[Illustration: "I saw him gasp, reel, and fall. "] [Illustration: Wild Western Scenes] WILD WESTERN SCENES: A NARRATIVEOFADVENTURES IN THE WESTERN WILDERNESS, WHEREIN THE EXPLOITS OF DANIEL BOONE, THE GREAT AMERICAN PIONEER AREPARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ALSO, ACCOUNTS OF BEAR, DEER, AND BUFFALO HUNTS--DESPERATE CONFLICTS WITHTHE SAVAGES--WOLF HUNTS--FISHING AND FOWLING ADVENTURES--ENCOUNTERSWITH SERPENTS, ETC. New Stereotype Edition, Altered, Revised, and Corrected By J. B. JONES. Author of "The War Path, " "Adventures of a Country Merchant, " etc. Illustrated with Sixteen Engravings from Original Designs Philadelphia:J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1875 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by J. B. Jones, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern Districtof Pennsylvania. Stereotyped By L. Johnson & Co. , Philadelphia. PREFACE. When a work of fiction has reached its fortieth edition, one wouldsuppose the author might congratulate himself upon having contributedsomething of an imperishable character to the literature of thecountry. But no such pretensions are asserted for this production, nowin its fortieth thousand. Being the first essay of an impetuous youthin a field where giants even have not always successfully contended, it would be a rash assumption to suppose it could receive from thosewho confer such honors any high award of merit. It has been before thepublic some fifteen years, and has never been reviewed. Perhaps theforbearance of those who wield the cerebral scalpels may not befurther prolonged, and the book remains amenable to the judgment theymay be pleased to pronounce. To that portion of the public who have read with approbation so manythousands of his book, the author may speak with greater confidence. To this class of his friends he may make disclosures and confessionspertaining to the secret history of the "Wild Western Scenes, " withoutthe hazard of incurring their displeasure. Like the hero of his book, the author had his vicissitudes in boyhood, and committed such indiscretions as were incident to one of his yearsand circumstances, but nevertheless only such as might be readilypardoned by the charitable. Like Glenn, he submitted to a voluntaryexile in the wilds of Missouri. Hence the description of scenery is atrue picture, and several characters in the scenes were real persons. Many of the occurrences actually transpired in his presence, or hadbeen enacted in the vicinity at no remote period; and the dream of thehero--his visit to the haunted island--was truly a dream of theauthor's. But the worst miseries of the author were felt when his work wascompleted; he could get no publisher to examine it. He then purchasedan interest in a weekly newspaper, in the columns of which it appearedin consecutive chapters. The subscribers were pleased with it, anddesired to possess it in a volume; but still no publisher wouldundertake it, --the author had no reputation in the literary world. Heoffered it for fifty dollars, but could find no purchaser at anyprice. Believing the British booksellers more accommodating, a friendwas employed to make a fair copy in manuscript, at a certain number ofcents per hundred words. The work was sent to a British publisher, with whom it remained many months, but was returned, accompanied by anote declining to treat for it. Undeterred by the rebuffs of two worlds, the author had his cherishedproduction published on his own account, and was remunerated by thesale of the whole edition. After the tardy sale of several subsequenteditions by houses of limited influence, the book had the goodfortune, finally, to fall into the hands of the gigantic establishmentwhose imprint is now upon its title-page. And now, the author isinformed, it is regularly and liberally ordered by the Londonbooksellers, and is sold with an increasing rapidity in almost everysection of the Union. Such are the hazards, the miseries, and sometimes the rewards, ofauthorship. J. B. J. Burlington, N. J. , _March_, 1856. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Glenn and Joe--Their horses--A storm--A black stump--A roughtumble--Moaning--Stars--Light--A log fire--Tents, and something toeat--Another stranger, who turns out to be well known--Joe has asnack--He studies revenge against the black stump--Boone proposes abear hunt. CHAPTER II. Boone hunts the bear--Hounds and terriers--Sneak Punk, the hatchet-face--Another stump--The high passes--The bear roused--The chase--Asight--A shot--A wound--Not yet killed--His meditations--His friend, the bear--The bear retreats--Joe takes courage--Joe fires--Immenseexecution--Sneak--The last struggle--Desperation of the bear--Hisdeath--Sneak's puppies--Joe. CHAPTER III. Glenn's castle--Mary--Books--A hunt--Joe and Pete--A tumble--Anopossum--A shot--Another tumble--A doe--The return--They set outagain--A mound--A buffalo--An encounter--Night--Terrificspectacle--Escape--Boone--Sneak--Indians. CHAPTER IV. The retreat--Joe makes a mysterious discovery--Mary--A disclosure--Supper--Sleep--A cat--Joe's flint--The watch--Mary--Thebush--The attack--Joe's musket again--The repulse--The startingrally--The desperate alternative--Relief. CHAPTER V. A strange excursion--A fairy scene--Joe is puzzled and frightened--Awonderful discovery--Navigation of the upper regions--A crash--Nobones broken. CHAPTER VI. A hunt--A deer taken--The hounds--Joe makes a horrid discovery--Sneak--The exhumation. CHAPTER VII. Boone--The interment--Startling intelligence--Indians about--A skunk--Thrilling fears--Boone's device. CHAPTER VIII. Night--Sagacity of the hounds--Reflection--The sneaking savages--Joe'sdisaster--The approach of the foe under the snow--The silent watch. CHAPTER IX. Sneak kills a sow that "was not all a swine"--The breathless suspense--The match in readiness--Joe's cool demeanour--The match ignited--Explosion of the mine--Defeat of the savages--The captive--Hisliberation--The repose--The kitten--Morning. CHAPTER X. The dead removed--The wolves on the river--The wolf hunt--Gum fetid--Joe's incredulity--His conviction--His surprise--His predicament--Hisnarrow escape. CHAPTER XI. Mary--Her meditations--Her capture--Her sad condition--Her mentalsufferings--Her escape--Her recapture. CHAPTER XII. Joe's indisposition--His cure--Sneak's reformation--The pursuit--Thecaptive Indian--Approach to the encampment of the savages--Joe'sillness again--The surprise--The terrific encounter--Rescue ofMary--Capture of the young chief--The return. CHAPTER XIII. The return--The young chief in confinement--Joe's fun--His reward--Thering--A discovery--William's recognition--Memories of childhood--Ascene--Roughgrove's history--The children's parentage. CHAPTER XIV. William's illness--Sneak's strange house--Joe's courage--The bee hunt--Joe and sneak captured by the Indians--Their sad condition--Preparations to burn them alive--Their miraculous escape. CHAPTER XV. Glenn's History. CHAPTER XVI. Balmy Spring--Joe's curious dream--He prepares to catch a fish--Glenn--William and Mary--Joe's sudden and strange appearance--La-u-na, thetrembling fawn--The fishing sport--The ducking frolic--Sneak and thepanther. CHAPTER XVII. The bright morning--Sneak's visit--Glenn's heart--The snake hunt--Loveand raspberries--Joe is bitten--His terror and sufferings--Arrivalof Boone--Joe's abrupt recovery--Preparations to leave theWest--Conclusion. WILD WESTERN SCENES: A NARRATIVE OF ADVENTURES. CHAPTER I. Glenn and Joe--Their horses--A storm--A black stump--A roughtumble--Moaning--Stars--Light--A log fire--Tents, and something toeat--Another stranger, who turns out to be well known--Joe has asnack--He studies revenge against the black stump--Boone proposes abear hunt. "Do you see any light yet, Joe?" "Not the least speck that ever was created, except the lightning, andit's gone before I can turn my head to look at it. " The interrogator, Charles Glenn, reclined musingly in a two-horsewagon, the canvas covering of which served in some measure to protecthim from the wind and rain. His servant, Joe Beck, was perched uponone of the horses, his shoulders screwed under the scanty folds of anoil-cloth cape, and his knees drawn nearly up to the pommel of thesaddle, to avoid the thumping bushes and briers that occasionallyassailed him, as the team plunged along in a stumbling pace. Theirpathway, or rather their direction, for there was no beaten road, layalong the northern bank of the "Mad Missouri, " some two hundred milesabove the St. Louis settlement. It was at a time when there were nowhite men in those regions save a few trappers, traders, andemigrants, and each new sojourner found it convenient to carry withhim a means of shelter, as houses of any description were but few andfar between. Our travellers had been told in the morning, when setting out from atemporary village which consisted of a few families of emigrants, withwhom they had sojourned the preceding night, that they could attainthe desired point by making the river their guide, should they be at aloss to distinguish the faintly-marked pathway that led in a moredirect course to the place of destination. The storm coming upsuddenly from the north, and showers of hail accompanying the gusts, caused the poor driver to incline his face to the left, to avoid thepeltings that assailed him so frequently; and the drenched horses, similarly influenced, had unconsciously departed far from the rightline of march; and now, rather than turn his front again to thepitiless blast, which could be the only means of regaining the road, Joe preferred diverging still farther, until he should find himself onthe margin of the river, by which time he hoped the storm would abate. At all events, he thought there would be more safety on the beach, which extended out a hundred paces from the water, among the smallswitches of cotton-wood that grew thereon, than in the midst of thetall trees of the forest, where a heavy branch was every now and thentorn off by the wind, and thrown to the earth with a terrible crash. Occasionally a deafening explosion of thunder would burst overhead;and Joe, prostrating himself on the neck of his horse, would, with hiseyes closed and his teeth set, bear it out in silence. He spoke not, save to give an occasional word of command to his team, or a briefreply to a question from his master. It was an odd spectacle to see such a vehicle trudging along at suchan hour, where no carriage had ever passed before. The two young menwere odd characters; the horses were oddly matched, one being a littledumpy black pony, and the other a noble white steed; and it was an oddwhim which induced Glenn to abandon his comfortable home inPhiladelphia, and traverse such inclement wilds. But love can play the"_wild_" with any young man. Yet we will not spoil our narrative byintroducing any of it here. Nor could it have been love that inducedJoe to share his master's freaks; but rather a rare penchant for themiraculous adventures to be enjoyed in the western wilderness, and thegold which his master often showered upon him with a reckless hand. Joe's forefathers were from the Isle of Erin, and although he had lostthe brogue, he still retained some of their superstitions. The wind continued to blow, the wolves howled, the lightning flashed, and the thunder rolled. Ere long the little black pony snorted aloudand paused abruptly. "What ails you, Pete?" said Joe from his lofty position on the steed, addressing his favourite little pet. "Get along, " he continued, striking the animal gently with his whip. But Pete was as immovableand unconscious of the lash as would have been a stone. And the steedseemed likewise to be infected with the pony's stubbornness, after thewagon was brought to a pause. "Why have you stopped, Joe?" inquired Glen. "I don't hardly know, sir; but the stupid horses won't budge an inchfarther!" "Very well; we can remain here till morning. Take the harness off, andgive them the corn in the box; we can sleep in the wagon tilldaylight. " "But we have no food for ourselves, sir; and I'm vastly hungry. Itcan't be much farther to the ferry, " continued Joe, vexed at theconduct of the horses. "Very well; do as you like; drive on, if you desire to do so, " saidGlenn. "Get along, you stupid creatures!" cried Joe, applying the lash withsome violence. But the horses regarded him no more than blocks wouldhave done. Immediately in front he perceived a dark object thatresembled a stump and turning the horses slightly to one side, endeavoured to urge them past it. Still they would not go, butcontinued to regard the object mentioned with dread, which wasmanifested by sundry restless pawings and unaccustomed snorts. Joeresolved to ascertain the cause of their alarm, and springing to theground, moved cautiously in the direction of the dark obstruction, which still seemed to be a blackened stump, about his own height, anda very trifling obstacle, in his opinion, to arrest the progress ofhis redoubtable team. The darkness was intense, yet he managed to keephis eyes on the dim outlines of the object as he stealthily approachedAnd he stepped as noiselessly as possible, notwithstanding hemeditated an encounter with nothing more than an inanimate object. Buthis imagination was always on the alert, and as he often feareddangers that arose undefinable and indescribable in his mind, it wasnot without some trepidation that he had separated himself from thehorses and groped his way toward the object that had so much terrifiedhis pony. He paused within a few feet of the object, and waited forthe next flash of lightning to scrutinize the thing more closelybefore putting his hand upon it. But no flash came, and he grew tiredof standing. He stooped down, so as to bring the upper portion of itin a line with the sky beyond, but still he could not make it out. Heventured still nearer, and stared at it long and steadily, but to noavail: the black mass only was before him, seemingly inanimate, and ofa deeper hue than the darkness around. "I've a notion to try my whip on you, " said he, thinking if it shouldbe a human being it would doubtless make a movement. He started backwith a momentary conviction that he heard a rush creak under its feet. But as it still maintained its position, he soon concluded the noiseto have been only imaginary, and venturing quite close gave it a smartblow with his whip. Instantaneously poor Joe was rolling on the earth, almost insensible, and the dark object disappeared rushing through thebushes into the woods. The noise attracted Glenn, who now approachedthe scene, and with no little surprise found his servant lying on hisface. "What's the matter, Joe?" demanded he. "Oh, St. Peter! O preserve me!" exclaimed Joe. "What has happened? Why do you lie there?" "Oh, I'm almost killed! Didn't you see him?" "See what? I can see nothing this dark night but the flying clouds andyonder yellow sheet of water. " "Oh, I've been struck!" said Joe, groaning piteously. "Struck by what? Has the lightning struck you?" "No--no! my head is all smashed up--it was a bear. " "Pshaw! get up, and either drive on, or feed the horses, " said Glennwith some impatience. "I call all the saints to witness that it was a wild bear--a greatwild bear! I thought it was a stump, but just as I struck it a flashof lightning revealed to my eyes a big black bear standing on his hindfeet, grinning at me, and he gave me a blow on the side of the face, which has entirely blinded my left eye, and set my ears to ringinglike a thousand bells. Just feel the blood on my face. " [Illustration: A dark encounter] Glenn actually felt something which might be blood, and really hadthought he could distinguish the stump himself when the wagon halted;yet he did not believe that Joe had received the hurt in any othermanner than by striking his face against some hard substance which hecould not avoid in the darkness. "You only fancy it was a bear, Joe; so come along back to the horsesand drive on. The rain has ceased, and the stars are appearing. "Saying this, Glenn led the way to the wagon. "I'd be willing to swear on the altar that it was a huge bear, andnothing else!" replied Joe, as he mounted and drove on, the horses nowevincing no reluctance to proceed. One after another the stars cameout and shone in purest brightness as the mists swept away, and erelong the whole canopy of blue was gemmed with twinkling brilliants. The winds soon lulled, and the dense forest on the right reposed fromthe moaning gale which had disturbed it a short time before; and thewaves that had been tossed into foaming ridges now spent their fury onthe beach, each lashing the bank more gently than the last, until thepower of the gliding current swept them all down the turbid stream. Soon the space between the water and the forest gradually diminished, and seemed to join at a point not far ahead. Joe observed this withsome concern, being aware that to meander among the trees at such anhour was impossible. He therefore inclined toward the river, resolvedto defer his re-entrance into the forest as long as possible. As hedrove on he kept up a continual groaning, with his head hung to oneside, as if suffering with the toothache, and occasionally reproachingPete with some petulance, as if a portion of the blame attached to hissagacious pony. "Why do you keep up such a howling, Joe? Do you really suffer muchpain?" inquired Glenn, annoyed by his man's lamentations. "It don't hurt as bad as it did--but then to think that I was such afool as to go right into the beast's clutches, when even Pete had moresense!" "If it was actually a bear, Joe, you can boast of the thrillingencounter hereafter, " said Glenn, in a joking and partly consolingmanner. "But if I have many more such, I fear I shall never get back to relatethem. My face is all swelled--Huzza! yonder is a light, at last! It'son this side of the river, and if we can't get over the ferryto-night, we shall have something to eat on this side, at all events. Ha! ha! ha! I see a living man moving before the fire, as if he wereroasting meat. " Joe forgot his wound in the joy of an anticipatedsupper, and whipping the horses into a brisk pace, they soon drew nearthe encampment, where they discovered numerous persons, male andfemale, who had been prevented from crossing the river that day, inconsequence of the violence of the storm, and had raised their tentsat the edge of the woods, preferring to repose thus until thefollowing morning than to venture into the frail ferry-boat while thewaves yet ran so high. There was no habitation in the immediate vicinity, save a rude hoveloccupied by Jasper Roughgrove and his ferrymen, which was on theopposite shore in a narrow valley that cleft asunder the otherwiseuniform cliff of rocks. The creaking of the wheels, when the vehicle approached within a fewhundred paces of the encampment, attracted the watch-dogs, and theirfierce and continued barking drew the attention of the emigrants inthe direction indicated. Several men with guns in their hands came outto meet the young travellers. "We are white men, friends, strangers, lost, benighted, and hungry!"exclaimed Joe, stopping the horses, and addressing the men before hewas accosted. "Come on, then, and eat and rest with us, " said they, amused at Joe'sexclamations, and leading the way to the encampment. When they arrived at the edge of the camp, Glenn dismounted from thewagon, and directing Joe to follow when he had taken care of thehorses, drew near the huge log fire in company with those who had goneout to meet him. Several tall and spreading elms towered in majestyabove, and their clustering leaves, yet partially green, notwithstanding the autumn was midway advanced, were beautifullytinged by the bright light thrown upward from the glaring flames. Theview on one side was lost in the dark labyrinth of the moss-growntrunks of the forest. On the other swept the turbid river, bearingdownward in its rapid current severed branches, and even whole trees, that had been swept away by the continual falling in of the riverbank, for the sandy soil was always subject to the undermining of thoimpetuous stream. A circle of tents was formed round the fire, constructed of thin poles bent in the shape of an arch, and the endsplanted firmly in the earth. These were covered with buffalo skins, which would effectually shield the inmates from the rain; andquantities of leaves, after being carefully dried before the fire, were placed on the ground within, over which were spread buffalo robeswith the hair uppermost, and thus in a brief space was completedtemporary but not uncomfortable places of repose. The ends of thetents nearest to the fire were open, to admit the heat and a portionof light, that those who desired it might retire during their repast, or engage in pious meditation undisturbed by the more clamorousportion of the company. Glenn paused when within the circle, and looked with some degree ofinterest on the admirable arrangement of those independent and hardypeople. A majority of the emigrants were seated on logs broughtthither for that purpose, and feasting quietly from several large pansand well-filled camp-kettles, which were set out for all in common. They motioned Glenn to partake with them; and although many curiouslooks were directed toward him, yet he was not annoyed by questionswhile eating. Joe came in, and following the example of the rest, played his part to perfection, without complaining once of his wound. The feast was just finished, when the dogs again set up a furiousyelping, and ran into the forest. But they returned very quickly, someof them whining with the hurts received from the strangers theyencountered so roughly; and presently they were followed by severalenormous hounds, and soon after an athletic woodsman was seenapproaching. This personage was a tall muscular man, past the middleage, but agile and vigorous in all his motions. He was habited in abuck-skin hunting-shirt, and wore leggins of the same material. Although he was armed with a long knife and heavy rifle, and theexpression of his brow and chin indicated an unusual degree offirmness and determination, yet there was an openness and blandness inthe expression of his features which won the confidence of thebeholder, and instantly dispelled every apprehension of violence. Allof the emigrants had either seen or heard of him before, for his namewas not only repeated by every tongue in the territory, but wasfamiliar in every State in the Union, and not unknown in many parts ofEurope. He was instantly recognised by the emigrants, and crowdinground, they gave him a hearty welcome. They led him to a conspicuousseat, and forming a circle about him, were eager to catch every wordthat might escape his lips, and relied with implicit confidence onevery species of information he imparted respecting the dangers andadvantages of the locations they were about to visit. Boone hadsettled some three miles distant from the ferry, among the hills, where his people were engaged in the manufacture of salt. He hadselected this place of abode long before the general tide ofemigration had reached so far up the Missouri. It was said that hepitched his tent among the barren hills as a security against theintrusion of other men, who, being swayed by a love of wealth, wouldnaturally seek their homes in the rich level prairies. It is true thatBoone loved to dwell in solitude. But he was no misanthrope. And now, although questions were asked without number, he answered them withcheerfulness; advised the families what would be necessary to be donewhen their locations were selected, and even pressingly invited themto remain in his settlement a few days to recover from the fatigue oftravel, and promised to accompany them afterward over the river intothe rich plains to which they were journeying. During the brisk conversation that had been kept up for a great lengthof time, Glenn, unlike the rest of the company, sat at a distance andmaintained a strict silence. Occasionally, as some of theextraordinary feats related of the person before him occurred to hismemory, he turned his eyes in the direction of the great pioneer, andat each time observed the gaze of the woodsman fixed upon him. Nevertheless his habitual listlessness was not disturbed, and hepursued his peculiar train of reflections. Joe likewise treated thepresence of the renowned Indian fighter with apparent unconcern, andbeing alone in his glory, dived the deeper into the saucepan. Boone at length advanced to where Glenn was sitting, and afterscanning his pale features, and his costly though notexquisitely-fashioned habiliments, thus addressed him:-- "Young man, may I inquire what brings thee to these wilds?" "I am a freeman, " replied Glenn, somewhat haughtily, "and may beinfluenced by that which brings other men hither. " "Nay, young man, excuse the freedom which all expect to exercise inthis comparative wilderness; but I am very sure there is not anotheremigrant on this side of the Ohio who has been actuated by the samemotives that brought thee hither. Others come to fell the forest oak, and till the soil of the prairie, that they may prepare a heritage fortheir children; but thy soft hands and slender limbs are unequal tothe task; nor dost thou seem to have felt the want of this world'sgoods; and thou bringest no family to provide for. Thou hast committedthat which banished thee from society, or found in society that whichdisgusted thee--speak, which of these?" said Boone, in accents, thoughnot positively commanding, yet they produced a sense of reverence thatsubdued the rising indignation of Glenn, and looking upon theinterrogator as the acknowledged host of the eternal wilds, andhimself as a mere guest, who might be required to produce histestimonials of worthiness to associate with nature's most honest ofmen, he replied with calmness, though with subdued emotion-- "You are right, sir--it was the latter. I had heard that you werehappy in the solitude of the mountain-shaded valley, or on theinterminable prairies that greet the horizon in the distance, whereneither the derision of the proud, the malice of the envious, nor thedeceptions of pretended love and friendship, could disturb yourpeaceful meditations: and from amid the wreck of certain hopes, whichI once thought no circumstances could destroy, I rose with adetermined though saddened heart, and solemnly vowed to seek such awilderness, where I could pass a certain number of my days engaging inthe pursuits that might be most congenial to my disposition. Already Iimagine I experience the happy effects of my resolution. Here thewhispers of vituperating foes cannot injure, nor the smiles of thosefondly cherished deceive. " "Your hand, young man, " said Boone, with an earnestness whichconvinced Glenn that his tale was not imprudently divulged. "Ho! what's the matter with _you_?" Boone continued, turning to Joe, who had just arisen from his supper, and was stretching back hisshoulders. "I got a licking from a bear to-night--but I don't mind it much sinceI've had a snack. But if ever I come across him in the daytime, I'llshow him a thing or two, " said Joe, with his fists doubled up. "Pshaw! do you still entertain the ridiculous belief that it wasreally a bear you encountered?" inquired Glenn, with an increduloussmile. "I'll swear to it!" replied Joe. "Let me see your face, " remarked Boone, turning him to where there wasmore light. "Hollo! don't squeeze it so hard!" cried Joe, as Boone removed some ofthe coagulated blood that remained or the surface. "There is no doubt about it--it was a bear, most certainly, " saidBoone; and examining the wound more closely, continued: "Here are themarks of his claws, plain enough: he might easily be capturedto-morrow. Who will hunt him with me?" "I will!" burst from the lips of nearly every one present. "Huzza--revenge! I'll have revenge, huzza!" cried Joe, throwing roundhis hat. "You will join us?" inquired Boone, turning to Glenn. "Yes, " replied Glenn; "I came hither provided with the implements tohunt; and as such is to be principally my occupation during my sojournin this region, I could not desire a more happy opportunity than thepresent to make a beginning. And as it is my intention to settle nearthe ferry on the opposite shore, I am pleased to find that I shall notbe far from one whose acquaintance I hoped to make, above all others. " "And you may not find me reluctant to cultivate a social intercourse, notwithstanding men think me a crabbed old misanthrope, " repliedBoone, pressing the extended hand of Glenn. They then separated forthe night, retiring to the tents that had been provided for them. It was not long before a comparative silence pervaded the scene. Thefierce yelpings of the watch-dogs gradually ceased, and the howlingwolf was but indistinctly heard in the distance. The katydid andwhippoorwill still sang at intervals, and these sounds, as well as theoccasional whirlpool that could be heard rising on the surface of thegliding stream, had a soothing influence, and lulled to slumber thewandering mortals who now reclined under the forest trees, far fromthe homes of their childhood and the graves of their kindred. Glenngazed from his couch through the branches above at the calm, blue sky, resplendent with twinkling stars; and if a sad reflection, that hethus lay, a lonely being, a thousand miles from those who had beenmost dear to him, dimmed his eye for an instant with a tear, he stillfelt a consciousness of innocence within, and resolving to execute hisvow in every particular, he too was soon steeped in undisturbedslumber. CHAPTER II. Boone hunts the bear--Hounds and terriers--Sneak Punk, the Hatchet-face--Another stump--The high passes--The bear roused--Thechase--A sight--A shot--A wound--Joe--His meditations--His friend, the bear--The bear retreats--Joe takes courage--He fires--Immenseexecution--Sneak--The last struggle--Desperation of the bear--Hisdeath--Sneak's puppies--Joe. By the time the first streaks of gray twilight marked the easternhorizon, Boone, at the head of the party of hunters, set out from theencampment and proceeded down the river in the direction of the placewhere Joe had been so roughly handled by Bruin. All, with theexception of Glenn and his man, being accustomed to much walking, wereon foot. Glenn rode his white steed, and Joe was mounted on his littleblack pony. The large hounds belonging to Boone, and the curs, spaniels, and terriers of the emigrants were all taken along. As theyproceeded down the river, Boone proposed the plan of operations whichwas to guide their conduct in the chase, and each man was eager toperform his part, whatever it might be. It was arranged that a portionof the company should precede the rest, and cross the level woodlandabout two miles in width, to a range of hills and perpendicular cliffsthat appeared to have once bounded the river, and select such ravinesor outlets as in their opinion the bear would be most likely to passthrough, if he were indeed still in the flat bottom-land. At theseplaces they were to station themselves with their guns well charged, and either await the coming of the animal or the drivers; the firstwould be announced by the yelping of the dogs, and the last by thehunters' horns. Glenn and one or two others remained with Boone to hunt Bruin in hislair, while Joe and the remainder of the company were despatched tothe passes among the hills. There was a narrow-featured Vermonter inthis party, termed, by his comrades, the Hatchet-face, and, in truth, the extreme thinness of his chest and the slenderness of his limbsmight as aptly have been called the hatchet-handle. But, so far frombeing unfit for the hardy pursuits of a hunter, he was gifted with theactivity of a greyhound, and the swiftness and bottom of a race-horse. His name was Sneak Punk, which was always abbreviated to merely Sneak, for his general success in creeping up to the unsuspecting game ofwhatsoever kind he might be hunting, while others could not meet withsuch success. He had been striding along some time in silence a shortdistance in advance of Joe, who, even by dint of sundry kicks and thefree use of his whip, could hardly keep pace with him. The rest were afew yards in the rear, and all had maintained a strict silence, implicitly relying on the guidance of Sneak, who, though he had nevertraversed these woods before, was made perfectly familiar with thecourse he was to pursue by the instructions of Boone. Although the light of morning was now apparent above, yet the thickgrowth of the trees, whose clustering branches mingled in one densemass overhead, made it still dark and sombre below; and Joe, to divertSneak from his unconscionable gait, which, in his endeavours to keepup, often subjected him to the rude blows of elastic switches, andmany twinges of overhanging grape vines, essayed to engage hiscompanion in conversation. "I say, Mr. Sneak, " observed Joe, with an eager voice, as his ponytrotted along rather roughly through the wild gooseberry bushes, andoften stumbled over the decayed logs that lay about. "What do you want, stranger?" replied Sneak, slackening his gait untilhe fell back alongside of Joe. "I only wanted to know if you ever killed a bear before, " said Joe, drawing an easy breath as Pete fell into a comfortable walk. "Dod rot it, I hain't killed this one yit, " said Sneak. "I didn't mean any offence, " said Joe. "What makes you think you have given any?" "Because you said _dod rot it_. " "I nearly always say so--I've said so so often that I can't help it. But now, as we are on the right footing, I can tell you that Iwintered once in Arkansaw, and that's enough to let you know I'm nogreenhorn, no how you can fix it. And moreover, I tell you, if oldBoone wasn't here hisself, I'd kill this bar as sure as a gun, and mygun is as sure as a streak of lightning run into a barrel ofgunpowder;" and as he spoke he threw up his heavy gun and saluted theiron with his lips. "Is your's a rifle?" inquired Joe, to prolong the conversation, hiscompanion showing symptoms of a disposition to fall into his habit ofgoing ahead again. "Sartainly! Does anybody, I wonder, expect to do any thing with ashot-gun in sich a place as this?" "Mine's a shot-gun, " said Joe. "Dod--did you ever kill any thing better than a quail with it?"inquired Sneak, contemptuously. "I never killed any thing in my life with it--I never shot a gun inall my life before to-night, " said Joe. "Dod, you haven't fired it to-night, to my sartain knowledge. " "I mean I never went a shooting. " "Did you load her yourself?" inquired Sneak, taking hold of the musketand feeling the calibre. "Yes--but I'm sure I did it right. I put in a handful of powder, andpaper on top of it, and then poured in a handful of balls, " said Joe. "Ha! ha! ha! I'll be busted if you don't raise a fuss if you ever geta shot at the bar!" said Sneak, with emphasis. "That's what I am after. " "Why don't you go ahead?" demanded Sneak, as Joe's pony stoppedsuddenly, with his ears thrust forward. "Dod! whip him up, " continuedhe, seeing that his companion was intently gazing at some objectahead, and exhibiting as many marks of alarm as Pete. "It's nothingbut a stump!" said Sneak, going forwards and kicking the object, whichwas truly nothing more than he took it to be. Joe then related to himall the particulars of his nocturnal affair with the supposed stump, previous to his arrival at the camp, and Sneak, with a hearty laugh, admitted that both he and the pony were excusable for inspecting allthe stumps they might chance to come across in the dark in future. They now emerged into the open space which was the boundary of thewoods, and after clambering up a steep ascent for some minutes, theyreached the summit of a tall range of bluffs. From this position thesun could be seen rising over the eastern ridges, but the flat woodsthat had been traversed still lay in darkness below, and silent as thetomb, save the hooting of owls as they flapped to their hollowhabitations in the trees. The party then dispersed to their coverts under the direction ofSneak, who with a practised eye instantly perceived all theadvantageous posts for the men, and the places where the bear wouldmost probably run. Joe had insisted on having his revenge, and beggedto be stationed where he would be most likely to get a shot. He wastherefore permitted to remain at the head of the ravine they had justascended, through which a deer path ran, as the most favourableposition. After tying Pete some paces in the rear, he came forwards tothe verge of the valley and seated himself on a dry rock, where hecould see some distance down the path under the tall sumach bushes. Hethen commenced cogitating how he would act, should Bruin have thehardihood to face him in the daytime. Boone and his party drew near the spot where the bear had been seenthe previous night. The two large hounds, Ringwood and Jowler, kept attheir master's heels, being trained to understand and perform all theduties required of them, while the curs and terriers were runninghelter-skelter far ahead, or striking out into the woods without aim, and always returning without effecting any thing. At length the twohounds paused, and scented the earth, giving certain information thatthey had arrived at the desired point. The curs and terriers hadalready passed far beyond the spot, being unable to decide any thingby the nose, and always relying on their swiftness in the chase whenthey should be in sight of the object pursued. Now, Glenn perceived to what perfection dogs could be trained, andlearned, what had been a matter of wonder to him, how Boone could keepup with them in the chase. The hounds set off at a signal from theirmaster, not like an arrow from the bow, but at a moderate pace, everand anon looking back and pausing until the men came up; while theerratic curs flew hither and thither, chasing every hare and squirrelthey could find. As they pursued the trail they occasionally saw thefoot-print of the animal, which was broad and deep, indicating one ofenormous size. Presently they came to a spot thickly overgrown withspice-wood bushes and prickly vines, where he had made his lair, andfrom the erect tails of Ringwood and Jowler, and the intense interestthey otherwise evinced, it was evident they were fast approaching thepresence of Bruin. Ere long, as they ran along with their heads up, for the first time that morning, they commenced yelping in clear anddistinct tones, which rang musically far and wide through the woods. The curs relinquished their unprofitable racing round the thickets, attracted by the hounds, and soon learned to keep in the rear, depending on the unerring trailing of the old hunters, as the objectof pursuit was not yet in sight. The chase became more animated, andthe men quickened their pace as the inspiring notes of the hounds rangout at regular intervals. Glenn soon found he possessed no advantageover those on foot, who were able to run under the branches of thetrees, and glide through the thickets with but little difficulty, while the rush of his noble steed was often arrested by the tenaciousvines clinging to the bushes abreast, and he was sometimes under thenecessity of dismounting to recover his cap or whip. It was not long before the notes of Ringwood and Jowler suddenlyincreased in sharpness and quickness, and the curs and terriers, hitherto silent, set up a confused medley of sounds, whichreverberated like one continuous scream. They had pounced upon thebear, and from the stationary position of the dogs for a few minutes, indicated by their peculiar baying, it was evident Bruin had turned tosurvey the enemy, and perhaps to give them battle; but it seemed thattheir number or noise soon intimidated him, and that he preferredseeking safety in flight. How Boone could possibly know beforehandwhich way the bear would run, was a mystery to Glenn; but that heoften abandoned the direction taken by the dogs, turning off at almostright angles, and still had a sight of him was no less true. No onehad yet been near enough to fire with effect. The bear, notwithstanding his many feints and novel demonstrations to get rid ofhis persecutors, had continued to make towards the hills where thestanders were stationed. Boone falling in with Glenn, from whom he hadbeen frequently separated, they continued together some time, following the course of the sounds towards the east. "This sport is really exciting and noble!" exclaimed Glenn, as thedeep and melodious intonations of Ringwood and Jowler fell upon hisear. "Excellent! excellent!" replied Boone, listening intently, and pausingsuddenly, as the discharge of a gun in the direction of the hillssounded through the woods. "He has reached the standers, " remarked Glenn, reining up his steed atBoone's side. "No; it was one of our men who has not followed him in all hisdeviations, " replied Boone, still marking the notes of the hounds. "I doubt not our company is sufficiently scattered in every directionthrough the forest to force him into the hills very speedily, if, indeed, that shot was not fatal, " remarked Glenn. "He is not hurt--perhaps it was not fired at him, but at a bird--norwill he yet leave the woods, " said Boone, still listening to thehounds. "He comes!" he exclaimed a moment after, with marks of joy inhis face; "he will make a grand circle before quitting the lowland. "And now the dogs could be heard more distinctly, as if they weregradually approaching the place from which they first started. "If you will remain here, " continued Boone, "it is quite likely youwill have a shot as he makes his final push for the hills. " "Then here will I remain, " replied Glenn; and fixing himself firmly inthe saddle, resolved to await the coming of Bruin, having everyconfidence in the intimation of his friend. Boone selected a positiona few hundred paces distant, with a view of permitting Glenn to havethe first fire. The bear took a wide circuit towards the river, pausing at times untilthe foremost of the dogs came up, which he could easily manage to keepat bay; but when all of them (and the curs did good service now)surrounded him, he found it necessary to set forward again. When hehad run as far as the river, and turned once more towards the hills, his course seemed to be in a direct line with Glenn, and the youngman's heart fluttered with anticipation as he examined his gun, andturned his horse (which had been accustomed to firearms) in afavourable position to give the enemy a salute as he passed. Nearerthey came, the dogs pursuing with redoubled fierceness, their bloodheated by the exercise, and their most sanguine passions roused bytheir frequent severe skirmishes with their huge antagonist. As theyapproached, the strange and simultaneous yelpings of the curs andterriers resembled an embodied roar, amid which the flute-like notesof Ringwood and Jowler could hardly be heard. Glenn could nowdistinctly hear the bear rushing like a torrent through the bushes, almost directly towards the place where he was posted, and a momentafter it emerged from a dense thicket of hazel, and the noble steed, instead of leaping away with affright, threw back his ears and stoodfirm, until Glenn fired. Bruin uttered a howl, and halting with afierce growl, raised himself on his haunches, and displaying his arrayof white teeth, prepared to assail our hero. Glenn proceeded to reloadhis rifle with as much expedition as was in his power, though notwithout some tremor, notwithstanding he was mounted on his tall steed, whose nostrils dilated, and eyes flashing fire, indicated that he waswilling to take part in the conflict. The bear was preparing for adreadful encounter, and on the very eve of springing towards hisassailant, when the hounds coming up admonished him to flee his morenumerous foes, and turning off, he continued his route towards thehills. Glenn perceived that he had not missed his aim by the bloodsprinkled on the bushes, and being ready for another fire, gallopedafter him. Just when he came in sight, Boone's gun was heard, andBruin fell, remaining motionless for a moment; but ere Glenn arrivedwithin shooting distance, or Boone could reload, he had risen andagain continued his course, as if in defiance of everything that mancould do to oppose him. "Is it possible he still survives!" exclaimed Glenn, joining hiscompanion. "There is nothing more possible, " replied Boone; "but I saw by hislimping that your shot had taken effect. " "And I saw him fall when you fired, " said Glenn; "but he still runs. " "And he _will_ run for some time yet, " remarked Boone, "for they areextremely hard to kill, when heated by the pursuit of dogs. But wehave done our part, and it now remains for those at the passes tofinish the work so well begun. " Joe's imagination had several times worked him into a fury, which hadas often subsided in disappointment, during the chase below, everyparticle of which could be distinctly heard from his position. Morethan once, when a brisk breeze swept up the valley, he was convincedthat his enemy was approaching him, and, every nerve quivering withthe expectation of the bear coming in view the next instant, he stooda spectacle of eagerness, with perhaps a small portion of apprehensionintermingled. At length, from the frequent deceptions the distancepracticed upon him, he grew composed by degrees, and resuming his seaton the stone, with his musket lying across his knees, thus gave ventto his thoughts: "What if an Indian were to pounce upon me while I'msitting here?" Here he paused, and looked carefully round in everydirection. "No!" he continued; "if there were any at this time in theneighbourhood, wouldn't Boone know it? To be sure he would, and here'smy gun--I forgot that. Let them come as soon as they please! I wonderif the bear _will_ come out here? Suppose he does, what's the danger?Didn't I grapple with him last night? And couldn't I jump on Pete andget away from him! But--pshaw! I keep forgetting my gun--I wish he_would_ come, I'd serve him worse than he served me last night! Myface feels very sore this morning. There!" he exclaimed, when he heardthe fire of Glenn's gun, and the report that succeeded from Boone's, "they've floored him as dead as a nail, I'll bet. Hang it! I shouldlike to have had a word or two with him myself, to have told him Ihadn't forgotten his ugly grin. The men must have known I would standno chance of killing him when they placed me up here. I should like toknow what part of the sport _I've_ had--ough!" exclaimed he, his hairstanding upright, as he beheld the huge bear, panting and bleeding, coming towards him, and not twenty paces distant! Bruin had eluded the dogs a few minutes by climbing a bending tree atthe mouth of the valley, from which he passed to another, anddescending again to the earth, proceeded almost exhausted up theravine. Joe's eyes grew larger and larger as the monster approached, and when within a few feet of him he uttered a horrible unearthlysound, which attracted the bear, and fearing the fatal aim of man morethan the teeth of the dogs, he whirled about, with a determination tofight his way back, in preference to again risking the murderous lead. No sooner was the bear out of sight, and plunging down the dell amidthe cries of the dogs, which assailed him on all sides, than Joebethought him of his gun, and becoming valorous, ran a few steps downthe path and fired in the direction of the confused melée. The momentafter he discharged his musket, the back part of his head struck theearth, and the gun made two or three end-over-end revolutions up thepath behind him. Never, perhaps, was such a rebound from overloadingknown before. Joe now thought not of the bear, nor looked to see whatexecution he had done. He thought of his own person, which he foundprostrate on the ground. When somewhat recovered from the blow, herose with his hand pressed to his nose, while the blood ran outbetween his fingers. "Oh! my goodness!" he exclaimed, seating himselfat the root of a pecan tree, and rocking backwards and forwards. "What's your gun doing up here?" exclaimed Sneak, coming down thepath. Joe made no answer, but continued to rock backwards and forwardsmost dolefully. "Why don't you speak? Where's the bar?" "I don't know. Oh!" murmured Joe. "What's the matter?" inquired Sneak, seeing the copious effusion ofblood. "I shot off that outrageous musket, and it's kicked my nose to pieces!I shall faint!" said Joe, dropping his head between his knees. "Faint? I never saw a _man_ faint!" said Sneak, listening to the chasebelow. "Oh! can't you help me to stop this blood?" "Don't you hear _that_, down there?" replied Sneak, his attentionentirely directed to that which was going on in the valley. "My ears are deafened by that savage gun! I can't hear a bit, hardly!Oh, what shall I do, Mr. Sneak?" continued Joe. "Dod rot it!" exclaimed Sneak, leaping like a wild buck down the path, and paying no further attention to the piteous lamentations of hiscomrade. Ere the bear reached the mouth of the glen, the hunters generally hadcome up, and poor Bruin found himself hemmed in on all sides. He couldnot ascend on either hand, the loss of blood having weakened him toomuch to climb over the almost precipitous rocks, and he made a finalstand, determined to sell his life as dearly as possible. The dogssprang upon him in a body, and it was soon evident that his desperatestruggles were not harmless. He grasped one of the curs in his deadlyhug, and with his teeth planted in its neck, relinquished not his holduntil it fell from his arms a disfigured and lifeless object. He boxedthose that were tearing his hams with his ponderous claws, sendingthem screaming to the right and left. He then stood up on hishaunches, with his back against a rock, and with a snarl of defianceresolved never to retreat "from its firm base. " Never were blows morerabidly dealt. When attacked on one side, he had no sooner turned tobeat down his sanguine foe than he was assailed on the other. Thus hefought alternately from right to left, his mouth gaping open, histongue hanging out, and his eyes gleaming furiously as if swimming inliquid fire. At times he was charged simultaneously in front andflank, when for an instant the whole group seemed to be one darkwrithing mass, uttering a medly of discordant and horrid sounds. Butdetermined to conquer or die on the spot he occupied, Bruin neverrelaxed his blows, until the bruised and exhausted dogs were forced towithdraw a moment the combat, and rush into the narrow rivulet. Whilethey lay panting in the water, the bear turned his head back againstthe rocks, and lapped in the dripping moisture without moving from hisposition. But he was fast sinking under his wounds: a stream of blood, which constantly issued from his body and ran down and discoloured thewater, indicated that his career was nearly finished. Yet his spiritwas not daunted; for while the canine assailants he had withstood sooften were bathing preparatory for a renewal of the conflict, Booneand Glenn, who had approached the immediate vicinity, fired, andBruin, echoing the howl of death as the bullets entered his body, turned his eyes reproachfully towards the men for an instant, andthen, with a growl of convulsed, expiring rage, plunged into thewater, and, seizing the largest cur, crushed him to death. Ringwoodand Jowler, whose sagacity had hitherto led them to keep in somemeasure aloof, knowing their efforts would be unavailing against sopowerful an enemy without the fatal aim of their master, now sprangforward to the rescue, both seizing the prostrate foe by the throat. But he could not be made to relinquish his victim, nor did he makeresistance. Boone, advancing at the head of the hunters, (all of whom, with the exception of Joe and Sneak, being there assembled, ) with somedifficulty prevented his companions from discharging their guns at thedark mass before them. He struck up several of their guns as they wereendeavouring to aim at the now motionless bear, fearing that hishounds might suffer by their fire, and stooping down, whence he coulddistinctly see the pale gums and tongue, as his hounds grappled theneck of the animal, announced the death of Bruin, and the terminationof the hunt. The hounds soon abandoned their inanimate victim, and itssinewy limbs relaxing, the devoted cur rolled out a lifeless body. "How like you this specimen of our wild sports?" inquired Boone, turning to Glenn, as the rest proceeded to skin and dress the bearpreparatory for its conveyance to the camp. "It is exciting, if not terrific and cruel, " replied Glenn, musing. "None could be more eager than yourself in the chase, ' said Boone. "True, " replied Glenn; "and notwithstanding the uninitiated may for aninstant revolt at the spilling of blood, yet the chase has ever beenconsidered the noblest and the most innocent of sports. The animalshunted are often an evil while running at large, being destructive ordangerous; but even if they were harmless in their nature, they arestill necessary or desirable for the support or comfort of man. Bloodof a similar value is spilt everywhere without the least compunction. The knife daily pierces the neck of the swine, and the kitchen wenchwrings off the head of the fowl while she hums a ditty. This is farbetter than hunting down our own species on the battle-field, orruining and being ruined at the gaming-table. I think I shall becontent in this region. " "And you will no doubt be an expert hunter, if I have any judgment insuch matters, " replied Boone. "I wonder that Joe has not yet made his appearance, " remarked Glenn, approaching the bear; "I expected ere this to have seen him triumphingover his fallen enemy. " "What kind of a gun had he?" inquired Boone. "A large musket, " said Glenn, recollecting the enormous explosion thatseemed to jar the whole woods like an earthquake; "it must have beenJoe who fired--he had certainly overcharged the gun, and I fear it hasburst in his hands, which may account for his absence. " "Be not uneasy, " replied Boone; "for I can assure you from thepeculiar sound it made that it did nothing more than reboundviolently; besides, those guns very rarely burst. But here comesSneak, (I think they call him so, ) no doubt having some tidings ofyour man. It seems he has not been idle. He has a brace of racoons inhis hands. " The tall slim form of Sneak was seen coming down the path. Ever andanon he cast his eyes from one hand to the other, regarding with noordinary interest the dead animals he bore. "I did not hear him fire, " remarked Glenn. "He may have killed them with stones, " said Boone; and as Sneak drewnear, he continued, with a smile, "they are nothing more than a braceof his terriers, that doubtless Bruin dispatched, and which may wellbe spared, notwithstanding Sneak's seeming sorrow. " Sneak approached the place where Boone and Glenn were standing, withthe gravest face that man ever wore. His eyes seemed to be set in hishead, for not once did they wink, nor did his lips move for somelength of time after he threw down the dogs at the feet of Glenn, although several men addressed him. He stood with his arms folded, andgazed mournfully at his dead dogs. "The little fellows fought bravely, and covered themselves withglory, " said Glenn, much amused at the solemn demeanour of Sneak. "If there ain't more blood spilt on the strength of it, I wish I maybe smashed!" said Sneak, compressing his lips. "What mean you? what's the matter?" inquired Boone, who bestunderstood what the man was meditating. "I've got as good a gun as anybody here! And I'll have revenge, orpay!" replied Sneak, turning his eyes on Glenn. "If your remarks are intended for me, " said Glenn, "rely upon it youshall have justice. " "Tell us all about it, " said Boone. "When I heard that fool up the valley shoot off his forty-fourpounder, I ran to see what he had done, and when I came near to wherehe was, his gun was lying up the hill behind him, and he setting downwhining like a baby, and a great gore of blood hanging to his nose. Iwish it had blowed his head off! I got tired of staying with thetarnation fool, who couldn't tell me a thing, when I heard youshooting, and the horn blowing for the men; and knowing the bar wasdead, I started off full tilt. I hadn't gone fifty steps before Ibegan to see where his bullets had spattered the trees and bushes inevery direction. Presently I stumbled over these dogs, my ownpuppies--and there they lay as dead as door nails. I whistled, andthey didn't move; I then stooped down to see how the bear had killed'em, and I found these bullet holes in 'em!" said Sneak, turning theirlimber bodies over with his foot, until their wounds were uppermost. "I'll be shot if I don't have pay, or revenge!" he continued, withtears in his eyes. "What were they worth?" demanded Glenn, laughing. "I was offered two dollars a-piece for 'em as we came throughIndiana, " replied Sneak. "Here's the money, " said Glenn, handing him the amount. Afterreceiving the cash, Sneak turned away perfectly satisfied, and seemednot to bestow another thought upon his puppies. This affair had hardly been settled before Joe made his appearance onPete. He rode slowly along down the path, as dolefully as ever manapproached the graveyard. As he drew near, all eyes were fixed uponhim. Never were any one's features so much disfigured. His nose was aslarge as a hen's egg, and as purple as a plum. Still it was not muchdisproportioned to the rest of his swollen face; and the wholeresembled the unearthly phiz of the most bloated gnome that watchedover the slumbers of Rip Van Winkle. CHAPTER III. Glenn's castle--Mary--Books--A hunt--Joe and Pete--A tumble--Anopossum--A shot--Another tumble--A doe--The return--They set outagain--A mound--A buffalo--An encounter--Night--Terrificspectacle--Escape--Boone--Sneak--Indians. Some weeks had passed since the bear hunt. The emigrants had crossedthe river, and selected their future homes in the groves that borderedthe prairie, some miles distant from the ferry. Glenn, when landed onthe south side of the Missouri, took up his abode for a short timewith Jasper Roughgrove, the ferryman, while some half dozen men, whoseservices his gold secured, were building him a novel habitation. Andthe location was as singular as the construction of his house. It wason a peak that jutted over the river, some three hundred feet high, whence he had a view eight or ten miles down the stream, and acrossthe opposite bottom-land to the hills mentioned in the precedingchapter. The view was obstructed above by a sudden bend of the stream;but on the south, the level prairie ran out as far as the eye couldreach, interrupted only by the young groves that were interspersed atintervals. His house, constructed of heavy stones, was about fifteenfeet square, and not more than ten in height. The floor was formed ofhewn timbers, the walls covered with a rough coat of lime, and theroof made of heavy boards. However uncouth this abode appeared to theeye of Glenn, yet he had followed the instructions of Boone, (to whomhe had fully disclosed his plan, and repeated his odd resolution, ) andreared a tenement not only capable of resisting the wintry winds thatwere to howl around it, but sufficiently firm to withstand the attacksof any foe, whether the wild beast of the forest or the prowlingIndian. The door was very narrow and low, being made of a solid rockfull six inches in thickness, which required the strength of a man toturn on its hinges, even when the ponderous bolt on the inside wasunfastened. There was a small square window on each side containing asingle pane of glass, and made to be secured at a moment's warning, bymeans of thick stone shutters on the inside. The fire-place was ampleat the hearth, but the flue through which the smoke escaped was small, and ran in a serpentine direction up through the northern wall; whilethe ceiling was overlaid with smooth flat stones, fastened down withhuge iron spikes, and supported by strong wooden joists. The furnitureconsisted of a few trunks, (which answered for seats, ) two camp beds, four barrels of hard biscuit, a few dishes and cooking utensils, and aquantity of hunting implements. Many times did Joe shake his head inwonderment as this house was preparing for his reception. It seemed tohim too much danger was apprehended from without, and it too muchresembled a solitary, and secure prison, should one be confinedwithin. Nevertheless, he was permitted to adopt his own plan in theconstruction of a shelter for the horses. And the retention of theseanimals was some relief to his otherwise gloomy forebodings, when hebeheld the erection of his master's suspicious tenement. Hesuperintended the building of a substantial and comfortable stable. Hehad stalls, a small granary, and a regular rack made for theaccommodation of the horses, and procured, with difficulty and nolittle expense, a supply of provender. The space, including thebuildings, which had been cleared of the roots and stones, for thepurpose of cultivating a garden, was about one hundred feet indiameter, and enclosed by a circular row of posts driven firmly in theground, and rising some ten feet above the surface. These were plantedso closely together that even a squirrel would have found it difficultto enter without climbing over them. Indeed, Joe had an especial eyeto this department, having heard some awful tales of the snakes thatsomewhat abounded in those regions in the warm seasons. One corner of the stable, wherein a quantity of straw was placed, wasappropriated for the comfort of the dogs, Ringwood and Jowler, whichhad been presented to Glenn by his obliging friend, after they hadexhibited their skill in the bear hunt. When every thing was completed, preparatory for his removal thither, Glenn dismissed his faithful artisans, bestowing upon them a liberalreward for their labour, and took possession of his castle. But, notwithstanding the strange manner in which he proposed to spend hisdays, and his habitual grave demeanour and taciturnity, yet his kindtone, when he uttered a request, or ventured a remark, on thetransactions passing around him, and his contempt for money, which hesquandered with a prodigal hand, had secured for him the good-will ofthe ferrymen, and the friendship of the surrounding emigrants. Butthere was one whose esteem had no venal mixture in it. This was Mary, the old ferryman's daughter, a fair-cheeked girl of nineteen, whonever neglected an opportunity of performing a kind office for herfather's temporary guest; and when he and his man departed for theirown tenement, not venturing directly to bestow them on our hero, shepresented Joe with divers articles for their amusement and comfort intheir secluded abode, among which were sundry live fowls, a pet fawn, and a kitten. The first few days, after being installed in his solitary home, ourhero passed with his books. But he did not realize all thesatisfaction he anticipated from his favourite authors in his secludedcell. The scene around him contrasted but ill with the creations ofShakspeare; and if some of the heroes of Scott were identified withthe wildest features of nature, he found it impossible to look aroundhim and enjoy the magic of the page at the same time. Joe employed himself in attending to his horses, feeding the fowls anddogs, and playing with the fawn and a kitten. He also practicedloading and shooting his musket, and endeavoured to learn the mode ofdoing execution on other objects without committing violence onhimself. "Joe, " said Glenn, one bright frosty morning, "saddle the horses; wewill make an excursion in the prairie, and see what success we canhave without the presence and assistance of an experienced hunter. Idesigned awaiting the visit of Boone, which he promised should takeplace about this time; but we will venture out without him; if we killnothing, at least we shall have the satisfaction of doing no harm. " Joe set off towards the stable, smiling at Glenn's joke, and heartilydelighted to exchange the monotony of his domestic employment, whichwas becoming irksome, for the sports of the field, particularly as hewas now entirely recovered from the effects of his late disasters, andbegan to grow weary of wasting his ammunition in firing at a target, when there was an abundance of game in the vicinity. "Whoop! Bingwood--Jowler!" cried he, leading the horses briskly forth. The dogs came prancing and yelping round him, as well pleased ashimself at the prospect of a day's sport; and when Glenn came out theyexhibited palpable signs of recognition and eagerness to accompanytheir new master on his first deer-hunt. Glenn stroked their heads, which were constantly rubbed against his hands, and his caresses weregratefully received by the faithful hounds. He had been instructed byBoone how to manage them, so as either to keep them at his side whenhe wished to approach the game stealthily, or to send them forth whenrapid pursuit was required, and he was now anxious to test theirsagacity. When mounted, the young men set forward in a southern direction, thevalley in which the ferryman's cabin was situated on one hand, and oneabout the same distance above on the other. But the space between themgradually widened as they progressed, and in a few minutes bothdisappeared entirely, terminating in scarcely perceptible rivuletsrunning slowly down from the high and level prairie. Here Glenn pausedto determine what course he should take. The sun shone brightly on theinterminable expanse before him, and not a breeze ruffled the long drygrass around, nor disturbed the few sear leaves that yet clung to thediminutive clusters of bushes scattered at long intervals over theprairie. It was a delightful scene. From the high position of ourhero, he could distinguish objects miles distant on the plain; and ifthe landscape was not enlivened by houses and domestic herds, he couldat all events here and there behold parties of deer browsingpeacefully in the distance. Ringwood and Jowler also saw or scentedthem, as their attention was pointed in that direction; but so farfrom marring the sport by prematurely running forward, they knew toowell their duty to leave their master, even were the game within a fewpaces of them, without the word of command. "I see a deer!" cried Joe, at length, having till then been employedgathering some fine wild grapes from a neighbouring vine. "I see several, " replied Glenn; "but how we are to get within gun shotof them, is the question. " "I see them, too, " said Joe, his eyes glistening. "I have thought of a plan, Joe; whether right or wrong, is not verymaterial, as respects the exercise we are seeking; but I am inclinedto believe it is the proper one. It will at all events give you a fairopportunity of killing a deer, as you will have to fire as they run, and the great number of bullets in your musket will make you morecertain to do execution than if you fired a rifle. You will proceed toyon thicket, about a thousand yards distant, keeping the bushes allthe time between you and the deer. When you arrive