Transcriber's Notes: This work was originally produced in 1630, only 26 years after Cawdrey's first English dictionary and morethan a century before Johnson's. The spelling is, in many cases, strange to modern standards and highly variable. I have noted asmall number of cases which would, I think, have been consideredabsurd by the original author. These have been amended to a moreconsonant form; all other spelling has been retained as theoriginal. Some apparently incorrect or missing punctuation hasbeen corrected. The reader should note that [~o] and [~e] havebeen used to represent the vowel superscribed by a tilde mark. This implies nasalization and should be read as indicating anomitted 'm' or 'n' following the vowel. The letters 'u' and 'v'are used largely interchangeably as also, though to a lesserextent, 'i' and 'j'. --ATB. A BRIEFE INTRODVCTION TO GEOGRAPHY CONTAINING A DESCRIPTION OF THE GROVNDS, AND GENERALL PART THEREOF, VERY NECESSARY _for young students in that science. _ WRITTEN BY THAT LEARNED _man, _Mr WILLIAM PEMBLE_, Master_ _of Arts, of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. _ _OXFORD_ Printed by IOHN LICHFIELD Printer to the Famous Vniversity for EDWARD FORREST _Ann. Dom. _ 1630. To the Reader Gentle Reader; I here present vnto thy view these few sheets, written by that learned man _Mr William Pemble_, I doubt not tocall him the father, the childe fauours him so much. It hath longlay hid from thy sight, but now at length emboldned vpon thycurteous acceptance of his former labours, it lookes abroad intothe world; Its but little; let not that detract any thing fromit, there may lie much, though pent vp in a narrow roome; whenthou reades, then iudge of it; Thus much may bee sayd: Thoughmany haue writ of this subiect, yet this inferiour to none; thoumay'st obserue in it an admirable mixture of Art and delight, sothat for younger Students it may bee their introduction, forothers a Remembrancer, for any not vnworthy the perusall: only, let it finde kinde entertaynment, at thy hands. _Farewell. _ A BRIEFE INTRODVCTION TO GEOGRAPHIE. CHAP. 1. _A generall description and division of Geography. _ Topographie is a particular description of some small quantity ofLand, such as Land measurers sett out in their plots. Chorographie is a particular description of some Country, as ofEngland, France, or any shire or prouince in them: as in thevsuall and ordinary mappe. Geography is an art or science teaching vs the generalldescription of the whole earth, of this especially wee are now tospeake of, and also Chorography as a part vnder it conteyned:both, excellent parts of knowledge in them selues, and affoordingmuch profit and helpe in the vnderstanding of history & otherthings. The parts of Geography are two. Generall, which treateth of the nature, qualities, measure, with other generall properties of the earth. Speciall, wherein the seuerall countrys and coasts of the earth are deuided and described. Of the generall in the first place, and more at large then of theother, because it is more difficult, and hard to bee vnderstood, and yet of necessary vse, for the vnderstanding of the other. This generall tract may bee parted into fiue particular heads. 1 of the properties and affections of the earth. 2 of the parts of it in generall. 3 of the Circles of it. 4 of the distinction and diuision of it accordinge to some generall conditions and qualities of it. 5 of the measuringe of it. These in theire order. CAP. 2. _Of certaine generall properties of the earth. _ In Geography when wee name the earth wee meane not the earthtaken seuerally by itselfe, without the seas and waters. Butvnder one name both are comprised, as they are now mingled onewith another and doe both together make vp one entire and roundbody. Neither doe wee diue into the bowels of the earth, andenter into consideration of the naturall qualities, which are inthe substance of Earth and water, as coldnes, drinesse moisture, heauines, and the like, but wee looke only vpon the out side, contemplating the greatnesse, scituation, distances, measuringe, and other such affections which appeare in the superficies of it, to the eyes of our bodies and mindes: These then of the earth andwater together, rules are to bee knowne, 1 _The earth and the water doe make one globe, i. E. , one round orsphericall body. _ The naturall place of the water is to bee aboue the earth, andsoe it was in the first creation of it, compassing, the earthround aboute as appeares Genes. 1. 9. But for the vse of man andall other liuing creatures, God made a separation of themcaussing the waters to sinke downe into huge hollow channells, prepared to receaue it, that so the drie land might appeare aboueit. Notwithstanding which separation, they doe both still remainetogether, not couering one another as at first, but intermingledone with another, and that soe exactly as they now make but oneround body, whereas at first they made two. Here therfore are twopoynts to be proued, 1. That they are one globe. 2. That this oneis round. 1 They are one globe hauing the same Center or middle pointe, andthe same surface or conuexe superficies, which will appeare bythese reasons. 1 Common experience. Take a lumpe of earth and any quantity ofwater, and let them both fall downe together vpon the earth fromsome high place, wee see that in the desc[~e]t they doe notseuer, but keepe still together in on streight line, which couldnot bee, if the earth and water were two seuerall round bodieshauing seuerall centers. As for example suppose them to bee twoglobes and let (_a_) bee the Center of the earth and (_b_) thecenter of the water; fr[~o] (_c_) some high place aboue the earthhurle downe earth and water, I say the earth will part from thewater in going downe and the earth will fall downe vpon (_d_) &the water vpon (_e_) but this is contrary to experience & _ergo_the supposition is false. [Illustration] 2 The shadow which in Eclipses is cast vpon the Moone by theearth and the water, is but one and not two, & therefore the bodyis so likewise. This will appeare in the proofe of the nextpoint, v. 2. 2 _That both earth and water are one round body, not square, long, hollow, of any other figure. This is proued by diuersereasons. _ 1 By Eclipses; when the earth, stands iust betweene the Sunne andthe Moone, then doth the shadow of the earth falling vpon theMoone darken it wholy or in part. Now as is the fashion of theshadow, such is the figure of the body, whence it falls, but theshadow of the earth and water cast vpon the Moone is round, andalso one, therefore they are round and also one body. [Illustration] 2 By the orderly and successiue appearing of the starres, as mentrauile from North to South, or from South to North, by sea orland. For as they goe by degrees, they discouer new starres, which they saw not before, and loose the sight of them they did, which could not bee if the earth were not round. As for example, let (_X. O. R. _) the inward Circle bee the earth, (_Q. S. P. _) theoutward, the Heauen: they cannot see the starre (_S_) which dwellvpon the earth in (_X_) but if they goe Northward vnto (_O_) theymay see it. If they goe farther to (_R_) they may see the starre(_P_) but then they loose the sight of the starre (_Q_) whichbeing at (_X_) and (_O_) they might haue seene. Because, as itappeares in the figure, the earth riseth vp round betweene (_R_)and (_X_). [Illustration] 3 By the orderly and successiue rising of the Sunne and starres, and settinge of the same. Which appeare not at the same time toall countryes, but vnto one after another. As for example, let(_F. C. B. _) be the Circle of the earth, (_D. E. A. _) the Circle ofthe heauen from East to west, let (_A_) bee the Sunne or astarre. When the Sunne (_A_) is vp, and shines vpon them thatdwell in (_B_) hee is not risen to them that dwell in (_C_)againe when hee is risen higher and is come to (_E_) and soshines vpon those that dwell in (_C_) hee is not yet vp to themthat dwell in (_F_). Againe when hee setts in the West, in (_D_)and so is out of sight to the inhabitants in (_B_) hee is yet vpto them that dwell in (_C_) and (_F_). Which shews plainely theearth is round. [Illustration] 4 By the different obseruations of Eclipses. One and the sameEclipse appearing sooner to the Easterly Nations then those thatlye farther west, which is caused by the bulke of the earthswelling vp betweene. As for example. Let (_X. O. _) bee the Circle of the earth, and the greater theCircle of the heauen from East to West. Let (_P. Q. _) bee the bodyof the Sunne, (_W. S. _) of the Moone in the eclipse by reason ofthe earth betweene it and the Sunne. It is manifest that theinhabitants in (_O_) shall see the eclipse before the inhabitantsin (_X_) by certaine houres, according as the distance betweene(_X_) and (_O_) is more or lesse. They that dwell in (_O_) shallsee it in (_S_) they that dwell in (_X_) see it not till it cometo (_W_) a