it has uniformly provedfatal, even in very minute doses. When its expressed juice or essential oil has been introduced under theskin of pigeons, kittens, or rabbits, it produced violent convulsionsand often instantaneous death. Does any one doubt the correctness ofthese experiments? He can easily satisfy himself of their accuracy, byobtaining the oil of tobacco, and applying eight or ten drops to theroot of a kitten's tongue. The same deadly effects, as we have seen, uniformly attend its first application to the human system, if taken toany considerable extent. This is well understood by its consumers, whoare very cautious for many weeks, and even months, how they deal withthe poisonous drug. By what transformation is a plant, so deadly in its effects when firstapplied to the human system, afterward converted into a harmless articleof diet or luxury? No substance which God has made for the common use ofman, produces similar results; and if such be the fact in relation tothe article in question, in this instance at least the order of natureis reversed, so that what in its nature is poisonous, becomes by habitnutritious and salutary. If this be correct reasoning--farewell to thesuccess of temperance efforts! For _Rum_, after all, may be _convenient_if not necessary, because its effects are not in every instanceimmediately fatal; and because some, by dint of habit, can sustain withslight _apparent_ injury, what to others unaccustomed to it wouldproduce instantaneous death. The stale excuse, so often repeated by the lovers of tobacco, that theyhave been advised to use it by physicians, for the mitigation or removalof some bodily infirmity, may be urged with equal force and propriety bythe tippler and the sot; for many, very many, have been advised bymembers of the Faculty, to drink the deadly draught, in some form orother, either to ease the pains of dyspepsia, to allay the horrors of_tedium vitæ_, or to drown the anguish of a guilty conscience. And maynot many of these patients say to those of the Faculty, who give advicefor the use of either these stimulants: "Physician, heal thyself. " Alas!when will the profession be without any who use ardent spirit orTobacco. In concluding, permit me to address a word to professors of religion onthis subject. In whatever concerns the cause of virtue and morality, you have a deepand an abiding interest. When Intemperance spreads abroad his murky"wings with dreadful shade contiguous, " and fills the land with tears ofblood--you look over this frightful _aceldama_ and mourn at thesoul-chilling spectacle. When infidelity and licentiousness exhale theirpestiferous breath, to poison the moral atmosphere and destroy therising hope of our country, by undermining the virtue of our youth; theChristian's heart is pained, and every effort is put forth to stay themarch of desolation. In short, whatever tends to increase the prevalenceof vice, must be witnessed by real Christians with unfeigned regret. "Manners, " says a celebrated writer, "have an influence on morals. Theyare the outposts of virtue. " Whoever knew a rude man completely anduniformly moral? The use of tobacco, especially smoking, is offensive tothose who do not practice it. The habit of offending the senses of our friends or even strangers, bysmoking in their presence, produces a want of respect for their persons;and this disposes, however remotely, to unkind treatment towards them. Hence the Methodists interdicted the common use of tobacco with that ofardent spirit, in the infancy of their society; thereby evincing a justsense of the self-denial, decency, and universal civility required bythe gospel. It is painful to witness among Christians the utter disregard of eachothers feelings and the rules of propriety, which have obtained inregard to these habits. They go into a friend's house, and afterenjoying the hospitality of his board, sit down to smoke their pipe orcigar in his dining-room or parlor with the greatest composure; and thattoo, without even condescending to enquire whether it is offensive;supposing either that the appetites and senses of others are equallydepraved with their own, or that politeness will prevent their raisingany objection to a practice which has become nearly universal. When theenquiry is made, it is understood to be nothing more than an apology forunrestrained indulgence; and the host who should intimate that it mightbe offensive to some, would be looked upon as having transgressed notonly the rules of modern politeness, but all the laws of hospitality. Notwithstanding the extent to which smoking prevails, there are some inalmost every family, who are affected with giddiness in the head andsickness at stomach, whenever they inhale the fumes of the pipe orcigar, particularly at or near meal time. Yet all this suffering must beendured, and the fine feelings of the family disregarded. And for what?Merely to give a Christian, and perhaps a physician or a minister of thegospel, an opportunity to gratify a vicious appetite which does him nogood, and which, philosophically considered, would disgrace any man whopretends to be a gentleman. "What reception, " says Dr. Rush, "may we suppose the apostles would havemet with, had they carried into the cities and houses whither they weresent, snuff-boxes, pipes, cigars, and bundles of cut, or rolls of hog orpigtail, tobacco? Such a costly and offensive apparatus for gratifyingtheir depraved appetites would have furnished solid objections to theirpersons and doctrines, and would have been a just cause for the clamorsand contumely, with which they were every where assailed. " And yet this very disgusting practice is considered, in these days ofgospel light and civil