at it dismount, and after tying your pony in the bushes where he will be well hid, select a position whence you can see the deer when they run; I thinkthey will go within reach of your fire. I will make a detour beyondthem, and approach from the opposite side. " "I'd rather not tie my pony, " said Joe. "Why? he would not leave you, even were he to get loose, " repliedGlenn. "I don't think he would--but I'd rather not leave him yet awhile, tillI get a little better used to hunting, " said Joe, probably thinkingthere might be some danger to himself on foot in a country wherebears, wolves, and panthers were sometimes seen. "Can you fire while sitting on your pony?" inquired Glenn. [Illustration: Glenn heard a tremendous thumping behind. --P. 37] "I suppose so, " said Joe; "though I never thought to try it yet. " "Suppose you try it now, while I watch the deer, and see if what Ihave been told is true, that the mere report of a gun will not alarmthem. " "Well, I will, " said Joe. "I think Pete knows as well as the steed, that shooting on him won't hurt him. " "Fire away, then, " said Glenn, looking steadfastly at the deer. Joefired, and none of the deer ran off. Some continued their playfulsports, while others browsed along without lifting their heads; in alllikelihood the report did not reach them. But Glenn heard a tremendousthumping behind, and on turning round, beheld his man quietly lying onthe ground, and the pony standing about ten paces distant, with hishead turned towards Joe, his ears thrust forwards, his nostrilsdistended and snorting, and his little blue eyes ready to burst out ofhis head. "How is this, Joe?" inquired Glenn, scarce able to repress a smile atthe ridiculous posture of his man. "I hardly know myself, " replied Joe, casting a silly glance at histreacherous pony; and after examining his limbs and finding no injuryhad been sustained, continued, "I fired as you directed, and when thesmoke cleared away, I found myself lying just as you see me here. Idon't know how Pete contrived to get from under me, but there hestands, and here I lie. " "Load your gun, and try it again, " said Glenn. "I'd rather not, " said Joe. "Then I will, " replied Glenn, whose horsemanship enabled him to retainthe saddle in spite of the straggles of Pete, who, after severaldischarges, submitted and bore it quietly. Joe then mounted and set out for the designated thicket, while Glenngalloped off in another direction, followed by the hounds. When Joe arrived at the hazel thicket, he continued in the saddle, andotherwise he would not have been able to see over the prairie for thetall grass which had grown very luxuriantly in that vicinity. Therewas a path, however, running round the edge of the bushes, which hadbeen made by the deer and other wild animals, and in this hecautiously groped his way, looking out in every direction for thedeer. When he had progressed about halfway round, he espied themfeeding composedly, about three hundred paces distant, on a slighteminence. There were at least fifteen of them, and some very largeones. Fearful of giving the alarm before Glenn should fire, heshielded himself from view behind a cluster of persimmon bushes, andtasted the ripe and not unpalatable fruit. And here he was destined towin his first trophy as a hunter. While bending down some branchesover head, without looking up, an opossum fell upon his hat, knockingit over his eyes, and springing on the neck of Pete, thence leaped tothe ground. But before it disappeared Joe had dismounted, and givingit a blow with the butt of his musket it rolled over on its side, withits eyes closed and tongue hanging out, indicating that the stroke hadbeen fatal. "So much for you!" said Joe, casting a proud look at his victim; andthen leaping on his pony, he gazed again at the deer. They seemed tobe still entirely unconscious of danger, and several were now lying inthe grass with their heads tip, and chewing the cud like domesticanimals. Joe drew back once more to await the action of Glenn, andturning to look at the opossum, found to his surprise that it hadvanished! "Well, I'm the biggest fool that ever breathed!" said he, recollectingthe craftiness imputed to those animals, and searching in vain for hisgame. "If ever I come across another, he'll not come the 'possum overme, I'll answer for it!" he continued, somewhat vexed. At thisjuncture Glenn's gun was heard, and Joe observed a majority of thedeer leaping affrighted in the direction of his position. The foremostpassed within twenty yards of him, and, his limbs trembling withexcitement, he drew his gun up to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. It snapped, perhaps fortunately, for his eyes were convulsively closedat the moment; and recovering measurably by the time the next came up, this trial the gun went off, and he found himself once more prostrateon the ground. "What in the world is the reason you won't stand still!" he exclaimed, rising and seizing the pony by the bit. The only answer Pete made wasa snort of unequivocal dissatisfaction. "Plague take your little_hide_ of you! I should have killed that fellow to a certainty, ifyou hadn't played the fool!" continued he, still addressing his ponywhile he proceeded to load his gun. When ready for another fire, hemounted again, in quite an ill humour, convinced that all chance ofkilling a deer was effectually over for the present, when, to hisutter astonishment, he beheld the deer he had fired at lying deadbefore him, and but a few paces distant. With feelings of unmixeddelight he galloped to where it lay, and springing to the earth, onemoment he whirled round his hat in exultation, and the next caressedPete, who evinced some repugnance to approach the weltering victim, and snuffed the scent of blood with any other sensation than that ofpleasure. Joe discovered that no less than a dozen balls hadpenetrated the doe's side, (for such it was, ) which sufficientlyaccounted for its immediate and quiet death, that had so effectuallydeceived him into the belief that his discharge had been harmless. Henow blew his horn, which was answered by a blast from Glenn, who sooncame up to announce his own success in bringing down the largest buckin the party, and to congratulate his man on his truly remarkableachievement. An hour was consumed in preparing the deer to be conveyed to thehouse, and by the time they were safely deposited in our hero'sdiminutive castle, and the hunters ready to issue forth in quest ofmore sport, the day was far advanced, and a slight haziness of theatmosphere dimmed in a great measure the lustre of the descending sun. Animated with their excellent success, they anticipated much moresport, inasmuch as neither themselves nor the hounds (which hithertowere not required to do farther service than to watch one of the deerwhile the men were engaged with the other) were in the slightestdegree fatigued. The hours flew past unnoticed, while the young menproceeded gayly outward from the river in quest of new adventures. Glenn and his man rode far beyond the scene of their late successwithout discovering any new object to gratify their undiminished zestfor the chase. It seemed that the deer which had escaped had actuallygiven intelligence to the rest of the arrival of a deadly foe in thevicinity, for not one could now be seen in riding several miles. Thesun was sinking low and dim in the west, and Glenn was on the eve ofturning homeward, when, on emerging from the flat prairie to a slighteminence that he had marked as boundary of his excursion, he beheld atno great distance an enormous mound, of pyramidical shape, which, fromits isolated condition, he could not believe to be the formation ofnature. Curious to inspect what he supposed to be a stupendousspecimen of the remains of former generations of the aborigines, heresolved to protract his ride and ascend to the summit. The mound wassome five hundred feet in diameter at the base, and terminated at apeak about one hundred and fifty feet in height. As our ridersascended, with some difficulty keeping in the saddle, they observedthe earth on the sides to be mixed with flint-stones, and many of themapparently having once been cut in the shape of arrow-heads; and inseveral places where chasms had been formed by heavy showers, theyremarked a great many pieces of bones, but so much broken and decayedthey could not be certain that they were particles of human skeletons. When they reached the summit, which was not more than twenty feet inwidth and entirely barren, a magnificent scene burst in view. For tenor fifteen miles round on every side, the eye could discern oval, oblong, and circular groves of various dimensions, scattered over therich virgin soil. The gentle undulations of the prairie resembled theboundless ocean entranced, as if the long swells had been suddenlyabandoned by the wind, and yet remained stationary in their rollingattitude. "What think you of the view, Joe?" inquired Glenn, after regarding thescene many minutes in silence. "I've been watching a little speck, way out toward the, sun, whichkeeps bobbing up and down, and gets bigger and bigger, " said Joe. "I mean the prospect around, " said Glenn. I can't form an opinion, because I can't see the end of it, " replied Joe, still intentlyregarding the object referred to. "That is an animal of some kind, " observed Glenn, marking the objectthat attracted Joe. "And a wapper, too; when I first saw it I thought it was a rabbit, andnow it's bigger than a deer, and still a mile or two off, " said Joe. "We'll wait a few minutes, and see what it is, " replied Glenn, checking his steed, which had proceeded a few steps downward. Theobject of their attention held its course directly towards them, andas it drew nearer it was easily distinguished to be a very largebuffalo, an animal then somewhat rare so near the white man'ssettlement, and one that our hero had often expressed a wish to see. Its dark shaggy sides, protuberant back and bushy head, were quiteperceptible as it careered swiftly onward, seemingly flying from somedanger behind. "Down, Ringwood! Jowler!" exclaimed Glenn, preparing to fire. "Down, Joe, too, " said Joe, slipping down from his pony, preferringnot to risk another fall, and likewise preparing to fire. When the buffalo reached the base of the mound, it saw for the firsttime the objects above, and halted. It regarded the men with moresymptoms of curiosity than alarm, but as it gazed, its distressedpantings indicated that it had been long retreating from some objectof dread. Meantime both guns were discharged, and the contents undoubtedlypenetrated the animal's body, for he leapt upright in the air, and ondescending, staggered off slowly in a course at right angles from theone which he was first pursuing. Glenn then let the hounds go forth, and soon overtaking the animal, they were speedily forced to act onthe defensive; for the enormous foe wheeled round and pursued in turn. Finding the hounds were too cautious and active to fall victims to hissharp horns, he pawed the earth, and uttered the most horrificbellowings. As Glenn and Joe rode by the place where he had stood whenthey fired, they perceived large quantities of frothy blood, whichconvinced them that he had received a mortal wound. They rode on andpaused within eighty paces of where he now stood, and calling back thebaying hounds, again discharged their guns. The buffalo roared mosthideously, and making a few plunges towards his assailants, fell onhis knees, and the next moment turned over on his side. "Come back, Joe!" cried Glenn to his man, who had mounted and wheeledwhen the animal rushed towards them, and was still flying away as fastas his pony could carry him. "No--never!" replied Joe; "I won't go nigh that awful thing! Don't yousee it's getting dark? How'll we over find the way home again?" The latter remark startled Glenn, for he had lost all consciousness ofthe lateness of the hour in the excitement, and to his dismay had alsolost all recollection of the direction of his dwelling, and darknesshad now overtaken them! While pausing to reflect from which quarterthey first approached the mound, the buffalo, to his surprise and nolittle chagrin, rose up and staggered away, the darkness seenobscuring him from view altogether. Glenn, by a blast of his horn, recalled the dogs, and joining Joe, set off much dispirited, in acourse which he feared was not the correct one. Night came upon themsuddenly, and before they had gone a mile the darkness was intense. And the breathless calm that had prevailed during the day was nowsucceeded by fitful winds that howled mournfully over the interminableprairie. Interminable the plain seemed to our benighted riders, forthere was still no object to vary the monotony of the cheerless scene, although they had paced briskly, and, as they supposed, far enough tohave reached the cliffs of the river. Nor was there even a sound heardas they rode along, save the muffled strokes of their horses' hoofs inthe dry grass that covered the earth, the low winds, and an occasionalcry of the dogs as they were trodden upon by the horses. Ere long a change came over the scene. About two-thirds of thedistance round the verge of the horizon a faint light appeared, resembling the scene when a dense curtain of clouds hangs over head, and the rays of the morning sun steal under the edge of the thickvapour. But the stars could be seen, and the only appearance of cloudswas immediately above the circle of light. In a very few minutes theterrible truth flashed upon the mind of Glenn. The dim light along thehorizon was changed to an approaching flame! Columns of smoke could beseen rolling upwards, while the fire beneath imparted a lurid glare tothem. The wind blew more fiercely, and the fire approached from almostevery quarter with the swiftness of a race horse. The darkened vaultabove became gradually illuminated with a crimson reflection, and theyoung man shuddered with the horrid apprehension of being burnt alive!It was madness to proceed in a direction that must inevitably hastentheir fate, the fire extending in one unbroken line from left toright, and in front of them; and they turned in a course which seemedto place the greatest distance between them and the furious element. Ever and anon a frightened deer or elk leaped past. The hounds nolonger noticed them, but remained close to the horses. The leapingflames came in awful rapidity. The light increased in brilliance, andobjects were distinguishable far over the prairie. A red glare couldbe seen on the sides of the deer as they bounded over the tall, drygrass, which was soon to be no longer a refuge for them. The young menheard a low, continued roar, that increased every moment in loudness, and looking in the direction whence they supposed it proceeded, theyobserved an immense, dark, moving mass, the nature of which they couldnot divine, but it threatened to annihilate every thing that opposedit. While gazing at this additional source of danger, the horses, blinded by the surrounding light, plunged into a deep ditch that therain had washed in the rich soil. Neither men nor horses, fortunately, were injured; and after several ineffectual efforts to extricatethemselves, they here resolved to await the coming of the fire. Ringwood and Jowler whined fearfully on the verge of the ditch for aninstant, and then sprang in and crouched trembling at the feet oftheir master. The next instant the dark, thundering mass passed overhead, being nothing less than an immense herd of buffalo drivenforwards by the flames! The horses bowed their heads as if athunderbolt was passing. The fire and the heavens were hid from view, and the roar above resembled the rush of mighty waters. When the lastanimal had sprung over the chasm, Glenn thanked the propitiousaccident that thus providentially prevented him from being crushed toatoms, and uttered a prayer to Heaven that he might by a like means berescued from the fiery ordeal that awaited him. It now occurred to himthat the accumulation of weeds and grass in the chasm, which savedthem from injury when falling in, would prove fatal when the flamesarrived! And after groping some distance along the trench, he foundthe depth diminished, but the fire was not three hundred pacesdistant! His heart sank within him! But when on the eve of returningto his former position, with a resolution to remove as much of thecombustible matter as possible, a gleam of joy spread over hisfeatures, as, casting a glance in a direction from that they hadrecently pursued, he beheld the identical mound he had ascended beforedark, and from which his unsteady and erratic riding in the night hadfortunately prevented a distant separation. They now led their horsesforth, and mounting without delay, whipped forward for life or death. Could the summit of the mound be attained they were in safety--forthere the soil was not encumbered with decayed vegetation--and theyspurred their animals to the top of their speed. It was a noble sightto see the majestic white steed flying towards the mound with thevelocity of the wind, while the diminutive pony miraculously followedin the wake like an inseparable shadow. The careering flames were notfar behind; and when the horses gained the summit and Glenn lookedback, the fire had reached the base! "I thank all the saints at once!" exclaimed Joe, dismounting andfalling on his knees. "Thank your pony's legs, also, " remarked Glenn, smiling. "Was there ever such a blessed deliverance!" said Joe, panting. "Was there ever such a lucky tumble into a ditch!" replied Glenn, withspirits more buoyant than usual. "Was there ever an old hunter so much deceived!" said a voice a fewpaces down that side of the cone least exposed to the glare of thefire, and so much in the shadow of the peak that the speaker was notperceived from the position of the young men. But as soon as the wordswere uttered, Ringwood and Jowler sprang from the horses' heels wherethey had lain panting, and rushed in the direction of the speaker, whom they accosted with marks of joyful recognition. "It is Boone!" exclaimed Glenn, leaping from his horse, and runningforward to his friend, who was now seen to rise up, and a moment afterhis horse, that had been prostrate and still, was likewise on hisfeet. "Ha! ha! ha! You have played me a fine trick, truly, " laughinglyremarked Boone, returning their hearty salutations. "How?" inquired Glenn. "In the first place, to venture forth before my arrival; in the nextto inspire me with the belief that I was on the eve of encountering abrace of Indians. But I will begin at the beginning. When I crossedthe river and reached your hut, (which is indeed impregnable, ) I wasastonished to find you had gone forth to hunt without a guide; and notso much fearing you would be lost, should night overtake you, asapprehending serious danger from the fire, the approach of which Ianticipated long before night, from the peculiar complexion of theatmosphere, I set out on your trail, in hopes of overtaking you beforethe shades of evening set in; but darkness coming on, I could traceyou no farther than to this mound. In vain did I endeavour toascertain which direction you then travelled; but resolving not toabandon the search, I continued cruising about the prairie until thenear approach of the fire forced me to retreat hither. It was whenurging my horse to his utmost speed that I beheld you and yourbear-hunter charging from another direction, and from the partialview, as we were all under whip, (and knowing the Osages were not faroff, ) I was instantly convinced that you were savages. Arriving first, I made my sagacious horse lie down, and then concealed myself behindhis body. " "I am not only rejoiced that we were not the savages you supposed, (for then Joe and I must have perished in the flames somewhere, ) onour own account, but for the sake of the only man who can possiblyextricate us from this dilemma, " replied Glenn. "You are somewhat wide of the mark as respects my jeopardy, my lad, "said Boone; "for had you been hostile Osages, most assuredly ere thisyou had both been killed. " "Good gracious!" exclaimed Joe, whose predicament suddenly flashedupon his mind; "for Heaven's sake let us get home as fast as possible!He says the Indians are about! Do let us go, Mr. Glenn; we can travelnow out yonder where the grass has all been burnt. " "Pshaw! You seem more alarmed now, Joe, than when there really wasdanger. Are the Osages truly hostile?" continued Glenn, addressingBoone. "They are not at war with the whites, as a nation, " replied Boone, ever and anon looking towards the only point from which the fire nowapproached; "but in thin settlements, where, they may easily be thestrongest party, as roving brigands, they may be considered extremelydangerous. Your man's advice is not bad. " "There! Don't you hear that? Now, _do_ let's go home!" continued Joe, with increased alarm. Fortunately, that portion of the plain over which the scathing elementhad spent its fury was the direction the party should pursue inretracing their way homeward. The light dry grass had been soon consumed, and the earth wore ablackened appearance, and was as smooth as if vegetation had nevercovered the surface. As the party rode briskly along, (and the ponynow kept in advance, ) the horses' hoofs rattled as loudly on the bakedground as if it were a plank floor. The reflection of the fire in thedistance still threw a lurid glare over the extended heath. As thesmoke gradually ascended, objects could be discerned at a greatdistance, and occasionally a half-roasted deer or elk, was seenplunging about, driven to madness by its tortures. And frequently theyfound the dead bodies of smaller animals that could find no safety inflight. "What's that?" cried Joe, reining up his pony, and gazing at a hugedark object ahead. "A prize, to which we are justly entitled!" exclaimed Glenn, ridingforward, on discovering it to be the buffalo (now dead) that they hadfired upon early in the evening, and which circumstance he wasrelating to Boone at the moment of the discovery by Joe. "You have not only been lucky as hunters, " said Boone, as theydismounted to inspect the animal, (which was an enormous bull, ) "but, what is extraordinary indeed, when you find your fallen game, it isalready cooked!" "Huzza for us!" cried Joe, momentarily forgetting the Indians, in hisextravagant joy of having aided in killing the animal, and at the sametime leaping astride of it. "The wolves have been here before us, " observed Boone, seeing a largequantity of the buffalo's viscera on the ground, which he supposed hadbeen torn out by those ravenous animals. "Oh! oh! oh! oh!" exclaimed Joe, leaping up, and running a few steps, and then tumbling down and continuing his cries. "What has hurt the fellow so badly?" inquired Glenn, walking roundfrom the back of the animal to the front. The words were scarcelyuttered before he likewise sprang away, hastily, as he beheld apronged instrument thrust from the orifice in the body whence thebowels had been extracted! "Dod! I wonder if it's wolves or Injins!" exclaimed a voice within thecavity of the huge body. "I've heard that voice before--it must be Sneak's, " said Boone, laughing heartily. Now the buffalo was observed to quiver slightly, and after someexertion to extricate himself, the long snake-like form of theredoubtable "Hatchet-face" came forth and stood erect before thegaping mouth and staring eyes of Joe. "If I didn't hear a white man speak, I wish I may be singed!"exclaimed Sneak, wiping the moisture from his face, and rolling hiseyes round. "What did you stick that sharp thing in the calf of my leg for?"demanded Joe, shaking his head threateningly and coming forward. "He! he! he! That's revenge for shooting my pups, " replied Sneak. "But how came you here?" inquired Boone. "I was taking a hunt"--here Boone interrupted him by asking where hisgun was. "I had no gun, " said Sneak; and then stooping down andrunning his arm into the body of the buffalo, he produced a prongedspear, about four feet in length; "this, " he continued, "is what Ihunted with, and I was hunting after muskrats in the ponds out here, when the fire came like blazes, and like to 'ave ketched me! I droppedall the muskrats I had stuck, and streaked it for about an hourtowards the river. But it gained on me like lightning, and I'd 'avebeen in a purty fix if I hadn't come across this dead bull. I out withmy knife and was into him in less than no time--but split me, if Ididn't feel the heat of the fire as I pulled in my feet! I knew theInjins was about, by the buffalo; and the tarnation wolves, too, arealways everywhere, and that accounts for my jobbing that feller's legwhen he sot down on top of me. " Glenn's laughter at the above narration was arrested by Boone, whoplaced one hand on his shoulder, and with the other pointed outtowards the fire about a mile distant, before which and thrown inrelief by the flames could be distinctly discerned the flitting formsof a band of savages! A number were mounted, and others could be seenon foot, and all moving about in various directions round a large herdof buffalo, which occasionally made a stand to resist the foe thatharassed them on all sides, but were soon driven forward again by theflames. Now a mounted chief could be seen to ride boldly up within afew paces of the dark mass of animals, and drawing his arrow to thehead, discharge it, shaft and all, into the defenceless side of hisvictim. The enraged animal thus pursued either fell or rushedfuriously on its foe; but the skilful savage, by a dexterous turn orsudden leap, seemed to avoid him with ease, and flying round, sentforth another barbed messenger as he careered at full speed. "As I'm afoot, I'll go ahead!" cried Sneak, starting off at a gaitthat verified his words. "Good gracious!" exclaimed Joe, leaping on his pony and whipping afterSneak, while Boone and Glenn followed in a brisk gallop. CHAPTER IV. The retreat--Joe makes a mysterious discovery--Mary--A disclosure--Supper--Sleep--A cat--Joe's flint--The watch--Mary--The bush--Theattack--Joe's musket again--The repulse--The starting rally--Thedesperate alternative--Relief. The guidance of Sneak was infallible. Ere long the party reached thevicinity of the river, which was indicated by the tall trees and thevalleys, and all apprehensions of immediate danger subsiding, theyslackened their pace. Sneak, though not so much distressed as the panting horses, fell back, and entered into conversation with Boone relative to the probableoperations of the Indians, while Joe continued some little distance inadvance, apparently wrapped in contemplation of the recent scenes thathad so much astonished him. When he was within about a hundred pacesof his long-wished for home, he thought he saw an object moving aboutin front of the palisade. He checked his pony for an instant; butconvinced that the savages could not possibly have arrived already, heagain whipped onward, inclined to believe it to be nothing more than aphantom of the brain. But when he proceeded a few stops farther, hispony stopped suddenly and snorted, while a being, which he could notexactly define, was distinctly seen to rise up and glide swiftly outof view round the inclosure. "Who's that!" shouted he, and at the same time looking eagerly back athis companions, whose near approach induced him to maintain hisposition. "Go on, Joe! What's the matter?" remarked Glenn, the head of his steedhaving passed over the back of the pony as he stood across the pathand blocked up the way. "I beg to be excused! As sure as I'm alive, I saw an Indian run roundtowards the gate!" replied Joe. "Foller me, " said Sneak, poising his spear in the air, and advancing. "Thank Heaven, it's you!" exclaimed the mysterious object, comingforward fearlessly, on hearing the men's voices. "Dod rot your cowardly skin!" said Sneak, after looking at theapproaching form and turning to Joe, "how dare you to be frightened atsich a thing as that--a female woman!" "It was not me--it was my pony, you great--" "What?" asked Sneak, sharply, turning abruptly round, as they pausedat the gate. "You great long buffalo tapeworm!" said Joe, alighting on the side ofthe pony opposite to his quarrelsome companion, and then going forwardand opening the gate in silence. "What brings thee hither at this late hour, Mary?" inquired Glenn, onrecognizing the ferryman's daughter. "Nothing--only--I"--stammered the abashed girl, who had expected onlyto see our hero and his man. "Speak out, lass, if you have any thing important to say, " remarkedBoone, when they entered the inclosure, placing his hand encouraginglyon the girl's head. Mary still hesitated, and Boone was no little puzzled to conjecturerightly what it was she intended to impart; but he was convinced itmust be something of no ordinary nature that would induce a maiden ofreputed timidity to leave her father's hut at a late hour of thenight. "Now tell me, Mary, what it was you wished to say, " remarked Glenn, addressing her in a playful tone, when they were seated in the house, and a lamp suspended against the wall was lighted. "I did not expect to find Mr. Boone and Sneak with you--and now--" "What?" inquired Glenn, much moved by her paleness, and the throbbingof her breast, which now seemed to be gradually subsiding. "Nothing--only you and Joe are both safe now, " she replied, with hereyes cast down. "Were we in danger? How are we safe?" inquired Glenn, regarding herwords as highly mysterious. "Everybody is safe where Mr. Boone is, " replied Mary. "But what was the danger, my pretty lass?" inquired Boone, playfullytaking her hand. "Why Posin, one of father's boatmen--" "Speak on, lass--I know Posin to be an unfeeling wretch, and ahalf-blood Indian; but he is also known to be a great coward, andsurely no harm could have been feared from him, " said Boone. "But I heard him speaking to himself when I was filling my pitcher atthe spring, and he was standing behind some rocks, where he couldn'tsee me, and didn't think any one was within hearing. " "What said he?" inquired Glenn, impatiently, and much interested inthe anticipated disclosure, for he had often remarked the satanicexpression of Posin's features. "These were his words: 'The Osages will be here before to-morrowmorning. If Raven, the chief, will go halves with me, I'll tell himhow much money the young men have, and help to get it!' Such were hisvery words!" continued Mary, her dark eyes assuming a brightness, andher voice a boldness unwonted on ordinary occasions, as she proceeded:"He then started off towards the prairie with his rifle, and nobodyhas seen him since. I told father about it but he wouldn't believethere was any danger; and when night came, he told me not to beuneasy, but to sleep like a good girl. I did lie down, for I neverlike to disobey my father; but I couldn't sleep, and so I got up andcame here to wait till you returned, to tell you all about it. " "Thanks, Mary--I shall never forget your kindness, " said Glenn, asmuch affected by her simplicity and gentleness as at the threateneddanger. "You're a sweet lass; God bless you, Mary!" said Boone, kissing hersmooth forehead. "Now run home and go to sleep, child; we will be onour guard. As for you, your father is respected by all the Indians, and therefore your own safety will be best secured under hisprotection. " "I will accompany you to the hut, " said Glenn, as the girl bid themgood night, and was about departing. "Oh no--I'm used to going alone, " said Mary, promptly declining theproposition. "She speaks truly, and it is unnecessary, " said Boone, as the maidenbowed and disappeared. The party then fastened the gate and secured themselves within thestone house. Joe petitioned Glenn to permit him to bring in the dogs, and Sneak seconded the motion, proposing to lie with them before thefire. After a hearty repast, Boone and Glenn retired to their couches inquest of repose, so much needed after the exercises of the day. Norwas it long before they were steeped in that deep and solemn slumberwhich throws a mysterious veil over the senses, obscuring from thevision all objects of an unpleasant nature, relieving the mind of thecares that may have pressed heavily upon it during the day, and at thesame time by the gentlest process refreshing and reinvigorating theweary faculties for renewed exertion. Silence brooded over the fireside scene. The lamp threw a dim rayaround its small flame unruffled by the confined and motionless air. The fawn was coiled in a sleeping posture under its master's bed, while the kitten purred upon its velvet back. On one side of thehearth lay Sneak, his head pillowed upon one of the hounds, while theother slept against his back. Joe was the only one present who had notfallen under the magic influence of slumber. Hitherto he had yieldedto a more powerful impulse--that of the appetite--and he now sat upona low stool on the corner of the hearth opposite to Sneak, his backleaning against the side of the fireplace, holding in his left hand apewter platter, and in his right a rib of the deer he had killed, wellcooked, which he raised to his mouth occasionally, and sometimes atvery long intervals, between the approaches of the sleep which wasgradually overpowering him. Once, when his eyelids sank heavily andclosed, and the platter rested on his lap, and his right hand, stillclenching the savoury bone, fell powerless at his side--Ringwood, inhis hard breathing, chanced to snuff up some ashes that caused him tosneeze. Joe started at the sound, and after rolling his eyes roundonce or twice and finding all right, raised the bone once more to hismouth and set his jaws again in motion. "Dod, man! are you going to chaw all night?" asked Sneak, awakened bythe motion of Ringwood, and looking up at the face of Joe inastonishment. "I had nothing to eat all day, " replied Joe, fishing for a crackerfloating in the greasy platter. "But ain't you a-going to sleep some?" asked Sneak, halfunconsciously, the final utterance smothered in a guttural rumble ashe again sank back on his canine pillow. "Yes, when I've got my supper, " replied Joe lazily, and indistinctly, with one end of the bone in his mouth. But it was not long before heagain nodded, and his hand with the bone in it was once more loweredsoftly down at his side. He was soon palpably fast asleep. And now thekitten, having finished its nap, came with a noiseless tread to thecomfortable fire, humming its low unvaried song; and, rubbing its softside against the head of Jowler, finally crouched down before theembers, with its feet drawn under it, and its eyes apparently watchingthe brilliant sparks that ever and anon flew up the chimney. But erelong it scented the well-flavoured viand that dangled in the vicinity, and after casting a glance at the face of Joe, and being satisfiedthat he was insensible to all external objects, stealthily began tognaw the end of the bone that rested on the hearth. As long as it hadin mind the fear of interruption, it was permitted to feastmoderately; but when its ravenous propensity urged it to more activeand vigorous operations, Joe once more opened his eyes, and afterlooking slowly around, but not down, again attempted to raise the ribto a is mouth. "Hello!--augh! scat!" he cried, leaping up violently. His first impression was that the Indians, about whom he had beendreaming, were upon him; his next that a rattlesnake clung to hisfinger; and finally, finding it to be the kitten bestowing somescratches on the hand that sought to bereave it of its prize, heuttered the latter exclamation, first in rage; but pleased that hiscondition was no worse, soon after called the poor frightened pet tohim, and with one or two caresses gave it the bone, and then resignedhimself to unrestrained slumber. They were all aroused in the morning by the snorting of the horseswithout, and the growling and sharp yelping of the hounds within. "What's the matter with the horses and dogs, Joe?" inquired Glenn, rising from his couch. "I don't know what ails the foolish things. I know that I fed thehorses; and as for Ringwood and Jowler, I'll soon kick them out. Letgo my ankle!" exclaimed he, turning to Sneak, who caught hold of himas he rose to approach the door. "Don't open the door yet, " said Boone, who had been listening to thesounds outside, and then continued in an under tone, addressing Glenn:"They are certainly here; but whether or not with an evil intent I amunable to determine. " "Oh goodness! It's the Indians!" exclaimed Joe, yielding to suddenalarm, having momentarily forgotten the anticipated danger when heproposed opening the door. "Keep your mouth shet!" said Sneak, listening with his ear placed nearthe floor behind the door. "How many do you make them out to be?" inquired Boone, when Sneak hadoccupied his position a few minutes. "It's all right!" replied Sneak, eagerly; "there is only two or threeof 'em, and old Roughgrove's out there talking to 'em! How do you openthe door? Let me out!" The door was opened with reluctance and cautiously by Joe, and Sneakgoing foremost all the party sallied out into the fresh air. A snow ofseveral inches in depth had fallen, and within the circle enclosed bythe palisade not a single track was to be seen. But when the gate wasdrawn back, several Osage Indians were observed standing a few pacesdistant with their tomahawks hung in their belts and instead ofexhibiting any symptoms of hostility, they approached smiling, andextended the hand of friendship to the whites. "How do!" exclaimed the leader, in imperfect English, grasping thehands held out in salutation, while his actions were imitated by theothers in silence. "I'm very well, I thank you, " said Joe, bowing and retreatingbackwards when they accosted him, unwilling to venture his hand withintheir reach, as Glenn and the rest did. "Shake hands with them, you silly fellow, " said Boone, "or they willthink you are an enemy. " "Here, Mr. Osage!" said Joe, his teeth chattering as he extended hishand; and the Indian, perceiving his alarm, squeezed it so tightly formerriment that he was on the eve of crying out; and when liberated, hesprang violently back, much inclined to run away, to their greatamusement. "That is Raven, the chief, " remarked Roughgrove to Glenn, pointing tothe one that first addressed them, and who was now conversing withBoone, whom he seemed to know, or to have been familiar with hischaracter, from his animated gestures and the excited expression ofhis features. Sneak stood in silence, a convenient distance apart, apparently gleaning intelligence from the conference. The chief (asare the members of this tribe generally) was extremely dark, tall, athletic, and wore a ferocious aspect, while the few followers withhim manifested a curiosity to examine the apparel and accoutrements ofthe whites, but without betraying any signs of an evil disposition. "Are there not more of them in the vicinity?" inquired Glenn. "Yes--quite a large party, " said Roughgrove; "but Raven said he didnot wish to intimidate the whites by showing them, without firstextending the hand of friendship himself. They profess to entertainthe kindest feeling towards us, and propose through their chiefs totraffic their furs and moccasins for such goods as we may be disposedto give them in return. " "I do not see your oarsman, Posin, " remarked Glenn, the disclosure ofMary occurring to him--and then accosted Mary herself, who now joinedthem with her eyes cast down in apparent bashfulness. "His absence is a mystery to me, " replied the old ferryman, "though Ido not attach the same importance to it that Mary does. " "Father"--uttered his daughter, and pausing in mingled timidity anddread, as if some undefinable forebodings of harm oppressed her. "I'll be shot if I understand all this to my liking, " said Sneak, staring at the great number of moccasin tracks that had been maderound the enclosure, which truly indicated that more than the fourchiefs present had been prowling there before daylight. "Hush, Mr. Sneak!" said Joe; "they hear every word you say. " "Jest let me alone a minute, " replied Sneak, getting down on his kneesand examining the various foot-prints with great minuteness. When herose he made some signs to Boone, which the others did not comprehend. At this juncture several other Indians were seen to approach from thevalley above, where the party had encamped. These painted visitorslikewise came forward with sundry nods and gesticulations offriendship, at the same time exhibiting several furred articles ofcurious workmanship, and a few precious stones, as samples of whatthey wished to barter. A short conference then ensued between them andthe head chief, which terminated in a pressing invitation for thewhites to accompany them to their encampment. "You may all do as you like--I shall stay here, " said Joe, steppingback towards the gate. "You are a coward, Joe!" said Glenn; "you may remain, however, toprevent them from pilfering any thing while we are away, " and heturned towards the Indians for the purpose of accompanying them. "Stay!" said Mary, in a distinct and startling tone. "Why should we not go? We are armed, and could as easily withstand anattack in their encampment as elsewhere. If it be their determinationto do us harm, their numbers will enable them to accomplish theirpurpose notwithstanding all the opposition we can offer, " said Glenn. "There is no danger, " said Roughgrove, endeavouring to extricate hisarm from the grasp of Mary, who strenuously held him back. "I have a secret for thee, child, " said Boone, beckoning the tremblinggirl to him. "Oh, what is it? You will not let him--I mean my father, go amongthem, will you? _You_ know that Posin is away--perhaps in some ambush--" "Hush child!" said Boone, in a low tone, and employing gestures thatled the savages to believe he was quieting her fears, while hewhispered a message in her ear that had a singular effect. Though verypale, the girl now smiled playfully, and returning to her father, said, in tones so low that no one else could hear, "Father, he saysyou must instantly cross the river for assistance--I will be safe, under _his_ protection, till you return. " "I'll do it!" replied Roughgrove, setting off towards the ferry. Butwhen he departed, the chief evinced much anger, and was only appeasedby the assurance that the old ferryman was gone for some articledesired by his child, and would return ere long. The footprint which had so much attracted Sneak was recognized by somepeculiar marks to be that of Posin, and when the discovery wascommunicated to Boone, he at once surmised that danger lurked in thevicinity; and the subsequent impatience on the part of the Indians tourge the whites to visit their camp, convinced him that some foultreachery had been concocted between the half-breed and the savages. He had also caught a glimpse of several armed Indians behind somebushes at no great distance from where he stood, notwithstanding Ravenhad asserted that the rest of his party were in their encampment; andwhen the chief grew angry, and almost menacing, on the withdrawal ofthe old ferryman, he resolved to adopt the surest means of safetywithout delay. No sooner was the ferry-boat seen to shoot out from theland than Boone motioned the whites to enter the inclosure. As theyturned towards the gate, the chief made a movement to intercept them;but Boone drew forth a brace of pistols that had been concealed underhis hunting-shirt, one of which he pointed at Raven, and with theother intimidated the rest who had advanced likewise, until hisfriends were all within the palisade. [Illustration: Boone drew forth a brace of pistols that had beenconcealed under his hunting-shirt, one of which he pointed at Raven, and with the other intimidated the rest who had advanced on himself, until his friends were all within the palisade. --P. 56] Boone did not wish to be the first to shed blood, and in their ownlanguage asserted as much to the savages; but at the same time hewarned them not to commit any violence in the settlement at theirperil. The chief had not thought there would be any necessity forbloodshed so soon, and perhaps not at all, if Glenn could be enticedfrom his house, while Posin and his comrades might obtain his money. Nor did he expect to meet with Boone, (renowned among all the tribesfor his wisdom and prowess, ) much less to be anticipated on the verythreshold of the enterprise. His rage grew intense on finding himselfoutwitted and defied. He drew forth his tomahawk, and though notventuring to throw it, (for he perceived Glenn and Sneak behind, withtheir guns in readiness to fire, ) he shook it threateningly at Booneas he closed the gate, and then strode away sulkily in the directionof the bushes, where some of his followers had been seen partiallyconcealed. When the gate was secured, the inmates of the little fort crowdedabout Boone and overwhelmed him with questions. "Do you think they can get over the posts?" inquired Joe. "Will they come before father returns?" asked Mary. "Do you think they will attack us at all?" interrogated Glenn. "There can be no doubt of it, " replied Boone; "but if we do our duty, I think we shall be able to resist them. We must be ready to defendourselves, at all events--and in the mean time we must watch throughthe loopholes on every side to prevent a surprise. " This was hardlyspoken before an arrow whizzed over their heads, and, striking againstthe stone wall of the house, fell at the feet of Joe. "Ugh! look at that!" cried he, leaping some ten feet away. "Go in, child--and the rest to their posts!" remarked Boone, first toMary, and then addressing the men. "Yes--_do_ go in, Miss!" cried Joe, forcing Mary into the house, wherehe also seemed determined to remain himself. "Come out here!" cried Sneak, going to the door. "Wait till I screw a flint in my musket, " said Joe. "You can see better out here, " replied Sneak. "But I haven't found the flint yet, " answered Joe. "He's a coward!" said Sneak, turning away and going to his post, whence he could watch the valley below. Boone's station was on the opposite side, in the direction of thesupposed encampment of the Indians. But not a savage could now beseen, and the arrow that fell among them had evidently been dischargedfrom a great distance above. "Shall we fire if any of them come within the range of our guns?"inquired Glenn, from his position on the east, which overlooked thecliff. "Certainly, " replied Boone; "the arrow was their declaration of war, and if they are again seen, it will be in a hostile attitude. Watchclose, Sneak!" he cried, as another shaft flew over the palisade fromthe valley below, and penetrated the wood but a few feet above hishead. "Come out to your post, Joe!" cried Glenn, impatiently. "I will presently--as soon as I get my gun fixed, " replied Joe. "If you do not come forth instantly, I'll thrust you out of theinclosure!" continued Glenn, somewhat fiercely. "Here I am, " said Joe, coming out, and making an effort to assume abold bearing: "I'm ready now--I only wanted to fix my gun--who'safraid?" saying which, he strode in a stooping posture to the loopholeon the west of the inclosure. While the whole male force of the garrison was required to act assentinels, Mary, whose trepidation had been succeeded by deliberateresolution, was busily employed moulding bullets. An hour passed, and no Indians had yet been seen, although anoccasional arrow assured the besieged party that the enemy stillremained in the immediate vicinity. They cleared away the snow attheir posts, and placing dry straw to stand upon, prepared to continuethe watch throughout the day and night. Nor were they to suffer forfood; for Mary, though she had not been requested so to do, ere long, to their joyful surprise, came forth with a dinner handsomelyprovided, which she placed before them with a smile of satisfactionplaying on her lips, and entirely unmindful of the shafts thatcontinued to fly overhead, which either pierced the wood and remainedstationary, or fell expended and harmless at her feet. Affairs thus remained till night, when the arrows ceased to fly. Therewas not a cloud in the heavens, and the moon rose up in purestbrightness. A breathless stillness pervaded the air, and no sound fora great length of time could be heard but the hooting of owls on theopposite side of the river, and the howling of wolves in the flatsabout a mile above. "I'm not a bit cold--are you?" said Joe, addressing Sneak. "Dad! keep an eye out!" replied Sneak, in a low tone. "There's nothing out this way but a bush. But I declare it seems to bebigger and nigher than it was in the daytime, " said Joe. "Don't speak so loud, " remarked Boone, crossing to where Joe stood, and looking through at the bush. "It's nothing but a bush, " said Joe. "Do you wish to kill an Indian?" inquired Boone. "I wish they were all worms, and I could get my heel on them!" saidJoe. "That would be cruel--but as any execution we may now do, is in ourown defence, you may fire at that bush if you like, " continued Boone. "Well, " said Joe; and taking deliberate aim, discharged his musket asdirected, and was knocked down on his back in the snow by the rebound. "Plague take the gun!" said he, recovering his feet; "but I rememberit had two loads in--I forgot it was charged, and loaded it again. Ha!ha! ha! but what's become of the bush?" he continued jocularly, notthinking he had fired at an Indian. "Look for yourself, " replied Boone. "Hang me if it ain't gone!" exclaimed Joe. "Ay, truly it is; but had you hit the mark, it would have fallen. Itwas rather too far, however, even for your musket, " said Boone, returning to his former position. "You are the poorest marksman that ever I saw, or you'd 'ave killedthat red rascal, " said Sneak, coming up to Joe, and finding where thebush had been. "I didn't know it was any thing but a bush--if I'd only known it wasan Indian--" "You be hanged!" replied Sneak, vexed that such a capital opportunityshould be lost, and petulantly resuming his own station. An intense silence succeeded the discharge of Joe's gun, after thetremendous report died away, in successive reverberations up and downthe river, and over the low wood land opposite. The owls and wolveswere hushed; and as the watchful sentinels cast their eyes over thesnow, on which the calm rays of the moon rested in repose, there wasnot the least indication of the presence of a dangerous foe. Joe leant against the palisade, holding with one hand the breech ofhis gun, while the barrel was thrust through the loophole, and seemedto be indulging in a peculiar train of reflections. "Now, I'd much rather be in Philadelphia, " said he, in a voice butlittle louder than a, whisper, and unconscious of giving utterance tohis thoughts--"a great deal rather be there--in some comfortableoyster-cellar--than standing out here in the lone wilderness, up to myknees in snow, and expecting every minute to have a poisoned arrowshot through my head. Hang it all! I wonder what pleasure Mr. Glenncan enjoy here? Suppose, now, while I'm standing here thinking, anarrow should dart over the, other side, and stick five or six inchesinto me? I hope they keep a careful look-out. And that reminds me thatI ought to keep an eye out myself, for fear some one may he pinkedfrom my side. " He applied his eye to the hole, and continued in thesame strain: "I don't see a single living thing; maybe they've allgone off. If they have, I'll deserve all the credit, for I'm the onlyperson that shot at them. And I don't think that long hatchet-faceSneak will think that I'm a coward any more. But these savages arestrange beings; I had no more idea that the bush hid an Indian thanthat there's one not ten feet off now, under the snow. And if wehadn't found him out he might have crawled up and shot me in the eyethrough this hole. I won't hold my eye here all the time!" said he, rising, and to his astonishment Sneak stood at his elbow, whither hehad glided softly, his quick ear having caught the hum of Joe'ssoliloquy, and his curiosity leading him to find out the meaning ofthe mysterious jargon of his companion-in-arms. "Of all the men I ever saw you are the dod-rottedest!" exclaimedSneak, after staring at him a few moments in silent wonderment, andthen striding back to his post. "I should like to hear that sentence parsed, " said Joe, looking afterhim. The hours wore on in peace, until midnight, when a low chattering, like that of a squirrel, was heard in the valley below; while a shrillwhistling, resembling that of quails was distinguished above. "Come hither!" exclaimed Boone in a whisper to Glenn. "Do you see any of them?" inquired Glenn, joining his friend. "Not yet--but we will see enough of them presently. The sounds in thevalleys are signals, and they will attack us on these sides. You mayabandon your watch on the east, and assist me here. " "And you may come and spell me, " said Sneak to Joe. "I must not desert my post, " said Joe. "If you stay there, you'll be dead sure to be shot!" replied Sneak. "You don't think they're coming back, do you?" inquired Joe, glidingswiftly to Sneak's side. "They'll be on us in no time. Is your gun loaded? "I declare I have forgotten whether I loaded it again or not!" saidJoe. "You're, a purty feller, to watch with an empty gun, now ain't you?Never mind blowing in her--run down a cartridge as quick as you kin;it makes no odds how much you have in; a big noise will do as muchgood as any thing else, " said Sneak, hurriedly, evidently expecting tosee the savage enemy every moment, while Joe did his bidding, asserting all the time that he believed his musket was already loaded, and expressing a decided dislike to being kicked over every day fromovercharging. As Boone predicted, but a very short time elapsed before a series ofstartling and frightful yells were heard below, which were answered bysimilar horrid sounds above. Joe first ran towards Boone and Glenn, and then sprang back to his place at the side of Sneak, fullyconvinced there were no means of retreat, and, being effectuallycornered, at length evinced an ardent desire to fire. When the yellsdied away in the distance, a flight of arrows from the north southpoured upon the besieged party. Many of them pierced the outer side ofthe palisade, while others, flying over, penetrated the oppositetimbers, and quivered above the heads of the men; and some rattledagainst the top of the house, (the snow having melted from the roof, )and fell harmless to the earth. There having been no shot yet fired in the direction whence the arrowscame, (for such was the order of Boone, ) the savages, emboldened bythe absence of any demonstrations of resistance, and thinking theirfoes were shut up in the house, or killed by their numberless shafts, charged upon the premises simultaneously from both sides, shootingtheir arrows and yelling as they came. When they had approached withina hundred paces of the inclosure, Boone and Sneak fired with deadlyaim at the foremost of the party, and the next moment Glenn followedthe example, while Boone reloaded his gun. "Now fire!" exclaimed Sneak, shaking Joe by the shoulder, having seenthe savages pause when one of their party uttered the death-howl andfell. "Here goes!" said Joe, pulling the trigger and falling over on hisback in the snow from the rebound, for the musket had been truly twicecharged. "Split me if you didn't accidentally throw a handful of bullets amongtheir legs that crack!" said Sneak, observing the now discomfited andretreating Indians, as they endeavoured to bear off their wounded, andthen firing on them again himself as they vanished down the valley. The like result was witnessed above, and again in a very short timethere was not a savage to be seen. "What's the matter? Why don't you get up?" asked Sneak turning to Joe, who still remained prostrate on the ground. "My mouth's bleeding--I don't know but I'm wounded. Didn't an arrowcome through the hole when I was shooting?" asked Joe, risingpartially up and spitting out a quantity of blood on the snow. "It was nothing but the gun kicking you like it did in the bear hunt. If it was an arrow you must have swallered it, for I don't see theshaft. But maybe you did--you're sech a gormandizer, " said Sneak. "Hang it all, I don't believe I'm much hurt!" exclaimed Joe, jumpingup suddenly. "Get from before the hole!" he continued, ramming down acartridge hastily, and thrusting out the muzzle of his gun. "Why don't you blaze away?" asked Sneak, laughing, observing that hehesitated. "Why, they're, all gone!" cried Joe, joyfully, "and it was my oldcannon that swept them off, too. " Once more silence pervaded the scene. Boone, after the repeatedsolicitations of Mary, partook of another bountiful repast, and theothers in turn likewise refreshed themselves, and then resumed thewatch. Nor was it long before the Osages were once more heard to howl likefiends, and the sound had hardly ceased to vibrate through the airbefore a singular and unexpected assault terrified the besieged partyfor a moment. This was a shower of _blazing arrows_ coming from below, (where all the savages now seemed to be collected, ) which ignited thepalisade in many places where the snow had fallen off. But the firewas easily extinguished, and all, with the exception of Boone, weredisposed to attach but little importance to any further device of theenemy. Boone, on the contrary, was unusually grave, and requested hiscompanions to be on the alert, or they would yet be the victims of thesavages. "I like these kind of arrows the best, " said Joe, "for I can see howto dodge them. " "But the wooden slabs can't dodge--dod! they're afire on the outsidenow!" cried Sneak, truly discovering a flame reaching above theinclosure from without. "Watch well from the loopholes!" cried Boone, throwing open the gateand rushing out, and running round to where the fire was crackling. "Come, Sneak!