great deale higher. [Illustration] 5 That the water is round besides the naturall weight andmoisture of it, which being apt to yeeld and runne abroad, willnot suffer some places to ly high, and some low, like hills, &dales, but though it be made rough and vneuen by tempest, dothpres[~e]tly returne to their naturall smoothnesse and euennesse:I say besides this: it is cleare by common experience; for if weestand on the land, and see a ship goe forth to sea, by degreeswee loose the sight of it, first of the bulke then of themast, and all. So also one the other side they that are at sea bydegrees doe loose or gaine the sight of the Land: As for example. Let (_A_) bee some steeple vpon the land (_B_) a shipp at sea: Hethat stands at (_A_) shall by little and little loose the sightof the ship, as shee goes out, & gett sight of her as shee comesin. Both first and last hee shall haue the sight of the top mast(_B_) when hee sees nothing else. Because the sea riseth vpbetweene his sight and the ship. [Illustration] These reasons and experiments may suffice to proue the roundnesseof the earth and water; which might bee farther demonstrated byshewing the falshood of all other figures regular or irregularthat can be giuen vnto it; that it is neither square, northree-cornerd, nor Piramidall, nor conicall on Taperwise, nor Cylindricall like a barley rowle, nor hollow like a dish, nor of any other fashion, as some haue imagined it to bee of. Wee come to this second rule. 2 _The tops of the highest hills, and the bottoms of the lowestvallies although in seuerall places they make the earth vneven, yet being compared to the vast greatnesse of the whole, doe notat all hinder the roundnesse of it. _ Among all Geometricall figures the sphæriall or the round is themost perfect, and amongst all naturall bodies the heauen is themost excellent. It was therefore good reason the most beautifullbody should haue the most perfect and exquisite shape. Exactroundnesse then is not found in any body, but the Heauens; theearth is round as was showed before, but not precisely, with outall roughnes and inæquality of its surface. There are hills likewarts and vallies like wrinkels in a mans body; and that both forornament and vse. Yet is there such vnformity in this varietie, as that there is no notable and sensible inæquality made in theearth by Hills and vallies. No more then if you should lay a flyvpon a smooth Cartwheele, or a pinnes head vpon a greate globe. Now that this is soe appeares by Sense and Reason. By Sense thus, If wee stand on a hill or in a plaine, when wee may discrie thecountry round about 15. Or 20. Miles; wee may behold the brim oredge of the earth round about vs to bee in a manner euen andstreight, euen there, where the country is very hilly, and fullof mountaines. So that a farre of their height makes but a littlealteration and difference from the plaine Countreys, when weebehold all togeather a farre of: though when wee come neere, thealteration seemes more sensible. By reason thus, the thicknesse of halfe the earth is (as shall beshewed) about 4000 miles, now the plumb height of the highestmountaines is not accounted aboue a mile and a halfe, or twomiles at the most. Now betweene two miles and foure thousand, there is no sensible proportion, and a line that is fourethousand and two miles long, will not seeme sensibly longer thenthat which is foure thousand; as for example. Let (_O_) be thecenter of the earth, (_XW_) a part of the circle of the earthwhich runneth by the bottomes of the hils and superficies ofchampion and even plaines (_WO_) or (_XO_) is the semidiamiter orhalfe the depth of the earth. (_S_) is a hill rising vp abouethat plaine of the earth, (_WS_) is the plumb height of the hill. I say that (_WS_) doth not sensibly alter the length of the line(_OW_); for (_WS_) is but two miles. (_WO_) 4000 miles, and twoto 4000 alters not much more, then the breadth of a pinne to thelength of a pearch. So a line drawne from (_O_) the center to(_S_) the top of the hill, is in a manner all one with a linedrawen to (_W_) the bottome of the hill. [Illustration] The third rule. 3 _The earth resteth immovable in the very midst of the wholeearth. _ Two points are here to be demonstrated. _First that the earthstandeth exactly in the midst of the World. Secondly that it isimmoveable. _ The former is proved by these reasons. 1 The naturall heavinesse of the earth and water is such, as theywill never cease mooving downewards till they come to the lowestplace; Now the center or middle point of the world is the lowestplace, and _ergo_ they must needs moue thither, as for example. Let (_O_) be the center of the world, (_CDE_) the heauens: it ismanifest that the lowest place from the heauens on all sides is(_O_). Ssuppose the earth to be in (_A_) or in (_B_) some whereout of the center, I say it is not possible (vnlesse it beviolently held vp) that it should abide there, but it willdescend till it come to (_O_) the middle point. [Illustration] 2 If the earth stood any where but in the midest we should notsee halfe the heauens aboue vs, as now we alway doe, neithercould there be any Æquinox, neither would the daies and nightslengthen and shorten in that due order and proportion in allplaces of the World as now they doe; againe Eclipses would neverfall out but in one part of the heavens, yea the Sunne and Moonemight be directly opposite one to another and yet no Eclipsefollow, all which are absurd. As for example, let the center ofthe World be (_O_) let the earth stand in (_A_), a good waydistant from the center, it is manifest that the greater halfe ofthe Heauens (_CIB_) will alwaies be aboue, and the lesser halfe(_CDB_) below, which is contrary to experience. Thence also itfollowes that the daies and nights will never be equall, for theSunne (_B_) will be alwaies longer aboue the earth whil'st hemoues from (_B_) to (_C_) then below, mouing from (_C_) to (_B_). Againe the Sunne (_B_) may stand iust opposite to the Moone (_X_)and yet noe Eclipse follow, the earth which makes the Eclipse, standing out of the midst. [Illustration] 3 The shadowes of all bodies on the earth would not fall in thatorderly vniformity as they now doe: for if the earth stoodtowards the East, the shadowes would be shortest before noone, iftoward the west afternoone, if towards the North, the shadoweswould still fall Northward, if towards the South, Southwards, allwhich experience shewes to be false. As for example, let theearth stand Eastwards in (_A_) the shadow of any body vpon theearth, as of the body vnder (_E_) will be shorter in the morningwhen the sunne is in (_C_), then at noone when the sunne is in(_X_). If the earth stand Southward in (_W_) the shaddow of anybody will alwaies fall south, as it doth in the figure (_Y_) and(_Z_. ) [Illustration] _The second thing to be proued was that the earth is immouable. _where wee must vnderstand a double motion, Streight, or Circular. For the first it is cleare that with out supernaturall violenceit cannot bee moued in any streight motion, that is, vpwarddownewarde, or toward any side; it cannot bee shoued out of hisplace. For the Second, whether abiding still in his place it may notmoue rounde, the question is disputed, and maintained one bothsides. Some affirme it may, and doth: who thinke there is greaterprobabilitie the earth should mooue round once a day, then thatthe Heauens should by reason of the incredible swiftnesse of theheauens motion, scarcs conpetible to any naturall body; and themore likely Slownesse of the earths mouing. Others deny itgrounding theire opinion vpon Scripture, which affirmes the earthto stand fast, so as it cannot bee moued; and vpon Sence, becausewee perceaue it not to moue, and lastly vpon reasons drawne fromthings hurled vp, and let fall vpon the earth. The arguments onboth sides wil bee more easie to bee vnderstood by the figurethat followes. [Illustration] In this figure it is manifest, that the earth in the midest, cannot moue by any streight motion, vpward towarde (_N_) orsideward toward (_M_) or any other way out of its proper place, and therefore that opinion of _Copernicus_ and others, that theearth should moue round once a yeere in such a Circle as (_MPR_)is most improbable & vnreasonable. And reiected by the most. But although it cannot moue streight, it may moue round. Forthough it be a marueilous great body of vnconceaueable weight, yet being equally poised on euery side, there is nothing canhinder its Circular motion. As in a Globe of Lead, or any otherheauy substance, though it were 40. Fadome in compasse, yet beingset vpon his two Poles, it would easily bee turned round euenwith a touch of ones little finger. And therefore it is concludedthat this circular motion is not impossible. The probabilitie ofit is thus made plaine. The whole circuit of the Heauens, whereinare the fixed Starrs is reckoned by Astronomers to bee1017562500. That is a Thousand and