narratives of early pennsylvania west new jersey and delaware 1630 1707

Book cover
NOTETHE first of the illustrations in this volume is a facsimile of a portionof an excellent map entitled" X ovi Belgii N ovreque Anglire neenonPennsylvanire et Partis Yirginire Tabula," by N. J. Visscher,a prominent Dutch map-engraver of the middle of the seventeenthcentury. The whole map embraces, as the title implies, all thoseparts of New England, the lfiddle States, and Maryland which atthat time had been settled by white men or had become known,more or less accurately, through their explorations. The wholemap measures twenty-two by nineteen inches. The part whichhas been selected for reproduction in this volume covers the regionsespecially involved in the narratiYes printed therein. The map ischosen as representing the state of things at the time when Swedishoccupation of the Delaware River region gave way to Dutch. Itsdate cannot be later than June 28, 1656, since a copy of it accompanieda report of that date from the directors of the Dutch 'WeTable of Contents CONTENTS; NARRATIVES OF EARLY PENKSYLVAKIA, WEST NEW JERSEY,; AND DELAWARE; EDITED BY ALBERT COOK MYERS; PAG~; FROM THE "KORTE HISTORIAEL ENDE JOURXAELS AENTEYCKENINGE," BY; DAVID PIETERSZ DE VRIES, 1630-1633, 16-14 (1655) 1; INTRODUCTION 3; De Vries becomes a Patroon of Xew ~etherland 7; The Patroons send the Swanendael Colony to South Bay 8; De Vries's Voyage to America, 1632 9; In the West Indies 10; Arrives in South Bay 15; Indian Story of III-fated Swanendael 16; Peace with the Indians there; "naling 17; De Vries sails up South River for Corn 18; Sees Deserted Fort Nassau 18; Beaver Trading with the River Indians 19; Return to Swanendael for more Goods 21; Sails up the River a Second Time 21; Meets the Inland Minquas Indians at Fort Nassau 23; Report of Minquas Victories over River Indians 24
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