--I want your assistance--quick!" he exclaimed, findingthe flames making rapid progress. "Keep your eye skinned now!" said Sneak, as he left Joe alone to watchfor the Indians, and ran out to aid in subduing the fire. The savages could evidently see what was transacting, although unseenthemselves, for most of their arrows now seemed to be directed atthose without. "Look sharp!" said Boone to Joe, through the loophole. "Let me assist!" cried Glenn, imprudently leaving his post in hiseagerness to share the danger, and coming out with a spade. "Go in, my friend--we are sufficient here, " said Boone, addressingGlenn. "Come in! come in! come in!" cried Joe. "I see no Indians, " remarked Boone. "The house is on fire! Fire! fire! fire!" screamed Joe, falling intohis old habit when in the city. Glenn ran back in this emergency, but when he arrived within theinclosure, he found that this service had been anticipated by Mary, who had quietly thrust her hands into the snow, and with balls thusmade, easily extinguished the fire on the roof. When Boone and Sneak had effected their purpose, they repaired totheir former positions, assured that the utmost caution must beobserved to prevent a surprise from some unexpected quarter, whiletheir attention was naturally directed to one particular point. Butthey had hardly resumed their stations before their ears were salutedby the joyful report of rifles in the valley. Relief was at hand. Roughgrove had recrossed the river, with a party of recruits, andfallen upon the rear of the savages, at a moment when success seemedto smile on their sanguinary purpose. Their shouts of exultation atthe prospect of firing the premises were now changed to howls ofdespair, and they fled in all directions. But Roughgrove, aware of theimpolicy of pursuit, led his men directly to the gallant littlegarrison; and the victorious huzzas of his band were answered in likemanner by the besieged, who came forth and gave them a cordialwelcome. Never, perhaps, when they met, did hand grasp hand moreheartily. But Mary, who had hitherto cast aside all the weaker fearsof the woman, no sooner beheld her aged father in safety than sherushed into arms and fainted on his breast. CHAPTER V. A strange excursion--A fairy scene--Joe is puzzled and frightened--Awonderful discovery--Navigation of the upper regions--A crash--Nobones broken. Several weeks had elapsed since the incidents recorded in the lastchapter. The repulse of the Osages was succeeded by the arrival of awar-party of Pawnees, and a deadly feud existing between these tribes, the latter readily joined the whites, and speedily chased the enemyfar beyond the settlements. Boone had returned to his family on theother side of the river; and Sneak, having made peace with Joe, hadlikewise withdrawn to his own domicil, to pursue his avocations ofhunting and trapping in solitude. Glenn sat before a blazing fire in his little castle, his left handclasping a closed book he had been reading, while his dextral elbowwas resting on the rude arm of a chair which he had constructed andcushioned with furs, and his palm supported his chin. He thus satsilently, looking steadfastly through one of the little square windowsat the snow-encrusted branches of the trees beyond the inclosure, andapparently indulging a pleasing train of reflections. Joe, on the contrary, was engaged in boisterous and mirthful exerciseon the deep and frozen snow without. He was playing with the kitten, the fawn, and the hounds, and occasionally ran into the stable tocaress the horses. At length, with no other object than a dreamy impulse to wander amongthe wild scenes in the vicinity, Glenn started up, and donning a warmovercoat and seizing his rifle, set out along the cliff up the river, (a direction which he had never yet traversed, ) accompanied by Joe, who seemed to look upon his master's pale composed face, anddetermined though gentle motions, with curiosity, if not mystery. "Why do you stare at me so often?" inquired Glenn, pausing, after theyhad walked some distance in silence. "Because I don't know what you're after, " replied Joe. "You'll see what I'm after, " said Glenn, setting forward, andcontinuing his course along the cliff. A snow of several feet in depth rested on the earth, and the sun thatshone forth at noon had melted the surface so frequently, that thefreezing nights which had as often succeeded had formed an icyincrustation quite strong enough to bear the weight of a man. Thoughit was a dreary waste, yet Glenn gleaned a satisfaction in casting hiseyes around where his glance beheld no one striving to oppress hisfellow being that he might acquire riches and power, to be againsnatched from his grasp by others, but a peaceful scene, fresh fromthe hand of God, and unmarred by the workmanship of meaner creatures. The broad river far below was covered with a massy plate of ice, andthe snow that rested upon it gave it the appearance of an immenseplain, rather than an incrusted surface of the most perturbed anderratic stream in the world. The geese and other fowl that wanderedover the frozen surface in quest of their native element, from thegreat distance down, seemed to be no larger than sparrows. Ere long, Glenn and his man reached the valley above, and commenced adescent through the timber in a diagonal direction, that would conductthem, after numerous windings, to the edge of the frozen stream, alongwhich a narrow pathway ran northward about a mile. Glenn paused at anabrupt angle in his descent, after having proceeded a few pacesthrough the undergrowth, and stood long in wonderment and admiration, gazing at the scene that suddenly burst in view. His towering positionoverlooked the whole valley. The ten thousand trees beneath, and theirten million branches and twigs all completely clothed incrystal--while not the slightest breeze was stirring--presented a viewof fairyland, such as flits across the vision in dreams, that thememory fain would cling to, but which is lost in the real andconflicting transactions of returning day. The noonday sun wasmomentarily veiled by a listless cloud, which seemed to be stationaryin the heavens, as if designed to enhance the effect of the beautybelow, that outvied in brightness even the usual light above. Not asquirrel was seen to leap from bough to bough, nor a bird to flitacross the opening between the lofty trees; but all was stillness, silence, and beauty. As Glenn stood entranced, Joe seemed to be morestruck with the operation of the enchantment on his companion'sfeatures and attitude, than with any effect from the same sourceexperienced on himself. "Ain't you going down to the bottom of the valley?" asked Joe. "It is a scene such as is beheld by infants in their slumbers, whenthey dream of paradise!" said Glenn, paying no attention to Joe, hiseyes immovably riveted on the innumerable sprigs of alabaster whichpointed out in every direction in profuse clusters, while his palelips seemed to move mechanically, and his brow expressed a mournfulserenity, as if entertaining a regret that he should ever be separatedfrom the pearly labyrinths before him, amid which he would delight towander forever. "I think you must be dreaming yourself, " said Joe, staring at him. "How composed is every object!" continued Glenn; "such must be theabode of angels and departed spirits, who are not permitted longer tobehold the strifes of earth and its contaminations, but rovecontinually with noiseless tread, or on self-poised wing, throughdevious and delightful paths, surrounded by sedges of silverembroidery, and shielded above by mazy fretwork spangled withdiamonds, or gliding without effort through the pure and buoyant air, from bower to bower of crystal" "Ugh--talking of the icy trees makes me chilly!" said Joe. "With life everlasting and unchangeable!" continued Glenn, after amomentary pause from the interruption of his man, which he onlynoticed by a significant motion of the hand for him to be silent. "But I wouldn't like the eternal _frost-work_, " said Joe. "Pshaw!" replied Glenn, pursuing his way downwards. When they reachedthe bottom of the valley, they were yet a hundred paces distant fromits junction with the river, which was obscured by the manyintervening trees that grew along the frozen rivulet. Here Glenn againpaused to contemplate the scene. The hills that rose abruptly oneither hand, and the thick intertwining branches above, combined toproduce a dusky aspect scarce less dim than twilight. Glenn folded hisarms composedly, and looked thoughtfully round, as if indulging thedelightful fancies engendered when wandering forth on a summer'spleasant evening. "There seems to be a supernatural influencepervading the air to-day, " he said, in a low-tone, "for I sometimesimagine that flitting spirits become partially visible. On the pendenticicles and jewelled twigs, me thinks I sometimes behold for aninstant the prismatic rays of elfins' eyes--" "Don't believe it, " said Joe; "or if it is so, they are weeping at thecold, and will soon be frozen up. " "And at each sudden turn, " continued Glenn, "they seem to linger aninstant in view, and then vanish sportively, as if amused at theexpense of impotent mortals. " "I can't hear 'em laugh, " said Joe. "And then, " continued Glenn, "although beyond human consciousness, there may be heavenly sounds in the air--the melody of aërial harpsand fairy voices--to which our ears may be sealed, when, perchance, our vicinity to their presence may inspire the peculiar sensation Inow experience. " "I heard a heap of curious sounds one warm sunshiny morning, " saidJoe; "but when I asked an old fellow jogging along the same road whatthey meant, he said the day before had been so cold when thestage-driver went by that his wind froze as it came out of the bugle, and was just then thawing. " "If such beings do exist, " continued Glenn, paying no attention toJoe, "it would delight me to commune with them face to face. " "I see a buck's head!" cried Joe, looking down the dell, where theobject he mentioned was distinctly observable amid a cluster ofspicewood bushes, whence a slight jingling sound proceeded as theanimal plucked the nutritious buds bent down by the innumerableicicles. "Why should not the sylvan gods"--continued Glenn. "Hush! I'm going to fire!" said Joe. "Why should they not resort hither, " said Glenn, unmindful of Joe, "where no meaner beings abide?" Joe fired, and Glenn started in astonishment, as if he had had nointimation of his companion's intention. "Hang it all! Isn't he going to die, I wonder?" said Joe, after thebuck had made one or two plunges in the snow, his sharp hoofs piercingthrough the crust on the surface, and with much struggling extricatedhimself and stood trembling, and looked imploringly at his foe. "What in the world are you about?" exclaimed Glenn, casting a listlessglance at the deer, and then staring his companion in the face. "Whip me if there was any lead in the gun!" said Joe. "I drew thebullets out yesterday, and forgot to put them in again. But nomatter--he can't run through the snow--I'll kill him with the butt ofmy musket. " "Move not, at your peril!" said Glenn, authoritatively, when Joe wasabout to rush on the defenceless buck. "I do believe you are out of your head!" said Joe, staring Glenn inthe face, and glancing at the tempting prize, alternately. "At such an hour--in such an elysian place as this--no blood shall bespilled. It were profanity to discolor these pearly walks with clottedgore. " "The deuce take the pearls, say I!" said Joe. "Perhaps, " continued Glenn, "a god may have put on the semblance of astag to tempt us. " "And hang me, if I wouldn't pretty soon spoil his physiognomy, if youwould only say the word!" said Joe, shaking his head sullenly at thebuck. "Come, " said Glenn, sternly; and, leading the way, he passed within afew feet of the terrified animal without turning his head aside, anddirected his steps down the valley towards the river. Joe said nothingwhen opposite the buck, awed by the impressive tone and mysteriousbearing of his master; but he grinned defiance at him, and resolved toembrace the first opportunity to steal out alone, and fully gratifyhis revenge; for such was the feeling he now harboured against theanimal. When they reached the margin of the river, they wandered along thenarrow path that turned to the left, and continued up the stream, withthe ice but a few feet distant on one hand, and the precipitousacclivity of rocks on the other. They maintained a brisk pace forabout thirty minutes, when the range of cliffs terminating abruptly, they entered a low flat forest. "_Now_, what do you say to my firing?" exclaimed Joe, staring at anenormous wolf, a short distance on the left, that seemed to be tearingthe flesh from the carcass of a deer. "You must not fire, " replied Glenn, viewing the scene with nointerest. "Why not? If the deer's a sylvan god, the wolfs sure to be a blackdevil, and it's a duty to take the god's part, " said Joe. "No!" replied Glenn, still striding on. "Where are you going to, I should like to know? I hope you haven't anyidea of going closer to the haunted island!" said Joe, followingreluctantly. "What haunted island?" asked Glenn. "Why that one right ahead of us!" replied Joe, pointing to a smallisland a few hundred paces distant. "Who says it is haunted?" demanded Glenn. "Why, everybody in the country _knows_ it's haunted. Didn't you hearMiss Mary telling all about it?" "What did she tell about it?" "That several years ago a man flew up the river riding on a blackcloud of smoke, and after scaring all the Indians and everybody elseaway, took up his abode in yonder island. Not a soul, from that day tothis, has ever been nearer to it than we are now. But strange sightshave been seen there. Once a great big swan, as large as our house, was seen to come out of the willows and leap into the water. Afterseeing it paddle about an hour or two in every direction, an oldbeaver trapper and deer hunter took it into his head that it wasnothing more than a water-fowl of some large species; and resolving tohave a crack at it anyhow, he crept behind the rocks at the end of thecliff, and blazed away when it swam past the next time. Mercy on us!when he fired, they say the thing turned his head towards him, andcame at him in a straight line, and as fast as lightning, blowingsparks of fire out of its nostrils, while the poor man stood stockstill, spell-bound, until it seized upon him, and he has never beenheard of since. " "Nothing more?" asked Glenn, lightly, and smiling. "Good gracious! what more would you want? But there _was_ more; forthe very next day, when the people were looking at the island from adistance, and wondering what had been the fate of old Odell, anotherlarge bird came out. But this was like an eagle, and instead of goinginto the water, it flew up into the air, and kept going higher andhigher, until it was no bigger than a sparrow, and soon vanishedaltogether! I declare we are too near the island now, Mr. Glenn; letus go back; we have gone far enough!" said Joe, beseechingly, his owntale having roused all the terrors which his nature was capable ofharboring. Glenn seemed to pay no attention to what his companion was saying, butstrode onward directly towards the island. "Mr. Glenn!" continued Joe, stepping ahead, and facing him by turninground. "Oh, sir! you don't certainly intend to venture any closer tothat fatal spot?" "Pshaw!" replied Glenn, pushing him aside, and continuing on. Whenthey were opposite the island, Joe, whose alarm had almost deprivedhim of the power of motion, was now struck with horror as he beheldhis master pause, and then descend to the ice, and walk deliberatelyto the haunted ground! When Glenn reached the bank, he turned to hispale and shivering companion, and motioned him to follow. "Oh, Heaven! we'll never be seen any more!" cried Joe, between hischattering teeth. "Come on, Joe! I'll take care of you, " said Glenn, encouragingly, ashis man hesitated in doubt when midway on the ice. "The holy saints preserve me!" said Joe, gliding over, quaking withfear, and clinging to Glenn's hand. They walked up a gentle ascent from the water's edge, whence Glennexpected to see nothing more than a surface of snow, and the densegrowth of young timber incident to such a place. But what was hissurprise, on beholding, in the midst of the island, and obscured fromview to the surrounding country by an almost impenetrable grove ofyoung willows, a round chimney-top rising over a high circular granitewall! Nothing daunted, he continued his steps directly towards themysterious dwelling, notwithstanding the protestations and prayers ofJoe. When they drew near, a thin slightly coloured vapor could bedistinguished ascending from the chimney, indicating that the tenementwas certainly inhabited. When they reached the wall, they pursuedtheir way round it until they found a small iron gate. "Rap there, Joe, " said Glenn. Joe only turned his head, and looked athim in silence. "Knock, " continued Glenn. "Oh!" exclaimed Joe, falling on his knees. "If ever you were prevailedon not to do any thing you were doing, let me this one time persuadeyou to leave this place. " "Knock!" repeated Glenn, emphatically. Joe struck the gate severalblows with his knuckles, but so gently that he could not hear themhimself. Glenn seemed to grow angry, and seizing his man's musket, wasin the act of applying the end of it violently, when the gate flewopen at one spring, and a hoary porter stood bowing and beckoningbefore him. "Do not enter!" cried Joe, throwing his arms around Glenn. "It is too late, now--you have knocked, and it is opened untoyou--your mission must be accomplished before you turn back. Mine isnot yet effected--I am the one who dared to face the magic swan--andlike me, all who come hither must remain until it shall be thepleasure of the fire-wizard to release them, " said the old attendant. "Lead me to this fire-wizard!" said Glenn, firmly, stepping into theinclosure. When they entered, the gate closed after them without anyapparent agency of the old hunter, and with such force that Joe sprangseveral feet forward. "Oh, goodness! we are nothing but poor rats in the trap, now!"exclaimed he. "I pledged myself for your safety, and will keep my word, " said Glenn. "But what will the wizard care about your veracity?" asked Joe. "Follow!" said the old porter, leading the way towards the house. After passing several small buildings, Glenn found himself in aspacious area, over which were scattered various and strangeimplements, and divers nondescript machines. Some half dozen men werealso observed, their sleeves rolled up, and intently plying thechisel, the file and other tools. These men cast a momentary andsullen glance at the visitors, like convicts in the penitentiary, andresumed their labours in silence. The party soon arrived at the doorof the main building, when the old porter entered alone, and afterremaining a few moments within, came forth and announced his readinessto conduct our hero into the presence of the fire-wizard. Glennmotioned him to lead on, and after following through a short hall, andturning into a large chamber, the mysterious lord of the island wasconfronted, reclining before them on a couch of furs. He appeared tobe an emaciated and decrepit old man, his long white beard extendingdown to his breast; and when he motioned our hero to a seat, his handseemed to tremble with feebleness. Yet there was something in his eyethat indicated no ordinary spirit, and instantly impressed Glenn withthe respect that he conceived to be due to superior genius; fornotwithstanding all the miraculous things told of the fire-wizard, herightly conjectured the personage before him to be nothing more than ahuman being, a recluse, perhaps, and, like himself, seeking insolitude the enjoyments which (for peculiar reasons) could not befound among mankind. "What brings thee hither?" demanded the aged man, after a few minutes'silence, during which his brilliant eyes were closely fixed upon thecomposed features of Glenn. "That which induced thee to seek such a solitary abode, " replied ourhero. "Have you no fears?" continued the old man. "None!" replied Glenn, firmly. "Give me your hand!" exclaimed the old man; "you are the only beingthat ever confronted the fire-wizard without feeling terror--and forthose who know not fear there is no danger. Instead of a menial, or avictim, I will make you my companion. " "Thank him, Mr. Glenn, " whispered Joe, "and perhaps he won't hurt us. " "I am seeking amusement, " said Glenn; "and as long as I am pleased, itmatters not with whom or where shall be my abode. But the moment Idesire it, I will go hence. " The fire-wizard motioned the attendant to withdraw, who instantlyobeyed, leading Joe out at the same time, the poor fellow evincinggreat reluctance to be separated from Glenn. "Before exhibiting to you the mysterious objects which have acquiredfor me the name of magician, " said the old man, "I will briefly giveyou my history. I was, in youth, they termed an idle dreamer--ever onthe alert for new discoveries--and was more laughed at than encouragedin my pursuit of rare inventions. More than fifty years ago Iascertained that steam might be made to propel machinery. I attemptedto explain the principles of this discovery to my fellow-men, and toconvince them of the vast benefits that might result from it. I wasnot heeded--nay, I was insulted by their indifference--and made asolemn vow that its advantages should never be reaped through myinstrumentality. In secret I constructed a small steamboat, and havingplaced on board such materials as might be required, and secured theassistance of a requisite number of artisans, I came hither, resolvedto prosecute my experiments to my own satisfaction in solitude, wherethe taunts of skeptics could not reach me. Follow, and you shallbehold what has been the result of my unrestrained researches. " Theold man arose, and conducted our hero across the yard to a curtainedshelter on one side of the inclosure. "La! if that ain't its foot!" exclaimed Joe, who joined our hero, andobserving a large foot, resembling in shape that of the swan, underthe folds of the curtain, while the old wizard paused a moment beforeunveiling the curious object. It was as Joe surmised: when the canvaswas withdrawn, an artificial swan of monstrous dimensions, thoughperfect in all its proportions, was revealed to their wondering gaze. A little beyond, another curtain was drawn aside, and an eagle, holding in its beak a bloody crown, and in its talons a silken bannerof stripes and stars, stood before them in the attitude of springingup in the air. "Which will you try first?" demanded the fire-wizard, while a proudsmile played on his lips. "Can _either_ of them be set in motion by your art?" asked Glenn. "Both!" exclaimed the wizard. "If you will tarry till the ice is gone, the swan shall rush through the strongest current as swiftly as thewild horse careers over the prairie; or the eagle shall even now dartbeyond the clouds, and transport you in a few brief hours to where youwill see the briny waves rolling against the distant Atlantic coast!" Glenn was incredulous, and his unbelief was betrayed by a smile, inspite of his efforts to the contrary. "Bring hither a lamp!" said the wizard to the attendant and wasquickly obeyed. "Oh, don't make him mad! He's going to do something now!" whisperedJoe to Glenn. The wizard touched a spring; the breast of the eagleflew open, and within could be seen polished wheels and other portionsof a complicated machinery. The old man next applied the blaze of thelamp to some spirits within, and in a very few minutes particles ofsteam could be seen to escape from the eagle's nostrils. The wizardtouched another spring, and the enormous bird strode out and paused inthe centre of the area. "If you would behold the home of your youth, be it whithersoever itmay, so that you name it, follow me, and your eyes shall gaze uponthat spot within a few hours, " said the sage, as the wings of thestupendous eagle slowly unfolded, and rising to a horizontal position, uncovered a transparency in the side of the chest, through which couldbe seen a gorgeous couch within, sufficiently ample to contain twomen, and separate from the fire and machinery by a partition ofisinglass. "Come!" exclaimed the sage, opening the tortoise-shell door under thewing, and stepping into the couch. "Don't do any such thing!" said Joe. "Ha! ha! ha! Do you think it can fly, Joe?" remarked Glenn, laughing. "It _will_ fly!" said the old man, emphatically; "and I charge you tobe prepared to ascend beyond the clouds, if you have the courage tooccupy a portion of my couch. " "Though I cannot believe it will rise at your bidding, " replied Glenn, "yet, should it do so, I must be permitted to regard you as being onlyflesh and blood, and as such, I do not hesitate to venture as much asanother mortal will;" Baying which, our hero seated himself beside thereputed fire-wizard. The old man closed the door, and drawing forth a small compass (hiscompanion intimating the course, ) adjusted several screws withinconvenient reach, accordingly; he then pressed a small lever with hisfoot, and the wings, after quivering a moment, flapped quickly, andthe great eagle darted almost perpendicularly up in the air, and wasbeyond the reach of vision in a very few seconds! When a certain height was attained, the wizard turned the bird in thecourse indicated by his companion. "What think you now of the fire-wizard!" demanded the sage, with anair of triumph. "Still that he is a man--but a great one--and this, the perfection ofhis art, the greatest extent the Supreme Being has permitted the mindof a man to attain!" replied Glenn, gazing in admiration at thecountries far below, which he was passing with the velocity of ahurricane. "And still you fear not!" demanded the wizard. "And shall not!" replied Glenn, "so long as your features arecomposed. " The old man pressed his hand and smiled. "Yonder is St. Louis!" cried Glenn, running his eye along the valleyof the Missouri, down to its confluence with the Mississippi; and ashort distance beyond, descried the town in question, though it didnot seem to be larger than one ordinary mansion, with its garden andcustomary appendages. "We are far above the reach of vision from the earth, " said thewizard, bounding forward to endeavour to regulate a part of themachinery that had for some time attracted his attention, and whichGlenn believed to be not altogether right, from the abrupt movement ofhis companion. "How far above the earth are we?' asked Glenn. "About twenty-five miles--but should this screw give way, it may beless very speedily!" exclaimed the old man, almost incoherently, andapplying all his strength to the loosened screw to keep it in itsplace. "Let me assist!" exclaimed Glenn, springing forward. "It's gone!" cried the old man; "you have knocked it out! we arefalling--crushed!" * * * * * "That's just what I expected, " said Joe, addressing the fawn, whichhad been playing with the dogs, and at length ran against Glenn'schair so violently as to push it over. "Oh! oh! oh!" exclaimed Glenn. "Goodness! Are you hurt?" asked Joe. "Is it possible? Am I alive, and _here_?" exclaimed Glenn, staringwildly round, and doubting his own identity. "Well, I never heard a dead man talk, as I know of, before; and as toour being _here_, if your own eyes don't convince you, I'll swear toit, " said Joe. "Did I not go up to the island this morning?" inquired Glenn. "No, " said Joe. "Did you not accompany me, and fire at the buck?" interrogated Glenn, resuming his seat. "No--I'll be hanged if I did!" said Joe somewhat warmly. "What have I been doing all day?" "You've been sitting there fast asleep, and I presume you weredreaming. " "Thank Heaven, it was but a dream!" exclaimed Glenn, laughing. "A dream?" responded Joe, sitting down on his stool, and solicitingGlenn to relate it to him. Glenn complied, and the narration wasnothing more than what the incredulous reader has been staring at allthis time. But we will make amends. CHAPTER VI. A hunt--A deer taken--The hounds--Joe makes a horrid discovery--Sneak--The exhumation. "It beats all the dreams I ever heard, " said Joe, feeling his rightshoulder with his left hand. . "Why do you feel your shoulder, Joe?" asked Glenn, smiling, as herecollected the many times his man had suffered by the rebound of hismusket, and diverted at the grave and thoughtful expression of hisfeatures. "It _was_ a dream, wasn't it?" asked Joe, with simplicity, stillexamining his shoulder. "But you know there was no lead in the gun, and it could not reboundwith much violence, " said Glenn. "I'll soon see all about it, " exclaimed Joe, springing up and runningto his gun. After a careful examination he returned to his stoolbeside the fire, and sat some minutes, with the musket lying acrosshis knees, and his chin in his hand, plunged in profound meditation onthe imaginary incidents which had just been related to him. Had thedream been an ordinary one, and he not an actor in it, it might havepassed swiftly from his memory; but inasmuch as the conduct imputed tohim was so natural, and the expressions he was made to utter socharacteristic, he could not but regard it as a vision far moresignificant and important than a mere freak of the brain during amoment of slumber. "What are you studying about?" interrogated Glenn. "I can't understand it, " replied Joe, shaking his head. "Neither can the most renowned philosopher, " said Glenn; "but you cantell whether your musket has been discharged. " "It hasn't been fired, " said Joe. "But what distresses me is, thatthere should be only a charge of powder in it, just as you stated, andwhen I drew out the shot you were fast asleep. You must have heard mesay I intended to do it. " "Not that I remember, " said Glenn. "Then there must be a wizard about, sure enough, " said Joe, and hecrossed himself. "Suppose we take our guns and walk out in the direction mentioned?"said Glenn; "I feel the want of exercise after my sleep, and have somecuriosity to test the accuracy of my dream by comparing the thingsdescribed with the real objects on the island. " "Not for the world!" cried Joe, lifting both hands imploringly; "but Iwill gladly go anywhere else, just to see if the bushes are asbeautiful as you thought they were, and if the deer can't run on thesnow-crust as well as the dogs. " "Come on, then--I care not which course we go, " said Glenn, taking uphis gun, and leading the way out of the inclosure. They pursued a westerly course until they reached nearly to the edgeof the prairie, when they paused in the midst of a cluster of hazelbushes, to admire the beauty of the novel scene. The description hadbeen perfect. Even Glenn surveyed the emblazenry of magic "frostwork, " around him with some misgivings as to the fallacy of hisvision. Joe stared at his master with a curious and ludicrousexpression. "I am not dreaming now, Joe, " said he, with a smile. "How do you know?" asked Joe. "That's well put, " said Glenn; "indeed, I am very sure that many of mylively and spirited friends in Philadelphia and New York, could theybut see me, would swear that I have been dreaming every day for thelast three months. However, I have not now the same reverence for thesylvan gods I was so much inclined to worship in my last sleep; and, moreover, I am the first to see the deer this time. Yonder it stands. It is not a buck, though; capture it as soon as you please. " "Where is it?" exclaimed Joe, his superstition vanishing as heanticipated some sport; and, gliding quickly to Glenn's side, hebeheld, under the branches of a low scrubby oak tree, the head andears of a large doe. It was intently watching our pedestrians, andstood motionless in the ambush, on which it vainly relied to obscureit from the eyes of an enemy. "You must not fire, " said Glenn, placing his hand on the shoulder ofJoe. Joe lowered his musket reluctantly, and turning his eyes to hismaster, seemed inclined to relapse into the belief that all was notright and natural in their proceedings. "Now go to it, " said Glenn, gently taking the gun from Joe. "I'd rather not, " said Joe. "Why? A doe cannot hurt you--it has no horns. " "I don't fear it--I'm only afraid it will run away, " said Joe, eagerto secure the prize. "Try it, at all events; if it should run very fast, I think I shall beable to arrest its career with the gun, " said Glenn, who prepared tofire, provided the deer was likely to escape the clutches of Joe. "Here goes!" cried Joe, leaping through the small bushes towards thecovert. The deer moved not until Joe reached within a few feet of it, when, making a mighty spring, it bounded over the head of itsassailant, and its sharp feet running through the icy surface of thesnow, penetrated so far down, from the force of its weight, that itwas unable to escape. It now lay quite still, with its large blue eyesturned imploringly to its foe. Joe seized it by the hind feet, andexultingly exclaimed that the prize was safely his own. The tremblingand unresisting animal appeared to be as perfectly submissive as asheep in the hands of the shearer. "You have it, sure enough!" said Glenn, coming up and viewing thescene with interest. "Lash me if I haven't!" said Joe, much excited. "Have you got any sortof a string about you?" "No. " "Please cut down a hickory withe, and peel the bark off for me, whileI hold its legs. " Glenn drew out his hunting knife, but paused when in the act ofexecuting his man's request, and turning, with a smile playing uponhis lip, said-- "Perhaps, Joe, this is but another dream; and if so, it is folly togive ourselves any unnecessary trouble. " "Lash me if it ain't reality!" replied Joe, as the deer at lengthbegan to struggle violently. Extricating its feet from his grasp, the doe bestowed a well directedkick on its foe's head, which tumbled him over on his back. The animalthen sprang up, but aware there was no chance of escape by running, faced about and plied its bony head so furiously against Joe's breastand sides that he was forced to scamper away with all possibleexpedition. "Has it bruised you, Joe? If so, this is certainly no dream, " remarkedGlenn. "Oh, goodness! I'm battered almost to a jelly. I'll take my oaththere's no dreaming about this. Let me go after Ringwood and Jowler. " "It would be too cruel to let the hounds tear the poor thing, " saidGlenn; "but after you have bound its feet together, you may bring outone of the horses and a sled, and convey it home unhurt. " "The horses can't go in this deep snow, " said Joe. "True, I forgot that. Take your musket and shoot it, " said Glenn, turning away, not wishing to witness the death of the deer. "I'd rather take him prisoner, " said Joe, lowering his musket aftertaking a long aim. "I can drag it on the sled myself. " "Then go for it, " said Glenn; "and you may bring the hounds along; Iwill exercise them a little after that fox which keeps such achattering in the next grove. But first let us secure the deer. " Joe charged upon the doe once more, and when it aimed another blow athim, he threw himself under its body, and the animal falling over onits side, the combined efforts of the men sufficed to bind its feet. Joe then went to the house for the hounds and the sled, and Glennleant against the oak, awaiting his return. It was not long before thehounds arrived, which was soon succeeded by the approach of Joe withthe sled. Ringwood and Jowler evinced palpable signs of delight onbeholding the bound captive, but their training was so perfect thatthey showed no disposition to molest it without the orders of theirmaster. One word from Glenn, and the deer would have been instantlytorn in pieces; but it was exempt from danger as long as that word waswithheld. Joe soon came up, and in a very few minutes the doe was laid upon thesled. When he was in the act of starting homewards with his novelburden, the hounds, contrary to their usual practice, refused toaccompany Glenn to the thicket north of their position, where the foxwas still heard, and strangely seemed inclined to run in a contrarydirection. And what was equally remarkable, while snuffing the airtowards the south, they gave utterance to repeated fierce growls. Joewas utterly astonished, and Glenn was fast losing the equanimity ofhis temper. "There's something more than common down there; see how Ringwoodbristles up on the back, " said Joe. "Run there with the hounds, and see what it is, " said Glenn. "And I'll take my musket, too, " said Joe, striding in the directionindicated, with the hounds at his heels and his musket on hisshoulder. When he reached a narrow rivulet about one hundred paces distant, thatgradually widened and deepened until it formed the valley in which theferry-house was situated a half mile below, he paused and suffered thehounds to lead the way. They ran a short distance up the ravine andhalted at the edge of a small thicket, and commenced barking veryfiercely as they scented the air under the bushes. "I'll bet it's another bear, " said Joe, putting a fresh priming in thepan of his musket, and proceeding after the hounds. "If it is a bear, ought I to fool with him by myself?" said he, pausing at the edge ofthe thicket. "I might get my other ear boxed, " he continued, "and it'snot such a pleasant thing to be knocked down by the heavy fist of abig black bear. If I don't trouble him, he'll be sure to let me alone. What if I call the dogs off, and go back? But what tale can Imanufacture to tell Mr. Glenn? Pshaw! What should I fear, with such amusket as this in my hand? I can't help it. I really believe I _am_ alittle touched with cowardice! I'm sorry for it, but I can't help it. It was born with me, and it's not my fault. Confound it! I _will_screw up courage enough to see what it is, anyhow. " Saying this, hestrode forward desperately, and urging the hounds onward, followedclosely in the rear in a stooping posture, under the hazel bushes. In a very few moments Joe reached the head of the ravine, but to hisastonishment and no little satisfaction, he beheld nothing but ashelving rock, from under which a spring of clear smoking waterflowed, and a large bank of snow which had drifted around it, butthrough which the gurgling stream had forced its way. Yet the mysterywas not solved. Ringwood and Jowler continued to growl and yelp stillmore furiously, running round the embankment of snow repeatedly, andever and anon snuffing its icy surface. "Whip me if I can figure out this, " said Joe; "what in the world dothe dogs keep sticking their noses in that snow for? There can't be abear in it, surely. I've a notion to shoot into it. No I won't. I'lldo this, though, " and drawing out his long knife he thrust it up tothe handle in the place which seemed the most to attract the hounds. "Freeze me if it hasn't gone into something besides the snow!"exclaimed he, conscious that the steel had penetrated some firmsubstance below the frozen snow-crust. "What the deuce is it?" hecontinued, pulling out the knife and examining it. "Ha! blood, byjingo!" he cried, springing up; "but it can't be a living bear, or itwould have moved; and if it had moved, the stab would have killed it. I _won't_ be afraid!" said he, again plunging his knife into it, "Itdon't move yet--it must be dead--why, it's frozen. Pshaw! any thingwould freeze here, in less than an hour. I'll soon see what it is. "Saying this, he knelt down on the embankment, and commenced diggingthe snow away with all his might. The dogs crouched down beside him, growling and whining alternately, and otherwise exhibiting symptoms ofrestlessness and distress. "Be still, poor Ringwood, I'm coming to him; I see something dark, butthere's no hair on it. Ugh! hallo! Oh goodness! St. Peter! Ugh! ugh!ugh!" cried he, springing up, his face as pale as the snow, his hairstanding upright, his chin fallen, and his eyes almost straining outof their sockets. Without taking his gun, or putting on his hat, heran through the bushes like a frightened antelope, leaping overditches like a fox-chaser, tearing through opposing grape vines, andnot pausing until his course was suddenly arrested by Glenn, whoseized him by the skirt of the coat, and hurled him on his back besidethe sled on which the deer was bound. "What is the matter?" demanded Glenn. Joe panted painfully, and was unable to answer. "What ails you, I say?" repeated Glenn in a loud voice. "Peter"--panted Joe. "Do you mean the pony?" "St. Peter!" ejaculated Joe. "Well, what of St. Peter?" "Oh, let me be off!" cried he, endeavouring to scramble to his feet. But he was most effectually prevented. For no sooner had he turnedover on his hands and knees, than Glenn leaped astride of him. "Now, if you _will_ go, you shall carry me on your back, and I willpelt the secret out of you with my heels, as we travel!" "Just let me get in the house and fasten the door, and I will tell youevery word, " said Joe imploringly. "Tell me now, or you shall remain in the snow all day long!" saidGlenn, with a hand grasping each side of Joe's neck. "Oh, what shall I do? I can't speak!" yelled Joe, trying outright, thelarge tear-drops falling from his nose and chin. "You have not lost your voice, I should say, at all events, " impliedGlenn, somewhat touched with pity at his man's unequivocal distress, though he could scarce restrain his laughter when he viewed hisgrotesque posture. "What has become of your musket and hat?" he added. "I left them both there, " said Joe, gradually becoming composed underthe weight of his master. "Where?" asked Glenn. "At the cave-spring. " "Well, what made you leave them there?" "Just get off my back and I'll tell you. I'm getting over it now; I'mgoing to be mad instead of frightened, " said Joe, with real composure. "Get up, then; but I won't trust you yet. You must still suffer me tohold your collar, " said Glenn. "If you go to the cave-spring you will see a sight!" "What kind of a sight?" "Such a sight as I never dreamed of before!" "Then it has been nothing but a dream _this time_, after all yourfoolery?" "No, I'll be shot if there was any dreaming about it, " replied Joe;and he related every thing up to the horrid discovery which caused himto retreat so precipitately, and then paused, as if dreading to revertto the subject. "What did you find there? Was it any thing that could injure you?" "No, " said Joe, shaking his head solemnly. "Why did you run, then?" demanded Glenn, impatiently. "The truth is, I don't know myself, now I reflect about it. But I'drather not tell what I saw just yet. I was pretty considerablyalarmed, wasn't I?" "Ridiculous! I will not be trifled with in this manner Tell meinstantly what you saw!" said Glenn, his vexation and anger overcominghis usual indulgent nature. "I'll tell you now--it was a--Didn't you see them bushes move?" askedJoe, staring wildly at a clump of sumach bushes a few paces distant. "What was it you saw at the cave-spring!" shouted Glenn, his faceturning red. "I--I"--responded Joe, his eyes still fixed on the bushes. "It wasa--Ugh!"--cried he, starting, as he beheld the little thicket open, and a tall man rise up, holding in his hand a bunch of dead muskrats. "Dod speak on--I want to hear what it was--I've been laying here allthis time waiting to know what great thing it was that skeered you somuch. I never laughed so in all my life as I did when he gota-straddle of you. I was coming up to the sled, when I saw youstreaking it through the vines and briers, and then I squatted downawhile to see what would turn up next. " "Ha! ha! ha! is it you, Sneak? I thought you was an Indian! Come on, I'll tell now. _It was a man's moccasin_!" said Joe, in a low, mysterious tone. "And you ran in that manner from an old moccasin!" said Glenn, reproachfully. "But there was a _foot_ in it!" continued Joe. "A _he_ man's foot?" inquired Sneak, quickly turning to Joe. "How could I tell whether it was a he man's foot, or a female woman's, as you call them?" replied Joe. "Are you sure it was a human being's foot?" demanded Glenn. "Well, I never saw any other animal but a man wear a buckskinmoccasin!" replied Joe. "An Irishman can't tell any thing right, nohow you can fix it, " saidSneak. "They can't tell how you make wooden nutmegs, " retorted Joe. "Come, " said Glenn, "we will go and examine for ourselves. " The party set off in a brisk walk, and soon reached the scene of Joe'salarm. Sure enough, there was the moccasin, and a man's foot in it! "It's somebody, after all, " said Sneak, giving the frozen foot a kick. "Ain't you ashamed to do that?" said Joe, knitting his brows. "He's nothing more than a stone, now. Why didn't he holler when youstuck your knife into him?" replied Sneak. "Dig him up, that we may see who he is, " said Glenn. "I'd rather not touch him, " said Joe. "You're a fool!" said Sneak. "Stand off, and let me at him--I'll soonsee who he is. " Sneak threw down his maskrats, and with his spear andknife soon extricated the body, which he handled as unceremoniously ashe would have done a log of wood. "Dod rot your skin!" he exclaimed, when he brushed the snow from the man's face. He then threw down thebody with great violence. "Oh don't!" cried Joe, while the cold chills ran up his back. "Who is it?" asked Glenn. "It's that copper-snake, traitor, skunk, water-dog, lizard-hawk, horned frog--" "Who do you mean?" interrupted Glenn. "_Posin_, the maliverous rascal who collogued with the Injins tomurder us all! I'm glad he got his dose--and if he was alive now, I'dmake him swaller at least two foot of my spear, " said Sneak. "'Twas me--I killed him--look at the buck-shot holes in his back!"exclaimed Joe, now recovering from his excitement and affright. "Yes, and you're a nice chap, ain't you, to run like flugins from adead man that you killed yourself!" said Sneak. "How did I know that I killed him?" retorted Joe. "Any fool might know he was dead, " replied Sneak. "I'll pay you for this, some of these times, " said Joe. "How shall we bury him?" asked Glenn. "That can be done real easy, " said Sneak, taking hold of the deadman's leg and dragging him along on the snow like a sled. "What are you going to do with him?" demanded Glenn. "I'm a going to cut a hole in the ice on the river, and push himunder, " said Sneak. "You shall do no such thing!" said Glenn, firmly; "he must be buriedin the earth. " "Just as you say, " said Sneak, submissively, throwing down the leg. "Run home and bring the spades, Joe, " said Glenn, "and call for theferrymen to assist us. " "And I'll take the sled along and leave it in the yard, " said Joe, starting in the direction of the deer and calling the hounds afterhim. "Let the hounds remain, " said Glenn. "I am resolved to have myfox-hunt. " Joe soon disappeared. "If you want to hunt, you can go on; Roughgrove and me will bury thisrobber, " said Sneak. "Be it so, " said Glenn; "but remember that you are not to put him inthe river, nor must you commit any indecent outrage upon his person. Let his body return to the earth--his soul is already in the hands ofHim who created it. " "That's as true as gospel, " said Sneak; "and I would rather be frozein this snow than to have his hot berth in the t'other world. I don'tfeel a bit mad at him now--he's paying for his black dagiverousconduct hard enough by this time, I'll be bound. I say, Mr. Glenn, it'll be rather late when we get through with this job--will there beany vacant room at your fireside to-night?" "Certainly, and something to eat--you will be welcome, provided youdon't quarrel too much with Joe, " replied Glenn. "Oh, Joe and me understand each other--the more we quarrel the more welove one another. We'll never fight--do you mind that--for he's acoward for one thing, and I won't corner him too close, because he'sbroad-shouldered enough to _lick me_, if he was to take it into hishead to fight. " Glenn called the hounds after him and set out in quest of the fox, andSneak turned to the dead body and mused in silence. CHAPTER VII. Boone--The interment--Startling intelligence--Indians about--Askunk--Thrilling fears--Boone's device. Ere long Joe was on his way back to the cave-spring, with severalspades on his shoulder, accompanied by Boone, (who had just crossedthe river on a visit to Glenn, ) and Roughgrove, with his two oarsmen. "Is Glenn at the spring with Sneak?" asked Boone, in a very thoughtfuland grave manner. "Yes, sir, I left him there, and I now hear him with the houndschasing a fox, " replied Joe, in true native style. "If he is with the hounds, he is certainly not at the spring, "remarked Roughgrove. "I meant that he was there, or _thereabouts_" replied Joe. "Who found the dead man?" inquired Boone. "I did--that is, when the dogs scented him--and it almost frightenedme when I dug out his foot, " said Joe. "No doubt!" observed Boone. The party now moved along in silence, still permitting Joe to lead theway, until they suddenly emerged from the thicket in the immediatevicinity of the spring, when an unexpected scene attracted theirnotice. Sneak was composedly seated on the body of the dead man, andvery deliberately searching his pockets! "Well! that beats all the mean actions I ever beheld before!" saidJoe, pausing and staring indignantly at Sneak. "You're a fool!" replied Sneak. "What for? because I wouldn't rob the dead?" retorted Joe. "Do you call this robbing the dead? Hain't this traitor stoled thislump of gold from the Injins?" said Sneak, displaying a rough piece ofthe precious metal about the size of a crow's egg. "Is it gold?" asked Joe, with some anxiety. "Sartainly it is, " answered Sneak, handing it to him to be examined;"and what good could come of burying it agin? I'll leave it to Mr. Boone to say if I ain't right in taking it myself. " "Oh, any thing worth this much ought to be taken, " said Joe, depositing the lump of gold in his pocket. "See here, my chap, " said Sneak, rising up and casting a furiousglance at him, "if you don't mean to hand that out again, one or thet'other of us must be put in the ground with the traitoriousPosin--and if it is to be you, it'll be a purty thing for it to besaid that you brought a spade to bury yourself with. " "Didn't I find the body?" said Joe. "But burn me if you found the gold, " said Sneak. "Shall I decide the matter?" interposed Roughgrove. "I'm willing, " said Sneak. "And so am I, " replied Joe. "Then give it to me, and I'll cut it in two, and give a half to eachof you, " said Roughgrove. The decision was final; and seizing the spades, Joe, Sneak, and theoarsmen began to prepare a resting-place for the dead body. Boonecontinued silent, with his eyes steadfastly gazing at the earth whichthe workmen began to throw up. "Posin's done ferrying now, " said Dan Rudder, one of the defunct's oldcompanions in the service of Roughgrove. "No he ain't, " said Sneak, throwing up a spadeful of flint stones. "I'll keep some of these for my musket, " said Joe. "Why ain't he?" demanded Dan. "Because he's got to cross the river--the river--what do they callit?--the river Poles, " said Sneak. "Styx, you dunce, " said Joe. "Well, 'twas only a slip of the tongue--what's the difference betweenpoles and sticks?" "_You_ never read any thing about it; you only heard somebody say so, "said Joe, pausing to listen to the hounds that ever and anon yelped inthe vicinity. "If I didn't, I don't believe the man that wrote that book evercrossed, or even had a squint at the river himself, " replied Sneak. "Whereabouts is the river?" asked Dan. "In the lower regions, " said Joe, striking his spade against a hardsubstance. "What's that you're scraping the dirt off of?" asked Sneak. "Oh, my goodness!" cried Joe, leaping out of the grave. "Let it remain!" said Boone, in a commanding tone, looking in anddiscovering a skull; "I once buried a friend here--he was shot down atmy side by the Indians. " "Fill up the hole agin! Posin shan't lay on top of any of yourfriends!" exclaimed Sneak, likewise leaping out of the grave. "It matters not--but do as you please, " said Boone, turning away andmarking the distressed yelping of the hounds, which indicated, fromsome unusual cause, that they did not enjoy the chase as much as wastheir wont. "Split me if he shan't be buried somewhere else, if I have to dig thehole myself, " said Sneak, filling up the grave. "I'll stick by you, Sneak, " said Dan. "Dan and me 'll finish the job; all the rest of you may go off, " saidSneak, releasing the rest of the party from any further participationin the depositing of the remains of Posin in the earth. "Glenn does not yet understand Ringwood and Jowler, " said Boone, stilllistening to the chase. "I never heard the dogs bark that way before until to-day, " said Joe;"only that night when we killed the buffalo. " "Something besides the buffalo caused them to do it then, " repliedBoone. "Yes, indeed--they must have known the fire was coming--but the firecan't come now. " "Sneak, " said Boone, "when you are done here, come to Mr. Glenn'shouse. " "I will, as soon as I go to my muskrat trap out at the lake and get myrifle. " "Be in a hurry, " said Boone; and turning towards the chase, he uttereda "Ya-ho!" and instantly the hounds were hushed. "Dod!" exclaimed Sneak, staring a moment at Boone, while his largeeyes seemed to increase in size, and then rolling up his sleeves, hedelved away with extraordinary dispatch. In a very short space of time, Ringwood and Jowler rushed from thethicket, and leaping up against the breast of their old master, evinced a positive happiness in once more beholding him. They weresoon followed by Glenn, who dashed briskly through the thicket to seewho it was that caused his hounds to abandon him so unceremoniously. No sooner did he discover his aged friend than he ran forward andgrasped his hand. "I thought not of you, and yet I could think of no one else who mightthus entice my noble hounds away. Return with me, and we will have thefox in a few minutes--he is now nearly exhausted, " said Glenn. "Molest him not, " said Boone. "Did you not observe how reluctantly thehounds chased him?" "I did; what was the cause of it?" asked Glenn. "The breeze is tainted with the scent of Indians!" whispered Boone. "Again thou art my preserver!" said Glenn, in a low tone. "I came to give you intelligence that the Osages would probably beupon you in a few days, " said Boone; "but I did not think they werereally in the neighbourhood until I heard your unerring hounds. Col. Cooper, of my settlement, made an excursion southward some ten daysago to explore a region he had never visited; but observing a largewar-party at a distance, coming hitherward, he retreatedprecipitately, and reached home this morning. Excessive fatigue andillness prevented him from accompanying me over the river; and what isworse, nearly every man in our settlement is at present more than ahundred miles up the river, trapping beaver. If we are attackedto-night, or even within a day or two, we have nothing to depend uponbut our own force to defend ourselves. " "Should it be so, I doubt not we will be able to withstand them assuccessfully as we did before, " said Glenn. "Let us go with Roughgrove to his house, and take his daughter and hiseffects to your little fortress, " said Boone, joining the oldferryman, whom a single word sufficed to apprize of the state ofaffairs. "I must prepare for the worst, now, " said Roughgrove; "they will neverforget or forgive the part I acted on the night of their defeat. " Boone, Glenn, and Roughgrove proceeded down the valley, while Joeseemed disposed to loiter, undetermined what to engage in, having castan occasional curious glance at Boone and his master when engaged intheir low conversation, and rightly conjecturing that "something wrongwas in the wind, " as he expressed it. "Why don't you go home?" asked Sneak, rolling the dead body into thegrave, and dashing the mingled earth and snow remorselessly upon it. "I'll go when I'm ready, " replied Joe; "but I should like to know whatall that whispering and nodding was about. " "I can tell you, " said Dan; but his speech was suddenly arrested by asign from Sneak. "I wish you would tell me, " continued Joe, manifesting no littleuneasiness. "Have you got a plenty to eat at your house?" asked Sneak. "To be sure we have, " said Joe; "now tell me what's in the wind. " "If I was to tell you, I bet you'd be frightened half to death, "remarked Sneak, driving down a headstone, having filled up the grave. "No! no--I--indeed but I wouldn't, though!" said Joe, trembling atevery joint, the true cause, for the first time, occurring to him. "Ain't it Indians, Mr. Sneak?" "Don't call me _Mister_ agin, if you please. There are more moccasinsthan the one you found in these parts, that's all. " "I'll go home and tell Mr. Glenn!" said Joe, whirling round quickly. "Dod rot your cowardly hide of you!" said Sneak, staring at himcontemptuously; "now don't you _know_ he knowed it before you did?" "Yes--but I was going home to tell him that some bullets must berun--that's what I meant. " "Don't you think he knows that as well as you do?" continued Sneak. "But I--I _must_ go!" exclaimed Joe, starting in a half run, with thehounds (which had been forgotten by their master) following at hisheels. "Let me have the hounds, to go after my gun--the red skins mightwaylay me, if I go alone, in spite of all my cunning woodcraft, " saidSneak. "Go back!" cried Joe, to the hounds. They instantly obeyed, and thenext moment Joe was scampering homeward with all the speed of whichhis legs were capable. When he reached the house, his fears were by no means allayed onbeholding the most valuable articles of Roughgrove's dwelling alreadyremoved thither, and the ferryman himself, his daughter, Boone andGlenn, assembled in consultation within the inclosure. Joe closed thegate hurriedly after him, and bolted it on the inside. "Why did you shut the gate? Open it again, " said Glenn. "Ain't we besieged again? ain't the Indians all around us, ready torush in and take our scalps?" said Joe, obeying the commandreluctantly. "They will not trouble us before night, " said Roughgrove. "No, we need not fear them before night, " remarked Boone, whosecontinued thoughtful aspect impressed Glenn with the belief that heapprehended more than the usual horrors of Indian warfare during theimpending attack. "They will burn father's house, but that is nothing compared to what Ifear will be his own fate!" murmured Mary, dejectedly. "We can soon build him another, " said Glenn, moved by the evidentdistress of the pale girl; "and I am very sure that my little stonecastle will suffice to preserve not only your father and yourself, butall who take shelter in it, from personal injury. So, cheer up, Mary. " "Oh, I will not complain; it pained me most when I first heard theywere coming once more; I will soon be calm again, and just as composedwhen they are shooting at us, as I was the other time. But _you_ willbe in a great deal more danger than you were that night. Yet Boone iswith us again--he _must_ save us, " said Mary. "Why do you think there will be more danger, Mary?" asked Glenn. "Yes, why do you think so?" interposed Joe, much interested in thereply. "Because the snow is so deep and so firm, they will leap over thepalisade, if there be a great many of them, " replied Mary. Glenn felta chill shoot through his breast, for this fact had not beforeoccurred to him. "Oh, goodness!--let us all go to work and shovel it away on theoutside, " cried Joe, running about in quest of the spades. "Oh, St. Peter!" he continued, "the spades are out at the cave-spring!" "Run and bring them, " said Glenn. "Never--not for the world! They'd take my scalp to a certainty beforeI could get back again, " replied Joe, trembling all over. "There is no danger yet, " said Roughgrove, the deep snow havingoccurred to him at the first announcement of the threatened attack, and produced many painful fears in his breast, which caused a sadnessto rest upon his time-worn features; "but, " he continued, "it wouldnot be in our power to remove the snow in two whole days, and a fewhours only are left us to prepare for the worst. " "Let them come within the inclosure, " said Glenn, "and even then theycannot harm us. The walls of my house are made of stone, and so is theceiling; they can only burn the roof--I do not think they can harm ourpersons. We have food enough to last for months, and there is nolikelihood of the siege lasting a single week. " "I'll make sure of the deer, " muttered Joe; and before any one couldinterpose, he struck off the head of the doe with an axe, as it stilllay bound upon the sled. And he was brandishing the reeking steel overthe neck of the fawn, that stood by, looking on innocently, when a cryfrom Mary arrested the blow. "If you injure a hair of Mary's gift, " said Glenn, in anger, "youshall suffer as severe a fate yourself. " "Pardon me, " said Joe to Mary; "I was excited--I didn't hardly knowwhat I was doing. I thought as we were going to be pent up by theIndians, for goodness only knows how long, that we'd better provideenough food to keep from starving. I love the fawn as well as you do, and Mr. Glenn loves it because you gave it to him; but its natural toprefer our own lives to the lives of dumb animals. " "I forgive you, " said Mary, playing with the silken ears of the pet. "Say no more about it, " said Glenn; "but as you are so anxious to bewell provided with comforts, if we are besieged, there is one thing Ihad forgotten, that is absolutely necessary for our existence, whichyou can procure. " "What is it? Be quick, for we havn't a moment to lose, " said Joe. "Water, " replied Glenn. "That's a fact--but--its way off at the spring, by the ferry, " saidJoe, disliking the idea of exposing himself without the inclosure. "True, yet it must be had. If you can get it nearer to us, you are atliberty to do so, " said Glenn. "Here comes Sneak, " said Mary; "he will assist you. " Sneak readily agreed to the proposition, and he and Joe set out, eachwith a large bucket, while the rest of the party, with the exceptionof Boone (who desired to be left alone, ) retired within the house. When Sneak and Joe were filling their buckets at the spring the secondtime, the hounds (which attended them at Joe's special request)commenced barking. "What's that?" cried Joe, dashing his bucket, water and all, inSneak's lap, and running ten or fifteen feet up the hill. "Dod rot your cowardly heart!" exclaimed Sneak, rising up and shakingthe cold water from his clothes; "if I don't pay you for this, I wishI may be shot!" "I thought it was the Indians, " said Joe, still staring at the smallthicket of briers, where the hounds were yet growling and boundingabout in a singular manner. "I'll see what it is and then pay you for this ducking, " said Sneak, walking briskly to the edge of the thicket, while the water trickleddown over his moccasins. "What is it?" cried Joe, leaping farther up the ascent with greattrepidation, as he saw the hounds run out of the bushes as if pursued, and even Sneak retreating a few paces. But what seemed veryunaccountable was a _smile_ on Sneak's elongated features. "What in the world can it be?" repeated Joe. "Ha! ha! ha! if that ain't a purty thing to skeer a full-grown maninto fits!" said Sneak, retreating yet farther from the thicket. "What makes _you_ back out, then?" inquired Joe. The hounds now ran tothe men, and the next moment a small animal, not larger than a rabbit, of a dark colour, with long white stripes from the nose to the tail, made its appearance, and moved slowly toward the spring. Sneak ran upthe hill beyond the position occupied by Joe, maintaining all the timea most provoking smile. "Who's scared into fits now, I should like to know?" retorted Joe. "I wish I had my gun, " said Sneak. "Hang me, if I'm afraid of that little thing, " said Joe. Still thehounds ran round, yelping, but never venturing within thirty feet ofthe animal. "I'll be whipped if I understand all this!" said Joe, in utterastonishment, looking at Sneak, and then at the hounds. "Why don't you _run_?" cried Sneak, as the animal continued toadvance. "I believe you're making fun of me, " said Joe; "that little thingcan't hurt anybody. Its a pretty little pet, and I've a notion tocatch it. " "What are you talking about? You know you're afraid of it, " saidSneak, tauntingly. "I'll show you, " said Joe, springing upon the animal. The polecat (forsuch it was) gave its assailant a taste of its quality in a twinkling. Joe grasped his nose with both hands and wheeled away with allpossible expedition, while the animal pursued its course towards theriver. "My goodness, I've got it all over my coat!" exclaimed Joe, rolling onthe snow in agony. "Didn't I say I'd pay you for spilling the cold water on me?" criedSneak, in a convulsion of laughter. "Why didn't you tell me, _you rascal_?" cried Joe, flushed in theface, and forgetting the Indians in his increasing anger. "Oh, I'll laugh myself sore--ha! ha! ha!" continued Sneak, sittingdown on the snow, and laughing obstreperously. "You long, lopsided scoundrel, you. My Irish blood is up now, " saidJoe, rushing towards Sneak with a resolution to fight. "I'll be whipt if you tech me with them hands, " said Sneak, runningaway. "Oh, what shall I do?" cried Joe, sinking down, his rage suddenlysubdued by his sickening condition. "If you'll say all's square betwixt us, I'll tell you what to do. Ifyou don't do something right quick, they won't let you sleep in thehouse for a month. " "Well. Now tell me quick!" "Pull off your coat before it soaks through. " "I didn't think of that, " said Joe, obeying with alacrity, andshivering in the cold air. "Now twist a stick into it, so you can carry it up to the house, without touching it with your hands, that is, if none of it got on'em, " continued Sneak. "There ain't a bit anywhere else but on the shoulder of my coat, " saidJoe, acting according to Sneak's instructions. Filling their buckets, they at length started towards the house, Joe holding a bucket in onehand, and a long pole, on which dangled his coat, in the other. Whenthey entered, the company involuntarily started; and Glenn, losing allcontrol over his temper, hurled a book at his man's head, andcommanded him not to venture in his presence again until he could bysome means dispense with his horrid odor. "Foller me, " said Sneak, leading the way to the stable, and takingwith him one of the spades he had brought in from the burial; "now, "he continued, when they were with the horses, "dig a hole at this endof the stall, and bury your coat. If you hadn't took it in the house, like a dunce, they'd never 'ave known any thing about it. " "Oh, my goodness! I'm sick!" said Joe, urging the spade in the earthwith his foot, and betraying unequivocal signs of indisposition. However, the garment was soon covered up, and the annoyance abated. But no sooner was Joe well out of this difficulty, than the dread ofthe tomahawk and scalping knife returned in greater force than ever. Boone remained taciturn, his clear, eagle-eye scanning the palisade, and the direction from which the savages would be most likely to come. Joe approached the renowned pioneer for the purpose of asking hisopinion respecting the chances of escaping with life from the expectedstruggle, but was deterred by his serious and commanding glance. Butsoon a singular change came over his stern features, and as sudden asstrange. His countenance assumed an air of triumph, and a half-formedsmile played upon his lip. His meditations had doubtless resulted inthe resolution to adopt some decisive course, which, in his opinion, would insure the safety of the little garrison. His brow had beenwatched by the inmates of the house, and, hailing the change with joy, they came forth to ascertain more certainly their fate. "How much powder have you, my young friend?" asked Boone. "Five kegs, " answered Glenn, promptly. "Then we are safe!" said Boone, in a pleasant and affable manner, which imparted confidence to the whole party. "I thought--I almost _knew_ that we were safe, with _you_ among us, "said Mary, playing with Boone's hand. "But you must not venture out of the house as much as you did before, my lass, when arrows begin to fly, " replied Boone, kissing themaiden's forehead. "But I'll mould your bullets, and get supper for you, " said Mary. "That's a good child, " said Roughgrove; "go in, now, and set aboutyour task. " Mary bowed to her father, and glided away. The men then clusteredround Boone, to hear the plan that was to avail them in their presentdifficulty. "In times of peril, " said Boone, "my knowledge of the Indian characterhas always served me. I first reflect what I would do were I myself asavage; and, in taking measures to provide against the things which Iimagine would be done by myself, I have never yet been disappointed. The Indians will not rashly rush upon us, and expose themselves to ourbullets, as they storm the palisade. Had they the resolution to dothis, not one of us would escape alive, for they would tear down thehouse. It is a very large war-party, and they could begin at the topand before morning remove every stone. But they shall not touch one ofthem--" "I'm so glad!" ejaculated Joe. "Hush your jaw!" said Sneak. "They will be divided into two parties, " continued Boone; "one partywill attack us from the west with their arrows, keeping at arespectful distance from our guns, while the other will force apassage to the palisade from the east without being seen, for theywill come under the snow! We must instantly plant a keg of powder, onthe outside of the inclosure, and blow them up when they come. Joe, bring out a keg of powder, and also the fishing rods I saw in thehouse. The latter must be joined together, and a communication openedthrough them. They must be filled with powder and one end placed inthe keg, while the other reaches the inclosure, passing through anauger hole. You all understand now what is to be done--let us go towork--we have no time to spare. " It was not long before every thing was executed according to thedirections of Boone, and at nightfall each man was stationed at aloophole, with gun in hand, awaiting the coming of the savages. CHAPTER VIII. Night--Sagacity of the hounds--Reflection--The sneaking savages--Joe'sdisaster--The approach of the foe under the snow--The silent watch. The night was beautiful. The moon sailed through a cloudless sky, andthe north wind, which had whistled loudly among the branches of thetrees in the valley at the close of day, was hushed, and a perfectcalm pervaded the scene. "What're you leaving your post for?" asked Sneak, as Joe suddenlyabandoned his watch on the west side of the inclosure, and trippedacross to Roughgrove. "Mr. Roughgrove--Mr. Roughgrove, " said Joe, in a low tone. "Well, what do you want with me?" responded the old ferryman. "I wanted to tell you that your two oarsmen are forgotten, and to askyou if we hadn't better call to them to come up here, where they'll beout of danger?" "They are _not_ forgotten, " said Roughgrove; "I sent them over theriver to procure assistance, if possible. " "Thank you. I'm glad they're out of danger. I couldn't rest till Ifound out something about them, " said Joe, retiring; but instead ofresuming his watch, he slipped into the house. "He's at his old tricks agin, " said Sneak, when he observed himstealthily enter the door. "Come out, I say!" he continued, in a loudvoice. "What is the matter?" interrogated Glenn, from his station on thenorth. "Why, that feller's crept into the house agin, " replied Sneak. "Well, but he's come out again, " said Joe, reappearing, and walkingreluctantly to his loophole. "What did you go in for?" demanded Glenn. "I just wanted to tell Miss Mary that the two oarsmen that helped usto bury Posin were gone over the river, and were safe. " "Did she ask for this information?" inquired Glenn. "No, not exactly, " responded Joe; "but I thought if I was uneasy aboutthe young men myself, that she, being more delicate than a man, mustbe considerably distressed. " "A mere subterfuge! See that you do not leave your post in future, under any circumstances, without permission to do so. " "I won't, " replied Joe, peering through his loophole. Matters remained quiet for a great length of time, and Glenn began tohope that even Boone had been mistaken. But Boone himself had nodoubts upon the subject. Yet he seemed far more affable and cheerfulthan he did before the plan of resistance was formed in his mind. Occasionally he would walk round from post to post, and after scanningthe aspect without, direct the sentinels to observe closely certainpoints, trees or bushes, where he thought the enemy might first beseen. He never hinted once that there was a possibility of escaping anattack, and the little party felt that the only alternative was towatch with diligence and act with vigor and resolution when assailed. "Do you think they are now in this immediate neighbourhood?" inquiredGlenn. "They are not far off, I imagine, " replied Boone; and calling thehounds from the stable, he continued, "I can show you in which quarterthey are. " The hounds well understood their old master. At his biddingthey snuffed the air, and whining in a peculiar manner, with theirheads turned towards the west, the vicinity of the savages was notonly made manifest, but their location positively pointed out. "I was not aware, before, of the inestimable value of your gift, " saidGlenn, gazing at the hounds, and completely convinced that theirconduct was an unerring indication of the presence of the foe. "Eh! Ringwood!" exclaimed Boone, observing that his favorite hound nowpointed his nose in a northern direction and uttered a low growl. "Indeed!" he continued, "they have got in motion since we have beenobserving the hounds. I was not mistaken. Even while we were speakingthey divided their strength. One party is even now moving round to theeast, and at a given signal the other will attack us on the west, precisely as I predicted. See! Ringwood turns gradually. " "And you think the greatest danger is to be apprehended from those onthe east?" said Glenn. "Yes, " said Boone, "for the others cannot approach near enough to domuch injury without exposing themselves to great peril. " "But how can you ascertain that they will cut a passage under thesnow, and the precise direction in which they will come?" "Because, " said Boone, "we are situated near the cliff on the east, tothe summit of which they can climb, without being exposed to our fire, and thence it is likewise the shortest distance they can find to cut apassage to us under the snow. Mark Ringwood!" he continued, as thehound having made a semicircle from the point first noticed, became atlength stationary, and crouching down on the earth, (where the snowhad been cleared away at Boone's post, ) growled more angrily thanbefore, but so low he could not have been heard twenty paces distant. "This is strange--very strange, " said Glenn. A sound resembling the cry of an owl was heard in the direction of thecliff. It was answered on the west apparently by the shrill howl of awolf. "The signal!" said Boone. "Now let us be on the alert, " he continued, "and I think we will surprise _them_, both on and under the snow. Letno one fire without first consulting me, even should they venturewithin the range of your guns. " The party resumed their respective stations, and once more not a soundof any description was heard for a considerable length of time. Roughgrove was at the side of Boone, and the other three men wereposted as before described. The hounds had been sent back to theirlair in the stable. Not a motion, animate or inanimate, save theoccasional shooting of the stars in the begemmed firmament, could beobserved. While Glenn rested upon his gun, attracted ever and anon by thetwinkling host above, a throng of unwonted memories crowded upon him. He thought of his guileless youth; the uncontaminated days ofenjoyment ere he had mingled with the designing and heartlessassociates who strove to entice him from the path of virtue; of thehopes of budding manhood; of ambitious schemes to win a name by greatand honourable deeds; of parents, kindred, home; of _her_, who hadbeen