The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science 2

Book cover
Separately cataloged in LC, copies 2-3, 6-8, 1st-87th ser., 2; all copies separately cataloged in LC, 87th ser., 3- Description based on: 2nd ser., 1-2, published in 1884 v. 1. An introduction to American institutional history, The Germanic origin of New England towns, Local government in Illinois, Saxon Tithingmen in American, Local government in Michigan and the Northwest, Parish institutions of Maryland, Old Maryland Manors, Norman Constables in America, Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem, The Genesis of a New England State, Local government and free schools in South Carolina -- v. 2. Methods of historical study, The past and the present of political economy, Samuel Adams, the man of the town meeting, Taxation in the United States, Institutional beginnings in a western state, Indian money as a factor in New England civilization, Town and county government in the English colonies of North America, Rudimentary society among boys, Land laws of mining districts -- v. 3. Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the Unted States, with minor papers on George Washington's interest in western lands, The Potomac Company, Washington's plan for a National University, Origin of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, Virginia local institutions, Recent American socialism, Local institutions of Maryland, Influence of the proprietors in founding the state of New Jersey, American Constitutions, City of Washington, its origin and administration v. 4. Dutch Village communities on the Hudson River, Town government in Rhode Island, The Narragansett planters, Pennsylvania Boroughs, Introduction to the constitutional and political history of the individual states, The Puritan colony at Annapolis, Maryland, History of the land question in the United States, The Town and city government of New Haven, The Land system of the New England colonies -- v. 5. First period, 1681-1701, Second Period, 1701-1789 : Penn's Charter, Third Period, 1789-1854, Fourth Period, 1854-1887, Fifth Period, 1887 : The Bullitt Bill -- v. 6. Cooperation in New England, Cooperation in the Middle States, Cooperation in the Nothwest, Three phases of cooperation in the West, Cooperation on the Pacific Coast, Cooperation in Maryland and the South -- v. 7. Arnold Toynbee, Establishment of municipal government in San Francisco, Municipal history of New Orleans, English Culture in Virginia, River towns of Connecticut, Wethersfield, Hartford and Windsor, Federal Government in Canada v. 8. Beginnings of American Nationality ; Constitutional relations between the Continental Congress and the Colonies and States, Local government in Wisconsin, Spanish colonization in the Southwest, Study of history in Germany and France, Progress of the colored people of Maryland since the War, Study of history in Belgium and Holland, Seminary notes on recent historical literature -- v. 9. Government and Administration of the United States, University education in Maryland ; Johns Hopkins University (1876-1891), Communes of Lombardy from the VI to the X Century, Public lands and Agrarian laws of the Roman Republic, Constitutional development of Japan (1853-1881), History of Liberia, Character and influence of the Indian trade in Wisconsin -- v. 10. Bishop Hill colony, Church and state in New England, Church and state in early Maryland, Religious development in the province of North Carolina, Maryland's attitude in the struggle for Canada, Quakers in Pennsylvania (1682-1776), Columbus and his dicovery of America, Causes of the American Revolution -- v. 11. Social condition of labor, World's representative assemblies of today, Negro in the District of Columbia, Church and state in North Carolina, Condition of the Western farmer as illustrated by the economic history of a Nebraska Township, History of slavery in Connecticut, Local government in the South and the Southwest, Popular election of United States Senators v. 13. Government of the colony of South Carolina, Early relations between Maryland and Virginia, Rise and development of the Bicameral System in America, White servitude in the colony of Virginia, Genesis of California's first Constitution (1846-1849), Benjamin Franklin as an economist, Provisional government of Maryland (1774-1777), Government and religion of the Virginia Indians -- v. 14. Establishment of governmental unity, Arrival of the missionaries, First Hawaiian constitution, Organic acts of 1845, The Constitution of 1852, The Constitution of 1864, Revolution of 1887, The Constitution of 1887, Revolution of 1893, Republic of Hawaii -- v. 15. Tobacco industry in Virginia since 1860, Street railway system of Philadelphia, Daniel Raymond: an early chapter in the history of Economic Theory in the United States, Economic history of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad (1827-1853), South American trade of Baltimore, State tax commissions in the United States, Tendencies in American economic thought -- v. 16. Northern lake boundary of a New American Nation, Struggle for the control of the lakes, 1783-1815, Agreement of 1817, Canadian rebellion and boundary questions, Agitation of lake defenses during the American Civil War, After the storm, 1861-1896 v. 17. History of state banking in Maryland, History of the Know-Nothing Party in Maryland, The Labadist Colony in Maryland, History of slavery in North Carolina, Early development of the Chesapeake & Ohio canal project, Public educational work in Baltimore -- v. 18. Studies in State Taxation, with particular reference to the Southern States, Colonial Executive prior to the Restoration, Constitution and admission of Iowa into the Union, The Church and popular education, Struggle for religious freedom in Virginia: The Baptists -- v. 19. America in the Pacific and the Far East, State activities in relation to labor in the United States, History of suffrage in Virginia, The Maryland Constitution of 1864, Life of Commissary James Blair, founder of William and Mary College, Governor Hicks of Marylandand the Civil War -- v. 20. Western Maryland in the Revolution, State banks since the passage of the National Bank Act, Early history of Internal improvement in Alabama, Trust companies in the United States, The Maryland Constitution of 1851, Political activities of Philip Freneau, Continental opinion regarding a proposed middle European Tariff-Union -- v. 2l. Early history of the Wabash trade route, The Wabash and Erie Canal, Influence on the developement of the Old Northwest -- v. 22. Trial bibliography of American trade-union publications, White servitude in Maryland, 1634-1820, Switzerland at the beginning of the sixteenth century, Political history Virginia during the Reconstruction, Lay Sermons, Foreign commerce of Japan since the Restoration, Descriptions of Maryland 16
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