refinement, almost as an indispensableprerequisite to fit a minister of Christ to prosecute successfully thework of a missionary in evangelizing the world. Kindly expostulate withsuch Christians, physicians and ministers of the gospel on the proprietyof their conduct, and they meet you with a multitude of the mostfrivolous excuses. One uses tobacco, as the tippler does his rum, as an antidote against adamp atmosphere. Another, to prevent the accumulation of water or bilein his stomach; and a third, as a security against the encroachment ofcontagious diseases. But Howard the philanthropist assures us, that it had efficacy neitherin preventing the hospital fever, nor in warding off the deadly plague. Dr. Rush says, that at Philadelphia it was equally ineffectual, inpreserving its votaries from influenza and yellow fever. Excuseourselves as we may, it is at best a disgusting habit, persisted inagainst the convictions of our understanding and the dictates of truepoliteness, and adapted only to gratify a vitiated and unnaturalappetite. It is, indeed, agreeable to observe, that the superior refinement andregard to good manners, in some parts of the old world, have at lengthawakened public sentiment on this subject. We are informed by travellers, that smoking is disallowed in taverns andcoffee-houses in England, and that taking snuff is becomingunfashionable and vulgar in France. How much is it to be lamented, that, while the use of tobacco is thus declining in two of the mostenlightened countries in Europe, it is daily becoming more general inAmerica! "In no one view, " says Dr. Rush, "is it possible to contemplatethe creature man in a more absurd and ridiculous light, than in hisfoolish and disgusting attachment to the poisonous weed, tobacco. " Whothen can witness groups of boys ten or twelve years old in our streets, smoking cigars, without anticipating such a depreciation in ourposterity with regard to health and character, as can scarcely becontemplated without pain and horror! * * * * * After the foregoing was in type, it was submitted to Doctor Warren, ofthis City, with a request that he would examine the whole, carefully, and give his opinion of it. He has kindly returned the following strongtestimonial in favor of the Dissertation, which cannot but secure it awide circulation, and the attentive perusal of every man who valueshealth. DEAR SIR-- In compliance with your request, I have read over the pamphlet of Dr. McAllister on the use of Tobacco. Though my present occupations have prevented my doing it so carefully, as to entitle me to suggest any alteration or improvement. The general tendency of the pamphlet is excellent: and I most cordially give my opinion in its favor: for I have often had occasion to observe the pernicious effects of the free use of tobacco. Many instances of dyspepsia have come under my notice, the origin of which was traced to the practice of _chewing_; and on the abandonment of the habit, the patients were restored to health. I have seen a number of cases of injury to the voice, from the introduction of _snuff_ into the _facial sinuses_. As to _smoking_, I am well satisfied that it is calculated to cause a feverish state of the body; and in certain constitutions it weakens the membranes which line the nostrils, throat, and lungs, produces a susceptibility to colds, and even more serious affections of these parts, when it has been much employed. From what I have seen, I have been led to believe that this article is not necessary nor useful for the preservation of health; and that it is often a cause of weakness and sickness. I am, with great respect, Your ob't serv't, JOHN C. WARREN. _Boston, Jan. 25, 1832. _ NOTE. --Many persons have the opinion that the use of tobacco is a preventive of contagious diseases: because it has been asserted that tobacconists and others living in the midst of the effluvia of this article, are exempted from the attacks of such disorders. The practices above alluded to, have in my opinion, a contrary effect. Those who live constantly in the region of tobacco, by the effect of habit cease to be stimulated and over excited by the diffusion of its lighter particles in the air they breathe. But those who employ it, occasionally, whether in smoking, chewing or snuffing, undergo an excitement, more or less considerable; which is infallibly followed by a proportionate debility, in which state, they would be subject to the attacks of a disease they might otherwise have escaped. J. C. W. * * * * * TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully aspossible, including obsolete and variant spellings and otherinconsistencies. Corrections in the text are noted below, withcorrections inside the brackets: page 12: typo corrected colorless solution, from which it is precipitated by a tincture of galls. Tobacco yield[yields] its active matter to water and proof spirit, but most perfectly to the latter; long page 17: typo corrected thickening of the voice, is also the unavoidable result of habitual snuff-taking. This disagreeble[disagreeable] consequence is produced, either by partially filling up the page 29: added colon This will appear from the following considerations[:] Remedial agents ordinarily act on the system, by exciting the living power through the medium of the nerves; hence when page 31: added missing end quotes ministry, who are travelling this road to the grave. I uniformly say to them: "Lay aside your pipes and tobacco, or you are undone--your labors in the ministry will soon be at an end. "["][F] page 33: typo corrected _summum bonum_, of the virtues of tobacco. This sedative power will not the[be] questioned, by those who have ever witnessed its peculiar effects.