the angel of all his dreams of paradise below: and then hecontemplated his present condition, and notwithstanding his resolutionwas unabated, yet in spite of all his struggles, a tear bedewed hischeek. He felt that his fate was hard, but he _knew_ that his coursewas proper, and he resolved to fulfil his vow. But with his sadness, gloomy forebodings, and deep and unusual thoughts obtruded. In thescene of death and carnage that was about to ensue, it occurred to himmore than once that it might be his lot to fall. This was a painfulthought. He was brave in conflict, and would not have hesitated torush reckless into the midst of danger; but he was calm now, and thethought of death was appalling. He would have preferred to die on anobler field, if he were to fall in battle. He did not wish to die inhis _youth_, to be cut off, without accomplishing the many ends he hadso often meditated, and without reaping a few of the sweets of life asthe reward of his voluntary sacrifice. He also desired to appear oncemore in the busy and detracting world, to vindicate the character thatmight have been unjustly aspersed, to reward the true friendship ofthose whose confidence had never been shaken, and to rebuke, perhapsforgive, the enemies who had recklessly pursued him. But another, andyet a more stirring and important thought obtruded upon hisreflections. It was one he had never seriously considered before, andit now operated upon him with irresistible power. It was a thought ofthings _beyond_ the grave. The stillness of midnight, the millionstars above him, the blue eternal expanse through which they weredistributed--the repose of the invisible winds, that late had howledaround him--the never-ceasing flow of the ice-bound stream before him, and the continual change of hill and valley--now desolate, and clothedin frosty vestments, and anon with verdure and variegatedbeauty--constrained him to acknowledge in the secret portals of hisbreast that there was a great, ever-existing Creator. He then calledto mind the many impressive lessons of a pious mother, which he hadsubsequently disregarded. He remembered the things she had read to himin the book of books--the words of prayer she taught him to utterevery eve, ere he closed his eyes in slumber--and he _now_ repeatedthat humble petition with all the fervency of a chastened spirit. Hefelt truly convinced of the fallacy of setting the heart and theaffections altogether on the things of this world, where mortals areonly permitted to abide but a brief space; and a hearty repentance ofpast errors, and a firm resolve to obey the requisitions of theOmnipotent in future, were in that hour conceived and engravenindelibly upon his heart. "Mr. Boone--Mr. Boone--Mr. Boone!" cried Joe, softly. "Dod! don't make sich a fuss, " said Sneak. "Be silent, " whispered Boone, gliding to Joe, and gazing out on thesnow, where he beheld about twenty savages standing erect andmotionless, not eighty paces distant. "I came within an ace of shooting, " said Joe, "before I thought ofwhat you had said. I pulled the trigger with all my might before Iremembered that you said I musn't shoot till you told me, but as goodluck would have it, my musket wasn't cocked. " Boone went to each ofthe other loopholes, and after scrutinizing every side very closely, he directed Sneak and Glenn to abandon their posts and join him atJoe's stand, for the purpose of discharging a deadly volley at theunsuspecting foe. "Does it not seem cruel to spill blood in this manner?" whisperedGlenn, when he viewed the statue-like forms of the unconsciousIndians. "Had you witnessed the barbarous deeds that _I_ have seen _them_perform--had you beheld the innocent babe ruthlessly butchered--yourchildren--your friends maimed, tomahawked, scalped, _burned_ beforeyour eyes--could you know the hellish horrors they are _now_meditating--you would not entertain much pity for them, " said Boone, in a low tone, evidently moved by terrible memories, the precisenature of which the one addressed could not understand. But Glenn'sscruples vanished, and as a matter of necessity he determined tosubmit without reserve to the guidance of his experienced friend. "I should like to know how them yaller rascals got up here so closewithout being eyed sooner, " said Sneak to Joe. "That's what's been puzzling me, ever since I first saw them, " saidJoe, in scarce audible tones. "Split me if you havn't been asleep, " said Sneak. "No indeed I havn't, " said Joe. "I'll declare, " he continued, lookingout, "I never should have thought of _that_. I see now, well enough, how they got there without my seeing them. They've got a great bigball of snow, half as high as a man's head, and they've been rollingit all the time, and creeping along behind it. They're all standingbefore it now, and just as I looked one moved his leg, and then I sawwhat it was. This beats the old boy himself. It's a mercy they didn'tcome all the way and shoot me in the eye!" "Hush!" said Boone. "They must have heard something, or supposed theydid, or else your neglect would have been fatal to you ere this. Theyare now waiting to ascertain whether they were mistaken or not. Movenot, and speak no more, until I order you. " "I won't, " said Joe, still gazing at the erect dark forms. "See how many there is--can't you count 'em?" said Sneak, in awhisper, leaning against Joe, and slyly taking a cartridge from hisbelt, slipped it in the muzzle of the musket which was standingagainst the palisade. "What're you doing with my gun?" asked Joe, in a very low tone, as hehappened to turn his head and see Sneak take his hand away from themuzzle of the musket. "Nothing--I was only feeling the size of the bore. It's big enough tokick down a cow. " "What are you tittering about? you think it's a going to kick meagain, but you're mistaken--it ain't got two loads in this time. " "Didn't Mr. Boone jest tell you to keep quiet?" said Sneak. "Don't you speak--then I won't, " responded Joe. The moon had not yet reached the meridian, and the dark shadow of thehouse reaching to the palisade on the west, prevented the Indians fromobserving the movements of the whites through the many slightapertures in the inclosure, but through which the besieged party couldeasily observe them. After a long pause, during which neither party had uttered a word orbetrayed animation by the least movement, Glenn felt the weight of ahand laid gently on his shoulder, and turning beheld Mary at his side. Without a motion of the lips, she placed in his hand some bullets shehad moulded, and then passing on to the other men, gave each a likequantity. "Retire, now, my lass, " said Boone; and when she returned to thehouse, he continued, addressing Glenn--"If they do not move one way orthe other very soon, we will give them a broadside where they are. " "And we could do execution at this distance, " observed Glenn. "I'd be dead sure to kill one, I know I would, " said Sneak. "Let me see if I could take aim, " said Joe, deliberately pointing hismusket through the loophole. The musket had inadvertently been cocked, and left in that condition, and no sooner did Joe's finger gentlypress upon the trigger, than it went off, making an astounding report, and veiling the whole party in an immense cloud of smoke. "Who did that?" cried Boone, stamping with vexation. "Was that you, Joe?" demanded Glenn. Joe made no answer. "Oh, dod! my mouth's smashed all to pieces!" said Sneak, crawling upfrom a prostrate position, caused by the rebound of the musket, for hewas looking over Joe's shoulder when the gun went off. "Where's Joe?" inquired Glenn, pushing Sneak aside. "He's dead, I guess--I believe the gun's busted, " said Sneak. "Now, sir! why did you fire?" cried Glenn, somewhat passionately, stumbling against Joe, and seizing him by the collar. No answer wasmade, for poor Joe's neck was limber enough, and he quite insensible. "He's dead in yearnest, jest as I told you, " said Sneak; "for that gunkicked him on the shoulder hard enough to kill a cow--and the hindside of his head struck my tooth hard enough to've kilt a horse. He'sbroke one of my upper fore-teeth smack in two. " "Every man to his post!" exclaimed Boone, as a shower of arrowsrattled about the premises. Sneak now occupied Joe's station, and the first glance in thedirection of the savages sufficed to determine him how to act. Perhapsno one ever discharged a rifle more rapidly than he did. And a briskand well-directed fire was kept up for some length of time, likewise, by the rest of the besieged. It was, perhaps, a fortunate thing that Joe _did_ fire without orders, and without any intention of doing so himself. It seemed that thesavages had been meditating a desperate rush upon the fort, notwithstanding Boone's prediction; for no sooner did Joe fire, thanthey hastily retreated a short distance, scattering in everydirection, and, without a moment's consultation, again appeared, advancing rapidly from every quarter. It was evident that this planhad been preconcerted among them; and had all fired, instead of Joeonly, they might easily have scaled the palisade before the guns couldhave been reloaded. Neither had the besiegers been aware of thestrength of the garrison. But they were soon made to understand thatthey had more than Glenn and his man to contend against. Thedischarges followed in such quick succession that they paused, whenbut a moment more would have placed them within the inclosure. Butseveral of them being wounded, and Boone and Glenn still doingexecution with their pistols, the discomfited enemy made a precipitateretreat. An occasional flight of arrows continued to assail thebesieged, but they came from a great distance, for the Indians werenot long in scampering beyond the range of the loopholes. When Glenn could no longer see any of the dark forms of the enemy, heturned round to contemplate the sad condition of Joe. Joe was sittingup, with his hands locked round his knees. "Well, split me in two!" cried Sneak, staring at his companion. "What's the matter, Sneak?" asked Joe, with much simplicity. "That's a purty question for _you_ to ask, after there for dead thishalf-hour almost" "Have the Indians been here?" asked Joe, staring round wildly. "Hain't you heard us shooting?" "My goodness, " cried Joe, springing up. "Oh! am I wounded? say!" hecontinued, evincing the most lively alarm. "Well, if this don't beat every thing that ever I saw in all my life, I wish I may be shot!" said Sneak. "What is it?" asked Joe, his senses yet wandering. "Jest feel the back of your head, " said Sneak. Joe put his hand to theplace indicated, and winced under the pain of the touch. He thenlooked at his hand, and beholding a quantity of clotted blood upon it, fell down suddenly on the snow. "What's the matter now?" asked Glenn, who had seen his man sitting up, and came swiftly to him when he fell. "I'm a dead man!" said Joe, mournfully. "That's a lie!" said Sneak. "What ails you, Joe?" asked Glenn, his tone much softened. "I'm dying--oh! I'm shot through the head!" "Don't believe him, Mr. Glenn--I'll be smashed if its any thing but mytooth, " said Sneak. "Oh--I'm dying!" continued Joe, pressing his hand against his head, while the pain and loss of blood actually produced a faintness, andhis voice became very weak. "Are you really much hurt?" continued Glenn, stooping down, andfeeling his pulse. "It's all over!" muttered Joe. "I'm going fast. Sancte Petre!--Paternoster, qui es in coelis, sanctificeter nomen tuum; adveniat regnumtu--" Here Joe's voice failed, and, falling into a syncope, Glenn and Sneaklifted him up and carried him into the house. "Is he shot?" exclaimed Mary, instantly producing some lint andbandages which she had prepared in anticipation of such an event. "I fear he has received a serious hurt, " said Glenn, aiding Mary, whohad proceeded at once to bind up the wound. "I'll be split if he's shot!" said Sneak, going out and returning tohis post. Glenn did likewise when he saw the first indications ofreturning consciousness in his man; and Mary was left alone to restoreand nurse poor Joe. But he could not have been in better hands. "I should like to know something about them curious words the fellerwas speaking when he keeled over, " said Sneak, as he looked out at thenow quiet scene from the loophole, and mused over the events of thenight. "I begin to believe that the feller's a going to die. I don'tbelieve any man could talk so, if he wasn't dying. " "Have you seen any of them lately?" inquired Boone, coming to Sneak'spost and running his eye along the horizon through the loophole. "Not a one, " replied Sneak, "except that feller laying out yander bythe snowball. " "He's dead, " said Boone, "and he is the only one that we are sure ofhaving killed to-night. But many are wounded. " "And smash me if Joe didn't kill that one when his musket went offbefore he was ready, " said Sneak. "Yes, I saw him fall when Joe fired; and that accident was, after all, a fortunate thing for us, " continued Boone. "But I'm sorry for poor Joe, " said Sneak. "Pshaw!" said Boone; "he'll be well again, in an hour. " "No, he's a gone chicken. " "Why do you think so?" "Didn't he say so himself? and didn't he gabble out a whole parcel ofpurgatory talk? He's as sure gone as a stuck pig, I tell you, "continued Sneak. "He will eat as hearty a breakfast to-morrow morning as ever he did inhis life, " said Boone. "But let us attend to the business in hand. Ihardly think we will be annoyed any more from this quarter, unlessyonder dead Indian was a chief, and then it is more than probable theywill try to steal him away. However, you may remain here. I, alone, can manage the others. " "Which others?" inquired Sneak. "Those under the snow, " replied Boone; "they are now within twentypaces of the palisade. " "You don't say so?" said Sneak, cocking his gun. "I have been listening to them cutting through the snow a long while, and it will be a half hour yet before I spring the mine, " said Boone. "I hope it will kill 'em all!" said Sneak. "Watch close, and perhaps _you_ will kill one yet from this loophole, "said Boone, returning to his post, where the slow-match was exposedthrough the palisade near the ground; and Roughgrove stood by, holdinga pistol, charged with powder only, in readiness to fire the trainwhen Boone should give the word of command. Boone applied his ear to a crevice between the timbers near the earth, where the snow had been cleared away. After remaining in this positiona few moments, he beckoned Glenn to him. "Place your ear against this crevice, " said Boone. "It is not the Indians I hear, certainly!" remarked Glenn. The soundsresembled the ticking of a large clock, differing only in theirgreater rapidity than the strokes of seconds. "Most certainly it is nothing else, " replied Boone. "But how do they produce such singular sounds? Is it the trampling offeet?" continued Glenn. "It is the sound of many tomahawks cutting a passage, " replied Boone. "But what disposition do they make of the snow, when it is cut loose. " "A portion of them dig, while the rest convey the loose snow out andcast it down the cliff. " While the above conversation was going on, a colloquy of a differentnature transpired within the house. Joe, after recovering from hissecond temporary insensibility, had sunk into a gentle doze, whichlasted many minutes. Mary had bathed his face repeatedly with sundryrestoratives, and likewise administered a cordial that she had broughtfrom her father's house, which seemed to have a most astonishingsomniferous effect. When the contents of the bottle were exhausted, she sat silently by, watching Joe's apparent slumber, and feltrejoiced that her patient promised a speedy recovery. Once, after shehad been gazing at the fawn, (that had been suffered to occupy a placenear the wall, where it was now coiled up and sleeping, ) on turningher eyes towards the face of Joe, she imagined for a moment that shesaw him close his eyelids quickly. But calling him softly andreceiving no answer, she concluded it was a mere fancy, and againresigned herself to her lonely watch. When she had been sitting thussome minutes, watching him patiently, she observed his eyes openslowly, and quickly smack to again, when he found that she was lookingat him. But a moment after, conscious that his wakefulness wasdiscovered, he opened them boldly, and found himself possessed of afull recollection of all the incidents of the night up to hisdisaster. "Have they whipt all the Indians away that were standing out on thesnow, Miss Mary?" "Yes, long ago--and none have been seen, but the one you killed, forsome time, " she replied, encouragingly. "Did I kill one sure enough?" asked Joe, while his eyes sparkledexceedingly. "Yes, indeed, " replied she; "and I heard Mr. Boone say he was glad ithappened, and that the accident was, after all, a fortunate thing forus. " "_Accident_!" iterated Joe; "who says it was an accident?" "Wasn't it an accident?" asked the simple girl. "No, indeed!" replied Joe. "But, " he continued, "have they blown upthe other Indians yet?" "Not yet--but I heard them say they would do it very soon. They can beheard digging under the snow now, very plainly, " said Mary. "Indeed!" said Joe, with no little terror depicted in his face. "Iwish you'd go and ask Mr. Boone if he thinks you'll be entirely safe, if you please, Miss Mary, " said Joe beseechingly. "I will, " responded Mary, rising to depart. "And if they ask how I am, " continued Joe, "please say I am a greatdeal better, but too weak yet to go out. " Mary did his bidding; and when she returned, what was her astonishmentto find her patient running briskly across the room from the cupboard, with a whole roasted prairie-hen in one hand, or at least the body ofit, while he tore away the breast with his teeth, and some half dozencrackers in the other! In vain did he attempt to conceal them underthe covering of his bed, into which he jumped as quickly as possible. Guilt was manifest in his averted look, his trembling hand, and hisgreasy mouth! Mary gazed in silent wonder. Joe cowered under herglance a few moments, until the irresistible flavour of the fowlovercame him, and then his jaws were again set in motion. "I fear that eating will injure you, " remarked Mary, at length. "Never fear, " replied Joe. "When a sick person has a good appetite, it's a sure sign he's getting better. " "If you think so you can eat as much as you please, " said Mary; "andyou needn't hide any thing from me. " Joe felt a degree of shame in being so palpably detected, but hisappetite soon got the better of his scruples, and he gratified thedemands of his stomach without reserve. "But what did Mr. Boone say?" asked he, peeping out. "He says he thinks there is no danger. But the Indians are now withina few feet of the palisade, and the explosion is about to take place. " CHAPTER IX. Sneak skills a sow that "was not all a swine"--The breathlesssuspense--The match in readiness--Joe's cool demeanour--The matchignited--Explosion of the mine--Defeat of the savages--Thecaptive--His liberation--The repose--The kitten--Morning. "Don't you think I know who you are, and what you're after?" saidSneak, as he observed a large black sow, or what seemed to be one, rambling about on the snow within a hundred paces of him. "If thatain't _my_ sow! She's gone, that's dead sure; and if I don't pepperthe red rascal that killed her I wish I may be split. That Indian 'llfind I'm not such a fool as he took me for. Just wait till he gitsclose enough. I ain't to be deceived by my own sow's dead skin, with agreat big Osage in it, nohow you can fix it. " Sneak's conjecture wasright. The Indian that Joe had killed was a chief, and the apparentsow was nothing more than a savage enveloped in a swine's skin. TheIndian, after reconnoitering the premises with some deliberation, evidently believed that his stratagem was successful, and at lengthmoved in the direction of his dead comrade, with the manifestintention of bearing the body away. "I'll let you have it now!" said Sneak, firing his rifle, when theseeming sow began to drag the fallen chief from the field. Thedischarge took effect; the savage sprang upright and endeavoured toretreat in the manner that nature designed him to run; but he did notgo more than a dozen paces before he sank down and expired. "That's tit for tat, for killing my sow, " said Sneak, gazing at hispostrate foe. "Come here, Sneak, " said Boone, from the opposite side of theinclosure. "There was but one, and I fixed him, " said Sneak, when they asked himhow many of the enemy were in view when he fired. "They heard the gun, " said Glenn, applying his ear to the chink, andremarking that the Indians had suddenly ceased to work under the snow. "Be quiet, " said Boone; "they will begin again in a minute or two. " "They're at it a'ready, " said Sneak, a moment after, and very soonthey were heard again, more distinctly than ever, cutting away withincreased rapidity. "Suppose the match does not burn?" observed Glenn, in tones betrayinga fearful apprehension. "In such an event, " said Boone, "we must retreat into the house, andfasten the door without a moment's delay. But I do not much fear anysuch failure, for the dampness of the snow cannot so soon havepenetrated through the dry reeds to the powder. Still we should beprepared--therefore, as there is no necessity that more than one of usshould be here now, and as I am that man, withdraw, all of you, withinthe house, and remain there until your ears and eyes shall dictatewhat course to pursue. " Boone's command was promptly obeyed, and whenthey reached the house and looked back, (the door was kept open, ) theybeheld the renowned pioneer standing erect, holding a pistol in hisright hand (which he pointed at the cotton that connected with a trainof powder running along a short plank to the reed that reached theburied keg, ) while the moon, now midway in the heavens, "andbeautifully bright, " revealed the stern and determined expression ofpale brow and fixed lip. Thus he stood many minutes, and they seemedhours to those who gazed upon the breathless scene from the house. Nota sound was heard, save the rapid ticking of tomahawks under the snowoutside of the inclosure, or the occasional hasty remark of those whowere looking on in painful and thrilling suspense. Once Boone bowedhis head and listened an instant to the operations of the savages, andwhen he rose erect again, the party looking on confidently expected hewould fire the train. But the fatal moment had not yet arrived. Stillhe pointed the pistol at the combustible matter, and his eye glancedalong the barrel; but he maintained a statue-like stillness, as ifawaiting some preconcerted signal. "Why don't he fire?" inquired Glenn, in a whisper. "It is not quite time yet, " responded Roughgrove. "Dod! they'll crawl up presently, and jump over the fence, " saidSneak. "Oh, goodness! I wish he'd shoot!" said Joe, in low, sepulchral tones, his head thrust between Sneak's legs, whither he had crawledunobserved, and was now peering out at the scene. "Who are you?" exclaimed Sneak, leaping away from Joe's bandaged head, which he did not recognize at the first glance. "It's nobody but me, " said Joe, turning his face upward, that hisfriend might not suppose him an enemy. "Well, what are you doing here? I thought you was a dying. " "I'm a good deal better, but I'm too weak to do any thing yet, " saidJoe, in piteous tones, as he looked fearfully at Boone, and listenedto the strokes of the Indians without, which became louder and louder. "Stand back a little, " said Boone to those in the door-way, "that Imay enter when I fire--the match may burn more briskly than Ianticipated. " A passage was opened for him to enter. He pulled the trigger--thepistol missed fire--he deliberately poured in fresh priming from hishorn, and once more taking aim, the pistol was discharged, and, running to the house, and entering a little beyond the threshold, hepaused, and turned to behold the realization of his hopes. The lightcombustible matter flashed up brightly, and the blaze ran along theground a moment in the direction of the end of the reed; but at theinstant when all expected to see the powder ignited, the flames seemedto die away, and the darkness which succeeded impressed them with thefear that the damp snow had, indeed, defeated their purpose. "Split me if it _shan't_ go off!" cried Sneak, running out with atorch in his hand, that he snatched from the fireplace. When hereached the trench that had been dug along the palisade, and in whichthe slow match was placed, he looked down but once, and dashing hisfire-brand behind him, sprang back to the house, with all the celerityof which he was capable. "Dod!" said he, "it's burning yet, but wecouldn't see it from here. It'll set the powder off in less than notime!" "I trust it will!" said Boone, with much anxiety. And truly the crisishad arrived, beyond which, if it were delayed a single minute, itwould be too late! The _voices_ of the Indians could now be heard, andthe sounds of the tomahawks had ceased. They were evidently on the eveof breaking through the icy barrier, and rushing upon their victims. Boone, with a composed but livid brow, placed his hand upon theponderous door, for the purpose of retreating within, and barring outthe ruthless assailants. The rest instinctively imitated his motions, but at the same time their eyes were yet riveted on the dimly burningmatch. A small flash was observed to illumine the trench--another anda larger one succeeded! The first train of powder was ignited--theIndians were bursting through the snow-crust with direful yells--theblaze ran quickly along the plank--it reached the end of the reed--ashrill whizzing sound succeeded--a sharp crash under the snow--andthen all was involved in a tremendous chaotic explosion! An enormouscircular cloud of smoke enveloped the scene for a moment, and thencould be seen tomahawks, bows, and arrows, and even _savages_, sailingthrough the air. The moon was darkened for the space of severalminutes, during which time immense quantities of snow poured down fromabove. The startling report seemed to rend both the earth and theheavens, and rumbled far up and down the valley of the Missouri, likethe deep bellowing of a coruscant thunder-cloud, and died away insuccessive vibrations until it finally resembled the partiallysuppressed growling of an angry lion. When the inmates of the house sallied forth, the scene was againquiet. After clearing away the enormous masses of snow from thepalisade, they looked out from the inclosure through the loophole onthe east, and all was stillness and silence. But the view was changed. Instead of the level and smooth surface, they now beheld a concaveformation of snow, beginning at the earth, which was laid bare wherethe powder had been deposited, and widening, upward and outward, tillthe ring of the extreme angle reached a height of fifteen or twentyfeet, and measured a circumference of fifty paces. But they did notdiscover a single dead body. On the contrary, they soon distinguishedthe sounds of the savages afar off, in fiendish and fearful yells, asthey retreated in great precipitation. "Dod! none of 'em's killed!" exclaimed Sneak, looking about indisappointment. "Hang it all, how could they expect to kill any, without putting insome lead?" replied Joe, standing at his elbow, and evincing nosymptoms of illness. "What're _you_ a doing out here? You'd better go in and finish dying, "said Sneak. "No, I thank you, " said Joe; "my time's not come yet; and when it doescome, I'll know what to do without your instructions. I'm well now--Inever felt better in my life, only when I was eating. " "Go to the horses, Joe, and see if they have suffered any injury, "said Glenn. "I don't believe a single Indian was killed by theexplosion, " he continued, addressing Boone. "The snow may have preserved them, " replied Boone; "and yet, " hecontinued, "I am sure I saw some of them flying up in the air. " "I saw them too, " said Glenn, "but I have known instances of the kind, when powder-mills have blown up, where men were thrown a considerabledistance without being much injured. " "It answered our purpose, at all events, " said Boone, "for now, noinducement whatever can ever bring them back" "If I were sure of that, " replied Glenn, "I would not regret thebloodless result of the explosion. " "You may rely upon it implicitly, " said Boone; "for it was a surprisethey can never understand, and they will attach to it somesuperstitious interpretation, which will most effectually prevent themfrom meditating another attack" "Goodness gracious alive!" exclaimed Joe, nimbly springing past Booneand Glenn, and rushing into the house. "What can be the matter with the fellow, now?" exclaimed Glenn. "He was alarmed at something in the stable--see what it is, Sneak, "said Boone. "I've got you, have I? Dod! come out here!" exclaimed Sneak, when hehad been in the stable a few moments. "Who are you talking to?" asked Glenn. "A venimirous Osage smutty-face!" said Sneak, stepping out of thestable door backwards, and dragging an Indian after him by the ears. "What is that?" demanded Glenn, staring at the singular object beforehim. The question was by no means an unnatural one, for no being inthe human shape ever seemed less like a man. The unresisting andbewildered savage looked wildly round, displaying a face as black asif he had just risen from the bottom of some infernal lake. Histattered buckskin garments had shared the same fate in the explosion;his eyebrows, and the hair of his head were singed and crisped; and, altogether he might easily have passed for one of Pluto's scullions. He did not make resistance when Sneak led him forth, seeming toanticipate nothing else than an instantaneous and cruel death, and wasapparently resigned to his fate. He doubtless imagined that escape andlonger life were utterly impossible, inasmuch as, to hiscomprehension, he was in the grasp of evil spirits. If he had askedhimself _how_ he came thither, it could not have occurred to him thatany other means than the agency of a supernatural power threw him intothe hands of the foe. "I thought I saw one of them plunging through the air over theinclosure, " said Boone, smiling. "Hanged if I didn't think so too, " said Joe, who had at lengthreturned to gaze at the captive, when he ascertained that he wasentirely meek and inoffensive. "Have you got over your fright already?" asked Sneak. "What fright?" demanded Joe, with affected surprise. "Now, _can_ you say you weren't skeered?" "Ha! ha! ha! I believe you really thought I _was_ frightened. Why, youdunce, you! I only ran in to tell Miss Mary about it. " "Now go to bed. Don't speak to me agin to night, " said Sneak, indignantly. "I'll go and get something to eat, " said Joe, retreating into thehouse. "Tell Roughgrove to come here, " said Boone, speaking to Joe. "I will, " said Joe, vanishing through the door. When the old ferryman came out, Boone requested him (he being the mostfamiliar with the Osage language, ) to ask the savage by what means hewas enabled to get inside of the inclosure. Roughgrove did hisbidding; and the Indian replied that the Great Spirit _threw_ him overthe palisade, because he once killed a friend of Boone's at thecave-spring, and was now attempting to kill another. "Why did you wish to kill us?" asked Roughgrove. The Indian said it was because they thought Glenn had a great deal ofmoney, many fire weapons, and powder and bullets, which they (thesavages) wanted. "Was it _right_ to rob the white man of these things, and then tomurder him?" continued Roughgrove. The savage replied that the prophet (Raven) had told the war-party itwas right. Besides, they came a long and painful journey to get(Glenn's) goods, and had suffered much with cold in digging under thesnow; several of their party had been killed and wounded, and hethought they had a good right to every thing they could get. "Did the whites ever go to your village to rob and murder?" inquiredthe old ferryman. The Indian assumed a proud look, and replied that they _had_. He saidthat the buffalo, the bear, the deer, and the beaver--the eternalprairies and forests--the rivers, the air and the sky, all belonged tothe red men. That the whites had not been _invited_ to come amongthem, but they had intruded upon their lands, stolen their game, andkilled their warriors. Yet, he said, the Indians did not hate Boone, and would not have attacked the premises that night, if they had knownhe was there. "Why do they not hate Boone? He has killed more of them than any oneelse in this region, " continued Roughgrove. The Indian said that Boone was a great prophet, and was loved by theGreat Spirit. "Will the war-party return hither to-night?" asked Roughgrove. The Indian answered in the negative; and added that they would neverattack that place again, because the Great Spirit had fought againstthem. Boone requested Roughgrove to ask what would be done with the falseprophet who had advised them to make the attack. The savage frowned fiercely, and replied that he would be tied to atree, and shot through the heart a hundred times. "What do you think we intend to do to _you_?" asked Roughgrove. The savage said he would be skinned alive and put under the ice in theriver, or burned to death by a slow fire. He said he was ready to die. "I'll be shot if he isn't a spunky fellow!" said Sneak. "Do you desire such a fate?" continued the old ferry man. "The Indian looked at him with surprise, and answered withouthesitation that he _did_--and then insisted upon being killedimmediately. "Would you attempt to injure the white man again if we were not tokill you?" The Indian smiled, but made no answer. "I am in earnest, " continued Roughgrove, "and wish to know what youwould do if we spared your life. " The Indian said such talk was only trifling, and again insisted uponbeing dispatched. After a short consultation with Boone and Glenn, Roughgrove repeatedhis question. The savage replied that he did not believe it possible for him toescape immediate death--but if he were not killed, he could neverthink of hurting any of those, who saved him, afterwards. Yet hestated very frankly that he would kill and rob any _other_ pale-faceshe might meet with. "Let me blow his brains out, " said Sneak, throwing his gun up to hisshoulder. The Indian understood the movement, if not the words, andturning towards him, presented a full front, without quailing. "He speaks the truth, " said Boone; "he would never injure any of ushimself, nor permit any of his tribe to do it, so far as his influenceextended. Yet he will die rather than make a promise not to molestothers. His word may be strictly relied upon. It is not fear thatextorts the promise never to war against us--it would be his gratitudefor sparing his life. Take down your gun, Sneak. Let us decide uponhis fate. I am in favour of liberating him. " "And I, " said Glenn. "And I, " said Roughgrove. "I vote for killing him, " said Sneak. "Hanged if I don't, too, " said Joe, who had been listening from thedoor. "Spare him, " said Mary, who came out, and saw what was passing. "We have the majority, Mary, " said Glenn; "and when innocence pleads, the generous hand is stayed. " Roughgrove motioned the savage to follow, and he led him to the gate. The prisoner did not understand what was to be done. He evidentlysupposed that his captors were about to slay him, and he looked up, ashe thought, the last time, at the moon and the stars, and his lipsmoved in deep and silent adoration. Roughgrove opened the gate, and the savage followed him out, composedly awaiting his fate. But seeing no indication of violence, and calling to mind the many wild joys of his roving youth, and thehorrors of a sudden death, he spoke not, yet his brilliant eyes weredimmed for a moment with tears. His deep gaze seemed to implore mercyat the hands of his captors. He would not utter a petition that hislife might be spared, yet his breast heaved to rove free again overthe flowery prairies, to bathe in the clear waters of running streams, to inhale the balmy air of midsummer morning, to chase the pantingdeer upon the dizzy peak, and to hail once more the bright smiles ofhis timid bride in the forest-shadowed glen. "Go! thou art free!" said Roughgrove. The Indian stared in doubt, and looked reproachfully at the guns inthe hands of his captors, as if he thought they were only mocking himwith hopes of freedom, when it was their intention to shoot him downthe moment he should think his life was truly spared. "Go! we will not harm thee!" repeated Roughgrove. "And take this, " said Mary, placing some food in his yielding hand. The Indian gazed upon the maiden's face. His features, by a magicaltransition, now beamed with confidence and hope. Mary was intears--not tears of pity for his impending death, but a gush ofgenerous emotion that his life was spared. The savage read herheart--he knew that the white woman never intercedes in vain, and thatno victim falls when sanctified by her tears. He clasped her hand andpressed it to his lips; and then turning away in silence, set off in astately and deliberate pace towards the west. He looked not back tosee if a treacherous gun was pointed at him. He knew that the maidenhad not trifled with him. He knew that she would not mock a dying manwith bread. He neither looked back nor quickened his step. And so hevanished from view in the valley. "Dod! he's gone! We ought to've had his sculp!" said Sneak, betrayingserious mortification. "We must give it up, though--we were in the minority, " said Joe, satisfied with the decision. "In the what?" asked Sneak. "In the minority, " said Joe. "Let's go in the house and git something to eat, " said Sneak. "Hang me if I ain't willing to be with you there, " said Joe. The whole party entered the house to partake of a collation preparedby the dainty hands of Mary. Mary had frequently insisted upon servingthem with refreshments during the night, but hitherto all herpersuasions had been unavailing, for the dangers that beset them onevery hand had banished all other thoughts than those of determineddefensive operations. [Illustration: He clasped her hand, and pressed it to his lips. --P. 120] Boone was so certain that nothing farther was to be apprehended fromthe enemy, that he dispensed with the sentinels at the loopholes. Herelied upon Ringwood and Jowler to guard them through the remainder ofthe night; and when a hearty meal was eaten he directed his gallantlittle band to enjoy their wonted repose. Ere long Mary slumbered quietly beside her father, while Boone andGlenn occupied the remaining couch. Sneak was seated on a low stool, near the blazing fire, and Joe sat in Glenn's large arm chair, on theopposite side of the hearth. The fawn and the kitten were coiled closetogether in the centre of the room. Save the grinding jaws of Sneak and Joe, a death-like silence reigned. Occasionally, when Sneak lifted his eyes from the pewter platter thatlay upon his knees, and glanced at the bandages on his companion'shead, his jaws would cease to move for a few moments, during which hegazed in astonishment at the ravenous propensity of the invalid. Butnot being inclined to converse or remonstrate, he endeavoured to getthrough with his supper with as much expedition as possible, that hemight enjoy all the comforts of refreshing sleep. Yet he was often onthe eve of picking a quarrel with Joe, when he suffered a suddentwinge from his broken tooth, while striving to tear the firmerportion of the venison from the bone. But when he reflected upon hispeculiar participation in the occurrence which had caused him sojustly to suffer, he repressed his rising anger and proceeded with hislabour of eating. Joe, on the other hand, discussed his savoury dish with unalloyedsatisfaction; yet he, too, paused occasionally, and fixing his eyesupon the glaring fire, seemed plunged in the deepest thought. But hedid not glance at his companion. At these brief intervals he wasapparently reflecting upon the incidents of the night. One thing inparticular puzzled him; he could not, for the life of him, conceivehow his musket rebounded with such violence, when he was positivelycertain that he had put but one charge in it, and that only a moderateone. He was sometimes inclined to think the blow he received on thehead was dealt by Sneak; but when he reflected it would be unnaturalfor one man to strike another with his _teeth_, and that Sneak hadlikewise sustained a serious injury at the same time, conjectures wereentirely at fault. "What are you a thinking about so hard?" asked Sneak. "I'm trying to think how I got that blow on the back of my head, " saidJoe, turning half abstractedly to Sneak. "Yes, and I'd like to know how you come to mash my mouth sodod-rottedly, " said Sneak, in well-affected ill nature. "Hang it, Sneak, you know well enough that I wouldn't do such a thingon purpose, when I was obliged to almost knock out my own brains to doit, " said Joe, apologetically. "If I hadn't thought of that, " replied Sneak, "I don't know but Ishould've shot you through when I got up. " "And I should never have blamed you for it, " said Joe, "if it had beendone on purpose. Does it hurt you much now?" "Don't you see how its bleeding?" "That's gravy running out of your mouth, ain't it?" "Yes, but its bloody a little, " said Sneak, licking his lips. "I shall have to sit up and sleep, " said Joe; "for my head's so sore Ican't lie down. " "I'm a going to lay my head on this stool and sleep; and I'm gettingso drowsy I can't set much longer, " said Sneak. "All'll be square between us, about breaking your tooth, won't it?" "Yes, I can't bear malice, " said Sneak, shaking Joe's extended hand. "Oh me!" said Joe, "I shan't be able to doze a bit, hardly, for tryingto study out how the old musket came to kick me so. " "I've got a notion to tell you, jest to see if you'll sleep anybetter, then. " "Do you know?" asked Joe, quickly; "if you do, I'll thank you with allmy heart to tell me?" "Dod! if I don't!" said Sneak; "but all's square betwixt us?" "Yes, if you're willing. " "Well, don't you remember when I told you to count the Indiansstanding out there, I leant agin you to look over your shoulder? Istole a cartrich out of your shot-bag then, and slipt it in the muzzleof your musket. Don't you know it was leaning agin the post?" Joe turned round and looked Sneak full in the face for severalmoments, without uttering a word. "When it went off, " continued Sneak, "it made the tremendousest crackI ever heard in all my life, except when the keg of powder busted. " "You confounded, blasted rascal you!" exclaimed Joe, doubling up hisfists, and preparing to assault his friend. "Now don't go to waking up the folks!" said Sneak. "I'll be hanged if I hain't got a great notion to wear out the ironpoker over your head!" continued Joe, his eyes gleaming with rage. "Look at my tooth, " said Sneak, grinning in such manner that theremaining fragment of the member named could be distinctly seen. Theludicrous expression of his features was such as constrained Joe tosmile, and his enmity vanished instantaneously. "I believe you got the worst of the bargain, after all, " said Joe, falling back in his chair and laughing quite heartily. "You know, " continued Sneak, "I didn't mean it to turn out as bad asit did. I jest thought it would kick you over in the snow, and nothurt you any, hardly. " "Well, let's say no more about it, " said Joe; "but when you do anything of that kind hereafter, pause and reflect on the consequences, and forbear. " "I'll keep my mouth out of the way next time, " said Sneak; "and now, as all's square betwixt us, s'pose we agree about how we are to dowith them dead Indians. S'pose we go halves with all the thingsthey've got?" "No, I'll be hanged if I do!" said Joe quickly. "The one I shot was achief, and he's sure to have some gold about him. " "Yes, but you know you'd never a killed him if it hadn't been for me. " "But if it hadn't been for you I wouldn't have got hurt, " replied Joe, reproachfully. "Well, I don't care much about the chief--the one I killed maybe tookall his silver and gold before I shot him. Anyhow, I know I can findsomething out there in the snow where they were blowed up, " saidSneak, arranging a buffalo robe on the hearth and lying down. "And we must hereafter let each other alone, Sneak, " said Joe, "forthe fact is, we are both too much for one another in our tricks. " "I'm willing, " replied Sneak, lazily, as his eyes gradually closed. Joe placed his dish on the shelf over the fireplace, and folding hisarms, and leaning back in his great chair, likewise closed his eyes. But a few moments sufficed to place them both in the land of dreams. And now the silence was intense. Even the consuming logs of woodseemed to sink by degrees into huge livid coals, without emitting theleast sparkling sound. The embers threw a dim glare over the scene, such as Queen Mab delights in when she leads her fairy train throughthe chambers of sleeping mortals. A sweet smile rested upon the lipsof Mary. A loved form flitted athwart her visions. Roughgrove'sfeatures wore a grave but placid cast. Boone's face was as passionlessand calm as if he were a stranger to terrific strife. Perils could nowmake no impression on him. There was sadness on the damp brow ofGlenn, and a tear was stealing through the corner of his lids. A sceneof woe, or the crush of cherished hopes, was passing before hisentranced vision. Sneak, ever and anon grasped the empty air, andmotioned his arm, as if in the midst of deadly conflict. And Joe, though his bruised face betrayed not his cast of thought, stillevinced a participation in the ideal transactions of the night, by thefrequent involuntary motions of his body, and repeated endeavours toavoid visionary dangers. The kitten lay upon the soft neck of the fawn, and at intervalsresumed its low, humming song, which had more than once been hushed inperfect repose. At a late hour, or rather an early one, just ere thefirst faint ray of morning appeared in the distant east, puss purredrather harshly on the silken ears of its companion, and its sharpclaws producing a stinging sensation, the fawn shook its headviolently, and threw its little bed-fellow rather rudely several feetaway. The kitten, instead of being angry, fell into a merry mood, andbegan to frisk about in divers directions, first running under thebed, then springing upon some diminutive object on the floor as itwould upon a mouse, and finally pricking again the ear of the fawn. The fawn then rose up, and creeping gently about the room, touched thecheeks or hands of the slumbering inmates with its velvet tongue, butso softly that none were awakened. The kitten, no longer able to annoyits companion by its mischievous pranks, now paced up to the fire andcommenced playing with a dangling string attached to Joe's moccasin. Once it jumped up with such force against his foot that he jerked itquickly several inches away. But this only diverted puss the more. Instead of being content with the palpable demonstration thuseffected, it followed up the advantage gained by applying both itsclaws and teeth to the foot. While it confined its operations to thestout buckskin, but little impression was made; but when it came incontact with the ankle, which was only covered with a yarn stocking, the result was entirely different. "Ugh! Confound the fire!" exclaimed Joe, giving a tremendous kick, which dashed puss most violently into Sneak's face. "Hey! Dod! What is it?" cried Sneak, tearing the kitten (whose brierynails had penetrated the skin of his nose) away, and throwing itacross the room. "I say! did you do that?" continued Sneak, wiping theblood from his nose with his sleeve, and addressing Joe, who kept hiseyes fast closed, though almost bursting with suppressed laughter, andpretending to be steeped in earnest slumber. "I won't stand this!"said Sneak, smarting with his wounds, and striking the chair in whichJoe sat with his foot. "Now, " continued Sneak, "if you done that, jestsay so, that's all. " "Did what?" asked Joe, opening his eyes suddenly. "Why, throwed that ere pestiverous cat on me!" said Sneak. "No. Goodness! is there a pole-cat in here?" exclaimed Joe, in suchwell-counterfeited tones of anxiety and alarm, that the real encounteroccurring to Sneak, and his pain being now somewhat abated, he gavevent to a hearty fit of laughter, which awoke every person in thehouse. CHAPTER X. The lead removed--The wolves on the river--The wolf hunt--Gumfetid--Joe's incredulity--His conviction--His surprise--Hispredicament--His narrow escape. When Sneak opened the door, the sun had risen and was shiningbrightly. In a moment the inmates of the house were stirring. Thehorses neighed in the stable for their accustomed food and water, andwhen Joe hastened to them, he embraced the neck of each, in testimonyof his joy that they were once more saved from the hands of theIndians. The hounds pranced round Boone and Glenn, manifesting theirdelight in being relieved of the presence of the enemy. The gate wasthrown open, and the scene of the explosion minutely examined. Fortunately the channel cut under the snow by the savages ran a fewfeet apart from the powder, or the whole of them must inevitably haveperished. As it was, not a single one lost his life, though many wereblown up in the air to a considerable height. Joe and Sneak found onlya few spears, knives, and tomahawks, that had been abandoned by thesavages; and then they repaired to the west side of the inclosure, where the two dead Indians were still lying. They had scarce commencedsearching their victims for booty, when a solitary Indian was seenapproaching from the upper valley. "We hain't got our guns!" exclaimed Sneak, pulling out his knife. "I'll get mine!" cried Joe, running away with all his might. "What's the matter?" inquired Boone, smiling, who had also seen theapproaching Indian, and was walking to where the dead savages lay, accompanied by Glenn and Roughgrove, when he met Joe running swiftlytowards the house. [Illustration: They had scarce commenced searching their victims forbooty, when a solitary Indian was seen approaching from the uppervalley. --P. 126] "Hang me, if the Indians ain't coming back again, " replied Joe. "There is but one, and he has a white flag, " said Boone, who haddiscovered a small rag attached to a pole borne by the Indian. "What can he want?" inquired Glenn. "He wants permission to bury the dead, " replied Roughgrove. "He's the very rascal we let loose last night, " said Sneak. This was true. Although the singed savage had removed some of theblack marks produced by the explosion, yet so many palpable traces ofthat event were still exhibited on his person, there could be no doubtof his identity. The Indian came for the purpose mentioned by Roughgrove, and hisrequest was granted. He made a sign to a comrade he had left somedistance behind, who, in a very few minutes, was seen to approach in ahasty though timorous pace. "Don't go to shooting out here!" exclaimed Sneak, hearing a clickingsound, and the next moment observing Joe pointing his musket throughthe loophole nearly in a line with the spot where he stood. "Come in! come in! come in!" cried Joe. "Put your gun away, and be silent, " said Glenn. "I'll be silent, " replied Joe, "but I'd rather stand here and watchawhile. If they ain't going to hurt any of us, it'll do no harm; andif they _do_ try to kill any of you, it may do some good. " When the second Indian arrived, he seized the body of the savageenveloped in the swine-skin, (knowing that permission to do so hadbeen obtained by his comrade, ) and bore him away with greatexpedition, manifesting no inclination whatever to tarry at a placewhich had been so fatal to his brethren. But the other had everyconfidence in the mercy of the whites, and lingered some length oftime, gazing at the corpse before him, as if hesitating whether tobear it away. "Why do you not take him up?" inquired Roughgrove. The Indian said it was the false prophet Raven, and that he hardlydeserved to be buried. Sneak turned the dead Indian over, (he had been lying on his face, )and he was instantly recognized by the whole party. "I'm glad its him, " said Sneak. "I think we will have peace now, " said Boone, "for Raven has ever beenthe most blood-thirsty chief of the tribe. " "Where is the war-party encamped? When do they return to their owncountry?" asked Roughgrove. The Indian replied that they were encamped in a small grove on theborder of the prairie, where they intended to bury their brothers, andthen it was their intention to set out immediately for their villages. He added that one of their tribe, whom they had left at home, arrivedthat morning with intelligence that a war-party of Pawnees had invadedtheir territories, and it was necessary for them to hasten back withall possible dispatch to defend their wives and children. Glenn asked Boone how the Indians managed to sleep in the coldprairie; and, Roughgrove repeating the inquiry to the savage, theywere informed that the war-party carried with them a long but verylight sled, in the shape of a canoe, to which was tied a rope made ofbuckskins, by which they pulled it along on the snow with greatswiftness. This kept them warm with exercise through the day. Aquantity of furs and buffalo skins were packed in the canoe thatserved to keep them warm at night. "Mr. Roughgrove! Mr. Roughgrove!" cried Joe, from his loophole. "What do you want with me?" responded the old man. "Why, Miss Mary's gone down to your house to see if the Indians havebeen there, and they may be there now, perhaps. " "There's no danger now, you blockhead, " replied Roughgrove. "Keep your mouth shet!" said Sneak. "Your mouth's mashed--recollect who did it, " retorted Joe. The savage at length lifted up the dead body, and set off at a briskpace towards the prairie. The party then returned to the house andpartook of a plenteous repast that had been provided by Mary. When the breakfast was over, they repaired to the cliff, to examinethe place where the Indians had first penetrated the snow. They hadcommenced operations at the very brow of the cliff, on a shelvingrock, to attain which, without being seen from the garrison, they musthave crawled on their hands and knees a considerable distance. Belowcould be seen an immense heap of snow, which had been thrown down fromthe place of entrance, just as Boone had described. "Jest look yander!" cried Sneak, pointing up the river. The scene wasa remarkable one. They beheld a very small deer (the lightness ofwhich enabled it to run on the snow that covered the ice with greatfleetness, without breaking through the crust, ) chased about on theriver by a pack of wolves! These hungry animals had evidently beenracing after it a great length of time, from the distressed appearanceof the poor victim, and, having driven it upon the ice, they seemedresolved to prevent it from ever again entering the thickets. The planthey adopted was systematic, and worthy the imitation of bipedhunters. They dispersed in various directions, and formed themselvesin a circle of about a half mile in diameter, hemming the deer in onall sides, while only one or two of their number at a time chased it. Round and round it ran; and though its pursuers were left far in therear, yet it remained entirely surrounded by the enemy. Occasionally, when a chasing wolf became exhausted, one of the guards (abandoninghis post) would enter the ring, and, not being fatigued, was able tocarry on the pursuit with redoubled vigour. Thus the chase was kept upwith increasing fierceness by means of a succession of fresh wolves, until the poor deer finally sank down and surrendered its life. Thevoracious pack then rushed from their stations indiscriminately, andcoming in contact immediately over their prey, a most frightfulcontest ensued among them. Horrific yells and screams could be heardby the men as they looked on from their distant position. At times thewolves were so closely jumbled together that nothing could bedistinguished but one black, heaving, and echoing mass. But thestruggle was soon over. In a very few moments, they became quiet, andstarted off in a comparatively peaceful manner towards the island, whence their prize had been driven, in quest of others. When theyabandoned the spot where their victim had fallen, not so much as abone remained. "That's making a clean business of it!" said Sneak. "Its no such thing!" said Joe; "it's a nasty trick to swallow hide, bones, and bowels, in that manner. " "Its clean for wolves, " said Sneak. "Oh, may be you're part wolf, " said Joe. "Now, none of your gab, or I'll play some other trick on you, worsethan that at the spring. " "You be hanged, " retorted Joe; "I'll give you leave to do it when youget a chance the next time. " "It is a great pity that the deer are subject to such destruction, "remarked Glenn. "The wolves we saw are all on yonder island, " said Boone, "and if youare disposed to have a hunt, I have no doubt we might kill some ofthem. " "We are entirely dependent upon the deer for animal food, " saidRoughgrove; "and if we could only surround that party of wolves asthey did the deer, we might do the settlement much good service. " "I go in for it, " said Sneak. "I'd rather wait a day or two, till the Indians have gone clean off, "said Joe. "There is nothing to fear from them now, " said Boone, "unlesssomething they might steal should fall in their way. But it will notrequire an hour to rout the wolves on the little island. " "Then let us hasten and get our guns, and be upon them before theyleave it, " said Glenn. They returned to the house, and were all soon equipped for theonslaught, except Joe, who made no preparation whatever. "Get ready, Joe, " said Glenn; "your redoubtable musket will do goodservice. " "I'd rather not, " said Joe; "I'm hardly well enough to walk so far. I'll take care of Miss Mary. I wonder what's become of her? Mr. Roughgrove, Miss Mary hasn't come back yet!" "Yes she has, " replied the old ferryman; "I saw her bring this frozenflower up, while we were standing on the cliff, and she has onlyreturned for the other pots, I hear her singing down the valley now, "he added, after stepping to the gate and listening a moment. "Have you any gum fetid?" asked Boone, addressing Glenn. "I've got lots of it, " interposed Joe, "that I brought along for thehorses, because an old man at St. Louis told me they would never dieso long as I kept a lump of it in the rack. " "What use do you make of it?" asked Glenn. "The scent of it will at any time collect the wolves, " said Boone, directing Joe to bring it along. The party set out at a brisk pace, Joe with the rest, for it wasnecessary to station the men at as many points as possible. Boone, Roughgrove, and Glenn, when they reached the upper valley, descendedto the river, while Sneak and Joe were directed to station themselveson the main-land opposite the upper and lower ends of the island. Theparty of three advanced towards the island on the ice, and Sneak andJoe pursued their way in a parallel direction through the narrow skirtof woods that bordered the range of bluffs. Ere long the two on land descended from their high position andentered a densely-timbered bottom, the upper part of which (a halfmile distant) was only separated from the island by a very narrowchannel. Here, for the first time that day, the thought that the island he wasapproaching was the haunted one of Glenn's dream occurred to Joe, andhe paused suddenly. "What are you stopping for?" asked Sneak. "Because"--Joe hesitated, positively ashamed to tell the reason; andafter a moment's reflection he was impressed with a thoroughconviction that his apprehensions and scruples were ridiculous. "Don't you hear me?" continued Sneak. "I was thinking about going back for the dogs, " said Joe. "Yes, and they would be torn to bits in a little less than no time, "said Sneak. "Come on, then, " said Joe, setting forward again, and dismissing allfears of the fire-wizard from his mind. "Let me see how much asafoetida you've got, " said Sneak, after theyhad walked a few moments in silence. "Here it is, " said Joe, unwrapping a paper containing several ounces;"but hang me, if that ain't rather too strong a joke of Mr. Boone'sabout its collecting the wolves. I can't believe that. " "Did you ever hear of Mr. Boone's telling a lie?" asked Sneak. "No, I never did, and that's a fact, " said Joe; "but I'm afraid he'sgot into a scrape this time--Jingo! look yonder!" he continued, throwing his musket up to his face, and pointing it at a very largeblack wolf that stood in the path before them. "Don't shoot! I put two loads in your gun, " cried Sneak, hastily. "Confound your long-necked gourd-head, I say!" said Joe, throwing downthe muzzle of his musket in an instant, and the next moment the wolfdisappeared among the tall bushes. "Why, hang me, if you didn't tell alie!" continued Joe, running down his ramrod. "Don't I know it?" replied Sneak. "I jest said so to keep you fromshooting; becaise if you had shot, you'd 'ave skeered all the otherwolves away, and we wouldn't 'ave killed any. " "It's well you didn't put in another cartridge, " said Joe, "for I wishI may be smashed if I stand this kicking business any longer. " "Now, I guess you'll believe there's something in the asafoetida, after all! and the wolves'll come all round you and won't go off forshooting at 'em, if you'll only rub it on the soles of your boots. " "I'll try it!" said Joe, suiting the action to the word, and thenstriding onward, and looking in every direction for the wolves. "You'll have to tree, if they come too thick. " "Pshaw!" replied Joe, "you can't scare me in that way. I don't believea hat full of it would make them stand and be shot at. " They were now opposite the island. Joe selected a position even withthe upper end of it, and Sneak remained below. Boone, after stationingRoughgrove and Glenn to the best advantage, walked out to themain-land, and taking some of the gum fetid in Joe's possession, returned to the island; and, ere long, he, Roughgrove, and Glenn wereheard discharging their guns with great rapidity, and the cries of thewolves attested that they were labouring with effect. But none of thebeleaguered animals had yet retreated from the scene of destruction. On the contrary, several were seen to run across from the main-landand join those on the island. Presently Sneak commenced a brisk fire. There seemed to be a whole army of wolves congregated in the vicinity. Joe at first laughed, and then became confused and puzzled. Heanxiously desired to make the roar of his musket join the melée; butat times he thought the ravenous enemy rather too numerous for him tobe in perfect safety. The firing on the island continued withoutabatement. Sneak's gun was likewise still heard at regular intervals, and what seemed an extraordinary matter to Joe was that Sneak shouldyell out something or other about the "asafoetida, " and "moccasintracks, " after every discharge. Joe was not long idle. He soon saw ahuge black wolf trotting along the little deer path he had justtraversed, with its nose down to the ground. A moment after, another, and then a third, were seen pursuing the same course, some distancebehind. Joe became uneasy. His first impulse was to scamper over tothe island: but, when he thought of the jeers and jests that wouldensue from Sneak, he resolved to stand his ground. When the foremostwolf had approached within thirty paces of him, he leveled his musketand fired. The wolf uttered a fierce howl and expired. "Hang me, if I haven't floored you, any how, " said he, exultingly, ashe proceeded to reload his gun with as much expedition as possible. But the other wolves, so far from being alarmed at the fate of theircomrade, seemed to quicken their pace towards the position of Joe. "Slash me, if there ain't too many of them!" ejaculated Joe, as heperceived several others, and all advancing upon him. "I'll settleyour hash, by jing!" he continued, firing at the foremost one, whichwas not twenty paces distant. The leaden contents of the musketentered its breast, and it fell dead without a growl. Still the othersadvanced. Joe had no time to charge his gun again. "I'll make tracks!" said he, starting toward the frozen channel thatseparated him from the island. But he had not gone ten paces before hediscovered two enormous wolves approaching from _that_ direction. "I'll cut dirt back again!" he continued, whirling suddenly around, and rushing back to his stand, where he stood not a moment, but sprangup in a tree, and after attaining a large limb that put out from thetrunk, some fifteen feet above the snow, paused, and pantinglysurveyed his assailants. There were now no less than twenty wolves insight, and several were at the root of the tree yelping at him! "I'llbe hanged if I half like this, " said he. "Snap me, if I don't begin tobelieve that the asafoetida does charm them, after all. ConfoundSneak! he's always getting me into some hobble or other! Now, if itwasn't for this tree, I'd be in a nice fix. Hang it! all the wolves inthe world are broke loose to-day, surely--where the mischief couldthey all have come from? Just hear the men, how they are shooting! Andthey are killing the wild black dogs every crack--but still they won'tback out! I'll blaze away at 'em again!" Saying this, he reloaded hismusket as quickly as his peculiar position would allow, and, for thepurpose of ridding himself as soon as possible of his disagreeablevisitors, he poured in an additional charge of buckshot. "Now, " hecontinued, "what if the gun should fly out of my hands? I'd be in apretty condition then! I wouldn't mind the kick at all, if I was onlyon dry land--but if the gun should kick me over here, I'd tumble rightdown into their mouths! I wish I'd thought of that before I rammeddown the wadding. I haven't got my screw along, or I might draw outthe load again. I'll not shoot at all. I'll just watch till somebodycomes and scares them away. Ugh! you black rascal! what're you staringup here for?" he continued, looking down at the largest wolf, whichwas standing upright against the tree, and tearing the bark awayfuriously with his long teeth. The number of Joe's enemies continuedto increase. There were now perhaps twenty under the tree. And stillthe firing on the island was kept up, though not so incessantly as atfirst, which inspired Joe with a hope that they would either kill allthe wolves in their vicinity very soon or force them to join his flockunder the tree, when the men would surely come to his relief. Sneak'sfire abated somewhat, likewise, and Joe's reliance upon having theiraid in a very short time caused his fears to subside in a greatmeasure. "If you're so crazy after asafoetida, " said he, looking down at thefiercely staring animals again, "I'll give you a taste, just to seewhat you'll do. " He took a small portion of the gum which he hadretained, and rubbed it over a piece of paper that he found in hispocket. He then