seauenteene Millions of miles, fiue hundred sixty two thousand, and fiue hundred miles. Let thisbee the compasse of the Circle (_NMOZ_. ) So many miles doth theHeauens moue in one day, till the same point come to the placefrom whence it went; as till (_N_) moue round, and come to (_N_)againe. This being the motion of the whole day 24. Houres, howmany miles will (_N_) moue in one houre? it will moue 42398437and a halfe. I. E. Forty two Millions three hundred ninty eightthousand, foure hundred thirty seuen miles and an halfe. So manymiles will (_N_) moue in one houre, from (_N_) to (_M_. ) A motionso swift that it is vtterly incredible. Farre more likely it is, the circuit of the earth (_ASXV_) being about 24000. I. E. Twentyfoure thousand miles more or lesse, it should moue round once aday. For then one point as (_X_) should moue in one houre from(_X_) to (_V_) but a thousand miles, which motion although it beeswifter then any arrow or bullet from a Cannons mouth, yet is itincomparably slower then that of the Heauens, where so manyMillions are posted ouer in an houre. Now for the saluing of all the cælestiall Phænomena, orappearances, the truth is the same, if wee suppose the earth tomoue, as if wee beleeue it to stand still. The riseing of theSunne and Starres, the motions of all the Planets, will keepeCorrespondence that now. Nor neede wee feare logging, or thatsteples and towers would totter downe, for the motion is regular, and steady without rubbes, and knocks. As if you turne a globeabout, it will goe steadyly, and a fly will set fast vpon it, though you moue it apace. Besides the whole body the ayre iscarryed about with the whirlinge of the earth, so that the earthwill make noe winde, as it turnes swiftly about; as a wheelewill, if it bee turned apace. Notwithstanding all this, most are of another opinion, that theearth standeth still without all motion, rest rather befittingeso heauy and dull a body then motion. The maine reason brought toestablish it is this. Let a stone bee throwne downe out of theayre from (_W_:) if the earth stand still, it is manifest it willfall vpon (_X_) iust vnder it; as wee see it doth by commonexperience, a stone will fall downe from any height vpon theplace wee aymed at, but let the earth moue, the stone will notlight vpon (_X_) but some where else as one (_S_:) for (_X_) willbee moued away, and gone to (_V_. ) So againe let two peices of ordinance that will shoote at equalldistance bee discharged one iust towards the East, the othertowards the West; if the earth moue (as they say it doth) towardsthe West, the bullet that is discharged Eastward will fly fartherthen that Westward. For by the contrary motion of the earth heewill gaine ground. But experience hath proued this to bee false, shewing that the bullets, will both fly at equall distance. To salue this, answere is made that the earth by its swift motioncarries with it and that steadily not only all bodies resting ormoueing vpon it, but also the whole Sphære of Aire (_WEQ_) withall things whatsoeuer that are moued in it naturally orviolently, as clouds, birds, stones hurled vp or downe, arrowes, bullets, and such like things violently shott forth: as mayappeare in the figure. The fourth rule. 4 The earth, though it bee of exceeding greate quantity beingconsidered in itselfe, yet being compared to the Heauens, especially the higher sphæres, is of noe notable bignes, but maybe accounted as a point or pricke in the middest of the world. That the earth is noe bigger then a point or pinns head incomparison of the highest heauens will easily appeare vnto vs, bythese reasons. 1 The starres which are many times bigger then the earth, seemeyet to vs to bee noe bigger then a greate pinns head, or suchlike quantity; therefore much lesse shall the earth appeare tobee of any sensible magnitude. 2 Wee alwaies beholde halfe the heauens aboue vs, which could notbee if the earth had any sensible proportion to the heauen. 3 All obseruations of hights and distances of the coelestiallbodies, which are made on the superficies of the earth, are asexact, and true, as if they were made in the very center of theearth. Which were impossible, vnlesse the thicknes of the earthwere insensible in regard of the Heauens. 4 All Sunn Dialls which stand on the superficies of the earth, doe as truely cast the shadowes of the houres, as if they stoodin the Center. As for example. The starre (_S_) appeares like a point or pricke to them thatdwell in (_A_) wherefore the earth (_OX_) will appeare much lesseto the sight of him that should behold it from (_S_), nay itwould not bee seene at all. Againe halfe the Heauens (_BFE_) arealwayes seene to th[~e] that dwell in (_A_) wanting some twominutes, betweene (_ED_) and (_BC_) which difference isalltogether insensible. Againe if wee obserue the height of thestarre (_S_) aboue the Horizon (_BE_) it will bee all one namely(_BS_) whether wee obserue it in the topp of the earth, in (_A_)or in the middle in (_O_. ) For, (_A_) and (_O_, ) are so littledistant one from another, that (_AS_, ) and (_OS_) will beeparalell lines, and bee esteemed but as one line. The fourthreason concerning Dialls, is cleare by the framing andconstruction of them: wherein either the lower end of the Cocke(or Gnomon) whereat all the houre lines meet, or the vpper endand knobb (as in many Dialls) is supposed to bee the Center ofthe earth. [Illustration] CAP. 3. _Of the parts of the terrestriall Globe. _ The properties of the earthly Globe haue beene handled in theformer chapter wee come now to the parts which are two ingenerall. {Earth} Both containe vnder them more particular {Water} parts to be knowne. The more notable parts of the Earth are these. 1 A Continent or maine Land, or as some call it firme Land, whichis not parted by the Sea running betweene. 2 An Iland, a land compassed about with waters. 3 A Peninsula, a land almost surrounded by waters saue at oneplace, where ioynes by a narrow necke of land to the Continent;this is also called Chersonesus. 4 An Isthmus, a streight necke of land which ioynes two countreystogether, and keepes the Sea from compassing the one. 5 A Promontorie or head land running farre out into the Sea likea wedge. 6 A Mountaine } }7 A Valley } All easie to bee knowne }8 A Champion plain } without any definition. }9 A Wood } The more notable parts of the Water are these 1 _Mare_ the Sea, or Ocean, which is the gathering together ofall waters. 2 _Fretum_ a streight or narrow sea running betweene two lands. 3 _Sinus_ a Creeke, Gulfe, or Bay, when the sea runnes vp intothe bosome of the land by a narrow enterance but openeth itbroader when it is within; if it bee very litell it is called aHauen, _Portus_. 4 _Lacus_ a Lake, a little sea with in the land hauing riuersrunning into it, or out of it, or both. If it hath neither it iscalled _Stagnum_ a standing Poole, also _Palus_; a fenne. 5 _Fluvius_ a Riuer, which from the pleasantnesse is also called_Amnis_; from the smalnesse of it _Rivus_. Now concerning these parts diuers questions are moued; whetherthere bee more Sea or Land? whether the sea would naturallyouerflow the land, as it did in the first creation, were it notwithheld within his bankes by diuine power? whether the deepenesof the Sea, doth exceede the height of the mountaines? whethermountaines were before the flood? what is the hight of thehighest hilles? whether Iland, came since the flood? what is thecause of the Ebbing and flowing of the Sea? what is the originalof springs and riuers? what manner of motion the running of theriuers is? with such like, whereof some belong not so properly tothis science of Geography as to others. Wee speake onely a wordor two of the last, & so proceed. The question is whether themotion of the riuers bee streight, or Circular. The doubts onboth sides will best appeare by a figure first drawne: wherein, Let (_HMO_) be the Meridian of _Alexandria_ in _Ægipt_, or of theMouth of _Nilus_ and answerable to the meridian of the Heauens. Another in the Earth (_XBY_. ) Let (_B_) bee the mouth of _Nilus_, and (_C_) the fountaine and head of it. Now the mouth of _Nilus_, where it runnes into the mediterranian Sea, is placed bygeographers in the 31. Degree of the North latitud; & the head of_Nilus_ where it riseth is placed by _Polomeus_ in 11. Degree ofthe South latitud, but by latter & more exact geographers in the14. Degree of the Southern latitud, so that the distance betweenethe founts & _Ostia_ i. E. Betweene (_C_) and (_B_) is 45. Degreesof a great Circle, which after the vsuall account makes 2700. Oneeight part of the earths compasse. The quæstion now is, whetherthe runninge from (_C_) to (_B_) runne continually downward in astreight line; or circularly in a crooked line. If it runne in astreight line, as is most agreeable to the nature of the water itmust moue either by the line (_CEB_) or by the line (_DB_. ) Bythe line (_CEB_) it cannot moue: for when it