dropped the paper in their midst. They sprang upon itsimultaneously, and in an instant it vanished, Joe knew not whither. "Hang me, if I couldn't pepper a half-dozen at a shot when they allrush up together so close, if I wasn't afraid of being kicked down. I'll be teetotally smashed if I don't fix and try it, any how!" saidhe, pulling out a strong leather string from his pocket, one end ofwhich he attached firmly to a small limb of the tree, and the other hetied as tightly round the wrist of his left arm. He then pulled outhis bandanna, and likewise made his musket fast to a bough. "Now, mysnapping beauties, " he continued, "I'm mistaken if I don't give you adose of blue pills that'll do your business in short order. " Sayingthis, he tore off another piece of paper, and rubbing on the gum, dropped it down as near as possible to the spot where he wished thewolves to cluster together. No sooner did it fall than the whole gangsprang upon it, and he fired with precision in their midst. Joe didnot look to see what execution was done. He was dangling in the airand whirling round and round at a rapid rate, like a malefactorsuspended from the gallows, with the exception that his neck did notsuffer, and he cried out most lustily for assistance. When the cloudof smoke that enveloped him cleared away a little, and he becamebetter acquainted with his critical situation, his yells increased inrapidity and violence. His condition was truly perilous. The smallbough to which he had attached himself had not sufficient strength tobear him up when his feet slipped from the larger one below, and itwas now bent down a considerable distance, and that too in a divergentdirection from his recent foothold, and unfortunately there was nolimb of the tree of any strength within his reach. His legs hungwithin six feet of the surface of the snow. The discharge had killedfour or five of the wolves, but, undismayed, the remainder assailedhim the more furiously. The most active of them could easily spring asfar up as his feet! Never was terror more strongly depicted in thehuman face than it was displayed in Joe's when he saw the whole packrushing towards him! They sprang up with fearful snarls and yells. Joeyelled likewise, and doubled his knees up to his chin. They missed hisfeet by several inches, and were borne out fifteen or twenty feet toone side by the impetus of the leap. It was by a mighty effort that hethus avoided them, and no sooner had they passed under him than hislegs again dangled downward. In a moment they whirled round and wereagain rushing at their victim. Once more Joe screamed, and drew up hislegs while they passed under him. "Help! help! for God's sake!" criedhe, when they whirled round again. His cry was heard. Several sharpreports resounded from the river bank, a few paces on the east. Threeor four of the wolves howled and fell. The rest hesitated, their eyesglistening, and fixed on Joe's suspended boots. "Come quick! forHeaven's sake! I can't pull up my legs any more!" cried Joe. This wastrue, for his strength was fast failing. The guns were againdischarged with deadly effect, and all but one of the largest of thewolves precipitately ran off, and disappeared among the bushes. "Jerk up your leg! that feller's a going to take one of your feetalong with him, if he kin!" cried Sneak. Joe saw the wolf chargingupon him, but he was altogether unable to avoid it in the manner hehad done before. It was now only a few feet distant, its mouth open, displaying a frightful set of teeth, and springing towards him. Finding it impossible to prevent a collision, Joe resolved to sell hisfoot as dearly as possible. As much as he was able, he bent up hisknee-joints, and when his assailant came, he bestowed his heels uponhis head with all his might. The wolf was stunned, and fell under theblow. "Take that!" cried Sneak, running up and plunging his knife into theanimal's side. The wolf groaned and died. "Ha! ha! ha! you were born to be hanged, " said Roughgrove, comingforward with Boone and Glenn, and laughing heartily. "He has been hung, " said Boone. "And almost quartered, " said Glenn. [Illustration: They sprang up with fearful snarls and yells. Joeyelled likewise, and doubled his knees up to his chin. --P. 136] "Oh, goodness! Jump up here, Sneak, and cut me loose, " said Joe, beseechingly. "There's no danger of you ever dying, " said Sneak. "Oh, please don't laugh at me, Sneak, but cut me down; that's a goodfellow. The string is beginning to cut my wrist like fury!" "How did you git in such a fix?" continued Sneak. "Oh, hang it, Sneak, just get me out of the fix, and I'll tell you allabout it. " "It's hung _now_--didn't you say 'hang it, Sneak?'" continued Sneak. "Oh, come, now, " continued Joe; "if you were in this way, don't youthink I'd help you?" "Cut him down, Sneak, " said Boone; and in a twinkling Sneak was up inthe tree, and the string was severed. Joe came down with great force, his feet foremost, and running through the snow-crust to a greatdepth. "I wish some of you would help me out of this, " said he, afterstruggling some time in vain to extricate himself. "You'll want me to carry you home next, I s'pose, " said Sneak, assisting him up. Joe made no reply; but as soon as he could cut thestring away from his wrist, seized Sneak by the throat, hurled him onhis back, and springing upon him, a violent struggle ensued for a fewmoments before they could be separated. "What do you mean?" exclaimed Glenn, dragging Joe away from hisprostrate victim. "What did you do that for?" asked Sneak, rising up and brushing thesnow from his head and face, his fall having broken the icy surface. "You rascal, you! I'll show you what for!" cried Joe, endeavouring toget at him again. "Joe!" said Glenn, "if you attempt any further violence, you shall notremain another day under my roof!" "He boxed my ear like thunder!" said Sneak; "I didn't think the fellowhad so much pluck in him! I like him better now than ever I did. Giveus your paw, Joe. " Joe shook hands with him reluctantly, and thenwiped a flood of tears from his face. "He told me to put some asafetida on my hoots, and said I could thenkill more wolves, " said Joe; "and it came within an ace of making themkill me. " "It was very wrong to do so, Sneak, " said Boone, "and the boxing yougot for it was not amiss. " "I believe I think so myself, " said Sneak. "But it did make him killmore wolves after all--jest look at 'em all around here!" Joe soon recovered entirely from the effects of his swing, his fright, and his anger, and looked with something like satisfaction on his manytrophies lying round him; and when he disengaged his musket from thebough of the tree, he regarded it with affection. They moved homeward, entirely content with the result of theexcursion. Boone explained the reason why so many of the wolves werecongregated about the island. He stated that the vines and bushes onwhich the deer feed in the winter were abundant and nutritious in thelow lands along the river, and that great numbers of them repairedthither at that season of the year. The wolves of course followedthem, and having now destroyed all the large deer in the vicinity ofthe island, and the small ones being enabled to run on the snow-crust, they found it necessary to muster in the chase as great a number aspossible, and thus prevent their prey from escaping to the prairies. He said that the wolves preferred the timber, being enabled to makemore comfortable lairs and dens among the fallen trees than out in thecold prairies. But their guns had wrought a fearful destruction amongthem. Perhaps three-fourths of them fell. The party soon reached Glenn's house. As they entered the inclosure, they were surprised to see Ringwood running wildly about, whining andsnarling and tearing the snow to pieces with his teeth. Jowler wasmore composed, but a low, mournful whine issued continuously from hismouth. "Dod! what's the dogs been after?" ejaculated Sneak. "Go in, Joe, and ask Mary what it means, " said Rough grove. "I'd rather not--the house may be full of Indians, " replied Joe, relapsing into his natural cowardice. "Mary, " said Roughgrove, approaching the door and callingaffectionately. Receiving no reply, the old man entered and calledagain. A silence succeeded. Roughgrove reappeared a moment after, witha changed countenance. Boone gazed at his pale features, and asked thecause of his distress by a look, not a word. "She's gone! gone! gone!" exclaimed Roughgrove, covering his face withboth hands. Boone made no answer, but turning his face in the direction of thesouthern valley, he called upon the name of Mary three times, in clearand loud tones. He listened for her reply, in a motionless attitude, several minutes. But no reply came. Now a change came over _his_features. It was a ferocity from which even the blood-thirsty savageswould have fled in horror! "My eternal curse upon them! They have seized her! I have beendeceived! I will have vengeance!" said he, in a low, determined tone. "Will they kill her, or keep her for a ransom?" inquired Glenn, inextreme and painful excitement. "A ransom, " said Boone; "but they shall pay the weight of the silverthey demand in blood!" "May Heaven guard her!" said Roughgrove, in piteous agony. "Cheer up--we will get her again, " said Boone; and then giving somehasty directions, preparations were made for pursuit. CHAPTER XI. Mary--Her meditations--Her capture--Her sad condition--Her mentalsufferings--Her escape--Her recapture. When the men departed for the island in quest of the wolves, Mary wassinging over her neglected flowers, at her father's house in thevalley, and her clear ringing notes were distinctly heard by the wholeparty. After they were gone she continued her song, and lingered longover every faded leaf and withered blossom, with no thought of dangerwhatever, and none of pain, save the regret that her long cherishedplants had been forgotten in the consternation of the previous day, and had fallen victims to the frost-king. But nothing had been touchedby the savages. The domestic fowls clustered about her, and receivedtheir food from her hands as usual. The fawn was with her, and evincedthe delight afforded by the occasional caress bestowed upon it, byfrequently skipping sportively around her. Mary was happy. Her wantswere few, and she knew not that there was such a thing as a maliciousenemy in the world, save the wild savage. Her thoughts were as pure asthe morning dew, and all her delights were the results of innocence. She had never harmed any one, and her guileless heart never conceivedthe possibility of suffering ill at the hands of others. She smiledwhen the beautiful fawn touched her hand with its velvet tongue, and atear dimmed her eye for an instant when she looked upon her strickenrose. While looking at one of the homely shelves in a corner of the desertedhouse, Mary accidentally espied a small volume of poems, the gift ofGlenn, that had been neglected. She seized it eagerly, and afterturning over the pages the fiftieth time, and humming over many of thesongs, she paused suddenly, and lifting her eyes to the brightsun-beams that streamed through the window, long remained in alistless attitude. Something unusual had startled her simplemeditations. At first a shade of painful concern seemed to pass acrossher brow, and then glancing quickly at the book she still held in herhand, a sweet smile animated her lips. But again and again, ever andanon, the abstracted gaze was repeated, and as often succeeded by thesmile when her eyes fell upon the volume. Did her thoughts dwell uponthe giver of that book? Undoubtedly. Did she love Glenn? This she knewnot herself, but she would have died for him! She was ignorant of theterms courtship, love, and marriage. But nature had given her a heartabounding with noble and generous impulses. At length she drew her shawl closely round her shoulders, and, closingthe door of the hut, was in the act of returning up the hill, when shewas startled by the furious and sudden barking of the hounds, whichshe had left confined in the inclosure on the cliff. She paused, andlooked steadily in every direction, and was not able to discover, oreven conjecture, what it was that had roused the hounds. Yet anundefinable fear seized upon her. The fawn at her side likewisepartook of the agitation, for the hair stood upright on its back, andit often snuffed the air with great violence, producing, at each time, a shrill, unnatural sound. Mary started briskly up the path, determined to shut herself up inGlenn's house until her father returned from the island. When she hadproceeded about twenty paces, and was just passing a dense thicket ofhazel that bordered the narrow path, she heard a slight rustling onthe left, and the next moment she was clasped in the arms of a brawnysavage! "Oh me! who are you?" demanded she, struggling to disengage herself, and unable to see the swarthy features of her captor, who stood behindher. No answer being made, she cast her eyes downwards, and beheld thecolour of the arms that encircled her. "Father! Mr. Glenn! Mr. Boone!"she exclaimed, struggling violently. Her efforts were unavailing, and, overcome with exhaustion and affright, she fainted on the Indian'sbreast. The savage then lifted her on his shoulder, ran down to therivulet that flowed through the valley, and fled outwards to theprairie. When he reached the cave-spring, a confederate, who had beenwaiting for him, seized the burden and bore it onwards, in a westerlydirection, with increased rapidity. Thus they continued the retreat, bearing the insensible maiden alternately, until they came to a smallgrove some distance out in the prairie, when they slackened theirpace, and, after creeping a short time under the pendent boughs of thetrees, halted in the camp of the war-party. The Indians gathered round the pale captive, some with rage and deadlypassions marked upon their faces, and others with expressions oftriumph and satisfaction. They now made preparations for departing. Mary was wrapped in a large buffalo robe, enveloping her body andface, and placed in the snow-canoe. The party then deposited theirtomahawks and other cumbersome articles at the feet of their captive, and, grasping the leather rope attached to the canoe, set off rapidlyin a southerly direction. Ere long, Mary partially awoke from her state of insensibility, whenall was dark and strange to her confused senses. She pulled aside thelong hair of the buffalo skin that obscured her face, and looked outfrom her narrow place of confinement. The blue heavens alone met herview above. The incident of the seizure was indistinct in her memory, and she could not surmise the nature of her present condition. Sheturned hastily on her side, and the occasional bush she espied in thevicinity indicated that she was rushing along by some means with analmost inconceivable rapidity. She could scarce believe it wasreality. How she came thither, and how she was propelled over thesnow, for several moments were matters of incomprehensible mystery tothe trembling girl. At first, she endeavoured to persuade herself thatit was a dream; but, having a consciousness that some terrible thinghad actually occurred, all the painful fears of which the mind iscapable were put in active operation. The suspense was soon dispelled. Hearing human voices ahead, and not readily comprehending thelanguage, she hastily rose on her elbow. The party of Indians draggingher fleetly over the smooth prairie met her chilled view. But she wasnow comparatively collected and calm. Instantly her true condition wasapparent. She watched the swarthy forms some moments in silence, meditating the means of escape. Presently one of the savages turnedpartly round, and she sank back to escape his observation. Again sherose up a few inches, and their faces were all turned away from her. She gradually acquired resolution to encounter any hardship or perilthat might be the means of effecting her escape. But what plan was sheto adopt? The almost interminable plain of which she was in the midstafforded no hiding-place. Then, the speed of the flying snow-canoe, were she to leap out, would not only produce a hurtful collision withthe hard snow-crust, but certainly cause her detection. The poorgirl's heart sank within her, and, for a time, she reclinedsubmissively in the canoe, and gave way to a flood of tears. Shethought of her gray-haired father, and a piercing agony thrilledthrough her breast. And she thought, too, of others--of Boone, of_Glenn_, and her pangs were hopelessly poignant. Thus she lay forseveral long hours, a prey to grief and despair. But some pityingangel hovered over her, and kindly lessened her sufferings. Bydegrees, her mind became possessed of the power of deliberate andrational reflection; and she was inspired with the belief that thesavages only designed to exact a heavy contribution from the whites byher capture, and would then surrender her up without outrage orinjury. Another hope, likewise, sprang up in her breast: it was, thatthe Indian she had been instrumental in releasing from captivity mightprotect her person, and, perhaps restore her to her father. She alsofelt convinced that Boone and Glenn would join her father in thepursuit, and she entertained a lively hope that they would overtakeher. But, again, when she looked out on the surface of the snow, andbeheld the rapidity of the savages' pace, this hope was entertainedbut for a moment. She then resolved to make an effort herself toescape. If she was not successful, it would, at all events, retard theprogress of her captors, and she might also ascertain, with somedegree of certainty, their purposes with regard to her fate. She roseas softly as possible and sprang upon the snow. The Indians, as shefeared, instantly felt the diminution of weight, and halted soabruptly that every one of them was prostrated on the slipperysnow-crust. Mary endeavoured to take advantage of this occurrence, and, springing quickly to her feet, fled rapidly in the oppositedirection. But before she had run many minutes, she heard the savagesin close pursuit and gaining upon her at every step. It was useless tofly. She turned her head, and beheld the whole party within a fewpaces of her. The foremost was a tall athletic savage, bearing in hishand a tomahawk he had snatched from the snow-canoe, and wearing ademoniac scowl on his lip. Mary scanned his face and then turned hereyes to heaven. She felt that her end was near, and she breathed aprayer taught her by her buried mother. The savage rushed upon her, entwining his left hand in her flowing hair, and waving his tomahawkaloft with the other, was in the act of sinking the steel in the fairforehead before him, when the blow was arrested by a mere stripling, who came up at the head of the rest of the Indians. The Herculeansavage whirled round and scowled passionately at the youth. The youngIndian (the chief just elected in the place of Raven) regarded him amoment with gleaming eyes, and a determined expression of feature, andthen with much dignity motioned him away. The huge savage wasstrangely submissive in a moment, and obeyed without a murmur. Marywas conducted back to the snow-canoe by the young chief, who led herby the hand, while the rest walked behind. Once the young warriorturned and looked searchingly in the face of his fair prize, and shereturned the gaze with an instantaneous conviction that no personalharm was intended her. The chief was not half so dark as the rest ofhis tribe, and his countenance was open, generous, and noble. (It mayseem improbable to the unthinking reader that a timid and alarmedmaiden should be able to read the character of a foe by his featuresunder such circumstances. But those very circumstances tended toproduce such acuteness. And this is not only the case with humanbeings, but even with dumb brutes--for, at the moment they are aboutto be assailed, they invariably and instinctively look the assailantin the eye, mercy being the only remaining hope. ) Again the youngwarrior turned to behold his captive's face, and Mary was in tears. Hepaused abruptly, and, after gazing some moments in silence and deepthought, resumed his pace. When they reached the snow-canoe, and whilein the act of lifting his captive into her couch, the young chiefobserved for the first time a massive ring of curious workmanship onher finger (the glove she had hitherto worn being partially torn fromher hand in the recent struggle, ) and seemed to regard it with muchinterest. Mary saw that his eyes were riveted on the jewel, andnotwithstanding it possessed a hallowed value in having been worn byher mother, yet she felt that she could resign it to the one who hadsaved her life, and whose noble bearing, so different from that of therest, promised to shield her from future harm. But he neither asked itas a gift nor tore it from her, but turned away in silence, andordered the party to proceed. The command was instantly obeyed. There was another Indian that had attracted the notice of Mary--onewho studiously avoided her glance by constantly enveloping his face inhis hairy robe whenever she turned towards him. This he continued todo until she was again seated in the snow-canoe, and the order wasgiven to proceed on the journey. He then lingered behind the rest, andthrowing aside his mask, she saw before her the savage that had beenthrown within the inclosure by the explosion. He pointed to the north, the direction of her home, and, by sundry signs and grimaces, madeMary understand that he had not been a party to her capture, and thathe would endeavour to effect her escape. He then joined the others, and the poor girl was once more coursing over the prairie more rapidlythan ever. [Illustration: The savage rushed upon her, entwined his left hand inher flowing hair, and, waving his tomahawk aloft with the other, wasin the act of sinking the steel in the fair forehead before him, whenthe blow was arrested by a mere stripling, who came up at the head ofthe rest of the Indians. --P. 142] There was now mingled with the captive maiden's thoughts anothersubject of contemplation. It was the young chief. His image seemed tobe familiar to her dreamy visions, and she often thought that they hadreally met before. But when or where, her memory failed to designate. She was glad to find herself so unexpectedly under the protection ofone so brave and generous, and she hoped when her father and hisfriends should overtake them, he might not be hurt in the conflictthat must inevitably ensue. The Indians long continued their flight in silence. Scarce a word wasuttered, until the sun was sinking low in the west. And then Maryheard them speaking about the place of encampment; for her frequentintercourse With the savages, before the arrival of Glenn in thevicinity, had enabled her, as well as her father, to acquire animperfect knowledge of their language. But they still swept onward, without any diminution of speed. The chief had probably objected totheir making, a halt by a shake of the head, for Mary did not hear himreply to those who desired to stop. When the shades of night fell around, and the broad red face of themoon peeped over the eastern horizon, the party still careered overthe prairie. More than thirty miles had been traversed. The Indian ismore distinguished for bottom than speed, and has been known to pursuea victim, or fly in the retreat, more than twenty-four hours withoutresting. But this band had suffered much from fatigue before they setout with their captive. The attempt to surprise the fort had cost themboth blood and labour, and when the moon had risen midway up in theheavens, they again became clamorous for food and rest. The chief thentold them to turn from their course, and in a few minutes Mary sawthat they were approaching a grove of towering trees. Ere long theyhalted under an enormous beech, whose spreading and clusteringbranches not only greatly obscured the light from above, but had in agreat measure prevented the snow from covering the earth at its roots. It was not long before a fire was struck, and the savages havingscattered in every direction in quest of dry wood and bark, in a veryshort space of time a large bright blaze flashed up in their midst, around which they spread their buffalo robes and commenced preparingtheir venison. Each one cooked for himself, save the chief, who wasprovided proportionably by all. He offered Mary a part of his food, but she declined it. He then proffered to lift her from thesnow-canoe, and place her nearer the fire. This too she declined, stating that she was warm enough. She was likewise influenced in thisdetermination by the gestures of the Indian whom she had befriendedthe preceding night, who sat by in apparent unconcern, but at everyopportunity, by looks and signs, endeavoured to cheer and encouragethe captive maiden. After a hearty repast the savages, with the exception of the chief, rolled themselves in their warm, hairy robes before the glowing fire, and were soon steeped in profound slumber. The chief long reclined ina half-recumbent attitude on the couch that had been prepared for him, and fixing his eyes on the glaring flame, and sometimes on the palesad features of Mary, seemed to be under the influence of deep andpainful meditations. At times his features assumed a ferocity thatcaused Mary to start and tremble; but at others they wore a mournfulexpression, and ever and anon a tear rose up and glistened in his eye. Thus he sat for more than an hour after all the rest were sunk inmotionless slumber. Finally his bedecked head, adorned with aprofusion of rich and rare feathers, sunk by degrees on the rudepillow, and he too was soon wandering in the land of dreams. But sleep brooded not upon the watchful lids of Mary. She gazed insilence at the wild savage scene before her. The uncouth beings whohad so recently hooted and yelled like sanguinary demons, with intentto slay and pillage, around her father, her friends and herself, nowlay motionless, though free and still hostile, within a few feet ofher, and she was their captive! She thought of her humble but peacefulhome, and sighed bitterly. And she thought, too, of her distressedfriends, and she was the more distressed from the consciousness thatthey sympathized with her sufferings. Poor girl! She looked at thedark brows and compressed lips of her captors as the fitful flashes ofthe flames threw a bright ray upon them, and, in despite of the manyhopes she had entertained, she was horror-stricken to contemplate thereality of her sad predicament. At a late and solemn hour, the Indian who had been the captive thenight before, suddenly ceased his snoring, which had been heardwithout intermission for a great length of time; and when Maryinstinctively cast her eyes towards him, she was surprised to see himgently and slowly raise his head. He enjoined silence by placing hishand upon his mouth. After carefully disengaging himself from hiscomrades, he crept quietly away, and soon vanished entirely from sighton the northern side of the spreading beech. Mary expected he wouldsoon return and assist her to escape. Although she was aware of thehardships and perils that would attend her flight, yet the thought ofagain meeting her friends was enough to nerve her for the undertaking, and she waited with anxious impatience the coming of her rescuer. Buthe came not. She could attribute no other design in his conduct butthat of effecting her escape, and yet he neither came for her norbeckoned her away. She had reposed confidence in his promise, for sheknew that the Indian, savage as he was, rarely forfeited his word; butwhen gratitude inspired a pledge, she could not believe that he woulduse deceit. The fire was now burning quite low, and its waning lightscarce cast a beam upon the branches over head. It was evidently notfar from morning, and every hope of present escape entirely fled fromher bosom. But just as she was yielding to despair, she saw the Indianreturning in a stealthy pace, bearing some dark object in his arms. Heglided to her side, and beckoned her to leave the snow-canoe, and alsoto take with her all the robes with which she had been enveloped. Shedid his bidding, and then he carefully deposited the burden he bore inthe place she had just occupied. A portion of the object becomingunwrapped, Mary discovered it to be a huge mass of snow, resembling, in some respects, a human form, and the Indian's stratagem was at onceapparent to her. Relinquishing herself to his guidance, she was lednoiselessly through the bushes about a hundred paces distant from thefire, to a large fallen tree that had yielded to some furious storm, when her conductor paused. He pointed to a spot where a curve causedthe huge trunk to rise about a foot from the present surface, underwhich was a round hole cut through the drifted snow down to the earth, and in which were deposited several buffalo robes, and so arrangedthat a person could repose within without coming in contact with thefrozen element around. Mary looked down, and then at her companion, toascertain his intentions. He spoke to her in a low tone, enough ofwhich she comprehended to understand that he desired her to descendinto the pit without delay. She obeyed, and when he had carefullyfolded the robes and divers furs about her body, he stepped a fewpaces to one side, and gently lifting up a round lid of snow-crust, placed it over the aperture. It had been so smoothly cut, and fittedwith such precision when replaced, that no one would have been able todiscover that an incision had been made. He then bade Mary a "Dud by"in bad English, and set off in a run in a northern direction for thepurpose of joining the whites. Long and interminable seemed Mary's confinement to her, but she wasentirely comfortable in her hiding-place, as respected her body. Yetmany dreadful apprehensions oppressed her still. She feared that theIndians would soon ascertain that she had left the canoe, and returnand discover her place of concealment. At times she thought of thewild beasts prowling around, and feared they would devour her beforeassistance came. But the most harrowing fear was that the friendlyIndian would abandon her to her fate or perhaps be _killed_, withoutmaking known her locality and helpless condition! Thus was she a preyto painful apprehensions and worrying reflections, until fromexhaustion she sank into an unquiet and troubled slumber. With the first light of morning, the war-party sprang to their feet, and hastily dispatching a slight repast, they set out on their journeywith renewed animation and increased rapidity. Before starting, thechief called to Mary, and again offered some food; but no reply beingreturned, or motion discovered under the robe which he imaginedenveloped her, he supposed she was sleeping, and directed the party toselect the most even route when they emerged in the prairie, that shemight as much as possible enjoy her repose. The Indian who had planned and executed the escape of Mary, with thewell-devised cunning for which the race is proverbial, had told hiscompanions that he would rise before day and pursue the same directionthey were going in advance of them, and endeavour to kill a deer fortheir next night's meal. Thus his absence created no suspicion, andthe party continued their precipitate retreat. But, about noon, after casting many glances back at the supposed formof the captive reclining peacefully in the snow-canoe, the chief, withmuch excitement, betrayed by his looks, which seemed to be mingledwith an apprehension that she was dead, abruptly ordered the party tohalt. He sprang to the canoe, and convulsively tearing away the skinsdiscovered only the roll of snow! He at first compressed his lips inmomentary rage, and then burst into a fit of irrepressible laughter. But the rest raved and stamped, and uttered direful imprecations andthreats of vengeance. Immediately they were aware of the treachery ofthe absent Indian, and resolved with one voice that his blood shouldbe an atonement for the act. Their thoughts had dwelt too fondly onthe shining gold they were to get in exchange for the maiden, for themever to forgive the recreant brother who had snatched the prize fromthem. The chief soon recovered his usual grave expression, and partookin some measure the general disappointment and chagrin. His motiveswere not of the same mercenary cast which actuated his tribe, nor didhe condemn the conduct of the one who had rescued the maid, beingaware of the clemency extended him when in the power of the enemy; butthe thought of being outwitted and thwarted roused his anger, and hedetermined to recover the lost captive, if possible. The snow was quickly thrown out, and the war-party adjusted theirweapon's, with the expectation of encountering the whites; and thenwhirling about they retraced their steps even more swiftly than theyhad been advancing. Just as the night was setting in, they came insight of the grove where they had encamped. They slackened their pace, and looking eagerly forward, seemed to think it not improbable thatthe whites had arrived in the vicinity, and might be lying in ambushawaiting their return in search of the maid. They then abandoned thecanoe, after having concealed it under some low bushes, and enteredthe grove in a stooping and watchful posture. Ere long the chiefattained the immediate neighbourhood of the spreading tree, and withan arrow drawn to its head, crept within a few paces of the spot wherehe had lain the preceding night. His party were mostly a few feet inthe rear, while a few were approaching in the same manner from theopposite direction. Hearing no sound whatever, he rose up slowly, andwith an "Ugh" of disappointment, strode carelessly across the silentand untenanted place of encampment. Vexation and anger were expressed by the savages in being thusdisappointed. They hoped to wreak their vengeance on the whites, andhad resolved to recapture the maiden. Where they expected to findthem, the scene was silent and desolate. And they now sauntered aboutunder the trees in the partial light of the moon that struggledthrough the matted branches, threatening in the most horrid manner theone who had thus baffled them. Some struck their tomahawks into thetrunks of trees, while others brandished their knives, and uttereddireful yells. The young chief stood in silence, with his arms foldedon his breast. A small ray of light that fell upon his face exhibiteda meditative brow, and features expressing both firmness anddetermination. He had said that the captive should be regained, andhis followers ever and anon regarded his thoughtful attitude with theconfidence that his decision would accelerate the accomplishment oftheir desires. Long he remained thus, motionless and dignified, and noone dared to address him. [He had been elected chief by acclamation, after the death of Raven. He was not an Osage by birth, but had beencaptured from one of the neighbouring tribes (the Pawnee) when onlysix years old. His bravery, as he grew up, had elicited the admirationof the whole tribe, and it had long been settled that he shouldsucceed Raven. His complexion was many degrees lighter than that ofthe Osages, or even that of the Pawnees, and had it not been for thepaint and stains with which the warriors decorate their faces, hemight have passed, if properly attired, for an American. When taken inbattle he was saved from the torture by a young Indian maiden. Sheprocured his release and he refused to return to his own nation. Hesaid that he was no Pawnee, and when asked to what nation he belonged, he either could not or would not reply, but said he was satisfied tohunt and fight with any tribe, and if the chief would give him hisdaughter (the one that saved his life, ) he would be an Osage. It wasdone, and his brave exploits soon won for him the title of the "YoungEagle. "] The young chief called one of the oldest of the party, who wasstanding a few paces distant absorbed in thought, to his side, andafter a short conference the old savage prostrated himself on thesnow, and endeavoured like a hound to scent the tracks of his recreantbrother. At first he met with no success, but when making a widecircuit round the premises, still applying his nose to the groundoccasionally, and minutely examining the bushes, he paused abruptly, and announced to the party that he had found the precise directiontaken by the maid and her deliverer. Instantly they all clusteredround him, evincing the most intense interest. Some smelt the surfaceof the snow, and others examined the bushes. Small twigs, not largerthan pins, were picked up and closely scrutinized. They well knew thatany one passing through the frozen and clustered bushes mustinevitably sever some of the twigs and buds. Their progress was slow, but unerring. The course they pursued was the direction taken by Maryand her rescuer. It was not long before they arrived within a few feetof the place of the maiden's concealment. But now they were at fault. There were no bushes immediately around the fallen tree. They paused, the chief in the van, with their bows and arrows and tomahawks inreadiness for instant use. They knew that the maiden could not returnto her friends on foot, or the treacherous savage be able to bear herfar on his shoulder. They thought that one or both must be concealedsomewhere in the neighbourhood, and the fallen tree, were it hollow, was the place most likely to be selected for that purpose. Afterscanning the fallen trunk a few minutes in silence, and discoveringnothing to realize their hopes, they uttered a terrific yell, andcommenced striking their tomahawks in the wood, and ripping up thebark in quest of some hiding-place. But their search was in vain. Thefallen trunk was sound and solid throughout, and the young chief satdown on it within three paces of Mary! Others, in passing about, frequently trod on the very verge of the concealed pit. Mary was awakened by the yell but knew not that the sound came fromher enemies. The Indian had told her that he would soon return, andher heart now fluttered with the hope that her father and her friendswere at hand. Yet she prudently determined not to rush from herconcealment until she was better assured of the fact. She did notthink the savages would suspect that she was hid under the snow, butyet she thought it very strange that her father did not come to her atonce. Several minutes had elapsed since she had been startled by thesounds in the immediate vicinity. She heard the tramp of men almostdirectly over her head, and the strokes against the fallen trunk. Shewas several times on the eve of rising up, but was as often withheldby some mysterious impulse. She endeavoured to reflect calmly, butstill she could not, by any mode of conjecture realize the probabilityof her foes having returned and traced her thither. Yet an undefinablefear still possessed her, and she endeavoured with patience to awaitthe pleasure of her friends. But when the chief seated himself in hervicinity, and fell into one of his fits of abstraction, and the wholeparty became comparatively still and hushed, the poor girl's suspensewas almost insufferable. She knew that human beings were all aroundher, and yet her situation was truly pitiable and lonely. She feltassured that if the war-party had returned in pursuit of her, the samemeans which enabled them to trace their victim to the fallen trunkwould likewise have sufficed to indicate her hiding-place. Then whyshould she hesitate? The yells that awakened her had not been hearddistinctly, and under the circumstances she could not believe that shewas surrounded by savages. On the other hand, if they were herfriends, why did they not relieve her? Now a sudden, but, alas!erroneous thought occurred to her. She was persuaded that they wereher friends, but that the friendly Indian was not with them--he hadperhaps directed them where she could be found, and then returned tohis home. Might not her friends, at that moment, be anxiouslysearching for her? Would not one word suffice to dispel theirsolicitude, and restore the lost one to their arms? She resolved tospeak. Bowing down her head slightly, so that her precise locationmight not instantly be ascertained, she uttered in a soft voice theword "FATHER!" The chief sprang from his seat, and the party wasinstantly in commotion. Some of the savages looked above, among thetwining branches, and some shot their arrows in the snow, butfortunately not in the direction of Mary, while others ran about inevery direction, examining all the large trees in the vicinity. Thechief was amazed and utterly confounded. He drew not forth an arrow, nor brandished a tomahawk. While he thus stood, and the rest of theparty were moving hurriedly about a few paces distant, Mary againrepeated the word "FATHER!" As suddenly as if by enchantment everysavage was paralyzed. Each stood as devoid of animation as a statue. For many moments an intense silence reigned, as if naught existedthere but the cheerless forest trees. Slowly, at length, the tomahawkwas returned to the belt, and the arrow to the quiver. No longer was adesire to spill blood manifested. The dusky children of the forestattributed to the mysterious sound a supernatural agency. Theybelieved it was a voice from the perennial hunting-grounds. Humblythey bowed their heads, and whispered devotions to the Great Spirit. The young chief alone stood erect. He gazed at the round moon abovehim, and sighs burst from his breast, and burning tears ran down hisstained cheek. Impatiently, by a motion of the hand, he directed thesavages to leave him, and when they withdrew he resumed his seat onthe fallen trunk, and reclined his brow upon his hand. One of the longfeathers that decked his head waved forward, after he had been seatedthus a few minutes, and when his eye rested upon it he started upwildly, and tearing it away, trampled it under his feet. At thatinstant the same "FATHER!" was again heard. The young chief fell uponhis knees, and, while he panted convulsively, said, in ENGLISH, "_Father! Mother! I'm your poor William--you loved me much--where areyou? Oh tell me--I will come to you--I want to see you!_" He then fellprostrate and groaned piteously. "Father! oh! where are you? Whosevoice was that?" said Mary, breaking through the slight incrustationthat obscured her, and leaping from her covert. The young chief sprang from the earth--gazed a moment at themaid--spoke rapidly and loudly in the language of his tribe to hisparty, who were now at the place of encampment, seated by the firethey had kindled--and then, seizing his tomahawk, was in the act ofhurling it at Mary, when the yells of the war-party and the ringingdischarges of firearms arrested his steel when brandished in the air. The white men had arrived! The young, chief seized Mary by her longflowing hair--again prepared to level the fatal blow--when she turnedher face upwards, and he again hesitated. Discharges in quicksuccession, and nearer than before, still rang in his ears. Marystrove not to escape. Nor did the Indian strike. The whites were heardrushing through the bushes--the chief seized the trembling girl in hisarms--a bullet whizzed by his head--but, unmindful of danger, hevanished among the dark bushes with his burden. CHAPTER XII. Joe's indisposition--His cure--Sneak's reformation--The pursuit--Thecaptive Indian--Approach to the encampment of the savages--Joe'sillness again--The surprise--The terrific encounter--Rescue ofMary--Capture of the young chief--The return. We return to the white men. The grief of Roughgrove, and of all theparty, when it was ascertained beyond a doubt that Mary had beencarried off by the savages, was deep and poignant. The aged ferrymansat silent and alone, and would not be comforted, while the rest madethe necessary arrangements to pursue the foe. The sled was so alteredthat blankets, buffalo robes, and a small quantity of food could betaken in it. Bullets were moulded and the guns put in order. Joe wasordered to give the horses water, and place a large quantity ofprovender within their reach. The hounds were fed and then led back totheir kennel, and Glenn announced, after Roughgrove declared hisdetermination to go along, that Ringwood and Jowler alone would beleft to guard the premises. "My goodness!" said Joe, when he understood that he was expected tomake one of the pursuing party, "I can't go! My head's so sore, andaches so bad, I couldn't go ten miles before I'd have to give up. Letme stay, Mr. Glenn, and take care of the house. " "Do you forget that _Mary_ is in the hands of the Indians? Would youhesitate even to _die_, while striving to rescue a poor, innocent, helpless maiden? For shame!" replied Glenn. "I'd spill my heart's blood for her, " said Joe, "if it would do anygood. But you know how I was crippled last night, and I didn't sleep abit afterwards, hardly. " "Dod"--commenced Sneak. "Joe, " said Boone, "from the vigorous manner in which you fought thewolves, I am induced to believe that your present scruples are notwell founded. We will need every man we can obtain. " "Oh, I wouldn't mind it at all, " said Joe, "if it wasn't that you're agoing to start right off now. If I only had a little sleep--" "You shall have it, " said Boone. Both Glenn and Roughgrove lookedinquiringly at the speaker. "We will not start to-night, " continuedhe. "It would be useless. We could not overtake them, and if we did, it would cause them to put Mary to death, that they might escape ourvengeance the more easily. I have duly considered the matter. We mustrest here to-night, and rise refreshed in the morning. We will thenset out on their trail, and I solemnly pledge my word never to returnwithout bringing the poor child back unharmed. " "I _hope_ my head'll be well by morning, " said Joe. "I _know_ it will be well enough, " said Glenn; "so you need entertainno hope of being left behind. " "Now, Sneak, a word with you, " said Boone. "I think you would do almost_any thing_ for my sake--" "If I wouldn't, I wish I may be dod--" "Stop!" continued Boone, interrupting him. "Jest ax me to cut off my little finger, " said Sneak, "and if I don'tdo it, I wish I may be dod--" "Stop!" again interposed Boone. "My first request is one that poor_Mary_ asked me to make. I know it will be a severe trial. " "Name it, " cried Sneak, "and if it's to job out one of my eyes, dodrot me if I don't do it!" "_Hear_ me, " continued Boone; "she desired me to ask you not to usethat ugly word _dod-rot_ any more. " "Hay!" exclaimed Sneak, his eyes dilating, and his mouth falling wideopen. "I know it will be a hard matter, " said Boone; "but Mary thinks youhave a good and brave heart, and she says you are the only one amongus that uses bad words. " "I'd go my death for that gal, or any other female woman in thesettlement, any day of my life. And as she wants me to swaller themwords, that was born with me, dod--I mean, I wish I may be--_indeed_, I'll be starved to death if I don't do it! only when I'm raven mad atsomething, and then I can't help it. " "Very well, " said Boone. "Now I have a request of my own to make. " "Sing it out! dod--no--nothing! I didn't say it--but I'll _do_ whatyou want me to, " said Sneak. "I think _you_ will not suffer for the want of sleep, " continuedBoone; "and I wish you to go out and get as many of the neighbours tojoin us as possible. You can go to three or four houses by midnight, sleep a little, and meet us here, or in the prairie, in the morning. " "I shall cut stick--if I don't I wish I may be do--I--_indeed_ Iwill!" and before he ceased speaking he was rushing through the gate. The little party then took a hasty repast, and, throwing themselves onthe couches, endeavoured to sleep. Boone and Joe were soon wrapped inslumber; but neither Roughgrove nor Glenn, for a great length of time, could find repose. "Strive to be composed, my friend; all will be well, " said Glenn, whenthe disconsolate old ferryman gave vent to numerous heart-rendingsighs. "If you only knew"--commenced Roughgrove, in reply, and the words hewas about to utter died upon his lips. "I can well imagine the extent of your bereavement, " said Glenn; "butat the same time I am sure she will be returned to you unharmed. " "It was not Mary alone I alluded to, " said Roughgrove; "but to losetwo children--all that we had--so cruelly--Oh! may we all meet inheaven!" "Then you had _two_ children, and lost them both? I never heard theother mentioned, " said Glenn, now evincing a most lively interest inthe subject. "No--it was my request that it should never be mentioned. Mary and hewere twins--only six years old, when he was lost. I wished Mary toforget entirely that she ever had a brother--it could do no good forher to know it, and would distress her. But now, Heavenly Father! bothare gone!" added the old man, in tears. "Was he, too, taken by the Indians? the Osages?" inquired Glenn. "No, " said Roughgrove. "He had been playing on the margin of theriver, and we were compelled to believe that he fell in the stream andwas drowned--at a time when no eye was upon him. Mary was near athand, but she did not see him fall, nor could she tell how hedisappeared. His poor mother believed that an Indian stole him away. But the only Indians then in the neighbourhood were the Pawnees, andthey were at that time friendly. He was surely drowned. If the Pawneeshad taken him, they would soon have proposed a ransom. Yet his mothercontinually charged them with the deed. In her dreams she ever saw himamong the savages. In all her thoughts it was the same. She pinedaway--she never knew a happy moment afterwards--and when she died, thesame belief was uttered in her last words. I am now alone!" The oldman covered his face with his hands, and sobbed audibly. "Bear with patience and resignation, " said Glenn, "the dispensationsof an all-wise Providence. All may yet be well. The son, whom youthought lost forever, may be living, and possibly reclaimed, and Maryshall be restored, if human efforts can accomplish it. Cheer up. Manya happy day may still be reserved for you. " "Oh! my dear young friend! if you but knew _all_!" said Roughgrove. "Do I not now know all?" asked Glenn. "No, " replied the old man; "but the rest must remain a secret--itshould, perhaps, be buried in my breast forever! I will now strive tosleep. " They ceased to speak, and silence reigned till morning. Joe was roused from his couch in the morning by a tremendous "Ya-hoy!"outside of the inclosure. "Run and open the gate, " said Glenn. "I'd rather not, " said Joe, rubbing his eyes. "Why?" asked Glenn. "Hang it, it's the Indians again!" replied Joe, seizing his musket. "It is Sneak and his men, " observed Boone, when another shout wasuttered. "Hang me, if I don't have a peep at 'em first, anyhow, " said Joe, approaching the gate cautiously, and peering through a small crevice. "Ya-hoo!" repeated those without. "Who are you? why don't you speak out?" said Joe, still unable to seetheir faces. "Dod--I mean--plague take it! Joe, is Mr. Boone standing there withyou?" asked Sneak. "No, " replied Joe, opening the gate. "Then dod _rot_ your hide! why didn't you let us in?" said Sneak, rushing through the gate, and followed by five of the neighbours. "Why, Sneak, how could I tell that you wern't Indians?" said Joe. "You be dod--never mind!" continued Sneak, shaking his head, andpassing to where Boone stood, near the house. "I am glad to see you all, " said Boone, extending his hand to each ofthe hardy pioneers. "But let us not waste a moment's time. I see youare all armed. Seize hold of the sled-rope, and let us be off. " Thecommand was instantly obeyed, and the party were soon passing out ofthe inclosure. The gate was scarce fastened before another "Ya-hoo!"came from the valley below, and a moment after they were joined byCol. Cooper and Dan. The other oarsman had been sent up the river forreinforcements, and Col. Cooper and Dan having heard the greatexplosion, finally resolved to cross over the river, and not await thearrival of the trappers. The party now amounted to twelve, and no time was lost in commencingthe march, or rather the chase; for when they reached the prairie andfound the trail of the snow-canoe, their progress equalled that of thesavages. But they had not gone far before Joe was taken suddenly ill, and begged to be permitted to return. "I declare I can hardly hold my head up!" said he still holding on tothe rope, and keeping pace with the rest, though his head hung down. "Possomin'--dod--I mean he's jest 'possomin', " said Sneak. "No indeed I ain't--plague it, don't _you_ say any thing, Sneak, " Joe, added, in an undertone. "I am something of a physician, " said Boone, whose quick ear hadcaught the words addressed to Sneak. "Let me feel your pulse, " headded, ordering the party to halt, and turning to Joe, whose wrist heseized. "I feel something better, " said Joe, alarmed at the mysterious andsevere expression of Boone's face. "I hope you will be entirely well in _two minutes_, " said Boone; "andthen it will not be necessary to apply my remedy. " "I'm about well now, " said Joe: "I think I can go ahead. " "I believe your pulse is good now; and I think you will hardly haveanother attack to-day. If you do, just let me know it. " "Oh, now I feel perfectly well, " responded Joe; and, seizing the rope, they were all soon again flying along on the trail of the savages. A little before noon, while casting his eyes along the dim horizon inadvance, Sneak abruptly paused, causing the rest to do likewise, andexclaimed, "Dod rot it. " "What's the matter, Sneak? Remember the promise you made, " said Boone. "Oh, " replied Sneak, "in sich an extronary case as this, I can't helpsaying that word yet awhile. But look yander!" he continued, pointingto a slight eminence a great distance in advance. "True!" said Boone, "that is an Indian--but it is the only onehereabouts. " "He is coming to meet us, " said Glenn. "Yes! my goodness! he's looking at us now, " cried Joe, retreating afew steps. "If there are more of them watching us, " said Col. Cooper, "they aresomewhere in our rear. " "Oh! we're surrounded!" cried Joe, leaping forward again. "Come on, " said Boone; "we'll soon learn what he wants with us. " When they were within a few hundred yards of the solitary Indian, theyagain halted, and Joe ran to the sled and seized his musket, which hecocked and threw up to his shoulder. "Take down your gun!" said Boone; "that is the Indian whose life wespared. I was not deceived in his integrity. He was not the one thatstole away Mary. I doubt not he brings intelligence of her. " "God grant she may still be unharmed!" said Roughgrove, advancing tomeet the Indian, who, being now within gunshot, raised his small whiteflag. "Tell me! tell me all about her!" exclaimed Roughgrove, in theOsage language, when he met the Indian. When the Indian informed himof the condition of Mary, the old man could not repress his raptures, his gratitude, or his tears. "She's safe! she's safe! Heaven bepraised!" he exclaimed, turning to his companions, who now came up, and experienced almost as much joy at the announcement as himself. "Hang me, if you ain't a right clever fellow, " said Joe, shaking theIndian's hand quite heartily. "Now, " he continued, when all theparticulars of Mary's escape were made known, "there won't be any usein fighting; we can just get Miss Mary out of the snow, and then gohome again. " "You don't know--keep your mouth shet--dod--, " said Sneak, suppressingthe last word. "We are not sure of that, " said Boone; "on the contrary, I think itis very probable we shall have fighting yet. When the war-partydiscover the deception, (as they must have done ere this, ) they willretrace their steps. If it was early in the day when they ascertainedthat the captive had escaped, we may expect to see them very soon. Ifit was late, we will find them in the grove where they encamped. Ineither event we must expect to fight--and fight hard too--for theyoutnumber us considerably. " Joe sighed, but said nothing. "Are you getting ill again?" inquired Boone. "No--I was only blowing--I got a little tired, " said Joe, in scarcearticulate tones. "And I feel weak--very weak--but it is with joy!" said Roughgrove. "And I have observed it, too, " said Boone. "Get in the sled; we willpull you along till your strength returns. " "I will be able to use my gun when I meet the foe, " said the old man, getting into the sled. The party set forward again, guided by the Indian, and in highspirits. The consciousness that Mary was in safety removed a weightfrom the breasts of all; and, as they ran along, many a light jest andpleasant repartee lessened the weariness of the march. Even Joe smiledonce or twice when Boone, in a mock heroic manner alluded to hisexploits among the wolves. "Blast me, " said Joe, when Sneak mentioned a few cases of equivocalcourage as an offset to Boone's compliments, "blast me, if I haven'tkilled more Indians than any of you, since I have been in this plaguedcountry. " "True--that is, your musket has, " said Boone. "Joe can fight sometimes, " said Glenn, smiling. "I'll be hanged if I haven't always fought, when there was anyfighting going on, " said Joe, reproachfully. "Yes, and he'll fight again, as manfully as any of us, " said Boone. "Dod--why, what are you holding back for so hard?" said Sneak, remarking that Joe at that instant seemed to be much excited, and, instead of going forward, actually brought the whole party to a modelate walk by his counter exertion. "What do you mean?" asked Glenn. "Are you going to be ill?" asked Boone. "No, goodness, no! Only listen to me a minute. An idea struck me, which I thought it was my duty to tell. I thought this Indian might bedeceiving us. Suppose he leads us right into an ambush when we'retalking and laughing, and thinking there's no danger. "Dod--you're a cowardly fool!" said Sneak. "I have likewise a remedy for interruptions--I advise rot to stopagain, " said Boone, when Joe once more started forward. Just as night was setting in, the party came in sight of the grovewhere Mary was concealed. They slackened their pace and drew near thedark woods quite cautiously. When they entered the edge of the grove, they heard the war-party utter the yell which had awakened Mary. Itwas fully understood by Boone, and the friendly Indian assured themfrom the sound, that the Osages had just returned, and were at thatmoment leaving the encampment on his trail. But he stated that theycould not find the pale-faced maiden. And he suggested to the whites aplan of attack, which was to station themselves near the place wherehe had emerged from the grove, after hiding Mary; so that when theyfollowed on his trail they could thus be surprised without difficulty. This advice was adopted by Boone. The Indian then asked permission todepart, saying he had paid the white men for sparing his life. "Oh no!" cried Joe, when Roughgrove interpreted the Indian's request, "keep him as a hostage--he may be cheating us. " "I do not see the impropriety of Joe's remark this time, " said Glenn. "Ask him where he will go, if we suffer him to depart, " said Boone. ToRoughgrove's interrogation, the Indian made a passionate reply. Hesaid the white men were liars. They were now quits. Still the whitemen were not satisfied. He had risked his life (and would probably betortured) to pay back the white men's kindness. But they would notbelieve his words. He was willing to die now. The white men mightshoot him. . He would as willingly die as live. If suffered to depart, it was his intention to steal his squaw away from the tribe, and jointhe Pawnees. He would never be an Osage again. "Go!" said Boone, perceiving by a ray of moonlight that reached theIndian's face through the clustering branches of the trees above, thathe was in tears. The savage, without speaking another word, leaped outinto the prairie, and from the circuitous direction he pursued, it wasmanifest that nothing could be further from his desire than to fall inwith the war-party. Boone directed the sled to be abandoned, and, obedient to his will, the party entered a small covert in the immediate vicinity of the spotwhere their guide said he had emerged from the grove on his return tomeet the whites. Here the party long remained esconced, silent andlistening, and expecting every moment to see the foe. At length Boonegrew impatient, and concluding they would encamp that night under thespreading tree, (the locality of which he was familiar with, ) heresolved to advance and surprise them. He was strengthened in thisdetermination by the repeated and painful surmises of Roughgroverespecting Mary's piteous condition. Glenn, and the rest, with perhapsone or two exceptions, likewise seemed disposed to make aninstantaneous termination of the torturing suspense respecting thefate of the poor girl. Boone and Sneak led the way. The party were compelled to proceed withthe utmost caution. Sometimes they were forced to crawl many paces ontheir hands and knees under the pendent snow-covered bushes. They drewnear the spreading tree. A fire was burning under it, the flickeringrays of which could be occasionally seen glimmering through thebranches. A stick was heard to break a little distance on one side, and Boone and Sneak sank down on the snow, and whispered to the restto follow their example. It was done without a repetition of theorder. Joe was the hindmost of all, but after lying a few minutes insilence, he crept softly forward, trembling all the while. When hereached the side of Boone, the aged woodman did not chide him, butsimply pointed his finger towards a small decayed log a few pacesdistant. Joe looked but a moment, and then pulling his hat over hiseyes, laid down flat on his face, in silence and submission. An Indianwas seated on the log, and very composedly cutting off the dry barkwith his tomahawk. Once or twice he paused and remained a moment in alistening attitude. But probably thinking the sounds he heard (if heheard any) proceeded from some comrade like himself in quest of fuel, he continued to cut away, until an armful was obtained, and then verydeliberately arose and walked with an almost noiseless step to thefire, which was not more than fifty yards distant. Boone rose softlyand whispered the rest to follow. He was promptly obeyed by all exceptJoe. "Come, sir! prepare your musket to fire, " said Boone, stooping down toJoe, who still remained apparently frozen to the snow-crust. "Oh! I'm so sick!" replied Joe. "If you do not keep with us, you will lose your scalp to a certainty, "said Boone. Joe was well in a second. The party were now about midwaybetween the fallen trunk where Mary was concealed, and the greatencampment-tree. Boone rose erect for an instant, and beheld theformer, and the single Indian (the chief) who was there. One of theIndians again started out from the fire, in the direction of thewhites for more fuel. Boone once more passed the word for his littleband to lie down. The tall savage came within a few feet of them. Histomahawk accidentally fell from his hand, and in his endeavour tocatch it, he knocked it within a few feet of Sneak's head. He steppedcarelessly aside, and stooped down for it. A strangling and gushingsound was heard, and falling prostrate, he died without a groan. Sneakhad nearly severed his head from his body at one blow with hishunting-knife. At this juncture Mary sprang from her hiding-place. Her voice reachedthe ears of her father, but before he could run to her assistance, thechiefs loud tones rang through the forest. Boone and the rest sprangforward, and fired upon the savages under the spreading tree. At thesecond discharge the Indians gave way, and while Col. Cooper, theoarsmen, and the neighbours that had joined the party in the morning, pursued the flying foe, Boone and the remainder ran towards the fallentrunk where Mary had been concealed, but approaching in differentdirections. Glenn was the first to rush upon the chief, and it was hisball that whizzed so near the Indian's head when he bore away theshrieking maiden. The rest only fired in the direction of the log, notthinking that Mary had left her covert. They soon met at the fallentree, under which was the pit, all except Glenn, who sprang forward inpursuit of the chief, and Sneak, who had made a wide circuit for thepurpose of reaching the scene of action from an opposite direction, entirely regardless of the danger of being shot by his friends. [Illustration: "It is your father, my poor child!" said Roughgrove, pressing the girl to his heart. --P. 165] "She's gone! she's gone!" exclaimed Roughgrove, looking aghast at thevacated pit under the fallen trunk. "But we will have her yet, " saidBoone, as he heard Glenn discharge a pistol a few paces apart in thebushes. The report was followed by a yell, not from the chief, butSneak, and the next moment the rifle of the latter was likewise heard. Still the Indian was not dispatched, for the instant afterwards histomahawk, which was hurled without effect, came sailing over thebushes, and penetrated a tree hard by, some fifteen or twenty feetabove the earth, where it entered the wood with such force that itremained firmly fixed. Now succeeded a struggle--a violent blow washeard--the fall of the Indian, and all was comparatively still. Aminute afterwards, Sneak emerged from the thicket, bearing theinanimate body of Mary in his arms, and followed by Glenn. "Is she dead? Oh, she's dead!" cried Roughgrove, snatching her fromthe arms of Sneak. "She has only fainted!" exclaimed Glenn, examining the body of thepale girl, and finding no wounds. "She is recovering!" said Boone, feeling her pulse. "God be praised!" exclaimed Roughgrove, when returning animation wasmanifest. "Oh! I know you won't kill me! For pity's sake spare me!" said Mary. "It is your father, my poor child!" said Roughgrove, pressing the girlto his heart. "It is! it is!" cried the happy girl, clinging rapturously to the oldman's neck, and then, seizing the hands of the rest, she seemed to behalf wild with delight. "Dod--I--I mean that none of the black noctilerous savages shall everhurt you as long as Sneak lives, " said Sneak, looking down at his gun, which had been broken off at the breech. "How did you break that?" asked Boone. "I broke it over the yaller feller's head, " said he, "and I'd do itagin, before he should hurt Miss Mary, if it _is_ the only one I'vegot. " "I have an extra rifle at home, " said Glenn, "which shall be yours, asa reward for your gallant conduct. " "Where is the chief? Is he dead?" asked Mary. "If he ain't dead, his head's harder than my gun, that's all, " saidSneak. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" said Mary. "Why, my child?" asked Roughgrove. "Because, " said Mary, "he's a good-hearted Indian, and never wouldhave harmed me. When he heard you coming, and raised his tomahawk tokill me, I looked in his face, and he could not strike, for there weretears in his eyes! I know he never would have thought of killing me, when calm, for he treated me very kindly before I escaped. " "Maybe he ain't dead--I'll go and see, " said Sneak, repairing to thelate scene of conflict. When he arrived he found the young chiefsitting upright, having been only stunned; a gold band that confinedhis head-dress prevented the blow from fracturing his skull. He wasnow unresisting and sullen. Sneak made him rise up, and after bindinghis hands behind him with a strong cord, led him forth. "You did not intend to kill me, did you?" asked Mary, in soothingtones. The chief regarded her not, but looked steadfastly downwards. "He don't understand you, Mary, " said Boone. "Oh, yes he does, " continued Mary; "and he can speak our language, too, for I heard him talking, and thought it was you, and that was thereason why I came out of the pit. " Roughgrove addressed him in his ownlanguage, but with no better success. The captured chief resolved notto plead for his life. He would make no reply whatever to theirquestions, but still gazed downwards in reckless sullenness. "What shall we do with him?" asked Glenn, when the rest of the party, (with the exception of Joe, ) who had chased the savages far away, cameup and stared at the prisoner. "Let us set him free!" said Roughgrove. "Kill him!" cried several. "No!" exclaimed Mary, "what do _you_ say, Mr. Boone?" "It would be useless to kill him, " said Boone. "Let him go, then, " said Glenn. "No!" said Boone. "Why?" asked Glenn. "Because, " replied Boone, "he is a chief, and we may make him themeans of securing the settlement against future attacks. We willconfine him in your garrison as a hostage, and send some friendlyIndian to the Osages announcing his capture, and informing them thathis life will be spared provided they keep away from the settlementfor a certain length of time, at the expiration of which he shall berestored to them. " "I am glad of that, " said Mary, "for I don't believe he is a badIndian. We will treat him kindly, and then I think he will always beour friend. " "Take him along, and bind him fast in the sled, Sneak, " said Boone;"but see that you do not injure him in the least. " "I will. Oh, me and him are purty good friends now. Gee-whoa-haw, "continued he, taking hold of the string behind, and endeavouring todrive the silent captive like an ox. The young chief whirled roundindignantly, and with such force as to send Sneak sprawling severalpaces to one side. He rose amid the laughter that ensued, andremembering the words of Boone, conducted his prisoner away in a morerespectful manner. "Where's Joe?" at length inquired Glenn, seeing that he alone wasmissing. "Oh! I'm afraid he's dead, " said Mary. "If he is, I shall mourn his loss many a day, " said Glenn; "for withall his defects, I would not be without him for the world. " "Give yourself no uneasiness, " said Boone; "for he is as well at thismoment as you or I. " "I hope so, " said Glenn; "but I have not seen him since we first firedat the Indians. " "Let us repair to that spot, and there we will find him, for I saw himfall down when he discharged his musket. I venture to say he has notmoved an inch since. " The party repaired to the place mentioned, and there they found him, sure enough, lying quite still on his face beside the Indian thatSneak had killed. "He _is_ dead!" said Glenn, after calling to him and receiving noanswer. "We'll soon see, " said Boone, turning him over on his back. "I willopen a vein in his arm. " "Bring a torch from the fire, " said Col. Cooper to one of the men. "Oh!" sighed Joe, lifting his hands to his head. "I thought he would soon come to life again, " said Boone, examininghis face with the torch that was brought, and then laughing outright. The spectacle was ludicrous in the extreme. Joe was besmeared withblood, and, when he opened his eyes and stared at the flaming light, he resembled some sanguinary demon. "Where in the world did all this blood come from?" exclaimed Glenn. "I'm recovered now, " said Joe, rising up and assuming an air ofimportance. "What have you been doing?" asked Glenn. "I've been doing as much as any of you, I'll be bound, " replied Joe, very gravely. "Well, what have you done?" repeated Glenn. "I've been fighting the last half hour, as hard as anybody ever foughtin this world. Only look at the stabs in that Indian!" said he, pointing to the savage. "Why, you scoundrel! Sneak killed this Indian, " said Glenn. "Sneak thought he did, " replied Joe, "but he only wounded him. After awhile he got up and clinched me by the throat, and we had it over andover on the snow, till we both got so exhausted we couldn't do anything. When we rested, we went at it again, and it hasn't been fiveminutes since I stuck my knife in his breast. When he fell, I stuckhim four or five times, and then fainted myself. " "Here is a wound in the savage's breast, " said Glenn. "But here's another in the throat, " said Boone, showing where thearteries had been severed by Sneak. "Joe, " said Glenn, "you must abandon this habit of lying, if indeed itis not a portion of your nature. " "Hang it all, I ain't lying--I know Sneak did cut his throat, but hedidn't cut it deep--I cut it deeper, myself, after the Indian got upagain!" persisted he. The party hastily glanced at the four or five dead savages under thetrees, that had fallen victims to their fire, and then returned to thesled. Mary was placed beside the captive chief, and they set out ontheir return, well satisfied with the result of the expedition. CHAPTER XIII. The return--The young chief in confinement--Joe's fun--His reward--Thering--A discovery--William's recognition--Memories of childhood--Ascene--Roughgrove's history--The children's parentage. The party on their return did not travel so rapidly as they hadadvanced. They moreover halted in a grove which they espied aboutmidnight, and finding a spreading tree that had entirely shielded asmall space of ground from the snow, they kindled a fire, arrangedtheir robes, and reposed a few hours. The captive chief was stillsullen and unresisting. He was suffered to recline in the sledenveloped in skins, with his hands and feet yet bound, and an extracord passed round his body, the end of which Sneak held in his handwhile he slept. When daylight appeared, they set forward again in amoderate pace, and arrived at Glenn's domicil at evening twilight. Theneighbours that Sneak had enlisted departed for their homes, and Booneand Col. Cooper, after bidding our hero, Roughgrove, and Mary, ahearty adieu, without entering the inclosure, recrossed the river totheir own settlement. The remainder of the party, except the oarsmen, accepted Glenn'sinvitation to remain with him till morning. When the gate was thrownopen, the faithful hounds manifested great delight to behold theirmaster again, and also Mary, for they pranced so much in the pathbefore them that it was almost impossible to walk. They barked inecstasy. The poor fawn had been forgotten, neglected, and had sufferedmuch for food. Mary placed her arm round its neck and wept. Glennordered Joe, who was in the stable caressing the horses, to feed thedrooping pet instantly. The party then entered the house, leading in the chief, and soon afterSneak had a bright fire blazing on the hearth. The food that remained from the last repast amply sufficed, thecaptive refusing to partake with them, and Joe having dined during thelast twelve miles of the journey on the way. "How we'll be able to keep this Indian here, when we go out, I shouldlike to know, " said Joe, regarding the manly and symmetrical form ofthe young chief, who was now unbound, and sat silent and thoughtful bythe fire. "I think he ought to be killed, " said Sneak. "Oh, no!" said Mary; "he is not bad like the other Indians. " TheIndian, for the first time since his capture, raised his head whileshe spoke, and looked searchingly in her face. "Oh!" continued Mary, thinking of the horrors of savage warfare, and bursting into tears, "you will never attempt to kill any of us again, will you?" "No!" said the chief, in a low but distinct tone. Every one in thehouse but Mary started. "You understand our language, do you? Then why did you not answer myquestions?" asked Roughgrove, turning to the captive. The young chiefmade no answer, but sat with his arms folded, and still regarding thefeatures of Mary. "He's a perfect fool!" said Sneak. "He's a snake in the grass, and'll bite some of us some of thesetimes, before we know any thing about it, " said Joe. "Be silent, " said Glenn. "If the hope that fills my breast should berealized, the young chief will cause more rejoicing than sorrowingamong us. The wisdom of Providence surpasses all human understanding. Events that bear a frightful import to the limited comprehensions ofmortals, may nevertheless be fraught with inestimable blessings. Eventhe circumstance of your capture, Mary, however distressing at thetime to yourself and to all your friends, may some day be looked uponas a happy and fortunate occurrence. " "I hope so, " said Mary. "God is great--is present everywhere, and governs every thing--let usalways submit to his just decrees without murmuring, " said the oldferryman, his eyes brightening with fervent devotion. "They've a notion to preach a little, I believe, " whispered Sneak toJoe. "Let 'em go ahead, then, " replied Joe, who was busily engaged with along switch, that he occasionally thrust in the fire, and when the endwas burnt to a coal, slyly applied it to the heel of the young chiefsmoccasin. "You'd better not let him ketch you at that, " said Sneak. "He'll think its a tick biting him--I want to see if the Indiansscratch like other people, " said Joe. Mary, being so requested by her father, began to relate every thingthat transpired up to her rescue, while she was in the possession ofthe savages. The Indian riveted his eyes upon her during the recital, and seemed to mark every word. Whether he understood all she said, orwas enchanted with her soft and musical tones, could not beascertained; but the listeners more than once observed withastonishment his gleaming eyes, his attentive attitude, and theintense interest exhibited in his face. It was during a moment when hewas thus absorbed that he suddenly sprang erect. Joe threw down hisswitch, convulsed with internal laughter. Sneak leaned back againstthe wall, and while he grinned at the amusing scene, seemed curious toknow what would be the result. Mary paused, and Glenn inquired thecause of the interruption. "Its nothing, hardly, " said Sneak: "only a spark of fire got agin theIndian's foot. He ain't as good pluck as the other one we had--hecould stand burning at the stake without flinching. " "Did either of you _place_ the fire against his foot?" demanded Glenn, in something like anger. But before he could receive an answer, theyoung chief, who had whirled round furiously, and cast a fierce lookat his tormentor, relaxing his knit brows into an expression ofcontempt, very deliberately took hold of Joe's ear, and turning on hisheel like a pivot, forced him to make many circles round him on thefloor. "Let go my ear!" roared Joe, pacing round in pain. "Hold your holt, my snarvilerous yaller prairie dog!" cried Sneak, inexpressibly amused. "Let go my ear, I say!" cried Joe, still trotting round, with bothhands grasping the Indian's wrist. "Mr. Glenn! Mr. Glenn!" continuedJoe, "he's pinching a hole through my ear! Shoot him down, shoot himdown. There's my gun, standing against the wall--but its not loaded!Take my knife--oh, he's tearing my ear off!" When the Indian thoughthe was sufficiently punished, he led him back to his seat, andrelinquished his hold. He then resumed his own seat, and composedlyturning his eyes to Mary, seemed to desire her to proceed with thenarration. She did so, but when she spoke of her attempt to escape inthe prairie, of the young chief's noble conduct, and his admiration ofher ring (and she pulled off her glove and exhibited it as she spoke, )he again rose from his seat, and walking, apparently unconsciously, towhere she reclined upon her father's knees, fixed his eyes upon thejewel in a most mysterious manner. He no longer dwelt upon themaiden's sweet tones. He did nothing but gaze at the ring. "He's got a notion to steal that ring!" said Joe, with a sneer. "Shot your mouth!" said Sneak, observing that Mary lookedreproachfully at Joe, and paused. "Don't talk that way, Joe!" said the offended girl. "If he wanted it, why did he not take it when I was his prisoner? I will freely let himhave it now, " she continued, slipping it off from her finger. "No! keep it, child--it is a family ring, " said Roughgrove. "I will lend it to him--I know he will give it me again, " shecontinued, placing it in the extended hand of the young chief, whothanked her with his eyes, and resumed his seat. He now seemed todisregard every thing that was said or done, and only gazed at thering, which he held first in one hand and then in the other, with thesparkling diamond uppermost. Sometimes he would press his foreheadwith his hand and cover his eyes, and then gaze at the ring again. Then staring wildly around, and slightly starting, he would bite hisfingers to ascertain whether the scene was reality or a dream. Finally, giving vent to a piteous sigh, while a tear ran down hisstained cheek, he placed his elbows upon his knees, and, bendingforward, seemed to muse over some event of the past, which the jewelbefore him had called to remembrance. Glenn narrowly watched every look and motion of the young chief, andwhen Mary finished the account of her capture, he introduced thesubject of the lost child, Mary's brother, that Roughgrove had spokenabout before starting in pursuit of the war-party. "I can remember him!" said Mary, "and mother, too--they are both inheaven now--poor brother! poor mother!" The young chief raised his head quickly, and staring at the maiden'sface, seemed to regard her tears and her features with an interestsimilar to that of a child when it beholds a rare and curious toy. "Has it not occurred to you, " said Glenn, addressing Roughgrove, "thatthis young chief might possibly be your own son?" "No!" replied the old man, promptly, and partially rising, "_he_ myson--_he_ Mary's brother--and once in the act of plunging thetomahawk--" "But, father, " interrupted Mary, "he would never have harmed me--Iknow he would not--for every time he looked me in the face he seemedto pity me, and sometimes he almost wept to think I was away from myfriends, among savages, cold and distressed. But I don't think he canbe my brother--my little brother I used to love so much--yet I couldnever think how he should have fallen in the river without my knowingit. Sometimes I remember it all as if it were yesterday. He washunting wild violets--" "Oh! oh!" screamed the young chief, springing from his seat towardsMary. Fear, pain, apprehension, joy and affection, all seemed to bemingled in his heaving breast. "He's crazy, dod"--the word died upon Sneak's lip. "I should like to know who burnt his foot then, " said Joe. "Silence! both of you, " said Glenn. "What does he mean?" at length asked Roughgrove, staring at the youngchief. "Let us be patient, and see, " said Glenn. Ere long the Indian turned his eyes slowly downward, and resumed hisseat mournfully and in silence. "Oh!" said Mary, "if he _is_ my poor brother, my heart will burst tosee him thus--a wild savage. " "How old are you, Mary?" asked Glenn. "Nineteen, " said she. "Your brother, then, has been lost thirteen years. He may yet berestored to you--re-taught our manners and speech--bless his agedfather's declining years, and merit sister's affection. " "Oh! Mr. Glenn! is he then alive? is this he?" cried Mary. "No, child!" said Roughgrove, "do not think of such a thing, for youwill be most bitterly disappointed. Your brother was _white_--look atthis Indian's dark face!" Glenn approached the chief, extending his hand in a friendly manner. It was frankly grasped. He then gently drew the furs aside and exposedthe young man's shoulder. It was as white as his own! Roughgrove, Mary, and all, looked on in wonder. The young chief regarded it withsingular emotions himself. He seemed to associate it in some mannerwith the ring he held, for he glanced from one to the otheralternately. "Did Mary wear that ring before the child was lost?" asked Glenn. "No, " replied Roughgrove, "but her mother did. " "I believe he is your son!" said Glenn. "Mary, " he continued, "haveyou any trinkets or toys you used to play with?" "Yes. Oh, let me get them!" she replied, and running to a corner ofthe room where her father's chests and trunks had been placed, sheproduced a small drum and a brass toy cannon. "He used to play withthese from morning till night, " she continued, placing them on thefloor. She had not taken her hand away from them, before the youngchief sprang to her side and cried out-- "They're mine! they're mine! they're William's!" "What was the child's name?" asked Glenn, quickly. "William! William!" cried Mary. "It is my brother! it is my poorbrother William!" and without a moment's hesitation she threw her armsround his neck, and sobbed upon his breast! "The poor, poor child!" said Roughgrove, in tremulous tones, embracingthem both, his eyes filled with tears. "Sister! sister!" said the youth, gazing in partial bewilderment atMary. "Brother, brother! I am your sister!" said Mary, in tones of thrillingtenderness. "But mother! where's mother?" asked the youth. The father and sisterbowed their heads in silence. The youth, after clinging fondly to Marya few minutes, started up abruptly and looked amazed, as if wakingfrom a sweet dream to the reality of his recent dreadful condition. "Brother, why do you look so coldly at us? Why don't you press us toyour heart?" said Mary, still clinging to him. The youth's featuresgradually assumed a grave and haughty cast, and, turning away, hewalked to the stool he had occupied, and sat down in silence. "I will win him from the Indians, " said Mary, running after him, andsitting down at his side. "Ugh!" exclaimed the youth in displeasure, and moved a short distanceaway. "He's not true grit--I 'most wish I had killed him, " said Sneak. "Yes, and pinch me if I don't burn him again, if I get a chance, " saidJoe. "Silence!" said Glenn, sternly. For many minutes not a word wasspoken. At length Mary, who had been sobbing, raised her head andlooked tenderly in the face of her brother. Still he regarded her withindifference. She then seized the toy-drum, which with the otherarticles had been thrust out of view, and placed them before him. Whenhis eyes rested upon them; the severe and wild expressions of hisfeatures again relaxed. The young war-chief was a child again. Heabandoned his seat and sat down on the floor beside his sister. Looking her guilelessly in the face, an innocent and boyish smileplayed upon his lips. "You won't go away again and leave your poor sister; will you, William?" said Mary. "No, indeed. And when the Indians come we'll run away and go tomother, won't we, Mary?" said the youth, in a complete abandonment oftime and condition. "He _is_ restored--restored at last!" exclaimed Roughgrove, walkingacross the room to where the brother and sister sat. The youth sprangto his feet, and darted a look of defiance at him. "Oh! wretched manthat I am! the murderous savages have converted the gentle lamb into awolf!" Roughgrove then repeated his words to the youth in the Osagelanguage. The youth replied in the same language, his eyes flashingindignantly. He said it was not true; that the red man was great andnoble, and the pale face was a beast--and added that he had anothertomahawk and bows and arrows in his own country, and might see the daywhen this insult would be terribly resented. The old man sank down onhis rude seat, and gave way to excruciating grief. "Brother William!" cried Mary, tapping the drum. The youth cast downhis eyes to where she sat, and their fierceness vanished in atwinkling. She placed the toy in his possession, and rose to bringsome other plaything she remembered. "Sister, don't go--I'll tell mother!" cried the youth, in infantileearnestness. "I'll come back presently, brother, " said Mary, tripping across theroom and searching a trunk. "Make haste--but I'm not afraid--I'll frighten all the Indians away. "Saying this, he rattled the drum as rapidly as possible. "See what I've got, brother, " said Mary, returning with a juvenilebook, and sitting down close at his side. He thrust the drum away, and, laughing heartily, placed his arm round his sister and said:"Mother's got _my_ book; but you'll let me look at yours, won't you, sister?" "Yes that I will, brother--see, this is the little old woman, andthere's her dog--" "Yes, and there's the peddler, " cried the youth, pointing at thepicture. "Now can't you read it, brother?" "To be sure I can--let me read: "'There was a little woman As I have heard tell, She went to market Her eggs for to sell. ' "See! there she goes, with a basket on her arm and a cane in her hand. " "Yes, and here she is again on this side, fast asleep, and her basketof eggs sitting by her, " said Mary; "now let me read the next: "'She went to market, All on a market day, And she fell asleep On the king's highway. '" Now do you read about the peddler, brother. Mother used to say therewas a naughty word in it. " "I will, " cried the youth, eagerly; but he paused and lookedsteadfastly at the picture before him. "Why don't you read?" asked Mary, endeavouring to confine his thoughtsto the childish employment. "That's a pretty _skin_, ain't it?" said he, pointing to the red shawlpainted on the picture. "_Skin_!" said Mary; "why, that's her shawl, brother. " "I'll steal one for my squaw, " said he. "_Steal_, brother!" said the trembling girl. "No I won't, either, sister--don't you know mother says we must neversteal, nor tell stories, nor say bad words. " "That's right, brother. But you haven't got an ugly _squaw_, haveyou?" "No indeed, sister, that I haven't!" "I thought you wouldn't have any thing to do with the ugly squaws. " "That I wouldn't--mine's a pretty one. " "Oh, heaven!" cried the weeping girl, throwing herself on herbrother's bosom. He kissed her, and strove to comfort her, and turnedto the book and continued to turn over the leaves, while Mary sat byin sadness, but ever and anon replying to his childish questions, andstill striving to keep him thus diverted. "Have you any of the clothes you wore when he was a child?" askedGlenn, addressing Roughgrove. "Yes, " replied the old man; and seizing upon the thought, he unlockedthe trunk that contained them, and put them on. "Where's mother?" suddenly asked the young chief. "Oh, she's dead!" said Mary. "Dead? I know better!" said he, emphatically. "Indeed she is, brother, " repeated Mary, in tears. "When did she die?" he continued, in a musing attitude. "A long time ago--when you were away, " said she. "I wasn't gone away long, was I?" he asked, with much simplicity. "Oh, very long--we thought you were dead. " "He was a very bad Indian to steal me away without asking mother. Butwhere's father? Is he dead, too?" he continued, lifting his eyes andbeholding Roughgrove attired in a suit of velvet, and wearing broadsilver knee buckles. "Father! father!" he cried, eagerly clasping theold man in his arms. "My poor boy, I will be your father still!" said Roughgrove. "I know you will, " said the youth, "for you always loved me a greatdeal, and now that my poor mother's dead, I'm sure you will lovesister and me more than ever. " "Indeed I will, poor child! But you must not go back to the naughtysavages any more. " The youth gazed round in silence, and made no reply. He was evidentlyawakening to a consciousness of his condition. A frown of horrordarkened his brow as he contemplated the scenes of his wild abodeamong the Indians; and, when he contrasted his recent mode of lifewith the Elysian days of his childhood, now fresh in his memory, mingled emotions of regret, fear, and bliss seemed to be contending inhis bosom. A cold dampness settled upon his forehead, his limbstrembled violently, and distressful sighs issued from his heavingbreast. Gradually he sank down on a couch at his side, and closed hiseyes. When some minutes had elapsed, during which a death-like silence wasmaintained, Mary approached lightly to where her father stood, andinquired if her brother was ill. "No, " said Roughgrove, in a whisper; "he only sleeps; but it is a verysound slumber. " "Now let us take off his Indian dress, " said Glenn, "and put on himsome of my clothes. " This was speedily effected, and without awakingthe youth, whose senses were benumbed, as if by some powerful opiate. "Now, Mary, " said Roughgrove, "you must likewise have repose. You arealmost exhausted in body and mind. Sleep at your brother's side, ifyou will, poor girl. " Mary laid her head on William's pillow, and wassoon in a deep slumber. For several moments Roughgrove stood lost in thought, gazingalternately at the reposing brother and sister, and Glenn. He lookedalso at Sneak and Joe reclining by the fire; both were fast asleep. Hethen resumed his seat, and motioned Glenn to do likewise. He bowed hishead a brief length of time in silence, apparently recalling to mindsome occurrence of more than ordinary import. "My young friend, " said he, at length, while he placed his witheredhand upon Glenn's knee, "do you remember that I said there was_another_ secret connected with my family?" "Distinctly, " replied Glenn; "and I have since felt so much anxiety tobe acquainted with it that I have several times been on the eve ofasking you to gratify my curiosity; but thinking it might beimpertinent, I have forborne. It has more than once occurred to methat your condition in life must have been different from what it nowis. " "It has been different--far different. I will tell you all. I am anative of England--a younger brother, of an ancient and honourablefamily, but much decayed in fortune. I was educated for the ministry. Our residence was on the Thames, a few miles distant from London, andI was early entered in one of the institutions of the great city. While attending college, it was my practice twice a month to visit myfather's mansion on foot. I was fond of solitary musings, and theexercise was beneficial to my weak frame. It was during one of thoseexcursions that I rescued a young lady from the rude assaults of tworuffians. After a brief struggle, they fled. I turned to the one I hadso opportunely served, and was struck with her unparalleled beauty. Young; a form of symmetrical loveliness; dark, languishing eyes, asmooth forehead of lily purity, and auburn hair flowing in glossyringlets--it was not strange that an impression should be made on theheart of a young student. She thanked me for my generous interpositionin such sweet and musical tones, that every word thrilled pleasantlythrough my breast. She prevailed upon me to accompany her to hermother's cottage, but a few hundred paces distant; and during our walkthither, she hung confidingly on my arm. Her aged mother overwhelmedme with expressions of gratitude. She mildly chid her daughter forwandering so far away in quest of flowers, and then withdrawing, leftus alone. Again my eyes met those of the blushing maiden--but it isuseless to dwell upon the particulars of our mutual passion. Sufficeit to say that she was the only child of her widowed mother, inmoderate but independent circumstances, and being hitherto secludedfrom the society of the other sex, soon conceived (for my visits werefrequent) an affection as ardent as my own. At length I apprized myfather of the attachment, and asked his consent to our union. Herefused to sanction the alliance in the most positive terms, andcommanded me never to mention the subject again. He said that I waspoor, and that he would not consent to my marriage with any other thanan heiress. I returned to London, resolved to disobey his injunction, for I felt that my happiness entirely depended upon my union with thelovely Juliet. But I had never yet definitely expressed my desire toher. Yet there could be no doubt from her smiles that my wishes wouldwillingly be acceded to. I determined to arrange every thing at ournext interview, and a few weeks afterwards I repaired to the cottagefor that purpose. Instead of meeting me with her ever blissful face, Ifound my Juliet in tears! She was alone; but in the adjoining chamberI heard a man's voice, and feared that it was my father. I wasmistaken. Juliet soon brushed away her tears, and informed me that shehad been _again_ assailed by the same ruffians, and on the lawn withinsight of the cottage. She said that the gentleman in the next room washer deliverer. I seized her hand, and when about to propose a plan tosecure her against such annoyances for ever, her mother entered andintroduced the stranger to me. His name was Nicholson, and he statedthat he was a partner in a large banking establishment in LombardStreet. He was past the bloom of youth, but still his fine clothes andhis reputed wealth were displeasing to me. I was especially chagrinedat the marked attention shown him by Juliet's mother. And my annoyancewas increased by the frequent lascivious glances he cast at themaiden. The more I marked him, the more was my uneasiness. It soonoccurred to me that I had seen him before! He resembled a person I hadseen driving rapidly along the highway in a chariot, on the morningthat I first beheld my Juliet. But my recollection of his features wasindistinct. There was a condescending suavity in his manners, andsometimes a positive and commanding tone in his conversation, thatalmost roused my enmity in spite of my peaceful calling and friendlydisposition. It was my intention to remain at the cottage, and proposeto Juliet after he had departed. But my purpose was defeated, for hedeclared his intention to enjoy the country air till evening, and Ireturned, disappointed and dispirited, to the city. "A few days afterwards I visited the cottage again. What was mysurprise and vexation to behold Mr. Nicholson there! He was seated, with his patronizing smile, between Juliet and her mother, andpresenting them various richly bound books, jewels, &c. , which seemedto me to be received with much gratification. I was welcomed with theusual frankness and pleasure by Juliet, but I thought her mother'sreception was less cordial, and Mr. Nicholson regarded me withmanifest indifference. I made an ineffectual effort at vivacity, andafter an hour's stay, during which my remarks gradually narrowed downto monosyllables, (while Mr. Nicholson became excessively loquacious, )I rose to depart. Juliet made an endeavour to accompany me to thedoor, where I hoped to be assured of her true affection for me by herown lips, but some pointed inquiry (I do not now recollect what) fromNicholson, which was seconded in a positive manner by her mother, arrested her steps, and while she hesitated, I bad her adieu, anddeparted for the city, resolved never to see her again. "It was about a month after the above occurrence that my resolutiongave way, and I was again on the road to the cottage, with my mindmade up to forgive and forget every thing that had offended me, and tooffer my hand where my heart seemed to be already irrevocably fixed. When I entered who should I see but the eternal thwarter of myhappiness, the ever-present Nicholson! But horror! he was now thewedded lord of Juliet! The ceremony was just over. There were but twoor three strangers present besides the clergyman. Bride, groom, guests, and all were hateful to my sight. The minister, particularly, I thought had a demoniac face, similar to that of one of the ruffianswho had tested the quality of my cane. Juliet cast a look at me withmore of sadness than joy in it. She offered me her hand in silentsalutation, and it trembled in my grasp. The deed was done. Pity forthe maiden who had been thus sacrificed to secure a superabundance ofwealth which could never be enjoyed, and sorrow at my own forlorncondition, weighed heavily, oh, how heavily! on my heart. I returnedto my lonely and desolate lodgings without a malicious feeling for theone who had robbed me of every hope of earthly enjoyment. I prayedthat he might make Juliet happy. "But, alas! her happiness was of short duration. Scarce six months hadpassed before Mr. Nicholson began to neglect his youthful andconfiding bride. She had still remained at her mother's cottage, while, as she stated, his establishment was being fitted up in townfor their reception. He at first drove out to the cottage everyevening; but soon afterwards fell into the habit of visiting his brideonly two or three times a week. He neither carried her into societynor brought home any visitors. Yet he seemed to possess immensewealth, and bestowed it upon Juliet with a liberal, nay, profuse hand. My young friend, what kind of a character do you suppose this Mr. Nicholson to have been?" said the old man, pausing, and turning toGlenn, who had been listening to the narrative with marked attention. "He was an impostor--a gambler, " replied Glenn, promptly. "He _was_ an impostor! but no adventurous gambler, as you suppose. Iwill proceed. About seven months after his marriage, he abandonedJuliet altogether! Yet he did not forget her entirely. He may havefelt remorse for the ruin he had wrought--or perhaps a slight degreeof affection for his unborn--; and costly presents, and manyconsiderable sums of money, were sent by him to the cottage. Butneither the aged mother nor the deserted wife found the consolationthey desired in his prodigal gifts. They sent me a note, informing meof their distressful condition, and requesting me to ascertain thelocality of Mr. Nicholson's establishment, and, if possible, to findout the cause of his unnatural conduct. I did all in my power toaccomplish what they desired. I repaired to the cottage, unable togive the least intelligence of Mr. Nicholson. I had not been able tofind any one who had ever heard of him. Juliet became almost frantic. She determined to seek him herself. At her urgent solicitation, Iaccompanied her to the city in an open curricle. A pitying Providencesoon terminated her insupportable suspense. While we were drivingthrough Hyde Park, we were forcibly stopped to permit, among thethrong, the passage of a splendid equipage. The approaching carriagewas likewise an open one. Juliet glanced at the inmates, and utteringa wild piercing shriek, fainted in my arms. I looked, and saw herquondam husband! He was decked in the magnificent insignia of ROYALTY. Nobles were bowing, high-born ladies smiling, and the multitudeshouted, 'There comes his royal highness, the Prince of--' "Man cannot punish him, " continued Roughgrove, "but God can. HE willdeal justly, both with the proud and the oppressed. But to return. Hesaw Juliet. A few minutes after the gorgeous retinue swept past, oneof the prince's attendants came with a note. Juliet was insensible. Itook it from the messenger's hand, and started when I looked thevillain in the face. He had been the parson! He smiled at therecognition! I hurled my cane at his head, and hastened back to thecottage with a physician in attendance. Juliet soon recovered from herswoon. But a frenzied desperation was manifest in her pale features. Ileft her in her mother's charge, and returned in agony to my lodgings. That night a raging fever seized upon my brain, and for months I wasthe victim of excruciating disease. When convalescent, but stillconfined to my room, I chanced to run my eye over one of the dailypapers, and was petrified to see the name of Mrs. Nicholson, in thefirst article that attracted my attention, in connection with anattempt upon the life of the king! She had been seized with a fit oftemporary insanity, and driving to town, sought her betrayer with theintention of shedding his blood. She waited at the gate of St. James'spalace until a carriage drove up in which she expected to find theprince. It was the king--yet she did not discover her error until theblow was made. The steel did not perform its office, as you are awarefrom the history of England, in which this event is recorded. The kinghumanely pardoned her on the spot. A single word she utteredacquainted him with her history, and her piteous looks made anextraordinary impression on his mind. He too, had, perhaps, sportedwith innocent beauty. And now the spectre of the weeping maniachaunted his visions. Soon he became one himself. The name of Julietfortunately was not published in the journals. It was by some meansincorrectly stated that the woman who attacked the king was named_Margaret_ Nicholson, and so it remains on the page of history. "As soon as I was able to leave my chamber, I repaired to the cottage. Juliet was a _mother_. Reason had returned, and she strove to submitwith Christian humility to her pitiable lot. She received me with thesame sweet smile that had formerly beamed on her guileless face. Hermother, the promoter of the fancied advantageous alliance, now seemedto suffer most. They both clung to me as their only remaining friend, and in truth I learned that all other friends had forsaken them. Ilooked upon the deceived, outraged, but still innocent Juliet, withpity. Her little cherub twins--" "Twins!" echoed Glenn. "Ay, twins, " replied Roughgrove, "and they lie behind you now, side byside, on yonder bed. " Glenn turned and gazed a moment in silence on the sleeping forms ofWilliam, and Mary. "Her poor little ones excited my compassion. They were not blamablefor their father's crime, nor could they enjoy the advantages of hisexalted station. They were without a protector in the world. Juliet'smother was fast sinking under the calamity she had herself in a greatmeasure wrought. My heart melted when I contemplated the sad conditionof the only female I had ever loved. It was not long before the firesof affection again gleamed brightly in my breast. Juliet had committedno crime, either in the eyes of man or God. She did not intend to err. She had acted in good faith. She had never designed to transgresseither the laws of earth or heaven, and although the disguised princedid not wholly possess her heart, yet she deemed it a duty to begoverned by the advice of her parent. These things I explained to her, and when her conscience was appeased by the facts which Idemonstrated, her peace in some measure returned, but she was stillsubject to occasional melancholy reflections. Perhaps she thought ofme--how my heart had suffered (for, young as I was, the occurrencebrought premature gray hairs; and even now, although my head is white, I have seen but little more than forty years)--and how happy we mighthave travelled life's journey together. I seized such a moment torenew my proposals. She declined, but declined in tears. I returned tothe city with the intention to repeat the offer the next time we met. Not many weeks elapsed before her aged mother was consigned to thetomb. Poor Juliet's condition was now immeasurably lamentable. She hadneither friend nor protector. I again urged my suit, and wassuccessful. But she required of me a promise to retire from the worldfor ever. I cheerfully agreed, for I was disgusted with the vanity andwickedness of my species. We came hither. You know the rest. " When Roughgrove ceased speaking, the night was far advanced, and aperfect silence reigned. Without uttering another word, he and Glennrose from their seats, and repairing to the remaining unoccupiedcouch, ere long yielded to the influence of tranquil slumber. CHAPTER XIV. William's illness--Sneak's strange house--Joe's courage--The beehunt--Joe and Sneak captured by the Indians--Their sad condition--Preparations to burn them alive--Their miraculous escape. Just before the dawn of day, Roughgrove and Glenn were awakened byMary. She was weeping at the bed-side of William. "What's the matter, child?" asked Roughgrove, rising up and lightingthe lamp. "Poor brother!" said she, and her utterance failed her. "He has a raging fever!" said Glenn, who had approached the bed andplaced his hand upon the young man's temples. "True--and I fear it will be fatal!" said Roughgrove, in alarm, as heheld the unresisting wrist of the panting youth. "Fear not, " said Glenn; "God directs all things. This violent illness, too, may in the end be a blessing. Let us do all in our power torestore him to health, and leave the rest to Him. I was once an ardentstudent of medicine, and the knowledge I acquired may be of someavail. " "I will pray for his recovery, " said Mary, bowing down at the foot ofthe bed. "Dod--I mean--Joe, it's most daylight, " said Sneak, rising up andrubbing his eyes. "Well, what if it is? what are you waking me up for?" replied Joe, turning over on his rude pallet. "Why, I'm going home. " "Well, clear out them. " "But you'll have to get up and shut the gate after me"' "Plague take it all, I believe you're just trying to spoil my nap!"said Joe, much vexed. "No I ain't, Joe; I'm in earnest, indeed I am, " continued Sneak;"bekaise I hain't been inside of my house, now, for three or fourdays, and who knows but the dod--mean the--Indians have been thereand stole all my muskrat skins?" "If they have, then there's no use in looking for them now. " "If they have, dod--I mean, _burn_ me if I don't foller em to theother end of creation but I'll have 'em back agin. But I ain't muchafeard that they saw my house--they might rub agin it without knowingit was a house. " "That's a pretty tale, " said Joe, now thoroughly awakened, and staringincredulously in his companion's face. "It's a fact. " "Whereabouts is your house?" "Why, it's in the second valley we crossed when we went after thewolves on the island. " "Then your skins are gone, " said Joe, "for the Indians have been inthat valley. " "I know they was there well enough, " said Sneak; "but didn't I saythey couldn't find the house, even if they was to scratch their backsagin it?" "What kind of a house is it?" "'Spose you come along and see, " said Sneak, groping about in the dimtwilight for his cap, and the gun Glenn bad given him. "I should like to see it, just out of curiosity, " replied Joe. [Illustration: "I will pray for his recovery, " said Mary, bowing downat the foot of the bed. --P. 186] "Then go along with Sneak, " said Glenn, who approached the fire toprepare some medicine; "it is necessary that every thing should bequiet and still here. " "If you'll help me to feed and water the horses. Sneak, I'll go homewith you, " said Joe. Sneak readily agreed to the proposition, and bythe time it was quite light, and yet before the sun rose, the labourwas accomplished, and they set out together for the designated valley. Their course was somewhat different from that pursued when in quest ofthe wolves, for Sneak's habitation was about midway between the riverand the prairie, and they diverged in a westerly direction. But theirprogress was slow During the night there had been a change in theatmosphere, and a constant breeze from the south had in a greatmeasure softened the snow-crust, so that our pedestrians frequentlybroke through. "This is not the most agreeable walking I ever saw, " said Joe, breaking through and tumbling down on his face. "That's jest as much like swimming as walking, " said Sneak, smiling atthe blunder of his companion. "Smash it, Sneak, " continued Joe, rising up with some difficulty, "Idon't half like this breaking-through business. " "You must walk lighter, and then you won't break through, " said Sneak;"tread soft like I do, and put your feet down flat. I hain't broke inonce--" But before the sentence was uttered, Sneak had broken throughhimself, and stood half-submerged in the snow. "Ha! ha! ha! you musn't count your chickens before they're hatched, "said Joe, laughing; "but you may score one, now you have broken theshell. " "I got in that time, " said Sneak, now winding through the bushes withmuch caution, as if it were truly in his power to diminish the weightof his body by a peculiar mode of walking. "This thaw 'll be good for one thing, any how, " said Joe, after theyhad progressed some time in silence. "What's that?" asked Sneak. "Why, it 'll keep the Indians away; they can't travel through theslush when the crust is melted off. " "That's as true as print, " replied Sneak; and if none of 'em folleredus back to the settlement, we needn't look for 'em agin till spring. " "I wonder if any of them _did_ follow us?" asked Joe, pausingabruptly. "How can anybody tell till they see 'em?" replied Sneak. "What're youstopping for?" "I'm going back, " said Joe. "Dod--you're a fool--that's jest what you are. Hain't We got our guns?and if there _is_ any about, ain't they in the bushes close to Mr. Glenn's house? and hain't we passed through 'em long ago? But I don'tkeer any thing about your cowardly company--go back, if you want to, "said Sneak, striding onward. "Sneak, don't go so fast. I haven't any notion of going back, " saidJoe, springing nimbly to his companion's side. "I believe you're afeard to go back by yourself, " said Sneak, laughingheartily. "Pshaw, Sneak, I don't think any of 'em followed us, do you?"continued Joe, peering at the bushes and trees in the valley, whichthey were entering. "No, " said Sneak; "I only wanted to skeer you a bit. " "I've killed too many savages to be scared by them now, " said Joe, carelessly striding onward. "What was you a going back for, if you wasn't skeered?" "I wonder what always makes you think I'm frightened when I talk ofgoing into the house! Sneak, you're _always_ mistaken. I wasn'tthinking about myself--I only wanted to put Mr. Glenn on his guard. " "Then what made you tell that wapper for, the other night, aboutcutting that Indian's throat?" "How do you know it was a wapper?" asked Joe, somewhat whatembarrassed by Sneak's home-thrust. "Bekaise, don't I know that I cut his juggler-vein myself? Didn't theblood gush all over me? and didn't he fall down dead before he hadtime to holler?" continued Sneak, with much warmth and earnestness. "Sneak, " said Joe, "I've no doubt you thought he was dead--but thenyou must know it's nearly as hard to kill a man as a cat. You mighthave been mistaken; every body is liable to be deceived--even aperson's eyes deceive him sometimes. I don't pretend to say that Ihaven't been mistaken before now, myself. It _may_ be possible that Iwas mistaken about the Indian as well as you--I might have just_thought_ I saw him move. But I was there longer than you, and theinference is that I didn't stand as good a chance to be deceived. " "Well, I can't answer all that, " said Sneak; "but I'll swear I felt myknife grit agin his neck-bone. " Joe did not desire to pursue the subject any further, and theyproceeded on their way in silence, ever and anon breaking through thesnow-crust. The atmosphere became still more temperate when the brightsun beamed over the horizon. Drops of water trickled down from thesnow-covered branches of the trees, and a few birds flitted overhead, and uttered imperfect lays. "Here we are, " said Sneak, halting in the midst of a clump of enormoussycamore trees, over whose roots a sparkling rivulet glided with agurgling sound. "I know we're here, " said Joe; "but what are you stopping _here_ for?" "Here's where I live, " replied Sneak, with a comical smile playing onhis lips. "But where's your house?" asked Joe. "Didn't I say you couldn't find it, even if you was to rub your backagin it?" "I know I'm not rubbing against your house now, " replied Joe, turninground and looking up in the huge tree he had been leaning against. "But you have been leaning agin my house, " continued Sneak, amused atthe incredulous face of his companion. "I know better, " persisted Joe; "this big sycamore is the only thingI've leant against since we started. " "Jest foller me, and I'll show you something, " said Sneak, steppinground to the opposite side of the tree, where the ascent on the northrose abruptly from the roots. Here he removed a thin flat stone ofabout four feet in height, that stood in a vertical position againstthe tree. "You don't live in there, Sneak, surely; why that looks like a wolf'sden, " said Joe, perceiving a dark yawning aperture, and that theimmense tree was but a mere shell. "Keep at my heels, " said Sneak, stooping down and crawling into thetree. "I'd rather not, " said Joe; "there may be a bear in it. " Soon a clicking sound was heard within, and the next moment Joeperceived the flickering rays of a small lamp that Sneak held in hishand, illuminating the sombre recesses of the novel habitation. "Why don't you come in?" asked Sneak. "Sneak, how do you know there ain't a bear up in the hollow?" askedJoe, crawling in timidly and endeavouring to peer through the darknessfar above, where even the rays of the lamp could not penetrate. "I wonder if you think I'd let a bear sleep in my house, " continuedSneak, searching among a number of boxes and rude shelves, to see ifany thing had been molested during his absence. Finding every thingsafe, he handed Joe a stool, and began to kindle a fire in a smallstone furnace. Joe sat down in silence, and looked about inastonishment. And the scene was enough to excite the wonder of anIrishman. The interior of the tree was full eight feet in diameter, while the eye was lost above in undeveloped regions. Below, there wasa surface of smooth stones, which were comfortably carpeted over withbuffalo robes. At one side was a diminutive fireplace, or furnace, constructed of three flat stones about three inches in thickness. Thelargest was laid horizontally on the ground, and the others placedupright on it, and attached to a clay chimney, that was by some meansconfined to the interior side of the tree, and ran upward until it waslost in the darkness. After gazing in amazement several minutes atthis strange contrivance, Joe exclaimed: "Sneak, I don't understand this! Where does that smoke go to?" "Go out doors and see if you can't see, " replied Sneak, placing morefuel on the blazing fire. "Go out of the _hole_ you mean to say, " said Joe, creeping out. "You may call it jest what you like, " said Sneak; "but I'll beswitched if many folks lives in _higher_ houses than I does. " "Well, I'll declare!" cried Joe. "What ails you now?" asked Sneak, thrusting his head out of theaperture, and regarding the surprise of Joe with much satisfaction. "Why, I see the smoke pouring out of a hole in a _limb_ not muchbigger than my thigh!" cried Joe. This was true. Sneak had mounted upin the tree before building his chimney, and finding a hollow boughthat communicated directly with the main trunk had cut through intothe cavity, and thus made a vent for the escape of the smoke. "Come in now, and get something to eat, " said Sneak. This was aninvitation that Joe was never known to decline. After casting anotheradmiring glance at the blue vapour that issued from the bough someninety feet from the ground, he passed through the cavity withalacrity. "Where are you?" cried Joe, upon entering and looking round in vainfor his host, who had vanished in a most inexplicable manner. Joestared in astonishment. The lighted lamp remained on a box, that wasdesigned for the breakfast-table, and on which there was in truth anabundance of dried venison and smoking potatoes. But where was Sneak? "Sneak, what's become of you?" continued Joe, eagerly listening for areply, and anxiously scanning the tempting repast set before him. "Iknow you're at some of your tricks, " he added, and sitting down at thetable, commenced in no indifferent manner to discuss the savouryvenison and potatoes. "I'm only up stairs, " cried Sneak, in the darkness above; and throwingdown a rope made of hides, the upper end of which was fastened to thetree within, he soon followed, slipping briskly down, and withoutdelay sprang to Joe's assistance. When the meal was finished, or rather, when every thing set beforethem had vanished, Sneak rose up and thrust his long neck out of theaperture. "What are you looking at?" asked Joe. "I'm looking at the warm sun shining agin yonder side of the hill, "said Sneak; "how'd you like to go a bee-hunting?" "A bee-hunting!" iterated Joe. "I wonder if you think we could find abee at this season of the year? and I should like to know what it'd beworth when we found it. " "Plague take the bee--I mean the _honey_--don't you like wild honey?"continued Sneak. "Yes, " said Joe; "but how can you find any when there's such a snow asthis on the ground?" "When there's a snow, that's the time to find 'em, " said Sneak;"peticuly when the sun shines warm. Jest come out here and look, " hecontinued, stepping along, and followed by Joe; "don't you see yanderbig stooping limb?" "Yes, " replied Joe, gazing at the bough pointed out. "Well, " continued Sneak, "there's a bee's nest in that. Look here, " headded, picking from the snow several dead bees that had been thrownfrom the hive; "now this is the way with all wild bees (but these aretame, for they live in my house), for when there comes a warm daythey're sartin as fate to throw out the dead ones, and we can findwhere they are as easy as any thing in the world. " "Sneak, my mouth's watering--suppose we take the axe and go and huntfor some honey. " "Let's be off, then, " said Sneak, getting his axe, and preparing toplace the stone against the tree. "Stop, Sneak, " said Joe; "let me get my gun before you shut the_door_. " "I guess we'd better leave our guns, and then we won't be so apt tobreak through, " replied Sneak, closing up the aperture. "The bees won't sting us, will they?" asked Joe, turning to hiscompanion when they had attained the high-timbered ridge that ranparallel with the valley. "If you chaw 'em in your mouth they will, " replied Sneak, stridingalong under the trees with his head bent down, and minutely examiningevery small dark object he found lying on the surface of the snow. "I know that as well as you do, " continued Joe, "because that wouldthaw them. " "Well, if they're froze, how _kin_ they sting you?" "You needn't be so snappish, " replied Joe. "I just asked forinformation. I know as well as anybody they're frozen or torpid. " "Or what?" asked Sneak. "Torpid, " said Joe. "I'll try to 'member that word, " continued Sneak, peeping under aspreading oak that was surrounded by a dense hazel thicket. "Do, " continued Joe, contemptuously, "and if you'll only recollect allyou hear me say, you may get a tolerable education after a while. " "I'll be shivered if this ain't the edication I wan't, " said Sneak, turning round with one or two dead bees in his hand, that he had foundnear the root of the tree. "Huzza!" cried Joe, "we'll have a mess of honey now. I see the holewhere they are--its in a limb, and we won't have to cut down thetree, " and before Sneak could interpose, Joe mounted up among thebranches, and asked for the axe, saying he would have the bough off infive minutes. Sneak gave it to him, and when he reached the place, (which was not more than fifteen feet from the ground, ) he commencedcutting away with great eagerness. The cavity was large, and in a fewminutes the bough began to give way. In spite of Sneak'sgesticulations and grimaces below, Joe did not bethink him that one ofhis feet still rested on the bough beyond the place where he wascutting, but continued to ply the axe with increasing rapidity. Presently the bough, axe, and Joe, all fell together. Sneak wasconvulsed with laughter. Joe sprang to his feet, and after feeling hislimbs and ribs, announced that no bones were broken, and laughed veryheartily himself. They began to split open the severed bough withoutloss of time. But just when they were in the act of lifting out thehoneycomb, four stalwart savages rose softly from the bushes behind, and springing nimbly forward, seized them both before they could makeany resistance. The surprised couple yelled and struggled to nopurpose. Their hands were soon bound behind them, and they were drivenforward hastily in a southerly direction. "Oh! for goodness sake, Mr. Chief, please let me go home, and I'll payyou whatever you ask!" said Joe, to the tallest of the savages. The Indian, if he did not understand his captive's words, seemed tocomprehend his terrors, and was much diverted at his ludicrousexpression of features. "Oh pray! good Mr. Chief--" "Keep your mouth shet! They'll never git through torturing us, if youlet 'em know you're afraid, " said Sneak. "That's just what I want, " said Joe; "I don't want them to ever quittorturing us--because they'll never quit till we're both dead. But aslong as they laugh at they'll be sure to let me live. " Ere long, the savages with their captives, entered the dense grovewhere Mary had been taken, before they set out with her over theprairie. But it was evidently not their intention to conduct theirpresent prisoners to their villages, and demand a ransom for them. Norwere they prepared to convey them away in the same dignified andcomfortable manner, over the snow-clad plains. They anticipated agratification of a different nature. They had been disappointed in alltheir attempts to obtain booty from the whites. The maid they hadtaken had been recaptured, and their chief was in the possession ofthe enemy. These, to say nothing of the loss of a score of theirbrethren by the fire-weapons of the white men, stimulated them withunerring precision to compass the destruction of their prisoners. Blood only could satiate their vengeful feelings. And the greater andlonger the sufferings of their victims the more exquisite would be theluxury of revenge. And this caused them to smile with positive delightwhen they witnessed the painful terrors of poor Joe. When they reached their place of encampment, which was in the midst ofa cluster of small slim trees that encircled an old spreading oak ofhuge dimensions, the savages made their prisoners stand with theirbacks against two saplings that grew some fifteen paces apart. Theywere compelled to face each other, that they might witness every thingthat transpired. Their arms were bound round the trees behind them, and a cord was likewise passed round their legs to confine them moresecurely. The savages then seemed to consult about the manner ofdespatching them. The oldest and most experienced, by his hastygestures and impatient replies, appeared to insist on theirinstantaneous death. And from his frequent glances northward, throughthe trees, he doubtless feared some interruption, or dreaded thearrival of an enemy that might inflict an ample retaliation. During along pause, while the Indians seemed to hesitate, and the old craftysavage drew his steel tomahawk from his belt, Sneak sighed deeply, andsaid, in rather mournful tones-- "The jig's up with us, Joe. If I was only loose seven seconds, youwouldn't ketch me dying like a coon here agin a tree. " Joe made noother response than a blubbering sound, while the tears ran down anddropped briskly from his chin. [Illustration: Joe and Sneak in difficulty. --P. 194] The savages gave vent to a burst of laughter when they beheld theagony of fear that possessed their captive. The three that were infavour of the slow torture now turned a deaf ear to the old warrior, and advanced to Joe. They held the palms of their hands under hischin, and caught the tears as they fell. They then stroked his headgently, and appeared to sympathize with the sufferer. "Mr. Indian, if you'll let me go, I'll give you my gun and twentydollars, " said Joe, appealing most piteously to the one that placedhis hand on his head. The Indian seemed to understand him, and heldhis hand out for the money, while a demoniac smile played on his darklips. "Just untie my hands, " said Joe, endeavouring to look behind, "andI'll go right straight home and get them. " "You rascal--you want to run away, " replied the old Indian, who notonly understood Joe's language, but could himself speak Englishimperfectly. "Upon my sacred word and honour, I won't!" replied Joe. "You lie!" said the savage, bestowing a severe smack on Joe's face. "Oh, Lord! Come now, Mr. Indian, that hurts!" "No--don't hurt--only kill musketer, " replied the savage, laughingheartily, and striking his prisoner on the other side of the face. "Oh! hang your skin!" cried Joe, endeavouring to break away, "if everI get you in my power, I'll smash--" Here his sudden courageevaporated, and again the tears filled his eyes. "Poor fellow!" said the savage, patting his victim on the head. "Howmuch you give for him?" he continued, pointing to Sneak. "If you'll only let _me_ go, I'll give you every thing I've got in theworld. He don't want to live as bad as I do, and I'll give you as muchfor me alone as I will for both. " "You're a purty white man, now, ain't you?" said Sneak. "But its allthe same. My chance is jest as good as your'n. They're only foolingyou, jest to laugh. I've made up my mind to die, and I ain't a goingto make any fun for 'em. And you might as well say your prayers fustas last; they're only playing with you now like a cat with a mice. " The old Indian moved towards Sneak, followed by the others. "How much you give?" asked the savage. "Not a coon's tail, " replied Sneak, with firmness. "Now how much?" continued the Indian, slapping the thin lank cheek ofhis prisoner. "Not a dod-rotted cent! Now jest take your tomahawk and split my skullopen as quick as you kin!" said Sneak; and he bowed down his head toreceive the fatal blow. "You brave rascal, " said the Indian, looking his captive in the eye, and hesitating whether to practice his petty annoyances any further. At length they turned again to Joe. "That wasn't fair, Sneak, " cried Joe, when the savages abandoned hisfellow-prisoner; "you ought to have kept them away from me as long asI did from you. " "I'm gitting sick of this tanterlizing business, " said Sneak. "I want'em to git through the job, without any more fooling about it. If youwasn't sich a coward, they'd let you alone, and kill us at once. " "I don't want them to kill us--I'd rather they'd do any thing in theworld than to kill us, " replied Joe. "Me won't hurt you, " said the old savage, again placing his hand onJoe's head; but instead of gently patting it, he wound a lock of hairround one of his fingers, and with a sudden jerk tore it out by theroots. "Oh, my gracious! Oh, St. Peter! Oh, Lord! Mr. Indian, I beg and prayof you not to do that any more. If you'll only untie me, I'll get downon my knees to you, " exclaimed poor Joe. "Poor fellow, me won't hurt him any more--poor head!" said the Indian, tearing off another lock. "Oh! oh! goodness gracious. _Dear_ Mr. Indian, don't do that! You canhave no idea how bad it hurts--I can't stand it. I'll faintpresently!" said Joe, trembling at every joint. "You're a fool, " said Sneak, "to mind 'em that way. If you wasn't tonotice 'em, they wouldn't do it. See how they're laughing at you. " "Oh, Sneak, I can't help it, to save my life, indeed I can't. Oh, mygood Lord, what would I give to be away from here!" said Joe, his eyesfit to burst from their sockets. "I've killed many a deer in a minit--it don't hurt a man to die morethan a deer. I wish the snarvilorous copper-skinned rascals would gitthrough quick!" said Sneak. "Me try you agin, " said the savage, again going to Sneak. "Well, now, what're you a going to do? I'm not afraid of you!" saidSneak, grinding his teeth. "Me rub your head, " said the savage, seizing a tuft of hair andtearing it out. "Take some more, " said Sneak, bowing down his head. "A little more, " iterated the savage, grasping a handful, which, withmuch exertion, he severed from the head, and left the white skinexposed to view. "Won't you have some more?" continued Sneak, without evincing theleast pain. "Jest take as much as you please; if you tear it off tillmy head's as bald as an egg, I won't beg you to let me alone. " "You brave fellow--won't pull your hair any more, " said the chief. "You be dod rot!" said Sneak, contemptuously. "You mighty brave, shake hands!" continued the laughing savage, holding his hand out in mockery. "If you'll untie my foot a minit, I'll bet I kick some of the ribs outof your body. Why don't you knock our brains out, and be done at once, you black wolves you!" said Sneak. "Oh, Sneak! for my sake--your poor friend's sake, don't put such anidea as that into their heads!" said Joe, imploringly. "You're a purty friend, ain't you? You'd give so _much_ to ransom me!They aint a going to quit us without killin' us, and I want it allover jest as soon as it kin be done. " "Oh, no, Sneak! Maybe they'll take pity on us and spare our lives, "said Joe, assuming a most entreating look as the savage once moreapproached him. "You make good big Osage; you come with us, if we let you live?"demanded the old Indian. "I pledge you my most sacred word and honour I will!" "You run away, you rascal, " said the savage, plucking another tuft ofhair from Joe's head. "I'll be hanged if I stand this any longer!" said Joe, striving tobreak the cord that confined him. "Don't notice the black cowards, " said Sneak. "How can I help noticing them, when they're pulling out my hair by theroots!" said Joe. "Look where they pulled mine out, " said Sneak, turning that part ofhis head in view which had been made literally bald. "Didn't it hurt you?" asked Joe. "Sartinly it did, " said Sneak, "but I grinned and bore it. And now Iwish they'd pull it all off, and then my scalp wouldn't do 'em anygood. " "That's a fact, " said Joe. "Here, Mr. Osage, " he continued, "pull asmuch hair off the top of my head as you want. " The savages, instead ofpaying any attention to him, seemed to be attracted by some distantsound. They stooped down and placed their ears near the earth, andlistened intently for some time. At length they sprang up, and thenensued another dispute among them about the manner in which theprisoners should be disposed of. The old savage was yet in favour oftomahawking the captives and retreating without delay. But the otherswould not consent to it. They were not satisfied with the small amountof suffering yet endured by the prisoners. They were resolved to gluttheir savage vengeance. And the prisoners now observed that all tracesof mirth had vanished from their faces. Their eyes gleamed withfiendish fury, and drawing forth their glittering tomahawks, theyvanished in the thicket, and were soon heard chopping off the smallboughs of the trees. "What are they doing Sneak?" asked Joe. "Don't you know what they're doing? ain't they cutting wood as fast asthey kin?" replied Sneak. "Well, I'm not sorry for that. " said Joe. "because its almost dark, and I'm getting chilly. If they'd only give me something to eat, I'dfeel a heap more comfortable. " "You varasherous fool you, they're cutting wood to burn us up with. Oh, I wish I was loose!" "Oh, goodness gracious!" cried Joe, "I never thought of that! Oh, I'mgone!" "Are you?" cried Sneak, eagerly; "I'd like to be off too, and we'dgive them a race for it yit. " "Oh! Sneak, I mean I'm ruined, lost for ever! Oh! St. Peter, pity myhelpless condition!" "Don't think about pity now, " said Sneak; "nothing of that sort isgoing to do us any good. We must git loose from these trees and runfor it, or we'll be roasted like wild turkeys in less than an hour. I've got one hand loose!". "So have I almost!" cried Joe, struggling violently. "One of 'em's coming!