is come to (_E_, ) itwill stand still. Because from (_E_) to (_B_) it must mouevpward, if it moue at all, which is contrary to the nature ofwater. If therefore it moue by a streight line it can bee noeother, but (_BD_, ) and so from (_D_) to (_B_) it shallcontinually descend; for of all places betweene (_D_, ) & (_B_)(_B_) is the nearest to (_A_. ) But then the fountaine must notbee in (_B_) but higher in (_D_) which semees altogetherimprobable or impossible. For first the line (_AD_) would beenotably and sent by longer then the line (_AB_) For the compasseof the earth being about 24000. Miles, and the semidiameter(_AB_, ) or (_AC_) 3828. Miles the line (_CD_, ) would bee 1581. Miles, which cannot bee true, if as wee haue proued before, theearth bee round, and that the highest hills make noe sensibleinæquality. Againe they that dwell in (_D_) should see the NorthPole starre (_N_) as well as they that dwell in (_B_, ) which alsois false. So then the riuer cannot runne either by (_EB_) or(_DB_) Runnes it then circularly by the line (_CWB_?) This seemesprobable, and the rather because heereby a reason of theoriginall of Riuers might more easily bee giuen. For thefountaines (_C_) lying euen with the superficies of the Sea, thewater may easily passe through the hollowes of the earth, andbreake out at (_C_) without ascendinge. But here also are somedifficulties: for first wee find by experience that thefountaines of most riuers, and those greate ons too, lye sensiblyhigher then the plaine surface of the Sea. Againe, if the riuermoue directly round, what should bee the cause that begins andcontinues this motion? It is a motion besides the nature of thewater, and therefore violent, what should driue it forward fromthe Sea to (_C_, ) and from (_C_) to (_B_, ) when the water is at(_C_) or (_W_, ) it is as neere to the Center (_A_) as when it isat (_B_, ) and therefore it should seeme with more liklyhood itwould stand still; for why should it striue to goe further, seeing where it is, it is as neare to the Center as whither itrunnes. Or if some violence doe driue it from (_C_, ) towards(_W_, ) yet (as it is the nature of violent motions) the furtherit goes the slower it will runne, till in the end it stand still, if there bee noe aduantadge of ground to helpe it forward. [Illustration] As a bowle throwne downe a hill runnes easily and farre, if itonce bee sett a going; but throwne vpon the ice (an euen place)it will without any lett at last stand still. Answere may beemade hereunto, that although there bee noe aduantage of theground, yet the water will still moue forwarde from (_C_) to(_B_) because the water that followes, pusheth forwarde that, that runnes afore. Which answere will stand, when a good causemay bee shewed, which forcibly driueth the water from the Seavnto (_C_) and out of the fountaine (_C_;) considering that(after this supposition) they lie both in the same circularsuperficies. Wherefore seeing, wee cannot without anyinconueniency suppose it to moue by any of these lines eitherstreight as (_BC_) or (_BD_, ) or circular as (_BWC_) let vsenquire farther. The most likely opinion is, that the motion of the water is mixtneither directly streight, or circular, but partly one, partlythe other. Or if it be circular, it is in a circle whose centeris a little distant from the Center of the whole globe. Let vsplace fountaines then neither in (_C_) nor (_D_) but in (_F_) Isay the water runnes either partly streight by the (_FS_) andpartly circular, from (_S_) to (_B_) which motion will not beinconuenient, for the water descending continually from (_F_) to(_S_) will cause it still to runne forward; or else wholycircular in the circle (_FXB_. ) And this is most agreeable totruth. For so it shall both runne round as it must doe if weewill escape the otherwise vnauoidable inconueniences of the firstopinion and yet in running still descend, and come neerer to theCenter, as is most befitting the nature of water, so that weeneed not seeke for any violent cause that moues it. Let vs thensee what is the hight of (_F_) the fountaines of _Nilus_, aboue(_C_) that is (_B_) the mouth or outlet of it into the Sea. Thevsuall allowance in watercourses is one foot in descent for 200. Foot in running, but if this bee thought to much because waterwill runne awaie vpon any inequality of ground, for euery 500. Foote allow one for descent, & so much we may with reason, inregard of the swiftnes of many riuers, yea the most, which inmany places runnes headlong, in all places very swiftly(especially _Nilus_ whose cateracts or downfalls are notable)which cannot bee without some notable decliuity of the ground. Thus then the whole course of _Nilus_ being 2700. Miles from(_F_) to (_B_) the perpendicular or plumb descent of it (_CF_)will be 5. Miles. And so high shall the fountaine stand aboue themouth, and the surface of the plaine Land (for riuers commonlyarise at foot of hills) which is (_BXF_) swell vp aboue thesurface of the Sea (_BWC_) or (_BY_) which hight of the Landaboue the Sea although it bee greater then is the height of thehighest mo[~u]taines aboue the plaine Land, yet it is nothing incomparison of the whole Earth. And this being granted (as withmost probabilitie of reason it may) it will appeare that God inthe beginning of the world imposed noe perpetuall violence vponnature, in gathering togeather, the waters into one place, andbeing so gathered in keeping them from runing backe to cover theearth. At the first so soone as those hollow channells wereprepared, the water did naturally slide downe into them, and outof them without miraculous power they cannot returne. For if thesea (_BY_) should overflow the land towards (_F_) the water mustascend in running from (_B_) to (_F_) which is contrary to itsnature. Certainly the midland countries, whence springs of greatrivers vsually arise, doe ly so high, that the sea cannotnaturally overflow them. For as for that opinion that the waterof the sea in the middle lies on a heape higher then the waterthat is by the shore; and so that it is a harder matter to saileout of a Haven to seaward, then to come in (because they goevpward): this is an empty speculation contray to experience, andthe grounds of nature it selfe, as might easily be shewed. Allthe difficulty that is in this opinion, is to giue a reason howthe waters mount vp to (_F_, ) and whence the water comes thatshould flow out of so high a place of the earth, wherein I thinkeas in many other secrets of nature we must content our selueswith ignorance, seeing so many vaine conjectures haue taken nobetter successe. [Illustration] CAP. 4. _Of the circles of the earth. _ In a round body as the earth is, there can be no distinction ofparts, & places, without the helpe of some lines drawen orimagined to be drawen vpon it. Now though there are not, nor canbe any circles truly drawen vpon the earth, yet because there isa good ground in nature and reason of things for them, we mustimagine them to be drawen vpon the earth, as truly as we see themdescribed vpon a Globe or in a plaine paper. Further this must benoted, that all circles on the earth haue the like opposite vntothem conceaved to be the Heavenes, vnder which they are directlyscituated. Thus knowen, the circles that wee are to take thespeciall notice of are of two sorts, Greater and Lesser. _The greater circles are those which devide this earthly globeinto equall halfes or Hæmispheres. _ _The lesser are those which devide it into two vnequall parts, one bigger, another lesse. _ { 1 Æquator. Of the former sort there { 2 Meridian. Are foure, the { 3 Horizon. { 4 Zodiack, or Eclipticke. 1 _The Æquitor or Æquonoctiall line, is a line drawen iust in themidst of the earth, from East to West, which compasseth it as agirdle doth a mans body, and devidith it into two equall parts, one on the North side, the other on the South_ The two points inthe earth that are every way farthest distant from it North, &South are called the Poles of the earth which doe directly standvnder the two like points in the Heaven, so called because theHeaven turnes about vpon them, as the Earth doth in a Globethat's set in a frame. This circle is of the first & principallnote and vse in Geography, because all measurings for distancesof places and quarters of the Earth are reckoned in it, or fromit. It is called the Æquinoctiall, because when the Sunne in theHeavens comes to be directly over that circle in the earth, thedaies & nights are of equall length in all parts of the world. Marriners call it by a kind of excellency, _The line_. Vpon theGlobe it is easily discerned being drawen bigger then any othercircles from East to West, and with small divisions. 2 _The Meridian, if a line that is drawen quite crosse theÆquinoctiall, and passeth through the Poles of the Earth, goingdirectly North and South. _ It is called the Meridian, becausewhen the Sunne stands just over that circle it is _Meridies i. D. _noone day. It may be conceaued thus, at noone day, when it isjust twelue a clocke, turne your face towards the South, and thenimagine with your selfe two circles drawen, one in the Heavens, passing from the North iust over your head through the body ofthe Sunne downe to the South, and so round vnder the earth vpagaine to the North Pole. Another vpon the surface of the earthpassing through your feete just vnder the Sunne, and socompassing the earth round till it meete at your feete againe, and these are Meridians answering one to another. Now theMeridian is not one only, as was the Æquinoctiall, but many stillvarying according to the place wherein you are, as for example. At _London_ there is one Meridian, at _Oxford_ another, at_Bristow_ another, & so along Eastward or Westward. For it isnoone at _London_ sooner then at _Oxford_, and at _Oxford_ soonerthen at _Bristow_. Vpon the globe there are many drawen, allwhich passe through the poles, and goe North and South, but thereis one more remarkeable then the rest, drawen broad with smalldivisions, which runneth through the Canary Ilands, or throughthe Ilands of _Azores_ Westward of _Spaine_, which is counted thefirst Meridian in regard of reckoning and measuring of distancesof places one from another; for otherwise there is neither firstnor last in the round earth. But some place must bee appointedwhere to beginne the account and those Ilands haue beene thoughtfittest, because no part of the World that lay westward wasknowne to the Ancients further then that: and as they began toreckon there, we follow them. This circle is called in greeke[Greek: Mesêmbrinos]. 3. The Horizon is two fold: { Sensible or appearing. { Intelligible or true. _The Sensible or appearing Horizon is the space of the earth sofarre as in an open plaine, or vpon some Hill a man may see roundabout him. _ The brim or edge of the earth further then which youcannot see, that is the Horizon, or as some call it the_Finitor_. Because _finet_ or terminat _visum_ it setts thelimits or bounds to your sight, beyond which nothing can beeseene vpon the earth. This is greater or lesser, according as theheight of the eye aboue the plaine superficies of the earth, ismore or lesse. The most exact triall hereof is at Sea, wherethere are no mountaines nor any vnequall risings of the water tohinder the sight, as there are at land. For example let (_CBAF_)be the superficies of the Sea and let a mans eye bee placed in(_X_) aboue the Sea; as the eye stands higher or lower so willthe distance seene be more or lesse, as if the hight of (_XA_) be6 foot which is ordinary the height of a man, the eye lookingfrom (_X_) to (_B_) shall see 2 miles and 3 quarters, if (_X_) be20 foote high (_BA_) will bee fiue miles, if 40 foote 7 miles, if50 foote 8 miles. [1] So that from the mast of a ship 50 footehigh, a man may see round about at sea 8 miles every way, toward(_BG_) and (_F_). So farre may the water it selfe be seene, butany high thing on the Water may be seene farther, 16, or 20 milesaccording as the height is, as the ship at (_C_) may be seenefrom (_X_) as far more as it is from (_A_) to (_B_). There can betherefore no certaine quantity and space set downe for thissensible Horizon, which continually varies according to theheight of the eye aboue the plaine ground or sea. This Horrizonis not at all painted on the globe nor can be. [Footnote 1: See _Wright_ of Navigation p. 229. ] [Illustration] _The intelligible or true Horizon is a line which girts the earthround in the midst, and divides it into two equall parts orHæmispheares the vppermost vpon the top & middle pointwhereof wee dwell, and that which is vnder vs. _ Opposite to thisin the Heavens is another Horizon, which likewise cuts the Heaveninto two Hemispheres, the vpper and the lower. Aboue which circlewhen any starre or the Sunne is moued, it then riseth vnto vs, and setteth vnto those that dwell opposite vnto vs, and so on thecontrary, you may conceiue it best thus, if standing vpon a hill, or some open place, where you may perfectly see the setting ofthe Sunne, you marke when the Sun is halfe gone out of yoursight, you may perceiue the body of the Sunne cut in two, as itwere by a line, going along through it, the halfe aboue is yetseene, that vnderneath is gone out of your sight. This line isbut a peece of the Horrizon, which if you conceiue to be drawenvpward about the World from the West to the North, and so by Eastand South, to West againe you haue the whole Horrizon described. This circle is not drawen vpon the body of the globe, because itis variable; but stands one the outside of it, beeing a broadcircle of wood couered with paper on which are sett the monethsand days of the yeare, both in the old and new Calender, and alsothe 12 signes, and the points of the compasse. All which areeasily discerned by the beholdinge. The vse of this Horizon isnot so much in Geographie as in Astronomie. _The Zodiake is a circle which compasseth the earth like a belt, crossing the æquator slopewise, not streight as the Meridiansdoe. _ Opposite to it in the Heauens is another circle of the samename, wherein are the 12. Signes, and in which the Sunne keepeshis owne proper course all the yeare long, neuer declining fromit on the one side or other. The vse hereof in Geography is butlitle only to shew what people they are ouer whose heads theSunne comes to bee once or twice a yeare; who are all those thatdwell with in 23. Degrees of the Aequator; for so much is thedeclination, or sloping of the _Zodiacke_. This circle is alsocalled the Eclipticke line, because when the Sunne and Moonestand both in this circle opposite each to other, then therehappens an Eclipse of the Sunne or Mone, vpon a globe it iseasily discerned, by the sloping of it from the Aequator, and thediuisions of it into 12. Parts, and euery of those 12. Into 30. Degrees. _These are the greater circles: the lesser follow; which are allof one nature, and are called by one generall name: sc. Parallels, because they are so drawen on each side of theAequator, as they are equidistant vnto it euery way. _ Many ofthis kinde are drawne vpon the globe (as is easie to bee seene)and may bee conceaued to bee drawne vpon the earth: but there areonly two sorts cheifely to bee marked: namely the { Tropickes and the } { Polar circles. } _The tropickes are two, parallel circles distant on each side ofthe Aequator 23. Degrees shewing the farthest bounds of the Sunnsdeclination North or South from the Aequator, or the midest ofheauen. _ And therefore they are called tropickes a [Greek:trepôthai] _vertendo_, because when the Sunne comes ouer theselines, hee either turnes away from vs, as in the Summer, orturnes toward vs againe as in the winter: There are then two ofthem _vid. _ { 1 The Tropicke of Cancer which lies on the North side { of the Aequator, to which when the Sunne comes, it { makes the longest day in Summer. { { 2 The Tropicke of Capricorne, lying Southward of the { Aequator, to which when the Sunne comes, it makes the { shortest day in winter. _The Polar circles are two parallels drawne by the poles of theZodiacke compassinge about the poles of the world, being distantfrom them euery way 23 degrees. These are two. _ 1 _The Articke Circle that compasseth about the North Pole: it isso called because that in the Heavens (where vnto this in theearth lies opposite) runs through the constellation of the greatBeare, which in greeke is called [Greek: arktos]_ 2 _The Antarticke circle that compasseth about the South Pole, &is placed opposite vnto the former. _ All these with the formerare easily known vp[~o] the Globe by these descripti[~o]s, &names vsually added vnto th[~e]. But because maps are of an esierprice, & more c[~o]mon vse then Globes, it will be needfull toshew how all these circles, which are drawne most naturally vpona round Globe, may also as truly, and profitably for knowledgeand vse be described vpon a plaine paper. Whereby we shallvnderstand the reason of those lines which We see in the vsuallMapps of the world, both how they are drawne, and wherefore theyserue. Vnderstand therefore, that in laying downe the globe vpona plaine paper, you must imagine the globe to be cut in twohalfes through the midst, and so to be pressed downe flat to thepaper; as if you should take a hollow dish, and with your handsquieze the bottom down, till it lie flat vpon a bord, or anyother plaine thing for then will those circles that before wereof equall distance, runne closer together towards the midst. After this conceit, vniversall Maps are made of two fashions, according as the globe may be devided two waies, either cuttingquite through by the meridian from North to South, as if youshould cut an apple by the eye and the stalke, or cutting itthrough the Æquinoctiall, East and West, as one would divide anapple through the midst, betweene the eye & the stalke. Theformer makes two faces, or hemispheares, the East