--shove your hand back, and pertend like you'refast, till he goes away agin!" said Sneak, in a hurried undertone. The savage emerged from the bushes the next moment, and afterdepositing an armful of billets of wood at the feet of Joe, andwalking round behind the prisoners to see if they were still secure, returned for more fuel. "Now work for your life!" said Sneak, extricating his wrist from thecord, and striving to get his feet loose. "Hang it, Sneak, I can't get my hand out, though the string's quiteloose! Make haste, Sneak, and come and help me, " said Joe, in a tonethat indicated his earnestness. "Let every man look out for himself, " replied Sneak, tugging away atthe cord that bound his feet to the tree. "Oh, Sneak, don't leave me here, to be burnt by myself!" said Joe. "You wouldn't promise to give any thing to ransom me, a whileago--I'll cut stick as quick as I kin. " "Oh, Sneak, I can't untie my hands! If you won't help me, I'll callthe Indians. " But Joe was saved the trouble. He had scarce uttered theword when all four of the Indians suddenly appeared, and throwing downtheir wood, proceeded with much haste to put their horrid purpose inexecution. They heaped up the fagots around their victims, until theyreached half way to their chins, and when all was ready, they paused, before applying the fire, to enjoy the terrors of their captives. "You cold--me make some fire to warm--huh, " said the old Indian, addressing Joe, while the others looked on with unmixed satisfaction. "Oh! my dear Mr. Osage, if you only knew how much money you'd lose bykilling me, I know you'd let me go!" said Joe, in tremulous butsupplicating tones. "You lie--you got no money, " replied the savage; and, stooping down, he began to split some dry wood into very small pieces to kindle with. Joe looked on in despair, and seemed to anticipate a blister fromevery splinter he saw. It was different with Sneak. Almost hid by thewood heaped around him, he embraced every opportunity, when the eyesof the savages were turned away, to endeavour to extricate himselffrom the cords that bound him to the tree. Hope had not yet forsakenhim, and he resolved to struggle to the last. When the old savage hadsplit off a large quantity of splinters and chips, he gathered them upand began to arrange them in various parts of the pile of green timberpreparatory for a simultaneous ignition. While he was thus engaged, Sneak remained motionless, and assumed a stoical expression offeatures. But when he turned to Joe, Sneak again began to tug at thecord. "Oh pray, Mr. Indian!" exclaimed Joe, when he saw the savage carefullyplacing the combustible matter in all the crevices of the pile aroundhim--"just only let me off this time, and I'll be your best friend allthe rest of your life. " "Me warm you little--don't cry--poor fellow!" replied the Indian, striking a light with flint and steel. "Oh, Sneak, if you've got a knife, run here and cut me loose, beforeI'm burnt to death!" said Joe, in the most heart-moving manner. "Keep your mouth shet!" said Sneak; "jest wait till they go to putsome fire here, and I'll show you a thing or two, " he continued, pouring a handful of _powder_ among the dry splinters. The effect ofthe explosion when the Indians attempted to surprise Glenn's premisesoccurring to Sneak, and recollecting that he had a quantity of powderin his pockets, he resolved in his extremity to try its virtue on thisoccasion. "But they're going to burn me first! Oh, Lord!" exclaimed Joe, as hebeheld the savage applying the fire to the splinters near his feet. "Don't say nor do nothing--jest wait till they come to me, " saidSneak, with great composure. "Do you jess keep your mouth shet--it'llbe a long while a kindling--it won't begin to burn your legs for anhour. " "Oh, goodness gracious! My knees begin to feel warm now. Oh, pray havemercy on me, good Mr. Osage!" cried Joe, before the flame was as largeas his hand, and yet full three feet distant from him. The greaterportion of the fagots being green, the fire made very slow progress, and it was necessary for the savages to procure a constant supply ofdry splinters to prevent it from going out. At length, after the combustible material had burned out, and beenreplenished several times, the more substantial billets of Joe's pilebegan to ignite slowly, and the old Indian then took up a flamingbrand and moved towards Sneak. "Come on! you snarvilerous rattlesnake you, I'll show you sightspresently!" said Sneak. "You brave fellow--me burn you _quick_, " said the savage, applying thetorch, and, stooping down, placed his face within a few inches of thecrackling blaze, and began to blow it gently. Sneak twisted his headround the tree as far as possible, and the next moment the powderexploded, throwing down the pile of wood, and dashing the savageseveral paces distant violently on the ground, and blackening andscorching his face and hair in a terrible manner. The other Indiansinstantly prostrated themselves on their faces, and uttered the mostdoleful lamentations. Thus they remained a few minutes, evidentlyimpressed with the belief that the Great Spirit had interfered toprevent the destruction of the prisoners. Hastily gathering up theirarms, they fled precipitately in the direction of their distant home, and their yells of disappointment and defeat rang in the ears of theircaptives until they died away in the distance. "Sneak! make haste! they may come back again!" said Joe. "They've tied my feet so tight I'm afraid I can't undo it in a hurry, "replied Sneak, endeavouring to break the cord by thrusting a stick(that he had slipped from the pile to knock out the brains of one ofthe Indians should his gun-powder plot not succeed, ) between it andthe tree, and forcing it out until the pain produced becameinsufferable. By this means the cord was loosened gradually, andmoving it a little higher up where the muscles had not yet beenbruised, he repeated the process. In this manner he laboured withcertain but tardy success. But while he was thus engaged, Joe'spredicament became each moment more critical. The wood being by thistime pretty well seasoned, began to burn more freely. The blaze wasmaking formidable advances, and the heat was becoming intolerable. "For heaven's sake, Sneak!" cried Joe, "make haste and come here, orI'll be roasted alive!" "Wait till I get away from my own tree, " replied Sneak. "Oh Lord! I can't wait a minute more! My shins are getting blistered!"cried Joe, writhing under the heat of the blaze, which now reachedwithin a few inches of him, and increased in magnitude with awfulrapidity. "Well, if you won't wait till I git there, just go ahead yourself, "said Sneak, at last extricating his feet by a violent effort, andhopping to Joe's assistance, with some difficulty, for his netherlimbs were considerably bruised. "Hang it, Sneak, pull these burning sticks away from my knees!" saidJoe, his face flushed with pain. "I'll be bursted with powder, if you didn't like to git into a purtytight fix, " said Sneak, dashing down the consuming billets of wood. "Now, Sneak, cut me loose, and then let's run home as soon aspossible. " "I hain't got my knife with me, or I wouldn't 'ave been so longgitting loose myself, " said Sneak, slowly untying Joe's hands. "My goodness, how my arms ache!" said Joe, when his hands werereleased. "Now, Sneak, undo my feet, and then we'll be off in ahurry. " "I'll be slit if your feet ain't tied like mine was, in rich a hardknot that no mortal being can git it undone. I'll take a chunk, andburn the tarnation string in two, " said Sneak, applying the fire. "Take care you don't burn _me_, " said Joe, looking at the operationwith much concern. Sneak's plan of severing his companion's bonds was successful. Joesprang in delight from his place of confinement, and, without utteringanother word, or pausing a single moment, the liberated companionsretreated from grove with all possible expedition. CHAPTER XV. Glenn's History. The young chief, or rather the restored youth, awoke in a few daysfrom the delirium into which the fever had plunged him, to a state ofconvalescence and a consciousness of his altered condition. He nowuttered with earnest tenderness the endearing terms of "sister" and"father, " when he addressed Mary and Roughgrove. He spoke freely ofthe many things he had witnessed while living with the Indians, expressing his abhorrence of their habits and nature, and declared itwas his intention never to have any further intercourse with them. Hepromised, when he should be able to leave his bed, to read and studywith Mary and Glenn, until he had made amends for the neglect of hiseducation. These symptoms, and the tractable disposition accompanyingthem, caused Mary and Roughgrove to rejoice over the return of thelong-lost youth, and to bow in humble thankfulness to the Disposer ofevents for the singular and providential circumstances attending hisrestoration. Joe had arrived in due course of time, (which was brief, ) after hisalmost miraculous escape from the savages and the flames, and told hisstory with various embellishments. The Indians were hunted the nextday by Sneak and a few of the neighbours, but they had doubtlessabandoned the settlement, for no traces of them remained after theirmysterious flight from the grove. A few mild days, during which frequent showers had fallen, had in agreat measure removed the snow from the earth. And Joe having soonforgotten his late perilous adventure, amused himself with the horses. He resolved to make some amends for their long confinement in thestable, and to effect it he galloped them several hours each day overthe grounds in the vicinity. The hounds, too, seemed delighted toplace their feet once more on the bare earth, and they were permittedto accompany the horses in all their excursions. One night, when William, Mary, and Joe were all quietly sleeping, Roughgrove took occasion to express his gratitude to Glenn for themany and important services rendered his family. "Whatever good may have attended my efforts, " said Glenn, "you mayrest assured that I have been amply repaid in the satisfaction enjoyedmyself. " "I am sure of it!" exclaimed Roughgrove; "and it was a conviction thatyou harboured such sentiments that induced me to confide in you, andto disclose things which I intended should remain for ever lockedwithin my own breast. " "Your confidence shall not be abused, " said Glenn; and to prove that Iam not averse to an exchange of secrets, if you will listen to myrecital, I will endeavour briefly to give you a sketch of _my_history. " "I will listen attentively, my young friend, even were it as sad atale as mine, which can hardly be the case, " said Roughgrove, drawinghis chair close to Glenn's side, and placing more fuel on the fire. "Would to Heaven it had not been!" said Glenn, after reclining hishead on his hands a few minutes, and recalling transactions which hecould have wished to be blotted from his memory for ever. "I am anative of New York, " he continued, heaving a sigh and folding hisarms, "and was left an orphan at a very early age. My father was oncereputed one of the wealthiest merchants in Broadway; but repeated andenormous losses, necessarily inexplicable to one of my age, suddenlyreduced him to comparative poverty. Neither he nor my mother survivedthe blow many months, and before I was ten years old, I was left (withthe exception of an uncle in Philadelphia) alone in the world, possessed of only a few hundred dollars. My uncle placed me with aneminent physician, who had been my father's friend, after my educationwas completed. He told me that he was rich, and would see that Ishould not suffer for means until I had acquired a profession, which, with energy and diligence, would enable me to procure an honourablesupport. But he informed me that he had a family of his own, and thatI must not depend upon his assistance further than to accomplish aprofession. "It was during my studies, and when about seventeen years old, that mymisfortunes began. My preceptor had another student, named Henry Wold, several years my senior, whose parents were wealthy. Wold and Ientertained the highest esteem for each other. But our circumstancesbeing different, I could not indulge in all the excesses ofextravagance that he did, but made better progress in my studies. Heattended all the gay parties and fashionable places of amusement, while I seldom spent an evening from home. He was tall, manly, andpossessed of regular and beautiful features--these, with his unlimitedwealth, made him a welcome guest in every circle, and extremelypopular with the ladies. "One Sabbath morning, while sitting in church, (which I attendedregularly, ) I was struck with the appearance of a stranger in anopposite pew across the aisle that belonged to a family with whom Iwas on the most intimate terms. The stranger was the most beautifulyoung lady I ever beheld. Dark, languishing eyes, glossy ringlets, pale, smooth forehead--oh! I will not describe her--let it sufficethat she was an angel in my eyes! It was impossible to remove my gazefrom her, and I fancied that she sometimes returned an approvingglance. Before the service was over, I was delighted to observe thatshe whispered something to Mrs. Arras, (the name of the lady whose pewshe was in, ) for this assured me that they were acquainted, and that Imight obtain some information about the fair being who had made such asudden and deep impression on my heart, and perhaps procure anintroduction to her. When I retired to my couch that night, it was notto sleep. The image of the fair stranger haunted my restless andimperfect slumbers. Nor could I study by day, for my thoughts wanderedcontinually from the page to the same bright vision. Such was mycondition throughout the week. The next Sunday I found her seated inthe same pew. Our eyes met, and a slight blush that mantled her fairface encouraged me to hope that she might likewise have bestowed somethoughts on me during the preceding week. It was in vain that Iuttered the responses during the service, or knelt down when theclergyman offered up his prayers. I could think of nothing but theangelic stranger. I resolved that another week should not pass withoutmy calling at Mrs. Arras's. But my object was obtained sooner than Iexpected. When the congregation was dismissed, Mrs. Arras beckoned meacross the aisle to her. "'Charles, ' whispered she, 'don't you want an introduction to myniece? I saw your eyes riveted on her several times. ' "'I--if you please, ' I replied, with feelings of mingled delight andembarrassment. "'Laura, ' she continued, turning to the young lady who lingeredbehind, but seemed to be conscious of what was passing, 'let meintroduce you to my young friend, Charles Glenn. ' The bland andaccomplished Mrs. Arras then moved onward, while I attended at theside of Laura, and continued with her until I assisted her up, themarble steps of her aunt's stately mansion. "I then bowed, and strode rapidly onward, I knew not whither, (completely bewildered with the enchanting spell that the fair Laurahad thrown over me, ) until I reached the extremity of Broadway, andfound myself in Castle Garden, gazing like a very maniac at the brightwater below me. I wandered about alone, enjoying the exhilaratingfancies of my teeming brain, until the sun sunk beneath the horizon, and the bright stars twinkled in the blue vault above. Oh! thethoughts, the hopes, the bliss of that hour! The dark curtain thatveils the rankling corruptions of mortality had not yet been liftedbefore my staring eyes, and I felt as one gazing at a beautiful world, and regarded the fair maid as the angel destined to unfold all itsbrilliance to my vision, and to hold the chalice to my lips while Isipped the nectar of perennial felicity. Alas, that such moments arebrief! They fly like the dreams of a startled slumberer, and when theyvanish once, they are gone forever! "Without calling at my lodgings for the usual refreshments, I hoveredabout the mansion of Mrs. Arras till lights were gleaming in theparlour, and then entered. Laura received me with a smile, and thecomplaisant matron gave me an encouraging welcome. "'You are pale this evening, Mr. Glenn, ' said Mrs. Arras, in agood-humoured, though bantering manner. 'Are you subject to suddenattacks of illness?' "'I assure you I never enjoyed better health in my life, and feel nosymptoms of indisposition whatever, ' I replied, but at that moment Ichanced to gaze at a mirror, and was startled at my haggardappearance. But when Mrs. Arras withdrew, (which she did soon after myarrival, ) the affable and lovely Laura banished every thought of mycondition. My wan cheek was soon animated with the flush of unboundedadmiration, and my sunken eye sparkled with the effervescence ofenraptured delight. Deep and ineradicable passion was engendering inmy bosom. And from the pleasure indicated in the glitter of Laura'slustrous eyes, the exquisite smile that dwelt upon her coral lips, andthe gentle though unconscious swellings of her breast, a convictionthrilled through my soul that my sudden affection was reciprocated. Hours flew like minutes, and I was surprised by the clock striking ONEbefore it occurred to me that it was time to depart. Again I traversedthe streets at that solemn hour, insensible to every feeling, andregardless of every object but the flaming torch lit up in my heartand the seraphic image of Laura. At length I was warned by thescrutinizing gaze of a watchman to repair to my lodgings. But mypillow afforded no rest. All night long I pondered on the exhilaratingevents of the day. Many were the endearing accents that escaped mylips as I addressed in fancy my beloved Laura. I resolved to declaremy passion ere many weeks should pass. I began to settle in my mindthe plans of life, and then, for the first time, the future presenteda dark spot to my view. I was poor! Laura was rich and her familyproud and aristocratic. Her father was a distinguished judge. And themost high-born and haughty of the land would doubtless (if they hadnot already) sigh at her feet! I sprang upright on my couch when thisdiscordant thought passed across my mind. But the next moment I wasconsoled with the belief that I already possessed her heart. And witha determination to have her, in spite of every obstacle, should thisbe the case, I sank back through weariness, and was soon steeped indeep, though unquiet slumber. "The two next succeeding Sundays I attended Laura to church. Theevenings of both days, and nearly all the intervening ones, I was withher at the mansion of Mrs. Arras. But the evening of the last Sundaywas to me a memorable one. That evening I opened all my heart toLaura, and found that every pulsation met a responding throb inhers--such, at least, I believed to be the case--and so she asserted. During the short time she remained in New York, I was her accreditedlover, and ever, when together, the attachment she manifested was asardent as mine. Indeed, at times, her passion seemed unbounded, and Iwas more than once tempted to propose a clandestine and immediateunion. I was the more inclined to this, inasmuch as her father (whohad now returned from a trip to Washington) began to regard my visitswith displeasure. But he soon passed on to Boston to attend to theduties of his office, and again I had unrestrained access to Laura. But I am dwelling too long on this part of my story. "One day Henry Wold, my fellow-student, inquired the cause of thepalpable change in my bearing and disposition. Would that my lips hadbeen sealed to him forever! I knew that he was honest and generous bynature, but I knew not to what extent his dissolute habits (graduallyacquired by having ample means, and yielding by degrees to thetemptations of vice) had perverted his good qualities. I told him ofmy love, and while describing the charms of Laura, I was pleased toattribute the interest he evinced at the recital to his disinterestedfriendship for me, without the thought that _he_ could be captivatedhimself with the bare description. He begged me to introduce him. This, too, gratified my pride, for I knew he would admire her. Theperfect form, rare beauty, intelligence, and wealth of Wold did notstartle an apprehension in my breast. But I knew not--alas! who canknow?--the impulses that govern woman. Wold accompanied me that nightto Mrs. Arras's. He seated himself at Laura's side, and poured forth aflood of flattery. They smiled in unison and returned glance forglance. Wold exhibited his fine person and exerted all his captivatingpowers of intellect. Laura scanned the one and listened attentively tothe other. Still I sat by in satisfaction, and strove to repress everyrising fear that my supremacy in Laura's heart might be endangered. That evening, as we returned homeward, in answer to my questions, Woldstated that my 'intended' was _pretty enough_ for any young man, andwould, without doubt, make a _very good wife_. So far from exhibitingthe extravagant admiration I expected, he seemed to speak of theobject of my adoration with comparative indifference. But a fewevenings afterwards, I found him with Laura when I arrived! I startedback on beholding them seated on the same sofa as I entered theparlour. Mrs. Arras was present, and wore a thoughtful expression offeatures. Laura smiled on me, but I thought it was not a happy smile. It did not render me happy. Wold bowed familiarly, and made some wittyremark about taking time by the forelock. I sat down in silence, witha compressed lip, and an icy chillness in my breast. An embarrassingpause ensued. At length Mrs. Arras rose, and opening a folding-door, beckoned me into the adjoining room. After we had been seated a fewmoments, during which her brow assumed a more grave and thoughtfulcast, she observed-- "'You seem to be excited to-night, Charles. ' "'I have cause to be so, ' I replied. "'I cannot deny it, ' said she, 'when I consider every thing that hastranspired. You doubtless have an attachment for Laura--I have _seen_it--and I confess it was and _would_ be with my goodwill had I controlof the matter. I was acquainted with your family, and acted with thebest of motives when I permitted, perhaps encouraged, the intimacy. But I thought not of the austere and passionate nature of mybrother-in-law. Neither did I think that any man could object to youraddresses to his daughter. But I was mistaken. Judge ____ has writtenthat your interviews with Laura must terminate. ' "'Has he given any reason why?' I asked, in tremulous tones. "'Yes, ' she replied, 'but such as mortify me as much as they must painyou. He says that your fortune and family connections are notsufficient to permit the alliance. Oh, I implore you not to supposethese to be my sentiments. I know your family is devoid of ignoblestain, and that your fortune was once second to none. Had I thedisposal of Laura's hand it should be yours!' "'I believe it, Mrs. Arras!' said I. 'But do you net think theseobjections of Judge ____ may be overcome?' "'Alas, never!' she replied; 'he is immovable when any thing of momentis decided in his mind. ' "'But, ' I continued, while the pulsations of my heart were distinctlyaudible, 'what says Laura?' "'Would I had been spared this question! You saw her a few minutessince. HE who sees all things knows how my heart ached while I sat by. I can only tell you she had just finished reading her father's letterwhen Mr. Wold was announced. Spare me, now, I beseech you!' I foldedmy arms and gazed, I know not how long, at the flame ascending fromthe hearth. Oh! the agony described of the dying were bliss to thatmoment. What could I think or do? I sat like one whose heart has beenrudely torn from his breast, and who was yet debarred the relief ofdeath. Existence to me at that moment was a hell, and my sufferingswere those of the damned! I thank God I have survived them. "I was aroused from my lethargy by hearing the street door close afterWold, and I desired Mrs. Arras to permit me to have an interview withLaura alone. It was granted, and I was soon in the presence of thelovely maid. She was aware of my perturbation and its cause. She satwith her eyes cast down in silence. I looked upon her form and herfeatures of perfect beauty, and oh! what tongue can describe themingled and contending emotions that convulsed my breast! I repressedevery violent or boisterous inclination of my spirits, however, andtaking her unresisting hand, sat down in sorrow at her side. "'Laura, ' said I, with difficulty finding utterance, 'do we thus part, and for ever?' She made no answer, but gazed steadfastly at the richcarpet, while her face, though somewhat paler than usual, betrayed nochange of muscle. "'Laura, ' I repeated, in tones more distinct, 'are we _now_ to part, and _for ever_?' "'Father says so, ' she replied. Her hand fell from my grasp. Theunmoved, _indifferent_ manner of her reply froze my blood in my veins!I again stared at her composed features in astonishment allied tocontempt. "'But what do _you_ say?' I asked, with a bluntness that startled her. "'Father knows best, perhaps!' she replied, turning her eyes to mine, I thought, with calmness. "'Laura, ' said I, again taking her hand, for I was once more subduedby her beauty, 'I love you with my whole soul, and must continue tolove you. Ay, were you even to spurn me with your foot, soindissolubly have my affections grown to your image, that my bleedingheart would turn in adoration to the smiter. And I fondly hoped andbelieved that the passion was returned--indeed, I had your assuranceof the fact; nay, think not I design to reproach you. It werebootless, had I the heart to do it. Be assured that were you not onlycruel to me, but steeped in crime and guilty of injustice to the wholehuman race, I would still be your friend were all others to forsakeyou. Deem me never your foe, or capable of ever becoming such. Mayheaven bless you! We part--but, under _any_ circumstances, shouldadverse fortune overtake you and I can be of service, I beg you not tohesitate to apply to me. You will find me still your friend. I willnot attempt to reverse the decision which you have made. Howeverhumiliating and poignant the thought may be that I was unconsciouslythe means of introducing the _object_ that influenced your decision, yet I will not murmur, neither will I become _his_ enemy, for yoursake. I hope you will be happy. I pray that heaven may incline yourheart to be true and _constant_ to Wold. ' "'I hope so, ' said she in a low tone. "'Laura, ' said I, rising, 'you confess, then, that Wold possesses yourlove?' "'Yes, ' said she; 'but I cannot help it!' "'Farewell!' said I, kissing her yielding hand, and turningdeliberately away, though with the sensation of one stunned by athunderbolt. I returned home, and threw myself like a loathsomecarcass upon my couch. I could not even think. My mind seemed likesome untenanted recess in the unfathomable depths below. Instantaneousdeath, and even eternal perdition afterwards, could have presented nonew horrors then. It was haply the design of Providence that thethought of self-destruction should not occur to me. With the means inmy reach, I would in all probability have rushed, uncalled andunprepared, into the presence of an offended Creator. "A fever and delirium, such as possessed the poor youth lying there, ensued. Under the kind care of my preceptor, my malady abated in a fewweeks; and, as I recovered, a change took place in my sentimentsregarding the events that produced my illness. My pride rose up to myrelief, and I resolved to overcome the effects of my disappointment. Yet my heart melted in tenderness when I recalled the blissful momentsI had known with Laura. But I determined to prosecute my plans of lifeas if no such occurrence had transpired. "A few days after bidding Laura adieu, she returned to Boston, accompanied by Wold. Wold obtained his diploma while I was writhingwith disease. Even the loss of my degree was now borne with patienceand resignation. I forgave Wold, and implored him to make Laura happy. He promised faithfully to do so when on the eve of setting out withher. I did not desire to see her myself, but sent my forgiveness andblessing. "In a few months my diploma was obtained, and I commenced the practiceunder the most favourable circumstances. My late preceptor was now mypartner. Nearly a year elapsed before Wold returned to New York. But arumor preceded him which again opened all the fountains of bitternessin my heart. It was said (and only two or three were possessed of thesecret) that he had betrayed and ruined the lovely Laura! I soughthim, to ascertain from his own lips if he had truly committed the actimputed to him. I resolved to avenge her! But Wold avoided me. I couldnot obtain his ear, and all my notes to him remained unanswered. Despairing of getting an immediate answer from him, I repaired to Mrs. Arras. Her house was in gloom and sorrow. When she appeared, my heartsank within me to behold her sad and mournful brow. She pressed myextended hand, while a flood of tears gushed from her eyes. "I knew by the disconsolate aspect of the aunt that the niece had beendragged down from her high estate of virtue, fortune, and fame. I satdown, and bowed my head in sorrow many minutes before the first wordwas spoken. I still loved Laura. What could I say? how begin? "'It is true!' I at length exclaimed, rising up, and pacing the floorrapidly, while many a tear ran down my cheek. "'Alas! it is too true, ' iterated Mrs. Arras. "'The black-hearted villain!' I continued. "'Ah, Mr. Glenn, her fate would have been different, if your addresseshad not been so cruelly spurned! God knows I was not to blame!' saidshe. "'No, Mrs. Arras, ' said I; 'had your will been done, I had not beenmade miserable by the bereavement, nor the beautiful, theinnocent--the--Laura, with all her errors, dishonoured, ruined, crushed! But the betrayer, the viper that stung her, still breathes. Iloved her--I love her yet--and I will be her avenger!' Saying this, Irushed away, heedless of the matron's half-uttered entreaties toremain and to desist from my plan of vengeance. "There was a young student of my acquaintance, a brave, chivalrous, noble Virginian, to whom I imparted Laura's sad story. He franklyagreed with me that the venomous reptile in the human shape that couldbeguile an unsuspecting and lovely girl to minister to his unhalloweddesires, and then, without hesitation or remorse, abandon her to thedark, despairing shades of a frowning world, while he crawled on toinsinuate his poison into the breasts of new victims, should bepursued, hunted down, and exterminated. Yet there was but one way forme to punish Wold. The ignominy of the act, and the indignation of avirtuous community were to him matters of indifference. The circle inwhich he moved would smile at the misfortune of his victim, andapplaud his address, were the affair published. I resolved that heshould answer it to me alone. I had sworn in my heart to be Laura'savenger. "I penned a message which was delivered by my young Virginian friendin person. Wold said he had no quarrel with me, and strove to evadethe subject. He sent me a note, demanding wherein he had ever wrongedme, and stating that he was ready and willing to _explain_ any thingthat might have offended me. I returned his note, with a line on thesame sheet, informing him that I was the friend of Laura; and that hemust either meet me in the manner indicated in my message, or I wouldpublicly brand him as a dastardly scoundrel. He bit his lip, andreferred my friend to one of his companions in iniquity, a Mr. Knabb, who lived by the _profession_ of cards and dice. It was arranged thatwe should meet on one of the islands near the city, and that it shouldbe the next morning. This was what I desired, and I had urged myfriend to effect as speedy a consummation of the affair as possible. All the tumult and perturbation that raged in my bosom on parting withLaura had returned, and the throbbing of my brain was almostinsufferable. It was with difficulty that my young friend prevailedupon me to embrace the few intermediate hours before the meeting topractice with the pistol. I heeded not his declaration that Wold wasan excellent shot, because I felt convinced that justice was on myside. I thought that the criminal must inevitably fall. However, Iconsented to practice a little to quiet his importunity. Truly, itseemed that his urgent solicitation was reasonable enough, for thefirst fire my ball was several feet wide of the mark. I had neverfired a pistol before in my life. But there was no quivering of nerve, no misgiving as to my fate; for notwithstanding I was aware of being anovice, yet I entertained a conviction, a presentiment, that thedestroyer of my Laura's innocence would fall beneath my hand. The nextfire I did better, and soon learned to strike the centre. "We were all on the ground at the hour appointed. While the secondswere arranging the necessary preliminaries, Wold, finding that my eyesrested steadily upon him, endeavoured to intimidate me. There was abush some thirty paces distant, from which a slim, solitary sprout ranup several feet above the rest of the branches. He gazed an instant atit while I was marking him, and then raised his pistol, and fired inthe direction. The sprout fell. Turning, his eyes met mine, while aslight smile was visible on his lip. The effect did not realize hishopes. I looked upon the act with such cold indifference that he atfirst betrayed surprise at my calmness, and then exhibited palpablesigns of trepidation himself. He beckoned Knabb to him, and, after abrief conference in a low tone, his second returned to my friend, andinquired if no amends, no reconciliation, could avert the exchange ofshots. My friend reported his words to me, and my reply was thatnothing but the restitution of the maiden's honour--instantmarriage--would be satisfaction. Wold protested--marriage was utterlyimpossible under existing circumstances--but he would do any thingelse. But nothing else would answer; and I insisted on proceeding tobusiness without further delay. Wold heard me, and became pale. Whenwe were placed at our respective stations, and while the finalarrangements were being adjusted, I thought his replies to hisfriend's observations betrayed much alarm. But there was no retreat. Iwas never calmer in my life, I even smiled when my careful friend toldme that he had detected and prevented a concerted plan that would havegiven Wold the advantage. The word was given. Wold's ball struck theearth before me, and threw some sand in my face. Mine entered theseducer's side! I saw him gasp, reel, and fall, while the blood gushedout on the beach. My friend hurried me away, and paused not until hehad placed me in a stage just starting for Philadelphia. I clasped hishand in silence, and the next moment the horses plunged away at thecrack of the driver's whip, and we were soon far on the road. Reflection ere long convinced me that I had been guilty of anunjustifiable act. If it was no crime in the estimation of men, it wascertainly a grievous transgression in the eyes of God! I thentrembled. The bleeding form and reproachful stare of Wold haunted myvision when the darkness set in. Oh, the errors, in act and deed, ofan impetuous youth thrown upon the world with no considerate friend toadvise him! The pity I felt for Laura was soon forgotten in thehorrible thought that I was a MURDERER! Oh, the anguish of that night!Why did I not leave Wold to the judgment of an offended God? Why did Inot permit him to suffer the gnawing of the canker that must everabide in his heart, instead of staining my hands with his blood?Freely would I have abandoned every hope of pleasure in the world tohave washed his blood away! "When I arrived in Philadelphia, with a heavy heart, I sought a quiethotel, not daring to confront my uncle with such a tale of woe andcrime. For several days I remained in my chamber without seeing anyone but the servant that brought my food. At length I asked for a NewYork paper. For more than an hour after it was brought I could notsummon courage to peruse the hated tragedy. Finally I snatched up thesheet convulsively and glanced along the columns. When my eyes restedupon the paragraph I was in quest of, I sprang to my feet in ecstasy. The wound had not been fatal! Wold still lived! "In a twinkling I was dressed and on my way to my uncle's residence. Notwithstanding there was a dreadful epidemic in the city, and hearsesand mourners were passing every few minutes, I felt within a buoyancythat defied the terrors of disease and death. "But it seemed that disaster and desolation were fated to attend mewhithersoever I turned. A gloom brooded upon my heart when Iapproached my uncle's mansion, and found the badge of mourning at thedoor. I paused and asked the servant who was dead. He informed me thatmy uncle alone remained. His wife and children, all had been consignedto the tomb the day before, and he himself now lay writhing with thefell disease. I rushed in and entered the sick chamber. It was thechamber of death. My uncle pressed my hand and died. I followed him tothe grave, the chief and almost only mourner. "I returned and shut myself up in the mansion, bewildered andstupefied. I was now the possessor of immense wealth. But I wasunhappy. I knew not what to do to enjoy life. Gradually the pestilenceabated and disappeared, and by degrees the gloom that oppressed mesubsided. At the end of a few months, I was informed by my youngVirginian friend that Wold had entirely recovered. I likewise receiveda letter from Mrs. Arras, stating that Judge ____ had sought outLaura, (who had been enticed to an obscure part of the city, ) and, asher misfortune had been kept a profound secret among the few, heforgave the offence, and once more extended to her a father's love anda father's protection. I need not say that a blissful thrill boundedthrough my veins. Wold was living, and Laura not irrecoverably lost. Yet I did not then deem it possible that I could, under suchcircumstances, ever desire to possess the once adored, but since trulyfallen, Laura. But I experienced a sweet gratification to be thusinformed of the prospect of her being reinstated in society. My lovewas not yet wholly extinguished! "When it was generally known that I possessed great riches, a crowd offlatterers and sycophants hovered around me. I was a distinguishedguest at the mansions of the fashionable and great, and had in turnmany brilliant parties at my residence. But among the tinsel andglitter of the gay world I sought in vain for peace and happiness. Many beautiful and bewitching belles lavished their sweetest smilesupon me, but they could not re-ignite the smothered flame in my bosom. Wine could only exhilarate for a moment, to be succeeded by a gnawingnausea. Cards could only excite while I lost, to be succeeded byirritability and disgust. "Thus my time was spent for twelve months, when I suddenly conceivedthe resolution to seek a union with the ill-fated Laura, notwithstanding all the obloquy the world might attach to the act. Istill loved her in spite of myself. I could not live in peace withouther, and I determined without delay to offer her my hand, heart, andfortune. I set out for Boston, and on my arrival instantly proceededto the residence of Judge ____. Again my evil star was in theascendant. Desolation and death presided in Judge ____'s family. Theominous badge of mourning greeted me at the threshold; Laura's motherhad just been consigned, broken-hearted, to the cold grave. Thevenerable Judge bowed his hoary head to the blows that Providenceinflicted. He could not speak to me. His reply to my offer in relationto his child was only a flood of tears. He then retreated into hislibrary and locked the door. An aged domestic told me all. Laura hadabandoned her parental roof, and voluntarily entered one of thosesinks of pollution that so much degrade human nature! I stood upon anawful abyss. The whirlpools of deceit, ingratitude, indifference, andcalumny, howled around me, and the dark floods of sensual corruptionroared below. Turn whithersoever I might (alas, I thought not ofheaven!) gloom, discord, and misery seemed to be my portion. "I hurried back to Philadelphia, and strove to mitigate my grief inthe vortex of unrestrained dissipation. I lavished my gold onundeserving and unthankful objects. I cared not for life, much lessfor fortune. I was the victim of a frenzy that rendered me reckless, and bereft me of calm meditation. My frantic laughter was heard at thegaming-table, and my plaudits were boisterous at the theatre, but Iwas a stranger to enjoyment. There was no pleasure for me. My brawlingcompanions swore I was the happiest and noblest being on earth. But Iknew too well there was not a more miserable fiend in hell. "At length disease fortunately arrested my demoniac career before mywealth was expended. It was my good fortune to secure the services ofa distinguished and skillful physician. He was a benevolent anduniversally esteemed _Quaker_. His attention was not only constant, but soothing and parental. His earnest and tender tones often made meweep. When I recovered, I resolved to amend my life. This _friend_ hadapplied a healing balm to my aching heart. I determined to prosecutemy profession, and before a year elapsed my exertions began to becrowned with success. "I was a frequent attendant at the lectures, and on terms of theclosest intimacy with the professors. Indeed, I had a prospect of aprofessorship myself. I devoted my attention particularly to theanatomical department of my studies, which I preferred; and it was inthis department of the institution that I would probably be installedin a few months. The gentleman who occupied that chair was about toresign, and, being my friend, used his influence to procure myelection. "My medical friend invited me one evening to be present at adissection, which promised to be one of extreme interest. He describedthe subject as one that had elicited the admiration of the class. Hesaid it was a female of perfect proportions, but who had recently beenan inmate of a brothel of the lowest description. She had, in a stateof beastly inebriation, fallen into the fire. Yet, with the exceptionof a small but fatal orifice in the side, her form and featuresremained unaltered. I consented to meet him at the hour appointed, andmade my arrangements accordingly. "That evening there were many more persons in the dissecting-room thanusual. I had now become much more cheerful, and enjoyed the frankgreetings of my many friends with a relish and an ardour that hadhitherto been unknown to me. Many flippant remarks and carelessobservations were exchanged in relation to the business before us. Wehad become accustomed to such scenes, and habit had rendered uscallous to the reflections and impressions generally produced whengazing upon the cold lineaments of the dead. Dissection was anindispensable act. It had been resorted to under the deliberateconviction that it was necessary to the perfection of science, and ina great degree redounded to the welfare and preservation of theliving. To us the pale inanimate limbs, and the attenuated, insensiblebodies of the dead brought no disagreeable sensations. We cut andsawed them with the same composed indifference with which the sculptorhews the marble. "'This is a beautiful subject we have to-night, Glenn, ' observed oneof my friends, as we approached the dead body. He then threw up thewhite cloth, and exposed the corpse, the head being still obscured. Abreathless silence reigned, while all gazed at the lifeless form inadmiration. She was a perfect Venus! Not having been wasted andshrivelled by disease, the symmetry of her lineaments was preserved inall the exactness of life and health. Her bust was full, plump, andthe skin of the most exquisite whiteness, except where it had beenmarred by the fire that caused her death. Her limbs surpassed anymodel I had ever beheld, round and tapering, smooth and white asivory. Her ankles were most admirably turned, and her feet of thesmallest dimensions. Her handsome and gently swelling arms werecovered with a slight gauze of short, dark hair, through which thesnowy whiteness of her skin was displayed to greater advantage. Herhands were extremely delicate, and indicated that she had beenaccustomed to ease and luxury. "I was requested to open her breast and exhibit to the students theformation and functions of the heart. She was lying on her back, on along narrow table, around which the students stood gazing at her fairproportions. Some reflected in sorrow that so beautiful and lovely abeing should die and be conveyed to the dissecting-room; while othersjoked and laughed in a light unfeeling manner. When about to make anincision with the sharp glittering steel in my hand, for the firsttime since I had graduated, I confessed that my nerves were too muchaffected by the sight of the subject to proceed, and I begged myfriends to be patient a few minutes, during which I would doubtlessregain my accustomed composure. "'What was her name?' I inquired of the friend who had accosted me onmy entrance. "'Haven't you heard?' said he, smiling--'I thought you all knew her. Nearly every person in the city has heard of her, for she was the mostcelebrated and notorious "fallen angel" in the city--celebrated forher unrivalled beauty and many triumphs, and notorious for herheartless deceit and reckless disregard of her own welfare. She hasled captive many an unguarded swain by a passing smile in the street, and then unceremoniously deserted him to join some drunken and beastlyparty in an obscure and degraded alley. ' "'Her name--what was her name?' I again asked, once more taking up theknife, my nerves sufficiently braced by the above recital. "'Anne R____, ' he replied; 'I thought, ' he continued, 'no one could beignorant of her name, after hearing a description of her habits. ' "'_All_ of us, ' I continued, rallying, 'are not familiar with thepersons and names of the "fallen angels" about town. But let us lookat her face. ' Saying this, I endeavoured to lift the white cloth fromher head, but finding that the resurrectionist had tied a cord tightlyround the muslin enclosing her neck and head, I desisted. "'Her face is in keeping with her body and limbs, ' said my merryfriend; 'she was a perfect beauty. I have seen her in Chestnut Streetevery fair day for the last six months, until she got drunk and fellin the fire. ' "I now proceeded to business, but my flesh quivered as my knifepenetrated the smooth fair breast of the subject. Soon the skin andthe flesh were removed, and the saw grated harshly as it severed theribs. When the heart was exposed, all bent forward instinctively, scanning it minutely, and seemingly with a curiosity to ascertain ifit differed from those of others whose lives were different. [Illustration: It was Laura, the loved, adored Laura!--P. 221] "When the operation was over, my anxiety to see her face returned. After an ineffectual effort to untie the cord, I became impatient, andseizing the knife that lay on the table, ripped open the muslin thathid her features! My God! The knife dropped from my hand, andpenetrating the floor, quivered upright at my feet, while every memberof my body trembled in unison with it! I raised my hands with myfingers spread out to the utmost tension. My mouth fell open, and myeyes felt as if they were straining to leap from my head. _It wasLaura_--the loved, adored Laura--_my_ Laura! My friends heard merepeat the name, and marked with surprise and concern my inexplicablymiserable condition. They gathered round me, and endeavoured to divertmy attention from the dead and now gory body. It was in vain. I heedednot their words, but gazed steadfastly at the sad features of Laura, with my hands still uplifted. I was speechless, deaf, and immovable. No tear moistened my eyes, but burning thoughts rushed through mybrain. My heart was cold, cold. Ah, I remembered how I had loved heronce! I thought of the time when I was happy to bow down at her feet, and in good faith attribute to her many of the pure qualitiespertaining to _risen_ angels. And this was her end! The beautiful andinnocent--the loving and beloved--the high born and wealthy--the lightand joy of fond and indulgent parents--had been beguiled by theinfernal tempter to make one step aside from the straight andnarrow-path of duty--and this was the result! The sensitive andguileless girl became an incarnate fiend, callous to every modest andvirtuous impulse--scorned by the honest and good, and hating andundermining the redeeming principles of her species--rushing from thehigh station which her ancestors had arduously laboured forgenerations to attain, and voluntarily taking up her abode in the densof squalid misery and indelible pollution--closing her eyes to themight and majesty of a merciful God, beckoning her to his eternalthrone in heaven, and giving heed to the fatal devices of the enemy ofmankind, till she was dragged down, down to the innermost depths of araging and roaring hell! Such was the fate of Laura. Such is the fateof thousands who willingly err, though it be ever so slight, for thesake of enjoying an impious gratification. Poor Laura! Oh, how I lovedher! But it is bootless to think of her now. "I was gently forced from the dissecting-room by my friends, andconducted to my home in silence--in silence, because I had no wordsfor any one. I pressed their hands at the door of my mansion, andbowing, they departed for their homes to muse over the incidents ofthe evening. I entered my silent chamber, but not to rest. I threwopen the casement and gazed out at the genial rays of the moon. Thedark green leaves of the linden trees were motionless, and the silveryrays struggling through them cast a checkered and faint tint ofmingled light and shade on the pavement beneath. The cool fresh airsoothed my throbbing temples. I sank back in my seat and gazed up atthe innumerable stars in the boundless sky. I thought the stellar hostglittered with unusual brilliance, as if there were a joyous and holyrevelry going on in heaven. My heart grew calm. I felt a convictionthat true happiness, and purity of thought and purpose wereinseparable. I knew that the contaminations of the world hadoverthrown many a righteous resolve, and linked the noblest mindedwith infamy. I thought of Laura. The seductions of the world hadliterally prostrated an angel before my eyes. I determined to _leave_the world, if not for ever, at least as long as its temptations toerr, in the remotest degree, were liable to beset my path. I camehither. " When Glenn finished his narrative, Roughgrove rose in silence, andproducing a small Bible that he always carried about his person, readin a low, but distinct and impressive tone, several passages whichwere peculiarly applicable to the state of their feelings. Glenn thenapproached the couch where William slumbered peacefully. A healthfulperspiration rested on his forehead, and a sweet smile played upon hislips, indicating that his dreams were not among the savage scenes inwhich he had so lately mingled. Mary, who had fallen asleep whileseated at his side, overcome with silent watching, yet rested with herhead on the same pillow, precisely in the same attitude she reclinedwhen Glenn began his recital. Roughgrove took her in his arms, andplacing her softy at her brother's feet, bestowed a kiss upon herbrow, and retired with Glenn to rest. CHAPTER XVI. Balmy spring--Joe's curious dream--He prepares to catch a fish--Glenn--William and Mary--Joe's sudden and strange appearance--La-u-na--Thetrembling fawn--The fishing sport--The ducking frolic--Sneak and thepanther. It was now the first week in May. Every vestige of winter had longsince disappeared, and the verdure of a rich soil and mild temperaturewas fast enrobing the earth with the freshest and most pleasing ofcolours. Instead of the dreary expanse of ice that had covered theriver, its waters now murmured musically by in the early morn--itscurling eddies running along the sedgy shore, while the rising sunslowly dissipated the floating mists; and the inspiring notes of allthe wild variety of birds, contributed to invest the scene with suchcharms as the God of nature only can impart, and which may only befully enjoyed and justly appreciated by guileless and unsophisticatedmortals. Glenn rambled forth, and, partaking the harmony that pervaded theearth, air, and waters, his breast swelled with a blissful exultationthat can never be known amid the grating voices of contending men, orexperienced in crowded cities, where many confused sounds vibrateharshly and distracting on the ear. He stood in his little gardenamong the flowers that Mary had planted, and watched the humming-birdspoised among the trembling leaves, their tiny wings still unruffled bythe dew, while their slender beaks inhaled the sweet moisture of thevariegated blossoms. Long he regarded the enchanting scene, unconscious of the flight of time, and alike regardless of the pastand the future in his all-absorbing admiration of the present, whereinhe deemed he was not far remote from that Presence to which time andeternity are obedient--when his phantasm was abruptly andunceremoniously put to flight by his man Joe, who rushed out of thehouse with a long rod in his hand; yawning and rubbing his eyes, as ifhe had been startled from his morning slumber but a moment before. "What's the matter?" demanded Glenn. "It was a wapper!" said Joe. "What was?" "The fish. " "Where?" asked Glenn. "I'll tell you. I dreamt I was sitting on a rock, down at the ferry, with this rod in my hand, fishing for perch, when a thundering bigcatfish, as long as I am, took hold. I dreamt he pulled and Ipulled--sometimes he had me in the water up to my knees, and sometimesI got him out on dry land. But he always flounced and kicked backagain. Yet he couldn't escape, because the hook was still in hismouth, and when he jumped into the river I jumped to the rod, and sowe had it over and over--" "And now have done with it, " said Glenn, interrupting him. "What areyou holding the rod now for?" "I'm going to try to catch him, " said Joe, with unaffected simplicity. "Merely because you had this dream!" continued Glenn, his featuresrelaxing into a smile. "Yes--I believe in dreams, " said Joe. "Once, when we were living inPhiladelphia, I had one of these same dreams. It was just about thesame hour--" "How do you know what hour it was you dreamt about the fish?" againinterrupted Glenn. "Why--I--, " stammered Joe, "I'm sure it was about daybreak, becausethe sun rose a little while after I got out. " "That might be the case, " said Glenn, "if you were to dream about thesame thing from sun-down till sun-up. And I believe the fish wasrunning in your head last night before I went to bed, for you werethen snoring and jerking your arms about. " "Well, I'll tell you my other dream, anyhow. I dreamt I was walkingalong Spruce Street wharf with my head down, when all at once my toestruck against a red morocco pocket-wallet; I stooped down and pickedit up and put it in my pocket, and went home before I looked to seewhat was in it. " "Well, what was in it when you did look?" asked Glenn. "There was a one thousand dollar note on the Bank of the UnitedStates, with the president's and cashier's names on it, all genuine. Oh, I was so happy! I put it in my vest-pocket and sewed it up. " "But what have you done with it since?" asked Glenn. "I--Hang it! it was only a dream!"[1] said Joe, unconsciously feelingin his empty pocket. [1] Thousands have had similar dreams about similar notes since Joe'sdream. --_Printer's Devil_. "But what has that dream to do with the fish?" pursued Glenn. "I'll tell you, " said Joe. "When I got up in the morning anddiscovered it was a dream, I slipped on my clothes as quickly aspossible and set off for the wharf. When I got there, I walked alongslowly with my head down till at length my toe struck against anoyster-shell. I picked it up, and while I was looking at it, thecaptain of a schooner invited me on board of his vessel to look at hiscargo of oysters, just stolen from Deep Creek, Virginia. He gave me atleast six dozen to eat!" "And this makes you have faith in such dreams?" asked Glenn, strivingin vain to repress his laughter. "I got _something_ by the dream, " said Joe. "I had a first rateoyster-breakfast. " "But what has all this to do with the fish?" continued Glenn;"perhaps, instead of the fish, you expect to catch a _frog_ this time. You will still be an Irishman, Joe. Go and try your luck. " "St. Patrick forbid that I should be any thing else but an Irishman! Ishould like to know if an Irishman ain't as good as anybody else, particularly when he's born in America, as I was? But the dream inPhiladelphia _did_ have something to do with a fish. Didn't I catch afish? Isn't an oyster a fish? And it had something to do with _this_fish, too. I've been bothering my head ever since I got up about whatkind of _bait_ to catch him with, and I'm sure I never would havethought of the right kind if you hadn't mentioned that _frog_ justnow. I recollect they say that's the very best thing in the world tobait with for a catfish. I'll go straight to the brook and hunt up afrog!" Saying this, Joe set out to execute his purpose, while Glennproceeded to Roughgrove's house to see how William progressed in hisstudies. The intelligent youth, under the guidance of Roughgrove, Glenn, andhis unwearying and affectionate sister, was now rapidly making amendsfor the long neglect of his education while abiding with theunlettered Indians. He had already gone through the English grammar, and was entering the higher branches of study. The great poets of hisown country, and the most approved novelists were his companionsduring the hours of relaxation; for when the illimitable fields ofintellect were opened to his vision, he would scarce for a momentconsent to withdraw his admiring gaze. Thus, when it was necessary fora season to cease his toil in the path of learning, he delighted torecline in some cool shade with a pleasing book in his hand, andregale his senses with the flowers and refreshing streams ofimaginative authors. And thus sweetly glided his days. Could suchhalcyon moments last, it were worse than madness to seek the wealthand honours of this world! In that secluded retreat, though far fromthe land of his nativity, with no community but the companionship ofhis three or four friends and the joyous myriads of birds--no palacesbut the eternal hills of nature, and no pageantry but the rays of therising and setting sun streaming in prismatic dies upon them, thesmiling youth was far happier than he would have been in the princelyhalls of his fathers, where the sycophant only bent the knee toreceive a load of gold, and the friend that might protect him on thethrone would be the first to stab him on the highway. A spreading elm stood near the door of Roughgrove's house, and beneathits clustering boughs William and Mary were seated on a rude bench, entirely screened from the glaring light of the sun. A few pacesdistant the brook glided in low murmurs between the green flags andwater violets over its pebbly bed. The morning dew yet rested on thegrass in the shade. The soft sigh of the fresh breeze, as it passedthrough the motionless branches of the towering elm, could scarce beheard, but yet sufficed ever and anon to lift aside the glossyringlets that hung pendent to the maiden's shoulders. The paroquet andthe thrush, the bluebird and goldfinch, fluttered among the thickfoliage and trilled their melodies in sweetest cadence. Both thebrother and sister wore a happy smile. Happy, because the innocence ofangels dwelt in the bosom of the one, and the memory of his guilelessand blissful days of childhood possessed the other. Occasionally theyread some passages in a book that lay open on Mary's lap, describingthe last days of Charles I. , and then the bright smile would be dimmedfor a moment by a shade of sadness. "Oh! poor man!" exclaimed Mary, when William read of the axe of theexecutioner descending on the neck of the prostrate monarch. "It is far better to dwell in peace in such a quiet and lonely placeas this, than to be where so many cruel men abide, " said William, pondering. "Ah me! I did not think that Christian men could be so cruel, " saidMary, a bright tear dropping from her long eyelash. "But the book says he was a tyrant and deserved to die, " continued theyouth, his lips compressed with firmness. "He's coming!" exclaimed Mary, suddenly, and the pitying thought ofthe unfortunate Charles vanished from her mind. But as she steadilygazed up the path a crimson flush suffused her smooth brow and cheek, and she rose gracefully, and with a smile of delight, welcomed Glennto the cool and refreshing shade of the majestic elm. "You have come too late. William has already said his lesson, and I'msure he knew it perfectly, " said Mary, half-reproachfully andhalf-playfully. "Mary don't know, Mr. Glenn; because I am now further advanced thanshe is, " said William. "But what kept you away so long this beautiful morning?" continued theinnocent girl. "Don't you see the dew is almost dried away in the sun, and the morning-glories are nearly all closed?" "I was lingering in the garden among the delicate flowers you gave meMary; and the green and golden humming-birds charmed me so that Icould not tear myself away, " replied our hero, as he sat down betweenthe brother and sister. "I shall go with brother William on the cliff and get some wild rosesand hare-bells, and then all your humming-birds will leave you andstay here with me, " said Mary, smiling archly. "But you will be the prettiest bird among them, and flower too, to myeyes, " said Glenn, gazing at the clear and brilliant though laughingeyes of the pleased girl. "If that were the case, why did you linger so long in the garden?"asked the maid, with some seriousness. "I should not have done so, Mary, but for Joe, who, you know, willalways be heard when he has any thing to say; and this morning he hada ludicrous dream to tell me. " "I like Joe a great deal--he makes me laugh every time I see him. Andyou must tell me what he said, and how he looked and acted, that I mayknow whether you did right to stay away so long, " said the thoughtlessand happy girl, eager to listen to the accents of the one whoseapproach had illumined her features with the mystical fires of theheart. Glenn faithfully repeated every word and gesture of his dialogue withJoe, and the unsophisticated girl's joyous laugh rang merrily up theechoing vale in sweet accompaniment with the carols of the featheredsongsters. When the narration ended, they both turned with surprise to William, who, instead of partaking their hilarity as usual, sat perfectlymotionless in deep thought, regarding with apparent intensity thestraggling spears of grass that grew at his feet. The book he hadtaken up, which had dropped from Mary's lap when she hastily rose atthe approach of Glenn, now fell unobserved by him from his relaxedhand. His face became unusually pale. His limbs seemed to be strangelyagitated, and the pulsations of his heart were audible. "What's the matter, dear brother?" cried Mary, in alarm. "La-u-na--LA-U-NA!" he exclaimed, and, sinking softly down on hisknees, applied his ear close to the ground in a listening attitude. "Dear brother William! _do_ tell Mary what ails you! What is La-u-na!"said the startled and distressed girl, with affectionate concern. "_La-u-na_--THE TREMBLING FAWN!" cried William, pantingly. "Listen" said Glenn, checking Mary when she was about to repeat herinquiry. A plaintive flute-like sound was heard at intervals, floatingon the balmy and almost motionless air down the green-fringed vale. Attimes it resembled the mournful plaint of the lonely dove, and thendied away like the last notes of the expiring swan. Before many minutes elapsed another sound of quite a differentcharacter saluted their ears. This was a rustling among the bushes, heard indistinctly at first, while the object was far up the valley, but as it approached with fearful rapidity, the rushing noise becametremendous, and a few moments after, when the trembling sumachs partedin view, they beheld Joe! He dashed through the briers interspersedamong the undergrowth, and plunged through the winding brook thatoccasionally crossed his path, as if all surrounding obstacles andobstructions were contemptible in comparison with the danger behind!Leaping over intervening rocks, and flying through dense clusters ofyoung trees that ever and anon threatened to impede his progress, heat length reached the spot where the little group still remainedseated. Without hat or coat, and panting so violently that he wasunable to explain distinctly the cause of his alarm, poor Joe threwhimself down on the earth in the most distressed and pitiablecondition. "What have you seen? What is the cause of this affright?" asked Glenn. "I--oh--they--coming!" cried Joe, incoherently. "What is coming?" continued Glenn. "I--Indians!" exclaimed he, springing up and rushing into the house. "They are friendly Indians, then, " said Mary; "because the hostileones never come upon us at this season of the year. " "So I have been told, " said Glenn; "but even the sight of a friendlyIndian would scare Joe. " "It is La-u-na!" said William, still attentively listening. "What is _La-u-na_?" interrogated Mary, again. "The _Trembling Fawn_!" repeated William, with emphasis, in amysterious and abstracted manner. Presently he stood up and intentlyregarded the dim path over-shadowed by the luxuriant foliage that Joehad so recently traversed, and an animated smile played upon his lips, and dark, clear eyes sparkled with a thrill of ecstasy. A slight female form, emerged from the dark green thicket, and glidedmore like a spirit of the air than a human being towards the wonderinggroup. Her light steps produced no sound. In each hand she held a richbouquet of fresh wild flowers, and leaves and blossoms werefantastically, though tastefully, arranged in her hair and on herbreast. A broad, shining gold band decked her temples, but many of herraven ringlets had escaped from their confinement, and floated out onthe wind as she sped towards her beloved. "La-u-na! La-u-na!" cried William, darting forward frantically andcatching the girl in his arms. He pressed her closely and fondly tohis heart, and she hid her face on his breast. Thus they clungtogether several minutes in silence, when they were interrupted byRoughgrove, whose attention had been attracted by the sudden affrightof Joe. "William, my dear boy, " said the grieved old man, "you must not haveany thing to do with the Indians--you promised us that you wouldnot--" "Leave us!" said the youth, sternly, and stamping impatiently. "Do, father!" cried Mary, who looked on in tears, a few paces apart;"brother won't leave us again--I'm sure he won't--will you, William?" "No, I will not!" exclaimed