and the Westhemispheare. The latter makes likewise two Hemispheares, theNorth and the South. Both suppositions are good, and befittingthe nature of the globe: for as touching such vniversall maps, wherein the world is represented not in two round faces, but allin one square plot, the ground wherevpon such descriptions arefounded, is lesse naturall and agreeable to the globe, for itsupposeth the earth to be like a Cylinder (or role of bowlingallies) which imagination, vnlesse it be well qualified, isvtterly false, [2] and makes all such mappes faulty in thescituation of places. Wherefore omitting this, we will shew thedescription of the two former only, both which are easie to bedone. [Footnote 2: Of this Hypothesis see _Wrights_ errors ofnavigation. ] 1 To describe an Æquinoctiall planispheare, draw a circle(_ACBD_) and inscribe in it two diameters (_AB_) & (_CD_) cuttingeach other at right angles, and the whole circle into fourequadrants: each whereof devide into 90. Parts, or degrees. Theline (_AB_) doth fitly represent halfe of the Æquator, as theline (_CD_) in which the points (_C_) & (_D_) are the two poles, halfe of the Meridian: for these circles the eye being in aperpendicular line from the point of concurrence (as in thisprojection it is supposed) must needs appeare streight. To drawthe other, which will appeare crooked, doe thus. Lie a rule fromthe Pole (_C_) to every tenth or fift degree of the halfe circle(_ADB_) noting in the Æquator (_AB_) every intersection of it andthe rule. The like doe from the point (_B_) to the semicircle(_CAD_) noting also the intersections in the Meridian (_CD_) Thenthe diameters (_CB_) and (_AB_) being drawne out at both ends, asfarre as may suffice, finding in the line (_DC_) the center ofthe tenth division from (_A_) to (_C_) and from (_B_) to (_C_), &of the first point of intersection noted in the meridian fr[~o]the Æquator towards (_C_) by a way familiar to Geometriciansconnect the three points, and you haue the paralell of 10. Degrees from the Æquator: the like must bee done in drawing theother paralells on either side, the Æquator; as also in drawingthe Meridians from centers found in the line (_AB_) in like manercontinued. All which is illustrated by the following diagram. [Illustration] 2 To describe a Polar Planisphære, draw a circle (_ACBD_) on thecenter (_E_) & as before, inscribe in it two diameters (_AB_) and(_BC_) cutting each other at right angles, and the circle intofoure quadrants. Each quadrant being deuided into 90. Parts, drawfrom euery 5^{th} or 10^{th} of those parts a diameter to theopposite point: these lines all concurring in the center (_E_)being the pole, are as so many Meridians. Next, hauing cutt thehalfe of any one of the former diameters into 9 parts, as (_ED_)in the points (_FGHIKLMN_) draw on the center (_E_) so manycircles and these represent the paralells of the Globe, beingalso here true paralells. [Illustration] CAP. 5. _Of divers Distinctions, and Divisions of the earth. _ Next after the Circles of the Earth, wee may not vnfitly handlethe seuerall Divisions and distinctions which geographers make ofthe parts, and inhabitants of the earth. These are many, but weewill briefely runne them ouer. 1 The first and most plaine is by the Coasts of the Heauens, andrising, and Setting of the Sunne, so it is distinguished into the { East where the Sunne ariseth. _Oreins_, _Ortus_ { [Greek: anatolê]. { West where the Sunne goeth downe. _occidens_. { North: betweene both fromwards the Sunne at Noone. { _Septentrio_. { South: betweene both towards the Sun at Noone. { _Meridies_. These foure are called the cheife or Cardinall quarters of theworld. They with the others betweene them are easily knowne butare of more vse to Mariners then to vs. Wee may rather takenotice of those other names which by Astronomers GeographersDivines and Poets are giuen vnto them. Who sometime call the Eastthe right hand part of the world, sometime the West, sometime theNorth, & sometime South, the diuersity is noted in these verses, _Ad Boream terræ, Sed Coeli mensor ad Austrum, _ _Præco Dei exortum videt, occasumque Poeta. _That is Geographers looke to the North, Astronomers to the South. Priests turne them to the East, & Poets to the West. This serues for vnderstanding of Authors, wherein any mention ismade of the right or left part of the World, if for example he bea poet, he means the South by the right hand, the North by theleft: because a poet turnes his face to the West, and so reckonsthe quarters of Heauen and Earth. 2 The second distinction is by the notable differences of heatand cold, that are observed on the earth, this is the division ofthe Earth by Zones or Girdles, which are parts of the Earth, wherin heat and cold doe remarkably increase or decrease. ThoseZones are 5. 1 The hot or burning Zone (_Zona torrida_) which containes allthat space of earth, that lieth betwtene the two Tropicks, supposed heretofore (but falsly as after experience hath shewed)to be inhabitable by reason of heat, the Sunne continually lyingouer some part of it. 2. 3 The temperate Zones wherein neither heat nor cold is extreamebut moderate: these are two, one on the North side of theAequator, betweene the Articke circle, and the Tropicke ofCancer, another on the South side betweene the Tropicke ofCapricorne, and the Antarcticke circle. 4. 5 The cold, or Frozen Zones, wherein cold for the most part isgreater then the heat, these likewise are two, one in the North, betweene the Articke circle, and the North Pole, another on theSouth betweene the Antarctick circle and the South Pole. These ofall parts of the earth are worst inhabited, according asextremity of cold is alwaies a greater enemy to mans body, thenextremity of heat. 3 The third distinction is by the shadowes, which bodies doe castvpon the earth, iust at nooneday; for these doe not alwaies fallone way but diuersly according to their divers scituation vponthe Earth. Now in respect of the shadowes of mens bodies, theinhabitants of the earth are divided into the 1 _Amphiscy_ ([Greek: amphischioi]) whose shadow at noone dayfall both waie, so to the North when the Sunne is Southward ofthem, & to the South when the Sunne is Northward, and such arethose people that doe dwell in the hot Zone. For the Sunne goesouer their heads twice a yeare, once Northward, another timeSouthward, when the Sunne is just ouer their heads they arecalled _Asoy_, [Greek: aschioi], without shadow. 2 _Heteroscy_ ([Greek: heteroschioi]) whose shadowes doe alwaiesfall one way, namely alwaies towards the North, as those thatdwell in the Northerne temperate Zone, or alwaies to the South, as those that dwell in the Southerne temperate Zone. 3 _Periscy_ ([Greek: perischioi]) whose shadowes goe round aboutthem, as those people who dwell in the two cold Zones, for as theSunne never goes downe to them after he is once vp, but alwaiesround about, so doe their shadowes. 4 The fourth distinction is by the scituation of the Inhabitantsof the Earth, compared on with another: who are called either. 1 Perioeci ([Greek: perioichoi]) such as dwell round about the Earth in one and the same paralell, as for example vnder the Tropicke of Cancer. 2 Antoeci ([Greek: antoichoi]) such as dwell opposite to the former in another Paralell of the same distance from the Æquator. As those vnder the Tropicke of Capricorne. 3 Antipodes ([Greek: antipodes]) who dwell iust vnder vs theire feete opposite to ours. 5 The fifth distinction is of the Length and Breadth of the Earthand places vpon it: these may bee considered two wayes 1 Absolutely, and so the { Longitude or Length of the Earth is its Circuit, and { Extension from East to west, { { Latitude or breadth of it, is the whole Circuit and { Compasse of it from North to South. 