the youth. The Indian girl comprehendedthe meaning of his words, and, tearing, away from his embrace, stoodwith folded arms at his side, with her penetrating and reproachfuleyes fixed full upon him, while her lips quivered and her breastheaved in agitation. All now regarded her in silence and admiration. Her form was a perfect model of beauty. Her complexion was but a shadedarker than that of the maidens of Spain. Her brows were mostadmirably arched, and her long silken lashes would have been envied byan Italian beauty. Her forehead and cheeks were smooth, and all herfeatures as regular as those of a Venus. The mould of her face wasstrictly Grecian, and on her delicate lips rested a half-formedexpression of sad regret and firm resolution. Her vestments were rich, and highly ornamented with pearls and diamonds. She wore a light snowymantle made of swan skins, on which a portion of the fleecy downremained. Beneath, the dress was composed of skins of the finestfinish, descending midway between her knees and ankles, where it wasmet by the tops of the buckskin moccasins, that confined her small anddelicately-formed feet. Her arms, which were mostly concealed underher mantle, were bare from the elbows down, and adorned at the wristswith silver bands. "Why, hang it all! Was there nothing running after me but this squaw?"asked Joe, who had ventured forth again unobserved, and now stoodbeside Glenn and Mary. "Silence!" said Glenn. "Oh, don't call _her_ a squaw, Joe--she's more like an angel than asquaw, " said Mary, gazing tenderly at the lovers, while tears were yetstanding in her eyes. "I won't do so again, " said Joe, "because she's the prettiest wildthing I ever saw; and if Mr. William don't marry her, I will. " "Keep silent, Joe, or else leave us, " again interposed Glenn. "I'll go catch my fish. I had just found a frog, and was in the act ofcatching it, when I saw the sq--the--_her_--and I thought then that Iwould just run home and let you know she was coming before I took it. But I remember where it was, and I'll have it now in less than notime. " Saying this, Joe set off up the valley again, though not verywell pleased with himself for betraying so much alarm when there wasso little danger. "La-u-na, I am no Indian, " said William, at length, in the language ofher tribe, and much affected by her searching stare. "But you were once the young chief that led our warriors to battle, and caught La-u-na's heart. I heard you were a pale-face after youwere taken away from us; and I thought if you would not fly back toLa-u-na, like the pigeon that escapes from the talons of the eagle andreturns to its mate, then I would lose you--forget you--hate you. Itried, but I could not do it. When the white moon ran up to the top ofthe sky, and shone down through the tall trees in my face, I wouldever meet you in the land of dreams, with the bright smile you used tohave when you were wont to put your arm around me and draw me sogently to your breast. I was happy in those dreams. But they would notstay. The night-hawk flew low and touched my eyes with his wings as heflapped by, and I awoke. Then my breast was cold and my cheeks werewet. The katydids gathered in the sweet rose-bushes about me and sungmournfully. La-u-na was unhappy. La-u-na must see her Young Eagle, orgo to the land of spirits. She called her wild steed to her side, and, plucking these flowers to test his fleetness, sprang upon him and flewhither. He is now grazing in the prairie at the head of the valley;and here are the blossoms, still alive, fresh and sweet. " Thetrembling and tearful girl then gently and sadly strewed the flowersover the grass at her feet. "Sweet La-u-na!" cried William, snatching up the blossoms and pressingthem to his lips, "forgive the young chief; he will still love you andnever leave you again. " "No--no--no!" said the girl, shaking her head in despair; "the paleface youth will not creep through the silent and shady forest withLa-u-na any more. He will gather no more ripe grapes for the TremblingFawn. He will not bathe again in the clear waters with La-u-na. Hewill give her no more rings of roses to put on her breast. TheTrembling Fawn is wounded. She must find a cool shade and lie down. The dove will perch over her and wail. She will sing a low song. Shewill close her eyes and die. " [Illustration: "Oh, no!" cried William, placing his arms around hertenderly; "La-u-na must not die; or, if she does, she shall not diealone. Why will not La-u-na dwell with me, among my friends?" The girlstarted, and exhibited signs of mingled delight and doubt. --P. 232] "Oh, no!" cried William, placing his arms around her tenderly, "La-u-na must not die, or if she does, she shall not die alone. Whywill not La-u-na dwell with me among my friends?" The girl started andexhibited signs of mingled delight and doubt, and then replied-- "The pale maiden would hate La-u-na, and the gray-head would drive heraway. " "No, La-u-na, " said William; "they would all love you, and we would beso happy! Say you will stay with me here, and you shall be my wife, and I will have no other love. My sister is sweet and mild as La-u-na, and my father will always be kind. " The dark eyes of the girl assumed an unwonted lustre, and she turnedimploringly to Mary, Glenn, and Roughgrove. "Oh!" cried William, in his native tongue, addressing his whitefriends; "let La-u-na dwell with us! She is as innocent as the lily bythe brook, and as noble as a queen. Father, " he continued, steppingforward and taking Roughgrove's hand, "you won't refuse my request!And you, sister Mary, I know you will love her as dearly as you do me. And you, my friend, " said he, turning to Glenn, "will soon hear herspeak our own language, and she will cull many beautiful flowers foryou that the white man never yet beheld. Grant this, " added the youth, after pausing a few moments, while his friends hung their heads insilence, "and I will remain with you always; but if you refuse, I mustfly to the forest again. " "Stay! Oh, brother, you shall not go!" cried Mary, and rushingforward, she threw her arms round his neck. The Indian girl kissed herpale brow, and smiled joyfully, when the youth told her that Mary washis dear sister. "He loves her, and her affection for him is imperishable!" said Glenn. "And why may they not be happy together, if they dwell with us?" askedRoughgrove, pondering. "There is no reason why they should not be. Let us tell them to remainand be happy, " said Glenn. When fully informed that she might abide with them and still love herYoung Eagle, La-u-na was almost frantic with ecstasy. She lookedgratefully and fondly on her new friends, and pressed their hands inturn. She seemed to be more especially fond of Mary, and repeatedlywound her smooth and soft arms affectionately about her waist andneck. William led his Indian bride to the seat under the spreading greentree, and signified a desire to commune with her alone. When seatedtogether on the rude bench, the maiden's hand clasped in William's, Mary fondly kissed them both and withdrew in company with Roughgroveand Glenn. Roughgrove prostrated himself in prayer when within thehouse. Mary ran up to the top of the beetling cliff to cull flowers, and Glenn directed his steps down the valley towards the river, whither Joe had preceded him with the frog he had succeeded incapturing. Glenn was met about midway by Joe, who was returning slowly, withpeculiar marks of agitation on his face. He had neither frog, rod, norfish in his hand. "I thought you were fishing, " remarked Glenn. "So I am, " replied Joe; "and I've had the greatest luck you ever heardof. " "Well, tell me your success. " "I had a bite, " continued he, "in less than three minutes after Ithrew in my hook. It was a wapper! When he took hold I let him playabout awhile with a slack line, to be certain and get it well fixed inhis mouth. But when I went to draw up, the monster made a splash ortwo, and then whizzed out into the middle of the river!" "Where was the hook?" asked Glenn. "In his mouth, to be sure, " replied Joe. "And the line?" "Fast to the rod. " "And the rod?" "Fast to the line!" said Joe, "and following the fish at the rate often knots, while I stood on the bank staring in utter astonishment. " "Then, where was your great success?" demanded Glenn. "It was a noble _bite_, " said Joe. "But you were the _bitten_ one, " remarked Glenn, scanning Joe'svisage, which began to assume a disconsolate cast. "If I'd only been thinking about such a wapper, and had been on myguard, " said Joe, "splash me if he should ever have got my rod away inthat manner--I'd have taken a ducking first!" "Have you no more lines?" asked Glenn. "No, " replied Joe, "none but your's. " "You are welcome to it--but be quick, and I will look on while youhave your revenge. " Joe sprang nimbly up the hill, and in a few minutes returned withfresh tackle and another frog that he found on his way. They thenrepaired to the margin of the river; but before Joe ventured to castout his line again he made the end of the rod fast to his wrist bymeans of a strong cord he had provided for that purpose. But now hisprecaution seemed to have been unnecessary, for many minutes elapsedwithout any symptoms of success. Glenn grew impatient and retired a few paces to the base of the cliff, where he reclined in an easy posture on some huge rocks that hadtumbled down from a great height, and lay half-imbedded in the earth. Here he long remained with his eyes fixed abstractedly on the curlingwater, and meditated on the occurrence he had recently witnessed. While his thoughts were dwelling on the singular affection andconstancy of the Indian girl, and the probable future happiness of heryoung lord, his reflections more than once turned upon his _own_condition. The simple pleasantries that had so often occurred betweenMary and himself never failed to produce many unconscious smiles onhis lips, and being reciprocated and repeated day after day withincreased delight, it was no wonder that he found himself heavingtender sighs as he occasionally pictured her happy features in hismind's eye. He now endeavoured to bestow some grave consideration onthe tender subject, and to think seriously about the proper mode ofconducting himself in future, when he heard the innocent maiden'sclear and inspiring voice ringing down the valley and sinking in softmurmuring echoes on the gliding stream. Soon his quick ear caught thewords, which he recognised to be a short ballad of his own composing, that had been written at Mary's request. He then listened in silence, without moving from his recumbent position. THE CRUEL MAIDEN. I. She heard his prayer and sweetly smiled, Then frown'd, and laughing fled away; But the poor youth, e'en thus beguiled, Still would pray. II. He'd won her heart, but still she fled, And laugh'd and mock'd from dell and peak While his sad heart, that inward bled, Was fit to break! III. Where the bright waters lead adown The moss-green rocks and flags among, He paused--and on his brow a frown Darkly hung! IV. A shriek came down the peaceful vale, Full soon the maid was at his side, Her ringlets flowing, and cheeks all pale, A _willing_ bride! Glenn long remained motionless after the sounds died away, as ifendeavouring to retain the soothing effect of the ringing notes thathad so sweetly reverberated along the jutting peaks of the toweringcliff! "I've got a bite!" exclaimed Joe, bending over the verge of the bankand stretching his arms as far as possible over the water, while hisline moved about in various directions, indicating truly that a fishhad taken the hook. "Hold fast to the rod this time, Joe, " remarked Glenn, who becameinterested in the scene. "Won't I? Its tied fast to my wrist. " "Is it not time to pull him up?" asked Glenn, seeing that the fish, sofar from being conscious of peril, inclined towards the shore with theline in quest of more food. "Here goes!" said Joe, jerking the rod up violently with both hands. No sooner did the fish feel the piercing hook in his mouth than herose to the surface, and splashing the water several feet round inevery direction, darted quickly downwards, in spite of the strenuousefforts of Joe to the contrary. Nevertheless, Joe entertained no fears about the result; and the fish, as if apprized of the impossibility of capturing the rod, ran alongparallel with the shore, gradually approaching the brink of the water, and seemingly with the intention to surrender himself at the feet ofthe piscator. But this was not his purpose. When Joe made anotherstrong pull, in the endeavour to strand him in the shallow water, thefish again threw up the spray (some of which reached his adversary'sface, ) and, turning his head outwards, ran directly away from theshore. "Pull him back, Joe!" said Glenn. "I am trying with all my might, " replied Joe, "but he's so plaguystrong he won't come, hang him!" "He'll get away if you don't mind!" continued Glenn, evincing muchanimation in his tones and gestures. "I'll be drenched if he does!" said Joe, with his arm, to which therod was lashed, stretched out, while he endeavoured to plant his feetfirmly in the sand. "He'll have you in the water--cut the rod loose from your wrist!"cried Glenn, as Joe's foothold gave way and he was truly drawn intothe water. "Oh, good gracious! I've got no knife! Give me your hand!" cried Joe, vainly striving to untie the cord. "Help me! Oh, St. Peter!" hecontinued, imploringly, as the fish drew him on in the water, in quickbut reluctant strides. "Oh! I'm gone!" he cried, when the water wasmidway to his chin, and the fish pulling him along with increasingrapidity. "You are a good swimmer, Joe--be not alarmed, and you will not behurt, " said Glenn, half inclined to laugh at his man's indescribablecontortions and grimaces, and apprehending no serious result. "Ugh!" cried Joe, the water now up to his chin, and the next moment, when in the act of making a hasty and piteous entreaty, his headquickly dipped under the turbid surface and disappeared entirely. Glenn now became alarmed; but, when in the act of divesting himself ofhis clothing for the purpose of plunging in to his rescue, Joe roseagain some forty paces out in the current, and by the exertion of thearm that was free he was enabled to keep his head above the water. Thecurrent was very strong, and the fish, in endeavouring; to run up thestream with his prize in tow, made but little headway, and a very fewminutes sufficed to prove that it was altogether unequal to theattempt. After having progressed about six rods, Joe's head becamequite stationary like a buoy, or a cork at anchor, and then, bydegrees, was carried downward by the strong flow as the fish at lengthbecame quite exhausted. "Now for it, Joe--swim towards the shore with him!" cried Glenn. "He's almost got my shoulder out of place!" replied Joe, blowing alarge quantity of water out of his mouth. "I see his fin above the water, " said Glenn; "struggle manfully, Joe, and you will capture him yet!" "I'll die but I'll have him now--after such a ducking as this!" saidJoe, approaching the shore with the almost inanimate fish, that was nolonger able to contend against his superior strength. When he drewnear enough to touch the bottom, he turned his head and beheld hisprize floating close behind, and obedient to his will. It required the strength of both Glenn and Joe to drag the immensecatfish (for such it proved to be) from its native element. It wasabout the length and weight of Joe, and had a mouth of sufficientdimensions to have swallowed a man's head. It was given to theferrymen, who had witnessed the immersion, and were attracted thitherto render assistance. "I suppose you have now had enough of the fish?" remarked Glenn, asthey retraced their steps homeward. "I'll acknowledge that I'm satisfied for the present; but I wasresolved to have satisfaction!" replied Joe. "Yes, but you have had it with a vengeance; and I doubt not that yourapparent contentment is but cold comfort, " continued Glenn. "I'm not a bit cold--I shan't change my clothes, and I'm ready for anyother sport you like, " said Joe. "If you really suffer no inconvenience from the wet--and this finewarm day inclines me to believe you--we will take our guns and walkout to the small lakes on the borders of the prairie. " "Splash it"--began Joe. "No--_duck_ it, " interrupted Glenn. "Well, I should like to know exactly what you mean--whether you are inearnest about going to the ponds, or whether you are joking me forgetting _ducked_--as there's nothing in them now to shoot but _ducks_, and it may have popped into your head just because I had the_ducking_, " said Joe. "I am in earnest, " said Glenn; "I do not wish to annoy William, or tomeet Roughgrove and Mary until their domestic arrangements are allcompleted. " "That's strange, " said Joe. "What's strange?" asked Glenn, quickly. "Why, your not wanting to meet Miss Mary. I say it is mostmysteriously strange, " replied Joe. "Say nothing more about it, and think less, " said Glenn, striding inadvance, while a smile played upon his lip. "But I can't help dreaming about it--and my dreams all come true, "said Joe. "What have you been dreaming--but never mind--bring out the guns, "said Glenn, pausing at the gate of the inclosure, and not venturing tohear Joe recite the dream about himself and Mary. When possessed of the necessary implements, they set out towards thegroves that bordered the prairie, among which were several lakes ofclear water, not more than fifty or sixty paces in diameter, where thevarious wild fowl, as well as the otter and the muskrat, usuallyabounded. Our hero had previously anticipated some sport of thisnature, and constructed blinds on the verge of the lakes, and cutpaths through the clustering bushes to reach them stealthily. The lakethey now approached was bounded on one side by the green meadow-likeprairie, and fringed on the other by hazel thickets, with anoccasional towering elm that had survived the autumnal fires. The morning breeze had subsided, and a delightful calm prevailed. Athousand wild flowers, comprising every hue, filled the air withdelicious fragrance, while no sound was heard but the melody of happybirds. "I think I see a duck!" whispered Joe, as they moved slowly along thepath in a stooping posture. "Where?" asked Glenn, as they crept softly to the blind and cast theireyes over the clear unruffled water. "I thought I saw one on the muskrat house; but he must have gone tothe other side, " responded Joe, now looking in vain for it, andclosely scanning the little hillocks that had been thrown up in thelake by the muskrats. "You must have been mistaken, " said Glenn; "suppose we go to the otherlakes. " "No, I wasn't mistaken--I'd swear to it--be quiet and keep a brightlook-out, and we'll see him again in a minute or two, " replied Joe, who stood in an attitude of readiness to fire at an instant's warning. "What is that?" asked Glenn, just then actually observing a smallbrown object moving behind the hillock. "Wait till I see a little more of it, " said Joe, with his finger onthe trigger. "Don't fire, Joe! its a man's _cap_!" exclaimed Glenn, detecting underthe dark brim the large staring eyes of a human being, apparentlyevincing a sense of imminent peril; and the next moment the muzzle ofa gun pointing above their heads came in view. "Dod rot it, look up that tree!" The smile that began to play on our hero's features on recognizing thevoice of Sneak was quickly dispelled and succeeded by horror when hecast his eyes upward and beheld an enormous panther, stooping, and onthe eve of springing upon him! "Oh!" exclaimed Joe, letting his gun fall, and falling down himself, bereft alike of the power of escape and the ability to resist. "Be quiet!" said Glenn, endeavouring to raise his gun, which hadbecome entangled in the bushes; but before he could execute hispurpose Sneak fired, and the ferocious animal came tumbling downthrough the branches and fell at his feet. "Ugh! Goodness!" exclaimed Joe, his hat striken down over his eyes bythe descending panther, and, leaping over the frail barrier of bushesinto the water, he plunged forward and executed a series of divingevolutions, as if still endeavouring to elude the clutches of thecarnivorous beast, which he imagined was after him. "Dod--come out of the pond! Its dead--didn't you hear _me_ shoot?"said Sneak, who had by this time paddled a little canoe in which hehad been seated to the shore. But Joe continued his exercises, hiscrushed hat not only depriving him of sight, but rendering him deaf tothe laughter that burst from Glenn and Sneak. Sneak ran round to theopposite side of the lake to a point that Joe was approaching, (thoughall unconscious of his destination, ) and remained there till the poorfellow pushed his half-submerged head against the grass, when heseized him furiously and bore him a few paces from the water, in spiteof his cries and struggles. "_I_ ain't the painter!" said Sneak, at length weary of the illusion, and dragging Joe's hat from his head. "Ha! hang it! ha!" cried Joe, staring at Sneak and Glenn inbewilderment. "Where is it?" he cried, when in some degree recoveredfrom his great perturbation. "Didn't you hear _me_ shoot? Of course its dead!" replied Sneak. "Which do you prefer, Joe, _ducking_ or _fishing_?" asked Glenn. "I never saw a feller _duck_ his head so, " said Sneak. "Ha! ha! ha! you thought I was frightened, and trying to get away fromthe panther! But you were _much_ mistaken. I was chasing a muskrat--Igot wet in the river, and was determined to see--" "You couldn't see your own nose!" interrupted Sneak. [Illustration: He plunged forward, and executed a series of divingevolutions. --P. 240] "If I couldn't see, I suppose I could hear him run!" replied Joe. "You couldn't 'ave heard thunder!" said Sneak. "Did you ever try it?" asked Joe. "No, " replied Sneak. "Then you don't know, " replied Joe; "and now I'm ready to kill aduck, " he continued, looking up at a number of water-fowl sailinground and awaiting their departure to dip into the water. "I will leave you here, Joe. When you hear me fire at the other lake, you may expect the ducks that escape me to visit you, " observed Glenn, and immediately after disappeared in the bushes. "And I'll take the painter's hide off, " said Sneak, going with Joe tothe blind, where he quietly commenced his labour, that Joe's sportmight not be interrupted. Several flocks of geese and ducks yet flew round above, and graduallydrew nearer to the earth, but still fearful of danger and cautiouslyreconnoitering the premises. "Suppose I pink one of them on the wing?" said Joe, looking up. "I don't believe you _kin_, " said Sneak, as he tugged at the panther'shide. "Wait till they come round the next time, and I'll show you--so lookout, " said Joe. "I'll not look--there's no occasion for my seeing--_I'm_ not after amuskrat, " responded Sneak, stripping the skin from the animal, andlaughing at his own remark. When the ducks came round again, Joefired, and sure enough one of them fell--descending in a curve whichbrought it directly on Sneak's cap, knocking it over his eyes. "Dod rot it! hands off, or I'll walk into you!" exclaimed Sneak, rising up in a hostile attitude. "Good! that's tit for tat, " cried Joe, laughing, as he loaded his gun. "You didn't do it a purpose, " said Sneak, "nor I won't jump into thewater nother. " "Yes I did!" continued Joe, much pleased at the occurrence. "You didn't do any sich thing--or we'd have to fight; but nobody coulddo sich a thing only by accident. You'd better load your gun, and beready by the time the next comes, " added Sneak, again tearing asunderthe panther's skin. "I thought I _had_ loaded, " said Joe, forgetting he had performed thatoperation, and depositing another charge in his old musket. Presently Glenn's gun was heard, and in a few minutes an immense flockof geese and ducks, mingled together, flew over the bushes and coveredthe face of the lake. Joe very deliberately fired in the midst ofthem, and the rebound of his gun throwing him against Sneak, who wasstill in a stooping posture, they both fell to the ground. "I did that on purpose, I'll take my oath--I knew you had put in twoloads, " said Sneak, rising up. "Yes, but I ain't hurt--falling over you saved me, or else I'd athrashed you or got a thrashing, " replied Joe, his good humourrecovered on beholding some fifteen or twenty dead and wounded ducksand geese on the surface of the water. By the time he had collectedhis birds, by means of Sneak's canoe, Glenn, who had met with the likesuccess, emerged from the bushes on the opposite verge of the lake, bearing with him his game. Being well satisfied with the sport, he andJoe retraced their steps homeward. CHAPTER XVII. The bright morning--Sneak's visit--Glenn's heart--The snake hunt--Loveand raspberries--Joe is bitten--His terror and sufferings--Arrivalof Boone--Joe's abrupt recovery--Preparations to leave the west--Conclusion. The sun rose the next morning in unusual glory. Not a breath of airstirred the entranced foliage of the dark green trees in the valleys, and the fresh flowers around exhaled a sweet perfume that remainedstationary over them. The fawn stood perfectly still in the grassyyard, and seemed to contemplate the grandeur of the enchanting scene. The atmosphere was as translucent as fancy paints the realms of theblest, and quite minute objects could be distinctly seen far over theriver many miles eastward. Nor were any sounds heard save theoccasional chattering of the paroquet in the dense forest across theriver, a mile distant, and yet they appeared to be in the immediatevicinity. The hounds lay extended on the ground with their eyes open, more in a listless than a watchful attitude. The kitten was couched onthe threshold (the door having been left open to admit the pure air, )and looked thoughtfully at the rising sun. The large blue chanticleerwas balanced on one foot with an eye turned upwards as if scanning theheavens to guard against the sudden attack of the far-seeing eagle. Nature seemed to be indulging in a last sweet morning slumber, ifindeed not over-sleeping herself, while the sun rose stealthily up andsmiled at all her charms exposed! "Hillo! ain't you all up yit? Git up, Joe, and feed your hosses, "cried Sneak, approaching the gate on the outside, and thus mostunceremoniously dispelling the charm that enwrapped the premises. "Who's there?" cried Joe, springing up and rubbing his eyes. "It's me--dod, you know who I am. Come, open the gate and let me in. " "What's the matter, Sneak? Are the Indians after you?" said Joe, running out, but pausing at the gate for an answer before he drew backthe bolt. "No--I thought-you had sense enough by this time to know no Indiansain't going to come this time a-year. Let me in!" added he, impatiently. "What are you doing with them long sticks?" asked Joe, opening thegate and observing two hickory poles in Sneak's hand. "Are you goingto try your luck fishing?" "No, nor _ducking_ nother, " replied he, sarcastically. "Plague it, Sneak, " said Joe, deprecatingly, "never mind that affair;you were mistaken about my being frightened. The next chance I getI'll let you see that I'm not afraid of any thing. " "Well, I want you to go with me on a spree this morning that'll tryyou. " "What are you going to do?" asked Joe, with some curiosity in hislooks. "I'm going a _snaking_, " said Sneak. At this juncture the dialogue was arrested by the appearance of Glenn, whose brow was somewhat paler than usual, and wore an absent andthoughtful cast; yet his abstract meditations did not seem altogetherof a painful nature. "Joe, " said he, "I want you to exercise the horses more in theprairie. They are getting too fat and lazy. If they cannot be got onthe boat when we leave here, we will have to send them by land to St. Louis. " "Dod--you ain't a going to leave us?" cried Sneak. "Well, I thought something was in the wind, " said Joe, pondering, "butit'll break Miss Mary's--" "Pshaw!" replied Glenn, quickly interrupting him; "you don't know whatyou are talking about. " "Well, I can't say I do exactly, " said Joe; "but I know its a verymysterious matter. " "_What_ is such a mysterious matter?" asked Glenn, smiling. "Why, you--Miss Mary"--stammered Joe. "Well, what is there mysterious about us?" "Hang it, _you_ know!" replied Joe. "Pshaw!" repeated Glenn, striding out of the inclosure, and descendingthe path leading to Roughgrove's house, whither he directed Joe tofollow when he had galloped the horses. "Have you got any licker in the house?" asked Sneak, staring at theretreating form of Glenn. "No--its all gone. Why do you ask?" returned Joe. "Becaise that feller's drunk, " said Sneak, with a peculiar nod. "No he ain't--he hasn't drunk a drop for a month. " "Then he's going crazy, and you'd better keep a sharp look-out. " "I know what's the matter with him--he's in love!" said Joe. "Then why don't he take her?" asked Sneak. "I don't know, " replied Joe; "maybe he will, some day. Now for aride--how are you, Pete?" he continued, opening the stable door andrubbing the pony's head that was instantly thrust out in salutation. "I'll ride the hoss, " said Sneak. "Will you? I'm glad of it, " said Joe, "for that'll save me the troubleof leading him. " "That's jest what I come for, " said Sneak, "becaise this hot morningthe snakes are too thick to fight 'em on foot. " "Can you see many of them at a time?" "Well, I reckon you kin. " "Won't they bite the horses?" "No, the hosses knows what a snake is as well as a man, and they'llkeep a bright eye for 'emselves, while we stave out their brains withour poles, " said Sneak. In a few minutes the companions were mounted, and with the fawnskipping in advance, and the hounds in the rear, they proceeded gaylyout toward the prairie on a _snaking_ expedition. The sunlight was now intensely brilliant, and the atmosphere, thoughladen with the sweet perfume of the countless millions of wildflowers, began to assume a sultriness that soon caused the horses andhounds to loll out their tongues and pant as they bounded through therank grass. Ere long the riders drew near a partially barren spot inthe prairie, where from some singular cause the grass was not morethan three inches high. This spot was circular, about fifty paces indiameter, and in the centre was a pool of bright water, some fiftyfeet in circumference. The grass growing round this spot was tall andluxuriant, and terminated as abruptly at the edge of the circle as ifa mower had passed along with his sharp scythe. "Sneak, I never saw that before, " said Joe, as they approached, whileyet some forty paces distant. "What does it mean?" "You'll see presently, " said his companion, grasping more firmly thethick end of his rod, as if preparing to deal a blow. "When I was outhere this morning, " he continued, "they were too thick for me, and Ihad to make tracks. " "What were too thick for you?" asked Joe, with a singular anxiety, andat the same time reining in his pony. "Why, the _snakes_, " said Sneak with much deliberation. "I was a-footthen, and from the style in which they whizzed through the grass, Iwas afraid too many might git on me at a time and choke me to death. But now I'm ready for 'em; they can't git us if we manage korect. " "I won't go!" said Joe. "Dod, they ain't pisen!" said Sneak; "they're nearly all _blackracers_, and they don't bite. Come on, don't be such a tarnationcoward; the rattlesnakes, and copper-heads, and wipers, won't runafter us; and if they was to, they couldn't reach up to our legs. Thisis a glorious day for _snaking_--come on, Joe!" Joe followed at a very slow and cautious pace a few steps farther, andthen halted again. "What're you stopping for agin?" asked Sneak. "Sneak, the pony ain't tall enough!" "That's all the better, " replied Sneak; "you can whack 'em easier asthey run--and then they can't see you as fur as they kin me. I'll swaphosses with you. " "No you won't!" replied Joe, whipping forward again. But he had notadvanced many seconds before he drew up once more. This time he wasattracted by the unaccountable motions of the fawn, a short distanceahead. That animal was apparently striking some object on the groundwith its feet, and ever and anon springing violently to one side orthe other. Its hair stood erect on its back, and it assumed a mostferocious aspect. Now it would run back toward the men a moment, and, wheeling suddenly, again leap upon the foe, when its feet could beheard to strike against the ground; then it plunged forward, and aftermaking a spring beyond, would return to the attach. "Here, Ringwood! Jowler!" cried Joe, and the hounds ran forward to thespot pointed out to them. But no sooner had they gone far enough tosee the nature of the enemy that the fawn was attacking, than theyturned away affrighted, and with their tails hanging down retreatedfrom the scene of action. They rode up and surveyed more closely the strange battle. The fawn, becoming more and more enraged, did not suspend hostilities at theirapproach. They paused involuntarily when, within a few feet of theobject, which proved to be a tremendous rattlesnake, some five feet inlength, and as thick as a man's arm. It was nearly dead, its body, neck, and head, exhibited many bloody gashes cut by the sharp hoofs ofthe fawn. Every time the fawn sprang upon it, it endeavoured in vainto strike its fangs into its active foe, which sprang away in atwinkling, and before it could prepare to strike again, the fatalhoofs would inflict another wound on its devoted head. It grew weakerand weaker, and finally turned over on its back, when the infuriateddeer, no longer compelled to observe cautionary measures, soon severedits head entirely from the body and stood over it in triumph. [Illustration: It grew weaker and weaker, and finally turned over onits back. --P. 247] "Pete can do that if a deer can!" said Joe, somewhat emboldened at thedeath of so formidable a reptile, and beholding the fixed thoughcomposed gaze of the pony as he stood with his head turned sidewaystowards the weltering snake. "Sartinly he kin, " said Sneak, standing up in his stirrups, andstretching his long neck to its utmost tension to see if any snakeswere in the open area before them. "Do you see any, Sneak?" asked Joe, now grasping his rod and anxiousfor the fray. "I see a few--about forty, I guess, lying in the sun at the edge ofthe water. " "Sneak, there's too many of them, " said Joe. "Dod--you ain't a going to back out now, I hope. Don't you see yourpony snuffing at 'em? He wants to dash right in among 'em. " "No he don't, " said Joe--"he don't like the smell, nor Ieither--faugh!" "Why, it smells like May-apples--I like it, " said Sneak; "but thereain't more than one or two copper-heads there--they're most allracers. Come on, Joe--we must gallop right through and mash theirheads with our sticks as we pass. Then after a little while we mustturn and dash back agin--that's the way to fix 'em. " "You must go before, " said Joe. The number that Sneak mentioned was not exaggerated. On the contrary, additions were constantly made to the number. The surface of the poolwas continually agitated by the darting serpents striking at thetadpoles and frogs, while on the margin many were writhing in variousfantastic contortions in their sports. Nearly all of them were large, and some could not have been less than eleven feet long. They wereevidently enjoying the warm rays of the sun, and at times skippedabout with unwonted animation. Now one of the largest would elevatehis black head some four feet from the ground, while the otherswrapped themselves around him, and thus formed the dark and horridspectacle of a pyramid of snakes! Then falling prostrate with theirown weight, in less than a twinkling they were dispersed and flyingover the smooth short grass in every direction, their innumerablescales all the time emitting a low buzzing sound as they ran along. Every moment others glided into the area from the tall grass, andthose assembled thither rushed towards them in a body to manifest awelcome. "Now's the time!" cried Sneak, rushing forward, followed by Joe. WhenJoe's eyes fell upon the black mass of serpents, he made a convulsivegrasp at the reins with an involuntary resolution to retreat withoutdelay from such a frightful scene. But the violence of his graspsevered the reins from the bit, and the pony sprang forward after thesteed, being no longer subject to his control! There was no retreatingnow! Sneak levelled his rod at a cluster just forming in a mass twofeet above the ground, and crushed the hydra at a blow! Joe closed hiseyes, and struck he knew not what--but Sneak knew, for the blowdescended on his head--though with feeble force. In an instant thehorsemen had passed to the opposite side of the area and halted in thetall grass. Looking back, they beheld a great commotion among thesurviving snakes. Some glided into the pool, and with bodiessubmerged, elevated their heads above the surface and darted out theirtongues fiercely. Others raced round the scene of slaughter with theirheads full four feet high, or gathered about the dead and dying, andlashed the air with their sharp tails, producing sounds like thecracking of whips. The few copper-heads and rattlesnakes presentcoiled themselves up with their heads in the centre in readiness tostrike their poison into whatever object came within their reach. So sudden had been the onset of the horsemen that the surprisedserpents seemed to be ignorant of the nature of the foe, and insteadof flying to the long grass to avoid a recurrence of bloodshed, theycontinued to glide round the pool, while their number increased everymoment. "What'd you hit me on the head for?" asked Sneak, after regarding thesnakes a moment, and then turning to Joe, the pony having still keptat the heels of the steed in spite of his rider's efforts to thecontrary. "Oh, Sneak, " cried Joe, in tones somewhat tremulous, "do, forgoodness' sake, let us go away from here!" "I sha'n't do any such thing--what'd you hit me on the head for?" "I thought I was a killing a snake, " replied Joe. "Do I look like a snake?" continued Sneak, turning round, when for thefirst time he discovered the condition of his companion's bridle. "Sneak, let's ride away!" said Joe. "And leave all them black sarpents yander poking out their tongues atus? I won't go till I wear out this pole on 'em. Ha! ha! ha! I thoughtyou hadn't spunk enough to gallup through 'em on your own accord, "said Sneak, looking at the pony, and knowing that he would follow thesteed always, if left to his own inclination. "Come, Sneak, let's go home!" continued Joe, in a supplicating tone. "Come! let's charge on the snakes agin!" said Sneak, raising the rod, and fixing his feet in the stirrups. "Hang me if I go there again!" said Joe, throwing down his rod. "You're a tarnation coward, that's what you are! But you can't helpyourself, " replied Sneak. "I'll jump off and run!" said Joe, preparing to leap to the ground. "You jest do now, and you'll have forty sarpents wrapped round you inless than no time. " At that moment two or three racers swept between them with their headselevated as high as Joe's knees, and entered the area. "Oh goodness!" cried Joe, drawing up his legs. "Git down and git your pole, " said Sneak. "I wouldn't do it if it was made of gold!" "If you say you'll fight the snakes, I'll git it for you--I'm a goingto stay here till they're all killed, " continued Sneak. "Give it to me, then--I'll smash their brains out the next time!" saidJoe, with desperate determination. "But you musn't hit me agin!" said Sneak, dismounting and handing upthe weapon to Joe, and then leaping on the steed again. "Sneak, you're no better than a snake, to bring me into such a scrapeas this!" said Joe, leaning forward and scanning the black mass ofserpents at the pool. In a few minutes they whipped forward, Sneak in advance, and againthey were passing through the army of snakes. This time Joe did goodservice. He massacred one of the coiled rattlesnakes at a blow, andhis pony kicked a puffing viper to atoms. Sneak paused a moment at thepool, and dealt his blows with such rapidity that nearly all the blackracers that survived glided swiftly into the tall grass, and one ofthe largest was seen by Joe to run up the trunk of a solitary blastedtree that stood near the pool, and enter a round hole about ten feetfrom the ground. But if the serpents were mostly dispersed from the area around thepool, they were by no means all destroyed; and when the equestrianswere again in the tall grass, they found them whizzing furiously aboutthe hoofs of their horses. Once or twice Sneak's horse sprang suddenlyforward in pain, being stung on the ham or shoulder by the tails ofthe racers as they flew past with almost inconceivable rapidity. "Oh! St. Peter! Sneak!" cried Joe, throwing back his head, and liftingup his knees nearly to his chin. "Ha! ha! ha! did one of 'em cut you, Joe? They hurt like fury, buttheir tails ain't pisen. Look what a whelk they've made on the hoss. " "Sneak, why don't you get away from this nasty place! One of them shotright over the pony's neck a while ago, and came very near hitting meon the chin. " "You must hit 'em as they come. Yander comes one--now watch me!"Saying this, Sneak turned the steed so as to face a tremendous racerabout forty paces distant, that was approaching with the celerity ofthe wind with its head above the tall grass. When it came within reachof his rod, he bestowed upon it a blow that entirely severed the head, and the impetus with which it came caused the body to fly over thesteed, and falling upon the neck of the pony, with the life yetremaining (for they are constrictors, ) instantly wrapped in a halfdozen folds around it! Pete snorted aloud, and, springing forward, rana hundred paces with all the fleetness of which he was capable. Butbeing unable to shake off the terrible incumbrance, with his tonguehanging out in agony, he turned back and ran directly for the horse. When he came up to the steed, he pushed his head under his neck, manifesting the greatest distress, and stamping and groaning as ifbecoming crazed. "Dod! let me git hold of him!" cried Sneak, bending forward andseizing the snake by the tail. The long head-less body gave waygradually, and becoming quite relaxed fell powerless and dead to theearth. "Oh, Sneak, let's go!" said Joe, trembling, his face having turned aspale as death while Pete was dashing about in choking agony under thetight folds of the serpent. "Smash me if I go as long as there's a snake left!" replied Sneak, striking down another huge racer; but this one, having its backbroken, remained stationary. Thus he continued to strike down the snakes as long as any remained onthe field; and, as they became scarce, Joe grew quite valorous, anddid signal service. At length the combat ceased, and not a livingserpent could be seen running. "Sneak, we've killed them all--huzza!" cried Joe, flourishing his rod. "Yes, but you didn't do much--you're as big a coward as ever. " "Oh, I wasn't _afraid_ of them, Sneak, " said Joe; "I was only a littlecautious, because it was the first time I ever went a snaking. " "Yes, you was mighty cautious! if your bridle hadn't broke, you'd havebeen home long ago. " "Pshaw, Sneak!" said Joe; "you're much mistaken. But how many do youthink we've killed?" "I suppose about a quarter of a cord--but I've heard tell of men'skilling a cord a day, easy. " "You don't say so! But how does it happen so many are found together?When I go out I can never find more than a dozen or so. " "There's a _snake den_ under that clear place, " said Sneak, "wherethey stay all winter--but its not as big a den as some I've seen. " "I don't want to see more than I have to-day!" said Joe, whipping pastthe steed as they started homewards, having mended his bridle. But ashe paced along by the decayed tree mentioned above, he saw theglistening eyes of the large racer peering from the hole it hadentered, and he gave it a smart blow on the head with his rod andspurred forward. The next moment, when Sneak came up, the enragedserpent sprang down upon him, and in a twinkling wound himself tightlyround his neck! Sneak's eyes started out of his head, and being nearlystrangled he soon fell to the earth. Joe looked on in amazement, butwas too much frightened to assist him. And Sneak, unable to ask hisaid, only turned his large eyes imploringly towards him, while insilence he vainly strove to tear away the serpent with his fingers. Hethrust one hand in his pocket for his knife, but it had been leftbehind! He then held out his hand to Joe, and in this dumb and piteousmanner begged him to lend him his knife. Joe drew it from his pocket, but could not brace his nerves sufficiently to venture within thesuffocating man's reach. At length he bethought him of his pole, andopening the blade thrust it in the end of it and cautiously handed itto Sneak. Sneak immediately ran the sharp steel through the many foldsof the snake, and it fell to the ground in a dozen pieces! The poorman's strength then completely failed him, and he rolled over on hisback in breathless exhaustion. Joe rendered all the assistance in hispower, and his companion soon revived. "Dod rot your skin!" exclaimed Sneak, getting up and seizing Joe bythe collar. "Hang it, it wasn't _me_! it was the _snake!_" said Joe, extricatinghis neck from his companion's grasp. "What'd you _hit_ the sarpent for?" "Why, I wanted to kill him. " "Then why didn't you help me to get it away from my neck?" "You didn't _ask_ me, " said Joe, with something like ingenuousness, though with a most provoking application. "I couldn't speak! The tarnation thing was squeezing my neck so tightI couldn't say a word. But I _looked_ at you, and you might 'aveunderstood me. Never mind, you'll git a snake hold of you some ofthese days. " "I'll keep a sharp look out after this, " said Joe. "But Sneak, I'llswear now you were not born to be hung. " "You be dod rot!" replied Sneak, leaping on the steed, and turningtowards the river. "I would have cut him off myself, Sneak, " said Joe, musing on the oddaffair as they rode briskly along, "if I hadn't been afraid of cuttingyour throat. I knew you wasn't born to be hung. " "Ha! ha! ha! that was the tightest place that ever I was in, " saidSneak, regaining his good humour, and diverted at the strangeoccurrence. "Didn't he bite you?" asked Joe. "No, a black snake can't bite--they havn't got any fangs. If it hadbeen a rattlesnake or a viper, I'd been a gone chicken. I don't thinkI'll ever leave my knife behind again, even if I wasn't to go tensteps from home. Dod--my neck's very sore. " The companions continued the rest of the way in silence. When theyreached home, and returned the horses to the stable, they proceededdown the path to Roughgrove's house to report their adventure. Glenn and Mary, William and La-u-na, were seated under the spreadingelm-tree, engaged in some felicitous conference, that produced a mostpleasing animation in their features. Mary immediately demanded of Joe a recital of his adventures thatmorning. He complied without reluctance, and his hearers werefrequently convulsed with laughter as he proceeded, for he added manyembellishments not narrated by the author. Sneak bore their merrimentwith stoical fortitude, and then laughed as heartily as themselves athis own recent novel predicament. La-u-na asked Sneak if he had been bitten by any of the poisonoussnakes. Sneak of course replied in the negative, but at the same timedesired to know the name of the plant that was used by the Indianswith universal success when wounded by the fangs of the rattlesnake. The girl told him it was the _white plantain_ that grew in theprairies. "I'll go and get some right straight, " said Joe, "because I don't knowwhat moment I may be bitten. " "Never mind it, Joe, " said Glenn, rising. "We are now going to gatherwild raspberries on the cliff south of and we want you and Sneak toassist us. " "Well--I like raspberries, and they must be ripe by this time, if thechickens havn't picked them all before us. " "Dod--if the chickens have ett 'em can that make 'em _green_ agin?"replied Sneak to Joe's Irishism. "You'd better learn how to read before you turn critic, " said Joe, taking up the baskets that had been brought out of the house. He thenled the way, quarrelling all the time with Sneak, while Glenn, placingMary's arm in his, and William imitating the example, followed at adistance behind. When the party reached the raspberry thicket, they found truly thatthe fowls were there before them, though quite an abundance of thedelicious berry still remained untouched. A few moments sufficed todrive the feathered gatherers away, and then without delay they beganto fill their baskets. Many were the hearty peals of joyous laughter that rang from theinnocent lovers while momentarily obscured by the green clusteringbushes. Ere long they were dispersed in various parts of the thicket, and Glenn and Mary being separated from the rest, our hero seized theopportunity to broach a tender subject. "Mary, " said he, and then most unaccountably paused. "Well, " said she turning her glorious dark blue eyes full upon him. "I have something of moment to say to you, if you will listenattentively--and I know not a more fitting time and place than this totell it. Here is a natural bower surrounded by sweet berries, andshielded from the sun by the fragrant myrtle. Let us sit on this mossyrock. Will you listen?" he continued, drawing her close to his side onthe seat in the cool retreat. "Have I ever refused to listen to you? do I not love to hear yourvoice?" said the confiding and happy girl. "Bless you, Mary--my whole heart is yours!" exclaimed our hero, seizing a rapturous kiss from the coral lips of the maiden. Maryresisted not, nor replied; while tears, but not of grief, glistened onher dark lashes. "You will not reject my love, Mary? Why do you weep?" "It is with joy--my heart is so happy that tears gush out in spite ofme!" "Will you then be mine?" continued Glenn, winding his arm round heryielding waist. "Forever!" she replied, and, bowing her head slightly, a shower ofdark silken tresses obscured her blushing face, and covered our hero'spanting breast. Thus they remained many moments in silence, for theirfeelings were too blissful for utterance. "Are you always happy, Mary?" said Glenn, at length, taking her littlewhite hand in his. "No!" she replied, with a sigh. "Why?" "When you are away, I sometimes fear the Indians--or a snake--or--orsomething may harm you, " said she, falteringly. "I thank thee, Mary, for thinking of me when I am away. " "I always think of thee!" said she. "Always, Mary?" "Ay, by day--and thou art ever with me in my dreams. " "And I _will_ be with thee always!" "Do!" said she. "But dost thou not sometimes repine that thy life is thus spent in thewilderness far from the busy world?" "I sometimes wish I could see the beautiful cities I read of--but whenI think of the treacheries and miseries of the world, I look at thepure fresh flowers, and list to the sweet birds around me, and then Ithink there is more happiness to be enjoyed here than anywhere else. " "And such is truly the case, " said Glenn, pondering "But then, Mary, we all have obligations to discharge. We were created for society--toassociate with our species, and while mingling with kindred beings, itis our duty to bestow as many benefits on them as may be within thescope of our power. " "You think, then, we should leave our western home?" she asked, withundisguised interest. "Wilt thou not consent to go?" "If you go, I will go!" said she. "And now I declare I will not go unless thou art willing. " "But is it a _duty_?" she asked. "Your fa--Mr. Roughgrove says so. " "Then let us go! But why did you not say _father_?" "He is not your father. " "No!" exclaimed the maid, turning pale. "I will tell thee all, Mary. " And Glenn related the story of themaiden's birth. "Now, Mary, " he continued, "thou knowest thine ownhistory. Thou art of a noble race, according to the rules of men--nay, thy blood is royal--if thou wouldst retract thy plighted faith (Ishould have told thee this before, ) speak, and thy will shall bedone!" "Oh! Charles! I am thine, THINE ONLY, were I born an angel!" shecried, throwing herself into his arms. At this juncture a violentrustling was heard in the bushes not far distant, and the next momentJoe's voice rang out. "Oh me! Oh St. Peter! Oh murder! murder! murder!" cried he. Instantlyall the party were collected round him. He lay in a small open spaceon the grass, with his basket bottom upward at his side, and all theberries scattered on the ground. "What is the matter?" asked Glenn. "Oh, I'm snake-bitten! I'm a dead man! I'm dying!" cried he, piteously. "That's a fib, " said Sneak, "bekaise a dead man can't be a dying. " "Let me see, " said William, stooping down to examine the place onwhich Joe's hands were convulsively pressed. With some difficulty hepulled them away, and tearing down the stocking, actually saw a smallbleeding puncture over the ankle bone! "What kind of a snake was it?" asked Glenn in alarm. "A rattlesnake--Oh!" "Did you _see_ it?" continued Glenn, knowing Joe's foible, though itwas apparent he suffered from some kind of a wound. "I heard it rattle. Oh, my goodness! I'm going fast! I'm turningblind!" La-u-na told him to run to the house and cover the wound with salt, and remain quiet till Sneak could obtain some plantain leaves from theprairie. Joe sprang up and rushed down the hill. Sneak set out inquest of the antidote, and the rest directed their steps homeward. When they reached Roughgrove's house, they found Joe lying in themiddle of the floor on his back, and groaning most dolefully. He hadapplied the salt to the wound as directed, and covered it and hiswhole leg so plentifully with bandages that the latter seemed to be asthick as his body. "How do you feel now, Joe?" asked Glenn. "I'm a dead man!" said he. La-u-na told him not to be alarmed, and assured him there was nodanger. "But I'll die before Sneak can get back!" "Your voice is too strong to fear that, " said William; "but do yousuffer much pain?" "Oh, I'm in agony!" said he, rolling back his eyes. "Where does the pain lie?" asked Glenn. "Oh, St. Peter! all over me! In my toes, ankles, legs, arms, heart, throat, mouth, nose, and eyes! Oh, I'm in tortures! I'm blind--I can'tsee any of you!" At this moment Roughgrove, who had been over the river on a visit toBoone, entered the apartment with the renowned hunter at his side. When fully informed of the circumstances, Boone stooped down and feltJoe's pulse. "The strokes are irregular, " said Boone. "Oh heaven!" exclaimed Joe. "But that may be caused by fright, " continued Boone. "Oh goodness! it ain't that--I'm a dying man!" "Is the leg much swollen?" asked Boone, endeavouring to ascertainwithout taking off the bandages. "Oh! oh! don't do that! it'll kill me in a minute--for its swelled fitto burst!" cried Joe, shrinking from Boone's grasp. "All the cases of snake-bite that I have seen differ from this. I havealways found the swollen limb nearly devoid of feeling. Did you killthe snake?" "No--Oh!" "Tell me precisely the place where you were standing when it bityou--there is a mystery about it that I must solve. " "Oh--it was--I can't speak! my breath's going fast! Oh! Paternoster--" William then described the spot to Boone in such precise terms thatthe old woodman declared he would immediately repair thither andendeavour to find the snake. He accordingly set out in the directionindicated without further delay; while Roughgrove, believing that poorJoe was really on the verge of eternity, strove to comfort hisdeparting spirit with the consolation that religion affords. "Oh! that ain't the right one!" exclaimed Joe, pushing away theEpiscopal prayer-book held by Roughgrove. "Then here is one you cannot object to, " said Roughgrove, opening theBible. "Oh, that's not it, either!" cried Joe, in great distress. "Is thereno priest in this region? I'm a Roman Catholic--oh!" "Can you not confess your sins _directly_ to God--the God who iseverywhere, and governs all things?" said the aged man, impressively, and with animation. "I have prayed, " said Joe; "but now I want the ointment!" "Your body, which must be placed in the damp cold earth, needs no oil. It is far better to purify the soul, which perishes not, " saidRoughgrove, in fervent and tremulous tones. "Oh!--Oh! Ugh!" cried Joe, in a deep guttural voice, and turning overon his face. His fears had evidently been increased by the solemn toneand look of Roughgrove. "Don't be alarmed, Joe, " said Glenn, turning him again on his back. "Sneak will soon be here, and La-u-na says the plantain will be sureto cure you. William tells me that he has seen the Indians permit thesnakes to bite them for a mere trifle in money, so certain were theyof being restored by the plant. And indeed he never knew a bite toterminate fatally. " "But I'm afraid Sneak won't come in time, " replied Joe, somewhatcomforted. "Pshaw! he won't loiter in a case of this kind--he knows it is nojoke, " continued Glenn. "But suppose he can't _find_ any plantain--then I'm dead to acertainty! Oh me!" "Does the pain increase much?" asked Mary. "Oh, yes! its ten times worse than it was ten minutes ago! I'm goingfast--I can't move either leg now, " he continued, in a weak utterance. Glenn grew uneasy. Joe was pale--very pale, and breathed hard. Boone entered, with a smile on his lip. "Have you got the plantain?" asked Joe, in feeble accents, with hislanguid eyes nearly closed, thinking it was Sneak. "Sit up and tell me how you feel, " said Boone, in vain striving torepress his smile. "Oh, St. Peter! I haven't strength enough to lift my hand, " said Joe, his eyes still closed. "Did you find the snake?" asked Glenn. "Yes, " replied Boone. Joe groaned audibly. "I will tell you all aboutit, " he continued; "I found the spot where Joe had been gathering theberries, and tracked him without difficulty to every bush he visitedby the bruised grass under his foot-prints. At length I came to thecluster of bushes where he received the wound. I stood in his cracksand saw where he had plucked the raspberries. When about to cast downmy eyes in quest of the snake, suddenly I felt a blow on my ownankle!" "Did the same snake bite you?" asked Mary, quickly. "Yes, " replied Boone, still smiling. Joe opened his eyes, and aftergazing a moment at Boone, asked him if he did not suffer much pain. "Fully as much as you do--but hear me through. I sprang back with someviolence, I admit, but I did not run away. Lifting my cane, I returnedwith a determination to kill the snake. I stooped down very low toascertain the precise position of its head, which was concealed by alarge mullen leaf--I saw its eyes and its _bill_--" "What!" exclaimed Joe, rising up on his elbow with unwonted vigour, and his eyes riveted on the speaker. "Yes, its _bill_", continued Boone. "And while my cane was brandishedin the air and about descending on its devoted head, a low cluckingarrested my arm, and approaching closer to it than before, and gazingsteadfastly a moment, I lowered my cane to its usual position, andfell back laughing on the grass among the raspberries you haddropped. " "Mr. Boone--Mr. Boone!" cried Joe, springing up in a sitting attitude, and seizing the hand of the veteran, "for Heaven's sake tell me whatit was?" "It was an old SITTING HEN!" said Boone. "Upon your honour?" continued Joe, leaping upon his feet, and staringthe aged hunter in the face, while his eyes gleamed with irrepressiblehope and anxiety. "It was nothing else, upon my honour, " replied Boone, laughing inconcert with the rest. "Huzza! huzza!! huzza!!!" shouted Joe, casting the bandages hither andthither, and dancing nimbly over the floor. "Fal-de-lal--tider-e-i--tider-e-o-- tider-e-um!" he continued, in frenzied delight, and, observing Sneak at the door with an armful of plantain (who hadreturned in time to witness his abrupt recovery, and now continued toregard him with wonder and doubt--at times thinking he was delirious, )skipped up and held out both hands, as if inviting him to dance. "Dod rot it, your leg ain't swelled a bit!" said Sneak. "Don't use that bad word, Sneak, " said Mary. "I won't--but dod--he's had me running all over--" "Tider-e-i--tider-e-um!" continued Joe, still dancing, while theperspiration streamed over his face. "Have done with this nonsense, Joe!" said Glenn, "or else continueyour ridiculous exercises on the grass in the yard. You may rejoicenow, but this affair will be sport for others all your life. You willnot relish it so much to-morrow. " "I'd rather all the world would laugh at me alive and kicking, thanthat one of you should mourn over my dead body, " replied Joe, leapingover Sneak, who was sitting in the door, and striding to the grassplot under the elm, where he continued his rejoicings. Sneak followed, and, sitting down on the bench in the shade, seemed to muse withunusual gravity at the strange spectacle presented by Joe. This was Joe's last wild western adventure. The incident was soonforgotten by the party in the house. Serious and sad thoughtssucceeded the mirthful scene described above. Roughgrove had broughtBoone thither to receive their last farewell! The renowned woodman andwarrior wore marks of painful regret on his pale features. The restwere in tears. "William, " said Roughgrove, "listen to a tale concerning thy birth andparentage, which I feel it to be my duty to unfold. Your sister hasalready learned the story from your friend, who sits beside her. But Iwill repeat it to all present. You who are the most interested canthen determine whether it shall ever be disclosed to other ears. Thesecret was long locked in my bosom, and it was once my purpose to buryit with my body in the grave. I pondered long on the subject, andprayed to Heaven to be instructed. I have satisfactory evidence in myown heart that I have acted correctly. " He then related the history ofthe twins, as we have given it to the reader. When he concluded, La-u-na, who had betrayed much painful interest during the recital, threw her arms round William's neck, and wept upon his breast. "Why do you weep, La-u-na?" asked the youth. "La-u-na must die!" said she; "her William will leave her and forgether. The wild rose will bend over her grave--the brook will murmur lowat her cold feet--the rabbit will nip the tender grass by hertombstone at night-fall--the katydid will chirp over her, and thewhippor-will will sing in vain. William will forget her! PoorLa-u-na!" "No--La-u-na! no! Thou shalt go with me and be my bride, or else Iwill remain with thee! Death only shall separate us!" said the youth, drawing the slight form of the Indian maiden closer to his heart, andimprinting a rapturous kiss on her smooth forehead. "We will all go together, " continued Roughgrove, "save our belovedfriend here, who tells me that no earthly consideration could inducehim to dwell in cities among civilized men. " "True, " said Boone; "I would not exchange my residence in the westernwilds for the gorgeous palaces of the east. Yet I think you do rightin returning to the society which you were destined to adorn. I shallgrieve when I miss you, but I will not persuade you to remain. Everyone should act according to the dictates of his conscience. It is mybelief that Providence guides our actions. You, my friends, werefitted and designed to move in refined society, and by your exampleand influence to benefit the world around you. The benefits bestowedby _me_ will not be immediate, nor altogether in my day. I am aPIONEER, formed by nature. Where I struggle with the savage and thewild beast, my great grandchildren will reside in cities, I mustfulfil my mission. " At this moment Joe and Sneak appeared at the door. "There's a covered flat-boat just landed down at the ferry, " said Joe. "It is from the island above, " said Roughgrove, "and the one I havehad constructed for our voyage down the river. " "Are we going, sure enough?" asked Joe. "Yes; to-morrow, " said Glenn. "Dod--are you _all_ going off?" asked Sneak, rolling round his largeeyes, and stretching out his neck to an unusual length. "All but me, Sneak, " said Boone. "And you won't be any company for me. Dod--I've a notion to go too! IfI could foller any thing to make a living in Fillydelfa--" "If you go with us, you shall never want--I will see that you areprovided for, " said Glenn. "It's a bargain!" said Sneak, with the eager emphasis characteristicof the trading Yankee. "But poor Pete--the horses!" said Joe. "There are stalls in the boat for them, " said Roughgrove. "Huzza! I'm glad. Huzza!" cried Joe. * * * * * The next morning beamed upon them in beauty--and in sadness. The sunrose in majesty, and poured his brilliant and inspiring rays on peakand valley and plain. But the hearts of the peaceful wanderersthrobbed in sorrow as they gazed for the last time on the scene beforethem. Though it had been identified with the many perilous and painfulencounters with savages, yet the quivering green leaves above, thesparkling brook below, and the soft melody of happy birds around, wereintimately associated with some of the most blissful moments of theirlives. La-u-na retired to a lonely spot, and poured forth a farewell song tothe whispering spirits of her fathers. Long her steadfast gaze wasfixed on the blue sky, as if communing with the departed kings fromwhom she descended. At length her tears vanished like a shower in thesunshine, and a bright smile rested upon her features, as if herprayer had been heard and all she asked were granted! Propheticvision! While the race from which she separated is doomed toextinction in the forest, the blood she mingled with the Anglo-Saxonrace may yet be destined to sway the councils of a mighty empire. William mused in silence, guarding at a distance the bride of hisheart, and not venturing to intrude upon her devotions. The past waslike a dream to him--the present a bright vision--the future aparadise! Glenn and Mary were seated together, regarding with impatience thebrief preparations to embark. Boone, Roughgrove, Sneak, and Joe werebusily engaged lading the vessel. Sneak had hastily brought thitherhis effects, and without a throe of regret abandoned his _house_ forever to the owls. Joe succeeded with but little difficulty in gettingthe horses on board. The fawn, the kitten, the hounds, and thechickens were likewise taken along. And now all was ready to push out into the current. All were on board. Boone bid them an affectionate adieu in silence--in silence, but intears. The cable was loosened, and the boat was wafted down on itsjourney eastward. William and La-u-na sat upon the deck, and gazed atthe receding shore, rendered dear by hallowed recollections. Glenn andMary stood at the prow, and as they marked the fleeting waters, theirthoughts dwelt on the happy future. Roughgrove was praying. Joe wascaressing the pony. Sneak was counting his muskrat skins. And thus wemust bid them adieu. THE END.