2 Comparatiuely: comparinge one places scituation with another, and so the { Longitud of a place, is the distance of it from the { first Meridian going through the Canary Ilands, { Eastward. Whereby wee know how farre one place lies { East or West from another. { { Latitude of a place, is the distance of it from the { Æquator towards the North or South. Whereby wee know { how farre one Place lies Northward, or Southward of { another. The Longitude must bee reckoned by the degrees of the Æquator, the Latitude by the degrees of the Meridian. For example, in these two Hæmisphæres, the longitude of the wholeearth is from (_C_) to (_A_) and (_B_) in the Æquator. Thelatitud is from (_N_) to (_S_), and from (_Q_) to (_P_) the Northand South poles, and this reckoned in any meridian. The firstmeridian is (_ANBS_) which goes by the Canary Ilands, theÆquinoctiall is (_ABCA_). Now I haue a Citty giuen so. (_D_) Iwould know in what longitude and latitude it is. For thelongitude I consider what meridian passeth through it, which isthe meridian (_NDS_) which crosseth the Æquinoctiall in (_I_) at15 degrees, wherefore I say that (_D_) stands Eastward from thefirst Meridian 15 degrees. So I finde that the Citty (_E_) is 150degrees Eastward, (_G_) 195, and (_F_) 345. For the Latitude I consider what paralell runnes through (_DEG_)or (_F_) and I finde the 30 to passe by (_D_) 45 by (_E_) the 15by (_F_) the 45 Southward by (_G_) and those numbers are thelatitude of the place that are distant from the Æquator, (_CAB_). [Illustration] Concerning the means whereby the longitude of places is foundout, there is scarce any thing that hath troubled Mathematiciansso much as the observation of it. For because no standing markecan be taken (the Heavens alwaies running about) it must needsbee difficult. To measure vpon the earth, going alwaies vnder thesame paralell, is a way certain in regard of some few places, butso troublesome in it selfe, and vnprofitable in regard of otherplaces that ly out of that paralell, that it may be accounted afruitlesse labour. The voyages & accounts of Marriners at Sea, are so full of casualty & vncertainty by reason of the doubtfullvariation of the compasse, the vnequall violence of windes andtides, the false making of their sea cards, by which they saile, and the ignorance of the Masters for the greatest part, as therecan hardly be any assured reckoning made by them. The best meansof observation is by Eclipses of the Sunne & Moone, which inseverall Countries are sooner or later seene, according as oneplace lies farther East or farther West from another. But thisalso falls out so seldome, and when it happens, is so seldomeobserued, and when it is observed, hath so many difficulties inthe precise and exact observation of it; that wee may Wellaccount this inquiry after the longitude of places, to be one ofthose things whereof wee must be content to be ignorant, & ratherto gesse at it in Grosse, then in vaine to striue for exactnesse, which is the cause why the tables of the longitude and latitudeof Citties, though they many times agree in the latitude, doe yetfor the most part very much differ in the Longitude. 6 The sixth Distinction is by the Length or shortnesse of the Dayin Summer time in seuerall Quarters of the earth. And thisdiuision is by Climates ([Greek: chlimata]) which are seuerallspaces of the earth contained betweene two Paralells, in thewhich the longest day in Summer excedes that in another Paralellby halfe an Houre. There is a greate deale of Confusion anddifference betweene the late and ancient Geographers about thedistinction and diuers reckonings of the Climats. It is notworth the labour to recount theire opinions and Calculations:thus much is plaine, and easie to bee knowne. There are 24. Climats in which the Day encreaseth by halfe houres from 12. Houres to 24. There are likewise 6. Climats in which the dayencreaseth by moneths, from one moneth to sixe that is halfe ayeare. Vnder the Aequator the day is alwayes twelue houres longe, but as you goe from it towards the Pole, the Day lengthens stilltill it comes to a day halfe a yeare long. [3] Now in what degreesof latitude euery on of these Climats beginne and end, shallappeare by this table following. [Footnote 3: Those that dwell vnder the Pole haue not past 3, or4 moneths profound as tenebras darke night, for when the Sun isin Libra & Pisces being then nigh, the Horizon it sends forth tothem a glimmering light not vnlike to the twilight or dawning ofthe day in a morning a little before the Suns rising _Munster_lib. I. Cap. ] 7 The seaventh and last distinction of the earth is taken fromthe scituation of it in respect of the Heavens, and especiallythe Sunnes motion. In regard whereof Some parts or inhabitants ofthe Earth are said to be or dwell in a Right Spheare, some in aparalell Spheare, and others in an oblique or crooked Spheare. They dwell (in _Sphæra recta_) in a right or streight Spheare whodwell iust vnder the Æquinoctiall, whose Horizon is paralell tothe Meridians, but cutts the Æquator at right Angles, they dwellin paralell Spheares, who dwell iust vnder either of the Poles, whose Horizon is parallell to the Æquator, but cuts all theMeridians at right Angles: and the latter is sometime called aParalell Spheare. They dwell (in _Sphæra obliqua_) in a crooked Spheare, whoinhabite any place betweene the Æquinoctiall and the Pole, whoseHorizon cuts the Æquator, the Paralells, and the Meridians atoblique or vnequall angles. A table of the climats. +------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+|Climes|Paralells |The |Latitude |The |The places by which|| | |longest |& elevation|breadth |the climates passe. || | |summer |of Pole. |of the | || | |day. |Scr. Degr. |Climats. | || | |Hou. Scr. | |Deg. Scr. | |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 0 | 0 | 12 0 | 0 0 | 4 18 | The beginning || | 1 | 12 15 | 4 18 | | from the Aequator. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 1 | 2 | 12 30 | 8 34 | 8 25 | Sinus Arabicus or || | 3 | 1 45 | 12 43 | | the Red Sea. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 2 | 4 | 13 0 | 16 43 | 7 50 | Meroe an Iland of || | 5 | 13 15 | 20 33 | | Nilus in Aegypt. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 3 | 6 | 13 40 | 23 10 | 7 3 | Siene a Citty in || | 7 | 13 45 | 27 36 | | Africa. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 4 | 8 | 14 0 | 30 47 | 6 9 | Alexandria in || | 9 | 14 15 | 33 45 | | Aegypt. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 5 | 10 | 14 30 | 36 30 | 5 17 | Rhodes and || | 11 | 14 45 | 39 2 | | Babylon. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 6 | 12 | 15 0 | 41 22 | 4 30 | Rome and || | 13 | 15 15 | 43 32 | | Hellespont. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 7 | 14 | 15 30 | 45 29 | 3 48 | Venice and || | 15 | 15 45 | 47 20 | | Millaine. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 8 | 16 | 16 0 | 49 21 | 3 13 | Podalia and the || | 17 | 16 15 | 50 33 | | lesser Tartary. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 9 | 18 | 16 30 | 51 58 | 2 44 | Batavia and || | 19 | 16 45 | 53 17 | | Wittenberge. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 10 | 20 | 17 0 | 54 29 | 2 17 | Rostoch. || | 21 | 17 15 | 55 34 | | |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 11 | 22 | 17 30 | 56 37 | 2 0 | Ireland and || | 23 | 17 45 | 57 34 | | Moscovy. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 12 | 24 | 18 0 | 58 26 | 1 40 | Bohus a Castle || | 25 | 18 15 | 59 1 | | in Norwey. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 13 | 26 | 18 30 | 59 59 | 1 26 | Gothland. || | 27 | 18 45 | 60 40 | | |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 14 | 28 | 19 0 | 61 18 | 1 13 | Bergia in || | 29 | 19 15 | 61 53 | | Norwey. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 15 | 30 | 19 30 | 62 25 | 1 0 | Wiburge in || | 31 | 19 45 | 62 54 | | Finland. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 16 | 32 | 20 0 | 63 22 | 0 52 | Arotia in || | 33 | 20 15 | 63 46 | | Sweden. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 17 | 34 | 20 30 | 64 6 | 0 44 | The mouth of || | 35 | 20 45 | 64 30 | | Darecally a riv. || | | | | | of Swed[~e]. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 18 | 36 | 21 0 | 64 49 | 0 36 | Diverse places || | 37 | 21 15 | 65 6 | | in Norwey. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 19 | 38 | 21 30 | 65 21 | 0 29 | Suetia, Alba || | 39 | 21 45 | 65 35 | | Russia. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 20 | 40 | 22 0 | 65 47 | 0 22 | With many Ilands. || | 41 | 22 15 | 65 57 | | |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 21 | 42 | 22 30 | 66 6 | 0 17 | Thereunto || | 43 | 22 45 | 66 14 | | adioyning. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 22 | 44 | 23 0 | 66 20 | 0 11 | Wanting speciall || | 45 | 23 15 | 66 25 | | names. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 23 | 46 | 23 30 | 66 28 | 0 5 | And Landmarkes. || | 47 | 23 45 | 66 20 | | |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+| 24 | 48 | 24 0 | 66 31 | 0 0 | Island vnder the || | | | | | Articke circle. |+------+----------+---------+-----------+---------+-------------------+|Here the Climats | Menses | | These Climats are supposed ||are accounted by +---------+-----------+ to passe by diverse Ilands ||the months from | 1 | 67 15 | within the Articke circle ||66 Degr. 31 min. +---------+-----------+ as Groenland, Island, ||where the day is | 2 | 69 30 | Greenland: wherein as yet ||24 houres vnto +---------+-----------+ for the narrownesse of ||the Pole it selfe| 3 | 73 20 | these climats comming ||set at 90 Degrees+---------+-----------+ neere together, and the ||where the | 4 | 78 20 | vncertainty of ||artificiall day +---------+-----------+ observation no ||is sixe Months. | 5 | 84 0 | speciall places haue beene || +---------+-----------+ assigned as to the other. || | 6 | 90 0 | |+-----------------+---------+-----------+-----------------------------+ 1 The vse of this table is easie. In the first Culumne arecontained the names and number of the Climats. In the second theParalells which enclose it on each side, and deuide it in themiddest. For the paralells here are drawne by euery halfe houresencrease. The third Columne is the length of the Day in Summer, in eueryClimate, which from 12. Houres encreaseth by halfe houres to 24. Houres after by moneths, from one moneth to sixe. The fourth containes the degrees of latitude, how farre eueryclimate lies from the Æquinoctiall. The fift contaynes the space or breadth of euery Climate, howmany degrees or minutes it takes vp vpon the Earth. The sixt containes some notable places by which the Climatspasse. 2 Hereby it is easie to know what the longest Day is in any Placeof the worlde whose latitude is knowne. Or contrarily the longestDay being knowne to know the latitude. For example Oxford hathlatitude 52. 0. Degrees longitude 24. 0. In the table I finde that52. Degrees of Latitude lie in the 9th Climate wherein the day is16. Houres and a halfe longe. So much I say the Day is at Oxfordin Summer. The place of Oxford in the Hæmisphere is at (_V_. ) 3 Vpon Globes the Climats are not vsually described, but arenoted out vpon the brazen Meridian. So also in vniversall mappesthey are seldome drawne, to avoide confusion of many linestogether, but they are many times marked out on the limbe or edgeof the mappe. CAP. 6. _Of the measuring of the earth. _ Wee are now come to the last point concerning the measuring ofthe Earth, which is two fold. Either of the { 1 Whole earth. { { 2 Severall parts thereof, and their distance one from { another. Concerning the first it is but a needlesse labour to recount thediversity of opinions that haue beene held from time to time bylearned Geographers. What is the compasse and depth of the earth. This may be seene in _Hues de vsu Globi, part. 3. Cap. 2. _ and in_Clavius_ on _Sacrobosco_ with others. They all differ so muchone from another, that there is no certainty in trusting any ofthem. The most common and received opinion is that the circuit ofthe earth is 21600 miles, reckoning 60 miles for every degree, and then the depth or Diameter of the Earth shall be 6877 Englishmiles, containing 5000 foote in a mile. The means wherby the circuit and Diameter of the earth are foundout are principally two. 1 By measuring North or South, vnder one Meridian some goodquantity of ground, threescore or an hundred miles (or two forthe more certainty) for in those petty observations of smalldistances there can be no certaine working. This may be done, though it be laborious, yet exactly without any sensible error bya skilfull workeman, plotting it out vpon his paper, with dueheed taken, that hee often rectifie the variation of the needle(by which he travells) vpon due observation, and that all notableascents and descents, with such winding and turning as thenecessity of the way causeth, be reduced to one streight line. Bythis means wee shall know how many miles in the Earth answeringto a degree in the Heauens; if exact observation by largeinstruments be made to finde the elevation of the pole, in thefirst place where wee begin to measure, and the last where weemake an end. Besides this way of measuring the circumference of the Earth, there is none other that hath any certainty of observati[~o] init. That by Eclipses is most vncertain, for a little error in afew minuts of time (which the observers shall not possiblyavoide) breeds a sensible and fowle error in the distance of thetwo places of observation. That of _Eratosthenes_ by the Sunnebeames, and a shadow of a stile or gnomon set vpon the Earth, isas bad as the other. For both the vncertainty of the calculationin so small quantity as the shadow and the gnomon must needshaue, and the difficulty to obserue the true length of theshadow, as also the false supposition wherevpon it proceeds, taking those lines for Paralells which are not, doe manifestlyshew the reckoning hereby made to be doubt full and not sure. 2 The second is by measuring the semidiameter of the Earth: Foras the circumference makes knowne the diameter, so doth this thecircumference. This may be done by observation made vpon somegreat hill, hard by the sea side. The invention is of _MaurolycusAbbot_ of _Messava_ in _Sicilie_, but it hath beene perfitted, and more exactly performed by a worthy Mathematician _Ed. W. _ whohimselfe made proofe of it. By this art was the semidiameter ofthe Earth found out to be 18312621 foote: which allowing 5000foot to a mile is 3662 & a halfe miles, which doubled is thewhole Diameter 7325 miles. The circuit of the earth shall be23030 miles, and one degree containes 63-35/36 miles which isalmost 64 miles. Which as it exceeds the ordinary account, so maywee rest vpon it as more exact then any other. 2 The second point concerninge the measuringe of particulardistances of places one from another is thus performed. First vpon the Globe it is most easie. With a payre of Compassestake the distance betweene any two places howsoever scituatedvpon the Globe, and apply the distance so taken to the Æquator, &see how many degrees it takes vp; those degrees turned into milesshew the distance of the two citties on from another. Vpon vniuersall mapps theire is a little more difficulty infinding the distance of places which here must bee considered ina threefold difference of scituation: 1 Of Latitude only. 2 Of Longitude only. 3 Of Latitude and Longitude together. 1 If the two places differ only in Latitude, and lie vnder thesame Meridian if the places lie both on one side of the Æquator, the differences of the latitudes: or the summe of both latitudesadded together, if one place lie North and another South, beingturned into Miles giues the true distance. 2 If the places differ only in Longitude, and lie both vnder oneparalell of latitude the difference of longitude turned intomiles proportionably accordinge to the latitude of the paralell, giues the true distance. 3 The distance of places differing both in latitude and longitudemay thus bee found out, first let there bee drawne a semicirclevpon a right diameter noted with (_ABCD_) whereof (_D_) shall beethe Center. The greater this Semi-circle is made, so much themore easie will bee the operation; because the degrees will beelarger. Then this Semicircle being drawne, and accordinglydevided, imagine that by the helpe of it, you desire to find outthe distance betwixt London and Ierusalem, which Citties areknowne to differ both in longitude & latitude. Now, that the truedistance betwixt these two places may be found out, you mustfirst substract the lesser longitude out of the greater, so shallyou find the differences of their longitudes, which is 47. Degrees. Then reckon that difference vp[~o] the Semi-circle, beginning at (_A_) & so proceed to (_B_;) & at the end of thatdifference, make a marke with the leter (_E_) vnto which point byyour ruler, let a right line be drawne from (_D_) the center ofthe Semi circle. This being in this sort performed, let thelesser latitude be sought out which in 32 degrees, in the foresaid semicircle, beginning your accompt from the point (_E_) andso proceede towards (_B_), and at the end of the lesser latitudelet another point be marked out with the letter (_G_), from whichpoint, let there be drawen a perpendicular line which may fallwith right Angles vpon the former line drawen from (_D_) to(_E_), and where it chanceth to fall, there marke out a pointwith the letter (_H_): This being performed let the greaterlatitude which is 51 degrees 32 minuts, be sought out in thesemicircle beginning to reckon from (_A_) towards (_B_) and atthe end of that latitude set another point signed out by theletter (_I_) from whence let there be drawen anotherperpendicular line that may fall with right angles vpon thediameter (_AC_): & here marke out a point with the letter (_K_), this done take with your compasse the distance betwixt (_K_) and(_H_) which distance you must set downe vpon the diameter (_AC_)placeing the one foot of your compasse vpon (_K_) and the othertowards the center (_D_) and there marke out a point with theletter (_L_); then with your compasse take the shorterperpendicular line (_GH_, ) and apply that widenesse vpon thelonger perpendicular line (_IK_, ) placing the one foote of yourcompasse at (_I_, ) which is the bounds of the greater latitude, and extend the other towards (_K_), and there make a point at(_M_), then with your compasse take the distance betwixt (_L_)and (_M_), and apply the same to the semicircle. Placing the onefoot of your compasse in (_A_) and the other towards (_B_), &there marke out a point with the letter (_N_), now the number ofdegrees comprehended betwixt (_A_) and (_N_) will expresse thetrue distance of the two places, which will bee found to be 39degrees: which being multiplied by 60. And so converted intomiles according to the former rules, will produce 2340. Which isthe distance of the said places. FINIS.